

Il panorama dei media jugoslavi, successivamente ai fatti dell'autunno
2000 - l'assalto al Parlamento, la devastazione dell'ufficio elettorale
e delle sedi dei partiti della sinistra e dei sindacati - si e'
gravemente deteriorato. Timidi tentativi di mantenere in vita un
quotidiano della opposizione di centro-sinistra sono ripetutamente
falliti a causa delle gravi difficolta' economiche: nella Federazione
Jugoslava, oggi, chi non ha una lobby economica straniera alle spalle
non ha voce. Il pluralismo della informazione, prima garantito
dall'equilibrio di fatto tra i media filo-governativi e quelli di
opposizione finanziati in Occidente, e' oggi morto e sepolto, e tutto il
panorama e' occupato dalle destre liberiste o nazionaliste-monarchiche.
Come avvoltoi in attesa di avventarsi sul cadavere, compagnie straniere
si mettono oggi in coda per giovarsi della prossima svendita dei media
statali, in primo luogo le TV. Anche uomini di Berlusconi, insieme a
greci ed altri imprenditori, si sono messi in attesa del via libera
governativo alla svendita di YU-Info, il quarto canale televisivo della
L'unica incognita in tutto questo, come spiega il dispaccio della
Reuters che sotto riportiamo, e' la sopravvivenza stessa della
Federazione minacciata dal referendum secessionista in Montenegro, che
si terra' in primavera sotto l'egida degli USA e della mafia delle
sigarette (collusa con la mafia italiana). (I. Slavo)


ANT1 has an eye on Yugoslav TV station

BELGRADE (Reuters) - Yugoslavia's YU-info TV station
yesterday announced that Europe's RTL Group and other leading media
companies had expressed an interest in the government-owned
channel, which is expected to be sold this year.
"Quite a few foreign media have inquired about the station
including RTL, Bloomberg, Greece's Antenna TV, and some of Berlusconi's
people visited me and asked for data," YU-info's director
Zoran Predic told Reuters.
He was referring to Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, whose
family controls Italy's largest commercial broadcaster Mediaset. "All
prospective buyers are at the level of inquiries, they visited, looked
around and are now on stand-by to see when the government will
decide to give the go-ahead," Predic said.
He added that the sale of the station was inevitable and would
certainly happen this year.
Yugoslavia's new leaders have been seeking to reform the country's
media sector following the downfall in 2000 of former Yugoslav
president Slobodan Milosevic, who frequently used state media for
propaganda purposes.
If YU-info was sold to a Western company, it would be one of the
first foreign investments in the Yugoslav media sector. YU-info is the
station with the widest Yugoslav coverage but it ranks only
fourth in terms of viewer numbers, Predic said.
The first step toward YU-info's privatization was taken when the
federal government this month decided to separate the channel
from other state media, which had formed a single company.
Yugoslav Information Secretary Slobodan Orlic told Reuters a
new broadcasting law would also need to be passed first before
the sale goes ahead.
"The adoption of the law can be expected in the next three
months and then an ownership transformation of YU-Info could be
launched very shortly after that," Orlic said. Orlic cautioned
however, that the privatization could be delayed until it becomes
clear what will happen with the federation, referring to plans
of the coastal republic of Montenegro to hold a referendum on
independence. "This (the privatization) could be completed relatively
quickly, but it is as much a legal as a political decision," Orlic said.

Il Museo di Storia Militare di Vienna sta ospitando una mostra dal
titolo "L'Austria ed il crollo della Jugoslavia", nella quale sono
esposti alcuni oggetti e materiali evocativi dei peggiori momenti della
propaganda occidentale a favore dello sfascio di quel paese.

La mostra, fortemente curata anche per le visite scolastiche, mira
esplicitamente ad avvalorare la tesi secondo cui non i secessionismi,
bensi' "il tentativo di impedire con le armi il disfacimento dello Stato
unitario" sarebbe alla base dei lutti e delle rovine nonche' del
disfacimento stesso (sic). Al contempo, la mostra non dedica nessuno
spazio, tra l'altro, agli effetti della guerra ecologica attuata dalla
NATO contro la popolazione civile nel 1999, alle conseguenze delle
sanzioni economiche, ai crimini della diplomazia occidentale.

Questa impostazione autoassolutoria e criminalizzante in particolare
verso una parte in conflitto (quella serba) riflette la attitudine
culturale prevalente in Austria e negli altri paesi ocidentali sulla
Jugoslavia, della quale e' segno anche il forte razzismo slavofobo ed
antiserbo evidenziato dal seguente dispaccio ANSA.

(a cura di I. Slavo)



(ANSA) - VIENNA, 19 GEN - Gli italiani sono i piu' simpatici agli
austriaci, seguiti dai tedeschi, mentre i meno simpatici sono serbi,
romeni e bulgari. Lo affermna un sondaggio pubblicato oggi dal
quotidiano di Vienna ''Die presse''. La ricerca, condotta dall'istituto
Fessel-Gfk, secondo il giornale registra un epocale cambiamento nelle
opinioni degli austriaci, che ancora negli anni '60 erano
completamente di altro parere rispetto ai loro vicini meridionali.
Questo cambiamento, afferma Peter Ulram, che ha condotto la
ricerca, e' una conseguenza degli intensi contatti allacciati dalle
popolazioni dei due paesi. ''L'Italia non e' piu' il paese delle vacanze
al mare - ha detto al giornale - bensi' una 'way of life', nella quale
hanno un ruolo molto importante la gastronomia, la musica e
anche la Toscana''. Questi i risultati, pubblicati oggi da 'Die Presse':

Italia 76 8
Germania 75 13
Grecia 52 2
Svizzera 54 7
Ungheria 54 12
Spagna 46 4
Gran bretagna 38 6
Croazia 41 12
Olanda 32 4
Francia 41 15
Slovenia 37 11
Usa 25 7
Turchia 29 12
Belgio 23 9
Rep.Ceca 33 22
Slovacchia 21 16
Polonia 12 11
Russia 12 11
Bosnia 12 13
Bulgaria 8 12
Romania 8 13
Serbia 7 17.

STE 19/01/2002 12:39


Subject: 78 Tage NATOnalismus in
Jugoslawien - und noch kein bisschen leiser!
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 15:30:37 +0100
From: joesb@...
Organization: JOeSB Aktuell
To: jugocoord@...

Jugoslawien war das einzige Land, das seinen
Weg alleine gehen wollte und sich westlicher
Integration und westlichen Koalitionen nicht
anzuschließen gedachte. Wie üblich wurde es
zum Schurkenstaat gestempelt, bevor modernste
konventionelle Vernichtungsmittel gegen die
BR Jugoslawien zum Einsatz kamen. Bilanz?
An die 3.000 jugoslawischen Zivilisten wurden
durch die Bombardierungen getötet und 248.000
Serben und Nicht-Albaner wurden vertrieben.
Der erste Tag der Bombardierung hat
72.086.625 Euro gekostet. Allein die
Zerstörung der petro-chemischen Industrie in
Pancevo hat 74.687.449 Euro gekostet.
Insgesamt betrugen die Kosten des Krieges in
Jugoslawien 350 Milliarden Dollar. In 78
Kriegstagen zerstörten die USA und die NATO
das Lebenswerk einer ganzen Generation: mehr
als ein Drittel des lndustriepotentials, 100
Brücken, unzählige soziale, medizinische,
Verkehrs-, Informations- und
Von Reparationszahlungen ist nach wie vor
keine Rede. In den Kriegen der USA und der
NATO werden die neuesten Waffen und andere
Technologien zum Einsatz gebracht. Ihr Wesen
aber ist den vorausgegangenen
Weltordnungskriegen gleich: den Gegner bis
zur Kampf-und Handlungsunfähigkeit zu
schwächen, um über ihn das Diktat ausüben zu
können sowie die Kontrolle über Ressourcen
und Territorien zu erringen.

Die Veranstaltung der JÖSB "1999 - Bilanz
eines Krieges, der nie enden wird" ist eine
Rückblende in wirtschaftlicher, militärischer
und politischer Hinsicht.

WANN? Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2002 um 19 Uhr

WO? Vorstadtzentrum XV, Meiselstraße 46/4 in
1150 Wien

Und nun folgt eine Kritik zur akutellen
Großausstellung "Österreich und der Zerfall
Jugoslawiens" im "Heeresgeschichtlichen
Museum" in Wien.
Wir rufen alle dazu auf, aktiv zu werden und
Protestfaxe an das österreichische
Aussenministerium zu schicken, denn bewusstes
Verschweigen und der damit verbundenen
Falsifikation geschichlicher Tatsachen muss
der Boden unter den Füßen entzogen werden.

Was Du tun kannst:

* Unterstütze den untenstehenden Text und
teile uns dies mit
* Veröffentliche den Text in Deinem
Wirkungsbereich (Betrieb, Schule, Wohngebiet,
Verein etc.)
* Fordere von der österreichischen Regierung
(Bundeskanzleramt Dr. Wolfgang Schüssel,
Ballhausplatz 2, A-1014 WIEN, Mail:
wolfgang.schuessel@... ) sowie vom
Außenministerium (Bundesministerium für
auswärtige Angelegenheiten, Dr. Benita
Ferrero-Waldner, Ballhausplatz 2, A-1014
WIEN, Mail: minister.bmaa@... ) die
falschen oder ungenügenden Texte in der
Ausstellung richtig zu stellen
* Kontaktiere Dir bekannte politische
MandatarInnen und fordere diese zu Protesten
gegen diese Ausstellung auf
* Schreibe LeserInnenbriefe an Zeitungen
* Fordere eine ausführlichere Stellungnahme,
warum bereits widerlegte Propagandalügen
bewusst trotzdem Platz in der Ausstellung

Presseabteilung Außenministerium
Tel.: 01 53 115 - 3262
Fax.: 01 53115 - 213
e-mail.: abti3@...

Diese kritischen Anmerkungen zur neuen
Ausstellung in Wien wurden uns
freundlicherweise von Kurt Köpruner,
Jugoslawienexperte und Erfolgsautor des
Buches: ?Reisen in das Land der Kriege?,zur
Veröffentlichung bereitgestellt.

Ziel der Ausstellung:
?Ziel der Ausstellung ist es, den gesamten
Zeitraum des Zerfalls des jugoslawischen
Gesamtstaates, von der
Unabhängigkeitserklärung Sloweniens bis zum
militärischen Eingreifen der NATO in
Makedonien, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung
des "österreichischen Aspekts" zu behandeln.
[...] Durch die optische Aufbereitung wird
sich der Besucher im Laufe der Ausstellung
der gesamten Problematik des Zerfalls und der
Entstehung der neuen Staaten, mit all ihren
positiven und negativen Begleiterscheinungen
und Folgen, zusehends bewusst werden, ohne
dabei die ?österreichischen Aspekte? aus den
Augen zu verlieren.? (Ausstellungsprospekt,
auch im Internet:

Zusammenfassende Feststellung: Dieser -
durchaus löblichen - Zielsetzung wird die
Ausstellung in keiner Weise gerecht.

Die ?österreichischen Aspekte? beschränken
sich auf einige nicht eben sehr
aussagekräftige Objekte, wie Grenzbalken oder
Schriftstücke zur Bundesheermobilisierung vom
Juni 1991. Die Einmischungspolitik des
neutralen (!) Österreich in die inneren
Angelegenheiten eines Nachbarstaates,
insbesondere die kriegstreiberischen
Aktivitäten des damaligen Außenministers Dr.
Alois Mock finden keine Erwähnung. Die
geschichtsschreiberische Behandlung ?der
gesamten Problematik? beschränkt sich in der
Ausstellung auf denkbar knapp gehaltene
Tafeltexte. Mit jeweils wenigen Sätzen werden
darauf die ?acht Kapitel? des Zerfalls
Jugoslawiens ?erklärt? - ein zwangsläufig
aussichtsloses Unterfangen, zumal nahezu
jeder dieser Sätze historisch problematisch
ist, zum Teil sogar schlicht falsch. Wer sich
an der Ausstellungskassa nach weiterführender
Lektüre erkundigt, wird freundlich darüber
aufgeklärt, dass es nichts Derartiges gäbe,
aber ?ohnehin alles Vorhandene ausgestellt?
sei. Offenbar setzen die Ausstellungsorganisatoren
beim Besucher ein diffuses
Vorwissen voraus, von dem sie annehmen, das
sie mit ein paar Brocken in Erinnerung rufen
können.Die jugoslawische
Vielvölker-Problematik kommt ebenso wenig zur
Sprache, wie die seit Jahrhunderten währende
kriegerische Einmischung von außen, die in
den neunziger Jahren eine dramatische
Fortsetzung gefunden hat.

Kostproben von Irreführendem und Merkwürdigem
auf Infotafeln, im Ausstellungsprospekt bzw.
im Internet:

Irreführend, falsch (1):
Die Gründe, die zum Zerfall Jugoslawiens
führten sowie die Resultate des Zerfalles
werden so dargestellt:
?Der Versuch, den Zerfall des Gesamtstaates
mittels Waffengewalt zu verhindern, führte
schlussendlich zu dessen endgültigem Zerfall
und forderte in den letzten zehn Jahren rund
300.000 Tote; über 2,5 Millionen Flüchtlinge
verließen das Land.?
(Internet, z. T. auch im
[Kommentar: Auch nicht umfassend korrekt,
aber richtiger wäre das Gegenteil: Der
Versuch, den Zerfall des Gesamtstaates
mittels Waffengewalt zu herbeizuführen,
führte ... ]

Fehlerhaftes Verwirrspiel (1):
?Am 3. Juni [1999] hat Belgrad dem G8 Plan
zugestimmt. Wenige Stunden zuvor hatte die
Nato ihre Luftangriffe ausgesetzt, da die
jugoslawische Armee bereits mit dem Rückzug
begonnen hatte.? (Infotafel Kosovo)
[Kommentar: Die Nato bombardierte bis zum
09.06.01, die jugoslawische Armee begann mit
dem Rückzug Zug um Zug mit der Einstellung
des Bombardements.]

?Bereits während der Verhandlungen von
Rambouillet wurde deutlich, dass Belgrad
nicht bereit war, einem Verbleib der UCK im
Kosovo zuzustimmen.? (Infotafel Kosovo)
[Kommentar: Das wurde wohl schon etwas früher

?Bis Anfang Juli [1999] verließen rund 72.000
der 200.000 Serben den Kosovo.? (Infotafel
[Kommentar: Eine Ausstellung Ende 2001 könnte
auch auf den Zeitraum nach Anfang Juli 1999

Fehlerhaftes Verwirrspiel (2):
?Ab 1998 begann das gezielte Anwerben von
Soldaten, was die UCK von einer kleinen
Organisation auf eine bis zu 2.000 Mann
starke Armee anwachsen ließ, der sich laufend
weitere anschlossen.
Gemäß dem Demobilisierungsabkommen vom
21.06.99 lieferte die UCK den größten Teil
ihrer Waffen ab und wandelte sich in ein
ziviles Friedenskorps (KPC) um; lediglich 200
von 5.000 Mitglieder durften ihre Waffen
behalten (TMK).? (Infotafel Kosovo)
[Kommentar: Wie stark war sie denn nun, die
UCK? Wer hat denn später in Südserbien und in
Mazedonien attackiert und mit welchen Waffen
geschah dies?]

Irreführend, falsch (2):
?Erst die Vereinigung der bosnischen
paramilitärischen Verbände zu einer
eigenständigen Armee und das zaghafte
Einschreiten der Nato, allerdings erst nach
dem Angriff auf UN-Schutzzonen im Sommer 1995
(Srebrenica) verlangsamte den Vormarsch der
serbischen Verbände." (Infotafel Bosnien -
[Kommentar: Da ist so ziemlich jede Aussage

Merkwürdig (1):
?Im Sommer 1995 wurden die serbisch
kontrollierten Gebiete Kroatiens (Krajina,
Ostslawonien, und Baranja) während der
kroatischen Sommeroffensive zurückerobert.
120.000 Serben verließen Kroatien.?
(Infotafel Kroatien)
[Kommentar: Ein merkwürdige Beschreibung
dieser ethnischen Säuberungsaktionen - die
größten Einzelaktionen dieser Art während der
neunziger Jahre -die unter Mitwirkung und
Jubel des Westens ablief.]

Merkwürdig (2):
?Während es im Sommer zu den ersten kleineren
Gefechten kam, eskalierte die Situation im
Winter 1998/99 vollends; Massenvertreibungen
waren die Folge. Da trotz internationaler
Bemühungen keine Lösung erzielt werden
konnte, griffen NATO-Verbände ein und
bombardierten Ziele in Serbien und im
Kosovo.? (Ausstellungsprospekt).
[Kommentar: Die Eroberung von 40 % des Kosovo
im Sommer 1998 durch die UCK, die damals
300.000 Flüchtlinge waren demnach das
Resultat von ?kleineren Gefechten??]

Merkwürdig (3):
?The Serbs have created concentrations camps
within de industrial compounds for a great
number of detained Muslims and Croats. Some
of the largest camps were: Keraterm,
Trnopolje and Omarska.? (Ausstellungsobjekt
[Kommentar: Die (für die Begründung der
Nato-Luftschläge letztlich entscheidenden)
Bezüge zu Auschwitz und KZ?s wollte man
offenbar nicht ganz aussparen, man vermied es
aber, sich mit den längst widerlegten
Behauptungen die Finger zu verbrennen: Die
entsprechenden Passagen sind einem
englischsprachigen (!) Plakat zu entnehmen.]

Merkwürdig (4):
Die ausgestellten Angriffswaffen und Minen
sind durchwegs jugoslawischer bzw. russischer
Herkunft; soweit Waffen anderer Staaten
ausgestellt sind, werden sie
merkwürdigerweise jeweils als ?Abwehrwaffen?

Vieles findet weder in Text noch
Ausstellungsobjekten Erwähnung. Beispiele:

Die Auswirkungen der Nato-Luftschläge auf
zivile Ziele, die Umweltproblematik (Bomben
auf Chemiefabriken, Urangeschoße).

Die trostlose ökonomische Lage aller
ex-jugoslawischen Republiken (ausgenommen
Slowenien) als Folge des Zerfalls
Jugoslawiens; das Fehlen jeder Perspektive
für die dort lebenden Menschen.

Die negativen Auswirkungen auf die
Nachbarstaaten, Rumänien, Bulgarien, Ungarn,

Die völkerrechtliche Problematik (etwa:
Militäraktion ohne Zustimmung des
UN-Sicherheitsrates, frühzeitige Anerkennung
Kroatiens) und die Haltung, die Österreich
dabei eingenommen hat.

Die Aufarbeitung des fraglos wichtigen Themas
?Österreich und der Zerfall Jugoslawiens?
steht noch aus.

Jugoslawisch Österreichische
Solidaritätsbewegung JÖSB
PF 217
A-1040 Wien
Tel&Fax: (+43 1) 924 31 61

* DUE ESTRATTI dalla stampa macedone, a cura di Zivkica Nedanovska
* MORE LINKS to interesting articles


1.FONTE: "Dnevnik", Skopje
2.TITOLO: Finche' sono io il premier, le postazioni di sicurezza
non verranno ritirate
3.INDICE: Intervista di Lj. Georgijevski alla Tv di Skopje "Sitel"
6.DATA: 19/01/02.

Il premier macedone, Lj. Georgijevski, ha rilasciato una intervista
alla Tv di Skopje "Sitel", nella quale dice che minacce per la
sicurezza e l'integrità della Macedonia sono ancora presenti ed è
necessario che lo Stato si prepari di nuovo a scontri armati con gli
Albanesi. A suo avviso, oltre alle minacce dal paese, se ne possono
aspettare altre che vengono da fuori a causa della situazione politica
ed economica delle regioni vicine con popolazione albanese.
Egli ha dichiarato che è possibile una offensiva con l'ex formazione
militare albanese "ONA", oppure con quella formata nell'anno scorso
("ANA") perche', secondo lui, la Rep. di Macedonia "ha l'impegno
legale di essere pronta a difendere la sua sicurezza" perche' la
successiva battaglia si combatterebbe direttamente a Skopje,
Kumanovo, Tetovo (questa città nel corso di due ore potrebbe essere
massacrata). In conseguenza di tutto ciò, si devono intraprendere
azioni per la pulizia dei caposaldi nemici terroristici nelle
montagne di Skopska Crna Gora, Sar planina, Suva Reka. Per queste
ragioni, adesso, secondo la sua opinione, non è ancora il momento
per il ritiro dalle posizioni delle forze di sicurezza macedoni.
"Se adesso si ritirano queste posizioni, vorrebbe dire che lo
Stato macedone renderebbe possibile ai terroristi di realizzare
la pulizia etnica nelle regioni di Macedoni, Serbi ed altre
nazionalità". Inoltre ha dichiarato che vi sono delle divergenze
nel vertice statale in merito al fatto che lui è molto deciso a
non permettere il ritiro dalle postazioni di sicurezza finchè è
premier macedone. La mancanza dell'unità fra i politici macedoni,
secondo lui, è dovuta anche all'influsso del fattore internazionale
sulla scena politica macedone.

1.FONTE: "Dnevnik", Skopje
2.TITOLO: Dosta ha detto: basta!
3.INDICE: Esito drammatico della crisi macedone nel vertice statale.
6.DATA: 19/01/02.

Dosta Dimovska, per 11 anni membro della coalizione VMRO-DPMNE e la
collaboratrice più stretta del premier macedone, Lj.Georgijevski, due
volte vicepremier, una volta ministro degli Interni macedoni, si è
dimessa stasera. Ha dato le dimissioni da tutte le funzioni nel
Governo e nella Coalizione. Ha respinto decisamente la politica del
premier Georgijevski e del ministro degli Interni, Boskovski. Questa
importante funzionaria macedone ha accusato il premier Georgijevski
di averla isolata e svalutata sui media.
Inoltre, dice che negli ultimi sei mesi non c'era la comunicazione
necessaria fra di loro, che dovrebbe essere una cosa normale fra i
collaboratori politici.



Centre for Research on Globalisation

This Time the Macedonians finger the Puppet Masters

"Tell the Truth" strategy shows to be highly contagious.
Ambassador Pardew accused in Macedonia

by Umberto Pascali

EIR Magazine, 14 November 2001

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG),,
27 November 2001

A new bloody escalation launched by the KLA narco-terrorist gangs in the
north of Macedonia has again forced the country into facing a deadly
assault in the middle of a deafening silence from the rest of the world.
Just after the midnight of November 12, a terrorist gang ambushed with
unbelievable precision an armored vehicle of the Macedonian police.
Three policemen were killed and three seriously injured.

This time however Macedonia reacted, pointing the spotlight directly at
some of the "puppet masters." On November 14, the main Macedonian daily,
{Dnevnik} accused the US "facilitator," Ambassador James Pardew.


The Victory Strategy that was laid out by Lyndon LaRouche in a
historical statement last September 3 in Reston, VA ("Tell the Truth...
force the enemy to attack were you want and then unmask it") seems to
have been carefully considered. Another important point has apparently
been understood: the barbaric irregular war waged by the KLA is just one
element of a broader war: a psychological war aimed at breaking
Macedonia's moral and psychological ability to resist. As we have seen
so many time in the past, any time the Macedonians have rejected, even
partially, an order coming from NATO, and in particular from the
Anglo-American component of NATO, the KLA has been deployed with such
deadly precision, that few doubts were left in the minds of observers
about the terrorist's ability to use sophisticated intelligence,
allegedly received through satellite communications controlled
by certain NATO components.

Terror's Real Modus Operandi

This time {Dnevnik} spelled out the modus operandi. "The special
American envoy, James Pardew, without any mandate undermined the plan of
the Interior Ministry to secure the site... of one of the mass graves
containing the bodies of Macedonian civilians kidnapped and massacred
few months ago [by the KLA].

"Having unsuccessfully tried to block this plan during talks with the
leaders of the country, Pardew decided to deny any logistical support
[by NATO] for this action." Then the authoritative paper delivered its
"Truth punch.": "Pardew also alerted the [terrorist] 'bosses' of this
area [i.e. the KLA] to organize an adequate welcome for the [Macedonian]
police, Dnevnik has been told by high level governmental sources." On
the basis of its high level sources, the newspaper tracks down, step by
step, the drama that took place over the last days, and the role played
by Ambassador Pardew. From this reconstruction of the event, and from
many sources here in Macedonia, what emerges, on the positive side, is
the courageous and outspoken attitude of the Interior Minister, Ljube
Boskovski, who, not surprisingly, has become the "bete noir" of the main
Anglo-American media, starting with the British Broadcasting Company.
What also emerges is the potential beginning of a differentiation
between Ambassador Pardew and the other "international facilitator," the
French Alain Leroy.

Unexplainable Ambush

The drama started unfolding on November 10th. That day, an important
meeting took place concerning the identified mass graves. That same day,
Macedonia police had stopped a suspicious cars circulating near the
site. The occupants were armed, and turned out to be KLA terrorists;
they were arrested. Among them, there was a terrorist who called himself
"Commander Solana." The idea that a terrorist boss would chose as his
'nomme de guerre', and possibly as role model, the former NATO Secretary
General, and presently top European Official, provoked some ironic
comments here in Macedonia. However, even this minimum sign of defense
of national sovereignty, as we shall see, was not going to be tolerated.
A few hours later, KLA terrorists -- that supposedly had been disarmed
by NATO's Essential Harvest Operation -- ambushed and killed three
policemen, and wounded three others near the village of Trebos, five
kilometers east of Tetovo.

The victims were part of a courageous deployment that had been decided
on two days earlier by Macedonian authorities, to secure the site of a
mass grave, one of the three identified mass graves containing the
massacred body of Macedonian civilians kidnapped by the KLA. That
decision was taken against the wishes and brutal blackmail of
international representatives such as the US "facilitator" Ambassador
James Pardew. The murders were followed by mass kidnapping including
that of the editor of Tetovo KISS TV, a station that had just a few days
before interviewed Prof Nestor Oginar and Dr Stojadin Naumovski who were
visiting their city of origin as leaders of an American Macedonian
delegation. The author of this report also had the honor of being
interviewed by that TV station, the most prominent station in
a virtually besieged Tetovo.

Here in Macedonia, very few doubted from the very first moment that the
chronometrically precise terrorist ambush was part of a broader scheme
by elements of the so-called International Community. The message was
clear: Macedonians do not try to act as if you were a sovereign country.
If you do, you will be punished!

Pardew Crashes The Meeting

The Nov 10th meeting concerning the mass grave included the President
Boris Trajkovski, the Interior Minister, representatives of NATO, OSCE,
European Union, the War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague, the Macedonian
State Prosecutor and other governmental officials. This meeting was also
confirmed in an "open letter to President Trajkovski" written by
Minister Boskovski.

Though not invited, James Pardew broke into the meeting in the
Presidential office, and stated that the plan could not be accepted. He
demanded instead the creation of a "commission of experts" to "analyze"
the problem of the kidnapped victims. In particular, the rage of Pardew
targeted the Interior Minister, with whom the US ambassador refused to
shake hands. However, reportedly, the Macedonian government officials
resisted the enormous pressures. Minister Boskovski insisted that
Macedonia is a sovereign country, and not a protectorate, and thus,
after having carefully and exhaustively informed the many
representatives of the "International Community", it was a right and a
duty of the Macedonian state to secure the site of the mass grave, in
the presence of international observers. In the "open letter" quoted
above, Boskovski in polemics against post festal "ambiguous and untrue
statements made by the Presidential office," reminded President
Trajkovski: "On that Saturday [November 10] you, Mr. President,
gave precise orders to police forces to began the operation of securing
the site. You also stated that you are the president of this country and
as such you carry the responsibility to {tell the truth.}

"You reminded the representatives of the international community
that they are in a country in which governmental institutions
still function and nobody can interfere with those institutions
based on the law. You reminded them that they will one day leave
[Macedonia] and that you are the one that will remain with the
[Macedonian] people and {with the truth}... On the basis of all
these considerations you stated clearly to the representatives of
the international community that your last order is that the
[Macedonian] police be deployed and that you were not going to
accept any [contrary] suggestion."

The Open Letter of Minister Boskovski continues:

"You [Mr. President] gave a very wise answer to European Union
Ambassador Norberg that you rejected the creation of any
Commission on the Kidnapped civilians, because in your experience
such commissions are formed when someone does not want to reach
results..." Boskovski concludes with an emotional appeal not to
listen to pressures from outside, and not to renege the commitment
taken in the November 10th meeting. Indeed, in a nasty computer
game played by many servile international media, the Interior
Minister is being set up as the sacrificial lamb on the altar of
the international hypocrisy. "Please Mr. President, in the name of
the people, in the name of the fallen defendants of the Macedonian
people and in the name of our one and only country, come out in
public and {tell the truth!}"

"They Will Learn The Lesson"

Having seen the terrible pressure, Macedonians live in, especially in
the areas of Tetovo and Kumanovo, having had the privilege to talk to
many citizens who are fighting against fear and intimidation and who
still remain determined to stay in areas that the "international
Community have decided should be cut out of the jurisdiction of the
elected institution of the country, I cannot but agree with the appeal
to "tell the truth." Having seen so many irreplaceable ancient works of
art, especially religious buildings, defaced or totally destroyed,
sometimes with such sophisticated demolition methods that it makes one
think of the elusive puppet masters of the KLA, I cannot but have strong
feelings for people engaged in a moral resistance to intimidation and

The picture of the international interference is completed by the report
that appeared in {Dnevnik}which was partially quoted above. The
newspaper reported that the order given originally by President
Trajkovski to deploy to the site of the mass grave, was complemented by
a plan elaborated by the Interior Ministry. "In another meeting, on
Sunday morning [Nov 11], Trajkovski suggested that the police start to
immediately secure the site. The Interior Ministry presented a plan to
the International representatives.
The plan was translated into English, including all necessary
information - the number of policemen, the number and type of vehicles,
and the precise location where the police were to be deployed.

"[The French mediator, and EU representative] ... Leroy said that
he respected the opinion of the President... Leroy said that the
police will have a very precise mission and will refrain from
entering villages. The representative of the European Union
suggested [that] the police be accompanied by the monitors of the
EU, OSCE and by the soldiers of the [German Led NATO] Red Fox

All of these suggestions were reportedly accepted by the
governmental officials. However this first little step by
Macedonia toward regaining the country's national sovereignty was
brutally undermined. Explains {Dnevnik}: "But immediately after
the November 11 meeting with Trajkovski, Pardew organized his own
meeting with Leroy and his assistants in which the latest decision
of [Pardew] was presented with this words: 'There will not be any
logistic assistance [for the Macedonians]. We shall leave them
alone to learn a lesson.' The assistants of Pardew were
immediately given orders to alert the 'crisis area' [i.e. the
terrorists controlling the area around the mass grave] with the
suggestion that they prepare the 'welcome' [for the Macedonian

Clearly the allegations of {Dnevnik} and the words of Interior Minister
Boskovski, open a case of unprecedented gravity. Though, Ambassador
James Pardew has left the country, a minimum of decency and formal
respect for international and national laws requires that an
investigation be opened both in Macedonia and the US into his behavior
and actions, according to many sources here.

It is almost pleonastic to stress that such breathtaking reports of
connections between high level Western officials and terrorists, reach
the public while the US and Britain are conducting an unprecedented
bombing campaign against Afghanistan with the stated target to "get the
terrorist Osama Bin Laden."

How is this possible? How it is even thinkable that Macedonia still in
the middle of November of 2001 must be hostage to well armed terrorists,
who officially have been disarmed by the NATO Essential Harvest
Operation? How is it possible that Macedonia is being told that it will
not be allowed to fight terrorism until its Parliament has approved the
change of its Constitution imposed at arm point by terrorist gangs
deployed out of NATO controlled Kosovo? How is it possible that the
citizens of Tetovo have to accept as "normal" that every day some of
them can be kidnapped and possibly killed, or tortured and raped, like
in a sort of human sacrifice, while the "international community"
established that those man, women and children have to right to be

The Bizarre Mission of Ms. Bogue

In this context, I have to mention another one of the very strange
interventions of the international community. The main TV news (MKTV)
reported on November 13th that Janet Bogue, the US Deputy Assistant
Secretary of State for European Affairs, had arrived in Skopje for
meetings with the President and the Prime Minister of Macedonia. It is
unusual that such relatively low-level official is sent to meet the
highest governmental level of a country. To add to this bizarre story,
MKTV news reported that "Janet Bogue stressed that 'they' [the State
Department apparently] are aware that some Albanian groups are spreading
a strong propaganda line aimed at showing that they enjoy the support of
the United States. This is not true and {they have not to be

In other words it appears that Ms. Bogue was sent to the President and
Prime Minister of Macedonia to relay the message that any reports of
links between Anglo-American entities and the KLA are "KLA propaganda."
In the moment in which the slogan rapidly spreading all over Macedonia
is "Tell the Truth," such an intervention appears at least suspicious.
We do not know who authorized such a mission and especially who
authorized a low level official to go to the top leadership of a country
under terrorist assault to apparently communicate that certain reports
must be considered false by definition and must {not be encouraged.}
However the MKTV story could have opened a scandal within the scandal.
The "Tell the Truth" strategy instead is showing itself to be the real
winner. --

Copyright, EIR Magazine 2001. For fair use only

The URL of this article is:


Interview with Ljubo Boskovski:


Boskovski painted as Balkan man in the middle

Ljubo Boskovski: Trying to bolster police units.

By Scott Taylor ON TARGET
Monday, December 3, 2001 / The Halifax Herald Limited


(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 17 GEN - L'Italia e' per la Jugoslavia un paese
amico da lunga data, e non solo dopo l'avvio del processo democratico a
Belgrado, ma anche nei momenti piu' difficili per il popolo jugoslavo.
Lo ha detto il presidente federale Vojislav Kostunica dopo un primo
incontro con il capo di Stato italiano Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, oggi in
visita a Belgrado. Kostunica ha sottolineato la coincidenza di molte
posizioni fra i due paesi, ed ha in particolare apprezzato il sostegno
italiano al riconoscimento della sovranita' e integrita' territoriale
jugoslava, anche per quanto riguarda i problemi montenegrino e
kosovaro. Il presidente jugoslavo ha avuto parole di apprezzamento per
l'operato dei militari della Kfor in Kosovo, dove essi ''hanno protetto
ed aiutato la minoranza serba e montenegrina''. Kostunica ha poi
parlato del sostegno economico e delle possibilita' di sviluppo nelle
relazioni fra i due paesi, che ha definito gia' ottime, invitando a una
maggiore presenza dell'imprenditoria e del sistema bancario italiani
nell'economia jugoslava. Il presidente non ha mancato di sottolineare i
numerosi incontri avuti con le massime autorita' italiane nel primo
anno del suo mandato, dei quali la visita odierna di Ciampi e' una
riconferma nell'ottica di un rapporto sempre piu' costruttivo tra i due
paesi. Il presidente jugoslavo ha infine apprezzato la cooperazione tra
Belgrado e Roma nel campo culturale, che oggi avra' un suo picco con la
firma di un accordo di collaborazione fra le universita' serbe e
italiane.(ANSA). OT/DMR
17/01/2002 13:03

(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 16 GEN - Bottiglia e logo sono identici
all'originale, il sapore e il mistero sugli ingredienti anche: ma gran
parte della Coca-cola che si vende nei mercati di Belgrado e di altre
citta' serbe e montenegrine e' un surrogato prodotto nel Sangiaccato, e
sta creando non pochi problemi al gigante americano delle bibite
analcoliche. Tramontata almeno in parte l'epoca del contrabbando di
massa, in Jugoslavia imperversano i falsi a tutto campo:particolarmente
colpito e' il settore alimentare - persino l'acqua minerale locale e'
oggetto di imitazioni fatte con il rubinetto di casa, anidride
carbonica ed etichette fotocopiate - ma il fenomeno interessa anche
prodotti come i preservativi di marca, profumi, cosmetici,
abbigliamento, calzature, caffe', addirittura assorbenti igienici. Non
sono ovviamente esenti gli alcolici, per i quali si rischiano
sofisticazioni al metanolo, e un rinomato pate' al quale una vecchia
fabbrica chiusa da oltre 20 anni ha rubato il marchio per riprendere la
produzione, non si sa bene con quali materie prime. Accanto ai nuovi
falsi, prospera come sempre il mercato della pirateria audiovisiva e
dei programmi elettronici, con una aggiunta: repliche perfette o quasi
delle ultime generazioni di play-station e dei giocattoli interattivi.
Come ai tempi del regime dell'ex presidente jugoslavo Slobodan
Milosevic, i copyright cinematografici continuano ad essere ignorati:
ultima infrazione della serie, l'uscita praticamente in concomitanza
con quella del mercato statunitense del film di Harry Potter, appena
sbarcato in Italia ma visibile in lingua originale nei cinema di
Belgrado gia' da diversi giorni. (ANSA). OT
16/01/2002 19:56

(in fondo i dispacci ANSA sull'argomento)


News agencies distributed information yesterday that Bosnian Serb
leaders Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic were arrested. The President
of Yugoslavia, Voislav Kostunica, statted this to the Kosovo agency
UPI. The US special services arrested Karadzic and Mladic (these people
are charged of the crimes against the humanity) after the Belgrade
government informed them of their locations; the procedure of
delivering the arrested Serbs to the Hague Tribunal has allegedly been

It was not reported, however, where the arrests had actually taken
place and where they were being kept at present moment. Kostunica
himself rejected the information afterwards, saying that he had made
such a claim and that he had not given an interview to any Kosovo
agency. The White House press-secretary, Ari Fleischer, confirmed that
he did not have any information pertaining to Karadzic and Mladic’s

The Russian Echo Moskvy radio station reported that the reason for the
misunderstanding was a mistake of a translator, who wrote that Mladic
and Karadzic had been arrested. As a matter of fact, Kostunica gave an
interview to UPI in which he said that the civil authorities of
Belgrade were cooperating with the Hague Tribunal and that the American
special services were going to arrest those two men.

However, as the Yugoslavian Beta news agency reported, there is no such
UPI agency in Kosovo. The Kommersant newspaper published some very
curious information today. In particular, it was said that “the
information pertaining to Voislav Kostunica's statement to the Kosovo
news agency was delivered to the office of the ITAR-TASS news company
in Rome by the representatives of the leader of the Kosovo Albanians,
Ibragim Rugova, in Italy. The office confirmed their connection with
Mr. Rugova.

The statement made by the Yugoslavian president to the Kosovo news
agency was most likely not only a joke. It was clear from the very
beginning that Kostunica could not deliver the leaders of the Bosnian
Serbs to the Americans, and then he made statements on the subject to
the Albanian agency. Therefore, the “statement” can be referred to as
black propaganda on the part of Ibragim Rugova’s representatives. If it
turns out that the American special services nabbed Rugova Karadzic and
General Mladic, then it will be very difficult for Kostunica to prove
that he did not participate in their capture and did not say anything
to the Kosovo agency.

In addition, it was not the first time when false information regarding
Karadzic and Mladic has been distributed. This is psychological
pressure on Belgrade to try to force the Serbs to deliver the Bosnian
leaders to the Hague. It is also definitely pressure on Mladic and
Karadzic to make them yield to the Hague Tribunal.

There was an attempt in the past to bring down Radovan Karadzic’s
reputation in the eyes of Serb society. There was information
distributed saying that Karadzic was going to testify in court against
Slobodan Milosevic, the ex-president of Yugoslavia.

Sergey Stefanov

Translated by Dmitry Sudakov




(ANSA) - TIRANA, 17 GEN - Il segretario generale della Nato, George
Robertson, ha negato questa sera, cosi' come riferito da alcune fonti
giornalistiche, la cattura in Bosnia di Ratko Mladic e Radovan Karazic
ricercati dal tribunale internazionale per i crimini di guerra nella ex
Jugoslavia. Giunto in visita a Tirana come prima tappa di un tour che
lo portera' nei nove paesi che hanno chiesto l' annessione alla Nato,
Robertson ha detto di ''augurarsi che questa cattura avvenga quanto
prima perche' i Balcani saranno davvero liberi e in pace solo quando
Mladic e Karazic saranno catturati davvero''. Parlando della futura,
possibile, annessione dell' Albania nell' Alleanza Atlantica, il
segretario generale ha detto che ''le porte della Nato sono aperte e a
chiuderle potranno essere solo gli albanesi''. Domani Robertson sara'
in visita in Macedonia: ''Laggiu' - ha commentato - e' stato firmato un
accordo di pace che prevede la concessione di alcuni diritti e io
chiedero' alle autorita' di Skopje che questo accordo venga applicato
al piu' presto''. Rispetto alla prospettiva, paventata questa sera
dallo stesso premier macedone, del rischio di una ripresa del conflitto
nella primavera prossima, Robertson ha detto che ''chiunque
intraprendera' azioni violente sara' considerato un criminale''.
17/01/2002 20:39



(ANSA) - SARAJEVO, 14 GEN - Da un paio di settimane i Ranger, l'unita'
d'elite dell'esercito Usa, sono stati inviati in tre localita' di
montagna nel sudest della Bosnia per catturare Radovan Karadzic, l'ex
leader serbo-bosniaco e principale ricercato per genocidio e crimini di
guerra dalla giustizia internazionale assieme al suo comandante
militare. il generale Ratko Mladic. Lo afferma il quotidiano di Banja
Luka 'Nezavisne novine'. Tre gruppi dei Ranger - scrive il giornale
citando fonti della Forza di stabilizzazione della Nato (Sfor) e delle
istituzioni internazionali in Bosnia - stanno cercando Karadzic sulle
montagne di Romanija e di Zelengora, rispettivamente a est e a sudest
da Sarajevo, e nella zona di confine tra la Bosnia e il
Montenegro. ''Prima di inviare i commando sul campo - aggiunge il
giornale - gli americani hanno raggiunto un accordo con il presidente
montenegrino Milo Djukanovic secondo il quale saranno sbarrati i
confini per non permettere a Karadzic di riparare nel suo paese
d'origine''. Secondo il quotidiano, il supporto logistico agli
americani e' dato dal contingente britannico della Sfor, mentre i
militari francesi, nella cui zona di competenza i Ranger starebbero
operando, sono esclusi dall'operazione per paura di fuga delle
informazioni. Il giornale afferma anche che si fa sempre piu' certo
l'arresto e la consegna all'Tribunale penale internazionale dell'Aja
del generale Mladic da parte delle autorita' jugoslave. ''E' un segreto
di Pulcinella - scrive il quotidiano - che Mladic si sia barricato nel
suo appartamento nella capitale della Jugoslavia e che e' oggetto di
infuocate trattative diplomatiche tra Belgrado e l'Aja''. Negli ultimi
mesi le autorita' di Belgrado hanno a piu' riprese smentito che Mladic
si trovasse sul territorio jugoslavo, nonostante numerosi testimoni
affermino di averlo visto in diversi luoghi pubblici. La stampa
bosniaca riporta regolarmente voci sui presunti nascondigli e movimenti
di Karadzic e Mladic, mentre la Sfor afferma di non conoscere dove si
nascondano i due latitanti, ricercati dalla fine della guerra (1992-
1995). Lo scorso settembre, l'allora comandante della Sfor generale
americano Michael Dodson ha detto, prima di lasciare l'incarico, che i
due ricercati sono rifugiati in Jugoslavia (Serbia e Montenegro) e che
solo occasionalmente vengono in Bosnia. (ANSA) COR*VD
14/01/2002 16:41


Mister Sacirbegovic, per dimostrare il suo zelo patriottico
musulmano-bosniaco (quindi "bosnjak", bosgnacco), attorno al 1990
cambiava il suo nome ed il suo cognome: diventava Maometto per fede e
Bey per ideologia panislamica ed antislava. Per premio gli veniva dato
l'incarico di Ambasciatore presso l'ONU, come rappresentante dello
statarello dei tre gigli nuovo di zecca. All'epoca (1992-1993) era in
prima fila - a braccetto con la Ruder&Finn Public Global Relations e con
il Partito Radicale italiano - nella campagna disinformativa sugli
"stupri etnici" e sui "lager cetnici", con la quale spopolava a destra e
a sinistra. Dopo avere allegramente realizzato il sogno sanguinoso dello
smembramento del suo paese, Mister Sacirbegovic poteva ulteriormente
consolidare le sue entrature nell'establishment USA sposando una parente
di Mister Hoolbroke. Poi decise di voler fare la bella vita, e si
rovino'. (I. Slavo)


(ANSA) - SARAJEVO, 07 GEN - Le autorita' bosniache hanno emesso tramite
l'Interpol un mandato d'arresto internazionale contro l'ex ambasciatore
all'Onu ed ex ministro degli esteri Muhamed Sacirbey, accusato di
appropriazione indebita di 2,8 milioni di euro. Lo ha reso noto la
radio di Sarajevo. Sacirbey, che ha la doppia cittadinanza bosniaca e
americana, vive negli Stati Uniti. Le accuse contro Sacirbey sono
relative alle spese e ai fondi pubblici gestiti dalla missione bosniaca
a New York di cui Sacirbey e' stato il capo dal 1992 al 1996 e dal 1998
al 2000 e per cui non ha mai presentato riscontri. Il ministero degli
esteri ha percio' citato Sacirbey per appropriazione indebita di 2,5
milioni di dollari (2,8 milioni di euro) di fondi pubblici, ma i
mandati di comparizione emessi dalla magistratura bosniaca non gli sono
stati mai notificati. Sacirbey, vicino all'ex presidente Alija
Izetbegovic ha vissuto in Bosnia solo dal 1998 al 2000, quando e' stato
ministro degli esteri. Dopo la vittoria alle elezioni dell'Alleanza per
il cambiamento e la sconfitta dell'Ada, il partito di Izetbegovic, il
nuovo governo ha avviato delle ispezioni che hanno evidenziato
l'ammanco. (ANSA). COR*VD
07/01/2002 20:02

Metropolitan Christopher issues


LIBERTYVILLE - 10 January 2002:
Throughout our civilized world, year-end

celebrations mark festal seasons, both
sacred and secular, as a time of joy
and reflection. Orthodox Christianity is
no exception. However, this year
and yet again, the Serbian Orthodox
celebration of Christmas in Kosovo
and Metohija was tragically marred by
"violence and barbarity by Albanian
extremists." With these words, Yugoslav
President Vojislav Kostunica
strongly condemned recent outbreaks of
violence, coupled with a warning that
the situation in the province of Kosovo
and Metohija had not improved since
the November 2001 elections.

On Christmas Eve (according to the
Julian Calendar), Sunday, 6 January 2002,
a Serbian shop owner, Dragoljub Markovic
(age 36, father of 3) was killed
when he tripped a wire stretched across
the back entrance to his shop in
Kosovska Kamenica and set off an
explosive devise. This incident - one of
many in an ongoing series of terrorist
acts against the Serbian and other
non-Albanian populations of Kosovo and
Metohija - despite the presence of
so-called international peacekeeping
forces, triggered protests in the
streets of Kamenica until the man's
funeral on Christmas Day, 7 January
2002. Ironically, the principles of
"peace on earth and good will among
humanity" are clearly forsaken in Kosovo
and Metohija.

Kosovo Serbs have been openly urged to
participate in voter registration
and in past elections in return for
guarantees from UNMIK - the United
Nations Mission in Kosovo. Despite strong
participation in the electoral process, it
seems that little has changed in terms
of basic human rights and indeed, in
the very right to life itself. Organized
crime and discrimination against
non-Albanians is epidemic; 200,000 Serbs
(2/3rds of the prewar Serb
population) have fled; 50,000 Roma, Slav
Moslems, Croat Catholics and others
had to leave; more than 1,000 Serbs have
been killed; over 1,200 abducted
and are still missing. This is ethnic
cleansing of the first order.

Approximately 120,000 Serbs have lost
employment overnight; the Serbian
language is completely banished from
public life; all Serb inscriptions have
been systematically removed; thousands
of Serb books in public libraries
have been burned; Serb cultural
monuments, including 110 churches and
monasteries have been destroyed; and
Albanians greatly pressure Serbs to
sell their property under threats and
extortion. Refusals result in example
torching, killings and grenade attacks.
When will it end?

Kosovo is still ruled by apartheid. We
agree with President Kostunica who
stated: "Kosovo Albanians must decide if
they envisage a serious change of
policy towards peace and stabilization...
or whether they intend to
continue to live within a context of
violence." In the absence of decisive
action by the United Nations and NATO
against terrorism and violence, which
occurs continually in their very
presence, this choice obviously has been
made since it is apparently unopposed.

Therefore - as this directly impedes
upon our American security policies in
our stand against terrorism everywhere
in the world- on behalf of the
Serbian Orthodox Church in the United
States of America and Canada, we
openly call upon the Honorable President
of the United States of America

George W. Bush, and the Honorable
Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, to do
what is vitally necessary in moving the
United Nations and NATO to act
swiftly and decisively against terrorism
in Kosovo and Metohija, restoring
civilized law and order, returning all
the refugees to their homes, and
together working toward peace in the

+Metropolitan Christopher


Episcopal Council of the Serbian
Orthodox Church in the United States of
America and Canada

* * * * *

For further information please contact:
Fr. Irinej Dobrijevic, Executive Director
Office of External Affairs
2311 M Street NW, Suite 402
Washington, DC 20037
202-463-8643 (Telephone)
202-463-8645 (Fax)


Kako se zove mali Taliban?
Odgovor: Kinderladen

Wie heisst ein kleiner Taliban?
Antwort: Kinderladen

Come si chiama un Taliban da piccolo?
Risposta: Kinderladen (in tedesco: negozio per bambini)

(da BLIC)


Negli ultimi anni una serie di film e documentari prodotti in vari paesi
d'Europa hanno mirato a presentare la guerra fratricida jugoslava di
volta in volta come esplosione irrazionale di atavica barbarie oppure
come aggressione panserba al resto del mondo. In questo filone si
inseriscono ad esempio il cortometraggio razzista di Adriano Sofri "I
cani di Sarajevo", nel quale i cani sono, implicitamente, i serbi, e la
recentissima produzione propagandistica di B. Henri-Levy "Bosna". In
questi giorni sta uscendo una nuova pellicola statunitense, prodotta con
uno sforzo congiunto di Hollywood, del Pentagono e delle agenzie di
Public Relations che dal 1991 in poi hanno lavorato per l'appoggio ai
separatismi ed a favore dello squartamento della Jugoslavia. Il film si
chiama "Dietro le linee nemiche", e si presenta come autentica
immondizia propagandistica.



Film américain 2001, Film de guerre, Drame,
Action.Durée: 1h 46mn .
Date de sortie: 16 Janvier 2002
Avec Owen Wilson, Gene Hackman, Gabriel Macht, Charles
Malik Whitfield, Joaquim de Almeida Plus...
Réalisé par John Moore
* Synopsis: Propagande antiserbe à tous les niveaux :
Chris Burnett, un jeune lieutenant des forces armées
américaines, se voit confier une mission de
reconnaissance à la veille de Noël. Accompagné de
Stackhouse, il doit survoler une zone démilitarisée de
l'ex-Yougoslavie. Là, les deux hommes découvrent
l'existence d'une fosse commune. Burnett la
photographie, mais les troupes serbes au sol
déclenchent des tirs de DCA. L'avion, touché par un
missile SAM, s'écrase.
Les deux pilotes s'en sortent indemnes, mais les
représailles continuent et Stackhouse se fait tuer.
Chris, désarmé et sous le choc, n'a pas d'autre choix
que de prendre la fuite avec sa radio. En plein
territoire inconnu, il se retrouve traqué par des
Serbes dont il ignore les intentions. Aux États-Unis,
l'amiral Leslie Reigart reste convaincu que les deux
hommes ont survécu à l'explosion. Ecoutant son
instinct, il met sur pied sa propre mission de
On retrouve là tous les thèmes de la propagande
anti-serbe de l'OTAN et du Pentagone!
* Réalisé directement avec l'aide du Pentagone:
Et l'accord exceptionnel du DOD. Pour les extérieurs
du porte-avions, l'équipe de En territoire ennemi
(Behind enemy lines) obtint, à titre exceptionnel,
l'accord du Département de la Défense (DOD) de filmer
sur deux bâtiments de guerre. Six mois de démarches
administratives, de planning et de présentations
détaillées furent nécessaires pour l'obtention des
deux navires U.S.S. Constitution et U.S.S. Carl
Ceci pour ceux qui oublient que Hollywood est avant
tout un des éléments principaux de la machine de
guerre yanquee contre les peuples du monde!

URL for this article:

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by Jared Israel and Rick Rozoff
[Posted 16 September 2001]

Most people began reading Emperor's Clothes
because of our articles on 9-11.
We urge you to read the following, about
Kosovo. Since NATO and the UN in
Kosovo are very much under U.S. domination,
their behavior towards the Kosovo
terrorists clarifies the real relationship
of the U.S. Establishment to
terror. And looking at Kosovo we find the
same patterns of dishonesty and
public obfuscation that we have witnessed
around 9-11.

To help understand how NATO and the UN
operate in Kosovo, consider the news
dispatch below. It was issued by KFOR on May
24, 2001. (KFOR stands for
Kosovo Force. KFOR is the NATO occupation
force in Kosovo. COMKFOR is the
Command of the NATO occupation force in

Here's the KFOR dispatch:

"KFOR News Update
Pristina, 24 May 2001
By Maj. Axel-Bernd Jandesek, KFOR Spokesman

"More Than 450 UCPMB Members Surrendered
"By the end of COMKFOR's soft policy towards
UCPMB extremists, more than 450
former extremists had taken advantage of
this policy. These people
voluntarily laid down their arms and turned
themselves in at several KFOR
checkpoints. KFOR screened and released all
UCPMB members who are not
suspected of having committed serious
crimes."--KFOROnline 24 May 2001 (1)

UCPMB are the initials used by ethnic
Albanian terrorists when they are
attacking inner Serbia.

Some thoughts:

1) Note that the headline of this news
update speaks of '450 UCPMB members
surrender[ing]' but the text suggests all
except perhaps a few have been

2) The news update calls the UCPMB members
'extremists.' This suggests people
with far-out political positions. But in
fact these people are terrorists
organized in military units which conduct
heavily armed raids against inner
Serbia. They plant land mines. They
terrorize uncooperative ethnic Albanians.
They kidnap, torture and kill Serbian
villagers and policemen. They fight
battles against Yugoslav soldiers. Since all
this is illegal, and much of it
is murder, on what basis would KFOR conclude
that most of these terrorists
have not committed serious crimes?

3) Once the terrorists were released, why
wouldn't they return to their
previous occupation - laying land mines,
terrorizing, kidnapping and killing
people in inner Serbia?

To understand the significance of these
questions, consider the official
obligations of KFOR and its sister
organization, UNMIK (United Nations
Mission in Kosovo). These responsibilities
are laid out in the agreement
under which KFOR and UNMIK have occupied
Kosovo. That agreement is UN
Security Council Resolution 1244, or UNSCR
1244 (or just UN 1244 for short)
and the following is one of its overall

"Reaffirming the commitment of all Member
States to the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia and the other
States of the region, as set out in the
Helsinki Final Act and annex 2..."
Note: Helsinki Final Act can be read at

Regarding specific responsibilities:

"[The Security Council] decides that the
responsibilities of the
international security presence [that is,
KFOR and UNMIK] to be deployed and
acting in Kosovo will include:

Deterring renewed hostilities, maintaining
and where necessary enforcing a cease-fire...;
Demilitarizing the Kosovo Liberation Army
(KLA) and other armed Kosovo
Albanian groups as required in paragraph 15
Establishing a secure environment in which
refugees and displaced persons can
return home in safety, the international
civil presence can operate, a
transitional administration can be
established, and humanitarian aid can be
-- KFOR Online on UN Security Council
Resolution 1244 (2)
By setting free 450 terrorists who have been
committing mayhem in inner
Serbia (which is part of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia) KFOR flatly
contradicts its core principle:

"Reaffirming the sovereignty and territorial
integrity of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia..."

And what about:

Demilitarizing the Kosovo Liberation Army
(KLA) and other armed Kosovo Albanian groups...
[And] establishing a secure environment...
According to U.S. President William Clinton,
these requirements were largely
fulfilled by June 2000. In a letter to
Congress, Clinton stated:

"The KLA agreed on June 21, 1999, to a cease
fire, to withdraw from the zones
of conflict in Kosovo, and to demilitarize
itself. On September 20, 1999,
KFOR Commander Lieutenant General Sir Mike
Jackson accepted the KLA's
certification that the KLA had completed its
demilitarization in accordance
with the June 21 agreement. The UNMIK
thereafter established a civil
emergency services entity known as the
Kosovo Protection Corps that is
intended to provide civic assistance in
emergencies and other forms of
humanitarian assistance.

...The KFOR personnel provide a security
presence in towns, villages, and the
--President Clinton's Letter to Congress on
U.S. Forces in Kosovo. 16 June 2000 (3)


Regarding this, the Russian Press Digest

"The head of the U.N. mission in Kosovo,
Bernard Kouchner, has announced that
KLA representatives had turned in 10,000
units of various types of weapons
which allows the mission to speak about the
completion of the disarmament
process. 'We are satisfied that the OAK
[KLA] handed in 10,000 firearms, even
if we know that they still have another
100,000 guns,' joked one of the
members of the U.N. mission in Kosovo."
--Russian Press Digest 21 September 1999 (4)

Reports in other newspapers confirm that the
supposed demilitarization of the
KLA was a bad joke. Thus it is no surprise
that, following this
'demilitarization,' the KLA continued its
practice of gangsterism and
terrorism. This is documented in the
chilling article, 'Concentration Camps
and Gangster/Terrorism in Kosovo.' (4a)

CLINTON'S LIE # 2: "UNMIK Established the
Kosovo Protection Corps [which
is]...civic and humanitarian"

An article in La Stampa, the Italian
newspaper, vividly described the way the
civic and humanitarian Kosovo Protection
Corps (KPC) was set up.

"Shortly after midnight a local commander of
the KLA delivered to the Italian
KFOR troops the first shipment of weapons.
The delivery was preceded by a
short ceremony the course of which a
group of KLA guerrillas
symbolically turned over six machine-guns to
a squad of Italian troops,
receiving in exchange new uniforms of the
'Kosovo Protection Corps,' the
civil protection group into which the KLA
have to be transformed. The base
commander, Gezim Ostremi was asked if his
forces were still part of the
Kosovo Liberation Army, to which he replied,
after looking at the clock,
'It's after midnight, so we are Kosovo
Protection Corps.'"
--La Stampa, 20 September 1999 (5)

This was not the exception; it was the rule.

KFOR and UNMIK simply changed Kosovo
Liberation Army (terrorist) to Kosovo
Protection Corps (civic and humanitarian).

The KLA war criminals were not given jail
terms. They weren't even forced to
attend re-education classes, like a person
convicted of drunk driving.
Instead they were rewarded with new KPC
uniforms, a respectable title, UN
status (!) and paychecks (!).

And they got a leader. This was Agem Ceku.
For Mr. Ceku's curriculum vitae,
see 'UN Appoints an Alleged War Criminal in
Kosovo.' (6)

In brief, until he was appointed to the top
position in the KPC, Agem Ceku
led the KLA. And before that he was a
Croatian military officer, implicated
in war crimes against thousands of Serbian
civilians in the Krajina section
of Yugoslavia. (7)

Did KFOR and the UNMIK somehow transform the
terrorists who staffed the KPC
into good citizens?

Consider the case of Gezim Ostremi, the KLA
commander mentioned in the La
Stampa article, above.

During the summer of 2001, two years after
the formation of the KPC, some
Western newspapers revealed that Ostremi was
leading the terrorist assault on
Macedonia! The Irish Times commented:

"Before launching war in Macedonia,
Commander Gezim Ostremi was paid by the
UN to help set up the Kosovo Protection
Corps (KPC), [then] being appointed
its chief-of-staff." --The Irish Times, 5
July 2001 (8)

According to the Irish Times, Ostremi's role
as terrorist leader was a shock
to the leaders of the UN and NATO in Kosovo:

"The co-ordination of the international
community in the Balkans has been
thrown into confusion [by the revelation]."
The Irish Times, 5 July 2001 (8)

Ahh, confusion.

It seems that anytime the leaders of our new
Empire are implicated in some
vicious act that suggests not only hypocrisy
but criminal misconduct, they
and the media put the 'blame' on confusion,
inefficiency, bewilderment, lack
of preparedness - that is, human error.
"These vast bumbling bureaucracies
don't plot evil deeds, they just totally
screw up," is the idea.

Apparently someone did a study which
revealed that ordinary people will
forgive any official misdeed as long as the
guilty party quickly and freely
'confesses' to stupidity or incompetence
(rather than evil intent...)

Thus when he was asked why no planes took
off from Andrews Air Force Base,
which is right beside Washington, DC, to
intercept American Airlines Flight
77 during the 55-or-so minutes it was flying
towards the Pentagon, Secretary
of Defense Donald Rumsfeld offered the
following 'confession:'

"RUMSFELD: Tony, it happens because the
United States has not said to itself
that it needs to stay on high alert every
minute of the day."
--Fox News Sunday, (09:00) 16 September 2001

And when U.S. war planes bombed the clearly
marked and geographically
isolated Red Cross warehouses in Afghanistan
for the second time, the media
universally called it a mistake. (Actually
the second bombing was carried out
in two or more waves by several different
types of bombers.) Here are several
samples of the coverage:

* "In a costly mistake Friday, a Red Cross
warehouse was accidentally bombed
again." (The Lexington Herald Leader, 30
October 2001)

* "...twice mistakenly hit a Red Cross
warehouse" (The Herald (Glasgow), 30
October 2001)

* "...a second mistaken strike on a Red
Cross warehouse" (USA TODAY, 30
October 2001).

Emperor's Clothes interviewed Red Cross
officials in Switzerland about the
bombings. Based on what these officials told
us, it is simply impossible to
believe the U.S. military bombed the
warehouses by mistake. (10)

Returning to Mr. Ostremi, the Kosovo
Protection Corp (KPC) Chief-of-staff,
how could his terrorist activities come as a
surprise to KFOR and the UNMIK?

According to the Irish Times,

"The lack of close supervision [of the KPC]
meant it was weeks before the UN
realised Commander Ostremi had left to
command the rebels in Macedonia - with
some assuming he had gone on holiday."--The
Irish Times, 5 July 2001 (8)

Ahh, lack of close supervision, the cousin
of confusion and the curse of the
'bumbling bureaucrat.'

Note that not one bureaucrat has been
arrested for the criminal neglect
involved in allowing the Chief-of-Staff of
the KPC, an official UN
organization, to run a terrorist invasion of
a sovereign state. All is
forgiven because 'we all make mistakes.'

But wait. It wasn't just Ostremi that the UN
and KFOR overlooked due to lack
of close supervision.

"Hundreds of KPC reservists were called up
by their Albanian commander, Agim
Ceku, in March. They subsequently
disappeared to former KLA training camps in
Albania and are now re-emerging [as
terrorist fighters] in Macedonia."
--London Times, 10 June 2001 (11)

Sounds like the whole skeleton of the KLA
organization was activated, in the
form of KPC reservists, to go off and fight
in Macedonia.

You might wonder how KPC 'reservists' would
be able to commit terrorist acts
on unfamilair Macedonian territory.Wouldn't
they get lost?

No problem.

"Embarrassingly for the alliance, they [the
KPC reservists attacking
Macedonia!] are making use of maps issued by
Nato for the Kosovo Protection
--London Times, 10 June 2001 (11)

We comment on these maps in 'Sorry Virginia
But They Are Nato Troops, Not

[START QUOTE from 'Sorry Virginia']
"Isn't it charming how the Times employs the
term, 'embarrassingly,' as if
NATO had committed some breech of etiquette?
Let's see. Would that be
'embarrassingly' as in you order the wrong
wine to go with your date's
grilled shark? Or would that be
'embarrassingly' as in you get nabbed driving
the getaway car at the St. Valentine's Day

"Since NATO issued them and the KLA is using
them for an invasion, it is
reasonable to assume these are detailed
maps, including roads, the location
of various facilities and topographical
features such as hills, etc.

"Macedonia is a sovereign state. It is not
under NATO or UN control. The
Kosovo Protection Corps has no valid reason
to set foot on Macedonian territory.

"The KPC is officially not a military entity.

"Putting all this together, for what purpose
did NATO provide the KPC with
military maps of Macedonia? If not for the
obvious purpose: to attack it!"

[END QUOTE from 'Sorry Virginia']
This can be read at

For evidence that the KPC terrorists use
NATO-supplied weapons to attack
Macedonia, and that they are led by U.S.
'advisers,' see 'Emperor's Clothes
Articles on Macedonia,' at

CLINTON'S LIE # 3: '...KFOR personnel
provide a security presence in towns,
villages, and the country-side.'

This sounds comforting. But Emperor's
Clothes has published interviews with
eyewitnesses who report the exact opposite:
that KFOR and the UNMIK are
responsible for a massive reign of terror
since they took over Kosovo. For

* KFOR opened the border with Albania,
allowing KLA-connected gangsters to
pass freely between Kosovo and their bases
in Northern Albania. (12)

* KFOR watched while people with the wrong
loyalties were terrorized and
driven from their homes. (13)

* Serbs who remained in Kosovo were forced
into concentration-camp-style
ghettos, run by KFOR and terrorized by the
KLA. (14)

* Those Serbs who remain in Kosovo live in
constant fear. Speaking the wrong
language can get one killed by making one
appear to be a Serb. (14a) Even
standing by one's window can be deadly if
you are a Serb in one of the new
Kosovo ghettos. (14)

UNMIK and KFOR are entirely aware of the
monumental terrorism of the
UN-created Kosovo Protection Corps. The UN
even prepared a special report for
Secretary General Kofi Annan documenting the
KPC's violent racism and
gangsterism. (15) But of course UNMIK and
KFOR don't need a special report.
These high-power management and military
organizations with their redundant
intelligence organizations are perfectly
capable of seeing what is going on
before their eyes.

Consider the following case in point.

On 16 February 2001:

"...[an] explosion destroyed a bus carrying
more than 50 Serbs who were
returning to Kosovo after visiting their
ancestors' graves in Serbia. [The
attackers] killed 11 Serb civilians,
including a two-year-old child."
--The Daily Telegraph (London), 28 March
2001 (16)

Four suspects were arrested but "the
identity of the men arrested is bound to
prove highly embarrassing for Western
governments." (The Daily Telegraph
(London), 28 March 2001) (16)

Why 'embarrassing?'

Isn't 'embarrassing' an odd word to use
regarding such a crime?

Embarrassing because:

"They are all members of the Kosovo
Protection Corps, the Western-backed
civil defence organisation which sprang from
the Kosovo Liberation Army when
it was demilitarised in 1999. Some members
of the KLA had been trained by the
"Links between the KPC and organised crime
and political violence are an open
secret in Kosovo. The KPC's alleged
involvement in the killing of the 11
Serbs - an incident which was condemned
around the world - comes at a highly
sensitive time for Nato and the UN in
--The Daily Telegraph (London), 28 March
2001 (16)

Note that when President Clinton was
claiming the Kosovo Protection Corps as
a victory for UNMIK, he wrote:

"UNMIK thereafter established a civil
emergency services entity known as the
Kosovo Protection Corps."

But in its laudably critical comments the
Daily Telegraph states that the KPC:

"sprang from the Kosovo Liberation Army when
it was demilitarised in 1999."

So, even in criticism, the Western media
pulls its punches. The
demilitarization is accepted as fact in an
article which provides evidence
that it is a lie! And the KPC is presented
as having popped out of the ground
like a weed when it was planted and watered
by the UNMIK and KFOR.



The arrest of the KPC terrorists who blew up
this bus is of course 'embarassing' because:

a) "The UNMIK established the Kosovo
Protection Corps"
(see Clinton's Letter to Congress of 16 June
2000 (3)) and

b) the "links between the KPC and organised
crime and political violence are
an open secret in Kosovo" (Telegraph, 28
March 2001 (16)) and therefore

c) KFOR and UNMIK are responsible for the
KPC's murderous attacks.

KFOR and UNMIK apparently recovered from
initial embarrassment. They released
three of the suspects. The fourth, a certain
Florim Ejupi, miraculously
escaped from detention in Bondsteel, the
impenetrable U.S. military base in

Undoubtedly the detention center guards were
'unprepared' for the escape
attempt of this latter-day Houdini, which
therefore threw the poor things
'into confusion,' a fact they subsequently
found 'highly embarrassing.'

And of course nobody was arrested for
letting Florim Ejupi get away because
'everyone makes mistakes.' And isn't the
humiliation of it all punishment
enough? (On Florim Ejupi , see Los Angeles
Times, 15 May 2001) (17)

Contrary to the
/we're-just-bumbling-bureaucrats' line which
KFOR, UNMIK and the apologist
media routinely offer to explain the
unending reign of terror in Kosovo, the
U.S. Army's own rules hold KFOR commanders
criminally responsible for
systematic terrorism carried out on their

"The commander is also responsible if he has
actual knowledge, or should have
knowledge, through reports received by him
or through other means, that
troops or other persons subject to his
control are about to commit or have
committed a war crime and he fails to take
the necessary and reasonable steps
to insure compliance with the law of war or
to punish violators thereof.... "
--US Army Field Manual Law of Land Warfare

Holding onto that thought, let us return to
the KFOR news release posted at
the start. It states that based on KFOR's
'soft policy' toward the UCPMB, 450
terrorists turned themselves in and were
subsequently released unless there
was evidence they had committed a 'serious

A few thoughts:

1) Newspaper accounts routinely describe the
UCPMB 'extremists' attacking
inner Serbia as local Albanians, driven to
rebellion by intolerable
oppression. But these 450 - 450! -
'extremists' were arrested in Kosovo, not
inner Serbia. Obviously they are not people
driven by abuse to take up arms;
they are part of the Kosovo Liberation Army,
now reorganized into the Kosovo
Protection Corps, just like the terrorists
attacking Macedonia.

2) Under UN Resolution 1244, KFOR must not
limit itself to a 'soft policy'
which permits terrorist murderers
voluntarily turn themselves in and be
released. It is KFOR's obligation to hunt
down and jail these terrorists.

So why does KFOR go through this charade of
voluntary detention of terrorists
followed by their release? Because the
charade is calculated to solve a
certain tricky problem.

On the one hand, KFOR wants the citizens of
NATO countries to think it acts
tough against terror. But on the other hand,
the KPC terrorists are its
creation; they constitute a proxy army used
to destabilize the Balkans, which
is NATO's strategic goal.

Moreover, the terrorists require clear
evidence that NATO supports them. This
is discussed in the shortened version of our
third interview with Cedomir
Prlincevic, the Kosovo archivist.
(See 'What's Behind KLA Strategy in the
Balkans?') (19)

Mr. Prlincevic explains that certain
features of Albanian culture make the
powerful Albanian clan leaders highly
susceptible to threats and
demonstrations of power from ethnic
Albanians. Therefore it is crucial that
the KLA show it has super-powerful NATO
behind it.

NATO wishes to provide evidence that it
supports the KLA but it cannot do so
openly without alienating Western public
opinion. After all, the KLA is
attacking Macedonia and inner Serbia. The
Macedonian government has in the
past been NATO's errand boy and the current
government of Serbia is staunchly
pro-NATO. So NATO must seem to oppose the
secessionist attacks on Macedonia
and inner Serbia.

By accepting the voluntary surrender of
terrorists (renamed 'extremists') and
then releasing all those 'not suspected of
having committed serious crimes,'
NATO resolves the paradox of its duplicity.
The detentions say, 'We oppose
Albanian terrorism,' but the releases say,
"We support it."

And that, dear friends, is the truth.

As George Thompson has documented in his
article, 'Roots of Kosovo Fascism,'
the KLA and the KPC are the political
descendents of the Albanian
terrorist/fascists who ruled Kosovo as
puppets of Nazi Germany in World War
II. (20)

By supporting the KLA terrorist/fascists in
Kosovo, KFOR and UNMIK leaders
have not only violated international law,
including the Helsinki Final Act;
they have not only made a mockery of UN
Security Council Resolution 1244.

They have also put the political descendents
of the World War II Nazis back
in power in Kosovo. It is a fact that the
ethnic Albanian Nazis in Kosovo
were the last Nazis to surrender - they kept
fighting until 1950. U.S. and
Euro policies have, shockingly, brought
these, the worst elements among
Kosovo Albanians, to power once again. Read
carefully the following 'L.A.
Times' report regarding the joy of some
ethnic Albanians when German troops
returned to the Kosovo city of Prizren in
June 1999:

[START L.A. Times excerpt]
"...Many Kosovo Albanians sided with the
Nazis during World War II, and
today, some of them do not distinguish
between the past and present German
armies--both of which, to their way of
thinking, accomplished the same feat:
freeing them from Serbian rule. "This is a
second liberation," said Ali Majo,
68, a native of this city in southwestern
Kosovo. "I can't describe how it
felt when we saw German soldiers come to
liberate us again."

"So much for moral victories in the Balkans.

"Majo was 10 years old when the German
Wehrmacht rolled into Prizren in April
1941. The Nazis arrived in the hills around
town on motorcycles, looked
through their binoculars and opened fire on
a partisan artillery position, he recalled.

'"After that, they came in and circled the
town,' Majo said. 'We all shouted,
Heil Hitler. We were proud of the German
soldiers because they liberated us
from the Serbs.'

"Naim Poloshka, 72, remembers how one of the
Wehrmacht soldiers gave him a
chocolate and a ride on his motorcycle. They
drove him around town so he
could point out houses where partisans

"Like much of Prizren, Poloshka was stunned
when he woke one morning to find
that the Germans had hanged nine suspected
partisans--five Serbs and four
ethnic Albanians--in the center of town

"But it did not dampen his enthusiasm for
the Nazis." [END L.A. Times excerpt] (21)

We call on KFOR soldiers and UN employees in
Kosovo, of all nationalities:
implement UN Resolution 1244. Arrest the
terrorist leaders of the KPC,
responsible for forcing hundreds of
thousands of non-Albanians and
anti-Fascist Albanians out of Kosovo, for
kidnapping and murdering untold
numbers of people in Kosovo, inner Serbia
and Macedonia.

By doing this, you will obey both
international law and your mandate under UN
Resolution 1244 and you will uphold your
honor as soldiers rather than thugs.

If anyone dares try to stop you from doing
this, they are criminals -
regardless of rank - and should be arrested
as well.

- Jared Israel and Rick Rozoff

Emperors Clothes Urgently Needs Financial Help!


(1) KFOR OnLine 24 May 2001

(2) United Nations Security Council
Resolution 1244 (1999) at:

(3) President Clinton's 16 June 2000 Letter
to Congress on U.S. Forces in
Kosovo can be found at:

(4) Russian Press Digest, 21 September 1999
is posted at:

(4a) 'Concentration Camps and
Gangster/Terrorism in Kosovo' documents the
terrorist character of the 'reformed' KLA is
posted at

(5) Translated by Emperor's Clothes from La
Stampa, 20 September 1999, Page
9, "Kosovo, e' il primo L'UCK consegna agli
italiani deposito di armi" posted

(6) 'UN Appoints an Alleged War Criminal in
Kosovo' posted at:

(7) 'UN Appoints an Alleged War Criminal in
Kosovo' posted at:

(8) The Irish Times, Thursday 5 July 2001
"Rebel chief worked for UN funded
force in Kosovo: The leader of the
Macedonian rebels was originally paid by
the UN" by Chris Stephen in Pristina. Posted

(9) Fox News Sunday, 09:00 Sunday 16
September 2001 "Special Report: America
United" transcript posted at:

(10) Red Cross Spokesmen Refute Pentagon
Lies' Interview by Jared Israel
posted at:

(11) Sunday Times (London), Sunday 10 June
2001, "Macedonia on brink of war"
by Tom Walker, Diplomatic Correspondent,
posted at:

(12) Regarding the opening of the border
with Albania, see "Gracko survivors
blame NATO." This include a 24 July 1999
Report from Gracko village, sent out
by the Information Service of the Serbian
Orthodox Church. With introduction
by jared Israel. Posted at:

For documentation of the charge that a
company associated with the U.S.
military and CIA created the training camps
for the KLA in Northern Albania,

(13) 'The shame of NATO: Interviews with
Serbian Refugees from Kosovo' posted

(14) For a list of 'Interviews & other
Articles that Document NATO
Sponsorship of Kosovo Terrorists'
go to
Regarding the potentially fatal act of
standing by a window, see 'Time is so
Short,' an Interview with Simca Kazazic,
which can be read at

14a) Cox News Service, 12 October 1999
"Former University of Georgia graduate
student murdered in Kosovo" by Plott Brice
reporting from Athens, GA. Posted

(15) To read the full text of the London
Observer article with excerpts from
the UN report documenting terrorist actions
by the UN-created Kosovo
Protection Corps, see
'How will you plead at your trial, Mr.
Annan?' at:

(16) The Daily Telegraph (London), Wednesday
28 March 2001 Page 15 "SAS
troops seize Kosovo bomb suspects" by
Christian Jennings in Pristina. Posted

(17) Los Angeles Times, Tuesday 15 May 2001
Home Edition, Part A, Part 1,
Page 4, Foreign Desk, "Kosovo Bus Bombing
Suspect Escapes" at:

The Law of Land Warfare,"1956

BALKANS?' excerpt from interview with
Cedomir Prlincevic at

(20) 'The roots of Kosovo fascism' by George
Thompson at

LIBERATORS FROM SERBS,' 'Los Angeles Times,'
June 17, 1999, Thursday, Home
Part A; Page 18;

Further Reading:

The following articles talk about the attack
on southern Serbia:

a) On the evidence that Kosovo Protection
Corps (that is, KLA) members are
the ones attacking southern Serbia, see:
'Who is Behind Terrorist Attacks on
'Serbia Proper'? by Jared Israel at

b) For an eye-witness account of the attacks
on southern Serbia, see:
'Pentagon Dogs' by Tika Yankovich at
(Mr. Yankovich assisted medical teams
treating wounded Yugoslav soldiers and
Serb policemen)

c) On evidence that the West is training
these KLA forces, see: 'Diplomats
Admit NATO Backs KLA Invasion of Inner
Serbia' at

d) On the participation of Islamist
terrorists from around the world in the
attacks on Macedonia, see 'CHECHEN
Yevgeni Kryshkin, at

Whereas not one member of the Kosovo
Liberation Army has been indicted for
war crimes - even though war crimes are the
KLA's method of operation - a
special UN institution, "The International
Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia"
(ICTY) has been set up to prosecute Serbian
leaders who have resisted the
attack on Yugoslavia. Regarding that body,

'Official Statements Prove Hague "Tribunal"
Belongs to NATO'
by Jared Israel at:
'For Whom the Bell Tolls'
by Jared Israel at:
'Back to the Dark Ages?'
by Jared Israel at:
'Illegal Tribunal - Illegal Indictment'
by Dr. Hans Koechler, President, at:
'The War Crimes Tribunal: Illegal Origins'
By Dr. Kosta Cavoski at:

'The War Crimes Tribunal: Learning from the
By Dr. Kosta Cavoski at:
Secret witnesses; some defendants are more
equal than others.


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Sulla causa intentata in Germania per il bombardamento del ponte di
Varvarin si veda anche:


Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Jan. 9, 2002

Lawyer Files Suit Over NATO Attack

BERLIN. A lawyer for relatives of civilians killed in
a NATO bombing raid on a bridge in Serbia during the
1999 Kosovo war has filed a lawsuit seeking damages
from the German government, a spokeswoman for the
justice authorities here said on Tuesday.

The suit was filed on Dec. 24 by the Berlin-based
lawyer Ulrich Dost, she said, confirming news reports.

Ten people were killed and more than 30 injured, 17 of
them seriously, when North Atlantic Treaty
Organization jets attacked the bridge in the town of
Varvarin, south of the Yugoslav capital, Belgrade, on
May 30, 1999. Mr. Dost, who says Germany carries
responsibility for the casualties as a NATO member,
even though its planes were not involved, claims that
the attack was a war crime, and that NATO commanders
broke the Geneva Conventions by deliberately attacking
civilians.The suit does not specify how much he is
seeking for his clients, but in a letter to the German
Defense Ministry last June, he reportedly demanded a
total of DM2.58 million ($1.2 million) for his
clients. (AP)



Anwalt will "Kollateralschäden" nicht akzeptieren
Dost klagt Deutschland wegen des Nato-Angriffs auf
eine Brücke im serbischen Varvarin an
Von Rainer Jung (Berlin)

In Afghanistan stellen sich die Fragen dieser Tage wieder blutig und
direkt: Wie gehen demokratische Staaten, die einen High-Tech-Krieg aus
der Luft führen, mit den Zivilisten am Boden um? In welchem Maße dürfen
sie bei Schlägen gegen Soldaten und Terroristen unbeteiligte Opfer in
Kauf nehmen?
"Kollateralschaden" oder Kriegsverbrechen - dieser Grundsatzstreit soll
nun am Beispiel Jugoslawien vor einem deutschen Gericht verhandelt
werden. Es ist ein ganzer Koffer voll Papier, den Ulrich Dost am
Heiligabend beim Berliner Landgericht abgeladen hat. 150 Seiten
Klageschrift und mehr als 1000 Blatt Zeugenaussagen, die beispielhaft
die bleibenden Schäden eines fast schon vergessenen Krieges
dokumentieren. Am 30. Mai 1999, als der Weltverbrecher Nummer eins noch
nicht Osama bin Laden, sondern Slobodan Milosevic hieß, bombardierten
Nato-Kampfjets, geflogen von US-Amerikanern oder Briten, die
Morava-Brücke in der serbischen Kleinstadt Varvarin. Nach
Einschätzung des westlichen Bündnisses ein Angriff gegen ein "legitimes
militärisches Ziel". Getroffen wurden ausschließlich Zivilisten. Zehn
Menschen starben, 30 wurden verletzt. Rechtsanwalt Dost verklagt
Deutschland als Nato-Mitglied auf Schadenersatz - im Namen von
Hinterbliebenen und Versehrten aus Varvarin. "Ich bin froh, dass wir das
endlich bei Gericht haben", sagt der Ost-Jurist.
Zunächst müssen die Richter allerdings entscheiden, ob sie sich
überhaupt zuständig fühlen. Eine komplizierte Sache. Die Bundesregierung
jedenfalls winkte im Spätsommer ab, als Dost seine Forderung direkt
vorbrachte. Zwar hieß es in einem Brief aus dem
Verteidigungsministerium, man bedaure "das bei der Zivilbevölkerung der
Stadt Varvarin verursachte Leid zutiefst".
Ansprüche ließen sich daraus aber nicht ableiten. Denn erstens könnten
Kriegsopfer nicht individuell klagen. Zweitens seien Deutsche an dem
Bombardement nicht direkt beteiligt gewesen. Eine "Gesamthaftung" für
Aktionen des westlichen Bündnisses bestehe nicht. Dost behauptet eben
das. Zudem glaubt der Berliner, beweisen zu können, dass deutsche
Militärs dem Angriff zugestimmt hätten.
Welche Fußangeln das internationale Recht bereithält, ließ sich kürzlich
an einem anderen Fall beobachten. Hinterbliebene von Journalisten, die
beim Angriff auf die Zentrale des jugoslawischen Fernsehens getötet
worden waren, hatten vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte
gegen die europäischen Nato-Länder geklagt. Ihre Argumentation: Bei der
Attacke sei das in der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention verbriefte
Recht auf Leben verletzt worden. Die Straßburger Richter wiesen den
Antrag zurück, weil die Konvention nur auf dem Territorium von
Unterzeichnerstaaten gelte. Jugoslawien gehört nicht dazu.
Dost lässt sich durch die Ablehnung nicht entmutigen. Seine Klage stützt
sich auf eine andere Rechtsvorschrift, das Erste Zusatzprotokoll zu den
Genfer Verträgen von 1977. Das verpflichtet Soldaten, vor jedem
Militärschlag sicherzustellen, dass Zivilisten nicht "unverhältnismäßig"
in Mitleidenschaft gezogen werden. "Kollateralschäden" - bedauerlich,
aber nicht zu vermeiden - gebe es deshalb nach dem Völkerrecht überhaupt
nicht, meint Dost: "Das ist ein reiner Propagandabegriff."


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Ulrich Dost
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2002 06:18

Neben dem Material für die Pressekonferenz in Berlin am 17. Januar 2002
(siehe Anlage) noch einen Hinweis auf eine Fernsehsendung. Das ARD wird
am kommenden Samstag, 19. Januar 2002, im »Europamagazin« 16:30 eine
Dokumentation über Varvarin senden. So jedenfalls die Auskunft des
Journalisten, der in der vergangenen Woche während meines Aufenthalts in
Jugoslawien in Varvarin Dreharbeiten gemacht hat.

Ulrich Dost


Presseinformationen zu der Zivilrechtsklage jugoslawischer Staatsbürger
wegen Luftangriffen der NATO am 30. Mai 1999 in der serbischen
Kleinstadt Varvarin

I. Sachverhalt: die serbische Kleinstadt Varvarin (4000 Einwohner)
wurde am Sonntag, den 30. Mai 1999 zwischen 13:00 und 13:25 von zwei
Kampfflugzeugen der NATO attackiert. In zwei kurz hintereinander
folgenden Angriffswellen wurden auf eine alte Brücke (Baujahr 1924)
insgesamt 4 Raketen abgeschossen. Dabei kamen 10 Menschen ums Leben,
über 30 Personen wurden verletzt (sämtlichst Zivilpersonen). Das
jüngste Todesopfer war die damals 15jährige Sanja Milenkovic, die mit
zwei gleichaltrigen Freundinnen zu Fuß die Brücke überquerte.

II. Ziel der Klage: die Hinterbliebenen der 10 Todesopfer und 17
Schwerverletzte haben am 24. Dezember 2001 am Landgericht Berlin
Schadensersatzklage gegen die Bundesrepublik Deutschland erhoben. Mit
der Klage verfolgen die Kläger insbesondere folgende Ziele:
1. die Feststellung der Verletzung geltenden Kriegsrechts und somit
elementarster Menschenrechte;
2. die Feststellung der Verantwortlichkeit der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland für die Verletzung und Tötung von Zivilpersonen;
3. den Ausgleich der erlittenen Schäden und Folgeschäden (durch Zahlung
einer Geldentschädigung, die Klageforderungen belaufen sich auf über 8
Millionen DM).

III. Rechtsgrundlage der Klage: sind die Verletzung der allgemeinen
Regeln des humanitären Völkerrechts, so die Genfer Abkommen vom 12.
August 1959 und insbesondere die Verletzung des Zusatzprotokolls I über
den Schutz der Opfer internationaler bewaffneter Konflikte vom 8. Juni
1977 (vgl. BGBl Teil II, Seite 1551), ratifiziert durch die
Bundesrepublik Deutschland und somit unmittelbar geltendes Recht für
Das Zusatzprotokoll I enthält das strikte Angriffsverbot für alle an
einem bewaffneten Konflikt beteiligten Parteien auf die
Zivilbevölkerung, einzelne Zivilpersonen und zivile Objekte. Es
verbietet den Angriff auf unverteidigte Orte und Angriffe ohne
Es verpflichtet die an einem bewaffneten Konflikt beteiligten Parteien
vor einem Angriff aufzuklären, ob durch einen Angriff Zivilbevölkerung
und zivile Objekte in Mitleidenschaft gezogen werden und verpflichtet
sie für diesen Fall, von einem Angriff abzusehen. Alle diese
Rechtsnormen wurden bei dem Luftangriff auf Varvarin verletzt, denn:
- die Stadt Varvarin lag außerhalb von Kampfgebieten (ca. 200 Kilometer
vom Kosovo entfernt), in ihr waren keine militärischen Einheiten
stationiert, die Stadt war auch nicht von militärischen Transporten
tangiert, die nächstgelegene Kaserne befindet sich ca. 22 Kilometer von
der Stadt entfernt;
- es handelt sich um eine ausschließlich von der Zivilbevölkerung zivil
genutzte und zudem unverteidigte Stadt;
- dem Luftangriff ging keine Warnung voraus.

IV. Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland trägt (auch) für den
kriegsrechtswidrigen Luftangriff auf Varvarin unmittelbar
Verantwortung. Sie hatte Kenntnis von dem beabsichtigten Angriff und
hat sich darüber hinaus mit dem Angriff ausdrücklich einverstanden
erklärt. Das ergibt sich aus den Erklärungen der deutschen Regierung
und eines deutschen Generals über die Zielplanung in der NATO und das
Zustimmungserfordernis aller Mitgliedstaaten als Voraussetzung für den
tatsächlichen Angriff:

1. nach Auskunft der deutschen Regierung im Deutschen Bundestag wurde
die sogenannte Zielplanung durch die Organe der NATO vorgenommen.
Mangels eigener Aufklärungsmittel in der NATO stellten die
Mitgliedsstaaten die dafür erforderlichen Informationen den Organen der
NATO zur Verfügung (Bundestagsdrucksache 14/1788, dort unter I., Seite
Auf Grundlage dieser Zuarbeiten nahm die NATO die sogenannte
Zielauswahl vor. Die für Angriffe in Betracht kommenden Ziele wurden
auf sogenannten Ziellisten zusammengestellt.
Anschließend stimmten die NATO - Mitgliedsstaaten die Zielauswahl
zwischen den NATO - Mitgliedsstaaten ab (vgl. Antwort der deutschen
Regierung vom 28.3.2001 auf eine Große Anfrage im Deutschen Bundestag,
14.Wahlperiode, Drucksache 14/5677, dort Antwort auf die Frage unter
Nr. 42, S. 35);

2. der deutsche Generalleutnant Walter Jertz erklärte in diesem
Zusammenhang, daß zum einen zwischen allen Staaten der NATO zu den
beabsichtigten Luftoperationen gegen die auf den Ziellisten
zusammengestellten Zielobjekten Übereinstimmung erzielt werden mußte
und zum anderen Ziele von den =Ziellisten gestrichen wurden, wenn nur
einer der Staaten sein =Einverständnis mit der Luftoperation
»(Die NATO) besteht aus 19 Staaten, und die Führungsebene setzt sich
aus 19 Nationen zusammen. Ihre militärischen Vorstellungen und Wünsche
mußten die einzelnen Nationen vor einer Militäroperation einbringen und
mit den Partnern abstimmen. Auch in der Zielauswahl und der Frage,
welche Ziele überhaupt angegriffen werden durften, mußten die
Beteiligten vorher übereinstimmen. Wenn eine Nation mit einem Ziel
nicht einverstanden war, wurde es von der Liste gestrichen.« (vgl.
Interview mit Generalleutnant Jertz, »Focus«, Heft 41/2000)

V. Der Luftangriff auf Varvarin war ein vorsätzlicher Angriff auf die
Zivilbevölkerung und zivile Objekte. Es war beabsichtigt, Zivilpersonen
zu verletzen und zu töten.
Denn zum Zeitpunkt des Angriffs befanden sich ca. 3500 Menschen in
unmittelbarer Nähe der Brücke. Wer unter diesen Umständen ohne jede
Vorwarnung mit modernsten Kampfflugzeugen völlig ahnungslose Menschen
mit zwei Raketen extremsten Wirkungsgrades in einer 1. Angriffswelle
beschießt, handelt in Tötungsabsicht. Und wer dann nur wenige Minuten
später in einer 2. Angriffswelle nochmals zwei Raketen abschießt, kann
sich den Vorwurf menschenverachtenden und menschenrechtsverachtenden
Verhaltens nicht entziehen.

VI. Auf Pressekonferenzen der NATO in Brüssel am 31. Mai und 1. Juni
1999 wurde der Angriff auf Varvarin als militärisch legitim bezeichnet,
ohne weitere Erklärungen abzugeben. Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland hat
über ihr Verteidigungsministerium ausdrücklich versichern lassen, daß
das bei der Zivilbevölkerung der Stadt Varvarin verursachte Leid
zutiefst bedauert werden würde und gleichzeitig die Anerkennung
individueller Schadenersatzforderungen der Opfer abgelehnt. Zur
Begründung wurde unter anderem ausgeführt, »... das Verhalten der
Piloten bei der Zerstörung der Brücke von Varvarin (ließe sich nicht)
der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zurechnen.«
Klageerhebung war daher geboten.

Berlin, den 17. Januar 2002
Vesna Milenkovic (Mutter der getöteten Sanja Milenkovic, Klägerin und
Sprecherin für alle Opfer aus Varvarin), Rechtsanwalt Ulrich Dost
(Prozeßbevollmächtigter der Kläger).

Für die Prozeßführung sind die Kläger auf Spenden angewiesen. Das
Landgericht Berlin hat den Streitwert erwartungsgemäß auf 4.155.541,80
EUR und den Gerichtskostenvorschuß auf 42.189,25 EUR festgesetzt. Erst
nach Zahlung des Gerichtskostenvorschusses wird die Klage an den
Prozeßgegner zugestellt. Kontoinhaber des Spendenkonto ist die
Vereinigung Demokratischer Juristen e.V.,
Kontonummer: 33 52 20 14, BLZ: 100 500 00 (Berliner Sparkasse),
Stichwort: »Schadenersatzklage NATO - Kriegsopfer«.