
(english / deutsch / italiano)

3 ottobre 1990–2017: l\'Anschluss della DDR

1) Interview with the GDR’s Margot Honecker (2015)
2) Germania, Merkel in imbarazzo. Cresce la nostalgia per la Ddr (, 2016)
3) FLASHBACK: Erich Honecker beim chilenischen Botschafter (1992)

=== 1 ===

Interview with the GDR’s Margot Honecker — ‘The past was brought back’

By Workers World staff posted on November 16, 2015

Concerning the counterrevolution in 1989 in the German Democratic Republic (GDR), the return of capitalist disorder after its demise, holding a scientific world outlook, and the struggle of the Greek people against the dictatorship of the monopolies. An interview with Margot Honecker.

Interview: Antonis Polychronakis

Margot Honecker, born in 1927, former minister of education of the German Democratic Republic and widow of longtime Socialist Unity Party (SED) Secretary General and GDR State Chairperson Erich Honecker (1912-1994), had not commented publicly for a long time from her self-chosen place of exile near Santiago de Chile. In October, however, the Athenian and Macedonian News Agency (ANA-MPA) published the following interview in highly abbreviated form (the long version, published here, was reserved for subscribers). The German daily newspaper Junge Welt published the complete interview exclusively in the German language, and thanks the Greek colleagues for their kind permission to print. 

Workers World thanks both Junge Welt and the Greek journalists for permission to publish this interview, which contains much information about the history of the German Democratic Republic and its position on the front line of the class war between two social systems from 1945 to 1989. Translation from German by Greg Butterfield and John Catalinotto.

Antonis Polychronakis: How did the events of 1989 come about? How did you and your spouse personally experience them?

Margot Honecker: If you mean by “the events of 1989,” those of the fall of that year, and particularly the events in the GDR, which I describe as a counterrevolution, one would have to write books about it. And many indeed have already been written. That cannot be described adequately with a brief answer. Perhaps only this: There was an objective link between foreign and internal political factors. The arms race the United States in the Reagan era forced upon the Soviet Union reached its desired objective: that the Soviet Union armed itself to death. The consequent economic burden for the USSR led to serious social dislocations in the country, which meant that the leading power of the socialist camp could hardly do justice to its domestic and foreign policy responsibilities. The Soviet Union tried to regain mastery of its situation through reforms, and these were initially well intended. But soon the so-called reformers grabbed hold of the central foundations of politics and economics and steered a course toward economic disaster and the destabilization of society. The end result was the surrender of all Soviet achievements. It was not only that these changes were applauded in the West. Also, in some socialist countries neighboring the GDR, “reformers” were active and were supported by the West.

The GDR was involved in this global conflict. In the end, it was part of the socialist community. And in the 1980s, the GDR was also faced with the need to develop or correct its economic policies. There were shortcomings in supply, deficits in social life, which led to dissatisfaction. We have not always done our homework properly — partly from our own inability, partly we were blocked.

Obviously, we were unable to convince people and make them conscious of the actual social progress we made compared with a capitalist society dependent on exploitation, oppression and war. So many in the GDR believed they could join together the glittering world of commodities under capitalism and the social security of socialism. But, as Erich Honecker said in various speeches, capitalism and socialism are as hard to unite as fire and water.

How did we personally experience this? With concern for the future of all those people who had built with their labor this peaceful democratic republic, which had taken the difficult path, starting from the ruins of the fascist war and Nazi ideology. And personally, after his resignation in October, my husband was relieved of all his political functions. I resigned as national education minister even before the GDR Council of Ministers resigned in early November.

AP: How do you explain the “uprising” of the East Germans, as it is called in the West?

MH: It was not an “uprising.” There were demonstrations, but the workers were working on their jobs, the children went to school, social life continued. Most people who went into the streets in the fall of 1989 were expressing their dissatisfaction. They wanted to make changes and improvements. They wanted a better GDR. They were not demonstrating for its abolition. Not even the opposition wanted that. That there were also hostile forces among the opposition, which mainly gathered under the roof of the Church, cannot be denied. It is clear that the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG, West Germany–Junge Welt) was able to manipulate those who were discontented and finally to steer the movement for a better GDR. From the cry of “We are the people!” it became “We are one people!” In this way they found the lever they had been looking for since the beginning of the existence of the GDR, that of their declared intention to “liberate” the citizens in the East. Regarding this, we should remember: The Western powers have — working in conjunction with German capital and its pliant politicians — first split Germany and then baptized the German Federal Republic. That contradicted the sense of the provisions of international law making up the Potsdam Agreement of the four victorious powers in 1945, which required a unified democratic Germany.

We, that is, all the progressive forces of Germany, wanted the entire Germany to be a democratic, anti-fascist state. We never surrendered this goal, but were unable to reach it. The founding of the GDR was the result. Resurgent German imperialism fought by all means against it, and in 1989 it saw its opportunity to eliminate the GDR, the other Germany. For forty years it had failed to do this. It was only when the Soviet Union, which had allied with us, then dropped the GDR, that the Federal Republic was successful.

What ignited the fuse on the powder keg in 1989 was the increasing exodus of citizens of the German Democratic Republic to the Federal Republic of Germany. The West used all means available to fuel this. We had not managed to put plans to ease travel restrictions into place early enough. Even before 1989, GDR citizens had gone to the West, which reached out and recruited highly educated people. The motives for going to the West were different. Of course, the appeal of consumerism and free travel played a major role. West German propaganda never tired of claiming that those who left the GDR were voting with their feet against socialism. From 1990 until today, however, there are three million people who moved there from Eastern Germany, although now the same political conditions exist in the West as in the East. Why?

In the GDR there was no bloodshed, no civil war, no poverty or misery, all these reasons why today hundreds of thousands of people are leaving their homes in the Middle East (West Asia–WW) or in Africa to flee to Europe.

AP: In the West it was referred to as a “peaceful revolution,” but how could a “revolution” have been possible at all in a socialist state?

MH: A revolution, as I understand it, is a profound social upheaval aimed at the radical transformation of social relations and the liberation of the masses from exploitation and oppression. In this respect, overcoming the reactionary imperialist relations in Russia in 1917, or the creation of an anti-fascist democratic order in 1945 in the Soviet occupation zone in Germany, were revolutions. Capital was deprived of its power to continue to rule over the people. If a reversal is carried out of the social and production relations that had been overcome earlier, and that’s what happened, that cannot be considered a revolution. It is, on the contrary, a counterrevolution.

Let me remind you that the socialist GDR was a guarantee of peace in Europe. It never sent its sons and daughters to war. The Federal Republic of Germany, however, participates in bloody wars that the U.S. and NATO instigate throughout the world. French Socialist Jean Jaurès (1859-1914–JW) underlined this connection: “Capitalism carries war within itself like the clouds carry rain.” And not only that. Capitalism also carries the seeds of fascism in itself. We had eradicated the economic roots of war and fascism in the GDR. The west of the country remained capitalist. In 1990, the GDR was absorbed into this society, which has caused so much harm in German history. The past was brought back. No one can name that “revolution.” 

AP: In your view, what role did [former general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union–WW] Mikhail Gorbachev play in this development?

MH: A few years ago, Gorbachev said during a lecture in Ankara that he had begun in 1985 to overcome communism. You can believe that or not. It is clear that, with his policy, he gambled away recklessly what the peoples of the Soviet Union and the other socialist countries had created at great sacrifice. The world was not changed for the better by the disappearance of the Soviet Union. Bloody wars, violence and terrorism are on the agenda. The judgment of history about the work of Gorbachev will not be positive.

AP: On November 9, 1989, the “anti-fascist protective wall,” the Berlin Wall, as the border was called in the West, fell. This year the 25th anniversary of “German Unity” was celebrated. Was the wall’s construction in 1961 necessary or was it a mistake?

MH: The construction of the “wall” was necessary; otherwise, there would have been war. The situation in the world was tense. The U.S. acted aggressively. With the pretext that there was a threat from the East, they further upgraded their military. In the attack against Cuba in the Bay of Pigs [April 1961–WW], the United States had just suffered a defeat. Since the end of World War II, Berlin smouldered, an unresolved issue. There were constant provocations. In June 1961, Khrushchev and Kennedy met in Vienna to negotiate the cessation of nuclear weapons tests and the conclusion of a peace treaty with Germany and the resolution of the West Berlin question. It came to a confrontation. The tone between the great powers intensified. Military maneuvers were held. The threat of war was in the air. And in this situation the border closing had to be taken up.

This was no arbitrary measure by the GDR. This border was a result of World War II, which German imperialism had instigated. The course of the boundaries of the [occupation] zone had been decided in the summer of 1945 by the victorious powers. The formation of a separate West German state, the FRG, (on May 23, 1949–JW), however, completed the division of Germany, and the line of demarcation between the Western zones and the Soviet-occupied zone was a state border.

This was not simply a state border, however, let alone an internal German border, as it always was called in the West. It was the western border of the Warsaw Pact, the Eastern defense alliance, and the eastern border of NATO. Those were the two most powerful military blocs of the world, which were carrying out a Cold War.

The border ran through Berlin — through the city — with its four sectors assigned to the four victorious powers in 1945. But the border in Berlin was open. Therefore, Berlin remained a permanent object of dangerous confrontations among the victorious powers, to the detriment of Berlin and to the detriment of the GDR.

The Political Advisory Committee, which was the governing body of the Warsaw Treaty states, decided in the summer of 1961 to close the border in Berlin and the western state border after they decided a military confrontation could no longer be ruled out. I do not think that one can call the prevention of a possible third world war a mistake.

The creation of clear conditions on the front lines of NATO and the Warsaw Pact facilitated the then incipient détente. It led to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, whose final accord was signed in 1975 in Helsinki, also by the GDR. It was an attempt to create a system of collective security on the continent. However, as we see today, with the fall of the Soviet Union and stepping up of the eastward expansion of NATO by the United States, this security structure has been destroyed.

AP: Where did you and your spouse witness the opening of the border?

MH: From our apartment.

AP: In your opinion, was (the recently deceased former secretary of the SED Central Committee for Information Science and Media Politics–JW) Günter Schabowski’s announcement of the opening of the border an accident, or was it, as (former West Berlin mayor–JW) Walter Momper claimed during an interview with Berlin Mayor Erhard Krack, known about or planned in advance?

MH: That is beyond my knowledge.

AP: What do you say about those who died at the Berlin Wall?

Yes, people died at the Berlin Wall — refugees and GDR border guards. For every person who has a violent death, it is regrettable. Everyone who died while trying to cross the border illegally was one too many. It brought suffering to the families. The political leaders grieved the death of the young people not less than their relatives, because these youth were not conscious of their responsibility for their own lives or, seduced by Western agents, accepted the risk to cross the border illegally.

After 1990, border guards were put on trial, although they had acted according to the law of the GDR. Even the leaders were tried and imprisoned, including party and state officials who had suffered years in Nazi penitentiaries and concentration camps because they had fought fascism. They were sentenced by FRG justice, which had never removed the fascists from its ranks.

AP: What was good in the GDR, and what should the socialist government have done better in order to save the “first socialist state on German soil”?

MH: In this state, each person had a place. All children could attend school free of charge, they received vocational training or studied, and were guaranteed a job after training. Work was more than just a means to earn money. Men and women received equal pay for equal work and performance. Equality for women was not just on paper. Care for children and the elderly was the law. Medical care was free, cultural and leisure activities affordable. Social security was a matter of course. We knew no beggars or homelessness. There was a sense of solidarity. People felt responsible not only for themselves, but worked in various democratic bodies on the basis of common interests.

The GDR was not a paradise. There were defects that complicated daily life, shortcomings in supply, and deficiencies in everyday political life. There were decisions made at various levels in which the people concerned were not always included. However, compared with the conditions now prevailing in most capitalist countries, it was close to heaven. More and more people who experienced life in the GDR understand that. After 25 years, a generation has now grown up which has no living memory of the GDR, because they’re too young. This suits the FRG propaganda: Forget about it. The longer the GDR is history, the thicker the lies that are spread about it.

To return to your question. We would have done much better had we talked openly with the people about the serious issues, about the worsening situation. You need to include them in solving problems. But whether we could have saved the GDR under the circumstances prevailing at that time — that’s doubtful.

AP: Much is said about the Stasi. How do you explain its existence in a workers’ and peasants’ state?

MH: First of all: It was necessary. The first workers’ and peasants’ state on German soil was a thorn in the capitalists’ side. They fought it by every means. From the outset, the GDR was under attack. Sabotage, infiltration by agents who did not shy away from acts of terrorism, was the order of the day. All the intelligence services in the world were sitting in West Berlin. On Teufelsberg [A hill in West Berlin, site of a major National Security Agency surveillance station during the Cold War–WW], the Americans listened hundreds of kilometers into the East. 

The GDR maintained foreign intelligence and defense under the umbrella of the Ministry of State Security. That was a legitimate and legal institution, which exists in all other countries on earth. The “Stasi” was blown up into a monster after 1990, its employees denounced, lies spread about them and their institution, books printed, films produced and museums set up to spread horror stories about the terrors that the “Stasi” allegedly committed. 

Slowly citizens are recognizing that monitoring and spying by secret services today is far more intense and total than anything the small GDR could afford or want. As long as the GDR had to resist the attacks of hostile forces, state security was a necessity. There’s no longer a GDR, so you do not need a “Stasi” any more. I think intelligence services are currently not only more dangerous than they were then, but also unnecessary. They ought to be abolished worldwide.

AP: You are personally accused of militarizing schools in the GDR as minister of education by introducing civil defense lessons. Is that true? 

MH: It’s not surprising, however, that I’m not accused of having participated in an education system where all children between three and six years attended preschool and then primary school, where they were taught by well-trained educators in the spirit of humanism, peace and respect for other peoples. Yet because there were a few hours of civil defense classes, does that mean I militarized the whole education system?

The introduction of these classes sprang from a common opinion of the responsible ministers, myself included, that it would be useful to provide some basic knowledge before military service, in accordance with our legal obligation for 18 months of mandatory service for young men in high school. Maybe it was not our best idea, but hindsight is always easier.

AP: Do you remain loyal to Marxism-Leninism and still call yourself a communist, and, if so, why?

MH: I not only consider myself one — I am a communist. Loyalty is probably not the appropriate term.  Marxism-Leninism is an ideology, a method of investigation to understand the world, the laws according to which it moves, so you can orient yourself in the world. Some believe in a divine will, others in a predetermined fate. We communists are materialists. We follow a scientific outlook, which assumes that the society and everything that arises in it are the work of human beings. Exploitation and oppression are neither divinely ordained, nor are these evils acceptable. We have to fight for a humane, fair, peaceful world, and today that is more urgent than ever. We must refuse to allow that people perish from war, hunger and disease, and that natural resources and the livelihood of the people be depleted or destroyed by ruthless capitalist exploitation, solely for profit. If humanity is to have a future, the power of the banks and corporations must be broken. They will not give up their power voluntarily.

AP: Do you still maintain contact with your former comrades, such as the German Communist Party (DKP) or the Greek Communist Party (KKE), or with others?

MH: I am most closely associated with the German Communist Party and the Communist Party of Germany (KPD), as well as comrades from the Left Party. I have many contacts with citizens in Germany — people I have never met in person — who write to me today. Some visit me here in Santiago de Chile. Thanks to the Internet, I have connections in all directions and they inform me about everything that happens in the world. To live in the Andes in South America doesn’t mean to sit on the moon.

AP: How do you evaluate the current developments in Europe, especially in Greece, both the economic — keyword: tough austerity – and political — keyword: Syriza in power — situation?

MH: Objection: Syriza indeed took over the government, and won again, but it has no power. The power in Greece still belongs to domestic and increasingly to foreign capital.

This Europe is divided between those above and those below, between rich and poor, between wealthy and impoverished countries. The rivalries of the great powers for dominance and profits are increasing. From the beginning, this Europe has been a project of monopoly capital, an imperialist structure to consolidate its power. The policy of democratic and social degradation is enshrined in the EU treaties, dictated by the interests of multinational corporations. The strong states push the weak to the edge, into the abyss.

Among the left there was an idea that this Europe could be reformed. But the extortionate attitude of the European authorities towards Greece has demonstrated that this is an illusion. Those who dictate to the Greeks demand privatization according to the model of the GDR economy, by means of a trust agency and privatization. In the GDR, this instrument has done great evil. Factories were shut down and powerful enterprises returned to the corporations from which they had once been taken by referendum after the war and transferred to public ownership. The result was a massive deindustrialization of the GDR. Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs overnight. Pure capitalism was imposed on the GDR, the East. Also in West Germany, the rights won by the workers began to be dismantled, because the socialist state next door had disappeared. 

With concern, I watch the dictatorship of the monopolies growing steadily and aiming to raise German imperialism to the hegemonial power of the continent. Twice between 1914 and 1945 they tried to achieve this goal at gunpoint and failed. They have never given up their quest for world domination, and have always been and are ready to plunge into military adventures.

I’ve followed the development of Syriza with sympathy, as I join in sympathy with every protest against the dictatorship of the monopolies, any movement that tries to halt this capitalism using democratic rules.

But we must be realistic. The “International of the Powerful” still faces no strong power on the side of the downtrodden and oppressed. Consistent and effective activity by the anti-monopoly left is lacking in European countries, nor is there adequate international solidarity and common alliances.

In Greece, the Empire struck hard and smashed the illusion that this Europe could be reformed. Through these methods no other Europe can arise.

AP: Is socialism still an alternative in general and for Europe in particular?

MH: What else! If humanity does not want to sink into barbarism, it is the only alternative.

AP: How are you living now? You lost the lawsuit against the Federal Republic of Germany for your confiscated assets.

MH: “Confiscated assets” sounds like a big deal. It concerned our savings. We — like all citizens of the GDR — had savings in the bank. You may know that citizens of the GDR had their pensions reduced arbitrarily, and this injustice continues to this day. I receive a normal retirement pension, because even for me, the legal rules for all German citizens apply.

AP: Do you have a message for the Greek people suffering from the harsh measures of the so-called institutions?

MH: I think with feelings of solidarity, sympathy and respect for the people living there. I share some warm memories with Greece, even though I was never there. When I hear Greece, I think of Manolis Glezos, who took down the swastika flag from the Acropolis, as I fought in Germany against the same fascist enemy. I think of the Greeks who were given asylum in the GDR, especially the Greek children who found a home with us, when the fascist colonels staged a coup in 1967. I think of Mikis Theodorakis, whom hundreds of thousands of children from the GDR sent solidarity cards to in jail. His music, the music for the “Canto General” of the Chilean, Pablo Neruda, which rang in the GDR, also moved me.

Greece has survived many difficult trials in its history. I think it will survive this too. We say: those who fight may lose — but those who do not fight have already lost. And the Greeks know how to fight for their rights and for their home, as they have proven repeatedly in their history. The solidarity of many friends around the world is with them.


=== 2 ===

Germania, Merkel in imbarazzo. Cresce la nostalgia per la Ddr

L\'INCHIESTA DI AFFARITALIANI.IT - A dividere la Repubblica Federale non è solo la politica sui migranti. C\'è dell\'altro. Un qualcosa che è intrinseco nella società teutonica, tanto da far arrossire molti politici da Berlino a Monaco di Baviera

Sabato, 30 gennaio 2016

Di Alberto Maggi (@AlbertoMaggi74)

Siamo proprio sicuri che la Germania di Angela Merkel, quella che vuole impartire lezioni a tutta Europa (Italia compresa), sia un paese forte e unito? Non proprio. E a dividere la Repubblica Federale non è solo la politica sui migranti, con il 40% dei tedeschi che vorrebbe le dimissioni della Cancelliera. C\'è dell\'altro. Un qualcosa che è intrinseco nella società teutonica, tanto da far arrossire molti politici da Berlino a Monaco di Baviera. Quest\'anno, a novembre, saranno passati ben 27 anni dalla caduta del Muro del Berlino, eppure basta andare sulla East Side Gallery (la galleria a cielo aperto del Muro) a Friedrichshain, vicino al Oberbaumbrücke, per poter acquistare un vero e proprio frullato (o gelato) originale made in Ddr. Sembra quasi uno scherzo, invece non lo è. E il tutto viene preparato seguendo alla lettera la ricetta originale dell\'Est. La macchina del ghiaccio è una Elke del 1982, anch\'essa originalissima.

Da qualche mese i turisti, ma soprattutto moltissimi ex cittadini della Germania Orientale, vengono quasi ogni giorno alla \'Ddr Softeis\' per gustare il sapore del passato. Un passato ufficialmente morto e sepolto, ma che in molti cittadini continua a vivere. Più forte di prima. L\'abbigliamento di chi lavora nella gelateria Ddr è tipico dei Pionieri, l\'organizzazione socialista dei giovani comunisti del vecchio regime tedesco-orientale. La musica sparata ad alto volume è rigorosamente dell\'Est (prima del 1990, ovviamente). Ci sono tantissimi altri esempi, nati tutti negli ultimi mesi, di come lo stato nello stato, ovvero la vecchia Germania Orientale nell\'attuale Germania di Angela, continui a vivere. Molto successo sta avendo anche il DDR-Hostel, un ostello per giovani dove tutto è come ai tempi della Ddr. C\'è perfino una stanza chiamati Stasi, l\'ex polizia segreta sulla quale tanti film sono stati girati.

Ciò che sta accadendo in Germania viene studiato a livello sociale e politico. Nessun partito, tantomeno la Linke, l\'estrema sinistra che ha inglobato i post-comunisti della Pds-Sed, vogliono il ritorno della divisione, del Muro e dei due stati. Eppure dilaga la Ostalgie, termine con il quale si indica la nostalgia per la Ddr, in modo forse superiore di quanto non accadesse dieci o quindici anni fa. E la riscoperta del passato non riguarda soltanto gli anziani o comunque chi realmente ha vissuto sotto il regime comunista, ma anche le nuove generazioni nate dopo il 1990. E\' il segno che qualcosa è andato storto. L\'idea che il capitalismo occidentale potesse in pochi lustri cancellare 40 anni di socialismo reale è una pia illusione. La Merkel evita di parlare di questo fenomeno. Per lei, cresciuta nella Ddr e protagonista della svolta con Kohl nel \'90 che porta all\'annesione alla Repubblica Federale, è un tabù imbarazzante e quindi un argomento da evitare assolutamente.

Ma chi vive in Germania, specie in Sassonia o in Turingia o nel Brandeburgo, così come a Berlino Est (ex), sa perfettamente che l\'Eldorado dell\'Ovest ricco e opulento era solo una favola. La Germania resta il paese locomotiva dell\'Europa ma al suo interno le divisioni, economiche e culturali, sono ancora enormi e per certi versi perfino aumentate negli ultimi anni. Alla base di quel 40% che vorrebbe le dimissioni della Merkel non c\'è solo la politica verso i migranti ma anche il fallimento, almeno parziale, di un processo di unificazione del paese che a quasi trent\'anni dalle immagini ormai sbiadite delle Trabant che varcavano i confini Est-Ovest è ancora in alto mare. Come dimostrano i frullati sulla East Side Gallery, le divise dei Pionieri e gli ostelli Ddr.

=== 3 ===


... la ciliegina numero 1000 sarà quella della secessione del Veneto e di tutti gli altri? O quella dell\'Unione Europea che salta in aria? Nemesi storica: chi di secessione ferisce di secessione perisce ...

La Serbia accusa l\'Unione Europea di ipocrisia sull\'indipendenza catalana

«La domanda che ogni cittadino della Serbia ha per l\'Unione europea oggi è: come mai nel caso della Catalogna il referendum sull\'indipendenza non è valido, mentre nel caso del Kosovo il processo di secessione è stato autorizzato anche senza un referendum»

03/10/2017 – da teleSUR

Il presidente serbo Aleksandar Vucic ha criticato l\'Unione Europea accusandola di «doppio standard e ipocrisia» per aver bocciato il referendum catalano riconoscendo nel contempo la dichiarazione di indipendenza del Kosovo dalla Serbia nel 2008. 
«La domanda che ogni cittadino della Serbia ha per l\'Unione europea oggi è: come mai nel caso della Catalogna il referendum sull\'indipendenza non è valido, mentre nel caso del Kosovo il processo di secessione è stato autorizzato anche senza un referendum», ha chiesto Vucic durante una conferenza stampa a Belgrado.
«Quindi, la Catalogna non può e il Kosovo può - non sarà mai data una risposta su questo dato ai serbi ... questo è il miglior esempio dei doppio standard e dell\'ipocrisia della politica mondiale».


Il cortocircuito della Catalogna

La secessione catalana implica opportunità e rischi. Per valutare entrambi bisogna evitare gli schematismi, mettere da parte tanto la fascinazione romantica per le \"nazioni senza Stato\" quanto i richiami a elaborazioni teoriche derivanti da scenari ben diversi. 

Scrivo queste note mentre dalla Catalogna giungono le immagini degli scontri con decine di feriti dinanzi ai seggi referendari. Non è la condizione ottimale per un esercizio di razionalità, ma bisogna provarci nonostante tutto. L\'impressione che si è avuta infatti nelle ultime settimane è stata quella di una precipitazione degli eventi in loco, cui hanno corrisposto negli ambienti della sinistra antimperialista mere affermazioni di principio e declaratorie, di orientamento opposto, con poca analisi concreta della situazione concreta e nessuna voglia di soppesare le evidentissime contraddizioni che gli eventi catalani stanno palesando.

Ad esempio, quando Andrea Quaranta scrive (1) che \"la nuova Repubblica rappresenterebbe anche una straordinaria opportunità per riaprire il dibattito sulla natura dell’Unione Europea e per la costruzione di uno spazio politico continentale finalmente irriducibile alle esigenze del capitale finanziario e imperialista\", che cosa esprime oltre a un desiderio? C\'è una corrispondenza fattuale tra tale desiderio e la realtà dei fatti? Secondo Marco Santopadre (2)

\"il composito e variegato schieramento indipendentista catalano è maggioritariamente europeista, ma la forza delle correnti della sinistra radicale che contestano l’austerity e l’autoritarismo di Bruxelles e che in certi casi parteggiano apertamente per l’uscita dall’Eurozona sono consistenti, e il conflitto di questi giorni potrebbe rafforzarle. Tutti i sondaggi danno il partito finora maggioritario, il PDeCat di Luis Puigdemont e Artur Mas, che rappresenta gli interessi della piccola e di parte della media borghesia (l’alta borghesia catalana è contraria all’indipendenza), in forte discesa\".

Un accenno al tema della compatibilità o meno della costruzione statuale catalana con il quadro ordoliberista europeo era stato fatto anche da Sergio Scorza, che riferiva (3) sul Ministro degli Esteri (!) del governo autonomo catalano, Raül Romeva, invocante più UE e quindi meno sovranità (\"la UE si relaziona direttamente con le regioni per finanziare progetti di sviluppo dei territori, dall’altro, lo stato centrale spagnolo ne ostacola in tutti i modi l’attuazione\"). A partire da questo Scorza sviluppava un ragionamento a nostro avviso incongruente, poiché devolution e sussidiarietà sono pilastri del neoliberismo, e gongolare sulle contraddizioni delle (ex)sinistre (europeiste) non risolve certo le nostre, di contraddizioni. Le ragioni per simpatizzare con i catalani, da un punto di vista antiliberista, sarebbero eventualmente opposte a quelle espresse da Romeva.

Alcuni aspetti strutturali della questione erano stati meglio evidenziati da Vicenç Navarro (4) lo scorso luglio, quando nell\'ambito di una approfondita disamina della natura della classe dirigente catalana spiegava:

\"Per comprendere la Catalogna bisogna conoscere il partito CDC, fondato da Jordi Pujol e che è stato il pilastro del pujolismo, una ideologia nazionalista conservatrice che ha sempre considerato la Generalitat de Catalunya come una sua proprietà individuale, familiare e collettiva, con una influenza estesa attraverso politiche di tipo clientelare, con pratiche fortemente corrotte... È ciò che Pablo Iglesias ha definito correttamente come nazionalpatrimonialismo. Il suo vasto predominio nel governo è dovuto al suo chiaro aggancio nella struttura del potere economico, finanziario e mediatico del paese. Il suo dominio sui mezzi di informazione pubblici della Generalitat  è assoluto. E influenza anche quelli privati, in base a laute sovvenzioni (a titolo di esempio, nel 2015 la Generalitat de Catalunya ha concesso 810.719 euro a La Vanguardia; 463.987 a El Periódico de Catalunya; El Punt Avui ne ha ricevuti 457.496, Ara 313.495)... Su TV3, i programmi di economia sono di orientamento ultraliberale, e vengono condotti da uno dei guru della CDC e di settori della ERC, l\'economista Sala i Martín, economista catalano di nazionalità statunitense, che nella UE appoggia il Partito Libertario, un partito di ultradestra che esercita oggi una grande influenza sul Partido Republicano in quel paese [una specie di Partito radicale nostrano, insomma, NdA]. È molto probabile che Ministro della Economia e delle Finanze di una Catalogna indipendente, governata da una coalizione guidata dal PDeCAT, sarà un tale personaggio, o qualcuno vicino al suo orientamento politico.\" 

La riflessione su condizione reale e atteggiamento dei mass-media nella e sulla Catalogna è una riflessione cruciale, in un\'epoca in cui il sistema informativo svolge una funzione strategica analoga a quella che in altre epoche era delle sfere militari. Vanno comprese le ragioni dell\'ampia copertura concessa dai media mainstream alla crisi di questi giorni, con una ostentazione di imparzialità – o forse anche qualcosa di più, visto che si parla, correttamente ma inusualmente, di \"repressione dello Stato spagnolo\" contro \"l\'esercizio della democrazia\" – che per alcune altre cause indipendentiste non si è mai vista. E andrebbe studiata la presenza di radio, portali internet e pubblicazioni catalane all\'interno della vasta rete delle sovvenzioni della Commissione Europea alle iniziative regionali nei paesi membri. 
Così come, per rimanere su terreni affini, andrebbero comprese le ragioni del finanziamento della Open Society Initiative for Europe di Soros al Centre d’Informació i Documentació Internacionals a Barcelona (5), o il motivo per cui già nel 2007 la Fiera del Libro di Francoforte ha deciso di rompere la consuetudine di invitare uno Stato internazionalmente riconosciuto come \"ospite d\'onore\", invitando invece come tale la Generalitat de Catalunya.

In effetti, la posizione delle cancellerie occidentali sulla eventuale secessione catalana non è cristallina. \"Sarà divertente capire come si schiererà realmente l\'Unione Europea\", dice giustamente Marco Rizzo. Le parole di Juncker sono un capolavoro di ambiguità: “Abbiamo sempre detto che rispetteremo la sentenza della corte costituzionale spagnola e del parlamento spagnolo. Ma è ovvio che se un giorno l’indipendenza della Catalogna vedrà la luce, rispetteremo questa scelta. Ma in quel caso la Catalogna non potrà diventare membro dell’UE il giorno successivo al voto”. (6) Le interpretazioni di tali parole divergono nettamente a seconda dei desiderata di chi commenta. Qualche analista sottolinea il fatto che, dovendo la UE rispettare le Costituzioni degli Stati membri, una Catalogna indipendente perderebbe immediatamente lo status di membro della Unione; però qualcun altro annuncia che di fronte a un uso della forza \"sproporzionato\", la Commissione Europea rivedrà velocemente il suo atteggiamento rispettoso nei confronti di Madrid (7). 

In realtà, tutti gli esiti appaiono possibili. Per la Unione Europea, la secessione della Catalogna potrebbe implicare la perdita di un \"pezzo\" (la Catalogna stessa) oppure potrebbe essere un passo in avanti nel progetto regionalista, di devolution ordoliberista che è stato perfettamente esposto nel libro \"Per l’Europa!\" di Guy Verhofstadt e Daniel Cohn-Bendit e così sintetizzato da Alessio Pisanò (8):

Gli Stati nazionali non servono più a niente, perciò è ora di voltare pagina e inaugurare la federazione europea, ovvero gli Stati Uniti d’Europa. (…). L’Europa federale è il cammino per proteggere la nostra sovranità e preservare il nostro modello sociale in un mondo dominato da imperi come Usa, Cina, India, Russia e Brasile (…) Ma cos’è in pratica la federazione europea? Il discorso è lungo, ma si può riassumere così: lo Stato nazionale (Roma, Berlino, Parigi e così via) viene scavalcato sia verso il basso, valorizzando ad esempio il ruolo degli enti locali e delle regioni, che verso l’alto, con la delega di tutta una serie di competenze a Bruxelles, come la politica estera, la difesa e, appunto, la politica economica. Una delle critiche che vengono mosse più spesso all’Euro, infatti, è di non avere uno Stato unitario dietro. Ecco che la federazione europea colmerebbe esattamente questa lacuna.

Dal nostro punto di vista, una volta che la secessione catalana si sarà realizzata, il minimo che dovrebbe succedere – anzi: il minimo che si dovrebbe esigere – è che si apra una battaglia frontale da parte della CUP e degli altri settori antiliberisti contro l\'attuale potere catalano, che la vera sinistra prenda il potere nel nuovo Stato e che l\'allontanamento della Catalogna dalla UE diventi in tal modo irreversibile. Solo così la risultante del processo indipendentista sarà un incremento di sovranità popolare e territoriale e, forse, l\'avvio della crisi esiziale della stessa UE.

In caso contrario si andrà viceversa verso una perdita netta di sovranità. Dal punto di vista di quei settori reazionari che scommettono sulla disgregazione degli Stati nazionali nel nostro continente per realizzare l\'\"Europa delle regioni\" a egemonia tedesca, la secessione della Catalogna dovrebbe aprire infatti ben altri scenari. Il lavorìo che questi ambienti portano avanti, da tanto tempo oramai, è stato da noi seguito ed investigato a fondo nell\'ultimo quarto di secolo (9) e riteniamo persino superfluo accennarvi qui, così come non abbiamo voluto richiamare la mera teoria sulla questione nazionale in generale.

La Spagna monarchica non è la Jugoslavia socialista, perciò i parallelismi che si possono tracciare ci forniscono degli spunti di riflessione ma hanno valore relativo. 
La lezione jugoslava ci ha insegnato da un lato la compatibilità del regionalismo e dell\'identitarismo con il progetto europeista, liberista e pan-germanico; dall\'altro ci ha dimostrato che la spregiudicatezza delle classi dirigenti che portano avanti questo progetto non ha limiti e da loro c\'è da aspettarsi di tutto. 
Quella lezione non ha però niente da dire a proposito della storia della Spagna e della funzione dei movimenti catalano e basco, che si sono sempre mossi su di un solco di progresso e sono stati in prima linea nelle lotte antifranchiste e repubblicane. Il fatto che Jordi Pujol già nel dicembre del 1990 abbia invitato Kucan a Barcellona per spingerlo alla secessione (10), o la solidarietà di Matteo Salvini o di altri ambienti reazionari verso la lotta dei catalani, non ci alienano la simpatia per la storia e le lotte attuali degli anticapitalisti catalani... purché queste ultime vadano fino in fondo. 

Ciò che conta sono gli esiti rispetto al processo strutturale di edificazione del regime ordoliberista europeo. Quali saranno tali esiti non sappiamo dirlo. 
Si è determinata una vertigine, la sensazione di un crinale stretto tra due piani inclinati e relative accelerazioni possibili, ciascuna senza ritorno. Tale sensazione sicuramente non è solo nostra, di militanti internazionalisti e intellettuali che tengono alla libertà ed alla fratellanza tra i popoli, ma siamo convinti che esista anche nella controparte, nella borghesia europea più influente. Anche la classe dirigente europeista vive oggi, crediamo, una simile vertigine: il giocattolino può finalmente ritorcersi contro chi l\'ha creato, proprio come nella favola dell\'apprendista stregone. 

Dopo un quarto di secolo di atteggiamenti ed azioni eversive – nel senso del sovversivismo delle classi dirigenti – si è determinato un evidente cortocircuito e qualcuno, per forza, ci resterà fulminato.

Andrea Martocchia
(segretario, Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia ONLUS)


(1) Su Contropiano del 30 settembre 2017

(4) Su Investig\'Action del 12 luglio 2017

(5) Fonte: La Vanguardia, 16 agosto 2016 

(6) Sconcertante il balletto delle smentite e delle interpretazioni:

(7) Si ascolti David Carretta su Radio Radicale del 21 settembre 2017
Dalla Commissione Europea è stato più volte \"velenosamente\" ribadito che si tratta di una questione interna allo Stato spagnolo. 
Si noti per inciso che l’amministrazione statunitense non ha condannato il referendum affermando che “lavorerà con l’entità o il governo che ne usciranno”
ed anche le dichiarazioni di Trump sono state contraddittorie ( ).

(8) Fonte: Se l’Europa diventa federale (di Alessio Pisanò | 9 ottobre 2012)

(9) Come Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia, e soggetti collegati, dagli anni Novanta praticamente non abbiamo fatto altro che parlare di questi temi. Una sintesi della questione della esistenza di una \"internazionale reazionaria\" euro-regionalista si trova alla nostra pagina internet 
Si vedano anche le numerose preziose analisi sul tema su German Foreign Policy:

(10) Fonte: Lucio Caracciolo in LIMES del 3/09/1994:


Unter Separatisten


(Eigener Bericht) - Der katalanische Separatismus ist über Jahre hin von deutschen Stellen begünstigt und gefördert worden. Dies zeigen Aktivitäten im Europaparlament, ein Großereignis der deutschen Kulturpolitik und Äußerungen deutscher Regierungsberater. Im Jahr 2007 hat die Frankfurter Buchmesse katalanischen Separatisten, die damals Aufwind hatten, eine internationale Bühne verschafft, indem sie erstmals nicht einen Staat, sondern eine Teilregion eines Staates zum \"Ehrengast\" ernannte: Spaniens Autonome Region Katalonien. Katalanischen Separatisten bietet darüber hinaus schon seit vielen Jahren die Fraktion \"The Greens/European Free Alliance im Europaparlament eine Bühne, in der Bündnis 90/Die Grünen beträchtlichen Einfluss haben. Der European Free Alliance gehören neben katalanischen Separatisten aus Spanien und Frankreich auch deutschsprachige Separatisten aus Norditalien (Südtirol) und Vertreter der ungarischsprachigen Minderheit Rumäniens an, deren Anhänger einen NS-Kollaborateur gerühmt und für den Anschluss an Ungarn plädiert haben. Madrid solle einem neuen katalanischen Staat \"entgegenkommen\", hieß es 2014 bei der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP). Aktuell sind in Berlin jedoch skeptische Stimmen zu hören; die Krise in Spanien droht sich zu einem weiteren Konfliktherd in der krisengeschüttelten EU zu entwickeln und gefährdet damit die kontinentale Basis der deutschen Weltpolitik.
Unitat Catalana, Unser Land, Bayernpartei...
Politisch-ideologische Rückendeckung erhält der katalanische Separatismus seit 1999 von einer Fraktion im Europaparlament, in der Bündnis 90/Die Grünen starken Einfluss ausüben. Der Fraktion The Greens/European Free Alliance gehören Abgeordnete grüner Parteien, aber auch Abgeordnete von Mitgliedsparteien der European Free Alliance (EFA) an; bei letzteren handelt es sich um Parteien von Sprachminderheiten aus EU-Staaten. Eine der beiden Fraktionsvorsitzenden von The Greens/EFA ist die deutsche Grüne Ska Keller. In der EFA sind etwa katalanische Vereinigungen aktiv, darunter nicht nur eine Organisation aus der spanischen Autonomen Region Katalonien, sondern auch die Unitat Catalana aus Perpignan (Frankreich) sowie Parteien aus dem spanischen Valencia und von den Balearen. Die EFA ist damit pankatalanisch orientiert. Der gemeinsame Nenner all ihrer sonstigen Mitglieder ist allein der Bezug auf Sprach- bzw. Ethno-Minderheiten; zu ihren Mitgliedern gehören dabei neben sich als links einstufenden Parteien auch konservative und rechte Organisationen. EFA-Mitglieder sind zum Beispiel die Bayernpartei, die schlesische Autonomiebewegung Ruch Autonomii Slaska, diverse Deutschtums-Organisationen - etwa Unser Land aus dem Alsace (Frankreich) - und die konservative belgische Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie (N-VA), die langfristig den Austritt des niederländischsprachigen Landesteils (Flandern) aus dem belgischen Staat anstrebt.
Die Bereitschaft von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, dem Ethno-Verband EFA mit der Aufnahme in die gemeinsame Fraktion eine wichtige politische Bühne zu verschaffen, wird auch dadurch nicht beeinträchtigt, dass der EFA Organisationen wie Erdélyi Magyar Neppart oder die Süd-Tiroler Freiheit angehören. Erdélyi Magyar Neppart (Ungarische Volkspartei Transsilvaniens) ist eine Partei der ungarischsprachigen Minderheit Rumäniens, die offiziell für die Autonomie des Minderheitengebiets plädiert. Anhänger der Partei treten sogar für einen Anschluss an Ungarn ein und haben den ungarischen NS-Kollaborateur József Nyirő gerühmt, der für die faschistischen \"Pfeilkreuzler\" tätig war, 1941 Joseph Goebbels huldigte und 1942 in einer Rede forderte: \"Aus dem Weg mit den Brunnenvergiftern, mit denjenigen, die die ungarische Seele destruieren, unsern Geist infizieren, die die ungarische Kraftentfaltung verhindern\" ( berichtete [1]). Die Süd-Tiroler Freiheit wiederum fordert die Abspaltung von Teilen Norditaliens (Bolzano-Alto Adige) und entweder die Gründung eines eigenen Staates Südtirol oder aber - vorzugsweise - den Anschluss an Österreich. Die Süd-Tiroler Freiheit steht in dirkter Tradition zu den sogenannten Südtiroler Freiheitskämpfern, die seit den 1950er Jahren in Italien immer wieder Sprengstoffanschläge verübten, um den Anschluss von Bolzano-Alto Adige an Österreich zu erzwingen.[2]
Europa der Völker
Indem die EFA zahlreiche offen separatistische Parteien organisiert - neben der Süd-Tiroler Freiheit etwa die Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya und die Scottish National Party -, legt sie die Lunte an eine ganze Reihe von EU-Staaten, darunter nicht nur Spanien, sondern etwa auch Großbritannien, Italien und Frankreich. Wie Europa aussähe, sollten die separatistischen Kräfte, die die EFA fördert, Erfolg haben, zeigt eine Karte, die die EFA lange Jahre online verbreitete und die heute noch auf der Internetpräsenz der EFA-Jugendorganisation zu sehen ist. dokumentiert einen Auszug (siehe rechts).[3]
Einen kräftigen Aufschwung hat dem katalanischen Separatismus vor ziemlich genau zehn Jahren die Frankfurter Buchmesse verschafft: Im Oktober 2007 konnte damals zum ersten Mal nicht ein Land, sondern mit Katalonien ein Teil eines Staates auf dem international renommierten Großevent als \"Ehrengast\" auftreten. Dies hat nicht nur weithin für Aufmerksamkeit, sondern in Katalonien selbst für heftigen Unmut gesorgt - unter spanischsprachigen Einwohnern der Region; diese wiesen empört darauf hin, dass diejenigen Schriftsteller aus der Region, die nicht in katalanischer, sondern in spanischer Sprache publizierten, in Frankfurt keine Berücksichtigung fänden. Damit werde die Vielfalt Kataloniens auf eine katalanische Ethnokultur reduziert, hieß es. Damals rechtfertigte der Vorsitzende der EFA-Mitgliedspartei Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, Josep-Lluís Carod-Rovira, diese Praxis mit der Aussage, wenn \"die deutsche Kultur zu einer Buchmesse eingeladen\" wäre, würde man \"auch keine deutschen Autoren zulassen, die auf Türkisch schreiben\" ( berichtete [4]). Gleichzeitig wurden auf der Frankfurter Veranstaltung Landkarten verbreitet, auf denen nicht nur das spanische Valencia und die Balearen, sondern auch Andorra und Teile Südfrankreichs als \"katalanisch\" markiert waren. Dies entspricht vollständig der pankatalanischen Orientierung der EFA.
\"Katalonien entgegenkommen\"
Zeitweise haben auch Berliner Regierungsberater die territoriale Integrität Spaniens offen in Frage gestellt. Die EU könne \"an einen Punkt geraten, an dem zu überlegen wäre, ob eine ausgehandelte Separation nicht einem Zustand permanenter Instabilität vorzuziehen sei\", hieß es 2013 in einem Papier der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP).[5] 2014 plädierte die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP) in einer Kurzanalyse dafür, Madrid solle \"auf eine Übereinkunft hinarbeiten\", um \"dem neuen Staat\" - gemeint war Katalonien - \"entgegenzukommen\".[6] Das Plädoyer für die Abspaltung Kataloniens entspricht alten Vorstellungen deutscher Strategen, denen zufolge es für Deutschland nur vorteilhaft sein könne, separatistische Kräfte in anderen Staaten zu fördern - denn damit würden auch Konkurrenten der Bundesrepublik, etwa Frankreich, erheblich geschwächt.
Sorge um die Machtbasis
Zuletzt sind allerdings eher besorgte Stimmen zu hören gewesen. Der katalanische Separatismus, der immer wieder Rückendeckung in Deutschland fand, stürzt den spanischen Staat aktuell in eine tiefe politische Krise. Diese kommt zur ökonomischen Krise hinzu, die ungebrochen weiterschwelt und auf lange Sicht - ähnlich wie die Krisen in Griechenland und Italien - eine Gefahr für den Euro und die EU ist. Damit droht sich der katalanische Sezessionskonflikt zu einem weiteren Brandherd in der krisengeschüttelten EU zu entwickeln, der den Staatenbund empfindlich schwächen könnte - zu Lasten der deutschen Weltpolitik, die in ihrer aktuellen Konzeption auf eine kontinentale Basis, die EU, angewiesen ist.

[1] S. dazu Ein positives Ungarn-Bild.
[2] S. dazu Der Zentralstaat als Minusgeschäft und Krisenprofiteure.
[3] S. dazu Europa der Völker und Völker ohne Grenzen.
[4] S. dazu Sprachenkampf.
[5] Kai-Olaf Lang: Katalonien auf dem Weg in die Unabhängigkeit? Der Schlüssel liegt in Madrid. SWP-Aktuell 50, August 2013.
[6] Cale Salih: Catalonia\'s Separatist Swell. DGAPkompakt No 12, October 2014. S. dazu Ein inoffizielles Plebiszit.
