

24 marzo 1999 - 24 marzo 2001
Guerra, Nucleare, NATO


Comunicazioni - Comunicazioni - Comunicazioni - Comunicazioni -
Comunicazioni - Comunicazioni - Comunicazioni -

- Abbiamo appena aggiornato il sito:
oltre alle nuove adesioni sono pubblicati i saluti inviati da vari paesi
alla manifestazione di Cesena del 24 marzo

- Alla manifestazione sara' presente e interverra' un rappresentante del
movimento antimperialista di Grecia

- Per adesioni scrivi a: posta@...


Comitato Promotore per l'Assemblea Antimperialista
-Coord. Romagnolo contro la guerra e la Nato - Assijug (Perugia) - Campo
Antimperialista - Coll. Antinebbia (Valdarno) - Comit. contro la guerra
Sesto S. Giovanni -
Comit. contro la guerra (Milano Sud) - Comit. per la Pace e la
Solidarietà fra i Popoli - Coord. cittadino antimperialista (Torino) -
Coord. romano per la Jugoslavia - Red
Ghost (Ravenna) - Gruppo Zastava! (Trieste) -Soccorso Popolare (Padova)
- Voce Operaia


- ADESIONI aggiornate al 21 marzo

100 idee per la pace (Siena) - AIASP - Aiutiamo La Jugoslavia (Bologna)
- Assemblea Nazionale Anticapitalista - Ass. Cult. Gente
Adriatica (Trieste) - - Ass. comunista il pianeta futuro (Pisa) - Ass.
Progetto Drim (Foligno) - Ass. cult. ³Il Puntino² - Ass. Dedalo di
Sermoneta - Avamposto degli Incompatibili (Lecce) - Azione Popolare
(Emilia e R.) - Ass. Spaccio Culturale di Succivo (Caserta) - Casa dei
Popoli (Roma) - Centro di Docum. Krupskaja (Bologna) - Centro di Docum.
A.Corneli di Camerano (AN) - C.S.A. Dordoni (Cremona) - Centro
Studi Ingegneria Biosociale Acireale (Ct) - Centro Iniziativa Popol.
(Foligno) - Circ. Agorà (Pisa) - Circ. P.R.C. (Treviso) - Circolo Prc
Canciani" diServola/Skedenj (Trieste) - Circ. P.R.C. di Bussero (MI)
"RifoBussero" - Circ. Iqbal Mash (Bologna) - Circ. ARCI l¹Osservat. di
Pozzuoli (NA) - Circ. P.R.C. Centrocitta¹ (Trieste) - Circ. P. Neruda di
Camerino (MC) - Circ. Iskra di Cividale del Friuli (UD) - Circ.
Internazion. Wladimir Majakowskij (RE)- Cobas Scuola (Ravenna) - Coll.
Squasso (Rimini) - Coll. Autorganizzati (Rimini) - Coll. Spartakus
di Vicenza - Coll. classe contro classe (Roma) - Comit. cittadino
contro la guerra (Bologna) - Comit. contro la guerra (Treviso) - Comit.
contro le guerre di Conegliano (TV) - Comit. Sardo di solid.
internazionalista (Tula) - Comit. Umbro Antimperialista - Comit. contro
la Guerra
(Novara) - Comit. Operaio Antimperialista (Vicenza)- Comunità degli
Jugoslavi in Umbria - Confederazione COBAS - Convoglio internaz. G.
Masi (Roma) - Coord. nazionale "Su la testa" - Coord. territoriale MAGMA
(Roma) - Coord. contro la Guerra (Cosenza) - C.S.O. Stella Rossa
(Bassano) - C.U.B. Scuola (Rimini) - Democrazia Popolare - Drustvena
Gostilna Kontovel (Trst/Trieste) - Feder. Giovani Comunisti (Imola)
- Feder. P.R.C. (Rimini) - Feder. Giovani Comunisti (Forlì e Cesena) -
Federazione P.R.C. di La Spezia - Fondazione L. Cipriani (Cremona) -
Gruppo musicale "Alla Macchia" - Gruppo musicale Pura Utopia - La
giustizia degli erranti (Treviso) - Laboratorio Marxista (Versilia) -
Linea Rossa - Lista Reno (Bologna) - Movim. per la confederazione dei
comunisti (Toscana) - Pagine Rosse - Partito Umanista - PeaceLink
- Pellerossa di Cesena - P.M.L.I. - Punto Rosso (Jesi) - Punto Rosso
(Vicenza) - Punto Rosso Fermo/Porto San Giorgio (AP) - Radio Citta'
Aperta (Roma) - Radio base (Venezia) - RAP (Rete Associazioni Popolari)
- Redazione Precari Nati (Bologna) - Rete Operaia - Rivista
³Frigidaire ³- Rivista "Giano² - Rossoperaio - SACS (Società degli
Artisti Comunisti dello Spettacolo) - Senza Censura (Bologna) - Spazio
Sociale Filorosso Arcavacata di R. (Cosenza) - Teatro dell'Esistenza -
Tribunale Ramsey Clark - Unione Popolare (Roma) -- Un Ponte per...
- Cesare Mangianti (seg. regionale P.R.C. dell¹ Emilia-Romagna) -
Roberto Sconciaforni (seg. federaz. P.R.C.di Bologna) - Paolo Gambuti
(seg. federaz. P.R.C. di Rimini) - Martino Albonetti (seg. federaz.
P.R.C. di Ravenna) - Kiwan Kiwan (seg. federaz. P.R.C. di Ferrara) -
Lodovico Cutaia (seg. federaz. P.R.C. di Parma)

- Adesioni dall'estero

Antiimperialistische Koordination (Austria) - Aktionskreis 24. März
(Germania) - BAYAN (Filippine) - B.S.B. Bewegung für Soziale
Befreiung (Austria) - Centro Sindacale degli Urali (Russia) - Círculo de
Estudios "26 de Julio Oína" (Mexico) - Corrente Leninista
Internazionale - Cunfederatzione de sos Comunistas Sardos - E.E.K. -
Partito Operaio Rivoluzionario (Grecia) - F.E.U.V (Venezuela-
Herriekiko Euskal Elkartasuna (Paesi Baschi) - I.D.P. - Sinistra
Democratica Popolare (Messico) - International Forum (Danimarca) - .
Jugoslawisch-Österreichische Solidaritätsbewegung (Austria) - J.V.P. -
Fronte di Liberazione del Popolo (Sri Lanka) - Lealta¹ all¹uomo e alla
terra (Libano) - Linkeswende (Austria) - MIGRANTE Europe (Olanda) -
N.A.R. - Nuova Corrente di Sinistra - (Grecia)- Partido Comunista
de los pueblos de Espana - Partido de la Liberaciòn (Argentina) - El
Nuevo Topo (El Salvador) - Revolutionär Kommunistische Liga (Austria)
- Revolutionär Kommunistische Liga (Germania) - Socialist Workers Party
(Britain) Unita' Internazionale dei Lavoratori (QI)



> 2. Jahrestag des Jugoslawienkrieges: 24. Marz 2001
> Mahnwache und Kundgebung in Mannheim
> 24.Marz 2001., 11.00 bis 13.00 Uhr
> Mahnwache und Kundgebung des Friedensplenums
> Mannheim Paradeplatz, Ecke Commerzbank
> Es spricht u.a.: Prof. Zorica Becker
> Diese Nachricht bitte an Interessierte weitergeben!!

> Von: Friedensplenum Mannheim
> [SMTP:Friedensplenum.Mannheim@...]
> Betreff: Zweiter Jahrestag des Jugolawienkrieges: Mahnwache und
> Kundgebung am Samstag am Paradeplatz
> Mahnwache und Kundgebung am Samstag am Paradeplatz:
> Zweiter Jahrestag des Jugolawienkrieges
> Auch zwei Jahre nach dem NATO-Luftkrieg gegen Jugoslawien ist die
> Friedensbewegung nicht bereit, ein-fach "zur Tagesordnung uberzugehen". Sie
> ist auch nicht bereit, ihren "Frieden" mit den Verantwortlichen des Krieges
> zu schlie?en. Dieser Krieg stellte nach Meinung der Friedensbewegung eine
> Zasur in der Au?enpolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland dar. Zum ersten Mal
> beteiligte sich die Bundeswehr an einem Krieg, den die NATO ohne jegliches
> Mandat der Vereinten Nationen gegen einen souveranen Staat fuhrte.
> Entsprechend engagiert ist seither uber die volkerrechtliche, politische und
> moralische Bewertung des Kriegs gestritten worden.
> Ein Ergebnis dieser Diskussionen kann heute dahingehend zusammengefasst
> werden: Nahezu alle von der Bundesregierung seinerzeit angefuhrten Grunde
> fur die Bombardierung Jugoslawiens haben sich als Selbst-tauschung, als
> vorgeschobene Rechtfertigungsversuche oder als offenkundige Lugen
> herausgestellt. Die "humanitare Katastrophe", die mit dem militarischen
> Eingreifen "verhindert" werden sollte, hat es so nicht gegeben bzw. ist erst
> mit dem Krieg eingetreten. Auch den "Hufeisenplan" hat es nicht gegeben. Die
> "Massaker" von Rugovo und von Racak, in denen albanische Zivilisten von
> Serben brutal ermordet worden sein sollen, hat es ebenfalls so nicht
> gegeben.
> Eine Aufarbeitung des Krieges fand bisher in der Bundesrepublik nicht statt.
> Vieles von dem, was zum Teil erst Monate nach dem Krieg von
> Wissenschaftlern, Journalisten, OSZE-Mit-arbeitern und anderen Augenzeugen
> recherchiert und der Offentlichkeit prasentiert wurde, musste den
> ver-antwortlichen Politikern schon damals bekannt gewesen sein.
> Nichtsdestoweniger beteiligten sie sich an der NATO-Propaganda vom zwar
> illegalen (weil volkerrechtswidrigen), aber "legitimen" Krieg, der um der
> Menschenrechte Willen gefuhrt worden sei.
> Auf dem Balkan hat der siegreiche NATO-Krieg keines der vielen Probleme
> losen konnen, wie sich nicht zuletzt durch die anhaltenden Kampfe in
> Sudserbien und mittlerweile in Mazedonien zeigt. Die NATO gleicht dem
> Zauberlehrling, der die UCK-Geister seinerzeit gerufen hat, um das Kosovo
> von Milose-vic-Jugoslawien abzutrennen. Sie sind ihm aber heute uber den
> Kopf gewachsen und prasentieren ihre Rech-nung: Abtrennung sudserbischer
> Gebiete von Kustonica-Jugoslawien, Abtrennung eines Drittels des
> Territo-riums von Mazedonien und Schaffung eines gro?albanischen Staates.
> Der Balkan steht - auch ohne Milose-vic! - vor einem neuen Krieg.
> Angesichts des Debakels einer verfehlten Kriegs- und Militarpolitik auf dem
> Balkan fordern wir zum zwei-ten Jahrestag des Beginns des NATO-Kriegs eine
> au?en- und sicherheitspolitische Umkehr. Notig sind:
> + eine vorausschauende Politik, die dem Gedanken der zivilen
> Konfliktpravention verpflichtet ist,
> + die strikte Beachtung des Friedensgebots der UN-Charta,
> + der Verzicht auf jegliche Militareinsatze und damit auch
> + der Verzicht auf die Umwandlung der Bundeswehr in eine vorwiegend auf
> Auslandseinsatze getrimmte Interventionsarmee.
> Unter diesen Forderungen veranstaltet das Mannheimer Friedensplenum am
> zweiten Jahrestag des Jugoslawienkrieges am Samstag, dem 24. Marz um 11 Uhr
> am Paradeplatz (zwischen P 1 und P 2) eine Mahnwache und Kundgebung.
> Die Ansprache halt Frau Prof. Zorica Becker aus Heidelberg.


Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti
dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
oggi "Comitato Promotore dell'Assemblea Antimperialista":
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 12:31:28 +0100
From: assalunn@... (Associazione Alunni della Scuola Normale
Superiore Pisa)
Subject: Invito "i Dialoghi della Normale"

>Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
>Anno accademico 2000-2001
>I Dialoghi della Normale
>Monumenti del Kosovo
>Un patrimonio da salvare
>Pisa venerdì 30 marzo 2001, ore 15.00
>Palazzo della Carovana, Aula Luigi Bianchi
>Piazza dei Cavalieri - Pisa
>Introduzione di
>Salvatore Settis, Direttore della Scuola Normale Superiore
>Enzo Bianchi, Priore della Comunità monastica di Bose
>Interventi di
>Maria Andaloro, Università dlla Tuscia, Viterbo
>Artemije, Vescovo della Diocesi di Raska e Prizren
>Spriridione Alessandro Curuni, Università La Sapienza, Roma
>Marco Dogo, Università di Trieste
>Carlo e Donatella Giantomassi, Restauratori, Roma
>Kemail Luci, Museo del Kosovo, Pristina
>Valentino Pace, Università di Udine,
>Antonio Puri Purini, Consigliere diplomatico del Presidente della Repubblica
>Umberto Scerrato,Università La Sapienza, Roma
>Goiko Subotic, Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze di Belgrado
>Proiezione del documentario realizzato in Kosovo da Francesco Papafava,
>Coordinamento scientifico: Michele Bacci, Scuola Normale Superiore
>email: michele.bacci@...
>Organizzazione: Segreteria della Direzione per le Pubbliche Relazioni e
>l'immagine della Scuola Normale Superiore
> Tel. 050 509052 - 509030 fax 050
>email: pozzi@... - felici@...
>Amelia Pozzi Vallerini
>Segreteria Associazione Normalisti
>Scuola Normale Superiore
>Piazza dei Cavalieri 7
>56126 Pisa
>Tel. 050 509501 Fax 050 509534


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dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
oggi "Comitato Promotore dell'Assemblea Antimperialista":
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
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Dal "Giornale di Brescia", Sabato 10 Luglio 1999

sopratitolo: A guerra conclusa, svelati dal colonnello Francesco Latorre
numeri dell'operazione "Alled Force"

titolo: Sesto Stormo, 172 missioni per il Kossovo

sottotitolo: Da Ghedi sono stati schierati in Puglia 85 uomini e 12
velivoli, per 418 ore di volo

"...L'altra sera il colonnello Latorre ha svelato tutti i numeri della
cosiddetta operazione Aled Force conclusasi il 10 Giugno con la resa di
Milosevic (sic). Lo ha fatto davanti ai militari del VI Stormo e alle
famiglie (cui e' andato il sincero ringraziamento del comandante...) ma
anche davanti al Generale Gargini, al prefetto, al vicequestore e al
comandante provinciale dei Carabinieri.
Il colonnello ha cominciato spiegando che, a causa della posizione
in una zona perennemente in crisi (....), "l'Italia e' considerata una
sorta di portaerei nel Mediterraneo. Non a caso, nel corso dell'Allied
Force, l'85% delle missioni h decollato dalle nostre basi". (...)
naturalmente, gli uomini e i mezzi del VI stormo hanno fatto la loro
Anzi hanno fatto molto.
"L'impegno operativo del VI Stormo - ha detto Latorre - s'e'
in missioni di ricognizione )2 sortite per due giorni la settimana) e in
missioni d'attacco effettuate in un primo periodo da Ghedi, poi da una
cellula schierata a Gioia del Colle ( 6/8 sortite giornaliere per 6
la settimana". (...) da Ghedi in Puglia sono arrivati 85 uomini, 12
velivoli e 12 laser pod. Il rischieramento ha consentito di effettuare
ore di volo, che si traducono in 172 sortite: 6 di ricognizione e 166 di
attacchi veri e propri, sferrati contro obiettivi selezionati di tipo
prettamente militare: depositi di munizioni, caseme, aeroporti. V'e'
inoltre da specificare che, per gli attacchi, sono state utilizzate
bombe a
puntamento laser e a caduta libera.
Il colonnello Latorre ha anche spiegato come tecnicamente avvenivano le
missioni. Dopo la preparazione alla base, "i nostri aerei decollavano da
Gioia del colle, quindi, fatto rifornimento in volo sull'Adriatico, si
mettevano in "zona d'attesa" su cieli non ostili, tipo la Macedonia e
l'Albania: l'attesa dipendeva dal fatto che si viaggiava in pacchetti di
aerei e che ogni pacchetto aveva tempi precisi per entrare in azione.
quand'era il nostro turno, si andava sull'obiettivo, quindi, seguendo
prestabilite, si tornava. Anche grazie alla preparazione dei nostri
equipaggi, tutto ha funzionato a meraviglia, tant'e' vero che, nel 100%
delle operazioni, uomini e mezzi sono rientrati alla base" (....)

"L'Italia ripudia la guerra come strumento di offesa alla
liberta' degli altri popoli e come mezzo di risoluzione
delle controversie internazionali"
(Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana, 1947 - Art.11)


Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti
dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
oggi "Comitato Promotore dell'Assemblea Antimperialista":
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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> Betreff: Wichtig: ARD-Sendung über NATO-Krieg: " Es begann mit einer
> Lüge" - ARD 8.2.01, 21:45
> ARD Das erste - Donnerstag, 8. Februar 2001, 21:45 - 22:30
> Quelle:
> Im kosovarischen Dorf Rugovo erinnert bis heute der zerschossene
> Kleinbus an eine Schießerei zwischen den Soldaten der sogenannten
> Kosovo-Befreiungsarmee UCK und serbischen Polizisten. In Deutschland
> hatte Bundesverteidigungsminister Rudolf Scharping daraus ein Massaker
> an der Zivilbevölkerung gemacht.
> Das WDR-Team bei den Dreharbeiten in der Nähe des kosovarischen Dorfs
> Petershtica, das laut Bundesverteidigungsminister Rudolf Scharping
> angeblich von serbischer Miliz überfallen worden war.
> Nuhi Uka (li) und Fatmir Zymeri sind Bewohner des kleinen Kosovo-Dorfes
> Petershtica. In ihrem Ort waren laut Verteidigungsministerium Serben
> eingedrungen, hatten in den Kellern die Gashähne geöffnet und dann auf
> den Dachböden Kerzen angezündet. Doch das hat in Petershtica niemals
> stattgefunden, berichten alle Bewohner übereinstimmend. In der Hand hält
> Fatmir Zymeri das vom Bundesverteidigungsministerium veröffentlichte
> Satellitenfoto auf dem sein Dorf zu sehen ist und das eine
> Bildunterschrift trägt, derzufolge dieses Dorf nach der sog.
> "Kerzenmethode" zerstört worden war.
> Nach dem Ende des Kosovo-Krieges zerstören Kosovo-Albaner die Häuser der
> Serben in Prizren.
> 24. März 1999: Im italienischen Piacenza starten deutsche Kampfjets
> gegen Jugoslawien. Es ist der erste Kriegseinsatz deutscher Soldaten
> nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg - ein Tabubruch. Bundeskanzler Schröder
> erklärt im Fernsehen: 'Wir führen keinen Krieg, aber wir sind aufgerufen
> eine friedliche Lösung im Kosovo auch mit militärischen Mitteln
> durchzusetzen.' 78 Tage führte die NATO dann Krieg gegen Jugoslawien -
> nicht nur mit Bomben. Von Beginn an ging es auch darum, wer die
> 'richtigen' Begriffe besetzte und die 'besseren' Bilder besass.
> NATO-Sprecher Shea bringt es im Film auf den Punkt. 'Dieser Krieg war
> auch ein Kampf um die Bilder.'
> Nur aus einem Grund durften deutsche Soldaten am Krieg teilnehmen und
> der hiess: Abwendung einer humanitären Katastrophe. Doch war dieses
> Szenario - vor dem Bombardement der NATO - im Kosovo anzutreffen? Gab es
> die ethnischen Säuberungen wirklich schon vor dem Krieg? Heute sagt
> Norma Brown, enge Mitarbeiterin von OSZE-Chef William Walker: 'Die
> humanitäre Katastrophe im Kosovo gab es erst durch die
> NATO-Luftangriffe. Dass diese die Katastrophe auslösen würden, wussten
> alle bei der NATO, der OSZE und bei unserer Beobachter-Gruppe.' Der
> Krieg im Kosovo - geführt im Namen der Menschlichkeit - begann mit einer
> Lüge.
> Zwei Jahre nach dem Krieg ist die Öffentlichkeit um einiges klüger. Den
> 'Monitor'-Autoren Angerer und Werth ist es gelungen, hochrangige
> Militärs bei Bundeswehr und NATO zu befragen, die an den
> Kriegsvorbereitungen unmittelbar beteiligt waren. Sie sprachen mit
> Beratern der US-Regierung, dem damaligen NATO-Sprecher Jamie Shea und
> mit Verteidigungsminister Rudolf Scharping. Vor allem aber unternahmen
> sie aufwendige Recherchen vor Ort im Kosovo. Herausgekommen ist: ein
> Lehrstück in Sachen Kriegspropaganda - made in Germany.
> 'Im Kampf um die öffentliche Meinung spielte Scharping eine
> entscheidende Rolle' bescheinigt NATO-Sprecher Shea dem deutschen
> Minister. Und in der Tat: Zahlreiche neue Zeugenaussagen und bislang
> unveröffentlichte geheime Lageberichte aus Scharpings Behörde machen
> wichtige 'Beweisstücke' zur Farce. Das gilt für das angebliche
> Konzentrationslager in Pristina, das 'Massaker' von Rugovo und den
> sogenannten Operationsplan Hufeisen, der kein serbisches Dokument,
> sondern in Wahrheit ein Produkt des Führungsstabes im deutschen
> Verteidigungsministerium ist. Es begann mit einer Lüge - so das Fazit
> der WDR-Dokumentation über den ersten Kriegseinsatz deutscher Soldaten
> nach 1945.
> © 2000 WDR
> Köln
> ===

Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti
dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
oggi "Comitato Promotore dell'Assemblea Antimperialista":
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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Sito WEB (non aggiornato):

I gruppi di discussione + interessanti e divertenti!
Le liste + calde!! Il meglio di Domeus!!!
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Das Manuskript der Sendung liegt als pdf-Datei bei.

Es begann mit einer Lüge
Monitor-Autoren enthüllen Fälschungen in der Berichterstattung zum

24. März 1999: Im italienischen Piacenza starten deutsche Kampfjets
gegen Jugoslawien. Es ist der erste Kriegseinsatz deutscher Soldaten
nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Nur aus einem Grund durften deutsche
Soldaten am Krieg teilnehmen und der hiess: Abwendung einer humanitären
Katastrophe. Verteidigungsminister Rudolf Scharping lieferte die
Argumente für den Kriegseinsatz: Bilder von Massakern an der
Zivilbevölkerung, von zerstörten Dörfern. Die Serben hätten zur
Vertreibung der Kosovaren den Operationsplan "Hufeisen" entwickelt, so
das Verteidigungsministerium. Nach diesem Plan wollten die Serben die
Kosovo-Albaner aus dem Land treiben. Zum Beleg lieferte Scharping den
Journalisten die passenden Fotos. Die Bilder gingen durch die Presse und
sorgten für Stimmung für einen deutschen Kriegseinsatz. 78 Tage führte
die NATO dann Krieg gegen Jugoslawien - nicht nur mit Bomben. Von Beginn
an ging es auch darum, wer die 'richtigen' Begriffe besetzte und die
'besseren' Bilder besaß.

Manuskript der Sendung (pdf-Datei, 52k)

Mit Bildern aus Kriegsgebieten hatten die Monitor-Redakteure Mathias
Werth und Jo Angerer ihre Erfahrungen. Bereits in der Berichterstattung
zum Golfkrieg konnten sie für Monitor Fälschungen aufdecken. Über zehn
Jahre arbeiten die beiden als Team zu Themen der Verteidigungs- und
Sicherheitspolitik. Als der Kosovo-Konflikt sich zuspitzte, berichtete
Jo Angerer in Deutschland, Mathias Werth konnte in Moskau die russische
Sicht der Dinge verfolgen. Es gab unterschiedliche Wahrnehmungen und
unterschiedliche Betroffenheit. Auf zahllosen Pressekonferenzen
informierten Politiker und Militärs die Öffentlichkeit. Bereits während
des Krieges gab es erste Zweifel am Wahrheitsgehalt dieser

"Bewusste Fälschungen"
Zwei Jahre nach dem Krieg ist es den Monitor-Autoren nun gelungen,
hochrangige Militärs bei Bundeswehr und NATO zu befragen, die an den
Kriegsvorbereitungen unmittelbar beteiligt waren. Sie sprachen mit
Beratern der US-Regierung, dem damaligen NATO-Sprecher Jamie Shea und
mit Verteidigungsminister Rudolf Scharping.
Vor allem aber unternahmen sie aufwendige Recherchen vor Ort im Kosovo.
Sie gingen der Frage nach: Gab es die ethnischen Säuberungen wirklich
schon vor dem Krieg? Der "Operationsplan Hufeisen", das
"Konzentrationslager" im Fußballstadion von Pristina, das Massaker an
Zivilisten in Rugovo - Angerer und Werth überprüften diese zentralen
Argumente für den deutschen Kriegseinsatz. Sie stießen auf "bewusste
Fälschungen". Zeugen bestätigten die These von einer systematischen
Verfolgung der Zivilbevölkerung im Kosovo nicht.

Die Journalisten waren in Dörfern, die angeblich vor dem NATO-Einsatz
von den Serben zerstört worden waren. Die dort lebenden Kosovo-Albaner
erzählten, dass die Ortschaften erst nach den NATO-Luftangriffen durch
Gefechte zwischen Serben und UCK-Kämpfern zerstört worden seien.
OSZE-Beobachter, die vor dem NATO-Einsatz im Kosovo waren, äußerten sich
gegenüber Angerer und Werth kritisch zu den Bombardements. Norma Brown,
enge Mitarbeiterin von OSZE-Chef William Walker sagt: "Die humanitäre
Katastrophe im Kosovo gab es erst durch die NATO-Luftangriffe. Dass
diese die Katastrophe auslösen würde, wussten alle bei der NATO, der
OSZE und bei unserer Beobachter-Gruppe."

Angerer und Werth bekamen auch Zugang zu geheimen Lageberichten,
Planungsunterlagen aus dem US-amerikanischen Außenministerium und dem
Bundesverteidigungsministerium. Sie kamen zu dem Ergebnis: Hier wurde
eine Rechtfertigung fabriziert und damit der deutsche Kriegseinsatz
legalisiert. "Es begann mit einer Lüge", so das Fazit der Dokumentation
über den ersten Kriegseinsatz deutscher Soldaten nach 1945.

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Die Dokumentation "Es begann mit einer Lüge" von Jo Angerer und Mathias
Werth sendete die ARD am Donnerstag, 8.02.01, um 21.45 Uhr.


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> Es begann mit einer Lüge
> Monitor-Autoren enthüllen Fälschungen in der Berichterstattung zum
> Kosovo-Krieg
> 24. März 1999: Im italienischen Piacenza starten deutsche Kampfjets
> gegen Jugoslawien. Es ist der erste Kriegseinsatz deutscher Soldaten
> nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg...


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Il "Corriere della Sera" piange oggi 23 marzo 2001 per la morte delle
"prime vittime civili" della guerra fratricida nella FYROM. Si tratta di
"Rasim e Ramadan, padre e figlio albanesi falciati al posto di blocco"
della polizia macedone. Nell'articolo, a firma "L.Off.", si espone una
dinamica dei fatti dalla quale trapelerebbe la violenza eccessiva e
gratuita dei poliziotti, e si tende a mettere in ridicolo "la
spiegazione ufficiale: i Korishi avevano una granata, stavano per
lanciarla. Poi, le parole indignate di Rauf Ramadani, il capo albanese
della polizia di Tetovo: 'No, erano due innocenti'". Talmente innocenti
che la foto di uno dei due nell'atto di lanciare la granata sono apparse
su innumerevoli giornali di oggi, compreso il foglio gratuito "Metro"
distribuito a tappeto sui mezzi pubblici di Roma.

La maggiorparte delle direzioni dei nostri quotidiani nazionali sono
pronte a spostare l'opinione pubblica a favore dell'irredentismo
albanese quando verra' loro ordinato, attraverso l'invenzione di crimini
efferati, cosi' come hanno fatto dal 1991 in poi con tutti i
secessionismi. Qualche redazione pero' va un po' troppo di fretta...


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From: "Michel Collon"
Subject: After Kosovo, Macedonia
(Article of Michel Collon in English)

Please find here an important article about Macedonia, Kosovo, Nato and their future.

1. Is Macedonia a strategic area?
2. KLA attack: is it a surprise?
3. What is surviving of the official Nato version?
4. Is Washington playing double game?
5. Will KLA provoke a new war?
6. What do the US really want?
7. Will it be possible for Washington to keep playing with all sides?
8. Did they �forge a monster�?
9. What shall be the role of the rivalry between USA and EU?
10. Is Kostunica trapped?
11. Perspectives for Peace.

-- Michel Collon
(For fair use only)

After Kosovo, Macedonia.
What is left of the explanations of NATO ?

A sinister repetition? After the Albanian separatists of the KLA
have attacked the villages of the Presevo valley in Serbia, after
they have killed 11 Serbian civilians of Kosovo by throwing a
bomb in a bus, they are waging now war in neighbouring Macedonia.
And again refugees are on the roads. Is there a new escalation in
the Balkans? In fact, these events allow to better understand
what happened in 1999. In this complex situation (because
everything is done to disorientate the public opinion), let us
answer clearly to the main questions.

Michel Collon

1. Is Macedonia a strategic region ?

Yes, as we have explained in our book Monopoly by citing the
general Jackson, commander of the NATO troops: "We will certainly
stay here for a long time in order to guarantee the safety of the
energy corridors which cross Macedonia". (1)
'Energy corridors' ?
We had presented the maps showing the projects of Europe (a whole
net of oil and gas pipe-lines connecting Europe via the Balkans
to the huge oil and gas resources of the former soviet Caucasus)
and the ones of the US (a pipe-line Bulgaria-Macedonia-Albania-
Adriatic which would give to the US oil multinationals the
control of this road of oil and gas). These projects are in fact
rival. This is why all the great powers attempt for ten years to
control Yugoslavia. The road of oil and gas passes by. We had
also stressed that as soon as 1992 it is in Macedonia - however
very far away from the conflicts zones - and nowhere else that
Washington had decided to send a division. We have to be frank:
even in the left circles, some peoples found exaggerated to
suspect Washington to have so dark projects. But very recently,
the respectable British newspaper Guardian confirmed: "A project
called the Trans-Balkan pipeline has been little-reported in any
British, European or American newspaper.
The line will run from the Black sea port of Burgas to the
Adriatic at Vlore, passing through Bulgaria, Macedonia and
Albania. It is likely become the main route to the west for the
oil and gas now being extracted in central Asia. It will carry
750,000 barrels a day. The project is necessary, according to a
paper published by the US Trade and Development Agency, because
it will "provide a consistent source of crude oil to American
refineries", "provide American companies with a key role in
developing the vital east-west corridor", and "advance the
privatisation aspirations of the US government in the region"." (2)
Clear, isn't it ?
Moreover, Bill Richardson, the former US energy secretary,
declared in 1998, that is before the war: "This is about
America's energy security". When the US speak about 'energy
security', one must know what it means: to preserve the world
domination and the profits of their oil multinationals. And
Richardson continues: "We would like these newly independent
countries reliant on Western commercial and political interests
rather than going another way. We've made a substantial political
investment in the Caspian, and it's very important to us that
both the pipeline map and the politics come out right." (3) And
The Guardian adds this essential comment: "On December 9, 98
(before the war), the president of Albania attended a meeting on
this subject in Sofia:"According to my personal opinion, no
solution which will stay strictly inside of the Serbian borders
will bring a sustainable peace." The message could hardly be
clearer: if you want the agreement of the Albanians for the Trans-
Balkans pipeline, you have to take the Kosovo away from the
Serbs". (4)

2. Is the offensive of the KLA a surprise?

The US made thus a pact with the devil. Because many US
diplomatic reports testified it: the separatist KLA murdered not
only Serbian policemen or civilians, but also Albanians married
with Serbs or simply accepting to live in the Yugoslav state. And
the special envoy of Washington in the Balkans, Robert Gelbard,
had himself claimed three times in front of the international
press, at the beginning of 1998: "I tell you that these KLA
peoples are terrorists". But three months later, these terrorists
were turned by miracle into 'freedom fighters' and NATO will soon
become their air force. Today the US simulate surprise faced to
the "extremist violence" (5) which attacks Macedonia. It is
hypocrisy! As soon as June 98, the KLA distributed among its
European sympathisers a map of 'Great Albania'. In our book
Monopoly (p.69), we reproduced this map and made the following
comment: "In addition to Kosovo, which is part of Serbia, this
great Albania would remove large territories in Macedonia,
Montenegro and Greece. Wars are unavoidable if the KLA is allowed
to realize its plans". This Greater Albania implies not only
expansionism but also ethnic cleansing. Today, under the eyes and
with the tacit agreement of NATO, 350,000 not-Albanians have
already been expelled from Kosovo: Serbs but also Gypsies,
Gorani, Turks etc.. Kosovo is almost 'clean'.
A surprise? Not really, since, on July 12, 1982 already, the New
York Times interviewed a Yugoslav official in Kosovo, a man of
Albanian ancestry, who aid: "'The [Albanian] nationalists have a
two-point platform...first to establish what they call an
ethnically clean Albanian republic and then the
merger with Albania to form a greater Albania." Besides, during
the anti-Yugoslav insurgency of 1981, the Albanian nationalists
had already established a close collaboration between their units
in Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro. All this didn't prevent the
influential US Senator Joseph Lieberman to declare in April 99:
"[The] United States of America and the Kosovo Liberation Army
stand for the same human values and principles... Fighting for
the KLA is fighting for human rights and American values."(6).
In other words, the US and the KLA share the same fight. Besides,
anybody who travels through Kosovo can see everywhere, for
example in the petrol stations, the Albanian and US flags closely

3. Does the version of NATO still make any sense ?

What did NATO tell us to justify its murderous bombings?
1. That its war was humanitarian. Wrong: it was for oil and to
break an economy which resisted to the Western multinationals and
to the IMF.
2. That it had tried everything to find a negotiated solution.
Also wrong: we now know that there was never any negotiation;
Rambouillet was only a comedy to justify a war which had already
been decided.
3. That it was a clean war. Wrong again: 2.000 Yugoslav civilians
killed, a huge number of factories and infrastructures destroyed,
the use of forbidden and criminal weapons: cluster bombs,
depleted uranium. General Mangum just wote in the very official
journal of the Army War College: " The high-altitude bombing did
very little damage to the Serb military. It was only after NATO
began deliberately attacking civilian targets that the Serbs sued
for peace." (7)

Now what was left of the official version also collapses.
We were told: `The problems of Kosovo are caused by Milosevic'.
The situation is not better with Kostunica and a government which
is subjected to the West ! By the way, the Time confess:
"Remember Kosovo? According to Clinton administration spin during
the 1999 bombing campaign, NATO was rallying to the defense of
helpless ethnic Albanians and their brave champions in the Kosovo
Liberation Army who were fighting a David-vs.-Goliath struggle
against Belgrade's genocidal army.
Well, guess what? Not only has NATO now declared armed Albanian
nationalists of the KLA stripe to be the primary security problem
in the region, the Western alliance is also considering asking
the selfsame Yugoslav army to help NATO troops police the border
between Kosovo and the neighboring former Yugoslavian republic of
Once Yugoslavia had elected a president with whom the West could
do business, prospects for winning NATO support for formal
independence for Kosovo dimmed even further." (8)
So, you may say white today, and black tomorrow if this useful
for "business". Who will dare to come and speak to us about a
humanitarian war, newt time?

We were told that the intervention was necessary to stop a
Serbian genocide and to establish a multi-ethnic Kosovo. But the
German general Heinz Loquai has demonstrated that the so-called
'horse-shoe plan' document presented by the German minister
Scharping was fake, that the genocide was a lie of the media and
he just qualified the war as 'unjustified', and accused NATO to
have caused two humanitarian catastrophes: a massive exodus of
the Albanians and then another exodus of the Serbs. And the
general Michael Rose, who commanded the UN forces in Bosnia,
reproaches NATO "to have introduced a culture of violence". (9)
Finally, in order to find some excuse for the current ethnic
cleansing in Kosovo, the supporters of NATO and KLA have
pretended that it was 'revenge acts for what the Serbs had done'.
And now, in Macedonia, where nothing happened, under which
pretext should one justify the aggression of the KLA? It is time
to acknowledge the only possible explanation: the KLA aims to
establish an ethnically clean state and can only realise this
program by the escalation of hatred and by terrorism.

4. Does Washington play a double game?

The United States make as if they were indignant at the current
violences of the KLA. But we must point out several things:
1. They didn't move a finger when the KLA went out from Kosovo to
attack the region of Presevo in Central Serbia. Worse: the
infiltration occurred from the US occupation zone in Kosovo.
2. Washington and the NATO pretend today "to try to stop the flux
of weapons and fighters towards southern Serbia and
But anybody who goes to Kosovo can observe roadblocks and check-
points of the KFOR every five kilometers. But the same KFOR is
working with interprets and other collaborators coming from the
KLA, which besides was transformed by KFOR into the very official
'Kosovo Protection Corps'. So, the ones who don't look for the
weapons of the KLA will not find them. Moreover, the major Jim
Marshall, spokesman of the US KFOR, declared on March, 6: "We
have identified between 75 and 150 rebels in Tanusevci
(Macedonia), we saw them enter and go out from Kosovo, and get
rid of their equipments and weapons before to cross the border."
A little stupid question: what did prevent you to arrest them?
45,000 NATO soldiers are occupying Kosovo and can not arrest 150
terrorists? Can not or don't want to?
On March, 11, in the British newspaper Observer, several European
high officers of KFOR and also several Macedonian officials
accused explicitly the CIA to have encouraged the KLA to start
its summer offensive in the South of Serbia in order to undermine
the former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic. Today, who
could guarantee that these encouragements have stopped?

5. Will the KLA start a new war ?

What will happen?
The current fights around Tanusevce could well be the prelude of
more important clashes. For example, to take control of Tetovo,
five kilometers away from the Kosovo border. In any case, one
thing is clear: the KLA, which lost the elections last year, -
because the large majority of the Albanians in Kosovo don't want
to live in a permanent state of war - can only regain ground by
using violence. Including in Macedonia where it pretends to
defend the rights of the Albanian minority, but one often forgets
to remind that, for years, every government of this country has
been made of a coalition with Albanian parties. To take power,
and thus increase the range of its maffia - like traffics,
necessitates war. The tactics of the KLA is thus clear: to cause
an escalation by provoking the Macedonian and the Yugoslavian
armies. Hoping that the later will attack Albanian civilians as
was done by some Serbian forces during the first days of the NATO
That will allow to reach two goals:
1. To internationalise the conflict (we will come back to it
2. To enrol new recruits in an Albanian youth which has been
fanatised by nationalism. In spite of the development of many
little traffics more or less legal, the Albanian community of
Macedonia has an unemployment rate of 60%; it is a potential
where to recruit.
To get this escalation, the KLA will probably use again a method
which has already been put in practice. As a French observer of
the OSCE explained it in Kosovo in 1998: "Inside the OSCE,
everybody knew that NATO, in particular the US, didn't want our
mission (of pacification) to succeed. The massacres have been
encouraged to justify a military intervention.
One day we got a message. We were told that Albanian fighters had
been trained by American instructors. They were explained that it
was more strategic to kill Serbian policemen to provoke important
retaliations against the Albanian community." (11) As in Bosnia
and in Kosovo there can be some time before that this tactics
ends up in more important clashes. An important step would be
done by provoking the equivalent of the 'Racak massacre'. In
January 99, in this village of Kosovo that it had fortified, the
KLA had provoked, and lost, a fight between the two armies. But
it made believe that the victims were civilians coldly massacred
by the Yugoslav army. With the help of the CIA, one made believe
this media-lie in the international media and this allow to
condition the Western public opinion to make it accept a war
decided for a long time by the US. Each war of today is preceded
by such a big media-lie, with shocking pictures.

6. What are the US really looking for?

But to do again the 'Racak trick' would necessitate a complicity
of the US to lead the Western media. If this would happen, that
would certainly be the sign that the US superpower would be
preparing a new intervention.
One can oppose two objections to this hypothesis: First the US
are qualifying today the KLA as 'extremist forces' and condemn
their actions, at least in words. Answer: at the beginning of 98
also, they qualified the KLA as 'terrorists', as we have seen,
but that didn't prevent them to support unconditionally the KLA a
few months later. If there is one principle to remember in the
action of the US for ten years, it is that there are no
principles! One can also ask why would the US intervene although
they seem to control the region and have installed there their
military bases ? Of course one doesn't know yet all the aspects
of their current tactics. It may be that behind the scene they
push the KLA to create again some tension in order to help the US
troops to occupy the whole region. As soon as the first incidents
in the Presevo valley occurred, Washington had generously
proposed to station US troops in Serbia proper. One must also
remind that during the so-called 'negotiations' in Rambouillet
before the war, Madeleine Albright had required that NATO will be
allowed to occupy militarily the whole Yugoslavia. It may also be
that new Bush administration has not yet decided which is the
best tactic to protect the US interests in the Balkans, that it
prefers to play for some time with both sides and that the tactic
of the KLA was precisely to force it to take a decision or to act
quicker. In both cases, one thing is sure: the US are not there
to defend peace or protect any people of the Balkans. They are
there to reign. And to reign you have to divide, as we know,
and to divide the best solution is a war, or at least a so-called
'low intensity' war, a situation of 'neither war nor peace' with
irregular clashes.
Isn't it the best way to justify the installation of US military
bases in the Balkans ? Of course, the candidate George Bush had
said that he wanted to move the US troops out of Kosovo. But the
president George Bush rapidly forgot these electoral promises.
Lets remind that in 1995 the candidate Bill Clinton had promised
that the US troops would have left Bosnia by Christmas.
Immediately afterwards, the commander of the UN troops in Bosnia,
the general MacKenzie, answered to a parliamentary commission:
"If I were you, I'd start training your grandchildren as Bosnia
peacekeepers." (12)
Wether it wants to force Bush to intervene or acts in
collaboration with him, the goal of the KLA is in any case to
internationalise again the conflict, as did the Muslims of
Izetbegovic in Bosnia from 1992 and the KLA itself in Kosovo in
1998. By attacking almost at the same time Macedonia and the
South of Serbia, by denouncing in racist terms any Slav presence
on their territories, the leaders of the KLA aim at provoking a
reaction of Macedonia and Yugoslavia, but also of Greece, close
to the Serbs. And, as an indirect result, a retaliation of their
own allies: Albania and Turkey. That is an internationalisation
of the conflict which would force Washington to choose between
its allies and, as the KLA hopes, to definitely choose the
Albanian side.

7. Will Washington still be able to play on both sides?

To understand the situation of the US, it is important to
understand that they systematically play on several sides at the
same time. To support and to manipulate discretely two
adversaries - and even train them militarily - does not embarrass
them at all.
For example, we can read in the British Daily Telegraph of March 3:
"The private company of security which is the most appreciated by
the US government has trained both sides of the last ethnic
conflict in the Balkans. Only two years ago the Albanian rebels
of Kosovo were trained by the society 'Military Professional
Resources' based in Virginia... One of the recent task of this
society was the training of the Macedonian army which is now
shooting on the Albanian guerrilla."
One should not underestimate the role in the US military system
of the private companies and militia, led by former high
officers. Already in Bosnia, they had trained and led the Muslim
militia of the president Izetbegovic before that the US could
openly intervene. And in Croatia they helped the president
Tudjman to realise the bloody ethnic cleansing of the Serbian
Krajina in august 95 (13). History repeats itself.
Having played in several sides, the US can be for a moment in a
difficult situation. From one side, they continue to use the KLA
to get more concessions from Serbia: the complete privatisation
and the elimination of the main opposition party, the SPS (by
sending its president Milosevic to the Court of the Hague). But
on the other hand, if they let the KLA going too far, they will
have troubles with precious allies:
1. The Macedonian government
2. Greece (also threatened by the demands of the KLA)
3. The Yugoslav president Kostunica.
The Macedonian government has not much autonomy and one says that
Washington could impose it what it wants, including a federal
state, prelude to a splitting. Moreover, the Macedonian leaders
are very weakened by various scandals, which have revealed their
links with the US. The left opposition claims to be more
independent, but its main candidate was put aside by terror
during the last elections. Macedonia, a too weak and unstable
ally for Washington ?
On the other hand, the Greek leaders are important pawns in the
NATO strategy of Washington. But the Greek people is strongly
against NATO, the influence of the communist party is important
and very recently one third of the Greek soldiers have required
and obtained to be moved out from Kosovo to escape the dangers of
depleted uranium.
Finally by playing too openly with the card of the KLA, the US
would strongly endangered the president Kostunica, who was
elected with an ambiguous profile - anti-NATO and pro-West - and
who can not present to his opinion any positive result about
Kosovo, to the contrary. To allow him to make come again some
Yugoslav troops to watch the border is maybe a small concession
to give some more credit to Kostunica and to somehow balance the
two 'friends' of the US. But the reason can also be simply to
avoid that US soldiers would be in first line and risk to come
back to the US in body-bags, which is always embarrassing for the
US opinion. And, in a more machiavellian way, that would start
again clashes between Serbs and Albanians.
What if Washington drops the KLA and reverses its alliance? Then
it could be that its German 'ally' -but also rival- supports
again secretly the KLA as it did at the beginning 98 (14). Which
also explains that the KLA has interest to make even more
provocations. The rivalry between Western great powers is thus
another factor which increases the risks of war.
Many European politicians had already accused the US to be guilty
of having uselessly prolonged the war in Bosnia in order to
eliminate their German competitor which had got a too good
position. (15) Reverse the alliance? One has already seen
everything in this respect from the US, for example between Iran,
Iraq and Syria. But their goal is to establish in the Balkans a
'plane-carrier' state, like Israel in the Middle-East. For this,
an obvious choice is still an Albanian state which would owe
everything to Washington. However, the European powers refuse a
change of the borders in the Balkans. This would cause new wars
and destabilise the projects of 'corridors' described above.
One thing is sure: the intervention of NATO for some hidden
interests didn't bring and will not bring peace.

8. Do they really ask themselves if they have created a monster?

It is again in The Guardian that one could read, on March 12, a
surprising question: 'Did we create a monster ?'.
Their special correspondent in Pristina reports:
"The West is stunned. Balkan nightmares were supposed to have
ended with the fall of Slobodan Milosevic. But now Albanian
nationalist militants are stirring ethnic rivalries in a quest
for a greater Kosovo. The liberated victims have become the
villains. In Washington and London, and in the offices of NATO
and UN in Pristina, a question is dominating: did we create a
The correspondent of the Guardian led a quite vast investigation
with the staff of UN and KFOR and concludes:
"The failure of KFOR to disarm the KLA, protect the Serb minority
and build a multi-ethnic society has created a climate in which
extremists flourish. For almost a year it ignored intellectuals
who urged a crackdown on KLA members who seized assets and set up
criminal networks. "Now it's too late, the moderates won the
election, but those who smuggle and run the rackets have the real
power," one officer serving there admits."
Disastrous result, and one understands that the former governor
of Kosovo, Bernard Kouchner, had quickly left the ship before
that his self-satisfied TV statements have been refuted. Because
what The Guardian reports is true.
I was myself in Kosovo last December to make there a documentary
movie "The damned of Kosovo" (which will be ready next May). I
discovered there a hell for the Serbs and all non - Albanian
minorities. Most of them have been expelled from Kosovo: ethnic
cleansing. The ones who have stayed live in terror. To speak its
own language in public constitutes a mortal danger. Also to go on
highways in non-Serbian zones. But the terror strikes also a
number of Albanians. KLA maffiosi kill Albanians also. To take
houses, companies or women. And many of the Albanian with who I
was talking, predicted a civil war - between Albanians - in two
or three years time.
Quickly The Guardian mentions the theory of 'the mistake': The
West would 'have misunderstood the danger of Albanian
Of which 'West' are we talking here? If it is the public, it is
indeed true that it didn't understand because one hided to it
carefully the truth. When some analysts explained that the
program of the KLA was the ethnic cleansing, they were almost
excluded of the media or even considered as evils. But if one
speaks about the leaders of this 'West' - the White House, Tony
Blair, Solana and Robertson, the CIA - they knew of course for a
long time because their own reports considered the KLA as
In Kosovo, we have also seen that one has to distinguish between
a number of honest Western aid workers and militaries, and their
high-level officials. The former went to Kosovo with prejudices
but also with good will. The later have
been sent to Kosovo to hide this truth, to hide the secret goals
of the US and their allies and to lie. It is certainly in the
first category that one must put Eric Torch, a UN aid worker
cited by The Guardian:
"Albanians trace their lineage to the Illyrans who controlled the
territory in the 11th century BC. Underground schools during
Milosevic's rule inculcated ethnic hatred into generations."
Yes, you have read correctly: 'during Milosevic's rule'. This
confirms what have said some unconventional analysts: these
parallel Albanian schools, organized by the party of Rugova and
financed by the US taught racist anti-Serbian conceptions. It was
wrong to say that the responsibility of the conflict was entirely
on the side of the Serbs. Pushed by the US, the Albanian leaders
of Kosovo refused to negotiate seriously, they wanted only
independence and taught the hatred to achieve it.

9. Which role will play the rivalry US -EU?

One can not understand the attitude of the US in these events
without replacing it in the context of their world strategy. One
of the key-men of the new Bush administration is called
In our book Liar's Poker we made comments about his shock-report
of March 92:
"The status of unique super-power of the US must be preserved by
a constructive behaviour and a sufficient military force to
dissuade any nation or group of nations to challenge the
supremacy of the US. We must act in order to prevent the
appearance of a security system exclusively European which could
destabilise NATO" (16).
The US military budget began to blow up under Clinton and this
will continue under Bush. Three potential rivals at more or less
long term are today the potential targets of this dangerous
strategy: the European Union, Russia, China. The embassy of the
later was bombed as a warning. It is considered by the CIA as
risking to overtake around 2015-2030 the power of the US.
Concerning Russia, the new US State secretary, Colin Powell,
declared that the objections of Moscow would not prevent the
expansion of NATO to the East or the militarisation of space by
the so-called 'anti-missiles shield' (NMD). His colleague
Condoleezza Rice declared that she sincerely "believes that
Russia is a threat for the West" (17). And the Defence secretary
Rumsfeld attacked Russia for "its 'active proliferation of
missiles' to countries like Iran, Korea or India". (18)
Concerning Europe, Rumsfeld warned against any autonomous
European intervention force which would perturb the transatlantic
relation during the conference of Munich about global safety,
beginning of February. Answer of the German minister Joskha
Fisher: the new Bush administration wants to restart a new arms
race. His colleague Scharping expressed sympathy for the Russian
views about NMD. Germany has, like France, condemned the US
bombings against Iraq. Moreover, the ambition of the US to
dictate their will to the whole world is currently braked by
several points of resistance that they don't succeed to
eliminate. Iraq still resists, as well as the Palestinians. The
US intervention in Colombia could transform itself into a new
Vietnam. The communist guerrilla in Nepal worries the American
experts. Some of them think that it is time to find a solution in
the Balkans and to focus on other operations. All this on a
background of growing commercial rivalries and crisis which could
only worsen the tension USA-Europe.
The game that these powers are playing in the Balkans for ten
years, each of them trying to get the biggest part of the cake,
this game will continue to cause damages to the peoples of the
region. When the elephants fight each other, it is the grass
which is smashed. And after all the gifts that the US have given
to reward the terrorism of the KLA, one can expect that this
example will be contagious for some fractions of the Albanian
community in Macedonia and Montenegro or for other secessionist
movements in the world. One will use provocations and terrorism
to try to present oneself as 'victims'. The mistrust between US
and Europe about Kosovo increased when the candidate Bush
threatened to move out the US troops from the Balkans, letting
the Europeans alone in what one is forced to call a mess. Since
then, many European officials criticize -privately- the support
of the US to the terrorists of KLA.
An expert of the French Institute of International Relations
(IFRI) has just declared:
"The Dayton process is dead. The whole system needs to be
renegotiated. But no-one wants to open the Pandora's box by
calling it into question, risking poisoning the situation on the
ground. If for example, the Kosovo Albanians were appeased with a
state of their own, it would trigger a domino effect that would
see Serbia's junior partner in the rump Yugoslavia, Montenegro,
as well as Bosnian Serbs and Bosnian Croats all renewing their
own independence claims. For some time it appeared the Americans
were prepared to look at changing borders. I think that cannot
happen now, and if they did try it they would be opposed by
Europe." (19)

What will be the outcome?
In fact, Bush has four options:
1. to redraw his troops. That would have strongly embarrassed the
Europeans. It is now not possible anymore, especially with the
depleted uranium scandal.
2. to reverse the alliance and to support the Serbia of
Kostunica. But the US troops could become the targets of the KLA.
And one is not sure that Serbia will be a reliable partner for
the long term. The spirit of popular resistance is still alive
3. to support both sides by using a strategy of tension.
4. to maintain the support to the KLA to create an Albanian
'Israel-like' state while hiding its game as long as possible.

No one of the options is moral, we have seen that this criteria
is never relevant. But to realize their strategic long-term
goals, the US can well resort to changing and contradictory
For now a combination of the options 3 and 4 seems the most
likely to us. But maybe the US have not decided yet and they are
waiting to see the most favourable according to the reactions of
their 'friends'?
In any case, the tactics being changing, some docile media would
have some trouble to explain to the peoples that the good guys
are not good anymore and that the bad guys are on the other side.
Let's hope that these troubles will cause a deep reflexion. If
one doesn't understand the economic interests at stake, and
first, the ones of the multinationals looking for new markets,
working forces and raw materials, it is impossible to understand
all these wars.

10. Is Kostunica in a trap ?

The president Kostunica has been elected by defending an
ambiguous position: on one hand, he denounces the war of NATO,
the occupation of Kosovo and the interference of the US; on the
other hand, he promises the reconciliation with this very same
West and an economic improvement thanks to Western aid.
Till now the least one can say is that he wasn't rewarded
concerning Kosovo. On March 6, he declared:
"The representatives of the international community in Kosovo are
facing failure, because they did not provide stability and peace,
and the crisis spilled over into Macedonia. Kfor is dealing with
its own security, and not with the security of those because of
whom it is here." (20)
Kostunica also accused KFOR of "stimulating instead of curbing
the aspirations of a Greater Albania. KFOR is abandoning
protection of the border and is inviting our army to be in the
crossfire" (21) He also expressed hope that the policy of the new
U.S. administration would be marked by "a high level of non-
interference in the problems of other states". (22)
The paradox is that two days after having warned so clearly
against NATO and the interference of the US , the same Kostunica
added that "he did not rule out Yugoslavia becoming a formal
alliance partner one day."(23) A NATO which is however the most
obvious tool of the interference spirit of the US!
In the same declaration, the Yugoslav president declared himself
"When I came to office, I did not expect the situation in the
country to be quite so difficult; it is discouraging," citing
security and constitutional problems as well as 40 percent
unemployment and 800,000 refugees. Surprising declaration as the
800,000 refugees (expelled from Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo) are
living in Serbia for years. Concerning the unemployed, did he
lead his electoral campaign by ignoring that the Western embargo
and the state of the economy had such consequences? And by not
reading the program of the economists of his own electoral
coalition which foresaw privatisations and massive dismissals ?

How to interpret these contradictory statements?
In fact, as expected, the material situation of the Serbian
population has still worsened with the Djindjic government. If
the salaries of the university professors have been doubled, the
ones of the workers have only increased by 25% to 50%, and it is
completely insufficient to face the huge increases of the prices.
The cubic meter of gas has gone from three up to twelve dinars,
the kilo of sausages from 150 up to 300 dinars, the electricity
bill of a household has increased from 150 or 200 dinars a month
to 500 dinars! The electricity company of Belgrade indicates that
130,000 households of the city have a very important debt: more
than 30,000 dinars! And the price of petrol also increases, all
the more that the new government took control of all the oil
sector in order to eliminate the black market of petrol (cheaper).
As expected, the honeymoon didn't last. If the president
Kostunica is not considered as personally responsible for all
this, the rate of discontent towards the new government of Zoran
Djindjic on the other hand has already gone up to 60%: "He
doesn't do anything for the people. Even during the war, we had
always had electricity, but with the 'great democracy', the cuts
last for four hours during the day, three hours at night" is it
told everywhere. And many judge that elections are unavoidable in
12 or 18 months time. The heterogeneous coalition of 18 parties
should split quite soon. It is why one must dismiss Milosevic and
eliminate the risk of a come back of the socialist party, even if
this party has not yet gone up in the polls.

Which evolution is to foresee inside Yugoslavia?
The professors that are not from the universities are on a
prolonged strike. Many strikes occur also in the industry, only
broken by threats of collective dismissals. This didn't prevent
the new left trade-union 'Solidarity' to get at the car factory
Zastava an additional increase of salary of 25%. On the other
hand, the minority trade-union of government tendency had refused
to join the strike. 'Solidarity' has announced the publication of
a monthly newspaper and the next months should see it increasing
its influence.
Did Kostunica fall in a trap of the West? Was he expecting to get
more support in the question of Kosovo and for the economy?
Till now he just got alms and the US make the other credits
depend on the extradition of Milosevic. What Kostunica can not do
otherwise he would contradict himself and commit a political
suicide. Thus, the US finance a new campaign of OTPOR to
criminalize Milosevic. The US, which, for fifty years, have
supported, financed and armed all the far-right and military
dictatorships in the world, these US which have protected the
crimes of Pinochet, Mobutu, Franco, Salazar, the Greek colonels
and the Turkish fascist generals, these US pretend to judge just
one former head of state, precisely one who has resisted to them?
The US deserve the Oscar of hypocrisy.

11. Perspectives.

In a world marked by a looming economic crisis, by an increase
of the wars and a frightening increase of the military budgets,
it is important to fully draw the lessons of Kosovo and of the
current situation.
1. There are no 'humanitarian' wars, only economic and strategic
2. The US and NATO are not searching to solve the problems but to
dominate the world. Thus they create or excite the problems when
it is useful for them
3. The military intervention against Yugoslavia and in favour of
the KLA has worsened everything.
4. It is not 'by mistake' that Washington supported the KLA, but
consciously. It is urgent to reinforce or to recreate a powerful
peace movement on a grass-root level. The only way to get there
is to work with patience in establishing the dialog between the
peoples, who are all victims of this strategy of 'dividing to
conquer'. And for this, to debate of the results of this war and
of the real strategies of the great powers is the fundamental
The struggle for peace begins with a lucid analysis.

12th of March 2001


(1) Michel Collon, Monopoly - L'Otan � la Conqu�te du monde, EPO,
march 2000, p. 96. (English edition prepared)
(2) The Guardian, February 15, 2001.
(3) Idem.
(4) Idem.
(5) AFP-Skopje, March 6, 2001.
(6) Washington Post, April 28, 1999.
(7) Pittsburgh Gazette, March 11, 2001.
(8) Time, 8 mars 2001
(9) Both cited in Kan Anders-Vredeskoerier (Holland), march 2001.
(10) Declaration of Robertson (NATO), AP, March 6.
(11) L'Humanit�, November 18, 1999
(12) Pittsburgh Gazette, March 11, 2001
(13) Michel Collon, Poker menteur, EPO, 1998, p. 191. (Soon
published in English version)
(14) See Monopoly, pp. 70-71.
(15) The European mediator in Bosnia, David Owen, cited in Michel
Collon, Poker menteur, EPO, 1998, p. 182.
(16) Michel Collon, Poker menteur, p. 116.
(17) Le Figaro, February 10, 2001.
(18) PBS, February 14, 2001.
(19) AFP - Paris, March 8, 2001.
(20) BBC, March 6.
(21) Reuters - Skopje, March 8, 2001.
(22) BBC, March 6.
(23) Reuters - London, March 8, 2001



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tribunale clark wrote:
> (ANSA) - ROMA, 21 MAR - L'indagine sull'uranio impoverito svolta dalla
> commissione Mandelli ''non ha alcuna validita', deve essere ritirata e
> rifatta daccapo con nuovi criteri''. A sostenerlo sono l'Anavafaf,
> associazione familiari vittime arruolate nelle forze armate, e il Tribunale
> Clark, che da anni si batte per il rispetto dei diritti civili.
> ''Il rapporto - ha detto il presidente dell'Anavafaf, Falco Accame, nel
> corso di una conferenza stampa - e' basato su falsi dati di partenza. Per
> fare un esempio: sono stati presi in considerazione i militari che sono
> stati in Albania, dove l'uranio non e' stato usato, e non quelli in Somalia,
> dove invece e' stato usato. Bisognava fare l'esatto contrario''.
> Altre critiche da Giorgio Cortellessa, fisico che guida la contro
> commissione di esperti nominata dal Tribunale Clark. ''Il confronto
> sull'incidenza dei tumori con la popolazione civile - ha spiegato - e' stato
> fatto in maniera scorretta. Ci si e' basati sui registri dei tumori del
> Nord, dove l'incidenza di queste malattie e' molto piu' alta che nel resto
> del Paese. La maggior parte dei militari italiani impiegati nelle missioni,
> invece, proviene dal Sud. Insomma, i numeri contenuti nell'indagine non
> hanno diritto di cittadinanza nella comunita' scientifica. Questo malessere,
> peraltro, serpeggia nelle pieghe del rapporto''.
> Alla conferenza stampa ha partecipato anche Giambattista Marica, reduce
> della Somalia che e' riuscito a guarire da un linfoma di Hodgkin: ''Il mio
> caso - ha detto - non e' stato preso in considerazione dalla commissione
> perche' dicono che allora l'uranio non fu usato. Ma chi mi garantisce che
> sia andata davvero cosi' ''


Il testo che segue e' apparso su "Il Manifesto" del 15 Marzo 2001

Cinque storie impoverite

Effetti dell'uranio Il veterano inglese e quello francese,
il volontario fiammingo e lo spagnolo, il serbo. Seduti a
un tavolo raccontano vite distrutte dalla stessa "sindrome"

La Coalizione per l'Abolizione delle Armi ad Uranio
Impoverito ha riunito il 3 marzo scorso intorno ad un
tavolo membri di associazioni di pacifisti, associazioni
contro le armi nucleari, fondazioni e soprattutto
associazioni di veterani colpiti dalla "Sindrome"
provenienti da Francia, Inghilterra, Olanda, Germania,
Stati uniti, oltre ad esperti e medici da Iraq, Bosnia e
Jugoslavia. Un incontro internazionale sugli effetti
dell'uranio impoverito e non solo, che è stato seguito
anche da "funzionari" della Nato.
Sconvolgente il distacco di questi uomini, il loro sguardo.
Apparentemente presenti ma già in un'altra dimensione,
quella della morte dentro di loro. Consci del letale
meccanismo a tempo insinuato nei loro corpi, impiegano le
loro energie per aiutare altri, contaminati in circostanze
similari, e vittime dell'isolamento da parte degli enti

Ray Bristow, veterano britannico del Golfo, ha 43 anni,
sposato con 3 figli. E' affetto da una sindrome di
stanchezza che lo obbliga alla sedia a rotelle. Nel 1990
correva la Maratona di Londra, doveva avere il fisico del
bevitore di birra, oggi è abbandonato sulla sedia come una
bambola rotta, non coordina bene i movimenti e la parola e,
come egli stesso dice con ironia, il suo cervello funziona
come un computer con il virus. Nel dicembre 1990 viene
richiamato come riservista, operava nel settore medico come
tecnico. Nel gennaio 1991 è in Iraq. Secondo il programma
di vaccinazioni riceve 23 iniezioni, in breve tempo, contro
peste, colera, tosse canina (due volte) e antrax fra
l'altro, e due con etichetta biologica. Probabilmente anche
una droga in prova contro l'Aids. All'inizio dei
bombardamenti sente spesso suonare i detector chimici e con
l'attacco via terra arrivano nelle retrovie i feriti, fra i
quali molti iracheni. Avevano strane bruciature e nel
togliere loro gli abiti si formava nell'infermeria
un'atmosfera di sabbia impalpabile. Durante quel periodo
dovevano prendere due pillole ogni 8 ore, contro
l'avvelenamento chimico. Mentre si trovava presso un
deposito Usa - ricorda - suonano i detector chimici, nulla
succede, ma, per i due giorni seguenti, tutti i militari
presenti soffrono di una specie di influenza che sparirà di
colpo. Al termine delle operazioni di guerra, il suo
gruppo, nel prepararsi alla partenza, riceve l'ordine di
bruciare un notevole quantitativo di medicinali ed
equipaggiamento medico. Viene avanzata la proposta di
donare agli ospedali civili il materiale intatto. Risposta
negativa. Suggeriscono di metterlo in scatole e rimandarlo
a casa. Negazione definitiva. Il materiale viene bruciato e
le ceneri seppellite. Commenta Bristow: probabilmente era
contaminato, non ci sono conferme ufficiali sull'uso di
armi chimiche, ma sono state usate.
Rientra in Inghilterra il 15 marzo 1991. Dopo due anni,
inizia ad avere problemi di memoria, disturbi di vista,
vuoti improvvisi, impossibilità di concentrazione al punto
che nel 1996 non può più lavorare. Gli trovano un fegato
allargato, un test IQ rivela un problema organico simile ad
un uomo in avanzato stato di malattia di Alzhaimer.
Progressivamente iniziano dolori ai muscoli e ai tendini,
una spossatezza progressiva che lo obbliga alla sedia a
rotelle. Deve bere 8 litri di acqua al giorno per lavare le
reni da tutte le pillole che deve assumere per tenere a
bada i dolori. Oggi si sente abbastanza bene, ma sa di
essere sul ruolino della morte. Il suo desiderio -dice - è
di essere seppellito in una fossa comune con il milione di
iracheni colpiti dalla Sindrome del Golfo, i centomila
della Bosnia e quelli della Jugoslavia. E' stato in Iraq
due anni fa e ha promesso di fare del suo meglio per
aiutare la popolazione. Ha fondato un'associazione di
veterani del Golfo (National Gulf Veterans and Families)
per aiutare coloro che affrontano il male in una solitudine
sociale - i sintomi sono misconosciuti -e per lottare
contro l'indifferenza del governo e dell'esercito. Bristow
racconta che 9000 degli iscritti soffrono degli stessi
prodromi, ogni anno alcuni muoiono, secondo lui quanto
hanno provocato gli Usa in Iraq, in Bosnia, più
recentemente in Jugoslavia, è paragonabile ai campi di
sterminio nazisti.

Hervé Deslat, veterano francese del Golfo, ha 30 anni, è
sposato con una bambina. Alto, robusto, era molto sportivo.
All'epoca della guerra dell'Alleanza aveva 19 anni ed era
volontario da due. Ha fondato con la giornalista Christine
Abdelkrim-Delanne, autrice di "La sporca guerra pulita",
un'associazione di veterani (Association de defense
Avigolf). Faceva parte dell'esercito di terra in
artiglieria: un gruppo di trenta soldati addetti ai missili
antiaerei, Desplat era a capo di un sottogruppo di cinque
uomini che girava in camion con 6 missili Mistral ed
operava al confine con l'Arabia saudita. Durante la fase
delle operazioni aeree erano sottoposti a continui
allenamenti anti guerra chimica, durante i quali dovevano
indossare tute e maschere. Gli allenamenti si ripetevano
con tale frequenza da dubitare si trattasse di allarmi
reali. Il suo gruppo era dotato di detector chimici, spesso
iniziavano a suonare, ma gli ufficiali assicuravano che non
c'era nulla da temere. Al termine delle operazioni di
guerra, Desplat passando per una base americana, vede
uomini in tute anti-contaminazione bruciare tutto, compresi
i carri armati. Un'altra volta, mentre tiene una postazione
nel deserto, un'inaspettata esplosione, davanti a lui,
produce una nuvola di fumo verde. Gli americani facevano
esplodere o bruciare tutto quanto era in superficie.
Specialisti in tute protettive si occupavano
dell'eliminazione. Mettevano le cariche e, dopo essersi
allontanati 3.000 metri, le facevano esplodere. I soldati
degli altri eserciti non venivano informati. Anche Desplat
aveva ricevuto un notevole numero di vaccini, erano
obbligati a prendere pillole anti sonno (generalmente non
autorizzate) e altre ignote che davano strani sintomi.
Durante l'attacco terrestre viene ordinato di prendere
pillole di physostignin contro agenti biologici.
Al ritorno in patria, Desplat per un intero anno soffre di
terribili incubi, depressione, credeva di impazzire. Nel
giugno '93, perde 20 chili di peso, ospedalizzato, gli
viene diagnosticata una grave forma di tubercolosi
polmonare. Trattato per un anno, ha perso il 60% di
capacità polmonare. E' considerato un lavoratore adulto
handicappato, ma senza pensione, sociale o militare. Sua
figlia, nata dopo la sua malattia, viene controllata
periodicamente. Desplat ritiene che nella guerra del Golfo
la combinazione di armi chimiche quali gas nervino
(sarin/cyclosarin/tabin), gas vescicante (mustard gas) e un
agente che agisce sul sangue, oltre al Du (depleted
uranium), siano le principali cause delle malattie che
affliggono la popolazione irachena, soprattutto i bambini.
Non sono esclusi test clandestini sui soldati attraverso
vaccini e medicinali sconosciuti. I numerosi bombardamenti
su Bassora e sulla centrale nucleare, a 40 chilometri da
Baghdad, avevano creato una nuvola gassosa che, secondo una
mappa meteorologica dell'epoca presso la sua fondazione, i
venti avrebbero spinto sugli eserciti dell'Alleanza.
Anch'egli desidera ritornare in Iraq per chiedere perdono
alla popolazione per quello a cui ha partecipato.
P. Furenkas, fiammingo, un omone con la barba, volontario
nei campi dei rifugiati in Croazia e Bosnia fin dal 1992.
All'epoca godeva ottima salute. Ritorna a Sarajevo nel '94
per accompagnare i convogli delle popolazioni in movimento.
Dopo un anno dal suo rientro a casa (1996) iniziano i primi
sintomi di stanchezza e vista sdoppiata. Peggiora
continuamente al punto di non poter più lavorare. I medici
non trovano indicazioni per una diagnosi e lo inviano da
psichiatri e psicologi. Credeva di impazzire, quando il
Sindacato Democratico ha preso la sua difesa e lo ha
aiutato. Molti suoi colleghi, reduci dai Balcani, soffrono
degli stessi sintomi.

Zelijko Samardic, guardia forestale nella Repubblica Srpka
di Bosnia, 33 anni, sposato con tre figli. Un uomo alto,
robusto, gran camminatore. Nel '95 si trovava nella foresta
a Bulozi, non lontano da Pale, quando un missile cade a
cinquanta metri da lui. Ben felice di essere vivo, nei
giorni seguenti controlla altre zone bombardate sulla
montagna e raccoglie un pezzetto della bomba che lo ha
mancato. Nel '97 iniziano i primi sintomi: doppia visione,
disordine di vista, ronzio nelle orecchie, perdita di
equilibrio e di memoria, grande stanchezza. Quando iniziano
forti dolori di stomaco ed emorragia, si rivolge ai medici
che diagnosticano un tumore maligno al colon e lo operano.
Da quel momento sarà obbligato a portare un sacchetto di
contenzione. Sei mesi dopo riprendono gli stessi sintomi
iniziali e la parte sinistra del corpo si paralizza
obbligandolo alla sedia a rotelle, i disturbi cessano
misteriosamente in 15 giorni e ritorna a camminare. Ancora
qualche tempo e iniziano gravi dolori alle mani, si
gonfiano, si storcono, i medici sono obbligati a tagliare
il mignolo sinistro in cancrena. In seguito é attaccato da
febbre alta, mal di testa e vomito, perdita di coscienza.
Gli diagnosticano un tumore maligno delle surrenali e viene
operato. A quel punto lo informano della contaminazione da
Oggi sta bene, ma non sa per quanto. Non può fare esaminare
il bambino, nato dopo la bomba, per mancanza di soldi. Non
lavora e lo stato non lo considera pensionabile, ma solo in
congedo per malattia. Nei boschi - racconta - le zone
colpite stanno morendo, sono spariti gli scoiattoli, la
flora ha subito un radicale cambiamento. Il suo gatto è
nato con sole tre zampe. Il professor Djordje Jovanovic,
che ha operato Samardzic, racconta che i suoi tumori erano
composti di tessuti cromosomicamente diversi e non
dipendenti l'uno dall'altro. Altri casi in Bosnia si sono
presentati con le stesse peculiarità. Il professore ritiene
che siano centinaia di migliaia le persone contaminate, le
bombe al Du lanciate sulle montagne intorno a Sarajevo e
sul Monte Igman a questo punto hanno raggiunto le falde
acquifere. La popolazione ignara non prende precauzioni, i
soldati della Sfor bevono solo acqua minerale. Il dottor
Dragutin Ilic, deputato e direttore del Fondo di salute, a
Banja Luka, aggiunge che mancano i mezzi pratici per fare
test alla popolazione, solo le malattie maligne sono
operate gratuitamente. In pratica possono solo contare le
vittime della sindrome dei Balcani.
La Coalizione belga aveva invitato anche dei medici
albanesi - sembra che casi sempre più numerosi si
verifichino anche in Kosovo - ma si sono mostrati reticenti
per paura di perdere il lavoro e per non dispiacere alla

Patricia Rodriguez è una studentessa spagnola, esile ed
intensa. Vuole fondare un'associazione di reduci dal Kosovo
in nome del suo compagno. Il giovane, rientrato dal Kosovo
nel settembre 2000, inizia a sentirsi molto stanco,
sviluppa una febbre molto alta, gli viene diagnosticata una
doppia polmonite. I medici militari trovano che è affetto
da grave anemia, infine da leucemia. Cinque giorni dopo é
in coma, il 4 ottobre muore. Un altro compagno della stessa
unità è affetto da linfoma. Sembra che ci siano altri 50
casi nello stesso corpo. Le autorità militari spagnole
avevano deciso di fare test a tutti i soldati reduci dalla
Jugoslavia, ma si sono fermate a 5.000 e rifiutano di
pubblicare i risultati.
Un medico iracheno ha posto l'accento sull'ipotesi che nel
'91 la guerra fosse anche chimica e batteriologica, lo
proverebbero i cadaveri nel deserto evitati dalle mosche.
Il sud dell'Iraq e la zona di Bassora sono pesantemente
contaminate. Nessuno compra prodotti di quella zona. Grave
è l'inquinamento dei pozzi anche a Baghdad. Si conta un
aumento dodici volte maggiore di cancri ai polmoni,
all'intestino, linfomi e leucemia. Il numero di bambini
infettati, con malattie della pelle da radiazione o con
insolite sindromi al fegato ai reni, cresce. Purtroppo
anche la percentuale di neonati focomelici o con terribili

Coalition por l'Abolition des Armes
à l'Uranium Appauvri - Bruxelles

National Gulf Veterans and Families - UK

Association de défense Avigolfe - France


Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti
dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
oggi "Comitato Promotore dell'Assemblea Antimperialista":
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
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Per te un conto corrente veramente GRATIS !
Ed in piu' 100.000 Lire di buono per la tua spesa con il Bancomat

un CLICK e...100.000 Lire saranno tue!

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Kosovo - The "Banality of Evil"
by Gilles d'Aymery
February 19, 2001


Macedonia Warns NATO of Possible Conflict on Border
With Kosovo
SKOPJE, Feb 21, 2001 -- (Agence France Presse)


Alberto Tarozzi wrote:

> ecco come si stanno mobilitando gli albanesi nei balcani per la campagna di
> primavera.
> alberto tarozzi e zivkica nedanovska.
> 2.TITOLO: Il numero delle vittime doppio.
> 3.INDICE: ///
> ss-index.phtmlmozete
> 6.DATA: 20.02.2001. Le Notizie del 19.02.2001.
> L'attacco sull'autobus dei Serbi nel villaggio Livadice vicino a Podujevo
> In Kosovo è
> l'indice chiaro alla comunità internazionale che i terroristi albanesi sono
> "i padroni
> della situazione sul terreno"- ha dichiarato il vicepresidente del Partito
> Democratico
> Serbo ( DSS), Marko Jaksic. "L'escalation spaventosa del terrorismo in
> Kosovo e
> Metohija ci dimostra che il KFOR e l'UNMK non sono in grado di proteggere i
> Serbi
> neanche di eliminare le bande terroristiche ".Secondo l'avviso di Jaksic"il
> numero
> delle vittime nell'attacco sul convoglio dei Serbi il 16 febbraio è doppio
> di quello
> che hanno pubblicato e fra le vittime ci sono anche i bambini"."Se si vuole
> , sul serio
> la pace in Kosovo, la comunità internazionale si deve scontrare con gli
> Albanesi".
> "Però, quello è poco probabile, perchè il comandante di KFOR, Carlo Cabigiosu
> ha dichiarato che il KFOR non ha l'intenzione di scontrarsi con gli
> Albanesi a causa
> dei Serbi".
> 2.TITOLO: Gli attacchi non cesseranno
> 3.INDICE: Nebojsa Pavkovic avverte il vertice jugoslavo:
> 6.DATA: 20.02.2001.
> Alla riunione del vertice jugoslavo e serbo, dedicata all'escalation della
> violenza al sud di Serbia e in Kosovo e Metohija, il capo dello Stato
> Maggiore, il generale Nebojsa Pavkovic, ha annunciato l'ecalation ulteriore
> della situazione che si rifletterà negli attacchi giornalieri fuori della
> zona di
> sicurezza.Secondo lui"gli attacchi saranno indirizzati alla polizia e
> all'esercito perchè l'ultimo
> attacco sul convoglio di civili ha provocato la condanna della pubblica
> opinione al mondo."
> Lui ha aggiunto che l'atteggiamento e le reazioni dei politici occidentali
> è differente dall'atteggiamento degli appartenenti di KFOR sul terreno.Loro
> tuttora "chiudono un occhio"
> quando si tratta dei terroristi albanesi i quali campi e basi sono
> letteralmente davanti agli occhi
> di KFOR, all'estremo est del Kosovo.
> Il generale Pavkovic in particolare ha preso in considerazione le
> conseguenze del ritiro dell'Esercito
> Jugoslavo dalla regione di Medvedje, Bujanovac e Presevo, come prevede il
> piano del vicepresidente del Governo serbo, Njebojsa Covic.
> "Con la partenza dell'Esercito jugoslavo da questo territorio, la
> situazione nella regione peggiorerà
> sia nel piano militare- strategico, sia nel piano psicologico perchè questo
> stimolerà lo sfollamento
> della popolazione serba di questi comuni"-dice la fonte di "Vesti"vicina
> allo Stato Maggiore jugoslavo.
> 1.FONTE: FrVesti.
> 2.TITOLO: L'offensiva degli Albanesi in primavera.
> 3.INDICE: l'Ex-ministro macedone degli Interni avverte.
> 6.DATA: 20.02.2001.
> L'ex ministro macedone degli Interni, Pavle Trajanov, afferma che in
> Macedonia esistono
> i campi per l'addestramento delle nuove unità dell'Esercito separatistico
> di Kosovo"OVK"
> per gli attacchi primaverili nel sud di Serbia e che le autorità macedone
> ne sanno."Nelle
> regioni di Skopje,Kumanovo e Tetovo esistono i campi dove si nascondono e
> dove si addestrano le nuove formazioni dellOVK che si stanno preparando per
> gli attacchi in primavera nel sud
> di Serbia"- ha dichiarato per il giornale "Vesti" di Skopje Pavle
> Trajanov.Lui ha precisato che
> nei villaggi Tanusevci, Malino,Brest, Lijane e Vakinci si raccolgono i
> membri dell'OVK,
> si nascondono e si preparano per l'attacco militare nel sud di Serbia.
> 1.FONTE: FrVesti.
> 2.TITOLO: La mobilitazione forzata.
> 3.INDICE: L'associazione di Goranci denuncia.
> 6.DATA: 20.02.2001.
> L'associazione nativa di Goranci ( il gruppo etnico che vive in 16 villaggi
> al confine di tre campi di
> Jugoslavia, Albania e Macedonia. Parla il serbo e ha la confessione
> musulmana ) ha avvertito
> ieri il pubblico che i suoi membri sono esposti a molte minacce degli
> estremisti albanesi e che il
> KFOR non ha intrapreso niente per proteggerli .L'associazione ha avviato
> l'appello alle forze
> Internazionali di pace in Kosovo per impedire quanto prima la mobilitazione
> forzata che l'OVK
> sta effettuando a Gora sui Goranci. Infine, dicono che gli estremisti
> albanesi minacciano con la
> morte ai Goranci che rifiutano di essere 'mobilitati'.


Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti
dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
oggi "Comitato Promotore dell'Assemblea Antimperialista":
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
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Sito WEB (non aggiornato):


Faccio riferimento alle parole che Mantovani mi disse alcuni anni fa,
in seguito ad una mia critica relativa a certi titoli del
quotidiano "Liberazione" sulla guerra in Bosnia : "Il titolo e' un po'
infelice, ma sai quali sono le posizioni del partito e puoi ritrovarle
nel contenuto dell’articolo..." Gia’ allora fui scettico e
risposi : "Ma in quanti vuoi che vadano a vedere il contenuto
dell’articolo, con tutta la propaganda continua e a senso unico che
devono sorbirsi da tutti i media: la gente si ferma al titolo e giudica
in base a quello".
Pochi giorni fa mi sono purtroppo dovuto ricordare di questo scambio di
battute. Su "Liberazione" del 17 febbraio scorso si leggeva il
titolo: "Mantovani, PRC : Il caso Telecom e’ plausibile". Il contenuto
svela chiaramente quali sono i referenti privilegiati da Mantovani e da
una parte del PRC, nelle problematiche jugoslave: "Quando nell’estate
del 1998 (prima dell’inizio del conflitto [per il Kosovo-Metohija]) mi
recai nuovamente a Belgrado e a Pristina (...) trovai sia gli esponenti
del Partito Socialista sia quelli della JUL, il partito della signora
Milosevic [sic! Mira Markovic : "Per i compagni sono compagna, per gli
altri ho un nome e cognome", dal libro-intervista "La risposta",
Edizioni Internazionali Beta, Roma 1998, che voi avete opportunamente
evitato di recensire su "Liberazione"...], molto freddi. Al contrario
ho trovato buona accoglienza da parte dei leader pacifisti kosovari
[vuol dire secessionisti pan-albanesi ?], Rugova in testa."

A parte il fatto che qui Mantovani dimentica di parlare dell’accoglienza
che gli riservarono i "combattenti" dell’UCK - ma come diamine puo’
a definire semplicisticamente "pacifisti" gli ambienti rugoviani,
legati da sempre all’Occidente attraverso Germania e Vaticano, quando
lo stesso Rugova ha ripetuto per l’ennesima volta a "Der Spiegel" lo
scorso dicembre che la indipendenza e' il suo obiettivo, aggiungendo
peraltro (come se non l’avessimo gia’ capito) che "La NATO e’ gia’ il
nostro esercito privato"?!? Dichiarazioni che ricalcano pari-pari
le precedenti, ad esempio quelle del '92 a "Danas" (Croazia), nelle
quali Rugova ha sempre sostenuto che quello di protettorato deve
essere uno status transitorio in vista delle unificazione della
Grande Albania. Avete pubblicato almeno queste ultime dichiarazioni
a "Der Spiegel" su "Liberazione"? Perche’ non ne traete mai nessuna

In tutto il resto dell’articolo di Mantovani e’ contraddittorio e
dimostra apparentemente scarsa conoscenza delle questioni, ad esempio
quando dice che la FIAT (Iveco) avrebbe fatto "il suo ingresso con
quote consistenti nelle imprese di quel paese", il che e’ semmai da
riferire ai decenni precedenti ma resta comunque inesatto.
Il recente "caso" della Telekom serba e’ chiaramente, a mio avviso, una
campagna tutta giocata a fini di politica interna italiana, con la
quale pero’ si cerca sempre di attribuire, in ultimo, le colpe peggiori
a Milosevic che avrebbe "finanziato la pulizia etnica", pulizia etnica
che e’ una invenzione, dal punto di vista storico. La RF di Jugoslavia
ha dovuto attuare una legittima repressione contro il movimento
secessionista e terrorista, movimento che tutti gli internazionalisti
ed i democratici avrebbero dovuto denunciare e combattere per il suo
carattere nazionalista e reazionario e per la sua funzione
disgregatrice nei confronti della Jugoslavia multinazionale, in questo
affiancato dagli altri secessionismi.
D’altronde anche nell’articolo a fianco, a firma Paola Pittei, si
dimostra chi sono gli interlocutori del PRC sulle questioni jugoslave :
Giulio Marcon, capofila di una delle tante ONG, istituzioni
paragovernative (altro che "non governative..."), maestrine di
democrazia ma con le mani in pasta nella gestione degli "aiuti"
(predestinati verso si-sa-chi) e della ricostruzione. Da ben prima dei
bombardamenti Marcon e altri come lui invocavano una
internazionalizzazione della questione del Kosovo-Metohija, adesso che
quello e’ diventato un protettorato co-gestito da NATO e mafia
nazionalista non sono ancora soddisfatti ?

Ivan per il Coordinamento Romano per la Jugoslavia
Roma, 23/2/2001


Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti
dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
oggi "Comitato Promotore dell'Assemblea Antimperialista":
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
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Sito WEB (non aggiornato):

> By Aleksandar Djaya
> From Belgrade, Special to Emperor's Clothes [2-21-2001]
> Translated by N. Malic
> It took the martyrdom of Serb civilians in a bus near Poduyevo ?
> protected by soldiers of the same countries that drove those Serbs out
> of Kosovo-Metohia [Kos-Met] ? to stop the Federal Parliament, at least
> temporarily, from passing the humiliating, Western-instigated Amnesty
> Act.
> Amnesty, or Amnesia?
> Earlier, in the Serbian Parliament, a DOS minister explained that "an
> act of mercy" made such a law necessary. Well mercy is a fine thing
> and perhaps some of the KLA prisoners deserve it. But there is the
> other side of the story....
> In the spring of 1999, NATO?s operation "Merciful Angel", the bombing
> of Yugoslavia, killed thousands of civilians and inflicted immense
> destruction. Today, this Merciful Angel issues ultimatums to the same
> Yugoslav political forces whose electoral campaign and subsequent
> government takeover it had financed. It demands DOS pass the Amnesty
> Act and release the "political prisoners."
> Who are these Kos-Met Political Prisoners? They were arrested for the
> murder of Yugoslav civilians, Serbian and Albanian, and of policemen
> and Yugoslav soldiers. What would these prisoners of conscience do
> upon their release? They would return to Kos-Met to be greeted as
> heroes by their terrorist associates. The next day they would take
> rifles and, as members of the "KLA" or "UCPMB" [which has invaded
> Serbia] again shoot or abduct and murder Serbian and uncooperative
> Albanian citizens or set up ambush massacres like the bus bombing near
> Poduyevo.
> Until that tragic event, the Yugoslav media mentioned little else but
> the Amnesty Act and the need to cooperate with the Hague Tribunal and
> possibly extradite our citizens to this New World Inquisition. As if
> there were no enterprises and factories, economy and industry,
> workers, civil servants, teachers or administrators. As if there were
> no people with ordinary, everyday lives, but only the visions in the
> brains of DOS leaders of some hypothetical "better future" ? dependent
> on the tender mercies of those who made our lives miserable for ten
> long years, only finally to bomb us with thousands of tons of their
> nuclear waste...
> Some facts are obvious to the blind. Nevertheless, the DOS-controlled
> media labors heroically to hide them.
> If the former government thought that controlling the state television
> and the largest publishing house in the Balkans (while allowing the
> existence of a hundred opposition TV stations throughout Serbia and a
> dozen opposition newspapers) would secure an easy electoral victory ?
> thus committing a major strategic blunder ? then DOS, still
> unnaturally calling itself the "opposition", is continuing in the
> footsteps of its predecessor. There is one important difference: the
> current government controls all the media. Through this captive media
> it continually attempts to convince itself and everyone else that it
> can fill the restless hearts and minds of Serbian citizens with
> optimism and their increasingly empty wallets with funds by doing two
> things:
> * First, constantly repeating the promise to arrest leaders of the
> previous government.
> * Second, submitting to all sorts of humiliating demands from the
> US and the West.
> If NATO, KFOR and the Hague are the true political reality, as the DOS
> leaders claim, how "real" are these leaders? Does this country have a
> president? Does it have a prime minister, parliament and government?
> Does it have citizens; indeed, does it have any "Reality" at all? Or
> are Serbia and Yugoslavia today only virtually real, a computer game
> run by DOS for the greater amusement of the New World Masters?
> Unfortunately, the events in Kosovo-Metohia and the south of Serbia
> transcend virtual-reality fiction. It is true that the new government
> cannot (yet) be held legally responsible for the tragedies in Kos-Met.
> (Though one should ask oneself why the latest and most monstrous
> attack by the terrorist "KLA" - the massacre of Serb civilians in a
> bus near Poduyevo ? happened to this government (and not the old one)
> though this government "cooperates" with the international community
> to a sometimes disgusting degree? Or how long will DOS continue to
> blame the current escalation of terrorism against Yugoslavia on
> someone else? Or at least wish it was the fault of someone else?
> Wishes are one thing; reality is something else. Ever since the
> victory of "democratic" forces in the federal and state elections,
> what has been the reality in southern Serbia?s Buyanovats, Preshevo
> and Medvedja counties?
> Albanian secessionist terrorists have fortified their positions
> including outside the so-called ground safety zone. With the help and
> protection of American KFOR troops, they have brought in heavy
> weaponry. In the "pauses" between attacks on our country?s sovereignty
> and its citizens, they engage in "combat target practice". The targets
> are our law enforcement agents and soldiers, forbidden from firing
> back until Washington gives its blessing. Meanwhile, our humiliated
> police respond to the hail of mortar fire from terrorist positions
> with "dignified restraint" from any response!
> Meanwhile, Albanian terrorists responded to the [DOS] peace plan for
> southern Serbia by bombing a bus, massacring Serb returnees in
> Kos-Met, near Poduyevo. And while the United States and NATO "support"
> the peace plan and pat the backs of DOS diplomats worldwide, the
> charred bodies of Serb policemen are being dragged out of their patrol
> car, which hit a mine near the village of Luchane, near Buyanovats.
> Nevertheless the most important issue for some of our leaders (not
> all, one must say with honesty) is still the extradition of the former
> Yugoslav President Slobodan Miloshevich to the Hague Tribunal!
> Was the Yugoslav Parliament really supposed to ratify the Amnesty
> (Amnesia) Act on that fateful day?
> The Washington-concocted scenario for crippling the Serbian state is
> in its essence so simple and logical (sinister, but logical
> nevertheless) that it can be ignored only by those who wish to do so.
> 1. The Amnesty Act would release all Albanian terrorists. Furthermore,
> it would halt prosecution of deserters and draft-dodgers, rendering
> any subsequent draft ineffective;
> 2. As stated in warnings from the West and as enforced by the threat
> of arrest by the Hague Tribunal, any Army commander or law enforcement
> agent in the field who shoots back at NATO's proxy terrorists could be
> labeled a "war criminal". The Army and police chain of command would
> be paralyzed;
> 3. Continued insistence on restraint would in effect support the
> deeper penetration of Albanian terrorists from Kos-Met into southern
> Serbia;
> 4. Conditioning financial aid to our country with the extradition of
> Yugoslav citizens to the Hague Inquisition would stimulate political
> conflict among the people (1) and if need be ? in order to definitely
> destroy Serbia and Yugoslavia ? incite a civil war. Afterwards,
> obviously, under appropriate resolutions of the UN Security Council
> and in order to protect civilians, their "human rights" and
> "democratic liberties", NATO would occupy all of Yugoslavia! (2)
> This State Department/CIA production isn't especially original.
> Nevertheless, it has worked to destroy many Latin American
> "banana-republics." Whether the thousand-year Serb state will founder
> and become a banana-republic at the dawn of the 21st century depends
> on all of us: those in power, as well as ? and even more ? those who
> elected them.
> Amnesty, or amnesia? You decide.
> Aleksandar Djaya was a columnist for the Yugoslav newspaper 'Borba'
> for two decades, until the Oct. 5th coup. He has written in several
> media and directed Theater in Belgrade.
> ***
> Further reading...
> 1) 'For Whom the Bell Tolls," by Jared Israel at
> Discusses the
> attitude of the current Yugoslav 'government' toward the Hague
> Tribunal.
> 2)'German Foreign Minister Calls for Permanent German Troop Occupation
> of Yugoslavia' at
> discusses the 'Associated Press' dispatch in which the German Foreign
> Minister argues that Germany should occupy Yugoslavia. Comments by
> Michel Chossudovsky.
> 3) Critics say the Hague Tribunal (also known as the International
> Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia or ICTY and also the War
> Crimes Tribunal...) - critics say it reminds them of the Inquisition.
> How very strange... See 'Learning from the Inquisition' by Dr. Kosta
> Cavoski at
> Send this article to a friend! [Does not work with all email
> programs...]
> Please Assist Yugoslav Journalists' Fund
> Emperor's Clothes is trying to assist a few families of Yugoslav
> journalists. These journalists are among the many journalists who have
> literally been thrown out of work when thugs took over all TV and
> radio stations and newspapers during and after the Oct. 5th coup.
> These attacks are part of the terror in 'democratic' Serbia. We are
> providing some financial help; we need to provide more.
> It's really a privilege to be able to help these brave men and women
> who are trying to report 'the other side' within Yugoslavia and,
> through Emperor's Clothes and other media, to the outside world.
> Meanwhile, our own operating costs have increased. (For instance,
> monthly fees for the superb news media search engine Lexis have more
> than doubled.)
> If you can make a contribution either to our general expenses or
> specifically to help the Journalists' Fund, please do. Any amount will
> help. To use our secure server, please go to
> (If you use the
> secure server and wish your contribution to go to the Journalists'
> Fund, please send us a note at emperors1000@...
> Or you can mail a check to Emperor's Clothes, P.O. Box 610-321,
> Newton, MA 02461-0321.
> Or call 617 916-1705 from 9-5, Eastern U.S. time and ask for Bob.
> Thanks very much!
> And please join our email list so we can keep you informed.
> [Emperor's Clothes]


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dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
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