
Journal de Belgrade -marted� 10 ottobre (ore 10).

Nuove elezioni il 19 dicembre. Le istituzioni sono sempre paralizzate da
violenze e minacce.

In momenti storici come questo, gli avvenimenti si succedono d'ora in ora e la
verit� del mattino � gi� superata la sera. Sotto la pressione dell'opposizione
e delle violenze, con uno Stato e con Istituzioni completamente paralizzate, il
Parlamento serbo si va autodissolvendo. Le prossime elezioni avranno luogo il
19 dicembre, con un nuovo sistema elettorale -quello proporzionale- e con una
sola circoscrizione elettorale per l'intero Paese. Ci� dovrebbe tornar di
vantaggio ai radicali, al Dos ma, anche, ai socialisti di Milosevic. A tutt'ora
si ignora se anche il Presidente serbo Milutinovic rassegner� le dimissioni.
Dalle elezioni usciranno gli stessi risultati? Si avr� una situazione di doppio
In due mesi, i risultati probabilmente saranno gli stessi, dato che la gente
non avr� ancora compreso, per esperienza, che significa concretamente un
governo del Dos, dal punto di vista del lavoro e dei salari.
Certo, le violenze e le attivit� mafiose, promosse da Djindjic hanno scosso
anche una parte dei sostenitori di Kostunica; ma l'euforia della vittoria e le
persistenti illusioni ("Vivremo meglio", "guadagneremo 5000 dollari:

l'opposizione l'ha promesso"), aggiunte alla perdita di prestigio di Milosevic,
considerato finora l'uomo forte, ed all'indebolimento del suo Partito, son
tutti elementi, che prefigurano un risultato favorevole al Dos. I partiti di
Seaselj e di Draskovic -che hanno, intrambi, duramente criticato le violenze
mafiose- potrebbero riguadagnar terreno, ma la cosa � tutt'altro che certa.
Avremo, dunque, negli anni prossimi una situazione di doppio potere -con un
governo jugoslavo sottoposto all'autorit� di Milosevic, ed un governo serbo
sotto quella, invece, di Djindjic e dell'Occidente? Si tratterebbe, nel caso,
di una situazione storica assai originale, ma anche esplosiva.
Il Dos preme o per un suo governo minoritario; o per un governo tecnico di
"esperti" oppure, infine, per un'alleanza Dos-Snp montenegrino. Si dice perfino
che il SPS -sottoposto a terribili pressioni- potrebbe accettare l'ingresso del
Dos nel governo jugoslavo. In questo caso, si avrebbe un governo d'unione
nazionale Sps-Dos-radicali-Spo (Draskovic).
Come che sia, gli scontri dovrebbero proseguire: una partecipazione al potere
�, solo, una soluzione temporanea, essendo troppo forti gli appetiti che si

Come che sia, per i progressisti di tutto il mondo sar� importante seguire con
estrema attenzione la situazione e di badar bene a questi partiti jugoslavi,
cosiddetti "democratici", ma il cui programma � in realt� quello del Fmi. I
prossimi mesi avranno grande importanza, perch� la partita non � ancora tutta
Come gi� abbiamo indicato, una buon parte degli elettori di Kostunica resta
contraria alla Nato. "Son contento -m'ha detto Darko, giurista- che Milosevic
abbia perso, perch� non ha portato la lotta fino in fondo in difesa dei serbi
in Croazia e in Bosnia. Milosevic ha trascurato tutti quei giovani, che furono
vittime di quelle guerre. Con il nuovo regime, tuttavia, ci troveremo di fronte
ad un problema ancor pi� grave: la Nato � in arrivo e noi non dovremo farla
Come spiegare la vittoria di Kostunica? Con un insieme di fattori, di cui la
pi� parte � stata gi� trattata negli articoli precedenti: 1) la vittoria della
Nato; 2) dieci anni di privazioni, in seguito allo strangolamento economico del
Paese; 3) il denaro della Cia, che � piovuto in grande abbondanza e che ha
provocato defezioni; 4) una intelligente campagna mediatica e psicologica a
proposito di Kostunica, presentato come l'uomo nuovo e credibile; 5) gli errori
del regime di Milosevic.
In primo luogo e fondamentalmente, c'� la vittoria della Nato, che � la
vittoria della violenza. Nella primavera del '99, nel momento pi� intenso dei
bombardamenti mirati su obiettivi civili (installazioni elettriche, serbatoi di
benzina, ponti, strade, ecc.), il generale statunitense Michael Short
dichiarava: "Sono convinto che se la gente non ha l'elettricit� per far
funzionare il frigorifero n� il gas per cucinare, se non pu� recarsi al lavoro
perch� i ponti sono distrutti e se non possono smettere di pensare alle bombe
che possono cadergli addosso in qualunque momento, verr� il momento in cui la
stessa gente dir� che con tutto ci� bisogna farla finita." Tutto ci�
significava il regime di Belgrado.
Ecco ci� che la Nato chiama delle elezioni democratiche. Ad esempio, la signora
Carla del Ponte -cos� detta imparziale magistrato internazionale, ma in realt�
semplice arma nelle mani di Washington, come un Tomahawk o un volgare agente
della Cia. Ebbene, questa signora ha dichiarato, in un comunicato del 6
ottobre: "E' giusto che esprima il mio turbamento per gli eventi drammatici,
che succedono a Belgrado. Auguro loro di aver pieno successo con la nuova
democrazia ." Curioso magistrato, sorprendente tribunale, che chiude gli occhi
di fronte al regno del terrore e della mafia in Kosovo ed ha il coraggio di
applaudire alla 'democrazia', pur continuando nel suo sporco lavoro di
demonizzazione dei Serbi!
Al momento non staremo a sviluppare gli altri fattori, che hanno contribuito
alla disfatta (che, per altro, abbiamo precedentemente trattato); su un quinto
fattore, per�, ci soffermeremo, perch� � tale da porci numerose domande.
Perch� non vi sono state contro-manifestazioni nelle strade?
Cosa pensano i lavoratori?
Perch� l'esercito non si � mosso?
Ieri, ho incontrato alcuni sindacalisti della provincia, che erano venuti per
parlare del mio libro "La Nato alla conquista del mondo" e per propormi una
conferenza per i loro iscritti e militanti. La loro organizzazione - di 35.000
membri- si presenta come indipendente ma, in realt�, � assai vicina al Partito
Naturalmente, ho colto l'occasione per interrogarli sull'attualit�, ricevendo
risposte vaghe, confuse, imbarazzate. Alla fine, uno di loro mi ha detto "Io ho
attaccato manifesti di Milosevic, per� ho votato Kostunica". Come si vede,
piena � la perdita di fiducia.
Domenica sono andato a Novi Sad, per osservare il secondo turno delle elezioni
in Voivodina. In un'intervista (che sar� pubblicata) Dusan Bajatovic,
segretario del Ps per la regione, mi ha detto: "Noi siamo un Partito molto
grande, con moltisimi quadri e dieci anni di potere. E' molto. C'� stata
rivalit� tra i quadri. Molti stavano nel nostro Partito non per motivi seri, ma
per interesse. E in un paese povero, essere iscritto al Partito suscita
appetiti. Il popolo ha visto gente arricchirsi dall'oggi al domani, senza
ragioni evidenti. Da dove veniva questo denaro? E la gente ne ha ricavato che
fosse la posizione di potere del Partito a produrre simili privilegi. Tuttavia,
la gran maggioranza dei membri del Partito � fatta di gente onesta e devota al
proprio Paese; anch'essi -ovviamente- davano giudizi severi su tale situazione.
Vi sono state anche accuse false contro dirigenti del partito e dello Stato, ma
in queste condizioni i membri del Partito non hanno potuto adeguatamente
ribattere a tali accuse".
Confessione interessante, anche se non chiarisce perch� tali arricchimenti e
privilegi non siano stati combattuti; forse perch� i beneficiari si trovavano
troppo in alto?
"Non c'� solo il Partito Socialista -mi spiega Branko, ingegnere. La Jul, che
si presenta con posizioni pi� marcate a sinistra rispetto al Partito
socialista, anch'essa ha perso la sua credibilit�: ne facevano parte troppo
ricchi signorotti; non si pu� avere una teoria di sinistra e una pratica di
Tuttavia, Branko aggiunge: "Non � che per questo bisogna gettarsi in braccio
alla destra. Dieci anni fa, gli Occidentali fecero le stesse promesse ai
Rumeni; ma io conosco bene la Romania, dove frequentemente mi conduce il mio
lavoro. Oggi, in Romania la situazione � talmente catastrofica, che vi pu�
capitare di incontrare -qui in Jugoslavia, a Pojurevac, ad es.- lavoratori
rumeni impiegati nelle campagne! E la Romania non patisce sanzioni."
Un altro intellettuale progressista, Darko, concorda ed aggiunge: "Milosevic
avrebbe dovuto fare come Castro, che si vede in continuazione andare a
discutere con la gente comune, con i contadini, allo scopo di capire come vanno
le cose, che cosa pensano, quali sono i loro problemi. Anche Cuba � attaccata,
ma si difende bene!"
Quando si cerca di valutare il peso rispettivo dei singoli fattori, bisogna
esser prudenti. I fatti su cui richiamiamo l'attenzione sono molti importanti e
vi torneremo sopra; non si tratta, per�, di fatti nuovi. Erano ben noti da
molto tempo e nessuno fa affidamento sull'onest� dell'opposizione, sulla sua
capacit� di combattere la corruzione. Bisogna sapere che, in queste elezioni,
il risultato del Ps � stato sostanzialmente stabile. L'autentico fatto nuovo �
che Dos ha vinto. Ne riparleremo.

La "lib�ration" des m�dias?

Interview d'un journaliste belgradois

Il est journaliste dans un grand quotidien de Belgrade. "Milan" - comme nous l'appellerons car r�v�ler son identit� le mettrait
en danger - "Milan" a v�cu de pr�s ce qu'on appelle la lib�ration des m�dias. Il n'est pas membre du SPS ("J'ai vot� Milosevic,
SPS, et aussi radical au niveau local"), mais n'appr�cie pas du tout la chasse aux sorci�res qui s'est d�clench�e. T�moignage.


Auparavant, y avait-il parmi vous des journalistes pas d'accord avec la ligne �ditoriale?
Milan. Bien sur, dans chaque m�dia, vous en aviez quelques uns. Certains �crivaient sur des sujets non sensibles. Mais d'autres
empochaient tout simplement leur salaire et ne venaient pas travailler! On leur disait: "Du moment que vous ne faites pas de
gr�ves, ni de troubles, pas de probl�mes." La Yougoslavie est probablement le seul pays au monde ou des choses pareilles se
passent. Faudra-t-il dire "se passaient"?

Une p�tition de journalistes a circul�, dit-on...
Milan. Oui, le vendredi, ces gens qui ne travaillaient pas ont fait une d�claration, accusant le r�dacteur en chef d'etre un
dictateur. Ils l'ont fait signer pour signature. On a dit que cela avait �t� sign� par de nombreux journalistes. Mais � moi et
� d'autres, on ne l'a jamais pr�sent�. Ils ont fait signer � des secr�taires et d'autres employ�s, disant apr�s que c'�taient
des journalistes. Ils ne l'ont pas remise au directeur, comme c'aurait �t� normal s'il y avait eu un probl�me � r�gler.

La meme chose, partout, au meme moment...
Et la r�action du directeur?
Milan. Il m'a dit: "C'est un plan, la meme chose se passe dans les autres journaux. Je pensais qu'il �tait parano! Mais
ensuite, mes coll�gues d'autres journaux m'ont dit que cela s'�tait pass� exactement de la meme facon chez eux.

Donc, c'�tait bien un plan soigneusement pr�par�?
Milan. C'est clair.

Beaucoup ont sign�?
Milan. Oui, mais il y a eu pression sur beaucoup de gens pour qu'ils signent: "Attention, les temps changent. Si vous ne signez
pas, quand nous arriverons au pouvoir, vous perdrez votre emploi."

"J'esp�re que je ne devrai pas employer ce que j'ai dans ma poche."
Et ensuite?
Milan. Chaque jour, nous avions r�union. Vendredi matin, on nous a dit: "On va �lire notre nouveau r�dacteur en chef, nous ne
voulons pas que des politiciens nous envoient quelqu'un de l'ext�rieur."Cinq minutes plus tard, quelqu'un arrivait. De
"Je suis votre nouveau r�dacteur en chef. "Ils" m'envoient. J'esp�re que je ne devrai pas employer ce que j'ai dans ma poche.
Et que vous serez assez intelligents pour que je ne doive pas changer vos articles. Personne ici n'a le droit de parler, vous
etes tous de vieux serpents. Vous devez vous laver vous- memes car vous avez �t� loyaux � ce gouvernement. Voil� ce que j'avais
� vous dire. Il n'y aura pas de questions."Et il est parti.
Les gens �taient estomaqu�s: "Pas de questions?!' Au pr�c�dent r�dacteur en chef, on puvait poser des questions.

Les journalistes sont-ils libres de couvrir des �v�nements comme le saccage des batiments SPS?
Milan. Non, ces articles volent � la poubelle. Mes coll�gues ont peur, ils n'osent pas discuter de tout ca. Nous vivons des
moments terribles.

JOURNAL DE BELGRADE - Mardi 10 octobre, 13 heures

Nouvelles �lections le 19 d�cembre
Les institutions sont toujours paralys�es
par les violences et les menaces


Dans de tels moments historiques, les �v�nements se bousculent d'heure en heure, et la v�rit� du matin est d�pass�e
l'apr�s-midi. Sous la pression de l'opposition et des violences qui se d�roulent ici, avec un Etat et des institutions
compl�tement paralys�s, le Parlement serbe vient de s'auto-dissoudre. Les prochaines �lections auront lieu le 19 d�cembre.
Avec un nouveau syst�me �lectoral: la proportionnelle, et une seule circonscription pour tout le pays. Ce qui devrait avantager
les radicaux de DOS, mais aussi les socialistes de Milosevic. On ne sait pas encore si le pr�sident serbe Milutinovic
d�missionnera �galement.

Les memes r�sultats? Une situation de double pouvoir?
Quels pourraient etre les r�sultats dans deux mois? Probablement les memes, les gens n'ayant pas encore eu l'exp�rience de ce
que signifierait concr�tement un gouvernement DOS pour leur emploi et leurs revenus. Certes, les violences et les activit�s
maffieuses d�velopp�es par Djindjic ont choqu� meme une partie des partisans de Kostunica. Mais l'euphorie de la victoire et la
persistance des illusions "On va vivre mieux, on gagnera 5.000 dollars comme l'opposition nous l'a promis", ces facteurs et
aussi la perte de prestige de l'homme fort Milosevic, ainsi que l'affaiblissement de son parti, tous ces �l�ments pr�figurent
un r�sultat favorable � DOS. Les partis de Seselj et de Draskovic - qui ont tous deux violemment critiqu� les violences
maffieuses - pourraient reprendre un peu du poil de la bete, mais ce n'est pas du tout certain.
Va-t-on alors se trouver, pendant les annees qui viennent, dans une situation de "double pouvoir" avec un gouvernement
yougoslave sous l'autorite de Milosevic et un gouvernement serbe sous l'autorite de Djindjic et de l'Occident? Ce serait une
situation historique assez originale et explosive. Mais ce n'est pas certain. DOS fait pression pour ses solutions: soit un
gouvernement minoritaire DOS, soit un gouvernement dit "technique" d'experts, soit une alliance DOS-SNP mont�negrin. On dit
aussi que le SPS - sous une pression terrible actuellement - pourrait accepter de faire entrer DOS dans le gouvernement
yougoslave; on aurait alors un gouvernement d'union nationale SPS-DOS-radicaux-SPO (Draskovic). Dans tous les cas, les
affrontements devraient se poursuivre. Un partage de pouvoir n'est jamais qu'une solution temporaire, et les app�tits en
pr�sence sont trop forts.

La partie n'est pas jou�e, mais la marge d'action est �troite
Quoi qu'il en soit, pour les progressistes du monde entier, il sera important de suivre cette situation attentivement et
d'ouvrir les yeux sur ces partis yougoslaves dits "d�mocratiques"mais dont le programme est en r�alit� celui du FMI. Les mois
� venir seront d'une grande importance, et la situation n'est pas encore d�finitivement jou�e.
Comme nous l'avons indiqu�, une bonne partie des �lecteurs de Kostunica reste anti-Otan: "Je suis content que Milosevic est
parti, m'a dit Darko, juriste. Car il n'a pas men� le combat jusqu'au bout pour d�fendre les Serbes en Croatie, puis en Bosnie.
Et il a n�glig� tous ces jeunes qui furent victimes de ces guerres. Mais avec ce nouveau r�gime, nous allons avoir un probl�me
encore plus grave. C'est l'Otan qui arrive ici. Nous ne devrons pas les laisser faire."

Les cinq raisons de la d�faite
Comment expliquer la victoire de Kostunica? Par un ensemble de facteurs dont la plupart ont �t� d�velopp�s dans de pr�c�dents
articles. 1. La violence de l'Otan. 2. Dix ann�es de privations par l'�tranglement �conomique du pays. 3. L'argent de la CIA
qui a coul� � flots et qui a notamment provoqu� des d�fections. 4. Une campagne m�diatico-psychologique intelligente autour de
l'homme neuf et cr�dible Kostunica. 5. Les erreurs du r�gime Milosevic.

D'abord, fondamentalement, c'est une victoire de l'Otan, une victoire de la violence. Au printemps 99, au plus fort des
bombardements visant des objectifs civils (installations �lectriques, approvisionnement en essence, routes, ponts...), le
g�n�ral US Michael Short d�clarait: "Je suis persuad� que si les gens n'ont pas de courant pour faire marcher leur frigo, pas
de gaz pour la cuisine, s'ils ne peuvent pas aller au travail parce que les ponts sont cass�s et s'ils n'arretent pas de penser
aux bombes qui peuvent tomber � tout moment, le temps viendra ou ils vont se dire qu'il faut en finir avec tout ca'. Tout ca,
c'�tait le r�gime de Belgrade.
Voil� ce que l'Otan appelle des �lections d�mocratiques. Tout comme Madame Carla Del Ponte, soi-disant magistrate
internationale impartiale, en r�alit� simple arme de Washington au meme titre qu'un Tomahawk ou un vulgaire espion de la CIA.
Cette dame vient de d�clarer: "Il est appropri� de ma part d'exprimer mon ravissement devant les �v�nements dramatiques se
d�roulant � Belgrade, je leur souhaite plein succ�s avec leur toute nouvelle d�mocratie." (Communiqu� du 6 octobre) Curieuse
magistrate, curieux tribunal, qui ferment les yeux sur le r�gne de la terreur et de la maffia au Kosovo et osent applaudir "la
d�mocratie"tout en continuant � se livrer � leur sale travail de satanisation des Serbes!

Pour l'instant, nous ne d�veloppons pas ici les autres facteurs de la d�faite (trait�s pr�c�demment), mais nous en venons au
cinqui�me facteur, sur lequel on nous pose beaucoup de questions. "Pourquoi n'y a-t-il pas eu de contre-manifestants dans la
rue?" "Que pensent les travailleurs?" "Pourquoi l'arm�e n'a-t-elle pas boug�?

Pourquoi le r�gime a perdu son soutien

Hier, j'ai rencontr� des syndicalistes de province, venus me voir pour parler de mon livre "L'Otan � la conquete du monde"et
m'inviter � venir donner une conf�rence devant leurs militants et affili�s. Leur organisation - qui s'affiche 'ind�pendante'
mais �tait tr�s proche du parti socialiste -compte 35.000 membres. Je les ai �videmment interrog�s sur la situation actuelle.
Je sentais leurs r�ponses vraiment vagues et confuses. Malaise. Finalement, un des responsables m'a dit: "J'ai coll� les
affiches de Milosevic que j'ai recues, mais j'ai vot� Kostunica."
Nous voici en plein coeur de la perte de confiance.
Dimanche, je suis all� � Novi Sad observer le second tour des �lections r�gionales de Voivodine. Dans une interview (a
paraitre) le secr�taire du parti socialiste pour la r�gion Dusan Bajatovic m� dit: "Nous sommes un tr�s grand parti, avec un
tr�s grand nombre de cadres, et dix ans au pouvoir, c'est beaucoup. Ce qui a provoqu� une comp�tition entre cadres. Beaucoup de
gens n'etaient pas dans notre parti pour des raisons s�rieuses, mais par int�ret. Et dans un pays pauvre vu, etre au parti
excite les app�tits. Le peuple a vu des gens s'enrichir du jour au lendemain et sans raison valable. Il y a eu beaucoup de cas.
D'ou venait cet argent? Et les gens ont pens� que c'�tait la position au SPS qui provoquait ces privil�ges.
La grande majorit� des membres sont cependant honnetes et d�vou�s � leur pays, et eux aussi jugeaient s�v�rement ces cas. Il y
a eu aussi des accusations fausses contre les dirigeants du SPS et de l'Etat, mais dans ces conditions, les membres n'ont pas
pu r�pondre correctement � ces attaques."
Aveu int�ressant. Reste �videmment � savoir pourquoi ces enrichissements et ces privil�ges n'ont pas �t� combattus. Parce que
les b�n�ficiaires �taient trop haut plac�s?

"Il n'y a pas que le SPS, m'explique Branko, ing�nieur. Le parti YUL qui se r�clame de positions encore plus � gauche que le
SPS, a aussi perdu sa cr�dibilit�. Il comptait en son sein de nombreux patrons tr�s riches. On ne peut pas avoir une th�orie de
gauche et une pratique de droite." Mais il ajoute: "Ce n'est pas pour ca qu'il faut se jeter dans les bras de la droite. Il y a
dix ans, les memes promesses occidentales ont �t� faites aux Roumains. Mais je connais ce pays, car mon travail m'y am�ne
souvent. A pr�sent, la situation y est tellement catastrophique que vous pouvez meme voir des travailleurs roumains occup�s
dans les champs, ici, en Yougoslavie, � Pojurevac! Et eux n'ont pas de sanctions."
Un autre intellectuel progressiste, Darko, pense de meme et ajoute: "Milosevic aurait du faire comme Castro. CElui-la on le
voit toujours aller discuter avec les simples gens, avec les paysans, pour voir comment ca va, ce qu�ls pensent, leurs
probl�mes. Cuba aussi est attaqu�, mais il se d�fend bien."

Quand on essaie d'�valuer le poids respectif de ces divers �l�ments, il faut se montrer prudent. Les faits que nous venons
d'indiquer sont tr�s importants et nous y reviendrons. Mais ils ne sont pas nouveaux, les gens savaient ca depuis longtemps. Et
personne n'a confiance dans l'honnetet� de l'opposition sur le plan de la corruption. il faut savoir qu'� ces �lections en fait
le SPS a reproduit � peu pr�s ses scores �lectoraux pr�c�dents. Le facteur nouveau, c'est la r�ussite de DOS. Nous y

Qui viendra � Belgrade apr�s V�drine: Fischer, Kouchner et puis Albright?
Arrogant d�fil� des vainqueurs � Belgrade


Hubert V�drine, ministre francais des Affaires �trang�res, est venu � Belgrade. Le premier dirigeant occidental � venir
savourer la victoire du FMI et de l'Otan. Pourtant, V�drine, a �t� condamn� par un tribunal yougoslave pour sa participation
aux crimes des guerre commis par l'Otan dans ce pays.
De nombreux juristes internationaux et aussi l'organisation Amnesty International ont confirm� que l'Otan �tait bien coupable.
Monsieur le pr�sident Kostunica est toujours consid�r� comme tr�s soucieux de la l�galit�. Fera-t-il appliquer ce jugement?
Quoi qu'il en soit, le d�fil� des vainqueurs - arrogants et impudiques - a commenc� � Belgrade. La rumeur a circul� que Bernard
Kouchner souhaitait venir. Balon d'essai? C'�tait trop gros sans doute, car cet homme est tellement d�test� par tous les Serbes
qu'il aurait fallu une arm�e pour le prot�ger.
Par contre, Joshka Fischer est annonc� pour bientot. Mais il esp�re rencontrer un autre ministre des Affaires �trang�res, aux
ordres de l'Ouest.
Verra-t-on un jour Madeleine Albright venir c�l�brer son triomphe et se faire baiser la main � nouveau? Ce serait sans doute
trop maladroit de le faire en public. Le baise-main risque de rester platonique. Mais c'est bien elle qui a gagn�.
Pour l'instant du moins.



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Journal from Belgrade - Saturday 14 October
"Who's is fucking with us, who's the liar?"

* Kostunica, Djindjic, Persici, V. Ilic
* SPS new strategy
* CIA's visit to Belgrade
* Feelings of ordinary people: "Who's fucking with us here, who is the liar?"
Kostunica seems now to be taking a firmer attitude, and trying to get a tighter grip on the rest of his DOS allies... He's also
accusing Djindjic & Co. for undermining his authority (in connection with illegal take-over of enterprises and institutions)
There's rumor that fights in DOS are well on the way, that Kostunica asked from Vuk Obradovic (to whom he trust the most, as
well as to Perisic) to stop the illegal take-over, and Obradovic refused, saying that this is necessary. About all this
Obradovic supposedly informed the rest of leaders in a DOS meeting where Kostunica wasn't present...
Velja Ilic (this guy from Cacak) was supposedly angry at Kostunica, saying " Has he no shame?! We did all the work, managed his
campaign, put him on presidential seat, and now he still wants to deal with them (SPS I suppose) in gloves!"
Perisic and Djindjic are making a pressure on Kostunica to oust general Pavkovic, and Djindjic even asked Djukanovic to make a
pressure on Kostunica to change all the generals (because Kostunica wouldn't listen to him, Djindjic)
Tonight SPS and DOS will have a meeting at 22h to continue the discussion about transitional government. But it has been
arranged that SPS, DOS, SPO and SRS will be in it. At midnight they will meet Milutinovic.
The session of Republic Skupstina is possibly at Saturday or Sunday....The problem is, radicals are still more-less refusing to
G17 is understandably very much against this kind of transitional government, they want expert government (and they will be
the EXPERTS I suppose!)

SPS new strategy
On SPS side, the 'Operation Renewal' tries to start. A new leadership was formed, combining the 'old' Milutinovic who whas
president of Serbia, and the 'young' Zoran Andjelkovic. I met this man personally when I made a report in Kosovo, last
February. As an animator for the Center of Peace and Tolerance, he was taking care of the interests of the Serbs victims of
present ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. He wrote a very well documented book about that, called "Days of Terror".
He is giving the impression of someone very concerned with human approach and contacts with the ordinary people. Something the
SPS undoubtedly lacked very much the last years, provoking his decline as it is explained in my interview with Jivadin
The discussion continues about the future role of Milosevic in the party.

CIA's visit to Belgrade
To my paper "Qui viendra � Belgrade?" writen last Tuesday about the visit of Hubert V�drine (and others) in Belgrade, you may
add the "key man". US ambassador in Budapest visited also Belgrade. Key man because he organised the all CIA-coup from Hungary.
Now coming to visit his subordinates.

Feelings of ordinary people
Ordinary people mostly feel like this: "I support Kostunica, he's honest, and the rest of DOS are all thieves and bastards,
especially Djindjic."
After the first wave of euphoria passed, people where actually shocked to see how DOS leaders (excluding Kostunica!) are not
exactly doing it by the book, and are using force instead of law...
So now DOS supporters are asking "Is this what we fought for? And what's the difference between former thieves (SPS, JUL) and
present thieves?"
People are also confused because they hear very conflicting statements of Kostunica, G17 plus and Djindjic on one side, then of
Djukanovic and Montenegrin socialists on the other, not to mention statements of NATO and EU officials which are getting to be
more careful and restricted...
In the meanwhile, people see sanctions are not all lifted (just flights and oil, but the oil never came from the West, and
JAT, the Yugoslavian airlines, already had many flights from Belgrade, so it does not make a big difference)
G17 is promising entrance in IMF, and entrance in EU eventually (which is such a blatant, monstrous lie, and most of the Serbs
know it!) Djindjic is promising the return of army and police to Kosovo, Kouchner is refusing, prices of things in the stores
have gone sky-high in the last couple of days....
So people see all that, and ask "who the hell is fucking with us here? who's the liar?"

Eternal fire
Djindjic denies to use paramilitary forces. But...

Yugoslav capital Belgrade hadn't been visited by such an astounding number of Western officials in a long time. Ministers,
politicians, diplomats, special representatives of the West are standing in a line for 7 days already, to congratulate newly
elected Yugoslav president Vojislav Kostunica on his "democratic victory" and give him a friendly pat on a shoulder.

"Democratic opposition of Serbia" (DOS) rallied people of Serbia to Belgrade on October 5th, for mass protest against ex
Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic. Escalation of this "peaceful protest" into street violence and take-over of power on the
streets was well-planed and well-coordinated, according to the latter admission of DOS leaders themselves. There was no
spontaneity about it. Desperately trying to avoid thus imposed "Bucharest scenario", Yugoslav army and police didn't react to
stop the masses.

Many euphemisms have been said since, to describe this counter-revolution. "Democratic revolution" says Zoran Djindjic, DOS
manager, trying to gild the lily.
"Velvet revolution", say people on the street, making a parallel with Prague. Perhaps they have already forgotten that their
"velvet" in Belgrade got soaked with some blood, and scorched with some flames too.

"What happened on October 5th was just a show for CNN, this was nothing. Real power-fight is yet to come. A counter-revolution
must be followed through to the end", says Srdjan Lukic (25), DOS supporter. True. And in Serbia these days, real
counter-revolution is going on indeed. Behind the scenes, behind closed doors, and far away from cameras and spot-lights.

Even with Slobodan Milosevic out of the way, DOS leaders are aware that they must keep their street-gained advantage, if they
want to win crucial state-power, Federal and Republical Parliament.
In Federal parliament, majority is held by left coalition; battle for Republical parliament is in full swing, where majority is
held by socialists and radicals.

In the meanwhile, "non-institutional" pressure is well on the way. "Groups of citizens" are entering state enterprises,
factories, institutions, even universities, demanding leadership to leave. Peacefully or by force.
DOS immediately denied accusations of Serbian government that it established "crisis headquarters" and temporary leaderships in
enterprises and institutions in the country, saying that employees themselves are toppling their leadership.
Still, letters of resignation are showering from ministers, directors, hospital wardens, university deans...some admit they
were pressured into it. Empty places are being filled by DOS members or sympathizers. DOS has put its hands also on Service of
payment, dealing with financial transactions.

All state-media are already controlled by Serbian "democrats", and one-sidedness in media-reports is horrifying.
"Crisis headquarters DOS will form in media are just temporary. This is just necessary until new government is constituted"
says Vladeta Jankovic, one of DOS leaders, in his statement for Tanjug state agency.

Blaming uncontrolled violence of the last days on "those who wouldn't accept obvious election-defeat", and underlining that
"justified people's revolt couldn't be controlled" Jankovic repeated once again there will be no revanchism, as president
Kostunica has promised.
But president Kostunica is a legalist, and a man of principles. Most of the people who are his present allies, however, are

Even in "democracy", headquarters of Serbian socialist party (SPS) and Yugoslav Left (JUL) are being demolished, and their
functionaries threatened on daily basis.
"I am not and never was a member of any party, but I got beaten also, as an executive of state-enterprise. They must have
thought I am SPS too" states Ivica Indjic, director of supplies. "Maybe I should put letter "Dj" at the beginning of my last
name from now on" says Indjic with a bitter smile.

Maybe there's no need. As Beta agency reports, Zoran Djindjic denied on Tuesday the rumors that paramilitary forces, whose core
is made by members of his Democratic party, are operating in the country.

Nevertheless, in a vacuum until legal government is formed, it seems DOS is using "iron broom" to clean SPS and JUL out of
their positions, and out of its way.

And while NATO functionaries keep flocking to Belgrade to admire their own success perhaps, the "Eternal fire" on the obelisk
to victims of NATO bombing last year has been put out. As daily Novosti writes, "it has been done by someone, during the
establishing of democracy in the country". Perhaps not to bother high guests.

Velimir Ilic, mayor of Cacak,
explains the strategy for the insurrection
" Our preparation was very conspiracy. Even some people of DOS had no ideas what we were preparing"

Velimir Ilic, president of Cacak, interwiev VREME (12.
october), page 12 and 13
His people from Cacak come firs in front of Federal
parlament. They come in a line long 25 km aand they
brought with them: 200 tracks, 40 buses, cister with
woter, train with cars, buger etc.
Ilic explained that DOS was preparing all this for a
long time. Especialy with the inspektors and offisers
from the polie..

Did you had problems to convince them?
Ilic: No. Preparaation was very conspirativ. Even the
people from police never new for eachother until the
end. I wanted to hide them from problems. Among us we
had policemans in civilian, even from the most elite
forces from Belgrade. They helped us to get
informations what the police thinks, wheree are they
going and what can we expect on the road. We had with
us paraashouters, policemans with war expirianc,
bodybilders, trucckdrivers...
To Belgrade we went with 20-30 truck full with rocks
and 30 people who wore trowing roks on the police.
They run away. We had simple organization. We stole
motorolas (toky waky) from policemanss and we start
to talk andd confuse them. listening to the orders.
The police was specialy shoked when they saw
policemans with us. Those uniforms we bought long time
Ofcoursee, we had policemans in Belgrade who wworre
prepareed to give us informations. They give us
advices to bring a lot of mehanization. Even some
people from DOS had no idea what we worre planing to
So many people in front of the federal parlament
helped us a lot, but without ooure conections in
police we wouldnt csucsided. They told us that they
have no orders to fire and that we have to stay until
15.30 because then they will let us in the Parlament
if we have enough people.
How long you worre planing all this?
Ilic: I was thinking a lot. Specialy last year wille a
was in the forest during the NATO bombing (hidding
from thee police). When I saw that police cant finde
me for 43 days I reaalised that they arre not well
orgaanized. Had of the police is stupid. Then I
reaalised why ourre demonstrations never sucsided - we
never atacked them!

Next page, VREME:
Police raddioconection was destroyed in wednesday
(untill friday morning)and they couldnt ask for
help.Days before that, during the blocade of towns,
demonstrators made atackes everywheree around the
city. Thee police had to go there and than they madee
barikades and stoped the conection between polise so
they couldt help eachother.
"Facts are: SDB (special police) withh their sourses
could stop and prevent everything that happend, but
they obviesly didnt want to do that".


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Da oggi su

Interview exclusive de Jivadin Jovanovic, ministre yougoslave des Affaires �trang�res
"Pour chaque dollar que l'Ouest 'donnera' � la Yougoslavie, elle devra en rendre dix!"
La semaine derni�re, Solidaire donnait la parole � deux activistes d'Otpor, mouvement �tudiant anti-Milosevic. Aujourd'hui, �
Jivadin Jovanovic, ministre des Affaires �trang�res de Yougoslavie, et aussi un des dirigeants les plus importants du SPS de
Milosevic. Qui, en maintenant ses scores pr�c�dents, reste en fait le plus important parti. En ces jours troubl�s, des
centaines de journalistes internationaux cherchaient � interviewer un dirigeant socialiste. C'est l'envoy� sp�cial de Solidaire
qui a recueilli ces confidences....
Mercredi 11 octobre, 11 heures 30. Je p�n�tre dans le grand bureau ovale du ministre Jivadin Jovanovic. C'est probablement une
des derni�res fois qu'il s'y trouve... "Fin de r�gne" diront certains. "Eclipse avant un possible retour" r�pondront ceux qui
soulignent qu'avec 40% des voix (un score inchang�), le SPS (le parti socialiste de Milosevic) reste le parti le plus important
du pays et qu'elle est bien fragile la pr�sente coalition DOS: 18 partis dont les programmes se contredisent et dont les
promesses �lectorales seront impossibles � tenir. Tr�s jovial, riant souvent, Jovanovic pose aussi de nombreuses questions.
Trois heures d'entretien passionnant.

Comment allez-vous?
Jivadin Jovanovic. Je survis! Malgr� la visite tr�s d�plaisante, ce matin, d'une tro�ka de DOS, venue essayer de me forcer �
d�missionner. Se r�clamant "du pr�sident Kostunica", ils vont partout faire pression pour obliger tous ceux qui ont des mandats
l�gaux � partir. Je leur ai r�pondu que Monsieur Kostunica venait de jurer fid�lit� � la Constitution et que, d'apr�s celle-ci,
ce n'est pas le pr�sident mais le Premier ministre qui nomme les ministres. En public, ils r�clament le respect de la loi et un
fonctionnement normal des institutions mais, en r�alit�, ils font tout pour les d�truire! Ils recherchent le chaos.

DOS affirme que ce sont "les travailleurs qui prennent les usines en mains."
J. Jovanovic. Mais lorsque ce pays pratiquait "l'autogestion des entreprises par les travailleurs", la droite disait que
c'�tait une forme de dictature communiste. En r�alit�, aujourd'hui, c'est Zoran Djindjic , le chef du quartier-g�n�ral de DOS
et son vrai ma�tre (ndlr - un politicien de droite tr�s impopulaire pour avoir soutenu l'Otan), qui se d�p�che de s'emparer de
tout. Ils se ruent comme des hy�nes affam�es. Ces politiciens ne sont pas le peuple. Ils veulent arracher tout le pouvoir tout
de suite pour commencer � vendre le pays.

On a pu voir, � la t�l�vision, le directeur des douanes chass� de son bureau et remplac�, sous la menace des armes du
"Capitaine Dragan", chef d'une milice serbe active durant la guerre en Croatie. Une sc�ne qui a choqu� l'opinion...
J. Jovanovic. L'homme que Djindjic a plac� � la t�te des douanes avait �t� responsable des douanes auparavant. Il avait �t�
d�mis � cause de son casier judiciaire. Maintenant, il revient avec des armes pour s'emparer de ce poste! C'est cela un
"mouvement spontan� des masses"? Cela a tellement indign� la population que DOS a reconnu il s'agissait effectivement d'une
action ill�gale et qu'ils nommeront un nouveau directeur. Sur base de quelle loi? Ils n'en ont pas le pouvoir puisque c'est
toujours le gouvernement actuel qui est comp�tent.
Peu � peu, les gens vont comprendre. M�me dans DOS, il y a des gens honn�tes qui d�sapprouvent. Mais ils sont perdus, sans
influence. Le pr�sident Kostunica devrait se pr�occuper de cela, lui dont la r�putation est impeccable. Au parlement, il a jur�
fid�lit� � la Constitution. Eux la bafouent.

Mais pour l'instant, la majorit� de la population se r�jouit du "changement"...
J. Jovanovic. Quand les gens seront sans travail, quand ils verront les march�s pleins de produits occidentaux, mais qu'il
leur sera impossible de les acheter, quand ils subiront un syst�me o� on pourra arbitrairement les priver de leur emploi, quand
ils devront d�bourser des sommes �normes pour l'enseignement et les soins de sant� alors, ils comprendront.
Je reconnais que nos magasins ne sont pas tr�s impressionnants. Peu de produits allemands, fran�ais ou anglais. Mais la
plupart des gens peuvent s'acheter de tout, m�me des appareils m�nagers modernes. Il y aura un r�veil brutal. Les gens ne
peuvent pas r�ver tr�s longtemps de solutions-miracles.

L'Ouest promet d'aider financi�rement la Yougoslavie...
J. Jovanovic. Un peu d'argent viendra de l'Europe, et DOS le pr�sentera comme une "aide des pays amis". En r�alit�, ce ne sera
qu'un acompte avant d'acheter notre pays. Pour chaque dollar re�u, notre pays devra en rendre dix!

En fait, des dollars sont d�j� venus en Yougoslavie...
J. Jovanovic. Oui, les Etats-Unis ont publiquement reconnu avoir vers� 77,2 millions de dollars (environ 3,5 milliards FB)
pour aider l'opposition � renverser le gouvernement yougoslave. Et le 25 septembre, le Congr�s votait un nouveau cr�dit de 105
millions de dollars (4,7 milliards FB).

Avez-vous protest� � l'ONU contre cette ing�rence dans les �lections?
J. Jovanovic. Bien s�r. Cette d�stabilisation de notre pays a �t� organis�e � partir de Budapest, avec des agences am�ricaines
implant�es �galement � Sofia, Skopje et ailleurs et compos�es d'agents de la CIA. La Convention de Vienne interdit d'�tablir
dans des pays des centres hostiles � un autre pays. Voyez aujourd'hui, l'ambassadeur am�ricain � Budapest, Montgomery, se
rendre en Yougoslavie pour rendre visite � ses subordonn�s du DOS!
Mais les Etats-Unis et la Grande-Bretagne, qui contr�lent l'ONU, ont ni� ces �vidences. D'autres pays nous comprenaient, mais
nous n'avons m�me pas obtenu un d�bat.

Les Etats-Unis ont d�pens� des sommes consid�rables pour la campagne �lectorale de DOS...
J. Jovanovic. Oui. Et comment r�agiraient-ils si on faisait cela chez eux? Ils me rappellent une blague d'ici: en pleine
p�riode de je�ne religieux, un villageois voit le pr�tre manger un grand r�ti. "Mais vous nous avez dit que le je�ne �tait un
commandement de Dieu!" Et l'autre r�pond: "Vous �tes suppos� ob�ir � ce que je dis, et pas suppos� vous comporter comme moi!"

Bref, "faites ce que je dis, et pas ce que je fais..."
J. Jovanovic. (Riant) Oui, les Etats-Unis, c'est exactement �a! Ce qu'ils se permettent est interdit aux autres. Quand ils
parlent de "d�mocratie", c'est seulement un slogan qu'ils avancent pour dominer le monde. Autre exemple: ils veulent imposer un
Tribunal p�nal international pour nous juger. Mais eux-m�mes refusent un tribunal universel qui pourrait juger tous les crimes
de guerre commis par n'importe quel Etat. Ils savent trop bien qu'ils devraient �tre condamn�s pour ce qu'ils ont fait �
Panama, Ha�ti et ailleurs!
A l'Assembl�e g�n�rale des Nations-Unies, en 1995, ils ont vot� contre une r�solution qui interdisait l'ing�rence dans les
affaires int�rieures, particuli�rement �lectorales, d'un pays. Cette r�solution a �t� vot�e malgr� eux, ils devraient donc
suivre les r�gles de la majorit� d�mocratique! "Deux poids, deux mesures", c'est la cl� de la "d�mocratie" am�ricaine.

La Yougoslavie est-elle vis�e pour elle-m�me ou cela annonce-t-il d'autres offensives des Etats-Unis et de l'Otan?
J. Jovanovic. Ce n'�tait pas seulement le probl�me d'un pays dans une r�gion strat�gique. Ils viennent de mettre le paquet car
si la r�sistance yougoslave avait dur� encore longtemps, elle serait devenue un exemple dangereux. Nous �tions en train
d'acqu�rir un soutien croissant dans le tiers monde.

Le pas suivant, c'est la Russie?
J. Jovanovic. Si tant d'�nergie a �t� concentr�e contre la Yougoslavie, ce n'�tait pas seulement pour assouvir les int�r�ts
imm�diats des Etats-Unis et de l'Otan dans notre pays. Pour comprendre, il faut prendre en consid�ration leurs aspirations
globales. A part certaines r�gions qui sont d'une importance vitale en elles-m�mes, � cause de leurs richesses tr�s
importantes, ce que l'Otan et les Etats-Unis font est toujours fonction de leurs int�r�ts globaux...
Premi�rement, ils veulent tuer la volont� d'ind�pendance et de r�sistance � la domination dans le monde entier. Deuxi�mement,
faire passer le message "Aucun pays ne doit invoquer des principes; il doit seulement respecter la fa�on de voir des
Etats-Unis". Troisi�mement, l'Otan s'est ainsi rapproch� des fronti�res de la Russie et de la Chine. Washington travaille � les
faire �clater en y semant les graines du s�paratisme, en manipulant l'int�grisme islamiste. D'un c�t�, ils trompent les
musulmans en leur faisant croire qu'ils sont leurs amis...

Tout en les massacrant en Irak et en Palestine...
J. Jovanovic. Exactement! Et de l'autre c�t�, ils cherchent � contr�ler les ressources mini�res et �nerg�tiques ainsi que tous
les nouveaux march�s qui s'ouvrent � l'est de notre pays: Caucase, Moyen-Orient... Ayant �tabli leur contr�le sur l'Europe
occidentale, les Etats-Unis souhaitent � pr�sent contr�ler tous les gouvernements d'Eurasie. Voil� le facteur global d�cisif.
En r�sistant dix ans, nous avons donn� du temps aux autres pays. Il y a eu des prises de conscience, mais insuffisantes. Sans
doute (avec une nuance de m�lancolie dans la voix), le fardeau � porter �tait-il trop lourd pour la Yougoslavie. Nous avons
re�u certains soutiens, mais pas assez, notamment de pays sur lesquels nous comptions...

Vous songez � la Russie?
J. Jovanovic. (Il ne r�pond pas, mais fait oui de la t�te). Rien n'est �ternel. Y compris la situation pr�sente en
Yougoslavie. Je suis certain que, tout comme certaines personnes qui ont vot� pour DOS vont le regretter, certains pays
europ�ens regretteront de n'avoir pas soutenu davantage la Yougoslavie et d'avoir compris trop tard.
(Riant � nouveau). Une vieille chanson serbe dit: "L'ours a dans� sur le seuil de la maison de votre oncle. Et maintenant, il
vient chez vous!" Autrement dit: vous n'avez pas boug�, mais vous le regretterez. Tous ont sous-estim� ces �v�nements et n'ont
pas vu le risque qu'ils prenaient en ne r�agissant pas.

Et de votre c�t�, pensez-vous avez avoir commis des erreurs?
J. Jovanovic. Oui. Je ne veux pas fuir nos responsabilit�s. Nous n'avons pas �valu� de fa�on r�aliste la situation interne et
internationale. Nous n'avons pas mesur� tous les facteurs n�gatifs.

Par exemple?
J. Jovanovic. Sur le plan int�rieur, nous n'avons pas estim� de fa�on r�aliste les sentiments de la population. Nous aurions
d� mieux ressentir l'effet des privations qu'ils subissaient apr�s dix ann�es de sanctions. Les gens ont r�sist� � l'agression,
ils ont r�sist� aux sanctions, mais leurs conditions de vie s'�taient vraiment trop d�grad�es. Et avec la guerre en plus!
Deuxi�mement, apr�s l'agression, nous avons mis tout le paquet sur la reconstruction du pays. Ecoles, h�pitaux, routes,
ponts... Cela a demand� beaucoup de capitaux et nous avons pr�lev� une cotisation sur les salaires et les pensions. Cette
reconstruction �tait importante pour l'avenir du pays, mais elle n'a pas directement am�lior� la qualit� de vie. Nous aurions
d� �tre plus r�alistes quant aux investissements et adopter davantage de mesures pour am�liorer les conditions de vie des gens.
Troisi�mement, nous n'avons pas bien r�ussi � contr�ler le commerce. Nous avons laiss� trop d'espace � des gens cupides qui
stockaient des marchandises, comme l'huile et le sucre, afin de faire monter les prix avant de r�approvisionner le march�. Des
gens ont profit� de la situation pour stocker et sp�culer. Ils vendaient parfois au double ou au triple de leur prix d'achat!
Imaginez les fortunes qu'ils ont accumul�es!
Dans ma r�gion, il existe une usine de ciment, Paracim. Une mati�re tr�s importante puisque les gens avaient beaucoup �
reconstruire apr�s les bombardements. Lors d'une r�union �lectorale, une femme s'est approch�e de moi: "Monsieur le ministre,
pourquoi permettez-vous que le sac de ciment co�te 3,5 DM � la sortie de l'usine et 13 DM en ville?" Le directeur de l'usine
�tant justement � c�t� de moi, je me suis tourn� vers lui. "Je ne suis responsable que de la production, a-t-il r�pondu. Je ne
contr�le pas le commerce." J'ai parl� de cette situation � mes coll�gues des d�partements �conomiques. Mais trop tard.

Beaucoup ont reproch� � votre gouvernement et � votre parti le fait que pendant que la grande masse vivait dans d'extr�mes
difficult�s, de grosses fortunes se sont aussi cr��es. Certains vivaient dans le luxe et les privil�ges.
J. Jovanovic. Des gens ont profit� de leur position pour s'enrichir ill�galement et immoralement. Nous en subissons les
cons�quences. Mais ils repr�sentent une minorit�. La grande majorit� de nos socialistes sont des gens honn�tes qui se battent
pour la justice sociale, l'�ducation et la sant� pour tous.

Pourquoi vous n'avez pas lutt� plus �nergiquement contre ce ph�nom�ne? Car ce que vous d�crivez ne date pas des derniers
J. Jovanovic. Le rapport de forces au sein de mon parti n'�tait pas favorable � cette lutte. Mais maintenant, nous allons
devoir nous d�barrasser de ces profiteurs. Efficacement et sans piti�.

A tous les niveaux?
J. Jovanovic. A tous les niveaux.

Beaucoup pensent que Milosevic aurait mieux fait de reconna�tre tout de suite la victoire de Kostunica.
J. Jovanovic. Je ne sais pas si Kostunica a eu 51%, 50% des voix ou un peu moins, et � pr�sent, je m'en fiche. De toute fa�on,
il est clair qu'il avait 10% d'avance sur Milosevic et qu'il allait gagner. D'autre part, il y a des formes l�gales �
respecter. On devait v�rifier s'il avait bien 50% ou s'il fallait un second tour.

En fait, la victoire de DOS est le r�sultat d'un ensemble de facteurs?
J. Jovanovic. Absolument. Le principal - que je nous reproche et que je me reproche � moi-m�me - �tant d'avoir mal estim� la
situation r�elle. M�me si, dans ma circonscription de Pomoravije, j'ai obtenu de tr�s bons r�sultats, gagnant trois districts
sur six. Peut-�tre m�me quatre apr�s v�rification.

En fait, le SPS maintient son nombre de voix...
J. Jovanovic. Oui, mais ce qui est nouveau, c'est que Washington a r�ussi � rendre cr�dible l'opposition DOS. Face � cette
grande campagne internationale, financ�e � coups de millions de dollars, nous pouvons �tre satisfaits d'avoir r�ussi �
conserver la force du SPS. Dommage que nous n'ayons pas r�ussi � accro�tre notre base. Ce sera notre t�che future.


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> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Decline of The West
> by George Szamuely
> October 13, 2000
> Kostunica's Coup Unravels
> Last week’s coup d’etat in Yugoslavia is unraveling rapidly. President
> Vojislav Kostunica is emerging as a new type of President. He waves to
> the cameras; he gives interviews to the media; he meets foreign
> dignitaries. Yet he is in charge of nothing. He has no political party
> and no political base. He does not control the Federal Parliament. He
> does not control the Serbian Parliament. He does not control
> Montenegro. He does not control any Ministry. He does not control the
> police. Above all, he does not control Yugoslavia’s armed forces. And,
> as he reveals in an interview with the New York Times (October 12), he
> does not even control his own coalition. Kostunica won 50 percent of
> the vote – if that – in an election with a 60 percent turnout. The
> Yugoslav Presidency is essentially a powerless institution, important
> only because Slobodan Milosevic occupied it. The Yugoslav President,
> for example, is not the Commander in Chief of the armed forces. The
> Supreme Defense Council commands the armed forces. This body comprises
> the President of Yugoslavia, the President of Serbia, the President of
> Montenegro, the Yugoslav Defense Minister and the Yugoslav Army Chief
> of Staff. Since Montenegro President Milo Djukanovic is likely to
> continue boycotting the Supreme Defense Council, Kostunica is
> outnumbered 3 to 1 by Milosevic loyalists.
> The United States and the European Union poured hundreds of millions
> of dollars into Yugoslavia over the years trying to oust Slobodan
> Milosevic. They ended up with no popular, national hero in the Lech
> Walesa or Vaclav Havel mould; rather a not terribly bright, pedantic
> protégé, one who can only achieve power by thuggery, media attention,
> and large infusions of foreign cash. As ever, the NATO project is
> failing. Since last week throughout the country drunken mobs have been
> storming the offices of factories, coalmines, banks and universities
> and forcing people to resign. Armed gangs seized the National Bank as
> well as the Customs’ office. The managers of Yugoslavia’s largest gold
> mine and smelter were kicked out, as were the managers at Zastava, the
> country’s giant carmaker. The Director of the Kolubara coalmining
> complex was thrown out, as was the Director of Yugoslav Coal
> Production.
> This lawlessness has not escaped the attention of the Yugoslav
> military. Last Sunday Kostunica met the Yugoslav Army General Staff.
> At the meeting, according to the Serbian Ministry of Information,
> "concern was expressed over certain events in the country, in
> post-election period, that are not in accordance with the Constitution
> and the laws, and the position and role of the Yugoslav Army in
> resolving problems had also been considered." Sounds like a clear
> warning to Kostunica not to engage in mob rule. Zoran Djindjic,
> unquestionably the real leader of the Democratic Opposition, evidently
> decided that the time had come to try to use the same bullying tactics
> with the army. Djindjic began telling reporters about the need to
> replace Army Chief of Staff General Nebojsa Pavkovic with Momcilo
> Perisic, a former general sacked by Milosevic in 1998. "We can expect
> not only the resignation of the present chief of general staff Nebojsa
> Pavkovic, but also a wind of fresh air throughout the top ranks,"
> Djindjic said. On Wednesday Kostunica went to army headquarters – a
> highly revealing act leaving no one in any doubt as to who really
> wields power in Yugoslavia. Following the meeting, the army issued an
> ominous statement: "The army leadership drew the President’s attention
> to possible negative consequences which might result from increasingly
> violent attacks on and efforts to discredit individual Army officers
> and the Army as an institution of vital importance to national
> security and defense." Kostunica made it clear that Pavkovic was
> staying on, that he had never had the slightest intention of replacing
> him and that Djindjic does not speak for him. Like Al Gore, Kostunica
> is "his own man."
> On Monday, the Democratic Opposition was boasting that it had bullied
> the Serbian President Milan Milutinovic into holding elections for the
> Serbian Parliament in December and into ceding power to a transitional
> Government in the interim. Now, it looks as if there will be no
> elections until September of next year, when Parliament’s term is due
> to end. Members of Milosevic’s Socialist Party and those of Vojislav
> Seselj’s Radical Party walked out of talks earlier this week on
> forming a new government in Serbia. They vowed not to come back until
> the "end of riots, violence and lawlessness against the citizens of
> Serbia." The Radicals complained of people were being "lynched by mobs
> belonging to the illegal regime of the Democratic Opposition."
> The response of the Democratic Opposition was to threaten more
> violence. Djindjic issued an ultimatum. Either the Serbian Government
> sets a date for new elections by Friday or the Opposition will call
> its followers out into the streets. One senior Democratic Opposition
> official, Cedomir Jovanovic, warned the Socialists, that they will
> face "non-constitutional" pressure. Jovanovic said that the DOS would
> ask for the help of people in the streets to force the Serbian
> Government into holding early elections and to cede power to a
> "transitional government." The "people’s patience is exhausted," said
> Velimir Ilic, the Mayor of Cacak. "Serbs are so eager to see changes,
> and I do not know who…will protect Socialists if they continue to drag
> their feet."
> Meanwhile, the Democratic Opposition is trying to bring the Serbian
> police under its control. Serbia’s Interior Minister resigned this
> week citing a conflict of interest on account of having been elected
> to the Federal Parliament. The media reported this as a major triumph
> for Kostunica. No sooner had they done so, than Serbian Prime Minister
> Mirko Marjanovic announced that he was taking over the Interior
> Ministry himself and thereby assuming control of the police.
> Kostunica wants to ignore elected bodies and to set up so-called
> "crisis committees" to run the country. But no one is buying into the
> idea. According to Branislav Ivkovic, a senior figure in Milosevic’s
> Party, the "government [of Serbia] will…ignore all the decisions of
> the so-called ‘crisis committees’." In addition, all managers of state
> companies dismissed by the Democratic Opposition will be reinstated.
> The Serbian Government, he explains, "was elected on a four-year
> mandate, and it is the only one which can make legal decisions."
> This week Zoran Djindjic announced that the new Federal Prime Minister
> would be G17 Plus Chief Executive Miroljub Labus. Djindjic has long
> been an advocate of putting Yugoslavia into the receivership of the
> IMF. G17 Plus drew up the Democratic Opposition’s economic program,
> with all its promises to abide by IMF demands. Apparently this was all
> news to Kostunica. He announced that he had promised the job of Prime
> Minister to a member of Montenegro’s Socialist People’s Party, which
> is aligned with Milosevic. The Socialist People’s Party has, however,
> rejected the notion of establishing a "government of experts" in the
> interim. Kostunica intends to travel to Montenegro on Friday to meet
> local party leaders as well as Milo Djukanovic. Note that once again
> it is Kostunica who has to do the traveling and the paying of
> respects, not the politicians of Montenegro.
> Kostunica continues on his clueless and sycophantic way. "The United
> States has done too much meddling in our internal affairs," he says in
> the Times interview as if he were still running for office, "Now it’s
> meddling less than usual, so this will have a positive influence."
> "Less than usual"? The United States manipulated an election, and
> engineered his seizure of power. What does he mean by "usual"? On
> improving relations with the United States, the Times says: "If
> re-establishing diplomatic relations is in his competence as Federal
> President, he said, he will do it quickly." An extraordinary
> statement, first, in its revelation about Kostunica’s lack of
> knowledge as to what falls within his competence. Second, in its
> revelation as to the kind of "nationalism" espoused by this supposed
> "Serbian nationalist." He literally pants to win the approval of the
> very power that was bombing his country to smithereens last year.
> Third, if even diplomatic relations do not fall within his competence,
> what does?
> What happened in Yugoslavia was the overthrow of a legitimate
> Government by a combination of brute force and US threats and dollars.
> The people who have been hoisted into power are no democrats, but the
> servants of foreign interests. They have no power, and their attempts
> at circumventing democratic institutions are meeting ferocious
> resistance in the country. The media hacks, robbed of their "fall of
> the Berlin Wall" and "people power" story are unable to understand any
> of this. Convinced that the Democratic Opposition leaders are the
> "good guys," and that the United States is self-evidently on the side
> of democracy and freedom, they have only one explanation as to why
> events are not following the approved script: the old standby,
> "Milosevic is causing mischief." But this is an old story now, and an
> increasingly unconvincing one. By stepping down last week and not
> resorting to violence, Milosevic may well have outmaneuvered the
> Americans once again. The fight for Yugoslav sovereignty will
> continue.
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Insitute for War and Peace Reporting


Veterans of the Belgrade demonstrations which toppled Milosevic claim
protests were planned with military precision

By Milenko Vasovic in Belgrade

The opening blows of the Yugoslav Revolution were highly coordinated
operations backed by a core of armed and committed soldiers, war
and police officers, claims one of the organisers of the uprising.

The mayor of Cacak, Velimir Ilic, a key figure in the overthrow of
Milosevic, told the Belgrade daily Glas Javnosti that the seizure of the
federal parliament and state broadcaster, RTS, had been "carefully
over a long period of time.

"For months we were laying down our plans," he said." Each demonstrator
allocated a specific task. We knew which group was in charge for each
of the city and what they had to do."

Ilic said utmost secrecy surrounded the preparations. He had recruited
personnel, retired and serving special police officers, as well as
from the Bosnian war. Leaders from the Democratic Opposition of Serbia,
the coalition behind Yugoslavia's new president, Vojislav Kostunica,
left in the dark about the plans, the mayor said.

"Not even the policemen and special forces who took part in this action
of each others existence until the very end," Ilic said.

"It's either victory or death!" Ilic told around 10,000 people who
in Cacak, before setting out in a 20-mile long convoy of buses and
for the showdown in the capital on October 5.

People from Uzice, Nis, Gornji Milanovac, Smederevo joined the column as
approached Belgrade. As they converged on the city centre, their number
swollen by hundreds of thousands of local protesters.

The throngs of demonstrators waged a psychological war against the
trying to protect key buildings. One young man walked up to an officer
outside the parliament building and opened his jacket to reveal an
rifle. "I have nothing to lose," he yelled. "You have to decide for
yourself." The policeman was speechless.

Among the thousands of demonstrators who descended on the federal
and RTS building were groups armed with guns and petrol bombs and gangs
youths. Prominent among the latter were Red Star Belgrade football fans
to take revenge for police beatings.

Ilic claims he had at his disposal ten officers from the elite 63rd
Parachute Brigade, several former state security secret agents and about
half a dozen members of elite police units. Team leaders were provided
walkie-talkies - some were unfortunately attacked by demonstrators who
mistook them for plainclothes policemen.

The parliament building was finally breached when the protesters
in tricking police outside into posing for souvenir photographs,
another group to slip by the cordon and storm the entrance.

Next to fall to the protesters was the RTS building. Petrol bombs set it
ablaze forcing police inside to surrender. In the final push, a
was driven through the front door.

Vladan Dugonjic, a mechanical engineer from Sabac, was one of the first
get inside the RTS studios. Sabac, who took part in the March 1991
with police, said he had waited ten years to realise his dream - the end
communism in Serbia. Despite the clouds of tear gas, he said, he managed
get into the building and snatch a microphone away from Spomenka Jovic,
pro-regime journalist.

"I fell down many times, I rushed through the flames," he said. "My
caught fire, but I was determined to get into RTS, even if that meant
my sight. That building generated so much evil."

Rumours around Belgrade say another veteran of the wars in former
Yugoslavia, Dragan Vasiljevic, alias Captain Dragan, took part in the
capture of the hated state broadcaster.

Vasiljevic led a unit of Serbian volunteers during the Krajina conflict.
People under his command, it is said, captured vital RTS transmitters,
enabling the opposition to begin broadcasting over the network.

Some claim many of the protesters were paid for a 'good day's work'. One
Ilic's security men, Ivan Stragarevic, vehemently denies this: "We
with all our heart, we didn't do it for money."

Many of the Cacak protesters had left their hometown as if going to war,
saying final farewells to their families. "We dared not return home
completing the job, because the police would have beaten us and put us
jail on the way back," said one protester.

Milenko Vasovic is a regular IWPR contributor.


German Foreign Minister Calls for Permanent German Troop
Occupation of Yugoslavia

Fischer Warns: Yugoslavs Must Acquire Democratic Culture to Relate to

Prof. Chossudovsky Comments: US Accepts German Domination in Yugoslavia

Berlin (AP)Oct. 11, 2000

[Emperor's Clothes note: The following has been translated from the
printout of a German
language 'Associated Press' dispatch. For more details, see end of

German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, addressing Parliament on
Wednesday, expressed
his opinion that Germany should not only provide material help to
Yugoslavia but that the
Bundeswehr and non-military organizations should establish a permanent
presence there. He
declared that this was a unique chance to create a democracy in the
context of further
European unification.

Reunited Germany has a special responsibility for stabilizing democracy
in Serbia. Democracy,
said Mr. Fischer, is the basis for a lasting peace in the Balkans. But
the priority is for the
moment that the democratic changes be carried out peacefully and that
justice prevail. The
Western Balkans is a part of the European comprehensive responsibility.

It was truly correct at the time to stop Slobodan Milosevich's policy of
Greater Serbia and to
engage oneself on the side of the democratic opposition, says Joschka
Fischer. Now the bloody
murdering in the Balkans can be stopped. The Stability Pact has to be
used, among other things,
for the clearing of the Danube. Also democratic culture has to be built
up [in Serbia] to make
possible the normalization of relations between Germany and Serbia. The
first steps have been
taken through the lifting of the oil and the flight embargoes by the
European Union. Now
Serbia can be accompanied on its route toward Europe. In the words of
Fischer, all those who
have made themselves guilty of grave crimes have to be brought to

[Note: Original German text will be posted as soon as possible at ]

German Domination Slated for Yugoslavia

Interview with Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics, University
Ottawa. Prof. Chossudovsky studies and writes about the effects of
International Monetary
Fund/NATO penetration of countries in transition.

Interview conducted by Max Sinclair

Sinclair: Some supporters of Kostunica are arguing, or hoping, that
somehow he can maneuver
around the United States because he has ties to Europe. That Europe is
getting away from US
domination and wants to be independent.

Chossudovsky: I think they're very naïve in that belief. Berlin and
Washington are working
hand in hand in this situation. They coordinate their respective foreign
policy initiatives.
Germany's secret service, the Bbundesnachrichten Dienst (BND)
collaborated closely with the
CIA in the various stages of the 78 day bombing of Yugoslavia, and also
after the bombing.

Everything indicates that what they want is to transform Yugoslavia into
a German
protectorate with German troops (and the Deutschmark) stationed on
Yugoslav soil, within
Germany's "lebensraum". This has been the fate of the other former
republics of Yugoslavia
including Macedonia and Croatia.

In Montenegro and Kosovo the Deutschmark has been established as legal
tender. In Kosovo
Germany's Commerzbank controls the entire commercial banking system. At
the same time it
is the Washington Group, which is a US Transnational linked up with the
US defence industry,
which controls the Trepca mines in northern Kosovo.

The Americans and their British allies have their eyes on Central Asia;
that is the deal. The
Caspian Sea basin and Central Asia are American territory. BP-AMOCO and
ARCO, the
world's largest Anglo-American oil consortium, is the major player in
the Caspian oil fields.
NATO's role, through GUUAM, the NATO-sponsored military alliance in this
area, is to
protect the pipeline routes from the Caucasus through the Balkans.

Germany is not an important player in the oil business. In return for
the US and Britain getting
the Caspian Sea Basin and Central Asia, Germany gets the Balkans and
parts of Eastern
Europe. The US and Germany seem to have agreed on this division of
territory and their
respective spheres of influence.

Sinclair: So they are fully united?

Chossudovsky: United in some regards, divided in others. There is a
major split between
Germany and the US in the defence industry. We see two competing defence
The powerful Deutsche Aerospace which is part of Daimler is now allied
with France's
Aerospatiale Matra. In turn, British Aerospace is integrated into the US
military industrial
complex. It is in close relationship with major US defence contractors.

In other words the Western defence industry is split in two; the
Anglo-American axis and the
Franco-German axis. Incidentally in the oil business the Anglo-Americans
are also
competing with the French-Belgian-Italian consortium,
El-Aquitaine-Petrofina-ENI, which
also has links to the Iranian and Russian Oil companies.

Dinkic Attempts to Control Central Bank for the IMF

Chossudovsky: With regard to Yugoslavia, what they want is to impose the
which means Germany would dominate the monetary system. This requires
controlling the
Central Bank.

I think the biggest stake in Yugoslavia right now is over who does
control the Central Bank.

It appears that Mr. Mladjan Dinkic of the G17 group of economists has
assumed control of the
Bank. He has done this on behalf of the International Monetary Fund

If Yugoslavia is to retain national sovereignty, it is absolutely
essential that it regains
sovereignty over its bank and therefore its monetary policy. If
Kostunica and Dinkic and the
G-17 can hand over the Central Bank to the IMF, then the German banks
will come in as they
did in Kosovo and Bosnia . The IMF then acquires de facto control and
then we have a colonial
situation regardless of what might happen in the arena of party
politics. In other words, if the
IMF, through the G-17 economists, has control of the Central Bank in the
person of Mr.
Dinkic, then they control part of the key power in the country. If they
also get the position of
Finance Minister they have it all.

Mr. Dinkic appears to have assumed the functions of a Central Bank
governor without the
legally required parliamentary assent. There is evidence, publicly
available, that the IMF has
already begun wrecking the monetary system. For Yugoslavia to retain
sovereignty, its
monetary policy must be controlled by those answerable to parliament,
not to the IMF. This
means removing the Central Bank from Dinkic and his associates.

With regard to Yugoslavia the US, Germany and France collaborate.

Sinclair: The other day I read an article which suggested that Kostunica
has the backing of
France and so he can therefore play an independent role.

Chossudovsky: France and German go together. As I mentioned, their
defense industries are
fully integrated now. There's very close collaboration between the two.
That is the new axis.
France, Germany and Italy, on one side, and Britain and America on the

Sinclair: So does this mean there is hope that the Serbs will be
protected from the U.S. by
France and Germany?

Chossudovsky: They won't; no no, they won't. Of course, there are many
disagreements and
conflicts between Germany and the US. In Albania, the Germans supported
the Democrats
and the US supported the Socialists. The Germans lost out. Germany's
giant mining
consortium Preussag, lost out to an Anglo-American mining company when
the Socialists
came in. Albania is one of the world's largest producers of chrome, you

But with regard to Yugoslavia the US and German sides fully collaborate.

And mind you, the International Monetary Fund is run by a German now.
Let's be clear: in the
Balkans and Eastern Europe, the IMF is just as much an instrument of
German domination as
it is of American domination.

And then of course there are the historical implications of Germany once
more occupying
Yugoslavia. This of course has been an established goal of the German
Empire, including
during W.W.II.

Sinclair: Before we conclude could you talk a bit more about United
States and Central Asia?

Chossudovsky: Well the United States has extended into the Caucasus and
the Central Asian
Republics of the former Soviet Union; it also has its eyes on China.
Since the Asian crisis and
the IMF bailout in 1997, South Korea is becoming into a full fledged
colony of the US. The
powerful Korean business conglomerates (Hyundai, Samsung, Daewoo, Kia)
are being taken
over by U.S. financial interests. The Germans, including Deutsche Bank
and Commerzbank,
are also present in Korea, picking up the pieces. The US has 38,000
troops in Korea. The
Korean economy is being ransacked.


The Case of the Reluctant News Report

As far as we know, the 'AP' dispatch posted above was only distributed
in German. A reader
spotted it at's German language site and emailed us his
English translation of an
excerpt as well as the web address where he'd found it. Following his
instructions we went to and did a search for "Fischer will
Jugoslawien mit Bundeswehr
helfen" [Fischer wants Army to help Yugoslavia]. This took us to the web
"" The url we there had the
right title, but the
link didn't work. The other links on the page worked fine. We contacted
a friend in Germany
who has access to 'AP' . He got a printout of the actual news dispatch
and sent us the text in
German and translated it to English. We will post the original German

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Further Reading

'U.S. Arrogance and Yugoslav Elections' at

'The International Monetary Fund And The Yugoslav Elections' at

'Yugoslav Coup Unravels' at

Two interviews relate first hand experience with the DOS terror:

* These Dindjic people are brown shirts' at
An interview conducted after the Oct. 5 coup

* 'On the list, they had me marked as a nationalist' at
Interview conducted before the Oct. 5 coup



By Sara Flounders and John Catalinotto

11 Oct 2000--Faced with enormous pressure from the United States and its
NATO allies, a demonstration of 200,000 people in Belgrade demanding
he step down, and violent attacks by smaller organized paramilitary
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic resigned Oct. 6.

These events pose two questions of vital importance for the
anti-war and progressive movements around the world.

The first is: Which side are you on? Was this a people's victory, as
corporate media claim, or a setback for the working class in Yugoslavia

The second question determines the outcome of this ongoing struggle:
class will control the state--that is, the army, the police, the laws
the courts? Will the international capitalist class that controls the
Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the big investment banks and
multinational corporations also control all the levers of economic and
political life in Yugoslavia?

The mass demonstration gave the developments the appearance of a
revolutionary uprising. But it was a false appearance, for the event
was a
NATO-backed counter-revolutionary coup that is still incomplete and can


The most obvious indication of the character of what happened came from
leaders of the NATO countries that carried out the brutal 11-week
campaign against Yugoslavia last year. The wild cheering by U.S.
Bill Clinton, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, British Prime
Tony Blair, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and his Green Party
Minister Joshka Fischer should clarify the significance of last week's
events for anyone who thought that the vote for Vojislav Kostunica or
upheaval in Belgrade was a victory for democracy.

Drunk with their apparent success and anxious to take credit for it,
politicians from Washington to Berlin are now bragging about their
organized efforts to overturn the Milosevic government.


"Oct. 7, 2000 (Reuters)--Germany said on Saturday it had supported the
Yugoslav opposition with millions of marks in financial aid.

"Norway also said it had helped fund the Yugoslav opposition's election
campaign, which led to victory by opposition candidate Vojislav
and soon afterwards to the overthrow of strongman President Slobodan

"[The German weekly] Der Spiegel said around $30 million, mostly from
United States, was channeled through an office in Budapest.

"Another 45 million marks ($20 million) from Germany and other Western
states went to cities that were under opposition control. Der Spiegel
the Foreign Ministry sent around 17 million marks through 16 German
which also contributed."

"Oct. 9, 2000 (Agence France Presse)--The chairman of the U.S. Joint
of Staff, General Henry Shelton, praised Bulgaria on Monday for helping
bring about the downfall of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic."

Their tactics included pumping tens of millions of dollars into
parties in a starving economy distorted by eight years of sanctions.
this were open military threats to use NATO bombs and troops stationed
surrounding countries if Milosevic won, and well-advertised promises to
the sanctions and begin an era of peace and prosperity if Kostunica was

Kostunica is a minor anti-communist politician and professor of
constitutional law backed by 18 small and completely divergent parties
Washington cobbled together into the "Democratic Opposition of Serbia"
funds and arm- twisting. Kostunica ran on the economic program of the
of 17, drafted by economists in Yugoslavia who work for the IMF and
Bank. Their "solutions" for Yugoslavia involve ending free medical care
all subsidies for rent, food and transportation.

They would transform the whole economy, with most industries rapidly
privatized and the profitable ones sold cheaply to foreign investors.
in far more prosperous economies, this shock treatment has resulted in
massive layoffs.

One can look at how the living standards for the workers of
neighbors, Romania and Bulgaria, plummeted after they opened their
economies to the imperialist banks and followed IMF rules.

But that seems to be exactly what Kostunica's forces have in mind.
reported Oct. 10 that DOS economist Miroljub Labus said the IMF would
Yugoslavia into the fold by Dec. 14 if the opposition forms its


Despite many concessions and compromises, Milosevic's Socialist Party
Serbia has struggled to maintain the independence of Yugoslavia. This
earned it the animosity of imperialist reaction worldwide. For 10 years
U.S. and European Union imperialists made every possible effort to
dismember the Yugoslav Socialist Federation and wipe out even the
memory of
this multinational state--while the SPS and its partner, the Yugoslav
United Left, resisted.

The corporate media demonized Milosevic, calling him a dictator. But he
his party were elected to their leadership role in Yugoslavia, won
for leading the heroic Yugoslav people during the 11 weeks of fighting
aggression, and defended the Yugoslav economy from imperialist

It's true that the SPS lost the active support of the working class,
original base. The party has so far been unable to mobilize street
demonstrations to defend itself while under attack. Still, Milosevic
won 2
million votes and the SPS still legally leads important parliamentary
bodies, including the Federal Yugoslav and Serb parliaments.

But it would be foolish to believe that Washington and its clients in
Yugoslavia will limit their tactics to parliamentary legality.


In a period of peaceful competition and discussion, the 18 DOS parties
backing Kostunica would rapidly split apart. Kostunica is a monarchist
Serb nationalist, while other parties in the coalition are
and fight for independence for the provinces of Vojvodina and Sandja

In addition, any long period of peaceful political competition would
Kostunica's economic program a bigger disaster for the Yugoslav workers
than the sanctions. And the inevitable evaporation of Yugoslav and Serb
sovereignty would outrage many of his current supporters.

That's why Washington and its agents are switching rapidly to
methods to take over the whole state apparatus. They have targeted
essential government ministries, especially state security, police and
banking, and the entire media apparatus, while violently attacking the
and other left parties.

In the elections the Socialist Party and the United Left won control of
both houses of the Federal Parliament. Under the Yugoslav Constitution,
Parliament is legally more important than the presidency, a figurehead
position. Even more influential is the left-led Serb Parliament, which
DOS government has now maneuvered into calling new elections for

The imperialist strategists are pushing to move quickly to command the
whole state, which also means purging the leadership of the police and
destroying the Yugoslav Army, which is rooted in the 1945 socialist
revolution and the anti-Nazi Partisan struggle.

Without an armed apparatus to defend themselves, the people and
the workers of Yugoslavia will be at the mercy of the imperialist
and industrialists, who have NATO forces in Kosovo and surrounding
countries and their own agents in Belgrade.


The anti-Milosevic gangs have also attacked left parties and government
centers. Velimir Ilic, the mayor of Cacac and a deserter who refused to
cooperate with the Yugoslav Army during last year's resistance to NATO,
sted to the New York Times that he organized anti-Milosevic commandos.

Ilic said: "We established a team of young professionals, paratroopers
the Yugoslav Army and young policemen, and we coordinated this with the
most elite units of the Interior Ministry Police in Belgrade. We got
martial arts experts and professional boxers to join us. We even had
plainclothes police coordinating with nearby towns."

Ilic told Agence France-Presse he had 2,000 people and that some were
armed. "A number of us had bulletproof vests and arms," he said. "Our
was very clear, take control of the key institutions of the regime,
including parliament and the television." He didn't say if they were
and if so, where he got the money. But he claimed his forces, dressed
police uniforms, opened Parliament and sowed confusion in the police
Inside, he introduced his gang to Zoran Djindjic, Kostunica's campaign

According to Michel Collon, correspondent of the Belgian weekly
reporting from Belgrade, Djindjic coordinated the attacks on Parliament
Serbian television. Djindjic used threats and pressure against
to take over the major public television, radio and print media,
the daily newspaper Politika.

Djindjic's gangsters also vandalized and wrecked the Belgrade
of the SPS and the smaller New Communist Party of Yugoslavia shortly
the seizure of Parliament. In addition, homes of SPS activists have
burned in and near Belgrade, and there have been even more serious
incidents in the provinces.


On Oct. 10, the DOS leadership made an agreement with the Socialist
People's Party of Montenegro to make that party's leader, Pedrag
the new premier in the Federal Parliament of Yugoslavia. Bulatovic said
party, which had been aligned with Milosevic's SPS, wanted to form a
government with the DOS which "balances political forces in the federal

Another dozen paragraphs would be needed to explain all the possible
parliamentary maneuvering. But this is really secondary. Washington and
agents will use every kind of pressure on individuals, political
and the population as a whole to keep peaceful democratic competition
reversing its counter-revolution.

Collon and other reporters in Belgrade have noted that the population
disgusted by the burning of Parliament and the other violence. "Even
Kostunica supporters say they voted for a better life, not for
But if the police and army withdraw from keeping order, only the active
organization of the left can defend its positions.

Yugoslavia's defense minister, Gen. Dragoljub Ojdanic, urged the SPS to
rally. In an open letter, Ojdanic warned the Serbs might otherwise face
extinction as a people. He said that "disunity among the Serbs is
the plans of our proven enemies" to occupy the country, referring to
ties to the DOS.

Here in the United States it's important first that the left understand
that what happened Oct. 5-6 was a setback for the workers and for
Yugoslavia's sovereignty. What is called for is active solidarity with
those in Yugoslavia who continue to resist these counter-revolu tionary
developments, whether they be in the SPS, the other left parties, the
unions, or the army and the police.

Imperialism has ripped and clawed its way into a position of
power in Yugoslavia today. But the struggle continues.

The writers were organizers of this year's June 10 International War
Tribunal in New York that exposed U.S./NATO crimes during the 78-day
bombing of Yugoslavia.

International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
email: iacenter@...
phone: 212 633-6646
fax: 212 633-2889


PARIS, Oct 14 (Tanjug). Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica
in an interview to FigaroMagazine that he would like to have the name
Yugoslavia replaced by SerbiaMontenegro.
"Back in 1992, when (former president Slobodan) Milosevic used
name Yugoslavia, I thought that name had become meaningless since the
Croats and Slovenes had left the community of South Slavs. If the
and Montenegrin peoples want, we shall annul the name Yugoslavia",
Kostunica told the magazine's Saturday issue.
Kostunica himself favors the name SerbiaMontenegro. "It is a
rather long name, but it is shorter than the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland", he noted.
President Kostunica advocates amending the national
"All aspects of this should be examined keeping in mind the difficulties
organizing a community of two members of very different sizes. Perhaps
term confederation would be more appropriate", Kostunica said.
"The values of traditional relations between France and Serbia
have been reborn", Kostunica said, adding that "providence itself has
placed France at the head of the European Union precisely at this
moment for us and Europe".


BELGRADE, Oct 14 (Tanjug). The Group17plus can enter the future
federal government only as a team and this stance is not open to
negotiations, one of the leaders of this nongovernmental organization of
experts Miroljub Labus said.
Group17plus management board director and "acting" federal
minister told Belgrade daily Blic that his thinktank would not bargain
this issue and that it would be no tragedy not to be a part of state
"If we get an opportunity to form a government and take part in
reforms we shall do so as a team. If not, we shall continue to work
as a nongovernmental organization", Labus said.
According to Labus, the goal of the Group17plus is not to get
premiership or ministerial posts, but to open the country and create
economic conditions as soon as possible to help people have a better
standard of living.
Labus described as rather successful the results the group has
achieved so far, adding that its present activities are geared for
maintaining a stable economic system. He underlined, however, that the
formation of a new government is a top priority, regardless of the
of the future prime minister.


BELGRADE, Oct 13 (Tanjug) The Democratic Opposition of Serbia
(DOS) will not give up efforts to form governments of experts in Serbia
Yugoslavia capable of dealing with the accumulated problems, according
to a
DOS official on Friday.
"Yugoslavia must get a new government soon, if it is to be
included in international institutions, such as the International
Fund (IMF) and the Balkan Stability Pact", Boris Tadic, vicepresident of
the Democratic Party (DS), which is a member of DOS, told a news
Tadic explained that, in this way, the state would regulate its
foreign indebtedness and obtain new credits necessary for
"Foreign investors are showing great interest in the Yugoslav
economy. If we delay and procrastinate, they will turn away," he warned.
He added that those who are obstructing the formation of new
governments are blocking the start of economic reforms and of settling
numerous problems.
He went on to say that the deadline set by DOS to the Socialist
Party of Serbia (SPS) to resume talks on forming governments expires on
Friday, and warned that DOS would again organise protests "not to
but to show that we have started building a civic society".
Speaking about cadre changes in the SPS, he said conservatives
hardliners had carried the day, as evident from Serbian Premier Mirko
Marjanovic's asking that the SPS, the leading party in this Yugoslav
republic's ruling coalition, keep its grip on the interior ministry.
He said that police officials with whom he had discussed
Marjanovic's request had dismissed it as "tragicomic", the Serbian
having lost all political credibility.


BIARRITZ, Oct 14 (Tanjug). Yugoslav President Vojislav
conferred with French President Jacques Chirac Saturday in Biarritz, on
sidelines of the European Union summit.
On his arrival in Biarritz, Kostunica was welcomed by French
Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine, who currently chairs the EU.
The informal EU summit has ended with the postponement of a
on key institutional reforms of the EU and amidst uncertain prospects
the Middle East peace process.
The arrival of President Kostunica to a working lunch with the
European heads of state or government is considered by the French media
be an outstanding event in the otherwise gloomy political atmosphere of
conference without any great ambitions or results.
The presence of the Yugoslav president in Biarritz at the
invitation of President Chirac constitutes the first true recognition by
the EU after the lifting of the antiYugoslav sanctions, the French media
On Friday, the first day of the summit, the participants
a sum of 200 million euros as emergency aid to Yugoslavia.



PODGORICA, Oct 14 (Tanjug). The special advisor of the US
president for the Balkans James O'Brien said at the end of his brief
to Montenegro that the recent changes in Serbia had removed the
sources of problems and that the entire region can now move forward
building democracy, economic prosperity and integration with Europe.
Following a visit to Belgrade and talks with Yugoslav President
Vojislav Kostunica, O'Brien visited Montenegro's capital Podgorica late
Friday and conferred with President Milo Djukanovic on the current
developments after the change of power in Belgrade.
Djukanovic and O'Brien pointed to the importance of that change
for the transition process and democratization in Serbia, underlining
all this would have positive effects also on the reforms underway in
Montenegro and on the stability of the entire region.
It is now essential that the democratic authorities in
and the international community also contribute to the consolidation of
new authorities in Belgrade and to channelling the positive democratic
energy to the state institutions in Serbia, they said.
O'Brien said that the talks also focused on the prospects for
negotiating the future status of Montenegro and the future relations
between Serbia and Montenegro.
That process will take time and it will be carried out
simultaneously with the consolidation of democracy in Serbia. It is
essential that democratic Serbia play a role in that process too, he
Asked by the press about a possible referendum on Montenegro's
independence, O'Brien said that Presidents Kostunica and Djukanovic had
both expressed readiness for talks and that both sides have shown
and will for examining all options for the future of the federation.
The US does not favour independence for Montenegro, as
possibilities exist for talks with the democratic forces in Belgrade,
are ready for an open and sincere dialogue. It will take time to iron
all differences, but democracy now exists on both sides, paving the way
resolving all problems in a democratic spirit, O'Brien said.



“…and you will pick the fruit of grapevine and of olive tree you have
The Old Testament

Today “SEGA”* screams from its first page: “EVERY SECOND BULGARIAN
At one of his regular star-performances on the Bulgarian TV only some
ago, the USA deputy in Bulgaria, Governor Richard Miles, consoled
the Bulgarians advising them not to cry about the young emigrants. “They

will come back, enriched with the experience, accumulated in the USA
life in Bulgaria gets better.”
Who drives the children of Bulgaria away?
The one who turned our life in hell the last ten years!
The young emigrants were the hope of our country, they are its
treasure, created by their parents efforts and the efforts of the whole
society! That unique human potential has been built in the course of the

years through the Bulgarian social, health and educational systems –
deliberately and thouroughly annihilated today!
And now that same insatiate cannibal, who has plundered our country and
life, is most cynically consuming the children of Bulgaria without
invested even half a cent or a minimal effort to give them birth, to
or educate them!
And later he will use them as janissaries for the full extermination of
their birth cradle – Bulgaria!
The cynicism of Governor Miles can be measured only with that of a rich
slave-owner from the South states – The United States now are acquiring
quality offspring raised in a foreign farm!
Why should Governor Miles “improve” life in the USA protectorate
And for whom, in fact, the USA Special Forces, IMF and WB, are
here their deadly “reforms” ruining both our people and Homeland?
After some years there will not be any young people here – there will
not be
children! And the old ones will be dead…
Don’t deceive yourselves: the rape of our Homeland is carried out only
solely in the interest of the Metropolis Beyond the Ocean and the
servants here, called a “political elite” – nobody knows why!

Madlen Kircheva, Blagovesta Doncheva
October 9, 2000 - Sofia, Bulgaria

(We have sent it to ALL Bulgarian media.
It was not published.
Surely the Slave-merchant Miles has said: "No! No! No!")


* German Foreign Minister Calls for Permanent German Troop Occupation of
Yugoslavia (Emperor's Clothes)
- Fischer Warns: Yugoslavs Must Acquire Democratic Culture to Relate to
- Prof. Chossudovsky Comments: US Accepts German Domination in
Original German text will be posted as soon as possible at>


By Sara Flounders and John Catalinotto (IAC)

- PARIS, Oct 14 (Tanjug)

14 (Tanjug)

BELGRADE, Oct 13 (Tanjug)

Oct 14 (Tanjug)

PODGORICA, Oct 14 (Tanjug)

Madlen Kircheva, Blagovesta Doncheva
October 9, 2000 - Sofia, Bulgaria


* Kostunica's Coup Unravels
Decline of The West, by George Szamuely - October 13, 2000

Veterans of the Belgrade demonstrations which toppled Milosevic claim
protests were planned with military precision
By Milenko Vasovic in Belgrade
(Institute for War and Peace Reporting, della cordata di Soros:


Vi alleghiamo qui sotto il comunicato della SKOJ, organizzazione
giovanile Nuovo partito Comunista di Jugoslavia (NKPJ) di Kitanovic.
Alle elezioni sono andati bene ma essi denunciano il furto dei seggi
trucchi e brogli da parte delle commissioni elettorali delle quali
parte sia SPS-JUL che il DOS.
Denunciano anche la congiura sui media durante la campagna elettorale,
congiura in tutte le TV, sia vicine al DOS che quelle di SPS-JUL.

Piu' sotto alleghiamo anche un messaggio del "Movimento Operaio" di

(da Voce Operaia)



On the elections held on September 24th 2000. for both councils
of Federal
Parliament (Council of Citizens and Council of Republics),
Parliament of
Autonomou Province Vojvodina and local elections for
municipality councils,
SKOJ gave 1/3 of candidates on electoral lists of New Communist
Party of

On the elections for Council of Citizens in 13 electoral units
(out of 27)
NKPJ won 39541 votes. Our opinion is that number of votes is
much bigger but
it is impossible to check results due the fact the DOS
supporters burnt down
all materials of Election Commission who's office was in the
building of
Federal Parliament.

Our candidates and activists were under constant pressure from
governmental and "democratic opposition" parties. Election
which consisted mainly SPS, JUL, DOS, SPO and SRS members (left
and right
bourgeois parties) refused to give materials that were
obligated to give
(ie. forms for applying candidates). Using different kinds of
they kept us out of run for Chamber of Republics.

On the elections for Parliament of Vojvodina province NKPJ won
around 15000
votes and won one seat. Suddenly, 40 more votes occurred and
all of them
were for SPS-JUL coalition which changed rate in favor of their

On the local elections NKPJ won 12 seats in different
municipality councils.

Candidates of NKPJ had only 35 minutes to present themselves
and programme
of NKPJ on state medias. Private owned local medias were closed
for our
Party because owners are mostly from SPS, JUL or DOS.

If we consider all circumstances and political atmosphere under
elections took place we can say that NKPJ won a great support
of voters.

Secretariat of SKOJ for Informations


The situation is very confusing and chaotic - it is not clear
how is
the state still functioning nor who is giving the orders.
There is either the struggle within DOS for power or is the
Either way, DOS is constantly losing credibility and they know
That is the reason why they are trying to force exceptional
for the republic assembly. There are lots of armed people
and bodyguards of different parties. Some "leaders" with their
bodyguards go to the firms and create chaos, and then they
"crises headquarters" which takeover the firms and get their
unqualified friends on power. The solution must be found in a

(Z.J., Kragujevac, 12/10/2000)


Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"


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opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma vengono
fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al solo scopo di
segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")

Per contributi e segnalazioni: jugocoord@...


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After the Rain - How the West Lost the East -

Courtesy Bill

World Bank Development News Thursday, October 12, 2000


The World Bank said yesterday it supports early involvement with the new
Yugoslavian government, including setting up donor trusts to help the
fledgling democracy ahead of its becoming a member of the World Bank,
reports Reuters.
The World Bank board of directors "expressed their support for an early
involvement of the World Bank in supporting the positive response of the
international community" to the recent changes in Yugoslavia, the Bank
said in a statement.

"As a first step, once the new government has expressed its interest,
Bank would initiate preparations for Yugoslavia's membership by
the economic situation and exploring with the government options for the
settlement of (arrears)," the Bank added in its statement. Yugoslavia's
arrears at the World Bank amount to $1.7 billion and total $128 million
the IMF. The World Bank said those arrears would have to be cleared and
the nation would have to rejoin the IMF before it could rejoin the Bank.
Agence France-Presse and the Wall Street Journal also report.

Yugoslavia, led by strongman President Slobodan Milosevic, was cut off
the IMF in 1992 and the World Bank in 1993 for its role in a series of
Balkan wars and for refusing to pay money it owed on loans, Reuters
While paying arrears of more than $1.8 billion might seem insurmountable
to a cash-starved nation, the World Bank and the IMF have in the past
welcomed nations back as members by providing a fresh loan to help pay

In its statement, the Bank gave no estimate of how long it might take to
negotiate new membership for Yugoslavia, except that it "will likely
some time."

Initially, the Bank plans to offer analytical and advisory support in
cooperation with the EU, the IMF and others, while it helps coordinate
assistance and works on a medium-term reform plan. Once arrears were
cleared and membership was in place, the Bank said it could provide new
loans to help the country work toward a lasting economic recovery after
more than a decade of strife, NATO bombings last year and sanctions.
World Bank's possible role in (Yugoslavia) is based on the assumption
further internal politi cal consolidation is quickly achieved ... and
that this leads to the removal of international sanctions," the Bank

A fresh injection of cash from the two international lenders after years
of isolation could prove invaluable in helping rebuild the country's
battered economy, which contracted by more than 20 percent last year.
Inflation in Yugoslavia topped 50 percent this year and unemployment is
close to 30 percent.
With a plunging currency, sky-high inflation and a crumbling
infrastructure, Yugoslavia would be a prime contender to benefit from
by the IMF and the World Bank, says the story. The two bodies not only
dispense loans, but also offer technical advice and pointers on building
solid foundations to make economies attractive to outside investors.

The news comes as the New York Times (p. A1) reports that US President
Bill Clinton will announce today that he is lifting many of the trade
economic sanctions against Yugoslavia. Citing senior administration
officials as their source, the NYT said Clinton will immediately end the
ban on American flights and an oil embargo against Yugoslavia.
sanctions will be lifted over the next several weeks. But
officials said they would retain the so-called "outer wall" of sanctions
that prevent Yugoslavia from receiving aid from the IMF and the World
Bank, as well as some which prevent Milosevic and his cronies from
assets overseas.

Meanwhile, reports the Financial Times (p.2), Yugoslavia is aiming to
raise up to $500 million from international donors to help finance
of fuel and other essentials over the difficult winter months, according
to Miroljub Labus, head of the interim federal government. But more
important than the final sum is the speed with which aid can be
he said.

Speaking a day after meeting French Foreign Minister Hubert V�drine and
moments before welcoming Bodo Hombach, head of the Southeast Europe
Stability Pact, Labus said, "It is important that this message is heard
everywhere. Much better we have $100 million right now than $500
in a year's time." It was vital that links were created quickly, he
and that people saw the benefits [of a democratic regime].

German officials last night suggested that the EU could agree immediate
help worth some $100 million at the EU leaders summit in Biarritz this

Labus, who is expected to remain head of the government if a multi-party
team is established, said the economy would be his priority. He wants
liberalize and create a market economy open to foreign aid, loans and
investment, and would not be dogmatic.

The news comes as AFP reports that the UN war crimes tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia said yesterday it would give Yugoslovia's new
some time to consolidate democracy-but still expected Belgrade to
eventually hand over Milosevic for trial. "I think we have to be
to give Kostunica time provided that in the end of the day all the
indictees are going to be surrendered to this tribunal," said Graham
Blewitt, deputy prosecutor of Hague-based International Criminal
for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).

Further, a New York Times editorial (p. A30) notes Yugoslavia's economy
is now more than a decade behind the rest of Central and Eastern Europe
making the transition to market capitalism. Most of the privatizations
carried out in the Milosevic era consisted of handouts to political
supporters. Long before tough investment sanctions were imposed last
year, foreign businesses were avoiding Yugoslavia, put off by its
politicized courts, poor fiscal management and rusting industries.
the best of circumstances, Yugoslavia will have a hard time catching up
with those countries that have gone through a decade of generally
successful reforms, like Poland and the Baltic states. At worst
Yugoslavia's economy could follow Russia's path to corruption and

To avoid that, the editorial says, Kostunica will have to temper his
Serbian nationalism with pragmatism and welcome substantial foreign
Remaining state-controlled businesses should be rapidly sold off.
Milosevic-era privatizations should be investigated and corrupt deals
renegotiated. The United States can help Kostunica by following
lead and lifting most of the economic sanctions imposed during the
Milosevic years, a step President Clinton plans to take today.
Substantial emergency assistance will also be needed this winter.
Washington should be generous, the editorial concludes.

Commenting in the FT (p.17), Wolfgang Petritsch, high representative of
the Western nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, writes that international
aid should not go to new Yugoslavian President Vojislav Kostunica unless
he extradites suspected Bosnian Serb criminals and gives full
and cooperation to the multi-ethnic Bosnian state.

Also commenting, Sheryle Bagwell writes in the Australian Financial
that the West is likely to give Kostunica some breathing space to
demonstrate his democratic credentials.

Meanwhile, EBRD Chief Economist Willem Buiter writes in the Guardian
foreign financial support will depend heavily on direct investment with
significant support needed from international financial institutions
as the World Bank, the IMF and the EBRD. The EBRD has been active in
other countries of southeastern Europe. The expertise gained in other
post-war arenas such as Bosnia and Herzegovina can be useful in
Yugoslavia. It is a public institution using private sector projects as
its principal instrument. It has also played an important role in the
funding of public infrastructure. Basic infrastructure will have to be
initially funded with sovereign guarantees and blending multilateral and
bilateral concessionary finance. However, ultimately some sectors will
also have to be financed with private funding and participation.


di Monica Larner - ("Italy Daily", supplemento dell'edizione italiana
dell''"International Herald Tribune" del 10 ottobre 2000)

[Le opportunita' d'affari per le aziende italiane in Jugoslavia, di cui
parla l'articolo qui sotto, non sono poi cosi' nuove. Tra i nomi di
grandi aziende che vi compaiono, Fiat, ENEL, Telecom e Impregilo
avevano gia' effettuato grandi investimenti, o trattato eventuali
con il regime di Milosevic. Ora hanno buone prospettive di
raccogliere i frutti di tali loro contatti passati]

Dopo la rivoluzione, arriva la ricostruzione - con tutto il suo
strascico di opportunita' d'affari. [...] Per l'Italia - il secondo
maggiore partner commerciale della Jugoslavia dopo la Germania -
la prossimita' geografica e i legami commerciali storici potrebbero
costituire un trampolino rispetto alla concorrenza. Se gli eventi
politici procederanno in Jugoslavia in maniera liscia, il futuro del
paese promette di essere ricco di provatizzazioni, con l'apertura
delle barriere commerciali e la stabilizzazione della valuta. Fino a
quando l'aspra situazione politica nel paese non si raffreddera',
molti membri della comunita' d'affari europea adotteranno un
approccio impostato all' "aspettiamo e vediamo", ma le prospettive
sembrano buone. "Dovra' passare molta acqua sotto i ponti prima
di sapere cosa accadra'", ha affermato il presidente dell'ICE,
Fabrizio Onida in un'intervista a "Italy Daily". "C'e' tuttavia
ottimismo". Egli ha aggiunto che le esportazioni italiane di prodotti
come scarpe, prodotti tessili e generi alimentari saranno le prime a
sfruttare l'occasione. "Gli investitori italiani in genere sono un po'
piu' lenti degli altri", ha affermato. "Ma l'avvio di privatizzazioni in
Jugoslavia potrebbe accendere la scintilla dell'interesse".

Alcune delle piu' note aziende italiane hanno gia' una presenza in
Jugoslavia, come la Fiat, la Iveco, l'Alitalia, la Telecom Italia,
e Ferrero. Il Prodotto Interno Lordo della Jugoslavia e' stato stimato
come pari a 22 trilioni di lire dopo la guerra nel 1999, con una
diminuzione del 22% rispetto all'anno precedente. L'ICE prevede
che nel 2000 il PIL raggiungera' 26 trilioni di lire. Nel 1997 la
Telecom Italia aveva comprato una quota del 29% - che ora
corrisponde a un valore di 548 miliardi di lire - della Telecom
Serbia. A causa della guerra in Kosovo, il gigante italiano delle
telecomunicazioni ha perso circa un quarto del valore del suo
investimento iniziale, ma ora si trova di fronte a un mercato ad alta
crescita, che sicuramente continuera' a salire. La Telecom Italia
potrebbe infine vedere il suo investimento iniziale, che gli esperti a
suo tempo avevano definito "rischioso, ma coraggioso", fruttare
ricchi rendimenti. La Jugoslavia ha 2,2 milioni di clienti di linee
telefoniche fisse e solo 350.000 clienti che utilizzano telefonia
mobile, cifre che rendono molto forte il potenziale di nuovi
abbonamenti. Come richiede la legge, il 51% delle quote della
Telecom Serbia e' posseduto dal governo jugoslavo. [...]

Le privatizzazioni potrebbero spalancare la Jugoslavia agli
investimenti esteri. Molti settori, ivi inclusi i servizi pubblici per
l'energia, le infrastrutture e la gestione degli aeroporti, potrebbero
presto vedere licenziamenti di dipendenti ed essere ristrutturati per
dare spazio ai nuovi capitali provenienti dall'estero. Per esempio,
l'ENEL, l'ente statale per l'energia elettrica, potrebbe un giorno
prendere in considerazione di entrare in un mercato jugoslavo
dell'energia privatizzato, ha detto Onida. La societa' edile Impregilo
di Milano potrebbe concorrere per contratti per la ricostruzione
delle strade, dei ponti e delle gallerie danneggiati dalla guerra.

Aldo Fumagalli, presidente e amministratore delegato della Sol,
una societa' con sede a Monza che confeziona e distribuisce gas
come l'ossigeno, l'azoto e l'argon, afferma di essere ottimista sul
futuro della sua azienda in Jugoslavia. Con vendite per 400 miliardi
di lire e 1.050 dipendenti in tutto il mondo, la Sol e' gia' attiva
penisola balcanica, ivi incluso il Kosovo. La Sol fornisce i gas
necessari per gli ospedali, le acciaierie, i cantieri navali e altri
settori. Due anni fa, il signor Fumagalli ha creato una rete di
distribuzione in tutta la Jugoslavia, sfruttando la sua rete integrata
gia' operativa nei paesi confinanti, con valute e relazioni
commerciali piu' solide. Cosi' facendo, la sua azienda e' stata tra le
altre cose in grado di aggirare le limitazioni imposte dall'embargo.

(Fonte: )


APRIL 24, 2000 VOL. 155 NO. 16
The IMF: Dr. Death?
A case study of how the global banker's shock therapy helps economies
but hammers the poor


Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"


I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma vengono
fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al solo scopo di
segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")

Per contributi e segnalazioni: jugocoord@...


eCircle ti offre una nuova opportunita:
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For sometime now one has had the opportunity to witness heated
discussions in and out of Serbia about its future. Two positions seem
to predominate. One uses the Serbs as a battering ram with which to pry
open the behind-the-scenes Capitalist conspiracies and prevent them
from having a global success. The other wants the Serbs to stop being
Serbs and ditch even patriotism in favor of becoming "normal" by
adopting a "free market" economy , "entering into Europe" and even
forming a "strategic alliance" with the United States.

The anti-Imperialist Left, best represented in the U.S. by Jared
Israel , wishes the Serbs to stand tall against the current U.S.
Corporate Fascists, bring their drive for the New World Order to an
insurmountable Balkan obstacle, put to shame NATO’s cowardly bomber
leaders and be prepared to suffer beyond the sufferings already
inflicted after eight years of economic sanctions, eleven weeks of
bombings, and the "cleansing" of some million Serbs from other parts of
the ex-Yugoslav space. Slobodan Milosevic remains the point man of this
tendency because he is regarded as a leader who would continue Serb
resistance to the U.S. Imperial domination and stick to a socialist
model of Serb contrast to the socially and economically
destructive Capitalist incursions through IMF, WTO and the like. The
Opposition to Milosevic has been quite simply bought with dollars and
marks carried in with suitcases. Most of its members, save Kostunuca as
a transient phenomenon, have "betrayed" the Serbs as a whole. To even
think, after being savagely bombed for eleven weeks by NATO, that this
major war crime under the Open Skies ought to be forgiven and forgotten
in favor of ingratiation with the "West," represents an unacceptable
degree of national humiliation.

At the other end of the spectrum one could easily find Zoiran Djindjic
in Serbia itself He advocates policies rooted in the premise that if
"you can’t lick’em join’em." Bust up the Yugoslav centralist
Federation, making Kosovo, Montenegro and Vojvodina Serbia’s co-equal.
Eliminate the position of "Federal" Presidency (out goes Kostunica by
eliminating his job). Become a partner to the U.S. "strategic
interests," with Yugoslavia as a NATO base ready to assist the coming
control of Eurasian Hartland with its vast oil resources. Put through
all of the G17 reform proposals. Let the German and U.S. corporations
take Serbia over. Turn the Serbs into a most desirable work force at
once skilled and cheap. Let them become avid consumers of imported
products many of which amout to no more than conspicuous consumption.
Long Live Capitalism in Serbia and milk and honey will flow. The
"Russkies did not stand with us" anyway, let’s have a new patron, Uncle
Sam, with maybe an insatiable Fritz der Katze right behind him. There
will be no more sanctions, no more suffereing. Period. The Serb people
want to join Europe. That is why they revolted.


If the choice were a simple one, trading the current suffering for a
period of immediate relief and some prosperity against a possibly less
comfortable economic future (without a certain date) , any logical
person would accept temporary relief against an uncertain future. Large
numbers of the unemployed with families to feed spell an irresistible
attraction not to think about new types of social and economic
dislocations. With a million refugees, with a per capita income fallen
to a pitiful level "The Economy Stupid" takes precedence over other
considerations. Who wants to go on forever resisting the remaining
super-Power when it is willing to reward dependency and punish
iundependence? No need to opt again for the "Heavenly Kingdom" through
repeated defeats as in 1389. Let’s go for the "Kingdom on the Earth"
this time and maybe, just maybe we will be laughing on our way to some
real banks.Fortunately , neither of the two action scenarios for the
future (Jared/Zoran} is full-proof and, as historians know only too
well from the study of history, predicting the future with accuracy
is, at best, a matter of luck and not of science.

As the finger- pointing goes on in Belgrade as to who is who’s "agent,"
it is necessary to mention a few cardinal facts. While the punitive and
basically cowardly NATO attacks came about and went on, Milosevic’s
refusal to knuckle under and yell "Uncle" makes him at once an
anti-Imperialist hero and a defender of the Serbs. If the second role
were unquestionably true no one in his right mind should fault him on
the former. Where one falls on this issue is of basic importance. Did
everything he has done really "defend the Serbs" or has he used this
role to maintain himself in power The basic facts are simple. His
amassing of power involved, inter alia, the stabbing in the back of his
mentor and friend, Stambolic. Until Yugoslavia started to break-up
Milosevic did not have the pedigree of an ardent Serb Nationalist.
After assuring the Serbs of Krajina and Bosnia of his unflagging support
not to live under Franjo Tudjman’s neo-Fascist Croatia or in Alija
Izetbegovic’s Islamic Republic he did not follow through. At Dayton, he
accepted the NATO occupation of Bosnia as well. Did he or did he not
have much choice once the U.S. joined the side of Croatia and the
Bosnian Muslims? Only fine historical tuning, with the proper chronology
and full documentation (written and oral) can provide the definitive
answer. But, the feeling among the Serb refugees from Krajina and Bosnia
is that Milosevic had abandoned them.

After 78 days of bombings he accepted the NATO occupation of Kosovo, an
integral part of Serbia and truncated Yugoslavia. Unprotected , despite
the presence of NATO troops and a U.N. Administration under a prominent
French Serbophobe, the Serbs were and are ethnically cleansed by
Albanian terror. Less than 100,000 remain today, encapsulated in ghettos
with a quasi-KFOR protection. No true Serb leader could have turned
Kosovo over to a NATO protectorate and an Albanian Colony of the United
States(now with its second bastion in Europe at Camp Bondsteel) without
losing support of his own people. Kostunica’s recent statement that
independence for Kosovo would destabilize the region reveals a profound
understanding of the problems involved precisely because he is a Serb
defender, a patriot as Kostunica describes himself. His request for the
return to Kosovo of Serb and other refugees turns the tables properly on
the NATO forces and puts him on the same moral pedestal occupied for so
long by Western Humanitarians who demanded everywhere the return of
refugees except those Serbs expelled from Kosovo via "justifiable
retribution." The Nationalist cacoon around Milosevic was crafted


to shield and perpetuate his hold on power , nothing much more. When the
anti-Imperialists find it necessary to line-up behind Milosevic (without
saying so openly) they are doing the same thing that the Imperialists
have done by constantly using him as a substitute for Serbs as a
whole.In short, Milosevic has never been nor is he now to be equated
with the Serbs as a people.

Throughout the years of punishments that hurt mainly the Serb people,
leaders of NATO, spearheaded by a pontificating U.S. Secretary of State
and the hysterical evangelist of 10 Downing Street, claimed repeatedly
that they are not "against the Serb people" but only against
"Milosevic." Now that he has fallen from power two major demands are
already throwing doubt
on this claim. To be eligible for re-inclusion into the Human Race the
Serbs must stop denying the atrocities committed by the Serb miliary and
para-military. They must not complain at the same time about what was
done to them to incite such atrocities. Moreover, they must deliver
Milosevic and other Serb "war criminals" to the Hague Tribunal. The only
division between the U.S. "strategists" and those of Western Europe
involves timing. The Europeans are for greater patience. Neither will
easily admit that the Hague Tribunal is a sham until and unless it
becomes increasingly painful and counterproductive to use it again and
again to "punish the Serbs." Its contention that the Serbs were mainly
indicted because they committed the earliest and numerically most
significant atrocities cannot withstand serious scrutiny.

This provides a rare opportunity for the new Serb Government to do
something that needs to be done. Yes, we are prepared to abandon the
denials but would you be willing to admit that the78 days of bombing
civilian targets constitute a war crime and a crime against humanity,
always assuming that you do regard the Serbs as humans? Next, all of
the accusations come from the NATO members. For example, the third
market-place massacre at Sarajevo, immediately attributed to the Serbs,
led, within hours, to the NATO bombings of Bosnian Serb positions. In
the same sense, the massacre attributed to the Serbs at Racak,
"galvanized" NATO to go into its "air war" over Yugoslavia. Now, it is a
known fact that a U.N. report in situ exculpated the Serbs for the third
-market- place massacre but the text was ordered into the "Secret" U.N.
file by the then Ambassador Mdeleine Albright. It is still there. At
Racak, the Serb police notified actually the U.S. special envoy Walker
that an attack will be launched on Racak as a KLA stronghold. The next
day, there were 47 bodies in an open mass-grave to which Mr. Walker and
the TV cameras were brought by the KLA. He declared at once. "this is a
masacre." After being routinely accused of re-burying bodies to hide
their massacres, the Serb suddenly did not even bury the bodies.
Moreover, the bodies had been moved as there were no spent cartridges at
the site. Ambassadsor Walker has a long record of involvement with
bodies and real massacres in Latin America

Items of this nature and their obvious proximity to acts of war against
the Serbs cannot condone a passive Serb acceptance of claims made by the
very people that bombed them Minimal fairness and logic would require
that the Serbs themselves undertake an investigation of claims made by
the NATO sources. If they prove to be accurate, no denials are in order.
The perpetrators should


be arrested and tried in Serbia’s courts without undue delays. At the
option of Serb judiciary, the guilty parties, sentenced at home ,
could be given the same range of sentences applicable to the Hague
Tribunal and up to 20 years. If the accusations prove to be unprovable
or yet false NATO owes the Serbs some apologies in these two particular
cases. Even Srebrenica requires a mixed fact-finding commission as there
are a host of questions never answered and a context never kicked -in.
How can a Democratic West refuse the right to the Serbs to investigate
its allegations against the Serbs before abandoning the denials, as

The men and women behind the 78 days of destruction from the air over
Yugoslavia know that they have committed a war crime and a crime against
humanity but will never admit to have so done. They know that the
bombing of Serbia took off the Imperial mask and earned a lot of
resentment around the globe. They are aware that a host of Citizens’
Tribunals in Europe and North America have found them guilty. The power
of these mini-Tribunals is entirely moral. They have no funds and no
chance for legal redress. In order to pull the moral rug from under them
and still justify their crimes as a "virtuous war" they are not likely
to be stupid enough to jump on "the Serbs" with a list of immediate
demands that simply restate all the Serbophobic desiderata before the
fall of Milosevic. A recently proposed Congressional bill by the
"two Joes," Biden and Lieberman wanted to do just that but was derailed
for the time being.

After a decade of structured, deliberate cerebral terror against them
the Serbs must be aware that thousands of men and women in the West, at
all levels, are infected with Serbophobia and make a good living through
Serb bashings. The Serbs still face the tyranny of scribal and
audio-visual clerks. It is the hardest kind of tyranny to cope with Many
people in the Western media not so infected simply parrot the same
unproven allegations without even knowing what they read or caring about
their adverse impact. Adverse first at home by promoting ethnic hate and
in the effect they continue to have on the bruised Serb psyche. There
has to be a counter attack in this area. Serbs in the diaspora must
amass by donations funds to engage a Public Relations Firm (other than
Ruder Finn) to go after the Serbophobes, clerks and all. Americans of
both Serb and other descents must be willing to bring class action suits
against any one or group engaged in hate-mongering against the Serbs as
a people. A number of laws already on books can help in that endeavor.
Congress should be urged to ban donations to its members by ethnicities
which promote hate-mongering and military interventions against other
ethnicities, as the Albanian PAC have done in the U.S., along with
Croatian and Bosnian Mulsim lobbies before them. Characteristically, no
Serb PAC donations came into play. The Public Relation firm of Ruder
Finn ,which sigle-handedly persuaded many Americans of Jewish faith that
the Serbs are neo-Nazi butchers, once proposed to defend the Serbs from
a poor image abroad but it was turned down.

The time has come to stop ideological struggles and accusations. Let us
concentrate on three basic goals. Getting substantial Reconstruction aid
from the West to undo the physical damage caused by NATO to the tune of
$100 billion should be one priority. Lifting all the sanctions


without delay instead of incrementally is the very next priority. Both
of these measures were firmly promised once Milosevic steps down, no ifs
and buts.It is delivery time. While the claim that Serbia under
Milosevic has had a socialist economy is at best a bad joke, let us all
work for a humane alleviation of Serbia’s economic woes while opposing
rapacious globalization.The Serbs have been traumatised enough. It is
healing time.The third basic goal must be the dissolution of the Hague
Tribunal for Yugoslavia. A substantial literature revealing its origins,
practices and nature should assist this endeavor but the American People
willhave to be informed about the truth in some very wide ways. They
need to be told that the only sure way to avoid future tragedies in the
ex-Yugoslav space is to help each of the major ethnicities to punish its
own "defenders" who did, in fact, commit war crimes and crimes against

Apart from his devotion to the fight against U.S. Imperialism, Jared
Israel is admirable in his indefatigable digging for documentation. More
than anyone else, he has warned everyone that the Serbs are far from
being out of the Imperialist "drang nach Osten." This writer would like
to conclude on a note about Jared’s recovery of Milosevic’s "infamous"
Kosovo speech. After doing historical research for over three decades in
archival (and other) sources, if anything can be learned about written
documents it is that these almost invariably show how interpretations
and claims about their real contents seldom even approach what is in the
texts..But, to arrive at the value of any written source it must be
placed in its context. The Milosevic speech did not incite
hate-mongering against Kosovo’s Albanians.He did not make a fiery
nationalist speech meant to incite Serb revenge. He played the "Yugoslav

Equally, Milosevic did not abolish Kosovo’s autonomy as has been
constantly claimed. He suspended it in 1989, pending a return to some
sort of a pre-1974 modus vivendi between the Albanian ethnic majority
and all the other minorities at Kosovo. Just under a decade later, this
act was twisted so that Albanian separatists and the international drug
cartel that supports them could have the pretext for a guerrilla war
Their inspiration and hope for U.S. support came from the patronage of
Bob Dole but even more from Dayton. Since the constitutional revision
of 1974 the Kosovo Albanians used it to terrorize local Serbs and
induce them to leave Kosovo in ever greater numbers. But, that has been
the real practice since World War II as well as during Tito’s rule. It
even has much older antecedents which explain why a predominantly Serb
area, the birth-place of its culture and state. with an overwhelming
Serb majority, was gradually cleansed to reduce the Serbs to a minority
in their own home. It is a pity that the baby-boomers in the U.S. are
innocent of the true historical sequence of events at Kosovo. Yet, it is
far worse that they do not even care to know when they walk into a
situation as if nothing existed beforehand..



----- Original Message -----
From: "john_peter maher" <jpmaher@...>
To: "john_peter maher" <jpmaher@...>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 11:20
Subject: to the Guardian: Dubrovnik hoax again


Your piece mentions the "...pounding of the beautiful Croatian town of
Dubrovnik in 1991. 'They used ships. Can you believe it?'...

This is a fraud. Who on your staff was bought by Ruder Finn? Since 1991
the press has dozens of times printed the hoax that the Pearl of the
Adriatic was reduced to rubble. Those stories were fakes. That Dubrovnik

has been rebuilt is exponentially fake. On March 25, 1992, I visited
Dubrovnik to see for myself the truth about the war. The Old City of
Dubrovnik was never destroyed. It was barely scratched.

Roof tiles blown off by concussion had all been replaced when I
visited the city TWO YEARS AGO, THREE MONTHS after the "destruction".
Your writer has a poor vocabulary in English. Buildings are "holed."
"Hoardings," which your Yank readers will not understand, is the British

equivalent of American "billboard." "Casing" is also wrong. The right
term would be (protective) "planking". The new tiles are decidedly not
"pink", but red.

Dubrovnik's destruction was an invention of PR companies in the hire of

the war criminals who broke up Yugoslavia without negotiations. The big
bombardment was from PR fakers, not navy guns. -- like the Kuwaiti
incubator babies hoax used by President Bush to stoke up war fever. PR
liars Hill & Knowlton, Ruder Finn, and Waterman Associates have earned
millions in fanning the flames of this war.

The press, that's you, belongs in the war crimes docket with the New
World Order thugs for churning out mendacious "news" stories about Serb
death camps and rape camps, abetting war and mayhem. The story of an
organized Serb rape policy is a racist fraud, like the Protocols of the
Elders of Zion, propagated to foment hatred and incite war against the
innocent. Though it's not polite any more to slander Afro-American or
Jews, Serbs are fair game for the lynch mob.

The "Serb-dominated federal navy" off Dubrovnik was commanded by
Admiral Stane Brovet, a Slovene. The target was not the Old City, but
the Napoleonic fort of St. Sergius far above Dubrovnik and hotels
outside the city walls, where Croatian forces were billeted and because

of the presence of refugees, had set up gun positions from which they
fired on the federal forces in order to provoke death and destruction.
Zagreb's aim was to provoke a Western attack on the Serbs. On December
5, 1991, Croatian forces mounted a mortar on a flat bed truck running
up and down the Stradun taking potshots at naval forces in order to
provoke counterfire.

The "Dubrovnik burning" pictures were shot with long lenses. This
compresses perspective, making it look like there is no distance between

objects that are quite separated in real space. Thus, columns of smoke
billowing up from the harbor are superimposed on the walled city. The
photographic effect is as staged as the stabbing of the lady showering
in Hitchcock's movie "Psycho."

That smoke was from the fuel tanks of two pleasure boats burning in the
Old Harbor -- outside, of course, the walls. Dubrovnik's Old City
never burned. Bullet holes along Stradun were from gunfire inside the
walls, at ground level at close range in a fight on the street between
rival Croatian factions. Scaffolding was set up in front of facades in
anticipation of the shooting to come. Video tapes of gunfire along the
ancient walls, run backward, show clearly that the puffs of gun smoke
are from outgoing, not incoming fire. "Western" reporters in Dubrovnik
since they cannot read Serbo-Croatian, do not mention the graffiti
calling for the lynching of Serbs: Srbe na vrbe (literally "[hang] the
Serbs on the willow trees"). My videotapes of Dubrovnik from March 25,

1992, have been aired on Chicago Cable Access TV, Channel 19. Want to
see them?

Croatian city? Tito made a gift of it to his native Croatia after WW II.

Dubrovnik was never before "Croatian."

The Byzantine decoration found by restorators beneath paint in the
Dominican monastery attests the Serbian and Greek origins of Dubrovnik.
This war is the latest chapter in the predation of Orthodox lands by the

Western Church. (I'm RC, by the way.) The only building in the Old City

of Ragusa to be gutted by explosives and fire was the one housing a
priceless collection of medireview manuscripts and icons. It was not
guns that did the damage, but plastique and incendiary devices planted
on the spot by Croatian forces. Enter it on your map, across the street

from the Orthodox church, which you fail to note is Serbian. -- 3,000
Serb and 7,000 Croat refugees from Dubrovnik have taken refuge -- in

J. P. Maher Ph.D. Emeritus Professor, Chicago


R.K.Kent, professor

* to "The Guardian": Dubrovnik hoax again
J. P. Maher Ph.D. Emeritus Professor,
Chicago October 11, 2000


* "I have said before, the opposition candidate who,according to all
unbiased reports,clearly won the election,obviously also has strong
differences with us. This is not a question of whether he agrees with us."

Dr. Kostunica, a constitutional lawyer, translated "Federalist Papers" into Serbian.

And "strong differences"?


by Dr.Vojislav Kostunica

>$New World Order

* Bob Djurdjevic, Oct 10, 2000
New World Order and the Serbs - Part LVI
Dumbing Down of America


* The Bad Serb Club
Una eccezionale collezione di articoli di fonte varia sulla
aggressione NATO e la disinformazione strategica (in lingua inglese)


* 'For the better part of a decade the U.S. public has been bombarded with a
media campaign to demonize the Serbian people and their elected leaders.
During that time, the U.S. government has pursued a goal of breaking up
Yugoslavia into a cluster of small, weak, dependent, free-market
principalities. Yugoslavia was the only country in Eastern Europe that would
not dismantle its welfare state and public sector economy. It was the only
one that did not beg for entry into NATO. It was -- and what's left of it,
still is -- charting an independent course not in keeping with the New World


* Italian Interests and Policies
in Central-Eastern Europe and in the Balkans
Lieutenant General Carlo Jean


Crisis in Yugoslavia:
Interview with
Ramsey Clark


Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"


I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma vengono
fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al solo scopo di
segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")

Per contributi e segnalazioni: jugocoord@...


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Crisis in Yugoslavia:
Interview with
Ramsey Clark

Founder of the International
Action Center
Former United States
Attorney General

October 6, 2000

New York City, U.S.A.

[This following interview was to be
translated and published in the daily
newspaper Dan in Podgorica,
Montenegro. Dan published a
Serbo-Croatian edition of the IAC's
book, NATO in the Balkans. ]

After the destruction of the
bipolar structure of the
international community the USA
has played the main role on the
world political scene. What is the
essence of their political strategy
towards Europe, and what is the
role of the U.S. in the events now
unfolding in Yugoslavia?

The policies of the U.S., since the end of the Cold War are
and vast. They involve an intent to dominate and the use of
organizations to advance U.S. economic and geopolitical
interests. They
also include the conversion of NATO into a surrogate military
police force
for globalization and U.S. world economic domination.

Which factors were prevailing in the dissolution of
Yugoslavia -
internal or external ones?

The great tragedy of Yugoslavia in the last decade of the 20th
Century has
not been one of individual leadership. It's been the deliberate
of Yugoslavia, which is one of the few countries in the world
formed on an
idea. Most are formed on a purely power basis. But the idea of
was that with all the diversity, with all the human problems and
only in unity--through federation--could you have sovereignty,
independent economic development based on local interests rather
than on
foreign exploitation.

Yugoslavia showed it could work, even under extreme difficulty
during the
Cold War and between World War 1 and World War 2. It's probably
only thing that can work for the welfare of the people there.

Yugoslavia was deliberately dismantled. It continues to be
further broken
apart by U.S. and other foreign interests who want to divide and
the country economically. They want to exploit its resources,
its people, its
markets; and the consequences have been a human disaster from
to Macedonia.

What's needed is a larger Balkan federation that includes more
than just
the six former republics. But what you have is the
disintegration of even
those. Ninety percent of trade, commercial and economic activity
of the six
republics was internal in 1990. No republic is sufficient by
itself to survive
as a strong independent sovereign nation or people.

The breaking up of Yugoslavia is a tragedy from many standpoints
and the
tragedy isn't over.

What was the role of the Pentagon in the destabilization and
dissolution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia?

The Pentagon is the military arm of U.S. policy. It doesn't
dictate policy
but implements it. Both policymaking and the means for
implementing it
are considerably bigger than the Pentagon.

One the most direct roles of the Pentagon was the genocidal
bombing of
Yugoslavia. Those were Pentagon planes up there. A few of them
have been British or from some other NATO country, but the
was overwhelmingly responsible for the planes and the targets
chosen, as
well as for the destruction and many people killed.

Washington wanted NATO in there as an umbrella to deflect anger
at the
U.S. They wanted young people from the European NATO countries
to be
the enforcers on the ground. The Clinton White House doesn't
want U.S.
soldiers to come in harms way--it could cause protests in the
Because of this the Pentagon was able to carry out the
aggression against
Yugoslavia and cause great destruction with virtually no U.S.

It's easy when your planes are flying so high that it become
hard to get hit.
You don't ever set foot on the soil but you send missiles and
planes that
bomb away overwhelmingly at civilian targets.

It was a staggering disaster for Serbia and Montenegro and the
area of Serbia. It was a disaster for all the peoples there--all
of them

There's been a deliberate policy--and the Pentagon played a role
this--to set Muslim against Orthodox Christian Serbs. The idea
of having
Slavic peoples and Muslim peoples--even though the Muslims in
Yugoslavia are Slavs--fight each other is something that we've
seen and
its one of the great dangers. When you think about Bosnia the
Muslims and
the Orthodox Serbs suffered terribly, and they didn't benefit at
all in

This policy has gone a long way. There were 25 million people in
Yugoslavia in 1990 and now within Montenegro and Serbia you have
around 11 million. And now within Serbia itself you have
attempts to divide
the nationalities into three or four different sections by
external forces
that are pressing them to divide and spin off.

What do you think about the expansion of the NATO alliance to
Eastern European countries and also to the former Soviet

NATO itself is one of the most dangerous international
organizations that
exists. Before any expansion into Eastern Europe NATO involved
great colonial powers. It involved rich countries and almost
totally white
Caucasian young men who are still a very small part of the

The NATO countries have by far the largest and richest armies
and the
most advanced weaponry and technology, primarily from the U.S.
a threat to the vast majority of the population of the
world--the beautiful
darker-skinned people, and others. They seem to be natural born
when you look at the insensitivity with which they unleash their

I remember a New York Times columnist talking about the bombing
year. I think he reflected exactly what the Pentagon or what
NATO was
saying: "Surrender or we'll destroy you. If you want to be
bombed back to
1990, 1750 or 1372 we can do that, pick your date. You'd better
surrender or
we'll level you."

Is there any justification for the aggression of the world?s
most powerful
countries against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia?

Of course not--not against Yugoslavia or any other country. If
we can't
find countries that will stand up against such aggression our
situation and
our future is going to be a human disaster. Look at how long
it's taken other
countries to begin to stand up for Iraq.

Yugoslavians know better than others what it's like to have a
high tech
all-out aerial bombardment of your country. Iraq was devastated
110,000 aerial sorties--88,500 tons of bombs, which was the
equivalent of
7-1/2 Hiroshimas, but most countries didn't really stand up for
Iraq. Only
now within the last few weeks have foreign countries started to
break the
blockade, which has killed a million and a half people.

The blockade against Iraq--though more severe--was the same type
sanctions that were imposed on Yugoslavia. U.S. Secretary of
Madeline Albright has already said that the sanctions on
Yugoslavia will
not end, even with a change in the government there, until every
of the U.S. is fulfilled

It's been ten death-giving years in Iraq and finally we now see
France, the
Russian Federation, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates flying
food and
doctors and supplies to help relieve the suffering of the Iraqi

We have to reach out to nations everywhere, particularly the
nations of the world, to unify against this type of aggression.

What is your opinion about the proceedings of the
Tribunal for the War Crimes Committed on the territory of
Yugoslavia in the Hague?

The indictments of Milosevic and other Yugsolav officials were
before the
same International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia--a body
that is
unlawful. If you want a world based on principle and law it has
to be

The U.N. Charter doesn't provide for an international criminal
focused on a single country or a number of countries. The
Security Council
has no power to create such a court, which is used primarily by
the U.S. to
pursue its enemies. That's war by other means, pure and simple.

The countries that convened the U.N.--particularly the
victorious nations
from WWII--would never have formed it if they dreamed the U.N.
have an international criminal tribunal in which they could be
accountable. They don't mind prosecuting others, but they don't
intend to
be prosecuted themselves.

That's why the U.S. refuses to join in the treaty currently in
process. A
treaty is a current agreement--any nation can agree to one. But
if there's
to be an international criminal tribunal the U.N. can't create
it. It has to
be done by the agreement of nations--by a treaty which nations
have the
power to make. The U.S., however, won't sign such a treaty. It
has refused
to even consider it.

Mass public hearings of NATO war crimes against Yugoslavia
taken place in cities all over the world. Can you tell us
something more
about the aims of those actions?

The IAC in New York was the sponsor of a wide-ranging series of
evidentiary-gathering hearings all over the world about war
crimes against
Yugoslavia. The U.S. was charged, along with the United Kingdom,
Germany, and other NATO countries that participated in voting
NATO's involvement or in providing arms or airbases or other
support for the assault on Yugoslavia.

The evidence was gathered from all over the world, including
It was considered by judges from many nations--non-governmental
people. All of the defendants were found guilty of all charges.
included Nuremberg Principle violations of crimes against peace,
crimes and crimes against humanity. They also comprised Geneva
Convention prohibitions against assaults on civilians-- making
the direct objects of attack--assaults on facilities that are
essential to
civilian lives, and assaults on inherently dangerous facilities.
They were
found guilty of virtually every war crime on the books.

Is there any way to stop the process of international
lawlessness that we
are witnessing today?

There's obviously no easy way, but that doesn't mean the
struggle is
hopeless. There's rarely been in history such a concentration of
power in
the hands of such a comparatively small part of the world's
particularly the U.S. There's never been such a concentration of
and monopoly of military technology and sophisticated weaponry.
includes nuclear arms and the capacity to destroy whole

There's also never been such a monopoly of the means of
The U.S. government's control of the international media is in
unprecedented. This can be devastating because people don't know
what to
think--they're not encouraged to think, they're not given the
facts. The
U.S. can reach into a country and brainwash people everywhere.

Someone can be demonized without being heard in their own
defense, and
the truth can never be found by looking at a television screen.
So we live
under this terrible monopoly of power and communications, and
power too with the rich getting richer and the poor getting

It's going to take enormous courage and sacrifice, as well as
imagination and discipline in forms of organizing and unifying.
We have to
struggle with all our might to unite worldwide resistance to
domination and
exploitation. Power is in the people. The question is one of
understanding, courage, commitment and sacrifice. If the people
can unify
we will overcome.

What was the role of the media in the Yugoslav crisis?

The U.S./NATO bombing of Yugoslavia was devastating, but the
function of
the Western media has probably been more harmful. The power of
big-business media to shape opinion internationally--in the
U.S., in
Western Europe and other parts of the world--is just astounding
in how
effectively it was used to demonize Slavic peoples, especially
the Serbs of

It takes a long time to unlearn prejudices. Once they are
implanted they
become hard to root out. We implanted huge racial prejudices in
the U.S.
to justify slavery, and we still find it's a lot harder than
weeding the garden
to get the racists out.

People of African descent in our country have been demonized
like the
Serbs, and the racists are still everywhere. The media create
and "demons" by simply repeating stories night after night on
and radio, in the newspapers and magazines, and every place

Within Serbia and Montenegro you can see how divisive the media
was and
how demoralizing it can be to see what others are saying about
you. Before
the bombing I was there. I could see the effects of the
sanctions, coupled
with the effect on the people of seeing on foreign television
the prejudices
being stirred up against them.

It makes you feel like you're alone in the world and nobody
loves you. But
many many people love Yugoslavia. We love the people there; we
remember how courageous you've been. We know and are inspired by
fierce courage and strength, how you resisted the Nazis and what
a price
you paid for it. The media can make you doubt even your own soul
inner strength, but that doesn't mean their divisive tactics
will always
continue to work.

How do you evaluate the role of the United Nations in
the framework of the so-called new world order?

We hope that the U.N. will become independent and act more
since we need it. Right now it's pretty much the captive of the
U.S., but it
doesn't always have to be that way.

It's harmful to every human being on earth for the U.N. to be
that way,
including the people of the U.S. This is true because when you
realize what
your country has done, and continues to do around the world, it
your own spirit if you don't resist. It also puts you in
jeopardy since it's
getting harder for U.S. citizens to travel abroad. We're not
received with
open arms in many parts of the world.

We have to work to make the U.N. more effective even though, as
we saw
with Yugoslavia, it was more independent than NATO. The U.S., in
didn't go to the U.N. because it could not, as it did with Iraq,
unite that body
to support the aggression on your country.

It did that easily with NATO, but in doing so it caused NATO to
violate not
only the North Atlantic Treaty but also the U.N. Charter.
the U.N. should not have permitted that. We need an independent
reformed U.N. that abolishes the Security Council and that
self-financing. As long as the U.N. is dependent on
contributions from
countries like the U.S. it will be hard to function since it
will never know
whether its going to get its money or not.

How would you define the policy of sanctions and complete
isolation of those countries that want to find their own way
to the future,
and what are its consequences?

Comprehensive general sanctions that impact on the economy of a
need to be seen as a weapon of mass destruction. They hit poor
hardest and first, and they're genocidal.

If that can't be seen from the history of Iraq then we can't see
Sanctions have killed more than a million and a half people
there--mostly children. The second largest age group was the
elderly. The
people who are most vulnerable to sickness and weakness and who
nutrition are the ones who die first.

Control through the threat of sanctions exceeds any control
achieved by
the actual application since you can terrorize a country just by
sanctions. This is because people don't want to suffer as
they've seen
others suffer.

It's therefore imperative that we abolish the use of economic
When you think about it, you can't sanction a rich country
because they'll
laugh all the way to the bank. They'll have plenty of food, oil,
powder--whatever is needed. You can't sanction a country that
has the
physical power to transport the goods and services that it needs
from other
places. Only "weak" countries--those that can't resist
militarily or
compete economically--will be victimized by sanctions.

(1. continua)


Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"


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Does FR Yugoslavia, consisting of Serbia and
Montenegro, fit into the new political concept of the
so-called international community regarding relations
in Southeastern Europe?

Yugoslavia, consisting of Serbia and Montenegro fits into the
plans of the U.S., and to a lesser degree NATO countries,
because it's
there, strategically located, and this has to be addressed.

U.S./NATO plans involve the division and subjugation of
countries in the
region. Dividing them makes them more easily controlled and
and the future will be greater poverty.

The per capita income of the six former republics of the SFRY is
less than half of what it was ten years ago. They're half as
well off
collectively. Serbia and Montenegro are even worse than that.

The same is generally true though with most of Eastern Europe,
so we
shouldn't be mislead. Bulgaria today is worse off economically.
seems to be doing better to many people, but per capita income
there is
40% of what it was, maybe less. The Russian Federation has
around 30%
less per capita income than in 1990. This has been a real human

It's clear that the new concept for the Balkans is to divide,
exploit and
further impoverish. The idea that there will be more real aid
once a
country conforms to the demands of the U.S. and its
Monetary Fund is contrary to everything that's ever happened
after they
intervened. This is true whether it's little Grenada, Panama,
Viet Nam,
Nicaragua, or any other country. They have been continuously
harassed, or
kept under direct and/or indirect sanctions and further

How do you see the demands of the leadership of
Montenegro for a "redefinition of relations? in the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia?

Basically, only the people directly involved can decide the
details of their
relationship. What I passionately believe is that without a
federation not only of Montenegro and Serbia but of the six
republics and beyond that, the region will remain poor. It will
foreign dominated and become more so economically.

It will be afflicted with violence particularly between Muslims
and Slavs.
There are more than a 300 million Slavs in the world, and we've
seen the
deliberate fomenting of violence between Slavs and Muslims who
one billion. We've seen it in Afghanistan, Dagistan and Chechnya
and in
some of the larger predominantly Muslim republics on the
southern tier of
the former Soviet Union, and of course in Bosnia, Kosovo and
the Balkans.

Without unity, as we said in our revolutionary war, "we'll
either hang
together or we'll hang separately," even though, since then, we
have gotten
"too big for our britches." [Transcriber's note: this could be
translated as
being too big and arrogant. Britches mean, literally,

The problem of Kosovo as a factor of destabilization of
Yugoslavia -
has it had, in the last two years, an internal character or
was it created
by the USA and Germany?

The entire disintegration of Yugoslavia has been caused
by external forces. They are numerous, but the two principal
violators are
Germany and the United States, and the consequences for the
region have
been a human disaster.

Kosovo itself, which is now under NATO occupation, had every
to expect to live in peace, grow in prosperity and develop its
peoples and
resources for its own good. This was true until foreign
influences set the
people against themselves, and today you can't find anyone who

You may think at the moment if you're KLA that you might be on
top, but
on top of what and at what cost? How many members of your
families did
you loose? How many homes did your friends loose? How long will
it take
you to get back to where you were if you ever do, and is this a
acceptable way to do it even if you could?

Tens of thousands of Serbs, Roma and others have been ethnically
cleansed from Kosovo, under the watchful eyes of the mighty
armies. This shows that NATO didn't intervene there for
reasons and that this claim is hypocritical.

Was the Rambouillet agreement an acceptable solution
for the Kosovo problem? Do you think that by accepting
it, FR Yugoslavia could have prevented the aggression
against it? What is the main effect of the Dayton
agreement? Has it solved the problems in the Balkans
or has it meant the establishment of U.S. domination
on the territories of the former Yugoslavia?

It's sad to see countries or peoples bullied into agreements
that are on
their face moral outrages.

When I think of the Oslo Accords and the Palestinian people who
suffering from violence today even more than the Yugoslavs, it
breaks my
heart. Since the Oslo Accords there's been nothing but
politically, socially, and economically for the Palestinians.
Yet a coalition
of powerful interests forced them into it just as they forced
Yugoslavia into
the Dayton Accords. These accords, including the Rambouillet
were unnatural "agreements" that would foment violence. They
violated the idea of peoples' independence and the sovereignty
of their

Any country that has a large foreign military population on its
soil is not
free--that is a truism. And both of those accords contemplated
troops on Yugoslav soil. But they ought to be out of there, just
as U.S.
money ought to be out of politics there. If the future of
Yugoslavia is to be
determined by the financing of political parties by the United
States, then
you might as well give up and deed the country over to General
Coca Cola and Burger King.

What was the role of the USA in the military strenghtening of
in Operation Storm, which had as a consequence a massive
exodus of
Serbian people from Krajina?

In time we'll know a lot more, but we know from Richard
autobiographical account of that period that while Washington
was saying
to Croatia "don't do it," Holbrook and others in Zagreb were
saying "drive
the Serbs out." How much protest did you hear internationally in
what was
the biggest single ethnic cleansing in the last 50 years in the
None! The cleansing from Krajina of the Serb population was in
ignored or applauded internationally. So it's another interplay
media presentation and the use of force for the West to have its

The Twentieth Century has been marked by many different
ideas, but a
majority of them have not been confirmed by history. Why do
you think?

Populations everywhere are manipulated by ideas that often have
validity. There's a French saying that I've always liked,
"Nothing is so
cruel on Earth as the murder of a beautiful idea by a brutal
gang of facts."
If we look at the facts you'll see that many of the fictions
that have been
imposed on people are false and harmful.

Let's talk about democracy, which is a difficult concept. People
think the
U.S. is the greatest example of democracy. But the U.S. is not a
at all; it's a pure plutocracy--a government of wealth.
Elections here
have nothing to do with the will of the people. They are in fact
a minor
contest between representatives of the plutocracy vying for
power; the
poor of the country are left out.

I'm not talking about just the billions of dollars that have
been spent on
political campaigns. The U.S. has spent almost as much on the
campaign in Yugoslavia as it has on its own presidential
campaign this
year. That's an economic fact that ought to be investigated.
You're not free
if a foreign power is buying your elections. The same is true of
us in the
U.S.; we can't be free as long as rich capitalists continue to
buy our
elections, and of course that's exactly what they do.

You might not have heard of the presidential candidate Ralph
Nader. He
has worked in the interests of consumers, poor people, and the
ecology for
years. But he doesn't get to participate in the debates, and he
won't get a
significant vote. If by democracy you mean government should
follow the
needs and interests of the people then the U.S. is not a
democracy even
with elections held here periodically.

Washington has, moreover, used elections to take over other
They basically stole Nicaragua from the Sandinista government by
pumping in money to the opposition, unifying it, and sending in
death squad
terrorists--not unlike the KLA. They were trained and financed
to destroy
villages and kill Nicaraguans. The U.S. then told them that if
they wanted
peace and "prosperity" they had to elect the opposition. In the
the media was given over to the opposition and they were given
money and
other communications resources. It worked, the opposition won,
and now
the Nicaraguans are living in abject poverty.

We also tried to steal Angola through the ballot box--through an
abuse of
democracy. We told the Dos Santos government that they had to
have an
election. Then we told them they couldn't hold the voting until
dismantled two-thirds of the army. They did it and the
government won at
the polls. But the U.S.-backed opposition led by Jonas Savimbi
immediately attacked with an enormous military force and overran
two-thirds of the country, which the government is still
fighting to win

We're told that there's only one idea in economic life that
works and that's
capitalism. Every country has to convert to capitalism and do
what the
World Bank and the IMF says. You've got to privatize--open up to
trade." But the countries that have done that have been

In the former Soviet Union, for example, the people there had
jobs, homes,
medical care, education, a decent economy, but now they've lost
all of that.
They have no health care system, and their schools are falling
apart. They
have few jobs, lost their homes. They have had to sell their
possessions just to make out. The country is an economic basket

The Ukraine is worse, and the same is true of countries in the
Hemisphere. We take a country like Peru and we tell it to borrow
from the IMF and privatize--to do what the World Bank says. But
poor have gotten poorer there, and President Fujimori sits on
the necks of
the people with his economic policies, and police and military
backed by Washington.

We have to examine these ideas for ourselves and decide what's
best for
the children. But we have to do it in the face of a media that
tries to tell us
there's only one way--and with nuclear intimidation and the
threat of
starvation from sanctions hanging over our heads.

When the U.S. government can't manipulate elections--and they
masters at it--they'll instigate a military coup like they did
in Guatemala
in the 1950s, in Chile in the 1970s and in Haiti in 1991, to
name a few

What did the 20th Century bring in terms of the
development of human civilization, especially for the
peoples of the Balkans?

The 20th Century has brought the most uncivilized and violent
acts of
human history. There has never been before such disasters caused
human conduct. There were the two world wars, and the Cold War
race, which impoverished people. There were also the bloody
fights that
came from the neo-colonial drive to divide and conquer Africa,
Asia and
the Balkans.

The Balkans had many problems in the 1900s. But the culture was
intact in most places despite the history of oppression by the
Empire, the Austrio-Hungary Empire and all the rest. These were
cultures; people knew what and who they were. They loved their
had their own art, music, literature, meaning to life, religious
faiths. They
had their own philosophy, and could sit around in the evenings
or on a
bridge across the Drina to talk about life and love and things.

Today there's chaos, the disintegration of institutions, random
impoverishment and insecurity. But you have your strength, your
and your history of resistance. If you unite you have a part of
the earth
that's beautiful, that provides abundant food, natural resources
and other
essentials of life. If you organize it can be used for your own
well being.
Your future is largely in your hands, but without unity you will
be turned
against each other.

What can we expect in the 21st Century?

What we're seeing is the spread of fomented violence by those
who want to
divide and weaken. Just look at India, with all its history and
more than a
billion people, with the Tamils in the south and the terrible
violence that's
going on there. This 70-million strong population of Tamils is
for survival from Sri Lanka up into southern India.

If you go north you find the Casmiris and Pakistanis and the
government fighting in some of the most spectacularly beautiful
in the world. It's hard to find a region there where you don't
have conflicts
between Muslims and Hindus, Tamils and Buddhists. You can see
all over the world.

In South Africa we hope there will be unity. The government
there still
faces terrible risks, but under the current leadership--with its
many heroic
figures--they've been able to hold their country together.

In West Africa you see bloodletting everywhere much of which is
from abroad. We all know about Rwanda and the Hutus and the
for the Congo.

It must be recognized that if you let foreign governments choose
leaders you will be in for bad times. That's exactly what has
happening in the last half of the 20th Century.

The U.S. chose the Shah for Iran; he was literally imposed. The
CIA said
it was their greatest accomplishment. The Shah reigned for 25
years, but
the people finally rose up and threw him out when they couldn't
stand it
any more. Over 35,000 people were killed by the Shah's
soldiers and secret police. That's what letting the U.S. choose
their leader
did for the Iranis after a democratically-elected government was

In the Congo, a huge country with enormous natural resources,
Lumumba was elected after independence from a colonial power.
But he
was soon murdered. His body was found in the trunk of a CIA car.
was then put in power, and from 1962 until 1997 the people of
the Congo
were ravaged. Today, you have armed soldiers from 12 different
fighting in the Congo, some of them in the interests of U.S. big

In our hemisphere Salvadore Allende was elected president of
Chile. He
was a medical doctor who wanted to heal the sick in a country
that never
had a rural health care program. He started to install them and
to make
other progressive changes when the U.S. overthrew him in a coup
that led
to his death. Allende was replaced by General Augusto Pinochet,,
one of
the major petty tyrants of recent history. More than 5,000
Chileans were
killed under the U.S.-backed dictator.

Then there was the elected government of Jacobo Arbenz in
who was overthrown by the U.S. government. Tens of thousands
died as a
result, many of them indigenous people of Mayan descent.

It's imperative that people overcome the differences in their
and regions and unite to protect themselves from foreign
which will only mean more violence, suffering and poverty.

What would you like to say to the people of Yugoslavia at
this moment?

This time is critical to the future of the heroic peoples of the
Yugoslavia and the entire region. You are peoples with deep and
cultures who are being eaten up by foreign powers that are
skilled at
fomenting internal and external violence.

The imperative need for your children and the survival of all
that your
predecessors and ancestors brought to you depends on the ability
to unite
and resist foreign intrusion and domination.

It's an extremely difficult time, but you have to resist with
all your
strength the efforts by rich countries to control your destiny,
such as the
U.S., Germany, and some of your richer neighbors in Europe.

Stronger ties are needed with your immediate neighbors and the
countries in eastern Europe as well as the Slavic people who
resisted the
U.S. in the Cold War and who today remain the enemy of the U.S.
other NATO powers.

With such unity you can triumph and inspire us all.

posted 9 Oct 2000

International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
email: iacenter@...
phone: 212 633-6646
fax: 212 633-2889

(2. fine; fonte: )


Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"


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Il neo-presidente a Biarritz. Colazione con i leader
europei. "Milosevic perde sempre pi� influenza"

Kostunica: "Cambier�
nome alla Jugoslavia"

dal nostro inviato ELENA POLIDORI

BIARRITZ - A Biarritz arriva Kostunica. Il neo presidente jugoslavo �
ricevuto con tutti gli onori. Colazione con Chirac, Blair, Amato e tutti
gli altri. Poi dibattito politico-economico. Bisogna in qualche modo
spazzare via il fantasma di Milosevic. Ma bisogna anche aiutare il nuovo
corso del paese perch�, come dice il premier italiano "porre condizioni
politiche non aiuta a consolidare il processo democratico di Belgrado".

E dunque, via al disgelo. Il pranzo segna proprio una ripresa del
tra la Ue e la Jugoslavia. In concreto, i Quindici confermano la revoca
parziale dell'embargo economico, esempio poi seguito anche dagli Stati
Uniti. In pi�, consegnano nelle mani del nuovo leader aiuti per 200
di euro, circa 400 miliardi di lire. L'Italia da sola fornir� a Belgrado
300 miliardi di lire: denaro proprio scovato tra le pieghe del bilancio
tra i fondo della cooperazione. Lo hanno stabilito Amato e i ministri
e Visco l'altro giorno, dopo la missione-lampo a Belgrado. I
serviranno per comprare beni di prima necessit�, come farina, olio,
zucchero, ma anche per assicurare il combustibile da riscaldamento ad un
paese gi� freddo.

Kostunica, che l'altro giorno aveva chiesto un posto all'Onu e che
anche essere rappresentato al Fondo monetario, s'augura soprattutto di
ottenere una apertura di credito politica dai paesi europei. Per questo,
nella conferenza stampa finale seguita al pranzo, non fa che parlare di
"casa europea", di un "ritorno alle origini" del suo paese che peraltro
vorrebbe chiamare Serbia- Montenegro e non pi� Repubblica federale di
Jugoslavia: il cambiamento del nome, con tutto quel che di simbolico si
porta appresso, � in un certo senso la notizia del giorno, il messaggio
principale per la stessa Unione europea.

Ai partner Ue, Kostunica assicura anche che "di giorno in giorno, di ora
ora", Milosevic perde influenza "nel paese e nel suo stesso partito".
Quindi menziona tutti i diplomatici visti negli ultimi giorni ma
nell'elenco non include Amato e Dini. Una dimenticanza?

(da: "Repubblica on-line", 14/10/2000)

Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"


I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma vengono
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segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")

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