

"La civilta' occidentale? Potrebbe essere una buona idea."

Mahatma Ghandi

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

* Traduttori con l'elmetto ("Liberazione")
* Come vendere un conflitto (G. Poole)
* Militari esperti in guerra psicologica lavorano alla CNN (varie fonti)



La seguente lettera e' stata pubblicata su "Liberazione"
del 31/3/2000:

<< Sono una albanese residente in Italia pienamente d'accordo con gli
articoli pubblicati su "Liberazione" di domenica 19 (marzo n.d.r) sulla
cattiva informazione della stampa e della televisione nel corso della
guerra in Jugoslavia.
Come rappresentante albanese ho partecipato a numerosi convegni contro
la guerra organizzati a Napoli da Rifondazione e svariate associazioni
Ho denunciato la manipolazione dell'informazione e, in particolare, il
fatto che le traduzioni delle interviste erano spesso travisate.
Conoscendo la lingua, comprendevo che cosa veniva domandato e risposto e
come poi veniva tradotto in italiano.
Molto spesso i numeri venivano gonfiati: per esempio, su una rete Rai,
un albanese kosovaro intervistato parlava di 4 morti che il traduttore
faceva diventare 40!
Nel corso di una trasmissione, ripresa anche da Rai3, una troupe
televisiva si recava a intervistare gli albanesi kosovari scortata da
militari dell'Uck. Uno di questi, prima che iniziasse l'intervista,
avviso' gli altri di di "non parlare troppo", questa frase non fu
In un'altra intevista, fu posta a una kosovara la domanda : "Sei
d'accordo con i bombardamenti Nato?".
Subito dopo aver tradotto in albanese la domanda, l'interprete suggeri'
a bassa voce: "Di' di si', di' di si'". >>

Ardiana Shlaku, Napoli


di Gordon Poole
(distribuito a cura della sezione italiana del Tribunale "Clark")

Tutti i teorici della guerra di bassa intensità, a partire dai
Alvin e Heidi Toffler - il primo è consulente del Pentagono da molti
- teorizzano la necessità di dominare, durante la fase calda del
conflitto, i mezzi di comunicazione di mas sa del proprio paese.[1] La
militarizzazione di questi ultimi dev'essere completa e capillare, sì da
evitare non solo quella "invadenza" dei giornalisti che"guastò" la
del Vietnam, contribuendo a suscitare una rivolta in patria e sullo
campo di battaglia, ma anche "scomode" presenze nei posti sbagliati,
fu quella di Peter Arnett a Baghdad che si permise di intervistare
Hussein, dando la parola a colui che veniva presentato al pubblico
ufficialmente, quanto inverosimilmente, come un "Hitler".

Gli stessi teorici, e anche qui i Toffler sono espliciti, limitano
militarizzazione dei mezzi di comunicazione di massa al periodo di
conflitto intenso, durante il quale si può, anzi si deve, raccontare al
pubblico qualsiasi fandonia per giustifica re la guerra, purché si sia
gradodi renderla credibile, di farla passare. Le notizie, quindi, in
alla deontologia tradizionale del giornalismo, in cui qualche raro
giornalista mostra ancora di credere (sino a rimetterci il posto), non
misurano con il metro della realtà, della verità - un'obiettività in cui
teorici del pensiero debole non credono - ma con quella della
e della funzionalità agli intenti politici del governo e alla conduzione
della guerra. Dopo, cessato il periodo di militarizzazione, ai media
venire restituita la funzione ormai abituale di imbonitori di
e volgarità "di bassa intensità". E' sorprendente poi come vengono
soprattutto sui giornali o attraverso Internet, delle verità che durante
il conflitto non potevano emergere. In particolare, una serie di
che i media stessi si erano ingegnati di trasmettere ad un pubblico
credulone vengono via via smascherate dagli stessi giornalisti che le
avevano comunicate al momento opportuno, o anche dalle stesse agenzie di
relazionipubbliche che le avevano inventate. Anche questa fase è
dai teorici dell'uso dei media: Toffler, in particolare, è esplicito nel
distinguere tra notizie calde e fredde. Lo smascheramento di un'utile
bugia in un secondo momento è sempre una notizia fredda. Serve, semmai,
paradossalm ente a dare l'impressione di una certa obiettività
giornalistica, come se i mezzi di comunicazione di massa fossero più
porosi, meno murati di quanto non siano. Ormai, cessati i bombardamenti
in Jugoslavia, piano piano sono emerse una serie di verità - notizie
fredde - che smantellano tutte le principali accuse mosse a suo tempo
contro il governo jugoslavo di Milosevic. Non ci fu la pulizia etnica
contro gli alba nesi nel Kosovo (è di questi giorni la smentita
del generale di brigata tedesco a riposo, Heinz Loquai, della cosiddetta
"Operazione ferro da cavallo"), né gli stupri etnici, né i massacri di
civili, né le fosse comuni. L'operazione "Arcobaleno " era
e legalmente corrotta, un atto di belligeranza, un attentato alla buona
fede e alla generosità del popolo italiano. Tutte notizie fredde. Ora
Jamie Shea, il portavoce NATO durante la Guerra di Kosovo, con una
franchezza che può sorprendere, ha fatto delle rivelazioni sui 78 giorni
del suo successo mediatico. In un discorso tenuto recentemente a Berna,
Svizzera, davanti ad un gruppo di impor tanti uomini d'affari dal titolo
"Vendere un conflitto - la massima sfida delle 'relazioni pubbliche'",
Shea ha detto tra l'altro: "Bisogna conquistare l'opinione pubblica, e
è una cosa semplice quando stai violando la sovranità di uno stato". I
"dann i collaterali" - l'eufemismo propagandistico per indicare le
sofferenze inflitte ai civili, oggetto di leggi e convenzioni nazionali
internazionali - rischiavano di far perdere alla NATO il favore del
pubblico. A questo pericolo Shea riuscì abilmente a fare fronte con le
immagini dei profughi trasmessi da tutti i canali TV.

Con l'inveterato disprezzo per il pubblico "fesso" tipico di tutti gli
imbroglioni, Shea ha detto che la gente adora le telenovela quotidiane
buoni protagonisti, ed è quello che lui le ha fornito. La sua bravura
farlo sarebbe comprovato, secondo l ui, dal fatto che la gente ancora lo
riconosce ovunque va. Shea, la star dei media, si è anche vantato di
essere stato incluso da una rivista popolare in un elenco dei "dieci
uomini più sexy del mondo". Se di tanto in tanto appariva l'immagine di
Milosevi c, filtrata e abilmente contestualizzata, essa risultava
decisamente non sexy. L'ex-portavoce della NATO ha raccontato anche che
le sue quotidiane conferenze stampa TV costituivano una grossa sfida. Il
suo compito era di passare la massima quantità di dettagli possibile -
video della cabina di pilotaggio di un aereo da bombardam ento
di impatto di un missile - senza commettere errori, per non perdere di
"credibilità" - termine al quale egli conferisce chiaramente un
significato peculiare. Quello che rendeva il suo compito ancora più una
sfida era il fatto che le conferenze stampa teletrasmesse dovevano
anche quando c'era una pausa nei bombardamenti a causa del cattivo
Shea, che è britannico, ha paragonato questo problema ad una partita di
cricket quando piove - il cronista sportivo deve continuare a commentare
la partita sebbene sul campo di gioco non stia succedendo niente. Egli
usava queste "interruzioni" per spiegare ancora una volta chi erano i
buoni e chi erano i cattivi.

Secondo Shea, un principio importante è: "Se non hai una storia,
fabbrichi una storia". Per esempio, in una giornata lenta, Shea ha
organizzato la visita delle mogli di Clinton e Blair in un campo
ricavando immaginiutilizzate con piacere dalla CNN. Inoltre Shea ha
evitato che un incontro dei ministri avesse luogo in contemporanea ad
conferenza stampa della NATO, per non distrarre l'attenzione dei media e
massimizzare l'effetto sul pubblico. Al 78° giorno, quando sono cessati
bombardamenti, la NATO ha vinto la guerra, non 5 a 0, secondo Shea, ma 4
2. "E come Rocky II: conta soltanto il risultato. Dopo gli errori sono
senza importanza." Nel suo discorso - come hanno notato i giornalisti
"Neue Zürcher Zeitung" - Shea non ha parlato delle vittime della guerra

dei problemi attuali nel Kosovo.

fonte: "Neue Zürcher Zeitung" (Svizzera), 30/3/2000

[1] Il libro Guerra e anti-guerra dei Toffler è stato discusso su "G&P",
n. 24 (novembre 1995).



WASHINGTON, US, April 12, 2000 (Guardian)

Two leading US news channels have admitted that they allowed
psychological operations officers from the military to work as
placement interns at their headquarters during the Kosovo war. Cable
Network News (CNN) and National Public Radio, (NPR) denied that the
"psy-ops" officers influenced news coverage and said the internships
had been stopped as soon as senior managers found out.

CNN hosted five psy-ops officers as temporary, unpaid workers
last year, while NPR took three, all from the army's 4th
Psychological Operations Group, based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
The army's psychological operations are prohibited by law from
manipulating the US media.

After the existence of the CNN internship programme was
published in the Dutch newspaper, Trouw, the network immediately
cancelled it.

For its part, the army said the programme was only intended to
give young army media specialists some experience of how the news
industry functioned. The interns were restricted to mainly menial
tasks such as answering phones, but the fact that military propaganda
experts were even present in newsrooms as reports from the Kosovo
conflict were being broadcast has triggered a storm of criticism and
raised questions about the independence of these networks.



[Note the reference to Emperor's New Clothes - RR]

World Socialist Web Site

US psychological warfare experts worked at CNN and NPR
during Kosovo War
By Tom Bishop
18 April 2000

Cable News Network (CNN) and National Public Radio
(NPR) have acknowledged that eight members of the US
Army 4th Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Group
served as interns in their news divisions and other
areas during the Kosovo war. PSYOPS is a highly
specialized unit of the military whose personnel are
trained in the production and dissemination of US
government propaganda, including on television and
radio programs.

According to CNN executives and military officials,
the intern program began last June and ended in March.
A total of five PSYOPS sergeants were assigned to the
network's Atlanta headquarters. These included two at
the Southeast bureau, two at CNN Radio and one at the
satellite department.

Three PSYOPS personnel also worked at the Washington
DC headquarters of NPR, a publicly-funded radio
network. They worked for periods ranging from six
weeks to four months from September 1998 through May
1999 on such programs as All Things Considered and
Morning Edition.

On March 29 top CNN officials acknowledged the
presence of the military personnel in a written reply
to the media watchdog group Fairness & Accuracy In
Reporting (FAIR), which had issued a media alert two
days before, entitled “Why were government propaganda
experts working on news at CNN?”

In her response to FAIR, Sue Binford, CNN executive
vice president for public relations, claimed that
while the interns were present “no government or
military expert has ever worked on news at CNN.” She
said that the five interns were among hundreds who
spend a few weeks at CNN and like all interns “observe
under the supervision of CNN staff and have no
influence over what CNN reports or how CNN reports

An NPR spokesperson said the interns performed minor
tasks and “had no influence on our news coverage.”

The issue was first raised in the media February 17
when the French publication Intelligence Newsletter
published a report of a military symposium held in
Arlington, Virginia early in February. At the
symposium, Colonel Christopher St. John, Commander of
PSYOPS whose 1,200 soldiers and officers are stationed
at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, said the cooperation
between the army and CNN was a textbook example of the
kind of ties the US Army wants with the American

According to the article, St. John said rather than
use outright military censorship as was done in the
Gulf War, NATO tried to use more subtle means to
regulate the flow of information where they could
spread selected information while suppressing
unfavorable information. Rear Admiral Thomas Steffens
of the US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) said at
the symposium that the military should have the
capacity to gain control over commercial news
satellites to bring an “informational cone of silence”
over areas where special operations are taking place.
(Indeed, one of the PSYOPS officers worked in CNN's
satellite division.)

Colonel Romeo Morrissey, also of SOCOM, said in his
report that NATO should have taken out the Serbian
radio station B-92. The Internet web site of B-92
became an independent source of coverage of the
bombing in Serbia for journalists looking for
information other than that presented at press
conferences held by NATO in Brussels.

The information in Intelligence Newsletter was brought
to a wider audience when it was published by the
Netherlands daily newspaper Trouw on February 21. The
magazine interviewed Major Thomas Collins of the US
Army Information Service, who acknowledged the interns
worked at CNN as part of the army's “Training With
Industry” program. Collins stated, “They worked as
regular employees of CNN. Conceivably, they would have
worked on stories during the Kosovo war. They helped
in the production of news.”

The story was first reported in the US by such web
sites as and on CounterPunch by
its coeditor Alexander Cockburn, a columnist for The
Nation. In its response to CNN's denial that military
personnel ever “worked on the news,” FAIR said this
was “essentially a semantic quibble” and pointed to
the comments of Major Collins. It also pointed out
that CNN only acknowledged that the presence of PSYOPS
personnel in the newsroom was “inappropriate” after
this was revealed in Trouw. NPR officials also waited
until the exposure of the intern program to remove

Top CNN officials have also claimed that they were
unaware of the PSYOPS intern program, and would never
have approved of it. Instead, they say, such decisions
must have been made by lower-level human resource
managers. But according to an article in TV Guide,
several unnamed sources at CNN told the magazine that
a network programming executive who left the network
months before the intern program became public signed
off on the internships. Moreover, CNN and military
sources acknowledged that the interns never concealed
their identity at work.

In its original action alert FAIR stated: “What makes
the CNN story especially troubling is the fact that
the network allowed the Army's covert propagandists to
work in its headquarters, where they learned the ins
and outs of CNN's operations. Even if the PSYOPS
officers working in the newsroom did not influence
news reporting, did the network allow the military to
conduct an intelligence mission against CNN itself?”

These revelations are only the latest concerning CNN's
relations with the US military, particularly during
the Kosovo war. On July 2, 1999 the Independent
newspaper in Britain published an article entitled
“Taken in by the NATO Line.” The article suggested
that major media outlets went beyond the usual
unethical and dishonest news practices to outright
collusion with NATO.

Belgrade war correspondent Robert Fisk wrote: “Two
days before NATO bombed the Serb Television
headquarters in Belgrade, CNN received a tip from its
Atlanta headquarters that the building was to be
destroyed. They were told to remove their facilities
from the premises at once, which they did.

“A day later, Serbian Information Minister Aleksander
Vucic received a faxed invitation from the Larry King
Live show in the US to appear on CNN. They wanted him
on air at 2:30 in the morning of 23 April and asked
him to arrive at Serb Television half an hour early
for make-up.

“Vucic was late—which was just as well for him since
NATO missiles slammed into the building at six minutes
to two. The first one exploded in the make-up room
where the young Serb assistant was burned to death.
CNN calls this all a coincidence, saying that the
Larry King show, put out by the entertainment
division, did not know of the news department's
instruction to its men to leave the Belgrade

Also during this period, CNN fired its Pulitzer Prize
winning journalist Peter Arnett from his 18-year
career as an international journalist for CNN. He was
fired April 20, 1999 after calling a press conference
to protest CNN's refusal to assign him to cover the
war from Belgrade. Arnett had been sidelined since
June 7, 1998 when CNN aired his investigative report
“Valley of Death”. In the joint production by CNN and
Time magazine Arnett gave compelling evidence that US
commandos had used deadly sarin gas to kill American
soldiers who had defected into Laos from Vietnam.
After intense pressure from the military, the
co-producers of the production, April Oliver and Jack
Smith, were fired when they refused to disavow the



Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
Media analysis, critiques and news reports

CNN Responds to FAIR on PSYOPS in the Newsroom

April 5, 2000

On March 27, FAIR released an action alert urging readers to contact CNN
ask why the network allowed military propaganda specialists from an Army
Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) unit to work in the news division of
Atlanta headquarters. That action alert can be found on FAIR's website:
( ).

Since then, FAIR has been contacted by Eason Jordan, CNN's president for
international networks and newsgathering, as well as executive vice
president for public relations Sue Binford. On March 29, FAIR received
official response, written by Binford:

As executive vice president of CNN Public Relations, I am responding
officially on behalf of CNN to FAIR's action alert headlined "Why were
Government Propaganda Experts Working on News at CNN?":

1. No government or military propaganda expert has ever worked on
at CNN.

2. Amongst the hundreds of interns from around the world who spent
few weeks at a time at CNN in the past year, were five personnel from a
Army PSYOPS group.

3. Interns at CNN observe under the supervision of CNN staff and
no influence over what CNN reports or how CNN reports it.

4. CNN's intern program is administered by the Company's Human
Resources Department, which is made up of hard-working, well-intentioned
people who are not journalists and who thought they were doing the right
thing when they agreed to a U.S. Army request to allow the military
personnel to intern at CNN.

5. The intern program was terminated as soon as the leadership of
learned of it. CNN's position: it was inappropriate for PSYOPS personnel
be at CNN, they are not here now, and they never again will be at CNN.

6. CNN prides itself on its journalistic independence and
and is committed to accurate, fair, responsible reporting.


FAIR's Analysis:

FAIR commends CNN for acknowledging that the presence of PSYOPS
personnel in
the newsroom was, in its words, "inappropriate." It is unfortunate that
network came to that conclusion only after the program's existence was
revealed in February by the Dutch newspaper Trouw (2/21/00).

The only points in CNN's statement that are in factual conflict with
action alert are points 1 and 3. CNN denies that any military
expert "ever worked on news" at CNN-- seeming to contradict FAIR's
assertion, made in the headline of our action alert, that PSYOPS
were "working on news" at CNN. While PSYOPS personnel did intern at
the statement says, "interns at CNN observe under the supervision of CNN
staff and have no influence over what CNN reports or how CNN reports

This seems to be essentially a semantic quibble. As interns, some of the
PSYOPS officers clearly answered to the news division and assisted CNN
staffers as they produced stories. According to Major Thomas Collins of
U.S. Army Information Service, the PSYOPS interns "worked as regular
employees of CNN" and "helped in the production of news." (Trouw, 2/21)

But as we said in our original action alert:

"What makes the CNN story especially troubling is the fact that the
allowed the Army's covert propagandists to work in its headquarters,
they learned the ins and outs of CNN's operations. Even if the PSYOPS
officers working in the newsroom did not influence news reporting, did
network allow the military to conduct an intelligence-gathering mission
against CNN itself?"

FAIR then offered specific evidence that military PSYOPS specialists
recently been trying to increase their knowledge of and cooperation with
news media in order to influence coverage.

Indeed, the presence of psychological operations personnel at CNN was
revealed at a PSYOPS conference in Arlington, Virginia by Col.
St. John, commander of the Army's 4th PSYOPS Group (the unit to which
CNN interns belonged), who offered the internship program as an example
the type of "greater cooperation between the armed forces and media
which he hoped to see more of (Intelligence Newsletter, 2/17/00).

That is presumably why CNN has admitted that, even as observers, PSYOPS
officers should not have worked-- or "observed"-- in CNN's offices.

ACTION: If you feel this matter is serious enough that CNN should issue
more in-depth explanation of how military personnel came to intern at
network, and precisely what kind of work they did there, you can write
CNN's President of International Networks and Newsgathering, Eason

Fax: 404-827-3134

As always, please remember that letters are taken more seriously if they
maintain a professional tone. Please cc-copies of your correspondence to

NOTE: In pointing out the lack of mainstream media coverage of the
CNN-PSYOPS story, our original action alert stated that "in the U.S.
so far only Alexander Cockburn" had picked up on the story. We should
noted that it was online media that initially picked up on the Trouw and
Intelligence Newsletter reports. The website Emperor's Clothes
( appears to have been the first to translate
Trouw report and put it on the Web. Several other political sites also
picked up the story. Cockburn was the first journalist in the U.S. to
discuss the story in print, and the first to get it into a mainstream


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March 26, 2000


By Alexander Cockburn

Military personnel from the Fourth
Psychological Operations Group based at Fort
Bragg, in North Carolina, have until recently
been working in CNN's hq in Atlanta.

CNN is up in arms about our report in the last issue of
CounterPunch concerning the findings of the Dutch journalist,
Abe de Vries about the presence of US Army personnel at
CNN, owned by Time-Warner. We cited an article by de Vries
which appeared on February 21 in the reputable Dutch daily
newspaper Trouw, originally translated into English and placed
on the web by Emperor's Clothes. De Vries reported that a
handful of military personnel from the Third Psychological
Operations Battalion, part of the airmobile Fourth Psychological
Operations Group based at Fort Bragg, in North Carolina, had
worked in CNN's hq in Atlanta.

De Vries quoted Major Thomas Collins of the US Army
Information Service as having confirmed the presence of these
Army psy-ops experts at CNN, saying, "Psy-ops personnel,
soldiers and officers, have been working in CNN's headquarters
in Atlanta through our program, 'Training with Industry'. They
worked as regular employees of CNN. Conceivably, they would
have worked on stories during the Kosovo war. They helped in
the production of news."

This particular CounterPunch story was the topic of my regular
weekly broadcast to AM Live, a program of the South Africa
Broadcasting Company in Johannesburg. Among the audience of
this broadcast was CNN's bureau in South Africa which lost no
time in relaying news of it to CNN hq in Atlanta, and I duly
received an angry phone call from Eason Jordan who identified
himself as CNN's president of newsgathering and international

Jordan was full of indignation that I had somehow compromised
the reputation of CNN. But in the course of our conversation it
turned out that yes, CNN had hosted a total of five interns from
US army psy-ops, two in television, two in radio and one in
satellite operations. Jordan said the program had only recently
terminated, I would guess at about the time CNN's higher
management read Abe de Vries's stories.

When I reached De Vries in Belgrade, where's he is Trouw's
correspondent, and told him about CNN's furious reaction, he
stood by his stories and by the quotations given him by Major
Collins.For some days CNN wouldn't get back to him with a
specific reaction to Collins's confirmation, and when it did, he
filed a later story for Trouw, printed on February 25 noting that
the military worked at CNN in the period from June 7, (a date
confirmed by Eason to me) meaning that during the war a
psy-ops person would have been at CNN during the last week.

"The facts are", De Vries told me, " that the US Army, US
Special Operations Command and CNN personnel confirmed to
me that military personnel have been involved in news
production at CNN's newsdesks. I found it simply astonishing.
Of course CNN says these psyops personnel didn't decide
anything, write news reports, etcetera. What else can they say.
Maybe it's true, maybe not. The point is that these kind of close
ties with the army are, in my view, completely unacceptable for
any serious news organization. Maybe even more astonishing is
the complete silence about the story from the big media. To my
knowledge, my story was not mentioned by leading American or
British newspapers, nor by Reuters or AP."

Here at CounterPunch we agree with Abe de Vries, who told
me he'd originally come upon the story through an article in the
French newsletter, Intelligence On-line, February 17, which
described a military symposium in Arlington, Virginia, held at the
beginning of February of this year, discussing use of the press in
military operations. Colonel Christopher St John, commander of
the US Army's 4th Psyops Group, was quoted by Intelligence
On-Line's correspondent, present at the symposium, as having,
in the correspondent's words, "called for greater cooperation
between the armed forces and media giants. He pointed out that
some army PSYOPS personnel had worked for CNN for
several weeks and helped in the production of some news
stories for the network."

So, however insignificant Eason Jordan and other executives at
CNN may now describe the Army psyops tours at CNN as
having been, the commanding officer of the Psy-ops group
thought them as sufficient significance to mention at a high level
Pentagon seminar about propaganda and psychological warfare.
It could be that CNN was the target of a psyops penetration and
is still too naïve to figure out what was going on.

It's hard not to laugh when CNN execs like Eason Jordan start
spouting high-toned stuff about CNN's principles of objectivity
and refusal to spout government or Pentagon propaganda. The
relationship is most vividly summed up by the fact that Christiane
Amanpour, CNN's leading foreign correspondent, and a woman
whose reports about the fate of Kosovan refugees did much to
fan public appetite for NATO's war, is literally and figuratively in
bed with spokesman for the US State Department, and a leading
propagandist for NATO during that war, her husband James
Rubin.If CNN truly wanted to maintain the appearance of
objectivity, it would have taken Amanpour off the story.
Amanpour, by the way, is still a passionate advocate for
NATO's crusade, most recently on the Charlie Rose show.

In the first two weeks of the war in Kosovo CNN produced
thirty articles for the Internet, according to de Vries, who looked
them up for his first story. An average CNN article had seven
mentions of Tony Blair, NATO spokesmen like Jamie Shea and
David Wilby or other NATO officials. Words like refugees,
ethnic cleansing, mass killings and expulsions were used nine
times on the average. But the so-called Kosovo Liberation
Armmy (0.2 mentions) and the Yugoslav civilian victims (0.3
mentions) barely existed for CNN.

During the war on Serbia, as with other recent conflicts
involving the US, wars, CNN's screen was filled with an
interminable procession of US military officers. On April 27 of
last year, Amy Goodman of the Pacifica radio network, put a
good question to Frank Sesno, who is CNN's senior vice
president for political coverage.

GOODMAN:"If you support the practice of putting ex-military
men -generals - on the payroll to share their opinion during a
time of war, would you also support putting peace activists on
the payroll to give a different opinion during a time of war? To
be sitting there with the military generals talking about why they
feel that war is not appropriate?"

FRANK SESNO: "We bring the generals in because of their
expertise in a particular area. We call them analysts. We don't
bring them in as advocates. In fact, we actually talk to them
about that - they're not there as advocates."

Exactly a week before Sesno said this, CNN had featured as
one of its military analysts, Lt Gen Dan Benton, US Army

BENTON: "I don't know what our countrymen that are
questioning why we're involved in this conflict are thinking about.
As I listened to this press conference this morning with reports of
rapes burning, villages being burned and this particularly
incredible report of blood banks, of blood being harvested from
young boys for the use of Yugoslav forces, I just got madder
and madder. The United States has a responsibility as the only
superpower in the world, and when we learn about these things,
somebody has got to stand up and say, that's enough, stop it, we
aren't going to put up with this. And so the United States is
fulfilling its leadership responsibility with our NATO allies and
are trying to stop these incredible atrocities."

Please note what CNN's supposedly non-advocatory analyst
Benton was ranting about: a particularly bizarre and
preposterous NATO propaganda item about 700 Albanian boys
being used as human blood banks for Serb fighters.

So much for the "non-advocate" CNN. CP

3220 N Street, NW, PMB 346
Washington, DC 20007


email: counterpunch@...



Dear people,

Check out emperors clothes at Here are descriptions of the
latest articles:

Trouw, 21 February, 2000
By Abe de Vries
Many of the articles on are devoted to analyzing
techniques by which the media distorts the news. But how does it happen?
it just some general fault of 'the system?' Does it happen by osmosis.
Or is
it planned and organized by real (if covert) people?

Now Trouw, an establishment Amsterdam daily, has gone public with
information. It seems the US Army has admitted to Trouw that its
Psychological Warfare experts worked for CNN to produce the "news" and
this "possibly" occurred during the bombing of Serbia.


Trouw, 21 February, 2000
By Abe de Vries

During a closed-door session in February, an Army Psychological
Colonel posed:

"cooperation with CNN [as]... a textbook example of the kind of ties the
American Army wants to have with the media."
Mr. de Vries, who broke the CNN psyops story, looks at some of the
implications. One question he leavs unasked: could this be just the tip
the iceberg? Are the CIA, NSA, and other covert agencies also involved
"helping produce the news"?

Best regards,
Jared Israel




For more on the CNN-PsyOps connection see "U.S. Army 'Psyops'
worked for CNN" by Abe de Vries, at

Here are some articles that examine techniques by which news is

"Misleading from the Start" by Jared Israel. Looks at how the Associated
Press distorted news about the response of local residents to police
on the World Trade Organization demonstrations in Seattle.

"Credible Deception" by Jared Israel. Examines NY Times coverage of the
missile attack on a pill factory in Sudan in 1998. Uncovers specific
techniques which one is hard-pressed to ascribe to coincidence.

"Reporting Kosovo: Journalism vs. Propaganda" by Phil Hammond. In which
author discovers an amazing continuity of pro-NATO coverage including
the use
of identical language in stories by several journalists.

"Collateral Damage in Seattle, by Jim Desyllus"

"Lies, Damn Lies and Maps," by Jared Israel. A tragedy of errors as the
media, NATO & US spokesmen try to come up with an acceptable cover story
after the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade.

Emperors-clothes relies on contributions. If you'd like to help with a
card donation please go to
. Or
you can mail a check to Emperor's Clothes, P.O. Box 610-321, Newton, MA
02461-0321. Thanks for helping make our work possible.

To browse articles from, go to: [emperors-clothes]

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

SEGNALAZIONI: avviso, iniziative, libri, video



A causa degli impegni personali dei compagni che ci lavorano, per le
prossime due settimane circa la nostra diffusione di documentazione
subira' una battuta d'arresto. Con l'occasione ricordiamo che tutto
quanto distribuito negli ultimi mesi e' archiviato alle pagine:

Zbog licnih obaveza drugova koji rade na ovim stranicama za naredne
otprilike dvije sedmice se zaustavlja slanje dokumentacije. Podsjecamo
jos jednom da sve vec poslano u ovih zadnjih nekoliko mjeseci mozete
naci arhivirano na stranicama:

Because of personal commitments of the comrades, our mailing list will
be stopped for about two weeks. With the occasion we let you know that
all recent documents are archived at the URL:




sempre alla Libreria del "Manifesto", in Via Tomacelli 144, a Roma

> Roma 10 aprile '00
> Agli aderenti al Tribunale Italiano contro i crimini della Nato in Jugoslavia.
> Cari amici, cari compagni
> Cogliamo l'occasione per informarvi su dove fino ad oggi si sono svolte e
> dove si svolgeranno in futuro iniziative di presentazione del "Tribunale
> "o dove il Tribunale ha partecipato.
> Delle cinque sedute centrali programmate a Roma, l'ultima si svolgera',
> diversamente da quanto programmato, il giorno 6 maggio alle ore 15.30
> presso la libreria de il Manifesto al termine della riunione della
> mattina. Quest'ultima seduta vedra' la partecipazione di Fulvio Grimaldi,
> Andrea Martocchia, Tommaso Di Francesco, Giulia Barone, Tiziana Boari;
> tema la disinformazione strategica. Oltre alle iniziative a Roma si sono
> effettuate iniziative a Pisa presso il circol o Agora', a Perugia presso
> l'AssiYug, a Cesena presso il Coordinamento Romagnolo contro la Guerra, a
> Torino presso il Coordinamento per la Yugoslavia, a Bologna presso il
> Comitato contro la guerra di Bologna, a Napoli presso la facolta' di
> lettere dell'U niversita', di nuovo a Pisa organizzato dai Collettivi
> Universitari di Pisa, a Siena dal comitato 100 idee per la pace, a Teramo
> presso la locale Universita', sono invece in programmazione iniziative a
> Ravenna il 28 Aprile , a Cagliari il 12 maggio, a Udine il 27 maggio.
> Stefano de Angelis , Carlo Pona
> Per contattarci: 065181048- fax 068174010
> e-mail: s.deangelis@... pona@...


Centro culturale serbo di Varese - Cooperativa Novecento


GIOVEDI' 4 MAGGIO 2000 alle ore 21:00
nell'ambito dell'iniziativa
"Immagini - voci - l'altra storia"
Via De Cristoforis 5, Varese
(a 5 min. dalla stazione Varese Nord)

Interverranno Michele Emmer e Mauro Cristaldi, docenti
all'Universita' "La Sapienza".

L'intervento della NATO nei Balcani segna un punto di svolta
nelle relazioni mondiali: nel mondo post-Guerra Fredda, il
paese piu' forte si arroga il diritto di intervenire ovunque
per imporre o difendere i propri interessi. La natura della
guerra sta cambiando profondamente: le armi convenzionali ad
alta tecnologia vengono utilizzate per colpire obiettivi
strategici. Ma quando si colpiscono le strutture produttive
di un paese che utilizza tecnologie moderne, gli effetti
divengono simili a quelli delle armi di distruzione di massa.

"Imbrogli di guerra" esprime le ragioni del dissenso alla
guerra dal punto di vista specifico degli scienziati. Esso
segue essenzialmente tre filoni: (a) la gestione delle crisi
ambientali globali quale fattore scatenante della bellicosita'
e della lotta per le risorse; (b) l'inquinamento chimico e
radioattivo conseguente al bombardamento della Jugoslavia;
e (c) il ruolo e le responsabilita' della Scienza in un'epoca
in cui la razionalita' scientifica viene usata per legittimare
le guerre come "soluzioni giuste e necessarie" e gli scienziati
sono direttamente coinvolti nello sviluppo delle tecniche di

"Imbrogli di guerra" e' edito dalle Edizioni Odradek
(, 06-68.33.451).



Il film "15 belges sous les bombes de l'OTAN" e' un reportage girato
durante i bombardamenti.
E' un film breve, di 40 min, molto adatto ad essere usato come
strumento per introdurre dibattiti sulla guerra in Yugoslavia, e sul
tema della contro-informazione in generale.
Per informazioni rivolgersi alle Edizioni EPO (vedi sotto)


Les éditions EPO ont le plaisir de vous annoncer la sortie du livre


L'OTAN à la conquête du monde

de Michel Collon

Il y a un an, se déroulait la guerre contre la Yougoslavie. A cette
occasion, nous vous proposons un document incontournable dans ce débat.

Spécialiste des médiamensonges et des stratégies secrètes

Michel Collon est l'auteur d'Attention, médias ! Les médiamensonges du
Golfe (EPO, 1992) et de Poker menteur. Les grandes puissances, la
Yougoslavie et les prochaines guerres (EPO, 1998).

Chacun de ces livres avait provoqué un choc. En démasquant - documents
en main - les médiamensonges qui avaient permis de manipuler l'opinion.
Et en exposant les stratégies réelles des grandes puissances.

Vous trouverez en annexe une sélection de réactions parmi les médias et
les personnalités.

Un an après la guerre : quel bilan ?

La guerre avait pour but, nous disait-on, d'établir un Kosovo
multiethnique . Qu'en est-il aujourd'hui ? Elle prétendait aussi
constituer une solide alliance entre Etats-Unis et Europe. Qu'en
est-il ?

Michel Collon avait annoncé cette guerre contre la Yougoslavie. A
présent, il dévoile les prochaines cibles de l'OTAN.

Un débatteur de talent

Si ses analyses dérangent certains conformismes, Michel Collon a
passionné tous les publics auxquels il a pu s'adresser dans de nombreux
pays. Révélations nombreuses, connaissance approfondie du dossier,
synthèses claires et concises, polémiques courtoises mais sans
concession... Une cassette d'un récent débat télévisé (L'Ecran témoin,
RTBF, 31 janvier 2000) est à votre disposition.

Les éditions EPO vous proposent donc d'inclure Michel Collon dans la
couverture de cet anniversaire de la guerre (interviews, débats, bonnes

Contacts :

Editions EPO, Karine Alvarez - tel : +32 2/ 523 02 32 ou email

Michel Collon - tel-fax : +32 4/ 246 28 81 ou email

ISBN 2-87262-171-7 250 pages 998 Bef - 165 FF

éditions EPO, 30 rue Lambert Crickx, 1070 Bruxelles, Belgique

Tél: 32 (0)2 215 66 51 Fax: 32 (0)2 215 66 04 email: editions@...


L'Otan à la conquête du monde

de Michel Collon

1. Test-médias: que vaut notre information sur le Kosovo?

- Les 4 principes de la propagande de guerre

- Ce qu'on n'a pas dit sur le massacre de Racak

- Médiamensonges préparatoires

- Comment Washington a préparé sa guerre

- Qui a lu le texte de Rambouillet?

- Sur le génocide, la purification ethnique et les charniers

2. Serbes et Albanais: les dessous du problème `ethnique'

- La suppression de l'autonomie en 89

- Les grandes puissances derrière l'UCK

- Les tactiques militaires des deux camps

- Causes de l'exode de réfugiés

- Quel avenir pour le Kosovo?

3. Les prochaines cibles de l'Otan:

- Une armée au service de la globalisation

- Prochaines cibles: Irak, Algérie, Congo... Et Moscou!

- Caucase: la prochaine guerre du pétrole

- Ce qu'on nous cache sur la Tchétchénie

-- Les dangers de l'expansion de l'Otan

- Chine: le bombardement était un avertissement

- Le droit international bafoué

- Pourquoi le budget d'armement US augmente de 70%

- Naissance de l'euro-armée

4. La guerre de l'Otan était-elle `propre'?

- Images de souffrances

- La théorie des «bavures»

- La résistance d'un peuple

- Otan et UCK ont `purifié' le Kosovo

- Comment les multinationales se sont partagé le Kosovo

- Rétablir le dialogue

5. Nécessité d'un front mondial pour la paix

Ils ont dit de Poker menteur :

Paul-Marie de La Gorce (Le Monde Diplomatique): « Un des trois livres
les plus importants de l'année. Une analyse résolument non conformiste,
renversant les tabous et les dogmes imposés par la presse occidentale. »

Gilles Perrault: « Vous faites ?uvre de salubrité publique! Poker
menteur éclaire un problème fort complexe en tordant le cou à un certain
nombre d'escroqueries médiatiques. On retrouve là l'auteur d'Attention
médias ! Vous dévoilez surtout les vrais enjeux d'une guerre dont on ne
nous a montré que les apparences. Travail tout à fait passionnant. »

Jean Ziegler, écrivain et sociologue : « Vous faites un travail
formidable ! Merci de ce beau,

intelligent livre. »

Samir Amin, économiste : « Excellent livre. Réussit à la perfection à
faire une analyse sérieuse et profonde et à convaincre par la quantité
de faits bien présentés. »

Benoît Delépine (alias « Michael Kael » et scénariste des Guignols, sur
Canal Plus) : « Attention médias ! le précédent livre de Michel Collon,
est formidable. Comme l'Américain Chomsky, il a inspiré tout mon travail
pour Michael Kael. Le premier scénario de mon film était d'ailleurs basé
sur ce bouquin que je recommande à tous mes amis. Et chaque fois que je
viens en Belgique, je demande aux journalistes « Connaissez-vous ce
livre de Michel Collon ? » Réponse : non. Quel dommage ! »

Louis Dalmas, rédacteur en chef du mensuel français Balkans-Infos : « Je
suis à la fois sidéré par le travail et rempli d'admiration. C'est le
document le plus important qui ait été publié sur l'ex-Yougoslavie.
Complet, bien présenté, facile à lire, édifiant. »

Bichara Khader, professeur à Louvain-la-Neuve : « Je recommanderais ce
livre à tous les étudiants soucieux de comprendre la politique
internationale et épris de paix. »

Pierre Piérart (Association des Médecins pour la Prévention de la guerre
nucléaire, prix Nobel 1985) : « L'analyse de Poker menteur colle à la
réalité : le contrôle des richesses stratégiques est au c?ur du
problème. Et la puissance allemande devient en effet extrêmement
dangereuse. »

Eva Forest, résistante antifranquiste et éditrice : « Comme dans
Attention médias !, Michel Collon explique minutieusement et clairement
ces problèmes. C'est un grand plaisir de le lire. »

Michel Collon

37 Rue André Renard Tél + Fax : 32 / 4 /
28 81

4430 Ans - Belgique E-mail: michel.collon@...

* Journaliste, écrit notamment dans l'hebdomadaire Solidaire.

* Auteur du livre Attention, médias! (EPO, Bruxelles, 1992).

Sous-titre: Les médiamensonges du Golfe.

Manuel anti-manipulation.

Analyse du système général des médias.

Trois éditions, plus de 6.000 exemplaires (épuisé)

Traductions en espagnol et arabe.

* Auteur du livre Poker menteur (EPO, Bruxelles, 1998)

Sous-titre: Les grandes puissances, la Yougoslavie et les

Deux éditions, plus de 4.000 exemplaires.

Traduction en espagnol, en néerlandais, et bientôt en italien et

Analyse des stratégies cachées (Etats-Unis, Allemagne, Otan)
dans les
Balkans. Prévoyait la guerre du Kosovo, l'expansion de l'Otan dans le

* Plusieurs voyages en Yougoslavie et ex-Yougoslavie.

* Anime des comités pour la paix en Belgique. A dirigé une délégation de
15 personnalités belges en Yougoslavie en mai 99 sous les bombardements.

* Scénariste du film `Sous les bombes de l'Otan' (Regards Croisés,
Bruxelles, 1999, 45 minutes) à l'occasion du voyage ci-dessus.

* Plus de deux cents conférences et débats dans de nombreux pays
français, anglais, néerlandais, italien).

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

(da "Politika", )

Il Tribunale dell'Aia e la NATO dietro agli omicidi
di Pavle Bulatovic e "Arkan"

Il portavoce del Tribunale dell'Aia Paul Risley ha detto apertamente che
sono stati loro a liquidare Pavle Bulatovic e Zeljko Raznjatovic
e che lo stesso succedera' anche a molti altri serbi se non accetteranno
l'occupazione e gli occupatori. Lo ha detto Aleksandar Vucic citando le
parole di Risley. Le rappresentanze mediatiche straniere nel nostro
non sono piu' enti di informazione bensi' veri e propri propagandisti e
agenzie dei servizi segreti occidentali e dei loro governi.

Il ministro A. Vucic ha rilasciato ieri una conferenza stampa in cui ha
parlato dell'aggressione prolungata e della pressione attuata sul nostro
paese e ha detto che nel nostro paese ci sono anche quelli che
sostengono la tesi del terrorismo di Stato pur sapendo di raccontare

Vucic ha citato le parole delle persone piu' importanti del Tribunale
Aia, che confermano chi c'e' dietro all'omicidio del Ministro federale
Difesa Pavle Bulatovic e di Z.R. "Arkan".

Risley ha detto anche, secondo Vucic, che per Radovan Karadzic e Ratko
Mladic sarebbe meglio arrendersi, perche' in caso contrario diventeranno
animali da cacciare come Arkan.

"Questa e' la prima volta che qualcuno ammette che Zeljko Raznjatovic
era stato da loro condannato a morte", ha detto il Ministro.

Vucic ha commentato la visita del segretario generale della NATO George
Robertson al Tribunale dell'Aia citando le parole della "Deutsche
Come ha riferito "Deutsche Welle", Robertson ha constatato che l'anello
chiude e che alla fine arresteranno anche Karadzic e Mladic e tutto il
governo jugoslavo.

Dei media che lavorano per gli aggressori ed occupanti nessuno vuole
al popolo la verita'. E, rovesciando la realta', i peggiori criminali
diventano bravi mentre quelli che difendono il loro paese
appaiono come assassini del popolo, ha detto Vucic constatando che con
questa posizione si attua una pressione su di un paese che non ha
precedenti nella storia moderna.

Vucic ha affermato che per quanto riguarda l'omicidio di Bulatovic e
Arkan quelli che lo hanno commesso diranno che lo hanno commesso per

"Quando non siete d'accordo con loro, in quel preciso momento diventate
loro bersaglio: di questo e' una prova il caso Krajisnik", ha affermato
Vucic aggiungendo che il Ministero per l'Informazione continuera' la sua
lotta contro le bugie con sempre maggiore successo.

Egli ha detto anche che dall'estero qualcuno tenta in ogni modo - anche
gli omicidi e con gli stravolgimenti mediatici - di distruggere i media

Per quanto riguarda i recenti attacchi, attribuiti a degli hacker, sul
sito del Ministero per l'Informazione serbo, Vucic ha detto che dietro
a questa vicenda stanno il governo statunitense e l'organizzazione
terroristica albanese di Pristina, i quali hanno falsificato tutto cio'
si trovava sul sito del Ministero. E' stato l'attacco piu' grave alla
liberta' di informazione, ma nello stesso tempo una conferma di quanto
grande la paura della verita' negli americani e nei loro collaboratori,
che lavorano insieme alla distruzione di un paese sovrano e
indipendente, ha detto Vucic.

Parlando della situazione attuale dei media in Kosovo, il Ministro ha
annunciato che fra cinque giorni il Ministero per l'Informazione avra'
i suoi rappresentanti in alcuni paesi del Kosmet, tramite i quali si
informera' tutto il mondo dei delitti della KFOR e della sua attivita'
lanciata contro gli interessi del popolo serbo e contro lo Stato sul
territorio di questa provincia serba.
Nel Kosmet gli occupanti statunitensi ed occidentali proseguono la
mediatica sul popolo serbo, e nelle trasmissioni della TV del Kosovo ci
sei minuti di programma in lingua serba su 24 ore, ha detto Vucic,
aggiungendo che "non possono trovare abbastanza gente per preparare
questo programma criminale e d'occupazione, percio' il programma ha
una durata di soli sei minuti."

Per quanto riguarda le liberta' dei media in Occidente Vucic ha
portato l'esempio dei soldati danesi della KFOR, che a Zubin Potok
hanno occupato una radio e vanno trasmettendo favole e storia
danese. (...)



Haški tribunal i NATO stoje iza
ubistva Pavla Bulatoviæa i

Portparol Haškog tribunala Pol Rizli otvoreno je rekao da su oni
likvidirali Pavla Bulatoviæa i Željka Ražnatoviæa Arkana i da æe se
to dešavati i mnogim drugim u Srbiji, ukoliko ne prihvate
okupaciju i okupatora, naveo je Aleksandar Vuèiæ Rizlijeve reèi. -
Strane medijske ekspoziture u našoj zemlji više nisu medijske
kuæe nego otvoreni propagandni bilteni i agenture zapadnih
obaveštajnih službi i njihovih vlada

Republièki ministar za informacije Aleksandar Vuèiæ juèe je održao
konferenciju za novinare na kojoj je govorio o produženoj agresiji i
pritiscima na našu zemlju i tome da u našoj zemlji ima i onih koji,
znaju da lažu, tvrde da postoji državni terorizam.

Vuèiæ je naveo izjave vodeæih ljudi Haškog tribunala, koje potvrðuju
ko zapravo stoji iza ubistava saveznog ministra odbrane Pavla
Bulatoviæa i Željka Ražnatoviæa Arkana.

"Portparol Haškog tribunala Pol Rizli otvoreno je rekao da su oni
likvidirali Pavla Bulatoviæa i Željka Ražnatoviæa Arkana i da æe se to
dešavati i mnogim drugim u Srbiji, ukoliko ne prihvate okupaciju i
okupatora", naveo je Vuèiæ Rizlijeve reèi.

Bestijalne pretnje

Rizli je, prema Vuèiæu, takoðe rekao da je za Radovana Karadžiæa i
Ratka Mladiæa bolje da se predaju, jer æe u protivnom biti divljaè za
odstrel, kao Arkan.

"To je prvi put neko javno priznao da je Željko Ražnatoviæ, u stvari,
njih bio osuðen na smrt", rekao je ministar za informacije.

Vuèiæ je posetu Haškom tribunalu generalnog sekretaraNATO-a
Džordža Robertsona, "koji se hvalio kako je hapsio Srbe i koji je
suštinu Tribunala ilustrovao sudbinama Bulatoviæa i Arkana", ocenio,
navodeæi šta je o tome pisao "Dojèe vele". Robertson je, kako je
preneo "Dojèe vele", "samouvereno zakljuèio" da se omèa zatvara i
da æe na kraju uhvatiti i Karadžiæa i Mladiæa i državno rukovodstvo

Od onih medija, koji rade za agresore i okupatore, niko narodu ne želi
zaista da kaže šta je istina, a zamenom teza okupator-agresor,
kriminalci najgore vrste postaju dobroèinitelji, dok oni koji svoju
brane od agresije, treba da budu predstavljeni kao narodne ubice,
rekao je Vuèiæ, ocenivši da je u takvom stavu suština propagandnog
pritiska na jednu zemlju, gotovo nezabeleženog u savremenoj istoriji.

Vuèiæ je rekao da æe, kada je reè o ubistvu Bulatoviæa i Arkana, ti
su to uèinili reæi da su ubili iz humanitarnog razloga.

"Èim im se suprotstavite, postajete njihova meta o èemu svedoèi i
primer Krajišnika", rekao je Vuèiæ i dodao da æe Ministarstvo za
informacije Srbije nastaviti borbu protiv laži, uz ocenu da æe u tome
imati još veæe uspehe.

On je ocenio da iz inostranstva neko pokušava, na svaki naèin - i
ubistvima i njihovim medijskim pravdanjem da u Srbiji uništi medije.

Napad na slobodu informisanja

Strane medijske ekspoziture u našoj zemlji više nisu informativne
kuæe, nego otvoreni propagandni bilteni i agenture zapadnih
obaveštajnih službi i njihovih vlada, rekao je Vuèiæ.

Kada je reè o nedavnom upadu, kako se mislilo hakera, na sajt
Ministarstva za informacije Srbije, Vuèiæ je rekao da iza toga stoji
amerièke vlada i šiptarska teroristièka organizacija iz Prištine, koja
falsifikovala sve ono što se nalazi na sajtu Ministarstva.

To je najteži moguæi napad na slobodu informisanja i presedan onoga
što se zbiva na globalnoj raèunarskoj mreži, èime se, u suštini,
potvrðuje koliki je strah od istine ophrvao Amerikance i one koji sa
njima saraðuju na uništenju jedne suverene i nezavisne zemlje,
ocenio je Vuèiæ.

Vuèiæ je istakao da su neprijatelji izabrali sajt Ministarstva, jer on
predstavlja suštinu otpora naše zemlje amerièkom hegemonizmu,
konstatujuæi da tu nije kraj i da æe i ubuduæe biti takvih napada, ali
æemo "srpskim znanjem, umeæem i pameæu" umeti da im dovoljno
uspešno odgovorimo i da æe naša istina i dalje prodirati u svet.

Govoreæi o ukupnom i stanju u medijima na Kosmetu, on je najavio
da æe za pet dana Ministarstvo za informacije imati svoje
predstavnike u više mesta na Kosmetu, èime æe najbolje informisati
ceo svet o zlodelima Kfora i njegovim aktivnostima, uperenim protiv
interesa srpskog naroda i države na teritoriji te srpske pokrajine.

Na Kosmetu amerièki i drugi zapadnoevropski okupatori nastavljaju
medijsku torturu nad srpskim narodom, a na programu RTV Kosova
imate šest minuta programa na lošem srpskom jeziku, od 24 sata
koliko se emituje program, rekao je Vuèiæ i dodao da "oni ne mogu da
naðu dovoljno ljudi, koji bi pripremali takav kriminalni okupatorski
program i zato on traje šest minuta".

Kada je reè o medijskim slobodama Zapada, Vuèiæ je naveo primer
pripadnika danskog dela Kfora, koji su u Zubinom Potoku zauzeli
jedan radio i emituju, èak i danske prièe i istoriju.

Bujica uvreda na mitingu opozicije

Odgovarajuæi na pitanje novinara o juèerašnjem mitingu opozicije,
Vuèiæ je rekao da je juèe slušao govore i da "ništa pametno nije èuo".

Tu je bila bujica uvreda nekih, koji su oèigledno bili u alkoholisanom
stanju, koji su pretili ubijanjem predstavnika državnog rukovodstva
Srbije, što je prava amerièka demokratija, rekao je Vuèiæ.

Rekao je, takoðe, da je Si-En-En izvestio da je na tom mitingu bilo
oko sto hiljada prisutnih, dok je TV Studio B, u sinhronizovanom
prevodu, naveo više stotina hiljada. Vuèiæ je dodao da se u stranim
medijima i javnom mnenju klima sve više menja u korist naše istine.

"Likvidacijama nam prete sa svojih televizija, za koje kažu da su
ugrožene i pod stalnim pritiscima režijma. Iz tih studija direktno
govore ko su ljudi na amerièkim spiskovima za likvidaciju i nikome
ništa, a kada ih pozovete na poštovanje zakona, odmah se svojim
gazdama žale da su ugroženi i traže mnogo više para, nego što su do
sada dobijali", pojasnio je ponašanje nekih medijskih kuæa u našoj
zemlji, koje pišu po diktatu iz inostranstva.

Vuèiæ je, pitajuæi se zašto nekom od takvih medija narodu u Srbiji ne
kaže šta bi im se desilo da to isto èini u drugoj zemlji, ocenio da su
Amerikanci preraèunali i da milionima dolara i udvostruèenom pomoæi
svojim medijima, nisu uspeli da slome naše javno mnenje.

Takvi mediji ne vide desetine obnovljenih mostova, puteva, stambene
objekte i to da je "Srbija uspela", rekao je Vuèiæ.

Pošto to nisu uspeli sada se služe najbrutalnijim lažima, rekao je
Vuèiæ, ocenivši da je, posle juèerašnjeg mitinga, optimizam da æe
patriotske snage u Srbiji i SRJ na predstojeæim izborima lako pobediti,
još veæi.

Kada je reè o izborima, Vuèiæ je izjavio da æe ove godine biti izbori
Saveznu skupštinu i lokalnu samoupravu, dok æe 2001. biti republièki.

Nisu ni Vlada Srbije, ni Skupština, "fontana želja", pa da se, kad
nekome padne na pamet, raspisuju izbori, rekao je Vuèiæ.

Zamoljen da prokomentariše odluke pojedinih medija da ne plate
kazne zbog kršenja Zakona o informisanju, Vuèiæ je rekao da je
njihovo takvo ponašanje podržano iz stranih agentura.

Republièki ministar za informacije je istakao da æe takvi mediji
"poštovati zakon" i da nema te zemlje u svetu, koja æe dozvoliti
gaženje sopstvenih zakona.




The Hague Tribunal is behind the murders of Pavle Bulatovic and Arkan
April 16, 2000

Minister of Information Aleksandar Vucic
Belgrade, April 15th - At a press conference, Republican Minister of
Information, Aleksandar Vucic, spoke about the continued aggression and
pressures on our country.

Vucic cited statements of the leading figures of The Hague Tribunal,
confirmed they were behind the murders of Pavle Bulatovic and Zeljko
Raznatovic Arkan.

"Spokesman of the Hague Tribunal, Paul Risley, openly said that they
liquidated Pavle Bulatovic and Zeljko Raznatovic Arkan, and that this
happen to many individuals in Serbia lest they accepted occupation and
occupiers", Vucic cited Risley`s words.

According to Vucic, Risley also said that it would be better for Radovan
Karadzic and Ratko Mladic to surrender, otherwise they would become game
Arkan did.

"That was the first time someone openly admitted that they sentenced
Raznatovic to death", the Minister of Information said.

When it comes to the recent hackers` attack on the Ministry of
site, Vucic said at the press conference that the American government
ethnic-Albanian terrorist organization from Pristina were behind it. The
alleged hackers forged everything that was on the Ministry site.


© 1998, 1999, 2000 Ministry of Information
Email: mirs@...

Vucic was invited by Larry King CNN to an interview at TV Serbia that
"coincidentally" was to
have occurred at the moment when USA missiles struck the TV station,
killing civiilian workers.

Mr Vucic is alive because his taxi was late.


e-mail: crj@... - URL:

Rispetto alla nostra recensione della rivista BALKAN (si veda: )
abbiamo ricevuto una replica dalla redazione di un'ALTRA rivista,
che riportiamo di seguito premettendo che:

1. il CRJ non appoggia altro che l'idea jugoslavista, cioe'
dell'unione tra tutte le popolazioni serbo-croate e le altre
balcaniche, contro i secessionismi di derivazione nazista
sponsorizzati dalla NATO;

2. il CRJ condanna la disinformazione strategica attuata dai
servi della NATO con il concorso di settori "pacifisti" che in
questi anni hanno montato campagne di stampa vergognose per
giustificare da una parte le secessioni e dall'altra la
necessita' della presenza imperialista sul territorio balcanico;

3. nell'ambito della sua analisi di quanto avvenuto nella RFS
di Jugoslavia, il CRJ intravvede gli stessi meccanismi e li
denuncia rispetto a scenari quali, ad esempio, quello ceceno;

4. il CRJ non ha usato alcun "epiteto" ne' alcuna "insinuazione"
nella sua recensione di BALKAN, ma ha viceversa ricordato alcuni
fatti incontrovertibili, ad esempio rispetto al sito ECN;

5. il CRJ nella recensione ha cercato di discutere, pure se in forma
breve e non sempre approfondita, le tesi e l'ideologia che caratterizza
gli autori di BALKAN sulla base di quanto da questi ultimi prodotto
in questi anni e portato a nostra conoscenza;

6. il CRJ prende atto della presa di distanza di "Guerre&Pace" e della
non-volonta' della redazione di questa di fare chiarezza su alcune
questioni di fondo quali quella dell'uso strumentale della questione
della "autodeterminazione dei popoli" o del carattere strategico della

Ci resta tuttavia un po' ostico usare, come vorrebbe la redazione di
"Guerre&Pace", "TONI PACATI" mentre da 10 anni e' in atto lo
squartamento della terra natia di alcuni di noi ad opera,
tra gli altri, di mafiosi e tagliagole che alcuni "pacatamente"
cercano di accreditare come romantici guerriglieri.


----- Original Message -----
From: peruzzi <wa.peruzzi@...>
To: <cipb@...>; <balkan@...>; <kosova@...>; <est@...>;
<snd@...>; <movimento@...>; <inr@...>;
Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2000 9:36 PM

> All'attenzione di
> cipb@..., balkan@..., kosova@..., est@..., snd@...,
> movimento@..., inr@..., bandierarossa@...,
> internazionale@...
> invio per conto di Guerre&Pace
> -----------------------------------------
> Il 10 aprile scorso il Coordinamento Romano per la Jugoslavia (CRJ) ha
> diffuso una recensione della rivista "Balkan" ("La BALKAN-izzazione della
> ragione") che - benché introdotta da una citazione di Mao secondo cui "la
> critica richiede l'analisi scientifica e un'argomentazione esaustiva e
> convincente" - è tutto fuor che scientifica e argomentata, essendo
> intessuta di epiteti contro il "sedicente" Centro di Iniziativa Politica
> dei Balcani o gli autori tradotti dalla rivista (senza discuterne le
> di velate insinuazioni verso il sito che li ospita; e di bugie (si veda il
> riassunto distorto dell'articolo di Salucci su Rambouillet o le accuse a
> Ferrario di non parlare più della presenza imperialista in Albania). Il
> tutto concluso da un'invettivaS
> Di tale recensione, tuttavia, ci occupiamo qui solo per rilevare lo
> "strano" accostamento con quella comparsa nel marzo scorso su "G&P", che
> CRJ riproduce in coda alla sua, non si capisce bene a che scopo: se per
> "rimbrottarci" (ma indirettamente, senza dirlo) di avere segnalato
> come degna di attenzione; o se per rafforzare le proprie tesi con lo
> strumentale riferimento ad alcuni nostri rilievi critici, fatti con
> del tutto opposto, nell'ambito di un pacato confronto con posizioni anche
> diverse.
> Lo scopo, deplorevolmente non dichiarato e non chiarito, è forse l'uno e
> l'altro. Il che ci consiglia di rimarcare ad ogni buon conto la totale
> distanza dal CRJ e dalle posizioni di cui è il più solerte esportatore,
> benché non l'unico.
> Lo "stanco panorama della cultura politica della sinistra nostrana" (come
> lo ha definito Ida Dominijanni con scandalo del CRJ), lascia infatti
> da qualche tempo a tentativi di accreditare come "realmente di sinistra,
> marxista, anticapitalista, internazionalista" chi vede i crimini della
> (da noi costantemente e ovviamente denunciati) ma nega o copre quelli di
> Milosevic o di Putin, in Kosovo o in Cecenia. Posizioni che a noi sembrano
> speculari all'imperialismo e di grave ostacolo a una sinistra che voglia
> costruire il futuro, dentro e fuori la "rete".
> La redazione di "Guerre&Pace"
> 15 aprile 2000

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


> Eternera Mailing List -


> Why still no burger bars in Bosnia, asks US envoy
> SARAJEVO (Reuters) - The U.S. ambassador to Bosnia complained
> Tuesday about the pace of economic reform there, saying that five
> years after the civil war ended the world's most ubiquitous burger chain was still absent from its streets.
> Thomas Miller, speaking at a conference with other Western envoys,
> also said there had been recent "disturbing" developments in the
> privatization process.
> Miller said the fact that U.S. fast food giant McDonald's was not yet
> present in Bosnia was an example of difficulties facing foreign
> investors.
> "If you can't get McDonald's into a country you can't get anything into
> a country," he said. "We keep on cutting through red tape and there
> is more red tape before us still."
> "I really do hope that we'll all be eating McDonald's burgers by this
> fall," he said.
> Miller acknowledged that there had been some progress this year in the
> sell-off of state assets.
> But, he added: "There are a number of things that have developed in the
> last several months that we find disturbing."
> Miller cited as an example the sale earlier this month of the Holiday
> Inn hotel in Sarajevo, suggesting that more bidders should have
> participated.
> He estimated the hotel had been sold for less than $3 million in cash
> and in vouchers issued to compensate Bosnians for wartime losses such as
> frozen foreign currency savings.
> "Our concern is that there is a need for enough knowledgeable bidders
> in a process like this," he said. "Clearly if you're going to get the top price
> for a property like this you need to treat domestic and foreign
> investors equally."
> The head of the European Commission's office in Sarajevo, Hansjorg
> Kretschmer, stressed the need for transparency in selling state
> property, saying there was otherwise a big risk that assets would be sold below
> their value.
> The privatization authorities earlier dismissed similar criticism,
> saying they had informed several potential foreign investors about the
> Holiday Inn tender and advertised it in international media.
> Western officials involved in work to rebuild Bosnia have often voiced
> frustration over what they see as a lack of local political commitment
> to implement structural reform designed to reduce Bosnia's dependence on
> massive foreign aid.
> They say such changes are crucial to attract foreign investments as
> donor assistance is starting to dry up.

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

Oggi 17 aprile 2000 ricorre il primo anniversario della morte di
9/2/1996 - 17/4/1999
uccisa nella propria casa presso l'aereoporto di Batajnica (RFJ).


Su Milica Rakic e gli altri crimini della NATO segnaliamo:


* Milica Rakic, una vittima dei bombardamenti umanitari

* Who is next?

* Overview of the collateral damage in Yugoslavia

* The InterMedia Center
* Serbian Unity Congress
* Truth in the Media
* Serbia Info
* Radio Televizija Srbije
* Socijalisticka Partija Srbije



Subject: [yugoslaviainfo] Chemical and Nuclear Warfare against
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 16:08:57 +0200
From: Darka <peter.darka@...>
To: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.

On the 26th of March, 2000 I attended the conference in Brussels,
entitled: 'Security, only a
military question?' (Veiligheid, een kwestie van militairen?) It was
organized by the Forum for
Peace Initiatives (Forum voor Vredesactie, e-mail
forum@...). One of the
paricipants was Yugoslav expert for occupational toxicology, Prof. Dr
Petar Bulat. He presented
first hand information on the measurements they performed and possible
impact on the last year
bombing in Yugoslavia, on the environment and health. I am posting the
summary of his
presentation in order to inform the public what could be the long term
effects on the health
conditions of the peoples in Yugoslavia and Balkan region. I also want
to address the legal
experts who are collecting the data to support their charges against
NATO at the Tribunal (ICTY)
in the Hague.


Petar Bulat, Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade

Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY)

-Formed in 1992 from Serbia and Montenegro (republics of Former
-Located in the center of Balkan Peninsula
-It has 102.173 square km
-~10.500.000 inhabitants

The war against Yugoslavia

-Starts on March 24;
-Ended on June 10
-1200 airplanes engaged;
-2300 air strikes;
-22.000 tons (22.000.000 kg) of explosives were in 20.000 'smart' and
5000 'dumb' bombs
-400 Tomahawk missiles and 130 'air-ground' missiles

Objects damaged or comletely destroyed

-25.000 civilian buildings
-78 industrial facilities
-42 Energetical objects
-64 Telecommunication objects
-66 Bridges
-32 Agricutural facilities
-23 Railroads or railway stations
-8 Airports

The most important targets regarding environmental damage

-Chemical complex Pancevo (Petrochemical plant. Oil rafinery and
Fertilizer plant)
-Oil rafinery Novi Sad
-Automobile industry 'Zastava' Kragujevac
-Copper industry Bor

The environmental consequences of bombing the Petrochemical complex in

1. Ethylene dichloride (EDC)
-2100 tons of EDC released in environment;
-EDC considered toxic for: liver, kidney, heart, respiratory and nervous
-International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) categorized EDC as
possible human
carcinogen (IARC category 2B)
2. vinyl chloride (VC)
Burning and rellesing in the atmosphere 440 tons of VC
-phosgene (up to 10X permissible level)
-VC (up to 1000X permissible level)
-VC is considered toxic for: liver kidney. heart, respiratory,
reproductive and nervous system
-IARC categorized VC as human cancirogen (category 1)
3. Mercury
-8000 kg of mercury released in soil and ground waters.
Mercury is considered toxic for: respiratory and nervous system, blood,
kidney and liver

The environmental consequences of bombing the Fertilizer plant in

-200 tons of ammonia were released
-ammonia in atmophsere (2-3X permissible level)
-Caused mild to moderate signs of irritation of respiratory system in
Pancevo inhabitants)

The enviromental consequences of bombing the oil refineries in Pancevo
and Novi Sad

In Novi sad 73.569 tons crude oil and derivatives destroyed:
-10 % were released in soil
-Around 90 % were burned.
In Pancevo 61.800 tons crude oil and derivatives destroyed:
-The most were burned and some were relesed in soil.

Burning the oil and derivatives causes a huge release in atmophsere of:
-sulfur dioxide,
-nitrogen oxides (ozone delpleting agent)
-carbon monoxide,
benzo[a]pyrene, etc.

Novi Sad mesurements show:

-sulfur dioxide in atmosphere 2X permissible level
-carbon monoxide 3.5-6X permissible level
-nirtogen oxides 4-12 X permissible level
-increased concentrations of volatile hydrocarbons, benzene and
polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbones (PAHs) in ground
-The PAHs are mainly considered as carcinogenic, mutagenic and
teratogenic substances
-IARC categorized benzo[a]pyrene and benzo[b]fluoroanthene as probable
human carcinogens
(IARC Category 2A)

The enviromental consequences of damages in the automobile industry

-2 transformers leaked 1428 litres of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)
based oils
-The 250 litres of PCB oil were captured;
- ~300 litres of PCB oil were burned and caused incresed levels of
dioxins and furanes.
- ~850-900 litres of PCB oil released in soil and trough the ground
waters reached Lepenica river
(source of water supply for near by villages).
According to UNEP Balkan Task Force measurements, the PCB levels
concentrations in Lepenica
were 40 X permissible levels.

The enviromental consequences of damages in the copper industry in Bor

-At least 20-60 workers engaged in removing parts of damaged capacitors
and transformers.
-11 of them hospitalized in the Institute of Occupational Health. Among
them, 9 have passed
chromosomal aberrations
-In 2 serious chromosomal aberrations
-In 2 mild abberations were noted.

The health effects of PCBs

-PCBs are considered toxic substances for: liver, skin, reproductive,
immune and nervous system
-IARC categorized PCBs probable human carcinogen (IARC Category 2A)

The use of deplete uranium contaiing bombs

-Used at least at 8 locations in Yugoslavia:
-7 are in Serbia
-1 in Montenegro
-No precise data on its
usage in Kosovo (at least at 70 locations)

1. Not enough data on the enviromental and health effects of the
bombing in Yugoslavia
2. According to available data, on exposure to carcinogenic and
mutagenic chemicals, long term
effects can be expected.
3. The environmental damage not only to Yugoslavia, but also to the
neighboring countries
4. The need for immediate cleaning of known 'hot spots' in Yugoslavia
5. The investigation on the enviromental and health effects of the
bombing in Yugoslavia has to be

Prof. Petar Bulat, MD, PhD
Head of Occupational Toxicology
Institute of Occupational and Radiological Health
Deligradska 29
11000 Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Phone: +381-11-684155
Fax: 643675
e-mail addresses: bulatp@...

P.S. Prof. Bulat was granted a fellowship for his postdoctoral studies
(October 1998 until March
1999) at Ghent University (Belgium). He returned 5 days prior to the
begining of the bombing to
continue his work at the Institute and University.
His mentor was Prof. Dr. Michel Vanhoorne (tel: +32-9-2403631 and fax:
32-9-2405107; e-mail:
Prof. Vanhoorne together with the assistence of the NGO OXFAM are trying
to provide the
financial help for the Institute of Occupational and Radiological
Health. This is very noble and
practical idea to help the victims and also to continue the measurements
and investigations in the
area of the 'hot-spots' in spite of the decision of the international
community not to provide any
help as long as the current regime is in power. If you have will and
means to help, please contact
Prof. Vanhoorne for more information.




Update: NATO losses
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 08:42:15 -0500

According to a March 25, 2000, article published by the ITAR-TASS news
agency, Russian GRU
(Main Intelligence Directorate) sources report that during the Operation
"Allied Force" NATO's
air forces sustained losses considerably higher than is officially
acknowledged by NATO
command. According to GRU information,NATO lost three F-117A stealth
bombers, and at least
40 other combat planes, and over 1000 cruise missiles.

So far NATO officials acknowledged losing three combat planes (the USAF
F-117A on March 27,
the USMC AV-8B Harrier on May 1, and the F-16CG-40-CF on May 2), two
attack helicopters
(AH-64 Apache on April 26 and another Apache on May 5), between 30 and
32 unmanned
reconnaissance vehicles, including at least 16 American, 7 German, and 5
French UAVs.
Interestingly enough NATO acknowledged all of the UAV losses mentioned
by Yugoslav military
officials - 30 - and, perhaps, even more.

Official NATO reports and statements made by various NATO officials
indicate that about 10
NATO planes made emergency landings. Two F-117As sustained extensive
damage (the F-117A
86-0837 was damaged on April 21 during landing; and another F-117A lost
a part of its tail
section due to a nearby SA-3 SAM explosion). An RAF C-130K Hercules
transport plane
crashed on June 11 in Albania. The aircraft was delivering a British SAS
unit that was trying to
beat Russian paratroopers to the Slatina base. The US Army OH-58 combat
helicopter crashed on May 26 in Bosnia.

According to the information from unofficial Yugoslav military sources,
NATO's final assessment
of its aircraft losses during the operation "Allied Force" indicates
that some 61 aircraft have been
destroyed, 53 aircraft were damaged beyond repair or it is not
cost-effective to repair them, 57
aircraft have sustained repairable combat damage. A total of 171 NATO
aircraft were hit by
Yugoslav defenses during the war.

According to Yugoslav army officials, NATO lost 61 planes, 7
helicopters, 30 UAVs, and 238
cruise missiles. These numbers include only those NATO aircraft that
crashed inside Yugoslavia.
Distribution of aircraft kills among various units and branches of the
Yugoslav Armed Forces is as
follows: 3rd Army: 34 planes, 5 helicopters, 25 UAVs and 52 cruise
missiles (according to an
official statement by General Nebojsa Pavkovic, commander of the 3rd
Army, on June 12, 1999);
Navy: 3 planes, 3 UAVs and over 5 cruise missiles (from an official
statement by the FRY Navy
Commander, Milan Zec, June 10, 1999); 2nd Army: 24 planes, 2
helicopters, 2 UAVs
(reported by Major General Spasoje Smiljanic in his interview to
Politika newspaper at the end of
April), 30 cruise missiles; 1st Army: 6 planes, 129 cruise missiles
(reported by General Ninoslav
Krstic in his interview for the "Vojska" magazine on May 24, 1999.) If
you add up these numbers,
provided by various Yugoslav military officials, you will see that the
number of planes reported to
have been shot down is 67 and not 61 as the official report by Gen.
Dragoljub Ojdanic states. And
here's why:

On June 17, 1999, Gen. Spasoje Smiljanic, then commander of Yugoslav Air
Force and Air
Defense (RV i PVO), announced that "the Yugoslav Air Force and Air
Defence units have
downed 36 airplanes, 42 cruise missiles, nine UAVs and two helicopters."
It is important to keep
in mind, however, that RV i PVO air defense units do not include
low-level army air defenses or
naval air defenses, such as man-portable SAMs and some AAAs. The total
number planes shot
down by RV i PVO and by various air defense units outside of RV i PVO
command comes to 61
planes, 7 helicopters, 30 UAVs and 238 cruise missiles according to Gen.
Ojdanic. However,
these figures only include those NATO aircraft that crashed inside
Yugoslavia. In some of the
earlier reports mentioned above Yugoslav military commanders included
NATO aircraft that
crashed outside Yugoslavia.

Several new pieces of destroyed NATO hardware were added to the Yugoslav
Museum's exhibit on March 24 to commemorate one year since the beginning
of NATO's
aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Currently the
museum's exhibit includes
over 1500 fragments of NATO's military hardware. The museum's curator,
Cedomir Janjic,
announced that more destroyed NATO weapons will be soon added to the
collection in a new wing
of the museum dedicated to the war with NATO.

In an interview to the Associated Press Yugoslavia's Minister for
Science and Development,
Cedomir Mirkovic, said "It is truly amazing how many aircraft and drones
were downed with the
relatively modest and primitive equipment..." Mirkovic refutes Western
claims that Yugoslav air
defense downed only two planes. "We shall prove we have more," he said,
without elaborating.

In February British press was discussing sharp shortage of operational
aircraft experienced by the
Royal Air Force. The news first appeared in the January 23, 2000,
Hundreds of Crippled Jets put
RAF in Crisis article from The Observer, by Antony Barnet. In
particular, the article, based on the
Observer's own investigation, outlines the following problems with the

"Two out of three of the UK's 186 fleet of Tornado bombers are grounded;

Fewer than 40 per cent of other frontline aircraft, such as Harriers and
Jaguars, are ready to fly at
short notice;

The Ministry of Defence has spent almost £1 billion developing a
laser-guided bombing system
that does not work properly;

There is shortage of nearly 20 per cent of junior officer fast jet
pilots and the RAF is having a
severe problem in retaining trained pilots;"

Two out of three British Tornadoes that are grounded comes to a rather
substantial number: 124
Tornado strike aircraft are not operational. The crisis begun developing
following the Operation
"Desert Storm" in Iraq, but it really took off since the Operation
"Allied Force" against
Yugoslavia. As far as I know only four NATO Tornado aircraft were shot
down during the conflict
based on media reports. Two Luftwaffe strike aircraft were shot down on
March 26-27. The other
two Tornadoes were shot down on April 15 and May 26. It was not reported
whether these aircraft
were German or British.

The fact is that most of RAF's strike aircraft are out of order for a
variety of reasons. I do not
have enough information to draw any definitive conclusions. However, I
know enough to say that
124 strategically - important strike aircraft are not grounded for no
reason. NATO sustained
significant losses. An even greater number of aircraft were damaged not
only by ground fire but
also by the intensity of operations and skipping on the required
maintenance hours. After talking to
several USAF aircraft mechanics, who participated in the "Allied Force",
I can conclude that
NATO aircraft were pushed to the limit and way beyond it. This is
especially true for the USAF
aircraft. One USAF aircraft mechanic who served at Aviano told me: "Two
weeks - three weeks
tops - and the "Allied Force" would have been over 'cause NATO would
have ran out of working

In the February 13 article in The Observer, based on first-hand
information posted by RAF pilots
and technicians at an Internet discussion group and entitled Pilots Vent
Fury at RAF on Web,
Antony Barnet writes: "Pilots currently serving in the Gulf, and others
recently back from Kosovo,
are so angry about defective equipment and low morale they are flooding
the secret site with
complaints aimed at senior officers." The "secret" site is the PPRuNe
message board for military
pilots. I've spent several days at that site fishing for information
until that Sherlock from The
Observer scared everyone away with his article.

From what was written by RAF pilots, it can be readily seen that there
is a great deal of concern
about technical capabilities of aircraft and even about their basic
safety compromised by the lack
of proper technical service and spare parts. An RAF Captain wrote: "The
number of sorties lost
due to unserviceability is way too high. I now find that I have to
accept faults to get the job done
that a few years ago I would not have done ... Although I have a few
worries about the structural
strength of the airframe I am convinced that we are going to have a
major problem due to some
esoteric fault... We struggle to get spares, some parts have to be
manufactured over and over. We
use the cheapest contractor we can find..."

And, in place of a conclusion, a brief review of the latest developments
around Kosovo. Following
some harsh criticism directed by the U.S. military against France
regarding its role in the
Operation "Allied Force" and in response to the accusations by certain
US government officials
that French peacekeepers in Kosovo are not doing their job, France
released classified information
regarding civilian casualties in Kosovo since the NATO-led UN force
assumed responsibility for
the province following the war with Yugoslavia. Available statistics
clearly illustrated that the
French sector of Kosovo has a better safety record than the sector
supervised by the Americans.

However, information revealed by France also showed that civilian
casualties in Kosovo are much
higher than they were when Kosovo was under Yugoslav control. In
essence, the number of
violent deaths in the province is higher and continues to grow under
NATO's "humanitarian
intervention" that it was during the "ethnic cleansing." The report
released by France clearly
illustrates that the number of violent crimes in Kosovo is rapidly
growing. This revelation was the
first step in a series of events that led to recent statements by
various UN and NATO officials
confirming that the KFOR has effectively lost control over the situation
in Kosovo. NATO field
commanders acknowledged that their troops are not capable of dealing
with the growing crime
wave in the province. The UN formally announced that the situation in
Kosovo worsened since
NATO troops assumed control of the province. The US approached Russian
government with an
offer to widen the authority of the
Contact Group.

Russia's response was not very optimistic to say the least. Russian law
enforcement officials
announced that Russian policemen will not be deployed in Kosovo because
of appalling lack of
cooperation on NATO's side. Furthermore, top Russian military commanders
announced that
Russia may pull out of the KFOR altogether. On the other hand, commander
of Russian Airborne
Assault Forces (VDV) Gen. G. Shpak announced about plans to convert the
Slatina base of the
Yugoslav Air Force near Pristina, which currently serves as the main
base for Russian KFOR
paratroopers, into a large Russian military base with a capability to
barrack up to 15000 Russian

There are reports that Russians are already doing some large-scale
construction work at Slatina.
Russian Su-27 and Su-30 fighter aircraft have been sighted at several
Yugoslav Air Force bases
(Batajnica, Ponikve). There is a lot of unofficial information regarding
deliveries of Russian SAM
systems to Yugoslavia. High-level meetings are underway between Yugoslav
and Russian
governments regarding Yugoslavia's plans to join the Russia-Belarus
union. The Russian military
is extremely interested in establishing its presence in Kosovo and in
the rest of Serbia on a
greater scale. A logical first step would be a joint defense agreement
between Russia and
Yugoslavia. Such
an agreement will include Belarus and, possibly, other CIS members. In
an interview to the "Voice
of Russia" radio station, Gen. Ivashov said that Russia is considering a
military intervention in
Kosovo and may offer support to the Yugoslav Army on the ground.

Many question Yugoslavia's ability to purchase large quantities of
hi-tech weapons from Russia.
Yugoslavia's economy is not in great shape, but Russia owes FRY a hefty
sum, which Russians
would be only too glad to offset by supplying Serbia weapons. Russia is
also seeking more
influence in Europe now that the Chechen conflict is no longer a major
military commitment.
Russian generals and the military-industrial complex look to expand
internal arms market as well
as arms exports. Yugoslavia always has an option to lease or even borrow
weapons from Russia.
And the latter, with its recently-downsized army, has plenty of
decent-quality weapons to spare,
including SAMs and aircraft. SAMs and planes are not underwear: you
don't need to own 'em to
use 'em. This may not be the latest equipment but it works and there's a
lot of it.

According to an ITAR-TASS review of the article published by the Foreign
Military Review
magazine of the Russian Defense Ministry, Yugoslav aviation prevented
the use of American
AH-64 Apache attack helicopters during the Kosovo conflict. The "NATO
Losses in the War
with Yugoslavia" article, the Foreign Military Review writes: "... the
biggest sensation was the
number of troops lost by NATO. Not just NATO pilots were killed in
Yugoslavia, but also
search-and-rescue troops that were tasked with locating downed pilots.
Yugoslav air defenses
have shot down no less than five NATO helicopters, which resulted in
deaths of about 100 troops
of the Alliance."

According to the Foreign Military Review, the reason why Pentagon did
not use Apaches in
Kosovo "...had nothing to do with technical problems with the
helicopters or insufficient training of
their flight crews, as was often stated by NATO officials. The only
reason was the April 26 attack
carried out by Yugoslav "Galeb" fighters against "Rinas" airport located
near Albania's capital of
Tirana, where the Apaches were based. That day two groups of these light
helicopters were
destroyed and over 10 helicopters were damaged."

A similar operation was carried out by Yugoslav AF on April 18 against
the airport in Tuzla,
Bosnia, used as an emergency landing site for NATO aircraft. As the
result of this attack some
fifteen NATO aircraft have been destroyed on the ground. The Foreign
Military Review writes:
"Despite the fact that American aircraft dominated NATO operations, they
weren't the only
aircraft shot down by Yugoslav air defenses. Among the destroyed
aircraft were five German
"Tornadoes," several British "Harriers'" two French "Mirages," Belgian,
Dutch, and Canadian
aircraft. On June 7 the USAF lost a B-52 strategic bomber, while on May
20 a B-2A "Spirit" was
shot down."

March 28, 2000 - April 9, 2000
Venik's Aviation Page

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


> Salve,
> qualche giorno fa ho ricevuto per email, da parte di un signor Bocola a me
> sconosciuto, un deprimente messaggio elettorale a favore del
> centrosinistra. Al suo interno era contenuta la seguente ciliegina, che mi
> pare non abbia bisogno di molti commenti.
> Saluti, e continuate
> M. B.
> "......
> Per quelli che
> decidessero di votare per i Democratici di Sinistra sento il dovere di
> segnalare per un significativo voto di preferenza il nominativo di Eugenio
> Girardi (detto Ennio), coordinatore regionale della Sinistra DS del Veneto,
> da tantissimi anni impegnato nel movimento per la pace e la solidarieta'
> internazionale ed animatore assieme ad altri compagni del suo partito di
> iniziative contro i bombardamenti della Nato sulla ex Jugoslavia e contro
> l'intervento militare in Kossovo.
> Grazie a tutti per l'attenzione, Sandro Bocola."

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


Un piano per dividere l'Italia: due arresti, coinvolto un leghista

Pensavano di poter dividere il Nord dal Sud attraverso una serie di
attentati dimostrativi, prima in meridione, per far affluire li le forze
dell'ordine, e poi al Nord. L'accusa e' questa ma Luca Giannasi, 33 anni
(e informatore del Sismi [sic!]) e Marco Fregosi, 25 anni, entrambi di
La Spezia, non sono riusciti ad attuare il piano chiamato "Fenice" in
riferimento ai gruppi neofascisti del Triveneto coinvolti nella
strategia della tensione degli anni Sessanta e Settanta. I due sono
finiti in carcere nell'ambito dell'inchiesta sulla bomba esplosa nel
settembre '98 davanti all'intendenza di Finanza di Milano e su quella
trovata inesplosa, nell'aprile '99, nell'Universita' Bocconi. L'indagine
coinvolge anche un esponente circoscrizionale della Lega Nord della
Spezia, indagato per aver ricevuto esplosivo da Fregosi in passato.
Giannasi si presento' a Fregosi, iscritto alla Lega della Spezia, come
ex-mercenario in Croazia [sic!] al tempo della guerra nella

(da "Liberazione" del 12/4/2000; sullo stesso problema si veda: )

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


> Bosnia: taglia Usa su Milosevic
> SARAJEVO - Il piu' classico dei Wanted nei confronti di Milosevic,
> Karadzic e Mladic e' stato pubblicato oggi dal governo americano sui
> giornali di Sarajevo. Gli Stati Uniti offrono una ricompensa fino a
> cinque milioni di dollari per la cattura del presidente jugoslavo
> Slobodan Milosevic, l'ex leader serbo bosniaco Radovan Karadzic e l'ex
> comandante serbo bosniaco Ratko Mladic, accusati di "genocidio e
> crimini contro l'umanita'" dal Tribunale penale internazionale dell'Aja.
> L'annuncio a pagamento con fotografie a colori dei tre ricercati è
> apparso sui tre principali quotidiani bosniaci.

da "La Repubblica" del 14/4/2000; per la prima puntata si veda:

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

> A tutti gli uomini che amano la libertà
> Ai Sindacati e alle Organizzaioni Sindacali Uunitarie
> Ai Governi ed ai Parlamenti
> Alle Nazioni Unite ed al Consiglio di Sicurezza
> Noi, lavoratori e cittadini della Serbia, esprimiamo l'esigenza di tutti i
> cittadini del mondo, che amano la libertà, esigenza che deve essere diffusa
> tra tutti i sindacati e le organizzazioni sindacali unitarie, tra i
> governi, i parlamenti , l'ONU e il Consiglio di Sicurezza, e tutti coloro
> che amano la pace ed il lavoro.
> Le nostre esigenze sono quelle di tutti i cittadini della Serbia, di tutti i
> lavoratori della Serbia.
> Con le nostre firme esprimiamo l'esigenza di lavorare in pace e di
> assicurare alle nostre famiglie ed alle future generazioni benessere e
> prosperità.
> I membri del sindacato sono convinti che comunque vinceranno la verità e la
> giustizia.
> Il diritto alla libertà, alla pace ed al lavoro è un diritto fondamentale
> per tutti gli uomini!

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

* Il Kosovo vittima delle "preoccupazioni umanitarie" (China Daily)
* "Gli Stati Uniti mettono in pericolo la pace nel mondo"
(AFP / Hong Kong Standard)

Sugli accordi economici in atto con la RF di Jugoslavia si veda il sito
http://www, ed in particolare:
Poèetak konkretne saradnje u oblasti telekomunikacija (30. mart 2000)
Yugoslav-Chinese cooperation in the sphere of telecommunications

* MAO TSE-TUNG internet archive:
* IL BUDDISMO TIBETANO strumento nelle mani dell'imperialismo:


People's Daily (China)

Sunday, April 02, 2000, updated at 12:01(GMT+8)

Kosovo a Victim of 'Humanitarian Concerns'

Yugoslavia was bound to lose the war from the very
beginning. How could a tiny Balkan state have enough
tools to challenge the US-led NATO? Not only
overshadowed by military strength, Yugoslavia was
"against humanity," as NATO officials observed. They
were committing "ethnic-cleansing" while the NATO
intrusion enjoyed the strong backup of "humanitarian
After 78 days of intensive air attacks, Yugoslavia
signed a treaty to hand over Kosovo at the mercy of
NATO indeed won the war and that result would be
denied by few.
Kosovo still makes the headlines and events there
continue to attract considerable media attention
But different from a year ago when the Western media
helped demonize Slobodan Milosevic and trumpeted
NATO's victory, the area's gloomy news is now splashed
all over the world.
What is happening there today?
Even NATO's own high ranking officials admit that the
mission in Kosovo remains difficult.
Many refugees are afraid to return as security in
Kosovo can hardly be guaranteed.
Trouble in such ethnic flashpoints as the divided
northern town of Mitrovica and Kosovo's boundary with
the Presevo valley in eastern Serbia continuously
threatens exodus.
"We see quite an organized campaign to intimidate the
non-Albanian population and drive them out of the
province," said Russian Permanent Representative to
the United Nations Sergei Lavrov during his visit
there last year.
The New York Times also reported that the burning of
Serbs' homes takes place in an organized fashion
almost daily, increasing the pressure on the Serbian
minority to flee the province or ghettoize itself in
Under resolution 1244, which was adopted last June 10
by the UN Security Council, the Kosovo Liberation Army
(KLA), the ethnic Albanians-dominated armed rebel
group, should be fully disarmed after the UN presence
in Kosovo.
But in reality, the residual influence of the
officially disbanded KLA equals, if not exceeds, that
of the international community in Kosovo.
Under the connivance of NATO, the KLA has not only
perpetuated the persecution of Kosovo's rapidly
dwindling Serb minorities, but it has even turned
hostile towards NATO-led peacekeepers.
It seems that the pledge of the West to create a
multi-ethnic Kosovo is an impossible mission.
Worse, Kosovo has been degraded into a haven for
crimes such as drug trafficking.
So it is clearly a war without a victor with
Yugoslavia as the biggest loser. After its loss of
effective control over Kosovo, Yugoslavia is forced to
face political and economic sanctions imposed by
western countries.
And economic reconstruction remains a formidable task
for the cash-strapped country.
During the war, NATO member countries, the United
States in particular, did not hesitate to squander
money to turn Kosovo into a showplace of their
advanced weapons. However, at a time when financial
support is urgently needed to rebuild Kosovo, they
duck their responsibilities.
In the westerners' eyes, Milosevic is to blame for all
because he was and remains against the will of the
West, who are the representative of justice. And many
believe the Serbs deserve all their troubles because
they chose to support Milosevic.
NATO's deliberate attacks on civilian targets and
infrastructure amounted to a serious violation of
international law.
NATO's recent confession that it used depleted uranium
weapons during the war is but another slap on an
already bruised face.
The question now is how an unjustified war could have
dominated media worldwide and those who were truly
guilty could be free from due punishment?
Power without restriction is dangerous. It is an
important conception in western politics. But in
regard to international affairs, western politicians
do not seem to be concerned.
Without certain regulations, any regional conflict
could balloon into a war so long as western
politicians find intervention profitable.
Nothing is easier than finding an excuse - anything
against their will is against reason or humanity.
(China Daily)


> Hong Kong Standard
> March 23, 2000
> US `endangers world peace'
> STORY: BEIJING: The mainland military has accused the
> United States of trying to dominate the world with its
> might, adding that US policies are in fact endangering
> global peace.
> Denouncing the ``new interventionism'' policy, the
> People's Liberation Army Daily said Washington was
> trying to set a dangerous precedent by using the issue
> of human rights to interfere militarily in the
> internal affairs of other countries as it sought to
> establish itself as the sole superpower in the
> post-Cold War era.
> ``Since the end of the Cold War, the United States has
> become the only superpower and its hegemonic ambitions
> have never ceased to grow,'' the article said.
> The US was determined to defend its unprecedented
> position of global power by putting the issues of
> human rights and democracy above the territorial
> integrity of nation states.
> ``These theories give an excuse for their military
> intervention and represent a grave threat to the
> charter of the United Nations and to international
> law,'' the article said.
> ``The theories are absurd and go against the progress
> of humanity. They are heretical and sabotage peace and
> stability in the world. They also threaten the
> existence and development of humanity,'' it said.
> Beijing was strongly critical of Nato's action against
> Yugoslavia last year to stop human-rights abuses in
> Kosovo. While Nato won a military victory, the whole
> mission ultimately failed, the article said.
> ``Nato's military action did not resolve the ethnic
> problem but merely sowed the seeds of vengeance,''
> said the article.
> ``It damaged Washington's relations with Russia and
> China, aggravated differences between Washington and
> Europe, fuelled a new arms race and encouraged
> terrorism and ethnic separatism all over the world.
> ``American militarism will damage the fundamental
> interests of people all over the world, including the
> American people. As a result it will be doomed to
> failure,'' it concluded.
> Beijing is smarting from Washington's decision to
> table a motion censuring Beijing at the United Nations
> Human Rights Commission annual meeting in Geneva. -
> Agence France-Presse

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