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======================================Former Croatian minister confirms CIA's involvement
in 1995 military operation
SOURCE: HRT1 TV, Zagreb, in Serbo-Croat 1730 gmt 20 Aug 01
[Translated from Croatian TV on 20 August, 2001, Monday]
Announcer: Today's issue of the US
weekly 'Newsweek' carries a report
containing information that has been
surmised for years, but has never been
officially confirmed. According to Newsweek's
article headlined "What Did
the CIA Know" the US intelligence service
closely cooperated with Croatia,
particularly in the preparation and
during Operation Storm:

Reporter: The article says that in
the mid-1990s the Americans helped the
Croats by sending them images of the
Serb forces' movements and weapons
emplacements photographed by drones.
The images were transmitted to an HQ
near Zadar from where they were then
forwarded to the Pentagon. According
to top Croatian intelligence officials,
copies were also sent to the
headquarters of Ante Gotovina the
Croatian general in command of Operation
Storm. Miroslav Tudjman, the then
head of the Croatian Intelligence
Service, says in the article that
the Croatian and American intelligence
services had a de facto partnership. The
then Minister of Foreign Affairs
Mate Granic also knows about this cooperation:

Mate Granic: Of course I know, they
cooperated well, these aircraft were
also used. During the Kosovo operation
Croatia also cooperated successfully
as a partner of NATO and the USA.

Reporter: The article further says
that the US officials have confirmed
that the CIA had limited sharing of
intelligence information with Croatia,
but also insist American operatives
did nothing that contributed to war
crimes, nor did they know anything
about planning for criminal activity.

These facts can be used for defence
in the Gotovina case, the article
further says. His defence counsel
Luka Misetic says that there were many
sets of eyes watching Operation Storm.
No one there in the CIA saw there
was a problem with war crimes. A former
senior administration official says
the White House had the usual scatter
of information about individual
incidents, but no evidence that the
Croats were going out of their way to
terrorize the Serb population.

Another issue is how to pressure the
USA into opening their archives and
forwarding documents to the Hague tribunal:

Mate Granic: The US is reluctant to
give any of its intelligence reports -
that has been our experience so far.
As for whether it will give any
documents now, it is up to the Hague
tribunal and the USA.

Reporter: Gotovina's lawyer announced
he would ask for this by subpoena.
Roy Gutman concludes by saying that
the US cannot wash its hands of it now,
having been collecting evidence all the
time and finally saying: We were
not there.

Copyright 2001 BBC Reposted For Fair Use Only


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======================================Have You Seen the Movie, 'Judgment'?
It Shatters Media Lies about Bosnia.
If you haven't seen 'JUDGMENT' and you
care about what happened in Bosnia -
get a copy!

Do you remember the pictures of the
emaciated Muslim man supposedly held in
a barbed-wire concentration camp?
The pictures were phony, and this movie
proves it, using original footage to
show step by step how these photos
were fabricated.

Several thousand copies of 'Judgment'
have been sold and nobody has
disputed our claim, that it proves
that these pictures, which laid the
basis for the demonization of the
Serbian people, are fake.

Here's a deal. Buy 'Judgment' and if
you don't want to keep it, for any
reason, send it back, and we'll return
your money.


In US - $25.00 Canada - $26.00
All other countries - $26.50 (Available in
PAL and NTSC formats)


PO Box 610-321, Newton, MA

BY PHONE - call 617-916-1705 from 8:30 am
to 4:30 PM Eastern Standard Time

Go to

Since your payment will be listed as
a donation, send us an email at
emperors1000@... so we know the
money is to purchase a film(s).

Show this movie to friends, relatives,
organizations, churches, unions,
schools. Show it on TV.

*** or
[Emperor's Clothes]


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Za verziju na srpskohrvatskom:


Comunicato del Partito Socialista della Serbia
sull'assassinio di Abu Ali Mustafa

Il Comitato Centrale
Belgrado, 29 agosto 2001

Il Partito Socialista della Serbia (SPS) ha appreso con amarezza
dell'assassinio di Abu Ali Mustafa, uno dei principali leader dell'amico
popolo palestinese, segretario generale del Fronte Democratico per
la Liberazione della Palestina.

Nell'esprime il cordoglio ai familiari, ai compagni combattenti e di
partito, ed a tutto il popolo palestinese, ribadiamo in questa occasione
anche la nostra piena solidarieta' con la giusta lotta del popolo
arabo palestinese contro la repressione e per la realizzazione dei
suoi legittimi diritti e dei suoi obiettivi nazionali.

Le forze che stanno dietro questo crimine sono le stesse che, con il
terrorismo ed il crimine organizzato internazionale, per molti decenni
hanno agito in maniera distruttiva ed impunita nel Medio Oriente e
nel Mediterraneo orientale, e per un decennio nei Balcani ed in Asia
centrale, allo scopo di trasformare queste regioni in campi di battaglia
di conflitti etnici e religiosi, nell'interesse della loro espansione
militare, economica e finanziaria, a detrimento dei popoli che vivono
nel nostro angolo del pianeta, senza esitare nemmeno di usare
apertamente l'aggressione e l'occupazione militare.

Il Partito Socialista della Serbia, guidato dal presidente Slobodan
Milosevic, continuera' a guidare la resistenza dei popoli della
Jugoslavia contro la minaccia della colonizzazione e, insieme alle
forze progressiste, democratiche e di liberazione di tutto il mondo,
si impegnera' per la creazione di relazioni internazionali basate
sulla pace, sul rispetto della sovranita' dei popoli e sulla equa
cooperazione. E' vicina la sconfitta definitiva di quelli che cercano
di imporre la loro egemonia globale usando i missili, le bombe e
le sentenze contro chi lotta per la liberta'.

Per unirti od aiutare questa lotta, vai su: (pagine web ufficiali dell'SPS) (forum per un mondo di eguali) (comitato internazionale per la difesa
di Slobodan Milosevic)


The Socialist Party of Serbia

Head Committee

Belgrade, August 29, 2001


The Socialist Party of Serbia learned with embitterment about
the assassination of one of the most prominent leaders of the
friendly Palestinian people, Abu Ali Mustafa, general secretary
of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Expressing condolences to his family, fellow fighters, party
comrades and the whole Palestine people, we reiterate on this
occasion as well our full solidarity with the just struggle of the
Arab Palestinian people against repression and for the
realization of its legitimate rights and national goals.

The forces standing behind this crime are the same ones who,
braced with terrorism and organized international crime, for
several decades act destructively and unpunished in the Middle
East and the Eastern Mediterranean, over a decade in the
Balkans and in Central Asia, in order to transform this regions
into battlefields of ethnic and religious conflicts in interest of
their own military, economic and financial expansion, to the
detriment of the peoples living in our part of the World without
even hesitating open military aggression and occupation.

The Socialist Party of Serbia, headed by President Slobodan
Milosevic, will further on lead the resistance of the peoples of
Yugoslavia to the threat of colonization and, together with the
progressive, democratic and liberation forces throughout the
World, strive for the establishment of international relations
based on peace, respect of the sovereignty of peoples and
equitable cooperation. The definitive defeat of those ones trying
to impose their global hegemony with rockets, bombs and
sentences to freedom fighters - is near.

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan


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Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
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======================================Why is NATO Decimating the Balkans and
Trying to Force Milosevic to Surrender?
By Jared Israel and Nico Varkevisser
[29 August 2001]
Recently the International Committee
to Defend Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM)
received an email from some people in
St. Petersburg. They were organizing a
protest against globalization and The
Hague (un)Tribunal, and in support of
President Milosevic.

Many people in the West don't realize
that there is passionate support for
Milosevic across the political
spectrum in the former Soviet Union.
For example, the Russian Committee to
Defend Slobodan Milosevic is led by
Alexander Zinoviev, the distinguished
author and former Soviet dissident. At
the same time, the Committee is
strongly supported by the communists.

Virtually all Russian citizens demand
Milosevic be freed. They understand
that in NATO's attempt to destroy
Yugoslavia, Macedonia, and then Bulgaria
and Greece, the ultimate target is the
former Soviet Union.

NATO needs to crush Milosevic, and to
tarnish the legend of Milosevic,
because he stands for resistance to
NATO, to neo-colonialism, to Washington's
Imperial rule - to the new slavery
brought to us thanks to this latest
would-be Rome.

The following article is based on a
letter of greeting we sent the
demonstrators in St. Petersburg. * *

Why is NATO Decimating the Balkans and
Trying to Force Milosevic to

By Jared Israel and Nico Varkevisser

During the past 14 years, Yugoslav
loyalists and their leaders, especially
the Serbian people and President
Milosevic and his associates, have achieved
the same thing the Serbs achieved in 1941.

It was in March of that year that the
Serbs overthrew their pro-German
government. In a rage, Hitler ordered
the conquest of Yugoslavia. His troops
got bogged down in the attempt. This
delayed Operation Barbarossa, the
invasion of the Soviet Union. Because
of the Serbs, the Nazi supermen were
trapped in the fierce Russian winter.

In 1987, the forces around Milosevic
defeated pro-NATO elements in the
Serbian government, thus declaring
their independence from Washington.
>From that time on, Milosevic and the
Serbian and other Yugoslav loyalists
have provided a roadblock obstructing
NATO's Drive to the East and a beacon
to the former Soviets, to resist.

A 56 Year-Old Strategy

The attack on Yugoslavia and the
kidnapping of Milosevic are not random
events. They constitute a new phase of
the "anti-Eastern" strategy, which
Washington has pursued for more than
five decades.

That strategy had two parts: Part one
was the break up of the Soviet Union,
achieved in 1991.

Part Two is the reduction of the
Republics of the former Soviet Union
(SU) from nations to devastated
territories, small protectorates under
the domination of the U.S. and its junior

Washington has openly pursued this
strategy since the end of World War
II, when it created the CIA, in large
measure from General Gehlen's network
of Nazi operatives, agents and contacts
in Western, Eastern and Southern

Part One of the strategy went into
high gear in 1979. At that time it was
articulated by Jimmy Carter's National
Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski.
It was the reason for the U.S. proxy
war against Afghanistan, during which
Washington and its allies created and
nurtured the phenomenon of Islamist
terrorism, which now plagues the
former SU, the Balkans, Algeria, and
the rest of the planet.

In the West, it is considered
politically correct to ascribe the
breakup of the Soviet Union to an inevitable
'revolution' brought about by internal

Yet it is well known that most Soviet
citizens (perhaps 70%) opposed the
break-up of the Union. How can a
'revolution' that is opposed by most
people be inevitable?

Alexander Zinoviev was a leading
Soviet dissident. Here's what he says:

"The fall of communism has been
transformed into the fall of Russia.
The Russian catastrophe was deliberately
planned in the West. I say this because
I was once involved in these plans
which, under the pretext of fighting
an ideology, in fact prepared the death
of Russia.

"Contrary to a widely held view,
communism did not collapse for internal
reasons. Its collapse is the greatest
possible victory of the West. This
colossal victory has created a
planetary power. The end of communism
is also the end of democracy: our era is not
only post-communist, it is also
post-democratic ... This is because
democracy means pluralism: that
requires the existence of at least two more or
less equal powers During the Cold War
there was democracy at world level, a
global pluralism within which
capitalism and communism coexisted.
Now we live in a world dominated by a
single force, by a single ideology and
by a single globalist party The
Western countries are dominant but
they are also dominated, because they
are progressively losing their sovereignty
to what I call "supra-society". This
planetary supra-society consists of
commercial enterprises and non-commercial
organisms whose zones of influence are
superior to those of nations. The
Western countries are subjected, like
other countries, to the control of
these supranational structures. But
the sovereignty of nations was a
constituent part of pluralism and
democracy at world level. The present
dominating power is crushing sovereign
states. The process of European
integration which is taking place
under our eyes is causing the
disappearance of pluralism within this new
conglomerate, to the benefit of a new
supranational power." ('Figaro', 24th
July 1999)

Washington and Western Europe (NATO)
contrived to exhaust the Soviets
economically (e.g., the Afghan war and
the arms race) bribed and otherwise
seduced many of its officials,
demeaned its ideology, and used other
means to bring about the Soviets' so-called
internal collapse.

In the 1980s, knowing that the
destruction of the Soviet Union was
near, the U.S. mobilized Germany and England and
launched the attack on Yugoslavia,
which went into high gear with the
externally-engineered secession of
Slovenia and Croatia in 1991,
precisely when the Soviet Union was
being destroyed.

Washington launched this attack
because crushing Yugoslavia, and especially
the passionately independent Serbs, is
the key to pacifying the Balkans. And
the Balkans is the strategic southern
flank of the former Soviet Union.

Washington Goes for World Conquest

There were plenty of problems with the
former Soviet Union, but these are
grossly distorted by politicians and
propagandists in the West. For example,
a year ago, in an article called
"Living with Russia," Zbigniew
Brzezinski, a strategist of U.S. Imperial rule,
explained the existence of grave
poverty in Russia as follows:

"The painful reality is that the
communist experiment has bequeathed to
the Russian people a ruined agriculture, a
retarded and in many places primitive
social infrastructure, a backward
economy increasingly facing the risk
of progressive de-industrialization, a
devastated environment, and a
demographically threatened population."

We have seen the same argument made
regarding Bulgaria and indeed all the
former socialist countries. It amounts
to heaping insult on injury. Since the
'fall' of communism, draconian
policies, dictated by Washington through the
International Monetary Fund, have
methodically laid waste to the economies
and social service-structures of these

In the Soviet Union, apartments,
childcare (available 24-hours a day),
medical and dental care, public
transportation and vacations were either free
or subsidized so working people could
afford them. Higher education was not
just free; students were paid stipends
if they maintained good grades. (This,
one might note in passing, was a
policy calculated to induce working
class students to go to college and study.
In much of the capitalist world today,
measures are in effect which produce
the opposite effect.)

The finest cultural achievements, such
as the great Bolshoi Ballet, were
enjoyed by ordinary people. For
example, in the case of the Bolshoi,
admission was a pittance and
transportation was organized so that
working people could attend.

In Soviet society, differences in
wealth existed but they were nothing
like those that exist in the West or that
have come to exist in the former
socialist countries.

Imperial Hypocrisy

It is under Western guidance that the
Soviet Union's great social protections
have been destroyed during the past
decade. And now Mr. Brzezinski, one of
the architects of that destruction,
has the audacity to blame it on the
system he helped eliminate and
preaches the moral superiority of the
system he and his ilk have put in its place,
in which some live like kings while
most others suffer without basic
necessities, and the kings preach

(Perhaps the greatest failing of the
Soviet Union was its non-democratic
character - non-democratic in the
profound sense of not relying on the
political thinking and action of
ordinary people. Instead a highly
centralized bureaucracy was the source
of all political motion. Imperial
strategists like Mr. Brzezinski
recognized this flaw, saw that if they
could penetrate and corrupt this structure
they could bring down the Soviet Union
before the people could be mobilized
to resist. Which is basically what

The Soviet Union had a policy of
supporting anti-colonial struggle.
After World War II, partly inspired by the
resistance of the Soviet bloc, colonial
and semi-colonial states from Eastern
Europe to China gained much freedom
from Western domination. But now that
the Soviet Union has been broken up,
and with it the restraining force of
Soviet power, Washington and its
European allies are trying to force
most of the world's people, that is
those living outside North America and
Western Europe, into neocolonial
status, that is, into desperate poverty.

The Model is Kosovo

In the Balkans we see Washington's
policy at its harshest. In a recent speech
delivered to soldiers at the giant
U.S. military base in Kosovo (called, with
pompous arrogance, "Bondsteel") George
Bush Jr. described Kosovo as the U.S.
model for progress in the Balkans.

This progress has meant rule by the
gangster-fascists of the KLA; it has
meant that politically unreliable
people - ethnic Serbs, "Gypsies," Slavic
Muslims and anti-fascist Albanians -
are demonized in the media even as they
are driven from the province, while
those who dare to remain in Kosovo live
in constant terror, their homes
reduced to prisons. This is all documented.

What Washington has done to the
Serbian province of Kosovo it is now trying
to do to Macedonia and the rest of
Serbia. If Washington is successful in
Kosovo-izing Serbia, Macedonia and
other Balkans states, it will have created
the stable southern flank it needs to
escalate the "low intensity wars"
(Washington's term) that it is already
fighting on many fronts against the
former Soviet Union.

Yugoslavia shows what Washington hopes
to accomplish in the former Soviet
Union, writ small.

First Yugoslavia was broken up, as the
former SU had been broken up. In the
process, Washington re-created
precisely the same fascist power blocs
that the Nazi's relied on during World War
II, especially clerical-fascists in
Croatia and fanatical Islamists in

Now NATO is using quisling governments
installed in Belgrade and Skopje, and
fascist-secessionists, mobilized
behind the slogan 'Greater Albania,' which
Washington has encouraged for over a
decade, to pulverize the remains, to
neutralize the powerful Yugoslav Army,
and to physically devastate those
populations in Serbia, Macedonia and
elsewhere which have historically
resisted Imperial domination and whose
hearts are drawn to the East.

If Washington succeeds in "pacifying"
the Balkans in this fashion, it will
try to duplicate the process
throughout the former Soviet Union: reducing
populations inclined to resist U.S.
rule to terrorized slaves ruled by local
fascists (conveniently labeled victims
of oppression by the pro-NATO media)
and all of it dominated by the U.S.
and its allies, especially Germany and

Components of the anti-Russian
onslaught are partly in place

The critical focus of Washington's
attempt to recolonize the world lies
in the Balkans.

If the new Empire consolidated its
power in the Balkans, the former Soviet
Union's southern flank, the attack on
Russia would increase a hundred- fold.
There would be direct NATO
intervention from the south and from
bases in the Baltic states, from certain former
Warsaw pact countries, and increased
attack from a few NATO-controlled
former Soviet Republics.

This would be justified by an all-out
Western media campaign, posing imperial
conquest as an attempt to curb
humanitarian abuses. At the same time,
Washington would escalate various
internal attacks, employing:

* Fifth Column forces already in
place, organized by George Soros' boys and
by U.S. and European agencies (e.g.;,
the National Endowment for Democracy)
throughout the former Soviet Union;

* Western-inspired attacks by fascist
Islamists (it is notable that some of
the Chechnya terrorists are now
fighting as Albanian rebels in

* Traitorous betrayals by officials
corrupted through the military and
economic penetration of the former
Soviet Union by Washington and its

What would the "Kosovo-izing" of the
former Soviet Union mean for the world?
First, Washington and its allies could
engage in the most extreme plunder of
the vast resources of the former
Soviet Union. And second, its position
consolidated in the former SU,
Washington could proceed full force
against the great Asian nation-states, trying
to break up China and India into
numerous small protectorates.

This would be Washington's dream.

Does this policy serve the interests
of ordinary people in North America
and Western Europe? Quite the contrary.
Unchecked, it poses the gravest risk
of worldwide nuclear war.

The resistance by Milosevic and the
Serbian people to NATO's expansion
into the Balkans, their attempt to awaken
the great Russian bear, which was
stunned by the breakup of the Soviet
Union, is of the greatest importance
to humanity, East and West.

By refusing to cooperate with NATO's
Hague unTribunal, President Milosevic
has, in one brave stroke, sent an
electrifying call for resistance
throughout the world. As a refugee from NATO's
attack on Afghanistan wrote:

"I just saw Milosevic [on TV]. He told
this criminal Western kangaroo court
that he doesn't recognize them. So I
wish there was a lot more of those
guys, like Milosevic."

The gentleman is correct. We do need
tens of thousands of those people like
Milosevic. That is why the unTribunal
is doing everything it can to force
Milosevic to drop his defiance and
cooperate with their inquisition.

If the Russians and other people of
the former Soviet Union can regroup,
achieve unity and create popular
movements with a Milosevic-type policy
of national unity based on social justice
- a policy that defends the nation by
mobilizing the overwhelming majority
of people for social justice - if the
Russian and other Soviet people can do
this, they will not only be protecting
themselves, they will once again be
protecting the world, including the
people of the U.S.

[Jared Israel is Vice-Chairman,
International Committee to Defend
Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM), Editor, and Editor,

Nico Varkevisser is Vice Chairman and
Media Coordinator, ICDSM Editor,
Targets newspaper, ]

To join Emperor's Clothes email list,
go to:

======================================Have You Seen the Movie, 'Judgment'?
It Shatters Media Lies about Bosnia.
If you haven't seen 'JUDGMENT' and you
care about what happened in Bosnia -
get a copy!

Do you remember the pictures of the
emaciated Muslim man supposedly held
in a barbed-wire concentration camp? The
pictures were phony, and this movie
proves it, using original footage to
show step by step how these photos
were fabricated.

Several thousand copies of 'Judgment'
have been sold and nobody has disputed
our claim, that it proves that these
pictures, which laid the basis for the
demonization of the Serbian people,
are fake.

Here's a deal. Buy 'Judgment' and if
you don't want to keep it, for any
reason, send it back, and we'll return
your money.


In US - $25.00 Canada - $26.00 All
other countries - $26.50 (Available in
PAL and NTSC formats)


BY MAIL - Send check to EMPERORS
CLOTHES, PO Box 610-321, Newton, MA

BY PHONE - call 617-916-1705 from 8:30
am to 4:30 PM Eastern Standard Time


Since your payment will be listed as a
donation, send us an email at
emperors1000@... so we know the
money is for a film(s).

Show this movie to friends, relatives,
organizations, churches, unions,
schools. Show it on TV.



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"Volete (o 'vogliamo') comportarvi (ci) da persone civilizzate oppure
volete fare come l'altra volta che mi avete staccato il microfono?"

Breve cronaca dell'udienza di oggi di SM all'Aia come � stata
riportata da un cronista del Messaggero (non ne hanno dato il nome),
trasmessa da Radiopopolare.

"Si e' ripetuto, allungato, lo scenario di due mesi fa. SM ha esordito
dichiarando illegale e illegittimo il tribunale. Si � dimostrato
aggressivo, ha mostrato segni di disagio, si e' seduto di traverso e
ha snobbato la corte. L'udienza e' durata 40 minuti. "Volete (o
'vogliamo') comportarvi (ci) da persone civilizzate oppure volete fare
come l'altra volta che mi avete staccato il microfono? Volete
nuovamente togliermi la parola?". Ad un certo punto la "sicurezza"
(sic...) spegneva i monitor, chiudeva le tende alle finestre, staccava
il microfono... "

Non e' stato detto altro.



Subject: MOSKVA: Slobodu Milosevicu! Hag je novi Ausvic!
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 17:27:13 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

Saopsstenje za sstampu

Komitet za odbranu politicckih suzzanja - boraca za
socijalizam i partije zastupljene u njemu (RPK, KPS,
RKRP, AKM, DZD, VKPB), pokret "Stop NATO" i predstavnici
drugih leviccarskih organizacija odrzzali
su 23. avgusta 2001.g. masovni miting kod ambasade
Holandije u Moskvi.

Uccesnici mitinga su stajali s plakatima: "Slobodu
Milosseviccu!", "NATO-u da se sudi!", "Dole sudanija u
Hagu!", "Holandija je zemlja lala, eutanazije i hasskog
tribunala", "Hag je novi Aussvic!", "Hag je fabrika
smrti!", "Dalje ruke od srpskih rodoljuba!", "Hagu!
Zassto ne sudiss albanskim banditima?" "Cionisti! Dalje
ruke od Milossevicca!" i dr.

Mnogi prolaznici su izrazzavali solidarnost sa zahtevima
uccesnika mitinga. U znak saglasnosti su trubili
automobili u prolazu.

Uccesnici akcije su izrazili odluccan protest
protiv bezoccne otmice u Hag nezakonito svrgnutog
Predsednika Jugoslavije Slobodana Milossevicca i
nepravedne sudanije nad njim zbog toga ssto je branio
celovitost i suverenitet svoje zemlje i interese
svog naroda koji ga je izabrao na visoki drzzavni polozzaj.

Kako su isticali govornici, Slobodan Milossevicc
je odveden u Hag uz pomocc marionetskog rezzima
Djindjicca-Kosstunice i krssenje svih jugoslovenskih
zakona, i zato je njegov pritvor nezakonit.
Podvlacceno je da je hasski tribunal - savremena
inkvizicija XXI veka, sposobna da isfabrikuje bilo koji
kriviccni predmet, sklepa bilo koje "dokaze". Taj
pseudosudski organ stvorili su SAD i NATO, finansira ga
krupni kapital i ima za cilj opravdavanje zloccina
NATO i prebacivanje odgovornosti za njih na zemlju -
zzrtvu agresije. Nije sluccajno ssto S. Milossevicca
i njegove saborce drzze u istoj onoj tamnici u kojoj su
tokom II svetskog rata lezzali borci-antifassisti. Uz
to, S. Milosseviccu su organizovali tesske uslove
boravka, ccine prepreke kod susreta sa advokatima i rodjacima.

Govornici su ccestitali Slobodanu Milosseviccu nedavni
rodjendan (20. avgusta) i pozzeleli mu ssto skorije
oslobadjanje i pobedu nad NATOvskom sudskom massinom.

Na kraju mitinga je doneta rezolucija. Medjutim,
ambasada Holandije je ispoljila prenebregavanje
elementarnih diplomatskih normi i neposstovanje
missljenja sveruskih drusstvenih organizacija i radnog
naroda Rusije, odbivssi da primi zvaniccni dokument.

Akcija je zavrssena ccitanjem stihova i skandiranjem:
"Dole sudanija u Hagu!", "Slobodu Milosseviccu!".

Miting je vodio A.V. Krjucckov, predsednik Komiteta
za odbranu politicckih suzzanja - boraca za
socijalizam, lider Revolucionarne (ruske) partije komunista.

Rezolucija mitinga poslata je elektronskom i obiccnom
posstom na adresu Ambasade Holandije i tribunala.

Pres-centar Komiteta za odbranu
politicckih suzzanja - boraca za socijalizam


uccesnika mitinga kod ambasade Holandije

Moskva, 23. avgusta 2001.g.

Mi, uccesnici mitinga, organizovanog od Komiteta za
odbranu politicckih suzzanja - boraca za
socijalizam, odluccno izrazzavamo protest protiv
nepravedne sudanije nad nezakonito svrgnutim
Predsednikom Jugoslavije Slobodanom Milosseviccem.
On je bio nezakonito, uz krssenje Ustava
Jugoslavije, otet iz svoje zemlje i drzzi se u
pritvoru u holandskoj tamnici u uslovima najsurovije

Smatramo nezakonitim rad takozvanog "medjunarodnog
kriviccnog tribunala za ratne zloccine u
Jugoslaviji". Tribunala koji se surovo obraccunava
sa Predsednikom suverene drzzave koji nije hteo
da se potccini bezoccnom diktatu SAD i NATO.
Finansiran americcko-cionisticckim kapitalom, taj
"tribunal" je cudovissno orudje osvete svetskim
liderima koji su branili nezavisnost i suverenitet
svoje Otadzzbine.

Smatramo da je Slobodan Milossevicc na polozzaju
Predsednika delovao u skladu s Ustavom
Jugoslavije, u interesu odbrane svog naroda od
albanskih terorista i zapadnih
porobljivacca-kolonizatora. Kriminalne behu radnje
SAD i NATO koji su prisvojili ulogu "svetskog
zzandarma" i messaju se u unutrassnje stvari
suverene drzzave. Njihovi zloccini su doveli do smrti
hiljada mirnih zzitelja, do pogorssanja ekoloske
situacije u regionu, do zaosstravanja medjuetnicckog
konflikta. Zato na kriviccnu odgovornost ne treba
pozvati zzrtvu agresije, nego glavessine zemalja
NATO cciji zloccini su uporedivi sa zloccinima
hitlerovske Nemaccke.

Optuzzujemo rukovodstvo Holandije za sauccesnisstvo
u krvavim zloccinima NATO. Holandija, i
sama buducci uccesnica prljavog rata iz 1999.
godine protiv Jugoslavije, dozvoljava NATO-vskoj
inkviziciji da na njenoj teritoriji sprovodi
samovolju i surovo se obraccunava sa onima koji ometaju
fassisticcke planove novih osvajacca sveta.

Zahtevamo da se Slobodan Milossevicc odmah oslobodi
iz Hasskih fassisticckih muccilissta i vrati u
Otadzzbinu, da se raspusti hasski tribunal i
ukinu sve njegove ranije presude, da se oslobode svi
suzznji tog "tribunala" i pozovu na odgovornost
oni koji fabrikuju kriviccne predmete protiv srpskih

Slobodu Slobodanu Milosseviccu!

Bruka je Holandije ssto je pruzzila utoccisste
NATO-vskoj sudaniji!

Dole nezakoniti hasski tribunal!

Glavessine NATO - na optuzzeniccku klupu!

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan


Anklage gegen Milosevic immer noch nicht fertig

DEN HAAG, 30.August 2001. Die Chefankl�gerin des
Haager Tribunals, Carla del Ponte wurde heute vom
Richter aufgefordert die Anklage gegen den ehemaligen
jugoslawischen Pr�sidenten Slobodan Milosevic bis Ende

November fertigzustellen. Del Ponte begr�ndetet das
Fehlen der fertigen Anklage mit Schwierigkeiten bei
der Beweisfindung. Wie bereits vor einigen Wochen
bekannt wurde ist die Chefankl�gerin des Tribunals
nicht in der
Lage Milosevic die von ihr behaupteten Verbrechen in
der serbischen Provinz Kosovo und Metochien



URL * [Emperor's Clothes]

Introduction by Nico Varkevisser [2 August 2001]

Reposted from - Please forward & repost!

[Nico Varkevisser is Editor-in-Chief of the
monthly newspaper, 'Targets.' Mr.
Varkevisser is Vice-Chairman of the
International Committee to Defend
Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM) and its
Coordinator in The Netherlands.]

Yesterday the ICDSM held another
press conference in Amsterdam.

The press was addressed by Ramsey Clark,
former Attorney General of the USA
and Co-Chairman of the ICDSM. Mr. Clark
had spent the better part of three
days meeting with President Slobodan Milosevic,
imprisoned in The Hague.

Posted below is a surprisingly accurate
'Reuters' dispatch covering the press
conference. I say 'surprisingly accurate'
because three days ago 'Reuters'
declared, as if repeating an accepted fact,
that Milosevic:

"...remains in solitary confinement at his
own request." ('Reuters,' 31 July 2001)

Contradicting this lie, Attorney Clark most
strongly protested the fact that
the Tribunal has kept Mr. Milosevic in
solitary confinement going into the
second month, thus violating even the
'Tribunal's' own rules and procedures.
Milosevic wants very much to be with the
other 'prisoners' but 'Tribunal'
officials have refused. In addition, said
Clark, Milosevic is especially
outraged about the insulting and inhumane
conditions under which his wife,
Mira Markovic, is forced to meet with him.

Reporters became somewhat hostile at
this point, demanding to know why the
'Tribunal' would possibly want to cause
problems for the President and his
wife. Clark answered that, obviously,
this was intended to break Milosevic.
"I have seen this in many countries,"
said Clark. "The authorities try to
disorient and weaken a political prisoner,
especially in the first stages of an arrest."

Clark noted that despite these attempts
to break Slobodan Milosevic, he
remains strong, has an excellent spirit,
is very sharp, and wants to argue
his case to expose NATO's aggression
aimed at breaking up and Yugoslavia, to
defend the sovereignty of Yugoslavia and
to defend the people of his country
against US and European plans to take
over and devastate the economy.

Said Clark: "Milosevic says, 'OK, I
didn't choose to be here, but I am here.
So apparently it is my destiny to use
this prison as a platform to help our people.'"

-- NV

Ramsey Clark: Milosevic To Defend Himself With Legal Help

THE HAGUE, August 2, 2001 (Reuters) -

Slobodan Milosevic will mount his own
''very powerful defense'' against war
crimes charges in The Hague but wants
lawyers to assist him in court, former
U.S. attorney general Ramsey Clark said on Wednesday.

``He is a person who is used to speaking
for himself and he will speak for
himself, but he wants to have the
assistance of counsel, Clark said after
visiting the detained former Yugoslav
president for a third consecutive day
in The Hague.

Milosevic, in a show of contempt for a
court he has branded an ``illegal
instrument of his NATO enemies, made his
first appearance in court last month
alone after opting not to appoint a defense

Milosevic's unorthodox wish to have lawyers
assisting him both in court and
in the U.N. detention unit while declining
to follow the standard practice of
granting power of attorney has proved a
headache for tribunal officials.

``There is no precedence for this. Any
proposals like that would have to be
looked at by the judges and the court
registry, U.N. tribunal spokesman Jim
Landale said.

If he indeed represents himself during
the trial, expected to start next
year, he would be the first defendant
at The Hague tribunal to do so. Legal
experts have suggested such a strategy
would be foolish.

But lawyers supporting Milosevic, including
Clark, have said he wants to seek
expert legal advice without actually
granting power of attorney.

``He will not be represented...He will
have the advice of counsel on a whole
range of things...He is going to mount
a very powerful defense, said Clark, a
member of the International Committee
to Defend Slobodan Milosevic.

Milosevic, accused of atrocities in Kosovo
in 1999, was whisked out of Serbia
in late June to face war crimes charges
at the U.N. International Criminal
Tribunal for former Yugoslavia.

Milosevic is being held in isolation
from The Hague's other 39 detainees. The
U.N. court said the former leader wanted
to be kept apart from other
detainees, but Clark said Milosevic
did want to mix with other detainees.

Clark, 73, a campaigner for causes
often at odds with U.S. authorities,
served as attorney general under President
Lyndon Johnson in the late 1960s.
He condemned the 1999 NATO bombing of
Yugoslavia during the conflict over Kosovo.


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Who Is Guilty? Milosevic or NATO?
by Stan Goff

[Stan Goff is a Retired U.S. Special
Forces Master Sargent, an author,
Organizer for the North Carolina
Alliance for Democracy and a member of
International Committee to Defend
Slobodan Milosevic. (ICDSM)]

What do you call someone who pays
officials to break the law, threatens
people with violence if they don't do
what he demands, spreads outrageous
lies to impugn people's reputations, and
participates in a plot to
illegally take an unwilling person out
of the country in captivity?

Guilty of bribery, extortion, slander
and kidnapping.

What do you call a government which does
precisely those things?

The United States in Yugoslavia.

Let's get something straight here. The
'War Crimes Tribunal' at the Hague
is no more an impartial judiciary (1)
than Geraldo Rivera is a
neurosurgeon, and Slobodan Milosevic is
no war criminal. These are just
simply facts, and the thing that--even
at 50--still amazes my ass is the
sheep-like, gullible,
acceptance of the
capitalist media's horse-manure by
comfortable fellow Americans.

United States military troops are
occupying the Balkans, many of them with
relatives who might read this, and very
few people seem the least bit
inclined to find out what's really going
on there. So they listen to CNN,
read the 'New York Times' or the 'News
and Observer,' watch PBS, or listen
to NPR, brought to you by... name your
favorite agribusiness or weapons
contractor... and believe them.

I've got a news flash for you, folks.
The media lie. They lie early and
often, and they keep on telling the same
lies over and over, apparently in
the well-founded hope that we will
simply and finally equate repetition
with accuracy. (2)

Slobodan Milosevic is no war criminal.
Nor was he a dictator. (3)

Until the US started a massive campaign
of extortion, bribery and election
rigging in Serbia, he won his elections
fair and square--unlike the current
de facto President of the United States.
Nor did Milosevic ever lead the
non-existent movement for Greater
Serbia. Nor do Serbs collectively "share"
any blame for whatever flavor-of-the-day
atrocity is being invented by the
IMF, the State Department, NATO
Headquarters in Brussels, or that fake

Serbs are as fractious and pluralistic
as any group, especially about
politics, deeply split even today
between nationalists and socialists. What
they are not, contrary to the recent
resurgence of Serb-bashing, is
self-pitying and paranoid. They are one
of the most stoic, and tolerant,
people in Europe.

The distortions that underwrite this
latest violation of Yugoslav and
International law--the veritable
kidnapping of a former head of
state--would make Joseph Goebbels blush.
Crimes were invented to fit the
punishment of the Serbs. Allegations
were reported as facts, then
referenced later as if they really were
facts. The mounting evidence of a
giant hoax in almost every case has been
completely ignored by capitalist
media. The effect--intended I think--is
to create an impression so
overwhelming of Serbian guilt that to
question it is to be regarded as a
miscreant holocaust denier. Guilt by
analogy. Milosevic equals Hitler,
therefore defending Serbians equals
defending Nazis (a huge irony here,
since Serbs were tenacious and fearless
fighters against the Third Reich).
There's only one little rub. The
Holocaust has been well documented by the
physical evidence. The Serbians' guilt,
and that of Milosevic, has not.

But skepticism, fact-checking, and logic
have become forbidden foreign
languages in the United States,
especially our (laugh track here) "free"

The overwhelming evidence is that there
was never any coordinated campaign
of genocide or ethnic cleansing by
Serbs, no massacres at either Racak or
Srebrenica, and never any such thing as
Serbian "rape camps." The Kosovo
violence was initiated by Albanian
heroin-gangsters, who named themselves
the Kosovo Liberation Army once they
started to get weapons and training
from German and US Intelligence. The
mass exodus out of Kosovo was not
triggered by Serb violence, but by NATO
bombing. The reports of 100,000
Kosovar Albanians killed has yet to be
corroborated with bodies, and is
being quietly scaled ever downward as
the bodies fail to appear. Racak was
shown to be staged. The bodies from the
Srebrenica "massacre" were never
located either, and in fact many of the
"missing" later turned up alive and
accounted for in Bosnian Muslim combat
units outside Srebrenica. The US and
the pseudo-Tribunal have an answer for
the missing evidence, those tens of
thousands of corpses, that is. Right
under the noses of US surveillance
satellites--and I have seen imagery from
them that can spot a motorcycle
and rider--the crafty Serbs, undetected,
moved thousands of decomposing
bodies to other locations... still to be
discovered. (4)


The break-up of Yugoslavia has been
largely due to the efforts of US and
German gambits, with substantial help
from the International Monetary Fund,
since the late 1980's. To justify this
economic warfare, this trampling of
sovereignty, this military aggression,
these massive violations by NATO and
the US of the Law of Land Warfare and
the Geneva and Hague Conventions, and
the military occupation of the Balkans,
our government and its
international financier pals have had to
concoct an elaborate Manichean
fantasy with Serbs as the heavy.

Don't take my word for it, but don't
look for a one-paragraph rebuttal
either. Understanding requires study and
work. If you're inclined to swim
upstream in this perennial flood of
stubborn American ignorance, read the
research and reports from Michel
Chossudovsky, Diane Johnstone, and Jared
Israel - none of them Serbian or
Yugoslav, and all of them proud
progressives. (5) (6) & (7)

The Hague Tribunal is about war crimes,
all right. It's about covering up
the war crimes of the North American
Treaty Organization and the US

- SG


Stan Goff is author of "Hideous Dream: A
Soldier's Memoir of the U.S.
Invasion of Haiti," Soft Skull Press,
2000. The book is available online at . For a review of
'Hideous Dream' that appeared in the
'Chicago Tribune,' go to

Mr. Goff's article, 'In Your Name: A
Soldier's Story,' can be read at

Further reading:

1) 'An Impartial Tribunal? Really?' by
Christopher Black. Can be read at

2) 'Media in Serbia' by Diana Johnstone
Can be read at

3) 'Official German Documents Contradict
Humanitarian Claims in Kosovo'. In
these documents, the German Courts and
Foreign Ministry ruled on requests
made by ethnic Albanians from Kosovo
that they be granted status as
refugees from persecution. The rulings
were prior to the onset of NATO
bombing in March, 1999. The findings:
the claims of persecution were false.
Can be read at

4) 'Were NATO's Aerial Photo's of Mass
Graves Faked?' by Jared Israel at

5) 'The UN appoints an alleged war
criminal in Kosovo' by Michel
Chossudovsky. Can be read at

INNOCENCE,' by Diane Johnstone at

7) 'Barbarians At The Gate,' by Jared
Israel. Can be read at


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