
(english / italiano)

Resistenza contro la NATO e i suoi sgherri in Kosovo

1) NEWS:
- Minister Bogdanovic: K. Albanians "trying to finalize ethnic cleansing"
- 3 Serbs wounded in clashes near Zubin Potok in Kosovo
- Kosovo on verge of conflict
- Checkpoint in northern Kosovo set on fire
- Serbian officials call on KFOR to respect agreement
- Police raise combat readiness along administrative line
- Serbia requests UN Security Council session on Kosovo
- Russia reacts to crisis, accuses Priština
- Kosovo separatists flexing muscle
- Russia concerned over tensions in Kosovo
- NATO peacekeepers attacked in northern Kosovo
- NATO declares crossings "restricted military areas"
- Kosovo Serbs defy NATO, leave road barricades
- NATO Forces Clear Kosovo Barricades
- NATO to send extra troops to Kosovo
- KFOR won't let food, medical supplies through at Jarinje
- Minister tells Serbs in north to remain at barricades
- PM calls on KFOR, UNMIK to "remain neutral"

2) Anniversario della strage di Staro Gracko (Lipljan)

3) Embargo sui prodotti serbi in Kosovo e occupazione militare del valico con la Serbia centrale: la popolazione insorge

4) Editoriali e servizi di "Voce della Russia"
- Al Kosovo non basta
- Pristina sta provocando la Serbia
- Chi trae profitto da un nuovo inasprimento della situazione nei Balcani?

NATO has sent more troops into Kosovo after a week of violence between ethnic Albanians and Serbs in an attempt to stop an escalation of the conflict.
Serbian-Canadian film director Boris Malagurski believes this shows how deeply the alliance is concerned about the situation in the Balkans.
"They are sending 550 German and 550 Austrian troops," he said. "They would not be sending troops into Kosovo if they didn't estimate that the situation could explode into a larger conflict. And considering that the international community has an interest in solving the so-called North Kosovo issue, it would not be unreasonable to suggest that they are trying to fix this issue as fast as possible. And I strongly believe that if the force is necessary to do what they have planned, they will use it."
Tensions were raised last week when Kosovar police seized two crossing checkpoints to impose a ban on imports from Serbia.
Border violence killed one Kosovar policeman and brought peacekeeping forces under fire.
Possible negotiation between the sides, however, can hardly change anything now, Malagurski says.
"Whenever the both sides are urged to negotiate, it is mostly... to get the Serbs to accept something," he said. "The Serbs has already made many concessions to the so-called Republic of Kosovo -- they've recognized their documents, the IDs, the license plates. So calling on the Albanians for negotiations is another call for Serbs to accept more things leading to Serbia recognizing Kosovo."


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Politika/Tanjug News Agency - July 7, 2011

K. Albanians "trying to finalize ethnic cleansing"

BELGRADE: The Kosovo Ministry will urgently inform the EU mission in Kosovo, EULEX, about the cases of "Albanization and assimilation of Serbs", says Goran Bogdanović.
The minister for Kosovo stated on Thursday that this will come along with a request for the practice "to end immediately".
"The representatives of the international community in Kosovo cannot ignore what is happening to Serbs, and not only to Serbs but also to other peoples and ethnic groups," Bogdanović. 
His comments refer to frequent changes of the personal data in Kosovo IDs issued for Serbs, which they required so as to realize their right to pension allowance. 
"It is unacceptable for the names of Serbs to be Albanized in the documents issued by Priština, and that their Serb nationality be changed into 'Kosovar'," Bogdanović stated for the Belgrade-based daily Politika. 
He added that this was yet another indicator that the Kosovo Albanian authorities were using all methods to gradually assimilate those Serbs in Kosovo that they had not managed to drive out of their homes - "and thus bring ethnic cleansing to an end". 
Bogdanović said that recent attempts to re-designate Serb monasteries and cultural heritage as "Kosovo's heritage" was an obvious example of how Priština was trying to "Albanize" Serbian history and culture, falsify facts and presents someone else's cultural identity as their own. 
"Such moves demonstrate how much Priština cares about a multi-ethnic society, but also bring harm to the dialogue (between Belgrade and Priština) and the agreement that has been reached," Bogdanović stressed.


Voice of Russia - July 26, 2011

3 Serbs wounded in clashes near Zubin Potok in Kosovo

Three Serbs have been wounded in clashes in the village of Zubin Potok in the north of Kosovo, Radio KIM that broadcasts in Kosovo and Metohija reports. At about 4:00 p.m. local time, the sounds of gunfire were heard near the village of Varage. At least one Kosovo policeman was reportedly wounded. Controversial reports are coming from Kosovo.
The Tanjug News Agency quotes Milena Cvetkovic, the head doctor of a hospital at Kosovska Mitrovica, as saying that no new patients have been admitted since Tuesday morning. At the same time, Serbia’s Minister for Kosovo and Metohija Goran Bogdanovic has confirmed that the clashes did take place and that there are casualties among Serbs.
The Serbian television says that the Jarine border crossing in Kosovo has been shut. Reports about clashes near Zubin Potok have prompted local Serbs to seal off the road to the Brnjak border checkpoint. Earlier, Kosovo special task police made a failed attempt to storm the checkpoint, Mr. Boganovic said.


Voice of Russia - July 26, 2011

Kosovo on verge of conflict

Three Serbs were wounded in clashes with riot police in Kosovo near the village of Zubin Potok. According to the local radio station K.I.M. the situation in northern Kosovo escalated on Monday evening, when Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci ordered the police to establish control over two checkpoints along the dividing line in central Serbia.
Normally the responsibility for these checkpoints is handled by the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo, EULEX.
One checkpoint was seized but later abandoned by Kosovo police commandos. The path to another checkpoint was blocked by local Serbs.
Tuesday afternoon, after the intervention of NATO international forces under the command of the Kosovo Force, KFOR, the situation seemed to have calmed down. But later it became apparent that it had not.
According to Serbian media on Tuesday the border crossing at Yasmin was closed. After reports of the clash near Zubin Potok, Kosovo Serbs also blocked the road leading to the border crossing at Brnyak.  
The Voice of Russia talked to the head of the administration of Zubin Potok, Slavish Ristic, in Serbian and he had the following to say: “Zubin Potok still remains tense. People fear for their safety. The reasons for concern are the actions that members of the special forces of the Kosovo Police have taken.”
This morning the special division of the Kosovo police and members of the Rosa (Dew) Special Forces Unit seized the border checkpoint in the village of Brnyak. After lengthy negotiations which started at 13:00 hours between representatives of Belgrade, Pristina and KFOR, and representatives of "Rosa", the border crossing was handed back to KFOR forces.
A half hour later, however, a different group of "Rosa" Forces again attempted to penetrate into Zubin Potok. Members of the Special Forces Unit opened fire on unarmed civilians who attempted to block the road. Fortunately, there were no casualties.
Currently the reports coming out of Kosovo are conflicting in nature. At approximately 16:00 Belgrade time (18.00 GMT) gunfire was heard near the village of Varaga. At least one Kosovo policeman was injured.
The chief doctor of the Kosovo-Mitrovitsa hospital, Milena Cvetkovic told the Tanjug News Agency that there had been no admissions to the hospital during the morning. However, the Minister for Kosovo-Metohija affairs, Goran Bogdanovic, confirmed that clashes had in fact taken place and that there were Serbs among the victims.
The head of Kosovska-Mitrovitsya Region, Radenko Nedelkovic, reported that on Tuesday night negotiations between the northern Kosovo Serbian authorities and the representatives of NATO forces (KFOR) had taken place.
The Serbs insist that the Albanian leadership withdraw its police commandos and special forces from the border areas. At the same time there are reports coming in that the Albanian special forces have already left the checkpoint they captured and moved in the direction of Kosovo-Mitrovitsya, and are now in the village of Zhupche.
According to other reports Minister Goran Bogdanovic and the Political Director for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Borislav Stefanovic, had negotiated with the commander of KFOR Erhard Bühler.
Observers say that the recent relations between Belgrade and Pristina have seriously deteriorated. Last week, the Kosovo government imposed a ban on the import of goods from Serbia, citing the decision by Serbian authorities not to recognize Kosovo's customs seal and thereby prevent the importation of goods from Kosovo into Serbia. The dispute between Belgrade and Pristina had led to the disruption of another round of talks which were to have taken place on practical issues.



Beta News Agency/B92 - July 27, 2011

Checkpoint in northern Kosovo set on fire

JARINJE: The checkpoint of Jarinje on the administrative line between Kosovo and central Serbia has been set on fire, reports said.
"A group of several dozen young men" was identified in reports as the perpetrators that set the checkpoint facilities on fire. 
KFOR helicopters are flying over the area, while media crews are being evacuated. 
Beta news agency reports that shots from automatic weapons were heard, and that Molotov cocktails were also thrown at a nearby KFOR camp, after which an explosion was heard. 
Thick black smoke was seen rising from that area, according to this. 
The attackers were described as "young men wearing hoods". 
Several hundred people are at the checkpoint. 
According to reports, the young men were Serbs who came "from the direction of Kosovska Mitrovica". They asked those gathered at the administrative line post to step away, and then started to demolish and burn the facilities. 

Serbia's state television RTS is reporting that Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanović and Belgrade Kosovo talks team chief Borislav Stefanović, who were at Brnjak, are now headed to Jarinje. 
The crisis in northern Kosovo started late on Monday when the Kosovo Albanian authorities decided to attempt to take over Jarinje and Brnjak. 
Speaking at Brnjak earier in the day, Serbian officials called on KFOR to honor an agreement reached on Tuesday, that was supposed to diffuse the flare-up in tensions and violence.


Beta News Agency/Tanjug News Agency - July 27, 2011

Serbian officials call on KFOR to respect agreement

ZUPČE: Serbian officials today in Kosovo called on KFOR to restore the previous arrangement at administrative checkpoints of Jarinje in Brnjak in the Serb north.
Local Serbs there have been blocking traffic in protest on the Priština-Ribariće road leading to Brnjak. 
Stefanović stressed that KFOR violated an agreement reached on Tuesday, and that the condition was for the two administrative line checkpoints to be managed as was the case before the Kosovo police, KPS, tried to use its Rosu unit to take them over three days ago. 
"The situation on the Brnjak and Jarinje crossings must be as it was before. What they have done at Brnjak is an attempt to install the institutions of Priština on this crossing which they refer to as a 'border' crossing. It is not, and it never will be. They wish to do the same at Jarinje," he warned.
Stefanović emphasized that the only way to solve the problem was for those who entered the checkpoint outside of the agreement, illegally, in order to unilaterally change the situation on the ground and thus prejudice the outcome of the Belgrade-Priština dialogue to leave there as soon as possible. 
The Serbian official told the local Serbs gathered to hear him that both Bogdanović and himself demanded from the KFOR commander that the Kosovo customs workers and border police vacate the checkpoint facilities as soon as possible. 
"If this does not happen, we will all stay here together," Stefanović said, and warned that the situation was "serious". 
Goran Bogdanović also addressed the Serbs to tell them that the state will never abandon them or allow for "anyone to unilaterally change the reality and the situation on the ground". 
"We will stand with you and we are firm in our determination to defend what's ours. We are not asking for what belongs to others, we are defending our own, and we must be persistent and firm in that," said the minister. 
He added that he will continue his talks with KFOR's representatives, because they were an "organization" deployed in the province in line with the UN Security Council Resolution 1244. 
But Bogdanović noted that KFOR "seems to be ready to violate that resolution at this point". 
The minister however expressed his belief that the situation at the two checkpoints would be restored to how it was three days ago. 
Serb members of the KPS and EULEX customs were previously in charge at the administrative line. 
"We will not give up on that goal, and let nobody doubt that," was Bogdanović's message. 
Bogdanović and Stefanović were accompanied by SPC Bishop Teodosije, the head of the Kosovska Mitorovica District, and mayors of Serb towns in northern Kosovo. 
Close to where the Serbs blocked the roads is a Portuguese KFOR unit, while the Kosovo Albanian customs officers moved their static booth "somewhat closer to the southern (ethnic Albanian) part of Kosovska Mitrovica", reported Tanjug news agency. 
Meanwhile Beta's reporter at Brnjak said that 15 ethnic Albanians, members of the "Kosovo customs and border police" were flown in this morning by helicopter. 
They told reporters that they were in the area of the town of Đakovica when they were ordered to leave, without being told where they were headed. 
They added they were "scared", and that they thought they were being taken to a crossing in an ethnic Albanian area. 
There are also Serb members of the KPS at Brnjak, regulating traffic and performing other duties, said the news agency.


Tanjug News Agency - July 27, 2011

Police raise combat readiness along administrative line

ŠIMANOVCI: Interior Minister Ivica Dačić has said that all Serbian police units deployed along the administrative line with Kosovo have raised their combat readies level.
"The night went relatively peacefully in Kosovo, but today we have received information that KFOR helicopters were used to transfer members of the Kosovo police to the Brnjak and Jarinje checkpoints," Dačić said in Šimanovci on Wednesday. 
He explained that it was unclear at this point whether this was yet another attempt to take over the administrative line crossings, and that the only information he had was that the units were transfered in KFOR helicopters. 
He said the NATO-led force was a UN (mandate) mission that "cannot take part in such moves by the so-called government of Kosovo". 
Awaiting further developments, the minister explicitly blamed the Priština authorities for the tension in northern Kosovo. 


Serbia requests UN Security Council session on Kosovo

BELGRADE: In the wake of this week's flare-up of tension and violence in northern Kosovo, Serbia has asked for a UN Security Council session dedicated to the problem. 
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Belgrade confirmed this for Beta news agency on Wednesday. 
Serbia is yet to receive an answer from New York to the request, the ministry said. 
Extraordinary sessions of the Council are called by the country holding the one-month presidency. 
In July, that country is Germany. 
Should the session be called, Serbia will be represented by her Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić.


Russia reacts to crisis, accuses Priština

MOSCOW: Russia reacted to the worsening situation in the northern, Serb parts of Kosovo to accuse the Kosovo Albanian authorities of being responsible for the crisis. 
"We consider the provocations of Albanian authorities in Kosovo to be destabilizing the situation in the province - which is volatile as it is, and to be increasing tensions and undermining the negotiating process between Belgrade and Priština," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on Wednesday.
Moscow now expects competent representatives of the international community - the UN and EU above all - to undertake necessary measures, and "control ambitions of the Kosovo authorities". 
"All contentious issues should be solved through negotiations and in line with UNSC Resolution 1244," the Russian MFA statement said.


Voice of Russia - July 27, 2011

Kosovo separatists flexing muscle

At least 8 people are known to have been injured after separatist authorities in Kosovo attempted to seize border crossings between Serb-populated northern areas and Serbia.
Russia calls on the United Nations and the European Union to step in and restore order in the border area. In a statement from its Foreign Ministry Wednesday, it also says all disputes between Belgrade and Pristina must be resolved through talks, and what happened at the border crossings is a deliberate provocation.
Back in 2008, Kosovo unilaterally declared independence from Serbia. Serbia continues to see is as a renegade province.


Video at URL above

RT - July 27, 2011

Russia concerned over tensions in Kosovo

Russia has joined the EU and US in condemning Kosovo's decision to send Special Forces to seize border crossings along the shared frontier with Serbia. Moscow says it threatens to destabilize the region.
"The dramatic deterioration of the situation in northern Kosovo causes serious concerns," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement published on its website on Wednesday.
"We believe that the Kosovo Albanian authorities' provocative actions destabilize the already fragile situation in the region, escalate tensions and undermine the negotiating process between Belgrade and Pristina," it said.
NATO-led peacekeepers have been deployed to the area to help control the situation, which is stoking ethnic tensions. Hundreds of people blocked main roads in response to Kosovan police seizing two disputed border crossings. One police officer was killed in overnight clashes, two policemen have been wounded.
Kosovo says it is trying to enforce a ban on Serbian imports in response to a similar boycott of Kosovan goods.
Around 60,000 Serbs live in the north and do not recognize Kosovo's independence, which it unilaterally declared in 2008.


Russian Information Agency Novosti - July 28, 2011

NATO peacekeepers attacked in northern Kosovo

BELGRADE: Unknown gunmen attacked NATO peacekeepers in northern Kosovo for the second time in the past few hours, the Kosovo Force (KFOR) said in a statement.
NATO peacekeepers have been deployed to Kosovo's Serb-dominated north after clashes broke out in the area on Monday following the Kosovo authorities' decision to send special police forces to the border to enforce a ban on imports from Serbia, a move opposed by local Serbs.
Kosovo officials later said they ordered the withdrawal from the border posts after government customs officers had been installed at the sites.
Late on Wednesday, a group of several dozen people in masks were reported to have attacked the Jarine border crossing post in northern Kosovo with Molotov cocktails. The attackers reportedly approached the checkpoint from the north (Serbian-controlled territory).
There have been no reports of victims of injuries.
Earlier on Wednesday, some media reports said the Brnyak border crossing post was attacked and set on fire by a group of Kosovo Serbs. The reports have not been confirmed, but KFOR said security was strengthened at both border crossings.
Several hours before the attack of the Jarine checkpoint, two Mil Mi-171 (Hip) helicopters carrying Croatian peacekeepers were attacked by unknown gunmen in the area, the Croatian Defense Ministry said. No one was wounded in the attack.
KFOR Commander Gen. Erhard Buehler has been negotiating with representatives of Kosovo Albanians and Serbs to settle the situation, the KFOR statement said.
Serbian President Boris Tadic has condemned the attacks on peacekeepers. He said, however, that Belgrade "will not go to war" in response to Kosovo attempts to seize border checkpoints and will use only diplomatic means to resolve the conflict.
Kosovar Prime Minister Hashim Thaci has blamed the violence on the Serbian side.
Kosovo, which unilaterally proclaimed its independence from Serbia in 2008, has been recognized by a total of 76 out of 192 UN member states.
Serbs account for up to 10 percent of Kosovo's population, making up the biggest non-Albanian community remaining in the breakaway region following the 1998-99 Kosovan war of independence.


Tanjug News Agency - July 28, 2011

NATO declares crossings "restricted military areas"

PRIŠTINA: KFOR commander Erhard Buehler says NATO had declared two crossings on the administrative line between Kosovo and Serbia a restricted military area.
He threatened the use of lethal force in the case of attack on Jarinje and Brnjak.
“I cannot exclude another attempt. Both gates are declared military restricted areas and the rules of engagement are very clear,” Buehler told Reuters in an interview. 
According to Buehler, the soldiers can employ lethal force, they can employ their weapons to defend themselves, to defend...the military restricted area. 
“Nobody who is not authorized to work in the gates or to cross the gates should be near the gates,” Buehler added. 
KFOR is a NATO-led force deployed in the province with UN Security Council Resolution 1244 that ended the 1999 war. 
Serbian officials today accused KFOR of "enforcing decisions of the (Kosovo Albanian) Priština government" and stepping outside the UN resolution. 
Kosovo's ethnic Albanians unilaterally declared independence more than three years ago, which Serbia rejected.


Trend News Agency - July 29, 2011

Kosovo Serbs defy NATO, leave road barricades

Serbs in restive northern Kosovo on Friday maintained their barricades of two key roads in defiance of an order to call off their protest against NATO's Kosovo peace-keeping mission KFOR and European Union law enforcement agency EULEX.
The Serbs, who are accusing the two missions of siding with the Albanian majority and government in Kosovo, have parked tractors, trucks, logs and tyres in the middle of the roads.
The barricades were set up after violence erupted in the area earlier this week, claiming the life of a policeman, in an escalation of a trade war between Serbia and its former province.
The Kosovo government moved to take over the border checkpoints in the mostly Serb north in order to enforce a trade embargo on Serbian goods. Serbs reacted by torching one of the crossings.
On Thursday KFOR took control of border crossings and declared the area a restricted military zone. KFOR ordered Serbs to dismantle the barricades, with KFOR commander Erhard Buehler warning that violence in the zone would be met with deadly force.
Talks aimed at defusing the situation have failed. Buehler is due to meet Serbian officials on Friday.
Kosovo declared independence in 2008 without the approval of Serbia. The Kosovar government has failed to assert its control in the north, where Serbs are in the majority.


Voice of America News - August 1, 2011

NATO Forces Clear Kosovo Barricades

NATO forces have removed some of the barricades put up by Serbs in northern Kosovo after a trade dispute escalated into deadly violence last week, but other roadblocks still remain.
The alliance removed several roadblocks Monday that impeded access to NATO bases in northern Kosovo. It is unclear how many roadblocks are still in place. 
Also Monday, the head of Belgrade's negotiating team, Borislav Stefanovic, and Serbian Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanovic met with Serb representatives in the northern Kosovo town of Zvecane. The move is widely seen as a further act of defiance to Kosovo's claim to statehood. 
Last week, special forces of Kosovo's ethnic-Albanian government seized two border crossings in Serb-dominated northern regions to enforce a ban on imports from Serbia. Kosovo's government imposed the ban last month in retaliation for Serbia's blocking of Kosovo imports. 
Northern Kosovo Serbs confronted ethnic-Albanian security forces last Monday, triggering an exchange of gunfire that killed one ethnic Albanian policeman and wounded several other people. NATO peacekeepers intervened, taking control of the two border posts on Thursday under an agreement with the Kosovo government, which pulled out its special police. After the police withdrew, a mob of Serb attackers set fire to one border post and fired on NATO peacekeepers sent to quell the violence.

The violence in northern Kosovo was one of the most serious incidents in the region since Kosovo seceded from Serbia in 2008.


Reuters - August 2, 2011

NATO to send extra troops to Kosovo

PRISTINA/BRUSSELS: NATO will send hundreds more troops to Kosovo after an escalation of violence there between ethnic Albanians and Serbs last week, NATO officials said Tuesday.
A battalion of troops, mainly from Germany and Austria, will join the Kosovo Security Force KFOR in coming days, the officials in Brussels and Pristina said.
"The reason for the deployment is to relieve forces currently engaged in maintaining security," NATO spokeswoman Carmen Romero said.

NATO's force in Kosovo currently numbers nearly 6,000.
Diplomats said the reserve battalion that has been kept on standby in Germany consists of 600 German troops and 100 Austrians.
Violence flared last week after Kosovo sent ethnic Albanian special police units to border posts that had been staffed mostly by ethnic Serbs to enforce a ban on imports from Serbia.
NATO sent its ***peacekeepers*** to quell a subsequent three days of violence in which one ethnic Albanian policeman was shot dead and ***hardline Serbian nationalists*** set fire to one of the northern border crossings.
The NATO troops returned to their barracks Friday after ethnic Serbs blocked them from reaching peacekeepers deployed at border posts.
At the weekend the NATO mission said it had removed three road blocks but they were mainly on secondary roads and the situation remained tense Tuesday with local Serbs still blocking the main roads to border posts.

Kosovo declared independence in 2008 but the 60,000 Serbs living in northern Kosovo still consider Belgrade their capital.
(Reporting by David Brunnstrom, Fatos Bytyci, Ilona Wissenbach and Justyna Pawlak, editing by Gareth Jones)


Tanjug News Agency - August 2, 2011

KFOR won't let food, medical supplies through at Jarinje

JARINJE: KFOR is preventing the entry of vehicles that carry any kind of food, or any type of goods, at the administrative point of Jarinje are, reports said.
Tanjug news agency said that NATO-led KFOR soldiers have even banned medical supplies from going through. Drivers said they were told that American soldiers "had an order" to stop vehicles carrying goods.
They also refused to let those loaded with heating fuel to pass through. Only passenger cars are being let through. 
Serbs in northern Kosovo receive supplies from central Serbia through the Brnjak and Jarinje administrative line checkpoints. 
Tanjug says that at Brnjak, people managed to get bread and milk to the north in "smaller vehicles". 
Meanwhile, the night went peacefully at the barricades Serbs had put put up to protest against the attempts of Kosovo Albanian authorities to take over the checkpoints. 
The Serbs spent an eighth night on the barricades near Zupče, on the way to Brnjak, and near Rudare and in Leposavić, blocking the road to Jarinje. 
Serbian government representatives were also in Kosovo last night - head of the Belgrade team in the dialogue with Priština Borislav Stefanović, Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanović, and President Boris Tadić's adviser Jovan Ratković arrived there after talks with EU mediator Robert Cooper in Raška. 
They expect to meet with KFOR commander Erhard Buehler during the day. 
The crisis in northern parts of Kosovo started last Monday when Priština sent its police units to the checkpoints, while several days later a group of masked men set Jarinje on fire, which was then closed, as well as Brnjak. 
Serbs are a majority in the north and do not recognize the unilateral declaration of independence made by ethnic Albanians in early 2008. They also reject the authority of the government in Priština.


Beta News Agency/Tanjug News Agency - August 2, 2011

Minister tells Serbs in north to remain at barricades

RUDARE: The Minister for Kosovo and Metohija on Tuesday called on the residents of northern Kosovo to continue to gather at the barricades.
"I plead with you to continue gathering in as large a number as possible, and express our will and goals in a peaceful manner, to not allow the Kosovo state to take root in this region," he told some 2,000 Serbs from the province gathered at the road block in the village of Rudare.
The minister urged the citizens to behave in a dignified manner, maintain peace and fight for their rights and the rights of Serbia. 
Bogdanović said negotiations concerning the situation in the north would continue, while he described those held to date as "fairly difficult and uncertain". 
Yesterday, Bogdanović and other government officials met with the EU mediator in the Belgrade-Priština dialogue held in Brussels, Robert Cooper, but there were no statements given after the meeting which is expected to resume. 
"Clearly there is no understanding for our interests and goals on the part of the international community, and for this reason I plead on you to be united, to set partisan issues aside, as well as rumors which are more dangerous than guns here," the minister said to the local Serbs at Rudare today. 
The crisis in the northern, predominantly Serb, parts of the province started when the Kosovo Albanian government in Priština put an embargo on goods coming from central Serbia and then, on July 25, sent members of police units to take over the control of administrative checkpoints. 
Local Serbs responded to the move, taken while the Belgrade-Priština dialogue was underway, by setting up roadblocks, and said they would continue the protests until the situation was "back to where it was before July 25" when EULEX customs and Serb members of the Kosovo police, KPS, were at the Brnjak and Jarinje posts. 
On Tuesday, head of Serbia's negotiating team in the Kosovo dialogue Borislav Stefanović underlined that Priština was not yet ready for an agreement on the resolution of the north Kosovo crisis, and called on Serbs to stay on the barricades and not react to provocations but rather give a chance for dialogue. 

“This is not a ghetto, this is Serbia...We want people to move freely, we want to get back to the dialogue. In order for that to happen, this crisis has to be resolved in the manner that we asked for. We are waiting for feedback. For now, Priština is not ready for talks,” Stefanović said in Rudare. 
Stefanović said that Belgrade officials have, in a way, become "undesired interlocutors". 
“Things will not calm down. We have to preserve unity and peace. Today we will have difficult talks. Although there will be more subversion and provocations, you should give a chance to the dialogue. You have amazed the world with your dignity and creativeness. These are the qualities that win, these are the qualities that worry them,” Stefanović said, addressing the Serbs gathered at the barricade.


Tanjug News Agency - August 2, 2011

PM calls on KFOR, UNMIK to "remain neutral"

BELGRADE: Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković has stated that Serbia did not bear responsibility for the current situation in northern Kosovo.
He blamed the Kosovo Albanian authorities in Priština and international institutions active in the province for the flare-up.
The prime minister spoke on Tuesday in Belgrade to call on international representatives to engage in talks with Serbian government officials in order to bring back calm and return to the situation that existed before the crisis. 
Cvetković also stated that he believed the Belgrade-Priština dialogue should be "renewed". 
"Representatives of the international community, KFOR and EULEX, must remain neutral, and not take sides as they are doing right now by refusing to talk to legitimate representatives of the Republic of Serbia, and by blocking food convoys, which could lead to a humanitarian catastrophe," concluded the Serbian premier.

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Anniversario della strage di Lipljan

L’Associazione delle famiglie serbe chiede le risposte

L’Associazione delle famiglie dei 14 serbi che sono stati uccisi dodici anni fa nei pressi di Lipljane in Kosovo mentre mietevano il grano ha chiesto alle istituzioni rispettive di chiarire questo delitto compiuto dagli estreminsti albanesi e il destino di più di 3 mila serbi e non albanesi che sono stati uccisi in Kosovo. L’appello è stato lanciato in occasione del dodicesimo anniversario dell’uccisione di 14 mietitori serbi nel villaggio Staro Gracko, nei pressi di Lipljane in Kosovo. La presidentessa dell’Associazione delle famiglie dei serbi uccisi e sequestrati in Kosovo Natascia Scepanovic ha detto in conferenza stampa che nonostante molte prove nessuno è stato accusato di aver ucciso e sequestrato i serbi in Kosovo. Il presidente della commissione del governo serbo per le persone scomparse Veljko Odalovic ha ricordato che non si sa ancora il destino di 1.800 persone che sono sparite nella regione meridionale della Serbia.  

23 luglio 2011

Con il requiem per le vittime nel borgo Staro Gracko, nei pressi di Lipljan, è stato segnato il 12° anniversario di uno dei più gravi crimini commessi sui serbi dall’arrivo delle missioni di pace in Kosovo e Metochia, quando furono assassinati 14 mietitori nei loro campi. Di questo crimine tutt’oggi non è stato punito nessuno. Al requiem, oltre i parenti e gli amici, hanno partecipato anche il presidente della Commissione del governo serbo per gli scomparsi, Veljko Odalovic, e l’assistente del ministro per il Kosovo e Metochia, Dragan Petkovic, il comandante della KFOR, Erhard Biller, il capo della Circoscrizione kosovara, Goran Arsic, e il deputato nel parlamento kosovaro, Rada Trajkovic.

=== 3 ===

Djelic: esecutivo serbo protesterà presso l’UE

L’esecutivo serbo protesterà presso l’Unione europea perché Pristina ha decisio di vietare che la merce dalla Serbia centrale arrivi in Kosovo, ha confermato il vice premier Bozidar Djelic. L’Unione europea è il mediatore del dialogo tra Belgrado e Pristina e deve intervenire, ha detto Djelic a Obrenovac, dove ha siglato insieme con il capo della delegazione dell’Unione europea a Belgrado Vincent Deger l’accordo sulla donazione finanziaria dell’Unione europea alla Serbia, il cui valore ammonterà a 178,5 milioni di euro. Djelic ha sottolineato che la decisione di Pristina ha violato i principi fondamentali del commercio e l’accordo Cefta, la stipulazione del quale è stata incentivata e promossa dall’Unione europea. Questa decisione mette in questione anche il dialogo tra Belgrado e Pristina, il quale è stato avviato con la promessa è l’accordo che non sarebbero state prese le decsioni unilaterali che avrebbero potuto togliere ogni senso alle trattative, ha ribadito Djelic. Dopo la decisione delle autorità di Pristina di imporre l’embargo sulla merce che arriva dalla Serbia centrale, la merce serba in decine di camion è stata bloccata al valico amministrativo Merdare. La decisione delle autorità albanesi è entrata in vigore il 20 luglio. 

Serbi del nord del Kosovo non rispetteranno l’embargo

Il Consiglio dei quattro comuni serbi del distretto di Kosovska Mitrovica ha comunicato che per la popolazione serba la decisione delle autorità di Pristina di imporre l’embargo sulla merce che arriva dalla Serbia centrale non ha alcun valore. Il Consiglio ha valutato che la decisione di Pristina è di natura politica, ed ha chiesto ai rappresentanti dell’Eulex e la polizia che si trova ai valichi amminsitrativi Brnjak e Jarinje nel Kosovo settentrionale, abitato prevalentemente dalla popolazione serba, di non rispettare la decisone di Pristina e di non ostacolare la libera circolazione di merci e servizi. Se la Kfor, l’Eulex e la polizia non daranno ascolto alla nostra richiesta, saranno responsabili della destabilizzazione in questa regione del Kosovo, hanno avvertito i rappresentanti del Consiglio. Loro hanno invitato i cittadini e gli impenditori serbi che vivono nel nord Kosovo a continuare a fornirsi della merce che arriva dalla Serbia centrale.      

Dacic: pressioni più forti per il riconoscimento del Kosovo
23 luglio 2011

Il sostituto del premier e ministro dell’interno della Serbia, Ivica Dacic, ha dichiarato che nell’Unione europea esiste un gruppo di paesi che con l’approvazione dello status di candidato per la Serbia in cambio vorrebbe vedere anche il riconoscimento dell’indipendenza del Kosovo. Se questa diventerà una condizione, allora è meglio separarsi in tempo, ha fatto sapere Dacic. “Nei prossimi anni dobbiamo aspettarci pressioni ancora più forti per il riconoscimento del Kosovo, per questo motivo bisogna iniziare i colloqui sulla delimitazioni”, ha rilevato Dacic nell’intervista rilasciata al quotidiano “Novosti”. Lui ha dichiarato che teme un’integrazione forzata del Kosovo settentrionale e che quindi la Serbia deve fare il possibile per salvare il proprio popolo.


Scontri al confine tra Serbia centrale e provincia del Kosovo

Un posto di frontiera dato alle fiamme, barricate, un campo Kfor evacuato per via dell'incendio, scontri fra militari della forza internazionale e gruppi di serbi kosovari: questo il bilancio delle tensioni alla "frontiera" tra Serbia centrale e provincia del Kosovo. Oggi della situazione si occupano anche le Nazioni Unite con una riunione a porte chiuse del Consiglio di sicurezza, che ha accettato la richiesta di una seduta urgente arrivata oggi da Belgrado. Secondo fonti serbe l’esito sarebbe negativo.
Una situazione nata nei giorni scorsi dal reciproco boicottaggio delle importazioni e dalla decisione di Priština [“capitale” del Kosovo, ex provincia di Jugoslavia e Serbia] di schierare al confine la propria polizia per vigilare sull'imposizione dell'embargo. Martedì la polizia kosovaro-albanese ha effettuato un’operazione speciale al confine con le enclavi serbe tentando di occupare tre posti di blocco. Il che ha provocato gli scontri in cui sono rimaste ferite decine di persone. La Russia ha giudicato le azioni della polizia kosovara come un atto provocatorio. Ieri sera il comandante della Kfor, generale Erhard Buhler, ha detto che la situazione è tornata sotto controllo in tarda serata.
Ad originare la guerra doganale tra Serbia e Kosovo è stata la decisione presa nei giorni scorsi da Pristina di bloccare alla frontiera le merci di Belgrado. Una decisione presa in risposta all'embargo della Serbia sui prodotti etichettati «made in Kosovo», la cui legittimità non è riconosciuta. Ieri sera si è registrata la ferma condanna da parte dell'alto rappresentante della politica estera dell'Ue, Catherine Ashton, che ha parlato di «violenze inaccettabili» ed ha detto di aver parlato al telefono con il presidente serbo, il moderato Boris Tadic, e con il premier kosovaro, ex capo della guerriglia razzista pan-albanese Uck, Hashim Thaci, invitandoli a tornare al dialogo. Thaci aveva dichiarato recentemente che il nord del Kosovo, abitato da Serbi, rappresenta un “buco nero” nello Stato che va sanato.
Gruppi di dimostranti serbo-kosovari coperti da un passamontagna, hanno distrutto con le ruspe i prefabbricati che contenevano gli uffici della polizia di frontiera e dei doganieri di Jarinje. Già nel 2008 lo stesso valico era stato dato alle fiamme, due giorni dopo la dichiarazione unilaterale d'indipendenza del Kosovo, nel febbraio del 2008. Le fiamme hanno costretto all'evacuazione anche un campo di militari del Kfor: è stata vista uscire una colonna di 20 mezzi e i soldati dovrebbero essere tutti polacchi.
Poi tafferugli sono scoppiati fra i dimostranti serbo-kosovari e i militari Kfor, che in un comunicato hanno detto di essere stati anche bersagliati con colpi d'arma da fuoco. Il presidente della Serbia Tadic ha subito condannato l'accaduto e invitato la minoranza serba del Kosovo a mettere un freno alle violenze. «Gli hooligan -ha detto- non fanno gli interessi né dei serbi del Kosovo né della Serbia».
La notte scorsa le forze di polizia kosovare si erano ritirate dopo aver consentito l'insediarsi del personale nei due valichi doganali incaricati di applicare la misura decisa da Priština. La presenza dei poliziotti, nei giorni scorsi, aveva creato frizioni con la popolazione della minoranza serbo- kosovara, particolarmente colpita dall'embargo. Sembra che un poliziotto sia morto colpito da un
proiettile e altri quattro erano rimasti feriti, uno per l'esplosione di un ordigno e altri tre per un lancio di sassi.

28-7-2011 (fonti: da Redazione Contropiano, e aggiornamenti)

=== 4 ===

Al Kosovo non basta

27.07.2011, 16:42

Belgrado cerchera’ una soluzione esclusivamente diplomatica al conflitto sulla frontiera con il Kosovo. Cosi il presidente Tadic ha commentato il tentativo dei servizi speciali kosovari di occupare alcuni posti di blocco. Secondo gli esperti, si tratta di un’azione commessa con la convinzione della propria impunibilita’.

La causa formale che ha portato a deteriorare la situazione, sono le controversie doganali della settimana scorsa. Adesso pero’, secondo gli esperti, Pristina non si limitera’ a questo attacco soltanto. In Kosovo si parla gia’ del controllo su tutta la frontiera con la Serbia. Per di piu, le forze speciali kosovare, benche’ ritirate dai posti di blocco Jarine e Brnjak, rimangono nel nord della regione.

In un’intervsita esclusiva a La Voce della Russia cosi ha detto Marko Jakscic, leader dei serbi che vivono nei territori settentironali del Kosovo:

Nella base KFOR di Leposavic, nel nord del paese, si trova una decina di agenti arrivati alla vigilia con elicatteri della Kfor.   In questo modo le forze internazionali guidate dalla Nato hanno violato il principio di neutralita’. Noi insistiamo sul ritiro di questi poliziotti in quanto la base si trova ad alcuni chilometri di distanza dal posto di blocco Jarine. In ogni caso continueremo a difendere la frontiera e siamo pronti ad un nuovo tentativo di Pristina di prendere sotto controllo questa parte della regione.

Le autorita’ serbe hanno ancora una volta ribadito di puntare all’opzione negoziale, ma i passi del Kosovo mettono in dubbio la possibilita’ del dialogo, innanzi tutto per l’impunibilita’ di Pristina.

Dice l’esperto  della crisi balcanica, Anna Filimonova:

Sembra che gli albanesi abbiano deciso di inasprire la situazione per portare il Kosovo all’indipendenza a pieno titolo. Dopo aver ottenuto dalla Serbia concessioni senza precedenti, adesso vogliono tutto e subito. E’ evidente che puntano all’escalation del conflitto, in cui avranno il tacito sostegno della Kfor.

Dopo l’ultimo attacco si ha puntato il dito contro l’Eulex – forze di pace dell’UE, per un impegno insufficiente. In precedenza pero’ proprio per le insistenti richieste di Pristina i caschi blu dell’Onu sono stati sostituiti con le forze europee che, in teoria, dovrebbero sostenere la formazione istituzionale delle nuove autorita’ kosovare, tramite consultazioni giuridiche. In realta’ pero’ l’Eulex ha partecipato al soffocamento delle proteste delle enclave serbe, con gas lacrimogeno e proiettili di gomma.

Mosca ha piu’ volte indicato che questa attivita’ delle forze di pace europee e’ ben lontana dal principio di neutralita’. Ma l’Ue non si e’ decisa di intervenire, in quanto oggi della pace e la stabilita’ nel Kosovo  si occupa la Kfor guidata dalla Nato.

Questo comportamento del Kosovo, l’escalation del conflitto, tentativi di aggressione, come quello del 26 luglio, rimarrano impunite, senza alcuna conseguenza, anche se si tratti di una palese violazione del diritto internazionale. Tutto cio’ perche’ Pristina viene coperta dal suo patrono che silenziosamente approva tutte le sue decisioni. Cioe’ gli Usa.

In questo modo non vanno avanti anche i tentativi di chiamare alla responsabilita’  Hashim Taci colpevole del traffico di organi:

L’esempio di Taci, aggiunge l’esperto Filimonova, dimostra a tutto il mondo che la situazione nei Balcani viene controllata dagli Usa. Fino a quando Taci rimarra’  burattino di Washington, ogni tentativo di cambiare la situazione e’ destinato a fallire.

Pristina continuera’ a tutti i costi ad attuare il progetto della spartizione dei Balcani ideato dagli Usa alla fine degli anni ’90 che adesso vengono aiutati anche dall’Ue che segnala a Belgrado la necessita’ di riconoscere il Kosovo per entrare nell’Unione Europea.

In effetti, la Serbia lo ha gia’ fatto, riconoscendo la legittimita’ dei passaporti rilasciati da Pristina. Ma sembra che al Kosovo questo non basti.


Pristina sta provocando la Serbia

28.07.2011, 16:37

Il tentativo delle autorità della sedicente Repubblica del Kosovo di prendere il controllo dei confini amministrativi con la Serbia ha provocato l’esplosione della violenza in queste zone abitate dai serbi. Uno dei centri abitati di frontiera  - Jarinie è stato bruciato da persone ignote  in maschera. La Serbia ha già condannato i tentativi di escalare il conflitto e ha esortato a convocare una seduta straordinaria del Consiglio di Sicurezza dell’ONU.

A quanto pare, mentre l’attenzione della comunità mondiale è centrata sugli avvenimenti in Norvegia, il Primo ministro del Kosovo Hashim Taci ha deciso di eliminare, rapidamente ed impercettibilmente, un problema interno.  In particolare, ha introdotto truppe speciali del Ministero dell’Interno nelle zone settentrionali controllate dalla Forza di sicurezza multinazionale in Kosovo (KFOR) desiderando dimostrare in tal modo chi è il padrone di casa. Anzi, non ne ha dato comunicazione anche ai suoi protettori degli USA e dell’Ue, provocandone l’irritazione.

Al microfono Tatiana Parkhalina, vice direttore dell’ Istituto per l'economia mondiale e le relazioni internazionali, Accademia delle scienze russa.

In alcuni casi è molto difficile prevedere le azioni dei politici simili a Hashim Taci. Il fatto che il Kosovo ha proclamato la sua indipendenza e che questa indipendenza è stata riconosciuta da alcune decine di paesi  non significa affatto che il problema è chiuso. Lo si può risolvere solo in una prospettiva a lunga scadenza  quando il Kosovo e la Serbia saranno integrati nell’Ue. Ma non è un problema di domani.

La situazione creatasi al confine con la Serbia, naturalmente, irrita Pristina. I serbi che abitano qui mantengono gli attivi rapporti  con Belgrado. Di fatto hanno controllato anche il servizio doganale locale, il potere degli albanesi da queste parti era assai formale.  Questo status-quo è esistito fino al 20 luglio, giorno quando Taci ha introdotto il divieto sul commercio con Belgrado motivandolo con il presunto grande afflusso di contrabbando anche se è ben noto il ruolo del Kosovo in qualità di principale punto di trasbordo in Europa per i contrabbandieri di ogni risma. Anche Bruxelles ha rimproverato Taci di violare le  norme incrollabili del libero commercio. Ma ciò non ha fermato il Premier che ha messo in opera truppe speciali. Il risultato è triste:  entrambe le Parti registrano dei feriti.

Il Presidente della Serbia Boris Tadic ha invitato le Parti a rinunciare alla violenza. In particolare, ha invitato i serbi residenti nel nord del Kosovo a dare prova di autocontrollo. Attualmente per la Serbia è molto vantaggiosa la scalata del conflitto con  il Kosovo, soprattutto dopo il riscaldamento dei rapporti con l’Ue dopo l’estradizione di personaggi principali della guerra civile nell’ex Jugoslavia.

Dopo i difficili negoziati il  controllo al confine è tornato alla Forza multinazionale. Come ha dichiarato il portavoce del governo serbo Borislav Stefanovic,  anche se gli estremisti hanno posto tutti in una situazione delicata, c’è la speranza che non ci saranno ulteriori atti provocatori. La Russia ha avvertito che le azioni provocatori delle autorità albanesi del Kosovo destabilizzano la situazione già fragile nel territorio, implicano la fomentazione della tensione, scalzano il processo negoziale tra Belgrado e Pristina. Al Consiglio di Sicurezza dell’ONU sono già iniziate le consultazioni a porte chiuse sul problema. Al loro termine sarà adottata una decisione sulla convocazione di una seduta straordinaria del Consiglio di Sicurezza.



A margine di un "pezzo" sulle tensioni e gli incidenti in atto in questi giorni sulla linea di demarcazione amministrativa del Kosovo, la redazione del Corriere della Sera online ha posto una significativa mappa della regione. In essa la Serbia è ridotta alla sua sola porzione centrale, con l'amputazione non solo del Kosovo ma anche di tutta la provincia settentrionale della Vojvodina. Non è chiaro se i redattori del Corriere - che si pongono così come vera e propria avanguardia del giornalismo guerrafondaio del nostro paese - auspichino che la Vojvodina diventi l'ennesima repubblichetta delle banane, colonia di UE e NATO dello spazio jugoslavo, oppure se intendano annetterla direttamente alla Grande Ungheria, per realizzare un altro tassello del progetto nazista di spartizione "etnica" dei Balcani:

Balcani, alta tensione in Kosovo (CdS 28/7/2011)

Casa Vacanza al mare affittasi. Scegli la tua meta in tutta Italia, Costa Azzurra e Corsica!

A seguito delle proteste di oggi, rivolte anche direttamente alla redazione del Corriere della Sera, la mappa che appariva sulla pagina segnalata è stata modificata:

--- In JUGOINFO, C.N.J. ha scritto:

A margine di un "pezzo" sulle tensioni e gli incidenti in atto in questi giorni sulla linea di demarcazione amministrativa del Kosovo, la redazione del Corriere della Sera online ha posto una significativa mappa della regione. In essa la Serbia è ridotta alla sua sola porzione centrale, con l'amputazione non solo del Kosovo ma anche di tutta la provincia settentrionale della Vojvodina. Non è chiaro se i redattori del Corriere - che si pongono così come vera e propria avanguardia del giornalismo guerrafondaio del nostro paese - auspichino che la Vojvodina diventi l'ennesima repubblichetta delle banane, colonia di UE e NATO dello spazio jugoslavo, oppure se intendano annetterla direttamente alla Grande Ungheria, per realizzare un altro tassello del progetto nazista di spartizione "etnica" dei Balcani:
Balcani, alta tensione in Kosovo (CdS 28/7/2011)

Casa Vacanza al mare affittasi. Scegli la tua meta in tutta Italia, Costa Azzurra e Corsica!

(auf deutsch: "Krisendiplomatie" an der Universität Tübingen
oder )

A Certain Way of Life


(Own report) - The organizer of Germany's most significant security policy symposium, the Munich Security Conference, is now appearing as an academic scholar at German universities. Wolfgang Ischinger, who openly calls for wars of aggression, in violation of international law, is offering a seminar this semester on "crisis diplomacy" at the University of Tubingen. NATO's war of aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999 will also be a topic during his course. When Ischinger was State Secretary in the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he had played a decisive role in the diplomatic preparations and the propagandistic underpinning for that operation. Also being handled are the "relations to Russia," a theme to which he dedicated his inaugural lecture in Tubingen. He makes a plea for a close European-Russian "security partnership" with the objective of defending the western way of life against "threats" posed by "failed states" and "uncontrolled migration." The climax of the Tubingen seminar will be a visit of several days, to Berlin planned for this week, whereby the students will be brought together with "political decision makers." This was also the primary focus of Ischinger's course on "crisis diplomacy" in 2009 at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. Among his guest lecturers at that time, was Gen. Klaus Naumann, who, during the 1999 war on Yugoslavia, was Chairman of the NATO Military Committee.

Honorary Professor

The Tubingen University has announced that it had awarded an honorary professorship to Wolfgang Ischinger, the organizer of the Munich Security Conference. It is in this capacity that this summer semester, Ischinger is leading a seminar in "International Crisis Diplomacy," which, according to the course catalog, will investigate "exemplary analyses of crisis situations in international politics." Ischinger is including the example of NATO's aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999, which he refers to euphemistically in his syllabus as the "Kosovo Crisis."[1] In his function as State Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ischinger had played a decisive role in the diplomatic preparations and the propagandistic underpinning for that war, including the repeatedly disproven allegation that the attack on Yugoslavia was to prevent a "humanitarian catastrophe" in the Kosovo province. A year after the war, Ischinger still declared that "not geopolitical disputes over power, which historically had so seriously afflicted Southeast Europe, had had the highest priority, but rather the necessity to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe. Rather than pursuing national interests, the international community was pursuing the objectives of implementing fundamental legal norms and human rights."[2]

Dig Fewer Wells, Shoot More

Ischinger openly supports western wars of aggression - particularly those currently in Afghanistan and Libya. In his opinion, military combat operations, even in violation of international law, are advisable anywhere "where a) we are capable and where b) the intervention can be reconciled with our national interests."[3] In the case of Afghanistan, the former diplomat calls for a deliberate escalation: "soldiers are being trained to, if necessary, kill others - or at least to threaten, so that it is credible that if one does not do what is expected, one could get killed. That is the purpose. (...) We dig fewer wells and must (...) shoot more."[4] He feels the same way about Libya. After having called for "a decision to be taken,"[5] in an interview in the Austrian press, just a few days later, he reiterated that the USA is "justifiably" expecting that "the Europeans take things in hand,"[6] in his inaugural lecture in Tubingen.

New Threats

On the surface, Ischinger's inaugural lecture was focused on the creation of an Atlantic-European-Russian "Security Partnership" with the objective of drastically reducing the nuclear potential of the countries engaged. However, it became clear that Ischinger's project was the expression of a political strategy that, on the one hand, is directed against the poverty-stricken zones of the southern hemisphere and, on the other, against global economic rivals, such as China. Ischinger explains that today "threats to our security" no longer arise from "adversary aggressive armies of threatening neighbors," but rather from the "weakness and instability" of so-called failing states, and he calls for "defending a certain 'way of life'" by way of repelling "uncontrolled migration." At the same time, the former diplomat is convinced "that demographic and economic trends will lead to Europe's decline in relative global importance, while the influence of emerging powers, such as China, India, and Brazil will grow." Therefore, it is in the "mutual interests," explains Ischinger, "not only to accept the interdependence between Russia and the EU, but also to provide it political format, to insure functional pan-European cooperation." "Otherwise our relative decline will be even more rapid and massive."[7]


"Relations to Russia" will be the focus of Ischinger's summer semester seminar at the Tubingen University. The climax of the course is a visit of several days to Berlin, planned for this week, where, according to the course catalog, the students will be brought together "to discuss - practice oriented - with political decision makers in ministries and embassies."[8] According to the résumé of Ischinger's 2009 summer semester seminar at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, his courses were particularly "practice-oriented." As in Tubingen, the course was also focused on "crisis diplomacy." Among his guest lecturers, were several high-ranking members of the military, including former Inspector General of the Bundeswehr, Klaus Naumann. His theme was the "NATO intervention in Kosovo 1999."[9]

War is Peace

The student body is sharply criticizing the fact that Wolfgang Ischinger has been awarded an honorary professorship at the University of Tubingen. They are accusing the academic panels of violating the "Civil Clause" implemented in December 2009, which allows that research and teaching must serve exclusively "peaceful purposes." In Tubingen there seems to be method to these violations. The "National Association for Security Policy at Universities," an organization of the Bundeswehr Reserve Association, invited Ischinger already back in April 2010. In the same year, a member of the German armed forces led a seminar handling NATO troops' counter-insurgency combat in Afghanistan. ( reported.[10]) The University of Tubingen's regency appears to be following the strategy of declaring military personnel and proponents of wars of aggression to peace politicians. Ischinger's seminar, for example was billed with the following announcement: "students in (...) 'peace research and international politics courses' will have priority admission."[11]

[1] Internationale Krisendiplomatie; See also Dayton IIEquilibrium rather than Exclusion and Die deutsche Doppelstrategie
[2], [3], [4], [5] zitiert nach Jürgen Wagner: "Es gibt keine gerechten Kriege - aber notwendige". Wolfgang Ischinger wird Honorarprofessor in Tübingen, Ausdruck 3/2011
[6], [7] Euro-Atlantische Sicherheitspartnerschaft mit Russland: Notwendigkeit oder Illusion? Antrittsvorlesung Honorarprofessor Wolfgang Ischinger. Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen 11.05.2011
[8] Internationale Krisendiplomatie;
[9] Tobias Bunde: Moderne Krisendiplomatie - Eindrücke aus der diplomatischen Praxis im Seminar an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; 16.07.2009
[10] see also Berufsfeld Bundeswehr
[11] Internationale Krisendiplomatie;

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