
From: "Alexis Troude" 
Date: February 27, 2008 6:29:47 PM GMT+01:00

A tous les journalistes


Une manifestation contre la sécession du Kosovo et pour la défense des droits de l’homme au Kosovo aura lieu


ce dimanche 2 mars place de la République à Paris.


Nous serions heureux que vous y assistiez.





Assemblée de la Diaspora Serbe de France



Paris, le 27 février 2008


Organisation d’une manifestation de protestation contre la sécession de la province serbe du Kosovo-Métochie



Dimanche 2 mars 2008 à 12h44

Place de la République, 75011 Paris

Nous vous informons qu’un rassemblement pacifique se tiendra dimanche 2 mars 2008 à Paris, Place de la République à 12h44, à la l’initiative de l’Assemblée de la Diaspora Serbe (soutenue par les principales associations serbes de France) en vue de protester contre la sécession illégale de la province serbe du Kosovo-Métochie.


Cette manifestation aura pour principales missions de :


-       Dénoncer la violation du droit international reconnaissant injustement le Kosovo-Métochie comme nouvel Etat souverain, notamment par le non-respect de la résolution 1244 des Nations Unies, de la Constitution Serbe votée le 29 octobre 2006, et du Traité d’Helsinki.


-       Lancer un appel de paix et de respect des Droits de l’Homme au Kosovo-Métochie auprès de la communauté albanophone locale. La sécession de cette province conduirait à la création d’un Etat dirigé par des criminels de guerre et constituerait une porte ouverte à la corruption, au terrorisme et au trafic de drogue et des personnes vers le reste de l’Europe, tout en portant fortement préjudice à la sécurité des différentes entités nationales y résidant.


-       Dresser le bilan catastrophique de l’occupation de l’OTAN depuis 1999. Une occupation perpétrée et imposée par le pouvoir impérial Etatsunien, et supportée par les principaux pays de l’Union Européenne malgré eux.


Nous vous informons que tous les discours prévus lors de ce rassemblement seront exclusivement en français et tenus par diverses personnalités spécialistes des Balkans. Toute une équipe de service d’ordre sera également déployée afin d’éviter tout débordement, le rassemblement se voulant pacifique et apolitique.


Un dossier de presse vous sera remis le jour de la manifestation. Pour cela, nous vous invitons à vous présenter avant le début du rassemblement afin de rencontrer certains membres du comité organisateur. Ce sera aussi l’occasion idéale d’interviewer dans les meilleures conditions les principaux orateurs si vous le souhaitez.


Nous comptons sur votre présence, et restons à votre entière disposition pour tout complément d’informations.


Dans l’attente de votre confirmation,



Le comité d’organisation de la manifestation du dimanche 2 mars 2008

Assemblée de la Diaspora Serbe de France

Pour toute information vous pouvez nous contacter par mail à adresse-email@...

Da: skoj

Oggetto: Svetska ekonomska kriza

Data: 28 ottobre 2008 13:24:33 GMT+01:00


Neoliberalizam doživljava svoj krah posle dve decenije surovog ataka na slobodu i prava radnih ljudi sirom planete.

Aktuelna kriza koja je začeta u SAD krahom finansijsko-kreditnog sektora posledica je anarhičnog razvoja kapitalizma, produkt truljenja i parazitizma kapitalizma čiju je sustinu osvetlio veličanstveni um Vladimira Iliča Lenjina, čija marksistička analiza i kritika ni do danas ne bledi.

Kriza koja se javlja jasni je pokazatelj neizbežne sudbine svih kapitalističkih ekonomija sto je jasni dokaz da kapitalizam nije svemoguć uprkos pokušajima kapitalista da ogromnom mašinerijom ubede radne mase kako je kapitalizam savršen i da ga bespogovorno treba slediti.

Neoliberalizam je ideologija multinacionalnih kompanija. Njegova sustina je da oni koji su bogati budu još bogatiji, dok su siromašni postajali sve siromašniji. Tu svoju nakaradnu ideologiju su umotali u propagandu o globalizaciji, slobodnom tržištu i civilnom društvu tvrdeći da ce tako svetu doneti mir i blagostanje. Ipak svedoci smo da ekonomski poredak koji je svetu namentuo neoliberalni globalizam neumoljivo čovečanstvu naplaćuje žrtvama miliona ljudi u najsiromašnijim zemljama sveta.

Multi nacionalnim kompanijama trebalo je sve veće tržište, da bi one uvećavajući svoje poslove, ostvarivali veće profite. Neoliberalni kapitalizam rušio je sve prepreke pred sobom ne štedeći novac i silu. Kao prva žrtva direktne izdaje pala je prva zemlja socijalizma SSSR što je otvorilo vrata globalizaciji, vrata krvavom pljačkaškom pohodu kapitalizma sirom planete.

Od kraja 1990-tih, američki Bord Federalnih rezervi pokušavao je da predupredi veliku ekonomsku krizu plaveći američku i svetsku ekonomiju jeftinim kreditima. Radnička klasa čije su realne nadnice u većini glavnih ekonomskih sistema stagnirale ili opadale podsticana je da pozajmljuju kako bi održala potražnju za dobrima i uslugama.

SAD u cilju spasavanja od narastajuće krize pribegava socijalističkim metodama u cilju finansijskog oporavka. Odgovor vodećih kapitalističkih zemalja – a posebno Sjedinjenih Država – sadrži se u pokušaju obuzdavanja finansijskog sistema putem ogromnih državnih intervencija, tu uključujući i nacionalizaciju i spasavanja velikih banaka i ostalih finansijskih institucija koje organizuju njihove vlade. Cilj ovih intervencija nije zaštita zaposlenja, životnog standarda ili plata i penzija radnih ljudi, ove intervencije za cilj imaju da održe kapitalistički sistem koji je svet gura iz krize u krizu svojom kazino ekonomijom.

Kapitalističke vlasti nameravaju da prebace teret krize upravo na leđa radnih i siromašnih ljudi. Od sindikata se zahteva da ne traže povećanja plata koja bi kompenzovala rastuće troškove života.

Kritike koje danas čitamo ne ulaze u samu sustinu problema već pokušavaju da odbrane stajalište neoliberalizma.

Obezbeđivanje maksimalnog zadovoljenja stalno rastućih materijalnih i kulturnih potreba celog društva putem neprekidnog povećanja i usavršavanja socijalističke proizvodnje na bazi vise tehnike i tehnologije (J.V.Staljin) osnovni je zakon socijalizma. Iskustva su pokazala da snažna ekonomski jaka i nezavisna socijalistička ekonomija može mirno da se razvija uprkos cikličkim krizama kapitalizma. Setimo se recesije koje je 30-tih gurnula svet u bedu. Uprkos blokadi SSSR je bio jedina država na planeti koje je ostvarivala ogromne kapitalne uspehe na svim poljima.

Uprkos ogromnim preprekama verujemo u snagu jedinstva radničke klase i imamo poverenja u sposobnost za borbu za novi, slobodan svet – svet socijalizma! 

Sekretarijat SKOJ-a
28. oktobar 2008. god. 

Savez komunisticke omladine Jugoslavije SKOJ - The League of Yugoslav Communist Youth SKOJ 
Nemanjina 34/III , 11000 Beograd - Nemanjina 34/III, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia 
web: * 
web: * e-mail skoj05@... * skoj@...

(leggere anche / lire aussi / read also:

Attacchi nucleari preventivi nell'agenda NATO

Il manifesto della nuova NATO, stilato da cinque ex capi delle Forze armate di Gran Bretagna, USA, Germania, Francia e Olanda, e che sarà in discussione ad aprile, è leggibile online:

Toward a Grand Strategy for an Uncertain World, Renewing Transatlantic Partnership

Der folgende Text auf deutsch:

Newsletter vom 25.02.2008 - Grand Strategy

BERLIN (Eigener Bericht) - Der deutsche Heeresgeneral Naumann und andere Militärpolitiker der NATO rufen zu Erstschlägen mit Atomwaffen auf, sollte die weltweite Dominanz des Westens und seiner "Lebensart" in Frage gestellt werden. Der atomare Erstschlag müsse im "Köcher" jeder Eskalationsstrategie sein, schreibt der ehemalige Generalinspekteur der Bundeswehr Naumann...

The Grand Strategy 


BERLIN (Own report) - The German general Klaus Naumann and other NATO military specialists are appealing for a nuclear first strike policy, should the west's global predominance and its way of living be in jeopardy. The nuclear first strike must be in the "quiver" of every escalation strategy, writes former Inspector General of the Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces) Klaus Naumann. Naumann was temporarily Chief of the Military Policy, Nuclear Strategy and Arms Control Section of the NATO Military Committee. For the past few years, the most decorated German officer has been a member of the board of the arms company "Thales". Naumann is also chairman of the board of a German nuclear decontamination company, "Odenwaldwerke Rittersbach" (OWR AG). The nuclear first strike study was co-authored with another associate of the OWR AG. The German armed forces and the US Army are the principal clients of this allegedly private company, which also employs the Bundeswehr general Klaus Reinhardt.

The study, appealing for a permanent war preparedness of the NATO alliance, entitled "Toward a Grand Strategy for an Uncertain World" has been making the rounds in the EU since January. One of Klaus Naumann's co-authors of the 152 page booklet is his OWR partner, the British general Lord Inge. The booklet was financed by an investment foundation, of which a third author, the Dutch general Henk van den Breemen, is member of the board of directors. He was awarded the Great Cross of Merit with Star and shoulder ribbon of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.[1] Another co-author has a background linked to the Georgian veterans of the Nazi SS and is today with the "United Defense Industries" (USA/GB).[2]

Customary Law

The study is based on the premise that the Westphalian System, the fundamental codex for modern international law and a worldwide peaceful order (pax universalis), no longer applies. What is needed instead, according to the study, is an "adaptation of international law to these transformed conditions." As the authors explain, wars against other nations should not need the authorization of the United Nations, if the declared intervention is to thwart a "genocide" and placed in reference to "customary law." This path, allege the authors, has been made available with NATO's attack on Yugoslavia and the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.[3] General Naumann from Germany holds special significance in that he was one of the leading planers of the Kosovo War [4] He alleges that the resulting aggression - carried out in violation of international law - has the character of having created a legal precedent.


The military study demands a totalization of the arsenals needed for first strike capability. This is the only way for the USA, NATO and the EU to secure their "escalation dominance." The nuclear first strike is literally referred to as "indispensable". These NATO officers also propose strikes against foreign nations' cyber systems to deprive them of their means of communication. Following a "victory by paralysis," "destruction and occupation," a "transitional administration" will be installed, whose police and judicial powers will be dictated by the victors. How such a conquest will be carried out in conditions of radioactive contamination was not touched upon in the study. But NATO is in fact preparing for invasions into contaminated regions. The necessary anti-ABC (nuclear, biological, chemical warfare) furnishings are being supplied by OWR AG, with the nuclear planner Naumann on its board of directors.

Media Strategy

As the military authors emphasize, it is only possible to escalate a war up to the nuclear level, if the population is in favor. "Debates" on the home front that hamper the military effectiveness cannot be tolerated. "Operations" for the purpose of maintaining defense preparedness could become indispensable, threaten the authors, implying media control. The objective is to use a "first strike media strategy" to take over the headlines.

Military Dictatorship

The study proposes that a political directorate, comprised of the USA, NATO and the EU, should control the entire social system. Several European capitals are examining the concept of what amounts to a military dictatorship for its feasibility.

[1] Henk van den Breemen
[2] John Shalikashvili
[3] "customary law set in motion 1999 in Kosovo and 2001". Towards a Grand Strategy for an Uncertain World. Renewing Transatlantic Partnership, Lunteren 2007. Die Studie erschien beim Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS):,com_csis_events/task,view/id,1468/
[4] Als Vorsitzender des NATO-Militärausschusses

Edward S. Herman, David Peterson:

ZNet - April, 21 2008

Aggression rights - Terrorism rights (and the right to kill large numbers without being labeled terrorist) - Rights to ethnically cleanse - Subversion rights ...

Le droit d’agression - Le droit de recourir au terrorisme - Le droit au nettoyage ethnique - Le droit de subversion ...

Including Tables:
Forms of Subversion
Statistics of "______ right to exist" citations

(english / italiano / deutsch)

Peace Laureate Ahtisaari endorsed terrorism


1) How the Nobel Peace Prize Was Won (G. Elich)

2) The conflicting Nobel Peace Prize (D. Kozyrev)

3) Peace Laureate Ahtisaari endorsed terrorism (Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research)

4) Ahtisaari after Gorbachev: Degradation of the Nobel Prize (P. Iskenderov)

5)  "Kosovo state inevitable", says Ahtisaari

6)  2007: Ahtisaari received money for proposal on Kosmet's independence / Evidence of Ahtisaari Corruption on Kosovo Plan

2007: L'inviato particolare dell'Onu per il Kosovo Marti Ahtisaari aveva ricevuto soldi dalla mafia albanese...

2007: Kosovo Lobby usw.

7) 2007: Ahtisaari-Lavrov diplomatic dispute

Sulla figura di Marti Ahtisaari si vedano anche, dalla nostra newsletter, gli articoli in varie lingue / see also:

Premio Nobel contro la Pace

JUGOINFO 14 ottobre 2008

Ahtisaari’s Collusion With Albanian Mafia Confirmed 

JUGOINFO 22 luglio 2007

Albanska mafija kupila Ahtisarija

JUGOINFO 28 giugno 2007

SKOJ condemns Ahtisaari's antiserb racism

JUGOINFO 5 settembre 2006

=== 0 ===

Dal settimanale indipendente “Nedeljni telegraf”, 7 febbraio 2007

Martti Ahtisaari; Nepoznata biografija 

La biografia sconosciuta di Martti Ahtisaari di A.P.

Martti Ahtisaari, il politico finlandese che fa il bello ed il cattivo tempo negli ambienti diplomatici ed è uno dei principali protagonisti della soluzione del nodo kosovaro, e’ in verita’ nato in una città della Russia, Viburgo, al confine con la Finlandia, nel 1938. Il padre si arruolò come meccanico nelle fila del battaglione volontario Nord-Est, annesso alla divisione SS “Viking”, la piu’ brutale e fanatica dell’esercito tedesco. Il vero cognome del padre Oiva era Adolfsen. Dopo la guerra cambiò il cognome in Ahtisaari ottenendo poi la cittadinanza finlandese. Le truppe naziste finniche  furono a capo degli attacchi su Stalingrado e nel Caucaso. Lo stesso Himmler dichiarava che i finnici erano i suoi migliori soldati...

Sul "negoziatore" Ahtisaari però dobbiamo ricordare anche che si tratta del presidente onorario -sic- della lobby sorosiana ed atlantista "International Crisis Group" - si veda: 
Si trova anche tra i nomi elencati come membri del gruppo Bilderberg, almeno dal 1994, insieme anche alla Boniver, Bettiza, gli Agnelli... (CNJ)  

Allo stesso articolo di Nedeljni Telegraf è affiancata una scheda:

Una lapide commemorativa dei nazisti
Durante i bombardamenti contro la Serbia, nel 1999, la Finlandia aveva deciso di commemorare con una lapide i nazisti finlandesi del battaglione Nord-Ost delle famigerate truppe SS Viking, morti in Ucraina. In questa divisione era in servizio anche "un certo" dottor Josef Mengele.
Questa iniziativa ha trovato un'aspra reazione presso la comunità ebraica finlandese, come anche tra gli ebrei in tutto il mondo ed in particolare dal Centro Simon Wiesenthal e dal Congresso ebraico a Parigi, che dichiararono unanimemente: "La commemorazione dei nazisti finlandesi da parte di Ahtisaari è un'offesa a tutte le vittime del nazismo e distoglie dagli obiettivi fissati dai paesi membri dell'UE nella lotta contro il razzismo e l'antisemitismo".

=== 1 ===

http://www.counterp elich10142008. html

October 14, 2008

For Services Rendered

How the Nobel Peace Prize Was Won


The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to former Finnish president Martti Ahtisaari has been widely hailed in the West, where there has been an outpouring of praise for the man and his efforts. Generally seen as a tireless promoter of peace and reconciliation, Ahtisaari has another side that has not received sufficient attention.

Although his record is long, Ahtisaari’s role in the diplomatic end to NATO’s 1999 war against Yugoslavia is regarded as the key to his selection. In praising the man, Nobel committee secretary Geir Lundestad noted, “There is no alternative to an independent Kosovo.” This baldly political statement indicates why Ahtisaari’s selection is proving so popular among Western leaders, and it is Kosovo that shows just whose interests Ahtisaari has served.

During the 1999 war, NATO’s attacks were having little effect on Yugoslav forces. Through the use of extensive camouflage and decoys, Yugoslav troops had managed to emerge largely unscathed by the end NATO’s bombing campaign. U.S. General Wesley Clark led the NATO campaign, and he pressed military and diplomatic contacts from other NATO countries for agreement to widen the scope of bombing. Clark was a strong advocate of bombing civilian targets, and at one meeting he rose from his chair and banged the table with his fist, bellowing, “I’ve got to get the maximum violence out of this campaign – now!” (1) Under Clark’s direction, the air campaign rapidly took on the character of sustained terror bombing. I saw the effects myself when I was in Yugoslavia in 1999. Every town I visited had been bombed. Purely residential areas had been flattened. Cluster bombs struck civilian areas. Hospitals, schools, apartment buildings, factories, bridges, office buildings – there was no category of civilian targets that NATO had not seen fit to hit. It was impossible to avoid the conclusion that NATO’s strategy was to win its war through terror tactics.

Terror bombing paved the way for final negotiations. It was Yugoslavia’s misfortune that Boris Yeltsin was the president of Russia at the time. He selected former prime minister Victor Chernomyrdin to handle negotiations with Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. Always anxious to please the U.S., Yeltsin had Chernomyrdin essentially do little more than deliver NATO’s messages to Milosevic. This approach was not yielding fruit, so Chernomyrdin suggested to American officials that it would be helpful to have someone from a non-NATO Western nation join him when he next visited Belgrade. It was Secretary of State Madeleine Albright who offered the name of Martti Ahtisaari. Getting the Russians on board with the American insistence on NATO leading the occupation of Kosovo was the main sticking point. In the end, Yeltsin, as was his habit, gave the U.S. everything it wanted. (2)

Ahtisaari recalls that before departing for Belgrade, through “a major effort we achieved a final communiqué, signed by both the Russians and by the Americans.” Russian acquiescence, he correctly felt, would push Milosevic “in a corner.” It was the task of Ahtisaari and Chernomyrdin to deliver NATO’s final terms, and they visited President Milosevic on June 2. (3)

Ljubisa Ristic was president of the Yugoslav United Left (JUL), a party formed from 23 smaller communist and left parties. JUL was closely allied with the ruling Socialist Party and a member of the governing coalition. Ristic was also a personal friend of Milosevic’s. He explains what happened at the June 2 meeting. Ahtisaari opened the meeting by declaring, “We are not here to discuss or negotiate,” after which Chernomyrdin read aloud the text of the plan. (4) Ahtisaari says that Milosevic asked about the possibility of modifying the plan, to which he replied, “No. This is the best that Viktor and I have managed to do. You have to agree to it in every part.” (5) Ristic reports that as Milosevic listened to the reading of the text, he realized that the “Russians and the Europeans had put us in the hands of the British and the Americans.” Milosevic took the papers and asked, “What will happen if I do not sign?” In answer, “Ahtisaari made a gesture on the table,” and then moved aside the flower centerpiece.  Then Ahtisaari said, “Belgrade will be like this table. We will immediately begin carpet-bombing Belgrade.” Repeating the gesture of sweeping the table, Ahtisaari threatened, “This is what we will do to Belgrade.” A moment of silence passed, and then he added, “There will be half a million dead within a week.” Chernomyrdin’s silence confirmed that the Russian government would do nothing to discourage carpet-bombing. (6)

The meaning was clear. To refuse the ultimatum would lead to the deaths of large numbers of civilians and total devastation. President Milosevic summoned the leaders of the parties in the governing coalition and explained the situation to them. “A few things are not logical, but the main thing is, we have no choice. I personally think we should accept…To reject the document means the destruction of our state and nation.” (7) For Ristic, acceptance meant one thing: “We had to save the people.” (8) Three weeks after Ahtisaari and Chernomyrdin delivered NATO’s ultimatum, Yugoslav Prime Minister Momir Bulatovich explained to both chambers of the Assembly why the government had accepted terms. “Our country was faced with a threat of total annihilation. Through diplomatic mediators and through the media, the aggressors spoke of the future targets to be bombed, including civilian victims counted in the hundreds of thousands.” (9)

It did not take NATO long to violate the peace agreement that Ahtisaari had delivered to Milosevic. While NATO dawdled over entering Kosovo, the secessionist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) went on a rampage, looting and burning homes, murdering and expelling thousands of Serbs, Roma, Turks, Slavic Muslims, Gorans, Egyptians, Croats and pro-Yugoslav Albanians. Milosevic was livid, and shortly after midnight on June 17, he phoned Ahtisaari and complained that NATO’s delay in entering Kosovo had allowed the KLA to threaten the population. “This is not what we agreed,” he said. (10) It hardly mattered. Once NATO troops entered Kosovo, they did nothing to deter KLA attacks against the populace. The KLA had unimpeded freedom to carry out a pogrom. That summer in Yugoslavia, I heard many refugees tell how attacks had taken place in the presence of NATO troops, who invariably did nothing. On numerous occasions people were thrown out of their homes, threatened, their possessions looted and homes burned while NATO soldiers stood aside and watched.

Ahtisaari’s mission was a success. He “was sensational,” said a senior U.S. official. Chernomyrdin won praise for remaining silent while Ahtisaari threatened Milosevic. “Chernomyrdin did great,” an appreciative U.S. official noted. (11)

The final agreement between Yugoslavia and NATO was spelled out in UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which was implemented in a one-sided way. NATO got everything it wanted, but those aspects of the resolution not to its liking were never implemented. The required demilitarization of the KLA was a sham, with its members handing in obsolete weapons while retaining their arsenal. The resolution also called for the return of some Yugoslav forces to maintain “a presence at Serb patrimonial sites” and at “key border crossings,” as well as to liaise with international forces. NATO never permitted that. Most importantly, the resolution affirmed that the political process of arriving at an agreement on the status of Kosovo would  take full account of the “sovereignty and territorial integrity” of Yugoslavia. (12) Instead, Western officials did everything possible to undermine that stipulation.

So pleased were Western leaders with Ahtisaari’s performance in 1999, that they called upon the man once again when it came time to negotiate a solution for the province of Kosovo. They saw to it that Ahtisaari was appointed as special envoy to the UN Secretary General to develop a set of recommendations for the final status of Kosovo.

U.S. officials were repeatedly promising secessionist Albanian officials in Kosovo that if negotiations with Serbian officials were to fail, then the province would be granted independence. This ensured that the Albanian delegation was unwilling to compromise or engage in serious negotiations. The Albanians’ maximal demands would be met as long as they could avoid a negotiated settlement. Ahtisaari’s role was to develop the plan for Kosovo’s final status that would be implemented if lieu of an agreement. In the end, secessionist Albanian leaders unilaterally declared independence, which was quickly followed by U.S. and Western European recognition. Yet much of Ahtisaari’s plan provided the basis for the agreement that was implemented between the province and the U.S.

Not surprisingly, Ahtisaari’s plan called for independence. This was to be supervised by “the international community,” that term that seems always to mean Western leaders and their interests and excludes the vast majority of the world’s population. Interestingly, the Ahtisaari plan required that Kosovo “shall have an open market economy with free competition.” (13) Already by this point Western officials in Kosovo had overseen the privatization of much of Kosovo’s socially owned property. Ahtisaari’s inclusion of the phrase “free competition” appears meant to protect the interests of Western investors. U.S. officials are never reluctant to push their own agenda, whatever noble-sounding themes they may trumpet. It may be recalled that the pre-war Rambouillet plan, drawn up by U.S. officials in order to sabotage any possibility of a peaceful outcome, required that “the economy of Kosovo shall function in accordance with free market principles” and allow for the free movement of international capital. (14)

Kosovo’s independence under Ahtisaari’s plan was be supervised and monitored by Western officials. Kosovo would be required to prepare its budget in consultation with the Western-appointed official responsible for managing the province. The plan called for NATO to maintain its military presence. There was to be “close cooperation” with the IMF, and in regard to the privatization of publicly owned entities Kosovo officials were called upon to “take appropriate measures to implement the relevant international principles of corporate governance and liberalization.” The governing Western official would be “the final authority in Kosovo regarding interpretation” of the plan, and positions would be filled through appointment by Western officials. (15) Under Ahtisaari-influenced plan as implemented by the Western powers, Kosovo has less control over its affairs then it would have had under the plan for full autonomy offered by the Yugoslav delegation at Rambouillet.

The selection of Martti Ahtisaari for the Nobel Peace Price was a reward for services rendered. This was a purely political statement, meant to underline an important principle in international affairs. The same Western nations that forcibly carved Kosovo from Serbia are vociferously complaining that independence for South Ossetia and Abkhazia violates international law and the territorial integrity of Georgia. This year’s Nobel Peace Prize affirms the lofty principle that it is only the West that will draw and redraw borders in the manner of 19th-century imperial powers.

Gregory Elich is on the Board of Directors of the Jasenovac Research Institute and on the Advisory Board of the Korea Truth Commission. He is the author of the book Strange Liberators: Militarism, Mayhem, and the Pursuit of Profit.


[1]  Dana Priest, “The Battle Inside Headquarters: United NATO Front was Divided Within,” Washington Post, September 21, 1999.
[2]  “Getting to the Table,” Newsweek, June 14, 1999.
[3]  Interview with Martti Ahtisaari by Riccardo Chiaberge, “Ahtisaari: This is How I Bent Milosevic,” Corriere della Sera (Milan), July 21, 1999.
[4]  Interview with Ljubisa Ristic by Renato Farina, “Why We Serbs Have Given In,” Il Giornale (Milan), June 7, 1999.
[5] Interview with Martti Ahtisaari by Riccardo Chiaberge, “Ahtisaari: This is How I Bent Milosevic,” Corriere della Sera (Milan), July 21, 1999.
[6] Interview with Ljubisa Ristic by Renato Farina, “Why We Serbs Have Given In,” Il Giornale (Milan), June 7, 1999.
[7]  Michael Dobbs and Daniel Williams, “For Milosevic, Internal Battle Just Starting,” Washington Post, June 6, 1999.
[8]  Interview with Ljubisa Ristic by Renato Farina, “Why We Serbs Have Given In,” Il Giornale (Milan), June 7, 1999.
[9]  “Yugoslav Prime Minister Momir Bulatovic Address to Both Chambers of the Assembly of Yugoslavia,” Yugoslav Daily Survey (Belgrade), June 24, 1999.
[10]  Geert-Jan Bogaerts, “If Democracy Returns then Milosevic will be Gone,” De Volkskrant (Amsterdam), June 25, 2008.  
[11] “Getting to the Table,” Newsweek, June 14, 1999.
[12]  Resolution 1244 (1999), UN Security Council, June 10, 1999.
[13]  “Comprehensive Proposal for the Kosovo Status Settlement,” UN Security Council S/2007/168/Add.1, March 26, 2007.
[14]  “Interim Agreement for Peace and Self-Government in Kosovo,” February 23, 1999.
[15]  “Comprehensive Proposal for the Kosovo Status Settlement,” UN Security Council S/2007/168/Add.1, March 26, 2007.

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The conflicting Nobel Peace Prize

Published Date: October 20, 2008
By Dmitry Kosyrev

On Friday, former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari won the $1.4 million Nobel Peace Prize for his 30-year work as peace mediator on different continents and for his contribution to settling the Kosovo conflict. Naturally, millions of people in Russia, Serbia and dozens of other countries will be enraged because Kosovo is not a classic example of a peace settlement.

On the contrary, the conflict highlights a situation when the Kosovo Liberation Army, a terrorist organization, used the most brutal methods, including armed force, to expel the Serbs from their native lands. However, KLA attacks met with armed Serb resistance.

In 1999, the United States and several European countries decided to support the KLA and enabled it to establish control over Kosovo, thanks to a plan formulated by U.N. Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari in violation of international law. Now Kosovo is a Taiwan-style territory that is officially recognized by some nations and shunned by others. But at least there is no more warfare there.

In 1999, NATO launched air strikes against Belgrade and forced it to cede Kosovo to the Albanian diaspora. Had the Kosovo conflict erupted after Sept 11, 2001, the situation could have been different because the international community had changed its opinion of terrorism and armed separatism after the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington. Nonetheless, the issue is still being debated.

The awarding of the 2008 Nobel Peace Prize to Ahtisaari is probably the most scandalous decision in the past 10-15 years. However, the decision highlights all-out disagreements between the international community on some key issues, including war and peace, justice and legality. The Norwegian Nobel Committee's controversial decision has sparked a lively debate that will continue for a while.

This and other similar decisions will always be controversial because the losing side in a conflict will feel that it has been treated unjustly. Peace enforcement also served to aggravate the situation in the former Yugoslavia. The committee should therefore look for different approaches and promote other candidates, rather than career diplomats like Ahtisaari.

In the last few years, the Norwegian committee has awarded the Peace Prize to many people who have had nothing to do with peace-making or the prevention of wars. In 1996, East Timor's outspoken and often fiery Roman Catholic bishop Carlos Belo and an exiled activist, Jose Ramos-Horta, shared the Peace Prize "for their work toward a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor".

That was an obvious setback for the Nobel Committee because the East Timor conflict escalated into a bloodbath just three years afterward. Even today East Timor can hardly be called a normal country. Similarity between East Timor and Kosovo - Ahtisaari is obvious. The 1997 Peace Prize went to American teacher and aid worker Jody Williams for her work in the banning and clearing of anti-personnel landmines.

The United Nations and UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan received the 2001 Peace Prize, seen by some as an obviously predictable and trivial gesture. In the last few years the committee was prone to improvisation. In 2006, the Nobel Peace Prize went to Professor Muhammad Yunus and his Grameen Bank for efforts to create the foundations of socioeconomic development.

Professor Yunus who invented micro-finance, namely, collateral-free loans, a powerful tool for fighting poverty worldwide, probably deserves a Nobel Economic Prize for this landmark achievement. The 2007 Peace Prize was awarded to former US Vice President Al Gore and the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Although global warming is a major problem, it has nothing to do with peace-making.

It appears that the Nobel Peace Prize will soon be presented to international celebrity activists. The choice of Nobel Prize winners inevitably has a philosophical side. The Nobel Committee often faces the dilemma of awarding scientists who have discovered new killer bacteria or a potent medication. The painful choice may have far-reaching implications because the medication could prove useless within the next 50 years, while the discovered germ could prove a work of genius, because once discovered, it can
eventually be destroyed.

The Nobel Prize in Literature has even more profound philosophical implications because the Committee can either award a well-to-do bestselling novelist or some obscure author who can change public taste. However, the public may not be interested in changing its taste. Predictably, the Nobel Committee now prefers to award cosmopolitan writers preaching the global merger of cultures.

True, awarding the Peace Prize can be a difficult challenge, but not that difficult as to lose any relation to peace. Some prospective candidates are human-rights, rather than peace, activists. But modern human-rights activists are more like political and ideological fighters than selfless champions of peace. Although the Nobel Committee tried to select a classic peacemaker this time, its decision has caused discontent.

Let's not forget, however, that the decision was made by a group of individuals representing a rival global political philosophy. If the voting for the Nobel Peace Prize had been held at the United Nations, or better online on a global scale, the result would have been quite different. Let's hope this will happen in the future. For the time being let's be grateful for what we have today.
NOTE: Dmitry Kosyrev is a political commentator for the Russian News and Information Agency Novosti - MCT

=== 3 ===

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Peace Laureate Ahtisaari endorsed terrorism
Wed, 22 Oct 2008 15:58:46 +0200
T F F PeaceTips <TFF@...>
An:  TFF PeaceTips <TFF@...>

October 22, 2008
Lund, Sweden

*Four reasons why Ahtisaari does not deserve Nobel's Peace Prize*

*Here is one of the four arguments:*
*The Nobel Committee - literally amateurs about peace - implicitly gave 
its Prize this year to the opposite of Nobel¹s will and vision as well 
as the opposite of the UN Charter norm of peace by peaceful means.*
*It gave it to a man who worked for an organization committed in 
practise to ³peace² by extreme violence and sheer terror (killing of 
innocent for a political goal) and an extremely unjust far-too-late and 
non-mediated solution to the Kosovo conflict.*
*Concretely: Ahtisaari brought the US/NATO terrorist ultimatum that 
Belgrade would be flattened and 500 000 citizens would be killed in a 
week/ if/...*
Media, political colleagues and peace people praise him as a peace mediator.

In addition, Ahtisaari also just received UNESCO's Peace Prize... It's 
all well and good in a world in which peace means war and war means peace.

Read what others could have told you had they done a bit of research:

/*- for peace with passion*/

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=== 4 ===

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Strategic Culture Foundation
October 16, 2008

Ahtisaari after Gorbachev: Degradation of the Nobel Prize

Pyotr Iskenderov

The recent decision the Norway’s Nobel Prize Committee
had never been as biased and politicised as this year.

In recent years this award was given to statesmen,
activists of international organisations and other
candidates, the significance of whose contribution to
the cause of peace on the planet Earth could be
doubted by someone, but nevertheless, there was no one
doubting their positive aspirations. 

Even the fact of giving the 2007 Nobel Prize to the UN
Expert Group on Climate led by former vice-president
Albert Gore for their contribution to combatting
global warming, the activities only remotely
corresponding to the goals and gist of peace-making,
could be comprehended given the importance of
environment problems. 

But awarding Finland’s ex-president Martti Ahtisaari
with the 2008 Nobel Peace Prize for his achievements
in the settlement of international conflicts was a
rude violation of the seemingly firm and positive

In a nutshell, the chief moderator at the Kosovo
status negotiations acquired this award on October 10,
just two days after the ruling of the UN General
Assembly to make the UN International Court of Justice
verify the compliance to international law of the fact
of according to Kosovo the state of independence which
that Serbian province was given in line with “the
Ahtisaari plan.”

The collision in which a Nobel Prize winner’s
“achievement” was to be studied by an international
court could be laughed at but for the bitter thoughts
about the state of the rights and morals of the world
we all live in. 

“Ahtisaari worked for peace and reconciliation” , reads
the text of the decision of the Norwegian Nobel Prize

Meanwhile, the five experts selected by the Norwegian
parliament could not be unaware of the fact that in
his capacity as a special envoy of the UN General
Secretary since late 2005, moderating negotiations
between Serbia and the leaders of Albanian Kosovo
separatists, the new Nobel Prize winner failed to
broker the signing by Belgrade and Pristina of even a
generalised formal agreement on the province’s status.

In February of 2007 he proposed a plan that aimed at
giving Kosovo independence under international

Belgrade’s authorities were absolutely right to assess
the plan as a direct violation of the UN Security
Council’s Resolution 1244 of June 10, 1999 that
stipulated that the status of Kosovo was to be worked
out taking into account “the commitment of all the
member-states to the sovereignty and territorial
integrity of all Balkan states." 

As top level Russian diplomats told me at the time,
“the Ahtisaari plan” was devised by the European Union
and its nominal author had no say in adopting a single
decision without previously consulting Brussels. 

And given the EU leadership’s resolve to give Kosovo
independence as early as 2006, Ahtisaari’s proposals
could never form the basis of a compromise agreement. 

As a result, on the initiative of the US and EU the
“Ahtisaari plan” was tabled at the UN Security
Council, but after Vitaly Churkin, the standing
Russian ambassador in the United Nations said he would
use the right of veto, the voting was cancelled. 

Nevertheless, ignoring Russia’s and Serbia’s strong
opposition to “the Ahtisaari plan”, Pristina and
Brussels continued to support it. 

After Albanian separatists unilaterally declared
Kosovo independent in February of 2008, its provisions
became the basis of the province’s Constitution, and
soon after that the EU got down to the business of
installing its mission in Kosovo, another provision of
the ”Ahtisaari plan” that the UN never approved. 

At present, Kosovo’s independence, nurtured by Martti
Ahtisaari, was recognised by only 50 countries out of
the 192 UN member states. 

Incidentally, Norway recognised Kosovo’s independence
on March 28, 2008. Possibly, to give the Nobel Peace
Prize to the “architect” of the Kosovo independence
was exactly a way of making the unilateral illegal act
look weightier to provoke other countries to waste no
time recognising Kosovo’s independence. 

As for Serbs in Kosovo, on June 28 they convened a
rally (scupschina) of Serbian communities in Kosovo
Mitrovica, where they declared their refusal to honour
Pristina’s decisions and preparedness to continue
their straight-out fight for safeguarding Serbia’s
jurisdiction of Kosovo. 

That was the “reconciliation” that Martti Ahtisaari
brought to the long-suffering Kosovo land! 

But who could expect that he would come up with some
compromise solutions after his statement as the UN
General Secretary’s Special Envoy that “Serbs as a
nation were to blame for the Kosovo crisis”, after
which Vojislav Kostunica’s government demanded that
the UN General Secretary withdraw his ungirdled

However, the follow-up developments indicated that the
UN officialdom, too, shared Ahtisaari’s anti-Serbian

Apparently, with an eye to at least saving its face,
the Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee stated that the
prize was awarded to Martti Ahtissari “for a totality”
of peace-keeping activities, including Kosovo,
assistance to Namibia’s gaining independence in
1989-1990, as well as his role in organising in 2005
negotiations between the government of Indonesia and
separatists in the Aceh province that resulted in
signing a peaceful agreement. 

Nevertheless, allusions of the sort can hardly
disguise the politically biased decision of the Nobel
Prize Committee. 

Russia should also learn its lesson from the fact of
awarding a Nobel Peace Prize to one of the fiercest
persecutors of Serbs. 

Martti Ahtisaari’s $1 million is the price of
trampling on the pre-2008 world order based on the UN
Charter and the Helsinki Final Act with their
guarantees of equal rights and territorial integrity
of states. 

From now on, similar to the developments of the 19th
century, there are other principles to rule the world

Russia’s task is to secure itself a place to suit its
genuine interests and influence. 

The act of the recognition of the independence of
South Ossetia and Abkhazia on August 26 is an
indication that the right option was made.

18 years before Martti Ahtisaari, in 1990 the Nobel
Peace Prize was awarded to the grave-digger of the
Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev. 

Russia no longer needs either blood-stained Nobel
Prizes or crooked brokers. It is again capable of
acting independently in the Balkans, the Caucasus and
other regions of its vital interests.

=== 5 === 2008/oct/ 18/kosovo- serbia-martti- ahtisaari

The Guardian
October 18, 2008

Kosovo state inevitable, says Nobel laureate

Julian Borger

Martti Ahtisaari, the former Finnish president awarded
the Nobel peace prize for his mediation in Kosovo and
a string of other conflicts around the world, said
yesterday that Serbia would have no option but to
accept the new Balkan state.

In his first interview with a British newspaper since
being named Nobel laureate last week, Ahtisaari
shrugged off the apparent setback to his work in
Kosovo inflicted when Serbia succeeded in having its
declaration of independence referred to the
international court of justice. 

The 71-year old also argued that it did not matter
that the former Serbian province had been recognised
so far by only 51 of the world's 192 countries. That
was less important than the economic clout of the
nations that did recognise Kosovo, including the US
and most of western Europe.
Ahtisaari was commissioned by the UN in 2005 to find a
compromise solution for Kosovo's status as a way of
ending the deadlock that followed the 1999 war and
Nato intervention. 

His plan for supervised independence. ..was rejected by
Serbia and Russia last year. However, Kosovo - with
western backing - declared independence in February.

Belgrade has vowed never to accept Kosovo's
sovereignty, but Ahtisaari said Serbia would have to
relent if it wanted eventual European membership. "You
can't be poking the EU in the eye [while] saying you
want to join EU," he said.

He sent private messages to all parties soon after
taking his role as mediator, that Kosovo's secession
was inevitable. "[I said] in light of what had
happened in Kosovo, the return of Kosovo to Serbia is
not a viable option," Ahtisaari said. "So since March
2006 no one should have had any illusion what my plan
was going to be."

Russia furiously opposed Kosovo's independence, and
pointed to it as justification of its own recognition
of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, pro-Russian enclaves in
Georgia. Ahtisaari rejected the parallel.

"We did Kosovo within the UN framework. In Georgia
there was not even an attempt," he argued. "You cannot
go into an independent country and do whatever you
like. Even if you are Russia."


=== 6 ===

Focus: Ahtisaari received money for proposal on Kosmet's independence

    June 23 2007

    The German intelligence service BND, in a report to UN Secretary General
    Ban Ki-Moon confirmed suspicions that the Albanian leadership in Kosovo had
    paid Martti Ahtisaari to propose in his plan the independence of the
    southern Serbian province, writes the Banjaluka Focus daily. According to
    this paper, the BND discovered that 2 million EUR had been transferred to
    Ahtisaari's private account, and that on several occasions several million
    had been paid out in cash, presumed to be up to 40 million EUR. According

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A proposito della situazione della stampa italiana - una segnalazione
di C. Cernigoi:

( si vedano le eloquenti illustrazioni che accompagnano il testo, alla
URL originale: )

L'asso nella natica
di Alessandra Daniele

La stampa italiana in questi anni ha saputo costruirsi una solida e
meritata reputazione.
Una particolare sintesi di servilismo e sciacallaggio fra “L’asso
nella manica” e “Fantozzi subisce ancora”.
In questi giorni però alcuni giornali – o presunti tali – hanno
sentito il bisogno di dare un forte segnale di rinnovamento.

Hanno la faccia come L’Unità

Meno male che alla direzione de L’Unità c’è una signora come Concita
De Gregorio, altrimenti chissà che campagna pubblicitaria becera ci
sarebbe toccata per il lancio del restringimento del giornale. Magari
il solito culo di velina, con contorno di doppisensi tra L’Unità e la
figa, tipo “bella”, “libera”, “generosa”... quello stesso ticket culo-
figa che da quarant’anni tutti i più “originali” e
“innovativi”copyrighter usano per vendere qualsiasi cosa, dai jeans,
alla colla sigillante. Ci sarebbe toccato un culo sbattuto in faccia.
O forse qualcosa di molto più osceno: una faccia da culo del PD.

Quei bravi ragazzi

Insieme al restyling Il Riformista ha orgogliosamente esibito anche
due nuovi giovani e promettenti collaboratori: Giampaolo Pansa e
Francesco Cossiga. Sì, quel Cossiga che ha appena dichiarato:
“Il suono delle sirene delle ambulanze dovrà sovrastare quello delle
auto di polizia e carabinieri. Le forze dell'ordine dovrebbero
massacrare i manifestanti senza pietà e mandarli tutti in ospedale.”
Prossimamente Antonio Polito presenterà anche gli altri suoi nuovi
analoghi acquisti: Erich Priebke curerà la rubrica di politica
internazionale e diritti umani; Charles Manson si occuperà di cinema e
celebrità; e Hannibal Lecter ovviamente di cucina.

La torre di Guardian

La testata de Il Giornale viene adesso stampata in negativo, bianco su
blu, come quella del britannico The Guardian. Il bollettino dei
Testimoni di Silvio, diretto da Mario Giordano (noto doppiatore dei
Puffi - ecco spiegato il blu), che già svetta nel panorama
giornalistico mondiale, ne guadagnerà ulteriormente in stile e
autorevolezza. I suoi titoli e i suoi editoriali del tipo “I negri
puzzano”, “I comunisti sono tutti froci” o “Gli zingari vogliono
incularsi tua figlia” suoneranno di certo molto più equilibrati ed
eleganti. In arrivo anche una rubrica dal titolo: “L'Italia che ci
Sottotitolo “Che imbecille”.

Pubblicato Ottobre 26, 2008 02:37 AM

BOLIVIA: U.S. Attempt to Balkanize South America

1) The Destabilization of Bolivia and the "Kosovo Option"
by Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research, September 21, 2008

2) Profit and Autonomy
GFP 2008/10/14

3) The Balkanization of South America
GFP 2007/07/08

4) Several News Agency dispatches and articles:
Bolivia president asks US ambassador to leave / Bolivia expels US ambassador / US, Bolivia, Venezuela engaged in diplomatic row / Latin American nations bolster Bolivia's Morales amid opposition violence / Honduras snubs US envoy / Chavez warns of military action to quell Bolivia unrest / Bolivia's Morales defiant after unrest / Bolivia arrests US-backed rebel governor / MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION: On the Situation in Bolivia / Bolivian president censures United States / Bolivia's Morales rejects opposition autonomy proposal, talks on hold / Ambassador: Russia looking to boost Bolivia ties

See also:

U.S. Ambassador who left Yugoslavia in pieces now in Bolivia (+ several links to important articles therein)

JUGOINFO 21 giugno 2008:

=== 1 ===

The Destabilization of Bolivia and the "Kosovo Option"

by Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, September 21, 2008
- 2008-09-20

The secession of Bolivia's Eastern provinces is part of a US sponsored covert operation, coordinated out of the US State Department, in liaison with US intelligence. 

The death squads armed with automatic weapons responsible for killing supporters of Evo Morales in El Porvenir are supported covertly by the US. According to one report, "USAID has an "Office of Transition Initiatives" operating in Bolivia, funneling millions of dollars of training and support to right-wing opposition regional governments and movements."(The Center for Economic and Policy Research, September 2008). The US also provides support to various opposition groups through the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). 

The expelled US Ambassador Philip S. Goldberg worked under the helm of Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte,  who directly oversees the various "activities" of US embassies around the World. In this regard Negroponte plays a far more important role, acting behind the scenes, than Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice. He is also known as one of the main architects of regime change and covert support to paramilitary death squads both in Central America and Iraq.  

Philip S. Goldberg's mandate as ambassador to Bolivia was to trigger the fracture of Bolivia as a country. Prior to his appointment as ambassador in early 2007, he served as US Chief of Mission in Pristina, Kosovo (2004-2006) and was in permanent liaison with the leaders of the KLA paramilitary, who had integrated civilian politics, following the NATO occupation of Kosovo in 1999. 

Supported by the CIA, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), whose leaders now head the Kosovar government, was known for its extensive links to organized crime and the trade in narcotics. In Kosovo, Goldberg was involved in setting the stage for the subsequent secession of Kosovo from Serbia, leading to the installation of an "independent" Kosovar government.  

In the course of the 1990s, Goldberg had played an active role in the break up of Yugoslavia. From 1994-1996 he was responsible for the Bosnia Desk at the State Department. He worked closely with  Washington's Special Envoy Richard Holbrooke and played a central role as Chief of Staff of the US negotiating team at Dayton, leading up to the signing of the Dayton Accords in 1995.  These accords were conducive to the carving up of Bosnia-Herzegovina. More generally they triggered the destruction and destabilization of Yugoslavia as country. In 1996, Goldberg worked directly as Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott (1994-2000), who together with Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, played a key role in launching the war on Yugoslavia in 1999. 

The Central Role of John Negroponte

Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte plays a central role in the conduct of covert operations. He served as US ambassador to Honduras from 1981 to 1985. As Ambassador in Tegucigalpa, he played a key role in supporting and supervising the Nicaraguan Contra mercenaries who were based in Honduras. The cross border Contra attacks into Nicaragua claimed some 50 000 civilian lives. During the same period, Negroponte was instrumental in setting up the Honduran military death squads, "operating with Washington support's, [they] assassinated hundreds of opponents of the US-backed regime." (See Bill Venn, Bush Nominee linked to Latin American Terrorism, Global Research, November 2001)

"Under the rule of General Gustavo Alvarez Martnez, Honduras's military government was both a close ally of the Reagan administration and was "disappearing" dozens of political opponents in classic death squad fashion.

(See Peter Roff and James Chapin, Face-off: Bush's Foreign Policy Warriors , Global Research, July 2001)

This did not prevent his nomination to the position of US Permanent Representative to the UN under the Clinton administration. 

The Salvador Option

Negroponte became Ambassador to Iraq in 2004, where he set up a "security framework" for the US occupation, largely modeled on the Central American death squads. This project was referred to by several writers as the "Salvador Option".   

While in Baghdad, Negroponte hired as his Counselor on security issues, a former head of special operations in El Salvador. The two men were close colleagues going back to the 1980s in Central America.  While Negroponte was busy setting up the death squads in Honduras,  Colonel Steele had been in charge of the US Military Advisory Group in El Salvador, (1984-86) "where he was responsible for developing special operating forces at brigade level during the height of the conflict.":  

"These forces, composed of the most brutal soldiers available, replicated the kind of small-unit operations with which Steele was familiar from his service in Vietnam. Rather than focusing on seizing terrain, their role was to attack ‘insurgent’ leadership, their supporters, sources of supply and base camps." (Max Fuller, For Iraq, "The Salvador Option" Becomes Reality, Global Research, June 2005) 

 In Iraq, Steele was "assigned to work with a new elite Iraqi counter-insurgency unit known as the Special Police Commandos". In this context, Negroponte's objective was to encourage ethnic divisions and factional strife, by triggering covert terrorist attacks directed against the Iraqi civilian population. 

Negroponte was appointed as the Head of the Directorate of National Intelligence in 2005, and subsequently in 2007 came to occupy the Number Two position in the State Department. 

The Kosovo Option: Haiti 

This is not the first time that the "Kosovo model" of supporting terrorist paramilitaries has been applied in Latin America. 

In February 2003, Washington announced the appointment of James Foley as Ambassador to Haiti. Ambassadors Goldberg and Foley are part of the same "diplomatic stable". Foley had been a State Department spokesman under the Clinton administration during the war on Kosovo. He was involved at an earlier period in channeling support to the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). 

Amply documented, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was financed by drug money and supported by the CIA. ( See Michel Chossudovsky, Kosovo Freedom Fighters Financed by Organized Crime, Covert Action Quarterly, 1999 )

At the time of the Kosovo war, the then ambassador to Haiti James Foley had been in charge of State Department briefings, working closely with his NATO counterpart in Brussels, Jamie Shea. Barely two months before the onslaught of the NATO led war on 24 March 1999, James Foley, had called for the "transformation" of the KLA into a respectable political organization:

"We want to develop a good relationship with them [the KLA] as they transform themselves into a politically-oriented organization,' ..`[W]e believe that we have a lot of advice and a lot of help that we can provide to them if they become precisely the kind of political actor we would like to see them become... "If we can help them and they want us to help them in that effort of transformation, I think it's nothing that anybody can argue with..' (quoted in the New York Times, 2 February 1999)

In other words, Washington's design was "regime change": topple the Lavalas administration and install a compliant US puppet regime, integrated by the "Democratic Platform" and the self-proclaimed Front pour la libération et la reconstruction nationale (FLRN), whose leaders are former FRAPH and Tonton Macoute terrorists. (For further details see Michel Chossudovsky, The Destabilization of Haiti, Global Research, February 2004) 

Following the 2004 coup d'Etat which led to the downfall of the Aristide government, KLA advisers were brought into Haiti by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to assist in the country's reconstruction. (See Anthony Fenton, Kosovo Liberation Army helps establish "Protectorate" in Haiti, Global Research, November 2004) 

Specifically, the KLA consultants were to assist in restructuring the Haitian police force, bringing into its ranks, former members of FRAPH and the Tonton Macout. 

[In support of] the "Office of Transition Initiatives," (OTI) ... USAID is paying three consultants to help consult for the integration of the former brutal military into the current Haitian police force. And who are those three consultants? Those three consultants are members of the Kosovo Liberation Army." (Flashpoints interview, November 19, 2004, )

USAID's "Office of Transition Initiatives" (OTI)

The Salvador/ Kosovo option is part of a US strategy to fracture and destabilize countries. The USAID sponsored OTI in Bolivia performs much the same function as a similar OTI in Haiti. 

It is also worth noting that there was an Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) in Venezuela, where a plot, according to reports, was recently uncovered to allegedly assassinate President Hugo Chavez. The role of the OTI office in Venezuela is discussed in Eva Golinger's recent book "Bush vs. Chavez."

The stated purpose of US covert operations is to provide support as well as as training to "Liberation Armies" ultimately with a view to destabilizing sovereign governments. In Kosovo, the training of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in the 1990s had been entrusted to a private mercenary company, Military Professional Resources Inc (MPRI), on contract to the Pentagon.  

Pakistan and the "Kosovo Option" 

It is worth noting that in Pakistan, recent developments point towards direct forms of US military intervention, in violation of Pakistani sovereignty.

Already in 2005, a report by the US National Intelligence Council and the CIA forecast a "Yugoslav-like fate" for Pakistan "in a decade with the country riven by civil war, bloodshed and inter-provincial rivalries, as seen recently in Balochistan." (Energy Compass, 2 March 2005).

According to a  2006 report of Pakistan's Senate Committee on Defence, British intelligence was involved in supporting the Balochistan separatist movement. (Press Trust of India, 9 August 2006). The Bolochistan Liberation Army (BLA) bears a canny resemblance to Kosovo's KLA, financed by the drug trade and supported by the CIA.

Washington favors the creation of a "Greater Balochistan" [similar to a Greater Albania] which would integrate the Baloch areas of Pakistan with those of Iran and possibly the Southern tip of Afghanistan, thereby leading to a process of political fracturing in both Iran and Pakistan. (Michel Chossudovsky, The Destabilization of Pakistan, December 30, 2007)


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=== 2 ===

Profit and Autonomy
(Own report) - The German Ministry of Development is continuing to pursue its controversial measures of gaining influence in Bolivia. A few days ago, Berlin accorded La Paz a loan of 48 million Euros, earmarked for various waterworks projects in the country. In the past Germans have used this means to demand the privatization of the businesses involved with water, this basic element of survival - and were confronted with massive protests from social movements, which successfully drove profit-seeking investors out of the Bolivian waterworks branch - in spite of German interventions. The recent loan of German development funds takes place in a very tense situation in La Paz. The central government is being threatened by the autonomy movements of the richest provinces in the east of the country, who rely on contacts to several western industrial nations. The milieu of the autonomists, who have their contacts all the way to Germany, includes people who are violence prone, fascists and putschists.
48 Million

The German Ministry of Development is continuing to pursue its controversial activities in the Bolivian waterworks branch. David Choquehuanca, Bolivia's Foreign Minister and the German Ambassador, Erich Riedler signed a contract to this effect on October 2, providing, on the one hand, for a loan of twelve million Euros earmarked for waterworks projects for the cities of Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Sucre and Tarija.[1] This credit, according to press reports, has a term of 40 years with an interest rate at less than one percent.[2] Bolivia receives an additional 36 million Euros also for use in water projects. 23 million of this sum are earmarked for potable water and canalization programs; 2.6 million Euros are planned for emergency measures for the city of Trinidad in Beni Province. The German government's Association for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) is charged with carrying out the numerous waterworks projects in Bolivia, until 2013, according to GTZ information.

Over the past few years, both the GTZ and the German Embassy in La Paz were implicated in serious conflicts concerning Bolivian water supply. These conflicts were settled only in 2007 - at least for the time being. The government of President Evo Morales forced the retreat of the private water suppliers, Aguas del Illimani, in which the French Suez Utility Group holds shares. This fulfilled the demands of the years of protests by social organizations against the effects of water privatization. ( reported.[3]) In the course of these conflicts, the GTZ and others had clearly taken sides for maintaining the profit-seeking private investors for Bolivian water supply. The German Embassy in La Paz even threatened at the time, to refuse future credits to the Bolivian government in the case of its rejection. "We saw these actions as serious provocations" criticized a Bolivian activist in his conversation with After all, Berlin's actions were a violation of the Bolivian population's sovereignty.[4]
Acid Test

The current decision to prolong German activities in Bolivian waterworks has come at a time when Bolivia is experiencing an extremely tense political situation. The question of water is no longer the main focus of public interest and receives much less attention than it had in the past. Today the Morales government is under heavy pressure from the autonomy movement of the eastern low-land provinces, rich in natural resources that are refusing to share their revenues with the poverty stricken regions of Western Bolivia. The nation has for some time been undergoing an acid test. Over the past few weeks and months, bloody outbreaks have erupted between pro-government partisans and those of the pro-autonomy movement. The pro-autonomy side has shown their propensity for violence during these conflicts. For example at least 15 people were killed in September when the autonomists in the Pando Province attacked government loyalists. The governor of the province is being accused of having instigated these murders.[5]
Partner Organization

The principal organizations of the autonomy movement are receiving support from Western industrial nations - including Germany. It drew worldwide attention when the Bolivian government recently expelled the US ambassador. He had been strengthening the autonomists. He could draw on years of experience accumulated during the breakup of Yugoslavia, where, according to reports, he had participated in US - and German - destabilization measures [6] to promote the secession of the Yugoslav constituent republics and the province of Kosovo. The Bolivian organization FULIDE (Fundación Libertzat y Democracia) maintains relations with German and US circles promoting secession. FULIDE is close to several conservative US political foundations and propagates the autonomy of the eastern provinces. FULIDE is also a member of RELIAL (Red Liberal de América Latina), the partner organization of the German Friedrich Naumann Foundation (affiliated to the Free Democratic Party - FDP). RELIAL was founded at the initiative of the Naumann Foundation in 2003 and is its close cooperation partner. The Naumann-Foundation's representative in RELIAL expressed satisfaction, when, at a network meeting, FULIDE director Walter Justiniano spoke of the autonomy movement in eastern Bolivia. With his speech, the FULIDE leader is encouraging RELIAL "to intervene more directly in the internal affairs of this South American country" said the Naumann representative.[7]

One of the most controversial figures of the autonomous movement is a member of FULIDE: the large landowner Branko Marinkovic. Marinkovic is FULIDE's spokesperson and at the same time, president of the Comité pro Santa Cruz, an association of large landowners favoring autonomy. Its youth organization is known for its violence and fascist behavior. The display of swastikas has been documented at several of their political rallies. Bolivian observers point out that Bolivia has its own history with the swastika. After 1945, numerous Nazis had taken refuge in this South American country, among them the mass murderer, Klaus Barbie. Barbie had served several Bolivian dictators - in their counter insurgency efforts.[8] Barbie was in contact with several fascist circles.[9] Nazi affiliated Croatian Ustashi had fled also with him to Bolivia, including some, whose families are among the autonomy supporters. According to the media, the father of Branko Marinkovic, the large landowner and president of the autonomists had also been a member of the Croatian Ustasha before coming to Bolivia shortly after the war.[10]
Putsch Attempt

Bolivian security forces suspect circles close to Marinkovic to be behind the putsch attempt that was uncovered last week.[11] With the help of contacts to Germany, these circles continue their struggle against the Morales government, which has just been confirmed by a two-thirds majority in a referendum. At the same time the German government continues its subversive activities under the guise of its so called development policy. To what extent Berlin's privatization objectives will be reached - not only in Bolivia, but also elsewhere - will depend not least of all on the government in La Paz and the strength of its defense against foreign interference.[12] The outcome of the autonomy struggle for the Bolivian eastern provinces is therefore of direct significance also for Berlin.
[1] Alemania coopera a Bolivia con $us66 millones para obras en servicios básicos; Agencia Boliviana de Información 02.10.2008
[2] Alemania aprueba ayuda financiera a Bolivia; El Paso Times 02.10.2008
[3], [4] see also Schwerwiegende Provokationen
[5] Präfekt von Pando festgenommen; Der Standard 16.09.2008
[6] The Destabilization of Bolivia and the "Kosovo Option"; Global Research 21.09.2008
[7] Victor Hugo Becerra representante de la Fundacion Friedrich Naumann comenta sobre la participacion de Walter Justiniano; 17.05.2007. See also Neoliberal Networking
[8] see also Property Obliges
[9] Gustavo Sánchez Salazar: Barbie, criminal hasta el fin, Buenos Aires 1987
[10] In Bolivia, a Croat and a Critic Is Cast in a Harsh Light; The New York Times 26.09.2008
[11] Geduld am Ende; junge Welt 11.10.2008
[12] see also Tough Adjustment

=== 3 ===
The Balkanization of South America
(Own report) - Latin American critics are accusing organizations linked to German foreign policy of being implicated in the escalating South American autonomy conflicts. This is referring to controversy that, around the turn of the year, led to bloody uprisings in Bolivia. At present the conflict is being primarily sparked by the draft for a statute of autonomy presented by governors of four Bolivian departments at the beginning of the first week of June. Government circles in La Paz qualify the document as being "separatist" and "seditious." It proposes far-ranging independence for the provinces rich in natural resources. Judging from the escalation of violence, observers are drawing parallels to developments that led to wars of secession in the former Yugoslavia, in which Germany was heavily implicated. It is now being said in Bolivia that German measures of decentralization have also laid the groundwork in the country for the current demands for autonomy. Moreover a German political party foundation's affiliate organizations are directly involved. The trail of evidence also leads to the circles of German exiles, who fled to South America in the aftermath of the World War II. They benefit from the special assistance bestowed under the German government's "Deutschtum" policy [Germandom policy].
Monday July 2 the governors of the 4 Bolivian departments of Santa Cruz, Tarija, Pando and Beni, tabled a draft for the future status of autonomy. This document proposes, among other things, the right of autonomous taxation and expenditures for the lowland states of Bolivia with a majority of descendents of white immigrants. The right-wing opposition heads of the departments are attempting to play off their natural resource rich regions against both the central government in La Paz and the poorer highlands in Western Bolivia. The Bolivian lowlands have the second largest deposits of natural gas in South America (after Venezuela), the bulk of it being in Santa Cruz and Tarija. With its plans for autonomy, organizations, such as the Citizens Committee of Santa Cruz (Comité Civico Pro Santa Cruz) - an alliance dominated by businessmen and latifundia owners - seeks to torpedo the Morales government's measures of nationalization in the sector of natural resources, which is also fought so vehemently by Berlin, Brussels and Washington.

This is why the plans for autonomy are encountering vehement resistance, particularly from the indigenous population. Simultaneous with the elections of the Constituent Assembly, in the summer of last year, a referendum was held on the autonomy status of individual departments. Whereas in the four richer provinces there was a majority who voted for more regional power of decision, the voters in the more impoverished highlands departments voted against. The results were that the autonomy plans were defeated (56% against). Still the more prosperous regional governments are clinging to their project. Juan Carlos Urenda, an advisor to the regional government of Santa Cruz, threatens to have the autonomy plans imposed by referendum. The government in La Paz classifies the entire project as "seditious" "separatist" and "anti-democratic," because it is directed "against the constitution."[1]

Critics of the autonomy plans are accusing German development organizations and foundations affiliated with German political parties of having nurtured the conflict. Separatist groups, such as the Citizens Committee of Santa Cruz, are linking their activities to programs sustained by German development policy in Bolivia since 2002. These were imposed within the framework of a debt relief initiative and are consolidated within the "Programa de Apoyo a la Gestión Púplica Descentralizada y Lucha contra la Pobreza" (Program in Support of Decentralized Public Administration and the Struggle against Poverty - PADEP).[2] Since 2002, within the framework of the PADEP, the German Association for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and the "Kreditanstalt for Wiederaufbau" (Credit Institution for Reconstruction, KfW) - under commission of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development - have been supporting measures for the decentralization of Bolivia, a starting point for the more far-reaching current demands for autonomy.
Partner Network

In addition, the Bolivian demands for autonomy are being pushed by an international network that maintains contacts to Germany. It is the Confederación Internacional por la Libertad y la Autonomia Regional (International Confederation for Freedom and Regional Autonomy CONFILAR) founded last autumn in Guayaquil Ecuador. In a programmatic declaration, CONFILAR propagates "the system of restricted government, free markets and private institutions independent from the state (...) inspired by genuine classical liberalism."[3] The organization demands wide-ranging rights of autonomy for individual regions in South American countries. The economically strategic regions, the Bolivian department Santa Cruz, as well as Guayaquil (Ecuador) und Zulia (Venezuela) are part of the autonomy network. They are all in opposition to their central governments. Also active in the CONFILAR are organizations of RELIAL network (Red Liberal de América Latina) the Latin American partner of the German Friedrich Naumann Foundation (closely affiliated to the German FDP Party).[4]

In light of the autonomy conflicts in Bolivia, that have already led to serious uprisings a few months ago and that are reinforced by organizations such as CONFILAR, observers are beginning to speak of the threat of a "Balkanization of South America.[5] Abetted by German organizations and by protagonists maintaining contacts to Germany, the tensions are a threat to the state alliance of ALBA (Alternativa Bolivariana para las Ameréricas - Bolivian Alternative for the Americas) which is still in the formative stages. ALBA seeks to achieve an wide-ranging independent policy from that of the European and North American centers. Bolivia and Venezuela are ALBA member states and Ecuador is sympathetic to the alliance. In this autonomy conflict an escalation of violence cannot be ruled out. According to the government, paramilitary groups are already organized in Pando, one of the East Bolivian secession departments. The extreme rightwing Young People's Union of Santa Cruz (Unión Juvenil Cruceñista, UJC) is functioning as the military wing of the Citizens' Committee of Santa Cruz. Its leader, Jorge Begner Hollweg, is a member of Bolivian "Germandom".[6]

Obviously the term "balkanization" was not chosen only in view of the break-up of Yugoslavia, but is referring concretely to driving forces behind autonomy efforts in Bolivia. In the aftermath of the defeat of the fascist states in WW II, a large segment of the Nazi elites and their collaborators fled into exile in South America. Particularly the region of Santa Cruz developed into the haven for numerous German Nazis as well as Italian and Croatian fascists. Croat exile families from Santa Cruz played a non-negligible role during the Yugoslav wars of secession. They stole weapons from the Bolivian Army arsenals and smuggled them to Croatia with the aid of the Bolivian consulate in Hamburg. They are also very active in the current autonomy efforts. According to reports, they are enjoying the support of exiled ethnic German families, who can still count on Berlin's special "Deutschtum im Ausland" ("Germandom Abroad") assistance. As is heard in Bolivia "the German government, with the support of NGO's and the GTZ, is practically sustaining one fourth of the state apparatus."[7] A network of interests that is reinforcing German partiality in Bolivian domestic conflicts.
[1] Bolivia: estatuto autonómico de Santa Cruz es "sedicioso" (Gobierno); AFP 03.07.2007
[2] Modernisierung des Staates; See also Property Obliges
[3] Por la libertad y la autonomía regional en Hispanoamérica;
[4] Zum CONFILAR-Vorsitzenden wurde Carlos Dabdoub Arrien gewählt, der Präsident des Bürgerkomitee Pro Santa Cruz. Neben Dabdoub Arrien zählten unter anderem auch José Luis Tapia vom "Instituto de Libre Empresa" (ILE) aus Peru sowie Walter Justiniano von der "Fundación Libertad y Democracia" (FULIDE) aus dem bolivianischen Departement Santa Cruz zu den Teilnehmern des Forums. Beide Organisationen sind Mitglieder im Red Liberal de América Latina (RELIAL), das von der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung (FNSt) gefördert wird.
[5] Bolivia: Hoy, la derecha va por el poder;
[6] Gobierno anuncia juicio contra integrantes de la Unión Cruceñista;
[7] La verdad sobre la "media luna";

=== 4 ===

Associated Press
September 10, 2008

Bolivia president asks US ambassador to leave

LA PAZ, Bolivia — President Evo Morales said Wednesday
that he is expelling the U.S. ambassador in Bolivia
for allegedly inciting violent opposition protests.

Morales' announcement came hours after his government
said a pipeline blast triggered by saboteurs forced
the country to cut natural gas exports to Brazil by 10

"Without fear of the empire, I declare the U.S.
ambassador 'persona non grata,'" Morales said in a
speech at the presidential palace. He said he asked
his foreign minister to send a diplomatic note to
Ambassador Philip Goldberg telling the American to go

"We don't want separatists, divisionists," Bolivia's
leftist president added.
Morales' close ally President Hugo Chavez of
Venezuela, who also calls the United States "the
empire," cheered the move, calling a two-week wave of
increasingly violent anti-Morales protests the harvest
of an alliance between Bolivia's "extreme right" and
the U.S. government.

The Bolivian leader did not offer specific evidence
against Goldberg, but he has long accused the diplomat
of conspiring with Bolivia's conservative opposition.
A share of U.S. aid to Bolivia goes to eastern
provincial governments that are the nexus of
opposition to Morales, which has angered the Bolivian
president and his supporters.

Morales, meanwhile, praised protesters who marched on
the U.S. Embassy in May and has accused Washington of
plotting to overthrow him.

In June, his government terminated USAID programs in
the coca-growing Chapare region aimed at weaning
farmers off the crop from which cocaine is produced.
Farmers there had faulted the programs as heavy-handed
and ineffectual.

Goldberg met last week with Ruben Costas, one of
Morales' most virulent opponents. Costas is governor
of Santa Cruz, Bolivia's richest province and the seat
of a pro-autonomy revolt against the nation's first
indigenous president.

Anti-Morales protests reached a crescendo on Tuesday
with the sacking and burning of government offices in
Santa Cruz in which at least 10 people were reported

Anti-government activists also seized several natural
gas installations in the east.

At one, in the eastern province of Tarija,
demonstrators triggered Wednesday's pipeline blast by
closing a valve, creating pressure that ruptured the
line near the border with Paraguay and set off a fire,
the government said.

No injuries were reported in what state energy company
president Santos Ramirez called "a terrorist attack."

The government immediately ordered additional troops
to Bolivia's rebellious eastern provinces to secure
gas and oil installations. Ramirez said both gas
plants remained occupied by protesters on Wednesday

The pipeline blast reduced by 3 million cubic meters
the 30 million of gas Bolivia sends Brazil each day,
he said.
Ramirez said it would take 15 to 20 days to repair the
pipeline at a cost of US$100 million. He said Bolivia
would lose US$8 million a day in revenues.

Morales' opponents in the east are seeking a greater
share of revenues from natural gas — Bolivia's chief
export — for the richer lowland provinces, home to the
bulk of its gas fields.

Morales has devoted much of those revenues to programs
that benefit the poor and elderly. He has called the
protests a "civil coup."

Opposition leader Branko Marinkovic, the owner of
large land holdings in soy-growing Santa Cruz, said
Tuesday that the only way out of the conflict is for
the government to cancel a Dec. 7 referendum on a new

The proposed new constitution, which would give
indigenous groups greater control of their traditional
lands and make it easier for the government to
redistribute fallow land, was approved by a special
assembly last year amid an opposition boycott. 

Associated Press writers Marco Sibaja in Brasilia,
Brazil, and Frank Bajak in Bogota, Colombia,
contributed to this report.


Press TV (Iran)
September 11, 2008

Bolivia expels US ambassador 

Bolivian President Evo Morales has declared the US
ambassador to La Paz 'persona non grata', accusing the
envoy of provoking separatism. 

"I have asked our foreign minister to send the
ambassador (a message) informing him of the decision
by the national government and its president that he
should return to his country at once," Morales said on
Morales last week charged that rebel governors in the
east were mounting a "civil coup" against the
government after two weeks of road blocks and other
anti- government protests in the relatively prosperous
states of Santa Cruz, Chuquisaca and Tarija. 

The President sent troops to guard some gas facilities
in the three states. 

Recent crisis in Bolivia stems from Morales's efforts
to change the constitution to redistribute land and
national wealth for the benefit of Bolivia's
indigenous majority, which accounts for 60 percent of
the 9-million-strong population. 

Strengthened by an August 10 referendum on his mandate
that won two-thirds support from the public, he has
announced another referendum for December 7 to approve
his revised socialist constitution. 


Associated Press
September 11, 2008

US, Bolivia, Venezuela engaged in diplomatic row

WASHINGTON — The Bush administration on Thursday
ordered the expulsion of Bolivia's ambassador to the
U.S. after Bolivia expelled the U.S. envoy there in an
escalating tit-for-tat. 

Hours later, Venezuela's president, in what he called
a solidarity move, ordered the U.S. ambassador in
Caracas to leave the country.

"In response to unwarranted actions and in accordance
with the Vienna Convention (on diplomatic protocol),
we have officially informed the government of Bolivia
of our decision to declare Ambassador Gustavo Guzman
persona non grata," State Department spokesman Sean
McCormack said.

It was unclear exactly how long Guzman would have to
leave the United States but diplomats declared
"persona non grata" are generally given 72 hours to
depart. Guzman had been summoned to the department
earlier Thursday and told of the decision a day after
Bolivia expelled U.S. Ambassador Philip Goldberg,
officials said.

In Caracas, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez late
Thursday gave U.S. Ambassador Patrick Duddy 72 hours
to leave the country and said he was recalling his
ambassador from Washington. Chavez said the move was,
in part, to show solidarity with Bolivian President
Evo Morales, who expelled Washington's envoy in La
Chavez said Venezuela's ambassador to Washington,
Bernardo Alvarez, would return to the U.S. "when
there's a new government in the United States."

Asked about Chavez's remarks, Jennifer Rahimi,
spokeswoman for the U.S. Embassy in Caracas, said: "We
saw the speech and we're investigating, but we haven't
seen anything official."

Chavez warned last month that Duddy could soon be
"packing his bags" after the diplomat lamented that
U.S. and Venezuelan officials have not been
cooperating in the war on drugs.

The move by Chavez brings relations with Washington to
a new low and could impact trade. Venezuela is a major
oil supplier to the United States, which is the
country's No. 1 client.

Morales had ordered Goldberg out, accusing him of
conspiring with Bolivia's conservative opposition.
McCormack earlier had called that a "grave error" and
warned that Bolivia would face retaliatory actions for
the expulsion, which he said had inflicted serious
damage on U.S.-Bolivian relations.

In La Paz, Bolivian Foreign Minister David
Choquehuanca told reporters that he formally had
requested Goldberg's expulsion but added that he also
wrote Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to say
Bolivia "wishes to maintain bilateral relations."

A share of U.S. aid to Bolivia goes to eastern
provincial governments that are the nexus of
opposition to Morales, which has angered the Bolivian
president and his supporters.

Goldberg met last week with Ruben Costas, one of
Morales' most virulent opponents. Costas is governor
of Santa Cruz, Bolivia's richest province and the seat
of a pro-autonomy revolt against the nation's first
indigenous president.

The State Department also said the Morales government
has asked Drug Enforcement Agency employees to leave a
base camp in the coca-growing region of Chapare
"because they could no longer protect them." State
Department employees left too, the department said.
At least six people were killed as anti-government
protesters fought backers of Morales on Thursday in
Bolivia's pro-autonomy east with clubs, machetes and
guns, police said. 


Xinhua News Agency
September 12, 2008

Latin American nations bolster Bolivia's Morales amid opposition violence 

MEXICO CITY - Countries and regional groups in Latin
America Thursday expressed support to Bolivian
President Evo Morales amid violent actions to tumble
his government. 

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
reaffirmed in a phone conversation with Morales his
support to the Bolivian government against rightist

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro also called
his Bolivian counterpart David Choquehuanca and
extended the support of Venezuelan President Hugo
Chavez to the Bolivian government. 

Bolivia and President Morales have Venezuela's support
"in good and bad moments," said Maduro. 

Meanwhile, Chavez said on Thursday he is ready to
intervene in case that Morales were overthrown. 

In a TV and radio address, Chavez said that his
government would back the use of force in case of a
military coup to overthrow or kill Morales. 

"If any of our governments is overthrown, we will give
a green light to military operations of any type to
get the power back to the people," Chavez said. 

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega also expressed his
support for necessary measures to stop protests by the
opposition to demand autonomy. 

Ortega said what is happening in Bolivia is tragic,
adding that "We are with Evo (Morales), we support him
and we express our sympathy." 

The Paraguayan government Thursday expressed concerns
for the armed clashes between the pro- and
anti-government forces in Bolivia. 

Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo said in a statement
he is "deeply concerned" with the violence in many
parts of Bolivia that has shaken Bolivia for three

"Paraguay reaffirms its full support to the Bolivian
democracy and government chosen by the people, led by
President Morales. We look forward to a conciliatory
and pacific solution for the well beings of our
neighbor and sister nation (Bolivia)," said the

Andean Community of Nations (CAN) Secretary-General
Ecuadorian Freddy Ehlers Thursday called on the
authorities and political forces in Bolivia to resolve
differences in accordance with law. 

"CAN makes a call to all regional and national
authorities and to all political forces in Bolivia to
contain their actions with a full respect to the
country's constitutional and legal norms," said a CAN

Bolivian rightist opposition seeking to tumble Morales
attacked the security forces and occupied governmental
offices in many regions in the past few days. 

At least one person was killed and another three could
have died in violent clashes throughout the country,
Bolivia's Vice Interior Minister Ruber Gamarra told a
press conference Thursday. 

According to local media, on-going violence has killed
at least four and injured 30. 


Radio Netherlands
September 13, 2008

Honduras snubs US envoy 

Tensions between the United States and a number of
Latin American countries has risen further after
Honduras refused to accept the credentials of the new
US ambassador as a demonstration of solidarity with

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez expelled the US
ambassador on Thursday. 

In response, on Friday the US government told
Venezuela's ambassador to leave the country and froze
the assets of two other Venezuelan diplomats. 

The row erupted after Bolivian President Evo Morales
accused the US of backing an insurrection by Bolivia's
prosperous regions. 


Xinhua News Agency
September 12, 2008

Chavez warns of military action to quell Bolivia unrest 

(Message over 64 KB, truncated)

(deutsch / francais / italiano)

BOLIVIA: La tentata balcanizzazione del Sud America

1) La destabilizzazione della Bolivia e l’”opzione Kosovo”

Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research 23/09/08

2) Profit und Autonomie 

GFP 14.10.2008

3) Santa Cruz spaccata in due

Barbara Meo Evoli

4) L’espulsione dell’ambasciatore USA approvata dalle organizzazioni sociali

granmacubaweb International 


Si veda anche:

BOLIVIA: U.S. Attempt to Balkanize South America (+ tutti i link ivi contenuti)

J. Petras: Separatismo e costruzione dell’impero nel secolo XXI

oppure: JUGOINFO 17 luglio 2008


oppure: JUGOINFO 3 ottobre 2008

L'annuncio pubblico, da parte di Chavez, della espulsione dell'ambasciatore statunitense dal Venezuela:

Evo en danger au référendum révocatoire du 10 août ? Mes impressions de Bolivie

Mis impresiones sobre Bolivia. ¿Está Evo en peligro? Antes del referéndum revocatorio del 10 de Agosto.

Risultati di una ricerca Google:

  1. Kosovo, Bolivia | Viva Bolivia

    15 feb 2008 ... L'ambasciatore Usa Goldberg: dal Kosovo alla Bolivia. Rapporti burrascosi fra Stati uniti e Bolivia dal 2005 quando il cocalero Evo Morales ...
    vivabolivia. splinder. com/post/ 16009010/Kosovo,+Bolivia - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili
  2. Agencia Boliviana de Información - ABI

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  3. :: Occhi aperti sulle Ande :: Ojos abiertos en los Andes

    19 gen 2007 ... 15 aprile 2006: Philip Goldberg posa, in Kossovo... Dopo essersi riuniti con il presidente Evo Morales, i movimenti sociali di Cochabamba ... newsBO0207. html - 28k - Copia cache - Pagine simili
  4. Blog from Bolivia: That KosovoGoldberg, Bolivia Thing

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    You could cite the fact that, until President Morales suspended the .... They didn't get the idea from Kosovo, or Phillip Goldberg, or the C.I.A. and they ...
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=== 1 === - pensiero resistente - imperialismo e globalizzazione - 24-09-08 - n. 242

Traduzione dallo spagnolo per a cura del Centro di Cultura e Documentazione Popolare
La destabilizzazione della Bolivia e l’”opzione Kosovo”
Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research
La secessione delle province orientali della Bolivia fanno parte di un’operazione coperta direttamente dagli USA, coordinata dal dipartimento di Stato statunitense in coordinamento con le sue agenzie di intelligence.
Secondo le rivelazioni, “l’USAID - Ufficio per Iniziative di Transizione” ha una sede che opera in Bolivia e manovra milioni di dollari per addestrare e appoggiare i governi regionali e i movimenti d’opposizione di destra [1]. Gli squadroni della morte responsabili dell'uccisione dei sostenitori di Evo Morales de “El Porvenir”, sono appoggiati dagli Stati Uniti, che sostengono anche vari gruppi di opposizione attraverso il Dipartimento Nazionale per la Democrazia [National Endowment for Democracy].
Philip S. Goldberg, l’ambasciatore statunitense espulso, lavora agli ordini del vicesegretario di Stato John Negroponte, che supervisiona direttamente le varie “attività” delle ambasciate statunitensi in tutto il mondo. A questo riguardo, Negroponte svolge un ruolo molto più importante della segretaria di Stato Condoleeza Rice. E’ noto come uno dei principali artefici dei cambi di regime e dell’appoggio coperto agli squadroni della morte paramilitari in America Centrale e in Iraq.
Le direttive di Philip S. Goldberg come ambasciatore in Bolivia furono di provocare la secessione nel paese. Prima della sua nomina ad ambasciatore - inizio 2007 - è stato capo della commissione statunitense a Pristina, in Kosovo (2004-2006), ed era in permanente contato con i dirigenti del paramilitare Esercito di Liberazione del Kosovo (KLA) che dopo l’occupazione da parte della Nato, nel 1999, era stato integrato da politici civili.
Appoggiato dalla CIA, il KLA, i cui dirigenti sono ora al governo kosovaro, è noto per i suoi legami con il crimine organizzato e il narcotraffico. In Kosovo, Goldberg fu implicato nella creazione delle condizioni per la secessione del Kosovo dalla Serbia, portandolo alla creazione di un governo kosovaro “indipendente”. Negli anni 90’ Goldberg aveva già svolto un ruolo di primo piano nella disintegrazione della Yugoslavia. Dal 1994 al 1996 è stato responsabile dell’ufficio di Bosnia del dipartimento di Stato; ha anche lavorato con l’inviato speciale di Washington, Richard Holbrooke, ed ha svolto un ruolo chiave come capo della squadra di negoziazione statunitense a Dayton, dove si stabilirono gli Accordi di Dayton del 1995. Quegli accordi condussero alla divisione della Bosnia-Erzegovina, scatenando la destabilizzazione e la distruzione della Yugoslavia come nazione. Nel 1996 Goldberg ha lavorato come assistente speciale del vice segretario di Stato, Strobe Talbott (1994-2000), che insieme alla segretaria di Stato, Madeleine Albright, ha avuto un ruolo determinante nello scoppio della guerra di Yugoslavia nel 1999.
Il ruolo centrale di John Negroponte
Il vice-segretario di Stato, John Negroponte, svolge un ruolo centrale nella direzione d’operazioni coperte. E’ stato ambasciatore statunitense in Honduras dal 1981 al 1985. A Tegucigalpa, da ambasciatore, ha diretto i mercenari nicaraguensi - i “contras” - che avevano la base in Honduras. Gli attacchi al Nicaragua attraverso la frontiera honduregna costarono la vita a circa 5.000 civili. Nello stesso periodo, Negroponte ha pure svolto lo steso ruolo nella creazione degli squadroni della morte militari honduregni, che “operando con l’appoggio di Washington assassinarono centinaia di oppositori del regime sostenuto dagli Stati Uniti” (Si veda “Bush Nominee linked to Latin American Terrorism”, Bill Vann,):
“Sotto il comando del generale Gustavo Álvarez Martínez, il governo militare dell’Honduras fu un fedele alleato dell’amministrazione Reagan e fece “sparire” decine di oppositori politici nella classica maniera degli squadroni della morte”.
(Si vada:“Face-off: Bush's Foreign Policy Warriors”, Peter Roff y James Chapin,
Questo passato, non ha certo impedito la sua nomina a Rappresentante Permanente degli USA alle Nazioni Unite, durante l’amministrazione Clinton.
L’opzione “El Salvador”
Nel 2004 Negroponte è stato nominato ambasciatore in Iraq, dove ha curato le “condizioni di sicurezza” per l’occupazione statunitense, ispirata al modello degli squadroni della morte centroamericani. Vari scrittori hanno chiamato questo progetto la “Opzione El Salvador”.
Durante la sua permanenza a Baghdad, Negroponte ha nominato assistente in questioni di sicurezza l’ex capo delle operazioni speciali in El Salvador. Negli anni '80 entrambi furono stretti collaboratori in America Centrale. Mentre Negroponte si occupava di mettere in moto gli squadroni della morte in Honduras, il colonnello Steele era incaricato del Gruppo di Assistenza Militare statunitense in El Salvador (1984-86) “dove era responsabile dello sviluppo di forze operative speciali a livello di brigata in pieno conflitto. Queste forze, composte dai soldati più brutali di cui si disponeva, erano una copia del tipo di quelle piccole unità con cui aveva già famigliarità Steele, dopo aver servito in Vietnam. Il compito di quelle, più che di cercare di guadagnare terreno, era di colpire i dirigenti delle forze ribelli, chi li appoggiava, le fonti di approvvigionamento e gli accampamenti base” (Max Fuller, “Fro Iraq, “The Salvador Option” becomes reality”, Global Research, junio de 2005, [2])
In Iraq, Steele “fu incaricato di lavorare con una nuova unità speciale irachena di controguerriglia nota come “Comandi Speciali di Polizia”. In questo contesto, l’obiettivo di Negroponte era fomentare le divisioni etniche e le lotte interne con attacchi terroristici coperti contro la popolazione civile irachena.
Nel 2005 Negroponte è stato nominato Presidente della Giunta Direttiva dell’Intelligence Nazionale e dopo il 2007 ha assunto il secondo posto nel dipartimento di Stato.
L’opzione “Kosovo”: Haití
Non è la prima volta che per appoggiare paramilitari terroristi si applica il “modello Kosovo” in America del Sud.
Nel febbraio del 2003, Washington ha reso nota la nomina di James Foley come ambasciatore a Haití. Gli ambasciatori Goldberg e Foley facevano parte della stessa “squadra diplomatica”. Foley è stato il portavoce del dipartimenti di Stato dell’amministrazione Clinton durante la guerra del Kosovo. Fu implicato nel primo periodo di sostegno all’Esercito di Liberazione del Kosovo (KLA). E’ ampiamente documentato che il KLA è stato finanziato con il denaro proveniente dalla droga e appoggiato dalla CIA (Si veda Michel Chossudovsky, “Kosovo “Freedom Fighters” Financed By Organised Crime, Covert Action Quarterly”, 1999 [3] )
Durante la guerra del Kosovo l’allora ambasciatore a Haiti, James Foley, era stato in prima fila delle sessioni informative del dipartimento di Stato e lavorava a stretto contatto col suo omologo della Nato a Bruxelles, Jamie Shea. Appena due mesi dopo gli attacchi della guerra diretta dalla Nato, il 24 marzo 1999, James Foley aveva fatto un “appello” per trasformare il KLA in un’organizzazione politica rispettabile. “Vogliamo avere buoni rapporti con loro [il KLA] visto che si sono trasformati in un’organizzazione politica.. Crediamo di poter fornire molti consigli e aiuti se si trasformano precisamente nel tipo di attore politico in cui noi vorremo vederli trasformati... Se possiamo aiutarli e loro vogliono essere aiutati in questo sforzo di trasformazione, non credo che nessuno possa avere qualcosa in contrario”. (citato in The New York Times , 2 febbraio 1999).
In altre parole, il piano di Washington era un “cambio di regime”: far cadere l’amministrazione di Lavalas e piazzare un regime fantoccio pro USA ed integrato nella “Piattaforma Democratica” e l’autoproclamato Fronte per la Liberazione e Ricostruzione Nazionale (FLRN), i cui dirigenti sono ex terroristi del FRAPH e Tomtom Macoute. (Per maggiori dettagli si veda Michel Chossudovsky, “ The Destabilization of Haiti”, Global Research, febbraio 2004 [4])
Dopo il golpe del 2004 che fece cadere il governo di Aristide, l’Agenzia Statunitense di Sviluppo Internazionale (USAID) ha portato a Haití assistenti del KLA per aiutare nella ricostruzione del paese (si veda Anthony Fenton, “Kosovo Liberation Army helps establish “Protectorate” in Haiti, Global Research, novembre 2004, [5])
Più precisamente, gli assistenti del KLA si sono occupati di ricostruire le forze di polizia di Haiti, includendo gli ex membri del FRAPH e dei Tomtom Macoute.
[Come aiuto] “L’Ufficio per le Iniziative di Transizione” (OTI) e USAID stanno pagando tre assistenti per curare l’integrazione dei brutali ex militari nelle attuali forze di polizia haitiane.
E chi sono questi tre assistenti? Sono tre uomini del KLA”
(Flashpoints interview, 19 novembre 2004,).
L’opzione El Salvador/ Kosovo fa parte di questa strategia statunitense di spaccatura e destabilizzazione di paesi.
La OTI in Bolivia patrocinata dall’USAID svolge la stessa funzione di una OTI a Haiti.
L’intento dichiarato delle operazioni coperte statunitensi è dare tanto appoggio coperto quanto addestramento a “Eserciti di Liberazione” con l’obiettivo ultimo di destabilizzare i governi sovrani. In Kosovo l’addestramento del KLA negli anni 90’ fu affidato ad una azienda privata di mercenari, Military Professional Resources Inc (MPRI), sotto contratto con il Pentagono.
Merita notare che gli ultimi fatti in Pakistan indicano la presenza d’interventi militari diretti statunitensi, in violazione della sovranità pakistana.
Già nel 2005 una relazione dell’Intelligence e della CIA prevedeva per il Pakistan “una sorte simile a quella jugoslava in un decennio, con il paese diviso da una guerra civile, immerso in un bagno di sangue e con rivalità inter-provinciali, come visto recentemente in Belucistan”.
 (Energy Compass, 2 de marzo 2005).
Secondo una relazione del Comitato di Difesa del Senato del Pakistan del 2006, i servizi di intelligence britannici erano implicati nel sostegno del movimento separatista del Belucistan.
(Press Trust of India, 9 agosto 2006). L’Esercito di Liberazione del Belucistan somiglia straordinariamente al KLA del Kosovo, finanziato col traffico di droga e patrocinato dalla CIA.
“Washington favorisce la creazione di un “Grande Belucistan” - simile ad una “Grande Albania”- che comprenderebbe territori del Pakistan e dell’Iran, e possibilmente la frangia sud dell’Afghanistan, il che di conseguenza, porterebbe ad un processo di frattura politica tanto dell’Iran come del Pakistan”. (Michel Chossudovsky, “The Destabilization of Pakistán”, 30 dicembre 2007 [6])”.
[1] “USAID has an "Office of Transition Initiatives" operating in Bolivia, funneling millions of dollars of training and support to right-wing opposition regional governments and movements” ,
Tradotto dall’inglese da Beatriz Morales Bastos

=== 2 ===

Profit und Autonomie
(Eigener Bericht) - Das deutsche Entwicklungsministerium setzt heftig umstrittene Einflussmaßnahmen in Bolivien fort. Vor wenigen Tagen hat Berlin La Paz neue Gelder im Umfang von 48 Millionen Euro genehmigt, die zweckgebunden in verschiedene Wasserprojekte des Landes fließen sollen. In den vergangenen Jahren hatten deutsche Stellen derlei Mittel mit der Forderung nach einer Privatisierung des Geschäfts mit dem Grund-Lebensmittel Wasser verbunden - und waren auf massive Proteste sozialer Bewegungen gestoßen. Diesen gelang es, gewinninteressierte Investoren trotz deutscher Interventionen zum Rückzug aus der bolivianischen Wasserversorgung zu zwingen. Die aktuelle Vergabe neuer Berliner Entwicklungsgelder erfolgt in einer äußerst angespannten Lage in La Paz. Die Zentralregierung ist von Autonomiebewegungen in den reichen Departements im Osten des Landes bedroht, die sich auf Kontakte in mehrere westliche Industriestaaten stützen. Das Milieu der Autonomisten, deren Verbindungen auch nach Deutschland reichen, umfasst Gewalttäter, Faschisten und Putschisten.
48 Millionen

Das deutsche Entwicklungsministerium setzt seine heftig umstrittenen Aktivitäten in der bolivianischen Wasserbranche fort. Am 2. Oktober unterzeichneten der Außenminister Boliviens, David Choquehuanca, und der Botschafter Berlins in La Paz, Erich Riedler, einen entsprechenden Vertrag. Dieser sieht zum einen eine Anleihe in Höhe von zwölf Millionen Euro vor, die in Bewässerungsprogramme der Städte Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Sucre und Tarija fließen soll.[1] Der Kredit erstreckt sich laut Presseberichten über eine Laufzeit von 40 Jahren bei einem Zinssatz von weniger als einem Prozent.[2] Zudem erhält Bolivien eine Summe von 36 Millionen Euro, deren Verwendung ebenfalls für Wasserprojekte vorgesehen ist. Davon gehen 23 Millionen Euro in Trinkwasser- und Kanalisationsprogramme; 2,6 Millionen Euro sind für Notmaßnahmen in der Stadt Trinidad im Departement Beni eingeplant. Mit der Abwicklung zahlreicher Wasserprojekte in Bolivien ist weiterhin die bundeseigene Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) befasst, nach eigenen Angaben bis zum Jahr 2013.

Sowohl die GTZ als auch die deutsche Botschaft in La Paz waren in den vergangenen Jahren in schwere Auseinandersetzungen um die bolivianische Wasserversorgung verstrickt. Diese konnten erst 2007 beendet werden - zumindest vorläufig: Die Regierung von Präsident Evo Morales erzwang den Rückzug des privaten Wasserversorgers Aguas del Illimani, an dem der französische Suez-Konzern beteiligt war. Damit kam sie jahrelangen Protesten nach, mit denen soziale Organisationen gegen die Auswirkungen der Privatisierung von Wasser angegangen waren ( berichtete [3]). Im Verlauf der Konflikte hatte unter anderem die GTZ eindeutig Position bezogen - für eine Beibehaltung privater profitinteressierter Investoren in der bolivianischen Wasserversorgung. Die deutsche Botschaft in La Paz hatte damals sogar die Drohung lanciert, im Weigerungsfalle künftige Kredite an die bolivianische Regierung nicht mehr zu gewähren. "Für uns waren diese Handlungen schwerwiegende Provokationen", kritisiert ein bolivianischer Aktivist im Gespräch mit dieser Redaktion. Schließlich habe das Berliner Vorgehen die Souveränität der Bevölkerung Boliviens verletzt.[4]

Der Beschluss über die Fortsetzung der deutschen Aktivitäten in der bolivianischen Wasserbranche fällt zu einem Zeitpunkt, da Bolivien sich in einer äußerst angespannten politischen Situation befindet. Die Wasserfrage steht aktuell nicht im Zentrum des öffentlichen Interesses und findet deutlich geringere Aufmerksamkeit als zuvor; stattdessen unterliegt die Regierung Morales einem starken Druck seitens der Autonomiebewegung in den rohstoffreichen östlichen Tieflanddepartements, die jegliche bundesstaatliche Umverteilung ihrer Einkünfte an die westbolivianischen Armutsregionen verweigern. Das Land steht schon seit längerem vor einer Zerreißprobe. In den vergangenen Wochen und Monaten kam es wiederholt zu blutigen Zusammenstößen zwischen Regierungsanhängern und Sympathisanten der Autonomiebewegung. Dabei zeichnen sich vor allem die Autonomiebefürworter durch ein erhebliches Maß an Gewalttätigkeit aus. So wurden im September mindestens 15 Personen getötet, als Autonomisten im Departement Pando Anhänger der Regierung überfallen ließen; dem Gouverneur des Departements wird vorgeworfen, den Mord angestiftet zu haben.[5]

Maßgebliche Organisationen der Autonomiebewegung werden aus den westlichen Industriestaaten unterstützt - auch aus Deutschland. Weltweit Beachtung fand kürzlich, dass La Paz den US-amerikanischen Botschafter des Landes verwies. Er hatte die Autonomisten gestärkt. Zuvor hatte der Mann jahrelang Erfahrungen im zerfallenden Jugoslawien gesammelt und dort laut Berichten auch an Destabilisierungsmaßnahmen der USA teilgenommen [6] - um, wie es damals auch Deutschland tat, die Sezession jugoslawischer Teilrepubliken und der Provinz Kosovo zu befördern. Sezessionsförderliche deutsch-amerikanische Beziehungen unterhält unter anderem die bolivianische Organisation FULIDE ("Fundación Libertad y Democracia"). FULIDE steht mehreren konservativen US-Polit-Stiftungen nahe und setzt sich für die Autonomie der Ost-Departements ein. FULIDE gehört außerdem einer Partner-Organisation der deutschen Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung (FDP) an: dem lateinamerikanischen Netzwerk RELIAL ("Red Liberal de América Latina"). RELIAL wurde 2003 auf Initiative der Naumann-Stiftung gegründet und kooperiert bis heute eng mit ihr. Der Naumann-Vertreter bei RELIAL äußerte sich zufrieden, als im Mai 2007 FULIDE-Direktor Walter Justiniano vor dem Netzwerk über die ostbolivianischen Autonomiebestrebungen berichtete. Mit seinem Vortrag ermögliche es der FULIDE-Chef RELIAL, "auf eine direktere Art in die Situation in dem südamerikanischen Land einzugreifen", verlautbarte der Naumann-Repräsentant.[7]

Dabei gehört FULIDE eine der umstrittensten Figuren der Autonomiebewegung an: der Großgrundbesitzer Branko Marinkovic. Marinkovic, Sprecher von FULIDE, ist zugleich Präsident des Comité pro Santa Cruz, einer Vereinigung autonomiebefürwortender Großgrundbesitzer, deren Jugendorganisation als gewalttätig und faschistisch beschrieben wird. Das Zeigen von Hakenkreuzsymbolen auf ihren Polit-Kundgebungen ist mehrfach dokumentiert. Bolivianische Beobachter erinnern daran, dass das Hakenkreuz in Bolivien einer eigenen Geschichte nicht entbehrt. Eine Reihe von Nazis flohen nach 1945 in das südamerikanische Land, darunter der NS-Massenmörder Klaus Barbie, der mehreren bolivianischen Diktatoren zu Diensten war - in der Aufstandsbekämpfung.[8] Barbie hielt zu mehreren faschistischen Zirkeln Kontakt.[9] Zeitgleich mit ihm waren auch NS-Kollaborateure aus der kroatischen Ustascha-Bewegung nach Bolivien geflohen, darunter einige, deren Familien zu den Autonomiebefürwortern zählen. Medienberichten zufolge entstammte der Vater des heutigen Großgrundbesitzers und Autonomisten-Präsidenten Branko Marinkovic, der kurz nach Kriegsende in Bolivien eingetroffen war, ebenfalls der kroatischen Ustascha.[10]

Bolivianische Sicherheitsbehörden bringen sogar einen Putschversuch, den sie in der vergangenen Woche aufdecken konnten, mit Kreisen um Marinkovic in Verbindung.[11] Während deren Kampf gegen die kürzlich per Referendum mit Zweidrittelmehrheit bestätigte Regierung Morales anhält - mit Hilfe der Kontakte, die nach Deutschland weisen -, führt die Bundesregierung ihre stille Einflussarbeit mit Mitteln sogenannter Entwicklungspolitik fort. Inwieweit sich die Privatisierungsziele durchsetzen lassen, die Berlin nicht nur in Bolivien, sondern auch andernorts verfolgt, hängt nicht zuletzt von der Regierung in La Paz und von ihrer Stärke in der Abwehr auswärtiger Einmischung ab.[12] Der Ausgang des Kampfes um die Autonomie der bolivianischen Ostdepartements besitzt deshalb auch für Berlin unmittelbare Bedeutung.

Weitere Informationen über die deutsche Einflussarbeit in Bolivien finden Sie hier: WarnungenEigentum verpflichtetTop down, bottom upBalkanisierung in SüdamerikaSchwerwiegende ProvokationenSpalte und herrscheDokument der Schandeund Neoliberale Netze.
[1] Alemania coopera a Bolivia con $us66 millones para obras en servicios básicos; Agencia Boliviana de Información 02.10.2008
[2] Alemania aprueba ayuda financiera a Bolivia; El Paso Times 02.10.2008
[3], [4] s. dazu Schwerwiegende Provokationen
[5] Präfekt von Pando festgenommen; Der Standard 16.09.2008
[6] The Destabilization of Bolivia and the "Kosovo Option"; Global Research 21.09.2008
[7] Victor Hugo Becerra representante de la Fundacion Friedrich Naumann comenta sobre la participacion de Walter Justiniano; 17.05.2007. S. auch Neoliberale Netze
[8] s. dazu Eigentum verpflichtet
[9] Gustavo Sánchez Salazar: Barbie, criminal hasta el fin, Buenos Aires 1987
[10] In Bolivia, a Croat and a Critic Is Cast in a Harsh Light; The New York Times 26.09.2008
[11] Geduld am Ende; junge Welt 11.10.2008
[12] s. auch Harte Anpassung

=== 3 ===

di Barbara Meo Evoli, Lunedì 28 Luglio 2008, 09:04

A due settimane dal referendum revocatorio del 10 agosto in Bolivia un reportage da Santa Cruz di Barbara Meo Evoli

SANTA CRUZ, Bolivia - Per le strade del centro di Santa Cruz si vedono case, bar e locali pubblici con bandiere e insegne verdi con scritto “Autonomia Sì”, ma appena si oltrepassa la terza circonvallazione nella direzione della periferia, scompaiono e sono sostituite dalle scritte verniciate a mano “Evo adempie” alle sue promesse, “Bolivia cambia”.

Il 4 maggio scorso si è svolto nel departamento di Santa Cruz il referendum confermativo del nuovo statuto regionale approvato con l’85% dei voti favorevoli e promosso dall’oppositore al governo Ruben Costas, il presidente della regione più ricca della Bolivia. Santa Cruz, oriente del paese, infatti, oltre a essere produttrice dei sette decimi degli alimenti boliviani, possiede anche ampie riserve di petrolio. Il 10 agosto invece si terrà il referendum revocatorio dei mandati di presidente, vicepresidente e tutti i presidenti delle regioni, tra cui sette su nove sono dell’opposizione. I sondaggi hanno pronosticato una conferma del mandato del presidente Evo Morales che manterrebbe una popolarità maggiore del 50%.

Riguardo allo statuto, il vicepresidente della regione, Roly Aguilera, ha affermato che si fondamenta in una «rivendicazione storica di Santa Cruz, ossia una maggiore autonomia dal governo centrale di La Paz, così da poter concretare una democrazia più profonda». Secondo invece il Movimento al Socialismo (Mas, il partito governante), il referendum è stato un’ulteriore manovra per frenare il processo di rifondazione dello stato promosso dal governo.

Il presidente della potentissima Confederazione agraria dell’Oriente (Cao, con funzioni simili alla Confindustria italiana), Mauricio Roca, ha confermato la posizione delle autorità regionali rispetto all’autonomia, evidenziando che il prossimo referendum revocatorio «è invece illegale e porterà solo a un maggiore scontro fra chi sostiene il governo e chi si oppone». «Noi (dell’opposizione) – ha proseguito - vogliamo solo lavorare e desideriamo la pace per il paese». Ma l’assessore della Cao, Luis Baldomar, ha spiegato che in realtà «il referendum sull’autonomia è stato un meccanismo per non arrivare alla separazione di Santa Cruz dal paese» poiché la battaglia «è fra due modelli di stato: uno socialista e comunitario voluto dal governo, e uno neoliberale» voluto dalla destra che si concentra a Santa Cruz.

Lo storico e sociologo Humberto Vazquez Vania, spiega che l’autonomia regionale che si è raggiunta è un grande passo avanti, considerando che fino al 2005 i presidenti delle regioni erano nominati dal presidente della repubblica e non eletti, ma che deve essere resa ancora più incisiva. «La destra – afferma - si è appropriata dell’idea di Autonomia, quando invece è un’aspirazione di tutta Santa Cruz» e sottolinea che «lo statuto della regione è stato redatto secondo le direttive delle due grandi loggie massoniche di Santa Cruz: Toborochi e Cavalieri dell’oriente, che sono proprietarie delle società che gestiscono acqua, elettricità, telefonia e mezzi di comunicazione».

Un dato tristemente noto è che, da quando è stato eletto Morales, si sono ripetute non solo a Santa Cruz ma anche in altre regioni, aggressioni fisiche contro i “collas”, ossia i boliviani dell’occidente del paese con tratti somatici degli indi

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Venerdì 24 ottobre alle ore 21

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LAGER ITALIANI. Pulizia etnica e campi di concentramento fascisti per civili jugoslavi 1941-1943
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La Grande Lezione di Storia
Veliki  školski  čas

Kragujevac, 21 ottobre 1941 - Kragujevac, 21 ottobre di ogni anno: in località Šumarice, presso Kragujevac, dove sorge il cosiddetto Parco della Rimembranza, si tiene una "Grande Lezione di Storia" a ricordare l'ultima lezione di Storia degli allievi del V Ginnasio, fucilati tutti assieme al loro insegnante dai nazisti.

Kragujevac: Monumento ai martiri della Strage delle "Šumarice"

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Sulla Grande Lezione di Storia del 2007 si veda la nostra newsletter: "Veliki  školski čas - Šumarice, Kragujevac 21.10.2007"

La version originale et complete de cette article par M. Collon -
Quelle sera demain la politique internationale des USA ?
Après Bush, chacun espère un changement ou craint le pire. McCain ou Obama ?
- est a lire sur le site:
ou à la page:


What will the US foreign policy be tomorrow ?


When Bush goes, everyone will be hoping for a change - or fearing the worst. McCain or
Obama ? What will that change for Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Africa, Caucasia, Cuba and
Venezuela ? And for US relationships with the big powers : Europe, Japan, Russia, China ?

We don't believe that US foreign policy is decided at the White House. In fact, at the
moment the US elite is hesitating about the strategy to follow in the coming years. This
text analyzes the two possible options. The question of how does United States think to
remain the super power dominating the world becomes even more burning in view of the
economic crisis.

This text is extracted from our book « The 7 sins of Hugo Chávez » (Chapter 11 : [The
United States] Black gold and the wars of tomorrow), shortly to be published. The
preceding pages explained the reason for the rise and then decline of the United States.
Investig'Action felt it was urgent to publish this extract to shed more light on the
discussions under way during the elections in the United States of America.

Bush's Failure

What would be the balance sheet of this global war on terror led by the Bush
administration as from 11 September ? Negative. Virtually everywhere.

In Afghanistan and Iraq, the United States has launched two wars which they are unable to
win and which they will never win. Bush wanted to launch a third war against Iran but, the
US being seriously weakened, he has had to renounce it. The aim of this war was to have
been to ensure Washington's control over oil. In five years, it has risen from 25 dollars to
over 100 dollars [per barrel], with very negative consequences for the US and world

In South America, the United States has lost, entirely or partially, control over almost all
their colonies : Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil. All
that remains to them, at the time of writing, are Peru, Chile and Colombia.

In Africa, too, resistance has made some advances. Kabila of the Congo refused to go on
his knees. And when Washington tried to find somewhere to set up their new military
command, AFRICOM, all countries politely refused.

Also in South Asia, there has been an increase in resistance over the whole region which
has alarmed US strategists, who propose reinforcing the US's 'projection capacity' in South
Asia. In their jargon, that means organizing military landings and bombardments, and
supporting « coups d'etat ». But the group emphasize that, given the unpopularity of the
United States in this region it will be impossible to find a country that will accept the
headquarters of such a US force.

Bush's policy has aroused resistance even among their European allies. Thus, at the NATO
summit in Bucharest in April, George Bush demanded further expansion of the
organization, this time to integrate Ukraine and George - which was like pointing a couple
of cannons at Russia. But there were firm and open refusals from Germany, France, Spain,
Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg, none of them wishing to make troubles
with Moscow which provides them with gas. Steve Erlanger and Steven Lee Myers, two
analysts close to the Pentagon, saw in this « a manifest failure of US policy in an alliance
normally dominated by Washington ».

Indeed Russia's attitude is hardening. Moscow rejects the installation on the European
continent of arms that the United States call an anti-missile shield :
« If part of the US nuclear potential is in Europe (...) we have to have targets in Europe .»
Moreover, in May 2008, Russia tested a new, multi-head intercontinental missile « in
response to unilateral and groundless acts by our partners » declared Putin. Washington
however stated that the anti-missile shield was not directed against Russia, only against
states like Iran. But Putin replied : « There is no Iranian missile that has a sufficient range.
It is therefore evident that this news concerns us Russians too . »

Like Russia, China has also refused to back down when confronted by numerous
campaigns and pressures exercised by Washington.

The US elite is divided

Ten years ago, Zbigniew Brzezinski, former national security advisor to President Carter
and the leading strategist in the United States, published his book « The Great Chessboard
». More or less « How to remain the superpower dominating the world » . He explained,
with the brutal frankness of someone no longer in official position, that Washington must
absolutely weaken its rivals : Russia and China, but also Europe and Japan, and prevent
them from allying with each other. Divide and rule.

Today, what is the balance sheet from George Bush using Brzezinski' criteria ? Has he
managed to weaken the great power rivals ? We would say : fairly well as concerns Japan,
fairly well (for the moment) as concerns Europe, but badly as concerns Russia and very
badly as concerns China.

Globally, Bush has provoked so much resistance that United States' domination has been
weakened. The business interests that had brought him to power - armaments, oil,
automobiles, defence, pharmaceutical companies - have seen that Bush's wars have not
brought great profits, or new areas for exploitation. In fact, they have cost more than they
have gained. And the Bush administration has been shown up as being a small, restricted
circle whose members thought a lot about filling their own pockets but who were incable
of tactical finesse and genuine long-term vision.

Once the failure had become obvious, the divisions among the US elite, and even in the
Bush administration, became exacerbated. As from 2006 the neocons had to cede
territory. They had to accept replacing the War Minister, Donald Rumsfeld, by Robert
Gates, a Trilateral man belonging to the Brzezinski tendency. The new minister had to
some extent admitted the weakness of US militarism in a speech he gave to the cadets at
the West Point Military Academy : « Don't fight unless you have to. Never fight alone. And
don't fight for long. » Then the bi-partisan Baker-Hamilton Commission condemned the
effort of Bush to reshape the 'Great Middle East' as being unrealistic. They advocated, on
the contrary, a more tactical approach towards Syria and Iran.

Even within the secret services and the army there are a number of revolts. In December
2007, when Bush wanted to prepare an attack against Iran under the classic pretext of it
having weapons of mass destruction, sixteen US intelligence services surprised everyone
by publishing a report stating that Iran had suspended its military nuclear programme
since at least 2003.

« The decline of the United States is inevitable »
(Zbigniew Brzezinski)

Brzezinski, in his book, proposed an agressive and machiavellian strategy to save the US
Empire. But even he, did he really believe it would work ? Strange as it may seem, it
appears not.

« In the long term, global politics are destined to become less and less favourable to the
concentration of hegemonic power in the hands of only one state. America is thus not only
the first global super power, it is very probably the last one. » (CH - p. 267)

The reason for this is the evolution of the economy : « Economic power also risks
becoming dispersed. In the coming years, no country will be likely to attain some 30 per
cent of the world GNP, a figure that the United States has maintained during most of the
20th century - not to mention the high point of 50 per cent that they reached in 1945.
According to certain estimates, America could still hold 20 per cent of the world GNP at
the end of this decade, which would then fall to 10 - 15 per cent from now to the year
2020. The figures for other powers - Europe, China, Japan - are expected to increase to
reach the approximate level of the United States ... Once the decline of the American
leadership has set in, the supremacy that the country now enjoys cannot be taken over by
any single state. » (CH - p. 267-8)

« Once the decline of the American leadership has set in ». Brzezinski is therefore not
talking about a possibility, but a certitude. He wrote that in 1997. Today it has become
clear that the decline is well on its way. The world is becoming multipolar.

But perhaps Brzezinski is an isolated pessimist ? Perhaps the neocons who inspired Bush
are more 'optimist', if one can use that word ? In fact, they are not much more optimistic.
In the founding text of the administration's whole policy, the Project for a New American
Century (PNAC), drawn up in 1992 by Paul Wolfowitz and his friends, the whole ideology of
a new militarist crusade is evident, but there is also a remark worthy of note : « At the
moment, the United States has no world rival. The overall strategy of America must aim at
preserving and extending this advantageous position as long as possible (...) Preserving
this desirable strategic situation in which the United States finds itself at the present time
requires predominant military capacities at the world level. » (CH)

« As long as possible » : here, too, there is no belief that the United States can remain the
masters of the world for ever. It is a real paradox. The whole world fears the United States.
But the rulers of the country themselves know that they are at the controls of the Titanic.
And to save the Empire as long as possible, they are divided between two options.

Two options for saving the Empire

What will be the foreign policy of the United States in the years to come ? The choice of
president will certainly give some idea. But it is not decisive. We should remember that,
during the presidential campaign of 2000, George Bush had promised a much milder
foreign policy and less interventionist than its precedessor ! And the other candidate, Al
Gore, had proposed a bigger military budget than that of Bush. We believe that the general
orientations of foreign policy are not decided by presidents but by the multinationals, in
function of their requirements of the moment and their evaluation of world power

And, in fact, after the balance sheet of the Bush years that we have just described, the US
elite seems quite divided about the line to follow. How to resolve this delicate situation ?

The first possible option is the military one. Bush's neocons embodied this the last few
years with the Wolfowitz strategy, one of aggression and intimidation. Multiply the wars,
inflate to the maximum the orders to the military-industrial complex to promote growth
and the domination of the US multinationals, and also to intimidate allies and rivals.

The other option, which is defended by Brzezinski, is what he likes to call 'soft power'.
Others call it 'intelligent imperialism'. In fact it aims at the same objectives, but through
forms of violence that are less direct, less visible. It would count less on very expensive US
military interventions and more on secret services, destabilization manoeuvres and proxy
wars, as well as corruption.

Five NATO generals prepare a world government ...

The first option consists of militarizing political life still further and increasing the number
of wars. Bush squared, in fact.

In January 2008, five former NATO generals presented a preparatory document for the
NATO summit meeting at Bucharest. Their proposals reflect a terrifying tendency. And
what gives weight to their document is that, up until recently, all of them held very high
positions. General John Shalikashvili was US Chief of Staff and Commander in Chief of
NATO in Europe, General Klaus Naumann ran the German army and was president of the
military committe of NATO in Europe, General Henk van den Breemen was chief of the
Dutch Chief of Staff and Admiral Jacques Lanxade held the same post in France, while Lord
Inge ran the General Staff and was also Chief of the Defence Staff of Great Britain. This is
just the big shots - and very aggressive they are too, as we shall see.

Page 6 : « [The authors] propose ways how to overcome possible rivalry with the EU and
also how to enable NATO to have access to non-military instruments. » Two observations :
in fact, this rivalry is not only possible, it is completely real. In what way do they want to
overcome it ?;
· what does NATO mean by having « access to non-military instruments » ?

Is it a question of having more control over civil society in western countries ?

Page 7 : « In order to start off the process, they propose establishing a directorate
bringing together the United States, the European Union and NATO. Its mission would be
to coordinate all operations in the Atlantic sphere. » For what objectives ?

The Five explain this on page 42 : « What the Western allies expect is the pro-active
defence of their societies and their way of life maintaind over the long term. »
« Defending our way of life » has already been used as an argument by Bush senior to
launch the first war against Iraq. In fact, « way of life » is a hypocritical term that means
the domination of the multinationals over economic life : it is a domination that keeps half
of humanity in poverty. The aim of the Five is in fact to use military means to maintain the
gap between the rich and the poor. Anyone who doubts this should read, on page 92 : «
The objectives of our strategy are to preserve the peace, our values, economic liberalism
and stability. »

It is, therefore, to preserve the stability of the multinationals. Against what enemies ? The
authors give some examples of what is not to be tolerated in the Third World. Page 52 : «
We have less important examples of non-desirable aid, from Venezuela to the Cuban
regime. » The world gendarme takes upon itself the right to intervene everywhere against
countries that do things that the multinationals don't like.

But among the undesirables, who is the main enemy ? The answer is on page 44 :
« China is in a situation to wreak great harm on the US and the world economies, based on
its enormous reserves in dollars. » And, on page 52 : « China is in a position to use finance
to impose itself on Africa and acquire the capacity to utilize it on a much greater scale - if
it so decides. »

So here we have, well-defined, the good and the bad. Liberalism needs NATO to impose
itself on the whole world. And to carry out this economic war, what means does NATO
require ?

International law and the United Nations thrown overboard

In fact, the five generals feel frustrated. On page 76 : « One of the chief problems in the
current strategic conception of the Atlantic alliance is that its actions remain reactive
rather than preventive, and are limited to military means. On page 91 : « An ambitious
strategy must include the well-integrated use of all accessible means, political, economic,
military, cultural, social, moral, spiritual and psychological. »

So there we are ! The Gang of Five wants to move beyond its military tasks and exercise
control over the functioning of civil society. But will the law be respected at least by this
new world government ? It is very doubtful. On pages 94-95 : « Another principle to be
respected is legality. All action must be legitimate, authorized and respect international
law. That can be a considerable handicap when the adversary has no respect at all for any
law whatsoever, but to act differently would mean, in the end, applying the law of the
jungle and undermine our own credibility. Nevertheless this principle does not prevent
adapting existing international law in an international context that is constant evolution. »

In this quote, the first sentences serve as window dressing and the real content comes at
the end. « Adapting » the law means, in effect, violating it, denying the principles
proclaimed up until now. After Abu Ghraib, Guantánamo, torture, the assassination of
heads of states, the extraordinary rendition flights and secret prisons of the CIA : are they
proposing to combat these violations of the law ? No, they propose to legalize them,
'adapting' the law.

Already two wars against Iraq and the one against Yugoslavia have violated international
law, the UN Charter and even NATO's own Charter. But it is precisely international legality
that the Five want to get rid of. Pages 104-105 : « The approval of the United Nations may
not be necessary according to Article 51 of the UN Charter (legitimate defence) and it is
perhaps possible to renounce it on the basis of the Convention on Genocide. »

« Long live preventive war ! » Even if it is nuclear.

Page 96 makes for reading that is just as disturbing : « What we need is a form of
dissuasion through pro-active refusal, in which the preemption is a form of imminent
reaction and prevention an attempt to take back the initiative and put an end to the
conflict. »

« Pro-active defence » in military jargon, means preventive war. The term is constantly
repeated in the document of the Five. George W. Bush had already invoked a 'preventive
war' against terrorism. As did Hitler in his time. Aggressors often take refuge in the
pretext of preventing danger. In actual fact, international law explicitly forbids wars
claiming to be preventive.

But our fears don't end there. On page 94 : « At first sight, the nuclear weapon might
seem disproportionate, but if one takes into account the damage that it prevents, it may
be reasonable. » Here the immorality of these five Gangits bursts out into the open.
Nuclear war is an atrocity and humanity has constantly demanded the dismantling of
weapons of mass destruction. Here it is claimed that they are justified. The hypocrisy is
flagrant : « to prevent damage ». This is completely vague and, without doubt, racist. The
lives of adversary peoples are not worth anything.

The truth is that these criminal generals, observing that classic bombardments are not
enough to break resistance, and that wars on land are expensive and dangerous for the
invaders, propose the nuclear weapon as a solution to the problem of the world hegemony
of the multinationals.

Preparing peoples' minds

As can be seen, the goods that the Gang of Five wish to sell us are completely rotten and
poisonous. This is the reason why they count on manipulating public opinion through
long-term propaganda campaigns. On page 104 : « These measures must be accompnied
by pro-active and coordinated efforts of communication through the media (,,,)
Furthermore, such a media campaign can prepare peoples' minds for an armed
intervention. »

« Prepare peoples' minds » ! Of course, this is nothing new. Drawing up the balance sheet
of the war against Yugoslavia, which was the most successful example of organized
disinformation, a NATO general admitted, after the war ended, that false information had
been systematically issued while embarrassing information was eliminated or
marginalized in order to « anaesthetize opinions ». He thus acted upon NATO's philosophy
that « Opinion can be worked upon, like other things. » In each war, Western generals
commission spin doctors to sell their war and manipulate public opinion. But this time,
this is taken much further : there is to be a long-term campaign to condition opinion.

Page 129 : « Therefore NATO must develop an information strategy that serves three
objectives simultaneously. It must persuade the world that NATO is a force for good. It
must move before its adversaries start to disseminate their information : that is, NATO
must impose its domination in public relations. It must win the hearts and minds of the
inhabitants of the NATO countries (convince them that the Atlantic alliance's position is a
correct one), but also the hearts and minds of the populations where the armed
intervention is taking place. »

« Impose its domination in public relations .» Information is seen as a war that is won by
eliminating the forces of the adversary. This is no idle accusation. The US army bombed
and imprisoned Al Jazeera journalists, NATO bombed Belgrade television station (17
killed), the Pentagon has prepared plans to eliminate embarrassing information on the
Internet, whose democratic character is upsetting it considerably.

A plan for world dictatorship

At the beginning of their document, the five generals announced « ways how to overcome
possible rivalry with the EU » How are they going to do that ?
In effect, they use the framework of NATO to organize the submission of the EU to
Washington's will :

Page 137 : « We consider that multinational forces are the key for a rapid and inexpensive
modernization of NATO's force, but we stress that this is not possible unless member
states accept without reserve that these forces will be at the disposal of NATO for all
operations authorized by the NATO Council. » Translation : the European armies will be
obliged to obey NATO decisions (currently unanimity is required).

The Five's plan would give three advantages to the United States : it would integrate
European forces into their own wars ; it would share the costs among the allies ; and it
would also share the unpopularity.

The antidemocratic character of the Five is shown clearly on page 139 : « We are not
formulating proposals for the reform of the EU in such detail as we have for NATO for two
reasons : first, a new 'smooth' treaty, that has just replaced the 'constitution' that had
been condemned, has now been adopted so as to avoid consulting the populations. »

Their plan will make it impossible to carry out any opposition. Page 144 : « In order to
avoid all sources of inconvenience, it could be decided that first of all an issue will be
treated inside NATO and then the NATO members who are also members of the EU will
undertake not to depart from the vote taken at NATO when the issue is brought up in the
European bodies. » Thus, once NATO has decided, no European country will have the right
to oppose its decision.

In conclusion, this plan of the Gang of Five, prepared by people who have been at the top
of world military power, exposes a significant tendency among the elite. Their plan for a
super world government by the three blocs (effectively dominated by the United States)
would relegate all vestiges of international law to the dustbin, legitimize preventive war
and nuclear weapons andorganize systematic manipulation of public opinion. The plan is
nothing if not fascist.

This is one of the two options that the elite in the United States are currently considering
for resolving their problems. The other is embodied by Zbigniew Brzezinski, whom we
spoke about earlier.

« Intelligent imperialism » ?

The US military strategists distinguish three types of war that they could launch :
high intensity wars between big powers such as the two world wars ; medium intensity
wars involving also the US military directly, but against much weaker powers, as in Iraq
and Yugoslavia ; low-intensity wars, in which there is not a direct US military involvement
but which are organized to defeat others. They provoke conflicts between neighbouring
countries, or through paramilitary and terrrorist movements.

The term 'low intensity' is misleading, as it could give the impression that there are fewer
damages. In fact there are fewer only for the United States. Thus the so-called « low
intensity » war that Washington launched against the Congo (through the armies of
neighbouring Rwanda and Uganda, and various militias) resulted in five million deaths and
it has paralyzed the development of the Congo.

Brzezinski's strategy is different from that of Bush in that it favours low-intensity wars. In
no way, therefore, is it more moral, but it claims to being more intelligent.

But Brzezinski also proposes other forms of intervention. We often think of military
intervention by the United States as the most visible form of aggression. But in fact they
dispose of a wide range of forms of aggression.. To establish a complete typology, it
would look like this, in order of ascending intensity :

corruption of local leaders ;
· blackmail of local leaders ;
· demonization media campaigns ;
· various destabilization actions ;
· embargos and commercial blockades ;
· coups d'état ;
· provoking separatist movements ;
· war by proxy ;
· bombardments ;
· territorial occupation.

As can be seen there is a wide variety of methods which, evidently, can be combined. But
they are all aggressions. Of course all US governments have had recourse to all these
methods, and not only certain ones. But the dosage and financing vary.

After the crimes committed by Bush, it is tempting to think that there will be a change of
method. However, if Washington decides to changes its tactics they will not be more
pacific but only less visible. Brzezinski, it should be remembered, was the man who
financed bin Laden in Afghanistan to tie the Soviet Union down in a long and costly war
and to break its alliance with the Muslim world. Brzezinski is very proud of his success and
never loses an opportunity to refer to it.

If the United States decide to apply the Brezinski strategy there will certainly be fewer
direct wars. And they will be carried out as often as possible in conjunction with allies.
This will help to take care of their media image and the manipulation of the public. And
above all the CIA will be more active : efforts will be made to replace wars carried out
directly by the United States by indirect wars, making neighbouring countries fight each
other, supporting 'the good war' and using all kinds of appropriate pretexts. This was the
method used successfully by Clinton against Yugoslavia.

The Brzezinski method has two advantages for the United States. They would regain a
more presentable image and re-establish their moral authority. And by paying less money
to the military-industrial complex the US economy would reinforce its competitive
position vis-à-vis Europe, China, India, etc.

In order to economize on wars the Brzezinski strategy would make more use of blackmail
as well as of clandestine activities. Blackmail, especially, can be channelled through world
economic organizations like the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the
World Trade Organization. These are multilateral institutions but dominated by the United
States, who can dictate their wishes for the Third World in an apparently more objective
manner. But this will not be easy because the World Bank and the IMF have created such
antagonism among the countries they have dealt with that the latter are looking for
alternatives. The idea of a Bank of the South, launched by Chávez is making progress ...

More use would also be made of clandestine activities - in other words, the CIA. This
makes it possible to get rid of obstreperous governments at a lower cost.

That is why those who support Brzezinski's strategy call themselves partisans of 'soft
power' or 'intelligent imperialism'. But the danger with this soft power is that the Left will
be so glad that Bush has gone that they will reduce their vigilance because - for a certain
time - there will be fewer direct wars. Thus the international anti-war movement, which is
going through an evident crisis, will react even less strongly when confronted by the more
discreet strategies of the Empire.

At any rate, the Empire will not become more peaceful. Sooner or later it will launch more
Bush-type wars. This is because the US elite in fact practise the two options alternately.

Presidents come and go, the multinationals remain

These two options, militarist or 'intelligent' are not new. And it is not a question of the
opposition between republicans and democrats. These two parties do not represent 'war'
or 'peace' but only different electorates, different tactics, and are always at the service of
the multinationals. Hence it is not a republican but a democrat, Harry Truman, who
launched the war in 1950 against Korea and China. It was not a republican, but a
democrat, John Kennedy, who started the war against Vietnam in 1961.

And it is not a popular vote either, against the bourgeois vote. The US multinationals
always finance both candidates, putting their eggs in both baskets. But their preferences
can be judged by the amounts they contribute. At the beginning of the 1990s the
multinationals invested in both candidates, but gave 59 pour cent more to Clinton and the
democrats. Instead, from 1996 onwards they gave greater support to the republicans by
67 per cent. In the presidential elections of 2000 it was Bush who was massively financed.
And he was declared elected in spite of the fact that the ballots had given his rival Gore
the victory. On the other hand, in the presidential elections of 2008 the multinationals
have changed sides again and finance Obama more than his rival McCain.

However, the same president can change his own policy. After the fall of the Soviet Union
and the end of the Cold War, Bill Clinton reduced the military budget and the orders to the
military-industrial complex - for a while. By so doing, he had hoped to relaunch the US
economic machine in general. But, although the decision was almost unnoticed, at the end
of his mandate the same Clinton made a U-turn : « The military budget of the United
States must be increased by 70 per cent. » This just confirms what was said previously :
the great political decisions do not depend on the character of one president or another,
but on strategies decided higher up. Presidents come and go, the multinationals remain.

US policy alternates its methods

So we shall talk about alternative US policies. After each important setback, there is a -
temporary - return to 'soft power'.

After the defeat of Vietnam and the moral condemnation of the dictatorships installed by
Washington in Latin America, the US multinationals brought the nice pastor Jimmy Carter
to power, with his wonderful speeches on human rights. After the Cold War and the first
war against Iraq, President Clinton tried to involve the Europeans in his wars and gave
special attention to media presentation. In fact, the US bourgeoisie was in fact always
hesitating between the two options to solve its problems. Or, rather, it alternated between
them : a bit more stick, a bit more carrot. But its choices became increasingly difficult.
Neither method really solved the problems.

Now, after the disastrous results of the Bush regime, the US bourgeoisie is hesitating
between the two options. Either the headlong plunge into more wars or a tactical
withdrawal, moving back in order to get a better run-up. The question is not what
president they are going to choose, but rather what strategy.

At all events, it is not sure that the Brzezinski strategy is, when all's said and done, less
brutal than that of Bush. It is true that in 2008 he publicly criticized the president, saying
that he was stupid to want to attack Iran, because he could not win and that a war would
harm the situation of Israel and affect the price of oil, hence the US economy. Certain
analysts think that Brzezinski wants to domesticate Iran because he hopes to turn the
country around and make it participate one day in the encirclement of Russia. This is the
power that remains his bête noire, the obsession of the author of The Great Chessboard.
Some think that Brzezinski wants to completely encircle and weaken Russia, if not to wage
war on it, and we should not forget China, which has obviously become a major target
now. If this should happen, soft power will be transformed into Apocalypse Now.

Their solutions will only exacerbate the problems

That the US bourgeoisie is divided about which line to follow stems from the fact that, in
the final analysis, the United States are not so powerful as is believed, neither in the
economic field, nor in the military. Each time that the rulers thought they had found the
solution, it turned out, after a while, that the solution only made things worse.

For example, in the 1980s, in order to escape recession, the US multinationals fell upon
Latin America and other regions of the Third World, gobbling up their raw materials, their
businesses and their markets. But this neoliberal offensive so impoverished these
countries, provoking economic catastrophes and hence increasing resistance that Latin
America turned to the left. From 1989 Washington launched a global war to ensure its
total control over oil. But oil continues to escape it. As from 2001 Bush launched his war
against the so-called Evil Axis, but only succeeded in strengthening resistance in all
regions of the world.

The United States seem to be very strong, but are they really so ? With all their dollars, all
their technologies and all their crimes, they have lost the war in Korea (1950) and the war
in Vietnam (1961-1975), they have had to withdraw from Lebanon (1982) and from
Somalia (1993). They would not have won in Yugoslavia (1999) if President Milosevic had
accepted a land war. They have already lost in Iraq and in Afghanistan, even if they do not
yet recognize the fact. Are they not a 'paper tiger' ? In the long run, aren't people who
defend their wealth and their future stronger than dollars and missiles ?

The United States spend far more on their military budget than all the other nations of the
world together but that no longer succeeds in ensuring their world supremacy. One might
say that they are their own victims of their fundamental contradiction : everything that
they do is against the interests of the immense majority of the inhabitants of the planet,
so they themselves create the force that will destroy them.

An army cannot be stronger than the economy that finances it. And the basic weakness
that will prevent the US rulers from attaining their objctive is that the US economy is
sawing the branch on which it is sitting. By underpaying its workers, by delocalizing part
of its production, by ruining the countries of the Third World that should be its partners it
is ceaselessly impoverishing those to whom it should be selling. This problem cannot be
resolved by either of the two options, the militarist or the 'intelligent' one. The militarists
increase the expenditure and the resistance.
The 'intelligent'option, while reducing the terror disseminated by direct warfare, also
encourages resistance.

Whatever tactics are chosen the United States will continue to wage war throughout the
world in order to impose their economic system and their interests. It is urgent to recreate
a strong peace movement and for peoples' sovereignty.

1 September 2008

The links between the economy and the war are analyzed in the book Bush le cyclone :
Bush le cyclone (in French and Spanish). This book is particularly concerned with the
question 'Who commands Bush ?' And, therefore, the next President.

These questions will also be tackled at the next seminar organized by Investig'Action in
Brussels (in French) on 8-9 November. For information :magali.investigaction@...

Other articles on the foreign policy of the United States, Russia, China, the European
Union, Iraq, Afghanistan, Brzezinski, Obama (in French) :

Studio Avvocato Enzo Lepre
Corso Venezia,12 -20122 Milano- tel. 02.76013175

Al Direttore di Osservatorio Balcani
LUCA RASTELLO                              
Piazza s. Marco, 7
38068 Rovereto (TN)
Milano, 12 ottobre 2008

Egregio Direttore,
ho appreso casualmente un commento che tale Asra Nehufendic, a me sconosciuta, ha fatto su di me sulla sua testata il 16 maggio 2008 e tutt’ora in rete (*):

Autore: azra
Data e ora: 16.05.2008 14:18
gente di Srebrenica
Sulla credibilità di J. T.J. Visconti: T.Visconti fu pagata dai serbi Bosniaci per fare la propaganda per i loro scopi. Fu molto amica di Radovan Karadjic e Ratko Mladic e altri accusati per i crimini contro l'umanità. Girava per la Serbia e la parte occupata della Bosnia insieme con un giovane, un tale Daniel Shifer, che si presentava come "umanista". I loro "datori" di lavoro erano scontenti. Furono licenziati presto. Di loro due scriveva in modo peggiorativo persino la stampa Serba. I giornalisti italiani che "coprivano" la guerra in Bosnia, anche loro, ne sanno qualcosa su questi due "umanisti". J.T. Visconti non ha mai messo piede ne a Sarajevo, ne in nessun altra parte della Bosnia che non era controlatta dai Serbi. Questo tipo di gente, di solito, si definisce come approfittatori dalla guerra.

Reputo fuori luogo che la sua testata permetta simili sfoghi dettati da odio cieco ed ottuso verso qualcuno che ha semplicemente tradotto il Dossier Srebrenica dal francese, testo a sua volta tradotto dall’associazione Verité Justice dall’originale del gruppo di ricercatori statunitensi.
Ho scritto per diverse testate italiane ed estere fra cui Il Manifesto e Limes. Sono arrivata a Sarajevo la prima volta con Elie Wiesel nel novembre 1992.
Ritengo il contenuto dell’allegato altamente calunnioso e mendace.
Ho conferito mandato ai miei legali di procedere nelle sedi opportune contro la sua testata.
Attendo comunque scuse ufficiali per lettera e sull’Osservatorio Balcani da quanti si sono resi responsabili del commento in questione.

Jean Toschi Marazzani Visconti


Sulla attività di saggista e giornalista di Jean Toschi Marazzani Visconti si veda ad esempio:


IL CORRIDOIO. Viaggio nella Jugoslavia in guerra

Sul testo tradotto da Jean Toschi Marazzani Visconti
Il Dossier nascosto del "genocidio" di Srebrenica
si veda ad esempio: