


(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 23 OTT - Circa 8.000 manifestanti hanno protestato
oggi davanti alla sede del governo serbo contro il progetto di legge
sul lavoro presentato dall'esecutivo del premier Zoran Djindjic. I
sindacati chiedono la revoca del progetto, giudicato troppo sbilanciato
a favore dei datori di lavoro, e le dimissioni del ministro Dragan
Milovanovic. Il governo serbo considera la legge un nodo cruciale per
le riforme economiche, perche' consentirebbe di snellire gli organici
sovraddimensionati delle grandi imprese statali. I sindacati obiettano
citando l'alto numero di disoccupati in Serbia, il 25% della forza
lavoro secondo le statistiche ufficiali, oltre il 30% stando agli
organizzatori della protesta. (ANSA). OT
23/10/2001 18:05



Sindikati odrzali svoja obecanja i okupili radnike na masovnom skupu u

Dobar dan vlado, do�la ti je radnicka Srbija

Na Trgu Nikole Pa�ica okupile se desetine hiljada radnika da izraze
svoj protest protiv necivilizacijskog predloga Zakona o radu
Nekoliko desetina hiljada clanova Saveza sindikata Srbije, Ujedinjenih
granskih sindikata �Nezavisnost� i Novog sindikata zdravstva,
nezadovoljni Predlogom zakona o radu, okupilo se juce na Trgu Nikole
Pa�ica u Beogradu. Sindikati smatraju da je predlozeni Zakon o radu
neprihvatljiv za radnike i da treba da bude povucen iz skup�tinske
procedure, a da bi uz po�ten socijalni dijalog bio doraden i pobolj�an.
Predviden je odlazak radnika pred zgradu srpskog parlamenta gde ce biti
predata peticija sa 90.000 potpisa kojom se trazi povlacenje zakona.
Nakon toga planiran je odlazak i do zgrade republicke vlade gde ce
radnici traziti da im se obrati premijer Zoran �indic.
Protestni skup nastavljen je ispred republicke vlade, gde je kolona
ucesnika skupa stigla oko 13.30 sati. Spiker sindikata, s kamiona
parkiranog pred zgradom vlade, porucio je: �Dobar dan vlado, do�la ti
je radnicka Srbija�. Prema njegovim recima, to je ucinjeno da
vlada �vidi koliko nas je do�lo�. Ministar kaze: �Okupila se jedna
grupa radnika�, porucio je spiker i dodao da je ministar rada Dragan
Milovanovic izjavio za BK televiziju da se okupilo 2.000
nezadovoljnika�. Na protestnom skupu pred zgradom vlade ucesnici su
cekali da im se obrati premijer Zoran �indic, kako bi objasnio za�to je
predlozen ovakav zakon, a da Milovanovic da ostavku. Za �indica i
njegovu vladu pripremljena je peticija sa 90.000 potpisa kojom se trazi
povlacenje zakona.



(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 15 OTT - Tutti e tre i cementifici appartenenti allo
stato serbo saranno venduti entro la fine dell'anno a dei partner
strategici, ha annunciato il ministro per la ristrutturazione economica
e le privatizzazioni Aleksandar Vlahovic. Fra le imprese straniere
interessate, stando all'agenzia Beta, vi sono Italcementi, Lafarge,
Holderbank, Heidelbergzement e la greca Titan, che ha gia' acquistato
in Bosnia l'impianto di Lukovac. (ANSA). OT
15/10/2001 19:02



(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 15 OTT - Il governo serbo ha avviato una campagna di
informazione, pubblicizzata sul 'Financial Times', per la
privatizzazione di 12 grandi aziende del paese. Sono interessate in
particolare il settore agroalimentare (con la 'Hisar' e la 'Juzni
Banat', produttrici di frutta e verdure, la casa vinicola 'Vrsacki
Vinogradi', la 'Mitros', che tratta carni, e l'industria
dolciaria 'Ravanica') e le imprese edili (come 'Polet Ravnaja', 'Jelen-
Do', 'Kolubara Gasbeton', 'Prvi Maj-Lopovo' e 'Partizanski Put'). Le
nuove gare portano a 33 il numero di compagnie statali serbe messe in
vendita, e altre 11 societa' di medie dimensioni seguiranno a breve. Il
paese, ha sottolineato Mirko Cvetovic, funzionario del ministero per la
ristrutturazione economica, dovra' privatizzare 7.000 compagnie, di cui
300 con bando pubblico e il resto tramite aste. Altre 30 grandi
industrie - fra cui la casa automobilistica Zastava di Kragujevac -
necessitano di una seria ristrutturazione prima di trovare eventuali
partner. (ANSA). OT
15/10/2001 18:56


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H.E. Mr. Goran SVILANOVIC, Federal Minister for
Foreign Affairs
of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, at the 31st
Session of the General Conference
of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organisation

Paris, 18 October 2001

Mr. President,
Mr. Director-General, Excellencies
Distinguished delegates,
Ladies and gentlemen,

I am addressing you here today for the first
time since the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was
readmitted to UNESCO, convinced that my country is
ready to make full contribution to the principles and
purposes on which the Organisation was based. With the
assistance of UNESCO, we are all striving to build a
world in which the dignity of all Members and peoples,
mutual understanding and respect, interaction between
their cultural and spiritual values as well as solidarity
among them will be the fundamental values marking the
21st century. At the same time, we are aware of the
high complexity of the present political relations in the
world. Therefore, we believe that science, education
and culture could be essential bonds in a multi-faceted
cooperation and communications among all states in the
world, thus at least fulfilling some of the hopes and
aspirations of millions of people.
In this respect, the Yugoslav delegation stands
ready to cooperate fully with UNESCO and with other
countries in the implementation of the Organisation's
programmes. With this in mind, we have presented our
candidature for membership of the Executive Board.
This is my country's first candidature for a seat in a
body within the UN system since it was reintegrated
into international organisations. If we get your
confidence, we shall seek, in our overall activity, to
demonstrate our full commitment to the noble goals that
UNESCO stands for.
I would like to use this opportunity to thank Mrs.
Sonia Mendietae de Badaroux, President of the
UNESCO Executive Board, for the warm words
addressed at the opening of the General Conference to
my country.

Mr. President,

This General Conference coincides with the efforts
the international community is making to prevent and
combat terrorism. This time, I should like to reiterate
our condemnation of the unprecedented terrorist attacks
on the United States of America, to confirm our full
support for the anti-terrorism coalition and to express
once again our deepest condolences to the Government
and people of the United States of America. My
Government fully supports the recently adopted UN
Security Council resolutions 1368 and 1373 as well as
UN General Assembly resolution 56/1. Terrorism poses
a threat to international peace and security, and we
believe that all states should take measures to bring the
perpetrators, instigators and sponsors of such acts of
terror to justice.
In this context, the role of the United Nations is
central. We share the opinion of the Secretary-General
who, in his recent statement, said that "the United
Nations must provide a framework of shared values and
understanding, within which their free and voluntary
efforts can interact and reinforce each other instead of
getting in each other's way".
Regrettably, terrorists and terrorism are present in
the region of South Eastern Europe. In fact, terrorism is
closely connected with transnational organized crime,
human and drug trafficking, money laundering and other
similar crimes. This is seriously affecting the stability
of South East Europe as a whole. Evidently, there is a
need to enhance coordination and cooperation at the
subregional and regional levels in order to face this

Ladies and gentlemen,

I cannot but use this opportunity to highlight the
problems of protection of the cultural heritage in Kosovo
and Metohija province which has been administered by
the United Nations since June 1999. Over the last two
years more than a hundred places of enormous historic
and civilisational values have been destroyed there,
despite the clearly worded provisions and a
commitment to implement the 1954 Hague Convention
on the protection of cultural sites in case of a military
conflict. There is an urgent need for assistance to
prepare a plan of action to protect from further
degradation medieval cultural and architectural sites
and to rehabilitate them. It is also hoped that UNESCO
will soon complete the initiated process and include in
its list of world cultural heritage some of the sites in
Kosovo and Metohija such as the monasteries De~ani
and Gracanica.
Not so long ago, UNESCO strongly supported the
restoration of the education system in the Albanian
language in Kosovo and Metohija. Similarly, we expect
UNESCO to help restore the Serbian-language
education there, as well as to recognize the need for
repairs to schools in numerous Serbian enclaves in
Kosovo and Metohija.

Mr. President,

In order to ensure a lasting peace in South-East
Europe, it is necessary, in our opinion, to contemplate a
regional approach through a reaffirmation of the
principles of the Helsinki Charter, namely inviolability
of borders, but also through the resolution of substantive
issues such as the issue of minorities. Such a political
programme needs to be followed by cooperation in
science, culture, education and information.
Education for all must be the priority of
cooperation among the countries of South-East Europe.
It will not resolve problems in the region of its own
accord, but it is certainly part of a long-term solution
through promotion of democracy and human rights.
By its history, culture and civilisation, the region
to which my country belongs has an important place
within UNESCO's programmes. It is a region for which
UNESCO should devise an even more coherent and
systematic strategy. Cooperation among the interested
Member States could be improved with the assistance
of other international organisations and UNESCO, with
a view to developing a unique regional cultural identity
based on their close historical and cultural ties. Such a
regional dimension, combined with such rich cultural
heritage, is connected with the efforts UNESCO is
making in the medium term strategy to promote culture
and communications in an age of globalization. It is
extremely important, therefore, to continue placing
emphasis on a dialogue between different civilisations,
cultures and religions, especially in the south-eastern
part of Europe, i.e. in the Balkans. Yugoslavia stands
ready to render its constructive contribution in this
The past decade has completely disintegrated the
network of cooperation and infrastructure of scientific
cooperation in the region of South Eastern Europe,
which has also adversely affected the broader scientific
community. Now, this network and infrastructure in the
region will have to be repaired and linked with science
institutions in Europe and the world in general. This
issue will be dealt with more extensively at a special
meeting of Ministers of Science and Technology of
South-East Europe to be held in a few day's time,
when important decisions related to the adoption of an
Action Plan of relevance for the development of the
region will be considered.
Protection of cultural diversity and promotion of
pluralism are not only the subject of UNESCO's
long-term work, but that is also an indispensable
condition for the development of truly democratic
societies where the human rights are guaranteed. The
new authorities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
have done a lot in this respect as well. Nevertheless,
there is still room for further action. We expect that
UNESCO will render its practical assistance in the
preservation of specific cultural characteristics and
diversity. As a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and
multi-confessional country, we uphold the proposed
declaration on cultural diversity, which, if adopted at
this General Conference, will be the first declaration of
this kind on such an important issue.

Mr. President,

In conclusion, I express the hope that this General
Conference will adopt a significant number of decisions
reaffirming and further promoting the activities of
UNESCO aimed at addressing many problems within its
field of competence. The Yugoslav delegation will act
along these lines, wishing to contribute in this way to
the successful deliberations at this Conference.

Thank you, Mr. President.


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Sempre piu' intense le pressioni per la riforma costituzionale in
Macedonia, riforma che deve mettere le premesse per la divisione del
paese in zone etnicamente distinte
Il ritardo nella ratifica della riforma costituzionale e' severamente
condannato dagli europei
Europei ed UCK impediscono ai macedoni di ritornare nelle loro
abitazioni, la gente e' inferocita
Pressioni al piu' alto livello da NATO ed UE per la attuazione della
riforma-capestro in Macedonia
Dal Kosovo, la NATO sguinzaglia nuovamente i terroristi pan-albanesi
contro la Macedonia, troppo restia a ratificare la riforma




(ANSA) - VENEZIA, 6 OTT - La necessita' di stringere i tempi per il varo
delle riforme costituzionali da parte del Parlamento di Skopje e' stata
sottolineata oggi dall'Alto rappresentante per la Politica estera e di
sicurezza dell'Ue, Javier Solana, in occasione della sua partecipazione
al convegno sui Balcani, organizzato a Venezia dall'Aspen Institute
Italia. Solana ha ricordato che il termine di 45 giorni fissato in
precedenza per il varo delle riforme costituzionali - parte integrante
dell' accordo per il cessate il fuoco raggiunto con la guerriglia
albanese - e' gia' scaduto. ''Il dibattito parlamentare e' in corso e
non si annuncia facile'', ha detto il 'ministro degli Esteri' dell'Ue al
ritorno da una missione compiuta a Skopje insieme al commissario per le
Relazioni esterne dell' Ue, Chris Patten. Solana ha quindi espresso
l'auspicio che l' iter parlamentare delle necessarie riforme
costituzionali venga completato entro una o due settimane. (ANSA).
TI/ARS 06/10/2001 16:24


(ANSA) - LUSSEMBURGO, 8 OTT - Non avra' luogo la Conferenza dei donatori
per la Macedonia che avrebbe dovuto svolgersi il 15 ottobre: i ministri
degli esteri dell'Ue, insoddisfatti per ''gli insufficienti progressi''
nell'applicazione dell'accordo quadro di pace del 13 agosto fra slavi ed
albanesi, hanno infatti deciso di far slittare a data intedeterminata la
riunione. Una bozza della dichiarazione sui Balcani in via di
approvazione fra i capi delle diplomazie dei Quindici sottolinea che la
''completa e leale attuazione'' dell'accordo e' ''la sola garanzia di un
ritorno alla pace ed alla stabilita' nel paese'': in assenza di questo,
''il processo di avvicinamento della Macedonia all'Ue sarebbe
compromesso''. I ministri lanciano un appello al Parlamento macedone
perche' approvi in tempi rapidi ''tutte le disposizioni costituzionali''
concordate dai partiti e sollecitano il governo di Skopje a ''prendere
le misure necessarie per trovare una soluzione efficace al problema
dell'amnistia dei ribelli''. Dalla riunione odierna potrebbe inoltre
scaturire il nome del successore dell'ex-ministro della difesa Francois
Leotard quale rappresentante permanente dell'Ue in Macedonia. E'
probabile che si tratti di un altro francese.(ANSA). MY
08/10/2001 16:09


(ANSA) - BRUXELLES, 12 OTT - E' il francese Claude Le Roi, 48 anni, il
nuovo rappresentante Ue in Macedonia. Lo ha annunciato questo
pomeriggio a Bruxelles l'alto rappresentante europeo Javier Solana. Le
Roi, solo candidato in lizza, sostituisce un altro francese,
l'ex-ministro centrista Francois Leotard, nominato il 10 giugno scorso,
che ha accompagnato negli ultimi mesi la trattativa fra i partiti slavi
e albanesi della Macedonia, che ha portato alla firma di un accordo di
pace il 13 agosto. Le Roi, alto funzionario, ex-prefetto ed attuale
membro della corte dei conti francese, era da un anno coordinatore
nazionale del patto di stabilita' per i Balcani al ministero degli
esteri di Parigi. (ANSA). CEF
12/10/2001 17:10


(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 17 OTT - Un gruppo di profughi macedoni che attendeva
oggi di poter far visita alle proprie case nel villaggio settentrionale
di Matejce, ha aggredito un nucleo di osservatori della missione
dell'Unione europea (Uem) che aveva sconsigliato il viaggio per motivi
di sicurezza. L'incidente e' accaduto nella citta' di Kumanovo (nella
Macedonia settentrionale) dove il convoglio si era radunato. La polizia
e' dovuta intervenire per trarre in salvo gli osservatori chiusi nella
loro auto che era stata circondata dai manifestanti. La tensione e'
molto alta a Kumanovo dove una delegazione di profughi e' stata ricevuta
dal sindaco della citta', mentre altri bloccano la zona del centro.
Matejce e' uno dei villaggi rimasti per molti mesi sotto il controllo
della guerriglia albanese, ufficialmente disciolta lo scorso 27
settembre. Fonti informate hanno detto che l'Uem ha sconsigliato ai
profughi di raggiungere le proprie case dopo aver ricevuto
''segnalazioni'' sulla presenza di uomini armati all'interno del
villaggio. (ANSA) BLL*COR
17/10/2001 12:26


(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 18 OTT - Si rimette in moto il processo di pace in
Macedonia dopo la visita compiuta oggi a Skopje dal segretario generale
della Nato, George Robertson, e dall'Alto rappresentante per la politica
estera e la sicurezza dell'Unione europea, Javier Solana. Il presidente
della repubblica, Boris Trajkovski, ha promesso ai due rappresentanti
della comunita' internazionale che da lunedi' riprenderanno i lavori
parlamentari che dovrebbero concludersi entro venerdi' con la ratifica
della riforma costituzionale contenuta nel piano di pace. Trajkovski ha
confermato anche l'applicazione dell'amnistia per i guerriglieri
albanesi che hanno deposto le armi entro il 27 settembre, ma ha respinto
la richiesta di estenderla anche ai circa 150 detenuti albanesi
rinchiusi nelle prigioni macedoni con l'accusa di ''terrorismo'' cosi'
come preteso dall'ex Uck. Solana e Roberston, che hanno avuto colloqui
con i leader di tutti i partiti politici, hanno a loro volta garantito
che i deputati dei partiti albanesi torneranno a prendere parte ai
lavori parlamentari. Questi sono infatti bloccati anche per
l'ostruzionismo degli albanesi che chiedono una votazione in blocco di
tutti i 15 emendamenti di riforma, mentre i partiti macedoni vogliono un
voto articolo per articolo. Non e' tuttavia chiaro al momento in che
modo avverra' la votazione. Secondo fonti informate nella capitale
macedone, Robertson e Solana hanno messo in chiaro che la comunita'
internazionale non esercita nessuna pressione sulle decisioni del
parlamento, anche se il consistente pacchetto di aiuti finanziari atteso
da Skopje resta vincolato all'approvazione dell'accordo di pace. (ANSA)
18/10/2001 20:29


(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 19 OTT - Il portavoce del governo macedone, Gjorgji
Trendafilov, ha denunciato oggi che ''almeno 500'' guerriglieri albanesi
dell'ormai disciolto Uck sono rientrati dal Kosovo in Macedonia,
occupando alcune zone a Shar Planina, catena montuosa nella zona
nord-occidentale del paese. Trenadilov ha aggiunto che ''in queste
condizioni'' il ritorno delle forze di sicurezza macedoni nelle aree
della crisi (il cui inizio e' previsto per la prossima settimana),
dovra' avvenire in maggiori condizioni di sicurezza e quindi con un
armamento adeguato. L'accordo di pace prevede invece che la polizia
debba essere munita solo di armi leggere. Nei giorni scorsi osservatori
dell'Unione Europea avevano segnalato la presenza di una cinquantina di
uomini armati nel villaggio settentrionale di Matejce, una delle
roccaforti dell'Uck che si e' ufficialmente disciolto lo scorso 27
settembre. Gli osservatori avevano tuttavia ammesso di non disporre di
''conferme dirette''. Le voci su un ritorno dei guerriglieri (finora
smentito dagli ex comandanti dell'Uck) coincide con i ritardi con cui
procede l'applicazione del piano di pace da parte del parlamento di
Skopje che secondo l'accordo avrebbe gia' dovuto ratificare la riforme
costituzionali concordate con gli albanesi sin dallo scorso 30
settembre. Ieri il capo dello Stato, Boris Trajkovski, ha assicurato al
segretario generale della Nato George Robertson e all'Alto
rappresentante per la politica estera e la sicurezza dell'Unione
europea, che il parlamento votera' la riforma entro la fine della
prossima settimana. (ANSA). BLL
19/10/2001 17:25


Questa lista e' curata da componenti del
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
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*** Dal Comitato jugoslavo per la liberazione di Milosevic:
*** Dal Comitato russo per la liberazione di Milosevic:
*** Dagli Stati Uniti d'America: DICHIARAZIONE DI R. DITTMANN,


Data: 20/10/2001 00:45
Da: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

Oggetto: Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic as Moral, Political and
Legal Imperative


To Free Slobodan Milosevic

ICDSM announces meeting in Belgrade, on October 21-22, 2001

In these decisive days for the peace in the world and for the future of
mankind, Slobodan Milosevic, leader of Serb nation, who opposed
American money&war machinery, which for 150 years terrorizes the world
and finishes now its imperial conquest in shame - with killing the
fellow Americans, man who opposed KLA - European Talibans who with open
American support burn the Balkans - gate to Middle East&Caspian oil
(and about whose essence Americans are still ignorant because they are
not allowed to know), that man is abducted and detained in the Hague to
be put on show trial by those who were in cold blood killing Serbian
children and destroying his fatherland. No matter that he is without
support of his own state, whose American installed puppet government
delivered him for bribery, aware of essential support of Serb people
which suffers under NATO occupation and aware of the increasing threat
against freedom of all nations, Slobodan Milosevic stands firmly,
bravely and defiantly against his Soros paid �judges�, �prosecutors�
and �quasidefense�.

Lets gather in Belgrade and express our solidarity with Slobodan
Milosevic and with all Yugoslav and Serb patriots who despite
sufferings still stand for eternal ideals of liberty, peace and
independence. Lets present our arguments for their freedom and lets
discuss how to abolish the illegal "International Criminal Tribunal for
Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)" in the Hague.

On the initiative of the International Committee to Defend Slobodan
Milosevic (ICDSM), Yugoslav Committee to Free Slobodan Milosevic
("Freedom" Association) hosts the Working Meeting of ICDSM
representatives with representatives of respective National Committees
and other prominent experts and activists (invited from Australia,
Belarus, Britain, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Cuba, Czech Republic,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Iraq, Italy, the Netherlands,
Palestine, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Ukraine, USA,
Vietnam, Zimbabwe and Yugoslavia) and the

I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e

Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic as Moral, Political and Legal Imperative

The conference will be held in Belgrade, October 21-22, 2001.

Representatives of all Yugoslav patriotic parties, organizations and
institutions will also take part. The conference will work in opening
and closing plenaries and three working sessions devoted to three
aspects of our struggle: A) ethics and international policy; B)
international and national law and human rights; C) international
activism. A joint declaration is expected to be adopted.

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) ('morning news' the only Serbian newspaper
advocating liberation)


Data: 20/10/2001 01:56
Da: "Vladimir Krsljanin"
Oggetto: FREEDOM FOR MILOSEVIC: Alexander Zinovyev (Russia)

Russian Social Committee for the defense of Slobodan Milosevic


In the center of the attention of the World today is the
struggle against terrorism. However, this phenomenon cannot be
considered connected to the terrorist acts in the USA only, without
taking in consideration the circumstances of growing terrorism in the
Balkans. In Kosovo in 1998-1999 there was no violation of the rights of
the national minorities in the way western politicians and media
have presented. The World has faced the aggressive armed separatism
that chose terror as its main weapon.

The Albanian terrorist army - KLA, having got in 1998 a wide
support from the USA and its allies, participated in the NATO
aggression against Yugoslavia. At the same time, KLA was having direct
links with the international terrorist network. Osama Bin Laden has
been in 1998 in Albania. The American representative R. Hollbrooke was
informed about that.

The tragic events in Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, Macedonia, New
York - are all links in the same chain. The terrorist acts there have
been organized by the very same forces.

At the very source of these events are the USA, that have
trained, financed and armed the international terrorist network and
gave it its political and military support. Now, when the Americans are
calling the World to unite in the struggle against terror, they should
be looking for the roots of this phenomenon in their own house first -
in Washington.

On the other side, President Slobodan Milosevic has fought
namely against terrorism defending the people of his country, including
the Albanians as well. Nevertheless, the open support of the West to
Albanian terrorism, the demonization of Serbia and of Slobodan
Milosevic, have brought to the defeat of antiterrorist forces in the
FRY and to turmoils in Macedonia.

The World community, considering the circumstances, should
reconsider its own assessments on the events in Yugoslavia.

We call upon the Parliaments and Governments of the member-countries of
the United Nations Security Council with the appeal that the so-called
International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), founded
in violation of the UN Charter, stops its activities. That so-called
tribunal is in fact defending Albanian extremists who have committed
monstrous crimes in Kosovo. ICTY has not presented not even one charge
against Kosovo Albanians who have committed crimes against humanity.

We demand for a halt of the persecution of President
Milosevic and his fellow-fighters who fought against terrorism, for
safeguarding the integrity of the country in full accordance with the
FRY Constitution.

Slobodan Milosevic, who has been at the forefront of the
resistance to terrorism in the Balkans, must be freed immediately.

A. A. Zinovyev


To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) ('morning news' the only Serbian newspaper
advocating liberation


Data: 20/10/2001 02:00
Da: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

Oggetto: FREEDOM FOR MILOSEVIC: Roger Dittmann (USA)


In the U.S. we currently simultaneously hear both appeals to war and
retribution and appeals to law and justice. The slogan, "No justice, no
peace", contains wisdom and merit. Unfortunately, it is a human
tendency to take sides in a conflict to the detriment of principles.
One should support principles instead of taking sides. Generally there
are principled people deserving support on all sides.

Fortunately, however, basic consensus principles of jurisprudence are
widely, if not universally recognized, to wit:

1) Law depends primarily upon voluntary compliance.

2) Voluntary compliance is enhanced if law is perceived as legitimate
and just, i.e.,

a) It was democratically formulated;

b) It is universally applicable;

c) It is uniformly enforced: This is largely achieved through
separation of powers, and checks and balances, including:

i) An independent judiciary,

ii) An independent prosecutor,

iii) "Grand jury" and "Bill of Rights" type protections against
politically motivated or malicious prosecution;

iv) Due process guarantees, including a prohibition against ex post
facto laws.

The Rome Statute Treaty for the International Criminal Court [ICC] was
carefully crafted by the representatives of the world's nations in a
conference of plenipotentiaries with full, deliberate participation of
NGO's. The ICC honors these basic principles of jurisprudence.

{In addition, aggression will be defined as an international crime [by
the ICC Assembly of State Parties that will serve as an international
parliament for the definition of the elements of international criminal
law] for the first time in human history. The era of "rules of
engagement" according to which wars [which previously remained legal]
are supposed to be conducted,
hopefully will soon be past once the ICC Treaty is ratified.}

The International Criminal Tribunals [ICT] essentially violate all of
these principles. They lack legitimacy. The Nuremburg Principles of
individual responsibility and culpability and international treaties,
like the Geneva Accords, are to be applauded, but they should be
uniformly enforced by an
independent prosecutor and a legitimate court with due process

The imposition of "might makes right", or "victors' justice" may be
tolerated by brute force, but it won't be respected or honored, and
inevitably engenders resentment and opposition instead of voluntary

Milosevic, and other defendants before the illegitimate ICT's, should
be immediately released.

October 15, 2001

Roger Dittmann
Professor of Physics Emeritus
California State University, Fullerton
President, US Federation of Scholars and Scientists
UN Representative of the World Federation of Scientific Workers

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) ('morning news' the only Serbian newspaper
advocating liberation)


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