
* La Jugoslavia deve vivere (L'avamposto degli incompatibili)
* SOS Zastava (Torino)
* Edizione greca per "L'arcivescovo del genocidio"
* Manifestazioni e processi contro i pacifisti (Olanda)
* Stop alle sanzioni! (Svezia)
* Sotto processo militanti dell'IAC (USA)



E' da un po' di tempo che circola nel "movimento antagonista" una
posizione sulla guerra
degna di un pacifismo acritico e di fatto complice della NATO. Si dice:
guerra inutile e
dannosa perché senza risolvere i problemi che l'hanno scatenata, ha
portato morti e
distruzione, soprattutto fra i civili e alle fabbriche.
Ciò, secondo noi, oltre ad essere falso, tende a spostare la discussione
su un terreno
lacrimoso e di fatto equidistante fra le parti in causa.
Di questa guerra tutto si può dire eccetto che sia stata inutile,ammesso
che una guerra sia
mai stata inutile. Fare questa affermazione significa accettare
l'assioma della NATO,
secondo cui questa guerra è stata condotta per porre fine alla
cosiddetta "pulizia etnica" e
per portare a convivere le varie etnie in un Kosovo democratizzato. Solo
accettando tale
assioma, si può definire questa guerra inutile oltre che dannosa.

Ma come tutti sanno questo assioma è falso!

Falso, non solo perché la "pulizia etnica" è stata strombazzata ad arte:
tanto è vero che le
fosse comuni non sono mai state trovate, nonostante l'invio di
specialisti NATO, ma anche
perché i veri motivi di questa guerra erano geo-politici ed economici,
come la realtà ha
ampiamente dimostrato.
Se questi sono i fatti, la guerra nei Balcani, per i paesi NATO non è
stata nè dannosa nè
tantomeno inutile.

Vediamo i fatti

I paesi NATO, che sono stati i più convinti fautori della
disintegrazione Jugoslava, sono:
Germania (e il satellite Austria);
Turchia (e la sua longa manus albanese);
USA (e Inghilterra di contorno).

Dalla disintegrazione Jugoslava la Germania guadagna la conquista
economica di Slovenia e
Croazia (dove ormai la moneta dominante è il marco tedesco) oltre che di
parte della
Bosnia: vale a dire le zone più ricche dell' ex Jugoslavia. Nell'ultimo
periodo, poi, l'influenza
economica sta acquistando sempre più le caratteristiche di influenza
politica, anche grazie al
cavallo di Troia austriaco. Basti pensare ai rapporti fra Carinzia,
Friuli e Slovenia, con la
tacita benedizione dei demo-reazionari bavaresi. Tenendo presente che è
forte la spinta
verso l'Europa a due velocità e la presenza dell'asse franco-tedesco,
secondo noi, la
conquista tedesca dello sbocco sull'Adriatico è stato un fenomeno
cruciale nell'assetto
geo-politico dell'Europa del futuro.
Altro che guerra inutile per la Germania!
Le ambizioni Italiane erano più limitate, come sempre daltronde. Come ai
tempi del fascismo
ci si è accontentati di stabilire una specie di protettorato in Albania
(in comproprietà coi
turchi) magari allargabile domani al Montenegro. Questo obiettivo è
stato raggiunto, e molte
"imprese" italiane si sono spostate da quelle parti per "diventare
Poca cosa , naturalmente, ma da questa guerra qualche briciola l'ha
guadagnata anche
Veniamo alla Turchia. Con gli accordi di Helsinki dei mesi scorsi si è
assicurata la
commercializzazione del petrolio del Caucaso, con un'opzione sul gas
Turkmeno. Con
questa guerra si è assicurata, grazie ad Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia il
passaggio dei futuri
oleodotti e gasdotti verso la destinazione Europea. Se avranno successo
le spinte
panalbanesi anche in Macedonia il passaggio sarà lineare. Non è un caso
che pochi mesi fa,
l'Italia ha deciso di liberalizzare l'approvvigionamento di gas
proveniente dai paesi europei,
e solo da quelli.
E, naturalmente, sono aumentate le chances turche di entrare nell'UE.
Altro che guerra inutile per la Turchia!
E gli USA? E' risaputo che gli USA non sono mai stati entusiasti
dell'Europa "dall'Atlantico
agli Urali", cosa che alla lunga potrebbe risultare pericolosa per il
proprio dominio sul
pianeta. Piazzare nel sud-Europa il cavallo di Troia del fedele alleato
turco da affiancare
all'altro cavallo di Troia inglese significa indebolire politicamente e
economicamente l'Unione Europea. Se poi dovesse prendere corpo il
progetto di Europa a
due velocità gli USA si assicurerebbero il dominio economico in tutto il
sud-Europa, Italia
Se così stanno le cose, il movimento antimperialista, invece di
piagnucolare sulla guerra inutile e
dannosa, dovrebbe demistificare e denunciare l'ideologia guerrafondaia
imperialista che contagia tutti, in
primis i sinistri di governo, e mettere in risalto quali danni questa
guerra ha prodotto sia in Jugoslavia sia sui
popoli che in questa guerra sono stati catapultati. In Italia, per
esempio, nessuno ha mai spiegato ai proletari che,
a fronte dei vantaggi per le imprese, questa guerra ha portato
incremento della disoccupazione al sud, visto che le
imprese trasferite in Albania, per i bassi costi del lavoro, hanno
licenziato in Italia, specialmente in Puglia.
Inoltre questa guerra ha portato ad aumenti vertiginosi del prezzo dei
prodotti petroliferi e derivati, sia a causa
dell'apprezzamento del dollaro dopo la guerra del Kosovo, sia grazie ai
già citati accordi di Helsinki e alla,
anch'essa già citata, liberalizzazione dell'approvvigionamento del gas
Se non ci si muove in questa direzione, ci si ritroverà a breve
scadenza, catapultati in
un'altra guerra: quella del Montenegro. Già i preparativi sono in atto e
di nuovo si stanno
strombazzando proclami di "liberazione del Montenegro dal dittatore
Milosevic", reo di aver
modificato la costituzione "per garantirsi con l'elezione diretta la
rielezione a presidente
Jugoslavo". Strano a dirsi, la stessa cosa che molti vogliono fare in
Italia. Ma si sa, una
legge fatta in Italia è profondamente democratica. La stessa legge fatta
in Jugoslavia, vuol
dire dittatura.
E allora basta piagnucolare e muoviamoci per demistificare e contrastare
questo spirito
guerrafondaio. Altrimenti non hanno senso incontri con operai della
Zastava o contromarce
della pace. Noi ci siamo opposti alla guerra e all'embargo, non perché
inutili e dannosi, ma
perché vogliamo combattere contro l'imperialismo occidentale e il
dominio imperiale
morte al fascismo - libertà al popolo",

L'Avamposto degli Incompatibili


Informazione sul viaggio del 15 e 16 giugno a Kragujevak

Nei giorni 15 e 16 giugno 2000, una delegazione di lavoratori e
sindacali di Torino si è recata a Kragujevac per portare gli aiuti ai
ragazzi, figli dei lavoratori della Zastava, adottati a distanza dopo la
guerra del 1999 ed i bombardamenti subiti dal più grande stabilimento
La delegazione ha portato 27 milioni di lire da distribuire ai ragazzi.
visitato 6 famiglie dei ragazzi adottati. Ha visitato la fabbrica
accompagnata dal sindacato aziendale.

Il complesso industriale Zastava era composto da tre stabilimenti: la
fabbrica di automobili, la fabbrica di camion chiamata "Iveco -
Zastava", ed
uno stabilimento di armi da caccia e sportive. In tutto lavoravano
lavoratori: 2.500 alla Iveco, 2.000 alla fabbrica d'armi, oltre 30.000
quella delle auto. Il complesso è stato bombardato due volte con 36
o bombe laser di precisione. Sono stati colpiti e distrutti in modo tale
rendere irricostruibili: il centro informatico, gli impianti
di verniciatura, lo stabilimento di meccanica dell'Iveco. Sono stati
distrutti, ma si è iniziato per il recupero della centrale termica,
impianti di lastroferratura e del montaggio delle automobili e dei
trattamenti termici dell'Iveco (usiamo il termine "Iveco" perché usato
lavoratori interessati, la partecipazione della Fiat Iveco è al 40%). La
fabbrica di armi è stata bombardata per ultima con un solo missile sui
lanciati, ha distrutto i capannoni, ma non gli impianti perché questi
già stati trasferiti in quanto ritenuti obiettivo militare,
alla produzione di automobili e di camion.

Il risultato è che oggi lavorano poco più di 10.000 lavoratori, per
automobili e camion quando si può (durante la visita, un impianto era
in per mancanza di energia) e come si può (nei box di verniciatura si
a mano, le fucine sono come erano le nostre alla Fiat negli anni '60).
famiglie che abbiamo incontrato le lavoratrici o i lavoratori della
lavorano, quando va bene, una settimana al mese.

Il secondo risultato ottenuto con bombardamenti è che la famiglia di chi
lavora nel mese ha un reddito di 15.000 lire, di chi lavora 1 settimana
mese di 37.000 lire, di chi lavora tutto il mese davanti ad una forgia
guadagna 100.000. Gli operai però sono particolarmente dinamici, quando
abbiamo visitato la famiglia di un ragazzo adottato da lavoratori della
Iveco, il padre, vedovo con quattro figli, ci ha raccontato che per
arrotondare lo stipendio riempie vecchi accendini e li va vendere lungo
strada. Alcune settimane or sono ha incontrato sulla strada un cinese e
ha detto: "hai visto? Sono messo peggio di te…".

Un terzo aspetto è quello sanitario: nelle sei famiglie che abbiamo
2 piccoli ragazzi hanno l'asma ma non hanno i farmaci per curarsi; una
mamma, lavoratrice Zastava, è mentalmente malata; un'altra mamma soffre
sclerosi multipla ma non si riesce a lenire con cure farmacologiche
grave malattia progressiva.

Nessuno di coloro che abbiamo incontrato, nella fabbrica, nelle case o
strada ha espresso sentimenti di rancore nei nostri confronti. Prima
concorso a distruggere le fonti della loro esistenza (e, per alcuni di
delle possibilità di vivere almeno dignitosamente) ed oggi ci
perché li aiutiamo.

Per le prime sottoscrizioni fatte a dicembre 1999 ed a febbraio 2000,
in possesso degli elenchi firmati da chi ha ricevuto i soldi. Per la
prossima volta ci chiedono di incontrare tutti i bambini e di consegnare
direttamente a loro le sottoscrizioni: si dovrà organizzare una
da Torino.

per il
Comitato Piemontese SOS Zastava

Perini Fulvio



Il giorno 28 giugno 2000 alle ore 20:30 ad Atene – Grecia

Un anno dopo la fine dei bombardamenti NATO e l’ occupazione del Kosovo
(teritorio della Jugoslavia) L’ Associazione di amicizia tra Grecia e
Serbia insieme alla casa editrice Proskinio, presentano ad Atene il
libro del prof. Marco Aurelio Rivelli, studioso della realt? balcanica,
“L'arcivescovo del genocidio” in lingua greca su licenza della Kaos
Edizioni Milano. Il libro a curato lo storico Nikos Klitsikas ed a
tradotto la dottoressa Margherita Salvato.

All dibatito che si terra’ all amfiteatro dell museo della guera di
Atene, interverrano:
Marco Aurelio Rivelli, scrittore
Nikos Klitsikas, storico
Panagiotis Kritikos, deputato socialista
Stelios Papathemelis, deputato socialista
Alexandros Likourezos, deputato dela nuova Democrazia
Maria Mantuvalou, proffesoressa al Universita’ di Atene
Vasilis Rafailidis, giornalista
Giorgos Anastopoulos, presidente del Associazione di Amicizia
Saranno presenti ed interverano:
Il vescovo di Tebe Ieronimos (il qualle ha fatto la prefazione del libro
nella edizione in lingua greca
L’ ambasciatore della Jugoslavia in grecia Dragomir Vucicevic.

La guerra contro la Jugoslavia non e’ finita, ma la resistenza contro
NATO continua
Una riflessione dedicata all'argomento sollecita ad esaminare, tra
l'altro, gli eventi che nel corso del II conflitto mondiale sfociarono
nella costituzione dello Stato Croato Indipendente, uno Stato che fu
servitore fedele del III Reich, che nacque connotato da un'ideologia
apertamente razzista, che venne difeso dalle gerarchie vaticane, nel
quale venne perpetrato il genocidio delle popolazioni serbe ortodosse.
La riflessione sulle vicende legate alla storia dello Stato guidato da
Ante Pavelic rappresenta oggi, dopo il crollo dell'unit? Jugoslava e la

nascita della Repubblica di Croazia, un'occasione preziosa per
comprendere le radici di questo presente, con la consapevolezza che i
progetti egemonici del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale non si fermeranno alle
frontiere dei Balcani.


Date: Sun, 09 Jul 2000 20:35:36 +0200
From: Herman de Tollenaere
Subject: Peace demonstrations Utrecht, The Netherlands

On Saturday 8 July, people gathered near the Central Station in Utrecht,
oppose the military propaganda at the "Megafestatie". The "Megafestatie"
a trade fair/exhibition in the Jaarbeurs hall, aimed at young people.
exhibitors, besides, eg, MTV, are the Dutch military, aiming to get
teenagers into the Dutch army, military police, and Marines. Not many
people want to join the Dutch [professional] armed forces; they have
trouble with finding people for vacancies. To counter that, lots of tax
money go to expensive propaganda. The slogan of the armed forces is:
"[Like] a nanny; but differently." People killed or wounded by Dutch or
other NATO armed forces in the Balkans and elsewhere might differ. So,
during the whole Megafestatie, until 16 July, visitors will get counter
information to the official propaganda. Starting every day at 12

In the night of Friday 7 to Saturday 8 July, two activists wanted to tie
banner to a big building crane near the entrance of the Jaarbeurs. The
banner challenged the army's claim of being a "peace army." However,
arrested them.

Later on Saturday, the demonstrators gathered at Smakkelaarsveld
Station side, opposite to Jaarbeurs] for a street rave/march. The
of the organizers, "Onkruit vergaat niet", said the army propaganda
stimulated violence, also in foreign countries. "Violence there [by
and coalition armed forces] also does not bring communication between
parties in conflicts, but impedes it. We have seen this during the war
Kosovo and elsewhere." Other leaflets passed around told what
could do if arrested; and on the "humanitarian" 1999 Balkans war,
many deaths like of the fifteen years old Yugoslav schoolgirl and
mathematics champion, Sanja Milenkovic.

Behind a big banner, opposing militarist propaganda, gathered drummers;
people with signs of Crass and other punk rock bands on their clothes;
people with T shirts of Rood [Red], youth branch of the Socialist Party,

and against the witch hunt against "illegal" immigrants; people with
anarchist symbols on. Average age not much over twenty, though there
also some elderly people.

The marchers passed the army recruiting center in the inner city of
[closed for the weekend]. With chalk, people drew slogans on the
close to it, like "Stop recruiting child soldiers", and "Stop NATO."

The demonstration continued to the police station, where the arrested
activists were still being held. The demonstrators made very much noise
enable the people in the cells to hear that outside, there were people
solidarity with them.

Standing in front of a worker's house, a mother rocked her toddler to
rhythm of the music of the sound system in the demonstrators' van, as
husband waved to the demonstrators.

During the whole march, new people joined, so that at the Jaarbeurs, the

end, there were many more people then at the beginning. At the
"Megafestatie" entrance, many leaflets were passed to the visitors.
Demonstrators juggled with balls, to show a fun alternative to going
to shoot people.

Next day, Sunday 9 July, demonstrators gathered at the eastern entrance
the Jaarbeurs.
Three banners were taped to the Jaarbeurs entrance: "Onkruit vergaat
[the organizers]; "Stop military violence"; and "NATO out of the
[thanks, Utrecht friend, for improving the banner's letters!]

Repeatedly, there was street theater: a 'die in' with people being
'killed', falling to the ground, splattered with red 'blood' [paint]. A
more realist approximation of real war then the armed forces propaganda
inside the hall.

As the 'die in' went on, Yvonne shouted through her megaphone: "The
army is not a peace army. The Netherlands is a member of NATO. NATO does

not bring peace. NATO kills innocent people!"

Some reactions from the audience were reserved. One boy asked: "You say
Dutch army is bad. But how about national defence?" However, he had to
concur that the practice of the Dutch army was *not* 'national defence.'
1945-1949, the Dutch army attacked Indonesia. Indonesians wanted
independence from colonialism; they did *not* invade The Netherlands.
Later, Dutch Marines ended a strike, broken by deaths, by workers in
Curacao [Antilles]. Defense? In 1999, the Dutch Air Force helped bomb
Yugoslavia. Defense? Dutch Prime Minister Kok was not even notified by
that the war begun, let alone the people in The Netherlands. "No" the
questioner had to concede,"that was not really democracy ... or

A woman, claiming to be married to a Dutch soldier of the NATO forces in

Kosovo, reacted emotionally to the 'die in.' However, it was not
to understand more of her inarticulate words than "my husband did a good

job in Kosovo." A friend of hers dragged her away to prevent her from
making more of a spectacle of herself. If, indeed, as she claims, her
husband was a soldier in Kosovo, I hope it will be possible to explain
people like her how people like her husband are used for the dirty work,

while people like NATO General Secretary Lord George Robertson and the
management of cruise missile factory Raytheon, who would not dream of
the dangerous dirty work themselves, make millions of dollars.

A skinhead angrily refused to accept a leaflet against the Balkan war,
bringing the Nazi salute. The Hitler greeting is illegal in The
[so are Hitler posters; still, as TV journalists found out in July 2000,

one may find them on Dutch military barracks' walls]. Nevertheless,
standing 10 meters away did not react.

However, reactions by the Megafestatie visitors were generally
If you passed, eg, one leaflet on Sanja Milenkovic to one boy or girl,
ten of their friends might gather around you asking for more leaflets.

Met vriendelijke groet/Best wishes,

Herman de Tollenaere


Date sent: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 23:15:25 +0200
From: Herman de Tollenaere
Subject: Peace activists on trial, Den Bosch, The Netherlands

Peace activists on trial, Den Bosch, The Netherlands

In 1981, half a million people demonstrated at the Museumplein [Museum
Square] in Amsterdam, to get nuclear weapons out of The Netherlands. To
commemorate that demonstration, a sculpture of a stone "cruise missile"
arose on the Museumplein. The maker of that "missile" was Yugoslav born
Miletic, one of the best known sculptors of Amsterdam.

In 1999, as NATO cruise missiles, not of stone, and bombs rained on
Miletic's native country, authorities had his monument for the 1981
demonstration ripped out from the Museumplein. That demonstration had
helped to prevent even more nuclear weapons in The Netherlands. However,
Volkel air base in the Southern Netherlands still has not only the F16
aircraft of the Balkan war; but also nuclear weapons. Well ... they are
very, very, probably there; officially, the government refuses to
or deny their presence. Even though the International Court of Justice
[older than, and not to be confused with, the NATO countries-financed
Yugoslavia Tribunal, also in The Hague] practically outlawed nuclear
weapons in 1996. The presence of NATO nuclear weapons in The Netherlands
also against the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty.

Already before the Balkans war, peace activists planned to go to Volkel
2 April 1999. They wanted to inspect the presence of nuclear weapons as
"civilian inspectors". According to the rules of the 1945 Nuremberg
every human is obliged to prevent war crimes. They unfastened a metal
thread of the fence, making it possible to enter the base. However, fife
them were arrested and faced a trial.

On Tuesday 11 July 2000, people gathered near the court house in Den
The Netherlands, to support the activists. They had banners with them,
photos of victims of the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima. Yugoslav women said
they had come: "We know everything about war. However, we are waging
action, not just for the victims in Yugoslavia, but also for the
of Iraq, people in Colombia, and people all over the world at risk by
nuclear bombs. War, and capitalism, are world wide problems."

The lawyer of the accused, Mr Eric Hummels, had called for an expert
witness on international law: Nico Steijnen, who had often written on
nuclear weapons cases. However, the public prosecutor objected to
Mr Steijnen's testimony. The court went along with this, as, according
them, Mr Steijnen had often been the lawyer of private persons against
Dutch state in international law cases [like of civilian victims of the
NATO bombing in Yugoslavia], and, supposedly, as a consequence, was not
"independent." The accused protested against the exclusion of Mr

"Not *we* should be in the dock here", one of the accused said, "but
Government Ministers Kok and Van Aartsen."

The accused stated there was a case of emergency. That emergency only
existed in the heads of the accused, the public prosecutor said. Really?
one of them replied. Are these outlawed nuclear weapons not an
Also, we went there as civilian inspectors when NATO bombed Yugoslavia.
an emergency? As one of the many terrible consequences, relationships
between the nuclear powers of NATO, Russia, and China worsened,
the danger of the war crime of use of nuclear weapons.

When the public prosecutor said there was complete opportunity for
democratic ways to express opposition to military policy, she caused
immediate bitter ironic laughter from the whole audience. Whether they
older people remembering police attacks on demonstrators against the
Vietnam war, or people so young that the Balkans 1999 war was the only
they remembered, they all had personal experience with free speech, or
of it, on war in The Netherlands, belying the prosecutor's rosy colored

Yvonne, one of the people in the dock, told how she had wanted to
distribute flyers: they had been torn from her hands. She had held a
banner: police tore it from her hands. Only yesterday, in Utrecht at the
Jaarbeurs, when she wanted to protest military propaganda at the
"Megafestatie", first private "police" had physically attacked the
demonstrators [which they have no right to]. Some were wounded. Then,
police came and arrested four demonstrators, including Yvonne. Some
demonstrators were wounded.

In the night of Friday 7 to Saturday 8 July, two activists wanted to tie
banner to a big building crane near the entrance of the Jaarbeurs. The
banner challenged the army's claim of being a "peace army." However,
arrested them.

On 25 July at 9.30, the court will announce its decision. If necessary,
activists will appeal this decision at a higher level court.

After the court case, peace activists met to discuss future activities:

- on 6 and 9 August, they will remember the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima

- on 2 September, they will try to find the nuclear bombs on Volkel air

- during the Peace Week [17-24 September], activists will go to police
stations all over The Netherlands, and ask police to take action against
Prime Minister Wim Kok, for making the country and the world unsafe by
having NATO nuclear weapons at Volkel

- Sunday 1 October people will try to find the nuclear bombs on Volkel
base. This is world wide nuclear weapons abolition day. See:

Met vriendelijke groet/Best wishes,

Herman de Tollenaere


Subject: Sanctions Against Yugoslavia - a Continuation of
NATO Aggression

The following report and appeal by a Swedish Member of
Parliament from the
Social Democratic Pary is very important. We urge that his
be used to
mobilize people in the U.S. to end the sanctions against
Yugoslavia and to
raise humanitarian aid.

International Center for Peace and Justice (ICPJ)


Sanctions against Yugoslavia - a continuation of NATO

By Karin Wegestal MP, on behalf of the Swedish Committee
for Solidarity
with the Yugoslav People

During the last decade, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
has received
more than 500,000 refugees from Croatia and Bosnia, and
another 300,000
internally displaced persons, mainly from the province
Kosovo and Metohia.
For a country with about ten million inhabitants, such an
influx of
homeless people is obviously a very heavy burden - even
under peaceful
But in addition to that, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
has been the
subject to sanctions from the western powers for close to
ten years and its
infrastructure was badly hurt through Nato's intense
bombardment during 78
days in 1999. The result of all this is that Yugoslavia,
once the most
developed industrial country in Eastern Europe, is today
the poorest
country in Europe. In Serbia excluding Kosovo, with about
ten million
inhabitants and close to a million refugees and displaced
persons, about 30
international aid organisations operate. This should be
compared to the
Kosovo province, with about one million inhabitants, where
no less than 400
aid organisations operate. There, one could talk about
overheated aid
activity. A delegation from the Swedish Committee in
support of the
Yugoslav people, the Yugoslavia Committee, visited the
country during one
week in January, on the invitation of the International Red
Cross and
Crescent Society. We saw with our own eyes the great relief
efforts made
for suffering people. We visited refugee camps, soup
kitchens and
warehouses for humanitarian relief in Uzice, Pozega, Cacak,
Novi Sad and
other places. We met representatives of the Roma people
(gypsies) and saw
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's Minister for refugees,
persons and humanitarian aid, Mrs Bratislava Morina.

This visit gave us a strong impression of the very
difficult situation of
the Yugoslav people, but also of the great efforts done to
relieve the
situation for the refugees and displaced persons and other
people driven
into misery, and to repair the damage done by Nato's bombs.

All the refugees and displaced persons must be given
lodging, food,
clothes, school and if possible also a new job. In the
beginning, many
families opened up their homes for refugees. Through great
sacrifice, most could be taken care of in that way. But we
also met
refugees who have lived for nine years in provisional
refugee camps with
all their personal possessions squeezed into a few square
metres. Many have
to suffice with food rations containing only 20 grams of
meat a day.

The refugee situation is made worse by the country's
stagnating economy.
Many companies have been deprived, through the sanctions,
of their
possibilities to import raw material, to re-invest and to
export their
products. Therefore they have been forced to stop
production or to
continue working on a low level. The result is falling
salaries and
excessive unemployment. 1.2 million people are totally
jobless. The figures
have increased gradually, but took a great leap through the
bombardment in
March-May 1999, when many factories were destroyed. Over
two million people
- one out of five citizens - are under the line of poverty.
Except for the
refugee problem, there are 300,000
social cases.

Many people who have volunteered to take care of
refugees, have
themselves become dependent of social assistance. About one
million people
get assistance through the Red Cross, which has a well
organisation with offices in 180 places - a fantastic
structure and an
impressive work both from the employees and from many
unpaid volunteers.

For those people who are lucky enough to have a job, the
average salary
is about 82 D-marks (equivalent to some 40 British pounds)
a month. A
well-educated university graduate can have 150-300 D-marks
(75-150 GBP),
which is regarded as a very good salary. Many young people
- the best
educated and most productive ones - leave the country to
find jobs abroad
if given a chance.

The medical situation is all but catastrophic, with acute
lack of medicine
and spare parts. The insulin was almost used up. At our
visit at Bezanijska
Kosa Medical Center in Belgrade, we learnt that X-ray
equipment stood idle
because X-ray tubes are regarded as "strategic spare parts"
and therefore
cannot be imported - even with hard currency!

We can now see the paradoxical result of the Yugoslav
wars during the 90s.

Several ethnically cleaned states and areas have been
established and
today receive extensive international assistance, while
Serbia, the most
multinational society with 26 nationalities living
peacefully together, are
exposed to the punishment of the western world.

The sanctions against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
were not imposed
by the United Nations but single-handedly by the USA and
EU. Officially
they are not intended as a punishment against Yugoslavia or
its population,
but as a pressure to make the government "co-operate with
the world
society" and "respect human rights for all citizens of the

In reality, however, they are a continuation of Nato's
war of aggression.

Their intention is to achieve what Nato could not achieve
at Rambouillet,
i.e. total political, economic and military control of the
whole country.
It is blatant big power aggression against a sovereign
country and gross
interference in its internal affairs.

The sanctions hit hard against the people. They are
obviously intended as
one of several means to force the people to overthrow their
government and
replace it with an administration which can be manipulated
and dominated
from abroad. That is a travesty of democracy; in fact its
very opposite.

What is now required is common action to force the EU
countries to stop
its hostilities. The sanctions and interference in
Yugoslavia's internal
affairs must come to an end and normal inter-state
relations be
established. Relief assistance must be increased to
alleviate the human
International assistance must be given unconditionally to
help repair the
damages after Nato's bombing.

In Sweden, an appeal against the sanctions was published
in connection
with the anniversary of the start of Nato's bombing of
Yugoslavia. It was
signed by representatives of various political parties,
former government
members, bishops and priests, scholars and writers,
athletics, and many
other well-known people representing a broad political and
social opinion
among the Swedish people. The appeal was published in a
number of papers,
including the dominating dailies Aftonbladet and Dagens
Nyheter, and on
web-pages including and That appeal
shows that there is a broad support in the Swedish society
for a
normalisation of relations.

It would be very useful if a similar initiative could be
carried out in
all EU countries, to mobilise broad strata of the people.
Such an appeal,
of course, must be supplemented with other forms of
mobilisation of public
opinion and mass actions to increase the pressure on our
governments to
stop their hostile actions and change their present hostile
policy against

Karin Wegestal is a Member of the Swedish Parliament for
the Social
Democratic Party. She is a member of the Defense Committee
and of the
Swedish Parliamentary Delegation of the OSCE. She is one of
spokespeople of the Committee for solidarity with the
Yugoslav people,
which started in April 1999, as the Stop the bombings now!

NOTE : URGENT : cette traduction est libre pour toute reproduction avec
mention du traducteur. La traduction été faite un jour férié, sans
possibilité de vérifier la valeur du Franc français par rapport au DM.
Prière de corriger le § 10 avant toute publication ou retransmission


De Karin Wegestal, membre du Parlement Suédois, porte-parole du Comité
Suédois de Solidarité avec le Peuple Yougoslave (transmis le 15 juillet
par Internet).

En dix ans, la République Fédérale de Yougoslavie a reçu plus de 500 000
réfugiés de Croatie et de Bosnie, et 300 000 autres de l'intérieur,
c'est à
dire essentiellement des provinces du Kosovo et de Métochia. Pour un
d'environ dix millions d'habitants, une pareille marée de personnes
déportées, sans domicile fixe, serait de toute évidence un fardeau
insupportable même en temps de paix.

Mais de surcroît, la République Fédérale de Yougoslavie a été soumise à
sanctions par les puissances occidentales depuis presque dix ans et son
infrastructure a été gravement détruite par les bombardements intenses
l'OTAN, pendant 78 jours de 1999. Le résultat de tout ceci est que la
Yougoslavie, qui était l'un des pays les plus industriellement
d'Europe de l'Est , est devenu le pays le plus pauvre d'Europe.

30 organisations d'aide internationale environ opèrent en Serbie (Kosovo
exclus), pour une population d'environ dix millions d'habitants et un
million de réfugiés et déportés. Il faut comparer ces chiffres aux 400
organisations d'aide internationale qui opèrent dans la seule province
Kosovo, peuplée d'un million d'habitants. Là, on pourrait parler d'une
surchauffe de l'aide humanitaire.

Une délégation du Comité Suédois de Solidarité avec le Peuple
Yougoslave, le
"Comité Yougoslavie", a visité ce pays pendant une semaine en janvier
à l'invitation de la Croix Rouge Internationale et du Croissant Rouge.
avons vu de nos propres yeux les grands efforts qui sont faits pour
ces souffrances. Nous avons visité des camps de réfugiés, des soupes
populaires et des lieux de distribution de produits d'aide humanitaire à
Uzice, Pozega, Cacak, Novi Sad et autres. Nous avons rencontré des
représentants du peuple Rom (les gitans) et rencontré la Ministre de la
République Fédérale pour les Réfugiés, les Déportés et l'Aide
Madame Bratislava Morina.

Cette visite nous a permis d'avoir une vue impressionnante de la
très difficile du peuple yougoslave, mais aussi du grand effort qui est
pour soulager la détresse des réfugiés et déportés, et des autres
réduites à la misère par les bombes de l'OTAN, ainsi que pour réparer
dégâts qu'elles ont causé.

Il faut procurer à tous les réfugiés et les personnes déplacées un abri,
la nourriture, des vêtements, une solarisation et si possible également
emploi. Au début, beaucoup de familles ont ouvert leurs portes aux
Grâce à de grands sacrifices individuels, beaucoup ont pu être pris en
charge de cette manière. Mais nous avons aussi rencontré des réfugiés
vivent depuis neuf ans dans des camps de réfugiés provisoires, toutes
affaires personnelles entassées dans quelques mètres carrés. La plupart
doivent se contenter d'une ration de viande de 20 grammes par jour.

La situation des réfugiés est encore aggravée par la stagnation de
l'économie du pays. Beaucoup de sociétés ont été privées par les
du droit d'importer des matières premières, de réinvestir et d'exporter
leurs produits. Elles ont dû en conséquence arrêter toute production ou
continuer à travailler qu'au rythme le plus bas. Le résultat est une
des salaires et un chômage excessif. Un million et demi de personnes est
totalement privé d'emploi. Les chiffres ont augmenté graduellement, mais
fait un bond quantitatif avec les bombardements de mars à mai 1999, avec
destruction de nombreuses usines. Plus de deux millions (un citoyen sur
cinq) vivent au-dessous du seuil de pauvreté. Sans compter les réfugiés,
recense 300 000 cas sociaux.

Nombre de ceux qui s'étaient portés volontaires pour secourir les
sont devenus eux-mêmes dépendants de l'assistance sociale. Plus d'un
de personnes sont assistés par la Croix Rouge, qui a une bonne
locale, avec des bureaux dans 180 communes - une structure fantastique
des résultats impressionnants, tant de la part des employés que de
volontaires bénévoles.

Pour ceux qui ont la chance d'avoir un emploi, le salaire moyen est
d'environ 82 deutschemark 'l'équivalent de quelquesXXXXXXXXXXfrancs
français) par mois. Un diplômé d'université de haut niveau peut gagner
150 et 300 DM par mois, ce qui est considéré comme un très bon salaire.
nombreux jeunes gens - les plus instruits et les plus productifs -
le pays pour chercher un travail à l'étranger, dès qu'ils le peuvent.

La situation médicale est catastrophique, avec un manque aigu de
et de matériel de rechange. Les stocks d'insuline sont pratiquement
A notre visite au Centre Médical Bezanijska Kosa de Belgrade, nous avons
découvert que le département de radiologie n'était plus en état de
parce que les tubes pour les rayons X sont considérés comme "matériel
stratégique" et sont de ce fait interdits à l'importation - même contre
paiement en monnaies fortes.

Maintenant, nous pouvons faire le bilan des résultats paradoxaux des
qui se sont succédées sans interruption contre la Yougoslavie au cours
ces dix dernières années.

Plusieurs états et zones "ethniquement purifiés" ont été créés et
aujourd'hui une assistance internationale extensive, tandis que la
qui jouit de la société multiethnique la plus large, avec plus de 26
nationalités vivant paisiblement ensemble, est l'objet de la "punition"
décrétée par le monde occidental.

Les sanctions contre la République Fédérale de Yougoslavie n'ont pas été
imposées par les Nations Unies mais décidées unilatéralement par les USA
l'Union Européenne. Officiellement, elles n'ont pas pour but de punir la
Yougoslavie ou sa population, mais constituent un moyen de pression pour
obliger le gouvernement à "coopérer avec la société mondiale" et à
"respecter les Droits de l'Homme pour tous les citoyens du pays". En
réalité, cependant, elles sont la poursuite de la guerre d'agression de
l'OTAN - par d'autres moyens.

Leur but est d'achever ce que l'OTAN n'a pas réussi à obtenir à
c'est à dire un contrôle politique, économique et militaire total sur le
pays tout entier. C'est une agression patente de grandes puissances
une nation souveraine, et une intervention grossière dans ses affaires

Les sanctions frappent lourdement le peuple. Elles sont visiblement l'un
divers moyens utilisés pour obliger ce peuple à renverser son propre
gouvernement et à le remplacer par une administration qui puisse être
manipulée et dirigée de l'étranger. C'est une parodie de démocratie; en
c'est exactement le contraire.

Ce qu'il est urgent d'entreprendre aujourd'hui est une action commune
obliger les nations qui composent l'Union Européenne à mettre fin aux
hostilités. Les sanctions et l'intervention dans les affaires
intérieures de
la Yougoslavie doivent cesser, et des relations internationales normales
doivent être rétablies. L'assistance humanitaire doit être augmentée
soulager les souffrances humaines. Une aide internationale doit être
accordée inconditionnellement pour permettre de réparer les dommages
par les bombardements de l'OTAN.

En Suède, un appel contre les sanctions a été publié à l'occasion de
l'anniversaire du début des bombardements de l'OTAN. Il a été signé par
représentants des différents partis politiques, d'anciens membres du
gouvernement, des évêques et des prêtres, des savants et des écrivains,
athlètes, et de nombreuses autres célébrités représentant un large
d'opinions sociales et politiques au sein du peuple suédois. Cet appel a
reproduit par de nombreux journaux, comprenant les quotidiens majeurs
sont le Aftonbladet et le Dagens Nyheter, ainsi que par plusieurs
"pages" du
Web international, dont et

Cet appel montre qu'il y a un large support dans la société suédoise
une normalisation des relations. Il serait très utile qu'une initiative
similaire soit entreprise dans tous les pays de l'Union Européenne pour
mobiliser de larges couches du peuple. Un appel de ce genre doit
naturellement être accompagné d'autres formes de mobilisation de
publique et d'actions de masse pour augmenter la pression sur nos
gouvernants afin qu'ils arrêtent leur politique hostile actuelle contre


Karin Wegestal est membre du Parlement Suédois (Parti Social Démocrate).
Elle est membre du Comité de la Défense et de la Délégation
Suédoise auprès de l'OSCE. Elle est l'un des deux porte-parole du Comité
pour la Solidarité avec le Peuple Yougoslave, créé en avril 1999 sous le
de Comité "Arrêtez les Bombardements Maintenant"

Traduction Éliazar MARIO-VINCENT



For Immediate Release
Attention: Assignment Editor
Press contact: Sarah Sloan (212) 633-6646
July 17, 2000


This Tuesday, July 18, victims of the mass arrest of 678 people on
April 15 in Washington D.C. will stand trial. The defendants include
Brian Becker, Co-Director of the International Action Center,
George Vavatsikos, a Greek American activist and others.

The defendants face 90 days in jail and fines if convicted of
disorderly conduct.

They were arrested last April 15 at a demonstration held in
conjunction with the week of protests against meetings of the
International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Washington D.C.
The April 15 protest demanded "Shut down the Prison-Industrial
Complex" and "New Trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal."

A class action law suit alleging a police-government conspiracy to
deny the First Amendment rights of demonstrators will be filed in the
coming weeks.

"This trial is itself a brazen miscarriage of justice," said Brian
"The police violated our constitutional rights to assemble and
protest and exercise our First Amendment guarantee of free speech.
All 678 arrested people were protesting against the Prison-
Industrial Complex, racism and to demand a new trial for Mumia
Abu-Jamal. We broke no laws and yet we were illegally detained,
handcuffed hand to foot and held for 24 to 36 hours in school
buses, basements and remote ad-hoc detention centers in the
Washington DC area," Becker asserted. For a detailed description
of events, see

"The outcome of this trial is important and must be put into the
context of a new, aggressive and we believe unconstitutional policing
strategy directed at denying the constitutional rights of those
engaged in protest," said Larry Holmes, a leader of the IAC and
one of the 678 arrested on April 15. "This is the post-Seattle
backlash by the police. They want to intimidate and prevent mass
protests at the Republican Convention in Philadelphia and the
Democratic Convention in Los Angeles. These efforts by the state
will fail. Our movement against the death penalty, against racist
police brutality and the Prison-Industrial Complex is getting
stronger, not weaker. We will fight in the memory of Shaka
Sankofa (aka Gary Graham) and all those freedom fighters who
have struggled against a system that breeds racism, repression and


International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
email: iacenter@...
phone: 212 633-6646
fax: 212 633-2889

e-mail: crj@... - URL:



Iniziativa alla "Festa dei Comunisti" a Spoleto il 21 luglio prossimo:

(...) Il C.A.R. (Comitato Antimperialista Romano) gestisce e partecipa
ad alcune iniziative-dibattito a Spoleto all'interno della suddetta
festa organizzata tutti gli anni dal locale circolo di Rifondazione.
Venerdì 21/7 alle ore 18,00 ci sarà un incontro sugli embarghi come
prosecuzione/preparazione delle guerre (militari e commerciali) e quindi
parleremo anche degli effetti di quello alla Jugoslavia.


> Campo antimperialista 2000 - Assisi, 30 luglio - 6 agosto
> Programma
> (per prenotazioni telefonare direttamente e prima possibile allo:
> 0333.3543251)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Domenica 30 luglio, arrivi
> Durante tutto il Campo: Laboratorio Informatico di Comunicazione
> Alternativa
> a cura di Elías Letelier
> (poeta cileno ed ex ufficiale dell¹Esercito Sandinista di Liberazione
> Nazionale)
> dalla mattina del 30 Luglio sarà attivo il sito del Campo:
> ore 21,00
> Presentazione del programma e delle delegazioni ospiti.
> Lettura saluti e messaggi.
> Ore 22,30 Concerto.
> Lunedì, 31 luglio
> Ore 9,30
> Forum n.1: Incontro con la delegazione jugoslava
> Forum n.2: Incontro con le delegazioni cilena
> (Rete Cilena Popolare ed Indigena)
> Forum n.3: Incontro con le delegazioni russe
> (Oleg Shein, deputato comunista della Duma e Sergey Novikov,
> responsabile relazioni internazionali del Partito Russo dei Comunisti)
> Ore 15,30
> 1. Sessione plenaria: I crimini NATO nei Balcani: i capi di accusa del
> Tribunale Ramsey Clark. Presiedono: Stefano De Angelis ed altri
> Ore 21,30
> Forum n.1: Le ³guerre umaniterie² e le nuove strategie NATO per la
> supremazia mondiale. Introducono: Marco Saba (Osservatorio Etico
> Ambientale)
> Francesco Iannuzelli (Ass. Peacelink sez.
> Disarmo)
> Forum n.2: Dall'emarginazione alla resistenza, percorsi di dignità nel
> Brasile d'oggi .
> Introducono: Paola Riccobelli (Centro di Difesa dei Diritti Umani di
> Garulhos, Sao Paulo)
> Responsabile del Coordinamento Latinoamericano dei Giuristi,
> Ricercatori Sociali e Gruppi Emarginati per una Alternativa
> Democratica e Popolare
> Forum n.3: Questione nazionale e socialismo: tavola rotonda coi
> movimenti di liberazione
> Martedì, 1 agosto
> ore 9,30
> Forum n.1: Incontro con le delegazioni messicane
> (Sinistra Democratica Popolare, Fronte Popolare Francisco
> Villa e CLETA)
> Forum n.2: Incontro con le delegazioni sarde
> (Gavino Sale e Bustiano Cumpostu di Sardigna Natzione e
> Confederazione dei Comunisti Sardi)
> Forum n.3: Incontro con la delegazione turca
> (Fronte Rivoluzionario di Liberazione del Popolo, DHKC)
> Ore 15,30
> 2. Sessione plenaria: Repressione, Prigionia Politica, violazione dei
> diritti umani e civili nel tempo della globalizzazione
> Tavola rotonda con:
> Associazione dei Familiari ed Amiici dei Prigionieri
> Politici (Spagna)
> Partito Repubblicano Socialista Irlandese (Irlanda)
> Euskal Herriko Komunistak, Comunisti dei Paesi Baschi (Paesi
> Baschi)
> Fronte Rivoluzionario di Liberazione del Popolo, DHKC
> (Turchia)
> Fedeltà all¹Uomo e alla Terra (Palestina)
> Ore 21,30
> Forum n.1: Violenza o non-violenza? Forme di lotta contro la
> globalizzazione
> Introduce: Comitato Contro la NATO ela Guerra di Ravenna
> Forum n.2: La guerra in Cecenia, il governo Putin e la sinistra russa
> Introducono:
> Oleg Shein, deputato comunista della Duma
> Sergey Novikov, responsabile relazioni internazionali del Partito
> Russo dei Comunisti
> Forum n.3: La Solidarietà Internazionalista, da percorsi diversi per
> un obiettivo comune. Introducono:
> Don Vitaliano Della Sala
> Padre Jean Marie Benjamin (responsabile delle manifestazioni
> culturali dell¹Unicef)
> Mercoledì, 2 agosto
> ore 9,30
> Forum n.1: "Teoria e pratica dell'autonomia per il potere popolare",
> introduce Prof. J. (CLAJADEP, Brasile)
> Forum n.2: incontro con la delegazione irlandese
> Partito Socialista Repubblicano Irlandese (IRSP)
> Forum n.3: incontro con le delegazioni basche
> Euskal Herriko Komunistak, Comunisti dei Paesi Baschi (Paesi
> Baschi)
> Ore 15,30
> 3. Sessione plenaria: Echelon: sorveglianza informatica mondiale e
> contromisure democratiche. Incontro con Nicki Hager
> ore 21,30
> Forum n.1: Immigrazione e lotta contro il razzismo nell¹Europa di
> Shengen
> Introducono: Gruppo Immigrati di Brescia
> Paola Riccobelli (operatrice sociale nell¹ambito della prostituzione
> per l¹Associazione On the Road)
> Forum n.2: Africa: Imperialismo e Multinazionali nella crisi dei
> vecchi equilibri africani
> Introduzione: Forze Africane di Liberazione della Mauritania (FALM,
> Mauritania)
> e altri. . . .
> Forum n.3: Nuova destra e antifascismo
> Introducono: W. Fisher (Germania Est)
> L. Willy (Austria)
> Giovedì, 3 agosto
> ore 9,30
> Forum n.1: incontro con le delegazioni palestinese e libanese
> I Comunardi (Libano)
> Fedeltà all¹Uomo ed alla Terra (Palestina)
> Forum n.2: incontro con la delegazione mauritana
> Forze Africane di Liberazione della Mauritania (FALM)
> Forum n.3: incontro con la delegazione dello Sri lanka
> Fronte di Liberazione del Popolo (JVP)
> Ore 15,30
> 4. Sessione plenaria: Islam e nuovo ordine mondiale
> Introduce: Associazione Culturale di Hezbollah
> ore 21,30
> Forum n.1: La resistenza libanese contro il sionismo.
> Introduce l¹Associazione Culturale di Hezbollah
> Forum n.2: Le nuove sfide della tecnologia nella comunicazione di
> massa in un progetto rivoluzionario. Introduce: Elias Letelier
> Forum n.3: Iran: Lotte sociali e opposizione nell¹Iran di Khatamy.
> Introducono: Guerriglieri Feddayn del Popolo dell¹Iran
> Venerdì, 4 agosto
> ore 9,00
> Forum n.1: incontro con la delegazione pakistana
> (Partito Comunista Pakistano)
> Forum n.2: incontro con le delegazioni filippine
> (K.M.U. Centrale Sindacale delle Filippine
> Nuova Alleanza Patriottica, BAYAN))
> Forum n.3: Incontro con la delegazione venezuelana
> (Federazione degli Studenti Universitari del Venezuela, FEUV)
> ore11:00
> Conferenza Stampa Interplanetaria
> Ore 15,00
> 5. Sessione plenaria: La lotta di Liberazione in Colombia, la minaccia
> dell¹intervento USA e l¹esito dei negoziati di pace.
> Introducono
> Paul Emile Dupret (assessore della Sinistra Unitaria Europea per le
> relazioni con l¹America del Sud)
> Esponente della Commissione Internazionale delle Forze Armate
> Rivoluzionari della Colombia - Esercito del Popolo
> Esponente del Fronte Internazionale dell¹Esercito di Liberazione
> Nazionale della Colombia
> ore 21,30
> Forum n.1: Reddito di cittadinanza o lavoro come diritto inalienabile?
> Forum n.2: Quale futuro per il Popolo Assiro, dopo la svolta del PKK
> Introduce: Organizzazione Patriottica Rivoluzionaria di Bethnarin
> Forum n.3: Il Messico dopo le elezioni: via parlamentare o via
> rivoluzionaria
> Introducono: Sinistra Democratica Popolare (Izquierda Democratica
> Popular),
> Fronte Popolare Francisco Villa e CLETA
> sabato, 5 agosto
> ore 9,30
> 6. Sessione plenaria: Inquinamento, transgenica e bio-tech: un nuovo
> terreno della lotta anticapitalista.
> Tavola rotonda con: Laura Corradi, esperta di salute ambientale,
> docente di sociologia della medicina, presso l¹Università di Messina
> Grazia Francescato, presidentessa dei Verdi e altri
> Ore 15,30
> 7. Sessione plenaria: Seattle : valore e limiti della rivolta contro
> il WTO
> ITavola rotonda con: Grazia Francescato, presidentessa dei Verdi
> (Italia)
> Norma G. Biñas, segretaria del K.M.U. (Filippine)
> José Bové, rappresentante di Confederazione dei Contadini
> (Francia)°
> °(in attesa di conferma)
> ore 21,00
> Saluti ai Partecipanti
> ore 21,30 - Concerto e festa di chiusura -Domenica 6 agosto, partenze

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

(e certo, mica e' la biblioteca di Sarajevo!)

Per le immagini e l'elenco delle distruzioni operate finora:



Gracanica, July 17 2000

Last night (July 16) around 23.30 the Serbian Orthodox Church of St.
Elias in Pomazatin, 12 km west from Pristina was completely destroyed in
a powerful explosion The church of St Elias was originally built in 1937
near the river Drenica. At the beginning of the WW2 it was destroyed by
Albanian Nazi troops called Balli Combetar. After the war the Serbs
rebuilt the church in 1965 and it served as a parish church since then.
Last year in summer, just after the deployment of KFOR in Kosovo the KLA
memebers damaged the entrance of the church by a hand grenade. Despite
this damage the church could be easily repaired and the Diocese
requested from KFOR to secure the church from further destruction. KFOR
only surrounded the church by barbed wire and from time to time patrols
would pass near by.

The church of St. Elias is only a few hundred meters from the nearest
British KFOR base. The attackers who are supposed again to be the
members of the former KLA brought large quantity of explosive and
informed the local population not to go out of their homes at the time
of explosion which was planned for 23.30.

Serbian Orthodox Church has condemned this latest barbarous attack and
has requested from KFOR and UN Mission to carry out the investigation.
There are very few reasons to believe that the perpertrators would ever
be arrested because so far not a single attacker on nearly 90 destroyed
Serb churches has been identified or arrested.

Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Raska and Prizren
Information Service

Daily Press Release
Delivered by Major Scott A. Slaten
KFOR Spokesman

PRISTINA, Kosovo - Monday, 17 July, 2000
Serb Church Destroyed
A ruined Serb Church in the village of Pomatetin/ Pomazatin (5
kilometers west of Fushe Kosove/ Kosovo Polje) was completely destroyed
an explosion last night.
Explosives were detonated at approximately 11.30 p.m. and UNMIK police
reported that two suspects were seen running from the scene towards
Kosove / Kosovo Polje. Initial reports from explosive experts state that
to 30 kilograms of dynamite were used in the attack.
The Church of the Holy Prophet Elijah has been out of use for the past
six years and was badly damaged during last year's conflict. As a result
was not one of the churches guarded by KFOR troops.
An investigation is ongoing in the destruction of the church. KFOR MNB
Centre is committed to removing the weapons used for these types of
extremist activities from general use. As a result, a search operation
begun in the municipality this morning.
Weapons Search Targets Extremists
Troops from MNB Centre began a search operation this morning which
centers on the village of Miradi e Eperme / Gornje Dobrevo in the Kosovo
Polje municipality.
The mission of the operation is to search for illegal weapons in the
area and remove them from the hands of extremists. Four hundred KFOR
Norwegian soldiers make up the core of the units participating in the
operation. Additional manpower and expertise is being provided by search
teams from the 2nd Battalion the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, the
Battalion and the Scots Dragoon Guards.
The village is located near the scene of a mine strike in early June
which killed three Serbs whose car drove over a mine which had been
in the road. Although the village is in no way connected with last
attack on the Serb Church, it is this type of extremism that the search
operation aims to prevent.
Incidents During the Past 24 Hours
Multinational Brigade North
Shots Reported
KFOR MNB North reported that shots were heard in the northern and
southern areas of Mitrovica for several hours last night. KFOR patrols
searched the areas. No reports of injuries or loss of life were reported
a result of the shootings.
Mass Held
KFOR soldiers secured the area around the southern Mitrovice/Mitrovica
Orthodox Church yesterday morning, in order to secure church goes
mass. There were no reported incidents of violence or serious incidents
during the transport escort and mass of the attendees.

Multinational Brigade West
Weapons Seized, Men Arrested
KFOR soldiers near the village of Piskote stopped a vehicle driven by a
Kosovar Albanian man from the village of Skiviane. A search of the
revealed an empty automatic machinegun magazine.
The driver was detained for questioning. KFOR Italian Military Police
then conducted a search of the man's home. One AK-47 Assault Rifle with
magazines and ammunition was discovered and confiscated. The man was
handed over to UNMIK Police for arrest. The investigation is still
Later in the evening, KFOR soldiers from Task Force Pegasus stopped a
car driven by a Kosovar Albanian man at the Zaimovo Bridge. A search of
vehicle revealed a Simonov Rifle. The weapon was confiscated and UNMIK
Police arrested a male passenger in the vehicle. The investigation is

Multinational Brigade Centre
See Lead Story

Multinational Brigade South
Commemoration Held
Yesterday morning, a commemoration for former UCK-fighters took place
in the village of Hoca Zagradska. The commemoration was announced
evening. KFOR MNB South reinforced the area with additional soldiers. An
estimated 400 people participated in the commemoration. The
was peaceful and ended without incidents at 11:45 a.m.

Multinational Brigade East
Weapons Seized
Yesterday morning, north of the village of Saraiste, soldiers from KFOR
US 501st Mechanized Infantry Battalion and UNMIK Police conducted a
search of a Kosovar Albanian man arrested for carrying a hand grenade. A
search of the house revealed one grenade, assorted ammunition, One MUP
uniform, two sets of binoculars, and two syringes. UNMIK Police held the
individual for questioning.
UXO Reported, Weapons Seized
In MNB East, yesterday evening in the town of Cernica, KFOR US Task
1-187 headquarters reported that an item of unexploded ordinance was
in the backyard of a Kosovar Serb home.
An Explosive Ordinance Disposal Team was dispatched to the scene and
discovered a hand grenade near the house. Assessing the situation, the
team determined that the grenade could not be safely moved. It was then
detonated in place. The resulting blast caused some damage to the house
revealed some 7.62 ammunition. A search of the house was then conducted
an AK-47 Assault Rifle and magazines were confiscated. The investigation
still ongoing.
KFOR Medical Assistance Provided
An 11-year-old Kosovar Serb boy was medically evacuated (MEDEVAC) to
the 212th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital at Camp Bondsteel, and treated
appendicitis early this morning.
The boy was admitted to the hospital at 1:40 a.m. and had his appendix
removed. The youth was from the town of Strpce and escorted to Camp
Bondsteel by members of the 18th Polish Battalion. The boy's condition
currently listed as being stable.
The 212th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital also provided medical support
to another Kosovar Serb citizen last night. A 64-year-old woman
requested a
MEDEVAC last night and was transported by ambulance to Camp Bondsteel
treatment of a possible heart attack. The woman was admitted just after
p.m. and by midnight was listed in stable condition. Medical tests were
conducted and are pending results to determine the severity of the
The woman will remain at the 212th MASH for further observation.
A Press Conference will be held Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. in the Press
Conference Room of the UNMIK Government Building. NATO Secretary
the Lord George Robertson of Port Ellen and SRSG, Dr. Bernard Kouchner
be speaking.
MNB Centre
Destroyed Serb Church
An MNB Centre media event will take place after the press conference
today. The schedule will include a visit the site of the destroyed
and then go on to the search operation being carried out in the local
This operation highlights the KFOR activities being carried out to
any form of extremism threatening the people living in Kosovo.
Live Fire Ranges
The Second Battalion, the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, will be
exercising and live firing their Warrior Armored Vehicles on the
ranges in the Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) next
This is part of an ongoing training operation that the KFOR British
troops carry out to ensure that British soldiers are continuously
trained on
their weapon systems in order to meet any threats.
MNB Centre will provide a media opportunity on the afternoon of Wed 19
July, 2000 to cover this event. Twelve places are currently available
interested journalist on a KFOR helicopter. Journalists should get in
contact with Flight Lieutenant Tim Serrell-Cooke, at the MNB Centre PIO
MNB South
NATO Secretary General, Sir George Robertson and North Atlantic Council,
will visit MNB South to receive an overview of the current situation and
gain information on reconstruction projects in the town of Reshan
A media event is scheduled on Tuesday 18 July 2000 in Prizren.
Journalists are requested to be at the KFOR Main Headquarters VIP Gate
later than 9:10 a.m. for transportation to Prizren. For details please
the KFOR Media Event Flyer located in the main lobby of the KFOR Press
Information Center, Pristina.

KFOR Press and Information Center, Pristina, Kosovo
PTT phone: +389 91 68-6600
PTT fax: +389 91 68-6610
Sat phone : +871 382 060 323
Official KFOR homepage:
For specific information related to brigade-level operations, please
Brigade Information Offices:
Multinational Brigade Centre
PPT phone: +44-7808946390 or +44-7801130055
PTT fax: +381-38-501 433-234
Sat phone: +870-762 103 839, +870-762 103 843 or +870-762 134 957
Sat fax: +870-762 134 991
Multinational Brigade East
Sat phone: +871 762 069 495
E-mail: pao@...
Multinational Brigade North
PTT phone: +381-28-31024 or +381-28-31025
PTT fax: +381-28 - 31022
Sat phone: +871-762159078 or +871-761294148
Sat fax: +870-762134991
Multinational Brigade South
Satellite phone: +871-11 22 151 or +871-761 617 247 or +871-762069467
Satellite fax: +871-1122152
E-mail: piz_ge_kfor@...
Multinational Brigade West
Sat phone: +871-762 069 491
E-mail: martiref@...

Serbian Church Blown Up in Kosovo

.c The Associated Press

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (AP) - An explosion ripped through a medieval
Orthodox Church in Kosovo, flattening the structure, U.N police said

The church of the Holy Prophet Elijah was located in the village of
Pomazetin, just outside the Serb village of Kosovo Polje. The church was
leveled in the Sunday night explosion, said Oleg Rubezhov, a U.N. police
officer who patrols the area.

``It was destroyed to the basement,'' he said.

About 66 pounds of explosives were used in the 11:30 p.m. blast,
peacekeepers said. Two people were seen running from the site shortly
the explosion.

The church was not under guard by NATO-led peacekeepers, U.N. police
They said it had already been severely damaged during the war between
Albanian separatists and the forces of Yugoslav President Slobodan

However, the private Beta and FoNet news agencies in Belgrade said in
reports that the church was first damaged last August in a fire or by an

The opposition Serbian Renewal Movement blamed the latest explosion on
peacekeeping force, called KFOR, saying its troops did nothing to
prevent it
in this heavily ethnic Albanian province.

``Members of KFOR know well enough that Albanian extremists
destroy Orthodox Christian churches, but they obviously do nothing to
them, which is proven by this latest crime,'' the party said.

Minority Serbs have faced daily attacks over the past year and Serb
monuments have been targeted by ethnic Albanian militants. The Beta news
agency said 86 religious objects have been destroyed.

Beta said Pomazetin was an ethnically mixed village before Kosovo's
war. Since the deployment of NATO-led peacekeepers in the province last
Serb villagers have fled, fearing for their safety.

AP-NY-07-17-00 0948EDT

KOSOVO POLJE, July 17 (Tanjug) A strong explosion echoed in
Pomazatin village near Kosovo Polje late Sunday, amateur radio operators
said early on Monday.
Unofficial sources said ethnic Albanian terrorists had razed
Serbian Orthodox church of St. Ilia in this village of Kosovo and
province which had had a mixed Serbethnic Albanian population before
international forces KFOR arrived in June 1999. All Serbs have meanwhile
been forced to flee the village due to onslaughts by militant ethnic
There was a power failure a minute before the blast, which took
place at about 11.30 p.m., and electricity was turned on again a minute
after the explosion.
Local Serbs believe that this is a synchronized action by
Albanian extremists and those employed in the Obilic electric power
in order to make such attacks appear more frightening in total darkness.


>Orthodox Church on post-war Kosovo firing line
>SLOVINJE, Yugoslavia, June 13 (Reuters) - Three attacks over the
>space of 10 months have reduced a Serb Orthodox church in a Kosovo
>village to a mound of rubble.
>Children play in the ruins and ethnic Albanians smile when asked what
>happened. "The church stepped on a mine," said a bearded man with a
>Slovinje's Church of Saint Nicholas is just one of 87 Orthodox Serb
>churches and monasteries that have been destroyed or damaged in the
>year since NATO-led peacekeepers entered Kosovo as Yugoslav Serb
>security forces withdrew.
>Father Sava Janjic, in the nearby 14th-century monastery of Gracanica,
>says Albanian extremists are systematically seeking to eradicate the
>church from Kosovo as part of a wider campaign to chase out the minority
>Serb population.
>"The Orthodox church is the anchor of the Serbian people here. If the
>churches are destroyed then the Serb people will not stay," said Father
>Sava, an Orthodox priest who acts as spokesman for the region's Serb
>An estimated 150,000 Serbs have fled Kosovo since June 1999, leaving
>100,000 behind out of a total population of less than two million.
>The Albanian majority is nominally Moslem.
>Anxious to reassure the Serbs that they have their best interests at heart,
>KFOR peacekeepers now stand guard 24 hours a day outside many of
>Kosovo's remaining Orthodox shrines.
>Kosovo, which remains legally a part of Yugoslavia but has become a de
>facto international protectorate, is regularly described by Serbs as the
>cradle of their culture and the spiritual home of their Orthodox church.
>The seat of the Serb church was not actually founded in Kosovo, but
>moved there at the end of the 13th century after its original foundation in
>central Serbia burned down.
>Seven centuries later, many of Kosovo's most beautiful buildings are
>its Orthodox centres, including the monasteries at Pec, Decani and
>"I'd say that 95 percent of Kosovo's cultural heritage sites are Orthodox
>buildings. These need saving not just for the Serbs, but for all
>said Father Sava.
>For ethnic Albanians, who suffered years of repression at the hands of
>Serbian troops and police, the Orthodox Church is inextricably linked
>to the notion of Serb national identity.
>A wave of Orthodox churches built over the past 10 years are described
>by locals as "political churches" and they have borne the brunt of the
>attacks. Some KFOR commanders openly question whether it is worth
>trying to save these buildings.
>"If a church has value as a historical place then clearly it should be
>guarded," said Finnish Colonel Arto Raty, head of KFOR operations in
>Slovinje, which lies just to the south of the regional capital Pristina.
>"But if it has no historical value and there is no chance of the Serbs
>returning anytime soon to the area, then it should be gently dismantled,"
>he told Reuters.
>Slovinje's little domed church and adjacent belfry were built in 1996 on
>the site of a 16th-century church. It was attacked in June and July 1999
>and then again in May of this year, leaving just a pile of shattered
>concrete and red brick.
>KFOR troops later found the church's heavy iron bell hidden under an ethnic
>Albanian's haystack.
>Father Sava is angry that despite the presence of some 47,000 peacekeepers
>in Kosovo nobody has been caught or charged for the attacks on Orthodox
>The Church has published a book, "Crucified Kosovo", to highlight the
>plight of the Orthodox faith in the province, asking the world not to
>blame it for the policies of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.
>Father Sava, who admits to harbouring sometimes un- Christian feelings of
>hate for Milosevic, says his Church did what it could to protect the
>Albanians from Serbian forces.
>"There was no organised involvement of the Serb church in fighting for
>Albanian rights because we had our own problems with the Yugoslav
>regime. But we always insisted that all human beings should be treated in
>same way," he said.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Predrag Tosic" <p-tosic@...>
To: "yugoslaviainfo" <Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.>
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 4:54 PM
Subject: [yugoslaviainfo] A reminder: God's houses in ruin [throughout

[ A few basic questions for Mr Kouchner and UNMIK, as well as each and
every NATO country government:

- How many of the damaged or destroyed churches and monasteries have

- In how many instances has the reconstruction at least started?

- In how many instances have the culprits - arsonists, bombers and other
attackers at Christian religious shrines in Kosovo - been arrested?

- How many of the arrested have been acquited? Is anybody
currently serving a prison term in Kosovo for vandalizing or destroying
church? If there is, how many people?

Between 85 and 100 Christian churches (mostly Serbian Orthodox, as
as some other) have been either severely damaged or destroyed in Kosovo
since mid-June of 1999. If our readers know of a single case where the
culprits were arrested - please let us know; thus far, I do not recall
reading or hearing a single news agency report to that effect. PT ]

Subject: God's houses in ruins: The world keeps silent as Serb churches,
monasteries are destroyed in Kosovo under noses of

The Montreal Gazette

Sunday 27 February 2000

God's houses in ruins: The world keeps silent as Serb churches,
are destroyed in Kosovo under noses of peacekeepers

MARK ABLEY The Gazette

The Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas, in the Kosovo village Banjska, was
probably not an international treasure.

As far as we know, it was just a modest house of God in an area dotted
the same.

But no one may ever be sure. On Jan. 30, 11 kilograms of explosives were
detonated at the altar, leaving much of the building in ruins.

The explosion forms part of a sad and continuing pattern. Since a wary
peace took shape in Kosovo in June 1999, nearly 80 of its Orthodox
and monasteries are known to have suffered heavy damage or destruction.
total may be higher, given that a lot of churches are located in remote
areas where few, if any, Serbs still live.

These attacks did not occur during the North Atlantic Treaty
bombing campaign last spring. They have happened since the return of
Kosovo's Albanian majority. Extremists, usually assumed to be linked to
Kosovo Liberation Army, have carried out a systematic campaign of
destruction under the eyes of international peacekeepers.

The unanswered question is why this devastation has caused so little
outcry. British and French media have paid some attention to the
but the North American media have carried few reports. Dozens of
groups are now working in Kosovo; they have said next to nothing.

"The Western world is rather fed up with the Balkans," suggested Colin
Kaiser, chief of the unit for southeast Europe and the Arab states in
UNESCO's Division of Cultural Heritage. "The wars, first in Croatia,
in Bosnia and most recently in Kosovo, became more and more intense in
terms of damage. But the cumulative effect has been that the Western
sensibility to it all has been dulled."

True enough. But beyond that, it also seems true that after the wars of
past decade, few Westerners dare to sympathize with anything Serbian.

Last September, Bishop Artemije, the head of the Orthodox diocese of
and Prizren, charged that while the first aim of the Kosovo Albanians
to expel all Serbs, the second is to eradicate all traces and witnesses
that could serve as evidence that the Serbs have existed at all.

"But who and what are the witnesses? Churches, monasteries and holy
So they set out to destroy the witnesses, to obliterate the traces. In
months more than 70 monasteries and churches were burned or demolished.
Among them were the churches built by our illustrious and holy ancestors
the 12th, 13th and 14th centuries. The churches and monasteries, which
survived 500 years of Turkish occupation, did not endure two months in
presence of a 50,000-strong international 'peacekeeping' force."

Peacekeeping troops from the United Arab Emirates, serving in the United
Nations' multinational KFOR mission, had been stationed near the Church
St. Nicholas. But in late January they withdrew, leaving the church
unprotected. It was soon blown to pieces.

The presence of the UN soldiers has slowed the rate of destruction in
recent months, but foreign troops can provide no guarantee of safety. On
Jan. 14, for instance, the Church of St. Elias, in a village called
Cernica, was partly destroyed by explosives. It stood just 70 metres
from a
checkpoint of U.S. soldiers.

Almost everyone would agree that the destruction of St. Elias's and St.
Nicholas's churches is regrettable. But what has so far escaped much
notice, particularly in North America, is that dozens of the earlier
victims were not just Serbian village churches, but buildings of great
beauty and historical significance. Among them:

- The Church of the Holy Virgin in Musutiste, built in 1315. Frescoes
painted in the following years were among the finest examples of
wall-painting in the entire region. The church was looted, burned and
by explosives.

- The Church of St. Nicholas in Prizren, which is said to date to 1348
earlier, and which contained medieval icons. Five explosives went off,
causing extensive damage.

- The Monastery of the Holy Trinity near Musutiste, built from 1465 on.
held a unique library of manuscripts as well as a collection of recent
icons. The monastery was first plundered, then burned and finally
with explosives.

- The Monastery of the Holy Archangels in Gornje Nerodimjle, built in
14th century, renewed and extended in 1700. The monastery was looted and
burned; a great pine tree, said to date from 1336, was chopped down and
burned; the cemetery was desecrated.

The stories go on and on. The pattern is undeniable - and for once, no
is even trying to claim that Yugoslavia's notorious president, Slobodan
Milosevic, is behind it.

So far, thanks to a 24-hour guard by foreign soldiers, the greatest of
treasures in the region - the monastic churches of Gracanica and Decani
have survived. Writers have waxed eloquent about them for generations;
Rebecca West, for one, called Gracanica "as religious a building as
Chartres Cathedral. The thought and feeling behind it were as complex. S
There is in these frescoes, as in the parent works of Byzantium, the
of accomplishment."

Some of the buildings were jewels of European civilization. Now they are

- - -

Throughout the Balkans, politics and art, history and myth, oppression
religion are intertwined. The ruined Orthodox buildings of Kosovo were
only centres of worship and art; they were political symbols.

Since the mid-1980s, writes Michael Sells, professor of comparative
religion at Haverford College in Pennsylvania, "Serb nationalists have
manipulated concern for the (Kosovo) shrines to motivate, justify and
implement 'ethnic cleansing' and annihilation of centuries of non-Serb
artistic and religious monuments.

"In exploiting Serbian monasteries and the heritage they represented to
foment hate and violence, they desecrated a great Serbian heritage that
deserves better."

It must also be said that if the KLA is behind the devastation, it's
following a path already trod by Serbs themselves. In Sarajevo, Banja
and other Bosnian cities, the Serbs blew up historic mosques and Islamic
shrines, as well as burning the Oriental Institute and the National

Moreover, between March and June last year, while NATO was bombing
and hundreds of thousands of Albanian-speaking Kosovars were seeking
foreign refuge, many buildings in Kosovo were subject to deliberate

The main targets, however, do not seem to have been mosques. Serbian
aimed most of their destruction at Albanian houses and marketplaces.

Now the Serbs are reaping the whirlwind. Since the Kosovars poured back
into their ravaged homeland, any buildings where Serbs lived or prayed
been vulnerable - even if they were homes built in Ottoman style during
long centuries of Turkish rule.

Another of the recently damaged buildings is the Kosovo Battle Memorial,
built on the famous battleground of 1389. That losing fight against the
invading Turks became a cornerstone of Serbian memory and folk history.
also became a useful symbol for Milosevic when he wanted to stir up
nationalist fervour in the 1980s.

In recent months, the Yugoslav government has bitterly protested against
the desecration of Orthodox buildings in Kosovo. But the protests have
fallen on deaf ears.

"I don't know how many times we have said this already," complained
Ljiljana Milojevic Borovcanin, first counselor at the Yugoslav embassy
Ottawa. "We have raised the issue at the United Nations and also
bilaterally, with the countries participating in KFOR."

Those countries include Canada. About 1,450 Canadian troops are now in
Kosovo, serving mostly in the central and northern areas alongside
from Britain, Finland, Norway, Sweden and the Czech Republic. The
international community has a lot at stake in the peacekeepers' success.

Under KFOR, Kosovo has been divided into five sectors, each run by a
NATO-led brigade. The peacekeeping force is made up of 42,500 soldiers
28 countries, in addition to a further 7,500 troops based in
countries. For each soldier in the KFOR mission, only about two Serbs
remain in Kosovo.

Borovcanin says she has spoken to Canadian officials about the
destruction of Orthodox churches, "and the response was always
The Canadian government says it regrets all the damage, but at no time
it take any action.

"Yet it's the non-implementation of the UN resolution that has enabled
barbarism to occur."

She was alluding to Security Council Resolution 1244. Under its terms,
mandate of the KFOR troops involves "demilitarizing the Kosovo
Army (KLA) and other armed Kosovo Albanian groups S establishing a
environment in which refugees and displaced persons can return home in
safety S (and) ensuring public safety and order."

UNESCO has been in touch with KFOR leaders, Kaiser told The Gazette.

"We provided them with lists of heritage sites that were much longer
what they could actually handle. We were told that they have many
responsibilities, and can't possibly station soldiers in front of every

Speaking from Pristina last week, KFOR spokesman Lt.-Commander Philip
said that "KFOR and its soldiers have static guards on the sites that
active. Some of the churches are guarded by moving patrols, and it's up
the brigade commander to decide on the level of sensitivity and the
of risk."

About 800,000 Albanian refugees are thought to have fled Kosovo before
during the war last spring. Perhaps it's not surprising that Canada - a
full participant in the NATO bombing campaign - should be reluctant to
speak out publicly against the Kosovo Albanians whom it spent so much
effort and money in helping.

Canada even contributed $200,000 to help pay for a cultural festival in
Kosovo last September. On hand along with international stars like
Baryshnikov, Meryl Streep and Elton John was the Cape Breton choir Men
the Deeps, flown in to sing coal-mining songs.

"Canada is helping rebuild Kosovo," Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd
said at the time. "That rebuilding effort must not only focus on bricks
mortar; we must also help rebuild the human spirit."

But as elements of the KLA were quick to realize, the best way to crush
spirit of Kosovo's remaining Serbs was to destroy significant chunks of
their bricks and mortar. The day after the cultural festival ended, the
14th-century church of Saints Cosma and Damian in the village of Zociste
was razed. The church was noted for its frescoes of Old Testament

On the same day, near the town of Vitina, the remnants of the
monastery of the Holy Archangel Gabriel were destroyed by explosives.
monastery had already been looted and burned.

So much for the human spirit.

- - -

What is surprising, if not downright shocking, is that the destruction
churches and monasteries in Kosovo has aroused so little attention from
international groups that are supposedly dedicated to the preservation
cultural treasures.

To an outsider, it looks very much as though the ancient buildings and
artworks are somehow tainted by their association with present-day
When it comes to the monasteries and churches of Kosovo, silence has
an unofficial policy.

Consider the following:

- The World Monuments Fund (a private, non-profit group based in New
and funded extensively by American Express) placed no Kosovo buildings
its recent list of the 100 most endangered sites around the world.

The fund has given money for architectural restoration and preservation
165 projects in 51 countries - not including Kosovo. Its Web site
no mention of Kosovo, and a request for an interview with its president,
Bonnie Burnham, was turned down.

- If you believe the Web site of the International Centre for the Study
the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, this awkwardly
group is a "catalyst for action." But it has remained silent about the
dangers to cultural property in Kosovo. An E-mail asking for an
went unanswered.

- At UNESCO's headquarters in Paris last July, a six-day official
took place under the auspices of the Convention Concerning the
of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. Member nations debated the
threats to heritage sites in no fewer than 55 countries, including
(a proposed open-pit mine near Jasper National Park came under
but Kosovo received only a brief general mention.

UNESCO did sponsor two missions of inquiry to Kosovo in July and
Yet Colin Kaiser, who led one of them, admitted that "UNESCO is not
to work quickly for emergencies."

Part of the problem, he said, is that proper documentation is not
for Kosovo. The agency intends to resume work there in co-operation with
Swedish group called Cultural Heritage Without Borders.

"But we can't become involved in saying who did what," Kaiser
"UNESCO cannot take sides."

- Last April, at the height of the war in Kosovo, a statement went out
the International Committee of the Blue Shield (a joint endeavour that
unites librarians, archivists, museum curators and preservation
The statement expressed a generalized "concern about all damage to the
cultural heritage of the peoples of Yugoslavia." Once the war was over,
Blue Shield Committee had nothing more to say.

Last week, Manus Brinkman, the secretary-general of the International
Council of Museums, told The Gazette that "ICBS has not issued any new
appeals, because the first one is still as valuable as ever."

Asked about the response to the April statement, Brinkman said that
have been a lot of positive reactions and the appeal invoked much
discussion. S Sadly enough, there was no reaction from the parties
in the fighting in Kosovo, neither from the official Serbian or Albanian
side, nor from NATO."

- Canada is one of many nations represented on ICOMOS, the International
Council on Monuments and Sites, whose aim is "the conservation of the
world's historic monuments and sites." The Web site of ICOMOS Canada
includes statements from 1997 onward. None mentions Kosovo.

The Canadian group's administrative secretary, Victoria Angel, said that
ICOMOS Greece has tried to raise awareness about the cultural monuments
Kosovo. But Greece was not one of the NATO members that bombed
and anyway, a little-known non-profit group based in Athens can scarcely
expected to kindle public attention in other countries.

"North America is still stuck with the message that there's a good guy
a bad guy in Kosovo," said Dinu Bumbaru, the head of Heritage Montreal
a vice-president of ICOMOS Canada. "And what the good guy does at the
of the movie is fine with us."

Bumbaru noted that while a great deal of information is available about
Kosovo destruction, especially on the Internet, "there's no
campaign. Frankly I just wonder if, in the West, this is of interest."

In 1992, following Yugoslavian attacks on the magnificent Croatian city
Dubrovnik during a previous Balkan war, Bumbaru led a UNESCO-sponsored
mission to assess the damage. International funds were provided to help
Croatia, and Dubrovnik has largely been rebuilt.

But Croatia was widely seen as a victim, so, in the case of Dubrovnik,
was politically easy for other countries to do the right thing.

The Serbs, on the other hand, were widely seen as aggressors. Now
outnumbered in Kosovo nearly 20 to 1; and in Kaiser's words, "the
is that ultimately, the defence of anything depends upon local people.

"Ideally, both Albanians and Serbs in Kosovo will realize that the loss
the monasteries and churches, like the loss of the mosques and Ottoman
houses, will impoverish the whole area."

But that's a remote ideal. In the meantime, there appears to be no
political will outside Kosovo to stand up for an Orthodox heritage so
fraught with beauty, so redolent of pain.

- Reporter Mark Abley can be reached at (514) 987-2555 or by E-mail at


19-May-2000 -- EWTN News Brief
PRISTINA, Kosovo ( - The Fellowship
of the Lord's People, an Assemblies of God Church in
the Kosovo capital Pristina, was raided by
self-proclaimed Islamic militants in the early hours
of April 29.

The robbers, who claimed to represent the Kosovo
branch of an organization linked to Saudi terrorist
Osama bin Laden, threatened the occupants with guns
during a two-hour raid and stole a considerable sum of
money, a computer, and other valuable items of
equipment. They daubed the door and the walls of the
church building with Islamic slogans.

The United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) police
force has primary responsibility for law and order in
the Pristina region and its officers visited the
incident, but an UNMIK representative said so far they
are only looking at the raid "from a criminal aspect."
However, he promised that all three raids the church
has endured over the past year would be reviewed.

The overwhelming majority of Kosovo's Albanian
population is of Muslim background, though some
Albanians are Christians (mostly Catholic, with a
small number of Protestants). The vast majority of the
Serbs that remain in Kosovo are of Serbian Orthodox

The Rev. Artur Krasniqi and his brother Driton
reported the bandits entered the church in the early
morning and tied up the two men and two others,
including an American and a 14-year-old boy, pointing
guns at them and ordering them to renounce

Krasniqi reported that UNMIK police arrived an hour
after the intruders had left and, according to
Krasniqi, did little to help them. However,
representatives from the peacekeeping Kosovo Force
(KFOR) have shown interest, and KFOR representatives
attended a meeting at the church on May 9. "The
British KFOR is trying to do something investigating
this crime," Artur Krasniqi declared. "There have been
no results yet, even though they have some information
already. From UN so far nothing. 'Defend yourself' was
the reply of some UNMIK policemen."

A spokesman for the UNMIK police in Pristina region,
Charley Johnson, confirmed that UNMIK had gone to the
church in the wake of the raid. "The incident has been
listed not as an ethnic crime, but one of robbery and
vandalism," Johnson said this week. "The UNMIK police
are looking at it from a criminal aspect. We have not
developed any suspects as yet."

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


Il signor Jamie Shea sta per compiere un salto di carriera: da mera
voce-senza-cervello della NATO, diventera' uno dei responsabili della
strategia di propaganda della stessa organizzazione terroristica.
Prossimo tema-chiave: l'espansione ad Est; prossimi "target":
Bielorussia e Russia; prossimi cervelli da candeggiare: sempre i nostri.

> (World)
> The Times (London)
> July 18 2000 EUROPE
> Promotion for the voice of Nato
> JAMIE SHEA, the sharp-tongued Nato spokesman who led
> the alliance's propaganda campaign during the Kosovo
> conflict, has been promoted from his frontline media
> job.
> In a move similar to the changes recently announced
> for Alastair Campbell, the Prime Minister's press
> secretary, Mr Shea said yesterday that he was moving
> on after seven years as Nato's most distinctive face
> and voice.
> The academic and francophile, who grew up in East
> London, has become the alliance's acting director of
> information, responsible for "selling Nato to a new
> audience".
> "I have been spokesman for several years and worked
> for four Secretary-Generals of Nato," he said. "I have
> now moved on to the job that I have always wanted to
> do." The post, which he will probably take up after
> the summer, involves preparing an information strategy
> for Nato's eastward expansion.
> One of the leading contenders for the spokesman's old
> job is likely to be Mark Laity, the BBC's former
> defence correspondent, who joined Nato after the
> conflict in Kosovo.

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

George Tenet, attuale capo della CIA, e' di origine
albanese: sua madre "ha lasciato l'Albania meridionale alla fine della
Seconda guerra mondiale, a bordo di un sottomarino britannico,
per sfuggire al comunismo... Lei e' un vero eroe. E' con queste
esperienze di vita e di valori in mente
che io spero di guidare la nostra comunita' di intelligence..."
(Fonte: "Il manifesto" 24/2/1999).




> Zëri, Kosovo Albanian daily, on page five carried the story of Sadik
> Musaj, who claims to have thrown a grenade at the Haradinaj brothers,
> who he said came with about 40 people to attack his family.
> July 11, 2000
> Zëri on page five carried the story of Sadik Musaj, who claims to have
> thrown a grenade at the Haradinaj brothers, who he said came with about
> 40 people to attack his family.
> "It was about 0100 hours, I was at that moment in the bathroom. One
> brother was awake, while the other part of the family was asleep. They
> came with 10-15 vehicles, there were 7-8 jeeps and other vehicles. One
> jeep had Tirana license plates; there was also a red Audi. There were
> about 40 people. They came from all directions through both gates and
> over the wall. Ramush Haradinaj was the first, accompanied by Daut,
> Lieutenant Idriz Balaj, Faton Mehmetaj, the self-proclaimed chief of
> security for Dukagjin area. A brother saw them from inside and told us
> to wake up because we are
> surrounded by the KPC. I was only half-dressed and I came out the door.
> Ramush directed the laser weapon at me and told me: 'Don't move or you
> and your family will be liquidated,' then Daut and the Lieutenant
> reacted and together with Faton Mehmetaj and Bekim Zekaj, they
> surrounded me."
> "I considered myself dead, but I knew that someone from my family was
> killed, because the automatic weapons hit the windows. At the moment I
> had revolvers and automatic weapons on my head. I took the grenade the
> Lieutenant held in his hand, and he was left with the ring. I quickly
> went backwards, Bekim Zeka (Daut's bodyguard) directed his weapon at me.
> I removed his hand quickly; the bullets hit the wall and I jumped
> quickly on the other side, I hided behind the car and threw the bomb. It
> was a matter of seconds. The bomb exploded near the chair and from its
> explosion Ramush, Daut and others were wounded, who are probably being
> treated privately. Then there was a lot of firing from automatic weapons
> and different arms, and another bomb exploded. All this lasted two
> hours. My brother jumped from the stairs and scuffled with one of them,
> took his automatic weapon. He had a revolver in his hand and after a
> scuffle he luckily escaped. Then they started to withdraw. Later they
> withdrew the wounded with much difficulty. During all this time, the
> firing never stopped from both sides. Then, I came to the street to stop
> somebody to inform KFOR and UNMIK. First came UNMIK and later KFOR. This
> lasted from 0100 to 0300 hours. When people from UNMIK came, they
> verified the event, saw the blood of the wounded and somewhere they
> found the official permit of Ramush. After the search, they verified the
> blood was theirs and that we were attacked in our yard," said Musaj.
> As for the reasons of this attack, Musaj explained: "My brother, Sinan
> Musaj, was a member of the Bukoshi Army. KLA members abducted him
> together with Rexhe Osaj, Bashkim Balaj, Rame Idrizi and Vesel Muriqi on
> 24 June of last year. Only Vesel managed to escape from Ratish. He made
> detailed statements to UNMIK and KFOR on who made the 'arrest'. After
> the event, we immediately informed the Italian Carabinieris, KFOR,
> UNMIK, and political parties. KFOR investigated, for example in Ratish.
> They checked a couple of wells, even experts of The Hague were there.
> After the 'arrest' of these soldiers, among them our brother, these
> families went to Ramush's father, including our father and uncles, but
> Ramush's father said he was not
> interested, and that 'if you have any business, you should address my
> sons'. He said that nobody asked him for these things. We were at
> Ramush's family two days before the event, and he didn't want to speak
> about this case. Our elders told Ramush's father that our sons were
> fighting against the Serbs and it is not important whose soldiers they
> were. Our brother, Ismet Musaj, was in Dubrava prison, where he was
> wounded during the Serb massacre when 160 people were killed, and then
> he was in Pozarevac prison, from where he returned a month and a half
> ago. We were all in Switzerland and contributed with money and other
> things. During the war our father and one brother were here. At this
> time, when we could hardly wait to be liberated, Ramush Haradinaj comes
> and attacks us at one in the morning, in the presence of ten women and
> children".


> Transcript of an article published in yesterday's Bota Sot, taken from
> the Albanian magazine Tema, which claims to uncover secret documents of
> the KLA Secret Service. The paper also provides facsimiles of some
> documents
> BOTA SOT - Kosovo Albanian Daily
> July 11, 2000
> The so-called secret service of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) seems
> to have persecuted a list of politicians and renowned names from Albania
> and Kosovo, who were regarded as an impediment to its takeover of the
> armed movement in Kosovo. A series of documents discovered a few months
> ago in the house of one of the heads of the former secret service of the
> KLA, provide evidences of execution lists and a scheme of persecution of
> Albanian opposition politicians in Tirana and people close to Rugova in
> Pristina.
> The list contains names of 15 principle authorities of the opposition in
> Albania, politicians, journalists and people with influence in the
> Democratic League of Kosovo, headed by Ibrahim Rugova.
> The coded list is compiled according to precise rules of a secret
> service. First, the list is compiled in one copy and the following
> subject has a code which corresponds to pseudonyms of the monitors who
> are coded with the name "eagle". On the other side, the coded names of
> subsequent persons have a corresponding pseudonym in Albanian with a
> word determined by the KLA Secret Service.
> List no. 7, for example, is a list joining the pseudonym of a person to
> combinations of people who follow him. List no. 8, has only the code of
> the followed person, which is explained in the list no. 7. On the other
> side, different persons kept both lists and it as very difficult for
> different persons to know everything about the list.
> In the list coded as "List no. 7", the pseudonyms of the persons of the
> subjects are given. For example, Ibrahim Rugova "the scarf", Sali
> Berisha "Zani", Azem Hajdari "the democrat" etc. This list was given to
> people who were following them, but not the complete one (?) The
> complete facsimile was signed by Bislim Zyrapi, chief of KLA Secret
> Service.
> At least three persons from that list were executed, while another was
> heavily wounded. The reasons might not be directly linked to this
> activity, but at least in two cases, in the murder of Enver Maloku and
> journalist Ali Ukaj, it seems that this mysterious illegal organization
> is involved. Documents which came to our office from sources close to
> persons who on behalf of KFOR confiscated a house of a senior KLA
> official in Pristina, make believable the assumptions that this
> organization was getting even with its political opponents in Kosovo,
> where Enver Maloku and Sabri Hamiti were the main ones. In addition, the
> murder case of Ali Ukaj, one of the first KLA activists who didn't
> accept the KLA to be taken under the control of the Albanian Secret
> Services (SHIK) in Tirana, is also clear. Consequences of this policy
> were very grave. The Albanian resistance was weakened and the risk of an
> eventual civil conflict as present. The armed people, on behalf of the
> KLA, used military might against their political opponents, by
> preventing in a way, a perfect military organization in Kosovo and a
> serious, dignified preparation for war.
> -----------------------
> -----------------------
> June 25, 1999
> Kosovo's Rebels Accused of Executions in the Ranks
> he senior commanders of the Kosovo Liberation Army, who have a signed
> agreement with NATO to disarm, carried out assassinations, arrests and
> purges within their ranks to thwart potential rivals, say current and
> former commanders in the rebel army and some Western diplomats.
> The campaign, in which as many as half a dozen top rebel commanders were
> shot dead, was directed by Hashim Thaci and two of his lieutenants, Azem
> Syla and Xhavit Haliti, these officials said. Thaci denied through a
> spokesman that he had been responsible for any killings.
> Although the United States has long been wary of the KLA, the rebel
> group has become the main ethnic Albanian power in Kosovo. Rebel
> commanders supplied NATO with target information during the bombing
> campaign. Now, after the war, the United States and other NATO powers
> have effectively made Thaci and the KLA partners in rebuilding Kosovo.
> The agreement NATO signed with Thaci, for example, envisions turning the
> KLA into a civilian police force and leaves open the possibility that
> the KLA could become a provisional army modeled on the U.S. National
> Guard.
> While none of the KLA officials interviewed saw Thaci or his aides
> execute anyone, they recounted, and in some cases said they had
> witnessed, incidents in which Thaci's rivals had been killed shortly
> after he or one of his aides had threatened them with death.
> "When the war started, everyone wanted to be the chief," said Rifat
> Haxhijaj, 30, a former lieutenant in the Yugoslav army who left the
> rebel movement last September and now lives in Switzerland. "For the
> leadership, this was never just a war against Serbs -- it was also a
> struggle for power."
> Thaci's representative in Switzerland, Jashae Salihu, denied accounts of
> assassinations. "These kind of reports are untrue," he said. "Neither
> Thaci nor anyone else from the KLA is involved in this kind of activity.
> Our goal has been to establish a free Kosovo and nothing more."
> The accusations of assassinations and purges were made in interviews
> with about a dozen former and current Kosovo Liberation Army officials,
> two of whom said they had witnessed executions of Thaci's rivals; a
> former senior diplomat for the Albanian government; a former police
> official in the Albanian government who worked with the rebel group, and
> several Western diplomats.
> But the State Department Wednesday challenged some aspects of these
> accounts. "We simply don't have information to substantiate allegations
> that there was a KLA-leadership-directed program of assassinations or
> executions," James Rubin, the State Department spokesman, said.
> Rubin said he could not exclude the possibility that the rebel leaders
> were somehow tied to the killings. But he said department officials had
> checked a wide range of sources in the past 24 hours and could not
> confirm the accusations.
> A senior State Department official and a Western diplomat in the
> Balkans, citing intelligence reports and extensive contacts with KLA
> officials inside and outside Kosovo, said they were aware of executions
> of middle-grade officers suspected of collaborating with the Serbs, but
> said they had no evidence to link those killings with Thaci.
> The Western diplomat in the Balkans said, however, that Thaci is
> legendary in the region for ruthless tactics.
> "Thaci has engaged in some pretty rough intimidation" of officials in a
> rival party, the diplomat said, "but none of them have been killed." He
> added: "There have been detentions, and the victims allege beatings. We
> cannot prove that. Thaci, according to them, was in charge of the team
> that detained them and was in charge of the interrogation and personally
> threatened them.
> "Thaci has a reputation for being pretty tough," the diplomat continued.
> "Haliti and Syla are not known for their sweet tempers. This is a rough
> neighborhood, and intimidation and assassinations happen."
> Former and current KLA officials also charge that a campaign of
> assassinations was carried out in close cooperation with the Albanian
> government, which often placed agents from the Albanian secret police at
> the disposal of the rebel commanders.
> Rubin said the State Department did not have any information to suggest
> that the KLA leadership directed an execution program in conjunction
> with the Albanian security services.
> The Western diplomat in the Balkans said he knew of at least two
> Albanian secret police officers who were fighting with the KLA. "The two
> officers are brigade or battalion commanders, and they've been in the
> field fighting," the diplomat said. "They're volunteers from Albania."
> Albania has long waged a campaign to unite with Kosovo, a Serbian
> province where Albanians are in the majority. Such unification was
> briefly achieved during Fascist occupation in World War II and was held
> out as a goal by radical groups financed and backed by Tirana in the
> later part of the century.
> Indeed, the close relationship between Thaci and the Tirana government,
> which has a reputation for corruption and has been linked by Western
> diplomats to drug trafficking, is one of the factors that disillusioned
> many former fighters who were interviewed in Germany, Switzerland and
> Albania. The fighters said they had fought to create a more Western,
> democratic state, free from Albanian influence and control.
> The Albanian minister of information, Musa Ulqini, said that there was
> "never any violation of our constitutional law." He added: "The Albanian
> government has relations with all of the political and military forces
> in Kosovo, but it insists that these forces unite and speak with one
> voice."
> Two former rebel leaders and a former Albanian police official,
> interviewed in Tirana, said that Haliti, who is officially Thaci's
> ambassador to Albania, was working in Kosovo with 10 secret police
> agents from Albania to form an internal security network that would be
> used to silence dissenters in Kosovo.
> Thaci, 30, has named a government, with himself as prime minister, and
> denounced Ibrahim Rugova, who for nearly a decade was the self-styled
> president of Kosovo and ran a successful campaign of nonviolent protest
> after the Serbs stripped Kosovo of its autonomy in 1989.
> Thaci has long ties to radical groups that called for the violent
> overthrow of the government in Belgrade. He joined a clandestine
> organization known as the Kosovo Popular Movement that existed on the
> fringes of Pristina University.
> The group was financed and backed by the Stalinist dictator of Albania,
> Enver Hoxha, until his death in 1985. Its members, including Syla, whom
> Thaci appointed his defense minister, and Haliti have become the core of
> the leadership that dominates the Kosovo Liberation Army.
> Violence has long swirled around Thaci, whose nom de guerre was Snake.
> In June 1997, in an incident that many in the underground guerrilla
> movement found ominous, a Kosovar Albanian reporter who had close links
> with the movement was found dead in his apartment in Tirana, his face
> disfigured by repeated stabbings with a screwdriver and the butt end of
> a broken bottle.
> The reporter, Ali Uka, was supportive of the rebel movement, but he was
> also independent enough to criticize it. At the time of his death, he
> was sharing his apartment with Thaci.
> Thaci inspired fear and respect in his home base of the central Drenica
> region in Kosovo as he organized armed units and carried out ambushes
> against Serbian policemen. In the early days of the rebel uprising, in
> March 1998, Thaci moved about from his hometown of Broja in a small
> compact car with a few bodyguards and wore an unadorned camouflage
> uniform.
> There were persistent reports at the time that he personally carried out
> executions of Kosovar Albanians whom he had branded as traitors or
> collaborators, but no witnesses have surfaced.
> Thaci was involved, along with Haliti, in arms smuggling from
> Switzerland in the years before the 1998 uprising, say current and
> former senior rebel commanders.
> Thaci and Haliti both have wives and children in Switzerland, although
> Haliti has formed a new family in Tirana, where he has a large villa and
> close links with senior government leaders, say former and current rebel
> officials in Albania.
> When the uprising began, and money and volunteers flooded into Albania
> from the 700,000 Kosovar Albanians living in Europe, Thaci and Haliti
> found themselves in charge of thousands of fighters and tens of millions
> of dollars.
> The arms smuggling mushroomed into a huge operation that saw trucks
> loaded with weapons, most bought from Albanian officials, headed for KLA
> camps on the border. By the war's end, former and current KLA officials
> estimate, the KLA. paid $50 million to Albanian officials for weapons
> and ammunition.
> In April 1998, a KLA commander who transported many of the weapons, Ilir
> Konushevci, was ambushed and killed on the road outside Tropoja in
> northern Albania. A few days earlier, in a heated meeting with senior
> commanders, he had accused Haliti of misusing funds, according to
> commanders who were present.
> The commander had charged that Haliti was buying boxes of grenades at $2
> apiece and charging the movement $7 for each grenade. The killing,
> although it took place in a rebel-controlled region in northern Albania,
> was blamed on the Serbs.
> Other killings of rebel commanders and political rivals ascribed to
> Thaci are attributed to a struggle to consolidate control and eliminate
> potential challengers.
> "Cadavers have never been an obstacle to Thaci's career," said Bujar
> Bukoshi, the prime minister in exile in Rugova's administration, which
> is often at odds with the KLA. One Western diplomat, citing intelligence
> reports, said that Thaci planned an unsuccessful assassination attempt
> on Bukoshi last May. "Thaci has a single goal and that is to promote
> himself, to be No. 1," Bukoshi said.
> As the rebels suffered reverses on the battlefield in the summer and
> fall of 1998, in large part due to inexperience and a lack of central
> command, they turned to Kosovar Albanians who had served in the former
> Yugoslav army.
> The most experienced was a former colonel named Ahmet Krasniqi who had
> organized some 600 former officers, most living in Switzerland and
> Germany, to join the fight. Krasniqi had surrendered his garrison in
> Gospic, Croatia, in 1991 rather than defend Slobodan Milosevic's regime
> in Belgrade.
> Krasniqi had the blessing of Bukoshi, who allowed him to pass on $4.5
> million to the KLA raised by Rugova's administration. He swiftly set up
> training camps in the border region and formed special units. Bukoshi
> named him commander of a rival military structure known as the Armed
> Forces of the Kosovo Republic. The effort to join the armed struggle was
> a belated attempt by the Rugova administration, which had swiftly lost
> political support in Kosovo, to regain credibility by playing a role in
> the "liberation" of the Serbian province.
> Thaci and Haliti accepted the money and the trained volunteers,
> integrating them into KLA units, but began to thwart Krasniqi's attempt
> to build an independent military force. In June 1998 the KLA, which
> controlled the border, began to divert or block arms being taken over
> the mountain to these rival units fighting around Pec and Decane. As
> tensions rose, Thaci and the Albanian authorities decided to eliminate
> Krasniqi, according to former rebel commanders and two former Albanian
> officials interviewed in Tirana.
> They said that in the middle of September 1998, Albanian police stopped
> Krasniqi and several aides and confiscated their weapons. Krasniqi's
> office in Tirana was raided by about 50 policemen and emptied of guns
> and munitions. On Sept. 21 at 11 p.m. on the way back from a restaurant
> in Tirana, Krasniqi ran into a police checkpoint about 300 yards from
> his office, according to a former KLA commander who was with Krasniqi.
> Krasniqi and his two companions were again frisked for weapons, and
> their vehicle was searched. The two cars behind Krasniqi, which carried
> aides, were not allowed through the checkpoint.
> When Krasniqi and his two companions got out of their gray Opal jeep
> they saw three men emerge from the shadows with black hoods over their
> faces. The men, speaking in an Albanian accent that distinguished them
> from Kosovar Albanians, ordered the two men with Krasniqi down on the
> ground.
> "Which one is it?" asked one of the gunmen, according to one of the
> commanders who was prone on the asphalt.
> "The one in the middle," said another. The gunmen, who held a pistol a
> few inches from Krasniqi's head, fired a shot. He then fired two more
> shots into Krasniqi's head once he fell onto the pavement.
> American officials also had reports that the KLA killed Krasniqi, but
> said there were also subsequent, conflicting reports from the region
> that he was killed by disaffected members of his own unit.
> After Krasniqi's death, former KLA commanders said, the killings, purges
> and arrests accelerated. KLA police, dressed in distinctive black
> fatigues, threw into detention anyone who appeared hostile to Thaci.
> Many of these people were beaten.
> One commander, Blerim Kuci, was taken away in October 1998 to a KLA jail
> and hauled before a revolutionary court. He was held for weeks on
> charges that he was a Serb collaborator and then suddenly released in
> the face of a large Serb offensive and allowed to rejoin the fight.
> "I saw an accused collaborator tried before a revolutionary court and
> then tied to the back of a car in Glodjane and dragged through the
> streets until he died," said a former KLA officer in Albania, who asked
> not to be identified. A senior State Department official and a Western
> diplomat in the Balkans confirmed this account.
> As NATO bombs fell on Kosovo this April, two more outspoken commanders,
> Agim Ramadani, a captain in the former Yugoslav army, and Sali Ceku,
> were killed, each in an alleged Serb ambush.
> Although a former senior rebel officer in Tirana said that Thaci was
> responsible, a Western diplomat contends that that Ceku was killed by a
> Serb sniper. He said that his contacts indicated that Ramadani was
> killed in battle, but those contacts did not mention an ambush, or
> politically related killing, in either case.
> The former KLA officer said, however, that rebel officials had told Ceku
> that he and his lieutenant Tahir Zemaj should leave the movement, but
> the stubborn Ceku had refused to depart. Zemaj, however, fled to
> Germany. "Tahir knew they were serious, and he got out," said the
> officer said. "Sali stayed, and he was killed."



PRISTINA, July 10 (Tanjug) Ramush Haradinaj, who has been
and transfered to a U.S. military hospital in Germany, is the third most
important figure in the ethnic Albanian terrorist organization, the
socalled Kosovo Liberation Army, after Hashim Thaci and Agim Ceku, and
is the leader of the thirdbiggest party of Kosovo Albanians.
Representatives of the U.N. civilian mission UNMIK in Pristina
the international force KFOR on Monday again failed to give any details
about this latest incident, in which Haradinaj was wounded, but the
are gradually being revealed to the Pristina public.
The general conclusion here is that Haradinaj was wounded in a
conflict among Kosovo Albanians with a definite political and criminal
Regarding political reasons, experts on the situation in
and elsewhere in Serbia's Kosovo and Metohija province claim it is a
wellknown fact that there is rivalry between Thaci and Haradinaj. Both
are trying to impose themselves as leaders of Kosovo Albanians. It was
a matter of time when their dislike of each other would culminate.
The sources said the criminal background was the rivalry
certain bands of Kosovo Albanians not only concerning a division of the
spoils from smuggling drugs, weaponry, automobiles and many other
but also concerning control over smuggling routes into and through this
Intraethnic Albanian conflicts are something new in Kosovo and
Metohija, in addition to ethnic Albanian terrorist actions against the
It is evident that the announced elections are a good
for ethnic Albanian extremists and terrorists to legalize even further
their criminal activities in the province. And in all the chaos,
is trying to get something for themselves.


UCK-Gangster als Volksheld und großer Politiker

(von Rainer Rupp)

Am Dienstag eröffeneten UCK-Terroristen im amerikanischen Sektor des
Kosovo mit automatischen Waffen aus einem vorbeifahrenden Auto das Feuer
auf einen orthodoxen serbischen Priester und zwei Seminaristen, die ihn
begleiteten. Alle drei wurden später schwer verletzt am Straßenrand
gefunden. Pflichtgemäß zeigte sich der umstrittene UNMIK-Chef und
Serbophobe Bernard Kouchner von dem Mordanschlag "auf den religiösen
Mann" geschockt wobei er jedoch sofort wieder Worte fand um die Aktion
der UCK "moralisch" zu relativieren: Es sei nicht hinnehmbar, daß "diese
Art von Rachemord ein Ersatz für die Gerechtigkeit ist". ("Serb priest
wounded in Kosovo drive-by shooting", PRISTINA, Yugoslavia Reuters Jul
12 2000 1:56PM ET)

Für Kuchner scheint es jedoch nicht mehr erwähnenswert, wenn - wie am
Montag geschehen - einer der letzten, im albanischen Teil Mitrovicas
verbliebenen Serben vor seinem Haus halb tot geschlagen aufgefunden
wurde. Vier Albaner waren bei im eingedrungen, hatten ihn nach draußen
geschleift und als abschreckendes Beispiel für alle anderen Serben
schwer verletzt liegen gelassen. Mit Schädelbasisbruch wurde er
schließlich ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert. ("Serb Severely Beaten in
Albanian Area of Divided Kosovo Town", BELGRADE, Jul 12, 2000 - Agence
France Presse. Wen wundert es da, wenn sich die serbische Minderheit im
Norden der geteilten Stadt vehement gegen die von den Albanern verlangte
"Freizügigkeit in der ganzen Stadt" zur Wehr setzt.

Inzwischen gibt der Mord von Sadri Xhekaj, einem bekannten
UCK-Terrorist, Anlaß zu neuen Spekulationen über einen Bandenkampf
innerhalb der UCK. Der Bericht der UNO-Polizei im Kosovo vom Mittwoch
dieser Woche liest sich wie folgt: "Ein albanischer Mann wurde von einem
anderen, der Polizei bekannten albanischen Mann mit einem AK-47
Sturmgewehr ermordet, als er auf der Terrasse eines Restaurants saß. Der
Verdächtige näherte sich dem Opfer und stellte ihm eine Frage. Dann
feuerte er drei Schüsse auf das Opfer ab. Niemand sonst wurde verletzt."
Sadri Xhekaj, der mit dem ehemaligen stellvertretenden Kommandeur des
Kosovo-Schutz-Korps und Bandenchef Ramush Haradinaj eng befreundet war,
war sofort tot.

Der Zwischenfall geschah um die Mittagszeit in Decani, im Südwesten des
Kosovo. In der als Schmuggel- und Banditenzentrum bekannten Region ist
anscheinend ein offener Krieg zwischen unterschiedlichen UCK-Klans um
die kriminelle Vorherrschaft und ihre Pfründe ausgebrochen. Ramush
Haradinaj, der im Mai die Partei "Allianz für die Zukunft des Kosovo"
gegründet hatte, liegt zur Zeit im US-Army-Krankenhaus im bayerischen
Landshut, wohin ihn seine fürsorglichen amerikanischen Freunden zu einer
schwierigen Operation ausgeflogen hatten. Letztes Wochenende war er bei
einem Versuch, mit Hilfe seiner Bande ein Mitglied eines rivalisierenden
Klans zu kidnappen, bei einer Schießerei verwundet worden war. Der
Überfall auf das Haus von Sadik Musaj, Anführer des befeindeten
Familienklans, fand letzten Freitag in Streoc statt, etwa fünf Kilometer
nördlich von Decani, wo am Dienstag Haradinajs Freund auf der
Restaurantterrasse erschossen wurde.

Bezeichnend für den respektvollen Umgang der NATO und UNMIK mit den
UCK-Gangstern und Terroristen sind die Berichte westliche
Nachrichtenagenturen, die den Gangsterboß Ramush Haradinaj als
"Volksheld" beschreiben. AFP behauptet sogar, daß "westliche Beobachter
ihm (Haradinaj) eine große Zukunft in der Kosovo-Politik vorausgesagt"
hätten. ("Ally of injured political leader shot dead in Kosovo",
PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, Thursday, July 13 2:20 AM SGT , original Source,
AFP, 12 2000, AFP) Die Tatsache, daß Haradinaj im Mai in mehrere
Auseinandersetzungen und Kämpfe mit russischen Kosovo-Truppen verwickelt
war, in deren Folge es zu einer Reihe von Gewehrfeuer-, Granaten- und
Raketenangriffen auf russische Basen kam, scheint dabei nicht zu zählen.
("Kosovo Leader Flown to Germany As Plot Thickens", by Andrew Gray,
STREOC, Yugoslavia, Reuters, Sunday July 9 10:31 AM ET

Der Fall ist für die NATO besonders brisant, weil er für die
bevorstehenden lokalen Wahlen das Gespenst bewaffneter
Auseinandersetzungen zwischen verschiedenen ethnisch-albanischen Gruppen
heraufbeschwört. Allerdings ist es unwahrscheinlich, daß die K-FOR
Ramush Haradinaj wegen des bewaffneten Überfalls und des
Kidnappingversuchs von Sadik Musaj verhaften wird. Die Gefahr, dadurch
womöglich einen lokalen Aufstand der UCK gegen die NATO zu provozieren,
ist zu groß.

Saarbrücken den 13.7.00



Subject: [stopnato] [TW] The 67th Combat Support Hospital to
have new page soon!
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 20:54:59 -0400
From: "ES LaPorte - Abolish NATO! Webmaster"

Dear friends :

I am pleased to announce that the 67th Combat Support Hospital and its
star patient, Ramush
Haradinaj, will soon have a new home page.
The 67th Combat Support Hospital, as of now, does not have it's own web
page and neither does
Ramush Haradinaj.

But that will change. . .

In the next week you can watch their homepage - which will have its own
guestbook soon, go up
at the URL below.
I feel that as an American, it is important that the public see just how
their tax money is being
spent funding the Kosovo mission and helping poor unfortunates like
Kosovo Albanian "leader"
Ramush Haradinaj .

There are millions of Americans without access to basic heath care, but
the 67th Combat Support
Hospital's efforts at helping poor unfortunate Mr. Haradinaj, should
show the American people
that there are some more important things, like helping Kosovo mobsters
recover from the results
of their criminal behaviors.

Watch this page go up and KFOR, NATO, the United States Army and mostly
the 67th Combat
Support Hospital, will be proud!!!
Perhaps Americans and "our NATO allies" would want to donate more for
this cause!



Article from the Bondsteel Med site - spoof of real article from Army
News Service!
Have a good laugh!

Combat Support Hospital accomplishes mission of cleaning up KLA members
after feuds, not
guilty about it.

by Cpl. Chris DeHart

CAMP BONDSTEEL, Kosovo (Army News Service, Aug. 30, 1999) -- While the
67th Combat
Support Hospital here relies on medical evacuation units to transport
anyone in a state of medical
emergency, they are a means to an end, with the end being decided on the
trauma tables of the
CSH emergency room. This is what make the mission of NATO's KFOR proud.
although some have no access to basic health, can feel proud that their
US government and
military is expending money and manpower providing scott-free health to
KLA mobsters like
Ramush Haradinaj, under the KFOR mission.

"Our main goal is saving lives, especially those of good natured, KLA
mobsters, like Ramush
Haradinaj. We try to get the patient stable enough, in the case of
international patients, to have
the host nation facilities take care of them until they are well again.
The majority of patients we've
seen have been Kosovar, as they have more favor than even our own
American citizens back
home, under orders of Secretary General Lord Robertson," said Maj.
Jimmie Keenan, chief nurse,
after a not-so-typical busy morning. The workload that morning included
four trauma patients,
two being closed head injuries, as well as sick call patients. Even the
sick call patients must wait
until the staff is through attending to Kosovar Albanians patients.

Keenan explained that although they can handle a lot of different
trauma, such as chest or
abdomen, head injuries are beyond their current ability and are referred
to either Pristina or Skopje.
Recently, the Camp Bondsteel facility saved and gave free aid to Ramush
Haradinaj, a KLA
mobster who's criminal activity got him quite beat up.

"We average one to two trauma patients a day. We are approaching our
50th trauma patient since
the hospital opened July 14. A lot of this is due to Kosovo simply not
having the level of care for
dealing with trauma patients in this sector. Also, the civilian
hospitals in Gnjilane, Urosevac, and
in some other areas (of Kosovo) have trouble getting the supplies
necessary to handle the number
of patients requiring treatment," Keenan said. "We know that there are
many Americans without
access to basic health care, but we here at KFOR, as well as our
Secretary General Lord
Robertson and the 67th Support Combat Hospital feel that the Kosovar
Albanians come first, so
they do."

"So what," she went on to state. " I would rather be here than in
America. If some Americans
cannot get care and suffer in pain, Ramush Haradinaj is a nice talkative
fellow and is more
deserving of free health care than most Americans. After all, HE is
liberating his country, and it is
NATO, KFOR's and the 67th's mission to aid them if - well - they get
hurt. So - the best doctors
nedd - no must - be part of the KFOR mission, not wasted in Germany or

The team can't rest after the emergency room is clear of patients,
according to Keenan. Whether
they get sent to the operating room or transferred to another facility,
the trauma teams must
immediately prepare for whoever may come through the door next. There is
triage, but preference
is given to Kosovo "Liberation Army" members over civilian Ablanians,
and over Serbs. "The KLA
members are even given preference over our own American citizens,"
Keenan said, with a smile.

"Although we haven't had to work on many of our own soldiers, you never
know if the next patient
coming in will be one of ours, and we have to be ready," she said.

According to Keenan, there are four trauma bays within the ER fully
equipped and staffed with
trauma teams. Each team consists of a physician, a registered nurse, a
licensed practical nurse, a
medic and either a nurse anesthetist or a respiratory therapy
technician. All for the benefit of our
KLA allies, espically cleaning up after the blood feuds. This is NATO
ans KFOR's policy."

Medic Spc. Jacob Rusk said this is drastically different from what he
did in the rear -- an
instructor for setting up deployable hospitals.

"I went from setting up hospitals to helping run a trauma table for the
our KLA mobster allies. It is
a very drastic change but good experience," Rusk said. "I used to be
just a front-line medic, but
now I hold my own with the doctors, nurses and technicians and mobsters.
I have seen more and
done more than any other (medic) has, for being in a non-combat
situation. I really did like serving
Mr. Haradinaj, he was so nice and talkative." As far as America's - and
NATO's -concern with
putting Kosovar Albanians, giving them free treatment while some
American suffer without
access to any health care, Spc. Rusk replied with a grim, "So what,
screw 'em, the Kosovar
Albanians come first, that is NATO's policy and it is a good one."

(Editor's note: DeHart is a propagandist with the Task Force Falcon
Public Affairs Office.)

Bondsteel Med.
The one, only and official homepage of the
Camp Bondsteel Medical Facility!


Dear friends :

I have just gotten off the phone with the Senate Relations Committee
in International Relations.

When I asked why US military personal were being used to treat KLA
for their injuries, when there are a lot of medical charities that could
take care of these scumb -bags, I was "blown off!"

This was even after I pointed out that I had served in the US military -
and that I - an American citizen - have NO access
to the same medical care!

The Committee headed by Jessie Helms.
450 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Tel. (1) 202 - 224-4651
Fax. (1) 202 - 228-1339

And if anybody has can dig up the e-mails on Mr. Helms.

ES LaPorte
"Abolish NATO!" Webmaster
Tallahassee, Florida, USA


Mr. Ramush Haradinaj injured during Incident
in Pec Region

Mr. Ramush Haradinaj, a KLA narcoterrorist, was injured during
an blood feuding brawl in Pec region last night. Details of
the incident are still sketchy at this time, But what is know is
that this criminal is recieving FREE medical care from the
smokin' - jokin' - tokin' bunch of cigar-loving Harvard grads at
the 67th CSH.

Mr. Haradinaj requested medical assistance earlier in the day.
The man was intoxicated and fell and hurt his poor head. A
KFOR Italian helicopter was dispatched to bring Haradinaj to
Camp Bondsteel.

He arrived around 2:30 p.m. and is currently receiving a medical
evaluation at the Combat Support hospital, this despite
the fact that American citizens have NO access to the same level
of care as this narcoterrorist! As of 4 p.m. KFOR US
Medical officials reported that Haradinaj is being treated for a
two-inch (2") laceration that is not considered life

These same KFOR US medical doctors, if here in the US, in a US
hospital, would refuse to give the same to their own
citizens. Narcopimps DOES pay.

KFOR Online Editorial Note: Mr. Ramush Haradinaj is a former
narcoterrorist of the Kosovo "Liberation Army" (KLA) of
the Rrafshi i Dukagjinit area, and the current leader of the
"AAK" - a political party in Kosovo., another gang of outlaw
blood feuding scumb. Also Mr. Ramush Haradinaj has been warned,
through a supporter living in England, to stay on the
Eastern side of the stupid Atlantic, as he would be safer in
Kosovo than in America!

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


Il signor Ismail Kadare, ex-comunista sotto Hoxha, ex-dissidente,
ex-socialista democratico dopo "la svolta", ex-liberista sostenitore di
Berisha, sempre e comunque considerato "voce" rappresentativa
dell'Albania e di tutti gli albanesi nel carosello mediatico
occidentale, si presenta adesso ufficialmente come sostenitore della
occupazione coloniale della sua terra. Sull'intervento straniero nei
Balcani dice: "Noi albanesi lo vogliamo e lo riteniamo una possibilita'
per noi. L'arbitrato internazionale nei Balcani per noi non rappresenta
un problema."
E cosa potra' mai rappresentare un problema per il signor Kadare, che
vive da tempo immemorabile in esilio dorato a Parigi? Mica deve andare
dal dottore o mandare i figli a scuola in qualche disastrato borgo
agricolo dei Balcani meridionali, lui!

(fonte: intervista alla Reuters, 9/7/2000)

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


------- Forwarded message follows -------
From: Alessandro Marescotti <a.marescotti@...>
Subject: bombe in mare: comunicate a PeaceLink le "dangerous

Abbiamo ricevuto un foglio con la mappa dei siti marini a rischio di
Un anno fa infatti - al termine della guerra del Kossovo - il governo
italiano scopriva che l'Adriatico era pieno di bombe americane,
in mare per alleggerire gli aerei al ritorno dalle missioni, il tutto
alcun permesso del governo italiano ne' comunicazione alle autorita'
nazionali. Cominciavano i lavori di bonifica. Dopo poche settimane la
assicurava che l'Adriatico era "pulito". "Liberazione" ne dava
con scetticismo. E aveva ragione. Infatti chi naviga nell'Adriatico sa
che esistono le "dangerous areas", ossia le aree di pericolo in cui
cercate le bombe che i cacciabombardieri della Nato hanno sganciato in
per non atterrare carichi di esplosivo. E cosi' e' arrivato a PeaceLink
foglio contenente le coordinate dei punti a rischio nell'Adriatico. E'
normale comunicazione, dell'11 marzo 2000, che e' giunta alle navi della
marina mercantile, quindi priva di vincoli di segretezza. In quella data
bombe in mare "ufficialmente" non dovevano esserci, come rassicura la
da mesi. E invece a est di Falconara venivano segnalate ben 17
areas": "In such areas italian minehunters are carrying out operations",
legge. In altre parole i "cacciatori di mine" italiani sono stati
per operazioni di bonifica "with use of underwater vehicle" ("con
di mezzi subacquei").
Stesso discorso a est di Chioggia.
"All transiting ship pay attention", ossia: "tutti le navi in transito
facciano attenzione".
Fa una certa impressione sapere che siano mezzi italiani, pagati
intuibilmente con le nostre tasse, a fare gli spazzini silenziosi e a
raccattare gli esplosivi degli aerei americani. Spazzini della Nato.

Alessandro Marescotti
francesco iannuzzelli francesco@...
associazione peacelink - sez. disarmo



Daily Telegraph (UK)
July 17, 2000

Serbs take Britain to court over Nato bombs

THE families of victims of a Nato bombing in Belgrade are taking the
British Government to the European Court of Human Rights, claiming an
attack on a television station violated international law.
An Essex law firm is acting for relatives of five Serb civilians who
died in the bombing of Radio Television Serbia in April last year.
The selection of the television station as a target, killing 16
civilians, was one of the most controversial of the bombing campaign and
later described by the human rights group Amnesty International as a
"war crime".
Tony Fisher, a solicitor with Fisher Jones Greenwood, said the case was
being brought against 17 of the 19 Nato countries under Article Two of
the European Convention on Human Rights, which guarantees the "right to
life", and Article 10 which protects freedom of speech.
The court has the power to censure the governments involved and order
damages to be paid if it finds the governments acted illegally.
Mr Fisher, a partner in the Colchester firm, said: "There are
fundamental issues at stake with regard to the selection of legitimate
targets in a situation such as this. The case has been lodged and the
court is currently deciding whether to communicate it to the responding
"The next stage will be either the court decides the case is not well
founded and there is no case to answer, or it will communicate with the
governments against which the accusations are made for their
Mr Fisher said he was part of an international group of lawyers involved
in the case. The case comes weeks after families of Argentine sailors
killed in the sinking of the Belgrano during the Falklands war brought a
similar action against Britain.
Amnesty International last month published a report claiming Nato was
guilty of war crimes during the raids on Kosovo and Serbia. The study
said Allied commanders should have taken greater precautions to avoid
civilian deaths, and singled out the attack on the television station as
a war crime.
Tony Blair has defended the bombing as "entirely justified" because the
broadcasters were part of President Slobodan Milosevic's "apparatus of
dictatorship and power which is used to do ethnic cleansing in Kosovo".
Mr Fisher said there were no precedents for the levels of financial
compensation the court could award if the case succeeds.



BELGRADE, July 16 (Tanjug) In the first five months this year
value of civil engineering operations in Yugoslavia was 188.6 percent up
the same period last year, the federal Statistics Institute said in a
report on Sunday.
The scope of the work completed in effective work hours rose by
percent, while the value of the work contracted by late May amounted to
6.42 billion dinars.
In May 46,684 manual labourers were employed on construction
sites, not counting engineers and technicians. This is the biggest
of workers engaged since the start of 2000. Similar trends are expected
the coming period.
The value of the construction work carried out at home (without
data for KosovoMetohija) in May totalled 951,423,000 dinars of which
carried out in Serbia amounted to 834,272,000 dinars and in Montenegro
117,151,000 dinars.
In the central part of Serbia, the value of the work in May was
568,595,000 dinars and in its northern Vojvodina province 265,677,000
The value of work contracted in late May to be completed by the
end of the year totalled 6.420,038,000 dinars.
Some 100 construction companies and manufacturers of building
materials are participating in the reconstruction of the country.
problems, they have successfully repaired or completely rebuilt dozens
bridges, overpasses, dams and several thousand apartments. Plans are for
many as 10,000 apartments to be completed by the end of December.
Abroad, Yugoslav construction firms have been engaged for the
several years in Russia, Libya, Tunisia, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Tanzania and



To: "'admin@...'" <admin@...>
From: administrator <admin@...> | Block address
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 00:18:33 +0100

Tomorrow, Sunday 16 July more than 10,000 Cypriots will march to
Trafalgar Square in a massive protest against the brutal invasion
of Cyprus in July 1974 at the continued occupation of 37% of the
island by Turkey for 26 years.

The Greek Cypriot people will demonstrate their continue struggle
for justice and human rights in Cyprus. For the removal of Turkish
troops, the repatriation of Turkish colonists and the
unconditional return of all refugees to their homes.

The march starts 2.45 at the Victoria Embankment and will end at
Trafalgar Square at 4.00pm where many supporters of Cypriot
struggle, including MP's and MEPs across the political spectrum as
well as the Cypriot minister of education will address the rally.

If you can get to London join us.

For further details call Lobby for Cyprus on 020 8888 2556 or
emails on admin@...


Lobby Administrator



Slovenia submits Montenegro parliament resolution to U.N. Security
Posted Friday, July 14, 2000 by

LJUBLJANA, Slovenia (AP) - Slovenia acted as a courier for Montenegro at
United Nations on Friday, delivering a resolution to the Security
detailing the republic's decision to ignore Yugoslavia's constitutional

Montenegro, while enjoying independence from Belgrade in many ways, is
formally a part of Yugoslavia and is represented at the United Nations
Yugoslav ambassadors.

Montenegrin Foreign Minister Branko Lukovac visited U.N. headquarters in
York last month, requesting that Yugoslavia no longer represents

Slovenia, which seceded from Yugoslavia in 1991 and has its own U.N.
Friday sent a letter to the Security Council enclosing Montenegro's
to ignore constitutional changes that downgrade its status within the
federation and strengthen Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's grip

In a letter to the Security Council, Samuel Zbogar, deputy Slovene
ambassador, wrote that his country considers the Montenegrin decision to
of "great importance, adopted in the crucial moments for the future of
Republic of Montenegro, as well as for the future of the Federal
Republic of

Montenegro's president, Milo Djukanovic, has refrained from declaring
independence from Yugoslavia, fearing that Milosevic - who started wars
other ex-Yugoslav republics when they seceded from the federation in
1991-1992 - could intervene militarily in response.



Albright calls Djukanovic from M.East talks

THURMONT, Md., July 13 (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine
called Montenegro's pro-Western President Milo Djukanovic on Thursday to
him he could expect more cash this year to help him in his
effort, a U.S. spokesman said.
State Department spokesman Richard Boucher told reporters she had called
from Camp David, where she was leading Middle East peace talks while
President Bill Clinton took about eight hours off to attend prior
They discussed developments in the region, including changes in the
constitution introduced by Belgrade and rejected by Montenegro. The
sparked a sharp increase in tension between President Slobodan Milosevic
the Montenegrin leadership.
``She was also able to tell him that after we consult with Congress, we
be able to provide $16.5 million of additional assistance to Montenegro
democratization and economic reform during the course of this year,''
If approved, this would bring total U.S. aid to Serbia's sister republic
the Yugoslav federation to $77.1 million in fiscal year 2000, a U.S.
Boucher said Albright and Djukanovic had also agreed to consult more in
future on upcoming federal elections.
``The main thrust of the phone call was to express her support for
in Montenegro and appreciation for the moderate policies that Djukanovic
been following,'' Boucher said.
More than a year after NATO's 78-day bombing campaign against
forces, he remains in power and the United States and its allies hopes
eventually to unseat him by supporting his opposition.
Montenegro's Montena-fax news agency reported Wednesday that Yugoslav
units stationed in Montenegro were on alert last week and might have
out a military coup in the republic if its leadership had declared
Djukanovic has distanced himself from the Belgrade-based Yugoslav
government and has accused the army of interfering in Montenegrin
politics in
support of pro-Milosevic forces. He wants to escape 10 years of
isolation resulting from Yugoslavia's role in a string of Balkan wars.

20:20 07-13-00


Montenegro 1. Washington's Montenegro Vassals Vandalize and
Desecrate Christian Church
Montenegro 2. Anti-Christian Pornography, Vulgarity,
Masquerades as “Art” (Excerpt from an October 1997 TiM Bulletin)



BELGRADE, July 13 (Tanjug) Ambassador Danilo Milic, the head
of a
Yugoslav Foreign Ministry delegation to the summit of the Organization
African Unity (OAU) in Lome, presented to Algerian Foreign Minister
Youssufi a written message from Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to
Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the outgoing OAU chairman.
Milosevic's message underscores that Yugoslavia's policy
a good basis for the further promotion of relations and cooperation with
African countries on a lasting basis of friendship, mutual respect and
unwavering option for peace and a just world order based on sovereign
equality of all countries.
On behalf of Bouteflika, the Algerian minister said his country
would do its utmost to strengthen the traditionally friendly relations
Yugoslavia. This especially pertains to the promotion of economic
cooperation, which has a successful tradition stretching over several
Youssufi said Algeria supports Yugoslavia in its efforts toward
its full engagement in the United Nations, the NonAligned Movement, and
other international forums.



BELGRADE, July 11 (Reuters) - Belgrade's Foreign Minister said
Friday the West's bid to isolate Yugoslavia and strangle its economy had
failed and world support for the government was growing, state news
Tanjug reported.
Yugoslavia's ties and cooperation with tree-quarters of the
world's nations, which accept it as a valid, reliable and equal partner,
and its achievements in reconstruction and development both testify to
this," said Foreign Minister Zivadin Jovanovic.
We never begged around for help. We did not waste time hoping
help from abroad. Our future is not in the hands of the European Union,
NATO or any other foreign factor, but in our own hands," Jovanovic said.
High-ranking delegations from Brazil, China, Iraq, Myanmar and
Russia are among those that recently visited Belgrade.
If the philosophy of sanctions and isolation has helped in any
then it is in raising awareness that nothing positive can be achieved in
southeast Europe without Yugoslavia's equal participation as a key
economic, political and security factor in the region," Jovanovic said.
Yugoslavia maintains diplomatic relations with 166 countries
has other government offices in 97 countries. There are 70 foreign
embassies in Belgrade.



BELGRADE, July 13 (Tanjug) The Serbian parliament on Thursday
approved a bill on sales of certain stateowned real estate aimed at
obligations of the republic concerning hard currency savings accounts of
citizens and a Loan for Economic Development.
Serbian citizens have a total of 3.6 billion Dmarks in various
foreign currencies in their savings accounts dating back to the former
Yugoslav federation. The republic will achieve two objectives by paying
this debt business space owned by the state will become private
and the money from old savings accounts will create preconditions for
reviving the market and provide efficient funds for the settling of
financial problems.
BELGRADE, July 12 (Tanjug) The Serbian Parliament held its
emergency session on Wednesday to consider a number of bills presented
the Republican Government.
The agenda includes a very important draft law on sales of
stateowned real estate.
This act would secure preconditions for the Republic meeting
obligations stemming from hard currency savings accounts of citizens and
Loan for Economic Development.
MPs will also discuss a draft law on the first issue of
bonds by the Republic of Serbia, and a draft law on public companies and
activities of general interest.
The sixitem agenda includes draft amendments to the laws on
concessions and sales tax, communal taxes and compensation, as well as
animal welfare.
During the morning sitting, MPs voted on appointments of
judges of the Serbian Supreme Court, district, municipal and commercial
courts, and prosecutors.
At the proposal of Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Marjanovic,
Parliament relieved Health Minister Leposava Milicevic of her office, as
she has been appointed Federal Religions Minister. Deputy Premier
Bojic has been appointed Health Minister, and Katarina Lazovic new
Education Minister to replace Milivoje Simonovic, who was killed in a
accident last month.



BELGRADE, July 13 (Tanjug) Serbian Reporters' Association
President Milorad Komrakov has sent letters to the leaders of the
Brusselsbased International Federation of Reporters, the New Yorkbased
Committee for the Protection of Reporters, the Parisbased World
of Newspaper Publishers, and the presidents of newspaper organizations
Russia, China, Germany and Greece, appealing to them to urge the lifting
the ban on travel to European Union countries for certain Serbian
The UNS wants once again to draw attention to this
act of discrimination in the reporting profession a E.U. list of some
reporters who are banned from entering certain European countries,
The list includes the names of reporters of certain Serbian
papers, television and radio stations.



BELGRADE, July 12 (Tanjug) Serbian President Milan Milutinovic
inaugurated on Tuesday the modern section of the BelgradePancevo
and the intersection at the Pancevo Bridge on the outskirts of Belgrade,
pointing out that this is the first development project to be completed
In his address to tens of thousands of people who rallied at
Pancevo Bridge, Milutinovic said that Yugoslavs are now building the
foundations of their future, which depends on their performance.
The recent constitutional amendments will have a vast influence
the future of Yugoslavia, as they guarantee further stabilization of the
country and its democratic development, giving all citizens the ultimate
chance to directly elect the highest posts in the federal
added Milutinovic.
"In short, the people should be able to make all the decisions
themselves, and this is the most democratic way of making decisions. Not
only do reconstruction and development, but also reforms in all areas,
especially in the political one, provide an opportunity for a better
and for the welfare of all our citizens," said Milutinovic.



SFOR urges UN court not to demand 'kidnap' details

By Philip Blenkinsop

THE HAGUE, July 12 (Reuters) - The NATO-led Stabilisation Force has
urged the
United Nations war crimes tribunal not to demand further details
the arrest, and alleged kidnap, of a suspect awaiting trial in the
Bosnian Serb Stevan Todorovic, who is accused with others of persecuting
Bosnian Croats and Moslems, believes he should be released as his arrest
September 1998 was unlawful. Todorovic, 42, says he was kidnapped by
mercenaries in Serbia and then handed over to SFOR troops in Bosnia.
In a letter sent on Sunday, and made public by the International
Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) on Wednesday, SFOR said that
if Todorovic could prove he was abducted, the fact would be irrelevant
because neither the ICTY nor any entity connected to it would have been
It said he would therefore not be released so any further evidence SFOR
provided would be superfluous and would compromise its troops' safety
future operations.
The case is important for the issues of international law it raises and
because of the impact on three co-accused.
Bosnian Serbs Milan Simic, 39, Miroslav Tadic, 62, and Simo Zaric, 51,
all surrendered voluntarily to the tribunal in February 1998, have been
provisionally released and allowed to return to the scene of their
crimes pending a trial.
All were allegedly members of a defence unit sponsored by the Yugoslav
in Bosanski Samac and also served on the so-called Serb Crisis Staff in
area. They are accused with others of persecuting non-Serbs when Serbs
ethnically cleansed the Bosanski Samac region in April 1992.
The case has parallels with the arrest of Nazi Adolf Eichmann, who was
in Argentina in 1960 before resurfacing in Israel. Eichmann challenged
arrest, but the court ruled there would only have been a problem had he
taken by Israeli special forces. Israel said ``unknown persons'' had
seized the former Nazi. Eichmann was subsequently found guilty of
and executed in 1962.
SFOR stressed that the alleged kidnapping of Todorovic had at most been
carried out by ``other persons or entities.''
``On the accused version of the facts, no entity connected with this
was involved in the alleged abduction,'' SFOR said.
In its letter, SFOR refuted Todorovic's argument that the territorial
of Former Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) had been infringed by the alleged
It said FRY's defiance of the tribunal deprived it of legal recognition.
added that returning Todorovic to the FRY would enhance the country's
as an ``an illegal safe haven'' for war crimes suspects.
The war crimes tribunal operates without a police force and must rely on
member states to carry out its arrests. It is still uncertain whether it
could in fact force SFOR to release arrest details.
In its letter, SFOR simply said its submission did not prejudice the
of the tribunal's powers to issue orders.
10:00 07-12-00



BELGRADE, July 11 (Tanjug) Yugoslavia has filed charges with
Belgrade Business Court against the Romanianbased Australian firm
and the state of Romania for damages incurred by their polluting of the
River Tisza, Federal Public Prosecutor Milos Bojovic told Tanjug on
The charges were filed by the authorized Federal Office of the
Public Prosecutor on June 19. Yugoslavia demands two million dollars'
of compensation from Romania for damages incurred through the pollution
the Tisza in Yugoslav territory early this year, Bojovic said.
This is the first time that Yugoslavia is filing charges
another state. Romania is the responsible party because it answers for
work of all companies in its territory and for all damages incurred
through their activities, Bojovic said.
Romania is a signatory of an Agreement on the protection of the
Tisza from pollution, Bojovic said. The Agreement was signed by all
through which the Tisza flows, and it was ratified by Yugoslavia in
he said.
There is no doubt concerning the responsibility of Esmeralda
the state of Romania for polluting the Tisza. In the night between Jan
3031, 2000, a waste reservoir of the Bayamare Gold Mine spilled into the
Tisza, polluting its waters with cyanide and other heavy metals, Bojovic



----- Original Message -----
From: <info@...>
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 9:15 PM

> [DSS] Memorandum DSS o privrednim objektima na Kosovu
> Memorandum DSS o privrednim objektima na Kosovu
> Od polovine juna 1999. godine, kada su Kfor i Unmik u«li na Kosovo,
> Jugoslavija nema nikakve ingerencije nad 5772 preduzeca, medu kojima su
> mnoga zavisna dru«tva cija su sedi«ta u Srbiji ili Crnoj Gori i ciji je
> kapital privatizovan, pa, prema tome, pripada njihovim vlasnicima. Osim
> toga, najveci broj kapaciteta u oblasti obojenih metala, proizvodnje
> elektroprivrede, ma«inogradnje, duvanske industrije, poljoprivrede i
> tekstilne industrije koji se nalaze na Kosovu izgra|eni su posle Drugog
> svetskog rata kapitalom iz Srbije i Crne Gore, i to sopstvenim ili iz
> kredita. Zbog toga je hitna potreba da se polo¬aj odnosnih preduzeca re«i
> nadle¬nost SR Jugoslavije utvrdi. Predocavajuci vam sledece podatke,
> ocekujemo va«u pomoc u pogledu za«tite svojine.
> Privremenim gubitkom suvereniteta SRJ nad pokrajinom Kosovo, izvan
> kontrole ostali su kapaciteti 5772 preduzeca, ciju ukupnu snagu defini«u
> sledece karakteristicne velicine:
> 1. Ukupan broj preduzeca u SRJ 74.430 100%
> 2. Broj preduzeca na Kosovu 5.772 7,75%
> 3. Broj dru«tvenih i me«ovitih preduzeca u SRJ 8.750 100%
> 4. Broj dru«tevenih i me«ovitih preduzeca na Kosovu 720 8,23%
> 5. Broj zaposlenih u privredi SRJ 1.710.104 100%
> 6. Broj zaposlenih u privredi Kosova 94.177 5,5%
> 7. Poslovni prihodi u privredi SRJ (u milionima) 351.138 100%
> 8. Poslovni prihodi u privredi Kosova 11.189 3,18%
> 9. Ukupan gubitak privrede SRJ (u 1998) 26.689 100%
> 10. Ukupan gubitak privrede Kosova 1.663 6,23%
> 11. Bruto sopstveni kapital privrede SRJ (u milionima dinara) 449.140
> 100%
> 12. Bruto sopstveni kapital Kosova 18.601 4,14%
> 13. Kumulirani gubitak privrede SRJ 123.675 100%
> 14. Kumulirani gubitak privrede Kosova 5.004 4,05%
> 15. Neto sopstveni kapital privrede SRJ 341.821 100%
> 16. Neto sopstveni kapital privrede Kosova 13.579 3,98%
> 17. Dugorocne obaveze privrede SRJ 43.094 100%
> 18. Dugorocne obaveze privrede Kosova 2.305 5,35%
> 19. Ukupni dugorocni kapital privrede SRJ 402.283 100%
> 20. Dugorocni kapital privrede Kosova 17.098 4,25%
> 21. Stalna sredstva privrede SRJ 445.281 100%
> 22. Stalna sredstva privrede Kosova 19.726 4,43%
> 23. Negativni neto obrtni fond privrede SRJ -42.998 100%
> 24. Negativni neto obrtni fond privrede Kosova -2.628 6,11%
> 25. Zalihe privrede SRJ (u milionima) 75.008 100%
> 26. Zalihe privrede Kosova 3.793 5,06%
> 27. Kratkorocni krediti privrede SRJ 46.530 100%
> 28. Kratkorocni krediti privrede Kosova 3.464 7,44%
> 29. Obaveze kratkorocne privrede SRJ 194.265 100%
> 30. Kratkorocne obaveze privrede Kosova 6.876 3,54%
> 31. Kratkorocna potra¬ivanja i gotovina privrede SRJ 119.804 100%
> 32. Kratkorocna potra¬ivanja i gotovina privrede Kosova 3.778 3,15%
> Beograd, 10. jula 2000.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> E-mail: info@...
> Demokratska stranka Srbije, Brace Jugovica 2a, 11000 Beograd, Jugoslavija
> Tel: (381 11) 182 535; 183 525; 638 013; 328 2886
> Fax: (381 11) 328 1793



BELGRADE, July 10 (Tanjug) A delegation led by Maria Pia
Garavaglia, VicePresident of the International Federation of the Red
and Red Crescent Societies, also President of the Italian Red Cross, is
begin its fourday visit to the Yugoslav Red Cross, said the Yugoslav Red
Cross on Monday.
Yugoslav Red Cross SecretaryGeneral Rade Dubajic and Serbian
Cross Secretary Radmila Cvetkovic, with their colleagues, received the
sixmember ranking delegation. The issue of their discussions was the
realization of the humanitarian programme being carried out by the two
national Red Cross organizations in the territories of the Yugoslav
republics of Serbia and Montenegro.




Junackim otporom zadivili
smo svet

Dan donošenja odluke o podizanju ustanka 1941. godine
obeležen prigodnim kulturno-umetnickim programom. - Naš
narod je tokom agresije NATO pružio dostojanstven otpor, kao
što je to ucinio i 1914. i 1941. godine, rekao je profesor dr Milo
Markovic, predsednik Saveznog odbora SUBNOR-a Jugoslavije

Povodom 4. jula, dana kada je 1941. godine doneta odluka o
podizanju ustanka naroda Jugoslavije protiv fašistickog okupatora,
juce je u Centralnom klubu Vojske Jugoslavije u Beogradu održana
svecana akademija. U prisustvu velikog broja boraca
Narodnooslobodilackog rata, predstavnika diplomatskog kora,
republicke i Savezne vlade, Vojske Jugoslavije, SANU, kao i
predstavnika politickih partija i brojnih naucnih, kulturnih i javnih
radnika, izveden je prigodan kulturno-umetnicki program, dok je o
istorijskom znacaju 4. jula govorio profesor dr Milo Markovic,
predsednik Saveznog odbora SUBNOR-a Jugoslavije.

On je podsetio da je istorijska odluka o podizanju ustanka doneta 4.
jula 1941. godine na sednici Politbiroa CK KPJ u Beogradu, kao i da
je samo tri dana nakon toga u Beloj Crkvi pukla prva oslobodilacka
puška u porobljenoj Evropi. Govoreci o velicanstvenoj borbi našeg
naroda u toku Drugog svetskog rata u kojoj je sloboda placena
životom 305 hiljada boraca Narodnooslobodilacke vojske i ukupno
milion i 700 hiljada stanovnika Jugoslavije, dr Markovic je istakao da
su borci NOR-a verovali da je fašizmu došao kraj 1945. godine ali da
su se, po svemu sudeci, prevarili. Jer, naša zemlja je prošle godine
još jednom bila na meti zavojevaca.

- Na našu zemlju se srucio zlocinacki NATO agresor sa 730 miliona
stanovnika i sa hiljadu puta vecom tehnickom nadmocnošcu. Pružili
smo takav junacki i impresivan otpor da smo zadivili citav svet i to ne
prvi put u istoriji. Ponosimo se svojom junackom vojskom koja je u
najtežim danima naše novije istorije pružila dostojanstven otpor, kako
i dolikuje našem narodu koji nije kapitulirao ni 1914. ni 1941. godine,
nece to ni ubuduce nikada uraditi. Srpski narod je odigrao, pod svojim
državno politickim i vojnim rukovodstvom, na celu sa predsednikom
drugom Slobodanom Miloševicem casnu i dostojanstvenu ulogu,
kojoj se divi citav slobodoljubivi svet istakao je dr Markovic.

Prema njegovim recima entuzijazam pokazan u obnovi zemlje nakon
NATO agresije nije viden od 1945. i 1946. godine, jer smo
"sopstvenim snagama i sredstvima uspeli da u rekordnom roku
obnovimo porušeno". Profesor Milo Markovic je takode istakao da je
danas pred naprednim snagama našeg društva zadatak da se
odlucno suprotstave snagama neofašizma i neoimperijalizma
olicenim u novom svetskom poretku i NATO alijansi.

U kulturno-umetnickom delu programa ucestvovali su Mešoviti hor
Umetnickog ansambla VJ "Stanislav Binicki" solisti Milan Šcepovic i
Oliver Njego, pijanistkinja Tatjana Pop-Trajkovic, dok su stihove
govorili Lepomir Ivkovic i Biljana Popovic.

Svecanoj akademiji prisustvovali su, izmedu ostalih, komandant RV i
PVO general Spasoje Smiljanic, savezni ministar Cedomir Mirkovic,
zamenik saveznog ministra za spoljne poslove Zoran Novakovic,
predsednik Saveznog suda Borivoje Vukicevic i Ratko Krsmanovic,
sekretar Direkcije JUL-a.

G. Novakovic

BELGRADE, July 7 (Tanjug) - Yugoslav President Slobodan
congratulated Serbian citizens on July 7 - Uprising Day in Serbia.
The note of congratulations from President Milosevic to Serbian
Milan Milutinovic said (unauthorized translation):
"I sincerely congratulate citizens of Serbia, and yourself
personally, on
the occasion of July 7 - Uprising Day in Serbia, which began the
and victorious struggle of the Yugoslav peoples against fascism in World
War II. With the sacrifices of our peoples' patriots in the fight for
freedom, and in the victories won by our People's Liberation Army
the fascist occupying forces and their local servants, Yugoslavia made a
huge contribution to the crushing of fascism, and paved the way to its
independent and free development. Five and a half decades after this
victory in World War II, our country was again faced with new fascism,
resolutely opposed the NATO aggression, and heroically defended its
"This year's celebration of the uprising of our people is
characterized by
impressive work results in national renewal and development. I am
that the patriotism and zeal of Serbian citizens, demonstrated in the
of defense and renewal, present a lasting and reliable foundation for
strengthening our country and its comprehensive progress."
BELGRADE, July 7 (Tanjug) - Serbian President Milan Milutinovic
and his
wife Olga hosted a reception at the Presidency on Thursday evening to
July 7 - Serbian Uprising Day.
The reception was attended by Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic and
his wife Mira Markovic. Milosevic briefly spoke with political, public,
cultural and sports figures, and veterans of liberation wars.
Other guests were the presidents of the federal parliament's
Chamber of
Republics and Chamber of Citizens Srdja Bozovic and Milomir Minic,
parliament Speaker Dragan Tomic, federal and Serbian prime ministers
Bulatovic and Mirko Marjanovic, federal and republican ministers,
and republican MPs, officials of the Socialist Party of Serbia and the
Yugoslav Left, representatives of religious communities, the diplomatic
corps, the Yugoslav Army headed by Chief of General Staff Gen. Nebojsa
Pavkovic, representatives of the Interior Ministry and directors of
newspaper publishing houses and cultural figures.



BELGRADE, July 7 (Tanjug) - The 11th session of the joint
diplomatic-expert commission for determining the course and description
the state border between Yugoslavia and Macedonia was held in Belgrade
July 5-6, 2000, the Foreign Ministry said on Friday.
Delegations were headed by Ambassador Radomir Bogdanovic and
Assistant Foreign Minister Viktor Dimovski.
In a constructive spirit and an atmosphere of understanding, the
commission discussed documents proposed by the two sides which are of
importance for determining the state border between the two countries.
two sides also considered and reached agreement on the principles and
criteria which will contribute to the further dynamization of talks and
their successful conclusion, the statement said.



BELGRADE, July 7 (Tanjug) - Yugoslav Foreign Trade Minister
Vukovic on Thursday received Myanmar Foreign Minister U Win Aung and
considered possibilities for promoting bilateral economic cooperation in
open and friendly talks.
It was jointly assessed that the understanding and friendship of
the two
peoples and countries and the strengthening of political ties present a
basis for promoting economic relations between Yugoslavia and Myanmar,
primarily in the area of foreign trade and banking-financial cooperation
and in the area of joint investments, said a statement by the federal
Ministry of Information.
BELGRADE, July 7 (Tanjug) - Myanmar Foreign Minister U Win Aung,
who began
a four-day official visit to Yugoslavia on Wednesday, on Friday toured
buildings of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade and Serbian Radio
RTS, which were bombarded in last year's NATO aggression on Yugoslavia,
the "Eternal Flame" monument in Belgrade's municipality of Novi Beograd.
The foreign minister, who was accompanied by Myanmar Ambassador
Yugoslavia U Kyar Nyo Chit Pe and members of the state-economic
of this country, first visited the Chinese Embassy building which was
attacked on May 7, 1999.
Chinese national news agency Xinhua correspondent Shao Yunhuan,
Ribao correspondent Su Sinhua and his wife, and reporter ZHu Ying were
killed in the bombing.
Over 20 embassy employees were wounded in this attack by the
NATO air force.



Hauptlosungen der JÖSB zum Jahrestag der Aggression
Wir vergessen nicht!
Nein zur Beistandspflicht, Nato und Weu!
Interview mit Prlincevic, vertriebener Vorsitzender der Juden des Kosovo
Bulgarien schaut auch ohne Bomben so aus, Brief an die serbische
Wo sind Kosovos Killing Fields?


"Pravda - Internet" correspondent, Andrei Krushinski,
reflects on the tragedy in Yugoslavia and compares it
with Vietnam and Czechoslovakia which he observed as a
Pravda correspondent in these countries.


NATO Aggression in Yugoslavia - through the prism of
Historical Parallels


NATO IN THE 21st CENTURY April 24, 1999

The 19 leaders of NATO issued a Washington Communique outlining the
Alliance they envision for the next century.


Backing up Globalization with Military Might
by Karen Talbot

New World Order Onslaught


The following paper has been published and offered for Media Guide by
Iordanova PhD, University of Chicago
Written by Megan Kearns

Megan Kearns

Since the fall of communism, the West has provided technical and
assistance to governments, private organizations, and businesses in
Eastern European countries to develop their communication sectors. When
using the terms communication sector and information sector I refer to
print and broadcast media as well as to telecommunications and
media such as the Internet. Development projects in these areas have
undertaken by governmental, multi-lateral and private organizations.
of the assistance I allude to comes from the United States, but Western
European countries and multilateral organizations have also undertaken
initiatives to assist the development of communications capabilities in
the region. This paper will focus primarily on US involvement, not in
desire to discount the contributions of other nations, but solely to
the scope of the study.


BalkanPeace a text by
Zlatko Isakovic

International Position of Macedonia and Balkan Security


The Bad Serb Club
Una eccezionale collezione di articoli di fonte varia sulla
aggressione NATO e la disinformazione strategica (in lingua inglese)


American Barbarism and the Big Lie Technique
Author: Barry Lituchy
Organisation: History Department, Kingsborough Community College,
CUNY (US), June 28, 1999


After the Rain - How the West Lost the East
Comprende una mailing list serissima sui Balcani e l'Europa tutta


Links e fonti di informazione sulla CEE ed i Balcani

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

(Odradek Editore, Roma 1999)
Introduzione (2/2 - fine)

6. Tre vittime illustri

Comunque vada a finire tre vittime illustri
questa guerra le ha fatte fin dal primo giorno.

6.1 La sovranità.

La prima - veneranda per età e sacralità da
cerimonie ufficiali - è la sovranità degli Stati. Il principio
che ha governato il diritto internazionale e gli equilibri geostrategici
della modernità è diventato merce scaduta. La barriera formale - ma di
terribile efficacia pratica - che proibiva a chiunque di intervenire
vicende interne di uno Stato non ha più legittimità né rispetto nel
ristretto, ma potente, gruppo di paesi che costituiscono l'Alleanza
atlantica. Quel che è peggio, analoga caduta di valore è avvenuta
nell'opinione pubblica "progressista" di questi paesi. In certi
"sovranista" è l'insulto più sanguinoso.
L'infrazione della sovranità - non siamo ingenui - c'è sempre stata di
fatto. Troppi e troppo noti sono gli episodi che possono esemplificare
si possa perseguire la destabilizzazione dei governi o della vita
interna (ne sappiamo qualcosa anche noi, paese per definizione a
limitata nel dopoguerra) tramite una parte delle forze economiche,
politiche e militari di un altro paese. Ma questa infrazione, ove
dimostrata da documenti e/o testimonianze, o comunque troppo palese
rispetto agli elevati standard di ipocrisia dell'opinione pubblica
internazionale, veniva sanzionata come inammissibile, nutrendo
critica, in certi casi persino rivolte.
Veniva quanto meno sanzionata dalla "comunità mondiale" riunita
nonostante la più che nota impossibilità per questo organismo di far
accettare le proprie decisioni agli Stati "forti". Però, persino gli
uniti hanno dovuto perdere una guerra - quella in Vietnam - sotto la
pressione di questa riprovazione internazionale schierata a difesa
dell'autodeterminazione dei popoli e della sovranità degli Stati.
gli Stati uniti, vogliamo ricordare, furono continuamente costretti a
ricorrere alla formula diplomatica secondo cui il loro intervento veniva
richiesto dal governo di quel paese per far fronte alla sovversione
interna. Persino l'Unione sovietica, ancor meno attenta alla liturgia
regole, fu obbligata ad attingere al medesimo artificio retorico-formale
per giustificare l'invasione dell'Afghanistan. E, infine, persino la
del Golfo, nel '91, fu formalmente una guerra per imporre all'Iraq il
rispetto della sovranità di uno Stato - per quanto da operetta - come il
L'ingerenza negli affari interni di un altro paese era insomma
considerata, in tutti i casi e a prescindere da chi fosse l'autore
dell'ingerenza, come una aggressione fondata su interessi nazionali
diversi. La stessa seconda guerra mondiale vide a un certo punto uniti
l'occidente capitalistico a regime parlamentare e la Terza
comunista (ovvero l'Urss e i partiti comunisti di tutti i paesi) contro
nazifascismo (ovvero contro un capitalismo nazionalistico, razzista,
aggressivo e senza regole, ovvero senza diritto, e che comunque aveva
invaso lo "stato sovrano" di Polonia). A distanza di oltre 50 anni si
tranquillamente dire che la "coesistenza pacifica" - anche all'interno
singoli Stati dell'occidente capitalistico - ha avuto il suo fondamento
riconoscimento (da parte proletaria e comunista) che la lotta di classe
interagiva con l'universo delle regole con cui veniva gestito il
E che agire entro un quadro normativo che ponesse limiti (transitorii e
sempre messi in discussione, ovviamente) allo sfruttamento capitalistico
ai poteri dello Stato nei confronti dei cittadini-lavoratori era
preferibile allo "stato di natura" rappresentato dalle dittature. Meglio
insomma un diritto, manchevole e sempre da contrattare punto per punto,
nessun diritto.
Il quadro è stato ovviamente meno pacifico. Gli Stati uniti e l'Europa
occidentale hanno tranquillamente promosso, appoggiato e foraggiato
dittature fasciste sanguinarie nel terzo mondo e non solo (Spagna,
Portogallo e Grecia passano al regime parlamentare democratico solo alla
fine degli anni '70). E certamente la "sovranità" degli Stati europei
occidentali è sempre stata più un vezzo retorico - ipocrita e
solo alla delegittimazione dell'opposizione interna - che una realtà
operante. Ma nonostante tutti questi limiti la "sovranità" definiva un
ambito di intangibilità che per essere spezzato imponeva enormi problemi
legittimazione, tra contestazioni opposte da un arco di soggetti
praticamente ingovernabile. Tant'è vero che la "guerra di liberazione
nazionale" è rimasta per tutto il secondo dopoguerra l'unica forma di
guerra accettata come giusta. Sia a destra che, con molti entusiasmi e
po' meno riflessioni, a sinistra.
In ogni caso, la relativa intangibilità della sovranità statuale aveva
suo fondamento pratico nella divisione del mondo in due blocchi
contrapposti di pressoché uguale capacità distruttiva. Il fatto di
le sue radici nel pensiero giuridico della modernità era problema che
riguardava i filosofi della politica e i rètori da discorso ufficiale,
di nessun interesse pratico per gli Stranamore del Pentagono o del
Ora, però, è stato compiuto il passo che distrugge in radice la
legittimità della sovranità statuale. O meglio. Il passo che sancisce il
trasferimento della sovranità da molti stati a uno.
In tutto l'argomentare bellicista intorno alla bontà etica di questa
morte, infatti, tutti gli intellettuali con l'elmetto in testa
di notare che, nel dichiarare la morte della sovranità, gli Stati uniti
stabiliscono né tantomeno accettano nessuna reciprocità. La sovranità da
abolire è quella degli altri. La propria resta. E più forte che mai.
Assolutamente unica.
È noto che non c'è convenzione internazionale che gli Stati uniti
rispettino. Si tratti della Corte internazionale de L'Aja o della
Convenzione di Strasburgo sui diritti dei detenuti (il caso Baraldini
docet), della regolamentazione delle emissioni di gas, del divieto di
commercializzazone di prodotti alimentari transgenici o del bando alle
anti-uomo, o di mille altri accordi internazionali, gli Usa fanno
da mercante oppure (più spesso) la voce grossa. La legge interna viene
loro prima e sopra ogni accordo internazionale.
È la prassi tipica dello Stato sovrano del popolo eletto. È appena il
di notare che il Congresso degli Usa ha da pochissimo votato quasi
all'unanimità una legge che autorizza l'uccisione di capi di Stato
stranieri, assolvendo preventivamente il presidente e quant'altri -
cittadini statunitensi, naturalmente - l'avessero ordinata o eseguita.
può obiettare che l'uccisione di capi di Stato stranieri è stata spesso
prassi nelle relazioni tra stati nemici. Vero. E in camera caritatis
sapeva. Ciononostante era prassi "disdicevole", eredità del medioevo
relazioni internazionali; cosa insomma da fare con parsimonia ed
di lasciare tracce che riconducessero troppo scopertamente allo Stato
autore del delitto. Ma che si senta il bisogno di legiferare sulla
autorizzazione a uccidere capi di Stato, questa è davvero la misura
sguardo che gli Usa gettano sul mondo. È quando l'arbitrio bellico, la
volontà di potenza, viene elevata a legge che si può, finalmente senza
veli, guardare il volto della Medusa. Ed è qui che intervengono gli
intellettuali servili. Nella tessitura del velo che impedisce di
riconoscere i tratti fondamentali della nuova realtà.
Il primo giorno di bombardamenti, di conseguenza, cade anche il fantasma
della comunità internazionale organizzata, ovvero l'Onu e gli altri -
- organismi sovranazionali a gestione contrattuale. Comunità europea
compresa, naturalmente. Anzi, qualcuno dovrebbe cominciare a spiegare
si possa essere contemporaneamente entusiasti sostenitori dell'Europa di
Maastricht (che prefigurava un trasferimento consensuale di sovranità
singoli Stati alla comunità europea) e della morte della sovranità
tout-court per mano della Nato (un'alleanza militare a centralità
extraeuropea che decreta quali Stati continueranno a sussistere senza
problemi e quali dovranno autodistruggersi). I termini del problema
esposti con la massima lucidità, pena il barcollare intellettuale oggi
Immaginare i rapporti tra gli Stati secondo le regole della democrazia
significato necessariamente istituire la convenzione "uno Stato = un
individuo libero e sovrano", sulla falsariga della convenzione del
liberale infranazionale. Democrazia fa qui tutt'uno con contrattualismo.
diritto internazionale non poteva darsi altro principio, dovendo fare i
conti con entità statuali diverse per regime politico, universo etico,
convinzioni religiose, relazioni sociali interne. Entrare nel merito di
questi universi singolari (quel che è avvenuto ora, per la prima volta,
l'attacco alla Federazione jugoslava) significa porre le premesse della
guerra di tutti contro tutti, per la supremazia di un universo di valori
(di interessi) sugli altri. È stato dunque un passaggio a uno stato
superiore di civiltà quello con cui tutti gli Stati hanno riconosciuto
libertà di ogni singolo Stato a governare secondo i propri criterii sul
proprio territorio e sui proprii cittadini. È stata la fine dell'epoca
delle crociate, delle guerre dell'oppio, della politica delle
del colonialismo anteguerra.
È un sistema ambiguo, viene detto da qualcuno (l'ineffabile Sofri, tra i
primi). Vero. Ma non più di quanto non lo sia la convenzione
contrattualistica all'interno di uno Stato a regime parlamentare, tocca
notare. Che tutti i cittadini siano da considerare uguali davanti
o davanti a un giudice è per l'appunto una convenzione ambigua, che
per principio la differenza tra i singoli cittadini, il loro differente
consistere quanto a mezzi di proprietà o di produzione, livelli
autonomia complessiva, capacità di manipolare sia il voto che i giudici,
ecc. La critica marxiana del diritto borghese proprio da questa
constatazione parte per individuare lo Stato come "violenza organizzata"
difesa dei ceti proprietari dei mezzi di produzione; o meglio della loro
"libertà di agire" come estorsori di pluvalore.
Ma di questa natura "ambigua" - l'egualianza è presunta, la differenza è
reale - è fatto il diritto e l'agibilità della politica. Lamentarsene è
mettersene fuori. Che sia un marxista a farlo ha sicuramente un senso e
qualche coerenza interna al discorso. Ma che lo facciano dei liberali, e
per di più di sinistra, ecco, questo è davvero un salto di epoca sul
concettuale. Di più. È il dichiarare il liberalismo politico stesso un
impaccio di cui si può e si deve fare a meno. E merita d'esser qui
ricordato come il liberalismo sia (stato?) ideologia capitalistica per
eccellenza proprio in quanto assicurava la massima libertà d'impresa
garantendo, tramite lo Stato, l'egualianza di tutti sotto la legge. Una
libertà di accumulazione sotto la legge del più forte (il sogno di
Berlusconi, par di ricordare) era - e torna a essere - l'epopea del far
west, non il compimento liberale. La camera di incubazione di ogni
possibile guerra, non la condizione di una qualche pace.
Come si possa uccidere il liberalismo e dichiararsi comunque liberali è
una di quelle boutades che speriamo vivamente qualcuno voglia prendere
esame per farne testo satirico.

La fondazione del diritto internazionale, esattamente come quello
agli Stati, può essere concepita tanto su base contrattuale-consensuale
quanto sulla base della forza. Il concetto di diritto, infatti, fa
con quello della forza che deve garantirne il rispetto. O la forza
dal diritto, e quindi dal contratto, oppure la forza fonda il diritto,
ovvero l'ugualianza formale di tutti davanti alla legge e alla sua
Nel secondo caso - è elementare - il diritto garantisce il vincitore e
sua gamma di interessi, valori, norme. Per come è fatto il mondo
soprattutto la sua lingua e la sua moneta. Il suo sistema mediatico, il
governo economico.
Che significa? Che la sovranità uccisa dai liberal statunitensi (tra gli
applausi dell'intellighenzia europea) è la sovranità di tutti gli stati
meno uno. Un garante dell'uso della forza deve necessariamente restare.
Solo che questo garante si autoinveste del compito, come un Napoleone
2000. E invece di far rispettare una legge consensuale uguale per tutti,
costruisce l'obbedienza ai decreti emessi da un sovrano libero da
La morte della sovranità coincide perciò con le premesse della
di un impero.
L'uguaglianza che rimane è quella di tutti gli Stati sottoposti al
statunitense. Che poi gli Stati uniti siano davvero i sovrani del mondo,
oppure solo la longa manus militare del capitalismo della
è questione che al momento non muta di molto la sostanza dell'attualità.
Questo è lo scenario del futuro prossimo, l'incipit del XXI secolo
disegnato dalla guerra contro ciò che restava dell'ex-Jugoslavia dopo
anni di smembramenti.
Un solo mondo, un solo modo di produzione, un solo mercato, un solo
universale per ogni merce, un solo sistema di tassazione, un solo quadro
normativo che regoli commerci e transazioni finanziarie. Una sola
una sola moneta, un solo esercito fondato sul monopolio di determinate
tecnologie. Esercitarsi col pluralismo all'interno dei paesi diventa in
questo quadro un gioco rituale da campagna elettorale. Come dimostra
abbondantemente l'insieme dei governi europei, il cui essere di destra o
sinistra scompare davanti all'omogeneità nella partecipazione
alla guerra e nella gestione di politiche economiche identiche.
Non è la morte della sovranità salutata con tanto entusiasmo da
"intellettuali" con pedigree "progressista": è l'imposizione di una sola
sovranità. Il fatto d'esserne stati zelanti complici non garantirà
in futuro, di restare sempre al riparo dai fulmini del sovrano mondiale.
sovrani assoluti, si sa, sono capricciosi. Sovrani assoluti con l'incubo
della rielezione ogni quattro anni lo sono ancora di più. Noriega,
Pinochet, Saddam Hussein, lo stesso Milosevic degli accordi di Dayton,
restano un monito per tutti i servitorelli del presente e del futuro.
Alla potenza militare ed economica effettivamente mostruosa che i paesi
della Nato sono riusciti a mettere insieme non corrisponde infatti alcun
progetto. Si intende qui per progetto un disegno di governo mondiale che
sia allo stesso tempo riconoscibile e condivisibile da parte
La pura esibibizione di potenza, la declamata volontà di imporre il
dominio, restano semplicemente tali. Costruiscono perciò nel breve
obbedienza formale, accettazione forzosa, non adesione consensuale.
pensare a quell'esercizio di ignominia che è la Russia eltsiniana per
comprendere come - anche lì - si faccia di necessità virtù, in attesa
dell'improbabile occasione per una revanche. Che poi debba emergere un
altro gruppo dirigente perché la revanche diventi un obiettivo, è
assolutamente ovvio. Ma proprio questa considerazione mostra come
volontà di potenza statunitense bruci i gruppi dirigenti "alleati"
consolidarli. Come politica imperiale non ce ne può essere di meno
lungimirante. Senza un progetto la durata dell'impero è a forte rischio.
Che debba farlo notare la diplomazia "classica" di tradizione liberale,
quella attenta agli equilibrii e alle conseguenze spiacevoli delle
stesse vittorie, è un gustoso paradosso della politica "progressista".

6.2 Diritti di cittadinanza

Con la sovranità muoiono anche i diritti di
cittadinanza, quell'insieme di acquisizioni conquistate con secoli di
operaie e non. Vengono sostituiti dai diritti umani. Un bel passo
non c'è che dire. Capitalisticamente parlando questi ultimi hanno il
vantaggio di essere astorici, astratti, ma soprattutto gratuiti, nel
che il loro rispetto non prevede voci di bilancio nella spesa pubblica.
contrario i diritti di cittadinanza sono concreti, consistono di misure
costi (lo Stato sociale, i diritti del lavoro, il diritto
all'istruzione, ecc). I primi possono essere enunciati senza che occorra
farsene carico quanto alla loro effettualità pratica (va da sé che qui
considera la guerra in corso come motivata da tutt'altro che non dal
rispetto dei diritti umani); i secondi prevedono lunghe contrattazioni,
intervento di una pluralità di soggetti sociali e/o categorie di
lavoratori. I primi si nutrono anche solo con la retorica; i secondi
esigono impegni di spesa e politiche conseguenti. I diritti umani non
oggetto di contrattazione, insomma; e la loro stessa universalità -
affermata a parole - viene fatta valere discrezionalmente (22 milioni di
kurdi non ne hanno diritto, visto che stanno in un paese della Nato).
Non stupisce perciò che il "nuovo impero nascente" si poggi sui diritti
umani per costruire la propria legittimità o superiorità etica. La
caratterizzazione "di sinistra" - chiaramente in stile "terza via"
blairiana e clintoniana - permette di abbozzare la fisionomia di un
imperiale che può dirsi riformista proprio quando distrugge quanto resta
dello Stato sociale; pacifista nel mentre comanda la guerra di più puro
potere che si sia combattuta in questo secolo mettendo in mora al tempo
stesso gli strumenti consolidati della diplomazia internazionale;
ambientalista nel mentre usa scientemente il bombardamento delle
inquinanti per massimizzare gli effetti distruttivi. Autentica
modernizzazione del corporativismo di origine fascista, il patto sociale
senso unico (gli imprenditori dispongono, i sindacati compatibilizzano
forza lavoro) è la dimostrazione di come si possa distruggere un secolo
faticose conquiste - costate il sangue di milioni di persone -
senza vergogna né, quasi, contestazione, alla salvaguardia dei diritti

6.3 La sinistra

Il terzo caduto, di gran lunga meno importante, è il
concetto di sinistra. Prima di questa guerra - così come prima della
guerra e del congresso di Zimmerwald - era possibile comprendere nello
stesso calderone concettuale brandelli spurii di uno pseudo-corpo
unitario. Dall'ambientalismo edulcorato all'"area antagonista", dal
pacifismo cristiano al vetero-trotzkismo, dai tentativi di rifondazione
agli osceni balletti intorno alle poltrone dei "Comunisti italiani". Il
calderone concettuale ospitava tutto e tutti. Ogni discrimine poteva
accettato, aggirato, capovolto, linguisticamente declinato secondo le
varie versioni, occasioni, convenienze e contingenze.
Ora no. La guerra ha fatto da spartiacque. Tra bombardieri e bombardati
non ci può essere trincea comune. E quelli che hanno provato a ricoprire
entrambe le parti in commedia difficilmente potranno sottrarsi
della scopa della Storia.
Con questo calderone salta per aria anche la triste storia del pacifismo
italiano e occidentale in genere. Assolutamente egemone negli anni '80,
quando si trattava di «educare le giovani generazioni» a non
ripercorrere i
sentieri della ribellione armata, si è rivelato corpus teorico
di fronte al primo impatto ravvicinato. Anzi, i pacifisti di allora sono
nella stragrande maggioranza tra i più accesi «bombardisti» di oggi. Le
stesse manifestazioni per la pace avvenute in Italia, opera di ciò che
resta del vecchio fronte pacifista e di quel tanto di antagonismo
esistente, si sono svolte nella più rassegnata consapevolezza della
impotenza pratica.
Chiaro qual'è l'abisso in cui è precipitata la vulgata pacifista: nata e
benedetta come forma di deconflittualizzazione della lotta di classe
interna non può - costitutivamente - proporsi come cultura di governo di
paese della Nato. A questo punto la scisssione del movimento pacifista
segnata. Da un lato il pacifismo dei bombardieri (ovvero: la lotta di
classe interna ai singoli paesi va per principio condotta con metodi
rigorosamente aconflittuali, come rivendica Cofferati: l'imposizione del
comando capitalista può e deve passare attraverso la pratica del
bombardamento), dall'altra il pacifismo ideologico, che non può
e risolvere né i problemi del nuovo ordine mondiale, né quelli del
conflitto sociale.
Parallela a questa caduta è la perigliosa condizione del volontariato e
del privato sociale, insomma di quell'insieme vago di enti economici a
costo del lavoro depresso che si usa chiamare "terzo settore",
empirica di tutti gli alternativismi solidali, uniti in passato dal
pacifismo come referente ideologico comune. Non fosse bastata la chiara
intenzione di mettere in produzione questo insieme affidandogli il
di ammortizzare le ricadute della distruzione dello Stato sociale, la
guerra ha anche mostrato quanto sia utile impiegarlo nelle retrovie,
militarizzarlo affidandogli sia i compiti di gestione pratica dei
che quelli della raccolta fondi e materiali logistici per l'assistenza.
Altra cosa ancora è il problema posto dal meccanismo decisionale di
guerra a quanti immaginano il superamento dello stato di cose presenti.
Belgrado mostra al mondo cosa attende chi esca dallo schema delle
obbedienze stabilito a Washington (o dal Dow Jones). Indipendentemente
che tipo di uscita o "non entrata" si voglia perseguire.

6.3.1 Sinistra e polizia internazionale

Mai morte fu così benedetta, a
sinistra, come quella dello Stato-nazione. L'ingerenza umanitaria è un
killer dal nome gentile che semina cluster bombs e travolge
secolari, principii, concetti, istituzioni. Meritano la citazione due
maestri di pensiero accomunati dalla lontanissima militanza nella
extraparlamentare e dalla presente permanenza nelle carceri della
Adriano Sofri, con la gravità espositiva che gli è propria, invita a
chiamare la guerra in Jugoslavia operazione di polizia internazionale.
salto mortale semantico trasfigura i protagonisti eliminando la loro
uguaglianza. Nella guerra, eguali diritti confliggono (c'è tragedia
si dà lo scontro tra due ragioni). L'operazione di polizia evoca una
gerarchia indiscutibile: ragione e torto sono già assegnati. Il nemico è
solo un criminale, un bersaglio della giusta collera, un extra legem.
L'operazione non è del tutto innocente, se ha bisogno - come in effetti
- di sottacere chi sia la fonte della legge e di quale legge si stia
Toni Negri, con la levità che lo contraddistingue quando deve affrontare
temi e concetti che grondano nervi e sangue da tutti i lati, brinda a
questa dipartita intonando un peana agli Stati uniti «che oggi si
avviano a
esercitare comando imperiale, non imperialista», «paese che nasce
attraverso una rivoluzione anticoloniale e che ritiene questa origine
sua costituzione», giacché «Gli Usa sono diversi, non conoscono
l'imperialismo». Sulla prima affermazione si potrebbe convenire solo
alla categoria di "imperialismo" una definizione impropria, ovvero di
«attività complessa indirizzata alla costruzione di un impero nel
futuro». In questo caso si potrebbe dire che gli Usa fissano con questa
guerra le fondamenta del loro impero e quindi escono dalla fase
per gettarsi in quella dell'effettualità piena. Ma la seconda
già disconferma questa interpretazione: gli Usa sarebbero per natura e
origine un paese anticolonialista. Ci si sorprende a ricordare come la
"dottrina Monroe" sia del 1822, a neppure quarant'anni
Che un paese il quale teorizza (legifera, in realtà) che tutto il
continente americano, dall'Alaska alla Terra del fuoco, sia «di
vitale» e quindi di propria competenza, possa essere considerato
anticolonialista, è salto mortale logico ma al di sotto di qualsiasi
considerazione critica. Si confuta da sé.
È pur vero che la globalizzazione capitalistica deve necessariamente
distruggere i residui ostacoli alla libera circolazione di merci e
su tutto l'orbe terracqueo; è persino ancora vero che tale movimento
unificante il mondo - marxianamente - lascia intravedere con maggiore
definizione le possibili vie di superamento del modo di produzione
presente; ed è, infine, assolutamente vero che nutrire nostalgie per la
belle epoque dello Stato-nazione è sentimento in radice conservatore. Ma
identificare - come fanno - il movimento liberatorio per sé del capitale
con il movimento di liberazione universale dell'umanità è gioco già
volte smascherato per poter essere ancora accettabile. Non è, insomma,
neppure un nuovo gioco.

7. Borghesia e guerra

In questa guerra si spezza anche il rapporto
tra borghesia e interesse generale sul piano militare, su quello dei
che come "popolo" bisogna pagare alla guerra. I figli della borghesia
morivano, in misura certo drasticamente minore, ma allo stesso modo dei
proletari. Ora no. Il tenente che gridava "carica!" è stato sostituito
un messaggio radio, da un ordine in codice dotato di password.
Il soldato che va a morire (con parsimonia, ma solo perché diventa
ingestibile il "fronte interno" della guerra) è né più né meno che il
mercenario. Dotato comunque di nazionalità, cioè appartenenza, comunità.
guerra della globalizzazione è un videogame che si guarda in
Ma solo fino al momento in cui i corpi dei "ragazzi" tornano dentro le
bare. E saranno portoricani, chicanos, calabresi... "acquisiti",

7.1. La borghesia della globalizzazione non ha nazione.

Gli Stati uniti,
che indubbiamente gestiscono l'"esercito mondiale" della borghesia
globalizzata, lo sono comunque in modo "surrogato". C'è una sfasatura
l'essenza di questa borghesia essenzialmente finanziaria e indifferente
alla localizzazione e la "nazionalità sovrana" di un paese come gli
Ma è una sfasatura funzionale, e comunque obbligata. La concentrazione
sapere militare, produzione tecnologicamente avanzata, catene di
ecc, insomma l'insieme delle condizioni che garantiscono un corpo
e motivato pronto per la guerra. è un prodotto di secoli di storia. La
sostituzione non è questione di desiderata particolari. O c'è
alternativa o
non c'è. La "sussunzione" della macchina militare statunitense sotto
l'egida della borghesia della mondializzazione è processo che svincola
macchina stessa dal controllo politico della presidenza. Tanto più che
erotomane alla Casa Bianca non è precisamente il massimo che un
composto del genere possa considerare come ostacolo irresistibile.

7.2 Il Progetto e i progetti

Il capitale globalizzato ha selezionato il
suo strumento principe. Un "principe" come strumento. Il lungo processo
della sussunzione reale sembra giunto ormai al termine. L'unico progetto
capitalistico è quello di non averne nessuno.
Ma non c'è progetto e non c'è controllo possibile, governo in senso
stretto, se non innervando territori, popolazioni, società. E questo non
dà dai comandi degli Stealth né, ancor meno, dai briefing con la stampa.
processo di selezione interna ai singoli paesi di una classe funzionaria
avvenuto quasi soltanto nell'occidente industrializzato. È funzionaria
senso che assume come proprii interessi e criterii guida quelli della
borghesia della globalizzazione. Ovvero interessi e criterii
sovranazionali, tanto più indipendenti dagli interessi del paese di
quanto più quest'ultimo è relativamente debole sul piano economico,
politico, militare. Nei paesi "non Nato" questa classe di
mediatori-dirigenti, disponibile per strategie mondializzate, non c'è. E
non è affatto detto che possa essere costruita.
Questa "classe" è infatti un prodotto interno, un "effetto collaterale"
del modo di produzione capitalistico maturo. Si è formata dentro le
quadri" aziendali, nei meandri delle società finanziarie, nei corridoi e
nelle anticamere degli istituti di ricerca, nei viaggi iperfinanziati
dirigenti di numerose Ong; guarda con un qualche sospetto di
"inaffidabilità" persino chi esce dalle più prestigiose scuole di
formazione dei funzionari dello Stato esistenti al mondo (come quella
francese o inglese, insomma). Una "classe" economicamente e quindi
ideologicamente oltre gli Stati nazionali, che vede lo Stato come dato o
problema, non come sacro recinto dell'identità. Questa classe attrae
cervelli da ogni parte del mondo, ma nel sussumerli li scotomizza
alle origini. Un broker malese a Londra è un apolide "mondializzato",
l'espressione - o la speranza - dello sviluppo della Malesia. Questa
fa scuola, opinione, cervello, nel mondo mediatico, in primo luogo.
di sé la comunicazione, veicola e banalizza le esigenze fondamentali
globalizzazione, costruisce il senso comune, il general intellect che
l'intellettuale servile o quello finto antagonista riprendono,
polverizzano per facilitarne la diffusione, lo spaccio.Questa classe è
l'anima militante della Nato e di strumenti consimili.
Ma se è un portato strutturale di questo livello di sviluppo del
capitalismo, e se è indubbiamente vero che per questo livello del
le "iscrizioni" sono ineluttabilmente chiuse (le "tigri asiatiche"
ancora lì a leccarsi le ferite di un salto troppo alto per le loro
possibilità), allora non c'è possibilità di diffusione di questa classe
nelle aree "non Nato". I governi locali saranno tali nell'accezione
satrapie di altri tempi. Governi del sottosviluppo programmato, del
controllo dei flussi migratorii, della disponibilità delle materie prime
prezzi irrisorii. Sotto la "minaccia" dell'intervento umanitario. Sarà
questa a impedire che si possano determinare nuove fasi, sia pure
geograficamente limitate, di accumulazione originaria
brutale di ricchezza per mezzo di rapina, guerra, genocidio su cui
l'Occidente ha costruito il proprio modo di produzione).
Il cerchio si chiude. La salvaguardia dei diritti umani nel secondo,
e quarto mondo servirà a impedire il sorgere di nuovi centri di potenza
economica, tecnologica, militare. La stessa salvaguardia, nelle aree
sviluppate, farà da alibi allo smantellamento dei diritti di
della riduzione del salario reale a un livello di poco superiore a
bulgaro o polacco, della riduzione della forza lavoro a creta
Pardon, flessibile.
È questo il progetto? No, è una banale necessità. Inevitabile - direbbe
D'Alema - come la guerra, appunto. Che non tiene in nessun conto le
controreazioni, gli equilibrii - sociali, strategici, internazionali -
inebriata com'è dalla sensazione di essere una forza che non ha più
Nessuna opposizione può infatti venire da territorii geograficamente
limitati a garanzia monoetnica. Piccoli popoli serza risorse, senza
industria e senza capitali - e con una sola cultura -, in perpetuo
conflitto con i vicini, in competizione fra loro per le migliori
di protettorato Nato, per i migliori rapporti con le forze di
interposizione permanente. Buoni per ospitare etnosafari (in Land Rover
vetri blindati) per turisti nippo-euro-americani. La soluzione yankee
per i
nativi pellerossa sopravvissuti alla più gigantesca pulizia etnica che
storia abbia visto viene invocata da Tex Hall, capo nazione pellerossa,
i kosovari: una riserva, magari con licenza di aprire qualche casinò.
ricchi di sola forza-lavoro, armi leggere, sentieri sicuri per i
più immondi. Riconoscere e santificare pseudo-stati monoetnici significa
necessariamente riconoscerne la struttura di clan, con annessi e
mafie locali, bande dotate di territorio, ecc. L'assenza di struttura
produttiva e i buoni uffici con la Nato ("Cosa nostra" potrebbe
molto su come si faccia da "personale politico e polizia territoriale"
sotto il comando statunitense) già ora alimentano il "commercio" delle
uniche risorse a disposizione: donne per il mercato della prostituzione,
droga prodotta in loco o da far passare, armi residuate dall'ultimo
conflitto ma buone per il prossimo o per la malavita in occidente.
I conati di investimento in loco saranno forzatamente di due generi,
il deserto capitalistico esistente. Interventi infrastrutturali, ad alti
costi (coperti dagli stati "protettori") e a basso assorbimento di
manodopera (peraltro temporaneo), e "investimenti magliari", opera di
piccolissimi avventurieri che con una manciata di dollari (o marchi, o
lire) aprono laboratori di tipo schiavistico, in cui occupare donne e
bambini a 200 lire l'ora. Si può star certi che nessun "intervento
umanitario" arriverà per spezzare questo "normale" funzionamento del
Del resto una sinistra ex socialdemocratica finalmente giunta nelle
del governo, per bocca, a esempio, di Fassino, tira fuori come massimo
contributo alle popolazioni dei nuovi e futuri mini-stati etnici il
agghiacciante, slogan: «e ora arricchitevi». Si può scommettere che
proveranno a farlo, con i loro mezzi e risorse, come si è detto. Ma
le "ricadute" di tali tentativi, come già ora si può evincere dalla
immigrazione-razzismo-criminalità-"tolleranza zero", non saranno
altrettanto apprezzate.

8. Il territorio metropolitano

Resta da lanciare uno sguardo sulle
rassegnate e amorfe popolazioni delle metropoli occidentali, le stesse
erano state capaci di nutrire il più grande ciclo di lotte e di
rinnovamento culturale (in senso lato) che il novecento abbia vissuto.
rassegnazione compiaciuta e soddisfatta è sentimento quotidianamente
stimolato dal modo di vita e dal circuito mediatico.
Adagiarvisi non mette però al riparo dalla guerra. Perso lo status di
cittadino, il titolare di diritti umani ridotto ormai a
spettatore-consumatore viene egualmente bombardato dal suo sistema nel
luogo principe di esercizio della sua libertà: il supermercato. Dove non
arrivano bombe all'uranio impoverito piovono alimenti alla diossina. Il
meccanismo del riciclaggio totale degli scarti di qualsiasi provenienza
tale da non smaltire mai il non-biodegradabile. I residui tossici sono
praticamente gli unici che non scompaiono, si cumulano con quelli
e scartati in nuovi cicli. L'incremento di tossicità è garantito in modo
scalare e geometricamente crescente, fino a depositarsi, aggredendolo,
vertice irresponsabile della catena alimentare: quella larva d'uomo
a spettatore-consumatore. I cui diritti, sia detto con definitiva e
liberatoria chiarezza, contano manifestamente assai meno di zero.
anche in senso algebrico: meno di zero significa che l'uomo moderno -
reduce da due rivoluzioni - perde tutto il sistema dei diritti, il
dell'identità, cessa d'essere citoyen. Lo spettatore-consumatore è una
figura riconducibile alla "grettezza contadina" del servo della gleba
medievale. Salta con lui il "sistema della rappresentanza" e i
partiti-mediazione che lo strutturavano. Disporre di questa massa è
problema di comunicazione, di gestione dei media. Figure messianiche
sorgono e muoiono ogni giorno, come i calciatori bandiera della squadra.
Ieri un Segni per imporre il maggioritario; poi un Di Pietro per le
"pulizie di facciata"; poi una Bonino per l'"intervento umanitario".
qualcun altro, che qualcuno sceglierà in base a un calcolo scientifico
propri interessi e ci imporrà con le modalità casuali di un talk show.

9. Divise militari e divise monetarie

Non si era mai visto che alle
fortune di un esercito non corrispondessero quelle della sua moneta. Ed
sorprendente che nessuno abbia preso in considerazione che la
tra l'euro da una parte e il dollaro (e la sterlina) dall'altra
potesserisultare l'indicatore di un divario dinamico tra le economie
rispettive. Nessuno, tra tanti liberisti, che abbia voluto riconoscere
mercato, questa volta, una capacità di giudizio insindacabile e
La banca centrale inglese, la Banca d'Inghilterra viene fondata nel
ben dopo che il Parlamento avesse avocato a sé il comando della forza
militare, risultando la banca centrale lo strumento organico per il
finanziamento delle guerre.
L'Europa, affidata a una banda di bancocrati, ignoranti di tutto meno
di logiche spartitorie, non solo omette il passaggio decisivo della
costituzione di una forza militare autonoma, ma commette l'errore di
imbarcarsi in una guerra che ha tra gli obiettivi principali quello di
sancirne la dipendenza, impedirne l'autonomizzazione.
Questa esiziale successione di "atti mancati" è decisiva per comprendere
la reale portata della vocazione all'unità europea che la destra
continentale ha manifestato, peraltro univocamente, alle elezioni del 13
giugno. Il mandato sembra essere questo: Banca centrale europea come
sezione distaccata della Federal Reserve. Ciò, se non altro, porterebbe
restaurare quell'unicità del comando politico che la guerra ha
manifestamente rivelato inesistente.

10. Questo libro

Questo libro, dunque, non comprende una
spiegazione della guerra. Ma fornisce elementi esplicativi al di sotto
quali è impossibile andare, pena il ritorno a "spiegazioni" vecchie,
consolatorie o propagandistiche, di cui non si avverte affatto il
Coglie l'elemento di novità che è entrato in campo. Ne coglie il
distruttivo e forzosamente compositivo di un nuovo a partire dal quale
disegneranno gli scenari possibili del futuro prossimo.
Vademecum per la prossima guerra sta a significare proprio questo
di novità ormai acquisito. Per la prima volta all'unicità del comando
militare (e del sistema economico) non corrisponde l'unicità del comando
politico. Questa sfasatura libera forze, distrugge partiti e concrezioni
organizzative. Scatena nuova concorrenza per coprire il ruolo. Il ruolo
uno. Solo i concorrenti sono tanti e costretti a distinguersi. La
in questo quadro, va a morire. Solo la tv può premiare lo spot più
«E ora arricchitevi» suona perciò più come un invito ai Fossa che non ai
kosovari. La guerra - come sempre - "rigenera il mondo" eliminando
viscosità, persistenze, potere di nomenclature superate dalla storia
(economica). Apre mondi, mercati, giacimenti di forza lavoro a prezzo
In sottofondo, tra un boato e l'altro nelle notti di Belgrado, qui da
già si poteva sentire uno sferragliare di macchine utensili piazzate nei
sottoscala. E anche il "popolo delle partite Iva" ha drizzato le
sperando in una nuova dose di deregulation, giubilando Bossi e "aprendo"
alla Bonino.

11. Gli autori

Annamaria Rivera, antropologa (università di Bari),
denunciata la dialettica perversa tra l'etnicizzazione dei conflitti e
l'ingerenza umanitaria mostra il nesso tra l'universalismo particolare e
particolarismi etnici. Felice Accame e Carlo Oliva, propongono, con il
consueto humour la critica congiunta del linguaggio e dell'ideologia, di
guerra. Franco Gallerano, ingegnere e studioso di cose militari
"La Sapienza", Roma) offre una riflessione puntuale su quel nodo -
politica-guerra - che non ci consente di uscire dalla modernità. Di
Persichetti, latitante ufficiale nella Repubblica francese, pubblichiamo
una versione ridotta di un suo saggio di filosofia della politica. Enzo
Modugno riflette sul contributo di P. Sweezy e della Monthly Review.
Baracca, fisico (università di Firenze), compila bilanci ambientali
inquietanti e disegna scenari angosciosi. Fulvio Vassallo Paleologo,
giurista (università di Palermo) conta i morti sul fronte del diritto
internazionale. Guido Ambrosino, giornalista (corrispondente dalla
de il manifesto) traccia un quadro delle reazioni laceranti nella
e nella cultura tedesca di fronte alla loro "prima guerra". Alberto
Tarozzi, sociologo (università di Bologna), racconta la sua esperienza a
Belgrado. Sandro Portelli, americanista (università "La Sapienza, Roma)
riflette su "pulizie etniche" nella storia statunitense e politically
correct nell'ideologia corrente. Sergio Cesaratto, economista
"La Sapienza, Roma) marca le insufficienze della scienza economica
alla presente crisi.
In Appendice, pubblichiamo le "Quattro ipotesi" dell'Osservatorio
internazionale, e, con riferimento alla stampa quotidiana o periodica,
riflessione di Antonio Giudici e Francesca Estè su quegli "incidenti
probatori dell'ideologia" che sono le "stupidità".

(Claudio Del Bello)

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

"Quando la Germania invase la Jugoslavia nel 1941,
il popolo kosovaro fu liberato dai tedeschi.
Tutti i territori albanesi di questo stato, come il Kosova, la
Macedonia occidentale e le regioni di confine del Montenegro
furono riunificate con l'Albania propriamente detta. Furono
ristabilite le scuole in lingua albanese, l'amministrazione del
governo, la stampa e la radio"

(Da:, sito web affiliato all'UCK).




PRISTINA, July 16 (Tanjug) The arrest of Ljubisa Jovanovic, the
correspondent of the Serbian Radio and Television (RTS) from Kosovo
by members of the international missions KFOR and UNMIK is yet another
deliberate move aimed at driving away the Serbs and represents a form of
intimidation of the remaining Serbs who are resisting the daily violence
KosovoMetohija, the Information SubCommittee of the Yugoslav Committee
Cooperation with the U.N. Mission in KosovoMetohija said on Saturday.
The UNMIK police searched Jovanovic's house on Thursday after
receiving a report by his wife that she had seen two ethnic Albanians
fleeing from their back yard upon her return from work. During the
of the house, the UNMIK police uncovered an automatic gun clearly
previously planted there. They waited for Jovanovic and took him to the
police station.
SubCommittee VicePresident Milorad Vujovic issued a statement
protesting strongly over the conduct of KFOR and UNMIK and recalling
this incident is yet another in a series of persecutions of Serb
journalists in Serbia's southern province who are constantly being
threatened and prevented from doing their job.
Two weeks ago, in the busiest part of Pristina, as yet
unidentified ethnic Albanian terrorists shot and seriously wounded
Valentina Cukic, the reporter of the Serbianlanguage program Radio
and a man accompanying her, also a Serb.
The tepid position of the members of the international mission
contributes to the continuing jeopardy of the lives of Serb journalists
while, on the other hand, the ethnic Albanian media are publishing
for the arrest of innocent Serb civilians whom they continue
The Pristina paper Dita and ethnic Albanian radio stations, for
example, persist in issuing calls for the lynching of prominent citizens
and spreading lies and forged "proof" about their alleged involvement in
the 1999 war developments, the statement recalled.
The SubCommittee described the conduct of KFOR and UNMIK as
inadmissible because, instead of protecting the threatened Serbs
of the ethnic Albanian terrorism, they tolerate the daily crimes of the
ethnic Albanian terrorists, such as murders, kidnappings, shelling of
villages, ethnic cleansing and an overall genocide of the Serb people,
statement said.


LIPLJAN, DOBROTIN, July 16 (Tanjug) Ethnic Albanian terrorists
early on Saturday blew up a KFOR watchtower under construction on the
crossroads of the Pristina Urosevac and Lipljan Janjevo roads only two
kilometres away from the Serb village of Dobrotin, south of Pristina,
radio hams said.
The watchtower, which is being built by the Finnish
should secure control of all routes in the vicinity, a fact clearly not
the liking of the ethnic Albanian extremists.
Eyewitnesses claim that after the KFOR investigators arrived at
the scene of the explosion, the ethnic Albanian translator suggested
the Serbs from Dobrotin had fired a rocket launcher at the watchtower.
UNMIK police, however, rejected these allegations after uncovering the
remains of the planted explosives.

* Serbs Denounce U.N. Elections

Saturday July 15 6:22 AM ET
By ROBERT H. REID, Associated Press Writer
PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (AP) - Hard-line Serb leaders insist their refusal
to take part in Kosovo's first internationally supervised elections
remains firm - despite a U.N. decision to give them more time to change
their mind.
Saturday had been the deadline for Kosovars of all ethnicities -
Albanian, Serb, Turkish, Gypsies and others - to register for municipal
elections in October. However, U.N. administrator Bernard Kouchner
extended the deadline until the close of business Wednesday after
international officials said they had seen the first clear signs that
some Kosovo Serbs wanted to take part.
``It was decided to give them time to see whether those indications
produce something tangible,´´ said Roland Bless, spokesman for the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which will
supervise the balloting.
After that decision Friday, the official Yugoslav news agency Tanjug
quoted the hard-line Serb National Council as ruling out any possibility
of Serbs taking part in registration and elections until Serbs who fled
the province last year can return.
However, U.N. sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the Serb
community in the small town of Leposavic was interested in registering.
Tensions flared Saturday in Kosovska Mitrovica after a grenade was fired
into the Serb sector of the city from the ethnic Albanian side, the
NATO-led peacekeeping command said.
No injuries were reported. But the blast prompted rumors that a Serb
cafe had been hit, and a crowd of angry Serbs flooded into the area.
They dispersed Friday night when peacekeepers convinced them the cafe
had not been hit.
But minutes later, another grenade was fired toward a complex of three
apartment buildings on the Serb side, exploding in an empty apartment,
NATO said. That brought crowds back out for an hour.
Kosovska Mitrovica is the site of the largest Serb enclave. And the Serb
leader there, Oliver Ivanovic, remained adamantly against any
participation in the elections.
He wants the United Nations to return 1,500 Serbs to Kosovo by July 25
and a timetable for the return of another 210,000 non-Albanians who fled
the province when Yugoslav forces evacuated in June 1999 following the
78-day NATO bombing campaign.
U.N. officials have resisted the demands, saying a premature return of
Serbs would only worsen the already tense ethnic climate.
``The Serbs from this region will not register nor take part in the vote
until Serbs start returning to Kosovo in bigger numbers,´´ said
Dragisa Milovic, spokesman for Ivanovic.
``If the international community succeeds in organizing the return of
the Serbs, guaranteeing their safety, we will change our minds,´´
Milovic added. ``For now, we have absolutely no security in Kosovo, nor
are we able to move around. Under those conditions, any election would
be absurd.´´
Some leaders of the 15,000-strong Turkish minority were also boycotting.
Only about 1,000 ethnic Turks had registered by late Friday, the OSCE
Without minority participation, U.N. officials would be forced to decide
whether to go ahead with a multiethnic election even if only the
majority Albanians agree to participate in significant numbers.
Ethnic Albanians are believed to comprise more than 90 percent of
Kosovo's estimated 2 million people, although no reliable census has
been taken in decades.

* Mortar shells on Serb part of the town
July 15, 2000
Constant provocation of ethnic Albanian terrorists
Kosovska Mitrovica, July 14 - Ethnic Albanian terrorists tonight at
22.15p.m. fired from the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica two mortar
shells at the Serb part of the town, which exploded on pavement close to
the first apartment building at the beginning of the street, near
bridge, which divides the town into ethnic Albanian and Serb part.
Luckily, there was no one in the street at the time of the blast. French
KFOR soldiers which were standing on the bridge, about 20 meters from
the explosion, panicky ran across the bridge to the southern part of the
Hundreds of Serbs who demanded protection from French soldiers, gathered
in street immediately. According to the eyewitnesses, mortar shells were
fired from the Sport hall, which stands along the coast in the ethnic
Albanian part of the town.
North Brigade Commander General Jean Louis Sivlait hosted a reception
tonight, on the occasion of France's national holiday (July 14) attended
by UNMIK chief Bernard Kouchner and the leaders of the former "KLA"
(Kosovo Liberation Army) and now the commanders of the so-called Kosovo
Protection Corps - Agim Ceku, Sami Ljustaku and Rahman Rama.
Referring to the guests, Kouchner called leaders of both communities in
Kosovska Mitrovica, Oliver Ivanovic and Bajram Redzepi, and specially
General Agim Ceku, according to him, to help UNMIK, KFOR and to all
international community in order to unite the town.
Tonight's attack on Serb part of the town is clear sign of how Ceku's
terrorists see "union of Mitrovica".

* Rifle, grenades fired in troubled Kosovo town

The Associated Press
KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, Yugoslavia (July 15, 2000 3:22 p.m. EDT - Angry crowds gathered early Saturday on the
Serb side of this ethnically divided city after a grenade was fired from
the ethnic Albanian area, setting off two hours of unrest.
No one was believed injured in the blast or the two-hour melee which
followed, according to the French military command. Leaders of both
ethnic communities appealed for calm.
After the blast, rumors spread through the Serb community that the
grenade, fired at about 11 p.m., had hit a Serb café frequented by
Serbs who monitor traffic across a bridge over the Ibar River, which
divides the city into Albanian and Serb districts.
Believing the café had been hit, a crowd of about 500 angry Serbs
rushed to the scene, shouting and taunting French peacekeepers. French
Brig. Gen. Jean-Louis Sublet rushed to the scene and spoke with Serb
community leader Oliver Ivanovic, convincing him the café had not been
hit and promising to investigate.
By midnight the crowd dispersed but a few minutes later, gunshots rang
out and another grenade was fired toward a complex of three apartment
buildings on the north side of the river, exploding in an empty
apartment, NATO said.
The complex, although located on the Serb side, contains apartments of
ethnic Albanians who were resettled in the area months ago by NATO
troops against the wishes of the Serb community.
The second grenade brought crowds back into the streets on the Serb side
of the river. They finally went home about 1 a.m., NATO said.
On Saturday, leaders of the Albanian and Serb communities - Dr. Bajram
Rexhepi and Ivanovic - met with the regional U.N. administrator William
L. Nash to discuss the security situation. Afterward, they issued a
joint statement condemning the violence.
"We are determined, however, to continue our efforts to improve
security, the rule of law, the return of displaced persons and the
economic development of the region," the statement said. "We will not be
deterred by the actions of a few."
In Belgrade, the opposition Serbian Renewal Movement called the
incidents "another denial of claims by international community officials
that the situation in Kosovo has stabilized," and that ethnic Albanian
militants have been disarmed.
The Democratic Party of Serbia said the attack "clearly shows that it is
futile for Serbs to try take part in the elections" planned for October.
Kosovska Mitrovica is the tensest city in the province because of the
presence of large numbers of Serbs and ethnic Albanians. French troops
have enforced an informal division of the city, which the ethnic
Albanians have denounced as a violation of the June 1999 peace agreement
which provided for a multiethnic Kosovo in which people could return to
their former homes.


GNJILANE, July 14 (Tanjug) UNMIK police spokesmen in the town of
Gnjilane, eastern KosovoMetohija governed by the United Nations for more
than a year, said on Friday that eight bodies had been uncovered in a
garbage container belonging to the local hospital.
The Committee for Protection and Human Rights of Gnjilane said
that the bodies had been in the garbage dump for more than eight months,
which means that they were hidden during the first or second week after
arrival of the U.N. peacekeepers to KosovoMetohija and the stationing of
the French and U.N. troops in Gnjilane.
It is believed that the victims are Serbs. The local Serbs have
demanded that the bodies be examined by foreign and domestic
to determine the truth about this crime.
About 70 families of Serbs who were kidnapped from Gnjilane and
its vicinity, are very concerned and are awaiting the results of the
investigation with trepidation.


KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, July 15 (Tanjug) Ethnic Albanian terrorists
on Friday evening fired from the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica two
mortar shells at the northern (Serb) part of this town in central
The shells exploded in the street close to the first apartment
building near the bridge which divides the town into two parts (Serb and
ethnic Albanian).
Luckily, there was no one in the street at the time of the
Immediately before, North Brigade Commander General Jean Louis
Sivlait hosted a reception on the occasion of France's national holiday
(July 14) attended by UNMIK chief Bernard Kouchner and the leaders of
former "KLA" (Kosovo Liberation Army) and now the commanders of the
socalled Kosovo Protection Corps Agim Ceku, Sami Ljustaku and Rahman


LIPLJAN, July 15 (Tanjug) A group of ethnic Albanians on Friday
evening beat 80yearold Serb Nikola Perencevic in the village of Lipljan,
some 20 km south of Pristina.
Local radio hams reported that the old man sustained serious
Perencevic was taken by Finnish KFOR troops to the Russian
military hospital in Kosovo Polje to receive medical treatment.
The same sources say that so far KFOR has done nothing to find
arrest this group of ethnic Albanians.


PRISTINA, July 15 (Tanjug) The head of the U.N. civilian mission
for KosovoMetohija, Bernard Kouchner, has extended for three more days
deadline for voter registration for elections to be held in this Serbian
province despite the fact that they are turning into a farce.
The final day for the registration was today. Kouchner decided
wait three more days because the nonAlbanians failed to respond to the
registration calls.
Field estimates show that the majority of the nonAlbanian
population could not have taken part in the forming of the election
since during the one year U.N. administration the ethnic Albanian
extremists drove away from KosovoMetohija more than 350,000 Serbs,
Romanies, Goranci and others. In most cities there are no longer any
250,000 of whom have been expelled.
In Pristina it is said that the extension of the registration
deadline is the best proof of the failure of Kouchner's election option.
It is certain that neither the Serbs or the other nonAlbanians
will take part in the elections so that it is already possible to speak
about the total collapse of Kouchner's and UNMIK's mission.
The basic condition of the Serbs in KosovoMetohija for voting
the elections is the return of the expelled and the securing of the
of their life and property all tasks UNMIK and KFOR should have carried
out in keeping with U.N. Security Council Resolution 1244 dating from


OBILIC, July 15 (Tanjug) Ethnic Albanian extremists on Thursday
and Friday threw Molotov cocktails at the house of Nada Stolic, a Serb
woman from the town of Obilic, north of Pristina.
The ensuing fires, which were rapidly put out with the help of
neighbours, caused much material damage but no one was injured.
Local radio hams said that the first Molotov cocktail was
on Thursday at 2 p.m. and the other on Friday at 8 a.m

* KFOR and UNMIK are violating human rights of Gorani Tanjug
July 14, 2000
Exerting pressure on Gorani to take Islam
Prizren, July 13 - So-called UN peace mission in
Kosovo and Metohija - UNMIK and KFOR - in the
municipality Gora, in the area of Dragas are extorting
strong pressures on Gorani who live in that area with
the basic intention to denationalize them, "declare"
them as Muslims, which represents dramatic violation
of basic human rights, claims Center for peace and
tolerance from Prizren. This kind of violence
represents moral fall of UN representatives in Kosovo
and Metohija, because question is being asked, if the
UN after these "actions" can survive. With these
actions, which have not been seen since fascist
invasion on Kosovo and Metohija in 1941, according to
relevant evaluations of citizens of this area, first
of all, UN Charter is being destroyed, stresses
Center for peace and tolerance from Prizren has
respectable evidence of this violence, which is
underway in the municipality of Gora. There KFOR and
UNMIK are threatening to the population of this area
that they will take their property, cars, destroy
hoses, that they will be expelled if they do not
respond to the census and if they do not declare
themselves as representatives of nonexistent new
composed national community of Muslim nation…
President of the National community of Gorani and
member of Kosovo-Metohija Provisional Executive
Council Mr.Ibro Vait points out that KFOR and UNMIK
were trying to deny origin of Gorani with the
intention to "declare" them as Muslims, with ethnic
Albanians, from their arrival in Kosovo and Metohija.
"KFOR and UNMIK's pressure represents flagrant
violation of basic human rights and international
standards, calculated to destroy origin of Gorani",
warned Vait in today's statement to Tanjug, evaluating
that "peacekeepers' intention", in fact, is to
denationalize one ethnic community.

* Russia Opposes Elections in Kosovo

.c The Associated Press
UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Russia is arguing against U.N. plans to hold a
supervised election in Kosovo, warning that deteriorating security
for Serbs prevent any vote from being free and fair.
If the internationally monitored municipal elections go ahead this
ethnic Albanian hard-liners will take power and the chance of creating a
truly multiethnic and democratic Kosovo will be lost, Russia's U.N.
Ambassador Sergey Lavrov told the Security Council Thursday.
The province's estimated 100,000 Serbs are boycotting the electoral
until the United Nations satisfies their demands for security against
Albanian attacks and provides for the return of Serbs who fled when
forces withdrew in June 1999 after a 78-day NATO bombing campaign.
He warned that their non-participation ``would distort both the ethnic
the political picture in Kosovo.''
Russia has close cultural and religious ties with the Serbs and has
Yugoslavia's strongest supporter on the Security Council along with
which also questioned whether elections could be held freely and safely
minorities in Kosovo are still subject to numerous and well-organized
With registration for the municipal elections set to end Saturday,
Secretary-General Hedi Annabi told the Security Council that nearly
applications have been received. But despite intensive efforts by the
mission which is administering Kosovo, the Serbs and much of Kosovo's
population refuse to end their boycott, he said.
U.S. deputy ambassador James Cunningham said the United States believes
``the solution to violence lies in the political process'' and elections
a responsible government structure ``are the best way to temper
Kosovo's chief U.N. administrator, Bernard Kouchner, signed a
July 8 which gives him the authority to determine the date for the
elections after consulting Secretary-General Kofi Annan.
It is widely expected to take place in October.
AP-NY-07-14-00 0113EDT


KOSOVSKA VITINA, July 13 (Tanjug) An automobile driven by Serbian
Orthodox priest Dragan Kojic of Vitina came under bursts of machinegun
on the road VitinaKlokot on Wednesday and the priest was critically
in this incident, amateur radio operators reported from Serbia's Kosovo
Metohija province.
The attack was launched by ethnic Albanian terrorist from a
passing automobile where a road branches for Mogila village.
The priest has been taken to the military hospital at the U.S.
base Bondsteel where doctors are trying to save his life. Three other
persons were travelling with the priest, one of them his son. Two
passengers were also injured, but their wounds are not lifethreatening.
Villagers started to rally in Klokot after they heard of the
attack, protesting against this brutal attack on a man of the cloth.
International force KFOR troops blocked all approaches to this Serb
village, the sources said.


VELIKA HOCA, July 13 (Tanjug) UNHCR representatives decided to
deprive the inhabitants of the Serbpopulated village Velika Hoca in
KosovoMetohija of the right to use the bus line commuting to Serbia
on Wednesdays, local amateur radio operators said on Wednesday.
This decision came as a result of a recent incident, in which a
group of angry villagers set up barricades, in response to KFOR's
attitude towards repeated mortar attacks on Velika Hoca. In this
clashes took place between the villagers and KFOR soldiers, also, two
vehicles were demolished.
The radiooperators also say that the KFOR has not reacted at
to the shelling of Velika Hoca, even though it is known that the attack
were perpetrated by ethnic Albanians of Brestovac village.

* Klagen der türkischen Minorität im Kosovo
Mehr Rechte unter serbischer als unter UNO-Veraltung
(von Rainer Rupp)

Seitdem die NATO mit ihrem Einmarsch der UCK die Terrorherrschaft im
Kosovo gesichert hat, gehören nicht nur andersgläubige Serben und Roma
und Sinti zu den verfolgten Minderheiten in der serbischen Provinz,
sondern auch die muslimische, türkisch-sprechende Volksgruppe im Kosovo.
Der Verteidigung ihrer Rechte hat sich nun der türkische Außenminister
Cem Ismail in Ankara angenommen.
In einem Brief an UNO Generalsekretär Kofi Annan hat Außenminister Cem
seiner "großen Sorge" über die gleichgültige Haltung der UNO-Verwaltung
im Kosovo gegenüber den Anliegen der Kosovo-Türkischen Minorität
Ausdruck verleihen. In der Tat ist die türkische Minderheit so gut wie
nicht in dem "Interim Verwaltungsrat" vertreten, der von dem
umstrittenen UNMIK-Chef Bernard Kouchner ins Leben gerufen wurde. Auch
waren Mitglieder der türkischen Minderheit in der Vergangenheit
wiederholt Opfer von UCK-Anschlägen gewesen. Nicht wenige sind im
letzten Jahr nach Serbien oder Montenegro geflohen.
Außenminister Cem hob in seinem Brief an Kofi Anan hervor, daß sein Land
bereits verschiedene Male die Aufmerksamkeit der UNO-Verwaltung auf die
besonders Situation der türkischen Minderheit gelenkt habe und u.a. drei
Briefe an den UNO-Sondergesandten im Kosovo geschickt habe. Keine dieser
Initiativen hätte auch nur im geringsten gefruchtet und die drei Briefe
seien unbeantwortet geblieben.
Nach einem Bericht der albanischen Zeitung "Albanian Daily News" habe
der türkische Minister in diesem Zusammenhang betont, daß es um die
Minoritätenrechte der türkisch-sprachigen Volksgruppe im Kosovo "unter
UNO-Verwaltung schlechter bestellt ist als zu Zeiten der serbischen
Verwaltung". Nach Angaben der Zeitung "sprechen ungefähr 250.000
Einwohner der zwei Millionen zählenden Vorkriegsbevölkerung des Kosovo
zu Hause türkisch. ("Turkey Says Minority Rights Worse than Under
Serbian Rule"), Albanian Daily News, 11/07/2000)
Ganz nebenbei erfährt der Leser auf diese Weise etwas mehr über die
ethnische Zusammensetzung des Kosovo vor der NATO-Aggression zugunsten
der terroristischen UCK-Nationalisten. Dabei wäre interessant zu wissen,
ob die türkisch-sprechende Minderheit von den westlichen
UCK-Propagandisten auch zu den Albanern gezählt wurde.
In westlichen Medien hieß es bisher immer, daß 90% der Bevölkerung des
Kosovo ethnische Albaner seien. Bei einer Einwohnerzahl von knapp zwei
Millionen müßten folglich die nicht albanische Minderheiten 200.000
Menschen gezählt haben. Geht man jedoch von den offiziellen Zahlen der
UNO-Flüchtlingsorganisation und anderer Organisationen aus, dann sind
zwischen 250.000 und 300.000 Serben, Roma und Sinti, Juden, Griechen,
Ägypter u.a. aus dem Kosovo geflohen und harren z.Z. meist in Serbien
der Rückkehr ins Kosovo. Dort sollen sich nach verschiedenen offiziellen
Schätzungen immer noch bis zu 100.000 Serben befinden. Zählt man die
250.000 Kosovo-Türken - die sich offensichtlich nicht als Albaner sehen
- zu den nicht-albanischen Minderheiten hinzu, dann addieren sich die
Zahlen auf etwa 600.000 Menschen. Wodurch eine andere der vielen Lügen
der westlichen Politiker und Medien über das Kosovo entlarvt wäre.
Saarbrücken den 12.7.2000


GNJILANE, July 12 (Tanjug) In the ethnic Albanianpopulated
village of Velekinac near the town of Gnjilane, an ethnic Albanian was
murdered by his compatriot, said Gnjilane Committee for Civil Rights and
Protection on Tuesday, quoting a KFOR officer.
According to his statement, the murderer was caught and
The Committee says that instant arrests of ethnic Albanian
criminals and murderers who committed offenses against their compatriots
have became a quite regular practice for KFOR and the UNMIK police, as
opposed to those cases in which Serbs, or other nonAlbanians, are the
The mentioned officer said on Tuesday that house searches in
several villages of the Gnjilane municipality resulted in the seizure of
handguns, 31 handgrenades, 240 other items, and 2,700 pieces of
He added that those who possessed the weapons were detained.
There have been unofficial claims that another ethnic Albanian
killed in a blaze that broke out in a depot situated by the road
Gnjilane and Pristina on Monday. Two nearby houses caught fire and
collapsed, despite a quick reaction from the fire brigades of Gnjilane
Pristina, says the Committee statement.


PRISTINA, July 12 (Tanjug) Dragica Zivanovic, a Serb woman who
died in Besinje village, municipality of Pristina, on Monday, was buried
her back yard because international force KFOR troops refused to provide
escort for the funeral procession to take the body to the nearby
cemetery, amateur radio operators reported from Serbia's Kosovo and
Metohija province late on Tuesday.
Ethnic Albanian extremists daily provoke and attack Serbs in
Besinje. About eight Serb families remain in the village, mostly elderly
people who did not want to leave their ancestral homes.
The ethnic Albanian terrorists have stolen all agricultural
machinery from the Serb families, so that they cannot work their farms.
KFOR do not guarantee the Serbs' safety even on special occasions, such
funerals, said the sources.


NEW YORK, July 11 (Tanjug) The Pentagon has announced that a U.S.
soldier of the international force KFOR in Serbia's Kosovo and Metohija
province killed a sevenyearold boy on Monday. The Pentagon alleged the
killing had been accidental, that the soldier's weapon had gone off
Meanwhile, a KFOR spokesman confirmed in Pristina late on
that an unidentified U.S. soldier had accidentally inflicted mortal
to an ethnic Albanian boy, Gentrid Rexhepi, 7, and that he soon died of
wounds, agencies reported.
The incident occurred near the village of Cerkes Sadovina, near
Vitina, and the boy died after being taken to the hospital in the U.S.

* Three Serbs Shot in U.S. Sector

.c The Associated Press
PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (AP) - Unidentified attackers fired at a car on a
road in Kosovo's American sector Wednesday, wounding three Serb men, the
command said.
Yugoslav news agencies identified the wounded as a Serbian Orthodox
and two seminary students.
Later, U.S. troops fired warning shots over a crowd of angry Serbs who
gathered in the town of Klokot to protest the attack, a U.S. statement
There were no injuries, and the crowd broke up.
The U.S. statement said the three men were traveling from Klokot to
about 30 miles south of Pristina when the attack occurred at midday.
U.N. civilian police found the wounded men along the road and took them
the U.S. military hospital at Camp Bondsteel where they were listed in
condition pending surgery.
Yugoslavia's private news agency Beta and the state-run Tanjug agency
identified the three as clerics.
The attack was the latest against Kosovo's dwindling Serb minority in
of the June 1999 withdrawal of Yugoslav forces following the 78-day NATO
bombing campaign. The alliance launched the airstrikes to stop Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic's crackdown against ethnic Albanians.
Although the attackers were not identified, ethnic Albanian extremists
carried out numerous attacks against Serbs in the American sector over
past 13 months.
In another development, Serb villagers in two communities just across
provincial boundary from Kosovo reported a mortar fire early Wednesday
blamed ethnic Albanian extremists.
There were no injuries, the villagers said. The attack reportedly
near the Serbian villages of Merdare and nearby Borovac, 120 miles
of Belgrade.
``This is getting worse and worse,'' said Danijela Pavlovic, 35, who
in Merdare. She said the fire came from Mirovac, an Albanian-populated
village on the other side of the separation line.
``We'll all leave if this continues,'' she said, adding she had sent
teen-age son to stay with relatives in a town farther from the border.
Serbian police declined comment, but an officer, speaking on condition
anonymity, said the mortar attack shortly after midnight was preceded by
sniper fire against a nearby police checkpoint.
AP-NY-07-12-00 1455EDT

* Diskussion um Trepca: Arbeiterinteressen versus Antiimperialismus?

Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 17:51:30 +0200
From: Jug Öster Solibeweg <joesb@...>
To: <joesb@...>

Innerhalb der Linken ist im Rahmen der Debatte um den Nato-Krieg gegen
Jugoslawien und den humanitären Interventionismus von jenen, die die
Agrression befürworteten oder zumindest schwiegen, immer wieder die
des Bergwerkkomplexes Trepca ins Treffen geführt worden.
Antijugoslawischen und versteckt proimperialistischen Positionen soll
den Aussagen der albanischen Bergarbeitergewerkschaft, die von
"Arbeitereigentum" spricht, der Mantel der Arbeiterinteressen umgehängt
Stellt man allerdings eine Gesamtanalyse an, so ist klar, dass diese
der geopolitischen unterzuordnen ist, in der es nur zwei Seiten gibt:
Jugoslawien und die NATO (deren freiwillig versklavsten Anhängsel die
albanischen Kräfte sind). Politisch fordert nämlich die albanische
Bergarbeitergewerkschafts nichts anderes als das Kombinat völlig der
jugoslawischen Kontrolle zu entreißen, alles andere Gefasel ist Beiwerk.
Denn unter den realen Bedingungen heißt albanisches "Arbeitereigentum"
Herrschaft der NATO und UCK. Darum sind wir für die Wiedereingliederung
Trepca-Kombinats sowie des gesamtzen Kosovo nach Jugoslawien.

Lesen Sie die ausführliche kontroversielle Debatte unter:



New York Post, June 13, 2000

BORN IN THE USA: Baby Americkan, born in a New Jersey
refugee camp 13 months ago, stands up as proud parents
Naim and Lebibe watch. - AP
FERIZAJ, Kosovo - Baby Amerikan is now 13 months old,
plump, wide-eyed and curious. He's just starting to
walk and is grabbing everything in sight.
A year ago - at the height of NATO's bombing of
Yugoslavia - he captured everyone's hearts when he was
born in a New Jersey refugee center and given his
unusual name in a dramatic expression of gratitude by
his parents.
But now, on the anniversary of the end of the Kosovar
war, the feel-good story of Baby Amerikan has reached
a sad chapter.
The little boy, whose nickname is "Amir," and his
parents, Naim and Lebibe Karaliu, have been back in
Kosovo for nine months.
Naim had no choice but to go home. He'd been unable to
find a job that would cover the $900 rent on their
apartment near Dallas after their aid ran out.
They returned to discover that their "duvar" - a
traditional Albanian compound of family homes
surrounded by a wall - in a bucolic mountain village
had been destroyed by Serbian storm troopers.
Now, they share the cramped house - 10 people live
there - of Naim's brother Vesel in this chaotic, dusty
city. Naim, like the great majority of the Kosovar men
who survived Serbian ethnic cleansing, is broke and
Lebibe, 22, pretty and stoic, is seven-months pregnant
with the couple's second child. She worries what kind
of future there will be for Amerikan and his new
"I am happy Kosovo is free," Lebibe said through a
translator as she chased the active toddler around a
family room decorated with an American flag.
"But life is hard now. I am concerned about my baby
because we are poor."
Although their plight is shared by thousands of other
Kosovars, the Karalius seem especially bitter at
having lost their chance at the American Dream.
Several times, they asked to be paid for this story,
and complained about broken promises of aid workers in
the United States, and about how a trust fund set up
for Amerikan by good Samaritans in New Jersey had been
stolen by relatives.
"I would like to go back to America. I don't see a
good life in Kosovo," Naim said.
At the end of a winding mountain road, Naim got
teary-eyed as he displayed the damage done to his home
by the Serbs.
"This will cost at least $40,000 to fix. I don't know
what I'm going to do."
The topic of conversation later turned to the new
baby. The couple thinks it, too, will be a boy.
"If we get some help from the United States, maybe
we'll name him Clinton."



Albanische Zeitungen schüren Lynch-Justiz im Kosovo

("Dadurch werden die Genannten zum Tode verurteilt", Dan Everts,

(von Rainer Rupp)

Kosovo-albanische Journalisten, unterstützt von internationalen Wächtern
der Medienfreiheit, führen z.Z. eine hitzige Kampagne gegen die
UNO-Verwaltung, weil diese angeblich versucht, im Kosovo die
Pressefreiheit einzuschränken. Nach Angaben der New York Times vom
Donnerstag dieser Woche habe der Protest solche Formen angenommen, daß
ein hoher UNO-Beamter angedeutet hat, daß die Versuche, die albanischen
Medien auf einen minimalen Verhaltenskodex festzulegen, wahrscheinlich
aufgegeben würden. ("Death of Serb Named in Newspaper Sparks Battle Over
Media Restrictions in Kosovo", By STEVEN ERLANGER NYT-July 13, 2000)

Ein Gesetz allerdings, mit dem die UNO-Verwaltung eine Zeitung zu einer
Geldstrafe und/oder zur vorübergehenden Schließung verurteilen kann,
soll zur Empörung der freiheitsliebenden Kosovo-Redakteure weiterhin in
Kraft bleiben. Etliche Redakteure haben in ihren Beschwerden darauf
verwiesen, daß ein ähnliches Gesetz bereits unter serbischer Verwaltung
angewandt wurde.

Aber welche Freiheit meinen die radikalen, Kosovo-albanischen
Redakteure, die sie so vehement gegen die UNO verteidigen wollen? Es ist
die Freiheit, ihre Zeitungen auch weiterhin zu Instrumenten des Terrors
und zu Aufrufen zur Lynchjustiz zu benutzen, um somit den blutige
Terrorkrieg gegen Serben weiter zu führen. Dazu werden Namen, Photos,
zuletzt bekannte Adressen, Arbeitsplatz und mehr von angeblichen
serbischen Kriegsverbrechern veröffentlicht. Dadurch werden diese
Personen – und alle, die ihnen ähnlich sehen - praktisch zu
Todeskandidaten der Exekutionskommandos der UCK abgestempelt.

Mit ihren Aufrufen zur Lynchjustiz setzen sich diese kosovo-albanischen
Blätter bewußt über die Presseregeln der OSZE und UNO-Verwaltung im
Kosovo hinweg. Daß die Gefahr für Leib und Leben der in den albanischen
Blättern benannten Serben real ist, wurde letzten Monat durch die
brutale Ermordung eines serbischen UNO-Mitarbeiters (er war Übersetzer)
weltweit bekannt. Am Anfang der tödlichen Entwicklung stand ein
Exklusivbericht der Zeitung Dita, in dem diese behauptete, einen
serbischen Kriegsverbrecher aufgespürt zu haben, der für die UNO-Mission
im Kosovo (UNMIK) arbeitete. Dita veröffentlichte den Namen von Petar
Topoljski und seine Adresse. Keine drei Wochen später wurde die von
zahlreichen Messerstichen verstümmelte Leiche von Petar Topoljski mit
einem Draht um den Hals in einem Dorf außerhalb Pristinas gefunden.

Ähnliche Hetzartikel wie der in Dita sind in den letzten Monaten in der
Kosovo-Albanischen Presse regelmäßig erschienen. Diese indirekten
Aufrufe zum Mord wollte die Organisation für Sicherheit und
Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE), die im Kosovo für die Medien
verantwortlich ist, nicht länger hinnehmen. Dan Everts, OSZE Botschafter
im Kosovo, wurde kürzlich von der BBC wie folgt zitiert "wir haben
einige sehr schlimme Artikel gesehen, in denen Personen dadurch zum Tode
verurteilt wurden, indem ihr Namen, Arbeitsplatz, Adresse und was sonst
noch alles genannt wurden. Das ist, als würde man den Leuten sagen:
<He!, paßt mal auf, hier sind sie und nun tut mit ihnen, was Ihr
wollt>." ("Kosovo papers defy UN", BBC, By Kosovo Correspondent Nicholas
Wood, Thursday, 6 July, 2000, 11:09 GMT 12:09 UK)

Daß die Zeitung Dita wegen ihrer Veröffentlichung über das Mordopfer
Petar Topoljski auf Anordnung der UNO-Verwaltung für eine Woche
geschlossen worden war machte, machte auf die Chefredaktion
offensichtlich keinen Eindruck, außer daß sich die Redakteure
beschwerten, daß es nun unter der UNO genau so schlimm wäre wie unter
Milosevic. Als die Zeitung Dita wieder erscheinen durfte, hatte
Chefredakteur Behlul Becaj nichts eiligeres zu tun, als den
beanstandeten Artikel erneut abzudrucken.

Zugleich ließ Becaj den UNMIK-Chef Bernard Kouchner wissen, daß die
albanische Presse verpflichtet sei, die (angeblichen) serbischen
Kriegsverbrecher zu benennen, solange die internationalen Organisationen
diese nicht verfolgen würden. Und prompt setzte Dita-Chef Behlul Becaj
seine Drohung in die Tat um. Letzte Woche veröffentlichte Dita eine
Doppelseite mit Namen und Photos von 15 Serben, denen die Zeitung
Kriegsverbrechen vorwarf. Auf eine Reaktion von der OSZE oder UNMIK hat
man bisher vergeblich gewartet.

Saarbrücken den 14.7.00

- July 13, 2000

Death of Serb Named in Newspaper Sparks Battle Over Media Restrictions
in Kosovo

PRISTINA, Kosovo, July 6 -- The publication by an Albanian-language
of the name and photograph of a Serb accused by the daily of crimes
Albanians, and his murder soon after, has stirred passionate debate
press freedom and the need to stop revenge killings in Kosovo.
After the murder, the United Nations administration that rules Kosovo
down the newspaper, Dita, for eight days. Then, when Dita reappeared and
promptly reprinted the offending article, international officials sought
impose a formal code of conduct on the news media here.
But local Albanian journalists and international news media watch-dog
have protested the attempts to regulate media so strongly that the
Nations administration is likely to abandon the code, a senior United
Nations official says.
A law that provides for the fining, suspension or closing of print or
broadcast media will, however, remain on the books, the official said.
regulation, signed by the United Nations chief here, Bernard Kouchner,
intended to prevent the publication or broadcasting of personal details
about people who might become targets of Albanian or Serbian vigilantes.
The frustration of the United Nations authorities is evident as
attacks continue, especially on the Serbian minority in Kosovo, while a
system of international judges to deal with such crimes is just
beginning to
Mr. Kouchner issued the regulation after Dita published an article on
27 accusing two Serbs, Petar Topoljski and his father, of being members
paramilitary groups. Petar Topoljski, 25, still lived in Kosovo and
as a translator for the United Nations; the paper published his address
Three weeks later he was found murdered, stabbed with a wire wound
his neck.
His death seemed an example of the press feeding the cycle of vengeance
against Serbs, with no recourse to the police or the courts. While there
could be no direct connection drawn between the Dita article and the
Mr. Kouchner decided to act, judging that news media self-regulation was
working, and closed Dita for eight days.
More moderate Albanian newspapers, like Koha Ditore, criticized the
suspension of Dita as an arbitrary act of personal power. Dita's
Behlul Beqaj, justified publication of the information by saying that
system of justice in Kosovo was not working, and that there had been no
punishment for people accused of war crimes.
As soon as the suspension was over, Mr. Beqaj republished the article.
Kouchner then issued his regulation on June 17 covering broadcast and
media, naming a temporary news media commissioner with the power to
sanctions, fine offending media up to $50,000, seize equipment or
and suspend or shut down an outlet.
Appeals are subject to a board appointed by Mr. Kouchner.
The commissioner, a former American diplomat, Douglas Davidson, was also
given power to issue temporary codes of conduct to be compiled in
consultation with local editors and imposed "in special circumstances."
Mr. Davidson defended the codes as common in Europe and necessary to
"hate speech." But the United Nations is likely to abandon the effort to
compile a code, after what officials describe as long and frustrating
meetings with editors who oppose it as undemocratic.
Mr. Kouchner's regulation itself caused a furor. It was condemned by the
World Press Freedom Committee and other international news media
and Mr. Beqaj tested it on June 26, publishing the names of two Serbs
the town of Kosovo Polje accused of attacking ethnic Albanians. One of
Serbs is in close contact with the municipality and the United Nations.
time, Dita went to the police first, but did not heed United Nations
requests to delay publication.
Mr. Davidson then issued a warning to Dita and said the paper appeared
have violated the regulation on publishing personal details that "would
a serious threat to the life, safety or security of any such person
vigilante violence or otherwise."
"Publishing names can put people's lives at risk," Mr. Davidson said in
statement. "It is also violating a fundamental principle of Western
journalism that someone is innocent until proven guilty."
Then, on July 5, Dita published the names, prewar addresses and
of 15 more Serbs it accused of committing crimes against ethnic
Mr. Beqaj is unrepentant. In one meeting with Mr. Davidson and other
editors, he noted that Dita was accused of involvement with just one
out of 500 or so that have occurred in Kosovo in the year since NATO
Mr. Davidson, Mr. Kouchner and other United Nations officials say they
have some way to stop hate speech and the incitement to murder
on the basis of uncorroborated accusations by news media. "This is not
yet a
normal place," Mr. Davidson said. "The international community must have
some control and if it wants to lower the level of hatred and tension
not make it worse, then one thing you must look at is the media."
But Baton Haxhiu, the editor of Koha Ditore, said that Albanian news
executives are able to police themselves, and that the solution lies not
restricting press freedom, but in providing a functioning justice
"All this just shows that the internationals are becoming Balkanized,
to put restrictions on the freedom of the press," he said. "This is a
precedent, and it will be used against us by some political party in the

e-mail: crj@... - URL:



BELGRADE, 9 July 2000 No. 3102



The present Amendments shall form an integral part of the
Constitution of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia and shall enter into force on the date of their


1. The Federal Assembly:
shall elect and replace: the President and members of the
Federal Government, judges of the
Federal Constitutional Court, judges of the Federal Court, the Federal
State Prosecutor, Governor
of the Yugoslav National Bank and other federal officials as designated
by the federal law.
2. This Amendment shall replace Article 78, paragraph 7 of the
Constitution of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia.


1. The Chamber of Republics shall be comprised of 20 federal
deputies each from each
constituent Republic, elected at direct elections.
Election and end of the term of office of a federal deputy to
the Chamber of Citizens and the
Chamber of Republics of the Federal Assembly shall be regulated by the
federal law.
A federal deputy shall decide and vote at his own discretion and
may not be recalled.
2. This Amendment shall replace Article 80, paragraph 3, and
Article 81, paragraph 2, and
shall supplement Article 86 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia.


1. Federal laws on the flag, coat of arms and the national
anthem shall be passed by the
Federal Assembly by a two-thirds majority of all federal deputies voting
in each of the two
parliamentary Chambers.
2. This Amendment shall replace Article 90, paragraph 2 of the
Constitution of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia.


1. The President of Republic shall be elected at direct
elections by a secret ballot.
The term of office of the President shall be four years.
The same person may be elected as President of Republic twice at
the most.
The President of Republic and the President of the Federal
Government, as a rule, may not be
from the same constituent Republic.
The President of Republic shall enjoy the same immunities as the
federal deputy.
Immunities enjoyed by the President of Republic shall be decided
by the Federal Assembly.
2. This Amendment shall replace Article 97 of the Constitution
of the Federal Republic of


1. The term of the President of the Republic shall end before
the expiry of the period for which
he has been elected, if he is removed from office or if he resigns.
The term of the President of Republic shall end on the date of
his resignation or removal from
2. This Amendment shall replace the provisions of Article 98,
paragraphs 1 and 2 of the
Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.


1. The Federal Assembly may remove from office the President of
Republic if the Federal
Constitutional Court finds that he has violated the present
Procedure for removal from office of the President of Republic
may be initiated at least by
half the federal deputies in both Chambers of the Federal Assembly.
Removal of the President of Republic from office may not be put
to a vote before 15 days
have expired from the date on which the Federal Constitutional Court has
forwarded its decision to
the Federal Assembly referred to in paragraph 1 above.
The President of Republic shall be deemed removed from office if
both Chambers of the
Federal Assembly have accepted the motion by a two-thirds majority of
the federal deputies.
If the Federal Assembly declines the motion, it may not be voted
on again before the expiry of
six months.
This Amendment shall replace section V, paragraph 2 of the
Constitution of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia.


1. The Federal Government shall be deemed elected if the
majority of all federal deputies in
both Chambers have voted for it by a secret ballot.
The Federal Government shall be accountable to the Federal
The Federal Assembly may vote a no confidence motion to the
Federal Government.
The President of the Federal Government may propose replacement
of some Federal
Government members.
No confidence motion may be voted on at least three days after
the motion was moved.
The no-confidence motion shall be voted down if the majority of
all federal deputies in each
of the Chambers have gone along with it.
The Federal Government and each of its members may hand in their
resignations to the
Federal Assembly.


The Constitutional Law shall be adopted to implement Amendments
II to VIII above.


Article 1

Within 60 days from the date of entry into force of Amendments
II to VIII to the Constitution
of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, federal laws shall be passed on
the election and end of
term of office for the deputies to the Chamber of Republic of the
Federal Assembly and on the
election and removal from office of the President of Republic.

Article 2

Both Chambers of the Federal Assembly shall sit until the expiry
of the term of office of the
federal deputies to the Chambers of Citizens, in accordance with Article
81, paragraph 1 of the
Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, whereupon elections
will be held for federal
deputies to both Chambers of the Federal Assembly.
The President of Republic shall resume his duties until the
expiry of his term as set out in
Article 97, paragraph 1 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, until which time
elections for President of Republic shall be held in accordance with
Amendment V to the
Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
The Federal Government shall resume its work until its election
in accordance with
Amendment VIII to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of

Article 3

The provisions of paragraph 3, subparagraph 1 of Amendment V to
the Constitution of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia deal only with the persons elected as
President of Republic in
accordance with this Amendment.

Article 4

The present Law shall enter into force on the date on which it
is proclaimed by both
Chambers of the Federal Assembly.



BELGRADE, July 7 (Tanjug) - The Yugoslav parliament proclaimed
Constitution Amendments and a Constitutional Law on their implementation
an official joint session of both chambers on Thursday.
Thunderous applause welcomed chairman Srdja Bozovic's words when
proclaimed the amendments to the Constitution.
Addressing MPs, Bozovic said the proclamation of the
amendments was a big step in the further promotion and overall
development of the country's social and political systems.
"The Constitutional amendments do not pertain to the established
system of
distribution of power and do not affect the Constitutionally guaranteed
mechanisms of equality of the federal units," Bozovic said.
The direct election of federal MPs to the Chamber of Republics,
at general
elections, as it is done for the Chamber of Citizens, secures a
and authentic expression of the will of the citizens of Serbia and
Montenegro in constituting both chambers of the federal parliament. This
method, which is applied in most federal states in the world, "secures
full democratic legitimacy of the upper house of federal parliament and
eliminates any form of mediation between citizens and their political
institutions," Bozovic said.
The changes in the manner of electing the head of state and
enabling his
election at direct elections ensures that the top state function in
Yugoslavia is based on the absolute democratic determination of those
carry national sovereignty - the citizens of Yugoslavia, Bozovic said,
adding that the Constitutional authorities of the president remain the
The firmer linking of the mandates of federal government members
to the
federal parliament shows a due implementation of the parliamentary
as the foundation for the organization of state authorities in
Bozovic said.



Montenegro More Visible at UN

.c The Associated Press


UNITED NATIONS (AP) - From his one-bedroom apartment in midtown
Zeljko Perovic has begun a campaign to give Montenegro a greater voice
at the
United Nations, setting up a one-man ``mission'' and getting himself
to U.N. meetings.
One of two republics that make up what is left of the former
Montenegro has no independent legal status at the United Nations.
and Serbia are represented together by Belgrade's U.N. mission.
But with tensions between the two republics increasing - and heightened
week with constitutional changes that seek to reduce Montenegro's status
Montenegro is seeking to increase its own diplomatic visibility and
support for its pro-Western cause.
``We have to protect our interests,'' said Perovic, Montenegro's
self-proclaimed ``head of mission and U.N. liaison officer,'' in an
Montenegro is finding support in its campaign from the four former
that separated from Belgrade in the early 1990s: Slovenia, Croatia,
and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
On Friday, Slovenia circulated a second letter in three weeks on behalf
Montenegro to the Security Council, enclosing the text of a resolution
adopted by the Montenegrin parliament rejecting the constitutional
enacted by the Yugoslav federal assembly.
The amendments aim to concentrate power in the hands of Yugoslav
Slobodan Milosevic while reducing Montenegro's status. One paves the way
Milosevic's re-election, the other says parliament's upper house will be
chosen by popular vote, curtailing the influence of Montenegro's
which is dominated by Milosevic's opponents.
Slovenia's deputy U.N. ambassador, Samuel Zbogar, said Friday that his
government had decided to help Montenegro gain greater visibility at the
United Nations because Belgrade wasn't representing its interests here.
That support includes circulating letters to U.N. ambassadors on behalf
Montenegro and inviting Perovic and other Montenegrin officials to the
Nations as ``guests'' of the Slovene mission.
Visitors to the non-public areas of the United Nations must be
accredited to
the organization or be escorted into the building as a ``guest'' of
who is.
``They are the democratic light in Yugoslavia and you have to support
that,'' Zbogar said in an interview.
Yugoslavia's representative at the United Nations, Vladislav Jovanovic,
bitterly complained about what he calls Slovenia's interference in
internal affairs. He has also dismissed Montenegro's quest for official,
even unofficial, recognition at the organization.
``Parts of member states are not entitled to have any official or
semi-official mission within the U.N. The appearance of one person
to represent Montenegro in the U.N. is totally private business and
have anything to do with the U.N. membership,'' he said in an interview.
Indeed, as a part of Yugoslavia, Montenegro cannot be recognized as an
independent U.N. member state. It probably couldn't even get
status, which has been granted to entities such as the Palestine
In their dispute with Milosevic's regime, Montenegro officials have
of breaking from Belgrade, but they have stopped short of making a
move for independence.
Similarly, Montenegro's moves at the United Nations have not been
as a step toward statehood. But Zbogar and Perovic said they were
into ways to allow Montenegro to have some type of other accreditation
at the
United Nations - or at least be given the same type of access as
U.N. representatives.
Belgrade's envoys don't have full rights at the United Nations. In
they were stripped of some membership rights following the independence
four of its six republics. The United States, Britain and the four
Yugoslav republics have demanded that Belgrade apply for membership as a
Belgrade has so far refused, arguing that the independence of its
didn't affect the ``continuity'' of the country.
Last month, U.S. Ambassador Richard Holbrooke raised Yugoslavia's
status as one reason for limiting its access to U.N. meetings. He
successfully got the Security Council to block Jovanovic from
in a council debate on the Balkans, primarily on grounds that Milosevic
other key leaders have been indicted for war crimes.
Montenegro's foreign minister, Branko Lukovac, attended the Security
debate as a guest of Slovenia, Zbogar said.

AP-NY-07-15-00 0217EDT




Belgrade Says West's Isolation Bid Has Failed

BELGRADE, Jul 12, 2000 -- (Reuters)
Belgrade's foreign minister said on Friday
the West's bid to isolate Yugoslavia
and strangle its economy had failed and world
support for the government was
growing, state news agency Tanjug reported.

"Yugoslavia's ties and cooperation
with three-quarters of the world's nations,
which accept it as a valid, reliable
and equal partner, and its achievements in
reconstruction and development both
testify to this," Zivadin Jovanovic said.

The United States and most Western
nations withdrew diplomats from Belgrade
last year before NATO launched air
strikes on Yugoslavia over its repression of
majority ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.

Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic's Socialist-led regime embarked on a
heavily-publicized reconstruction
campaign after the air war damaged much of the
country's infrastructure.

"We never begged around for help. We
did not waste time hoping for help from
abroad. Our future is not in the
hands of the European Union, NATO or any other
foreign factor, but in our own
hands," Jovanovic said.

High-ranking delegations from
Brazil, China, Iraq, Myanmar and Russia are among
those that recently visited

"If the philosophy of sanctions and
isolation has helped in any way then it is in
raising awareness that nothing
positive can be achieved in southeast Europe
without Yugoslavia's equal
participation as a key economic, political and
factor in the region," Jovanovic

Yugoslavia maintains diplomatic
relations with 166 countries and has other
government offices in 97 countries.
There are 70 foreign embassies in Belgrade.



MOSCOW, July 11 (Tanjug) The new foreign policy concept of the
Russian Federation underscores that it is important in principle for
that Yugoslavia's territorial integrity should be preserved and any
attempts at its dismembering prevented.
Yugoslavia's dismembering would pose a threat of a general
conflict breaking out in the Balkans with unpredictable consequences,
the document which was endorsed by President Vladimir Putin at the end
June, and whose full text was announced for the first time on Tuesday.
The special 22page document also says that Russia will do its
utmost to contribute toward finding a lasting and just solution to the
situation in the Balkans, which will be founded on coordinated decisions
the international community.
The Balkans is also mentioned in the part Concepts, which
Moscow's relations toward the Organization for Security and Cooperation
Europe (OSCE). Russia will resolutely oppose any narrowing of the OSCE's
functions, primarily meaning any attempts to direct activities of this
organization exclusively to the postSoviet area and the Balkans.


Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the June 29, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


When NATO moved into the Serbian province of Kosovo and
Metohija a year ago on June 10, U.S. plans were to continue
to isolate and dismember what was left of Yugoslavia. The
"International Tribunal" in The Hague--set up and paid for
by U.S.-NATO forces--had indicted Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic for alleged war crimes. It looked like
Montenegro, the remaining republic joined with Serbia to
form Yugoslavia, would be the next target.

Now a year has passed, and it turns out Yugoslavia is not
so isolated after all.

Li Peng, chairperson of the Standing Committee of the
National People's Congress of the People's Republic of
China, addressed a joint session of the Federal Assembly of
Yugoslavia this June.

Li said the U.S. missile attack on the Chinese Embassy in
Belgrade 13 months ago that killed three Chinese
journalists and rendered the embassy building unusable is
"a case of grave international wrongdoing seldom seen in
the history of diplomacy and a gross violation of China's

He attacked the U.S. and expressed solidarity with

The head of a Cuban Communist Party delegation visiting
the hometown of President Milosevic in June said the people
of Yugoslavia, "just like the Cubans, have shown they are
not ready to lose their identity no matter what price they
have to pay for that."

He added that the Cubans "admire Yugoslav resistance" to
the "policy of hegemony of the West," during and after
NATO's bombing campaign against Yugoslavia last year. "Both
Yugoslavia and Cuba have the same enemy, but it is most
important that we are not afraid of that enemy."

So China and Cuba have reaffirmed their solidarity with
Yugoslavia. And other forces are chipping away at the U.S.
position. Even Amnesty International has accused U.S.-NATO
forces of war crimes.

And then there is the story of Danish soccer star Peter
Schmeichel. After his team lost a match June 16 in the EURO
2000 games, Schmeichel made an astonishing announcement to
the media.

He said, "Tonight I officially applied at the embassy of
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for a Yugoslavian
passport. The Yugoslav football team is excellent, and it
is the only team I would like to play for. I personally
asked President Slobodan Milosevic to grant me Yugoslavian
National Passport, because I highly respect him and his
achievements in last year's war against NATO aggressors."

It's hard to imagine a superstar athlete making such a
remark unless this reflects an attitude more widely held in
the population.

And in Montenegro itself, local elections have put pro-
Yugoslavia and pro-Milosevic parties in office in some of
the most important cities, despite all the funds pumped
into the anti-Yugoslavia parties by the U.S. and its NATO

Yugoslavia deserves all the solidarity it can get. And it
is getting some.

- END -

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>The defenders of 'Western civilization' are in the East...
>Russia, China Conduct Walk Out in U.N. Council over Yugo exclusion
>By Evelyn Leopold (6-23-00)
> [emperors-clothes]
>"Gagging people's mouths is not the best way to discuss the acute
>international problems in this way,'' [Russian UN Ambassador] Lavrov said.
>"Even a defendant has a right to defend his or her position.''
>UNITED NATIONS (Reuters, Friday June 23 3:02 PM ET ) - The Security Council
>took the unusual step of excluding Yugoslavia's U.N. envoy from a debate on
>the Balkans on Friday, prompting Russia's ambassador to stage a
>demonstrative walk out.
>"To discuss the Balkan problem without Yugoslavia is nonsense,'' Ambassador
>Sergei Lavrov said before leaving the chamber and placing a junior envoy in
>the Russian seat.
>China's envoy followed a few minutes later during a speech by Javier
>Solana, the European Union's foreign policy chief, presumably because he
>headed NATO during its 11-week bombing of Serbia during the Kosovo crisis
>last year.
>China, however, participated in the debate on the Balkans whereas no
>Russian diplomat spoke after the controversy over Yugoslavia's presence.
>U.S. ambassador Richard Holbrooke led the challenge on grounds that the
>Yugoslav leadership, including President Slobodan Milosevic, was under
>indictment by a U.N. tribunal for alleged crimes committed during last
>year's Kosovo crisis.
>"It would be inappropriate to allow the representative of this government
>use this council in a discussion of where we stand on Kosovo,'' he said.
>Yugoslavia's envoy Vladislav Jovanovic has spoken to the council many times
>before on Balkan issues, the last being one year ago shortly after the
>indictments in May 1999.
>Diplomats said he had tried to since then but was prevented in private
>consultations. One key council envoy said Friday's confrontation was
>ordered by Milosevic.
>Milosevic and four of his top lieutenants were indicted as war criminals by
>the Hague-based tribunal for crimes against humanity, including murder,
>during the Kosovo conflict.
>The indictments took place amid last spring's NATO bombing raid against
>Serbia to force Belgrade's troops out of Kosovo province where they were
>killing and expelling in large numbers the country's ethnic Albanian
>The vote on whether Jovanovic should speak was four in favor, seven against
>with four abstentions in the 15-member council. Under council rules,
>procedural matters needs nine ''yes'' votes, with permanent members, such
>Russia, the United States, Britain, China and France, unable to use their
>Voting in favor of Jovanovic were Russia, China, Ukraine and Namibia; those
>against were the United States, Britain, France, the Netherlands,
>Bangladesh, Malaysia and Canada; abstaining were Mali, Tunisia, Argentina
>and Jamaica.
>Jovanovic told reporters the action in the council was part ''of the
>aggressive policy which the U.S. administration has been pursing against
>Yugoslavia for years.''
>He said that the seven votes against him were from NATO members and two
>"extremist'' Islamic countries, Bangladesh and Malaysia, thereby
>constituting a "moral victory'' for Belgrade.
>Lavrov told the council the vote was against the spirit of the U.N. Charter
>which allowed even a country that was not a U. N. member to participate
>it was a party to a conflict the council was discussing.
>"Gagging people's mouths is not the best way to discuss the acute
>international problems in this way,'' Lavrov said.
>"A very dangerous precedent has thus been created when states that are
>unpalatable for political reasons are being isolated from participation in
>the work of the United Nations,'' Lavrov said.
>"Yugoslavia has a right to participate. It is a country whose interests are
>directly affected by this question,'' Lavrov told the council, adding that
>the tribunal was a politically motivated.
>"Even a defendant has a right to defend his or her position,'' he said.
>After the vote on Yugoslavia, China's deputy ambassador, Shen Guofang,
>walked out of the council during an address by Javier Solana, now the
>secretary-general of a European Union council on a common foreign policy.
>When he returned Shen mentioned the U.S. bombing of the Chinese embassy in
>Belgrade, which Washington says was due to bad maps. He also reminded the
>council that every country had a right to state its views. "This decision
>a wrong decision'' and "does not help a solution in the Balkans,'' Shen
>Solana was secretary-general of NATO during its air campaign to force
>Belgrade to stop repressing ethnic Albanians in Kosovo province, thousands
>of whom were expelled..
>Yugoslavia's membership of the United Nations has been in dispute since
>1992, when four of its six constituent republics declared their
>independence. It has been suspended from the U.N. General Assembly until
>status is cleared.
> [emperors-clothes]

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

Abbiamo raccolto alcuni dei rarissimi - eppure a nostro parere
ottimi - contributi apparsi in Italia durante e dopo la
aggressione della NATO contro la RF di Jugoslavia del 1999
che interpretano "fuori dalle righe" la fase storica di
ripresa bellica e di involuzione culturale (le due cose vanno
a braccetto) che stiamo passando.
Sono testi di intellettuali che stigmatizzano l'atteggiamento
accomodante, servile, ipocrita, omertoso, talvolta persino
guerrafondaio di altri intellettuali (la grande maggioranza,
purtroppo) nei confronti della contemporanea deriva
neocolonialista ed imperialista del nostro paese.

Gli autori sono marxisti di varia estrazione; i loro
"bersagli" polemici sono ex-marxisti, ex-comunisti, persone di
ex-sinistra oggi del tutto interne all'establishment o che
mostrano comunque di aver dismesso certe chiavi di interpretazione
del reale.

Iniziamo la serie con la prefazione al libro "Il rovescio
internazionale", un instant-book uscito per Odradek mentre ancora
piovevano bombe "umanitarie".
La prefazione, scritta dall'editore Claudio Del Bello, viene da noi
divisa in due parti.


(Odradek Editore, Roma 1999)


"Durante la guerra che il potere esecutivo dispiega la sua
più minacciosa energia... e il popolo dimentica le deliberazioni
che riguardano essenzialmente i suoi diritti civili e politici."

Maximilien Robespierre, 1791

Chiudiamo questo libro il 15 giugno, all'indomani della firma di un
accordo "di pace" che ripropone la trappola di Rambouillet,
sotto cui nessuno - per riprendere la questione posta da Luciana
su il manifesto - "avrebbe posto la propria firma". Pare dunque che la
guerra sia finita. Dopo i bombardamenti a tappeto riprenderanno a
ai fianchi la Federazione jugoslava. I serbi si sono rivelati impotenti
fermare gli attacchi aerei. Ma hanno dimostrato una capacità di
che ha sconsigliato i comandi Nato dal procedere disinvoltamente alla
degli attacchi di terra, là dove la tecnologia superiore non garantisce
l'esenzione dalle perdite umane. I serbi si sono confermati così un
duro. Preferiranno logorarlo. Non è finita. Il dato importante - quasi
briciolo di speranza - è che la Nato non ha vinto. Gli obiettivi che si
data - occupazione del Kosovo a parte - sono in gran parte non
Per poter firmare un accordo è stato necessario riportare in vita il
cadavere dell'Onu, riconoscere un ruolo a una Russia uscita
al massimo e più antioccidentale che mai da 78 giorni di bombardamenti
un popolo slavo. È stato poi necessario riconoscere un ruolo alla Cina
averne bombardato intenzionalmente l'ambasciata, perché lo si intendesse
come un avvertimento per il futuro. È stato necessario porre termine
guerra, infine, perché la tanto sbandierata unità dell'Alleanza era sul
punto di implodere tra governi europei sotto stress elettorale e una
unica affondata il giorno dopo il varo ufficiale (e dopo anni di
per raggiungere i mitici "parametri di Maastricht"). All'unicità del
comando militare non ha corrisposto l'unicità del comando politico;
all'economico, tocca dire, è proprio il terreno della massima
tra interessi europei e statunitensi, ben rappresentato dalla
delle monete relative.
Abbiamo preparato il materiale di questo libro considerando gli
sviluppi della guerra, e il suo esito quale che fosse, in larga misura
ininfluenti ai fini della sua comprensione.
Già dopo un mese era possibile registrare gli elementi di novità,
le modificazioni irreversibili nelle relazioni internazionali, e nella
coscienza dei più.
Usciamo quindi per cogliere questi elementi e sottoporli alla
riflessione, alla critica, al dibattito. Odradek del resto non è un
intellettuale da salotto buono. Non ha perciò bisogno di attendere che
eventi si siano conclusi per poter calibrare una linea interpretativa,

sente la necessità di rispettare compatibilità con i pensieri correnti e
corrivi. Anzi. Raccoglie riflessioni prodotte a partire da background
teorici, filosofici - ideologici, se la parola non suonasse blasfema
quando l'ideologia conformista trionfa quasi senza resistenze - diversi
loro ma accomunati da una radicalità di critica. L'insieme compone un
quadro incompleto, forse, ma già ricco di punti di vista tali da
la struttura fondamentale del senso della guerra contro l'ex Jugoslavia.

0. Prologo

Diciamo subito che la fine non sarà interessante quanto
l'inizio. Quel che questa guerra ha già distrutto è qualcosa che
il prossimo futuro. Questa guerra è la matrice delle prossime: vicine
tempo, nello spazio, nel livello di coinvolgimento di questo
Pubblichiamo intanto per sottolineare un punto: questa è una guerra e va
chiamata con questo nome. Non esiste nessun altro nome che possa
la sospensione della politica e del diritto, quali che siano i rovesci -
direbbe quel Robespierre che abbiamo voluto citare - che l'hanno
determinata. Non sono legittime "approssimazioni" (conflitto, per
né metafore tranquillizzanti (azione di polizia internazionale, meno di
qualunque altra). Le novità dirompenti che introduce sono di rilevanza
storica assoluta. Proprio per questo merita di essere chiamata con il
nome molto più di quelle che l'hanno preceduta nell'ultimo ventennio. È
guerra che spazza via il moderno concetto di Stato. È la guerra che
sostituisce ai diritti del cittadino i più vaghi - o più elementari -
diritti umani. È la guerra che vanifica ogni ipotesi di ordine
internazionale costruito consensualmente, e che sostituisce con l'ordine
imposto da una forza che molti si sono affrettati a definire
Cioè, mentre è chiaro ciò che è stato frantumato, non lo è per nulla ciò
che dovrebbe sostituirlo.
Usciamo differenzialmente rispetto ai tanti che hanno scritto o
scriveranno di questa guerra per dire sostanzialmente «avevo visto
giusto!», ovvero per ribadire o riproporre analisi già ammannite e
clamorosamente smentite dai fatti. E anche rispetto ai tanti che ne
attendono la fine per poter dire «che la politica riprende il posto di
comando», ovvero per ratificare i risultati acquistiti sul campo, senza
altra spiegazione.
Del resto sappiamo bene che anche dopo cinquant'anni, o dopo ottanta, si
può benissimo continuare a non trovare accordo sul secolo delle guerre
mondiali, su ciascuna guerra, neppure sulla valutazione da dare ai
documenti d'archivio. Anche se bisognerebbe ricordare che
della memoria è funzione precipua dello Stato-nazione, ovvero della
che questa guerra ha distrutto definitivamente. Quali archivi
l'innominabile di questa guerra? La Nato ha archivi? E, soprattutto, chi
disporrà delle chiavi d'accesso? A quale storico le consegneranno?
Esisteranno più gli storici? E quali saranno gli istituti preposti alla
loro formazione?
Un instant book autentico, dunque, non una fotografia affrettata e
di un evento appena trascorso. Un instant book che, presupponendo
l'informazione diffusa, cerca di rilevarne i momenti più cospicui di

1. Sostanza e accidente

Ogni tanto una guerra. Per esempio questa.
Ogni volta a interrogarsi come fosse la prima, a indignarsi, a stupirsi,
come se la precedente aveva da essere l'ultima. Non si capisce per quale
Benché siano movimenti tellurici, preparati, provocati - e per lo più
dichiarati - ci si interroga sul modo di prevederli come se fossero
terremoti, lamentando intanto la stupidità, la malvagità, la follia, il
complotto, o l'insensatezza, come capita sempre più spesso di sentire,
quando non addirittura l'impreparazione (per via del fatto che non è
così presto, contrariamente alle tronfie previsioni della vigilia:
«quindici giorni», per Madeleine Albright).
È il terzo conflitto in Jugoslavia, ennesimo in Europa orientale,
con ogni evidenza, del collasso dell'URSS ma anche della penetrazione
europea verso est, dell'unificazione europea oltre che del protagonismo
militare degli Usa.
Altro che pace perpetua. S'intravvedono le condizioni di una guerra
permanente, dopo questa rilegittimazione dei conflitti armati, delle
aggressioni unilaterali. Dopo il l989 le guerre si sono moltiplicate,
affinando - generalizzandolo, inflazionandolo - il principio della
come prosecuzione della politica, finendo col mettere in mora sia la
politica che il diritto, mostrando come ogni conflitto contenga il
principio "colpiscine uno per educarne cento". O, come più d'uno
visto il soggetto trainante di questa guerra, "colpiscine cento per
educarne uno".
La guerra è lo spostamento della lotta di classe, la sua sospensione e,
molto spesso, la sua narcosi. Ma quello che è avvenuto è uno
epocale, una catastrofe antropologica propiziata dalla frantumazione di
qualsiasi regola e che, in quanto tale, ha attraversato le società e le
culture sollecitando le coscienze a disporsi secondo le indicazioni del
formidabile apparato di guerra mediatica mai messo in campo.
Già, perché se la guerra è sempre stata luogo privilegiato della
propaganda, cioè dello scontro di opposte falsificazioni, questa ha
perfezionato e in qualche modo sancito il ruolo di contrappunto e di
ricapitolazione giornaliera dell'universo mediatico e della
rappresentazione virtuale.
Non è "sostanza", non è "accidente" quindi, concludono i tanti don
Ferrante, questa guerra non esiste. «Non chiamiamola guerra!», ha
quotidianamente Sofri su tutti i giornali, di governo e d'opposizione,
ultradestra e di centrosinistra. D'altra parte i teorici della politica,
dell'autonomia del politico, giocoforza tacciono o dicono delle
in attesa di poter liberare di nuovo la parola sull'arte del possibile.
tre mesi in cui c'è stata la necessità, hanno preso tempo.
Non c'è nessun compiacimento da parte nostra nei confronti di questa
impasse; anzi, si vorrebbe che i fini dicitori non si mortificassero per
questo. Potrebbero intanto analizzarla nei suoi aspetti "innovativi" e
Già perché intanto questa non è una guerra come le altre; giunge alla
di un processo costellato da una recrudescenza del ricorso alle armi, si
diceva. È una guerra che la Nato - e persino Veltroni l'ha capito! -
intende come un precedente, un punto di non ritorno, la fondazione di un
altro ordine mondiale, o quanto meno la messa a punto di un modello da
riproporre in ogni angolo del mondo a insindacabile giudizio della
occidentale (come ognuno ha potuto vedere, in realtà, dei soli Stati
uniti), unica titolare dell'uso legittimo della forza per imposizione
diritti umani. Dove la forza e il suo titolare sono certi; i diritti, e
autorizzati a esigerli, molto meno.

2. L'evento

La regione balcanica è stata attraversata da una serie
di conflitti e da una guerra. Il conflitto che ha opposto e oppone la
Federazione jugoslava e l'Uck è quello paradigmatico
tra centralismo e autodeterminazione. Decine di altri conflitti della
stessa natura insanguinano il mondo, spesso coinvolgendo popoli di
dimensioni enormemente superiori a quelle kosovare. Ma una guerra è
decisa e attuata dalla Nato contro la Federazione delle Repubbliche
Jugoslave, Stato sovrano che si è trovato quindi a essere oggetto di
Una parte non irrilevante - per peso politico ed egemonia culturale -
degli intellettuali riformisti europei ha espresso consenso alla Nato
perché ritiene di poter ottenere, attraverso l'intervento militare
antiserbo, un'ingerenza cosiddetta umanitaria che fermi o limiti «le
indicibili sofferenze kosovare», e questo ben prima che quelle
diventassero sempre più indicibili per via del catastrofico "intervento
Sono, in tutta evidenza, argomentazioni sbagliate nell'unico senso in
un'argomentazione può essere radicalmente sbagliata: rispetto
che si è data.
Qui si trascureranno infatti valutazioni di parte, che sono numerose,
pluriverse e definitive. Non è invece trascurabile il dato politico che
questo consenso descrive. Depurato da tutte le incrostazioni
opportunistiche, da esso si ricava l'impressione di una sostanziale
autenticità di pensiero, con tutti i corollari emotivi del caso.
Emerge dunque che una parte significativa, e forse maggioritaria, delle
"sinistre" europee - non i ceti politici di governo, ovvio, ma i loro
"compagni di strada" e la loro base elettorale di massa - è convinta o
convincibile che laddove sia cruentemente leso il principio
dell'autodeterminazione o della coesistenza, sia legittimo il ricorso
forza militare di un ente superiore o immediatamente superiore, in
caso l'Alleanza atlantica.
Pensiamo sia giusto raccogliere la sfida di questa logica, che è viziata
quanto seduttiva. Fa infatti ricorso a un argomento che, non a caso, si
implementa con successo nella "sinistra": la necessità di un approccio
militante - "militante dei diritti umani" - a una questione geopolitica.
tratta, non neghiamolo, di un antico retaggio internazionalista che
pretende di travolgere mosse, pedine e scacchiere (per questo dà
fastidio a
Sergio Romano, sovranista della destra liberale tradizionale) in nome di
una generica ma suggestiva "battaglia per la vita".
Messa in questi termini, che sono metastorici e metapolitici, si tratta
un'allocuzione conclusa in sé, e perciò invincibile.
Ma sembra avere una debolezza intrinseca, che deflagra solo quando
l'operetta morale viene fatta calare nella storia e nella politica.
quando si riesca a provocare un dibattito.
Che significa: avere a disposizione dati e narrazioni non addomesticati;
verificare e poi diffondere notizie circa il conflitto etnico;
demistificare la natura dell'interesse euroamericano nei Balcani;
colpire e
affondare la retorica della "polizia internazionale", che è
il riflesso sovranazionale di ciò che, all'interno dei singoli stati, ma
con un arbitrio ben maggiore, rappresenta la delega alla magistratura e
l'accettazione del monopolio statale della violenza.
Il tutto al prezzo di una reintroduzione del razzismo, malamente
da."etnicismo". Predicare la necessità di un Kosovo indipendente, come
fanno, non è meno "etnicista" dell'anacronismo di una Grande Serbia. I
personaggi alla Cohn Bendit si troveranno anche in compagnia dei fautori
della Grande Albania, e francamente tutto quello che si può dire è che
lo meritano.
Davvero: hanno dalla loro la potenza economica, la forza militare, una
propaganda in grado di accendere, sussumere e dirottare l'emotività
pubblica, oltre che di essere metro e misura del contemporaneo. Eppure,
tempo non gioca a loro favore: persino la stampa confindustriale
italiana o
straniera non potrà omettere qualche servizio, spurio ma emblematico, in
grado di ridimensionare la portata della "pulizia etnica serba" e di
ridisegnare la mappa degli orrori in un contesto di guerra civile tra
rivali. Sulle cifre, infine, ci conforti imperituro il ricordo di

3. Perché questo libro

Organizzare un libro istantaneo e farlo
uscire prima che gli esiti si siano stabilizzati vuol dire che questo
- onestà intellettuale degli autori! - vuole essere una considerazione
tema della guerra, in situazione, candidandosi a essere il vademecum per
quella futura.
Questo libro, d'altra parte, non può sostituire l'unico strumento utile
decisivo rappresentato da una cronologia ragionata degli ultimi 15 anni.
più che di controinformazione - per paradossale che possa sembrare di
fronte al muro di disinformazione che si è levato tra noi e la guerra -
crediamo che ci sia più bisogno di controdeduzioni concettuali, che
rilevare la fallacia sistematica delle giustificazioni e anche delle
dicotomie offerte ("né con la Nato, né con Milosevic") e loro varianti
("lei è favorevole o contrario?") ricostruendo concettualmente i
Rilevare quelle modificazioni nel sentire comune (dalla svalutazione del
proporzionale, all'assuefazione alla "tolleranza zero") che
la trasformazione più notevole e preparatoria all'accettazione di uno
di guerra, perpetua e illegale quanto non dichiarata.
Ci disponiamo allora a rilevare gli elementi più cospicui, risultato di
una sorta di bradisismo semantico, che hanno funzionato da detonatore
Una catastrofica e repentina inversione figura/sfondo - propiziata dai
media, e da chi se no? - che ha portato in primo piano neoformazioni
"pulizia etnica", "ingerenza umanitaria" ("catastrofe umanitaria" merita
discorso a parte), "diritti umani", "etnia" ed "etnicità" scaraventando
sullo sfondo "diritto internazionale", "sovranità degli Stati", "diritti
cittadinanza", "multiculturalismo" e perché no?, "sviluppo".
C'è molto da dire su questa guerra e sui suoi primati da Guinness, e
è stato detto: che è la più ingiusta (perché condanna alla pena capitale
popolazioni civili, preservando i militari), la più illegale (anche se
condotta per motivi umanitari, e forse proprio per questo), la più
per via del fatto che colpisce indiscriminatamente, la più pericolosa
l'ambiente, la più catastrofica nei confronti dei diritti acquisiti, dei
livelli d'integrazione raggiunti, per gli scenari angosciosi che vanno
oltre la morte e le distruzioni materiali, per via delle convivenze
compromesse ben oltre la sua fine.
E che a fronte di questa enormità non c'è stata s
ollevazione popolare, scarsa essendo stata la reazione dei cittadini,
studenti, degli ambientalisti, dei cattolici, dei pacifisti, dei
e dei loro sindacati, delle donne, come se, appunto, la guerra, la sua
stessa possibilità, sia stata rimossa senza essere sostituita, peraltro,
una cultura della pace, o quanto meno da una ragionata interdizione.
Per non parlare della destra di questo paese. In oltre due mesi e mezzo,
la destra all'opposizione non ha prodotto un solo documento, un solo
manifesto sulla guerra.
E più in generale, per quanto riguarda l'Europa, anche la sinistra
antagonista (quella non influenzata dalla sinistra al governo, come in
Francia e in Germania), oltre ai Verdi, ha chiesto l'intervento di
Si tratta di adesione a progetti di ricomposizione etnica perseguiti
contro la sovranità degli Stati nonostante comportino l'affossamento
dell'Onu, l'anarchia totale nelle relazioni internazionali, la
regionalizzazione delle decisioni (sorta di deregulation giuridica: chi
potrà chiedere a chicchessia - India, Cina, Pakistan, ecc - di
all'atomica?) e, soprattutto la svalutazione di ogni progetto di
e di integrazione tra culture diverse.
Ma è sugli elementi di novità che vogliamo soffermarci, per marcare i
punti di non ritorno, le modificazioni irreversibili nelle relazioni e
nella coscienza, in tutti e in ciascuno.
L'elemento di novità non è certamente la reazione sentimentale degli
intellettuali alla guerra - italiani in testa - ma lo stupore di
nei confronti del loro generale mettersi l'elmetto, l'accettazione dello
stato di necessità, lo studiarsi di trovare una parte nel teatrino.
Non è un elemento di novità il richiamo antico, il servilismo mai
seppellito. Da sempre gli intellettuali si sono messi l'elmetto
di trovare le ragioni delle guerre dichiarate dalla borghesia, di
accettabili; hanno giustificato anche le guerre coloniali perché
la civiltà! E ora, anche ora, eccoli lì a portare il loro contributo, a
scrivere il loro compitino pescando nelle loro cassette, nei loro
di retorica di pronta consultazione.

4. La parola

Dopotutto la guerra non è che una parola. O
innanzitutto. Come mostrano di credere i bravi giornalisti che,
o Devoto-Oli alla mano, cercano di orientarsi per iniziare il loro
pezzullo. Come ogni parola, "guerra" può essere sottoposta al catalogo
trattamenti e delle manipolazioni della retorica. Tema di un gioco
linguistico collettivo. Un gioco elusivo o consolatorio. Di qui la
di contraddizioni in termini, di ossimori ("contingente necessità"),
metafore ("varco aperto nel sacro recinto della sovranità nazionale"),
eufemismi (soprattutto: "danni collaterali"), equilibrismi lirici
("scommessa arbitraria sulla legittimità futura"), truismi, fino alle
tautologie alla D'Alema ("la guerra è la guerra", cioè, "gli affari sono
affari").E non sono mancati riferimenti all'attualità, fino agli omaggi
alla "teoria del caos".
Il messaggio è che questa guerra è strana, imperscrutabile, nuova. Forse
altro. Quale divario tra le sicurezze arroganti di ieri e l'imbarazzo di
oggi. Tutti a testimoniare di saper di non sapere, una volta scartate le
spiegazioni convenzionali come "ciarpame marxista" e "realpolitik".
"Non chiamiamola guerra!". In fondo le parole non sono che stipulazioni
tra parlanti. Basta mettersi d'accordo. Ma l'accordo non viene.
Sembrano mettersi d'accordo sulla circostanza che è l'assenza di regole
prendere il sopravvento, e quindi ecco balenare l'idea della "scommessa
futuro", della creatività, del cambio di paradigma (che è quasi una
rivoluzione, sia pure solo semantica).
Ma oltre alla formidabile produzione di retorica, rimane la possibilità
cogliere le riflessioni, le contorsioni e le convulsioni nella
di apprezzare gli aggiustamenti e gli spostamenti progressivi che l'uso
combinato di immagini, propaganda e allocuzioni di maîtres à penser
producendo sull'intellettualità di massa, su quell'insieme plastico per
è finalmente lecito parlare di "general intellect".
Un "intelletto" leggero, esercitatosi ultimamente nei movimenti del
"politically correct", cioè nella sottrazione sistematica di senso.
"Intelletto" selezionato con cura nelle redazioni dei giornali, nelle
televisioni, nelle case editrici e in quel che rimane dell'università;
"intelletto" secondo cui il massimo della professionalità intellettuale
consiste nel non avere opinioni divergenti.

5. Intorno alle cause

Le cause individuate dal pensiero "critico"
della guerra sono qui elencate un po' alla rinfusa. Tutte egualmente
e manchevoli allo stesso tempo. Il travaglio di ricondurre l'ignoto al
avviene anche nella sinistra non omologata, e forte risulta la
di considerare quella contro la Jugoslavia "una guerra come le altre".
- Il tradizionale "imperialismo Usa" con le sue strategie geopolitiche
globali, il ruolo del complesso militar-industriale, i nuovi compiti
offensivi affidati alla Nato (espansione verso l'Est per recuperare e
integrare la fascia degli "ex paesi cuscinetto" e isolare e ridurre le
eventuali velleità di una futura "potenza slava" a centralità russa, una
volta che le economie capitaliste di questi paesi si siano stabilizzate
abbiano avviato dei cicli espansivi); l'idea di fare della Nato
un organismo a vocazione globale alternativo all'Onu per sottrarsi
definitivamente ai veti vincolanti dei paesi componenti il Consiglio
permanente di sicurezza.
- Il progetto di "difesa europea" (una Nato senza Usa) concorrenziale, e
su una lunga prospettiva rivale, della Nato con gli Usa, che
nell'immediato un maggiore protagonismo internazionale all'Unione
non solo commerciale ma anche politico-militare e dunque di imperialismo
per il momento regionale. Queste tensioni, causa di attriti e frizioni,
traversano la Nato attuale e la condotta "militarmente insensata" (a
di numerosi ex militari ed esperti di strategia francesi, inglesi e
americani) di questa guerra. L'Europa (la Germania che si gusta il
della rivincita, la Gran Bretagna e la Francia) non ha subìto questa
ma l'ha voluta almeno quanto gli Usa.
- Il "panpenalismo internazionale". Si tratta di una ideologia autonoma,
nel senso che non è emanazione di uno Stato particolare, che poggia però
una rete burocratica di strutture amministrative internazionali
internazionale contro i crimini di guerra e i crimini contro
su alcune grosse Ong, su un personale di giuristi dei diritti dell'uomo,
esperti di diritto internazionale, ex sessantottini riciclati nel
giustizialismo del diritto d'ingerenza umanitario, seguaci del ius
che ha diramazioni nei singoli governi essenzialmente europei.
su scala internazionale il paradigma emergenzialista, costoro si
come gli interpreti genuini di una presunta "società civile
trasversale agli Stati sovrani. Gli Usa fanno un uso puramente
dell'ideologia panpenalista, lì dove vi trovano una convenienza
congiunturale, pur non essendo panpenalisti strutturalmente. Sono
paese a non aver aderito al "Tribunale internazionale", diffidano e
detestano un organismo transnazionale che si potrebbe rivelare una
variabile incontrollabile e che rischierebbe di mettere in questione la
sovranità della loro politica internazionale che risponde a dei puri
criterii di "realismo politico" (tutela dei proprii interessi di ogni
ordine e grado con tutti i mezzi leciti e illeciti possibili attualmente
esistenti e da inventare). I panpenalisti, a loro volta, non sopportano
Usa; ma non perché considerino questo paese un violatore sistematico di
accordi e convenzioni internazionali, oltre che responsabile di infiniti
crimini di guerra e contro l'umanità. La loro è una
Si sentono rifiutati (da qui l'ostilità) da una grande potenza militare
potrebbe essere l'invincibile braccio armato (da qui il fascino) della
giustiziauniversale "quotata a Wall Street" (come sostiene Scalzone).
- La variabile panpenalista si interseca e in parte si sovrappone con
seconda variabile, quella della "sinistra di governo", detta anche
"sinistra mondiale", quella del caminetto di Clinton. Una parte del
personale politico della generazione del '68 gestisce oggi le leve
della politica: Clinton (il figlio dei fiori), Blair, Schroeder, Jospin,
D'Alema (che tirava molotov) e Solana (che faceva la guerra ai Pershing
ai Cruise). Gli effetti sinistri di questa sinistra sono stati il
cinico di affrontare la questione kurda, la prima guerra europea contro
paese che non aveva dichiarato guerra a nessuno Stato (ma a un popolo),
l'apertura continua di focolai che rischiano di incendiare l'intera
dei Balcani. Nullaggine diplomatica e insulsaggine militare di una
aerea: un errore di supponenza che nessuna "destra realista" avrebbe mai
commesso. Doppiopesismo sfacciato nell'evocazione dell'argomento della
violazione dei diritti umani. Infine panpenalismo, cioè il giudiziario
regolatore dei rapporti internazionali. Ma non il diritto. Proprio come
Cause, come si vede, certamente importanti e rintracciabili nei fatti.
Così come quelle sui "corridoi" di passaggio del greggio caucasico,
o mediorientale; sulle aree di influenza di questo e quel paese su
Ma nessuna appare esaustiva. Né da sola, né tutte assieme riescono a
spiegare il senso di questa guerra.
Che, ci sembra, può essere intesa nella sua interezza solo come momento
decisione. La posta in gioco è fin dall'inizio politica. Ovvero:chi
oggi nel mondo. Non un organismo consensuale, ma una macchina da guerra
totale. Per questo la Nato non si era data altra opzione se non quella
prevalere a ogni costo. Fuori e contro ogni altro organismo, fosse
l'Onu, il G8 o qualsiasi altra cosa. Fuori e contro l'Europa, in primo
luogo, unica aggregazione economica a livello mondiale potenzialmente in
grado di competere con il nordamerica sul piano dell'egemonia
capitalistica. L'Europa che aveva scelto un senso di marcia opposto
rispetto alle fondazioni di comunità "potenti": prima l'integrazione
monetaria e la libera circolazione delle merci, poi quella politica e,
infine, in un lontano futuro, quella militare. Senso di marcia su cui ha
sùbito incontrato - contromano - il tir impazzito degli Usa unica
iperpotenza militar-tecnologica, ritrovandosi così a essere entusiastica
autrice del proprio fallimento come "alternativa capitalistica". Il
vassallaggio europeo può essere tutto ritrovato nelle parole con cui
Massimo D'Alema enfatizza «l'accresciuta considerazione internazionale
dell'Italia»: un "alleato" prima sempre oscillante e tentato
che ora diventa servo zelante ed entusiasta.

(1/2, continua)

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


1941: sollevazione del Montenegro contro le truppe di occupazione

La popolazione montenegrina si sollevo' presto contro l'occupatore
fascista italiano pagando a caro prezzo in termini di morti e di
distruzioni ma accendendo una luce di speranza che divenne presto
l'incendio di tutta la Jugoslavia, liberata dalle formazioni partigiane
di tutte le nazionalita', balcaniche e non solo: anche tanti italiani si
unirono alla Resistenza jugoslava dopo l'8 settembre 1943. Sotto la
guida di Josip Broz "Tito" la Guerra Popolare di Liberazione (Narodna
Oslobodilacka Borba, NOB) assunse immediatamente un carattere di massa,
spazzo' via i nazifascisti ed i loro servi locali e pose le fondamenta
per la ricostruzione di un paese indipendente, multinazionale,


> BELGRADE, July 12 (Tanjug) Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic
> has extended cordial felicitations to Montenegrin citizens on the occasion
> of July 13 Uprising Day of the Montenegrin people.
> "The people of Montenegro rose against fascism on July 13, 1941,
> and, together with patriots of other Yugoslav people, won a victory over
> the fascist forces of occupation and their domestic helpers. With massive
> participation and courage in the ranks of the Yugoslav National Liberation
> Army, Montenegrin veterans made a great contribution to our country's
> liberation in the Second World War.
> "I wish to the Montenegrin people to continue with success to wage
> the struggle for freedom, national dignity, against fascism, for a common
> life with Serbia, for a happy life in Yugoslavia," said President Milosevic.
> BELGRADE, July 12 (Tanjug) Yugoslav Prime Minister Momir
> Bulatovic has extended cordial felicitations to Montenegrin citizens on the
> occasion of July 13 Uprising Day of the Montenegrin people, on behalf of
> the federal government and in his own name. The note said:
> "The uprising of July 13 is a brilliant example of the
> Montenegrins' ancestral struggle for freedom, and against any force or
> injustice, no matter how powerful it is at present. The general popular
> antifascist uprising in Montenegro will remain a lasting model for present
> and future generations in their aspirations toward freedom.
> "On this occasion, once again, I reiterate best wishes for the
> successful overall development of the Republic of Montenegro and for a
> peaceful, richer and happier life of all its citizens, and for the
> strengthening and prosperity of our common state the Federal Republic of
> Yugoslavia."
> BELGRADE, July 12 (Tanjug) Yugoslav Army Chief of General Staff,
> Gen. Nebojsa Pavkovic on Wednesday sent a note of congratulations to
> veteran organization SUBNOR Montenegrin Committee President Bosko Golovic
> on the occasion of July 13 Uprising Day of the Montenegrin people in WWII.
> The note, addressed to veterans of the National Liberation Wars
> and all citizens, said the Yugoslav Army, as a joint armed force of all
> Yugoslav citizens, would continue unwaveringly to protect and develop the
> values selflessly created over centuries by the country's most glorious
> generations.

e-mail: crj@... - URL: