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           U Beogradu je juce u prepunoj dvorani bioskopa «Balkan», sa
vise od 500 ucesnika, u organizaciji Udruzenja «Sloboda», odrzan veliki
Skup gradjana i predstavnika patriotskih organizacija Srbije, Crne Gore
i Dijaspore. Skupu su prisustvovali visoki predstavnici SUBNOR-a,
Patriotskog saveza Jugoslavije, Udruzenja boraca ratova od 1991,
Udruzenja Srba iz BiH, Udruzenja Srba iz Hrvatske, Udruzenja «Bozur»,
Udruzenja porodica nestalih i kidnapovanih sa Kosmeta, Beogradskog
foruma, Kongresa Srba Evrope i drugih organizacija.

Na skupu su izmedju ostalih govorili prof. dr Velko Vlkanov,
kopredsednik Medjunarodnog komiteta za odbranu Slobodana Milosevica,
Momir Bulatovic, akademik Mihajlo Markovic, prof. dr Emil Vlajki, prof.
dr Mirko Zurovac i advokat Dragoslav Ognjanovic, pravni pomocnik
Predsednika Milosevica. Zavrsnu rec je dao Bogoljub Bjelica, predsednik
Upravnog odbora «Slobode». Skup je aklamacijom usvojio Rezoluciju, koju
je procitao Vladimir Krsljanin, pomocnik za medjunarodne odnose
Predsednika Milosevica. Procitan je i zahtev Ruske Dume za pustanje
Predsednika Milosevica iz pritvora, kao i vise poruka solidarnosti iz

           Povod za odrzavanje skupa bilo je obelezavanje tri martovske
godisnjice – nezakonitog hapsenja Predsednika Milosevica 2001. g.,
pocetka NATO agresije 1999. g. i proglasenja amandmana na Ustav Srbije
(28. marta 1989.), kao i zauzimanje stavova povodom organizovane
kampanje zlocina na Kosovu i Metohiji.

           U zavrsnoj reci, Bogoljub Bjelica je podsetio da je javno
zalaganje Slobodana Milosevica za ravnopravnost Srbije sa drugim
Republikama zapocelo 1984. godine, a da su ti napori krunisani 28.
marta 1989, usvajanjem ustavnih amandmana. Posle toga, «zahtevom
naroda, glasovima gradjana, Slobodan Milosevic je dosao na celo Srbije
kao njen Predsednik», istakao je Bjelica. Na tom mestu bio je nosilac
drustvenih reformi. «Promenicemo sve sto mozemo da promenimo» - bile su
njegove reci. Medjutim, istorijske okolnosti su ga, u skladu sa voljom
naroda, dovele na celo borbe za slobodu i nezavisnost, sto je trajalo
citavu deceniju. «Na tom mestu uspeo je da visenacionalnu Srbiju sacuva
od gradjanskog rata koji je pocetkom devdesetih besneo u svim drugim
visenacionalnim sredinama. Uspeo je da sacuva vise nego elementarni
standard i nacionalno dostojanstvo nacije i gradjana za vreme embarga.»
Pod njegovim vodjstvom, Srbija je izasla kao moralni i stvarni pobednik
iz nametnutog joj rata sa NATO paktom i albanskim teroristima. Danas,
kada je zemlja unazadjena i podjarmljena, «borba za Srbiju i njen narod
se vodi jedino u Hagu»; to je borba «i za sve druge obespravljene i
siromasne nacije i ljude, borba za istinu i pravdu, a protiv zla,
nasilja i rata», zakljucio je Bogoljub Bjelica.

           U rezoluciji, usvojenoj aklamacijom, istaknuta su tri
zahteva – za momentalno oslobodjenje Slobodana Milosevica iz
zatocenistva koje mu ugrozava zivot (u tom smislu zatrazena je
politicka i materijalna podrska nase drzave, ali i medjunarodnih
cinilaca); za momentalnu obnovu punog suvereniteta Srbije na Kosovu i
Metohiji; za okupljanje svih partija, organizacija i pojedinaca u borbi
za slobodu.

           Udruzenje «Sloboda» je najavilo odrzavanje i pozvalo
gradjane na Veliki narodni miting na Vidovdan, 28. juna u Beogradu.
Pripremama za miting i efektivnoj podrsci borbi Predsednika Milosevica
za istinu treba da pomogne jacanje mreze «Slobode», koja je najavila
osnivanje svojih odbora u svim opstinama.

Udruzenje «SLOBODA»



usvojena na Skupu gradjana i predstavnika patriotskih organizacija
Srbije, Crne Gore i Dijaspore, odrzanom
28. marta 2004. godine u Beogradu, u organizaciji
Udruzenja «SLOBODA»

         U situaciji potpune ugrozenosti naseg nacionalnog bica,
drzavnosti i dostojanstva, u vreme pogroma Srba i zatiranja njihove
vekovne tradicije, kulture i duhovnosti na Kosovu i Metohiji koje
fasistickim metodama sprovode albanski teroristi podrzani od strane
NATO snaga, u vreme kada ilegalni i kriminalni tribunal u Hagu uziva
podrsku vlada zemalja NATO, cime se agresija na Srbiju i srpski narod
nastavlja, gradjani i predstavnici patriotskih organizacija Srbije i
Crne Gore, okupljeni na poziv Udruzenja «SLOBODA»:

- Zahtevaju momentalno oslobodjenje predsednika Slobodana Milosevica iz
zatocenistva koje mu ugrozava zivot.

Pozivaju nasu drzavu i medjunarodne cinioce da se za to aktivno zaloze
i obezbede sve neophodne preduslove. Time ce biti nanesen konacni poraz
haskoj masineriji koja je orudje rata protiv svih nas i obezbedjena
sloboda svim nasim vodjama, junacima i zrtvama koji su tamo zatoceni.
Izrazavaju duboko uverenje da je to najbolji nacin za uspostavljanje
trajnog mira i stabilnosti na Balkanu i garancija obnove naseg
suvereniteta i nacionalnog dostojanstva. Zahtevaju od nase drzave i
svih rodoljubivih i progresivnih snaga u svetu da odmah svim,
politickim, moralnim i materijalnim sredstvima podrze borbu predsednika
Milosevica za istinu. Izrazavaju najdublje priznanje Slobodanu
Milosevicu sto se svojim drzanjem pred agresorskim tribunalom stavio na
celo nase borbe za slobodu, ravnopravnost i nacionalno dostojanstvo i
postao inspiracija progresivnim snagama u svetu.

- Zahtevaju momentalnu obnovu punog suvereniteta Srbije na Kosovu i

Postoji puno moralno, ustavno i medjunarodno-pravno opravdanje da se
nase oruzane snage odmah vrate na Kosovo i Metohiju i tamo uspostave
legalni ustavni i zakonski poredak Srbije, u cilju zastite zivota i
osnovnih prava svih koji tamo zive i time okoncaju postojanje
kriminalnog, fasistickog i teroristickog poretka nastalog pod okriljem
NATO snaga koje su pogazile i obesmislile Rezoluciju SB UN 1244.

- Pozivaju na okupljanje svih partija, organizacija i pojedinaca
rodoljubive orijentacije u borbi za slobodu.

Nadstranacko Udruzenje «SLOBODA» ce se organizovati i najsnaznije i
najaktivnije delovati u svim opstinama sirom zemlje, sa ciljem da
afirmise istinu i podstakne okupljanje, koje je neophodno da bismo
povratili slobodu i sprecili dalju tragediju i propadanje, ocuvali
svoju drzavu i nacionalno dostojanstvo, stvorili perspektivu ekonomskog
i kulturnog razvoja i bili ravnopravni i aktivni cinilac u procesima
saradnje i integracije na Balkanu, u Evropi i svetu. Rezultate tog
zalaganja i te borbe proklamovacemo 28. juna na velikom narodnom
mitingu u Beogradu.


SLOBODA urgently needs your donation.
Please find the detailed instructions at:
To join or help this struggle, visit: (Sloboda/Freedom association) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) (German section of ICDSM) (US section of ICDSM) (ICDSM Ireland) (world peace council) (Balkan antiNATO center)

A few articles on Kosovo

[ Il generale canadese Lewis MacKenzie - ex comandante delle truppe ONU
in Bosnia, rimosso dall'incarico all'epoca per difetto di razzismo
antiserbo - commenta: forse in Kosovo nel 1999 abbiamo bombardato la
parte sbagliata?
Piu' alcune ciliegine:
"The Telegraph" rivela la logica della provocazione negli scontri dello
scorso mese: estremisti albanesi hanno attaccato una vettura della KFOR
(ed ucciso un poliziotto del Ghana) cercando di farsi passare per serbi;
"The Economist" gia' nel 1978 spiegava alla opinione pubblica
occidentale che nei Balcani si andava risvegliando il progetto
neonazista grande-albanese;
infine, riproduciamo una lettera di sostegno al Presidente Milosevic
datata 2000 e firmata da 828 albanesi-kosovari di orientamento
anti-segregazionista e progressista ... ]

1. We bombed the wrong side?
(Lewis MacKenzie - now retired, commanded UN troops during the Bosnian
civil war of 1992)

2. Albanians posed as Serbs to stoke ethnic fires in Kosovo (The
Telegraph - UK)

3. FLASHBACK 1 : The Eastern Question again
(The Economist - June 10, 1978)

4. FLASHBACK 2 : Letter of Support to the President of the Republic by
828 Albanians from Kosovo and Metohija as published in "Serbia in the
World" No 98/99 June/July 2000

=== 1 ===

National Post (Canada) April 06, 2004
Comment A14

We bombed the wrong side?

Lewis MacKenzie

Five years ago our television screens were dominated by pictures of
Kosovo-Albanian refugees escaping across Kosovo's borders to the
sanctuaries of Macedonia and Albania. Shrill reports indicated that
Slobodan Milosevic's security forces were conducting a campaign of
genocide and that at least 100,000 Kosovo-Albanians had been
exterminated and buried in mass graves throughout the Serbian province.
NATO sprung into action and, in spite of the fact no member nation of
the alliance was threatened, commenced bombing not only Kosovo, but the
infrastructure and population of Serbia itself --
without the authorizing United Nations resolution so revered by
Canadian leadership, past and present.

Those of us who warned that the West was being sucked in on the side of
an extremist, militant, Kosovo-Albanian independence movement were
dismissed as appeasers. The fact that the lead organization
spearheading the fight for
independence, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), was universally
designated a terrorist organization and known to be receiving support
from Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda was conveniently ignored.

The recent dearth of news in the North American media regarding the
increase in violence in Kosovo compared to the comprehensive coverage
in the European press strongly suggests that we Canadians don't like to
admit it when we are wrong. On the contrary, selected news clips on
this side of the ocean continue to reinforce the popular spin that
those dastardly Serbs are at it again.

A case in point was the latest crisis that exploded on March 15. The
media reported that four Albanian boys had been chased into the river
Ibar in Mitrovica by at least two Serbs and a dog (the dog's ethnic
affiliation was not reported).
Three of the boys drowned and one escaped to the other side.
Immediately, thousands of Albanians mobilized and concentrated in the
area of the divided city. Attacks on Serbs took place throughout the
province resulting in an estimated 30 killed and 600 wounded. Thirty
Serbian Christian Orthodox churches and monasteries were destroyed,
more than 300
homes were burnt to the ground and six Serbian villages cleansed of
their occupants. One hundred and fifty international peacekeepers were

Totally ignored in North America were the numerous statements from
impartial sources that said there was no incident between the Serbs,
the dog and the Albanian boys. NATO Police spokesman Derek Chappell
stated on March 16 that it was "definitely not true" that the boys had
been chased into the river by Serbs. Chappell went on to say that the
surviving boy had told his parents that they had entered the river
alone and that three of his friends had been swept away by the current.
Admiral Gregory Johnson, the overall NATO
commander, further stated that the ensuing clashes were "orchestrated
and well-planned ethnic cleansing" by the Kosovo-Albanians. Those Serbs
forced to leave joined the 200,000 who had been cleansed from the
province since NATO's "humanitarian" bombing in 1999. The '"cleansees"
have become very effective "cleansers."

In the same week a number of individuals posing as Serbs ambushed and
killed a UN policeman and his local police partner. During the
firefight one of them was wounded which caused an immediate switch from
Serbian to Albanian as he screamed, "I've been hit"! The UN pursued the
attackers and tracked them to an Albanian-run farm where they
discovered weapons and the wounded Albanian who had died from his
wounds. Four Albanians were arrested. Once again, the ambush had been
reported in the United States but not the
follow-up which clearly indicated yet another orchestrated provocation
by the Albanian terrorists.

Kosovo is administered by the UN, the very organization many Canadians
have indicated they would like to see take over from the United States
in Iraq. The fact the UN cannot order its civilian employees to go or
stay anywhere -- they have to volunteer -- combined with recent history
that saw the UN abandon Iraq after a single brutal attack on their
compound in Baghdad and the reality that Kosovo, under the
organization's administration, is a basket case, disqualifies it from
consideration for such a role.

Since the NATO/UN intervention in 1999, Kosovo has become the crime
capital of Europe. The sex slave trade is flourishing.
The province has become an invaluable transit point for drugs en route
to Europe and North America. Ironically, the majority of the drugs come
from another state "liberated" by the West, Afghanistan. Members of the
demobilized, but not eliminated, KLA are intimately involved in
organized crime and the government. The UN police arrest a small
percentage of those
involved in criminal activities and turn them over to a judiciary with
a revolving door that responds to bribes and coercion.

The objective of the Albanians is to purge all non-Albanians, including
the international community's representatives, from Kosovo and
ultimately link up with mother Albania thereby achieving the goal of
"Greater Albania." The campaign started with their attacks on Serbian
security forces in the early 1990s and they were successful in turning
Milosevic's heavy-handed response into worldwide sympathy for their
cause. There was no genocide as claimed by the West -- the 100,000
allegedly buried in mass graves turned out to be around 2,000, of all
ethnic origins, including those killed in combat during the war itself.

The Kosovo-Albanians have played us like a Stradivarius. We have
subsidized and indirectly supported their violent campaign for an
ethnically pure and independent Kosovo.We have never blamed them for
being the perpetrators of the violence in the early '90s and we
continue to portray them as the designated victim today in spite of
evidence to the contrary. When they achieve independence with the help
of our tax dollars combined with those of bin Laden and al-Qaeda, just
consider the message of encouragement this sends to other
terrorist-supported independence movements around the world.

Funny how we just keep digging the hole deeper!

Maj-Gen. Lewis MacKenzie, now retired, commanded UN troops during the
Bosnian civil war of 1992.
(c) 2004 National Post . All Rights Reserved.

=== 2 ===

Albanians posed as Serbs to stoke ethnic fires in Kosovo

By Neil Barnett in Pristina
(Filed: 28/03/2004)

The murder of a United Nations policeman in Kosovo last week was
committed by ethnic Albanians who posed as Serbs in an effort to cast
their bitter rivals as villains, the Telegraph has learned.
The UN policeman, from Ghana, and a local Albanian police officer were
killed when their car was sprayed with bullets near the town of
Podujevo, the centre of Albanian resistance against the Belgrade
Kosovo, in which Serbs make up only about 10 per cent of the
population, is nominally part of Serbia and Montenegro but has been
administered by the local UN mission since the war in 1999.
The ambush has heightened fears that the mob violence against Serbs
which recently broke out in the disputed enclave will usher in a new
campaign of attacks against Nato Kosovo Force (Kfor) troops and the UN
mission by Albanian extremists impatient for Kosovo's independence.
The UN car was hit after a man flagged it down at the roadside. As the
gunmen opened fire with Kalashnikovs, they were heard speaking Serbian.
According to a senior security official, however, when one gunman was
shot by a survivor, he instinctively screamed in Albanian: "I've been
Afterwards the gunmen were forced to hijack a passing Mercedes when
their getaway car failed to start. Security officials said that police
officers gave chase for several miles, exchanging fire with gang
members, but failed to capture them.
Soon after, however, Kfor troops raided a local Albanian-owned farm
where they found two Kalashnikovs and a corpse with gunshot wounds,
believed to be that of the gunman hit in the attack. Four people were
During the riots a fortnight ago in the towns of Mitrovica and Pristina
- the first serious unrest for five years - 28 people died and 500
houses were destroyed, as well as 42 Serbian Orthodox churches and
Major Tim Dunne, a Kfor spokesman, said that there was evidence that
the mob violence had been carefully orchestrated. "We stopped numerous
buses carrying men aged 18 to 40 from going to Mitrovica," he said. The
troops believed that the men were being bussed in to take part in the
The violence flared when three Albanian children drowned after
allegedly being chased into a river by Serbs. Unrest quickly spread
and, according to one UN official, the "subsequent disturbances all
over Kosovo, and their prolonged nature, point to widespread
Doubts have also been cast over how the children came to drown as
suspicions grew that the blame had been wrongly placed on Serbs.
Allegations that they were involved were made by a fourth child who
survived, yet during the violence a spokesman for the UN mission, Derek
Chapple, said that police had no conclusive evidence. Last Wednesday,
Mr Chapple was "moved to other duties" on the orders of senior UN
mission officials, who are believed to think he had been too frank.
Last week, after mainly British reinforcements arrived, the streets of
Kosovo were largely calm. With more than 3,800 Serbs still displaced,
however, tensions remained. Major James Daniel, second in command of
the Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment, said that
his troops had been "well received" by both communities.

=== 3 ===


The Eastern Question again

The Economist - June 10, 1978 (Page 17)

"Just as we are not and do not want to be Turks, so we shall oppose
anyone who would like to turn us into Slavs. . . . We want to be

That message was sent to the Congress of Berlin 100 years ago today,
on June 10, 1878, by an assembly in the town of Prizren in Kosovo,
then still a province of the Turkish empire. The congress was not
impressed. Bismarck dismissed the message with the curt remark: "There
is no Albanian nationality". Bismarck was wrong. A century later, the
aspirations of this fiercely nationalist people, one of Europe's
oldest, look like presenting Europe with a new version of the Eastern
Question that tested the statesmanship of Bismarck, Disraeli and

To be sure, most Albanians have had a state of their own since the
first world war. But the 2.5m Albanians who live in Albania proper
have more than 1.5m fellow-Albanians living across the border in
Jugoslavia, most of them in Kosovo, now an automomous province of
Serbia, one of federal Jugoslavia's six republics. Unlike other
European peoples with close relatives outside their national
frontiers, the Albanians of Albania have never stopped claiming the
right to unite themselves with these other Albanians. The Albanian
communisit party newspaper Zeri i Popullit last week sternly
maintained, apropos the Prizren message, the "principle of the
integrity of the lands inhabited by the Albanians".

That is empty talk so long as Albania, far smaller and poorer than
Jugoslavia, has no powerful friend to help it. It has lately
quarrelled even with China, its great patron ever since the break with
Russia in the late 1950s. But the Russians may see the split with
China as their opportunity.Their growing navy still lacks a regular
port opening on to the Mediterranean, and they might be happy to
return to the base at Vlore (Valona) they lost in 1960. Russian support
for Albania's claim on Kosovo might buy the Soviet government a return
to Vlore, with the bonus of reminding post-Tito Jugoslavia that Russia
can make life distinctly unpleasant for it if it goes on refusing to
toe the Soviet line.

Jugoslavia, sensing the danger, does what it can to keep its Albanians
quiet. The new federal government formed a few weeks ago has two
Albanians in senior posts. The vice-presidency of Jugoslavia, which
rotates among the constituent republics, has just devolved on an
Albanian, Fadilj Hodzha, a distant cousin of Albania's ailing party
leader Enver Hoxha. But the Albanians-in-Jugoslavia still have cause
for discontent. Those who continue to campaign for union with Albania
go to jail. Those who, as an alternative, want their own republic
inside Jugoslavia on a par with Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and the
rest are still denied it. Serbia does not want to give up its ancient
overlordship of Kosovo. Macedonia, part of which is also inhabited by
Albanians, fears that it would be carved up in the making of a new
Albanian republic.

The matter could come to a head when 86-year-old Tito and 69-year-old
Hoxha die, which could happen any day. It will present a challenge to
western diplomacy. It is not easy for the west to get closer to an
intensely xenophobic, anti-western regime such as Albania's. Britain
still has no diplomatic relations with it because of the mining of two
British destroyers by the Albanians in 1946; West Germany because of a
large Albanian claim for wartime reparations; the United States just
because it is powerful and "imperialist". The EEC may be the best way
for the western world to get back on terms with this prickly little
nation. The European community should be ready to offer Enver Hoxha's
successor a package of hard-currency aid that will help him to develop
his country. That might divert Albania's attention from the Kosovo
claim; keep the peace between Jugoslavia and Albania; and make it
possible for the west to be friends with both of them.

Copyright 1978 The Economist Newspaper Ltd.  
Posted for Fair Use only.

=== 4 ===


Letter of Support to the President of the Republic by 828 Albanians
from Kosovo and Metohija as published in "Serbia in the World" No 98/99
June/July 2000

Pristina, June 6 (TANJUG) - The Democratic Reform Party of the
Albanians of Kosovo and Metohija, sent a letter of support today to the
President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic
stressing his implementation of the policy of joint life and equal
rights of all the inhabitants of Kosovo and Metohija, and of the policy
of peace, tolerance and reason. The letter, signed by 828 Albanians
from all over Kosovo and Metohija states:

"Dear Mr President,
We hereby greet you and address you in this form to offer our full
support to your political struggle for the unity and prosperity of our
country - the Republic of Serbia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
We Albanians from Kosovo and Metohija can no longer endure nor tolerate
the wave of terror against our citizens, neighbours and friends. This
avalanche of terror, crime and anarchy reflects the one year mission by
Many of our neighbours have disappeared, others have been killed or
expelled. What has been going on the past year Kosovo and Metohija -
the ethnic cleansing in the presence of the so-called peacekeepers and
of the local traitors and their helpers - is certainly the biggest
crime in the history of mankind.
Hoping for a better future, trusting our democratic parties and above
all the Democratic Reform Party of the Albanians, its leadership and
our activists who have been with us all this time, encouraging us and
urging us to resist, we have managed to sift the good from the bad and
to prove who are the terrorist gangs, and who are peaceful and loyal
citizens, albeit at the price of human lives.
The recent murders of our members and activists are nothing else but
the defeat and a sign of cowardice of our fellow Albanians, i.e. of the
groups of Albanian bandits and traitors now pillaging and rampaging
with ample support by the UN mission in Kosovo and Metohija, with the
intention to destroy and obliterate the voice of reason and tolerance.
Dear Mr. President,
We believe in the future of Kosovo and Metohija with all the ethnic
communities united. We trust your policy of joint life in the struggle
for the equality of all of us living in Kosovo and Metohija, the policy
of peace, tolerance and reason".

[ Saremo grati a chi potesse trasmetterci una traduzione di questa
intervista in tempi rapidi ! CNJ ]

Interview with ex-foreign minister of Yugoslavia

Journalist: Noah Tucker
Friday, 26th March 2004

Zivadin Jovanovic, former Foreign Minister of Yugoslavia (in the
Milosevic government) interviewed by Noah Tucker

Why was Yugoslavia singled out for special treatment by the West?

Mainly because of the geo-political interests of NATO and especially
the USA. The former Yugoslavia is situated in an extremely important
position in Europe. It is on the bridgehead to the Middle East and
Caspian regions – I don’t need to speak of why these are so important.
I believe that NATO considered Yugoslavia to be a stumbling block in
its eastward expansion and strategic control of Eurasia. So it was in
their interests to weaken and fragment Yugoslavia in order to gain
easier control and access.
Also, global changes in Europe made American troops and NATO bases in
Central Europe unnecessary. There was no more danger from the Warsaw
Pact and Russia. So it was understandable that NATO was trying to find
a new role, and looking for locations for new bases, more in line with
the new situation and new strategic objectives.
Now they have Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo and Mitohija, Krivolak in
Macedonia, and Tusla in Bosnia, near the border with Serbia. The
Americans would also like to have bases in inner Serbia, including one
on our highest mountain, Kapaonik.
The USA has been building a network of bases in the Balkans - as well
as Greece, they have Romania, Croatia and Albania, which are members of
the ‘Partnership for Peace’ and candidate members of NATO.

Why did Yugoslavia stay out of NATO? Will Serbia apply to join NATO?

Yugoslavia was never the same as the other Eastern European countries.
From the beginning of World War 2 we were part of the Allied forces,
unlike Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania which did not join the
Allies until the end of the war. We liberated ourselves, rather than
being liberated by the Red Army. Also we resisted Stalin. We had a
position which was between Warsaw and Brussels, independent of Moscow
and Washington. So for historical reasons we are different from the
rest and have to be treated differently.
We have to have a dialogue, even some co-operation with NATO. But we
were victims of NATO aggression only five years ago, which has had a
terrible effect on our economy, our society, and people’s health. There
are two points in my opinion-
Firstly, any strategic change, for instance entering the ‘Partnership
for Peace’ or NATO, could only be decided by a referendum.
Secondly, Serbia and Montenegro should pursue its own security within
the European security concept, or by seeking recognition for a position
of active neutrality.

Could you explain two tactical decisions by the government of which you
were a member – the agreement to the ceasefire in Kosovo in October
1998, under which the Kosovo Liberation Army greatly strengthened its
positions with US assistance, and the agreement with NATO in June 1999
which allowed NATO to claim victory even though the Yugoslavian Armed
Forces were apparently still capable of fighting?

On the so-called ceasefire in 1998 - the Yugoslavian government always
wanted to be co-operative in achieving stability. In accepting the
demand for the ceasefire in Kosovo and Mitohija, Yugoslavia respected
the fact that the USA had overall influence over the UCK (KLA). Their
terrorism was like a cancer for Serbia. The government hoped that the
United States would exercise control over them.

Was that not naive?

We had the experience of the Dayton agreement. Peace was reached in
Bosnia, however unfavourable that was to Serbians, and it resulted in
some stability. So in 1998, the Yugoslavian Government counted on a
reasonable possibility that the USA would hold to their part of the
On the end of the bombing in 1999 – it is a historical fact that NATO
and US generals miscalculated about the strength of the Yugoslavian
defence. Recall the statements that in three days, seven days, fourteen
days and so on, Serbia will kneel. That is the case in spite of the
fact that the military power of NATO was without comparison to
Yugoslavian military equipment and potential.
The war had to be ended at some stage. It ended at a point when the
Yugoslavian military equipment and manpower was not too badly affected
by the 78 days of continuous bombardment. But NATO had started widely
and massively to attack civilian targets – cities, television stations,
markets, trains, hospitals, schools, bridges, electricity transformers,
and so on.
The bombing ended by an agreement which placed responsibility for
Kosovo and Metohija in the hands of the United Nations Security Council
rather than NATO. Putting aside the abuses of the Security Council – we
are talking of the right moment to reach agreement.
And finally, it is my understanding that our military reserves, of
petrol, ammunition etc were by then rather exhausted. Sanctions, lack
of foreign currency, almost an iron curtain erected around us by
neighbouring countries under very strong American pressure, made it
very difficult, nearly impossible, to replenish our reserves. The
Yeltsin government in Russia, instead of helping us to make these
pressures at least sustainable, was transmitting American pressures to

Can you explain something about the transfer of power in Yugoslavia and
Serbia in the year 2000?

This had many characteristics of American pressure and interference,
including interference in the electoral process. This was contrary to
basic international principles and UN resolutions.
According to official US Congress records, the USA poured in over $100
million for ‘democratisation’ in Serbia. This went to the DOS
‘Democratic Coalition’ parties, opposition media and some NGOs. This is
not to mention the money from George Soros. That degree of
interference, unimaginable in any Western country, led to a deformation
of the will of the electorate in the September and December 2000
Personally, I think that the consequences of this change – which
essentially was the result of Western interests rather than the result
of real freedom of citizenship – are still felt in Serbia. Everyone was
surprised at how the Radicals gained such popularity in Serbia. The
explanation is that the most recent election results, of 28th December
2003, were a reaction against the artificial results in 2000.

What about the Socialist Party?

The Socialist Party suffered badly because it was considered the only
real danger for the DOS. So combined pressures from inside and abroad
led to fractionalization of the party, with part of it in practice
joining the DOS coalition.
These pressures continue. The Americans would like the Socialist Party
to become anti-Milosevic. But I think they may also prove to be
counterproductive, not helpful for political stability and
relationships with the West. A country with such huge economic
problems, an explosive social situation, an undefined state, calls for
a very strong socialist party, and there is no chance to invent a
better one than the Socialist Party of Serbia that already exists. So
the next general elections may be even more of a disappointment for the
West than the results of December 2003.

[ I successori cristianodemocratici e cristianosociali di Helmut Kohl
chiedono adesso esplicitamente la secessione del Kosovo - perfettamente
in linea con la geopolitica revanscista pan-tedesca, che dal 1991 in
poi ha trasformato la Jugoslavia in un lago di sangue ed in uno "zoo"
di "gabbie etniche" ... ]

----- Original Message -----
From: ERPKIM Info Service
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 8:25 PM
Subject: [ERPKIM] Helmut Kohl successors continue war against Yugoslavia

April 06, 2004

ERP KiM Newsletter 06-04-04d

The views expressed by the authors of newspaper articles or other texts
which are not official communiqués or news reports by the Diocese are
their own and do not necessarily represent the views of the Serbian
Orthodox Churchbut may reflect views of many Serbs.
Today is the anniversary of the Hitler's bombing of Belgrade. On April
6, 1941 the Luftwaffe attacked Belgrade which had been proclaimed an
open city. Thousands of civilians were killed and many city quarters
wiht the valuable Natinal Library of Serbia leveled to the ground.

Helmut Kohl successors continue war against Yugoslavia

Dateline: 6th April 2004

Helmut Kohl’s former governing parties, CDU/CSU, call for the
"independence" of Kosovo - against all UN resolutions.

Having spent so much time and money and arms undermining Yugoslavia and
Kosovo it is not surprising that German troops assigned to KFOR have
proved "impotent" to protect Kosovo Serbs and Orthodox Serb
monasteries. Note how the German political class only calls for
independence and "negotiations" now that the Serbs have been reduced
(by Germany’s Muslim Albanian allies) to a small minority. Why did they
not call for partition when UN troops arrived? Because then a more
equitable division of land might have been achieved – and that was no
good to the ethnic-cleansing, murdering, German-armed KLA!.
Dateline: 6th April 2004


The corporatist, strongly Roman Catholic leaning Conservative Parties
in German - CDU/CSU (the combination of Christian Democrats and the
Bavarian Christian Social Union) most effectively pursued under Helmut
Kohl the elimination of the sovereign nation states of Europe in order
to create the European Super-State. Kohl, whose brother was killed in
the war and who once tore down border posts between France and Germany,
repeatedly used the same rhetoric (about German "destiny", the
"European Train" and Europe "setting the points") used by the Nazis.
His corporatist/fascist bigotry was best summed up in his words "Might
is right in politics and war". 

German and Austrian Conservatives have always shared one great enemy in
the centre of Europe - the Orthodox, Slav Serbs. The break up of
Yugoslavia - created out of the defeat of Germany and Austro-Hungary in
the First World War - was planned by the German Christian Democrat
Government in the 1980s. The creation of the clerical Catholic State of
Croatia had been the long term aim of the Vatican - which had had
intimate relations with Croatia's wartime fascist regime. Both powers
have exploited the Muslim enemies of the Serbs, particularly in Bosnia
and Albania - and of course among the Muslim population of Kosovo. The
latter were throughout the 20th century no more than 50% of the Kosovo
population. But after the effective terrorist war waged by the Albanian
Kosovo KLA, the Blair/Clinton/Kohl illegal war against Yugoslavia and
the incompetent "peace keeping" of the United Nations' KFOR troops most
Serbs have now been driven out of their historic homeland in Kosovo
just as they were driven out of the Krajina (border area of Croatia).

Just as German politicians are now more open and aggressive about their
true aims for "German Europe" so their increasing success
in(former) Yugoslavia gives them the courage to admit their long
planned aims in Kosovo. In this article from our friends at Helmut Kohl's former governing parties,
CDU/CSU, call for the "independence" of Kosovo. In other words the
secession of Kosovo from Serbia and its complete hand-over to the
murdering regime which has driven the Serbs (not to mention Jews and
gypsies) out of another of their homelands. This is a bit like Germany
financing, say, French Muslims to take over Kent and then suggesting
that Kent should become "Independent" of Britain!

Having spent so much time and money and arms undermining Yugoslavia and
Kosovo it is not surprising that German troops assigned to KFOR have
proved "impotent" to protect Kosovo Serbs and Orthodox Serb
monasteries. Note how the German political class only calls for
independence and "negotiations" now that the Serbs have been reduced
(by Germany's Muslim Albanian allies) to a small minority. Why did they
not call for partition when UN troops arrived? Because then a more
equitable division of land might have been achieved - and that was no
good to the ethnic-cleansing, murdering, German-armed KLA!


The Munich based Centrum für angewandte Politikforschung (CAP - Centre
for Applied
Political Research) demands that Serbia, once and for all, cede its
southern province Kosovo and transfer all its sovereign rights over the
region to the United Nations. In the meantime politicians of the
opposition parties, Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Christian
Social Union (CSU) demand a "resolution of this issue as quickly as
possible." According to Michael Glos, CSU member of the Bundestag
(lower house of parliament), the attempt to "bring together the hostile
ethnic groups of Serbs and Albanians" is "fiction": "Multicultural
societies" are "a very difficult venture which Germany should not
select as a model."

CAP, one of the most important German think tanks in the area of
foreign policy, demands in a just published study that Belgrade's
sovereignty over the southern Serbian province Kosovo should be
"ended".1) For this reason CAP demands lifting of UN resolution 1244 of
June 10, 1999 and transfering "complete sovereignty" over the area to
the United Nations. The Serb speaking minority in Kosovo would have to
negotiate for its autonomous right with Pristina.

Ethnic separation
Meanwhile, the CDU and CSU opposition pleads for a "resolution of this
issue as soon as possible." According to the current position of the
CDU/CSU faction, Berlin has to commit itself to "a comprehensible,
realistic framework for action" which "would open clear prospects for
all of Kosovo's ethnic groups." As early as 1999 the former foreign
policy speaker of the largest German opposition faction, Lamers, (one
of the most bigoted euro-federalists -ed) demanded that "the fiction"
of a multi-ethnic Kosovo be dropped. At that time, Lamers pleaded for
separation of Kosovo into a smaller Serbian and a larger Albanian part.

"No more Serbs"
While Berlin's opposition voices demand ethnic separation in Kosovo,
the Serb-Orthodox diocese Raska-Prizren severely criticizes the German
KFOR commandant, Holger Kammerhoff, and the German KFOR soldiers
stationed in Prizren. The diocese explained that the German troops had
not responded sufficiently during the anti-Serbian pogroms and had
allowed "all of the remaining Christian-orthodox heritage to disappear
overnight," declaring: "What the Albanians did not accomplish during
the era of Nazi Germany, they managed under the German troops of the
so-called peace mission". An Austrian Lt. Colonel reported after the
pogroms: "Now, there are no more Serbs in Prizren."

Kosovo's Fifth Anniversary. On the Road to Nowhere?; März 2004
Ruck/Helias: Rot-gruen muss Kurs im Kosovo korrigieren;
Pressemitteilung der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion
Glos aeussert Zweifel an Kosovo-Politik. "Nato-Einsatz beruht auf einer
Fiktion"; Frankfurter Allgemeine
Zeitung 24.03.2004
Schwere Vorwuerfe der Orthodoxen gegen deutsche KFOR-Truppen; APA
In Prizren gibt es keine Serben mehr; Der Standard 25.03.2004



History is repeating 60 years later:
Tragic events of March 17-18 evoke the painful memories of the past
WW2 Genocide - Albanian SS Skenderbey Division -an important historical
analysis of the development of Nazism among Albanians and forming of
the infamous SS Skenderbey Division. - Many times Germans had to
restrain their Moslem allies: "Bedri Pejani, the Muslim leader of the
Albanian National Committee, called for the extermination of Orthodox
Serbian Christians in Kosovo-Metohija and for a union of a Greater
Albania with Bosnia-Hercegovina and the Rashka (Sandzak) region of
Serbia into a Greater Islamic State. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj
Amin el Husseini, was presented the Pejani plan which he approved as
being in the interest of Islam. The Germans,however, rejected the
plan". (
The Holocaust in Kosovo -  Sean Mac Mathuna and John Heathcote - This
Web Page is focusing on the Nazism among Albanians, especially in
Kosovo during the WWII. Under the support of Nazi Germany and Islamic
pro-Nazi circles from the Middle East Kosovo Albanian Nazis organized
persecutions of Orthodox Serbs and Jews.
EC: The Roots of Kosovo's Faschism, by George Thompson - another essay
"Kosovo Albanian nationalist militias called the "Balli Kombetar" (or
"Ballistas") carried out a campaign of deportation and murder of Serbs
in 1943 and 1944. Then, on Hitler’s express order, the Germans formed
the 21st "Waffen-Gebirgs Division der SS" - the Skanderbeg Division.
With German leaders and Kosovo Albanian officers and troops, Hitler’s
hoped that using the Skanderbergs Germany could "achieve its well-known
political objective" of creating a viable (i.e., pure) "Greater
Albania" including Kosovo".

Eyewitness to Genocide in Kosovo: Kosovo-Metohija and the Skenderbeg
Division I was only 11 years old when Hitlers Division 'Skanderbeg' and
'Prinz Eugen' burned down the village of Velika and killed about 428
persons. Our family paid a heavy price that day - Radoje Knezevic, a
Serb from Kosovo and Metohija

Tetovo and Greater AlbaniaTetovo between 1941-1944, by Carl Savich. The
truth about events during the Nazi occupation of today's Macedonia. As
well as in Kosovo, Albanian Nazis of Skenderbey SS division commited
crimes against Slav population. - "The Skanderbeg SS Division crossed
into Macedonia and occupied Tetovo and Skopje in the early part of
September, 1944. The purpose for the occupation was to garrison
Macedonia and safeguard the retreat of German troops from Greece and
the Aegean peninsula".


Finally a letter from one of our readers:

From: Pedja Zoric (California, U.S)
Sent: April 6, 2004 7:55 AM
Subject: April 6 1941

On this day (April 6) Nazi Germany attacked Yugoslavia, bombed Belgrade
and other Serbian cities.Thousands died. Distraction.

Because of that attack Hitler postponed Barbarossa, and attacked Russia
later than originally planned, we all know how June 22 attack on Russia

That was the second time in 20th Century that Germany attacked Serbs.
To revenge two lost WW, Germany later in 20th Century attacked two more

In 1991 pure aggression against the Serbs, and then bombing Serbs in
1999. German soldiers now occupy Bosnian Serb Republica Srpska and
Serbian Kosovo and Metohija.

In March pogrom against Kosovo Serbs, German soldiers stood buy in
Prizren, former capital of medieval Serbian Kingdom, and watched how
Albanians from Albania and Kosovo killed the few remaining Serbs in
Prizren and destroyed everything Serbian.

For all the lives lost and destruction, Germany never paid one cent as
war reparation, to the Serbian state.

When will Germans stop hating the Serbs?

Trieste 9 aprile 2004

ore 17:30 - presso Circolo della Stampa, Corso Italia 13

Di volta in volta sono state chiamate
“ingerenza umanitaria”
“operazione di polizia internazionale”
“guerra preventiva al terrorismo”
Sono invece sempre state
per definire nuovi assetti geo-politici e per l'accaparramento di
E per giustificare queste aggressioni si e' sempre ricorsi alle
e alle menzogne, demonizzando interi popoli.

A 5 anni dall'aggressione alla Jugoslavia da parte della "sinistra con
a 1 anno dall'invasione dell'Iraq da parte della "destra delle crociate"
ne parleremo con


giornalista tedesco autore del libro


Gruppo ZASTAVA - Trieste
Gruppo Consiliare Regionale del FVG di Rifondazione Comunista
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia



Un ciclo di incontri con JUERGEN ELSAESSER,
autore di "Menzogne di guerra"

I recenti pogrom contro le minoranze non albanesi in Kosovo dimostrano
che la crisi jugoslava non si è risolta, nè può esserlo in alcun modo
con i criteri evidentemente dettati dalle grandi potenze. La perdurante
crisi nell'area balcanica, inoltre, ha molto a che fare ed ha molto da
dirci anche rispetto ad altri scenari di guerra - presenti e futuri -
compreso quello iracheno. In Iraq come in Jugoslavia la guerra è stata
costruita a tavolino, per ragioni geostrategiche, con la
disinformazione e facendo leva sui settori più revanscisti e reazionari
della società e sulle "differenze etniche".

Nel quinto anniversario dall'inizio dei bombardamenti sulla RF di
Jugoslavia - 24 marzo 1999 - esce in Germania la quinta edizione del
coraggioso libro di Jürgen Elsässer "Kriegsverbrechen", completamente
riveduta, corretta ed ampliata, con un numero quasi doppio di pagine
rispetto alla precedente. Essa contiene non solo documentazione sulla
occupazione Nato/Uck del Kosovo, ma anche aggiornamenti sui danni
causati dai bombardamenti Nato, materiali sul processo Miloševic (sul
quale esiste pochissima letteratura), nonché materiali sulla situazione
sociale e politica nell'area balcanica letteralmente sconvolta dalle
politiche imperialiste. L'edizione italiana del libro, uscita un anno e
mezzo fa, ha già avuto ampia circolazione nel nostro paese ed è stata
presentata in un precedente ciclo di incontri, nel settembre 2002.

Stavolta coglieremo l'occasione per discutere liberamente con Elsaesser
della situazione e delle prospettive in Jugoslavia.
Nel corso degli incontri saranno letti alcuni brani del nuovo capitolo
"L'ultimo giorno di Sanja", la storia degli ultimi giorni di vita della
giovanissima Sanja, che e' stata uccisa sul ponte di Varvarin - con
intermezzi letterari tratti dai testi di Desanka Maksimovic, Ivo
Andric, Ðorde Balasevic...

Per gli altri appuntamenti in programma vedi:

[ The original text in english: ]

Documentario inglese sostanzia le collusioni USA-KLA nel provocare la
guerra contro la Serbia, con relativo articolo del
Sunday Times sul ruolo della CIA

World Socialist Web Site, 16 Marzo 2000
di Chris Marsden

Domenica 12 Marzo la BBC2 trasmetteva un documentario di Alan Little
intitolato "Moral Combat: NATO At War". Il programma conteneva lampanti
prove su come l'amministrazione Clinton creò il pretesto per dichiarare
la guerra al regime Milosevic in Serbia, sponsorizzando il separatista
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), spingendo a tale decisione i propri
alleati Europei. Le rivelazioni nel documentario di Little erano
rinforzate da un articolo nel Sunday Times, con franche interviste con
i maggiori protagonisti nel conflitto in Kosovo: Madeline Albright
Segretario di Stato USA, l'Assistente del Segretario di Stato James
Rubin, l'inviato USA Richard Holbrooke, William Walker, capo della
Missione di Verifica ONU, e il leader della KLA Hashim Thaci. Sostenute
da molti altri.

Il documentario spiega come "una mitologia condivisa su Milosevic" rese
"alleati una oscura banda di guerriglieri e la maggior potenza della
Fin dalla guerra in Bosnia nel 1995, il KLA cercava di capitalizzare il
sentimento popolare tra i Kosovo-Albanesi contro il regime di Belgrado,
perseguendo una strategia di destabilizzazione della provincia Serba
del Kosovo con atti terroristici, nella speranza che USA e NATO
intervenissero. Compivano imboscate contro poliziotti Serbi
"Ogni azione armata che compivano, avrebbe provocato ritorsioni sui
civili" il leader del KLA Thaci spiegava. "Sappiamo che provocheremo
molte perdite tra i civili." I vantaggi di tale strategia vennero
pianificati da Dug Gorani, un negoziatore Kosovo-Albanese non legato
con il KLA: "molti altri civili vennero uccisi, le chances di un
intervento internazionale divennero più grandi, e il KLA, certo, capì
ciò. Un diplomatico mi disse, 'Guarda, senza superare la quota di
cinque mila morti, non avrai alcuna attenzione permanente sul Kosovo da
parte della diplomazia internazionale.'"

Albright fu recettiva alla strategia del KLA poiché gli USA erano
ansiosi di attuare un conflitto militare con la Serbia. La sua serie di
interviste venne infarcita con le parole: "Credo nel potere definitivo,
la bontà del potere degli alleati e guidata dagli USA." La campagna di
provocazioni del KLA venne attuata come mezzo con cui l'uso di questo
potere potesse essere sancito.
Il 5 Marzo 1998, a Prekaz, un attacco dell'esercito Serbo alla casa di
un comandante del KLA, Adem Jashari, in cui 53 persone morirono,
divenne l'occasione per un meeting del gruppo di Contatto della NATO
quattro giorni dopo. Albright spinse per una forte risposta anti-Serba.
"Penso di dover dire ai miei colleghi che non dobbiamo commettere lo
stesso errore che accadde in Bosnia, dove vi furono molte chiacchiere e
nessuna azione" disse a Little.

La NATO minacciò Belgrado con una risposta militare per la prima volta.
"L'ambizione del KLA, e le intenzioni della NATO, erano convergenti"
Little commentava. Si verificò che un successivo meeting pubblico tra
l'inviato USA Richard Holbrooke e personale del KLA a Junik preoccupò
Belgrado e incoraggiò i separatisti Albanesi. Il Generale Nebojsa
Pavkovic, il comandante dell'esercito Jugoslavo in Kosovo, disse:
"Quando l'ambasciatore di un altro paese arriva qui, ignora i
rappresentanti dello stato, ma ha meeting con i terroristi Albanesi,
allora è chiaro che li sostiene."
Lirak Cejal, un soldato del KLA, disse: "Sapevo che fin da allora
saremmo stati nelle mani degli USA e della NATO. Cercavano i capi del
KLA, e quando li trovarono, li ebbero in pugno, controllando il KLA."
Nell'Ottobre 1998 la NATO impose il cessate-il-fuoco, in parte con la
minaccia della forza e in parte per i successi della Serbia nello
sconfiggere il KLA. Una forza di monitoraggio del cessate-il-fuoco [the
Kosovo Verification Mission] venne inviata nella provincia sotto gli
auspici dell'Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe
(OSCE) e capeggiata da William Walker.

L'intervista con Cejal è il solo riferimento al controllo USA del KLA
nel documentario di Little, ed è solo un aneddoto. Sembra che la BBC,
per sue ragioni, scelga di insistere su tale argomento, pubblicando
l'articolo sul Sunday Times nello stesso giorno in cui il documentario
di Little veniva trasmesso.

I giornalisti del Times Tom Walker e Aidan Laverty scrivono: "Molti
statunitensi, che erano direttamente coinvolti nelle attività della CIA
o vicini a esse, hanno parlato ai produttori di Moral Combat, un
documentario trasmesso su BBC2 tonight, e al The Sunday Times riguardo
i loro compiti clandestini 'nel fornire aiuti occulti al KLA prima che
i bombardamenti della NATO iniziassero in Kosovo.' "
Il Sunday Times spiegava che fonti anonime "ammettono di aver aiutato
nell'addestramento del Kosovo Liberation Army". Aggiungono che agenti
della CIA erano ispettori del "cessate-il-fuoco in Kosovo nel 1998 e
nel 1999, sviluppando legami con il KLA e fornendo manuali per
l'addestramento militare USA e consiglio sul campo di battaglia contro
l'esercito Jugoslavo e la polizia Serba."
L'articolo del The Times continuava: "Quando l'Organisation for
Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), che coordinava il
monitoraggio, lasciò il Kosovo una settimana prima degli attacchi aerei
di un anno fa, molti dei suoi telefoni satellitari e sistemi di global
positioning erano stati segretamente dati al KLA, assicurando che i
comandanti della guerriglia potessero essere in contatto con la NATO e
Washington. Molti leaders del KLA avevano il numero di cellulare del
Generale Wesley Clark, il comandante della NATO."
L'articolo cita un anonimo "Diplomatico Europeo dell'OSCE" che "si
sentiva tradito dalla politica USA che rese inevitabili gli attacchi
aerei." Citano un inviato Europeo che accusa il capo della missione
OSCE Walker di attuare una operazione CIA: "L'agenda USA consisteva dei
loro osservatori diplomatici, della CIA, che operavano in modi
completamenti differenti dagli Europei e dall'OSCE."

Walker fu ambasciatore USA in El Salvador quando gli USA l'aiutarono a
sopprimere i ribelli di sinistra, ed è ampiamente sospettato di essere
un operativo della CIA. Nega ciò, ma ammette al Sunday Times che la CIA
era certamente coinvolta nella preparazione degli attacchi aerei: "In
una notte avemmo a disposizione 130 persone o più. Poteva l'agenzia
averli messi in quel punto? Certo, poteva. È il suo lavoro."
Il quotidiano cita l'assai candido commento delle sue fonti nella CIA:
"Era un fronte della CIA, l'intelligence forniva al KLA armi e comando"
dice uno. "Dicevamo loro [al KLA] quale collina evitare, in quale bosco
nascondersi, cose del genere" dice un altro.
Per sostenere tali affermazioni, the Sunday Times nota che Shaban
Shala, un comandante del KLA ancora attivo nella campagna per
destabilizzare le aree Albanesi in Serbia, afferma di avere incontrato
agenti statunitensi, inglesi e svizzeri nel nord dell'Albania nel 1996.

Il documentario BBC di Little non dà tali espliciti suggerimenti sui
legami tra CIA e KLA, ma suggerisce che il cessate-il-fuoco divenne
l'occasione per il rafforzamento dei separatisti in Kosovo. Spiegano
che nel caso i Serbi avessero ritirato le loro forze, in accordo con il
cessate-il-fuoco, il KLA si sarebbe attivato. Il capo militare del KLA
Agim Ceku disse: "Il cessate-il-fuoco era assai utile per noi, ci aiutò
a organizzarci, consolidarci e crescere." Nulla impediva ciò,
nonostante le proteste della Serbia.
Little spiegava che la BBC ottenne delle minute confidenziali del North
Atlantic Council o NAC, organo di governo della NATO, che affermano che
il KLA era "il vero provocatore delle violenze" e che privatamente
Walker chiamava le sue azioni una "deliberata campagna di
provocazioni". Era tale sostegno occulto al KLA da parte degli USA che
provocò la Serbia nel mettere fine al cessate-il-fuoco e nel rinviare
l'esercito in Kosovo.

La successiva maggiore svolta degli eventi, quella che condusse alla
guerra della NATO contro la Serbia, fu il presunto massacro di Albanesi
a Racak il 15 gennaio 1999. In quel giorno, la storia sulle forze Serbe
che avrebbero ucciso civili in un contrattacco a Racak fu fortemente
contestata da Belgrado, che affermò che il KLA aveva inscenato il
massacro, usando cadaveri da precedenti scontri.
È certo che quando le forze Serbe annunciarono l'eliminazione di 15
membri del KLA, i supervisori internazionali che entrarono nel
villaggio non riportarono nulla di inusuale. E quando, la mattina dopo,
le forze del KLA ripresero il controllo del villaggio, Walker fece una
visita e annunciò che vi era stato un massacro effettuato dalla polizia
Serba e dall'esercito Jugoslavo. Little conferma che Walker contattò
sia Holbrooke che il Generale Clark prima di fare l'annuncio.
Racak era la prova finale per un pretesto per una dichiarazione di
guerra, ma prima Washington doveva assicurarsi che le potenze Europee,
che, assieme agli inglesi, spingevano per una soluzione diplomatica,
salissero sul carro. Colloqui vennero stabiliti a Rambouillet, in
Francia, sostenuti dalla minaccia di guerra.

Little dice: "Gli Europei erano alquanto riluttanti nel mettere in
pratica le minacce di guerra, già avanzate per fare accettare un
accordo tra Serbi e Albanesi. Ma gli USA erano assai scettici. Andarono
a Rambouillet con una proposta alternativa in mente."
Sia Albright che Rubin sono straordinariamente candidi sul modo con cui
sistemarono Rambouillet. Presentarono un ultimatum che il governo Serbo
non poteva accettare, perché chiedeva l'occupazione NATO non solo del
Kosovo, ma di tutta la Serbia. Il Generale Serbo Pavkovic commenta:
"Volevano un diritto illimitato agli spostamenti e al dispiegamento,
una forma di occupazione. Nessuno poteva accettarlo."
Tale era l'intenzione USA. Albright disse alla BBC: "Se i Serbi non
sono d'accordo [con l'ultimatum di Rambouillet], e gli Albanesi si, ciò
sarebbe una chiara scusa per l'uso della forza." Rubin aggiunse,
"Ovviamente, pubblicamente, abbiamo reso chiaro che cercavamo un
accordo, ma privatamente sappiamo che le chances dei Serbi di
accordarsi erano assai piccole."

Il leader del KLA Thaci era il solo problema, poiché chiedeva
l'inclusione di un referendum sull'indipendenza. Così Albright andò,
nel giorno di St. Valentino, a occuparsi del loro consenso. Veton
Suroi, un rivale politico del KLA coinvolto nei colloqui, diede una
candida descrizione del messaggio di Albright a Thaci: "Ci diceva: voi
firmate, i Serbi non firmano, noi bombardiamo. Tu firma, i Serbi
firmano, avete la NATO a casa. Così vi sostiene."

Dopo tre settimane di discussioni, Thaci infine firmò l'Accordo di
Rambouillet. La via era spianata per la guerra USA contro la Serbia,
una guerra che era stata preparata con l'aiuto degli sporchi trucchi
della CIA e delle manovre politiche con i terroristi.

Traduzione di Alessandro Lattanzio
E-mail: alexlattanzio@...
Revisione a cura del CNJ

(segnalato da: )


Sottoscrivendo questo appello domandiamo che la devastazione che i
guerriglieri di "liberazione" del Kosovo stanno perpetrando a danno del
patrimonio culturale serbo della regione cessi immediatamente,
distruzione che li porta a colpire i monasteri e le chiese d'epoca
medievale. Sollecitiamo la NATO ed i leaders politici della comunità
albanese, in particolar modo il Signor Robertson e il Signor Rugova,
affinché prendano tempestivi provvedimenti per impedire che
l'insostituibile patrimonio culturale subisca ulteriori e insensati
danni. Le firme degli aderenti all'appello verranno inviate
all'organizzazione dell'Educazione, Scienza e Cultura delle Nazioni
Unite all'indirizzo e-mail Unesco.
Puoi leggere il testo dell'appello a questo indirizzo:
Puoi sottoscrivere l'appello a questo indirizzo:
Se hai intenzione di aiutare a diffondere questo appello, puoi perdere
pochi minuti per inoltrare il testo e il link originale agli amici che
pensi possano essere interessati. Se hai un weblog o un sito e vuoi
ospitare l'appello, ti ringraziamo per l'aiuto.
NB. L'appello originale è in inglese. Se devi inviarlo a persone che lo
leggerebbero più facilmente in italiano, copia pure la traduzione che
hai appena letto, e diffondi anche il link del mio post insieme al link
originale. Grazie.
L'appello in italiano:


Mi, dole potpisani, zahtevamo da odmah prestane unistavanje srpskog
kulturnog nasledja od strane albanske "Oslobodilacke" armije Kosova, u
vidu rusenja srednjovekovnih manastira i crkava. Isto tako trazimo od
vodja NATO-a i od albanskih vodja, tj. gospode Robertsona i Rugove, da
pronadu mogucnosti za zastitu ovog jedinstvenog kulturnog blaga od
daljeg besmislenog unistavanja. Spisak potpisa, u najaktuelnijem
stanju, ce biti poslat organizaciji UNESCO (Organizacija za
obrazovanje, nauku i kulturu pri Ujedinjenim Nacijama).
Tekst peticije (na engleskom):


We, the undersigned, plead for an immediate end to the Albanian Kosovo
"Liberation" Army's annihilation of Serbian cultural heritage in the
form of destruction of medieval monasteries and churches. We further
urge the NATO and Albanian leaders, Mr.Robertson and Mr.Rugova, to
explore possibilities to safeguard this irreplaceable cultural heritage
from further and senseless destruction. The updated list of signatures
will be sent to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
organization via e-mail.
You can read the text here:
You can sign the petition here:
If you would like to help some more to support the cause of this
petition, it would be great to take a moment now and send a quick email
message to let some friends know about it. Feel free to forward this
petition using the original link, and feel free to republish it on your
weblog or website. Thanks.

[Sono state eliminare la parti non di testo del messaggio]


Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 04:00:48 -0800 (PST)
From: Rick Rozoff
Subject: Latvia: Waffen SS Veterans Participate In NATO Accession

Russian Information Agency (Novosti)
April 2, 2004


RIGA - Former Waffen SS legionaries took part in the
festivities held in Riga on Friday on the occasion of
Latvia's accession to NATO.
During the festivities Latvian top executives laid
flowers to Freedom Monument in the center of the city.
Taking part in the ceremony, along with Latvian
president Vaira-Vike Freiberga, Saeima speaker Ingrida
Udre, premier Indulis Emsis, Saeima deputies from
right parties and government members, as well as the
commanders of the national armed forces, were former
Waffen-SS legionaries - members of the Society of
National Soldiers.
Among those laying flowers, there were no
representatives of opposition Left-center parties. The
members of the political association "For Human Rights
in United Latvia" "do not consider that accession to
NATO is a holiday for Latvia," Yuri Sokolovsky, Saeima
deputy from this association, told the
Russian-language newspaper Vesti Segodnya.
In his opinion, "making a national holiday of the fact
of the country's accession to the North-Atlantic
alliance is stupid, to say the least of it."
Meanwhile, the festivities on the occasion of Latvia's
joining NATO are not arousing interest among
residents. In Riga only several casual passers-by
observed the ceremony of laying flowers to Freedom
A ceremony of hoisting the NATO flag in front of the
Riga Castle - the residence of the Latvian president
and in front of the building of the Latvian defense
ministry will also take place on Friday. Then a solemn
meeting of the Saeima will be held.

[ Spaccare tutto ! Questo sembra essere il motto della geopolitica
USA-NATO nella fase post Guerra Fredda. Dopo avere insanguinato paesi
gia' multinazionali e prosperi come la Jugoslavia e l'Iraq, dopo aver
gettato in pasto a fanatici tagliagole le popolazioni di aree
strategiche come il Kosovo e la Cecenia, gli USA puntano sempre piu' in
alto: si progetta adesso nientepopodimeno che la "liberazione" della
Siberia dalla Federazione Russa. Per far questo si strumentalizzano
minuscole tribu' aborigene, consistenti in poche decine di individui i
quali, peraltro, da molte decine di anni non parlano piu' altra lingua
che il russo. Certo la Siberia non e' mai esistita come paese a se', ma
le ricchezze del suo sottosuolo giustificano qualsiasi abominio
politico-etnografico... ]

USA to intervene Siberia? - 04/02/2004 18:38

The USA is getting ready to interfere in Russian domestic policy under
the excuse of protecting human rights.

The real cause of this interfering will be the oil-bearing territory of
Siberia populated by small native peoples.

The Wall Street Journal suddenly became interested in the native
peoples of Siberia. The newspaper of the US business told its readers
about the peoples of Siberia who are dying out, and the efforts of
brave linguists on restoring the disappearing language of Khant people.
American business is unlikely to be altruistic, this all is about
controlling the oil-bearing Siberian regions. The easiest way to get
hold of Siberian oil is using the native Siberian peoples as a tool.

The Wall Street Journal wrote about 71-year old Elizaveta Sigiletova,
one of the last bearers of the Khant language which is on the brink of
disappearance after being attacked by Russian language. The lady was
forced to speak Russian since she went to school, and this made her
forget much of her native language. She was able to produce only
several words in Khant.

Being the crossroad of migration flows since the Stone Age, the forests
of Siberia preserved the cultures of dozens of tribes, such as Saami,
Karels, Veps, Mori and others. "Rusification" of the last 30-50 years
brought these peoples on the brink of extinction.

In the 18th century Slavs came here to introduce Christianity. The
revolution of 1917 brought many changes. The Bolsheviks started
implementing their idea to make minorities Soviet citizens. They put
Khant children in boarding schools and their parents in the kolkhoz
(collective farms), and requested them to speak Russian. In 1960 oil
was discovered in Siberia, and millions of Russian-speaking oil
industry workers arrived in the region.

Demoralized Khants accepted Russian way of life. Some of them became
alcoholics (they drink vodka and home-brew).
"Russians keep telling us that we could neither write nor read before
their arrival. Well, they brought culture, literacy and education, but
they destroyed our way of life", says Klavdia Demko, one of the Khant

It does not matter to the Wall Street Journal that the tiny tribes were
never engaged in oil industry and forgot their native language. The
most important thing is to demonstrate that besides Russia, Siberia has
another master. The relic tribes fit this purpose. But there is a
problem - there are only 15 people in this tribe, and they forgot their
dialect. However, if there is no tribe, it should be invented.

Specialists are hired. Native peoples are made of the fragments of tiny
tribes, attempts are made to restore their "genuine" language.

The Tomsk University linguists working on restoring the Khant language,
are depicted as enthusiasts. The US leading media outlet for business
is unlikely to write about enthusiasts. The interest of Americans to
Khants in Siberian taiga looks suspicious.

The USA is good in creating countries from nothing. In the beginning of
the 20th century the USA was in need of controlling the Panama Canal.
The States made everything possible to separate a part from Columbia
and establish new state - Panama. The USA made an agreement with Panama
on leasing a part of its territory for constructing Panama Canal. Later
it was detected that the US citizen signed the agreement on behalf of
Panama. The fake country was established, its fake people received
"freedom and independence", Americans benefited from using the Panama

Today oil-bearing Siberia can become in the role of Panama. The article
in the Wall Street Journal is just the first attempt. By starting the
fight for the rights of Khants oppressed by Russians, control over
Siberian oil can be obtained. And this, one should expect no mercy.
Americans are excited with the way of life of the relic tribes living
in nomads tents, and irritated with Russians who brought civilization
in the area. It looks like Americans are preparing new Panama in

Yaroslav Rodin.

(francais / english / italiano)

Bosnia: attacco terroristico, parroco ortodosso in coma

=== ITALIANO ===


(ANSA-REUTERS-AFP) - PALE (BOSNIA), 1 APR - Truppe della Nato sono
giunte in nottata a Pale, la ex roccaforte di Radovan Karadzic, ex
capo dei serbi di Bosnia ricercato per crimini di guerra, e si sono
udite forti detonazioni e raffiche di armi automatiche vicino a una
chiesa della citta'. Lo hanno riferito fonti concordanti. Un
cameraman della Reuters sul posto ha visto truppe della Sfor isolare
il centro della cittadina, che si trova a circa 15 km da Sarajevo,
appoggiate da elicotteri, uno dei quali in seguito e' atterrato.
''Un'operazione e' in corso a Pale'', ha detto un portavoce della
Sfor, il capitano Dave Sullivan. Karadzic e' stato incriminato nel
1995 dal Tpi, il Tribunale penale internazionale per la ex
Jugoslavia, pcon le accuse di genocidio, crimini di guerra e crimini
contro l'umanita' commessi durante il conflitto in Bosnia
(1992-1995). Per la sua cattura c'e' una taglia di cinque milioni di
dollari.(ANSA-REUTERS-AFP). MC 01/04/2004 03:00


fallito raid per catturare l'ex leader serbo bosniaco Radovan
Karadzic, la notte scorsa a Pale, nei pressi di Sarajevo, un prete
ortodosso e suo figlio che si trovavano nella casa presa d'assalto
dal commando della Nato sono rimasti feriti. Lo ha detto la moglie
del religioso. La donna ha detto che suo marito, padre Jeremija
Starovlah, e suo figlio sono rimasti feriti quando il commando della
Sfor ha fatto irruzione nella loro casa adiacente a una chiesa
ortodossa. ''Siamo stati svegliati da spari. I soldati hanno fatto
irruzione nella casa e immediatamente li hanno portati in un'altra
stanza... un soldato mi ha puntato il fucile alla testa. Ho udito mio
marito gridare chiedendo aiuto, ma non ho potuto fare niente'', ha
raccontato la moglie del religioso all'agenzia Reuters. Un
portavoce della Sfor, la Forza di stabilizzazione della Nato in
Bosnia, il capitano Dave Sullivan, si e' limitato a confermare che
nel corso dell'operazione due civili sono rimasti feriti e sono stati
ricoverati d'urgenza in un ospedale civile. ''Malgrado tutte le
misure prese per diminuire i rischi - ha detto Sullivan -, due civili
che si trovavano nella casa sono stati feriti'' quando i soldati
della Sfor hanno fatto saltare in aria la porta dell'abitazione dove
ritenevano si nascondesse Karadzic. Il portavoce ha detto che i
due feriti ''Sono stati trasportati rapidamente in elicottero verso
un ospedale civile'', ma non ha voluto precisare in che condizioni di
salute si trovino. Fonti mediche citate dalla France Presse hanno
detto che i due sono stati ricoverati nel reparto di rianimazione
dell'ospedale di Tuzla, nella Bosnia settentrionale Secondo un
testimone che ha assistito a tutta l'operazione, il raid e' iniziato
alle 01:15 di oggi, quando un convoglio di truppe americane e'
entrato a Pale, l'ex roccaforte serbo bosniaca durante la guerra
civile in Bosnia (1992-1995), sulle montagne circa 15 chilometri da
Sarajevo. Alcuni testimoni hanno riferito di aver udito spari e
un'esplosione, e che almeno quattro elicotteri della Nato si sono
posati nel centro della cittadina. Un commando di una quarantina di
soldati ha poi fatto irruzione in una chiesa ortodossa nel centro di
Pale e nell'adiacente abitazione di padre Starovlah.
(ANSA-AFP-REUTERS) LG 01/04/2004 10:51


(ANSA) - SARAJEVO, 1 APR - Sono critiche le condizioni del parroco
ortodosso di Pale, Jeremija Starovlah, 52 anni, e di suo figlio
Aleksandar, 27 anni, ricoverati nell'ospedale di Tuzla, perche'
feriti nell'incursione della Sfor la scorsa notte a Pale che aveva
per obiettivo la cattura di Radovan Karadzic, ex leader serbo
bosniaco ricercato dal Tribunale dell'Aja (Tpi). Secondo una
portavoce dell'ospedale, citata dall'agenzia Fena, Aleksandar e'
arrivato in ''stato di coma che continua ancora dopo l'intervento
chirurgico alla testa''. La portavoce ha aggiunto che le ''lesioni
sono molto gravi, complesse e che l'esito e' incerto''. Anche il
padre si trova in condizioni critiche, ha detto la portavoce, e'
stato sottoposto a un intervento chirurgico, avendo riportato ferite
alla testa e una frattura della clavicola, e perduto molto sangue. Le
lesioni riportate dai due feriti non sono tate causate, hanno detto i
medici di Tuzla, da colpi d'arma da fuoco. Il portavoce della
Forza di stabilizzazione Nato (Sfor), Dave Sullivan, ha confermato
oggi che il pope e suo figlio sono rimasti feriti a causa
dell'esplosivo usato dai militari per aprire la porta d'ingresso
della casa. Sullivan ha anche dichiarato che i soldati della Sfor
non hanno ecceduto nell'uso della forza, di armi da fuoco o bombe,
ed ha aggiunto che la Sfor ha filmato l'operazione e che la video
cassetta dimostra che hanno tenuto un comportamento professionale.
L'operazione, ha precisato Sullivan, e' stata condotta a seguito di
informazioni credibili sulla presenza di Karadzic nella casa. La
Sfor non ha precisato se il pope Starovlah facesse parte della rete
che sostiene la fuga dell'ex leader dei serbi di Bosnia, ma ha
affermato che dopo questa azione le forze internazionali sono di un
passo piu' vicine a Karadzic e che la sua rete di sostegno e' stata
indebolita. (ANSA)
COR*VD 01/04/2004 14:09


(ANSA) - SARAJEVO, 01 APR - Alcune centinaia di abitanti di Pale
hanno protestato per le strade, nel primo pomeriggio, contro il raid
della Nato della notte scorsa, in cui sono rimasti gravemente feriti
il parroco ortodosso Jeremija Starovlah (52) e suo figlio Aleksandar
(27). Lo ha reso noto l'agenzia di stampa Fena. I manifestanti
hanno invitato pubblicamente l'attuale presidente della presidenza
collegiale bosniaca, Sulejman Tihic e i presidenti delle due camere
del parlamento centrale, ''di venire a Pale e dimostrare il proprio
orientamento per la tutela delle liberta' dell'uomo e della
democrazia''. Anche i sacerdoti della parrocchia di Pale hanno
protestato per ''la violenza usata contro il pope inerme''. I
militari, ha detto alla radio Slobodan Ubarda, sapevano che ''l'unica
arma dei sacerdoti della chiesa serba ortodossa e' il Vangelo''.
Nella sede della parrocchia di Pale, dove i militari della Sfor sono
entrati la notte scorsa, alla ricerca dell'ex leader serbo bosniaco
Radovan Karadzic, buttando la porta d'ingresso con dell'esplosivo, e'
arrivato questa mattina il metropolita della Bosnia Nikolaj, ma non
ha ancora rilasciato dichiarazioni. Per incontrare il metropolita
sono arrivati poco prima di mezzogiorno l'esponente serbo della
presidenza tripartita bosniaca Borislav Paravac, il presidente del
parlamento della Republika Srpska (Rs, entita' a maggioranza serba di
Bosnia) Dragan Kalinic e il ministro dell'interno della Rs Zoran
Djeric. Contro l'azione della Sfor ha protestato anche il ministro
degli esteri Mladen Ivanic, secondo il quale il tragico ferimento
del pope e di suo figlio dimostra che si dovrebbero ''porre dei
limiti'' anche al comportamento della Sfor. Secondo l'Alto
rappresentante della comunita' internazionale Paddy Ashdown,
l'incidente della notte scorsa non sarebbe accaduto se le autorita'
locali avessero rispettato l'impegno di collaborare in pieno con il
Tribunale internazionale dell'Aja (Tpi). La comunita' internazionale,
ha detto Ashdown, e' decisa ad assicurare alla giustizia tutti i
ricercati per gli orrendi crimini di cui sono accusati. Il futuro
europeo della Bosnia, ha aggiunto l'Alto rappresentante, e'
ostacolato dalla mancanza di volonta' delle autorita' bosniache, in
particolare quelle della Rs, di dimostrare la stessa decisione. ''E'
inaccettabile che fino ad oggi - ha detto - solo la comunita'
internazionale si sia seriamente adoperata a far rispettare il
diritto internazionale e a catturare i ricercati per crimini di
guerra''. (ANSA) COR*VD 01/04/2004 14:50


(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 1 APR - Il ministro serbo delle religioni Milan
Radulovic ha duramente protestato oggi con la Nato per i danni subiti
dalla chiesa ortodossa di Pale, in Repubblica Srpska (l'entita' serba
della Bosnia), durante una operazione condotta dai soldati della Sfor
(la forza di interposizione della Nato) alla ricerca del latitante
numero uno del Tribunale penale internazionale, l'ex leader dei serbi
di Bosnia Radovan Karadzic. Radulovic - dello stesso partito del
premier Vojislav Kostunica, che non ha mai nascosto di sentire i
serbi di Bosnia come 'fratelli sperati'' - ha definito l'irruzione
dei militari nell'edificio religioso come ''una barbarie
inaccettabile''. I soldati della Kfor avevano fatto saltare con
l'esplosivo la porta della chiesa, e nell'azione sono rimasti
gravemente feriti, non e' chiaro in che modo, il pope Jeremija
Starovlah e suo figlio Aleksandar. ''La Sfor ha dimostrato di
non avere alcun rispetto per la dignita' umana e per la salvaguardia
dei diritti dei religiosi: in tutti gli eserciti del mondo vige la
norma di non intaccare l'autonomia delle chiese'', ha detto il
ministro chiedendo un procedimento penale per l'accaduto. A
Belgrado, il capitolo dei danni agli edifici ortodossi e'
particolarmente sensibile dopo l'ondata di violenze che in Kosovo ha
portato alla distruzione di 25 fra chiese e monasteri serbi.(ANSA).
OT 01/04/2004 19:23


(ANSA) - SARAJEVO, 2 APR - La chiesa serba ortodossa di Bosnia ha
accusato la Forza di stabilizzazione della Nato (Sfor) di
''terrorismo'', definendo ''atto criminale'' il raid della Forza di
pace a Pale nella notte tra mercoledi' e giovedi', in cui e' rimasto
gravemente ferito il pope di Pale Jeremija Starovlah e il figlio
Aleksandar. Lo ha reso noto l'arcivescovado di Bosnia della chiesa
serba ortodossa, riferisce l'agenzia di stampa Fena, dopo una
riunione ieri sera a Pale dove la Sfor, nel tentativo di catturare
l'ex leader serbo bosniaco Radovan Karadzic ricercato per genocidio e
crimini di guerra, la notte precedente aveva fatto irruzione nella
canonica e nella chiesa ortodossa. I religiosi ortodossi hanno
anche minacciato di interrompere ogni collaborazione con le
istituzioni internazionali in Bosnia e con le autorita' bosniache,
centrali e della Republika Srpska (Rs, entita' a maggioranza serba),
se non esprimeranno con urgenza il sostegno alle posizioni della
chiesa e se non saranno puniti i responsabili ''dell'atto criminale
il cui unico obiettivo non era la cattura dei presunti criminali di
guerra bensi' quello di attaccare l'anima del popolo serbo, cioe' la
sua chiesa''. Alla riunione dei religiosi dell'arcivescovado ha
partecipato anche un delegazione del Santo sinodo della Chiesa serba
ortodossa di Belgrado. L'operazione della Sfor ha Pale e il
''ferimento di civili inermi'' e' stata duramente condannata anche
dal governo della Rs, che ha accusato la Sfor di aver ''oltrepassato
i limiti del proprio mandato''. Ieri pomeriggio a Pale,
roccaforte di Karadzic durante la guerra, centinaia di persone hanno
manifestato contro l'azione della Sfor, che da parte sua ha sempre
detto di aver agito totalmente nei limiti della legalita'. Una
ventina di manifestanti portavano sul volto maschere raffiguranti il
ricercato n.1 dalla giustizia internazionale. Alla manifestazione
sono intervenuti anche l'esponente serbo della presidenza collegiale
bosniaca Borislav Paravac e il presidente del parlamento Rs Dragan
Kalinic. (ANSA) COR*VD 02/04/2004 13:12


(ANSA) - SARAJEVO, 02 APR - Restano critiche le condizioni del parroco
ortodosso Jeremija Starovlah (52 anni) e del figlio Aleksandar (27),
ricoverati nell'ospedale di Tuzla dopo essere rimasti gravemente
feriti nell'irruzione della Forza di stabilizzazione Nato in Bosnia
(Sfor) nella canonica e nella chiesa ortodossa di Pale alla ricerca
dell'ex leader serbo bosniaco Radovan Karadzic. Lo ha reso noto la
portavoce dell'ospedale di Tuzla Amra Odobasic, riferisce l'agenzia
Fena. Padre e figlio hanno riportato, tra l'altro, lesioni alla
testa nell'esplosione provocata dalla Sfor per abbattere la porta
d'ingresso, e sono stati trasferiti da elicotteri Nato all'ospedale di
Tuzla (Bosnia settentrionale, nella Federazione Bh a maggioranza
croato musulmana), dove ieri sono stati sottoposti a interventi
chirurgici. Stamani si sono recati all'ospedale di Tuzla il
ministro della sanita' della Republika Srpska (Rs, entita' a
maggioranza serba) Marin Kvaternik e il direttore del centro clinico
di Banja Luka Dragan Kostic. ''I pazienti sono in condizioni molto
gravi - ha detto Kvaternik -, sottoposti a ventilazione forzata; dopo
le operazioni di ieri non si e' verificato alcun peggioramento ma
neanche miglioramenti''. I medici di Tuzla stanno facendo tutto il
possibile, ha aggiunto il ministro. Kvaternik ha anche annunciato
un prossimo arrivo a Tuzla di una equipe di medici dell'ospedale
militare di Belgrado, da lui invitati, che aiuteranno i colleghi
bosniaci. (ANSA)
COR*VD 02/04/2004 15:02


(ANSA) - SARAJEVO, 02 APR - La presidenza collegiale bosniaca ha
chiesto al ministero per la sicurezza di preparare con urgenza, in
collaborazione con la Sfor e la Missione di polizia europea (Eupm), un
rapporto completo sull'azione della Forza di stabilizzazione della
Nato (Sfor) ieri a Pale, per poter prendere una posizione ufficiale.
Lo ha reso noto l'agenzia di stampa Fena. I tre esponenti, il
musulmano Sulejman Tihic che attualmente presiede l'organo collegiale,
il croato Dragan Covic e il serbo Borislav Paravac, hanno espreso
rincrescimento perche' nell'azione della Sfor di ieri a Pale siano
rimasti feriti il prete ortodosso Jeremija Starovlah e il figlio
Aleksandar, tanto piu' che questo e' avvenuto in un edificio
religioso. La presidenza ha invitato tutti i cittadini della Bosnia
a mantenere la calma e un comportamento dignitoso. Nello stesso
tempo la presidenza ha ribadito il proprio orientamento alla piena
cooperazione con il Tribunale internazionale dell'Aja (Tpi) ed ha
chiesto alle istituzioni locali di adempiere agli obblighi
internazionali, alludendo chiaramente alla cattura dei ricercati per
crimini di guerra. Se la polizia della Republika Srpska (Rs,
entita' a maggioranza serba di Bosnia) avesse partecipato
all'operazione della Nato, ha detto Paravac al termine della riunione
straordinaria della presidenza da lui richiesta, questo increscioso
incidente non sarebbe avvenuto. ''Dopo quello che ho visto ieri sul
luogo dell'incidente - ha detto Paravac - l'uso di esplosivo e di
bombe, la dichiarazione del prete di essersi trovato, quando ha
ripreso conoscenza, con le mani legate dietro la schiena, assieme alla
moglie, le tracce di sangue sul muro, parlano da soli''. Paravac
ha tuttavia ammesso che nulla sarebbe accaduto se il ministero
dell'interno della Rs avesse fatto il proprio dovere, cioe' arrestare
i ricercati dal Tpi. ''Penso che il primo responsabile sia il
ministero dell'interno'', ha detto. Il parroco ortodosso di Pale e
suo figlio versano in gravissime condizioni nell'ospedale di Tuzla per
le lesioni riportate quando la sfor ha fatto irruzione nella chiesa e
nella canonica di Pale alla ricerca di Radovan Karadzic, ex leader
serbo bosniaco accusato di genocidio e crimini di guerra. La
Forza di pace ha smentito l'uso di armi automatiche e bombe,
dichiarando che padre e figlio sono rimasti feriti nell'esplosione
provocata dalla Sfor per abbattere la porta d'ingresso. Il
presidente della Rs Dragan Cavic ha oggi dichiarato che, secondo i
medici, le ferite del pope e del figlio non sarebbero state causate
ne' da colpi di arma da fuoco ne' dall'esplosione, ma da ''oggetti
contundenti'', lasciando intendere che i due siano stati picchiati dai
militari della Sfor. La Sfor ha smentito con decisione questa ipotesi.
Ieri, la portavoce dell'ospedale di Tuzla dove la Sfor ha trasportato
in elicottero i feriti si e' limitata a dichiarare che le lesioni dei
due pazienti non erano provocate da colpi di arma da fuoco. (ANSA).
COR*VD 02/04/2004 17:30

=== ENGLISH ===
Reuters - April 1, 2004

Priest and son in critical condition after NATO

PALE -- Thursday – A priest and his son who were
injured last night in a raid by NATO troops searching
for war crimes fugitive Radovan Karadzic are in
critical condition, according to a hospital official.
The priest, Father Jeremija Starovlah, underwent
surgery for the second time this morning, while his
son was still in a coma after being operated on,
hospital spokeswoman Amra Odobasic said.
The two suffered heavy injuries to the head. A NATO
spokesman said they had received “blast injuries”.
Tanjug - April 2, 2004

Bosnian Presidency regrets injuring of priest and son in Pale

17:00 SARAJEVO , April 2 (Tanjug) - The Presidency of
Bosnia-Herzegovina met in emergency session on Friday
and expressed regrets over the injuring of Christian
Orthodox priest Jeremija Starovlah and his son
Aleksandar in an action conducted by the local
international stabilization force SFOR in Pale on
Thursday morning.
Pointing out that the incident occurred in a place of
worship, the Presidency ordered the Ministry of
Security immediately to act, and, in cooperation with
SFOR and the European Union Police Mission (EUPM) in
the country, to draw up a complete report on this
action by the international forces, so that it could
give an official evaluation.
Ireland Online - April 1, 2004

Priest near death after failed bid to catch Karadzic

British troops failed in yet another bid to capture
the world’s most wanted suspected war criminal in a
Bosnian raid that left a priest and his son near death
Amid bursts of gunfire, the soldiers encircled a
church and a rectory in the Pale stronghold of former
Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic.
The targeted building was the home of three Serb
Orthodox priests and their families.
The peacekeepers, backed by local police, sealed off
the area and bursts of machine-gun fire were heard,
along with an explosion.
The raid shattered windows and left a gaping hole at
the main entrance to the rectory. Windows in a
supermarket 15 yards away were also broken.
Shortly after troops entered the building, a Nato
helicopter landed in the garden of the nearby church
and evacuated two injured men.
A priest, Jeremija Starovlah, 52, and his son
Aleksandar, 28, were taken to the hospital in the
northern town of Tuzla. Both men suffered multiple
fractures and head wounds, said Amra Odobasic, a
spokeswoman for the Tuzla Clinical Centre.
Both men had life threatening conditions.
Captain Dave Sullivan of Canada, a spokesman for
Bosnia’s Nato-led peacekeepers, said the two were
injured by small explosives used for opening doors
during raids.
Jeremija Starovlah is a known Karadzic supporter. Just
last week, he said it was the duty of every Serb
cleric to help Karadzic evade arrest and prosecution
before the UN war crimes tribunal.
The town of Pale was Karadzic’s headquarters during
the Bosnian war and is where his wife and daughter
continue to live.
“This operation forms part of a sustained campaign
against persons indicted for war crimes,” Captain
Sullivan said. “They can run, but they can’t hide.”
Outraged at the action, about 3,000 people gathered to
protest outside the church, carrying banners reading
“Nobody will arrest a Serb,” lit candles and prayed
for those injured in the Nato sweep. Many wrapped
themselves in Serbia’s flag.
“We all are deeply insulted, jeopardised and
humiliated as a nation,” said Slavko Kujundzic, the
head of the Pale municipality.
Slobodan Lubarda, another priest who shares the same
rectory with Starovlah, said “this is an act of
vandalism which can only be seen in American movies.”
Nato has tried unsuccessfully several times to arrest
Karadzic, believed to be on the run inside the Bosnian
Serb half of Bosnia....

Stars And Stripes (US Armed Forces) - April 2, 2004

Raid fails to net two most wanted in Yugoslavia
By Ivana Avramovic

In a raid early Wednesday morning, NATO-led
Stabilization Force troops again failed to capture one
of the two most wanted persons indicted for war crimes
in the former Yugoslavia.
Two civilians were injured in the raid to capture
Radovan Karadzic.
Karadzic, along with Gen. Ratko Mladic, are accused of
masterminding the massacre of up to 8,000 Muslims in
Srebrenica, which came to be known as Europe’s worst
slaughter of civilians since World War II.
About 40 American, British and Italian troops began
the search for Karadzic at 1:15 on Wednesday morning
at the administrative and accommodation building next
to the Serbian Orthodox Church in Pale, Bosnia and
Herzegovina. The building is home to three priests,
according to Reuters news service. American soldiers
from Multinational Brigade North provided air support
during the operation, said Maj. Jarrod Krull, a
spokesman from Eagle Base.
“Despite all precautions to minimize the risk,
regrettably during the conduct of the operation two
civilians were injured,” stated a Stabilization Force
news release from Sarajevo.
“They received secondary blast injuries,” said Capt.
Dave Sullivan, SFOR spokesman, explaining that the
blast was used to get through the door.
The peacekeeping force has mounted four operations
over the past two years in search of Karadzic, the
wartime political leader of the Bosnian Serbs.
Sullivan would not discuss the nature of the
intelligence that SFOR acted on in launching the
Wednesday operation, but he did say, “We had
incredible intelligence.” The U.S. government has
offered up to $5 million for information leading to
Karadzic’s arrest.

— The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Agence France-Presse - April 2, 2004

Hunt for Karadzic will go on vows NATO amid Orthodox
church anger

NATO chief Jaap de Hoop Scheffer vowed the hunt for
war crimes fugitive Radovan Karadzic would go on
despite Bosnian Serb anger at the botched raid which
has left a priest and his son in a coma.
The Serb Orthodox Church in Bosnia denounced
Thursday's pre-dawn swoop on the priest's home by 40
British and USA NATO troops as "terrorism" and warned
it would cut off international cooperation if those
responsible were not brought to justice.
But as Karadzic remained on the run, seven years after
being indicted by the UN war crimes tribunal in The
Hague on charges of war crimes and crimes against
humanity during the 1990s Balkans wars, the alliance's
secretary-general was unrepentant.
"I would have preferred of course for this operation
to be a success," de Hoop Scheffer told a news
conference in Brussels on Friday after welcoming seven
ex-communist countries to NATO's ranks.
But he added Karadzic and other fugitives such as
former Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladic "cannot
hide, they cannot run forever".
"Everybody's doing everything he or she can to get
them, because I think it's important for the region
that they should go where they should be - to the
international tribunal at The Hague."
About 2,000 Bosnian Serbs including several senior
officials on Thursday protested the raid in which
priest Jeremija Starovlah and his 28-year-old son
Aleksandar suffered serious head injuries.
And on Friday the Orthodox church in the region
threatened to cut off relations with international and
local authorities if the NATO-led troops known as SFOR
who carried out the operation are not punished.
"The crime of terrorism is ... even more serious as it
has been perpetrated by those who present themselves
as the main fighters against terrorism," a statement
from the Orthodox diocese where the NATO raid took
place said, quoted by the SRNA news agency.
The troops used explosives to blast into the priest's
home near an Orthodox church in Karadzic's wartime
stronghold of Pale, after receiving a credible tip-off
that former Bosnian Serb political leader was hiding
in the priest's house.
It was the alliance's third unsuccessful attempt to
catch Karadzic, who last time evaded capture by just a
couple of hours.
The priest and his son were evacuated following the
raid to the Tuzla hospital where a doctor said on
Friday that they remained on life-support machines.
"They remain in a coma. They are still on life-support
machines," he said, asking not to be named.
Karadzic has evaded capture since 1995 despite a
five-million-dollar (3.9-million-euro) reward offered
by the US State Department for information leading to
his arrest.
The charges relate in particular to the 1992-1995
siege of Sarajevo, in which some 10,000 civilians
died, and the 1995 massacre of more than 7,000 Muslim
men and boys in the eastern Bosnian town of
The UN court's chief prosecutor Carla Del Ponte has
repeatedly accused the Bosnian Serb authorities, the
military and some members of the Serb Orthodox church
of helping Karadzic evade arrest.
The government of Republika Srpska (RS) -- the Serbian
entity which together with the Muslim-Croat Federation
makes up post-war Bosnia -- said it expected SFOR to
"conduct an investigation into the incident in Pale
and the behaviour of its soldiers and to judge their
responsibility in the injury of innocent civilians."
SFOR voiced regret Thursday over the civilian
casualties, but vowed not to stop its hunt for
Bosnia's top international representative, Paddy
Ashdown, echoed the view, recalling that Bosnian Serbs
have yet to arrest a single war crimes suspect.

Reuters - April 1, 2004

Serbs Angry as Priest Hurt in NATO Karadzic Swoop
By Maja Zuvela

PALE, Bosnia (Reuters) - Thousands of Bosnian Serbs
angrily denounced NATO on Thursday after a priest and
his son were seriously wounded in a failed attempt to
capture top war crimes fugitive Radovan Karadzic.
Bosnian Serb political and religious leaders as well
as the government in neighboring Serbia condemned the
NATO-led force's night-time swoop in Karadzic's old
stronghold of Pale.
Around 3,000 people shouting anti-Western slogans
gathered outside the Orthodox church in the small
mountain town where the two were wounded after troops
of the SFOR peacekeeping force blew open a door in the
middle of the night.
Father Jeremija Starovlah and his son were in critical
condition after undergoing surgery, a hospital
spokeswoman said.
Blood stains could be seen on the walls and floor of
their damaged home near the church, a Reuters
cameraman said.
The United Nations war crimes tribunal in The Hague
has charged Karadzic with genocide in the slaughter of
up to 8,000 unarmed Muslim men and boys in the
Srebrenica massacre of 1995 and the 1992-95 siege of
Sarajevo in which 12,000 were killed.
But many people here regard their wartime leader as a
hero and their Orthodox churches as inviolate. One
protester wore a Karadzic mask and others held
anti-NATO banners.
"The international community showed that nothing is
sacred and untouchable for them," said parliament
speaker Dragan Kalinic, a wartime Karadzic ally. The
crowd later dispersed.
Serbian Religions Minister Milan Radulovic called
breaking into a church and a priest's home a "barbaric
act." Bosnian Serb bishops meeting in Pale denounced
it as a "terrorist attack."
But there was a predictably tough response to the
protest by Bosnia's international peace overseer,
Paddy Ashdown. Bosnian Serb authorities could have
averted such an event, had they done more to try and
capture Karadzic, he told a news conference.

For the past six years, Karadzic is believed to have
kept on the move between various remote hideouts in
mountainous east Bosnia and neighboring Montenegro.
Western officials have often suspected Orthodox
priests of sheltering him in monasteries.
In recent months, NATO has intensified its hunt for
him, mounting a three-day search in and around Pale in
January which resulted in the subsequent arrest of
three suspected members of Karadzic's alleged "support
network." They were later freed.
Starovlah was quoted last week as saying it was the
duty of every priest to help Karadzic, because he
prevented genocide of the Serbs by Bosnian Muslims.
Captain Dave Sullivan said SFOR had conducted a
"focused operation" to detain Karadzic on the basis of
"very credible" information that he was in Pale. It
failed to locate him but "this brings us one step
closer to this individual."
"We were awoken by shooting," the priest's wife
Vitorka said. "Soldiers burst into the house and
immediately took them to another room... a soldier put
a gun to my head. I heard my husband cry for help, but
I could do nothing."
But NATO denied any shots were fired by the 40 U.S.
and other NATO troops who took part in the raid.
Starovlah and his son were injured "despite
precautions" as troops blasted open the door to their
home, Sullivan said.
The former leader of the breakaway Bosnian Serb
Republic has a price of $5 million on his head. He and
his army chief Ratko Mladic are the most wanted Balkan
fugitives still at large.

(Additional reporting by Daria Sito-Sucic and Zeljko

Voice Of America News - April 1, 2004

US Scolds Bosnian Serb Republic for Failure to
Apprehend War Crimes Suspects
David Gollust
State Department

The United States scolded the Bosnian Serb Republic
Thursday for failing to live up to obligations to help
apprehend indicted Balkans war crimes suspects. The
comments followed a failed raid by NATO forces seeking
to capture fugitive former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan
Karadzic that wounded two civilians.
The overnight raid by troops of the NATO-led
Stabilization Force in Bosnia - S-FOR - was the third
of its kind in recent months aimed at capturing
Radovan Karadzic, who faces charges of genocide and
crimes against humanity stemming from his tenure as
Bosnian Serb president in the early 1990s.
The S-FOR troops, acting on a tip, used explosives to
enter the home of a Serbian Orthodox priest in the
former Bosnian Serb wartime capital of Pale, where Mr.
Karadzic was believed to be hiding.
The priest and his son were critically injured in the
failed raid, which touched off an angry protest by
about two thousand people in the ethnic Serb
At a news briefing in Washington, State Department
spokesman Adam Ereli said the United States regrets
the casualties but that the blame should go to the
Bosnian Serb authorities and the fugitive former
"We certainly regret the injury of civilians, but
would note that our NATO allies in S-FOR were put in a
position of having to use force to try to apprehend
Karadzic because Karadzic himself has not surrendered
to the tribunal," he said. "And the Republika Serbska
has failed to take any concrete steps to fulfill its
Dayton and U.N. obligations to bring him and other
fugitive persons indicted for war crimes to justice."
Mr. Ereli said the U.S. government is determined to
see that Mr. Karadzic and other fugitive war crimes
indictees are brought to justice, and will work with
international partners to assure that this happens.
The U.N. War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague indicted Mr.
Karadzic in 1995 on 16 criminal counts for imprisoning
Bosnian Muslims and Croats in concentration camps, and
for the massacre of more than 7,000 Muslim men and
boys following the Serb capture of the enclave of
NATO has been under growing pressure to arrest Mr.
Karadzic and other fugitives before its withdrawal
from Bosnia, which is planned for the end of this
The S-FOR raid in Pale came less than a day after the
Bush administration announced Wednesday it is
suspending U.S. aid to Serbia and Montenegro after
determining that Belgrade authorities are not fully
cooperating with The Hague tribunal. About $26 million
in U.S. assistance is affected.
The State Department said former Bosnian Serb military
chief Ratko Mladic and 15 other indicted war crimes
suspects spend most of their time in Serbia and that
Mr. Mladic - another key figure in the Srebrenica
killings - has been in a position to be captured on
more than one occasion.

Agence France-Presse - April 1, 2004

Thousands protest botched NATO operation to catch

PALE, Bosnia-Hercegovina (AFP) - Some 2,000 angry
Bosnian Serbs including senior officials gathered in
Pale Thursday to protest a botched NATO raid to arrest
war crimes suspect Radovan Karadzic which left a
priest and his son seriously injured.
"Fascists," chanted the protestors who gathered in the
courtyard of an Orthodox church in Pale. They carried
banners reading: "Heads up Serb people," "Nobody will
arrest a Serb" and "With trust in God, for salvation
of our people."
The priest, Jeremija Starovlah, and his 28-year-old
son Aleksandar were seriously injured during the
pre-dawn raid in which some 40 US and British troops
from the NATO-led peacekeeping force known as SFOR
burst into their home.
Bosnian Serb leaders called for those responsible for
the men's injuries to be brought to justice, warning
if nothing were done then there could be consequences.
The peacekeepers used explosives to blast into the
priest's home near the Orthodox church in Karadzic's
wartime stronghold of Pale.
But they failed for the third time to nab Karadzic,
now the most wanted Balkans wartime suspect, who has
been charged with genocide by the UN war crimes court
for his role in the 1992-1995 conflict.
The most senior officials of Bosnia's Serb-run part,
including Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic and
parliament speaker Dragan Kalinic, joined the protest.
Mikerevic said the Bosnian Serb government would hold
an emergency session Thursday.
"We obviously require that SFOR identifies those
responsible for the events in Pale and punishes them,"
Mikerevic told the crowd.
Kalinic said Bosnian Serb authorities would not "allow
further searches of citizens' apartments nor that they
be harassed any more."
The most aggressive statement came from the head of
Bosnian Serb demobilized soldiers' association in
Pale, Mihajlo Paradzina.
"If the authorities do not do something we will and
than they will have to deal with consequences,"
Paradzina said without elaborating.
Meanwhile, Bosnian Serb President Dragan Cavic
described the operation as a "brutal attack" in
violation of international human rights standards.
"I appeal on Republika Srpska's citizens not to
respond to this (operation) in a way that could make
things worse," he told journalists in Banja Luka.
Following the war, Bosnia was divided into two
semi-independent parts -- the Serbs' Republika Srpska
(RS) and the Muslim-Croat Federation -- each with its
own government, parliament and police. The two are
linked by weak central institutions.
Bosnia's Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic, a Serb, told
the SRNA news agency that "SFOR (NATO-led
Stabilisation Force) must have limits."
Ivanic said the operation in Pale was "absolutely
unacceptable", adding he would insist that those
responsible for civilian casualties be found and
Meanwhile, Bosnian Serb journalists engaged in a
fierce debate at a press conference with NATO
spokesman in Sarajevo demanding an explanation for
what they described as "terrorist-like behavior."
Spokesman Dave Sullivan said SFOR "regrets what has
happened to those individuals," adding however "these
operations would not take place if the local
authorities... (fulfilled) their responsibility" to
apprehend war crimes suspects.
Starovlah and his son were transported by SFOR to a
hospital in the northern town of Tuzla where they
underwent surgery and were on life-support machines.
On the request by a priest, the crowd dispersed after
about an hour after first lighting candles.

Tanjug - April 1, 2004

Serbian Ministry of Religion says SFOR's operation is
impermissible, barbaric act

19:55 BELGRADE , April 1 (Tanjug) - The Serbian
Ministry of Religion on Thursday strongly condemned
the operation SFOR had carried out in Pale late on
Wednesday, very seriously injuring Serbian Orthodox
priest Jeremija Starovlah and his son Aleksandar, who
were presently in critical condition.
"The raid of the Church of Ascension of the Holy
Mother of God and the parish house, whose door was
shattered by explosives, is an impermissible barbaric
act," the Ministry said in a statement.


KARADZIC 2 NATO 0 - 04/02/2004 14:10

NATO responsible for injuring Orthodox Priest in terrorist act.

NATO troops burst into a house last night at 02.15 MSK after breaking
down the door with explosives, an act of criminal recklessness which
seriously injured a Serbian orthodox Priest and his son. NATO troops
failed yet again last night to capture Radovan Karadzic, the political
leader of the Bosnian Serbs during the Balkans Wars of the 1990s,
accused by this organization of war crimes and genocide.

In an irresponsible act of vandalism and criminal recklessness, these
troops blasted down the door of a house where they believed Karadzic
was hiding, beside a church in Pale (his former stronghold). The
explosion injured two innocent civilians who lived in the house - the
Serbian Orthodox Priest Jeremija Starovlah and his son, who were both
taken to hospital.

NATO more and more ressembles a terrorist organization with every day
that passes. Its arbitrary decisions on who is guilty of war crimes
never takes into consideration the fact that this organization itself
was responsible for hundreds of civilian deaths during the Kosovo
campaign and in Afghanistan.

If NATO is looking for a war criminal, it would do well to start in
London and Washington, at the following addresses: Number 10, Downing
Street and the White House. Here live the greatest war criminals of our
time, two men responsible for the mass murder of many thousands of
people as they pursue their illegal wars across the globe.

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

=== FRANCAIS ===

Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 17:17:08 +0200
From: anti-imperialiste@...
Subject: [Anti-imperialiste] [alerte_otan]Fw: SARAJEVO - Un prêtreserbe
orthodoxe et son fils, grièvement blessés dans une opération de l'Otan

La Force de stabilisation de l'Otan (Sfor) a échoué hier dans sa
troisième tentative déclarée visant à arrêter l'inculpé le plus
recherché par le Tribunal pénal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie,
Radovan Karadzic, tandis que des milliers de personnes dénonçaient
cette action qui a fait deux blessés graves.
Plus de 2 000 Serbes bosniaques se sont rassemblés à Pale pour
protester contre cette opération menée au petit matin par une
quarantaine de soldats américains et britanniques de la Sfor dans cette
localité située à une quinzaine de km de Sarajevo et au cours de
laquelle le prêtre serbe orthodoxe, Jeremija Starovlah et son fils,
Aleksandar, 28 ans, ont été grièvement blessés. « Sfor- Fascistes » !
scandaient les protestataires rejoints notamment par le Premier
ministre Dragan Mikerevic et le président du parlement Dragan Kalinic.
Les deux hommes ont été blessés lorsque la Sfor a fait sauter à l'aide
d'engins explosifs les portes de leur maison enfin d'entrer dans le
logement. La maison ainsi que l'église ont été fouillées. Les deux
hommes ont été transférés par hélicoptère par la Sfor à l'hôpital de
Tuzla (nord-est) où ils ont été admis au service de réanimation.
L'ex-commandant de la police militaire des Croates bosniaques, Valentin
Coric, a par ailleurs été inculpé hier par le TPI de crimes de guerre
commis contre des Musulmans pendant la guerre de Bosnie (1992-1995) Il
serait prêt à se rendre à La Haye, a-t-on appris de source officielle à

----- Original Message -----
From: Marc

SARAJEVO - Un prêtre serbe orthodoxe et son fils, grièvement blessés
dans une opération de l'Otan visant à arrêter l'ex-chef politique des
Serbes de Bosnie, Radovan Karadzic, sont dans le coma, a-t-on appris
vendredi de source médicale.
"Ils sont dans le coma. Leur survie est assurée par des moyens
artificiels", a indiqué sous couvert de l'anonymat, un médecin de
l'hôpital de Tuzla (nord-est ) où les patients ont été admis jeudi à la
suite du raid menée par l'Otan à Pale, à une quinzaine de kilomètres de
Jeudi, les médecins avaient indiqué que le prêtre Jeremija Starovlah et
son fils Aleksandar, 28 ans, avaient reçu des "blessures qui mettaient
leurs vies en dangers" et qu'ils étaient dans une "situation critique".


L'Otan accusée de "terrorisme", un prêtre serbe et son fils dans le coma
02/04/2004 - 15:35

BANJA LUKA (Bosnie-Herzégovine), 2 avr (AFP) -L'Otan était accusée par
les Serbes bosniaques de "terrorisme" et d'avoir battu un prêtre
orthodoxe et son fils qui étaient dans le coma vendredi au lendemain
d'un raid ayant visé sans succès à arrêter l'ex-chef politique des
Serbes de Bosnie, Radovan Karadzic.
"Il s'agit d'un crime de terrorisme dans ce cas précis. Cela a un poids
particulier car il a été commis par ceux qui se présentent comme les
principaux combattants contre le terrorisme", a affirmé l'Eglise
orthodoxe serbe bosniaque dans un communiqué publié par l'agence Srna.
Pour sa part, Dragan Cavic, le président de Republika Srpska (RS,
entité serbe) - qui forme avec la Fédération croato-musulmane la Bosnie
d'après-guerre (1992-1995) -, a laissé entendre que les soldats de
l'Otan ont battu les victimes.
"L'hôpital a confirmé que les blessures n'ont pas été infligées par
balles ou par une explosion", a déclaré à la presse M. Cavic.
"On pense que les blessures ont été causées par des coups donnés avec
des objets contondants", a ajouté le président évoquant l'opération de
l'Otan jeudi à Pale, à une quinzaine de kilomètres de Sarajevo.
Radovan Karadzic est en fuite depuis son inculpation en 1995 par le
Tribunal pénal international (TPI) de génocide lors de la guerre de
M. Cavic a toutefois indiqué qu'il ne voulait pas "se précipiter pour
tirer des conclusions" et qu'il attendait le "rapport final".
"C'est absolument faux", a réagi Dave Sullivan, un porte-parole de la
Force de stabilisation de l'Otan (Sfor). Selon lui, les deux hommes ont
été blessés lorsque la Force a fait sauter à l'aide d'engins explosifs
les portes de leur maison afin d'entrer dans le logement.
Un prêtre orthodoxe a appuyé les propos du président Cavic. "Après que
les deux hommes ont été admis à l'hôpital, les médecins nous ont dit
qu'ils étaient grièvement blessés et que des coups de crosse étaient
très probablement à l'origine des blessures", a affirmé à l'AFP le
prêtre Vanja Jovanovic, dépendant de l'évêché de Dabro-Bosanska où
l'opération de l'Otan s'est déroulée.
"Mme Vitorka (ndlr, l'épouse du prêtre blessé) était enfermée dans une
chambre et n'a pas pu voir ce qui se passait mais elle a pu entendre
son mari qui a lancé pendant une heure des appels à l'aide", a-t-il dit.
Vendredi, les médecins de l'hôpital de Tuzla, dans le nord-est du pays,
ont affirmé que le prêtre serbe orthodoxe Jeremija Starovlah et son
fils Aleksandar, 28 ans, étaient dans le coma, tout en refusant de se
prononcer sur "la manière dont les blessures ont été infligées".
La présidence tripartite de Bosnie a appelé vendredi la population au
"calme et à faire preuve de dignité", tout en demandant à la Sfor de
présenter un rapport détaillé sur cette opération.
Si une bavure était confirmée, elle s'ajouterait à d'autres actions
musclées des troupes de l'Otan qui ont fait des victimes depuis la fin
de la guerre.
Ainsi, en juillet 1997, Simo Drljaca, un Serbe de Bosnie inculpé par le
TPI, et son chauffeur ont été tués dans un échange de tirs. En janvier
1999, l'Otan a tué un autre inculpé du TPI, Dragan Gagovic, qui tentait
de résister à son arrestation.
Dans ce dernier cas, les soldats de l'Otan ont criblé de balles la
voiture dans laquelle le suspect se trouvait en compagnie de cinq
petites filles qui miraculeusement n'ont pas été blessées.

Torino - 7 aprile 2004 - ore 21

presso la Camera del Lavoro CGIL, via Pedrotti 5

secondo incontro nell'ambito del ciclo di conferenze con

autore di "Menzogne di guerra"

area CGIL "Lavoro società cambiare rotta"
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia
per informazioni: bellone@...



Un ciclo di incontri con JUERGEN ELSAESSER,
autore di "Menzogne di guerra"

I recenti pogrom contro le minoranze non albanesi in Kosovo dimostrano
che la crisi jugoslava non si è risolta, nè può esserlo in alcun modo
con i criteri evidentemente dettati dalle grandi potenze. La perdurante
crisi nell'area balcanica, inoltre, ha molto a che fare ed ha molto da
dirci anche rispetto ad altri scenari di guerra - presenti e futuri -
compreso quello iracheno. In Iraq come in Jugoslavia la guerra è stata
costruita a tavolino, per ragioni geostrategiche, con la
disinformazione e facendo leva sui settori più revanscisti e reazionari
della società e sulle "differenze etniche".

Nel quinto anniversario dall'inizio dei bombardamenti sulla RF di
Jugoslavia - 24 marzo 1999 - esce in Germania la quinta edizione del
coraggioso libro di Jürgen Elsässer "Kriegsverbrechen", completamente
riveduta, corretta ed ampliata, con un numero quasi doppio di pagine
rispetto alla precedente. Essa contiene non solo documentazione sulla
occupazione Nato/Uck del Kosovo, ma anche aggiornamenti sui danni
causati dai bombardamenti Nato, materiali sul processo Miloševic (sul
quale esiste pochissima letteratura), nonché materiali sulla situazione
sociale e politica nell'area balcanica letteralmente sconvolta dalle
politiche imperialiste. L'edizione italiana del libro, uscita un anno e
mezzo fa, ha già avuto ampia circolazione nel nostro paese ed è stata
presentata in un precedente ciclo di incontri, nel settembre 2002.

Stavolta coglieremo l'occasione per discutere liberamente con Elsaesser
della situazione e delle prospettive in Jugoslavia.
Nel corso degli incontri saranno letti alcuni brani del nuovo capitolo
"L'ultimo giorno di Sanja", la storia degli ultimi giorni di vita della
giovanissima Sanja, che e' stata uccisa sul ponte di Varvarin - con
intermezzi letterari tratti dai testi di Desanka Maksimovic, Ivo
Andric, Ðorde Balasevic...

Per gli altri appuntamenti in programma vedi:

[ Ecco un OTTIMO articolo scritto dai compagni statunitensi, che fa "il
punto" sui pogrom in Kosmet evidenziando i risvolti strategici della
questione, le responsabilita' primarie dei paesi occidentali nel
fomentare la guerra fratricida, ed il carattere strategico della
disinformazione dei nostri mass media...
NB. Chi potesse tradurre l'articolo e' pregato di farcelo pervenire con
tempestivita'. ]

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the April 1, 2004
issue of Workers World newspaper


By John Catalinotto
and Heather Cottin

On March 18 the corporate media worldwide reported an outbreak of what
they love to call "ethnic violence" in the Balkans. Within a day, some
1,500 British, French, Italian, Danish and U.S. troops were on their
way to Serbia's occupied Kosovo province, with an additional 600 German
troops promised.

Like almost all events in the Balkans in the past 15 years, its meaning
is distorted by these media reports, which attribute every violent act
to "ancient ethnic animosities" that somehow can't be brought under
control without Western military intervention.

The truth is that for 45 years following World War II, the Socialist
Federation of Yugoslavia was able to achieve a working relationship
among its many nations, peoples, ethnic groups and religions. It also
coexisted peacefully with neighboring Albania, then also a socialist
country, despite sharp political differences with Albania's leaders.

It was NATO intervention, especially German- and U.S.-organized
subversion, that sharpened all national and religious differences and
led to the turmoil of 1991-1998. Finally came the U.S.-NATO 78-day
bombing of Yugoslavia, begun just five years ago on March 24, 1999. It
killed thousands of Yugoslavs, including ethnic Albanians and Serbs in


U.S. imperialism used its European military organization, NATO, to
create a multinational cover for the 1999 war. NATO was crucial to U.S.
efforts to expand into Eastern Europe after the collapse of the Soviet

To provoke the war and the breakup of Yugoslavia, in the late 1990s
both Washington and Berlin backed the KLA, a right-wing extremist
grouping of ethnic Albanians. Before 1998 even U.S. officials described
the KLA as "terrorist." The KLA's political program included setting up
a "greater Albania" that included Kosovo and parts of Bulgaria, Serbia,
Montenegro and Greece.

The 1999 bombing ended when the Yugoslav government agreed to allow
NATO forces to occupy Kosovo. Kosovo legally remained part of Serbia,
however. Since then, the United Nations has given cover to the NATO
occupation, and 18,500 troops still remain. Some 40,000 were originally

After the 1999 occupation, NATO troops in Kosovo allowed the KLA
reactionaries to drive some hundreds of thousands of people of Serb,
Jewish, Roma (Gypsy) and other nationalities out of Kosovo using arson,
killing and intimidation. Most of these refugees moved to Serbia. The
KLA reactionaries have also persecuted progressive Albanians.

"There are not many ethnic minorities left in Kosovo. 220,000 have fled
since 1999," UNHCR spokesperson Ron Redmond recently told a news
conference in Geneva. Since the start of the violence this month, over
4,000 Serbs have fled their homes. (Reuters, March 19)


On March 16, four young Albanian boys were swept into Kosovo's rushing
Ibar River. Only one of them survived.

The first story to emerge from this incident asserted that the children
had been chased into the river by Serbian youths and their dogs. But
Derek Chappell, a spokesperson in the United Nations occupation
authority (UNMIK), told media in Pristina on March 18 that this was
definitely not true, that the survivor of the drowning told his parents
that he and three friends entered the river alone and were immediately
caught up in the heavy current. Chappell said that organized forces
used the lie to spark virulent attacks upon ethnic Serbs in the region.

A reported 24 people were killed and 500 injured in the fighting,
mostly ethnic Serbs. Twenty-five Serbian Orthodox churches and
monasteries were burned, and some 400 houses torched. (ITAR-TASS, March

Some UN and Western officials have been quoted as saying that the
incident was intended to provoke a battle to gain the separation of
Kosovo from Serbia. Such a separation would violate the 1999 agreement.

It wouldn't be the first time an incident was fabricated to justify
fighting. In January 1999, the KLA and U.S. official William Walker
claimed that the death of a group of KLA fighters in the Kosovo village
of Racak was instead a massacre of civilians. The "Racak Massacre" was
used to justify the NATO war on Yugoslavia, which the U.S. and Germany
alleged was a "humanitarian" intervention.

This year, the Finnish pathologist Helena Ranta, who led forensic
investigations into the Racak case, told the Berliner Zeitung of Jan.
17 that Serb security troops were also killed and that there was no
proof that the dead bodies she examined were civilians or had been


On March 18, some 10,000 people marched in downtown Belgrade in
solidarity with the beleaguered ethnic Serb community of Kosovo.
Vladimir Krsljanin, an aide to former Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic, told Workers World from Belgrade that 2,000 of the
demonstrators surrounded the U.S. Embassy until 2 a.m. The embassy has
been closed since then.

Krsljanin said that 200 rowdy or provocative elements carried out an
arson attack on a mosque in Belgrade. The police didn't try to stop
them, he added, but they protected the U.S. Embassy. Most demonstrators
rightly saw the U.S. as responsible for the deterioration of life in
the Balkans and the threat to Serbia.

In Kosovo since 1999, thousands of Albanians, Serbs, Bulgarians and
others have been laid off from factories and mines that the government
of Yugoslavia formerly operated. In addition, state-supported free
medical care and most government support for education was terminated
in Kosovo.

NATO had allowed the paramilitary KLA forces to seize control of Kosovo
in 1999. In the past two years these same CIA-trained operatives have
helped set up paramilitaries to attack neighboring Macedonia.

The first result of this latest provocation will be to draw more forces
into the region to beef up the imperialist NATO alliance in Eastern

In most of the former socialist countries of Eastern Europe, from
Poland to Turkmenistan, from Uzbekistan to Hungary, NATO is now
protecting Western imperialist corporations and advancing the fortunes
of Western military industries, especially those of the United States.

In the Balkans, imperialist intervention has brought not "humanitarian
relief" but increased turmoil to the region.

- END -

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