>Subject: Fwd: NATO-Krieg gegen Jugoslawien
>> Hallo Leute,
>> Den Aufruf "Kein neuer NATO-Krieg auf dem Balkan" zu unterschreiben, habe
>> ich auf die webseite gesetzt und zwar auf eine
>> "Rubrik" A k t u e l l e s. Also, unter
>> Und als Download als rtf.Datei unter:
>> Unter A k t u e l l e s findet man auch den von Klaus v. Raussendorf
>> übersetzten Artikel von Gregory Elich "NATO Prepares New Balkans War"
>> die Englischen Originale:
>> Kriegsgrund gesucht: Die NATO bereitet ihren zweiten Angriff auf
>> vor. Von Gregory Elich (Teil 1)
>> Krieg nach den Wahlen?: Die NATO bereitet ihren zweiten Angriff auf
>> Jugoslawien vor. Von Gregory Elich (Teil 2 und Schluß)
>> "NATO Prepares New Balkans War" By Gregory Elich
>> auch zu finden unter:
>> Alles Gute,
>> Alant Jost
Liebe Leute,
diese AIK-Information besteht aus drei Teilen:
I. Drei Artikel aus "junge Welt" zur neuen NATO-Kriegsgefahr auf dem
II. Aufruf aus Berlin "Kein neuer NATO-Krieg auf dem Balkan" (Erwünscht
sind eigene Stellungnahmen an Regierungen, Parteien und in- und
ausländische Medien)
III. A) Ankündigung einer Mahnwache in Bonn am 22. September 2000
B) Anregung zu ähnlichen Aktivitäten in anderen Städten
Teil I enthält:
Von Rüdiger Göbel, Belgrad
junge Welt v. 14.09.2000
- Anlage 1 -
Von Gregory Elich (Teil 1)
junge Welt v. 14.09.2000
- Anlage 2 -
Elich (Teil 2 und Schluss)
junge Welt v. 15.09.2000
Anlage 3
Von Klaus von Raussendorff
junge Welt v. 16.9.2000
- Anlage 4 -
Teil II:
Aufruf aus Berlin:
Eine Neuauflage des NATO-Krieges gegen Jugoslawien droht. Dabei sind die
bedrückenden ursprünglichen Kriegsschulden, die mit zum jetzigen
Euroverfall und Ölhöchstpreisen beitragen, noch längst nicht beglichen.
Dessen ungeachtet erklären Regierungen von verschiedenen NATO-Staaten,
eine Wiederwahl von Präsident Milosovic am 24.September nicht dulden zu
wollen. Bundeskanzler Schröder hat dem beigepflichtet. Damit wird krass
gegen Staatssouveränität und Völkerrecht verstoßen.
Bisher war es den USA nebst NATO nicht gelungen, den rechtmäßig
gewählten Präsidenten Jugoslawiens zu stürzen. Weder mit
Flächenbombardements, Gebietsabtrennungen, Völkeraufwiegelungen noch mit
Mordvorhaben wurde ihr Ziel erreicht.
Unter öffentlichem Beifall des NATO-Generalsekretärs der Kriegszeit,
Solana, ist der angebliche USA-Gegner Kostunica nun der zerstrittenen
Opposition als Spitzenkandidat aufgedrückt worden. Offensichtlich glaubt
Washington nur mit einem als Gegner Ausgegebenen zum Ziel kommen zu
können. Ein durchsichtiges Manöver.
Nun, wenige Tage vor dem vorgesehenen Wahltag, spitzt die Lage sich
kriegsträchtig zu. Medienmeldungen ist zu entnehmen, dass eine
NATO-Intervention von Bulgarien aus ins Auge gefasst wurde. In dieser
bedrohlichen Lage rufen wir sämtliche Friedenskräfte dazu auf, gegen
neue Kriegsabenteuer ihre Gewichte in die Waagschale zu werfen. Rasches
Handeln ist unerlässlich.
Sendet bitte entsprechende eigene Stellungnahmen an Regierungen,
Parteien und die diversen in- und ausländischen Medien. Kopien eurer
Stellungnahmen oder auch Zustimmungen zu diesem Aufruf bitten wir an die
Berliner Friedenskoordination per Fax an 030/32702299 oder per eMail an
peterwegner@... oder per Post an Peter Wegner, Wielandstr. 37, 10629
Berlin zu schicken.
Jutta Kausch, Prof. Dr. Dr. Fred Müller, Klaus von Raussendorff, Peter
Schrott, Dr. Klaus Steiniger, Fritz Teppich, Matthias Trenczek, Ton
Veerkamp, Dr. med. Michael Venedey, Peter Wegner
Berlin, 16.9.2000
Teil III
A) Information zur
in Bonn auf dem Bottlerplatz
am Freitag, den 22. September 2000 von 15 bis 18 Uhr
und am 29. September 2000 zur selben Zeit
(sowie eventuell an den folgenden Freitagen)
Die Mahnwache wird von einzelnen Mitgliedern der jeweiligen Bonner
Ortsgruppen von PDS, DKP, Antifa und Freidenkerverband organisiert. Die
Initiatoren wünschen sich eine möglichst breite Beteiligung Menschen der
Friedensbewegung. Die Mahnwache soll Gelegenheit geben, mit
interessierten Passanten ins Gespräch zu kommen. Dabei soll es um vier
Themen gehen: das Verbrechen des ersten NATO-Kriegs, die anhaltende
Desinformationspolitik, die neue Gefahr eines NATO-Krieges gegen
Jugoslawien sowie die Vorbereitung der Bundeswehr auf neue Kriege.
Die Hauptbotschaft der Mahnwache soll sein, daß Deutschland unter den
gegenwärtigen Machtverhältnissen nicht vor einem verbrecherischen
Angriffskrieg zurückgeschreckt ist, und daß daher derartige Aggressionen
ohne tiefgreifende Veränderungen der politischen Landschaft auch in
Zukunft zu befürchten sind. Zwar sind sich viele Menschen offenbar
bewußt, daß der NATO-Angriff auf Jugoslawien gegen das Völkerrecht
verstieß. Schließlich wird dies selbst von den Verantwortlichen unter
Hinweis auf eine (vorgetäuschte) Notlage einer "humanitären Katastrophe"
eingeräumt. Aber nahezu unbekannt in der Bevölkerung ist die von den
meisten Medien unterdrückte Tatsache, daß ein Internationales Tribunal
in Berlin unter dem Vorsitz des angesehenen Völkerrechtlers Prof. Norman
Paech (ebenso wie eine ähnliches Tribunal in New York) die NATO-Führer,
darunter Schröder, Scharping und Fischer wegen schwerer Verstöße gegen
das Völkerrecht für schuldig befunden hat. Daher ist Bestandteil der
Mahnwach die vom Heidelberger Forum gegen Militarismus und Krieg in
Fortsetzung der Tribunalbewegung initiierte Plakat- und
Unterschriftenaktion "Schuldig wegen Kriegsverbrechen und Verbrechen
gegen die Menschheit" (Siehe AIK-Info v. 24.07.00). Wer die Aussage des
Tribunals unterstützt, kann dies durch seine Unterschrift unter die in
der Resolution der Kampagne erhobene Forderung nach individueller
strafrechtlicher Verantwortung und Rücktritt der für schudlig befundenen
Politiker bekunden. Je mehr Leute diese Forderung unterschreiben, desto
deutlicher wird, daß zwischen der militaristischen Außen-und
Sicherheitspolitik der großen Mehrheit der etablierten Parteien und
informierten und rechtsbewußten Teilen der Bevölkerung ein tiefer Graben
klafft. Dies deutlich zu machen, ist - unabhängig von der
Realisierbarkeit der Forderungen - für die weitere Entwicklung unseres
Landes von erheblicher Bedeutung.
Ferner gibt es bei der Mahnwache zum Thema Desinformation durch
Regierung und Medien den ausgezeichneten Reader zur Veranstaltung "Der
Informationskrieg" des Gegeninformationsbüros/Berlin. Viele Menschen
ahnen, daß sie einseitig informiert werden. Die Broschüre zeigt am
Beispiel des NATO-Krieges, daß dies generalstabsmäßig geschieht. Die
Broschüre (40 Seiten, DM 4,--) ist unter 030/28389345 telefonisch zu
Außerdem bietet die Mahnwache zum Problem der "Bundeswehrstrukturreform"
die ausgezeichnete Broschüre von Arno Neuber "Armee für alle Fälle: Der
Umbau der Bundeswehr zur Interventionsarmee" (ISW-Report Nr. 44,
herausgegeben vom institut für sozial-ökologische wirtschaftsforschung
münchen e.V. in Zusammenarbeit mit der Informationsstelle
Militarisierung (IMI) e.V., 32 Seiten, DM 5,- plus Versand; zu
bestellen bei: isw institut für sozial-ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung
e.V. Johann-von-Werth-Str. 3, 80639 München fon: 089 / 130041, fax: 089
/ 1689415, Email: isw_muenchen@...)
Schließlich wird für die Mahnwache ein spezieller Reader erstellt. Er
enthält u.a das Urteil des Berliner Tribunals vom 3. Juni 2000 sowie die
hier im Anhang dokumentierten Texte zur aktuellen Kriegsgefahr und den
Artikel von Arno Neuber "Kurs auf Interventionsarmee bringt der DASA
Milliardenaufträge: Scharping kauft nur bei DaimlerChrysler aus UZ v.
B) Anregung zu ähnlichen Aktivitäten in anderen Städten
Die Initiatoren der Bonner Mahnwache würden sich freuen, wenn ihre
Initiative zu ähnlichen Veranstaltungen in anderen Städten anregen
würde. Dafür gibt es ein zusätzliches Motiv.
Derzeit empört sich die Zivilgesellschaft in Deutschland über den
ordinären Straßenfaschismus. Selbstverständlich sind die
Friedensbewegten bei den antifaschistischen Aktionen dabei. Wer
staatliche Aggression gegen andere Völker verurteilt, schweigt nicht zu
rassistischen Gewalttaten gegen Immigranten und Flüchtlinge. Beide
Formen nationalistischer Gewalt sind die Seiten derselben Medaille.
Erstes Beispiel: Im Kosovo haben NATO-Regierungen, darunter solche mit
sozialdemokratischer und sogar "kommunistischer" Beteiligung, eine
faschistische Organisation wie die UCK nicht nur als Hilfstruppen
benutzt sondern als Terrorregime unter UNO-Schirmherrschaft etabliert.
Entsprechend gering ist bei diesen "Demokraten" die Bereitschaft, im
eigenen Land gegen Parteien wie die NPD mit allen Mitteln des
bürgerlichen Rechtsstaates vorzugehen. Zweites Beispiel: Das
jugoslawische Volk wird von den NATO-Regierungen vor die Wahl gestellt,
entweder eine pro-westliche Regierung zu wählen oder stranguliert,
angegriffen und aufgeteilt zu werden. Die in der UNO-Charta verbürgte
"gleiche Souveränität" Jugoslawiens ist ihnen ein Fetzen Papier.
Entprechend gering ist ihre Bereitschaft, hierzulande Zuwanderern und
Flüchtlingen ein Leben in Sicherheit zu garantieren. Entsprechend sind
Ausländerrechte auch den kleinen Straßenfaschisten nur ein Fetzen
Papier. Drittes Beispiel: Die Serben und Präsident Slobodan Milosevic
werden seit Jahren von westlichen Politikern und Medien in der
unglaublichsten Weise verunglimpft. Dies ist der Boden, auf dem die
rassistischen Vorurteile der kleinen Straßenfaschisten wuchern. Viertes
Beispiel: Die "demokratischen" NATO-Regierungen schreckten nicht davor
zurück, ein unterlegenes Volk mit Bomben zu überfallen. Wenn die
alltäglichen rassistischen Überfälle der kleinen Straßenfaschisten auf
wehrlose ausländisch aussehende Menschen das übliche Maß übersteigen und
der "Standort Deutschland" in Mißkredit zu geraten scheint, sind sich
die Medien von "Frankfurter Rundschau" bis zur "FAZ" einig:
Menschenverachtende Gewalttaten haben die kleinen Straßenfaschisten für
sich gepachtet.
Gerade in der aktuellen Situation sollten Mahnwachen gegen einen neuen
NATO-Krieg auf dem Balkan auch zum Ausdruck bringen, daß der Faschismus
in seinen Verschiedenen Spielarten nach wie vor die radikalste und in
letzter Konsequenz unausweichliche Form ist, wenn die Herrschenden
Militarismus und Krieg als vorherrschende Orientierung in der
Gesellschaft durchsetzen.
Mit internationalistischen Grüßen
Klaus v. Raussendorff
Anti-Imperialistische Korrespondenz (AIK)
Redaktion: Klaus von Raussendorff
Postfach 210172, 53156 Bonn
Tel.&Fax: 0228 34.68.50
Email: raussendorff@...
Anti-Imperialistische Online-Korrespondenz
Webmaster: Dieter Vogel
Email: aik-web@...
Wer die AIK nicht empfangen möchte,
schicke bitte eine Mail mit dem Betreff
"unsubscribe" an raussendorff@...
Anlage 1
Von Rüdiger Göbel, Belgrad
Aus junge Welt v. 14.09.2000
In zehn Tagen wählt Jugoslawien einen neuen Staatschef sowie die
Abgeordneten für die beiden Kammern des Bundesparlamentes. In Serbien
werden darüber hinaus die Gemeinderäte neu besetzt. Doch die wohl
entscheidendste Frage in dem bevorstehenden Urnengang ist: Wird der
derzeitige Präsident Slobodan Milosevic von der jugoslawischen
Bevölkerung in seinem Amt bestätigt oder kann sich einer der
oppositionellen Kandidaten gegen ihn durchsetzen? Politisch steht die
Souveränität des Landes auf dem Spiel. Die prowestliche Opposition macht
keinen Hehl daraus, lieber heute als morgen Teil des NATO-Clans auf dem
Balkan zu werden.
Der Wahlkampf läuft auf Hochtouren, und die gegenseitigen
Schuldzuweisungen von Opposition und Regierung in bezug auf eine
mögliche Manipulation des Votums haben dieser Tage an Schärfe
zugenommen. »Die NATO fährt mit der Destabilisierung Jugoslawiens fort«,
erklärte Goran Matic am Mittwoch in Belgrad vor der nationalen und
internationalen Presse. Dem jugoslawischen Informationsminister zufolge
werden seit längerer Zeit Pläne ausgearbeitet, die am 24. September
stattfindenden Wahlen für einen Bürgerkrieg und Umsturz zu nutzen.
Wie Matic ausführte, gebe es bei der NATO und der US- Administration
mehrere Szenarien, Jugoslawien während und nach den Wahlen direkt zu
destabilisieren. Der wichtigste Interventionsplan hänge jedoch mit der
benachbarten Republika Srpska zusammen. Dort werde derzeit eine Einheit
der bosnisch-serbischen Polizei vorbereitet, um im absehbaren Fall einer
Niederlage der Opposition Jugoslawien zu infiltrieren. Demnach sollen am
Abend des 24. September 1500 »Sicherheitskräfte« in der Uniform der
jugoslawischen Spezialpolizei (MUP) mit 400 Polizeifahrzeugen die
Opposition in Belgrad unterstützen. Matic ließ allerdings offen, wie sie
dorthin kommen sollen.
Die oppositionelle G-17-Gruppe, die »Widerstandsorganisation« Otpor und
Teile der Opposition würden ihre Niederlage - und von dieser gehen Matic
wie die übrigen Mitglieder der jugoslawischen Regierung aus - nicht
akzeptieren und noch am Wahlabend behaupten, daß die Ergebnisse
gefälscht sind. Mit den vermeintlichen jugoslawischen Polizisten an
ihrer Seite wollten sie demonstrieren, daß die Sicherheitskräfte auf
seiten der Opposition stehen. Anschließend würden sie versuchen, unter
dem Vorwand der Wahlfälschung Mitglieder der Regierung zu verhaften.
Bewaffnete Auseinandersetzungen zwischen realen und vermeintlichen
jugoslawischen Sicherheitskräften dürften die Folge sein.
Laut Matic habe es im Zusammenhang mit diesem Szenario vor einem Monat
ein Treffen zwischen dem pensionierten US- General Jack Klein sowie der
pro-amerikanischen Regierung der Republika Srpska unter Führung von
Milorad Dodik gegeben. Klein ist einer der Stellvertreter des Hohen
Repräsentanten für Bosnien-Herzegowina, Wolfgang Petrisch. Erst vor
wenigen Tagen hat das Parlament in der Serbischen Republik Dodik das
Mißtrauen ausgesprochen.
Neben den bosnischen Polizisten sollen in einem zweiten Schritt zudem
Teile des von UNMIK-Chef Bernard Kouchner ins Leben gerufenen
»Kosovo-Schutzkorps« von dem NATO- Protektorat aus nach Bujanovac und
anderen Orten Südserbiens vordringen. Dort sollen sie in Uniformen der
Jugoslawischen Armee von der Opposition und Otpor mit Blumen begrüßt und
als Teil der Anti-Milosevic-Kräfte präsentiert werden.
Analge 2
Von Gregory Elich (Teil 1)
Aus junge Welt v. 14.09.2000
In aller Stille legt die NATO die Planungen für einen neuen
Militärschlag gegen Jugoslawien fest. Zwischen dem 13. und 15. August
besuchte CIA-Direktor George Tenet Bulgarien. In einer Serie von
außergewöhnlichen Treffen kam Tenet mit dem bulgarischen Präsidenten
Petar Stojanov sowie mit dem Premierminister, dem Innenminister und dem
Verteidigungsminister zusammen. Offiziell verfolgte der Besuch Tenets
den Zweck, über Probleme des organisierten Verbrechens und des
Drogenhandels zu sprechen. Doch Tenet verbrachte insgesamt nur ganze 20
Minuten in den Hauptquartieren des Nationalen Sicherheitsdienstes und
des Nationalen Dienstes zur Bekämpfung des organisierten Verbrechens.
Ungenannte diplomatische Quellen ließen verlauten, daß auch die von der
Kaspischen Region (teilweise durch Bulgarien) geplante
Transit-Ölpipeline ein Gesprächsgegenstand war.
Doch das eigentliche Motiv für die Reise Tenets war der
Meinungsaustausch über Jugoslawien. Einer ungenannten diplomatischen
Quelle zufolge stand der Abfall Montenegros von Jugoslawien ganz oben
auf der Tagesordnung. Nach dem Treffen zwischen Tenet und Generalmajor
Dimo Gjaurov, dem Direktor des Nationalen Nachrichtendienstes, erging
eine Pressemitteilung, in der die »Gemeinsamkeit der Interessen« betont
wurde. Berichte in der bulgarischen Presse enthüllten, daß verschiedene
Optionen mit dem Präsidenten und dem Premierminister von Bulgarien
erörtert wurden. Was von den Treffen durchsickerte, deutet darauf hin,
daß die von Tenet bevorzugte Option die Absetzung der jugoslawischen
Regierung war, entweder aufgrund des Ergebnisses der jugoslawischen
Wahlen am 24. September oder durch einen militärischen Angriff der NATO,
der eine Marionettenregierung an die Macht bringen würde. Ein anderes
von Tenet diskutiertes Szenario bezog sich auf den Abfall Montenegros
von Jugoslawien. Für den Fall, daß infolge der Sezession Montenegros
offene Kriegshandlungen ausbrechen, planen die Vereinigten Staaten,
einen regelrechten Krieg gegen Jugoslawien zu führen, so wie im Frühjahr
In der Presse Sofias wird berichtet, daß die »CIA- Coupmaschine« schon
im Gange ist. »Ein Schlag gegen Belgrad steht bevor«, wird hinzugefügt.
Und »Bulgarien wird dabei als Basis dienen«. (Bulgaria-Press Review BTA
vom 12. August)
Die italienische Armee unterzeichnete kürzlich einen Pachtvertrag, um ab
Oktober Militärübungen auf dem Koren- Ausbildungsgelände in der Nähe von
Kaskovo im Südosten Bulgariens durchzuführen (Mila Avramova: »Italiener
pachten Trainingsgelände für 400 000 Leva,«, Trud vom 9. August). Die
französische Armee unterzeichnete ein ähnliches Abkommen, wonach
französische Soldaten und Panzer vom 11. Oktober bis 12. Dezember
Übungen auf dem Gelände von Novo Selo in Mittelbulgarien abhalten.
Ferner laufen Gespräche, um dem US-Militär das Shabla-Übungsgelände in
Nordostbulgarien zu überlassen. Für die Zeit nach den Wahlen in
Jugoslawien geplant, könnten die Manöver als Ausgangspunkt für den
geplanten NATO-Militärschlag dienen. Kürzlich verlautete, daß der
britische Flugzeugträger »HMS Invincible« in den nächsten Monaten in das
Adriatische Meer verlegt werden würde, und zwar zur Unterstützung eines
Konflikts in Montenegro.
Wie ermordet man Milosevic?
Militärische Gewalt ist nur eine Komponente in der westlichen
Destabilisierungskampagne gegen Jugoslawien. Der Plan der NATO für eine
militärische Intervention geht aus einer langen Geschichte anhaltender
westlicher Einmischung hervor. Im November 1998 lancierte Präsident
Clinton einen Plan zum Sturz der Regierung von Jugoslawien. Ursprünglich
lag der Hauptakzent des Plans auf der Unterstützung der
sezessionistischen Kräfte in Montenegro sowie der rechten Opposition in
Serbien. Einige Monate später, während der Bombardierungen Jugoslawiens,
unterzeichnete Clinton ein Geheimdokument, das die CIA anwies, die
jugoslawische Regierung zu Fall zu bringen. Der Plan sah die geheime
finanzielle Unterstützung oppositioneller Gruppen durch die CIA und die
Anwerbung von Maulwürfen in Regierung und Militär Jugoslawiens vor
(Douglas Waller, »Tearing Down Milosevic«, Time Magazine vom 12. Juli).
Am 8. Juli 1999 enthüllten US-amerikanische und britische Beamte, daß
Kommando-Teams für Entführungsoperationen ausgebildet würden, um
angebliche Kriegsverbrecher und Präsident Slobodan Milosevic zu
ergreifen. Als Anreiz für Söldner setzte das US-Außenministerium eine
Belohnung von fünf Millionen Dollar für Präsident Milosevic aus (Michael
Moran: »A Threat to >Snatch< Milosevic«, MSNBC, vom 8. Juli 1999).
Einige jugoslawische Regierungsvertreter und prominente
Persönlichkeiten, darunter Verteidigungsminister Pavle Bulatovic, wurden
niedergeschossen. Die meisten dieser Verbrechen blieben unaufgeklärt, da
es den Mördern gelang zu entkommen. Die Polizei verhaftete einen Mörder,
Milivoje Gutovic, nachdem er den Präsidenten des Exekutivrates der
Vojvodina, Bosko Perosevic, bei einer Landwirtschaftsmesse in Novi Sad
erschossen hatte. Bei den Vernehmungen gestand Gutovic der Polizei, daß
er für die rechte Serbische Erneuerungsbewegung gearbeitet hatte.
Goran Zugic, der Sicherheitsberater des sezessionswilligen
montenegrinischen Präsidenten Milo Djukanovic, wurde am späten Abend des
31. Mai 2000 ermordet. Der Mörder entkam, was westlichen Politikern die
Möglichkeit gab, Präsident Milosevic zu beschuldigen. Just eine Woche
vor entscheidenden Gemeindewahlen in Montenegro konnten nur die
Anti-Milosevic-Kräfte aus dem Mord Gewinn schlagen, weil dadurch
unentschlossene Wähler tendenziell auf die Seite der sezessionistischen
Parteien gedrängt wurden.
Wenige Tage nach dem Mord gab der jugoslawische Informationsminister
Goran Matic eine Pressekonferenz, bei der er die CIA der Mittäterschaft
an diesem Mord beschuldigte. Matic verwies auf die Wiedergaben einer
Tonbandaufzeichnung von zwei Telefongesprächen zwischen dem Leiter der
US-Mission in Dubrovnik, Sean Burns, dem Mitarbeiter des
US-Außenministeriums James Swaggert, Gabriel Escobar von der
US-Wirtschaftsgruppe in Montenegro und Paul Davies von der
US-Entwicklungsagentur. Auszüge aus den Gesprächen, die 20 Minuten nach
dem Mord und dann erneut drei Stunden später aufgezeichnet wurden,
enthielten Bemerkungen wie »Das war professionell« und »Mission
Der erste öffentlich bekannt gewordene Plan zur Ermordung von Milosevic
wurde im Jahre 1992 entworfen. Richard Tomlinson, ein ehemaliger
Angestellter des britischen Auslandsgeheimdienstes MI6, enthüllte den
Plan später. Seine Aufgabe als MI6-Agent war es, in Osteuropa verdeckte
Operationen als angeblicher Geschäftsmann oder Journalist durchzuführen.
Tomlinson traf sich häufig mit dem MI6- Offizier Nick Fishwick. Während
eines dieser Treffen zeigte Fishwick Tomlinson ein Dokument mit dem
Titel »Die Notwendigkeit der Ermordung von Präsident Milosevic von
Serbien«. Drei Methoden wurden vorgeschlagen. Die erste Methode, so
erinnert sich Tomlinson, »bestand darin, eine paramilitärische serbische
Oppositionsgruppe auszubilden und auszurüsten«, was die
Verleugnungsmöglichkeit, aber auch eine ungewisse Erfolgsaussicht
beinhaltete. Die zweite Methode bestand im Einsatz eines besonders
ausgebildeten britischen SAS-Trupps, um Präsident Milosevic »entweder
mit einer Bombe oder durch Heckenschützen« zu ermorden. Fishwick hielt
dies für zuverlässiger, aber die Verleugnungsmöglichkeit war mangelhaft.
Die dritte Methode bestand darin, Milosevic ȟber einen inszenierten
Autounfall« umzubringen (Statement von Richard Tomlinson, gerichtet an
John Wadham am 11. September 1998). Sieben Jahr später, am 3. Oktober
1999, wurde die dritte Methode gegen den Führer der Serbischen
Erneuerungsbewegung, Vuk Draskovic, angewandt, als ein mit Sand
beladener Lastwagen seinen Wagen rammte und alle Insassen außer
Draskovic tötete. Der unberechenbare Draskovic ist ein wichtiger
Verursacher der chronischen Zersplitterung der rechten Opposition, was
Washingtons Anstrengungen, eine vereinte Opposition zustande zu bringen,
Während des Krieges der NATO gegen Jugoslawien traf am 22. April 1999
eine Rakete das Haus von Milosevic. Er und seine Frau hielten sich an
diesem Abend anderswo auf. Pentagon-Sprecher Ken Bacon beeilte sich zu
erklären, daß »wir nicht auf Präsident Milosevic zielen«. Es ist jedoch
unmöglich, in der Tatsache, daß eine Rakete im Schlafzimmer von
Milosevic um zehn nach drei in der Früh einschlägt, etwas anderes als
einen Mordversuch zu sehen.
Im Fadenkreuz der Geheimdienste
Im November 1999 wurden Mitglieder eines Mordkommandos unter dem
Code-Namen »Spinne« in Jugoslawien verhaftet. Laut Minister Goran Matic
»stand der französische Geheimdienst hinter« der Spinne-Gruppe, deren
Ziel die Ermordung von Milosevic war. Zu den geplanten Szenarien
gehörten ein Anschlag mittels Sprengsatz in einer Straße, in der die
Vorbeifahrt von Milosevic erwartet wurde, die Anbringung einer Bombe an
seinem Wagen sowie der Einsatz von zehn ausgebildeten Stoßtruppkämpfern
bei der Erstürmung des Präsidentenpalastes. Der Führer der Gruppe, der
Serbe Petrusic, war jugoslawisch-französischer Doppelstaatsbürger.
Matic behauptete, daß Petrusic seit zehn Jahren für den französischen
Geheimdienst arbeitete. In den Vernehmungen sagte Petrusic aus, daß er
50 Menschen auf Befehl des französischen Geheimdienstes getötet habe.
Matic erklärte, daß eines der Mitglieder der Spinne ein »Spezialist für
das Killen mit einem Lastwagen voll Sand« war - die Methode, die einen
Monat zuvor gegegen Draskovic angewandt worden war. Schon nach dem
Krieg in Bosnien hatte Petrusic den Abtransport von 180
bosnisch-serbischen Söldnern zum Kampf für Mobutu Sese Seku in Zaire,
eine Aktion des französischen Geheimdienstes, organisiert. Dazu ein
bosnisch- serbischer Geschäftsmann: Petrusic »verheimlichte nicht die
Tatsache, daß er für den französischen Geheimdienst arbeitete. Ich sah
selbst ein Foto von ihm als Leibwächter neben Mitterrand.« In seinen
jüngeren Jahren war Petrusic Angehöriger der französischen Ehrenlegion.
Während des NATO-Krieges gegen Jugoslawien infiltrierte die
Spinne-Gruppe die jugoslawische Armee. Dabei lieferte sie den Franzosen
Informationen und leitete NATO- Kampfflugzeuge zu ihren Zielen.
Jugoslawische Geheimdienstquellen ließen verlauten, daß die
Spinne-Gruppe Übungen auf NATO-Stützpunkten in Bosnien veranstaltete, wo
»Gebäude errichtet wurden, die denen glichen, wo Milosevic lebt«. Das
Geld für die Spinne wurde von einem Mann namens Serge Lazarevic an die
Grenze zwischen Ungarn und Jugoslawien gebracht (Reuters vom 25.
November 1999, AFP vom 26. November und 1.Dezember 1999).
Neonazis als Balkan-Söldner
Einen Monate später wurden die Mitglieder eines zweiten Stoßtrupps
verhaftet, der sich Serbische Befreiungsarmee nennt. Ihr Ziel war es,
Präsident Milosevic zu ermorden und die Monarchie wiederherzustellen.
Ende Juli 2000 wurden vier holländische Soldaten eines Kommandotrupps
beim Übergang von Montenegro nach Serbien aufgegriffen. In den
Vernehmungen gestanden sie, daß sie die Absicht hatten, Milosevic zu
töten oder zu entführen. Die vier erklärten, sie seien informiert
worden, daß für »Milosevics Kopf« 30 Millionen US-Dollar geboten werden
würden. Einer der Männer sagte aus, daß die Gruppe plante, Milosevic
oder den ehemaligen bosnisch-serbischen Präsidenten Radovan Karadzic zu
entführen und »sie Den Haag zu übergeben«. Die Gruppe plante, die beiden
auf dem Dach eines Autos »in einer Ski-Box« zu verstecken »und außer
Landes zu bringen«. (AFP vom 31. Juli 2000 und Email-Korrespondenz von
Herman de Tollenaere, 1. August 2000; BBC Monitoring Service, 1. August
Einer der verhafteten Männer, Gorfrides de Ri, gehörte zur offen
rassistischen und neofaschistischen Zentrumspartei. Während der Kriege
in Kroatien und Bosnien entsandte die Zentrumspartei holländische
Söldner zum Kampf in kroatische paramilitärische Einheiten. Bei ihrer
Verhaftung wurden bei ihnen verschiedene Messer, darunter eines mit
einem Hakenkreuz, sowie Drähte mit Haken zum Erdrosseln gefunden. Alle
vier gestanden, daß sie eine Ausbildung unter Leitung der britischen SAS
erhalten hatten.
Bei einer Pressekonferenz am 1. August beschuldigte Goran Matic die USA
der eigentlichen Urheberschaft der Morde und Mordversuche. »Es ist
offenkundig, daß sie verschiedene terroristische Gruppen rekrutieren,
weil sie frustriert sind, daß ihre militärischen, politischen und
wirtschaftlichen Ziele in Südosteuropa nicht erreicht wurden. (Sie)
versuchen, sie in unser Land zu schicken, um damit das politische und
soziale Umfeld zu verändern.« Jonathan Eyal, ein Berater der britischen
Regierung, bemerkte kürzlich: »Ich kann nicht sagen, wann, aber ich
garantiere, daß Milosevic am Ende tot ist, und daß auf ihn eine mehr
pro-westliche Regierung folgen wird.« (Reuters, 9. Juni 2000)
Anlage 3
Aus junge Welt v. 15.09.2000
Die flagrante westliche Einmischung verzerrt den politischen Prozeß in
Jugoslawien. Geldmittel aus USA und Westeuropa werden rechten
Oppositionsparteien und Medien durch Organisationen wie die National
Endowment for Democracy und das Open Society Institute von George Soros
zugeleitet. Das National Democratic Institute (NDI) ist lediglich eine
der Myriaden von Organisationen, die sich in Osteuropa wie Blutegel
festgesetzt haben. Das NDI eröffnete im Jahre 1997 ein Büro in Belgrad
in der Hoffnung, von den Versuchen der Opposition, die Regierung durch
Straßendemonstrationen zu stürzen, profitieren zu können. Bis 1999 hatte
das NDI schon über 900 rechte Parteifunktionäre und Aktivisten in
Fertigkeiten wie »der Verbreitung von politischen Aussagen, wirksamem
öffentlichen Auftreten und Wahlstrategie« ausgebildet. NDI nimmt für
sich in Anspruch, der Opposition »organisatorische Ausbildung sowie
Expertise in Koalitionsbildung« zur Verfügung gestellt zu haben (»NDI
Activities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia- Montenegro)«
NDI Worldwide Activities,
Das Neue Serbische Forum, das vom britischen Foreign Office finanziert
wird, bringt in regelmäßigem Turnus serbische Professionelle und
Akademiker zu Diskussionen mit britischen und mitteleuropäischen
»Experten« nach Ungarn. Zweck der Treffen ist es, »eine Blaupause für
die Gesellschaft nach Milosevic zu entwerfen«. Das Forum entwickelte
bereits einen Aktionsplan für eine künftige pro-westliche Regierung. Die
Diskussion umfaßten die Themen Privatisierung und wirtschaftliche
Stabilisierung. Das Forum wirbt für die »Reintegration Jugoslawiens in
die europäische Familie«, eine Floskel, die im Klartext heißt: Abbau
sozialistischer Wirtschaftsstrukturen und Aufforderung zum Eindringen
westlicher Unternehmen (»Britain Trains New Elite for Post- Milosevic
Era«, The Independent, 3. Mai 2000; The New Serbia Forum web page,
Aufteilung der Märkte
Die westlichen Ziele wurden im »Stabilitätspakt für Südosteuropa« vom
10. Juni 1999 klar ausgesprochen. Dieses Dokument rief dazu auf, auf dem
Balkan »kräftige Marktwirtschaften zu schaffen«, und zwar »Märkte, die
für einen stark erweiterten Außenhandel und für Investitionen im
privaten Sektor offen sind«. Ein Jahr später gab das Weiße Haus eine
Faktenzusammenstellung heraus, in der die »wichtigsten Errungenschaften«
des Paktes aufgeführt sind.
Unter den aufgelisteten »Errungenschaften« werden die Europäische Bank
für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung (EBRD) und die International Finance
Corporation erwähnt, die »private Investitionen mobilisieren«. Bis 2002
sollen die »neuen privaten Investitionen in der Region« annähernd zwei
Milliarden US-Dollar erreichen. Der dem Pakt angegliederte Beratende
Wirtschaftsrat »besucht alle Länder Südosteuropas«, um zu
Investitionsfragen »Beratung anzubieten«. Eine weitere Initiative ist
die Einbindung der ungarischen Minderheit in oppositionelle
Gemeindeverwaltungen und Medien in Serbien.
Die Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) schuf am 26. Juli
2000 einen Investmentfond, der vom Soros Private Funds Management
verwaltet werden soll. Der South East Europe Equity Fund »wird in
Unternehmen in der Region in einer Reihe von Sektoren investieren«. Sein
Zweck ist laut US-Botschaft in Mazedonien, »Kapital für neue
Geschäftsentwicklungen, Expansion und Privatisierung zur Verfügung zu
Im März 2000 unterzeichnete Montenegro ein Abkommen, das OPIC erlaubt,
auf seinem Territorium tätig zu werden. Der Milliardär Soros machte
deutlich, was all das zu bedeuten hat. Das Auftreten der USA in der
Region, so sagte er, »schafft Anlagemöglichkeiten« und: »Ich bringe mein
Geld mit Vergnügen dort unter, wo sie ihres unterbringen.« Mit anderen
Worten, dort läßt sich Geld machen. George Munoz, der Präsident und
Hauptgeschäftsführer von OPIC, nahm ebenfalls kein Blatt vor den Mund.
»Der South East Europe Equity Fund«, verkündete er, »ist ein ideales
Vehikel zur Verbindung von amerikanischem Kapital institutioneller
Anleger mit europäischen Unternehmen, die bestrebt sind, Amerikanern zu
helfen, ihre wachsenden Märkte zu erschließen. OPIC ist erfreut über das
von Soros Private Funds Management ausgehende positive Signal, daß
Südosteuropa für Geschäfte offen ist.«
Die Schlußfassung des Stabilitätspaktes für Südosteuropa sieht vor, daß
ein Jugoslawien, das die »Prinzipien und Ziele« des Pakts »respektiert«,
als Vollmitglied »willkommen« wäre. »Um die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien
näher an dieses Ziel heranzuführen,« wird im Dokument erläutert, solle
Montenegro bereits Nutzen daraus ziehen.
Tanz der Marionetten
Die westlichen Führer sehnen sich nach der Einsetzung eines
Marionettenregimes in Belgrad und setzen ihre Hoffnungen auf die
Parteien der zersplitterten rechten Opposition in Serbien. Im Jahre 1999
ermunterten US-Funktionsträger diese Parteien, Massendemonstrationen zum
Sturz der Regierung zu organisieren, aber diese Aufmärsche verpufften
schnell wegen mangelnder Unterstützung in der Bevölkerung. Als
jugoslawische Wahlen auf Bundes- und Gemeindeebene für den 24. September
2000 angekündigt wurden, trafen US- amerikanische und westeuropäische
Vertreter mit den Führern der serbischen Oppositionsparteien zusammen,
wobei sie diese drängten, sich auf einen einzigen
Präsidentschaftskandidaten zu einigen. Trotz US- amerikanischer
Bemühungen erschienen aber mehrere Kandidaten gegen Milosevic auf der
Anfang August 2000 eröffneten die USA ein Büro in Budapest mit der
speziellen Aufgabe, Oppositionsparteien in Jugoslawien zu helfen. Zu
seinen Mitarbeitern gehören 24 Spezialisten für psychologische
Kriegführung, die an Operationen während des NATO-Krieges gegen
Jugoslawien und früher im Golfkrieg gegen Irak beteiligt waren. Während
dieser Operationen fabrizierte das Team auch Nachrichten in dem Bemühen,
die öffentliche Meinung im Westen zu beeinflussen.
Montenegro auf Westkurs
Falls Präsident Milosevic wiedergewählt wird, erwartet US-
Außenministerin Albright Straßendemonstrationen mit dem Ziel, die
Regierung zu stürzen. Bei Treffen in Banja Luka im Frühjahr 2000 äußerte
sich Albright enttäuscht über das Fehlschlagen früherer Anstrengungen,
die rechtmäßig gewählte Regierung Jugoslawiens zu Fall zu bringen.
Albright erklärte, sie habe gehofft, daß die Sanktionen die Leute dazu
bringen würden, »Milosevic für die Leiden verantwortlich zu machen«.
Wütend fragte sich Albright: »Was hielt die Menschen davon ab, auf die
Straße zu gehen?« Und wie um zu zeigen, daß die USA auf der Suche nach
einem Interventionsvorwand sind, fügte sie hinzu: »Etwas hat in Serbien
zu geschehen, was der Westen unterstützen kann.« (Vecernje Novosti, 18.
Mai 2000)
Die Wege der beiden Republiken Jugoslawiens gehen schroff auseinander.
Nur noch Serbien sperrt sich gegen das große Komplott des Westens, den
Balkan in ein ökonomisches Modell zu integrieren, in dem die
Volkswirtschaften der Region den Interessen westlicher Unternehmen
untergeordnet sind. Während Serbiens Wirtschaft eine starke
sozialistische Komponente mit großen und mittleren Unternehmen in
Gemeineigentum einschließt, hat Montenegro sich auf ein Programm
eingelassen, demzufolge seine ganze Volkswirtschaft in den Dienst des
Westens gestellt wird. Im November 1999 erfolgte in Montenegro die
Einführung der D-Mark als offizielles Zahlungsmittel und die
Verabschiedung einer Gesetzgebung zur Abschaffung der Gemeinwirtschaft.
Einen Monat später wurden verschiedene große Firmen öffentlich zum
Verkauf angeboten, darunter die Elektrizitätsgesellschaft, der
Landwirtschaftskomplex 13. Juli, die Hotel- und Tourismusfirma Boka und
viele andere. Das Privatisierungsprogramm der Republik für 2000 sieht
die Veräußerung der meisten staatlichen Industrieunternehmen vor und
umfaßt Maßnahmen »zum Schutz einheimischer und ausländischer
Investoren«. Dreihundert Firmen werden in einer ersten Phase
privatisiert. Anfang 2000 unterzeichneten die USA ein Abkommen zur
Bereitstellung von 62 Millionen US-Dollar für Montenegro, darunter 44
Millionen von der US- Agentur für Internationale Entwicklung (USAID).
Die Agentur betreut nach eigenen Angaben auch »Hilfsprogramme zur
Unterstützung wirtschaftlicher Reformen und zur Restrukturierung der
Wirtschaft, um Montenegro auf dem Weg zu einer freien Marktwirtschaft
voranzubringen«. Der US-Politikberater auf dem Balkan, James Dobbins,
wies darauf hin, daß die USA die »marktorientierten Reformen des
Djukanovic-Regimes als Modell und Anreiz für ähnliche Reformen im ganzen
ehemaligen Jugoslawien« betrachteten.
Die USA bieten auch Garantien für private Investoren in der Republik.
Zusätzliche Hilfe wird von der Europäischen Union geleistet, die für
Montenegro 36 Millionen Dollar bewilligt hat. »Vom ersten Tage an,« gab
Djukanovic zu, »hatten wir britische und europäische Konsultanten«
(Washington Post, 24. Mai. 2000). Nach Angaben von Djukanovic anläßlich
seines Treffens mit William Clinton am 21. Juni 1999 gab der
US-Präsident dem Privatisierungsprozeß einen kräftigen Schub, indem er
Djukanovic mitteilte, daß die USA planten, »die Wirtschaft anzukurbeln«,
und zwar durch »Förderung von Kapitalinvestitionen US-amerikanischer
Unternehmen und Banken in Montenegro«. (Pobjeda, 22. Juni 1999)
Djukanovic hat sich unablässig auf die Sezession von Jugoslawien
zubewegt und angedeutet, daß er auf die Trennung drängen werde, wenn die
rechte Opposition die Wahlen am 24. September verliert. In einem
Telefongespräch mit Djukanovic im Juli 2000 versprach Madeleine
Albright, daß die USA ihn mit zusätzlichen 16,5 Millionen US-Dollar
versorgen würden. In derselben Woche platzte Djukanovic damit heraus,
daß Montenegro »nicht länger Teil von Jugoslawien ist.« Auch bestand er
auf der erstaunlichen Feststellung, daß er es als eine »Priorität« für
Montenegro betrachte, der NATO beizutreten, der Organisation, die sein
Land erst voriges Jahr bombardiert hat (AFP vom 10. Juli).
Gewalt einkalkuliert
Mehr als die Hälfte der Bevölkerung Montenegros ist gegen die Sezession,
daher kann jedes derartige Unterfangen in Gewalt ausufern. In
Vorbereitung darauf baut Djukanovic eine Privatarmee von über 20 000
Soldaten auf, die Sonderpolizei, einschließlich besonderer Kräfte mit
Anti-Panzer-Waffen. Quellen in Montenegro enthüllten, daß westliche
Sondertruppen diese Privatarmee ausbilden. Djukanovic hat gefordert, daß
die NATO für den Sezessionskurs einen »Luftwaffen-Schutzschild über
Montenegro« ausbreitet. Ein Mitglied der Sonderpolizei bestätigte, daß
sie Ausbildungshilfe von der britischen SAS erhielten. »Falls es zu
einer Situation kommt, in der Waffen den Ausgang entscheiden, sind wir
bereit,« sagte er. »Wir üben dafür.« (The Indipendent, 30. Juli 2000)
Bei einer Pressekonferenz am 1. August 2000 erklärte Minister Goran
Matic, daß »die Briten einen Teil der Ausbildung der montenegrinischen
Sondereinheiten übernommen haben. »Es stimmt auch«, fügte er hinzu, »daß
die Sonderpolizei »ganz massiv verschiedene Arten und Typen von Waffen
bezieht, angefangen mit Flugzeug- und Hubschrauberabwehrwaffen und so
weiter, und daß sie auch von Kroatien unterstützt wird, da die Waffen
über Dubrovnik und andere Orte hereinkommen.« Ferner wies Matic darauf
hin, daß »im letzten Jahr, vor und nach der Aggression, eine Gruppe aus
dem Organisationsbereich des montenegrinischen MUP (Innenministerium)
zur Ausbildung innerhalb von Strukturen der US-Polizei und der
US-Geheimdienste abgestellt wurde«. Im August wurden zwei
Panzerfahrzeuge für Montenegro im italienischen Hafen Ancona entdeckt.
Eines der Fahrzeuge war mit einem Turm zur Aufstellung eines
Maschinengewehrs oder einer Panzerabwehrwaffe ausgerüstet. Italienische
Zollbeamte, so berichtet die italienische Nachrichtenagentur ANSA, sind
»überzeugt«, daß der Waffenschmuggel nach Montenegro »von weit
bedeutenderer Größenordnung ist, als dieser einzelne Vorfall vermuten
läßt.« Im Vorgefühl des bewaffneten Konflikts schwelgend, verkündete
Djukanovic voller Stolz, daß »viele den Schwanz einziehen werden« und
bald aus Montenegro werden fliehen müssen.
Krieg nach den Wahlen?
Ein gewaltsamer Konflikt in Montenegro würde der NATO den lang ersehnten
Vorwand für eine Intervention geben. Schon im Oktober 1999 stellte
General Wesley Clark Pläne für eine NATO-Invasion in Montenegro auf. Der
Plan entwirft das Bild einer Landung von 2 000 Mann Marineinfanterie zur
Erstürmung des Hafens von Bar und zu seiner Sicherung als Brückenkopf
für den Vorstoß ins Landesinnere. Mit Hubschraubern eingeflogene
Luftlandetruppen würden den Flughafen von Podgorica besetzten, während
die NATO- Luftwaffe jugoslawische Streitkräfte, die Widerstand leisten,
bombardieren und unter schweren Beschuß nehmen würde.
US-Beamten zufolge haben auch andere westliche Länder Invasionspläne
entwickelt. (US News and World Report, 15. November 1999). Richard
Holbrooke, US-Botschafter bei den Vereinten Nationen, erklärte: »Wir
stehen in ständiger Verbindung mit der Führung in Montenegro«, und er
warnte, daß ein Konflikt in Montenegro »die vitalen Interessen der NATO
direkt berühren würde« (AFP, 29. Juli 2000). NATO- Generalsekretär
George Robertson wurde noch deutlicher: »Zu Milosevic sage ich: Passen
Sie auf, Denken Sie daran, was das letzte Mal passierte, als Sie sich
verkalkulierten.« (Reuters, 27. Juli 2000)
Präsident Milosevic und die regierende sozialistische Koalition in
Jugoslawien genießen beachtliche Unterstützung in der Bevölkerung, und
viele westliche Analytiker räumen ein, daß sie wahrscheinlich aus den
Wahlen am 24. September als Sieger hervorgehen werden. Ein
sozialistischer Sieg wäre möglicherweise der Auslöser für einen
überstürzten NATO- Schlag, der innerhalb von Monaten von Bulgarien aus
geführt werden würde, um die legal gewählte Regierung von Jugoslawien zu
stürzen. Für den Fall, daß der Putschversuch fehlschlägt, könnte sodann
Montenegro seine Unabhängigkeit erklären und damit eine Kette von
Ereignissen in Gang setzen, die zu einem zweiten umfassenden Krieg der
NATO gegen Jugoslawien führen würde. Der Krieg 1999 brachte ungeheures
Leid für den Balkan. Der nächste Krieg verspricht noch Schlimmeres.
(Übersetzung aus dem Amerikanischen: Klaus v. Raussendorff)
Anlage 4
Von Klaus von Raussendorff
Aus junge Welt v. 16.9.2000
Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder übernahm auf dem G-8-Gipfel in Okinawa am
22./23. Juli bei der medialen Vorbereitung eines neuen NATO-Schlags
gegen Jugoslawien eine führende Rolle. Gemeinsam gingen die Teilnehmer
soweit zu erklären: »Wir sind sehr besorgt über die Beweggründe und die
möglichen Folgen einer Verfassungsänderung in der Bundesrepublik
Jugoslawien.« Denn, so die Erklärung, »mit 650 000 Einwohnern zählt
Montenegro weniger als ein Zehntel der Bevölkerung Serbiens. Durch die
Verfassungsänderung schwindet der politische Einfluß der vom Westen
unterstützten Montenegriner gegen Null.« Der deutsche Bundeskanzler
Schröder ging einen Schritt weiter als seine Kollegen. Er »sei sich mit
dem italienischen Ministerpräsidenten Amato einig, ein Wahlergebnis für
Milosevic nach dieser Verfassungsänderung nicht anzuerkennen« (FAZ vom
24. Juli). »Was er (Milosevic) dort als Verfassungsänderung durchgesetzt
hat, ist ein Ermächtigungsgesetz.« Wie sind derartige Äußerungen zu
verstehen? Sind sie nicht eine direkte Aufforderung an die Adresse
sowohl der rechten Kräfte in Jugoslawien als auch der rivalisierenden
Verbündeten Deutschlands, nicht auf einen »demokratischen« Machtwechsel
in Jugoslawien zu setzen, sondern unmittelbar Kurs zu nehmen auf Putsch
in Serbien und Sezession und Bürgerkrieg in Montenegro?
Für dieses Szenario versuchte Schröder, ergänzend diplomatische
Vorarbeit bei der Einbindung Rußlands zu leisten. Er ließ seinen
außenpolitischen Berater Michael Steiner in Okinawa als Spindoktor
auftreten, um dem Inhalt seines Gespräches mit Putin den richtigen
»spin«, d. h. »Dreh« zu geben. In den Nachrichtenagenturen kam das so
an: »Der jugoslawische Staatspräsident Slobodan Milosevic müsse
erkennen, daß der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin kein Mentor oder
Unterstützer mehr für ihn sei, sagte der außenpolitische Berater von
Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder«. (AP am 22. Juli) »Nach Angaben der
deutschen Regierung ist Rußlands Präsident Wladimir Putin bereit, mit
den anderen G-8-Staaten darauf hinzuwirken, daß die Lage in dem
Balkanland nicht unkontrollierbar wird.« (Reuters am 22. Juli). »Aus der
russischen Delegation gab es dazu keine Stellungnahme. Die Darstellung
Steiners wurde jedoch nicht dementiert.« (dpa vom 23. Juli). Für diese
halbe Komplizenschaft bekam Putin von Schröder ein paar schöne Worte:
Okinawa sei der »Gipfel der vollen Integration Rußlands«, ein vages
Versprechen: Er (Schröder) gehe »nicht unbedingt davon aus«, daß in
Zukunft vor dem G-8-Treffen noch ein formelles Treffen der alten G-7
notwendig sein werde (dpa vom 23. Juli) und ein kleines Almosen: Bis
2016 werden acht Milliarden Mark Rückzahlungen gestreckt. Die bereits
fallengelassene Moskauer Forderung nach einem Teilerlaß der 43
Milliarden Dollar (gut 84,7 Milliarden Mark) Altschulden der einstigen
Sowjetunion wurde von Putin in Okinawa gar nicht erst wieder
aufgegriffen, wie Sprecher der deutschen und japanischen Regierungen
bestätigten. Moskau ist nach Angaben aus deutschen Regierungskreisen
derzeit mit rund 170 Milliarden Dollar im Ausland verschuldet. Davon
entfallen 57 Milliarden auf die staatlichen Gläubiger, davon wiederum
27,5 Milliarden auf Deutschland.
Die deutsche Sonderrolle in Okinawa beruht auf zwei spezifisch
völkischen Prämissen deutscher Balkanpolitik, auf der bedingungslosen
Fixierung Serbiens und jeglicher »jugoslawischer Kombinationen« als
gegen die Interessen Deutschlands gerichtet und auf der Stützung
DM-höriger antiserbischer, antijugoslawischer Vasallenregime. Als
Kronzeugen dieser Linie ließ die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung am
Vorabend von Okinawa den kroatischen Präsidenten Mesic zu Wort kommen.
»Der Westen irre gewaltig, sagte der kroatische Präsident Mesic, wenn er
vom Fall Milosevics und einem politischen Wechsel in Serbien alles
erwarte. Das Problem sei eben nicht nur Milosevic, sondern die ganze Art
des politischen Denkens, die sich in den letzten fünfzehn Jahren bei den
Serben entwickelt habe und das noch bei den Wahlen von 1997, selbst wenn
man mögliche Wahlmanipulationen berücksichtige, als Mehrheitsmeinung
manifest geworden sei.« Dagegen empfiehlt sich Kroatien als
deutsch-europäischer Hauptvasall mit Einfluß in Montenegro und Albanien:
»Die neue Führung in Kroatien stellt dem >Serbozentrismus< der
westlichen Balkan- und Jugoslawienpolitik das Konzept einer wirksamen
Rolle Kroatiens als Vor- und Leitbild westlicher demokratischer Werte im
ganzen Balkan gegenüber. Kroatien, so Präsident Mesic, habe die
einseitige Stützung der bosnischen Kroaten aufgegeben und engagiere sich
in ganz Bosnien, aber sogar in Montenegro und Albanien. Das, so Mesic,
sei eine moderne europäische Rolle und habe nichts zu tun mit dem alten
Anspruch des >Antimurale Christianitatis< wie ihn Tudjman erhoben habe.
Dafür aber brauche man keine neuen jugoslawischen Kombinationen.«
- E N D E -
--Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Informationsstelle Militarisierung IMI eV <imi@...>
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Datum: Freitag, 8. September 2000 07:31
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Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,
Leider hat die Staatsanwaltschaft Tübingen doch Berufung eingelegt gegen
den Freispruch von Tobias Pflüger wegen Aufrufs zur Fahnenflucht im
Zusammenhang mit dem Krieg gegen Jugoslawien.
In der e-mail findet sich heute:
1. Die Pressemitteilung von Tobias Pflüger und Rechtsanwalt Holger
Rothbauer zur Berufung der Staatsanwaltschaft
2. (Internet-)Pressespiegel des Fahnenflucht-Prozesses vor dem
3. Zwei Internetprojekte mit Texten, (Internet-)Radiobeiträgen und Links
zum "Kosovo-Krieg" / Krieg gegen Jugoslawien
4. Neue Seiten auf der neuen IMI-Internetseite
5. Bericht an die IMI-Mitglieder mit der Post versandt, Exemplare bei
Beitritt erhältlich
1. Pressemitteilung
Fahnenflucht-Freispruch für Tobias Pflüger leider doch nicht
Tobias Pflüger, Politikwissenschaftler und Geschäftsführer der
Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) e.V., war am 28. Juni 2000 vom
Vorwurf des strafbaren Aufrufs zur Fahnenflucht im Zusammenhang mit dem
Jugoslawienkrieg vom Amtsgericht Tübingen freigesprochen worden.
Hiergegen legte die Staatsanwaltschaft Tübingen nun Rechtsmittel ein,
ohne dieses bis zum heutigen Tag genau zu bezeichnen bzw. zu begründen.
Zum Freispruch sagte Tobias Pflüger damals: "In meiner Auffassung fühle
ich mich vollständig bestätigt, daß dieser Krieg völkerrechtswidrig und
grundgesetzwidrig war. Krieg darf kein Mittel der Politik sein. Jetzt
wird es Zeit, daß die Richtigen vor Gericht kommen."
Die Staatsanwaltschaft Tübingen hatte jetzt die Chance diesen Freispruch
rechtskräftig werden zu lassen. Der Angeklagte Tobias Pflüger und sein
Anwalt Holger Rothbauer hofften bis zum Schluß mit einiger Berechtigung,
daß die Staatsanwaltschaft den Mut gehabt hätte, nach Zustellung des
schriftlichen Urteils das pro forma eingelegte Rechtsmittel
zurückzunehmen und das Urteil rechtskräftig werden zu lassen.
Damit wäre für alle Prozesse die in der Bundesrepublik wegen des
NATO-Angriffskrieges gegen Kriegsgegner/inn/en angestrengt wurden, ein
Zeichen gesetzt worden. Der damaligen Antikriegsbewegung wäre dann auch
endlich juristisch Recht gegeben worden. Vielleicht wäre dann auch die
bundesweit laufende Repression gegen Kriegsgegner/innen endlich gestoppt
Leider ist es nicht dazu gekommen. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hatte gegen
das mündliche Urteil von Amtsrichter Eberhard Hirn Rechtsmittel
eingelegt und dieses Rechtsmittel überraschenderweise nie näher
bezeichnet oder begründet. So wird es nun zu einem Berufungs-Prozeß vor
dem Landgericht Tübingen kommen.
Tobias Pflüger zur Berufung der Staatsanwaltschaft: "Schade eigentlich.
Jetzt geht der Streß wieder von vorne los. Aber wenn die
Staatsanwaltschaft einen neuen Prozeß haben will, werden wir
(Angeklagter, Anwalt und Unterstützende) uns auf diesen Prozeß wie auf
den vor dem Amtsgericht vorbereiten und wieder begründen, warum es in
dieser Situation erlaubt sein mußte, Soldaten aller Kriegsparteien dazu
aufzurufen, die Waffen niederzulegen."
"Die Rechtsauffassung der Staatsanwaltschaft wird von Tag zu Tag
unhaltbarer, da immer mehr Informationen über den NATO-Krieg Stück für
Stück herauskommen. Die Mär von 'Luftschlägen zur Verhinderung einer
humanitären Katastrophe' glaubt ohnehin niemand mehr, der/die sich
seriös mit dem Thema auseinandersetzt."
"Wenn die Staatsanwaltschaft ihren Prozeß unbedingt will, soll sie ihn
haben, wir sind gewappnet. Beim NATO-Krieg gegen Jugoslawien ging es nie
um Menschenrechte oder Hilfe für Flüchtlinge. Es ging darum,
militärische Macht zu demonstrieren, die neue NATO-Strategie zu testen
und für Deutschland um den Aufstieg zu den NATO-Kernstaaten."
Rechtsanwalt Holger Rothbauer meint zur jetzigen Verfahrenssituation:
"Es ist wenig nachvollziehbar, warum man angesichts der von Richter Hirn
gewählten Urteilsbegründung, die die abschließende Beurteilung der
Völkerrechtswidrigkeit ausdrücklich offen ließ, nicht die Angelegenheit
abgeschlossen hat und trotz eindeutig aufgeklärtem Sachverhalt nochmals
eine Tatsacheninstanz mit der Berufung bemüht."
Pflüger weiter: "Mich erreichte die Nachricht von der Berufung auf einer
Vortragsreise in Linz/Österreich." Ebenfalls in Linz auf dem Podium saß
Heinz Loquai, Bundeswehr-Brigadegeneral a.D. und deutscher
Militärberater der für den Balkan zuständigen OSZE-Mission in Wien in
der entscheidenen Phase vor dem Krieg - er deckte u.a. die Unwahrheiten
im Zusammenhang mit dem sogenannten "Hufeisenplan" auf.
Loquai erklärte sich spontan bereit, als Sachverständiger für Tobias
Pflüger vor dem Tübinger Landgericht auszusagen. Ähnliche Zusagen gibt
es z.B. auch von Admiral a.D. Elmar Schmähling und
Bundesverfassungsrichter a.D. Helmut Simon. Eine ganze Reihe
befreundeter Völkerrechtler und Friedensforscher sind sicher ebenfalls
dazu bereit.
Weitere Informationen zum Gerichtsverfahren (u.a. der inkriminierte
Aufruf und viele Presseberichte von der Amtsgerichts-Verhandlung )
finden sich unter und
Für Rückfragen sind erreichbar: :
- Tobias Pflüger ist unter 07071-793155 (Telefon und Fax) [Handy:
- Rechtsanwalt Holger Rothbauer unter Telefon 07071-31083
- Unterstützende unter 07071-49154 (Informationsstelle Militarisierung
(IMI) e.V.)
2. (Internet-)Pressespiegel des Fahnenflucht-Prozesses
Alle verfügbaren Artikel über den Fahnenflucht-Prozeß finden sich in
einem (Internet-)Pressespiegel unter:
3. Zwei Internetprojekte mit Texten, (Internet-)Radiobeiträgen und Links
zum "Kosovo-Krieg" / Krieg gegen Jugoslawien
Die Friedenswerkstatt Linz, österreichischer Kooperationspartner der
Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) e.V. hat in Zusammenarbeit mit
dem Radiosender Fro ein Internetprojekt mit vielen Texten zum
Jugoslawienkrieg zusammengestellt.
Außerdem hat der Radiosender Fro alle Beiträge und Interviews des "free
speech camps" vom Dienstag 05.09.2000 zum Thema "Medien und Krieg" im
Rahmen des Ars Elecronica Festivals 2000 in Linz ins Netz gestellt.
Das Ganze findet sich unter:
A. Sammlung von Texten zum Krieg gegen Jugoslawien
B. Free Speech Camp "Medien und Krieg"
4. Neue Seiten auf der neuen IMI-Internetseite
Auf der neuen IMI-Homepage unter kommen immer
mehr neue Seiten dazu. Anregungen dazu bitte an
mailto:mail@... Im Netz ist auch die umfangreiche Linkliste
unter Anregungen dazu bitte an
mailto:links@... Vielen Dank für die bisherigen weitgehend
positiven Rückmeldungen zur neuen IMI-Internetpräsenz.
5. Bericht an die IMI-Mitglieder mit der Post versandt, Exemplare bei
Beitritt erhältlich
Die Mitglieder des Vereins Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) e.V.
haben jetzt den "Bericht an die Mitglieder" mit der Post zugesandt
bekommen. (Falls ein IMI-Mitglied keinen Bericht bekommen haben sollte -
z.B. wegen Adressänderung o.ä. - bitte im IMI-Büro melden). Es ist der
offizielle Geschäftsbericht von IMI für die letzten drei Jahre. Den
19-seitigen Bericht haben Andreas Seifert und Claudia Haydt erstellt.
Wer dem Verein IMI e.V. jetzt spontan beitritt, bekommt den Bericht und
ein Papier zur neuen NATO-Strategie und wer will (Beitritt für
mindestens ein halbes Jahr), als besonderes Präsent das Buch von
Winfried Wolf: "Bombengeschäfte" zugesandt.
Mitgliedsbeiträge sind im übrigen: "Normal"-Mitglied (ab 5,- DM pro
Monat), Unterstützendes Mitglied (ab 10,- DM pro Monat), Fördermitglied
(ab 30,- DM pro Monat). Gruppen wird der Fördermitgliedsbeitrag
empfohlen. Ein Mitgliedsformular findet sich unter:
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>Liebe Leute,
>das völkerrechtliche Verbrechen des Angriffskrieges gegen Jugoslawien,
>von internationalen Tribunalen aufgrund einer massiven Beweislage
>verurteilt, von der angeblich unabhängigen Justiz unseres Landes
>ungesühnt, findet seine Fortsetzung im Kosovo unter
>UNMIK/Kafor-Besatzung. Erneut fordert daher die Weltunion der Freidenker
>in dem hier dokumentierten Schreiben vom 30.8.2000 an die Vereinten
>Der Text beschreibt in aller Kürze anhand der wichtigsten Fakten das
>völkermörderische Treiben der albanischen rassistischen Terroristen und
>ihrer Schirmherren in den Reihen von UNMIK und K-FOR.
>Die Freidenker fordern:
>- sichere Lebensbedingungen und gleiche Rechte für alle Menschen im
>- die Wiederherstellung der Souveränität der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien
>und der Republik Serbien im Kosovo
>- ein unmißverständliches Signal, dass der rassistische Terror von den
>Vereinten Nationen nicht länger geduldet wird
>- die Absetzung von UNMIK-Chef Bernard Kouchner, der als Förderer und
>Beschützer von Terroristen hierfür in vollem Umfang strafrechtlich zur
>Verantwortung gezogen werden muss.
>Der Text kann in formatierter Form zur Verteilung als Flugblatt beim
>Freidenkerverband oder bei mir per Email bestellt werden.
>Mit internationalistischen Grüßen
>Klaus v. Raussendorff
>Anti-Imperialistische Korrespondenz (AIK)
>Redaktion: Klaus von Raussendorff
>Postfach 210172, 53156 Bonn
>Tel.&Fax: 0228 34.68.50
>Email: raussendorff@...
>Anti-Imperialistische Online-Korrespondenz
>Webmaster: Dieter Vogel
>Email: aik-web@...
>Wer die AIK nicht empfangen möchte,
>schicke bitte eine Mail mit dem Betreff
>"unsubscribe" an raussendorff@...
>Union Mondiale des Libres Penseurs
>World Union of Freethinkers
>Weltunion der Freidenker
>Siège-Seat-Sitz Paris
>Le Président - President - Präsident
>Klaus Hartmann
>Starkenburgring 4
>D-63069 Offenbach am Main
>T/F: (0) 69-835850
>e-mail: vorstand@...
>Vereinte Nationen
>Mitglieder des Sicherheitsrates
>Mitglieder der Vollversammlung
>Fax: 001-212-9634879
> 30.
>August 2000
>Sehr geehrter Herr Generalsekretär!
>Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!
>Wiederholt haben wir uns in den vergangenen Monaten an Sie und andere
>internationale Organisationen wie die OSCE gewandt mit der Bitte, die
>katastrophale Entwicklung in der unter UN-Verwaltung stehenden
>südserbischen Provinz Kosovo und Metohija zu stoppen und im Sinne der
>UN-Resolution 1244 tätig zu werden.
> Wir gingen davon aus, dass diese Resolution geeignet sei, den
>rechtlosen Zustand zu beenden, den die völkerrechtswidrige Aggression
>der NATO geschaffen hatte, und die Vereinten Nationen wieder in ihr
>Recht setzt. Die bisherigen Ereignisse sprechen eine andere Sprache.
> Unter Aufsicht und mit Duldung der Kfor-Truppen wurden seit Juni
>vergangenen Jahres über 350.000 Menschen aus Kosovo und Metohija
>vertrieben und kein Verantwortlicher der Internationalen Gemeinschaft
>spricht offen von ethnischer Säuberung und von Völkermord, keiner klagt
>diese Verbrechen an, von entschlossenen Maßnahmen zur Unterbindung des
>barbarischen Treibens ganz zu schweigen.
> Seit Juni vergangenen Jahres wurden über 1.000 Menschen Opfer
>albanischer rassistischer Terroristen, rund tausend weitere wurden
>gekidnapt. Die nackte Existenz nicht nur der Serben, sondern aller
>Angehörigen nicht-albanischer Nationalität ist bedroht und akut
>gefährdet, auch die Existenz von Kosovo-Albanern katholischen Glaubens
>und jener, die loyal zur Verfassung stehen und sich am ethnischen Terror
>nicht beteiligen.
> Statt entschlossen gegen den Terror vorzugehen, lassen UNMIK und Kfor
>sogar bereits gefasste Mörder wieder laufen, gefällt sich UNMIK-Chef
>Kouchner als Pate der Waffenhändler und Terroristen des Thaci-Stammes.
>Ein Zynismus besonderer Art ist die Demilitarisierung" genannte
>Umkostümierung der UCK und ihre Umbenennung in Kosovo-Schutz-Korps",
>dessen Leitung weiterhin in den blutigen Händen des Kriegsverbrechers
>Agim Ceku liegt.
> Anstatt entschieden Raub und Plünderung des Eigentums von
>Nicht-Albanern zu unterbinden, setzt sich Kouchner an die Spitze des
>Raubzugs durch die Besetzung der Trepca-Minen, getreu dem Drehbuch der
>International Crisis Groupe des Multimillardärs Soros, und nicht zuletzt
>getreu dem Vorbild Adolf Hitlers bei dessen seinerzeitigen Versuch der
>Schaffung Groß-Albaniens.
> Entgegen der Lippenbekenntnisse vom multiethnischen Kosovo" geben
>UNMIK und Kfor mit der Schließung serbischer Sendeanstalten das Signal,
>ihr Werk der "etnischen Säuberung" zu vollenden. Die unmittelbare
>Bedrohung des Rechts auf Leben für alle nicht-albanischen
>Bevölkerungsgruppen hat bereits mehrere humanitäre Organisationen wie
>die Ärzte ohne Grenzen" ihren Rückzug aus den Siedlungsgebieten der
>verbliebenen nationalen Minderheiten verkündet, um nicht mitschuldig am
>Völkermord zu werden. Damit wird implizit gesagt, dass sie UNMIK und
>Kfor als Schuldige eines Völkermords ansehen!
>In dieser Situation des brutalen ethnischen Terrors und gleichsam als
>Belohnung der Terroristen hat UNMIK-Chef Kouchner Wahlen" in der
>Provinz für Oktober anberaumt. Wegen akuter Lebensgefahr müssen die
>Angehörigen nationaler Minderheiten auf die Wahlteilnahme verzichten",
>was aber ganz im Sinne von Kouchner und seiner Freunde um so
>zuverlässiger zur scheinbaren Legalisierung der Terroristen-Herrschaft
>führen soll.
>Alle friedliebenden Menschen, insbesondere alle Verantwortlichen der
>Staatengemeinschaft sind aufgerufen, diesem infamen und niederträchtigen
>Treiben, diesem verbrecherischen Wahnsinn ein Ende zu setzen. Wir
>fordern den wirksamen Schutz der Serben und Montenegriner, der Türken
>und Ägypter, der Kroaten und bosnischen Muslime, der Sinti und Roma
>sowie aller nicht-albanischer Bevölkerungsgruppen vor dem rassistischen
>Terror. Wir fordern nicht zuletzt den Schutz aller demokratischen
>Kosovo-Albaner vor Vertreibung und Vernichtung.
> Wir fordern sichere Lebensbedingungen, die Gewährleistung der
>Menschenrechte und gleiche Rechte für alle Menschen. Nichts anderes kann
>der Sinn und Zweck einer UN-Verwaltung sein, keinesfalls jedoch die
>Verwirklichung jener Kriegsziele, deren Erfüllung der NATO während ihrer
>bewaffneten Aggression verwehrt geblieben ist.
> Zu diesem Zweck muss die UN-Resolution 1244 nach Geist und Buchstaben,
>auf Punkt und Komma exakt erfüllt werden. Die Souveränität der
>Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien und der Republik Serbien ist auch in der
>Provinz Kosovo und Metohija wiederherzustellen.
> Es bedarf sofort eines unüberhörbaren und unmissverständlichen Signals,
>dass der rassistische Terror nicht länger von den Vereinten Nationen
>geduldet wird. Je länger dieses Signal ausbleibt, desto mehr Menschen
>werden dies mit dem Leben bezahlen müssen.
>Die erste und unverzichtbare Bedingung für eine Entwicklung im Sinne der
>UN-Resolution 1244 ist die sofortige Abberufung von Bernard Kouchner als
>Leiter der UN-Übergangsverwaltung. Er hat sich nicht etwa als unfähig
>zur Umsetzung der UN-Beschlüsse erwiesen, sondern als unwillig, indem er
>als Förderer und Beschützer von Terroristen agiert. Herr Kouchner muss
>hierfür in vollem Umfang strafrechtlich zur Verantwortung gezogen
>Mit vorzüglicher Hochachtung
>Klaus Hartmann
>Präsident der Weltunion der Freidenker
>Liebe Leute,
>zum Antikriegstag 2000 soeben erschienen:
> Arno Neuber
>ISW-Report Nr. 44, herausgegeben vom institut für sozial-ökologische
>wirtschaftsforschung münchen e.V. in Zusammenarbeit mit der
>Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) e.V., 32 Seiten, DM 5,- plus
>zu bestellen bei:
>isw institut für sozial-ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung e.V.
>Johann-von-Werth-Str. 3, 80639 München
>fon: 089 / 130041, fax: 089 / 1689415, Email: isw_muenchen@...
>Von Arno Neuber ist auch der in der Anlage dokumentierte Artikel
>Mit internationalistischen Grüssen
>Klau<br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)
Im Frühling 1999 war Brüssel, als Sitz des NATO-Hauptquartiers, Zentrum
der militärischen Planung und Ausführung der Bombenangriffe auf
Jugoslawien durch die Mitgliedstaaten dieser Organisation, geschehen im
Namen des humanitären Völkerrechts. Als aktive oder ehemalige Lehrkräfte
auf dem Gebiet der Rechtswissenschaften glauben wir, dass der 1.
eines derart gravierenden Vorfalls nicht unerwähnt verstreichen sollte.
Gegenteil, jeder Bürger sollte vielmehr ernsthaft über die ganze
nach denken.
Der Krieg wurde entgegen den wichtigsten Prinzipien des internationalen
Rechts geplant, entschieden und ausgeführt.
Der Einsatz der NATO folgte auf das Scheitern der
Rambouillet-Verhandlungen. Dabei hatten diese Verhandlungen bereits
Fortschritte im Hinblick auf politische Fragen im Zusammenhang mit dem
Konflikt erzielt, bevor in letzter Minute auf den Tisch geb rachte
Verhandlungspunkte, die offensichtlich für die serbische Seite
waren, in eine Sackgasse und demgemäss zum Krieg führten.
Das Auslösen dieses Konflikts war zweifelsohne eine Verletzung der
der Vereinten Nationen, die den Rückgriff auf Gewalt nur ausnahmsweise
Fall der Selbstverteidigung oder bei Genehmigung durch den
Weltsicherheitsrat vorsieht. Im vorliegenden Fal l waren diese
Voraussetzungen nicht gegeben.
Außerdem steht die Art und Weise, in der die Bombenangriffe ausgeführt
wurden, im Gegensatz zu den Bestimmungen des internationalen Rechts, die
den Verlauf der Feindseligkeiten regeln. Im Allgemeinen ist die
systematische Zerstörung der wirtschaftlichen I nfrastruktur und der
Kommunikationsmittel, absichtlich dazu bestimmt, die Bevölkerung zu
entmutigen und deren Aufstand anzuzetteln, nicht mit den humanitären
Grundsätzen zu vereinbaren, auf die man sich berufen hatte, um diese
Maßnahmen zu rechtfertigen.
Allerdings möchten wir auf unmissverständliche Weise betonen, dass
uneingeschränkte Verurteilung der militärischen Aktionen seitens der
in keiner Weise eine Unterstützung oder Nachsicht gegenüber der
politischen Führung in Belgrad und des von ihr gewählten Weges zur
der ethnischen Fragen bedeutet. Zugleich ist unsere immer noch aktuelle
Missbilligung der ohne jede rechtliche Grundlage fortdauernden
Bombardierung Iraks und des gegenüber diesem Land verhängten Embargos,
keinesfalls als Zu stimmung gegenüber dem Regime in Bagdad zu deuten.
Die Kriegsstrategie, die zur Verwüstung Jugoslawiens führte und die
Lebensfähigkeit des Kosovos zunichte machte, hat mehr Flüchtlinge und
Opfer als jede andere konzertierte Aktion in Form politischen Drucks und
diplomatischer Schritte erzeugt. Sie ist zu verurteilen, und zwar sowohl
in politischer als auch in moralischer Hinsicht. Sie wurde außerdem
begleitet durch eine Medienkampagne, die darauf zielte, die laufende
Aggression systematisch zu rechtfertigen.
Die nach dem Ende der Bombenangriffe getroffenen Regelungen neigen dazu,
die internationale Hilfe vom Ausgang der Wahlen in Jugoslawien und
hinaus von der politischen Gesinnung derjenigen, welche die Hilfe
erhalten, abhängig zu machen. Dies ist je doch kein probates Mittel zur
politischen Einmischung in die internen Angelegenheiten eines souveränen
Staates. Seinerseits ist der Kosovo unter der, nach der Nato-Aggression
eingesetzten Verwaltung, eine quasi mono-ethnische Region geworden, in
nicht -albanische Minderheiten - ob nun Serben, Sinti, Slawen, Muslime,
Juden, Türken oder Kroaten - vor den Attentaten fliehen oder in
Flüchtlingslagern Schutz suchen mussten.
Wir möchten ebenfalls die Tatsache unterstreichen, dass dem in
geführten Krieg eine globale Bedeutung zukommt, die sich nicht auf
Land begrenzen lässt. Die Intervention der NATO im Kosovo, unter der
Führung der Vereinigten Staaten von A merika, reiht sich in eine ganze
Serie von Entscheidungen dieser nunmehr allein verbliebenen Supermacht
ein. Der Gigantismus des US-Verteidigungsetats, die Entscheidung der
Aufrechterhaltung der NATO trotz der Auflösung des Warschauer Paktes und
des Endes
der UDSSR einerseits, und die ihrer Ausweitung auf Osteuropa
andererseits, die Weigerung, den Vertrag zum nuklearen Teststopp zu
ratifizieren, die Entwicklung von Raketenabwehrsystemen und die
Offenbarung hinsichtlich des Vorhandenseins eines w eltweiten Systems
Abhören der privaten und offiziellen Kommunikationen, dies alles sind
markantesten Aspekte einer neuen, von Washington praktizierten Form der
Machtausübung, deren alleinige Legitimität darin bestehen soll, immer
Vergeltungswaffen zu besitzen und zu benutzen.
Deshalb rufen wir all diejenigen auf, die diese Befürchtungen teilen und
die es ablehnen, Bomben als Alternative zum internationalen Recht, zu
Verhandlungen, zum demokratischen Dialog hinnehmen zu wollen, diesen
Appell zu unterzeichnen und ihn, überall in
der Welt, als Instrument des moralischen Widerstands gegen die neue,
anbahnende "Weltordnung" zu verwenden.
Erste Unterzeichner:
Olivier CORTEN, Professor, Zentrum für Internationales Recht, Freie
Universität Brüssel (ULB); Eric DAVID, Professor der ULB; Barbara
DELCOURT, Mitglied des Instituts für europäische Studien, Professor der
ULB; François HOUTART, Prof. Emer. der Katholisch
en Universität Löwen (KUL); Pierre KLEIN, Professor der ULB; Paulette
PIERSON-MATHY, Professor der ULB; François RIGAUX, Prof. Emer. der UCL,
ehemaliger Dekan der Fakultät f. Rechtswissenschaften; Yves ROGISTER,
Forschungsbeauftragter, CADOP, Universität
Lüttich; Jean SALMON, Prof. Emer. der ULB; Eric SUY, Prof. Emer. der
KUL, ehemaliger Vize-Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen.
Die Beitrittserklärungen können an folgende Adressen gerichtet werden:
François Houtart, CETRI
5, Av. Sainte Gertrude
per E-Mail : action-kosovo@...
per Fax : 32 (0) 10-45083152
Spendenkonto: CETRI, Kontonummer 068-0602320-74, Stichwort: Brüsseler
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
Gregory Elich
Klaus von Raussendorff
* Pressemitteilung Fahnenflucht-Freispruch für Tobias Pflüger leider
doch nicht rechtskräftig
* AUFRUF: Kein neuer NATO-Krieg auf dem Balkan !
Und weitere Dokumentation
* Die Seite ueber Kosovo und Metochien
* Krieg nach den Wahlen?: Die NATO bereitet ihren zweiten Angriff auf
Jugoslawien vor. Von Gregory Elich
* Sammlungen von Texten zum Krieg gegen Jugoslawien
* Matthias Küntzel: Germany and Kosovo
How Germany's independent line paved the way to the Kosovo War
Contribution to the 2nd International Hearing of the European Tribunal
concerning Nato's war against Yugoslavia. Hamburg, April 16, 2000 (1)
In 1991, a delegation of the German Bundestag visited Kosovo for the
time in order to talk with Kosovo Albanian nationalist leaders. This
prompted - as early as 1991! - the warning by a senior member of the
Yugoslavian parliament that "the British and the Germans would create a
common intervention force with 70,000 soldiers in order to intervene in
Kosovo." (2) Indeed an early and accurate prophecy! So what about
Germany's role in preparing for the Kosovo war?
There were and there are strategic differences between German and the US
policies about how to retain or enhance hegemony. "As a wealthy status
power, the United States has an interest in maintaining international
order", wrote Joseph S. Nye, Jr, a former US deputy secretary of
"In a world where there are some two hundred states but many thousands
often overlapping entities that might eventually make a claim to
nationhood, blind promotion of self-determination would have highly
problematic consequences." (3) Berlin, however, in seeking to create
conditions for an ongoing expansion of German influnce (that means:
changing the international order) does not share this priority. As
Scholz, the former German secretary of defense, explained: "The aim of
maintaining "stability" in Europe seems to be a most dangerous one.
will not be any real stablity, which is able to maintain peace, if
individual nations are held prisoner in unwanted and unnatural
("unnatürliche") state organizations, which have been imposed upon
Since 1990, German foreign policy has "constantly persisted in activly
advocating a universal right of self-determination." (4)
This policy has a particular bearing on Kosovo. The hidden war about
Kosovo's future started in 1995 at the latest. In February 1995 in the
presence of Roman Herzog, Germany's President at that time, Germany and
Albania signed a common declaration of principle at Tirana. This
declaration is rarely mentioned in the literature but nevertheless
decisive because it promised to find a "solution to the Kosovo question"
by advocating the right of self-determination for Kosovo's Albanians.
Advocating self-determination for Kosovo's Albanians, however, meant
advocating their right to secede from Yugoslavia. This declaration was
so far a kind of advance notice to continue Germany's 1991 course
(recognition of Croatia) in order to further split up Yugoslavia
a racist (völkisch) concept of self-determination.
In the period following, the German goverment did everything it could to
spur on the separation of Albanians within Kosovo. Germany supported and
financed those nationalists who sought to pursue the goal of full
independence by creating alternative governing institutions as well as
independent Albanian educational and medical systems in Kosovo which
systematically separated the majority of the people in Kosovo from the
other peoples of Yugoslavia. In addition, German secret diplomacy was
instrumental in helping the "Kosovo Liberation Army" (KLA), as they call
themselves, since its creation in February 1996. The daily newspaper
European" stated that "German civil and military intelligence services
have been involved in training and equipping the rebels with the aim of
cementing German influence in the Balkan area." (6)
During those years, Germany unilaterally supported the secessionist
movements. In 1997 editor Johann Georg Reißmüller of the Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung (a German daily newspaper) wrote: "The US government
not at all happy with Germany's policy in Kosovo".
It was, however, exactly that year - 1997 - that the crisis in Kosovo
began to escalate. After the destruction of the Albanian army arsenals
KLA armed itself in order to start a large-scale nationalist rebellion.
This development and the following counter-attack by the Serbian police
moved Kosovo into the headlines and into the focal point of NATO's
considerations. How did Germany and the United States react?
"The Clinton administration is still uncertain about how to deal with
crisis", later wrote the weekly newspaper Die Zeit. A senior official
the German foreign office was sent to Washington to put pressure on the
deputy secretary of state, Strobe Talbott. "We urgently need U.S.
leadership now" claimed Germany's emissary. (7) This pattern: Germany
calls for the U.S. government - actually for a special wing of the U.S
government - to act against Yugoslavia were repeated between March 1998
and March 1999 over and over again. Let us now take a closer look at
pre-war diplomacy which paved the way to war.
The US government is responsible for most of the war crimes NATO
against Yugoslavia. But even in 1998, the Clinton administration - split
in several fractions on how to deal with Milosevic and the Kosovo
Albanians' nationalism - hesitated, reacting uncertainly on a
basis, oscillating between supporting the KLA and letting Milosevic have
free hand in smashing them. Germany on the other hand knew what to do
how to act. The grand design of Germany's Kosovo policy had been in
by March 1998. It was revealed by Germany's informal ambassador to the
Balkans, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, who on March 16, 1998 said: "We
should try to tell Milosevic the plain truth through pressure and even
military interventions that he can retain control over Kosovo as a part
Yugoslavia only if certain fundamentals are met. And if this is not the
case, the territory there will have to be transformed into a kind of
protectorate until those fundamentals are provided for." (8)
This idea of pushing the Kosovo's Albanians towards a military
confrontation with Milosevic in order to create a Kosovo protectorate
now on became the central point of Germany's Kosovo policy - either by
Kohl/Kinkel CDU government or the Schröder/Fischer SPD-Green coalition.
One condition was that international troops be stationed on Kosovo soil.
As early as March 1998 Germany accordingly put this matter on the agenda
at the London meeting of the international Contact Group on Yugoslavia.
The other condition was that Nato would have to enter Kosovo against the
will of the Yugoslav government. Accordingly, Germany sharpened its tone
towards Belgrad. Milosevic became the main target and remained so
his policy looked like.
But France, the UK, Italy and the dominating voices within the US
government still prefered to follow a less confrontational policy. In
1998, The European for example stated that "Washington realised that
pushing the Kosovars towards a military confrontation with Milosevic, as
the Germans wanted to do, would have a boomerang effect on the Balkans.
The United States put maximum pressure on Germany to stop supporting the
KLA behind the scenes, as did the other European countries such as
and France." (10) They termed the KLA activities "terrorist" and
indirectly a Serbian counteroffensive against the KLA during the summer
1998 and appealed to Milosevic and the moderate Albanian leader Rugova
begin talks. The KLA, however, succeeded in provoking the Serbian police
force and in escalating armed clashes time and again. The policy of
de-escalation turned out to be a permanent failure as long as there was
continuity in the supply of KLA weapons and KLA mercenaries across the
Albanian border.
It was therefore not at all surprising that in the summer of 1998 all
efforts of the United Nations and the majority of Nato countries
(including the US) concentrated in the goal of cutting off the arms and
soldiers supplies in favor of the KLA. The Albanian government headed by
Fatos Nano who had disassociated himself from the KLA supported this
Inside NATO the idea of sending 7000 soldiers to cut off the traffic in
weapons began to take shape.
During this crucial situation, however, Germany's covering up for the
became both public and evident: The German government vetoed the
cutting-off of the supply of weapons for the KLA! Klaus Kinkel, then
of the German foreign office said: "Of course you have to consider
you are permitted from a moral and ethnical point of view to prevent the
Kosovo-Albanians from buying weapons for their self-defense." (11)
Rühe, then head of the ministry of defense answered to this
with an unequivocal No: "You cannot resolve the Kosovo conflict by
troops to Albania to seal the border and thus be acting in favor of
Milosevic." (12) Rühe's message was quiete clear: everyone who tries to
seal the border in order to find a peaceful solution is taking sides
Milosevic. In order to disassociate yourself from Milosevic you have to
escalate the war between the Kosovo Albanians and the Serbs by
more and more weapons to the KLA!
This open German solidarity with the KLA has been as much an isolated
provocation as has the recognition of Tudjman's Croatia in 1991, 50
after the formation of the first Croatian state under the rule of the
fascist Ustashi regime.
Just like 1991 Germany again stood nearly alone against a huge majority
countries in Europe and the world. Just like 1991 Germany again
a movement with a background rooted in the Nazi past, because the KLA is
partly led by the sons and grandsons of extreme right-wing Albanian
fighters, the heirs of those who fought during World War II in the
militias and the "Skanderbeg Volunteer SS Division" raised by the Nazis.
(13) The "National Front of Albania" (Balli Kombetar) which collaborated
with Nazi leaders in 1943/44 today boasts about its influence within the
KLA which has a program that seems to be a modified version of the 1943
Nazi utopia.
Thus the program of "ethnic cleansing" which Germany exported into the
Balkans in 1941 remained alive within the movement of the Kosovo
nationalists during the 80s. "The nationalists have a two-point
wrote the New York Times in 1982: "First to establish what they call an
ethnically clean Albanian republic and then the merger with Albania to
form a greater Albania." (14) Whenever the KLA talks about "liberation"
"freeing" this has been up to now understood in the Nazi-sense of "free
something" i.e. "free of Jews" ("judenfrei"), "free of Gypsies" or "free
of Serbs". Noone could be really surprised when, beginning with June
the de facto rule of the KLA turned out to be a daily and a deadly trap
for thousands of non-Albanians, especially defenceless Serbs.
In the summer of 1998 Germany and the USA took not only opposite but
conflicting sides: While the USA - in the words of General Shelton, then
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - has had "concerns about the
techniques that are being used to put down, to squelch the uprising"
Germany on the other hand acted as the protective power for the KLA.
confrontation includes a strategic conflict within NATO: Is the Atlantic
Alliance supposed to help or to hinder the KLA? Should NATO as the KLA's
airforce contribute to the revision of state borders and the further
diminishing of Yugoslavia? Or is the alliance bound to clap down on such
type of militant secessionism?
It was Germany's insistence and the ignorance or thirst for adventure
within the leadership of the other NATO powers that brought the world's
biggest military alliance eventually in favor of the Albanian
nationalists. Germany has "given evidence of its prepareness to lead"
praised the influential Frankfurter Allgemeine. (16) Now Germany once
again took the lead in pressing for military intervention in Kosovo. The
New York Times reported: "German officials seem increasingly inchined
towards charting a military course to stop the violence in Kosovo." (17)
Indeed. "Mr. Kinkel threatens with a Nato intervention in Kosovo"
proclaimed the headlines of German papers on June 5, 1998. "The United
States, unlike Germany, rejects a snap decision about a military
intervention", wrote Frankfurter Allgemeine the following day. Volker
was the first government official in Europe who as early as June 15,
spoke in favor of a strike against Yugoslavia even without a UN Security
Council green light. This suggestion played havoc with not only the UN
Charter but also with the German constitution and the Treaty of Moscow
concerning German unification. This proposal was later taken up
by the USA. We have to conclude, therefore, that Germany is not only
guilty of committing the crimes which are connected with the US-led
bombing of Yugoslavia, but is responsible for ardently working towards
triggering this war. The German concept for Kosovo includes the
- to make a stand against the Yugoslav government
- unlimited support for the Kosovo Albanian nationalists who demand
independence and a lasting unification with Albania
- to demand for air-strikes against Yugoslavia in order to achieve a
protectorate for Kosovo which is supposed to be only an interim step
towards the independence of Kosovo.
Strategic differences between German and the US policies diminished
considerably in 1999 when the Clinton administration decided to go to
in favor of the ultra-secessionist KLA. They seem to gain, however, new
weight in the post-war debate about the final status of Kosovo. US
Secretary of State Madelaine Albright recently rejected the idea of
creating a greater Albania, whereas German policy seems to be pushing in
the opposite direction.
Karl Lamers, the influential CDU foreign affairs spokesman for the
opposition in the Bundestag said about the transformation of Kosovo into
NATO protectorate that this is "only the first step towards the
of Kosovo from Yugoslavia" and that an independent Kosovo will be "only
interim step to merging ("Anschluss") with Albania." (18) Recently,
mentioned with great satisfaction "that everything we are actually doing
in Kosovo, e. g. the creation of a new currency zone, is aimed at
an independent Kosovo...". (19) Even Germany's red/green coalition
government does not want to recognize Kosovo as being a province of
Yugoslavia. That is the reason why in his last major statement Joschka
Fischer - Germany's vice-chancellor and secretary of state - let the
question of "the future status of the Kosovo" open claiming that it
be impossible to resolve this now. In an interview with a French
newspaper, however, he made clear that he had no doubts about the
future status: "The international community is present in Kosovo and the
Balkans in order to show that - according to the example of resolving
'German question' in 1990 - the 'Albanian question' could be resolved
with the agreement of the neighbouring states." (20)
US government circles are quite aware of those ambitions of their rival,
Germany. Zbigniew Brzezinski called the Berlin republic a "geostrategic
main actor" and a "subversive big power inspired by an ambitious
Strobe Talbott, the deputy secretary of state, characterized Germany as
the seismic focal point of the current geopolitical earthquakes which
disrupting the Atlantic Alliance as well as the Balkans. He emphasized
that Germany is "the epicentre of thoses processes - enlargement and
expansion, extension and deepening." (21)
Within the context of the war against Yugoslavia the other great powers,
however, not only reacted to aggressive German moves but pursued their
special interests as well. The United States wanted to retain its
influence in Europe, to strengthen a worldwide role for NATO and to
Russias influence within the new world order. Great Britain und France
were eager to demonstrate their military superiority over Germany and
wanted to give a starting signal for the establishing of an independent
European intervention force (together with Germany) vis-a-vis the USA.
Each of these nations is a rival to the others and is trying to retain
achieve as much influence and power as possible. The war against
Yugoslavia has been the first, however, to be spurred on by Germany as
attempt to redesign current world order after the fall of the Berlin
It has put the irrational elements and the destructive roots of
capitalistic societies into a new light.
(1) This contribution is a short description of a broader study:
Küntzel, Der Weg in den Krieg. Deutschland, die Nato und das Kosovo,
Elefanten Press, Berlin 2000. The author´s e-mail address:
(2) This warning was published in the Yugoslavian journal Polityka; see
the minutes of the Bundestag meeting June 16, 1991, pp. 2560-1.
(3) Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Redefining the National Interest, Foreign
Vol.78 No.4, July/August 1999 pp. 22-35.
(4) See Rupert Scholz, Das Festhalten an ungewollten Staaten schafft
Stabilität, in: Die Welt, December 12, 1991; Rupert Scholz, Das
Selbstbestimmungsrecht und die deutsche Politik, in: Internationale
Politik 4/1995, S.51.
(5) "Deutschland und Albanien ... bekräftigen das Recht aller Völker,
und ohne Einmischung von außen ihr Schicksal zu bestimmen und ihre
politische, wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Entwicklung nach
eigenem Wunsch zu gestalten." This declaration is published in the
der Gegenwart, March 13, 1995, pp. 39819-20.
(6) Roger Fallgot, How Germany Backed KLA, in: The European, 21-27
September 1998. See for more details M. Küntzel, Der Weg in den Krieg
(6) Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Redefining the National Interest, Foreign
Vol.78 No.4, July/August 1999 pp. 22-35.
(7) See Die Zeit, May 12, 1999.
(8) Christian Schwarz-Schilling, March 16, 1999, Deutschlandradio,
in: Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung, Stichworte zur
Sicherheitspolitik, April 1998, p. 47.
(9) Russia, the USA, the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Germany are
members of this informal but influential group.
(10) Roger Fallgot, ibid.
(11) Interview with Klaus Kinkel, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, July 30,
(12) Mr. Rühe is quoted in the Frankfurter Allgemeine, June 9, 1998.
(13) See Chris Hedges, Kosovo's Next Masters? in: Foreign Affairs,
No.3, May/June 1999, pp.24-42. "Although never much of a fighting force,
the Skanderbeg Division took part in the shameful roundup and
of the province's few hundred Jews during the Holocaust. ... The
by KLA commanders to dress their police in black fatigues and order
fighters to salute with a cleched fist to the forehead has led many to
worry about these fascist antecedents." (ibid.)
(14) See Marvine Howe, Exodus of Serbians Stirs Province in Yugoslavia,
New York Times July 12, 1982.
(15) See New York Times, June 16, 1998.
(16) See Frankfurter Allgemeine, September 26, 1998.
(17) See New York Times, June 10, 1998.
(18) See the minutes of the Bundestag parliamentary session of April 15,
(19) See the minutes of the Bundestag parliamentary session of April 5,
(20) See Le Monde March 25, 2000, emphasis by the author.
(21) See Frankfurter Allgemeine, February 5, 1999.
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
Domenica 10 settembre 2000 il Presidente del Consiglio in carica Amato
parlando a Ravenna a titolo personale ha detto che il bombardamento
della NATO sulla RF di Jugoslavia ha rappresentato una "violenza etica".
Gli ha fatto eco il suo predecessore Massimo D'Alema, responsabile di
quella violenza etica nonche' di innumerevoli violazioni del diritto
nazionale ed internazionale nonche' di alcune decine di migliaia di casi
di cancro dovuti ai bombardamenti: secondo D'Alema i bombardamenti sono
stati di sicuro "spiacevoli", ma la questione etica sarebbe "complicata"
da affrontare (certo troppo complicata per i nostri piccoli cervelli).
> ROME, Sep 11 (Tanjug). Italian Prime Minister Giuliano Amato has
> described last year's (MarchJune) NATO bombing of Yugoslavia as ethical
> violence.
> Underlining that he was not speaking in his capacity as prime
> minister, Amato said at a reception given Sunday evening in Ravenna by the
> coalition UNITA, that he had felt deeply disturbed during the intervention
> in Serbia's KosovoMetohija province, as it is immoral to attack someone
> with planes and bombs without facing him on the ground.
> If war has ethics, we have violated it, Amato said to an
> applauding audience.
> Massimo d'Alema, who was Italy's prime minister at the time of
> the
> NATO aggression, said on the same occasion that bombing is undeniably
> unpleasant and that the war in KosovoMetohija was without any doubt a
> tragedy that must be considered also from an ethical viewpoint, but added
> that this was a complex issue.
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
"...Io penso che la comunita' internazionale sara' in grado di fare un
calcolo soltanto dopo, ma che la valutazione della scomparsa in Kosovo
di un numero di persone fra le 100 e le 200mila si avvicini alle
dimensioni della tragedia che e' stata compiuta... un esercito e gruppi
paramilitari che sono andati casa per casa a scacciare e terrorizzare la
popolazione, a derubare, a uccidere, a violentare"
Massimo D'Alema dinanzi alla Camera dei deputati il 19 maggio 1999
(dagli Atti ufficiali del Parlamento della Repubblica)
"Gli ufficiali della NATO hanno ammesso ieri sera che le loro stime sul
numero dei civili kosovaro-albanesi massacrati dalle forze serbe fatte
in tempo di guerra potrebbero essere state troppo alte... Non si puo'
dimostrare che tutti i cadaveri esumati [meno di tremila] siano stati
vittima di assassinio o esecuzioni..."
(The Guardian, 18/8/2000)
> Figures put on Serb killings too high
> Special report: Kosovo
> Jonathan Steele
> Friday August 18, 2000
> The Guardian
> Nato officials conceded last night that their wartime
> estimates of the number of Kosovo Albanian civilians
> massacred by Serb forces might have been too high.
> They were reacting to findings by forensic experts for
> the International Criminal Tribunal in the Hague who
> are preparing to complete their work in Kosovo after
> exhuming about 3,000 bodies.
> Not all of the dead can be proved to be victims of
> murder or execution...
Nota del CRJ: i bombardamenti della NATO hanno causato circa 2000
vittime civili sul momento; altrettante, tra morti ammazzati e "lupara
bianca", sono le vittime del terrorismo degli alleati della NATO (UCK)
dalla occupazione KFOR della provincia serba a tutt'oggi.
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
Sala circoscrizione 6 - Vicenza
(Villa Lattes, vai Thaon di Revel)
"Guerre ed embarghi"
dibattito con:
Fulvio Grimaldi
proiezione video: "Serbi da morire" - effetti della guerra con
al disastro ambientale. E' questo video un'ottima documentazione delle
conseguenze economiche, sociali, sanitarie ed ambientali dell'attacco
Organizzano: Punto Rosso / Collettivo "Spartakus" / Circolo del Cinema
"Farhenheit 451
Info: tel fax 044 542084
posta el. sparta@...
Contrà Ponton del Luzzo, 10 - 36100 Vicenza
I figli dei lavoratori della Zastava di Kragujevac iniziano, anche loro,
l'anno scolastico in questi giorni.
La Zastava e' una fabbrica jugoslava di automobili e di camion che
piu' di 30.000 dipendenti, oggi in prevalenza ferma perche' gli impianti
sono stati distrutti dai bombardamenti della Nato della primavera
La maggioranza dei loro genitori non lavora ed i lavoratori che non
percepiscono una indennita' di disoccupazione di 15.000 lire al mese. Lo
Stato non garantisce il materiale scolastico che va comperato se i soldi
famiglia ci sono.
Per questi motivi i lavoratori torinesi che hanno deciso di aiutare i
dei lavoratori della Zastava attraverso le adozioni a distanza:
lanciano un appello ai lavoratori torinesi per sostenere con una
Allo scopo di poter dare ad ogni ragazzo
La raccolta avverra' con i blocchetti di ricevuta
Sara' fatta da un rappresentante sindacale della azienda dove lavorate
Verra' data informazione della avvenuta consegna del materiale e
di ricevimento
Torino 11 settembre 2000, Via Pedrotti 5
Il Comitato Piemontese SOS Zastava
Per il giorno 22 settembre abbiamo organizzato (Assijug, Campo
antimperialista) una cena per la raccolta di fondi per la Jugoslavia.
La cena sarà l'occasione per illustrare ad una vasta (si spera) platea
l'iniziativa della carovana contro l'embargo, raccogliere le relative
adesioni e, eventualmente, elaborare proposte migliorative e nuove
Per chi é interessato l'appuntamento é presso:
La Casa del Popolo in località Casa del Diavolo PG. alle ore 20.30. Per
arrivarci chi viene dalla super strada E45 uscita Ponte Pattoli; per chi
proviene da Sud o dall'autostrada proseguire sulla E45 in direzione
Cesena e poi uscita Ponte Pattoli.
Per contattarci utilizzare i nostri e-mail oppure telefonare allo
0349-8642732 (Marcello)
PS. oltre da bere e mangiare ci sarà musica in abbondanza con musicisti
slavi dal vivo
Comunicato Stampa del Campo Antimperialista
Si e' svolta stamane a Perugia, alle ore 12,00, presso la sede regionale
di Voce Operaia, la
Conferenza stampa dei responsabili della Campo Antimperialista.
Alla presenza di giornali e TV e viste le infuocate polemiche in corso,
sono state spiegate le
ragioni dell'annullamento della annunciata ³Contro-marcia per la pace²
prevista per lo stesso
giorno di quella tradizionale, il 24 settembre.
All¹interno della Tavola della Pace (la coalizione pacifista che
organizza la Manifestazione
ufficiale) e' alla fine prevalsa la posizione dei pacifisti conseguenti
i quali hanno stigmatizzato
cio' che accadde l¹anno passato quando il Presidente del Consiglio
D¹Alema e il segretario del
principale partito di governo (Veltroni), ebbero la sfrontatezza di
capeggiare la Marcia mentre
avevano accettato di fare dell¹Italia la portaerei della NATO
nell'illegale e infame aggressione alla
Jugoslavia (il piu' gigantesco bombardamento dai tempi della seconda
guerra mondiale).
Dopo colloqui con gli organizzatori pacifisti della Marcia, l¹arco di
forze antagoniste che si
raccoglie nel Campo Antimperialista ha deciso dunque di confluire con
spirito fraterno e unitario in
quella tradizionale, che sara' dunque non solo contro le guerre e gli
eserciti, ma contro la NATO e
gli Embarghi in particolare.
Il 24 settembre dunque, pacifisti e antimperialisti sfileranno tutti
assieme contro il nemico comune,
contro l¹Impero dei ricchi di cui la NATO e' il braccio armato, e contro
l¹ingiustizia internazionale,
di cui Fondo Monetario e Banca mondiale sono gli organi supremi.
Non sara¹ dunque la ³marcia degli estremisti², ma una vera marcia per la
pace, in quanto
³estremisti² sono coloro che hanno le mani macchiate di sangue e che
continuano con l¹embargo a
strangolare i popoli dopo averli massacrati.
Domani stesso chiederemo un incontro a Padre G. Nicola, del Sacro
Convento di Assisi, per
chiedere se corrisponda a verità il fatto che i francescani, abbiano
deciso di disertare la
manifestazione, solo perché i seminatori di morte governativi sono
invitati a restarsene a casa,
pena una sonora conTESTAtazione
Tutti i cittadini, ci comitati in buona fede sono invitati a partecipare
alla Marcia unitaria affinché
abbia pieno successo.
Per adesioni: campo@...
Campo Antimperialista
Assisi 2000
11 settembre 2000
UNA STAGIONE di lotte e di impegno contro l'imperialismo!
Il Campo Antimperialista, assieme a tutti i movimenti antagonisti e
anticapitalisti, promuove una grande campagna
d'autunno di conTESTAzione internazionale
- per dire basta alle aggressioni e alle guerre imperiali contro i paesi
che difendono la loro legittima sovranità nazionale,
- per farla finita con la NATO e gli embarghi illegali che affamano i
popoli oppressi e i più deboli,
- per boicottare i vertici del Fondo monetario e della Banca Mondiale
che pianificano il genocidio dei poveri allo scopo di
tutelare l¹opulenza dei paesi più ricchi,
- contro il governo italiano che continua a spendere risorse ingenti per
armi offensive di distruzione e per mantenere,
violando la costituzione, corpi militari oltre frontiera,
- per la solidarietà con le lotte di tutti i popoli oppressi
dall¹imperialismo e dal colonialismo:
venerdì 23 settembre, ore 20
Concerto e festa di solidarietà con musicisti jugoslavi
casa del Popolo di Casa del Diavolo (PG)
Domenica 24 settembre
Marcia per la pace Perugia-Assisi
Martedì 26 settembre
Tutti a Praga per boicottare il vertice del F.M.I. e della banca
Sabato 14 ottobre
Manifestazioni in tutta Italia di solidarietà con la lotta del popolo di
Colombia contro il rischio di
aggressione U.S.A.
Sabato 21 ottobre
nell'anniversario del massacro nazista a Kragujevac
Manifestazioni a Roma e a Milano contro l'emarbo alla Jugoslavia
Primi di dicembre
Tutti a Nizza per boicottare il vertice dell¹Unione Europea
Fine dicembre
Partenza da Bari della Nave contro per violare l¹Embargo alla
Jugoslavia, con tonnellate di
prodotti, farmaceutici, ospedalieri ecc, che la NATO proibisce siano
consegnati a Belgrado
Jugoslawisch-Österreichischen Solidaritätsbewegung
' Sonntag, 24. Oktober 2000, 18 Uhr '
' 15., Meiselstraße 46/4 '
Liebe Freunde und Mitglieder der JÖSB!
Der Luftkrieg der NATO gegen Jugoslawien ist zwar (vorläufig) vorbei,
die Aggression gegen ein Land, das sich nicht der Neuen Weltordnung
unterzuordnen bereit war und ist, geht weiter: der Kosovo ist besetzt,
militärischen Drohungen bleibt aufrecht, die Versuche Montenegro
sind offensichtlich und vor allem das mörderische Wirtschaftsembargo
Die JÖSB, gegründet gegen die westliche Aggression und zur Unterstützung
jugoslawischen Volkes, hat also nach wie vor mehr als genug zu tun. Mehr
ein Jahr sind seit der Gründung verstrichen es ist nun Zeit Bilanz
unsere Aktivitäten, Erfolge und Misserfolge zu ziehen und die Aufgaben
das kommende Jahr festzulegen.
Wir laden alle unsere Mitglieder und Freunde, jene die uns unterstützt
und mit uns gegen den Strom des militärischen Humanitarismus zu
bereit sind, ein, an unserer ersten Generalversammlung teilzunehmen.
Vorläufige Tagesordnung:
(1) Bilanz des vergangenen Jahres
(2) Kampagne gegen das Embargo
(3) Internationaler Aktionstag 21. Oktober
(4) Weitere Aktivitäten
(5) Organisationsbericht
(6) Finanzbericht
(7) Wahl des neuen Vorstands
Mit Anti-NATO-Grüßen
Willi Langthaler
Obmann der JÖSB
Jugoslawisch-Österreichische Solidaritätsbewegung (JÖSB)
PF 217, A-1040 Wien, Österreich
Tel/Fax +43 1 924 31 61
Mobil +43 6991 924 31 61
Kto-Nr. 9282, RB Schwechat, BLZ 32823
Subject: Good deed
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 11:48:43 +0200
From: TFF Sweden <TFF@...>
To: TFF Special <TFF@...>
Dear friend
Your good deed today could be to sign the Appeal to restore the
Ministry's support for TFF at:
Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who have already taken action.
This is our last signature campaign message.
Peace is a comparative advantage. Next, PressInfo #99 will deal with
a series of new initiatives we will launch this autumn - to give you
a comparative advance.
Have a good day
Jan Oberg
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
Dopo la Russia, e' la RF di Jugoslavia il paese europeo con il piu'
basso prezzo del carburante: un altro "buon motivo" per aggredirli
entrambi, e per collocare le nostre truppe a presidiare i giacimenti del
Caucaso e del Mar Caspio, nonche' le zone di transito balcanico, dalla
fragile FYROM al docile Montenegro, attraverso il protettorato del
* Ricette socialiste per arginare la crisi energetica (A. Scargill)
* Il progetto AMBO (Corridoio 8) e la destabilizzazione della FYROM
(Albanian Daily News)
* Stelle e striscie sul Caspio (S. Finardi)
Sull'argomento si veda anche:
Alberto di Fazio: "Le connessioni fra la guerra dei Balcani e la crisi
energetica prossima ventura", dal libro "Imbrogli di guerra"
Una considerazione sul caro-petrolio
Subject: Socialist Labour Party Statement On Fuel Crisis
President: Frank Cave Vice-President: Linda Muir
General Secretary: Arthur Scargill
9 Victoria Road, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S70 2BB
Answerphone/Fax: 01226-770957 e-mail:
Press Release
The current fuel crisis will not vanish with the lifting of blockades.
crisis, particularly in respect of oil and petroleum was predicted by
Socialists like myself years ago. It is an inevitable consequence of
free market and capitalist system. The long-term, and only, solution is
public ownership and control and the introduction of an integrated
policy which should be implemented immediately, involving the following:
all North Sea oil and gas operations to be taken into public ownership;
all oil refineries and gas distributors to be taken into public
all road transport - passengers and freight - including lorries, buses,
trains and waterway transport to be taken into public ownership;
all the revenues generated from creating integrated energy and transport
systems must be utilised for the benefit of the British people:
restoring the income 'link' for pensioners;
an immediate investment of »13 billion into the NHS, at the same time
abolishing private health care;
an immediate investment of »5 billion to be made annually in education;
a housing programme which would build or refurbish one million homes per
year over the next five years.
These are policies which should have emerged as a call from the TUC at
Congress this week, with the General Council and trade unions
that the actions of the oil producers, refineries and hauliers have been
are directed towards maintaining or increasing the profits of producers,
refineries and distributors - not protecting the wages, conditions and
of energy and transport workers, or of consumers.
Arthur Scargill
General Secretary, Socialist Labour Party
Thursday, 14 September, 2000
> Pétrole : une crise qui va continuer
> La crise pétrolière actuelle ne s¹arrêtera pas avec la levée des barrages.
> Cette crise avait été prévue depuis de longues années par les Socialistes
> comme moi-même. Elle est une conséquence inéluctable de l¹économie de
> et du système capitaliste. La seule solution de long terme est la
> publique et l¹introduction sans délai d¹une politique énergétique intégrée
> qui comprendrait les points suivants :
> 1. toutes les activités pétrolières et gazières en Mer du Nord sont mises
> sous statut public ;
> 2. toutes les raffineries de pétrole et les sociétés de distribution de
> sont mises sous statut public ;
> 3. tous les transports ferroviaires et routiers, de passager et de fret, y
> compris les poids lourds, les cars, les trains et le transport fluvial
> mis sous statut public ;
> 4. les revenus engendrés par la création de systèmes énergétiques et de
> transport intégrés doivent être utilisés au profit de la population
> britannique :
> - restauration de la liaison des pensions au revenu moyen ;
> - un investissement immédiat de 13 milliards de £ dans le Service National
> de
> Santé (NHS), en même temps que l¹abolition du système de soins de santé
> privé ;
> - un investissement immédiat et annuel de 5 millions de £ dans
> l¹enseignement ;
> - un programme de logement visant à construire ou à rénover un million de
> logements par an au cours de cinq prochaines années.
> Voilà des revendications qui auraient dû émerger au congrès du TUC la
> semaine dernière. Le Conseil général et les syndicats auraient dû observer
> que les actions des producteurs pétroliers, raffineries et
> patrons-camionneurs sont orientées vers la défense et l¹augmentation des
> profits des producteurs et des distributeurs, et non vers la protection
> salaires, emplois et conditions de travail des travailleurs des secteurs
> l¹énergie et du transport ou des intérêts des consommateurs.
> Arthur Scargill
> Secrétaire général du
> Socialist Labour Party
July 1, 2000 - Albanian Daily News
AMBO Corporation to Start Fund Raising Within Days
SOFIA - The New York-registered Albanian, Macedonian and
Oil Corporation (AMBO Corporation), set up to construct a trans-Balkan
pipeline linking the Bulgarian Black Sea port of Bourgas with Albania's
Adriatic port of Vlora, will start raising funds as of the beginning of
July, the company's vice-president, Gligor Taskovic, has announced.
Leading oil companies such as Mobil, BP Amoco, Agip, Chevron
Texaco have already expressed interest in the project, said AMBO
Ted Ferguson, who went to Sofia at the end of May to meet government
representatives. In Ferguson's opinion the pipeline can be completed by
end of 2004 or in 2005.
The pipeline will be 900 kilometers long and have an annual
capacity of 35 million tons of oil. According to estimates, the facility
will cost about 1.130 billion dollars, 450 million dollars of which will
raised from company shares and 600 million dollars provided through bank
Talks have already been held with the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the International Financial
Corporation (IFC), the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)
EXIM, company sources said.
A Regional Development Ministry export council has considered
AMBO's preliminary survey in order to become acquainted with the basic
facts. The corporation assigned its execution to four consulting
- the major one of which is Brown & Root. The legal analysis was
by CS First Boston, while the political one, by Richard Armtrige.
At the time, regional development minister Evgeni Chachev said
first a choice must be made between this project and the alternative one
a pipeline linking Bourgas with the Greek port of Alexandropoulis. In
Minister Chachev's opinion both projects are important and it is up to
investors to decide which will start first.
Recently, the Bourgas-Alexandropoulis project seems to have
slightly forgotten. In 1998, Greece received more than two million euros
from the European Union for feasibility studies. Still, only the first
stage of the studies has been carried out while the second phase is
currently under preparation. At the same time, the USA has promised
to Baku-Ceyhan as an alternative to the route passing through Russia.
The truth is that the Caspian Oil Pipeline Consortium has not
the final choice as to which of the possible routes it would use to
transport oil to the European markets.
The agreement for Baku-Ceyhan is more of a political act and
companies feel nervous about it, being unaccustomed to such strong
pressure, experts commented. Analyses show that this pipeline will cost
about three billion dollars and would render oil supplies more
It is convenient for carrying the oil extracted in the Southern Caspian
(especially Azerbaijan) but would prove to be unprofitable for oil
from Kazakhstan. The overall oil deposits in the Caspian Sea are
at 200 billion barrels.
The construction of an oil pipeline from the Kazakh oil deposit
Tengiz to the Russian port of
Novorosiisk must be completed in 2002. Recently, Russian president
Vladimir Putin and his Kazakh
counterpart, Nursultan Nazarbayev, agreed on transporting Caspian oil
through Russia to Novorosiisk.
AMBO's biggest advantage is that 300,000-ton super tankers can enter
port, which would make
transport cheaper. The decision as to where the oil would be directed
after that is up to the oil companies. Moreover, Vlora is on the way for
tankers going to the oil ports of Trieste and Rijeka, while
is somewhat out of the way.
Another of the AMBO project's advantages is the support it
from the US administration, which has granted funds for the feasibility
studies. If the big oil companies confirm their interest in the project
this would be another big plus.
The idea is for AMBO to become a holding structure with the
participation of several big oil companies operating in the region of
Caspian Sea. The holding will register companies in the three countries
under local laws.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>Date: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 4:19 AM
>>Subject: [sn-vesti 8202] Macedonia being destabilised
>>NOTE: The Digest is available on-line at
>>Issue No. 97 16th - 29th June 2000
>>Greek politician says KLA trying to destabilise Macedonia
>>As killings, bombings and the abduction of children for prostitution
>>continue daily under the nose of Nato "peacekeepers" in Kosovo (for
>>daily reports, see <>, a
>>Greek member of the European Parliament, Yiannis Souladakis, has told
>>reporters that groups linked to the Kosovo Liberation Army are
>>involved in attempts to infiltrate and destabilize the Former
>>Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). Souladakis said the
>>infiltrators were "involved in drug-trafficking, illegal arms and
>>women trade, while lately...attempting to acquire a political
>>Moreover, the Greek newspaper Kathimerini reported last week that the
>>40-mile border between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and
>>Kosovo is riddled by smugglers who are tied to armed gangs fomenting
>>rebellion among Macedonia's ethnic Albanians. The newspaper said
>>ethnic Albanians from both sides crisscross the border with large
>>quantities of cigarettes, alcohol, guns and women whom they force
>>into prostitution.
>>Macedonian newspapers have also highlighted an alleged connection
>>between organized smuggling rings and the political leadership of the
>>ethnic Albanians of western Macedonia, centred in the city of Tetovo.
>>The repeated attacks on police targets in ethnic Albanian regions,
>>culminating in the shooting of two border guards at Blace earlier
>>this month, are attributed to the activities of Albanians who, beyond
>>smuggling, are forming the nucleus of an armed movement in Macedonia.
>>The reports say armed groups are forming under the leadership of
>>extremists from the KLA. No proof has been provided, according to the
>>press reports, but the rumours are fuelled by reports by the
>>Macedonian secret service and statements by government officials who
>>say such groups exist and are tied to the military-political
>>leadership of Kosovo.
>>Meanwhile, the Greek government has joined the US in denying a New
>>York Times report that said Greece was involved in efforts to
>>negotiate the resignation of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic
>>coupled to guarantees for his personal safety and that of his family.
>>A Greek government spokesman said a recent trip by former foreign
>>minister Karolos Papoulias to Belgrade was not related to the alleged
>>scenario outlined in the Times report. [CNS News, 21st June 2000]
>>Greek border guard killed by Albanians
>>A Greek border guard has been shot dead in an encounter with Albanian
>>drug dealers on the Greek-Albanian border. According to reports,
>>Ioannis Pamboukidis, 30, was killed when the Albanians used their
>>Kalashnikovs to open fire on the customs officers who were patrolling
>>a remote rural area. [La Repubblica, 28th June 2000]
>>Balkan pipeline project to start raising funds next month
>>The Albanian, Macedonian and Bulgarian Oil Corporation LLC (AMBO) of
>>Pound Ridge, New York, has announced that it will start raising funds
>>in early July for a $1.13bn pipeline to ship crude oil from the Black
>>and Caspian seas to the West. The underground pipeline, 913
>>kilometres long, is designed to carry 750,000 barrels a day, or 35m
>>metric tons per year, which will represent 40 percent of the crude
>>oil from newly-developed oilfields to enter the Black Sea in the next
>>five years, or 30 percent of the new oil over the next 10 years. It
>>will pass from Burgas, on the Black Sea coast, to Vlora on the
>>Adriatic coast of Albania, and will ship Russian, Azerbaijani, Kazakh
>>and Turkmenian oil from around the Black Sea to the markets of
>>Western Europe and North America. It will also bypass Turkey's
>>heavily travelled Bosphorus Straits. Big tankers with 300,000 tonnes
>>of crude can anchor at the port of Vlora, which makes the transit
>>journey to the United States economic, while the biggest tankers
>>passing the Bosphorus could carry 150,000 tonnes, AMBO officials
>>said. A holding structure with three separate companies in Bulgaria,
>>Macedonia and Albania will build the pipeline. The company's
>>executive vice-president has added that companies including Texaco,
>>Chevron, Exxon Mobil, BP Amoco, Agip, Total, Elf, Fina, were
>>interested in the pipeline that will become operational in 2005. The
>>trans-Balkan pipeline is also part of the Transport Corridor 8 plan.
>>Corridor 8 will include a highway, railway, oil pipeline and
>>fibre-optic telecommunications line as well as AMBO's oil pipeline.
>>[Albanian Daily News, June 16, 2000]
Albanian Daily News
Friday August 18, 2000
Trans-Balkan Oil Line Appears Feasible
The Albanian-Macedonian-Bulgarian Oil Pipeline Corp.
(AMBO), Pound Ridge, NY, and the governments of
Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania said last week that a
US-sponsored feasibility study of the proposed
Trans-Balkan Oil Pipeline project has been completed
and delivered to the contracting parties.
The report provides a commercially compelling
proposition to the major oil companies who are
developing their oil fields in the Caspian Sea who
have chosen the Black Sea export route to the
Mediterranean Sea, said Gligor Tashkovich, executive
vice-president of AMBO.
The large, recently-developed oil fields confirm the
requirement for multiple export routes out of the
Caspian region, said Tashkovich. We believe that the
Trans-Balkan Oil Pipeline will be one of the more
significant routes to be developed.
The $1 million study updated and enlarged the
projects original feasibility study of 1996.
AMBO is developing a $1.1 billion pipeline, which will
carry crude from the Bulgarian Black Sea port of
Burgas to the Albanian Adriatic Sea port of Vlora.
The pipeline has a projected throughput of 750,000 b/d
of oil. (Oil and Gas Journal)
Da "Il Manifesto" del 27-04-2000
Stelle e strisce sul Caspio
Per il controllo delle risorse energetiche del Caucaso e dell'Asia
centrale sono scese in
campo le grandi potenze. Gli Stati uniti faranno di tutto per vincere
Alla fine del marzo 2000, davanti alla platea del Council of Foreign
Relations (Cfr),
organismo che dentro un marasma di affiliazioni di diversa origine vede
rappresentato nei
suoi pi ristretti cerchi il cuore degli interessi imperiali degli Stati
Uniti e dei suoi "valori"
(in dollari ovviamente), il ministro Usa dell'Energia, Bill Richardson,
ha riaffermato un
giudizio gi pi volte espresso dalla leadership statunitense. L'Asia
centrale e la regione
caspico-caucasica sono di importanza strategica per gli Stati uniti, in
particolare per
l'approvigionamento energetico loro e dei loro alleati. Gli Stati
ha detto Richardson,
dovranno fare di tutto per assicurare che la regione avanzi verso
che siano adatte
a promuovere quella libert che "e' mancata per cos tanti anni". Un
obiettivo cos
importante per l'America da meritare l'opera incessante di due esperti,
consiglieri molto
speciali del presidente per le questioni caspico-energetiche, Richard
Morningstar e
John Wolf - infaticabili tessitori di accordi tra i paesi dell'area e
connessioni tra questi
ultimi e il pi ampio corso delle strategie Usa.
Un pi ampio corso che ben definito in un articolo di qualche tempo fa
("La politica
statunitense verso l'Asia centrale e il Caucaso meridionale") del
generale William E.
Odom, oggi al centro di studi sulla "sicurezza nazionale" dello Hudson
Institute di
Washington ed ex-direttore della National Security Agency: "In altre
parole, la
scomparsa della minaccia sovietica non ha reso obsoleto il sistema di
sicurezza guidato
dagli Stati uniti e creato per contenerla.
Al contrario rimane straordinariamente importante per altri obiettivi
non sono sempre
chiaramente valutati. L'idea diffusa che la fine della Guerra fredda
abbia rimosso il
bisogno di una leadership degli Stati uniti nelle tre aree strategiche
Giappone/Corea, Golfo Persico, ndr.] pericolosamente sbagliata. In
misura anzi
essa divenuta anche pi importante proprio per il collasso dell'Unione
Questo certamente vero nel Transcaucaso e nell'Asia Centrale".
Tanto vero che Adrian W. Burke, della Logistica del Corpo dei Marines -
collezionista di
incarichi operativi nei maggiori teatri di impegno Usa - ancora pi
preciso e chiaro nel
sommario conclusivo di un puntuale saggio ("Una strategia regionale
statunitense per il
Bacino caspico"), scritto per l'ultimo numero del 1999 della Strategic
Review, dello U.S.
Strategic Institute di Boston.
"Il presidente - scrive Burke - ha specificato gli indirizzi della
politica nazionale per la
regione del Caspio nel documento 'National Security Strategy' [del 30
ottobre 1998,
ribaditi nei due pi recenti documenti, ndr].L'insieme dei campi
energetici della regione
Asia centrale-Medio oriente contiene la pi grande concentrazione
di riserve
di idrocarburi e merita l'attenzione statunitense. Assicurare alle
compagnie statunitensi la
leadership nello sviluppo delle risorse della regione e azzerare
l'influenza russa ed
iraniana sull'esplorazione e sviluppo dei campi energetici, nonch sulle
direttrici delle
pipelines per l'esportazione costituisce la base di quella politica. Al
fine di mantenere la
sua influenza nel bacino del Caspio, gli Stati uniti devono coinvolgere
capi di stato
regionali, cooperare con i settori economici americani interessati,
promuovere la
cooperazione militare e rispondere alle sfide complesse poste dai
problemi dell' accesso
e della sicurezza energetica."
Sebbene il termine "azzerare" non compaia ovviamente nel documento
dell'ottobre 1998, Burke ha certamente buone ragioni nell'usarlo per
sintetizzare il senso
delle indicazioni presidenziali e per farne la base delle sette
"raccomandazioni" che
rivolge ai responsabili della politica Usa nell'area, ivi compresi i
comandi militari che
hanno in carico la supervisione della regione e la cooperazione con gli
apparati della
difesa dei paesi ex Urss.
Sintetizzate, le sette raccomandazioni recitano: 1) rapida definizione
della questione
relativa allo stato "legale" del Caspio; 2) pieno supporto alla
realizzazione della condotta
Baku (Azerbaigian)-Ceyan (Turchia sud-orientale) e di una condotta
transcaspica dal
grande campo petrolifero kazako di Tengiz (Caspio nordorientale) verso
cosa che avrebbe il pregio secondo Burke di mettere fuori gioco le
possibili vie
controllate da Iran e Russia; 3) "limitare la penetrazione economica
russa nella regione",
ma "permettere" alla Russia una "limitata" esplorazione petrolifera del
settentrionale [bont sua, dato che sarebbe anche territorio russo o se
dagestano, ceceno e calmucco], l'esportazione del petrolio kazako e la
cooperazione sul
tema dell'assetto legale del Caspio; 4) gli Stati Uniti "dovrebbero
incoraggiare la Turchia
a diventare un leader regionale (...). la Turchia il migliore alleato
degli Stati uniti e una
punta della difesa statunitense contro Russia ed Iran; 5) "l'influenza
iraniana e le sue
potenzialit devono essere tenute sotto controllo [] continuare a
tenere isolato l'Iran
potrebbe essere controproducente; 6) gli Stati uniti devono tollerare
presenza cinese
nella regione, presenza che sembra legata pi a preoccupazioni difensive
che a ritorni
economici; al tempo stesso, date le riserve petrolifere cinesi gi
provate, le compagnie
statunitensi hanno buone opportunit di assistere la Cina nel loro
sfruttamento e
contribuire a rinsaldare i legami tra i due paesi; 7) il Pakistan
dovrebbe essere "coltivato"
come strumento di contenimento dell'influenza regionale iraniana: "il
Pakistan la scelta
migliore come concorrente dell'Iran"; "Il Pakistan pu offrire una via
indiscutibilmente pi
diretta per il petrolio dal Caspio all'Oceano Indiano" che evita fra
l'altro "uno dei pi
sensibili punti di passaggio marittimo del mondo, lo Stretto di
Infine il territorio
del Pakistan " gi un possibile punto di passaggio per l'esportazione
gas kazako e
soprattutto uzbeko".
Le sette raccomandazioni strategiche di Burke si coniugano poi con
altre pi
squisitamente militari. In primo luogo, Burke nota che i paesi della
regione sono stati
raggruppati incongruamente e in modo differente dai vari ministeri
statunitensi interessati
(Dipartimento di stato, Difesa, Commercio, Energia), cos da creare
approcci e strategie
di contatto differenti. Ad esempio il Dipartimento di stato continua ad
avere un gruppo
unico (regione russa) per tutti i paesi dell'ex-Urss, mentre la Difesa
tra il 1998 e il 1999
- ha inserito Azerbaigian, Georgia, Armenia, Ucraina e Bielorussia
nell'area di
responsabilit Eucom (Comando europeo) e Turkmenistan, Kazakistan,
Tagikistan e Kirghizistan nell'area di responsabilit del Centcom
centrale) -
con gli ultimi due paesi immessi perch potenziali vie di transito per
condotte verso
Pakistan, India e Cina.
Una unificazione degli approcci, ma soprattuto una divisione dei paesi
della regione
secondo reali affinit (soprattutto di carattere culturale e
e secondo le scelte
di campo espresse (sostanzialmente filo-americane o meno), per Burke
che pu permettere di coordinare meglio la divisione del lavoro
nella regione.
L'enfasi sulle caratteristiche "linguistico-culturali" contiene in s gi
tutto un programma,
si tratti dell'area centro-asiatica o di quella balcanica.
In secondo luogo, Burke sostiene che gli Stati Uniti dovrebbero
come centro
focale della loro strategia militare nella regione un maggior
coinvolgimento nel
Centrasbat (Central Asian Combined Peacekeeping Battalion), considerato
il successo
delle manovre congiunte del 1997 con lo stesso Centrasbat (formato con
russi, kazaki, uzbeki e kirghisi).
In terzo luogo, gli Stati Uniti dovrebbero incoraggiare la Russia ad
assumere pi
responsabilit nel Centrasbat, ma non al punto di permetterle di
legami con i
leader militari della regione che passino sopra gli Stati Uniti (Burke
vuol forse dire che -
nonostante il proliferare di"consiglieri" come Brzezinski - i "leader
militari della regione"
non sono proprio tutti culo e camicia con i ragazzi della Cia e del
Pentagono e qualcuno
potrebbe aver conservato qualche agendina con i nomi dei vecchi
dell'Armata rossa e del ministero degli Interni sovietico, insieme ai
quali molti di loro si
sono formati e hanno fatto carriera).
Infine, dovrebbe essere promosso un nuovo battaglione simile al
Centrasbat, ma
focalizzato sul Caucaso (Caucbat), "con la leadership della Turchia e
l'inclusione di
Georgia, Armenia e Azerbaigian" e dovrebbero essere incoraggiate
combinate turco-americane, con partecipazioni bilaterali o
degli altri paesi
della regione", cosa che aumenterebbe l'interoperabilit e una maggior
"stabilit e
cooperazione" nella regione.
Sulla stessa rivista, un paio di numeri prima e all'indomani del
bombardamento Nato sulla
Yugoslavia, nel saggio "Il ruolo strategico dell'Europa nel Caucaso e
Mar Nero", il
comandante britannico Michael C. Evans (Royal Navy) scriveva: "Caucaso
Mar Nero
diventano determinanti principali nell'equazione strategica petrolifera
perch essi hanno
in mano la chiave della distribuzione di petrolio e gas fuori dal
del Caspio e verso
l'Europa. [...Comunque] anche senza il petrolio, la regione del Caucaso
Mar Nero
potenzialmente di enorme importanza.
E' la cerniera tra Est ed Ovest, tra Asia centrale ed Europa, e fa da
divisorio tra l'influenza
della Russia a nord e la potenza regionale emergente della Turchia e
dell'Iran a sud.
Mentre essa in qualche modo geograficamente lontana dal centro
dell'Europa, allo
stesso tempo troppo vicina al centro di gravit degli interessi europei
per essere
ignorata.Allo stesso tempo che i confini dell'Europa si espandono, con
l'Unione Europea
dal punto di vista economico e politico, con la Nato dal punto di vista
ugualmente si espande l'area che costituisce il suo pi immediato
Questo "immediato esterno" sfortunatamente giudicato tale anche dalla
Russia, dalla
Cina e dall'Iran. Dal 1992, ad esempio, una parte consistente degli
strateghi della
sicurezza nazionale russi si sono progressivamente orientati verso una
"post-imperiale", secondo la definizione del suo primo teorico, Sergie
Karaganov (gi
membro del Consiglio presidenziale di Yeltsin), in base alla quale
"l'obiettivo della Russia
deve essere un parziale reintegro dell'ex-Urss dentro un quadro pi o
Cos, in questi anni, i paesi della regione sono stati sollecitati a
sottoscrivere, o hanno
loro stesso promosso, i pi diversi e contrastanti accordi, sia di
politico-militare che di carattere economico. Se negli anni passati si
dire che gli
Stati Uniti abbiano raccolto i frutti di una forte pressione esercitata
su tali paesi, pi
recentemente vi sono stati segni che Russia, Cina ed Iran hanno
riguadagnato posizioni
nell'area. Chi gioca e chi giocato non molto facile, in realt, dirlo,
nonostante la gran
cassa che ogni potenza suona dopo ogni accordo.
Non si pu tuttavia prescindere, come vedremo, dai pesi relativi dei
paesi coinvolti
nella vicenda e dal fatto che per forgiare nuove bilance di potenza
regione sono le
vecchie strategie ad essere ancora le pi utili per le grandi potenze.
Scrive Ying-shih Yu in Commercio ed espansione nella Cina degli Han che
fu Ch'ao
Ts'o nel II sec. a.c. a creare per primo la strategia (accolta
dall'imperatore Wen) d'usare i
"barbari per attaccare i barbari". L'obiettivo? Proprio i "barbari
stati occidentali",
come gli Han chiamavano i popoli delle regioni della Cina occidentale e
Centrale non ancora entrati nella sfera della "pax sinensis".
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
BELGRADE, Sep 15 (Tanjug). Yugoslav Minister of Information Goran
Matic Friday opened a meeting of the Coordinating Bureau of the
News Agencies' Pool hosted by Yugoslav news agency Tanjug, which focuses
the need for reinforcing mutual ties, exchanging information and
correspondents, and overcoming barriers imposed by the large world
information systems.
Matic welcomed the participants on behalf of the Yugoslav
government. The following is the official translation of his address:
It gives me great pleasure to have the honer to greet, as
Minister of Information, this important gathering, in the framework of
great family of the Pool of News Agencies of the Nonaligned Countries,
behalf of the Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
My satisfaction is even greater because of the fact that this
special meeting of the members of the Coordination Bureau is devoted to
revitalization of the Pool of News Agencies of the NonAligned Countries
taking place in the Capital City of my country Yugoslavia, which was,
years ago, together with Egypt and India, the founder of the Movement of
the NonAligned, and, in 1961, the host of the First Summit Meeting of
Head of States and Governments of the NonAligned Countries.
Next year, as you know, will mark one quarter of a century of
existence of the Pool of the News Agencies of NonAligned Countries.
The World at the threshold of the new millennium
The modern world faces new, difficult ordeals, at the threshold
the Third Millennium.
Instead of diminishing, the differences between the rich and
countries and peoples are increasing.
The last decade of the XX century will be marked in the history
the decade of the efforts of one country to be the master of the entire
world, to establish the new world order. That is, in fact, the cruel,
ruthless, almost always naked, criminal endeavour of the economically
technologically most developed country of the world, to establish, under
the mask of globalization, a modern colonization of the enormous
of countries and peoples. Of all those who have natural, human and
Between the two millennia, the paradox of the new colonization
the world is even greater, because this century accomplished the closest
links between countries.
The subordination of the world to the moral, economic and
interests and principles of one country is accompanied by the hidden,
struggle against the culturalhistorical and spiritual national values of
ancient countries and peoples.
The globalization tries to destroy the enormous, real, treasury
the world its multicivilisational and multicultural values.
The economically developed Europe, blinded by the enormous
of instant information, by the consumers' mentality and dependent on the
increase of the capital of the multinational companies, has an
attitude towards the globalization of the world, and the present
governments of some Western European countries accept the role of
satellites in the modern colonization of the world, in order to satisfy
promote their personal interests.
In that way, those Western European governments struck the most
terrible blow to the civilisational achievements, to the tradition and
the treasuries of their countries and of their historical peoples which
created the modern world.
Similar tendencies are directed against the countries which
represent the cradle of the civilization, like Egypt, Iran, India and
The protagonists of the modern colonization use all possible
to achieve, as soon as possible, their global objective to rule the
from one single center. They threaten countries by diplomatic means,
impose sanctions, they maintain lowintensity conflicts, and when all
does not succeed they intervene with military power. As the
militarily and technologically strongest country of the world, they
the most important international political, financial, and trade
organizations. They do not respect the international legal system, the
United Nations and all others who hinder the achievement of their
objective to govern, from one place, the movements of commodities, of
people, of ideas and of capital, in order to enrich ruthlessly the small
economic and military elite of the world.
The basic instruments for the achievement of the dominant
globalization are the provoking of regional crisis and of internal
in countries all over the world, the lowintensity conflicts, the
security, violence, the fear of terrorism, the armed interference and
ruthless interference into the internal affairs of sovereign countries.
That is usually done under the excuse of the prevention of humanitarian
problems and catastrophes, and under the excuse of the alleged defense
human rights and liberties.
The policy of globalisation "floats" on the low intensity
conflicts, it provokes poverty, it favours the groups which support the
policy of violence and of modern colonialism and it is against those who
want to preserve the basic national and state interests and liberties.
Opposing that, the enormous majority of the countries, the
countries with the biggest population, want freedom and peace. They
advocate integration and globalisation on equal bases, not on bases of
Because of its original principles in the struggle against
colonialism, the Movement of the NonAligned found itself under the blows
the creators of the new world order.
The advocates of the forceful globalisation of the world do not
want talks between equals, they want to preserve the political,
technological and general economic domination over the poor and
In order to justify the military interventions all over the
the architects of the rule over the world resources try to win for
themselves the world public opinion and the voters in their countries by
financial and mediatic manipulation.
They establish special headquarters for information war and for
mediatic manipulation.
In order to achieve their goals, they use various methods and
biggest news agencies of the world, the global radio and TV stations,
daily newspapers, periodicals and professional magazines.
The concept of "information domination", according to which it
possible to rule over foreign countries by the control of information,
if necessary, combine information with military interventions, imposes
need to intensify the activities of the Pool of News Agencies of
It is interesting to note that a great number of scientists,
theoreticians and politicians in the NATO countries speaks about the
gradual disappearance of the war as we have known it in the past. They
talking about the new way of waging wars, with the emphasis on the
circuit of information and intelligence data about the strategic,
operational and tactical situations. That shows that the promoters of
global colonialism do not refrain from violence as a means to achieve
domination; they invest enormous means in the development of new
technologies for new forms of conquest and subordination.
Therefore, the key question is the question of the struggle for
truth and for the conscience about the society in which we live. In
information plays a very important, unavoidable role. The media in the
modern society have the possibility to discover truth, to influence the
reality, and, by destroying illusions and manipulation, to increase
knowledge and change people and societies.
If the basic assumption of a society is based on cheating and
instrumentalization of humans as beings, then such a society can not be
democratic, regardless of its selfproclamation; that society wants to
impose its own criteria of democracy to the entire world.
Were that society, in substance, democratic and prosperous, its
principles would be accepted willingly by all, the society would not
sanctions, isolation, black lists, bombing, information and media war in
order to impose such principles.
The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia said a resolute "NO" to the
world order, in spite of threats, sanctions, bombing and other numerous
pressures and special war.
We did not yield under the aggressor's attack of the strongest
military power of the world the NATO forces of 19 countries, which
us, criminally, senselessly, violating all international legal norms,
during 78 days, incessantly.
The global NATO machinery tried to conceal the crimes committed
the strongest military power against innocent civilians, against
and communal facilities, against traffic infrastructure.
However, in spite of all these endeavors, in spite of the
censorship without precedent imposed by NATO on the reports about the
bombing of Yugoslavia, the world saw the atrocities done by the Alliance
our country.
In spite of that, NATO and the most powerful countries of the
world still do not want to admit the war crimes they committed in The
Mediatic Role of the NonAligned The last decade of the XX century is
marked, in the field of information and communication, as the period of
accelerated development of the media.
Due to the dynamic development of multimedia and of Internet,
of the world network of direct and uncontrolled communication, the
meaning of the world information got a new significance. Information
a first class product devoted to the broadest mass of consumers from
business people to simple consumers.
At present, the political and economic systems are greatly
on communication networks and on available information systems. The
establishment of such systems, the manipulation of information and the
elimination of undesirable competitive communication networks,
a new form of war, new according to its methods, but old according to
concept and its goals.
A new kind of war the information war was created and
Therefore, it is extremely important to agree here, at this
meeting, about the revitalization of the pool of News Agencies of
NonAligned Countries. Otherwise, we will continue to be the victims of
globalisation, of the designed and dosed information.
The information is conditioned by the laws of the development
the human society, and by the need to preserve and link generations,
cultures and creativity. At present, it represents the prerequisite of
management of states, of businesses, of family budget.
The mediatic colonization and the terror of the global
media, however, try to eliminate the right to one's own views.
the concept of the globalisation of information, which they try to
could achieve a greater importance, could produce greater effects than
classical war or economic domination.
Therefore, the information is heading to the first priority in
development of the human society. It becomes the mostly wanted raw
material, although it is not a classical material good.
Unfortunately, the great agencies and other information systems
are dominant and developing. They are the systems which belonged, and
of them still belong, to the highly developed, to the economically and
militarily strongest countries. Usually, the dominant news agencies are
agencies from the metropola which were until recently the colonizers of
present nonaligned and independent countries. That applies especially
independent African states. It is easy to assume what are editorial
policies and the propaganda activities of those agencies and of other
information systems of those countries.
The mutual information among the nonaligned and other
countries is still nonadequate. There exist information lacunas in many
nonaligned countries, which represent a fertile soil for the activities
the big news agencies of the powerful western countries.
That was best seen recently during the last year's criminal
aggression of NATO against Yugoslavia. And now as well in the
of the strong economic, diplomatic, political, media, psychological and
military pressures against the independent and sovereign Yugoslavia.
We are witnessing the media manipulation without precedent,
tries to bring legitimacy to the NATO aggression against our country,
to take off the responsibility of the orderers and executors of war
against civilian population of Yugoslavia.
These and similar events in other provoked foci in the world,
confirm the necessity of the establishment of the Pool of News Agencies
NonAligned Countries in 1976.
Unfortunately, the most recent examples show that there is
still a
lot of space, a lot of necessity for the activities of the Pool, that
Pool did not fulfil its task, due to obvious reasons.
Our objective is to establish information without
who deform the information in accordance with their own interests, thus
being harmful to all of us.
The Pool of News Agencies of NonAligned Countries has an
unavoidable, important rule in the strengthening of the prestige and of
influence of the Movement of the NonAligned in international relations
its adaptation to the new international relations.
The Yugoslav state agency TANJUG is ready to give its maximum
contribution to that objective. By signing, recently, agreements on
cooperation with state agencies and media houses in Iran, Iraq, India
other countries, it made a huge step toward the exchange of information
without intermediaries.
The Development of the Telecommunication Infrastructure
In order to establish direct, rapid and timely exchange of
information in the framework of the Pool of News Agencies of NonAligned
Countries, it is indispensable to work on the expansion, development and
strengthening of the telecommunication infrastructure.
The existing network is usually monopolized by strong, powerful
world agencies, which do not hesitate to remodel original true
according to their own interests which are most often contrary to the
interests of the nonaligned and developing countries.
The crimes committed by NATO during the last year's aggression
against the FRY are the best illustration of how the independent
information technology and network troubles the developed West.
After destroying 300 radio and TV transmitters, and 19 big
transmitters, and the magnificent architectural work of world
importance the TV tower at the Avala mountain near Belgrade, NATO
committed, on April 23, 1999, the greatest crime in the history of free
press and journalism. On that night, the airplanes of the strongest
military power of the world bombed, without warning, the building of the
Radio and Television Serbia, it the center of Belgrade. 16 journalists
other TV creators of the information program of the state electronic
which broadcasted, from that studio, authentic pictures about the war
crimes committed by NATO in Yugoslavia, Serbia, in Kosovo and Metohija,
were killed in the bombing.
By developing their own telecommunication network, the news
agencies of the nonaligned countries will have the necessary conditions
exchange, without intermediaries, authentic, true information.
That will also represent a possibility to avoid the pitfalls of
the western variant of the global information society, in which modern
technology is used for the production of enormous quantities of news and
information. The aim is obvious they try, by the quantity of naked
information to imprison the human mind and the human capacity to
data and facts.
The western information society offers enormous, versatile
quantity, using the technological perfection to the detriment of the
and of the liberty of human thinking and understanding.
The quantity of cheap information is the most expensive deceit
the modern civilization, of the future of the human mind, of the freedom
thought and expression.
Allow me, at the end of my expose, to express once more our
resoluteness to contribute as much as possible to the strengthening of
role of the Pool of News Agencies of NonAligned Countries in the spirit
the reaffirmation of the original principles of the Movement of the
NonAligned, adapted to the present international relations.
I am deeply convinced that we will mark, in an appropriate way,
next year, the 40th anniversary of the Movement of the NonAligned, and
25th anniversary of the Pool of News Agencies of NonAligned Countries.
I am also convinced, that we will succeed, until that time, in
implementing a good part of the agreements we will reach today and
at this meeting.
Distinguished members of the Coordination Bureau of the Pool of
News Agencies of NonAligned Countries,
I wish you a pleasant and successful time in our Capital City
Free Belgrade.
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, Sept 14 (Tanjug) Sulphuric acid is still
leaking out of the U.N.held Trepca car battery factory in the ethnic
Albanian part of divided Kosovska Mitrovica and polluting nearby rivers,
according to a U.N. spokesman on Thursday.
U.N. KosovoMetohija Mission (UNMIK) spokesman Mike Keats told
media there had been another leak earlier in the day of sulphuric acid
Trepca's storage tanks into the River Sitnica.
According to Keats, 75 litres of the acid is leaking out a
which is 25 litres less than on Wednesday.
The statement was tantamount to an admission that the
international force KFor and UNMIK are incapable of preventing
environmental pollution, since the leaky facility has been in their
for a year now.
Keats went on to say that, over the past 24 hours, Kfor troops
specialised teams have been endeavouring to stop the flow of the toxic
matter into the Sitnica and Ibar rivers, and pumping the acid into
Kfor and UNMIK again warned the local population to steer clear
the Sitnica, especially in the vicinity of the Trepca facility.
Local water factories are located in this part of Kosovska
Mitrovica, now populated almost exclusively by ethnic Albanians after
Serbs have practicly all been driven out.
KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, Sept 13 (Tanjug) The Yugoslav Committee
Cooperation with the U.N. and local authorities have condemned Kfor's
UNMIK's ineptitude in stopping the sulphuric acid spill that started on
Monday at a battery factory at Kosovska Mitrovica, a town in the north
the Serbian province of KosovoMetohija.
Representatives of the Committee and local authorities have
that the spill caused a largescale environmental disaster coming from an
UNMIKrun factory, situated in ethnic Albanianpopulated southern Kosovska
Ironically, Kfor had shut down the facilities of the Trepca
metallurgy complex in nearby Zvecan using environmental reasons as a
pretext. Nevertheless, Kfor has proved unable to secure the facilities
seized a year ago, Committee representative Ivica Mihajlovic has told
Serbia and Yugoslavia will take all the necessary measures to
neutralize the toxic substance that has reached the Ibar, a river
towards central Serbia. Experts are trying to prevent the acid from
into the Morava river, Mihajlovic said, adding that the state would take
legal action against Kfor troops, as they had not taken the necessary
measures and had proved incompetent to preserve what they had taken away
from Serbia.
Chief of the Kosovska Mitrovica region Zdravko Trajkovic has
the press that a large number of fish died in the Ibar river.
Kosovska Mitrovica mayor Nikola Radevic has said that the
environmental inspectorate has declared tap water in the area
bacteriologically unsafe, even for hygiene.
The water processing plants are situated in southern Kosovska
Mitrovica, which is populated mostly by ethnic Albanians, as local Serbs
have been driven out of the area.
KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, September 12 (Tanjug) The road connecting
Kosovska Mitrovica and Pristina was temporarily blocked early on
due to a sulphuric acid spill at a battery factory located in the
part of Kosovska Mitrovica, TANJUG learned from the UNMIK seat in
Although the pipes conveying the acid burst on Monday morning,
special Kfor units intervened no earlier than Tuesday, when a large
quantity of the toxic liquid reached the Kosovska MitrovicaPristina
The units attempted to stop the leak with lime, gypsum, and
various chemicals, but the acid is still leaking into the Sitnica river,
some 200 meters from the spot where it flows into the Ibar river.
Throughout the afternoon, a local radio station has been
broadcasting an UNMIK statement warning the population to keep away from
the river, which flows towards central Serbia, and to avoid contact with
the contaminated water.
Reliable Serb sources say that there are huge deposits of
sulphuric acid at the factory.
UNMIK spokesman Mike Keats said that enormous efforts were
made to stop the leak, adding that, due to fair weather, there was no
possibility of air pollution in the area around the town of Kosovska
Mitrovica, situated in the north of the Serbian Kosovo and Metohija
KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, September 13 (Tanjug) Around 600,000
of sulphuric acid spilled in the past two days into the Sitnica river
joins the Ibar river at Kosovska Mitrovica in the U.N.administered
province of Kosovo and Metohija, an UNMIK spokesman said on Wednesday.
The spokesman said efforts to prevent a possible ecological
disaster would continue in the next couple of days.
UNMIK warned people over the local media not to enter the river
to fish in it.
Sulphuric acid spilled from pipes leading to the cisterns in an
electric batteries industry in the southern, ethnic Albanian part of
Kosovska Mitrovica.
PARIS, Sept 15 (Tanjug) The Parisbased Committee for the
Protection of Human Rights has organized the distribution of more than
10,000 leaflets throughout Paris demanding urgent lifting of all
imposed against Yugoslavia.
The Committee says that the sanctions have caused great harm to
all people in Yugoslavia, and can have dramatic consequences in
winter. The leaflet also notes that sanctions affect almost one million
refugees and expelled persons from former Yugoslavia, who are hosted by
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
This is the reason why the Committee demands the lifting of the
criminal antiYugoslav sanctions that the U.N. and a part of the
international community have imposed.
BELGRADE, Sep 15 (Tanjug). Representatives of the Nonaligned
Agencies' Pool are holding a meeting in Belgrade, hosted by Tanjug, one
the Pool's founding memberagencies.
The meeting will focus on strengthening mutual ties among
participating agencies, exchanging information and correspondents, and
overcoming barriers imposed by large world information systems.
The meeting will be opened by Yugoslav Minister of Information
Goran Matic, who also chairs Tanjug's management board.
KOSOVSKA KAMENICA, Sep 14 (Tanjug). About 500 Serbs gathered
Thursday around a local church in Kosovska Kamenica, Serbia's
KosovoMetohija province, in protest against the murder of a Serb woman
Wednesday evening.
Two unidentified killers opened fire from an automatic weapon
a distance of 50 meters on Milijana Stojanovic, 46, mother of two, as
was rinsing dishes in her own yard. She died on the spot.
UNMIK police arrived at the scene of the crime, but has found
trace of the killers, who committed the murder at 10.40 p.m., 20 minutes
before curfew.
BELGRADE, Sep 13 (Tanjug). The UN mission in Serbia's
KosovoMetohija province is not implementing the Security Council
1244 and is doing nothing to protect its population or to ensure the
of displaced persons, it is only working to protect (UNMIK chief)
Kouchner's mafia and should consequently leave Yugoslavia, Yugoslav
Minister of Information Goran Matic said Wednesday.
After last year's (MarchJune) NATO aggression on Yugoslavia
international troops KFor and civilian mission UNMIK took over the
responsibility for administering KosovoMetohija in line with the
Council Resolution 1244.
Matic told a press conference, attended also by press attaches
several embassies, that the results of the mission's "efforts" are
expelled nonAlbanians, over 1,000 Serbs killed and 1,400 abducted.
Under the umbrella of the UN mission and within the framework
the phantom socalled Kosovo Protection Corps (which is not even
in Resolution 1244), Croatian instructors are creating at the Dragas
near provincial capital Pristina a special military unit of 3000 ethnic
Albanians wearing NATO uniforms, Matic said.
The UN mission is planning to replace troops from western
countries by ethnic Albanians. The fact that 700 Serbs are being held in
concentration camp near Pec, commanded by a brother of Agim Cheku, one
known war criminals in the former Yugoslavia, is another proof of
failure, Matic said.
The reporters were shown unedited, authentic and shocking
showing the mission's troops "from the inside", drunk, disorderly and
halfnaked, having "fun" in their bases in KosovoMetohija with young
and even ethnic Albanian children.
Commenting the behaviour of international troops, Matic said
mission was compromising the UN. If it is a NATO mission on the other
it is easy to understand that it is doing what NATO was doing all the
Matic said.
The KosovoMetohija mission is attempting to destabilize
Yugoslavia, develop aggressiveterrorist structures to undermine its
interests, militarize the region and arm paramilitary units that the
mission's task was to disarm, Matic said.
Yugoslavia's fundamental political and state commitment is to
making the Balkans a zone of peace and security, demilitarizing the
and reducing tensions to enable its peoples to live in peace and to
cooperate, Matic said, pointing to attempts being made to make the
a powder keg in order to realize the geopolitical and strategic
of outside forces.
Underlining that the UN mission has not accomplished any of its
tasks, Matic recalled that Resolution 1244 defined the basic rules for
development of multiethnic coexistence in the province, the right of all
refugees and displaced persons to return home safely, and the need for
demilitarizing the "KLA" and other armed groups of ethnic Albanians and
the return of Yugoslav forces to KosovoMetohija.
NEW YORK, Sep 14 (Tanjug). Participants in the general debate
the 55th regular UN General Assembly session had the opportunity
second day of the session at the Palace of Nations in New York, to read
Memorandum of the Yugoslav government on the difficult situation in the
UNrun Serbia's KosovoMetohija province.
The latest Yugoslav government document on the implementation
the Security Council Resolution 1244 was distributed to the General
Assembly to brief the participants of Yugoslavia's views and of the
analysis of the situation in the province that the Yugoslav government
addressed to the UN on August 21.
The Memorandum points to the continuing worsening of the
in KosovoMetohija since the previous analysis of June 7, and underlines
that the situation has deteriorated dramatically due to acts of
being perpetrated by ethnic Albanian separatists aided and abetted by
and UNMIK chiefs.
KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - E' finita male la prima incursione in Kosovo del
maggior rivale di Slobodan Milosevic alle presidenziali del 24
Il comizio tenuto dal candidato dell'opposizione democratico, Vojislav
Kostunica nella città divisa di Mitrovica non è neppure iniziato, perchè
suo arrivo in auto alcuni serbi lo hanno bersagliato con uova, pietre e
pomodori al grido di "traditore" e "Slobo! Slobo!". Otto i feriti tra
lo stesso Kostunica, che ha riportato un vistoso taglio sotto l'occhio
destro ed escoriazioni a una gamba.
(da "La Repubblica" online del 14/9/00)
ARANDJELOVAC, September 13 (Tanjug) Serbian Minister of
Dragoljub Jankovic said that the trial of Bill Clinton, Madeleine
and 14 other leading protagonists of last year's (MarchJune) NATO
aggression on Yugoslavia would start on September 18 at the Belgrade
District Court.
This will be a very complex trial that can be compared to the
Nuremberg trials as regards the rank of the indicted and the seriousness
their crimes, Jankovic told a local TV station in Arandjelovac, central
A great part of the world public opinion, mainly
organizations and popular tribunals, including some from NATO
has condemned the NATO aggression, Jankovic noted. The facts are
known and the evidence is so extensive and serious, that a verdict that
defendants deserve can be expected, Jankovic said, adding that
investigation was carried out in 28 locations throughout Serbia and that
NATO criminals would be tried by a panel of five judges from Belgrade,
Cacak, Pristina and Novi Sad.
The defendants will be tried in absentia and the court will
appoint defense lawyers in line with Yugoslav law, Jankovic said,
expressing hope that some of the defendants would serve their sentences
day, after agreements on extradition are concluded.
BELGRADE, Sep 5 (Tanjug). Indictments drawn up by the Belgrade
district attorney will be addressed to the persons charged with serious
crimes committed during last year's NATO aggression on Yugoslavia, the
Belgrade district court decided Tuesday.
The Yugoslav foreign ministry has been entrusted with
indictments to the accused through diplomatic channels. The defendants
William Clinton, Madeleine Albright, Willian Cohen, Anthony Blair, Robin
Cook, George Robertson, Jacques Chirac, Hubert Vedrine, Alain Richard,
Gerhard Schroeder, Joseph Fischer, Rudolf Scharping, Javier Solana and
Wesley Clark.
The indictments were brought in line with the Yugoslav penal
for incitement to war of aggression, war crimes against civilians, use
forbidden ordnance, attempt to murder the Yugoslav president and
of Yugoslavia's territorial integrity and sovereignty.
Investigation into the crimes was initiated immediately after
aggression ended throughout Serbia before 29 district courts and a
On March 24, 1999, NATO launched a military aggression on
Yugoslavia which lasted 11 weeks and during which over 2,000 civilians
killed, in addition to extensive material damages.
The Serbian attorneygeneral has decided that all proceedings be
carried out jointly before the Belgrade district court.
ZVECAN, Sept 12 (Tanjug) The purpose of Aug. 14 U.N.
of the Trepca lead smelter in Zvecan, KosovoMetohija, was not to restart
production, but to drive Serbs out of that Serbian (Yugoslav)
province, protesters said on Tuesday.
If the U.N. mission (UNMIK) had meant to restart production,
would have come with money and experts, not tanks and helicopters,
according to Desimir Timotijevic of the Trepca management, addressing
"Their purpose is to drive us out, for the Serbs to forget who
they are, their history, battles, victories and heroes", Timotijevic
speaking at another daily peaceful workers' protest outside the main
into the complex.
"Those who have driven us out of our jobs are now offering that
return, telling us stories about modernisation and restarting of
"How can be trust them, when we know what they have done in the
industrial zone in south Kosovska Mitrovica, setting the zinc plant on
fire", Timotijevic said.
BELGRADE, Sept 12 (Tanjug) Yugoslav and Croatian delegations
holding talks in Geneva on Tuesday with officials of the U.N. High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) about the repatriation to Croatia of
refugees sheltered in Yugoslavia.
According to a Yugoslav government statement, the Yugoslav
delegation to the tripartite talks is headed by Minister for
and refugee affairs Bratislava Morina.
Morina stressed Yugoslavia's firm position that the Protocol on
organised repatriation must be honoured.
All those who opt to return must be guaranteed the necessary
conditions for a free, normal and safe life, including property rights,
full personal safety and security of property.
They must also be guaranteed equal treatment as that accorded
the other citizens, and general amnesty, except in cases of the gravest
violations of humanitarian law.
Yugoslavia has discharged its obligations under the Protocol,
while Croatia is not only ignoring the Protocol, but trying to change it
its most important part, the statement said.
This means, according to the statement, that Croatia is in
violation also of the YugoslavCroatian normalisation accord, the 1995
Zagreb/Erdut CroatianSerb accord and relevant resolutions of the United
Morina condemned in the strongest terms arrests of repatriates
the return to Yugoslavia of some whose repatriation had been approved.
She also stressed it is impermissible that Croatia should be
applying a new repatriation procedure outside the Protocol, instituting
criminal investigations and checks of accommodation, and so violating
international document, the statement said.
BELGRADE, Sept 11 (Tanjug) At a meeting of the humanitarian
group of the Peace Implementation Council in Geneva, Yugoslav Minister
Refugees and Displaced Persons Bratislava Morina has dismissed the most
recent document on the Serbian KosovoMetohija province as unacceptable.
The document treats the province as an entity outside the
political, economic, educational, social, legal and health system of
and Yugoslavia, which is contrary to the U.N. Resolution 1244, Morina
according to a statement of the Yugoslav government.
Morina went on to say that, 15 months after the deployment of
Kfor and UNMIK troops, the situation in the province was absolutely
Under the U.N. banner, a systematic and comprehensive campaign
terror, genocide, and ethnic cleansing, directed against nonAlbanians,
primarily Serbs and Montenegrins, is under way, Morina said. She added
Kfor and UNMIK were doing nothing to ensure the return of displaced
Morina stressed that Yugoslavia was fully participating in the
repatriation of refugees from BosniaHerzegovina and Croatia, in close
cooperation with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
Various obstructions, such as murders, arrests, and harassment
returners, seriously undermine the repatriation process, Morina said,
appealing to the UNHCR for immediate assistance on these issues.
Morina described the reports by Karl Bildt and Bernard Kouchner
quite untrue. The reports misrepresent the state of affairs, and are not
contribution to stabilization in Yugoslavia and the Balkans, she said.
The Yugoslav delegation walked out on the meeting, in protest
against the reports, the statement said.
KLADOVO, Sept 12 (Tanjug) Yugoslav President Slobodan
inaugurated on Tuesday the newest, 16th generating unit of the Irongate
HydroElectric Power and Navigation System in the River Danube.
Over the 30 years of operation, this biggest Yugoslav
hydroelectric power plant, which Yugoslavia shares with neighbouring
Romania, has generated 170 billion kilowatthours (Kwh) of electricity,
exceeding the plan by a whole fouryear output.
The inauguration ceremony was attended by the Yugoslav republic
Serbia's President Milan Milutinovic and Parliament Speaker Dragan
as well as Yugoslav federal parliament lower house Speaker Milomir
Also present were Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS)
Gorica Gajevic, and Yugoslav Left (JUL) President Ljubisa Ristic,
federal and Serbian government officials.
Yugoslav Defence Minister Dragoljub Ojdanic and Chief of Staff
Nebojsa Pavkovic with aides also attended.
ZAGREB, Sept 11 (Tanjug) Vladimir Seks, who heads the Croatian
Democratic Union (CDU) club in the national parliament, has been accused
some former and present Croatian officials of suppressing crimes against
Serbs in the Gospic and Pakrac areas.
According to Croatian press, at least 120 people, mostly Serbs,
were killed in Gospic and there are indications that hundreds of others
were killed in Pakrac at the time of Croatia's war of secession from
Current President Stipe Mesic, who was high up in the CDU
hierarchy while the party was in power, has raised the matter of the
accountability of Seks, who also held responsible party and state
at the time.
According to Mesic, the new government does not mean to
the CDU, but only individuals and groups, among whom Seks, for the role
played as state prosecutor.
ZVECAN, Serbia, Sept 11 (Tanjug) Trepca workers held their
protest rally outside the U.N.seized lead smelter in Zvecan,
KosovoMetohija, again on Monday, beginning a fifth week of protests
the smelter's violent takeover on Aug 14.
Nebojsa Toskovic, a Trepca stockholder, addressed the assembled
multitude, stressing that Trepca is owned by its stockholders and there
no truth in the claim that there should be a change in management.
Toskovic, executive director of the Krusevacbased 14. Oktobar
mechanical engineering company, dismissed as untrue also the claim that
Trepca was polluting the environment and concern for the environment
evinced by the occupiers.
"The occupiers care nothing for the environment; their purpose
quite different", Toskovic said.
"We are using all legitimate weapons under the laws of
and its republic of Serbia and under international laws to recover our
facilities", he added.
Anche l'Albania si e' unita al WTO, diventando il 138esimo membro
dell'organizzazione. Se
andate sul sito del WTO vedrete che sotto questo articolo
sono considerati dati
prettamente economici: esportazioni e importazioni. Come al solito,
nulla su ambiente, diritti dei
lavoratori e condizioni di poverta' della popolazione.
(da <Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.>)
8 September 2000
Albania joins the WTO
Albania became 138th member of the World Trade Organization today (8th
September). WTO
Director-General Mike Moore greeted the event by saying: "I welcome
Albania into the
multilateral trading system. Membership promises a more prosperous
future and raised living
standards for all Albanian citizens. I also believe that, by encouraging
the trade links between
countries, the WTO can help foster greater peace, stability and
development in south-eastern
Europe. Albania's membership brings this Organization ever closer to
being a truly 'World Trade
Albania has agreed to assume its WTO obligations upon accession. In
addition, it will sign on to
the two plurilateral agreements on government procurement and on trade
in civil aircraft. Albania's
accession package includes market-access commitments on goods and
Within the region, Slovenia is already a member of the WTO and Croatia
will become a member
upon completion of the ratification procedures. Bosnia and Herzegovina
and the Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia are in the process of negotiating their accession
to the WTO.
Albania applied for GATT 1947 membership in 1992. Negotiations on
Albania's terms of
accession to WTO started in earnest in 1998. The WTO General Council
adopted the final results
of these negotiations on 17 July 2000.
During that General Council meeting, Albania's Minister for Economic
Cooperation and Trade,
Ermelinda Meksi, said that WTO membership "presents us with a new role
in the international
community" and would help bring "improvement of the wellbeing and
prosperity of my people."
Overall, 30 governments are currently negotiating to join the WTO:
Algeria, Andorra, Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Cape
Verde, People's Republic
of China, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kazakstan, Lao People's
Republic, Lebanon, Lithuania, Moldova, Nepal, Oman, Russian Federation,
Samoa, Saudi Arabia,
Seychelles, Sudan, Chinese Taipei, Tonga, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu,
Vietnam and Yemen.
BELGRADE, September 9 (Tanjug) Relations between state organs
religious communities in Yugoslavia are good and, in keeping with the
Serbian and Yugoslav constitutions and international conventions, all
religions in Yugoslavia have equal status and all believers the full
to practice their confessions, Yugoslav Religions Minister Leposava
Milicevic told a panel hosted by Tanjug on Friday.
Confessions, or the religious communities which exist in
Yugoslavia, will be as dear to the state as they are fond of it, and
will get adequate help and support from the state, Milicevic said.
Asked to comment on the fact that the religions minister is a
member of the Yugoslav Left (JUL) and a woman, she said the national
and respect of all nations secured this party legitimacy for such a
post. Serbia and Yugoslavia are defined as states of citizens and
Serb people are the most numerous and nationconstructive, and that is
Serbs have been targets of specific pressures and aggression in the
years, Milicevic said.
The pressures are primarily within the attempts to topple the
authorities which are absolutely patriotic and which refuse to barter
freedom or independence, sovereignty or territorial integrity, she said.
The other method being applied in the efforts to dismember
Yugoslavia is to cause a rift in the Serbian Orthodox Church, the second
mostimportant institution of the Serbian people, she said. A blatant
example of this are the developments in Montenegro, where a socalled
Montenegrin Orthodox Church is trying to be inaugurated. All this is
proceeding with the assistance of western powerwielders, who first set
in office their servants in Montenegro, and then struck at the
of the Serbian Orthodox Church, which is an unprecedented act, said
SOFIA, September 9 (Tanjug) Bulgarian customs officials
discovered and seized at the Kapetan Andreievo border crossing 115
rifles and several thousand cartridges being smuggled from Turkey to
Serbia's Kosovo and Metohija province, it was announced in Sofia on
Svilengrad Customs Office spokesman Kalina Petrova said the
Champion and Cobra rifles and 11,250 12caliber cartridges and 1,500
16caliber cartridges had been discovered in a hidden compartment in a
truck travelling from Turkey to Kosovo and Metohija.
BUCHAREST, September 8 (Tanjug) Romanian shippers blocked the
River Danube on Friday after the Bucharest government turned a deaf ear
their demands for relief for losses suffered as the result of last
NATO aggression on Yugoslavia.
During the 11week air campaign against Yugoslavia, NATO
several bridges across the Danube, blocking navigation in this important
international waterway.
The Romanian shippers are vowing not to lift the blockade, set
at the town of Calarasi, until their demands are met, and are asking to
received at once by Prime Minister Mugur Isarescu, demanding that the
government cease observing an antiYugoslav oil ban.
They are seeking compensation for companies that have suffered
losses through the antiYugoslav NATO aggression, tax relief for the
from April 1, 1999 to July 31, 2000, and permission to buy oil without
paying excise duties.
Romanian river shipping companies complain that their turnover
down 80 percent and that they have lost in excess of 150 million
and still continuing to lose around 10 million dollars a month.
The blockade was originally scheduled for Sept. 6, but the
unions deferred the protest pending the government's session in the
which did not materialise, that their demands might be met.
NIS, Sept 7 (Tanjug) Yugoslav Army Chief of General Staff,
Nebojsa Pavkovic said on Wednesday that the Kosovo unit presented to the
home and foreign public last week was absolutely ready to carry out the
special tasks in the southern Serbian province, secure the state border,
and protect cultural goods.
Speaking in a broadcast of the regional program of Serbian
Television RTS in the central Serbian town of Nis, Gen. Pavkovic said
unit comprised highly skilled professional members of the Yugoslav Army
the Interior Ministry who will protect and defend the Serb population
ethnic Albanian terrorists.
"The unit is not intended for a violent return home," Gen.
Pavkovic emphasized.
"There are other forces for such an alternative. Other Yugoslav
Army units are prepared for such activities, actually. However, we are
implementing in principle the (U.N. Security Council) Resolution 1244
we do not wish to be the ones who will be blamed for its nonrealization.
That is why we can proudly say that our army is ready to join in the
process and we think it would make a great contribution to that peace
mission because the KFOR and UNMIK have demonstrated that they are
incapable of doing so," Gen. Pavkovic said.
PIROT, Sep 1 (Tanjug). Yugoslav Army Chief of Staff and special
envoy of Supreme Commander Slobodan Milosevic, General Nebojsa Pavkovic,
accompanied by Third Army Commander Maj.Gen. Vladimir Lazarevic,
Friday in the vicinity of Pirot, southeastern Serbia, the Third Special
Unit of the Army set up to return to the UNrun Serbia's KosovoMetohija
province in line with the Security Council Resolution 1244 and the
MilitaryTechnical Accord.
Following an exercise with live ammunition Return 2000,
said the unit comprised wellequipped army troops and police officers,
armoured vehicles and helicopters, as well trained and equipped as any
foreign unit within international force KFor.
The Third Special Unit is only one of the Yugoslav Army and
Serbian police units that are ready, as regards professional training,
morale and technical capability, to instantly return to KosovoMetohija,
base of the Pristina Corps and indivisible Third Army zone, to carry out
its peaceful mission in line with Resolution 1244 and MilitaryTechnical
Accord, Pavkovic said.
In abidance by the political decision and agreement reached
the international community, the Yugoslav Army was withdrawn from a part
Yugoslavia's territory only temporarily, to let the UN forces restore
and order in the province and secure coexistence of all its inhabitants
regardless of ethnicity or religion, Pavkovic said.
However, since their arrival in the province on June 10, 1999,
KFor and UNMIK have failed to ensure the implementation of the
1244. On the contrary, the situation in KosovoMetohija has become even
dramatic and has brought about a real humanitarian catastrophe. The life
Serbs, Montenegrins, other nonAlbanians and ethnic Albanians loyal to
Yugoslavia has become unbearable and their very survival is threatened,
Pavkovic said.
More than 5,000 terrorist crimes have been committed in
KosovoMetohija under the eyes of the force whose duty was to prevent
acts. More than 1,000 people, mainly Serbs, Montenegrins and Romanies,
been killed, about 1,000 have been wounded and as many have been
missing, Pavkovic said.
About 50,000 homes of nonAlbanians have been burned down or
otherwise destroyed, as well as 86 monasteries and about 150 churches,
In the expectation that the Security Council will understand
failure of KFor and UNMIK and that it will, hopefully, take as soon as
possible the brave and honourable decision on the return of Yugoslav
and Serbian police units to KosovoMetohija to help all in need there,
special unit for a peaceful mission was prepared on time and is now
presented to the public, Pavkovic said, presenting the unit's banner to
commander Maj.Gen. Momir Vukadinovic on behalf of Supreme Commander
Slobodan Milosevic.
Answering questions by the press whether the army would return
KosovoMetohia without a Security Council invitation, Pavkovic said the
would not violate the Resolution 1244, and underlined that Yugoslavia
always abides by its commitments. He added he expected such an
would be forthcoming soon to enable the special unit to go to the
and join international peacekeepers there.
According to Pavkovic, the special unit would patrol the state
borders and border crossings between KosovoMetohija and neighbouring
states, protect Serb cultural monuments and help create conditions for
peaceful living.
The exercise was attended by Yugoslav Defense Minister General
Dragoljub Ojdanic, Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Sainovic,
Minister of the Interior Vlajko Stojiljkovic, President of the
KosovoMetohija Interim Executive Council Zoran Andjelkovic, and military
officials from Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, Iraq, Italy, Japan,
China, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine and Russia, and a UN liaison officer.
NEW YORK, Sept 1 (Tanjug) Yugoslavia urged the U.N. Security
Council on Thursday to take urgent measures to stop the new wave of
Albanian terrorism in the Serbia's province of KosovoMetohija,
to suspend the U.N. mission which is responsible for the catastrophic
situation in that Serbian province.
Head of the Yugoslav mission at the U.N. Ambassador Vladislav
Jovanovic has sent a letter to the Security Council President and the
SecretaryGeneral, saying that ethnic Albanian terrorists continue
perpetrating acts of violence, attacking those who are the most
vulnerable children and the elderly, and demolishing symbols of Serb
national heritage such as churches and cemeteries.
Stressing that ethnic Albanian terrorists have intensified
violence with the support of the international force KFor and U.N. peace
mission UNMIK, Jovanovic partially blamed the Security Council for its
passive attitude, too.
He went on to say that Yugoslavia had repeatedly pointed to a
series of inadmissible actions of the U.N. mission, ranging from the
forcing of local elections in KosovoMetohija, through the takeover of
Trepca smelting plant and opening of foreign representation offices
the approval of Yugoslav authorities, to KFor's and UNMIK's refusal to
cooperate with the Yugoslav government.
As the U.N. mission is not resolute in halting ethnic Albanian
terrorism and violence, it is in fact collaborating openly with
and terrorists, Jovanovic said.
It is absolutely clear that the U.N. mission, by flagrantly
violating the Resolution 1244, has failed to achieve the basic
goal multiethnic KosovoMetohija, he noted.
A series of terrorist attacks in recent months, specifically
brutal attacks on children and other crimes, proves that the Yugoslav
government statements are wellfounded.
The U.N. mission reacts inadequately or even cynically to such
crimes. Instead of making an effort to apprehend the culprits, KFor and
UNMIK are arresting Serbs, while UNMIK chief Bernard Kouchner cynically
expresses condolences instead of reacting strongly to halt terrorism and
attacks on nonAlbanians, the letter says. Although the Security
Council is aware of all these crimes, it remains silent. If it does not
take measures to stop ethnic Albanian terrorism in KosovoMetohija, it
suspend the U.N. mission that has not achieved its goal, the letter
BELGRADE, Sept 5 (Tanjug) Iraqi Ambassador to Yugoslavia Sami
Sadoun said on Tuesday in an interview to Radio Yugoslavia (RJ) that
and Yugoslavia have a common enemy and that the best defense from that
enemy is allround longlasting bilateral cooperation.
Sadoun said that Iraq has oil and experts to offer in exchange
food and technology from Yugoslavia.
Sadoun noted that the real goal of last year's (MarchJune) NATO
aggression on Yugoslavia was an attempt to control this country that
constitutes a link between Europe, Russia and the Middle East.
This would lead Russia to further isolation and lessen its
influence in both the Middle East and western Europe, he stressed.
Quoting Prof. Mira Markovic as saying that America is a country
without history, tradition or civilization, which is why it wants to
destroy all old civilizations, Sadoun said that such behaviour came as
surprise from a nation that had grown out of European convicts, who had
destroyed the ancient Indian civilizations more than 200 years ago.
Asked to make a comment on upcoming elections in Yugoslavia,
Sadoun expressed conviction that the Yugoslav people, together with
president, would say "no" for the fifth time to those who had been
their children.
Subject: Parliamentary report: Dutch troops to Kosovo: not enough
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 20:22:39 +0200
From: Herman de Tollenaere
To: office@...
Dutch F-16 pilot, interviewed on Dutch TV at Volkel air base, 2
September 2000, when asked
about possibly bombing Kosovo: "Yes ... If you think too much, you
cannot do your job."
Not just pilots:
The decisions to send Dutch soldiers to Cambodia, Cyprus, Bosnia, and
Kosovo, were based on
insufficient information at "all levels (UN, NATO, Cabinet, Parliament,
civil servants"
[NRC-Handelsblad, 4 September 2000]. This is one of the conclusions,
included in the final 500
pages plus report of the [Parliamentary] Bakker Committee; published on
Monday 4 September.
Various news media published summaries.
The committee, founded to find out about the decision making on sending
Dutch troops on foreign
military missions, says that the Dutch parliament has fallen short in
its task to control these
decisions. "In some cases, like the air raids in ex-Yugoslavia,
Parliament agreed with decisions of
which it did not appear to know the impact then." [NRC-Handelsblad, 4
September 2000]
The decisions turned out to be not really based on the situations in the
areas where the soldiers
went to; but on factors like fears that the military budget would be cut
without high visibility of the
armed forces, or the desire for good public relations for some branch of
the armed forces.
There is also criticism of Prime Minister Kok, and the ministers [of
Defence] De Grave and
Met vriendelijke groet/Best wishes,
Herman de Tollenaere
Subject: F-16s painted red by peace activists
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 09:37:28 +0200
In the night of 1-2 September, at Volkel military air base in The
Netherlands, two F-16s and one other military plane were painted red by
peace activists, protesting against militarism.
At Volkel, there are [officially, the government will not confirm it]
nuclear weapons, each at least six times the strength of the Hiroshima
explosion in 1945. In the spring of 1999, F-16s started from Volkel to
On 1 October 2000, there will be a demonstration against nuclear weapons
See [in Dutch]:
Met vriendelijke groet/Best wishes,
Herman de Tollenaere
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
I The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is a Member State of the United
1. Yugoslavia is a founding Member of the United Nations in accordance
Article 3 of the Charter of the United Nations. The Secretary-General of
the United Nations, as depositary of international treaties, lists it as
original Member in his annual reports (Multilateral Treaties Deposited
the Secretary-General).
2. Membership of Yugoslavia in the United Nations has not been
interrupted, so that the FR of Yugoslavia is a Member State of the
3. There is no basis to limit the international legal continuity of the
of Yugoslavia and its membership in the United Nations. All attempts to
so lack legal basis, are ill-intentioned and politically harmful and
represent the violation of the Charter of the United Nations. Any
initiatives to directly or indirectly challenge the membership of the
in the United Nations or challenge its existing membership rights are
aimed at: a) setting a precedent for extremely negative consequences for
the United Nations, principles of the United Nations and international
relations, as well as intimidating Member States; b) weakening the role
and credibility of the United Nations, particularly in the region of
southeastern Europe; c) preventing the stabilization of the situation in
the region of southeastern Europe, the implementation of the
Dayton/Paris agreement and UN SC resolution 1244 (1999); d) slowing
integration processes and multilateral cooperation in the Balkans, which
possible only with equal participation of the FRY
4. Representatives of the FR of Yugoslavia participated in the work of
United Nations General Assembly until 22 September 1992 and in the work
the UN Economic and Social Council until 28 April 1993. They continued
participate in the work of the UN Security Council and to appear before
International Court of Justice even after these dates.
5. United Nations General Assembly considers the FR of Yugoslavia its
Member State This position of the General Assembly was demonstrated
the adoption of resolution 49/19B on 23 December 1994 and 52/215 of 22
December 1997. in which it established Scale of assessments for the
apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations. In both
adopted by consensus, Yugoslavia was listed as a Member State and not as
non- Member like the Vatikan, Nauru, Switzerland and Tonga. Both
resolutions were adopted after resolution 47/1 of 22 September 1992,
decision was made not to allow Yugoslavia to participate in the work of
General Assembly. They were also adopted after General Assembly
48/88 (1993) calling upon the Secretariat to end the de facto working
status of the FR of Yugoslavia which did not produce any consequences
it was not possible because the FR of Yugoslavia does not have "the de
facto working status" and is a UN Member State.
6. UN General Assembly resolutions 49/19B and 52/215 point to the FR of
Yugoslavia. This is clear since the same resolution determines the scale
assessment for the former Yugoslav republics which became independent
States and UN Members - for Bosnia and Herzegovina, former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Slovenia.
The claim of the representatives of some States to the effect that the
General Assembly in referring to Yugoslavia actually meant the SFRY, is
absurd. All the more so, since the representatives of those States claim
that the FR of Yugoslavia ceased to exist. If that were true, the
membership of that State in the United Nations would also have to end.
is clear that the General Assembly in 1994 and 1997 established the
of assessment for all five states from the territory of the SFRY. So
it mentions Yugoslavia it can only pertain to the FR of Yugoslavia. It
the usual practice of the UN to use the country's shorter name. In these
resolutions, the Republic of Croatia has been referred to only as
the Republic of Slovenia as Slovenia and that is the case with almost
other States.
7. The Security Council also considers the FR of Yugoslavia to be a UN
Member State. Resolution 777 (1992) of 19 September 1992 is a result of
political compromise. During its adoption, Ambassador Vorontsov,
Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, said: "... we were
unable to agree with the proposal, put forward by some States, that the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia should be excluded, formally or de facto,
from membership in the United Nations... The compromise that has been
reached - that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia should not participate
the work of the General Assembly - may seem unsatisfactory to some.
Frankly, we would have preferred not to have recourse to such a measure
influence the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, because even without this
measure it is already experiencing sufficient pressure from the
international community in the form of economic sanctions... At the same
time, the decision to suspend the participation of the Federal Republic
Yugoslavia in the work of the General Assembly will in no way affect the
possibility of participation by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in
work of the other organs of the United Nations, in particular the
Council, nor will it affect the issuance of documents to it, the
functioning of the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of
to the United Nations or the keeping of the nameplate with the name
Yugoslavia in the General Assembly Hall and the rooms in which the
s organs meet. In short, since the decision of the Security Council does
not provide for the expulsion of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from
the United Nations, the measures taken with regard to it must remain
strictly within the limits of the decision we are taking today."
Council, Provisional Record of the 3116th, Meeting S/PV.3116, 19
1992, at 2-5).
Ambassador Li Daoyu, Permanent Representative of the People's Republic
China to the UN said on that occasion: "the resolution just adopted does
not mean the exclusion of Yugoslavia from the United Nations. The
"Yugoslavia" will be kept in the General Assembly Hall. The Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia will continue its participation in the work of
United Nations bodies other than the General Assembly. The Federal
of Yugoslavia will continue to issue its documentation in the United
Nations." (Security Council, Provisional Record of the 3116th Meeting,
S/PV.3116, 19 September 1992, at 7).
It is clear that the Russian Federation and the PR of China during the
adoption of Security Council resolution 777 (1992) of 19 September 1992
considered that this resolution only made a recommendation to
limit some of the membership rights of the FR of Yugoslavia as a UN
8. By adopting a new resolution 821 (1993) of 28 April 1993,
to the General Assembly to make a decision to the effect that the FR of
Yugoslavia does not take part in the work of the Economic and Social
Council, the Security Council confirmed that it considered the FR of
Yugoslavia a UN Member State. If then, on 28 April 1993, Security
considered that the FR of Yugoslavia was not a UN Member State, it would
not have made a recommendation to the General Assembly to decide that
Yugoslavia does not take part in its work. Never in the UN practice has
Security Council of the United Nations made a recommendation to the
that a non Member be prevented from taking part in the work of the
Assembly or Economic and Social Council. That would be totally absurd
The way in which the Security Council calls the representatives
take part in its work does not prejudge its position regarding the
membership of the FR of Yugoslavia in the UN. This has been confirmed by
the Security Council Working Group in its report in regard to the
of the Security Council and other procedural issues of 31 May 1995. This
report confirms that the representative of the FR of Yugoslavia took
in the work of the Security Council seating at the table with the
of Yugoslavia. The representative of the FR of Yugoslavia, inter alia,
took part in the subsequent meetings of the UN Security Council, after
adoption of General Assembly resolution 47/1 of 22 September 1992: 16
November 1992; 19 February 1993; 17 April 1993; 20 April 1993; 29 June
1993; 9 August 1993; 14 February 1994; 21 April 1994; 27 April 1994; 23
September 1994; 30 September 1994; 8 November 1994; 12 January 1995; 21
April 1995; 31 March 1998 and 10 June 1999. etc.
9. The International Court of Justice has constantly listed the FR of
Yugoslavia in its annual publications after 1992, as a UN Member State.
10. UN Secretariat considers the FR of Yugoslavia to be a UN Member
State. The Under-Secretary General and the Legal Council of the United
Nations addressed a letter dated 29 September 1992 to the Permanent
Representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia to the United
in response to their letter of 25 September 1992, stating, inter alia,
"While the General Assembly has stated unequivocally that the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia ... cannot automatically continue the membership
the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the United
and that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia... should apply for
in the United Nations, the only practical consequence that the
(47/1) draws is that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.... shall not
participate in the work of the General Assembly. It is clear, therefore,
that representatives of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia... can no
participate in the work of the General Assembly, its subsidiary organs,
conference and meetings convened by it.
On the other hand, the resolution neither terminates nor suspends
Yugoslavia?s membership in the Organization. Consequently, the seat and
nameplate remain as before, but in Assembly bodies representatives of
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia... cannot sit behind the sign
Yugoslav Missions at United Nations Headquarters and offices may
to function and may receive and circulate documents. At Headquarters,
Secretariat will continue to fly the flag of the old Yugoslavia, as it
the last flag of Yugoslavia used by the Secretariat. The resolution does
not take away the right of Yugoslavia to participate in the work of
other than Assembly bodies." (A/47/485).
The representatives of some states, advocating the view that the FR
of Yugoslavia has dissolved and ceased to exist, claim that this
indicates that this is the membership of the SFRY in the United Nations.
This claim proves best that the thesis of discontinuity of the FRY in
United Nations is invalid. If the SFRY has dissolved and ceased to
its membership in international organizations would automatically cease
well. They maintain that the membership is not ended because the UN
did not make a decision to end its membership. However, this is absurd,
because the membership ends ipso jure, as a legal consequence of the
dissolution of a State and no decision to that effect is necessary.
the German Democratic Republic ceased to exist, the Security Council and
the General Assembly did not make any decision on termination of its
membership in the United Nations nor have they made any decision on
the membership of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic in the United
11. UN Secretary-General regularly invites the FR of Yugoslavia as a
State to fulfil its financial obligations towards the Organization which
Yugoslavia does.
12. In all agreements concluded between the FR of Yugoslavia and the
Nations after 1992, it is stated that the FR of Yugoslavia is a UN
State, for example, in the Agreement on the status of the Office of the
High Commissioner for Human Rights in Belgrade, concluded by the
eof Notes between the FR of Yugoslavia and the UN High Commissioner for
Human Rights on 6 November 1998.
II The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia continues the international
personality of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
13. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has continued the international
legal personality of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia.
Declaration adopted on 27 April 1992 at a joint session of delegates in
Federal Assembly, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and
Assembly of the Republic of Montenegro on the occasion of the
of the Constitution of the FR of Yugoslavia, inter alia, states: "The
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, continuing the State, international
and political personality of the Socialist Federal Republic of
shall strictly abide by all the commitments that the SFR of Yugoslavia
assumed internationally" (A/46/915, 7 May 1992).
14. The former Yugoslav Republics of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of
Macedonia and the Republic of Croatia have confirmed the legal fact of
continuity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Article 5 of the Agreement on Normalization of Relations
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Croatia, signed
Belgrade on 23 August 1996, reads as follows:
"Proceeding from the historical fact that Serbia and Montenegro
existed as independent States before the creation of Yugoslavia, and
bearing in mind the fact that Yugoslavia has continued the international
personality of these states, the Republic of Croatia notes the existence
the State continuity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
"Proceeding from the historical fact of the existence of the
various forms of statal organization of Croatia in the past, the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia notes the existence of the continuity of the
Croatian statehood.
The Contracting Parties are agreed to solve the issue of the
succession of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on the basis
the rule of international law on succession of States and through
agreement." (The text of the Agreement on Normalization of Relations
between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Croatia,
signed at Belgrade on 23 August 1996, is attached as annex to the letter
the Charge d'Affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Yugoslavia to the
United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General, dated 29 August 1996,
A/51/318; S/1996/706, 29 August 1996).
There is a substantial difference between the State continuity
the FR of Yugoslavia and the continuation of the Croatian statehood. The
State continuity of the FR of Yugoslavia is based on the historical fact
that Serbia and Montenegro existed as independent States before the
creation of Yugoslavia and on the fact that the FR of Yugoslavia has
continued the international legal personality of these States. Quite
differently, in the past Croatia enjoyed various forms of statal
organization. It had the status of a Republic - a federal unit in the
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, some part of today's Croatia
a sort of statal autonomy in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. But, before
secession from Yugoslavia, it had no status of an independent State,
of a subject of international law. Accordingly, today's Republic of
Croatia can only continue the various forms of statal organization of
past but not the international legal personality.
Essentially, the same formula was used in the Joint Declaration
Presidents Slobodan Milo{evi} and Alija Izetbegovi}, made in Paris on 3
October 1996. Paragraph IV of the Joint Declaration reads as follows:
"The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia will respect the integrity
Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with the Dayton Agreement which
affirmed the continuity of various forms of statal organization of
and Herzegovina that the peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina had during
Bosnia and Herzegovina accepts the State continuity of the
Republic of Yugoslavia.
Both sides agree to resolve issues of succession on the basis
the rules of international law on succession of States and by
(The Joint Declaration is attached as annex to the letter of the Charge
d'Affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Yugoslavia to the United
Nations addressed to the Secretary-General, dated 7 October 1996,
S/1996/830, 7 October 1996).
The text of Article 4 of the Agreement on the regulation of
relations and promotion of cooperation between the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia and the Republic of Macedonia, signed in Belgrade on 8 April
1996, differs more in terms of terminology than that of substance:
"In the light of the fact that Serbia and Montenegro had
as independent States before the creation of Yugoslavia, and in view of
fact that Yugoslavia continued the international legal personality of
States, the Republic of Macedonia respects the state continuity of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
In the light of the fact that during the National Liberation
and at the session of the Anti-Fascist Assembly of the National
of Macedonia, the Macedonian people decided to organize the Republic of
Macedonia as a State and to join the Yugoslav Federation, and in view of
the fact that in the 1991 referendum the Macedonian people decided to
organize the Republic of Macedonia as a sovereign and independent State
appreciating the fact that this has been carried out in a peaceful
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia respects the state continuity of the
Republic of Macedonia.
The Parties agree to resolve their mutual claims on ground of
succession to the former Yugoslavia by agreement." (The Agreement is
published as an annex to the letter of the Permanent Representative of
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to the United Nations addressed to
the President of the Security Council, dated 17 April 1996, S/1996/291,
April 1996).
In both cases, i.e. Yugoslavia and Macedonia, the Agreement
the same term "the state continuity". But, it is quite obvious that the
same terms have not the same meaning. Before its peaceful secession,
Macedonia existed as the Republic of Macedonia - a federal unit of the
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. It did not exist as an
independent state, a subject of international law. For the first time in
history, it became such a subject after peaceful secession.
15. The United States implicitly confirmed the legal fact regarding the
international legal continuity of the FR of Yugoslavia. By its Note No.
C-42 of 5 May 1998, transmitted to the Federal Ministry of Foreign
the Embassy of the United States of America in Belgrade claimed the
extradition of Rifat Fteja, a Yugoslav citizen charged with several
criminal offences committed in the United States. The extradition
is based on the Extradition Treaty of 1901. Accordingly, the position of
the US Government is that the Extradition Treaty, concluded between the
Kingdom of Serbia and the United States of America on 12/25 October
is in force between the Kingdom of Serbia and the United States in 1998.
confirmed the international legal continuity of both States. Namely, if
FR of Yugoslavia is a new State, it should conclude a separate agreement
with the United States on succession in respect of bilateral treaties.
the absence of such an agreement, the United States considers the 1901
Treaty to be in force and, consequently, implicitly confirms the
international legal continuity of the FR of Yugoslavia. The fact of the
international legal continuity of the FR of Yugoslavia was also
by exchange of Notes between the FR of Yugoslavia and the United States
(Notes Nos. 10763 and 22, respectively) in 1996 concerning the
establishment of the US Information Service Centre in Pri{tina. The
exchange of Notes shows that both sides consider that the Memorandum of
Understanding, signed between the Federative People's Republic of
Yugoslavia and the United States in Belgrade on 14 June 1961, to be
in force.
16. The largest number of other States have explicitly or implicitly
confirmed the international legal continuity of the FR of Yugoslavia.
is an obvious proof of the existence of unbroken-off diplomatic
between the FR of Yugoslavia and 160 States with which the SFRY had
maintained diplomatic relations. The majority of States consider that
bilateral agreements entered into with the SFRY are in force also in
relations with the FR of Yugoslavia. Some Members States of the European
Union, such as Austria, Greece and the United Kingdom, have also
recognized this fact through exchange of Notes, whereas some other, like
Italy, have done so by making a unilateral declaration. The former
Republics, upon becoming independent States, have established diplomatic
relations with other States. This was not the case with the FR of
Yugoslavia, since it is not a new State. These States have entered
separately into agreements with third States on succession in respect of
bilateral treaties which existed between these third States and the
In contrast to them, the FR of Yugoslavia has not done so. The former
Yugoslav Republics have requested that they be recognized as independent
States. The FR of Yugoslavia has not made such a request.
17. The basis of the international legal personality of the FR of
Yugoslavia is the fact that Serbia and Montenegro existed as independent
States before the creation of Yugoslavia in 1918. Both States were
recognized as independent at the Berlin Congress in 1878. After
was created in 1918, all international treaties of the Kingdom of Serbia
remained in force and were valid on the enlarged territory of the
of Yugoslavia (Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 1974, vol.
Part One, p. 208). The same applied to diplomatic relations as well.
18. The facts of the Yugoslav crisis cannot be associated with the
of the dissolution of a State as defined under the Vienna Convention on
Succession of States in respect of State Property, Archives and Debts of
April 1983. The provisions of this Convention, although not containing
explicit definition of dissolution, point to an essential element of
notion, namely sequence of events. Dissolution and cessation of a State
come first and then new independent States emerge (Articles 18, 31 and
thereof). That was the sequence of events in the case of the Czech and
Slovak Federal Republic. It ceased to exist on 31 December 1992, and as
1 January 1993 they emerged as the independent Czech Republic and the
Slovak Republic. In its opinions, the Badinter Commission noted that the
SFR of Yugoslavia ceased to exist on 4 July 1992 (Opinion No. 8,
International Legal Materials, 1993, 1521) and that Croatia and Slovenia
became independent on 8 October 1991, while Bosnia and Herzegovina and
Macedonia gained their independence on 6 March 1992 and 17 November
respectively, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on 27 April 1992
(Opinion No. 11, Ibid., 1587). The above shows the absurdity of findings
the Badinter Commission. According to this Commission, all the five
first attained their independence and then the SFRY ceased to exist. How
much this fiction is artificial is illustrated by the fact that the date
the adoption of the new Constitution of the Federal Republic of
was taken as the date on which it became independent. It is fairly
in international law to quality the change of constitutional
in a State as that State becoming independent.
19. The opinions rendered by the Arbitration Commission of the Peace
Conference on the former Yugoslavia, the so-called Badinter Commission,
irrelevant. Although it was referred to as the Arbitration Commission,
Badinter Commission was not a Court of Arbitration in the international
legal sense, but rather an advisory body of the international conference
charged with the task of finding solutions for a peaceful outcome of the
Yugoslav crisis. The opinions rendered by it are not legally binding.
Taking into account that the majority of members of the Commission were
judges of constitutional courts, and not experts in international law,
these opinions are not based on international law from the strictly
professional point of view.
20. The opinions of the Badinter Commission are politically motivated
not grounded in international law. All insistence on an alleged
of the SFRY and on the FR of Yugoslavia not being a Member of the United
Nations is politically ill-intentioned and legally unfounded. Membership
the FR of Yugoslavia in the United Nations has nothing to do with the
question of the succession of the SFRY. The Badinter Commission points
that the request of the FR of Yugoslavia to be the only successor State
unacceptable. This is yet another proof of the absurdity of the opinions
rendered by this Commission. The FR of Yugoslavia does not consider
to be the only successor State, nor does it at all consider itself a
successor State. The successor States are the newly-created States, i.e.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Croatia and
Republic of Slovenia. The FR of Yugoslavia is not a successor state but
old State which now exists on a shrunken territory. The FR of Yugoslavia
does not contest the status of successor States to the newly-created
of the former Yugoslavia and it is prepared to settle the question of
succession of the SFRY by an agreement entered into with these States in
accordance with international law. It has formally undertaken to do so
under the bilateral arrangements indicated below. It insists that the
negotiations on the succession of the SFRY that were abrogated following
the aggression of the Member States of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization against Yugoslavia, be resumed within the framework of the
Peace Implementation Council. It sees the latest proposal, as put
by Sir Arthur Watts, as a solid basis for a speedy resolution of this
and has pointed out on several occasions already that it essentially
accepts and welcomes the new approach adopted by the Chief Negotiator in
these negotiations.
21. The Declaration of 27 April 1992 on international legal continuity
the FR of Yugoslavia has the legal relevance of a constitutional norm.
Therefore, all Yugoslav legal subjects and Government authorities are
obligated to respect it. All statements and acts of the Yugoslav
authorities contrary to it are null and void. In this respect, the
statement made by the then Prime Minister Milan Pani} in the UN General
Assembly on 22 September 1992 upon the adoption of General Assembly
resolution 47/1, in which he "formally sought membership in the United
Nations on behalf of the new Yugoslavia", is legally without effect.
if the statement made by the Prime Minister had had any legal
significance, it could not have had any legal force since it was beside
point. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is a Member of the United
and, consequently, its application for membership in the United Nations
Belgrade, 1 September 2000
> La visita alla Zastava è stata
> bellissima, stanno producendo, e ho anche incontarto alcune famiglie di
> bambini adottati a distanza, tar cui la "mia", era come se ci consocessimo
> da sempre! Sono stata anche tra i profughi serbi dal Kosovo, gli stessi
> dell'anno scorso, e là veramente è triste, e poi ho visto una bellissima
> Belgrado, piena di vita, confusione traffico, sono starordinari e spesso
> abbiamo aprlato con la gente che incontarvo del aftto che priam o poi
> bisogna che si riformi qualche specie di confederazione, non si può stare
> separati, mi è stato difficlie tornare a casa, sai cosa c'è laggiu' di
> straordinario? che pensano ancora, analizzano, fanno funzionare il
> cervello, insomma sono vivi, a volte qui dopo avere visto come la genta
> abbai bevuto al propaganda televisiva mi sembrano tutti morti, oppure sono
> semplicemente in malafede. Sono giuste le osservazioni sul Montenegro, vedo
> già qui tra la gente con cui parlo con cui alvoro che sta venendo fuori
> l'idea che la Jugoslavia stia togliendo l'autonoomia al Montenegro, ma come
> fanno a ri-beversi la stessa menzogna del kosovo? Penso che siano in relatà
> in malafede, e che ormai siamo in un paese profondamente colonialista, mi
> ha detto un anziano professore che gestiva un campo profughi dal Kosovo a
> Kraljevo che l'assalto alla Jugoslavia è stata una grossissima sconfitta
> della classe operaia europea, che non ha ne' saputo ma neppure voluto
> opporsi, capire...
> ...ho parlato con parecchie
> persone , gente qualsiasi e tutti cercavano di capire cosa era successo al
> mondo, e alla Jugoslavia, molti raccontavano le loro idee sulle cause della
> guerra, ci ahnno bommbardato perchè siamo l'unico paese che nello spazio
> dall'occidente alla Cina non vuole entrare nelal NATO, a Rambouillet ci
> hanno chiesto di dare del territorio jugoslavo alla NATO per le basi in
> cambio di un aiuto sulla questione del Kosovo e noi abbiamo rinunciato al
> Kosovo pur di non dare loro le basi, pur di non rinunciare alla nostra
> sovranità, e si sa cosa vuol dire per i Serbi dare il Kosovo, è la culla
> della nostra civiltà, ma la Jugoslavia vale di più, perchè la Jugoslavia è
> la terra della libertà, e noi siamo fatio così, combattiamo sempre per la
> libertà, prima o poi il mondo capirà che cosa ci è stato fatto, e
> soprattutto che ci hanno offesi dipingendoci come il contrario di quello
> che siamo, ci hanno bombardato perchè vogliono far passare il corridoio 8
> per il Kosovo, con il gas dal Caucaso, ci hanno bombardato perchè al
> finanziere Soros interessa la miniera di Trepca, perchè è la più bella
> miiera d'Europa di Piombo e Zinco, la più facile da coltivare, e forse le
> startegie energetiche stanno cambaindo e non sarà più il petrolio la
> materia prima più importante, e poi Soros vuole controllare i Balcani e
> finanzia l'opposizione, e Trepca è il simbolo della ipocrisia occidentale e
> del fatto che l'Europa si stia americanizzando: a Trepca ci hanno scacciato
> con i mitra e la maschere antigas, antiinquinamento, facendo finat che
> stavamo inquinando, proprio loro che hanno provocato con le loro bombe una
> vera e propria catastrofe ambiemntale, la loro ipocrisia è la stessa che
> hanno utilizzato quando hanno giustificato le loro bombe con l'aiuto ai
> profughi albanesi, questo è fascismo di una nuova specie, fascismo
> "umanitario", infido e ipocrita, un fascismo ancora peggiore di quello di
> Hitler e Mussolini, perchè ben nascosto, ma il resto del mondo, e
> soprattutto quei paesi che dovrebbero capire dove sta il loro vero
> interesse, alla fine capiranno che la dignità vale più di un paio di jeans,
> ci bombardano perchè la Jugoslavia è un paese ancora ricco, nonostante
> tutto, di cibo sano, di acqua, e l'acqua e la natura sono la futura
> ricchezza del mondo, ci bombardano per consumare le loro riserve di armi,
> ci bombardano perchè gli americani sanno di non avere cultura alle loro
> origini, ma un genocidio, e sanno che noi invece siamo un paese antico, con
> radici, e loro vorrebbero fare del mondo intero un fast food, e disprezzano
> la bellezza della natura, perchè la Jugoslavia intera, quella di una volta,
> era un paese bellissimo, e ce l'hanno disfatto, ed è anche colpa nostra, di
> tutti noi jugoslavi, ma in fondo l'abbaimo capito e non passerà molto che
> ce la faremo a ritrovarci, perchè siamo lo stesso popolo. Dopo le elezioni
> americane ci ribombarderanno con la scusa del Montenegro, ma questa volta
> saranno solo gli Inglesi e gli Americani (questo è l'unico punto su cui non
> mi trovo d'accordo, credo che non saranno solo gli anglo-americani a
> bombardare, dati gli enormi interessi coloniali di europei ed italiani in
> particolare, del resto la Zastava è stata bombardata proprio dagli Italiani).
> Non so se puoi trarre qualcosa da queste idee, che non sono le mie ma
> quelle di juigoslavi che ho trovato sul terno, in autobus, nelle case dove
> sono stata, è importante ascoltarli, perchè qui siamo messi molto male...
(5/6 settembre 2000)
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
Concludiamo con questo contributo, apparso sul volume "Imbrogli di
guerra" (Odradek 1999), la carrellata critica sull'atteggiamento servile
e guerrafondaio della gran parte del ceto intellettuale italiano, e non
solo, in occasione della guerra di aggressione della NATO contro la RF
di Jugoslavia nel 1999. I documenti precedenti si trovano alle pagine:
"Imbrogli di guerra" contiene gli Atti del primo incontro del Comitato
Scienziate/i contro la guerra, tenutosi nel giugno 1999. Il volume e'
ormai esaurito nelle librerie, ma tutti i contributi posso finalmente
essere letti sul sito internet del Comitato, in formato PostScript
compresso e PDF. Dalla home page del sito (che e' stata spostata ad un
nuovo indirizzo, basta cliccare sulla
copertina del libro per accedere ai contributi dei vari autori.
Un caloroso ringraziamento al curatore del libro, Franco Marenco,
per il materiale inviatoci.
Il Comitato Scienziate/i contro la guerra ha tenuto recentemente un
nuovo convegno a Torino, del quale saranno pure pubblicati presto gli
Atti, sempre per le edizioni Odradek.
di Andrea Martocchia (1)
In questo intervento si vuole analizzare il problema della scienza nella
contemporanea realtà
bellica da tre punti di vista: dal punto di vista culturale e
sociologico, laddove la scienza è intesa
nell'accezione più vasta, cioè come insieme delle attività di formazione
e trasmissione della
conoscenza; dal punto di vista della ``categoria'' o ``corporazione'' di
chi fa scienza, riferendosi
cioè al lavoro intellettuale ed al mondo della ricerca in senso stretto;
e da quello del progresso
tecnologico, cioè essenzialmente degli armamenti.
I problemi affrontati sono vasti e complessi, e perciò possono soltanto
essere sfiorati in questa
sede. Mi limiterò a suggerire degli spunti di riflessione, soprattutto
sui primi due aspetti,
riguardanti il ruolo del sapere e della conoscenza nella nostra società,
fornendo ove possibile
riferimenti per un approfondimento ulteriore.
Scienza come conoscenza
Incominciamo dallo stretto significato etimologico della parola scienza.
Il concetto di scienza
richiama la conoscenza, il sapere, l'analisi e la ricerca. È un concetto
valido in tutti i tempi ed in
tutte le culture, ma nella sua accezione più stretta con esso si indica
un filone di matrice
prettamente occidentale, di derivazione greca, sostanziatosi con il
Rinascimento e giunto ad una
teorizzazione precisa con la definizione del ``metodo galileiano'' o
``sperimentale''. Da alcuni
decenni, questa più stretta accezione del termine ``scienza'' è stata
sottoposta a svariate critiche
ed il paradigma è entrato in crisi nella nostra cultura. Non provo
nemmeno ad abbozzare un
excursus attraverso la nascita della meccanica quantistica, la
termodinamica, la teoria della
complessità, ecc., poiché la crisi della concezione positivistica, ma
anche popperiana, della
scienza è cosa ben nota.
Quello che intendo sostenere è che negli ultimi anni stiamo assistendo
ad una devastante crisi
della ``scienza'', intesa anche nella sua accezione più larga. Nella
società delle comunicazioni di
massa siamo silenziosamente ma inesorabilmente arrivati ad una crisi dei
criteri e dei fondamenti
della conoscenza, intesa come categoria generale, e quindi della
suddivisione del lavoro
intellettuale. A mio avviso, il problema non è solamente epistemologico,
bensì è diventato un
problema sociale e politico di grave rilevanza. Questa crisi si può
analizzare a vari livelli. Partirò
dal livello più ``esterno'', cioè dal piano della comunicazione sociale.
Informazione e propaganda
Negli anni Sessanta i situazionisti definivano la nostra società -- la
società capitalistica
avanzata, dove la mercificazione permea ogni attività umana
destrutturandone contenuti e
significati -- come ``società dello spettacolo''. Da alcuni anni, in
seguito a quello che è stato
chiamato ``crollo del muro di Berlino'' (l'annessione della DDR da parte
della Repubblica Federale
Tedesca e la crisi generalizzata del socialismo di stato), dalla
``società dello spettacolo'' siamo
precipitati rapidamente nella ``società della propaganda''.
Nella fase attuale, la guerra è all'ordine del giorno: sia come fenomeno
che riguarda le relazioni fra
stati, ovvero fra stati e strutture sovranazionali (Nazioni Unite, Banca
Mondiale, Fondo Monetario
Internazionale, NATO, Unione Europea, ecc.), sia all'interno di ogni
stato nel senso della rottura
del ``contratto sociale''. Questa rinnovata conflittualità tra ceti
sociali, tra culture e tra
popolazioni, tra centri e periferie, tra chi detiene i mezzi di
produzione e chi lavora duramente già a
dodici anni, non rappresenta ovviamente qualcosa di completamente nuovo,
ma caratterizza
nettamente la fase post-1989. Dopo il 1989 non c'è più lo
``spettacolo'', nel senso situazionista, a
rappresentare il conflitto sociale, mistificandolo: c'è viceversa un
propagandistico-pubblicitario che accompagna l'attacco diretto, aperto e
senza infingimenti
contro le conquiste di almeno cent'anni di lotte dei lavoratori (sfascio
dello stato sociale e
neoliberismo), contro le stesse forme istituzionali atte alla mediazione
dei conflitti (dalla nostra
Costituzione alle Nazioni Unite, dai partiti ai sindacati), nonché
l'attacco armato contro popoli e
stati che frappongono ostacoli a quella che viene detta eufemisticamente
``globalizzazione'', cioè
la fase suprema dell'espansione del grande capitale: l'Imperialismo.
In questa fase il conflitto all'interno della società opulenta non si
traveste più con lo
``spettacolo'', ma si palesa nella pura ``propaganda''. Quella
propaganda che in Italia, ad esempio,
sanziona attraverso svariate campagne di stampa la svendita del
patrimonio pubblico, compresa la
cessione all'imprenditoria straniera di settori strategici come le
(privatizzazione di Telecom), la privatizzazione del sistema
pensionistico, il presidenzialismo
bipolarista già teorizzato nel Piano di Rinascita Nazionale della P2, e
così via. Tutti fatti decantati
e celebrati come ``inevitabili'' e ``necessari''.
Ricordo che fino agli anni Ottanta la politica in TV si faceva solo
nelle tribune elettorali, o si
leggeva su certi giornali. Da un certo punto in poi gli uomini politici
hanno preso il posto dei
presentatori televisivi (da Giuliano Ferrara a tutti i conduttori e
partecipanti dei vari talk-show),
mentre i presentatori ed imbonitori televisivi sono diventati uomini
politici (per tacere di
Berlusconi, ricordo ad esempio Sgarbi o personaggi dello spettacolo che
sempre più spesso
diventano candidati alle elezioni). Si è stabilita una commistione tra i
due versanti (spettacolare e
politico), per cui i ragionamenti sulla legge maggioritaria non si fanno
più in Parlamento, né
tantomeno nelle sezioni di partito, ma si fanno, anzi si spacciano sugli
schermi televisivi.
In questo contesto, è assolutamente normale che tutte le fasi delle
operazioni militari che ad
esempio il nostro paese conduce, ormai a ripetizione da anni, contro i
dittatori ed i barbari di turno
(Libano, Iraq, Somalia, Albania, Jugoslavia), siano accompagnate da
operazioni massmediatiche
dal carattere profondamente disinformativo. I nostri giornali non solo
non riportano quasi mai
reportage originali e dettagliati da questo o quel paese, come invece è
d'uso sulla grande stampa
francese o tedesca, pure schieratissima, ma in generale danno per
scontate una serie di
informazioni di base, sulle quali si costruisce poi tutto il
Per limitarci al caso jugoslavo: i nostri giornali non hanno mai
descritto se e che cosa sia stato
abrogato dell'autonomia del Kosovo nel 1989, ma ripetono ossessivamente
che ``Milosevic ha
tolto l'autonomia al Kosovo''. Il che è da una parte falso, perché non
fu Milosevic ma la
Presidenza collegiale di quella che era la Repubblica Federativa e
Socialista di Jugoslavia,
compresi Sloveni, e Croati, e dall'altro è fuorviante perché l'autonomia
della regione non fu
abrogata tout-court, ma furono tolti soltanto il diritto di veto che
questa aveva rispetto alle
decisioni della Repubblica di Serbia e le altre prerogative di
semi-statualità, mentre fu ad esempio
conservato il bilinguismo.(2) Allo stesso modo, si ripete
incessantemente che sarebbe esistito un
piano di ``pulizia etnica'' da parte della leadership serba, piano che
sarebbe stato formulato in un
Memorandum e declamato da Milosevic nel suo discorso a Campo dei Merli
il 28 giugno del 1989.
Ma il Memorandum non lo ha letto quasi nessuno, poiché solo Limes ne ha
pubblicato degli stralci,
e chi lo ha letto sa che c'è scritto esattamente il contrario; quanto al
discorso di Milosevic, non è
stato mai tradotto in italiano, così come Milosevic non è stato mai
intervistato sui nostri giornali.
Dopodiché si accusa Milosevic perché, all'inizio dei bombardamenti fa
chiudere Radio B52
(scusate, volevo dire B92), finanziata dalla Fondazione Soros, che ha
tra i suoi sponsor anche
Hillary Clinton. E, in nome della libertà di informazione, si bombarda
la televisione serba con i
giornalisti dentro.
Carattere militare della trasmissione di informazioni
In queste circostanze, il meccanismo della disinformazione nei
mass-media è un meccanismo di
carattere militare. Non è dovuto soltanto ad incompetenza o eccesso di
zelo di certi giornalisti, e
fa si che la distinzione tra il vero ed il falso diventi ardua per lo
``spettatore''. Notizie false come
quella del bombardamento di Lubiana (1991), quella degli stupri di massa
in Bosnia (1993), quella
delle fosse comuni di Orahovac in Kosovo (1998) o le notizie delle
stragi di Sarajevo, subito
attribuite ai Serbi nonostante i dubbi ed i successivi rapporti ONU
smentissero queste
attribuzioni, dimostrano che è esistita in questi anni, e continua
adesso per il Kosovo, una
campagna di diffamazione antiserba, mirata evidentemente a creare
tensione per giustificare
l'intervento armato in quei territori. Non a caso il bersaglio di questa
campagna sono i Serbi, in
quanto popolazione maggioritaria di quella che era la Repubblica
Federativa e Socialista di
Jugoslavia, i quali vivendo sparpagliati un po' dappertutto tra le varie
Repubbliche meno di tutti
avevano interesse alla frammentazione ed allo sfascio del proprio paese.
Per questa campagna disinformativa le parti in conflitto (secessionisti
sloveni, croati,
bosniaco-musulmani, albanesi) si sono avvalse del lavoro di agenzie
specializzate come la Ruder
& Finn Public Global Affairs,(3) la quale attraverso lauti finanziamenti
da paesi terzi fa passare solo
``verità'' di comodo. A contribuire a questo colossale travisamento dei
fatti sono impegnate però
anche alcune istituzioni internazionali: il caso più clamoroso è stato
forse quello del capo della
missione OSCE William Walker e della ``strage di Racak''. Vi sono
coinvolte anche molte ONG
ed organizzazioni pseudo-umanitarie assai attive in questi anni, come
pure la potentissima lobby
di Soros.
Chi conosce questi terribili retroscena sa dunque che i nostri
quotidiani sono da prendere tutti
indistintamente cum grano salis, tenendo in mano la matita rossa e blu,
religiosamente gli articoli che sembrano significativi e facendo
raffronti a giorni e mesi di distanza.
La persona comune, che non si è mai interessata di un certo argomento
che all'improvviso assurge
agli onori delle prime pagine, è sola dinanzi al bombardamento
informativo. Su di lei ricade per
intero la responsabilità di scegliersi le fonti, fra libri, siti
internet, riviste che non seguano una linea
``di massa'', e anche materiali d'archivio e rapporti o ricordi
personali. In questa situazione la
vera informazione è un fai-da-te. La responsabilità della formazione
della conoscenza e del
sapere ricade interamente sul singolo, che dovrà impegnarsi da solo a
raccogliere, valutare e
sperimentare, proprio secondo il metodo sperimentale di Galileo. Non
esiste oggi come oggi
nessuna ``garanzia di affidabilità'' per i mezzi di informazione: siamo
in pieno medioevo. Quanto
sopra vale anche e soprattutto per i quotidiani ``di tradizione
democratica'', a causa del fatto che
molto spesso essi usano meccanicamente i dispacci d'agenzia, senza avere
inviati sul posto, e
soprattutto si avvalgono della collaborazione di elementi influenti di
quel ceto intellettuale che, io
credo, è soggetto oggi ad una terribile crisi di ruolo e di identità.
Gli ``esperti''
Penso in particolare a certi pseudo-esperti, veri azzeccagarbugli, che
in questi anni hanno
certosinamente capovolto i fatti sulla guerra jugoslava. Costoro sono
riusciti, ad esempio, a
sostenere e caldeggiare la frammentazione della Repubblica Federativa e
Socialista di Jugoslavia
con la giustificazione paradossale che le popolazioni devono vivere
insieme e senza odii reciproci !
Secondo loro, la Federazione andava spezzettata per liberare questi o
quegli altri dall'oppressione
centralista, benché in Jugoslavia i diritti delle minoranze fossero
ampiamente riconosciuti: si
trattava della realtà più avanzata a livello mondiale da quel punto di
vista. In nome della
``autodeterminazione dei popoli'', questi commentatori hanno combattuto
aspramente contro
l'autodeterminazione dei Serbi in Croazia e Bosnia, indicandoli come
aggressori... però poi
appoggiano l'autodeterminazione dei kosovari di lingua albanese,
glissando sul carattere
revanscista ed ultranazionalista del movimento grandealbanese, e
sottolineando ad ogni pié
sospinto la differenza ``etnica'' tra questi e quegli altri. Da una
parte dicono che bisogna difendere
il carattere multietnico di questo o quel territorio, e dall'altra si
contraddicono clamorosamente
evidenziando la presunta necessità di spezzettare, creando nuovi
Laddove le differenze etniche non esistono, questi pseudo-esperti se le
inventano: così ha fatto
la sua comparsa la ``differenza etnica'' tra Serbi, Croati e Musulmani
di Bosnia, mentre è noto che
la differenza fra queste popolazioni è solo di carattere
storico-religioso (come tra tedeschi
cattolici e tedeschi evangelici). La differenza linguistica, ad esempio,
è irrilevante. Tutto questo
non lo fa solamente un intellettuale di destra come Bettiza, ma anche un
Predrag Matvejevic su
tutti i giornali e le riviste di sinistra. Matvejevic è professore di
lingue slave, eppure va in giro a
teorizzare una presunta differenza tra la lingua serba e quella croata,
rendendo un ottimo servizio
alla nuova vulgata dei nazionalismi. Un'altra specialità di questi
``esperti'' è il non dire: ad
esempio Stefano Bianchini, storico, riesce a scrivere centinaia di
articoli sulla guerra in Bosnia,
senza mai dire che questa è scoppiata nell'aprile del 1992 perché i
rappresentanti croati e
musulmani alla Conferenza di Lisbona furono spinti dalla diplomazia USA
a ritirare la loro firma dal
Piano Cutileiro, già sottoscritto, il quale prevedeva la
cantonalizzazione della Bosnia. Questo
piano, se applicato avrebbe evitato tre anni di guerra civile (per non
parlare delle operazioni di
appoggio militare e finanziamento alla leadership bosniaco-musulmana).
Bianchini scrive anche
decine di articoli sul Kosovo senza mai parlare delle miniere e del
problema geopolitico dei
``corridoi''. E rapidamente cadranno nell'oblio le critiche a quella che
è stata definita la
``trappola'' (o diktat) di Rambouillet, in seguito alla quale sono
iniziati i bombardamenti su tutto il
territorio serbo-montenegrino.
Ad altri ``esperti'' e ad altri fatti, spesso più rilevanti di quelli
che vengono ossessivamente
ripetuti, è costantemente negato lo spazio: non c'è stato sui giornali
ed in televisione alcun
approfondimento sui principali antefatti storici della guerra civile nei
Balcani. Una severa censura
copre tutto quello che riguarda il colonialismo italiano nell'area ed i
crimini di guerra commessi
dagli italiani durante le Seconda Guerra Mondiale,(4) compresi i campi
di concentramento sull'isola
di Rab/Arbe ed in Slovenia, nonché l'occupazione militare del Kosovo
annesso alla Grande
Albania fascista. Una ricerca storica rigorosa e documentata come quella
di Marco Aurelio Rivelli
sui crimini del clericonazismo ustascia nella Croazia di Pavelic e
Stepinac è stata pubblicata
fortunosamente solo nella primavera di quest'anno.(5) Questi sono solo
alcuni esempi che
dimostrano la difficoltà estrema della trasmissione delle conoscenze e
delle ricerche storiche in
questo clima di guerra.
Da una parte, quindi, il perverso ruolo degli ``esperti'' sui mezzi di
informazione. Dall'altra una
vera censura, più o meno volontaria, e comunque strutturale: sono gli
aspetti più evidenti della
devastante crisi nella trasmissione della conoscenza tra addetti ai
lavori e pubblico, crisi in atto
nella società in cui viviamo proprio per il modo in cui è strutturata.
Solo a colui al quale viene
attribuito, massmediaticamente, il ruolo di ``esperto'' è affidato il
compito di interpretare e
raccontare, e solo la sua voce conta. Quello che dice l' ``esperto''
viene riprodotto e ripetuto in
maniera praticamente totalitaria, mentre voci diverse ed interpretazioni
divergenti hanno
raramente la possibilità di esprimersi -- attraverso la pubblicazione di
un articolo o di un libro --.
A causa della rigida strutturazione per competenze e per feudi del
lavoro intellettuale, se non sei
``nella parrocchia giusta'' non passi. Questo lo sa chiunque abbia
provato a farsi pubblicare
qualcosa (che fosse un articolo od una raccolta di poesie) senza potersi
giovare della conoscenza
o dell'appoggio di qualche personaggio influente.
Notiamo che, non a caso, nella nostra società mediatica il ruolo della
scienza e dello scienziato è
celebrato continuamente, al punto che alcuni scienziati di fama hanno il
loro posto fisso nei
dibattiti: si pensi a Zichichi, a Hack. La voce dello scienziato, e in
generale la voce dell'esperto o
di colui che assume il ruolo di esperto nel carosello massmediatico,
assume valore in sé e per sé.
Se a costui viene attribuita una sufficiente autorevolezza, può anche
debordare in campi del tutto
diversi da quello di competenza. L'esperto può allora diventare
tuttologo, ed andare a proclamare
che i Serbi sono nazionalisti per natura, anzi per codice genetico,
anche se lui non ha mai parlato
personalmente con un serbo in tutta la sua vita. Questo tipo di ruolo,
praticamente sacrale,
dell'esperto è la negazione stessa del concetto di ``scienza'', intesa
in senso stretto, ed è la
negazione di fatto di quella che dovrebbe essere la funzione sociale
dello scienziato, dell'esperto,
del ricercatore, dell'intellettuale: colui che ricerca, colui che
verifica la fonte, l'informazione o il
fenomeno in oggetto.
Imposture intellettuali
Questa ``garanzia di credibilità'' dell'esperto vale dal mondo delle
scienze naturali nel senso delle
scienze umanistiche (ad esempio Zichichi che parla di Dio) ma anche in
senso inverso, quando il
filosofo e il romanziere assumono il linguaggio delle scienze naturali,
lo manipolano a piacimento,
ed il tutto causa situazioni al limite del paradosso e del ridicolo. Ha
suscitato molto scalpore, per
esempio, la beffa di Alan Sokal. Questo fisico statunitense spedì alcuni
anni fa un complicato
articolo ad una rivista di sociologia, che lo accettò per la
pubblicazione. Dopo alcune settimane
Sokal in un altro articolo smentiva completamente il precedente,
svelando la beffa: aveva usato a
casaccio complicate citazioni di vari autori, filosofi e sociologi di
scuola postmoderna, creando un
pezzo incomprensibile, perché privo di senso, ma affascinante. Ed era
stato preso sul serio ! La
beffa di Sokal ha chiarito in modo incontestabile che la figura dell'
``esperto'', nella nostra società
delle comunicazioni di massa, è un puro specchietto per le allodole: non
solo per il mondo
``profano'', ma anche all'interno dell'ambiente specialistico a causa
del livello estremo di
settorializzazione delle varie discipline.
Recentemente, Sokal ha pubblicato un altro libro insieme ad un collega
belga,(6) nel quale contesta in
maniera organica e rigorosa il linguaggio ed il metodo usati da tutta
un'area di pensiero, quella
appunto postmoderna, popolata da tanti intellettuali francesi eredi
dello strutturalismo, e rivendica
la necessità del metodo razionale, sperimentale e dimostrativo. Il
libro, che si intitola ``Imposture
intellettuali'', è secondo me una pietra miliare di questa fase storica,
in quanto mette a nudo lo
sfascio completo del pensiero analitico contemporaneo. E così si
scoprono gli altarini dei ``finti
esperti'', che nascondono la loro vuotezza sotto ad una cortina fumogena
fatta di parole, il cui solo
valore, nel modo in cui questi le usano, è nel suono che hanno.
L'attacco di Sokal colpisce al cuore un'area di intellettualismo del
tutto speculativo ed
antirazionalista, che ha i suoi capisaldi in Francia. Non a caso la
società francese, che
rappresentava negli anni Sessanta l'osservatorio del movimento
situazionista, e che era da questo
interpretata correttamente come ``società dello spettacolo'', è anche la
società dove più sfrenata
è la mercificazione culturale (si pensi a Parigi, al continuo
supermercato di idee ed avvenimenti
culturali...). Quella francese è la società dove dall'onda lunga del
Sessantotto antiautoritario si è
sviluppata la corrente di pensiero dei ``nuovi filosofi'', nucleo di
elaborazione del ``pensiero
debole'' antirazionalista che ha furoreggiato durante tutto il riflusso
degli anni '80. Non è un
caso che questi ex-nuovi filosofi sessantottini francesi siano oggi in
prima fila nella polemica
antijugoslava: Daniel Cohen-Bendit, Bernard Henry-Levy, André
Glucksmann, e pure quel
Finkielkraut che un giorno appoggia l'ultranazionalismo croato
sentenziando quali siano i popoli
civili e quali i barbari, ed il giorno dopo rivaluta certi personaggi
della Repubblica di Vichy. Una
corrente di pensiero ``differenzialista'', impegnata in tutti questi
anni a cercare ciò che divide
anziché a valorizzare ciò che unisce, non a caso violentemente
partigiana delle secessioni
Non è un caso che il libro ``Imposture intellettuali'' venga
violentemente attaccato sul Manifesto,
giornale che ha attinto dal ``pensiero debole'', dalla ``complessità'' e
da un certo antirazionalismo
per almeno 15 anni, nell'ambito di un processo di decostruzione ed
abbandono del marxismo (non
solo del leninismo). Questo quotidiano è l'espressione di un'area
intellettuale affascinata dal
pensiero ``differenzialista'' e postmoderno, ma con enormi difficoltà di
comprensione della fase
politica post-1989, e dello squartamento della Jugoslavia in
particolare. Sul Manifesto lo
squartamento della Repubblica Federativa e Socialista di Jugoslavia è
stato visto troppo spesso
come un processo dovuto a pulsioni nazionalistiche congenite, sorvolando
sulle cause strutturali,
strategiche, materiali, internazionali. Non è un caso, dicevo, che il
Manifesto attacchi il libro di
Sokal e Bricmont definendolo addirittura ``un'operazione di `pulizia
epistemologica', di violenza
paragonabile a pulizie balcaniche''.(7) Viceversa, è logico che il
Manifesto si esprima con tale
virulenza, quasi mostrandosi offeso, perché rivendicando l'importanza
del metodo
scientifico-dimostrativo e del linguaggio razionale gli autori del libro
pongono un problema che
travalica il merito delle scienze esatte e delle altre discipline
specialistiche (sociologia, filosofia,
ecc.). Sokal e Bricmont pongono un problema che riguarda tutta la
suddivisione del lavoro
intellettuale nella società in cui viviamo, e che riguarda pure, e
pesantemente, i giornalisti che in
questi anni hanno pubblicato menzogne pensando che la verifica delle
informazioni e delle fonti
fosse un'appendice accessoria di un sistema massmediatico nel quale
quello che conta è ben
altro: anche diffondere menzogne sulle ``pulizie etniche'' e sulle
guerre imperialiste è considerato
lecito perché ``il concetto di verità è fluttuante''; e ``in nome della
libertà di espressione'' due più
due fa quattro ma può fare anche tre o cinque. Izetbegovic è stato in
carcere sei anni nella
Repubblica Federativa e Socialista di Jugoslavia per istigazione
all'odio tra le nazionalità e per
aver scritto la ``Dichiarazione Islamica'', eppure lo si può appoggiare
come difensore di Sarajevo
Un clima decadente
In realtà se l'informazione è il regno dell'arbitrio, e la trasmissione
delle conoscenze è regolata
sempre più da meccanismi perversi e ``blindati'', allora la nostra
società non è democratica né
libera: è decadente, come decadente era il clima intellettuale che aprì
la strada al fascismo. Come
allora, gli intellettuali e gli scienziati non svolgono più il ruolo che
a loro compete, e stanno lì a
creare una cortina fumogena che rende impossibile la conoscenza dei
fatti, rende arduo accedere
a tutti gli elementi per valutare, e rende possibili (e magari
giustificati) la devastazione e il
bombardamento prolungato per 78 giorni di un paese già vittima di un
embargo ingiusto.
Non parlare dell'occupazione fascista del Kosovo durante le Seconda
Guerra Mondiale consente
di rioccuparlo oggi, nell'ambito di un'operazione di carattere
neocoloniale travestita da missione
umanitaria. Non parlare della natura mafiosa dell'UCK e dei suoi
rapporti con il traffico
internazionale di armi e di droga consente di presentarlo come un gruppo
di romantici guerriglieri
che forse faranno degli errori, ma certo non sono assassini per
vocazione, come i Serbi...
Questo clima decadente, sviluppatosi nella Francia post-sessantottina,
regna da anni
incontrastato in tutta Europa. Si tratta di un vero e proprio
totalitarismo, ben descritto ad esempio
da Peter Handke e da Regis Debray. Quest'ultimo in un recente articolo
ha analizzato e
commentato il linciaggio a cui è stato sottoposto a causa delle sue
posizioni critiche nei confronti
dell'aggressione contro la Jugoslavia: ``A quanto pare voi incarnate la
democrazia, lo spirito
d'apertura, la civiltà contro i nuovi barbari. Non è così. Siete il
volto attuale del
fanatismo''.(9) Debray si rivolge all'intellettualità francese di cui
sopra, ma il suo commento lo
possiamo riprendere qui in Italia ed applicare alla lobby dei vari
Sofri, Matvejevic, Dizdarevic, tutti
gli editorialisti dei grandi quotidiani e tutta l'area politica
trasversale centrata sul Partito Radicale
di Bonino-Pannella, vera punta di diamante del moderno fascismo,
razzista-sciovinista e
``Ex-sinistra'' e responsabilità degli intellettuali
Rispetto a tutto questo il ceto intellettuale progressista è complice
consenziente, oppure è
paralizzato in quanto trova spazio solamente unendosi al coro. Un motivo
di questa paralisi
dell'intellettualità di sinistra consiste nel fatto che essa oggi come
oggi è dalla parte del potere:
non dimentichiamo che è il centrosinistra, che sono le socialdemocrazie
ad aver guidato in Europa
la recente aggressione contro la Jugoslavia. È proprio il ceto
intellettuale sedicente progressista la
vera base di appoggio dell'attuale classe di governo del nostro paese,
così come gli ambienti
universitari e della ricerca rappresentano la vera clientela
dell'attuale area di governo, laddove ad
esempio fino a dieci anni fa clientela, o base sociale, del governo
pentapartito era soprattutto il
parastato, tra i lavoratori statali ed i colletti bianchi
dell'industria. Ecco perché, a mio avviso,
l'ambiente universitario e della ricerca è rimasto sostanzialmente muto
negli scorsi mesi; ecco
perché la tradizione antimilitarista di certo mondo scientifico (USPID,
Pugwash, eccetera) è
defunta, come si faceva notare in una assemblea degli studenti di Fisica
di Roma alla ``Sapienza''
nel maggio 1999. Mentre con la guerra del Golfo la maggioranza dei
professori e ricercatori
scuotevano ancora le spalle preoccupati, e solo pochi di essi
pubblicavano articoli per avvalorare
la tesi folle delle ``bombe chirurgiche'', adesso l'opinione diffusa è
che il problema stia tutto nei
Serbi: la guerra è giusta anche se fa male, oppure è ingiusta ma il
problema resta Milosevic, che è
contemporaneamente comunista e fascista, liberista e statalista,
estremista e venduto,
nazionalista serbo e jugoslavista. Se non firma è esaltato, se firma è
doppiogiochista: insomma è
serbo e va annientato.
Il mondo delle baronie universitarie è il vero ``nocciolo duro'' di
questa classe dirigente, e dunque
non può esprimere una vera opposizione alla deriva bellica ed
autoritaria in atto. Per inciso, tutto il
mondo del lavoro è paralizzato dal fatto che, si dice, ``le sinistre
sono al governo'': perciò non
viene indetto nessuno sciopero contro la guerra, e chi indica la
contraddizione è un estremista,
anzi un ``terrorista''.
Veniamo dunque all'aspetto più ``interno'' del problema, cioè
all'atteggiamento del ceto
intellettuale e del mondo della ricerca. A mio parere, una crisi sociale
e morale investe l'ambiente
dei ricercatori, la comunità scientifica nel suo complesso e le
convenzioni ed il linguaggio che essa
usa per la comunicazione al suo interno. A causa della crescente
settorializzazione delle
competenze, tutte le società a capitalismo avanzato si strutturano in
feudi e ghetti, il cui
interscambio conoscitivo è demandato a personaggi, i suddetti
``esperti'', i quali hanno spazio sui
mass-media e nei consessi dove le informazioni si dovrebbero
Considerando ad esempio il mio campo specifico di ricerca,
l'astrofisica, rimango sempre più
spesso stupefatto dal crescente livello di autoreferenzialità di certe
correnti di ricerca, e dalla
strutturazione profondamente rigida e chiusa di gruppi e comunità.
Sempre più spesso si ascoltano
frasi del tipo ``non chiedetemi spiegazioni su X perché non sono un
esperto'', anche se
l'argomento X del quale non si intende parlare è profondamente connesso
con la propria
competenza e la propria ricerca. C'è un timore quasi religioso rispetto
al rischio di invadere
``campi altrui'', ed una crescente tendenza al solipsismo, accentuata
anche dal tipo di tecnologie
in uso (il fatto di stare inchiodati dinanzi al computer). In un grosso
progetto di ricerca è difficile
che un partecipante sappia con esattezza di cosa si stia occupando un
altro, e questo a causa
della ``complessità'' del problema affrontato e dei mezzi per studiarlo.
Talvolta l'incomunicabilità
non deriva nemmeno dall'effettiva divisione del lavoro, ma da pura e
meschina rivalità e
concorrenzialità tra gruppi, anzi tra parrocchie, cosicché indirizzi di
ricerca innovativi ed
interpretazioni alternative sono presi in considerazione con estrema
difficoltà. Un tipico esempio è
la cosmologia ``standard'', divenuta un enorme pachiderma sia dal punto
di vista teorico che da
quello sperimentale, sulla quale operano tantissimi ricercatori e
gruppi, con una complicata
strutturazione dei progetti e dei finanziamenti: ebbene la cosmologia
``standard'' assomiglia
sempre di più all'universo tolemaico, al quale si vanno aggiungendo
epicicli ed ipotesi ad hoc per
tappare le falle che si aprono sempre più spesso (teorie
dell'inflazione, e via discorrendo). Il
rapporto con linee di pensiero alternative, pure assai sviluppate
(teorie stazionarie, teoria di
Alfven) è inesistente, e le pubblicazioni ed i contributi in quel senso
vengono accolti con una
risatina saccente, quando non vengono semplicemente ignorati. Ma questo
non vale solamente per
la cosmologia: nel campo dell'astrofisica relativistica, stanno uscendo
a ripetizione articoli che
ipotizzano meccanismi alternativi per gli AGN e gli oggetti compatti, ed
ormai esiste addirittura
una letteratura che nega l'esistenza dei buchi neri. Questa letteratura
viene semplicemente
scansata con fastidio.
A cosa serve la scienza ?
È evidente che questo clima interno all'ambiente scientifico e
intellettuale è il riflesso di un clima
culturale più generale, che non esito a definire fascista, clima che ha
accompagnato questi anni nei
quali la guerra è ritornata ``normale''. La guerra è come il pane
quotidiano, e con la Carta
Costituzionale si fanno... aereoplanini. In questo clima, la ``scienza''
e la ``conoscenza'' vengono
certo celebrate ed evocate, ma per stravolgerne il compito ed il
significato, ovvero per
strumentalizzarle. Per il pubblico il ruolo delle scienze naturali e
della tecnologia si riduce alla
sperimentazione di sofisticati sistemi d'arma, alla menzogna
propagandistica della ``guerra
chirurgica'' e delle ``bombe intelligenti'', e all'evocazione misteriosa
dell'impiego di uranio
impoverito, fosforo combinato, sistemi a puntamento laser, e via
discorrendo. Tutto questo
nell'ambito di una sacralizzazione del portato scientifico-tecnologico
che è la precisa negazione
del significato stesso di scienza e di progresso scientifico e di quel
metodo sperimentale che
imporrebbe la verifica sulle affermazioni, e del concetto di avanzamento
tecnologico che dovrebbe
servire ad una più giusta distribuzione dei frutti del lavoro dell'uomo.
(1) Sissa-Isas, Trieste
(2) Meno che mai si chiarisce perché sia stata abrogata la ``autonomia
speciale'' del Kosovo, tacendo su quello che è successo nella zona per
tutta la durata degli anni Ottanta e facendo incominciare la storia dal
(3) Il problema della disinformazione strategica nel caso jugoslavo fu
posto in termini chiari per la prima volta da Jacques Merlino nel libro
``Le verità jugoslave non sono tutte buone a dirsi'' (ed. Albin Michel,
1993), ancora non tradotto in italiano, nel quale si elencano i legami
tra i settori che conducono la disinformazione, le lobby ebraiche
statunitensi ed i lauti finanziamenti provenienti da certi paesi
(4) Si pensi ad esempio alla censura sul documentario della BBC
riguardante questi crimini, la cui versione italiana, curata dal regista
Massimo Sani con il contributo di storici importanti come Claudio
Pavone, è tuttora chiusa a chiave in un cassetto della RAI.
(5) M.A. Rivelli, ``L' Arcivescovo del genocidio'', Ed. Kaos 1999. Si
noti che il protagonista del libro, il vescovo Stepinac
collaborazionista del nazismo croato, è stato beatificato da papa
Wojtyla il 3 ottobre scorso, durante la visita del pontefice in Croazia.
(6) Sokal, Bricmont: Imposture intellettuali, Ed. Garzanti, 1999.
(7) ``La pulizia epistemologica'', di Marco D'Eramo, il Manifesto,
(8) Si noti che durante il conflitto nessuno aveva spiegato, nemmeno sul
Manifesto, che alcuni quartieri di Sarajevo erano a maggioranza serba e
semplicemente non volevano entrare a far parte della Bosnia di
Izetbegovic; cosicché in seguito agli accordi di Dayton centinaia
di migliaia di Serbi hanno abbandonato quei quartieri (1996), nella
totale indifferenza degli intellettuali che pure avevano per anni
parlato di ``Sarajevo multietnica''.
(9) ``Una macchina da guerra'', di R. Debray, su Le Monde Diplomatique
del giugno 1999.
Imbrogli di guerra - Scienziate e scienziati contro la guerra
© 1999 Odradek Edizioni SRL
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