

SERBIA: Dalla strategia della tensione alla repressione politica

Ci giunge oggi notizia che in Serbia ormai incominciati gli arresti
indiscriminati degli esponenti dei partiti della sinistra.

In questo messaggio trovate le notizie che ci sono arrivate - in
lingua inglese: si pregano i compagni piu' sensibili di aiutarci
nelle traduzioni.

Dopo l'omicidio del primo ministro Djindjic da parte di cecchini si
e' scatenata in Serbia una caccia alle streghe dagli scopi meramente
politici. L'omicidio - del quale sono logicamente responsabili quegli
stessi settori criminali filoamericani ai quali Djindjic era legato -
aveva evidentemente proprio questo scopo: consentire una stretta
repressiva feroce, impedire l'espressione del dissenso politico e
sociale, silenziare ogni opposizione, attaccare frontalmente persino
quei settori (ad es. vicini a Kostunica) che pur da posizioni
conservatrici e filooccidentali avevano comunque contestato le
politiche antipopolari e filo-NATO di Djindjic e dei suoi successori.
L'instaurazione dello stato di emergenza e' dunque in continuita' con
il golpe filooccidentale del 5 ottobre 2000, quando il secondo turno
delle elezioni presidenziali fu impedito dalle pressioni
internazionali e dallo scatenarsi della violenza squadrista
delle "magliette nere" di Otpor ed affini.

Il clima che si respira dunque oggi in Serbia e' veramente un clima
di guerra, del tutto consono allo "stato di emergenza globale" nel
quale l'imperialismo sta precipitando l'intero pianeta. Guerra e
fascismo: questi gli strumenti prediletti dall'imperialismo nei suoi
momenti di crisi. In Serbia oggi c'e' la dittatura. Questa dittatura
e' stata possibile anche grazie al ruolo infame giocato da
commentatori e politici della "sinistra" occidentale, che mentre
piangono lacrime ipocrite sulla carneficina attuata dagli USA in Iraq
continuano a farsi portatori di tutta la propaganda menzognera usata
dai guerrafondai.

Oggi in Serbia c'e' in fascismo.


(I. Slavo)


Since the police has been kept my computer and has not returned it
yet (although they promissed to do that today) I am unable to restore
my mailing list. Therefore, please distribute the attached message as
wide as you can.
Vladimir Krsljanin



Yesterday and today, several members of SLOBODA, SPS and YUL have
been arrested. For some of them, home apartments and offices have
been searched by the police. At least three of them have been kept in
detention. After SLOBODA reacted today with the statement bellow and
with a press conference, and some electronic media started quoting
our position, the regime ordered all such reports to be stopped.
Than, this evening, the police appeared with its statements,
announcing that "Mira Markovic is in Russia" and informing that some
comrades have been kept in detention. They gave no real explanation.
In the case of Bogoljub Bjelica, chairman of SLOBODA they
said "Continuing the investigation of the hardest crimes and
collecting the evidence in order to arrest orderers, inspirers and
assistants, the police arrested for questioning and kept in detention
Bogoljub Bjelica, one of the closest associates of the former
President of FRY Slobodan Milosevic". In the case of Uros Suvakovic
and Goran Matic, the police stated that they've been kept "as closest
political associates of Mira Markovic" due to suspicion that they
are "in possession of information that can help the investigation" of
the case of Ivan Stambolic, since, according to the statement of the
police, Mira Markovic "is suspected to be involved in this murder".

So, we know that Belgrade US/NATO/Hague executioners keep illegally
and with no ground nor charges:

Bogoljub Bjelica, President of SLOBODA/Freedom Association – Yugoslav
Committee for the Defense of Slobodan Milosevic, Chairman of the
Organizational-Political Committee of the President of SPS, former
Deputy Federal Minister of Defense;

Uros Suvakovic, Member of the Board of SLOBODA/Freedom Association –
Yugoslav Committee for the Defense of Slobodan Milosevic, Main Editor
of the Theoretical Journal of SPS "SMISAO", former Assistant of the
General Secretary of SPS;

Goran Matic, Vice-President of YUL, until recently Federal MP, former
Federal Minister of Information.

STATEMENT OF SLOBODA/Freedom Association

The fiasco of the co-called trial in The Hague caused panic inside
the "tribunal", in the regime here, as its Belgrade office, and among
their common masters. Except the desperate attempt to threaten the
life and health of President Milosevic, forces of aggression against
our freedom and our people have not found any mean to confront his
magnificent struggle for the truth, which inspires and mobilizes the
forces of peace and freedom at home and abroad.

The attempt to use the state of emergency in Serbia, imposed in an
illegal way by the illegitimate regime, for an attack to President
Milosevic, his family and associates, speaks itself for their
stupidity and weakness.

It is against the common reason and cynical, and even from a moral
and logical point of view unacceptable, to try to link individuals
and groups, proclaimed earlier by the regime as "heroes of the 5th of
October revolution", who took part in downing and arrest of President
Milosevic, with him and with members of his family.

The official statements sent to the media prove that we are dealing
with a totally illegal behavior, lynch and lack of the rule of law.
One of the examples is that it is declared that the wife of President
Milosevic is in escape, although it is absolutely clear that there is
nothing she should run away from and that as a free citizen she has
the right to move and travel freely.

The regime that has lost every hope that it can survive free
elections tries to prolong its days, which are already counted, by
the misuse of the media and by the suppression of the citizen's
rights and freedoms.

This is also an attack on political opponents, free expression of
political opinions and fundamental, internationally guaranteed human
rights and freedoms.

We demand from the police the immediate release of the President of
SLOBODA/FREEDOM Association, Mr. Bogoljub Bjelica, and to stop the
persecution and misuse of the media against the members of the family
of President Milosevic, arbitrary arrests of the members of our
association and other individuals who did not violate any law.

We call upon all democratic political subjects, all domestic and
international organizations for the protection of human rights, and
all progressive forces and honest individuals to react in the
strongest possible way against such a practice of the Belgrade regime.

Send your appeals to the embassies, diplomatic missions and
consulates of Serbia and Montenegro in your respected countries. Act

SLOBODA/FREEDOM Association, Belgrade, March 29, 2003




(Front one: Yugoslavia; Front two: Afghanistan; Front three:
Israel/Palestine; Front four: Iraq; Front five, six, seven…)


1. Today, in absence of the ill President Milosevic, the ICTY was
discussing how to further punish him. The options were to examine
witnesses without his presence and to discuss his medical condition
in his absence on the basis of the opinion of a medical expert
proposed by Prosecution (!?) who never examined the President.

Trial chamber so far made no decision.

All this was discussed after it was stated that President Milosevic
refuses to receive the medications, what makes him responsible for
his medical condition.

This was a total lie.

President Milosevic was never refusing to take the medication, even
after he was only last Sunday warned about its side effects.

But this morning the medication (Labetalol) was changed for the one
he was taking for years until several months ago (Metaprolol).

All this is no surprise, since everything in ICTY is based on lies.

2. So, the summary would be the following:

· President Milosevic with malignant hypertension and secondary
heart damages was abducted and taken to The Hague;

· Horrible prison conditions (no fresh air!) and workload of
the trial (examination of the 10 years of history of NATO Balkans
nightmare) that can be compared with no other defendant in history
have produced deterioration of his condition;

· Since with extremely high blood pressure he can not attend
the trial, they have tried to down the blood pressure with stronger
and improper medications that often produce side effects;

· These medications by its side effects disable him to attend
the trial.

· That is called a deadlock. And what is response of the ICTY?
Lies and punishment!

3. President of ICTY and some Western governments try all the time to
assure appealing citizens, MPs, organizations that President
Milosevic receives medical treatment of highest level and standards.
How can they say it again?

4. Why they try to silence President Milosevic?

Why they impose dictatorship in Yugoslavia?

Because Yugoslavia was a laboratory of a planed perpetual World
crisis from which the Empire would take benefit and rule. And because
Yugoslavia and Serbian people have a speaker higher than all the
Empire administrators put together. A person who is a witness of
their crimes and who is able to expose them. To expose the darkest
and the most anti-human project ever: to create national and
religious hatred, terrorism, all kinds of extremism and then to use
them as a pretext for gargantuan mass murder and mass destruction in
order to grab the whole World wealth and to live on blood and sweat
of the mankind. To warn the World and to become a leader of anti-
globalist, anti-fascist and anti-colonial resistance. His name is
Slobodan Milosevic.


Belgrade, March 26, 2003

SLOBODA/Freedom Association


Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 23:32:23 -0500
From: "Christopher Black"

European Foundation Intelligence Digest

Issue No. 163 20th March 2003


State of emergency bites deep in Serbia

Under cover of the war on Iraq, the government of Serbia has declared
a draconian state of emergency following the assassination of the
prime minister, Zoran Djindji*. Hundreds of people have been arrested;
the house of at least one suspect has been bulldozed down; and several
national newspapers and TV stations have been closed down. They
include the national daily "Nacional", which was shut down on 18th
March. The distribution of the Montenegrin daily "Dan" was also
prohibited in Serbia. A warning was issued to the national daily
"Vecernije List".
On 17th March, the government closed down the TV station Mars, based
in Valjevo, and halted publication of the weekly newspaper
"Identitet". These measures follow the promulgation of an emergency
decree on the media, which states that all media must carry only
official releases authored by the government. The decree states: "The
Decree on special measures during the state of emergency became
effective on March 12, 2003... The priority during the state of
emergency is the unobstructed work of the competent state bodies aimed
at removing the reason why the state of emergency was introduced to
begin with. The media and all means of imparting information have a
special role, as their work is directed to the public. With that in
mind, we are warning all public media that, under Item 9 of the Decree
concerning the prohibition of broadcasting, they are obligated to
carry only the official releases of the competent state bodies... Item
8 of the same Decree prohibits political, unionist or any other type
of action aimed at obstructing or preventing the work of the state of
emergency, and the conveying of information on such actions, by means
of publishing releases, commentary or statements shall be in violation
of the Decree. The Ministry of Culture and Broadcasting will, in
cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior, undertake the
appropriate measures against media which fail to observe the above
mentioned provisions of the decree..." The prospect has also been
raised that political parties might now be banned as well, although
the government has stated that this will be done by the constitutional
court and not by government decree.
[Beta News Agency, 18th March 2003]

The main suspect in the assassination, Milorad Lukovi*, born Umenek
and known as "Legija", was the man who helped Djindji* to seize power
in the first place. The two men met secretly on 4th October 2001, and
Legija's support was crucial to the success of the events of 5th
October 2001 which overthrew Slobodan Milosevi*. Legija then also
commanded the troops which arrested the former Yugoslav president in
April 2002. The Serbian deputy prime minister Zarko Korac has also
admitted that Legija's men "occasionally assisted the state in the
clashes in the Bujanovac and Presevo areas (of Southern Serbia) and
had contacts with the police."
[Beta News Agency, 14th March 2003]

From: Petokraka78@...
Fwd: URGENT: Censorship imposed on Yugoslav media!
Inviato: 25/03/2003 10:56

[The banning of DAN in particular is tragic, as it was one of the best
left-wing mass-circulation papers in the Balkans. It routinely
reprinted articles by leading leftist intelectuals in the region and
in the world and had a feature series each week on the history of the
Communist Party in the Balkans and the anti-fascist resistance during
WWII. It is a tragedy that the only independent voice in Montenegro
has been stiffled by the unpopular DOS regime. Reports from the region
claim that over 1,000 people have been detained without any trial by
state authorities who have declared Martial Law. During this period
all demonstrations have been banned, and the Minister of the Interior
has threatened to "liquidate" anyone resisting arrest.]

BELGRADE, March 19 (Beta) - Serbian Minister of Culture and
Information Branislav Lecic said on March 19 that the Belgrade daily
Nacional was temporarily banned because it violated the order on
information during the state of emergency and suspicion that the
associates or founders of the daily "were linked to the Zemun criminal
"There are times in a country when the media should show solidarity
with and loyalty to the state. This is a moment when certain freedoms
are suspended until the situation in the country is settled. Just
remember what the situation was like in the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001,
after the terrorist attacks in New York," Lecic said.
The Serbian Ministry of Culture and Information on March 18 banned the
work of the Belgrade daily Nacional and distribution of the Podgorica
daily Dan in Serbia, based on the order on the state of emergency. The
Belgrade magazine Identitet and Valjevo TV station Mars were banned on
March 17.
All opposition parties in Montenegro condemned the decision to ban
the distribution of the Podgorica daily Dan in Serbia. Most describe
the ban as "an abuse of the state of emergency."



BRUSSELS, March 19 (Tanjug) - EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana
late on Tuesday offered full support to Serbian Premier Zoran
Zivkovic, and congratulated him on the appointment. The tragic murder
of premier Zoran Djindjic last Wednesday left us without a dear
friend, and Serbia without champion of the European integration,
Solana said in his letter to Zivkovic.
The new Serbian government is completely right in its orientation that
the memory of Zoran Djindjic be preserved by a strong process of
reforms he had initiated, Solana said in the letter.

WASHINGTON, March 19 (Tanjug) - The US State Department has welcomed
the appointment of Zoran Zivkovic as new Serbian Premier, and viewed
him as resolved to continue reforms tragically deceased premier Zoran
Djindjic had initiated.
In a statement for Tanjug, a State Department spokesman pointed out
that Zivkovic had said in public that the cooperation with The Hague
tribunal would be continued.
The United States welcome the resolvement of the Serbian leadership
and people to continue the fight against organised crime and political
extremism, the spokesman said, and added that the United States
supported the new premier, Djindjic's close associate.

BELGRADE, March 19 (Beta) - On March 19, ambassadors of the NATO
Council expressed their countries' readiness to support the
authorities in Belgrade, in strengthening the democratic order and the
fight against organized crime, sources at the Alliance headquarters
said. In Brussels, NATO ambassadors assessed developments in the
Balkans, especially in Serbia and Montenegro. Sources at the NATO
headquarters said they would assess the prospects for possible
cooperation, with officials of Serbia and Montenegro.
The foreign minister of Serbia and Montenegro, Goran Svilanovic, said
in Brussels on March 18 he was certain that, with the support received
for swift admission to the Council of Europe, the now joint policy of
the U.S. and Europe towards Serbia and Montenegro should enable their
admission to the Partnership for Peace program.



Carla Del Ponte piange il suo amico Djindjic.

"Evropske Novosti", 19. marta 'o3

Carla Del Ponte objasnjava zasto nije dosla na sahranu srpskog

Carla Del Ponte spiega perché non è venuta ai funerali del premier

Ginevra. "Volevo davvero andare a Belgrado e partecipare alle esequie
del mio amico Zoran Djindjic. E alla vostra domanda se ci sono state
pressioni perché non andassi, vi posso dire si, ci sono state", ha
detto la Del Ponte, procuratrice del Tribunale dell'Aia, in risposta
alla domanda dell'inviato dell'agenzia SENSA.
"Prima mi ha fatto capire il ministro Svilanovic (Esteri) che non
sarebbe stato opportuno che venissi, poi è arrivata la conferma di
questa informazione dal Governo a Belgrado. Non ha importanza.
Ritenevo Zoran Djindjic un amico personale e sulla sua tomba andrò da
sola, la prossima volta che andrò a Belgrado" ha confermato la
Del Ponte.
Alla domanda se in questa circostanza sente anche la personale
responsabilità per le pressioni fatte sul governo della Serbia e sul
premier Djindjic, perché gli accusati vengano quanto prima condotti
all'Aia, Carla Del Ponte ha risposto che sà che le priorità del
governo di Djindjic erano le riforme e che che lui sapeva che le
riforme sono impossibili fintantoché i criminali di guerra non saranno
consegnati alla giustizia. E gli uomini di Milosevic non vogliono le
riforme e fanno ancora di tutto perché esse non si realizzino.
Rispondendo alla domanda se è pronta, alla luce dell'assassinio
compiuto l'altra settimana, a diminuire la pressione su Belgrado,
Carla Del Ponte ha risposto: "Questo non è il primo assassinio di un
uomo che amava il proprio paese. Però non metterò le accuse nel
cassetto perchè avvengono gli assassinii. D'altronde la pressione non
parte da me, ma dalla comunità internazionale. Per quello che mi
riguarda, contibuerò il mio lavoro".



BELGRADE,March 18 (Beta) - The Serbian Legislature accepted on March
18 the Serbian Justice Ministry's request that it should relieve 35
judges of their duty, among whom seven judges of the Serbian Supreme
Court, Belgrade media report.
The judges in question meet retirement criteria either because they
have turned 65 or have 45 years of service.
The Supreme Court judges in question are Zoran Ivosevic, Nikola
Milosevic, Milovan Dedijer, Aleksandar Rankovic, Mileva Gajinov,
Ljiljana Vujic and Zoran Skuric.

BELGRADE, March 19 (Beta) - The police on March 19 arrested deputy
Serbian public prosecutor Milan Sarajlic for his contacts and links
with the Zemun criminal clan. A press release from the Serbian
Interior Ministry says that the apartment and office of the public
prosecutor have been searched.
"The Interior Ministry will inform the public about the extent of
Sarajlic's involvement and other details concerning the murder of the
Serbian premier," the press release says. The police also say that
several dozen individuals have also been arrested for links with
criminal structures.
Following his arrest, Sarajlic has been dismissed.

BELGRADE, March 21 (Tanjug) - Serbian Justice Minister Vladan Batic
said on Friday that judges of the 4th Municipal Court in Belgrade and
other employees in the judiciary were being questioned, since some of
them had obviously had connections with criminals.
"We must make a clear cut in the judiciary" and restore citizens'
confidence in judicial institutions and responsibility, Batic told a
news conference. We have the support of the US, OSCE, Council of
Europe and other international factors for what we are doing in the
judiciary, Batic said and added that Serbia's survival was at stake.
Police have so far taken in 2,500 persons, 1,000 of whom
remained in custody, Batic said and added that the Serbia and
Montenegro Army had let the Justice Ministry use its prisons in Nis
and Belgrade. Batic said that police were issuing media calls for
citizens' assistance and added that citizens had the obligation to
report crimes and their perpetrators and that those who had not done
so might be sentenced to three years in prison. Batic announced the
setting up of a working group for amending the Law on Criminal
Procedure, which would increase the competence of the prosecutor's
office, withdraw the investigative judge's competence over organised
crime, increase sentences for some crimes and introduce the measure of
temporary confiscation of property.
Asked about the situation in prisons, Batic said that it was
satisfactory and added that the Army was guarding the Belgrade
District Prison and that the number of prison guards had increased.
Asked about the extradition to the Hague-based war crimes tribunal of
indictees for crimes in Vukovar, Batic said that he expected that the
suspects would be turned over to the tribunal if they were in Serbia.
He said he expected that the tribunal would hand over some files to
the Serbian judiciary. Asked if there was any knowledge of the
whereabouts of Zemun Clan members, Batic said that "according to
indications" most of them were in Belgrade and that it was a matter of
hours when their leaders would be found.

BELGRADE, March 21 (Tanjug) - Serbian Public Prosecutor Sinisa Simic
has been temporarily suspended, Serbian Justice Minister Vladan Batic
announced in Belgrade on Friday. Based on Acting Serbian President
Natasa Micic's order on special measures in the judicial sphere, Simic
was replaced by Novi Sad Interior Ministry head Djordje Ostojic, who
will perform the duties of acting public prosecutor during the state
of emergency in Serbia. The president of the Novi Sad District Court,
Sonja Brkic, has been appointed the new Acting Serbian Supreme Court
President after her predecessor Leposava Karamarkovic resigned. Brkic
will also be in office during the state of emergency. Micic made this
decision on the basis of a proposal by the Serbian government, Batic
told the press.

BELGRADE, March 19 (Beta) - On March 19, the Serbian Legislature
dismissed 35 judges, including seven judges of the Supreme Court of
Serbia, because they have fulfilled the age limit for leaving office.
The Legislature also passed amendments to the Law on the regulation of
courts, the Law on judges and the Law on the organization and
jurisdiction of state bodies in the struggle against organized crime.
The chairman of the Serbian Legislature's Administration Committee,
Bosko Ristic, called on the president of the Supreme Court of Serbia,
Leposava Karamarkovic, to resign, and if she does not, constitutional
and legal mechanisms will be found for the change of personnel in top
judicial offices.
Ristic said that Leposava Karamarkovic should resign for moral
reasons, explaining that "she did not do anything important in the
Opposition deputies criticized the proposed decision, accusing the
house majority of attempting to break the law and the Constitution.
The Democratic Party of Serbia whip, Dejan Mihajlov, said there was no
relevant decision by the Supreme Court of Serbia nor procedure for the
judges to leave office. "We do not need judges who will do what we
tell them. We need an independent judiciary. The judiciary alone
should deal with those who contaminate it," Mihajlov said, accusing
the executive and legislative authorities in Serbia of violating the
principles of an independent judiciary.
The Collegium of the Supreme Court of Serbia accused Serbia's
executive and legislative authorities of preventing the dismissal of a
certain number of judges last summer, by "blocking the work" of the
Principal Personnel Committee of the Supreme Court.
"The Principal Personnel Committee is a judicial body which
establishes whether grounds exist for the dismissal of judges.
Although the president of the Supreme Court sent timely
recommendations for the dismissal of certain judges, the Council was
unable to meet and bring decisions because of the Law on judges,
drafted by the executive authority, passed by the legislative
authority, and annulled by the Supreme Court," it was said in the
Supreme Court's statement.



BELGRADE,March 18 (Beta) - On March 18, the Serbian Legislature
appointed a new cabinet, headed by Zoran Zivkovic, with a new vice
premier Cedomir Jovanovic. There have been no other changes in the
cabinet. A total of 128 deputies votes in favor of the government, 100
were against, and three abstained.
Addressing the Legislature Zivkovic said that his cabinet will be the
one of continuity, whose most important task is the crackdown on
organized crime and the increasing of overall security in the country.
The Democratic Party of Serbia and the opposition parties voted
against the appointment of the premier and vice premier, demanding
that the state of emergency, introduced after the assassination of
Premier Zoran Djindjic, on March 12, be lifted.
Democratic Party of Serbia, Socialist Party of Serbia and Serbian
Radical Party whips in the Legislature said that Serbia should elect a
new cabinet, and called for the forming of a broad coalition
government, or the scheduling of early legislature elections.

BELGRADE, March 18 (Beta) - The newly appointed Serbian premier, Zoran
Zivkovic, said on March 18 that the "political inspirers of Djindjic's
assassination" will also be punished.
"I am speaking about political inspirers for one simple reason the
assassination of any premier cannot be a personal settling of
accounts, it is always an attempt to bring instability to a state and
to change its policies. Therefore, the assassination of Zoran
Djindjic certainly has political background," Zivkovic said at a news
Asked whether certain political parties in Serbia will be banned, he
said that the government is not to decide on this, but the
Constitutional Court of Serbia.
Serbian Minister of Culture and Information Branislav Lecic said at
the same conference that the Belgrade daily Nacional, the Identitet
weekly, and the March radio and television station from Valjevo, have
been banned, because they did not honor the measures introduced under
the state of emergency.
He said the media have been banned primarily because of what they
wrote, but also because of "certain data that are concerned with the
investigation who are their founders and how close their relations
were" with the premier's assassins.
Zivkovic said that editors of the media had two meeting with
representatives of the government and that all has been made clear at
these meetings. He added that the government did not wish to have
media that are all alike and that it will do everything in order to
"give them more space."

BELGRADE, March 18 (Beta) - Serbian Interior Minister Dusan Mihajlovic
said late on March 18 that he would not avoid a debate on his
responsibility for the assassination of Serbian Premier Zoran
Djindjic, but added that the important thing now was to catch the
murders and protect the state.
Mihajlovic told Serbian state TV that police had been getting ready to
charge the Zemun gang criminal group, but that it found out, deciding
to assassinate the premier in a bid to destabilize the government
and avoid arrest.
Mihajlovic indirectly linked Serbian Radical Party leader Vojislav
Seselj with the Zemun gang, describing him as the gang's "last
political associate." "If you recall (Seselj's) statements on an
upcoming bloody spring, then you can piece together the whole
picture." The minister said that it had not been possible to uproot
organized crime immediately after Oct. 5 change of government because
its "mentors," top secret police officials, had still been in power.
He said that the state would crack down on other gangs, including
the Surcin gang. He added that 500 suspects were still at large.

BELGRADE, March 19 (Beta) - The head of the Serbian Legislature's
administration committee, Bosko Ristic, said that no one would be able
to fall back on their parliamentary immunity if the police
investigation determined that any of the deputies were involved in the
assassination of Serbian Premier Zoran Djindjic.
"Since the assassination of the premier is an act of terrorism and
organized crime, the prison sentences set for such an act are over
five years and no one could use their parliamentary immunity as
protection," Ristic said.




BELGRADE, March 25 (Beta) - A group of 29 nongovernment organizations
in Serbia expressed on March 25 their support for the Serbian
government's efforts to bring to justice members of criminal gangs,
the police, the army and the parties that "had a hand in the planning
and execution of Slobodan Milosevic's criminal policies."
"We are encouraging the government to take all the measures necessary
to eliminate from the legislature and government services all those
who by action or non-action protected war criminals and other
criminals, turning Serbia into a shelter for wrongdoers," says the
statement issued by 29 NGOs, including the Belgrade Circle and the
Helsinki Human Rights Committee.
The NGOs say that "one of the greatest protectors of false heroes is
the last president of Yugoslavia, Vojislav Kostunica" because he
"protected the former head of the state security service, Radomir
Markovic, and Milosevic's generals" and "called on Serbia to
sympathize with war crimes indictees."
The statement also says that the NGOs support the government in its
efforts "to cleanse Serbia of war and other criminals, to establish
good cooperation with the Hague War Crimes Tribunal and the Council of
Europe," as well as to ensure citizens' safety and enforce the rule of
law in the country.




BELGRAD. Seit der Ausrufung des Ausnahmezustandes hat die Polizei
unter der Anordnung der prowestlichen Regierung Serbiens mehr als 4000
Personen verhaftet. Obwohl die Regierung bekannt gegeben hat, dass der
mutmassliche Schütze auf Zoran Djindjic verhaftet wurde und die
angebliche kriminelle Organisation zerschlagen ist gibt es immer noch
keine Anzeichen für die Aufhebung des Ausnahmezustandes.
Mehreren Parlamentsangehörigen wurde die Teilnahme an
Parlamentssitzungen verboten. STIMME KOSOVOS+++
Balkan-Telegramm 27/03/2003 -


"Vladimir Krsljanin" wrote:

Statement of the Presidium of the European Peace Forum (epf) on the
occasion of the anniversary of NATO aggression against Yugoslavia and
on the "Hague Tribunal"

Meeting of the Enlarged Presidium of the European Peace Forum,

Prague, March 21, 2003

For over a year now the trial of Slobodan Milosevic, the president of
the Socialist Party of Serbia and the long time president of Serbia
and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, has been going on before the
so-called International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.
This trial in a court, which was established in violation of the UN
Charter, is designed to legitimize in the retrospect the illegal
interference of NATO states in the internal conflict of Yugoslavia,
their acts commited in order to disrupt the federation of six equal
republics, fostering civil war and followed by their aggression
against the Balkan country, and to shift the responsibility for the
crimes of the aggressors on the shoulders of the aggressed.

Despite the fact, that the chief prosecutor, appointed by NATO,
doesn't lack anything in terms of secret service assistance and
obvious partiality of the judges, political support of most of NATO
member states and subservient assistance from the rulers in Belgrade,
carefully selected and prepared witnesses as well as staff and money -
the court so far has spent more than one billion US-Dollars, many
times the amount assigned for "immediate assistance" to Serbia and
Montenegro - they have not succeeded in bringing Slobodan Milosevic to
his heels.

On the contrary, the accused, who became the symbol of resistance
against the disruption of Yugoslavia and against the dictate of
foreign powers and their war of aggression, despite being subjected to
intolerable conditions of prison detainment and court procedures, has
become the accuser of NATO. This is mainly, why this trial, which was
trumpeted as a war legitimizing show, in the coverage of quite a few
media has turned into a sort of secret trial, covering up the debacle
of the prosecutors and the sovereign stance of the accused defending

The political objectives to be served with this trial go far beyond
the former Yugoslavia and the Balkans. The leading power of NATO
patronizing this trial intends to demonstrate to the whole world by
way of example, that any resistance against the global ambitions of
the US will not be tolerated and will be punished without mercy.
States supporting politically the illegal Hague tribunal and also in
terms of staff and money, approving and promoting the trial against
the former Yugoslav President, are also supporting - willingly or
unwillingly - the hegemonial ambitions of the US, their threatening
approach towards the "Axis of Evil", their intention to reshape entire
regions of the world according to Washington's own taste and
geostrategic interests. In the same way the war against Yugoslavia has
prepared the war against the Iraqi People, the trial against Slobodan
Milosevic is meant to create a precedent for the masters of the
imperialist globalisation intending to deal with their present and
future opponents in a similar way.

Any person, who condemns the US-Government's plans for world
domination - whatever reason one might have for that condemnation - ,
any person who declares, as recently even did some NATO governments,
that it is impossible to accept that the strength of the law is
replaced by the law of the stronger one, such a person, if he or she
means to be honest, should not be able any longer to support the Hague
trial, which is instrumental in the abuse of the international law,
replacing it precicely by the law of the stronger one.

The international law can not be split up. It must apply in the
Balkans as well as in the Near and Middle East and anywhere in the
world. This is, what we are struggling for. Therefore on the eve of
the fourth aniversary of NATO agression against Yugoslavia we renew
our demands for:

· an immediate end of the trials of Slobodan Milosevic and
the other Yugoslavs accused as well as their immediate release,

· the dissolution of the International Criminal Tribunal for
the Former Yugoslavia which was established in breach of the UN

· the ratification, as soon as possible, by the United
States of America and other states of the Treaty of Rome establishing
a legally constituted International Criminal Court and an extension of
its jurisdiction in order to apply also to the crime of aggression and
other crimes against peace,

· the punishment of NATO leaders responsible for the war of
aggression against Yugoslavia,

· war reparations for Serbia and Montenegro,

· compensation for damage for war victims in those

In view of recent political developments in Serbia and Montenegro we
strongly condemn, that the the criminal investigations against the
supposed assassins of Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic are being used as
an excuse by the Serbian Government in order to suspend fundametal
civil rights.

We demand:

· the immediate stop of the arbitrary and politically
motivated arrests,

· the garantee of all democratic rights for the indicted

· the abolition of the censorship of the media and the
garantee of the unimpeded right to obtain information,

· the restauration of the freedom of association, the right
of assembly and the right to demonstrate publicly,

· the immediate end of the criminilization of political

Prague, March 21, 2003


From : Luca
Date : Tue, 25 Mar 2003 10:03:07 +0100 (CET)
Subject : ciliegina: il fronte si allarga?

I noti "freedom figthers" ceceni, molto orgogliosi della loro
"dignita' di nazione" mostrano quanto abbiano a cuore la dignita' e
l'indipendenza di altri popoli:

Mosca, 09:01
Iraq, ceceni: giusta la guerra contro il tiranno Saddam

Il governo indipendentista ceceno di Aslan Maskhadov esprime oggi
appoggio alla guerra lanciata da Stati Uniti e Gran Bretagna per
liquidare "un crudele dittatore", ma invita Washington, e tutta la
comunità internazionale, a dimostrare che "la giustizia è imparziale"
prendendo "immediate" iniziative "per risolvere il conflitto

Il portavoce del ministero degli Esteri ceceno, Roman Khalilov ha
detto all'Ansa che "la guerra in Iraq solleva molte questioni, ma una
cosa è certa: Saddam è un crudele dittatore" e "la comunità
internazionale ha il diritto e il dovere di chiamare tali tiranni a
rendere conto delle loro azioni". (red)

1. March 24 1999, Four Years After. In Memoriam: Yugoslavia
(by Rick Rozoff)
2. From Tanjug, Beta and Novosti news agencies

"Byronica", March 2002

=== 1 ===

March 24 1999, Four Years After
In Memoriam: Yugoslavia

Rick Rozoff
March 24, 2003

Four years ago the Clinton-Albright regime in
Washington launched a devastating 79-day terror
bombing campaign against the nation and people of
The first war waged against a European nation since
Hitler's Third Reich embarked on its crusade for
Lebensraum and world conquest, of militarization and
subjugation of Europe, of the attempted forcible
seizure of petroleum supplies and strategic posts in
the Middle East, the Crimea and the Caucasus.
The capital city of Belgrade was subjected to aerial
assaults from heights beyond the reach of Yugoslav air
defenses, bombings which continued unrelenting through
both Western and Eastern, Gregorian and Julian, Easter
Bombing and strafing and cruise missile attacks and
graphite explosives which knocked out electricity
grids and cluster bombs dispersed throughout the land,
maiming and killing civilians to this day; depleted
uranium poisoning which will become made manifest in
widespread cancer cases, neurological diseases and
birth defects for generations to come.
Cowardly attacks which, carried out from 15,000 or
more feet in the air or with the push of a button from
a warship in the Mediterranean, plunged bridges into
the Danube River, blocking Europe's main shipping
artery; destroyed the already fragile Yugoslav
economy's factories and rail lines and petroleum and
chemical depots.
Massacred passengers in civilian trains and buses;
slaughtered a refugee column; intentionally targeted a
television broadcasting facility and killed sixteen
technical staff; strafed a religious procession in a
provincial village, killing and decapitating the
priest who was leading it, then rounding back to
finish off the rescue workers who had arrived to tend
to the victims; bombed schoolyards and apartment
complexes and maternity wards. Repeatedly tried to
murder government officials by targeting their private
And devastated the Chinese Embassy.
When Clinton, Blair and their NATO allies commenced
this groundbreaking violation of international law -
bypassing, scorning and fatally wounding the United
Nations, of which Yugoslavia was a founding member -
they also effected the unmaking of the entire
post-World War II order, one which had been instituted
exactly to guard against wars of aggression by the
powerful against the powerless, against a repetition
of that unparalleled human horror that had claimed
some fifty million lives in the late 1930s and early
One order ended. Another had begun.
One of naked, brutal and unapologetic power politics
in which wars and subversion, economic strangulation
and political isolation, diktat and brinksmanship
would reign supreme, unchallenged, without even the
figleaf of pretense or more than half-hearted
justification. What had often been observed even in
the breach was now cynically discarded even in its
seeming adherence.
Wars would now be conducted on the basis of any reason
or no reason at all as determined by whichever ad hoc
'coalition of the willing' British Prime Minister Tony
Blair and whoever happens to occupy the Oval Office in
the White House achieved through some combination of
bribery and bullying.
Four years later Yugoslavia is no more. Macedonia,
immediately afterward, was invaded by armed insurgents
from US and NATO occupied Kosovo, as was South Serbia.
Low-grade secessionist violence persists in both
Tony Blair's colonial legions effectively recolonized
the West African nation of Sierra Leone.
A mayor interstate war ensued in the Horn of Africa
with a prodigal and fruitless waste of tens of
thousands of Ethiopian and Eritrean lives.
An armed showdown on the Indian subcontinent came
within a hair's breadth of issuing in the world's
first nuclear exchange between two belligerents.
Currently the US plunges yet deeper into civil wars in
Colombia and the Philippines, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
Afghanistan has been bombed and occupied, and the real
war there is only commencing.
Now, as though to commemorate the grim anniversary,
Washington and London are replicating the Yugoslav
prototype in Iraq, preparatory to any number of future
and progressively more dangerous expeditionary and
imperial wars spanning the globe. Replete with the
full panoply of the post-United Nations era ordnance:
Depleted uranium, cluster bombs, Tomahawk and other
cruise missiles, thermobaric oxygen-sucking weapons,
mushroom cloud 'bunker buster' and MOAB bombs.
The US, Britain and Brussels threw down the gauntlet
to the true world community four years ago today. They
defied international law. They, in the most blunt
manner possible, breached the first prohibition of the
Nuremberg Charter, the violation of which sent
Hitler's lieutenants to prison cells: Crimes against
peace; launching a war of aggression.
And to continue the above analogy, of ripping to
shreds a nation in the Balkans which had been among
the earliest and most severely traumatized of all in
World war II; once again tearing republics from a
federation and even a province from a republic.
And driving in - permanent - exile and dispossession
some 400,000 civilians, the largest (presumably
irreversible) ethnic cleansing seen in Europe since
the Hitler Reich and the immediate aftermath of its
NATO, an aggressive and voraciously expanding military
alliance, has supplanted the United Nations
Organization as arbiter of territorial and political
disputes; has absorbed and sunk roots into not only
the Balkans but the Baltic and Black and Caspian Seas
regions, now extending its tentacles from Latvia to
Uzbekistan and soon from Mauritania to the Red Sea.
The military and intelligence services, even the
judiciary and political parties, of new NATO members,
invitees and prospective next round candidates have
been purged of indigenous and popular influences,
subordinated to Brussels and its Washington and London
rulers, and some twenty nations from Eastern Europe to
Central Asia have been converted into nothing better
than military colonies supplying legionaries for
global wars and military bases for bombing and
transport missions far abroad.
Those noble few, not so much prophetic as alarmed, as
farseeing as able to reason from historical analogy,
who warned of all that lay lurking in the Pandora's
Box that was pried open on March 24, 1999, have had
their most dire predictions borne out. Alas.
Any, all, efforts to reverse and repair the travesty
of legal and political norms that now engulfs our
planet in apparent endless and intensifying sanguinary
warfare and moral confusion and anarchy must begin
with the inception of the crime, which began precisely
four years ago.
The offense must be identified, the victims
compensated, the perpetrators brought to justice.
As with the world that in so many quarters lay in
smouldering ruins in 1945, a new world of democracy,
within and between nations and people, must be
constructed if any civilization is to survive. Any
civilization worthy of survival.
Today is the best, is the obligatory, day to pledge to
that effort.

=== 2 ===


BELGRADE, March 24 (Beta) - On March 24 a forth anniversary will be
marked since the day when the armies of 19 NATO member countries
launched air raids against Yugoslavia (now Serbia and Montenegro) that
lasted 11 weeks and killed according to different estimates between
1,200 and 2,500 people.
The bombing of targets in Yugoslavia started at 8 p.m. on
March 24, on order from then NATO secretary general Javier Solana and
the Yugoslav government that same night declared a state of war.
The bombing that did not stop for full 78 days heavily damaged
the country's infrastructure, factories, schools, hospitals, media
houses and culture monuments.


BELGRADE, March 24 (Tanjug) - A delegation of the Army of Serbia and
Montenegro, headed by Chief of Staff Col.Gen. Branko Krga, laid on
Monday, on the fourth anniversary of NATO's aggression on FR
Yugoslavia, a wreath at the memorial to air force and anti-aircraft
defense servicemen, outside the command building in Zemun.
In the delegation that laid the wreath at the memorial on
which are inscribed the names of 41 air force and anti-aircraft
defense servicemen who lost their lives in the aggression, were deputy
chiefs of staff, Lt.Gen. Branislav Petrovic and Admiral Radomir Grujic.
Wreaths were also laid by a delegation of the air force and
anti-aircraft defense and by the war commander of the air force and
anti-aircraft defense, retired Col.Gen. Spasoje Smiljanic, and by the
association of retired pilots and parachutists.

Russian Information Agency (Novosti)
March 24, 2003


of the start of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organisation's war against Yugoslavia is marked on
Monday. Commemoration services are held in all
churches in Serbia and Montenegro. Flowers are laid to
the monuments to victims of NATO bombardments.

The decision to start the bombing of Yugoslavia was
taken by NATO Secretary General Javier Solana on March
23, 1999. On the same day, the government of
Yugoslavia declared the state of imminent military

NATO's aggression began late on March 24th, 1999. The
first bombs were dropped on Pristina and [other parts
of the Serbian province of] Kosovo. Then, strikes were
dealt at airfields, command posts, barracks, military
depots, radars and civilian targets. During the first
day, Novi Sad, Kragujevac and Lucany lost 13

The war against Yugoslavia, just as the current war
against Iraq, got no approval from the United Nations
Security Council. On June 9, 1999 representatives of
the army of Yugoslavia and NATO inked in Kumanovo an
agreement on the pullout of the Serbian army from
Kosovo. On June 10, the NATO secretary general ordered
an end to bombing. On the same day the United Nations
Security Council passed resolution 1244 on Kosovo,
which introduced a military and a civilian mission in
Kosovo, which became a protectorate of the
international community.

Over 78 days of continuous bombing of Yugoslavia, more
than 2,000 civilians were killed, 90 children among
them. NATO called their death "incidental casualties".
Simultaneously, 1,002 servicemen and policemen died of
bombs, cruise missiles and in clashes with Albanian
terrorists. Thus, the number of civilian victims was
twice as large as the losses among servicemen.

Bombardments destroyed, or seriously damaged 200
industrial enterprises, oil tanks, energy facilities,
objects of infrastructure, including 82 railway and
motor bridges. The size of total damage has not been
cited. It is estimated at 29-100 billion dollars.
After the change of power in Belgrade in 2000 October,
Western states refused to pay damage(s) to Belgrade.

SOLIDARITÄT auf der Antikriegsdemonstartion am 22.
März 2003 in Hamburg. (W. Mueller)

2. Vor vier Jahren wurde Belgrad bombardiert, heute ist Bagdad an der
Reihe – wer wird der nächste sein?
(Jugoslawisch-Österreichische Solidaritätsbewegung)

=== 1 ===

SOLIDARITÄT auf der Antikriegsdemonstartion am 22.
März 2003 in Hamburg.

Heute vor fast vier Jahren, gingen genau die gleichen
entsetzlichen Bilder aus der jugoslawischen Hauptstadt
Belgrad um die Welt, wie sie in der vergangenen Nacht
aus Bagdad gesendet wurden. In der Nacht des 24. März
1999 begann die 78tägige Bombardierung Jugoslawiens
durch NATO-Streitkräfte.

So wie heute war die Aggression der 19 teilnehmenden
Staaten durch keinerlei UN-Mandat gedeckt.
So wie heute wurde behauptet, die Aggression richte
sich nicht gegen die Bevölkerung des angegriffenen
Landes, sondern lediglich gegen einen "blutigen
So wie heute wurde behauptet, der Bombenterror
verfolge rein humanitäre Ziele und bringe den Menschen
mehr Freiheit, Sicherheit, Wohlstand und Demokratie.
So wie heute wurde behauptet, es würden ausschließlich
militärische Ziele getroffen.
So wie heute war der Krieg gegen Jugoslawien
vorbereitet und begleitet durch eine Flut von
ungeheuerlichen Lügen, die in die Weltöffentlichkeit
herausposaunt wurden. - Viele erinnern sich vielleicht
noch an die erfundenen Berichte von KZ's im Kosovo
oder den sogenannten "Hufeisenplan", wie sie von der
Bundesregierung seinerzeit verbreitet wurden.

Anders als heute waren damals jedoch viele derer, die
sich heute gegen den Irakkrieg aussprechen eifrige
Befürworter der Bomben auf Belgrad. Unvergessen die
Kriegserklärung des Bundeskanzlers Schröder am Abend
des 24. März 1999 in der er behauptete: "Wir führen
keinen Krieg gegen Jugoslawien, sondern lediglich
Luftschläge gegen einen Diktator."

Die Tatsachen des Jugoslawienkrieges sahen anders aus:

Die Bomben und Raketen zerstörten weitgehend die
zivile Infrastruktur des Landes, wie Wohnhäuser,
Straßen, Brücken, Schulen, Krankenhäuser,
Elektrizitätswerke, sowie den Fernsehsender RTS und
kosteten Tausende Menschenleben.

Die systematische Bombardierung petrochemischer
Fabriken, sowie die Verwendung uranhaltiger Munition
verursachte nachhaltige ökologische Schäden, deren
Folgen noch bis heute wirken, wie ein sprunghafter
Anstieg von Krebserkrankungen und die Geburt
mißgebildeter Kinder es belegen.

Die kürzliche Auflösung des jugoslawischen Staates und
die Erschießung des serbischen Ministerpräsidenten vor
wenigen Tagen, die zur Einführung des
Ausnahmezustandes in Serbien, verbunden mit
Massenverhaftungen und dem Verbot oppositioneller
Tageszeitungen führte, zeigen, dass dort alles andere
als freiheitliche oder demokratische Zustände
eingetreten sind.

Unter dem Besatzungsregime der NATO, das ursprünglich
für ein Jahr vorgesehen war und mittlerweile
unbegrenzt aufrecht erhalten bleiben soll, ist die
Bevölkerung in den ehemaligen jugoslawischen
Republiken mit Lebensbedingungen konfrontiert, die für
die meisten von uns unvorstellbar sind und aus gutem
Grund in den hiesigen Massenmedien verschwiegen werden
und hier nur stichwortartig aufgezählt werden können:

Massenarmut und -arbeitslosigkeit von mehr als 50%,
bei einem rasanten Anstieg der Lebenshaltungskosten,
weitgehend zusammengebrochene Gesundheitsfürsorge, bei
zunehmenden Armutskrankheiten und hoher
Kindersterblichkeit. Dazu kommen bislang unbekannte
Erscheinungen, wie Angst vor kriminellem Bandenwesen
und terroristischen Anschlägen separatistischer
Banden, besonders im Süden Serbiens, Mazedonien und im
Kosovo, trotz (vielleicht auch wegen) der Anwesenheit
von rund zehntausend NATO-Soldaten.

Aber es gibt auch Gewinner des NATO-Krieges:

Die ehemals jugoslawischen Wirtschaftsbetriebe
befinden sich, wenn sie nicht zerschlagen wurden,
weitgehend in den Händen westeuropäischer Konzerne,
die aus dem Elend der Menschen saftige Profite
schöpfen. Der Löwenanteil ging dabei in die Hände
deutscher Monopolgruppen, weswegen die Redewendung von
der "neuen deutschen Invasion" heute in Belgrad zu den
geflügelten Worten gehört.

Der 24. März 1999 steht auch für ein wichtiges Datum
in der deutschen Geschichte. Zum ersten mal seit 1945
nahmen wieder deutsche Truppen an einem Angriffskrieg
teil. Damit hatte die Regierung Schröder/Fischer etwas
erreicht, was seit dem Beginn der 90er Jahre mit der
Einverleibung der DDR auf der deutschen Tagesordnung
stand und vom Bundeskanzler selbst mit dem Wort von
der "Enttabuisierung des Militärischen" umschrieben
wurde: Deutschland wurde wieder als Militärmacht auf
die internationalen Kriegsschauplätze geführt. Die
Aussage des deutschen Verteidigungsministers "Die
Verteidigung Deutschlands findet heute am Hindukusch
statt", zeigt, wie weit diese Regierung mittlerweile
auf dem Weg der Militarisierung ihrer Außenpolitik
fortgeschritten ist. Die Tatsache, dass sich
gegenwärtig Zehntausende deutscher Truppen weltweit
verstreut in Kriegseinsätzen befinden, die
scheinheilig als "Friedensmissionen" verklärt werden,
unterstreicht dies nachdrücklich.

Mit dem Krieg gegen Jugoslawien wurde 1999 der Weg zu
einer gefährlichen Entwicklung in der Welt geebnet,
deren Weiterentwicklung wir heute erleben, indem das
Völkerrecht mit Füßen getreten und außer Kraft gesetzt

Auch damals gab es keine Ermächtigung durch den
UN-Sicherheitsrat, weil bedeutende
Sicherheitsratsmitglieder, wie die VR China, dagegen
waren, wofür dann auch die chinesische Botschaft in
Belgrad durch einen Raketenangriff zerstört und
mehrere Botschaftsangehörige getötet wurden.

Der Krieg gegen Jugoslawien war das größte Verbrechen
in Europa seit 1945 und wäre ohne die Beteiligung der
deutschen Bundesregierung so niemals möglich gewesen!

Wir haben 1999 gegen den Krieg gegen Jugoslawien
protestiert, so wie wir heute gegen den Irakkrieg
protestieren. Wir freuen uns, wenn heute viele, die
damals die Jugoslawen allein gelassen haben mit uns
demonstrieren, sei es aus dem Bereich der
Gewerkschaften, Kirchen oder auch der
Regierungsparteien, die den Kriegskurs von
Fischer/Schröder seinerzeit unterstützt haben.

Die heutige Haltung der Bundesregierung zum Irakkrieg
sehen wir jedoch im wesentlichen taktisch bedingt. Sie
entspringt einer anderen Interessenlage im Nahen Osten
als sie die USA dort haben und keiner Läuterung von
einer Kriegsregierung zu einer Friedensregierung. Das
zeigt sich schon daran, dass immer wieder von
führenden Vertretern der Regierungsparteien die
Ablehnung des Irakkkrieges mit einer nachträglichen
Rechtfertigung des Krieges gegen Jugoslawien verbunden

Das jüngste Interview des deutschen Außenministers
Fischer in der FAZ vom 17. März, in dem er zu einer
Stärkung der europäischen Militärkraft aufruft,
der beschleunigte Ausbau der EU-Armee unter
deutsch-französischer Führung
und die Übernahme des Mandats auf dem Balkan durch
EU-Streitkräfte in diesen Tagen,
zeigen, wo die Reise nach dem Willen dieser
Bundesregierung lang gehen soll

Sie will die weitere Militarisierung der Außenpolitik
vorantreiben und dabei eine größere Selbständigkeit
erlangen, getreu dem Motto: "Ablehnung von Kriegen,
die den deutschen Interessen schaden und Zustimmung zu
Kriegen, die den deutschen Interessen nützen!".

Versuche führender Vertreter der Grünen Partei oder
der Sozialdemokraten, wie Olaf Scholz, die
Friedensbewegung in diesem Sinne zu
instrumentalisieren, sind von uns entschieden
zurückzuweisen. Eine Friedensbewegung, die sich auf
solche Logik einläßt, hat den Namen Friedensbewegung
nicht verdient. Sie wäre ein reines Anhängsel
deutscher imperialistischer Großmachtpolitik.

Kämpfen wir gegen alle imperialistischen Kriege!
Unterstützen wir die weltweiten Proteste und
Aktivitäten gegen den Irakkrieg!
Vergessen wir dabei nicht die leidvollen Erfahrungen
Fordern wir den sofortigen Rückzug aller deutschen
Truppen vom Balkan, Hindukush oder vom Golf!

Stoppt den Krieg gegen den Irak!

Please visit my websides: -(Plakatkunst
aus der DDR - international) (deutsch)


=== 2 ===

Vor vier Jahren wurde Belgrad bombardiert, heute ist Bagdad an der
Reihe – wer wird der nächste sein?

Jahrestag der NATO-Aggression
24. März 2003, 18 Uhr Stephansplatz Wien

Das Muster ist überall gleich: Jahrelangem Embargo, politischer
Isolierung und militärischem Druck folgt der Krieg. Die über die
Medien ins Treffen geführten Gründe erweisen sich nach genauerer
Betrachtung als Vorwände für ein völkerrechtswidriges Vorgehen, das
letztlich nur die geostrategische Vorherrschaft der USA im Sinn hat.

Über die Abspaltung Sloweniens, Kroatiens und Bosniens hatte der
Westen Jugoslawien zerschlagen geholfen und dabei versucht sich den
verbliebenen Rest botmäßig zu machen. Doch die Regierung Milosevic
leistete vor allem mit Unterstützung in den unteren
Bevölkerungsschichten fortgesetzten Widerstand gegen die nationale
Zerstückelung sowie gegen das neoliberale Diktat. Um den unliebsamen
Herausforderer der imperialen Weltordnung doch noch in die Knie zu
zwingen, leistete der Westen Beihilfe zur Eskalation des
jahrzehntelangen Konflikts im Kosovo.

In völkerrechtswidriger Einmischung in die inneren Angelegenheiten
eines souveränen Staates legte man Jugoslawien immer schärfere
Bedingungen auf, die den schrittweisen Verlust der staatlichen Macht
über den Kosovo zur Folge haben mussten. Jugoslawien akzeptierte und
genehmigte auch die Überwachung der Vereinbarungen durch
Monitoring-Missionen. Der Westen stachelte jedoch die albanische
Nationalbewegung zu immer neuen Gewaltakten und damit auch
Verletzungen der Abkommen an, auf die Jugoslawien reagieren musste,
und welches ihm dann als Verstoß ausgelegt wurde. Schließlich
inszenierte man dann das Medienspektakel von Racak, bei dem albanische
Kämpfer, die bei Gefechten umgekommen waren, so platziert wurden, dass
es wie eine willkürliche Massenexekution von Zivilisten aussehen
sollte. Vor dem Hintergrund dieses Propagandatricks wurde in
Rambouillet bei Paris ein Ultimatum gestellt, das auf eine Abtretung
des Kosovo und auf den Status eines von der Nato besetzten Landes hinausli
ef. Nachdem Jugoslawien dies nicht akzeptieren konnte, wurde es
bombardiert, trotz zähen Widerstands gegen die Übermacht
niedergerungen und schließlich in Belgrad ein Marionettenregime

Gegenüber dem Irak läuft ein sehr ähnliches zynisches Spiel. Nachdem
das Zweistromland nach mehr als zehn Jahren Embargo sich Washington
nach wie vor nicht vollständig unterordnet und seine Ölreserven
staatlich bleiben, soll es nun angegriffen werden. So wie es den USA
gegen Jugoslawien nicht um die Menschenrechte (sonst hätten nicht
Hunderttausende Nichtalbaner vertrieben und der Kosovo der Willkür der
Mafia ausgeliefert werden können), sondern höchstens um billiges
Kanonenfutter geht, so geht es auch gegen den Irak keineswegs um
Demokratie, sondern um den Machtanspruch auf eine Region, die nicht
nur aufgrund der Ölreserven zentral ist. Die Demokratie, die die USA
mit Feuer und Schwert bringen, ist nicht jene der Herrschaft des
Volkes, sondern der Privatisierung des Öls und des Landes, der
Zerschlagung des öffentlichen Gesundheits- und Schulwesens, sprich:
ihrer ungezügelten Bereicherung.

Entgegen den Bestimmungen des Völkerrechts wird dem Irak das Recht auf
Selbstverteidigung und die entsprechende Bewaffnung abgesprochen,
während die USA sich und ihren Verbündeten das Monopol auf
Massenvernichtungswaffen sichern. So wie Jugoslawien hat der Irak
bisher jede noch so ungerechte und ungerechtfertige Bedingung
akzeptiert um den Krieg abzuwenden. Darum legen die USA die Latte
immer höher um daraus letztlich einen Kriegsgrund konstruieren zu
können. Egal ob mit oder ohne UNO-Mandat, sie werden angreifen.

Auch wenn unter den Bedingungen der monopolaren Weltordnung kein
kleines, auf sich allein gestelltes Land in der Lage ist der
US-Militärmaschine zu trotzen, so ist die amerikanische Soldateska
keineswegs fähig die sich immer weiter auftuenden sozialen,
politischen und kulturellen Widersprüche zu lösen. Im Gegenteil, der
von Washington ausgerufene permanente präventive Krieg verstärkt sie
nur noch. Am Balkan bleiben die Nationalitäten nicht nur gegeneinander
aufgehetzt, sondern die neuen und alten Grenzen warten nur darauf,
durch neue Konflikte verändert zu werden. In Afghanistan verstärkten
die amerikanischen Bomben paradoxerweise den russischen und iranischen
Einfluss. Welche Kräfte sich im Gefolge des Krieges am Euphrat und
Tigris festsetzen werden, kann noch nicht abgeschätzt werden. Es ist
nicht unwahrscheinlich, das auch dort Fraktionen zum Zug kommen, deren
Interessen zum gegebenen Zeitpunkt mit jenen der USA divergieren können.

Der Unterschied zwischen heute und vor vier Jahren ist allerdings,
dass der europäischen Bevölkerung nach der amerikanischen Parteinahme
mit der israelischen Besatzungsmacht gegen die palästinensische
Intifada und dem Angriff auf Afghanistan die der amerikanischen
globalen Vormacht innewohnenden Gefahr bewusst geworden sind. Es ist
ein großer Schritt vorwärts, dass sich die Mehrheit gegen den Krieg

Doch das ist noch bei weitem nicht genug, um den Kriegstreibern
wirklich etwas entgegenzusetzen. Nicht nur, dass Massenproteste
notwendig wären, die die militärischen Vorbereitungen ernsthaft
behindern könnten – wie zum Beispiel Blockaden gegen
verfassungswidrige US-Transporte durch Österreich. Politisches Ziel
der Bewegungen muss der Sturz der westlichen Kriegsregierungen sein.

Vielfach hegen die FriedensdemonstrantInnen die Illusion, sie könnten
den liebgewonnenen globalen Status quo, der ihnen einen ansehnlichen
Lebensstandard sichert, verteidigen. Doch dieser selbst ist die Quelle
der Kriege. Denn letztendlich dreht sich alles um einen
unversöhnlichen Konflikt zwischen der Armut im Süden und dem Reichtum
im Norden. Es kann also nicht nur darum gehen einzelne Kriege zu
verhindern, sondern das ganze System zu bekämpfen, das diese notwendig
hervorbringt. Der Motor dieses Kampfes sind die Verdammten dieser
Erde, auf deren Seite wir uns stellen müssen, ob es nun in
Jugoslawien, Kolumbien oder im Irak ist. Die Äquidistanz, wie sie in
der Aggression gegenüber Jugoslawien allerorts auch unter den
Kriegsgegnern zu spüren war und bis heute nachwirkt, muss überwunden
werden, denn sie hilft letztendlich dem Aggressor.

Nieder mit der US-Weltherrschaft!

Jugoslawisch-Österreichische Solidaritätsbewegung
Meiselstraße 46/4
A-1150 Wien
Tel&Fax: (+43 1) 924 31 61

Con preghiera di massima diffusione

NOTA: la versione italiana del video e' disponibile; per informazioni
si veda l'allegato IN FONDO

*** BARI 26 MARZO ***

Università degli studi di Bari – Dipartimento di pratiche linguistiche
e analisi dei testi: Sezione di Filosofia del linguaggio - Dottorato
di teoria del linguaggio e scienza dei segni
Associazione Most za Beograd, via Abbrescia 97, Bari- tel. 0805562663
- e-mail:

nell'ambito dei seminari di approfondimento e riflessione "perché la

mercoledì 26 marzo ore 17.00
Facoltà di Lingue, via Garruba 6, Bari

presentazione del film

I dannati del Kosovo

Dopo il film, gli autori Michel Collon e Vanessa Stojilković
parleranno della situazione in Jugoslavia a quattro anni dalla guerra
della NATO


Quasi in coincidenza col Nouruz (il capodanno kurdo e iraniano che
cade il 21 marzo), si abbatte - in spregio della volontà di pace dei
popoli del mondo, in spregio dell'ONU - la tempesta di bombe
anglo-americane su Baghdad e le principali città dell'Iraq.

Quattro anni fa, il 24 marzo del 1999, cominciavano i bombardamenti
della NATO sulla Jugoslavia, che non risparmiavano case, scuole,
ospedali, ospizi, ponti, fabbriche, stazioni, vite innocenti, e
facevano largo impiego – come già in Iraq nel 1991 e in Bosnia nel
1995 – di proiettili all'uranio impoverito. Era la "guerra umanitaria"!

Ma cosa ne è oggi del Kosovo dopo 4 anni di occupazione militare di
truppe della NATO e con la presenza di una gigantesca base militare
USA a Camp Bondsteel? Gli elementi raccolti nel corso della recente
missione della Commissione Diritti Umani del Senato italiano sono
eloquenti: 230.000 serbi ancora sfollati; nessun dialogo né
integrazione tra i diversi gruppi etnici, rappresentati, oltre che
dagli albanesi e dai serbi, anche dalle minoranze bosniache, croate,
turche, rom, askalija e gorani; intimidazioni, vessazioni, omicidi
sono all'ordine del giorno. Il "ritorno alla normalità" è ben lontano.
Il sentimento prevalente è la paura. Se un serbo si ammala ed ha
bisogno di un ospedale, o riesce a ricoverarsi all'ospedale serbo di
Mitrovica, o rinuncia al ricovero, perché ha paura di non uscirne
vivo. 122 chiese, monasteri e luoghi di culto ortodossi sono stati
fatti saltare in aria dall'UCK, mentre altri, tra cui il monastero di
Dečani o il patriarcato di Peć, hanno bisogno di presidi militari=

permanenti per evitare la distruzione. L'economia è al collasso, con
interi settori produttivi bloccati e una disoccupazione al 70%, mentre
l'80% del PIL è frutto delle attività del crimine organizzato. La
presenza di decine di migliaia di militari e di civili stranieri ha
sconvolto le tradizionali gerarchie sociali e retributive, dando vita
ad un'economia gonfiata.

Cosa sta succedendo in Kosovo? Un film rompe il generale silenzio.

Cacciata dal suo appartamento di Pristina, Maria si è salvata solo
perché parlava albanese. Suo nipote, interprete dell'ONU è stato
ferocemente assassinato. Il marito di Silvana è stato rapito e la
donna non ne sa più nulla da due anni. La casa di Stanimir è stata
bruciata. Cosa hanno in comune queste persone? Il fatto di essere
serbi e di vivere, o meglio, sopravvivere in Kosovo. I mezzi di
informazione non parlano più di questa regione. Il nuovo film di
Michel Collon e Vanessa Stojilković rompe il generale silenzio.

Il film si basa su una ventina di interviste, in cui le vittime
raccontano con toccante dignità le loro sofferenze.

«Ho girato questo reportage in Kosovo – ci dice Collon - per rendermi
conto della situazione attuale dei serbi e delle altre minoranze
nazionali. Mi ricordavo bene di una frase di Clinton pronunciata nel
momento in cui dava inizio il 24 marzo 1999 ai bombardamenti sulla

"La nostra fermezza rappresenta la sola speranza per la popolazione
del Kosovo di poter continuare a vivere nel proprio paese. Provate ad
immaginare che cosa accadrebbe se chiudessimo gli occhi e questi
poveretti fossero massacrati, proprio davanti alla porta della NATO.
L'organizzazione ne uscirebbe totalmente screditata".

Clinton parlava degli Albanesi, ma cosa è successo oggi dei serbi e
delle altre minoranze nazionali che vivevano in Kosovo da secoli?
Vivono sicuri con 45.000 soldati della NATO nel loro paese? Ho visto
un cumulo di sofferenze, di cui in Occidente non si ha nessun'idea,
perché i mezzi di informazione non ci parlano più del Kosovo.
Altrimenti dovrebbero parlarci quotidianamente di attentati
dinamitardi, omicidi, distruzioni di case o espulsioni, rapimenti e
angoscia nelle famiglie, minacce continue... Il bilancio è disperante:
una vera pulizia etnica ha scacciato dal Kosovo la maggior parte dei
non-albanesi, e quelli che sono rimasti vivono nel terrore. La NATO
non solo non mette un freno a queste violenze, ma – come si documenta
nel film – è spesso complice con gli autori di questi crimini, le
milizie separatiste dell'UCK...».


Michel Collon, giornalista belga, particolarmente attento al
meccanismo dei media e dell'infor-mazione e impegnato nello
smascheramento dei médiamensonges, ha pubblicato Attention médias!
(1992), Poker menteur (dedicato ad un'analisi delle guerre in
Jugoslavia, 1998), L'Otan à la conquête du monde (2000). Sulla
Jugoslavia ha girato anche il film Sous les bombes de l'Otan.

Vanessa Stojilković, venticinque anni, ha perso diversi membri della
sua famiglia durante la guerra e si è impegnata nel montaggio del
film, soprattutto per raccontare una verità oggi taciuta dai media:
"Lo stress della guerra e dei bombardamenti ha provocato enormi
problemi di ipertensione che la popolazione non ha il modo di curare.
I tumori si sviluppano ad una velocità spaventosa. Gli esseri umani
muoiono nella sofferenza. Il bilancio della guerra per tutta la
Jugoslavia non è rappresentato soltanto dai morti, ma dallo stato
fisico e psicologico dei sopravvissuti. E dalla loro mancanza di


In occasione dell'incontro-dibattito di mercoledì 26 marzo (ore 17.00
- Facoltà di Lingue, via Garruba 6, Bari) col giornalista belga Michel
Collon e con la jugoslava Vanessa Stoijlkovic, credo di fare cosa
utile inviandovi in allegato (formato RTF) la traduzione (curata da
amici del Coordinamento Nazionale Jugoslavia) del primo capitolo del
libro di Michel Collon "Poker menteur", pubblicato in francese nel
1998 (un anno prima della "guerra umanitaria" della NATO).Non ho avuto
il tempo purtroppo di inserire le numerose immagini che rendono ancor
più efficace lo smascheramento delle menzogne dei media, oggetto del I
capitolo del libro di Collon.

Un caro saluto
Andrea Catone

Da scaricare alla URL:

*** ROMA 27 MARZO ***

Da una guerra all'altra

Quattro anni dopo la aggressione contro la Repubblica Federale di
Jugoslavia per la "liberazione" del Kosovo, che cosa sta succedendo su
quel territorio?

Un film rompe il generale silenzio sull'argomento. Per comprendere che
cosa succede in una zona strategica quando essa viene sottoposta ad
occupazione militare da parte della NATO; per valutare, a posteriori,
dove vanno a finire tutte le sofisticate demagogie sulle "guerre
umanitarie", i "diritti umani" e la "democratizzazione"; per indagare
sulle ragioni strutturali e reali delle guerre.

Sulla scorta delle esperienze passate, possiamo credere alle
motivazioni addotte per la nuova aggressione "umanitaria" contro



Sara' presentato nella versione italiana dai realizzatori


alle 18:30 c\o l'associazione Granma
V. di S. Ambrogio 4 Roma (zona centro, Piazza Mattei)

Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia e Contropiano
Per informazioni: jugocoord@... - tel. 349-4555344


Ass. SOS Yugoslavia - Ass. Profughi Zastava di Pec

Nell'ambito del progetto di solidarietà con
l'Ass. Profughi Zastava del Kosovo di Pec,
locati a Kragujevac, l'Associazione SOS Yugoslavia ha curato la
versione italiana del film


di M. Collon e V. Stojilkovic.

Il videodocumentario sara' disponibile dalla fine di marzo; quanto
sarà ricavato dalle videocassette e dalle serate di divulgazione
contribuirà al sostegno del progetto per quei bambini, donne e uomini,
di tutte le etnie del Kosovo-Metohija scacciati dal terrore UCK e
scampati ai "bombardamenti umanitari", rimossi da "democratici e
umanitaristi" vari, ed ormai dimenticati da tutti.

Riteniamo necessario non dimenticare e non lasciare sole le vittime di
un'aggressione rivelatasi ingiusta e compiuta per motivi, politico -
economici e militari, estranei a qualunque logica di preteso
"intervento umanitario".

Per questo abbiamo concordato con loro l'apertura di un progetto di
solidarietà e sostegno, a partire dalle nostre forze e possibilità.
Abbiamo deciso di curare la versione italiana del film messoci a
disposizione da suoi autori per sostenere questa causa, come sempre su
due fronti: quello dell'informazione e quello della solidarietà

Mettendo a disposizione questo lavoro,
SOS Yugoslavia confida nel grado di sensibilità e coscienza di
ciascuno, perciò chiediamo di contribuire/condividere il sostegno ai
"profughi invisibili" mediante la sottoscrizione di
12 euro per ogni video, 10 euro per ordini da cinque video in su.
Il video avrà in allegato un libro sul Kosovo 2003, curato da E.

Chi individualmente acquisterà il video, sosterrà direttamente il
progetto; lo stesso vale per le realtà organizzate; a queste ultime
chiediamo l'acquisto minimo di 5/10 copie come atto tangibile della
condivisione di questa battaglia di giustizia.

Per ordinare i video, organizzare serate di proiezione e divulgazione,

l'Ass. SOS Yugoslavia: 338/1755563
oppure via e-mail: posta@...

Da "Liberazione", 24 marzo 2003

Quattro anni fa cominciava la cosiddetta "missione umanitaria" contro

Ieri la Jugoslavia, oggi l'Iraq

Claudio Grassi
24 marzo 1999, l'inizio dei bombardamenti della Nato

Guerra. Necessità di usare la forza per garantire la sicurezza
nazionale degli Stati Uniti. Conseguenze terrificanti per chi si
oppone alla superpotenza a stelle e strisce. George W. Bush non ha
certo peccato di pragmatismo nel suo ultimatum all'Iraq: ha chiamato
l'aggressione militare a un altro paese sovrano con il suo giusto
nome. Guerra, e per di più "preventiva".
Anche la fraseologia dei media si è adeguata. Finiscono in sordina i
termini "missione umanitaria", "operazione di polizia internazionale",
"azione volta a ristabilire l'ordine e la legalità". I servizi dal
fronte abbondano di descrizioni degli "effetti devastanti" delle bombe
sui palazzi iracheni, si parla senza pudore di macerie, feriti, morti,
civili in fuga. Le categorie di "missili intelligenti" e "attacchi
chirurgici" restano, ma fungono più che altro da contorno. In Medio
Oriente è in corso una guerra vera: ne è consapevole la maggioranza
delle forze democratiche e progressiste di tutto il mondo, in piazza
senza se e senza ma contro la violenza di Bush, Blair e un pugno di
alleati, contro una guerra banditesca, in aperto sfregio delle norme
del diritto internazionale. Tutto sembra chiaro, compresi i reali
obiettivi delle armate anglo-americane.

La "sinistra"
con l'elmetto
Non fu così quattro anni fa, quando nel mirino degli Usa vi era un
altro "stato canaglia", la Federazione Jugoslava di Slobodan
Milosevic. Il calendario del 1999 segnava la data del 24 marzo quando
le città serbe di Belgrado, Kragujevac, Novi Sad, Pancevo furono
colpite dal carico esplosivo degli aerei Nato. Americani e inglesi, ma
pure tedeschi, francesi e italiani. Erano i tempi della "terza via",
della "sinistra con l'elmetto" di Clinton, Blair e D'Alema, dei paesi
dell'Unione Europea quasi ovunque governati da partiti di origine
socialista i quali, attraverso la guerra in Jugoslavia, volevano
dimostrare agli Stati Uniti che "la Nato sono anche loro, che possono
avere - scriveva Paolo Palazzi ne "Il rovescio internazionale" - un
ruolo determinante sia politicamente che militarmente per vincere
questa guerra e soprattutto ogni altro futuro intervento.

Anche allora vi fu un'opposizione alla guerra. Nel nostro Paese non
mancarono i cortei, i sit-in, le proteste studentesche. In parlamento,
oltre al secco no di Rifondazione comunista, mugugni arrivarono da
settori del centro-sinistra di governo. Ma - a essere sinceri - nulla
che possa essere paragonato, neppure lontanamente, alle piazze
straripanti di milioni di pacifisti viste in queste settimane. A
chiedere la fine dei bombardamenti, a solidarizzare con la Jugoslavia
in fiamme, c'erano poche migliaia di "anime belle". Definite così non
da un arrogante deputato di Forza Italia, bensì dall'insospettabile
Achille Occhetto nelle vesti di bacchettatore di quella "sinistra
italiana, e non solo italiana, (che) sbaglia quando dice che non ci
deve essere mai l'uso della forza. Un'idea che non fa i conti con un
problema di grande rilevanza: il diritto di ingerenza umanitaria".

Ora i Ds sfilano sotto le bandiere arcobaleno, condannano l'intervento
unilaterale di Bush in Iraq, denunciano il pericolo di esautorazione
dell'Onu, e questo è senza dubbio positivo. Sembra passato un secolo
da quel 24 marzo. Erano i tempi di "Hitlerosevic", dell'accostamento
serbi-nazisti, del diktat di Ramboulliet. Quando Marco Minniti
difendeva a spada tratta la "strategia che prevede l'intervento
militare per fermare il conflitto in Kosovo e costruire attraverso un
uso - in questo caso legittimo e inevitabile - della forza le
condizioni per un'iniziativa diplomatica", e Walter Veltroni tesseva
gli elogi della fedeltà atlantica. Quando Fabio Mussi si diceva
orgoglioso che l'Italia fosse, dopo gli Usa, "tra i paesi più
coinvolti nelle crisi regionali per impegno politico e delle forze
militari", e Sergio Cofferati e la maggioranza della Cgil
consideravano la missione nei Balcani una "contingente necessità". E'
solo un flashback, non è mia volontà alimentare una polemica retroattiva.

Dopo la guerra…
peggio di prima
Da allora si potrebbe dire che nulla è più come prima. A partire dalla
Jugoslavia, scomparsa ufficialmente dai libri di geografia. Il 27
gennaio di quest'anno, al termine di un processo che ha cancellato
ogni retaggio di multietnicità e multiculturalità, si è trasformata in
"Unione di Serbia e Montenegro", contenitore che funge da anticamera
della definitiva separazione delle due ex repubbliche federate. Anche
le aspettative democratiche marcano il passo. In cambio della consegna
di Milosevic al Tribunale-fantoccio dell'Aja e della vittoria del Dos,
incoraggiata da settecento milioni di dollari, avevano promesso ai
cittadini jugoslavi un "paese normale", istituzioni moderne e
pluraliste, benessere e investimenti stranieri a pioggia. Alla società
civile occidentale che ha ingoiato il rospo dell'intervento
umanitario, un Kosovo pacificato, liberato dai conflitti etnici e la
violenza. La realtà è ben lontana.

La Serbia del post-Milosevic è sconvolta da una feroce guerra tra
bande, con un Dos divenuto forza di governo ma lacerato al suo
interno. Quello che è in corso non è uno scontro solo politico. Sotto
i colpi di sicari ancora ignoti è caduto nei giorni scorsi il premier
Zoran Djindjic, che di nemici se ne era fatti davvero tanti in questi
anni di potere. Cominciando dall'ex presidente federale Kostunica e
finendo in quella "zona grigia" che sta tra vecchi burocrati venduti
al miglior offerente, settori dei servizi segreti, imprenditori
arricchitisi con l'apertura all'economia di mercato e criminalità
organizzata, risultati determinanti per dare la "spallata" a
Milosevic, ma non sempre dagli interessi convergenti.

La Serbia di oggi è un paese in preda al caos assoluto, senza
presidente - le elezioni sono state annullate per ben due volte per
mancanza del quorum - senza premier, né autorità federali legittimate.
Dopo il "bonapartismo" di Djindjic, un'ulteriore involuzione
autoritaria potrebbe essere dietro l'angolo. Già è stato emanato un
decreto che istituisce la legge marziale e nelle principali città
della repubblica si assiste a centinaia di arresti indiscriminati: c'è
aria di caccia alla streghe, di un nuovo 6 ottobre. L'economia va a
picco: circa il 73% dei serbi adulti non ha più un lavoro stabile e
vive di espedienti, decine di fabbriche sono state chiuse o sottoposte
a ristrutturazione, la Zastava - l'orgoglio dell'industria
automobilistica jugoslava - sembra l'ombra di sé stessa. La qualità
della vita ha toccato livelli vicini a quelli del 1944, in piena
seconda guerra mondiale. Il salario medio si aggira tra i 120 e i 200
euro, che non bastano neanche a pagare la luce e l'affitto,
figuriamoci le spese sanitarie e per l'istruzione dei figli. Oltre
ventimila persone sono morte di tumore negli ultimi quattro anni, di
cui buona parte bambini, per gli effetti dell'uranio impoverito: le
"bombe intelligenti" colpiscono ancora.

Vi ricordate
del Kosovo?

E il Kosovo? Che ne è di questa provincia serba ora che si sono spenti
i riflettori internazionali? Basta leggere i rapporti periodici
stilati dalle stesse truppe d'occupazione occidentali, per farsi
l'idea del mostro creato dai sostenitori dell'"ingerenza umanitaria".
Dicevano di combattere la "pulizia etnica", il terrorismo di Stato
serbo, di voler salvaguardare le popolazioni civili albanesi. "Gli
Stati Uniti d'America e l'Armata di liberazione del Kosovo condividono
gli stessi principi e gli stessi valori umani. Combattere per l'Uck è
lo stesso che combattere per i diritti umani e i valori americani",
affermava il senatore americano Lieberman.

Non so se oggi sarebbe ancora "politicamente corretto" sbilanciarsi in
questo paragone. Tenendo conto che il Kosovo è diventato il regno
incontrastato della mafia albanese, che dal suo territorio passa il
40% dell'eroina diretta dall'Europa agli Usa, gestito prevalentemente
dalle milizie dell'Uck. Le stesse che hanno messo in piedi floridi
affari investendo sulla prostituzione, il traffico di organi e lo
"scafismo". Per non parlare della pulizia etnica - questa senza
virgolette - di cui hanno fatto le spese migliaia di serbi e Rom, ma
anche goraci, ebrei, turchi e perfino kosovari non in linea con il
capo-banda Thaci, delle chiese ortodosse devastate, dei cimiteri
profanati, dei monumenti partigiani in macerie. Altro che pacificazione!

Un'ex Jugoslavia senza Milosevic, ma in mano a bande criminali
concorrenti, in cui hanno trionfato l'odio razziale e il terrorismo
separatista. Accanto a un Afghanistan "liberato" sì dai talebani, ma
in balia di veri e propri signori della guerra feudali, dove la
produzione di droga è tornata a essere il locomotore dell'economia
locale. Con questi due esempi davanti, è facile prevedere come sarà
l'Iraq di domani, quando i "crociati" di Bush e Blair avranno issato
la bandiera americana su Baghdad…
Purtroppo è ancora attuale quanto diceva Leopardi: «La forza è
l'arbitra del mondo oggidì, come anticamente, non la giustizia».

Guerre(s) : ce qu'on aurait pu savoir dès 1999…

Un ex-président PS: "Les médias n'ont pas dit la vérité sur la

Interview de Michel Collon et Vanessa Stojilkovic, auteurs du film Les
Damnés du Kosovo: "Serons-nous toujours `une guerre en retard' ?"

Pavé dans la mare! Le récent livre de Guy Spitaels, ex-président du PS
belge, démontre à quel point l'opinion européenne a été menée en
bateau lors de la guerre contre la Yougoslavie. Or, si on avait tiré à
temps les leçons de celle-ci, la construction du mouvement anti-guerre
et d'un front style STOP USA à échelle européenne aurait démarré bien
plus tôt.

Interview de Michel Collon, spécialiste des médiamensonges et
stratégies impérialistes, et de Vanessa Stojilkovic, auteur du film
Les Damnés du Kosovo. Bilan de leurs nombreux débats en Europe. Où va
le mouvement anti-guerre et comment le consolider ?

Interview : Antoine Renard

Michel Collon, le récent livre de l'ex président du PS belge, Guy
Spitaels,[1] a dû vous faire un drôle d'effet. Il écrit - à
contre-courant de tout ce qu'on nous avait dit - que la guerre contre
la Yougoslavie a été voulue par les Etats-Unis pour installer leur
présence militaire en Bosnie, au Kosovo, en Macédoine « jamais loin du
pipeline qui doit venir de la Mer Noire vers l'Adriatique ». C'est
exactement la thèse de vos livres Poker menteur en 98 et Monopoly en
janvier 2000. Depuis des années, vous répétiez : « Toutes ces guerres
visent à contrôler les routes du pétrole. »

Michel Collon. En effet. Que n'a-t-il dit ça quand il était au pouvoir
et que son parti a marché dans toutes les guerres enclenchées par les
Etats-Unis ! Ce n'est pas le premier politicien à ne dire un peu de
vérité qu'une fois arrivé à la pension. Certains feraient bien
d'écrire leurs mémoires avant de faire leur carrière !

Vous râlez parce que les médias vous ont censuré quand vous disiez cela !

Michel Collon. Et comment ! Le Soir (Belgique) qui l'interviewe, par
exemple, a systématiquement boycotté ces analyse, a refusé tout débat.
Idem Le Monde, Libé, les grandes télés à part quelques journalistes de
la RTBF.

Et je râle parce que leur propagande pour la guerre et leurs silences
sur les sordides intérêts économiques des multinationales, tous ces
mensonges ont permis qu'on bombarde la Yougoslavie. Que ce pays
subisse à présent la dictature du FMI, alors qu'au Kosovo, c'est pire
qu'avant bien qu'on nous le cache. Et surtout, toute cette propagande
a encouragé les Etats-Unis à se croire tout permis et à déclencher de
nouvelles guerres !

Il vous reste à travailler sous un pseudo et à faire la pub de son
livre, alors ?

Michel Collon. Je trouve, oui, que la gauche devrait lire ce bouquin
et se demander pourquoi on nous a caché tout ça pendant dix ans. Mais
si je partage son constat de l'impérialisme US, je rejette à fond sa

Parce que Spitaels appelle à créer une armée européenne…

Michel Collon. Exactement, la majorité des milieux dirigeants
européens veut créer une Euro-armée, pour s'emparer de régions et
matières premières stratégiques. Pour favoriser leurs propres
multinationales au lieu de laisser les USA rafler le gâteau…
D'ailleurs Spitaels réclame pour l'Europe le « droit d'ingérence »,
c'est-à-dire le droit au néocolonialisme.

Vanessa, en tant que jeune Française d'origine yougoslave, avec toute
votre famille là-bas, vous avez dû souffrir de cette diabolisation et
de cette guerre de propagande…

Vanessa Stojilkovic. Oui, j'avais 13 ans quand la guerre a éclaté, et
du coup, en France, je suis devenue une « sale Serbe ». J'avais beau
dire qu'à la télé, on ne disait pas la vérité, personne ne m'écoutait.
Avec les nombreux décès dans ma famille yougoslave, la mort
épouvantable d'un cousin, j'en ai été traumatisé, oui.

Quel était votre sentiment en réalisant le film Les Damnés du Kosovo,
qui montre le nettoyage ethnique actuel des minorités non albanaises :
Serbes, Juifs, Roms, Musulmans, Turcs, Gorans, et qui expose les vrais
objectifs stratégiques US dont l'installation au Kosovo de la
super-base militaire de Camp Bondsteel ?

Vanessa Stojilkovic. Lorsque j'ai monté les images, exceptionnelles,
que Michel avait ramenées du Kosovo, avec toutes ces souffrances qu'on
nous cache maintenant, et que j'y ai ajouté des images des effets des
bombardements, je me sentais très triste de n'avoir pas pu faire plus
pour ma famille.

Bush commençait alors à menacer l'Irak. Donc, puisqu'il était trop
tard pour les morts yougoslaves, j'ai voulu faire un film « préventif
». Pour défendre l'Irak. Si nous pouvions montrer que chaque guerre
était motivée par des intérêts économiques, nous aiderions les gens à
se défendre contre les prochaines propagandes de guerre. Et montrer le
côté inhumain, barbare des grandes puissances.

Mais la Yougoslavie ne reste-t-elle pas un sujet tabou à gauche ? On a
démasqué de nombreux médiamensonges sur l'Irak, mais sur la
Yougoslavie, c'est moins évident.

Michel Collon. En effet, il n'y a eu aucun bilan critique de cette
désinformation. Pourtant, ça vaudrait la peine à en croire, par
exemple, les récentes déclarations du brigadier général Bo Pellnas,
qui était à la tête des observateurs ONU en Croatie : «L'équipe de
Madeleine Albright et du Département d'Etat a présenté contre
Milosevic de fausses preuves, des photos satellites manipulées .
Refusant de nous montrer leurs documents. La supériorité technique des
USA leur permet de fabriquer de fausses preuves. Si les USA
présentaient des preuves quant aux armes de destruction massive
irakiennes, les pays européens n'auraient pas les moyens de les
vérifier. ».

L'info sur Milosevic a été largement manipulée, en l'amalgamant à
certaines milices serbes de Bosnie. Et surtout on a caché que les
multinationales voulaient démanteler l'autogestion yougoslave et faire
main basse sur les richesses du pays.

Vanessa Stojilkovic. En effet, la Yougoslavie comme l'Irak ont été
attaqués et diabolisés parce qu'ils résistaient à l'hégémonie des USA.

En allant ainsi à contre-courant, vous ne craignez pas d'être
diabolisés à votre tour comme « pro-Milosevic » ?

Michel Collon. Attention, réfléchissons bien, justement, à ce
processus de diabolisation. Qui a le pouvoir de nous informer (ou
déformer) ?

Ce qui se passe aujourd'hui, cette immense révolte contre la guerre
impérialiste des Etats-Unis, c'est magnifique, mais il faut aller plus
loin. Les progressistes sont forcés de se poser la question : Et les
guerres précédentes ? Nous a-t-on menti également ? Je demande qu'on
regarde aussi CNN et les autres télés US ces jours-ci : quand vous
regardez cette énorme machine de propagande, ses médiamensonges
fabriqués, ce bourrage de crâne sophistiqué avec des techniques de
Hollywood, eh bien, dites-vous qu'ils ont fait exactement pareil dans
les guerres précédentes, et que les médias européens les suivaient !

Aujourd'hui, pourquoi certains gouvernements européens s'opposent-ils
à Bush ? Surtout parce que Total ne veut pas être évincé du
Moyen-Orient par Shell et Esso. Du coup, les médias européens ont le
droit de nous dire que c'est une guerre impérialiste des USA.

Vanessa Stojilkovic. Mais l'Europe a participé à la guerre contre la
Yougoslavie, l'Europe a bombardé mon pays, rappelons-le !

Michel Collon. Alors, moi, je demande deux choses : 1. Examinons
sérieusement si les guerres du passé ont été ou non emballées avec des
médiamensonges. 2. Demandons si TF1 a le droit de dire que les guerres
françaises en Afrique sont impérialistes également. Oui, elles visent
à protéger le pillage des ressources par les multinationales
françaises qui ruinent ces populations.

Bigre, c'est pas demain qu'on vous verra à TF1 !

Vanessa Stojilkovic. Demandons-nous d'abord pourquoi ni TF1, ni les
autres ne disent un mot sur la situation qui règne à présent dans mon
pays recolonisé ! La population y crève de faim. Les mendiants sont
apparus dans les rues. Par deux fois, les gens ont carrément refusé
d'aller voter. Le premier ministre assassiné était détesté, personne
ne le pleure. Combien de fois avais-je entendu là-bas : « Il va se
faire descendre, il nous a vendus nous et notre pays pour s'enrichir
personnellement, et nous on n'a pas de quoi manger ni se soigner !»

Face à la montée des grèves, le gouvernement du FMI a profité de
l'assassinat pour instaurer l'état d'urgence. Le droit de grève est
interdit (pas suspendu, interdit) et une violente répression
s'installe. Dans le silence des médias pour qui on « cherche juste les
coupables »…

Mais vous revenez d'une tournée de projections-débats de votre film
dans plusieurs pays européens. Vos impressions ?

Vanessa Stojilkovic. Dans tous ces débats, les gens comprennent bien
pourquoi nous lions Irak et Yougoslavie. Surtout quand nous expliquons
la situation économique et sociale qui sévit en Serbie. Aussi en
Croatie, d'ailleurs, où les syndicats ont appelé à la grève générale.
Et au Kosovo, en Bosnie occupés avec un chômage de 60% !

Ne vous dit-on pas : « Mais pourquoi parler de la Yougoslavie ?
L'actualité à présent, c'est l'Irak. » ?

Vanessa Stojilkovic. Oui, on le dit. Mais c'est une erreur. D'abord,
il faut rendre justice à ce peuple agressé, l'histoire ne s'efface
pas. Ensuite, en montrant les crimes que commet aujourd'hui
l'impérialisme US au Kosovo, nous avons fait ?uvre utile pour l'Irak :
on peut voir qu'une occupation par les Etats-Unis, c'est une
catastrophe. Une très vieille femme serbe dit dans notre film : « Les
bombardements, c'était bien, c'était pas aussi grave. Maintenant, on
n'ose même plus sortir dans la rue, on doit s'enfermer à double tour
chaque jour. C'est pas bon, on devrait pouvoir vivre comme des frères. »

Nous avons voulu faire un film pour que les gens comprennent une fois
pour toutes la nature des guerres menées par l'impérialisme. Qu'ils
aient les moyens d'analyser eux-mêmes toutes les prochaines guerres.
Leur donner la clé.

Est-il exact que des spectateurs aient réagi : « C'est une bombe,
votre film ! » ?

Michel Collon. Oui, c'est arrivé plusieurs fois, à des endroits
différents, avec quasi les mêmes mots. Les gens se rendent compte
qu'on leur a caché les faits essentiels, qu'on les a menés en bateau.

A l'époque, on disait que, dans les Balkans, les Etats-Unis
soutenaient les Musulmans. Comment les Arabes réagissent-ils à votre
film ?

Michel Collon. Très bien. Le sort fait aux Palestiniens et aux
Irakiens a montré que Washington n'est nulle part « l'ami » des
Musulmans. Et notre film révèle que ceux-ci aussi sont aujourd'hui
victimes du nettoyage ethnique au Kosovo. Victimes de l'UCK dont les
Etats-Unis sont le patron.

Vanessa Stojilkovic. En tant que Serbe, j'ai été diabolisée, mais les
Arabes, en Europe, ça fait quarante ans qu'ils le sont. La jeunesse
d'origine immigrée vit une réalité catastrophique. Faites l'expérience
de chercher un logement hors des ghettos des « ZUP » si vous avez un
nom arabe ou un accent étranger ! Et si vous demandez un emploi, vous
risqueriez de vous mettre très en colère devant tant d'injustice !

Je me souviens qu'un prof m'avait expliqué qu'en période de crise
économique, il fallait toujours un bouc emissaire. Aujourd'hui, c'est
les Arabes. Je trouve qu'ils ont beaucoup de sang-froid de garder leur
calme devant tant de propagande de haine et de lois injustes : ainsi,
on peut les placer dès 10 ans dans des centres fermés: coûteuses
écoles de la délinquance, largement financées alors que les
subventions ne cessent de baisser pour les varies écoles. Il y a bien
une volonté de criminaliser cette jeunesse issue de l'immigration !

Nous, Serbes, avons reçu une image médiatique très négative dans le
but de légitimer la guerre. Un jour, à Paris, lors d'une manif serbe
contre les bombardements, j'entends un homme qui passait par là dire à
ses deux enfants: «Vite, on s'en va, sinon on va nous prendre pour des

Quatre ans après la guerre, la diabolisation vous frappe toujours ?

Vanessa Stojilkovic. Bien sûr! Quand notre film a été projeté à la
Sorbonne, la prestigieuse université de Paris, la première question
qu'un homme français nous a posé, après la projection a été : «Pour
que les choses soient claires, quelle est la nationalité de Vanessa?»
Sous-entendu: si elle est Serbe, elle n'est pas crédible.

Michel Collon. On retrouve encore souvent une mentalité «La France,
c'est le pays des droits de l'homme, 1789 et tout ça… Nous, on sait et
on peut juger le monde, on a le droit d'ingérence…» Le néocolonialisme
est loin d'avoir disparu dans tous les esprits. Il est temps de
renverser les mentalités, et pas seulement en France: les pays
européens qui ont engendré les deux plus effroyables guerres de
l'Histoire, et qui ont colonisé, c'est-à-dire pillé le monde entier,
ces pays impérialistes n'ont pas à donner de leçons, mais plutôt à se
mettre à la place de leurs victimes. La plupart des gens rencontrés le
comprennent bien…

Pourquoi avoir choisi la forme "film"? Un livre ne suffisait pas?

Michel Collon. Avec un film, vous pouvez amener les gens du monde
entier à l'intérieur même du Kosovo, faire sentir de près ces
terribles souffrances dissimulées. Dans le monde entier, des gens ont
pu voir Maria traumatisée par le meurtre de son jeune neveu, assassiné
par l'UCK. Ou Stanimir dont la maison a été brûlée, dire qu'il n'en
voulait pas à ses amis albanais, seulement aux terroristes de l'UCK.
Ou un homme albanais expliquer qu'il a dû fuir car il était marié à
une femme serbe. Et comprendre que c'était une guerre de la
globalisation, pas une guerre humanitaire.

Pour ça, je suis extrêment reconnaissant à Vanessa d'avoir apporté à
ce film tout son talent et son travail acharné. Depuis la sélection
des images, la construction du scénario jusqu'au travail énorme de
montage, on ne soupçonne pas ce qu'il faut comme temps et comme soin :
vous pouvez mettre une journée pour "monter" dix secondes! A mes yeux,
il est important que la gauche puisse utiliser des moyens audiovisuels
modernes, on peut déjà passer des films sur Internet, ça va se
généraliser, donc a grand besoin de jeunes comme Vanessa qui se
lancent courageusement dans cette bataille!

Vous êtes bien plus âgé et connu que Vanessa (25 ans) ! Les gens
n'ont-ils pas tendance à se tourner uniquement vers vous?

Michel Collon. Oui. Disons-le : il y a parfois (souvent?) un peu de
racisme anti-jeunes, en tout cas un manque de confiance, on ne les
prend pas au sérieux. Mais si on veut qu'un autre monde soit possible,
il faut préparer, former et donc faire confiance à cette nouvelle

Le bilan de votre film est positif ?

Vanessa Stojilkovic. Largement! Et la manière que nous avons choisie
pour militer…

C'est-à-dire ?

Vanessa Stojilkovic. D'abord, nous lançons le film dans un pays par
une tournée de projections-débats. Dans des cinémas ou autres lieux le
plus ouverts possible, avec le soutien d'associations locales
dynamiques, des campagnes de mails. Ca nous a permis de rencontrer
quelques milliers de personnes en France, en Belgique, en Espagne…
Demain, nous partons en tournée en Italie. D'autres versions
étrangères vont bientôt sortir : anglaise, néerlandaise, serbe, russe,

Michel Collon. Ca nous permet d'entrer en contact avec de nombreuses
personnes, notamment des jeunes, qui nous apportent leurs témoignages,
leurs problèmes politiques , leurs projets, leurs suggestions… C'est
très enrichissant. Et devoir répondre à tant de questions, pas
toujours évidentes, ça nous force à approfondir les choses, à
améliorer notre pédagogie…

Mais vous vendez aussi la cassette individuellement…
Vanessa Stojilkovic. Et c'est très encourageant de voir les gens se
mobiliser, ils achètent notre cassette (9 Euros). Pas comme souvenir
mais pour militer avec, la prêter, la projeter à des amis et discuter.
Puis, ils nous envoient des mails ou des lettres avec les résultats,
les réactions. Que je note soigneusement dans mon petit cahier...

Des exemples?

Vanessa Stojilkovic. D'abord, le film m'a permis de me réconcilier
avec des amis qui avaient été influencés par les médias français.
Maintenant, ils me soutiennent et m'encouragent. Certains se sont mis
à militer. Ma mère et ma soeur sont devenues actives contre la guerre

Ensuite, beaucoup de Yougoslaves nous ont remercié les larmes aux yeux
de faire enfin sortir la vérité. Une femme croate qui a dû quitter son
pays à cause de la terrible campagne antiserbe. Un professeur de la
Sorbonne qui avait renoncé à s'exprimer devant la surdité et
l'intolérance de ses collègues.

Le plus dur que j'ai entendu : cette femme serbe de Bosnie qui habite
en France: elle est à la retraite mais continue de travailler, car
elle a besoin d'argent pour racheter les têtes de ses morts aux
mercenaires islamistes qui servaient le gouvernement bosniaque
d'Izetbegovic. Racheter les têtes de ses proches pour pouvoir les
enterrer avec le reste de la dépouille!

Psychologiquement, vous ne pouvez pas sortir intact d'une telle
propagande, d'une telle injustice, tant d'atrocités. Les gens ici
n'imaginent pas à quel point on peut être détruit. Aujourd'hui encore,
je ne peux me retenir de pleurer quand je vois à la TV un reportage de
propagande anti-yougoslave, je pleure pour me libérer de ma colère.
Tout comme j'ai pleuré devant la préparation de la guerre contre
l'Irak. Pensant à l'angoisse des gens là-bas, la même que celle que
j'ai vécue.

Michel Collon. Aujourd'hui, énormément de gens se rendent compte que
la guerre contre l'Irak est scandaleuse malgré tous les prétextes dont
on l'emballe dans la propagande. Alors, faisons un bilan sérieux de
toutes les guerres précédentes. Si même ce président du PS dit qu'on
nous a manipulés, faisons en sorte que le mouvement anti-guerre
acquière une base solide pour son action à venir. Qu'il procède à un
test-médias sérieux.

Des projets ?
Vanessa Stojilkovic. Il y a dans le monde quantité de pays menacés de
devenir la cible des USA. Je me sens moralement obligée de leur donner
la parole, d'expliquer pourquoi ils seront agressés, de démonter les

Y a du boulot !

Vanessa Stojilkovic. En effet. Nous lançons un appel à tous ceux qui
peuvent nous aider à faire de tels films ou à les diffuser.

On peut contacter les auteurs du film, s'informer, faire des
propositions via le site:

[1] Guy Spitaels, L'improbable équilibre, L. Pire, Bruxelles, janvier
2003. Interview Le Soir, 22 janvier.

From: Vladimir Krsljanin
1. President Milosevic ill, Hague silent
2. Zjuganov and Plotnikov protest
3. Medical mistreatment!




Last information from The Hague says that the health condition of
President Milosevic is so much worsened that he was forced to cancel
this weekend's family visit, unable to move from his cell to the room
for visits.

The trial has been interrupted for the seventh time due to his illness.

Three specialists from the most renown Yugoslav medical institution –
Military Medical Academy (VMA), Dr Vucinic, Dr Lepic and Dr Brdareski,
visited President in January. The Office of ICTY in Belgrade kept
their report for more than a month and never transmitted it to The
Hague. This Office is responsible that nothing has been done on the
basis of serious conclusions and recommendations from the Belgrade
doctors' report.

For ten days already, in spite of numerous fax (see bellow) and phone
interventions from SLOBODA in Belgrade, there is NO answer from The
Hague to the request that Belgrade doctors' team visits President
Milosevic again.

Your reaction is needed in terms of hours. Address ICTY and UNHCHR
(see addresses bellow), your governments, humanitarian organizations.
Appear with public statements.



On behalf of SLOBODA/Freedom Association

Vladimir Krsljanin

Foreign Relations Assistant to President Milosevic


International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia


Fax: +3170 512 8637

Phone: +3170 512 8570

e-mail: taylor.icty@...

President: Theodor Meron

Trial Chamber III President: Richard May

Registrar: Hans Holthius

Amicus Curiae: Steven Kay, Branislav Tapuskovic

Churchillplein 1
2517JW The Hague

P.O. BOX 13888
2501 EW The Hague

Mr. Sergio Vieira de Mello

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights


8-14 Avenue de la Paix

1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Tel. +4122 917 9000

Fax +4122 917 9022

E-mail: tb-petitions@...


Mr. Hans Holthuis, Registrar

Cc: Mr Theodor Meron, President

Mr Richard May, Judge


The Hague, The Netherlands

Belgrade, March 12th, 2003


Re: Health of President Milosevic and urgent necessity for a new visit
of VMA Belgrade medical team.

Dear Mr. Holthuis,

Considering the prolonged urgent health situation of President
Milosevic which, according to all medical experts involved, in his
present life and work conditions threatens his life, we have learned
with extreme bitterness that the ICTY Office in Belgrade avoided for a
month to transmit to you the Report of the medical team of the
Military Medical Academy (VMA) in Belgrade, who visited President
Milosevic in January this year. Accordingly, the recommendations of
the team have not been fulfilled.

The health of President Milosevic is still and constantly
deteriorating. It is obvious that there are no results up to now in
stopping this process. This situation has to be changed. Therefore, we
request that a new visit of the same VMA experts' medical team takes
place as soon as possible.

Counting on your urgent consideration of our proposal, we repeat our
contacts: telephone +381 63 8862 301 or fax at +381 11 630 549.

On behalf of Freedom Association
Yours sincerely,

Bogoljub Bjelica, president

Mr. Hans Holthuis, Registrar

Cc: Mr Theodor Meron, President

Mr Richard May, Judge


The Hague, The Netherlands

Belgrade, March 18th, 2003


Re: Worsening of President Milosevic's health and urgent necessity for
a visit of VMA medical team (our fax of March 12, 2003)

Dear Mr. Holthuis,

The information that we have just received about new deterioration of
the health of President Milosevic makes extremelly urgent your reply
and approval of our March 12 request for a new visit of the medical
experts' team of the Military Medical Academy (VMA) in Belgrade.

Having in mind as well all the appeals from our country and abroad
expressing concern about the life and health of President Milosevic,
we request your reply without further delay.

Our contacts remain: telephone +381 63 8862 301 or fax at +381 11 630 549.

On behalf of Freedom Association
Yours sincerely,

Bogoljub Bjelica, president

Mr Theodor Meron, President

Mr Richard May, Judge

Mr. Hans Holthuis, Registrar


The Hague, The Netherlands

Belgrade, March 20th, 2003


March 12 and 18, 2003)

Dear sirs,

Our information about the present health condition of President
Milosevic lead us to a conclusion that urgent specialist medical
check-up can not be delayed.

We can not understand your silence about our twice repeated request
for urgent visit of the medical experts' team of the Military Medical
Academy (VMA) in Belgrade.

Where are the commitments and obligations to protect the human rights
and where is the simple human moral?

Our contacts remain: telephone +381 63 8862 301 or fax at +381 11 630 549.

On behalf of Freedom Association

Bogoljub Bjelica, president


Translation from Russian

To the International Criminal Tribunal

for the former Yugoslavia

March, 21, 2003


Dear Sirs!

We are deeply disturbed by a new sharp deterioration of the state of
health of Mr.Slobodan Milosevic - former President of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia detained by the International Criminal Tribunal
for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague. The sharp increase of
blood pressure (140/220) is fraught with grave consequences

The Russian State Duma repeatedly marked, that the severe conditions
of detention of Mr. Milosevic lead to destruction of his health,
creating danger to his life. However Mr. Milosevic is still deprived
of access to specialized medical aid and of sufficient rest. We are
deeply disturbed that despite persistent appeals of medical experts to
reduce the intensity of the process, the wearisome multihour sessions

The ICTY actions violate the UN General Assembly resolution 37\94 of
December 18, 1982 that demands the authorities to render to the
detainees medical aid of the same quality, as to other population
groups. We have an impression that the ICTY quite consciously provokes
deterioration of a condition of health of the political prisoner.

The Russian Communist Party fraction of the State Duma of the Russian
Federation and the Agro-Industrial deputy group representing a third
of members of the Russian parliament, call on the ICTY to undertake
emergency steps, which could prevent the dangerous consequences of
these developments

We believe, that as the first urgent measure a group of the Belgrade
Military-Medical Academy experts who are ready immediately to travel
to The Hague, should have an opportunity to render emergency help to

As similar situations repeat with dangerous periodicity, we call on
the ICTY to release Mr.Milosevic so that he can get full-scale
specialized medical treatment in Serbia.

We intend to raise the issue of mistreatement of Mr.Milosevic at the
forthcoming session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of

Gennady Zyuganov

Head of the CPRF fraction

of the Russian Parliament

Vladimir Plotnikov

Deputy Head of the

Agro-Industrial deputy group




Belgrade, March 24, 2003

On the basis of information that has been reached us today, we state:

Slobodan Milosevic is being given a medication against the high blood
pressure called Labetalol (belonging to the class of beta-blockers)
which is producing in his case dazedness and insomnia.

Until yesterday President Milosevic has not been informed about these
possible side effects of the medication.

Dazedness as a side effect forces him to invest additional efforts and
strength to be able to fulfill his hard schedule. And insomnia as
another side effect caused by the medication is making for him
necessary minimum of rest impossible.

It is becoming obvious that at The Hague we don't even deal any more
with a faked trial, but with the simple torture.

If one takes into account the everyday fiasco of the fake indictment
and of the fake witnesses – the motives for such a mistreatment become

These are the facts we know, but we can only guess what other means
they use to disable President Milosevic.

At the same time, the Trial Chamber persistently denies to President
Milosevic both opportunity to recover and time to get properly
prepared for the process. And everyone knows that he has no intention
to escape, but a strongest determination to defeat and expose the
crime against Yugoslavia and Serbian people.

SLOBODA/Freedom Association feels obliged to inform the Yugoslav and
international public about this criminal mistreatment.


International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia


Fax: +3170 512 8637

Phone: +3170 512 8570

e-mail: taylor.icty@...

President: Theodor Meron

Trial Chamber III President: Richard May

Registrar: Hans Holthius

Amicus Curiae: Steven Kay, Branislav Tapuskovic

Churchillplein 1
2517JW The Hague

P.O. BOX 13888
2501 EW The Hague

Mr. Sergio Vieira de Mello

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights


8-14 Avenue de la Paix

1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Tel. +4122 917 9000

Fax +4122 917 9022

E-mail: tb-petitions@...

2. BEOGRADSKI FORUM: Saopstenje o napadu na Irak

=== 1 ===


U organizaciji socijalista Beograda, danas je odrzan komemorativni
skup povodom cetvrte godisnjice pocetka NATO agresije na nasu zemlju.

Na skupu su govorili Prof. Dr Ilija Vukovic, u ime Patriotskog saveza
Jugoslavije, Dragutin Minja Milovanovic, u ime Srba sa Kosova i
Metohije i Vladimir Krsljanin, u ime beogradskih socijalista.

Uprkos pokusaju rezima da represivnim merama vanrednog stanja
onemoguci obelezavanje godisnjice, kao i antiratne i socijalne
proteste, oko 200 doslednih socijalista i drugih patriota pokazalo je
danas odlucnost da istraje u odbrani slobode i nacionalnog

Skupu su prisustvovali Prof. Dr Oskar Kovac, Dr Zoran Bingulac,
Cedomir Zdrnja i drugi istaknuti socijalisticki prvaci, antifasisti i
patrioti, kao i ratni veterani.

Beogradski skup se obratio Predsedniku Slobodanu Milosevicu, domacoj
i svetskoj javnosti PORUKOM MIRA I SLOBODE.

U poruci se odaje posta herojima odbrane i zrtvama agresije i zahteva
momentalni prekid agresije na nas i druge narode, a kao deo agresije
se karakterise delatnost aktuelnog rezima u Beogradu i zahteva
njegova ostavka zbog odgovornosti za “ponistavanje narodnog
suvereniteta, katastrofalno stanje u socijalnoj, ekonomskoj i
bezbednosnoj oblasti, teska krsenja Ustava, zakona i ljudskih prava i
opstu kriminalizaciju drustva”. Ilegalno vanredno stanje u Srbiji
mora biti odmah ukinuto.

Odaje se posebno priznanje Predsedniku Milosevicu, “koji inspirise i
predvodi borce za slobodu u nasoj zemlji i svetu” i zahteva njegovo
oslobadjanje “iz agresorskog zatocenistva, gde mu je namerno ugrozen

Poruka beogradskog skupa poziva “sve demokratske i patriotske snage
da ostvare efektivnu saradnju u okviru Pokreta narodnog jedinstva,
sto je zaloga postovanja volje i interesa naroda posle vanrednih
izbora”. Istice se da najvecu obavezu u tom smislu ima Socijalisticka
partija Srbije.

Beogradski skup je najostrije osudio angloamericku agresiju na Irak i
izrazio “solidarnost sa masovnim izrazima volje naroda sirom sveta,
koji zahtevaju mir, ukidanje medjunarodne diktature finansijskih i
vojnih centara moci i demokratizaciju medjunarodnih odnosa”. U tom
smislu je istaknut zahtev da “Generalna skupstina UN pod
motom “Ujedinjeni za mir” osudi sve agresivne ratove koje su SAD i
NATO vodili bez mandata UN i obaveze Medjunarodni sud pravde da o
tome presudi po hitnom postupku, ukljucujuci zahteve za ratnu
odstetu, oslobadjanje okupiranih teritorija na Balkanu i u drugim
delovima sveta i ukidanje ad hoc tribunala koji su postali sredstvo

U zavrsnoj reci, Vladimir Krsljanin, pomocnik za medjunarodne odnose
Predsednika Milosevica i koordinator Organizacionog odbora
socijalista Beograda, pozvao je sve gradjane da ne podlegnu atmosferi
straha koju seje marionetski rezim, pokusavajuci da izbegne vruce
politicko prolece i masovno radnicko i narodno
nezadovoljstvo. “Srbija i Jugoslavija ce uskoro ponovo biti uvazeni i
ravnopravni clan demokratske evropske i svetske zajednice naroda, a
za to nam trebaju optimizam, postenje i patriotizam, ali i narodno
jedinstvo. Jedini put u buducnost koji imamo je da ujedinjeni
nastavimo borbu za slobodu – do pobede”, naglasio je on.

Beogradski komemorativni skup je zapoceo intoniranjem himne “Hej
Sloveni” i minutom cutanja za pripadnike vojske i policije i civile
poginule u agresiji NATO.


=== 2 ===

BEOGRADSKI FORUM: Saopstenje o napadu na Irak

Beograd, 20.03.2003.

Beogradski forum za svet ravnopravnih izražava duboku zabrinutost
zbog početka američko-britanskog oružanog napada na Irak i pridružuje
se miroljubivoj javnosti u našoj zemlji i čitavom svetu u energičnoj
osudi napada koji predstavlja najgrublje kršenje Povelje UN i
principa medjunarodnog prava. Napadi na Irak su započeti u trenutku
kada se bliži četvrta godišnjica agresije NATO pakta na Jugoslaviju
koja je predstavljala presedan u kršenju medjunarodnog prava i
nepoštovanju nadležnosti Saveta bezbednosti UN.
Ovi napadi, baš kao i u slučaju Jugoslavije, izazvaće ogromne ljudske
žrtve, patnje civilnog stanovništva, ekonomska razaranja i
ugrožavanje prirodne okoline sa posledicama koje se ni vremenski ni
prostorno ne mogu ogranićiti. Te žrtve i posledice ne mogu se ničim
opravdati. Svetska javnost je jasno stavila do znanja da pravi
razlozi za ovaj napad nisu ni posedovanje orž`ja za masovno
uništavanje, niti veze Iraka sa medjunarodnim terorizmom, već smena
vlasti u jednoj suverenoj zemlji, članici UN, pokreta nesvrstanih i
Arapske lige sa ciljem uspostavljanja kontrole nad njenim bogatstvima
u nafti.
Jednostrano korišćenje vojne sile od strane SAD i Velike Britanije
radi ostvarivanja njihovih hegemonističkih ciljeva predstavlja dosad
najozbiljniji udarac medjunarodnom miru, bezbenosti kao i sistemu UN
koji može imati teške posledice po budućnost svetske organizacije i
sistema medjunarodnih odnosa.
Beogradski forum je više puta do sada upozoravao na posledice grube
primene sile i danas smatra da sva pitanja u vezi sa Irakom sa vojnog
plana treba hitno vratiti na politički kolosek - u Savet bezbednosti
UN. To je opredeljenje ogromne većine članica svetske zajednice i
čitavog miroljubivog čovečanstva.

11000 Beograd, Misarska 6/II, Yugoslavija
Tel./Fax: (++381 11) 3245601


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