
...In seguito al collasso della Jugoslavia monarchica, nel 1941, il
Kosmet viene suddiviso in tre zone di occupazione straniera:
una italiana, una tedesca ed una bulgara.

Nell'agosto 1941 l'Italia, che occupa la parte piu' estesa, annette
questo territorio alla "Grande Albania". Tutto il Kosmet, compresa la
zona di Mitrovica, Podujevo e Vucitrn, a maggioranza serba e
formalmente sotto il controllo del governo-fantoccio filotedesco di
Nedic, e' in realta' alla merce' delle bande dei collaborazionisti
albanesi, specialmente quelle di Boletini e Deva, che seminano il
terrore sotto gli auspici della Wehrmacht.

In effetti durante la guerra nella Grande Albania verra' costituita
persino una divisione schipetara delle SS, la "Skanderbeg", cosi'
come in Bosnia la divisione "Handzar", tutta composta da musulmani.
Analogamente a quanto avviene nella Croazia di Pavelic e Stepinac,
anche nel Kosovo panalbanese i diritti di cittadinanza ai serbi sono
negati. Si mira all'annientamento della cultura e della presenza
fisica serba. Svariati villaggi e luoghi di culto vengono rasi al
suolo, e molti crimini vengono commessi contro la popolazione.

(...) Sotto il nazifascismo nella zona viene
ripristinato il sistema di proprieta' feudale: i contadini perdono
cosi' i beni ottenuti grazie alla riforma agraria del 1918, attuata
dal regno jugoslavo. Rispuntano i "bey" e gli "aga" di ottomana
memoria, che tornano a controllare la distribuzione dei prodotti
agricoli e la vita sociale in quanto rappresentanti del nuovo Stato
panalbanese. Le razzie contro il bestiame e la distruzione dei beni
degli ortodossi sono consuetudine.
Kosovo Polje e Pristina vengono abbandonate dalla popolazione
non-schipetara. Fonti tedesche di allora registrano almeno 60mila
fuggiaschi. Persino Neubacher, plenipotenziario del Ministero degli
Esteri hitleriano, deve intervenire perche' gli episodi di terrore

L'atteggiamento degli occupanti italiani nei confronti delle violenze
commesse dalle milizie collaborazioniste albanesi e' duplice.
Nell'ottobre del 1941 gli italiani sono corresponsabili della
distruzione del villaggio di Dren. Viceversa, nel dicembre 1942 a
Vitomirica attacchi a sorpresa dei fascisti locali contro la popolazione
cristiano-ortodossa costringono questa a riparare nell'accampamento dei

( )




> NATO in Kosovo: in bed with a scorpion

> Noam Chomsky: A review of NATO’s war over Kosovo



Numerous ethnic Albanians boycotted registration poll and will boycott
Kouchner's elections

August 03, 2000
Ethnic Albanians saw through the intentions as well
Pristina, August 3 - Leader of the Democratic Reform Party of ethnic
Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija, Sokolj Cuse, assessed that numerous
ethnic Albanians would boycott illegal elections prepared by U.N.
mission chief Bernard Kouchner.
"KFOR and UNMIK keep on exerting unprincipled pressures with threats and
blackmails, not only on unlike-minded ethnic Albanians who do not agree
with extremists and separatists, but also on the representatives of
other national communities - Serbs, Turks, Romanies, Goranies and other,
forcing them to register to vote and go to the polls. That is not only a
non-democratic act, but is also direct violation of the U.N. Security
Council Resolution 1244, Cuse said.
Leader of the Democratic Reform Party of ethnic Albanians, which has
been fighting for multiethnic Kosovo and Metohija within Serbia and
Yugoslavia for years, thinks that there will be no democratic elections
in Kosovo and Metohija "because Kouchner has registered some 250,000
Albanians from Albania and Macedonia".
According to Cuse, they have entered Kosovo and Metohija through a
non-secured border crossing, forcefully moved in the houses of expelled
non-Albanian population, committed numerous robberies, murders and other
"Unfortunately, not only Kouchner, but also terrorist Hashim Thaqui
relies on them. In return, they have received "recognition" of being
Kosovo and Metohija residents on the basis of false, or even none ID-s,
despite the fact that authorized bodies in Serbia have computer records
on each Kosovo and Metohija resident, Cuse said.




Norwegian troops took money and gold

August 11, 2000
KFOR troops took money and gold
Kosovo Polje, August 10 (Tanjug) - During a three-hour search of a Serb
house, Norwegian KFOR troops based in Kosovo Polje took 7,500 DM and
gold, while the house owner Mirka Maksimovic ended in a health center,
spokesman of the Serbian National Assembly in Kosovo Polje Zivomir Vucic
Norwegian KFOR troops in full battle dress previously surrounded with
several jeeps a vehicle of the Serbian National Assembly chairman
Ratomir Maksimovic, Serbian National Assembly Executive Board vice
chairman Zvonko Mitic and Vucic, on the pretext of exercising a routine
That "routine check has lasted for three hours with arms prepared to
fire. They took our personal data, demanded that we give them our home
phone numbers and took photos of us", Vucic said.
The harassment continued in front of Mirka Maksimovic's house, Ratomir
Maksimovic's mother. Norwegian troops then searched her house.
"Ratomir Maksimovic was in front of the house, Mitic and I were not
allowed to leave the car. They took 7,500 DM and gold from Mirka
Maksimovic's house. Being a serious diabetic, Mirka got sick and
received treatment in the health center", Vucic said.
This Norwegian KFOR troops' behaviour caused spontaneous gathering of
some 200 Serb residents in front of Mirka Maksimovic's house, Vucic
said, adding that the troops have sent off a Serb translator and brought
a uniformed ethnic Albanian one.



Ankara Urges UN to Improve Kosovo Turks' Rights

ANKARA, Aug 1, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Turkish
Foreign Minister Ismail Cem urged Monday the head of
the United Nations interim administration in Kosovo,
Bernard Kouchner, to boost the rights of the Turkish
community in the province, a Turkish official said...


Turkey Weeps Crocodile Tears
by Dan Dostinic (8-3-00)

"Ankara urges UN to improve Kosovo Turks' rights." And therein
lies a tale...

A July 31 Agence France Presse (AFP) report states that "Turkish
Foreign Minister
Ismail Cem urged Monday the head of the United Nations interim
administration in
Kosovo, Bernard Kouchner, to boost the rights of the Turkish community
in the province."
The article cites Huseyin Dirioz, a Turkish foreign ministry official.

Turkey's concern stems from the decision of some 60,000 Kosovo Turks to
municipal elections because the "UN mission did not issue registration
forms in Turkish."

The article further states that "the Turks enjoyed cultural autonomy
under Belgrade's rule
and did not join the Albanian struggle for independence although the
two communities
have a common faith in Islam."

AFP does not explore the implications of the statement that the Turks,
a minority in
Serbia as are Albanians, "enjoyed cultural autonomy under Belgrade's
rule" during the
period (i.e., the 1990s) when Albanians were fighting for

Didn't Western leaders claim they had no choice but to bomb Yugoslavia
to restore to
ethnic Albanians the cultural autonomy they had been supposedly denied
because the
Serbian "rulers" loathed their Muslim faith? And wasn't the Muslim
faith brought to - and
in many case forced on - the Balkans by...the Turks?

Is something wrong with this picture?

If Serbian officials hate Muslims, why is it that ethnic Turks in
Serbian Kosovo "enjoyed
cultural autonomy under Belgrade's rule"? And why are the Turks
complaining that now,
under enlightened NATO rule, they can't even get the UN to print
Turkish language
election ballots?

Could it be that Belgrade was speaking the truth?

Could it be that Yugoslavia never took away ethnic Albanians' cultural
autonomy, that is,
judicial functions, schools, hospitals and mass media in the Albanian
language? Could it
be that in fact the Albanian secessionist movement organized a boycott
of Albanian
language institutions (such as schools) in order to score propaganda
points with the
West? [See footnote 2]

And consider Turkey. Turkey was a strategic participant in the 78 day
bombing of
Yugoslavia which President Clinton said was necessary in order to
insure "respect for
minority rights." (Clinton, 'New York Times,' Op-ed, May 23, 1999)

And now Turkey has 1,000 troops in Kosovo.

According to recent reports, ethnic Albanians are complaining about
lawlessness in
Kosovo [Footnote 1] Refugees are afraid to return, fearing attacks by
extremists. A recent UN report described the UN-created Kosovo
Protection Corps as
engaging in:

"criminal activities - killings, ill-treatment/torture, illegal
policing, abuse of
authority, intimidation, breaches of political neutrality and
hate speech." ( From
The UN appoints an alleged war criminal in Kosovo, by Michel
Chossudovsky, at )

Given these conditions, shouldn't there be a renewal of demands for
inquiries in all
capitals that took part in the bombing of Yugoslavia? The question to
which we need an
answer is: WHY?

The AFP article closes with the following: "Cem warned that Turkey
could limit its
contributions to Kosovo's security if the rights of the Turkish
community were not

What "security" Mr. Cem?

Dan Dostinic is a Canadian antiwar activist.


1) In "Concentration camps in Kosovo: The KLA Archipelago" Jared Israel
offers the
following amazing description of the brave new civil government which
the UN and
NATO have installed in Kosovo. The following is from the 'New York
Times, ' hardly an
opponent of US policy in Yugoslavia. The excerpt begins with a quote
from the 'Times':

'"Tahir Canolli, 49, ran a furniture store in Pristina for nearly
three decades. He,
like many businessmen, hoped that when he returned to Pristina
from the refugee
camps in Macedonia, the harassment he experienced under Serbs
would end."'

"Note [from Jared Israel] to readers: the "harassment under
Serbs" remark,
pasted onto the article without benefit of support or explanation
(how was he
harassed and how do we know he was?) is an example of the
Obligatory Bash
( ) which can
be found in
virtually all articles about Yugoslavia. No matter what the
subject, and especially
if the subject is KLA terror, the writer or editor offers at
least one anti-Serbian
side-swipe just to remind readers that however awful the KLA and
NATO may
be, 'The Serbs' are worse. Note that 'The Serbs' are here treated
as an
undifferentiated mass, which is only fitting for an Evil People."

'"Instead, a group of KLA fighters arrived at his shop two
weeks ago
with a paper issued from 'The Ministry of Public Order'
demanding the
keys to his 1990 Audi 80 and his store.

''They were arrogant, brutal and rude,' he said, unfolding
the stamped
order that he now carries in his pocket. 'They told me that
if I did not
comply immediately they knew a cellar I might like to

"A cellar? As in dungeon?

"The Times report ascends from the horrible to the surreal:

'"Within hours, $50,000 worth of furniture was loaded onto
trucks brought
by the officials who had demanded his keys. The looters not
only stripped
the store of its contents but also ripped out the heaters,
lamps and
mirrors. [!] They carted away 24 large flower boxes that had
been outside
the building. The next day several flower boxes of the same
design and
with the same kinds of plants were placed outside the
building where Mr.
Thaci works."

"Mr. Thaci was indulging his feminine side, yes? Now comes a bit
of humor,
perhaps unintended:

'"Mr. Thaci's appointees said that such confiscations,
especially of
state-owned buildings, were part of their effort to
determine property
ownership. They also defended the decision to begin
collecting money
from businesses, a practice many shop owners have labeled

"Ah, those troublesome shop owners! Always throwing around

"The article continues:

'"Mr. Canolli has spent hours outside Mr. Thaci's ministries
in recent
days in the hope that he can reclaim some of his property or
compensated for it. But each attempt has been rebuffed.

"'I saw the K.L.A. police inspector who gave me the
confiscation order
driving my car, although it had no license plates,' he said.
'I went to his
office but was told at the door that I should never come
back or attempt to
speak with him..'"(NY Times, July 29, 1999, my emphasis).
You can read
this article in full at

2) In her excellent introduction to the wars of secession in Yugoslavia
during the
1990s, Yugoslavia Seen Through a Dark Glass, Diana Johsnstone refers to
an ICG report
called Kosovo Spring, which talks about the boycott. Johnstone quotes
from the report:

24) "The March 24, 1998 report of the International Crisis Group
entitled 'Kosovo
Spring' notes that: 'In many spheres of life, including politics,
education and
health-care, the boycott by Kosovars of the Yugoslav state is
almost total.' In
particular, 'Kosovars refuse to participate in Serbian or
Yugoslavian political life.
The leading Yugoslav political parties all have offices in Kosovo
and claim some
Kosovar members, but essentially they are 'Serb-only'
institutions. In 1997
several Kosovars accused of collaborating with the enemy (i.e.
the Serbian
State) were attacked, including Charnilj Gasi, head of the
Socialist Party of
Serbia in Glagovac, and a deputy in the Yugoslav Assembly's House
of Citizens,
who was shot and wounded in November. The lack of interest of
Serb political
parties in wooing Kosovars is understandable. Kosovars have
boycotted the Yugoslav and Serbian elections since 1981,
considering them
events in a foreign country.'"

As Ms. Johnstone notes, the ICG is very much not a pro-Serbian
institution, merely one
that is required on occasion to tell the truth:

"The ICG, while scarcely pro-Serb in its conclusions,
nevertheless provides
information neglected by mainstream media. This is perhaps
because the ICG
addresses its findings to high-level decision-makers who need to
be in
possession of a certain number of facts, rather than to the
general public. Gasi
was not the only target of Albanian attacks on fellow Albanians
in the Glogovse
municipal district, situated in the Drenica region which the
"Kosovo Liberation
Army" (UCK) tried to control in early 1998. Others included
forester Mujo Sejd,
52, killed by machine-gun fire near his home on January 12, 1998;
Mustafa Kurtaj, 26, killed on his way to work by a group firing
automatic rifles;
factory guard Rusdi Ladrovci, ambushed and killed with automatic
apparently after refusing to turn over his official arm to the
UCK; among others.
On April 10, 1998, men wearing camouflage uniforms and insignia
of the Army of
Albania fired automatic weapons at a passenger car carrying four
ethnic Albanian
officials of the Socialist Party of Serbia including Gugna Adem,
President of the
Suva Reka Municipal Board, who was gravely injured; and Ibro
Vait, member of
the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and President of
the SPS district
board in the city of Prizren. Numerous such attacks have been
reported by the
Yugoslav news agency Tanjug, but Western media have shown scant
interest in
the fate of ethnic Albanians willing to live Serbs in
multi-ethnic Serbia." ( Quoted
from Through a Dark Glass at



NOTA: Tra i fondatori di "Medici senza frontiere", ONG premio Nobel che
ha gia' espulso la sua sezione greca perche' "aiutava i serbi", c'e'
l'attuale amministratore coloniale ONU, il serbofobo Kouchner.,4382,500236922-500346724-502000175-0,00.html

Global: Humanitarian doctors leave Kosovo in protest

The Associated Press

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (August 7, 2000 5:16 p.m. EDT - Accusing the United
Nations of allowing ethnic cleansing to continue in
Kosovo, the Belgian branch of the humanitarian group
Doctors Without Borders announced Monday it was
leaving the embattled area.

Doctors Without Borders "can no longer tolerate the
serious and continuous deterioration of living
conditions of the ethnic minorities in Kosovo," the
group said in a statement released in Pristina. French
teams from Doctors Without Borders will remain in the

The group said the Belgian doctors had been
"eyewitnesses to the daily harassment and terror
against the Serb minority in (the towns of) Vucitrn
and Srbica and the Albanian minority in (the northern
part of Kosovska) Mitrovica."

The group said life for ethnic minorities was marked
by killings, drive-by shootings, hand grenade attacks,
verbal abuse, threats, robbery and blackmail. Many had
been forced to leave their homes, the group said.

More than a year after NATO and the United Nations
marched into Kosovo, mistrust and violence still
fester between ethnic Albanians, Serbs and other
minority groups. International officials make almost
daily appeals for tolerance, saying ethnic tensions
are preventing the southern Serb province from
achieving economic and social progress.

"Doctors Without Borders questions the appropriateness
of humanitarian medical and psychological assistance
when, in the presence of internationally mandated
protection forces, the fundamental rights of people
are being denied," the statement said.

The Paris-based group, which was awarded the Nobel
Peace Prize in 1999, has worked in Kosovo since 1993.
It provides home-based care in the ethnically divided
city of Kosovska Mitrovica.




The Guardian (UK)
April 9, 1999
Democratic US senator Joe Lieberman, who introduced the Kosovo Self
Defence Act on March 25
"If, after extended air strikes, it becomes clear that Mr Milosevic
intends to continue his war of aggression, we must have an answer to the
question of what next? The bill we are proposing provides us with such
an answer, and an opportunity to send an uncompromising message to Mr
Milosevic: we will not stand idly by and allow him to brutalise the
people of Kosovo any longer..."


Joseph Lieberman, the KLA and Heroin

Kosovo War: KLA finances war with heroin sales
May 3, 1999 - By Jerry Seper

The Kosovo Liberation Army, which the Clinton administration has
embraced and some members of
Congress want to arm as part of the NATO bombing campaign, is a
terrorist organization that has
financed much of its war effort with profits from the sale of
Recently obtained intelligence documents show that drug agents in
five countries, including the
United States, believe the KLA has aligned itself with an
extensive organized crime network
centered in Albania that smuggles heroin and some cocaine to
buyers throughout Western Europe
and, to a lesser extent, the United States.
The documents tie members of the Albanian Mafia to a drug
smuggling cartel based in Kosovo's
provincial capital, Pristina. The cartel is manned by ethic
Albanians who are members of the Kosovo
National Front, whose armed wing is the KLA. The documents show it
is one of the most powerful
heroin smuggling organizations in the world, with much of its
profits being diverted to the KLA to
buy weapons.
The clandestine movement of drugs over a collection of land and
sea routes from Turkey through
Bulgaria, Greece and Yugoslavia to Western Europe and elsewhere is
so frequent and massive that
intelligence officials have dubbed the circuit the "Balkan Route."
Mr. Clinton has committed air power and is considering the use of
ground troops to support the
Kosovo rebels against Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. Last
week, Sen. Mitch McConnell,
Kentucky Republican, and Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, Connecticut
Democrat, called on the United
States to arm the KLA so ethnic Albanians in Kosovo could defend
themselves against the Serbs.
Mr. McConnell and Mr. Lieberman introduced a bill that would
provide $25 million to equip 10,000
men or 10 battalions with small arms and anti-tank weapons for up
to 18 months.
In 1998, the U.S. State Department listed the KLA -- formally
known as the Ushtria Clirimtare e
Kosoves, or UCK -- as an international terrorist organization,
saying it had bankrolled its
operations with proceeds from the international heroin trade and
from loans from known terrorists
like Osama bin Laden. "They were terrorists in 1998 and now,
because of politics, they're freedom
fighters," said one top drug official who asked not to be
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, in a recent report, said
the heroin is smuggled along
the Balkan Route in cars, trucks and boats initially to Austria,
Germany and Italy, where it is routed
to eager buyers in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands,
Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and Great
Britain. Some of the white powder, the DEA report said, finds its
way to the United States.
The DEA report, prepared for the National Narcotics Intelligence
Consumer's Committee (NNICC),
said a majority of the heroin seized in Europe is transported over
the Balkan Route. It said drug
smuggling organizations composed of Kosovo's ethnic Albanians were
considered "second only to
Turkish gangs as the predominant heroin smugglers along the Balkan
Route." The NNICC is a
coalition of federal agencies involved in the war on drugs.
"Kosovo traffickers were noted for their use of violence and for
their involvement in international
weapons trafficking," the DEA report said.
A separate DEA document, written last month by U.S. drug agents in
Austria, said that while the
war in the former Yugoslavia had reduced the drug flow to Western
Europe along the Balkan Route,
new land routes have opened across Romania, Hungary and the Czech
Republic. The report said,
however, the diversion appeared to be only temporary.
The DEA estimated that between four and six metric tons of heroin
leaves each month from Turkey
bound for Western Europe, the bulk of it traveling over the Balkan
A second high-ranking U.S. drug official, who also requested
anonymity, said government and
police corruption in Kosovo, along with widespread poverty
throughout the region, had contributed
to an increase in heroin trafficking by the KLA and other ethnic
Albanians. The official said drug
smuggling is "out of control" and little is being done by
neighboring states to get a handle on it.
"This is the definition of the wild, wild West," said the
official. "The bombing has slowed it down, but
has not brought it to a halt. And, eventually, it will pick up
where it left off."
The heroin trade along the Balkan Route has been of concern to
several countries:

The Greek representative of Interpol reported in 1998 that
Kosovo's ethnic Albanians were "the
primary sources of supply for cocaine and heroin in that country."
Intelligence officials in France said in a recent report the KLA
was among several organizations in
southern Europe that had built a vast drug-smuggling network.
France's Geopolitical Observatory
of Drugs said in the report that the KLA was a key player in the
rapidly expanding drugs-for-arms
business and helped transport $2 billion worth of drugs annually
into Western Europe.
German drug agents have estimated that $1.5 billion in drug
profits is laundered annually by Kosovo
smugglers, through as many as 200 private banks or
currency-exchange offices. They noted in a
recent report that ethnic Albanians had established one of the
most prominent drug smuggling
organizations in Europe.
Jane's Intelligence Review estimated in March that drug sales
could have netted the KLA profits in
the "high tens of millions of dollars." The highly regarded
British-based journal noted at the time
that the KLA had rearmed itself for a spring offensive with the
aid of drug money, along with
donations from Albanians in Western Europe and the United States.

Several leading intelligence officials said the KLA has, in part,
financed its purchase of AK-47s,
semiautomatic rifles, shotguns, handguns, grenade launchers,
ammunition, artillery shells,
explosives, detonators and anti-personnel mines through drug
profits -- cash laundered through
banks in Italy, Germany and Switzerland. They also said KLA rebels
have paid for weapons using the
heroin itself as currency.
The profits, according to the officials, also have been used to
purchase anti-aircraft and anti-armor
rockets, along with electronic surveillance equipment.


Decline of The West
by George Szamuely -
August 10, 2000

Joe Lieberman and the Gangsta State

"Determined to transform a potential liability into a defining asset,
Vice President Al Gore today
formally introduced Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut as his
Democratic running mate
and portrayed his selection of Mr. Lieberman, an Orthodox Jew, as a
measure of his devotion to
tolerance and his willingness to break barriers" – thus the New York
Times's (8/9/00) entirely
predictable attempt to bully people into voting for Al Gore...


The Media’s Inaccurate Report Creates Lieberman "Anti-Semitic" Incident

Milking the "Jewish Connection" Portrays Lieberman as a "Victim"
By: Mary Mostert, Analyst, Original Sources (
August 10, 2000

On Tuesday in Nashville, Tennessee, Vice President Gore introduced
Connecticut Sen. Joseph I.
Lieberman as his vice presidential running mate and said the inclusion
of the "first Jew on a
national ticket would help tear down a mighty wall of division." ...


Senator Lieberman - Apologist for the fascist KLA

by Jared Israel and Eric Garris (8-10-00)

"And so this Lieberman, who makes a public spectacle of his
religious beliefs, who
pontificates from a pinnacle higher than Morality, this Lieberman
fronts for the KLA,
self-proclaimed heirs to the Balli Kombëtar, the World War II
Albanian fascists (3) who
are responsible for the deaths of almost all the Jews in Kosovo.
Note that since being put
in power by NATO and the UN, the KLA has driven from Kosovo those
Jews who
escaped the Balli Kombëtar during W.W. II, driven out those
survivors of the Holocaust
and their descendants.(4)" [Excerpt from "Senator Lieberman -
Apologist for the fascist

In April, 1999, during the NATO War against Yugoslavia, an attempt was
made in Congress to
officially fund the arming of the Kosovo Liberation (sic!) Army (sic!
again) or KLA. Along with
Sen. John McCain, Sen. Joseph Lieberman sponsored the "Kosovo
Self-Defense Act." The text of
the statement Lieberman made at the time is posted below.

Here are a few observations to help put Lieberman's actions in

There is virtually no doubt that at the time Lieberman was calling on
Congress to arm the KLA,
the US was already covertly providing arms and training to that
secessionist-terrorist group. As
early as the fall of 1998 we know that the Kosovo Verification Mission
was setting up tactical
liaison with and providing training for the KLA (1), all under the
guidance of seasoned US death
squad liaison expert, William Walker. (2)

In February a Bosnian Islamist daily published the following:

"According to Tirana daily newspapers, the Albanian Minister of
Foreign Affairs Paskal
Milo said that KLA members will be trained in the US. During his
meeting with US
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Milo was informed that
Albanian guerrilla members
from Kosovo would be sent to the US for training. Milo added that
this was a promise,
which Albright gave him personally." ('NEVNI AVAZ' or 'Daily
Voice,' pro-Islamist
Sarajevo daily, 26 Feb 99)

Does a promise, apparently made by US Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright in February, 1999,
to openly train the KLA contradict our assertion that the US was already
covertly training the
KLA long before February?

We don't think so. Rather, the promise of open training represented an
escalation in illegality by
the US government.

Consider, if you will, what it meant for the US to train the KLA.

1) The US was not at war with Yugoslavia in February, 1999.

2) In February, Albright described Kosovo as "a region of
Yugoslavia about the size of
Connecticut," i.e. admitted it was part of a sovereign country.

3) In February, Albright called the KLA a "sometimes brutal and
secessionist group devoted to a "simple answer to the tragedy of
Kosovo: independence
from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia." (Quotes are from
"Madeleine Albright delivers
remarks on Kosovo at the Institute of Peace," Feb. 4, 1999)

For the US to train the KLA secretly was therefore to secretly violate
national sovereignty, the
cornerstone of international law. But to promise open support for
violent secessionists was to
uphold the US government's right to openly and flagrantly violate
national sovereignty, the
cornerstone of international law.

In another statement in February, Albright described how the
'international community' (led by the
US) would respond if the KLA didn't cooperate with US wishes:

"And if the Kosovar's [i.e., the KLA] crater this, it is obviously
more complicated because
there's not one any center, but they will lose the support of the
international community
and find themselves increasingly isolated and they can't operate
without the
community...('ABC this Week,' Feb. 7. 1999, our emphasis)

Obviously the KLA couldn't "lose the support of the international
community," that is, of the U.S.,
unless it had it to lose. As Albright noted, the KLA "cannot operate
without" this support. So US
Secretary of State Albright was admitting that the US government made it
possible for the KLA to
conduct terrorist attacks on Yugoslavia, a sovereign country. And mind
you, all this was weeks
before the failure of the so-called negotiations at Rambouillet.

Significance of Lieberman's 'Arm-the-KLA' Resolution

The point of the "Kosovo Self-Defense Act" was not that it was needed in
order for the KLA to
get U.S. weapons. Rather, it was intended to openly involve the US
Senate in a crime of war and
to prepare public opinion for viewing the vicious KLA fascists as
freedom fighters deserving
popular support. Lieberman refers to the KLA as "Kosovan military
forces" at a time (April 9,
1999) when the KLA was largely isolated, even among secessionist-minded
Albanians. And note,
that "Kosovan military forces" suggest there is some legitimate nation
of "Kosova" though no
such has ever existed, except as a Nazi creation. Indeed, the very word
"Kosova" is meaningless
in the Albanian language. (5)

And so this Lieberman, who makes a public spectacle of his religious
beliefs, who pontificates
from a pinnacle higher than Morality, this Lieberman fronts for the KLA,
self-proclaimed heirs to
the Balli Kombëtar, the World War II Albanian fascists (3) who are
responsible for the deaths of
almost all the Jews in Kosovo. Note that since being put in power by
NATO and the UN, the KLA
has driven from Kosovo those Jews who escaped the Balli Kombëtar during
W.W. II, driven out
those survivors of the Holocaust and their descendants.(4)

Following is the statement Sen. Lieberman gave to 'The Guardian' (UK) on
April 9, 1999.

"If, after extended air strikes, it becomes clear that Mr.
Milosevic intends to continue his
war of aggression, we must have an answer to the question of what
next? The bill we are
proposing provides us with such an answer, and an opportunity to
send an uncompromising
message to Mr Milosevic: we will not stand idly by and allow him
to brutalise the people
of Kosovo any longer.

This bill is premised on our belief that Nato ground forces will
not be put into Kosovo
unless the Serbs and Kosovans reach a peace agreement. If we adopt
that stance, though,
and Serbian aggression continues, we have an obligation to allow
the Kosovans to defend
themselves. Our legislation, by providing aid to the Kosovan
military forces, would give
them a fair chance to fight for their families and their future.

"I am aware that this proposal will raise some concerns. I recall
that when I first raised
the idea of training and equipping the Bosnian army, many critics
told us that we would
destabilise an entire region or accelerate an arms race. In the
end, I think those concerns
were shown to be misguided.

"Training and equipping the Bosnians enhanced the stability of the
area and helped end the
Bosnian war. The situation in Kosovo is different. But that does
not diminish the suffering
of the Kosovan people subjected to Serb aggression, nor negate
their right to defend their
families from the threat of genocide."


Further reading...

1) See 'The Cat is Out of the Bag" at

2) On William Walker's death squad credentials see 'Meet Mr. Massacre'

3) On fascism in Kosovo see George Thompson's 'The roots of Kosovo
fascism' at

4) 'Driven from Kosovo: Jewish Leader Blames NATO - Interview With Cedda
Prlincevic' at

(5) '''KosovA' 'KosovO' - What's in a Name?'' by Prof. J. Peter Maher at

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Albanian Daily News
August 10, 2000

"The Kosovars [KLA] acquired some state-of-the-art
weapons from western European countries and the U.S.,
but they relied for most of the weaponry on smuggling
through Albania's porous mountainous border."

Half of Guns Smuggled Abroad

TIRANA - Government officials say that half of some
700,000 weapons looted from army barracks have been
smuggled into neighbouring countries, while the
“complete disarming” of the population should take two
more years.

Minister of Public Order Spartak Poci said on Tuesday
that “only half” of the guns taken from army bases in
the 1997 turmoil still remain in the country.

“A considerable amount of weapons that were looted
from the army are not inside Albania’s borders, but
were smuggled abroad,” Poci said. “According to our
estimates, only 50 percent of the guns remain in
Albania, the rest were smuggled abroad.”

The minister did not provide any details on how the
government estimated the number of guns smuggling.
Unofficial sources said that this a rough estimate
based on the number of weapons seized and still in
possession in Kosovo, and figures from Italian and
Greek police gun-hunt operations.

Kosovo’s restive ethnic Albanian population was armed
thanks to a state breakdown in Albania, that made
impossible its control of the borders and army bases.
The Kosovo Liberation Army emerged as an organised
armed force in the second half of ‘97, a few months
after the riots.

The Kosovars acquired some state-of-the-art weapons
from western European countries and the US, but they
relied for most of the weaponry on smuggling through
Albania’s porous mountainous border.

Weapons were also smuggled to Italy and Greece to fuel
the local underworld there.

Albanian police have seized only 130,000 weapons,
mainly through voluntarily handing in, and from
development-for-weapons programmes.

Minister Poci said that a similar operation launched
at the beginning of this year, with the cooperation of
international donor organisations and western
government funds, yielded more than 40,000 weapons in
seven months. In addition, the police seized more than
3.5 million bullets, and military equipment such as
high-power explosives and heavy weapons.

“The disarming operation has given some impressive
results, but we will have to postpone the disarming
deadline for two more years,” said Poci, in a meeting
on disarmament in the central town of Elbasan.

The new deadline is set for August 13, 2002. The
minister said that the two-year deadline postponement
is a “sufficient period of time” to complete the
disarming process.

“The Albanian will be totally convinced that weapons
are no longer needed for their families,” Poci said,
failing to elaborate on his belief that the time
schedule was right.

Earlier this year the police found in one barn seven
air-to air missiles looted from the Gjadri air base.
When the police started the population disarming late
in ‘97, some people handed over tanks they had parked
in their backyards.

Elbasan, some 50 kilometres from Tirana, and the
surrounding villages are supposed to complete the
disarming by Sunday, August 13, this year but the
police and the local authorities have failed to meet
their target.

Some $1.5 million were invested in infrastructure
improvement, within the framework of a
development-for-weapons programme funded by the UN
Development Programme, and the governments of United
States, Britain and Denmark.

The police chief of Elbasan, Edmond Koseni, said the
police are still continuing to search for weapons, but
the priority is given to voluntarily handing over the




Toronto Globe and Mail

NATO in Kosovo: in bed with a scorpion
The KLA is running drugs and refuelling conflict.
No wonder even innocent tourists can get arrested

Wednesday, August 9, 2000


Foreign Policy
In Retrospect

A review of NATO’s war over Kosovo, Part II

By Noam Chomsky

The absurdity of the principle of retrospective justification is,
recognized at some level. Accordingly, many attempts to justify
the NATO
bombing take a different tack. One typical version is that “Serbia
Kosovo to squash a separatist Albanian guerrilla movement, but
10,000 civilians and drove 700,000 people into refuge in Macedonia
Albania. NATO attacked Serbia from the air in the name of
protecting the
Albanians from ethnic cleansing [but] killed hundreds of Serb
civilians and
provoked an exodus of tens of thousands from cities into the
Assuming that order of events, a rationale for the bombing can be
constructed. But uncontroversially, the actual order is the

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

-Ora sappiamo, dopo aver letto le carte, che la trappola che ha portato
all’arresto del compagno Jaime Yovanovic Prieto (Professor J.), era
scattata il 20 aprile, quando la polizia cilena inviò a quella italiana
una nota con la richiesta della sua cattura in quanto “pericoloso

La Polizia italiana sapeva dunque che Jaime sarebbe arrivato in Italia
per partecipare al Campo antimperialista di Assisi. Ma non l’ha fermato
all’aeroporto Leonardo da Vinci, né ha osato farlo durante i lavori del
Campo. La DIGOS di Perugia, sicuramente sulla base di una direttiva
UCIGOS, ha atteso che il Campo fosse finito, colpendoci tutti alle
spalle e ritenendo, a torto, di coglierci un un momento di debolezza.

- E invece la risposta nostra è stata pronta e massiccia. Abbiamo
lanciato una campagna nazionale e internazionale di controinformazione
grazie alla quale sono giunti centinaia di messaggi di solidarietà.
Dalle dieci di questa mattina, in duecento, eravamo sotto il carcere di
Perugia, mentre Jaime veniva interrogato dal Giudice di Corte d’Appello.
sapevamo che Jaime avrebbe non solo rifiutato di essere estradato in
Cile, ma anche di essere rispedito in Brasile dove vive da anni. La sua
e la nostra battaglia è stata per la libertà immediata e incondizionata
e l’asilo politico. Durante l’interrogatorio è giunto in carcere un fax
del Ministro di Grazia e Giustizia Fassino col quale si chiedeva di
mettere in libertà il compagno Jaime in quanto: 1. il reato ascritto ad
Jaime è reato politico e come tale non è perseguibile dalla legge
italiana; 2. in caso di estradizione in Cile (dove vige non la
democrazia ma come dicono i cileni la democradura, un ibrido tra
democrazia e dittatura!
) Jaime sarebbe giudicato non da un tribunale civile ma da quello
Militare, e ciò confligge col codice penale italiano; 3. Il Tribunale
militare cileno condannerebbe Jaime alla pena capitale e ciò è
incompatibile con la nostra Costituzione.

- Quando gli avvocati Innamorati e Crisci (che ringraziamo per il loro
appassionato lavoro) verso le ore 14,00 sono usciti dal carcere
annunciando questo esito straordinario, c’è stata in strada una gioia
incontenibile. A tutti era chiara la dimensione della vittoria ottenuta.
La nostra mobilitazione, la solidarietà internazionale hanno obbligato
il Ministro Fassino ha scarcerare Jaime, che ora è non è solo un libero
cittadino, ma gli è riconosciuta la sua dignità come combattente
E’ una vittoria anzitutto per tutti gli esuli cileni nel mondo, per
tutti i perseguitati dalla “Giustizia” militare di Santiago; è una
vittoria per tutti i militanti che nel mondo combattono per la
democrazia e la giustizia; è infine una vittoria nostra, organizzatori
del campo antimperialista contro la globalizzazione, che da anni veniamo
perseguitati, controllati (spesso illegalmente), umiliati, trattati da

- Abbiamo vinto una battaglia ma non finisce qui. Come i democratici
cileni che vogliono giustizia e per giustizia intendono anche il castigo
e la punizione assieme a Pinochet dei responsabili dei massacri compiuti
dalla dittatura militare; noi chiediamo che vengano puniti qui in Italia
i responsabili ai più alti livelli che hanno arrestato Jaime Yovanovic
Prieto a partire dal capo della Criminalpol, dal capo dell’UCIGOS
Andreassi per finire col Ministro dell’Interno G. Bianco che hanno
calpestato la legge italiana, violato la Costituzione repubblicana e
compiuto un gravissimo abuso di potere.
I responsabili dei crimini fascisti compiuti in Cile debbono pagare,
come debbono pagare per l’affronto portatoci i responsabili della
polizia italiana.

Moreno Pasquinelli e Alessandro Folghera
per il comitato del Campo Antimperialista contro la Globalizzazione
Assisi 2000

10 agosto, ore 16,30

Campo Antimperialista

Appello per la Libertà di Jaime Yovanovic Prieto
Arrestato all’uscita del campo antimperialista di Assisi
il 6 agosto 2000

Considerando che in Cile:

- I recenti precedenti giurisprudenziali di Patricio Ortiz e di Claudio
Molina, cittadini cileni arrestati rispettivamente in Svizzera ed in
Argentina su mandato di cattura emesso dall’Interpol (per ordini di
cattura dei tribunali militari cileni) e, successivamente rilasciati con
la motivazione che in Cile non si rispettano i diritti umani e che per i
reati politici esista tutt’oggi un accanimento giudiziario,

- A tutt’oggi, i reati politici sono di corrispondenza della giustizia
militare che si somma a quella civile, violando apertamente il principio
del “non bis in idem”,

- Vige tutt’ora la pena di morte,

- La democrazia cilena nei suoi poteri costitutivi e’ minata
dall’esistenza di un organo superiore, ovvero il Consiglio di Sicurezza
Nazionale (formato dai comandanti delle tre Forze Armate, dal Presidente
della Repubblica e dai Presidenti della Corte Suprema di Giustizia e del
Senato), che ha facolta’ di porre veto a qualsiasi iniziativa in ambito
legislativo, giudiziario ed esecutivo:

Noi, sottofirmatari del seguente appello, ci rivolgiamo al Governo
italiano affinche’ al cittadino Jaime Yovanovic Prieto, arrestato ad
Assisi nella giornata di domenica 6 agosto ed attualmente detenuto
presso il carcere di Perugia, sia data liberta’ immediata e concesso
l’asilo politico.

Jaime Yovanovic Prieto, ex militante del Movimento della Sinistra
Rivoluzionaria cilena, e’ accusato di aver presuntamente partecipato
nell’azione che causo’ la morte del general Carol Urzua, esperto di
controspionaggio militare, il 29 agosto del 1983.

Vale la pena segnalare che il processo non si e’ mai svolto fino ad
oggi, cosi’ come segnalare che il procedimento giudiziario e’ stato
posto in essere in pieno periodo dittatoriale.

La situazione di Jaime Yovanovic e’ gia’ un caso internazionale per
l’Italia: in primo luogo perche’ Jaime Yovanovic vide la propria vita
salvata grazie all’intervento del Papa e del cardinale Agostino
Casaroli, quando chiese asilo presso la nunziatura apostolica di
Santiago (1984), in secondo luogo perche’ la lezione di …calan,
evidentemente, non e’ servita ad imparare nulla.

La Corte d’Appello ha ora 4 giorni per pronunciarsi sulla legittimita’
dello stato di arresto di Jaime Yovanovic. Non possiamo tirarci
indietro. Estendiamo quindi l’invito alle diverse associazioni,
organizzazioni e cittadini, a sommarsi alla Campagna ed a partecipare al
Sit-In che sara’ sviluppato nella giornata di mercoledi’ o giovedi’
(domani confermeremo la data e l’ora esatte) davanti al Tribunale di
Perugia, in occasione del trasferimento di Jaime dal carcere alla Corte
d’Appello dove si svolgerˆ il suo interrogatorio.

Uniamo le Forze contro la globalizzazione antimperialista per la Pace e
la Giustizia Sociale!

Per la Liberta’ di Jaime Yovanovic Prieto! Per la Liberta’ di Tutti i
Prigionieri Politici!

Oralba Castillo-Najera,
presidentessa del Coordinamento Internazionale per i Prigionieri
Moreno Pasquinelli ed Alessandro Folghera
per il Comitato Politico del Campo Antimperialista di Assisi
ed Elias Letelier, poeta e presidente della Rete dei Familiari ed Amici
dei Prigionieri Politici del Cile.

Per Adesioni: tel 0742-78828 cel 0349-3650834

Perugia 7 agosto 2000

Campo Antimperialista


> L'on. Giuliano Pisapia ha presentato un'interrogazione urgente al Ministro
> di Grazia e Giustizia per chiedere un immediato intervento per la
> scarcerazione del professore cileno Jaime Yovanovic Prieto, militante della
> sinistra cilena e oppositore del regime dittatoriale del generale Pinochet.
> Prieto, che era in Italia con un regolare permesso, è stato arrestato sulla
> base di un mandato di cattura internazionale del tribunale militare cileno
> pur essendo già stato varie volte in Europa - Spagna, Belgio, Svizzera -
> senza aver alcun problema.
> Nell'interrogazione si fa presente che, nel caso del prof. Prieto, non è
> concepibile - ai sensi dell'art. 698 del codice di procedura penale -
> l'estradizione, anche qualora fosse richiesta dall'attuale governo cileno,
> in quanto:
> 1) il reato contestato - e in relazione al quale l'interessato si dichiara
> innocente - è indubbiamente reato politico. Ai sensi dell'art. 8 del nostro
> codice penale, infatti, è considerato reato politico ogni "delitto comunque
> determinato, in tutto o in parte, da motivi politici";
> 2) in Cile è prevista, per il reato contestato, la pena di morte e la Corte
> Costituzionale ha anche recentemente ribadito che in tali casi non è
> possibile l'estradizione;
> 3) in Cile - come sancito anche in recenti sentenze relative a casi analoghi
> in altri Paesi (Svizzera e Argentina) - non sono rispettati i diritti umani
> e non è garantito un equo processo, specialmente davanti ad un Tribunale
> Militare;
> 4) se estradato, il prof. Prieto sarebbe sicuramente sottoposto ad atti
> discriminatori per motivi politici.
> In tale situazione, Pisapia chiede al Ministro della Giustizia che faccia
> espressa richiesta, come suo potere ai sensi dell'art. 716 c.p.p., di revoca
> della misura coercitiva anche qualora la Corte d'Appello di Perugia
> convalidasse l'arresto provvisorio disposto dalla polizia giudiziaria.
> Nell'interrogazione urgente il deputato di Rifondazione Comunista ricorda
> come, nel caso specifico, vi siano tutti i presupposti per la concessione
> dell'asilo politico:
> a) il prof. Prieto, infatti, è stato ripetutamente sottoposto a torture in
> Cile dalla polizia golpista, proprio per la sua militanza politica (ancora
> oggi, a seguito di tali torture, versa in gravi condizioni di salute:
> timpano sinistro completamente fuori uso, timpano destro gravemente
> compromesso, disturbi di deambulazione);
> b) l'esule cileno era riuscito a sfuggire alla morte nel 1984, grazie
> all'intervento del Papa, quando si era rifugiato presso al Nunziatura
> apostolica di Santiago.
> Campo Antimperialista
> campo@...


Liberta¹ perJaime Yovanovic Prieto

Comunicato dell¹ 8 agosto

- Domani mattina sapremo con esattezza se Jaime verrà interrogato dal
domani o dopodomani e a che ora. Da questo dipende l¹indizione della
che comunque si svolgerà.

- Le adesioni al nostro appello per la libertà di Jaime continuano a
crescere dall¹Italia e
da tutto il mondo, così come alla manifestazione. Segnaliamo quelle
dell¹On. Luigi
Manconi (Verdi), Paolo Ferrero (Segreteria Nazionale del Partito della
Comunista), Don Vitaliano Della Sala (Parroco di S. Angelo a Scala),
Gianni Tognoni
della Fondazione Internazionale Lelio Basso per i diritti e la
liberazione dei Popoli,
Giorgio Nebbia (ex-deputato della Sinistra Indipendente e Docente
Università di Bari),
Dino Frisullo (Kurdistan Azad). La lista completa delle adesioni giunte
sarà disponibile
da domani mattina alle ore 10,00 sul nostro sito: www. (alla pagina:

- Ci rivolgiamo a tutti i cittadini democratici e ai compagni che hanno
a cuore la sorte
di Jaime e di tutti gli antifascisti cileni di comunicarci la loro
adesione e, nel caso la
partecipazione alla manifestazione a questo indirizzo:

- Informiamo che l¹Onorevole Giuliano Pisapia ha presentato questa
mattina al Ministro
di Grazia e Giustizia Fassino un¹interrogazione parlamentare (alleghiamo
il testo).

- Nella difesa di Jaime, all¹avvocato Francesco Innamorati
(ex-partigiano), si è
aggiunta, su segnalazione della comunità degli esuli cileni in Italia,
Simonetta Crisci del foro di Roma patrocinante in Cassazione.

- Segnaliamo che quest¹oggi abbiamo rilasciato interviste a Radio
Popolare di Milano,
Radio Città Aperta di Roma, Onda Rossa di Roma, Onda d¹Urto di Brescia,
dell¹Umbria, Metro di Roma, Libero di Milano. La notizia oggi è stata
ritrasmessa dal TG1
delle ore 13,00. Mentre ieri, oltre al TG1 un servizio di 4 minuti è
passato sul TG3
dell¹Umbria. Tutte le Tv privare umbre hanno aperto con servizi
sull¹arresto. Ci hanno
assicurato che domani parleranno del caso il manifesto, Repubblica, e
molti altri

Comitato Politico del Campo Antimperialista di Assisi 2000
Coordinamento Internazionale per i Prigionieri Politici


Vendetta di Pinochet nella citta' di S. Francesco

Nella citta' di Assisi (Perugia), il giorno 6 agosto 2000, la UCIGOS
dopo alcuni giorni di
monitoraggio, e' intervenuta per ordine dell'INTERPOL ed ha proceduto
all'arresto del cittadino
cileno Jaime Yovanovic Prieto, ex militante del Movimento della Sinistra
Rivoluzionaria, che
presuntamente avrebbe partecipato nell1azione che causo1 la morte del
general Carol Urzua.
Jaime Yovanovic era stato invitato a viaggiare dal Brasile in Italia,
per partecipare all'Incontro
Antimperialista '' No alla Globalizzazione'', dove si scambiavano idee
con altre organizzazioni
progressiste mondiali.

Alla fine dell'evento, il giorno 6 agosto dell'anno 2000, la Digos che
aveva tenuto sotto controllo
l'evento, ha proceduto a detenerlo, quando questo stava per prendere il
treno, diretto a Roma,
procedendo a trasportarlo alla Questura di Perugia e, successivamente,
al carcere del capoluogo

Le ragioni dell1arresto sono per omicidio ed in questo momento, 7
agosto, gli avvocati e le
organizzazioni italiane stanno lavorando attorno alla organizzazione e
difesa del nuovo prigioniero
politico cileno, che oggi, soffre lo stesso trattamento di Patricio
Ortiz e di Claudio Molina; cittadini
cileni che hanno affrontato richieste di estradizione per attivita 1
sviluppate durante la dittatura
militare in Cile. Patricio Ortiz in Svizzera, dopo una lunga battaglia
legale, si e 1 visto riconoscere
dal governo svizzero che in Cile nsi violano i diritti umani e quindi e1
stata negata la sua

E1 cosi, come la stessa situazione e1 stata imposta al cittadino cileno
Claudio Molina, militante
del Fronte Patriottico Manuel Rodriguez, per il quale la giustizia
militare cilena aveva domandato
l1estradizione al governo argentino, senza ottenere l1obiettivo. Di
fronte a questo fatto, lo stato
argentino, ha riconosciuto l1illegalita1 della giustizia militare
cilena, concedendo l1asilo politico al
lottatore cileno.
Il 16 gennaio del 1984, Jaime Yovanovic Prieto e altri tre cittadini
cileni, aiutati dal viceconsole
francese in Cile; Ivonne Legrand, entro1 nella nunziatura apostolica per
chiedere protezione per la
propria vita. La giustizia militare cilena immediatamente detto1
l1ordine di cattura, senza ottenere

A partire dal 29 agosto del 1983, data in cui e1 stato giustiziato il
generale Urzua, si decreto1
l1esecuzione e la cattura di massa dei militanti del MIR, che venivano
accusati della
responsabilita1 della morte del Generale. Il governo militare ordino1 la
creazione di un piano
strategico che sarebbe servito a terrorizzare la sinistra cilena, che si
batteva in una franca lotta
contro la dittatura cilena.

La Centrale Nazionale del Controspionaggio (CNI), sotto l1esistenza
dello squadrone
antisovversivo della Forza Aerea del Cile, decretarono una operazione
con il nome 3Punto 302,
operazione che implico1 la cattura e la morte dei cittadini:

Alejandro Salgado Troquian, assassinato dalla CNI e dalla Forza Aerea
Arturo Villabella Arauco;
assassinato dalla CNI e dalla Forza Aerea Carlos Araneda, arrestato dai
servizi d1intelligenza
Hugo Marchant Moya, arrestato dai servizi d1intelligenza Juan Elias
Espinoza Parra, assassinato
dalla CNI e dalla Forza Aerea Lucia Vergara, assassinata dalla CNI e
dalla Forza Aerea Sergio
Pena Diaz, assassinato dalla CNI e dalla Forza Aerea

Di fronte alla situazione degli assassinii dei militanti del MIR, Jaime
Yovanovic Prieto, Jose1
Aguilera, Elba Duarte e Pameila Cordero, aiutati dalla viceconsole
francese in Cile, Ivonne
Legrand, entrarono alla nunziatura apostolica, con il fine di richiedere
protezione per le loro vite. Il
governo militar cileno si vide obbligato a concedere il salvacondotto
dopo intervento diretto del
Cardinale Agostino Casaroli prima e, poi, di sua Santita1 Giovanni Paolo
Chiediamo alla comunita1 internazionale, alle organizzazioni politiche e
dei diritti umani, di agire
con urgenza per esigere la liberta1 incondizionale ed asilo politico al
cittadino cileno. Chiediamo a
tutti gli esseri liberi della terra di non permettere ai tribunali
militari cileni di continuare nella
persecuzione dei suoi cittadini che solo sognano una democrazia giusta e

Coordinamento Internazionale per i Prigionieri Politici, Oralba
Castillo-Najera, presidentessa
Comitato Politico del Campo Antimperialista di Assisi, Moreno
Pasquinelli, Alessandro Folghera,
Rete dei Familiari ed Amici dei Prigionieri Politici del Cile, il poeta
Elias Letelier, presidente

Numeri Utili:
Ministero degli Esteri fax 06-3691006
Ministero degli Interni fax 06-46549534
Carcere di Perugia Tel 075-5735640


En la Ciudad de Asis, Italia, el día domingo 06 de agosto del año 2000,
policía política italiana, (DIGOS), después de algunos días de
actuó bajo orden de la INTERPOL y procedió al arresto del ciudadano
chileno Jaime Yovanovic Prieto, ex militante del MIR, quien
participara en el ajusticiamiento del general Carol Urzua.

En efecto, Jaime Yovanovic fue invitado a viajar desde Brasil a Italia,
para participar en el encuentro antiimperialista mundial, donde se
intercambiaban ideas con otras organizaciones progresistas mundiales. Al
termino del evento, el día 6 de agosto de año 2000, la Policía Política
italiana, que había moni toreado el evento, procedió a detenerlo cuando
tomaba el tren para viajar a Roma., para trasladarlo a ala Centro
preventivo de Perugia

Las razones de la detención son por homicidio y en estos momentos, 07 de
agosto, los abogados y organizaciones italianas se encuentra trabajando
torno a la organización de la defensa de nuevo prisionero político
chileno, quien hoy, sufre el mismo trato que Patricio Ortiz y Claudio
Molina; ciudadanos chilenos que se vieron enfrentados a peticiones de
extradición por actividades desarrolladas durante la dictadura militar
chilena. Patricio Ortiz en Suiza, después de una larga batalla legal, el
gobierno suizo reconoció que en Chile se violan los derechos humanos y
categóricamente negó la extradición. Es así, como la misma situación fue
impuesta al ciudadano chileno Claudio Molina, militante del Frente
Patriótico Manuel Rodríguez, por quien la justicia militar chilena
demandara la extradición al gobierno Argentino, sin lograr el objetivo.
Ante este hecho, el estado argentino reconoció la ilegalidad de justicia
militar chilena otorgando asilo políticos al luchador chileno.

El 16 de enero de 1984, Jaime Yovanovic y otros ciudadanos chilenos,
ayudado por la Vicecónsul de Francia en Chile, señora Ivonne Legrand,
entró a la Nunciatura Apostólica para solicitar protección por su vida.
justicia Militar chilena inmediatamente dicto orden de captura sin
su objetivo.

A partir del 29 de Agosto de 1983, fecha en que fue ajusticiado de
Urzua, se decreto la ejecución y la captura masiva de los militantes del
MIR, a quienes se sindicaban como responsables de la muerte del General.
El gobierno militar ordenó la creación de un plan estratégico que
como escarmiento generalizado contra la izquierda, que se batía en una
franca lucha contra la dictadura chilena.

La Central Nacional de Inteligencia (CNI), bajo la asistencia del
Escuadrón Antisubversivo de la Fuerza Aérea de Chile, decretaron una
operación con el nombre PUNTO 30, la que implico la captura y el
de los ciudadanos:

Alejandro Salgado Troquian, asesinado por la CNI y la Fuerza Aérea
Arturo Villavela Araujo, asesinado por la CNI y la Fuerza Aérea
Carlos Araneda, detenidos por los servicios de inteligencia.
Hugo Marchant Moya, detenidos por los servicios de inteligencia.
Juan Elías Espinoza Parra, asesinado por la CNI y la Fuerza Aérea
Lucía Vergara, asesinada por la CNI y la Fuerza Aérea
Sergio Peña Díaz, asesinado por la CNI y la Fuerza Aérea

Ante la situación de los asesinatos los militantes del MIR, Jaime
Yovanovic Prieto, José Aguilera, Elba Duarte y Pamela Cordero, ayudados
por la Vicecónsul de Francia en Chile, señora Ivonne Legrand, entraron a
la Nunciatura Apostólica con el fin de solicitar protección por su vida.
El Gobierno militar chileno se vio obligado a otorgar salvoconducto
después de la intervención directa de Su Santidad Juan Pablo II.

Solicitamos a la comunidad Intencional, a las organizaciones políticas y
de derechos humanos, actuar con urgencia para exigir la libertad
incondicional y asilo político al ciudadano chileno. Solicitamos a todos
los seres libres de la tierra no permitir a las cortes militares de
continuar la persecución contra los chilenos que sueñan con una país
democrático y justo.

Coordinadora Internacional por los Presos Políticos, Oralba
Castillo-Najera, presidenta Comité Politico del Campo Antimperialista de
Asis, Moreno Pasquinelli, Alessandro Folghera, Red de Familiares y
de Presos Politicos de Chile, Elias Letelier, presidente

Numeros para enviar protestas urgentes:
Ministero de Relaciones Exteriores fax 0039-06-3691006
Ministero degli Interni fax 0039-06-46549534
Carcere di Perugia Tel 0039-075-5735640


In Assisi (Umbrien) verhaftete die DIGOS (politische Polizei) am 6.
2000, nach tagelanger Überwachung, den chilenischen Staatsbürger Jaime
Yovanovic Prieto, ehemaliges Mitglied der Bewegung der Revolutionären
(MIR), mittels eines Haftbefehls der Interpol, nach dem er angeblich an
Aktion teilgenommen haben soll, die zum Tod von General Urzua führte.
Yovanovic kam von Brasilen nach Italien um am Antiimperialistischen
„Nein zur Globalisierung“ teilzunehmen.

Erst nach Abschluss der Veranstaltung am 6. August schritt die DIGOS,
das gesamte Treffen genau überwacht hatte, ein und verhaftete ihn als er
Zug nach Rom besteigen wollte. Er wurde auf eine Polizeistation in
und in der Folge ins Gefängnis „Capolungo umbro“ gebracht.

Anwälte und Solidaritätsorganisationen haben die Kampagne zur
dieses neuen chilenischen politischen Häftlings bereits begonnen, dem
scheinbar das gleiche Schicksal wie Patricio Ortiz und Claudio Molina
widerfährt: alle sind chilenische Staatsbürger, für die seitens der
chilenischen Behörden Auslieferungsanträge für Taten gestellte, die
der Militärdiktatur begangen wurden. Nach einem langen juristischen
mussten die Schweizer Gerichte anerkennen, dass in Chile die
verletzt werden. Daher wurde das Auslieferungsansuchen letztendlich
abgelehnt. Ähnlich entwickelte sich der Fall des chilenischen
Claudio Molina, Aktivist der Patriotischen Front Manuel Rodriguez,
Auslieferung durch Argentinien von der chilenischen Militärjustiz
jedoch schließlich abgelehnt wurde. Der Grund: Argentinien betrachtet
chilenische Militärjustiz als illegal und gewährte dem chilenischen
politisches Asyl.

Ab 29. August 1983, Zeitpunkt der erfolgreichen Hinrichtung des Generals
Urzua, hatte eine Welle der Massenverhaftung von Kämpfern der MIR
eingesetzt, der die Verantwortung für den Anschlag angelastet wurde. Die
chilenische Militärregierung ordnete die Durchführung ihres
zur Terrorisierung der chilenischen Linken an, die sich im offenen Kampf
der Diktatur befand.

Die Nationale Zentrale für Gegenspionage (CNI) befahl die sogenannte
Operation „3Punto302“ durch die Aufstandsbekämpfungseinheiten der
chilenischen Luftwaffe, die folgendermaßen endete: Alejandro Salgado
Troquian (ermordet), Arturo Villabella Arauco (ermordet), Juan Elias
Espinoza Parra (ermordet), Lucia Vergara (ermordet), Sergio Pena Diaz
(ermordet), Carlos Araneda (vom Geheimdienst verhaftet), Hugo Marchant
(vom Geheimdienst verhaftet).

Angesichts dieser Mordwelle an Aktivisten der MIR flüchteten sich Jaime
Yovanovic Prieto, José Aguilera, Elba Duarte und Pameila Cordero am 16.
Januar 1984 mit Hilfe des französischen Vizekonsuls Ivonne Legrand in
Apostolische Nuntiatur, um ihr Leben zu schützen. Die chilenische
Militärjustiz strebte ihre Festnahme an, doch gelang diese nicht.

Die Militärmachthaben mussten nach direkter Intervention des Kardinals
Agostino Casaroli und schließlich des Heiligen Vaters Johannes Paul II.
selbst den sicheres Geleit zugestehen.

Wir rufen die internationale Öffentlichkeit sowie alle politischen und
Menschenrechtsorganisationen sofort Aktionen zu setzen, um die sofortige
bedingungslose Freilassung von Jaime zu erzwingen und ihm politisches
zu gewähren. Wir rufen alle freien Menschen dazu auf, es den
Militärtribunalen nicht zu erlauben, die Verfolgung all jener
die nichts mehr wünschten als Gerechtigkeit, Demokratie und

Vorsitzende der Internationalen Koordination für Politische Gefangene
Castillo Najera (Mexiko)
Politisches Komitee der Antiimperialistischen Lagers von Assisi, Moreno
Pasquinelli, Alessandro Folghera (Italien)
Vorsitzender des Netz der Familienangehörigen und Freunde der
Gefangenen Chiles, Elias Letelier

Protestschreiben bitte an:
Außenministerium: Fax 0039 06 3691006
Innenministerium: Fax 0039 06 46549534
Gefängnis Perugia: Tel 0039 075 5735640


Per Presa Visione: fax 0742-78828
Per Informazioni: tel 0742-78828
cel 0349-3650834

* Coordinamento Nazionale "LA JUGOSLAVIA VIVRA'"

* Progetto "Pancevo chiama Italia"
* Richiesta informazioni sulle elezioni nella RFJ
* LIBRI SEGNALATI in francese ed in tedesco


* Coordinamento Nazionale "LA JUGOSLAVIA VIVRA'"

L?embargo uccide come le bombe, come l?uranio,
come l?indifferenza

Rompiamo l?embargo contro la Jugoslavia!

Con pretesti vergognosamente definiti ?umanitari? gli USA e la NATO
hanno aggredito la
Jugoslavia, paese sovrano non disposto ad accettare le ricette del Fondo
Internazionale, allo scopo di imporre il proprio dominio coloniale sui

La Jugoslavia è stata prima sottoposta, da USA ed Unione Europea, ad 8
anni di sanzioni
economiche ed infine bombardata.

Fabbriche, ponti, centrali elettriche, scuole, ospedali ed abitazioni
civili sono stati distrutti, mentre
a causa dell?inquinamento di aria, acque e terreni agricoli c?è una
crescente diffusione di turbe
psichiche e gravi malattie che colpiscono particolarmente i più deboli,
ad iniziare dai bambini.

La popolazione jugoslava, come quella irachena, oltre ad aver subito gli
effetti di nuove micidiali
armi di distruzione di massa, sta tuttora scontando un infame embargo
che la priva di beni e
strumenti indispensabili alla propria sopravvivenza.

Questo embargo rappresenta un vero e proprio atto di guerra il cui fine
è quello di ottenere la resa
dei cittadini jugoslavi costringendoli a scelte politiche allineate ai
diktat del nuovo ordine mondiale
dell?imperialismo USA-NATO.

Di fronte alla disinformazione strategica, alla criminale partecipazione
del governo italiano all?
aggressione con basi militari, uomini e mezzi per la guerra prima e per
l?occupazione del Kosovo
poi, all?ambiguità di parte della sinistra e dei movimenti pacifisti,
molti comitati contro la guerra ed
associazioni di solidarietà con il popolo jugoslavo si sono costituiti

Coordinamento Nazionale ?La Jugoslavia vivrà?

Difendiamo l?integrità territoriale e la multietnicità della Repubblica
Federale di Jugoslavia!

Basta con le aggressioni contro gli stati che non si allineano al nuovo
ordine mondiale!

La Jugoslavia vivrà!


Il Coordinamento Nazionale invita ad aderire alle seguenti iniziative
per rompere l?embargo

- A partire dall?inizio del mese di settembre, presidi cittadini di
controinformazione e raccolta di materiali (medicinali, viveri, beni
sottoposti a regime di embargo) per la Jugoslavia

- 21/22 ottobre giornate internazionali di lotta contro l?embargo e la

- inizio novembre partenza della nave di solidarietà contro tutti gli
embarghi dal porto di Bari verso il Montenegro e prosecuzione della
carovana fino a Belgrado

PER INFORMAZIONI, CONTATTI ED ADESIONI: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Subject: progetto "Pancevo chiama Italia"
Resent-Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 22:14:34 +0200
Resent-From: pck-yugoslavia@...
From: "Abcsolidarieta" <abcsolidarieta@...>

Gentili amici,

Vogliamo informarvi che il progetto "Pancevo chiama Italia" va avanti.
Durante il nostro ultimo viaggio in Serbia per la consegna delle quote
primi quattro mesi dell'anno ai bambini serbi e bosniaci affidati a
distanza, abbiamo incontrato la dott.ssa Mica Saric Tanaskovic,
dell'Istituto d'igiene e tutela ambientale del Banato del sud. Siamo
riusciti, dopo tre mesi e più di lavoro, aiutati in questo anche da
soci, a definire un elenco preciso di quanto è necessario al laboratorio

Strumenti e materiali di consumo serviranno all'équipe della Tanaskovic
capire quello che bambini e genitori debbono fare per non morire di
"inquinamento". Parliamo dei bambini perché sono il nostro interesse
preminente, ma è chiaro che tutti gli abitanti della regione, dai
di Pancevo ai contadini che hanno visto i loro terreni resi improduttivi
perché contaminati, ai pescatori che sopravvivevano grazie ai pesci del
fiume Danubio, agli operai delle fabbriche rimasti senza lavoro,

Finora per quest'iniziativa, realizzata in collaborazione con "il
manifesto", sono stati raccolti circa 16 milioni di lire.

In questi giorni abbiamo avviato i primi contatti, che intensificheremo
settembre, per "proporre" ad organizzazioni, sindacati, associazioni
professionali, singole persone, ecc. di intervenire a sostegno del
finanziando l'acquisto, tutto o in parte, di uno strumento o dei
d'uso necessari. Faremo anche presente a tutti che eventuali donazioni
dovranno riguardare strumenti revisionati (perfettamente funzionanti) e
materiali di consumo ben conservati.

Nelle prossime settimane definiremo l'acquisto, presso la "Camag", unica
distributrice di quel che la Mica Saric Tanaskovic ha chiesto
per la
gascromatografia, di uno strumento e di alcuni accessori.

Sul sito di "ABC" è possibile consultare e scaricare l'elenco di tutti
strumenti e dei materiali di consumo richiesti dall'Istituto d'igiene
ambientale del Banato del sud. Desideriamo però far presente che
potrà subire delle variazioni e che ai prezzi indicati sarà applicato
sconto che andrà dal 10 al 20%. Un'ultima informazione: il costo totale
progetto è di circa 67.000.000 di lire ai quali si aggiungeranno le
spese di
trasporto e doganali ancora non definite.

Grazie per la Vostra attenzione e cordiali saluti.

p. A,B,C, solidarietà e pace
Franco Della Marra



----- Original Message -----
From: "Michel Collon"
To: "wpb" <wpb@...>
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 2:04 PM
Subject: Urgent: Do you have Info abou Yugo elections?

I am looking for information about next elections in Yugoslavia,
Kustanovic, Mihailovic and expectations. and the "poll presenting
as favorite".
Also the questions you might have on this topic.

Thank you very much in advance!

Je recherche des infos sur les candidats de l'opposition,
Kustanovic et Mihailovic,
ainsi que des analyses des élections, y compris le "sondage Kustanovic
Et aussi les questions que vous vous posez à ce sujet.
Merci beaucoup d'avance.

Michel Collon



Alexandre Del Vallee
Editions: "Des Syrtes"
Paris, 2000

Pierre-Henri Bunel, *Crimes de guerre à l’OTAN*,
Paris, Editions 1, $$$ p., 110 FF, parution juin 2000.

Die tödlichen Lügen der Bundesregierung und ihre Opfer im
Mit einem Dossier zu Srebrenica (ca. 200 Seiten, ca. 26 DM,
KONKRET-Verlag Hamburg)


Jürgen Elsässer
c/o Redaktion KONKRET
Tel. 040/8512530, Fax. 040/8512514
Mobil 0171/1720368
Email: J.Elsasser@...

betr. Buch-Neuerscheinung

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
liebe Freunde aus der Friedensbewegung,

am 15. Oktober erscheint mein neues Buch

Die tödlichen Lügen der Bundesregierung und ihre Opfer im
einem Dossier zu Srebrenica (ca. 200 Seiten, ca. 26 DM, KONKRET-Verlag

Die Buchpremiere wird am 20. Oktober auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse sein,
(von Scharping mittlerweile geschaßte) deutsche OSZE-Offizier Heinz
der Hamburger Friedensforscher Dieter S. Lutz haben ihre Teilnahme
zugesagt. Gerne würde ich das Buch auch in Ihrer Stadt vorstellen -
Rahmen einer Lesung oder einer Vortragsveranstaltung oder einer
Podiumsdiskussion mit anderen Teilnehmern.

Über mein letztjähriges Kosovo-Buch »Nie wieder Krieg ohne uns. Das
die neue deutsche Geopolitik« (Konkret Verlag Juni 1999; 2. Auflage
1999) schrieb die Frankfurter Rundschau: »Ein hervorragender Band, im
geschrieben und aus tiefer Enttäuschung heraus, Enttäuschung über Linke
Grüne. Aber es ist sorgfältig recherchiert.«

Zwar gibt es mittlerweile eine ganze Reihe guter Veröffentlichungen zum
Kosovo-Krieg. Doch mein aktuelles Buch steuert nicht nur zu bereits
Themen - Rambouillet, Racak, Hufeisenplan - neues Material bei, das ich
Brüssel, Wien und Belgrad recherchiert habe.
Vor allem packt es als erstes heiße Eisen an, die bisher von
sträflich vernachlässigt wurden:
* Srebrenica, wo die Truppen der bosnischen Serben im Juli 1995 7.000
Muslime massakriert haben sollen. „Für mich war das die Wende“ (J.
* Die Behauptung von den angeblich 100.000 ermordeten Kosovo-Albaner,
während des Krieges - und danach! - die Politik Milosevics als

(Goldhagen) dargestellt wurde.
* Das Kosovo im ersten Jahr nach dem Nato-Einmarsch: Der Durchbruch des
albanischen Faschismus.

Falls Sie an meinem Angebot einer Lesung/Veranstaltung interessiert
ich um rechtzeitige Kontaktaufnahme - von Mitte August bis Mitte
ich in Übersee und schwer zu erreichen. Die Konditionen würden in etwa
letzten Jahres entsprechen.

Rezensionsexemplare des Buches fordern Sie bitte direkt bei KONKRET an
Hofmann/Katrin Gremliza, Tel 040/8512531 bzw. Fax 040/8512514)

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse,
mit freundlichen Grüßen

J. Elsässer

Es folgt: Exposé mit inhaltlichem Profil
Inhaltsübersicht, Kurzbiographie und Bibliographie



Jürgen Elsässer


Die tödlichen Lügen der Bundesregierung und ihre Opfer im

Mit einem Dossier zu Srebrenica

»Noch nie haben so wenige so viele so gründlich belogen wie im
dem Kosovo-Krieg«, sagt der CDU-Bundestagsabgeordnete Willy Wimmer.
Menschen gestorben.«

Keine Lüge war zu grotesk, das Schlachten in Gang zu bringen und am
halten. : Milosevic als Hitler, ein KZ in Pristina, Auschwitz auf dem
Während Nato und CNN sich die Mühe machten, Video-Aufnahmen zu fälschen,
beeindruckte der deutsche Verteidigungsminister durch nackte Wortgewalt:
Scharpings Serben, die mit abgeschnittenen Albanerköpfen Fußball spielen
Föten grillen, werden in die Geschichte der Psychopathologie eingehen.
Schließlich Wunder von biblischer Dimension: Massakrierte albanische
Intellektuelle, die post mortem Pressekonferenzen in westlichen
geben; Geisterzüge, die plötzlich auf wenig befahrenen Brücken
sich in Nato-Raketen bohren; Massengräber, die so leer sind wie jenes
nach der Himmelfahrt.

Was ist daraus geworden? »Neun Monate nach der Stationierung der KFOR im
stützt nichts die Anschuldigung eines ›Völkermordes‹« (Le Monde
März 2000). Jürgen Elsässer hat die Rechtfertigungen der Nato im Lichte
Fakten und bisher unzugänglicher Dokumente geprüft.

Elsässer widerlegt die Behauptung, das erste Opfer im Krieg sei die
Die Wahrheit stirbt nämlich bereits lange vor dem Krieg: Mit den Lügen
Srebrenica, über Racak, über Rambouillet, über die sogenannte
im Kosovo wurden Parlamentarier und Bürger in den westlichen Staaten
und in ein blutiges Abenteuer gelockt. Die Nato ließ sich zur "Luftwaffe
ethnischen Krieg" (Henry Kissinger) machen und hat der UCK zur Macht
Resultat: Pristina ist judenfrei, die Volksfremden sind vertrieben, auf
Straßen wütet der Mob, die UCK-Geheimpolizei ist überall, die wenigen
Überlebenden zittern in Ghettos um ihr Leben. Allerdings: Jetzt spricht
von "humanitärer Katastrophe", "ethnischer Säuberung" und "Völkermord".
Wunder: Die Blamage des letzten würde die Vorbereitung des nächsten

Darum ist diese vollständige, nüchterne und rücksichtslose Bilanz des
Kosovo-Krieges so wichtig.
Elsässers Buch ist eine unverzichtbare Enzyklopädie für alle, die nach
überprüfbaren Fakten gegen die tödliche Propaganda suchen.


1) Vor dem Krieg

1a) Die Mutter aller Lügen
Die "Rampe von Srebrenica" als Abschußrampe in den Krieg
*** Schwerpunktkapitel*** Ca. 50.000 Zeichen

1b) Die verschwiegenen Morde
Der Terror der UCK vor dem Krieg und die Desinformation der westlichen
Ca. 25.000 Zeichen

1c)Geheimakte Racak
Die bisher geheimen Autopsieprotokolle der 40 Racak-Leichen dementieren
Nato-Version von einem serbischen Massaker
Ca. 18.000 Zeichen

Die Memoiren des Wiener Diplomaten: Petritsch als deutscher Frontmann in
Ca. 20.000 Zeichen

1e)Scharpings Hufschmied
"Operation Potkova" - eine stümperhafte Fälschung der
Ca. 24.000 Zeichen

2) Im Krieg

2a) Sex, Lügen und Video
Wie man mit manipulierten Fotos und sexuell konnotiertem Horror
Ca. 14.000 Zeichen

2b) Legal, illegal, kollateral
Legende und Fakten über den Bombenkrieg
Ca. 19.000 Zeichen

2c) Killing Fields und Deadly Lies
Was bleibt von den 100.000 Toten in Massengräbern?
***Schwerpunkkapitel*** Ca. 50.000 Zeichen

3) Nach dem Krieg

3a) Prizren ist serbenfrei
Die Lüge von der sauberen Bundeswehr
Ca. 24.000 Zeichen

3b) Albanischer Faschismus
Das Nato-Märchen von der multiethnischen Zukunft des Kosovo-Protektorats
***Schwerpunktartikel*** Ca. 40.000 Zeichen

4) Nachwort
Faktenmüll im Cyberspace
Die Zerstörung der Vernunft durch die Postmoderne oder: Fragen eines
Ca. 15.000 Zeichen

5) Anhang
5a) Internationale Pressestimmen zur Lage im Kosovo in den 80er Jahren
Ca. 10.000 Zeichen
5b) Milosevics Rede auf dem Amselfeld (ungekürzt)
Ca. 15.000 Zeichen
5c) Überblick über die Lügen des bosnischen Krieges
Ca.50.000 Zeichen

Der Autor

Jürgen Elsässer, Jahrgang 1957, war bis Juni 1997 leitender Redakteur
Berliner Tageszeitung „junge Welt“ und wurde im April 1999 Redakteur des
Monatsmagazins KONKRET, seit 1957 die bedeutendste Zeitschrift der
parteiunabhängigen Linken in der Bundesrepublik. Daneben arbeitet er
unregelmäßig unter anderem für die „Allgemeine Jüdische Wochenzeitung“,
„Süddeutsche Zeitung“, den WDR und das „Kursbuch“.

Im Kosovo-Krieg popularisierte er den Slogan "Kein Blut für Joschka"
Anspielung auf den Slogan "Kein Blut für Öl", den die Grünen im
skandiert hatten) und wurde daraufhin vom SPIEGEL als „Berufszyniker

mit „altlinken Klischees“ geschmäht. Andere urteilten freundlicher: Über
letztjähriges Kosovo-Buch »Nie wieder Krieg ohne uns. Das Kosovo und die
deutsche Geopolitik« (Konkret Verlag Juni 1999; 2. Auflage November
schrieb die renommierte Tageszeitung Frankfurter Rundschau: »Ein
Band, im Zorn geschrieben und aus tiefer Enttäuschung heraus,
Linke und Grüne. Aber es ist sorgfältig recherchiert.«


Jürgen Elsässer/Andrei S. Markovits (Hrsg)
Die Fratze der eigene Geschichte
Von der Goldhagen-Debatte zum Jugoslawienkrieg. Berlin
(Elefantenpress) September 1999, 208 Seiten, 29.90 DM

Jürgen Elsässer (Hrsg.)
Nie wieder Krieg ohne uns
Das Kosovo und die neue deutsche Geopolitik. Hamburg
1999, 165 Seiten, 22.80 DM

Jürgen Elsässer
Braunbuch DVU
Eine deutsche Arbeiterpartei und ihre Freunde. Hamburk
September 1998, 152 Seiten, 19.80 DM

Jürgen Elsässer/Sahra Wagenknecht
Vorwärts und vergessen?
Ein Streit über Marx, Lenin, Ulbricht und die verzweifelte
Aktualität des Kommunismus. Hamburg (Konkret) Juni 1996, 140
19.80 DM

Jürgen Elsässer
Wenn das der Führer hätte erleben dürfen
29 Glückwünsche zum deutschen Sieg über die Alliierten.
(Konkret) Mai 1995, 112 Seiten, 14.80 DM

Jürgen Elsässer
Antisemitismus - das alte Gesicht des neuen Deutschland
Analysen nach der Wiedervereinigung. Berlin (Dietz)
145 Seiten, 19.80 DM



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