(Emperor's new clothes) Elections in Serbia: Orwel 2000
By Aleksandar Djaja The parliamentary elections in Serbia gave forth the
convincing victory of DOS, which won 176 out of 250 seats in the
National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. However, after 'coming to
the streets', one realizes that the DOS victory is, actually, far from
convincing - only 58% of the voters cast their votes, which means that
DOS will be ruling Serbia after winning the mere 1/3 of the total number
of eligible votes. As for the voting process itself, it should be said
that none of the political parties, nor any of the many foreign
observers, had any serious objections, and one might draw an off-hand
conclusion, that the elections were both regular and peaceful. The truth
is quite different, though. The events in the past three months, and
during the "election silence" in particular, were anything but regular!
Namely, never in the past ten-odd years since the renewal of the
parliamentary life in Serbia, the media have played such a perfidious
and shameful role, favoring one side (this time, the DOS), and
satanizing their political opponents. Never during the past ten years'
(and, possibly, during even a much longer) period, has appeared in this
region a political organization, based on the abuse of minors for
political purposes, and wrapped in a seemingly benign,
teenage-intellectual wrapping foil, such as the one named OTPOR.
Accidentally or not, by their own will, and/or by the will of the
experts for the subversive- and propaganda war from the western centers
of political power, the OTPOR through its pre-election, Orwellian, media
presentation, played possibly the crucial role in the intimidation of
the followers of SPS (the Socialist Party of Serbia) and of the other
political groups outside DOS, preventing them to freely express their
political notions in the 23rd October voting. The role of the so-called
"independent media", actually the strictly controlled printed and
electronic propaganda machine of DOS, in the election campaign was
three-fold. Firstly, to defame the former authorities, using all the
moral and (predominantly) immoral means, and half-truths (or,
half-lies). Secondly, to obscure, or rather to push into oblivion, the
last year's NATO aggression, while the NATO leaders, the war criminals
and the chief political and financial sponsors of the DOS campaign,
should not be just absolved for their war crimes, but even, if possible,
projected as the "victims" of the former "non-democratic regime", while
the aggression should be represented as the "necessary evil" which,
simply, was inevitable under "such a regime". And thirdly, the victory
of DOS at the parliamentary elections in Serbia should be trumpeted
daily as a "self-explanatory" fact, since otherwise even the Sun would
stop shining, while all the Serbs would be turned by the "civilized and
democratic West" into grasshoppers, or some other pests, and
pedantically sprayed by DDT every day, from airplanes... After all that
has come to us from the West in the past ten-odd years, indeed, our
average informed- and educated, but above-average tormented, fellow
countrymen were not hard to convince that even such a DDT option is
realistic. I wonder, how one might not believe our media, when even the
recent DOS co-minister (the term "co-minister" has not yet been
deciphered!) Ms. Biserka Matic, has coolly said that all the media in
Serbia are free, "except several of them, that have recently been
launched by the Socialists"(!??). Such demagoguery surpasses even the
old "Brozian" one, which the actual holders of the federal and republic
authority ostensibly disdain, while it conspiciously sticks out from
their, de-moth-balled "communist overcoat"? As for the technology of
vote casting, this time it was enriched by two novelties: the control
lamps, and the invisible dye sprays. O. K. We may disregard the fact
that voting like this one has not been seen anywhere, at least not in
the Western Europe and in the United States, only in the Republic of
Srpska; we may disregard also the fact that by such "marking", the
voters actually were branded, if not like cattle than for sure as
"suspicious individuals" with a tendency towards thefts and other kinds
of criminal behaviors; finally, we may also disregard the fact that
nobody bothered to ask the citizens of Serbia whether they really wish
to be lighted by violet-colored lamps, like monkeys in the cage in a
zoo, and sprayed by the "invisible dye" like scabby dogs and cats? Yet,
we must ask those who, on our behalf, agreed to such a "circus", whether
such mockery was really introduced just to prevent any individuals to
vote twice (which nobody in Serbia has ever intended to, anyway)? Or,
more likely, the well-known international company that produces
flashlights, torches etc., has been encountering financial difficulties
lately, and wanted to earn some extra cash in Yugoslavia. Likewise, the
sprays with "invisible dye" might have contained the hair spray instead,
whose time has expired, and as such was perfect for the development of
democracy in Serbia. In such a way, we come also to the OTPOR. "From
birth to death, the member of the Party lives under the surveillance of
the Mind Police. Even if he is alone, he cannot know for sure whether he
indeed is alone. Wherever he is, in his dreams on in reality, at work
and at leisure, in the bathroom or in the bed, he can be watched without
knowing it, without any warning. Nothing that he does is irrelevant. His
friends, the way he takes his rest, his attitude towards his spouse and
children, the expression on his face when he is alone, the words he
murmurs in his sleep, even his characteristic body motions, are
painstakingly observed... He has no freedom of choice in any direction."
("1984", by George Orwel) Did the citizens of Serbia have a choice,
after October 5th, the setting on fire of the federal parliament
building, seizing the power by the revolutionary committees (the "crisis
staffs"), the fascinating single-mindedness of the media in the service
of a single political group (the "DOS-mindedness", as George Orwell
might say) unprecedented in this area since the communist-partisan
takeover in 1945, and the enormous media, political, economical and
military pressure by the western power centers, as the supreme
transmission of the DOS election campaign? Here I mean, the essential
choice between different political options, which results from a
conscientious assessment of both the analytically reexamined past, and
the anticipated future? Or, possibly, like anywhere in the West, in the
countries with the multi-decade old model of parliamentary democracy
(obviously, decrepit by now), the choice was only formally offered as
the "grand finale" of the pre-election multi-media spectacle, which is
related to the reality as closely as Disneyland is to the hungry
children in the less fortunate parts of the world. The OTPOR, placarding
during the election campaign its symbol, the black-and-white clinched
fist (!), using billboards located at the busiest intersections in the
city, posters and TV spots, newspaper advertisements, even the floor of
a basketball arena (!), not only annulled the democratic election
procedure, but also lead to a paroxysm the, otherwise natural,
aspirations of the young people for changes in the everyday life. By its
three main slogans, "We are just watching you", "Stamp it!", and "Use it
(your brain)", this organization which had trumpeted the decisive role
of the young generation in the decisions regarding both their, and
other people's lives - actually established the role of the Dogma, as
the (dark) driving force, which is above life and above the destiny of
any individual. Who was the OTPOR "just watching", and at whom was the
bulldozed (from the billboards) aimed at, all set to crush any passer-by
that has different political views? What (and who) was to be "stamped"
at the December 23rd republic elections in Serbia? Why was, for this
purpose, used the notorious gangsters' idiom, with a well-known
connotation? As for those 2/3 (two thirds!) Serbian citizens, who either
have not voted, or voted for the "others", the OTPOR's message is that,
since they do not know how to "use their brains", they will their brains
"reconditioned" at OTPOR's expense. And at who's expense was organized
and directed the obvious "abuse of minors for political purposes",
unprecedented in the modern democratic world? And how long is its
lifetime? Or such question is already outdated. It is not sufficient to
say that the parliamentary elections for the National Assembly of the
Republic of Serbia of 23rd of December have a shadow of doubt over
them. They are a shadow. ---
Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"
Sito WEB :
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
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Sei proprio sicuro di voler vincere una web cam?
Dal 1 al 31 dicembre 2000 ci sono ottime probabilita,
se crei una nuova comunita su!
Controlla il regolamento:
(Emperor's new clothes) Elections in Serbia: Orwel 2000
By Aleksandar Djaja The parliamentary elections in Serbia gave forth the
convincing victory of DOS, which won 176 out of 250 seats in the
National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. However, after 'coming to
the streets', one realizes that the DOS victory is, actually, far from
convincing - only 58% of the voters cast their votes, which means that
DOS will be ruling Serbia after winning the mere 1/3 of the total number
of eligible votes. As for the voting process itself, it should be said
that none of the political parties, nor any of the many foreign
observers, had any serious objections, and one might draw an off-hand
conclusion, that the elections were both regular and peaceful. The truth
is quite different, though. The events in the past three months, and
during the "election silence" in particular, were anything but regular!
Namely, never in the past ten-odd years since the renewal of the
parliamentary life in Serbia, the media have played such a perfidious
and shameful role, favoring one side (this time, the DOS), and
satanizing their political opponents. Never during the past ten years'
(and, possibly, during even a much longer) period, has appeared in this
region a political organization, based on the abuse of minors for
political purposes, and wrapped in a seemingly benign,
teenage-intellectual wrapping foil, such as the one named OTPOR.
Accidentally or not, by their own will, and/or by the will of the
experts for the subversive- and propaganda war from the western centers
of political power, the OTPOR through its pre-election, Orwellian, media
presentation, played possibly the crucial role in the intimidation of
the followers of SPS (the Socialist Party of Serbia) and of the other
political groups outside DOS, preventing them to freely express their
political notions in the 23rd October voting. The role of the so-called
"independent media", actually the strictly controlled printed and
electronic propaganda machine of DOS, in the election campaign was
three-fold. Firstly, to defame the former authorities, using all the
moral and (predominantly) immoral means, and half-truths (or,
half-lies). Secondly, to obscure, or rather to push into oblivion, the
last year's NATO aggression, while the NATO leaders, the war criminals
and the chief political and financial sponsors of the DOS campaign,
should not be just absolved for their war crimes, but even, if possible,
projected as the "victims" of the former "non-democratic regime", while
the aggression should be represented as the "necessary evil" which,
simply, was inevitable under "such a regime". And thirdly, the victory
of DOS at the parliamentary elections in Serbia should be trumpeted
daily as a "self-explanatory" fact, since otherwise even the Sun would
stop shining, while all the Serbs would be turned by the "civilized and
democratic West" into grasshoppers, or some other pests, and
pedantically sprayed by DDT every day, from airplanes... After all that
has come to us from the West in the past ten-odd years, indeed, our
average informed- and educated, but above-average tormented, fellow
countrymen were not hard to convince that even such a DDT option is
realistic. I wonder, how one might not believe our media, when even the
recent DOS co-minister (the term "co-minister" has not yet been
deciphered!) Ms. Biserka Matic, has coolly said that all the media in
Serbia are free, "except several of them, that have recently been
launched by the Socialists"(!??). Such demagoguery surpasses even the
old "Brozian" one, which the actual holders of the federal and republic
authority ostensibly disdain, while it conspiciously sticks out from
their, de-moth-balled "communist overcoat"? As for the technology of
vote casting, this time it was enriched by two novelties: the control
lamps, and the invisible dye sprays. O. K. We may disregard the fact
that voting like this one has not been seen anywhere, at least not in
the Western Europe and in the United States, only in the Republic of
Srpska; we may disregard also the fact that by such "marking", the
voters actually were branded, if not like cattle than for sure as
"suspicious individuals" with a tendency towards thefts and other kinds
of criminal behaviors; finally, we may also disregard the fact that
nobody bothered to ask the citizens of Serbia whether they really wish
to be lighted by violet-colored lamps, like monkeys in the cage in a
zoo, and sprayed by the "invisible dye" like scabby dogs and cats? Yet,
we must ask those who, on our behalf, agreed to such a "circus", whether
such mockery was really introduced just to prevent any individuals to
vote twice (which nobody in Serbia has ever intended to, anyway)? Or,
more likely, the well-known international company that produces
flashlights, torches etc., has been encountering financial difficulties
lately, and wanted to earn some extra cash in Yugoslavia. Likewise, the
sprays with "invisible dye" might have contained the hair spray instead,
whose time has expired, and as such was perfect for the development of
democracy in Serbia. In such a way, we come also to the OTPOR. "From
birth to death, the member of the Party lives under the surveillance of
the Mind Police. Even if he is alone, he cannot know for sure whether he
indeed is alone. Wherever he is, in his dreams on in reality, at work
and at leisure, in the bathroom or in the bed, he can be watched without
knowing it, without any warning. Nothing that he does is irrelevant. His
friends, the way he takes his rest, his attitude towards his spouse and
children, the expression on his face when he is alone, the words he
murmurs in his sleep, even his characteristic body motions, are
painstakingly observed... He has no freedom of choice in any direction."
("1984", by George Orwel) Did the citizens of Serbia have a choice,
after October 5th, the setting on fire of the federal parliament
building, seizing the power by the revolutionary committees (the "crisis
staffs"), the fascinating single-mindedness of the media in the service
of a single political group (the "DOS-mindedness", as George Orwell
might say) unprecedented in this area since the communist-partisan
takeover in 1945, and the enormous media, political, economical and
military pressure by the western power centers, as the supreme
transmission of the DOS election campaign? Here I mean, the essential
choice between different political options, which results from a
conscientious assessment of both the analytically reexamined past, and
the anticipated future? Or, possibly, like anywhere in the West, in the
countries with the multi-decade old model of parliamentary democracy
(obviously, decrepit by now), the choice was only formally offered as
the "grand finale" of the pre-election multi-media spectacle, which is
related to the reality as closely as Disneyland is to the hungry
children in the less fortunate parts of the world. The OTPOR, placarding
during the election campaign its symbol, the black-and-white clinched
fist (!), using billboards located at the busiest intersections in the
city, posters and TV spots, newspaper advertisements, even the floor of
a basketball arena (!), not only annulled the democratic election
procedure, but also lead to a paroxysm the, otherwise natural,
aspirations of the young people for changes in the everyday life. By its
three main slogans, "We are just watching you", "Stamp it!", and "Use it
(your brain)", this organization which had trumpeted the decisive role
of the young generation in the decisions regarding both their, and
other people's lives - actually established the role of the Dogma, as
the (dark) driving force, which is above life and above the destiny of
any individual. Who was the OTPOR "just watching", and at whom was the
bulldozed (from the billboards) aimed at, all set to crush any passer-by
that has different political views? What (and who) was to be "stamped"
at the December 23rd republic elections in Serbia? Why was, for this
purpose, used the notorious gangsters' idiom, with a well-known
connotation? As for those 2/3 (two thirds!) Serbian citizens, who either
have not voted, or voted for the "others", the OTPOR's message is that,
since they do not know how to "use their brains", they will their brains
"reconditioned" at OTPOR's expense. And at who's expense was organized
and directed the obvious "abuse of minors for political purposes",
unprecedented in the modern democratic world? And how long is its
lifetime? Or such question is already outdated. It is not sufficient to
say that the parliamentary elections for the National Assembly of the
Republic of Serbia of 23rd of December have a shadow of doubt over
them. They are a shadow. ---
Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"
Sito WEB :
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
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Sei proprio sicuro di voler vincere una web cam?
Dal 1 al 31 dicembre 2000 ci sono ottime probabilita,
se crei una nuova comunita su!
Controlla il regolamento:
"La Repubblica" del 2 gennaio riportava dichiarazioni di ambienti vicini
al ministro Mattarella, secondo cui il problema dell'uranio impoverito
sarebbe una bufala e le morti potrebbero derivare dai vaccini cui
vennero sottoposti i nostri soldati per salvaguardarli dalle armi
chimiche di... MILOSEVIC. Pochi giorni dopo sulla prima pagina del
"Corriere della Sera" veniva presentato come un "segreto impenetrabile",
ben piu' arcano e preoccupante di quello dell'uranio impoverito,
l'eventuale dispersione nell'ambiente da parte della NATO dell'arsenale
chimico di... MILOSEVIC.
Sono venti mesi che aspettiamo che questi due giornali scrivano almeno
una riga di semplice cronaca della guerra chimica effettivamente
attuata, quella della NATO contro gli abitanti di Pancevo nelle notti
dell'aprile del 1999.
Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"
Sito WEB :
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")
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Gratis sotto
"La Repubblica" del 2 gennaio riportava dichiarazioni di ambienti vicini
al ministro Mattarella, secondo cui il problema dell'uranio impoverito
sarebbe una bufala e le morti potrebbero derivare dai vaccini cui
vennero sottoposti i nostri soldati per salvaguardarli dalle armi
chimiche di... MILOSEVIC. Pochi giorni dopo sulla prima pagina del
"Corriere della Sera" veniva presentato come un "segreto impenetrabile",
ben piu' arcano e preoccupante di quello dell'uranio impoverito,
l'eventuale dispersione nell'ambiente da parte della NATO dell'arsenale
chimico di... MILOSEVIC.
Sono venti mesi che aspettiamo che questi due giornali scrivano almeno
una riga di semplice cronaca della guerra chimica effettivamente
attuata, quella della NATO contro gli abitanti di Pancevo nelle notti
dell'aprile del 1999.
Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"
Sito WEB :
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")
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una mailing list personale, ...?
Gratis sotto
Otto anni dopo il riconoscimento ufficiale della secessione dalla RFSJ,
la corsa della Slovenia verso l'integrazione nella UE e nella NATO -
attraverso la violazione dei diritti umani sul proprio territorio e la
partecipazione all'occupazione coloniale della KFOR in Kosovo e
Ex Yugoslav Nation in KFOR
Text: Captain Monika Blikås - Photo: Sgt. Ömer Cankaya
They were the first nation to break out of the former Yugoslav
and after 10 days of war against the Yugoslav Army they
achieved their
independence. Now 10 years later, they contribute one
of the smallest yet
very important contingents to NATO's peacekeeping force
in Kosovo.
Three Slovenian Majors constitute the Slovenian
contingent at the multinational
KFOR Headquarters Main in Pristina. The same number of
Slovenian officers are
working in KFOR Rear in Skopje in the Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia
Working in three different branches, the peacekeeping
officers in Kosovo provide
a valuable contribution through their knowledge of the
Serb language and culture
in addition to their professional skills.
"We are very happy to be here, for many reasons. The
great experiences we
receive, and the stability in this area will be good
for our country. I believe that the
development of Slovenia will be faster and better if
that can be achieved here
too," explained Major Ante Grgantov, the Slovenian
Contingent's Senior National
In NATO's waiting room
In 1993 Slovenia applied for a membership in the North
Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO), and in 1996 the first step towards
this goal was achieved
through a membership into the organization, Partnership
for Peace (PFP).
"We hope that the experience we receive from working
here at NATO
Headquarters will provide us valuable skills and act as
a good reference for us in
obtaining our NATO membership. This will be very
important for our
independence and the possibility to defend ourselves,
since we have a very small
country with only 2 million inhabitants," Major Ante
Grgantov continued.
Major Grgantov is working as a real estate officer in
the Joint Logistic
Coordination Center (JLCC); a new branch in KFOR that
deals with claims based
on KFOR confiscated properties. He gives guidance and
assistance to the
different Multi National Brigades (MNB's) in KFOR
concerning real estate and
environmental issues; he also helps them to avoid
unlawful claims and economic
compensations in the future.
Important counseling
Another one of the Slovenian officers is working as a
Press Information Officer in
the Media Analysis section. Every morning they monitor
and analyze local and
Serb media, as well as international media, such as the
BBC, CNN and Reuters.
"Our job is to monitor and comment on what the media is
writing about KFOR,
and to pass this information on to COMKFOR Lt. Gen.
Carlo Cabigiosu and his
staff. Everyday we brief the KFOR Headquarters Main and
the Supreme
Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE)," explains
Major Miro
The third Slovenian officer is monitoring and
controlling the Military Technical
Agreement (MTA) in the ground safety zone between
Kosovo and Serbia, and is
in daily contact with the Yugoslav authorities to
discuss this sensitive issue. His
knowledge about the Serb language is very important in
his job.
"We receive requests from the Yugoslav side for escorts
for humanitarian
convoys that crosses the boundary into Kosovo. The
convoys provide
humanitarian aid to the Serb population living in this
province. I am also the point
of contact for the Yugoslav committee for cooperation
with UNMIK (United
Nations Mission In Kosovo)," said Major Franko Kukanja.
Increase effort
The small Slovenian KFOR contingent make a
recommendation to their nation to
increase the contingent, taken into consideration the
great experience and the
valuable effort that is attached to their involvement.
"I am proud to be a Slovenian in my heart. Now I am
here as a KFOR member,
which also makes me proud. I work to be a good
representative for my country,"
concluded Major Miro Spacapan on behalf of the group.
Von: Tina Purnat <Tina.Purnat@...>
An: Tina Purnat <Tina.Purnat@...>;
Datum: Freitag, 29. Dezember 2000 04:45
Betreff: Slovenia, EU, and illegal immigrants
Hi all,
I was asked to forward this piece of information about the
behavior of the Slovenian police and the official policies against
illegal immigrants in Slovenia.
Looks liek Slovenia is on a good road to accepting all of the
dictated by the EU accession teams.
During the night between 18th and 19th December, an Iranian
citizen was
shot in the head by a member of Slovene special police forces. The
unidentified Iranian citizen who was killed by the Slovene police
attempting to cross the border between Slovenia and Croatia is one
of many
immigrants that try to reach Western Europe, where they are hoping
to find a
decent life.
The Slovene media cynically described the cold-blooded murder as
unfortunate incident and was used as a proof that the lives of
policemen are in danger because of the illegal crossing of the
state border.
The Slovenian politicians or the media voiced no regret or
compassion with
the murdered immigrant.
Before this shameful event, a group of concerned citizens already
and tried to publish a public letter in which they warned the
representatives of the Republic of Slovenia that the way the state
with the problem of immigration was gravely inappropriate and would
inevitably lead to disaster. Namely, the problem of migration in
Slovenia is
treated as a problem of public peace and order and as a problem of
security. The entire issue, which is of humanitarian, social and
nature, is therefore left for the police to handle. The field of
regulation in Slovenia is interpreted by the police and the media
the "heroic struggle" of the Slovene police against illegal
immigrants at
the Slovene borders and recounting their big sacrifices in their
against the waves of immigrants who are carriers of exotic epidemic
diseases. Through such treatment of migration and immigrants who
presented as criminals and as a plague that is going to infect
Slovenes, the
whole problematic has been shed of any human dimension.
The Slovene state and its administration is dealing with the
problematic of
migrations with the administrative and legal measures that have
only one
goal: to reduce the number of border crossing and to aggravate the
possibility for immigrants to receive asylum or to continue their
way to the
Western European countries. State representatives are talking about
misuse of the right for asylum and about the misuse of the right of
circulation by the foreign citizens. The media explains that
misuse their ntitled human rights. In this context they accepted
the changes
in the law on asylum, which denies the asylum seekers the freedom
movement. All those that are going to be in the procedure to obtain
in Slovenia will be confined. One should know that Slovenia is an
xenophobic state. Only this year more than eleven thousand people
asked for
asylum, but less then 10 people obtained the asylum since
existence as a recognized state. Through such a discourse by state
representatives, namely that asylum seekers are misusing their
right for
asylum and so on, they are creating the climate of distrust and
hatred in
the Slovene population against immigrants.
We also have to mention the shameful role of the European Union in
story. European Union has assigned to Republic of Slovenia the role
of the
sanitary cordon, which is going to stop the unwanted immigrations
to the EU
We, the people who live in the Republic of Slovenia, understand
mistreatment of human beings which culminated in the cold-blooded
murder as
an attack on the very foundations of peaceful coexistence in
Slovenia. We
deem the institutions of Republic of Slovenia as illegitimate until
representatives of the state fulfil the following demands:
1. Suspension of all responsible for the abominable crime at the
from the head director of the Slovene police to the immediate
superior to
the policeman who pulled the trigger. The latter has to answer for
his crime
and must be convicted according to the law of the Republic of
2. The Slovene state must reconsider and entirely change its
pertaining to migration. Migrations are the necessary consequence
globalisation and must be treated as other positive consequences of
globalisation. We demand from the state that it opens our borders,
so that
the Republic of Slovenia finally begins to respect the basic human
such as freedom of movement and the right to a decent life. In the
field of
migration we demand from the state that it begins to fulfil social
instead of a repressive one.
3. We demand from the Republic of Slovenia to bring up the
question of
migration/immigration in the European Union in the mentioned
anner. At the
same time we demand from the state not to be anymore submissive to
European Union's ultimatums and blackmailing regarding the
migration/immigration policies.
We hereby issue an appeal to all those individuals, groups,
and organisations that sees every man and woman as a unique and
individual and not as a factor of production, to help us in putting
pressure on the Republic of Slovenia, so that it will fulfill all
of our
demands and there will again be a potential for further peaceful
More info: andrej.kurnik@...
Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"
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opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
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Otto anni dopo il riconoscimento ufficiale della secessione dalla RFSJ,
la corsa della Slovenia verso l'integrazione nella UE e nella NATO -
attraverso la violazione dei diritti umani sul proprio territorio e la
partecipazione all'occupazione coloniale della KFOR in Kosovo e
Ex Yugoslav Nation in KFOR
Text: Captain Monika Blikås - Photo: Sgt. Ömer Cankaya
They were the first nation to break out of the former Yugoslav
and after 10 days of war against the Yugoslav Army they
achieved their
independence. Now 10 years later, they contribute one
of the smallest yet
very important contingents to NATO's peacekeeping force
in Kosovo.
Three Slovenian Majors constitute the Slovenian
contingent at the multinational
KFOR Headquarters Main in Pristina. The same number of
Slovenian officers are
working in KFOR Rear in Skopje in the Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia
Working in three different branches, the peacekeeping
officers in Kosovo provide
a valuable contribution through their knowledge of the
Serb language and culture
in addition to their professional skills.
"We are very happy to be here, for many reasons. The
great experiences we
receive, and the stability in this area will be good
for our country. I believe that the
development of Slovenia will be faster and better if
that can be achieved here
too," explained Major Ante Grgantov, the Slovenian
Contingent's Senior National
In NATO's waiting room
In 1993 Slovenia applied for a membership in the North
Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO), and in 1996 the first step towards
this goal was achieved
through a membership into the organization, Partnership
for Peace (PFP).
"We hope that the experience we receive from working
here at NATO
Headquarters will provide us valuable skills and act as
a good reference for us in
obtaining our NATO membership. This will be very
important for our
independence and the possibility to defend ourselves,
since we have a very small
country with only 2 million inhabitants," Major Ante
Grgantov continued.
Major Grgantov is working as a real estate officer in
the Joint Logistic
Coordination Center (JLCC); a new branch in KFOR that
deals with claims based
on KFOR confiscated properties. He gives guidance and
assistance to the
different Multi National Brigades (MNB's) in KFOR
concerning real estate and
environmental issues; he also helps them to avoid
unlawful claims and economic
compensations in the future.
Important counseling
Another one of the Slovenian officers is working as a
Press Information Officer in
the Media Analysis section. Every morning they monitor
and analyze local and
Serb media, as well as international media, such as the
BBC, CNN and Reuters.
"Our job is to monitor and comment on what the media is
writing about KFOR,
and to pass this information on to COMKFOR Lt. Gen.
Carlo Cabigiosu and his
staff. Everyday we brief the KFOR Headquarters Main and
the Supreme
Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE)," explains
Major Miro
The third Slovenian officer is monitoring and
controlling the Military Technical
Agreement (MTA) in the ground safety zone between
Kosovo and Serbia, and is
in daily contact with the Yugoslav authorities to
discuss this sensitive issue. His
knowledge about the Serb language is very important in
his job.
"We receive requests from the Yugoslav side for escorts
for humanitarian
convoys that crosses the boundary into Kosovo. The
convoys provide
humanitarian aid to the Serb population living in this
province. I am also the point
of contact for the Yugoslav committee for cooperation
with UNMIK (United
Nations Mission In Kosovo)," said Major Franko Kukanja.
Increase effort
The small Slovenian KFOR contingent make a
recommendation to their nation to
increase the contingent, taken into consideration the
great experience and the
valuable effort that is attached to their involvement.
"I am proud to be a Slovenian in my heart. Now I am
here as a KFOR member,
which also makes me proud. I work to be a good
representative for my country,"
concluded Major Miro Spacapan on behalf of the group.
Von: Tina Purnat <Tina.Purnat@...>
An: Tina Purnat <Tina.Purnat@...>;
Datum: Freitag, 29. Dezember 2000 04:45
Betreff: Slovenia, EU, and illegal immigrants
Hi all,
I was asked to forward this piece of information about the
behavior of the Slovenian police and the official policies against
illegal immigrants in Slovenia.
Looks liek Slovenia is on a good road to accepting all of the
dictated by the EU accession teams.
During the night between 18th and 19th December, an Iranian
citizen was
shot in the head by a member of Slovene special police forces. The
unidentified Iranian citizen who was killed by the Slovene police
attempting to cross the border between Slovenia and Croatia is one
of many
immigrants that try to reach Western Europe, where they are hoping
to find a
decent life.
The Slovene media cynically described the cold-blooded murder as
unfortunate incident and was used as a proof that the lives of
policemen are in danger because of the illegal crossing of the
state border.
The Slovenian politicians or the media voiced no regret or
compassion with
the murdered immigrant.
Before this shameful event, a group of concerned citizens already
and tried to publish a public letter in which they warned the
representatives of the Republic of Slovenia that the way the state
with the problem of immigration was gravely inappropriate and would
inevitably lead to disaster. Namely, the problem of migration in
Slovenia is
treated as a problem of public peace and order and as a problem of
security. The entire issue, which is of humanitarian, social and
nature, is therefore left for the police to handle. The field of
regulation in Slovenia is interpreted by the police and the media
the "heroic struggle" of the Slovene police against illegal
immigrants at
the Slovene borders and recounting their big sacrifices in their
against the waves of immigrants who are carriers of exotic epidemic
diseases. Through such treatment of migration and immigrants who
presented as criminals and as a plague that is going to infect
Slovenes, the
whole problematic has been shed of any human dimension.
The Slovene state and its administration is dealing with the
problematic of
migrations with the administrative and legal measures that have
only one
goal: to reduce the number of border crossing and to aggravate the
possibility for immigrants to receive asylum or to continue their
way to the
Western European countries. State representatives are talking about
misuse of the right for asylum and about the misuse of the right of
circulation by the foreign citizens. The media explains that
misuse their ntitled human rights. In this context they accepted
the changes
in the law on asylum, which denies the asylum seekers the freedom
movement. All those that are going to be in the procedure to obtain
in Slovenia will be confined. One should know that Slovenia is an
xenophobic state. Only this year more than eleven thousand people
asked for
asylum, but less then 10 people obtained the asylum since
existence as a recognized state. Through such a discourse by state
representatives, namely that asylum seekers are misusing their
right for
asylum and so on, they are creating the climate of distrust and
hatred in
the Slovene population against immigrants.
We also have to mention the shameful role of the European Union in
story. European Union has assigned to Republic of Slovenia the role
of the
sanitary cordon, which is going to stop the unwanted immigrations
to the EU
We, the people who live in the Republic of Slovenia, understand
mistreatment of human beings which culminated in the cold-blooded
murder as
an attack on the very foundations of peaceful coexistence in
Slovenia. We
deem the institutions of Republic of Slovenia as illegitimate until
representatives of the state fulfil the following demands:
1. Suspension of all responsible for the abominable crime at the
from the head director of the Slovene police to the immediate
superior to
the policeman who pulled the trigger. The latter has to answer for
his crime
and must be convicted according to the law of the Republic of
2. The Slovene state must reconsider and entirely change its
pertaining to migration. Migrations are the necessary consequence
globalisation and must be treated as other positive consequences of
globalisation. We demand from the state that it opens our borders,
so that
the Republic of Slovenia finally begins to respect the basic human
such as freedom of movement and the right to a decent life. In the
field of
migration we demand from the state that it begins to fulfil social
instead of a repressive one.
3. We demand from the Republic of Slovenia to bring up the
question of
migration/immigration in the European Union in the mentioned
anner. At the
same time we demand from the state not to be anymore submissive to
European Union's ultimatums and blackmailing regarding the
migration/immigration policies.
We hereby issue an appeal to all those individuals, groups,
and organisations that sees every man and woman as a unique and
individual and not as a factor of production, to help us in putting
pressure on the Republic of Slovenia, so that it will fulfill all
of our
demands and there will again be a potential for further peaceful
More info: andrej.kurnik@...
Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"
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opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
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Dear friends,
This is a short comment (4400 signs) about the elections in Serbia, with
a very short link to Bush son of a
If you have the possibility to translate it, that would be very useful,
please let me know.
Your comments and critics are very welcome too.
Many thanks anyway!
-- Michel Collon
Et maintenant, chers électeurs,
on va vous licencier!
Enquête sur les élections en Serbie
Comment expliquer la défaite de Milosevic? Le nouveau premier
ministre Djindjic fermera-t-il beaucoup dusines? Et Bush
changera-t-il la politique US? Nous avons pris la température
à Belgrade et Washington
Ex-opposition DOS: 64%. SPS de Milosevic: 13%. Et 13% pour
deux partis anti-Otan de droite. Washington, le FMI et lOtan
ont à nouveau sablé le champagne. Explication sur place
Pour Andrej, les élections ont été faussées, dès septembre,
par les menaces de nouveaux bombardements ou dune invasion du
Monténégro par lOtan. Et par les cent millions de dollars
des Etats-Unis finançant une campagne de propagande très
efficace pour criminaliser Milosevic aux yeux des Serbes. De
plus, les principaux médias ont été étroitement contrôlés.
Gordana approuve: "Les gens savaient que le SPS était plus
social que DOS mais aussi que lOuest continuerait à les
étrangler tant que Milosevic resterait au pouvoir. Quatre
guerres, lisolement, la démonisation, lembargo: la politique
serbe nest faite ni dans la rue, ni au parlement, mais à
létranger." "Cependant, ajoute Tanja, le SPS limite les
dégâts vu les circonstances et deux scissions qui lont
Bata opposé à lOtan, se résigne: "La Serbie fait partie de
lEurope et doit reconnaître le mode de vie de la majorité."
Selon Natasa, favorable à DOS, "la mauvaise situation
économique explique que la majorité de ses supporters aient
tourné le dos à Milosevic. Les gens ont vu trop de corruption,
et les nouveaux riches diriger le pays. Ils ont été
dégoûtés." Que Milosevic nait exprimé aucune autocritique sur
la fortune bien rapide de son propre fils ou dautres
dignitaires, na pas augmenté sa crédibilité.
Demain, on rase gratis?
Mais le principal, cest quon croit toujours aux promesses
annonçant un flot daides et dinvestissements de lOuest.
Comme en Europe de lEst en 1990, laquelle attend toujours
En Yougoslavie aussi, le réveil sera douloureux. Les aides
prévues par le Pacte de stabilité allemand pour les Balkans
sont en réalité des prêts remboursables. Qui permettront
surtout aux multinationales dempocher les bénéfices de la
reconstruction et de rafler pour pas cher les meilleurs
morceaux de léconomie.
Le programme de lex-opposition prévoyait une "thérapie de
choc": dès les premiers jours, privatisations massives et
énormes hausses de prix. Par exemple, 90% des ouvriers de
lusine automobile Zastava seront sûrement remerciés, pour
la plus grande joie du racheteur Peugeot. Quant aux actuelles
pénuries délectricité, leur but serait de faire paniquer
lopinion avant dimposer une privatisation et des hausses
Mais, à présent, le futur premier ministre Djindjic annonce
que la privatisation pourrait prendre deux ans. Il sait
quelle rencontre lopposition de la majorité de la
population. Et déjà des manifestations ont eu lieu contre les
coupures délectricité.
Bref, laffaire ne fait que commencer. Chacun sait que la
coalition au pouvoir éclatera et que Djindjic sefforcera de
réduire son allié Kostunica à un président-chrysanthèmes,
voire carrément à un Gorbatchev mis au placard. Dautant que
lUCK séparatiste va continuer ses provocations au Kosovo et
en Serbie alors que Kostunica a aussi été choisi par des
électeurs reprochant à Milosevic davoir cédé face à lOtan
et donc Kostunica aura un problème envers son opinion.
Bush différent?
Le peuple serbe a tant détesté son bourreau Madeleine Albright
(ministre US des Affaires étrangères) que certains croient, ou
veulent croire, quavec Bush, les Etats-Unis seront moins
agressifs. Dailleurs, il a promis de retirer ses troupes des
La politique US changera-t-elle? Non. 1. Bush et Gore étaient
deux candidats blanc bonnet et bonnet blanc des
multinationales. 2. Les républicains ont toujours eu une
étiquette plus isolationniste, cela na pas empêché Nixon
dagresser le Vietnam, Reagan Grenade et Panama, Bush père
lIrak. 3. Réduire le nombre de soldats US et faire payer les
Européens lui permettrait dattaquer dautres pays, mais
jamais il ne lâchera lénorme base Camp Bondsteel construite
au Kosovo. Elle est stratégique.
Dans quelques jours, une analyse développée de la politique
européenne et balkanique de Bush par Michel Collon sur: www.
Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"
Sito WEB :
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")
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Il meglio di eCircle!!!
This is a short comment (4400 signs) about the elections in Serbia, with
a very short link to Bush son of a
If you have the possibility to translate it, that would be very useful,
please let me know.
Your comments and critics are very welcome too.
Many thanks anyway!
-- Michel Collon
Et maintenant, chers électeurs,
on va vous licencier!
Enquête sur les élections en Serbie
Comment expliquer la défaite de Milosevic? Le nouveau premier
ministre Djindjic fermera-t-il beaucoup dusines? Et Bush
changera-t-il la politique US? Nous avons pris la température
à Belgrade et Washington
Ex-opposition DOS: 64%. SPS de Milosevic: 13%. Et 13% pour
deux partis anti-Otan de droite. Washington, le FMI et lOtan
ont à nouveau sablé le champagne. Explication sur place
Pour Andrej, les élections ont été faussées, dès septembre,
par les menaces de nouveaux bombardements ou dune invasion du
Monténégro par lOtan. Et par les cent millions de dollars
des Etats-Unis finançant une campagne de propagande très
efficace pour criminaliser Milosevic aux yeux des Serbes. De
plus, les principaux médias ont été étroitement contrôlés.
Gordana approuve: "Les gens savaient que le SPS était plus
social que DOS mais aussi que lOuest continuerait à les
étrangler tant que Milosevic resterait au pouvoir. Quatre
guerres, lisolement, la démonisation, lembargo: la politique
serbe nest faite ni dans la rue, ni au parlement, mais à
létranger." "Cependant, ajoute Tanja, le SPS limite les
dégâts vu les circonstances et deux scissions qui lont
Bata opposé à lOtan, se résigne: "La Serbie fait partie de
lEurope et doit reconnaître le mode de vie de la majorité."
Selon Natasa, favorable à DOS, "la mauvaise situation
économique explique que la majorité de ses supporters aient
tourné le dos à Milosevic. Les gens ont vu trop de corruption,
et les nouveaux riches diriger le pays. Ils ont été
dégoûtés." Que Milosevic nait exprimé aucune autocritique sur
la fortune bien rapide de son propre fils ou dautres
dignitaires, na pas augmenté sa crédibilité.
Demain, on rase gratis?
Mais le principal, cest quon croit toujours aux promesses
annonçant un flot daides et dinvestissements de lOuest.
Comme en Europe de lEst en 1990, laquelle attend toujours
En Yougoslavie aussi, le réveil sera douloureux. Les aides
prévues par le Pacte de stabilité allemand pour les Balkans
sont en réalité des prêts remboursables. Qui permettront
surtout aux multinationales dempocher les bénéfices de la
reconstruction et de rafler pour pas cher les meilleurs
morceaux de léconomie.
Le programme de lex-opposition prévoyait une "thérapie de
choc": dès les premiers jours, privatisations massives et
énormes hausses de prix. Par exemple, 90% des ouvriers de
lusine automobile Zastava seront sûrement remerciés, pour
la plus grande joie du racheteur Peugeot. Quant aux actuelles
pénuries délectricité, leur but serait de faire paniquer
lopinion avant dimposer une privatisation et des hausses
Mais, à présent, le futur premier ministre Djindjic annonce
que la privatisation pourrait prendre deux ans. Il sait
quelle rencontre lopposition de la majorité de la
population. Et déjà des manifestations ont eu lieu contre les
coupures délectricité.
Bref, laffaire ne fait que commencer. Chacun sait que la
coalition au pouvoir éclatera et que Djindjic sefforcera de
réduire son allié Kostunica à un président-chrysanthèmes,
voire carrément à un Gorbatchev mis au placard. Dautant que
lUCK séparatiste va continuer ses provocations au Kosovo et
en Serbie alors que Kostunica a aussi été choisi par des
électeurs reprochant à Milosevic davoir cédé face à lOtan
et donc Kostunica aura un problème envers son opinion.
Bush différent?
Le peuple serbe a tant détesté son bourreau Madeleine Albright
(ministre US des Affaires étrangères) que certains croient, ou
veulent croire, quavec Bush, les Etats-Unis seront moins
agressifs. Dailleurs, il a promis de retirer ses troupes des
La politique US changera-t-elle? Non. 1. Bush et Gore étaient
deux candidats blanc bonnet et bonnet blanc des
multinationales. 2. Les républicains ont toujours eu une
étiquette plus isolationniste, cela na pas empêché Nixon
dagresser le Vietnam, Reagan Grenade et Panama, Bush père
lIrak. 3. Réduire le nombre de soldats US et faire payer les
Européens lui permettrait dattaquer dautres pays, mais
jamais il ne lâchera lénorme base Camp Bondsteel construite
au Kosovo. Elle est stratégique.
Dans quelques jours, une analyse développée de la politique
européenne et balkanique de Bush par Michel Collon sur: www.
Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"
Sito WEB :
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")
Archivio di JUGOINFO:
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
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Contributi e segnalazioni: <jugocoord@...>
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Le liste + calde!!
Il meglio di eCircle!!!