
[Note: even if we don't agree with the conservative, anticommunist
standpoint of, we think some articles - like the following
- are worth reading. CNJ]

December 19, 2002

More Dirty Lies
Courtesy of The Hague Inquisition

Just recently, this column examined the many facets of falsifying
history, noting in passing the role of the Hague Inquisition in
currently the largest such effort in the world. Indeed, the ICTY is an
endeavor more massive even than the current campaign to conjure a
reason for invading Iraq, and it seeks not merely to modify history,
but to rewrite it wholesale.

Lubyanka, not Nuremberg

Its main thesis, that Slobodan Milosevic and other Serb leaders
organized a vast conspiracy, a "joint criminal enterprise," to murder,
expel or conquer other Balkan peoples and "defy the West" in the
process, is a transparent attempt to recast Balkans actors as
modern-day Axis and Allies. In this production, Slobodan Milosevic is
starring as Hitler, his fellow Serbs as Nazis, and Albanians, Croats
and Bosnian Muslims as their innocent victims, while the ICTY invokes
the spirit of Nuremberg.

Apart from this being a deeply ironic role reversal from the original
production, which ran in blood from 1941 to 1945, the "Tribunal?s"
methods and practices reflect far more the Soviet show trials of the
Stalin era. It doesn't help that the accused are presumed guilty until
proven innocent, just like those in Lubyanka, or that its "holding
facilities" in Scheveningen were used by the Nazis to imprison Dutch

For almost a year, however, Milosevic has been making a mockery of the
prosecutors' efforts to railroad him. He has successfully demolished
every witness and every argument brought out against him, while
refusing to recognize either the Inquisition's authority or its rules.
Milosevic's outspoken defense made a striking contrast to the
conquered Balkans, where the Empire had managed to silence virtually
all the voices of dissent and resistance.

Beria's Heirs

Having failed in a head-on confrontation, despite playing with heavily
loaded dice, the Inquisitors tried a different route. In September,
they managed to extort a confession from a former Bosnian Serb leader,
Biljana Plavsic, in which she not only admitted to participating in
the planning of atrocities, but also implicated Milosevic and other
Serb dignitaries.

Bits of Plavsic's plea cited by the media sound like they were written
by the prosecutors:

[She] acknowledged she covered up crimes, ignored widespread
allegations of criminal acts and "publicly rationalized and justified
the ethnic cleansing of non-Serbs" in a document setting out facts
underpinning her guilty plea.

"Mrs. Plavsic embraced and supported the objective of ethnic
separation by force and contributed to achieving it," said the
document admitting her role in killings, expulsions and cruelty
inflicted by Bosnian Serbs on non-Serbs in 1992. (Reuters)

It's as if the Inquisitors took lessons in purging "traitors to the
Party" directly from Lavrenti Beria's NKVD. Such extorted confessions
are part and parcel of any show trial, but even the ICTY has not been
this blatant before.

Why Plavsic confessed is a mystery. She claims it was remorse, and
that Serbs committed crimes out of fear, but both explanations sound
more pathetic than reasonable. She does have a strong dislike for
Milosevic, and she enthusiastically collaborated with Bosnia's NATO
occupiers between 1996 and 1998. Plavsic's true motives may be an
enigma, but the Inquisition's are not. They have seized upon the
confession to re-launch allegations of Nazi-like conduct by the Serbs,
while "rewarding" Plavsic with a "lenient" sentence of life

'Nazi' Slander Resurrected

The assault came this week, at Plavsic's sentencing hearings. One of
the Inquisitors' star witnesses was no other than Madeleine Albright.
The former U.S. Secretary of State has never tried to hide her
Serbophobia, nor has she ever expressed an ounce of remorse for
masterminding the criminal act of NATO aggression in 1999, which led
to the present occupation of Kosovo. In fact, she has been outright
proud of it, as well as of her support in establishing the
Albright was supposed to testify to Plavsic's willingness to
collaborate with the NATO occupiers, but also to provide the
association between the alleged Serb crimes and the Holocaust. Events
in Bosnia were "reminiscent of pictures that reminded one of World War
II," she said, adding, "We saw pictures of people being taken into
what could only be labeled as concentration camps."

Reinforcing the Nazi analogy further was Holocaust celebrity Elie
Wiesel. Even during the war, Wiesel sided with the Bosnian Muslim
campaign to depict their side as the victim of "Serb Nazis," despite
the fact that many Muslims joined the actual Nazis sixty years ago.
Since he neither knew Plavsic or possessed intimate knowledge of the
alleged atrocities in Bosnia, Wiesel's testimony was intended purely
for emotional value in absence of real arguments.

In case anyone missed the point, the prosecutors then showed the
pictures of emaciated Muslims in Serb "death camps," recycling that
1992 canard long after its expiration date. The photo, actually
depicting a tuberculosis-ridden Muslim standing in front of a
chicken-wire fence with barbed-wire top, was debunked as a malicious
camera trick by 1997.

Trotting Albright to the stand, invoking Wiesel's fame and recycling
trashy propaganda photos only goes to show that, while the
Inquisition's vitriolic assault on Serbs as "genocidal Nazis" shows no
sign of slowdown, the actual case against Plavsic - or Milosevic, for
that matter - is pretty much nonexistent. The only "joint criminal
enterprise" is between them, NATO and the Empire.

Champions of Falsehood

But that is not all. Having long since collapsed into itself under the
burden of lies and fabrications, like a black hole, the ICTY attracts
ever more such material from all over the world. The following two
cases come from the UK, but there is plenty of hypocrisy to go around.

As the Plavsic hearings unfolded and the Milosevic trial continued,
the London Guardian published a tear-jerking piece by Jadranka Cigelj,
a "rape victim" of a "Serb death camp." Cigelj's passionate diatribe
is a masterpiece of propaganda. It blames Milosevic for horrendous
atrocities without a shred of evidence, while also damning the "West"
for its supposed inability to stop him then, or punish him now.

Though an author of a book about her alleged ordeal (for it was never
proven in court), and a prominently featured celebrity victim,
Jadranka Cigelj is also a high official of the Croatian Democratic
Union (HDZ), party of the late Croatian president, ardent Serbophobe
and Holocaust revisionist Franjo Tudjman. She also worked for the
Croatian Information Center, a propaganda arm of the HDZ aimed at
Western reporters, and single-handedly provided most of the "evidence"
for stories of mass rape and genocide in Bosnia, none of which have
ever been proven. In other words, Ms. Cigelj is a professional
propagandist and a committed Croatian national-socialist. Her story,
however tempting, ought to be taken with healthy skepticism.

Speaking of accomplished propagandists, one cannot ignore the real
champion in the category, the London-based Institute for War and Peace
Reporting. Their take on reporting about the Inquisition simply reeks
of falsehoods. They dare use such terms as "hate speech,"
"misconceptions" and "negative propaganda," even as their own
coverage is nothing but. One look at their Balkans report page is
enough: tabloid-style headlines heading columns of malicious drivel.
Lascivious services of media hacks have been a powerful factor in the
rise of the modern repressive State, but IWPR has taken shameless
prostitution of journalism to a whole new level.

Truth? You Can't Handle the Truth!

It is disturbing to see the ease with which outlandish concepts such
as the "Tribunal" itself and the outrageous lies it peddles are
accepted by the general public in the Empire and elsewhere. But the
sad fact of human nature is that violations of truth and justice are
seen as somehow less despicable the more they are committed.

The sheer gall of the violators seems to know no bounds. One of the
Inquisitors actually said, "It is only through the establishment of
the truth that the unhealthy shackles of revisionism that debilitate
the former Yugoslavia and that foster suspicion, ethnic hatred and
civil unrest can be broken."

Everything in this sentence is a lie. The Inquisition does not
establish truth, but rather forges those very shackles of revisionism,
making sure that the debilitating miseries of former Yugoslavia are

Burden of Fiction

Since its illegal inception in 1993, the "International Criminal
Tribunal" has faithfully pursued its one and only purpose: to serve
the Empire's interests in the Balkans. It has done so in part by
usurping the authority of sovereign states and subverting
international treaties and accords, but its focus has been on
fabricating a recent history of the Balkans that would justify
Imperial intervention, occupation and war.

What makes the ICTY's lies and hypocrisy so hard to swallow is the
fact that many Balkans atrocities they claim to be prosecuting
actually happened - but not in the way they present them, and not to
the degree alleged by the combatants or the media. By manipulating
very real crimes into false history, the Hague Inquisition is
poisoning the well of collective memory for generations to come.

Driven by their demented obsession to falsify facts by casting Serbs
(and sometimes others, for the sake of "diversity" and political
expedience) as evil incarnate, the Inquisition and its patrons have
come to willfully ignore reality. And in reality, their actions have
disastrous consequences, perfectly exemplified in the recent terrorist
attack on Pristina's Bill Clinton Avenue, and the situation in Kosovo
in general.

Those who seek to control things that by nature cannot be controlled
are doomed to fail. When the truth finally emerges, and it has a nasty
habit of doing so when least expected, there will be Hell to pay.

Nebojsa Malic


"Vidila zaba da se konja kuje (potkiva) pa i ona digla nogu"

(Quando vide che il cavallo veniva ferrato, anche la rana alzò la

Dedicato all'Ungheria, che ha accettato che la base militare di
Taszar - già usata per le operazioni di "peacekeeping" antijugoslavo -
sia usata per addestramento di truppe ausiliarie della NATO, e che ha
zelantemente richiesto agli USA di partecipare alla aggressione contro
l'Iraq. Vedi:

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A Rare Glimpse at the Reality of the Bosnian War
-- Associated Press Article
-- Comments by Jared Israel
[Posted 18 December 2002]

During the trial of ex-Bosnian Serb official Biljana
Plavsic, Madeleine Albright and Elie Wiesel made
speeches about the supposedly monstrous Bosnian Serbs.
They portrayed Bosnian Muslims as analogous to Jews and
Bosnian Serbs as analogous to Nazis. As I shall
demonstrate in an upcoming article on that trial, what
Albright and Wiesel said amounts to Holocaust denial.
In addition, I will demonstrate that in his so-called
testimony, Mr. Wiesel lied.

Anyway, while researching Elie Wiesel's earlier
statements about Yugoslavia, I happened to read a most
revealing 1992 Associated Press (AP) dispatch. It is
posted below.

The AP dispatch is notable for three reasons:

1) It describes an all-out attack on the Serbian
civilian population in and around the Bosnian town of

Prior to the attack, there had been sustained fighting
between Bosnian Serb troops and Muslim military forces
who controlled the town of Gorazde which had a mixed
Muslim/Serb population. The Serbian troops withdrew as
a peace gesture. After that, on August 26th, a column
of cars and buses including:

"3,000 Serbs, mostly women and children, was ambushed
by Muslims at Gnjila canyon, 11 miles north of

The attackers were merciless:

"People were trapped in their burning cars. Others
crawled looking for their relatives, or jumped down the
cliff in panic," she said, standing frozen next to the
grave of her 11-year-old son, Dragan, who was killed in
the ambush."

The AP dispatch was published on September 12th, that
is, 17 days after the attack. Yet up until then,

"No one has dared to remove the remaining corpses,
fearing another attack from nearby forests."

The attack was not limited to the one gruesome ambush:

"After the Serb forces left their positions on the
hills above Gorazde, Muslim residents, 70 percent of
the town's prewar population of 40,000, looted and
torched the houses of fleeing Serbs, witnesses said."

This AP dispatch is unusual in that it actually
*mentions* the attack on these Serbs. Mostly the media
was silent when Serbs were attacked. As we shall show
in a soon-to-be-published article by Prof. Francisco
Gil-White, in fact it was the Serbs and also their
moderate Muslim allies who were the main victims of
anti-civilian terror in Bosnia. This was not because
the Serbs were saints. It was because the people whom
they and their Muslim allies were fighting were
fanatical Islamic Fundamentalists, misportrayed in the
Western media as peace loving, moderate democrats. But
all that is discussed in Prof. Gil-White's forthcoming
article. (When posted, it will be at

The point here is: this AP dispatch stands out because
it at least reports the anti-Serb atrocities.

2) But even this article reveals anti-Serb media bias.
From the start the article refers to anti-Serb violence
as "revenge." Revenge for what? What does the AP claim
happened to provoke such "revenge"? The article gives
no details, saying only that the town had been under

By using the terms, "siege" and "revenge," the writer
creates the impression that monstrous crimes must have
been committed *by the Serbs* because how else could
what the Muslims did constitute "revenge"?

Let us consider this a bit more.

The article says the Muslims outnumbered the Serbs in
the Gorazde area, 70% to 30%. A 30% minority is
probably not in a position to terrorize a 70% majority.
Moreover, this particular majority included people who
were armed and prepared to carry out the sort of
atrocities described in the AP dispatch.

Supporting this point, the AP uses the term, "siege."
If Gorazde was under siege *from Serbian forces* then
it must have been controlled *by Muslim forces.* So:
the town had a mainly Muslim population; it was
militarily controlled by Muslims; some of them were
quite capable of carrying out massacres. This hardly
sounds like a situation in which the Serbian forces
would feel safe in provoking the Muslims, even if they
wanted to.

Moreover, as the article states, the Serbs withdrew
their forces as a peace gesture. Would they have done
so without first rescuing the Serb civilian inhabitants
of Gorazde if, having committed outrages, they had
every reason to expect anti-Serb "revenge?"

The withdrawal of Serbian troops, the coordinated
assault on the Serbian neighborhoods, the desperate
flight of columns of cars and buses without troops to
protect them, the ambush and the extreme violence all
suggest that a) the Serbs naively misestimated their
foes' capacity for terror and b) after the troops
withdrew, the Serbian civilians were caught unaware by
the anti-Serb attack and fled in disarray.

The comments of a Serbian man supports this view:

"'The decision to give up Gorazde is a treason.
Karadzic should be ashamed,' said 68-year-old Marko
Ratkovic, who *managed* to flee to Mladenovac, 75 miles
northeast of Rogatica, in neighboring Serbia." (My
emphasis. Note the word, "managed." That suggests he
was caught unaware. That suggests he had no reason to
expect "revenge.")

And a Serbian military official says: "'Muslims have
abused our peace gesture by launching attacks on
innocent civilians.'"

Based on all of the above, I would suggest this
hypothesis: the presence of Serb military forces near
Gorazde *prevented* atrocities against Serbian
civilians. When the Serbian military withdrew, the
extremists among Muslims launched a pogrom: ambushes,
horrific murder, torching and looting of houses,
slaughter of livestock.

3) Speaking of livestock, note that the article
describes the attackers as having slaughtered pigs in
the Serbs' yards. The Bosnian Serbs were/are mostly
peasant farmers, many of whom do indeed breed pigs.
This is an important detail. Let me explain why.

The AP dispatch states that, "The Serb forces hold
about two-thirds of Bosnia's territory." It was common
for the Western media to make such statements,
suggesting that the Serbs had *seized* most of Bosnia,
i.e., they were aggressors.

A small point that the media neglected to mention was:
the Serbs *owned and occupied* roughly 2/3 of Bosnia.

Before the fighting broke out in Bosnia, the Slavic
*Muslim* population was comprised mainly of city
dwellers. The Slavic *Orthodox* population was
overwhelmingly farmers.

Because farming is land-intensive, in 1991 the Serbian
population owned about 2/3 of the land in Bosnia - that
is, they owned the land they lived on and farmed.
Bosnian Serb farmers were important food producers for
Yugoslavia and other European countries.

(We'll soon post an ethnic map of Bosnia that
demonstrates this.)

During the Bosnian conflict, many media reports
included sentences like the following, taken from a
different Associated Press dispatch:

"During the first two years of the war, Serb forces
took about two-thirds of Bosnia-Herzegovina, with the
Muslim-led government controlling the remainder." (AP,
October 27, 1994,

In fact, by limiting their military presence to the 2/3
of Bosnia where Serbs and their Muslim allies were
concentrated, the Bosnian Serb army was demonstrating a
defensive strategy. As Prof. Gil-White's article will
show, the Bosnian "Government" army was Islamic
Fundamentalist. One 6000-man division was named after
the World War II Waffen SS Division, Handzar, which
means "scimitar." These Fundamentalist troops, often
trained and led by fanatical veterans of the Afghan war
of the 1980s, preyed on Serbian peasants.

One such detachment controlled the town of Srebrenica.
Its leader was Nasir Oric, a Yugoslav Islamist. Here is
a Toronto Star reporter's account of an evening spent
listening to Oric boast about slaughtering Serb

[Start Toronto Star Quote]

...I sat in his living room watching a shocking video
version of what might have been called Nasir Oric's
Greatest Hits.

There were burning houses, dead bodies, severed heads,
and people fleeing.

Oric grinned throughout, admiring his handiwork.

"We ambushed them," he said when a number of dead Serbs
appeared on the screen.

The next sequence of dead bodies had been done in by
explosives: "We launched those guys to the moon," he

When footage of a bullet-marked ghost town appeared
without any visible bodies, Oric hastened to announce:
"We killed 114 Serbs there."

Later there were celebrations, with singers with wobbly
voices chanting his praises.

These video reminiscences, apparently, were from what
Muslims regard as Oric's glory days. That was before
most of eastern Bosnia fell and Srebrenica became a
"safe zone" with U.N. peacekeepers inside - and Serbs
on the outside.

[End Toronto Star Quote]

Note the sentence: "These video reminiscences,
apparently, were from what Muslims regard as Oric's
glory days." Oric's glory days! When he could raid
Serbian villages with impunity, cutting off heads and
launching people to the moon. His *glory* days! And the
Fundamentalist monsters who committed these crimes were
portrayed as moderate democrats by the Western media.

Note also that Oric curtailed his raids *because of the
increased strength of Serbian military forces*!

What the Western media called "laying siege to Muslim
towns," was in fact the heart of Serb military
strategy: to have sufficient military presence to
protect civilians from being slaughtered by the Islamic
Fundamentalist army.

Here's the AP dispatch on Gorazde.

-- Jared Israel

September 12, 1992, Saturday, AM cycle
SECTION: International News

LENGTH: 660 words

HEADLINE: Serb Refugees Face Bloody Muslim Revenge

BYLINE: By DUSAN STOJANOVIC, Associated Press Writer

DATELINE: ROGATICA, Bosnia-Herzegovina

Charred human skeletons, decomposing corpses and
burned-out cars are the grim remnants of a Muslim
assault on a column of Serb refugees fleeing
war-ravaged Gorazde.

When Serb forces on Aug. 26 eased their four-month
siege of the town in southeastern Bosnia, most of
Gorazde's Serb inhabitants tried to escape. Many feared
retaliation by majority Muslims who had been under
Serbian guns during the siege.

At dawn the next day, one of the columns of cars and
buses carrying 3,000 Serbs, mostly women and children,
was ambushed by Muslims at Gnjila canyon, 11 miles
north of Gorazde. Witnesses said at least 50 people
were killed and many more injured. Others managed to
escape the hail of bullets and grenades by jumping down
the steep rocky ravine or by hiding in bushes and
woods, they said.

"It was like hell. Everyone was screaming as people and
children, some cut in half by volleys of bullets,
stumbled all over the place," said Dragica Gavrilovic,
one of the refugees.

"People were trapped in their burning cars. Others
crawled looking for their relatives, or jumped down the
cliff in panic," she said, standing frozen next to the
grave of her 11-year-old son, Dragan, who was killed in
the ambush.

She said she carried Dragan's body so she could bury
him in Rogatica.

"Many others were not that lucky. They had to leave
their dear ones behind," Gavrilovic said.

Evidence of the massacre was still visible two weeks
after the ambush. No one has dared to remove the
remaining corpses, fearing another attack from nearby

Skeletons sat in burned-out cars, and decomposing
corpses lay on the side of the dusty road. Stray dogs
were eating the remains.

Many Western governments and international
organizations, including the United Nations and the
European Community, have blamed Serb forces for much of
the violence in the civil war that has killed
thousands. The Serb forces hold about two-thirds of
Bosnia's territory.

But rival Muslims and Croats have also come under
increasing international criticism for crimes and human
rights abuses, including "ethnic cleansing" of
territories under their control.

"Ethnic cleansing" is the term used to describe the
expulsion of people to create ethnically homogeneous

After the Serb forces left their positions on the hills
above Gorazde, Muslim residents, 70 percent of the
town's prewar population of 40,000, looted and torched
the houses of fleeing Serbs, witnesses said.

Almost every building, including Serb Orthodox
churches, has been torched in the Serb quarter on the
southeastern bank of the Drina River that divides
Gorazde, a trading center about 35 miles southeast of
the Bosnian capital Sarajevo.

Pigs with slashed throats sprawl in yards belonging to

The move to loosen the siege on Gorazde coincided with
an international London peace conference in which all
warring groups participated. The decision by Bosnian
Serb leader Radovan Karadzic angered local Serb
warlords - and those who had to flee.

"Muslims have abused our peace gesture by launching
attacks on innocent civilians. We may have to
counterattack to regain the territory," Dusan Kornjaca,
the commander of Serb forces, said in an interview.

The Serbs still hold sway on the approaches to Gorazde.

In Rogatica, heavy cannon and machine-gun fire could be
heard from the direction of Gorazde as trucks towing
howitzers headed there.

"The decision to give up Gorazde is a treason. Karadzic
should be ashamed," said 68-year-old Marko Ratkovic,
who managed to flee to Mladenovac, 75 miles northeast
of Rogatica, in neighboring Serbia.

"All of us here have lost at least one family member in
this brutal war. It has to stop before we all
exterminate each other," said Ruza Blagojevic, one of
about 200 Gorazde Serbs who settled in the Mladenovac
refugee center after a harrowing journey.

She said when a charity organization offered them
clothes, all the women chose black - for mourning.

(c) AP 1992 - Posted for educational and fair use only

'JUDGMENT!' - The Video Shown As Evidence at The Hague
{It can now be shipped gift wrapped...Order details
after text}


September 26 was the first day of the Bosnian part of
the Hague trial against Slobodan Milosevic. That day
Mr. Milosevic showed excerpts from a video which
demonstrates how the British TV station, ITN,
fabricated evidence of Serbian death camps in Bosnia.

The video, co-produced by the Emperor's Clothes website
and reporters from Serbian Television (RTS), is called
'JUDGMENT!' It demonstrates that the famous Bosnian
pictures, especially the tall, seemingly starved man
behind barbed wire in a death camp, were a hoax. It was
not a death camp. The Muslim men were not behind barbed
wire. This is eminently clear from video footage shot
that day and reproduced in 'JUDGMENT!' The movie shows
step-by-step how the phony pictures were created.

The Bosnian pictures had a huge impact in 1992. Twenty
minutes after they were shown on TV on August 6th,
George Bush Sr. held a press conference to proclaim a
whole new get-tough policy against the Bosnian Serbs.
This was followed by a worldwide media campaign - all
based on the Bosnian pictures.

If we are right that these pictures were a fraud, then
the implications are staggering: the pictures were
staged to justify a coordinated US/European policy of
demonizing the Serbian people to justify war. The press
conference was planned to coincide with the release of
the pictures. The worldwide press campaign against the
Bosnian Serbs was planned in advance.

You can view the same video Mr. Milosevic showed at The
Hague. If you conclude that we are not telling the
truth, send the video back and we'll refund the
purchase price in full. You don't risk a penny.

You can purchase a copy of 'JUDGMENT!' for $25 in the
US, $26 outside the US. (If you want gift-wrapping
please indicate whether you'd like 'Christmas' or
'all-purpose' gift paper and add $2 to the price)

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popoli resistenti - jugoslavia - 12-12-02

Si informa che è disponibile il nuovo numero di

"Yugoslavia Notizie" Dicembre 2002 n. 10

16 pagine di informazione a cura del Comitato Yugoslavia di Torino

In questo numero:

"Il paese di cui non si parla più"
Il "punto" sulla situazione in Yugoslavia di Michel Collon

Notizie da Serbia, Croazia e Macedonia

Pancevo, a tre anni dalle bombe della Nato

Riconosciuta ufficialmente la contaminazione da U238 in Bosnia

Informativa dell'Ass. "S.O.S. Yugoslavia"

Appello del Comitato per la difesa di S. Milosevic

Per averlo rivolgersi a 338/1755563 o posta@...

--- In Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli., Rick Rozoff wrote:

1)Reprising Role In War On Yugoslavia In 1999, US-NATO
Base In Hungary To Host Training For War Against Iraq
2)3,000 Exiles To Train In Hungary For Attack Against

Financial Times
December 19, 2002

Hungary permits training for Arabs
By Robert Wright in Budapest

-The pro-opposition newspaper Magyar Nemzet has
suggested that the US prefers to use Hungary for the
training because of security worries over admitting
some of the opposition activists to the US.
Taszár has been used by the US since 1994, mainly as a
base for peacekeeping operations in
It also played a role in the Nato-led attack on
Federal Yugoslavia during the 1999 Kosovo crisis.

The United States has won permission to use Hungarian
territory to train up to 3,000 Arabs - mainly Iraqi
opposition activists - for an invasion of Iraq.

The Hungarian cabinet agreed yesterday to the use of
the US-run Taszár airbase, near Kaposvar in south-west
Hungary, for the training.

According to the MTI news agency, Zoltán Gál, a
government spokesman, said the first of two expected
groups of trainees would arrive in January.

The cabinet decision follows a request delivered last
week from Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary.

Mr Gál told reporters that training would be given in
civil-military co-operation, likely to mean training
in setting up civil administration after any US-led
invasion of Iraq.

There would also be training in translation skills, Mr
Gál said.

There has been widespread speculation that the
trainees will be mainly exiled opponents of Saddam
Hussein, the Iraqi leader.

Mr Gál said only that the trainees would be Arabs
currently living in Europe or the US.

The decision on the base's use was taken by the
cabinet after the centre-left government decided that
parliamentary approval was unnecessary and likely to
be blocked by the centre-right opposition.

The opposition had claimed that allowing the training
in Hungary would lay the country open to terrorist

Hungary has so far been largely unaffected by
international terrorism.

Ferenc Juhász, the defence minister, visited the area
around the base two weeks ago to talk to residents and
reassure them.

The pro-opposition newspaper Magyar Nemzet has
suggested that the US prefers to use Hungary for the
training because of security worries over admitting
some of the opposition activists to the US.

Taszár has been used by the US since 1994, mainly as a
base for peacekeeping operations in

It also played a role in the Nato-led attack on
Federal Yugoslavia during the 1999 Kosovo crisis.

The trainees will not be allowed to leave the base,
nor will they be allowed to go directly from the base
to Iraq. None of the training should be for roles in
combat units.

The present government, elected in April, has sought a
more active part in international military operations.

Under its centre-right predecessor, Hungary was seen
as doing little to live up to its international
obligations as a member of Nato, the North Atlantic
Treaty Organisation, which it joined in 1999.


Daily Telegraph
December 19, 2002

3,000 exiles will train in Hungary to aid attack

-Some Hungarians have voiced fears that aiding a
central plank of the invasion plan could attract
reprisals. Similar fears were expressed during the
Nato-led campaign against Yugoslavia in Kosovo.
-The Taszar base has been used by American forces
since 1995.

More than 3,000 Iraqi exiles hired to accompany
American troops during any invasion to topple Saddam
Hussein are to be trained at a base in Hungary, it was
agreed yesterday.

The men will be housed from next month at the air
force base of Taszar, 120 miles south-east of the
capital, Budapest, where they will be trained to aid
troops and air strike spotters during an advance into

Although the Iraqis will receive rudimentary military
training, they would be expected to carry out a number
of auxiliary roles including work as interpreters with
combat units.

Up to 1,500 American training and security personnel
will also be stationed at the base.

Hungary, a Nato member since 1998, did everything
possible to play down the military aspects of the

A spokesman, Zoltan Gal, said: "The training is
primarily theoretical, which means military and civil
relations, interpreting and translating, and
theoretical training for military police."

Hungary has insisted that those trained at the camp
should not be deployed directly in combat roles in any
conflict with Iraq.

Some Hungarians have voiced fears that aiding a
central plank of the invasion plan could attract
reprisals. Similar fears were expressed during the
Nato-led campaign against Yugoslavia in Kosovo.

Other restrictions imposed by Budapest included a
limitation to two rounds of training lasting no longer
than 90 days each. The men will not be allowed to
leave the base.

The government had wanted parliament to give its
backing to the plan, but decided to grant permission
on its own after opposition parties expressed doubts.

The Taszar base has been used by American forces since

--- End forwarded message ---


Si e' festeggiato oggi a Podgorica, con alcune iniziative pubbliche,
l'anniversario della liberazione della citta', che nel dopoguerra fu
rinominata Titograd in onore del piu' grande artefice della resistenza
antifascista e della liberazione della Jugoslavia intera dagli
invasori nazifascisti e dai loro alleati locali.
Nel corso della Seconda Guerra Mondiale la capitale montenegrina era
stata bombardata ben 84 volte, risultando tra le citta' europee piu'
devastate dalla guerra. Il martirio di Podgorica era iniziato nel 1941
con l'occupazione coloniale italiana, occupazione oggi rimossa dalla
nostra memoria storica e dalla nostra coscienza lurida di
neo-colonizzatori dei Balcani.
(I. Slavo)

1. Exclusive: Legal Remarks of ICDSM Attorney, directly from the
Hague (SLOBODA 18/12)
2. NATO AND NATOITES ATTACK FREEDOM - actual briefs from The Hague
(SLOBODA 18/12)
3. German doctors' reply to Jorda (13/12)
4. SLOBODA Teaches ICTY President Ethics and Law (12/12)

=== 1 ===


18 December 2002, The Hague

Earlier today, Trial Chamber III allocated a few minutes of its
timetable to summarize a decision with respect to Slobodan
Milosevic's health, trial conditions, and to rule on requests for
provisional release filed by parties.

The full ruling was unavailable to the public and the press.

On 5th and 12th of November, the ICDSM petitioned the Chamber for
urgent specialized medical attention and for the provisional release
of Slobodan Milosevic. On the basis of medical reports and
international law, we argued that the current trial conditions
constitute a threat to his life, that lack of adequate medical
attention is tantamount to torture, and requested that he be afforded
the right to urgent, specialized medical care by physicians familiar
with his history. This requires provisional release to Belgrade as
well as full convalescence.

The ICDSM further submitted that President Milosevic's fundamental
right represent himself, and to not have counsel imposed on him
creates an obligation on the Chamber to accommodate the exercise of
this right by providing conditions other than those of a grueling
trial schedule with restricted access to his legal assistants in a
prison . We provided the Chamber with a legal basis upon which to
order Slobodan Milosevic's release for the continuation of the trial
in a non-custodial setting, following full convalescence.

Chamber III has today denied provisional release, and appears, since
they affirm that they will proceed according to their "timetable", to
have denied requests for an adjournment so that President Milosevic
may obtain specialized medical evaluation and treatment. They did not
mention the ICDSM's motion or requests.

Trial Chamber III has disregarded the reasoning of their colleagues
in the Talic matter who stated:

"It would be inappropriate for this Trial Chamber to wait until
Talic is on the verge of death before considering favorably his
application for provisional release"

The ICDSM considers that it would also be "inappropriate" for the
Chamber to wait until these trial conditions cause severe cardiac
complications, stroke, or death before "considering favorably" an
application for provisional release. It is also "inappropriate" to
wait until Slobodan Milosevic is on the verge of death
before "favorably considering" a request for specialized medical

The Chamber stated that "as previously" they would deny provisional
release. Previously, that is March 6th 2002, Slobodan Milosevic's
health conditions had not deteriorated as they have in the past
months. Previously, the arguments of the court-appointed amici took
up only four transcript pages including the following remark:

"So I'm not insisting on provisional release and equality of arms, so
to speak".

The ICDSM did not consider that the matter had been previously argued
in an adequate manner. It appears from the fragment of the decision
to which the public was made privy that the Chamber has equated
previous requests with current ones. Such an interpretation would
constitute a gross misapprehension of the facts and the law.

The Chamber did however refuse to impose counsel on President
Milosevic. The ICDSM is relieved that Slobodan Milosevic's arguments
supporting his right to represent himself and not to have counsel
imposed on him have prevailed.

Another statement will follow the disclosure of the full decision.

Tiphaine Dickson
Attorney ICDSM

=== 2 ===


- actual briefs from The Hague -

December 18, 2002

1) Canadian lawyer Tiphaine Dickson, presently at The Hague, on
behalf of ICDSM, have not been allowed this morning to enter the
court room audience. Policeman at the entrance explained that she had
to make arrangements in advance. In principle the "trial" is open and
anyone, presenting ID, can enter the audience. They can eventually
deny entrance only if all seats are occupied. This morning there was
no queue at the entrance. After her telephone appeal and telephone
appeal from SLOBODA, ICTY stuff promised that she will be let in. We
expect new information.

2) Up to this moment, despite many appeals and request of President
Milosevic, ICDSM delegation have not yet got the "tribunal"'s
approval to meet the President.

3) While we write this, "tribunal" is still dealing with one of
their "witnesses" - former Mayor of Dubrovnik. Not yet
with "administrative" issues. They don't care about the human life,
or more precisely, they used to destroy human lives. They also don't
care about people of Serbia and Yugoslavia, about Yugoslav and
Russian Parliaments, about parties, organizations, medical doctors,
university professors, lawyers and many other from all over the world
appealing. They think they are above the law. But they are not.

4) One of the biggest insults to the law and to even common sense is
parallely taking place at The Hague these days. Brutal murderer
Madeleine Albright, holocaust-profiteer Eli Vizel and couple of other
criminal actors appeared in a necrophilic show around Biljana
Plavsic's "admission of guilt". With absolutely no trace of law, this
show exposed the essence of ICTY in a way that everyone who still has
any illusions about the NATO puppet "court" should not only abandon
illusions, but should join the struggle against this modern
inquisition and civilizational outrage.

5) In denying the permission for the visit, "tribunal" mentioned
ICDSM web site and doubts that delegation may address the press. So,
as we all know, fear from the truth is their principal fear.

6) One can illustrate their panic and attempt to shake the
determination and unity of the people and ICDSM with the outrageous
anonymous e-mail spaming campaign on the eve of the visit, containing
attack on two leading ICDSM personalities, Jared Israel and Nico
Varkevisser. Accusing them of being US/Israeli agents using as
argument a pamphlet from a Saudi Arabian newspaper clearly shows the
background of the attack and the kitchen. It is unnecessary to
present counter arguments to any progressive person on these two
brilliant leftist writers, analysts and activists. Who made more
exposure and wrote more based-on-facts articles on Nazi-type
antiserbian propaganda than Jared Israel? Who is for years focus of
defense of Cuba and Yugoslavia in The Netherlands but Nico
Varkevisser, decorated with a medal of honor by Fidel Castro in
person? Who never had doubts that struggle of President Milosevic is
crucial for the defense of all peoples? But it is also clear in whose
interest is to launch false attacks on these men. In the interest of
the New Nazis and their Gestapo at the Hague.

7) Remember the following: 'The sanctions against [people of]
Yugoslavia will go on "because the crisis (...) with respect to
Slobodan Miloševic, his close associates and supporters
(...)" /George W. Bush, Presidential Notice, May 27, 2002/'


Vladimir Krsljanin

International Secretary, SPS

International Coordinator, Sloboda

Yugoslav Coordinator, ICDSM

=== 3 ===

German physicians, some of them members of Nobel Peace Prize winning
organization IPPNW addressed the Hague Tribunal with a demand that
President Milosevic should be immediatelly set free to get medical
cure in Yugoslavia and than to defend himself as a free man. After
unbelievable long time for a human life at stake urgency, they
received an unblievable respond from ICTY President Claude Jorda.
Here is their reply:


Initiative of Physicians and Therapists Practizing in Germany

Matthias Jochheim, Dr. med. Uta Mader, Prof. Dr. med. habil. Ilse
Eisen-Hagemann, Dr. phil. Hans-Peter Brenner, Prof. Dr. med. habil.
Ingeborg Rapoport, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Dr. hc. mult. Samuel
Mitja Rapoport, Dr. med. Christa Anders, Dr. med. Ernst Bellmer, Dr.
med. Iris Jonkanski, Dr. med. Wolfgang Hühn

To Mr. Claude Jorda

and to the attention of

Mr. Richard May, Mr. Steven Kay, Mr. Branislav Tapuskovic

ICTY The Hague

December 13, 2002

Live and health of Slobodan Milosevic need consequent measures

Dear Mr. Jorda,

Thank you for your letter of November 27, 2002, received by
facsimile on November 29, 2002, by which you responded to our letter
of November 8, 2002.

Despite your claim that according to the Tribunal Rules you are not
responsible for the above mentioned subject, it is undisputable that
a serious damage to the health of Slobodan Milosevic or even his
death under the auspices of the Tribunal would be unavoidably seen as
responsibility of the institution, for which you in your function
carry the biggest and in the last instance decision making

In your November 27, 2002 letter of response, you try to diminish our
concern about life and health of Slobodan Milosevic with the remark,
that he receives good and highly qualified medical treatment by the
medical staff of the prison. This argument is not convincing from our
perspective for the following reasons:

The „medical staff“, which is responsible for all prisoners, co=
of only one doctor and one nurse.

The doctor is not a specialist for Mr. Milosevic's illness.

The good and highly qualified treatment consist of just one weekly
visit by the doctor. Neither an intensive, special examination nor
the necessary therapy are taking place.

Therefore, our conclusions from November 8, 2002 letter, that Mr.
Milosevic is getting no permanent medical control and observation and
no necessary treatment, remain.

Our expressed concerns were increased by a report of NRC Handelsblad
and the news agency Reuters of November 23, 2002 as well as press
reports by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Stuttgarter Zeitung of
November 25, 2002. They state that Slobodan Milosevic receives for a
longer period of time not just inefficient, but contraindicated
medication, namely blood pressure increasing medication.

How such situation could be in accordance with the alleged high
quality of medical treatment, we do not want to comment. But we
emphasize that this would be an unbelievable scandal which would pass
over any level of tolerance for all those who in their practice have
duty to feel obliged to the Hippocrates Oath.

Upon the order of the responsible Trial Chamber on November 15, 2002
a first examination by a Dutch specialist took place. He stated in
his report, that with appropriate medication the risk of death can be
reduced by 11%. We ask for your understanding that we strongly deny
calculations like that as basis of further procedure.

We strongly condemn the attempt of the Prosecution to use the
threatened health situation of Slobodan Milosevic as a pretext and
occasion to deny him his right to defend himself in person.

The attempt to force upon an „assigned counsel“ is not only vio=
the law, it also contains the danger of producing counterproductive
effects on Mr. Milosevic's state of health: The enforcement of an
assigned counsel against the stated will of the defendant would not
lead to improvement and easement of the situation, but would increase
the stress and the mental burden and by that would also increase the
risk. That proposal of the Prosecution is counterproductive from the
medical point of view, and contraindicated.

The whole situation leads us to reinforce our demands, that Slobodan
Milosevic has to be released immediately from the heath- and life-
threatening situation and set free in order to get the long time
needed therapy by his own specialists in Belgrade. After that, he -
with appropriate guaranties - should be able to defend himself from
freedom against the charges raised.

We support explicitly the proposals filed in that sense by the Amici

Dear Mr. Jorda,

We ask you to take these urgently required measures and to secure by
that effectiveness of the United Nations regulations concerning the
treatment of prisoners.

On instruction of the Initiative,

Dr. med. Uta Mader
(Köln), physician

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) -
German Section;

Union of Democratic Physicians (Verein der demokratischen Ärztinnen
und Ärzte)

=== 4 ===

Mr. Claude Jorda,
The Hague
The Netherlands

Esteemed Mr. Jorda,

We have received with great dissatisfaction and embitterment your
reply to
our October 13 letter. With regret we note your apparent
unwillingness to
see the seriousness of the problem we have drawn your attention to.
That way
you may become accomplice in the crime being committed against
Milosevic under the auspices of the tribunal you preside. We hope we
shouldn't remind you that as President, you are the most responsible
for the
legality of the ICTY works.

The basic principle of the criminal law endorses that an ill man can
not be
put on trial. President Milosevic is having a serious heart condition
his state of health is being ruined on a daily basis by the way the
is being conducted, with hundreds of thousands pages of documents and
than a thousand of tapes submitted by the prosecution, with no
condition to
prepare for facing hundreds of irrelevant or false witnesses sent by
prosecution. With the lack of basic living conditions, such as the
possibility to breathe fresh air, to have regular meals and regular
sufficient sleep, it becomes completely clear which factors cause the
deterioration of the President Milosevic's health.

Regarding your reference to the Trial Chamber III March 6 decision on
provisional release, implying perhaps that the issue can not be
again, we are obliged to underline again that President Milosevic's
state of
health seriously deteriorated exactly since that time. For the reason
of his
illness the proceedings had to be suspended several times. These are
facts that must be taken into consideration.

We are also obliged to point the untruthfulness of your claim that
Slobodan Milosevic receives "close medical attention of a high
quality". As
a matter of fact, the truth is quite the opposite - he receives
no medical care, especially not of the high quality, unless you
appropriate for a person with serious heart condition to be seen only
in a week, and not by a cardiologist, but by an ordinary doctor, who
checks his blood pressure. In that sense we recall once again the
Principle of Medical Ethics from the UN General Assembly Resolution
37/194 of December 18, 1982, which says: "Health personnel,
physicians, charged with the medical care of prisoners and detainees,
have a
duty to provide them with protection of their physical and mental
health and
treatment of disease of the same quality and standard as is afforded
those who are not imprisoned or detained." The same is stipulated by
Article 6 of the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials (UN
Assembly Resolution 34/169 of December 17, 1979) provisions of which
established the obligations for you as President of ICTY. Besides, the
provisions of the World Medical Association Declaration on the Rights
of the
Patient (Lisbon, 1981; Bali, 1995) guarantee the right of every person
without discrimination to "choose freely and change his/her physician
hospital or health service institution" (Principle 2). The will of
Slobodan Milosevic is to be treated by Yugoslav doctors and
institutions, so
you are obliged to enable with that by deciding that he has to be
cured in

We request once again your immediate decision that President Slobodan
Milosevic has to be cured in Yugoslavia. Any other decision will bear
responsibility for imperiling his life.

If there wouldn't be appropriate decision of your side in the
days, we will be, with regret, forced to make further moves, but this
towards the international and French bodies in charge of human rights
protection and lawyers' ethics. This will be followed by activating
legal means to stop the crime and protect rights of President

Belgrade, December 12, 2002

On behalf of the Freedom Association

Bogoljub Bjelica, President

=== * ===

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
icdsm temporary address:
for your donations:

Datum: 17 decembar 2002


Moskva, 17. decembra RIA “Novosti”
specijalno za Artel-Geopolitiku
Valentin KUNJIN, politicki komentator RIA “Novosti”

Politicki lideri kosovskih albanaca sa sve vecom upornoscu izjavljuju
da je neophodno dati nezavisnost Kosovu – pokrajini koja je sastavni
deo Jugoslavije i koja se od juna 1999. godine nalazi pod
protektoratom OUN.
Povod za nove takve izjave bio je dolazak na Kosovo delegacije Saveta
bezbednosti OUN. Putovanje je bilo organizovano na inicijativu
Rusije, sa ciljem da se na licu mesta sagleda situacija u pokrajini,
da se delegacija Saveta upozna sa rezultatima rada misije OUN i
pripremi odgovarajuci izvestaj. Vec prilikom prvog susreta sa
clanovima delegacije OUN albanski lideri su se zalozili za sto
skorije resenje pitanja o statusu Kosova i davanju nezavisnosti ovoj
pokrajini. Kosovski predsednik Ibrahim Rugova izjavio je na
pregovorima da je Kosovo vec nezavisno i da je neophodno samo
formalno potvrditi tu cinjenicu. “Svet treba da postuje demokratske
reforme u pokrajini, - podvukao je Rugova, - i zelju vecine albanaca
da zive u nezavisnoj drzavi”.
Rugovu je podrzao i predsednik kosovskog parlamenta Nedzat Daci, dok
je sef vlade pokrajine Bajram Redzepi pozvao da se posspesi proces
prenosenja veceg dela ovlascenja “prelaznim kosovskim vlastima”, pa i
u delu koji se odnosi na pitanja medjunarodne saradnje.
Ostre kritike na te izjave uputila je rukovodilac poslanicke grupe
srpske koalicije “Povratak” u paralemntu Kosova Rada Trajkovic, koja
je podvukla da sve izjave lidera kosvskih albanaca o neophodnosti
pospesivanja pregovora o definitivnom statusu pokrajine nisu
zasnovane na realnoj situaciji i da predstavljaju “pustu zelju
albanskih politicara”.
Sa time se prakticno u potpunosti slozio sef delegacije Saveta
bezbednosti OUN Ole Peter Kolbi, cija je izjava za politicke lidere
kosovara zaista predstavljala “hladni tuss”. Visokopostavljeni
cinovnik OUN otvoreno je kazao, da je Kosovo trenutno daleko od toga
da tamo “funkcionisu demokratski instituti i drustvo u cijem zivotu
bi mogle realno ucestvovati manjine”. On je naglasio da odluka o
konacnom statusu Kosova ne moze biti doneta nikakvim jednostranim
koracima. Takvu odluku moze da donese jedino Savet bezbednosti OUN,
posle konsultacija sa svim zainteresovanim stranama.
U ovom trenutku paznja Saveta bezbednosti OUN koncentrisana je na tri
osnovna pravca. Prvi, na postizanje na Kosovu citavog niza
opsteprihvacenih medjunarodnih standarda, drugi, na formiranju
multinacionalnog drustva i treci, na punovrednoj integraciji
necionalnih manjina.
Medjutim, realna situacija na Kosovu omogucava da se nedvosmisleno
govori o tome, da kosovski albanci ne nameravaju da resavaju te
probleme i da deluju, zapravo, u suprotnom smeru. Za tri poslednje
godine, spasavajuci se od terora bojovnika takozvane OVK, iz
pokrajine je izgnano preko dvesta hiljada predstavnika nacionalnih
manjina – Srba, cigana, Makedonaca. Poruseno je i spaljeno ne samo na
hiljade kuca koje su pripadale nealbancima, nego je dignuto u vazduh
na desetine pravoslavnih hramova i manastira.
Nekoliko desetina hiljada Srba, koji nisu zeleli da napuste rodna
ognjista, danas zivi u enklavama, okruzenim neprijateljski
raspolozenim albanskim stanovnistvom, pod zastitom vojnika iz sastava
medjunarodnih mirovnih snaga. Pa i pored toga, slucajevi napada
kosovara na Srbe ne prestaju. “Kosovo za albance” – takva je danas
najpolularnija parola, koju otvoreno promovisu svi albanski lideri u
pokrajini – od “umerenog nacionaliste” Ibrahima Rugove, do bivsih
komandira OVK, koji su postali respektabilni politicari cim su se iz
oklopnih vozila premestili u “mercedese”.
Razume se, sve je to bilo dobro poznato cinovnicima iz delegacije
Saveta bezbednosti OUN i pre njihovog dolaska na Kosovo. Jednostavno,
oni su sada sve to videli svojim ocima. Otuda i ostra izjava Ole
Pitera Kolbija.
Istovremeno, ne smemo zanemariti ni prilicno dvostruki prilaz
delegacije OUN oceni situacije na Kosovu. Na primer, poziv gospodina
Kolbija albancima, kao i vecini stanovnistva, “da preuzmu na sebe
odgovornost za bezbednost” nacionalnih manjina izgleda, najblaze
receno, naivno.
I jos nesto. Iz izjava sefa delegacije OUN moze se izvesti zakljucak,
da pod odredjenim uslovima – razvoj demokratskih instituta na Kosovu,
postovanje prava nacionalnih manjina itd., ne treba iskljuciti
mogucnost da se toj pokrajini da nezavisnost. Medjutim, u rezoluciji
1244 Saveta bezbednosti OUN apsolutno jasno se govori o ocuvanju
teritorijalne celovitosti Jugoslavije, i Kosovo se fiksira kao njen
neodvojivi deo. S tim u vezi namece se prirodno pitanje – ne dopusta
li Zapad, koji kontrolise situaciju na Balkanu, mogucnost
preispitivanja odrednica te rezolucije?

1. Pressemitteilung n.11/02 (Internationales Komitee für die
Verteidigung von Slobodan Milosevic - Deutsche Sektion - 18/12/02)
2. Initiative von in Deutschland praktizierenden Ärzten und
Therapeuten (13/12/02)

=== 1 ===

International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM) - German

Internationales Komitee für die Verteidigung von Slobodan Milosevic -
Deutsche Sektion

c/o Klaus Hartmann
Schillstraße 7
D-63067 Offenbach am Main
T/F: -69 - 83 58 50
e-mail: vorstand@...


Gefahr des Justizmords weiterhin akut

Am 18.12.2002, dem letzen Tag des „Prozesses“ gegen Slobodan
Miloševic in diesem Jahr, war die „Behandlung administrativer Fr=
angekündigt. Im Klartext sollte es um die gesundheitliche Situation
von Slobodan Miloševic gehen und die Chance, dass er das Verfahren
lebend übersteht. Die Behandlung des Problems im „Gericht“ wurd=
völlig den Erwartungen gerecht, die bereits jene eiskalte
Bürokratensprache hervorrief, als sie eine Überlebensfrage
zur „administrativen“ Frage degradierte. In weniger als drei Mi=
war „Richter“ May mit dem Problem fertig.

Zunächst informierte er, dass die Kammer ärztliche
Gutachten und Anträge „der Parteien“ erhalten habe. Dass zu die=
auch solche des Internationalen und von nationalen Komitees zur
Verteidigung von Slobodan Milosevic waren, Appelle von US-
Intellektuellen und von deutschen Ärzten sowie eine einstimmige
Resolution der russischen Duma, das unterschlug May, sicher nicht aus

So ließ er auch keinerlei Diskussion zu diesem Thema zu,
sondern verkündete wie ein abschließendes Urteil die drei Punkte:
Fortsetzung des „Prozesses“ nach vorgesehenem Zeitplan „u=
Berücksichtigung“ der Gesundheit des „Angeklagten“, keine=
eines (von Carla del Ponte geforderten) Zwangsanwalts, da unvereinbar
mit den Regeln des „Gerichts“, und drittens: keine zeitweilige =

Haftentlassung von Slobodan Miloševic, die diesem eine spezialisierte =

Therapie durch ihn langjährig behandelnde Ärzte ermöglicht hätte.

Damit wird trotz wiederholter Warnungen, besonders von
Fachärzten, sehenden Auges weiterhin eine schwere Schädigung der
Gesundheit und eine Gefährdung des Lebens von Slobodan Miloševic in
Kauf genommen. Damit sehen sich all jene bestätigt, die aufgrund des
bisherigen Desasters des Prozesses in juristischer Hinsicht
unterstellt haben, dass die Lösung „Erledigung des Falles durch
Ableben“ für die hinter dem „Tribunal“ stehenden Kräfte e=
zumindest erwägenswerte Variante darstellt.

Der Gesundheitszustand von Slobodan Miloševic, der an
außerordentlich überhöhtem Blutdruck, Herzmuskelschwäche, einer
Erweiterung der linken Herzkammer und Angina pectoris mit dem Risiko
des plötzlichen Herztodes leidet, hat sich in den letzten Monaten
aufgrund unerträglicher Haft- und Verfahrensbedingungen rapide
verschlechtert. Die erstmalige Untersuchung durch einen
niederländischen Kardiologen am 15.11.2002 prognostizierte eine
Senkung des Todesrisikos um 11% bei entsprechender Medikation. Am
23.11.2002 wurde nach Zeitungs- und Agenturmeldungen bekannt, dass
Miloševic über einen längeren Zeitraum nicht nur keine wirksamen oder =

unwirksamen, sondern sogar kontraindizierte, nämlich
blutdrucksteigernde Medikamente verabreicht wurden.

Eine Initiative von in Deutschland praktizierenden Ärzten
und Therapeuten, darunter Mitgliedern der
Organisation "Internationale Ärzte zur Verhütung eines
Nuklearkrieges", hat in bisher zwei Eingaben an das „Tribunal“ =

„Dieser nur als unverantwortlich zu bezeichnende Umgang mit einem
Menschen, dessen Gesundheit und Leben Ihnen mit allen Konsequenzen
anvertraut ist, wirft ernsthafte Fragen nach den Gründen auf. Er
steht zumindest in diametralem Widerspruch zu verschiedenen
Dokumenten und Resolutionen der UN über die Behandlung von
Inhaftierten, für deren Gewährleistung doch zumindest
Verantwortliche, die sich für Vertreter einer UN-Institution halten,
in vollem Umfang verantwortlich sein sollten.

Nach der eingetretenen und vom ICTY voll zu verantwortenden Situation
bleibt als die ultimative Konsequenz, Slobodan Miloševic umgehend aus =

dieser gesundheits- und lebensbedrohenden Situation zu befreien und
ihn auf freien Fuß zu setzen, damit er sich in Belgrad der längst
überfälligen Therapie durch ihn langjährig behandelnde Ärzte
unterziehen kann.“

Mit seiner heutigen Entscheidung hat Richter May nicht
nur solche einschlägigen Hinweise ignoriert. Offenkundig verletzt das
Tribunal damit auch Resolutionen und Dokumente der UN-
Generalversammlung im Bezug auf die Gesundheit von Personen in Haft,
und zwar

die Bestimmungen der Resolution der UN-Generalversammlung Nr. 3794
vom Dezember 1982, welche Ärzte und anderes medizinisches Personal
verpflichtet, Personen im Gefängnis oder in Haft "eine Therapie
derselben Qualität und gemäß denselben Normen wie für Personen, die
sich nicht im Gefängnis oder in Haft befinden", zukommen zu lassen,
Artikel 6 des Kodex für das Verhalten von Personen der Rechtspflege,
der von der UN-Generalversammlung am 17. Dezember 1979 angenommen
wurde, und der alle Gerichte verpflichtet, für einen vollständigen
Schutz der Gesundheit von Personen Sorge zu tragen, die ihrer
Rechtsprechung unterliegen.
Darüber hinaus verletzt das „Tribunal“ sein eigenes Statut,
insbesondere Artikel 21, Punkt 4b, der dazu verpflichtet, jedem
Angeklagten angemessene Zeit und Voraussetzungen für die Vorbereitung
seiner Verteidigung zu gewähren.

Aus Sicht des Internationalen Komitees für die Verteidigung von
Slobodan Miloševic deutet dies darauf hin, dass das Verfahren nur ein =

organisierter Versuch ist, Slobodan Miloševic umzubringen.

Vertreter des Internationalen Komitees kündigte
unmittelbar nach dem „potenziellen Todesurteil“ die Prüfung von=

rechtlichen Schritten gegen „Richter“ May an. In den nächsten T=
wollen sie den Hohen Kommissar für Menschenrechte der Vereinten
Nationen in Genf einschalten, damit im „Zirkus del Ponte“ endli=
ch die
Bestimmungen der UN Geltung erlangen.

Klaus Hartmann

Vizepräsident des ICDSM

Internationales Komitee für die Verteidigung von Slobodan Miloševic

=== 2 ===

Initiative von in Deutschland praktizierenden Ärzten und Therapeuten

Matthias Jochheim, Dr. med. Uta Mader, Prof. Dr. med. habil. Ilse
Eisen-Hagemann, Dr. phil. Hans-Peter Brenner, Prof. Dr. med. habil.
Ingeborg Rapoport, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Dr. hc. mult. Samuel
Mitja Rapoport, Dr. med. Christa Anders, Dr. med. Ernst Bellmer, Dr.
med. Iris Jonkanski, Dr. med. Wolfgang Hühn

An Herrn Claude Jorda

zur Kenntnis an die Herren

Richard May, Steven Kay, Branislav Tapuskovic

ICTY Den Haag


Leben und Gesundheit von Slobodan Milosevic erfordern konsequente

Sehr geehrter Herr Jorda!

Wir bedanken uns für Ihr Schreiben vom 27. November 2002, zugegangen
per Fax am 29. 11. 2002, mit dem Sie auf unser Schreiben vom 08.
November 2002 antworten.

Obwohl Sie, wie Sie betonen , nach den Regeln des Tribunals für die
angesprochene Thematik nicht zuständig sind, dürfte unbestreitbar
sein, dass eine ernsthafte Schädigung der Gesundheit von Slobodan
Milosevic oder gar sein Ableben unter der Verantwortung des Tribunals
unvermeidlich der Institution insgesamt zugerechnet würde, für die
Sie Kraft Ihrer Funktion die hervorgehobene und letztentscheidende
Verantwortung tragen.

In Ihrem Antwortschreiben vom 27. November 2002 versuchen Sie, unsere
Sorge um Leben und Gesundheit von Slobodan Milosevic mit dem Hinweis
zu zerstreuen, dass er eine gute und hoch qualitative medizinische
Betreuung durch den Medizinischen Stab des Gefängnisses erhalte.
Dieses Argument vermag aus unserer Sicht nicht zu überzeugen, und
zwar aus den Gründen:

Der „Medizinische Stab“, der für alle Gefangenen zuständig ist,=

besteht lediglich aus einem Arzt und einer Schwester.

Der Arzt ist kein Spezialist für die hier vorliegende Erkrankung.

Die gute und hochqualitative Betreuung besteht aus lediglich einem
Arztbesuch pro Woche, eine eingehende, spezielle Untersuchung findet
ebenso wenig statt wie die erforderliche Therapie.

Damit bleibt es bei unserer am 08. November 2002 getroffenen
Feststellung, dass Herr Milosevic weder unter ständiger ärztlicher
Beobachtung und Kontrolle steht, geschweige denn die gebotene
adäquate Therapie erhält.

Unsere diesbezüglich geäußerten Befürchtungen wurden endgültig
erhärtet durch einen Bericht im NRC Handelsblad und der
Nachrichtenagentur Reuters vom 23. November 2002 sowie
Pressemeldungen wie die der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung und der
Stuttgarter Zeitung vom 25. November 2002. Danach wurden Slobodan
Milosevic über einen längeren Zeitraum nicht nur keine wirksamen oder
unwirksamen, sondern sogar kontraindizierte, nämlich
blutdrucksteigernde Medikamente verabreicht.

Wie dieser Sachverhalt mit der angeblich hohen Qualität der
medizinischen Betreuung korrespondiert, möchten wir nicht
kommentieren. Wir stellen aber fest, dass mit diesem unglaublichen
Skandal hinsichtlich der praktizierten Obhutspflicht die
Toleranzgrenze für all jene überschritten ist, die sich dem
hippokratischen Eid verpflichtet fühlen.

Nach Anordnung der zuständigen Kammer erfolgte am 15. November 2002
erstmals eine Untersuchung durch einen niederländischen Facharzt.
Dieser stellt in seinem Bericht fest, dass bei entsprechender
Medikation das Todesrisiko um 11% vermindert werden kann. Wir bitten
um Ihr Verständnis, dass wir derartige Kalkulationen als Grundlage
der weiteren Verfahrensweise strikt ablehnen müssen.

Wir weisen entschieden den Versuch der Anlage zurück, den
bedrohlichen Gesundheitszustand von Slobodan Milosevic zum Vorwand
und Anlass zu nehmen, ihm sein originäres Recht auf
Selbstverteidigung absprechen zu wollen.

Der Versuch der Oktroyierung eines „Pflichtverteidigers“ ist ni=
nur rechtssystemwidrig; er birgt auch die Gefahr, in gesundheitlicher
Hinsicht das Gegenteil des vorgeblichen Ziels zu erreichen: Die
Aufzwingung eines Pflichtverteidigers gegen den erklärten Willen des
Angeklagten wird nicht zu einer Verbesserung und Entspannung der
Situation führen, sondern sie erhöht den Stress, die mentale
Belastungssituation und verschärft damit die Gefährdungslage. Dieser
Vorschlag der Verteidigung ist also auch aus medizinischer Sicht
kontraproduktiv und kontraindiziert.

Wir haben allen Anlass, unsere Forderung zu wiederholen, Slobodan
Milosevic umgehend aus dieser gesundheits- und lebensbedrohenden
Situation zu befreien und ihn auf freien Fuß zu setzen, damit er sich
in Belgrad der längst überfälligen Therapie durch ihn langjährig
behandelnde Ärzte unterziehen kann. Danach soll er sich, mit
entsprechenden Garantien, in Freiheit gegen die erhobenen Anklagen
verteidigen können.

Wir unterstützen nachdrücklich diesbezügliche Vorschläge der Amici

Sehr geehrter Herr Jorda,

wir appellieren an Sie, diese dringend gebotenen Sofortmaßnahmen zu
ergreifen und damit die Wirksamkeit der Bestimmungen der Vereinten
Nationen über die Behandlung von Inhaftierten sicher zu stellen.

Im Auftrag

Dr. med. Uta Mader
(Köln), Ärztin

IPPNW - Deutsche Sektion, Verein der demokratischen Ärztinnen und


---------- Initial Header -----------
From : Jugoistrijan
To : alessandro.curzi
Cc : jugocoord
Date : Mon, 16 Dec 2002 15:21:23 +0100
Subject : Le Vs europarlamentari

Al direttore di Liberazione Alessandro Curzi
e p.c. al segretario del PRC Fausto Bertinotti

Il giorno 14/12 u.s. ho partecipato alla giornata su "Il diritto
internazionale e le nuove guerre", promossa dalla Fondazione Lelio Basso,
ascoltando con interesse gli interventi dei relatori nella Sala della
Protomoteca in Campidoglio.

In particolare, l'intervento di Gino Strada e' stato eccezionale, come ha
dimostrato anche il lungo applauso della sala. Mi sono avvicinato subito
dopo per complimentarmi con Strada, e, nel corso della breve pausa nel
dibattito, ho incontrato Luisa Morgantini, che conoscevo da altri dibattiti
ed alla quale in questa occasione ho voluto esprimere la mia soddisfazione
per l'intervento di Strada. Le ho detto testualmente: "Ecco, cosi' bisogna
parlare! Bisogna essere fermi sulle proprie posizioni." Tutto qua. La
risposta e' stata: "Ecco il solito estremista di merda", con l'aggiunta
immediata: "Non saro' mai a favore di Milosevic!". Sono rimasto di stucco.
Le ho detto: "Ma cosa c'entra Milosevic?!"

Credo che lo scambio di battute si commenti da solo. Aggiungo soltanto:
ecco cosa possiamo aspettarci dalle vostre europarlamentari, "comuniste

Ivan Pavicevac
Roma, 16/12/2002


<< Nascera' a Belgrado da una famiglia serba entro la fine di
gennaio, secondo il ginecologo italiano Severino Antinori, il primo
bebe' clonato della storia. Lo riferisce il settimanale serbo 'Nin',
che pubblica una lunga intervista con il medico, effettuata lo scorso
fine settimana nella capitale jugoslava dove ha partecipato a un
convegno sulla sterilita' e la fecondazione assistita.
Antinori, che ha chiesto al settimanale di pubblicare l'intervista
solo una settimana dopo la sua partenza, sostiene di avere impiantato
con successo tre cloni in donne di tre diversi paesi fra cui la
Serbia, e che i feti si sviluppano normalmente: le nascite sono
previste fra gennaio e marzo.
''Credo - ha detto al periodico - di avere rivoluzionato la genetica:
la Serbia sara' uno dei tre paesi che passeranno alla storia per
Il bimbo clonato, ha aggiunto, nascera' nella clinica privata per la
fecondazione assistita 'Papic' di Belgrado, che considera uno dei
centri piu' all'avanguardia. Il ginecologo non vede nella clonazione
umana un potenziale distruttivo per la societa': ''Intendo usarla
solo nel caso di totale sterilita' maschile - ha detto - e dato che
solo io e la mia equipe sappiamo come fare, non c'e' rischio di un
uso indiscriminato di questa tecnica''.
Antinori ha accusato ''il Vaticano, ma anche gli Stati Uniti di
mettermi i bastoni fra le ruote per poi cambiare idea e avvalersi
delle mie scoperte: come nel caso della fecondazione post-menopausa,
che ho sperimentato per primo su una donna di 63 anni. Hanno fatto in
modo che calasse il silenzio stampa, e dopo alcuni anni hanno finto
di aver scoperto quella tecnica''.
Secondo il ginecologo, c'e' una relazione diretta fra la sterilita'
maschile e le guerre: a suo dire in Jugoslavia, dopo i bombardamenti
della Nato della primavera 1999, il fenomeno ''e' aumentato del 50-
73%, come era avvenuto in Iraq dopo la guerra del Golfo''. Un clone,
sostiene, ''e' come un fratello gemello. Non vedo perche' non dovrei
aiutare uomini sterili o mutilati a procreare''.
Alla domanda se abbia mai avuto l'idea di clonare se' stesso, ha
risposto di ''non averci pensato, dato che ho due figlie. Ma non lo
escludo in futuro''.
Il ginecologo, racconta Nin, e' molto preoccupato della sua sicurezza
e teme ci sia chi vuole ucciderlo: oltre a chiedere che la sua
intervista venisse pubblicata molto dopo la sua partenza e a
mantenere segreta la visita a Belgrado, ha usato nella capitale
jugoslava una macchina blindata e svariate guardie del corpo. >>

<< ''Smentisco tutto, non ho dato interviste''. Sono le parole del
ginecologo Severino Antinori interpellato al telefono in merito ad
una sua intervista che appare sul settimanale serbo 'Nin'
sull'annuncio del primo bambino clonato in Serbia per gennaio,
vicenda della quale non ha voluto dire alcunche'. ''Smentisco di aver
dato un'intervista a chicchessia in Europa negli ultimi 15 giorni''.


Questi qui sopra sono i testi di due dispacci ANSA del 14/12/2002
(li trovate su: I poveracci come noi,
che disgraziatamente non capiscono i messaggi cifrati lanciati tra
diverse lobby medico/massoniche, devono chiedersi: la popolazione
della Serbia e' dunque tuttora designata come cavia per esperimenti
antiumani - dopo il grande "successo" dell'attacco chimico e nucleare
della primavera 1999 con la conseguente impennata di cancri e
mutazioni genetiche? Oppure si deve pensare, piu' semplicemente, che
la Serbia e' stata individuata come perfetto immondezzaio
dell'immaginario collettivo/giornalistico in tema di incubi ed
angosce postmoderne?
In entrambi i casi, purtroppo, si tratta comunque di infamita'
disumane e razziste.
(I. Slavo)

1. Deklaracija ruske drzavne Dume
2. Evropski Mirovni Forum predsedniku Savezne Republike Jugoslavi?e

=== 1 ===



O nehumanom odnosu Medjunarodnog krivicnog tribunala za bivsu
Jugoslaviju prema politickom zatvoreniku Slobodanu Milosevicu

Drzavna Duma Federalne Skupstine Ruske Federacije sa dubokom
zabrinutoscu prima informacije o drasticnom pogorsanju zdravlja bivseg
Predsednika Savezne Republike Jugoslavije Slobodana Milosevica, koji se
nalazi u zatvoru Medjunarodnog krivicnog tribunala za bivsu Jugoslaviju
u Hagu. Prema haskim zvanicnim izvorima, tokom devet meseci trajanja
procesa po predmetu Slobodana Milosevica (od februara 2002. godine)
zasedanja Tribunala su odlagana ukupno cetiri puta, sto cini 31 radni
dan (ne racunajuci dane vikenda), iskljucivo iz razloga loseg
zdravstvenog stanja Slobodana Milosevica. Advokati (amici curiae),
imenovani od strane Tribunala obratili su se sudijama Tribunala sa
predlogom da se proces u predmetu Slobodana Milosevica prekine na godinu
dana iz tog istog razloga - loseg zdravstvenog stanja zatvorenika.

Visoki krvni pritisak u kombinaciji sa anginom pektoris, od cega je
Slobodan Milosevic patio i pre pritvaranja, predstavljaju direktnu
pretnju njegovom zivotu. Iscrpljujuca mnogocasovna zasedanja Tribunala,
odsustvo specijalisticke medicinske pomoci i nemogucnost da redovno bude
na svezem vazduhu pogorsavaju zdravstveno stanje Slobodana Milosevica .

Bivseg Predsednika Savezne Republike Jugoslavije podvrgavaju
ponizavajucem tretmanu, stavljajuci mu lisice na ruke, svaki put kada ga
prevoze iz zatvora u sud i nazad.

Drzavna Duma je vise puta osudjivala delatnost Tribunala, o cemu svedoce
rezolucije Drzavne Dume od 28. juna 2001. godine "O obracanju Drzavne
Dume Federalne Skupstine Ruske Federacije rukovodstvu Savezne Republike
Jugoslavije o nedopustivosti predaje Slobodana Milosevica Medjunarodnom
krivicnom tribunalu za bivsu Jugoslaviju" i od 15. februara 2002. godine
"O neophodnosti utvrdjivanja vremena za okoncanje delatnosti
Medjunarodnog krivicnog tribunala za bivsu Jugoslaviju".

U tim rezolucijama davana je kriticka ocena delatnosti Tribunala,
konstatovano je narusavanje normi medjunarodnog humanitarnog prava i
politicki karakter delatnosti Tribunala.

U vezi sa gore navedenim, Drzavna Duma smatra da prva neophodna mera u
odnosu prema politickom zatvoreniku Slobodanu Milosevicu mora biti
obezbedjenje neophodnog medicinskog pregleda uz ucesce lekara iz
Jugoslavije i drugih specijalista.

Drzavna Duma, u skladu sa Rezolucijom Generalne skupstine OUN 37/194 od
18. decembra 1982. godine, O Principima medicinske etike, koji se odnose
i na ulogu zdravstvenih radnika, a posebno lekara, u zastiti
zatvorenika, obraca se Vladi Ruske Federacije sa molbom da uputi u Hag
najstrucnije ruske lekare radi ucesca u pregledu Slobodana Milosevica.

(Usvojeno jednoglasno 11. decembra 2002. godine)

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
icdsm temporary address:
for your donations:

=== 2 ===


Evropski mirovni forum
Drusstvo za zasstitu gradjanskih prava i ljudskog dosto?anstva
/Europaesches Friedensforum (epf)
Gesellschaft zum Schutz von Buergerrecht und Menschenwuerde e.V. GBM/ gbmev@...

Savezne Republike Jugoslavi?e
Gospodinu Vo?islavu Kosstunici

Berlin, decembra

Posstovani gospodine Predsednicce,

Evropski mirovni forum ?e visse puta iznosio svo? stav u vezi procesa protiv
Predsednika Soci?alisticcke parti?e Srbi?e i dugogodissnjeg Predsednika
Srbi?e i Savezne Republike ?ugoslavi?e, Slobodana Milossevicca, ko?i se vodi
pred takozvanim Medjunarodnim kriviccnim tribunalom za bivssu ?ugoslavi?u.
Isticali smo da se u Hagu ne odvija sudjenje pojedincu, prema kojem bi se
svako mogao odrediti po svom nahodjenju, vecc u dogadja?u bez presedana u
istori?i medjunarodnih odnosa i medjunarodnog prava: o sramnom procesu na
kome bivssi ssef drzzave na koju je izvrssena agresija, odgovara pred
tribunalom ko?i ?e, krssenjem Povelje OUN, formiran i snabdeven finansi?skim
sredstvima i osobljem od strane drzzava-agresora.

Polazecci od tih ccinjenica, Evropski Forum mira ?e visse puta zahtevao da
se smesta prekine sudjenje Slobodanu Milosseviccu, kao i drugim
?ugoslovenskim gradjanima, i da se nezakoniti kriviccni tribunal raspusti.

Dosadassnji tok procesa ?e neosporno dokazao opravdanost tog zahteva. Razvo?
dogadja?a u poslednje vreme ?e joss jednom potvrdio njegov neodlozzni

Obracca?ucci se, posstovani gospodine Predsednicce, danas Vama, imamo u vidu
upravo takav razvo?, puni zabrinutosti za zdravlje Vasseg prethodnika ko?i
pred tribunalom ne brani samo sebe, vecc i pravo i nacionalno dosto?anstvo
svog naroda i vecc odavno ?e od optuzzenog postao tuzzilac NATO-u i ratnim
zloccinima ko?e ?e ta? blok poccinio protiv ?ugoslavi?e. Possto ?e propao
pokussa? da se u rezzi?i tribunala Slobodan Milossevicc baci na kolena,
ccinjeni su i ccine se svi mogucci pokussa?i da se on fiziccki oslabi i
njegova volja slomi nepodnossljivim uslovima u zatvoru i u samom procesu,
beskra?nim sudskim sednicama, bu?icom neprevedenih materi?ala u predmetu,
putem proizvoljnog messanja u unakrsno ispitivanje «svedoka optuzzbe» ko?e
on suvereno vodi, i uskraccu?ucci mu moguccnost odmora.

Ta taktika ko?u ?e nemogucce drugacci?e okarakterisati nego kao podmuklu,
ni?e ostala bez posledica. Prema medjusobno podudarnim, verovatno i Vama
poznatim, di?agnozama neutralnih lekara, zdravstveno stanje Slobodana
Milossevicca, ko?i pati od povissenog krvnog pritiska, slabosti srccanog
missicca, prossirenja leve srccane komore i angine pektoris, naglo se i
pretecci pogorssalo. Prema oceni lekara, njegov zzivot ?e direktno ugrozzen.
Zato su se mnogobro?ne organizaci?e i liccnosti u Evropi i van njenih
granica, medju njima nacionalni i medjunarodni komiteti za odbranu Slobodana
Milossevicca, eminentni nemaccki lekari, cclanovi organizaci?e «Lekari
protiv nuklearnog rata», svetski poznati americcki pisci i profesori,
Drzzavna Duma Ruske Federaci?e, kao i Vecce Republika Vasseg, ?ugoslovenskog
parlamenta, istra?no zalozzili za obustavu sudskog procesa ili barem za
stvaranje odgovara?uccih uslova ko?i bi omoguccili zdravstveni oporavak
optuzzenog ko?i ?e nasilno odveden u Hag. Sem izvesnih privremenih
kozmeticckih korektiva u toku procesa, natovski tribunal se o ova? zahtev

U vezi s tim, obraccamo se Vama, kao na?vissem predstavniku Savezne
Republike ?ugoslavi?e sa najsnazznijim apelom da preduzmete sve ssto ?e u
Vasso? mocci da bi se zasstitili makar zdravlje i zzivot Vasseg prethodnika,
da se on oslobodi iz zatvora, da mu se u otadzzbini obezbedi lekarska nega,
da bi posle zdravstvenog oporavka mogao da kao slobodan ccovek odbrani sebe
i srpski narod od izmissljenih optuzzbi.

Apelu?emo na Vas da reagujete neodlozzno, kako ne biste postali ?edan od
krivaca za novi pretecci zloccin protiv ljudskih prava i ccoveccnosti,
protiv nacionalnog i medjunarodnog prava.

Delu?te odmah, gospodine Predsednicce, dok ?oss ni?e prekasno.

Elmar Ssmeling
Sekretar Evropskog mirovnog foruma
/Elmar Schmaehling, Sekretaer des epf/

Prof. dr Volfgang Rihter
Predsednik Drusstva za zasstitu ljudskih prava i ljudskog dosto?anstva
/Wolfgang Richter, Vorsitzender der GBM/

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
icdsm temporary address:
for your donations:

