
1. Sottoscrizione per "Hrvatska Ljevica"
2. "Yugoslavia Notizie"
3. Appello alla sottoscrizione da SOS YUGOSLAVIA (Torino)

=== 1 ===


"Hrvatska Ljevica" ha promosso una raccolta di fondi per pagare la pena
pecuniaria che le e' stata inflitta dalla magistratura croata. Si tratta
di un risarcimento ad Ivan Bobetko, che sarebbe vittima di "sofferenze
psichiche" [sic! cosi' recita la sentenza!] in seguito alle
inchieste-denuncia apparse sulla rivista in merito fatti di Sisak del
1991 (vedi sotto): negli articoli, Bobetko era stato individuato tra i
principali responsabili dei crimini contro la popolazione civile della

Le sottoscrizioni vanno inviate sul conto sotto indicato:

"Razlog" d.o.o., Zagreb, Palmoticeva 70
i ziro-racun 2360000-1101484901

Per maggiori informazioni rivolgersi a:
Palmoticeva 70/IIp. 10000 Zagreb
tel. +385-1-4839-958, fax +385-1-4823-685

Da "La Voce del Popolo" (Rijeka/Fiume) del 24/7/2002:

Uccisi 107 serbi, 600 i dispersi

Zagabria - Non si smentisce il Presidente del Partito Socialista Operaio
(SRP) Stipe Suvar, il quale ha ribadito ieri che nell'area di Sisak ai
tempi della guerra patriottica, 117 persone sono rimaste vittime di
crimini di guerra, ricordando inoltre che altre 600 sono ancora inserite
nelle liste dei dispersi. Presentando l'ultimo numero della rivista
"Hrvatska Ljevica" (Sinistra Croata [agosto 2002]), nella quale ampio
spazio e' stato dedicato per l'appunto ai fatti avvenuti a Sisak nel
1991, Stipe Suvar ha evidenziato come gli episodi fossero ben noti ai
vertici di Zagabria. Questi ultimi, sostiene Suvar, sarebbero
addirittura i veri ispiratori delle malefatte: gli esecutori materiali
erano solo "dei burattini manovrati da altri". Suvar avverte che anche
dopo l'ascesa al potere della sinistra in Croazia le persone al corrente
della verita' sulla questione continuano ad essere riluttanti a parlare
apertamente. Il leader SRP infatti sostiene che quegli accadimenti
fossero stati un'abile manovra per scatenare una reazione a catena il
cui risultato e' stato l'emigrazione dalla Croazia di un terzo dei serbi
da Sisak. Presi di mira pure tutti quei croati che venivano considerati
"non in linea" con la politica del "regime".
Ricordiamo che Suvar non e' la prima volta che si sofferma sulla
vicenda. Egli difatti ha piu' volte sostenuto la tesi in base alla quale
sarebbero responsabili di quei fatti il capo dell'allora Comitato di
crisi Ivan Bobetko, figlio del piu' noto Janko, e Duro Brodarac, oggi
zupano [podesta'] della Contea di Sisak e della Moslavina, ed all'epoca
comandante del commissariato di polizia del luogo. La "Hrvatska
Ljevica" fu addirittura condannata, nel 1999, dal Tribunale di Zagabria
a pagare un'ammenda di 100mila kune a Bobetko per aver pubblicato, nel
1998, un articolo nel quale questi veniva accusato apertamente per i
crimini a Sisak. Va ricordato che all'epoca dei fatti ci fu un processo
nel quale gli imputati furono giudicati colpevoli: gli stessi pero' nel
1993 usufruirono di un'amnistia.

=== 2 ===


E' uscito il nuovo numero di "YUGOSLAVIA NOTIZIE",
bollettino di informazione sui popoli della ex Jugoslavia.
In questo numero :
solidarietà, situazione sociale, uranio, Bosnia, Serbia, Croazia,
Kosovo Metohija, TPI L'Aja, Macedonia.
Per averlo contattare : 338/1755563 oppure Email : posta@...

=== 3 ===

Cari compagni, care compagne
Cari amici, care amiche

L' agenzia stampa ANSA di Agosto, riportando i dati del governo
jugoslavo ci fa sapere che il reddito medio nel paese è di 148 Euro
(per il 30% del paese che lavora. ..). A fronte di una necessità minima
per una famiglia media, stimata in 200 euro.
Di fronte a questa situazione e su indicazione del Sindacato della
Zastava di Kragujevac e dell' Associazione " Decije Istina " di
Belgrado con cui siamo gemellati, lanciamo una sottoscrizione URGENTE
per sostenere il diritto alla scuola dei bambini di Jugoslavia, oggi
ormai fortemente intaccato, stante il pauroso aumento dei prezzi
(ormai. .. " europei " !) anche del materiale scolastico e con
l'aggravio di dover pagare tutti i libri di testo dalla 1° elementare
in poi.


Per contribuire all' acquisto di penne, quaderni, matite e gomme ai
figli dei lavoratori della Zastava di Kragujevac, e delle vedove e
profughe di guerra della " Decije Istina " di Belgrado.
Contattaci per le modalità: 338/1755563 - 328/7366501
Email : posta@...

Associazione " SOS Yugoslavia " - Torino

Iniziati due mesi fa in occasione dell'incontro tra le rappresentative
femminili di Jugoslavia e Turchia (quando settori del pubblico urlarono
slogan antijugoslavi ed esposero simboli islamisti), continuano a Novi
Pazar gli incidenti tra opposte tifoserie. Come in Croazia e Serbia nel
1990-1991, sono i capi degli ultras i primi arruolati negli schieramenti
ultranazionalisti e secessionisti.
A Novi Pazar e' in ballo la secessione di tutta l'area a cavallo tra
Serbia e Montenegro, il Sangiaccato, gia' destabilizzata dalla spinta
indipendentista del Montenegro. Esponenti islamisti del Sangiaccato
aspirano all'unificazione con la Bosnia ed alla creazione della
"trasversale verde" verso il Kosovo e la Turchia. (I.S.)



BELGRADE, Sept 10 (Beta) - Yugoslav Minority Affairs Minister
Rasim Ljajic said on Sept. 10 that he was convinced that Sandzak would
become a new interethnic battleground, but did not exclude the
of sporadic incidents.
Following incidents in Novi Pazar, Ljajic told Serbian state TV
that Sept. 10 was "a critical point because of the announcements of mass
gatherings by both sides," but that it had also been agreed that there
would be no rallies and that "a republican commission will investigate
entire case."
He said that a special commission would investigate the
of the police and establish whether their reaction was timely during the
celebration of the Yugoslav national basketball team's victory in the
championship, when some incidents occurred.


Danas (Beograd), 22/7/2002

Posle odbojaske utakmice Jugoslavija-Turska


Novi Pazar - Posle odbojaske utakmice Jugoslavija-Turska izmedju
Jugoslavije i Turske na Balkanskom prvenstvu za kadetkinje u Novom
Pazaru kada je publika u Hali sportova navijala za tursku
reprezentaciju, a domacim reprezentativkama upucivala psovke, reakcije
se ne stisavaju. (...)
"Neshvatljivo nam je da mladi iz ovog grada ne prihvataju Jugoslaviju
kao svoju zemlju, vec za "svoju" zemlju uzimaju Tursku i izmedju
Bosnjaka i Turaka stavljaju znak jednakosti. Ocigledno je da se neko
krije iza jednog dela mladih iz ovog grada pokusavajuci da ostvari svoje
mracne ciljeve. Monstruozno je da mladi budu karta na koju su zaigrali
kreatori podela i koji zele da deo naroda sa ovog prostora presele tamo
gde nikada nije pripadao, da mu oduzmu pravo na njegovu zemlju. Ovo je
zemlja svih nas i neka niko ne pokusava da nam trazi drugu domovinu" -
navodi se u saopstenju Otvorenog kluba "Urban-in". (...)
S. Novosel


Beograd - Predsenik Odbora Skupstine Srbije za medjunacionalne odnose
Meho Omerovic sokiran je ponasanjem grupe navijaca na utakmici zenskih
omladinskih reprezentacija Jugoslavije i Turske u Novom Pazaru. Povodom
incidenta kada je vise stotina navijaca vredjalo jugoslovenske
reprezentativke i skandiralo Turskoj, Omerovic je u saopstenju porucio
da bi oni koji "podsticu pripadnike bosnjacke zajednice na ovakvo
nezapamceno ponasanje - morali snositi odgovornost". "Svima je jasno da
je ovim nanesena nesaglediva steta Bosnjacima koji Srbiju dozivljavaju
kao svoju istinsku i jedinu drzavu. Da li se ovakvim postupcima zeli
usporiti ulazak u Evropu zbog necijih suludih ideja o tome kako Bosnjaci
mogu zivjeti u nekoj svojoj posebnoj drzavi", upitao je Omerovic.


PIPELINE BUCHAREST, Sept 10 (Tanjug) - Yugoslav Minister of
Economy and Home Trade Petar Trojanovic, Romanian Minister of Industry
Resources Dan Ioan Popescu and Croatian Economy Ministry's Deputy
in charge of energy Roman Nota signed in Bucharest on Tuesday a protocol
setting up the Constanta-Pancevo-Omisalj system of inter-governmental
The pipeline would go through Romania, Yugoslavia and Croatia
link the Black Sea oil terminal near Constanta with the Adriatic oil
terminal near Omisalj, with the possibility of extension to Trieste,
and connection with the Pan-Alpine main oil pipeline, which means that
Europe would have a good access to Caspian oil.
The 1,200-km pipeline will transport an annual 10 million
of oil, 6 million of which will be used by Yugoslavia, Romania and

Subject: SPS: Free Milosevic! All honest MUST
take action!
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 15:03:41 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"








For Release of President Slobodan Milosevic

In view of the fact that President
Slobodan Milosevic has fully refuted at The
Hague all allegations contained in the
so-called Kosovo indictment and that even
the rules of the so-called Hague Tribunal
stipulate that the indictment has to be
rejected in such a case, the Head Committee
of the Socialist Party of Serbia is most
resolutely demanding that

President Slobodan Milosevic be immediately

All members of the Socialist Party
of Serbia, most of the citizens of our
country and much of the international public
are convinced that this demand has to be
satisfied. They all share the view that it
would be in the interest and to the benefit
of the stability in the Balkans, or our part
of Europe, if President Milosevic would be
allowed to continue, upon release, his
activity in the interest of the state and
the people.

President Milosevic's health
condition, with the dangerous risks that
could be provoked by the continuation of the
process in the manner as proposed by the
so-called Prosecution, represents a
sufficient reason for his release.

It is a firm belief of the
Yugoslav public that an innocent man is in
prison and that the course of the process
conducted thus far has shown his innocence
to everybody.

The demand for setting President
Milosevic free is also the demand of the
progressive public in the world that
supported in the past, and which is
particularly strongly expressing its view
today in favor of President Milosevic and
his innocence, as well as against the
illegal character of "The Hague Tribunal".

In its reactions based upon
arguments, legal experts in Yugoslavia and
in the rest of the world point out that one
can speak of a political show trial taking
place at The Hague that is conducted by an
illegal institution with numerous violations
of legal norms and human rights.

A longstanding state president
elected through a plebiscite and a leader of
the nation who opposed colonization of his
country by the great powers, needs not and
must not be put on trial in the Tribunal set
up by these powers in retaliation for the

The Socialist Party of Serbia is
making this demand together with numerous
international entities - political parties,
Trade Unions, peace and anti-globalization
movements, national and political leaders,
distinguished public personalities -
artists, scientists, fighters for human
rights who have expressed a strong
solidarity and who continue their activity
aimed at President Slobodan Milosevic's
release. Their activities are concentrated
in the international, and several national
committees for the release of Slobodan
Milosevic. They have been organizing a great
many public gatherings, protests and
conferences from which they send the appeals
to the world public, The Hague "Tribunal",
the Organization of the United Nations, the
governments of their respective countries.

R e a s o n e d O p i n i o n

President Slobodan Milosevic has
proved himself before the illegal Hague
"Tribunal" and the whole world as a national
hero, a forerunner of the struggle for
freedom, truth and national dignity.

To all freethinking people in the world
threatened by enslavement and colonization,
President Slobodan Milosevic has become a paragon
of a fighter for the universal values of freedom
and equality.

The so-called Kosovo indictment failed
before the truth revealed in a dignified manner by
President Slobodan Milosevic. It has become clear
to everybody in the world that the "Tribunal" is an
illegal institution and an extended arm of the NATO
Alliance, fully subordinated to the objectives of
the US administration that waged an aggressive war
against Yugoslavia, and that the Tribunal is the
stage for the process of political retaliation.

More than a year has passed since
the kidnapping and extradition of President
Slobodan Milosevic to NATO jailers at The
Hague. The puppet regime in Belgrade thus
breached most flagrantly the Constitution
and the laws of the FR of Yugoslavia and the
Republic of Serbia, and international law
norms. It was also an attempt of the same
regime to suppress freedom and democracy in
our country and thus to open the way for its
break-up, occupation and sale.

More than ninety percent of the
so-called witness in The Hague come from the NATO
countries or are members or sympathizers of the
terrorist so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK).
The few so-called "insiders" accused in their
testimonies, contrary to expectations of the
"prosecution", the NATO leaders and terrorists of
the aggression against the FR of Yugoslavia and
helped revelation of the true objectives and
motives of this fabricated political process.

The farce taking place at The
Hague has shown that the so-called
Prosecution and the Trial Chamber are
applying double standards without any
reluctance. NATO witnesses are allowed and
even encouraged to speak without disturbance
a large amount of lies and to determine in
advance the non-existent crimes, to
pronounce judgements and to assess personal
and human qualities without any measure and
limitation. On the other hand, the arguments
and questions raised by President Slobodan
Milosevic are interrupted forcedly,
rejected, assessed as irrelevant only
because such arguments and questions reveal
the truth and the truth hurts most.

However in spite of all such
miserable and obvious attempts the truth
could not be hidden.

Being in great troubles because
the process is not evolving in the manner
that would satisfy them, The Hague
inquisitors are doing all they can in order
to break and physically exhaust President
Slobodan Milosevic. Loathsome and immoral
are the statements in which they express
their alleged concern with regard to his
health. He has been deprived of elementary
human conditions in the prison; they are
tendentiously burdening him with a great
many so-called witnesses and with tons of
written statements, documents and papers.
Finally, they have deprived him of adequate
medical treatment to lament later
hypocritically over his deteriorated health
condition to which they have exclusively
contributed. The purpose of all this is to
limit to him the precious time and his only
possibility to tell the domestic and world
public the truth about the struggle for
freedom, against the aggression and

The latest revelations of the
witnesses that they had been exposed to
tortures, as well as that they had been
offered money, security, change of identity
and personal description only to testify,
i.e. to lie against President Slobodan
Milosevic brought to light the filthiest
methods used by the authorities in Serbia
and their yes-man attitude toward their
foreign bosses.

It has become generally clear
that the process in The Hague is not being
conducted against President Slobodan
Milosevic and other patriots of Yugoslavia
but that it is aimed against the whole
Serbian nation because it had defended its
homeland against the terror and aggression
and because it had shared solidarity with
its compatriots in their struggle for
freedom and equality. The purpose of the
process was to accuse the nation that
resisted suppression of its sovereign rights
and to punish it in order to set an example
to other nations and states not to do
something similar in the future.

The truth being defended by
President Slobodan Milosevic, who is
supported by all patriots of this country,
could neither be hidden nor conquered. The
prosecution, the judges and the sponsors of
The Hague Tribunal did not manage to find
the victim guilty. Instead of a reversal so
eagerly waited for by the prosecution, The
Hague process against President Slobodan
Milosevic resulted in a complete fiasco
after finalization of the so-called
presentation of evidence by the prosecution
in the case of the so-called Kosovo
indictment. It has become clear that there
is no evidence in favor of the accusations
and that the whole process was based on
loathsome deceits and fabrications, and
application of the medieval Inquisition
methods. The attempt of the "prosecution"
has fully failed to prove the accountability
of the Serbian nation for the alleged
"crimes in Kosovo" in order to pardon
terrorism and terrorists, NATO aggressors
and criminals, and to degrade the struggle
of Yugoslav citizens and peoples for their
national dignity and freedom.

The Federal Government of the FR
of Yugoslavia is bound to undertake concrete
steps for enforcement of the decisions of
the Federal Constitutional Court concerning
the abduction of President Slobodan
Milosevic, to meet its constitutional and
international obligation of protecting the
rights of its citizens abroad, and to
undertake appropriate legal and diplomatic
activities so as to ensure the release of
President Slobodan Milosevic and his return
to the country.

The Federal Government is also
bound to immediately bring to end the
surrender of our citizens to the illegal
Tribunal at The Hague.

It is the duty of the President
of the FR of Yugoslavia to send personal
messages to the heads of states of the world
and ask their engagement concerning the
release of President Slobodan Milosevic.

It is the duty of the Federal
Assembly of the FR of Yugoslavia and of the
National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia
to address all parliaments in the world and
ask them to react publicly and to exert
their influence on their respective
governments to advocate for the release of
President Slobodan Milosevic and abolishment
of The Hague "Tribunal".

The countries refusing
jurisdiction of the legally established
International Criminal Court, and supporting
or not opposing the work of the illegal
political ad hoc Tribunal will have to
harmonize their standpoint with universality
as the basic principle of application of

The process conducted at The
Hague against President Slobodan Milosevic
is a historical and civilizational shame.
According to the consequences it will have,
it will return as a boomerang to its
creators and to those supporting it. It will
be the boomerang much heavier than the one
already being returned because of the
support to the terrorists of the so-called
KLA and organizers of the international
crime whose proceeds are used to finance
different lobbyists in Washington, New York,
London and Berlin.

The Organization of the United
Nations must get rid of the moral and legal
mortgage represented by this process and the
"Tribunal" as they are a blow to the very
foundations of the UN Charter and the whole
system of international relations and
international law.

As it is clear that The Hague
process is politically fabricated, as it is
clear that it has a vindictive nature, as it
needs to frighten all leaders and countries
not accepting the terror of the "new world
order" and as it has lived to see the
complete fiasco despite the enormous budget,

The Socialist Party of Serbia is
calling upon all citizens of Serbia and
Yugoslavia, all patriotic parties,
organizations and individuals to get united
in the support to this demand.

We are inviting all freedom-loving forces of
the world and the entire international
public to contribute by their appeals and
concrete actions to satisfaction of our

In Belgrade,

On 7 September

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world
of equals) (the international committee
to defend Slobodan Milosevic) ('morning news' the only
Serbian newspaper advocating liberation)



za oslobo|enje Predsednika Slobodana

Polaze}i od toga da je Predsednik Slobodan Milo{evi} u
Hagu u potpunosti osporio sve navode tzv. Kosovske
optu`nice i da ~ak i pravila tzv. tribunala u Hagu
propisuju da u takvom slu~aju optu`nica mora biti
odba~ena, Glavni odbor Socijalisti~ke partije Srbije
najodlu~nije zahteva

da Predsednik Slobodan Milo{evi} bude odmah oslobo|en.

U neophodnost ostvarivanja tog zahteva uvereni su svi
~lanovi Socijalisti~ke partije Srbije, svi gra|ani na{e
zemlje i me|unarodna javnost. Svi oni dele ube|enje da
je u interesu op{te stabilnosti na Balkanu, odnosno u
na{em delu Evrope, da se Predsedniku Milo{evi}u omogu}i
da na slobodi u svojoj zemlji nastavi svoju aktivnost u
interesu dr`ave i naroda.

Zdravstveno stanje predsednika Milo{evi}a, uz opasne
rizike koje bi izazvao nastavak procesa na na~in koji
predla`e tzv. tu`ila{tvo, samo po sebi je dovoljan
razlog da se on nadje na slobodi.

Sna`no je uverenje jugoslovenske javnosti da se u
zatvoru nalazi nedu`an ~ovek i da je dosada{nji tok
procesa to svakome pokazao.

Zahtev za oslobo|enje Predsednika Milo{evi}a je i zahtev
progresivne javnosti u svetu, koja se i ranije, a danas
posebno sna`no izja{njava u prilog predsednika
Milo{evi}a i njegove nevinosti, kao i protiv nelegalnog
karaktera "Ha{kog suda".

Reakcije stru~ne pravni~ke javnosti u Jugoslaviji i
svetu argumentovano isti~u da se u Hagu radi o
montiranom politi~kom procesu, vo|enom od strane
nelegalne institucije uz brojna kr{enja pravnih normi i
ljudskih prava.

Dugogodi{nji plebiscitarno izabrani predsednik dr`ave i
lider nacije, koji se odupro kolonizaciji svoje zemlje
od strane velikih sila, ne treba i ne sme da odgovara
pred sudom koji su za njega formirale te sile kao
odmazdu nad istinom.

Socijalisti~ka partija Srbije isti~e ovaj zahtev zajedno
sa brojnim me|unarodnim subjektima - politi~kim
partijama, sindikatima, mirovnim i antiglobalisti~kim
pokretima, nacionalnim i politi~kim liderima, istaknutim
javnim li~nostima - umetnicima, nau~nicima, borcima za
ljudska prava, koji su iskazali sna`nu solidarnost i
vodili i nastavljaju da vode akciju za oslobo|enje
predsednika Milo{evi}a. Njihove aktivnosti koncentri{u
se oko me|unarodnog i vi{e nacionalnih komiteta za
oslobo|enje Slobodana Milo{evi}a, koji organizuju brojne
javne skupove, proteste i konferencije sa kojih upu}uju
apele svetskoj javnosti, ha{kom "sudu", Organizaciji
Ujedinjenih nacija, vladama svojih zemalja.

O b r a z l o ` e n j e

Predsednik Slobodan Milo{evi} se pred
nelegalnim ha{kim "tribunalom" i pred licem ~itavog
sveta potvrdio kao nacionalni heroj, predvodnik borbe za
slobodu, istinu i nacionalno dostojanstvo.

Za sve slobodoumne ljude u svetu kojem prete
porobljavanje i kolonizacija, Predsednik Slobodan
Milo{evi} je postao uzor borca za univerzalne vrednosti
slobode i ravnopravnosti.

Tzv. kosovska optu`nica pala je pred istinom
koju je dostojanstveno iznosio Predsednik Slobodan
Milo{evi}. Svima u svetu je postalo jasno da je
"tribunal" nelegalna institucija i produ`ena ruka NATO
pakta, potpuno podre|ena ciljevima ameri~ke
administracije koja je vodila agresivni rat protiv
Jugoslavije i da se u njemu odvija proces politi~ke

Pro{lo je vi{e od godinu dana od kidnapovanja i predaje
predsednika Slobodana Milo{evi}a NATO tamni~arima u
Hagu. Time je od strane marionetskog re`ima u Beogradu
po~injeno najgrublje kr{enje Ustava i zakona SRJ i
Republike Srbije i normi me|unarodnog prava. To je bio i
poku{aj re`ima da se ugu{e sloboda i demokratija u na{oj
zemlji i tako otvori put njenom cepanju, okupaciji i

Preko devedeset procenata tzv. svedoka u Hagu poti~e iz
NATO zemalja ili su pripadnici i simpatizeri
teroristi~ke tzv. OVK. Ono malo tzv. insajdera suprotno
o~ekivanjima "tu`ila{tva" upravo je svojim svedo~enjima
optu`ilo NATO ~elnike i teroriste za agresiju na SRJ i
pomoglo razotkrivanju pravih ciljeva i pobuda ovog
montiranog politi~kog procesa.

Farsa u Hagu pokazala je da tzv. tu`ila{tvo i sudsko
ve}e bez ustezanja primenjuju dvostruke standarde. NATO
svedoci se neometano pu{taju, pa ~ak i podsti~u da
govore gomilu la`i i neistina, da unapred utvr|uju
nepostoje}e zlo~ine, da izri~u presude i ocenjuju li~ne
i ljudske kvalitete bez mere i ikakvog ograni~enja. S
druge strane, argumenti i pitanja koja postavlja
Predsednik Slobodan Milo{evi} nasilno se prekidaju,
odbacuju i ocenjuju irelevantnim samo zato {to se u
njima iznosi puna istina, a istina najvi{e boli.

Me|utim, i pored svih tih bednih i providnih poku{aja
istina se nije mogla sakriti.

Budu}i da su na velikim mukama {to im se proces ne
odvija onako kako bi `eleli, ha{ki inkvizitori ~ine sve
da predsednika Milo{evi}a slome i fizi~ki iscrpe. Gnusne
su i nemoralne izjave u kojima izra`avaju navodnu
zabrinutost za njegovo zdravlje. Uskratili su mu
elementarne ljudske uslove u zatvoru, tendenciozno ga
optere}uju nizom tzv. svedoka i zatrpavaju tonama
pismenih izjava, dokumenata i materijala. Kona~no,
ostavili su ga bez odgovaraju}eg medicinskog tretmana da
bi na kraju licemerno jadikovali zbog pogor{avanja
njegovog zdravstvenog stanja ~emu su oni isklju~ivo
doprineli. A sve to u cilju da mu se oduzme dragoceno
vreme i jedina mogu}nost da doma}oj i svetskoj javnosti
ka`e istinu o borbi za slobodu, protiv agresije i

Najnovija otkri}a svedoka da je nad njima vr{ena
tortura, kao i da su im nu|eni novac, bezbednost,
promena identiteta i li~nog opisa samo da bi svedo~ili
protiv predsednika Slobodana Milo{evi}a razobli~ila su
najprljavije metode kojima se slu`e vlasti u Srbiji, kao
i njihov poslu{ni~ki odnos prema inostranim gazdama.

Svima je postalo jasno da se proces u Hagu
ne vodi protiv Predsednika Slobodana Milo{evi}a i drugih
patriota Jugoslavije, ve} je usmeren protiv celog
srpskog naroda zato {to je branio otad`binu od terora i
agresije i zato {to je bio solidaran sa svojim
sunarodnicima u njihovoj borbi za slobodu i
ravnopravnost. Taj proces je trebalo da optu`i narod
koji je pru`io otpor ga`enju svojih suverenih prava i da
ga kazni za primer drugim narodima i dr`avama da tako
ne{to ubudu}e ne ~ine.

Istina koju brani Predsednik Slobodan Milo{evi}, uz kojeg stoje
sve patriote ove zemlje, nije se mogla sakriti ni pobediti.
Tu`ila{tvu, sudijama i pokroviteljima ha{kog tribunala nije po{lo
za rukom da `rtvu proglase za krivca. Umesto preokreta koji
je tu`ila{tvo `eljno o~ekivalo, ha{ki proces protiv
Predsednika Slobodana Milo{evi}a je po zavr{etku tzv.
izvo|enja dokaza tu`ila{tva po tzv. Kosovskoj optu`nici,
do`iveo potpuni fijasko. Postalo je jasno da nema
nikakvih dokaza u prilog optu`be, ve} da se u celini
radi o gnusnim podvalama i konstrukcijama, uz primenu
metoda srednjevekovne inkvizicije. U potpunosti je
propao poku{aj "tu`ila{tva" da doka`e odgovornost
srpskog naroda za navodne "zlo~ine na Kosovu" sa ciljem
da se amnestiraju terorizam i teroristi, NATO agresori i
zlo~inci, a da se obezvredi borba gra|ana i naroda
Jugoslavije za nacionalno dostojanstvo i slobodu.

Savezna vlada SR Jugoslavije je obavezna da preduzme konkretne
korake radi sprovo|enja odluka Saveznog ustavnog suda koje se
odnose na otmicu Predsednika Slobodana Milo{evi}a, da izvr{i
svoju ustavnu i me|unarodnu obavezu za{tite prava svojih gra|ana
u svetu i da preduzme odgovaraju}e pravne i diplomatske
aktivnosti, kako bi se obezbedilo pu{tanje Predsednika Slobodana
Milo{evi}a na slobodu i njegov povratak u zemlju.

Obaveza je tako|e da se odmah prekine sa izru~ivanjem na{ih
gra|ana ilegalnom tribunalu u Hagu.

Du`nost je Predsednika SR Jugoslavije da se obrati li~nim
porukama {efovima svih dr`ava sveta i da zatra`i njihovo
anga`ovanje radi pu{tanja Predsednika Slobodana
Milo{evi}a na slobodu.

Saveznoj skup{tini SRJ i Narodnoj skup{tini Republike Srbije
du`nost je da se obrate svim parlamentima sveta i zatra`e od njih
da javno reaguju i uti~u da se vlade njihovih zemalja zalo`e za
oslobo|enje Predsednika Milo{evi}a i ukidanje ha{kog "tribunala".

Dr`ave koje odbijaju nadle`nost legalno osnovanog Me|unarodnog
krivi~nog suda, a podr`avaju ili se ne suprotstavljaju
radu ilegalnog politi~kog ad hoc "tribunala", moraju
uskladiti svoju poziciju sa univerzalno{}u kao osnovnim
principom primene pravde.

Proces u Hagu protiv Predsednika Slobodana Milo{evi}a predstavlja
istorijsku i civilizacijsku sramotu. Po posledicama koje }e imati
vrati}e se kao bumerang svojim kreatorima i onima koji ga
podr`avaju i bi}e mnogo te`i od onog bumeranga koji im se ve}
vra}a zbog podr{ke teroristima tzv. OVK i organizatorima
me|unarodnog kriminala od ~ijih prihoda se finansiraju razni
lobisti u Va{ingtonu, Njujorku, Londonu i Berlinu.

Organizacija Ujedinjenih nacija mora se
osloboditi moralne i pravne hipoteke koju prestavljaju
ovaj proces i sam "tribunal", jer predstavljaju udarac u
temelje Povelje UN i ~itavog sistema me|unarodnih odnosa
i me|unarodnog prava.

Po{to je jasno da je ha{ki proces politi~ki
montiran, po{to je jasno da ima osvetni~ki karakter,
po{to treba da zastra{i sve lidere i zemlje koje se ne
mire sa terorom "novog svetskog poretka" i po{to je i
pored ogromnog bud`eta do`iveo potpuni fijasko,

Socijalisti~ka partija Srbije poziva gra|ane Srbije i
Jugoslavije, sve patriotske partije, organizacije i pojedince da
se ujedine u podr{ci ovom zahtevu.

Pozivamo sve slobodoljubive snage u svetu i ~itavu
me|unarodnu javnost da svojim apelima i konkretnim
akcijama doprinesu ostvarivanju na{eg zahteva.


7.septembra 2002.g.

1. Raccolta fondi per il Comitato per la Difesa di Milosevic / FUND
2. Blagovesta Donceva: A Balkans Woman for Mr. Slobodan Milosevic
3. Russian Parliamentarians Demand Milosevic Release
4. Slobodan Milosevic as a Symbol of Anti-Globalism

=== 1 ===

Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2002 05:53:06 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin" <vlada@...>





Dear friends,
· The first phase of the heroic
struggle of President Milosevic
against the ruthless NATO machinery at
The Hague is about to finish. The
so-called "prosecution case on Kosovo"
is being finished without any
evidence. Our common demand is - stop
that dangerous farce and admit the
truth visible to everybody - even
according to the Rules of the
so-called "tribunal", there is no
ground to continue!
· Knowing the enemy - we can not
count on justice. If the clear and
well-founded demand to free Slobodan
Milosevic is not accepted, the big
question is how to proceed?
· All our achievements in preparing
the facts necessary to support
President Milosevic's struggle until
now has been based on voluntary work
and the submissions of Yugoslav
patriots. Our small funds have been
barely enough to cover the stay at The
Hague of one legal assistant to
President Milosevic. The financial
situation of the kidnapped President
Milosevic and his support team (The
Freedom Association - The Yugoslav
Committee) is much worse than the
situation of any other Hague
prisoners, because their lawyers
recognize the "tribunal" and receive
substantial financial backing from it.
Our resources will be completely
insufficient to continue!
· The next phase requires parallel
work on the "prosecution case on
Croatia and Bosnia", an analysis of
the whole completed part of the
"process", the preparation of Yugoslav
and foreign witnesses for the "defense
case" (planned to start at mid-May
2003) - which means interviews
sometimes linked with travel abroad,
collection of documents, and finally
covering of the expenses of witnesses
at The Hague. For all this to be
accomplished we would need at least
100.000 EUR every month.
· The Belgrade regime, in contrast
to the behavior of any normal
government and despite the
Constitutional obligation to help it's
citizens in legal need abroad, and in
contrast even to Croatia and both
entities of Bosnia, is not only
leaving us without any financial
support nor access to state archives,
but is producing obstacles to the
defense of President Milosevic at
every step.
· That's why we need organized fund
raising actions and serious donations
from abroad. Please contact us if any
further clarification is needed.

· Our contacts:


Rajiceva 16, 11000 Belgrade,

telephone: +381 63 279 819

fax: +381 11 639 152

e-mail: vlada@...

Our Bank account:


/ 840 - USD
/ 978 - EUR


ACCOUNT No. 5428-1246-16154-6





On behalf of FREEDOM Association,

International Coordinator
Vladimir Krsljanin

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of
equals) (the international committee to
defend Slobodan Milosevic) ('morning news' the only
Serbian newspaper advocating liberation)

=== 2 ===

Date:21 August 2002

A Balkans Woman for Mr. Slobodan Milosevic

Letter to Slobodan Milosevic for his birthday
Blagovesta Doncheva
Sofia, 21 August 2002

In my eyes Mr. Milosevic is a HERO.
He has been the ONLY one of the Balkans countries'
leaders who has resisted the IMF, WB and US-NATO,
and has stood by the sovereignty of his country.
It would have been much more easier and PROFITABLE
for him to cave to the Globo Cop: now he would have
been in Belgrade still a leader, protected and
patted condescendingly on the back by the Globo
Monster instead of being shut in a cell far from
his country and family for having dared to love
better his country than the money of his Torturers.

He is the ONLY statesman who has resisted the
US-NATO in the world till that moment.
His behaviour till now is a proof for me that he is
a man of integrity, a very rare quality in a leader
of nowadays.
Besides he is a PATRIOT. He has proved to all and
sundry he loves his country and his people better
that his wellbeing.
He might have done mistakes - after all, he is only
a human being and "to err is human". But all his
mistakes - notwithstanding what they are - pale
away in comparison of what he has done for his
country, for the Balkans, for the world in general
by daring to resist the Empire of Evil.
(Besides, ONLY his people have the right to blame
him and demand explanations from him!)
Now, after he is in the hands of Globo Cop's
Personal Court and there they can do to him what
They like, he is no more responsible for his
Notwithstanding the developments from now on - his
behaviour from now on - I will continue to RESPECT
him, will continue to look up to him and be deeply
grateful to him.
For the HOPE he has given me and kept in me during
those terrible 78 or 79 days of the barbarous
bombing of a his country!
And also for the courage to resist the IMF and the
WB vultures sucking out the country he has been a
leader of!
I will NEVER forget that he has had the personal
misfortune to be a LEADER of a country in the most
difficult and tragic period of its history: when
outward forces have been DELIBERATELY killing it.
He has tried to keep it whole, to protect its
people by standing up against the DESTRUCTIVE
forces cutting his country into easily manipulated
protectorates on ethnic principle. Resisting their
plans and APPETITES he, of course, has committed a
crime against THEM, a crime that should be punished
and be a good lesson for everybody else that might
dare to do the same.
Mr. Milosevic has proved many times he is a leader
with a strong feeling of RESPONSIBILITY for his
people, his country, the Balkans, the world. And he
has had the COURAGE to demonstrate it in the most
tragic days of the contemporary world history.
I will NEVER stop ADMIRING him.

=== 3 ===


MOSCOW, July 25, 2002. /From RIA Novosti correspondent
Pavel Shevtsov/. The commission on Yugoslavia of the
State Duma (lower house of parliament) of Russia has
demanded "an end to the judicial brutality against
Slobodan Milosevic, his immediate release and urgent
provision of effective medical treatment." This is
said in a statement circulated in the State Duma on
Thursday by the commission and signed by its chairman
Nikolai Ryzhkov.

As is noted in the document, "Milosevic's condition
began to deteriorate right after his arrest on March
31, 2001". "Even then many supposed it was the result
of a purposeful effort against the health of the
former head of the Yugoslav state," the statement

"The condition worsened after Milosevic was kidnapped
in June 2001 by orders of the unlawful Hague
Tribunal," the commission notes in its statement. In
the view of deputies, the decision to extend court
hearings "has inevitably led to a situation when
Milosevic is deprived of proper rest". "He is banned
from having fresh-air strolls while his attending
doctor has until recently been denied access to him,"
the document says.

In the parliamentary commission's opinion, "this is in
effect a form of torture aimed at breaking down the
will of the leader of Yugoslavia's patriotic forces".
As an inevitable result, he has been having over the
past week a steadily high life-threatening arterial

"The Hague Tribunal is assuming responsibility by
continuing to mock at the former head of the Yugoslav
state," the statement stresses.

=== 4 ===

International Conference

"Slobodan Milosevic as a Symbol of Anti-Globalism"
25 June 2002

Held at the International Association of Peace
10, Prechistenka Str., Moscow, Russia


We, participants in the Conference marking the
first anniversary of the criminal kidnapping
of Slobodan Milosevic on orders of NATO's
tribunal in The Hague, declare the following:

Events of the past year, particularly
developments at the 'trial' of Slobodan
Milosevic, have confirmed that the forces of
Globalisation are trying to use the mechanisms
of international justice to intervene in the
internal affairs of any country in the world.

Yugoslavia has been turned into a testing
ground for all kinds of new military and
political technologies directed at subjugating
peoples of the world to the power of an
illegal, US-based "world government".

At first Western-created, Albanian terrorist
organizations were used in Kosovo against
Yugoslavia. When this attack was defeated,
NATO launched open military aggression in
gross violation of the UN Charter and other
norms of international law. At the same time,
they employed their "weapon of law," The Hague
'tribunal,' part of the repressive machinery
of the Western world.

President Milosevic is not being tried by a
tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, set up to
impartially investigate the true causes and
consequences of the tragedy that has befallen
the peoples of the former Yugoslavia. Rather,
this is a tribunal against Yugoslavia, set up
by the guilty to justify and continue their
policies of destruction while blaming and
punishing the innocent, Yugoslavia's leader
who resisted their illegal intervention.

Slobodan Milosevic is being prosecuted because
he defeated the attempts of the West to
suppress Yugoslavia's commitment to freedom
and independence. This creates a chilling
precedent. Dozens of countries have already
been proclaimed "supporters of terrorism".
They may also become victims of aggression,
and their leaders might be tomorrow's war
criminals. Slobodan Milosevic fought against
terrorism, but he is condemned today by those
who fostered ethnic conflict and launched
terrorist organizations with the purpose of
establishing a "New World Order ".

For the second time in the last 60 years the
world faces aggression aimed at global
domination. It is a new version of Nazism.
Just as the Nazis persecuted Dimitrov in 1933,
now NATO tries to condemn the leader of
resistance to neo-Nazi ideology and practice.

False "witnesses" are routinely called by this
court which psychologically and physically
tortures Slobodan Milosevic. Deprived of
proper facilities to prepare, he is compelled
to participate in endless sessions, day-in and
day-out, so that he is also deprived of proper

Shocked by Slobodan Milosevic's power and
persuasiveness, the Western countries have
launched a conspiracy of silence, taking the
'trial' off television. All this confirms the
utter failure of their 'tribunal' to justify
their accusations against Slobodan Milosevic.

The issue here is not merely the defense of an
individual. This false 'tribunal' destroys the
UN's authority and the very system of
international law. Therefore, by defending
Slobodan Milosevic we assert the rights of all
peoples to national dignity and national
sovereignty. We are convinced that our
struggle will the enjoy growing support of
honest people worldwide.

The Conference notes with satisfaction that
the campaign demanding the liquidation of the
shameful Hague 'tribunal' is intensifying. For
instance, the State Duma of the Russian
Federation has repeatedly adopted resolutions
condemning its activity.

The Conference calls on the international
public to apply pressure on the governments of
the UN Security Council member states that
illegally created The Hague 'tribunal' so that
this body, which discredits the very idea of
international justice, may be shut down. We
support proposals to start an international
petition campaign demanding the 'tribunal' be

We call on a broad range of public
organizations to take part in the struggle in
defense of Slobodan Milosevic, as it is an
integral part of the struggle for peace,
freedom and independence of the peoples,
against evil globalisation.

We demand the immediate release of Slobodan
Milosevic! We are going to continue this
struggle until he walks free.

The truth is on our side! We are confident of
a victory!

On behalf of the Participants.

Professor Alexander Zinovyev (Russia) -
writer, philosopher, chairman of the Russian
Committee in Support of Slobodan Milisevic

Professor Velko Valkanov (Bulgaria) -
president, International Committee in Defense
of Slobodan Milosevic

Nikolay Ryzhkov (Russia) - member of
Parliament, head of the Parliamentary
Commission on Yugoslavia, Prime-Minister of
the USSR (1985 - 1990)

Nikolay Kondratenko (Russia) - member of the
Federation Council (the upper House of the

Vladimir Krshljanin (Yugoslavia) - secretary
of the Main Committee, Socialist Party of

Ambassador Vassili Safronchuk (Russia) -
Deputy UN Secretary General (1987-1992)

Academician Vladimir Strakhov (Russia) - head
of the Institute of the Physics of the Earth,
Russian Academy of Sciences

Borislav Milosevic (Yugoslavia) - former
Yugoslavian Ambassador to Russia

Vil Romashenko (Ukraine) - member of the
Working Presidium of the European Peace Forum

General Leonid Ivashov (Russia) - former head
of the International Military Cooperation
Department, Russian Defense Ministry,
vice-President of the Academy of Geopolitical

Alexander Kravchuk (Ukraine) - chairman of
the Ukraine - Yugoslavia Solidarity Committee

Nico Varkevisser (Netherlands) Vice-Chairman,
International Committee to Defend Slobodan



"Zastava" u drugoj godini priprema za privatizaciju

Ru?ica Milosavljevic
Beograd, 07. septembar 2002. godine

Program konsolidacije "Zastave" postao je simbol
promena i tranzicije vec u vreme kada je sama njegova
najava izazvala bucni revolt kragujevackih radnika
zbog statusnih i organizacionih "lomova" koji su
cekali njihove fabrike.
Uz velika natezanja, proteste, strajkove, pa i
fizicke nasrtaje na ministre, clanove Saveta za
stratesku konsolidaciju 27.07.2001. godine konacno je
potpisan "Sporazum o statusnoj i organizacionoj
transformaciji i strateskoj konsolidaciji grupe
Za pracenje i realizaciju ovog Sporazuma od strane
vlade republike Srbije, formiran je Savet za
stratesku konsolidaciju "Zastave".
Realizacija ovog Sporazuma je predvidjena u dve faze
: prva faza podrazumeva statusnu i organizacionu
konsolidaciju, a druga faza proces restruktuiranja i
konacnu privatizaciju.
U statusnu i organizacionu konsolidaciju grupa
"Zastava" je usla sa skoro 16 000 radnika viska,
velikim gubitcima i potpuno nespremna za tr?isnu
utakmicu. U okviru ovog procesa iz sistema grupe
"Zastava" izdvojeno je i osamostaljeno 24 fabrike u
kojima je zaposleno 8439 radnika, a ostatak je usao u
sastav novoformiranog holdinga "Zastava vozila" u
kome je ostalo zaposleno 8303 radnika. Najte?i
segment realizacije prve faze ovog Sporazuma je
resavanje statusa skoro 16 000 radnika koji ostaju
bez radnih mesta.
U cilju amortizacije ocekivanog velikog
nezadovoljstva radnika koji ostaju bez posla, u
okviru Zastave formirano je novo drustvo "Zastava
zaposljavanje i obrazovanje", skraceno ZZO u kome ce
se vrsiti prekvalifikacija i edukacija, kao i
pronala?enje novog zaposlenja. Preuzeti viskovi
radnika imace status zaposlenih u ZZO (a prakticno
nece raditi) u trajanju od najdu?e cetiri godine, a
primace nadoknadu u visini 45 % zarade koju bi imao
na svom random mestu. Druga mogucnost je uzimanje
otpremnine u iznosu od 200 DM za svaku godinu radnog
sta?a. Ovakva ponudjena resenja, a posebno brojka od
skoro 16 000 radnika koji ostaju bez radnih mesta,
izazvala je seriju protesta nezadovoljnih radnika, sa
velikim izgledima da preraste u nekontrolisani
socijalni bunt.
Na?alost, usitnjeni i razjedinjeni sindikati nisu
znali ili nisu hteli da opravdano nezadovoljstvo i
cvrstu resenost radnika da ostanu u svojim fabrikama,
iskoriste za svoju bolju pregovaracku poziciju u
smislu postizanja povoljnijih resenja po radnike od
Konacno je to izgledalo kao velika sindikalna izdaja,
i radnici su bez pravih saznanja o svojim pravima
bili prinudjeni da se opredele izmedju dva zla.
Tacno nakon godinu dana primene ovog Sporazuma
27.07.2002. godine republicki ministri i clanovi
Saveta za konsolidaciju kao i rukovodstvo Zastave
zadovoljno su novinarima predstavili rezultate prve
faze pripreme Zastave za privatizaciju i jedni i
drugi su zakljucili da se Sporazum sprovodi po planu
i programu, sto pokazuje kontinuitet i rast
proizvodnje i da su ispunjeni uslovi da se izborom
ekonomskog, finansijskog i pravnog savetnika za
privatizaciju krene u drugu fazu privatizacije
"Zastava vozila", a da se proces brze aukcijske
privatizacije otvori za devet osamostaljenih fabrika
iz sistema "Zastava". U prvu fazu konsolidacije
Zastave ulo?eno je 50.000.000 EUR, i to 42.000.000
EUR za otpremnine 8 000 radnika koji su napustili
"Zastavu" i nadoknade za 7 000 radnika koji su na
ZZO, a na ime obrtnih sredstava 6,2 miliona evra.
Nasuprot ovom zadovoljstvu oglasavaju se sindikati sa
tvrdnjom da se potpisani Sporazum ne postuje, da
ozbiljnije proizvodnje nema, kao ni otvaranja novih
radnih mesta, da se sem pukog pre?ivljavanja u
fabrici nista ne desava i da se nista nije promenilo
na bolje.
Zakljucak je da je preuranjena odluka za pokretanje
druge faze privatizacije, i da ukoliko do kraja
avgusta ne bude osetnijih pomaka, sindikat najavljuje
ostrije mere sindikalne borbe. Bez obzira na tako
suprotne stavove clanovi dr?avnog Saveta za
konsolidaciju "Zastave" doneli su odluku i od juna
meseca u "Zastavi" je otpoceo proces druge faze
restruktuiranja i priprema za konacnu privatizaciju.
Kroz ovaj proces kragujevacku kompaniju vodice
konzorcijum savetnika koji cine "Citadel Finansial
Advisory", "Odien restructuring", "Ernst and Jung" i
"Joksovic partneri". Sef savetnicke grupe je Bernard
Hanon dugogodisnji predsednik upravnog odbora Renoa.
Ocekuje se zavrsetak tenderske dokumentacije za
privatizaciju "Zastava vozila" do kraja godine.
Poruka resornog ministra za privatizaciju je da
tender nece biti raspisan sve dok njegov uspeh ne
bude siguran.
Na?alost radnici ne dele ministrov optimizam,
naprotiv strepe od konacnog kraja "Zastave", a o
privatizaciji i ne znaju mnogo, sem da ih ono sto se
do sada zbilo surovo pogadja.



Milos Markovic
suspendovani novinar RTS-a Televizije BGD
E-mail: infograf@...

Neizbezna posledica jedne,skoro univerzalne
krize,krize koja u Srbiji,odnosno Jugoslaviji,vlada
preko dvadeset godina je i slom prirodnog objektivnog
sistema vrednosti.Rad,znanje i stvaralastvo sve vise
su gubili smisao.Neke profesije koje,po svojoj
prirodi,imaju neposredni uticaj na javnost,a pogotovo
se ticu vlasti,odnosno politike,uglavnom su svedene
na ulogu servisa vladajuceg rezima.
Najvisu degradaciju i kompromitaciju dozivelo je
novinarstvo.U vreme prethodnog rezima,sacinjenog od
levicarskih i patriotskih snaga koje su formirale
takozvanu Vladu narodnog jedinstva,skoro svi mediji
su bili podeljeni u dva bloka.Drzavni mediji su bili
pod apsolutnom kontrolom rezima na vlasti,ali su u
njima,ipak,kultura,nauka,umetnost i druge oblasti
stvaralastva imali puno prisustvo i to po objektivnim
vrednosnim merilima.Bilo je u izvesnoj meri i
prostora za kriticko analiticko opserviranje raznih
procesa i pojava,ukoliko se time ne dovodi u sumnju
vladajuca politika.
S` druge strane postojao je veliki broj
medija,takozvanog opozicionog karaktera.U Srbiji je
bilo vise desetina radio i tv stanica,desetak dnevnih
listova i casopisa koji su,skoro iskljucivo,negirali
prethodni rezim,kritikovali sve,pa i ono sto
je,objektivno,imalo visoki vrednosni smisao.Sva ta
glasila su, prema ubedljivim dokazima, primala veliku
materijalnu pomoc sa zapada,pre svega iz Amerike,
odnosno Soroseve fondacije.
Posle promene rezima ( 5.oktobar 2000.god ) doslo je,
na osnovu obecanja nove vlasti, do masovnog
optimizma.Verovalo se u istinsku
demokratiju,vladavinu prava,efikasnost
ekonomije,motivaciju za rad i stvaralastvo,svestranu
slobodu,nove objektivne vrednosne kriterijume kao i u
nezavisnost stampe,odnosno objektivno informisanje i
kriticko-analiticki odnos prema politici,dogadjajima
i pojavama.
Nazalost,ta ocekivanja su drasticno izneverena, a
masovni optimizam sve vise prerasta u
sumnju,nevericu,razocarenje pa i najveci moguci
pesimizam,koji se ogleda u sve vecem odlasku iz
zemlje mladih strucnjaka a nagli i neprestani porast
broja samoubistava,objasnjava se masovnim gubitkom
bilo kakve smislene perspektive.Navodna pomoc iz
inostranstva ( prema saopstenju aktuelne vlasti,meri
se sa vise milijardi dolara )nije se ni najmanje
odrazila na drustveni i licni standard.Preko pola
miliona ljudi vec je ostalo bez posla,a ostace ih jos
toliko.Rad,stvaralastvo i proizvodnju niko i ne
pominje.Jedino je aktuelna rasprodaja prirodnih
bogastava i profitabilnih firmi.
Nazalost,nista od svega ovoga nema ni pomena u
medijima.Stanje u novinarstvu,dakle u informisanju,
je tragicnije,nego ikada u njegovoj istoriji.Nema
skoro ni jednog jedinog glasila koje sme bilo sta
kriticki i objektivno da objavi, jer su sva pod
drasticnom kontrolom aktuelnog rezima.Opoziciona
stampa u Srbiji,zaista ne postoji,cak ni u vidu
jednog jedinog lista.
Najmocniji medij ( RTS ) je pod apsolutnom kontrolom
premijera Zorana Djindjica i njemu odanih stranaka.U
poslednje dve godine nije se smela pomenuti ni jedna
tragicna posledica NATO bombardovanja,a takvih je
ogroman broj.Na RTS-u je doslo do surove osvete prema
velikom broju novinara,reditelja,snimatelja,pa cak i
tehnickog osoblja koje je bilo i na najmanjem
rukovodecem polozaju.Mnogi novinari,medju njima
najiskusniji i najobrazovaniji,izgubili su pravo na
rad.Autor ovog teksta,posle 27 god novinarskog rada u
RTS-u,uglavnom u kulturnoj rubrici,vise ne moze ni
uci u zgradu,cije je bombardovanje preziveo kao
glavni dezurni urednik.Sa stidom pominjem svoja
mesecna primanja koja se, u poslednjih sest
meseci,krecu,verovali ili ne,izmedju jedne sestine
evra( 0,6 ? ) do najvise devet evra ( 9 ? ).Mnostvo
je stvari zaista za Riplijevu antologiju apsurda.U
novinarstvo u Srbiji uvedena je ideoloska cenzura,a
onaj ko joj se ne pokorava,biva lisen
egzistencije.Vise desetina novinara,visokih
profesionalnih mogucnosti,nikad partijsko-politicki
angazovanih,doziveli su tuznu sudbinu,pogotovo sto su
njihova mesta zauzeli novinari
homo-politikusi,najcesce bez srednje skole,a kamoli
fakulteta.Znanje i pismenost nisu vazni ! Presudan
kriterijum je odanost novoj vlasti.


ARTEL GEOPOLITIKA je privatan, nezavisan i nelukrativan web
site koji se izdra?ava od volonterskog rada nekolicine
Ukoliko vam se informacije koje ARTEL GEOPOLITIKA objavljuje
dopadaju bili bismo zahvalni da nas podr?ite bilo kojom
finansijskom kontribucijom ili kroz reklamiranje na nasem web
site-u. Vasa pomo? bi?e upotrebljena za jos kvalitetnije
selektiranje informacija, njihovo br?e postavljanje na site i,
sto smatramo mo?da i najva?nijim, prevodjenje najkvalitetnijih
tekstova i na druge jezike.
Za dinarske uplate: ?iro ra?un br. 40803-601-8-2289398
Za devizne uplate: ARTEL- Eksimbanka- Beograd, devizna partija
br. 27227

3. "Corridor 10 to create 100,000 new jobs" (
4. Macedonia inaugurates construction of pipeline to Kosovo (AP 7/9/02)

=== 1 ===

BELGRADE, September 5 (Beta) - Yugoslav VicePremier Miroljub
Labus said on Sept. 5 that the construction of the section of the
international traffic corridor 10 running through Serbia will be
jointly financed by the government and by Yugoslav companies.
The Serbian government is soon to set up a company for corridor
10. Private investors will be able to participate in the company's
capital boost, but the state will keep 51 percent of the shares, Labus
said at the opening of the international conference on corridor 10, at
the Intercontinental Hotel.
Labus explained that the state will invest land and the
existing infrastructure in the company, and said the company will "also
be open to Yugoslav investors."
He said he believes that as early as the beginning of next
year all agreements regarding the construction of the corridor will
have been concluded, and he said loans will make up the smallest part
of the funds.
Labus pointed out that the Serbian government has already
allocated funds for the construction of the BelgradeNovi Sad section of
the highway, adding that the European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development and the European Investment Bank have approved loans for the
construction of 870 kilometers of the highway.

=== 2 ===

--- In Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli., 9/9/02, "Miroslav Antic" wrote:


Naftovod od Konstance preko SRJ do Krka

Savezni ministar privrede i unutra¹nje trgovine Petar Trojanoviæ
potpisaæe sutra u Bukure¹tu, sa rumunskim i hrvatskim kolegom,
Protokol za uspostavljanje meðudr¾avnog sistema za transport
nafte od Konstance u Rumuniji, preko Jugoslavije, do Omi¹lja na
Krku, u Hrvatskoj.

Ovim Protokolom biæe, prema saop¹tenju Sekretarijata za informisanje,
stvoren meðunarodno-pravni okvir za razvoj i realizaciju Projekta
Jugoistoèno-evropskog naftovoda.

SR Jugoslavija æe dogradnjom naftovoda dobiti moguænost za aktiviranje
jo¹ jednog pravca za snabdevanje naftom iz Rumunije, kao i moguænost
da se kroz na¹u zemlju obavlja tranzit petroleja za druge dr¾ave.

Ovaj Projekat, koji je podr¾ala i Evropska unija, pored regionalne
va¾nosti za tri zemlje-uèesnice, mogao bi da bude od velikog znaèaja i
kao koridor za snabdevanje evropskog tr¾i¹ta kaspijskom naftom, jer
obezbeðuje povezivanje sa postojeæim evropskim naftovodom.


=== 3 ===

Corridor 10 to create 100,000 new jobs

September 07, 2002

Belgrade, Sept. 6, 2002 - Construction of Corridor 10,
linking Western and Southern Europe, will begin next year,
with an 800-km section, or one third of the road to run via
Yugoslavia. Attending a conference dedicated to the
construction of Corridor 10, Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister
Miroljub Labus said that the project will create over 100,000
new jobs over the next several years, radio B92 reported.

"Our estimates say that around 15,000 workers will be
mobilised for construction works, and a further 7,000 for
construction of accompanying facilities. We also predict that
another 100,000 people will be indirectly engaged for
expanding business along the Corridor over the next several
years," said Labus.

Serbian Minister of Transport and Telecommunications Marija
Raseta-Vukosavljevic said that the financing of the Corridor
10 section in Yugoslavia calls for EUR2 billion. "The state will
secure part of the funds from the budget and land and
infrastructure value assessment, while the remaining sum will
come from foreign and domestic investors," said

The Serbian government will set up a company for construction
of Corridor 10 and will be the majority owner while private
sector partners will be allowed to acquire up to a 49 percent
stake in the company. Yugoslav Central Bank Governor
Mladjan Dinkic said that the company establishment and
financing will not push Serbia into further debts.

"The plan to complete the Corridor 10 section in Serbia by the
2004 Olympic Games in Athens is ambitious, but feasible," said
Dusko Vujovic, an advisory at the World Bank.

"Corridor 10 - road of development and integrations"
conference was organised by the G17 Institute, the Alma
Kvatro advertising company and public relation agency
Olaf&McAteer. Similar conferences will be held quarterly.

Europe does not have a single road directly connecting Austria
and Greece. This is why eight European countries will launch
construction of Corridor 10 early next year. The Corridor will
link Western and Southern Europe, with an 800-km section, or
one third of the road to run via Yugoslavia.

=== 4 ===

Macedonia inaugurates construction of pipeline to Kosovo

AP World Politics

Macedonia inaugurates construction of pipeline to Kosovo
Sat Sep 7,10:46 AM ET

SKOPJE, Macedonia - Macedonia on Saturday marked the start of the
building of a key pipeline for oil products between the capital of this
Balkan country and Kosovo, neighboring Yugoslavia's troubled NATO (
news - web sites)-run province.

In a ceremony inaugurating the construction, Macedonian Prime Minister
Ljubco Georgievski said the pipeline will take about two years to build
and cost dlrs 35-40 million.

The pipeline, funded entirely by Greece - Macedonia's southern
neighbor - will stretch 100 kilometers (60 miles) and ferry oil
products from the Okta oil refinery in Skopje, the Macedonian capital,
to Pristina, the capital of Kosovo.

The pipeline, owned by Greece's Hellenic Petroleum S.A. giant, is
expected to enable a yearly flow of 300,000 tons of oil products such a
gasoline and heating oil, alleviating the burden of transporting crude
oil derivatives by road.

The new oil artery for Kosovo became possible after a pipeline linking
Macedonia's main oil refinery to the northern Greek port of
Thessaloniki opened in June.

Greece owns a 69.5 percent stake in the Okta refinery and is
Macedonia's largest foreign investor, with more than dlrs 300 million
invested in various ventures over the past few years.

Relations between the two Balkan neighbors have improved in the past
few years despite a continued disagreement over Macedonia's name.
Greece contends that the usage of the name Macedonia for this country
masks territorial pretensions over a northern Greek province of the
same name.

Kosovo officially remains part of Yugoslavia, which borders Macedonia
to the north, but has been run by the United Nations ( news - web
sites) and NATO since 1999, when the military alliance bombed Serb
troops to stop former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic ( news -
web sites)'s crackdown on ethnic Albanian separatists.


Il sito internet dell'ANSA sul Kosovo-Metohija
( e' in coma!... Dallo
scorso 29 agosto, data della battaglia tra truppe di occupazione
italiane e terroristi di ispirazione grandealbanese di cui abbiamo
gia' riferito (vedasi:
mailinglist/message/1931), il sito tace, e dopo dieci giorni non
riporta ancora la notizia, ne' e' stato piu' aggiornato.

I maligni dicono che sia stato posto sotto "embargo" dai dirigenti
ANSA e/o del governo, affinche' nessuno sappia cosa e' successo: due
ore di furiosa sparatoria tra "i nostri bravi ragazzi che portano la
pace nella martoriata provincia" (un po' come facevano nel 1941-1943,
su commissione di Mussolini ed Hitler) ed alcuni "poveri kossovari
sopravvissuti ai massacri di Milosevic" (questi ultimi nell'atto di
massacrare quattro contadini serbi disarmati al lavoro nei campi).
Davvero, sarebbe una notizia incredibile, meglio dunque che non si
sappia in giro. La grande stampa di centro-destra-ultrasinistra
garantisce che la consegna del silenzio sia rispettata. Aumma aumma.


(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 9 SET - Un momento di assoluto silenzio mentre
l'orologio scandiva gli ultimi secondi della partita, poi
l'impressionante urlo liberatorio della folla: la vittoria della
nazionale jugoslava di basket ai campionati del mondo di Indianapolis
e' stata festeggiata a Belgrado da almeno 150.000 tifosi, con
caroselli di auto fino alle prime ore del mattino. ''(Vlade) Divac
presidente, (Svetislav) Pesic premier, i giocatori ministri'', era lo
slogan piu' scandito in Serbia, dove a giorni si votera' per eleggere
il capo di stato della repubblica. Molto gettonato anche il gioco di
parole ''Tutti hanno Dio (Boga in serbo), noi abbiamo (Dejan)
Bodiroga''. Come Belgrado, tutte le citta' serbe hanno passato una
notte insonne. Petardi e fuochi d'artificio spesso intervallati da
raffiche di armi da fuoco sparate in aria hanno provveduto a tenere
svegli anche i non interessati. In Montenegro, la piccola repubblica
jugoslava di tendenza secessionista, le divisioni tra fautori e
nemici della federazione sono state accantonate, almeno per qualche
ora. I media serbi e montenegrini parlano di vittoria storica, di una
sorta di rinascita nazionale per un paese in profonda crisi economica
e politica. Il contagio si e' esteso anche alle zone del Kosovo dove
restano comunita' serbe, in primo luogo Kosovska Mitrovica, e ad
altre nazioni dei Balcani, la Repubblica Sprpska (Rs, l'entita' serba
della Bosnia) e la Macedonia. Ma ancor piu' della vittoria nella
finale con l'Argentina, questo campionato mondiale di Indianapolis
restera' nel cuore degli jugoslavi e degli ex jugoslavi di etnia
serbo-montenegrina per la difficile ed entusiasmante vittoria dei
quarti di finale sul 'dream team' americano. (ANSA).
09/09/2002 18:58

Subject: D'Alema ed il 14 settembre
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 13:28:08 +0200
From: Italo Slavetti
To: info@...
CC: ...

Cari amici e care amiche,

il problema che molti pongono sulla mancata partecipazione di D'Alema
alla nostra manifestazione e', io credo, assolutamente inconsistente. A
parte il fatto che Massimo ha dichiarato esplicitamente che "e' lecito"
scendere in piazza, cioe' che non ci arresteranno ne' ci inseriranno in
qualche lista di organizzazioni terroristiche, egli ha ragione a dire
che "ognuno e' libero di caratterizzare il suo impegno come vuole".
Di questo bisogna innanzitutto dare atto a D'Alema: egli ci riconosce
la liberta' di manifestare.
Ma c'e' dell'altro, che giustifica abbondantemente la posizione di
D'Alema. Egli usufruisce di fatto di un regime giuridico iper-
garantista in merito ai fatti della primavera del 1999. La magistratura
a tutti i livelli, per ultima la Corte di Cassazione (vedasi sentenza
Sezioni unite, ordinanza 8157/02; depositata il 5 giugno scorso),
ha provveduto a dichiarare il non luogo a procedere per le
denunce intentate contro di lui ed altri suoi colleghi da migliaia
di cittadini per strage, violazione della Costituzione,
crimini di guerra, eccetera, relativamente alla partecipazione
dell'Italia ai bombardamenti umanitari sui petrolchimici, i
convogli di profughi, i treni, le stazioni radiotelevisive, e cosi'
via. D'Alema gode dunque di uno status "super legibus" che gli
impedisce di calarsi nel contenzioso politico-giudiziario in corso,
sui temi garantismo-giustizialismo, e che viceversa gli impone
per correttezza di restare fuori da questa vicenda il piu' possibile.
A Massimo va dunque tutta la mia comprensione e gratitudine

Italo (Roma)

Date: 06/09/2002

ZASTAVA im zweiten Jahr der Vorbereitungen fuer
die Privatisierung

Ruzica Milosavljevic
Belgrad, 05 September 2002


Programm der Konsolidierung der Firma ZASTAVA ist
das Symbol der Aenderungen und Transition
geworden, schon in der Zeit, als alleinige seine
Ankuendigung geraeuschvolle Revolte der
kragujevaker Arbeiter hervorgerufen hat, wegen
der Status - und Organisations "Brueche", die auf
ihre Fabriken warteten. Neben den grossen
Anspannen, Protesten, Streicken und sogar
physischen Angriffen an die Minister Mitglieder
des Rates fuer die strategische Konsolidierung am
27.07.2001 ist letzlich das "Abkommen ueber die
Status-und Organisationsumwandlung und der
strategiaschen Konsolidierung der Gruppe
ZASTAVA", unterzeichnet worden.
Fuer die Begleitung und Realisierung dieses
Abkommens von der Seite der Regierung Serbiens
wurde der Rat fuer die strategische
Konsolidierung ZASTAVA.
Realisierung dieses Abkommens ist in zwei Phasen
vorgesehen : erste Phase versteht die Status -
und Organisationskonsolidierung und zweite Phase
versteht das Prozess der Restrukturierung und
schliesslich die Privatisierung.
In die Status - und Organisationskonsolidierung
ist ZASTAVA mit fast 16000 ueberschuessige
Arbeiter, mit grossen Verlusten und vollkommen
unvorbereitet fuer den Marktkampf.
Im Rahmen dieses Prozesses sind aus dem System
der ZASTAVA - Gruppe 24 Fabriken in denen 8439
Arbeiter taetig ist, selbststaendig gemacht
worden und der Rest ist in die Gestaltung des
neugebildeten Holding - ZASTAVA VOZILA( Zastava -
Fahrzeuge) eingegangen, wo 8303 Arbeiter
geblieben ist.
Das schwerste Segment der Realisierung der ersten
Phase dieses Abkommens ist die Loesung des Satus
von fast 16000 Arbeiter, die ohne Arbeitsplaetze
geblieben sind.
Zum Zwecke der Milderung der erwartenden grossen
Unzufriedenheit der Arbeiter, die ohne
Arbeitsplatz geblieben sind, ist im Rahmen von
ZASTAVA die neue Gesellschaft "Zastava
Beschaeftigung und Ausbildung", abgekurzt ZZO,
gebildet, wo die Ueberqualifizirung und
Ausbildung als auch Erfindung der neuen
Beschaeftigung durchgefuehrt werden.
Die uebernommene Ueberschusse an Arbeiter werden
das Status der Beschaeftigten in ZZO haben
(praktisch werden sie nicht arbeiten), und das im
Dauer von laengstens vier Jahre und sie werden
einen Ersatz in der Hoehe von 45 % vom Verdienst,
das er an seinem Arbeitsplatz bekommen wuerde,
erhalten. Die zweite Moeglichkeit ist die
einmalige Abfindung in der Hohe von 200 DM fuer
jeses Jahr der Dienstzeit zu erhalten. Solche
angebotene Loesungen und besonders die Zahl von
fast 16.000 Arbeiter, die ohne Arbeitsplaetze
geblieben sind, hat die Serie der Protesste der
unzufriedenen Arbeiter hervorgeruft, mit der
grossen Shance, dass das in den unkontrolirten
sozialen Aufstand uebergehet.
Zerstueckelte und getrennte Gewekschaften wollten
nicht, die Unzufriedenheit der Arbeiter und ihre
feste Entschlossenheit, in den Fabriken zu
bleiben, ausnuetzen fuer die beste Verhandlungs -
Position, im Sinne des erzielens der besseren
Loesungen fuer die Arbeiter, im Bezug darauf ,
was angeboten ist.
Schliesslich sah das als grosser,
gewerkschaftlicher Verrat aus, und die Arbeiter
sind ohne echten Kentnisse ueber ihre Rechte,
gezwungen gewesen, zwischen diesen zwei Uebel zu
Genau ein Jahr nach der Anwendung dieses
Abkommens, am 27.07.2002, haben republische
Minister und Mitglieder des Rates fuer die
Konsolidierung als auch die Geschaeftsfuehrung
aus ZASTAVA zufrieden an die Journalisten die
Ergebnisse der ersten Phase der Vorbereitung der
ZASTAVA fuer die Privatisierung, mitgeteilt.
Beide sind zum Schluss gekommen, dass das
Abkommen gemaess dem Plan und dem Programm
durchgefuehrt wird, worauf die Kontinuitaet und
die Steigerung der Produktion hinweisen, dann
dass die Bedingungen erfuellt sind, dass man mit
dem Auswahl des oekonomischen, finanziellen und
juristischen Beraters fuer die Privatisierung in
die zweite Phase der Privatisierung von "ZASTAVA
VOZILA" eingeht, und dass fuer neun selbsstaendig
gemachten Fabriken aus dem ZASTAVA -System, das
Prozess des schnellen Auktions - Verkaufs
geoeffnet wird. In die erste Phase der ZASTAVA -
Konsolidierungwurde 50.000.000 Euro investiert,
und zwar 42.000.000 Euro fuer die Abfindungen von
8000 Arbeiter, die Zastava verlassen haben und
Entschaedigungen fuer 7000 Arbeiter, die sich an
ZZO befinden, und im Namen der Umsatzmittel 6,2
Millionen Euro.
Im Gegenteil zur dieser Zufriedenheit ankuendigen
sich die Gewerkschaften mit der Bahauptung, dass
das unterzeichnete Abkommen nicht eingehalten
wird, dass es die ernsthaftere Produktion, als
auch die Eroeffnung der neuen Arbeitsplaetze kaum
gibt, und dass sich neben dem reinen Ueberleben
der Fabrik, gar nichts auf besseres geaendert
Der Schluss ist, dass die Entscheidung auf die
Bewegung der neuen Phase der Privatisierung
verfrueht ist, und dass inwieweit man bis Ende
August keine wahrnehmbare Vorschritte machen
wuerde, immer straengere Massnahmen der
Gewerschaft des gewerkschaftlichen Kampfes
angemeldet werden. Ungeachtet so widersprechenden
Stellungnahmen haben die Mitglieder des
staatlichen Rates fuer die Konsolidierung der
ZASTAVA haben den Beschluss gefasst und seit
Monat Juni ist in ZASTAVA der Prozess der zweiten
Phase der Restrukturierung und die Vorbereitung
fuer die endgueltige Privatisierung angefangen.
Durch diesen Prozess wird die kragujevaker
Kompanie von der Seite des Konsortiums der
Berater, "Citadel Finansial Adrisory", "Odien
Restructuring", "Ernst and Jung" und "Joksovic
partneri" gefuehrt werden. Der Chef der
Beratergruppe ist Bernard Hanon, langjaeriger
Vorsitzender des Verwaltungausschusses in
Man erwartet die Beendigung der Tender -
Unterlagen fuer die Privatisierung der ZASTAVA
VOZILA bis Ende des Jahres. Die Botschaft des
Ressort-Ministers fuer die Privatisierung ist
dass Tender nicht ausgeschrieben wird, bis sein
Erfolg nicht gebuergt wird.
Arbeiter teilen aber den Optimismus des Ministers
nicht. Im Gegenteil, sie haben Angst vor
endgueltigerem Schluss von ZASTAVA und sie wissen
ueber die Privatisierung nicht viel ausser
dessen, dass das, was bis jetzt passiert hat, sie
grob trifft.