
Current Concerns  
No 17, 30 april 2012

Serbia – past and present

by Mirjana Andjelkovic Lukic

You cannot talk about Serbia without mentioning the recent bombings, which are the cause of all our current problems.
Exactly 13 years ago, on 24 March 1999 at 8:45 pm the bombing of Serbia began. The first return of the NATO aircraft to Aviano in Italy was accompanied by a festive mood in Europe. The pilots were praised for having hit their targets with surgical precision. Pictures of villages and towns full of smoke, destroyed homes and crying people as the first victims of war were shown.

Germany’s role

In the twentieth century, the Serbs have been attacked 3 times. Enormous human suffering and material damage was inflicted to them. As in 1941, when on 6 April Germany bombed Belgrade without any declaration of war very early in the morning, the forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization attacked Serbia again without prior notice. This time there were Germans among the ranks of NATO forces. Once again they flew over the land, which they knew well from two previous world wars. Belgrade is the only capital that has been bombed more than 40 times since it came into existence.
The reason for the war was worked out under the government of Schröder, Fischer and Scharping in Germany. Lacking the real reasons for an attack, they made use of big lies, such as a massacre of civilians in Racak. Another one was the supposedly massive expulsion of the Albanian population, which was actually on the run, because they had been informed by the Western countries about the attack on our country.
In order to justify the longed-for war, Scharping claimed the Serbs had turned the soccer stadium in Pristina into a concentration camp. This allegation has never proven right.
Apart from these lies, they also spoke about the alleged plan of the Serbs to torture the Albanian population and expulse them. Scharping was handed out this plan in Serbian language. He ignored, however, that this document with the name “Horseshoe Plan” was written in the Croatian language. In Serbia, the document was known to nobody. Moreover, a Serb never writes in Croatian. The reports of German officers, and many witnesses who tried to tell that this was a lie, were also ignored.
Helena Ranta, the Finnish member of the commission investigating the events in Racak, was also involved in the network of lies. In her biography she later admitted to having worked under great pressure from the Finnish foreign ministry and the then head of the Kosovo mission, William Walker. They searched and ordered hard-hitting facts about Serbian crimes. Since Walker was not satisfied with her coverage, he broke a pencil and threw it at Mrs Ranta, from whom he demanded a more convincing account of the Serbian crimes which they needed to be able to start the war.

“It started with a lie”

Only a few years later, German media revealed that story about the alleged crimes was false. “It started with a lie” was the title of the TV program in which Scharping was confronted with his lies. He played the innocent ignorant.
Another one who has also spoken, but too late, was Carla del Ponte in her book “The Hunt” in which she revealed the awful truth that during the KFOR occupation organs of kidnapped Serbs and other non-Albanians were harvested and sold in Europe. There are indications that this is still being carried out today. The Italian journalist Marilina Veca also wrote about these facts. The entire Italian public was therefore in a state of turmoil.
Dick Marty, politician in Switzerland, member of the Council of Europe and member of the Commission on Human Rights in the OSCE, also reported on this issue.
On 14 December 2010, he published a report for the Council of Europe in which he confirmed that Hashim Taci and other leaders of the UÇK were involved in the sale of organs of Serb prisoners, in many contract killings as well as in various other crimes.

Everything was too late for the Serbian people

None of the people responsible for this manipulation and war propaganda was made liable for the crimes that have cost thousands of lives. For all this, a culprit was needed. They found it in Miloševic, the democratically elected president of Serbia, who had been the only serious interlocutor for the West for a long time. With the change of Western targets, he became the worst dictator in Europe overnight. These methods were also used for other statesmen.
The fruitful fantasy of the West reached its peak in denouncing this personality. He was compared to Hitler – it was even claimed that he was worse than this and that he had created a new Auschwitz. So the Germans succeeded in removing their Auschwitz to Serbia. In the Western media we could only hear the respective country’s own comments, not the original words of Miloševic, by which all people would have been able to make their own judgment.
The trial in The Hague was to bring the truth to light. But even there all the news came from only one direction. The indictment was presented by Carla del Ponte, who had collected a lot of evidence. What really happened in court was not shown – not in the Western media – for example, that she could not prove one single charge. Usually, the Serbian politicians and generals lost their lives in this situation. However, nobody cared about this.

Audiatur et altera pars – listen to the other side as well

In every conflict there are at least two sides. To get to know the truth – which would be essential with damage of such magnitude – you must listen to both sides. This is the only prerequisite for the understanding among the peoples, and the only way to peace.
A source of Serbian crimes was created from many constructed lies. These lies shook the whole world. NATO had long been ready for action. The aircraft engines were already running. The war had to be started.
With their aggression on Serbia, all NATO countries violated many international conventions, protocols and resolutions of the UN, among others against:
•    the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change from 1997 [Kyoto Protocol],
•    the “Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage” from 1972 (World Heritage Convention),
•    the “Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), 8 June 1977”
•    the “Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons” from 1980 (UN weapons ban convention)
•    the UN Human Rights Commission’s resolutions for the prevention of discrimination and the protection of minorities from 1996 to 1997 and many others.
By ignoring many international conventions, the NATO alliance has committed the greatest crime against peace in the area of Europe. The bombing of Serbia with depleted uranium, but also with newly developed weapons, has contaminated the areas on Serbian territory forever, because the half life of DU [depleted uranium] is 4.5 billion years. The increasingly larger number of people with cancer nowadays bears witness to this fact.
Despite all these findings, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently said on television that she was happy that there have been no more wars in Europe since the Second World War. The processes in Serbia used to be called a “humanitarian intervention” by the mainstream.
Whatever the future of Serbia will be, no one will ever be able to justify NATO’s war against this small country and the participation of Germany, Ralph Hartmann wrote.
Alastair Campbell on the other hand, the second most powerful man in the UK and the first press secretary to Tony Blair, stated the following in an interview for the newspaper “Novosti” in Belgrade: He did not feel sorry that NATO had bombed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Without batting an eyelid, he admitted to having been one of the strategists of the propaganda war against Serbia. (Source: “Vecernje novosti” dated 01/21/2011)

Gifts of the Good Angel

As they “have endowed us from a humanitarian point of view with bombs, I called my book in which all aspects of the bombing and its aftermath are published, “Gifts of the Good Angel”.
In the US, this operation was known as “Operation Noble Anvil” whereas in Serbia it was called “Merciful Angel”.
The bombing of Serbia lasted for 78 days, from 24 March to 10 June 1999. In this act of aggression 1,031 soldiers were killed, 5,173 soldiers and policemen were wounded, 2,500 civilians were killed, including 78 children, and more than 6,000 civilians were wounded. Particularly memorable is the tragic fate of the three year old Milica Rakic from Batajnica. She was hit by a NATO bomb on 14 April 1999 at 21:45 in the bathroom while she was sitting on her potty.
At the beginning of the bombings 370 planes flew over Serbia daily. In the end, the number rose to 1,200 a day.
Apart from the projectiles with depleted uranium on the territory of Serbia, other explosive combinations and rocket fuels with certain chemical compounds have been used in the bombings, whose explosive effects are very toxic and cause cancer.

[DIAGRAM: Number of deads according to sex in central Serbia. Legend: unfilled triangles: total, white triangles: women, squares: men. (Institute for health care of Serbia "Dr Milan Jovanovic-Batut", cancer register 2011)]

NATO has admitted 30,000 bullets; the military of Serbia speaks of 50,000, the Russians of 90,000. About 200 targets were hit, mainly in Kosovo. Against us a very special chemical and radiological war was waged with the aim of destroying both the people and their property.
Although no chemical weapons were used, the NATO war against Serbia has also chemical aspects. They refer to the bombing of transformer stations, electric power plants, chemical factories, oil refineries and their oil depot. This way the combustion products, various cyclic compounds, cancerous dioxins, but also phosgenes were blown into the atmosphere.
The transformer station that had been hit released the toxic Pyralene [French trade name for polychlorinated biphenyls]. The Pyralen oils are genotoxic and should not come into contact with the environment. They are highly carcinogenic and mutagenic. Since 2001, these oils have been prohibited in Europe.
My husband and his team visited the destroyed objects during the war to study the effect of explosive projectiles in laboratories. He has also studied the effect of the electrically conductive fibers, which were thrown on electrical systems, substations and transmission lines. These fibers have caused a short circuit that led to power failure in all districts and knocked them out. These systems were applied in our country for the first time ever.
They are commonly called “soft” or “graphite bombs”, although they are not. They were part of the so-called CBUs, i.e. cluster bombs produced in the US. A CBU contains 202 clusters with a mass of electro-permeable fibers of 1 kg each. During the fall, these fibers wound on bobbins unfold like a spider’s web, cover power lines and cause short circuits making them useless.
The fibers are very light and the wind blows them in all directions. If they fall off the lines, they often rise up and cause damage once again. The professionals in my husband’s team managed to neutralize them, so they stuck to the ground and could not rise again. Therefore, our transformer stations were later attacked with real bombs, which was much more difficult to repair. My husband paid for such actions and the desire to help his people with his life. 36 young people paid with their lives in similar actions.
In addition to these objects, hospitals, TV stations, bridges, children’s nursery homes and many neighborhoods were attacked, in which innocent civilians lived. Even travelers were not spared: trains were bombed, in which not a single soldier but only civilians were traveling. The entire war damage was estimated at 120 billion dollars.

Environmental and health effects of war

It is hard to describe what we have witnessed during these 78 days. Only after several years we have become aware of the environmental, health and political consequences. The use of uranium 238 and other weapons tells us that a radioactive and nuclear war has been waged with terrible aftermaths for people and nature.
In Kosovo the watershed of three river sources was also bombed – although there were neither soldiers nor civilians:
•  Sitnica – Ibar – Morava – Danube – Black Sea
•  Pinja – Vardar – Aegean Sea
•  Crni and Beli Drim – Skadarsko Jezero [Lake Skadar] – Bojana – Adriatic Sea.
The goal was the contamination of rivers and the people on their banks.
The Geneva Convention has also been obviously violated by the use of cluster bombs. They were dropped twice on Nis – on the market and the hospital – on Valjevo, Kraljevo, on the oil refineries in Novi Sad and other cities such as Pancevo, Pe and Prizren in Kosovo and Metohija and many more areas. 93 targets on the territory of Serbia were hit by cluster bombs where they have caused great damage among the population. Besides many deaths there is an even greater number of wounded with dilacerated body parts who are now invalids. People are still dying today from leftover bombs.
Before the bombing Serbia was a green oasis in Europe, famous for the production of organic products that were exported to large parts of Europe. Many places were protected, the mountains of Fruska Gora, Tara, Zlatibor, as well as the Deliblatska Pescara [Banat Sand Desert], a rare example of a dry landscape in Europe. Large areas around industrial zones such as Pancevo, Novi Sad and Kragujevac, Nis, Belgrade and other cities are contaminated.
In the south of Serbia, alongside Kosovo and Metohija, where yet no decontamination has taken place, mainly the areas around Vranje, Bujanovac and Presevo were attacked. In his film “Deadly Dust”, Frieder Wagner described similar situations, with precise explanations by Dr Günther. The number of cancer patients is growing from year to year.
The aftermath of the bombing is best seen in the newborn. According to doctors from the hospital in Vranje, 21 children were brought there with deformities in 1998. With a constant birth rate of between 800 and 1,000 births per year, the number rose to 73 children in 2008 [an increase of 248%].
The physician Dr. Nebojsa Srbljak from Kosovska Mitrovica stated that by 1998 one out of 1,000 children suffered from leukemia. By 2008 this number had risen to 10 to 15 children. In Vranje, it is impossible to buy the expensive equipment needed for the blood test to identify the traces of uranium. The doctors from Vranje hope to be able to use the experience of Japanese experts after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
In addition to the increase of cancer patients, the number of malformed newborns is also growing. The father of one child was involved in the decontamination of DU near Vranje. It is not only in children but also in animals that an increase in deformities is being observed.
The tragic aftermath of this war is clearly visible in Nikola Jovi, a 10-year boy from Kosovska Mitrovica. As a baby he had cancer of the eyes. The eyes were then removed and replaced with artificial eyes. For a time he attended the school for the blind in the Belgrade suburb of Zemun. Since his parents live in Kosovska Mitrovica, Nikola was very unhappy. Later he was in a normal fourth grade class in Kosovska Mitrovica and was greatly helped by his school friends. He uses Braille.

[IMAGE: Number of new incidents of cancer in central Serbia. Legend: unfilled triangles: total, white triangles: women, squares: men. (Institute for health care of Serbia "Dr Milan Jovanovic-Batut", cancer register 2011)]

The Petkovic family, which survived all the bombing in Kosovo, fled to Bor in northeastern Serbia. A few years later, her daughter Nikolina was born without eyes. Later, she received artificial eyes. The parents are very poor and cannot help her much. We do not have institutions that can take care of such children.
The town of Leposavi in Kosovo was also bombed heavily during the war. Kristina Milutinovic lives with her parents in Leposavi. [we reported about Kristina 6 February].
In Serbia, more than 33,000 cancer cases are registered every year, with about 21,000 people dying each year. In the last 10 years the number of patients has increased constantly (see charts below). Serbia has now the largest cancer rate in Europe.

Serbia today

Serbia has now changed from a socialist system to liberal capitalism, suffering economic, moral, cultural and every other form of damage. In Serbia today, there is poverty, and the social culture of its people is getting worse.
10,000 companies have been closed, and 60,000 are blocked or face extinction. The closed companies include mainly crafts, trades, dental and veterinary offices and agencies for various purposes. The most important companies in the country are being sold to foreign companies. Some of them work well, thanks to cheap labour from Serbia, because the products are sold at high prices abroad.
Other companies were bought and then closed to prevent competition with the buyer’s own products on the market. That was the case with the Zastava car factory in Kragujevac, which before the war employed 50,000 workers, and was bought by Fiat. Today, only a small part of the plant is working, where our politicians like to be photographed and thereby deceive the people about the productivity of this factory. Fiat cars are available on the market in Serbia, but only available to a small proportion of the population.
Sugar factories, brick plants, breweries and cement plants have been sold. Our cigarette factory in Nis was bought by Philip Morris. In five years they transferred about 10 billion euro out of Serbia, but paid hardly any taxes to the Serbian budget! A large number of workers became unemployed. All these companies have been sold to foreign investors at a price far below their value.
The number of unemployed in Serbia has reached a historic high. According to the national employment office, there are 730,000 people unemployed. According to unofficial sources in Serbia more than 1 million people are unemployed.
According to the Statistical Office, the number of people living below the poverty line in Serbia grew to 700,000, i.e. 9.2% of the population, between 2008 and 2010. In 2010 the minimum salary was 8500 dinars or 85 euro.
The number of soup kitchens has increased. Every day 30,000 people queue up for a loaf of bread and a hot meal in Serbia, which in itself represents an increase of 50% over the past year. According to alarming data from the Red Cross, 6,000 children need these meals, 2500 of them younger than 10.
For 2012, a minimum income of 19,500 dinars is predicted (195 euro), but prices have already reached the level of European countries, where salaries are much higher.
The territory of Serbia is rich in water, medicinal herbs and spas. As far as the amount of water is concerned, we are in 40th place in the world.
Today, we do not even own all the springs. The best known mineral springs are in the hands of foreign companies. The Knjaz Milos mineral water and juice factory in Arandjelovac has been bought by the Dutch company Clates Holding.
The Rosa natural mineral water spring is at 1550 meters above sea level in the pristine nature reserve of Vlasina. The water is bottled at optimum temperature while maintaining natural properties directly by the spring. Because of its low mineral content, especially sodium, it is good for daily use. It is owned entirely by Coca-Cola.
Mivela mineral water is owned by the Croatian Agrokor company. The spring is located in the village of Veluce near Trstenik. The Mivela mineral water contains about 330 mg of magnesium per litre, which covers the body’s daily requirements.

The banks

Of the Serbian banks only three are still existing, the Serbian Bank, the Komercijalna banka and the Postbank. There is talk that these banks are to be sold as well.

Kosovo – Serbia deprived of a part of his country

The greatest injustice, however, was afflicted on Serbia in Kosovo. There is talk of many aspects, here are only two of them: 
The robbery began with the greatest mine Trepca, situated in the North and the South of Kosovska Mitrovica. It had contributed to Serbian export with a major part before and had employed 23,000 workers. In late 2008 the lead  reserves alone had been estimated to b e 425,000 tons, those of cink 415,000 tons, of silver 800 tons, of nickel 185,000 tons and of cobalt 6,500 tons. In the mine Grbenik, also situated in Kosovo, there are reserves of one million and 700,000 tons of bauxite, from which about 425,000 tons of aluminum could be produced. The export of ore is growing steadily. Only in the period between 2009 and 2010 it rose to an amount worth 557 million dollar. Almost the complete Serbian area covers brown coal, the value of which has been estimated to be 1000 billion dollar. No wonder, Soros visited Kosovo several times and tried to buy all of that for just 300 million dollar.
The Hashim Taci government promised US state secretary Hilary Clinton, US companies were to be the main buyers of these riches. Bill Clinton, former US president, was the initiator of the Kosovo war. The depletion is worked with Serbian infra-structure for which we are still paying off the debts, today.

Camp Bondsteel: Little Guantánamo?

It is not by accident that Camp Bondsteel, the biggest American military base outside the USA is situated in Kosovo. That is a town of its own. The food is taken there from the USA, the water is, too, and everything that might protect the soldiers from contamination. All the same the West is pretending that the poisons that they threw onto our country are not dangerous. You need not talk about the importance of strategic aims either. They are well-known. 
Alvaro Gil-Robles, former Commissioner for Human Rights in the Council of Europe visited the prison of Camp Bondsteel in 2002, but he talked about it only in 2005. In an interview with the Spanish newspaper “El País” he said that he had seen a miniature Guantánamo there. He had found that KFOR had been authorized to arrest people without any previous judicial examination in court before. 
The Serbs would never have agreed to that, under no circumstances. Neither would they admit that their property was robbed. Therefore reasons were invented to expel them. Here is but one of them: German sources pretended that the Serbs were massively expelling Albanian people. In reality the following happened: during the Second World War 10,000 Serbs were killed in Kosovo although no essential fights against the occupying forces (Germany, Italy, who were supporting the Albanians) had taken place. Between the Second World War and 1999 in total 200,000 Serbs were expelled several times. Their houses were used to lodge Albanian people coming in from Albania. 
The biggest expulsion took place in 1999, when Kosovo became a protectorate of UNO (KFOR). Around 300,000 Serbs and inhabitants of Montenegro left their territory. So you see very well who expelled whom. The West knew all this, it is for that reason that they had to use lies. 
As in many other European countries, more people die in Serbia than are born. According to a census there were 300,000 less people living in Serbia. This amounts to the size of a town as Cacak.
Since in Serbia people cannot find any work because of the ruined economy our young people go to the USA, to Canada or to European countries after finishing their studies. 
A great number of medical students, of IT specialists, of electric engineers and other very highly qualified people are leaving Serbia after Serbia has given them education and instruction. They are in search of a better life. 
On 1st March Serbia gained the status of a candidate to EU access. The commitment of Serbia with respect to their candidate status is considerable. 
Nobody has made his people believe more seriously that Kosovo is still a part of their country, i.e. Serbia’s integrity than the present government with Boric Tadic. The Serbian leaders did not focus on the integrity of Serbia which has been destroyed just by its deprivation of Kosovo. Today both are orienting themselves towards Europe, are going in that direction, but as two separate states. Serbia is expected to maintain peaceful relations with her neighbors. It is only on this basis that they will be able to fly the blue flag with the little stars. 
The Serbs will remember President Tadic as a person who served everyone except his own people. The EU promised Serbia payments totaling 60 million euro, which need not be given back. Serbia could easily earn this amount through her own mineral resources which have been taken away from her. The amount of 60 million does not even cover part of the interests on all the treasures which have been taken away. 
After they have renounced everything so carelessly, not only me, but many Serbs are afraid that the future Serbia will look as the one shown in a commercial by the US firm Calgon on our TV channels: the Vojvodina is lacking.     •
(Translation Current Concerns)

Mirjana Andjelkovic Lukic studied in Belgrade at the faculty of technology and metallurgy, where she met her husband Mirko Lukic. After he finished his studies at the Army High School in Paris both received their doctorate in the field of technology applied to explosives and later became research assistants at the institute of military technology for research and processing of explosives.
During the war professor Mirko Lukic visited some of the bombed areas in Belgrade and its surroundings. As a result he developed cancer and died in 2003.
Mirjana Lukic paid particular attention to the ecological affects of the bombings. After her husband had died she continued the activities she had previously shared with him which were the investigation of the bombings’ chemical and radiological effects on the citizens of Serbia. Besides numerous publications about politics and ecology she worked as judicial consultant in the field of technology applied to explosives. She also published a book which deals with her investigations into the ramifications of the Nato-war: “The presence of the merciful angle” (Serbian: Darovi milosrdnog andjela).

“Emotional Charge“ – “a great bluff“

The campaign, which Ruder Finn set in motion in August 1992, had particularly grave consequences on the perception and assessment not only of the Bosnian war, but later on the conflict in Kosovo, when first Western media reports about prisoner camps in Bosnia were published. According to James Harff the PR agency then succeeded in engaging Jewish circles in the United States for the Bosnian issue, and thus brought about the comparison of events in the Bosnian war with the Holocaust against the Jews.

James Harff described as his greatest PR success that during the war in Bosnia he had succeeded “masterfully […]. We outwitted three Jewish organizations” (quoted according to Merlino 1999, 155). And in fact, three of the largest Jewish organizations in the US published a full-page protest ad in the “New York Times” in August 1992, in which the Serbs were equated with the Nazis and the Bosnians with the Jews. According to Harff, the following happened after that:
“That was a tremendous coup. When the Jewish organizations entered the game on the side of the [Muslim] Bosnians we could promptly equate the Serbs with the Nazis in the public mind. […] Almost immediately there was a clear change of language in the press, with the use of words with high emotional content such as ethnic cleansing, concentration camps, etc, which evoke images of Nazi Germany and the gas chambers of Auschwitz. The emotional charge was so powerful that no one risked to contradict, to avoid of being accused of revisionism. We had hit the mark.”

Source: Jörg Becker/Mira Beham. Operation Balkan: Werbung für Krieg und Tod. ISBN 978-3-8329-3591-7. 
(English quotation see:

Charter of the United Nations


We the peoples of the United Nations determined 

to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and

to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and

to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and

to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
and for these ends

to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and

to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and

to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and

to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples, 

have resolved to combine our efforts to accomplish these aims [...].

Extracts from the Charter of the United Nations

Article 41 

The Security Council may decide what measures not involving the use of armed force are to be employed to give effect to its decisions, and it may call upon the Members of the United Nations to apply such measures. These may include complete or partial interruption of economic relations and of rail, sea, air, postal, telegraphic, radio, and other means of communication, and the severance of diplomatic relations.

Article 51

Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.


“Nuremberg Principles”

1. Principles of International Law Recognized in the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal and in the Judgment of the Tribunal, adopted by the International Law Commission, 29 July 1950:

Nuremberg Principles

Principle I. Any person who commits an act which constitutes a crime under international law is responsible therefor and liable to punishment.

Principle II. The fact that internal law does not impose a penalty for an act which constitutes a crime under international law does not relieve the person who committed the act from responsibility under international law.

Principle III. The fact that a person who committed an act which constitutes a crime under international law acted as Head of State or responsible Government official does not relieve him from responsibility under international law.

Principle IV. The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him.

Principle V. Any person charged with a crime under international law has the right to a fair trial on the facts and law.

Principle VI. The crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under international law:

(a) Crimes against peace:

– Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;

– Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i).

(b) War crimes:

Violations of the laws or customs of war which include, but are not limited to, murder, ill-treatment or deportation to slave-labour of for any other purpose of civilian population of or in occupied territory; murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war, of persons on the Seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity.

(c) Crimes against humanity:

Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhuman acts done against any civilian population, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds, when such acts are done or such persecutions are carried on in execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime.
Principle VII. Complicity in the commission of a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity as set forth in Principle VI is a crime under international law.


[ Per una contestualizzazione ed approfondimento storico dell'eccidio di Porzûs raccomandiamo la lettura dei testi:
Porzûs: il più grande processo antipartigiano del dopoguerra (di Alessandra Kersevan, 2008)
Intervista al Comandante Giacca (Edizioni Rapporti Sociali, 1998 - opuscolo in formato PDF, 5MB)


Esimio Presidente,

Nella sua visita in Friuli Lei si fermerà anche a Faedis, uno dei paesi della Repubblica partigiana del Friuli Orientale, un’esperienza importantissima ed esaltante della guerra di liberazione, in cui gli abitanti di queste terre poterono, prima della fine della guerra e della vittoria sul nazifascismo, sperimentare alcuni tratti di democrazia e di autogoverno, dopo oltre vent’anni di dittatura fortemente centralistica, che aveva represso in particolare le numerose minoranze presenti nella nostra regione, prime fra tutte quella slovena. A questa esperienza, sviluppatasi dalla collaborazione delle varie componenti della Resistenza, diedero un determinante contributo i partigiani garibaldini, e fra essi molti erano gli aderenti a quel partito comunista italiano, di cui lei stesso ha fatto parte per decenni.

Faedis è anche il comune in cui si trovano le malghe di Topli Uorch, nome effettivo del luogo in cui avvenne l’eccidio che va sotto il nome di Porzûs. Il programma che Lei seguirà non prevede, così è stato detto, la sua salita alle malghe. Io immagino che questo avvenga, molto opportunamente, per evitare il possibile disagio che alla più alta figura istituzionale della Repubblica verrebbe dal rendere omaggio ad una lapide, che contiene molti nomi che non c’entrano con l’eccidio stesso. Penso che un ruolo, in questa scelta, possa aver avuto anche la consapevolezza che, prima di istituire alle malghe un monumento nazionale, quella di Porzûs sia una vicenda che vada ancora indagata e chiarita. Infatti i processi che si susseguirono negli anni cinquanta e che videro imputati e condannati decine di partigiani e di gappisti garibaldini, avvennero nel periodo più buio della guerra fredda, quando l’attacco alla resistenza garibaldina e comunista era, in Italia, nel suo punto più alto, con l’istruzione di centinaia di processi contro partigiani, di cui quello di Porzûs fu sicuramente il più imponente. Questo processo fu finalizzato precisamente alla messa fuori legge del partito comunista sotto l’accusa di “tradimento della patria”, obiettivo che non venne raggiunto soltanto per l’impegno del comitato di difesa, di cui fece parte anche il senatore Terracini, e per la continua mobilitazione antifascista e solidarietà che si creò intorno agli imputati. Solidarietà e impegno che tuttavia non furono sufficienti a evitare la condanna e la prigione preventiva di tanti di essi.

Nei decenni successivi si è detto che la verità processuale È la Verità. Le posso assicurare, signor Presidente, che le cose non stanno così. L’analisi della corposa documentazione processuale e di altra documentazione anche di fonte alleata resa disponibile negli ultimi decenni, dimostrano che le cose intorno all’eccidio di Porzûs sono molto diverse da come sono state riproposte. Purtroppo, ciò che risulta è che, con molta probabilità, alcuni comandanti osovani e fra questi anche Bolla, ebbero comportamenti di intesa con il nemico nazifascista, con trattative che costituirono un serio pericolo per le formazioni garibaldine.

Si è detto, in questi ultimi anni, dopo che queste intese e trattative non poterono più essere nascoste e confuse, che tutto questo fu fatto in difesa dell’italianità delle terre del confine orientale dall’invadenza slava. Ma Lei sa, signor Presidente, che queste terre fra il ’43 e il ’45 non erano già più Italia, essendo state annesse dal Terzo Reich. Lei sa, signor Presidente, che in queste terre esisteva una forte componente slovena che aveva sofferto molto dall’Italia fascista. Lei sa, signor Presidente, che le forze della resistenza jugoslava facevano parte dell’alleanza antinazifascista e che la direttiva del CLNAI era quella della collaborazione con i partigiani “slavi”. Lei sa, signor Presidente, che queste trattative dei comandanti osovani con tedeschi e repubblichini, fra cui la X Mas, avvennero contro quelle che erano le precise direttive del Comitato di Liberazione Alta Italia e del Corpo Volontari della Libertà, che considerarono tradimento, senza mezzi termini, le trattative di qualsiasi tipo con il nemico. Soprattutto se queste trattative avvenivano senza aver avvisato le altre componenti della Resistenza e, anzi, alle spalle di una di queste componenti, come succedeva in queste trattative osovane a danno dei garibaldini. Lei sa che questo processo non sarebbe mai dovuto avvenire perché per farlo dovettero venire violati articoli del trattato di pace e leggi della nuova repubblica, fra cui quell’amnistia che va sotto il nome di Togliatti, che servì alla “pacificazione” liberando i fascisti epurati, ma, a causa di un’applicazione ingiusta di una magistratura a quel tempo ancora molto compromessa con il passato regime, non evitò l’arresto e la detenzione di tanti partigiani.

L’eccidio di Porzûs, compiuto da partigiani gappisti a danno di partigiani osovani, si può giudicare che non sia stato un grande momento della storia della Resistenza, ma isolandolo dal contesto in cui avvenne e accettando in maniera acritica i risultati di una Giustizia che a quel tempo si dimostrò sicuramente non obiettiva, non si fa un grande servizio alla verità e alla giustizia storica.

Le chiedo, quindi, che prima di istituire il monumento nazionale a Porzûs, la sua Presidenza favorisca la formazione di una commissione di ricercatori storici che analizzino la vasta documentazione esistente, onde arrivare a una ricostruzione il più possibile obiettiva della vicenda della malghe di Porzûs, stabilendo anche chi e quanti furono gli uccisi e perché, e arrivare finalmente – se i risultati della ricerca lo consentiranno, come io penso – alla riabilitazione di molti di quei partigiani che furono ingiustamente condannati.

Udine, 27 maggio 2012

Alessandra Kersevan

(english / francais / italiano)

Fascisti anti-siriani in tour dal Kosovo a Miami

1) Hula come Racak. Esecuzioni di bambini, manipolazioni bellicose e libanizzazione (M. Correggia)
2) Terroristi siriani e cubani insieme a scuola di formazione ... a Miami!
2.1: Una primavera araba per Cuba? Cosa si nasconde sotto il tappeto (P. F. Alvarado Godoy)
2.2: L’opposition syrienne prend ses quartiers d’été à Miami (J. G. Allard)
2.3: Document: Cuban-Syrian Joint Declaration of Agreement (by U.S. State Department)
3) La Russie proteste contre l’entrainement de factieux syriens au Kosovo
4) Siria-Kosovo: a scuola di guerriglia (Miren Stillitani)

I governi imperialisti e la "sinistra" occidentale oramai non resistono per più di pochi mesi senza combattere qualche guerra di "civilizzazione" contro il paese "canaglia" di turno... E'  più forte di loro: come i vampiri, si nutrono oramai del sangue dei paesi indipendenti e sovrani, e vivono esclusivamente per ridurli in ammassi di rovine. (IS)


Siria. I miliziani anti-Assad addestrati in basi nel Kosovo (Sergio Cararo)
Moscow against training Syrian militants in Kosovo
Kosovo : l’opposition syrienne à l’école de l’UÇK ?

Syrian opposition activists ask Kosovo for advice
Syrian opposition studies terror tactics in Kosovo

=== 1 ===

Siria, esecuzioni di bambini, manipolazioni bellicose e libanizzazione…

Marinella Correggia
Quel che è certo è che da mesi la violenza più atroce e incredibile (settaria?) in Siria ha corso comune. Quel che è certo l’orrore di molti bambini e adulti trucidati, a Hula, in Siria. Un atto diabolico. Dolorosissimi i video (con ambientazioni diversificate) che mostrano quei piccoli corpi. Ma sugli autori del massacro e sulle dinamiche le versioni sono come al solito opposte. Le fonti dell’opposizione li attribuiscono all’esercito. Il regime siriano nega ogni responsabilità, annuncia un’inchiesta di tre giorni e sostiene che l’attacco armato è stato portato invece da “armati antigovernativi”.
Anche il centro di informazioni cattolico della provincia di Homs Vox Clamans dà una versione ben diversa da quella dei media internazionali.
Per quanto non ci siano conferme del coinvolgimento dell’esercito siriano nell’attacco, i media internazionali e i leader si sono precipitati ad accusare il regime e a chiedere un intervento internazionale forte, e così la stessa opposizione siriana, con il cosiddetto Esercito libero che si ritiene ormai libero da ogni vincolo di cessate il fuoco chiesto dal piano Annan). Un’occasione davvero utile, perla Clintoncome per il Qatar. Dunque il chiedersi “cui prodest” non è peregrino.
Le voci vanno sentite tutte, e senza mistificarle. Vediamo cosa dice l’Onu. Qui non nomina responsabili: “Gli osservatori della missione Onu Unsmis confermano l’uccisione di 90 civili di cui 32 bambini, più molti feriti, nel villaggio di Houla, dopo aver visto i corpi” (ma ovviamente le dichiarazioni dell’Onu vengono manipolate dall’Ansa che titola “L’Onu accusa l’esercito”). Prosegue il sito Onu: “Il generale Robert Mood, capo dell’Unsmis, ha dichiarato che le circostanze di queste tragiche uccisioni non sono tuttora chiare”.
Il sito scrive inoltre che gli osservatori confermano anche, da un’analisi di residuati, che tiri di artiglieria sono stati effettuati contro un quartiere residenziale. Ma non è specificato da chi.
Il governo siriano invece sostiene che l’esercito non ha usato artiglieria o armi pesanti contro i civili e a che a compiere la strage sono stati i “terroristi” che a centinaia hanno attaccato Houla con armi pesanti compresi lanciarazzi anticarro.
Ban Ki-Moon e Kofi Annan hanno emesso un comunicato: “Questo crimine brutale che indica un uso indiscriminato e sproporzionato della forza è una violazione flagrante della legge internazionale e degli impegni da parte del governo rispetto al non uso di armi pesanti nei centri abitati (…) i responsabili dovranno pagare”. Sia Mood che Annan che Ban Ki Moon hanno chiesto al governo siriano di smettere di usare armamenti pesanti nei centri abitati ma hanno anche chiesto a tutte le parti di cessare le violenze in tutte le loro forme.La Reutersriferisce anche di queste parole di Mood: “Chi ha iniziato, chi ha risposto e chi è responsabile dovrà pagare”.
La tivù russa RT scrive ( “Inizialmente il massacro è stato riferito da attivisti dell’opposizione fra i quali l’Osservatorio siriano per i diritti umani basato a Londra secondo i quali la città è stata bombardata dalle forze governative durante manifestazioni antiregime”. I bombardamenti sarebbero continuati da venerdì a mezzogiorno fino all’alba di sabato.
Il punto è che i morti nei video dalle ferite e dallo stato non sembrano essere vittime di bombardamenti sulle case ma di esecuzioni. Lo afferma anche un ex del Pentagono intervistato da Rt. Il collegamento fra azioni dell’esercito e i bambini morti dei video sembra non essere possibile.
Chi ha ucciso? Degli armati sicuramente non riconoscibili (quindi anche eventuali superstiti troveranno difficile dare risposte vere) e sulla base dei loro interessi. Che non sembrano essere quelli della pace ma piuttosto di una tensione sempre maggiore con intervento esterno.  Digitando su youtube “Hula massacre”, appaiono alcuni video, con tanti corpicini stesi sulle coperte, in ambientazioni diverse. I piccoli morti non appaiono vittime di bombardamenti sulle loro case ma piuttosto di esecuzioni mirate, uno a uno (non c’è la polvere e la distruzione che in genere si accompagnano ai tiri e ai bombardamenti che distruggono abitazioni, si pensi a certe foto dalla Libia).  C’è un altro video che mostra bambini morti con le mani legate (una stranezza che pare artificiosa e che richiama un video riferito a Homs in marzo, poi rivelatosi una mistificazione da parte dei rivoltosi).
Un altro video ancora mostra le immagini mostrate anche da Sana e dalla Press tv sulle due famiglie (con nomi) uccise in un villaggio da gruppi armati, ma attribuisce i morti con didascalia in spagnolo a Huila e alle “gang di Assad”.
Non sembrano esserci video di bombardamenti a Hula. Sempre digitando “Hula massacre” c’è un video che mostra uomini per strada (dove?), alcuni con bandiere – non quelle dell’opposizione – e poi si sentono rumori di spari e un fuggi fuggi con qualcuno che rimane per terra.
Secondo il Centro di informazioni Vox Clamans della diocesi di Homs, le cose sono andate molto diversamente da quel che dicono i media e l’opposizione. “Un nostro testimone oculare di Kfar Laha, presso Hula ci ha detto: ‘Bande armate in gran numero hanno attaccato le forze dell’ordine o dell’esercito vicino all’ospedale Al Watani che hanno perso veicoli e un blindato.  Sono seguiti scontri fino a tarda notte e invano i governativi hanno cercato di respingere l’attacco con l’artiglieria e molte perdite. Uccisi o feriti 35 soldati, e nove miliziani. I miliziani sono entrati nell’ospedale massacrando tutti i presenti. Hanno portato via i cadaveri in coperte dell’ospedale e li hanno ammucchiati in un luogo di Hulé che sembra essere una moschea. Poi sono entrati in varie case del quartiere sud uccidendo i civili e ammucchiandoli per mostrarli agli osservatori, prima di bruciare le loro case. In 24 ore cento sunniti sono stati massacrati a Tal Daw (Houlé), alaouiti sono stati massacrati a Shiphonyieh, ismailiti a Salamyeh e cristiani a Qusyar”. La consegna delle bande armate sembra essere incendiare il conflitto religioso.  E la previsione è sinistra : il mosaico siriano si potrebbe rompere in una guerra civile alla libanese.
L’agenzia Sana parla di altre decine di assassinati civili “per mano di al Qaeda”: dà i nomi di diverse famiglie uccise nei villaggi Tal Daw e al-Shumariyeh e mostra diverse foto.

(27 maggio 2012)

=== 2 ===

Una primavera araba per Cuba? Cosa si nasconde sotto il tappeto

23 Maggio 2012

di Percy Francisco Alvarado Godoy* | da

Rappresentanti del Consiglio Nazionale Siriano (CNS), il principale raggruppamento antigovernativo in Siria, e membri dell'anticubana Assemblea della Resistenza Cubana (ARC) hanno sottoscritto un “accordo di collaborazione”

Traduzione a cura di

*Percy Francisco Alvarado Godoy è giornalista guatemalteco che risiede a Cuba. Collabora a numerose testate, tra cui “Cubadebate” e “Rebelion”

La notizia non sorprende nessuno. Rappresentanti del Consiglio Nazionale Siriano (CNS), il principale raggruppamento antigovernativo in Siria, e membri dell'anticubana Assemblea della Resistenza Cubana (ARC) hanno sottoscritto un “accordo di collaborazione”, l'8 maggio, nell'Hotel Biltmore, a Coral Gables, Miami, il cui proposito è “coordinare azioni” per provocare il rovesciamento incostituzionale dei governi siriano e cubano. “Stiamo lottando per lo stesso ideale che non è altro che il rispetto dei diritti fondamentali dei popoli di Siria e Cuba”, ha sottolineato la provocatrice Sylvia Iriondo, il cui padre è stato un noto agente della CIA e ha partecipato alla sconfitta invasione mercenaria a Playa de Giron.
Questa signora, alla guida del gruppuscolo Madri e donne antirepressione per Cuba (M.A.R. per Cuba), si è distinta per la promozione di attività sovversive dentro l'Isola, finanziando la controrivoluzione interna e inviando emissari per finanziare le sue attività destabilizzanti.

CNS e ARC si sono incontrati per caso? Certo che no. L'accordo è il risultato della creazione di una forza di scopo (Task Force), tra agenzie e governi, a cui partecipano congiuntamente la CIA, il Mossad, l'M16, le sezioni Cuba e Siria del Dipartimento di Stato, l'intelligence militare del Pentagono, gruppi di pressione filo-israeliani e anticubani all'interno del Congresso e vari rappresentanti dell'estrema destra, particolarmente Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. La Task Force è stata formata con il consenso di vari governi, quelli che hanno piena consapevolezza dell'attivazione di questo gruppo e dei suoi piani futuri, tra cui si distinguono Stati Uniti, Israele, Arabia Saudita, Regno Unito e altri paesi dell'Unione Europea e delle Lega Araba. E' probabile che anche tre governi latinoamericani siano stati consultati in merito.

Questo gruppo di scopo funziona da pochi mesi e si è posto come obiettivi, i seguenti:

1) Coordinare azioni di appoggio comune sul piano internazionale, sviluppando una guerra mediatica di alta intensità che può contare su vaste risorse messe a sua disposizione. In tal senso, viene contemplato l'impiego delle reti sociali per sommergerle con un attacco continuo di distorsione della realtà interna a Cuba e in Siria, appoggiandosi su gruppi controrivoluzionari interni, di cui è stato definito con chiarezza il ruolo nella vendita di un'immagine distorta delle loro realtà nazionali.

Nel caso di Cuba, la SINA (Ufficio degli interessi degli Stati Uniti a Cuba) ha un ruolo determinante nel coordinamento delle azioni di provocazione e destabilizzanti. Nel caso della Siria, vari centri operativi ubicati a Parigi, Istanbul, Baghdad, Londra, e altre capitali europee e arabe, assolvono a questo compito che si inquadra nella guerra ideologica.

2) Creare un fronte unito e scambiare strategie comuni, che tengano conto dell'esperienza accumulata dai gruppi controrivoluzionari nelle rispettive nazioni. A tale scopo, il gruppo di scopo studia la possibilità, coltivata inutilmente per decenni, di promuovere una frattura tra le FAR (Forze Armate Rivoluzionarie) e il MININT (Ministero dell'Interno) di Cuba rispetto alla direzione del paese, avendo come riferimento l'esperienza maturata in Siria.

Davanti all'impossibilità di promuovere l'inserimento di mercenari stranieri all'interno di Cuba, come è accaduto in Siria, il gruppo di scopo ha ben chiara la creazione di condizioni per riattivare le azioni terroriste sviluppate contro Cuba negli anni passati, studiando i profili della forza controrivoluzionaria interna per individuare chi potrebbe essere potenzialmente impiegato in questo compito. In tal senso, si sta studiando l'invio di alcuni istruttori provenienti dall'Europa e da nazioni latinoamericane per preparare, surrettiziamente, alcuni controrivoluzionari all'utilizzo di esplosivi, delle tecniche di sovversione e di altri metodi di guerra sporca. Il gruppo di scopo ha pensato di incorporare alcuni cittadini latinoamericani, alcuni dei quali hanno servito in Iraq e Afghanistan, per preparare gruppi di infiltrazione allo scopo di realizzare sabotaggi dentro Cuba. Sono stati contattati anche terroristi di origine cubana e gruppi come Alpha 66, Comandos F4, tra gli altri, per reclutare persone da addestrare in campi all'interno degli Stati Uniti o in qualcuno dei paesi latinoamericani contattati.

3) La forza di scopo si è impegnata a utilizzare tutti i canali diplomatici possibili per demonizzare sul piano internazionale i governi di Bashar Al Assad e Raul Castro, in particolare all'interno delle Nazioni Unite, l'OSA, la Lega Araba, e utilizzando una vasta gamma di ONG, allo scopo di deformare deliberatamente la situazione dei diritti umani in queste nazioni.

4) La forza di scopo dispone di fonti di finanziamento attraverso fondi segreti già assicurati dai governi coinvolti, fondamentalmente attraverso conti fantasma della CIA, del Mossad e di altre agenzie, spacciati come contributi a ONG.

Si stanno attuando studi per potere abilitare i canali logistici necessari per far arrivare gli interessati a Cuba e in Siria, tutte le risorse logistiche necessarie per realizzare le loro missioni.

In sintesi, l'accordo firmato dalla parte cubana (Berta Antunez, Orlando Gutiérrez, Silvia Iriondo, Laida Carro, Horacio Garcia, Raul Garcia e Luis Gonzales Infante) e dalla parte siriana (l'Unità per una Siria Libera, la Commissione Generale della Rivoluzione, il Gruppo di Lavoro dell'Emergenza Siriana, l'American Syrian PAC, il Consiglio Siriano-Americano e l'Organizzazione dei Siriani Espatriati, tra cui si trovavano Niman Shukairy e Mohamed Kawam) è solo una copertura per qualcosa di più grande.

Molti potranno anche definire questo lavoro come una speculazione senza fondamento, ma coloro che sanno come funzionano i servizi nemici, sono coscienti che non deriva da un evento pubblico ma da qualcosa che c'è dietro l'infrastruttura segreta per articolarlo, o perlomeno dalla Task Force incaricata dell'esecuzione. In questo, sia la CIA che il Mossad hanno una vasta esperienza. L'importante è mantenersi vigilanti e aver chiaro che il nemico si muove nell'ombra. Occorre farlo, anche se si deve sapere, in anticipo, che una “primavera araba” a Cuba è la semplice masturbazione di un nemico testardo, illuso, ma pericoloso.


L’opposition syrienne prend ses quartiers d’été à Miami

par Agence Cubaine de NouvellesJean Guy Allard

La CIA met en place un dispostif de sabotage du plan Annan et de toute tentative de paix en Syrie. Renouant avec les méthodes de la Guerre froide durant laquelle elle fabriquaient des groupes subversifs dans le Bloc de l’Est et les intégrait dans des fronts combattants internationaux, la CIA a organisé à Miami un séminaire de formation joint pour les opposants armés cubains et syriens.


[FOTO: Séminaire joint des oppositions armées cubaine et syrienne, financées par les Etats-Unis (1er au 8 mai 2012 à l’hôtel Biltmore de Coral Gables, Miami).]

En recourant aux milieux cubano-américains agissant sous leur emprise à Miami, ainsi qu’à des opposants syriens vivant sur leur territoire, les Services de renseignement des États-Unis tentent d’associer Cuba aux troubles qui secouent actuellement la Syrie, comme le suggère une dépêche datée depuis Miami de l’agence espagnole EFE qui « révèle » que « des dissidents syriens et cubains sont en train de créer un front pour combattre Castro et El-Assad ».
« Les oppositions syrienne et cubaine ont constitué aux États-Unis un front uni pour la liberté et la démocratie des deux pays qui avait pour but de combattre les "régime dictatoriaux"  », affirme la correspondance de l’agence madrilène, basée à Miami, ville considérée comme le siège de tous les complots anticubains ourdis aux États-Unis.
Des représentants de « la principale organisation d’opposition en Syrie » et des membres de la dénommée Assemblée de la Résistance cubaine (ARC) de Miami, ont conclu un « accord pour coordonner leurs efforts » et donner de Cuba une image d’instabilité.
« La Syrie est tombée dans une spirale de violence depuis le 15 mars 2011, lorsque des milliers de personnes sont descendues dans les rues », ajoute EFE.
« Ceci offre une possibilité extraordinaire : un front uni pour la liberté et la démocratie au sein duquel les peuples syrien et cubain se sont unis pour lutter », commente l’interlocutrice du correspondant de cette agence à Miami, Silvia Iriondo, la « présidente » de Mères et femmes anti-répression (M.A.R. Por Cuba).
Silvia Iriondo, de son vrai nom Silvia Goudie, est la fille d’un mercenaire de l’invasion manquée de la Baie des cochons. Elle vit de ses mensonges à Miami, de sa « créature » M.A.R. Por Cuba, gracieusement financée par l’USAID. Lors de l’enlèvement de l’enfant cubain Elian Gonzalez, cette dame et les membres de son organisation avaient déclaré qu’ils préféreraient le voir mourir plutôt que de le rendre à sa famille à Cuba.
Le Département d’État et ses « filiales » l’ont invariablement employée dans leur « service extérieur » pour qu’elle participe aux rencontres et aux meetings qu’ils organisent contre Cuba, en Europe et en Amérique latine.
En mars 2004, Robert Ménard, l’ancien secrétaire général de Reporters sans frontières, et Frank « Paquito » Calzon, agent de la CIA et directeur du Center for a Free Cuba (CFC), se sont présentés en public à ses côtés lors d’une réunion avec des députés européens organisée par les copains de l’ancien président du gouvernement espagnol José Maria Aznar à l’Union européenne.
Robert Ménard est devenu célèbre après avoir renfloué ses comptes bancaires « cubains » de Virginie avec l’argent de l’USAID, tandis qu’au CFC, Felipe Sixto, le bras droit de Calzon, a été arrêté et condamné pour avoir détourné un demi million de dollars.
En 2007, ladite Société internationale pour les Droits de l’Homme – une organisation de la CIA ouvertement anticommuniste qui organisait un séminaire sur la « question cubaine » au Centre de communications de la Dresdner Bank, à Frankfort, en Allemagne –, invita et installa Silvia Iriondo à la présidence aux côtés de Calzon, de Pedro V. Roig (le directeur général de Radio et TV Marti qui était alors sous enquête pour fraude), du « commandant traître » Hubert Matos, lié au trafic de drogues, et d’Angel Francisco de Fana Serrano, d’Alpha 66 (arrêté en Californie en 1995 avec en sa possession un arsenal d’armes destinées à perpétrer un attentat terroriste contre Cuba.
En novembre 2009, Silvia Iriondo se joignit au chef d’UnoAmérica, confrérie fasciste de nostalgiques du Plan Condor, ainsi qu’à Alejandro Peña Esclusa – aujourd’hui jugé pour terrorisme à Caracas –, au sein du groupe d’« observateurs » qui ont légitimé les élections générales convoquées sous la dictature de Roberto Micheletti au Honduras.
À cette occasion, elle a une nouvelle fois côtoyé Matos et d’autres « figures » de la mafia anticubaine comme le millionnaire de l’« anticastrisme » Orlando Gutierrez Boronat qui l’accompagne à présent dans le montage du show « Cuba-Syrie ».
Bénéficiaire, à l’instar de Mme Iriondo, des généreuses perfusions de dollars de l’USAID, Gutierrez s’est autoproclamé secrétaire national du Directoire démocratique cubain (DDC), et d’aucuns lui reprochent même de s’offrir des voyages à travers le monde avec les subventions.
Salué par EFE – une agence de presse créée par le grand-père franquiste d’Aznar –, cet « accord » n’est pas la première tentative d’« associer » la Syrie à Cuba, à laquelle participe Mme Iriondo.
Il y a quelques semaines, cette « militante » à la solde du Département d’État a participé à une séance d’information au Congrès organisée par une soi-disant Association d’avocats cubano-américains (CABA), placée sous le thème « Le printemps arabe à Cuba », en présence des législateurs mafieux Mario Diaz-Balart, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen et David Rivera.
Parmi les signataires de l’« accord » dont se félicite EFE figure en outre Horacio Garcia, du Conseil pour la liberté de Cuba (CLC), l’un des anciens directeurs de la Fondation nationale cubano-américaine (FNCA). Rappelons que ce monsieur a été présenté publiquement par le terroriste d’origine cubaine Luis Posada Carriles comme l’un des principaux « financiers » de ses activités criminelles.
Pour la « partie syrienne », EFE mentionne Mohamed Kawam, du dénommé Groupe de travail de l’urgence syrienne, et Niman Shukairy, de l’Unité pour une Syrie libre, respectivement médecin et dentiste, qui semblent préférer l’argent facile à l’exercice de leur profession. Deux militants syriens basés aux États-Unis, dont les positions de droite leur ont permis de s’associer aux mécanismes de propagande et de déstabilisation du Département d’État.

[FOTO: Réception des participants au séminaire cubano-syrien par le gouverneur de Floride, Rick Scott (1er mai 2012).]

[1] The ACR included Movimiento Feminista por los Derechos Civiles Rosa Parks, Coalición de Mujeres Cubano Americanas (Coalition of Cuban American Women), Proyecto Pro Cambio, Jóvenes Cubanos en Acción (Cuban Youth in Action), Presidio Político Histórico "Casa del Preso", Directorio Democrático Cubano (Cuban Democratic Directorate), and MAR por Cuba (Mothers Against Repression).



Cuban-Syrian Joint Declaration of Agreement

We, Cubans and Syrians, in resistance against the tyrannies which deprive us of our God-given, inalienable rights, proclaim : That human rights and dignity are universal and intrinsic to the human condition, and that all humans are created equal in obeisance to same ; That in defense of these rights, the Cuban Resistance and the Syrian Revolution agree to unify our struggles in order to accelerate the hour of liberation ; Therefore : 
 The Cuban Resistance recognizes the Syrian Revolution as a legitimate expression of the highest aims and ideals of the Syrian people ; 
 The Syrian Revolution recognizes the Agreement for Democracy as a legitimate expression of the highest aims and ideals of the Cuban people ; 
 The Cuban Resistance joins those nations, which have recognized the Syrian Revolution as a legitimate representative of the Syrian people ; 
 The Syrian Revolution adopts the Vilnius Resolution of the Parliamentary Forum of the Community of Democracies in recognizing the Cuban Resistance as a legitimate representative of the Cuban people ;
Therefore, with said moral authority, the Cuban Resistance and Syrian Revolution jointly agree : 
 To coordinate all of our political, diplomatic, logistic and humanitarian efforts in pursuit of the liberation of Cuba and Syria ; 
 hence constituting a United Front for Freedom and Democracy ;
Therefore, the Cuban Resistance and the Syrian Revolution jointly declare : The people want the overthrow of the dictatorial regimes of Assad and Castro.
Signed at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables this 8th day of May, 2012.
For The Assembly of the Cuban Resistance [1] : Bertha Antunez, Laida Carro Raul Garcia, Luis Gonzalez Infante, Orlando Gutierrez Boronat, Sylvia Iriondo 
For the Syrian Revolution : Khaled Saleh (General Commission for the Revolution), Mohamed Kawam (Syrian Emergency Task Force — SETF), Yahia Basha (United for a free Syria — UFS), Bashar Lufti (American Syrian Public Affairs Committee —(AMSPAC), Imad Jandali (Syrian American Council — SAC), Maher Nana (Syrian Expatriates Organization —SSO— and Syrian Support Group — SSG).

=== 3 ===

La Russie proteste contre l’entrainement de factieux syriens au Kosovo


Le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères a exhorté les instances internationales opérant au Kosovo à faire en sorte que la région ne devienne pas un terrain d’entraînement pour les rebelles opérant en Syrie.
En effet une délégation de l’opposition syrienne s’est rendue au Kosovo en avril pour procéder officiellement à un accord sur l’échange d’expériences en matière de guérilla anti-gouvernementale.
Selon le ministère russe, les entretiens ont porté non seulement sur les moyens d’organiser la résistance armée contre les autorités, mais aussi sur la formation de militants syriens au Kosovo.
« Il est prévu d’utiliser les zones (au Kosovo) qui ressemblent au terrain en Syrie. La possibilité de mettre en place des camps d’entraînement dans les anciennes bases de l’Armée de libération du Kosovo (l’UCK) est également en cours de discussion ».
« Transformer le Kosovo en un terrain d’entraînement international pour les militants armés peut devenir un facteur de déstabilisation grave qui pourrait se prolonger au-delà des Balkans (...) nous exhortons les organismes internationaux qui opèrent au Kosovo à prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires pour empêcher. ces projets ».
À la fin des années 90, la milice ethnique et confessionnelle albanaise UCK avait mené une guerre séparatiste contre le gouvernement du président Slobodan Milosevic.
Les représailles militaires de l’État yougoslave contre les actions terroristes organisées par l’UCK avait servi de prétexte à la première intervention militaro-humanitaire de l’histoire de l’OTAN.
Après la chute de l’État national, l’UCK avait procédé à une politique de purification ethnique au Kosovo, accompagnée d’une campagne de destruction méthodique d’églises et de monastères chrétiens orthodoxes.
Se présentant comme des musulmans sunnites, les combattants de l’Armée de libération kosovare s’étaient spécialisés dans le proxénétisme pour financer leurs opérations avant de diversifier leurs activités dans le trafic d’héroïne et le commerce d’organes.
Alors que le procureur national italien anti-mafia Alberto Mariati, à confirmé que « l’UCK était liée à la mafia de Naples, la Camorra, ainsi qu’ à celle des Pouilles », Hashim Thaçi, le parrain de la mafia kosovare et le dirigeant de l’aile politique de l’UCK est actuellement premier ministre du Kosovo. [1]
Le succès fulgurant de l’organisation et de ses dirigeants est dû au fait que dès sa création en 1996, l’UCK était piloté par les services secrets allemands et par l’OTAN qul l’avait entrainée dans des camps basés en Turquie et en Albanie [2].
À l’époque, les Occidentaux et l’UCK étaient parvenus à neutraliser politiquement la majorité des musulmans du Kosovo en marginalisant le leader pacifiste kosovar Ibrahim Rugova et en assassinant le modéré Ahmet Krasniqi.
Hier en Afghanistan, en Tchétchénie, en Yougoslavie ou en Libye et aujourd’hui en Syrie, l’Otan s’appuie systématiquement sur de soi-disant islamistes pour instrumentaliser l’islam et protéger ses intérêts.

[1] « Le gouvernement kosovar et le crime organisé », par Jürgen Roth, Réseau Voltaire, 8 avril 2008.

[2] « L’UÇK, une armée kosovare sous encadrement allemand », Réseau Voltaire, 15 avril 1999.

=== 4 ===

Siria-Kosovo: a scuola di guerriglia

Miren Stillitani 
22 maggio 2012

E' in pericolo la stabilità dei Balcani e non solo. E' questo l'allarme lanciato da Mosca a seguito della visita in Kosovo di tre esponenti dell'opposizione siriana. Che si sarebbero recati a Pristina per imparare la guerriglia dagli ex Uçk

Lo scorso 15 maggio, durante un dibattito sul Kosovo tenutosi in seno al Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, l'ambasciatore russo all'Onu Vitaly Churkin ha espresso preoccupazione in merito alla circolazione di notizie di stampa secondo cui il governo del Kosovo avrebbe instaurato contatti con esponenti dell'opposizione siriana ed avrebbe messo a disposizione basi per l'addestramento dei ribelli siriani.
Stando alle parole di Churkin, “trasformare il Kosovo in un centro internazionale di addestramento per insorti potrebbe costituire un serio fattore destabilizzante che andrebbe al di là dei Balcani”. A conclusione del proprio intervento, l'ambasciatore ha esortato le organizzazioni internazionali che operano in Kosovo (Kfor, Nato, Onu) ad intervenire in merito alla questione, adottando “tutte le misure necessarie per prevenire la messa in atto di tali piani”.
In una conferenza stampa tenutasi a seguito del dibattito presso le Nazioni Unite, il ministro degli Esteri del Kosovo Enver Hoxhaj non ha negato l'esistenza di contatti diplomatici fra governo del Kosovo e l'opposizione siriana, affermando che il Kosovo nel 2011 è stato “fra i primi governi in Europa a sostenere l'opposizione in Libia ed in altri Paesi arabi (…) dato il perseguimento di ideali affini”.
Pur avendo confermato di sostenere fermamente la causa dell'opposizione siriana, il ministro ha ad ogni modo respinto le accuse rivolte da Mosca sul coinvolgimento delle autorità kosovare in attività di addestramento dei ribelli siriani

La delegazione siriana in Kosovo

La presa di posizione russa è conseguente di un incontro tenutosi a Pristina lo scorso aprile fra lo stesso Enver Hoxhaj e una delegazione di membri dell’opposizione siriana: il rappresentante del Consiglio Nazionale Siriano e leader del Fratelli Mussulmani di Siria Molham Aldroby, l'Alto responsabile siriano all'interno dell'Assemblea Nazionale del Kurdistan Djengizkhan Hasso e Ammar Abdulhamid, oppositore del regime siriano esule negli Stati Uniti dal 2005.
“Siamo qui per imparare”, ha dichiarato quest'ultimo durante la sua visita in Kosovo a Le Courrier des Balkans “l'esperienza del Kosovo può esserci utile. Ad esempio ci è utile capire come i vari gruppi armati che formavano l'Uçk si sono organizzati tra loro. Questo soggiorno in Kosovo può servirci d'ispirazione per la nostra lotta”.
Nell'intervista Ammar Abdulhamid, pur evocando chiaramente la necessità di “costruire la capacità di combattere il regime siriano”, resta vago su una collaborazione che sia di più che un semplice scambio verbale di esperienze e non conferma né smentisce le voci sui campi d'addestramento dell'Esercito libero della Siria sul territorio kosovaro.

Fonti serbe

In linea con le accuse di Mosca anche le voci che arrivano da Belgrado, secondo le quali dietro a questa visita siriana in Kosovo vi sarebbero i servizi segreti Usa. “Dal momento che gli oppositori siriani non riescono a far crollare il regime, i fautori della rivoluzione sono passati al piano B: l'unificazione della guerriglia, ad immagine e somiglianza dell'Uçk. Sono coloro che avevano addestrato i terroristi albanesi del Kosovo nel 1996-1997 ad aver inviato i militanti siriani (...)” ha dichiarato alla stampa locale il generale Momir Stojanović, ex direttore dell'Agenzia di sicurezza militare serba.
Opinioni simili quelle espresse dall'ex comandante delle forze di sicurezza jugoslave, Ninoslav Krstić: “Queste formazioni militari s'eserciteranno negli ex campi d'addestramento dell'Uçk, vicino alla frontiera con l'Albania. Krstić indica anche come possibili luoghi d'addestramento Kukës e Tropoja nel nord dell'Albania per poi tirare in ballo anche la possibilità di campi d'addestramento in Macedonia.

Non lasciare soli i siriani

Intanto Verton Surroi, tra i più influenti giornalisti ed intellettuali kosovari, che sarebbe l'autore dell'invito dei tre rappresentanti dell'opposizione siriana in Kosovo, in un editoriale pubblicato daGlobal Viewpoint ha denunciato l'incapacità del piano in sei punti di Kofi Annan di porre fine al conflitto in Siria.
“E' chiaro che ha fallito sia nel porre fine alla violenza in Siria che ad assicurare un dialogo politico. Il regime ha compreso che può trascinare i piedi nell'implementazione del piano sino a quando non ci sarà un'alternativa all'orizzonte. Dà per scontato, come fece il Presidente della Serbia Milosević ai tempi della disgregazione jugoslava, che l'Occidente non ha lo stomaco per un intervento armato. E sembra che attualmente il regime siriano abbia ragione".
Surroi, dopo una lunga argomentazione, conclude: "Più volte i mediatori e diplomatici hanno ribadito che spetta ai siriani trovare la loro strada verso il futuro. Suona corretto, e dovrebbe essere così. Ma lasciare i cittadini siriani soli li condannerebbe ad una guerra prolungata e ad un bagno di sangue... La comunità internazionale non può stare a guardare o appoggiarsi su formule come quelle che sono già state sconfitte durante la tragedia nei Balcani".

(english / italiano)


Conflitto all'interno della UEFA sulla ipotesi di consentire alla "Nazionale" del "Kosovo" - il protettorato della NATO che più della metà dei paesi ONU non riconoscono come Stato indipendente - di scendere in campo in gare amichevoli internazionali...

Conflict of Platini and Blatter over Kosmet

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 16:04 -- MRS

President of the UEFA Michel Platini has opposed the decision of the Executive Committee of FIFA to allow Kosovo playing friendly international matches. At issue is exclusively a political issue, and that decision is contrary to the statute of the UEFA, said Platini. Namely, the FIFA Executive Committee decided yesterday to allow Kosmet to play friendly matches, although all eight members from the UEFA were against it.