
(Il presunto attacco di feroci pasdaran iraniani contro pacifici navigli statunitensi in gita
turistica nello Stretto di Hormuz... non è mai esistito: il sonoro che accompagna il video
statunitense è stato artefatto di proposito dagli strateghi di Washington. Per chi ha seguito
le vicende jugoslave, una simile falsificazione è solo deja vu...
L'unica cosa vera, in questa vicenda, è che navi da guerra USA percorrono con dispotica
arroganza i mari di paesi molto lontani da casa loro. Con quale diritto? IS)

Pentagon faked Iran boat 'attack'

Anti-war group demands investigation of U.S. war provocation

By Sara Flounders
Published Jan 17, 2008 1:38 AM

The Bush administration has been caught red-handed in manufacturing evidence of a
"provocation" off the Iranian coast on Jan. 6, in which five small Iranian open-air
speedboats were alleged to have threatened three massive U.S. guided missile warships.
The U.S. Navy now admits that audio and videotape given to the media and widely
publicized had been spliced together.

What is most ominous in all this is that no major U.S. politician or institution, or any
international body, has denounced this dangerous and deceptive move, nor have they
called for an inquiry or investigation. Neither the U.S. Congress—now in session—nor any
of its committees, all of them now controlled by the Democratic majority elected on an
anti-war vote, took action.

With almost half the U.S. Navy hovering off the coast of Iran, this war provocation must be
challenged and confronted.

The media is giving wall-to-wall coverage to both Democratic and Republican politicians
campaigning in primary elections. Each of these politicians could and should be
confronted on where they stand on this Pentagon fraud and what steps they personally
plan to take to pursue the matter.

The corporate media in the U.S., which gave the story days of coverage, should also be

The Stop War on Iran Campaign has taken the first steps. It has begun an emergency alert
and petition to demand a full investigation of this war provocation and the illegal war
games that the U.S. Navy has been staging in the Persian Gulf. The goal is to prevent
President George W. Bush and the Pentagon from using this scenario or another staged
operation to launch an attack on Iran.

The Stop War On Iran Campaign has also urged rank-and-file Navy personnel on U.S.
ships in the Gulf and officers to reveal what they know of U.S. war preparations and past
war games in the region.

Manufacturing a war crisis

For three days before Bush departed on an eight-day trip to the Middle East, the media
were full of denunciations of Iran by Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and top
generals and Navy commanders, all denouncing Iran for a "dangerous provocation" and "a
threat to world peace" based on this phony incident.

On arriving in Israel, even as the story was unraveling, Bush again threatened Iran and
ominously warned that "all options are on the table to protect our assets."

The U.S. Navy has now admitted that the video of the "incident" between the U.S. warships
and the Iranian patrol boats was heavily edited and that the threatening voice on it
warning "You may explode" may not have belonged to any Iranian sailors. Yet this video
was the basis for the latest threats against Iran.

Who manufactured this video? Who spliced together completely different sound and video
footage? Who signed off on it? Who distributed it to all the major media? It was viewed and
commented on at the highest levels of the Bush administration.

This is hardly the first time that a manufactured U.S. crisis has launched a war.

On Feb. 5, 2003, Secretary of State and former Gen. Colin Powell presented satellite
photos to the United Nations to prove that Iraq was developing weapons of mass
destruction. This false charge, endlessly repeated, became the justification for the U.S.
bombing, invasion and continuing occupation of Iraq.

Before the first Gulf War in 1991, photo images of Iraqi units supposedly massed on the
Saudi Arabia border for an invasion also turned out to be totally fraudulent.

Manufactured evidence was also used in the famous Gulf of Tonkin incident, when North
Vietnamese Coast Guard boats supposedly attacked two U.S. destroyers off the coast of
Vietnam in August 1964. This fraud provided the justification for a congressional
resolution authorizing the escalation of the U.S. war against Vietnam.

This latest fabrication comes after a National Intelligence Estimate from 16 top U.S. spy
agencies publicly reported that Iran has not had a nuclear weapons program since at least
2003, nor does it possess any nuclear weapons.

This NIE Report exposed to the world a rift within the top levels of the U.S. military and the
ruling class, where there is concern that the Bush/Cheney push for a wider war involving
Iran would boomerang.

The attempt by the administration to suppress the NIE Report and the fact that it was
publicly released are signs of just how overstretched and conflicted the U.S. government is
as it faces massive popular resistance in both Iraq and Afghanistan, along with growing
instability in Pakistan.

Even after the NIE Report, Bush's threats on Iran continued unabated. But the U.S. charge
of a Jan. 6 Iranian "provocation" began to unravel by Jan. 9 and soon turned into a

Iran charged that the U.S. footage was a "bad fake" and that the audio and video were not
even synchronized. Iran's Revolutionary Guard released its own four-minute video clip
showing its two- and three-person, clearly unarmed speed boats asking the U.S. warships
to identify the number on their ship and their reason for being in the area. A U.S.-
accented voice responded by giving the number of his ship and claiming to be operating
in international waters.

Blog commentaries asked the obvious question: Why in the U.S. Navy's video was there no
ambient background noise of water, wind and motors as the small open Iranian boats
supposedly made threats to "explode" the warships? This and other discrepancies
discredited the U.S. story.

By Jan. 10 the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet in Bahrain cast doubt on the earlier U.S. version of the
incident. "There is no way to know where this [radioed threat] exactly came from. It could
have come from the shore ... or another vessel in the area," Lt. John Gay told the French
Press Agency. Some media speculated the message was from "a prankster."

But none of the corporate media have even once asked what this deadly array of U.S.
warships is doing in the narrow waters off the coast of Iran that are vital to shipping. This
is the real issue.

U.S. warships violate international law

The largest and deadliest ships in world history, armed and in attack mode, with targets
already selected, are now off the coast of Iran. This is international lawlessness on a grand

Contrary to what the corporate media claim, the conduct of the vast U.S. armada in the
Gulf is in explicit and continual violation of international law and United Nations treaties.

According to a Jan. 15 article by Kaveh L. Afrasiabi in Asia Times OnLine, there is no
"international water" in the Strait of Hormuz. The two-mile-wide inbound traffic lane
there is within Iran's territorial waters.

Vice Adm. Kevin Cosgiff claimed that the U.S. ships were "five kilometers outside Iranian
territorial waters." This is impossible. Even a voice from one of the U.S. ships says, "I am
engaged in transit passage in accordance with international law," making it clear that the
commanders recognized that they were inside Iranian waters. Peaceful transit through
passageways is permitted, according to the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The U.S. has refused to sign this international treaty, along with countless other
international agreements, yet it invokes its right to avail itself of convenient parts of the
UNCLOS treaty, such as transit for its giant warships through the territorial waters of other
countries. On the other hand, the U.S. Navy flagrantly violates the provisions that
explicitly prohibit actions like the continual war exercises, nor does it bring its
submarines to the surface as required.

U.S. position slipping

Bush's visits to the Israeli apartheid state and to the occupied Palestinian West Bank
confirm that the U.S. president has no solutions and no proposals even worth coverage in
the corporate media. U.S. credibility is at an all-time low throughout the Arab world. On a
world scale there is a drastic decline in the ability of U.S. imperialism to influence events
or impose its colonial solutions.

Even in the United Arab Emirates, Bush's lecture on democracy to a gathering of oil-rich
feudal monarchs, their political appointees, wealthy corporate investors, and police and
military functionaries aroused only a perfunctory scattering of applause. By all accounts
his efforts to rally support for a U.S.-led Arab alliance to financially squeeze and isolate
Iran flopped.

Throughout the region, U.S. puppet rulers fear their own masses and fear standing too
close to Bush. For imperialism and for the thin strata of corrupt rulers in the area, the war
in Iraq is a disaster. And the war in Afghanistan is in serious disarray. The U.S. alliance
with the Pakistani military is in crisis. Israel, Washington's one totally dependent and
usually dependable military outpost, proved unable to destroy Hezbollah in Lebanon or
even to defeat Hamas by starving and surrounding Gaza.

While each of the many ships in the U.S. armada has the deadly power to destroy entire
cities with one launch, the political, diplomatic and economic position of the U.S. is
slipping faster than the dollar. This can drive U.S. imperialism to ever more drastic
adventures and desperate measures. It is also what silences large sections of the U.S.
ruling class and top political leaders of both parties.

The world movement for human progress and all opponents of endless U.S. wars must be
on full alert at the possibility of a new, deadly military offensive. They must continue to
expose this phony incident off the coast of Iran and confront the U.S. war makers.

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Il Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia riceve e ritrasmette con dolore la notizia della morte di Antonija "Tonica" Dovecar.

Eroica partigiana, partecipò alla leggendaria, massacrante marcia di Matic Poljana, tra la Lika e il Gorski Kotar (oggi in Croazia), raccontata da Vitomir Grbac nel libro "La morte bianca":

<< (...) La "morte bianca" (bijela smrt) affilava i suoi denti e prima ancora di giungere alla piana di Matic falciò i più esausti e affamati.
Ci fu chi sparò con i fucili automatici per strappare i compagni da quello strano sonno che portava direttamente alla morte. Alcuni morirono già lungo la salita. Il peggio però li aspettava nella piana di Matic dove la temperatura era ancora più bassa e la tormenta più forte.
Proprio qui, non molto lontano dal paese di Mrkopalj, designato come punto di arrivo, trovarono la morte ben 26 partigiani e circa 200 subirono pesanti conseguenze dovute all'assideramento.
Le 17 donne partigiane superarono tutte la tremenda marcia. Nessuna di esse morì per assideramento. 
Antonija Dovecar era al settimo mese di gravidanza. Due mesi dopo partorì un maschietto dal peso di 5 kg destando la sorpresa di tutti. Il medico della divisione gli diede il nome di Ratimir (guerra e pace), come buon auspicio di una vita serena.
Il "partigiano" più piccolo di questa colonna ha oggi 61 anni, è professore alla Facoltà di marineria di Portorose (Slovenia) ed è qui tra noi, oggi.
Sua madre Antonija ha 90 anni e vive a Capodistria. Il padre, uno sloveno di nome Miroslav, combattente della prima ora, si è spento vent'anni fa. >>

Il piccolo Ratimir, sorridente con la "titovka" bianca in testa all'età di 2-3 anni nella foto pubblicata nel libro di Grbac, si è occupato personalmente della sua anziana madre negli ultimi anni.

A chi è caduto, 
a chi vive e sa testimoniare anche nei nostri giorni grigi i sacrifici ed i valori immortali di cui erano portatori quei combattenti, 
a chi deve la vita a quella lotta eroica, a chi persino si affacciò alla vita mentre tutt'attorno infuriava la battaglia per la libertà, 
va il nostro pensiero oggi.
Al figlio di Tonica, Ratimir, ed a tutti quelli che la hanno conosciuta e stimata, giungano le nostre commosse condoglianze.



(La ex procuratrice del TPIY dell'Aia continua, in altra veste e con modalità appena diverse, la sua opera di demolizione di Stati sovrani: come sempre, per ottenere la loro ri-colonizzazione imperialistica, non si disdegna la difesa del banditismo terrorista-etnico in nome dei "diritti umani"...)

Begin forwarded message:

From:   deshapremiyo  @...
Subject: Sri Lanka need not yield to international law 
Date: January 18, 2008 9:47:23 PM GMT+01:00

Sri Lanka need not yield to international law

– PNM tells Louise Arbour

(LankaTruth: 18th January 2008  23:40 S.L.T )

Sri Lankan Nation need not yield to so-called international law that would be brought against sovereignty of the Motherland states Patriotic National Movement.

PNM makes this observation in a statement issued against a statement made by Ms. Louise Arbour, U.N. High Commissioner for human rights regarding human rights situation in Sri Lanka. In its statement PNM points out that Ms. Louise Arbour has launched diplomatic terrorism against Sri Lanka.

The full text of the PNM statement:

"We believe that the whole Sri Lankan Nation should pay its attention to the serious statement made regarding Sri Lanka recently by Ms. Louise Arbour , head of U.N. High Commission for human rights.

In the relevant statement she had stated that violations by any party could entail individual criminal responsibility under international criminal law. She had emphasized that this law would be seriously effective on those in positions of command. She had said this emphasizing that according to international law all rights of civilians should be defended.

From this statement of Louis Arbour it is clear what agenda the western imperialist forces have conspired to carry out in Sri Lanka. We, from the very beginning, have indicated what plans Louise Arbour and her kind had aimed to be implemented in Sri Lanka when they tried to exaggerate the human rights situation in the country to the world and made various statements. What western imperialism and Louise Arbour and her kind want today is to deny to the Sri Lankan Nation the opportunity to bring about a final defeat to the murderous separatist terrorists, who are helpless and confined to a small area in Wanni and Killinochchi. In order to fulfill this villainous aim Louise Arbour and her kind put forward the so-called human rights issues. 

In the statement we quoted above Louis Arbour directly threatens the political and military leaders who are involved in taking measures for national security. What she says in diplomatic language is that if anyone takes steps to liberate Wanni and Killinochchi they would be branded as war criminals and brought before international law.  This is clearly a threat.  It is terrorists who carry out threats. Hence, Louie Arbour has unleashed diplomatic terrorism against Sri Lankan state. Louise Arbour has unleashed this terrorism on behalf of murderous, separatist tiger terrorism.

The process of solving the internal issues of Sri Lanka is decided by the majority of its inhabitants. Any government that has come to power with people’s mandate is responsible in implementing the law of the land all over the country without any hindrance. It is presently done through legitimate armed forces.  One of its tasks is to destroy the world’s most ruthless terrorist organizations that has proved to be an obstacle in implementing law and order in the country. It is the prerogative of the Sri Lankan government to fulfill this task. No organization or country in the world has the right to challenge this right in any manner. Louis Arbour and her kind should understand this. If they don’t comprehend this of their own, it is necessary to emphasize, that the day the patriotic masses in this country take action to close all offices that belong to various organizations of the UNO would be not very far away.

The administrators, military chiefs and all inhabitants in this country give allegiance only to law of this country. Sri Lankans don’t have to abide by a so-called international law that is brought up against the sovereignty of the country. None in Sri Lanka would be cowed down by the idiotic threats of Louise Arbour and her kind who are grief stricken at the defeats their tiger pals have been inflicted with. It is unfortunate for the UNO that Arbour and her kind have not been able to comprehend this. 

However, it is the responsibility of all patriotic forces in this country to ‘nip in the bud’ the “diplomatic terrorism” Louise Arbour and her kind have attempted to unleash. We call upon all patriotic mass organizations to be alert to this threat and rally to defeat such attempts. We also call upon all responsible officials of the UNO in Sri Lanka, considering the safety of the employees of the UNO and its assets, to refrain from making such utter foolish statements that would enrage the people in this country.  We would like to emphasize, by threatening with international law, Louise Arbour and her kind would never get the opportunity to reverse the struggle being carried out to create the atmosphere to implement the law of the land in every inch of the Sri Lankan soil and it is from Sri Lanka that they would get this latest experience. "

L'Appello che segue, sottoscritto da trentasei Senatori dell'Unione, da noi già diffuso nella versione originale in lingua italiana ( #2), è stato tradotto a cura del CNJ e già inviato a Politika, Novosti, Tanjug e Beta.






Sasvim je ocigledno da bi otcepljenje Kosova od Srbije moglo da izazove novi konflikt na Balkanu koji bi se ubrzo prosirio na vec nestabilnu Bosnu i Makedoniju. Ovu opasnost je nagovestio izvestaj tajne NATO sluzbe 13. decembra pa je stoga apsolutno treba izbeci. Bilo bi sasvim kontradiktorno dopustiti Kosovu ono sto se ne dopusta Republici Srpskoj  u Bosni, pothranjujuci na taj nacin opravdanu sumnju da diplomatije najmocnijih drzava primenjuju politiku dvostrukog standarda. Nadamo se da je italijanska vlada izvukla pouku iz prethodnih dogadjaja i da nece podrzati jednostrana opredeljenja koja bi pospesila nove konflikte.


I takodje je ocigledno da bi ucesce Italijana u novoj vojnoj evropskoj misiji na Kosovu, bez odluke Ujedinjenih nacija, predstavljalo ozakonjenje secesionistickih snaga na Kosovu i poprimilo neprijateljski aspekt u odnosu na Srbiju. Tako nesto uopste nije potrebno italijanskoj spoljnoj politici a ni evropskoj.


Neuspeh pregovora u sedistu Ujedinjenih nacija potvrdjuje da bi jednostrano otcepljenje Kosova, koje otvoreno podrzavaju SAD i pojedine drzave Evropske unije, ponovo bacilo teret konflikta na pleca Evrope, cineci tako dramaticnom  odgovornost Italije u novom negativnom balkanskom scenariju


Italija ima veliku odgovornost u odnosu na stabilnost Balkana a posebno kada je rec o Kosovu. Deo te odgovornosti je i posledica odluke donete pre osam godina o ucestvovanju u NATO bombardovanju evropske drzave - Srbije - i o saglasnosti za stvaranje internacionalnog vojnog protektorata na Kosovu. No ova danasnja odgovornost mogla bi biti jos veca od one koja je 1999 izazvala rat.


Savetujemo stoga italijansku vladu da se uzdrzi od bilo koje podrske, ozakonjenja i priznavanja jednostranih inicijativa o otcepljenju u tom regionu. A shodno tome i da ne salje nove kontingente na Kosovo. Nikakav mir nije moguc ukoliko se ne postuju prava i istorija svih naroda koji zive na Balkanu.


Senatorke i senatori Republike Italije koji potpisuju ovaj apel borice se kod svih nadleznih instanci - Komisijie za inostrane poslove, za odbranu u senatu, u parlamentu kao i na javnim i drustvenim skupovima - kako bi se izbegla nova tragedija na Balkanu.

Slede potpisi

Sen. Francesco Martone 
capogruppo Prc-Se Affari Esteri Senato
Sen. Giorgio Mele 
capogruppo SD Affari Esteri Senato
Sen. Armando Cossutta 
capogruppo PdCI-Verdi Affari Esteri Senato
Sen. Fosco Giannini 
capogruppo Prc-Se Difesa Senato
Senatrice Silvana Pisa 
capogrupp SD Difesa Senato
Senatrice Manuela Palermi 
capogruppo PdCI-Verdi Commissione Difesa Senato 
Sen. Josè Luiz Del Roio 
Prc – Se
Senatrice Lidia Menapace 
Sen.Giovanni Russo Spena 
Prc- Se 
Sen.Cesare Salvi 
Senatrice Franca Rame 
Gruppo Misto
Sen.Franco Turigliatto 
Gruppo Misto-Sinistra Critica
Sen.Piero Di Siena 
Sen.Claudio Grassi 
Sen.Paolo Brutti 
Senatrice A.Maria Palermo 
Senatrice Olimpia Vano 
Senatrice M.Celeste Nardini 
Senatrice Haidi Gaggio Giuliani 
Senatrice Tiziana Valpiana 
Sen. Nuccio Jovene 
Sen. Giovanni Gonfalonieri 
Senatrice Anna Donati 
Sen. Salvatore Allocco 
Sen.Fernando Rossi 
Gruppo Misto
Sen.Giuseppe Di Lello 
Senatrice Silvana Amati 
Partito Democratico -L’Ulivo
Sen.Raffaele Tecce 
Prc- Se
Sen.Stefano Zuccherini 
Sen.Gianpaolo Silvestri 
Senatrice Maria Pellegatta 
PdCI – Verdi
Sen. Dino Tibaldi 
Sen.Mauro Bulgarelli 
Sen.Natale Ripamonti 
Sen.Tommaso Sodano 
Senatrice Loredana De Petris 