
George Szamuely

De sinistres histoires � dormir debout

Le plus r�cent bobard �manant des Balkans et parlant de " g�nocide "
n'est autre que l'horrible histoire �ternellement
ressass�e des " fosses communes " remplies d'Albanais du Kosovo qui,
para�t-il, pars�ment la Serbie. On pr�tend que
les Serbes ont massacr� les Albanais en 1999, mais que, plut�t que de
permettre � l'OTAN de d�couvrir les preuves de
ces crimes, Slobodan Milosevic aurait command� que l'on emport�t les
corps hors de la province afin de les ensevelir
en Serbie.

Examinons l'origine de cette histoire surprenante. La premi�re personne
� avoir pr�tendu ce genre de chose est Natasa
Kandic, qui dirige le Centre juridique humanitaire, un groupe de
Belgrade qui, depuis des ann�es, est � la solde de
George Soros et de l'organisation am�ricaine National Endowment for
Democracy (NED - Fondation nationale pour la
D�mocratie). Au cours des bombardements de 1999, elle accomplit son
devoir et soutint donc la cause de ses
employeurs, l'OTA N. Le 30 avril, elle annon�ait que quelque 800 corps
avaient �t� d�terr�s de leur lieux originaux
d'ensevelissement pour �tre r�enterr�s ailleurs dans la province et en
Serbie. Elle exigea que le nouveau r�gime de
Belgrade r�v�le la " v�rit� " � propos de cet escamotage de preuves.

La date de la demande de Kandic est int�ressante. Un mois plus t�t, le
r�gime de Belgrade avait arr�t� Milosevic - sur
des accusations de corruption, et non de crimes de guerre. Les
accusations relevaient de la plus haute fantaisie et
l'enqu�te n'aboutit � rien. Il �tait pr�vu que Kostunica se rende �
Washington d�but mai. Ses rencontres avec Bush,
Colin Powell, Dick Cheney et Condoleezza Rice furent selon toute
�vidence orageuses. L'administration n'appr�cia
gu�re ses appels du pied. L'aide am�ricaine � la Yougoslavie, lui fit-on
savoir clairement, �tait tributaire de la livraison
en douce de Milosevic au tribunal de La Haye. Belgrade dut all�guer des
" preuves " de crimes de guerre afin de vendre
la politique de " coop�ration " � un public sceptique.

De plus, un magazine local sp�cialis� dans le crime, Timocka Krimi
Revija, avait publi� une histoire concernant un
camion-frigo Mercedes en provenance du Kosovo et rempli de cadavres, et
que l'on avait retir� du Danube en avril
1999. Apr�s avoir r�cup�r� le camion, on avait enterr� les corps. Selon
Zivadin Djordjevic, le plongeur qui avait aid� �
retrouver le camion, celui-ci transportait entre 30 et 50 cadavres.
Beaucoup �taient nus et certaines des femmes
portaient des pantalons de style musulman. Une lourde pierre bloquait la
p�dale de l'acc�l�rateur. Le camion portait des
plaques min�ralogiques du Kosovo et appartenait � une firme albanaise de
de viandes et salaisons. D'apr�s un
commentaire de presse, le plongeur " n'avait pas donn� de d�tails sur la
position des corps dans le camion ". Ce
commentaire ne nous apprend rien. Nous ne savons pas qui �taient les
gens � l'int�rieur du camion ni comment ils
moururent. Le seul indice d'identification, c'�taient les pantalons de
style musulman. Ces personnes peuvent tout aussi
bien avoir ou n'avoir pas �t� des musulmans, ou des Albanais. A aucun
moment, pourtant, l'histoire ne fut pr�sent�e
comme une preuve d�finitive des crimes de guerre serbes et de leur
couverture par Milosevic.

Le 31 juillet, au beau milieu d'un reportage habituel du New York Times
sur le r�gime install� � Belgrade par les
Am�ricains, Carlotta Gall sortat ce petit bijou : " Ce qu'on sait, c'est
que des corps ont �t� jet�s dans des fosses
communes, soit dans le Danube, soit en pleine terre. Les exhumations des
800 et 1000 corps r�pertori�s jusqu'�
pr�sent vont prendre des mois. Le capitaine Karleusa dit que cela va
prendre beaucoup plus longtemps pour �tablir qui
a commandit� le massacre et qui l'a ex�cut� ". Ce qui est �tonnant,
apr�s toutes ces histoires de fosses communes et
de camions de cadavres achemin�s du Kosovo vers la Serbie, c'est que
l'estimation par Karleusa du nombre de corps
ensevelis est identique � celle de Natasa Kandic trois mois plus t�t.
Selon toute �vidence, tous deux ont d� faire
concorder leurs versions de l'histoire.

L'histoire du camion-frigo est si absurde qu'elle aura une dur�e
d'existence un peu plus courte que les autres histoires
de l'OTAN. On nous demande de croire la chose suivante : la Yougoslavie
devait �tre bombard�e vingt-quatre heures
sur vingt-quatre. Et pourtant, l'arm�e a pris la peine de transporter
des millers de corps pour les ensevelir. Etant donn�
qu'un camion ne peut gu�re emporter plus de cinquante cadavres, il
aurait fallu un tr�s grand nombre de camions pour
acheminer des milliers de corps. Les satellites am�ricains surveillaient
�troitement la Yougoslavie et, n�anmoins,
l'OTAN n'a jamais eu le moindre soup�on de ce convoi de camions-frigos.
En outre, jeter des corps dans le Danube n'a
rien d'une id�e tr�s brillante. Le Danube est une voie fluviale tr�s
fr�quent�e. Les risques de collision sont �lev�s. La
destruction de camions Mercedes n'est pas non plus une mesure tr�s
prudente dans un pays appauvri comme la
Yougoslavie. La question se pose donc � nouveau : Pourquoi voudrait-on
transporter des cadavres rien que pour
effacer des preuves ? N'aurait-il pas �t� beaucoup plus facile de les
asperger d'essence, de les br�ler et d'en entererer
les cendres ?

Assez curieusement, le site web du Centre juridique humanitaire donne
une id�e de ce qui s'est r�ellement produit. Le
site v�hicule une histoire tir�e du journal Danas, du 1er juin, lequel
fait �tat de rapports de t�moins visuels � propos de
la d�couverte du camion. L'un des t�moins a effectivement assist� � la
mise � l'eau du camion. Voici ce qu'il dit :
" J'�tais dans un bateau sur le fleuve, � quelque trente m�tres de la
berge quand, vers 2 h 15 du matin, j'ai entendu des
voix. Les sons portent loin, sur le Danube, la nuit. Je ne sais pas
quelle langue ils parlaient, l�-bas, sur la rive - je ne
comprenais pas un mot. Cela aurait pu �tre du turc ou de l'albanais -
qui sait ? Mais je suis certain que ce n'�tait pas
du serbe ni du roumain, langues que je connais tr�s bien. "

L'histoire a pu �chapper aux censeurs du Centre juridique humanitaire.
Les Albanais sont les champions europ�ens du
trafic lucratif d'immigr�s et de prostitu�es. Ceci est une histoire de
gangsters et de trafic d'hommes, et non de crimes
de guerre. Ou plut�t, il s'agit de l'habituelle histoire de la collusion
dans le mensonge du gouvernement et des m�dias.

Traduit de l' anglais

par Jean-Marie FLEMAL


The Bunker
George Szamuely

Grim Fairytales

The most recent "genocide" hoax from the Balkans is the breathlessly
retold horror story of "mass graves" of Kosovo
Albanians supposedly littering Serbia. The Serbs allegedly murdered the
Albanians in 1999, but rather than have NATO
discover the evidence of this crime, Slobodan Milosevic ordered that the
bodies be taken out of the province and buried
in Serbia.

Let us trace the origin of this amazing story. The first person to make
this claim was Natasa Kandic, who heads the
Humanitarian Law Center, a Belgrade outfit that has been bankrolled for
years by George Soros and the U.S. National
Endowment for Democracy (NED). During the 1999 bombing she did her duty
and promoted the cause of her
paymasters, NATO. On April 30 she announced that some 800 bodies were
removed from their original burial sites in
Kosovo and reburied elsewhere in the province and in Serbia. She
demanded that the new regime in Belgrade reveal the
"truth" about this destruction of evidence.

The timing of Kandic's demand was interesting. One month earlier the
Belgrade regime had arrested Milosevic-on
corruption, not war crimes, charges. The charges were bogus and the
investigation was going nowhere. Kostunica was
scheduled to visit Washington in early May. His meetings with Bush,
Colin Powell, Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice
were evidently brutal affairs. The Administration was not happy with his
foot-dragging. U.S. aid to Yugoslavia, it was
made clear to him, was conditional on Milosevic's swift handover to the
Hague Tribunal. Belgrade had to come up with
"evidence" of war crimes to sell the policy of "cooperation" to a
skeptical public.

Next a story appeared in a local crime magazine, Timocka Krimi Revija,
about a Mercedes refrigerator truck from
Kosovo, full of bodies, that was hauled out of the Danube in April 1999.
After the truck was recovered, the bodies were
buried. According to the diver who helped recover the truck, Zivadin
Djordjevic, there were between 30 and 50 bodies
inside. Many were naked and some of the women were wearing Muslim-style
pantaloons. There was a heavy stone
leaning on the accelerator pedal. The truck had Kosovo license plates
and belonged to an Albanian meat processing
firm. According to a wire story, the diver "provided no details of where
and how the bodies were disposed." The story
tells us nothing. We do not know who the people inside the truck were,
or how they died. The only identifying feature
was the Muslim-style pantaloons. They may or may not have been Muslims,
may or may not have been Albanians. Yet
in no time at all, the story was presented as conclusive proof of
Serbian war crimes and Milosevic's cover-up thereof.

On July 31, in the middle of a standard New York Times puff piece on the
U.S.-installed Belgrade regime, Carlotta Gall
uttered this gem: "What is known is that bodies were dumped in mass
graves, either in the Danube or on land. The
exhumations of the 800 to 1000 bodies known about so far will take
months. Captain Karleusa says he will need much
longer to establish who gave the orders for the carnage and who carried
it out." Amazing that after all the tales of mass
graves and trucks filled with bodies going from Kosovo to Serbia,
Karleusa's estimate of the number of bodies buried is
identical to Natasa Kandic's from three months earlier. They evidently
have to keep their stories straight.

The refrigerator truck story is so absurd that it will have an even
shorter shelf life than NATO's other stories. We are
asked to believe the following: Yugoslavia was being bombed
round-the-clock. Yet the army took the trouble to
transport thousands of bodies for burial. Given a truck limit of 50
bodies, disposing of thousands of bodies would need a
lot of trucks. U.S. satellites were closely monitoring Yugoslavia, yet
NATO never had the slightest inkling of this
refrigerator truck convoy. Moreover, dumping bodies into the Danube is
not the brightest of ideas. The Danube is a
busy waterway. The chances of collision are high. Nor is destroying
Mercedes trucks the most prudent course for an
impoverished country like Yugoslavia. Then again, why would one want to
transport dead bodies just to remove
evidence? Wouldn't dousing them in gasoline, setting fire to them and
burying the ashes be a lot easier?

Curiously enough, the Humanitarian Law Center's website gives a clue as
to what really happened. The site carries a
story from the newspaper Danas, dated June 1, which reported eyewitness
accounts of the recovery of the truck. Yet
one of the eyewitnesses actually saw the dumping of the truck. Here is
what he says: "I was in a boat on the river, only
some thirty meters from the bank, when I heard voices about 2.15 a.m.
Sound carries a long way on the Danube at night.
I don't know what language they were speaking there on the bank-I didn't
understand any of the words. It might have
been Turkish or Albanian-who knows. But I'm certain it wasn't Serbian or
Romanian, which I know well."

The story must have slipped past the Humanitarian Law Center's censors.
Albanians are Europe's leaders in the
lucrative business of immigrant and prostitute trafficking. This is a
story of gangsters and human trafficking, not war
crimes. Or rather it is the usual story of government and media
collusion in lying.


Questa lista e' curata da componenti del
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
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Rilanciare le adozioni a distanza dei
figli degli operai della ZASTAVA!

E' pervenuto oggi 30/8/01, a noi come a molte altre realta'
impegnate nella solidarieta' con le popolazioni della Jugoslavia,
questo accorato ed importante appello dalla Zastava.
Segnaliamo che per informazioni piu' dettagliate sulla
possibilita' di "adottare a distanza" i figli degli operai di
Kragujevac ci si puo' rivolgere, tra gli altri, alla

Associazione SOS JUGOSLAVIA (Torino):
telefono 338-1755563 - posta elettronica enricoto@...


Care amiche, cari amici italiani,
Stimatissime Associazioni,

L'attenzione della comunita internazionale e dei
media verso la situazione jugoslava da un po' di
tempo � diminuita. Questo potrebbe far pensare
ad una situazione generale migliorata dalla fine dei
bombardamenti. La dura realta � purtroppo molto
diversa, per tutto il paese, ma sopratutto per i
lavoratori, le lavoratrici e le loro famiglie. La
loro situazione � molta dura ed al limite,
paradossalmente, � piu difficile del dopo
bombardamenti di due anni fa; e l'inverno che
ci aspetta fa molta paura.

Il paniere che serve ad una famiglia � oggi
valutato in 400 DM mensili; i salari, per chi
lavora tutto il mese, e sono davvero molto
pochi, � di circa 120 DM. Vi � stato nell'
ultimo anno un aumento dei prezzi sino al
300%, e gi� di nuovo sono annunciati per settembre
nuovi aumenti tra cui quelli dell'energia
elettrica del 60% (il riscaldamento delle
abitazioni cosi come le cucine per cucinare
funzionano quasi esclusivamente a corrente
In questo quadro di generale difficolt� si
colloca la situazione di Kragujevac (cuore operaio per
eccelenza del paese) e particolarmente dei
lavoratori della ZASTAVA. Situazione della quale
vogliamo aggiornarvi. La privatizzazione
della ZASTAVA prevede la scomposizione del gruppo in
piccole unit� produttive indipendenti l'una
dall altra. Il programma inoltre prevede la fortissima
riduzione degli occupati; piu di 15.000 lavoratori
e lavoratrici su 30.000 sono interessati a questa
riduzione, con particolare incidenza dei
licenziamenti nella ZASTAVA AUTOMOBILI, dove
rimarranno occupati solo 3.500 degli attuali
Le alternative che sono state proposte erano
solo due, ed entrambe molto pesanti per i dipendenti,
infatti il referendum proposto obbligava i
lavoratori a scegliere tra :

1. accettazione del programa governativo
(come sopra esporto con la riduzione del personale).

2. liquidazione e chiusura di tutto il Gruppo.

Per i lavoratori in eccedenza, identificati
con appositi elenchi stilati dai dirigenti
in base a criteri non condivisibili (esempio: in
elenco si trovano marito e moglie, unico reddito
familiare, invalidi e lavoratori piu anziani
difficilmente ricollocabili in un mercato di
lavoro fermo), non ci sono alternative; infatti
a questi lavoratori posti nelle liste di
licenziamento vengono offerte due opzioni :

1. versamento sino ad ora (non si sa quando
e non si sa come) di 200DM per ogni anno di
anzianit� di fabbrica (nel nostro Contratto di
lavoro non esiste trattamento di fine rapporto).
Questa opzione non prevede ulteriori sussidi
anche se un lavoratore si iscrive all' Ufficio
di collocamento pubblico.
2. Come seconda opzione viene proposta l'iscrizione
all' Ufficio mobilit� - collocamento istituito dal
Gruppo ZASTAVA con il compito di tentare una,
attualmente, molto difficile ricollocazione visto
l'attuale generale ristrutturazione di tutte
le aziende. L'accettazione di tale opzione prevede
retroattivamente un sussidio di 45% del salario
mensile percepito secondo la sua qualifica per un
massimo di 4 anni. Chi sceglie di entrare in
queste liste ha l'obbligo di accettare una eventuale
possibile ricollocazione sino a 60 km di distanza;
cosa per noi molto problematica poich� non, esiste un
trasporto pubblico che possa permettere di
affrontare tale distanza, e, l'uso dell'
automobile privata, che non tutti hanno,
avrebbe un costo in benzina esorbitante per noi
poiche come sapere, la benzina da
noi costa 1400 lire al litro; per non parlare
poi del tempo necessario per, recarsi e tornare
dal lavoro, visto l'attuale rete stradale
disastrata, per non citare il nostro parco
macchine molto vecchio con tutti i
problemi conseguenti.

Vi � un terzo provvedimento e riguarda i
lavoratori posti nelle liste di licenziamento
a cui mancano 6 o meno anni al pensionamento.
Questi lavoratori potranno solo scriversi
all' ufficio di collocamento
pubblico o a quello del Gruppo ZASTAVA.

Se scelgono iscrizione al Collocamento
pubblico la loro indennit� sar� non meno
di 60% del salario medio che percepiva negli
ultimi 3 mesi maggiorato del 2% per ogni
anno di anzianita aziendale. Tale
salario comunque non potr� essere minore
del 40% ne superiore del 60% del reddito
medio attuale.
Questa scelta � legata all' anzianit� di
fabbrica di almeno 25 anni; e sar� erogato,
per un minimo di 3 mesi sino ad un massimo di
24 mesi.
Chi non accetta i provvedimenti proposti e
verr� licenziato non avr� diritto ad alcun
sussidio neppure se si iscriver� al' Ufficio
di collocamento pubblico.

Cari amici,

I nostri bambini a settembre riprenderanno
a frequentare la scuola � le loro famiglie saranno impegnate
in uno sforzo economico non indifferente
poiche, non solo dovranno comprare l'occorrente per l'anno
scolastico, ma dovranno anche pagare tutti
i libri di testo dalla 1. elementare in poi.

Per l'inverno che come sapete, nei Balcani e
molto duro, molte famiglie non potendo pagare le bollette
dell' energia elettrica necessaria per scaldare
le abitazioni, si stanno preoccupando di acquistare
almeno un po di legna. Il sindacato che negli
inverni precedenti aveva fornito ai lavoratori del
legname, attualmente non e pi� in grado di fare
cio per mancanza di fondi. I versamenti dei contributi
sindacali sono in continua diminuzione a causa dei
lunghi periodi di assenza dal lavoro per ridotta
attivita aziendale, ed, ora, verr� ulteriormente
accentuata tale riduzione dalle migliaia e migliaia di
Infine, tutti i giorni nei nostri uffici sindacali
si moltiplicano le richieste di aiuto da parte dei lavoratori
per poter sopravvivere e per poter far sopravvivere
i propri figli. Inoltre, � in continuo aumento anche
la richiesta di aiuti per curare, sopratutto, bambini
malati di gravi patologie; le pi� frequenti sono
leucemie, tumori, diabete, malatie cardiache, asmatiche,
e psicosomatiche.
In questa difficile situazione riteniamo che sia
stato, e sia, per il futuro di vitale importanza il poter
contare ancora sugli aiuti ai bambini con le adozioni
a distanza, poich� sono loro le vittime innocenti
delle colpe e degli errori degli adulti. Il poter
contare su questi aiuti, e in questo momento cosi difficile,
(i 16.000 licenziamenti sono un duro colpo per decine
migliaia di persone) � una speranza per il futuro;
Speranza nel futuro che non si piu negare ad un bambino.
Le adozioni a distanza sono state e sono un grande
aiuto anche morale ed un grande gesto di solidariet�
tra lavoratori.
Gli italiani e le italiane sono stati i soli ad attuare
questa forma di aiuto e solidariet� ed hanno lasciato
un segno di reale amicizia e fraternita.

L'ufficio adozioni a nome anche di tutti i lavoratori
e lavoratrici della ZASTAVA e dei loro bambini
desidera ringraziare tutti coloro che sino ad ora
hanno dimostrato una reale solidariet�.

Per l'Ufficio adozioni - Ufficio rapporti internazionali

Rajka Veljovic

Email : sindikat@...
Fax : 00 381 34 335 367
No tel : 00 381 34 335 762


Questa lista e' curata da componenti del
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente
le posizioni ufficiali o condivise da tutto il CNJ, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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Di seguito il comunicato emesso dal Partito Socialista
della Serbia in solidarieta' ai palestinesi per l'assassinio
del leader del Fronte Popolare di Liberazione della Palestina.

Seguono, per completezza di informazione, un comunicato ufficiale
dello stesso FPLP ed un documento di George Habash, ex leader
dell'organizzazione della sinistra palestinese.


Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 18:21:06 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

Socijalisti~ka partija Srbije

Beograd, 29. avgusta 2001. godine

S A O P [ T E W E

Socijalisti~ka partija Srbije je sa ogor~ewem primila
vest o ubistvu jednog od vode}ih lidera prijateqskog
palestinskog naroda, Abu Ali Mustafe, generalnog sekretara
Demokratskog fronta za oslobo|ewe Palestine.

Izra`avaju}i sau~e{}e porodici, saborcima, partijskim
drugovima i ~itavom narodu i rukovodstvu
Palestine, ponavqamo i ovom prilikom na{u punu
solidarnost sa pravednom borbom arapskog
palestinskog naroda protiv represije i za ostvarivawe
legitimnih prava i nacionalnih ciqeva.

Snage koje stoje iza ovog zlo~ina iste su one koje
u sprezi sa terorizmom i organizovanim me|unarodnim
kriminalom, vi{e decenija neka`weno razorno deluju
na Bliskom Istoku i isto~nom Mediteranu, i ve} punu
deceniju na Balkanu i u centralnoj Aziji, kako bi
ova podru~ja pretvorili u popri{te me|unacionalnih i
verskih sukoba u ciqu sopstvene vojne, ekonomske i
finansijske ekspanzije, na u{trb naroda u na{em delu
sveta i ne prezaju}i ni od otvorene vojne agresije i

Socijalisti~ka partija Srbije na ~elu sa predsednikom
Slobodanom Milo{evi}em }e i daqe predvoditi otpor
naroda Jugoslavije prete}oj kolonizaciji i zajedno
sa progresivnim, demokratskim i oslobodila~kim
snagama u svetu te`iti uspostavqawu me|unarodnih
odnosa zasnovanih na miru, po{tovawu suvereniteta
naroda i ravnopravnoj saradwi. Definitivni poraz
onih koji poku{avaju da raketama, bombama i
presudama borcima za slobodu nametnu globalnu
hegemoniju je blizu.

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan


The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) mourns the
death of its leader, the general secretary, Abu Ali Mustafa, who was
assassinated by the Israeli army on the morning of 27 August 2001. Abu
Ali Mustafa, the head of the second largest group within the Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO), was murdered by Sharon and his
government. Sharon, however, acts with the full support and backing of
the U.S. administration who bears full responsibility for the new
escalation in the Middle East, due to its uncritical, unconditional,
and blind support of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.

Abu Ali Mustafa was elected general secretary of the PFLP last year,
after Dr. George Habash (Al-Hakim) stepped down from the role. Abu
Ali, a long-standing comrade of Al-Hakim, was a member of the PFLP
since its inception in 1967. Abu Ali held the position of deputy
general secretary until the PFLP�s Sixth National Conference, where he
was elected general secretary.

Born in Palestine in 1938 in Arraba, near Jenin, Abu Ali lived most of
his adult life in exile until he returned home in 1999. He was part of
the resistance movement against the Israeli occupation and fulfilled
his duties from abroad as well as from Palestine.

In representing the PFLP, Abu Ali understood clearly his role and the
role of the PFLP in expressing a radical humanistic vision for the
Middle East problem. He was adamant and articulate in presenting this
vision and loyal to the principles of the party. He defended the
Palestinian cause and the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people,
foremost among them, the right of refugees to return and the right to
establish a sovereign and independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem
as its capital. He called for the dismantling of all Israeli
settlements and for continuing the Palestinian resistance movement
until the Israeli occupation is brought to an end.

He presented the vision of an all-encompassing Palestinian state where
people would live together in freedom regardless of their race,
religion, or color.

He called for a true democratic society where the rights of the
majority are protected by the fulfillment of the rights of the
minorities. He called the Palestinian resistance movement against the
Israeli racist, colonialist occupation, a duty for every Palestinian
and for every person who believes in equality, justice, and peace.

Abu Ali Mustafa lived and died defending the Palestinian cause and the
rights of the Palestinian people.

As the PFLP, and all the Palestinian people, mourn its leader, the PFLP
vows to continue the Intifada and the Palestinian resistance movement
until the Israeli occupation is over.

The Life of Abu Ali Mustafa
Abu Ali Mustafa (Mustafa Ali Al-Ali Zabri) joined the Arab National
Movement in 1955 and became a member of the Arab National Association
in Amman.
Together with his comrades and colleagues, he confronted the Jordanian
government, calling for the annulment of the Jordanian-British pact and
the dismissal of British officers from the Jordanian army.

In April 1957, he was arrested and imprisoned for several months,
shortly after the Jordanian parliament was dissolved and the Suleiman
Nabulsi government was dismissed. During that time, political parties
were banned and Abi Ali was arrested again with many others who were
tried in a military court. He was sentenced to five years in Jafer
Prison in east Jordan.

After being released from prison in 1961, Abu Ali Mustafa continued his
political work with the Arab National Movement and became responsible
for the Northern District of the West Bank. He founded and built two
organizations, one public, and one underground.

In 1966, Abu Ali was arrested again during a widespread operation
organized by the Jordanian government against the Arab National
Movement. Abu Ali was imprisoned without trial for several months in
Zarka Prison in Jordan.

After the 1967 War, Abu Ali Mustafa joined Dr. George Habash in forming
the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. He led the first
commandos through the Jordan River inside Palestine and started forming
the underground body of the PFLP. The Israelis searched in vain for
him while he was hiding out in the West Bank. After several months, he
secretly returned to Jordan.

In addition to being responsible for the PFLP in the West Bank, Abu Ali
Mustafa became the commando-in-chief of the PFLP military forces
(including the period comprising the battles in Amman in September 1970
and the battle of Ajloun in July 1971). Afterwards, he left secretly
for Lebanon.

In 1972, at the Third National Conference of the PFLP, Abu Ali was
elected deputy general secretary. From 1987 until 1991 he was a member
of the Executive Committee of the PLO.

At the PFLP Sixth National Conference in July 2000, Abu Ali was elected
general secretary.


Founder and Former Head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of

27 August 2001 - Damascus

To the Palestinian people
To the Arab masses

Today I received with great sadness the news about the assassination of
the leader Abu Ali Mustafa by Sharon and his Zionist gang. This heinous
crime that has robbed us of our long-standing comrade for over half a
century, reaffirms that the Zionist enemy is determined to annihilate
the leaders of our revolution and its cadres in order to force us to

This enemy has apparently not learned the lessons of history. The enemy
has not yet learned that the Palestinian people, who have offered
hundreds of leaders and thousands of fighters, will not kneel in
surrender. On the contrary, we will persevere in the struggle no matter
how long it takes to regain our rights and the rights of our nation. We
will remain steadfast in the struggle until the Zionist, colonialist
project is defeated.

On this day we remember Ghassan Kanafani, Guevara Gaza, Al Amassi, Abu
Jihad, Abu Iyad, Faisal Husseini; and before them we remember Al-Qassam
and Abd al-Qader Al-Husseini, and countless others who have fallen in
the battle for Palestine. Their sacrifice and their memory motivates us
to persevere.

As I convey to our people and to the Arab Nation the loss of Abu Ali
Mustafa whose determination, courage, and strength distinguished him
over so many years, I assure you that the shedding of his blood will not
be in vain. His comrades and his people will inhale the strength of his
soul and become stronger and more determined to continue the struggle
for freedom and independence.

We are proud to remember that until his death, Abu Ali Mustafa
proclaimed loudly and clearly that the foul war of Sharon will not
frighten us. Neither will it subdue us or force us to deviate the path
of revolution -- the path to freedom and victory.

Our people, who have lost a teacher and a leader, know that Abu Ali
Mustafa was an exceptional man who had the charism of a great leader.
Our people will continue to learn from him and from his spirit of
resistance -- his patience, his determination, his strong will to force
out the occupier and fulfill the dream of the right to return and the
establishment of an independent, sovereign Palestinian state with
Jerusalem as its capital.

On this sad and painful occasion, I turn to all brave comrades of the
PFLP and all members of the Palestinian revolution at home and abroad: I
call on them to remain faithful, not only to Abu Ali Mustafa but also to
all those who have sacrificed their blood for the sake of Palestine and
for the Arab Cause. We promise you, dear Abu Ali, that the Popular
Front that you helped to establish on the foundation of a spirit of
resistance will continue to march on the same road, no matter how long
and treacherous it is, no matter how much we will have to sacrifice.
The destructive tactics of the enemy will never kill our steadfastness
or our will to resist.

(fonte: MiD-EasT RealitieS - http://www.MiddleEast.Org)


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* Milosevic simbolo anti-globalizzazione (Aleksandar Zinovjev)
* Milosevic attacca la NATO (
* Milosevic e' stato sequestrato (Hindustan Times)


Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 00:07:54 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

23. avgusta odrzano je u Moskvi "ccestvovanije" - prigodni skup
istaknutih licnosti politickog, naucnog, kulturnog i javnog zivota u
cast 60. rodjendana Slobodana Milosevica. O slavljeniku su govorili
Zjuganov, Rizzkov, brojni akademici, umetnici, poslanici. Skupu se
obratio i sam predsednik Milosevic telefonom, a razgovor je prevodio
njegov stariji brat Borislav, donedavni ambasador SRJ u Moskvi.

Uvodno slovo, pod izuzetno bitnim naslovom, odrzao je predsednik
Ruskog drustvenog komiteta za odbranu Slobodana Milosevica,
poznati pisac i filozof svetskog glasa Aleksandar Aleksandrovic
Zinovjev. Posle dugogodisnjeg zivota u Zapadnoj Evropi, ovaj "disident
medju disidentima", danas je jedan od najmudrijih glasova Rusije i
zastitnika njene samobitne drzavnosti, kulture i tradicije, covek koji
je napisao mnogo originalnih tomova posvecenih sudbinskim promenama
kroz koje prolazi najveca zemlja na svetu. Slovo Zinovjeva prevela je na
srpski jezik Sava Rosicc.

Aleksandar Zinovjev


O globalizaciji se uobicajeno govori kao o nekakvom
objektivnom procesu objedinjavanja covecanstva u
jedinstvenu celinu radi dobrobiti citavog covecanstva. Ali,
to je ideoloska laz. Globalizacija se ne odvija sama po
sebi, nju ostvaruju odredjeni ljudi koji aktivno deluju,
ostvaruju je odredjenim metodama, ostvaruju kao skup
unapred planiranih i dirigovanih operacija, ostvaruju u
interesu samo odredjenog dela covecanstva i na ustrb
preostalog njegovog dela, nemerljivo veceg od prvog.
Globalizacija po svojoj socijalnoj sustini predstavlja rat
novog tipa, rat koji je vec zahvatio citavu planetu. Njegov
aktivni subjekat je globalno zapadnisticko naddrustvo cija
metropola je skoncentrisana u SAD i koje u svom
interesu mobilise citavu moc zapadnog sveta. Njegov cilj
je potcinjavanje citavog covecanstva i njegovo
organizovanje po sopstvenom zapadnistickom uzoru i u
interesu uspostavljanja sopstvene svetske prevlasti. U
tom ratu nema granica izmedju "mirnih" i specijalno vojnih
sredstava, nema granice izmedju fronta i pozadine, nema
granice izmedju civila i profesionalnih vojnih lica. Taj rat
je jedini, jedinstven i sveobuhvatan. On se diferencira na
veliki broj operacija na citavoj planeti, ukljucujuci vojne u
uobicajenom smislu reci (kao, na primer, na Balkanu) koje
se na ovaj ili onaj nacin objedinjavaju u jedan celovit rat
sa stabom u SAD, u "Vasingtonu". Ako se ignorise taj
fundamentalni cinilac savremenog zivota covecanstva ne
moze se objektivno shvatiti nijedan manje-vise znacajan
dogadjaj na planeti.

Polazeci od toga, po mom misljenju - ociglednog i
neospornog cinioca, ja ocenjujem fenomen Slobodana
Milosevica i njegovu licnu sudbinu.

Tokom globalizacije kao novog svetskog rata nastala je
takva situacija da je Jugoslavija pruzila poslednji ozbiljan
otpor napredovanju globalizatora u Evropi. Opstepoznato
je kako se to desilo i necu govoriti na tu temu. Zelim
samo da podvucem i obratim posebnu paznju na sledece.
Nedavno zavrseni "vruci" deo rata SAD i NATO protiv
Jugoslavije bio je vazan deo globalizacije. On nije imao za
cilj slamanje vojnog u "vrucem" smislu otpora - takvog
uopste nije ni bilo - vec psiholoskog, moralnog i
ideoloskog otpora globalizaciji ne samo i cak ne toliko u
samoj Jugoslaviji, koliko otpora u citavoj Evropi,
ukljucujuci Zapadnu Evropu i Rusiju. Slobodan Milosevic
je postao simbol tog otpora. Sa zavrsetkom "vruceg" dela
rat nije zavrsen. On se nastavlja drugim sredstvima koja
su vam takodje dobro poznata: raskol stanovnistva Srbije,
pretvaranje jednog dela u opoziciju vlasti Slobodana
Milosevica i fakticki u "petu kolonu" NATO i SAD,
uklanjanje Slobodana Milosevica sa vlasti kao prve etape
surovog obracuna sa njim, diverzantska operacija otmice
Milosevica i predavanja u ruke takozvanog Haskog
Tribunala koji je organ Vasingtona i NATO. Preostala je
poslednja etapa rata u kojoj SAD i NATO imaju za cilj da
krivicu za svoje zlocine na Balkanu prebace na zrtve
svojih zlocina, i u prvom redu - na coveka koji je postao
istorijski simbol otpora njihovom kriminalnom ratu.

Ni u kom slucaju se ne sme potcenjivati vaznost te
poslednje etape jugoslovenske epizode globalizacije. Ne
sme se smatrati samo za epizodu licnog zivota privatnog
lica. Ta etapa u kontekstu globalizacije u celini znaci
mnogo vise od svih prethodnih etapa i epizoda. Ako se
ona ne zavrsi uspesno po SAD i NATO, sve sto su ranije
ucinili ne moze se smatrati za njihov uspeh u ocima
svetskog javnog mnjenja ni pred sudom istorije. Rat
ostaje nezavrsena pobeda, ako se sacuva simbol otpora -
Slobodan Milosevic. Jedno od vaznih obelezja rata novog
tipa, a globalizacija (ponavljam i podvlacim) to jeste,
ukljucujuci rat u Jugoslaviji, sastoji se u izuzetnoj
vaznosti i delotvornosti upravo simbolickih pojava.
Pobeda nad Slobodanom Milosevicem kao simbolickom
licnoscu za SAD i NATO je u nastaloj situaciji u svetu
cak vaznija od svega onoga sto su postigli na Balkanu u
citavom periodu rata.

I na kraju mog kratkog govora, ja vam se u ime Ruskog
drustvenog komiteta za odbranu Slobodana Milosevica,
Medjunarodnog fonda slovenske pismenosti i kulture i
Medjunarodnog komiteta za odbranu Slobodana
Milosevica, zahvaljujem sto ste dosli na ovaj susret
povodom Milosevicevog rodjendana. Taj vas postupak
smatram za cin gradjanske hrabrosti i doprinos stvari
otpora globalizaciji, a slavljenik je postao jedan od
najvaznijih simbola tog otpora.


A. Zinovjev

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend
Slobodan Milosevic)


"Instead of the Fascist swastika and other such
symbols, today they are using the word democracy. We
must all combine our efforts to repel this new

Milosevic vows to defeat the 'Nato machine' (Ireland)
23 Aug 2001

Slobodan Milosevic today vowed to fight the Nato
"machine" and said he had no regrets about his past.

"I'm proud of what I did to defend freedom and
independence, without which no people and no country
can live," Milosevic said through his brother
Borislav, Yugoslavia's former ambassador to Russia.

The former Yugoslav president, now in UN custody in
the Netherlands, phoned his brother in Moscow.

Calling the UN tribunal where he is to be tried for
alleged war crimes an arm of Nato, Milosevic said he
had truth on his side.

"This Nato tribunal is a form of aggression not only
against the people of Yugoslavia, but against other
peoples and countries as well," he said.

"On their side is the giant machine of the Nato court,
a political machine, an information machine, but I
feel that I'm superior to them as truth is on my

Milosevic did not refer directly to the current Nato
operation in Macedonia but said the alliance's
activities in the region were aimed at world

His call to Borislav Milosevic's mobile phone,
interrupted a meeting of the Society of Slavic Culture
and Literature, a little-known Moscow group that
gathered to celebrate Milosevic's 60th birthday.

Borislav Milosevic repeated the former leader's words
aloud in Russian, as supporters, including Russia's
Communist Party chief Gennady Zyuganov, and some
journalists listened.

"The occupation of the Balkans that is taking place
clearly reveals their future intentions concerning
Russia and other free nations," he said.

"Instead of the Fascist swastika and other such
symbols, today they are using the word democracy. We
all must combine our efforts to repel this new

Borislav Milosevic, who was recalled from his
diplomatic post after Milosevic's overthrow, said the
ex-president was "feeling well" and remained in a
"fighting spirit."

Milosevic was arrested in April by Serbian police on
charges of corruption and abuse of power during 13
years as Yugoslavia's president. Belgrade agreed to
demands by the UN tribunal that he first face
international war crimes charges and surrendered him
to The Hague on June 28.

His lawyers today asked a Dutch court to rule that the
UN court is illegal and to free the former president .
A decision was expected on August 31.

Milosevic is to appear before UN judges again on
August 30.

Original article at:


URL for this article:

======================================'Milosevic has been abducted'
Hindustan Times Correspondent
New Delhi, August 16
INDIA ON Thursday described the recent
extradition of former Yugoslav
president Slobodan Milosevic to The Hague
to stand trial as an "abduction",
making it clear that it disapproves
strongly of the action of the
International Criminal Tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia (ICTY).

External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh
told the Rajya Sabha during
question hour, "How can we approve that
the citizen of one country
(Milosevic) be abducted and taken to
trial in a third country?" This was
the strongest condemnation of the ICTY
and, by implication, of the western
countries by India ever since the fall of
Milosevic. The unprecedented
harsh words came when the minister was
explaining why India had continued
to abstain from the International
Criminal Court (ICC).

A strong case for India's reconsideration
of its stand on the ICC was made,
one after another, by Ram Jethmalani,
Fali S Nariman and Kapil Sibal,
obliging Singh to state that the
government would "readdress" itself to
the question and would even welcome a
discussion in the House.

Explaining why New Delhi had continued to
be cold to the concept of the
ICC, Singh said that while the court
would try "international crimes",
there was no global unanimity yet on what
constituted such crimes. There
was not even unanimity over what
constituted human rights; it were
civilisational and cultural divides that
gave rise to various
interpretations of such subjects.

Claiming that the MEA had seriously
thought about the ICC, he said it
remained of the view that in its present
form, the court would encroach on
the rights of sovereign states.

(c) Hindustan Times 2001 Reprinted for
Fair Use Only

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