

Nel dispaccio ANSA che segue vengono nominati tre personaggi, dei quali
uno e' un infame assassino, criminale di guerra, responsabile di note e
documentate stragi contro civili inermi. Di chi si tratta?

(ANSA-AFP) - GERUSALEMME, 28 GIU - Il segretario di stato Usa Colin
Powell si e' detto stasera ''soddisfatto'' della consegna dell'ex
presidente jugoslavo Slobodan Milosevic al Tpi e del ''ruolo
considerevole'' che hanno avuto a tal fine le ''pressioni
americane''. ''Sono soddisfatto che le pressioni americane abbiano
svolto un ruolo considerevole (per l'estradizione)'', ha detto Powell a
Gerusalemme, in una conferenza stampa al termine dell'incontro con il
primo ministro israeliano Ariel Sharon. Il segretario di stato ha
confermato la partecipazione degli Stati Uniti alla conferenza dei
donatori sugli aiuti alla Jugoslavia, che comincia domani (venerdi') a
Bruxelles, rilevando che la consegna di Milosevic al Tpi influira'
favorevolmente sull'atteggiamento degli Usa a tale consesso. (ANSA-
28/06/2001 23:48

(suggerimento per la soluzione: dei tre nominati, forse il boia non e'
uno solo, bensi' sono due)


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Subject: to the Guardian re the Dubrovnik Hoax: Christopher Hope
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 07:43:40 -0500
From: john_peter maher <jpmaher@...>
To: GUARDIANletters <letters@...>

26 June 2001

To The Editor
The Guardian

re Christopher Hope on Dubrovnik, again

Since 1991 the press has dozens of times printed the hoax that the Pearl
of the Adriatic was reduced to rubble. Those stories were fakes. Again
the Guardian's Christopher Hope revives the hoax. It really is dej� vu
all over again. The purpose is to whip up support for shipping more
Serbs off to the Hague.

On 25 March 1992 I visited Dubrovnik to see for myself the truth about
the war. The Old City of Dubrovnik was never destroyed. It was barely

Captain Shuttleworth, an English officer of the EEC (now EU) and British
journalist Boris beloff have confirmed my assessment.So has Susan L
Woodward. 1995. Balkan Tragedy Chaos and Dissolution after the Cold War
The Brookings Institution:

"An assault on Dubrovnik (beginning in early October), which was
protected under the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO), was particularly significant in creating
antagonism toward Serbia and the Army: the Croatian government had
calculated in using sharpshooters on the Dubrovnik walls to provoke a
YPA attack on the city, knowing that Dubrovnik would attract ?

Roof tiles blown off by concussion had all been replaced when I visited
the city THREE MONTHS after the ?destruction?.
Dubrovnik?s destruction was an invention of PR companies in the hire of
the war criminals who broke up Yugoslavia without negotiations. The big
bombardment was from PR fakers, not navy guns.-like the Kuwaiti
incubator babies hoax used by President Bush Ist in order to stoke up
war fever. PR liars Hill & Knowlton, Ruder Finn, and Waterman Associates
have earned millions in fanning the flames of this war.

The ?Serb-dominated federal navy? off Dubrovnik was commanded by Admiral
Stane Brovet, a Slovene. The target was not the Old City, but the
Napoleonic fort of St. Sergius far above Dubrovnik and hotels outside
the city walls, where Croatian forces were billeted and because of the
presence of refugees, had set up gun positions from which they fired on
the federal forces in order to provoke death and destruction. Zagreb?s
aim was to provoke a Western attack on the Serbs. On 5 December 1991,
Croatian forces mounted a mortar on a flat bed truck running up and down
the Stradun taking potshots at naval forces in order to provoke

The ?Dubrovnik burning? pictures were shot with long lenses. This
compresses perspective, making it look like there is no distance between
objects that are quite separated in real space. Thus, the columns of
smoke billowing up from the harbor and from modern hotels outside the
walls, where Croatian forces had used a gun positions to provoke naval
return fire. The production is a worthy successor to Hitchcocks? lady
showering in the film ?Psycho.?

That smoke was also from piles of tyres set alight by Croat
secessionists and from fuel tanks of two pleasure boats burning in the
Old Harbor outside, of course, the walls. Dubrovnik?s Old City never
burned. Bullet holes along Stradun were from gunfire inside the walls,
at ground level at close range in a fight on the street between rival
Croatian factions. Scaffolding was set up in front of facades in
anticipation of the shooting to come. Video tapes of gunfire along the
ancient walls, run backward, show clearly that the gun smoke is from
outgoing, not incoming fire.

My videotapes of Dubrovnik from 25 March 1992, have been aired on
Chicago Cable Access TV, Channel 19. Want to see them?

This war is the latest chapter in the predation of Orthodox lands by the
Western Church. (I?m RC, by the way.) The only building in the Old City
of Ragusa to be gutted by explosives and fire had housed a priceless
collection of medieval manuscripts and icons belonging to the Serb
Orthodox Church. It was not navy guns that did the damage, but plastique
and incendiary devices planted on the spot by Croatian fascist forces .
Ca 7,000 Croat refugees from Dubrovnik have taken refuge-in Belgrade.

Professor J. P. Maher

P. S.

A refugee from once independent Ragusa, now incorporated in Titoist, now
fascist Croatia, has written me:

I hope people will at last learn the truth about Dubrovnik. Reporters
should discuss with some of us who have been driven out of Dubrovnik
what happened inside Dubrovnik during the war?
Audiatur et altera pars; Let the other side be heard.

It began with Dubrovnikers being fired from their jobs and chased
from the city -- both Serbs and Croats, who did not embrace the
neofascism of Susak and Tudjman.
The first victims killed in the war were two Serbs, one the noted
writer, poet and humanist Milan Milisic, and the other a nurse, whose
brother in law was a commander in Tudjman?s navy, Herr Kommandant Sinisa
Tkalec (who was killed in battle).
These fascists then drove out all Serb intellectuals, lawyers,
judges, doctors, and anyone else who desired the restoration of the old
Free and Independent Republic of Dubrovnik. Members of the convention
held for that purpose in the city of Cavtat (south of Dubrovnik) were
given long prison sentences. The sentence handed out to Alessandro
Apollonio, an Italian, was 15 years prison. Ivo Lang, a Croat from
Cavtat, was sentenced to 12 years. Both, in advanced age, are lucky to
be alive in Serbia. The committee for the restoration of free Dubrovnik
carried on its work from Belgrade, publishing several numbers of the
paper ?Dubrovnik Republic?; But for lack of funds and being cut off from
Dubrovnik, the committee has practically ceased to function.
Even today, to speak of autonomy for Dubrovnik is a criminal act
under the laws of Croatia, unless the one to speak about it is, until
very recently, a fierce Tudjmanite and passionate Ustasha, Ivica Ban, a
finance lawyer.

In the suburb of Mokosica you can find the spot where several Serbs were
burned alive during the withdrawal of the Yugoslav Army from Dubrovnik,
which was negotiated by Cosic and Tudjman. Their burnt out car can still
be seen there.

It would still be possible to visit individuals from the families
killed during the ?transition? of power. Details about them are known,
but it is dangerous to make them public.
Maybe BBC could visit the hundreds of Dubrovnik villas now
inhabited by Liberators from Herzegovina. They are all from the Ustasha
towns of Listica, Duvno, Livno, Imotsko etc. The owners of these houses
are Serbs who in no way can return to their possessions.

Maybe BBC could interview the Catholic families whose sons were
sacrificed in the truce engineered in order to get Tudjman?s
recognition. ?

By all means interview Stipe Mesic about the [big PR] convoy of
the ship LIBERTAS, which which landed armed men in Dubrovnik, Croatia's
equivalent of Hitler's Brown Shirts.

Also ask Mesic to apologize for active participation as the
criminal Tudjman?s close collaborator in the ethnic cleansing of Serb
Dubrovnikers as well as for the numerous crimes against Dubrovnikers
committed by the various Croatian paramilitary units then active. Their
victims include both Serbs and Croats.

For example, the most typical crime was Mercep?s murder of police chief
Miljenko Bratos [Croat] and the murder of [the Croat] Josip Kir-Rajhl in
Borovo Selo [close to Vukovar]

Guardian "journalists" are eagerly awaited by the Dubrovnikers expelled,
ethnically cleansed, after 750 years of peace. ...

(signed) N. N., a citizen of Dubrovnik, writing from exile in


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Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 15:55:07 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"
To: "Belgrade Forum"

Today, at 6 p.m. another popular rally organized by the Socialist Party
of Serbia is expected in Belgrade. Failure of the authorities to
fulfill demands of the protesters and threatening statements and moves
of Djindjic's NATO/Mafia junta will certainly cause today's
rally to be even more massive. Wave of protests will cover whole Serbia.
Protests will continue until all demands will be fulfilled.

100 000 participants of the popular rally
on June 26, 2001 in Belgrade, demand:

1. Immediate release of Slobodan Milosevic to stand free before charges;

2. No citizen should be delivered to no one outside our country;

3. The decree the Federal Government on extradition of our citizens to
the Hague Tribunal to be declared as unconstitutional and

4. Federal and Serbian governments to resign;

5. Urgent call for extraordinary elections on all levels;

6. Personal responsibility for the unconstitutional and unlawful Federal
government decree to be determined;

7. Free media and stop of the satanization of political opponents;

The participants of the popular rally expect from President Kostunica
and Serbian Prime-minister Djinjdjic to answer in public what
they are going to do referring to the realization of these demands.

Twenty members delegation of SPS leadership handed personally the above
list to President Kostunica today at 11 a.m. in Belgrade.
Same delegation expects the urgent reception by Prime-Minister Djindjic.

After the meeting with Kostunica, SPS delegation has been met by around
thousand citizens and many journalists in front of the
Federation Palace.

In the meeting, President Kostunica have expressed the position that
Decree on extradition shall not be implemented before the
Federal Constitutional Court decides on its (un)constitutionality. Since
yesterday, the Federal Constitutional Court is in session on the
basis of appeals from SPS, 50 professors of law from Belgrade
University, president Milosevic's lawyers, several NGOs and many

Talks between President Kostunica and SPS delegation are expected to be
continued. Kostunica promised that he will take into
consideration also some other possible steps and activities on the basis
of his presidential power, position in the leadership of DOS
who provoked the current events in Serbia, in respond to growing
wariness of people.

Belgrade, June 27, 2001

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan



100,000-200,000 March to Kostunica's Office Demand, "TELL US: WHO RULES


Socialist Party of Serbia blasts the
"Washington-has-Yugoslavia-over-a-barrel" argument.


> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Roland Marounek" <roland.marounek@...>
> To: <LAI@...>
> Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 10:43 PM
> Subject: "Les promesses d'aide � la Yougoslavie sont un jeu de dupes"
> D�claration du Parti Socialiste de Serbie, 31 Mai
> Que les dirigeants d'un pays disent au peuple de ce pays qu'ils
> extrader des patriotes en �change d'argent de la part des forces ayant
> bombard� ce pays est un scandale.
> Mais que les dirigeants d'un pays pr�tendent recevoir de l'argent de
> des bombardeurs lorsqu'ils savent parfaitement que ce n'est pas le
cas, de
> dire au peuple qu'ils devraient soutenir l'emprisonnement de leurs
> en �change d'argent, dont ces dirigeants savent bien qu'il n'existe
> ceci est la pire trahison.
> Les autorit�s actuelles � Belgrade sont coupables de trahison.
> Aucune conf�rence de donateurs n'a jamais donn� d'argent � aucun pays.
> terme lui-m�me de "donateur" est d�j� une tromperie. La v�ritable
> d�nomination est conf�rence des "cr�diteurs". Si une conf�rence de
> "donateurs" a lieu en juin, ce sera une r�union des banques qui
> l'argent � la Yougoslavie. Le but de cette r�union, ainsi que celui de
> conf�rence de "donateurs", sera de pr�voir comment vendre la propri�t�
> yougoslave de fa�on � retrouver l'argent qu'elles r�clament le plus
> possible.
> A qui vont elles vendre les industries yougoslaves pour recevoir leur
> argent? En fait � elles-m�mes.
> Combien vont-ils les vendre? Une bagatelle.
> Quelle proportion de la pr�tendue dette sera t-elle pay�e de cette
> Tr�s peu.
> Que va devenir l'industrie que les "donateurs" empochent de cette
> Dans tous les cas o� une telle industrie puisse concurrencer avec une
> industrie des pays "donateurs", les usines seront ferm�es!.
> Prenons un exemple qui eu lieu en Hongrie, un pays dont les dirigeants
> plus que collabor�s avec les �tats-Unis. La firme U.S., General
> acheta la grande usine d'ampoules �lectriques en Hongrie et l'a ferm�.
> Maintenant les Hongrois doivent acheter les ampoules �lectriques
> par General Electric.
> Ceci c'est pass� dans des dizaines de pays.
> Des conf�rences de "donateurs" ont aid� � pr�parer la d�vastation des
> �conomies de:
> -l'Ukraine est pass�e du grenier � grain de l'Europe � �tre d�pendant
> surplus "alimentaires" occidentaux.
> -la Bulgarie: industrie d�pouill�e et ferm�e
> -la Russie: salaires descendus de pr�s de 90% du jour au lendemain
> -le Vietnam: apr�s la conf�rence de "donateurs", son industrie fut
> d�pouill�e pour fournir de l'argent n�cessaire au remboursement des
> "dettes". Ceci �tait particuli�rement vicieux parce que ces "dettes"
> �t� accumul�es par le r�gime marionnette du Vietnam-sud. Le Vietnam du
> contracta les "dettes" quand il acheta des armes aux �tats-Unis pour
> combattre les patriotes vietnamiens!
> C'est ce que fait une conf�rence de "donateurs".
> Parfois le travail v�ritable n'a lieu seulement lorsque la conf�rence
> officielle est termin�e, lors de r�unions des clubs de Paris et de
> form�s respectivement de grandes banques commerciales et nationales
> �tats-Unis et d'Europe.
> Mais une chose qu'aucune conf�rence de "donateurs" n'a jamais fait,
> part dans le monde, c'est de donner un milliard de dollars, ou bien en
> une quelconque somme, � un pays qui pr�tendument doit de l'argent �
> banques.
> C'est � dire, un peu d'argent peut �tre pr�t� d'un cot�, mais il sera
> aussit�t de l'autre cot�, pour "repayer la dette".
> Cela s'est d�j� pass� avec des millions de dollars pr�tendument
"donn�" �
> Yougoslavie par la communaut� internationale. Comme le rapporte dans
> texte par Dr. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky:
> "Le conseil [du FMI] approuva un pr�t [de] 151 millions de dollars US
> la politique du FMI d'assistance urgente suite � un conflit pour
> un programme destin� � stabiliser l'�conomie de la R�publique F�d�rale
> Yougoslavie et d'aider la reconstruction des capacit�s
administratives. De
> cette somme, les autorit�s [de Belgrade] retireront ... 130 millions
> dollars US pour repayer les pr�ts temporaires qu'elles ont re�ues [de
> Suisse et la Norv�ge] de fa�on � �liminer les arri�r�s avec le FMI."
> d'apr�s "Economic Terrorism" par Dr. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky)
> En d'autres termes, les autorit�s de Belgrade ont emprunt�s de
l'argent �
> Suisse et la Norv�ge pour repayer de l'argent d� au FMI. Ensuite elles
> emprunt�rent de l'argent du FMI - et ce fut pour payer la Suisse et la
> Norv�ge!
> C'est un jeu de dupes.
> Parfois la v�rit� sur les fausses "Conf�rences de "donateurs""
> au grand jour. Consid�rons cet extrait d'une d�p�che de l'agence
> 'Reuters' passe en revue toutes les cons�quences terribles qui
> la Yougoslavie ne coop�re pas. Le premier point est:
> "Les �tats-Unis s'opposeront au pr�ts � la Yougoslavie et �
> institutions financi�res internationales telles que le Fond Mon�taire
> international et la Banque Mondiale. Ce qui est en jeu est un projet
> de 260 millions US par le FMI pour soutenir la r�forme d'une �conomie
> point de s'�crouler apr�s des ann�es de sanctions et de guerre."
> NOTEZ qu'il parle de pr�t ici, pas de dons!
> Si l'on se base sur l'exp�rience pass�e, cet argent ne sera jamais
> m�me s'il �tait pr�t�, il serait imm�diatement utilis� pour rembourser
> partie de la dette pr�sum�e. Il n'y aurait pas d'argent qui irait dans
> l'�conomie ou qui atteindrait les gens ordinaires. Et ensuite les 260
> millions que nous n'aurions jamais re�u, devraient �tre rembourser en
> vendant nos industries, en acquies�ant d'acheter des biens de mauvaise
> qualit� au pays de l'OTAN et en reconnaissant des lois qui �liminent
> soins sociaux dans notre pays.
> C'est pourquoi tout pays qui a compt� sur ces faux pr�ts a souffert.
> 8 ans, nous n'avions plus de pr�ts. En plus nous �tions soumis � des
> sanctions. Mais la Roumanie et la Bulgarie qui n'�taient pas soumises

> sanctions et qui b�n�ficiaient de pr�ts perdirent leur industrie et
> maintenant leur ch�meurs viennent en Yougoslavie pour trouver un
> Nous nous en tirerons toujours mieux par nous-m�mes plut�t qu'en �tant

> merci de parasites comme le Fond Mon�taire International et la Banque
> Mondiale, dont le seul but est de retirer � des pays comme le n�tre,
> que nous avons acquis � la sueur de notre front.
> Voici la seconde cons�quence 'd�sastreuse' de ne pas coop�rer avec
> Washington:
> "[Cela signifiera le report des] plans de Belgrade de commencer �
> un r�glement de dettes avec le Club de Paris des cr�diteurs souverains
> avec les banques commerciales du club de Londres... De sa dette
> totale de 12,2 milliards de dollars US, la Yougoslavie doit 5
milliards au
> club de Paris et environ 3 milliards au club de Londres." ('Reuters',
> Avril 2001)
> Ainsi la "communaut� internationale" annonce que la Yougoslavie lui
> milliards (de dollars US). Et si la Yougoslavie ne livre pas
> n'aura pas le plaisir de retirer toute son industrie pour repayer cet
> Ne ce serait-ce pas terrible?
> Et comment la "communaut� internationale" se repr�sente elle que la
> Yougoslavie lui doit 12,2 milliards? C'est presque enti�rement des
> sur des dettes pr�sum�es dues par la R�publique Socialiste Yougoslave,
> maintenant cess� d'exister. Voici une nouvelle du 31 D�cembre 1992 qui
> explique tout:
> "de: 'Facts on File World News Digest' 31 D�cembre 1992
> "titre: le FMI exclut la Yougoslavie de ses membres
> "texte: Le Fond Mon�taire International retira la Yougoslavie de ses
> et partagea la dette ext�rieure du pays parmi les 5 r�publiques issues
> Yougoslavie, qui ont �t� d�sign�e par l'institution financi�re. Le
> Mon�taire International pris cette d�cision sur la base que la
> cess� d'exister en tant qu'entit� l�gale.
> "La dette ext�rieure de la Yougoslavie �tait environ de 15 milliards
> dollars, y compris 217 millions dus au FMI et 2 milliards dus � la
> Mondiale.
> "36,5% de la dette furent attribu�s � la Serbie-Mont�n�gro, la
> f�d�ration yougoslave, que le FMI traita comme une r�publique unique.
> dette de la Croatie fut estim�e � 28,5%; la Bosnie-Herz�govine, 13,2%;
> Slov�nie, 16,4%; et la Mac�doine, 5,4%" {Fin de la d�p�che 'Facts on
> Ainsi en 1992, le FMI d�cida simplement de dire que la R�publique
> devait 5,475 milliards de dollars US. Puisque qu'il dit maintenant que
> devons plus de 12 milliards, cela signifie que presque 7 milliards de
> dette suppos�e est form�e d'int�r�ts! Et quand fut accumul� cet
> Cet int�r�t fut accumul� pendant les ann�es de sanctions impos�es par
> m�me communaut� internationale qui maintenant pr�tend que nous devons
> ces int�r�ts!
> Ces sanctions ont co�t�s � l'�conomie yougoslave des milliards de
> US.
> Au nom de quel droit ces gens, qui ont affam� la Yougoslavie avec des
> sanctions, ce qui nous a co�t�s des milliards, et ensuite ont bombard�
> Yougoslavie, nous causant au moins 60 milliards de dommages sans
> co�ts inestimables en victimes humaines et souffrances, la douleur des
> familles qui perdirent leurs chers, les dommages psychologiques des
> forc�s de se terrer � l'abri des bombes, les dommages de longue dur�e
> l'uranium appauvri - Comment osent ces affameurs et bombardeurs
> r�clamer de l'argent � la Yougoslavie?
> Qui sont ces gens?
> Une conf�rence de "donateurs" ne donnerait pas d'argent � la
> Le seul r�sultat serait: d�vastation de l'�conomie yougoslave. Les
> ordonneraient une ventre forc�e des industries pr�cieuses de la
> pour une bouch�e de pain aux m�mes banquiers formant la conf�rence de
> donateurs.
> Et lorsque tout sera termin�, la dette serait toujours l�.
> Parce que l'argent rassembl� serait insuffisant, comme c'est toujours
> cas, dans tous les pays o� ces banquiers ont impos�s cette arnaque,
> payer la dette. Vous voyez, parce que c'est l'id�e fondamentale. Ils
> utilisent la dette �tendue pour se saisir de l'industrie et quand tout
> termin�, ils quittent le pays dont on a retir� tout ce qu'il a su� �
> construire, tout sauf des milliards de dettes.
> Nous ne gagnerions rien de cette conf�rence de donateurs.
> Mais certaines choses auraient disparu.
> Notre industrie aurait disparu
> Notre fiert� aurait disparu
> Notre honneur aurait disparu
> Et nos patriotes, ils auraient disparu �galement, en commen�ant par M.
> Milosevic, mais pas en terminant par lui. Pas en terminant par lui.
> Ne poursuivons pas cette chasse � l'or folle propos�e par les
> actuelles � Belgrade. Comptons sur nous-m�mes, sur notre int�grit� et
> notre travail dur. Faisons du commerce avec nos amis pas avec des
> qui essayent de nous casser avec l'illusion fausse de suceurs d'or.
> Lorsqu'elles parlent de l'urgence de cette conf�rence de donateurs,
> autorit�s actuelles de Belgrade parlent avec passion.
> Leur passion est r�elle.
> Mais ce n'est pas parce qu'elles craignent que si nous ne suivons pas
> propositions, la Yougoslavie perdrait de l'argent dont elle a besoin.
> contraire, elles craignent que si elles ne produisent pour leurs
ma�tres �
> Washington, elles seraient punies.
> Car Washington n'a pas d'amis, seulement des victimes futures.
> Washington a con�u la loi de ces autorit�s yougoslaves.
> Ils leur ont dit: vous prenez trop de temps. Donnez nous Milosevic.
> nous les patriotes de l'Arm�e Yougoslave. Donnez nous ceux qui nous
> combattu en Bosnie et en Croatie. Donnez nous les MAINTENANT. Et
> tout ce qui a de la valeur en Yougoslavie.
> Parce que si vous ne le faites pas, nous vous prendrons, les
dirigeants du
> DOS [Opposition D�mocratique de Serbie], � la place.
> -PSS [Parti Socialiste de Serbie], 31 Mai 2001


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Da oggi tutte le migliori offerte
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Da "Il messaggero veneto" di mercoled� 6 giugno 2001:

Era stata trovata in un relitto del '700 dagli archeologi
subacquei del nucleo Nausicaa. Stavano cercando cannoni d'epoca

Allarme per una bomba fatta esplodere a Bibione

Gli ospiti di Lignano non sapevano che l'ordigno al fosforo
sarebbe stato fatto brillare. Moltissime le telefonate ai carabinieri

LIGNANO - SABBIADORO - Il boato provocato dall'esplosione di un
ordigno bellico, fatto brillare poco lontano della foce del
Tagliamento, unita alle numerose segnalazioni di turisti ignari
delle cause della deflagrazione, hanno fatto scattare nel tardo
pomeriggio di ieri, a Lignano Sabbiadoro, la macchina dei soccorsi
e della sicurezza. Ad accrescere la paura � stata la colonna di
fumo biancastro, levatasi alta dalla sponda veneta del Tagliamento.

Immediate sono scattate le telefonate al pronto soccorso, alla
protezione civile e ai carabinieri.
Dalle prime ipotesi, sembrava si trattasse di un'imbarcazione in
difficolt� alle prese con un incendio a bordo. Ma giunti sul posto,
la protezione civile con i gommoni e i carabinieri
con la motovedetta non hanno notato nulla di strano e soltanto
dopo qualche tempo, tramite l'ufficio di capitaneria di Porto
di Lignano, l'episodio � stato collegato con il brillamento
dell'ordigno bellico da parte della Marina militare. Si trattava di
una moderna bomba al fosforo di quasi una tonnellata, probabilmente
"perduta" da un aereo in viaggio per una una missione nell'ex
Jugoslavia. Un ordigno finito proprio dentro il relitto di una nave
del '700, e trovato da un gruppo di giovani archeologi della
soprintendenza di Venezia qualche giorno fa.
Ieri la bomba � stata trainata sulla riva di un poligono militare,
una porzione di spaggia riservata agli usi militari sulla costa
di Bibione, e quindi fatta brillare poco prima delle 20 dagli
artificieri del nucleo Sdai della Marina militare. Al largo due
motovedette dell'ufficio circondariale marittimo di Grado e una
della Capitaneria di porto di Caorle seguivano le operazioni.

�Questa avventura - ricordano gli archeologi che si sono trovati
faccia a faccia con l'ordigno - ci ha fatto perdere dieci anni di
vita. Stavamo ispezionando la zona con un "sonar" a
scansione - racconta il subacqueo Francesco Dossola - quando lo
strumento ha segnalato una massa ferrosa. Credevamo fosse un altro
cannone, come quelli gi� trovati nei resti della nave di linea
francese "Mercure", affondata oltre 200 anni fa con tutto il suo
carico dopo uno scontro con i vascelli inglesi in quella che per
gli storici � "la battaglia di Grado". Cos� ci siamo messi a scavare.
A un certo punto ci siamo trovati faccia a faccia con la sagoma
inconfondibile di una bomba�. Immediato l'allarme alla guardia
costiera di Caorle e Grado, che ha allertato gli artificieri della
marina militare che ieri hanno imbragato l'ordigno e trasportato
fino davanti la riva del poligono di tiro, in localit� Lama del
Revelin, e l'hanno fatto brillare.
Il relitto, in cui � stata trovata la bomba, � stato localizzato per
caso in febbraio. Il peschereccio della famiglia Scala aveva perso
alcuni ramponi mentre raccoglieva capesante.
Durante il recupero aveva "tirato su" anche pentole di rame di una
nave antica. Avvertito, il nucleo di archeologia subacquea del centro
e alto Adriatico (Nausicaa) aveva quindi iniziato le ricerche che
avevano portato al colpo fortunato: due cannoni navali della fine del
'700. Nei giorni scorsi le ricerche sono riprese. Proprio durante una
di queste immersioni � stata trovata la bomba al fosforo. M.D.B.

(Scrive Gian: "...Una bomba al fosforo era destinata alla Jugoslavia
ed � invece esplosa il 6 giugno in una spiaggia, a Bibione. Ne ha
parlato il Messaggero Veneto e chi altri?... Mi sembra nessuno...
La notizia in realt� � anche un altra, un ordigno umanitario al
fosforo doveva colpire la Jugoslavia. Il fosforo veniva usato durante
la guerra in Vietnam dagli americani perch� incendiandosi in aria
bruciava tutto ci� che trovava al suolo, civili compresi ovviamente.
Gli stessi impuniti che parlavano d'armi intelligenti tacciono oggi
sulle bombe al fosforo recuperate e fatte brillare all'insaputa di
tutti, anzi no, quasi tutti, visto che il Messaggero Veneto con
involontaria leggerezza ci illustra la sua presenza nei nostri
PS. quanto alla modernit� della "bomba al fosforo", di cui parla
l'incauto autore dell'articolo sul Messaggero Veneto, il suo primo
utilizzo in grande scala � nel bombardamento di Dresda (1945) che
cost� 135.000 vittime...")


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Data: 26/06/2001 16:19
Da: "Espero"
A: mediasetonline@...
Oggetto: Uranio impoverito

Spett.le Direzione del CANALE 5 di Mediaset

Con il Notiziario delle ore 8,00 di stamame (26 giugno 2001), avete
dato ulteriore conferma circa l'uso, illegale e massiccio, dell'uranio
impoverito, da parte di NATO/USA, in Kosovo e altrove, e dei suoi
effetti mortali e patologici attuali tra la popolazione (militare, ci
pare) di casa nostra.
Data l'indubbia importanza di notizie della fattispecie, che
sconfessano via via la menzogna sistematica dei "Barbari di Nagasaki",
alias criminali yankee, e del coro belante dei servi-complici, detti
eufemisticamente "alleati", abbiamo atteso inutilmente di poterla
riascoltare pi� attentamente (ed annotare) nell'edizione dell ore
13.00, restando sorpresi, ma non troppo, della sua assenza.
Troviamo eloquente che una notizia di tale portata, diffusa nel
primo notiziario (forse di minore ascolto) della giornata, non venga
ripetuta (e possibilmente commentata) nelle edizioni successive, e il
fatto d'induce a pensare che codesta emittente, come, del resto, quelle
del sedicente "servizio pubblico", non sia libera nell'esercizio del
proprio compito confermandoci che la "vera verit�" � quella che non si
dice - ovvero che non si pu� dire.
Vi esortiamo a far valere il vostro sacrosanto diritto di
diffondere la verit�, qualunque questa sia, non solo in ottemperanza
alla deontologia del giornalismo, ma soprattutto perch� solo la verit�
pu� aoitare tutti (cattivi compresi) a fermare l'evidente declino della
civilt� verso la propria estinzione per eccesso di prepotenza dei pi�
forti che hanno superato gli stessi limiti dell'autocontenimento
istintivo della vita della giungla.

Saluti cordiali.
Carmelo R. Viola
Centro Studi Biologia Sociale
C.P. 65 - 95024, Acireale -
Tel e fax: 095 763 19 81


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(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 25 GIU - La guerriglia albanese annuncia l'avvio di
incontri ufficiali ''con rappresentanti della Nato e dell'Unione
Europea'', e promette che ''i negoziati proseguiranno''. Smentendo
quella parte della comunita' internazionale che aveva escluso qualsiasi
dialogo con gli estremisti armati, oggi il leader politico
dell'Esercito di liberazione nazionale (Uck), Ali Ahmeti, ha
pubblicamente attribuito a una trattativa con i rappresentanti
internazionali l'accordo ''raggiunto il 24 giugno nella zona di
Tetovo'' sul ritiro della guerriglia dalla cittadina di Aracinovo,
ormai ex roccaforte della guerriglia alle porte di Skopje. Accompagnati
con pulmann della Kfor -la forza di pace a guida Nato- e garantiti da
ooservatori internazionali, i guerriglieri hanno iniziato nel
pomeriggio il ritiro verso il comune settentrionale di Lipkovo
ottenendo di poterlo fare portandosi dietro anche le armi pesanti. La
polizia macedone e' stata costretta a liberare i posti di blocco lungo
la strada che avrebbe dovuto percorrere il convoglio. Il comandante
locale dell'Uck, conosciuto col nome di battaglia di 'Hoxha', ha
riferito che l'accordo prevede che le forze di sicurezza di Skopje non
potranno rientrare ad Aracinovo, per evitare rappresaglie nei confronti
dei civili albanesi rimasti: ''Se lo faranno - ha avvertito - noi
torneremo ad occupare il villaggio''. Il ritiro onorevole concesso ai
guerriglieri con l'avallo del capo dello Stato Boris Trajkovski rischia
ora di infiammare l'opinione pubblica macedone che vede in quell'intesa
una vergognosa capitolazione. Questa sera una manifestazione di
protesta e' iniziata davanti alla sede del parlamento, dove erano da
poco ripresi i colloqui tra partiti macedoni e albanesi per tentare di
porre fine alla crisi armata. Alle proteste stanno partecipando anche
un centinaio di uomini delle forze di sicurezza impegnati fino a ieri
nell'offensiva su Aracinovo. I manifestanti, che urlano 'Macedonia,
Macedonia'', pretendono spiegazioni dal capo dello Stato sul perche'
abbia accettato un accordo ''con i terroristi albanesi''. Trajkovski ha
temporaneamente interrotto i colloqui con i partiti per incontrare una
rappresentanza dei dimostranti. Nelle fasi del ritiro dei ribelli due
osservatori dell'Unione europera sono rimasti feriti: secondo notizie
non ancora confermate sarebbero stati raggiunti da colpi di arma da
fuoco partiti da un vicino villaggio abitato da macedoni. La tregua
strappata ad Aracinovo e' stata seguita dalla ripresa di violenti
combattimenti sulle alture intorno a Tetovo, circa 80 chilometri piu' a
ovest. Questa sera un agente delle forze speciali macedoni e' rimasto
ucciso e almeno altri quattro sono stati feriti nel corso di un attacco
compiuto dalla guerriglia. Fonti locali hanno detto che dal villaggio
di Gajre e dal quartiere di Drenovec (a est di Tetovo) si vedono levare
colonne di fumo. I combattimenti sono ancora in corso. (ANSA) BLL
25/06/2001 20:54

(ANSA) - BRUXELLES, 26 GIU - La Nato ha smentito oggi a Bruxelles di
avere imposto alle autorita' macedoni l'accordo intervenuto ieri per
l'evacuazione senza consegna delle armi dei guerriglieri albanesi dal
villaggio di Aracinovo. ''Non e' vero che abbiamo aiutato gli albanesi
a fuggire: la Nato ha agito su richiesta delle autorita' macedoni e con
l'appoggio di tutto il governo di unita' nazionale'' ha precisato il
portavoce della Nato Yves Brodeur. Le condizioni dell'evacuazione dei
600 guerriglieri albanesi asserragliati ad Aracinovo (localita'
prossima alla capitale) trasportati in autobus forniti dalla Nato senza
avere dovuto prima deporre le armi in altri villaggi piu' a nord sono
state all'origine dei disordini della notte scorsa a Skopje. Il
ministro degli interni macedone Ljube Boskovski ieri ha affermato
che ''la Nato ha costretto il governo ad autorizzare i terroristi a
lasciare Aracinovo''. Il portavoce Nato ha detto invece che l'alleanza
e' intervenuta solo ''per facilitare una soluzione''. Secondo Brodeur
gli incidenti della notte scorsa a Skopje ''sembrano dovuti ad una
minoranza manipolata da agitatori che hanno interesse ad esacerbare le
tensioni fra le due comunita'''. (ANSA). CEF
26/06/2001 15:57


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[Emperor's Clothes]

Illegal Tribunal - Illegal Indictment

Statement of the International Progress Organization on the Hague War
Crimes Tribunal's indictment of Serbian Leaders

Dr. Hans Koechler, President [posted 23 April 2001]

[The following statement was written just after the 'War Crimes
Tribunal' brought 'indictments' against Slobodan Miloshevich (Milosevic)
and other Serbian government leaders in 1999. The text was sent to us
recently by a contributor from Germany. It was published by the
International Progress Organization, an
NGO (non-governmental organization) which has worked in various
associations with the United Nations
for almost 30 years. It makes excellent points, especially about the
sheer illegality of the "War Crimes
Tribunal". We post it for your information - Jared Israel.]

The International Progress Organization hereby presents the following
legal observations on today's "indictment" by the "International
Criminal Tribunal":

1. The "indictment" issued by the "Chief Prosecutor" of the so-called
"International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia" is legally invalid because this "Tribunal" has no
jurisdiction whatsoever in the present or any other case.

2. The "Tribunal" derives its raison d'�tre exclusively from Security
Council resolution 827, adopted at the Council's
3217th meeting on 25 May 1993. In this resolution, establishing the
so-called "International Criminal Tribunal," the
Security Council states that it acts "under Chapter VII of the Charter
of the United Nations."

3. When adopting the above resolution, the Security Council acted ultra
vires. According to the provisions of the U.N.
Charter, the Council has no competence whatsoever in judicial matters.
The provisions of Chapter VII determine the
Council's competence in matters of international security but not in
matters of criminal justice or other judicial matters.
The sole authority in international judicial matters rests with the
International Court of Justice.

4. The "determination," in the preamble of Security Council resolution
827, paragraph four, that the "widespread and
flagrant violations of international humanitarian law" on the territory
of the former Yugoslavia "constitute a threat to
international peace and security" does not provide a sound legal basis
for the Security Council acting as a surrogate
judicial authority or establishing an international court with
jurisdiction in this or any other case.

5. It is regrettable that the institution of the Security Council, while
being unable to stop the undeclared war waged by
NATO countries against Yugoslavia in violation of international law, and
while being prevented, because of the veto power
of countries conducting the present war, from restoring international
peace and security in Yugoslavia, is now being used
to take a so-called "judicial" action against the legitimate Head of
State and other high officials of the country under

6. Under the present circumstances, the move by the "Chief Prosecutor"
of the so-called "Tribunal," Ms. Louise Arbour,
can only be considered of political nature. This interpretation is
confirmed by today's statement of the President of the
United States who declared that the "indictment" by the "Tribunal" can
be seen as an endorsement of NATO's campaign.

7. The purely political nature of the "indictment" and the lack of any
legal validity of this decision can further be seen from
the fact that the "President" of the so-called "Tribunal," Ms. Gabrielle
Kirk McDonald (United States of America), the
"Chief Prosecutor," Ms. Louise Arbour (Canada), and the investigating
"judge" in the present case, Mr. David Anthony
Hunt (Australia), are citizens either of NATO member countries directly
responsible for the undeclared war against
Yugoslavia or of a country fully endorsing the NATO war. If the
"Tribunal" would have taken general legal standards of
impartiality seriously, it would have been obliged to determine that
there is a conflict of interest for "judges" from countries
waging an undeclared war against Yugoslavia to sit on such a panel
initiating "judicial" action against the Head of State of
the country under attack.

8. The political nature of the "indictment" was further made obvious by
the "Chief Prosecutor's" press statement earlier
today in which she expressed her view that the "indicted" Head of State
cannot be considered a partner of any
negotiations about a peaceful settlement of the conflict. Such a
statement makes a mockery of whatever legal standards
the so-called "Tribunal" claims to adhere to. By her statement, the
"Chief Prosecutor" has tried to act as a surrogate
politician and to influence political events in the interest of those
NATO countries presently waging war against Yugoslavia.

9. When, in violation of the United Nations Charter, a self-appointed
group of states claiming to act on behalf of
international peace and human rights, wages an all-out war against a
sovereign member state of the United Nations and
deliberately destroys the civilian infrastructure of that country with
impunity, the present move by functionaries of the
so-called "Tribunal" to declare the legitimate leaders of the country
under attack as criminals, can only be seen as an act
to hamper the international community's efforts to settle the conflict
in Yugoslavia by peaceful means. This move
undermines all efforts to settle the conflict within the framework of
the United Nations and only prolongs the suffering of
the people of Yugoslavia including the Kosovar Albanians.

10. It would be fitting that the so-called "Tribunal"- if it wants, at
least, to prove its credibility in terms of basic moral
standards, in spite of its legal incompetence as explained above -
should also turn its attention to the practices applied by
the NATO coalition in its undeclared war against the people of
Yugoslavia (including the province of Kosovo).

The provisions of Article 3 of the so-called "Tribunal" identify, among
others, the following practices as "violations of the laws or customs of

(a) "employment of poisonous weapons or other weapons calculated to
cause unnecessary suffering;" (c) "attack, or bombardment, by whatever
means, of undefended towns, villages, dwellings, or buildings;" etc.

NATO's use of depleted uranium missiles and of cluster bombs, NATO's
attacks on villages, civilian buses etc. fall clearly within the
definition of "violations of the laws or customs of war" as given in the
Statute of that very "Tribunal" not to speak of the numerous grave
breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 committed by the NATO
alliance, for which the "Tribunal" also claims to be competent according
to Article 2 of its Statute. As long as the "Tribunal" does not take
action against those NATO politicians and military officers responsible
for these grave breaches of international
humanitarian law, the "Tribunal" can only be considered as one more
futile exercise in the political use of judicial
procedures within the framework of a "policy of double standards" which
seems to be the essence of power politics in NATO's "New World Order."

11. A dangerous precedent is being created by this new use of judicial
procedures for the purposes of power politics. The
separation of powers, one of the basic requirements of the rule of law,
is being completely neglected when a purely
political organ of the United Nations, the Security Council, arrogates
to itself judicial powers by establishing an
"International Criminal Tribunal," and when the functionaries of this
"Tribunal" act as surrogate politicians effectively
hindering a political settlement of an international armed conflict. The
sole responsibility for whichever judicial matters in
international affairs rests with the International Court of Justice. It
is this institution alone that decides on the legal
questions related to aggression by one state or a coalition of states
against another state, and that decides on issues of
international humanitarian law.

12. Because of the regrettable paralysis of the Security Council, the
member states of the United Nations as represented
in the General Assembly should take immediate action on the basis of the
"Uniting for Peace Resolution" (res. 377 A [V]
of the General Assembly) in order to prevent a further dangerous
deterioration of the situation in Yugoslavia. When
otherwise invalid legal procedures are being used to prevent a just
political settlement and when the ongoing large-scale
bombing of Yugoslavia causes an ecological disaster rendering large
areas uninhabitable, urgent action is required by the
international community. If this new form of self-righteous power
politics is not being checked, similar action may be
taken in the time to come against other sovereign countries and their
leadership. In this case, the "rule of force" will
replace whatever remains of the "rule of law" in international
relations. International anarchy will be the inevitable result.
All political leaders and people of good will should unite against this
most serious threat to the international order since the
end of the Cold War.

Dr. Hans Koechler, President

[Reprinted from the IPO Website at

For more on the War Crimes Tribunal, see:

'Back to the Dark Ages?' by Jared Israel at

'The War Crimes Tribunal: Illegal Origins' By Dr. Kosta Cavoski at

'The War Crimes Tribunal: Learning from the Inquisition'
By Dr. Kosta Cavoski at

Secret witnesses; some defendants are more equal than others.


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Friday June 22, 5:08 AM

Committee backing Milosevic warns against
extradition to ICTY

BELGRADE, June 21 (AFP) - An official of an
international committee set up to defend
Slobodan Milosevic Thursday warned of
catastrophic consequences for Yugoslavia if the
former president is handed over to the UN war
crimes tribunal in The Hague. "Be sure that
misery, poverty, famine and total destruction
would prevail in the country" if Milosevic is
sent to The Hague, said Mikhail Kuznecov, deputy
chairman of the International Committee for the
Defense of Slobodan Milosevic.
"Do not have any illusions that the United
States or NATO will give you money and help you
rebuild your economy," he told reporters.
The committee was set up on March 24, just a
week before Milosevic's arrest by Belgrade
reformers on charges of abuse of power and
corruption, to clear the ex-president's name
over the war crimes indictment by the
International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia (ICTY).
NATO "is aiming to destroy Yugoslavia and its
citizens," Kuznecov said, adding that Milosevic
"is in prison since he was the only one to
confront the Alliance, and even managed to stop
He said that no "law can legalise" Milosevic's
extradition to ICTY, as the move "is clearly
banned by the Constitutions of Yugoslavia and
Belgrade authorities have been trying to push
forward a draft on cooperation with the ICTY,
but its federal partners from Montenegro have
rejected the law since it could lead to the
extradition of Yugoslav nationals to the UN

Yugoslavia is under intense international
pressure, particularly from the United States,
to adopt the law before an international donors'
conference scheduled for June 29.
The committee, chaired by Bulgarian MP Velko
Valkanov, and grouping figures like former US
Attorney General Ramsey Clark and writer Harold
Pinter, said it has members from 20 countries
throughout the world.
Its activities are supported by more than 600
prominent figures from 30 countries, said a
statement on its website

Kuznecov said the committee has set up an
international working group to monitor legal
procedures against Milosevic, led by Canadian
lawyer Christopher Black, who had visited the
former president in prison last week.
Black was among the lawyers who in 1999 brought
war crimes charges against NATO leaders for the
bombing campaign on Yugoslavia.
Milosevic, currently in jail on charges of
corruption and abuse of power, and four of his
former associates have been indicted by the ICTY
for war crimes and crimes against humanity
allegedly committed against the ethnic Albanian
majority of Serbia's Kosovo province in


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