
(srpskohrvatski / italiano)

Postilla su Srebrenica

Doppio anniversario: a ognuno le sue vittime, di questa guerra fratricida...

(a cura di Ivan per il CNJ; sul "doppio standard" usato dai paesi imperialisti a proposito dei massacri nella zona di Srebrenica si veda anche, ad esempio:

(Fonte: Međunarodni Radio Srbije - - 12. Jula 2008.)

Segnato il 16° anniversario della strage dei serbi a Podrinje

12. luglio 2008. 16:19

Sul territorio di Srebrenica e Bratunac oggi è stato segnato il 16° anniversario dalla strage di 3.500 serbi a Srednje Podrinje nella Repubblica Srpska, che durante la guerra nel 1992 e 1993 sono stati assassinati dalle forze mussulmane di Srebrenica, sotto il comando di Naser Oric. Al cimitero militare a Bratunac stamattina è stato officiato il requiem per i soldati ed i civili deceduti. La commemorazione di oggi era segnata dall’ammarezza per la sentenza liberatoria espressa in favore di Naser Oric. Dopo aver posato la ghirlanda di fiori, il presidente del governo della Repubblica Srpska Milorad, Dodik, ha detto che questa sentenza rappresenta lo specchio dei rapporti della comunità internazionale verso le vittime serbe, ed ha accusato le istituzioni internazionali e della Bosnia ed Erzegovina di non prendersi cura delle vittime serbe.

A Potocari è stato celebrato l’anniversario del massacro a Srebrenica
11. luglio 2008. 

Nel centro commemorativo Potocari a Srebrenica, davanti a 40 mila persone, è stato celebrato il tredicesimo anniversario del massacro della popolazione musulmana, il quale è avvenuto dopo l’arrivo dell’esercito serbo bosniaco. Secondo il tribunale dell’Aia in questo massacro sono stati uccisi all' incirca 8 mila musulmani. L’alto rappresentante in Bosnia ed Erzegovina Miroslav Lajcak ha dichiarato nel suo discorso che la comunità internazionale non smetterà mai di chiedere la giustizia per coloro che sono stati uccisi a Srebrenica. Il Tribunale internazione dell’Aia ha emesso la sentenza l’anno scorso secondo la quale il massacro a Srebrenica è stato compiuto dalle forze dell’esercito serbo bosniaco.

(Međunarodni Radio Srbije - - 12. Jula 2008.)


Na području Srebrenice i Bratunca danas je obeležena 16. godišnjica stradanja više od 3.500 Srba Srednjeg Podrinja u Republici Srpskoj, koje su tokom ratne 1992. i 1993. godine ubile muslimanske oružane snage iz Srebrenice, pod komandom Nasera Orića.

1) What really happened in Colombia?
2) Urgent Solidarity with the people of Colombia


A setback to peace process

What really happened in Colombia?

By Berta Joubert-Ceci 
Published Jul 13, 2008 10:26 PM

Colombia made prime news around the world on July 2 like never before. We learned that former Colombian presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt had been freed from a Marxist guerrilla group along with three U.S. Pentagon contractors—Tom Howes, Marc Gonsalves and Keith Stansell—and 11 members of the Colombian army and police.

They had been taken prisoner by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP) at different times in an effort to force the government toward a political, negotiated solution of the 60-year-old Colombian conflict. FARC had proposed exchanging 500 of its members held in Colombian prisons and three in federal jails in the U.S. for the several hundred people it had held in the jungle.

More importantly, the negotiated solution would involve a treaty whereby the FARC would sit down with the Colombian government to seek avenues for a real peace with economic and social justice for the majority of the Colombian masses, who are overwhelmingly poor.

Freedom in three versions

However, the news on prime time was a distortion of the facts, concocted by the Colombian government, which is very experienced in releasing half-truths and false propaganda. It dubbed the action “Operation Jaque” (checkmate).
According to Colombian Defense Minister Juan Manuel Santos, the 15 held by the FARC were handed over to military forces disguised as members of a “humanitarian mission.” The government stressed that it was a peaceful operation with not a single shot fired by either side. Their explanation was that it was an undercover operation facilitated by “infiltrating high layers of the FARC” and making them believe that the prisoners were going to meet Alfonso Cano, the current FARC top leader, who supposedly had sent the helicopter to pick them up.
With this story, they portrayed the armed insurgency as a group in disarray after the recent deaths of three of its Secretariat members—Raul Reyes and Ivan Rios who were killed, and Manuel Marulanda, its founder, who died of natural causes.
They called it a perfect operation that signaled the end of the guerrilla group.
While Santos stressed that it was a 100-percent Colombian operation, with no involvement of foreign governments or organizations, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino stated on July 3 that it “was conceived by the Colombians and executed by the Colombians with our full support.” U.S. Ambassador to Colombia William Brownfield told CNN about the “technical support” the U.S. provided for the operation.
What was this “support”? MSNBC reported on July 3 that “On Thursday, Col. William Costello, spokesman for the U.S. Southern Command, said the command made 3,600 intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance flights, followed up on 175 intelligence leads and spent $250 million trying.”
It then quoted U.S. officials who “spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on the record and the Bush administration was adamant about giving the Colombians the credit.” These sources said, according to MSNBC, that “the U.S. Special Operations Command helped with surveillance that positively located the hostages within the past year using satellites, aircraft and ground reconnaissance—and had tracked them since then.”
A second version of what happened comes from France.
The French online news site MediaPart and Radio Suisse Romande both reported that the operation was not a rescue but a “$20-million-dollar transaction” and that the Colombian government had paid that amount—provided by the U.S. government—for the release of Betancourt and the three Pentagon contractors.
Reportedly, secret negotiations took place through the wife of one of the men in charge of watching over Betancourt. The woman had been seized by the Colombian military and forced to make her FARC husband change sides and agree to the bribe. Needless to say, the Colombian government vehemently rejects this version, but admits that it does pay for information.
Two European envoys—French diplomat Noel Saez and his Swiss counterpart, Jean Pierre Gontard—were in Colombia at the time. They had requested permission from the Colombian government to further negotiations with the FARC for the release of Betancourt, who holds French and Colombian citizenship, and the others. The Colombian government granted them permission and vowed to help the effort. This was widely known; the government itself had publicized it earlier. It had been reported in France that the two had already communicated with the FARC leadership.
Narciso Isa Conde, a Dominican left leader, has presented a third version of the events. Isa Conde is part of the Continental Bolivarian Coordinating Group and has the authority to speak on this matter since he had participated in earlier negotiations for the release of Betancourt. In a widely circulated article written July 3 and entitled “There was no such rescue,” he wrote that the operation was really “an initiative stolen from the FARC.”
Isa Conde says that the FARC was about to release the 15 to the French-Swiss team, so they had to be brought to one point from their locations in three different parts of the jungle. The detainees were to be transported in civilian helicopters to a place where they would meet with the FARC leadership in a ceremony to hand them over to the Europeans.
However, the Colombian military, with the help of U.S. surveillance, located the helicopters and substituted military pilots dressed as FARC members, wearing Che tee shirts, who kept up the pretense until all the detainees were inside the helicopters.
This certainly would explain why the rest of the guerrillas were so willing to hand over the prisoners without a shot being fired.

Role of Israel

Many reports mention how “swift” and “smooth” the operation was. Ingrid Betancourt, on her arrival in France, mentioned “the Israelis” and their “extraordinary commando operations, that resemble the coup that occurred today.”
In fact, Israel is part of Plan Colombia, the U.S. strategy to control Colombia. There is ample documentation on how the Israeli secret services Mossad and Shin Beth have assisted Uribe’s government in Colombian territory. The Israeli newspaper Maariv reported in 2007 that Gen. Israel Ziv, who had commanded Israeli forces in Gaza, was a consultant on “security” for the Colombian government.
According to a recent report in TeleSur, Colombian Defense Minister Santos traveled last February to Israel to meet with the leadership of Mossad—Israel’s equivalent of the CIA. On the same trip, he went to the U.S. to meet with Defense Secretary Robert Gates, a former CIA director.

Beneficiary: Uribe!

One thing is crystal clear. The person who gains most from this operation is President Alvaro Uribe himself.
Up to his neck in a corruption and parapolitical scandal, he needed a smokescreen. With the help of the capitalist media worldwide, but particularly the Colombian oligarchy’s media, Uribe’s administration has mounted a campaign to present him as a hero and the greatest defender of peace—even as his closest allies in government are being implicated in massacres and other crimes perpetrated by paramilitaries. Many are already serving prison time.
He really needed this, and the U.S. gave it to him.
His reelection in 2006 has been ruled illegal by the Colombian Supreme Court of Justice because he offered positions and favors to a congressmember who provided the critical vote approving his reelection, since it was not permitted in the Constitution. In spite of that, he is now proposing a referendum to change the Constitution so he can run for a third term in 2010.
His Army chief, Gen. Mario Montoya, who received a medal from the U.S. Army, was implicated in the creation of a clandestine terrorist unit in the Colombian Army. This “Anticommunist American Alliance” attacked, assassinated and took left-wing activists hostage. Montoya has a long history of criminal activity, including when he led the Joint South Task Force between 1999-2001, financed by the U.S.
Uribe’s past actions regarding people held by the FARC revealed no intent to secure their release. After the FARC unilaterally released seven prisoners late last year, Uribe bombed a FARC encampment in Ecuador where Raul Reyes was preparing the release of Ingrid Betancourt, together with the Ecuadorean government. That bombing, performed with U.S. technical aid, killed Reyes and 23 other people, including an Ecuadorean and four Mexican students.
Betancourt’s mother, Yolanda Pulecio, said at that time, “I pray that Uribe does not find my daughter” because he might “order military operations that could kill her and then justify the war saying that the guerrillas killed her.”

Human tragedy in Colombia worsens

Already this year 30 union leaders have been killed. The paramilitaries that Uribe says are “demobilized” have just changed their names from the “Self Defense Units of Colombia” (AUC) to the Black Eagles. They continue to spread terror throughout the country with total impunity.
The situation in Colombia right now is desperate for the progressive movement, which courageously keeps demonstrating and trying to build alternatives of peace and justice in the face of criminal repression by the state and horrendous violence from the paramilitary forces.
Poverty continues and increases; the privatization of essential services is preventing the masses from having access to education and adequate health care. Millions of children have to work in order to survive. Peasants, Indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities continue to face displacement. Progressive leaders continue to be targets of assassination and disappearance.
As long as these conditions exist, a guerrilla movement will also exist.

Need for international solidarity

It is not surprising that the prisoners of the FARC-EP were “freed” on the very day that U.S. presidential hopeful John McCain was visiting Colombia to assure Uribe of his support for the Free Trade Agreement, now frozen in the U.S. Congress. It was also one day after the infamous Fourth Fleet of the U.S. Navy initiated its prowling in Latin American and Caribbean waters.
The progressive movement in the U.S. owes an enormous debt to the peoples south of the Rio Grande. Wall Street and Washington are the biggest threat to the stability of the region and to the development of the progressive processes taking place there.
It would be an enormous setback for the world progressive and revolutionary forces if this brutal government doing the dirty work for U.S. imperialism were to settle firmly in Colombia, able to threaten the Venezuelan Bolivarian Revolution, Bolivia and Ecuador. It is of utmost importance to show concrete solidarity with the struggling people in Colombia who are staving off the hand of fascist dictatorship.

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From:    Actioncenter @...
Subject:  Urgent: Solidarity with the people of Colombia - Support the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal in Bogotá, Colombia July 21-23
Date:  July 14, 2008 6:08:03 PM GMT+02:00

Political repression is on the rise in Colombia, despite recent news!
The international community must speak out!


The International Action Center issues urgent appeal for solidarity with the people of Colombia and to
support the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal in Bogotá, Colombia July 21-23

Support the fact-finding mission to investigate human rights violations in Colombia and the Tribunal!

The human rights crisis in Colombia is dire!  In the last two weeks, two trade unionists and the 10-year-old son of one of them were killed.  According to some unionists, more than 4,000 unionists have been killed in Colombia in the last 20 years.  Four million people have been displaced from their homes due to a U.S.-backed war against the civilian population and the social movement.

Progressive people, including journalists, human rights activists, community leaders and student organizers, have been killed, threatened or attacked for mobilizing against economic and political repression.

In spite of recent events in Colombia, which have captured vast media attention, the reality is that political repression by the Uribe regime goes on day-in-and-day-out against those those who oppose it.  This is not publicized by the press.  It must be publicized by all who want human rights and justice!

The attacks are carried out by forces trained, funded and endorsed by the U.S. government. It is part of a war that has dangerous ramifications against the other countries in the region.

You can help end this war by supporting the Colombian people and by demanding that the U.S. government and corporations stop supporting state terror by Colombian President Alvaro Uribe's regime.

What you can do:

Send messages of solidarity to the Tribunal!

Donate here to support the international fact-finding mission to Colombia! 

Send this email out far-and-wide to organizations and individuals to get the truth out! 

The Colombian labor union SINALTRAINAL, which represents Coca-Cola workers, and other progressive organizations  are hosting a Permanent Peoples' Tribunal in Bogotá, Colombia on July 21-23, and an international labor delegation which will visit hospitals, schools and worker centers, and meet with social organizations,

The International Action Center is working with the U.S.-Cuba Labor Exchange to take a delegation of labor, anti-war and other progressive activists on a fact-finding mission that includes participation in the Tribunal. The delegation will meet with labor and other social activists who are leading the struggle in Colombia for political, economic and social justice and equality. The trip will help participants understand how U.S. policies abroad affect workers in Colombia and in the U.S.

The fact-finding delegation will bring back the truth to activists in the U.S. about the U.S. role in Colombian repression against students, unionists, human rights activists and other progressives. This will help to build the solidarity movement with the Colombian people.

Background of Peoples' Tribunal: The Permanent Peoples' Tribunal is an international independent tribunal that examines and judges complaints regarding violations of human rights that have been submitted by the victims. The Tribunal was founded in June 1979 in Italy by legal experts, writers and other intellectuals. It followed the Bertrand Russell International War Crimes Tribunal, which held two sessions in 1967 to expose war crimes committed against the Vietnamese people.

The upcoming Tribunal session in Bogotá, entitled "Transnational corporations and crimes against humanity," will be the last held there after four prior hearings on (1) how foreign-owned agribusinesses have affected farmers and Indigenous peoples; (2) the mining companies' role; (3) the impact of transnational corporate-controlled development on biodiversity and the environment and (4) oil companies and human rights violations.

The Tribunal is an extremely important event that will help expose the dangerous, and escalating U.S. corporate-backed state repression against people's movements.

It will also reinvigorate the many peoples' movements and progressive forces with the solidarity that international delegations bring.

Edgar Paez from SINALTRAINAL says of the Tribunal's purpose: "Through this process we will increase the exposure of the relations between paramilitarism, transnational corporations and the policy of impunity and terror of the Colombian state. Its main purpose is the search for truth, justice and complete reparations. Several transnational corporations have been accused at the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal--Colombia Session, regarding their responsibility for the murder of union leaders for the violation of union freedom and the right of association."

This is a critical situation! It needs the attention and help of progressive people throughout the U.S.!

Tell your friends about it!

Make a donation to help send students, anti-war and community activists, and working people to document U.S.-backed abuse in Colombia.  

Help with costs of videotaping and publishing reports from the trip--and more!

Send messages of solidarity to the Peoples' Tribunal!  Ask community, union, religious, anti-war and other organizations and activists to email messages of support! 

(sulla oscena decisione del "Tribunale ad hoc" dell'Aia, che ha completamente assolto il principale responsabile dei tanti morti serbi a Srebrenica e dintorni, si veda: 
Si noti che la notizia è stata completamente ignorata dai media italiani. Un commento appare sul portale "Osservatorio Balcani", che coerentemente con la sua funzione "istituzionale" appare preoccupato essenzialmente di sostenere la legittimità del "Tribunale" e la campagna oramai ventennale di isolamento e colpevolizzazione della sola parte serba per lo squartamento del paese degli Slavi del Sud: 
A cura di Italo Slavo per JUGOINFO)


junge Welt (Berlin)

11.07.2008 / Abgeschrieben / Seite 8

Schluß mit Den Haag!

Freispruch für einen Massakerhelden

Von Werner Pirker

Hätte es noch eines letzten Beweises für die Parteilichkeit des Den Haager Kriegsverbrechertribunals bedurft, dann wäre er mit dem Freispruch für den bosnisch-muslimischen Wüterich Naser Oric geliefert worden. So dürfte das auch das russische Außenministerium gesehen haben, als es das Skandalurteil zum Anlaß nahm, die Auflösung des durch die Charta der Vereinten Nationen nicht gedeckten UN-Tribunals zu fordern. 

»Dieses Tribunal ist illegal«, hatte der unter der Haager Gewaltjustiz zu Tode gekommene jugoslawische Präsident Slobodan Milosevic immer wieder betont. Illegal, weil der UN-Sicherheitsrat nicht dazu ermächtigt war, es einzurichten. Und illegal, weil es ein Strafgericht darstellt, das von den westlichen Verursachern und Förderern der Balkan-Sezessionskriege über die Verteidiger Jugoslawiens verhängt wurde. Entsprechend gestaltet sich die Rechtsprechung in Den Haag. Milosevic sah sich bis zuletzt mit dem von ihm mehrfach widerlegten Vorwurf konfrontiert, für das Gemetzel in Srebrenica verantwortlich gewesen zu sein. Obwohl er es nach der Einnahme der UN-Schutzzone durch bosnische Serben mittels zahlreicher Interventionen bei UN-Kommandanten zu verhindern suchte – in dem Wissen um den aufgestauten Haß der bosnisch-serbischen Milizen auf die Mordbrennerbanden des Naser Oric. 

Die Tragödie von Srebrenica beginnt mit der Vertreibung der Serben, die ungefähr ein Drittel der Bevölkerung ausmachten, aus Stadt und Umland. Dabei sollen 192 Dörfer verbrannt, 2800 Serben getötet und 6000 verletzt worden sein. Von serbischer Seite vorgelegte Beweise – ein Pathologe bezeugte die Identifizierung von 1000 ermordeten Serben – wurden von der Haager Siegerjustiz nicht zur Kenntnis genommen. Oric war in erster Instanz zu lächerlichen zwei Jahren verurteilt worden. Seine Schuld wurde darauf reduziert, die Mordtaten nicht verhindert zu haben. Die mittlerweile ausgeschiedene Chefanklägerin Carla del Ponte hatte immerhin 18 Jahre verlangt, obwohl auch sie dem Massenmörder den Vorwurf des Völkermordes, der bei keinem serbischen Angeklagten fehlen darf, ersparte. Für die serbische Bevölkerung in Bosnien aber ist Naser Oric die Schreckensgestalt des bosnischen Bürgerkrieges schlechthin. Allein die Nennung seines Namens ist geeignet, Angstschweißattacken und Bekreuzigungsrituale auszulösen.

Schon das erste Urteil wurde vom prowestlichen Präsidenten Serbiens, Boris Tadic als Skandal bezeichnet. Der nun ausgesprochene Freispruch des Meisters grausamer osmanischer Tötungsarten ist eine Provokation, die Serbien nicht auf sich sitzen lassen dürfte. Europa macht es der »proeuropäischen« Regierung wirklich nicht leicht. Wenn sich die Sozialisten noch einen Rest an Ehre bewahrt haben sollten, dann müßten sie ihren Verbleib in der Regierung an die Bedingung der sofortigen Aufkündung der Kollaboration mit Den Haag knüpfen.


Neues Deutschland (Berlin)

11.07.2008 / Ausland / Seite 2

Muslimzeuge gegen Muslimkiller

Zum Jahrestag der Srebrenica-Eroberung ignorieren die Leitmedien wie gewohnt die Verbrechen an Serben

Von Jürgen Elsässer

Am 11. Juli 1995 eroberten die Serben die ostbosnische Muslimhochburg Srebrenica. Wie an jedem Jahrestag verbreiten die westlichen Leitmedien nur eine einseitige Version der Ereignisse.

»In Srebrenica hatten serbisch-bosnische Militärs im Bürgerkrieg 1995 weit über 7000 Muslime ermordet«, meldete die Nachrichtenagentur dpa gestern, rechtzeitig zum Jahrestag der Einnahme des ostbosnischen Städtchens am 11. Juli 1995. Wie in den vergangenen Jahren werden die Medien diese Zahl fleißig rapportieren und vielleicht an ein Diktum von Joschkas Fischer erinnern: Srebrenica sei das »Symbol des serbischen Faschismus«.

Kaum eine Zeitung wird darüber berichten wollen, dass die Wahrheit erheblich komplizierter ist: Im bosnischen Bürgerkrieg der Jahre 1992 bis 1995 wurden Massaker von allen Seiten begangen. Gerade Srebrenica ist ein Beispiel dafür, dass auch die von der NATO massiv unterstützten Muslime Gräueltaten verübt haben.

Dabei müssten sich die Medien im Bemühen um eine objektive Darstellung gar nicht auf serbische Quellen stützen. In diesem Jahr hat nämlich Ibran Mustafic, einer der prominentesten Muslime aus der geschundenen Stadt, seine Memoiren vorgelegt. Unter dem Titel »Geplantes Chaos« (Planirani Chaos) rechnet er darin mit den Verbrechern in den eigenen Reihen schonungslos ab. Mustafic war während des Bürgerkrieges Abgeordneter der in Bosnien regierenden prowestlichen Muslimpartei SDA des Präsidenten Alija Izetbegovic und außerdem Bürgermeister in Srebrenica.

Mustafic berichtet, wie er nach dem Fall der Stadt flüchtete und von den Serben gefangen genommen wurde. Er hält die gängige These von der tausendfachen Mordlust der serbischen Eroberer für nicht plausibel, weil diese sogar ihn, einen der prominentesten Aktivisten der Muslimpartei in der Enklave, wieder freigelassen haben. »Persönlich glaube ich, dass die Mehrzahl der Menschen, die sich (den Serben) ergeben haben, am Leben ist«, meint Mustafic. Diese Einschätzung wird unterstützt durch die Ergebnisse der Exhumierungsarbeiten. Am 16. Januar 2004 gab Dean Manning, ein mit den Grabungsarbeiten in Srebrenica beauftragter Spezialist der Anklagevertretung des Haager UN-Tribunals, als Zeuge im Prozess gegen Slobodan Milosevic folgende Zahlen an: 2541 Leichen seien gefunden worden, 70 davon konnten identifiziert werden. Das in den Medien gängige Dogma von »weit über 7000 Toten« (dpa) geht also nicht auf die Erkenntnisse des Haager Tribunals zurück, sondern auf unüberprüfbare Angaben der muslimischen Behörden.

Natürlich sind 2500 von Serben Ermordete eine schreckliche Zahl. Doch der Blutzoll, den diese ihrerseits zu entrichten hatten, war ähnlich hoch. Die Belgrader Tageszeitung »Vecernje Novosti« veröffentlichte am 30. Juni 2005 eine Aufstellung der serbischen Opfer, die in den Jahren 1992 bis 1995 in den Dörfern rund um Srebrenica massakriert worden waren. Insgesamt 3287 Personen sind mit Vor- und Nachnamen, Name des Vaters und Alter angegeben.

Mustafic berichtet in seinem Buch Einzelheiten. Demnach wurden nach Beginn der Kämpfe im April 1992 alle Serben aus der Stadt vertrieben und siedelten sich in den darum liegenden Orten an. Diese wurden regelmäßig aus der Stadt heraus überfallen und gebrandschatzt. Eigentlich war Srebrenica 1993 zur entmilitarisierten Schutzzone erklärt worden, doch Waffen wurden trotzdem ständig angeliefert. Mustafic berichtet von allein 18 Transporten, die er beobachtet hat. Nach Auskunft anderer Zeugen waren es US-Hubschrauber, die modernstes Gerät zum Kampf gegen die Serben bereitstellten

Mustafic belastet insbesondere Naser Oric schwer, den damaligen muslimischen Stadtkommandanten von Srebrenica. Er habe die Todesschwadrone befehligt und sei, dafür hat Mustafic Zeugen, persönlich an Massakern gegen Serben beteiligt gewesen. Dieser Oric wurde tatsächlich vor dem Haager Kriegsverbrechertribunal angeklagt, und Mustafic wurde als Zeuge geladen. Doch im letzten Augenblick wurde ihm die Aussage verwehrt. Kein Wunder also, dass der Schlächter »aus Mangel an Beweisen« Anfang Juli 2008 letzt-

instanzlich freigesprochen wurde. Auf Mustafic gab es mehrere Attentate, zuletzt am 25. April 2008 mitten am Tag in der bosnischen Hauptstadt Sarajevo. »Sie nannten mich Verräter«, berichtete der Überfallene. Die westlichen Medien ignorieren bislang sein Buch.


Fonte: Rainews24, 11 luglio 2008

La Commissione europea stanzierà 500 milioni di euro per la ricostruzione del Kosovo
La Commissione europea stanzierà 500 milioni di euro per la ricostruzione economica del Kosovo su tre anni, sin al 2011. Lo ha annunciato il commissario Ue all'Allargamento, Olli Rehn, in apertura della conferenza dei donatori per il Kosovo a Bruxelles. La somma che l'Ue è pronta a mettere a disposizione del Kosovo comprende 350 milioni di fondi di pre-adesione già programmati per il periodo 2008-2011, oltre a 50 milioni di euro per assistenza allo sviluppo macro-economico, a cui dovrebbero ora aggiungersi altri 100 milioni. I fondi dovranno essere spesi, ad avviso del commissario Rehn, per l'istruzione, il consolidamento della democrazia e lo stato di diritto (sic), la governance (sic) e la creazione di un ambiente favorevole allo sviluppo degli investimenti (sic sic). Si tratta - ha aggiunto Rehn - "di elementi chiave per la pace, la stabilità e la crescita del Kosovo, e dell'intera regione". Il commissario Ue spera di poter arrivare ad una somma complessiva di un miliardo di euro per finanziare il programma di sviluppo dell'area in tre anni, fino al 2011.