
Gentili signore e signori, 

Vi invio i miei ringraziamenti per la solidarietà che avete manifestato dichiarandovi pronti ad accettarmi per una cura medica. Vorrei informarvi della cosa seguente: credo che l'ostinazione con cui mi hanno rifiutato un trattamento in Russia sia motivata, in primo luogo, dal timore che in occasione di esami approfonditi, si scoprirebbe che sono stati effettuati interventi attivi e maliziosi allo scopo di nuocere alla mia salute. Questi interventi non possono restare nascosti a specialisti russi. 

Per giustificare le mie accuse, vi presento un semplice esempio che troverete in allegato. Questo documento, che ho ricevuto il 7 marzo, mostra che il 12 gennaio una medicina particolarmente forte fu individuata nel mio sangue e che, come dichiarano loro stessi, essa è utilizzata per trattare la tubercolosi e la lebbra, benché io non abbia preso, durante questi cinque anni nella loro prigione, alcun antibiotico. 

Durante tutto questo tempo, non ho mai avuto, a parte l'influenza, alcuna malattia contagiosa. Anche il fatto che i medici hanno impiegato due mesi (per informare sui risultati dell'esame, N.d.Red) può essere spiegato soltanto da una manipolazione. I responsabili di questi atti non possono realmente curare la mia malattia, e neppure quelli contro i quali ho difeso il mio paese in tempo di guerra e che hanno un interesse a farmi tacere. 

Cari signori, voi sapete che medici russi sono giunti alla conclusione che l'esame ed il trattamento dei problemi dei vasi sanguigni nella mia testa sono necessari ed urgenti. Ecco perché mi rivolgo a voi, nella speranza che mi aiutiate a difendere la mia salute contro le attività criminali in questa istituzione che lavora sotto l'egida dell'ONU, e che io riceva prima possibile un trattamento adeguato nel vostro ospedale dai medici in cui nutro fiducia totale, come nella Russia. 

Vi prego di accettare, signore e signori, l'espressione del mio rispetto profondo. 

Slobodan Milosevic 

(lettera inviata da Milošević l'8 marzo 2006, e ricevuta l'11 marzo all'Ambasciata russa in Olanda; traduzione originale: AP; fonte: quotidiano junge Welt (Germania) del 15 marzo 2006; versione italiana a cura di ICDSM-Italia.
Per la documentazione sull'assassinio di Milosevic da parte dei carcerieri dell'Aia si veda anche: )


Dear ladies and gentlemen, 

With my acknowledgment for the solidarity and understanding which you expressed by accepting to receive me to come for medical treatment and by giving guarantees, I would like to inform you about the following: 

I think that the persistence, with which the medical treatment in Russia was denied, in the first place is motivated by the fear that through careful examination it would be discovered, that there were active, willful steps taken, to destroy my health, throughout the proceedings of the trial, which could not be hidden from Russian specialists. 

In order to verify my allegations, I'm presenting you a simple example which you can find in the attachment. This document, which I received on March 7, shows that on January 12th (i.e. two months ago), an extremely strong drug was found in my blood, which is used, as they themselves say, for the treatment of tuberculosis and leprosy, although I never used any kind of antibiotic during this 5 years that I'm in their prison. 

Throughout this whole period, neither have I had any kind of infectious illness (apart from flu). 

Also the fact that doctors needed 2 months (to report to me), can't have any other explanation than we are facing manipulation. In any case, those who foist on me a drug against leprosy surely can't treat my illness; likewise those from which I defended my country in times of war and who have an interest to silence me. 

Dear Sirs, it is known to you that Russian physicians, who rank among the most respected physicians in the world, came to the conclusion that the examination and treatment of the vascular problems in my head are inevitable and urgent. I know very well that this is true, as I feel very bad. 

I'm addressing you in expectation that you help me defend my health from the criminal activities in this institution, working under the sign of the U.N., and that I be enabled as soon as possible to get adequate treatment in your hospital, in whose physicians, as well as in Russia, I have absolute confidence. 

Yours sincerely, 
Slobodan Milosevic

(text of a handwritten letter dated March 8, 2006, written by Slobodan Milosevic to Russia asking for its help. Milosevic was found dead in his cell on March 11, 2006, less than 72 hours after writing this letter. The text of the letter was provided in an English translation by his lawyer Zdenko Tomanovic. Source: )

LE DEBAT: L'indépendance du Kosovo

Segnaliamo questo dibattito televisivo francese, davvero molto interessante:

Gli interlocutori sostengono tesi tra loro opposte... ma di tutte, quella che sembra la posizione più insostenibile è quella del senatore socialista francese, preoccupato solo di ribadire penosamente, con grande supponenza, i luoghi comuni triti e ritriti della politica della UE.

In seguito al dibattito televisivo si è scatenata sul sito internet una discussione accesa che merita di essere seguita anch'essa:

> Régardez ce débat sur le Kossovo: depuis semaines, il fait l'objet de polémique sur le Forum du site du Sénat

LE DEBAT: L'indépendance du Kosovo
Diffusée le 20/02/2010 - Durée : 43 minutes

Il y a deux ans, le Kosovo proclamait son indépendance. Il le faisait de façon unilatérale, presque contre la Serbie, et il était aussitôt reconnu par la plupart des grands pays européens. Ou en est le Kosovo aujourd'hui ? Qu'a-t-il fait de cette indépendance ? A-t-il laissé la place qu'il fallait aux 100 000 serbes qui vivent dans cette province ? Est ce que le Kosovo est viable ? Est ce que la sécurité y est assurée ? Autant de questions auxquelles répondront Benoit Duquesne et ses invités dans le débat cette semaine.


Abbiamo clamorosamente sbagliato la numerazione di ben 16 ciliegine recenti... Di seguito riportiamo la numerazione corretta:

Visnjica broj 783bis - 31 ottobre 2009 --> Visnjica broj 803bis
Visnjica broj 783ter - 02 novembre 2009 --> Visnjica broj 803ter

(Per l'8 Marzo, un articolo su 30 anni di appoggio fornito dalle nostre "democrazie" ai settori più retrivi in Afghanistan - le prime a pagare sono state e sono le donne.

Auf Deutsch: Die reaktionärsten Elemente

The Most Reactionary Elements


(Own report) - Today, International Women's Day, Afghan women's rights activists are calling for the withdrawal of western troops from the Hindu Kush. The discrimination of women has remained catastrophic under the western occupation and the Karzai puppet regime the oldest and most prominent Afghan women's organization, RAWA has declared. RAWA's assessment has been confirmed by new reports of human rights organizations. While western propaganda still claims that the West seeks to protect Afghan women from the Taliban, in reality, the women's loss of previous rights can be attributed to western intervention. Since 1979, the USA and the Federal Republic of Germany supported the most reactionary forces in Afghanistan to run pro-Soviet circles from the government in Kabul. These reactionary forces introduced an unprecedented discrimination of women, when they took power in the early 1990s. Numerous warlords, who had become influential at the time, are among the West's preferred cooperation partners. One would "be in a better situation," says RAWA, "if the occupation wasn't shoveling billions of dollars to the most reactionary elements in society."

Photocopies of Taliban

Today, International Women's Day, Afghan women's rights activists are calling for the withdrawal of western occupation troops from the Hindu Kush. In the West it is usually claimed that in Afghanistan the only alternative is between a Taliban regime and the support for the pro-women, western supported Hamid Karzai regime, explains the oldest and most illustrious Afghan women's organization RAWA (Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan). This is false.[1] Even Karzai, at best, pays "lip service" to women's rights but is ready at any time to throw them overboard for tactical reasons. This was confirmed with the president's passage of an infamous law legalizing rape of Shiite women in wedlock. RAWA indicates that prominent female opponents, for example the parliamentarian Malalai Joya, are particularly criticizing western cooperation with the influential warlords. The hopes of 2001 - that the West would turn to democratic forces in Afghanistan - have not been fulfilled, says Joya. The Karzai government is "a group of warlords, criminals, who [waged the] civil war in Afghanistan from '92 to '96. They are photocopies of Taliban, but with suit and tie."[2]

Physically Persecuted

Western human rights organizations have begun expressing unambiguous criticism. Human Rights Watch recently published a report on the situation of women in Afghanistan, which confirms a serious degradation. The report explains that women, to a growing extent, are exposed to brutal physical persecution, where even the murder of female politicians is not prosecuted. Forced marriages, even of children, as well as honor killings, according to the report, are still at a high rate. Women have little access to justice. The special teams of women with the police, which had been created with such high profile publicity, are, in practice, hardly functioning. More than half the girls of the country are still excluded from all educational possibilities, not least of all, also because girl's schools are a symbol of occupation and are often targeted for attack. Human Rights Watch has also ascertained that the West's cooperation partners in Afghanistan don't care about the rights of women. "The dominant political factions of Afghanistan remain ideologically hostile to many of the rights that women have started to enjoy since the fall of the Taliban."[3]

The Turning Point in 1979

As a matter of fact, it is not in spite of, but rather because of, the repeated western interventions that women in Afghanistan are so extremely discriminated against. Throughout the 20th century, particularly in the 60s and 70s, Afghan women had won their equality, at least on a formal legal basis. At the end of the 70s it was unthinkable that the Afghan educational and health systems and even the administrative services and production could function without the participation of women, report women's rights activists.[4] A disastrous turning point occurred in 1979. The pro-Soviet government that came to power in 1978 continued to insist on real equality, which incensed the most reactionary milieu of the country against it. These were supported by the West and brought into position against Kabul and from the end of 1979, also against the Soviet troops that had entered the country. Democratic parliamentary oriented circles received hardly any western support and often were forced to flee the country. When the West's protégés marched into Kabul in 1992, a backlash into an era of religious fundamentalist backwardness began.

The Collapse of 1992

It was Afghan women who have suffered most under the reign of the warlords, who plunged Afghanistan into a bloody civil war in 1992. "The position of the woman was their main target of attack," explains women's rights activists concerning the backlash of the warlords against their communist and democratic parliamentary adversaries.[5] Even years before they came to power, the Taliban had defamed girls' schools as "centers of prostitution". In 1995, Amnesty International published a comprehensive report on the Afghan women's situation designating their predicament literally as a "human rights catastrophe". Even the worst crimes against women were not prosecuted, even though the culprits were often "members of the predominantly mujahidin groups and warlords," the West's protégés.[6]


An Afghan women's rights activist told the 19. Congress of the Socialist International in Berlin in September 1992 "We would like to call on the international community and the Socialist International of Women, to give special attention to the plight of Afghan women," because of the crimes committed by Afghan warlords particularly against women. Her intervention received as little attention as those by other Afghan women calling for western support after the Taliban had come to power in 1996. It was only after the Taliban began rejecting cooperation with and openly opposing the West that NATO countries used the oppression of women to seek to legitimize and win popular support for their aggression against Afghanistan. The fact that the warlords in the 1990s violated women's rights no less than the Taliban today, is usually passed over in silence. Only Afghan women rights activists like RAWA, or the former parliamentarian, Malalai Joya, are publicly indicating that numerous warlords - like Atta Mohammad Noor, who enjoys great influence in the region occupied by the German Bundeswehr [7] - are among the West's favorite cooperation partners.

War Propaganda

Under western occupation, RAWA writes, "the sworn enemies of human rights, democracy and secularism have gripped their claws over our country." But "freedom and democracy" as well as women's rights, "can't be donated; it is the duty of the people of a country to fight and achieve these values." [8] Germany has shown through its interventions in the past that it is not a partner in the struggle for Afghan women's rights. Berlin had already played a leading role in NATO's aggression against Yugoslavia and in the subsequent occupation of Kosovo that brought sexual slave traders into government offices in Pristina. ( reported. [9]) There, as in Afghanistan in the 1980s, Germany was using the most brutal elements of the country to bring about a change of power. The fact that Germany, on several occasions, accepted the dominance of these forces to pursue its geo-strategic goals reveals the real motives of western aggression. Various international human rights organizations point out that the claim of intervening with the objective of installing emancipating conditions is part of the arsenal of war propaganda.

[1] Not all feminists love escalation in Afghanistan; 06.12.2009
[2] Women of Influence: Malalai Joya; 04.11.2009
[3] Human Rights Watch: "We Have the Promises of the World". Women's Rights in Afghanistan, December 2009
[4], [5] Ein kurzer Einblick in die Emanzipationsgeschichte der afghanischen Frauen;
[6] Amnesty International: Women in Afghanistan. A human rights catastrophe, March 1995
[7] see also Warlords and Strafexpeditionen
[8] Not all feminists love escalation in Afghanistan; 06.12.2009
[9] see also Unter deutscher AufsichtEnorme Gewalt and The Mafiosi State (II)

(Dalla Croazia giunge questo appello dell'Associazione degli ex ufficiali dell'Armata Popolare Jugoslava, che denunciano la violazione dei loro diritti umani in particolare per il mancato pagamento delle loro pensioni. In Croazia è il momento opportuno per porre simili questioni poichè il paese è nella fase preliminare per la adesione alla UE: per l'accettazione la Croazia deve rivedere alcune normative e adempiere ad una serie di obblighi.)

Inizio messaggio inoltrato:

Da: Vladimir Kapuralin 
Data: 03 marzo 2010 1:36:34 GMT+01:00
Oggetto: International appeal Socialist Workers Party of Croatia

Introductory note

Dear comrades,

We would like to notify the drastic uncivilized act of
jeopardizing existencies of the entire
category of the Croatian citizens, that has already been lasting
for two decades in  manner that has never had precedent within
this region of frequent social- political turbulences, for the
last century and a half at least.

Consequently we would like you if possible,  to utilize your
presence and influence in the European and other institutions,
as well as on the common political scene, to urge them and
spread the news on the intolerable practice.

The present moment is evaluated and assessed as suitable for such
an activity, due to the current negotiations between the EU and
Croatia, on  opening  the Legal system Chapter within the
pre-admittance proceedings' frame.

With the high expectations of your good judgement and
understanding we remain.

  With the cordial comradely regards on behalf of

Pula, 25 February  2010

Socialists Workers´Party
The International Relationships Dep.
Vladimir Kapuralin

Headoffice Hr 10000 ZAGREB, Pavla Hatza 14 Tel/Fax 00385 1 4835340

e-mail: vladimir.kapuralin @


Former officers of ex Yugoslav Peoples' Army strive for human rights

Since the beginning of 1992 , fomer officers of ex YPA, who attained their legal right for retirement after 8 October 1991, have been deprived of their pensions due to the discriminating Law of the Republic of Croatia. Many of them have passed away , without receiving their pension, but there are still 4.500 of them alive.
That number can not be considered  just as «individual cases», but as significant category of lawlessly deprived citizens. 
In addition to them, there are numerous ex YPA officers retired before 8 October 1991, whose pensions have been reduced to less than 50% of  the legally earned ones, which makes the 
total of more than 10.000 people involved. 
Although obliged by it's Constitution, the international law, the obligatory law and compulsory statements signed at the international councils, the Republic of Croatia has failed to solve  formal status of  the former YPA officers accordingly.

Contrary to what has been compelled to the EC in August 1991- take over and inplementation of the existing Law on retired and disabled citizens' insurance, as the Republic of Croatia law to be unrestrictedly complied with, it remained declarative.
Based on above mentioned obligations the Croatian Assembly on it's session held on 28 Decembre 1991, adopted the Law on taking over the Federal law on retirement insurance of the military personnel, to be implemented in the RC as the Republic's law ( published in «TheLegal Regulations Issue» no.73/91).
Although brought to power on 1 January 1992, it was obeyed but negatively, since its regulations failed to be effectuated, general obligations betrayed and the above mentioned category of citizens have never received their pensions, so far.

Not until 1 May 1992 commenced payment of 50% reduced pensions, but only to the accounts of fewer number of the former YPA retired officers ,who happened to obtain the
Croatian citizenship document, while others have been put aside for several years-as being 
obstructed and lacking citizenship as the crucial condition for the obtainable pensions .  
That was the way of executing a perfidious ethnic cleansing.

By the end of 1993 ,  the  Croatian assembly has established the law on executing the rights of
retired and disabled pension insurance of the former YPA personnel, by which their rights were levelled to those of the labourers and the payment was regulated by the Government's decree.
Nowadays,  their service-years in former YPA have been recognised, unlike their effectuated incomes. That resulted in the fact that some of them have received their pension in totals of barely few tens of kunas ( approx. 10-15 euros), due to  recognition of just the part of their service- incomes earned in the independent Republic of Croatia.

As a consequence of this Law, the House of Commons- the RC Assembly has violated two principles: the principle of  inviolability of formerly acquired rights, as well as the principle of  international legal obligations determined by convention and signed by the successors of ex Yugoslavia. This law is simultaneously unconstitutional as being contradictory to the international law. Therefore as the former military pensioners' rights to acquire their pensions were legally recognized by the positive regulations of the former Federation, their once attained rights can not be revised nor interpreted dismissively.

The other  RC civic categories of former Federation's officials-such as ambassadors, consules, prime ministers or federal secretaries (ministers), custom and police officials and personnel in general have not been deprived of their formerly attained rights by any law.
All the newly constituted republics-newly borned states-constituents of the former Yugoslavia
have confirmed all the formerly acquired rights of the military pensioners except the RC.
Even the defamed Independent State of Croatia ( shortly existed in the IIWW period) used to
recognize pensions of all the ex Yugoslav Monarchy's military officers, including Serbs, who were by that time persecuted just as Jews and Roms.

Claims that contributions have not been funded to the RC retirement funds are untenable as it is commonly known that the quota system of funding functioned until 1991, through
the 20% payment rate  funded by the YPA, while 80% portion  funded by the former republics and two autonomous districts. 
On June 22 1994 , the late president Franjo Tudjman has promissed to intervene and amend the injustice done, but that never happened.

The constitutional legal fact about undoubted citizenship of all the officials of the YPA was
based on article 249 of the SFR Yugoslavia's constitution from 1974, regardless in which of the republics or districts their assignment was , or wherever they were retired , before the state's brake-down.
If the RC is entitled to succession it concequently means an obligation to ensure all the formerly attained rights to the former military personnel-citizens who are not categorized as asylants, optants, or apolites, but as  citizens with legal citizenship in accordance with the law and the constitution.   

Nowhere throughout the European states or worldwide occures discrimination of the former military personnel ( like YPA's officers), but in Croatia. Elsewhere in the world  the military officers effectuate their retirement rights in accordance with particular legal regulations, a bit more beneficial  in comparison with other labourers, due to specific responsibilities of their service.
In addition to the above mentioned facts, there have been numerous illegal displacements, that
agitated European and global public scene. Those displacements as well as other unsolved 
hard-hearted events are sufficiently illustrative for  an insight to human rights situation in Croatia.

Since this association of the RC citizens has attempted to address innumerable institutions, associations and individuals without a favourable outcome, we addressed the European Council in Strassbourg as well.

Beside all the already quoted laws, such a misdeed towards the former YPA officers is directly opposed to the Universal Declaration on Rights-relating social rights , the Convention 
of the International labour Organization, Treaty on human rights, the International Pact on economic, social and cultural rights, Parisian Charter for the new Europe, the International
Pact on civil and political right to peacetime insurance, acquired and based on legal regulations of the former SFRY,  the RC obligations in accordance with the Obligatory Law,  as well as with the articles 3,5,14,16,17,20,88 and 143 of  the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia.

The former YPA officers' Association