
> P R I O R I T Y
> humanitarian needs of FR Yugoslavia
> Belgrade, June 2000
> P R I O R I T Y
> humanitarian needs of FR Yugoslavia
> 1. The consequences of years-long sanctions, their
> continuation in the form of the so-called outer wall of sanctions and
> unilateral sanctions of particular countries or groups of countries, as
> well as NATO aggression against FR Yugoslavia, have had serious economic
> and social consequences on our country's population, but also on refugees
> and internally displaced persons who have found shelter in it. The
> cumulative "direct and indirect" material damage inflicted by the sanctions
> and NATO bombardment for the 1992-2010 period amounts to US$ 250 billion.
> According to incomplete data, the damage inflicted by NATO bombardment
> amounts to over US$ 100 billion.
> The period of 79 days of bombardment has left grave consequences
> in the lives of the population. In NATO aggression, more than 2,000 people
> were killed, more than 6,000 were wounded, and many have become invalids
> forever. Three million children were directly threatened by non-selective
> bombing of housing communities. They account for 30 per cent of all killed
> and 40 per cent of all wounded persons.
> The material destruction of economic, transport and housing
> infrastructure, hospitals, health care institutions, school facilities, and
> especially the power utilities system, has brought about a grave
> humanitarian situation in the country. More than 200 towns and villages
> were systematically bombed. As a result of the bombing, 200-250,000 people
> have become jobless.
> Especially serious damages have been inflicted in the
> environmental field, with long-term consequences for the health of the
> population. A drastic example was the use of graphite bombs that caused the
> collapse in the electric power distribution system, leaving millions of
> households without electricity and water supply.
> 2. In view of the fact that the hardest hit by the bombing
> were income generating industries, namely, our traditional export
> capacities: raw materials, energy, food, FR Yugoslavia appeals for the
> expansion of the notion of humanitarian assistance, so that it may cover
> reconstruction and revitalization of infrastructure for the purpose of
> meeting the basic needs of the population. This implies priority
> restoration and reconstruction of damaged and destroyed railroads, roads,
> bridges, housing facilities, collective refugee centers, schools, health
> care institutions, heating plants and energy transmission systems, as well
> as the provision of direct assistance in energy sources. The difficult
> humanitarian situation cannot be overcome without a considerable assistance
> of international community, especially humanitarian organizations from the
> UN system, but also bilaterally, in the long run.
> At the same time, FR Yugoslavia is facing the hitherto unheard of
> political and other forms of pressure, under hypocritical pretext that this
> is being done in the interest of democratization and promotion of human
> rights. This particularly refers to the attempts to replace the current
> system of distribution of humanitarian assistance through UNHCR and state
> authorities with the provision of assistance through some international
> non-governmental organizations, which is unacceptable for us.
> 1. Refugees from Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina also share
> the fate of our population. FR Yugoslavia presently provides care to some
> 700,000 refugees, which makes our country the first by the number of
> refugees in Europe.
> The largest number of refugees (about 90%) have been accommodated
> with families and in private homes. Ten percent (10%) of refugees have been
> accommodated in 550 collective accommodation centers. The largest
> concentration of refugees is to be found in Vojvodina and the broader area
> of Belgrade.
> Most collective centers (former children's resorts, abandoned
> schools, territorial defense objects, workers' barracks, culture centers,
> cooperative centers and other abandoned facilities) do not have appropriate
> conditions and fall behind the basic hygienic-sanitary living standards.
> During the NATO aggression, serious damages were inflicted on a large
> number of collective centers, necessitating reconstruction and adaptation
> of the existing and opening of new collective centers. The adaptation of
> these facilities would require US$ 250-300 per person, which our country
> will not be able to provide on its own.
> At the same time, bearing in mind the difficult economic and
> social situation in the country, there is an obvious continuing pressure
> towards opening new collective accommodation centers. Namely, a growing
> number of refugees have been leaving the impoverished families and private
> accommodation and demand to be accommodated in collective centers. The
> largest amount of funds intended for accommodation of refugees originates
> from the republican and federal budgets. In the past eight years, FR
> Yugoslavia spent more than 5% of its GNP for covering costs of refugees -
> accommodation, food, clothing, footwear, health care and social welfare,
> and education. In the 1991-1999 period, US$ 10.5 billion were spent for
> these purposes. International humanitarian relief covers only 10 per cent
> of the overall refugee subsistence.
> The costs of providing care to refugees in collective centers
> (accommodation and food only) for 1999 amounted to about US$ 23 million, in
> which UNHCR accounted for US$ 9 million. For the year 2000, UNHCR has
> envisaged US$ 12 million for these purposes.
> Of the total number of the so-called old refugees, 200,000 are
> children under 18. It is necessary to provide funds for the costs of their
> stay in preschool institutions, as well as for their education in
> elementary and secondary schools. Also, considerable funds would need to be
> allocated for medical treatment of refugees, procurement of the necessary
> medicaments and orthopedic aids.
> Otherwise, for one month only, it is necessary to provide 1,252
> tons of foods and 275 tons of hygienic items for 950,000 people (refugees
> and internally displaced persons).
> 2. An almost negligible number of refugees have thus far
> returned to Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia due the failure to implement the
> Dayton Agreement (Annex 7) and the Agreement on Normalization of Relations
> between the FR Yugoslavia and Croatia by these two countries.
> The return to Bosnia-Herzegovina has had marginal results. Of
> about 8,000 applications, only about 1,000 have been accepted, of which
> 1,050 persons returned to Bosnia-Herzegovina, with the assistance of UNHCR.
> The policy of the return of refugees to Croatia has also failed
> because of the absence of any serious support by the most important
> international factors. As a result, and based on the Protocol on the
> Procedure for Organized Return, signed on April 2, 1998, thus far 24,000
> refugees have submitted applications for return. Of this number, UNHCR
> organized the return of about 5,300 persons to Croatia and 5,400 returned
> on their own, whereas 9,300 persons are still waiting for the response of
> the Croatian side. What is unacceptable for us is the expectation of the
> international community that, in the absence of prerequisites for
> unhindered return to Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia, this process should be
> replaced by local integration. Yugoslavia is able to accept only a number
> of refugees who will not be able to return to the places from which they
> have been expelled. However, for their local integration, in would be
> necessary to secure funds for permanent accommodation, i.e. construction of
> apartments for accommodating refugees, which the FRY is nor able to provide
> on its own, without a considerable international assistance. At the same
> time, the response of donors for financing these projects is poor.
> In order to provide employment to refugees, it is necessary to
> invest in production programs of existing enterprises, as well as to open
> new ones, mostly in small-scale industries. This would require the amount
> of DM 5,000-8,000 per employee. All forms of investments are possible
> (grants, joint venture, share-holding companies, etc.) under the Law on
> Foreign Investments.
> 3. After the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1244
> and the deployment of KFOR and UNMIK civil administration, FR Yugoslavia
> has again faced a new exodus of Serb, Montenegrin and other non-Albanians
> from Kosovo and Metohija. According to the most recent data, based on the
> records prepared by UNHCR and the Commissioner for Refugees of the Republic
> of Serbia, 190,000 internally displaced persons from Kosovo and Metohija
> have been registered in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. With
> 31,000 registered internally displaced persons staying in the Republic of
> Montenegro, their total number amounts to over 220,000 persons. However, it
> has been observed that a considerable number of persons have not applied
> for registration for various reasons. By May 25, 2000, the Serbia Red Cross
> registered 260,715 internally displaced persons, indicating that their
> total number amounts to about 300,000.
> 4. The unsuccessful KFOR mission in the territory of Kosovo
> and Metohija has directly encouraged the implementation of the ethnic
> cleansing policy by Schipetar terrorists. From June 10, 1999 to March 31,
> 2000, more than 8,000 serious offenses were committed against Serbs and
> other non-Albanians, 4,564 of which were most serious crimes, 867 persons
> have been abducted or missing, 936 persons have been killed, and 876
> persons have been wounded. Several thousand Serb houses have been plundered
> or burnt and ethnic Albanian forcibly moved in a large number of them,
> including 250,000 nationals of the state of Albania who settled in Kosovo
> and Metohija. More than 85 monasteries, churches and other sacral objects
> of the Serbian Orthodox Church have been destroyed or damaged.
> In the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, more than 27,000 persons
> have been internally displaced. In order to provide care to this
> population, reception centers have been opened in Kosovo Polje and
> Leposavic. Organized assistance is provided to the threatened non-Albanian
> population in Kosovo, soup kitchens are opened and psychosocial support
> program and water supply programs, etc. are implemented.
> 5. Yugoslavia requests that the UN Secretary General and the
> SC take all necessary measures and steps in order that KFOR and UNMIK
> consistently meet their obligations stipulated in UN SC Resolution 1244
> concerning preservation of multi-ethnic and multi-confessional character of
> Kosovo and Metohija and guarantees for full security and protection of all
> inhabitants of Kosovo and Metohija, especially non-Albanian.
> The international community has shown efficiency when the return
> of ethnic Albanians to Kosovo and Metohija is concerned. In that
> connection, FR Yugoslavia expects the same international community to be
> equally efficient in the creation of security and other conditions for
> unhindered return of internally displaced persons of Serb and Montenegrin
> nationality, as well as other non-Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija.
> More than 2,000 persons were killed in the NATO aggression and
> over 6,000 persons were wounded, mostly women, children and the elderly.
> About 200 persons have become invalids. During the aggression, 147 medical
> institutions were destroyed or damaged, with all their equipment and
> medicaments. In the coming period, it would be necessary to provide funds
> amounting to US$ 12.6 million for reconstruction of Clinical Hospital
> Center (KBC) "Dragisa Misovic", as well as health centers in Aleksinac and
> Prokuplje. In addition, the Agency for Country Reconstruction is also
> planning the reconstruction of the Gynecology-Obstetrics Clinic (GAK) in
> Belgrade, Clinical-Hospital Center - Gynecology Clinic in Belgrade, Health
> Center in Tutin, Psychiatric Clinic "Laza Lazarevic" in Belgrade,
> Army-Military Academy in Belgrade and Health Center in Kraljevo. For all
> these projects, it would be necessary to provide funds through donations of
> members of the Yugoslav diaspora, from foreign donors and assistance for
> reconstruction.
> The situation is further aggravated by extremely difficult
> circumstances regarding the provision of medicaments and medical supplies
> to health care institutions. The pharmaceutical industry in Yugoslavia will
> be able to revitalize its production at the pre-aggression level only if
> all domestic manufacturers are supplied with raw materials, precursors and
> spare parts, amounting to the value of DM 200 million. Considering that
> imported drugs account for 45,18 % of the domestic market, it will be
> necessary to provide more than DM 35 million for six-month needs of health
> care institutions in Serbia, and DM 29 million for dispensable medial
> supplies. There are also priority six-month needs concerning supplying
> laboratories and other diagnostic centers with chemicals, agents, serums
> and other equipment, amounting to US$ 2,000,000.
> Health Care Institutions in Serbia are also facing the shortage of
> many most essential medical instruments (500 defibrilators, 220 different
> ultrasonic instruments, 900 different types of EKG equipment, 150
> reanimation kits, 150 tables for reanimation of infants, 200 different
> types of incubators, 400 ambulances, anesthesia equipment, etc.
> In addition to the above stated, already noticeable are big
> difficulties or impossibility to provide hemo-dialysis for over 4,500
> patients; internist, surgical and radiological diagnostics and therapy for
> 90,000 cancer patients, diagnostics and therapy for 200,000 diabetes
> patients, 300,000 heart patients, 30,000 psychiatric patients and 600
> hemophilia patients. There has also been a considerable increase in
> respiratory and gastro-intestinal diseases.
> Humanitarian assistance arriving from abroad had the character of
> an additional factor in the regular medical supplies. Despite the fact that
> the scope of this assistance was big, its structure did not fully meet the
> needs of the medical services, namely, humanitarian shipments mostly
> contained essential drugs, i.e. drugs for the broadest indication areas.
> Other types of specific drugs, which are most frequently very costly and
> are not manufactured in our country and are necessary in modern farmaco -
> therapy accounted for small quantities.
> A big problem in the distribution of humanitarian aid was the
> shortage of finances for procurement of agents and other dispensable
> supplies required for examination and quality control of the drugs and
> medical supplies that arrived. This slowed down the delivery of
> humanitarian assistance to health care institutions.
> NATO aggression inflicted enormous direct damages to the electric
> power system of FR Yugoslavia, especially the part of the electric power
> system belonging to the Public Utilities of Serbia "Elektroprivreda Srbije"
> (EPS). It also sharpened all those problems that existed even before the
> aggression, namely, the postponement of most capital overhauls and other
> maintenance works in the previous period, depletion of the fuel reserves,
> intermediaries and spare parts, narrowing down of possibilities of their
> replenishment, the shortage of required finances for these procurements and
> works, etc.
> The greatest damage inflicted on the EPS power system affected its
> transmission capacities. The work towards their incapacitation is a
> priority in reconstruction.
> After the NATO aggression, EPS prepared a specification of the
> required equipment, which would amount to US$ 120 million.
> The arguments towards a high level of humanitarian needs in
> electric power equipment are related to the extremely unfavorable
> humanitarian consequences for the broadest masses of the population in the
> case of insufficient and irregular supply of electricity to consumers.
> Also, 81 percent of households and the largest number of
> institutions secure water from the public water supply system, which
> requires electricity as energy source.
> Considering the UN energy embargo, which is still in force, it should be
> pointed out that the equipment and material for eliminating the
> consequences of NATO aggression on the electricity transmission system, as
> well as for the overhaul and maintenance of all manufacturing capacities,
> are treated as humanitarian needs, as envisaged by the Resolution on
> Humanitarian Assistance to FR Yugoslavia, adopted by the UN General
> Assembly on December 15, 1999 by consensus.
> Despite the extremely adverse consequences of multi-year economic
> embargo and a large number of refugees and displace persons, the
> agriculture of FR Yugoslavia succeeded in fulfilling its main tasks - to
> provide food for the population. However, direct and indirect consequences
> of NATO aggression caused a shortage of basic raw materials and finished
> products in the agriculture and food sector. Priority humanitarian needs
> include the needs of the primary agricultural production and livestock
> breeding, seed, milk power and basic paper products.
> For ensuring primary agricultural production in SR Yugoslavia in
> the year 2000, it is necessary to import the deficient quantity of plant
> protection agents, artificial fertilizers and raw materials for production
> of fertilizers in local plants.
> In the first and second quarter of 2000, it is necessary to
> provide 910,000 tons of fertilizers for sowing.
> For the procurement of the required quantities of imported
> fertilizers and raw materials for their production, as well as for the
> imports of the missing quantity of plant protection agents, it is necessary
> to provide the total of US$ 111,780,000.
> For the needs of livestock breeding, SR Yugoslavia is oriented to
> importation of fishmeal, a basic component in feed production. Veterinary
> drugs, premixes and crushed soy beans, can only be partly found in the
> country, for which reason a part of these products or substances for their
> manufacture need to be continuously imported, amounting to the value of US$
> 59,500,000.
> In food production, importation of milk powder has been marked as
> a priority humanitarian need. Annual needs in imported milk powder amount
> to 5,000 tons, or the value of US$ 10,000,000.
> For sowing vegetables and fodder crops, it is necessary to provide
> the necessary quantities of quality seed. The annual needs of imported seed
> amount to the value of US$ 8,000,000.
> For the needs of packaging and hygiene, it is necessary to provide
> particular types of paper. The annual needs in imported paper products
> amount to US$ 17,900,000.
> Priority humanitarian needs in the field of agriculture and food
> industry amount to the total of US$ 207,180,000 per annum.
> The NATO aggression against FR Yugoslavia also had the
> characteristics of an ecological war. NATO bombing posed considerable
> threat to the environment at the local and regional levels. Enormous
> destruction of chemical and energy complexes, as well as the related
> infrastructure, was adversely reflected on the quality of the environment
> and were a violation of the proclaimed human rights on the safe and healthy
> environment.
> The gravest consequences for the environment, of both short-term
> and long-term nature, have been observed on the locations of the Southern
> industrial zone of Pancevo, Novi Sad Refinery, "Zastava" in Kragujevac,
> Mining-Smelting Basin (RTB) in Born, and their surroundings. The combustion
> of big quantities of chemicals, or crude oil and its derivatives has caused
> pollution in the surrounding lands, ground but also underground waters,
> threatening to jeopardize some important sources of drinkable water.
> The Federal Ministry for Science, Development and the Environment
> assessed that for the needs of recovery in the field of the environment
> (most important short-term and long-term program) it will be necessary to
> provide the minimum of US$ 100,000,000.
> NATO aggression completely destroyed about 500 housing objects and
> 800 public objects and 46 bridges. Also, about 25,000 housing units have
> been damaged, in 59 municipalities and towns in Serbia. The reconstruction
> of severely damaged individual housing objects (533), as well as collective
> housing objects (431) would require about US$ 27,000,000.
> Reconstruction of damaged schools would require about US$
> 25,000,000. The Agency for Country Reconstruction plans to reconstruct, in
> the coming period, 10 damaged schools in the municipalities Nova Varos,
> Belgrade, Novi Sad, Cuprija, Boljevac, as well as the building of the
> Engineering Faculty and students' dormitory in Nis.



The killing of a math prodigy: SANJA MILENKOVIC


"Don't be crazy, mum. Who's going to drop bombs on a small town?"

These were the last words Sanja Milenkovic spoke before she left for a
Sunday, May 30, 1999. No ordinary day. Day 68 of the NATO attack on

It was a sunny, busy shopping day, Pentecost. Young people strolled on
the streets,
some went onto the local bridge they liked so much because it offered a
view of the Morava river and surroundings. The roar of warplanes cut
short the life
of the bridge and of those residents including Sanja Milenkovic.

Sanja and her family, whom she loved most in the world besides math,
led a quiet life.
As a gifted child, who had been given many awards, she came from her
native village
of Donji Katun near Varvarin, to the capital, Belgrade, to enroll,
without an entrance
exam, in the Mathematics High School. There were, as publicized in
interviews, no insolvable math problems for her. She had won many
Yugoslav and
international prizes, and she was preparing for the Mathematics
Olympiad and surely
for another of her trophies of world importance. She could explain
everything logically
or in terms of mathematics. The New York Times and the Washington Post
about our Sanja, a Serb girl from Varvarin, describing her as the
greatest math talent
of today, killed by NATO bombs.

Sanja was very close to her mother Vesna. Vesna was 21 when she gave
birth to her
first child. At fifteen, Sanja was a pretty and bright girl. "Sanja was
like younger
sister to me; she was also my best friend," says Vesna.

When the NATO aggression against our country started, Sanja traveled
back to
Varvarin to be with her parents. Vesna and Sanja's dad, Zoran, believed
Sanja would
be much safer in a small place in the country where there were no
installations. But NATO targetsincluded hospitals, schools,
kindergarten, roads and
bridges. Cynical news of "collateral damage" came out of NATO
headquarters every
day. So Sanja was one of several thousand ordinary Serbian people who
died of
missiles targeting even insignificant bridges in small towns throughout

One of them was the bridge in Varvarin. It led to the local Christian
Orthodox church
and therefore innocent civilians, who happened to be on it that sunny
May day, on the
Christian holiday of Pentecost, were killed. Sanja and two of her
friends were among
the victims.

It was a little past noon. The shopping day attracted more crowds than
usual. The
memorial liturgy was in progress at the Church of the Holy Mother at
that moment.
No one knew that up in the skies there were warplanes that already had
the bridge in
their sights and were ready to rain down death. In the 68 days of the
people were used to being bombed by night. So, very few believed that
the 52-year
old bridge that was the town's lifeline and that did not straddle any
of the major
transport routes, would be picked. It is a three-hour drive to Kosovo
and Metohija
from there. It was exactly five minutes past one p.m. Vesna and Zoran
were fixing
lunch for their daughter when they heard a strong blast nearby. Vesna's
immediately picked up the phone to check if it was still working. The
telephone lines
ran across the bridge. The phone was dead. She dashed into the car and
headed for
the bridge. She looked through the window searching for the loved face.

The river bank was deserted. The crowd had rn away fearing another
strike. Vesna
stood alone on the bank, calling out her daughter's name. And then she
saw Sanja.
She lay on a broken slab of the bridge, motionless. It was much later
that she was
told what had happened and how Sanja died. As the first missile hit the
bridge, its
footpath collapsed into the river. Sanja and her friends fell into the
water, as well.
Sanja was unharmed, while one of her friends had her arm broken and the
other a leg.
Like the rest of the pedestrians, Sanja could have reached the bank,
but she chose to
help her friends. Ten minutes after the initial attack, the NATO pilot
came back to
finish his job. The explosion had cut the bridge in half. The religious
service in the
church stopped and everyone rushed to help the wounded. The explosion
them in the process. Another seven people were killed. Sanja was struck
in the back
by a shrapnel. They put her into an ambulance. Her eyes were open for a
few more
minutes. Her father encouraged her to fight for her breath. A couple of
minutes later
Sanja's eyes closed. "I knew it was for ever," said her dad Zoran, "I
was hopeful,
nevertheless." The fight for Sanja's life went on in hospital, where
she was injected
with adrenaline shots. But death got the upper hand. Sanja lay
motionless in the pink
T-shirt that she had put on that morning. She was 15 and a half. The
following day
Jamie Shea held his regular press conference in faraway Brussels, as he
did every
day .

Sanja Milenkovic will not dream out her dreams. However strongly she
felt about
numerals and the logic of life, there can be no explanation for her
premature death.
Sanja's teachers and peers believe that, if it had been according to
the laws of
mathematics, Sanja's name would have been predestined to become famous
and be
inscribed in international yearbooks of the greatest mathematicians.

Those who died early and whom we were indebted to during their lifetime
oblige us to
remember them always. The name of Sanja Milenkovic will always be in
the minds of
those talented like herself. That was the reason why a Fund, named
after her, was
set up. The Fund serves to award scholarships/fellowships to young
gifted secondary
school students and university undergraduates in the field of math and
sciences. The Fund was established at the initiative of Mr. Zivadin
Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of the FR of Yugoslavia, and Mr.
Mrkonjic, Director-General of the Country Reconstruction Directorate.

Sanja's granddad, Ljubomir Milenkovic, was appointed an honorary member
of the

Twenty young people were awarded scholarships from the Fund on November
1999. In addressing them, Minister Jovanovic said that this Fund was
set up to keep
the memory of Sanja alive and by keeping it alive to demonstrate our
attitude towards
the highest achievements and greatest successes in learning and
studies. The talents
now financed and yet to be financed by the "Sanja Milenkovic" Fund will
keep alive
the memory of a youth cut short prematurely and of wishes and dreams
left unfulfilled.

They will also keep alive the name of Sanja Milenkovic.

[Note from emperors-clothes: A reader in California has asked how
people can
contribute to this fund from outside Yugoslavia. We're making


New World Order
Bob Djurdjevic

11. July, 2000.

New World Order and the Serbs - Part XL

In a story headlined "NATO Covering Up Own Losses," the Russian Agency
Political News (APN) reported on Apr. 29 that NATO had lost over 400
and over 60 aircraft during its 79-day war with Serbia. The estimates
reportedly based on Russian government figures, have been hushed up in
West by the New World Order lapdog media.

These are the highest figures so far of NATO's human casualties to
from the post-war post-mortems. We may believe them or treat them as
propaganda. But only fools would totally disregard them and choose to
believe in the fiction of the NATO "lie and deny" propagandists,
Bill Clinton, who declared to the nation last June that NATO had
suffered no
losses in combat.

The Russian article was written by an experienced military
Vladislav Shurygin, who has also reported on the Chechnya war. Shurygin
elaborates on an earlier Russian Defense Ministry report that was first
published in the Foreign Military Review and then by ITAR-TASS, one of
two official Russian government agencies.

Shurygin observes that NATO and the Pentagon had lied unabashedly, and
they continue to do so. He notes that it may take years for the U.S.
government to admit what it really lost in its war on Serbia. He says,
example, that NATO even lied regarding the number of combat sorties it
flown, let alone its own casualties. Instead of the claimed 35 000
the alliance actually flew only about 25 000, he says.

By way of a disclaimer, the APN editors said that Shurygin's piece was
"author's personal view" of the subject. But Shurygin is merely one of a
number of sources that have sprung up since the end of NATO's bombing
suggesting that NATO may be covering up significant losses it had
during its 79-day bombing of Serbia.

The pseudonym "Venik" may be a familiar term to wartime Truth in Media
and readers. It was Venik who was the first to systematically
analyze and report the NATO losses in April 1999. And this source been
updating that information ever since. Here is Venik's latest
contribution on
the topic of NATO losses:

"According to a March 25, 2000, article published by the ITAR-TASS news
agency, Russian GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate) sources report that
during the Operation "Allied Force" NATO's air forces sustained losses
considerably higher than is officially acknowledged by NATO command.
According to GRU information, NATO lost three F-117A stealth bombers,
and at
least 40 other combat planes, and over 1,000 cruise missiles.

So far, NATO officials acknowledged losing three combat planes (the USAF
F-117A on March 27, the USMC AV-8B Harrier on May 1, and the
F-16CG-40-CF on
May 2), two attack helicopters (AH-64 Apache on April 26 and another
on May 5), between 30 and 32 unmanned reconnaissance vehicles, including
least 16 American, 7 German, and 5 French UAVs. Interestingly enough,
acknowledged all of the UAV losses mentioned by Yugoslav military
officials - 30 - and, perhaps, even more.

Official NATO reports and statements made by various NATO officials
that about 10 NATO planes made emergency landings. Two F-117As sustained
extensive damage (the F-117A 86-0837 was damaged on April 21 during

and another F-117A lost a part of its tail section due to a nearby SA-3
explosion). An RAF C-130K Hercules transport plane crashed on June 11 in
Albania. The aircraft was delivering a British SAS unit that was trying
beat Russian paratroopers to the Slatina base. The US Army OH-58 combat
reconnaissance helicopter crashed on May 26 in Bosnia...

In February British press was discussing a sharp shortage of operational
aircraft experienced by the Royal Air Force. The news first appeared in
January 23, 2000, 'Hundreds of Crippled Jets put RAF in Crisis' article
published by the London Observer. In particular, the article, based on
Observer's own investigation, outlines the following problems with the
"Two out of three of the UK's 186 fleet of Tornado bombers are grounded;
Fewer than 40 per cent of other frontline aircraft, such as Harriers and
Jaguars, are ready to fly at short notice;

The Ministry of Defence has spent almost £1 billion developing a
laser-guided bombing system that does not work properly;

There is shortage of nearly 20 per cent of junior officer fast jet
and the RAF is having a severe problem in retaining trained pilots."

According to an ITAR-TASS review of the article published by the Foreign
Military Review magazine of the Russian Defense Ministry, Yugoslav
prevented the use of American AH-64 Apache attack helicopters during the
Kosovo conflict. The "NATO Losses in the War with Yugoslavia" article,
Foreign Military Review writes "... the biggest sensation was the number
troops lost by NATO. Not just NATO pilots were killed in Yugoslavia, but
also search-and-rescue troops that were tasked with locating downed
Yugoslav air defenses have shot down no less than five NATO helicopters,
which (alone) resulted in deaths of about 100 troops of the Alliance."

According to the Foreign Military Review, the reason why Pentagon did
use Apaches in Kosovo "...had nothing to do with technical problems with
helicopters or insufficient training of their flight crews, as was often
stated by NATO officials. The only reason was the April 26, 1999 attack
carried out by Yugoslav "Galeb" fighters against "Rinas" airport located
near Albania's capital of Tirana, where the Apaches were based. That day
groups of these light helicopters were destroyed and over 10 helicopters
were damaged."

A similar operation was carried out by Yugoslav AF on April 18 against
airport in Tuzla, Bosnia, used as an emergency landing site for NATO
aircraft. As the result of this attack some 15 NATO aircraft were
on the ground.

The Foreign Military Review writes: "Despite the fact that American
dominated NATO operations, they weren't the only aircraft shot down by
Yugoslav air defenses. Among the destroyed aircraft were five German
"Tornadoes," several British "Harriers'" two French "Mirages," Belgian,
Dutch, and Canadian aircraft. On June 7 the USAF lost a B-52 strategic
bomber, while on May 20 a B-2A "Spirit" was shot down."

Looking at the eyewitness report listing compiled by aviation
enthusiasts in
Yugoslavia, we can find the following entry (#381) June 7, between 012
040, area between Slankamen and Indjija. 'One large bomber (most
B-52) was shot down. Aircraft exploded after a direct SAM hit. Crew

Incredible as it may seem at a first glance to western audiences
to lapping up the soap fed to them by the New World Order "lie and deny"
news spinners, the above estimates are not far off the contemporaneous
reports by the Greek media.

On Apr. 7, 1999, for example, the Athinaiki (The Athenian), an Athens
said in an article that NATO had already lost 88 soldiers. And that was
after two weeks of war! If NATO had lost 88 troops at the time when the
intensity of fighting was at a lower level than later on in the war,
its human casualties over the 11-week conflict might have been over
had the same rate of attrition continued.

Whatever the actual number, it is certainly greater than zero, which is
Clinton, NATO and the Pentagon have been alleging. A steady stream of
factual information emanating from the Russian media, mostly based on
Russian official military sources (who were in a position to track
the air and sea battlefields a year ago - Russia had two ships in the
ic during the war monitoring the war through electronic surveillance),
serves to discredit such ludicrous claims by NATO and the Clinton

In fact, it would not surprise us if the Russian government were
here in a game of political blackmail and brinkmanship with the Clinton
administration, trying to gain some leverage in negotiations of other,
bigger issues, such as the Missile Defense Shield (see my column
Nuclear Saber-Rattling"). All this, of course, in the hope of gaining
leverage before Clinton's visit to Moscow on June 4.

Since both Moscow and Washington know that if Russia were to release a
(electronic surveillance recordings, for example) that back up its
about the NATO losses, this would have a devastating effect on NATO/NWO
public. For, the whole world would then know that a tiny Yugoslav Army
whipped the arrogant and omnipotent aggressor, using some fairly
weaponry, but more than making up for it with cunning and bravery of its
officers and troops.

The only question that remains unanswered, however, is how did the
administration manage to keep so many grieving American and other NATO
families silent about the losses of their loved ones? Or more pointedly,
it bribe them (pay them off) or intimidate them with threats or worse?

Several Truth in Media readers have come forth with their own
We received the following feedback from Fernando (whose last name is
to TiM):

"I am an Australian born in Portugal, but have lived most of my life in
Angola (Africa) at a time that country was a Portuguese colony. Well,
was a war between the Portuguese and the Angolan freedom fighters(in the
1970s). When a Portuguese soldier died in action, his family were
that he had had an accident! Usually a car accident or something
They never died in combat :-). Only at the end of the war, many families
knew that their loved ones were in fact killed in action.

So I reckon that the same may be happening with the American soldiers.
families are probably being informed that their sons, brothers or
had unfortunate accidents. And those families don't usually know each
and therefore can't compare notes. It's not difficult to tell lies to
families throughout a country with 260 million people. Most of those
families don't know about the existence of each other and therefore the
can stand."

Another letter came to us from someone in the U.S. armed forces:

"Try this... A friend of mine's husband was an E6 in Delta Force. He was
killed in Somalia. Officially, he was never there and died of an
accident. A
captain I was friends with, was a Lieutenant in Somalia, and he told me
about the number of bodies going out... A lot more then 18 (the official

My supply sergeant was a former Special Forces member, he told me they
almost 50 people from Special Forces in Panama. The official death toll

A fraternity brother of mine, who was an officer in the SEALs, died in
Central America, officially from a training accident. His family hired a
private investigator and found out his chopper had been shot down.
if you think our government doesn't control what you see and hear, you
are a

In short, what the preceding letter suggest is that Americans have zero
tolerance for losses in overseas expeditions of our neo-colonial
(yes, George Bush's, not only Bill Clinton's). That's good. And that's

It's good, because most decent people in our country don't want to see
armed forces sacrificed in some distant country while occupying it on
of the New World Order, instead of defending America - the job they have
sworn to do.

It's bad, because so many of our fellow-citizens have become so gullible
through decades of brainwashing and dumbing-down of America. If such
Americans don't see something on TV, it didn't happen. Conversely, if
do see it on their screens, the "Wag the Dog"-type scenarios
notwithstanding, they gulp up the government's lies and deceptions as if
they were the Gospel truth.

Which makes it so easy for our Washington leaders and the establishment
media to fool the public. When the TV images of angry Somalies' dragging
bodies of dead American soldiers in October 1993 flashed across America'
TV screens, Clinton hurriedly ordered our troops out of that country.

But did Clinton stop sending our troops into harm's way? No, Sir. The
Clinton administrations continued, and even accelerated the (Bush's)
neo-colonial foreign policy on behalf of the "death merchants" and other
multinational corporations which profit from "perpetual wars for
commerce." It's just that they never allowed any American casualties to
either reported or shown on our TV screens.

If you can't see them, they didn't happen. Right. If you're one of the
dumbed-down morons of the New World Order. For, only such morons
Bill Clinton when he declared in his "victory speech" on June 10, 1999
NATO had suffered "no combat casualties" in its war with Serbia.

Copyright ©2000 All Rights Reserved.

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


Kosovo Albanian Triple Murder Suspect Released without

PRISTINA, Jul 26, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) An
ethnic Albanian accused of carrying out one of
Kosovo's bloodiest post-war attacks on Serbian
civilians has been released without charge, a senior
UN policeman told AFP Tuesday.

Afrim Zeqiri was arrested after three Serbs, including
a four-year-old child, were shot dead in Cernica,
southeast Kosovo, on May 28 by a single gunman armed
with an assault rifle...



<< 3 Serb Men Shot in Kosovo Attack

.c The Associated Press


PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (AP) - Gunmen shot and wounded three Serb men
during a
late-night attack in the sector of Kosovo under control of American
peacekeepers, the U.S. military reported Saturday.

The three Serbs were shot about 10:30 p.m. Friday near a cemetery in
Kosovska Kamenica, an ethnically mixed town jointly patrolled by Russian
American troops, a U.S. statement said.

The three were evacuated to the U.S. military hospital at Camp
where they were reported in serious but stable condition with multiple
gunshot wounds.

Several ethnic Albanians were questioned as witnesses but were
according to NATO spokesman Maj. Scott Slaten. No further details were

Attacks by ethnic Albanians against Serbs have continued despite the
presence of NATO-led troops and U.N. police, who took control of the
province in June 1999 from Yugoslav forces withdrawing after the 78-day
bombing of Yugoslavia.

On Saturday, about 150 Serbs held a memorial service to mark the deaths
14 villagers slain in a wheat field a year ago, among the bloodiest
attacks since NATO moved into Kosovo.

The victims of the massacre were found by a British patrol July 23,
after automatic weapons fire was heard near the town of Gracko, some 10
south of the capital, Pristina. Thirteen people were found lying in a
next to their harvester while another man was slumped over his tractor
yards away.

Serbs blamed ethnic Albanian militants for the attack and accused
peacekeepers of failing to heed their pleas for protection during the
season. The massacre also dashed early hopes that the peacekeeping
would be able to impose ethnic tolerance in the strife-torn province.

Saturday's service was closely watched by Finnish and Norwegian
peacekeepers, the private Beta news agency said. Serbs attending
bitterness that NATO and U.N. authorities in the province had failed to
those responsible for the attack, the report said.

Meanwhile, the publisher of an Albanian-language newspaper said he
refuse to pay a fine for violating regulations on publishing personal
information on alleged war criminals.

Belul Beqaj declared that his newspaper, Dita, would ignore an order to
a fine of $11,900 by Tuesday and suggested the paper would not change
policy of publishing names of those they believe were involved in war

As long as those people are free, Beqaj said, ``the freedom and
stability of
Kosovo will be endangered.''

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe fined Dita for
repeatedly violating a U.N. regulation against accusing individuals who
not been charged with a crime of being war criminals or publishing other
information that could make them targets of retribution.

AP-NY-07-22-00 1726EDT



OSCE set to avoid violence in Kosovo elections

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, July 25 (Reuters) - The U.N.-led administration in
Kosovo said on Tuesday it would enforce a ``zero tolerance'' policy on
violence and intimidation during a municipal election planned for

For the full text of this story, <A
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100NIHm.7218930.648997655">click here</A>.



Terror unter NATO-Schutz
(Neue Angriffe auf Südserbien)
(Von Rainer Rupp)

In Sofia warnte kürzlich Oberstleutnant Kiril Kirilow, Kommandant einer
bulgarischen Einheit der UNO-Polizei im Kosovo, dass die Albaner große
Anstrengungen unternähmen, sich zu bewaffnen. In einem Interview mit der
Tageszeitung Duma in Sofia erklärte er, dass es als UNO-Polizist "sehr
schwierig ist, sich den Albanern in den Weg zu stellen" und dass als
Resultat "viele unschuldige Serben unter Repression und Terror der
Kosovo-Albaner gelitten haben". ("Kosovo Albanians keep on arming
themselves", July 19, 2000, AFP)

Damit hat Oberstleutnant Kirilow praktisch die Unfähigkeit der
UNO-Mission im Kosovo (UNMIK) bestätigt, die nicht-albanische
Bevölkerung zu schützen. Über die Mitglieder des Kosovo-Schutz-Korps
sagte er, dass "viele ihre UCK-Angewohnheiten noch nicht abgelegt"
hätten, weshalb "zahlreiche ethnische Albaner von der sogenannten UCK
verhaftet worden" seien. Allerdings werden sie von den albanischen
Untersuchungsrichtern umgehend wieder auf freien Fuß gesetzt. Kirilow
warnte jedoch, dass nicht nur Serben und ethnische Minderheiten im
Kosovo großer Gefahr ausgesetzt wären sondern auch die Mitglieder der
zahlreichen internationalen nicht-Regierungsorganisationen.

In der Zwischenzeit sorgt der obskure Ableger der UCK-Terroristen, die
selbsternannte "Befreiungsarmee für Presevo, Medvedja und Bujanovac" für
neuen Unruhe entlang der Bezirksgrenze zwischen Südserbien und Kosovo ".
Die auf mindestens 200 Mitglieder geschätzte UC-PMB-Gruppe operiert
hauptsächlich aus dem Dorf Dobrosin, das im fünf Kilometer breiten
entmilitarisierten Grenzstreifen zwischen Kosovo und Serbien proper nur
einige Hundert Meter von der amerikanischen KFOR-Zone liegt. Da
serbisches Militär nicht in dem entmilitarisierten Grenzstreifen
operieren darf, und die Amerikaner für einen solchen Fall wiederholt mit
schwerwiegenden Folgen gedroht haben, führen die Terroristen der UCPMB
ihre Überfälle auf die südserbischen Dörfer und Städte praktisch unter
dem Schutz der US-Truppen aus, um die von ihnen als Ost-Kosovo
bezeichneten Region zu "befreien".

Letzte Woche gab es wieder vermehrte Zwischenfälle und Mörserüberfälle
auf serbische Polizeiposten Dabei wurden allein drei Polizisten am
Montag verwundet. Am Dienstag wurden ein weiterer Polizist und zwei
junge Mädchen durch einen Feuerüberfall der UCPMB verwundet. Insgesamt
sind seit Ende des NATO-Überfalls auf Jugoslawien 50 Zwischenfälle
registriert worden bei denen etwa 15 Menschen getötet und über 20
verwundet wurden. Noch stellen die Angreifer die größte Zahl der Toten.
Einer der Terroristen, die am 27 Februar dieses Jahres ein Polizeiauto
aus dem Hinterhalt angriffen, konnte anhand seiner Uniform und der bei
ihm gefundenen Papiere einwandfrei als ehem. UCK-Bandit und aktuelles
Mitglied des angeblich demilitarisierten Kosovo-Schutz-Korps
identifiziert werden.

Als Resultat der erneut aufflackernden Kämpfe und der allgemeinen
Verunsicherung der mehrheitlich ethnischen Albanern, die in diesem Teil
Südserbiens leben, sollen mittlerweile bis zu 60% der Bevölkerung die
Region verlassen haben und zumeist zu Verwandten ins Kosovo gegangen
sein. ("Daily shootings spark fear in village near Kosovo", July 19,
2000, Web posted at: 11:28 AM EDT (1528 GMT), KONCULJ, Yugoslavia

Anderswo im Kosovo wurden in den letzten Tagen ein serbischer Bauer und
seine Frau beim Heu machen auf dem Feld von vier albanischen Gangstern
mit automatischen Waffen beschossen und schwer verletzt. Ein Haus in
einem serbischen Dorf in Nord-Kosovo wurde von einer von der Schulter
abgefeuerten Rakete getroffen. Wie durch ein Wunder wurde niemand
verletzt. An einer anderen Stelle gingen britische Truppen einem
serbischen Hinweis nach und fanden und zerstörten ein weitverzweigtes
Bunkersystem der UCK, das scheinbar noch für geheime Trainingszwecke
benutzt wurde.

Saarbrücken den 25.7.00
Albanian Daily News
July 21, 2000

Serb Policemen Wounded in Kosovo Border Incident

VRANJE, Serbia - Three Serb policemen were wounded
overnight in a heavy mortar attack in a buffer zone
separating southern Serbia from Kosovo, a Serbian
official said on Tuesday.

“Last night between 2000 and 2030 around 35 mortar
shells landed near the Konculj (police) checkpoint,”
investigative judge of the Vranje District Court
Slavoljub Mihajlovic told Reuters.

“One of the shells landed next to the checkpoint
itself and three policemen were wounded. Two were
lightly wounded and the third, who had a piece of
shrapnel in his neck, has been sent for treatment to
Belgrade military hospital,” he said.

Mihajlovic, who is also investigating three more
incidents that took place in the area over the past 10
days, said he could not tell exactly who was behind
the attack, but added: “It was probably Albanian

He said the attacks came from the direction of
Dobrosin, a village in the five-km (three-mile) wide
demilitarised belt, set up after the Yugoslav army and
Serbian police withdrew from Kosovo, following the
arrival of international NATO-led peacekeepers.

The village of Konculj also lies in the buffer zone
between territory controlled by Yugoslav forces and

According to Belgrade independent Beta news agency,
the last reported shelling was the 49th incident in
the buffer zone and the 14th attack on the local
police checkpoint in Konculj in the past year.

The area of southern Serbia adjoining Kosovo has a
large ethnic Albanian population and has suffered
increased ethnic violence, which Yugoslav authorities
blame on a spillover of “Albanian terrorism” from

An ethnic Albanian armed group calling itself the
Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac Liberation Army, named
after three municipalities in the area, is believed to
have been involved in several clashes with Serbian
police in the past year.

The group is believed to have its headquarters in
Dobrosin. (Reuters)



Troops in Kosovo Get New Commander
.c The Associated Press

CAMP BONDSTEEL, Yugoslavia (AP) - Brig. Gen. Dennis E. Hardy took
command of
U.S. forces in Kosovo on Tuesday, saying he intends to advance the peace
process and leave Kosovo ``as a land of peace and prosperity.''

Hardy assumed the reins at an outdoor ceremony at Camp Bondsteel, the
U.S. camp in this Serbian province where 5,500 U.S. troops are
stationed. He
takes over from Brig. Gen. Randal M. Tieszen, who leaves the post after
months to become Chief of Staff of V Corps in Heidelberg, Germany, where
will be in charge of 50,000 troops.

In a speech at the handover ceremony, Hardy said he wants to eventually
``turn this nation back over to the Kosovars ... as a land of peace and

Troops would likely remain in the province for ``a matter of years,'' he
said. He added that Kosovo needs to establish a working economy,
law and order, develop its political and social systems and improve

Tieszen, the outgoing commander, warned that ``constant, senseless
could tear apart the province and harm its people and their livelihoods
generations to come.

``If you do not solve this, you and your children are condemned to a
without prosperity, peace and contentment,'' he said in a stern warning

The U.N. and NATO took control of Kosovo after the alliance's 78-day
campaign in 1999 to punish Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic for his
18-month repression of ethnic Albanians, who form the majority in
Since the fighting ended, violence between the province's ethnic
and Serbs has persisted, hindering the formation of a multiethnic

AP-NY-07-25-00 1013EDT



Yugoslav army again lets Albanians into Montenegro

BOZAJ, Yugoslavia, July 25 (Reuters) - The Yugoslav army allowed
Albanians to
enter Montenegro without visas on Tuesday after reportedly turning away
hundreds of people at this border crossing the previous day.

A Reuters reporter who visited the Bozaj crossing in the morning said
travelling between Albania and Montenegro were let through without any
problems since late on Monday....

For the full text of this story, <A
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100NJ9t.370282.649006375">click here</A>

Yugo army kicks Albanian visitors from Montenegro

SHKODER, Albania, July 24 (Reuters) - Albanian police said on Monday
that the
Yugoslav army had turned away hundreds of Albanians trying to visit
Montenegro, Serbia's reluctant partner in the Yugoslav federation.

The action by the army, loyal to Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic,
contravenes an accord between Montenegro and Albania under which
Albanians do
not need a visa to visit their northern neighbour.

``The Yugoslav army has turned back all Albanian citizens who crossed
Montenegro on the pretext they did not have a federal visa,'' said local
police chief Zija Hasa.

Yugoslavia severed diplomatic relations with Albania after NATO launched
air campaign against its bases last March to stop the Kosovo conflict,
that Albania had helped the alliance attack its territory.

Some 300 Albanians were forced back at the Yugoslav army checkpoint at
three kilometres (2 miles) from the border crossing where Montenegrin
had let them through.

Those turned back said there were three times as many troops, tanks and
armoured cars than usual at the army checkpoint, which had been
with concrete.

``Belgrade wants to keep fires burning in the Balkans,'' Albanian
ministry spokesman Sokol Gjoka told reporters, adding that the
government was
closely monitoring the situation.

Montenegrin radio, monitored in the northern Albanian town of Shkoder,
said that some 1,000 Albanians on holiday in Montenegro had been told to
return home by July 30.

11:44 07-24-00



Iraq, Yugoslavia start trade talks

BAGHDAD, July 25 (Reuters) - Iraq and Yugoslavia started trade talks to
cement economic cooperation between the two countries, the official
News Agency reported on Tuesday.

INA said the talks were chaired by Iraqi Trade Minister Mohammed Mehdi
and his Yugoslav counterpart Borislav Vulkovic....

For the full text of this story, <A
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100NJEh.7247456.649007698">click here</A>


BAGHDAD, July 25 (Tanjug) A Yugoslav state and economic
delegation, headed by federal Foreign Trade Minister Borislav Vukovic,
started an official visit to Iraq on Tuesday, the Yugoslav Foreign
At a session at the Iraqi Trade Ministry, attended by senior
representatives of the Yugoslav ministries and some 50 Yugoslav
and bankers, and by their Iraqi counterparts, Vukovic and Iraq's Trade
Minister Mohammed Meldi Saleh, gave joint instructions whose aim are
concrete agreements within the Oil for Food Program and the securing of
conditions for expanding the presence of the Yugoslav economy on the
During the morning, Vukovic met separately with Iraqi Vice
Minister Hikmet Al Azavi, who is also Finance Minister, and with the
governor of the Central Bank of Iraq.
The talks focused on bilateral cooperation and its financial
aspects. Both sides expressed readiness for the two countries' financial
institutions to find the best ways for giving banking support to the
economies of Yugoslavia and Iraq and their cooperation.
Both sides confirmed that their businessmen would do everything
realize cooperation goals, personally set by the presidents of
and Iraq Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein respectively.




BELGRADE, July 25 (Tanjug) Both chambers of the Federal
Parliament adopted at an emergency session on Tuesday amendments to the
on additional financing of national defense in the year 2000, and set up
federal elections commission and a monitoring committee for implementing
the elections.
The amendments to the Law on financing national defense will
secure an additional two billion dinars for the Yugoslav Army from
until the end of the year.
Yugoslav Deputy Premier Jovan Zebic presented the proposed
amendments to both chambers.
The federal budget for this year is 22,522 million dinars,
including 16,382 million for the Yugoslav Army, Zebic said. A special
federal Law on additional financing earmarked another 3.2 billion dinars
for the Yugoslav Army, to cover part of the emergency expenditures
resulting from the 1999 NATO aggression on Yugoslavia, he said.
This brings the sum earmarked for the Yugoslav Army this year
to a
total of 19.5 billion dinars, Zebic said.




BELGRADE, July 25 (Tanjug) The vicepresident of the Yugoslav
Chamber of Commerce (PKJ) and his counterpart at the Chinese Council for
Promoting International Trade of the Hebei province, Drago Sofranc and
Jingchen respectively, signed in Belgrade on Tuesday a Protocol on
The Protocol, which aims to further strengthen and develop
economic relations between Yugoslavia and China, was signed at the
of a visit by a Chinese economic delegation to Yugoslavia. It represents
more concrete form of an Agreement signed by the two countries' chambers
economy last September in Beijing.
Under the Protocol, the two countries will make efforts for
establishing and developing all forms of economic cooperation. Since
sides are jointly interested in agriculture, Yugoslav businessmen will
able to supply the Chinese market with farming machinery.
Chinese businessmen, on the other hand, want to invest in the
Yugoslav textile industry and are interested in importing Yugoslav
beechtimber and copper.
Yugoslav and Chinese economists should also establish closer
cooperation in the spheres of engineering, the chemical industry and




GNJILANE, SERBIA, July 24 (Tanjug) Dragan Peric, a Serb farmer
from the village of Prekovac, near Novo Brdo in eastern KosovoMetohija,
wounded when he was ambushed in his field which he was working with this
wife and child.
Ethnic Albanian extremists opened automatic gunfire on the
family last Wednesday, the ChurchNational Board of Gnjilane said on
Dragan was immediately transferred to the hospital in Gracanica
and is out of danger.
The subsequent investigation launched by the international
in KosovoMetohija (KFOR) determined that there were two attackers but
identity so far remains unknown.



KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, SERBIA, July 24 (Tanjug) A strong
shook the northern, Serb part of the ethnically divided city of Kosovska
Mitrovica at 4:50 a.m. Monday.
The blast damaged 11 vehicles, but no one was hurt. The
police made a very superficial report about the incident since the head
the UNMIK police, a Nigerian, arrived at the scene of the explosion
a pen and paper.
Pistol and automatic gunfire were heard from the southern part
the city until late on Saturday night.




BELGRADE, July 24 (Tanjug) The deputies of the Yugoslav
parliament's two chambers adopted at separate sessions held on Monday a
package of election laws which secure all the electoral rights of the
The special sessions, held at the instigation of the federal
government, adopted the Law on the Election and Ending of the Mandate of
the President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the Law on the
Election of Deputies to the Chamber of the Republics (Upper House) of
federal parliament, the Law on Electoral Units for the Election of
to the Chamber of Deputies (Lower House) of the federal parliament and
changes and amendments to the Law on the Election of Deputies to the
Chamber of Citizens of the federal parliament.
Under the Law on the Election of the President of Yugoslavia,
citizens will vote for the president directly at elections.
Presidential candidates can be nominated by political parties,
other political organizations and groups of citizens if they manage to
collect at least 25,000 signatures of the electorate.
These elections will be called by the speaker of the federal
parliament's Chamber of Citizens and all activities linked to them will
carried out by the Federal Election Committee.
The mandate of the president of Yugoslav ends in case of death,
acquittal or resignation.
An acquittal requires the votes of twothirds of deputies in
of the federal parliament's chambers. The federal parliament can
the president from office when the Federal Constitutional Court
that he has violated the Constitution. The acquittal proposal must be
submitted by at least one half of the total of federal MPs in each of
two chambers.
The Law on the Election of Deputies to the Chamber of the
Republics says that the deputies are elected by direct secret ballot of
The MPs will be elected within the electoral units the
of Serbia will be one election unit and Montenegro another, and in each
deputies will be elected.
These elections are called by the president of Yugoslavia and
can be held no less than 45 days, or more than 90 days since they are
The candidates can be nominated by registered political
separately or jointly, as well as by groups of citizens.
Changes and amendments to the Law on the Election of Deputies
the Chamber of Citizens have not fundamentally changed the way of
the MPs for this chamber.
The Law on the Electoral Units for the Election of Deputies to
Chamber of Citizens of the federal parliament sets, however, that the
Republic of Montenegro is a single electoral unit in which 30 deputies
The Republic of Serbia elects 108 deputies in 26 electoral
Citizens of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from Kosovo and
Metohija will vote in the electoral units Prokuplje and Vranje (Serbia).


BUCHAREST, July 24 (Tanjug) The Romanian paper Azi on Monday
described as "very strange" harsh Western criticism of the recent
constitutional changes in Yugoslavia saying that these changes lead
"the expansion of the democratic foundations" for the election of the
country's president.
According to the paper, the West's problem is that public
polls show that Slobodan Milosevic is set to win at the presidential
elections which, Azi stated, is "a real nightmare for all who bombed
On March 24, 1999 NATO launched an aggression on the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia. During the 11week air raids, over 2,000
were killed and huge material damage was inflicted.
In a text titled "The truth about the NATO aggression on
Yugoslavia is emerging", the Romanian paper quoted the British press and
its recent publication of claims by former Assistant Defence Secretary
Gilbert that NATO had always nurtured a wish for waging a war in
KosovoMetohija and that this is why Yugoslavia was deliberately given
unacceptable conditions.

BELGRADE, July 18 (Tanjug) A federal government session,
by Prime Minister Momir Bulatovic, has determined draft laws on the
election of the president of Yugoslavia and federal deputies to the
parliament's Chamber of Republics, the federal Information Ministry said
Also determined were a draft law on changes and additions to
law on the election of federal deputies to the federal parliament's
of Citizens and a draft law on electoral units for the election of
deputies to the Chamber of Citizens.
The draft laws are based on the recently adopted amendments to
Yugoslav Constitution which calls for the direct election to the top
functions in the country. The draft laws are founded on legal solutions
democratic norms and standards contained therein.
The federal government demanded that the parliament session on
these draft laws is held on July 24, the statement said.


BELGRADE, July 18 (Tanjug) The speaker of the Yugoslav
parliament's Chambers of Republics and Citizens, Srdja Bozovic and
Minic respectively, have scheduled for July 24 a special session of the
chambers, the federal parliament's press service has said.
The sessions will debate election laws submitted by the federal
government, the statement said.
The federal government has sent to the parliament draft laws on
the election of the president of Yugoslavia and the election of federal
deputies to the Chamber of Republics.




BELGRADE, July 24 (Tanjug) The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
one of the countries which has suffered the consequences of the new
order, as reflected in the economic and political spheres, Belgrade
of Economy Professor, Dr. Oskar Kovac, said on Monday in the village of
Sirogojno on Mt. Zlatibor, western Serbia.
Kovac told a session of the International Camp of Friendship
this has resulted in the dissolution of all federations in eastern and
central Europe, leading towards the new economic order which protects
interests of the developed countries and acts at the expense of the
Kovac explained that the less developed countries have been
affected by the debt crisis caused by creditors from the developed part
the world.
Yugoslavia has also paid this price since it has been
burdened, as opposed to other countries, by the trade sanctions which,
1991 1997, have resulted in damages amounting to 100 billion dollars.
figure was doubled by the 1999 NATO aggression on Yugoslavia.
Kovac recalled that Yugoslavia has submitted a request with the
International Court of Justice for war compensation which, he warned,
accumulate until paid.


BELGRADE, July 24 (Tanjug) All wars initiated by the western
powers, including the 1999 war in Yugoslavia, were preceded by huge
lies aimed at deceiving the public and forcing it to consent to a
intervention, belgian publicist Michel Collon said on Monday in the
of Sirogojno on Mt Zlatibor, western Serbia.
The existence of alleged mass graves in Kosovo and Metohija and
the stagemanaged massacre in Racak are good examples of media
by the new world order, Collon set out at a session of the International
Camp of Friendship in Sirogojno.
"People living in the West do not entirely believe our media
depend on multinational corporations. Their great influence on
and program policies exert considerable pressure on the overall
sphere," Collon stated.
Underscoring that people in the West are not presented with
real information about the developments in Yugoslavia, Collon called on
Yugoslav colleagues and citizens to secure fresh and timely information
foreign journalists and others who want to learn "the real truth" via
Internet and in other ways.


SIROGOJNO, July 22 (Tanjug) Yugoslavia is paying a very high
price for its natural aspiration to be independent, and its geographic
position, riches, and the capabilities of its labor force, direct it
joining Europe and the world market, Yugoslav Minister for Cooperation
International Financial Organizations Borka Vucic said in the western
Serbian town of Sirogojno on Saturday.
Speaking on the third day of work of an International
Camp which is under way in this town on Mt. Zlatibor, Minister Vucic
that, unfortunately, the policy practised by part of the international
community under dictate of the United States does not allow Yugoslavia
realize its potentials.
Nevertheless, the policy of sanctions and isolation is a policy
that does not look far into the future, and therefore cannot last long,
Vucic said.


BELGRADE, July 20 (Tanjug) The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
bravely opposed last year's NATO aggression, but the war against this
country has not ended in view of the continuing pressures, threats,
blackmail and sanctions, prominent Belgian publicist Michel Colon said
an interview to Radio Yugoslavia on Thursday.
Colon charged the West with the continuation of "the attempts
cause a civil war in Yugoslavia" and expressed concern over Western
opinion which "is being manipulated."
Asked about the character of the socalled humanitarian
intervention by the Western countries, Colon set out that "one should
forget the fact that the same people who are speaking about sending
humanitarian aid to the Kosovo Albanians, supported the bombing of the
refugees in Turkey and armed various fascist movements throughout the
world." He added that it is very important to create a front for the
defence of peace in the world.
Colon is currently visiting the village of Sirogojno, on Mt.
Zlatibor in western Serbia, and the International Camp of Friendship
organized by the Patriotic Alliance of the Youth of Yugoslavia.




SOFIA, July 24 (Tanjug) The Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP)
officially announced on Monday that it has rejected a government report
national security for the year 1999 which will be presented at the
parliament on Tuesday.
Bulgarian socialists warn that the ruling rightist League of
Democratic Forces (SDS), led by Prime Minister Ivan Kostov, is trying to
use this report to legalize its decision of that year to grant use of
corridors to NATO aircraft engaged in military operations in
Yugoslavia and thus prove that the government decisions had been good.
does not correspond to the truth, the BSP said.
Instead of the government report, Bulgarian socialists will
their own document for adoption by parliament in which they say the
destabilization in the region has not been overcome yet.



BELGRADE, July 23, 2000 (I-Net)

Today the Democratic Alternative has stated, relying on sources
in the Yugoslav Left circles, that the federal elections in FR
Yugoslavia would take place on September 24.

BELGRADE, July 23, 2000 (BLIC)

In case that socialists decide to wait "the high time", the dead
line for holding of federal and local elections would be end of this
or beginning of the next year.

In recent days, however, there are rumors that elections for
both houses of the federal Parliament and the president of Yugoslavia
might be called as early as next week, after acceptance of electoral
laws at the federal level. This means that elections might be held in
the second half of September or beginning of October.



BELGRADE, July 23, 2000 (BLIC)

Serbian Government and Head Office for Country's Reconstruction
sent, through yesterday's edition of "Politika" daily, a public
invitation for buying apartments from " the programme 10.000
apartments in 2000, which are being built in the Republic of Serbia".
Juristic and physical persons can answer the bidding for buyng




BELGRADE, July 22 (Tanjug) Yugoslav Prime Minister Momir
Bulatovic has said the country could be absolutely satisfied and proud
the results achieved in the necessary reconstruction and renewal of the
country following last year's NATO aggression, as well as the
enthusiasm and economic efficiency in that work.
Speaking in an interview to the magazine Ekonomski signali
(Economic Signals), Bulatovic said that last year had been completed
relatively successfully from the aspect of macro economic factors, since
the NATO bombs and war expenditures had seriously violated the material
resources and it had been necessary to invest huge efforts into the
required renewal.
"We managed to produce sufficient quantities of food, and now
are investing efforts to secure also power stability, since an oil
is still in effect against Yugoslavia, in addition to the damaged
refineries (in the NATO air strikes)," he said, indicating there were
serious problems in the gas supply.
Bulatovic criticized some negative views on Yugoslavia's
determination to reaffirm its role in the movement of nonaligned
and develop relations with countries with which it has maintained
friendly political relations, but where economic cooperation has
"The former Yugoslavia had also realized its biggest deals in
Libya, Egypt, Iraq and other countries of the Near and Far East,"
pointed out. It is becoming quite evident at this time that cooperation
with international financial institutions has not secured essential
economic prosperity or progress to any country, he said.
Speaking about financial affairs, Bulatovic underscored the
country's determination to maintain a restrictive monetary policy and
condition that any activity or expenditure must be financed strictly
real sources.
The fluctuation of the money mass depends on the economic
and need not be inflatory in itself, unless money is printed to cover
various state deficits, Bulatovic said.



BELGRADE, July 22 (Tanjug) Yugoslav government Commission for
Humanitarian Issues and Missing Persons President Maksim Korac on Friday
expressed dissatisfaction with the results of a meeting with the
Commission for the Imprisoned and Missing on the fate of 76 Serbs
imprisoned in Croatia.
Korac underscored that they had discussed the release of Serbs
captured by Croatian army or police in 1995, during the seizing of the
Republic of Serb Krajina, at the meeting in Zagreb on July 19 and 20.
He said the two commissions had failed to reach agreement
the Croatian side had set many additional demands as a condition for
Yugoslavia is currently searching for 3,372 persons, including
3,277 that went missing in the territory of Croatia during the 19911995
armed conflicts, and 95 persons in the federation of BosniaHerzegovina.
The 3,277 persons that went missing in Croatia include 576
from the entire territory of the former Yugoslav federation, while 2,701
Serbs went missing in actions by the Croatian army in the Republic of
Krajina. Only 13 persons have been found of the total number of those
went missing in Croatia 9 Serbs and 4 persons from other republics of
former Yugoslav federation.
The Croatian side is searching for a total of 1,620 persons who
went missing in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. They have
54 request to the Belgrade government on the grounds of reports that
persons are in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.




GNJILANE, July 22 (Tanjug) Three Serbs, father Miroljub
Momcilovic, 60, and his sons Jugoslav, 32, and Boban, 25, have been
incarcerated in the prison of the U.S. military base Bondsteel near
Gnjilane, Serbia's Kosovo and Metohija province, for a full year it now
appears without any reason.
International Judge Patrice de Charette has revealed the
of a document of the United States army which clearly shows that U.S.
snipers shot two ethnic Albanians from an observation tower in Kosovo
Metohija on July 20, 1999, while the Momcilovices have been charged with
killing one of these men.
De Charette said the 130page explosive document would
overturn this shameful court process. Already on Monday, when the trial
continues, the court will most probably lift all charges against them
the Momcilovices will be released, he said.
Justice will be served, but only partly. Why was the document
released by the U.S. military after a full year. And, more importantly,
will make up to the Momcilovices for the 12 months of incarceration,
humilation and abuse.




BELGRADE, July 21 (Tanjug) The Serbian Ministries of Justice
Finance said in a statement on Friday that UNMIK, especially since the
appointment of Bernard Kuchner as General Administrator of the U.N.
Mission, has passed a number of regulations on property transactions,
nullifying several laws of the republic of Serbia, in particular, the
Special Law on Property Transactions, aimed to preserve ethnic diversity
among the population of the southSerbian province.
This resulted in frequent usurpation of the property belonging
Serbs and other nonAlbanians, in favour of ethnic Albanians, as well as
usurpation of property of the republic of Serbia, in favour of the U.N.
Mission in Kosovo and Metohija.
As more than 350,000 Serbs, Montenegrins, and nonAlbanians have
been ousted from Kosovo and Metohija, and their houses, flats, and
illegally seized by ethnic Albanians, all contracts on real estate
transactions are made under pressure and coercion, which renders them
and void, the statement said.




PARIS, July 21 (Tanjug) Yugoslavia's ambassador at UNESCO
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), Nada PopovicPerisic,
Friday sent an appeal, following a vandal attack by ethnic Albanian
extremists on the church of St. Ilija in the village of Pomazetim, in
Kosovo and Metohija, to UNESCO DirectorGeneral Koitishiro Macuuru to
denounce this terrorist act and take all steps for the protection and
preservation of sacral and cultural monuments in KosovoMetohija.
Recalling that the church of StIlija had previously been mined
torched on August 3, 1999, and that in the night between July 16 and 17,
2000 it was razed to the ground, PopovicPerisic said that in question is
"another in a series of vandal acts which aim to speed up the ethnic
cleansing of the remaining Serbs and other nonAlbanians in Kosovo and
So far in Kosovo and Metohija destroyed have been 87
churches and other sacral facilities.




ZVECAN, July 21 (Tanjug) The president of the board of
of the Trepca MiningMetalurgyChemical Complex, Milos Milosavljevic, met
Skopje, Macedonia, with the representatives of the U.N. civilian mission
(UNMIK) in Kosovo and Metohija to discuss problems arising from the
of a part Trepca's property by ethnic Albanian extremists after the
of KFOR in June 1999.
Milosavljevic told Tanjug that he had rejected the attempts,
groundless and exerted through pressures, by UNMIK representatives to
over control of Trepca.
UNMIK's claims that it is trying to protect Trepca property are
unacceptable because the part of the production facilities seized by the
ethnic Albanians, with the help of KFOR and UNMIK, from the legal owners
have been seriously damaged or completely ruined, Milosavljevic set out.
In Kosovo and Metohija in operation are only those capacities
which are available to the legally elected Trepca management,
The Trepca board of managers rejected UNMIK's intention to take
over the Complex, which is a jointstock company with legally elected
bodies. At the latest session, demands were made for the return of the
forcefully seized mines and installations so that production could be
organized and staff employed regardless of nationality.

BELGRADE, July 19 (Tanjug) The board of managers of the
MiningMetallurgy Complex Trepca in Serbia's southern KosovoMetohija
province said on Wednesday that UNMIK's intention to take over the
management of this complex would result in a total collapse of
According to a report by the federal Information Ministry,
the arrival of the international missions (KFOR and UNMIK) in
KosovoMetohija, the only operational facilities in Trepca have been
available to its management, while those controlled by KFOR and UNMIK
totally out of operation.
"Any forceful and illegal takeover of Trepca would have
consequences and would be the responsibility of UNMIK and its
representatives," the Trepca management said in a statement.
They demanded from UNMIK to carry out the demand made by
shareholders at a meeting on August 28, 1999 that the seized Trepca
and installations should be returned to the Complex so that it could
organize production and engage staff regardless of their nationality.
The Trepca management reiterated its standing call to ethnic
Albanians to apply for jobs in the Complex, since this is in keeping
the wishes of the shareholders, the statement said.




BERLIN, July 21 (Tanjug) Ethnic Albanians in Kosovo and
are systematically persecuting and killing Romanies, thus forcing
Romanies out of the total of 370,000 in Serbia's southern province to
abroad, the representative of the Kosovo and Metohija Romanies in
Agron Osmani, said on Thursday at a congress of south German Romanies in
Esslingen, close to Stuttgart.
Osmani was also driven away from Kosovo and Metohija eight
ago and found shelter in Germany.
Osmani directly accused the members of the terrorist KLA
Liberation Army) of genocide, giving as proof that KLA killed the entire
Romany population of a village a total of 300 persons including infants
and the elderly.
UNMIK and KFOR, however, are doing nothing, or almost nothing,
prevent the atrocities of the ethnic Albanian extremists and terrorists,
Osmani set out adding that the West is no longer speaking about the fate
the Romanies in Kosovo and Metohija.




ZAGREB, July 21 (Tanjug) During and immediately following
Croatia's militarypolice operation Storm launched against the Serbs in
1995, 677 persons were either killed or went missing, are the latest
obtained by the Croatian Helsinki Board (HHO).
This shows that Krajina, where the operation was conducted, has
practically been ethnically cleansed.
The latest HHO report about the atrocities committed in this
operation, says that 267 persons were killed in the former Sector North
(Banija and Kordun). Last year HHO announced that 410 persons had been
killed in Sector South (Knin region).
HHO said that all data were verified in the field and gathered
from eyewitnesses.
The brutality of the Croatian troops during Storm is also
demonstrated in the fact that 76 persons were killed when Serb refugee
columns came under fire from Croat planes, tanks or crossfire.
According to the HHO report, the Croatian army was joined in
crimes against the Serbs in the region of Dvor by units of the
BosniaHerzegovina Army Fifth Corps.
In the region of Vrginmost, Karlovci, Slunj and Vojnic almost
same number of Serbs were killed in refugee columns and in their own
The report underscored that operation Storm drove away about
200,000 people, leaving a mere 8,500 mainly elderly persons.
HHO pointed out that the number of killed and missing persons
not final and that it is still gathering data.



KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, July 20 (Tanjug) Dalibor Vukovic, a Serb
student from Kosovska Mitrovica, held in custody by the UNMIK police
Sunday at their police station in northern Kosovska Mitrovica, was
on Thursday, Tanjug learned from Serb sources in this city.
Vukovic's arrest sparked off daily protests of Serbs in
UNMIK arrested Vukovic allegedly because he took part in a
with an ethnic Albanian six months ago. The fight ended without any

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, July 20 (Tanjug) Several thousand Serbs
gathered on Wednesday evening before the police station of the U.N.
in KosovoMetohija (UNMIK) to protest the conduct of the UNMIK police and
demand the release of Serbian medical student Dalibor Vukovic.
The protesters were addressed by one of the Serb leaders,
Ivanovic, who expressed hope that Vukovic would be set free on Thursday
since this is when the 72 hours required by procedure for interrogation
will expire.
The protest ended peacefully and without incident.

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, July 19 (Tanjug) Several thousand Serbs
rallied outside the UNMIK police station in northern Kosovska Mitrovica
late on Tuesday and demanded the unconditional release of medical
Dalibor Vukovic and the replacement of UNMIK police chief for this
and Metohija town, Benot Belanger of Canada.
Kosovska Mitrovica regional Serb National Council Executive
Committee member Marko Jaksic told the rally that Belanger took office a
month ago and immediately started dealing with Serbs.
"The police commander is arresting the innocent and not the
culprits. That is why I urge you to sign a petition for the replacement
Commander Belange," Jaksic said. He proposed that similar rallies be
every noon and evening.
Inviting the people to peaceful but determined and continuous
protests, Jaksic said "neither KFOR nor humanitarian organizations are
blame for this situation, but exclusively the UNMIK police, in fact, its

Saturday, 22 July 2000
NATO steps up force in unruly Serb area
KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, Yugoslavia - The NATO-led peacekeeping force
increased its presence yesterday in the Serb part of this divided city
after Serb leaders warned of further protests.
Demonstrations will continue if the United Nations takes "undemocratic"
actions such as the arrest earlier this week of an activist whose
subsequent detention triggered rioting and protests, the Serbs said.
The Serb-dominated north bank of the Ibar River was calm yesterday, one
day after Dalibor Vukovic, 24, was freed without bail. An ethnic
Albanian judge released him until a hearing to be held within two weeks.
He is accused of arson, theft and assault in the burning of an ethnic
Albanian's car last month.
U.N. spokeswoman Susan Manuel said that as a condition of his release,
Vukovic was ordered not to associate with "undesirable groups," which
she said meant Serb militants who watch over the main bridge linking the
Serb and ethnic Albanian parts of the city.
Vukovic was one of the Serb "bridge watchers."
Although the charges were not dropped, Serbs hailed Vukovic's release as
a victory because it galvanized the Serb community here in Kosovo's most
ethnically tense city. The four-day confrontation also underscored the
tenuous hold that the United Nations and the NATO-led peacekeeping
command maintain over the largest Serb community left in Kosovo.
Vukovic's arrest Monday night triggered rioting in which several people,
including Serbs and U.N. policemen, were injured. Attacks against U.N.
vehicles forced U.N. police to suspend patrols for a while.
Angry Serbs stole weapons from U.N. policemen, made off with computers
from a suburban police station and ransacked at least one policeman's
apartment. The crisis led Daan Everts, Kosovo head of the Organization
for Security and Cooperation in Europe, to warn that the credibility of
the international mission here was at stake.
With U.N. police seemingly unable to control the situation, the
commander of the NATO-led Kosovo Force, Lt. Gen. Juan Ortuno, announced
yesterday that KFOR was increasing its military presence in the Serb
area "to affirm the rule of law."
He would not say how many troops were being deployed.



Croatia, Montenegro plan to ease trade and visas

By Julijana Mojsilovic

PODGORICA, Yugoslavia, July 20 (Reuters) - Croatia and Montenegro said
had discussed liberalising bilateral trade, visa and border policies
during a
landmark diplomatic exchange on Thursday.

Croatian Foreign Minister Tonino Picula -- the first top Croatian
official to
visit the coastal Yugoslav republic since the violent break-up of the
federation -- told reporters agreements might be signed by September.

His visit is likely to upset Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, who
already angered by attempts by the pro-Western government of Montenegro
escape his control.

``We suggested protocols on free trade to ease the trade of our goods
taxes, on the liberalisation of the visa regime...and we will also
border policy to ease the flow of people and goods,'' Picula said.

The visit followed a meeting last month between Montenegrin President
Djukanovic and Croatian head of state Stjepan Mesic in Dubrovnik on the
Croatian coast.

Djukanovic apologised to the Croats for the role fighters from his
played in a war against Croatia's secession from Yugoslavia in 1991.


Pro-Milosevic political forces in Montenegro criticised the apology and
likely to also condemn the Thursday's visit as another step towards
Montenegrin independence from Belgrade.

The tiny mountainous republic is the last one left in Yugoslavia, along
Serbia, after Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Macedonia broke away in the

Montenegro's leaders have been threatening a referendum on independence
Belgrade continues to resist reforms to give it more equality within the
federation, but have been held back by the West, which fears another

In carefully worded statements, the two ministers avoided comments on
Milosevic-led Yugoslavia and focused instead on bilateral cooperation
regardless of Belgrade.

``This visit will, I hope, lead us into a period of extraordinary
with Croatia,'' said Montenegrin Foreign Minister Branko Lukovac.

Picula said he and Lukovac had also signed a joint statement pledging to
cooperate to resolve a dispute over the Prevlaka peninsula border
region, now
under the United Nations' control and claimed by both Croatia and

09:54 07-20-00



BELGRADE, July 18 (Tanjug) The board of managers of the
Directorate for the Reconstruction of the Country met on Tuesday in the
Serbian government building. The session was chaired by Serbian Premier
Mirko Marjanovic, who is also the president of the Directorate's board
managers, the Serbian Information Ministry has said.
The session concluded that the reconstruction of the country is
being realized successfully and in keeping with the set timetable. Since
the start of the work on the reconstruction of the country until July
2000, work has been completed on 143 construction sites. Built have been
road bridges, 15 rail bridges, one highway, three roads, five deviations
the road infrastructure, 567 housing facilities, while repaired were 270
housing facilities, built and repaired four heating plants, ten schools
six health institutions, two farms and 17 other public facilities.
Work is currently underway on 67 construction sites six road
infrastructure facilities, two rail infrastructure facilities and 57
apartment buildings.
The Directorate board of managers also discussed the
of the strategic national project of building 100,000 apartments in the
first decade of the 21st century. Concluded was that the model for the
financing of the building and sale of the apartments, as well as the
agreement between the four major banks, secure all the necessary
for the successful construction of 10,000 apartments in the year 2000.
has already started on the building of apartments in 92 cities and towns
throughout Serbia and should be completed by the end of the year.

BELGRADE, July 18 (Tanjug) The committee for evaluating
applications at the international tender for a new design of the new
over the Danube in Novi Sad, capital of Serbia's northern province, met
The rail and road bridge in Novi Sad was destroyed by NATO
during the 1999 MarchJune aggression on Yugoslavia.
All 11 bids from Yugoslavia and seven from abroad will receive
equal treatment regarding the traffic and technical designs for the
bridge's structure, as well as prices, aesthetical aspects.
This is the third time the committee has met. It announced that
all tenders would be presented to the public at exhibitions in Novi Sad
The Serbian government and the republican Directorate for
Reconstruction called the tender in late March. The applicants include
experts from Russia, China, Japan, Slovenia and a FrancoBelgian team of

BELGRADE, July 17 (Tanjug) The Serbian government met in
on Monday, chaired by Prime Minister Mirko Marjanovic, and concluded
the strategic national project on the construction of 100,000 apartments
the first decade of the 21st century was successfully being realized,
a statement by the republican Ministry of Information.
The construction of 10,000 apartments has begun in 89 cities
towns throughout Serbia and they will all be completed by the end of the
Through the realization of this strategic development project,
Serbian government is creating conditions to realize the economic
of public companies and to give strong impetus to Serbia's economy
real financing, engagement of banks, and organizing locations.
A hundred construction companies with over 150,000 workers are
already engaged on the realization of this project, as well as hundreds
subcontractors, manufacturers of building materials, and many firms of
associated industries. All in all, a total of some 500,000 workers from
over the republic are engaged on this project, the statement said.



The Irish Times
Wednesday, July 19, 2000

Turkish Cypriots protest over role of the military
By Michael Jansen, in Nicosia

The streets and squares of the Turkish Cypriot sector
of Nicosia were filled with protesters last night as
preparations continued for tomorrow's celebrations of
the 26th anniversary of the Turkish army's invasion
and occupation of the north of the island...



SECDEF approves NATO Medal for Kosovo operations
Released: 11 Jul 2000
RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- The Secretary of Defense
recently approved the wear of the NATO Medal by U.S. service members and
civilians for operations related to Kosovo.
Eligibility criteria for the medal are:
* Participation in NATO operations related to Kosovo (Oct. 13, 1998 to a
date to be determined) for 30 days (continuous or accumulated) in the
area of eligibility. The AOE is the land, at seas, or in the air space
of Kosovo; other territories of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY:
Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Slovenia);
Albania, Macedonia, and the Adriatic and Ionian seas.
* Aircrews participating in OPERATION Allied Force between March 24,
1999-June 10, 1999 with 15 sorties into Kosovo and FRY.
* Aircrews who didn't participate in OAF, accumulate one day of
qualifying service for the first sortie flown on any day.
* Wounded or injured and requiring subsequent evacuation from the
defined AOE, regardless of time in the area.
* 90 days (continuous or accumulated) within the territories of Italy,
Greece, and Hungary in direct support of NATO operations conducted in
the AOE.
Air Force Personnel Center officials say only one NATO Medal/ribbon is
authorized for wear. "Therefore, service members will wear the NATO
Medal they were awarded first and should they become eligible for the
other NATO Medal, it would be indicated by a bronze service star on the
first NATO Medal. U.S. service members are not authorized the wear of
numeric symbols on either NATO Medal."
Members and/or units who believe they are authorized the award should
provide documentation, such as copies of official orders and travel
vouchers, decorations, EPRs/OPRs, flight logs, etc., that assign them to
one of the approved operations to their servicing military personnel
flight career enhancement element to verify their entitlement. (Courtesy
of AFPC News Service)
** NATO Medal
** Air Force Personnel Center
For more on this subject, try the Air Force Link Search Engine.



Organisierte Provokation in Zusammenarbeit von Nazis, Polizei und Presse
gegen Antikriegsdemonstration in Hamburg

(diesen Beitrag erhielten wir von der Internationalen
jugoslawien-Solidarität Hamburg)

Während der 78 Tage andauernden Bombardements der Nato gegen Jugoslawien
fand in Hamburg jeden Tag um 19 Uhr eine Protestkundgebung auf dem
Gänsemarkt mit anschließender Demonstration statt. Die Teilnehmerzahl
schwankte zwischen 500 und 2000.

Diese Kundgebungen und Demonstrationen wurden in sämtlichen Medien –
Zeitungen, Rundfunk und Fernsehen – komplett unterschlagen, obwohl immer
wieder Kameraleute und Reporter vor Ort waren. So auch an einem Tag im
April. Die Demonstration sollte diesmal zum britischen Generalkonsulat
und war so von der Polizei und der Demoleitung vereinbart:
Gänsemarkt-Dammtorstraße-Esplanade-Alsterufer-Konsulat. Am Alsterufer
Alster-Terrassen hieß es plötzlich seitens der Polizei eine
wolle sich unserem Zug anschließen und würde sich aus Richtung
Alster-Terrassen kommend einreihen. Die Pressevertreter waren
genauso wie die Polizei darüber informiert und waren bereits mit Kameras
Fotoapparaten genau an dem Punkt, wo das Zusammentreffen geplant war,

Unsere Demoleitung war bis zu diesem Moment nicht darüber informiert
worden – weder seitens dieser „Demonstration“ noch seitens der Polizei,
entgegen jeder bisherigen Praxis war. Niemand konnte sich daher erklären
wen es sich handeln würde.

Wir sahen die „Solidaritätsdemo“ auf unseren Zug zukommen und glaubten
spontane kleine Demo von 20 bis 30 Personen von vielleicht Autonomen
vor uns zu haben. Transparente und Parolen waren gegen den Krieg und die
Nato gerichtet, in roter und schwarzer Schrift. Bis auf 30 Meter an uns
herangekommen wurden sie freudig von uns begrüßt, die Fotoapparate der
postierten „Reporter“ klickten, die Kameras liefen. Dann wurde jedoch
schnell (Gehabe, Kleidung und Fahne) klar: es handelte sich um Neonazis

Dies löste natürlich unter unseren Demonstranten erhebliche Verwirrung
Während die wenigen Deutschen unter uns sofort versuchten die Nazis
hinauszudrängen und „Nazis raus!“ riefen, blieb vielen Jugoslawen unklar
geschehen war und weshalb es plötzlich Ärger gab. Schließlich erklärte
die Polizei bereit die Nazis abzudrängen – die gewünschten Bilder
begrüßen Neonazis“ waren ja bereits im Kasten. Unsere Demo setzte sich
geplant bis zum britischen Konsulat fort, die Presse ging nach hause.

Die Neonazis zogen noch zum Kriegerdenkmal am Stephansplatz
muss leben, und wenn wir sterben müssen“) und hielten eine Kundgebung
dem Motto „kein deutsches Blut auf dem Balkan vergießen“ ab.

Solltet Ihr in irgendwo in der Presse über den Vorfall gelesen haben,
leitet es sofort an uns weiter:

Hamburg, 3. Juli 2000

Internationale Jugoslawien Solidarität
C/o Magda Thürey Zentrum
Lindenallee 72
20259 Hamburg

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


Il PCI e' stato sotterrato da Occhetto & co., il PDS sciolto nella
indefinita entita' denominata "Democratici di Sinistra", il giornale -
uno dei peggiori nel panorama attuale della nostra stampa - dopo anni di
"paghi due e ti accatti la videocassetta" e' posto dinanzi al bivio:
diventare definitivamente un giornaletto commerciale oppure chiudere i
battenti. Eppure, il rituale stanco della "Festa dell'Unita'" viene
riproposto regolarmente in tante localita' italiane.

Abbiamo fatto un salto, a Roma, alle Terme di Caracalla: una vera e
propria fiera, un mercatino; tra uno stand commerciale e l'altro,
sopravvive ancora qualche rappresentanza politica: Cuba (ci e' andato
anche il Papa, quindi sono autorizzati!), il Kurdistan (Ocalan vive
ormai forse solo di vita vegetativa grazie ai capolavori diplomatici di
Fassino-D'Alema), il Tibet (NON la Cina! Il Tibet, piede di porco
statunitense in Cina).
Sulla Jugoslavia, due dibattiti. Venerdi sera, 8 (otto) ascoltatori per
un tale Vlatko Sekulovic (Unione Socialdemocratica), certo piu' popolare
in Italia che non in Serbia, forse l'unico serbo del mondo ad avere la
faccia tosta di appoggiare le sanzioni occidentali che - secondo lui -
"fermano Milosevic... gli negano i soldi che ha rubato" (Umberto Ranieri
ha avuto il buon gusto di non presentarsi al dibattito); e poi ieri sera
(lunedi 24/7/00) una triste presentazione per il libro di Giulio Marcon,
responsabile dell'ICS, dinanzi a decine di persone che bevevano o
mangiavano qualcosa in attesa della musica. A fargli da spalla, il
solito Predrag Matvejevic con le solite autocitazioni su asilo ed esilio
(lui che ha cittadinanza plurima e case su entrambe le sponde
dell'Adriatico), come al solito zitto come una tomba sui crimini
dell'UCKFOR nel Kosmet (e non solo); e poi l'ambasciatore sloveno, che
con il suo governo dopo aver spaccato la RFSJ lavora al riconoscimento
del Montenegro indipendente - e traspariva dalle dichiarazioni davvero
Marcon ha parlato forse per tre minuti prima dell'inizio del pianobar.

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Assemblea nazionale di Mestre (15 luglio) di solidarietà con i
lavoratori jugoslavi e contro l?embargo

presidente del Sindacato Unitario del Gruppo Zastava,
in Italia dal 5 al 18 luglio 2000.

La Zastava è stata motore di sviluppo del paese ma ora, dopo 10 anni di
sanzioni e di embargo, lotta per la sopravvivenza ed
ha perso molte fabbriche rimaste fuori dal territorio dell?attuale
Jugoslavia, e tutta la produzione rimasta è stata portata
a Kragujevac. Con l?embargo dell?ultimo anno ha poi praticamente perso
la possibilità di produrre perchè non può più
effettuare scambi di merci con l?estero per procurarsi materiali e
quella che era la produzione giornaliera è diventata la
produzione annuale: ci può dunque essere solo sopravvivenza in attesa
della fine dell?embargo, dato che solo qualche paese
dell?area balcanica acquista qualcosa della sua produzione. I
bombardamenti del 9 e del 12 aprile ?99 hanno distrutto 6
stabilimenti ed è cessata la produzione: sono rimasti senza lavoro
36.000 dipendenti, senza parlare dell?indotto che un
tempo coinvolgeva fino a 240.000 lavoratori. I danni sono stati enormi
per tutto il tessuto sociale: al di là della volontà,
la forza dei lavoratori per la ricostruzione e la ripresa della
produzione è stata molto limitata per la mancanza di
investimenti e di fondi. Un decreto del Governo ha stabilito che tutti i
lavoratori della Jugoslavia devolvano un giorno di
lavoro al mese per costituire un fondo di solidarietà per la
ricostruzione del paese e delle fabbriche, dando la priorità a
case,elettricità, ospedali, scuole e ponti, quindi alla Zastava va il
5,3 di questo magro fondo. Tuttavia nell?anno appena
trascorso è stata realizzata la prima fase della ricostruzione, che ha
dato la priorità alla riattivazione della centrale
termica, che serviva tutta la città di Kragujevac riscaldando case,
scuole ed ogni altro edificio pubblico. 12.000 lavoratori
della fabbrica, dotati anche di varie altre capacità, specie
nell?edilizia, si sono inoltre volontariamente impegnati a
sgomberarla dalle macerie, aggravate da diverse violentissime alluvioni
(dopo la fine dei bombardamenti è piovuto
ininterrottamente per 28 giorni), e a rifare le coperture degli edifici
e i vetri alle finestre, lavorando notte e giorno, col
caldo e col freddo, praticamente senza attrezzature.Ora negli impianti
che erano stati distrutti è ripresa la produzione, ma
è necessario aumentare la produttività (molto bassa, ovviamente), e
ripristinare il reparto forgiatura, distrutto all?80%;
ci sono gravissimi problemi per rimettere in funzione gli impianti,
perchè le ditte straniere non possono inviare gli
indispensabili ricambi; solo 600 lavoratori possono lavorare come prima
dei bombardamenti, (e lo fanno a
rotazione,quando ciò è possibile, per distribuire al massimo il reddito
fra le famiglie). I maggiori problemi sono nella
fabbrica di automobili, che occupava 580.000 m.q. e aveva 3 linee di
produzione: ora una linea serve per 3 modelli e produce
18.000 vetture contro le 240.000 di un tempo. Il reparto di
lastroferratura è stato ricostruito adeguando le linee alla
produzione attuale. Molto difficile la situazione del reparto
verniciatura auto (colpito), mentre la situazione è diversa
per i camion.

La ricostruzione richiederà diversi anni, ma non si vedono sbocchi
futuri, data la pesantezza dell?embargo che viene
continuamente aggravato da nuove proibizioni della Unione Europea circa
l?import/export: proprio in questi giorni è stata
pubblicata una ?lista bianca? di 190 imprese che possono commerciare con
l?estero, tutte piccole e private , cosa che fa
temere che la Zastava sarà sulla ?lista nera?, impossibilitata a
qualunque scambio di merci, e quindi definitivamente
condannata (cambi e motori le venivano dall?IVECO), dopo essere già
stata distrutta 3 volte.

I lavoratori della Zastava, che nell?89 era stata la prima a firmare il
contratto collettivo di lavoro che garantiva un salario
minimo di 850 marchi al mese, ora sono per il 50% in aspettativa e
percepiscono 20 DM, contrattando ogni mese con lo
Stato aiuti in generi di prima necessità (olio, zucchero, farina), per
circa altri 20 DM, (che però non sempre ci sono).
Quelli impiegati ricevono 120 DM e viene applicata la rotazione, ma non
sempre è possibile e alcuni operai sono fuori da
10 anni. Se si considera che per vivere occorre un minimo di 300 DM,non
ci sono le condizioni per la sopravvivenza.

Da anni non si pagano acqua, energia e simili, ma tutto viene scritto
per un pagamento futuro che nessuno sarà in grado di

Intanto per fortuna c?è la solidarietà internazionale dei lavoratori
tedeschi e italiani, al di là delle differenze politiche,
che ha un grande valore morale oltre che economico in questa durissima
lotta per la sopravvivenza. Gli aiuti servono
prioritariamente di 3 tipi: 1°- materiali e fondi per la ricostruzione e
la ripresa dell?economia distrutta: senza lavoro è
impossibile la vita. La IG Metal e altre grandi fabbriche tedesche sono
impegnate nel progetto di far pervenire pezzi utili
agli impianti e hanno fornito un tornio di 12 metri di tipo molto
specifico, mai avuto in Zastava ( ce ne sono due in tutta la
Jugoslavia; c?è inoltre il tentativo di fare un contratto per ottenere
parti per il funzionamento di centrali termiche e
miniere. Questi sono aiuti molto importanti, perchè per la fabbrica
l?isolamento è mortale.

2° - Data l?impossibilità delle cure mediche serve aiuto economico
diretto per medicinali e attrezzature del presidio
sanitario che ha buone professionalità e copriva il livello diagnostico,
ma le sue macchine vecchie di 20 anni, essendo vicino
ai reparti colpiti, sono andate fuori funzione. Non è più possibile fare
diagnosi. La CGIL italiana ha procurato un
apparecchio per mammografia (una donna su due ha tumori al seno), e
dalla Germania sono giunte lastre e attrezzature
dentistiche e cardiologiche: tutto ciò è stato trasferito all?ospedale
di Kragujevac che serve 800.000 abitanti e sarà molto
utile perchè lo stato di salute generale è molto grave; l?età media dei
lavoratori della Zastava è di 43 anni perchè da 10 anni
non ci sono più assunzioni di giovani, e inoltre la fabbrica non è più
riscaldata a causa dei costi, per decisione dei lavoratori
stessi. A questo si sono aggiunte le bombe, il PCB, l?uranio impoverito.
Dagli esami del sangue la salute risulta in
condizioni allarmanti, e il problema più grave è che, se è difficile
fare diagnosi (l?embargo proibisce di importare anche il
tubo per le schermografie), poi non ci sono farmaci e sostanze per
fabbricarli (le poche fabbriche jugoslave sono state
bombardate anch?esse).Le farmacie di stato sono vuote, quelle private
hanno prezzi inavvicinabili, i medicinali sono
garantiti dal mercato nero e lo sfruttamento è terribile, perciò, per
combatterlo, coi farmaci fatti arrivare con gli aiuti è
stata formata una farmacia ?umanitaria?, severissimamente controllata,
per i lavoratori, gli ex lavoratori e le loro
famiglie, (cioè 2/3 della città). Gravissima la proliferazione di
carcinomi, si è all?inizio di una vera epidemia, e le diagnosi
sono difficili a causa della vecchiezza degli apparecchi; inoltre non
c?è produzione di terapie: gli ospedali, dove i tumori
sono curati gratuitamente per legge, non possono fare altro che mandare
a casa i malati: c?è quindi un?infinità di tragedie
personali, senza speranza, e la paura che i più saranno abbandonati a se
stessi. Il presidio sanitario della Zastava, che ha
sempre funzionato molto bene nel campo della protezione sul lavoro,
tramite diagnosi veloci ed esami sistematici,
soprattutto del sangue, ha constatato che sono in forte aumento i
bambini sofferenti di asma da stress, diabete (per la cura
del quale manca l?insulina), ed epilessia, e che si diffondono nuove
malattie, quali la leucopenia (malattia del sangue).
Forti sono le paure per settembre, quando si riapriranno le scuole: ci
saranno gravissimi problemi per il riscaldamento e
aumenteranno le malattie delle vie respiratorie.

3°- molto importante si è rivelato il sistema degli affidi a distanza,
praticato solo dall?Italia, che ha dato ottimi
risultati, aiutando a sopravvivere le famiglie poste nelle peggiori
condizioni: data la situazione generale il Sindacato ha
dovuto con molta fatica individuare criteri generali per la loro
selezione, che sono stati accettati senza nessuna critica o
polemica da tutti gli operai; fino ad ora le adozioni sono 1.140, ma i
bambini in attesa sono 10.000, e sono i più bisognosi
tra i bisognosi. Solo chi ha visto può realmente rendersi conto della
lotta che combatte anche solo per sopravvivere una
famiglia, mediamente di quattro persone, con l?equivalente di 20.000
lire al mese.

In questa terribile situazione la gente è molto unita e solidale e non
si è verificato alcun problema fra le 34 ?etnie? presenti
fra i lavoratori, così come non ce ne erano mai stati in precedenza:
serbi, rom, albanesi, ebrei, turchi, kossovari, croati,
goranci, ecc: hanno sempre lavorato e vissuto insieme, e continuano a
farlo, aiutandosi a vicenda. Al Sindacato Unitario del
Gruppo Zastava aderisce il 92% dei lavoratori, al di là delle diverse
opinioni politiche, e il Sindacato si occupa delle loro
condizioni di vita e di lavoro, senza porre nessuna altra questione. Le
scelte politiche dei singoli non possono mettere in
discussione il loro diritto al lavoro e alla vita, che potrà avere
qualche speranza solo se verrà tolto subito questo terribile
embargo contro i lavoratori che condanna a morte indiscriminatamente una
intera popolazione, da sempre multietnica.

Questo è l?aiuto veramente fondamentale, indispensabile per la
sopravvivenza del popolo jugoslavo: gli aiuti possono in
qualche (limitato) modo alleviare l?attesa, ma solo i mezzi delle
nazioni possono intervenire sui tanti tipi di
inquinamento e avvelenamento del suolo, dell?acqua e dell?aria causati
dai bombardamenti della NATO, che l?embargo
rende impossibile perfino monitorare.

Il popolo jugoslavo non può capire questo accanimento, ma non vuole
odiare nessuno:solo augura che quello che gli è
accaduto non succeda a nessun altro popolo.

(Sperando di essere riuscita a riportare il più fedelmente possibile le
parole della Presidente del Sindacato Unitario del
Gruppo della Zastava, mi scuso per le possibili incomprensioni in
materia di carattere tecnico. Paola Ferroni, tel.

Un ringraziamento a "Un ponte per in terra di Bari" per la diffusione
del testo

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(si veda anche: )

Domanda: "Perche' non la sentiamo dire pubblicamente che queste vergogne
[le violenze continue in Kosmet contro i non-albanesi e contro gli
albanesi democratici] devono finire?..."

LORD GEORGE ROBERTSON (*): "Per 10 anni, da quando Milosevic e' al
potere, sono stati negati i piu' elementari diritti... una
discriminazione sistematica che potremmo anche chiamare apartheid
[sembra quasi di sentire Alberto L'Abate, n.d.CRJ]... L'OSCE ci ha detto
che i serbi colpivano appositamente i bambini... si proprio un anno fa
trafiggevano i bambini sulla punta delle baionette allo scopo di
terrorizzare la popolazione civile... Ecco quello che stava succedendo,
ecco quello che e' successo per piu' di 50 anni [SIC!!!]..."


(*) Questo personaggio e' il Segretario generale della NATO.

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

* Polonia: gli agricoltori contro l'Unione Europea (The Guardian)
* Lo stato della Russia (Golos Kommunista)
* La NATO ed il nazionalismo ungherese (The Rockford Institute)
TECHNOLOGY TUMOR INFESTED NATIONS - stanno distruggendo il paese (M.
* Romania: l'embargo contro la Jugoslavia e la politica interna (IWPR)
* Ucraina: Ritornano i latifondisti (STOPNATO)
* Ucraina: rispettati gli impegni con gli strozzini mondiali (Reuters)
* Romania: esercitazioni militari (US Army)


>Polish farmers declare war over EU membership
>Thousands of smallholders claim they are being pushed
>to the wall in the Warsaw government's rush to
>negotiate with Brussels on entry
>The European Commission: special report
>Tony Paterson in Augustow, north-east Poland
>Tuesday April 18, 2000
>The Guardian
>Poland's politicians may be embracing early membership
>of the European Union but its farmers are furious
>about the move, which could wipe out their
>This week, as the European commission finalises its
>draft plan for the inclusion of Poland, Hungary, the
>Czech Republic, Estonia, Slovenia and Cyprus in the
>union, many of the fields around Augustow remain a
>"Polish agriculture is already ruined," said one
>farmer, Stanislaw Bojkowski, 67, who tills 50 acres
>near Augustow.
>"Farming was worthwhile under communism, but Warsaw's
>European Union madness is driving us out of business."
>He is not alone. According to estimates from the
>Polish Peasants' party, only 600,000 of the country's
>2m farms will survive the process of joining the EU.
>Yet Warsaw's liberal-conservative coalition government
>is adamant that Poland must join as soon as possible.
>Mr Bojkowski is cultivating only half of his land this
>year - he cannot afford the fertilisers needed for the
>"The money I get for the wheat and potatoes I manage
>to produce hardly makes it worthwhile. The bulk of my
>income these days derives from my old-age pension," he
>Two miles away, Mieczyslaw Suchocki, 43, has tried to
>offset his farming losses by taking a share in a
>grocery store.
>In the 1980s his 74-acre farm, producing potatoes,
>wheat and tobacco, was subsidised by the state. A
>single tobacco crop earned Mr Suchocki enough to buy a
>Now the terms of growing are set by the multinational
>British American Tobacco company. "Starting next year,
>BAT is only buying tobacco from farmers who plant and
>dry it with the special drying equipment we can buy
>from them.
>"I would need a $10,000 loan to purchase the equipment
>and I simply can't afford it. Producing tobacco on a
>small scale is out," he said.
>The collapse of small-scale farming is a dilemma faced
>by all the EU candidate countries but it is acute in
>Poland, where some 26% of the working population is in
>Roman Jagielinski of the Polish Peasants' party argues
>that the state must make social security provision for
>farmers forced out of business. He wants the rest to
>receive subsidies from Brussels.
>But Brussels has so far turned a deaf ear. The common
>agricultural policy subsidy budget, which amounts to
>more than £25bn a year in direct aid to EU farmers,
>has been fixed until 2006.
>It contains no provision for EU candidate countries,
>although Poland is still aiming for a 2003 entry date.
>The anger of Polish farmers boiled over last year,
>when the militant agricultural workers' union
>Samoobrona (Self- Defence) staged countrywide protests
>against the flood of cheap EU imports.
>This persuaded Warsaw to temporarily ban grain imports
>and raise the amounts paid for home-grown pork.
>But the moves were not enough to satisfy Samoobrona's
>leader, Andrej Lepper, who will run as a candidate in
>the presidential election this autumn.
>"Poland is not being treated as a partner by the EU.
>We are simply being used as a dumping ground for their
>surplus products," he said.
>Two-thirds of large farm owners recently declared
>their readiness to take part in further militant


L?état de la Russie

Selon le rapport des Nations unies, à présent la Russie est 71ème sur
174 pays, sur l?échelle du
Potentiel de développent humain. Le plus grand et, en ressources
naturelles, un des plus riches
pays dans le monde, avec une population des mieux éduquées, la Russie
traîne derrière le
Venezuela, le Panama, le Mexique, Grenade, la Malaisie, Cuba, la
Biélorussie, Fiji, la Thaïlande et
la Roumanie sur la liste des Nations unies.... Peut-être, néanmoins, que
la Russie puisse être
«fière» d?un meilleur niveau de vie que la Lituanie, l?Ukraine et la
plupart des pays dans le
Caucase et l?Asie centrale...
Le Produit national brut par habitant est tombé à la 116 place (!) dans
la liste des pays - après
avoir été la seconde puissance industrielle dans le monde.... Tels pays
que le Barbados, la
République Dominicaine, la Turquie, le Liban, le Gabon , Trinidad,
Panama et l?Île Maurice
produisent actuellement plus par tête d?habitant que la Russie! Dans 13
pays ce taux est dix fois
supérieur à celui de la Russie, alors qu?au Luxembourg et en Suisse il
est de 16 fois supérieur!
Les Russes aujourd?hui mangent moins et vivent moins longtemps qu?en
1970. Alors, l?espérance
de vie était en général de 68,7 ans, maintenant elle est de 66,6.
Entre temps le gouvernement russe se prépare à retarder l?âge de départ
en retraite, pour les
hommes de 60 à 65 ans, et pour les femmes de 55 à 65. La plupart des
hommes russes, ne vivront
pas assez longtemps pour prendre leurs retraites... C?est précisément
l?objet de cette réforme:
économiser de l?argent sur les retraites!). Actuellement les habitants
de pays tels que le Panama,
le Costa Rica, le Honduras et le Surinam ont commencé à vivre plus
Les Russes consomment maintenant moins de calories que les Tunisiens,
les Algériens, les
Malais, les Indonésiens, les Turcs, les Iraniens, les Chiliens e les
En même temps la Russie détient le plus grand taux d?incarcération dans
le monde 1538 sur
100.000 habitants. Le petit Swaziland vient en seconde place, avec
presque la moitié de ce taux,
La Russie est aussi un des pays en tête en ce qui concerne le nombre de
suicides. Chaque année
73 hommes et 14 femmes sur 100.000 de la population se suicident, suit
la Lituanie avec 79
hommes et 15 femmes. À noter que d?autres pays de l?Europe de l?Est et
de la Baltique suivent la
Russie de très près....Voilà le «bonheur» des réformes?
Selon des enquêtes sociologiques, la plupart des femmes russes ont un
sentiment «d?horreur et
renoncent à vouloir vivre» quand elles se découvrent enceinte.
Eh bien, merci beaucoup pour cet «avenir brillant» de notre nation,
Monsieur Gorby et K!

(source Golos Kommunista, avril 2000)
[Traduit par I.R et A.M.]
Diffuso dalla Editions Democrite, Francia


The Rockford Institute

July 3, 2000


by Gabriel Neagu

In his remarkable article “Bad treaty that won’t go away,” published in
The Washington Times on June 4
(, Balint Vazsonyi, director of the Center for the
American Founding, made an impassioned and
unrestrained plea for the revision of the Treaty of Trianon, named for
the palace in Versailles where peace was concluded
between Hungary and the Entente powers in 1920. Dr. Vazsonyi’s article
is a timely prompt to appraise NATO’s impact on
the geopolitical architecture of the Danubian basin, with particular
reference to Hungary’s nascent revisionism

The article contains references to non-Hungarian ethnic groups that are
conceited and in poor taste, if not grossly insulting. If,
for example, “Slovaks had lived in the Northern counties of Hungary for
a thousand years, and their only path to social
advancement was to become Hungarianized,” there is no more to say about
their right to self-determination. If Transylvania as
a Hungarian province “had everything, including enormous historic
importance to Hungary,” it is implicit that no such
importance can be attached to its original and all-time majority
inhabitants, the Romanians. The statement that “the towns, the
great centers in Slovakia, in Transylvania, in Vojvodina were not built
by Slovaks, Rumanians or Serbs” is disingenuous:
pre-Hungarian Europeans did not wait for the Hungarians to build their
towns, schools, churches, and societies.

Something is wrong when a director of the “Center for the American
Founding” states that “something is not right about the
manner in which the plight and cultural destruction of the Hungarian
millions in Slovakia, Romania and Serbia has been
ignored.” How many millions of Hungarians were destroyed in Slovakia,
Romania, and Serbia? When and where? On what
sources is that audacious claim based? In Serbia Hungarians have enjoyed
for decades – and still do, even under the
disgraceful Mr. Milosevic - the rights and privileges on par with any
West European country’s treatment of its minorities.
Romania’s Hungarian minority has grown in numbers since Trianon. At the
same time, Hungary’s Romanian minority -
numerous at the end of World War I - has decreased dramatically. “There
is nothing to show for the untold suffering of
millions of Hungarians,” laments Dr. Vazsonyi. But his attempt to
include his compatriots in the list of approved victimhood
rests on the flimsiest of grounds.

An optimist might say that Dr. Vazsonyi is a harmless nostalgist, that
his irredentist dreams cannot be taken seriously in view of
Hungary’s desire to become integrated in the political and defense
structures of “the West.” But will NATO curb or boost
Hungary’s revisionism? The record is ominous: NATO is Washington’s
military arm and, after its aggression against
Yugoslavia, a criminal organization. Washington has developed one of the
most sophisticated webs of deceitful relationships in
human history. By virtue of wielding ultimate power, Washington remains
its key puppeteer. When there was a USSR, the
U.S. did make elaborate efforts to feed the illusion that international
organizations were not its own instruments, but real
international forums. A decade ago Washington attacked Iraq only after
having maneuvered the UN into giving its blessing and
the “international community” into “building a consensus.” Such finesse
is no longer needed.

Like father, like son: the “new” NATO has violated its own charter, the
US Constitution, the UN Charter, international laws
and conventions, and has committed war crimes. Its policy is based on
double standards, duplicity, and favoritism. Even in the
old days NATO did not have a history of restraining its more bellicose
members. What did NATO do to prevent its member
Turkey from invading northern Cyprus in 1974? It still keeps that
territory under illegal military occupation, but NATO does
not look offended. More recently, Washington and London have declared
no-fly zones in northern and southern Iraq, claiming
that they want to protect the Kurds in the north and Shiites in the
south against Saddam. However, Turkey is allowed to
violate Iraq’s borders and to murder with impunity the Kurds in northern
Iraq. And only a few weeks ago, acting as UN
Security Council proxies of Washington, NATO members USA, France, and
Britain banned Yugoslavia from an international
discussion on the future of the Balkans and, implicitly, of Yugoslavia
itself. In their warped view of the world, if they disdain a
country, that country should not be allowed to discuss its own future,
let alone have a say in deciding it.

Such spirit of NATO encourages an openly revisionist Hungarian policy.
According to a Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
(RFE/RL) report of October 21, 1998,

“After just a few months in office, it has become clear that the
new Orban government is taking a more vigorous
approach to supporting the claims of ethnic Hungarians living in
the neighboring countries of Romania, Slovakia and
former Yugoslavia.” (Hungary: New Government Feels Responsible For
Minorities Abroad by Kitty McKinsey)
Citing only Hungarian sources, the RFE/RL report went on to enumerate
many Hungarian claims, which were uncritically
presented as legitimate. Hungarian Undersecretary of State Tibor Szabo
was approvingly quoted as saying that “the Hungarian
nation does indeed not coincide with the borders of Hungary.” Given that
RFE/RL is one of Washington’s basest propaganda
agencies, the biased views presented by that report might well be just
another expression of Washington’s preferences. It does
not mind Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban declaring that “the
Constitution of Hungary defines our responsibility for
Hungarians living outside the borders” at the conference Hungary and
Hungarian Minorities Living Abroad in February
1999. In plain language, this implies Hungary’s constitutional “right”
of direct interference in its neighbors’ internal affairs,
which is very different from the normal, and legitimate, concern for the
well-being of one’s compatriots in other countries.

In conclusion, NATO will not curb Hungary’s revisionism if it can
contribute to the destruction of national sovereignty and of
the historically constituted national states. Some Hungarians may hope
to ride on the coat-tails of the project, but they, too, will
be its victims. The NWO seeks a world in which a minuscule, rootless,
and unprincipled financial oligarchy will exploit
everybody, without respect for borders, traditions, religions, cultures,
nations, or any other loyalty that can withstand the
upcoming enslavement. Its “democracy” and “human rights” are strictly
selective (the Serbs, for example, have none), and they
are invoked – to reward or to punish – only inasmuch as they serve the
oligarchy’s interests.

The phenomenon is not new. When the late Rumanian dictator Nicolae
Ceausescu was deemed to serve the interests of the
then still concealed NWO, the Queen of England decorated him and treated
him to a tour of London in her own blazoned
carriage. His appalling human rights record was deemed irrelevant. But
when he paid off Romania’s international debt and
started turning a profit in an economy that was not based on “free
market” fallacies, he became a “nationalist” and was
dispatched by the Romanian subsidiary of the globalist project.

New NATO member Hungary undoubtedly feels encouraged in its revisionism.
It should remember that any short-term
rewards may soon prove to have carried an exorbitant price tag.

Mr. Neagu, a native of Rumania and a former Radio Free Europe analyst,
writes from Washington D.C.


The speech of Marek Glogoczowski, a Poland's representative at the
Future Congress held at Bratislava, July 2nd, 2000.

The economic and social reality we encounter at present in Poland is
the same as the one, described before me, by representatives of
Estonia and Latvia. In particular, our Estonian friend told us that his
country is producing only 40 percent of food it consumes, and the rest
imported from European Union. In "communist" posteriority Poland had
developed agriculture, but due to "reforms" it also follows this pattern
development: ten years ago milk production in my country attained 16
millions tons, and last year it has dropped to only 8 millions. The same
holds in practically all other industries, and due to it, imports exceed
exports up to 12 billions dollars per year. This means that every
man and woman in my country receives from the West yearly up to thousand
dollars high "subvention" to his salary. My monthly salary - as of an
academic lecturer in philosophy - is precisely 200 dollars, which means
that it is in half "sponsored" by the West, which since ten years takes
care for the Poland's development. It is evident that for this,
by Coalition of Global Investors, Polish national debt, we will pay in
future with remnants of our national treasures, our forests and
lands, and even with our children and houses.
As a philosopher "proletarized" by the West, I would like to put some
professional light at the process of globalization, for it was not
out of nothing. Everyone, who studied the Bible in more detail, knows
religious root of this process. The well known prophets of this Book,
Zechariah or Isaiah, prophesized the oncoming "Thousand years of
Global Kingdom", where there will be "One Lord and one His name", and
"Nation or kingdom that will not serve Him shall be utterly laid waste".
show it statistics, in United States half of the population believes in
these prophecies. Therefore it is evident that such Bible-directed
automatically backs American government, which tries to realize orders
given by the Holy Scripture.
As the idea of "globalization of the Globe" is already more than 2,5
thousand years old, the idea of "Europeanization of Europe" is
fresh. It is a product of scientific revolution of last two hundred
and it was elaborated with high transparency by French positivist
philosopher August Comte, in the middle of 19th century. According to
fertile ideas, European nations should be homogenized, and Europe
in a form of a super-state, consisting of smaller Euro-regions, each
inhabited by about 3 million people. The imagined by Comte future
positivistic society should be divided in castes: atop should be a
elite of bankers and their associates, below soldiers performing the
of police damping eventual disorders, and underneath the caste of
proletarians, working essentially for the glory - and moral values - of
work. According to the proposal of this philosopher, members of lower
castes should have no permission to form their individual,
by rulers, views. We may say that in such "positivistic" society,
might be only decoracy, a decoration masking the utterly despotic
of the modern state. As pointed it out a known Polish philosopher Leszek
Kolakowski, August Comte was in large extend the prophet of fascist
movements characterizing first half of 20th century.
How does it look, in this religious and philosophical setting, Europe at
the eve of 21st century? All vital for us decisions are taken at
semi-secret meetings of various informal associations of bankers and
owners, such as the Bildberg Group. One of illustrious participants of
these semi-secret, big-business linked associations, an American
Thomas Friedman defined recently, in very transparent terms, goals of so
called "globalization of the Globe". He did it in "New York Times", only
four days before the start of "friendly bombings" of Yugoslavia:
"For globalization to work, America can't be afraid to act like the
almighty superpower that it is. The hidden hand of the market will never
work without the hidden fist. McDonalds cannot flourish without
McDonnel-Douglas, the maker of the F-15. And the hidden fist that keeps
world safe for the Silicon Valley technologies is called the US Army,
air force and Marine Corps."
Here we have at least an overt statement what kind of totalitarian
prepares for us this "almighty" Coalition (in German Koalizion) of
Investors, known in literature under the abbreviation of KGI. "Adapt
yourself to US-invented life technologies or perish". That's the
message of our Corporate Masters.
Screening the list of participants of these semi-secret Bildberg
"seminars", we may find names of heirs of the last century "Robber
which ravaged our Earth from New York to Shanghai. For this historical
reason I propose to supplant the KGI term by a more suggestive
For a keen observer it is evident that this, parasiting on our vanity
stupidity, CRETTIN (with double T) has a well developed internal
covering practically all aspects of our culture, our science, and even
religion. Here I would like to concentrate on commercial youth
organizations affiliated to the CRETTIN establishment. Those numerous -
least in Central and Eastern Europe - youth organizations are raising
specific "scouts", which efficiently facilitate the "liberal
transformation" of KGI targeted nations.
The "Invisible Leader" of these "scouts of commercial freedom" is with
doubt the wordily known financier and philanthropist George Soros, He is
kind of Baden Powell of our post-modernist times. For this reason I will
call the organized by him youth movement "Soros Jugend", in the memory
German youth organization in 30ies and 40ties. (As George Soros recalls
in his writings, during his adolescent times he belonged to the
analogue of Hitlerjugend. He even participated, as this organization
activist, in the deportation of Hungarian Jews towards Auschwitz.)
To the Soros-controlled panoply of organizations belong Open Society
Foundations, which play essential role in politics of many countries,
especially of those freshly liberated from communism. George Soros
himself, in his book "Underwriting Democracy" published in 1993, the
of all these noble institutions. He informs there that (his idea was)
creation of an international web ... at the heart of which will be the
computerized base of (personal) data, which enable the Western
Multinational Societies to find candidates, which they are searching
In short, all these Soros-educated young men and women are prepared to
fulfil functions comparable to that of Japanese geishas. These Young
Professionals, thanks to their multiple, delicate social contacts with
bureaucracy in target countries, facilitate the implementation in their
homelands of KGI run businesses. According to information gathered by
Schiller's Institute, the George Soros right arm in European Commission
professor Romano Prodi. It means that "the web" of Soros-led politicians
embraces all the Europe: according to our information in Russia with
banker's "web" are linked ex-(vice)PM Tchoubais, Kirilenko and Niemcov.
Poland we speak overtly that Soros is in fact an "invisible emperor",
is trying, with the help of his Legion of Geishas (or "Scouts") of the
Society, to unify Europe according to the pattern traced earlier by
Napoleon and Hitler. One wonders, how many years will survive this new
version of "Thousand Jahre Reich". Of course, I have a project how to
humanize this latest, logical accomplishment of our positive, born with
French Revolution, European dreams. This my proposal is contained at the
end of a longer article "Quo vadis Europe?" which I've prepared for the
Ljubljana Euro-Future meeting.
(Below is only its short outline. It is based on experiences of my
when Yugoslavia was for me a positive model of communisto-capitalistic
country, where people were living in much better way than in the nearby,
sterile Austria. To my surprise, a similar opinion has Austrian writer
Peter Handke, and also the French historian Yves Bataille, whom I met
the first time two years ago at Prague, at the Slavic Congress. Of
course I
will be happy to rebuild - and even extend - the country which I have in
positive memory. How to realize it? In last month's municipal elections
Montenegro, the victorious (in an overall score) coalition "Pro
consisted of honest socialist, nationalist and even communist parties,
of which I have in esteem. Such an "alliance of retrogrades" stirs an
hostility of ruling at present in Europe - and also in Montenegro -
coalition "For better life", which in reality realizes anti-social
interests of supranational financial gangsters, backed by local
Mafia-linked "geishas".
Why not to project the extension of Montenegrin "Pro Yugoslavia"
onto other European countries? What about the revitalization of the
of de Gaulle's dreamed "Europe of nations", from Mediterranean to the
Atlantic Ocean? All this may sound like an irresponsible dream, but to
renegades of student 1968 movement I want to recall a slogan written on
walls of Paris in May 1968 "Soyez réalistes, demandez l'impossible".
my own experience is evident that - in a long term - it is better to
together with those who proved to be courageous, smart and honest, than
go "down the drain", together with those who proved to be greedy liars,
prfessional swindlers and cowards.)

P.S. Few days after my speech at Bratislava, where I proposed the term
"Coalition of Robbers and Exploiters" (CRE), I've found in N. Chmsky's
"What Uncle Sam Really Wants" a following, CRE related statement: "Who
going to win the race (in Eastern Europe) for robbery and exploitation.
it going to be German-led Western Europe, or Japan, or the United
In fact it is a good question for the European Future Congress.



A political row has broken out in Romania over claims that senior
politicians helped to organise the smuggling of oil to Yugoslav nearly
decade ago.

By Marian Chiriac in Bucharest

The scandal over illegal Romanian oil shipments to Yugoslavia during
Bosnian war has taken a new political twist with President Emil
Constantinescu accusing two prominent politicians of involvement in the

Constantinescu alleges that his predecessor, Ion Iliescu, and former
Minister, Teodor Melescanu, were involved in transporting the fuel, in
breach of a UN embargo against Yugolavia.

"Huge quantities of petrol were exported under the cover of the
Constantinescu said, claiming the Romanian secret service played a role
the smuggling, operating on "orders from above" - a clear reference to
country's former political leadership.

The president said Iliescu and Melescanu would be held responsible,
"regardless of whether they knew about it."

Melescanu immediately retaliated, accusing Constantinescu of attempting
discredit his rivals ahead of presidential elections in
November."Constantinescu is turning the presidential seat into a
from which he can heap abuse on his political opponents," the former
minister said.

Without formally denying the accusations, Iliescu said the president's
remarks carried "a strong dose of electioneering." It was "unacceptable
dangerous" for the president to "take over the role of the judiciary,"
Iliescu said.

The smuggling operation followed the UN Security Council's decision in
to impose an oil embargo on Yugoslavia to pressure Belgrade to stop
supplying fuel to the Bosnian Serbs.

Romanian police launched an investigation into the country's violations
the UN embargo three years ago. Local press reports earlier this year
Romanian investigators had established around 1,000 railway wagons
tonnes of fuel were smuggled across the Romanian-Serbian frontier at

According to the reports, secret service agents accompanied the trains,
which passed the Jimbolia crossing at night with their lights off.

"Operation Jimbolia blew a hole of $100 million in the public purse,"
daily paper, Evenimentul Zilei, reported. "The operation was financed
by the
state through preferential credits allotted to cronies of the former
government under the co-ordination of the Romanian Intelligence

Romanian judicial officials have refused to comment on the media
but say the investigation is continuing.

On July 5, however, former intelligence chief, Virgil Magureanu, said
in an
interview with the most popular daily paper Adevarul, "Romania's
of the embargo against Yugoslavia was indeed a political decision, made
the highest level."

Magureanu said Western governments had also approved the shipments
the oil was meant only for humanitarian purposes. "Other countries like
Bulgaria, Hungary and Ukraine also carried out similar special
he said.

Although international observers said UN rules had not been breached,
Romania is known to have a poor record of observing UN sanctions. The
embargo presented many people with an opportunity to ferry barrels of
across the Danube in small boats. Hundreds of luxury villas, built on
proceeds of this lucrative trade, soon dotted the landscape.

But most Romanians look upon Constantinescu's sanction busting attack
Iliescu as nothing more than a political bluff. Iliescu was ousted by
reformist Constantinescu in the 1996 elections, but looks poised to win
the presidency in the November elections.

Constantinescu may also be sending a signal to the international
ahead of November's poll. Critics have accused Iliescu of maintaining
relations with Yugoslav President, Slobodan Milosevic. "The allegations
against Iliescu are unlikely to enhance Romania's bid to join NATO and
European Union," says Eliade Balan of the daily paper, Romania Libera,
they should serve as reminder his election victory could complicate the
situation in the Balkans."

Marian Chiriac is news editor at the MediaFax News Agency in Bucharest
editor of Foreign Policy, a quarterly published by the Romanian
Society. >>

Fonte: IWPR'S BALKAN CRISIS REPORT, NO. 156, July 14, 2000


The landlord returns to the Ukraine

By Lem Harris

Before the breakup of the Soviet Union, the Ukraine, about the size of
France, was
known as the bread basket of the Soviet Union. Today, elimination of all
farms is underway. Ukrainian President Kuchma, by decree, and with no
confirmation by
the Ukrainian Parliament, removed all financial support, including
production credit,
from all collective farms. The decree includes the privatization of all
farm land by assigning all such land in equal shares to former members
of the

One does not need a crystal ball to foresee what will happen. The New
York Times
reports that one enterprising Cossack, Vasily Kluga, member of a
dissolved collective,
saw an opportunity and took advantage of it.

Kluga, along with other members of his collective received title to
acres of the
collective by an earlier decree. That was a first step in the "reform"
policy for
doing away with collectives and opening the way for private ownership of
farm land.

Kluga moved fast. He borrowed money from what the Times correspondent
characterized as
a local "oligarch," that is one of the local insiders who bought some
state-owned enterprise for a song and is now comfortably rich. With this
money, Kluga
bought enough five-acre shares from his fellow members of the collective
to accumulate
title to over 200 acres. He also acquired necessary implements at fire
sale prices. Of
course, Kluga's oligarch was no philanthropist. He charged 40-percent
interest on the
loan, but Kluga was able to pay it off out of his harvest.

Then Kluga made his big move. Like many others, his collective was
bankrupt. Their
bankruptcy was a direct result of government "reform" measures. Under
conditions many collective farms were prosperous. I have visited
collective farms in
this very area near Poltava, where Kluga lives, as well as in many other
regions. On a
number of occasions I sat down with the accountant of a collective to
examine a farm's
financial reports.

On one such farm in the North Caucasus, I still have the figures for the
1984 season
showing the net profit of 2.5 million rubles for that year's operations.
That profit
was distributed as follows:

. 30 percent for new construction of roads and buildings

. 40 percent for new tractors, trucks and implements

. 15 percent for bonuses (usually a 13th month wage payment)

. vouchers covering low-cost vacations in mountain or seaside resorts

. and new facilities for improving living standards

. 15 percent to the state fund of the Ministry of Agriculture.

At that time, living standards on well-run collective farms were equal
to those of
working families in the cities. But not any more. In both Russia and the
Ukraine, the
collective farms were sabotaged. Then Russian President Boris Yeltsin
tried to issue
decrees like Kuchma, but the Communist-dominated Russian Congress
stopped him by
passing laws protecting the collectives. However, often collectives had
to wait many
months before receiving payment for their grain and other farm products
shipped to the
government. During the delay in payment, inflation dropped the value of
the ruble,
resulting in a heavy loss for the farms. Also, for many years Yeltsin
bypassed the
collectives by buying dairy and meat products from abroad, seriously
cutting in to the
sales of domestically grown products.

Kluga saw his chance when Kuchma issued a new decree last December
privatizing all
Ukrainian collective farms! The decree divided the title of the farms'
land equally
among the farm's members. All further support for the collective was

At this point Kluga's collective offered him the chairmanship of the
farm. But Kluga
was not one to assume responsibility for the collective's large debt. So
he made a
counteroffer. The collective could become bankrupt, but he would rent
the land now
owned by the 120 members, about 1,200 acres, and pay this rent with
shares of his
harvest - a smart deal, worthy of a young Carnegie. In this way, the
Times reports, he
would bypass the collectives' debts and probably become owner of all the
land and equipment in about two years. The collective, with little other
accepted his offer and now Kluga controls 1,730 acres, nearly three
square miles of
rich farm land.

Of course all was not clear sailing for Kluga. He had to borrow $10,000
more from the
oligarch for fuel and additional equipment. "I am running a very big
risk in taking
another loan, for everything depends on a good harvest," he said. "If we
are lucky, it
will rain."

Kluga's fortunes will depend on much more than rain. More critical will
be how free
enterprise Ukraine will determine grain prices. Will the "reform" policy
copy the
American experience and hold grain prices down to levels below his

If Kluga survives one is tempted to say he represents the return of
"kulaks," the
farmers in czarist days who exploited their poor neighbors. Kluga is
already bigger
than any kulak. He is the new landlord, like the hated czarist

Working for him are 20 of the best workers of the former collective.
These include
72-year-old Ivan Nimchin, a skilled combine harvester operator. "The old
system was
better," Nimchin said, "but it is nice to get a paycheck once more."

Nimchin reminded me of an old man I met on my most recent trip to
Russia. He was on
horseback, herding cattle on the open prairie somewhere in the North
Caucasus. His
clothing was badly torn. "Look at me," he said. "I get paid almost
nothing. Things
were better under communism."



Ukraine Meets Its First Half Debt Obligations in Full

KIEV, Jul 16, 2000 -- (Reuters) The Ukrainian government fully met its
obligations in the first half of the year, paying $494 million of
debt and 1.075 billion hryvnias ($197.66 million) of domestic debt, the
minister said on Friday.

"We as the government do not have any overdue payments either on
debts or foreign," Viktor Yushchenko told parliament. "The government
did not
receive a kopeck of foreign loans this year."

The International Monetary Fund and other lenders froze credits to
last September over slow reforms and the government has failed to
them to resume financing.

Yushchenko said a deal agreed in April to reschedule foreign debts did
increase the total amount of state debt. "Finally, Ukraine is living in
regime of reducing debts," he said.

The government restructured $2.37 billion in short-term commercial
obligations, converting the obligations into new seven-year Eurobonds
this year.

It still plans to restructure another $782 million in debts, including
million to the Paris Club of sovereign creditors and $282 million to

The government stopped payments on Paris Club debts in January but
formally approach the Paris Club until the IMF resumes disbursements.

Central Bank Chairman Volodymyr Stelmakh said earlier this month Ukraine
to spend $750 million on foreign debt payments in the second half of the

Stelmakh said at the time that Ukraine had spent $955 million servicing
government and central bank foreign debt obligations in the first six
of the year.

(C)2000 Copyright Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or
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without the prior written consent of Reuters Limited.


Subject: U.S. sponsors disaster-relief exercise in Romania
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 18:12:02 -0400
From: ArmyLINK News Story <armylinknews_sender@...>

Content-Length: 5211

Text Version

CONSTANTA, Romania (Army News Service, July 18, 2,000) --
Approximately 2,500 troops from 13 NATO and other partner nations are
participating this week in Exercise Rescue Eagle 2000 in areas
surrounding Constanta, Romania.
United States forces have joined participants and observers from
Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Moldova,
Slovakia and Turkey, Hungary and South Africa. The U.S. forces include a
large contingent from the Tennessee and Alabama Army National Guard.
U.S. Ambassador to Romania, Jim Rosapepe, visited the exercise
and participated in a mass casualty drill July 17. Rosapepe shed his
business suit and tie to don the apparel and simulated injuries of an
earthquake victim during the drill.
Wearing moulage to simulate a serious shoulder injury sustained
in a major earthquake, and wrapped in a shoulder sling, the ambassador
was processed and treated with other exercise participants before being
taken by helicopter to the field military hospital for further medical
"...I was handled and treated by a combined team of American,
Romanian, and Moldaovan soldiers," he said. "I could see with my own
eyes the kind of cooperation that we have in the PfP (Partnership for
Peace) and in NATO."
Romania has expressed its interest in pursuing a path toward
eventual NATO membership, and the ambassador stressed the significance
of the Rescue Eagle exercise in supporting that vision.
"We in the United States in particular want Romania to be a
strong candidate for NATO membership and these types of exercises are
part of the process of strengthening Romania's candidacy for NATO,"
Rosapepe said. "I think you build relationships by working together, and
joint exercises of this sort are what it takes for our American
military, Romanian military, and other partners to develop the kind of
partnerships that lead to partnership and alliance," he said.
The exercise is designed to improve the ability of joint forces
to accomplish humanitarian assistance and disaster relief-type
operations, officials said, by using the scenario of a mock earthquake.
They said training objectives are specifically aimed at small units and
enhancing the abilities of forces to work together.
"This is part of our effort to try to help the Romanian Military
and our other partner countries to become modern, efficient and
interoperable with NATO," Rosapepe said. "The leaders of the government
of Romania, and the leaders of the United States very much want to
strengthen our relations-- particularly in the military realm -- and
bringing Rescue Eagle, which is one of the major exercises done in the
spirit of the Partnership for Peace this year, is a very important
During opening ceremonies for the exercise July 12, Constantin
Degeratu, consular of the President of Romania, stood alongside other
dignitaries to highlight the importance of the exercise before the
assembled nations' forces.
"It is a very important day because the exercise is occurring in
an unprecedented context, as today we are celebrating three years since
Romania and the United States signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement,"
Degeratu said. "I am confident that the experience accumulated [in this
training] allows us to start any kind of [humanitarian assistance]
activity from the same level as our partner nations."
Maj. Gen. David F. Bice, deputy commander of U.S. Marine Corps
Forces Europe, from Stuttgart, Germany, represented the lead U.S. unit,
and emphasized the significant future dividends the exercise will pay.
"There is an old saying that a warrior's biggest fear is letting his
buddies down," Bice said. "The result [of this training] is that we
[partner nations] can look to each other in times of disaster or
national crisis and say to ourselves, 'we won't let our partner nations
The United States-sponsored, Romanian-hosted joint, combined exercise
will occur through July 20, and includes some 800 active-duty and
reserve U.S. soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines. The second largest
U.S. exercise of its kind this year in Europe, Rescue Eagle is being
conducted in the spirit of the Partnership for Peace Program.
The stabilizing effect of exercises of this sort was a common theme
throughout the opening ceremony.
"Through exercises of this sort our men and women in uniform can cement
the bonds of fraternity and teamwork which promote peace and stability
throughout this region of the world," Bice said.
Speaking from the site of a massive tent camp erected to house the
exercise participants, Gen. Mircea Chelaru, chief of the Romanian
General Staff, echoed the same sentiment.
"If this exercise has a main goal of intervention for humanitarian
assistance, then there is nothing more humanitarian than keeping and
preserving the peace status," Chelaru said.
"We're looking to have as many exercises here as we can," Ambassador
Rosapepe said. "Certainly the support that Romania provided to NATO in
bringing rapid end to the war in Kosovo last year increased the interest
that NATO has in exercises in the region."

Link to original news item:

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


Tra le ultime grida levatesi contro la dirigenza jugoslava - colpevole
di far passare in Parlamento, anziche' in TV e a colpi di referendum
come in Italia, le proprie riforme populiste - ci giungono quelle del
premier tedesco Schroeder: "Milosevic e' il nuovo Hitler - lasciatecelo
dire a noi, che ce ne intendiamo!"
Infatti Schroeder, che e' tra i responsabili dei bombardamenti della
NATO contro la RF di Jugoslavia e delle relative violazioni del diritto
tedesco ed internazionale, da circa due anni guida il suo paese alla
riconquista coloniale dei Balcani e dell'Europa orientale in continuita'
con Bismarck ed Hitler. In particolare, soldati tedeschi dopo 50 anni
nuovamente occupano il territorio kosovaro ed assistono alle operazioni
di pulizia etnica compiute dai loro alleati nazionalisti pan-albanesi.

> Milosevic copies Hitler's power grab - Schroeder
> By Gernot Heller
> OKINAWA, Japan, July 23 (Reuters) - Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder accused
> Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic on Sunday of grabbing power in Belgrade
> in the same way Adolf Hitler established the Nazi dictatorship in Germany in
> 1933.
> In the toughest foreign criticism to date, Schroeder said constitutional
> amendments Milosevic pushed through the Serb-dominated Yugoslav parliament
> this month were like the Enabling Act that gave Hitler sweeping powers.
> Schroeder's criticism came a day after he and Italian Prime Minister Giuliano
> Amato told the Group of Eight summit on this southerly Japanese island that
> the international community must not recognise any Yugoslav elections based
> on the new laws.
> A G8 statement on the Balkans voiced concern about the amendments, which
> opened the door for Milosevic to serve another eight years as president, and
> expressed support for the Western-leaning government in Montenegro.
> ``I don't want to beat around the bush,'' Schroeder told journalists at the
> summit. ``The constitutional amendments Milosevic has pushed through amount
> to an Enabling Act.
> ``We've already experienced that once before,'' he said in an ominous
> reference to the 1933-1945 Nazi period in Germany.
> Democratically elected in January 1933, Hitler soon pushed his Enabling Act
> through the Reichstag to establish his Nazi dictatorship. He promptly shut
> down the parliament, banned political parties and trade unions and sent about
> 200 deputies to concentration camps where 88 died.
> Milosevic, an international pariah indicted for war crimes by a U.N.
> tribunal, had the constitution amended to let him win reelection when his
> present term expires in mid-2001.
> The amendments also introduced direct voting for the upper house of the
> federal parliament, thereby bypassing the assembly in the much smaller
> republic of Montenegro.
> The West worries that Milosevic is pushing Montenegro to hold a referendum on
> independence, a move that could spark off another Balkan conflict like the
> struggle for Kosovo last year and prompt Kosovo Albanians to seek their own
> state as well.
> Montenegran President Milo Djukanovic has said his republic, with only
> 650,000 inhabitants, would boycott federal elections held under the new rules
> because they denied it equality with 10-million-strong Serbia in the rump
> Yugoslav federation.
> Briefing journalists on Saturday, Schroeder's diplomatic adviser Michael
> Steiner said: ``The chancellor and Italian Prime Minister Amato stressed
> there could be no international recognition of any electoral results achieved
> on the basis of the recent constitutional changes that Milosevic has
> staged.''
> Steiner said both Schroeder and French President Jacques Chirac stressed that
> ``the reestablishment of democracy in Yugoslavia was in the interests of both
> the G8 and Europe.''
> The G8 includes the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Canada and
> Russia. At Chirac's request, the European Union plans to hold a conference in
> Croatia in November on security issues in the western Balkans.
> During a lively discussion on the Balkans, Steiner added, Russian President
> Vladimir Putin made clear he would join G8 efforts to pressure Milosevic
> towards more democracy but not try to press for sympathy for Belgrade as
> Moscow did during the Kosovo crisis.
> In that crisis, Moscow openly played the ``Slavic card'' by stressing the
> common heritage of Slavic languages and Orthodox Christian faith that Russia
> and Serbia shared.
> ``Putin wanted to say he is in the G8 boat not ready to play a part
> on the other side,'' Steiner said. ``There will not be the G7 and a
> 'G-Eighth' who tries to win
> 01:32 07-23-00

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


> Continuano a pervenirci interessanti commenti sulla nostra
> Ciliegina 172
> ( e
> ). Li
> riproduciamo di seguito insieme ad alcune nostre precisazioni
> (in fondo al testo):


Pienamente d'accordo per quanto riguarda Bettiza, dissento sull'opinione
su Rumiz
(la zeta credo sia friulana non croata). Rumiz ha parlato male di alcuni
serbi, croati ecc. ma non ha mai parlato male dei rispettivi popoli, che
dimostrato di amare più della media degli italiani.
Grazie a lui ho avuto uno spazio eccezionale per denunciare su IL
comportamento della NATO in Kosovo, proprio durante i bombardamenti ed
il generale
silenzio stampa.

M. Andolina


... infatti sig.Betica - Bettiza, non ha negato mai le sue
origini slave, ma si è sempre comportato e dimostrato per quello che è:
il nazionalista nazifascio - ustasca croato "cattolico"!

Noi sappiamo che lui è un dalmata, poi il Spalato/Split
era e lo è una delle roccaforte degli nazifascio - ustascia,
specialmente i paesini intorno il Spalato ...

Io dico sempre nazifascio-ustascia perché si tarata di seguaci
della politica sanguigna del Ante Pavelic, il quale
ha vissuto un po' di anni, primo della seconda guerra mondiale
in Italia durante il regime fascista di Mussolini. I Servizi
segreti di allora lo avevano pure aiutato ... c'era un poligono
di addestramento sul territorio italiano che appoggiava gli
estremisti, appunto priprio nazifascio-ustascia croati per
la Jugoslavia monarchica di allora perché corrispondeva alle
esigenze della politica estera imperialista del regime fascio di
Mussolini !

Quando finì la 2° Guerra mondiale, Ante Pavelic fu aiutato
dal Vaticano - gli avevano procurato il passaporto per fuggire in

Lo sapevate questo???

La Storia è una materia che bisogna studiare, così si possono prevenire
ripetizione degli orrori e errori commessi nel passato !

Effettivamente, ci vuole un bel'coraggio a leggere le cose che
scrive sig.Betica - Bettiza e i suoi simili !

A prescindere dagli orientamenti e ideologie politiche, personalmente
credo che in Italia di oggi, ci sono delle persone di buon senso
che non accettano e non potranno mai accettare certi atti barbari e
malvagi e le persone che gli approvano !

Danica Razlag


> Non e' raro che anche l'affermazione fanatica della propria
> "croaticita'" risponda allo stesso spirito antijugoslavo,
> di solito anzi sostanzialmente slavofobo, al quale ci riferivamo:
> la Croazia come "antemurale Christianitatis", come baluardo
> dell'Occidente contro un mondo balcanico-bizantino-slavo del quale
> si ha paura.
> Dunque probabilmente, per ignoranza, sbagliavamo ad attribuire
> a Bettiza "italianissime" velleita', dovremmo piuttosto definirlo
> un fanatico antijugoslavo italo-croato.
> Su Rumiz, invece, ci si consenta di insistere: fosse anche di origini
> friulane, a maggior ragione sarebbe da considerare un "sangue
> misto", visto che il Friuli e' terra di confine, e ci abitano
> centinaia di migliaia di sloveni, italianizzati o meno. Le
> desinenze dei cognomi dimostrano proprio la ricchezza delle componenti
> e delle provenienze...
> Ma indipendentemente da questo, Rumiz dimostra nelle cose che scrive
> sui giornali come nelle affermazioni pubbliche la stessa sindrome
> slavofoba; la sua comprensione per le sofferenze di quei popoli
> ci sembra retorica e di circostanza (non e' il solo ad usare
> la peggiore retorica ed ipocrisia sui nostri media...). Lo ricordiamo
> ad esempio autore di descrizioni ridicole e lombrosiane delle
> classi dirigenti dei paesi slavi, nonche' di un articolo, scritto
> alla fine dei bombardamenti della NATO, nel quale dava ad intendere
> che le truppe della KFOR avrebbero camminato sulle "montagne di
> cadaveri" lasciati sul terreno (della sua fantasia) dalle milizie
> serbe.
> Suggeriamo anzi la lettura del suo libro "Maschere per un massacro"
> (Editori Riuniti), che anziche' svelare e stigmatizzare la
> disinformazione strategica usata in questi anni per frantumare la
> RFS di Jugoslavia, dividerne le genti ed occuparla militarmente,
> aggiunge disinformazione a disinformazione criminalizzando oltre ogni
> ragionevole misura i serbi della Bosnia. Si tratta probabilmente
> del peggiore libro sulla crisi jugoslava uscito in Italia in questi
> anni.
> Italo Slavo

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

* Mercenari dagli USA per compiere atti terroristici in Jugoslavia
* Clinton vuole "s-balcanizzare i Balcani" !!!
* American Barbarism and the Big Lie Technique
* "School of the Americas": centro di addestramento per terroristi


Politika Expres, Beograd, 15/7/2000:

E' gia' arrivata la gran parte delle unita' terroristiche americane
Pristina - agli inizi di luglio 120 specialisti americani di terrorismo
(...) sono arrivati nella base di Camp Bondsteel, presso Urosevac, nel
Kosmet. Questi specialisti sono stati addestrati nella base militare di
Fort Bragg, nel North Carolina (USA), armati fino ai denti ed istruiti a
parlare bene il serbo e l'albanese, per poter compiere azioni
terroristiche (...)
Sono arrivati nella regione serba attraverso il valico di Bozaj, sulla
frontiera jugoslavo-albanese. Questi "cani da guerra" (cioe' mercenari)
sono terroristi spietati. L'amministrazione americana gia' nella scorsa
primavera aveva creato l'unita' speciale denominata "cacciatori di
teste", formata da circa 120 terroristi con licenza di catturare, ma
anche di liquidare, i serbi che sarebbero inclusi in varie liste -
pubbliche o segrete - come indiziati di vari crimini. Dunque non bastano
la KFOR, l'UNMIK con a capo Kouchner, che assistono benevolmente alla
repressione ed alla uccisione dei serbi (...)

Stigla glavnina americke teroristicke jedinice
Pristina - Glavnina americke teroristicke jedinice od oko specijalaca,
koji su tokom visemesecnih priprema u vojnoj bazi Fort Bragu, Severna
Karolina (USA), obucavali za teroristicke akcije, ukljucujuci i
najbrutalnije likvidacije, naoruzavani i cak nauceni da tecno govore
srpski i albanski jezik, stigla je pocetkom Jula u bazu Baunstel,
nadomak Urosevca, na Kosovu i Metohiji...

American terrorist units are preparing
attacks on Ministry of Internal Affairs
of Serbia

July 15, 2000

Pristina, July 14 (Tanjug) - Main part of the
American terrorist unit, composed of 120
specialists who were trained for terrorist
actions, including the most brutal liquidations,
armed and even taught to speak Serbian and
Albanian language fluently, during the several
months' preparations in the military base in
Fort Brag in north Carolina (USA), came to
the base Bondsteel near Urosevac in Kosovo
and Metohija, at the beginning of July.

Cruelled and armed to the teeth "dogs of war", who
have experience in
wars around the world and in war territory of
Chechnya, came in the
southern Serbian province through boundary
of Bozaj, at
Yugoslav-Albanian boundary.

Their aim is clear: with frequent attacks on
of Serbian Ministry
of Internal Affairs in the region of Presevo,
Bujanovac and Medvedje and
synchronic terrorist actions in the small ghettoes
Kosovo and Metohija,
in which Serbs and other citizens of non-Albanian
nationality survive, in
spite of their exile, physical maltreating and
constant threat of physical
liquidations, and during that they are completely
deprived of KFOR and
UNMIK protection, American specialists have to
continue with agony of
survival of those citizens, speed up their exodus
provoke reaction of
Serbian security forces.

In that way, according to the large number of
analysts, the USA would
have the alibi in front of the international
in order to interfere in one
of the, probably, last chapter of Kosovo's drama.

Immediately after their arrival and under
of American military
commanders, hundreds of the hardest militant
extremists-members of, officially dissolved,
so-called KLA and one unit
from American KFOR contingent joined mentioned
terrorist group.

All of that was done as a part of perfidious,
long-term strategy of
Washington in order to destabilize political
situation in Serbia and to exert
pressure on authorities in Belgrade, thus,
and besides knowing of
European alliances in military mission of the UN
Security Council in
Kosovo and Metohija.

Small part of that terrorist unit stayed stationed
airport Petrovac near
Skoplje, where are several pilotless planes.

The government of the USA is continuing with
seeds of violence
and terror wherever it can, although it is
declaratively against terrorism
and is fighting against that demon of modern world
with all means on its

In that way, this summer, American administration
formed special unit
of "hunters on blackmailed heads", consisting of
almost 120 terrorists and
gave it "authority" to arrest and even liquidates
Serbs who are suspected
of war crimes in some public and secret lists of
Hague Tribunal,
including those who only looks like suspects (case
brothers twins Milan
and Miroslav Vuckovic).

That will be, doubtless, written in one of the
darkest charters of
international terrorism. In the same charter, in
which had already been
written that the USA, last year, began and leaded,
against international
law and without any reason and cause, brutal
aggression on one sovereign
European state and its people.

Although the group for the International public
informing (IPI) - supreme
censor of all media in the USA, which formed
administration in
order to stop publishing compromising facts-is
to stop break of
truth about responsibility and Washington's
participation in all events, vital
for the survive of recent federation, and with
dramatic events in the
territory of FR of Yugoslavia, facts about that
inexorable breaking

Recently published book "Censured 2000", by
respectable professor
from the California University "Sonoma", Peter
Philips, about brutal
informative restriction of all American newspapers
during the aggression
on FR of Yugoslavia, agitated world public, just
publishing of facts in
British media about participation of specialists
the England in
massive, brutal execution of Muslim civilians in
vicinity of Srebrenica,
during the civil war in FR of Yugoslavia - of what
Serbs were accused.

Hand of justice is maybe slow but inevitable.


Sad Day: Clinton postures about 'de-Balkanizing the Balkans'
by Raymond Kent (6-4-00)

Question from Emperors-clothes: Is it by reversing whatever Clinton says
one arrives at the truth about U.S. foreign policy? [emperors-clothes]

President Clinton's current statements about being "for Peace in
"de-Balkanizing the Balkans," and "including Yugoslavia into Europe,"
once more that contradictions and historical ignorance hardly bother

The accepted dictionary version of "Balkanize" is to "divide (a region
territory) into small, often hostile, units." The term derives "from
division of Balkan Countries by the Great Powers early in the 20th
The Clinton Administration, along with Germany, has had a major role in
"Balkanizing" Yugoslavia, a process still on hand at Kosovo, with
on the brink and Vojvodina still "on the menu." Since its inception
World War I, Yugoslavia has been in Europe by virtue of geography as
well as
by way of an educational and economic system.

Despite its industrial underdevelopment in comparison with Western
Europe it
was a modern European state before being dismantled by the Third Reich.
did not orbit out of Europe under 40 years of Communist rule. It has not
so in its truncated state. Its modern infrastructure was just destroyed
the 78 days of US/NATO "humanitarian" bombs. It has not been allowed to
be a
part of the rest of Europe by the economic sanctions demanded and
imposed by
Mr. Clinton himself. His sanctions are still in place as he calls for
"de-Balkanization of the Balkans" and economic integration of Yugoslavia
the European Union, a mission impossible.

As for "Peace in Europe," it should be recalled that three times within
last decade peace in ex-Yugoslav space was more than possible if it had
been actively opposed and torpedoed by the Clinton foreign-policy team.
had a chance in Lisbon in 1992. It had a chance with the Vance-Owen
subsequently. It even had a chance at Kosovo via Rambouillet. All
chances were deliberately killed by the Clinton Administration.

It is now known that the British shipped arms and related equipment to
Slovenia before it orbited out of Yugoslavia, that Germany and Hungary
secretly arming Croatia, that we allowed Iran to arm the Bosnian
that we trained both the Croat and Bosnian Muslim armies to fight
against the
Serbs, that NATO already bombed the Bosnian Serbs, and that we have
supported Albanian terrorists at Kosovo and still do. "Peace" in Europe,

The recent killings in Belgrade more than suggest a CIA involvement in
destabilizing Serbia and the sub-rosa pressure for Montenegro to secede
is in
force. Only Mr. Clinton can promote peace while actively promoting war
becomes a "virtual war" never a "real war" and aimed at a single leader
at all a people. Now you see it and now you do not. Might makes Right.
the bombs of the mighty can be humanitarian. The Ends justify the Means.

Oh, yes, the only "peace" at Kosovo, with 40,000 NATO troops, happens to
some signs of life in the parts ethnically cleansed of all the Serbs and
other minorities. We have already spent 20 billion dollars for Bosnia
Kosovo without solving anything in a lasting way. If absence of
without removing the underlying causes, problems and foreign
becomes "peace" by edict it has already cost the American people too
much and
there is no end in sight for other billions on the way. With that kind
money we could revamp Medicare to help our own needy instead of spending
on egregious foreign policy stupidities masked as "victories" for "Human
Rights" by people who are horrifed about the killing of an Albanian by a
but hardly blink when our planes and bombs kill a couple of thousand
en passant, while our NATO generals throw tantrums for not being allowed
kill a couple of million Serbs.

How can our Military-Industrial Complex make the big bucks without
NATO on an increasingly uneasy Europe? We need more wars, not peace.
them half of the present foreign policy elites would not be able to make
living even as dog catchers for a county. Was it not George Orwell, the
prophet of our moment in time, who concluded that Peace is War and War
Peace? He was only wrong about the place at which this would become
true. It
was not Moscow. It is Washington, D.C. It is not a Stalinist who does it
our own Democratic Baby-Boomer who blows up a country in order to make
forget the cigar.

Raymond K. Kent is Professor Emeritus, History Department University of
California, Berkeley


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De-Balkanizing the Balkans:
Security and Stability in Southeastern Europe

By Andrew J. Pierre


American Barbarism and the Big Lie Technique
Author: Barry Lituchy
Organisation: History Department, Kingsborough Community College,
CUNY (US), June 28, 1999


eGroups : floridaleft Messages :Message 4006 of 4010

From: reporter2 <reporter2@m...> Date:
Sat May 20, 2000 5:21pm

Subject: [Take Action] Shut Down the Army School of the Americas!

1) House Votes To Keep Army's School of Americas Open But With A Name
To learn more, visit The School of the Americas Watch,
The US Army School of Americas, based in Fort Benning, Georgia, trains
Latin American soldiers in combat, counter-insurgency, and
counter-narcotics. Graduates of the SOA have been responsible for some
the worst human rights abuses in Latin America. Among the SOA's nearly
60,000 graduates are notorious dictators Manuel Noriega and Omar
of Panama, Leopoldo Galtieri and Roberto Viola of Argentina, Juan
Alvarado of Peru, Guillermo Rodriguez from Ecuador, and Hugo Banzer
of Bolivia. Lower-level SOA graduates have participated in human rights
abuses that include the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero and the
Mozote Massacre of 900 civilians.
SOA Watch is an independent organization that seeks to close the US Army
School of the Americas through vigils and fasts, demonstrations and
nonviolent protest, as well as media and legislative work.

Published on Saturday, May 20, 2000 in the New York Times
House Votes To Keep Army's School of Americas Open But With A Name

by Steven Lee Myers
Dogged by years of controversy over its mission and its graduates, the
Army's School of the Americas is on the verge of getting a new charter,
new curriculum and a new name. It appears likely, however, to face the
same old protests.
The Army's plans to reorganize the school, which has trained generations
soldiers from Central America and South America, cleared a major hurdle
this week when the House narrowly rejected an amendment that would have
closed it down.
If the Senate goes along, as expected, the school that critics have
to human rights violations by former students will officially "close"
"reopen" later this year as the Defense Institute for Hemispheric
The Army proposed the changes last month, prompted by rising opposition
the school from religious
groups and, more importantly, from some members of Congress, who nearly
succeeded in cutting off the school's financing last year.
Opened in Panama in 1946 and moved to its current location at Fort
Ga., in 1984, the school has been the primary training ground for more
60,000 Latin American military and police.
Some were later implicated in the region's most notorious abuses, like
murder of six Jesuit priests in El Salvador in 1989.
The secretary of the Army, Louis Caldera, said in an interview that
have unfairly tarnished the
school's reputation because of the actions of very few. Nonetheless, he
said, the changes would give the school a focus that was more academic
less strictly military.
"I thought it would be a mistake to close the school down," Mr. Caldera
said, "because that would be turning our backs on the countries of Latin
Because Congress chartered the school, the Army had to seek approval for
its changes.
In addition to having a new name, the school would have an advisory
to review its curriculum and
report to Congress. Authority over the school would be transferred from
Army to the Department of Defense, and students would be required to
at least eight hours of instruction in human rights in each course.
Mr. Caldera said the Army would try to increase the number of civilian
students, and emphasize training political and military leaders in the
proper role of the military under the region's emerging democratic
The school would remain at Fort Benning and still offer courses
purely military tactics and strategies, prompting opponents to denounce
changes as cosmetic.
When the Army's proposal came before the House on Thursday as part of
defense authorization bill, four members sponsored an amendment to shut
school and create a committee to review military training for Latin
"Even with a new coat of paint, the School of the Americas has trained
too many killers of innocent people to remain a part of our foreign
policy," said one of the sponsors, Representative John J. Moakley,
of Massachusetts.
But the amendment lost on a roll-call vote of 214 to 204 after lobbying
Army, Pentagon and Clinton administration officials. A day before the
Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen and Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright sent members a joint letter saying the Army's proposal would
"allow us to move past what had become a contentious annual debate on
school's legacy and focus on the question of how best to engage
our friends and allies in the hemisphere."
The Army's proposal won approval when the House overwhelmingly approved
larger authorization
bill late Thursday.
The Rev. Roy L. Bourgeois, a priest who has organized protests against
school for a decade from
his apartment at Fort Benning's main gate, said the changes would not
diminish the movement against the school. The protests have grown from a
handful of opponents to a crowd in November that was estimated at more
"After thinking this thing out, we realized what they're really talking
about is a name change," he said in a telephone interview today. "For
this is the same old school doing what it's always been doing."
Copyright 2000 The New York Times Company
We are calling on
affinity-groups from all over the country to organize and act on
May 24, the
MAY 24th
"Nothing but organized
nonviolence can check the organized violence" of the United States
On Thursday, May 18, the U.S. Congress dismissed the Moakley Amendment,
accepted the Pentagon proposal to close the SOA and open an SOA Clone
very next day. The House opted to change the SOA's name rather than
its doors. The name is basically all that is changed. The Pentagon's
deceptive proposal is not a move towards responsible policy for Latin
America. It is merely an attempt to silence those working for human
and justice. It is an attempt to silence the bloody truth about the
Support in the House was strong and the amendment lost by only ten
All week long people fighting to close the SOA lobbied on Capitol Hill,
human rights activists weren't the only ones lobbying. Secretary of the
Army Caldera, Col. Weidner and Colin Powell were there lobbying to keep
the SOA open at any cost. This shows we are the threat of a good
we are winning and now is the time to rise up!
Register your outrage at the congressional vote to accept the Pentagon's
SOA Clone. Let the White House, the Pentagon and Congress know that we
not falling for the Pentagon deception and we REJECT THE SOA CLONE!
Come to Washington to participate in civil disobedience and
at the White House, Pentagon and other locales, hook into organizing in
your own community or organize yourself! Bring your spirit of hope and
resistance, bring your outrage, bring your passion, bring your
and bring
your puppets and banners and help send the message that the SCHOOL OF

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

Atene 10 - 13 maggio

Assemblea del Consiglio Mondiale per la Pace

Dal 10 al 13 maggio scorso nella capitale greca si è tenuta - ospitata
dall'Associazione greca per la Distensione internazionale e la Pace
(EEDYE) - la Conferenza internazionale e l'Assemblea del Consiglio
Mondiale per la Pace (CMP), con la partecipazioni di delegazioni dei
movimenti per la pace di tutto il mondo, dai cinesi della Associazione
per la Pace e il Disarmo ai cubani del Movimento per la Pace, dai
vietnamiti, ai coreani, dagli statunitensi dell'International Action
Center alle numerose delegazioni europee. Per l'Italia era presente la
Fondazione Pasti, che è entrata ufficialmente a far parte del direttivo.
Nella situazione caratterizzata dall'estrema aggressività
dell'imperialismo, l'Assemblea ha rappresentato anche un momento di
necessaria verifica politica dell'attività passata dell'organizzazione,
e ha visto la messa sotto accusa dell'associazione francese facente capo
al PCF per la responsabilità del governo francese a partecipazione
comunista nella guerra contro la Jugoslavia e l'immobilismo in cui è
stato tenuto il CMP. Riportiamo l'intervento di Thanassis Pafilis ,
segretario generale dell'EEDYE e già coordinatore dei movimenti per la
pace europei, sulla nuova dottrina NATO e il rapporto tra NATO e UE. Il
movimento greco, molto attivo nell'opposizione alla guerra, è stato
incaricato del coordinamento internazionale

La NATO principale nemico della pace

Intervento di Thanassis Pafilis, segretario generale dell'EEDYE
(Associazione greca per la Distensione internazionale e la Pace)
pronunciato all'Assemblea del Consiglio Mondiale per la Pace, Atene
10-13 maggio.
La NATO, la sua espansione e la sua nuova dottrina strategica sono stati
giustamente al centro dell'attenzione mondiale perchè tutti gli sviluppi
degli ultimi anni dimostrano che la nuova NATO del XXI secolo sarà una
macchina repressiva su vasta scala. E' una potente organizzazione
militare e politica che cercherà di imporre il nuovo ordine
internazionale imperialista con il terrorismo, la minaccia di guerra e
la guerra, schiacciando ogni resistenza.
Dal 1990, e in particolare dopo lo scioglimento del Patto di Varsavia, è
iniziata l'attività volta ad attribuire alla NATO la possibilità di
intervenire al di là della sua area di azione. La prima questione sorta
fu: chi è il nemico e che cosa costituisce una minaccia per l'Alleanza?
Nel testo fondamentale sul nuovo punto di vista strategico della NATO
formulato nell'incontro di vertice del 7-8 novembre 1991 a Roma, il
punto 13 afferma che la sicurezza dell'Alleanza deve essere considerata
in un contesto globale. Vi si dice anche che gli interessi di sicurezza
dell'Alleanza possono essere messi in questione da una serie di minacce
di varia natura, compresa la proliferazione delle armi di distruzione di
massa, l'interruzione del flusso di risorse vitali e atti di "terrorismo
e sabotaggio".
Si è aperta così la strada all'emendamento dell'articolo 4 dello statuto
della NATO, che limitava il suo raggio d'azione al territorio dei paesi
dell'Alleanza, ratificato a Washington (punto 4). In questo modo cinico
e provocatorio vengono "legittimate" operazioni come l'intervento nel
Kosovo perchè si pretende che la sicurezza dell'Europa sarebbe
minacciata. Se poi si considera per esempio il punto sull'interruzione
del flusso di risorse vitali, si vede bene che si ritengono
"legittimati" a intervenire dovunque, con il pretesto del petrolio o di
altre fonti energetiche.
Il primo intervento della NATO in Jugoslavia col pretesto di imporre la
pace ha costituito in realtà l'estensione di fatto della sua area di
azione. Si è trattato di un intervento condotto con l'approvazione
dell'ONU, benchè violasse il diritto internazionale.
Ma la guerra NATO contro la Jugoslavia nel marzo 1999 ha rappresentato
l'applicazione piena della nuova dottrina proprio in forza del fatto che
è stata condotta senza l'approvazione dell'ONU.
La questione fondamentale dell'ONU e della responsabilità di questo
organismo nel mantenimento della pace e della sicurezza viene trattata
nella dichiarazione della NATO firmata a Washington il 23 aprile 1999 al
punto 38, in cui si afferma che i paesi della NATO auspicano lo sviluppo
di ulteriori contatti e lo scambio di informazioni con l'ONU finalizzate
alla prevenzione dei conflitti, al governo delle crisi e agli interventi
(!) in risposta alle crisi. Si conclude poi dicendo che l'Alleanza
stabilirà le possibilità di cooperazione futura in questo senso caso per
caso. Quest'ultima frase, attribuendosi la possibilità di decidere di
fare la guerra, abolisce di fatto il Consiglio di Sicurezza e l'ONU.
Parallelamente a queste decisioni, la NATO ha iniziato a espandersi ad
altri paesi con le seguenti modalità: - Con trattative dirette e la
decisione di accettare nuovi membri (Repubblica Ceca, Polonia,
- Con la creazione della "Partnership for Peace" (gennaio 1994) tra la
NATO e i paesi ex socialisti.
- Con la creazione del Consiglio di Cooperazione Nordatlantico che
comprende i paesi della NATO più 28 altri paesi dell'Europa centrale e
orientale e dell'ex Unione Sovietica e altri paesi neutrali.
- Iniziando trattative e collaborazioni con paesi del Medio Oriente e
dell'Africa settentrionale (Egitto, Israele, Giordania, Tunisia,
Marocco, Mauritania).
La NATO si sta così allargando ad est verso l'Asia e a sud, in Africa,
diventando così una forza globale. Nel 1999 anche l'Argentina è stata
designata interlocutore privilegiato dell'Alleanza, ponendo così le
premesse per un'espansione in Sudamerica. La NATO sta già pensando a una
formula che le consenta di partecipare all'intervento in Colombia.
Il nuovo ruolo della NATO va di pari passo con la sua rustrutturazione,
i cui tratti essenziali sono stati tracciati nell'incontro dei ministri
della difesa del 2 dicembre 1997 a Bruxelles. Il concetto fondamentale
della nuova struttura militare è la realizzazione delle forze di
intervento, le Combined Joint Task Forces (CJTF). Si tratta di forze
militari puramente offensive, con partecipazione multinazionale, che
combinano in modo flessibile diverse specialità. La ristrutturazione
procede contemporaneamente a promuovere la Identità Europea di Sicurezza
e di Difesa [European Security and Defense Identity (ESDI)] nel quadro
della NATO che comporta il coordinamento con le forze della Unione
dell'Europa Occidentale (UEO).
Oltre a queste strutture militari, ne vengono create altre che
consistono di forze NATO e unità di paesi appartenenti alla Partnership
for Peace (ex paesi socialisti). Un esempio è la creazione della Brigata
Un altro aspetto importante è il rapporto tra la NATO e l'Unione
Se constatiamo, come è necessario, che la guerra contro la Jugoslavia ha
dissolto qualsiasi illusione circa il ruolo della NATO, dobbiamo anche
aggiungere che ha fatto cadere la maschera dall'Unione Europea. L'Unione
Europea non è stata trascinata in una guerra lanciata dagli Stati Uniti.
No! I governi degli USA e dell'UE hanno deciso insieme di fare questa
guerra e perciò l'UE è una delle cause della guerra.
La responsabilità criminale di entrambi i soggetti è dimostrata anche
dal fatto che i ministri degli esteri dell'UE si sono subito affrettati
ad approvare a adottare le decisioni della NATO e hanno preso anche
misure unilaterali come l'embargo, il congelamento dei conti, ecc. La
posizione unitaria dei dirigenti dell'UE - dal conservatore Aznar al
laburista Blair, dal socialdemocratico Schroeder al "socialista"
Simitis, fino al cosddetto centro-sinistra di D'Alema - dimostra che
alla base della UE c'è la costruzione di un'Europa aggressiva e
imperialista delle multinazionali, un'Europa di guerra, di povertà e di
ingiustizia sociale.
Il rapporto tra la NATO e l'UE è chiaramente delineato al punto 9 della
dichiarazione di Washington, in cui si dice che i firmatari salutano la
nuova spinta verso il rafforzamento della politica comune europea di
sicurezza e di difesa venuta dal Trattato di Amsterdam e le riflessioni
fatte in seguito in sede UEO e poi con la Dichiarazione di Saint Malo
nell'UE, comprese le conclusioni del Consiglio Europeo di Vienna. Si
tratta di un processo che ha ripercussioni per tutti gli alleati. Essi
affermano che un più forte ruolo dell'Europa contribuirà alla vitalità
dell'Alleanza, base della difesa collettiva dei suoi membri, nel XXI
A questo proposito il testo:
a. Riconosce la ferma decisione dell'UE di mettersi in grado di agire
autonomamente, per poter prendere decisioni e approvare azioni militari
nelle situazioni in cui non ci sia l'impegno di tutta l'Alleanza.
b. Afferma che, con l'avanzare di questo processo, la NATO e l'UE devono
assicurare un efficace sistema di consultazione reciproca, cooperazione
e trasparenza da costruire a partire dai meccanismi già esistenti tra
c. Applaude alla ferma decisione dei membri della UE e di altri alleati
europei di prendere le misure necessarie al rafforzamento delle loro
capacità di difesa, particolarmente in vista di nuove missioni, evitando
inutili duplicazioni.
d. Attribuisce la massima importanza a che venga assicurato, nelle
operazioni condotte dalla UE in risposta a una crisi, il più ampio
coinvolgimento possibile degli alleati europei non appartenenti alla UE
sulla base dei regolamenti e dei progetti discussi in sede UEO.
Per dare un'immagine chiara dell'Europa e dell'Unione Europea che si sta
costruendo vorrei illustrare la nuova struttura della NATO in Europa:
- Comando strategico per l'Europa (sede a Mons, Belgio).
- Due comandi centrali per il Nord e per il Sud.
- La regione Sud (con sede centrale a Napoli, Italia, a cui è
subordinata la Grecia) è suddivisa in due comandi generali: Air Force e
Navy South (anch'essi a Napoli) e quattro comandi subregionali:
Sud-ovest (sede a Madrid, Spagna), Sud (sede a Verona, Italia),
Centro-Sud (sede a Larissa, Grecia) e Sud-est (sede a Izmir, Turchia).
I cambiamenti nela struttura NATO hanno reso necessari anche cambiamenti
nella struttura degli eserciti dei paesi membri e l'avvio di nuovi
programmi di armamento. La grecia per esempio si è impegnata per un
programma di armamenti del valore di 20 miliardi di dollari. Somme
simili e anche molto maggiori saranno spese da altri paesi. Vorrei
richiamare la vostra attenzione sulla azione della NATO in Jugoslavia, e
in particolare in Bosnia, perchè è considerata, come dissero il ministro
della difesa tedesco Volker Rühe e anche esponenti americani, un modello
"pilota" di intervento in situazioni di crisi.
In che cosa è consistito l'intervento della NATO?
1. Attacchi aerei, bombardamenti, intervento militare.
2. Imposizione dell'accordo di Dayton con metodi terroristici.
3. Invasione, presa e occupazione del territorio con un esercito di
60.000 uomini.
4. Imposizione di un sistema politico e scelta delle forze autorizzate a
partecipare alle elezioni.
5. Elezioni sotto tutela armata della NATO.
6. Repressione delle manifestazioni di massa che protestavano contro la
presenza delle truppe straniere.
Il culmine della "democrazia" di marca NATO è stato poi raggiunto con la
rimozione del presidente eletto della Repubblica Serba di Bosnia da
parte del comandante NATO.
La nuova guerra della NATO contro la Jugoslavia e l'occupazione del
Kosovo sono una ripetizione del primo intervento e dimostrano la piena
applicazione della nuova dottrina strategica.
Cari amici, tra il 1991 e il 1998 la NATO ha posto le basi per il nuovo
ruolo che si prepara a svolgere nel XXI secolo. Il 23 e 24 aprile 1999
al vertice di Washington il nuovo concetto strategico e la nuova
dottrina sono stati adottati formalmente.
La nuova strategia, che comporta ufficialmente il rovesciamento di
disposizioni fondamentali del diritto internazionale, è stata approvata
all'unanimità. I principi del non intervento negli affari interni di uno
stato e dell'astensione dalla minaccia o dall'uso della violenza sono
stati abrogati. Al loro posto è stato collocato il nuovo principio per
cui la politica e la diplomazia sono efficaci se sorrette dalla minaccia
della guerra e dalla guerra.
Si ritorna così a una situazione in cui nelle relazioni internazionali
domina il principio per cui tutto è consentito al potente.
Noi pensiamo che la NATO sia oggi il principale nemico per un futuro di
pace dell'umanità, un nemico che tutti i movimenti per la pace e tutti i
popoli si trovano di fronte.
La NATO è sempre più strettamente correlata con la militarizzazione
crescente delle relazioni internazionali e con il rovesciamento del
diritto internazionale. Prima o poi i popoli, nel tentativo di costruire
una società giusta, si troveranno a combattere contro questa
organizzazione imperialista.
Ecco perchè la lotta per l'abolizione della NATO e di tutte le alleanze
militari è più decisiva e necessaria che mai.
Thanassis Pafilis


ATENE, 23-25 GIUGNO 2000


Dal 23 fino al 25 Giugno 2000 il Partito Comunista di Grecia (KKE),
ospiterà per il terzo anno consecutivo l'incontro internazionale dei
partiti comunisti ed operai.
L'incontro avrà come tema centrale di discussione: "Le esperienze di
lotta, le alleanze e le collaborazioni dei comunisti oggi."
L'iniziativa costituisce un impegno comune, mirante all'obiettivo di
contribuire al rafforzamento dell'identità comunista, della solidarietà
e dell' azione comune dei partiti comunisti ed operai.
Al centro del dibattito, si porranno le grandi mobilitazioni e le lotte
a Seattle e a Washington, le lotte contro la NATO e la guerra in
Yugoslavia, le grandi lotte operaie in Sud Africa, America Latina,
India, Corea del Sud, Portogallo, la situazione nei Balcani e negli
ex-paesi socialisti, la sempre maggiore contestazione di massa
dell'imperialismo in Palestina, Colombia, Venezuela, Equador e in altri
paesi, ed i passi necessari da intraprendere per affrontare tale
Le questioni riguardanti le zone del Mediterraneo Orientale e del Medio
Oriente occuperanno una sessione specifica.
Fino ad oggi hanno dichiarato la loro partecipazione 64 partiti
comunisti ed operai, provenienti da 53 paesi di tutto il mondo.
Si tratta dei seguenti partiti:

ALBANIA: P.C d'Albania
ALGERIA: Partito Algerino per la Democrazia ed il Socialismo(PADS)
ARMENIA: P.C d'Armenia
AUSTRALIA: P.C d'Australia
AUSTRIA: P.C d'Austria
BAHREIN: Fronte di Liberazione Nazionale del Bahrein
BELGIO: -Partito dal Lavoro di Belgio(PTB)
-P.C del Belgio
BIELORUSSIA:P.C della Bielorussia
BRETAGNA:-Nuovo P.C di Bretagna(NCPB)
-P.C di Bretagna(CPB)

BULGARIA: -P.C Bulgaro-"Georghi Dimitrov"
-P.C di Bulgaria
-Piattaforma Marxista del Partito Socialista
CANADA: P.C del Canada
CATALOGNA: Partito dei Comunisti della Catalogna
CIPRO: Partito Progressista del Popolo Lavoratore(AKEL)
COLOMBIA: P.C di Colombia
COREA-RPD: Partito Coreano del Lavoro
CUBA: P.C di Cuba
DANIMARCA:P.C in Danimarca
EGITTO: P.C d'Egitto
FILIPPINE: P.C delle Filippine
FINLANDIA: P.C di Finlandia
GRECIA: P.C di Grecia(KKE)
INDIA: P.C Indiano
IRAK: -P.C Irakeno
-P.C Curdo/Irak
IRAN: Tudeh
IRLANDA: Partito Irlandese del Lavoro
ISRAELE: P.C d'Israele
ITALIA: -Partito della Rifondazione Comunista
-Partito dei Comunisti Italiani
LETTONIA: Partito Socialista di Lettonia
LIBANO: P.C Libanese
MOLDAVIA: Partito dei Comunisti della Repubblica Moldava
NEPAL: P.C del Nepal
NORVEGIA: P.C di Norvegia
OLANDA: Nuovo P.C d'Olanda
PALESTINA: P.C di Palestina
PORTOGALLO: P.C Portoghese
REP.CECA: P.C di Boemia-Moravia
RUSSIA: -Unione dei P.C-PCUS
-P.C della Federazione Russa
-P.C Operaio della Russia
SIRIA: -P.C Siriano
-P.C di Siria
SLOVACHIA: P.C della Slovachia
SPAGNA: -P.C dei Popoli di Spagna(PCPE)
-Sinistra Unita(IU)
SRI-LANKA: P.C Sri-Lanka
SUD AFRICA: P.C Sudafricano
SUDAN: P.C del Sudan
SVEZIA: P.C di Svezia
TURCHIA: Partito del Lavoro(EMEP)
UCRAINA: -P.C d'Ucraina
-Unione dei Comunisti d'Ucraina
USA: P.C Usa
UNGHERIA: Partito dei Lavoratori (MUNKASPART)
VIETNAM: P.C Vietnamita
YUGOSLAVIA: Nuovo Partito Comunista di Yugoslavia

Dal quotidiano "RIZOSPASTIS"-organo del C.C del Partito Comunista di
Grecia (KKE)

Traduzione:Giorgio Apostolou

Macedonia Press Agency

ATENE, 23-25 GIUGNO 2000

Con la relazione introduttiva della segretaria generale del C.C del
Partito Comunista di Grecia(KKE), Aleka Papariga, sono stati aperti i
lavori dell'incontro internazionale al quale partecipano 64 partiti
provenienti da 53 paesi di tutto il mondo.
Alcuni stralci dalla relazione introduttiva:
" Sì alla politica delle alleanze ma la questione di fondo è: con chi,
in quale direzione e per quale obiettivo? "
"Ogni giorno ci convinciamo sempre più, dalle nostre esperienze e da
quelle internazionali, che la base minima d'unità deve esprimere la
decisione e la volontà di controbattere le scelte del capitale
monopolistico e delle unioni imperialiste e la contrapposizione ,fino al
livello del conflitto, al regime dei monopoli."
" La Grecia non fa parte semplicemente di un processo di adattamento
alle organizzazioni imperialiste, Unione Europea e NATO; è già
incorporata e partecipa attivamente ai piani imperialisti riguardanti la
zona Balcanica."
In seguito, la segretaria generale del KKE ha fatto riferimento a
"l'internazionalizzazione della lotta contro l'imperialismo, la quale
non può raggiungere dei risultati positivi, se non esiste a livello
nazionale, un forte movimento popolare, un movimento operaio con
orientamento di classe, un forte Partito Comunista con un'adeguata
politica delle alleanze che conduce alla soluzione della questione del
potere ed allo strappo del paese dal sistema imperialista

Traduzione di Giorgio Apostolou

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


* U. S. Nationalism is the most dangerous of all nationalisms
* Chronology of 234 U.S. 'Humanitarian Interventions,' 1798-1993
* A Brief History of United States Interventions, 1945 to the Present

* IN ITALIANO: 20 maggio 1999, a "Moby Dick" Luttwak ammette...


U. S. Nationalism

by Ezekiel Gonzalez
[Patriot and Pro-Independence Activist in Puerto Rico]

U. S. Nationalism is the most dangerous of all nationalisms. It is a
nationalism based on artificial grounds, on the
idolatry of ideals and on the collective trauma brought on by the
barbarism of the civil war. In reality, the united States
is not "one nation" but a federation. The nationalist identity springs
from the identification with a society within its
ecological environment. This is why nations don't have great territorial
areas. As environments change from region to
region, regional identities also change.

The united States cover many different ecosystems, from Alaska to
Hawaii, from Puerto Rico to New England. In a
natural progression, the inhabitants of each of these regions will
develop their own national collective identity. It is an
historical fact that this is what happened when the southern states
developed a different national identity from the northern
states. Unfortunately, the secessionist desire and struggle of these
states was combined with the fight to preserve the
nefarious institution of slavery. A just cause - national independence -
was amalgamated with an unjust cause - the
preservation of slavery.

The civil war was extremely savage. Millions of people died; the
southern states were devastated. The psychological
trauma was terrible. Uncle Sam astutely had the blame for this tragedy
placed not on federal government imperialism, nor
on the slavist philosophy of the southerners, but on "secessionist
nationalism." In that way, this natural nationalism was
turned into "something evil" in itself, in a collective trauma of
historical proportions.

Taking advantage of the situation and to satisfy the need for a
collective national identity, the federal government
invented the great lie of U. S. Nationalism. Before the civil war, for
example, there were two federal flags: a military
one and a civil one. Moreover, the military federal flag only flew over
federal military installations, and the civil federal flag
flew only over federal civil facilities. Over state facilities, the only
flag that flew was the state flag, exclusively, the one with
which the inhabitants of each state identified politically and
emotionally. After the civil war, the federal civil flag was
forgotten and the federal military flag was imposed on every government
facility, whether military, civil, federal or state.

Natural nationality is not based on ideologies, but on the natural
love the individual has for his native soil and the society
established there. U. S. Nationality, however, is based on the adoration
of certain ideals, on the so-called "American
Dream," as if this were the exclusive property of the American union.
This is an idolatrous nationality, based on fear of the
natural nationality, one which has been sold to Americans as the "U. S.
Nationality." It is a great lie, based on a terrible
historical trauma.

Due to the fear that sustains it and the mistaken idea that the
united States is the "headquarters for liberty and justice
in the world," U. S. Nationality has become an irrational force that
cannot look at itself objectively, but fanatically claims
superiority over every other culture or nationality. It is deathly
afraid to look at itself. Suddenly to discover that the
aspirations which supposedly make up the very foundation of U. S.
Nationality are not really the exclusive property of the
American People, but rather that they're part of the cultural heritage
of the world, threatens the very essence of said
nationality. Justice, freedom and the pursuit of liberty are everyone's
property. Every nation of people, including for
example, the Vietnamese, who fought against the United States not so
long ago, have always held these values to be their

If we put aside the pathological fear of natural nationality, if we
accept the fact that the great values of the so-called
American Dream are really the property of all the nations of the world,
then, what do we have left as a U. S. Nationality? If
anything, maybe we could refer to what is called the "pop culture," and
even that isn't an American cultural asset, but rather
is also something common to every industrialized nation, from Japan to
Germany, from Finland to Chile.

When we look at the really defining elements of nationality:
folklore, religion, history, economy, language, etc., we'll see
that each region, and frequently each state of the union, has its own
features which identify it from among the other regions
and/or states. The only thing many of these regions or states are
lacking to become nations, sociologically
speaking, is to break away from "the pathological fear of proclaiming
its own nationality," which originated in
the tragedy of the civil war, which was instigated by Uncle Sam.

The united States, then, due to the tragedy of the civil war, is
made up of a series of nations which due to their historical
trauma do not dare to proclaim their own nationalities, and they
continue to be subjected to the great lie of a "sole
national identity" proclaimed by the Central Government and undergirded
by the great interstate and international
economic interests.

This great lie of the "Sole National Identity" promotes an
artificial nationalism characterized by: (1) the idea that the
united States is the "most just and the most democratic and most perfect
country in the world,"(2) that the rest of the
world is going from bad to worse and (3) consequently the United States
is "justified" in imposing its culture, political
system and domination on the world. Obviously, this nationalism serves
the imperialist interests of the federal government
and it "authorizes" it to impose its dominion internally (over the
states of the union) as well as externally (over supposedly
independent and sovereign nation-states). Due to the pathological fear
of facing up to the tragedy of the civil war and the
errors committed in it, the U. S. Nationality refuses to engage in
self-evaluation and self-criticism. This characteristic
prevents it from overcoming its own defects.


WASHINGTON DC 20374-5060
(NOTE: The following represents the views of the
author and not necessarily the views of the Naval
Historical Center.)

Instances of Use of United States Forces Abroad, 1798
- 1993
by Ellen C. Collier, Specialist in U.S. Foreign
Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division
Washington DC: Congressional Research Service --
Library of Congress -- October 7, 1993


This report lists 234 instances in which the United
States has used its armed forces abroad in situations
of conflict or potential conflict or for other than
normal peacetime purposes. It brings up to date a 1989
list that was compiled in part from various older
lists and is intended primarily to provide a rough
sketch survey of past U.S. military ventures abroad. A
detailed description and analysis are not undertaken

The instances differ greatly in number of forces,
purpose, extent of hostilities, and legal
authorization. Five of the instances are declared
wars: the War of 1812, the Mexican War of 1846, the
Spanish American War of 1898, World War I declared in
1917, and World War II declared in 1941.

Some of the instances were extended military
engagements that might be considered undeclared wars.
These include the Undeclared Naval War with France
from 1798 to 1800; the First Barbary War from 1801 to
1805; the Second Barbary War of 1815; the Korean War
of 1950-53; the Vietnam War from 1964 to 1973; and the
Persian Gulf War of 1991. In some cases, such as the
Persian Gulf War against Iraq, Congress authorized the
military action although it did not declare war.

The majority of the instances listed were brief Marine
or Navy actions prior to World War II to protect U.S.
citizens or promote U.S. interests. A number were
actions against pirates or bandits. Some were events,
such as the stationing of Marines at an Embassy or
legation, which later were considered normal peacetime
practice. Covert actions, disaster relief, and routine
alliance stationing and training exercises are not
included here, nor are the Civil and Revolutionary
Wars and the continual use of U.S. military units in
the exploration, settlement, and pacification of the



> Subject: Fw: Blum - A brief history of US interventions
> Author William Blum offers us a very brief account of US
> interventions since they took over the role of world predators from
> Adolf's legions of Waffen SS and Gestapo terrorists. The history is
> well known to the managers of Western information control, but like
> the Goebbels gang, such realities must remain behind the iron
> curtain of omission - the propagandists' favorite weapon. RR --
> Content-Type: text/html;
> A Brief History of United States Interventions, 1945 to the Present
> By William Blum
> The engine of American foreign policy has been fueled not by a
> devotion to any kind of morality, but rather by the necessity to
> serve other imperatives, which can be summarized as follows:
> 1) making the world safe for American corporations;
> 2) enhancing the financial statements of defense contractors at home
> who have contributed generously to members of congress;
> 3) preventing the rise of any society that might serve as a
> successful example of an alternative to the capitalist model;
> 4) extending political and economic hegemony over as wide an area as
> possible, as befits a "great power."
> This in the name of fighting a supposed moral crusade against what
> cold warriors convinced themselves, and the American people, was the
> existence of an evil International Communist Conspiracy, which in
> fact never existed, evil or not.
> The United States carried out extremely serious interventions into
> more than 70 nations in this period. Among these were the following:
> China 1945-49: Intervened in a civil war, taking the side of Chiang
> Kai-shek against the communists, even though the latter had been a
> much closer ally of the United States in the world war. The U.S. used
> defeated Japanese soldiers to fight for its side. The communists
> forced Chiang to flee to Taiwan in 1949.
> Italy 1947-48: Using every trick in the book, the U.S. interfered in
> the elections to prevent the Communist Party from coming to power
> legally and fairly. This perversion of democracy was done in the name
> of "saving democracy" in Italy. The Communists lost. For the next few
> decades, the CIA, along with American corporations, continued to
> intervene in Italian elections, pouring in hundreds of millions of
> dollars and much psychological warfare to block the specter that was
> haunting Europe.
> Greece 1947-49: Intervened in a civil war, taking the side of the
> neo-fascists against the Greek left which had fought the Nazis
> courageously. The neo-fascists won and instituted a highly brutal
> regime, for which the CIA created a new internal security agency,
> KYP. Before long, KYP was carrying out all the endearing practices of
> secret police everywhere, including systematic torture.
> Philippines 1945-53: U.S. military fought against leftist forces
> (Huks) even while the Huks were still fighting against the Japanese
> invaders. After the war, the U.S. continued its fight against the
> Huks, defeating them, and then installing a series of puppets as
> president, culminating in the dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos.
> South Korea 1945-53: After World War II, the United States suppressed
> the popular progressive forces in favor of the conservatives who had
> collaborated with the Japanese. This led to a long era of corrupt,
> reactionary, and brutal governments.
> Albania 1949-53: U.S. and Britain tried unsuccessfully to overthrow
> the communist government and install a new one that would have been
> pro-Western and composed largely of monarchists and collaborators
> with Italian fascists and Nazis.
> Germany 1950s: The CIA orchestrated a wide-ranging campaign of
> sabotage, terrorism, dirty tricks, and psychological warfare against
> East Germany. This was one of the factors which led to the building
> of the Berlin Wall in 1961.
> Iran 1953: Prime Minister Mossadegh was overthrown in a joint U.S.
> and British operation. Mossadegh had been elected to his position by
> a large majority of parliament, but he had made the fateful mistake
> of spearheading the movement to nationalize a British-owned oil
> company, the sole oil company operating in Iran. The coup restored
> the Shah to absolute power and began a period of 25 years of
> repression and torture, with the oil industry being restored to
> foreign ownership, as follows: Britain and the U.S., each 40 percent,
> other nations 20 percent.
> Guatemala 1953-1990s: A CIA-organized coup overthrew the
> democratically-elected and progressive government of Jacobo Arbenz,
> initiating 40 years of death-squads, torture, disappearances, mass
> executions, and unimaginable cruelty, totaling well over 100,000
> victims -- indisputably one of the most inhuman chapters of the 20th
> century. Arbenz had nationalized the U.S. firm, United Fruit Company,
> which had extremely close ties to the American power elite. As
> justification for the coup, Washington declared that Guatemala had
> been on the verge of a Soviet takeover, when in fact the Russians had
> so little interest in the country that it didn't even maintain
> diplomatic relations. The real problem in the eyes of Washington, in
> addition to United Fruit, was the danger of Guatemala's social
> democracy spreading to other countries in Latin America.
> Middle East 1956-58: The Eisenhower Doctrine stated that the United
> States "is prepared to use armed forces to assist" any Middle East
> country "requesting assistance against armed aggression from any
> country controlled by international communism." The English
> translation of this was that no one would be allowed to dominate, or
> have excessive influence over, the middle east and its oil fields
> except the United States, and that anyone who tried would be, by
> definition, "communist." In keeping with this policy, the United
> States twice attempted to overthrow the Syrian government, staged
> several shows-of-force in the Mediterranean to intimidate movements
> opposed to U.S.-sported governments in Jordan and Lebanon, landed
> 14,000 troops in Lebanon, and conspired to overthrow or assassinate
> Nasser of Egypt and his troublesome middle-east nationalism.
> Indonesia 1957-58: Sukarno, like Nasser, was the kind of Third World
> leader the United States could not abide by. He took neutralism in
> the cold war seriously, making trips to the Soviet Union and China
> (though to the White House as well). He nationalized many private
> holdings of the Dutch, the former colonial power. And he refused to
> crack down on the Indonesian Communist Party, which was walking the
> legal, peaceful road and making impressive gains electorally. Such
> policies could easily give other Third World leaders "wrong ideas."
> Thus it was that the CIA began throwing money into the elections,
> plotted Sukarno's assassination, tried to blackmail him with a phoney
> sex film, and joined forces with dissident military officers to wage
> a full-scale war against the government. Sukarno survived it all.
> British Guiana/Guyana, 1953-64: For 11 years, two of the oldest
> democracies in the world, Great Britain and the United States, went
> to great lengths to prevent a democratically elected leader from
> occupying his office. Cheddi Jagan was another Third World leader who
> tried to remain neutral and independent. He was elected three times.
> Although a leftist -- more so than Sukarno or Arbenz -- his policies
> in office were not revolutionary. But he was still a marked man, for
> he represented Washington's greatest fear: building a society that
> might be a successful example of an alternative to the capitalist
> model. Using a wide variety of tactics -- from general strikes and
> disinformation to terrorism and British legalisms, the U.S. and
> Britain finally forced Jagan out in 1964. John F. Kennedy had given a
> direct order for his ouster, as, presumably, had Eisenhower.
> One of the better-off countries in the region under Jagan, Guyana, by
> the 1980s, was one of the poorest. Its principal export became
> people.
> Vietnam, 1950-73: The slippery slope began with siding with the
> French, the former colonizers and collaborators with the Japanese,
> against Ho Chi Minh and his followers who had worked closely with the
> Allied war effort and admired all things American. Ho Chi Minh was,
> after all, some kind of communist. He had written numerous letters to
> President Truman and the State Department asking for America's help
> in winning Vietnamese independence from the French and finding a
> peaceful solution for his country. All his entreaties were ignored.
> For he was some kind of communist. Ho Chi Minh modeled the new
> Vietnamese declaration of independence on the American, beginning it
> with "All men are created equal. They are endowed by their Creator
> with ... " But this would count for nothing in Washington. Ho Chi
> Minh was some kind of communist.
> Twenty-three years, and more than a million dead, later, the United
> States withdrew its military forces from Vietnam. Most people say
> that the U.S. lost the war. But by destroying Vietnam to its core,
> and poisoning the earth and the gene pool for generations, Washington
> had in fact achieved its main purpose: preventing what might have
> been the rise of a good development option for Asia. Ho Chi Minh was,
> after all, some kind of communist.
> Cambodia 1955-73: Prince Sihanouk, yet another leader who did not
> fancy being an American client. After many years of hostility towards
> his regime, including assassination plots and the infamous
> Nixon/Kissinger secret "carpet bombings" of 1969-70, Washington
> finally overthrew Sihanouk in a coup in 1970. This was all that was
> needed to impel Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge forces to enter the fray.
> Five years later, they took power. But five years of American bombing
> had caused Cambodia's traditional economy to vanish. The old Cambodia
> had been destroyed forever.
> Incredibly, the Khmer Rouge were to inflict even greater misery upon
> this unhappy land. To add to the irony, the United States supported
> Pol Pot, militarily and diplomatically, after their subsequent defeat
> by the Vietnamese.
> The Congo/Zaire 1960-65: In June 1960, Patrice Lumumba became the
> Congo's first prime minister after independence from Belgium. But
> Belgium retained its vast mineral wealth in Katanga province,
> prominent Eisenhower administration officials had financial ties to
> the same wealth, and Lumumba, at Independence Day ceremonies before a
> host of foreign dignitaries, called for the nation's economic as well
> as its political liberation, and recounted a list of injustices
> against the natives by the white owners of the country. The poor man
> was obviously a "communist." The poor man was obviously doomed.
> Eleven days later, Katanga province seceded, in September Lumumba was
> dismissed by the president at the instigation of the United States,
> and in January 1961 he was assassinated at the express request of
> Dwight Eisenhower. There followed several years of civil conflict and
> chaos and the rise to power of Mobutu Sese Seko, a man not a stranger
> to the CIA. Mobutu went on to rule the country for more than 30
> years, with a level of corruption and cruelty that shocked even his
> CIA handlers. The Zairian people lived in abject poverty despite the
> plentiful natural wealth, while Mobutu became a multibillionaire.
> Brazil 1961-64: President Joao Goulart was guilty of the usual
> crimes: He took an independent stand in foreign policy, resuming
> relations with socialist countries and opposing sanctions against
> Cuba; his administration passed a law limiting the amount of profits
> multinationals could transmit outside the country; a subsidiary of
> ITT was nationalized; he promoted economic and social reforms. And
> Attorney-General Robert Kennedy was uneasy about Goulart allowing
> "communists" to hold positions in government agencies. Yet the man
> was no radical. He was a millionaire land-owner and a Catholic who
> wore a medal of the Virgin around his neck. That, however, was not
> enough to save him. In 1964, he was overthrown in a military coup
> which had deep, covert American involvement. The official Washington
> line was ... yes, it's unfortunate that democracy has been overthrown
> in Brazil ... but, still, the country has been saved from communism.
> For the next 15 years, all the features of military dictatorship
> which Latin America has come to know and love were instituted:
> Congress was shut down, political opposition was reduced to virtual
> extinction, habeas corpus for "political crimes" was suspended,
> criticism of the president was forbidden by law, labor unions were
> taken over by government interveners, mounting protests were met by
> police and military firing into crowds, peasants' homes were burned
> down, priests were brutalized ... disappearances, death squads, a
> remarkable degree and depravity of torture ... the government had a
> name for its program: the "moral rehabilitation" of Brazil.
> Washington was very pleased. Brazil broke relations with Cuba and
> became one of the United States' most reliable allies in Latin
> America.
> Dominican Republic, 1963-66: In February 1963, Juan Bosch took office
> as the first democratically elected president of the Dominican
> Republic since 1924. Here at last was John F. Kennedy's liberal anti-
> communist, to counter the charge that the U.S. supported only
> military dictatorships. Bosch's government was to be the long sought
> "showcase of democracy" that would put the lie to Fidel Castro. He
> was given the grand treatment in Washington shortly before he took
> office.
> Bosch was true to his beliefs. He called for land reform; low-rent
> housing; modest nationalization of business; and foreign investment
> provided it was not excessively exploitative of the country; and
> other policies making up the program of any liberal Third World
> leader serious about social change. He was likewise serious about the
> thing called civil liberties: Communists, or those labeled as such,
> were not to be persecuted unless they actually violated the law.
> A number of American officials and congressmen expressed their
> discomfort with Bosch's plans, as well as his stance of independence
> from the United States. Land reform and nationalization are always
> touchy issues in Washington, the stuff that "creeping socialism" is
> made of. In several quarters of the U.S. press Bosch was red-baited.
> In September, the military boots marched. Bosch was out. The United
> States, which could discourage a military coup in Latin America with
> a frown, did nothing.
> Nineteen months later, a revolt broke out which promised to put the
> exiled Bosch back into power. The United States sent 23,000 troops to
> help crush it.
> Cuba 1959 to present: Fidel Castro came to power at the beginning of
> 1959. A U.S. National Security Council meeting of 10 March 1959
> included on its agenda the feasibility of bringing "another
> government to power in Cuba." There followed 40 years of terrorist
> attacks, bombings, full-scale military invasion, sanctions, embargos,
> isolation, assassinations ... Cuba had carried out The Unforgivable
> Revolution, a very serious threat of setting a "good example" in
> Latin America.
> The saddest part of this is that the world will never know what kind
> of society Cuba could have produced if left alone, if not constantly
> under the gun and the threat of invasion, if allowed to relax its
> control at home. The idealism, the vision, the talent, the
> internationalism were all there. But we'll never know. And that of
> course was the idea.
> Indonesia 1965: A complex series of events, involving a supposed coup
> attempt, a counter-coup, and perhaps a counter-counter-coup, with
> American fingerprints apparent at various points, resulted in the
> ouster from power of Sukarno and his replacement by a military coup
> led by General Suharto. The massacre that began immediately -- of
> communists, communists sympathizers, suspected communists, suspected
> communist sympathizers, and none of the above -- was called by the
> New York Times "one of the most savage mass slayings of modern
> political history." The estimates of the number killed in the course
> of a few years begin at half a million and go above a million.
> It was later learned that the U.S. embassy had compiled lists of
> "communist" operatives, >from top echelons down to village cadres, as
> many as 5,000 names, and turned them over to the army, which then
> hunted those persons down and killed them. The Americans would then
> check off the names of those who had been killed or captured. "It
> really was a big help to the army. They probably killed a lot of
> people, and I probably have a lot of blood on my hands," said one
> U.S. diplomat. "But that's not all bad. There's a time when you have
> to strike hard at a decisive moment."
> Chile, 1964-73: Salvador Allende was the worst possible scenario for
> a Washington imperialist. He could imagine only one thing worse than
> a Marxist in power -- an elected Marxist in power, who honored the
> constitution, and became increasingly popular. This shook the very
> foundation stones upon which the anti-communist tower was built: the
> doctrine, painstakingly cultivated for decades, that "communists" can
> take power only through force and deception, that they can retain
> that power only through terrorizing and brainwashing the population.
> After sabotaging Allende's electoral endeavor in 1964, and failing to
> do so in 1970, despite their best efforts, the CIA and the rest of
> the American foreign policy machine left no stone unturned in their
> attempt to destabilize the Allende government over the next three
> years, paying particular attention to building up military hostility.
> Finally, in September 1973, the military overthrew the government,
> Allende dying in the process.
> Thus it was that they closed the country to the outside world for a
> week, while the tanks rolled and the soldiers broke down doors; the
> stadiums rang with the sounds of execution and the bodies piled up
> along the streets and floated in the river; the torture centers
> opened for business; the subversive books were thrown to the
> bonfires; soldiers slit the trouser legs of women, shouting that "In
> Chile women wear dresses!"; the poor returned to their natural state;
> and the men of the world in Washington and in the halls of
> international finance opened up their check-books. In the end, more
> than 3,000 had been executed, thousands more tortured or disappeared.
> Greece 1964-74: The military coup took place in April 1967, just two
> days before the campaign for national elections was to begin,
> elections which appeared certain to bring the veteran liberal leader
> George Papandreou back as prime minister. Papandreou had been elected
> in February 1964 with the only outright majority in the history of
> modern Greek elections. The successful machinations to unseat him had
> begun immediately, a joint effort of the Royal Court, the Greek
> military, and the American military and CIA stationed in Greece. The
> 1967 coup was followed immediately by the traditional martial law,
> censorship, arrests, beatings, torture, and killings, the victims
> totaling some 8,000 in the first month. This was accompanied by the
> equally traditional declaration that this was all being done to save
> the nation from a "communist takeover." Corrupting and subversive
> influences in Greek life were to be removed. Among these were
> miniskirts, long hair, and foreign newspapers; church attendance for
> the young would be compulsory.
> It was torture, however, which most indelibly marked the seven-year
> Greek nightmare. James Becket, an American attorney sent to Greece by
> Amnesty International, wrote in December 1969 that "a conservative
> estimate would place at not less than two thousand" the number of
> people tortured, usually in the most gruesome of ways, often with
> equipment supplied by the United States.
> Becket reported the following:
> Hundreds of prisoners have listened to the little speech given by
> Inspector Basil Lambrou, who sits behind his desk which displays the
> red, white, and blue clasped-hand symbol of American aid. He tries to
> show the prisoner the absolute futility of resistance: "You make
> yourself ridiculous by thinking you can do anything. The world is
> divided in two. There are the communists on that side and on this
> side the free world. The Russians and the Americans, no one else.
> What are we? Americans. Behind me there is the government, behind the
> government is NATO, behind NATO is the U.S. You can't fight us, we
> are Americans."
> George Papandreou was not any kind of radical. He was a liberal anti-
> communist type. But his son Andreas, the heir-apparent, while only a
> little to the left of his father had not disguised his wish to take
> Greece out of the cold war, and had questioned remaining in NATO, or
> at least as a satellite of the United States.
> East Timor, 1975 to present: In December 1975, Indonesia invaded East
> Timor, which lies at the eastern end of the Indonesian archipelago,
> and which had proclaimed its independence after Portugal had
> relinquished control of it. The invasion was launched the day after
> U.S. President Gerald Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger had
> left Indonesia after giving Suharto permission to use American arms,
> which, under U.S. law, could not be used for aggression. Indonesia
> was Washington's most valuable tool in Southeast Asia.
> Amnesty International estimated that by 1989, Indonesian troops, with
> the aim of forcibly annexing East Timor, had killed 200,000 people
> out of a population of between 600,000 and 700,000. The United States
> consistently supported Indonesia's claim to East Timor (unlike the UN
> and the EU), and downplayed the slaughter to a remarkable degree, at
> the same time supplying Indonesia with all the military hardware and
> training it needed to carry out the job.
> Nicaragua 1978-89: When the Sandinistas overthrew the Somoza
> dictatorship in 1978, it was clear to Washington that they might well
> be that long-dreaded beast -- "another Cuba." Under President Carter,
> attempts to sabotage the revolution took diplomatic and economic
> forms. Under Reagan, violence was the method of choice. For eight
> terribly long years, the people of Nicaragua were under attack by
> Washington's proxy army, the Contras, formed from Somoza's vicious
> National Guardsmen and other supporters of the dictator. It was all-
> out war, aiming to destroy the progressive social and economic
> programs of the government, burning down schools and medical clinics,
> raping, torturing, mining harbors, bombing and strafing. These were
> Ronald Reagan's "freedom fighters." There would be no revolution in
> Nicaragua.
> Grenada 1979-84: What would drive the most powerful nation in the
> world to invade a country of 110 thousand? Maurice Bishop and his
> followers had taken power in a 1979 coup, and though their actual
> policies were not as revolutionary as Castro's, Washington was again
> driven by its fear of "another Cuba," particularly when public
> appearances by the Grenadian leaders in other countries of the region
> met with great enthusiasm.
> U.S. destabilization tactics against the Bishop government began soon
> after the coup and continued until 1983, featuring numerous acts of
> disinformation and dirty tricks. The American invasion in October
> 1983 met minimal resistance, although the U.S. suffered 135 killed or
> wounded; there were also some 400 Grenadian casualties, and 84
> Cubans, mainly construction workers. What conceivable human purpose
> these people died for has not been revealed.
> At the end of 1984, a questionable election was held which was won by
> a man supported by the Reagan administration. One year later, the
> human rights organization, Council on Hemispheric Affairs, reported
> that Grenada's new U.S.-trained police force and counter-insurgency
> forces had acquired a reputation for brutality, arbitrary arrest, and
> abuse of authority, and were eroding civil rights.
> In April 1989, the government issued a list of more than 80 books
> which were prohibited from being imported. Four months later, the
> prime minister suspended parliament to forestall a threatened no-
> confidence vote resulting from what his critics called "an
> increasingly authoritarian style."
> Libya 1981-89: Libya refused to be a proper Middle East client state
> of Washington. Its leader, Muammar el-Qaddafi, was uppity. He would
> have to be punished. U.S. planes shot down two Libyan planes in what
> Libya regarded as its air space. The U.S. also dropped bombs on the
> country, killing at least 40 people, including Qaddafi's daughter.
> There were other attempts to assassinate the man, operations to
> overthrow him, a major disinformation campaign, economic sanctions,
> and blaming Libya for being behind the Pan Am 103 bombing without any
> good evidence.
> Panama, 1989: Washington's mad bombers strike again. December 1989, a
> large tenement barrio in Panama City wiped out, 15,000 people left
> homeless. Counting several days of ground fighting against Panamanian
> forces, 500-something dead was the official body count, what the U.S.
> and the new U.S.-installed Panamanian government admitted to; other
> sources, with no less evidence, insisted that thousands had died;
> 3,000-something wounded. Twenty-three Americans dead, 324 wounded.
> Question from reporter: "Was it really worth it to send people to
> their death for this? To get Noriega?"
> George Bush: "Every human life is precious, and yet I have to answer,
> yes, it has been worth it."
> Manuel Noriega had been an American ally and informant for years
> until he outlived his usefulness. But getting him was not the only
> motive for the attack. Bush wanted to send a clear message to the
> people of Nicaragua, who had an election scheduled in two months,
> that this might be their fate if they reelected the Sandinistas. Bush
> also wanted to flex some military muscle to illustrate to Congress
> the need for a large combat-ready force even after the very recent
> dissolution of the "Soviet threat." The official explanation for the
> American ouster was Noriega's drug trafficking, which Washington had
> known about for years and had not been at all bothered by.
> Iraq 1990s: Relentless bombing for more than 40 days and nights,
> against one of the most advanced nations in the Middle East,
> devastating its ancient and modern capital city; 177 million pounds
> of bombs falling on the people of Iraq, the most concentrated aerial
> onslaught in the history of the world; depleted uranium weapons
> incinerating people, causing cancer; blasting chemical and biological
> weapon storages and oil facilities; poisoning the atmosphere to a
> degree perhaps never matched anywhere; burying soldiers alive,
> deliberately; the infrastructure destroyed, with a terrible effect on
> health; sanctions continued to this day multiplying the health
> problems; perhaps a million children dead by now from all of these
> things, even more adults.
> Iraq was the strongest military power amongst the Arab states. This
> may have been their crime. Noam Chomsky has written: It's been a
> leading, driving doctrine of U.S. foreign policy since the 1940s that
> the vast and unparalleled energy resources of the Gulf region will be
> effectively dominated by the United States and its clients, and,
> crucially, that no independent, indigenous force will be permitted to
> have a substantial influence on the administration of oil production
> and price.
> Afghanistan 1979-92: Everyone knows of the unbelievable repression of
> women in Afghanistan, carried out by Islamic fundamentalists, even
> before the Taliban. But how many people know that during the late
> 1970s and most of the 1980s, Afghanistan had a government committed
> to bringing the incredibly backward nation into the 20th century,
> including giving women equal rights? What happened, however, is that
> the United States poured billions of dollars into waging a terrible
> war against this government, simply because it was supported by the
> Soviet Union. Prior to this, CIA operations had knowingly increased
> the probability of a Soviet intervention, which is what occurred. In
> the end, the United States won, and the women, and the rest of
> Afghanistan, lost. More than a million dead, three million disabled,
> five million refugees, in total about half the population.
> El Salvador, 1980-92: Salvador's dissidents tried to work within the
> system. But with U.S. support, the government made that impossible,
> using repeated electoral fraud and murdering hundreds of protestors
> and strikers. In 1980, the dissidents took to the gun, and civil war.
> Officially, the U.S. military presence in El Salvador was limited to
> an advisory capacity. In actuality, military and CIA personnel played
> a more active role on a continuous basis. About 20 Americans were
> killed or wounded in helicopter and plane crashes while flying
> reconnaissance or other missions over combat areas, and considerable
> evidence surfaced of a U.S. role in the ground fighting as well. The
> war came to an official end in 1992; 75,000 civilian deaths and the
> U.S. Treasury depleted by six billion dollars. Meaningful social
> change has been largely thwarted. A handful of the wealthy still own
> the country, the poor remain as ever, and dissidents still have to
> fear right-wing death squads.
> Haiti, 1987-94: The U.S. supported the Duvalier family dictatorship
> for 30 years, then opposed the reformist priest, Jean-Bertrand
> Aristide. Meanwhile, the CIA was working intimately with death
> squads, torturers and drug traffickers. With this as background, the
> Clinton White House found itself in the awkward position of having to
> pretend -- because of all their rhetoric about "democracy" -- that
> they supported Aristide's return to power in Haiti after he had been
> ousted in a 1991 military coup. After delaying his return for more
> than two years, Washington finally had its military restore Aristide
> to office, but only after obliging the priest to guarantee that he
> would not help the poor at the expense of the rich, and that he would
> stick closely to free-market economics. This meant that Haiti would
> continue to be the assembly plant of the Western Hemisphere, with its
> workers receiving literally starvation wages.
> Yugoslavia, 1999: The United States is bombing the country back to a
> pre-industrial era. It would like the world to believe that its
> intervention is motivated only by "humanitarian" impulses. Perhaps
> the above history of U.S. interventions, can help one decide how much
> weight to place on this claim."


Scandalo a Moby Dick. Luttwak ammette:
bombardiamo apposta il popolo Serbo (20 maggio 1999)

Durante la trasmissione odierna di Michele Santoro, Moby Dick su
Italia 1, escono vari retroscena inquietanti. Tra gli invitati: Brutti,
D'Amato, Luttwak, i pescatori dell'Adriatico.

La prima parte della trasmissione è dedicata all'omicidio di
D'Antona e si capisce lo scopo destabilizzante nei confronti del
Governo tant'è che D'Alema ribadisce: non ci lasceremo intimidire.

Subito dopo, i pescatori dell'Adriatico che temono incidenti e la
contaminazione dal contatto con le armi. Le bombe a grappolo
(e non solo) contengono l'Uranio (DU), mentre poco si dice su
eventuali armi chimiche impiegate. Brutti rassicura: le ripescheremo.
Tuttavia emerge che le bombe sono state sganciate dalla Nato anche
in zone non previste. I pescatori, per paura, non escono a pescare.
Inoltre emerge qualcos'altro: la Nato è restia a dare i dati all'Italia
su dove vengono sganciati gli ordigni: ma insomma, nella Nato,
ci siamo o non ci siamo anche noi? Perché se ne parla come
di un'entità separata? [Siamo allo scollamento istituzionale.
Probabilmente ormai la NATO rappresenta solo Blair e Clinton.]

Interviene una Serba. Il popolo Serbo non si farà imporre un
governo dall'esterno. Ribatte Luttwak: infatti il nostro nemico
è il popolo Serbo, non Milosevic. "Se uccidessimo lui, chissà chi
potrebbero ancora eleggere i Serbi..." e continua: "La guerra
l'abbiamo fatta per smembrare la Serbia... e contro il popolo
Serbo (sic!)". [E qui ormai siamo al terrorismo puro.] D'Amato
e poi Santoro chiedono a Luttwak se per caso Luttwak si sente
bene, se è ubriaco o drogato. Luttwak ribatte debolmente che in
fondo non sono poi così cattivi, tant'è che un po' di bombe finiscono
in mare invece che sulla testa dei Serbi. - break pubblicitario e
la trasmissione non viene ripresa senza nemmeno che siano
mandati i titoli di testa. Che sarà successo?

Non è che il terrorismo USA sta un po' esagerando?

(fonte: Marco Saba)

e-mail: crj@... - URL: