

14:56 2001-12-21


"Because we resisted, we have been subjected to all the
pressures that can be applied to people in today's world. The
number and intensity of these pressures multiplied as time
went by. The people of Serbia would know the fate of the Kurds, with
a prospect of being exterminated more speedily than the Kurds
since they are less numerous."
President Milosevic's Speech to the Nation
Delivered Monday, October 2, 2000

The Hague was in the 20 Century the seat of the World Court, a court
distinguished by the application of law to relations and disputes
between states and its careful judicial ruling virtually defined
International law as it is studied today in the academy. The World
Court never laundered its findings in public before or during judicial
proceedings. The present court- The Hague "Tribunal" - has been
operating in its noble shadow. The Hague "Tribunal" is born of mischief,
and motivated by bias and deep-seated Serb Hating malice. The "Tribunal"
is at odds with the UN charter and is not patterned after the World
Court but after the WWII precedents of Nuremberg.

The earliest proposal for the Tribunal came in 1992 after reprisals from
some Serbian national resistance fighters such as Arkan's Tigers came
into view of UN observers and latter was fitted snugly into the State
Dept/C.I.A. media matrix. (See "Is CIA behind Yugoslav Assasinations?"
Workers World News Service, Feb 24, 2000 Bill Wayland) The U.S.
Ambassador to the UN (Madelaine Albright) provided the starting funds
and hired the first legal team of jurists. Analysts have suggested that
her intense and public dislike of Serbs is rooted in a distant and
personal past, as an adolescent in a diplomatic family little Madelaine
lived in Belgrade (See "Will the US destroy the UN." Strategic Policy,
June-July 1996 Gregory Copley).

WWII imagery has played a significant role in the NWO's (New World
Order) illusory re-creation of a "new Holocaust". For ten years running
we have been fed a steady barrage of so-called concentration camps,
civilian convoys, and Hitlerian allegories for a patriot who was thrice
elected by his beloved Yugoslavian people who remained perennially under
siege by at least 19 countries that have about 98X its population. Since
1991 at least 1 million Serbs have been ethnically cleansed from
western Slavonia, Krajina, and Bosnia-Herzegovina alone. The Bosnian
Muslim regime supported by Clinton's circles in D.C. and Bonn's Teutonic
New Order destroyed scores of Orthodox Christian churches and
sanctuaries and then used UN - "safe zones" to launch attacks on nearby
rural Serbs in gory incidents that rarely reached Western media. (See
"Massacre of Yugoslavia" The New York Review, Jan 30 1992 Misha Glenny)
The gory details were shown on Greek and Yugoslav media of Serb victims
often impaled and roasted alive in a return to by gone execution methods
used on resistance during the 400 years of Turkish dominion some 2
centuries ago.

The Myth of Srebrenica has been used to demonize Serbs for the past 6
years with the nodding approval of such media watchdogs as Mike Albert
of Z-magazine website, Howard Zinn, and various peace activist groups of
the American progressive community. Not to mention the sanctimonious
affirmation of the Holocaust prophet from N.Y. Elie Wiesel and his
patron organizations the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish
Committee. When the UN declared Srebrenica a "safe zone" in 1993 they
never bothered to disarm the Bosnian Muslim army under the command of
Nasir Oric. Oric's troops were actually acting in the tradition of
volunteer Bosnian Muslims who happily slaughtered Serbs, Gypsies, and
Jews during WWII. According to a report in the 16/07/95 issue of the
"Toronto Star" Oric boasted of killing hundreds of Serbs and showed
Western reporters home videos of heaps of headless and mutilated Serb
men and burnt houses. In a Washington Post report (16/02/94)
Oric explains how "we had to use cold weapons that night" as scenes of
knife gashed men flash on his 21' Sony Reclining on a couch, clothed
head to toe in camouflage fatigues, a U.S. Army patch proudly displayed
over his heart the Muslim commander is the toughest guy in this town (of
Srebrenica), which the UN Security Council has declared a protected
"safe zone" Oric's immediate superior was and is the head of the Bosnian
Muslim regime in Sarajevo-Alija Izetbegovic- who worked for Hitler's
Gestapo and the "SS Handzar Division" (See a detailed expose on his Nazi
post in the Russian gazette Izvestia, November 17, 1992) The U.S. State
Department supports this regime in Sarajevo. By the summer of 1995 the
murderous wrath of this regime in the so-called "safe zone" forced the
Bosnian Serb army to retake Srebrenica in an engagement complete with
massive forest fires set by the retreating killers that allowed most of
Oric's executioners to get away with the exception of some 2,000 who
were killed in the fighting on both sides. Oric escaped without a
scratch and now runs a brothel in the town of Tuzla.
The US Ambassador to the UN Richard Holbrooke claimed that up to 8,000
Muslims were massacred. The graves were dug up last summer and the
identification of the vast majority of the bodies is far short of this
unconfirmed 8,000 estimate. Many of these gravesites are in towns that
were targeted by Oric's killers. The number has been repeated by a
myriad of media outlets and NGO's. The PR firms of Ruder Finn and Hill
and Knowlton hired by Croatia and the Sarajevo regime has helped to
spread this lie in order to demonize the Serbs. Ruder Finn is also the
firm that orchestrated the well circulated supposed concentration camp
photo of an emaciated Muslim man in a camp behind barbed wire photo that
was aired on British television and was strategically disseminated to
the ADL to garnish American Jewish sympathy for "the new Holocaust".(See
"War Lies & Videotape". International Action Center.New York, NY 2000)
An investigation by a small newspaper of a British group called Living
Marxism exposed this as a hoax through a simple cursory examination of
the fence post footage and revealed to the unsuspecting eye that this
emaciated man was actually standing outside the camp. A Yugoslav news
crew even caught the Brit team in action fishing for a story before the
final fabrication, the footage reveals that this was an infirmary that
distributed food and medicine to suffering refugees of all persuasions
including Serbs, Muslims, Gypsies, et al. The Muslims were on tape and
could offer no complaints and the emaciated man was in fact being
treated for tuberculosis.

Perpetrators of at least one genocide-Germany-have united in their
animosity toward Serbia. The right and left have labeled the Serbs as
communists and with just as much conviction as fascists. Often the
German press has characterized the Serbs as the last bulwark of
bolshevism thus re-incarnating the animosity bourgeois Germany felt
toward the Soviet Union.
Historically, Germans fought bitter wars against the Serbs in both World
Wars and the Germans have now even sided with their former allies-the
Albanians, Croats, and Bosnian Muslims. Germany has also had deep
military and diplomatic relations with Turkey since the 19th Century.
The German media has expressed ludicrous fear of Serbia eventually
attacking Turkey and some circles have flirted with the idea of
promoting Turkey into a New Balkan Order of neo-Ottoman dominion.

The German Bundes Nachrichte Dienst BND in a joint endeavor with the CIA
played key roles in installing a right wing Croatian nationalist
government under Franjo Tudjman in a territory carved out of Yugoslavia.
According to informed sources and the memoirs of former East German
intelligence chief Marcus Wolf (See "Man Without a Face". Public Affairs
Pub, 1997,Marcus Wolf) BND has a close operational relationship with
both the Turkish Intelligence MIT and Israel's Mossad. At least seven
Bosnian Muslim concentration camps were functioning under BND and CIA
mandate. Turkish government networks (MIT, the Grey Wolves etc.) have a
long history of channeling contraband over the Balkans in close
collaboration with BND and The Agency. In the 90s this alliance helped
parachute mujahadeen's from Afghan glory days into Yugoslavian killing
fields while distributing pilfered Soviet arms and East German uniforms
and small arms to the Sarajevo regime and later on to the KLA in Kosovo
and its recent reincarnation - the NLA in Macedonia.

The Heroin pipeline running though the Balkans from Turkey is estimated
to account for some $600 million a month in revenue easily dwarfing any
legal corporate enterprise I can think of. The Agency now has its thumb
in a Balkan cash pie that was once a thin trickle dominated by corrupt
politburo hacks. Kosovo and Macedonia not only represent a C.I.A./BND
encroachment on Russia's possible resurgence in the region. 75% of the
Heroin feeding Western Europe comes from Turkey with Kosovo and
Macedonia as the land route: an estimated 6-8 metric tons each month.

Incidentally, Dick Cheney's cement firm has the contract for a 25 square
mile concrete in-fill helicopter base in Kosovo. Baby Bush has already
set up the new designated Balkan Banana Republic-Macedonia-for a great
fall with his remarks of concern for "Albanian insurgency». The Albanian
Mafia (the major distributor of Heroin to Switzerland, Germany, and
Austria) with a major base in Tetovo, Macedonia has been steadily
escalating its violence in the precedent set by Kosovo. Attacks and then
the expected retaliation by what the State Dept/C.I.A. media matrix
calls "Anti-Albanian Slavs" sets in motion a fine tuned human rightist
intervention, the Modus Operandi of the self-righteous emperor.

Serbs are what many historians term "The Central Power" of the Balkans.
A rugged, proud, and insolent when taunted people. The Serbs to their
eternal honor were the first nation alongside the Greeks to successfully
revolt against the Ottoman Turks. When Mr. Hitler wanted help in
implementing his exterminationist plans Serbia refused and sacrificed
one million of its sons and daughters in a resistance that held down
over 250,000 crack Nazi troops.
Of all the nations in the Balkans only Serbia and Greece did not have
German volunteer units. Before WWII Kosovo was over 50% Serb - Albanian,
Croat, and Bosnian Muslim volunteer Nazi terror armies organized by the
Abwehr and the SS hunted down and killed thousands of Serbs with axes,
picks, and saws. In fact, sporadic violence by the Albanians against
Serbs in Kosovo continued until 1951. If anything the Albanians are much
like the "White Trash" Down South which after the American Civil War saw
their former slaves regaining basic human dignities. A Nazi or a
Klansman usually teaches his kids his values. When NATO's German
contingent marched into Kosovo in June '99 they were greeted by columns
of young Albanians arms outstretched screaming "Heil". Since the
liberation of Kosovo by NATO over 300,000 Serbs, Gypsies, Turks, Slavic
Muslims, and pro-Yugoslav Albanians have been cleansed out of
Kosovo . Over 30,000 senior citizens forced out of a housing complex in
Pristina for UN rental space, 95-year-old Serbian women strangled in her
bathtub, and a Serbian priest with his eyes gouged out with a spoon.

Indeed, the images of WWII have been re-created but now the new Nazi
NATO order has money and self-righteous fronts like Mr. Soros' Human
Rights Watch and Albright's Hague Tribunal. Leading President Milosevic
away in handcuffs to Albright's kangaroo court in Holland on June 28th*-
the most sacred day in the Serbian History is an affront to the pride of
all oppressed people who are being forced or hoaxed into realizing that
history never repeats itself.

*To understand the Serbs is to understand their sense of pride; it is to
understand why the Serbs celebrate June 28, St. Vitus Day, the day of
the Kosovo Battle of 1389. Those who hate the Serbs claim we are sick
people who celebrate a day of defeat. (The actual battle, according to
countless history books, was a draw; both the Serbian King and Turkish
Sultan perished.)

The Serbs do not celebrate this as victory or defeat. They celebrate the
bravery, the pride of their forefathers who came to meet on the
battlefield the intruder to their homeland. It did not matter that the
advancing forces were immense. To protect their way of life, to protect
their families, to protect freedom, all Serbian nobility came to fight.
Most of them died on that day, June 28, 1389. Since that day the Serbs
firmly knew that FREEDOM HAS NO PRICE. Many Serbs, through generations
and time, easily sacrificed their lives for freedom.

The Hague 'Tribunal' is not the first time that a conqueror attacks the
Serbs as physical beings, but also attacks their pride. To keep a people
subjugated, the oppressors knew you have to destroy their pride. That is
why, exactly on June 28, 1914, Prince Ferdinand, the Austrian heir to
the throne, decided to have military maneuvers in Bosnia, then a
majority Serbian province which the Austro-Hungarian Empire had
illegally annexed six years before. The Serbian answer was to
assassinate Ferdinand. That is how World War I started, remember? Some
50% of the Serbian male population perished in that war! Every second

The story of that Serbian sacrifice and Golgotha should be in every
elementary history book. That was the price the Serbs were ready to pay.
(Excerpt from The Theft of the Serbs' Only Treasure by Petar Makara.
July 5, 2001)

Nicholas Tanery is a Greek American activist and writer who works toward
the liberation of the peoples of Asia Minor, Cyprus, the Balkans, and
other targeted people of the New World Order. He is originally from New
York City and was educated in the City College of New York and Portland
State University in Classical Civilization and European History.
Nicholas Tanery is very active in the Greek American community.

Per le puntate precedenti vedasi:

Segnalazioni e traduzioni di Olga D., da Parigi;
sa francuskog prevela Olga D. u Parisu


Lo scorso 14 dicembre Bernard-Henri Levy si e' autoinvitato
a Belgrado per presentare il suo ultimo documentario propagandistico
"Bosna", nel quale si insiste con la tesi che la guerra fratricida
in Bosnia sia stata una guerra di aggressione dei sanguinari serbi
contro il resto del mondo. Ma a Belgrado Bernard-Henri Levy e' rimasto
solo poche ore. Dopo avere istericamente ripetuto "Io non
sono vostro nemico! Io sono nemico di Milosevic!", il personaggio
e' scappato improvvisamente, ed appena rientrato a Parigi si e'
dichiarato "deluso per il mancato linciaggio".

Nei suoi ultimi articoli sulla stampa francese Bernard-Henri Levy
ha paragonato la Belgrado di oggi a Berlino dopo la sconfitta dei
nazisti - che, fa notare, non si rassegnavano alla sconfitta. In
questi articoli non mancano nemmeno i raffronti tra serbi e talebani...

Bernar Anri Levi iznenada napustio Beograd | 10:04 | Izvor: B92

Beograd -- Kontraverzni francuski filozof Bernar Anri Levi, koji
je na sopstvenu inicijativu dosao u beograd kako bi
ucestvovao na tribini koju B92 organizuje u cetvrtak u REX-u, nakon
prikazivanja njegovog filma "Bosna" otputovao je
iznenada iz Beograda, javlja Radio B92. Levi nije precizirao zasto
odjednom odlazi iz Beograda, vec je samo rekao da ima
neodlozne obaveze u Parizu. Inace, u njegovom filmu, glavni krivci
za rat u Bosni, su Srbi. (...)


Dalla bacheca elettronica dell'ACRIMED (ACtion - CRitique - MEDias).
Acrimed, oltre ad essere un luogo d'azione critica sui media, e' anche
luogo di formazione per giornalisti.
Nel testo "BHL" ed "IO-BHL" sta sempre per "Bernard-Henry Lévy".

Bernard-Henry Lévy pensa per noi ... (24/12/2001)

Non disponendo che dei suoi Bloc-notes settimanali su "Le Point" per
esprimere il proprio IO, BHL si è visto costretto a consacrare il
numero del 21 dicembre 2001 alla promozione del suo film sulla Bosnia,
che ha avuto luogo la settimana precedente, il 14 dicembre, a Belgrado.
Il pezzo s'intitola molto sobriamente: <<"BOSNA" in Serbia>>.

Non potendo rassegnarsi a confidare le impressioni del proprio IO
solo al giornale che lo ospita settimanalmente, BHL si è visto
costretto a pubblicare (insieme a Gilles Hertzog, co-sceneggiatore
del film) una pagina sullo stesso soggetto il 22 dicembre su
"Libération". Il pezzo si intitola questa volta meno sobriamente:
<<"Bosna" vista da Belgrado, ossia: La psicoanalisi serba>>.

L'IO-BHL, pero', appartiene ad un "noi" compiutamente americano. E
visto che noi siam tutti Americani - dopo che "Le Monde" l'ha
proclamato il 21 dicembre 2001 - BHL ha confidato a "Le Monde" quello
che "noi" (cioe' IO-BHL) pensa. Il pezzo s'intitola modestamente:
<<Quello che abbiamo imparato dall'11 settembre>>.

Estratto dalla lezione (la quale è da noi religiosamente custodita
per il giorno in cui dovesse cadere in oblio):

<<Questi "ottusi" americani sono stati capaci in soli 100 giorni di
mobilitare una armata; d'inviarla a 10 000 km di distanza, in un
paese del quale non sapevano quasi nulla; di forgiare una coalizione
efficiente; di ripensare in tutta urgenza la propria diplomazia, come
pure la dottrina difensiva che fino a quel momento era limitata allo
scudo antimissile; di riformare i servizi segreti; di rafforzare il
fronte interno minacciato da nuovi attacchi; di cambiare il loro punto
di vista; di fare uno strappo coll'ideologia della guerra senza vittime;
e di vincerla questa guerra, facendo in tutto qualche centinaio di
morti, al massimo mille vittime tra i civili... meglio di cosi'!>>

Che testo magnifico! Bello come una bomba...rdiere!


On, "Ja-BHL", misli za nas

Ovaj satiricni prilog preuzeli smo pod istim naslovom iz elektronskog
izloga ACRIMED-a, (ACtion CRItique MEDias) Pariskog Centa za
novinarstvo i kriticku analizu medija koji okuplja najbolje mislioce
Francuske danas i, kao sto vidimo, bavi se neizbezno "novim filozofima"
tipa BHL.
Na adresi Akrimeda mozete redovno listati tematski razvrstan i
medioloski obradjen pregled vodecih francuskih medija:

24. decembra 2001.
Ja-BHL misli za nas

"Ja-BHL, nemajuci drugog prostora da se izrazi sem redovne nedeljne
rubrike u "L' Pua" (Le Point), bese prinudjen da svoju rubriku
"Blok-not" iz 21. decembra 2001. posveti prikazivanju svog filma o
Bosni, u Beogradu 14 decembra.
On je to smerno naslovio : "Bosna!" u Srbiji.

Ja-BHL, ne mogavsi prihvatiti da svoje impresije poveri samo nedeljniku
ciji je redovni saradnik, morase prihvatiti da sa Zilom Ercogom
(koscenaristom filma) uprilici clanak na istu temu u "Liberasionu"
22. decembra.
Tu stvar je manje smerno naslovio : "Bosna, u ocima Beograda ili,
srpska psihoanaliza".

Ja-BHL , medjutim, jeste zapravo "MI", kao sto znamo, do srzi
americko. A s obzirom da " Smo mi svi Amerikanci", otkako je to
"Le Mond" obznanio, BHL ce 21. decembra upravo "L'Mondu" poveriti
sta misli prvo lice mnozine, "Mi" (pseudonim za Ja-BHL). Skromno
je to naslovio : "Cemu nas je naucio 11. septembar"

Nudimo vam odlomak iz te lekcije (a nju cemo pomno cuvati za
slucaj da padne u zaborav).

<<Ti "tupavi" Amerikanci bili su kadri da za samo sto dana mobilisu
armadu; da je upute na udaljenost od 10 000 km. u zemlju gotovo
im potpuno nepoznatu; da stvore koaliciju koja nije zatajila; da
u najkracem roku preispitaju diplomatiju kao i doktrinu odbrane koja
se do tog trenutka svodila na teoriju o stitu za PVO; da reformisu
sve svoje obavestajne sluzbe; da konsoliduju domaci front ugrozen
od eventualnih novih atentata; da promene nacin misljenja, raskrste
sa ideologijom "ratovanja bez civilnih zrtava"; i da dobiju ovaj rat
sa jedva nekoliko stotina zrtava, mozda hiljadu civilnih zrtava...
sta biste vise od toga!>>

Kakav velicanstven tekst! Bas je sladak kao bomb... arder.


Skoplje, 5/1/2001. Il vescovo militare tedesco Walter Mixa, cattolico,
e' stato trovato in possesso di 400mila marchi tedeschi ad un controllo
di confine tra la Macedonia e la provincia serba di Kosovo e Metohija.
I doganieri macedoni hanno sequestrato il danaro. Il vescovo ha
infranto la legistazione macedone, che pone dei limiti all'esportazione
di valuta dal paese.

> +++ Mazedonien: Deutscher Bischof mit 400.000 DM aufgegriffen +++
> SKOPLJE, 5. Januar 2001. Beim deutschen katholischen
> Militärbischof Walter Mixa wurden an einem Grenzübergang zwischen
> Mazedonien und der von der NATO kontrollierten serbischen Provinz
> Kosovo und Metochien 400.000 Mark in Bar gefunden. Die
> mazedonischen Zollbeamten stellten das Geld sicher. Der Deutsche
> verstieß gegen mazedonische Gesetze, die Ausfuhr von Geld aus dem
> Land begrenzen.


La decisione e' stata presa in seguito alle intimidazioni della Banca
Mondiale e degli altri istituti che regolano il sistema creditizio-
usurario internazionale. Con i precedenti governi a guida socialista
le condizioni-capestro per la restituzione degli interessi sul
debito, gia' causa di disastri in altri paesi del mondo (esempio:
Argentina), erano state variamente aggirate. Con la nuova classe
dirigente, la cui politica economica e' stata formulata dagli
economisti ultraliberisti del "G17", tra cui il governatore della Banca
Centrale Dinkic, non c'e' piu' scampo: si vuole privatizzare il sistema
bancario nazionale lasciando in mano agli speculatori stranieri le
riserve del paese. (I. Slavo)



(ANSA-REUTERS) - BELGRADO, 4 GEN - Il ministro delle finanze
jugoslavo Jovan Rankovic si e' dimesso a seguito della
decisione di chiudere quattro banche in difficolta'.
Lo ha detto il governatore della Banca centrale Dragisa Mladjan
Dinkic. Rankovic ha criticato la decisione annunciata ieri da
ministri dei governi jugoslavo e serbo di chiudere Beogradska
Banka, Beobanka, Investbanka e Jugobanka nel quadro di riforme
del suo fragile sistema finanziario sponsorizzate
dalla Banca mondiale. Le dimissioni di Rankovic sono state poi
confermate dal primo ministro jugoslavo Dragisa Pesic.
Secondo l'agenzia Tanjug, Pesic ha detto che il
ministro ha motivato le dimissioni ''con alcune incomprensioni e
divergenze con la Banca centrale, il governatore Dinkic e alcuni
ministri serbi''. la chiusura delle banche ha provocato proteste
tra le centinaia di dipendenti, che si sono barricati negli uffici.
(ANSA-REUTERS) DG 04/01/2002 20:05



(ANSA-AFP) - BELGRADO, 3 GEN - Il governo jugoslavo ha deciso
oggi la chiusura di quattro tra le piu' importanti banche della
Serbia nel quadro di una riforma del sistema finanziario,
ormai moribondo. Lo ha annunciato il vice primo ministro
jugoslavo Miroljub Labus citato dall'agenzia 'Beta'. La chiusura
di queste banche lascera' senza lavoro circa 8.500 persone.
''Il nostro scopo e' quello di rompere con il sistema
bancario politico'', ha dichiarato Labus, riferendosi alle pratiche
monetarie del regime di Slobodan Milosevic rovesciato
nell'ottobre 2000, dopo oltre un decennio di autoritarismo
durante il quale ingenti somme di denaro sono state
trasportate fuori dal paese e trasferite su conti privati.
Le banche delle quali e' stata decisa la chiusura avevano
ogni mese debiti di 500 marchi (circa 250 euro) per ogni
impiegato e la Serbia doveva intervenire per garantire la
sua liquidita', ha precisato Labus. I quattro istituti bancari
hanno contratto negli ultimi dieci anni debiti per 3,5 miliardi
di marchi (1,75 miliardi di euro). I creditori, per la
maggior parte stranieri, avevano fatto causa e le
sentenze dei tribunali sono diventate esecutive. In questa
situazione ''l'unica soluzione e' il fallimento'' ha sottolineato il
vicepremier assicurando che i clienti di queste banche potranno
presto recuperare i loro averi. Le aziende che avevano conti in
queste banche saranno risarciti dallo stato serbo.
(ANSA-AFP). GGI 03/01/2002 21:00

+++ Jugoslawischer "Bankenmörder": keine schlechten Absichten +++
BELGRAD, 5. Januar 2002. Der ultraliberale Gouverner der
jugoslawischen Zentralbank Vladan Dinkic, der gemäß Forderungen
des Internationalen Währungsfonds und der Weltbank die
Zerschlagung und Liquidierung von vier größten jugoslawischen
Banken letzte Woche angeordnet hat, dementierte gegenüber dem
Radiosender "Stimme Amerikas", daß er mit diesem Schritt die
Marktübernahme durch ausländische Baken in Jugoslawien erreichen



BELGRADE, June 6 (Tanjug) The first step in the rehabilitation of
Yugoslavia's banking system will be to clean the banks' balances from
all of the socalled old hard currency savings, Yugoslav Central Bank
Governor Mladjan Dinkic said on Wednesday.
Speaking at a congress of economists in Belgrade, Dinkic said
that the next step would be the writeoff of the banks' capital and
debts and the replacement of the "contaminated" assets by bonds
and liquidation assets. The threeday congress of bankers and economic
experts is dedicated to privatisation, financial institutions, new
laws and "old hard currency savings."


GORNJI MILANOVAC, June 7 (Tanjug) For the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), it is essential at this moment
to learn what kind of privatization law will be passed in Serbia, in
order to know with whom it will negotiate credit arrangements, EBRD
Director for Yugoslavia Henry Russel said Thursday in Gornji Milanovac,
central Serbia.
Yugoslavia should also reform its legal and judiciary system with
a view to securing credits and investments through mortgages, Russel
said meeting local officials and executives of exportoriented companies.
Russel noted that he had visited many countries undergoing
transition and that the situation in Yugoslavia, especially as
regards the banking sector, is the most difficult.
It is actually a miracle that Yugoslavia's economy has survived
with such a banking system, Russel said, adding that the EBRD is
ready for cooperation with Yugoslavia but that it has its principles.
One of the principles is that the EBRD only finances projects
worth over five million dollars. Aware of the needs of Yugoslavia's
economy, however, especially of private companies, credible banks are
being selected to tackle on EBRD behalf projects which need lower
investments, Russel said.


BELGRADE, June 12 (Tanjug) Yugoslav VicePremier and Minister of
Foreign Trade Miroljub Labus and a World Bank delegation, headed by
Elaine Patterson, reviewed on Tuesday preparations for realising
the first tranche of a structural reform credit to Yugoslavia.
The first tranche amounts to 80 million dollars, of a total of 200
million, which is how much the World Bank should grant Yugoslavia
in the coming fiscal year, ending June 30, 2002.
The two sides agreed that the credit, earmarked for the budget to
finance structural adjustment, will provide significant support for
reforms which are prerequisite for regular servicing of Yugoslavia's
foreign debt.
Over the coming days, the World Bank mission will be meeting with
government officials of the Yugoslav federal units Serbia and
Montenegro to discuss structural and export credits as forms of
support for the transition process, a government statement said.


BELGRADE, June 13 (Tanjug) National Bank of Yugoslavia governor
Mladjan Dinkic said Wednesday that on June 15 will start preparations
for interventions in the domestic banking system within the
reconstruction process, so that on July 1 it will be know which
banks are "good" and which are "bad."
Dinkic said at a working meeting with journalists, on the topic
"Strategy of reconstruction of the banking system," highlighted the
fact that 28 banks whose recovery is uncertain employ over 20,000
people, while the entire Yugoslav banking sector has about 24,000
The governor assessed that in the process of consolidation of
banks about 5,000 employees will lose their jobs.
Asked whether he was aware of possible political pressure on the
National Bank of Yugoslavia and on him as governor, not only because
of the liquidation of banks but also because of protests of people
who will be left without jobs, Dinkic underlined that the process of
recovery and return of confidence in the domestic banking system must
be carried out without compromise, and warned: "we will be inexorable."


Aug 10 ( Beta) - Three World Bank aid programs for Serbia worth $18
million are ready to be signed but their implementation will start only
after they are ratified by the Yugoslav parliament, said these bank's
representatives in Belgrade.
The World Bank gave six million dollars for each of the following
programs: a program for developing private sector and small and
mediumsized enterprises and help for privatizing 27 companies, a program
for reconstruction of the banking sector and a program in the field of
energy, whic should make it posible to install the equipment in the
facilities of the Serbian Electricity Utility.
World Bank representatives say that the realization of these
programs cannot start before September because Yugoslav laws say that
contracts with the World Bank have to be ratified by the Yugoslav
However, since these are donations and not loans, World Bank
representatives expect that the Yugoslav government suggests that such
arrangements should not be subject to ratification in the future.
World Bank representatives in Belgrade announced that an
agreement on a million dollars worth of donations for projects in
southern Serbia would be signed on Aug. 13 already.
The World Bank granted Yugoslavia development loans worth $120
million under IDA conditions. These conditions are most favorable
because they are interestfree and intended for the poorest countries.


BELGRADE, Dec. 6 (Beta) - The special advisor to the governor of the
National Bank of Yugoslavia, Milan Zavadjil, on Dec. 6 said that
Yugoslavia would take over all financial obligations towards the
London Club of creditors, although the biggest debtors are the
four major state-run banks that are currently undergoing
the process of rehabilitation.
"These banks can hardly be expected to pay off these loans, which means
that their debt is an obligation of the state," Zavadjil said, adding
that it would be highly unlikely for the club to accept Yugoslav
commercial banks or their consortium as guarantors for the debt.
At a press conference of the G17 Institute, Zavadjil said that
Yugoslavia has regulated its foreign debt, excluding the one to the
London Club of creditors, amounting to US$2.3 billion, and some
non-guaranteed obligations by Yugoslav commercial banks.
"Because of our financial standing, we cannot pay off our debts to the
London Club of creditors under conditions worse than those arranged
with the Paris Club of creditors, not to mention that this would
jeopardize our deal with the Paris Club; its members would find it
difficult to justify the deal in their parliaments if we did not treat
all our creditors equally," Zavadjil said.