
Lo scorso sabato 21/10/00 presso la libreria del "Manifesto", a Roma,
si e' tenuta una assemblea-dibattito dal titolo: "Dalle bombe
'umanitarie' della NATO alla rivoluzione 'democratica'", organizzata
dal nostro coordinamento nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'".

Nel corso dell'iniziativa sono intervenuti tra gli altri F. Grimaldi,
che ha presentato il suo nuovo video "Popoli di troppo", A. Bernardini,
docente di diritto internazionale e presente come osservatore alle
elezioni in Jugoslavia, G. Marras, partigiano in Jugoslavia durante la
II Guerra Mondiale. Alla fine del dibattito, che ha preso spunto dalla
ricorrenza della strage nazifascista di Kragujevac
(http://digilander.iol.it/convogliogiorgiana/kragujevac1941.html) ed e'
stato poi incentrato sulla attualita' della situazione nella RF di
Jugoslavia dopo il colpo di mano della destra nazionalista e liberista
del nuovo presidente Kostunica, e' stata approvata la seguente
mozione conclusiva:



I partecipanti alla assemblea-dibattito "Dalla guerra 'umanitaria'
alla rivoluzione 'democratica'", dedicata alla situazione nella RF di
Jugoslavia, svoltasi il giorno 21/10/2000 a Roma,

- ESPRIMONO la loro indignazione e protesta per le continue interferenze
nelle vista politica interna della RF di Jugoslavia da parte dei
governi occidentali, che mirano a proseguire nella opera di
frammentazione del paese e ad instaurarvi regimi succubi dei loro
interessi, nonche' da parte delle organizzazioni economiche
internazionali che attraverso l'imposizione di politiche neoliberiste
e di indebitamento puntano a cancellare le strutture produttive ed il
sistema di protezioni sociali ereditato dal periodo socialista.

- CHIEDONO il rispetto della sovranita' della RF di Jugoslavia e degli
accordi internazionali con essa stipulati, in particolare il rispetto
della Risoluzione ONU 1244 che e' viceversa costantemente disattesa
dalla amministrazione ONU, sia civile che militare, nella provincia
serba di Kosovo e Metohija (Kosmet).

La amministrazione civile (UNMIK) guidata da Bernard Kouchner ha creato
in questi mesi tutti i presupposti per la separazione del Kosmet dalla
RF di Jugoslavia e per la sua integrazione nel progetto della "Grande
Albania". La amministrazione militare (KFOR), che pur sotto copertura
ONU e' guidata dalle forze della NATO gia' responsabili dei crimini
impuniti connessi alla aggressione della primavera del 1999, ha
continuato ad appoggiare il movimento nazionalista secessionista
pan-albanese, prima nelle vesti della organizzazione terroristica UCK e
delle mafie ad essa collegata, poi come "Corpo di Protezione del Kosovo"
(TMK), chiudendo entrambi gli occhi dinanzi alle continue violenze
contro tutte le nazionalita' kosovare non-albanesi e contro gli albanesi
filo-jugoslavi. Per questi motivi

- CHIEDIAMO l'espulsione di tutti i rappresentanti dei paesi NATO dalle
strutture civili e militari della amministrazione straniera in Kosmet.

- CHIEDIAMO altresi' che le truppe dei paesi NATO vengano immediatamente
ritirate dal territorio balcanico, cioe' in primo luogo da tutte le aree
dove sono state dislocate in seguito allo smembramento della Repubblica
Federativa e Socialista di Jugoslavia, smembramento incitato e sancito
dagli stessi paesi che pretendono oggi vergognosamente di svolgere il
ruolo dei pacificatori.

Di fronte all'evidenza di una offensiva imperialista su tutti
i fronti, finalizzata all'eliminazione dei punti di resistenza
costituiti da classi, popoli e Stati da colonizzare, l'assemblea ritiene
inoltre necessario ed improrogabile allargare le tematiche centrate
sulla questione jugoslava all'ambito piu' vasto della lotta contro la
NATO e contro il costituendo esercito europeo, veri e propri bracci
armati della globalizzazione. E' necessario che le realta' organizzate
nate sulla spinta della solidarieta' con specifiche lotte contro
l'imperialismo riuniscano in un orizzonte unitario le varie forme di
resistenza in atto nel mondo: dalla Jugoslavia alla Palestina, alla
cui Intifada esprimiamo piena solidarieta', dall'America Latina al
Medio Oriente, dall'Africa al Sud-Est asiatico. Questo impegno e' reso
tanto piu' urgente dall'interconnessione strategica dell'agire
imperialista, anche nei confronti delle proprie classi lavoratrici,
che esige una speculare interconnessione delle forze antiimperialiste
sia nell'analisi, sia nell'informazione, sia nell'organizzazione delle
mobilitazioni e delle lotte.

Roma, 21/10/2000


Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"

> http://digilander.iol.it/lajugoslaviavivra

I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma vengono
fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al solo scopo di
segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")

Per contributi e segnalazioni: jugocoord@...


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Il programma di Kostunica � quello di un gruppo di economisti jugoslavi
molto di destra, noto col nome di �G 17". Esso prevede:
1. L'introduzione del marco tedesco come moneta nazionale!
2. Una forte riduzione del bilancio per le spese militari, cosa che
priverebbe il paese dei mezzi per difendersi da nuove aggressioni;
3. L'allineamento alle ricette antisociali che il FMI vuole imporre.
Sono le stesse riforme che hanno gi� devastato l'economia di paesi come
la Bulgaria, l'Albania o la Romania. Un osservatore rumeno mi confidava
stamane: "Ci avevano promesso che dopo la caduta di Ceaucescu, il
capitalismo sfrenato ci avrebbe dato la prosperit�. Ma oggi l'economia �
in rovina. Abbiamo accumulato dieci miliardi di dollari di debito, ma
non si vede un solo investimento. Gli edifici in costruzione sotto
Ceaucescu non sono mai stati ultimati�.
Effettivamente bisognerebbe pensarci. Molti jugoslavi hanno votato per
Kostunica, sperando che il cambio di dirigenti li avrebbe liberati
dall'embargo che strangola il paese e li obbliga a vivere in condizioni
difficilissime. Ma la vittoria di Kostunica porter� veramente sollievo e
Si possono fornire tre elementi per rispondere.
1. Dove andr� il denaro?
2. L'esempio di un precedente come il Nicaragua.
3. Che cosa ha dato fino a questo momento l'Occidente al Kosovo?
Con Kostunica, Djindjic e il FMI, la popolazione avr� qualche sollievo?
1. E' molto probabile che del denaro occidentale finirebbe nelle tasche
di questo paese.
Il vero capo dell'opposizione, Zoran Djindjic - l'uomo che tira i fili
di Kostunica - ha ricevuto milioni di dollari per fare il lavoro di
Washington. E una nuova classe di uomini d'affari si � sviluppata e
pesta i piedi per l'impazienza. Vuole avere completa libert� di metter
fine alle difese sociali e alle condizioni di lavoro regolamentato. Per
poter sfruttare al massimo la manodopera jugoslava. In breve, lavorare
sotto il regno della paura, come nei paesi cosiddetti �avanzati�, dove
gran parte dei lavoratori, sempre pi� stressati, crepano di lavoro,
mentre l'altra si deprime nella disoccupazione. Ecco che cosa avrebbe in
sorte il popolo jugoslavo. Senza considerare che la deregolamentazione
cara al �G-17� permetterebbe loro sicuramente di godere dei vantaggi
come una carne da mucca pazza o imbottita di ormoni e di diossina e
altri elementi inquinanti. I giovani jugoslavi nutrono attualmente una
grande illusione verso le promesse dell'Occidente. Sono essi a crederci
maggiormente. La grande illusione � credere che la popolazione jugoslava
avr� prosperit� se accetta la volont� delle multinazionali e dei
dirigenti occidentali. Ma da dove viene la ricchezza di queste
multinazionali occidentali? Dal fatto che esse praticamente non pagano
le materie prime che sottraggono al terzo mondo. E che in tutti i paesi
del mondo in cui sfruttano i lavoratori, fanno di tutto per mantenere i
salari al livello pi� basso. Del resto, si tratta di una regola
economica che il sistema della concorrenza capitalista li obbliga ad
applicare: se non lo facessero sarebbero battute ed eliminate dai loro
concorrenti. Insomma, se le societ� dei paesi ricchi sono ricche �
perch� in realt� rubano ai paesi poveri. E quando promettono a u paese
povero che, sottomettendosi potr� entrare nel club dei paesi ricchi, �
una menzogna. Questa promessa non potrebbe essere mantenuta, perch� se
non vi sono pi� sfruttati che si fanno derubare, non vi sono pi�
sfruttatori che si arricchiscono. L'unica soluzione � un mondo senza pi�
sfruttati n� sfruttatori, un mondo di autentica cooperazione
internazionale basata sulla solidariet�.

2. E poi, si pu� credere alle promesse degli Stati Uniti?
Ho appena discusso con un osservatore nicaraguegno: �Sono colpito dalla
rassomiglianza tra la situazione in Jugoslavia e quella del Nicaragua
nel 1990. All'epoca, per rovesciare il nostro governo progressista,
quello dei sandinisti, gli USA avevano ugualmente combinato due metodi.
Da un lato, avevano armato delle bande chiamate "contras" che
massacravano e terrorizzavano la popolazione, come l'UCK. D'altro canto,
agitavano l'alternativa elettorale. Ma le promesse non sono state
mantenute e la situazione del popolo nicaraguegno � enormemente
peggiorata. In questo paese di 4 milioni di abitanti, la disoccupazione
� balzata al 40% e con essa la delinquenza, la prostituzione, il
traffico di droga. Ai semafori si affollano bambini mendicanti. La
salute � degradata, si assiste alla riapparizione di malattie che la
rivoluzione aveva eliminate, come la polmonite, � in aumento la
mortalit� (soprattutto infantile). Idem per l'analfabetismo. Ecco cosa
succede quando ci si fida delle promesse degli USA. Ma ho buone speranze
che la sinistra sandinista vinca le prossime elezioni a novembre, i
sondaggi la danno al 43% contro il 23%.

3. Un terzo elemento di risposta per sapere se si pu� fare
affidamento sulle promesse dell'Occidente, � guardare che cosa si �
fatto in Kosovo.
L'Occidente aveva promesso d'instaurarvi la pace, la democrazia e la
tolleranza tra nazionalit�. Ma che � successo? Oltre 5.OOO atti
terroristici in un anno, con l'uccisione di un migliaio di persone.
350.000 Serbi, Rom, Ebrei, Mussulmani e altri membri di minoranze
nazionali sono stati scacciati sotto gli occhi e con l'aiuto della NATO.
Risultato: la mafia albanese ha trasformato questa regione in una testa
di ponte per il traffico di droga, di auto rubate e di prostitute. Un
celebre criminologo dell'universit� di Paris 2, Xavier Rauffer, denuncia
"un enorme traffico di esseri umani, una prostituzione gigantesca qui
adesso invade tutta l'Europa, une prostituzione diretta da protettori
albanesi. Ora, tutta l'Europa occidentale � invasa di eroina proveniente
dai Balcani� (RTBF, 24 marzo 2000). E' noto che alcune grandi banche
europee �lavano� il denaro sporco accumulato con questi traffici. La
NATO trasformer� tuttii Balcani in una "gangocrazia"? I giovani
jugoslavi ed europei saranno sempre pi� in preda a questo flagello della
Colonizzazione non vuol dire stabilit�. La colonizzazione della
Jugoslavia e dei Balcani da parte dell'Occidente non porter� la
stabilit�. Se aumentano miseria ed ineguaglianze sociali, i popoli
prenderanno coscienza di essere stati ingannati, e si ribelleranno per
riguadagnare la propria indipendenza. Si vedr� allora che le basi
militari della NATO non sono rivolte solo verso gli obiettivi strategici
della Russia, del petrolio del Caucaso e del Medio Oriente, ma hanno
anche il ruolo di reprimere i popoli dei Balcani. Oggi cresce il
malcontento in paesi come la Macedonia o la Romania e gli osservatori di
questi paesi mi hanno confidato che le prossime elezioni potrebbero
vedere un ritorno della sinistra. Anche in Jugoslavia, se Kostunica -
cio� Djindjic � va al potere, al popolo jugoslavo non occorrerebbe
probabilmente molto tempo per capire di essere stato ingannato. Per
spezzare e deviare le rivolte, gli USA e i loro alleati cercherebbero
certamente di suscitare di nuovo degli scontri.
La resistenza � dunque la sola via possibile per assicurare la pace e lo
sviluppo sociale nei Balcani. Milosevic ha dichiarato nel suo ultimo
discorso elettorale: �Se divenissimo una colonia non saremmo mai liberi
dalle sanzioni, perch� essere una colonia � la forma peggiore delle
sanzioni. Se divenissimo una colonia, non avremmo alcuna possibilit� di
sviluppo, n� a breve n� a lungo termine�. Su questo punto non si pu� che
dargli ragione.


Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"

> http://digilander.iol.it/lajugoslaviavivra

I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma vengono
fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al solo scopo di
segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")

Per contributi e segnalazioni: jugocoord@...


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Ricordiamo che una precedente, interessante intervista a Mihajlo Markovic, effettuata da J. Elsaesser della rivista tedesca KONKRET prima dell'estate, e' disponibile in versione italiana a cura del Coordinamento Romano per la
Jugoslavia: http://www.egroups.com/message/crj-mailinglist/455


Interview with Mihajlo Markovic, former vice president of the Socialist
Party of Serbia

'A counter-revolution, and not all that velvety'

Tanja Djurovic, Belgrad
(October 11, 2000-for junge Welt - www.jungewelt.de )

Mihajlo Markovic, member of the Serbian Academy of Science and until
the vice president of the Socialist Party of Serbia, was one of the
ideological leaders of that party. Before 1989 he had a reputation as a
'reformer' and opponent of Tito within the Yugoslav left. Because of his
position in the movement in Yugoslavia, we thought this interview with
would be of interest to anyone following the current developments-IAC

- Professor Markovic, following the all-level elections on September 24
Yugoslavia, a certain "coup d'etat" took place on the streets of
on October 5, organized by the Democratic opposition of Serbia (DOS).
are already calling this "a velvet revolution." How would you describe

October 5 started out as one of the "rebellions" we've already had an
opportunity to see. On March 9, 1991 to begin with and from then on
were several attempts on the street to scare the regime, to make it back
off, to perhaps enter state institutions and take them over by force -
was the case elsewhere in the countries of Eastern Europe.

Of course this October 5 protest was not simply a "peaceful" expression
civil disobedience and was not even planned to be peaceful, no matter
its organizers say. There was a lot of violence in it. A couple of
were killed and around 100 injured, material damage was considerable.
...All this shows clearly that this was a counter-revolution, and not at
all that
"velvety," as some are calling it now.

By my definition, a revolution is a social coup, a social
which leads to some higher, more progressive form of society. When this
not the case, then we're speaking of counter-revolution.

Slobodan Milosevic should have admitted the defeat on presidential
elections immediately. Then the damage would be smaller. But, he made
another in a sequence of mistakes, and decided not to accept
election-results from September 24. Finally, when a big wave of protests
was initiated, when on October 5 the DOS rallied the people to the
capital for mass demonstrations, the number of people gathered wasn't
important anymore, because Milosevic in the meanwhile already decided to
capitulate. The army didn't react. The police gave more-less symbolic
resistance, and power was simply given up.

- What were the factors to bring this situation about, and put an end
the Serbian 10-year-long resistance under Slobodan Milosevic? Why didn't
happen before?

Here, in Serbia, the "transition" scenario didn't work out for a long
for several reasons.

One of those reasons is that in Serbia already certain necessary reforms
had been carried out. In year 1989 we had reforms of both the political
economic system. Therefore, what was later changed in East European
countries, in Yugoslavia had been reformed and changed already, but of
course the government was firmly in the hands of socialist forces.

Besides, the Serbian nation is very resilient when it comes to attempt
impose on it solutions from the outside. It resisted firmly and for a
time the attempts coming from reactionary circles from the West - to
"transition" here, as it is called, transit to liberal [unregulated]
capitalism, with "shock-therapy" and all the other catastrophical
consequences for people and for society. So some kind of consciousness
about all this existed, and therefore the resistance.

Nevertheless, the combination of certain factors in last 10 years
about the gradual change in this attitude. First and very crucial, an
enormous pressure from the USA and the West, which directly interfered
our internal matters, gave directives to opposition leaders and spent
70 to 100 million of dollars on these last Yugoslav elections alone.

On the other hand, an inner weakening in the government itself occurred,
and certain demoralization of Socialist party of Serbia (SPS) cadres
[leading organizers]. And what's worst of all, the people, who found
in a very difficult material situation, almost direct misery, couldn't
it anymore.

And then this motto "Change" at any cost, even if it was said that those
changes can be for the worse (as they will be), prevailed. This is how
electoral defeat of the leftists occurred. Not total defeat naturally,
the Federal Parliament the coalition of left forces still has the
majority -
but on local level it was total indeed, and defeat on the presidential
level, of course.

- You mentioned "inner weaknesses" and "demoralization" in SPS... Apart
from the foreign factor, which is more than obvious, how much did the
Yugoslav leftist government itself contribute to its downfall in these

In the Socialist Party -- which carried the defense of basic socialist
values -- at the beginning there was certain amount of inner democracy,
morale was also at a certain high level. Even now naturally you have a
great number of socialist executives who remained honest and
who didn 't abandon their leftist orientation.

But the situation was gradually changed by the fact that inner erosion
place. First of all, Slobodan Milosevic himself was very insensitive
towards corruption. Even if he himself remained honest through and
until the end, even in his own family he wasn't principled enough to
the behavior of his son and his wife Mirjana Markovic. All that had a
really bad influence on society, on followers, on members and executives
the Socialist Party itself.

This played a big role in inner erosion. And creation of Yugoslav Left
(JUL) played a devastating role.

The JUL figures as a left party, but according to the informal admission
Milosevic himself, this "left" party was created under sanctions, under
blockade. To break through this blockade the Yugoslav government had to
tolerate some forms of gray economy. A certain number of private owners
to pay bribe-money to functionaries of European Community and NATO. This
how we managed to come by oil, gasoline and all the rest.

But those private owners, through gray economy, gathered a certain
of wealth. Milosevic, when he thought about how those people, who
became capitalists now, as a matter of fact will be the adversaries of
socialists, decided it would be good finding some way to make them

Eventually, this is how JUL was created, and Milosevic's wife took its
leadership. But, in essence, this was after all a bad idea and no matter
how attractive this seemed at first glance, in the long run the
consequences were bad as we can see.

People in this so-called left party were there just to enrich themselves
further, and to gain perhaps some political position on the top of
everything by which to protect their capital. Of course it had a very
demoralizing effect on Socialist party itself.

And then, Milosevic even made socialists promote the JUL everywhere, be
coalition with it, and on elections give a great number of seats to
representatives of the JUL. For years this has been causing increasing
unrest among functionaries of the Socialist Party.

- You are one of the ideologists of SPS...Some say even so called
nationalism and its establishing in program of Socialist party
also to the downfall of the leftists...? - "Serbian nationalism",
nationalism as such and even patriotism, are often confounded with
chauvinism...This is a simply a big defect in thinking, so let me

Nationalism? I have critical attitude towards nationalism, in a sense
nationalism always means one-sided approach to a problem, seeing only
national dimension of it. So all is seen in the light of national
relations, national interests. I am critical towards it. But even there,
you have two
kinds of nationalism. You have "benign nationalism" which is, as I said,
just one-sidenesness. But chauvinism, which I would call "malign
nationalism," is an entirely different thing.

Chauvinism is hatred of other nations, non-acceptance of other nations,
is something absolutely negative. So people who do not or cannot make a
difference between those two kinds of nationalism, or can't even make a
difference between nationalism and patriotism, are simply not educated
enough. They just don't see the problematic of our times in all its
nuances, but take things superficially. They see only black and white,
where there are shades of gray.

Therefore, this is not the question of "Serbian nationalism," not even
benign one, but of Serbian patriotism. Patriotism is love for its own
people and its own country, and is completely justified. You can't be an
internationalist without being a patriot, and when injustice and
is done, you have to defend your country in a way you would defend any
other country as well. Patriotism is something entirely positive.
Nationalism could be present in some right parties, Seselj's or
parties for instance, but in Socialist Party case we can speak only
patriotism, accepting other nations but at the same time readiness to
defend interests of own, Serbian nation.

It is entirely unjustified to say SPS was infected with any form of
nationalism, and Milosevic himself can't be called a nationalist. His
famous Gazi Mestan speech in 1989, was a completely anti-nationalist
speech. Some people are calling it nationalistic, even without reading

Or before this, Memorandum of Serbian Academy of Science - in the whole
world it was considered a base of Milosevic politics, and called a
nationalistic document which lead to breaking of old Yugoslavia. Anybody
who had a mind to do that, could read this document and see that in it
spoken uniquely and only about equality of all nations.


Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"

> http://digilander.iol.it/lajugoslaviavivra

I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma vengono
fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al solo scopo di
segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")

Per contributi e segnalazioni: jugocoord@...


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Il tuo sondaggio sul web sugli argomenti che preferisci
Facile da gestire e con rappresentazioni grafiche dei risultati.
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- You spoke of transition scenario. We all know the consequences of
"transition" in East European countries, as well as its outcome. If we
that these elections were a choice between "freedom and slavery," is it
possible that Serbian people voted consciously and willingly for its own

Of course it didn't! It just couldn't cope with the pressure anymore,
here's the reason why. As I said, Serbian people had put up a 10 year
and very persistent resistance, and I said why. And according to me it
would have kept on resisting - if each and everyone suffered the
consequences equally...But ordinary people couldn't take the misery and
suffering anymore, watching a certain number of others growing richer
richer, and enjoying the luxury. The discrepancy between left parties'
program and practice was too big. This is why we were defeated in the
by DOS.

And this is not the matter of "Serbian nationalism" or DOS "being

But people who engaged themselves in "the change," and voted for it
the supposition "it can't be worse than it is already" will soon see
it certainly can. And when Serbian people make sure it can be worse and
will be, when they see the layoffs and selling out of people's wealth,
they feel the pressure of debts and when they finally see how we become
half-colony of foreign capital and the New World Order, of the USA first
all, then here again the conditions will be created for socialists and
left forces.

- At this moment, situation in the country is far away from being clear
yet. On one side we have leftist forces, with all their past weaknesses
advantages. On the other side we have DOS, executing counter-revolution,
even if it's mostly done behind the stage. When the dust is settled, how
will this situation unravel?

Let's take a look first at DOS, this coalition which presently won "on
streets"...On one hand we have here our new President Vojislav
and on the other, one very colorful grouping of politicians who do not
agree on anything else except in their goal to topple Milosevic. This
achieved, the fight among them is imminent, about everything. We all
and saw DOS leaders already, they unified somehow under U.S. pressure,
managed to find one single man, the only man among them all for whom it
be said that he's honest and non-compromised.

One thing should be clear: there's a big difference between Kostunica
the rest of his allies. Kostunica is a man who was always what he is -
anti-Communist, patriot, critical towards American foreign policies. He
vehemently against bombing of Yugoslavia last year, and he publicly said
won't cooperate with Hague Tribunal for war crimes in ex-Yugoslavia,
he considers it not a legal, but a political institution. He publicly
he won't give Slobodan Milosevic to the Hague.

These are all the reasons why America is already criticizing Kostunica,
says it'll accept him as someone who believes in legal state and
procedures. But out of these statements clearly follows that USA will
accept him only for a while and he won't stay in his position for long.
Unless Kostunica manages to defend himself and his position, considering
has a wide support of his citizens. And Kostunica is not a new [Czech
President Vaclav] Havel, no matter what USA might think.

Kostunica is also a legalist, trying to use existing legal forms.

The problem is, the rest of DOS, people around him, are not. They're
already forming some "crisis groups" which are illegal institutions, and
which are for example already pressuring certain politicians, certain
directors of enterprises to submit their resignations, so some other
chosen arbitrarily by the DOS can take their places. This is completely
anti-constitutional of course.

According to the constitution, the first thing to be done is to
the Federal parliament. This process is not finished yet, because the
is arguing 19 mandates of socialists from Kosovo and Metohija. But when
this is settled, and all mandates verified, by my opinion the situation
will be clear that left is in majority there.

At this point we will see how much president Kostunica is indeed a
legalist, because government should be formed by parliament majority.

Kostunica already accepted giving the place of prime minister to someone
from the Montenegro Socialist party, constitutional again. But we
have Zoran Djindjic, saying something which is not true - he's in favor
a "government of experts." This is hardly for Djindjic to decide, and
parliament will chose what kind of government it wants.

Now, speaking about Serbian republic government, the situation is still
unraveling and we have to wait for the outcome.

Altogether, considering present "double rule" in the country, it is
that, as in any counter-revolution, the DOS will use their present
advantage, triumph on the streets and support of masses, to win crucial
power. By illegal means if must be. But even so, the DOS leaders will
to live with great resistance because of those methods precisely.

- The chances of Yugoslavia and its people for resistance to the
of USA, its centers of might and globalization are far from being spent
yet...and leftist forces will certainly play a role in this fight in
to come. What role will that be, and how significant? What is the
task of socialist now?

As for the leftist forces themselves, it is obvious that now they must
partly start anew, and a new period must begin for them. A period in
socialists will have to organize without Milosevic's leading role. Hope
that socialists of Serbia will regroup after recent defeat, renew and be
political force, lies first of all in a fact that inner erosion in SPS
be stopped. New people will come, avoiding the mistakes done in the past
and now. And again by East European model, socialists will come to power
once again. Real and true ideas never die.

As for the globalization process, this is not a real and true idea. This
precisely why it won't last forever. The power-and-money hungry American
empire will crumble down as a tower of cards, as every empire does in
end, cause its foundations are rotten to the core.

The resistance block is already building up - and dreadful experience
Yugoslav bombing last year contributed to this significantly. American
politics, until the aggression on Yugoslavia, seemed to have much
with its "stick and carrot" policy, and to be able to manage fulfilling
goals just fine without wars.

But NATO bombing of Yugoslavia scared the world, showing that NWO in a
of things has the same characteristics as fascism.

Russia, China, India, South American and African countries - they're all
sobered up now, wiser, awakened.

- How much did those countries, and the whole anti-imperialist world
now, with change of power in Yugoslavia?

They lost a lot, this is true. For U.S. and NATO it was imperative to
full control over Balkans, so that they would have unhindered
approach to Middle Asia, to Caspian basin, to territories rich with oil
other precious natural resources. Yugoslavia and Serbia were undoubtedly
bastion of resistance there, and on their way. NATO lost 10 years with
Serbia. Now, Slobodan Milosevic is out of their way. Vojislav Kostunica
would wish to continue this kind of resistance, but unfortunately will
have the support of his collaborators. This is of course an immense
first of all for Russia.

Nevertheless, forces of resistance to globalization are getting stronger
front of our eyes, from minute to minute, and will keep on getting
stronger. And maybe Yugoslavia will still have its place among them in

In view of this, the forces of the New World Order have no chance for

Tanja Djurovic is a Junge Welt correspondent from Belgrade.


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