
RK Kent (professore di storia alla Berkeley University) ha ricevuto
una lettera dai "Medici senza frontiere" che gli chiedono un contributo.
E lui risponde: e' vero cio' che dite, il premio Nobel per la Pace
l' avete avuto, ma avete dimenticato di dire che subito dopo avete
espulso dai vostri ranghi i "Medici zenza frontiere" greci soltanto
perche' hanno osato assistere i feriti serbi. In quel preciso momento
avete eretto una frontiera, e cessato di essere medici, aderendo al
razzismo e mostrando il vero volto della vostra organizzazione
che considera il popolo serbo inferiore ed indegno delle vostre
cure... Sostenervi con un contributo significherebbe sancire la truffa
etica della quale voi siete partecipi.
Il solo rimedio per voi sarebbe di chiedere scusa in una forma
universalmente accettabile, e di restituire il Nobel per la Pace.


Medecins Sans Frontieres
Doctors Without Borders,
P.Obox 84,
Toms River, NJ 08754-9900
5 September 2001

The undersigned is in receipt of your "Dear Friend"
circular letter which. seeks financial contributions.
It is alsomarketing itself with the notice in red letters
that the MSF/DWB has been awarded the
Nobel Peace Prize in 1999.
What it does not mention at all is that one day after
receiving the Nobel Prize, Medecins Sans Frontieres
expelled its Greek Chapter. The reason?
Doctors in it treated wounded Serbs.

At that point you erected a frontier. At that point you
ceased being doctors bound by the Hippocratic Oath
to treat anyone in need. At that point you adhered
to a particularly ugly form of Racism by revealing
that your Organization regarded all Serbs as
sub-human not worthy of being treated for wounds.
At that point you became simply another politicized NGO.

To send you a sou or a cent would sanction the moral
Fraud to which you adhere. The only way to redeem
the Medecins Sans frontiers would be tu return the
Peace Prize and extend an apology in some universally
available fashion.

Raymond K. Kent, Emeritus

History Department,
University of California
Berkeley, CA. 94720.


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"Voi non vedrete mai apparire i piloti della NATO dinanzi ad un
Tribunale dell'ONU. La NATO e' accusatrice, procuratrice, giudice ed
esecutore, poiche' e' la NATO che paga le bollette. La NATO non e'
sottomessa al diritto internazionale. Essa E' il diritto
(Lester Munson, parlamentare statunitense, citato su:

"Vous ne verrez jamais des pilotes de l'OTAN devant un tribunal de
l'ONU. L'OTAN est l'accusateur, le procureur, le juge et l'ex�cuteur car
c'est l'OTAN qui paie les factures. L'OTAN ne se soumet pas au droit
international. Il est le droit international".
(Lester Munson, parlementaire US)

Des citations qui valent de l'or, sur le site de la LAI:


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Aggiornato il sito degli antimperialisti

- Una ampia galleria di foto sulla manifestazione del 20 luglio a
Genova Ponente
- Una mozione dell'Assemblea Antimperialista contro la repressione
- Un giudizio sulle "bombe antimperialiste" sottoscritto da alcuni


AVIANO 29-30/9
VICENZA 5-6/10



Parliamo di Jugoslavia

" A due anni dai bombardamenti NATO (e quindi anche
Italiani) sulla Jugoslavia, � sceso il silenzio sulle
conseguenze causate da quella guerra sulle popolazioni,
sull'ambiente, sulle condizioni economiche e sulle
prospettive politiche e sociali dei Paesi che costituivano
la Repubblica Federativa Socialista di Jugoslavia."

Queste erano le parole con cui presentammo la nostra
recente iniziativa a Sgonico (TS), a luglio.
E queste qui sotto sono le parole che ci scrivono oggi (1.
settembre) gli operai di Kragujevac, nel loro accorato
appello di richiesta di aiuto:

" L'attenzione della comunita internazionale e dei media
verso la situazione jugoslava da un po' di tempo �
diminuita. Questo potrebbe far pensare ad una situazione
generale migliorata dalla fine dei bombardamenti. La dura
realta � purtroppo molto diversa, per tutto il paese, ma
sopratutto per i lavoratori, le lavoratrici e le loro
famiglie. La loro situazione � molta dura ed al limite,
paradossalmente, � piu difficile del dopo bombardamenti di
due anni fa; e l'inverno che ci aspetta fa molta paura."

I lavoratori di Kragujevac avevano riavviato la fabbrica
distrutta dalle bombe. Oggi il nuovo governo "democratico"
di Djindjic, agli ordini del F.M.I., la chiude, licenziando
decine di migliaia di operai.

A luglio scrivemmo anche che la situazione in Macedonia
stava volgendo al peggio.

Sono passati soltanto due mesi, e purtroppo i fatti ci
hanno dato ragione: i soldati della NATO oggi entrano "da
eroi" in Macedonia, fingendo di farsi restituire le armi
che loro stessi hanno affidato all'UCK per destabilizzare
prima il Kosovo, ed ora la Macedonia. Armi che hanno
viaggiato anche nei containers della "Missione Arcobaleno".
Pagate dai bravi cittadini italiani. Anche da "compagni"

La NATO avanza ad est, e si riunisce a Napoli. I suoi
alleati Turchia e Israele fanno strage di Kurdi e
Palestinesi. L'Onu balbetta di razzismo a Durban, mentre
nei Balcani � invisibile. Perch�? Parliamone.

Oggi delle attuali emergenze di questi popoli non parla


mercoled� 12/9 ore 19.30
Trattoria Sociale Contovello (loc. Contovello 152 - Trieste)


Igor Canciani (segr. Prc Trieste)

Marino Andolina (Pediatra, Prc Ts)

Renato Kneipp (Cgil Trieste)

Gilberto Vlaic (Zastava Trieste)

A cura di: gruppo ZASTAVA Trieste - 338-9116688 -

TS, 5 settembre 2001

s.i.p. via Tarabochia 3, TS


La NATO avanza ad est, e si riunisce a Napoli. I suoi
alleati Turchia e Israele fanno strage di Kurdi e
Palestinesi. L'Onu balbetta di razzismo a Durban, mentre
nei Balcani � invisibile. Perch�?...

In questo dossier:
- Situazione politica internazionale e lavoro di
solidariet� politica
- Scheda: gli effetti della guerra
- Appello dalla Zastava - 30 agosto 2001
- Un viaggio a Kragujevac - Marzo 2001
- Le adozioni a distanza: come e con chi
- Iniziative e documenti di altre organizzazioni
- Articoli e documenti sulla Macedonia
(documenti disponibili)
A cura di: gruppo ZASTAVA Trieste - 338-9116688 -

TS, 5 settembre 2001



Basta con i terroristi della N.A.T.O. : macellai della globalizzazione

Ieri l'asse Clinton -D'Alema con le bombe all'uranio, oggi
Bush-Berlusconi con lo scudo spaziale: la NATO ed i paesi ricchi
continuano ad armarsi per imporre lo sfruttamento dell'umanit� e del
pianeta . Distruggono con bombe, embarghi, genocidi e uranio
impoverito per perpetrare le vergognose ingiustizie del capitalismo
e del "libero" mercato.

Le guerre "umanitarie", le "operazioni di pace", i Tribunali
internazionali come quello dell'Aja servono a piegare e criminalizzare
chiunque nel mondo si oppone alle 500 multinazionali che oggi
controllano l'economia del pianeta.

Gli effetti di questo "Nuovo Ordine Mondiale", diviso fra gli
"alleati" USA ed Europa in una folle corsa ad accaparrarsi risorse,
mercati, forza lavoro a basso costo sono sempre pi� evidenti :
guerre ,distruzioni , massacri, fame, cancellazione di diritti
elementari .

Per chi non ci st� ci sono mercenari in divisa o , se si tratta
d'interi popoli e stati, piloti ben addestrati a radere al suolo citt�
come in Iraq, Jugoslavia,Palestina.

Ma la NATO � anche terrorismo interno : dalla strage di Piazza
Fontana, passando per le stragi nei treni e alla stazione di Bologna
fino ai delitti della "Uno Bianca". Una strategia niente affatto
"deviata" o "eversiva" ma organica a un disegno di stabilizzazione di
uno stato "democratico" forte e autoritario nel segno dell'alternanza.
Uno stato che nella alternanza del personale politico in carica ha
mostrato il suo vero volto ai vertici di Napoli e Genova.

Non c'� spazio dunque per linee concertative o di dialogo ne tanto
meno per un imbelle pacifismo riformista : la vita , la salute e la
natura non si contrattano. Per fermare i criminali della NATO occorre
una opposizione di massa radicale che diventi un reale contropotere su
scala planetaria.

Tutti a Napoli il 26/9 contro la NATO e a Vicenza il 5/10 contro il
convegno della nato sulle tecnologie satellitari militari.

Per preparare la partecipazione a questi due appuntamenti Gioved� 13/9
h.21.00 presso il centro "pellerossa" autogestito vicolo stazione 52
cesena assemblea romagnola contro la Nato.

Coordinamento romagnolo contro la nato e la guerra





Il vertice di Napoli del 26 e 27 settembre, che dovrebbe
ufficializzare la decisione "americana" di costruire lo
scudo spaziale, si incardina non a caso nella sequenza
degli appuntamenti che i padroni del pianeta si danno
ormai con frequenza ossessiva nel tentativo, sempre pi�
difficile, di affrontare e nel contempo di occultare
all'opinione pubblica mondiale i fattori della crisi
intercapitalistica in atto ormai da tempo.
Nessuna decisione sul clima, risibili risultati nella
lotta alla fame nel mondo, conflitti "etnici" che
esplodono dappertutto, crisi ecologiche diffuse e sempre
pi� vaste: questo � lo scenario prodotto dal capitalismo
che i rappresentanti degli evanescenti stati-nazione
pretendono di affrontare con gli stessi mezzi che ne
hanno causato gli effetti.
Le questioni militari non sono ovviamente estranee a
tutto ci�: basti a dimostrarlo il ruolo della NATO nei
recenti conflitti balcanici.
Ci sembra perci� fondamentale un momento di approfondimento
e di sensibilizzazione, da tenersi ai confini di una delle
pi� importanti basi del sistema bellico Statunitense-NATO,
negli stessi giorni in cui a Napoli si dovrebbe segnare una
svolta, anche a livello formale, nella funzione
della NATO: da organismo di difesa dei paesi "occidentali"
contro le aggressioni esterne, ad esercito internazionale
di tutela mondiale, con ampia libert� di intervento, di
tutti gli interessi dei paesi dominanti e di
quelli che vogliono fare affari con loro.
E' indispensabile inoltre continuare ad analizzare gli
"effetti secondari" dei processi di riorganizzazione
militare: lo sviluppo di armamenti hi-tech,
riservati ovviamente alle nazioni pi� ricche, presuppone
imponenti finanziamenti di cui beneficeranno le multinazionali
del settore. Grandi spese quindi, ma lo squilibrio nelle
bilance dei pagamenti si colma presto
con la vendita di armi convenzionali, a bassa tecnologia,
letali quanto basta, verso i paesi in "via di sviluppo" che
hanno sempre pi� bisogno di controllare popolazioni
riottose a seguire i dettami del FMI...
Il sistema delle basi NATO e dei paesi alleati
costituisce ormai una rete che deve coprire l'intero
globo: le regioni che le ospitano, il territorio,
l'ambiente, la societ� devono piegarsi (flessibilit�
anche qui) ai bisogni della funzione militare.
Disagi, inquinamento ambientale, incidenti
gravissimi, degrado sociale e culturale:
tutto questo � il contorno delle basi militari.
E' necessario capire come la florida societ� del Nord-Est
possa ancora accettare una militarizzazione cos�
massiccia del proprio territorio. Non crediamo che sia
estranea a questo atteggiamento la ghiotta
opportunit�, organizzata a puntino dalle istituzioni
regionali, (Task Force NordEst) di fare lucrosi e garantiti
affari nei protettorati balcanici, sorvegliati dalle
truppe alleate.

Abbiamo messo in programma per sabato 29 e domenica 30
settembre p.v., a pochi giorni dal vertice di Napoli,
alcune iniziative che avrebbero lo scopo
di riportare all'attenzione dell'opinione pubblica locale
e nazionale la questione delle basi miliari presenti
sul territorio italiano; per denunciare il pericolo
di ripresa dell'iniziativa militare della NATO che
vede l'Italia impegnata in prima linea, con ricadute
pesantissime sul tessuto sociale e sul vissuto di ogni
individuo, con uno spreco di risorse e ricchezze.

Sabato 29 settembre (luogo e orario saranno comunicati appena


- UN'ALLEANZA GLOBALE: La NATO verso il XXI secolo

- ECONOMIA E GUERRA: Scudo spaziale, complesso militare
industriale e nuove dottrine militari

militare della NATO nei Balcani

- LA NATO ALLA CONQUISTA DELL'EST: L'allargamento dell'Alleanza
Atlantica tra leadership globale e "business armato"

Il Progetto Aviano 2000


Per informazioni, adesioni, ma anche suggerimenti e proposte
email: opea@c...
tel. 0434960192 (lino)
Tel. 0434550249 (Bepi)




organizzare la mobilitazione di ottobre


VENERDI 5 OTTOBRE: Assediamo il convegno sullo scudo spaziale
(Montecchio Maggiore - Vicenza) e PUBLIC FORUM "Contro lo scudo

SABATO 6 OTTOBRE: Corteo nazionale (Vicenza)


Per informazioni e riferimento:
Collettivo Spartakus C.P. 533 Vicenza Centro 36100
e-mail: sparta@... soccorsopopolare@...
Telefono: 347-8842485 0444-324793


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======================================Tough Measures Justified in Belarus
by Jared Israel [3 September 2001]
"A spokesman for the US Embassy in Minsk
told The Times that the embassy
helped to fund 300 non-governmental
organisations (NGOs), including non-state
media, but did not fund political parties,
since that is banned by law. He
admitted that some of the NGOs were linked
to those who were 'seeking political change.'

"[Ambassador Kozak wrote to a British
newspaper that] America's 'objective
and to some degree methodology are the
same' in Belarus as in Nicaragua,
where the US backed the Contras against the
left-wing Sandinista Government
in a war that claimed at least 30,000
lives." [From article in "The Times"
(UK), 3 September 2001, posted below.]

Victor Olevich, a Philadelphia reader, sent
us the article from 'The
Times'(UK) which is posted below.

Mr. Olevich commented that it is "one of
the bluntest I've seen in recent
months;" and so it seems to me as well.
With this 'Times' article, the cards
are on the table: U.S. Ambassador to
Belarus, Michael Kozak, has now admitted
that the U.S. is pursuing a 'Nicaraguan'
policy in Belarus.

Victor Olevich writes:

" They [i.e., US operatives] have been
putting out anti-Lukashenko propaganda
pieces and interviews with 'opposition'
leaders in many US-controlled Russian
papers during the past week. They're trying
to do all they can to change the
popular outcome of Sept. 4 elections by any
means - including possible
organized US-funded 'protests' in Minsk
following announcement of election
results (just as after presidential
elections in Yugoslavia last year)."

Taken in this context, what is Mr. Kozak's
statement but a threat to
Belorussian citizens: vote the
U.S.-approved way or suffer the fate of

Earlier this year, the Belorussian
government seized computers being used by
an unregistered, 'opposition' newspaper. It
seemed the computers had been
donated to the newspaper by the U.S.
Department of State.

Rather than being embarrassed that his boss
had been caught outrageously
violating Belorussian sovereignty, State
Department spokesman Richard Boucher
demanded that Washington's computers be

Anyway, while the 'Times' article kindly
sent to us by Mr. Olevich openly
confirms that the Belorussian government
has been telling the truth about
Washington's gross attack on Belorussian
sovereignty, the article also
slanders the Belorussian government.

It calls Belorussian President Lukashenko a
"dictatorial communist." But at
the same time, the article admits:

"President Lukashenko is popular and most
Belorussians fear that a new,
pro-Western leader would bring the poverty
experienced by many Russians and
Ukrainians after the transition to a market
economy. "

So if he's supported on a perfectly
sensible basis by most citizens, wherein
lies his dictatorialness? The article cites
only one 'example.' Here it is:

"Washington said recently that allegations
of state-sanctioned death squads
operating in Belarus, Europe's last bastion
of communism, were "credible".
Two former state prosecutors, who have been
granted political asylum in
America, have said that victims were
murdered with a special pistol and
buried in a cemetery in Minsk."

It is reassuring that a story almost surely
invented by Washington is found
credible - by Washington. And that 'special
pistol' is a nicely chilling
little touch. Still, this particular piece
of disinformation could use more work.

First of all, the same article quotes U.S.
Ambassador to Belarus, Michael
Kozak, to the effect that:

"America's 'objective and to some degree
methodology are the same' in Belarus
as in Nicaragua, where the US backed the
Contras against the left-wing
Sandinista Government in a war that claimed
at least 30,000 lives."

Second of all, note that one of the marked
features of the attack on Nicaragua by the
U.S.-financed-trained-and-led Contras was
the massive dose
of lies and deception emanating from
Washington. This, you may recall,
culminated in "Iran-Contra," an operation
synonymous with disinformation.
During Iran-Contra, the Reagan
Administration lied to: a) Congress; b)
everyone else; c) set up phony humanitarian
groups all over Central America
and d) presented the Contra death squads as
freedom fighters. (If this sounds
eerily familair, it may be because
Washington is now doing all the same
things to Macedonia!)

Which reminds me: the death squads in
Nicaragua (like the current ones in
Macedonia) were U.S. financed, trained and

And since 'The Times' article tells us that
now-Ambassador-to-Belarus Kozak

"Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Inter-American Affairs...working in
Panama, Nicaragua and El Salvador,
and...was serving in Nicaragua [when] Mr.
Reagan famously compared the Contras to the
French Resistance fighters." [One
of many of the amazing lies the U.S.
government spread about Nicaragua.]

- since Kozak was therefore of necessity
intimately involved with the
organization and direction of the death
squads in Nicaraguan and El Salvador
- isn't it 'credible' that a) the U.S.
invented the fable about Belorussian
government death squads, which it then
found credible and b) the U.S. is
planning to unleash the same sort of
violence which marked the "objective and
to some degree methodology" of Kozak's
previous work, where he and his
associates employed death squads and lies
against Nicaragua.

Fight Fire With Water

Mr. Lukashenko has been described as
'dictatorial' for taking mild measures
against the U.S.-funded Fifth Column.

According to 'The Times' there are now 300
U.S.-funded 'Non-governmental'
Organizations in Belarus.


That's one U.S. Government Organization for
every 30,000 inhabitants of
Belarus, man, woman and child.

Can you imagine how Washington would react
were the Belorussian Ambassador,
coincidentally a former death squad
organizer, to set up 9,500 'independent'
NGOs and announce that their task was to
overthrow the U.S. government?

The accusation of 'dictatorial' behavior is
a ploy. It is intended to
intimidate the Belorussian authorities with
bad publicty, so they won't take
measures adequate to defend their country
from U.S. takeover.

Ambassador Kozak's remarks are a
declaration of covert war. It is entirely
appropriate that Belarus demand Mr. Kozak
be recalled and then immediately,
without awaiting Washington's response,
escort him and his entire staff to
the border. Throwing out the whole lot will
disrupt Washington's plans.

In addition, why shouldn't Belarus arrest
those receiving U.S. money?
Washington does not give people money out
of the kindness of its heart. It
pays for services rendered. In exchange for
money, some Belorussian
'democrats' have signed on to be
Washington's new Contras, employing 'a
methodology' similar to the methods
Washington used against Nicaragua. As
'The Times' notes, Washington's war against
Nicaragua killed 30,000 human
beings. Must the nightmare be repeated,
time and again?

- Jared Israel


The Times (UK) 3 September 2001 US adopts
'Contras policy' in communist


THE US Embassy in Belarus has admitted that
it is pursuing a policy similar
to that in 1980s Nicaragua, in which
anti-government Contra rebels were
funded and supported.

President Lukashenko, a dictatorial
Communist, is heading for victory in
presidential elections on Sunday.

In an unusual admission, Michael Kozak, the
US Ambassador to Belarus, said in
a letter to a British newspaper that
America's "objective and to some degree
methodology are the same" in Belarus as in
Nicaragua, where the US backed the
Contras against the left-wing Sandinista
Government in a war that claimed at
least 30,000 lives. Mr Kozak was not
available for comment.

Washington said recently that allegations
of state-sanctioned death squads
operating in Belarus, Europe's last bastion
of communism, were "credible".
Two former state prosecutors, who have been
granted political asylum in
America, have said that victims were
murdered with a special pistol and
buried in a cemetery in Minsk.

The ambassador's disclosure has coincided
with moves by the Bush
Administration to gain increased political
influence in Eastern Europe and
the Balkans and with reports in several
European newspapers, which said that
former US servicemen believed to be working
for the CIA were escorted with
Albanian guerrillas from a village in the
Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia earlier this year.

Earlier in his career, Mr Kozak served as
Principal Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Inter-American Affairs under
Presidents Reagan and Bush,
working in Panama, Nicaragua and El
Salvador, and was Ambassador to Cuba.
While Mr Kozak was serving in Nicaragua, Mr
Reagan famously compared the
Contras to the French Resistance fighters.

President Lukashenko is popular and most
Belorussians fear that a new,
pro-Western leader would bring the poverty
experienced by many Russians and
Ukrainians after the transition to a market

A spokesman for the US Embassy in Minsk
told The Times that the embassy
helped to fund 300 non-governmental
organisations (NGOs), including non-state
media, but did not fund political parties,
since that is banned by law. He
admitted that some of the NGOs were linked
to those who were "seeking political change".
(C) 'The Times' 2001, Posted for Fair Use

Further Reading:

1) Why is Lukashenko NATO's Enemy #1 in the
former Soviet Union? Because he
is resisting Washington's Imperial strategy
as discussed in:

* 'Why is NATO Decimating the Balkans and
Trying to Force Milosevic to
Surrender?' by Jared Israel and Nico
Varkevisser at

2) A few months ago, FBI agents arrested a
Russian Pavel Borodin, a Russian
diplomat, who had been invited to George
W.'s inauguration. Many people felt
the real target was Lukashenko's attempt to
reunite Belarus, Russia and other
former Soviet Republics.

* 'Borodin Falsely Arrested - Washington's
Excuse a Lie' by Jared Israel at

3) The U.S. directed a coup d'etat against
Yugoslavia using the same methods
now in operation in Belarus. See: 'U.S.
Arrogance and Yugoslav Elections' at (By
Jared Israel, Michel Chossudovsky,
Nico Varkovisser Peter Maher and Karen Talbot)

For a post mortem admission of the extent
of U.S. control of the Yugoslav
coup, see George Szamuely's report on the
National Endowment for Democracy
and its funding of the 'student group,'
Otpor, 'Eviscerating Democracy' at

4) Mark Almond has a very good letter in
the 'Guardian' about Belarus called
'For Nicaragua, Read Belarus.' It can be
read at

5) For the text of State Dep't spokesman
Richard Boucher's remarkable attack
on Belarus (for seizing Washington's Fifth
Column computers) see "Speechless
in Belarus" by Jared Israel at


======================================Speechless in Belarus
by Jared Israel [3 September 2001]
Frankly, the article posted below left me

But why?

After all, as President Slobodan Milosevich
noted in the speech they didn't
let him make a few days ago, the U.S. has
employed missiles to punish uppity
nations so often that the repetition of
such attacks is 'expected before it occurs.'

If missiles are appropriate when one defies
the Great White (Mini)Father, why
should it surprise me that State Department
Spokesman Richard Boucher says
the U.S. is aiding the "prospect for free
and fair presidential elections" by
giving money and equipment to pro-U.S.
groups in Belarus?

Why should I consider it odd that Boucher
describes such groups, created and
funded by the U.S. (there are now 300
U.S.-funded NGOs in Belarus!) as "independent?"

Perhaps the problem is I am 57, hence was
(mis)educated in numerous
out-of-date definitions, such as:


in�de�pend�ent (�n�d�-p�n�dent) adjective
Abbr. ind.
1. Not governed by a foreign power;
2. Free from the influence, guidance, or
control of another or others;
self-reliant: an independent mind.

Whereas in Uncle Sam's Excellent New Order,
'independent' means "governed by
a foreign power" not to mention "getting
all the funds and computer equipment
from Sam you Can."

That being the case, when the State
Department gives computers to an
'opposition' group in Belarus, thus
heightening said group's independence,
and the Belorussian authorities seize such
equipment, thus abusing
Washington's God-given right to rule the
world - plus proving they are agents
of a communist dictatorship - why shouldn't
Mr. Boucher demand his computers
be returned?

Will I never learn?

- Jared Israel, still speechless after all
these years.

AP Online
August 3, 2001

U.S. Denounces [!] Belarus Authorities


The State Department on Friday denounced
Belarus authorities for seizing
U.S.-supplied equipment designed to assist
the country's democratic opposition ahead
of Sept. 9 presidential elections.

Spokesman Richard Boucher demanded the
immediate return of the equipment.

On July 12, Boucher said, militia officers
in the town of Krichev seized
equipment owned by the U.S. government and
leased to the independent newspaper Volny Grad.

Militia officers also seized computer
equipment leased by the U.S. Embassy
Democracy Commission to a pro-democracy
center, Boucher said.

He noted that the Belarusian government had
confirmed that the equipment was
seized under terms of Decree No. 8, imposed
by the regime to limit foreign
assistance to the democratic opposition.

''This decree has ben denounced by the
international community,'' Boucher
said, ''as have many other actions taken by
the regime that impede the
prospect for free and fair presidential

He said all U.S. assistance falls under a
1996 bilateral assistance
agreement. He added that the seizures
contradict the Belarusian government's
assurances that U.S. assistance is exempt
from Decree 8.

Only by creating conditions for free and
fair elections can Belarus win the
respect of the international community,
improve relations with the United
States and end its self-imposed isolation,
Boucher said.

(c) AP 2001, Reprinted For Fair Use Only

Further Reading:

1) Why is Lukashenko NATO's Enemy #1 in the
former Soviet Union? Because he
is resisting Washington's Imperial strategy
as discussed in:

* 'Why is NATO Decimating the Balkans and
Trying to Force Milosevic to
Surrender?' by Jared Israel and Nico
Varkevisser at

2) A few months ago, FBI agents arrested a
Russian Pavel Borodin, a Russian
diplomat, who had been invited to George
W.'s inauguration. Many people felt
the real target was Lukashenko's attempt to
reunite Belarus, Russia and other
former Soviet Republics.

* 'Borodin Falsely Arrested - Washington's
Excuse a Lie' by Jared Israel at


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