



Un documento sulla situazione tra il Sud della Serbia, il Nord del
Kosovo e il Nord della Macedonia, a cura di Zivkica Nedanovska:

1.FONTE: Politika.
2.TITOLO: I Serbi, la popolazione non albanese e l'Esercito jugoslavo
sempre di più esposti all'attacco.
3.INDICE: Sul peggioramento della situazione della sicurezza nel sud
della Serbia, nel nord del Kosovo e nel nord della Macedonia.
6.DATA: 01.12.2001.

La situazione nel sud della Serbia e nel nord del Kosovo e Metohija si
sta pericolosamente complicando. I Serbi e la popolazione non albanese
quotidianamente sono esposti alle minacce e ai ricatti. Sono minacciati
a tal punto punto che la situazione attuale è valutata come la peggiore
negli ultimi anni.
Nello stesso tempo, anche al nord della Macedonia la situazione si
sta complicando con i "giochi" nei confronti dell'Esercito Jugoslavo.
Questi fatti aggravano e peggiorano una pace già ingannevole in queste
parti dei Balcani.
Nel nord e nel nord-ovest della Macedonia, di nuovo si osserva il
raggrupparsi delle forze terroristiche. L'Esercito Jugoslavo dispone di
dati secondo cui forze terroristiche notevoli si sono trasferite dal
Kosmet nella regione di Kumanovo e di Tetovo.
Nelle vicinanze di queste due città sono sempre più massicci gli
attraversamenti del confine tra la RFJ e la Macedonia.
Dopo le elezioni nel Kosovo, e in particolare dalla giornata dello
Stato di Albania, il 28 novembre, la situazione di sicurezza in Kosovo e
Metohija è molto peggiorata.
"E' sempre più forte la pressione su tutti noi che viviamo qui e
che non siamo Albanesi. Siamo anche molto preoccupati perchè i Serbi e
gli altri cittadini di nazionalità non albanese vendono le loro case e
proprietà e scappano da qui. Abbiamo paura di perdere il Kosovo.
Abbiamo paura che rimanerremo soli e che saranno sempre di meno quelli
che lottano per gli interessi della Serbia e della Jugoslavia. Tre
giorni fa, per esempio, hanno provato a fare un attentato contro Rada
Trajkovic, unica rappresentante serba nella Presidenza del Kosovo.
Questo vuol dire che gli Albanesi non ci lasciano e non ci lasceranno
mai in pace, finchè siamo in Kosovo", dice Nebojsa Jovic, abitante di
Kosovska Mitrovica.
Anche nel sud della Serbia, vicino a Gnjilane, il nostro Esercito sa
che si stanno concentrando, vicino alla Zona di sicurezza, consistenti
forze terroristiche. Accanto a questo, vanno avanti le nuove richieste
degli Albanesi della regione di Presevo e Bujanovac sulla
demilitarizzazione di quelle zone. I 1500 abitanti di Bujanovac hanno
firmato una petizione indirizzata al vertice statale chiedendo di essere
difesi da minacce e ricatti quotidiani.
Anche qui sta crescendo il numero delle case e proprietà serbe vendute
agli Albanesi.
"Cosa faremo quando, dopo il 15 aprile del 2002, l'Esercito se ne andra'
da Presevo e Bujanovac, secondo l'Accordo?", si chiede Dragisa Savic,
preoccupato. "Senza il nostro Esercito e la nostra Polizia, la
popolazione serba e le etnie non albanesi non hanno di che cercare qui",




(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 10 DIC - Un attentato incendiario ha completamente
distrutto nella notte tra sabato e domenica l'antica
chiesetta ortodossa di ''San Giorgio'' nel villaggio di Golema Recica
(Macedonia nordoccidentale). L'attentato e' avvenuto in
concidenza con la festa di ''San Giorgio'', particolarmente sentita
dalla comunita' ortodossa. La chiesa, la cui prima costruzione
risale al 14/mo secolo ma che era stata piu' volte distrutta e
ricostruita, ospitava antichissimi affreschi ed icone ora ridotti a un
ammasso di cenere. La zona di Golema Recica (che si trova nel
distretto di Tetovo) e' rimasta per molti mesi sotto il controllo della
guerriglia albanese (di religione musulmana) e attualmente e'
considerata una delle aree a rischio nelle quali la polizia macedone
non ha ancora fatto rientro.(ANSA) BLL
10/12/2001 13:34


TETOVO, 9/12/2001 - Banditi albanesi hanno devastato e fatto
saltare in aria la chiesta-convento di San Giorgio nel paese di
Golema Recica, nei pressi della citta' di Tetovo, nella Macedonia
occidentale. Anche gli appartamenti dei monaci sono stati incendiati
oggi. Quando la polizia e' giunta sul luogo del fatto, i banditi
hanno incominciato a spararle contro. (

+++ Albanische Banditen sprengen Kirche +++

TETOVO, 9. Dezember 2001. Albanische Banditen plünderten und
sprengten anschließend die Kirche des Hl.-Georgius-Kloster im
Dorf Golema Recica unweit des westmazedonischen Tetovo. Auch die
Wohnungen der Mönche wurden heute in Brand gesetzt. Als die
Polizei zur Tatort kam, eröffneten die Banditen Feuer auf sie.




(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 21 NOV - L'Unione socialdemocratica (Sdsm),
secondo piu' importante partito macedone, ha deciso di uscire
dal governo di unita' nazionale costituito nel maggio scorso
per superare la crisi armata. La decisione e' stata adottata nel corso
della notte con voto unanime dalla direzione del partito,
ma le ragioni dovranno essere rese note in giornata giornata dal leader
dell'Sdsm, Branko Cernenkovski.
Un atteggiamento simile e' stata adottato anche dal partito
liberal democratico.
Secondo osservatori politici l'uscita dall'esecutivo dell'Sdsm
(che detiene importanti ministeri, compreso quello della Difesa),
costituirebbe una mossa strategica in vista delle prossime
elezioni politiche generali attese per la fine di gennaio.
Del governo di unita' nazionale, costituito il 13 maggio su
pressione della comunita' internazionale, fanno parte, oltre all'Sdsm e
partito liberal democratico, due formazioni albanesi e la
Vmro-Dpmne, partito nazionalista macedone del premier Ljubco
Georgevski. (ANSA) BLL*COR
21/11/2001 14:37



(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 23 NOV - L'attuale governo di Skopje ''deve
portare avanti il processo di pacificazione'' avviato. Cosi' il
presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi ha espresso oggi
il suo sostegno al governo macedone,alla luce delle dimissioni di
ministri accolte oggi dal Parlamento locale. Abbiamo bisogno
che questo governo e questa maggioranza ''resistano'', ha detto
Berlusconi, perche' una ferita che si era rimarginata non torni
ad aprirsi causando nuovi scompensi nei Balcani.(ANSA) TI*PAE
23/11/2001 15:57



(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 30 NOV - Il parlamento macedone ha approvato
oggi a maggioranza la nomina di quattro nuovi ministri dopo
l'uscita dall'esecutivo dell'Unione socialdemocratica. Vlado
Popovski (partito liberale) e' stato nominato ministro della Difesa,
Slobodan Casule ministro Affari esteri (partito Nova Democratja),
Gorgi Oreovcanec ministro della Sanita' (Nova Democratja) e
Dosta Dimovska (Vmro-Dpmne), vice primo ministro. Con questo
ennesimo rimpasto il primo ministro Ljubco Georgevski inaugura
cosi' il suo settimo governo in appena tre anni. La uscita
dell'Unione socialdemocratica dal governo di unita' nazionale (al quale
aderiscono anche due partiti albanesi) dovrebbe preludere
allo scioglimento dell'assaemblea e alla convocazione di elezioni
anticipate. La data in cui si svolgeranno le consultazioni
appare tuttavia ancora incerta: il presidente della repubblica, Boris
Trajkovski, ha espresso l'auspicio che le votazioni possano
tenersi in aprile e non alla fine di gennaio come invece chiesto dai
socialdemocratici.(ANSA) BLL*COR
30/11/2001 14:55



(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 26 NOV - Il presidente macedone Boris Trajkovski
ha dichiarato che la Macedonia conta di riprendere entro
meta' gennaio il controllo totale delle aree in mano agli
ex-guerriglieri albanesi.
Trajkovski ha anche detto di sperare che il Parlamento, nelle votazioni
in programma oggi, rinvii ad aprile le elezioni fissate per il 27
gennaio, in modo da poter consolidare prima del voto legge e ordine in
quelle aree.
Secondo il presidente, dopo lo scioglimento la guerriglia dell'Uck
non ha motivo di opporsi alle autorita' dello stato, in particolare
dopo l'approvazione del piano di pace e l'amnistia per gli ex
Fonti macedoni hanno d'altra parte confermato il ritrovamento dei
resti di almeno sei civili macedoni in una fossa comune scoperta
mercoledi' nei pressi di Tetovo. ''Durante gli scavi sono stati
rinvenuti ossa e resti umani'', ha confermato la giudice Alesandra
Zafirovska in una conferenza stampa. ''Ora dovremo procedere
all'identificazione, per la quale saranno necessari quattro o cinque
mesi di lavoro'', ha aggiunto Zafirovska.
Alle ricerche hanno partecipato anche esperti del Tribunale penale
internazionale per i crimini di guerra nella ex Jugoslavia (Tpi).
(ANSA) RIG 25-NOV-01 21:12 NNNN
26/11/2001 15:30




(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 7 DIC - Il presidente della Repubblica macedone, Boris
Trajkovski, ha concesso oggi l'amnistia ad altri 22 ex
combattenti albanesi dell'Uck. La lista dei guerriglieri albanesi
graziati dal Capo dello Stato sale cosi' a 33, anche se il numero
complessivo dei ribelli che, avendo deposto le armi, pretendono
l'amnistia e' di almeno 2.000. L'amnistia, prevista dal piano di pace
sostenuto dalla comunita' internazionale, ha suscitato le proteste
di una parte dei deputati macedoni che l'hanno considerata una
violazione del codice penale. Essa costituisce tuttavia un'altra,
importante, tappa del difficile processo di pace in corso in
Macedonia. Ora il parlamento e' chiamato ad approvare le leggi che
servono ad attribuire maggiori diritti alla minoranza albanese, a
cominciare da quella sulle autonomie locali. Il dibattito parlamentare
procede pero' con grande ritardo, e i rappresentanti diplomatici
hanno gia' fatto sapere alle autorita' di Skopje che se questa legge
non sara' approvata in tempi brevi, rischia di saltare per la
seconda volta la prevista conferenza dei donatori attesa prima di
Natale. (ANSA). BLL*COR
07/12/2001 17:24



(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 5 DIC - Il presidente della repubblica macedone,
Boris Trajkovski, ha ordinato oggi l'applicazione dell'amnistia
per 11 ex combattenti dell'Uck arrestati prima del 26 settembre,
quando il movimento di guerriglia si e' ufficialmente disciolto. E' la
prima volta che il capo dello Stato applica l'amnistia nei confronti
degli estremisti albanesi decisa con l'accordo di pace firmato ad
Ocrida lo scorso 13 agosto. L'applicazione appare tuttavia ancora
parziale: gli undici ex guerriglieri graziati sono stati infatti scelti
da una prima lista di altri 77 albanesi, stilata dal ministero della
Giustizia, che attendono l'amnistia in stato di detenzione, al pari di
almeno altri 2.000 ex guerriglieri tuttora in liberta' ma che
rischiano l'incriminazione. L'amnistia non sara' applicata in alcun modo
per coloro che risultassero incriminati dal Tribunale penale
internazionale (Tpi) per i crimini di guerra nell'ex Jugoslavia, e
che ha avviato indagini anche in Macedonia.(ANSA). BLL*COR
05/12/2001 15:58

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[Emperor's Clothes]

by Petar Makara and Jared Israel
[Posted 9 December 2001]

DOGS" - Text of signs on public establishments in
secessionist Croatia in June, 1941.

In the article, "Worst Kept Secrets of the Bumbling Bear," we talked
about the Vatican/U.S. government 'rescue' of Nazis from Eastern
Europe and the Balkans at the end of World War II. (1)

Many of those people and their children were sent back to Europe
in the late 1980s and early 1990s to help establish 'pro-Western'

To get a better sense of what this actually meant, we have to look
more closely at whom it was that the U.S. Establishment, and the
Vatican, rescued.

The following are scholarly snapshots of the so-called Independent
State of Croatia, comprising Croatia and part of Bosnia

Croatia was a clerical-fascist state, set up after the German Nazi
invasion of Yugoslavia during the spring of 1941.

Jumping ahead to the 1990s, it was commonplace for the Western
media to accuse Serbs of paranoia for resisting Croatian
secession. Were they paranoid? Or did they have something very
real to worry about?

During the 1990s, the Yugoslav press referred to the Croatian
secessionist forces as 'Ustashi.' Allow us introduce you.

- Jared Israel

by Petar Makara


[Start Quote] "The greatest ethnic slaughter took place as
Yugoslavia was carved up after the German invasion in April 1941.
The creation of a separate Croatia ... controlled by the fascist,
Catholic, extremist Ustasha movement was the catalyst for the
tragedy... Now, historic Croatia was expanded to include
Bosnia-Herzegovina and other territories, and the Ustasha were
left ... to govern a population of nearly 7 million people, of whom
about half were Croats, just over 2 million were Serbs, about
750,000 were Muslims, and small numbers were Protestants and
Jews.... The Minister of Education, Mile Budak, made clear the
Ustasha aims: 'Our new Croatia will get rid of all Serbs in our midst
in order to become one hundred percent Catholic within ten years.'
[End quote]

Professor Clive Ponting, "Armageddon," Random House, Inc., New
York, 1995, pages 231-232.



[Start Quote] "In Bosnia... the Croatian fascists began a massacre
of Serbs which, in the whole annals of World War II was surpassed
for savagery only by the mass extermination of Polish Jews." [End

The above quote was repeated by all versions of Encyclopedia
Britannica from 1971 until 1987. You can find it for example in
Encyclopedia Britannica Edition 1971, Volume 23, page 922 or in
Encyclopedia Britannica, Edition 1987, Volume 29, page 1054.
(The entry is entitled, "Yugoslavia, W.W.II") You may not find it in
subsequent editions. Much of the previous record became
politically incorrect since the U.S. and German Establishments
began sponsoring a new, Independent Croatia in the late 1980s.



[Start Quote] "Croatia [under Fascist control called itself the
'Independent State of Croatia' or 'Nazavisna Drzava Hrvatska,'
hence the initials NDH) ... Established during W.W.II...[it] was in
existence from April 1941 to May 1945. Its area... consisted of
what are today the Federative Republic of Croatia and the
Federative Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina... Its capital was
Zagreb. It had a population of 6.3 million, of whom 3.3 million were
Catholic Croats, 1.9 million Serbs, 700,000 Muslims... 40,000
Jews, 30,000 Gypsies...

" ... Shortly after taking control, the Ustasha, with the support of
many Croats, embarked upon what it called 'The Purge of Croatia
from Foreign Elements,' which had as its main purpose the
elimination of the Serb minority.

"In a brutal terror campaign, more than half a million Serbs were
killed, a quarter of a million expelled, and 200,000 forced to convert
to Catholicism.

"The Ustasha regime in Croatia, and particularly this drive in the
summer of 1941 to exterminate and dispossess the Serbs, was
one of the most horrendous episodes of World War II.

"The murder methods applied by the Ustasha were extraordinarily
primitive and sadistic: thousands were hurled from mountain tops,
other were beaten to death or their throats cut, entire villages were
burned down, women raped, people sent to death marches in the
middle of winter, and still others starved to death. " [End quote]

'Encyclopedia of the Holocaust,' Vol. 1, page 323, entry: 'Croatia.'



[Start Quote] "In April 1941 separatist Croats of the fascist terrorist

organization 'Ustasha' set up in Zagreb an Independent Croat
regime with Dr. Ante Pavelic as fuehrer, or "Poglavnik," and with
Marshal Slavko Kvaternik as minister of war.

"The new state, organized on strictly fascist and authoritarian lines,
excelled quickly by the special ruthlessness and cruelty with which it
persecuted, and partially exterminated the large Serb minority and
the small Jewish population..." [End quote]

"Encyclopedia Britannica, 1943 - Book of the year," page 215,
Entry: 'Croatia'



[Start Quote] "Slavko Kvaternik explained [in a radio program on
April 10, 1941, the day the 'Independent State of Croatia' was
formed] how a pure Croatia should be built - by forcing one third of
the Serbs to leave Croatia, one third to convert to Catholicism, and
one third to be exterminated. Soon Ustasha bands initiated a
bloody orgy of mass murder of Serbs unfortunate enough not to
have converted or left Croatia on time.

"The enormity of such criminal behavior shocked even the
conscience of German commanders, but Pavelic had Hitler's
personal support for such actions which resulted in the loss of the
lives of hundreds of thousands of Serbs in Croatia and Bosnia and
Herzegovina." [End quote]

'Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations,' Europe, edition 1995,
page 91, entry: 'Croatia.'


QUOTE #6 - 'ONLY' KILLED 750,000

[Start Quote] "The Orthodox recipe of Ante Pavelic, Ustashi leader
and Croatian Fuehrer, reminds one of the religious wars in [their]
bloodiest aspects: one-third must become Catholic, one-third must
leave the country and one-third must die. The last item was
executed. When the leading men of the Ustashi movement are
stating that they have slaughtered one million Serbs (including
infants, children, women and aged) this in my opinion is a
self-praising exaggeration. According to the reports that have
reached me, my estimate is that the number of those defenseless
slaughtered is some three-quarters of a million. [750,000]" [End

Herman Naubacher, "Sonderauftrag Sudosten 1940-1945. Bericht
eines fliegenden Diplomate," Gottingen, 1956, 31. Mr. Naubacher
was Hitler's personal assistant for Southeastern Europe and
Balkan affairs.



[Start Quote] "The Ustashi murdered and tortured Jews and Serbs
in indescribably bestial fashion. One of the most notorious camps
in Hitler's Europe, Jasenovac, was in Croatia. Here the Ustashi
used primitive implements in putting their victims to death - knives,
axes, hammers and other iron tools. A characteristic method was
binding pairs of prisoners, back to back, and then throwing them
into the Sava River. One source estimates that 770,000 Serbs,
40,000 Gypsies and 20,000 Jews were done to death in the
Jasenovac camp." [End quote.]

Dr. Nora Levin, "The Holocaust - The destruction of European
Jewry 1933 - 1945," Schocken Books, New York, Edition 1973,
page 515



[Start Quote] "In Croatia the indigenous fascist regime set about a
policy of 'racial purification' that went beyond even Nazi practices.
Minority groups such as Jews and Gypsies were to be eliminated,
as were the Serbs: it was declared that one-third of the Serbian
population would be deported, one-third converted to Roman
Catholicism, and one third liquidated. ... Ustasha bands terrorized
the countryside. The partial collaboration of the Catholic clergy in
these practices continues to be a component of Serb-Croat
suspicion." [End quote]

'Encyclopaedia Britannica,' Edition 1991, Macropedia, Vol. 29,
page 1111.



[Start Quote] ""Nonpartisan sources agree that mass genocide
was authorized by the state of Croatia. They concur the state
instigated, planned, and executed masses against the Serbian
Orthodox minority... and that the Catholic clergy approved, led, or
failed to denounce these massacres. The Croats' collective hatred
of the Orthodox Serbs was explicit in folk sayings such as ["Srbe o
vrbe" -] "Serbs to the willows [hang the Serbs]."


By June 1941, signs on public establishments read, 'NO SERBS,

Professor Helen Fein, "Accounting for Genocide - Victims and
Survivors of the Holocaust," The Free Press, New York, Edition
1979, pages 102, 103.



[Start Quote] "Catholic monks and other priests are alleged to have
taken an active part in this struggle for the 'purity' of the Croatian
land." [End quote.]

'The New Encyclopedia Britannica,' edition 1986, Macropedia
(Knowledge in Depth), Volume 27, page 467, entry: 'Fascism in the
Balkans (1930's).'



[Start Quote] "The greatest genocide during World War II, in
proportion to a nation's population, took place, not in Nazi Germany
but in the Nazi-created puppet state of Croatia. There, in the years
1941-1945, some 750,000 Serbs, 60,000 Jews and 26,000
Gypsies - men, women and children - perished in a gigantic
holocaust. These are the figures used by most foreign authors,
especially Germans, who were in the best position to know...

"...The magnitude and the bestial nature of these atrocities makes
it difficult to believe that such a thing could have happened in an
allegedly civilized part of the world. Yet even a book such as this
can attempt to tell only a part of the story." [End quote]

Professor Edmond Paris, 'Genocide in Satellite Croatia, 1941-
1945,' November, 1961, The American Institute for Balkan Affairs,
from the introduction.



[Start Quote] "Even the most extraordinary massacres in the
darkest era of history would not soil its name - Croatia... Kill, kill,

scream the Ustashi against Serbs. And they cut their heads off and
throw bodies away into the Sava River which flows slowly and
gravely in the direction of Belgrade...

"Go back to your motherland, go back to your motherland.

"Neither Fascists nor Nazi have the remotest resemblance to the
Ustashi, they are a fauna absolutely extraordinary and strange..."
[End quote]

Alfio Russo, "Revoluzione in Jugoslavia," Roma 1944



[Start Quote] "The real ruler [of W.W.II Croatia] was Ante Pavelic, a
zealous Croatian nationalist and fanatical hater of Serbs... Pavelic
lead a terrorist group called the Ustashi... 'A good Ustashi,' he told
his men, 'is he who can use his knife to cut a child from the womb
of its mother.' [End quote]

"Partisans and Guerillas, W.W.II," Time-Life books, page 87.



[Start Quote] "For now I began to get news from Croatia that told of
slowly rising tide of murders, of unrepeatable atrocities, of
massacres of defenceless Serbs by berserk-mad Croatians and
by [fascist] Moslems in Bosnian Croatia. In the little back parlors of
trusty men, the tales were whispered. I could not believe a quarter
of them. Unfortunately, I was soon to know that they were a weak
understatement of the truth. Men were to arrive in Dubrovnik itself,
hung with strings of Serbian tongues and with bowls of Serbian
eyes for sale." [End quote]

Ruth Mitchell, "The Serbs Choose War," Doubleday, Doran, 1943,
page 148. Miss Mitchell, sister of the founder of the U.S. Air Force,
General Bill Mitchell, was in Dubrovnik, Croatia, in April 1941,
when Yugoslavia fell to the Nazi occupation and the Ustashi came
to power.



[Start Quote:] "Jasenovac [was] the largest concentration camp in
Croatia. Jasenovac was in fact a complex of several subcamps, in
close proximity to each other, on the bank of the Sava River...
established in August 1941 and was dismantled only on April

"Some six hundred thousand people were murdered at Jasenovac,
mostly Serbs, Jews, Gypsies, and opponents of the Ustasha
regime... The living conditions in the camp were extremely severe...
A particularly cruel regime, and unbelievably cruel behavior by the
Ustashe guards...

"The acts of murder and of the cruelty in the camp reached their
peak in the late summer of 1942, when tens of thousands of
Serbian villagers were deported to Jasenovac from the area of the
fighting against the partisans in the Kozara Mountains." [End

'Encyclopedia of the Holocaust,' Vol. 2, page 739.



[Start Quote] "...It is estimated that a total of about 200,000 people
met their death [in Jasenovac] during 1941-1942 [alone!]. Crowds
of Jewish children were burned alive in the old brick ovens,
transformed into crematories.

"Vjekoslav Luburic, commander-in-chef of all the Croatian camps,
announced the great 'efficiency' of this slaughterhouse at a
ceremony on October 9th, 1942... During the banquet which
followed, he reported with pride: 'We have slaughtered here at
Jasenovac more people than the Ottoman Empire was able to do
during its occupation of Europe.'" [End Quote]

Professor Edmond Paris, "Genocide in Satellite Croatia 1941-
1945," The American Institute for Balkan Affairs, edition 1961,
page 132



[Start Quote] "In the concentration camp at Jasenovac, on the night
of August 29, 1942, orders were issued for executions. Bets were
made as to who could liquidate the largest number of inmates.
Peter Brzica cut the throats of 1,360 prisoners with a specially
sharp butcher's knife. Having been proclaimed the prizewinner of
the competition, he was elected King of the Cutthroats. A gold
watch, a silver service, and a roasted sucking pig and wine were
his other rewards..." [End quote]

Avro Manhattan, "The Vatican's Holocaust," 1986, page 48. During
World War II Mr. Manhattan operated a radio station called "Radio
Freedom" which broadcast to occupied Europe.



[Start Quote] "And there can be no return to the past, to the times
when they the Serbs were spreading cancer in the heart of Croatia,
cancer which was destroying the Croatian national being and which
did not allow the Croatian people to be the master in its own house
and did not allow Croatia to lead an independent and sovereign life
under this wide, blue sky and within the world community of
sovereign nations...They [Serbian refugees driven from their homes
by the Croatian Army] didn't even have the time to take with them
their filthy foreign currency or their knickers." Croatian Radio,
transcribed by BBC Summary of World Broadcasts, August 28, 1995

That quote was from Franjo Tudjman, President of the Independent
State of Croatia. This state was modeled on its Nazi predecessor.
It was created when Croatia violently seceded from Yugoslavia in
June, 1991, as a direct result of the German-U.S. strategy of using
terrorist forces to break up Yugoslavia. Tudjman was speaking
during a train tour of what had been Serbian Krajina, near Croatia
in August, 1995. Trained by U.S. forces, armed by Germany, with
U.S. fighter-bombers flying air support, the Croatian Army had just
driven some 250,000 Serbs from their ancestral homes.

Serbian farmers owned the land and lived in the Krajina for over
400 years, but the 'New York Times' called these Serbs "rebels,"
thus lending legitimacy to this nightmare. The 'New York Times'
caption under pictures of Serbian refugees being stoned as they
fled the neo-Ustashi offensive read: "Thousands of Serbs have
been displaced in the Croatian offensive that recaptured
three-quarters of a territory seized by Serbian forces in 1991."
('The New York Times,' August 10, 1995)

We will discuss Western government and media support for the
reborn Croatian fascism in Part 2.


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1) On the Nazi-CIA marriage, see "Worst Kept Secrets of the
Bumbling Bear,' by Jared Israel. It can be read at

2) On the breakup of Yugoslavia, the following are good

* Diana Johnstone's 'Seeing Yugoslavia Through a Dark Glass:
Politics, Media and the Ideology of Globalization,' which can be
read at
Johnstone is former International Editor of the magazine, 'In These
Times,' and former Press Secretary of the Greens in the Euro

* 'A Not-So-Nonviolent Debate on the Nonviolence 'Board' at This is a
debate between editor Jared Israel and Tony Frye

* 'Germany and the US in the Balkans- a Careful Coincidence of
National Policies?' by T.W. Carr, the Associate Publisher, Defense
& Foreign Affairs

* On the Vatican-Nazi connection, see 'Hitler's Pope,' by John
Cornwell at

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Alcuni giorni fa il parlamento della Serbia ha approvato
un disegno di legge sul lavoro che, nell'ambito del processo di
liquidazione della proprieta' sociale e pubblica,
introduce pesanti elementi di precarizzazione, gabbie
salariali, e mina alle fondamenta il sistema dei contratti
collettivi di lavoro.

La decisione ha causato nuovi conflitti - perlomeno di facciata -
all'interno delle destre di governo tra l'ala liberista di Djindjic
e l'ala conservatrice di Kostunica. Quest'ultima (alla quale e'
vicino anche il capo attuale della Unione dei Sindacati, Smiljanic)
ha votato contro il provvedimento, ed il presidente del parlamento
Marsicanin, anch'egli critico contro Djindjic, ha dato le dimissioni.




Subject: [ML-YU] Worker's protests
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 19:28:18 +0100
From: Nemanja Lukic
To: "Marxism-Leninism, Yugoslavia" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

Today, president of the Union of Syndicates of Yugoslavia,
Smiljanic, announced strike of warning in all (bigger) cities of
Yugoslavia on Wednesday. Workers demand withdrawal of the new law
of work which puts them on the mercy of their employers. World
Bank promised $80.000.000 if the law gets accepted by the Parlia-
ment, which reflects the true anti workers nature of the law.
Smiljanic also noted that the first strikes on Wednesday
are just the beginning of something bigger that will take place
unless the Parliament rejects the law. That's why police have
forbidden it.
I must express doubt in Smiljanic's intentions, which are
for now on worker's side. But knowing Smiljanic's past (collabo-
rating with pro imperialist bourgeoisie, monarchists, nationalists
etc.) and bearing the experience from last strike in mind, it is
very possible that worker's cause will be sold cheaply. Namely,
previous worker's strike took place for the same reason (withdrawal
of antiworkers law) and inspite of assuring workers that syndicates
will never accept anything else government suggests except the
full withdrawal, emphasising the rejection of government's offer to
include syndicates in remodelling the law, Smiljanic accepted that
offer and betrayed the interests of workers.



Oggi il presidente dell'Unione dei Sindacati della Jugoslavia
Smiljanic ha annunciato uno sciopero di avvertimento in tutte le
(maggiori) citta' della Jugoslavia, da tenersi mercoledi. I
lavoratori chiedono il ritiro della nuova legge sul lavoro che
li mette alla merce' dei loro padroni. La Banca Mondiale aveva
promesso 80.000.000 di dollari nel caso in cui la legge fosse
approvata dal Parlamento, il che dice tutto sulla sua vera natura
Smiljanic ha anche osservato che i primi scioperi di mercoledi'
non sono che l'inizio di qualcosa di piu' grande che puo' avvenire
a meno che il Parlamento non rigetti la legge. Ecco perche' la
polizia ha imposto il divieto.
Io devo essere cauto sulle intenzioni di Smiljanic, che per ora
sta dalla parte dei lavoratori. Ma conoscendo il passato di
Smiljanic (collaborazionista con la borghesia filoimperialista,
monarchico, nazionalista, ecc.) ed in base all'esperienza dello
ultimo scopero, e' probabile che la causa dei lavoratori venga
svenduta per poche lire. In effetti, lo sciopero precedente ha
avuto luogo per la stessa causa (il ritiro della legge sul
lavoro), e nonostante le assicurazioni date ai lavoratori, che
il sindacato non avrebbe accettato altro da parte del governo
che non fosse il ritiro completo, in particolare enfatizzando
il rifiuto dell'offerta governativa di includere il sindacato nel
lavoro di riforma del progetto di legge, Smiljanic ha accettato
l'offerta, tradendo gli interessi operai. (Nemanja)




(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 5 DIC - Il presidente del parlamento serbo
Dragan Marsicanin ha presentato oggi le dimissioni, evitando
cosi' un voto di sfiducia da parte dei deputati fedeli al
primo ministro Zoran Djindjic. Marsicanic e' membro del Partito
democratico serbo (Dss) del presidente federale Vojislav Kostunica,
da tempo in rotta con Djindjic e con la maggioranza dei partiti
della coalizione democratica Dos, tanto da formare un gruppo
parlamentare a parte. Subito dopo i deputati, su proposta del
capogruppo del Dos, Cedomir Jovanovic hanno eletto al suo posto
la vice, Natasa Micic, membro di Alleanza civica (Gss). (ANSA). OT
06/12/2001 19:11



(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 5 DIC - Il nuovo episodio del braccio di ferro
che da tempo oppone il conservatore e nazionalista
moderato Kostunica al pragmatico e filo-occidentale Djindjic
era nato nei giorni scorsi quando il parlamento aveva approvato,
nonostante l'opposizione del Dss, una nuova legge sul lavoro
avversata dai sindacati. I voti del partito di Kostunica - che fa parte
della coalizione Dos - si erano uniti a quelli dei socialisti
dell'ex presidente Slobodan Milosevic, dei radicali ultranazionalisti
di Vojislav Seselj e del Partito dell'unita' serba fondato dal defunto
comandante paramilitare Zeliko 'Arkan' Raznatovic. Nonostante cio' la
legge era passata per 118 voti a favore e 105 contrari. I Dss
avevano allora denunciato una manomissione del voto parlamentare,
sostenendo che uno dei deputati favorevoli alla legge, Borislav
Novakovic (del Ds, il partito di Djindjic) aveva votato pur non
essendo presente in aula, consegnando a un aiutante la sua scheda
per il voto elettronico. La replica di Jovanovic era stata molto
dura: aveva chiesto il voto di sfiducia nei confronti di Marsicanic,
uno dei principali accusatori di Novakovic, e aveva chiesto di
estromettere dal Dos il partito di Kostunica, data la ''scandalosa
alleanza'' con gli esponenti del vecchio regime, ''peraltro non
inedita, dato che gia' in passate occasioni i Dss hanno agito piu'
come partito di opposizione che di governo''. In una intervista alla
televisione di Novi Sad, Djindjic ha affermato che il Dos ''puo'
continuare ad esistere anche senza il partito di Kostunica: si trattera'
solo del Dos meno uno''. Nella coalizione, formata da 18 partiti,
solo uno, Nuova Serbia (Ns), si e schierato con il Dss, mentre gli
altri hanno appoggiato Djindjic. Gli analisti della stampa serba
ritengono pero' che la rottura fra le due anime del Dos, per quanto
innegabile, non sia imminente. In attesa di una soluzione del
contenzioso fra Serbia e Montenegro, nessuna delle due fazioni
avrebbe da guadagnare da una prematura divisione che sfocerebbe
in elezioni anticipate. Da un canto, il potere federale al momento
e' molto limitato, e dall'altro nessuno dei due protagonisti,
Kostunica e Djindjic, vuole apparire agli occhi dell'elettorato e
della comunita' internazionale come il responsabile di una rottura
potenzialmente destabilizzante. (ANSA). OT
06/12/2001 19:31


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(Part 1 of 2)
by Jared Israel
[Originally Posted 22 May 2001]
[Reposted 2 December 2001]

Below is an article from the 'San
Francisco Bay Guardian', entitled, 'The
CIA's Worst-Kept Secret.' It discusses
some recently unclassified CIA files.
These documents, 18,000 pages in all,
confirm that U.S. intelligence
recruited and protected Nazis starting
at the end of World War II.

I am posting and writing about this
article for two reasons. First, it
includes some useful information about
the Nazi-CIA marriage. Second, it
presents that information from a
perspective that I consider at once mistaken
and widespread; hence worth discussing.

The article was written by Martin Lee.
Mr. Lee argues that after World War
II, Nazi spies duped the U.S. into
hiring them, thereby protecting themselves
and their networks from prosecution.

He cites the example of General
Reinhard Gehlen. Gehlen had been chief
of Nazi intelligence in the Soviet Union
and Eastern Europe. According to Mr.
Lee, Gehlen fooled spymaster Allen
Dulles, who later became Director of
the CIA, in the following way:

"Gehlen was quickly spirited off to
Fort Hunt, Va. The image he projected
during 10 months of negotiations at
Fort Hunt was, to use a bit of espionage
parlance, a "legend" --one that hinged
on Gehlen's false claim that he was
never really a Nazi, but was dedicated,
above all, to fighting Communism.
Those who bit the bait included future
CIA director Allen Dulles, who became
Gehlen's biggest supporter among
American policy wonks. " (From the text

There's a bit of a problem here.

Starting more than a decade earlier,
Allen Dulles, a leading diplomat and
spy, and his brother, John Foster, a
Wall Street insider, had created a
financial-intelligence apparatus to
assist the Nazis. So Dulles had
long-standing, friendly relations with
Nazis. That being the case, why would
Dulles be upset if he 'learned' that
Gehlen (a top Nazi spy) was a Nazi? (1)

Moreover, Gehlen had not been some
cloistered spy. His job had not been
simply to coordinate the gathering of
information. He had been a key leader
of the work of fascist groups in the
occupied East, such as the Iron Guard
in Romania, the Latvian Vanagis and the
Croatian Ustashe. These groups committed
the most unimaginably brutal atrocities
against 'Untermenschen', Jews,
'gypsies', Serbs and other Slavs and
Orthodox Christians, as well as against
anti-Nazis, both Communist and
non-Communist, including various
Nationalist groups, which resisted the Nazis.
Gehlen was a leading war criminal.

Did Allen Dulles know all this? Of
course he knew all this. He was a U.S.
spymaster with almost three decades
experience and he had worked with the
Nazi leadership for two decades. Dulles
arranged to have Gehlen secretly
brought to the U.S. precisely so that
the Russians wouldn't get hold of him
and put him on trial for war crimes and
hang him.

Once they had Gehlen safely in the
U.S., Allen Dulles and other top U.S.
Intelligence operatives met with Gehlen
and planned a nightmare creation: a
vast European spying-and-subversion
apparatus, controlled by Washington but
staffed by hundreds and then thousands
of Nazi war criminals. The Nazis may
have lost the war but Nazism had found
new life. (6)

Since Allen Dulles knew that Gehlen
commanded an army of monstrous war
criminals in Eastern Europe and Russia,
what is the significance of Dulles'
supposed (though frankly unbelievable)
belief that Gehlen was not a Nazi?

Mr. Lee's suggestion that Dulles'
rescue and empowerment of Gehlen was
somehow less monstrous because he was
'fooled' about Gehlen's Nazi beliefs is
typical of the way the mass media has
been whitewashing American foreign
policy since 1945.

According to this reasoning, it is a
crime if Nazis (or Islamist terrorists)
go out and commit atrocities on their
own. But if they commit atrocities at
the behest of American leaders who are
a) naive about who these Nazis (or
Islamist terrorists) are and b) are
only using these Nazis or terrorists in
pursuit of good American values, then
it is OK. This treats the American
foreign policy establishment as if it
were some perpetual teenager who may
have fallen in with a bad crowd, but
heck, he'll grow out of it.

Very few of us will ever read the
declassified Nazi-CIA documents. Articles
like Mr. Lee's from the 'San Francisco
Bay Guardian', a left-leaning
newspaper, must inform our view.
Throughout the article, Mr. Lee portrays
Washington as naive, trapped by a Cold
War mentality into recruiting Nazis
(or, as he suggests at the end of his
article, by recruiting too many of know, Nazis are OK, but only
if taken in moderation...)

Can it be that a smart guy like Mr. Lee
really believes that the very
sophisticated men who shaped US foreign
policy over the past 50 years
unknowingly blundered into bed with the
worst butchers of the century? I
cannot say; but by making this absurd
idea the theme of his article, Mr. Lee,
the critic, makes himself an apologist
for the thing he is seemingly attacking.


This notion, which is put forward by
Mr. Lee, is contradicted by two
important facts:

Fact # 1 - No, Because It Started Too Early

Washington began working with
high-placed officials in the Vatican at
the end of the war to set up Nazi escape
routes. Some of the Nazis whom they
cooperated in rescuing were spies.
Others were just Nazi butchers.

The escape routes, appropriately called
'ratlines', started in Eastern Europe
and the Balkans, particularly Croatia,
and terminated in the U.S., Canada,
Australia, Latin America, and so on.
How could it be true that the U.S. got
swept up in organizing the ratlines due
to a Cold War mentality when the Cold
War hadn't yet begun? (2)

Mr. Lee is aware that the U.S. began
rescuing Nazis before the Cold War
began. He points out that this:

"...belies the prevalent Western notion
that aggressive Soviet policies were
primarily to blame for triggering the
Cold War."

Point well taken. But at the same time,
Mr. Lee writes:

"The early courtship of Gehlen by
American intelligence suggests that
Washington was in a Cold War mode
sooner than most people realize." (From
the text below)

What does this mean? If aggressive
Soviet policies were not to blame for
triggering the Cold War, why does Mr.
Lee say that "Washington was [already]
in a Cold War mode" at the end of World
War II? Doesn't a "Cold War" require
two sides?

What Mr. Lee probably means is that at
the end of W.W. II; Washington was in
an "Attack Russia!" mode. Indeed, it
was precisely Washington's belligerent
and criminal actions, such as rescuing
Nazi war criminals, that created the
international climate of hostility and
threat which became known as the "Cold War".

In the decade and a half before World
War II, Washington and Wall Street,
including the the Dulles brothers and
the grandfather and great grandfather
of President Bush, played a dangerous
game. They helped put the Nazis in
power and aided them once they got in
power. With their assistance, the
shattered German war industry was
rebuilt in record time.

Why did Dulles and the Walker/Bush
family and others in the U.S.
Establishment help finance the creation
of a powerful, fascist state in
Germany? They did it in large measure
because they planned to use the Nazis
to attack Soviet Russia.

Alas, as the poet says, the best laid
plans of mice and men often fail.
Instead of settling for their assigned
role, of conquering Russia, the German
Nazi/Corporate state decided to conquer
everyone. Washington and London
responded to this unacceptable ambition
in a measured fashion. First, they
allowed the Nazis to inflict maximum
damage on the Soviet Union. Then they
opened a Second Front (the Normandy
Invasion) in order to prevent the USSR
from liberating all of Europe and to
make sure the Nazis were not completely crushed.

After World War II Washington didn't go
into "Cold War mode." It simply
continued with its plan of using
Germany and the Nazis against the USSR.
Except now the Nazi apparatus existed
all over Eastern and Southern Europe
(including in Russia) and Soviet
influence was far more extensive as well.

Fact # 2 - No, because the U.S. Foreign
Policy Establishment Didn't Use the
Nazis Only to Spy

The Nazi murderers whom the U.S. helped
rescue, in violation of law and
decency, were not simply spies. Many of
them were monstrous war criminals.
And these war criminal/spies were not
simply rescued, dumped in various
countries, and then forgotten.

Instead the U.S. maintained a great
network of the 'escapees' and their
contacts all over Europe with three

* to spy;

* to nurture networks of fascists
dedicated to infiltrating, subverting
and sabotaging the socialist and
non-socialist states of Europe, a network
linked to U.S. intelligence (and to Germany);

* and to prepare a force that could be
sent back into the socialist
countries, especially the strategic
Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania and
Estonia, and into the Balkans states,
especially Yugoslavia, when the time
was ripe.

The Nazi and pro-Nazi 'refugees' were
maintained at the expense of U.S.
taxpayers through programs such as the
'Assembly of Captive Nations' (3)

In the late 1980s and early 1990s many
of the U.S.-protected Nazi war
criminals (and/or their children) were
shipped back to Eastern Europe and the
Balkans where they helped to launch
secessionist movements, install U.S. and
German puppet governments, assassinate
those who resisted and foster national
hatreds. For example, returning
Fascists helped Franjo Tudjman's neo-Nazi
group, the Croatian Democratic Union,
or HDZ, take over the Croatian Republic
and launch a secessionist war against
Yugoslavia in 1991. (4)


Why do critics of U.S. foreign policy
so often present Washington as a
passive force? Why are we constantly
told that the U.S. is being 'used by the
Cuban exiles for their own agenda' or
that the U.S. has 'screwed up once
again by backing the Kosovo Liberation
Army' and that 'sooner or later the
Americans will find out what kind of
monsters these Albanian secessionists
are' and so on. (5)

Two explanations come to mind.

First, wittingly or unwittingly, people
tend to censor themselves in
confrontation with reckless power.

When one is criticizing an
Establishment that bombs pill factories because
it doesn't like the government (as the
U.S. did in Sudan), that bombs Bosnia,
Kosovo and Iraq with radioactive
weapons and then sends its own and allied
troops into the contaminated areas,
that refuses to punish submarine
commanders who cause the deaths of
Japanese fishermen while performing
daredevil stunts with nuclear
submarines - in criticizing such an
Establishment one may experience the
temptation to exercise restraint.

If, for example, one argues that
Washington was tricked into working with
Nazis one may feel reasonably secure.
One is not challenging the basic legitimacy
of the Wall Street-Washington axis. But if one
argues that the nightmares of
U.S. foreign policy have
been, like most large-scale human
activities, planned, then one will be
accused of being conspiratorial, or
extremist, or worse. One may find that
certain doors, previously open, are
now shut tight. Or worse.

Second, American TV and films, viewed
by people all over the world, project
an image of the Innocent American
official: kind hearted, too powerful
for his own good; easily fooled and
manipulated. This plays a big role in
conditioning people to think of the
U.S. government as a bumbling bear.

Since the movies are partly responsible
for this nonsensical image of
American leaders, let me paraphrase a
famous movie speech by way of refutation:

"Don't be too sure we're as naive as
we're supposed to be. That sort of
reputation might be good business,
toning down the critics and making it
easier to deal with the enemy." (With
apologies to Sam Spade in the 'Maltese
Falcon', for which see )

Was Washington an innocent bystander
during World War II? It was most surely
not. The OSS, predecessor of the CIA,
was engaged all over Europe. OSS
operatives knew - and reported - that
monstrous crimes were being committed
by Nazis, following which Washington
recruited these same Nazis into its
burgeoning covert apparatus, the most
sensitive branch of the U.S. government.

Think about this. The OSS was a small
organization. The Nazi apparatus was
huge and well organized. Absorbing the
Nazis into U.S. intelligence was like
a garter snake eating a rat. What does
this mean? It means the most powerful
forces in the U.S.A. had decided that
the CIA was to be, in essence, a Nazi

Washington's goal was to break up the
USSR and other Socialist states and
bring them under U.S. domination. The
way Washington planners viewed things,
Nazis had many virtues. They respected
capitalism. They despised a host of
groups (including Serbs and other
Slavs, 'Gypsies', other dark-skinned
people, etc.) who tended to resist U.S.
domination. They were good at playing
on prejudice against these groups.
Moreover, the intensity of their hate gave
an energy of persistence to their work.
They were skilled at demagoguery,
subversion, assassination, and torture.

Numerous virtues; only one fault: a
very bad reputation, regarding which, no
problem unless the truth came out. And
should the truth come out, (as it is
indeed trickling out today) the
important thing from Washington's point
of view was and is to make sure the
inevitable criticism has the proper slant.
Let the critics declare that it was all
a terrible, stupid, unforgivable
mistake and we should learn 'our'
lesson and never never do such bad things again.

Better to be attacked for being
unforgivably stupid than for being
unforgivably evil. To this end,
President Clinton set up an 'Interagency
Working Group' (IWG), made up of
"scholars, public officials, and former
intelligence officers who helped
prepare the CIA records for
declassification." It would appear that
Mr. Lee has accepted the IWG's spin
on the Nazi-CIA connection.

Below is the 'San Francisco Bay
Guardian' article.

Following the article I have posted a
few dissenting remarks.

-- Jared Israel, 21 May 2001


The CIA's Worst-Kept Secret
From 'San Francisco Bay Guardian', May 7, 2001

Newly Declassified Files Confirm United
States Collaboration with Nazis
by Martin A. Lee


"Honest and idealist ... enjoys good
food and wine ... unprejudiced mind..."

That's how a 1952 Central Intelligence
Agency assessment described Nazi
ideologue Emil Augsburg, an officer at
the infamous Wannsee Institute, the SS
think tank involved in planning the
Final Solution. Augsburg's SS unit
performed "special duties," a euphemism
for exterminating Jews and other
"undesirables" during the Second World War.

Although he was wanted in Poland for
war crimes, Augsburg managed to
ingratiate himself with the U.S. CIA,
which employed him in the late1940s as
an expert on Soviet affairs. Recently
released CIA records indicate that
Augsburg was among a rogue's gallery of
Nazi war criminals recruited by U.S.
intelligence shortly after Germany
surrendered to the Allies..

Pried loose by Congress, which passed
the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act
three years ago, a long-hidden trove of
once-classified CIA documents
confirms one of the worst-kept secrets
of the Cold War-- the CIA's use of an
extensive Nazi spy network to wage a
clandestine campaign against the Soviet

The CIA reports show that U.S. officials
knew they were subsidizing numerous
Third Reich veterans who had committed
horrible crimes against humanity, but
these atrocities were overlooked as the
anti-Communist crusade acquired its
own momentum. For Nazis who would
otherwise have been charged with war
crimes, signing on with American
intelligence enabled them to avoid a
prison term.

"The real winners of the Cold War were
Nazi war criminals, many of whom were
able to escape justice because the East
and West became so rapidly focused
after the war on challenging each
other," says Eli Rosenbaum, director of
the Justice Department's Office of Special
Investigations and America's chief
Nazi hunter. Rosenbaum serves on a
Clinton-appointed Interagency Working
Group committee of U.S. scholars,
public officials, and former intelligence
officers who helped prepare the CIA
records for declassification.

Many Nazi criminals "received light
punishment, no punishment at all, or
received compensation because Western
spy agencies considered them useful
assets in the Cold War," the IWG team
stated after releasing 18,000 pages of
redacted CIA material. (More
installments are pending.)

These are "not just dry historical
documents," insists former congresswoman
Elizabeth Holtzman, a member of the
panel that examined the CIA files. As
far as Holtzman is concerned, the CIA
papers raise critical questions about
American foreign policy and the origins
of the Cold War.

The decision to recruit Nazi operatives
had a negative impact on U.S.-Soviet
relations and set the stage for
Washington's tolerance of human rights'
abuses and other criminal acts in the
name of anti-Communism. With that
fateful sub-rosa embrace, the die was
cast for a litany of antidemocratic CIA
interventions around the world.

The Gehlen Org

The key figure on the German side of
the CIA-Nazi tryst was General Reinhard
Gehlen, who had served as Adolf
Hitler's top anti-Soviet spy. During
World War II, Gehlen oversaw all German
military-intelligence operations in
Eastern Europe and the USSR.

As the war drew to a close, Gehlen
surmised that the U.S.-Soviet alliance
would soon break down. Realizing that
the United States did not have a viable
cloak-and-dagger apparatus in Eastern
Europe, Gehlen surrendered to the
Americans and pitched himself as
someone who could make a vital contribution
to the forthcoming struggle against the
Communists. In addition to sharing
his vast espionage archive on the USSR,
Gehlen promised that he could
resurrect an underground network of
battle-hardened anti-Communist assets
who were well placed to wreak havoc
throughout the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

Although the Yalta Treaty stipulated
that the United States must give the
Soviets all captured German officers
who had been involved in "eastern area
activities," Gehlen was quickly
spirited off to Fort Hunt, Va. The image
he projected during 10 months of
negotiations at Fort Hunt was, to use a
bit of espionage parlance, a "legend" --
one that hinged on Gehlen's false claim
that he was never really a Nazi, but was
dedicated, above all, to fighting
Communism. Those who bit the bait
included future CIA director Allen Dulles,
who became Gehlen's biggest supporter
among American policy wonks.

Gehlen returned to West Germany in the
summer of 1946 with a mandate to
rebuild his espionage organization and
resume spying on the East at the
behest of American intelligence. The
date is significant as it preceded the
onset of the Cold War, which, according
to standard U.S. historical accounts,
did not begin until a year later. The
early courtship of Gehlen by American
intelligence suggests that Washington
was in a Cold War mode sooner than most
people realize. The Gehlen gambit also
belies the prevalent Western notion
that aggressive Soviet policies were
primarily to blame for triggering the
Cold War.

Based near Munich, Gehlen proceeded to
enlist thousands of Gestapo,
Wehrmacht, and SS veterans. Even the
vilest of the vile -- the senior
bureaucrats who ran the central
administrative apparatus of the
Holocaust --
were welcome in the "Gehlen Org," as it
was called, including Alois Brunner,
Adolf Eichmann's chief deputy. SS major
Emil Augsburg and Gestapo captain
Klaus Barbie, otherwise known as the
"Butcher of Lyon," were among those who
did double duty for Gehlen and U.S.
intelligence. "It seems that in the
Gehlen headquarters one SS man paved
the way for the next and Himmler's elite
were having happy reunion ceremonies,"
the Frankfurter Rundschau reported in
the early1950s.

Bolted lock, stock, and barrel into the
CIA, Gehlen's Nazi-infested spy
apparatus functioned as America's
secret eyes and ears in central Europe.
The Org would go on to play a major role
within NATO, supplying two-thirds of
raw intelligence on the Warsaw Pact
countries. Under CIA auspices, and later as
head of the West German secret service
until he retired in 1968, Gehlen
exerted considerable influence on U.S.
policy toward the Soviet bloc. When
U.S. spy chiefs desired an
off-the-shelf style of nation tampering,
they turned to the readily available Org,
which served as a subcontracting
syndicate for a series of ill-fated
guerrilla air drops behind the Iron
Curtain and other harebrained CIA
rollback schemes.

Sitting ducks for disinformation

...Third Reich veterans often proved
adept at peddling data -- much of it
false -- in return for cash and safety,
the IWG panel concluded. Many Nazis
played a double game, feeding
scuttlebutt to both sides of the East-West
conflict and preying upon the mutual
suspicions that emerged from the rubble
of Hitler's Germany.

General Gehlen frequently exaggerated
the Soviet threat in order to
exacerbate tensions between the
superpowers. At one point he succeeded
in convincing General Lucius Clay,
military governor of the U.S. zone of
occupation in Germany, that a major
Soviet war mobilization had begun in
Eastern Europe. This prompted Clay to
dash off a frantic, top-secret telegram
to Washington in March 1948, warning
that war "may come with dramatic

Gehlen's disinformation strategy was
based on a simple premise: the colder
the Cold War got, the more political
space for Hitler's heirs to maneuver.
The Org could only flourish under Cold
War conditions; as an institution it
was therefore committed to perpetuating
the Soviet-American conflict.

"The agency loved Gehlen because he fed
us what we wanted to hear. We used
his stuff constantly, and we fed it to
everyone else -- the Pentagon, the
White House, the newspapers. They loved
it, too. But it was hyped-up Russian
bogeyman junk, and it did a lot of
damage to this country," a retired CIA
official told author Christopher
Simpson, who also serves on the IWG
review panel and was author of "Blowback:
America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its
Effects on the Cold War."