
Le bugie mortali della NATO e le loro vittime nel conflitto del Kosovo.
Con un dossier su Srebrenica
di Juergen Elsaesser

Come il monopolio dei media soffoca la verità
di Lenora Foerstel (IAC)


una recensione di Enrico Giardino

Versione integrale on-line

International Action Center / AaVv.

Losurdo, Taboni, Moffa, Catone


Saggio sull'Interventismo Umanitario, sull'Embargo Terapeutico e sulla
Menzogna Evidente

di Costanzo Preve

Ed. CRT, Pistoia, agosto 2000

Documents sent to international organizations (Two Volumes)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the FR of Yugoslavia

Eds. "Sluzbeni glasnik", Belgrade, May 2000


Le bugie mortali della NATO e le loro vittime nel conflitto del Kosovo.
Con un dossier su Srebrenica

di Juergen Elsaesser

Konkret Verlag Hamburg, 192 pagine, 26.80 DM


Juergen Elsaesser, coredattore della rivista tedesca KONKRET ed autore
di vari contributi sia sulla Jugoslavia (si veda ad esempio
l'eccezionale intervista a Mihailo Markovic, in italiano su:, sia sul nuovo
ordine europeo germano-centrico e sul nazismo, ha recentemente prodotto
un importante libro dal titolo "Crimini di guerra - Le bugie mortali
della NATO e le loro vittime nel conflitto per il Kosovo", contenente
anche un dossier sulla campagna di disinformazione strategica legata
alle vicende di Srebrenica 1995.

Il libro sara' presentato anche alla Fiera del Libro di Francoforte il
prossimo 20 ottobre, ed accanto all'autore siedera' un militare tedesco
che e' stato licenziato per le sue critiche contro l'intervento militare
del 1999. L'autore sta cercando di far conoscere il libro a livello
internazionale, ed e' disponibile a presentarlo in Italia, anche
attraverso interviste radiofoniche eccetera. Del libro e' in
preparazione anche una versione in inglese, ma Elsaesser sarebbe felice
se ne venisse fatta pure una traduzione ed edizione italiana...

Se qualcuno e' interessato, puo' contattare l'autore tramite noi.


KONKRET-Magazin, Ruhrstr.111, D-22761 Hamburg, Germany

Juergen Elsaesser
Tel. xx49-331/6005211
Fax. xx49-331/6005213
Mobil 0171/1720368
Email: J.Elsasser@...

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen
of the International Media,

on 15th October, my new book about the lies of Nato in the
Kosovo-conflict is on
sale in Germany. A big presentation during the Frankfurt Book Fair will
place on the 20th October, ex-general Heinz Loquai (the officer who was
fired by
MoD Scharping because of his critic of the war) will join me in this

All details about the book and the author you can find below.

I would appreciate if you would write a review of the book for your
paper or
TV-programm or make an interview (by phone?) with me about my theses.

Unfortunately there’s only a German issue at the moment. An english
could be published next year, but it’s not sure.

Please remail me if you are interested.

Thanks a lot
yours sincerely



Die toedlichen Luegen der Nato und ihre Opfer im Kosovo-Konflikt.
Mit einem Dossier zu Srebrenica
(Konkret Verlag Hamburg, 192 Seiten, 26.80 DM)

The Deadly Lies of Nato and ist Victims in the Kosovo-Conflikt.
With a Special File about Srebrenica

»Never before so few lied so thoroughly to so many, as in connection
the Kosovo war«, says Willy Wimmer, member of the CDU party in the
Bundestag. »People died for this.«

No lie seemed too grotesque to start the slaughter and keep it going:
Milosevic as the new Hitler, concentration camps in Pristina, Auschwitz
Kosovopolje. Whereas NATO and CNN took the trouble to provide fabricated
video documents, the German Minister of Defense sought to convince by
force of words: Mister Scharping‘s portrayal of Serbs playing football
the heads of their Abanian victims or Serbs grilling foetuses, torn from
their mothers‘ wombs will go down in the annals of psychopathology.
miracles of biblical dimensions: massacred Albanian intellectuals hold
mortem press conferences in Western capitals; ghost trains suddenly
appear on
scarcely used tracks and bore their way into NATO-missiles; mass graves
found as empty as Our Lord‘s vault on the third day.

What is left? »In the nine months after stationing of KFOR in Kosovo
nothing could be found to sustain the indictment of ›genocide‹ « (Le
Diplomatique, March 2000) . In the light of new evidence and with the
aid of
previously unaccessible documents Juergen Elsaesser questions NATO‘s
justification for the war.

Elsaesser proves the thesis that the first victim of war is the truth to
be wrong. For the truth dies long before a war starts: It was the lies
Srebrenica, about Racak, about Rambouillet and about the so-called
in Kosovo that deceived members of parliament and citizens alike and led
into a murderous adventure. NATO was made the »air force in an ethnic
(Henry Kissinger ) and brought the KLA into power. The result: Pristina
purged, ethnic monirities have been driven out of Kosovo, chaos rules in
the streets, the KLA‘s secret police is everywhere, and the few
survivors fear in ghettos for their lives. Indeed, nobody talks now of
»humanitarian catastrophe«, »ethnic cleansing« or »genocide« and not
surprisingly so: to acknowledge the disgrace of the last war would
preparations for the next.

Table of contents

1 Before the War
1.1 The Mother of All Lies
The »Ramps of Srebrenica« as Starting-Ramps for the War.
***central chapter of approximately 50.000 characters***

1.2 Withheld Murders
The KLA‘s Terror before the War and the Ignorance of the Western
approximately 25.000 characters

1.3 Classified: Racak
The Previously Classified Autopsy-Records of the 40 Bodies of Racak
Disprove NATO‘s Version of a Serbian Massacre.
approximately 18.000 characters

1.4 Meddled
Memoirs of a Viennese Diplomat: Petritsch on the German
Front-Line in Rambouillet.
approximately 20.000 characters

1.5 Scharping‘s Blacksmiths
»Operation Horseshoe« — An Amateurish Fabrication Coming from the
House of the Vienna-Berlin-Secret- Service-Connection.
approximately 24.000 characters

2 The War
2.1 Sex, Lies and Video
How To Get Your Country in the Mood for War Using Photomontage and
Sexually Laden Horror-Scenarios.
approximately 14.000 characters

2.2 Legal, Illegal, Collateral
Myths and Facts about the Bombing
approximately 19.000 characters

2.3 Killing Fields and Deadly Lies
What Remains of the 100.000 Corpses in Mass Graves?
***central chapter of approximately 40.000 characters***

3 After the War
3.1 Prizren Is Cleared of Serbs
The Fabulous Cleanliness of the German Bundeswehr.
approximately 24.000 characters

3.2 And they lived happily together ever after
NATO‘s fairy-tale about the multi-ethnic future of the Kosovo
***central chapter of approximately 40.000 characters***

4 Epilogue
Fact-Dump Cyberspace
Post-Modernism destroys Reason, Or: Questions of an Active Reader.
approximately 15.000 characters

5 Appendix

5.1 International Press Commentaries on the Situation in Kosovo in the
approximately 10.000 characters

5.2 The German Foreign Ministry about the Situation in Kosovo 1990 -
Fall 1998;
secret documents
approximately 35.000 characters

5.3. Massgraves „As seen As told“ - strange details of a OSCE
approximately 12.000 characters

About the Author

Juergen Elsaesser was born in 1957. Until June 1997 he was chief editor
Berlin‘s daily newspaper Junge Welt and from April 1999 on has been
editor of
the monthly magazin Konkret, Germany‘s most important magazine of an
independent Left since 1957 . He also works as a freelance journalist,
amongst others for the Allgemeine Juedische Wochenzeitung, the
Zeitung, the state television WDR and the Kursbuch.

In the time of the Kosovo war he coined the slogan »No Blood for
Joschka«, an anology to the slogan »No Blood for oil«, that the members
the Green Party had coined in the Golf war 1991. The German magazine Der
Spiegel consequently libelled him as a »professional cynic« bound to
»antiquated leftist clichés«. Others were more kindly disposed: About
latest book Nie wieder Krieg ohne uns. Das Kosovo und die neue deutsche
Geopolitik (Konkret Verlag, June 1999, second edition November 1999)
the renowned daily newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau wrote: »An excellent
Written in anger and deep regret, regrets about the development of the
movement and the Green Party. But it is thoroughly investigated.«


Juergen Elsaesser/Andrei S. Markovits (Hrsg)
Die Fratze der eigene Geschichte
Von der Goldhagen-Debatte zum Jugoslawienkrieg. Berlin
(Elefantenpress) September 1999, 208 Seiten, 29.90 DM

Juergen Elsaesser (Hrsg.)
Nie wieder Krieg ohne uns
Das Kosovo und die neue deutsche Geopolitik. Hamburg
(Konkret) Juni
1999, 165 Seiten, 22.80 DM

Juergen Elsaesser
Braunbuch DVU
Eine deutsche Arbeiterpartei und ihre Freunde. Hamburk
September 1998, 152 Seiten, 19.80 DM

Juergen Elsaesser/Sahra Wagenknecht
Vorwaerts und vergessen?
Ein Streit ueber Marx, Lenin, Ulbricht und die verzweifelte
Aktualitaet des Kommunismus. Hamburg (Konkret) Juni 1996,
140 S.
19.80 DM

Juergen Elsaesser
Wenn das der Fuehrer haette erleben duerfen
29 Glueckwuensche zum deutschen Sieg ueber die Alliierten.
(Konkret) Mai 1995, 112 Seiten, 14.80 DM

Juergen Elsaesser
Antisemitismus - das alte Gesicht des neuen Deutschland
Analysen nach der Wiedervereinigung. Berlin (Dietz)
September 1992,
145 Seiten, 19.80 DM



Guerra, bugie & videotape: come il monopolio dei media soffoca la verità
di Lenora Foerstel - marzo 2000
(a cura di Enrico Giardino -Forum DAC- Roma 13 agosto 2000)

Lenora Foerstel è un'attivista dello IAC (International Action
Center) impegnata nei
movimenti femminili e per la pace, a livello mondiale. Ha scritto
libri e pubblicazioni,
ha prodotto video legati soprattutto a situazioni geografiche del
Sud Pacifico.
In quest'ultimo suo libro raccoglie una serie di testimonianze di
qualificati personaggi
e ricercatori mediatici che colpiscono duro (come lei dice)
impegnati a demistificare gli
slogan e la propaganda delle grandi multinazionali e dei governi ad
esse legate.
Personaggi come Ramsey Clark (IAC), Scott Armstrong, M. Collon, M.
Parenti, Diana
Johnstone, J.B. Aristide ed altri.
Il libro prende spunto da una conferenza internazionale tenutasi ad
Atene nel 1998,
intitolata "L'età oscura dei media": in essa sono emerse
circostanziate denunce delle
più colossali mistificazioni mondiali, nonché una serie di proposte
di resistenza e di
alternativa rispetto all'attuale monopolio imperialistico dei
mass-media. Essendo
impossibile sintetizzare in breve le 270 pagine del libro, degno di
pubblicazione in
italiano, fornisco qui solo un'idea del suo contenuto, riferendomi
all'introduzione di L.
Foerstel e ad alcune parti del libro.

Gli argomenti principali trattati nel libro sono i seguenti:

La crescente concentrazione della proprietà dei media soffoca
il dissenso ed il
flusso informativo
Il ruolo dei media nel preparare le guerre e catturare il
mercato mondiale
La propaganda di guerra della Nato e la sua espansione in
Il ruolo delle grandi compagnie petrolifere, del Pentagono e
dei media nel Golfo
Le nuove tecnologie possono aiutare gli attivisti a rompere il
mediatico dominante

Tali argomenti sono riferiti alle 5 parti del libro, con questi

1.Censura mediatica e gestione delle notizie

con cinque contributi: Scott Armstrong (I sottotitoli della
censura), Ben
Bagdikian (Le notizie degli eventi internazionali), Ramsey
(Manipolazione mediatica della politica estera), M. Parenti
madiatica) e Peter Philips (Proprietà e controllo dei media).

2.Filtraggio delle notizie: storie riprese dal buio dei media

con cinque contributi: B. Dupuy (Il linciaggio del presidente
Aristide), Laura
Flanders (Un topolino ruggente: i media popolari acquistano
Sara Flounders (Il tallone d'Achille del potere mediatico:
perdita di
credibilità), Brian Becker (La caduta del socialismo dell'est
europeo devasta
i lavoratori: rapporto ONU ignorato dai media), Danni
Schechter (Per la luce
nel buio)

3.Media e guerra nei Balcani

con quattro contributi: M. Collon (La storia che i media non
raccontano), T.
Deichmann (Premio Pulitzer e propaganda croata), Diana
(Guardando la Jugoslavia attraverso un vetro oscurato), Z.P.
Pirocanac (I
moderni media, quarto braccio della Nato)

4.Imperialismo culturale: la prospettiva del Terzo Mondo

con quattro contributi: J.B. Aristide (Mass media e media di
M.Mukherjee (Accesso pubblico all'informazione in India),
Nawal El
Saadawi (Neo-colonialismo ed età oscura dei media), Adel
Samara (Media
come strumento nazionale di oppressione di classe)

5.Alternative internazionali al monopolio dei media

con cinque contributi: B.N.Aziz (Esiste una alternativa
mediatica fuori
dell'Occidente?), D. Barsanian (Radio alternative: audio di
conflitto), Peter
Frank ed altri (Radiodiffusione, costituzione e democrazia),
M. Jacobi
(Informazione su Internet, potenzialità di un medium
democratico), Ch.
Levendosky (Può il mercato proteggere le voci libere?).

I media ed i loro proprietari agiscono ormai come
"consulenti-patrocinatori" del
pubblico americano (e mondiale) sugli eventi mondiali, orchestrando
pubblica sui temi della pace e della guerra. Questa potenza
manipolativa cresce nella
misura in cui le compagnie di fondono e si concentrano. Esempi : nel
1961 la CBS
prepara la guerra in Vietnam; nel 1986 la General Electric si
impadronisce di NBC ed
RCA, entra nel mercato militare con la Westinghouse e promuove
azioni belliche USA
su vasta scala. Ciò non riguarda solo le news come si pensa, ma i
programmi di fiction
e di intrattenimento: basta pensare all'ideologia ed alle
distorsioni diffuse da film,
telefilm, ecc. (es. stereotipi xenofobi che incoraggiano sciovinismo
e militarismo).
Altri esempi: l'editoriale del "New York Times" che il 20-9-98 (ben
dell'aggressione Nato) incoraggia Clinton ad intervenire in Kosovo
(se necessario
anche da solo, senza Nato).

Nel 1997 gli USA mandano le loro truppe ad occupare i trasmettitori
nell'area di Pale
(Bosnia) per trasmettere propaganda a favore del Presidente
serbo-bosniaco Plavic,
filo occidentale , in corsa elettorale con altro candidato inviso
agli USA (che pure in
passato avevano finanziato).

Grazie al supporto USA i ladroni-baroni russi hanno applicato il
modello occidentale
per pilotare le notizie nel loro Paese, dopo la caduta del
socialismo sovietico: è
cominciata così anche in quel Paese l'era buia dei media. Come negli
USA, le notizie
arrivano oggi dalle sale dei Consigli di Amministrazione delle
multinazionali, invece
che dalle strade o dal Paese reale.

Negli USA un ruolo di mistificazione enorme hanno gli addetti alle
Public Relations
(PR): sono già 150.000 contro 130.000 reporter accreditati.

A costoro interessa, non la verità di una notizia, ma il risultato
che essa determina a
vantaggio dei loro "clienti": lo ha riferito pubblicamente il
responsabile di una grossa
agenzia PR americana in occasione di una campagna lanciata per
portare il Governo
USA ad intervenire militarmente nel Golfo Persico per "proteggere il
Kwait" dall'Iraq
di Saddam Hussein: questa aggressione, che ancora continua, è
costata finora milioni
di dollari ed ha devastato l'Iraq.

Lo stesso copione si è ripetuto con un'altra agenzia PR che, pagata
dollari/mese dai governanti croati e dai musulmani bosniaci, ha
sostenuto la loro
causa, diffondendo notizie e storie false ai fini di un intervento
armato USA nell'area
(es.50.000 donne musulmane rapite dai serbi, mentre il successivo
rapporto ONU,
ignorato dai media, parlava di 800 rapimenti totali effettuati da
tutte le etnie della

La demonizzazione dei Serbi è riuscita pienamente solo quando
l'agenzia PR, a suo
stesso dire, è riuscita, con la sua campagna di falsità e di
propaganda, a coinvolgere le
associazioni ebraiche: da quel momento i serbi sono stati equiparati
ai nazisti di Hitler
e sono stati usati per essi i termini di quel periodo: pulizia
etnica, fosse comuni, campi
di concentramento, ecc.

La nostra "campagna ha avuto pieno successo" ha dichiarato con
orgoglio il
responsabile PR, "noi non siamo pagati per essere morali", "non
siamo attrezzati per
controllare le notizie che diffondiamo", il nostro obiettivo è
soddisfare le richieste di
chi ci paga, usando "bene" i media.

Un'altra vittima di campagne dis-informative è stato l'ex presidente
di Haiti
J.B.Aristide che ,eletto con il 67% dei voti, si opponeva alle
ricette di "aggiustamento
strutturale" del FMI: fu rimosso dopo una dura campagna mediatica
orchestrata dagli
USA che considerano Haiti una loro colonia (definizioni di Aristide:
"piccolo socialista assetato di sangue").

Mi sembrano poi notevoli le affermazioni di Ramsey Clark "La lotta
che noi possiamo
e dobbiamo fare, la più grande sfida nella lotta per la democrazia è
la ricerca della
verità"; " la questione della sopravvivenza umana ..dipenderà
largamente dalla nostra
capacità di vedere e mostrare la verità in tempo utile"; "la
possibilità dei media di
demonizzare intere nazioni ed i loro leaders, costituisce il potere
più pericoloso e più

Ciò significa, come noi del Forum DAC sosteniamo, che, con la lotta
occorre riportare sotto la sovranità popolare il controllo dei
processi di
conoscenza, informazione, comunicazione.

L'autrice rivolge poi un cenno ai contributi dei vari relatori del
I contributi della terza parte si incentrano sulle menzogne che
hanno preparato e
coperto l'aggressione USA-NATO nei Balcani con il graduale
smantellamento della
Repubblica federata di Jugoslavia.
Se ne può dedurre che l'immagine mediatica ha beffato il mondo
Pirocanac, in particolare, esamina il ruolo dei media come quarto
braccio della NATO.

Nella quarta parte del libro si indagano le ricadute sul Terzo Mondo
mediatico ( ma anche militare ed economico) nonchè le possibili vie
di resistenza e di
alternativa rispetto ad esso.
Da un lato si propongono agenzie, reti ed alleanze "orizzontali"
capaci di offrire ai
movimenti un flusso informativo e conoscitivo correlato alla realtà
del mondo e dei
popoli (un esempio è l'idea denominata PRIME Progressive
International Media
Exchange), dall'altro si tenta di sostenere e valorizzare le
strutture informative non
legate ai monopoli (pubbliche, comunitarie, ecc.).

In questa direzione, la conquista dei DIRITTI COMUNICATIVI, attivi e
passivi, mi
sembra una battaglia decisiva nel senso indicato sopra da Ramsey

Qui serve una progettualità articolata a più livelli, da quello
locale a quello mondiale,
capace di contrastare, o almeno limitare, i danni sociali prodotti
dalle multinazionali
dei media.

Qui si collocano le proposte del FORUM DAC che possono diventare
praticabili, a
condizione di assumere la questione dei MEDIA ( e dei diritti
negati) come problema
politico universale e prioritario. Qui le testimonianze dei vari
relatori si intrecciano
con i lavori e gli scopi di Videazimut (nel mondo) e del nostro
Forum DAC (in Italia).

Sintetizzo infine i contributi dell'ultima parte, più propositivi e
progettuali, essendo
l'analisi delle menzogne USA-NATO più nota, almeno tra gli "addetti
ai lavori" non
asserviti all'imperialismo

Barbara Nimiri Aziz (USA) si chiede se esistano alternative
mediatiche al di fuori
dell'Occidente. Pur accettando che i grandi mass-media occidentali
ormai dominano
l'attenzione e l'ascolto dei popoli di ogni parte del mondo,
l'autrice esamina i processi
culturali e comunicativi delle civiltà "non occidentali" (arabi,
asiatici, ecc.): qui i
processi di comunicazione orali non sono ancora scomparsi ed hanno
consolidate. Non è vero che non esistano ad EST giornalisti,
intellettuali e
comunicatori, indipendenti e capaci. Un altro aspetto caratteristico
è che in quei Paesi
il vissuto conta più della politica, per cui le persone non sono
così disinformate come
gli occidentali credono. Cita una serie di esempi. I popoli di 22
Stati arabi costituiscono
un buon esempio di competizione e diversità.
Il suo invito è quindi di non omologare frettolosamente l'ovest

David Barsamian (USA) tratta il tema delle radio antagoniste e del
loro ruolo
antimperialista. Cita Antonio Gramsci "creare una nuova cultura non
significa solo fare
originali scoperte individuali, ma soprattutto significa divulgare
criticamente le verità
esistenti, portarle al linguaggio sociale, quindi, dare ad esse la
consistenza di base per
azioni vitali e gli elementi di raccordo di rilevanza intellettuale
e sociale". Egli trova
nel rilancio e nel potenziamento delle radio alternative le funzioni
politiche e culturali
evocate da Gramsci. Ragioni di costo, di semplicità e di diffusione
ne fanno fattori
decisivi di conoscenza critica, resistenza ed opposizione
all'imperialimo. Cita una
serie di esempi.

La relazione di Peter Frank ed altri (USA), intitolata
"Radiodiffusione, costituzione
e democrazia" pone il diritto a comunicare in relazione al 1°
emendamento della
Costituzione USA: rivendica il diritto all'installazione in ambito
locale di
microripetitori radio FM di piccola potenza (50-100 watt). Cita i
numeri della rapida
espansione in USA di tali microripetitori "comunitari e/o rurali",
sostenuta dal
"movimento internazionale per le microradio".

Manse Jacobi (USA) esplora limiti e potenzialità di Internet come
potenziale mezzo
di democrazia comunicativa (alternativa al regime dominante). Cita
le applicazione di
WEBcasting-diffusione di notizie audiovisive via Internet, nonché il
progetto di
"convergenza della società civile" lanciato da AMAR, APC e
Videazimut: si tratta
di una rete di giornalisti, scrittori, intellettuali ed attivisti
che scambiano, su base
mondiale, informazioni libere, democraticamente.

C.Levendosky (USA) si chiede, pleonasticamente, se il mercato possa
proteggere voci libere. La sua risposta, suffragata da esempi, è
negativa, per cui
ritorna all'uso di media alternativi.


La Nato alla conquista del mondo
di Michel Collon (ed. EPO - marzo 2000)

-> NUOVA RECENSIONE a cura di Enrico Giardino:

-> nostri documenti gia' distribuiti:



Scienziate e scienziati contro la guerra


"Imbrogli di guerra" e' finalmente disponibile anche sul web,

Il comitato "Scienziate e scienziati contro la guerra", inoltre,
e' in procinto di pubblicare con l'editore Odradek un secondo
volume, come continuazione del primo. Il secondo libro riportera'
il contenuto delle relazioni raccolte nel corso del convegno di
Torino svoltosi nel mese di giugno 2000.


IMBROGLI DI GUERRA - Scienziate e scienziati contro la guerra

Un libro per coloro che vogliono approfondire, fuori dai clamori e
al riparo da interferenze mediatiche, cause e conseguenze del recente
conflitto e di cui consigliamo vivamente l'adozione nelle universita'
e nelle scuole superiori.

Raccoglie contributi e interventi che "Scienziate e scienziati contro
la guerra" hanno prodotto in un seminario sul conflitto nei Balcani,
tenutosi a Roma il 21 giugno 1999. Sono testi ricchi di grafici e
meditati e documentati, che analizzano un vasto spettro di temi e di
ambiti a partire da metodologie scientifiche diverse, attenti a riferire
soprattutto, ma non solo, sulle conseguenze del recente conflitto sulla
popolazione e sull'ambiente.

Sono testi scientifici che non vogliono ignorare le connessioni
tra universita', ricerca ed industria bellica, e che affrontano, di
la responsabilita' della scienza e degli scienziati nei confronti del
Pianeta e della sua popolazione. In un contesto culturale di profonda
crisi, laddove molti intellettuali sono spiazzati dagli eventi, altri
latitano, ed altri ancora si vendono al miglior offerente, qualcuno

Le autrici e gli autori: A. Di Fazio, V.F. Polcaro, S. Salerno, L.
V. Caffarelli, W. Bocola, P. Cagnetti, V. Gennaro, G. Grandoni,
A. Signorini N. Pacilio, C. Pona, A. Baracca, R. La Valle e altri,
F. Grimaldi, A. Drago, E. Donini, M. Emmer, A. Martocchia: docenti
appartenenti a Dipartimenti di varie Universita' italiane (Napoli,
Roma, Firenze, Torino, Trieste); ricercatori del CNR, dell'ENEA, degli
Osservatori astronomici, del Ministero dell'Ambiente, dell'Istituto
Nazionale per la ricerca sul Cancro di Genova; studenti della Scuola
Internazionale per gli Studi Avanzati di Trieste.


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Scienziate e Scienziati contro la guerra


> International Action Center / AaVv.
> Editori Riuniti, Roma, giugno 1999 - lire 18mila

Dei QUATTORDICI saggi contenuti nell'opera originale - vale a dire
l'eccezionale volume dell'I.A.C. "NATO IN THE BALKANS", che a suo tempo
segnalammo, cfr. - con
ardimento gli Editori Riuniti sono riusciti a pubblicarne QUATTRO in
versione italiana. C'e' voluto un anno e mezzo d'attesa e qualche decina
di migliaia di tonnellate di bombe, ma il risultato e' incoraggiante.

Il libro, che e' curato da Tommaso di Francesco, si apre con una
PREFAZIONE di Luciana Castellina. Questa esordisce con alcune righe di
premessa inutile ed in perfetto stile "politically correct" sulle colpe
Milosevic, tanto per mettere le mani avanti, ma subito dopo in poche
pagine riesce a riassumere efficacemente 10 anni di aggressione
imperialista ai danni delle popolazioni della Jugoslavia, analizzando a
nostro avviso correttamente anche il quadro politico-culturale

Segue una NOTA REDAZIONALE e la parziale traduzione di "NATO IN THE
BALKANS", con gli scritti di R. Becker (sulle sanzioni ed il ruolo
occidentale nella distruzione della RFSJ), S. Flounders (sulla attivita'
USA contro la pace in Bosnia; da questa sezione e' scioccamente saltato
via un paragrafo che elencava alcuni articoli di fonte occidentale
sull'operato della CIA in Bosnia), G. Elich (sulla "Operazione Tempesta"
danno dei serbi delle Krajne) e B. Lituchy (sul ruolo dei media, laddove
si citano alcuni esempi di disinformazione strategica, con i nomi delle
agenzie di "public relations" coinvolte).

Mancano dunque all'appello l'introduzione di R. Clark, l'importante
analisi geopolitica di S. Gervasi sulla strategia della NATO, il pezzo
sulla Bosnia di Chossudovski, l'analisi di S. Marcy sugli interessi
allo squartamento della RFSJ, il saggio sugli accordi di Dayton di G.
Wilson, l'articolo di T. Deichmann sulla campagna di disinformazione
relativa a certi "lager serbi" in Bosnia, quello di R. Foerstel sul
dei media e quello della N. Tesich sul clima culturale in cui e'
germogliato il razzismo antiserbo di questi anni. Manca anche l'analisi
Cottin e Dorfman sulla agenzia di disinformazione strategica
impegnata ad orientare la lobby ebraica USA in senso antijugoslavo.

Il libro contiene invece una aggiornata APPENDICE, con l'ACCORDO PER
(integrale), nonche': LE COLPE DELLA GERMANIA (intervista a Helmuth
Schmidt a cura di P.A. Stauffer e P. Decallier), GLI OBBIETTIVI DELLA
R. Debray, l'articolo apparso il 12/5 scorso sul "Le Monde" che ha
scatenato una oscena campagna diffamatoria contro il suo autore.

Nonostante l'incompletezza, l'estremo ritardo con cui appare ed il
embargo informativo (non ci risulta sia stato recensito da alcun
giornale), questo libro rimane comunque il migliore di tutti quelli
pubblicati sul dramma jugoslavo e balcanico di questi anni in Italia.
Pochi soldi per un'agile lettura che fornisce salde basi di
comprensione di quanto accaduto nel paese che con noi confina ad est.

Certo mancano tanti tasselli, documentazione, manca una cronologia,
mancano illustrazioni, manca la voce dei comunisti jugoslavi, ma non
disperiamo: qualche altra tonnellata di uranio impoverito o qualche
pioggia di bombe in Adriatico indurranno sicuramente gli "Editori
ad azzardare un altro passo nella direzione giusta.



> Losurdo, Taboni, Moffa, Catone
> L'alba di sangue del "secolo americano"
> La Citta' del Sole / Manes Ed., Napoli 1999

Si tratta della raccolta di quattro eccezionali saggi sulle cause
strategiche, economiche e politiche della aggressione occidentale contro
la Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia (Serbia e Montenegro). Questo
ultimo dell'area balcanica a rivendicare fino in fondo una continuita'
la multinazionale (o "multietnica", come vuole la vulgata corrente)
Repubblica Federativa e Socialista di Jugoslavia, e' tuttora soggetto ad
un attacco in varie forme da parte dell'imperialismo, che intende
spaccarlo facendo leva sui settori revanscisti e micronazionalisti per
arrivare ad una ricolonizzazione di tutta l'area, e puntare
ad est.
Particolarmente accesa la polemica contro la deriva teorica e pratica
di certo internazionalismo, di certo pacifismo e di certa sinistra, che
usando in modo a-dialettico la categoria della "autodeterminazione dei
popoli" hanno di fatto sostenuto lo squartamento della RFSJ esaltando un
"differenzialismo identitario" di carattere reazionario e decadente.


e-mail: crj@... - URL:

Emperor's Clothes Interviews Radio B292
[Emperor's Clothes]

On May 17th, the Yugoslav government closed Studio B, controlled by Vuk
Draskovic's Serbian
Renewal Party in Belgrade. The charge: that Studio B Television "has
been calling for armed terrorist and
criminal actions against the Republic of Serbia and its citizens." Since
the controversial Radio B292 used
space at Studio B, B292 was effectively closed as well.

Some said that the charges were fabricated, that this was a terrible
attack on free speech. Were they
right? Did the station represent an attempt at free journalism, stifled
by heavy-handed bureacrats?

Emperor's Clothes published two articles by geopolitical analyst Paul
Treanor which argued, with
documentation, that Radio B292 was in fact controlled by powerful
Western interests which aimed to
bring Yugoslavia down.

Shortly after Studio B was closed, Emperor's Clothes editor Jared Israel
tracked down B292 staff
members at a temporary office in Belgrade. He interviewed two people,
gordan Paunovic, who ran
B292's web page, and Sanda Savic, the news editor. The interviews were
an attempt to shed light on the
charges raised by Mr.. Treanor. They relate directly to the question: Is
the Serbian opposition in fact
independent of US control? This has direct bearing on the present
Yugoslav elections.

Interview with gordan Paunovicm webmaster for B292.

Conducted by Jared Israel, editor

Jared: Why did the government shut down Studio B?

Gordan Paunovic: The main accusation was that they called for an armed
response to overthrow the

Jared: Is that true?

Paunovic: No, of course not. On the 13th of May you had a rally on a
mountain over there and you had
these people who shouted "Uprising! Uprising!" And they had coverage of
both rallies. So if you think
that's a call for uprising -

[Note: Subsequently I learned from a Montengran student whose family has
been involved in "upriings"
for 200 years, that while the term "uprising" might be taken as radical
chic in English, in Serbia it is
associated with a bloody history of anti-Turkish rebellions, a history
with which every Serbian child is
familiar. It is therefore not a term likely to be used casually.]

Jared: Well the news report I read in the West said that guns were fired
in the air and Vuk Draskovic
said, "Save your bullets, we're going to need them." Doesn't that sound
like a call for civil war and -

Paunovic: These are folklore events without any political weight which
are happening every year. It is the
anniversary of the Chetniks' uprising against the Nazi's in the Second
World War, on this mountain. It's a
completely folklore gathering. They always have guns.

Jared: But his comment? "Save your bullets we'll need them later?"

Paunovic: Well then let them arrest Draskovic.

Jared: Well, they closed his Studio B...Tell me, is radio B292 funded by
George Soros?

Paunovic: Funded or founded?

Jared: Funded. Given money -

Paunovic: I think it happens quite often since 1992 but it's not the
only source of money. But I'm not the
right person to talk about this.

Jared: Do you know anything about -

Paunovic: There is a list of international foundations, not only Soros
who -

Jared: Like what else?

Paunovic: Press Now, from Holland, Royal Swedish Foundation or
something, Royal Netherlands

Jared: Any in the US?

Paunovic: I guess so. I don't know the details. Those things I know by
chance. But Soros Foundation,
yes, definitely, but much, these days in last year or two years much
less than before.

Jared: Any money coming from foundations in the US?

Paunovic: Probably, but I don't know which Foundations. I am pretty much
pissed off in putting this kind
of argumentation, like Soros equals B92. That really comes from people
who are not in a position to see
what we are doing. We will take money from anyone. To make a good
production on many levels, from
radio, to TV and video productions to Internet, Books, music. You need

Jared: I'll read you a statement from Gelbard. You know who Gelbard is?

Paunovic: US Special Envoy to the Balkans.

Jared: Exactly. [Jared's note: actually prior to this interview Gelbard
had been moved to a new position,
Ambassador to Indonesia...] Do you know who Biden is? Sen. Biden? This
an exchange from the July
29th [1999] hearings on supporting the so-called independent forces in
Serbia. The hearings took place
the day after the Senate voted to give 100,000,000 dollars to the
'independent' opposition. This is Sen.
Biden talking:

"SEN. BIDEN: "What can we do about inside Serbia? For example Draskovic
continues to deny access
to Studio B, which is supposedly, as I understand it -- he's not?

"MR. GELBARD: No, he's actually given access to Studio B -- excuse me;
given access of Studio B to
Radio B-92. And my understanding is that Radio B-92, one of the
independent voices, has just reopened
as Radio B-292. We want Draskovic to open up Studio B to the rest of the
opposition, and that's a
message that he'll be getting from us in the next few days."

Jared resumes: That's how they talked about you. Any comment?

Paunovic: Can you read it to me again?

Jared: I'll read it slowly. [Reads again]

Paunovic: Hmmm. I think it's, I mean I'm not getting clear what do you
want to point? What do you want
to ask me? If you want to think B92 is the voice of Gelbard or the
American administration, that has
nothing to do with reality.

Jared: Well let me ask you, does it sound like an extraordinary
situation for the government of a hostile
country to be discussing in detail the use of studio facilities in the
target country. And discussing it in detail

Paunovic: Well, to make such a conclusion that would mean that you have
a perfectly normal situation
here. What you have here is the most abnormal situation in the world
which has nothing to do with the US

Jared: You think the situation has nothing to do with the US -

Paunovic: And another thing I don't like the way we are - Like Robin
Cook and Jamie Shea they made a
huge damage to our image when Robin Cooke said in a Press Conference
which was directly broadcast
on CNN "You know we helped B92 to get satellite access" and things like
that. But you know I think
they will obviously help anyone who is spreading serious criticism of
the government. So what are we
going to do about it? If they want to do it they will.

Jared: Do you feel uncomfortable with that statement [by Gelbard and

Paunovic: I absolutely feel uncomfortable with anyone patronizing -

Jared: You said before that the United States had nothing do with the
situation in Yugoslavia. You don't
think the United States is any part of the problem that you face in

Paunovic: Well I don't say they are not part of the problem They are a
very big part of the problem
because for nine years they saw Milosevich as a guarantor of peace and
then completely changed their
policy declaring him a war criminal. If they needed the year 1999 to
realize he is a war criminal I think
they are very wrong. He is a war criminal and a person who is seriously
violating for many years. He
came to power in a completely illegal way. He had a coup in the [former
communist] party congress.

Jared: You think he's a war criminal? They charge him with war crimes
because they say the Serbian
police and the Yugoslav Army committed war crimes. Do you think the
Yugoslav Army committed war
crimes in Kosovo?

Paunovic: Well that's a collective guilt issue. They should specifiy the
names of people who committed
war crimes in Kosovo.

Jared: Do you think the Serbian Army committed war crimes in Kosovo?

Paunovic: I don't know. How can I know this? I don't work for the Hague

Jared: Do you think the Hague Tribunal is a legitimate orgnaizxation>?

Paunovic: I don't know.

Jared: You said the US has been responsible for problems because of its
policy of backing Milosevich.
So that's the only thing the United States has done?

Paunovic: Are you referring to the bombing? I mean we can talk about
these things for 24 hours.

Jared: Well, it did happen. But anyway, you take money from the US

Paunovic: [Laughs] I don't know about it. I didn't say that. Did I say

Jared: They say it.

Paunovic: Who?

Jared: In these hearings they say it explicitly; they say we've been
giving large sums of money to the
'independent' media. Now the main, the only name of 'independent' media
they mention is yours. They
say we had to stop when the bombing started. Since the bombing ended
we've been able to start again
and we're immediately going to get $10 million dollars in there. And we
have voted 100 million. That's
what they say.

Paunovic: You know, I don't know. That help was not only for B92. I mean
you have a list, practically
everyone, all media that exists in Serbia that is not controlled by the
Serbian government is on that list.

Jared: Getting money from the US?

Paunovic: Exactly,.

Jared: So they're all getting it, not just B92?

Paunovic: You know it's not a question of morality or something like
that because we're in an open war
with the government. We realized much before Washington realized we had
to overthrow Milosevich

Jared: Let me ask you, I understand you're broadcasting on satellite.
What satellite is that?

Paunovic: I don't know.

Jared: Is that Eurosat?

Paunovic: I am not a technical expert on the satellite. I can tell you
about the Internet.

Jared: Is there somebody who handles the radio I can talk to?

Paunovic: You can talk to me about it.

Jared; So do you know what satellite it is?

Paunovic: Yes but I don't know. I don't have anybody here who can help
you about this.

Jared: Is there anybody I can call to find that out?

Paunovic: Before, the way satellite operation was done I think in
cooperation with BBC.

Jared: Ahh, so you do know. And so now?

Paunovic: Probably the same.

Jared: Have you protested the Serbian government's exclusion from
Eurosat [the European Satellite TV

Paunovic: We protest all those things. Everything.

[At this point Paunovic instructed Jared to check on their website to
see about the protest against
Yugoslav exclusion from Eursat. He checked but found no such protest
against Yugoslav exclusion.
Pauvonic promised to send the URL to that protest, and did in fact send
an email in which he stated his
regrets that the URL for the protest against Yugoslav esclusion from the
Eurosat was "unavailable".]

End of interview with gordan pauvonic


Inerview with Sanda Savic, News editor of Radio B292

Conducted by Jared Israel, May 23, 2000.

Jared: Are you in an office there or somebody's house?

Sanda: So-called office. We are just trying to gather computers,
telephones and etc., etc.

Jared: But I understand you're still able to transmit by satellite? What
satellite to you use?

Sanda: It's a BBC satellite.

Jared: You have an arrangement with them where you can -

Sanda: It's old arrangement. They give us more time on satellite now.
Every day we are broadcasting two
hours in the morning, two afternoon and two at the evening. Six hours a

Jared: The BBC contributes this?

Sanda: I don't know the details about that agreement. But we used their
satellite before. But it was just
three hours before. We made a new agreement. They just wanted to help us

Jared: That's a lot of time. What does that reach?

Sanda: We cover all the protests. That can be heard by everyone but
Belgrade because local stations
rebroadcast our programs, between 20 and 30 local stations.
Unfortunately BBC cannot be heard in

Jared: I understand some people are very mad at you and some support
you. Are you getting strong

Sanda: Many of us are very disappointed. We expect nothing special from
opposition [parties.] That's
why we prepared earlier offices and other ways to continue our work.
That's why we able to work now.
Because we didn't expect anything from the others, especially not from
the opposition parties.

Jared: So you prepared a whole alternative set of offices before this
happened? Sounds expensive.

Sanda: And we are doing some things to cover Belgrade. We are trying to
do that.

Jared: How are you doing that?

Sanda: I can't tell you more

Jared: What do you mean though, you say you're trying to cover Belgrade?

Sanda: We are trying to make some agreement with other radio stations,
not in Serbia.

Jared: You mean like Bulgaria or something?

Sanda: I can't tell you now. You're going to find out in the next ten or
15 days. Yes this is expensive but
you know the European Union and every organization from the outside
helped us for years and they are
going to help [now].

Jared: Like what organizations?

Sanda: Like, I don't know; [George] Soros, you know? There are so many
organizations from abroad.
They all help us.

Jared: Who owns the station?

Sanda: No one.

Jared: That can't be.

Sanda: We are not private. We are not a city organization. We are just,
I don't know. It's private owner

Jared: Who is the private owner?

Sanda: No one. It's just a part of Association of Independent Electronic
Media in Serbia.

Jared: You say no one owns it but I'm unclear. You said no one owns it,
but you said "we prepared other
offices." Somebody has to write checks. You've got phones; you have
relations with a satellite, etc.
Soros gives money; the money must go to something, some entity. Does
Soros own it?

Sanda: No no no no no no no. We don't have a legal status. We are just
part of an Association. You
know what happened during the bombing?

Jared: But somebody pays you a paycheck every week? Someone writes a
check and signs it?

Sanda: Yes but you have to ask my Director.

Jared: In other words you don't know who writes the -

Sanda: I don't know much about - it's so confused -

Jared: Specifically though you get a check you can cash at the bank?

Sanda: Yes.

Jared: How much pay would a person get there? Is it a very good job?

Sanda: It's a good job.

Jared: Well somebody owns it because they write a check. Means
ownership, control.

Sanda: It's like a non-government organization. We have an Editor,
Director, it's just their job to get

Jared: Let me read you something that's on the net now from a guy named
Paul Treanor. He says the
website that was set up when radio 2B292 came around is owned by KPB
Telecom through its
subsidiary XS4ALL NederlandBV. (2)

Sanda: Uh -huh.

Jared: Is that correct?

Sanda: Really, I really don't know. I'm not sure. I can't tell you
anything about that. I can just give you the
number of Sasa Milkovic. He's the Editor in Chief.

[Jared's note: I called Mr. Milkovic numerous times but he was always
too busy to talk.]

Further reading...

Do anti-Yugoslav Western interests own Radio 'Free' B292?'' by Paul

'B92 "solidarity" money goes to Soros Fund' by Paul Treanor at$.htm

If you find emperors-clothes useful, we can use your help...

(The Soros Foundation does NOT fund Emperors Clothes.)

We rely on volunteer labor and donations. Our expenses include: Internet
fees, Lexis, our Internet
research tool, and phone bills. We use the phone a lot for interviews
and to discuss editorial changes.

Every month hundreds of thousands of people read articles from Emperor's
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To make a donation, please mail a check to Emperor's Clothes, P.O. Box
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Thanks for reading and for helping!
[Emperor's Clothes]

Della miseria della opposizione di destra in Serbia
Settima parte:


Toward Another "Red October"
Kostunica: A Don Quixote in Bed with Scorpions - The EU "Trojan Horse"
Is Real "Kiss of Death," As Is Djindjic's Endorsement
(Bob Djurdjevic)

Kostunica & the Yugoslav Election
Written by Jared Israel following discussion with the people who work on
Emperor's Clothes - revised 9-15-00

=== OTPOR ===

Otpor is an American Tragedy
by Jared Israel (9-08-00)


Dal sito:
OTPOR website

"...seppellire il comunismo ancora vivo e vegeto in Serbia..."

Kragujevac Otpor observes July 7

Otpor activists staged a performance on Friday named "Let's Regain our
consciousness" in front of their premises in
Kragujevac to observe the Day of Uprising in Serbia. They placed three
red painted pentagrams made of ice on the sunlit
side of the street and set candles beside them. Otpor activist Ana Savic
told Beta news agency that "thawing of the
five-pointed stars in the sun" symbolized "the entombment of Communism
still alive and vivid in Serbia after five



Dear Friends of NATO and the U.S. State Department,
recently visited your Web site, a better site that
most opposition groups here in the United States can
afford, and read your appeal for support from Western
celebrities and, implicitly, for financial support.
One would think that with the handsome funding you
receive from George Soros' Open Society Institute and,
less directly, the U.S. State Department, that your
coffers would be full and that you wouldn't be in need
of further monies....But bringing Yugoslavia out of
its isolation, as you put it, and into NATO presumably
- the same NATO alliance that bombed your country and
people ruthlessly for 79 days and killed thousands of
your fellow citizens - and ushering your nation "into
the 21st Century," a line the not terribly clever
Yankee spin masters seem to have recycled from the
1992 Clinton presidential campaign to present to you,
is expensive, I realize. Well, enjoy the NATO largesse
while you can, because if your dreams of 'freedom'
ever come to fruition you'll be begging for bread like
the people of the rest of Eastern Europe, who could
tell you a thing or two about what's expected in
returm from American/Western agents....Now please
explain to me how the arch-demon Slobodan Milosevic is
solely responsible for your democratic friends in
London and Washington attacking your own country, as
well as bombing and waging war in or against Iraq,
Colombia, etc....P.S. For a 'catchier' acronym for
your organization, try Collaborators In Action.
Rick, Chicago (America's third largest city, which has
a one-party political system...Want to come here and
help liberate us?)

(Letter to OTPOR, by Rick Rozoff, 23 May 2000)

Emperor's Clothes Interviews Radio B292$.htm
'B92 "solidarity" money goes to Soros Fund'
(Paul Treanor)
US Senate hearing, July 29, 1999
'Gangsters & other democrats'


Vuk Draskovic Stages A Comic Opera Attempt on His Own Life (Such As It
Is), by Bob Djurdjevic (6-18-00)


"La quinta colonna"

Quello che è chiaro per Noam Chomsky, Ramsey Clark, Peter Handke,
Friederich Gorenstein, Nikita Mahlkov, Pier Marie Galois, è difficile
capire perché non lo sia anche per la nostra quinta colonna, quale che
sia il suo interesse personale in tutto ciò. E’ particolarmente strano
perché non lo sia anche "per l’uomo di Dio", il Patriarca Artemije al
quale la memoria storica dovrebbe essere più chiara che ai semplici
cittadini, e lui alcuni giorni fa disse che non aveva voluto chiedere
alla Albright perché fosse stata bombardata la Jugoslavia, sicuramente
perché ritiene che noi stessi abbiamo provocato questa reazione ! La
quinta colonna nostrana non sa mettersi d’accordo su cosa vuole da se
stessa. Si vanta della storia del popolo serbo, e chiede allo stesso
popolo che "venda la religione per la colazione" (in serbo :"da proda
veru za veceru"). Quanto onore bisogna avere per viaggiare per il mondo
sputando sulla propria terra e spalla a spalla con la CNN costruire
l’immagine dei serbi cattivi e primitivi.. La sventura dell’opposizione
e proprio questa, di aver indirizzato tutto il loro odio contro gli
avversari politici, contro il paese e il popolo. Sembra che questi
cosiddetti opposizionisti e persuasi intellettuali abbiano compreso che
per loro stessi è molto più conveniente contrastare il governo
legalmente e democraticamente eletto dal popolo e distribuire baciamani
in giro per il mondo, e accusare per tutti i mali di questo mondo -come
loro stessi dicono- ufficialmente Belgrado. Non ènemmeno
contraddittorio che l’opposizione sia contro quelli che hanno vinto le
elezioni. Questo si trova nella -descrizione del loro posto di lavoro- ,
ma in questione è il fatto che in questa corsa richiedano che alle
spalle soffino loro quelli che durante i bombardamenti hanno ammazzato
tanta di quella gente, distrutto tante di quelle cose costruite con il
sudore dei lavoratori e che sono pronti a consegnare ogni serbo al
tribunale dell’Aja, per avere più "coca-cola" e per ricordare quei
cosiddetti antagonisti al regime che si vantano delle vittorie serbe
nella Prima guerra mondiale -è la Serbia che è entrata in guerra proprio
perché non voleva i gendarmi stranieri che spadroneggino sul suo
territorio. E perché sia ancora una volta chiaro nessuno è contrario a
che l’opposizione sia contro il governo, ma ogni serbo deve essere
contro quelli che sono pronti a tradire il popolo, il paese per
qualsiasi poltron
In questo consiste la loro quinta colonna.

(Da "Politika", Belgrado, luglio 2000)


U.S. Opens New Office in Hungary
The Associated Press
Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2000; 4:20 p.m. EDT

WASHINGTON –– The State Department has opened a new office at the
Embassy in Hungary to support democratic forces in Yugoslavia in advance
national elections, a spokesman said Tuesday.

The office will be headed by the ambassador to Croatia, William

"We think it's very important to let those committed to true democracy
Serbia know that we support their efforts," State Department spokesman
Reeker said. Serbia and the smaller republic of Montenegro comprise the
Yugoslav Federation.

Montgomery will be addressing "a full range of issues related to our
long-term goal of advancing democracy in Serbia," Reeker said.

The Clinton administration is hoping for a strong showing by opposition
forces in the Sept. 24 elections. President Slobodan Milosevic has
the constitution to allow him to serve an additional eight years. In
to the presidency, elections for the federal parliament also will be

Reeker said Montgomery will retain the title of ambassador to Croatia
will be based in Budapest until a new ambassador is appointed in Zagreb.

© Copyright 2000 The Associated Press


Yugoslavia Raps U.S. Over Office To 'Run' Opposition

BELGRADE, Aug 18, 2000 -- (Reuters) A senior Yugoslav government
official accused the
United States on Thursday of waging more aggression on the Balkan state
by opening an office in
Budapest that he said was designed to "run" the Serbian opposition.

"The U.S. State Department issued a statement ... saying that they are
setting up a special office
in Budapest, headed by William Montgomery, to run the Serbian
opposition," Deputy Prime
Minister Nikola Sainovic told a news conference.

Montgomery, the U.S. ambassador to Croatia, will head the office as
charge d'affaires.

Belgrade broke off diplomatic ties with the United States and three
other Western countries last
year at the start of NATO's 11-week air campaign against Yugoslavia.

According to a Washington press briefing published on the State
Department website,
Montgomery will deal "solely with issues relating to Yugoslavia".

He will be working with the Serbian democratic opposition until
September elections and
"addressing a full range of issues related to our long-term goal of
advancing democracy in

But Sainovic, also a senior official in Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic's Socialist Party of
Serbia, said the office was part of a U.S. effort to gain control over
Yugoslavia by assisting
opposition parties in the run-up to the September 24 vote for Yugoslav
president, parliament and
local governments.

"That (the office) is one more link in a chain called 'How to Conquer
Yugoslavia'. This is the
battle for Yugoslavia and that is why the (September) elections are an
important element of the
battle," he said.

But Milosevic's opponents, regularly blasted by state media for
cultivating contacts with the
West after NATO's 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia that halted a Serbian
military crackdown on
Kosovo Albanians, were not enchanted by the U.S. move either.

Vojislav Kostunica, chosen by 15 Serbian opposition parties as their
joint candidate to challenge
Milosevic in the September vote, said on Wednesday the opening of the
office was an "American
kiss of death to the democratic forces of Serbia.

"It takes a great degree of say that promoting democracy
in Serbia is a long-term
U.S. goal. Democracy in Serbia is Serbia's goal and no one else is
entitled to it ... The real U.S.
goal is obviously a further break-up of Yugoslavia. Milosevic's victory
directly leads to it," he

Both Milosevic's ruling coalition of socialists, neo-communists and
ultra-nationalists and the
opposition parties say that the coming elections will be historic.

For Milosevic, the polls are a chance to cement power for many more

The opposition hopes to topple the Serbian strongman.

(C)2000 Copyright Reuters Limited


"Monitor" (BULGARIA), August 28

The Balkans Are Latin America for CIA

>>Arguments: CIA lectures Serbs from "Otpor in Sofia since today"
>>Monitor, August 28, 2000.
>>"I hate to be the first one!" That remark of Bruce Willis might be
>repeated by "Monitor" re all the subjects, connected with the USA presence
>in the Balkans and Bulgaria.
>>We have published several times the truth of the US invasion, and we have
>noticed that usually the things develop after the same scheme.
>>First stage: firm denial on the part of the powerful ones.
>>Second stage: painful admission.
>>It was just so when the Yankee demanded bases in Bulgaria. While one of
>ruling "elite" was denying it, other had already been admitting it. At the
>end everything had proved to be just as "Monitor" had announced it.
>>The same had been repeated also with the CIA center in Sofia, about which
>we wrote even as early as the last year.
>>It was the same in connection with the meetings of the Yugoslavian
>opposition activists with Ambassador Miles and USA spies that took place
>last year too in "Sheraton" Hotel, Sofia. "There is no such thing" -Miles
>lied first, but then he had to admit that he had shared a meal with them.
>>Now our warning, announced while Tenet was still in Sofia, has proved to
>true too. All the pretentious analyses about CIA Boss visit are reduced to
>a brutal order to the Bulgarian rulers of today - namely, to keep selling
>our country sovereignty, providing another country spy organizations with a
>terrain from which to work against a neighbouring country.
>>According to a BBC information a ten-day special course starts in Sofia
>since today (August 28). In that course USA spies will lecture to Serb
>activists from "Otpor".
>>What exactly will Uncle Sams spies lecture to the Serbs? Maybe how to
>organize a procession with beating on empty pans? A CIA trade mark,
>accompanying the coups, and used in Brasil in 1961, in Chili in 1973, and
>Bulgaria in 1990. Or, maybe, the Serbs will be taught how to destroy and
>fire to a Parliament building? It was tried on in Sofia in 1997.
>>There are many ways to destabilize a Balkan country but on principle, the
>specialists from beyond the ocean do not rack their brains uselessly and do
>not rely on imagination. They follow strictly the standard ranger method.
>>It seems that for the USA Latin America has moved to the Balkans. And the
>Bulgarian ruling men and women are no more than the puppets of colonels,
>which Washington used with gusto during the colonization of the territory
>the south of the Panama Channel.
>>The sad thing in that squalid story is that both our rulers and we know
>well what the future has in store for the puppets and the go-betweens in
>that dirty game...
>>Translated by Blagovesta Doncheva
>>September 2 2000





DIBATTITO AL SENATO U.S.A. sull'appoggio alla "opposizione"



e-mail: crj@... - URL:

20 September 2000
Text: State Department Spokesman Message on Yugoslav Elections
(Removal of sanctions will follow democratic transition, Boucher says)

U.S. State Department Spokesman Richard Boucher issued the following
message September 20 on the Yugoslav elections, which are scheduled to
take place September 24:

(begin text)

U.S. Department of State
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, D.C.
September 20, 2000



The United States welcomes Monday's message from the EU General
Affairs Council to the people of Yugoslavia and supports the
ministers' statement. When a democratic transition takes place, we
will take steps to remove sanctions.

The democratic opposition has chosen to contest these elections, and
there is every sign that the great majority of the people support them
in this choice, intend to vote, and to vote for change. We have joined
with our Russian and European colleagues already in looking forward to
the time when a democratic Yugoslavia is a full partner in the new

(end text)

(Distributed by the Office of International Information Programs, U.S.
Department of State. Web site:

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Sept. 21, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Pat Chin

With elections set for Sept. 24 in the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, the United States and its junior partners in
Europe have intensified efforts to topple the government of
President Slobodan Milosevic as a first step toward turning
Yugoslavia into a colonial country.

The destabilization campaign is in full swing. It's a no-
holds-barred full court press that includes covert
operations involving assassinations; open funding for
opposition parties; economic strangulation; media
manipulation; and psychological warfare, including the
threat of another NATO war should Milosevic be returned to

Milosevic enjoys popular support for standing up to NATO.
But the West's big-business media have been giving prominent
play to Democratic Opposition of Serbia presidential
candidate Vojislav Kostunica.

Other opposition leaders, like Vuk Draskovic and Zoran
Djindjic, have already discredited themselves by their close
relations with the U.S. and NATO forces. While Kostunica
hasn't yet openly embraced NATO, it's obvious he's
Washington's favorite.

The media claim that Kostunica, who represents a group of
allied opposition parties, is the clear frontrunner
according to polls. The surveys, however, are being done by
anti-Milosevic institutions inside the country.

Serbian Science Minister Branislav Ivkovic recently
denounced the polls, accusing the CIA of "direct
involvement." It's "business as usual," said Ivkovic, "so
when the surveys turn out to be false, they will say the
vote was a fraud and will call for a rebellion." (Nedeljni
Telegraf weekly)

A known anti-communist, Kostunica told a Sept. 1 rally in
Belgrade that, if elected, he will "persistently and
patiently strive to get our country back into the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and
restore its rightful membership in the United Nations and
the world's leading financial institutions." (Associated

The European Union has been scheming with the U.S. to unseat
Milosevic so that a puppet government can be installed that
would subordinate the country's economy to Western corporate


A meeting of the EU on Sept. 4 offered to lift imperialist-
imposed economic sanctions if people vote Milosevic out of
office. The 15-member cabal announced that it had postponed
a review of the sanctions until after the elections, adding
that a "proposal" will be unveiled just before the

"The victory of democracy would lead to a radical revision
of EU policy towards Serbia in all its aspects," said French
Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine. "The Serbs will have to
make a very important choice in the elections." (Reuters)

Of course, like most election promises made by capitalist
politicians, there's no guarantee that they'll be kept.
Vedrine's goal is to open up the Yugoslav economy to Western
corporate exploitation.

Around the same time, La Stampa, an Italian newspaper,
reported that former NATO chief Javier Solana had said,
"There are three possible outcomes of the Yugoslav election:
Milosevic wins, Milosevic cheats, Milosevic loses." The
first two outcomes are "negative," warned Solana, and will
meet hostility from NATO forces.

This blatantly manipulative and arrogant display of
interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country
has reached a fever pitch. Solana wants the message to be
that if the Yugoslavs don't unseat Milosevic, they'll not
only face economic suffocation, they might also get bombed

Such an attack, however, would arouse the already growing
opposition within the NATO countries to the unjustified
pressure on Yugoslavia, and could provoke splits within
NATO. At this moment the military threats should be seen
mainly as an attempt to intimidate the Yugoslavs into voting
against Milosevic.

The U.S. recently barred Yugoslav federal government
officials from attending the United Nations' first global
gathering of parliamentary leaders and the Millennium Summit
by denying them visas. But Montenegrin President Milo
Djukanovic was allowed to attend the latter.

While there, he met with the presidents of Croatia,
Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Macedonia. These
countries, backed by Berlin and Washington, broke off from
the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia starting
in 1991.

According to the opposition Freeb92 news outlet, the leaders
"sent a message to the Yugoslavian public that their
countries will propose that the international community lift
sanctions against Yugoslavia if the Serbian Democratic
Opposition achieves victory in the forthcoming elections."

Yugoslavia now consists of the republics of Serbia and
Montenegro, whose president has become a puppet of
imperialist interests. Djukanovic has, in fact, threatened
to declare independence if Milosevic is re-elected.

On Sept. 7, after meeting with him, U.S. Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright added grist to the propaganda mill by
declaring that she feared for his life.

"There are ongoing concerns about his safety," she intoned.
When asked if upcoming joint U.S. and Croatian military
exercises off Montenegro's coast were a show of force,
Albright replied, according to Reuters, that they were
"naval exercises planned as part of the Partnership for
Peace," an organization that links NATO with former Warsaw
Pact countries.

Two days later, Kostunica visited Montenegro where he met
with government officials there opposed to Milosevic.
According to a press report, "both sides emphasized that the
future of Serbia and Montenegro depended on democratic
changes within Serbia."

Meanwhile, in embattled UN/NATO-occupied Kosovo-Metohija
(Kosmet), Serbs, Roma and progressives of other ethnic
groups plan to vote on Sept. 24. Organizers say they will
prevail. They'll conduct the polling in private homes, since
they've been barred from using public buildings by
occupation head Bernard Kouchner. NATO also recently
announced plans to increase the number of troops in Kosmet
for the election.

Murderous attacks against Serbs and others have continued
under the watchful eye of the occupying forces. But the
Serbs are fighting back. And more news is beginning to
surface exposing the lies about "defending human rights"
used to justify the imperialist aggression against
Yugoslavia, and NATO's trumped-up indictment of Milosevic as
a "war criminal" based on the myth of mass graves containing
Albanian victims of Serb genocide.


On Aug. 17, for example, NATO officials admitted that their
estimate of Albanians allegedly killed by Yugoslav forces in
Kosmet was much higher than the actual number of exhumed
bodies. This admission, coupled with the fact that many of
the corpses showed no sign of "Yugoslav troop atrocities,"
was carried by the Aug. 18 British Guardian. But the U.S.
capitalist media deliberately ignored it.

The same is true of a Sept. 3 piece in the British Sunday
Times. Headlined, "KLA faces trials for war crimes on Serbs,
Inquiry turns on Albanians," it described five sites in
Kosmet "where war crimes were allegedly carried out by
members of the KLA" against the Serbs.

"The investigation could radically alter the international
perception of the conflict, in which Albanians were seen as
the largely innocent victims of Serbian aggression,"
concluded the article. "After a year of growing concern
about hundreds of revenge killings of Serbs by Albanians in
the province, there are signs that the public relations
pendulum may begin to swing the Serbs' way."

The London Daily Observer also reported Sept. 11 that U.S.
officials in Kosmet are obstructing a UN investigation of
former KLA commander Ramushi Haradinay, who is suspected of
assassinations, drug smuggling and war crimes. U.S. soldiers
reportedly removed evidence from a crime scene involving
Haradinay before whisking him away to their camp and later
to a U.S. military hospital in Germany.

Meanwhile, Serbs in the southern province continue to
protest the NATO take-over of the mineral-rich Trepca Mines.
And the government in Belgrade has announced that a war
crimes trial of NATO leaders involved in last year's 78-day
blitzkreig against Yugoslavia will start on Sept. 18.

The Yugoslav people can best defend their sovereignty and
livelihood by uniting to resist NATO, which is really much
weaker than it appears. There's growing opposition to
another military strike against Yugoslavia inside NATO and
worldwide, and people are organizing against the embargo. If
an independent government is dropped for the imperialists'
promise of a "better" life, all social benefits still being
enjoyed despite the harsh sanctions could be lost.

Yugoslavia could, in fact, become another Bulgaria, which
has shown the world that submitting to the imperialist West
is no guarantee of avoiding poverty for the mass of the

With respect to the elections, it's important to remember:
All that glitters is not gold.

- END -

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NEW YORK, Sep 19 (Tanjug). The opening of the US Office for
Yugoslavia in Budapest is an open demonstration of force, pressure and
brutal interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state by the
outgoing US administration, the Yugoslav Foreign Ministry said in a
to the UN Security Council.
The protest, addressed on the occasion of the opening of the
Office, headed by a US Ambassador, on August 15, was distributed on
at the Palace of Nations as a General Assembly and Security Council
The "Office" has a personnel of 30 employees of various
including members of the CIA, the National Security Council, the
USAID and other similar US agencies. According to US officials, its main
task is to help the opposition in Serbia and Yugoslavia and to influence
the will of the voters ahead of the upcoming elections.
With this act, the US administration practically pursues its
year's unsuccessful aggression on Yugoslavia, using subversive and
activities inadmissible in international relations. It also endorses
separatism and terrorism, fans dangerous aspirations in the region and
violates international law.
The opening of the "Office" and its proclaimed tasks constitute
glaring violation of the US commitment to the UN Charter, the Vienna
Conventions on diplomatic relations, the UN Declaration principles
regarding relations and cooperation among states of October 24, 1970,
other international documents.
The Office activities and Hungary's acceptance of the use of
territory for activities against a third country also constitute a
violation of the GA Resolution 54/168 of December 17, 1999, on the
of national sovereignty and noninterference in internal affairs of
as regards electoral process. It particularly violates its Para. 5,
stipulates that all states must refrain from financing political parties
groups in other states or undertaking any actions undermining their
electoral processes.
The Hungarian Government's acceptance and endorsement of the
opening of the "Office" is a precedent in international relations, and
raises the question of whether such acts are in line with the principles
goodneighbourly relations and of the OSCE that Hungarian government
allegedly supports. This act is reminiscent of the time when Budapest,
albeit in different circumstances and under the influence of other
also served as a center for pressures and subversive activities against
The Yugoslav Government most strongly protests against such
illegal activities of the US administration in the territories of
and other states, with the aim of openly interfering in Yugoslavia's
internal affairs, endangering its sovereignty and territorial integrity,
and attempting to destabilize it.
The Yugoslav Government expects the Security Council to most
strongly condemn such conduct and to urge the US administration to abide
the UN Charter, its international commitments and international law, the
Ministry document says.

ATHENS, Sep 19 (Tanjug). The European Union's promise to lift
antiYugoslav sanctions if its citizens do not vote for incumbent
President Slobodan Milosevic is the most glaring interference in
Yugoslavia's internal affairs, Yugoslav Ambassador to Greece Dragomir
Vucicevic told Athens Radio 902.
This also constitutes one of the aspects of continuing NATO and
aggression, now by different means, which is a violation of all basic
principles of international relations, Vucicevic said.
The Yugoslav Government has taken all the necessary measures to
make the upcoming federal presidential and parliamentary elections and
local elections in Serbia democratic and fair, as many foreign observers
have already witnessed, Vucicevic said.
The EU stance amounts to taking sides openly, which is
and contrary to the basic principles of democracy, Vucicevic said. The
promise of a reward to the people of they do not vote according to their
own will is an insult to the people of Yugoslavia, who have always
throughout their history to preserve their dignity, freedom and national
independence, Vucicevic said.
The EU sanctions against Yugoslavia are unfounded and illegal
they are contrary to the fundamental principles of the EU Charter and
been imposed without Security Council approval, he noted. The people of
Yugoslavia consequently expect the sanctions to be lifted immediately,
without preconditions, and without being used as an instrument of
preelection pressure, Vucicevic said.


BELGRADE, September 19 (Tanjug) The Federal Electoral
held a session on Tuesday chaired by Borivoje Vukicevic and noted that
preparations for the implementation of the upcoming presidential and
parliamentary elections were nearing completion according to plan, the
Parliamentary Press Service said.
The printing, packing and distribution of election materials
been completed. These operations were monitored by the Federal Electoral
Commission and representatives of political parties running in the
September 24 elections.
Representatives of political parties who supervised the
had no objections and confirmed that all electoral materials were
However, some party leaders are spreading rumours that already
filled out ballots are being distributed, and that people are being
threatened to force them to use such ballots.
The Commission strongly protests against such lies and points
that such irresponsible conduct is unnecessarily misleading the voters
violating their right to free choice.
Condemning all manipulations with lies, the Commission urges
the creation of legal and constitutional conditions for enabling voters
freely elect the lists and candidates of their choice. The Commission
consequently taken measures and requested state institutions to protect
democratic rights of the citizens.
This year's polls will be attended by over 200 observers from
countries, including parliamentarians and eminent public figures, whose
presence will enable the world public opinion to witness the democratic
character of free and fair elections in Yugoslavia, the Commission said.

BELGRADE, Sept 20 (Tanjug) Yugoslav public enterprise
RadioTelevision YugoslaviaInternet Yugoslavia has once again drawn
attention to the fact that the official website of the Yugoslav
devoted to elections has an Internet (URL) site
The statement said that certain organizations financed by
countries use parallel sites, with similar names, so that it is possible
that on URLsites such as and are
promoted false election results, and confusion created.
The first mentioned website is currently openly promoting
candidates of the political organization Democratic Opposition of Serbia
(DOS), which runs stories such as Arm Yourselves for September 20, when
election convention of DOS is due to be held, or it even calls on
to take to the streets and wait for the announcing of trumpedup election
results from their parallel election site.
The second site mentioned above is still in preparation and
be active on September 24.
Internet Yugoslavia points out that the official site is updated in conjunction with the Yugoslav Election
Commission, and is therefore the most accurate source of information
elections and about election results.


BELGRADE, September 20 (Tanjug) - President of the Yugoslav Electoral
Commission Borivoje Vukicevic and Supervising Board President Ivan
Radosavljevic will organize a cocktail on Wednesday evening to welcome
foreign observers who have arrived in Belgrade to monitor the federal
presidential and parliamentary elections and local elections in the
Yugoslav Republic of Serbia.
More than 210 foreign observers, including parliament members and
officials from 52 countries have arrived so far. They are from: Albania,
Angola, Argentina, Belgium, Belarus, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Chad, Czech
Republic, Chile, Denmark, Egypt, France, Ghana, Greece, India,
Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Armenia, Jordan, Canada, Kazakhstan, Kenya,
Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Libya, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Germany, Nepal,
Nicaragua, Palestine, Portugal, Romania, Russia, the U.S.A., Salvador,
Slovakia, Sweden, Spain, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine, United
Kingdom, Vietnam and Zimbabwe.
Among the foreign observers is a joint delegation of the Parliamentary
Assembly of Russia and Belarus. The foreign observers have attended the
final rallies of various political parties, and will be present at most
electoral stations all day on Sunday, September 24.

MOSCOW, September 20 (Tanjug) Russian state Duma deputies
condemned the interference of the European Union in the internal affairs
Yugoslavia, with the intention of influencing the will of its voters,
a statement of the Duma Committee for helping our country overcome the
consequences of NATO's aggression last year.
State Duma members called on the EU, the statement specified,
to create obstacles for the free expression of will of voters, at the
upcoming presidential and legislative elections in Yugoslavia, on
The EU attempt to influence by messages and false promises the
Serbian people to vote against Slobodan Milosevic was describes by Duma
deputies as "blatant interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign
"Western countries are, in fact, the obstacle to the
of democracy in Yugoslavia, because they imposed years of sanctions,
political and informativepropaganda pressure," the statement said,
stressing that the reconstruction of Serbia, after NATO's barbaric
should not be an act of charity, but an obligation of the West.

BELGRADE, September 20 (Tanjug) A delegation of the Russian
Duma, made up of representatives of all party groupings, and of the
parliamentary assembly of the Union of Russia and Belarus arrived on
Wednesday at the invitation of the Yugoslav Federal Assembly, to attend
the capacity of international observers presidential, legislative and
elections in FR Yugoslavia, scheduled for September 24. In the
of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Russia and Belarus are
members of all legislative committees and secretariats, while from the
Russian Duma the role of observers will be performed by representatives
party groupings "Homelandall Russia," "Regions of Russia," "Jabloko,"
Communist party, "Unity" and the LiberalDemocratic party.
The delegation was welcomed at the airport by Yugoslav
Lower House Foreign Policy Committee President Ljubisa Ristic, who
them that at the Yugoslav elections will be present over 200 observers,
whom more than half are members of parliament from more than 50
"We want them to have all the necessary conditions for
the elections independently and freely and to be impartial with respect
all key issues," Ristic said, pointing out, also, the intention of the
hosts to make it possible to observers in FR Yugoslavia to talk with
ever and where ever they want to.
"Please communicate freely with the media and with voters, and
believe that your impressions about the democratic character of the
elections will be confirmed also by freedom of movement and the
of elections," he said.
Russian Duma delegation head and international affairs
deputychairman Konstantin Kasachov stressed that the delegation had
in Yugoslavia with best intentions and wishes that its members convey an
objective picture about elections conditions and about everything that
see during the election process.
Kasachov, speaking about the tasks of the delegation, cited as
very important the consequences of foreign interference in the campaign.
Delegation head of the parliamentary assembly of the Union of
Russia and Belarus and parliament foreign policy committee chairman
Cherginez said he believed that the elections in Yugoslavia will be
conducted in a democratic manner and be an expression of the free will
the people of Yugoslavia.

BELGRADE, September 20 (Tanjug) At the invitation of the
Parliament, parliamentary delegations from Ukrain and Moldavia arrived
Belgrade late on Tuesday to attend the presidential, federal and local
elections in Yugoslavia on September 24 as international observers.
The MPs were welcomed at Belgrade's airport by the Yugoslav
Parliament's Chamber of Citizens Foreign Policy Committee President
Ristic and Foreign Ministry Ambassador Vladimir Krsljanin.
It is expected that over 200 MPs and other prominent public
figures from 50 countries all over the world will attend the elections
Yugoslavia in the capacity of observer, Ristic said.
Ristic said 16 parliaments would send official delegations to
He pointed out that the federal parliament had not invited
official delegations from the aggressor countries, since he said this
be unacceptable for the Yugoslav people.
Nevertheless, a number of public figures from certain countries
that took part in the 1999 NATO aggression on Yugoslavia have arrived
even some MPs, but in a private capacity, and not as official
representatives of the respective parliaments, Ristic said.

MOSCOW, September 20 (Tanjug) Russian Federation Communist
Party (KPRF) President Gennady Zyuganov said on Tuesday during a
and talks with Yugoslav Ambassador to Russia Borislav Milosevic that the
Duma KPRF deputies would meet all their obligations as observers at the
upcoming elections in Yugoslavia.
Milosevic informed Zyuganov, on the grounds of reports
to the public, about the plans to destabilize the situation in
in the event of an outcome of the presidential, federal and Serbian
elections set for September 24 which would be unfavourable for the west,
the KPRF Press Service said.
Zyuganov resolutely condemned attempts by western countries to
interfere in the election process in Yugoslavia, describing this as
pressure on voters." "We will respect the choice of the Yugoslav people
made at the upcoming elections, and will continue contributing as much
we can to the development of the brotherly relations between our
Zyuganov said.

BERLIN, September 20 (Tanjug) An MP of Germany's leftist Party
Democratic Socialism (PDS) on Wednesday accused the German Government,
European Union and NATO of not wanting peace in the Balkans. This,
according to Wolfgang Gehrke speaking for Berlin's Neues Deutschland
newspaper, is evident from their officious meddling in Yugoslavia's
internal affairs ahead of September 24 elections.
If the European Union and NATO are already so certain before
event that Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic will cheat to win the
elections, then what they are doing is only adding to the tensions in
region, Gehrke said.
The PDS authority on foreign policy in the Bundestag said he
feared that at work here was a highly dangerous policy of the west which
might precipitate another war.
The PDS, successor to the former East German communists, is the
only political party in Germany to have consistently and constantly
condemned NATO's MarchJune 1999 aggression on Yugoslavia as an act
unprecedented in recent European history.
Gehrke again pointed out that the PDS had always insisted on
defining the status of KosovoMetohija with strict respect for U.N.
Resolution 1244 which says that this province of the Yugoslav Republic
Serbia must remain in Yugoslavia.


URL for this article is

'NY Times' Confirms Charge that U.S. Gov't Meddles in Yugoslav Internal
Introduction by Jared Israel and Max Sinclair (9-21-2000)

The following article from the NY Times is most important. In it, the
reporter concedes that the charges many people have raised about US
meddling in the internal affairs of Yugoslavia are true. Indeed, he adds
information that we had no way of knowing. For example, that suitcases
of cash are sent across the borders into Yugoslavia to fund the
opposition". Doesn't our assertion, that "democratic" means "following
dictates of the US State Department" appear to be a simple statement of

Note that despite the shocking evidence he presents to the contrary, Mr.
Erlanger still manages to call this self-styled "democratic" opposition

[Start quote] "Independent journalists and broadcasters here have been
by American aid officials "not to worry about how much they're spending
now," that plenty more is in the pipeline, said one knowledgeable aid
worker. Others in the opposition complain that the Americans are clumsy,
sending e-mails from "" - the State Department's address -
summoning people to impolitic meetings with American officials in
Montenegro or Dubrovnik, Croatia."[End quote]

The article includes various attacks on the Yugoslav government in
and Mr. Milosevich in particular. Those readers who do not read the US
press should be aware that it is impossible for a large US newspaper to
write anything about Yugoslavia without including a number of such

[Start quote]"When speaking of the Serbs it is considered proper to say
something negative. More than one thing is optional. But one is
obligatory."[End quote] (From 'The Obligatory Bash' at )

Mr. Erlanger refers to documentation of US meddling, which appeared in
Yugoslav paper, 'Politika'. That documentation comes from an Emperor's
Clothes article, which Politika reprinted. (1) The article was also
in full on Serbian Television this past Monday at 7:30.

Notice also that Mr. Kostunica now appears to concede that our charges
true. Or, rather, he is quoted first saying they represent the ravings
"the regime" (one must refer to the elected government of Yugoslavia as
'Regime') and then saying that the so-called "nongovernmental"
organizations who take this money "are even unconsciously working for
American imperial goals." I am not sure what it means to "unwittingly"
millions of US dollars. But that aside, it is good that Mr. Kostunica
this, but I wonder if he sees the implications. Are these people, who
the US money, not the G-17, who wrote the so-called "Democratic"
Program, which he endorsed? Aren't they the members of the "democratic"
opposition coalition, for which he is the candidate? Aren't they groups
like Otpor, who according to the US press put up his posters and hand
his fliers?

Let us make no mistake. The fault for corrupting the Yugoslav political
process lies in one place: Washington, with its "democratic" this and
"independent" that, and all the time they are trying to buy people,
especially young people, with the lure of a traitor's gold.

When, and it will happen, the American people learn what crimes are
committed in their name, God help the State Department.


The New York Times September 20, 2000

Milosevic, Trailing in Polls, Rails Against NATO

BELGRADE, Serbia, Sept. 19 - In his race for re-election, President
Slobodan Milosevic of Yugoslavia is running against NATO and the United
States, not against his democratic opposition.

He is not entirely mistaken to do so. The United States and its European
allies have made it clear that they want Mr. Milosevic ousted, and they
have spent tens of millions of dollars trying to get it done.

Portraying himself as the defender of Yugoslavia's sovereignty against a
hostile, hegemonic West led by Washington, Mr. Milosevic and his
argue that opposition leaders are merely the paid, traitorous tools of
enemies who are continuing their war against him by other means. In
1999, NATO began a 78-day bombing campaign to drive Serbian forces out

The Yugoslav elections are on Sunday, but there has hardly been a day
the bombing began that state television news has not railed against

With the campaign at its height, the government has spread its attacks
include all opposition political parties, independent newspapers,
and electronic media, the student organization known as Otpor - or
Resistance - and any nongovernmental organization working to promote
democracy, human rights or even economic reforms.

While Mr. Milosevic is trailing the main opposition leader, Vojislav
Kostunica, in opinion polls, the anti- Western campaign is having an
impact. The money from the West is going to most of the institutions
the government attacks for receiving it - sometimes in direct aid,
sometimes in indirect aid like computers and broadcasting equipment, and
sometimes in suitcases of cash carried across the border between
and Hungary or Serbia and Montenegro. Most of those organizations and
media could not exist without foreign aid in this society, which is poor
and repressive and whose market is distorted by foreign economic

Even with foreign aid, government restrictions on newsprint supplies and
high and repeated fines after suspiciously quick court cases make it
for the independent news media to reach their natural market.

As for the opinion polls that show Mr. Kostunica in the lead, the
information minister, Goran Matic, charges that the polls are
and manipulated by the Americans and the Central Intelligence Agency,
help pay for them. According to Mr. Matic, Mr. Milosevic is actually far
ahead of Mr. Kostunica, and the polls simply serve as a vehicle for the
opposition to claim that the government stole the election once Mr.
Milosevic wins.

Mr. Matic asserts that the Atlantic alliance has come up with various
scenarios, such as infiltrating soldiers wearing Yugoslav Army and
uniforms, to make it possible for the opposition to start civil unrest
the streets after the election while claiming that the police and the
are actually on their side.

Mr. Matic has attacked various nongovernmental organizations, including
Center for Free Elections and Democracy, which is trying to monitor the
fairness of the election, as paid instruments of American and alliance
policy. Many such organizations have been raided by the police, who
confiscate computer files and also appear to be gathering evidence about
foreign payments.

"President Milosevic will win this election," said Ljubisa Ristic, the
president of the Yugolav United Left party, founded by Mr. Milosevic's
wife, Mirjana Markovic. "This is not Hollywood." Washington and the
she said, "are like little kids, wanting something to happen so much
they're fooling themselves."

Mr. Ristic said the alliance's war produced a new solidarity among
Yugoslavs and "killed many illusions people had about the West and about
their own opposition leaders, who went to the countries that were
us to seek their support."

The issues, Mr. Ristic said, are clear now. "It's a decisive time," he
said. "This is not an election so much as a referendum, a decision on
an independent country or a colony. People see what's happened in
what happens when NATO troops enter the country, and they are not going
allow the alliance's hand- picked candidates to win."

Even before the Kosovo war, the United States was spending up to $10
million a year to back opposition parties, independent news media and
institutions opposed to Mr. Milosevic. The war itself cost billions of
dollars. This fiscal year, through September, the administration is
spending $25 million to support Serbian "democratization," with an
amount of money spent covertly to help the failed rallies of last year,
which did not bring down Mr. Milosevic, or to influence the current
election. For next year, the administration is requesting $41.5 million
open aid to Serbian democratization, though Congress is likely to cut

Independent journalists and broadcasters here have been told by American
aid officials "not to worry about how much they're spending now," that
plenty more is in the pipeline, said one knowledgable aid worker. Others
the opposition complain that the Americans are clumsy, sending e-mails
"" - the State Department's address - summoning people to
impolitic meetings with American officials in Budapest, Montenegro or
Dubrovnik, Croatia.

But there is little effort to disguise the fact that Western money pays
much of the polling, advertising, printing and other costs of the
opposition political campaign - one way, to be sure, to give opposition
leaders a better chance to get their message across in a
quasi-authoritarian system where television in particular is in the firm
hands of the government.

While that spending allows the opposition to be heard more broadly,
deepening the opposition to Mr. Milosevic, it also allows the government
here to argue that it has real enemies, and that the Serbian opposition
in league with them.

Just today, in the state-run newspaper Politika, a long article used
information from the United States - including Congressional testimony
Web site material - to show that the United States is financing the

" `Independent,' `nongovernmental' and `democratic' are the standard
phrases the C.I.A. uses to describe organizations established all over
world to destroy the governments and the societies that the U.S.
wants to colonize and control," the paper wrote.

The Congressional testimony, from July 29, 1999, cited American
then involved with Yugoslav policy, like Robert Gelbard and James
telling Senator Joseph Biden of Delaware about their projects. They
describe the creation of a "ring around Serbia" of radio stations
broadcasting into Serbia from Bosnia and Montenegro, the spending of
million in the previous two years to support "democratization in
and another $20 million to support Montenegro's president, Milo
who broke away from Mr. Milosevic in 1998.

The testimony listed some of the recipients of American aid here,
various newspapers, magazines, news agencies and broadcasters opposed to
Mr. Milosevic, as well as various nongovernmental organizations engaged
legal defense and human rights and projects to bring promising Yugoslav
journalists to the United States for professional training.

All such projects are portrayed by Politika and state television as a
to undermine the legal government, and the recipients are labeled
to their country.

Opposition leaders like Mr. Kostunica regard such tactics by the
as crass propaganda, but even he is skeptical of American intentions in
paying for nongovernmental organizations, some of whom, he believes, are
even unconsciously working for American imperial goals and not
Serbian values.

Other democratic leaders, like Zoran Djindjic and Zarko Korac, regard
attacks as an indication of Mr. Milosevic's desperation and anxiety on
eve of the first election he is likely to lose in his entire political
career. Given the stakes for Mr. Milosevic, they believe that he will do
all he can, including the wholesale stealing of votes, to ensure a
in the first round of voting.

"The stakes are fundamental for Milosevic," Mr. Korac said. "These
elections are crucial, not necessarily for the immediate handover of
but because for the first time Mr. Milosevic will be delegitimized in
eyes of his own people. He was an elected dictator, with popular and
legitimacy. But from now on he's a true dictator, and he will only be
to rule by force - that's a big step for Serbia."


(1) 'How the U.S. has Created a Corrupt Opposition in Serbia'

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


"Se Milosevic perde, le elezioni sono valide e toglieremo le sanzioni.
Se Milosevic vince, le elezioni sono truccate e li annienteremo"

Questa la posizione delle leadership e delle istituzioni euro-atlantiche
e dei loro alleati sul campo (Djukanovic e l'opposizione di destra). Nel
frattempo, sulla nostra stampa vengono fatti circolare sondaggi falsi
sul "grande vantaggio" del candidato dell'opposizione, e le truppe si
ammassano nell'Adriatico meridionale per prepararsi ad invadere il
Montenegro. Questo succedera' in entrambi i casi: infatti, se Milosevic
perde la NATO entrera' in Jugoslavia sul tappeto rosso srotolato dai
vincitori, se Milosevic vince si dovra' "difendere il Montenegro".


* Prese di posizione contro le indebite ingerenze UE/NATO nella politica
interna jugoslava (Fondazione Pasti, Partito Comunista Greco)

* Elections en Yougoslavie. Kostunica : pour qui roule l'homme «neuf» ?
(Michel Collon)

* Great Navigator's Programme of Europe's Conquest (di Marek

*** altre segnalazioni:

Kostunica & the Yugoslav Election (Jared Israel)

Reply to Justin Raimondo on Yugo Elections (Petar Makara)


e-mail: tribunaleclark@...
fax. 068174010
tel : 0338-7963539

La sez. italiana del Tribunale Ramsey Clarkesprime la piu'ferma protesta
contro la posizione assunta dall'Uione Europea
in relazione alle prossime elezioni in Yugoslavia.
La proposta di togliere le sanzioni in caso di vittoria dell'opposizione
e' inaccettabile, illeggittima e ricattatoria ed ha
l'obiettivo dichiarato di esercitare una forte ingerenza e pressione
sullo svolgimento regolare dei comizi elettorali.
Allo stesso tempo l'amministrazione provvisoria presente nel Kosovo sta
direttamente operando per ostacolare la
pluralita' dell'espressione popolare impedendo l'uso degli edifici
pubblici per la costituzione dei Seggi, e impedendo
l'ingresso nel territorio della provincia del Kossovo( a tutt'oggi parte
della Federazione Yugoslava) sia dei candidati sia
dei profughi di ogni etnia interessati al rientro nelle proprie
residenze per l'adempimento del diritto di voto.

La Sez. italiana del Tribunale Clark ribadendo l'obbligo da parte della
comunita' internazionale al rispetto
dell'indipendenza e della autonomia dei paesi sovrani, ha inviato nella
Federazione Yugoslava propri osservatori per
verificare il normale svolgimento delle elezioni.

Per la sez. Italiana
Stefano de Angelis


Comunicato dell'ufficio stampa del C.C del Partito Comunista di Grecia


"L'appello dell'Unione Europea al popolo serbo, con il quale si invitano
elettori della R.F. Yugoslava a rovesciare alle elezioni, il governo
Milosevic, costituisce l'ennesima cruda provocazione, l'ennesimo
e un grottesco ricatto nei confronti del popolo Yugoslavo ma anche nei
confronti degli altri popoli.
Dimostra ancora una volta che gli imperialisti non esitano a stracciare
perfino i più elementari principi democratici, dei quali sono ipocriti
Il governo del PASOK, il cui ministro degli esteri Georgios Papandreou
confirmò il testo ignobile, assume responsabilità aggiuntive, si
molteplicitamente e deve rendere conto.
Alla guerra non ci ha portato la Yugoslavia, come sostiene l'Unione
ma la spietata politica imperialista degli U.S.A-N.A.T.O-U.E mirante a
profitti economici, a nuove sfere d' influenza e al soffocamento di ogni
voce di resistenza contro il nuovo ordine imperialista.
Tutti i partiti politici greci devono assumere posizione contro le
ed i ricatti imperialisti.
Il P.C di Grecia invita tutto il popolo alla resistenza e alla vigilanza
L'unico responsabile di decidere per il suo futuro, è il popolo della
R.F.Yugoslava! "

Pubblicato su" RIZOSPASTIS", organo del C.C del KKE, il 19/9/2000

Traduzione: Giorgio Apostolou (ApoGL@...)


> Elections en Yougoslavie
> Kostunica : pour qui roule l'homme «neuf» ?
> Certes, une élection n'est jamais la fin du monde (ni son commencement),
> la résistance des peuples sera toujours le facteur décisif. Néanmoins, le
> duel Milosevic-Kostunica constitue un moment crucial pour la paix et pour
> résistance à l'impérialisme US.
> Michel Collon
> Si Astérix vivait aujourd'hui, il serait Yougoslave. Malgré 78 jours de
> bombardements sauvages, malgré l'actuelle occupation - nettoyage ethnique
> Kosovo, malgré un embargo qui rend la vie quotidienne extrêmement dure,
> malgré des millions de dollars versés aux partis et médias d'opposition,
> Yougoslavie reste toujours debout. Continuant de dire fièrement non à
> et aux appétits néo-coloniaux des multinationales.
> Gênant pour les Etats-Unis à un moment où ils ne parviennent toujours pas
> briser l'Irak, se lancent dans une nouvelle guerre «à la vietnamienne» en
> Colombie, mais surtout préparent un très coûteux et dangereux programme
> anti-missiles. Dangereux car il menaçe la Russie, mais plus encore la
> comme le montre l'expert français de La Gorce dans un excellent article du
> Monde Diplomatique de ce mois.
> Militarisation de l'espace, relance de la course mondiale aux armements,
> menaces lancées par l'Otan d'employer l'arme nucléaire même contre des
> non nucléaires. Dans ce monde de plus en plus militarisé, la résistance de
> petite Yougoslavie fait tâche. Et peut-être tâche d'huile car de plus en
> de pays se rendent compte qu'il n'y a pas d'autre issue que de résister à
> l'empire américain et occidental.
> Aussi, avant de partir, Clinton et Albright redoublent la pression.
> bâton et carotte. D'une part, provocations au Kosovo et au Montenegro,
> manouvres militaires de l'Otan en Roumanie en juillet et bientôt avec
> croate au large du Montenegro, attentats et infiltration de terroristes en
> Serbie, training de dix jours desresponsables du mouvement étudiant Otpor
> la CIA à Sofia . D'autre part, promesses de mettre fin aux souffrances des
> Yougoslaves s'ils votent «bien», c'est-à-dire s'ils se soumettent.
> Pourquoi Kostunica est-il devenu l'homme-miracle?
> Ajourd'hui, les projecteurs se braquent sur l'homme «neuf»: Vojislav
> Kostunica. D'où trois questions : 1. Pourquoi est-il devenu le candidat de
> l'opposition? 2. Son programme est-il réellement «indépendant» de
> 3. Quelle motivation va inspirer les électeurs?
> Pourquoi les ténors habituels de l'opposition n'ont-ils pas osé se lancer
> dans l'élection présidentielle ? Parce qu'ils étaient assurés de perdre
> à Milosevic. Aussi bien Djindjic que Draskovic, quand ils ont détenu le
> pouvoir dans la ville de Belgrade, ont fait preuve d'incompétence et de
> corruption. Mais surtout, tous deux se sont totalement compromis durant
> l'agression de l'Otan. Djindjic a fui lâchement en Allemagne. Draskovic a
> publiquement baisé la main de l'infâme ministre US Madeleine Albright. En
> fait, tous ces partis d'opposition sont notoirement financés par le
> milliardaire américain George Soros, lié à la CIA. Pour un peuple
> attaché à la défense de son indépendance, cela ne pardonne pas.
> Pour l'Ouest, il fallait donc un homme «nouveau», et qui ne soit pas
> ouvertement une marionnette. Kostunica n'a encore occupé aucun poste, a
> soin de ne pas s'afficher en Occident et pour l'instant il critique même
> régulièrement les USA, notamment sur le Kosovo.
> Homme «neuf»? Le 5 septembre, à Sabac, il déclarait devant quatre mille
> personnes dans le plus pur style politicien :«Nous ne promettons pas
> l'impossible, mais chercherons à faire revivre la splendeur de la Serbie
> comme au siècle passé.» Allons donc! En outre, il s'oppose au caractère
> «multiculturel» de la Serbie voulant la redéfinir comme «le territoire des
> Serbes». Dangereux nationalisme car un Serbe sur trois n'est. pas serbe.
> si nos médias ne le disent jamais, la Serbie est en fait le seul pays issu
> l'ex-Yougoslavie réellement multiethnique et respectant
> les droits de ses minorités.
> Indépendance ou tactique électorale ?
> Deuxième question : Quel est son programme ?
> Comme tous les hommes «neufs», Kostunica évite d'avancer des propositions
> économiques et sociales claires, mais se réclame du groupe des économistes
> yougoslaves dits «G17». Très droitiers, ceux-ci réclament la privatisation
> l'alignement sur le capitalisme occidental. Kostunica déclare aussi
> «redéfinir la Serbie conformément aux principes appliqués dans le monde
> d'aujourd'hui et trouver sa place réaliste dans les relations mondiales»
> Mais quels sont ces «principes appliqués dans le monde d'aujourd'hui» ?
> des multinationales bloquant par exemple la production d'un médicament qui
> sauverait des dizaines de milliers de vies en Afrique parce ça ne leur
> rapporterait pas ? Ceux de la Banque Mondiale et du FMI qui étranglent des
> peuples entiers par leurs mesures favorisant les puissants ? «Réalisme» ou
> soumission?
> Actuellement, Kostunica critique régulièrement la politique suivie par
> Kouchner ou le Tribunal antiserbe de La Haye manipulé par les Etats-Unis.
> Mais soutenu par une coalition de partis payés par Washington, comment
> Kostunica pourrait-il se montrer indépendant s'il était élu ?
> D'ailleurs, le 21 août, quelques jours après l'annonce de sa
> il rencontre à Belgrade des diplomates américains et britanniques «à
> des élections» Et le 24, il salue «la récente déclaration de Madeleine
> Albright comme un changement positif dans l'attitude US» . Enfin, le 26,
> politicien pro-US Zoran Djindjic annonce «tout qui a de l'influence en
> Occident soutient aujourd'hui Kostunica.» Le baiser de la mort ? Voilà
> Kostunica plutôt démasqué. D'ailleurs, le 4 septembre, le New York Times
> explique qu'il prend ses distances à l'égard des USA seulement «pour des
> raisons tactiques». Récemment, le gouvernement américain a convoqué à
> Washington une réunion de représentants de l'opposition serbe, via le très
> officiel American Peace Institute, entièrement contrôlé. Comme tous les
> autres partis serbes d'opposition, celui de Kostunica y a envoyé un
> représentant.
> Que valent les promesses des Etats-Unis ?
> Il reste qu'un certain nombre de Yougoslaves, lassés des souffrances
> infligées par dix années d'embargo et d'agressions, et déçus par la
> croissance des inégalités sous le régime actuel, recherchent un homme
> providentiel qui puisse les débarrasser des USA et de l'Otan, mais sans se
> mettre à genoux. L'homme «neuf» et inconnu séduit certains et Milosevic a

> lancer une grande campagne de propagande pour le contrer.
> En fait, la combinaison «menaces agressives + promesses alléchantes» n'a
> de nouveau. En 1990, pour renverser le gouvernement de gauche du
> les Etats-Unis du président Bush combinèrent de sanglantes attaques des
> terroristes contras avec un financement massif de l'opposition pro-US,
> généreuse en promesses. Mais aujourd'hui le peuple nicaraguayen vit de
> en plus mal. Et lors du fameux ouragan Mitch, Clinton l'a froidement
> tomber, envoyant avec un grand retard une poignée d'hélicoptères.
> comparés aux milliards de dollars dépensés pour la guerre contre la
> Yougoslavie.
> La question décisive reste: que valent les promesses des Etats-Unis et de
> leurs alliés ? Alléchés par les promesses de prospérité faites en 1989,
> pays comme la Russie, la Bulgarie ou l'Albanie se sont mis à genoux devant
> capitalisme occidental. Leurs peuples vivent-ils mieux aujourd'hui ? Les
> faits ont répondu. Seule la résistance paie.
> Michel Collon


Great Navigator's Programme of Europe's Conquest

Dear Friends,
1) Today morning (Sept. 19) I heard at Bulgarian radio that NATO plans
maneuvers in Southern Bulgaria on Sept. 24. This is the date of Federal
Elections in nearby Yugoslavia. Few days ago the Yugoslav Minister of
Information announced that also CIA prepared specific " maneuvers" for
occasion: the (NATO sponsored) Serbian "opposition" shall cry, early in
evening of Sept. 24, its victory in elections, and subsequently accuse
Yugoslav Government of a fraud of elections. Following it, several
of Albanian (KLA issued?) soldiers, dressed in Yugoslav Army uniforms,
shall enter Serbia from the Southern Kosovo, while about 1500 Bosnians
(Moslems?), dissimulated as motorised Serbian policemen, shall enter
Republika Srpska, and start to arrest local Yugoslav officials. We will
very soon whether these NATO/CIA "peace plans" will properly work. The
is that Yugoslav Army has gathered heavily armed units in Southern
probably in order to prevent the construction of a "bridge" between the
US-controlled Southern Kosovo and the US-controlled Bulgaria.
2) Independent (i.e. NATO-sponsored) pre-election pools obstinately
us about heavy advantage, of the "united opposition" candidate for the
presidency, Voislav Kostunica over Milosevic. In my opinion this is also
element of EU/CIA plot. A week ago I was in Serbia, and I've observed
intensity of election's campaign there: in the province of Szumadia,
Kostunica is publicized at equal rate with Milosevic and Radical Party
candidate Nikolic, at Belgrade the advertizing Milosevic, "Slobo-da
posters and billboards, are overwhelming. (The anti-Milosevic, OTPOR
Movement, of "Students in Market Theology" - which was so visible at
of Belgrade in the spring time - at present is not noticeable.)
occupies our media space" told me my Serbian friend, a psychologist from
Belgrade. (And, as teaches us our Great Navigator, George Soros in his
"Underwriting Democracy" handbook from 1993, the common man used to
what the easily accessible media tell him.)
3) The fact is that meetings with Milosevic (as the one at the opening
of a
new hydroelectric plant at Djerdap) are attended by up to hundred
applauding him people. Meetings with Kostunica are attended by tenths
less numerous audience, which audience sometimes - as it happen in
Mitrovica - greets him with rotten tomatoes and stones. (Yesterday
Kostunica has become the official candidate of the European Union for
presidency of Yugoslavia. To a full happiness Kostunica needs a TV film,
similar to the one shown recently in Peru, demonstrating how
EU agents pay bribes to supporting him Serbian opposition leaders. Of
course the Western public will be enchanted with pictures of such
generosity of its representatives.)
4) What is at stake during these "last (?) Free European elections" was
told by Serbian PM Milan Milutinovic, during reopening of Pancevo
destroyed by last year's NATO bombings: "Our goal is to defend Serbia
those who declare themselves in favour of changes but work on
and selling off Serbia". (In fact, such "total national wholesale" is
realized at present in Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, and other NATO
5) From Russia (and USA) has leaked to Polish media several interesting
details of recent "Kursk" submarine accident. There was not one, but two
American subs in the vicinity of "Kursk" during its sinking (which
practically at internal waters of Russia). Moreover, Russians claim that
the sunken "Kursk" was localized by "Peter the Grand" warship thanks to
"foreign" submarine rescue buoys, which even were photographed, but soon
disappeared, probably due to a self-destruction. And the most important:
American Government officials refused Russians to see these two,
of collision, submarines (especially the one named "Memphis"). This of
course gives more credit to the version of accident given by Russian
generals. In this affair one thing is very significant, and it is
related with our "Great Navigator's" programs of conquest realized at
Balkans: it is this tremendous anti-Russian Army and Navy propaganda
flooded the mass media both in Moscow and in New York. If we take into
consideration that these "free media" are basically in hands of the
"ethnically clean" financial oligarchy, we will be able to grasp the
root of the present crisis. Both the "underground" (at Yugoslavia) and
underwater (at Barent's Sea) war is conducted by the same Euro-Atlantic
Mafia (presided by our "Great Navigator") striving for the planetary
At least we know whom we have to fight against. At Belgrade, those days
begun the official trial of leaders of the Western Alliance, accused of
being responsible of death of hundreds of innocent civilians during NATO
terrorist bombings. It is not Milosevic, but those totally corrupt men
women) which are our true enemies. I send you in the attachment a text
(unfortunately in French) demonstrating historical roots of such vicious
development of our Western civilization. Also a
proposal of a revolt against ever more odious power plays of our
navigators", systematically steering us towards ever more cretinized

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

NOTA DEL CRJ: abbiamo tradotto e riportiamo integralmente
la seguente intervista a Mihailo Markovic, ex dissidente
jugoslavo di area neomarxista e francofortese, oggi
gettato nel dimenticatoio anche dagli ex-neomarxisti
ed ex-francofortesi nostrani.
Pur differenziandoci in alcuni punti dalle opinioni espresse
dall'intervistato - e anche dall'intervistatore - riteniamo
di dover riportare il testo senza ulteriori commenti
per l'eccezionale interesse degli argomenti trattati.


Intervista a Mihailo Markovic

di J. Elsaesser, da "Konkret" 5/2000



Mihailo Markovic, classe 1923, ha insegnato Filosofia
all'Universita' di Belgrado dal 1956. Negli anni Sessanta
organizzava ogni estate, insieme a Predrag Vranicki,
Svetozar Stojanovic ed altri, una conferenza sull'isola
di Korcula, nell'Adriatico meridionale. Tra i partecipanti
ricordiamo: Ernst Bloch, Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm,
Ernest Mandel, Agnes Heller e Juergen Habermas. Nel 1968
per le edizioni Suhrkamp [in Germania] fu pubblicato il
suo libro "Dialettica della prassi". "Come insegnante
critico di marxismo, nel 1968 divento' il beniamino dei
giovani e pertanto fu scacciato dall'Universita'",
ricorda il suo amico di gioventu' (ed oggi critico)
Milo Dor. La rivista "Praxis", alla cui redazione
apparteneva Markovic, pubblico' i contributi di Korcula
fino alla sua chiusura per decreto, nel 1974. Negli
anni Settanta Markovic fu professore ospite in molte
Universita' straniere. Nel 1985/86 fu uno degli estensori
del "Memorandum" antititoista dell'Accademia Serba delle
Scienze, e dal 1991 al 1995 vicepresidente del Partito
Socialista della Serbia (SPS).


Il fatto che la Jugoslavia, sotto la guida tedesca,
potesse essere spezzettata non e' stata colpa di
Milosevic bensi' colpa di Tito. Almeno questa e'
l'opinione di Mihailo Markovic, che e' stato
eminente filosofo della autogestione operaia.

K: Nonostante la guerra della NATO la Serbia ed i
serbi restano in fondo alla scala della simpatia tra
molti esponenti della sinistra in Occidente - ma
proprio in fondo, da qualche parte tra la Corea del
Nord e l'Indonesia... Il "nazionalismo grande-serbo",
cosi' si dice, avrebbe causato la fine del socialismo
e della multiculturalita' della Jugoslavia. Il passo
decisivo sarebbe stata l'abolizione della Costituzione
del 1974, ovvero della autonomia per il Kosovo ivi

M: L'idealizzazione della Costituzione del 1974 e'
grottesca. Come puo' una persona avanzata essere
cosi' ingenua? In realta' gia' in quel periodo con
questa Costituzione Tito ha capitolato dinanzi
alle tendenze secessionistiche delle Repubbliche che
formavano la Jugoslavia, e queste si sono realizzate
alla fine degli anni Ottanta. Alla fine degli anni
Sessanta le correnti separatiste diventavano sempre
piu' forti e culminavano infine, nel 1971, con il
movimento di massa della "primavera croata". Tito
reagi' troppo tardi scacciando i piu' grandi nazionalisti
croati ma lasciando molti altri al loro posto.
Con la Costituzione del 1974 fu istituzionalizzato
questo compromesso. Nessun paese del mondo avrebbe potuto
sopravvivere con una Costituzione simile.

K: Perche'?

M: Lo Stato nel suo insieme fu liquidato per mezzo della
Costituzione. Era scritto che ogni Repubblica introducesse
una sua propria Costituzione e, se questa fosse stata
in contraddizione con gli articoli della Costituzione
federale, allora la precedenza l'avrebbe avuta la
Costituzione della Repubblica federata. Ma soprattutto:
negli organismi dello Stato federale erano rappresentate
sei Repubbliche e, dal 1974 in poi, con il Kosovo e
la Vojvodina, anche due provincie autonome; ognuno
di questi otto soggetti legislativi aveva il diritto
di veto e poteva silurare le decisioni definitive.
Cosi', alla fine degli anni Settanta, quando si
approfondiranno i problemi economici, non si potranno
introdurre le necessarie contromisure. Questo sfascio
non e' stato visibile fino alla morte di Tito perche'
lui, con la sua autorita', poteva sempre richiamare
all'ordine ogni volta le forze centrifughe. Ma dopo la
sua morte esse si affermarono: divenne impossibile

K: Non sono stati i problemi economici da lei citati
le cause principali della disintegrazione?

M: Esiste un interscambio. Tito alla fine ha accettato
ogni concessione che poteva fare. Il debito estero alla
fine degli Ottanta ammontava a 22 miliardi di dollari,
solo gli interessi erano tra i due ed i tre miliardi
all'anno. Soprattutto in seguito alla crescita generalizzata
dei tassi d'interesse alla fine degli anni Settanta,
avremmo dovuto prendere misure di contenimento della
spesa per ripagare i debiti. Tuttavia queste misure
non sono state prese poiche' la Presidenza collegiale
era sempre bloccata dall'uno oppure dall'altro veto.
Eppure se si fosse giunti ad un compromesso nella
Presidenza o in Parlamento, i rappresentanti delle varie
Repubbliche avrebbero dovuto farlo accettare in casa
propria, a Zagabria, Lubiana e nelle altre capitali.
Questo non ha mai funzionato.

K: Lei e' stato uno dei principali rappresentanti
della autogestione operaia. Negli anni Ottanta, almeno
cosi' sostiene la pubblicista croata Dunja Melcic,
lei si sarebbe convertito in ideologo dell'idea
grande-serba. Per quale motivo viene sostenuta questa

M: Perche' ho criticato la Costituzione del 1974. Ma
l'ho fatto tra le altre cose perche' essa ha distrutto
l'autogestione operaia. Nella Costituzione del 1963
si era stabilito che tanto il Parlamento federale quanto
quelli delle Repubbliche creassero come seconda Camera
un Consiglio delle Forze Produttive, che avrebbe dovuto
rappresentare gli interessi delle imprese autogestite.
Questo elemento si sarebbe dovuto rafforzare, perche'
a cosa serve l'autogestione operaia se si limita
solo alla propria impresa, mentre intanto le
decisioni di macroeconomia vengono prese senza che la
forza lavoro abbia effettivamente voce in capitolo?
Ma la Costituzione del 1974 andava nella direzione
opposta: come unica Camera del Parlamento fu istituito
il "Consiglio delle Repubbliche e delle Regioni". In
questo modo il diritto di veto delle singole Repubbliche
aveva effetto anche sull'attivita' legislativa e la
paralizzava. Da allora non ci fu piu' una Camera per
i rappresentanti della classe operaia.
L'autogestione operaia e' un modello avanzato, che
supera di gran lunga la democrazia borghese, e si sarebbe
dovuto rafforzare attraverso una ulteriore
de-burocratizzazione. Ed invece di cio', con la Costituzione
del 1974 si fece strada il decentramento: la voce dei
Consigli d'impresa nello Stato fu messa da parte, gli
organi della Federazione furono indeboliti per favorire
le burocrazie delle Repubbliche. Questo ha moltiplicato
il burocratismo ed ha rafforzato le tendenze
centrifughe. Ma la nuova Costituzione non ha distrutto
solo le premesse della autogestione operaia, bensi'
fu anche un passo indietro rispetto alle concezioni
di "costituzione" e "democrazia" proprie del mondo
borghese: in tutti gli Stati dell'Occidente il potere
legislativo e' costituito dai rappresentanti civili
democraticamente eletti, ed a fondamento di questo c'e'
un diritto di voto generalizzato e su basi paritarie.
In Jugoslavia nel 1974 la prima Camera del Parlamento
costituita in base al diritto di voto paritario e
diretto - corrisponde in pratica al Bundestag - fu
paralizzata dal diritto di veto delle Repubbliche e delle
Regioni autonome. La democrazia borghese, almeno in
teoria, si costruisce sul cittadino adulto, percio'
e' una democrazia "della cittadinanza". Cosi' invece la
Jugoslavia a partire dal 1974 era una democrazia "dei

K: Per rimanere su di un paragone tedesco: sarebbe come
se nel Bundestag non sedessero i rappresentanti eletti
dalla popolazione, bensi' i deputati dei vari Laender,
laddove ogni singolo Land potrebbe bloccare le
decisioni di maggioranza grazie al suo diritto di veto.
Si potrebbe dire che nella Costituzione del 1974
l'appartenenza etnica ha tolto il potere non solo al
proletario ma anche al cittadino?

M: Assolutamente giusto.Mentre in Occidente si
sottolineano i diritti umani, dal l974 in Jugoslavia
valevano solamente i diritti umani collettivi dei gruppi

K: Qui mi sembra di intravvedere una convergenza tra la
concezione stalinista e la concezione nazionalistica.

M: E' proprio questo il paradosso: Tito sostanzialmente
e' considerato il grande avversario di Stalin, tuttavia
nella sua politica delle nazionalita' ha seguito
fedelmente le concezioni staliniane. Tra l'´altro venendo
meno ad un'aáltra delle linee guida del comunismo jugoslavo:
Il primo leader del PCJ, Sima Markovic, era un sostenitore
del jugoslavismo. Quando in seguito alla bolscevizzazione
nel l924 egli fu estromesso, la linea del partito cambio':
sotto l´'influsso di Stalin il PCJ si oriento' per lo
smembramento della "Jugoslavia artificiale" e sostenne
il diritto dei croati e degli altri a poter costruire i
loro stati. Cosicche' i comunisti si ritrovarono a
collaborare persino con gli ustascia fascisti.

K: Nel 1985/86 lei ed altri esponenti della Accademia
Serba delle Scienze elaboraste un Memorandum, nel quale
si attaccava duramente il modello titoista. Attorno a
questo documento si addensano svariate leggende. Una
di queste - che si puo' trovare persino in un libro di
testo francese per le scuole superiori, per l'anno
accademico 1993 - afferma che la teoria della "pulizia
etnica" sarebbe stata lanciata attraverso di esso.
Persino collaboratori della nostra rivista [cfr.
K.H. Roth su KONKRET 9/99] sono dell'opinione che il
Memorandum "diede nuovo vigore alle mire egemoniche
della Grande Serbia".

M: Li' non si propone alcuna "pulizia etnica", ne'
direttamente ne' indirettamente, e l'espressione
"Grande Serbia" non si usa mai. Vorrei far notare che
quelli che criticano il Memorandum di regola non l'hanno

K: Potrebbe darsi, visto che il Memorandum e'
stato tradotto in una lingua straniera (il francese)
per la prima volta solo nel 1993, e solo nel 1996 una
casa editrice belgradese ne ha prodotta una versione
inglese ed una tedesca. D'altro canto, quest'ultima
in Germania e' introvabile.

M: Il Memorandum cerca di descrivere la crisi della
societa' jugoslava. C'e' un capitolo dedicato
all'economia, che tra l'altro e' a firma di Kosta
Mihajlovic. In questo si sostiene, nell'ambito delle
riforme urgenti, che:
"...e' innanzitutto necessario abbandonare
l'ideologia che mette in primo piano nazionalita' e
territorialita'. Mentre nella societa' civilizzata
moderna le funzioni di integrazione acquistano rilevanza,
di pari passo con il riconoscimento dei diritti umani e
di cittadinanza, con la dismissione delle forme di potere
autoritario e con un processo di democratizzazione, nel
sistema politico jugoslavo si rafforzano le forze
della disintegrazione, un forte egoismo locale,
regionale e nazionale cosi' come il potere autoritario
ed arbitrario che viola a poco a poco i diritti umani
generalmente riconosciuti. La tendenza alla divisione
e frammentazione delle unita' sociali, la lotta contro
una federazione moderna, democratica ed integrazionista
viene occultata dietro agli slogan ideologici fuorvianti
della battaglia contro l'"unitarismo" ed il
"centralismo"... Questa posizione rispetto a Stato e
Nazione non lascia alcuno spazio alla autogestione.
L'autogestione resta monca e priva di forma, e non
solamente a causa della limitazione alla sfera delle
piccole strutture sociali, ma anche per la completa
sottomissione agli organi del potere alienato - a
cominciare dai Comuni e fino alle Repubbliche e
Provincie. La classe lavoratrice disunita viene
smembrata in una molteplicita' di collettivi a se'
stanti, che devono lottare l'uno con l'altro per la
distribuzione delle ricchezze. Non esistono organismi
della autogestione all'interno di gruppi di imprese,
branche dell'economia, o nell'economia nel suo complesso,
che possano guidare razionalmente la produzione."
Le sembra nazionalista o pan-serbo tutto questo?

K: La critica occidentale in effetti non si concentra
sulla parte economica del Memorandum, bensi' sul
paragrafo "La posizione della Serbia e la condizione
del popolo serbo".

M: Eppure neanche in quel paragrafo si tratta di alcuna
velleita' d'egemonia serba, bensi' di parita' di diritti
per i serbi. Nella Costituzione del 1974 al Kosovo
abitato in maggioranza da etnicamente albanesi
fu riconosciuta una autonomia molto ampia - il che
significa che la Repubblica federata di Serbia, benche'
in effetti piu' importante, aveva meno facolta' decisionali
in Kosovo di quanto viceversa non avessero i rappresentanti
del Kosovo nelle istituzioni della Serbia. Ma soprattutto:
perche' alla Krajna, in quanto parte della Croazia
abitata in maggioranza da serbi, non era stata concessa
la stessa autonomia che era stata concessa al Kosovo?
Io stesso ho scritto nel Memorandum:
"Gli appartenenti al popolo serbo, che in gran numero
vivono in altre Repubbliche federate, a differenza
delle minoranze nazionali non godono del diritto all'uso
della loro lingua e scrittura, alla costituzione di
formazioni politiche e culturali e alla cura del loro
proprio patrimonio culturale. La incessante diaspora dei
serbi dal Kosovo mette drasticamente in luce il fatto che
le fondamenta che garantiscono l'autonomia di una
minoranza (in questo caso quella albanese) non vengono
applicate quando e' il caso di minoranze all'interno
di altre minoranze (serbi, montenegrini, turchi e rom
del Kosovo)."

K: Tuttavia, nell'ultimo capitolo del Memorandum mi sono
soffermato su due punti in cui si parla di "genocidio"
nei confronti dei serbi del Kosovo, e per l'esattezza
con riferimento alla situazione degli anni Settanta e
Ottanta. Questa e' propaganda nazionalista ne' piu' ne'
meno che quando in Occidente, gia' all'inizio degli
anni Novanta, si e' parlato di "genocidio" ai danni
dei cosiddetti kosovaro-albanesi.

M: Lei ha ragione, il concetto non e' espresso bene.
Un genocidio nei confronti dei serbi, in quanto sterminio
fisico, o quantomeno il tentativo, e' stato fatto nello
Stato ustascia, poi non piu'. Pero' nella fase della
autonomia, quando il potere esecutivo in Kosovo era passato
quasi interamente nelle mani degli albanesi, si verifico'
una persecusione crescente - un'ondata di vessazioni,
attentati, vandalismi, violenze sessuali ed anche omicidi
ai danni dei serbi e degli altri non-albanesi. Questa
non fu repressa dai dirigenti del governo autonomo, al
contrario fu persino occasionalmente appoggiata.
Trentamila serbi lasciarono la provincia tra la fine degli
anni Sessanta e la fine degli anni Ottanta.
Nella critica ai concetti discutibili lei deve anche
tenere presente che il Memorandum non e' stato mai
ufficialmente approvato dall'Accademia. Mentre la prima
parte del Memorandum - dunque la parte sulla economia e
sulla politica - rispecchiava quantomeno lo stato della
discussione nel gruppo di lavoro coinvolto, la seconda
parte - l'elaborazione sui pari diritti per i serbi -
non e' stata mai nemmeno dibattuta in quella sede. Era
una versione preliminare, sostanzialmente frutto del
lavoro del solo professor Vasilije Krestic. Non giungemmo
mai al dibattito nel plenum, e dunque nemmeno alla
possibile modifica di singole argomentazioni o termini,
perche' la parte incompiuta del Memorandum fu scovata
da un giornalista e pubblicata nel settembre del 1986.
La dirigenza serba del partito, attorno ad Ivan Stambolic,
uso' questo per scatenare un grande scandalo contro
l'Accademia. In questo modo un ulteriore proficuo lavoro
sul Memorandum non era piu' possibile.

K: Lei ha sostenuto Milosevic a lungo. Perche'?

M: Quando Milosevic nel 1987 fu eletto alla guida del
Partito in Serbia, la campagna demagogica contro
l'Accademia si spense subito. Anche in molti altri
settori non si poteva fare a meno di vedere una svolta
nel senso del pluralismo d'opinione, e le elaborazioni
scientifiche non erano piu' minacciate da tribunali
politici. Milosevic introdusse il sistema multipartitico,
rese possibile il lavoro di gruppi d'iniziativa
extraparlamentari ed assicuro' il passaggio alla economia
di mercato, ma con il mentenimento di un settore statale
forte; tutte queste riforme gli assicurarono l'appoggio
non solo da parte di ampi strati della popolazione, ma
anche degli intellettuali. Percio', quando all'inizio
degli anni Novanta Milosevic mi chiese di scrivere il
programma del neocostituito Partito Socialista della
Serbia (SPS), io ho accettato.

K: Lei e' stato vicepresidente dell'SPS, ma nel 1995
c'e' stata la rottura.

M: Durante una riunione di Direzione del partito
nell'agosto del 1995 io mi decisi a criticare. Su tre
questioni: La corruzione del potere legata ad una
errata politica dei quadri dirigenti; la ingiustamente
forte posizione del partito della Sinistra Jugoslava
(JUL), attorno a Mira Markovic, moglie di Milosevic,
in tutte le sedi sociali e statali; ed infine la politica
del disfattismo. Gli ultimi due punti in effetti erano
legati insieme, poiche' la JUL glorificava la pace al
di la' di ogni ragionevole misura. Se si capitola sempre,
senza dubbio si ottiene sempre la pace... Ma in questo
modo non ci si gioca anche tutto il resto?

K: Lei vuol dire che ha attaccato il fatto che la
Jugoslavia non ha offerto aiuto politico e militare ai
serbi della Krajna, la cui Repubblica era stata spazzata
via durante l'estate del 1995 dalle truppe di Tudjman?

M: Si, innanzitutto proprio questo: alla Krajna erano
state fatte delle promesse, ma quando poi furono scacciati
in centinaia di migliaia, nessuno li aiuto`.

K: E' a causa di questa critica che lei non fu rieletto?

M: No. Durante la seduta, curiosamente, non ci fu alcuna
critica nei miei confronti, qualche singolo anzi mi diede
pure ragione. Ma alla seduta successiva, poche settimane
dopo, Milosevic mi comunico' di avere rimosso dall'incarico
il sottoscritto ed altri due compagni. Non c'e' mai stata
una votazione in merito. Ed io non sono stato mai nemmeno
estromesso dal partito, ne' tantomeno mi sono mai
allontanato di mia iniziativa: semplicemente, non ho mai
piu' ricevuto un invito ufficiale. E tuttavia: non c'e'
mai stata pubblicamente una campagna contro di me.

K: In quali forze politiche vi sentite oggi di riporre
la vostra fiducia?

M: L'opposizione mi pare troppo dipendente dalla NATO
e dall'Occidente, la coalizione di governo attuale e'
l'unica chance, nonostante ogni critica.

K: Che critica?

M: I radicali di Seselj che la appoggiano secondo me sono
troppo di destra, mentre il piccolo partner di coalizione
JUL, in quanto partito dei "nuovi ricchi", e' giustamente
odiato dalla popolazione. Ma i socialisti sono un partito
molto pluralista ed hanno dentro molte persone oneste
ed innovative. Non si puo' ridurre l'SPS al solo
Milosevic. Tra l'altro, la nostra Costituzione impone
il cambiamento: l'incarico di Milosevic come presidente
jugoslavo avra' presto termine, ed un prolungamento non
e' possibile. Ogni tentativo di accelerare questo
cambiamento previsto dalla Costituzione e' inutile e

K: Il Partito Socialista della Serbia noin e' un partito
socialdemocratico del tutto tradizionale, quindi

M: Per niente. Esso ha reso possibile la privatizzazione
delle imprese di Stato, non c'e' dubbio. Ma l'ultima
decisione e' sempre nelle mani del personale dipendente
dell'impresa. Questo e' unico in Europa, ed e' anche il
motivo principale per cui finora sono state cosi'
poche le imprese ad essere privatizzate.

(L'intervista a Mihailo Markovic e' stata raccolta da
Juergen Elsaesser)

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


Nell'ambito di un articolo intitolato "Una portaerei USA a guardia di
Slobo", sulle elezioni del prossimo 24/9, il quotidiano triestino "Il
Piccolo" di oggi 20/9/2000 scrive:

"Belgrado ha ufficialmente rifiutato la presenza di osservatori

Nella colonna immediatamente successiva, un breve dispaccio e' viceversa

"Antonaz, consigliere regionale di Rifondazione tra gli osservatori che
monitoreranno le elezioni", e si spiega che Antonaz e' stato "invitato a
monitorare le elezioni presidenziali jugoslave" dal governo di Belgrado.

"Il Piccolo" dunque smentisce clamorosamente se stesso da una colonna
all'altra sulla stessa pagina! La notizia degli "osservatori occidentali
indesiderati" in realta' e' collegata al rifiuto del governo jugoslavo
di concedere l'ingresso nel paese agli esponenti dell'OSCE,
l'organizzazione che, gia' presente ad elezioni precedenti e poi in
Kosovo sotto la guida di William Walker tra il 1998 ed il 1999, ha
dimostrato di fungere da volano per l'escalation terroristica dell'UCK e
da battistrada per la aggressione militare della NATO, come spiegato
dagli stessi osservatori OSCE ad esempio sulla rivista italiana di
geopolitica LIMES.


Puntate precedenti:

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

Abbasso l'occupazione imperialista del Kossovo!
Fuori dai Balkani tutte le forze USA/NATO/ONU, immediatamente!

(traduzione da SPARTACIST, organo
primavera 2000, pag.46-48)

Gli imperialisti statunitensi e i lroo alleati della NATO, con l'aiuto
cruciale della Russia capitalista di Boris El'cin, nel ruolo di
sono riusciti a mettere in ginocchio le Serbia, piccolo paese
Ai termini del diktat di "pace" deg li USA e della NATO, il kossovo è
diventato un protettorato della NATO, occupato da 50.000 soldati per un
periodo indeterminato.Obbiettivo della NATO fin dall'inizio, e con tutto
il suo chiasso cinico sulla protezione degli albanesi del Kossovo. Ai
proletari internazionalisti, che abbiamo chiamato, senza cedimenti, alla
disfatta delle forze imperialiste della NATO e alla difesa militare
Serbia, noi, Lega Comunista Intrenazionale, denunciamo la "pace" dei
briganti dettata dai più sanguinari criminali di guerra del Mondo.

Come nella guerra a senso unico contro l'Iraq nel 1991, gli imperialisti
si sono accaniti sistematicamente contro le infrastrutture necessarie
sopravvivenza della popolazione civile: centrali e reti elettriche,
depuratori, trasporti pubblici, industr ie, ospedali, quartieri. A dire
vero, gli imperialisri "democratici" degli USA e della NATO hanno
più danni in Serbia che non l'imperialismo tedesco sotto Hitler e il
nazismo durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Per mesi, la NATO ha
i suoi piani per una invasione da terra del Kossovo. Il giornale
The Observer del 18 luglio 1999. notava che la "resa spettacolare del
presidente jugolsavo Miloshevich, il mese scorso, è stato prodotto tre
giorni dopo che il Regno Unito e gli USA avevano completato il piano
d'invasione terrestre del Kossovo (nome in codice B-minus), invasione
doveva essere scatenata la prima settimana di settembre."

Per meglio mostrare il carattere menzognero del pretesto degli
imperialisti che questa guerra aveva per scopo la difesa dei "diritti
dell'uomo", al momento stesso in cui le truppe della NATO
a penetrare nel Kossovo, le popolazioniserbe e t zigane sono divenute il
bersaglio di una "purificazione etnica" brutale che includeva famiglie
intere. Per i popoli che abitavano il Kossovoi termini dell'oppressione
furono rovesciati: gli albanesi erano asserviti e oppressi dello
sciovinismo serbo di Mi loshevich; ma ora è la popolazione serba, di cui
non rimane che una piccola parte, che è cacciata del Kossovo dal
terrorismo mortale. Gli imperialisti, che sono attualemnte ostili a un
Kossovo indipendente e alla Grande Albania, hanno chiaramente affermat o
che essi intendono restare i conduttori del gioco.

Questa guerra è stata condotta, negli USA, dai democratici di Clinton e,
in Europa, dai governi diretti dai partiti socialdemocraticied
ex-stalinisti. A rimorchio della propria borghesia, la cosiddetta
riformista e centrista non ha mancato di al linearsi come un sol uomo
dietro i piagnistei sul "piccolo povero Kossovo" dei fautori della
imperialista. La sua opposizione ai bombardamenti della NATO è stata di
pura forma, come noi abbiamo fatto notare nelal dichiarazione pubblicata
il 21 apri le 1999 dalla LCI (...). Così, la Lega Comunista
(LCR) di Alain Krivine, rifletteva le frizioni tra l'imperialismo
e una NATO dominata dagli USA, si appellava esplicitamente a un
imperialista sotto la copertura dell'ONU o dell'OSCE, un'istanza
dagli europei. Ciò si accordava perfettamente con le posizioni della
maggioranza del Segretariato Unificato (SU) [1] che dice: "Noi non
condannare tutti gli interventi dell'ONU o della NATO. Noi dobbiamo
esaminarli c aso per caso". (Socialist Action, Aprile 1999). Allo stesso
modo, Alex Callinicos, uno dei principali portavoce dell'inglese
Workers Party di Tony Cliff [2], figurava tra i firmatari di una
dichiarazione, pubblicata il 10 maggio 1999 nel New States man , che si
appellava a un intervento dell'OSCE nel Kossovo, come alternativa alla

I centristi di destra del gruppo inglese Workers Power (WP) [3] hanno
marciato a ranghi serrati dietro il governo laburista di Tony Blair nel
Unito, la più guerrafondaia delle potenze imperialiste. Il sostegno all'
"indipendenza del Kossovo" di pseudo- trotskisti come il WP, che hanno
fatto causa comune con l'UCK, nasconde male il loro sostegno agli
obbiettivi di guerra dell'imperialismo. Ciò si è visto chiaramente
il WP partecipò , il 10 aprile 1999, a una manifestazione del "Soccorso
Operaio al Kossovo" dove figuravano ben in vista parole d'ordine come
"Buona fortuna NATO", e "NATO, ora o mai più". In seguito WP e alcuni
altri gruppi, sulla scia dei laburisti, organizzavano, l' 11 maggio
un meeting nella cui tribuna si trovava due oratori apertamente
pro-NATO, uno, albanese nazionalista virulento, dichiarava
che tutti quelli che non sostenevano la NATO, dovevano stare a casa.

Ora che la NATO l'ha spuntata, WP proclama: "Tutti devono gioire della
ritirata delle forze genocide che hanno cacciato dal loro paese natale
milione di kossovari e ne hanno trasformato un altro mezzo milione in
profughi interni. Ma non si deve gioire nel vedere il Kossovo
in un protettorato, ufficialmente dell'ONU, ma in realtà della NATO"
(Workers Power, giugno 1999). Era dovere di tutti coloro che vogliono
l'imperialismo sconfitto, difendere la Serbia contro l'aggressione

In questa dichiarazione WP applaudiva alal sconfitta dell'esercito serbo
di fronte all'imperialismo della NATO, e appoggia, in realtà, le

La nostra denuncia del revisionismo della cosiddetta sinistra e i nostri
interventi con il nostro programma rivoluzionario internazionalista, noi
abbiamo valutato l'ostilità di tutti coloro che, a sinistra, battono la
grancassa per la NATO. Lutte Ouvrière (LO) [4], piena di rabbia dopo che
avevamo smascherato la sua linea filoimperialista nel forum sulla guerra
nei Balcani alla festa di LO, vicino Parigi, il 24 maggio 1999, ultimo
giorno della festa, inviava una ventina di gorilla contro la LCI,
deliberatamente ruppero in quattro punti un braccio del nostro compagno
Xavier Brunoy, redattore in capo del nostro giornale in francese Le

Nell'aprile 1999, mentre la NATO conduceva i suoi bombardamenti contro
Serbia, il Partito Comunista di Gran Bretagna (CPGB) costituiva una
commissione cosiddetta "d'inchiesta" su una aggressione fisica contro
Ebbie McDonald, una dirigente della Spa rtacist League/Britain, da parte
di un certo Ian Donovan, esaltato anticomunista e simpatizzante del
ciò era nei fatti per fornire un alibi a questa aggressione. Pertanto, i
fatti non erano contestati da nessuno, neanche dallo stesso Donovan.Nel
gen naio 1999, a Londra, egli aveva colpito Eibhlin McDonald con un
in faccia durante una manifestazione commemorativa del "Bloody Sunday"
1972 in Irlanda del Nord, dove dei cattolici erano stati massacrati dai
soldati inglesi comandati da Michael J ackson (che comandava ancora di
recente le truppe d'occupazione della NATO in Kossovo). Donovanera
diventuo isterico quando McDonald, che è irlandese, denunciava il suo
sostegno al Socialist Party, un gruppo filoimperialista conosciuto per
avere appoggiat o il dirigente lealista fascista Billy Hutchinson. La
commissione "d'inchiesta" del CPGB era l'espressione della sua lealtà al
Partito Laburista al potere e agli interessi dell'imperailismo inglese:
era una miserabile caricature di inchiesta destinata a t rascinare la
Spartacist League nel fango poichè noi eravamo i soli a batterci contro
snagunaria guerra dei Balcani di Blair e della palude laburista. Il CPGB
si è impegnato a giustificare i bombardamenti terrooristici imperialisti
in modo cosi flagrant e che i nostri compagni l'hanno soprannominato i
"socialisti stile Jamie Shea". Il CPGB dichiarava così " E' evidente a
tutti , salvo quelli che sono volontariamente stupidi, che la NATO ha
fattodi tutto per minimizzare le perdite umane" (Weekley Worker, 10
1999). Infatti, durante i bombardamenti, le perdite fra i civili hanno
superato di molto quelle fra i militari.

Gli pseudo-trotskisti si sono largamente ridefiniti come "liberali" e
socialdemocratici, si richiamano raramente, se non per motivi formali,
leninismo. Il comitato esecutivo del SU, ad esempio, ha votato nel
febbraio 1999, di ritirare dal proprio statu to ogni refernza alla
Rivoluzione Russa del 1917, ai quattro primi congressi
Comunista e al Programma di transizione (il documento di fondazione
Quarta Internazionale). Il luglio scorso, in un meeting a Londra, Alain
Krivine, dir igente francese del SU, ha denigrato quelli che si
apertamente al trotskismo, proclamano che il compito di oggi è la
rivoluzione, che egli definisce come qualcuno che "dirige un movimento
sociale" congiuntamente con altre forze, compresi i cri stiano sociali.
Infatti è con clericali antisocialisti, come i controrivoluzionari di
Solidarnorsc in Polonia, che SU si è alleata. Un compagno della SL/B
affrontava Krivine, e fece notare che SU non era mai stato la Quarta
Internazionale e che questa ere dità programmatica appartiene alla LCI.
Questo compagno ricordava notava che piuttosto è nella Seconda
Internazionale che Krivine e compagnia hanno il loro posto. La lealtà
degli pseudo-estremisti verso al propria borghesia durante la guerra
contro la Ser bia è lo sbocco logico del sostegno precedentemente
apportato alla controrivoluzione patrocinata dall'imperialismo in URSS e
negli stati operai deformati dell'Europa Orientale e della Jugoslavia.

Il proletariato aveva meno entusiasmo per questa guerra che non la
cosiddetta sinistra che acclamava "l'imperialismo dei diriti dell'uomo".
Anche negli USA, dove non vi erano manifestazioni di massa,
l'atteggiamento degli operai verso la guerra andava da lla passività
diffidenza. Il Primo Maggio, in tutta Europa, e fino al Giappone e
all'Australia, la guerra dei Balcani era la questione bruciante.
gli sforzi dei burocrati sindacali per controllare l'attenzione rivolta
verso le preoccupazioni economiche. L'opposizione proletaria alal guerra
è stat particolarmente esplosiva in Italia e in Grecia. Il 13 maggio
in Italia, più di un milione di lavoratori ha partecipato a uno sciopero
politico di un giorno, all'iniziativa dei COBAS, con la pa rola d'ordine
"Non una vita, non una lira per questa guerra". I COBAS hanno ugualmente
lanciato una campagna finanziaria per i lavoratori jugoslavi, dopo il
bombardamento e la distruzione della fabbrica di automobili Zastava a
Kragujevac ad opera della NATO, che spaeva perfettamente che gli oeprai
avevano formato uno scudo umano per proteggere la fabbrica. Le sezioni
della LCI, malgrado le divergenze dai COBAS, hanno partecipato
attivamente alla campagna finanziaria per la Zastava che dava ai
lavoratori u n mezzo per prendere concretamente posizione contro il
"proprio" imperialismo mortale.

Nella guerra contro la Serbia, i dirigenti della NATO hanno celebrato
l'unità delle potenze occidentali. Ma dietro tale unità di facciata, la
guerra ha accentuato le tensioni tra le grandi potenze capitalistiche,
tensioni che si sono intensificate dopo la distruzione
controrivoluzionaria dell'URSS.

La Germania e altri paesi europei occidentali sono determianti a
costituire una forza militare indipendente dagli USA, a mano a mano che
loro rivalità economiche con gli USA si accrescono.

Non si può condurre la lotta contro la guerra imperialista separatamente
della lotta di classe. Solo la rivoluzione può rovesciare il sistema
capitalista imperialista che genera la guerra. E' la Rivoluzione
del 1917 diretta dal Partito Bolscevic o di Lenin e Trotsky che ha
strappato la Russia alla Prima guerra mondiale e creato il primo stato
operaio, un faro dell'internazionalismo rivoluzionario per il
del mondo intero. Noi lottiamo per riforgiare la Quarta Internazionale ,
strument o che potrà condurre le masse operaie verso nuove rivoluzioni
Ottobre e una società socialista mondiale.

1. La cui sezione italiana è costituita da Bandiera Rossa, consorella
della LCR e da cui provengono Ilario Salucci e il gruppo filo-UCK di
REDS di Loris Brioschi (N.d.T.)
2. In Italia è presente una sua filiazione "Socialismo dal Basso",
nettamente interventista e antisovietico, ora inserito in Rifondazione
Comunista (N.d.T.)
3. Con il cui rappresentante in Italia, Paul O'Brien, ho avuto una dura
polemica via internet (N.d.T.)
4. In Italia è vicino alle sue posizioni l'Associazione Proposta

(traduz. di A. Lattanzio, che ringraziamo gentilmente)

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

>Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2000 4:41 PM
>Subject: Fwd: NATO-Krieg gegen Jugoslawien
>> Hallo Leute,
>> Den Aufruf "Kein neuer NATO-Krieg auf dem Balkan" zu unterschreiben, habe
>> ich auf die webseite gesetzt und zwar auf eine
>> "Rubrik" A k t u e l l e s. Also, unter
>> Und als Download als rtf.Datei unter:
>> Unter A k t u e l l e s findet man auch den von Klaus v. Raussendorf
>> übersetzten Artikel von Gregory Elich "NATO Prepares New Balkans War"
>> die Englischen Originale:
>> Kriegsgrund gesucht: Die NATO bereitet ihren zweiten Angriff auf
>> vor. Von Gregory Elich (Teil 1)
>> Krieg nach den Wahlen?: Die NATO bereitet ihren zweiten Angriff auf
>> Jugoslawien vor. Von Gregory Elich (Teil 2 und Schluß)
>> "NATO Prepares New Balkans War" By Gregory Elich
>> auch zu finden unter:
>> Alles Gute,
>> Alant Jost
Liebe Leute,
diese AIK-Information besteht aus drei Teilen:
I. Drei Artikel aus "junge Welt" zur neuen NATO-Kriegsgefahr auf dem
II. Aufruf aus Berlin "Kein neuer NATO-Krieg auf dem Balkan" (Erwünscht
sind eigene Stellungnahmen an Regierungen, Parteien und in- und
ausländische Medien)
III. A) Ankündigung einer Mahnwache in Bonn am 22. September 2000
B) Anregung zu ähnlichen Aktivitäten in anderen Städten

Teil I enthält:
Von Rüdiger Göbel, Belgrad
junge Welt v. 14.09.2000
- Anlage 1 -

Von Gregory Elich (Teil 1)
junge Welt v. 14.09.2000
- Anlage 2 -

Elich (Teil 2 und Schluss)
junge Welt v. 15.09.2000
Anlage 3
Von Klaus von Raussendorff
junge Welt v. 16.9.2000
- Anlage 4 -

Teil II:
Aufruf aus Berlin:
Eine Neuauflage des NATO-Krieges gegen Jugoslawien droht. Dabei sind die
bedrückenden ursprünglichen Kriegsschulden, die mit zum jetzigen
Euroverfall und Ölhöchstpreisen beitragen, noch längst nicht beglichen.
Dessen ungeachtet erklären Regierungen von verschiedenen NATO-Staaten,
eine Wiederwahl von Präsident Milosovic am 24.September nicht dulden zu
wollen. Bundeskanzler Schröder hat dem beigepflichtet. Damit wird krass
gegen Staatssouveränität und Völkerrecht verstoßen.
Bisher war es den USA nebst NATO nicht gelungen, den rechtmäßig
gewählten Präsidenten Jugoslawiens zu stürzen. Weder mit
Flächenbombardements, Gebietsabtrennungen, Völkeraufwiegelungen noch mit
Mordvorhaben wurde ihr Ziel erreicht.
Unter öffentlichem Beifall des NATO-Generalsekretärs der Kriegszeit,
Solana, ist der angebliche USA-Gegner Kostunica nun der zerstrittenen
Opposition als Spitzenkandidat aufgedrückt worden. Offensichtlich glaubt
Washington nur mit einem als Gegner Ausgegebenen zum Ziel kommen zu
können. Ein durchsichtiges Manöver.
Nun, wenige Tage vor dem vorgesehenen Wahltag, spitzt die Lage sich
kriegsträchtig zu. Medienmeldungen ist zu entnehmen, dass eine
NATO-Intervention von Bulgarien aus ins Auge gefasst wurde. In dieser
bedrohlichen Lage rufen wir sämtliche Friedenskräfte dazu auf, gegen
neue Kriegsabenteuer ihre Gewichte in die Waagschale zu werfen. Rasches
Handeln ist unerlässlich.
Sendet bitte entsprechende eigene Stellungnahmen an Regierungen,
Parteien und die diversen in- und ausländischen Medien. Kopien eurer
Stellungnahmen oder auch Zustimmungen zu diesem Aufruf bitten wir an die
Berliner Friedenskoordination per Fax an 030/32702299 oder per eMail an
peterwegner@... oder per Post an Peter Wegner, Wielandstr. 37, 10629
Berlin zu schicken.
Jutta Kausch, Prof. Dr. Dr. Fred Müller, Klaus von Raussendorff, Peter
Schrott, Dr. Klaus Steiniger, Fritz Teppich, Matthias Trenczek, Ton
Veerkamp, Dr. med. Michael Venedey, Peter Wegner
Berlin, 16.9.2000

Teil III
A) Information zur

in Bonn auf dem Bottlerplatz
am Freitag, den 22. September 2000 von 15 bis 18 Uhr
und am 29. September 2000 zur selben Zeit
(sowie eventuell an den folgenden Freitagen)
Die Mahnwache wird von einzelnen Mitgliedern der jeweiligen Bonner
Ortsgruppen von PDS, DKP, Antifa und Freidenkerverband organisiert. Die
Initiatoren wünschen sich eine möglichst breite Beteiligung Menschen der
Friedensbewegung. Die Mahnwache soll Gelegenheit geben, mit
interessierten Passanten ins Gespräch zu kommen. Dabei soll es um vier
Themen gehen: das Verbrechen des ersten NATO-Kriegs, die anhaltende
Desinformationspolitik, die neue Gefahr eines NATO-Krieges gegen
Jugoslawien sowie die Vorbereitung der Bundeswehr auf neue Kriege.
Die Hauptbotschaft der Mahnwache soll sein, daß Deutschland unter den
gegenwärtigen Machtverhältnissen nicht vor einem verbrecherischen
Angriffskrieg zurückgeschreckt ist, und daß daher derartige Aggressionen
ohne tiefgreifende Veränderungen der politischen Landschaft auch in
Zukunft zu befürchten sind. Zwar sind sich viele Menschen offenbar
bewußt, daß der NATO-Angriff auf Jugoslawien gegen das Völkerrecht
verstieß. Schließlich wird dies selbst von den Verantwortlichen unter
Hinweis auf eine (vorgetäuschte) Notlage einer "humanitären Katastrophe"
eingeräumt. Aber nahezu unbekannt in der Bevölkerung ist die von den
meisten Medien unterdrückte Tatsache, daß ein Internationales Tribunal
in Berlin unter dem Vorsitz des angesehenen Völkerrechtlers Prof. Norman
Paech (ebenso wie eine ähnliches Tribunal in New York) die NATO-Führer,
darunter Schröder, Scharping und Fischer wegen schwerer Verstöße gegen
das Völkerrecht für schuldig befunden hat. Daher ist Bestandteil der
Mahnwach die vom Heidelberger Forum gegen Militarismus und Krieg in
Fortsetzung der Tribunalbewegung initiierte Plakat- und
Unterschriftenaktion "Schuldig wegen Kriegsverbrechen und Verbrechen
gegen die Menschheit" (Siehe AIK-Info v. 24.07.00). Wer die Aussage des
Tribunals unterstützt, kann dies durch seine Unterschrift unter die in
der Resolution der Kampagne erhobene Forderung nach individueller
strafrechtlicher Verantwortung und Rücktritt der für schudlig befundenen
Politiker bekunden. Je mehr Leute diese Forderung unterschreiben, desto
deutlicher wird, daß zwischen der militaristischen Außen-und
Sicherheitspolitik der großen Mehrheit der etablierten Parteien und
informierten und rechtsbewußten Teilen der Bevölkerung ein tiefer Graben
klafft. Dies deutlich zu machen, ist - unabhängig von der
Realisierbarkeit der Forderungen - für die weitere Entwicklung unseres
Landes von erheblicher Bedeutung.
Ferner gibt es bei der Mahnwache zum Thema Desinformation durch
Regierung und Medien den ausgezeichneten Reader zur Veranstaltung "Der
Informationskrieg" des Gegeninformationsbüros/Berlin. Viele Menschen
ahnen, daß sie einseitig informiert werden. Die Broschüre zeigt am
Beispiel des NATO-Krieges, daß dies generalstabsmäßig geschieht. Die
Broschüre (40 Seiten, DM 4,--) ist unter 030/28389345 telefonisch zu
Außerdem bietet die Mahnwache zum Problem der "Bundeswehrstrukturreform"
die ausgezeichnete Broschüre von Arno Neuber "Armee für alle Fälle: Der
Umbau der Bundeswehr zur Interventionsarmee" (ISW-Report Nr. 44,
herausgegeben vom institut für sozial-ökologische wirtschaftsforschung
münchen e.V. in Zusammenarbeit mit der Informationsstelle
Militarisierung (IMI) e.V., 32 Seiten, DM 5,- plus Versand; zu
bestellen bei: isw institut für sozial-ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung
e.V. Johann-von-Werth-Str. 3, 80639 München fon: 089 / 130041, fax: 089
/ 1689415, Email: isw_muenchen@...)
Schließlich wird für die Mahnwache ein spezieller Reader erstellt. Er
enthält u.a das Urteil des Berliner Tribunals vom 3. Juni 2000 sowie die
hier im Anhang dokumentierten Texte zur aktuellen Kriegsgefahr und den
Artikel von Arno Neuber "Kurs auf Interventionsarmee bringt der DASA
Milliardenaufträge: Scharping kauft nur bei DaimlerChrysler aus UZ v.

B) Anregung zu ähnlichen Aktivitäten in anderen Städten
Die Initiatoren der Bonner Mahnwache würden sich freuen, wenn ihre
Initiative zu ähnlichen Veranstaltungen in anderen Städten anregen
würde. Dafür gibt es ein zusätzliches Motiv.
Derzeit empört sich die Zivilgesellschaft in Deutschland über den
ordinären Straßenfaschismus. Selbstverständlich sind die
Friedensbewegten bei den antifaschistischen Aktionen dabei. Wer
staatliche Aggression gegen andere Völker verurteilt, schweigt nicht zu
rassistischen Gewalttaten gegen Immigranten und Flüchtlinge. Beide
Formen nationalistischer Gewalt sind die Seiten derselben Medaille.
Erstes Beispiel: Im Kosovo haben NATO-Regierungen, darunter solche mit
sozialdemokratischer und sogar "kommunistischer" Beteiligung, eine
faschistische Organisation wie die UCK nicht nur als Hilfstruppen
benutzt sondern als Terrorregime unter UNO-Schirmherrschaft etabliert.
Entsprechend gering ist bei diesen "Demokraten" die Bereitschaft, im
eigenen Land gegen Parteien wie die NPD mit allen Mitteln des
bürgerlichen Rechtsstaates vorzugehen. Zweites Beispiel: Das
jugoslawische Volk wird von den NATO-Regierungen vor die Wahl gestellt,
entweder eine pro-westliche Regierung zu wählen oder stranguliert,
angegriffen und aufgeteilt zu werden. Die in der UNO-Charta verbürgte
"gleiche Souveränität" Jugoslawiens ist ihnen ein Fetzen Papier.
Entprechend gering ist ihre Bereitschaft, hierzulande Zuwanderern und
Flüchtlingen ein Leben in Sicherheit zu garantieren. Entsprechend sind
Ausländerrechte auch den kleinen Straßenfaschisten nur ein Fetzen
Papier. Drittes Beispiel: Die Serben und Präsident Slobodan Milosevic
werden seit Jahren von westlichen Politikern und Medien in der
unglaublichsten Weise verunglimpft. Dies ist der Boden, auf dem die
rassistischen Vorurteile der kleinen Straßenfaschisten wuchern. Viertes
Beispiel: Die "demokratischen" NATO-Regierungen schreckten nicht davor
zurück, ein unterlegenes Volk mit Bomben zu überfallen. Wenn die
alltäglichen rassistischen Überfälle der kleinen Straßenfaschisten auf
wehrlose ausländisch aussehende Menschen das übliche Maß übersteigen und
der "Standort Deutschland" in Mißkredit zu geraten scheint, sind sich
die Medien von "Frankfurter Rundschau" bis zur "FAZ" einig:
Menschenverachtende Gewalttaten haben die kleinen Straßenfaschisten für
sich gepachtet.
Gerade in der aktuellen Situation sollten Mahnwachen gegen einen neuen
NATO-Krieg auf dem Balkan auch zum Ausdruck bringen, daß der Faschismus
in seinen Verschiedenen Spielarten nach wie vor die radikalste und in
letzter Konsequenz unausweichliche Form ist, wenn die Herrschenden
Militarismus und Krieg als vorherrschende Orientierung in der
Gesellschaft durchsetzen.

Mit internationalistischen Grüßen
Klaus v. Raussendorff
Anti-Imperialistische Korrespondenz (AIK)
Redaktion: Klaus von Raussendorff
Postfach 210172, 53156 Bonn
Tel.&Fax: 0228 – 34.68.50
Email: raussendorff@...
Anti-Imperialistische Online-Korrespondenz
Webmaster: Dieter Vogel
Email: aik-web@...
Wer die AIK nicht empfangen möchte,
schicke bitte eine Mail mit dem Betreff
"unsubscribe" an raussendorff@...
Anlage 1
Von Rüdiger Göbel, Belgrad
Aus junge Welt v. 14.09.2000

In zehn Tagen wählt Jugoslawien einen neuen Staatschef sowie die
Abgeordneten für die beiden Kammern des Bundesparlamentes. In Serbien
werden darüber hinaus die Gemeinderäte neu besetzt. Doch die wohl
entscheidendste Frage in dem bevorstehenden Urnengang ist: Wird der
derzeitige Präsident Slobodan Milosevic von der jugoslawischen
Bevölkerung in seinem Amt bestätigt oder kann sich einer der
oppositionellen Kandidaten gegen ihn durchsetzen? Politisch steht die
Souveränität des Landes auf dem Spiel. Die prowestliche Opposition macht
keinen Hehl daraus, lieber heute als morgen Teil des NATO-Clans auf dem
Balkan zu werden.
Der Wahlkampf läuft auf Hochtouren, und die gegenseitigen
Schuldzuweisungen von Opposition und Regierung in bezug auf eine
mögliche Manipulation des Votums haben dieser Tage an Schärfe
zugenommen. »Die NATO fährt mit der Destabilisierung Jugoslawiens fort«,
erklärte Goran Matic am Mittwoch in Belgrad vor der nationalen und
internationalen Presse. Dem jugoslawischen Informationsminister zufolge
werden seit längerer Zeit Pläne ausgearbeitet, die am 24. September
stattfindenden Wahlen für einen Bürgerkrieg und Umsturz zu nutzen.
Wie Matic ausführte, gebe es bei der NATO und der US- Administration
mehrere Szenarien, Jugoslawien während und nach den Wahlen direkt zu
destabilisieren. Der wichtigste Interventionsplan hänge jedoch mit der
benachbarten Republika Srpska zusammen. Dort werde derzeit eine Einheit
der bosnisch-serbischen Polizei vorbereitet, um im absehbaren Fall einer
Niederlage der Opposition Jugoslawien zu infiltrieren. Demnach sollen am
Abend des 24. September 1500 »Sicherheitskräfte« in der Uniform der
jugoslawischen Spezialpolizei (MUP) mit 400 Polizeifahrzeugen die
Opposition in Belgrad unterstützen. Matic ließ allerdings offen, wie sie
dorthin kommen sollen.
Die oppositionelle G-17-Gruppe, die »Widerstandsorganisation« Otpor und
Teile der Opposition würden ihre Niederlage - und von dieser gehen Matic
wie die übrigen Mitglieder der jugoslawischen Regierung aus - nicht
akzeptieren und noch am Wahlabend behaupten, daß die Ergebnisse
gefälscht sind. Mit den vermeintlichen jugoslawischen Polizisten an
ihrer Seite wollten sie demonstrieren, daß die Sicherheitskräfte auf
seiten der Opposition stehen. Anschließend würden sie versuchen, unter
dem Vorwand der Wahlfälschung Mitglieder der Regierung zu verhaften.
Bewaffnete Auseinandersetzungen zwischen realen und vermeintlichen
jugoslawischen Sicherheitskräften dürften die Folge sein.
Laut Matic habe es im Zusammenhang mit diesem Szenario vor einem Monat
ein Treffen zwischen dem pensionierten US- General Jack Klein sowie der
pro-amerikanischen Regierung der Republika Srpska unter Führung von
Milorad Dodik gegeben. Klein ist einer der Stellvertreter des Hohen
Repräsentanten für Bosnien-Herzegowina, Wolfgang Petrisch. Erst vor
wenigen Tagen hat das Parlament in der Serbischen Republik Dodik das
Mißtrauen ausgesprochen.
Neben den bosnischen Polizisten sollen in einem zweiten Schritt zudem
Teile des von UNMIK-Chef Bernard Kouchner ins Leben gerufenen
»Kosovo-Schutzkorps« von dem NATO- Protektorat aus nach Bujanovac und
anderen Orten Südserbiens vordringen. Dort sollen sie in Uniformen der
Jugoslawischen Armee von der Opposition und Otpor mit Blumen begrüßt und
als Teil der Anti-Milosevic-Kräfte präsentiert werden.
Analge 2
Von Gregory Elich (Teil 1)
Aus junge Welt v. 14.09.2000

In aller Stille legt die NATO die Planungen für einen neuen
Militärschlag gegen Jugoslawien fest. Zwischen dem 13. und 15. August
besuchte CIA-Direktor George Tenet Bulgarien. In einer Serie von
außergewöhnlichen Treffen kam Tenet mit dem bulgarischen Präsidenten
Petar Stojanov sowie mit dem Premierminister, dem Innenminister und dem
Verteidigungsminister zusammen. Offiziell verfolgte der Besuch Tenets
den Zweck, über Probleme des organisierten Verbrechens und des
Drogenhandels zu sprechen. Doch Tenet verbrachte insgesamt nur ganze 20
Minuten in den Hauptquartieren des Nationalen Sicherheitsdienstes und
des Nationalen Dienstes zur Bekämpfung des organisierten Verbrechens.
Ungenannte diplomatische Quellen ließen verlauten, daß auch die von der
Kaspischen Region (teilweise durch Bulgarien) geplante
Transit-Ölpipeline ein Gesprächsgegenstand war.
Doch das eigentliche Motiv für die Reise Tenets war der
Meinungsaustausch über Jugoslawien. Einer ungenannten diplomatischen
Quelle zufolge stand der Abfall Montenegros von Jugoslawien ganz oben
auf der Tagesordnung. Nach dem Treffen zwischen Tenet und Generalmajor
Dimo Gjaurov, dem Direktor des Nationalen Nachrichtendienstes, erging
eine Pressemitteilung, in der die »Gemeinsamkeit der Interessen« betont
wurde. Berichte in der bulgarischen Presse enthüllten, daß verschiedene
Optionen mit dem Präsidenten und dem Premierminister von Bulgarien
erörtert wurden. Was von den Treffen durchsickerte, deutet darauf hin,
daß die von Tenet bevorzugte Option die Absetzung der jugoslawischen
Regierung war, entweder aufgrund des Ergebnisses der jugoslawischen
Wahlen am 24. September oder durch einen militärischen Angriff der NATO,
der eine Marionettenregierung an die Macht bringen würde. Ein anderes
von Tenet diskutiertes Szenario bezog sich auf den Abfall Montenegros
von Jugoslawien. Für den Fall, daß infolge der Sezession Montenegros
offene Kriegshandlungen ausbrechen, planen die Vereinigten Staaten,
einen regelrechten Krieg gegen Jugoslawien zu führen, so wie im Frühjahr
In der Presse Sofias wird berichtet, daß die »CIA- Coupmaschine« schon
im Gange ist. »Ein Schlag gegen Belgrad steht bevor«, wird hinzugefügt.
Und »Bulgarien wird dabei als Basis dienen«. (Bulgaria-Press Review BTA
vom 12. August)
Die italienische Armee unterzeichnete kürzlich einen Pachtvertrag, um ab
Oktober Militärübungen auf dem Koren- Ausbildungsgelände in der Nähe von
Kaskovo im Südosten Bulgariens durchzuführen (Mila Avramova: »Italiener
pachten Trainingsgelände für 400 000 Leva,«, Trud vom 9. August). Die
französische Armee unterzeichnete ein ähnliches Abkommen, wonach
französische Soldaten und Panzer vom 11. Oktober bis 12. Dezember
Übungen auf dem Gelände von Novo Selo in Mittelbulgarien abhalten.
Ferner laufen Gespräche, um dem US-Militär das Shabla-Übungsgelände in
Nordostbulgarien zu überlassen. Für die Zeit nach den Wahlen in
Jugoslawien geplant, könnten die Manöver als Ausgangspunkt für den
geplanten NATO-Militärschlag dienen. Kürzlich verlautete, daß der
britische Flugzeugträger »HMS Invincible« in den nächsten Monaten in das
Adriatische Meer verlegt werden würde, und zwar zur Unterstützung eines
Konflikts in Montenegro.
Wie ermordet man Milosevic?
Militärische Gewalt ist nur eine Komponente in der westlichen
Destabilisierungskampagne gegen Jugoslawien. Der Plan der NATO für eine
militärische Intervention geht aus einer langen Geschichte anhaltender
westlicher Einmischung hervor. Im November 1998 lancierte Präsident
Clinton einen Plan zum Sturz der Regierung von Jugoslawien. Ursprünglich
lag der Hauptakzent des Plans auf der Unterstützung der
sezessionistischen Kräfte in Montenegro sowie der rechten Opposition in
Serbien. Einige Monate später, während der Bombardierungen Jugoslawiens,
unterzeichnete Clinton ein Geheimdokument, das die CIA anwies, die
jugoslawische Regierung zu Fall zu bringen. Der Plan sah die geheime
finanzielle Unterstützung oppositioneller Gruppen durch die CIA und die
Anwerbung von Maulwürfen in Regierung und Militär Jugoslawiens vor
(Douglas Waller, »Tearing Down Milosevic«, Time Magazine vom 12. Juli).
Am 8. Juli 1999 enthüllten US-amerikanische und britische Beamte, daß
Kommando-Teams für Entführungsoperationen ausgebildet würden, um
angebliche Kriegsverbrecher und Präsident Slobodan Milosevic zu
ergreifen. Als Anreiz für Söldner setzte das US-Außenministerium eine
Belohnung von fünf Millionen Dollar für Präsident Milosevic aus (Michael
Moran: »A Threat to >Snatch< Milosevic«, MSNBC, vom 8. Juli 1999).
Einige jugoslawische Regierungsvertreter und prominente
Persönlichkeiten, darunter Verteidigungsminister Pavle Bulatovic, wurden
niedergeschossen. Die meisten dieser Verbrechen blieben unaufgeklärt, da
es den Mördern gelang zu entkommen. Die Polizei verhaftete einen Mörder,
Milivoje Gutovic, nachdem er den Präsidenten des Exekutivrates der
Vojvodina, Bosko Perosevic, bei einer Landwirtschaftsmesse in Novi Sad
erschossen hatte. Bei den Vernehmungen gestand Gutovic der Polizei, daß
er für die rechte Serbische Erneuerungsbewegung gearbeitet hatte.
Goran Zugic, der Sicherheitsberater des sezessionswilligen
montenegrinischen Präsidenten Milo Djukanovic, wurde am späten Abend des
31. Mai 2000 ermordet. Der Mörder entkam, was westlichen Politikern die
Möglichkeit gab, Präsident Milosevic zu beschuldigen. Just eine Woche
vor entscheidenden Gemeindewahlen in Montenegro konnten nur die
Anti-Milosevic-Kräfte aus dem Mord Gewinn schlagen, weil dadurch
unentschlossene Wähler tendenziell auf die Seite der sezessionistischen
Parteien gedrängt wurden.
Wenige Tage nach dem Mord gab der jugoslawische Informationsminister
Goran Matic eine Pressekonferenz, bei der er die CIA der Mittäterschaft
an diesem Mord beschuldigte. Matic verwies auf die Wiedergaben einer
Tonbandaufzeichnung von zwei Telefongesprächen zwischen dem Leiter der
US-Mission in Dubrovnik, Sean Burns, dem Mitarbeiter des
US-Außenministeriums James Swaggert, Gabriel Escobar von der
US-Wirtschaftsgruppe in Montenegro und Paul Davies von der
US-Entwicklungsagentur. Auszüge aus den Gesprächen, die 20 Minuten nach
dem Mord und dann erneut drei Stunden später aufgezeichnet wurden,
enthielten Bemerkungen wie »Das war professionell« und »Mission
Der erste öffentlich bekannt gewordene Plan zur Ermordung von Milosevic
wurde im Jahre 1992 entworfen. Richard Tomlinson, ein ehemaliger
Angestellter des britischen Auslandsgeheimdienstes MI6, enthüllte den
Plan später. Seine Aufgabe als MI6-Agent war es, in Osteuropa verdeckte
Operationen als angeblicher Geschäftsmann oder Journalist durchzuführen.
Tomlinson traf sich häufig mit dem MI6- Offizier Nick Fishwick. Während
eines dieser Treffen zeigte Fishwick Tomlinson ein Dokument mit dem
Titel »Die Notwendigkeit der Ermordung von Präsident Milosevic von
Serbien«. Drei Methoden wurden vorgeschlagen. Die erste Methode, so
erinnert sich Tomlinson, »bestand darin, eine paramilitärische serbische
Oppositionsgruppe auszubilden und auszurüsten«, was die
Verleugnungsmöglichkeit, aber auch eine ungewisse Erfolgsaussicht
beinhaltete. Die zweite Methode bestand im Einsatz eines besonders
ausgebildeten britischen SAS-Trupps, um Präsident Milosevic »entweder
mit einer Bombe oder durch Heckenschützen« zu ermorden. Fishwick hielt
dies für zuverlässiger, aber die Verleugnungsmöglichkeit war mangelhaft.
Die dritte Methode bestand darin, Milosevic ȟber einen inszenierten
Autounfall« umzubringen (Statement von Richard Tomlinson, gerichtet an
John Wadham am 11. September 1998). Sieben Jahr später, am 3. Oktober
1999, wurde die dritte Methode gegen den Führer der Serbischen
Erneuerungsbewegung, Vuk Draskovic, angewandt, als ein mit Sand
beladener Lastwagen seinen Wagen rammte und alle Insassen außer
Draskovic tötete. Der unberechenbare Draskovic ist ein wichtiger
Verursacher der chronischen Zersplitterung der rechten Opposition, was
Washingtons Anstrengungen, eine vereinte Opposition zustande zu bringen,
Während des Krieges der NATO gegen Jugoslawien traf am 22. April 1999
eine Rakete das Haus von Milosevic. Er und seine Frau hielten sich an
diesem Abend anderswo auf. Pentagon-Sprecher Ken Bacon beeilte sich zu
erklären, daß »wir nicht auf Präsident Milosevic zielen«. Es ist jedoch
unmöglich, in der Tatsache, daß eine Rakete im Schlafzimmer von
Milosevic um zehn nach drei in der Früh einschlägt, etwas anderes als
einen Mordversuch zu sehen.
Im Fadenkreuz der Geheimdienste
Im November 1999 wurden Mitglieder eines Mordkommandos unter dem
Code-Namen »Spinne« in Jugoslawien verhaftet. Laut Minister Goran Matic
»stand der französische Geheimdienst hinter« der Spinne-Gruppe, deren
Ziel die Ermordung von Milosevic war. Zu den geplanten Szenarien
gehörten ein Anschlag mittels Sprengsatz in einer Straße, in der die
Vorbeifahrt von Milosevic erwartet wurde, die Anbringung einer Bombe an
seinem Wagen sowie der Einsatz von zehn ausgebildeten Stoßtruppkämpfern
bei der Erstürmung des Präsidentenpalastes. Der Führer der Gruppe, der
Serbe Petrusic, war jugoslawisch-französischer Doppelstaatsbürger.
Matic behauptete, daß Petrusic seit zehn Jahren für den französischen
Geheimdienst arbeitete. In den Vernehmungen sagte Petrusic aus, daß er
50 Menschen auf Befehl des französischen Geheimdienstes getötet habe.
Matic erklärte, daß eines der Mitglieder der Spinne ein »Spezialist für
das Killen mit einem Lastwagen voll Sand« war - die Methode, die einen
Monat zuvor gegegen Draskovic angewandt worden war. Schon nach dem
Krieg in Bosnien hatte Petrusic den Abtransport von 180
bosnisch-serbischen Söldnern zum Kampf für Mobutu Sese Seku in Zaire,
eine Aktion des französischen Geheimdienstes, organisiert. Dazu ein
bosnisch- serbischer Geschäftsmann: Petrusic »verheimlichte nicht die
Tatsache, daß er für den französischen Geheimdienst arbeitete. Ich sah
selbst ein Foto von ihm als Leibwächter neben Mitterrand.« In seinen
jüngeren Jahren war Petrusic Angehöriger der französischen Ehrenlegion.
Während des NATO-Krieges gegen Jugoslawien infiltrierte die
Spinne-Gruppe die jugoslawische Armee. Dabei lieferte sie den Franzosen
Informationen und leitete NATO- Kampfflugzeuge zu ihren Zielen.
Jugoslawische Geheimdienstquellen ließen verlauten, daß die
Spinne-Gruppe Übungen auf NATO-Stützpunkten in Bosnien veranstaltete, wo
»Gebäude errichtet wurden, die denen glichen, wo Milosevic lebt«. Das
Geld für die Spinne wurde von einem Mann namens Serge Lazarevic an die
Grenze zwischen Ungarn und Jugoslawien gebracht (Reuters vom 25.
November 1999, AFP vom 26. November und 1.Dezember 1999).
Neonazis als Balkan-Söldner
Einen Monate später wurden die Mitglieder eines zweiten Stoßtrupps
verhaftet, der sich Serbische Befreiungsarmee nennt. Ihr Ziel war es,
Präsident Milosevic zu ermorden und die Monarchie wiederherzustellen.
Ende Juli 2000 wurden vier holländische Soldaten eines Kommandotrupps
beim Übergang von Montenegro nach Serbien aufgegriffen. In den
Vernehmungen gestanden sie, daß sie die Absicht hatten, Milosevic zu
töten oder zu entführen. Die vier erklärten, sie seien informiert
worden, daß für »Milosevics Kopf« 30 Millionen US-Dollar geboten werden
würden. Einer der Männer sagte aus, daß die Gruppe plante, Milosevic
oder den ehemaligen bosnisch-serbischen Präsidenten Radovan Karadzic zu
entführen und »sie Den Haag zu übergeben«. Die Gruppe plante, die beiden
auf dem Dach eines Autos »in einer Ski-Box« zu verstecken »und außer
Landes zu bringen«. (AFP vom 31. Juli 2000 und Email-Korrespondenz von
Herman de Tollenaere, 1. August 2000; BBC Monitoring Service, 1. August
Einer der verhafteten Männer, Gorfrides de Ri, gehörte zur offen
rassistischen und neofaschistischen Zentrumspartei. Während der Kriege
in Kroatien und Bosnien entsandte die Zentrumspartei holländische
Söldner zum Kampf in kroatische paramilitärische Einheiten. Bei ihrer
Verhaftung wurden bei ihnen verschiedene Messer, darunter eines mit
einem Hakenkreuz, sowie Drähte mit Haken zum Erdrosseln gefunden. Alle
vier gestanden, daß sie eine Ausbildung unter Leitung der britischen SAS
erhalten hatten.
Bei einer Pressekonferenz am 1. August beschuldigte Goran Matic die USA
der eigentlichen Urheberschaft der Morde und Mordversuche. »Es ist
offenkundig, daß sie verschiedene terroristische Gruppen rekrutieren,
weil sie frustriert sind, daß ihre militärischen, politischen und
wirtschaftlichen Ziele in Südosteuropa nicht erreicht wurden. (Sie)
versuchen, sie in unser Land zu schicken, um damit das politische und
soziale Umfeld zu verändern.« Jonathan Eyal, ein Berater der britischen
Regierung, bemerkte kürzlich: »Ich kann nicht sagen, wann, aber ich
garantiere, daß Milosevic am Ende tot ist, und daß auf ihn eine mehr
pro-westliche Regierung folgen wird.« (Reuters, 9. Juni 2000)

Anlage 3
Aus junge Welt v. 15.09.2000
Die flagrante westliche Einmischung verzerrt den politischen Prozeß in
Jugoslawien. Geldmittel aus USA und Westeuropa werden rechten
Oppositionsparteien und Medien durch Organisationen wie die National
Endowment for Democracy und das Open Society Institute von George Soros
zugeleitet. Das National Democratic Institute (NDI) ist lediglich eine
der Myriaden von Organisationen, die sich in Osteuropa wie Blutegel
festgesetzt haben. Das NDI eröffnete im Jahre 1997 ein Büro in Belgrad
in der Hoffnung, von den Versuchen der Opposition, die Regierung durch
Straßendemonstrationen zu stürzen, profitieren zu können. Bis 1999 hatte
das NDI schon über 900 rechte Parteifunktionäre und Aktivisten in
Fertigkeiten wie »der Verbreitung von politischen Aussagen, wirksamem
öffentlichen Auftreten und Wahlstrategie« ausgebildet. NDI nimmt für
sich in Anspruch, der Opposition »organisatorische Ausbildung sowie
Expertise in Koalitionsbildung« zur Verfügung gestellt zu haben (»NDI
Activities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia- Montenegro)«
NDI Worldwide Activities,
Das Neue Serbische Forum, das vom britischen Foreign Office finanziert
wird, bringt in regelmäßigem Turnus serbische Professionelle und
Akademiker zu Diskussionen mit britischen und mitteleuropäischen
»Experten« nach Ungarn. Zweck der Treffen ist es, »eine Blaupause für
die Gesellschaft nach Milosevic zu entwerfen«. Das Forum entwickelte
bereits einen Aktionsplan für eine künftige pro-westliche Regierung. Die
Diskussion umfaßten die Themen Privatisierung und wirtschaftliche
Stabilisierung. Das Forum wirbt für die »Reintegration Jugoslawiens in
die europäische Familie«, eine Floskel, die im Klartext heißt: Abbau
sozialistischer Wirtschaftsstrukturen und Aufforderung zum Eindringen
westlicher Unternehmen (»Britain Trains New Elite for Post- Milosevic
Era«, The Independent, 3. Mai 2000; The New Serbia Forum web page,
Aufteilung der Märkte
Die westlichen Ziele wurden im »Stabilitätspakt für Südosteuropa« vom
10. Juni 1999 klar ausgesprochen. Dieses Dokument rief dazu auf, auf dem
Balkan »kräftige Marktwirtschaften zu schaffen«, und zwar »Märkte, die
für einen stark erweiterten Außenhandel und für Investitionen im
privaten Sektor offen sind«. Ein Jahr später gab das Weiße Haus eine
Faktenzusammenstellung heraus, in der die »wichtigsten Errungenschaften«
des Paktes aufgeführt sind.
Unter den aufgelisteten »Errungenschaften« werden die Europäische Bank
für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung (EBRD) und die International Finance
Corporation erwähnt, die »private Investitionen mobilisieren«. Bis 2002
sollen die »neuen privaten Investitionen in der Region« annähernd zwei
Milliarden US-Dollar erreichen. Der dem Pakt angegliederte Beratende
Wirtschaftsrat »besucht alle Länder Südosteuropas«, um zu
Investitionsfragen »Beratung anzubieten«. Eine weitere Initiative ist
die Einbindung der ungarischen Minderheit in oppositionelle
Gemeindeverwaltungen und Medien in Serbien.
Die Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) schuf am 26. Juli
2000 einen Investmentfond, der vom Soros Private Funds Management
verwaltet werden soll. Der South East Europe Equity Fund »wird in
Unternehmen in der Region in einer Reihe von Sektoren investieren«. Sein
Zweck ist laut US-Botschaft in Mazedonien, »Kapital für neue
Geschäftsentwicklungen, Expansion und Privatisierung zur Verfügung zu
Im März 2000 unterzeichnete Montenegro ein Abkommen, das OPIC erlaubt,
auf seinem Territorium tätig zu werden. Der Milliardär Soros machte
deutlich, was all das zu bedeuten hat. Das Auftreten der USA in der
Region, so sagte er, »schafft Anlagemöglichkeiten« und: »Ich bringe mein
Geld mit Vergnügen dort unter, wo sie ihres unterbringen.« Mit anderen
Worten, dort läßt sich Geld machen. George Munoz, der Präsident und
Hauptgeschäftsführer von OPIC, nahm ebenfalls kein Blatt vor den Mund.
»Der South East Europe Equity Fund«, verkündete er, »ist ein ideales
Vehikel zur Verbindung von amerikanischem Kapital institutioneller
Anleger mit europäischen Unternehmen, die bestrebt sind, Amerikanern zu
helfen, ihre wachsenden Märkte zu erschließen. OPIC ist erfreut über das
von Soros Private Funds Management ausgehende positive Signal, daß
Südosteuropa für Geschäfte offen ist.«
Die Schlußfassung des Stabilitätspaktes für Südosteuropa sieht vor, daß
ein Jugoslawien, das die »Prinzipien und Ziele« des Pakts »respektiert«,
als Vollmitglied »willkommen« wäre. »Um die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien
näher an dieses Ziel heranzuführen,« wird im Dokument erläutert, solle
Montenegro bereits Nutzen daraus ziehen.
Tanz der Marionetten
Die westlichen Führer sehnen sich nach der Einsetzung eines
Marionettenregimes in Belgrad und setzen ihre Hoffnungen auf die
Parteien der zersplitterten rechten Opposition in Serbien. Im Jahre 1999
ermunterten US-Funktionsträger diese Parteien, Massendemonstrationen zum
Sturz der Regierung zu organisieren, aber diese Aufmärsche verpufften
schnell wegen mangelnder Unterstützung in der Bevölkerung. Als
jugoslawische Wahlen auf Bundes- und Gemeindeebene für den 24. September
2000 angekündigt wurden, trafen US- amerikanische und westeuropäische
Vertreter mit den Führern der serbischen Oppositionsparteien zusammen,
wobei sie diese drängten, sich auf einen einzigen
Präsidentschaftskandidaten zu einigen. Trotz US- amerikanischer
Bemühungen erschienen aber mehrere Kandidaten gegen Milosevic auf der
Anfang August 2000 eröffneten die USA ein Büro in Budapest mit der
speziellen Aufgabe, Oppositionsparteien in Jugoslawien zu helfen. Zu
seinen Mitarbeitern gehören 24 Spezialisten für psychologische
Kriegführung, die an Operationen während des NATO-Krieges gegen
Jugoslawien und früher im Golfkrieg gegen Irak beteiligt waren. Während
dieser Operationen fabrizierte das Team auch Nachrichten in dem Bemühen,
die öffentliche Meinung im Westen zu beeinflussen.
Montenegro auf Westkurs
Falls Präsident Milosevic wiedergewählt wird, erwartet US-
Außenministerin Albright Straßendemonstrationen mit dem Ziel, die
Regierung zu stürzen. Bei Treffen in Banja Luka im Frühjahr 2000 äußerte
sich Albright enttäuscht über das Fehlschlagen früherer Anstrengungen,
die rechtmäßig gewählte Regierung Jugoslawiens zu Fall zu bringen.
Albright erklärte, sie habe gehofft, daß die Sanktionen die Leute dazu
bringen würden, »Milosevic für die Leiden verantwortlich zu machen«.
Wütend fragte sich Albright: »Was hielt die Menschen davon ab, auf die
Straße zu gehen?« Und wie um zu zeigen, daß die USA auf der Suche nach
einem Interventionsvorwand sind, fügte sie hinzu: »Etwas hat in Serbien
zu geschehen, was der Westen unterstützen kann.« (Vecernje Novosti, 18.
Mai 2000)
Die Wege der beiden Republiken Jugoslawiens gehen schroff auseinander.
Nur noch Serbien sperrt sich gegen das große Komplott des Westens, den
Balkan in ein ökonomisches Modell zu integrieren, in dem die
Volkswirtschaften der Region den Interessen westlicher Unternehmen
untergeordnet sind. Während Serbiens Wirtschaft eine starke
sozialistische Komponente mit großen und mittleren Unternehmen in
Gemeineigentum einschließt, hat Montenegro sich auf ein Programm
eingelassen, demzufolge seine ganze Volkswirtschaft in den Dienst des
Westens gestellt wird. Im November 1999 erfolgte in Montenegro die
Einführung der D-Mark als offizielles Zahlungsmittel und die
Verabschiedung einer Gesetzgebung zur Abschaffung der Gemeinwirtschaft.
Einen Monat später wurden verschiedene große Firmen öffentlich zum
Verkauf angeboten, darunter die Elektrizitätsgesellschaft, der
Landwirtschaftskomplex 13. Juli, die Hotel- und Tourismusfirma Boka und
viele andere. Das Privatisierungsprogramm der Republik für 2000 sieht
die Veräußerung der meisten staatlichen Industrieunternehmen vor und
umfaßt Maßnahmen »zum Schutz einheimischer und ausländischer
Investoren«. Dreihundert Firmen werden in einer ersten Phase
privatisiert. Anfang 2000 unterzeichneten die USA ein Abkommen zur
Bereitstellung von 62 Millionen US-Dollar für Montenegro, darunter 44
Millionen von der US- Agentur für Internationale Entwicklung (USAID).
Die Agentur betreut nach eigenen Angaben auch »Hilfsprogramme zur
Unterstützung wirtschaftlicher Reformen und zur Restrukturierung der
Wirtschaft, um Montenegro auf dem Weg zu einer freien Marktwirtschaft
voranzubringen«. Der US-Politikberater auf dem Balkan, James Dobbins,
wies darauf hin, daß die USA die »marktorientierten Reformen des
Djukanovic-Regimes als Modell und Anreiz für ähnliche Reformen im ganzen
ehemaligen Jugoslawien« betrachteten.
Die USA bieten auch Garantien für private Investoren in der Republik.
Zusätzliche Hilfe wird von der Europäischen Union geleistet, die für
Montenegro 36 Millionen Dollar bewilligt hat. »Vom ersten Tage an,« gab
Djukanovic zu, »hatten wir britische und europäische Konsultanten«
(Washington Post, 24. Mai. 2000). Nach Angaben von Djukanovic anläßlich
seines Treffens mit William Clinton am 21. Juni 1999 gab der
US-Präsident dem Privatisierungsprozeß einen kräftigen Schub, indem er
Djukanovic mitteilte, daß die USA planten, »die Wirtschaft anzukurbeln«,
und zwar durch »Förderung von Kapitalinvestitionen US-amerikanischer
Unternehmen und Banken in Montenegro«. (Pobjeda, 22. Juni 1999)
Djukanovic hat sich unablässig auf die Sezession von Jugoslawien
zubewegt und angedeutet, daß er auf die Trennung drängen werde, wenn die
rechte Opposition die Wahlen am 24. September verliert. In einem
Telefongespräch mit Djukanovic im Juli 2000 versprach Madeleine
Albright, daß die USA ihn mit zusätzlichen 16,5 Millionen US-Dollar
versorgen würden. In derselben Woche platzte Djukanovic damit heraus,
daß Montenegro »nicht länger Teil von Jugoslawien ist.« Auch bestand er
auf der erstaunlichen Feststellung, daß er es als eine »Priorität« für
Montenegro betrachte, der NATO beizutreten, der Organisation, die sein
Land erst voriges Jahr bombardiert hat (AFP vom 10. Juli).
Gewalt einkalkuliert
Mehr als die Hälfte der Bevölkerung Montenegros ist gegen die Sezession,
daher kann jedes derartige Unterfangen in Gewalt ausufern. In
Vorbereitung darauf baut Djukanovic eine Privatarmee von über 20 000
Soldaten auf, die Sonderpolizei, einschließlich besonderer Kräfte mit
Anti-Panzer-Waffen. Quellen in Montenegro enthüllten, daß westliche
Sondertruppen diese Privatarmee ausbilden. Djukanovic hat gefordert, daß
die NATO für den Sezessionskurs einen »Luftwaffen-Schutzschild über
Montenegro« ausbreitet. Ein Mitglied der Sonderpolizei bestätigte, daß
sie Ausbildungshilfe von der britischen SAS erhielten. »Falls es zu
einer Situation kommt, in der Waffen den Ausgang entscheiden, sind wir
bereit,« sagte er. »Wir üben dafür.« (The Indipendent, 30. Juli 2000)
Bei einer Pressekonferenz am 1. August 2000 erklärte Minister Goran
Matic, daß »die Briten einen Teil der Ausbildung der montenegrinischen
Sondereinheiten übernommen haben. »Es stimmt auch«, fügte er hinzu, »daß
die Sonderpolizei »ganz massiv verschiedene Arten und Typen von Waffen
bezieht, angefangen mit Flugzeug- und Hubschrauberabwehrwaffen und so
weiter, und daß sie auch von Kroatien unterstützt wird, da die Waffen
über Dubrovnik und andere Orte hereinkommen.« Ferner wies Matic darauf
hin, daß »im letzten Jahr, vor und nach der Aggression, eine Gruppe aus
dem Organisationsbereich des montenegrinischen MUP (Innenministerium)
zur Ausbildung innerhalb von Strukturen der US-Polizei und der
US-Geheimdienste abgestellt wurde«. Im August wurden zwei
Panzerfahrzeuge für Montenegro im italienischen Hafen Ancona entdeckt.
Eines der Fahrzeuge war mit einem Turm zur Aufstellung eines
Maschinengewehrs oder einer Panzerabwehrwaffe ausgerüstet. Italienische
Zollbeamte, so berichtet die italienische Nachrichtenagentur ANSA, sind
»überzeugt«, daß der Waffenschmuggel nach Montenegro »von weit
bedeutenderer Größenordnung ist, als dieser einzelne Vorfall vermuten
läßt.« Im Vorgefühl des bewaffneten Konflikts schwelgend, verkündete
Djukanovic voller Stolz, daß »viele den Schwanz einziehen werden« und
bald aus Montenegro werden fliehen müssen.
Krieg nach den Wahlen?
Ein gewaltsamer Konflikt in Montenegro würde der NATO den lang ersehnten
Vorwand für eine Intervention geben. Schon im Oktober 1999 stellte
General Wesley Clark Pläne für eine NATO-Invasion in Montenegro auf. Der
Plan entwirft das Bild einer Landung von 2 000 Mann Marineinfanterie zur
Erstürmung des Hafens von Bar und zu seiner Sicherung als Brückenkopf
für den Vorstoß ins Landesinnere. Mit Hubschraubern eingeflogene
Luftlandetruppen würden den Flughafen von Podgorica besetzten, während
die NATO- Luftwaffe jugoslawische Streitkräfte, die Widerstand leisten,
bombardieren und unter schweren Beschuß nehmen würde.
US-Beamten zufolge haben auch andere westliche Länder Invasionspläne
entwickelt. (US News and World Report, 15. November 1999). Richard
Holbrooke, US-Botschafter bei den Vereinten Nationen, erklärte: »Wir
stehen in ständiger Verbindung mit der Führung in Montenegro«, und er
warnte, daß ein Konflikt in Montenegro »die vitalen Interessen der NATO
direkt berühren würde« (AFP, 29. Juli 2000). NATO- Generalsekretär
George Robertson wurde noch deutlicher: »Zu Milosevic sage ich: Passen
Sie auf, Denken Sie daran, was das letzte Mal passierte, als Sie sich
verkalkulierten.« (Reuters, 27. Juli 2000)
Präsident Milosevic und die regierende sozialistische Koalition in
Jugoslawien genießen beachtliche Unterstützung in der Bevölkerung, und
viele westliche Analytiker räumen ein, daß sie wahrscheinlich aus den
Wahlen am 24. September als Sieger hervorgehen werden. Ein
sozialistischer Sieg wäre möglicherweise der Auslöser für einen
überstürzten NATO- Schlag, der innerhalb von Monaten von Bulgarien aus
geführt werden würde, um die legal gewählte Regierung von Jugoslawien zu
stürzen. Für den Fall, daß der Putschversuch fehlschlägt, könnte sodann
Montenegro seine Unabhängigkeit erklären und damit eine Kette von
Ereignissen in Gang setzen, die zu einem zweiten umfassenden Krieg der
NATO gegen Jugoslawien führen würde. Der Krieg 1999 brachte ungeheures
Leid für den Balkan. Der nächste Krieg verspricht noch Schlimmeres.
(Übersetzung aus dem Amerikanischen: Klaus v. Raussendorff)

Anlage 4
Von Klaus von Raussendorff
Aus junge Welt v. 16.9.2000
Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder übernahm auf dem G-8-Gipfel in Okinawa am
22./23. Juli bei der medialen Vorbereitung eines neuen NATO-Schlags
gegen Jugoslawien eine führende Rolle. Gemeinsam gingen die Teilnehmer
soweit zu erklären: »Wir sind sehr besorgt über die Beweggründe und die
möglichen Folgen einer Verfassungsänderung in der Bundesrepublik
Jugoslawien.« Denn, so die Erklärung, »mit 650 000 Einwohnern zählt
Montenegro weniger als ein Zehntel der Bevölkerung Serbiens. Durch die
Verfassungsänderung schwindet der politische Einfluß der vom Westen
unterstützten Montenegriner gegen Null.« Der deutsche Bundeskanzler
Schröder ging einen Schritt weiter als seine Kollegen. Er »sei sich mit
dem italienischen Ministerpräsidenten Amato einig, ein Wahlergebnis für
Milosevic nach dieser Verfassungsänderung nicht anzuerkennen« (FAZ vom
24. Juli). »Was er (Milosevic) dort als Verfassungsänderung durchgesetzt
hat, ist ein Ermächtigungsgesetz.« Wie sind derartige Äußerungen zu
verstehen? Sind sie nicht eine direkte Aufforderung an die Adresse
sowohl der rechten Kräfte in Jugoslawien als auch der rivalisierenden
Verbündeten Deutschlands, nicht auf einen »demokratischen« Machtwechsel
in Jugoslawien zu setzen, sondern unmittelbar Kurs zu nehmen auf Putsch
in Serbien und Sezession und Bürgerkrieg in Montenegro?
Für dieses Szenario versuchte Schröder, ergänzend diplomatische
Vorarbeit bei der Einbindung Rußlands zu leisten. Er ließ seinen
außenpolitischen Berater Michael Steiner in Okinawa als Spindoktor
auftreten, um dem Inhalt seines Gespräches mit Putin den richtigen
»spin«, d. h. »Dreh« zu geben. In den Nachrichtenagenturen kam das so
an: »Der jugoslawische Staatspräsident Slobodan Milosevic müsse
erkennen, daß der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin kein Mentor oder
Unterstützer mehr für ihn sei, sagte der außenpolitische Berater von
Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder«. (AP am 22. Juli) »Nach Angaben der
deutschen Regierung ist Rußlands Präsident Wladimir Putin bereit, mit
den anderen G-8-Staaten darauf hinzuwirken, daß die Lage in dem
Balkanland nicht unkontrollierbar wird.« (Reuters am 22. Juli). »Aus der
russischen Delegation gab es dazu keine Stellungnahme. Die Darstellung
Steiners wurde jedoch nicht dementiert.« (dpa vom 23. Juli). Für diese
halbe Komplizenschaft bekam Putin von Schröder ein paar schöne Worte:
Okinawa sei der »Gipfel der vollen Integration Rußlands«, ein vages
Versprechen: Er (Schröder) gehe »nicht unbedingt davon aus«, daß in
Zukunft vor dem G-8-Treffen noch ein formelles Treffen der alten G-7
notwendig sein werde (dpa vom 23. Juli) und ein kleines Almosen: Bis
2016 werden acht Milliarden Mark Rückzahlungen gestreckt. Die bereits
fallengelassene Moskauer Forderung nach einem Teilerlaß der 43
Milliarden Dollar (gut 84,7 Milliarden Mark) Altschulden der einstigen
Sowjetunion wurde von Putin in Okinawa gar nicht erst wieder
aufgegriffen, wie Sprecher der deutschen und japanischen Regierungen
bestätigten. Moskau ist nach Angaben aus deutschen Regierungskreisen
derzeit mit rund 170 Milliarden Dollar im Ausland verschuldet. Davon
entfallen 57 Milliarden auf die staatlichen Gläubiger, davon wiederum
27,5 Milliarden auf Deutschland.
Die deutsche Sonderrolle in Okinawa beruht auf zwei spezifisch
völkischen Prämissen deutscher Balkanpolitik, auf der bedingungslosen
Fixierung Serbiens und jeglicher »jugoslawischer Kombinationen« als
gegen die Interessen Deutschlands gerichtet und auf der Stützung
DM-höriger antiserbischer, antijugoslawischer Vasallenregime. Als
Kronzeugen dieser Linie ließ die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung am
Vorabend von Okinawa den kroatischen Präsidenten Mesic zu Wort kommen.
»Der Westen irre gewaltig, sagte der kroatische Präsident Mesic, wenn er
vom Fall Milosevics und einem politischen Wechsel in Serbien alles
erwarte. Das Problem sei eben nicht nur Milosevic, sondern die ganze Art
des politischen Denkens, die sich in den letzten fünfzehn Jahren bei den
Serben entwickelt habe und das noch bei den Wahlen von 1997, selbst wenn
man mögliche Wahlmanipulationen berücksichtige, als Mehrheitsmeinung
manifest geworden sei.« Dagegen empfiehlt sich Kroatien als
deutsch-europäischer Hauptvasall mit Einfluß in Montenegro und Albanien:
»Die neue Führung in Kroatien stellt dem >Serbozentrismus< der
westlichen Balkan- und Jugoslawienpolitik das Konzept einer wirksamen
Rolle Kroatiens als Vor- und Leitbild westlicher demokratischer Werte im
ganzen Balkan gegenüber. Kroatien, so Präsident Mesic, habe die
einseitige Stützung der bosnischen Kroaten aufgegeben und engagiere sich
in ganz Bosnien, aber sogar in Montenegro und Albanien. Das, so Mesic,
sei eine moderne europäische Rolle und habe nichts zu tun mit dem alten
Anspruch des >Antimurale Christianitatis< wie ihn Tudjman erhoben habe.
Dafür aber brauche man keine neuen jugoslawischen Kombinationen.«

- E N D E -


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Datum: Freitag, 8. September 2000 07:31
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Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,

Leider hat die Staatsanwaltschaft Tübingen doch Berufung eingelegt gegen
den Freispruch von Tobias Pflüger wegen Aufrufs zur Fahnenflucht im
Zusammenhang mit dem Krieg gegen Jugoslawien.


In der e-mail findet sich heute:
1. Die Pressemitteilung von Tobias Pflüger und Rechtsanwalt Holger
Rothbauer zur Berufung der Staatsanwaltschaft
2. (Internet-)Pressespiegel des Fahnenflucht-Prozesses vor dem
3. Zwei Internetprojekte mit Texten, (Internet-)Radiobeiträgen und Links
zum "Kosovo-Krieg" / Krieg gegen Jugoslawien
4. Neue Seiten auf der neuen IMI-Internetseite
5. Bericht an die IMI-Mitglieder mit der Post versandt, Exemplare bei
Beitritt erhältlich


1. Pressemitteilung
Fahnenflucht-Freispruch für Tobias Pflüger leider doch nicht

Tobias Pflüger, Politikwissenschaftler und Geschäftsführer der
Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) e.V., war am 28. Juni 2000 vom
Vorwurf des strafbaren Aufrufs zur Fahnenflucht im Zusammenhang mit dem
Jugoslawienkrieg vom Amtsgericht Tübingen freigesprochen worden.
Hiergegen legte die Staatsanwaltschaft Tübingen nun Rechtsmittel ein,
ohne dieses bis zum heutigen Tag genau zu bezeichnen bzw. zu begründen.

Zum Freispruch sagte Tobias Pflüger damals: "In meiner Auffassung fühle
ich mich vollständig bestätigt, daß dieser Krieg völkerrechtswidrig und
grundgesetzwidrig war. Krieg darf kein Mittel der Politik sein. Jetzt
wird es Zeit, daß die Richtigen vor Gericht kommen."

Die Staatsanwaltschaft Tübingen hatte jetzt die Chance diesen Freispruch
rechtskräftig werden zu lassen. Der Angeklagte Tobias Pflüger und sein
Anwalt Holger Rothbauer hofften bis zum Schluß mit einiger Berechtigung,
daß die Staatsanwaltschaft den Mut gehabt hätte, nach Zustellung des
schriftlichen Urteils das pro forma eingelegte Rechtsmittel
zurückzunehmen und das Urteil rechtskräftig werden zu lassen.

Damit wäre für alle Prozesse die in der Bundesrepublik wegen des
NATO-Angriffskrieges gegen Kriegsgegner/inn/en angestrengt wurden, ein
Zeichen gesetzt worden. Der damaligen Antikriegsbewegung wäre dann auch
endlich juristisch Recht gegeben worden. Vielleicht wäre dann auch die
bundesweit laufende Repression gegen Kriegsgegner/innen endlich gestoppt

Leider ist es nicht dazu gekommen. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hatte gegen
das mündliche Urteil von Amtsrichter Eberhard Hirn Rechtsmittel
eingelegt und dieses Rechtsmittel überraschenderweise nie näher
bezeichnet oder begründet. So wird es nun zu einem Berufungs-Prozeß vor
dem Landgericht Tübingen kommen.

Tobias Pflüger zur Berufung der Staatsanwaltschaft: "Schade eigentlich.
Jetzt geht der Streß wieder von vorne los. Aber wenn die
Staatsanwaltschaft einen neuen Prozeß haben will, werden wir
(Angeklagter, Anwalt und Unterstützende) uns auf diesen Prozeß wie auf
den vor dem Amtsgericht vorbereiten und wieder begründen, warum es in
dieser Situation erlaubt sein mußte, Soldaten aller Kriegsparteien dazu
aufzurufen, die Waffen niederzulegen."

"Die Rechtsauffassung der Staatsanwaltschaft wird von Tag zu Tag
unhaltbarer, da immer mehr Informationen über den NATO-Krieg Stück für
Stück herauskommen. Die Mär von 'Luftschlägen zur Verhinderung einer
humanitären Katastrophe' glaubt ohnehin niemand mehr, der/die sich
seriös mit dem Thema auseinandersetzt."

"Wenn die Staatsanwaltschaft ihren Prozeß unbedingt will, soll sie ihn
haben, wir sind gewappnet. Beim NATO-Krieg gegen Jugoslawien ging es nie
um Menschenrechte oder Hilfe für Flüchtlinge. Es ging darum,
militärische Macht zu demonstrieren, die neue NATO-Strategie zu testen
und für Deutschland um den Aufstieg zu den NATO-Kernstaaten."

Rechtsanwalt Holger Rothbauer meint zur jetzigen Verfahrenssituation:
"Es ist wenig nachvollziehbar, warum man angesichts der von Richter Hirn
gewählten Urteilsbegründung, die die abschließende Beurteilung der
Völkerrechtswidrigkeit ausdrücklich offen ließ, nicht die Angelegenheit
abgeschlossen hat und trotz eindeutig aufgeklärtem Sachverhalt nochmals
eine Tatsacheninstanz mit der Berufung bemüht."

Pflüger weiter: "Mich erreichte die Nachricht von der Berufung auf einer
Vortragsreise in Linz/Österreich." Ebenfalls in Linz auf dem Podium saß
Heinz Loquai, Bundeswehr-Brigadegeneral a.D. und deutscher
Militärberater der für den Balkan zuständigen OSZE-Mission in Wien in
der entscheidenen Phase vor dem Krieg - er deckte u.a. die Unwahrheiten
im Zusammenhang mit dem sogenannten "Hufeisenplan" auf.

Loquai erklärte sich spontan bereit, als Sachverständiger für Tobias
Pflüger vor dem Tübinger Landgericht auszusagen. Ähnliche Zusagen gibt
es z.B. auch von Admiral a.D. Elmar Schmähling und
Bundesverfassungsrichter a.D. Helmut Simon. Eine ganze Reihe
befreundeter Völkerrechtler und Friedensforscher sind sicher ebenfalls
dazu bereit.

Weitere Informationen zum Gerichtsverfahren (u.a. der inkriminierte
Aufruf und viele Presseberichte von der Amtsgerichts-Verhandlung )
finden sich unter und

Für Rückfragen sind erreichbar: :
- Tobias Pflüger ist unter 07071-793155 (Telefon und Fax) [Handy:
- Rechtsanwalt Holger Rothbauer unter Telefon 07071-31083
- Unterstützende unter 07071-49154 (Informationsstelle Militarisierung
(IMI) e.V.)


2. (Internet-)Pressespiegel des Fahnenflucht-Prozesses
Alle verfügbaren Artikel über den Fahnenflucht-Prozeß finden sich in
einem (Internet-)Pressespiegel unter:


3. Zwei Internetprojekte mit Texten, (Internet-)Radiobeiträgen und Links
zum "Kosovo-Krieg" / Krieg gegen Jugoslawien
Die Friedenswerkstatt Linz, österreichischer Kooperationspartner der
Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) e.V. hat in Zusammenarbeit mit
dem Radiosender Fro ein Internetprojekt mit vielen Texten zum
Jugoslawienkrieg zusammengestellt.

Außerdem hat der Radiosender Fro alle Beiträge und Interviews des "free
speech camps" vom Dienstag 05.09.2000 zum Thema "Medien und Krieg" im
Rahmen des Ars Elecronica Festivals 2000 in Linz ins Netz gestellt.

Das Ganze findet sich unter:

A. Sammlung von Texten zum Krieg gegen Jugoslawien

B. Free Speech Camp "Medien und Krieg"


4. Neue Seiten auf der neuen IMI-Internetseite
Auf der neuen IMI-Homepage unter kommen immer
mehr neue Seiten dazu. Anregungen dazu bitte an
mailto:mail@... Im Netz ist auch die umfangreiche Linkliste
unter Anregungen dazu bitte an
mailto:links@... Vielen Dank für die bisherigen weitgehend
positiven Rückmeldungen zur neuen IMI-Internetpräsenz.


5. Bericht an die IMI-Mitglieder mit der Post versandt, Exemplare bei
Beitritt erhältlich
Die Mitglieder des Vereins Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) e.V.
haben jetzt den "Bericht an die Mitglieder" mit der Post zugesandt
bekommen. (Falls ein IMI-Mitglied keinen Bericht bekommen haben sollte -
z.B. wegen Adressänderung o.ä. - bitte im IMI-Büro melden). Es ist der
offizielle Geschäftsbericht von IMI für die letzten drei Jahre. Den
19-seitigen Bericht haben Andreas Seifert und Claudia Haydt erstellt.

Wer dem Verein IMI e.V. jetzt spontan beitritt, bekommt den Bericht und
ein Papier zur neuen NATO-Strategie und wer will (Beitritt für
mindestens ein halbes Jahr), als besonderes Präsent das Buch von
Winfried Wolf: "Bombengeschäfte" zugesandt.

Mitgliedsbeiträge sind im übrigen: "Normal"-Mitglied (ab 5,- DM pro
Monat), Unterstützendes Mitglied (ab 10,- DM pro Monat), Fördermitglied
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empfohlen. Ein Mitgliedsformular findet sich unter:
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>Liebe Leute,
>das völkerrechtliche Verbrechen des Angriffskrieges gegen Jugoslawien,
>von internationalen Tribunalen aufgrund einer massiven Beweislage
>verurteilt, von der angeblich unabhängigen Justiz unseres Landes
>ungesühnt, findet seine Fortsetzung im Kosovo unter
>UNMIK/Kafor-Besatzung. Erneut fordert daher die Weltunion der Freidenker
>in dem hier dokumentierten Schreiben vom 30.8.2000 an die Vereinten
>Der Text beschreibt in aller Kürze anhand der wichtigsten Fakten das
>völkermörderische Treiben der albanischen rassistischen Terroristen und
>ihrer Schirmherren in den Reihen von UNMIK und K-FOR.
>Die Freidenker fordern:
>- sichere Lebensbedingungen und gleiche Rechte für alle Menschen im
>- die Wiederherstellung der Souveränität der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien
>und der Republik Serbien im Kosovo
>- ein unmißverständliches Signal, dass der rassistische Terror von den
>Vereinten Nationen nicht länger geduldet wird
>- die Absetzung von UNMIK-Chef Bernard Kouchner, der als Förderer und
>Beschützer von Terroristen hierfür in vollem Umfang strafrechtlich zur
>Verantwortung gezogen werden muss.
>Der Text kann in formatierter Form zur Verteilung als Flugblatt beim
>Freidenkerverband oder bei mir per Email bestellt werden.
>Mit internationalistischen Grüßen
>Klaus v. Raussendorff
>Anti-Imperialistische Korrespondenz (AIK)
>Redaktion: Klaus von Raussendorff
>Postfach 210172, 53156 Bonn
>Tel.&Fax: 0228 – 34.68.50
>Email: raussendorff@...
>Anti-Imperialistische Online-Korrespondenz
>Webmaster: Dieter Vogel
>Email: aik-web@...
>Wer die AIK nicht empfangen möchte,
>schicke bitte eine Mail mit dem Betreff
>"unsubscribe" an raussendorff@...
>Union Mondiale des Libres Penseurs
>World Union of Freethinkers
>Weltunion der Freidenker
>Siège-Seat-Sitz Paris
>Le Président - President - Präsident
>Klaus Hartmann
>Starkenburgring 4
>D-63069 Offenbach am Main
>T/F: (0) 69-835850
>e-mail: vorstand@...
>Vereinte Nationen
>Mitglieder des Sicherheitsrates
>Mitglieder der Vollversammlung
>Fax: 001-212-9634879
> 30.
>August 2000
>Sehr geehrter Herr Generalsekretär!
>Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!
>Wiederholt haben wir uns in den vergangenen Monaten an Sie und andere
>internationale Organisationen wie die OSCE gewandt mit der Bitte, die
>katastrophale Entwicklung in der unter UN-Verwaltung stehenden
>südserbischen Provinz Kosovo und Metohija zu stoppen und im Sinne der
>UN-Resolution 1244 tätig zu werden.
> Wir gingen davon aus, dass diese Resolution geeignet sei, den
>rechtlosen Zustand zu beenden, den die völkerrechtswidrige Aggression
>der NATO geschaffen hatte, und die Vereinten Nationen wieder in ihr
>Recht setzt. Die bisherigen Ereignisse sprechen eine andere Sprache.
> Unter Aufsicht und mit Duldung der Kfor-Truppen wurden seit Juni
>vergangenen Jahres über 350.000 Menschen aus Kosovo und Metohija
>vertrieben – und kein Verantwortlicher der Internationalen Gemeinschaft
>spricht offen von ethnischer Säuberung und von Völkermord, keiner klagt
>diese Verbrechen an, von entschlossenen Maßnahmen zur Unterbindung des
>barbarischen Treibens ganz zu schweigen.
> Seit Juni vergangenen Jahres wurden über 1.000 Menschen Opfer
>albanischer rassistischer Terroristen, rund tausend weitere wurden
>gekidnapt. Die nackte Existenz nicht nur der Serben, sondern aller
>Angehörigen nicht-albanischer Nationalität ist bedroht und akut
>gefährdet, auch die Existenz von Kosovo-Albanern katholischen Glaubens
>und jener, die loyal zur Verfassung stehen und sich am ethnischen Terror
>nicht beteiligen.
> Statt entschlossen gegen den Terror vorzugehen, lassen UNMIK und Kfor
>sogar bereits gefasste Mörder wieder laufen, gefällt sich UNMIK-Chef
>Kouchner als Pate der Waffenhändler und Terroristen des Thaci-Stammes.
>Ein Zynismus besonderer Art ist die „Demilitarisierung" genannte
>Umkostümierung der UCK und ihre Umbenennung in „Kosovo-Schutz-Korps",
>dessen Leitung weiterhin in den blutigen Händen des Kriegsverbrechers
>Agim Ceku liegt.
> Anstatt entschieden Raub und Plünderung des Eigentums von
>Nicht-Albanern zu unterbinden, setzt sich Kouchner an die Spitze des
>Raubzugs durch die Besetzung der Trepca-Minen, getreu dem Drehbuch der
>International Crisis Groupe des Multimillardärs Soros, und nicht zuletzt
>getreu dem Vorbild Adolf Hitlers bei dessen seinerzeitigen Versuch der
>Schaffung Groß-Albaniens.
> Entgegen der Lippenbekenntnisse vom „multiethnischen Kosovo" geben
>UNMIK und Kfor mit der Schließung serbischer Sendeanstalten das Signal,
>ihr Werk der "etnischen Säuberung" zu vollenden. Die unmittelbare
>Bedrohung des Rechts auf Leben für alle nicht-albanischen
>Bevölkerungsgruppen hat bereits mehrere humanitäre Organisationen wie
>die „Ärzte ohne Grenzen" ihren Rückzug aus den Siedlungsgebieten der
>verbliebenen nationalen Minderheiten verkündet, um nicht mitschuldig am
>Völkermord zu werden. Damit wird implizit gesagt, dass sie UNMIK und
>Kfor als Schuldige eines Völkermords ansehen!
>In dieser Situation des brutalen ethnischen Terrors und gleichsam als
>Belohnung der Terroristen hat UNMIK-Chef Kouchner „Wahlen" in der
>Provinz für Oktober anberaumt. Wegen akuter Lebensgefahr müssen die
>Angehörigen nationaler Minderheiten auf die Wahlteilnahme „verzichten",
>was aber ganz im Sinne von Kouchner und seiner Freunde um so
>zuverlässiger zur scheinbaren Legalisierung der Terroristen-Herrschaft
>führen soll.
>Alle friedliebenden Menschen, insbesondere alle Verantwortlichen der
>Staatengemeinschaft sind aufgerufen, diesem infamen und niederträchtigen
>Treiben, diesem verbrecherischen Wahnsinn ein Ende zu setzen. Wir
>fordern den wirksamen Schutz der Serben und Montenegriner, der Türken
>und Ägypter, der Kroaten und bosnischen Muslime, der Sinti und Roma
>sowie aller nicht-albanischer Bevölkerungsgruppen vor dem rassistischen
>Terror. Wir fordern nicht zuletzt den Schutz aller demokratischen
>Kosovo-Albaner vor Vertreibung und Vernichtung.
> Wir fordern sichere Lebensbedingungen, die Gewährleistung der
>Menschenrechte und gleiche Rechte für alle Menschen. Nichts anderes kann
>der Sinn und Zweck einer UN-Verwaltung sein, keinesfalls jedoch die
>Verwirklichung jener Kriegsziele, deren Erfüllung der NATO während ihrer
>bewaffneten Aggression verwehrt geblieben ist.
> Zu diesem Zweck muss die UN-Resolution 1244 nach Geist und Buchstaben,
>auf Punkt und Komma exakt erfüllt werden. Die Souveränität der
>Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien und der Republik Serbien ist auch in der
>Provinz Kosovo und Metohija wiederherzustellen.
> Es bedarf sofort eines unüberhörbaren und unmissverständlichen Signals,
>dass der rassistische Terror nicht länger von den Vereinten Nationen
>geduldet wird. Je länger dieses Signal ausbleibt, desto mehr Menschen
>werden dies mit dem Leben bezahlen müssen.
>Die erste und unverzichtbare Bedingung für eine Entwicklung im Sinne der
>UN-Resolution 1244 ist die sofortige Abberufung von Bernard Kouchner als
>Leiter der UN-Übergangsverwaltung. Er hat sich nicht etwa als unfähig
>zur Umsetzung der UN-Beschlüsse erwiesen, sondern als unwillig, indem er
>als Förderer und Beschützer von Terroristen agiert. Herr Kouchner muss
>hierfür in vollem Umfang strafrechtlich zur Verantwortung gezogen
>Mit vorzüglicher Hochachtung
>Klaus Hartmann
>Präsident der Weltunion der Freidenker

>Liebe Leute,
>zum Antikriegstag 2000 soeben erschienen:
> Arno Neuber
>ISW-Report Nr. 44, herausgegeben vom institut für sozial-ökologische
>wirtschaftsforschung münchen e.V. in Zusammenarbeit mit der
>Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) e.V., 32 Seiten, DM 5,- plus
>zu bestellen bei:
>isw institut für sozial-ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung e.V.
>Johann-von-Werth-Str. 3, 80639 München
>fon: 089 / 130041, fax: 089 / 1689415, Email: isw_muenchen@...
>Von Arno Neuber ist auch der in der Anlage dokumentierte Artikel
>Mit internationalistischen Grüssen
>Klau<br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)



Im Frühling 1999 war Brüssel, als Sitz des NATO-Hauptquartiers, Zentrum
der militärischen Planung und Ausführung der Bombenangriffe auf
Jugoslawien durch die Mitgliedstaaten dieser Organisation, geschehen im
Namen des humanitären Völkerrechts. Als aktive oder ehemalige Lehrkräfte
auf dem Gebiet der Rechtswissenschaften glauben wir, dass der 1.
eines derart gravierenden Vorfalls nicht unerwähnt verstreichen sollte.
Gegenteil, jeder Bürger sollte vielmehr ernsthaft über die ganze
nach denken.

Der Krieg wurde entgegen den wichtigsten Prinzipien des internationalen
Rechts geplant, entschieden und ausgeführt.

Der Einsatz der NATO folgte auf das Scheitern der
Rambouillet-Verhandlungen. Dabei hatten diese Verhandlungen bereits
Fortschritte im Hinblick auf politische Fragen im Zusammenhang mit dem
Konflikt erzielt, bevor in letzter Minute auf den Tisch geb rachte
Verhandlungspunkte, die offensichtlich für die serbische Seite
waren, in eine Sackgasse und demgemäss zum Krieg führten.

Das Auslösen dieses Konflikts war zweifelsohne eine Verletzung der
der Vereinten Nationen, die den Rückgriff auf Gewalt nur ausnahmsweise
Fall der Selbstverteidigung oder bei Genehmigung durch den
Weltsicherheitsrat vorsieht. Im vorliegenden Fal l waren diese
Voraussetzungen nicht gegeben.

Außerdem steht die Art und Weise, in der die Bombenangriffe ausgeführt
wurden, im Gegensatz zu den Bestimmungen des internationalen Rechts, die
den Verlauf der Feindseligkeiten regeln. Im Allgemeinen ist die
systematische Zerstörung der wirtschaftlichen I nfrastruktur und der
Kommunikationsmittel, absichtlich dazu bestimmt, die Bevölkerung zu
entmutigen und deren Aufstand anzuzetteln, nicht mit den humanitären
Grundsätzen zu vereinbaren, auf die man sich berufen hatte, um diese
Maßnahmen zu rechtfertigen.

Allerdings möchten wir auf unmissverständliche Weise betonen, dass
uneingeschränkte Verurteilung der militärischen Aktionen seitens der
in keiner Weise eine Unterstützung oder Nachsicht gegenüber der
politischen Führung in Belgrad und des von ihr gewählten Weges zur
der ethnischen Fragen bedeutet. Zugleich ist unsere immer noch aktuelle
Missbilligung der ohne jede rechtliche Grundlage fortdauernden
Bombardierung Iraks und des gegenüber diesem Land verhängten Embargos,
keinesfalls als Zu stimmung gegenüber dem Regime in Bagdad zu deuten.

Die Kriegsstrategie, die zur Verwüstung Jugoslawiens führte und die
Lebensfähigkeit des Kosovos zunichte machte, hat mehr Flüchtlinge und
Opfer als jede andere konzertierte Aktion in Form politischen Drucks und
diplomatischer Schritte erzeugt. Sie ist zu verurteilen, und zwar sowohl
in politischer als auch in moralischer Hinsicht. Sie wurde außerdem
begleitet durch eine Medienkampagne, die darauf zielte, die laufende
Aggression systematisch zu rechtfertigen.

Die nach dem Ende der Bombenangriffe getroffenen Regelungen neigen dazu,
die internationale Hilfe vom Ausgang der Wahlen in Jugoslawien und
hinaus von der politischen Gesinnung derjenigen, welche die Hilfe
erhalten, abhängig zu machen. Dies ist je doch kein probates Mittel zur
politischen Einmischung in die internen Angelegenheiten eines souveränen
Staates. Seinerseits ist der Kosovo unter der, nach der Nato-Aggression
eingesetzten Verwaltung, eine quasi mono-ethnische Region geworden, in
nicht -albanische Minderheiten - ob nun Serben, Sinti, Slawen, Muslime,
Juden, Türken oder Kroaten - vor den Attentaten fliehen oder in
Flüchtlingslagern Schutz suchen mussten.

Wir möchten ebenfalls die Tatsache unterstreichen, dass dem in
geführten Krieg eine globale Bedeutung zukommt, die sich nicht auf
Land begrenzen lässt. Die Intervention der NATO im Kosovo, unter der
Führung der Vereinigten Staaten von A merika, reiht sich in eine ganze
Serie von Entscheidungen dieser nunmehr allein verbliebenen Supermacht
ein. Der Gigantismus des US-Verteidigungsetats, die Entscheidung der
Aufrechterhaltung der NATO trotz der Auflösung des Warschauer Paktes und
des Endes
der UDSSR einerseits, und die ihrer Ausweitung auf Osteuropa
andererseits, die Weigerung, den Vertrag zum nuklearen Teststopp zu
ratifizieren, die Entwicklung von Raketenabwehrsystemen und die
Offenbarung hinsichtlich des Vorhandenseins eines w eltweiten Systems
Abhören der privaten und offiziellen Kommunikationen, dies alles sind
markantesten Aspekte einer neuen, von Washington praktizierten Form der
Machtausübung, deren alleinige Legitimität darin bestehen soll, immer
Vergeltungswaffen zu besitzen und zu benutzen.

Deshalb rufen wir all diejenigen auf, die diese Befürchtungen teilen und
die es ablehnen, Bomben als Alternative zum internationalen Recht, zu
Verhandlungen, zum demokratischen Dialog hinnehmen zu wollen, diesen
Appell zu unterzeichnen und ihn, überall in
der Welt, als Instrument des moralischen Widerstands gegen die neue,
anbahnende "Weltordnung" zu verwenden.

Erste Unterzeichner:

Olivier CORTEN, Professor, Zentrum für Internationales Recht, Freie
Universität Brüssel (ULB); Eric DAVID, Professor der ULB; Barbara
DELCOURT, Mitglied des Instituts für europäische Studien, Professor der
ULB; François HOUTART, Prof. Emer. der Katholisch
en Universität Löwen (KUL); Pierre KLEIN, Professor der ULB; Paulette
PIERSON-MATHY, Professor der ULB; François RIGAUX, Prof. Emer. der UCL,
ehemaliger Dekan der Fakultät f. Rechtswissenschaften; Yves ROGISTER,
Forschungsbeauftragter, CADOP, Universität
Lüttich; Jean SALMON, Prof. Emer. der ULB; Eric SUY, Prof. Emer. der
KUL, ehemaliger Vize-Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen.

Die Beitrittserklärungen können an folgende Adressen gerichtet werden:

François Houtart, CETRI
5, Av. Sainte Gertrude

per E-Mail : action-kosovo@...
per Fax : 32 (0) 10-45083152

Spendenkonto: CETRI, Kontonummer 068-0602320-74, Stichwort: Brüsseler

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


Gregory Elich
Klaus von Raussendorff
* Pressemitteilung Fahnenflucht-Freispruch für Tobias Pflüger leider
doch nicht rechtskräftig




* AUFRUF: Kein neuer NATO-Krieg auf dem Balkan !
Und weitere Dokumentation


* Die Seite ueber Kosovo und Metochien


* Krieg nach den Wahlen?: Die NATO bereitet ihren zweiten Angriff auf
Jugoslawien vor. Von Gregory Elich


* Sammlungen von Texten zum Krieg gegen Jugoslawien


* Matthias Küntzel: Germany and Kosovo
How Germany's independent line paved the way to the Kosovo War

Contribution to the 2nd International Hearing of the European Tribunal
concerning Nato's war against Yugoslavia. Hamburg, April 16, 2000 (1)

In 1991, a delegation of the German Bundestag visited Kosovo for the
time in order to talk with Kosovo Albanian nationalist leaders. This
prompted - as early as 1991! - the warning by a senior member of the
Yugoslavian parliament that "the British and the Germans would create a
common intervention force with 70,000 soldiers in order to intervene in
Kosovo." (2) Indeed an early and accurate prophecy! So what about
Germany's role in preparing for the Kosovo war?

There were and there are strategic differences between German and the US
policies about how to retain or enhance hegemony. "As a wealthy status
power, the United States has an interest in maintaining international
order", wrote Joseph S. Nye, Jr, a former US deputy secretary of
"In a world where there are some two hundred states but many thousands
often overlapping entities that might eventually make a claim to
nationhood, blind promotion of self-determination would have highly
problematic consequences." (3) Berlin, however, in seeking to create
conditions for an ongoing expansion of German influnce (that means:
changing the international order) does not share this priority. As
Scholz, the former German secretary of defense, explained: "The aim of
maintaining "stability" in Europe seems to be a most dangerous one.
will not be any real stablity, which is able to maintain peace, if
individual nations are held prisoner in unwanted and unnatural
("unnatürliche") state organizations, which have been imposed upon
Since 1990, German foreign policy has "constantly persisted in activly
advocating a universal right of self-determination." (4)
This policy has a particular bearing on Kosovo. The hidden war about
Kosovo's future started in 1995 at the latest. In February 1995 in the
presence of Roman Herzog, Germany's President at that time, Germany and
Albania signed a common declaration of principle at Tirana. This
declaration is rarely mentioned in the literature but nevertheless
decisive because it promised to find a "solution to the Kosovo question"
by advocating the right of self-determination for Kosovo's Albanians.
Advocating self-determination for Kosovo's Albanians, however, meant
advocating their right to secede from Yugoslavia. This declaration was
so far a kind of advance notice to continue Germany's 1991 course
(recognition of Croatia) in order to further split up Yugoslavia
a racist (völkisch) concept of self-determination.
In the period following, the German goverment did everything it could to
spur on the separation of Albanians within Kosovo. Germany supported and
financed those nationalists who sought to pursue the goal of full
independence by creating alternative governing institutions as well as
independent Albanian educational and medical systems in Kosovo which
systematically separated the majority of the people in Kosovo from the
other peoples of Yugoslavia. In addition, German secret diplomacy was
instrumental in helping the "Kosovo Liberation Army" (KLA), as they call
themselves, since its creation in February 1996. The daily newspaper
European" stated that "German civil and military intelligence services
have been involved in training and equipping the rebels with the aim of
cementing German influence in the Balkan area." (6)
During those years, Germany unilaterally supported the secessionist
movements. In 1997 editor Johann Georg Reißmüller of the Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung (a German daily newspaper) wrote: "The US government
not at all happy with Germany's policy in Kosovo".
It was, however, exactly that year - 1997 - that the crisis in Kosovo
began to escalate. After the destruction of the Albanian army arsenals
KLA armed itself in order to start a large-scale nationalist rebellion.
This development and the following counter-attack by the Serbian police
moved Kosovo into the headlines and into the focal point of NATO's
considerations. How did Germany and the United States react?
"The Clinton administration is still uncertain about how to deal with
crisis", later wrote the weekly newspaper Die Zeit. A senior official
the German foreign office was sent to Washington to put pressure on the
deputy secretary of state, Strobe Talbott. "We urgently need U.S.
leadership now" claimed Germany's emissary. (7) This pattern: Germany
calls for the U.S. government - actually for a special wing of the U.S
government - to act against Yugoslavia were repeated between March 1998
and March 1999 over and over again. Let us now take a closer look at
pre-war diplomacy which paved the way to war.

The US government is responsible for most of the war crimes NATO
against Yugoslavia. But even in 1998, the Clinton administration - split
in several fractions on how to deal with Milosevic and the Kosovo
Albanians' nationalism - hesitated, reacting uncertainly on a
basis, oscillating between supporting the KLA and letting Milosevic have
free hand in smashing them. Germany on the other hand knew what to do
how to act. The grand design of Germany's Kosovo policy had been in
by March 1998. It was revealed by Germany's informal ambassador to the
Balkans, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, who on March 16, 1998 said: "We
should try to tell Milosevic the plain truth through pressure and even
military interventions that he can retain control over Kosovo as a part
Yugoslavia only if certain fundamentals are met. And if this is not the
case, the territory there will have to be transformed into a kind of
protectorate until those fundamentals are provided for." (8)
This idea of pushing the Kosovo's Albanians towards a military
confrontation with Milosevic in order to create a Kosovo protectorate
now on became the central point of Germany's Kosovo policy - either by
Kohl/Kinkel CDU government or the Schröder/Fischer SPD-Green coalition.
One condition was that international troops be stationed on Kosovo soil.
As early as March 1998 Germany accordingly put this matter on the agenda
at the London meeting of the international Contact Group on Yugoslavia.
The other condition was that Nato would have to enter Kosovo against the
will of the Yugoslav government. Accordingly, Germany sharpened its tone
towards Belgrad. Milosevic became the main target and remained so
his policy looked like.
But France, the UK, Italy and the dominating voices within the US
government still prefered to follow a less confrontational policy. In
1998, The European for example stated that "Washington realised that
pushing the Kosovars towards a military confrontation with Milosevic, as
the Germans wanted to do, would have a boomerang effect on the Balkans.
The United States put maximum pressure on Germany to stop supporting the
KLA behind the scenes, as did the other European countries such as
and France." (10) They termed the KLA activities "terrorist" and
indirectly a Serbian counteroffensive against the KLA during the summer
1998 and appealed to Milosevic and the moderate Albanian leader Rugova
begin talks. The KLA, however, succeeded in provoking the Serbian police
force and in escalating armed clashes time and again. The policy of
de-escalation turned out to be a permanent failure as long as there was
continuity in the supply of KLA weapons and KLA mercenaries across the
Albanian border.
It was therefore not at all surprising that in the summer of 1998 all
efforts of the United Nations and the majority of Nato countries
(including the US) concentrated in the goal of cutting off the arms and
soldiers supplies in favor of the KLA. The Albanian government headed by
Fatos Nano who had disassociated himself from the KLA supported this
Inside NATO the idea of sending 7000 soldiers to cut off the traffic in
weapons began to take shape.
During this crucial situation, however, Germany's covering up for the
became both public and evident: The German government vetoed the
cutting-off of the supply of weapons for the KLA! Klaus Kinkel, then
of the German foreign office said: "Of course you have to consider
you are permitted from a moral and ethnical point of view to prevent the
Kosovo-Albanians from buying weapons for their self-defense." (11)
Rühe, then head of the ministry of defense answered to this
with an unequivocal No: "You cannot resolve the Kosovo conflict by
troops to Albania to seal the border and thus be acting in favor of
Milosevic." (12) Rühe's message was quiete clear: everyone who tries to
seal the border in order to find a peaceful solution is taking sides
Milosevic. In order to disassociate yourself from Milosevic you have to
escalate the war between the Kosovo Albanians and the Serbs by
more and more weapons to the KLA!
This open German solidarity with the KLA has been as much an isolated
provocation as has the recognition of Tudjman's Croatia in 1991, 50
after the formation of the first Croatian state under the rule of the
fascist Ustashi regime.
Just like 1991 Germany again stood nearly alone against a huge majority
countries in Europe and the world. Just like 1991 Germany again
a movement with a background rooted in the Nazi past, because the KLA is
partly led by the sons and grandsons of extreme right-wing Albanian
fighters, the heirs of those who fought during World War II in the
militias and the "Skanderbeg Volunteer SS Division" raised by the Nazis.
(13) The "National Front of Albania" (Balli Kombetar) which collaborated
with Nazi leaders in 1943/44 today boasts about its influence within the
KLA which has a program that seems to be a modified version of the 1943
Nazi utopia.
Thus the program of "ethnic cleansing" which Germany exported into the
Balkans in 1941 remained alive within the movement of the Kosovo
nationalists during the 80s. "The nationalists have a two-point
wrote the New York Times in 1982: "First to establish what they call an
ethnically clean Albanian republic and then the merger with Albania to
form a greater Albania." (14) Whenever the KLA talks about "liberation"
"freeing" this has been up to now understood in the Nazi-sense of "free
something" i.e. "free of Jews" ("judenfrei"), "free of Gypsies" or "free
of Serbs". Noone could be really surprised when, beginning with June
the de facto rule of the KLA turned out to be a daily and a deadly trap
for thousands of non-Albanians, especially defenceless Serbs.

In the summer of 1998 Germany and the USA took not only opposite but
conflicting sides: While the USA - in the words of General Shelton, then
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - has had "concerns about the
techniques that are being used to put down, to squelch the uprising"
Germany on the other hand acted as the protective power for the KLA.
confrontation includes a strategic conflict within NATO: Is the Atlantic
Alliance supposed to help or to hinder the KLA? Should NATO as the KLA's
airforce contribute to the revision of state borders and the further
diminishing of Yugoslavia? Or is the alliance bound to clap down on such
type of militant secessionism?
It was Germany's insistence and the ignorance or thirst for adventure
within the leadership of the other NATO powers that brought the world's
biggest military alliance eventually in favor of the Albanian
nationalists. Germany has "given evidence of its prepareness to lead"
praised the influential Frankfurter Allgemeine. (16) Now Germany once
again took the lead in pressing for military intervention in Kosovo. The
New York Times reported: "German officials seem increasingly inchined
towards charting a military course to stop the violence in Kosovo." (17)
Indeed. "Mr. Kinkel threatens with a Nato intervention in Kosovo"
proclaimed the headlines of German papers on June 5, 1998. "The United
States, unlike Germany, rejects a snap decision about a military
intervention", wrote Frankfurter Allgemeine the following day. Volker
was the first government official in Europe who as early as June 15,
spoke in favor of a strike against Yugoslavia even without a UN Security
Council green light. This suggestion played havoc with not only the UN
Charter but also with the German constitution and the Treaty of Moscow
concerning German unification. This proposal was later taken up
by the USA. We have to conclude, therefore, that Germany is not only
guilty of committing the crimes which are connected with the US-led
bombing of Yugoslavia, but is responsible for ardently working towards
triggering this war. The German concept for Kosovo includes the
- to make a stand against the Yugoslav government
- unlimited support for the Kosovo Albanian nationalists who demand
independence and a lasting unification with Albania
- to demand for air-strikes against Yugoslavia in order to achieve a
protectorate for Kosovo which is supposed to be only an interim step
towards the independence of Kosovo.
Strategic differences between German and the US policies diminished
considerably in 1999 when the Clinton administration decided to go to
in favor of the ultra-secessionist KLA. They seem to gain, however, new
weight in the post-war debate about the final status of Kosovo. US
Secretary of State Madelaine Albright recently rejected the idea of
creating a greater Albania, whereas German policy seems to be pushing in
the opposite direction.
Karl Lamers, the influential CDU foreign affairs spokesman for the
opposition in the Bundestag said about the transformation of Kosovo into
NATO protectorate that this is "only the first step towards the
of Kosovo from Yugoslavia" and that an independent Kosovo will be "only
interim step to merging ("Anschluss") with Albania." (18) Recently,
mentioned with great satisfaction "that everything we are actually doing
in Kosovo, e. g. the creation of a new currency zone, is aimed at
an independent Kosovo...". (19) Even Germany's red/green coalition
government does not want to recognize Kosovo as being a province of
Yugoslavia. That is the reason why in his last major statement Joschka
Fischer - Germany's vice-chancellor and secretary of state - let the
question of "the future status of the Kosovo" open claiming that it
be impossible to resolve this now. In an interview with a French
newspaper, however, he made clear that he had no doubts about the
future status: "The international community is present in Kosovo and the
Balkans in order to show that - according to the example of resolving
'German question' in 1990 - the 'Albanian question' could be resolved
with the agreement of the neighbouring states." (20)
US government circles are quite aware of those ambitions of their rival,
Germany. Zbigniew Brzezinski called the Berlin republic a "geostrategic
main actor" and a "subversive big power inspired by an ambitious
Strobe Talbott, the deputy secretary of state, characterized Germany as
the seismic focal point of the current geopolitical earthquakes which
disrupting the Atlantic Alliance as well as the Balkans. He emphasized
that Germany is "the epicentre of thoses processes - enlargement and
expansion, extension and deepening." (21)
Within the context of the war against Yugoslavia the other great powers,
however, not only reacted to aggressive German moves but pursued their
special interests as well. The United States wanted to retain its
influence in Europe, to strengthen a worldwide role for NATO and to
Russias influence within the new world order. Great Britain und France
were eager to demonstrate their military superiority over Germany and
wanted to give a starting signal for the establishing of an independent
European intervention force (together with Germany) vis-a-vis the USA.
Each of these nations is a rival to the others and is trying to retain
achieve as much influence and power as possible. The war against
Yugoslavia has been the first, however, to be spurred on by Germany as
attempt to redesign current world order after the fall of the Berlin
It has put the irrational elements and the destructive roots of
capitalistic societies into a new light.

(1) This contribution is a short description of a broader study:
Küntzel, Der Weg in den Krieg. Deutschland, die Nato und das Kosovo,
Elefanten Press, Berlin 2000. The author´s e-mail address:
(2) This warning was published in the Yugoslavian journal Polityka; see
the minutes of the Bundestag meeting June 16, 1991, pp. 2560-1.
(3) Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Redefining the National Interest, Foreign
Vol.78 No.4, July/August 1999 pp. 22-35.
(4) See Rupert Scholz, Das Festhalten an ungewollten Staaten schafft
Stabilität, in: Die Welt, December 12, 1991; Rupert Scholz, Das
Selbstbestimmungsrecht und die deutsche Politik, in: Internationale
Politik 4/1995, S.51.
(5) "Deutschland und Albanien ... bekräftigen das Recht aller Völker,
und ohne Einmischung von außen ihr Schicksal zu bestimmen und ihre
politische, wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Entwicklung nach
eigenem Wunsch zu gestalten." This declaration is published in the
der Gegenwart, March 13, 1995, pp. 39819-20.
(6) Roger Fallgot, How Germany Backed KLA, in: The European, 21-27
September 1998. See for more details M. Küntzel, Der Weg in den Krieg
(6) Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Redefining the National Interest, Foreign
Vol.78 No.4, July/August 1999 pp. 22-35.
(7) See Die Zeit, May 12, 1999.
(8) Christian Schwarz-Schilling, March 16, 1999, Deutschlandradio,
in: Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung, Stichworte zur
Sicherheitspolitik, April 1998, p. 47.
(9) Russia, the USA, the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Germany are
members of this informal but influential group.
(10) Roger Fallgot, ibid.
(11) Interview with Klaus Kinkel, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, July 30,
(12) Mr. Rühe is quoted in the Frankfurter Allgemeine, June 9, 1998.
(13) See Chris Hedges, Kosovo's Next Masters? in: Foreign Affairs,
No.3, May/June 1999, pp.24-42. "Although never much of a fighting force,
the Skanderbeg Division took part in the shameful roundup and
of the province's few hundred Jews during the Holocaust. ... The
by KLA commanders to dress their police in black fatigues and order
fighters to salute with a cleched fist to the forehead has led many to
worry about these fascist antecedents." (ibid.)
(14) See Marvine Howe, Exodus of Serbians Stirs Province in Yugoslavia,
New York Times July 12, 1982.
(15) See New York Times, June 16, 1998.
(16) See Frankfurter Allgemeine, September 26, 1998.
(17) See New York Times, June 10, 1998.
(18) See the minutes of the Bundestag parliamentary session of April 15,
(19) See the minutes of the Bundestag parliamentary session of April 5,
(20) See Le Monde March 25, 2000, emphasis by the author.
(21) See Frankfurter Allgemeine, February 5, 1999.

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


Domenica 10 settembre 2000 il Presidente del Consiglio in carica Amato
parlando a Ravenna a titolo personale ha detto che il bombardamento
della NATO sulla RF di Jugoslavia ha rappresentato una "violenza etica".
Gli ha fatto eco il suo predecessore Massimo D'Alema, responsabile di
quella violenza etica nonche' di innumerevoli violazioni del diritto
nazionale ed internazionale nonche' di alcune decine di migliaia di casi
di cancro dovuti ai bombardamenti: secondo D'Alema i bombardamenti sono
stati di sicuro "spiacevoli", ma la questione etica sarebbe "complicata"
da affrontare (certo troppo complicata per i nostri piccoli cervelli).

> ROME, Sep 11 (Tanjug). Italian Prime Minister Giuliano Amato has
> described last year's (MarchJune) NATO bombing of Yugoslavia as ethical
> violence.
> Underlining that he was not speaking in his capacity as prime
> minister, Amato said at a reception given Sunday evening in Ravenna by the
> coalition UNITA, that he had felt deeply disturbed during the intervention
> in Serbia's KosovoMetohija province, as it is immoral to attack someone
> with planes and bombs without facing him on the ground.
> If war has ethics, we have violated it, Amato said to an
> applauding audience.
> Massimo d'Alema, who was Italy's prime minister at the time of
> the
> NATO aggression, said on the same occasion that bombing is undeniably
> unpleasant and that the war in KosovoMetohija was without any doubt a
> tragedy that must be considered also from an ethical viewpoint, but added
> that this was a complex issue.

e-mail: crj@... - URL: