

Un'interessante notizia tratta da un sito "fascista" (indirizzo: ). In Francia lo straordinario gruppo Reporter senza Frontiere ha preso un’immagine molto nota in quel paese: un poliziotto che brandisce un manganello e uno scudo. Ma, al posto della faccia del poliziotto, c’è quella di Guevara con sotto la scritta: «Benvenuti a Cuba, la più grande prigione per giornalisti del mondo». Una donna, Diane Díaz Lopez, si è opposta: è la figlia di “Korda”, il defunto fotografo cubano che scattò “l’immagine iconica” del Che. Pare che sia una marxista a oltranza. Ha portato in tribunale Reporter senza Frontiere e ha vinto. Così hanno dovuto abbandonare quella particolare tattica.
Complimenti alla "marxista ad oltranza" che è riuscita a dare una lezione ai Reporters.
Claudia Cernigoi (Trieste)

[ Sull'accanimento di RSF contro Cuba vedi anche, ad esempio:

Riecco quelli di RSF… con l’ossessione di Cuba e la memoria corta (05/2008)
La propagande de RSF contre Cuba (01/2008)

Sull'odio di RSF contro il Venezuela bolivariano vedi ad esempio:
Reporters sans frontières contre la démocratie vénézuélienne (07/2009)
Les mensonges de Reporters sans frontières sur le Venezuela (06/2009)

Più in generale, sulle attività di disinformazione strategica che RSF svolge a sostegno delle politiche imperialiste degli USA si vedano i numerosi articoli raccolti nel nostro archivio:

(Le politiche antisociali praticate dagli attuali regimi dei paesi balcanici si assomigliano tutte. Per quanto riguarda la Serbia, si vedano anche le pressioni esercitate dalla Banca Centrale per diminuire pure i salari minimi: JUGOINFO 11 agosto 2009, Visnjica broj 794 - )

Balkan governments introduce harsh austerity measures

By Markus Salzmann 
19 August 2009

In Europe, the economic crisis has plunged a number of states into crisis. Without assistance from the International Monetary Fund, Iceland, the Baltic states and Hungary would already be bankrupt. The Balkan states have also been hit especially hard.

The already weak economies of these countries in the southeast of Europe have collapsed dramatically in recent months. The flood of foreign capital out of these countries has intensified the social crisis and led to a rapid increase in unemployment. Irrespective of the political composition of the governments of these states they are uniformly reacting to the crisis by shifting the entire burden onto the backs of the broad masses of the population.

In so doing these governments are relying on ever-closer cooperation with the European Union, which links any financial assistance to increasingly harsh austerity measures and savings programs.

The situation is further exacerbated by the precarious conditions that prevail. Wages have remained low in these countries for years and they lack any sort of adequate social welfare protection. Corruption is pervasive and extends to the highest levels of government. In addition, there is no political force that represents the interests of the population and is seriously intent on challenging the ruling elites.


The first official act of the new center-right government headed by the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), which took power in July, was to announce huge tax increases. Head of government Jadranka Kosor (HDZ) declared she had prepared the introduction of this “crisis tax” in collaboration with EU Commission President José Manuel Barroso.

In the coming months the already meager wages of all public service workers will be cut. According to Vladimir Gligorov from the Viennese Institute for International Economic Comparisons (WIIW), “Kosor wants to probably use the 10 percent rule,” i.e., salaries and other public expenditures will be cut by 10 percent.

An additional tax of 3 percent will be levied in future on salaries, pensions and other incomes. These measures will especially affect pensioners and those dependent on low incomes. Only incomes under €400 per month will not be subject to the new tax. The average pension in Croatia is around €450, and the average monthly wage approximately €700. Expenditure cuts also mean that the country’s most recent social programs will be radically trimmed.

The indebtedness of this small state, with 4.5 million inhabitants, has risen rapidly in the past few years. The gross domestic product in Croatia is expected to shrink this year by around 4 percent, although the government in Zagreb had predicted a drop of just 2 percent.

The government is planning to raise a sum of €270 million through its additional tax revenues. But it is impossible for the government to overcome its €2 billion deficit with such cuts to salaries and public expenditure. This means that drastic new austerity programs are inevitable.

In implementing the cuts the Kosor government does not have to reckon with any serious opposition from the country’s trade unions or opposition parties. The head of government had no problem reaching an agreement over its proposed tax increases with social federations, according to media reports. The country’s trade unions have neither participated in these negotiations, nor conducted any sort of protest against them. They are also unlikely to oppose the imminent salary reductions.

The trade unions of Croatia played a key role in the privatization of the economy following the country’s independence. At the time of the separation of Croatia from Yugoslavia they worked to nip any sort of resistance in the bud.

The federation of autonomous trade unions (SSSH), which emerged in 1990 from the Socialist Trade Union Federation and has the largest number of members, was responsible for backing the government’s privatization of the economy and new orientation towards Western markets. During the period in which war reigned in Croatia the federation stirred up Croatian nationalism.

The only other significant trade union body in the country is the HUS, which was created in 1991 by the right-wing conservative HDZ, with the aim of replacing the SSSH. The HUS is even more right-wing than the SSSH. The leadership of the federation is dominated by fervent nationalists and supporters of the free market.

It was the free-market policies introduced in the 1990s, together with huge economic destruction arising from the war, which contributed to the current precarious situation of the Croatian economy where a number of sources of tax revenues have dried up. Numerous formerly flourishing industries have been shut down in the meantime. In their place a number of free trade zones were set up that are subsidized by the government and offer tax exemptions and special location advantages (i.e., low wages) to foreign enterprises and investors.


In the former Yugoslav republic of Serbia, the government is also feverishly working on an additional savings package. Serbia must impose policies favored by the IMF in order to receive further debt relief. The Central Bank President Radovan Jelasic has just announced a series of further cuts to public expenditure while the Serbian Finance Minister Diana Dragutinovic has declared that the government soon intends to introduce a 20 percent tax increase for all incomes over €400.

Cuts to the state’s social safety net and education had already been agreed at the start of the year, combined with increases in taxes and public user fees. At the same time wages have continued to sink in value.

As in Croatia, the economic crisis has revealed the truly catastrophic social situation prevailing in Serbia. In 2008 gross domestic product was around 20 percent less than the total of 20 years earlier. Prices for basic foodstuffs have risen on average by 80 percent during the past five years while wages have generally stagnated. Some 500,000 Serbs already live below the poverty line.

The population confronts an alliance consisting of the country’s entire political and business elite. The conservative party of President Boris Tadic formed a coalition last year with the Socialist Party of Serbia (SBS) of former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic. This means that together the pro-European conservatives and the socialists have a majority in parliament.

Representatives from the banks, business circles and the trade unions were present at the presentation of the government’s new “economic measures” by Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic. All those in attendance welcomed his proposals.


Following a meeting with IMF representatives, Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc announced on August 5 that his cabinet intended to introduce further radical budget cuts. At the center of the cuts is the axing of least 9,200 jobs in public service.

The government had already agreed a package of cuts and savings at the start of the year that included a 20 percent reduction in the budget for public servants. Pensioners, who because of their low pensions are forced to work in public service, have to decide between their job or a pension. For thousands of pensioners the combination of pension and earned income was the only way to make ends meet.

Wage increases promised last year have been cancelled by the government. Following significant protests and strikes last year, the preceding government was forced to concede salary increases, including a 50 percent wage rise for teachers. Now Boc has swept aside such pledges with the remark, “Wages are out of control.”

Indirect taxes, such as those levied on tobacco and alcohol, are also to be increased in order to fill the country’s empty coffers. Such measures will affect both low-income and middle-income earners.

The planned dismissals in public service are so devastating because they coincide with mass redundancies in Romanian industry. Automakers are particularly hit, e.g., the Renault subsidiary Dacia and its suppliers. But there have also been job cuts in other sectors.


In Bulgaria the newly elected conservative government led by Bojko Borissov (Citizens for a European Development of Bulgaria—GERB) has decided in light of the economic crisis to cut its expenditures by no less than 46 percent. This means cuts amounting to approximately €600 million in the second half of the year. Excluded from the cuts is the country’s Interior Ministry, which has in fact a larger budget for the provision of equipment for police and security forces. The Justice Department is also exempted from the cuts program.

The government also plans tax increases. Finance Minister Simeon Djankov is seeking to rake in €600 million. In order not to endanger future investment, Djankov, who comes from business circles, has announced that domestic and foreign enterprises will be exempt from tax increases.

Borissov’s victory in the parliamentary elections resulted purely from the weakness of his political opponents. In the election campaign the GERB had promised to break with the neo-liberal policy of the socialists (BSP). Borissov posed as an honest, energetic politician and was able, in the eyes many Bulgarians, to elevate himself to a certain extent above the corrupt circles dominating official politics. In the course of the election campaign he promised to prosecute corrupt officials and bring leading underworld figures behind bars.

The speed and ruthlessness with which Borissow now implements his attacks on the population reveals the basic problem prevailing in eastern and southeast European states. All of the political camps, including the so-called socialists and trade unions, are on the side of the economic elite and represent their interests.

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(srpskohrvatski / italiano)

L'operazione Tempesta ebbe le caratteristiche dell'etnocidio

1) SAVO ŠTRBAC ("Veritas"): L'operazione Oluja ("Tempesta") ebbe le caratteristiche dell'etnocidio / „OLUJA“ JE IMALA OBELEŽJA ETNOCIDA

2) STIPE ŠUVAR: "Oluja" - vec mit, a još zbilja

=== 1 ===

SAVO ŠTRBAC: L'operazione Oluja ("Tempesta") ebbe le caratteristiche dell'etnocidio 

5 agosto 2009 

In Croazia il 5 agosto si celebra come una festa nazionale, mentre in Serbia si tengono liturgie per le numerose vittime dell'azione militare-poliziesca "Oluja" (Tempesta) con cui, 14 anni fa, in pochissimi giorni sono stati espulsi più di 220.000 Serbi dalla Croazia. Savo Štrbac, direttore del centro "Veritas" per le informazioni e documentazioni, da Belgrado, nella sua dichiarazione per la Radio Internazionale della Serbia, ribadisce che quest’azione non è stata soltanto un genocidio, ma ha avuto anche tutte le caratteristiche di un etnocidio. Ne riferisce il giornalista Mladen Bijelić.

Štrbac ci ricorda che l'esercito e la polizia croata, con l'aiuto generoso della NATO e di parte della comunità internazionale, con l'operazione "Tempesta" hanno compiuto un atto d’aggressione contro la Srpska Krajina nonostante questa fosse sotto la "protezione" ONU. Questa operazione, egli valuta, non ebbe soltanto le caratteristiche del genocidio, ma si trattò di un etnocidio teso non soltanto all'uccisione ed espulsione di un popolo, ma alla cancellazione di tutte le tracce della sua esistenza in quelle zone, mediante la distruzione della sua eredità storica, culturale e spirituale, linguistica...

Durante l'operazione "Tempesta", la Croazia ha inviato più di 200.000 militari contro 230.000 Serbi, cita Šrbac. Durante la massiccia pulizia etnica dei Serbi dai loro focolari secolari, sono stati uccise o sono scomparse 1.922 persone, di cui 1.192 erano civili inermi (il 62 per cento, addirittura). Tra loro, circa la metà erano di età oltre sessant'anni. Tra le persone uccise 534 erano donne e 19 bambini, di cui nove più giovani di 14 anni, sottolinea Štrbac. Egli afferma che di tutte queste persone disperse, è noto il destino di sole 813, mentre 1.109 risultano ancora come scomparse.

Štrbac, che fa parte del team giuridico serbo che sta preparando la contro-accusa contro la citazione della Croazia contro la Serbia per un presunto genocidio, sottolinea che proprio l'operazione "Tempesta" di cui la Croazia va tanto fiera sarà alla base della contro-accusa della Serbia, "così come tutte altre operazioni effettuate dalla Croazia dal 1991 in poi, che hanno contribuito a che i Serbi in Krajina praticamente non esistono più". Egli spera che entro la data della prossima celebrazione della operazione "Tempesta" sarà chiuso il processo contro i generali croati incriminati dal Tribunale d’Aia per la pulizia etnica contro i Serbi della Krajina. Štrbac è convinto che nel corso del processo sarà stabilito che questa operazione, pianificata da parte della dirigenza politico-militare croata di allora, coordinata da Franjo Tuđman, è stata il risultato di una associazione criminale, e che i generali imputati saranno condannati con pene severissime. Una tale condanna, valuta Štrbac, "sarà di grande importanza per i Serbi della Krajina. Avremo la possibilità di farci restituire i beni e di concretizzare gli altri diritti che ci spettano, e perfino di chiedere l'autonomia politica", ha sottolineato Savo Štrbac, direttore del Centro di documentazione "Veritas" a Belgrado, nella sua dichiarazione per "Radio Internazionale Serbia".

Inoltre, in Serbia molte altre persone, così come le associazioni non-governative, sottolineano che la comunità internazionale ha l'obbligo di riferirsi agli eventi con la descrizione che essi meritano, condannando i colpevoli adeguatamente. Ci fanno notare che un notevole numero di persone fuggite dalla Croazia durante l'operazione "Tempesta", dopo 14 anni vivono ancora come profughi, in completa povertà e indigenza. D'altro canto, la Croazia crea continui ostacoli al suo adempimento agli obblighi presi a livello internazionale, riguardanti il ritorno di queste persone, la restituzione di beni e abitazioni, mentre essa è sempre vicina all'adesione all'UE. In questo modo, risulta che la "Tempesta" non si è ancora conclusa: essa continua davanti agli sguardi di tutta la comunità internazionale. Queste sono le dichiarazioni dei rappresentanti delle associazioni dei Serbi espulsi dalla Croazia, nell'occasione di questa poco gloriosa celebrazione croata.


05. avgust 2009.

U Hrvatskoj se 5. avgust slavi kao državnik praznik, dok se u Srbiji i Republici Srpskoj održavaju parastosi brojnim žrtvama vojno-policijske akcije „Oluja“, tokom koje je, pre 14 godina, za samo nekoliko dana iz Hrvatske proterano više od 220.000 Srba. Savo Štrbac, direktor Informativno-dokumentacionog centra „Veritas“ iz Beograda, u izjavi za Međunarodni radio Srbija ocenjuje da ovo nije bila samo genocidna akcija, već je imala i sva obeležja etnocida. Razgovarao Mladen Bijelić.

Štrbac podseća da su hrvatska vojska i policija, uz svesrdnu pomoć NATO-a i dela međunarodne zajednice, „Olujom“ izvršile agresiju na Srpsku Krajinu, uprkos tome što je ova zona bila pod "zaštitom" UN. Ova akcija, ocenjuje on, nije imala samo obeležje genocida, već je reč o etnocidu, koji je  usmeren ne samo na ubijanje ili proterivanje jednog naroda, već i na sistematsko zatiranje svih tragova njegovog postojanja na tim prostorima, uništavanjem njegove istorijske, kulturne i duhovne baštine, jezika, pisma... 

Tokom operacije „Oluja“, Hrvatska je protiv 230.000 Srba angažovala više od 200.000 vojnika, navodi Šrbac. Tokom masovnog etničkog čišćenja Srba sa njihovih vekovnih ognjišta, ubijeno je ili nestalo njih 1.922, od čega 1.192 civila (čak 62 odsto). Od tog broja, oko polovina je bila starija od 60 godina. Među ubijenima su bile 534 žene i 19 dece, od kojih je devetoro bilo mlađe od 14 godina, ističe Štrbac. On navodi da je od ukupnog broja nestalih rešena sudbina njih 813, dok se 1.109 još vodi kao nestalo. 

Štrbac, koji je član srpskog pravnog tima koji priprema protivtužbu po tužbi Hrvatske protiv Srbije za navodni genocid, ističe da će upravo „Oluja“ kojom se hrvatska država diči, biti osnov protivtužbe Srbije, „ali i sve druge akcije Hrvatske od 1991, koje su doprinele da Srba u Krajini gotovo da više nema“. On očekuje i da će do sledeće godišnjice „Oluje“ biti završen proces  protiv trojice hrvatskih generala koje Haški tribunal tereti za etničko čišćenje Srba u Krajini. Štrbac je uveren da će u postupku biti utvrđeno da je ova akcija, koju je planiralo tadašnje hrvatsko političko i vojno rukovodstvo predvođeno Franjom Tuđmanom, predstavljala rezultat zločinačkog udruživanja i da će osumnjičeni generali biti najstrože kažnjeni. Takva presuda, ocenjuje Štrbac, „imaće i veliki značaj za Krajiške Srbe. To bi nam pružilo mogućnost da povratimo imovinu i ostvarimo sva druga prava, pa i da tražimo političku autonomiju“, istakao je direktor Dokumentarnog centra „Veritas“ iz Beograda Savo Štrbac, u izjavi za „Međunarodni radio Srbija“. 

I mnogi drugi pojedinci, kao i udruženja iz nevladinog sektora u Srbiji ističu da međunarodna zajednica ima obavezu da stvari konačno nazove pravim imenom i krivce adekvatno kazni. Podsećaju takođe da značajan broj onih koji su u „Oluji“ izbegli iz Hrvatske i posle 14 godina žive u krajnjoj bedi i oskudici u izbeglištvu. S druge strane, Hrvatska uporno opstruira izvršenje međunarodno preuzetih obaveza u pogledu njihovog povratka, ili povratka imovine i stanarskih prava, a istovremeno je sve bliža članstvu u EU. Na taj način, „Oluja“ i dalje traje, pred očima cele međunarodne zajednice, istakli su  povodom neslavne godišnjice predstavnici udruženja Srba prognanih iz Hrvatske.  

=== 2 ===


Hrvacki karusel 

"Oluja" - vec mit, a još zbilja 

Franjo Tudman uspešniji od Ante Pavelica 

Franjo Tudman je u govoru polaznicima Ratne škole "Ban Josip Jelacic", koji mjesec prije smrti, izjavio da je srpsko pitanje riješeno jer da u Hrvatskoj više nikada nece biti više od 3 do 5 posto Srba. Dakle, on je znao unaprijed podatak koji je utvrden, ako je utvrden, popisom 2001. godine! 
Srba je u Hrvatskoj i Slavoniji (tadašnjoj banovini Hrvatskoj) u vrijeme posljednjeg austrougarskog popisa stanovništva 1910. godine bilo više od 25 posto, a u Dalmaciji s Bokom 17 posto. Snage hrvatskog nacionalizma u toku 20. stoljeca, a posebno 1941-1945. i 1991-1995. godine, uspjele su, eto, u tome, da Srbi više nisu "remetilacki faktor" hrvatske države, pa ma kakva da je ona. Poznato geslo: ili se pokori ili se ukloni! uspješnije je proveo Franjo Tudman nego Ante Pavelic! 

Nacelnik glavnog stožera Hrvatske vojske general-pukovnik Zvonimir Cervenko izjavio je, govoreci u Karlovcu o operaciji "Oluja", da u trinaest stoljeca svoje povijesti hrvatski narod nije imao vece pobjede, a njegov neprijatelj veceg poraza! Lider hrvatskih liberala Dražen Budiša "Oluju" je, u svojoj cestitki Tudmanu, oznacio "najznacajnijom vojnom i politickom pobjedom nad našim neprijateljima u novijoj povijesti hrvatskog naroda". "Ovo su dani za povijest, ne samo za Hrvatsku, nego i za Evropu i svijet", uzviknuo je pateticno nacelnik Politicke uprave hrvatskog Ministarstva obrane general-bojnik Ivan Tolj, na konferenciji za novinare. Slicnih smo se euforicnih izjava u ovih mjesec dana od pocetka "Oluje" (a euforija se još nije posve smirila) naslušali napretek, a one ce nedvojbeno i ubuduce pljuštati. 
Od "Oluje" je, sudeci po tim izjavama i po svemu što sada obilježava hrvatski politicki i javni život, vec stvoren tipicno hrvatski mit. A što je ona doista bila, kako je izvedena, kakve je neposredne tragove ostavila i koje ce joj biti dugorocne posljedice malo se tko pita na sadašnjem vašaru hrvatske taštine i nimalo suzdržanih zanosa. 
Prvo, zar Hrvati u tinaest stoljeca doista nisu imali vece pobjede? Ako je tako, onda nam je povijest prilicno siromašna pobjedonosnim pothvatima. 
Drugo, teško bi se moglo reci da je "Oluja" bila samo hrvatska, kada nije tajna da su znacajnu ulogu i njezinoj pripremi i logistici igrali u ovom casu mocni hrvatski više pokrovitelji nego saveznici. Neku su ulogu valjda odigrali i umirovljeni americki oficiri (koji hrvatsku vojsku instruiraju, kako je izjavio sam hrvatski ministar obrane Gojko Šušak, sa znanjem i odobrenjem americke vlade). "Oluju" su prethodno blagoslovile, i valjda nisu ostale samo na tome, dvije najmocnije zemlje Zapada, SAD i Njemacka. Ne samo da je Hrvatska vojska imala avio-snimke i detaljne podatke o svim položajima i naoružanju krajinskih Srba, vec su joj avioni NATO-a na pocetku operacije "Oluja" pritekli u pomoc, kada su bombardirali i uništili glavni radarski centar kod Knina. 
Trece, Hrvatska se upustila u "Oluju" sa pouzadnim saznanjem da ce to biti obracun samo sa Srbima iz Krajine, da se Srbija, odnosno SR Jugoslavija nece umiješati, a da ce eventualnu manju pomoc krajinskim Srbima pružiti bosanski Srbi. Da je Tudman znao, da Miloševc nece ratovati za hrvatske Srbe i da ce ih ipak prepustiti Tudmanovoj volji i milosti moglo se zakljuciti po njegovim, Tudmanovim izjavama o tome kako je i što razgovarao sa Miloševicem, u vremenu dok su se sastajali. Uostalom, i general Tolj je na konferenciji za novinare na vrhuncu "Oluje" izjavio da je predsjednik Tudman "ovo što se sada odvija predvidio i prije pet godina". Znao je da se Srbija nece umiješati. "Povijesno iskustvo govori da su oni (Srbi iz Krajine) uvijek ostavljeni i da su moneta za potkusurivanje", rekao je Tolj i "pojasnio" da je "potpuno prirodno da su ostavljeni, jer su ovo prostori Republike Hrvatske, koje hrvatski narod nastanjuje od 7. stoljeca i doista nemaju ni politicku, ni civilizacijsku, ni kulturološku, niti bilo koju vezu i svezu sa Srbijom". Prema tome, ne radi se o "najvecoj hrvatskoj pobjedi" nad Srbima i Srbijom vec o pobjedi nad Srbima u Hrvatskoj i njihovoj tragediji. 
Cetvrto, radilo se o odviše velikom nsrazmjeru snaga, oružja i logistike strane koje je napala (hrvatske) i strane koja se trebala braniti (krajinskosrpske).
General Cervenko je (u intervjuu HTV 9.8.1995) iznio podatak da je "cjelokupna vojska tzv. Republike Srpske krajine brojila 37.000 do 41.000 ljudi pod oružjem,onda je realno uzeti da je najmanje 15.000 njih bilo (i ostalo) u sektoru Istok, odnosno na podrucju istocne Slavonije, zapadnog Srijema i Baranje, a gdje su "linije razdvajanja" duge 120 kilometara. "Oluji" se, dakle, moglo suprotstaviti oko 25.000 krajinskih vojnika. Kako je u "Vjesniku" (13. kolovoza 1995) pisao (p)ovlašteni vojni komentator Fran Višnar, Hrvatska ima 80.000 profesionalnih vojnika, a za "Oluju" je mobilizirala još 120.000 ljudi u jedinice domobranskog sastava. A sudjelovalo je i nekoliko tisuca pripadnika specijalnih jedinica Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova. U bosanskom zaledu Knina nalazile su se i snage HVO, a u borbe se ukljucio i Peti korpus Armije BIH, koji se na Uni spojio sa jedinicama Hrvatske vojske. 

Samo se nekolicina hrvatskih intelektualaca od formata usudila izreci svoju sumnju i u doseg "Oluje" i u namjere službene hrvatske politike. I samo su se na stranicma nekih novina ("Feral Tribune", "Arkzin", "Novi list") pojavile rijeci osude. Samo jedna politicka stranka, SDU, nije pružila bezrezervnu podršku. Oglasilo se, u zajednickom saopcenju, i desetak antiratnih i humanitarnih grupa, a koje ionako imaju tretman podrivackih i nedomoljubnih. 

(S. Suvar, bivsi direktor magazina "Hrvatska Ljevica", umro je juna 2004. godine. / S. Suvar, ex direttore della rivista "Sinistra Croata", moriva nel giugno 2004:

Riportando questo suo articolo intendiamo ricordarlo a cinque anni dalla scomparsa.)

Stop NATO - August 14, 2009

Politicizing Ethnicity: US Plan To Repeat Yugoslav Scenario In Caucasus Could Cause World War

By Rick Rozoff

Matthew Bryza has been one of the U.S.'s main point men in the South Caucasus, the Caspian Sea Basin and Central Asia for the past twelve years.

From 1997-1998 he was an advisor to Ambassador Richard Morningstar, coordinating U.S. efforts in the Caucasus and Central Asia as well as in Southeastern Europe, particularly Greece and Turkey. Morningstar was appointed by the Clinton administration as the first Special Advisor to the President and Secretary of State on Assistance to the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union in 1995, then Special Advisor to the President and the Secretary of State for Caspian Basin Energy Diplomacy in 1998 and was one of the chief architects of U.S. trans-Caspian strategic energy plans running from the Caspian Sea through the South Caucasus to Europe. Among the projects he helped engineer in that capacity was the Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan [BTC] oil pipeline - "the world's most political pipeline" - running from Azerbaijan through Georgia to Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea.

Trans-Caspian, Trans-Eurasian Energy Strategy Crafted In The 1990s

In 1998 Bryza was Morningstar's chief lieutenant in managing U.S. Caspian Sea energy interests as Deputy to the Special Advisor to the President and Secretary of State on Caspian Basin Energy Diplomacy, where he remained until March of 2001, and he worked on developing what are now U.S. and Western plans to circumvent Russia and Iran and achieve dominance over the delivery of energy supplies to Europe. 

Morningstar later became United States Ambassador to the European Union from 1999-2001 and this April was appointed the Special Envoy of the United States Secretary of State for Eurasian Energy, a position comparable to that he had occupied eleven years earlier.

In 2005 the George W. Bush administration appointed Bryza Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs under Condoleezza Rice, a post he holds to this day although he will soon be stepping down, presumably to become the U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan, the nation that most vitally connects American geostrategic interests in an arc that begins in the Balkans, runs through the Caucasus to the Caspian Sea and then to Central and South Asia.

Last June Bryza delivered a speech called Invigorating the U.S.-Turkey Strategic Partnership in Washington, DC and reflected on his then more than a  decade of work in advancing American energy, political and military objectives along the southern flank of the former Soviet Union. His address included the following revelations, the first in reference to events in the 1990s:

"Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev and Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev welcomed international investors to help develop the Caspian Basin’s mammoth oil and gas reserves. Then-Turkish President Suleyman Demirel worked with these leaders, and with Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze, to develop a revitalized concept of the Great Silk Road in the version of an East-West Corridor of oil and natural gas pipelines.

"Our goal was to help the young independent states of these regions [the Caucasus and Central Asia] secure their sovereignty and liberty by linking them to Europe, world markets, and Euro-Atlantic institutions via the corridor being established by the BTC and SCP [South Caucasus Pipeline natural gas]pipelines....The Caucasus and Central Asia were grouped with Turkey, which the Administration viewed as these countries’ crucial partner in connecting with European and global markets, and with Euro-Atlantic security institutions.

"[C]ooperation on energy in the late 1990’s formed a cornerstone of the U.S.-Turkey strategic partnership, resulting in a successful 'first phase' of Caspian development anchored by BTC for oil and SCP for gas.

Iraq War Part Of Previous Geopolitical Plans

"Today, we are focusing on the next phase of Caspian development, looking to the Caspian Basin and Iraq to help reduce Europe’s dependence on a single Russian company, Gazprom, which provides 25 percent of all gas consumed in Europe.

"Our goal is to develop a 'Southern Corridor' of energy infrastructure to transport Caspian and Iraqi oil and gas to Turkey and Europe. The
Turkey-Greece-Italy (TGI) and Nabucco natural gas pipelines are key elements of the Southern Corridor.

"Potential gas supplies in Turkmenistan and Iraq can provide the crucial additional volumes beyond those in Azerbaijan to realize the Southern Corridor. Washington and Ankara are working together with Baghdad to help Iraq develop its own large natural gas reserves for both domestic consumption and for export to Turkey and the EU." [1]

Bryza took no little personal credit for accomplishing the above objectives, which as he indicated weren't limited to a comprehensive project of controlling if not monopolizing oil and natural gas flows to Europe but also in the opposite direction to three of the world's four major energy consumers: China, India and Japan. Since the delivery of the presentation from which the above is quoted the U.S. and its Western European NATO allies have also launched the Nabucco natural gas pipeline which intends to bring gas from, as Bryza mentioned, Iraq and also eventually Egypt and possibly Algeria to Turkey where Caspian oil and gas will arrive via Azerbaijan and Georgia.

Energy Transit Routes Used For Military Penetration Of Caucasus, Central And South Asia

Previous articles in this series [2] have examined the joint energy-geopolitical-military strategies the West is pursuing from and through the sites of its three major wars over the past decade: The Balkans, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Bryza himself made the connection in the above-cited speech of last year:

"The East-West Corridor we had been building from Turkey and the Black Sea through Georgia and Azerbaijan and across the Caspian became the strategic air corridor, and the lifeline, into Afghanistan allowing the United States and our coalition partners to conduct Operation Enduring Freedom." [3]   

His work and his political trajectory - paralleling closely that of his fellow American Robert Simmons [4], former Senior Advisor to the United States Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs on NATO and current NATO Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia and Deputy Assistant Secretary General of NATO for Security Cooperation and Partnership - has continued through four successive U.S. administrations, those of George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and now Barack Obama, and has taken him from the American embassy in Poland in 1989-1991 to that in Moscow in 1995-1997 to positions in the National Security Council, the White House and the State Department.

While in his current State Department role Bryza has not only overseen trans-Eurasian, tri-continental energy projects but has also been the main liaison for building political and military ties with the South Caucasus nations of Georgia and Azerbaijan and he remains the U.S. co-chair of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group monitoring the uneasy peace around Nagorno Karabakh, one of four so-called frozen conflicts in the former Soviet Union.

Although Azerbaijan is one of the interested parties in the conflict and the nation's president, Ilham Aliyev, routinely threatens war to conquer Karabakh, often in the presence of top American military commanders, aside from being a supposed impartial mediator with the Minsk Group Bryza in his State Department role secured the use of an Azerbaijani air base for the war in Afghanistan. In 2007 he stated, “There are plenty of planes flying above Georgia and Azerbaijan towards Afghanistan. Under such circumstances we want to have the possibility of using the Azeri airfield.” [5]

Bryza also recently announced that U.S. Marines were heading to Georgia to train its troops for deployment to Afghanistan where in the words of a Georgian official "First of all, our servicemen will gain combat experience because they will be in the middle of combat action, and that is a really invaluable experience. 

“Secondly, it will be a heavy argument to support Georgia’s NATO aspirations.” [6]

Oil For War: US, NATO Caucasus Clients Register World's Largest Arms Build-Ups

During his four-year stint as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs he has focused on the South Caucasus, and during that period Georgia's war budget has ballooned from $30 million a year when U.S.-educated Mikheil Saakashvili took power after the nation's "Rose Revolution" in 2004 to $1 billion last year, a more than thirty fold increase.

In the same year, 2008, Azerbaijan's military spending had grown from $163 million the preceding year to $1,850,000,000, more than a 1000% increase. In the words of the nation's president last year, "And it will increase in the years to come. The amount envisaged in the 2009 state budget will be even greater.” [7] 

Much of the money expended for both unprecedented build-ups came from revenues derived from oil sales and transit fees connected with the BTC pipeline Bryza was instrumental in setting up.

Pentagon's Role In Last August's Caucasus War

Regarding neighboring Georgia, a German press report on the second day of last August's war between that nation and Russia stated that "US Special Forces troops, and later US Marines replacing them, have for the last half decade been systematically training selected Georgian units to NATO standards" and "First-line Georgian soldiers wear NATO uniforms, kevlar helmets and body armour matching US issue, and carry the US-manufactured M-16 automatic rifle...." [8]

On the first day of the war the Chairman of the Russia's State Duma Security Committee, Vladimir Vasilyev, denounced the fact that the Georgian President Saakashvili "undertook consistent steps to increase [Georgia's] military budget from $US 30 million to $US 1 billion -  Georgia was preparing for a military action.” [9]

An Armenian news source the same day detailed that "Most of Georgia's officers were trained in the U.S. or Turkey. The country's military expenses increased by 30 times during past four years, making up 9-10 per cent of the GDP. The defense budget has reached $1 billion.

"U.S. military grants to Georgia total $40.6 million. NATO member states, including Turkey and Bulgaria, supplied Georgia with 175 tanks, 126 armored carriers, 67 artillery pieces, 4 warplanes, 12 helicopters, 8 ships and boats. 100 armored carriers, 14 jets (including 4 Mirazh-2000) fighters, 15 Black Hawk helicopters and 10 various ships are expected to be conveyed soon." [10]

"The procurement in recent years of new military hardware and modern weapons systems was indeed in line with Georgia's single-minded commitment to joining NATO." [11]

In addition to the country's standing army the Saakashvili regime has introduced a 100,000-troop reserve force, also trained in part by NATO.

In 2006 Saakashvili mandated a system of universal conscription in which "every man under 40 must pass military trainings" [12] and every citizen should “know to handle arms and if necessary should be ready to repel aggression.” [13]

Ten months later the government announced “a doctrine on total and unconditional defense” and that "service in the reserve troops would be compulsory for every male between the ages of 27 to 50." [14]

Matthew Bryza and his colleagues in the State Department and the Pentagon have served American and NATO interests in the South Caucasus and adjoining areas well over the past decade.

First US-Backed War In The South Caucasus: Adjaria

On August 10 Bryza, "who, as he himself put it, was a more frequent guest to Georgia than any other U.S. official," [15] was awarded the Order of the Golden Fleece by Georgia's Saakashvili in Tbilisi.

"Saakashvili thanked Bryza for assistance rendered in 2004 while solving problems in Adjaria." [16]. The allusion is to events early in that year when Saakashvili, flanked by then U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, was inaugurated president after the putsch that was called the Rose Revolution and introduced his party flag as that of the nation, which as British journalist John Laughlin remarked at the time had not been done since Hitler did the same with the swastika in 1933.

Less than two months later Saakashvili threatened to invade the Autonomous Republic of Adjaria (Adjara), which had been de facto an independent country, and to "shoot down my plane" as Adjarian president Aslan Abashidze reported.

An Agence France-Presse report in March of 2004 said, "The situation was made all the more explosive because Russia has a military base in Adjara....Saakashvili warned in televised comments that 'not a single tank can leave the territory of the base. Any movement of Russia's military equipment could provoke bloodshed.'" [17]

An all-out war was only avoided because Russia capitulated and even flew 
Abashidze to Moscow, after which it withdrew from the Adjarian base.

Bryza's assistance to the Saakashvili government has also extended to backing it in its armed conflicts with Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which in the second case escalated into all-out war a year ago.

State Department Passes The Baton To Veteran Balkans Hand

Now Bryza, the nominal mediator, is going to pass his role as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs to Tina Kaidanow.

But he will continue until next month as the US co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group on Nagorno Karabakh, where as recently as August 12 he met with Azerbaijani President Aliyev and either arbitrarily expanding the format of discussions or combining his dual functions he also discussed "bilateral relationship between Azerbaijan and the United States, energy cooperation and regional and international issues." [18] 

It was also Bryza who recently announced that U.S. Marines were headed to Georgia to train troops for the war in Afghanistan. "Matt Bryza, the outgoing US deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian affairs, said the US would provide training and equipment for Georgian servicemen bound for Afghanistan." [19]

As seen earlier, a Georgian official said of the development that "First of all, our servicemen will gain combat experience because they will be in the middle of combat action, and that is a really invaluable experience," [20] which training under fire could only be intended for future combat operations against Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Russia.

Bryza has also played a role in attempting to insinuate European Union and American observers into the South Caucasus conflict zones.

His successor in the State Department position, Kaidanow, possesses a political curriculum vitae which provides insight into what can be expected from her.

This April, before getting the nod to replace Bryza, Kaidanow said "I worked in Serbia, in Belgrade and in Sarajevo, then in Washington, and I went back to Sarajevo and am now in Kosovo. I don't know where my next challenge will be. It is under discussion." [21]

Ms. Kaidanow is a veteran Balkans hand. She "served extensively in the region, as Special Assistant to U.S. Ambassador Christopher Hill in Skopje [Macedonia] 1998-1999, with specific responsibilities focused on the crisis in Kosovo...." [22] Before that she served in Bosnia from 1997-1998.

Prior to that her first major post in the U.S. foreign policy apparatus began under President Bill Clinton, where she served as director for Southeast European Affairs at the National Security Council.

Kaidanow: From Rambouillet To Ambassador To Kosovo

After transitioning from advising the National Security Council on the Balkans to implementing the U.S. agenda there, Kaidanow attended the Rambouillet conference in February of 1999 where the American delegation headed by Secretary of State Madeleine Albright threw down the gauntlet to Yugoslavia with the infamous Appendix B ultimatum and set the stage for the 78-day war that began on March 24.

From 2003-2006 she was back in Bosnia, this time as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy, from where she departed to become the Chief of Mission and Charge d'Affaires at the U.S. Office in Kosovo from July 2006 to July 2008; that is, while the Bush administration put the finishing touches to the secession of the Serbian province which resulted in the unilateral independence of Kosovo in February of 2008. Despite concerted pressure from Washington and its allies, a year and a half later 130 of 192 nations in the world refuse to recognize its independence and those who do include statelets like Palau, the Maldives, the Federated States of Micronesia, Samoa, San Marino, Monaco, Nauru, Liechtenstein and the Marshall Islands, presumably all paid handsomely for their cooperation.

Last year the Bush administration appointed Kaidanow the first U.S. ambassador to Kosovo, a post she took up on July 18, 2008.

Reproducing Kosovo In Russia's Southern Republics

On August 12 Russian political analyst Andrei Areshev spoke about her new appointment in reference to the lingering tensions over Nagorno Karabakh which pit Azerbaijan against Armenia and warned that "it is an attempt to sacrifice [Nagorno Karabakh's] interests to Azerbaijan's benefit and in regard to Moscow to give a second wind to the politicization of ethnicity in the North Caucasus with the possibility of repeating the 'Kosovo scenario,'" [23] adding that the same threat would also target Iran.

By the North Caucasus Areshev was referring to the Russian republics of Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia and North Ossetia where extremist secessionist violence has cost scores of lives in recent months, including those of leading officials. The writer's message was not that the U.S. would simply continue its double standard of recognizing Kosovo's secession while arming Georgia and Azerbaijan to suppress the independence of Abkhazia, Nagorno Karabakh and South Ossetia - none of which "seceded" from anything other than new post-Soviet nations they has never belonged to - but that a veteran of the U.S. campaign to fragment and ultimately destroy Yugoslavia may be planning to do the same thing with Russia. As the author added, "the existing realities in the Caucasus, including the existence of three de facto states, two of which are officially recognized by Russia, still create plenty of opportunities to build different combinations, which would ultimately
result in a long-term military and political consolidation of the United States in the region." [24]

With reference to Areshev including Iran along with Russia as an intended target of such an application of the Yugoslav model, the clear implication is that the West could attempt to instigate separatist uprisings among the nation's Azeri, Arab and Baloch ethnic minorities in an effort to tear that nation apart also.

It is the politicizing of ethnic, linguistic and confessional differences that was exploited by the West to bring about or at any rate contribute to the dissolution of Yugoslavia into its federal republics and then yet further on a sub-republic level with Kosovo and Macedonia (still in progress).

Having worked under the likes of Christopher Hill and later Richard Armitage in the Rice State Department, Kaidanow surely knows how the strategy is put into effect. Much as does her former Balkans colleague Philip Goldberg, U.S. ambassador to Bolivia until that nation expelled him last September for fomenting subversion and fragmentation there based on the Balkans precedent.

Only a week before the announcement of Kaidanow's transfer from supervising the "world's first NATO state" (as a former Serbian president called it) in Kosovo, where the U.S. has built its largest overseas military base since the Vietnam War, Camp Bondsteel, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov again warned of the precedent Kosovo presented and admonished nations considering legitimizing it through diplomatic recognition to "think very carefully before making this very dangerous decision that has an unforeseeable outcome and is not good for stability in Europe." [25]

The situation Kaidanow will enter into is one in which a year ago a war had just ended and currently others threaten. 

A Year Later: Resumption Of Caucasus War Threats

A year after the beginning of the hostilities of 2008, August 8, Russian President Dmitri Medvedev warned:

"Georgia's actions in the Trans-Caucasian region continue to cause serious anxieties. Georgia does not stop threatening to restore its 'territorial integrity' by force.

"Armed forces are concentrated at the borders near Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and provocations are committed." [26]

On August 1 the Russian Defense Ministry expressed alarm over renewed Georgian shelling of the South Ossetian capital of Tskhinvali and stated: "Events in August 2008 developed in line with a similar scenario, which led to Georgia unfolding military aggression against South Ossetia and attacking the Russian peacekeeping contingent." [27]

Two days later South Ossetian President Eduard Kokoity announced that "Russian troops will hold drills in the republic. These will be preventive measures, everything will be done in order to ensure security and keep the situation under control." [28]

The following day Andrei Nesterenko, spokesman for Russia's Foreign Ministry, said that "Provocations from the Georgian side ahead of the anniversary of the August events last year are not stopping. In connection with this, we have stepped up the combat readiness of Russian troops and border guards." [29]

On August 5 Russian Duma Deputy Sergei Markov wrote:

"Western countries' accountability for the war in South Ossetia is not
recognized altogether. Politically, the West, primarily NATO, supports
Saakashvili, and this support made him confident in the success of his military venture. Moreover, during the war preparations and onset of combat, high-ranking officials in Washington did not answer their telephone calls although they must have been in the office at 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. Moscow time....

"The U.S. Congress did not make any inquiry into the conduct of Vice President Dick Cheney or presidential nominee John McCain during the start of the war. Georgian troops were equipped with NATO weapons, and trained in line with NATO standards." [30]

At the same time the above-mentioned Andrei Nesterenko also said that "Georgia continues to receive Western arms and help in modernizing its army....Lasting way, way off. Over the past 12 months, the Georgians were responsible for about 120 firing incidents. Over the past seven days alone, South Ossetian villages came under Georgian mortar attacks multiple times." [31]

As a reflection of how thoroughly Georgian leader Saakashvili is an American creature and how inextricably involved Washington has been and remains with all his actions, a commentary of early this month reminded readers that:

"Under George Bush, Washington already committed itself to put all Georgian bureaucrats on its payroll, having paid a little more than $1 billion as a compensation for Saakashvili's small war. The first tranche of $250 million has already been transferred....[A] considerable part of these funds will be allocated for compensation and salaries of government officials of all ministries.... In other words, all of Georgia's government officials are already on the U.S. payroll, a fact which nobody even tried to conceal during the last few years of Bush's term." [32]

Russia wasn't alone in attending to the anniversary of the war. A U.S. armed forces publication reported a year to the day after its start that "U.S. European Command has its eyes firmly focused on the volatile Caucasus region, where tensions between Georgia and Russia continue to mount on the anniversary of last year's five-day war....[C]ommanders are on guard for any sign of a repeat.

"[W]ith Georgia prepared to commit troops to the effort in Afghanistan as early as 2010, pre-deployment counterinsurgency training will be taking place. EUCOM also will be working with the Georgians to develop the Krtsanisi National Training Center outside of Tbilisi into a modern pre-deployment combat training center....Following the war, EUCOM conducted an assessment of Georgian forces, which uncovered numerous shortcomings related to doctrine and decision-making." [33]

Last year's war began immediately after the completion of the NATO Immediate Response 2008 military exercises which included over 1,000 American troops, the largest amount ever deployed to Georgia. The day after the drills ended Georgia shelled the South Ossetian capital and killed several people, including a Russian peacekeeper.

The War That Was, The World War That Might Have Been 

What a resumption of fighting between Georgia and South Ossetia will entail is indicated by an examination of the scale of the catastrophe that was narrowly averted a year ago.

A few days ago the government of Abkhazia shared information on what Georgia planned had its invasion of South Ossetia proven successful. The plan was to, having launched the war on the day of the Olympic Opening Ceremony in Beijing while world attention was diverted, have Georgian troops and armor rapidly advance to the Roki Tunnel which connects South Ossetia with the Russian Republic of North Ossetia and prevent Russia from bringing reinforcements into the war zone.

Then a parallel assault on Abkhazia was to be launched. The government of Abkhazia documented Georgia's battle plans earlier this week, stating "the attack could have been carried out from the sea and from the Kodori Gorge, where Georgian special forces were building their heavily fortified lines of defense.

"Most people in Abkhazia were almost certain that if Georgia succeeded in
conquering Tskhinvali, their republic would have been next....Military intelligence issued a warning that the Georgian army was planning to
invade Abkhazia from the sea. Another possibility was that the enemy would come from the Kodori Gorge, an area that Georgian special forces entered in 2006, violating international peace agreements.

"On August 9 last year, the Abkhazian army launched a preventive attack against Georgian troops in the Kodori Gorge." [34] 

Last week Abkhazian Foreign Minister Sergei Shamba demonstrated that Georgia was not alone in the planned attack on and destruction of his nation when he said "[W]e have always emphasized that the U.S. bears considerable responsibility for the events that took place in August 2008 in South Ossetia. 

"Therefore, we do not trust the Americans. All these years the U.S. has been arming, equipping and training Georgian troops and continues to do so, again restoring military infrastructure, and again preparing the Georgian army for new acts of aggression.

"What were the American instructors training the Georgian army for here, on Abkhazia's territory, at the upper end of the Kodori Gorge? For an attack on Abkhazia." [35]

An August 7 report from an Armenian news source substantiated that the plans for last August's war were on a far larger scale than merely Georgia's brutal onslaught against South Ossetia in an attempt to conquer and subjugate it and later Abkhazia. Stating that neighboring Azerbaijan was simultaneously planning for a war against Armenia over Nagorno Karabakh, a political analyst was quoted as saying, "Armenia would be in a state of war should Georgia's plan not have failed in 2008," adding that "last year Azerbaijan thrice attempted attacks on the NKR [the Nagorno Karabakh Republic], yet the attempts were frustrated thanks to NKR forces." [36]

A coordinated attack by Georgia on South Ossetia and Abkhazia and by Azerbaijan on Nagorno Karabakh would have led to a regional conflagration and possibly a world war. As indicated above, Armenia would have been pulled into the fighting and the nation is a member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) along with Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

A week ago the secretary general of the CSTO, Nikolai Bordyuzha, was quoted as asserting:

"How will the CSTO react if Azerbaijan wants to get back Nagorno Karabakh in a military way and war begins between Azerbaijan and Armenia?"

"The 4th term of the Collective Security Treaty says that aggression against one member of Collective Security Treaty Organization will be regarded as aggression against all members." [37]

Even if the CSTO had not responded to an Azerbaijani assault on Karabakh which would have ineluctably dragged member state Armenia into the fighting as it was obligated to do, Turkey would have intervened at that point on behalf of Azerbaijan and being a NATO member could have asked the Alliance to invoke its Article 5 military assistance clause and enter the fray. Russia would not have stood by idly and a war could have ensued that would also have pulled in Ukraine to the north and Iran to the south. In fact the U.S. client regime in Ukraine had provided advanced arms to Georgia for last year's conflict and threatened to block the return of Russian Black Sea fleet ships to Sevastopol in the Crimea during the fighting.

Along with synchronized attacks on South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Nagorno Karabakh, Ukraine may well have been ordered to move its military into the site of the fourth so-called frozen conflict, neighoring Transdniester, either in conjunction with Moldova or independently.

A year ago Russian maintained (and still has) peacekeepers in Transdniester, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and, while not in Karabakh, also in Armenia. Over 200 Russian soldiers were killed and wounded in the fighting in South Ossetia and if those numbers had been matched or exceeded in three other battle zones Russian forbearance might have reached its limits quickly.

After Yugoslavia, Afghanistan And Iraq: Pentagon Turns Attention To Former Soviet Space

In June of 2008 the earlier quoted Russian analyst Andrei Areshev wrote in article titled "The West and Abkhazia: A New Game" that "The prevention of a military conflict is Russia’s priority, but it is not a priority for our 'partners.'

"This should not be forgotten....As for experiments undertaken by the United States that acted so 'perfectly' in Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan, they do not spell any good." [38]

Two months before he had written "The U.S., the ground having slipped from under its feet in Iraq and Afghanistan, is now preoccupied with
gaining control over the most important geopolitical regions in the post-Soviet territory - Ukraine, Transcaucasia and Central Asia....

"The regions of Transcaucasia, integrated in NATO, Georgia in the first place (especially in case of the successful annexation of South Ossetia and Abkhazia), will serve U.S. interests aimed at destabilization of the North Caucasus." [39]

Last week a group of opposition Georgian scholars held a round table discussion in the nation's capital and among other matters asserted:

"The whole August war itself...served the interests of the US. The Americans tested Russia's readiness to react to military intervention, while at the same time ridding Georgia of its conflict-ridden territories so it could continue its pursuit of NATO membership.

"[H]ad Russia refrained from engaging its forces in the conflict, the nations [republics] of the Northern Caucasus would have serious doubts about its ability to protect them. This would in turn lead to an array of separatist movements in the Northern Caucasus, which would have the potential to start not only a full-scale Caucasian war, but a new world war." [40]

What the West's probing of Russia's defenses in the Caucasus may be intended to achieve and what the full-scale application of the Yugoslav model to Russia's North Caucasus republics could look like are not academic issues.

Armed attacks in the republics of Chechnya, Dagestan and Ingushetia have been almost daily occurrences over the last few months. In June the president of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, was seriously wounded in a bomb attack and two days ago the republic's Construction Minister was shot to death in his office.

Similar armed attacks on and slayings of police, military and government officials are mounting in Dagestan and Chechnya.

The shootings and bombings are perpetrated by separatists hiding behind the pretext of religious motivations - in the main Saudi-based Wahhabism. Until his death in 2002 the main military commander of various self-proclaimed entities like the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria and the Caucasus Emirate was one Khattab (reputedly born Samir Saleh Abdullah Al-Suwailem), an ethnic Arab and veteran of the CIA's Afghan campaign of the 1980s, who also reportedly fought later in Tajikistan and Bosnia.

Assorted self-designated presidents and defense ministers of the above fancied domains have been granted political refugee status by and are living comfortably in the United States and Britain.

That plans for carving up Russia by employing Yugoslav-style armed secessionist campaigns are not limited to foreign-supported extremist troops was demonstrated as early as 1999 - the year of NATO's war against Yugoslavia - when the conservative Freedom House think tank in the United States inaugurated what it called the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya. By the middle of this decade its board of directors was composed of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Alexander Haig, Steven Solarz, and Max Kampelman.

Members included the three main directors of the Project for the New American Century: Robert Kagan, William Kristol and Bruce P. Jackson. Jackson was the founder and president of the US Committee on NATO (founded in 1996) and the chairman of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq (launched months before the invasion of that nation in the autumn of 2002).

Other members of the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya included past CIA directors, National Security Advisers, Secretaries of State and NATO Supreme Allied Commanders like the previously mentioned Zbigniew Brzezinski and Alexander Haig and James Woolsey, Richard V. Allen and a host of neoconservative ideologues and George W. Bush administration operatives with resumes ranging from the Committee on the Present Danger to the Project for the New American Century like Morton Abramowitz, Elliott Abrams, Kenneth Adelman, Michael Ledeen, Richard Perle, Richard Pipes and Norman Podhoretz.

The American Committee for Peace in Chechnya has evidently broadened its scope and is now called the American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus. Its mission statement says:

"The American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus (ACPC) at Freedom House is dedicated to monitoring the security and human rights situation in the North Caucasus by providing informational resources and expert analysis. ACPC focuses on Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan, North Ossetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachayevo-Cherkessia and Adygeya, as well as the regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia."

Abkhazia and South Ossetia are of course in the South Caucasus and not in Georgia except in the minds of those anxious to expel Russia from the Caucasus, North and South, and transparently have been included as they are targets of designs by U.S. empire builders to further encircle, weaken and ultimately dismantle the Russian Federation.

Russian political leadership has been reserved if not outright compliant over the past decade when the U.S. and NATO attacked Yugoslavia, invaded Afghanistan and set up military bases throughout Central and South Asia, invaded Iraq in 2003, assisted in deposing governments in Yugoslavia, Georgia, Adjaria, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan to Russia's disadvantage and brazenly boasted of plans to drive Russia out of the European energy market.

But intensifying the destabilization of its southern republics and turning them into new Kosovos is more than Moscow can allow.

1) U.S. Department of State, June 24, 2008
2) Black Sea: Pentagon's Gateway To Three Continents And The Middle East
  Eurasian Crossroads: The Caucasus In US-NATO War Plans
  Azerbaijan And The Caspian: NATO's War For The World's Heartland
  West's Afghan War And Drive Into Caspian Sea Basin
3) Ibid
4) Mr. Simmons' Mission: NATO Bases From Balkans To Chinese Border
5), March 31, 2007
6) Russian Information Agency Novosti, August 6, 2009
7) AzerTag, January 1, 2008
8) Deutsche Presse-Agentur, August 9, 2008
9) Russia Today, August 8, 2008
10), August 8, 2008
11) The Financial, June 27, 2008
12) Prime News (Georgia), August 10, 2006
13) Civil Georgia, April 2, 2007
14) Civil Georgia, December 7, 2006
15) Civil Georgia, August 11, 2009
16) Trend News Agency, August 11, 2009
17) Agence France-Presse, March 14, 2004
18) AzerTag, August 12, 2009
19) Rustavi 2, August 11, 2009
20) Russian Information Agency Novosti, August 6, 2009
21) World Investment News, April 22, 2009
22) Azeri Press Agency, August 12, 2009
23), August 12, 2009
24) Ibid
25) Black Sea Press, August 6, 2009
26) Itar-Tass, August 8, 2009
27) Russian Information Agency Novosti, August 1, 2009
28) Interfax, August 3, 2009
29) Daily Times (Pakistan), August 5, 2009
30) Russian Information Agency Novosti, August 5, 2009
31) Voice of Russia. August 5, 2009
32) Russian Information Agency Novosti, August 6, 2009
33) Stars and Stripes, August 8, 2009
34) Russia Today, August 9, 2009
35) Russian Information Agency Novosti, August 4, 2009
36), August 7, 2009
37) Azeri Press Agency, August 6, 2009
38) Strategic Culture Foundation, June 12, 2008
39) Strategic Culture Foundation, April 18, 2008
40) Russia Today, August 7, 2009

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