Documentazione online

Sul canale YouTube Storia Festival sono stati pubblicati tre interessantissimi documentari d'epoca sul socialismo autogestito jugoslavo.

Croazia - Il villaggio di Krakar alle fiamme

Il racconto corale, composto dalle voci di combattenti dell’esercito italiano provenienti dalla provincia dell'Aquila, ad un tempo spettatori ed attori di avvenimenti drammatici che il destino aveva riservato loro, evidenzia le molte ombre, non disgiunte da qualche tardiva luce, della occupazione militare in Jugoslavia.

Dall'Autore riceviamo, e pubblichiamo come documentazione, il testo del suo intervento alla videoconferenza "Balcani, una bomba pronta ad esplodere su ciò che rimane dell'Europa" organizzata dal laboratorio per l'alternativa politico-culturale AlterLab il 22 giugno 2019

[english/srpskohrvatski] Among other celebrations, an international Conference was held in Belgrade on 19 April 2019 to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Socialist Workers' Party of Yugoslavia (unified party of the communists). For a more general Introduction to the Conference see the dedicated JUGOINFO post

[srpskohrvatski / english / italiano] Among other celebrations, an international Conference was held in Belgrade on 19 April 2019 to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Socialist Workers' Party of Yugoslavia (unified party of the communists). For a more general Introduction to the Conference see the dedicated JUGOINFO post

[srpskohrvatski] Among other celebrations, an international Conference was held in Belgrade on 19 April 2019 to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Socialist Workers' Party of Yugoslavia (unified party of the communists). For a more general Introduction to the Conference see the dedicated JUGOINFO post

[srpskohrvatski / русский] Among other celebrations, an international Conference was held in Belgrade on 19 April 2019 to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Socialist Workers' Party of Yugoslavia (unified party of the communists). For a more general Introduction to the Conference see the dedicated JUGOINFO post

[srpskohrvatski] Among other celebrations, an international Conference was held in Belgrade on 19 April 2019 to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Socialist Workers' Party of Yugoslavia (unified party of the communists). For a more general Introduction to the Conference see the dedicated JUGOINFO post

[srpskohrvatski / english] Among other celebrations, an international Conference was held in Belgrade on 19 April 2019 to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Socialist Workers' Party of Yugoslavia (unified party of the communists). For a more general Introduction to the Conference see the dedicated JUGOINFO post

[srpskohrvatski / english] Among other celebrations, an international Conference was held in Belgrade on 19 April 2019 to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Socialist Workers' Party of Yugoslavia (unified party of the communists). For a more general Introduction to the Conference see the dedicated JUGOINFO post

[srpskohrvatski] Among other celebrations, an international Conference was held in Belgrade on 19 April 2019 to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Socialist Workers' Party of Yugoslavia (unified party of the communists). For a more general Introduction to the Conference see the dedicated JUGOINFO post

[srpskohrvatski / english] Among other celebrations, an international Conference was held in Belgrade on 19 April 2019 to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Socialist Workers' Party of Yugoslavia (unified party of the communists). For a more general Introduction to the Conference see the dedicated JUGOINFO post