
mardi, 16 décembre 2003, 16h17

Le menteur de la semaine
Bernard Kouchner, pas cher pour Total

«Rien ne me laisse penser que le groupe ait pu prêter la main à des
activités contraires aux droits de l'Homme», affirme le «french
doctor» Bernard Kouchner dans un rapport tout récent sur les
activités de la firme pétrolière Total en Birmanie. Il y a pourtant
un tout petit problème de crédibilité. Car ce rapport, qui blanchit
si complaisamment Total, a en fait été commandé par la firme Total
elle-même. Total cherche en effet à se dépêtrer de l'accusation
d'avoir pratiqué le travail forcé en Birmanie. Plusieurs plaintes
internationales dûment motivées ont d'ailleurs été déposées contre
la multinationale à ce sujet, notamment en France. Kouchner, en tant
qu'ancien administrateur civil du Kosovo, est un des responsables
d'un nettoyage ethnique qui a fait, selon la Croix Rouge, 226.000
personnes déplacées. Devenu sans emploi, il a accepté ce «job»
proposé par Total. Payé 12.500 euros, selon la presse. Pas cher du
tout, du tout pour un consultant de cette envergure!


From: Roger Romain
Kouchner total mercenaire ...

DOSSIER / Kouchner total mercenaire
Dec 11, 2003

L’ancien ministre de la Santé vient d’écrire un rapport pour Total qui
lui a été payé 25 000 euros. Ce rapport dédouane
totalement la multinationale Total de toute responsabilité
en Birmanie. Total a fait l’objet de plusieurs plaintes
pour violation des droits de l’homme dans ce pays soumis à
l’une des dictatures les plus sanglantes de la planète
contre laquelle la prix Nobel de la paix Augn San Susi Kyi
a demandé un boycott. Récit d’un naufrage intellectuel.

Le site Total l’a bien mis en avant. Il s’agit d’un rapport écrit par
Bernard Kouchner le french doctor, blanchissant les
pratiques de la firme Total en Birmanie . On ne sait plus
très bien d’ailleurs à la lecture de ce rapport que nous
produisons in extenso si Kouchner est un observateur ou un
conseiller en communication de la firme qui outre son
soutien à la junte birmane a eu des attitudes scandaleuses
au Nigeria quand ça n’était pas au cours de l’enquête relative à
l’Erika ou encore après la catastrophe d’AZF à
Toulouse .

Que Bernard Kouchner se vende pour 25 000 euros officiels
est son problème. Toute vieillesse est un naufrage et plus
encore celle des starlettes de la politique. Mais que
Kouchner utilise une image de french doctor qui n’est pas
la sienne, ne lui en déplaise, est une escroquerie morale.
Et quand il prétend se substituer à Augn San Susi Kyi qui,
elle a condamné les agissements de Total, nous frôlons la
mégalomanie assortie d’un total manque de pudeur . Nous ne
saurions hélas douter de la bonne foi de celui qui donna
des leçons de morale à tous et à tout le monde.

Mais qu’avec ce style onctueux qui prétend défendre les
droits de l’homme il devienne le tremplin d’une opération
de vulgaire marketing est tout simplement une honte. Car
Total voit son image affaiblie par les plaintes qui le
visent au niveau international pour son acceptation du
travail forcé et son aide conséquente à la junte birmane.

Or un mouvement s’amplifie aux États-Unis : celui du
travail propre. Des firmes comme Levis ou encore Nike ont
été obligés de revoir leurs relations avec des pays
dictatoriaux concernant notamment le travail des enfants. Salie dans
tous les sens du terme par les affaires Erika et AZF en
France, nigériane et birmane à l’extérieur, Total se paye
un lifting et fait appel au médecin qui est censé incarner
la justice dans le monde : Bernard Kouchner.

Des précédents ont eu lieu mais moins hurlants : Claude
Allègre défendant l’industrie de l’amiante, Georges
Charpack insultant les anti-nucléaires Mais au moins ces
deux hommes avaient l’excuse de défendre leur gamelle :
l’Institut de la physique du globe d’Allègre était en
grande partie financer par Eternit, le géant de l’amiante
et il occupait le poste prestigieux de président du conseil
d'administration du Bureau de Recherches géologiques et minières.
Que l’on se rappelle lors que le directeur de l'IPG, le futur
ministre avait fait paraître dans Le Point (le 19 octobre
1996) un article très virulent, écrivant entre autres :
"Quant au rapport demandé à l'Inserm, qu'il me soit permis
de dire qu'il ne brille ni par la rigueur scientifique, ni
par le courage, ni par l'esprit d'initiative
scientifique". Interrogé hier, lors d'une conférence de
presse, Claude Allègre a réitéré ses critiques : "C'est nul. Ce
rapport n'est pas bon scientifiquement" . Marcel Goldberg a repris
point par point les études épidémiologiques citées par
Claude Allègre et révélé plusieurs problèmes
d'argumentation, notamment lorsque celui-ci affirme qu'on
ne trouve rien de significatif chez les femmes vivant près
des mines d'amiante de Thedford ou d'Asbestos, au Canada.
"En fait, leur risque de mésothéliome est multiplié par
dix" , remarque Marcel Goldberg.

Quant à Georges Charpack il dépend en grande partie du
financement d’EDF mais est aussi persuadé, en bon
scientiste anciennement marxiste, de la prédominance de
l’intelligence humaine sur les logiques de catastrophe.

Mais Kouchner…On le savait celui-ci et à la recherche
d’une utilité . Mais à ce point-là, il s’agit d’un
alzheimer intellectuel. Ou peut-être une dérive à la Régis
Debray lorsque celui-ci se fit le chantre de la dictature

Kouchner tourne ainsi le dos à ses propres conclusions
tirées dans un précédent rapport écrit avec le Dalaï-lama sur la
dictature birmane. Il foule aux pieds les terribles misères de ce
peuple qui a élu la prix Nobel de la paix mais a été
maintenu dans la dictature grâce à la complicité des états
dominés par les intérêts des firmes pétrolières comme
Total. Il passe sous silence le génocide du peuple karen,
oublié de tous et des dieux. Kouchner se vautre dans sa
propre fange. Et c’est triste. Quant à Total, elle restera
l’instrument d’une impitoyable loi du marché. Elle peut
toujours se farder : elle est l’égale de l’Exxon Valdes ou
des grandes compagnies texanes qui collaborèrent avec les
nazis pendant la guerre jouant ainsi contre les Alliés.
L’argent n’a pas d’odeur et encore moins de morale.
Lorsqu’il s’en vêt c’est qu’il y a été obligé. En se
faisant le complice d’une telle logique, Kouchner rejoint,
toutes proportions gardées, le camp de ces médecins de la
Croix Rouge qui, durant la seconde guerre mondiale,
visitèrent les camps de concentration ne voulant bien voir
que ce qu’ils voulaient voir . Croyant que les quelques
comprimés d’aspirine valaient tous les compromis du monde, ils se
firent les complices objectifs d’horreur. Car si l’horreur des
camps fut unique dans son expression technique, elle ne
l’est évidemment pas dans le vécu. La douleur d’un Birman
soumis à la torture est la même que celle de tout être
humain torturé. Et réduire le problème de Total à celui
d’une médicalisation de la population est une fumisterie.

Quant au style de Kouchner, il est hélas celui des
paragons staliniens. Remplacez Total par Staline et vous aurez
une idée du simplisme du petit propagandiste Kouchner. Il sait tout
mieux que les autres à commencer par les victimes. Il loue
Total grand coryphée de l’humanité quand tout accable
cette multinationale.

Parce que le Kouchner des droits de l’homme avait valeur
de symbole, nous nous sentons le droit de repousser
celui-ci dans les oubliettes de l’histoire au nom tout simplement
des quelques mois de survie que son sale écrit va offrir à une
junge birmane qui a besoin de l’argent de Total pour
continuer son terrible travail.

Afin que nos lecteurs se fassent une idée de cette
catastrophe humanitaire voici le dossier Total Birmanie.

L’ article du Canard enchaîné

Kouchner dénonce une injustice Total ....

Certains internautes ont dû en rester bouche bée: la
compagnie pétrolière Total vient de mettre en ligne sur
son site un rapport signé Bernard Kouchner. Évoque
brièvement par « Le Nouvel Observateur , et plus en détail par Radio
France internationale, ce document nous apprend que le «
French Doctor » s'est rendu en Birmanie sur le chantier
d'un gazoduc construit par le groupe pétrolier français.

L'ancien secrétaire d'État à l'Action humanitaire a passé
quatre jours, fin mars 2003, dans cette zone contrôlée par
les militaires birmans. Accompagné par les cadres de la
boîte, Kouchner a notamment visité des dispensaires
financés par Total pour améliorer le quotidien des
autochtones. Conclusion du rapport de BK Conseil (BK pour Bernard
Kouchner) « Des résultats médicaux très significatifs un vrai
succès. » Un « trop grand succès », même, qui mérite un
avertissement : « Prenez garde, ceux qui triomphent peuvent
devenir des cibles. »

Mais qu'est donc allé faire Kouchner dans cette galère?
Sollicité par les avocats de Total, il est venu enquêter sur
place. Officiellement, il fallait que ce ponte de l'aide humanitaire
donne son avis sur les activités de la compagnie pétrolière
en Birmanie. Laquelle s'est installée, voilà plus de dix
ans, dans ce doux pays où règnent sans partage les
généraux. Version moins reluisante : des accusations de
travail forcé ont été formulées contre Total par plusieurs
associations de défense des droits de l'homme qui
s'appuient sur les témoignages d'anciens travailleurs
birmans. Cela méritait bien une contre-enquête de BK

Les villageois rencontrés ont en effet démenti ces
allégations « farfelues ». Elles ont pourtant conduit une juge de
Nanterre à ouvrir, en octobre 2002, une information judiciaire
pour « crime de séquestration » (le crime de travail forcé
n'existant pas en droit français) à l'encontre de Total.
Et les avocats de la compagnie ignoraient sans doute que
la juge chargée de cette affaire n'est autre... qu'une
ancienne collaboratrice du cabinet de Kouchner dans le
gouvernement Jospin!

Joint par « Le Canard », l'ancien ministre maintient les
termes de son rapport, tout en reconnaissant qu'il avait
d'abord eu des doutes». Cela dit, si Total veut « changer
[son] image, Kouchner suggère, à la fin de son rapport,
que ses cadres « visitent plus souvent » Aung San Suu Kyi -
Prix Nobel de la paix et opposante au régime militaire - dans sa
prison. Et que, « par une démarche, d'abord discrète, et plus
tard éventuellement publique, le groupe exige sa remise en
liberté ».

Ce sont bien là les conclusions et conseils d'un rapport
objectif, rédigé par un homme de terrain payé environ 25 000 euros
par Total. Pas cher, cependant, pour un travail auquel personne
ne l'avait forcé…
Laurione Gaud

L’article de Libération

Auteur d'un rapport payé par Total, l'ancien ministre
blanchit le géant pétrolier.

Kouchner fait écran Total sur le travail forcé en Birmanie

mercredi 10 décembre 2003

«Ce programme socio-économique est la meilleure publicité
pour Total. Une sorte de bureau en ville, un show-room...»
Bernard Kouchner

Total, qui depuis août 2002, fait l'objet en France d'une
plainte pour travail forcé en Birmanie, a appelé Bernard
Kouchner, l'ex-ministre de la Santé du gouvernement
socialiste et «French Doctor» fondateur de MSF, à la
rescousse. En mars, le géant pétrolier a commandé un rapport à sa
société, BK Conseil. «...Médecin humanitaire spécialiste des
problèmes de santé publique et des situations d'urgence»,
écrit Total sur son site internet
( où figure en bonne place ce
rapport de 19 pages, «homme politique engagé connaissant
personnellement Mme Aung San Suu Kyi (l'opposante birmane,
prix Nobel de la paix en résidence surveillée, ndlr),
Bernard Kouchner avait toute l'expérience requise pour être un
observateur critique et impartial de l'action de Total en

Bernard Kouchner s'est donc rendu sur place pendant
quelques jours, afin de voir le site du gazoduc construit
par Total et achevé en 1998. Il a visité sept «villages modèles» du
projet Yadana installés par le pétrolier dans cette zone dotée
d'hôpitaux et d'orphelinats. Il n'en dit que du bien. «Ce
programme socio-économique, note-t-il, est la meilleure
publicité pour Total. Une sorte de bureau en ville, un

Sur l'essentiel, c'est-à-dire le travail forcé des
populations locales dont Total est accusé d'avoir profité
vers 1995, Kouchner reprend l'argumentaire bien rodé du
pétrolier : «Le chantier a employé 2 500 personnes (...).
Toutes bénéficièrent d'un contrat écrit, de salaires
réguliers, d'une protection sociale et de normes
reconnues.» Des travaux forcés ? Il ne s'agissait que d'une
confusion avec le chantier voisin d'une voie ferrée où «il est
probable que des travaux forcés aient malmené les populations».
«N'oublions pas, ajoute Kouchner pour ponctuer son
paragraphe, que pour détestable qu'il soit, le recours au
travail forcé est une coutume ancienne, qui fut même
légalisée par les Anglais en 1907.» «Plus tard, au début
du chantier, concède l'ancien ministre en se contredisant
quelque peu, des villageois avaient été raflés par l'armée
pour défricher la forêt et se livrer à d'autres besognes aux
services des militaires (...). Ayant été prévenue de cette violation
des droits de l'homme, la compagnie Total exigea que ces
exactions cessent. Elle s'en ouvrit à Rangoon, aux
dirigeants qui promirent d'intervenir et le firent. Deux
décrets abolissant le travail forcé furent publiés en mai
1999 et octobre 2000.» L'auteur du rapport explique donc
que Total, contrairement à ce que certains esprits «mal
informés» ont pu supputer, a en réalité lutté contre le travail
forcé. «Il oublie de dire, commente Farid Ghehioueche du collectif
Info Birmanie, que ces décrets n'ont jamais été
appliqués.» «En fait, ajoute le militant, Total a su que
du travail forcé avait lieu sur son chantier, et lorsque
l'entreprise s'est aperçu du danger que cela comportait en
terme d'image, elle a changé de politique.»

Nombreux sont les témoignages accréditant le recours au
travail forcé au profit de Total. Il y a le rapport
confidentiel «L'action de Total en Birmanie», commandité par Total
en juin 1996, dont Libération s'est procuré une copie. L'ancien
responsable des questions de sécurité du pipe-line relate
que «les unités affectées à la protection du projet Yadana
ont déjà utilisé les services des local helpers (recrues
locales) réquisitionnés pour le chemin de fer, pour
certaines tâches à leur profit direct ou pour du
défrichage au profit de Total, alors que la société ne cesse de
leur expliquer qu'elle dispose de ses propres moyens pour
effectuer des travaux».

La compagnie française a opéré un certain nombre de
glissements sémantiques. En novembre 2002, le PDG Thierry
Desmarest, affirmait que Total n'avait «jamais recouru, directement
ou indirectement, au travail forcé». Mais en novembre 2003,
Jean du Rusquec, chargé de mission de Total en Birmanie,
déclarait à l'AFP : «Il y a eu des problèmes au démarrage
du chantier. Strictement du travail forcé, vers décembre
1995, pour la construction de baraquements et pour du
portage (...). Nous avons indemnisé les villageois, 400
environ. Il a fallu se bagarrer.» Malgré ce demi-aveu, la
ligne de défense de Total demeure la même, précise
l'avocat des plaignants birmans, William Bourdon, à savoir qu'«il
n'y a jamais eu de travail forcé sur le chantier».

Total, s'il n'a pas profité sciemment de ce travail forcé,
pouvait-il penser qu'il échapperait à ces pratiques ? Une
étude confidentielle, commandée dès 1992 par Unocal, le
partenaire américain de Total, à Control Risks Information
Services, dont Libération s'est procuré une copie,
avertissait le pétrolier : «Dans toute la Birmanie, le
gouvernement utilise habituellement des travailleurs forcés pour
construire les routes (...). Dans de telles circonstances Unocal
et ses partenaires n'auront qu'une marge de manœuvre très

Dans son rapport, payé selon lui 25 000 euros par Total,
Kouchner se prononce pour l'engagement constructif avec la
dictature : «Fallait-il répondre aux appels d'offre et installer ce
gazoduc en Birmanie ? Je le crois.» Et de conclure : «L'époque
n'est plus à l'embargo et au boycott.» Position en totale
contradiction avec ses convictions d'antan. Dans la
préface de Dossier noir Birmanie (Ed. Dagorno, 1994), où
il qualifiait la junte de «narcodictature», il reprenait à
son compte l'idée selon laquelle «il faut imposer à la
junte birmane des sanctions économiques». Ajoutant que de
telles sanctions «heurtent bien souvent l'intérêt des
Etats, dont la France qui, comme beaucoup d'autres, commerce
avec les généraux via ses industries pétrolières». Pour justifier
son revirement, Kouchner explique qu'à l'époque : «Je n'avais
pas fait d'enquête. Mais un certain nombre de prix Nobel,
dont mon ami Elie Wiesel, prétendaient l'avoir menée pour

L’article du Nouvel Obs

Payé par Total, Kouchner blanchit Total en Birmanie

Le fondateur de Médecins sans frontières a touché 25.000
euros pour rendre un rapport sur le travail forcé en
Birmanie, qui conclut que celui-ci n'a pas jamais été
utilisé par la compagnie. Le travail forcé est d'ailleurs,
selon l'ancien ministre, "une coutume ancienne, qui fut
même légalisée par les Anglais en 1907".
Le groupe pétrolier Total a payé 25.000 euros en mars
dernier Bernard Kouchner, ancien ministre socialiste et
fondateur de Médecins sans frontières, pour qu'il rende un
rapport sur le travail forcé en Birmanie. Un rapport qui
conclut… à l'absence de travail forcé sous l'égide de
Pour rédiger son rapport, publié sur le site internet de
Total, Bernard Kouchner s'est donc rendu pendant quelques jours en
Birmanie. Il y a visité le site du gazoduc de Total, ainsi que
les sept villages modèles installés par Total dans cette
zone. Pour n'en dire que du bien. "Ce programme
socio-économique, écrit Bernard Kouchner dans son rapport
de 19 pages, est la meilleure publicité pour Total. Une
sorte de bureau en ville, un show-room".

Travail forcé ?

Sur la délicate question du travail forcé, qui a valu à
Total une plainte déposée en août 2002 en France, le
ministre conclut qu'il y a eu erreur sur la personne. En
effet, il reprend l'argument du pétrolier : "Le chantier a
employé 2500 personnes". "Toutes bénéficièrent d'un
contrat écrit, de salaires réguliers, d'une protection sociale et de
normes reconnues".
Concernant l'accusation de travail forcé, il y a eu
méprise, affirme Bernard Kouchner, avec le chantier voisin
d'une voie ferrée, "où il est probable qu'il y ait eu des travaux
forcés". Et le ministre de rappeler que le travail forcé est de
toute façon "une coutume ancienne, qui fut même légalisée
par les Anglais en 1907".

Birmans "trop heureux"

Le "french doctor" note cependant qu'au début du chantier
du gazoduc, "des villageois avaient été raflés par l'armée
pour défricher la forêt et se livrer à d'autres besognes
au service des militaires". Mais Total une fois au courant
de ces dérapages, "exigea que ces exactions cessent".
"Deux décrets abolissant le travail forcé furent publiés
en 1999 et 2000", poursuit Bernard Kouchner.
Ce que ne dit pas cependant l'ancien ministre, c'est que
ces deux décrets n'ont jamais été appliqués, selon un
militant du collectif Info Birmanie interrogé par
Interrogé, par le quotidien, Bernard Kouchner s'explique :
"Les Birmans que j'ai vu sont absolument heureux de la
présence de Total, trop à mon avis par rapport au reste de
la population. Personne ne connaît les 'victimes de Total'
à ma connaissance".

Liens utiles

Verso la Grande Albania: 1--15 Dicembre 2003


Come al solito, questa nostra rassegna sul Kosmet non ha pretesa di
completezza: le notizie qui riportate sono da considerare solo come
esempi delle informazioni negate alla pubblica opinione.

I precedenti "bollettini di guerra" dal Kosmet (da maggio 2002 in poi)
si possono recuperare partendo dalla URL:
che riporta anche gli avvenimenti di Novembre 2003.

In generale, un grande numero di articoli sui vari aspetti del regime
di terrore instaurato congiuntamente dalle "nostre" truppe occidentali
(KFOR) e dai neonazisti locali (UCK) si puo' trovare nel nostro
Per un inquadramento storico del terrore nazista in Kosovo-Metohija
si vedano in particolare:
ed i collegamenti ivi contenuti.

Due SITI IN LINGUA ITALIANA dove trovare informazioni aggiornate
sulle violenze perpetrate giorno per giorno in Kosmet sono kosovo/kosovo.shtml (ANSA) e
Si tratta di due servizi professionali di informazione, di orientamento
istituzionale, con tutto quanto cio' comporta dal punto di vista della
interpretazione e presentazione degli avvenimenti.

Molti dei materiali che riportiamo nelle nostre rassegne provengono
dalle mailinglists:
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Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.
dal bollettino della chiesa ortodossa in Kosmet ERP KIM:
e dalla rassegna curata da Babsi Jones per EXJU.ORG, che riporta
anche brevi testi riassuntivi in italiano - vedi ad esempio:

Ulteriori informazioni si trovano infine sul sito curato dalla
chiesa serbo-ortodossa:

(a cura di A.M.)




[Note: The US government site Radio Free Europe/Radio
Liberty spells the name of the Serbian province of
Kosovo as KosovA.]

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
December 1, 2003


A NATO spokesman told reporters in Prishtina on 28
November that KFOR "knows that a specific threat has
been made towards international organizations" in the
province, which is governed primarily by the UN
civilian administration (UNMIK) as a protectorate,
Reuters reported. KFOR and UNMIK said in a joint
statement that NATO-led troops have stepped up
security measures and that the precautions will remain
in effect until "the threat is assessed to have been
reduced." Unnamed "diplomatic sources" told the news
agency that the "specific threat" was directed against
UNMIK. Among the precautions taken were checks of cars
with foreign license plates. The statement referred to
"terrible recent events, not just in southeastern
Europe but elsewhere in the world." Several top
Kosovar leaders recently told "RFE/RL Newsline" in
Prishtina that an early resolution of the status
question is essential for improving the security
situation in Kosova. PM

SRNA - December 1, 2003

Security stepped up in Kosovo

PRISTINA -- Monday – A concrete wall has been erected
around the United Nations headquarters in Kosovo in
response to attacks on UN facilities in Iraq.
International peacekeepers have also set up
checkpoints in Pristina near UN facilities and the
diplomatic offices of western countries.

Tanjug - December 1, 2003

KFOR, UNMIK specialists control-explode bomb in
Kosovska Mitrovica

17:00 KOSOVSKA MITROVICA , Dec 1 (Tanjug) - Special
forces of UNMIK police and KFOR control-exploded on
Monday a bomb in the northern part of Kosovska
Mitrovica, and the explosion caused windows to crack
in a nearby business.
The bomb was planted in the vicinity of a power
sub-station, only about fifty meters away from a
student dormitory in that town in southern Kosovo, and
also nearby is a highschool playground.



(ANSA) - TIRANA, 3 DIC - Il governatore Onu del Kosovo, Harri
Holkeri, ha sospeso per sei mesi dal servizio dodici appartenenti al
Corpo di protezione del Kosovo (Tmk) per presunte ''attivita'
illegali''. La decisione e' stata fortemente criticata dal
comandante generale del Tmk Agim Ceku, che fu in passato capo
militare della guerriglia albanese (Uck) dalle cui ceneri e' nato il
corpo di protezione civile: ''E' un atto illegittimo che danneggia
fortemente la nostra immagine'' ha commentato. Holkeri non ha
fornito indicazioni sul tipo di attivita' illegale contestata ai 12
appartenenti al Tmk, ma ha assicurato che sul loro operato e' in
corso un'indagine della polizia. Il sospetto e' che siano stati
verificati legami fra i dodici indagati e l'Armata nazionale albanese
(Ana, o Aksh per gli albanesi), nuovo movimento di guerriglia
considerato dalla missione Onu in Kosovo come ''gruppo
terrorista''.(ANSA) BLL 03/12/2003 16:30


[The US federal government Radio Free Europe/Radio
Liberty operation, which coincidentally has just
announced it's ceasing broadcasting into seven nations
- Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania,
Latvia and Estonia - all seven of whom were nominated
for full NATO membership at last year's NATO Prague
Summit, prefers the spelling of the
internationally-recognized Serbian province of Kosovo
according to the orthographic requirements of Messrs
Thaci, Ceku, Haradinaj and Ahmeti, *surreptitious*
commanders of the very same Albanian National Army
that NATO and UNMIK insists doesn't exist.]

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
December 3, 2003


On 3 December, Harri Holkeri, who heads the UN's
civilian administration in Kosova (UNMIK), suspended
12 ethnic Albanian members of the civilian Kosova
Protection Corps (TMK) for six months while their
alleged links to the outlawed Albanian National Army
(AKSH) are investigated, RFE/RL's South Slavic and
Albanian Languages Service reported. Holkeri first
discussed the matter with TMK commander Agim Ceku, but
they reached no decision, Hina reported. Holkeri then
sought the support of Western diplomats in Prishtina.

Beta - December 3, 2003

Holkeri suspends Protection Corps officers

PRISTINA -- Wednesday – The chief UN diplomat in
Kosovo has suspended 12 members of the Kosovo
Protection Corps pending an investigation into
suspected links with an outlawed terrorist group.
The investigation concerns the bombing of a railway
bridge in northern Kosovo in April this year. The
Albanian National Army claimed responsibility, and was
subsequently branded a terrorist organisation by the
then head of the UN mission, Michael Steiner.
Steiner’s successor, Harri Holkeri, today suspended 12
members of the Protection Corps, a civil protection
unit formed by the UN from the disbanded Kosovo
Liberation Army. Two of the terrorists were killed in
the explosion on the bridge. It later emerged that one
of them was a member of the Protection Corps.
Corps commander Agim Ceku today dismissed the move as

Tanjug - December 3, 2003

Ceku does not accept suspension of 12 KPC members

17:08 PRISTINA , Dec 3 (Tanjug) - The suspension on
Wednesday of 12 members of the Kosovo Protection Corps
(KPC) came after an investigation into the attempt to
destroy a bridge in northern Kosovo, said UNMIK chief
Harri Holkeri.
Holkeri added that the findings of the investigation
were sufficiently serious to entail a suspension of
KPC officers, the UN statement said, without
specifying the details of the accusation, AP news
agency reported.

Reuters - December 3, 2003

UN suspension move angers Kosovo ex-guerrillas
By Shaban Buza

PRISTINA, Serbia and Montenegro, Dec 3 (Reuters) -
Kosovo's U.N. governor on Wednesday suspended two
generals and 10 other officers of an ethnic
Albanian-dominated successor force to the guerrilla
Kosovo Liberation Army, angering ex-rebel chiefs.
Harri Holkeri, the Finnish head of the province's
U.N.-led administration, said he took the decision as
a result of its enquiry into a bomb attack in April on
a railway in a part of Kosovo populated mainly by
minority Serbs.
But the head of the civilian emergency Kosovo
Protection Corps (KPC), former guerrilla chief of
staff Agim Ceku, said there was no proof the suspended
officers were involved and made clear the move would
be ignored.
"This decision is unacceptable for us and as such will
not be taken into consideration," Ceku told reporters
after meeting Holkeri and other top Western officials
in Kosovo, which remains legally party of Serbia and
It was the toughest action yet against members of the
3,000-strong KPC since it was set up four years ago,
replacing the rebel army that fought against Slobodan
Milosevic's forces in a conflict that ended with
NATO's 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia.
The corps was designed to provide a civilian role for
former rebels, tasked with humanitarian missions such
as reconstruction and disaster relief. Many
independence-seeking ethnic Albanians see it as a
nucleus of a future Kosovo army.
Holkeri did not give details of the enquiry into the
attack in northern Kosovo, in which two suspected
bombers were killed. A shadowy group called the
Albanian National Army (ANA) claimed responsibility.
But he said the findings "in respect of illegal
activities" were sufficiently serious to merit a
police investigation and a six-month suspension of the
officers pending its results.
"This is the approach taken by European institutions
when serious allegations are made against their
members," he said in a joint statement with the
commander of the NATO-led peacekeeping force in
Kosovo, German General Holger Kammerhoff.
The two suspended KPC generals, Nuredin Lushtaku and
Rrahman Rama, were top guerrilla commanders during the
Holkeri said he counted on Ceku's full cooperation.
But Ceku said Holkeri had taken a wrong decision.
Five KPC officers were suspended in 2001 after they
appeared on a U.S. black list of people accused of
stoking Balkan instability.


Da: Rick Rozoff
Oggetto: [yugoslaviainfo] Albanian National Army Bombers Get 6 Months
Paid Vacation For Kosovo Terror Act

[All twelve culprits, including two so-called Kosovo
Protection Corps generals, will be paid out of the
budget of the United Nations Mission In Kosovo.]

UN News Centre
December 3, 2003

UN envoy to Kosovo orders suspension of 12 police
officers pending inquiry

3 December – The head of the United Nations Interim
Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) has ordered
that *12 Kosovo police officers be suspended, with
pay, for six months* while a police investigation
takes place into their role in the demolition of a
railway bridge in the northern Kosovo town of Loziste
in April.
Harri Holkeri, the Special Representative for Kosovo,
was not prejudging the investigation’s result or
presuming guilt, according to a joint statement by
UNMIK and KFOR, the multinational force in Kosovo,
that was issued today in Pristina.
But Mr. Holkeri said the initial findings against the
12 officers, all serving members of the Kosovo
Protection Corps (KPC), after a joint UNMIK-KFOR
inquiry were “sufficiently serious” to warrant both a
police investigation and the suspensions.
The statement said Mr. Holkeri and KFOR Commander
Holger Kammerhoff met the Commander of the KPC, Lt.
Gen. Agim Ceku, today to inform him of the
The statement added that Mr. Holkeri “recognized that,
with a few exceptions, the KPC members act
professionally and in keeping with the standards
expected of them…It is important to ensure that the
inquiry findings are followed up to protect the good
name of the KPC.”
Meanwhile, Mr. Holkeri, who is also the chairman of
the Task Force on Returns in Kosovo, said next year
would be critical for the return of people still
displaced after war. The Task Force is calling for
more financial support from within and outside Kosovo
so that it can carry out its work of assisting people
to move.
In another development, UNMIK’s Missing Persons Unit,
together with Kosovo’s Office on Missing Persons and
Forensics (OMPF) and the Serbia and Montenegro
authorities, have arranged for a group of bodies to be
transferred from Serbia to Kosovo tomorrow.
The transfer of mortal remains, identified by DNA
after they were exhumed from a mass grave at
Batajnica, will be completed following verification
procedures at a transfer facility near the
Serbia-Kosovo border.

Beta - December 5, 2003

Kosovo Protection Corps accepts suspensions

PRISTINA -- Friday – Senior officers of the Kosovo
Protection Corps last night agreed to accept a
decision by UN administrators in the province to
suspend twelve of the corps members.
UNMIK chief Harri Holkeri on Wednesday suspended
twelve corps members pending an investigation into
links with the outlawed Albanian National Army.
A statement issued by the senior officers notes that
corps commander Agim Ceku has said he will resign over
the suspensions, but that that the officers, the
suspended members and Kosovo Prime Minister Bajram
Rexhepi were opposed to this.
The statement also asserts however that the decision
is unjust and that there is no evidence to support it.

Tanjug - December 9, 2003

Covic doubts UNMIK's good intentions

12:40 BELGRADE , Dec 9 (Tanjug) - Head of the
Kosovo-Metohija coordination centre Nebojsa Covic
voiced doubt about the good intentions of UNMIK to
carry out a true investigation against 12 suspended
officers of the Kosovo Protection Corps (KZS), who are
suspected of having ties with the illegal ethnic
Albanian National Army (ANA), the centre said in its
Tuesday statement.
"I am afraid that that will be just a farce and that
after an alleged investigation, the officers will be
acquitted of the charges," Covic said, proving such a
stand by the fact that Agim Ceku had been arrested,
and soon after that, set free.


Tanjug - December 4, 2003

I am innocent, Thaci

19:29 BONN , Dec 3 (Tanjug) - Democratic Party of
Kosovo leader and one of the leaders of the disbanded
Kosovo Liberation Army Hashim Thaci said he was not
afraid of the war crimes tribunal because he was
innocent, and that ethnic Albanians in the
investigation were reluctant to testify against war
crime suspects because of the inherited mentality, and
not because they were protecting their kinsmen.
In an interview to the Frankfurter Allgemaine Zeitung
Thaci said he was not afraid that the Tribunal would
issue an indictment against him, "because, I never
breached international law."


Tanjug - December 4, 2003

UNMIK says its results are significant, Serbs disagree

17:42 GNJILANE , Dec 3 (Tanjug) - Representatives of
UNMIK in the region of Gnjilane told a news conference
on Wednesday that important results had been achieved
last year, but this was denied by local TV Silovo
journalist Jovan Simic, who described numerous data
from the report as "figments of imagination."
UN regional administrator Marcel Cintalan, regional
chief of UNMIK police Robert Richardson and KFOR
Brigadier General Jerry Beck pointed at the greater
freedom of movement of the population and stressed
that the number of peacekeepers in the region's seven
municipalities would not be reduced, despite the
withdrawal of fixed checkpoints from a number of



"Kosovo Protection Corps" Members Accused Also of White Slavery and

Epoka e Re, Kosovo daily in Albanian
Pristina, December 04, 2003

UNMIK administration made it known that the suspension of the 12
TMK members came after an investigations of the events that happened on
April near Zvecan. But according to the UNMIK spokesman they are also
accused of involvement in trafficking people and illegal trade.

UNMIK_s information official, told "Kosova Live" on Wednesday
that 12 TMK officers except that they are involved in the attack of the
bridge in Lozice, they are suspended for other illegal actions as well.
She added that the police will start with the investigation of the
cases as soon as they receive the suspension letters from the
chief-administrator Holkeri.
In a joint communication released by UNMIK with KFOR and the
Quint state representatives in Kosovo, it pointed out that Harry
Holkeri has informed TMK Commander, lieutenant general Agim Ceku, that
as a result of the joint investigation between UNMIK and KFOR he
decided that the findings against the 12 TMK officers related to the
illegal activities justifies police investigations.

Without prejudging the results of these investigations or without
presupposing their guilt, he decided that the conclusions were very
serious and that deserves and justifies the suspension of 12 TMK
officers, with pay and for a period of six months, while awaiting the
results of the investigations. UNMIK makes known that the
investigations are still ongoing.
The spokesman said that the chief-administrator evaluated that
the TMK members with some "exceptions" act professionally and according
to standards, as it is expected from them. "It is important to make
sure that the results of the investigations followed to protect the
image of TMK", said Holkeri.


Kosovo youth under attack of human traffickers

Tanjug - December 9, 2003
13:36 LONDON , Dec 9 (Tanjug) - The young people of Kosovo-Metohija are
becoming more and more the target of human traffickers, and there are
also cases of kidnapping children, the London daily Independent said
in its Tuesday issue, reminding of the fact that Kosovo had been the
main transit centre for smuggling people to West Europe for some time
Smugglers, however, are attacking local under-aged people more often
now, promising them employment somewhere in Europe, while they usually
end up in some kind of forced labour, in sexual slavery or
prostitution, and there are even cases of selling human organs.


[ex-nju/kosovo e metohija] 8-15 dicembre

[9 dicembre/pristina] migliaia di donne provenienti dalle ex repubbiche
sovietiche vengono comprate i vendute dai trafficanti del sesso: nella
sola pristina, in kosovo, si contano 130 bordelli…
l’articolo di daniel howden sull’




il capo dell’unmik holkeri “è tenuto ha chiedere scusa alla serbia
democratica”: così tanjug [ riporta le
opinioni di nebojsa covic, capo del centro di coordinamento per il
kosovo in merito alla dichiarazione di holkeri del 3 dicembre. a
belgrado, alla conferenza sulla tolleranza e sulle integrazioni
internazionali, holkeri aveva incautamente sostenuto “che la serbia è
tenuta a chiedere scusa al popolo kosovaro perché gli 800 mila albanesi
che fuggivano durante la pulizia etnica non possono dimenticare i
migliaia di assassinati”. “la dichiarazione di holkeri conferma che
presso la comunità internazionale esiste una volontà di accelerazione
del il piano di albanizzazione del kosovo”, ha concluso covic...


[ex-nju/kosovo e metohija] 8-15 dicembre

[9 dicembre/gracanica] editoriale di padre janjic: “un’altra
performance teatrale dei diritti umani”:
il 10 dicembre è la giornata mondial dei diritti dell’uomo.
paradossalmente, anche in kosovo verrà festeggiata, sono in programma
eventi musicali e sportivi proprio nella provincia che negli ultimi
quattro anni si è distinta come “il buco nero” dei diritti umani e
della tolleranza, dove i non-albanesi sono sistematicamente
perseguitati… gli eventi organizzati (tutti in lingua albanese)
mostrano ancora una volta l’assenza di convivenza civile con le
minoranze; nessun serbo potrà parteciparvi se non scortato dai veicoli
delle forze onu/nato, e correndo rischi inimmaginabili…
decani ml

[10 dicembre/pristina] il discorso di covic in occasione della giornata
mondiale dei diritti umani: president, prime minister, ladies and gentlemen, today is
international human rights day. i am glad of that because today is also
an important day for kosovo, the day when the prime minister and i are
launching “standards for kosovo”. the announcement of a review date
for a decision on final status has opened a new chapter. now it is time
for us to write that chapter. our task, together, is to prepare kosovo
for final status. there is now a date for a decision, but there is
nothing inevitable about that decision. that decision depends on what
is said and done here in kosovo, because there’s only one route to
final status. and that is through progress on standards...
il testo integrale su decani ml
...e la richiesta del governo serbo affinché cessino tutte le violenze
ai danni delle minoranze non-albanesi in kosovo:


MakFax (Macedonia) - December 5, 2003

UNMIK to remove Albanian flag in Mitrovica

UNMIK has decided to remove the Albanian flag from the
city hall in Kosovo’s western city of Mitrovica. The
flag was raised on November 28.
Deputy Special Representative to the UN Civil
Administration, Francesco Bastagli, made it clear that
the UN flag is the only flag that could be raised
inside and outside the building of the city hall.
“The use of symbols that exclude non-Albanian
communities is doing disservice to a city like
Mitrovica,” said Bastagli in his letter to local
authorities in Mitrovica. He also voiced deep concerns
at the recent threats for physical liquidation of UN
staff in Mitrovica.

Beta - December 5, 2003

UNMIK “concerned” over threats to staff

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA -- Friday – The United Nations
mission in Kosovo yesterday expressed concern over the
death threats to international staff in Kosovska
Deputy UN governor Francesco Bastagli, in a letter to
Albanian leaders in the segregated town, also took
exception to the Albanian flag being raised on the
local council building, saying that only a UN flag
should be flown either in or outside the building.
He added that the UN was also particularly concerned
that one of its employees in the Mitrovica council had
been declared persona non grata.



il manifesto - 07 Dicembre 2003

Un soldato americano è stato trovato morto in un bunker a Camp
Monteith, base dei militari statunitensi della missione Nato nel Kosovo
orientale. Secondo fonti della Kfor, il sergente Daryl Brooks, 43 anni
sottufficiale di collegamento, è morto per una ferita da arma da fuoco.
Brooks era uno dei circa 2.500 soldati americani schierati nella forza
Nato. Aperte le indagini.


US soldier found dead in Kosovo

Agence France Presse - December 6, 2003

PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro - A US soldier serving with the NATO
peacekeeping mission in Kosovo (KFOR) has been found dead, a statement
Saturday by the peacekeeping force said.
"Sergeant Daryl Brooks, 43, a personnel non-commissioned officer with
Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion 111th Infantry was
found dead of a gunshot wound" early Thursday, the statement said.
Brooks was found in a concrete bunker in the US military Camp Monteith
in eastern Kosovo by a soldier serving with his unit.
The statement did not say whether the death came under suspicious
Over 2,000 US soldiers are part of 20,000-strong KFOR and are in
control of Kosovo's eastern sector that borders Macedonia and Serbia.
Kosovo has been under UN and NATO control since June 1999.



il 6 dicembre una folla di serbi a mitrovica ha accolto a sassate il
ministro albanese rexhepi che si recava alla cena con i rappresentanti
della world bank. non ci sono stati feriti, ma alcuni veicoli dell’onu
sono stati bruciati...

voice of america :

politika :

la responsabilità degli incidenti a mitrovica è di rexhepi stesso: al
pranzo con i rappresentanti della banca mondiale non doveva
parteciparvi, lo ha fatto per farsi vedere buona luce prima della
conferenza a bruxelles, e lo ha fatto violando gli accordi territoriali
onu di mitrovica...”: questa l’opinione di milan ivanovic,
rappresentante del consiglio nazionale serbo per il kosovo


(ANSA-REUTERS) - KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, 7 DIC - Una folla ha attaccato,
lanciando sassi, un ristorante di Kosovska Mitrovica dove pranzava
una delegazione della Banca Mondiale, fino a poco prima assieme al
primo ministro kosovaro, Bajram Rexhepi, di etnia albanese. Un
giornalista dell'agenzia Reuters sul posto ha riferito che la folla
ha scagliato sassi ma la polizia le ha impedito di fare irruzione nel
locale. Rexhepi aveva lasciato da poco il ristorante, ma i
rappresentanti della Banca mondiale sono stati costretti a fuggire.
La folla ha lanciato sassi contro i loro veicoli, ferendo lievemente
un membro della delegazione. Due ministri serbi del governo Rexhepi,
che si supponeva dovessero trovarsi nel locale, in realta' non si
sono presentati. Kosovska Mitrovica e' divisa in due: la parte
nord e' popolata in prevalenza da serbi (che sono maggioranza anche
in tutta la citta'), mentre gli albanesi vivono perlopiu' nella
zona sud, di la' da un ponte che e' stato spesso teatro di scontri
tra le due etnie. In un comunicato, la Missione Onu in Kosovo
(Unmik), che amministra la provincia dopo la guerra del 1999, ha
affermato che negli incidenti sono state coinvolte circa 150 persone,
alcune delle quali hanno danneggiato un autobus e incendiato tre
veicoli (due della polizia locale). Il comunicato non precisa
l'etnia degli aggressori ne' l' identita' della persona rimasta
ferita, ma condanna l'attacco, avvenuto - afferma - durante una
visita mirante a trovare mezzi ''per promuovere lo sviluppo economico
in Kosovo''. ''Le azioni delle persone che hanno turbato l'ordine
pubblico sono biasimevoli'', aggiunge il comunicato. L'addetto
stampa dell'Unmik Tracy Becker ha precisato che la delegazione della
Banca mondiale ha poi trovato rifugio presso il quartier generale
della polizia, dove e' al sicuro. (ANSA-REUTERS). DIG
07/12/2003 01:24


[ex-nju/kosovo e metohija] 8-15 dicembre

[9 dicembre/mitrovica] commentando l’incidente della scorsa settimana a
mitrovica (un gruppo di serbi inferociti ha aggredito rexhepi ed i
delegati della banca mondiale di passaggio in città, non ci sono stati
feriti ma alcuni veicoli dell’unmik sono stati dati alle fiamme) il
portavoce dell’onu chappell ha confermato che l’unmik era completamente
all’oscuro della visita di rexhepi a mitrovica, che non era minimamente
prevista. in merito all’articolo apparso sul sunday mirror, è stato
confermato l’arresto di halil balaj, e sono in corso indagini per
identificare gli altri ex-membri dell’uck che avrebbero connessioni con
il terrorismo internazionale...


Beta - December 9, 2003

Explosion in Pristina

PRISTINA -- Tuesday – A loud explosion was reported in
southern Pristina just after 10.00 last night.
Beta news agency said the blast outside the former
university campus could be heard across Kosovo’s
capital city.
Two UN vehicles parked nearby were also destroyed.
There are no details of casualties or who might have
been responsible.



(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 8 DIC - Il governo serbo giudica ''inaccettabile''
la piattaforma proposta dall'amministrazione dell'Onu per il Kosovo
(Unmik) sugli standard necessari per avviare una discussione sullo
status della provincia, che verra' presentata a Bruxelles al forum
Ue-Balcani del 10 dicembre. In una riunione convocata dal
vicepremier serbo incaricato della questione albanese, Nebojsa Covic,
il governo ha definito il documento ''non adeguato alla risoluzione
1244 dell'Onu'', che prevede fra l'altro la sovranita' di Belgrado sul
territorio kosovaro. I ministri hanno sottolineato che non sono
stati recepiti nella bozza dell'Unmik i suggerimenti espressi dalla
Serbia, fra cui il ritorno incondizionato dei profughi serbi nel
Kosovo, la restituzione dei beni serbi passati nelle mani degli
albanesi, una riorganizzazione basilare del Corpo di protezione
kosovaro, i diritti di Belgrado nei processi di privatizzazione.
La discussione sugli standard avviene in un momento delicato della
vita politica serba, in piena campagna per le elezioni legislative
del 28 dicembre. Il Kosovo e' uno dei temi piu' gettonati dalle forze
ultranazionaliste, ed e' parte integrante anche del programma di
quelle piu' moderate.(ANSA). OT 08/12/2003 17:14

Tanjug - December 9, 2003

Kosovo Serbs reject standards

09:47 BELGRADE , Dec 9 (Tanjug) - The Kosovo-Metohija
coordination centre said late on Monday that the Serb
representatives at Kosovo institutions, members of the
province's local management, and the coordination
centre leading team had supported the decision of the
Serbian government that the standards representatives
of the international community had proposed for
Kosovo-Metohija be rejected.
It was said that the draft of the document represented
an attempt of revision of Security Council Resolution
1244, as well as of the Kosovo Constitutional
Framework. The document was qualified as unacceptable
also becuase it did not respect the crucial issues as
regards the return of IDPs, privatisation, return of
property, resolution of property relations in Kosovo
and the Kosovo Protection Corps, the statement said.



(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 10 DIC - Le Nazioni Unite hanno fissato e reso
noto oggi i criteri ai quali il Kosovo dovra' attenersi come
condizione per la definizione del suo status, non esclusa
l'indipendenza. Il documento, che rappresenta una sorta di ''road
map'', e' stato presentato oggi nel corso di una cerimonia ufficiale
da parte dell'amministratore Onu della provincia, Harri Holkeri. I
criteri posti dall'Onu per giungere a una definizione dello status
entro il 2005, riguardano riforme democratiche nel campo
dell'economia, delle minoranze (incluso il ritorno dei profughi
serbi) e per la costituzione dello stato di diritto. ''Per
giungere allo status definitivo c'e' una sola strada - ha dichiarato
Holkeri - e' questa strada e' il rispetto degli standard che abbiamo
fissato. Questa strada - ha aggiunto - e' anche la scelta fra le
democrazia e la criminalita' e l'anarchia''. Alla cerimonia erano
assenti in segno di dissenso tutti i rappresentanti della minoranza
serba. Il presidente Ibrahim Rugova e il primo ministro Bajram
Rexhepi hanno accolto con soddisfazione il documento, rivolgendo un
appello pubblico affinche' da oggi in poi ''ogni kosovaro si impegni
per il rispetto di questi standard, che costituiscono la via di
accesso alla nostra indipendenza''. (ANSA). BLL
10/12/2003 19:20

Tanjug - December 11, 2003

Holkeri's offer "conditional independence of Kosovo,"

13:10 GRACANICA , Dec 10 (Tanjug) - Member of the
Return coalition and Serbian national council for
central Kosov, Rada Trjkovic, said on Wednesday that
the standards UNMIK chief Harri Holkeri had offered,
practically represented "a conditional independence of
"Since the paper (standards) does not imply any
institutional ties between Kosovo-Metohija and
Belgrade, it practically means a conditional
independence of the province," Trajkovic told Tanjug.

Tanjug (Serbia-Montenegro) - December 11, 2003

If Kosovo became independent, Macedonia would
disappear - Covic

10:49 CACAK , Dec 11 (Tanjug) - Serbian Deputy Premier
and leader of the Democratic Alternative (DA), Nebojsa
Covic, said in Cacak late on Wednesday that in case
Kosovo-Metohija became independent, Macedonia, as a
state, would disappear.
"I can sign right now that if Kosovo-Metohija is
granted independence, there will be no Macedonia in a
month and a half, at the most. Our intention is not,
in spite of all, to give up a part of our territory,"
Covic said.

Tanjug - December 10, 2003

Time for Serbia to take more aggressive steps, Jaksic

14:26 KOSOVSKA MITROVICA , Dec 10 (Tanjug) - Community
of Serbian municipalities in Kosovo and Metohija
president Marko Jaksic told Tanjug on Wednesday,
following the unilateral decision of UNMIK chief Harri
Holkeri to determine standards in Kosovo, that it was
time for the state of Serbia to take more aggressive
"It is time for Serbia to take the initiative, and
that means taking more aggressive steps for the
integration of Kosovo and Metohija into the Serbian
state," Jaksic assessed.

--- - December 11, 2003

Belgrade Warns of Ethnic Cleansing in Kosovo

An alternative reality is being established in Kosovo
based on the results of ethnic cleansing, Belgrade’s
Kosovo Coordination Centre said today.
“Human rights are the inalienable right of every man.
But a different reality is being built in Kosovo today
on the results of ethnic cleansing, criminalisation of
the society and violation of human rights,” said the
centre in a statement, quoted by radio B92.
Before any debate on the final status of Kosovo, the
international community must provide Serbs living
there with fundamental human rights, the centre said.


[ex-nju/kosovo e metohija] 8-15 dicembre

[11 dicembre] kosovo/status, standard, road map
il governo serbo ha rigettato ieri la bozza presentata il giorno
precedente da harri holkeri a pristina. la bozza, che dovrebbe condurre
allo “status giuridico finale per il kosmet” verrà presentata a
bruxelles ed è stata infelicemente ribattezzata ‘road map’. alla
presentazione del documento i serbi del kosovo non erano presenti: in
breve, si rifiutano di partecipare perchè ritengono che nei documenti
a) sia data sovranità alle istituzioni albanesi senza che sia garantito
il rientro degli sfollati serbi; b) la risoluzione 1244 non sia stata
rispettata, c) non sia prevista la restituzione dei beni usurpati ai
serbi fuggitivi dagli albanesi, né che sia prevista la revisione del
kosovo protection force che - al momento - non è che un riciclaggio
delle forze uck. nebojsa covic, responsabile del kosovo per belgrado,
ha dichiarato che il documento elaborato da holkeri è “un’autostrada
che porta diritta all’indipendenza del kosovo”. neppure gli albanesi
sembrano soddisfatti: accusano holkeri di aver ‘sentito eccessivamente’
le pressioni di belgrado. articoli in merito:



B92 - December 8, 2003  

South Serbian checkpoint under attack

KONCULJ -- Monday - Unidentified gunmen last night opened fire on a
police checkpoint Konculj, near the Kosovo border, police in the
southern Serbian city of Vranje said today.  
Police in the checkpoint returned the fire.  No casualties were
reported in the incident.
An investigation this morning indicated that the shots were fired from
an improvised stone shelter near the local school.
Police are investigating.


Tanjug - December 9, 2003

Heroin comes from Kosovo, Hungarian police

13:16 BUDAPEST , Dec 9 (Tanjug) - According to the
knowledge of the Hungarian police, each day, about 100
kilogrammes of heroine are sent from Kosovo to
European countries.
Besides the ethnic Albanian mafia, Turks are also very
active in this job, who are are specialised for
transporting the drugs from Asia to Europe, it was
pointed out in the latest report of the coordination
centre for the fight against organised crime, which is
seated in Budapest.


Russian Information Agency (Novosti) - December 9, 2003


MOSCOW, December 9th, 2003 (ITAR TASS correspondent
Yulia Troitskaya) - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister
Vladimir Chizhov has discussed the Kosovo settlement
with Undersecretary of the Macedonian Foreign Ministry
Victor Gaber, the Russian ministry's information and
press department reported.
At the meeting the parties exchanged opinions on
regional problems. Thus, the Russian party confirmed
that it supported the efforts of the Macedonian
leaders to strengthen the security, sovereignty and
territorial integrity of the state.
The parties also expressed satisfaction with the
dynamics of the two countries' political dialogue.
They signalled mutual interest in further development
of comprehensive Russian-Macedonian co-operation,
above all, in the trade and economic sphere, the
ministry pointed out.
Gaber arrived in Moscow to take part in the
Russian-Macedonian foreign-ministry consultations.




[ex-nju/kosovo e metohija] 8-15 dicembre

[10 dicembre/klina] un gruppo di 26 serbi stazionava da settimane a
bica in attesa di rientrare nelle proprie case a klina. scortati
dall’unmik, si sono mossi verso klina (a sette chilometri di distanza)
e hanno trovato un centinaio di civili albanesi infericiti che hanno
impedito loro di riprendere possesso delle proprie abitazioni,
accogliendoli a sassate.

Beta - December 11, 2003

Serb repatriates narrowly escape angry mob

GRACANICA -- Wednesday – A group of Serb repatriates
in Kosovo were evacuated today from the town of Klina
after an angry mob of Albanian residents besieged the
building they were in.
Local Serb Petko Pesic told media that about ten
Serbs, part of a group of 26, arrived in the town
today and moved into a house in order to prepare for
the return of the others over the next few days.
However they were eventually evacuated by KFOR troops
after several hundred local Albanians, described by
Pesic as extremely aggressive, surrounded the
Witnesses said that about a hundred UNMIK police
officers arrived at the scene to secure the
As the left the house, the mob stoned the Serbs and
vehicles driven by the international police, said
Serb sources in the nearby village of Bica, where the
26 would-be-repatriates are staying, say that the
group is determined to return to their home town.

Tanjug - December 12, 2003

Trajkovic says return of Serbs to Metohija obstructed

18:34 KOSOVSKA MITROVICA , Dec 11 (Tanjug) - Serb
National Council for Central Kosovo Executive
Committee member Rada Trajkovic, a Kosovo parliament
MP of the coalition Povratak, on Thursday accused
UNMIK return department chief Peggy Higgs of
obstructing the return of Serbs to Metohija region of
this province.
Higgs influenced KFOR officials, who stopped providing
protection for Serbs who returned to Klina, and the
Serbs then fled to the nearby village Bica after a
protest by ethnic Albanians, Trajkovic said.



(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 11 DIC - Il parlamento del Kosovo ha votato oggi a
larghissima maggioranza una dichiarazione che definisce decadute le
leggi serbe a partire dal 1989, quando la provincia a maggioranza
albanese fu privata dell'autonomia. L'amministratore dell'Unmik
Harry Holkeri ha annullato la decisione, che la portavoce Isabelle
Carlovic ha qualificato come ''inaccettabile e non riconosciuta dalla
comunita' internazionale''. '' Applicare la legge e' compito
dell'amministrazione dell'Onu, in base alla risoluzione 1244 del
consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni unite. Il parlamento puo' solo
manifestare la sua opinione'', ha detto Holkeri. Asim Bajrami,
autore della mozione approvata dal parlamento, ha motivato il voto -
al quale i media di Belgrado danno stasera ampio risalto - con il
fatto che le leggi serbe adottate dopo il 1989 ''sono state varate
contro la volonta' della maggioranza della popolazione kosovara e
pregiudicano l'avvenire del Kosovo''. Hanno votato a favore
della mozione 71 deputati, 17 hanno votato contro. (ANSA).
11/12/2003 19:50

Makfax (Macedonia) - December 11, 2003

Kosovo Assembly moves to repeal Serbian laws

Kosovo’s Assembly will convene for a session to debate
the proposed repealing of dozens of Serbia’s laws that
have been enforced in the past, including the laws
related to privatization in the province.
The motion was tabled by the Kosovo’s government and
the Legislation Board of the Kosovo Assembly. The
motion includes revoking of 53 laws that have been
enforced by Serbia after March 22, 1989. Kosovo’s
government is insisting that these laws be designated
The Representatives of Kosovo Serbs strongly opposed
government’s move, noting that the eventual passage
will be ‘invalid’ given the fact that this issue is
under the jurisdiction of the UN mission in Kosovo

Tanjug - December 10, 2003

Kosovo government instructed to nullify Serbia's

20:49 PRISTINA , Dec 9 (Tanjug) - The Kosovo
parliament commission for legislation, judiciary and
Constitutional Framework instructed Tuesday the Kosovo
government to nullify all laws and regulations
regarding Kosovo-Metohija adopted by the Republic of
Serbia from 1989 and 2001.
If the Kosovo government does this, it should then
also nullify many legal acts adopted by the Kosovo
parliament since 2001, such as the law on superior
education which discriminates against the Serb
community, Kosovo parliament presidency member Gojko
Savic said.


[ex-nju/kosovo e metohija] 8-15 dicembre

[11 dicembre] ...nebojsa covic chiede ufficialmente a holkeri di
invalidare la decisione del parlamento kosovaro albanese, che ha
abrogato tutte le leggi serbe introdotte fra il 1998 ed il 2001. il
governo serbo minaccia di cancellare i decreti approvati in merito al
kosovo dopo il 12 giugno del ‘99. per l’ennesima volta il governo di
belgrado chiede che sia rispettata la risoluzione 1244 delle nazioni
decani ml



--- - December 11, 2003

Chief of Turkish General Staff Holds Talks in Kosovo

Chief of Turkish General Staff Gen. Hilmi Ozkok on
Monday met NATO and Turkish military officials in
Ozkok held his first meeting in NATO's Kosovo Force
(KFOR) headquarters with KFOR Commander Gen. Holger
Ozkok also met with commanders of a Turkish battalion
deployed in Kosovo. In addition to the commanders, he
also spoke with local civilian officials.
He was scheduled to head for Bosnia and Herzegovina
upon completion of his meetings in Kosovo, Turkish
Daily News.

Turkish Press - Anadolu Agency - December 11, 2003

Albanian President Moisiu Receives Gen. Ozkok

TIRANA - Albanian President Alfred Moisiu said on
Wednesday that Turkey was the country which extended
the biggest technical support and aid in modernization
process of Albanian armed forces.
Moisiu received the same day Chief of General Staff
Gen. Hilmi Ozkok who visited Albania. Speaking during
the meeting, Moisiu said that the military cooperation
between the two countries had to be further
The contributions which Turkey would make to training
and preparation of Albanian commando forces were taken
up and Turkey's increasing cooperation with Tirana
administration in military field also came onto
Ozkok said in the meeting that the aid of Turkey to
Albania in latter's reaching NATO standards would
Noting that Albania was a factor of peace and
stability in the region, Ozkok said that Turkey was
ready to help to make Albania become a member of NATO
as soon as possible.
After the meeting, Ozkok visited centre of commando
forces in Zall Heri region near Tirana. An operation
was also exercised in the centre where Turkey
contributed to reconstruction studies.
Gen. Ozkok will also visit today Kucova military
airbase which was reconstructed by Turkish soldiers.
The military base is expected to be ready in 2005.


SRNA - December 12, 2003

Agim Ceku’s army ambitions

PRISTINA -- Friday – The commander of the Kosovo
Protection Corps has confirmed he intends to transform
the UN-created body into an army.
“We’re not questioning UNMIK’s authority, which
defines the KPC as a civil organisation, but the KPC
will become an army”, Agim Ceku told BBC Radio. “We’re
capable of it, we have a right to do it, and no one
should fear this”.
The KPC was set up by the United Nations
administration four years ago from the ranks of the
disbanded Kosovo Liberation Army. It is defined as a
“civilian emergency organisation” designed to secure
public safety in times of emergency and humanitarian
The UN governor in the province last week suspended 12
members of the Corps for suspected links with an
outlawed terrorist organisation going by the name of
the Albanian National Army. Ceku said the move was
“unacceptable” since the investigation was still
Under the UN’s plan to implement standards in the
province ahead of final-status talks, the KPC is
expected to recruit more members from ethnic minority
communities, and to cut its overall size to just 3,052
active members and 2,000 reservists.
Ceku told the BBC he was confident of meeting the
standards, and pledged to “invest maximum effort to
convince members of the Serb community that the KPC is
their institution as well”.


[ex-nju/kosovo e metohija] 8-15 dicembre

[12 dicembre] le ambizioni militari di agim ceku: “non intendiamo
mettere in dubbio l’autorità dell’unmik, ma il KPC (kosovo protection
force) non può che diventare un vero e proprio esercito”, ha
dichiartato agim ceku alla bbc. “abbiano il diritto di farlo e nessuno
dovrebbe temerci”. solo la scorsa settimana dodici membri del kosovo
protection force erano stati sospesi dal servizio per sospetta attività
terroristica di matrice grand’albanese.


SRNA - December 15, 2003

Policeman attacked in western Kosovo

PEC -- Sunday – A Kosovo Police officer was seriously
injured in an armed attack on a police patrol near Pec
on Saturday evening.
The policeman was admitted to hospital in Pec with
several gunshot wounds.
The incident came only fifteen days after an attack in
which two police were killed on the Pec-Decani road.
Both attacks are being linked to the Kosovo Police
investigation into drug smuggling and prostitution in
the west of the province.


SRNA - December 15, 2003

Serb woman attacked in segregated Kosovo town

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA -- Sunday – A Serb women was beaten in the northern
part of the divided town of Kosovska
Mitrovica late on Saturday evening.
Zlata Djurovic suffered serious head injuries in the
attack and was admitted to hospital where she is
reported to be in a satisfactory condition.
Hospital spokesman Marko Jaksic told media that the
attack followed the beating of two Serb teenagers in
the same area less than a month ago.
He said the Kosovo police were obviously unable to
protect Serbs in the area and that UN police and KFOR
troops no longer patrolled the border between the Serb
and Albanian occupied parts of the town.

Tanjug - December 14, 2003

Mixed settlement in northern part of Kosovska
Mitrovica permanent hotbed, ZSOK president

18:32 KOSOVSKA MITROVICA , Dec 14 (Tanjug) - President
of the Union of Kosovo-Metohija Serb Municipalities
(ZSOK) Marko Jaksic has said, in view of the incident
in which Kosovo Serb woman Zlata Djurovic was injured
late on Saturday, that the ethnically-mixed
Micro-settlement (Mikro naselje) in the northern part
of the town represents a permanent hotbed and that
UNMIK and Kosovo police are not capable of protecting
Kosovo Serbs.
"UNMIK police have never showed readiness to undertake
something, and ever since the mixed Kosovo police
service began patrolling the streets some two or three
months ago, the situation is even worse for the
Serbs," Jaksic said.


[ex-nju/kosovo e metohija] 8-15 dicembre

[14 dicembre/mitrovica] durante la notte, assalitori sconosciuti hanno
picchiato zlata djurovic, una donna serba di 52 anni. i medici del
reparto di terapia intensiva dell’ospedale di kosovska mitrovica hanno
comunicato che la donna è stata ricoverata con gravi lesioni al cranio
e che la sua situazione sanitaria è ancora incerta. questo è il secondo
attacco nell’ultimo mese a cittadini serbi che vivono nella zona di
mitrovica, abitata da popolazione mista e divisa da un check point
militare. l’incidente ha provocato nuove paure tra la popolazione, ed i
rappresentanti serbi accusano l’onu di non fare abbastanza per
proteggere la popolazione serba in kosovo. >>>



----- Original Message -----
From: ERPKIM Info Service
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 10:18 AM
Subject: [ERPKIM] Kosovo Serbs insist on full implementation
of UNSCR 1244, Dec 15

Decembar 15, 2003

ERP KiM Newsletter 15-12-03

Kosovo Serbs insist on full implementation of UN SC Resolution 1244

Serbian Coalition within Kosovo Parliament wrote a letter
to the UN Sec. Gen. Kofi Annan expressing their concerns because the
most fundamental elements of UN SCR 1244 are missing in the "Standards
for Kosovo" plan. Belgrade Government and Kosovo Serbs see the "the
Standards for Kosovo" as a roadmap to Kosovo's secession from Serbia and
an attempt to make a revision of the Resolution 1244. Serbian Patriarch
Pavle and the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church supported the
position of Dr. Covic and the Povratak Coalition on this document which
in return for short term "minority rights" leaves only independence of
Serbia's southern province as an option for negotiations. Bishop
Artemije appealed on Belgrade and Serb MP's in Kosovo Parliament not to
support a plan with such serious deficiencies, but to request
fundamental elements of 1244 Resolution to be implemented prior to any
further discussion on Kosovo's final status - specifically: substantial
autonomy of Kosovo within Serbia-Montenegro and the return of "Serb
personnel" to Kosovo.

Extract from the letter to Kofi Annan
Serb MP's indicate that they will not participate
in institutions which are in opposition with UN Mandate

The Return Coalition reminded that, according to
Resolution 1244, the status of Kosovo is defined as substantial autonomy
within Serbia and Montenegro, with respect for the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, now the
state union of Serbia and Montenegro.
"The question that must be asked is if substantial
autonomy of Kosovo and Metohija is not achieved within Serbia and
Montenegro, with respect for her sovereignty and territorial integrity
in this phase of implementation of Resolution 1244, what can then be
expected in the phase of determining the future status of Kosovo and
Metohija?" the Return Coalition emphasizes in its letter to the UN
secretary general.
"Otherwise, political representatives of the Serbian
people in Kosovo and Metohija within the provisional institutions of
self-government are not prepared to offer by their presence the illusion
of acquiescence with what is in grave contradiction with the UN mandate,
as well as with the political and national interests of the Serbian
people and state in the region of Kosovo and Metohija," the Coalition
underlines in the letter to Kofi Annan. More


News from Kosovo and Metohija, 13-14 December 2003

More News Available on our:

Kosovo Daily News list (KDN)
KDN Archive

This newsletter is available on our ERP KIM Web-site:


"Povratak" Coalition sends (protest) letter to Kofi Anan

The Serb political representatives in Kosovo sent the letter to
Annan yesterday in which they stated that they are concerned by the
practice of "the imposition of the content of the document on 'Standards
for Kosovo' as the culmination of the misuse of provisional institutions
of self-government by Albanian political representatives in the
parliament and government of Kosovo and Metohija".


Beta News Agency, Belgrade
December 14, 2003

Return Coalition sends letter to Kofi Annan

PRISTNA - In a letter addressed to UN secretary general Kofi
Annan, the Return Coalition (Povratak) stressed that adopting the
"Standards for Kosovo" without participation by the Serbian side, as
well as the content of the document itself, is "a serious violation of
Resolution 1244 and blazing a path to an independent Kosovo".

The Serb political representatives in Kosovo sent the letter to
Annan yesterday in which they stated that they are concerned by the
practice of "the imposition of the content of the document on 'Standards
for Kosovo' as the culmination of the misuse of provisional institutions
of self-government by Albanian political representatives in the
parliament and government of Kosovo and Metohija".

Informing Annan that they did not attend the promotion of
"Standards for Kosovo" this week in Pristina, the representatives of the
Return Coalition explained that they thus wished "to once again stress
their disagreement with the content and manner of enactment of the
document whose passage is of critical importance for the future of
Kosovo and Metohija".

"Unfortunately, this is also a consequence of the irrational
insistence of UNMIK that the participation of legitimate representatives
of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as of the Serbian
Government, be formal instead of substantive, that it is, that it be
reduced to being informed of the content of the document," the Return
Coalition said in the letter, a copy of which has also been sent to EU
high representative Javier Solana and officials of the Council of Europe
and the European Parliament.

The Serb political representatives point out that the majority of
their suggestions in the drafting of the document were rejected while,
on the other hand, "the key conclusions are obviously those of Albanian
political representatives".

The Return Coalition reminded that, according to Resolution 1244,
the status of Kosovo is defined as substantial autonomy within Serbia
and Montenegro, with respect for the sovereignty and territorial
integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, now the state union of
Serbia and Montenegro.

"The question that must be asked is if substantial autonomy of
Kosovo and Metohija is not achieved within Serbia and Montenegro, with
respect for her sovereignty and territorial integrity in this phase of
implementation of Resolution 1244, what can then be expected in the
phase of determining the future status of Kosovo and Metohija?" the
Return Coalition emphasizes in its letter to the UN secretary general.

The Return Coalition therefore energetically demands that the
process of implementation of standards be returned within the scope of
the mandate of the United Nations in Kosovo and Metohija.

"Otherwise, political representatives of the Serbian people in
Kosovo and Metohija within the provisional institutions of
self-government are not prepared to offer by their presence the illusion
of acquiescence with what is in grave contradiction with the UN mandate,
as well as with the political and national interests of the Serbian
people and state in the region of Kosovo and Metohija," the Coalition
underlines in the letter to Annan.

The Serbian deputies in the Kosovo parliament informed Annan that
it is "the last opportunity for the UN Security Council, as well as for
you personally, to become concretely engaged in the resolution of
current problems in Kosovo and Metohija, so that the entire process does
not get out of control and open a new cycle of territorial and other
disputes with unforeseeable consequences for the entire region".

The Return Coalition proposes that Annan receive a delegation of
legitimate representatives of the Serbian people in provisional
institutions in Kosovo at the upcoming UN Security Council session on
Kosovo in New York where standards of Kosovo are to be discussed in
order to present problems and proposals for a way out of the existing




Explosion in Serb churchyard in Urosevac

Tanjug - December 15, 2003
18:39 BELGRADE , Dec 15 (Tanjug) - The Ras and Prizren Eparchy of the
Serbian Orthodox Church on Monday strongly condemned the Sunday attack
on the Church of St. Uros in Urosevac, in the south-eastern part of
According to the statement made by the official representative of the
Greek KFOR contingent, an unidentified person threw an explosive
device, most likely a hand grenade, into the churchyard on Sunday
evening, at about 8 p.m.


'Unfounded' Al Qaeda rumors aim at destabilizing Kosovo, says Rugova
(by Stavros Tzimas)

Why the UN Mission is Hiding the Real Situation in Kosovo and Metohija
From the Public (by Fr. Sava Janjic)

Danas: Interview: Fr. Sava: An Introduction to the Revision of Security
Council Resolution 1244 (by J. Tasic)

Latest draft version of plan for implementation of standards ultimately
leads to secession of Kosovo and Metohija

Serbian Government: Kosovo Standards Implementation Plan Unacceptable

Dija Gidzic: Kosovo's Romany envoy. A village teenager's quest to
better herself abroad

Brit Reporters buy Deadly Explosives from KLA Terrorists... ...But it
was NATO that groomed those same Terrorists for Power!
(by Jared Israel)

UNMIK/PR/1079: SRSG and PM launch the "Standards for Kosovo"

Serb returnees barely escape lynching in attempt to return to their
homes in Kosovo

Human Rights Day - Annual Theatrical Performance in Pristina (by Fr.
Sava Janjic)

Road from Bujanovac to Kosovo-Metohija opened

Serb National Council: Kosovo is not for sale

Altri articoli interessanti, linkati su
[ex-nju/kosovo e metohija] 8-15 dicembre :
il crudele limbo dei rifugiati rom del kosovo in macedonia
gli orfani del kosovo e la nato
intervista con nebojsa covic
il kosovo di ahmeti, indipendente nel 2005
l’articolo del sunday mirror (come comprare esplosivo in kosovo) è
anche qui
perché gli ebrei hanno lasciato pristina?
il kosovo come un modello (sic)


Sulle teste mozzate dai miliziani filo-occidentali dell'UCK vedi:
e le foto su:


Crime, Terror Flourish In 'Liberated' Kosovo

[ex-nju/kosovo e metohija] 8-15 dicembre

[10 dicembre] quattro anni dopo essere stato ‘liberato’ dalla nato con
le bombe, il kosovo è degenerato in una palude di crimine organizzato,
violenze antiserbe, simpatizzanti di al qa’eda: così dicono gli
esperti. sebbene sotto il controllo nominale delle nazioni unite, la
provincia meridionale della serbia oggi è dominata da un triumvirato di
paramilitari albanesi, mafiosi e guerriglieri-terroristi. insieme
controllano il redditizio contrabbando e perfezionano la pulizia etnica
brutale nei confronti delle minoranze: serbi, ma anche rom ed ebrei.

isabel vincent dalle pagine del national post


Quattro anni di crimini ignorati
Di Babsi Jones

Migliaia di vittime e di desaparecidos per lo più civili e di etnia
serba. Trecentomila cittadini non albanesi espulsi. I nomi degli
appartenenti alle bande terroristiche che operano nell’area. A piede
libero e sotto il vessillo delle Nazioni Unite. Duecento pagine
ripercorrono, con l'ausilio di mappe, testimonianze fotografiche e dati
statistici, la tragica storia delle regioni serbe del Kosovo e della
Metohija degli ultimi quattro anni. E' un libro bianco presentato dal
premier serbo Zoran Zivkovic che raccoglie le testimonianze della
popolazione che, dal 6 giugno 1999 al 23 agosto 2003, ha subito circa
seimila attacchi

VEDI ANCHE:<br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)

George Soros : Magicien impérial et agent double

Covert Action Quarterly
e-mail: info@...

par Heather Cottin
9 déc. 2003


Il ne s’agit nullement d’un cas de trouble narcissique de la
personnalité; voici, en fait, comment George Soros applique
aujourd’hui le pouvoir de l’hégémonie des Etats-Unis dans le monde. Les
institutions de Soros et ses machinations financières sont en partie
responsables de la destruction du socialisme en Europe de l’Est et dans
l’ancienne URSS. Il a également jeté son dévolu sur la Chine. Il a
également fait partie de toute cette entreprise d’opérations en tous
genres qui ont abouti au démantèlement de la Yougoslavie. Alors qu’il
se donne du philanthrope, le rôle du milliardaire George Soros
consiste à resserrer la mainmise idéologique de la globalisation et du
nouvel ordre mondial tout en assurant la promotion de son propre
profit financier. Les opérations commerciales et « philanthropiques »
de Soros sont clandestines, contradictoires et coactives. Et, pour ce
qui est de ses activités économiques, lui-même admet qu’il n’a pas de
conscience, en capitaliste fonctionnant avec une amoralité absolue. 

En maître d’œuvre du nouveau secteur de la corruption qui trompe
systématiquement le monde, il se fraie un chemin jusqu’aux hommes
d’Etat planétaires et ils lui répondent. Il a été proche de Henry
Kissinger, de Vaclav Havel et du général polonais Wojciech
Jaruzelski.(2) Il soutient le dalaï-lama, dont l’institut est installé
au Presidio, à San Francisco, lequel Presidio héberge également, entre
autres, la fondation dirigée par l’ami de Soros, l’ancien dirigeant
soviétique Mikhaïl Gorbatchev.(3) Soros est une figure de pointe du
Conseil des Relations extérieures, du Forum économique mondial et de
Human Rights Watch (HRW). En 1994, après une rencontre avec son gourou
philosophique, Sir Karl Popper, Soros ordonnait à ses sociétés de se
mettre à investir dans les communications en Europe centrale et de

L’administration fédérale de la radio et télévision de la République
tchèque a accepté son offre de reprendre et de financer les archives
de Radio Free Europe. Soros a transféré ces archives à Prague et a
dépensé plus de 15 millions de dollars pour leur entretien.(4)
Conjointement avec les Etats-Unis, une fondation Soros dirige
aujourd’hui Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, laquelle a étendu ses
ramifications au Caucase et en Asie.(5)  Soros est le fondateur et le
financier de l’Open Society Institute. Il a créé et entretient le.
Groupe international de Crise (GIC) qui, entre autres choses, est
actif dans les Balkans depuis le démantèlement de la Yougoslavie. Soros
travaille ouvertement avec l’Institut américain pour la Paix – un
organe officiellement reconnu de la CIA.

Lorsque les forces hostiles à la globalisation battaient de la semelle
dans les rues entourant le Waldorf-Astoria, à New York, en février
2002, George Soros était à l’intérieur et tenait un discours devant le
Forum économique mondial. Quand la police entassa les manifestants
dans des cages métalliques à Park Avenue, Soros vantait les vertus
d’une « société ouverte » et rejoignait ainsi Zbigniew Brzezinski,
Samuel Huntington, Francis Fukuyama et d’autres.


George Soros est né en Hongrie en 1930 de parents juifs si éloignés de
leurs racines qu’ils passèrent même une fois leurs vacances en
Allemagne nazie.(6) Soros vécut sous le régime nazi mais, au moment du
triomphe des communistes, il alla s’installer en Angleterre en 1947.
Là, à la London School of Economics, il subit l’influence du
philosophe Karl Popper, un idéologue anticommuniste adulé dont
l’enseignement constitua la base des tendances politiques de Soros. Il
est malaisé de trouver un discours, un ouvrage ou un article de la
plume de Soros qui n’obéisse à l’influence de Popper.

Anobli en 1965, Popper inventa le slogan de « Société ouverte », qu’on
allait retrouver plus tard dans l’Open Society Fund and Institute de
Soros. Les disciples de Popper répètent ses mots comme de véritables
fidèles. La philosophie de Popper incarne parfaitement
l’individualisme occidental. Soros quitta l’Angleterre en 1956 et
trouva du travail à Wall Street où, dans les années 60, il inventa le
« fonds de couverture » : « (…) les fonds de couverture satisfaisaient
les individus très riches (…) Les fonds en grande partie secrets,
servant habituellement à faire des affaires en des lieux lointains (…)
produisaient des retours astronomiquement supérieurs. Le montant des
‘enjeux’ se muaient souvent en prophéties qui se réalisaient
d’elles-mêmes : ‘les rumeurs circulant à propos d’une situation acquise
grâce aux énormes fonds de couverture incitaient d’autres
investisseurs à se hâter de faire pareil’, ce qui, à son tour,
augmentait les mises de départ des opérateurs en couverture. »(7)

Soros met sur pied le Quantum Fund en 1969 et se met à boursicoter
dans la manipulation des devises. Dans les années 70, ses activités
financières glissent vers « l’alternance entre les situations à long
et à court terme (…) Soros se mit à gagner gros à la fois sur la
montée des trusts d’investissement dans l’immobilier et sur leur
effondrement ultérieur. Durant ses vingt années de gestion, Quantum
offrit des returns étonnants de 34,5% en moyenne par an. Soros est
particulièrement connu (et craint) pour sa spéculation sur les devises.
(…) En 1997, il se vit décerner une distinction rare en se faisant
traiter de scélérat par un chef d’Etat, Mahathir Mohamad, de Malaisie,
pour avoir participé à un raid particulièrement rentable sur la
monnaie de ce pays. »(8) 

C’est via de telles martingales financières clandestines que Soros va
devenir multimilliardaire. Ses sociétés contrôlent l’immobilier en
Argentine, au Brésil et au Mexique, la banque au Venezuela et elles
figurent au nombre des commerces de devises les plus rentables au
monde, donnant naissance à la croyance générale que ses amis très haut
placés l’ont aidé dans ses aventures financières, et ce pour des
raisons tant politiques que liées à l’appât du gain.(9)

George Soros a été blâmé pour avoir fait sombrer l’économie
thaïlandaise en 1997.(10) Un activiste thaï a même déclaré : « Nous
considérons George Soros comme une sorte de Dracula. Il suce le sang
du peuple. »(11) Les Chinois l’appellent « le crocodile » du fait que
ses efforts économiques et idéologiques en Chine n’étaient jamais
satisfaits et parce que ses spéculations financières ont engendré des
millions de dollars de profit lorsqu’il a mis le grappin sur
l’économie thaï et sur celle de la Malaisie.(12)

Un jour, Soros s’est fait un milliard de dollars en un jour en
spéculant (un mot qu’il déteste) sur la livre britannique. Accusé de
prendre « de l’argent à chaque contribuable britannique lorsqu’il
spéculait contre le sterling », il avait répondu : « Lorsque vous
spéculez sur les marchés financiers, vous ne vous embarrassez pas de
la plupart des préoccupations morales auxquelles est confronté un
homme d’affaires ordinaire. (…) Je n’avais pas non plus à
m’embarrasser de questions de morale sur les marchés financiers. »(13)

Soros est schizophréniquement insatiable quand il s’agit de s’enrichir
personnellement de façon illimitée et il éprouve un perpétuel désir
d’être bien considéré par autrui : « Les commerçants en devises assis
à leurs bureaux achètent et vendent des devises de pays de tiers monde
en grande quantités. L’effet des fluctuations des cours sur les
personnes qui vivent dans ces pays n’effleure même pas leurs esprits.
Il ne devrait pas le faire non plus : ils ont un travail à faire. Si
nous nous arrêtons pour réfléchir, nous devons nous poser la question
de savoir si les commerçants en devises (…) devraient contrôler la vie
de millions de personnes. »(14)

C’est George Soros qui a sauvé la peau de George W. Bush lorsque la
gestion par celui-ci d’une société de prospection pétrolière était sur
le point de se solder par un échec. Soros était le propriétaire de la
Harken Energy Corporation et c’est lui qui avait racheté le stock des
actions en baisse rapide juste avant que la société ne s’effondre. Le
futur président liquida a presque un million de dollars. Soros déclara
qu’il avait agi de la sorte pour acheter de « l’influence
politique ».(15) Soros est également un partenaire du tristement
célèbre Carlyle Group. Officiellement fondée en 1987, la « plus
importante société privée par actions du monde », qui gère plus de 12
milliards de dollars, est dirigée par « un véritable bottin mondain
d’anciens dirigeants républicains », depuis l’ancien membre de la CIA,
Frank Carlucci, jusqu’à l’ancien chef de la CIA et ancien président
George Bush père. Le Carlyle Group tire la majeure partie de ses
rentrées des exportations d’armes.


En 1980, Soros commence à utiliser ses millions pour s’en prendre au
socialisme en Europe de l’Est. Il finance des individus susceptibles
de coopérer avec lui. Son premier succès, c’est en Hongrie qu’il
l’obtient. Il reprend le système éducatif et culturel hongrois,
mettant hors d’état de fonctionnement les institutions socialistes
partout dans le pays. Il se fraie directement un chemin à l’intérieur
du gouvernement hongrois. Ensuite, Soros se tourne vers la Pologne,
contribuant à l’opération Solidarité, financée par la CIA, et, la même
année, il étend également ses activités à la Chine. L’URSS vient

Ce n’est nullement une coïncidence si la CIA a mené des opérations
dans tous ces pays. Son objectif était également le même que celui de
l’Open Society Fund : démanteler le socialisme. En Afrique du Sud, la
CIA dénichait des dissidents anticommunistes. En Hongrie, en Pologne
et en URSS, via une intervention non dissimulée menée à partir de la
Fondation nationale pour la Démocratie, l’AFL-CIO, l’USAID et d’autres
institutions, la CIA soutenait et organisait les anticommunistes, le
type même d’individus recrutés par l’Open Society Fund de Soros. La
CIA allait les appeler ses « atouts ». Comme le dit  Soros : « Dans
chaque pays, j’ai identifié un groupe de personnes – certaines sont des
personnalités de premier plan, d’autres sont moins connues – qui
partageaient ma foi… »(16)

L’Open Society de Soros organisait des conférences avec des
anticommunistes tchèques, serbes, roumains, hongrois, croates,
bosniaques, kosovares.(17) Son influence sans cesse croissante le fit
soupçonner d’opérer en tant que partie du complexe des renseignements
américains. En 1989, le Washington Post se faisait l’écho
d’accusations d’abord émises en 1987 par des officiels du gouvernement
chinois et prétendant que le Fonds de Soros pour la Réforme et
l’Ouverture de la Chine avait des connexions avec la CIA.(18)


Après 1990, les fonds de Soros visent le système éducatif russe et
fournissent des manuels à toute la nation.(19) En effet, Soros se sert
de la propagande de l’OSI pour endoctriner toute une génération de la
jeunesse russe. Les fondations de Soros ont été accusées d’avoir
orchestré une stratégie visant à s’assurer le contrôle du système
financier russe, des plans de privatisation et du processus des
investissements étrangers dans ce pays. Les Russes réagissent avec
colère aux ingérences de Soros dans les législations. Les critiques de
Soros et d’autres fondations américaines ont affirmé que l’objectif de
ces manœuvres était de « faire échouer la Russie en tant qu’Etat ayant
le potentiel de rivaliser avec la seule superpuissance mondiale ».(20)
Les Russes se mettent à soupçonner que Soros et la CIA sont
interconnectés. Le magnat des affaires, Boris Berezovsky, allait même
déclarer : « J’ai presque tourné de l’œil en apprenant, il y a
quelques années, que George Soros était un agent de la CIA. »(21)
L’opinion de Berezovsky était que Soros, de même que l’Occident,
« craignaient que le capitalisme russe ne devînt trop puissant ».

Si l’establishment économique et politique des Etats-Unis craint la
concurrence économique de la Russie, quelle meilleure façon y a-t-il
de la contrôler que de dominer les médias, l’éducation, les centres de
recherche et le secteur scientifique de la Russie ? Après avoir
dépensé 250 millions de dollars pour « la transformation de
l’éducation des sciences humaines et de l’économie au niveau des
écoles supérieures et des universités », Soros injecte 100 millions de
dollars de plus dans la création de la Fondation scientifique
internationale.(22) Les Services fédéraux russes de contre-espionnage
(FSK) accusent les fondations de Soros en Russie d’« espionnage ». Ils
font remarquer que Soros n’opère pas seul ; il fait partie de tout un
rouleau compresseur recourant, entre autres, à des financements de la
part de Ford et des Heritage Foundations, des universités de Harvard,
Duke et Columbia, et à l’assistance du Pentagone et ses services de
renseignements américains.(23) Le FSK s’indigne de ce que Soros a
graissé la patte à quelque 50.000 scientifiques russes et prétend que
Soros a cultivé avant tout ses propres intérêts en s’assurant le
contrôle de milliers de découvertes scientifiques et nouvelles
technologies russes et en s’appropriant ainsi des secrets d’Etats et
des secrets commerciaux.(24)

En 1995, les Russes avaient été très en colère suite aux ingérences de
l’agent du Département d’Etat, Fred Cuny, dans le conflit tchétchène.
Cuny se servait du secours aux sinistrés comme de couverture, mais
l’histoire de ses activités dans les zones de conflit internationales
intéressant les Etats-Unis, auxquelles venaient s’ajouter les
opérations d’investigations du FBI et de la CIA, rendaient manifestes
ses connexions avec le gouvernement américain. A l’époque de sa
disparition, Cuny travaillait sous contrat pour une fondation de
Soros.(25) On se sait pas assez aux Etats-Unis que la violence en
Tchétchénie, une province située au cœur de la Russie, est
généralement perçue comme étant le résultat d’une campagne de
déstabilisation politique que Washington voit d’un très bon œil et, en
fait, orchestre probablement. Cette façon de présenter la situation
est suffisamment claire aux yeux de l’écrivain Tom Clancy, au point
qu’il s’est senti libre d’en faire une affirmation de fait dans son
best-seller, La somme de toutes les peurs. Les Russes ont accusé Cuny
d’être un agent de la CIA et d’être l’un des rouages d’une opération
de renseignements destinée à soutenir l’insurrection tchétchène.(26)
L’Open Society Institute de Soros est toujours actif en Tchétchénie,
comme le sont également d’autres organisations sponsorisées par le
même Soros.

La Russie a été le théâtre d’au moins une tentative commune de faire
grimper le bilan de Soros, tentative orchestrée avec l’aide
diplomatique de l’administration Clinton. En 1999, la secrétaire
d’Etat Madeleine Albright avait bloqué une garantie de prêt de 500
millions de dollars par l’U.S. Export-Import Bank à la société russe,
Tyumen Oil, en prétendant que cela s’opposait aux intérêts nationaux
américains. La Tyumen voulait acheter des équipements pétroliers de
fabrication américaine, ainsi que des services, auprès de la société
Halliburton de Dick Cheney et de l’ABB Lummus Global de Bloomfield, New
Jersey.(27) George Soros était investisseur dans une société que la
Tyumen avait essayé d’acquérir. Tant Soros que BP Amoco avaient exercé
des pressions afin d’empêcher cette transaction, et Albright leur
rendit ce service.(28)


L’Open Society Institute de Soros trempe les doigts dans toutes les
casseroles. Son comité de directeurs est un véritable « Who's Who » de
la guerre froide et des pontifes du nouvel ordre mondial. Paul Goble
est directeur des communications : « Il a été le principal
commentateur politique de Radio Free Europ ». Herbert Okun a servi
dans le département d’Etat de Nixon en tant que conseiller en
renseignements auprès de Henry Kissinger. Kati Marton est l’épouse de
Richard Holbrooke, l’ancien ambassadeur aux Nations unies et envoyé en
Yougoslavie de l’administration Clinton. Marton a exercé des pressions
en faveur de la station de radio B-92, financée par Soror, et elle a
également beaucoup œuvré en faveur d’un projet de la Fondation
nationale pour la démocratie (une autre antenne officielle de la CIA)
qui a collaboré au renversement du gouvernement yougoslave.

Lorsque Soros fonde l’Open Society Fund, il va chercher le grand
pontife libéral Aryeh Neier pour la diriger. A l’époque, Neier dirige
Helsinki Watch, une prétendue organisation des droits de l’homme de
tendance nettement anticommuniste. En 1993, l’Open Society Fund
devient l’Open Society Institute.

Helsinki Watch s’est mué en Human Rights Watch en 1975. A l’époque,
Soros fait partie de sa Commission consultative, à la fois pour le
comité des Amériques et pour ceux de l’Europe de l’Est et de l’Asie
centrale, et sa nébuleuse Open Society Fund/Soros/OSI est renseignée
comme bailleuse de fonds.(29) Soros a des relations étroites avec
Human Rights Watch (HRW) et Neier écrits des articles pour le magazine
The Nation sans mentionné le moins du monde qu’il figure sur les
fiches de paie de Soros.(30)

Soros est donc étroitement lié à HRW, bien qu’il fasse de son mieux
pour le dissimuler.(31) Il déclare qu’il se contente de bailler des
fonds, de mettre les programmes au point et de laisser les choses
aller d’elles-mêmes. Mais les actions de HRW ne s’écartent en aucune
façon de la philosophie de son bailleur de fonds. HRW et OSI sont très
proches l’un de l’autre. Leurs vues ne divergent pas. Naturellement,
d’autres fondations financent également ces deux institutions, mais il
n’empêche que l’influence de Soros domine leur idéologie.

Les activités de George Soros s’inscrivent dans le schéma de
construction développé en 1983 et tel qu’il est énoncé par Allen
Weinstein, fondateur de la Fondation nationale pour la démocratie.
Wainstein déclare ceci : « Une grande partie de ce que nous faisons
aujourd’hui était réalisée en secret par la CIA voici 25 ans. »(32)
Soros opère exactement dans les limites du complexe de renseignements.
Il diffère peu des trafiquants de drogue de la CIA au Laos, dans les
années 60, ou des moudjahidine qui tiraient profit du trafic de l’opium
tout en menant des opérations pour le compte de la CIA contre
l’Afghanistan socialiste des années 80. Il canalise tout simplement
(et ramasse) beaucoup plus d’argent que ces marionnettes et une partie
bien plus importante de ses affaires se font au grand jour. Sa
franchise, dans la mesure où il en fait preuve, réside dans un
contrôle factice des dégâts, lequel sert à légitimer les stratégies de
la politique étrangère américaine.

La majorité des Américains qui, aujourd’hui, se considèrent
politiquement au centre-gauche, sont sans aucun doute pessimistes à
propos des chances d’assister un jour à une transformation socialiste
de la société. Par conséquent, le modèle de « décentralisation » à la
Soros, ou l’approche « fragmentée » de « l’utilitarisme négatif, la
tentative de réduire au minimum la quantité de misère », qui
constituait la philosophie de Popper, tout cela leur plaît, en
gros.(33) Soros a financé une étude de HRW qui a été utilisée pour
soutenir l’assouplissement de la législation en matière de drogue dans
les Etats de Californie et d’Arizona.(34) Soros est favorable à une
législation sur les drogues – une manière de réduire provisoirement la
conscience de sa propre misère. Soros est un corrupteur qui tutoie le
concept de l’égalité des chances. A un échelon plus élevé de l’échelle
socio-économique, on trouve les social-démocrates qui acceptent d’être
financés par Soros et qui croient aux libertés civiques dans le
contexte même du capitalisme.(35) Pour ces personnes, les conséquences
néfastes des activités commerciales de Soros (lesquelles appauvrissent
des gens partout dans le monde) sont édulcorées par ses activités
philanthropiques. De la même manière, les intellectuels libéraux de
gauche, tant à l’étranger qu’aux Etats-Unis, ont été séduits par la
philosophie de l’« Open Society », sans parler de l’attrait que
représentait ses donations.

La Nouvelle Gauche américaine était un mouvement social-démocratique.
Elle était résolument antisoviétique et, lorsque l’Europe de l’Est et
l’Union soviétique se sont effondrées, peu de gens au sein de cette
Nouvelle Gauche se sont opposés à la destruction des systèmes
socialistes. La Nouvelle Gauche n’a ni gémi ni protesté lorsque les
centaines de millions d’habitants de l’Europe de l’Est et de l’Europe
centrale ont perdu leur droit au travail, au logement à loyer décent
et protégé par la loi, à l’éducation gratuite dans des écoles
supérieures, à la gratuité des soins de santé et de l’épanouissement
culturel. La plupart ont minimisé les suggestions prétendant que la
CIA et certaines ONG – telles la Fondation nationale pour la
Démocratie ou l’Open Society Fund – avaient activement participé à la
destruction du socialisme. Ces personnes avaient l’impression que la
détermination occidentale à vouloir détruire l’URSS depuis 1917 avait
vraiment peu de chose à voir avec la chute de l’URSS. Pour ces
personnes, le socialisme a disparu de son plein gré, du fait de ses
défauts et lacunes.

Quant aux révolutions, comme celles d’un Mozambique, de l’Angola, du
Nicaragua ou du Salvador, annihilées par des forces agissant sous
procuration ou retardées par des « élections » très démonstratives,
les pragmatistes de la Nouvelle Gauche n’en ont eu que faire et ont
tourné les talons. Parfois même, la Nouvelle Gauche a semblé ignorer
délibérément les machinations post-soviétiques de la politique
étrangère américaine.

Bogdan Denitch, qui nourrissait des aspirations politiques en Croatie,
a été actif au sein de l’Open Society Institute et a reçu des fonds de
ce même OSI.(36) Denitch était favorable à l’épuration ethnique des
Serbes en Croatie, aux bombardements par l’Otan de la Bosnie et de la
Yougoslavie et même à une invasion terrestre de la Yougoslavie.(37)
Denitch a été l’un des fondateurs et le président des Socialistes
démocratiques des Etats-Unis, un groupe prépondérant de la gauche
libérale aux Etats-Unis. Il a également présidé longtemps la
prestigieuse Conférence des Universitaires socialistes, par le biais
de laquelle il  pouvait aisément manipuler les sympathies de beaucoup
et les faire pencher du côté du soutien à l’expansion de l’Otan.(38)
D’autres cibles du soutien de Soros comprennent Refuse and Resist the
American Civil Liberties Union (refus et résistance à l’Union
américaine de défense des libertés civiques), et toute une panoplie
d’autres causes libérales.(39) Soros allait acquérir un autre trophée
invraisemblable en s’engageant dans la Nouvelle Ecole de Recherches
Sociales de New York, qui avait été longtemps une académie de choix
pour les intellectuels de gauche. Aujourd’hui, il y sponsorise le
Programme pour l’Europe de l’est et l’Europe centrale.(40)

Bien des gens de gauche inspirés par la révolution nicaraguayenne ont
accepté avec tristesse l’élection de Violetta Chamorro et la défaite
des sandinistes en 1990. La quasi-totalité du réseau de soutien au
Nicaragua a cessé ses activités par la suite. Peut-être la Nouvelle
Gauche aurait-elle pu tirer quelque enseignement de l’étoile montante
qu’était Michel Kozak. L’homme était un vétéran des campagnes de
Washington visant à installer des dirigeants sympathiques au Nicaragua,
à Panama et à Haïti, et de saper Cuba – il dirigeait la Section des
Intérêts américains à La Havane.

Après avoir organisé la victoire de Chamorro au Nicaragua, Kozak a
poursuivi son chemin pour devenir ambassadeur des Etats-Unis en
Biélorussie, tout en collaborant à l’Internet Access and Training
Program (IATP – Progr. d’accès et d’initiation au net), sponsorisé par
Soros et qui œuvrait à la « fabrication de futurs dirigeants » en
Biélorussie.(41) Dans le même temps, ce programme était imposé à
l’Arménie, l’Azerbaïdjan, la Géorgie, le Kazakhstan, le Kirghizistan,
le Turkménistan et l’Ouzbékistan. L’IATP opère à visière relevée avec
le soutien du département d’Etat américain. Au crédit de la
Biélorussie, il faut ajouter qu’elle a fini par expulser Kozak et toute
la clique de l’Open Society de Soros et du département d’Etat
américain. Le gouvernement d’Aleksandr Lukachenko a en effet découvert
que, quatre ans avant de s’installer à Minsk, Kozak organisait la
ventilation des dizaines de millions de dollars destinés à alimenter
l’opposition biélorusse. Kozak travaillait à l’unification du
coalition d’opposition, il créait des sites web, des journaux et des
pôles d’opinion, et il supervisait un mouvement de résistance
estudiantine semblable à l’Otpor en Yougoslavie. Kozak fit même venir
des dirigeants de l’Otpor pour former des dissidents en
Biélorussie.(42) Juste à la veille du 11 septembre 2001, les
Etats-Unis relançaient une campagne de diabolisation contre le
président Aleksandr Lukachenko. Cette campagne allait toutefois être
remise sur feu doux pour donner la priorité à la « guerre contre le
terrorisme ».

Par l’entremise de l’OSI et du HRW, Soros était l’un des principaux
sponsors de la station de radio B-92 à Belgrade. Il fonda l’Otpor,
l’organisation qui recevait ces « valises d’argent » afin de soutenir
le coup d’Etat du 5 octobre 2000 qui allait renverser le gouvernement
yougoslave.(43) Un peu plus tard, Human Rights Watch aidait à
légitimer l’enlèvement et la médiatisation du procès de Slobodan
Milosevic à La Haye sans aucunement faire état de ses droits.(44)
Louise Arbour, qui a œuvré comme juge au sein de ce tribunal illégal,
siège actuellement au conseil du Groupe international de crise de
Soros.(45) Le gang de l’Open Society et de Human Rights Watch a
travaillé en Macédoine, disant que cela faisait partie de sa « mission
civilisatrice ».(46)  Il faut donc s’attendre à ce qu’on « sauve » un
jour cette république et que s’achève ainsi la désintégration de
l’ancienne Yougoslavie.


En fait, Soros a déclaré qu’il considérait sa philanthropie comme
morale et ses affaires de gestion d’argent comme amorales.(47)
Pourtant, les responsables des ONG financées par Soros ont un agenda
clair et permanent. L’une des institutions les plus influentes de
Soros n’est autre que le Groupe international de Crise, fondé en 1986.
Le GIC est dirigé par des individus issus du centre même du pouvoir
politique et du monde des entreprises. Son conseil d’administration
compte entre autres en ses rangs Zbigniew Brzezinski, Morton
Abramowitz, ancien secrétaire d’Etat adjoint aux Etats-Unis; Wesley
Clark, ancien chef suprême des alliés de l’Otan pour l’Europe; Richard
Allen, ancien conseiller national à la sécurité des Etats-Unis. Il
vaut la peine de citer Allen : l’homme a quitté le Conseil national de
la sécurité sous Nixon parce qu’il était dégoûté des tendances
libérales de Henry Kissinger; c’est encore lui qui a recruté Oliver
North pour le Conseil national de la sécurité sous Reagan, et qui a
négocié l’échange missiles-otages dans le scandale des contras
iraniens. Pour ces quelques individus, « contenir des conflits »
équivaut à assurer le contrôle américain sur les peuples et ressources
du monde entier.

Dans les années 1980 et 1990, sous l’égide de la doctrine reaganienne,
les opérations secrètes ou à ciel ouvert des Etats-Unis battaient leur
plein en Afrique, en Amérique latine, dans les Caraïbes et en Asie.
Soros était ouvertement actif dans la plupart de ces endroits,
oeuvrant à corrompre d’éventuels révolutionnaires en devenir, à
sponsoriser des hommes politiques, des intellectuels et toute autre
personne susceptible d’arriver au pouvoir lorsque l’agitation
révolutionnaire serait retombée. Selon James Petras : « A la fin des
années 1980, les secteurs les plus perspicaces des classes
néo-libérales au pouvoir comprirent que leurs menées politiques
polarisaient la société et suscitaient un ample mécontentement social.
Les politiciens néo-libéraux se sont mis à financer et à promouvoir
une stratégie parallèle ‘à partir de la base ‘, la promotion
d’organisations en quelque sorte ‘tirées du sol’, à l’idéologie
‘anti-étatique’ et censées intervenir parmi les classes
potentiellement conflictuelles, afin de créer un ‘tampon social’. Ces
organisations dépendaient financièrement de ressources néo-libérales et
étaient directement engagées dans la concurrence avec des mouvements
socio-politiques pour la fidélité des dirigeants locaux et des
communautés militantes. Dans les années 1990, ces organisations,
décrites comme ‘non gouvernementales’, se comptaient par milliers et
recevaient quelque 4 milliards de dollars pour l’ensemble de la
planète. »(48)

Dans Underwriting Democracy (Garantir la démocratie), Soros se vante
de « l’américanisation de l’Europe de l’Est ». Selon ses propres
dires, grâce à ses programmes d’éducation, il a commencé à mettre en
place tout un encadrement de jeunes dirigeants « sorosiens ». Ces
jeunes hommes et femmes issus du moule éducatif de la Fondation Soros
sont préparés à remplir des fonctions de ce qu’on appelle communément
des « personnes d’influence ». Grâce à leur connaissance pratique des
langues et à leur insertion dans les bureaucraties naissantes des pays
ciblés, ces recrues sont censées faciliter, sur le plan philosophique,
l’accès à ces pays des sociétés multinationales occidentales. 

Le diplomate de carrière Herbert Okun, qui siège en compagnie de
George Soros au Comité européen de Human Rights Watch, entretient
d’étroites relations avec toute une série d’institutions liées au
département d’Etat, allant de l’USAID à la Commission trilatérale
financée par Rockefeller. De 1990 à 1997, Okun a été directeur
exécutif d’une organisation appelée le Corps des bénévoles des
Sercvices financiers, qui faisait partie de l’USAID, « afin d’aider à
établir des systèmes financiers de marché libre dans les anciens pays
communistes ».(49) George Soros est en complet accord avec les
capitalistes occupés à prendre le contrôle de l’économie mondiale.


Soros prétend qu’il ne fait pas de philanthropie dans les pays où il
pratique le commerce des devises.(50) Mais Soros a souvent tiré
avantage de ses relations pour réaliser des investissements clés. Armé
d’une étude de l’ICC et bénéficiant du soutien de Bernard Kouchner,
chef de l’UNMIK (Administration intérimaire des Nations unies au
Kosovo) , Soros a tenté de s’approprier le complexe minier le plus
rentable des Balkans.

En septembre 2000, dans sa hâte de s’emparer des mines de Trepca avant
les élections en Yougoslavie, Kouchner déclarait que la pollution
dégagée par le complexe minier faisait grimper les taux de plomb dans
l’environnement.(51) C’est incroyable, d’entendre une chose pareille,
quand on sait que l’homme a applaudi lorsque les bombardements de
l’Otan, en 1999, ont déversé de l’uranium appauvri sur le pays et ont
libéré plus de 100.000 tonnes de produits cancérigènes dans l’air,
l’eau et le sol.(52) Mais Kouchner a fini par obtenir gain de cause et
les mines ont été fermées pour des « raisons de santé ». Soros a
investi 150 millions de dollars dans un effort pour obtenir le
contrôle de l’or, l’argent, le plomb, le zinc et le cadmium de Trepca,
lesquels confèrent à cette propriété une valeur de 5 milliards de

Au moment où la Bulgarie implosait dans le chaos du « libre marché »,
Soros s’acharnait à récupérer ce qu’il pouvait dans les décombres,
comme Reuters l’a rapporté au début 2001 :

« La Banque européenne de Reconstruction et de Développement (BERD) a
investi 3 millions de dollars chez RILA [une société bulgare
spécialisée dans les technologies de pointe], la première société à
bénéficier d’un nouveau crédit de 30 millions de dollars fixé par la
BERD pour soutenir les firmes de high-tech en Europe centrale et de
l’Est. (…) Trois autres millions de dollars venaient du fonds
américain d’investissements privés Argus Capital Partners, sponsorisé
par la Prudential Insurance Company of America et opérant en Europe
centrale et de l’Est. (…)  Soros, qui avait investi quelque 3 millions
de dollars chez RILA et un autre million de 2001 (…) demeurait le
détenteur majoritaire. »(54)


Ses prétentions à la philanthropie confèrent à Soros le pouvoir de
modeler l’opinion publique internationale lorsqu’un conflit social
soulève la question de savoir qui sont les victimes et qui sont les
coupables. A l’instar d’autres ONG, Human Rights Watch, le porte-voix
de Soros sur le plan des droits de l’homme, évite ou ignore la plupart
des luttes de classes ouvrières organisées et indépendantes.

En Colombia, des dirigeants ouvriers sont très fréquemment assassinés
par des paramilitaires opérant de concert avec le gouvernement
sponsorisé par les Etats-Unis. Du fait que ces syndicats s’opposent à
l’économie néo-libérale, HRW garde à propos de ces assassinats un
relatif silence. En avril dernier, José Vivanco, de HRW, a témoigné en
faveur du Plan Colombia devant le Sénat américain (55) : « Les
Colombiens restent dévoués aux droits de l’homme et à la démocratie.
Ils ont besoin d’aide. Human Rights Watch ne voit pas d’inconvénient
fondamental à ce que ce soient les Etats-Unis qui fournissent cette
aide. »(56)

HRW met les actions des combattants de la guérilla colombienne, qui
luttent pour se libérer de l’oppression de la terreur d’Etat, de la
pauvreté et de l’exploitation, sur le même pied que la répression des
forces armées financées par les Etats-Unis et celle des escadrons
paramilitaires de la mort, les AUC (Forces colombiennes unies
d’autodéfense). HRW a reconnu le gouvernement de Pastrana et de ses
militaires, dont le rôle était de protéger les droits à la propriété
et de maintenir le statu quo économique et politique. Selon HRW, 50%
des morts de civils sont l’œuvre des escadrons de la mort tolérés par
le gouvernement.(57). Le pourcentage exact, en fait, est de 80%.(58)

HRW a validé les élections dans leur ensemble et l’accession au
pouvoir du gouvernement Uribe, en 2002.  Uribe est un parfait
héritier des dictateurs latino-américains que les Etats-Unis ont
soutenu dans le passé, bien qu’il ait été « élu ». HRW n’a pas eu de
commentaire à propos du fait que la majorité des habitants ont boycotté
les élections.(59)

Dans le bassin caraïbe, Cuba est un autre opposant au néo-libéralisme
à avoir été diabolisé par Human Rights Watch. Dans l’Etat voisin de
Haïti, les activités financées par Soros ont opéré de façon à venir à
bout des aspirations populaires qui ont suivi la fin de la dictature
des Duvalier, et ce, en torpillant le premier dirigeant haïtien,
démocratiquement élu,  Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Ken Roth, de HRW, a
abondé utilement dans le sens des accusations américaines reprochant à
Aristide d’être « antidémocratique ». Pour étayer son idée de la
« démocratie », les fondations de Soros ont entamé à Haïti des
opérations complémentaires de celles si inconvenantes des Etats-Unis,
telles la promotion par USAID de personnes associées aux FRAPH, les
fameux escadrons de la mort sponsorisés par la CIA et qui ont
terrorisé le pays depuis la chute de « Baby Doc » Duvalier.(60)

Sur le site de HRW, le directeur Roth a critiqué les Etats-Unis de ne
pas s’être opposés à la Chine avec plus de véhémence. Les activités de
Roth comprennent la création du Tibetan Freedom Concert (Concert pour
la liberté du Tibet), un projet itinérant de propagande qui a effectué
une tournée aux Etats-Unis avec d’importants musiciens de rock
pressant les jeunes à soutenir le Tibet contre la Chine.(61) Le Tibet
est un projet de prédilection de la CIA depuis de nombreuses

Récemment, Roth a réclamé avec insistance que l’on s’oppose au
contrôle de la Chine sur sa province riche en pétrole du Xinjiang.
Avec l’approche colonialiste du « diviser pour conquérir », Roth a
essayé de convaincre certaines membres de la minorité religieuse des
Ouïgours au Xinjiang que l’intervention des Américains et de l’Otan au
Kosovo contenait une promesse en tant que modèle pour eux-mêmes. Déjà
en août 2002, le gouvernement américain avait soutenu quelque peu
cette tentative également.

Les intentions américaines à propos de cette région sont apparues
clairement lorsqu’un article du New York Times sur la province de
Xinjiang, en Chine occidentale, décrivait les Ouïgours comme une
« majorité musulmane vivant nerveusement sous domination chinoise .
Ils « sont bien au courant des bombardements de la Yougoslavie par
l’Otan, l’an dernier, et certains les encensent pour avoir libéré les
musulmans du Kosovo; ils s’imaginent pouvoir être libérés de la même
manière ici ».(63) Le New York Times Magazine, de son côté, notait que
« de récentes découvertes de pétrole ont rendu le Xinjiang
particulièrement attrayant au yeux du commerce international » et, en
même temps, comparaît les conditions de la population indigène à
celles du Tibet.(64)


Lorsque les organisations sorosiennes comptent, elles semblent perdre
toute notion de vérité. Human Rights Watch affirmait que 500
personnes, et non pas plus de 2.000, avaient été tuées par les
bombardiers de l’Otan au cours de la guerre de Yougoslavie, en
1999.(65) Elles prétendent que 350 personnes seulement, et non pas
plus de 4.000, étaient mortes suite aux attaques américaines en
Afghanistan.(66) Lorsque les Américains ont bombardé Panama en 1989, 
HRW a préfacé son rapport en disant que « l’éviction de Manuel Noriega
(…) et l’installation du gouvernement démocratiquement élu du
président Guillermo Endara amenait de grands espoirs au Panama (…) ».
Le rapport omettait de mentionner le nombre de victimes.

Human Rights Watch a préparé le travail de terrain pour l’attaque de
l’Otan contre la Bosnie, en 1993, avec de fausses allégations de
« génocide » et de viols par milliers.(67) Cette tactique consistant à
susciter une hystérie politique était nécessaire pour que les
Etats)Unis puissent mener à bien leur politique dans les Balkans. Elle
a été réutilisée en 1999 lorsque HRW a fonctionné en qualité de
troupes de choc de l’endoctrinement pour l’attaque de la Yougoslavie
par l’Otan. Tout le bla-bla de Soros à propos du règne de la loi a été
oublié d’un seul coup. Les Etats-Unis et l’Otan ont imposé leurs
propres lois et les institutions de Soros étaient derrière pour les

Le fait de trafiquer des chiffres afin d’engendrer une réaction a été
une composante importante de la campagne du Conseil des relations
étrangères après le 11 septembre 2001. Cette fois, il s’agissait des
2.801 personnes tuées au World Trade Center. Le Conseil des relations
étrangères (CRE) se réunit le 6 novembre 2001 afin de planifier une
« grande campagne diplomatique publique ». Le CRE créa une « Cellule
de crise indépendante sur la réponse de l’Amérique au terrorisme ».
Soros rejoignit Richard C. Holbrooke, Newton L. Gingrich, John M.
Shalikashvili (ancien président des chefs d’état-major réunis) et
d’autres individus influents dans une campagne visant à faire des mots
du WTC des outils de la politique étrangère américaine. Le rapport du
CRE mit tout en œuvre pour faciliter une guerre contre le terrorisme.
On peut retrouver les empreintes de George Soros un peu partout, dans
cette campagne : « Il faut que les hauts fonctionnaires américains
pressent amicalement les Arabes amis et autres gouvernements musulmans
non seulement de condamner publiquement les attentats du 11 septembre,
mais également de soutenir les raisons et les objectifs de la campagne
antiterroriste américaine. Nous n’allons jamais convaincre les peuples
du Moyen-Orient et de l’Asie du Sud de la légitimité de notre cause si
leurs gouvernements restent silencieux. Il nous faut les aider à
éviter tout retour de flamme pouvant émaner de telles déclarations,
mais il faut que nous les convainquions de s’exprimer de vive voix.
(…) Encouragez les musulmans bosniaques, albanais et turcs à apprendre
à des auditoires étrangers à considérer le rôle des Américains dans le
sauvetage des musulmans de Bosnie et du Kosovo en 1995-1999 ainsi que
nos liens étroits et de longue durée avec les musulmans dans le monde
entier. Engagez les intellectuels et les journalistes du pays à
prendre la parole également, quels que soient leurs points de vue.
Informez régulièrement la presse régionale en temps réel pour
encourager des réponses rapides. (…) Insistez sur la nécessité de
faire référence aux victimes (et citez ces dernières nommément afin de
mieux les personnaliser) chaque fois que nous discutons de nos motifs
et de nos objectifs. »(68)

Bref, les déficiences sorosiennes en calcul servent à vanter et à
défendre la politique étrangère américaine.

Soros est très ennuyé par le déclin du système capitaliste mondial et
il veut faire quelque chose à ce propos, et maintenant, encore.
Récemment, il déclarait : « Je puis déjà discerner les préparatifs de
la crise finale. (…) Des mouvements politiques indigènes sont
susceptibles d’apparaître qui chercheront à exproprier les sociétés
multinationales et à reprendre possession des richesses
‘nationales’. »(69)

Soros suggère le plus sérieusement du monde un plan pour contourner
les Nations unies. Il propose que les « démocraties du monde devraient
prendre les rênes et constituer un réseau mondial d’alliances qui
pourraient travailler avec ou sans les Nations unies ». Si l’homme
était psychotique, on pourrait penser qu’il était en crise, à ce
moment précis. Mais le fait est que l’affirmation de Soros : « les
Nations unies sont constitutionnellement incapables de remplir les
promesses contenues dans le préambule de leur Charte » reflète la
pensée des institutions réactionnaires du genre de l’American
Enterprise Institute.(70) Bien que maints conservateurs font référence
au réseau de Soros comme étant de gauche, si l’on aborde la question
de l’affiliation des Etats-Unis aux Nations unies, Soros est
exactement sur la même longueur d’onde que les semblables de John R.
Bolton, sous-secrétaire d’Etat pour le Contrôle des Armes et les
Affaires de Sécurité internationale qui, en même temps que « de
nombreux républicains du Congrès, croient qu’il ne faut pas accorder
davantage de crédit au système des Nations unies ».(71) La droite a
mené une campagne de plusieurs décennies contre l’ONU. Aujourd’hui,
c’est Soros qui l’orchestre. Sur divers sites web de Soros, on peut
lire des critiques des Nations unies disant qu’elles sont trop riches,
qu’elles ne sont guère désireuses de partager leurs informations, ou
qu’elles se sont affaiblies dans des proportions qui  les rendent
impropres à la manière dont le monde devrait tourner, selon George
Soros, du moins.

Même les auteurs écrivant dans The Nation, des auteurs censés en
savoir beaucoup plus, ont été influencés par les idées de Soros.
William Greider, par exemple, a récemment découvert quelque pertinence
dans la critique de Soros disant que les Nations unies ne devrait pas
« accueillir les dictateurs de pacotille et les totalitaristes ni les
traiter en partenaires égaux ».(72)  Ce genre de racisme
eurocentrique constitue le noyau de l’orgueil démesuré de Soros. Quand
il affirme que les Etats-Unis peuvent et devraient diriger le
monde, c’est un plaidoyer pour le fascisme à l’échelle mondiale.
Pendant bien trop longtemps, les « progressistes » occidentaux ont
donné un blanc-seing à Soros. Il est probable que Greider et les
autres trouvent que l’allusion au fascisme est excessive, injustifiée
et même insultante.

Mais écoutez plutôt, et d’une oreille attentive, ce que Soros lui-même
a à dire : « Dans la Rome ancienne, seuls les Romains votaient. Sous
le capitalisme mondial moderne, seuls les Américains votent. Les
Brésiliens, eux, ne votent pas. »(73)


1.      Dan Seligman, « Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire »,
commentaires, avril 2002.

2.      Lee Penn, « 1999, A Year of Growth for the United Religions
Initiative. »

3.      Seligman.

4.      « Sir Karl Popper in Prague, Summary of Relevant Facts
Without Comment »,

5.      Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Transcaucasia/Central Asia,

6.      George Soros, Soros on Soros, Staying Ahead of the Curve (New
York: John Wiley, 1995), p.26.

7.      « Hedge Funds Get Trimmed », Wall Street Journal, 1er mai

8.      Theodore Spencer, « Investors of the Century », Fortune,
décembre 1999.

9.      Jim Freer, « Most International Trader George Soros », Latin
Tradecom, octobre 1998,

10.  Busaba Sivasomboon, « Soros Speech in Thailand Canceled »,
information AP, 28 janvier 2001.

11.  Sivasomboon.

12.  George Soros, The Asia Society Hong Kong Center Speech,

13.  Soros on Soros, op.cit..

14.  George Soros, Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism (New
York: Public Affairs, 2000).

15.  David Corn, « Bush and the Billionaire, How Insider Capitalism
Benefited W », The Nation, 17 juillet 2002.

16.  Soros on Soros, pp.122-25.

17.  Agence France-Presse, 8 octobre 1993.

18.  Marianne Yen, « Fund's Representatives Arrested in China »,
Washington Post, 8 août 1989, p.A4.

19.  Los Angeles Times, 24 novembre 1994, p.ASS.

20.  Chrystia Freeland, « Moscow Suspicion Grows: Kremlin Factions Are
at Odds Over Policy », Financial Times (Londres), 10 janvier 1995.

21.  Interfax Russian News, 6 novembre 1999.

22.  Irma Dezhina, « U.S. Non-profit Foundations in Russia, Impact on
Research and Education » :

23.  « FSK Suspects Financing of Espionage on Russia's Territory »,
information AP, 18 janvier 1995.

24.  David Hoffman, « Proliferation of Parties Gives Russia a
Fractured Democratic System », Washington Post, 1er octobre 1995,
p.A27; Margaret Shapiro, « Russian Agency Said to Accuse Americans of
Spying », Washington Post, 14 janvier 1995, p.A17.

25.  Allan Turner, « Looking For Trouble », Houston Chronicle, 28 mai
1995, p.E1; Kim Masters, « Where Is Fred Cuny », Washington Post, 19
juin 1995, p.D1; Patrick Anderson, « The Disaster Expert Who Met His
Match », Washington Post, 6 septembre 1999, p.C9; Scott Anderson,
« What Happened to Fred Cuny? » New York Times Magazine, 25 février
1996, p.44.

26.  Scott Anderson, « The Man Who Tried to Save the World: the
Dangerous Life and Disappearance of Fred Cuny », Philanthropy
Roundtable, mars/avril 2002,

27.  « U.S.Blocks $500M Aid Deal for Russians », Wall Street Journal,
22 décembre 1999.

28.  Bob Djurdjevic, « Letters to the Editor », Wall Street Journal,
22 décembre 1999.

29.  « Open Society Institute »,

30.  Connie Bruck, « The World According to Soros », New Yorker, 23
janvier 1995.

31.  Olga M. Lazin, « The Rise of the U.S. Decentralized Model for
Philanthropy, George Soros' Open Society and National Foundations in
Europe »,

32.  David Ignatius, « Innocence Abroad: The New World of Spyless
Coups », Washington Post, 22 septembre 1991, p.C1.

33.  Patrick McCartney, « Study Suggests Drug Laws Resemble Notorious
Passbook Laws »,

34.  McCartney.

35.  Voir Sean Gervasi, « Western Intervention in the USSR »,
CovertAction Information Bulletin, n° 39, hiver 1991-92.

36.  « The Cenasia Discussion List »,

37.  Bogdan Denitch, « The Case Against Inaction », The Nation, 26
avril 1999.

38.  « Biographies, 2002 Socialist Scholars Conference »,

39.  « Grants »,

40.  « East and Central Europe Program »,

41.  Oxana Popovitch, « IREX Belarus Opens a New IATP Site in
Molodechno ».

42.  lan Traynor, « Belarussian Foils Dictator-buster... For Now »,
Guardian, 14 septembre 2001,,3604,551533,00.html

43.  Steven Erlanger, « Kostunica Says Some Backers 'Unconsciously
Work for American Imperial Goals’ », New York Times, 20 septembre
2000; et « Bringing Down a Dictator, Serbia Calling », PBS,

44.  Milosevic in the Hague, Focus on Human Rights, « In-Depth Report
Documents Milosevic Crimes », avril 2001,

45.  « About ICG », mai 2002,

46.  Macedonia Crimes Against Civilians: Abuses by Macedonian Forces
in Lluboten, 10-12 août 2001.

47.  Andrew Leonard. « The Man Who Bought the World », 28 février

48.  James Petras, « Imperialism and NGOs in Latin America », Monthly
Review, vol. 49, n° 7, décembre 1997.

49.  International Security Studies, « Herbert Okun »,

50.  Leonard.

51.  Edward W. Miller, « Brigandage », Coastal Post Monthly, Mann
County, CA, septembre 2000.

52.  Mirjan Nadrljanski, « Eco-Disaster in Pancevo: Consequences on
the Health of the Population », 19 juillet 1999,

53.  « Soros Fund Launches $150 MIn U.S.Backed Balkans Investment »,
Bloomberg Business News, 26 juillet 2000; Chris Hedges, « Below It All
in Kosovo », New York Times, 8 juillet 1998, p.A4.

54.  Galina Sabeva, « Soros' Sofia IT Firm Gets $9 Million Equity
Investment », Reuters, 23 janvier 2001.

55.  On Plan Colombia see: Manuel Salgado Tamayo, « The Geostrategy of
Plan Colombia », Covert Action Quarterly, n° 71, hiver 2001.

56.  « Colombia: Human Rights Watch Testifies Before the Senate »,
Human Rights Watch Backgrounder, 24 avril 2002,

57.  « Colombia: Bush/Pastrana Meeting, HRW World Report 2001, Human
Rights News » (New York, 6 novembre 2001).

58.  Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, Action Alert, « New York
limes Covering for Colombian Death Squads », 9 février 2001.

59.  Doug Stokes, « Colombia Primer Q&A on the Conflict and U.S.
Role », 16 avril 2002. Znet,

60.  Interpress Service, 18 janvier 1995. Pour plus de références,
voir Jane Regan, « AIDing
U.S. Interests In Haiti », CovertAction Quarterly, n° 51, hiver
1994-95; et Noam Chomsky, « Haiti, The Uncivil Society », CovertAction
Quarterly, n° 57, été 1996.

61.  Sam Tucker, Human Rights Watch,

62.  John Kenneth Knaus, Orphans of the Cold War (New York, BBS Public
Affairs 1999), p.236.

63.  Elisabeth Rosenthal, « Defiant Chinese Muslims Keep Their Own
Time », New York Times, 19 novembre 2000, p.3.

64.  Jonathan Reynolds (pseudonym), « The Clandestine Chef », New York
Times Magazine, 3 décembre 2000.

65.  « Lessons of War », Le Monde Diplomatique, mars 2000; Peter
Phillips, « Untold Stories of U.S./NATO's War and Media Complacency »,

66.  Marc W. Herold, « A Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States'
Aerial Bombing of  Afghanistan: A Comprehensive Accounting »,

67.  « Rape as a crime against humanity, »

68.  « Improving the Public Diplomacy Campaign in the War Against
Terrorism », Independent Task Force on America's Response to
Terrorism, Council on Foreign Relations, 6 novembre 2001.

69.  William Greider, « Curious George Talks the Market », The Nation,
15 février 1999.

70.  « Oppose John Bolton's Nomination as State Department's Arms
Control Leader », Council for a Livable World , 11 avril 2001,

71.  Ibid.

72.  Greider.

73.  « The Dictatorship of Financial Capital », Federation of Social
and Educational Assistance (FASE), Brazil, 2002,


Heather Cottin est écrivain, elle a été militante politique toute sa
vie et a pris récemment sa retraite en tant que professeur d’histoire
dans une école supérieure. Elle vit à Freeport, NY et, durant de
nombreuses années, a été mariée avec l’érudit et le militant Sean
Gervasi, aujourd’hui décédé.

Traduit de l' anglais
par notre ami Jean-Marie FLEMAL,
avec tous mes remerciements !


Ricevendo In Vaticano gli organizzatori del suo viaggio-provocazione
dello scorso giugno nel cuore della Bosnia a maggioranza serba, il capo
della Chiesa Cattolica Apostolica Romana ha incoraggiato la Bosnia
Erzegovina impegnata ''a superare molte sofferenze'', cioe' ad
accettare i confini artificiosi imposti nel 1992 con un
referendum-truffa ed il criminale riconoscimento internazionale. Il
papa ha auspicato il rafforzamento delle cosiddette ''istituzioni
democratiche'', cioe' del governo di Unione Europea, NATO, Banca
Mondiale e Fondo Monetario Internazione, ed un "rinnovamento
spirituale", come se la tre religioni finora non avessero causato
disastri a sufficienza.

A titolo consolatorio il papa ha citato una frase di Ivan Merz sulla
esistenza di Dio: ''Queste parole rivestono un particolare
significato per il vostro Paese, impegnato a superare molte
sofferenze, che sono conseguenza di un regime oppressivo e di una
lunga guerra '' [di religione]. Per "regime oppressivo" il papa non
intende quello del veterano nazista Izetbegovic, mandante delle stragi
del 1992-1995 e responsabile della occupazione del territorio da parte
delle truppe straniere, ne' tantomeno l'attuale status di protettorato

A cura di Italo Slavo)


Spomenik Njegošu u Rimu

Rim, 11. decembra (Tanjug)

U parku čuvene Vile Borgeze u Rimu danas je postavljen, dva i po metra
visok, spomenik Petru Petroviću Njegošu (1813-1851), velikom piscu,
vladici i vladaru Crne Gore.

Zvanično otkrivanje spomenika planirano je za 2004, kada budu završene
pripreme na kojima rade rimska opština i crnogorsko Ministarstvo za
kulturu. Danas se na otkrivanju okupio veliki broj Srba i Crnogoraca
koji žive u Rimu, studenata, diplomata, arhitekata, novinara.

Skulptura, izrađena u bronzi, teška 1,5 tonu, rad je akademskog vajara
Sretena Stojanovića.

Handke, Peter

Un disinvolto mondo di criminali

Einaudi - Collana: I Coralli
n. 173 - Pagine 87 - Formato 14x21 - Anno 2002 - ISBN 8806161458
Argomenti: Narrativa
Prezzo di vendita: € 10.00

Note: Annotazioni a posteriori su due attraversamenti della Iugoslavia
in guerra - marzo e aprile 1999 - Traduzione di Claudio Groff

Caratteristiche: brossura


Note di Copertina

Peter Handke in questo suo nuovo resoconto di due soggiorni in
Iugoslavia durante la guerra del Kosovo, si propone come il narratore
di una storia polemicamente opposta a quella raccontata dai giornali e
dalla televisione.

Esito di due soggiorni in Serbia nella primavera del 1999, durante la
guerra del Kosovo, questo diario riprende la riflessione avviata da
Peter Handke nei precedenti Un viaggio d'inverno e Appendice estiva a
un viaggio d'inverno. Le veementi accuse che l'autore austriaco aveva
allora rivolto alle potenze occidentali con i loro macchinari di guerra
e di propaganda non sono state smentite, ma hanno anzi trovato conferma
anche nella nuova situazione. E tuttavia quello polemico è solo uno dei
livelli proposti dal testo: l'altro ci mostra l'attento osservatore, il
poetico rievocatore delle piccole cose che considera suo dovere
innanzitutto umano prestare ascolto alle voci di coloro che anche nella
moderna società dell'informazione non hanno alcuna visibilità, alcuna
possibilità di farsi sentire.
Se da un lato mette in discussione le verità e la logica degli attacchi
Nato - secondo la quale «possono essere bombardati anche un campo di
mais e un pollaio, perché mais, carne di pollo e uova servono da
vettovaglie» -, dall'altro cerca di rintracciare momenti di verità e
forse di eternità nel fluire del quotidiano, in ciò che resta di
un'antica convivenza, in una vecchia quercia (anch'essa un bersaglio
strategico?), negli sguardi di una «vecchia partigiana quasi cieca».
Prestando orecchio a un'umanità confinata ai margini, Handke riesce a
ridare nuovamente voce e realtà a un popolo la cui «tolleranza non ha
nemmeno bisogno del concetto di "tolleranza"».


Sulla guerra contro la Jugoslavia l'era dell'informazione è finita.
Queste annotazioni, scritte prima che il conflitto terminasse, gridano
con le parole ciò che i fatti stanno dimostrando: i problemi
dell'umanità non si risolvono con le bombe. Dopo Un viaggio d'inverno
sui fiumi Danubio, Sava, Morava e Drina. Ovvero Giustizia per la Serbia
e Appendice estiva a un viaggio d'inverno Handke torna a raccontare i
suoi pellegrinaggi nei Balcani feriti dalla guerra.

Guardando con attenzione, indagando, accertandosi delle cose Peter
Handke descrive le due traversate che ha compiuto durante la guerra in
Jugoslavia (la prima nella Settimana Santa del 1999 e la seconda circa
un mese dopo). Il suo libro, composto di due parti redatte al rientro
in Austria, è un'attenta osservazione, una rievocazione poetica di
fatti minuti, dove l'autore si fa compagno di dolore di coloro che sono
stati colpiti da questa tragedia. Peter Handke non s'improvvisa
esperto. Racconta ciò che gli è accaduto, ciò che gli è stato
raccontato da conoscenti e amici nelle tappe del suo viaggio, ciò che
pensava lungo quel cammino. E ciò che pensa ora, una volta ritornato a
casa. S'interroga sulla distruzione che la guerra si è lasciata dietro
e sceglie di stare, senza tentennamenti, dalla parte delle vittime che,
a dispetto di quanto dicono i media, sono rimaste, e tuttora rimangono,


Un passo del libro:

<< Una goccia di pioggia cade in una pozzanghera, e io vedo
il bersaglio. Nel bosco un tronco segato con gli anelli
annuali: il bersaglio. Ritorno?…Vivere come in un disinvolto
mondo di criminali. L'annientamento della Jugoslavia non
ancora completamente manifesto al mondo: un'insidia che a me non
sembra spaziale, ma temporale, foriera di rovina per dopo;
un'insidia nel tempo. Un altro linguaggio; o anche solo un
altro tono, per la Jugoslavia, per tutti i paesi! Uomini di
buona volontà, dove siete? Si presentano solo quelli di
cattiva volontà, con le loro massime morali preconfezionate.
"La fantasia al potere!"… Coloro che un tempo diedero a
intendere di volersi mettere in marcia con questa parola d'ordine
si sono dimostrati assolutamente privi di immaginazione; non
vedono, non sentono e neppure presagiscono quello che fanno.
Il giovane cambogiano - cameriere nel ristorante asiatico -
finora così rispettoso e riservato, adesso vedendo la
targhetta "bersaglio" storce la bocca con disprezzo: "Pol
Pot! Milosevic! Serbia!". Sì, a voi occidentali è riuscito
in effetti un colpo planetario contro la Jugoslavia… A
questo proposito il portavoce dell'agenzia pubblicitaria
Saatchi & Saatchi (Londra): "L'epoca dell'informazione è
finita. Entriamo nell'epoca dell'idea. Vale a dire, abbiamo bisogno
di un contesto che dia un senso all'informazione". La guerra
contro la Jugoslavia: condotta non solo con bombe dirompenti
e missili, ma anzitutto con "contesto" e "idea". L'epoca
dell'informazione è finita. >>

(da: )

Massacro sociale in Serbia (english / italiano)


Le puntate precedenti - in ordine cronologico inverso - su:

Vedi anche:
La situazione nella Serbia jugoslava, Ottobre 2003
Serbia: non si intravede la fine della crisi (Ruzica Milosavljevic)
Protests and political crisis in Serbia
Serbia: i lavoratori in piazza a Smederevo e Belgrado



Nessun organo di informazione italiano si degna di analizzare,
tantomeno di commentare, le condizioni sociali in Serbia, determinatesi
dopo la presa del potere da parte delle destre filo-occidentali
nell'ottobre 2003. Il caso "Telekom Serbia" viene usato a fini di
strumentalizzazione politica interna, ma delle devastanti
privatizzazioni attuali - di quelle vere, insomma - non si parla.

Questo "embargo" informativo sussiste anche e soprattutto per gli
organi di stampa di "sinistra", che fino all'ottobre 2000 avevano
viceversa dedicato tantissimo spazio ed una attenzione costante -
benche' spesso morbosa, "deviata" e deviante - alle tragedie in atto
nei Balcani ed ai soggetti e movimenti attivi su quei territori -
soprattutto la vezzeggiatissima "opposizione" serba.

Potremmo al limite comprendere, pur senza giustificarlo, il silenzio
sulla grave involuzione politica, che ha comportato addirittura la
completa omissione dalle cronache e dai commenti della cancellazione
della Jugoslavia dalle cartine geografiche (il paese, in seguito ad un
decreto della nuova classe dirigente di destra, voluto da Solana, si
chiama oggi "Unione di Serbia e Montenegro"). Quello che pero' non
possiamo assolutamente ne' capire ne' accettare, da parte di
"Liberazione" ed "Il Manifesto" in primo luogo, e' la totale assenza di
qualsivoglia analisi sugli effetti delle politiche neoliberiste piu'
feroci, attuate in un paese e contro un popolo cosi' concretamente

Le svendite, i licenziamenti, la demolizione dello stato sociale,
l'abbandono di centinaia di migliaia di profughi (politicamente
"inopportuni") da parte delle istituzioni sia serbe che internazionali,
i crescenti legami con gli USA e con la NATO, i diktat delle
istituzioni finanziarie internazionali, la chiusura di moltissime
aziende, le iniziative del movimento di solidarieta' verso i lavoratori
jugoslavi da anni attivo in Italia, l'imposizione del regime "di
emergenza" la scorsa primavera, con le torture in carcere e gli arresti
indiscriminati, la persistente violazione dei diritti politici delle
opposizioni antiliberiste... per non parlare del regime di terrore
instaurato in Kosmet - a tutto questo "Il Manifesto" e "Liberazione"
non dedicano nessuno spazio. Questo atteggiamento e'
giornalisticamente becero, politicamente squallido e moralmente

Questo dato di fatto non ci assolve, certo, dalle nostre proprie
responsabilita' in quanto amici della Jugoslavia: siamo noi stessi
incapaci. Incapaci di comunicare con il movimento contro la guerra,
incapaci di costruire iniziative comuni, incapaci di esprimere
coralmente una nostra posizione. Ci perdiamo tra invettive moralistiche
(compresa la presente) ed iniziative solidaristiche, atte a
tranquillizzare le nostre proprie coscienze, senza cambiare nulla.

La crisi nei Balcani tornera' ad esplodere - innanzitutto a causa della
"patata bollente" del Kosovo. La opinione pubblica italiana non sara'
stata informata di niente, i militanti della sinistra antiliberista e
pacifista saranno stati privati degli strumenti per capire ed agire.

Andrea Martocchia

Beta, December 4, 2003

Mass privatisation auction today

BELGRADE -- Thursday – A thousand Serbian companies go
under the hammer of the Privatisation Agency’s
auctioneer today, Privatisation Minister Aleksandar
Vlahovic has announced.
Vlahovic told media that over the past two and a half
years, 1.3 billion euros had been raised in state
company sell-offs, with a further 750 million euros
invested as part of sale contracts.
Another 260 million euros has been put into social
welfare programs for workers made redundant by company
Vlahovic added that no major companies will be
scheduled for sale until a new government is formed to
avoid any suspicion of irregularity.



(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 4 DIC - Ha raggiunto la quota di mille aziende
vendute il programma di privatizzazioni portato avanti dalla Serbia
dopo la caduta del regime dell'ex presidente jugoslavo Slobodan
Milosevic. Oggi e' stata ufficializzata la cessione della compagnia
'Inos metalli' di Belgrado, acquistata per 191 milioni di dinari
(circa 2.850.000 euro) dall'azienda montenegrina 'Interprom'.
All'asta avevano partecipato anche imprese tedesche e greche, e
l'offerta iniziale e' stata moltiplicata di venti volte. Finora la
maggior parte del programma di privatizzazioni ha comunque coinvolto
piccole e medie imprese, con pochissimi investimenti esteri. I giganti
industriali dell'epoca comunista sono infatti troppo obsoleti, con
manodopera in eccesso e con troppi debiti per risvegliare l'interesse
dei grandi investitori. Il programma di privatizzazioni in Serbia
ha avuto un costo sociale elevato, alimentando il numero dei
disoccupati, che tocca ormai il milione di persone, un terzo della
popolazione attiva. Lo stato pero' ha incamerato 1,3 miliardi di euro,
altri 700 milioni sono stati reinvestiti nelle imprese privatizzate e
280 milioni sono stati stanziati per la previdenza sociale.
La quota di mille privatizzazioni e' stata festeggiata dal ministro
responsabile del programma, Aleksandar Vlahovic, con un'asta di
beneficenza nella quale sono stati messi all'incanto il martelletto
usato per battere la prima vendita di un'azienda statale, una copia
della prima gazzetta ufficiale che indiceva la gara e il primo invito
pubblico per l'asta: il ricavato, destinato al fondo per l'infanzia,
e' stato di 1,77 milioni di dinari, ovvero 26.400 euro. (ANSA).
OT 04/12/2003 17:17


1,000th Serbian company goes private



IMF welcomes Serbia's tax administration reform

US Restores Normal Trade Relations with Serbia-Montenegro (by Dusan

US resumes normal trade relations with Serbia-Montenegro

EIB and Serbian government continue cooperation

EAR to help Serbian infrastructure development agency start operations
with 10.5 million euros

Tanjug - November 6, 2003

No major progress achieved in talks between trade
unions, US Steel

20:27 SMEDEREVO , Nov 6 (Tanjug) - The general strike
of US Steel Serbia workers is entering its second
month and the management is doing nothing to seriously
review strikers' demands, it was said on Thursday by
the strikers' committee made up of the representative
trade unions of the former Sartid concern.
Although it has not observed any of the obligations
envisaged under the Law on the Strike, collective
agreement and signed protocol, the company management
is behaving as if it is not a side in the dispute and
is neglecting its obligations, the statement said.

Beta - November 12, 2003

Union alliance announces nationwide protests

BELGRADE -- Tuesday – The Alliance of Independent
Serbian Unions has announced a series of protests
across Serbia.
Union member Dragan Zarubica said that protest rallies
would be held in Nis, Krusevac, Zrenjanin, Cacak,
Raska and “several other towns”.
The Alliance organised a protest rally in Belgrade
last month, attracting more than 10,000 workers.
Speakers called on the government to step down and
slate early elections.

FoNet, November 12, 2003

Borba workers on strike

BELGRADE -- Tuesday – Employees at Belgrade daily
Borba went on general strike today over late pay.
Union leader Obrad Gacic said workers were demanding
the dismissal of manager Zoran Kalicanin and the
president of the board of directors, Zarko Jokanovic.
He claimed that workers had not been paid since
August, and said Kalicanin was responsible.
Around 800 of the 1,500 workers are currently on
strike, said Gacic, adding that he expected the number
to reach 1,000 by the end of the day.


Thousands battle police in Belgrade
Union workers demand gov't resign

By John Catalinotto

Ten thousand workers struck the Sartid steel complex in Smederevo,
Serbia, on Oct. 14. Two weeks later, on Oct. 29, the largest workers'
demonstration since the overthrow of the government of Slobodan
Milosevic in October 2000 marched on the Serb parliament in Belgrade.
Thou sands of demonstrators demanded an end to privatization of
state-owned companies and the resignation of the government.

These two events, seemingly so far removed from here, impact directly
on the lives of workers in the United States.

To understand this, it helps to know that the U.S. Steel Corporation
had bought Sartid a month before the strike. Access to this
technologically advanced plant and its 10,000 skilled workers cost the
giant U.S. corporation a mere $23 million, although Yugoslavia had
invested $1 billion in it from 1990 to 2000. The steel complex produces
specialized steel that has buyers on the world market.

But the best part of it all--as the owners of U.S. Steel see it--is
that these workers with more than 30 years experience receive the
equivalent of $159 per month. According to an article by Spomenka
Deretic in the Oct. 17 issue of the Serb journal Artel, their pay is 33
Serbian dinars per hour, or about 65 cents. The union is asking for 55
dinars, or about $1.10.

Deretic's article compares the low wages of the workers at Sartid with
the higher wages paid at a U.S. Steel plant in nearby Slovakia--where
workers get $3.74 an hour--and with workers at U.S. Steel here, who are
paid $15 to $25 per hour.

The strike--at least the first phase of it--lasted until Oct. 23, when
negotiations started. What worker in the U.S. would not see this strike
as completely justified?

Workers here might also be outraged that U.S. Steel could go into the
Balkans or into Central Europe to find skilled, talented workers and
force them to accept one-25th of what steel workers get here.

But it is harder to see the connection between those low wages and the
so-called humanitarian war the U.S. and its NATO allies waged against
Yugoslavia over four years ago. Or how that war allowed the
privatization and sell-off of major Yugoslav industries.

Clinton's lie that this was a "humanitarian" war was as big as the Bush
administration's tale that the invasion of Iraq has nothing to do with

Before the 78-day bombing of Yugo slavia and the overthrow of the
government led by the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) the following
year, the steel plant was off-limits to U.S. capital. Replacing that
government with parties and individuals tied to Western governments and
banking interests has opened up Yugoslav industry to the world, that
is, to the imperialist world, to the same monopolies that control
economic life in the West.

Before this happened, the Yugoslav state protected its workers against
foreign capital. It also, in effect, protected U.S. workers from
competition. At least no big U.S. corporation could just take over and
make decisions to fire workers in Serbia, then a part of Yugoslavia.
The same was true in Slovakia, which before the 1990s was part of
socialist Czechoslovakia.

The U.S. Steel purchase of Sartid is only one of 882 major purchases at
low prices of Yugoslav industries by U.S. and West European capital.
They paid $1.4 billion in total to the regime, of which about 50
percent is from U.S. corporations. Less than 25 percent of these funds
went to social benefits for the 110,000 workers, who in the former
Yugoslavia were considered owners of the industries.

In most cases, the company taking over an industry savagely cut the
work force. In some, they just stopped production entire ly, to destroy
competition with their other factories around the world. But Sartid's
highly developed electronically run machines, especially its technology
for finishing the steel, and its work force, made it a going concern.

Workers march on parliament

What also made Sartid remarkable is that the workers fought back. And
they did so as workers in all of Serbia were preparing to battle the
pro-NATO government.

On Oct. 29-31 thousands of workers protested before the parliament in
Bel grade, called out by the Alliance of Inde pendent Serbian Unions.
Meanwhile Par li ament was debating a no-confidence vote in the
government. Many of the workers, including the miners, were from unions
that in October 2000 had supported the parties now in office.

Police stopped buses filled with workers from arriving at the capital.
On Oct. 30, they used teargas to break up the protest.

After three years of a post-Milosevic, pro-capitalist, pro-NATO
government that is even promising to send troops to Iraq and is helping
turn the former Yugo slavia into a colony of the West, the organized
workers in Yugoslavia are showing resistance.

Meanwhile, Milosevic has been battling charges at The Hague,
Netherlands, for alleged war crimes. He has represented himself before
the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY),
which was organized by the same NATO countries that launched a brutal
78-day bombing campaign of that country. Many accounts assert that
Milosevic's determined political defense and sharp cross-examinations
have stymied the ICTY prosecutors. NATO's court has failed to prove its

In synch with the growing resistance inside Serbia, groups of emigrants
from Yugoslavia plus European organizations that defend Milosevic will
march on The Hague Nov. 8, demanding that the former Yugoslav president
be released from prison and given two years to prepare his defense case.

They say that by standing steadfastly against the ICTY, countering all
the lies told about Serb people, and straightening out the facts about
NATO's aggression against Yugoslavia, Milosevic has been doing a
service, not only to Serbia and Yugoslavia, but to the workers of the
world and anyone fighting U.S. imperialism.

Reprinted from the Nov. 13, 2003, issue of Workers World newspaper



(ANSA) - ROMA, 19 NOV - Il presidente della commissione Difesa della
Camera Luigi Ramponi ha incontrato oggi a Montecitorio il ministro
della Difesa di Serbia e Montenegro Boris Tadic. Nel corso di un
incontro ''lungo e cordiale'', Ramponi e Tadic hanno manifestato
''reciproco compiacimento'' per l'avvio di concreti rapporti di
collaborazione nel settore della Difesa tra Italia e
Serbia-Montenegro, e sono state create le premesse per un futuro
incontro tra le commissioni Difesa dei due Paesi. Il ministro Tadic
ha inoltre chiesto il sostegno dell'Italia perche' il suo Paese
ottenga lo status di partecipante al partenariato per la pace ed alla
forza internazionale di pace Isaf in Afghanistan; un'aspirazione
condivisa da Ramponi, il quale ha assicurato ''ogni sforzo
possibile'' in questo senso. (ANSA). FLB
19/11/2003 14:13


> 11/27/332122.html

Serbia-Montenegro to build partnership relations with NATO

Belgrade, Nov 27, 2003 - Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Nebojsa Covic
said late on Wednesday following a meeting with NATO Secretary-General
George Robertson that Serbia-Montenegro should build partnership
relations with NATO.
Covic told Robertson that the future professional soldiers of
Serbia-Montenegro should be first sent to flash points around the
country, such as southern Serbia, and only after that they could be
incorporated into UN peacekeeping missions in Afghanistan.
The Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and the NATO Secretary General agreed
that Serbia-Montenegro and NATO should be partners in the upcoming
processes, and Covic added that the talks on the participation of the
country's soldiers in the international peacekeeping missions should be
Covic and Robertson also talked about the situation in Kosovo-Metohija
and the "standards before status" principle, as well as about the
country's accession to the Partnership for Peace, and continuation of
reforms in the country.
Robertson also met in Belgrade with Serbia-Montenegrin President
Svetozar Marovic, Minister of Foreign Affairs Goran Svilanovic and
Minister of Defence Boris Tadic.

Agence France-Presse, December 5, 2003

Serb refugees: Out of sight, out of mind

PANCEVO -- Dragana Vitosevic, a nine-year-old Serb
girl from Kosovo, has spent almost half her life in a
refugee centre in Pancevo, a grim industrial town near
the Serbian capital Belgrade.

She is just one of around 700,000 Serbs, those who
fled or were driven from their homes during the wars
in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo in the 1990s. Now they
make up about 10 percent of Serbia's population.

It is a burgeoning underclass which Serbia cannot
afford to support, and now even the United Nations is
looking for an "exit strategy" so it can focus on new
crises such as Afghanistan and Iraq.

"The problem is donor fatigue. Donors believe that
after eight years the humanitarian crisis is ending
here and they are turning to other hot spots," Andrej
Mahecic, spokesman for Serbia-Montenegro operations of
the UN refugee agency (UNHCR), told AFP.

He said the "trend of lower (aid) budgets will
continue," noting that the UNHCR had managed to raise
only 12.8 million dollars for its Serbia-Montenegro
operations next year compared to 18.9 million in
2003."This does not mean an end of all UNHCR aid
operations, but rather an exit strategy from the
humanitarian crisis situation," he said.

Paul Emes, the Belgrade delegation chief for the
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
Societies, said that by the end of the year aid
distributions from the World Food Programme and the
UNHCR will have "ceased." "There is also no funding
foreseen for soup kitchens from international donors
after the end of April," he said.

The Red Cross of Serbia and Montenegro distributes
international aid to 56,000 refugees and provides food
to 12,500 others in soup kitchens every day, he said.

"The government of Serbia and Montenegro clearly
understands that these poor, vulnerable and hungry
people are its responsibility, but despite its
commitment lacks the resources to finance these
humanitarian assistance operations fully," Emes said.
"As such, there is a real risk of hunger and
increasing vulnerability. The Federation therefore
calls upon the international community to support the
government to assist its most vulnerable people."

For Dragana, there was no birthday cake or candles
when she turned nine last week in the tiny room which
she shares with her family. Crowded in by stacked beds
and a small refrigerator, there is barely enough space
for the oven where Dragana and her mother, Ankica,
prepared their favorite meal: "Kosovo pie" with cheese
and cabbage. "This is not life, this is a fight for
survival. My smile is not a smile, it is a grimace of
hopelessness," said Ankica, who worked for 25 years in
the textile industry in Kosovo before the family fled
the war there in 1999. They receive no more than 30
euros (36 dollars) per month in foreign aid, and even
that may disappear next year.

"The announced international disengagement is
premature. These people should not be forgotten," said
Vesna Milenkovic, the secretary of Serbia's Red Cross.

More than a decade since the fall of communism in
Serbia, the benefits of capitalism are not trickling
down to ordinary people. Two thirds of the population
live on less than 160 euros a month and more than one
million people are unemployed, out of a population of
10 million.

Industrial production actually fell this year,
according to government figures. Political instability
following the ouster of former Yugoslav president
Slobodan Milosevic in 2000 has stymied foreign

Analysts say the poverty and hopelessness is good news
for a new breed of nationalist politicians. Opinion
polls last week showed the ultra-nationalist Serbian
Radical Party will emerge as the strongest single
party in the country after general elections on
December 28.

Milan Skoko, a senior Red Cross official based near
Pancevo, said the wealthy nations of Western Europe
should be ashamed of the poverty in their own
backyard. "The situation is catastrophic. If the
international aid runs out of steam, people will begin
dying of hunger. It will bring shame to Europe in the
21st century," he said.


Surviving day-to-day in Serbia

10 December 2003
by Marie-Françoise Borel in Stara Pazova

"Just give me a normal job, and I will be able to
buy a house and give my children a better future."
There is frustration, resentment and sadness in
Gojko Grubic's voice as he thinks back on the eight
years which have passed since he was forced to flee
with his parents, his wife, Mira, and their two children
from Benkovac, a village now in Croatia.

Mira, 38, was pregnant then with their third child.
They left their house, their land, their garden by
tractor on August 4, 1995, and entered Serbia on
August 12. The baby was born in Pancevo, a town just
northeast of Belgrade, ten days later.

Gojko and his family are among an estimated 700,000
people living in Serbia and Montenegro, who have
been displaced by the successive conflicts in the
region since 1991. More than 95 per cent of them are
housed in private accommodation, just like the Grubic

After spending five years living in a collective
centre in Kragujevac, some 90 km south of Belgrade,
they moved to Stara Pazova, 40 km north of Belgrade,
where Gojko thought he would have a better chance of
finding a job. Nearly 40 per cent of the town's population
of 60,000 are refugees or displaced.

Gojko, 46, is a plumber by trade and his wife used
to work in a factory. Now, he scrambles for odd
plumbing jobs in private homes. Mira cleans houses
and does some laundry.


"In a good month," Mira explains, "we are able
to make 300 euros, but we pay 75 euros in rent for the
house, plus electricity and school fees. Today,
there is enough for food, but tomorrow? We are
living day-to-day," she says. If they do not come up
with the money to pay the rent, they will be
expelled from their small house.

Survival is precarious in Serbia where, according to
the government's latest survey, published in April
2003, some 1.6 million people, out of a population
of 7.5 million, live at or just below the poverty
line equivalent to 67 euros a month. Those statistics
do not take into account the refugees and displaced people who
are considered even more vulnerable than the local

The Red Cross of Serbia and Montenegro is doing its
best to provide them with the essentials for sheer
survival, providing monthly food supplies - 12 kg
wheat flour, 1 kg sugar, 1 litre oil, 1 kg beans per
person - to those over 65 years old and to children.
It also serves 42,000 meals a day to the poorest.

Such help is welcome in a country where the economy
and government resources are insufficient to meet
the needs of the poorest. But with most
international aid ending at the end of the winter,
the Red Cross will have to cut back its assistance.

Milan Skoko, Secretary of the Stara Pazova Red Cross
branch explains just how serious the situation is in
this town, which has received 23,000 refugees since
1992, most of them coming from the Krajina region in
1995: "The situation is particularly critical. A
large number of people are too young, too old or too
sick to work. And those who can work cannot find jobs. If
humanitarian aid stops, people will starve in the heart of Europe.
This conclusion is drawn from the facts, not from my

Return impossible

The Grubic family wants to stay in Serbia, as their
house has been burned and return is impossible for
them. They are placing their hope in their children,
and trying to put them through school so they have a
chance for a better future.

The three children are good students; the eldest,
their 19-year-old son, Ljubisa, is working towards a
diploma in technological sciences, while their
daughter, Milena, 17, is studying to be a
pharmacist. They are both in Belgrade since local schools
cannot offer them the same opportunities.

Grandfather Savo Grubic, 75, has just lost his wife.
He says, wistfully: "It’s been difficult for me, but
my life is almost over, and now I worry about my
children's and my grandchildren’s future.”

The situation is just as bad for the refugees as it
is for the local population, says Milan Skoko. “What
will the Red Cross do when we have no more food to
distribute? How will these people survive? They must
not be forgotten.”


Agreement on settling Serbian oil company's debt to Gazprom reached

Lukoil acquires Beopetrol fuel chain

Philip Morris and British American Tobacco Enter the Serbian Market (by
Dusan Kosanovic)

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Oggetto: [icdsm-italia] Propaganda System Number One: From Diem and
Arbenz to Milosevic

Propaganda System Number One:
From Diem and Arbenz to Milosevic

by Edward S. Herman

Propaganda, Politics, Power ISSN 1741-0754 Volume 1: 15-28 ~ 9 December
2003 15 December 2003

The URL of this article is:

The way in which the mainstream media have handled the turning of
Milosevic over to the Hague Tribunal once again reinforces my belief
that the United States is not only number one in military power but
also in the effectiveness of its propaganda system, which is vastly
superior to any past or present state-managed system. The main
characteristic of the U.S. model is that, while offering diversity on
many subjects, on core issues--like "free trade" and the need for a
huge "defense" establishment--and on the occasions when the corporate
and political establishment needs their service--as in legitimating
George W. Bush's presidency in the wake of an electoral coup d'etat, or
supporting the "sanctions of mass destruction" on Iraq--the media can
be relied on to expound and propagandize what would be called a "party
line" if done in China. They do sometimes depart from the official
position as regards tactics, arguing, for example, that the government
is not attacking the enemy with sufficient ferocity (Iraq and
Yugoslavia), or that the cost of the enterprise is perhaps excessive
(the Vietnam war, from 1968), but that the enemy is truly evil and the
national cause meritorious is never debatable. The debates over tactics
helpfully obscure the agreement on ends.

A further important feature of the U.S. system is that this propaganda
service is provided without government censorship or coercion, by self-
censorship alone, with the truth of the propaganda line internalized by
the numerous media participants. This internalization of belief makes
it possible for media personnel to be enthusiastic spokespersons in
pushing the party line, thereby giving it a naturalness that is lacking
in crude systems of government-enforced propaganda.

A third feature of the system is that the party lines are regularly
supported by non-governmental and self-proclaimed "non-partisan"
thinktanks like the American Enterprise Institute and Independent
International Commission on Kosovo, non-governmental organizations like
the Open Society Institute and Human Rights Watch, and assorted
ex-leftists and liberal and left journals that on particular subjects
"see the light." These organizations are commonly funded by interests
(and governments) with an axe to grind, and they serve those interests,
but the media feature them as non-partisan and give special attention
to the ex-leftists and dissidents who now see the light. This helps
firm up the consensus and further marginalizes those still in darkness.

A final feature of the U.S. system is that it works so well that a
sizable fraction of the public doesn't recognize the media's propaganda
role, and accepts the media's own self-image as independent, adversary,
truth-seeking, and helping the public to "assert meaningful control
over the political process" (former Supreme Court Justice Lewis
Powell). This public bamboozlement is aided by the facts that the media
are fairly numerous, are not government controlled, have many true
believers among their editors and journalists (the second
characteristic), are supported by NGOs and elements of the "left" (the
third feature), and regularly proclaim their independence and squabble
furiously with government and among themselves. Even those who doubt
the media's claims of truth-seeking are often carried along, or
confused, by the force and self-assurance of the participants in this
great propaganda machine.

Party Line Consensus

An important operational characteristic of the system, which
facilitates general adherence to the party line without overt coercion,
is the assurance and speed with which the line is established as a
consensus truth, so that deviations and dissent quickly take on the
appearance of foolishness or pathology, as well as suspiciously
unpatriotic behavior. Noam Chomsky and I found that the very asking of
questions about the numerous fabrications, ideological role, and
absence of any beneficial effects for the victims in the anti-Khmer
Rouge propaganda campaign of 1975-1979 was unacceptable, and was
treated almost without exception as "apologetics for Pol Pot."

That "free trade" is beneficial and in the "national interest" whereas
"protectionism" is hurtful and a creature of "special interests" is a
consensus party line of the mainstream media today that profoundly
biases their treatment of trade agreements and protests against
corporate globalization at Seattle, Washington, D.C., Quebec City, and
Genoa (see Herman, "NAFTA, Mexican Meltdown, and the Propaganda
System," chapter 14 in Myth of the Liberal Media; Rachel Coen, "For
Press, Magenta Hair and Nose Rings Defined Protests," EXTRA!
[July-August 2000]; FAIR, "Action Alert: Police Violence in Genoa--Par
for the Course? Media complacency helps normalize assaults on
demonstrators," July 26, 2001).

The consensus around a party line is very quickly established in
dealing with international crises. Once an enemy is demonized-from Ho
Chi Minh in Vietnam and Jacobo Guzman Arbenz in Guatemala in the early
1950s to Slobodan Milosevic in the 1990s and up to today-the media
display a form of hysteria that helps mobilize the public in support of
whatever forms of violence the government wishes to carry out. They
become a virtual propaganda arm of the government, joining with it in
the common fight against "another Hitler." Under these conditions
remarkable structures of disinformation can be built,
institutionalized, and remain parts of historic memory even in the face
of ex post confutations, which are kept out of sight.

Let me give a few short illustrations before showing how this
exceptional propaganda service applies to the Milosevic/Tribunal case.

Red Threat as Party Line: Vietnam and Guatemala

In the Cold War years, propaganda service and mobilization of the
public was commonly framed around the Red Threat. This general
demonization of the target produced the requisite hysteria and media
identification with "us" and complete loss of critical capability. When
the U.S.-imported puppet to South Vietnam, Ngo Dinh Diem, won a
plebiscite in 1954 with over 99 percent of the votes, an outcome that
would elicit much sarcasm if realized in an enemy state, this was not
news here. And from then onward, U.S. support of a government
admittedly lacking an indigenous constituency, relying on state terror
and U.S. financial and military aid, was treated in the mainstream
media as entirely reasonable and just.

The self-deception and patriotic biases internalized by media personnel
were displayed in their 100 percent inability, from 1954 to today, to
call the U.S. intervention and ultimate direct invasion of Vietnam
either an "invasion" or "aggression." It was also beautifully
illustrated in James Reston's Orwellian statement of 1965 that the
United States, which from beginning to almost the very end believed it
could impose its preferred rulers by virtue of its superior military
power, was in Vietnam to establish the "principle...that no state shall
use military force or the threat of military force to achieve its
political objectives."

Another remarkable case of propaganda service occurred as the United
States destabilized Guatemala's democratic government in the years
1950-1953 and then removed it by means of a U.S.-organized "contra"
invasion in 1954. U.S. hostility began when this government passed a
law in 1947 allowing the organization of unions, and active
destabilization followed and accelerated upon its attempt to engage in
moderate land reforms, partly at the expense of the United Fruit
Company. From 1947 the search was on for "communists" to explain the
reformist policies and to rationalize the hostile intervention. The
U.S. mainstream media became completely hysterical over this Red Threat
from 1950 onward, very worried that Arbenz would not allow elections to
take place in 1951--this same media had not been bothered by the Ubico
dictatorship, 1931-44, and was entirely unconcerned with the absence of
democracy from 1954 onward--and featured a stream of alarming reports
on Red influence in that country and an alleged "reign of terror."
There were endless headlines in the New York Times like "Soviet Agents
Plotting to Ruin Unity, Defenses of America" (June 22, 1950);
"Guatemalan Reds Seek Full Power" (May 21, 1952); "How Communists Won
Control of Guatemala" (March 1, 1953), and even The Nation ran a sleazy
putdown of the democratic government under attack (March 18, 1950).

This was all hysterical nonsense--even Court historian Ronald
Schneider, after reviewing the documents seized from the Reds in
Guatemala, concluded that the Reds had never controlled Guatemala, and
that the Soviet Union "made no significant or even material investment
in the Arbenz regime" and paid little attention to Central America--but
it was effective in making the overthrow of an elected government
acceptable to the U.S. public. And the media's propaganda service was
completed by their long cover-up of the hugely undemocratic aftermath
of the successful termination of the brief democratic experiment (on
the history of this propaganda campaign, Edward Herman, "Returning
Guatemala to the Fold," in Gary Rawnsley, ed., Cold-War Propaganda in
the 1950s [Macmillan, 1999]; more broadly, Piero Gleijeses, Shattered
Hope [Princeton, 1991]). No government-managed propaganda system could
have done a better job of mobilizing the public on the basis of
systematic disinformation; and the achievement here is especially
impressive given the fact that it was all done with the aim and effect
of ending a liberal democracy by violence and installing a terror state.

Bulgarian Connection

Another illustration of outstanding, even remarkable, propaganda
service, and one pertinent to the ongoing Milosevic-Tribunal drama
because it involved a judicial proceeding, was the "Bulgarian
Connection." The Reagan administration had been anxious to demonize the
Soviet Union in the early and mid-1980s, and the assassination attempt
against Pope John Paul II in May 1981, provided an opportunity to pin
the attempt on the KGB and their Bulgarian client. The Turkish fascist,
Mehmet Ali Agca, who had shot the Pope, had spent time in Bulgaria
(along with ten other countries). After 17 months in prison in Italy,
and after numerous visits by secret service, judicial, and papal
personnel, who had admittedly offered him inducements to "confess," he
claimed that he was on the Bulgarian-KGB payroll, had cased the joint
with Bulgarian officials in Rome, and had visited one of them in his
apartment. Although the case was laughably implausible, the U.S.
mainstream media bought it with enthusiasm, and failed to acknowledge
their gullibility and propaganda role even after CIA professionals told
congress during the CIA confirmation hearings on Robert Gates in 1991
that they knew the Connection was false because, among other reasons,
they had penetrated the Bulgarian secret services.

A very important feature of the media's treatment of the Bulgarian
Connection, very similar to that which they apply now to the Hague
Tribunal in its pursuit of Milosevic, was their pretense that the
Italian judiciary, police and political system were only seekers after
truth and justice, even a bit fearful of finding the Bulgarians guilty.
The New York Times even editorialized that the Reaganites were aghast
at the implications of a Soviet involvement in the assassination
attempt ("recoiled from the devastating implication that Bulgaria's
agents were bound to have acted only on a signal from Moscow," Oct. 30,
1984), a propaganda lie confuted by the CIA professionals in 1991, who
explained that their own doubts were overruled by the Reaganite leaders
of the CIA who insisted on pushing the Connection as true. The
Bulgarian Connection can be well explained by the exceptional
corruption of the Italian system and the service of this manufactured
connection to the Cold Warriors serving the Italian state (and their
U.S. parent). This explanation was expressed often in the Italian media
during the 1980s, but not in the U.S. mainstream media where, with only
insignificant exceptions, the propaganda line functioned without a
hitch. (See Herman and Brodhead, Rise and Fall of the Bulgarian
Connection, chap. 7.)

Hague Tribunal: Serving Us, So No Awkward Questions, Please!

In the case of the Hague Tribunal also, the mainstream media portray it
as a presumably unbiased judicial body seeking justice with an even
hand, despite the massive evidence that it is a political and
propaganda arm of the United States and other NATO powers. Its ultimate
propaganda service was performed in May, 1999, when the prosecutor of
the International Crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY),
Louise Arbour, announced the indictment of Yugoslav president Milosevic
and four associates for war crimes. This was done, hastily, at a time
when NATO was increasingly targeting the civilian infrastructure of
Yugoslavia in order to hasten that country's surrender. NATO needed
this public relations support as a cover for its own war crimes-- the
Sixth Convention of Nuremberg prohibits and makes a war crime the
targeting of civilian facilities not based on "military necessity"--and
the ICTY provided it, with the indictment quickly greeted by Albright
and James Rubin as justifying NATO's bombing policy.

To my knowledge the U.S. mainstream media have never once suggested
that this indictment servicing the NATO war discredited the Tribunal as
an independent judicial body. The New York Times's Steven Erlanger even
explained to Terry Gross that this indictment displayed Arbour's
independence, as she was allegedly fearful that Milosevic would escape
punishment in a political deal if she didn't move quickly! (Fresh Air,
National Public Radio, July 12, 2001). Erlanger was not alone in
offering this imbecile analysis, which not only failed to recognize the
indictment's service to NATO's immediate policy needs, but also ignored
other evidence of Arbour's and the Tribunal's deference to U.S. and
NATO desires.

The media also failed to raise any questions about Arbour's statement
of May 24, 1999, that although people are "entitled to the presumption
of innocence until they are convicted," she was issuing the indictment
because "the evidence...raises serious questions about their
suitability to be guarantors of any deal, let alone a peace
agreement"--that is, she found them guilty before they were convicted
and thought that on this basis she should interfere with any possible
political settlement.

On the other hand, Arbour and her successor Carla Del Ponte have never
found allies of the NATO powers or the NATO powers themselves worthy of
indictment, even when they did exactly the same things for which the
NATO targets were indictable. Thus, Serb leader Milan Martic was
indicted for launching a rocket cluster-bomb attack on military targets
in Zagreb in May 1995, with the very use of cluster bombs cited by the
Tribunal as showing the aim of "terrorizing the civilians of Zagreb."
But NATO's cluster-bomb raids on Nis on May 7, 1999, far from any
military target, and the 48-hour Croat army shelling of civilian
targets in the city of Knim during the August 1995 Croat Operation
Storm, produced no indictments. Operation Storm, supported by U.S.
officials and helped by U.S.-related professional advisers, resulted in

scale expulsions and the killing of many Serb civilians, but neither
Croat leader Tudjman nor the supportive U.S. officials were indicted,
and Croat military officials also escaped indictment till Del Ponte
recently claimed several in an effort to show her "balance" in the
context of the bringing of Milosevic to The Hague. This double
standard, which makes a mockery of justice, has been of absolutely no
interest to the U.S. mainstream media; and in his long session with
Terry Gross on July 12, when asked "What Americans might be brought to
stand trial before an international court?," Steven Erlanger failed to
come up with a single name for any actions in the Balkans (and Gross
did not follow up on his non-response).

Under pressure to address NATO's wartime activities, which had resulted
in the deaths of many Serb civilians--estimates run from 500 to
3,000--Tribunal prosecutor Carla Del Ponte issued a report in June
2000, that declared NATO not guilty. But the document supporting this
conclusion was not based on any investigation by the Tribunal, and it
openly acknowledged a heavy dependence on NATO sources, asserting "that
the NATO and NATO countries press statements are generally reliable and
that explanations have been honestly given." Canadian legal scholar and
expert on the Tribunal, Michael Mandel, asks: "Can you imagine how many
indictments would have been issued against the Serb leadership if the
Prosecutor had stopped at the FRY press releases?" But this remarkable
Del Ponte report was of no interest to the mainstream media.

Also of no interest to the media is the fact that the Tribunal has been
described by John Laughland in the Times (London) as "a rogue court
with rigged rules" (June 17, 1999). As normal practice it violates
virtually every standard of due process: it fails to separate
prosecution and judge; it does not accord the right to bail or a speedy
trial; it has no clear definition of burden of proof required for a
conviction; it has no independent appeal body; it allows a defendant to
be tried twice for the same crime; suspects can be held for 90 days
without trial; confessions are presumed to be free and voluntary unless
the contrary is established by the prisoner; and witnesses can testify
anonymously, with hearsay evidence admissible. These points are almost
never mentioned in the U.S. mainstream media or considered relevant to
the legitimacy of the Tribunal or the likelihood that Milosevic will
get a fair trial.

The Tribunal's biased performance follows from the fact that it was
organized by the United States and its close allies, is funded by them
and staffed with their approval, and depends on them for information
and other support. The Tribunal's charter requirements that its
expenses shall be provided in the UN general budget (Article 32), and
that the Prosecutor shall act independently and not take instructions
from any government (Article 16), have been systematically ignored.
Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, former president of the Hague Tribunal--before
that a director, and now "Special Counsel to the Chairman on Human
Rights," of Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc., a notorious human
rights violator working in Irian Jaya with the cooperation of the
Indonesian army--stated in 1999 that Tribunal personnel regard
Madeleine Albright as the "mother of the tribunal." NATO PR man Jamie
Shea pointed out in a May 17, 1999 press conference in Brussels that
Arbour will investigate "because we will allow her to;" that the NATO
countries are the ones "that have provided the finance to set up the
Tribunal;" that they are the ones who do the leg work "and have been
detaining indicted war criminals"; and that when she "looks at the
facts she will be indicting people of Yugoslav nationality" and not
folks from NATO.

But neither this open admission that the NATO powers controlled the
Tribunal, nor the evidence of serious abuses of the judicial process
that has characterized its work, have been of interest to the
mainstream media. As with the prosecution of the Bulgarian Connection,
the Hague Tribunal is servicing the U.S. government and its aims, and
the media therefore regard any bias or political service as reasonable
and take them as givens. Because of their internalized belief that
their country is good and would only support justice, the media can't
even imagine that any conflict of interest exists. This is deep bias.

Also, no questions come up in this context as to why there are no
tribunals for Suharto, Wiranto (the Indonesian general in charge of the
destruction of East Timor in 1999), or Ariel Sharon. These are our
allies, even if major state terrorists, who received and still receive
our support, so that in a well-managed propaganda system the failure to
mention their exclusion from a system of global enforcement of the new
ethical order opposed to ethnic cleansing and human rights violations
is entirely appropriate.

Disinformation as Consensus History: Milosevic and the Balkans

From the time the U.S. government decided to target Milosevic and the
Serbs as the root of Balkan evil in the early 1990s, the U.S.
propaganda system began its work of demonization of the target,
enhanced atrocities management, and the necessary rewriting of history.
The integration of government needs and media service was essentially
complete, and was beautifully symbolized by the marriage during the
crisis years of State Department PR chief James Rubin and Christiane
Amanpour, CNN's main reporter on the Kosovo war, whose reports could
have come from Rubin himself. More recently, in connection with
Milosevic's transfer to the Hague, Amanpour entertained Richard
Holbrooke on the subject, and the two, speaking as old comrades-in-arms
congratulated one another on a joint success, just as a
policy-enforcing official might express mutual congratulations with a
PR officer (Holbrooke applauded Amanpour's "fantastic coverage of the
war throughout the last decade" [CNN Live At Daybreak, June 29, 2001]).

It should be noted that Holbrooke visited Zagreb two days before
Croatia launched Operation Storm in August 1995, almost certainly
talking over and giving U.S. approval to the imminent military
operation, reminiscent of Henry Kissinger's visit to Jakarta just
before Indonesia's invasion of East Timor in September 1975. As
Operation Storm involved a major program of killings and expulsions,
with killings greatly in excess of the numbers attributed to Milosevic
in the Tribunal indictment of May 22, 1999, an excellent case can be
made that Holbrooke should be being tried for war crimes. We may also
be sure that Christiane Amanpour's "fantastic coverage" of the wars in
Yugoslavia did not deal with Operation Storm or mention Holbrooke's and
the U.S. role in that butchery and massive ethnic cleansing.

As NATO prepared to go to war, which began on March 24, 1999, the media
followed the official lead in focusing heavily on Serb atrocities in
Kosovo, with great and indignant attention to the Racak massacre of
January 15, 1999. The failure of the Rambouillet Conference they blamed
on Serb intransigence, again following the official line. During the
78-day bombing war the media focused even more intensively on
atrocities (Serb, not NATO), and passed along the official estimates of
100,000 Kosovo Albanian murders (U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen),
and other estimates, smaller and larger. They also accepted the claim
that the Serb violence that followed the bombing would have taken place
anyway, by plan, so that the bombing, instead of causing the escalated
violence was justified by its occurrence ex post.

In the post-bombing era a number of developments have occurred that
have challenged the official line. But the mainstream media have not
let them disturb the institutionalized untruths. Let me list some of
these and describe the media's mode of deflection.

1. RACAK MASSACRE. The only pre-bombing act of Serb violence listed in
the Tribunal indictment of Milosevic on May 22, 1999, was an alleged
massacre of Albanians by the Serbs at Racak on January 15, 1999. The
Serbs had carried out this action with invited OSCE representatives
(and AP photographers) on the scene, but on the following day, after
KLA reoccupation of the village, some 40 to 45 bodies were on display
for the U.S.-OSCE official William Walker and the media. The
authenticity of this massacre, which follows a long pattern of
convenient but contrived atrocities to meet a PR need--well described
in George Bogdanich's and Martin Lettmayer's brilliant film "The
Avoidable War"--was immediately challenged by journalists in France and
Germany, but no doubts whatever showed up in the U.S. media. Christophe
Chatelet of Le Monde was in Racak the day of the "massacre," and left
at dusk, as did the OSCE observers and Serb police, without witnessing
any massacre. The AP photographers and on-the-scene OSCE
representatives have never been available for corroboration or denial,
and the forensic report of the Finnish team that examined the bodies at
the behest of the OSCE has never been made public. The issue is still
contested, but a very strong case can be made that the Racak "massacre"
was a staged event (see, Chatelet, in Le Monde, Jan. 19, 1999;
Professor Dusan Dunjic [a Serb medical participant in the autopsies],
"The (Ab)use of Forensic Medicine," ; J. Raino, et al., "Independent
forensic autopsies in an armed conflict: investigation of the victims
from Racak, Kosovo," Forensic Science International 116 [2001], 171-85).

But the strong challenging evidence has been effectively blacked out in
the U.S. mainstream media, and the "massacre" is taken as an
established and unquestioned truth (e.g., Amanpour and Carol Lin, CNN
Live at Daybreak, July 3, 2001; Steven Erlanger in his July 12
interview with Terry Gross). Why didn't the Serb army remove the
incriminating bodies, as the propaganda machine claimed then and now
that they were doing as a matter of policy directed from above? As in
the case of the analyses and evidence in the 1980s that Agca might have
been coached to implicate the Bulgarians and KGB, the U.S. mainstream
media refuse to burden a useful party line with inconvenient questions
and facts.

Also, while giving heavy, uncritical and indignant attention to Racak,
the media have never allowed the far larger and unambiguous massacre of
civilians at Liquica in East Timor on April 6, 1999--three months after
Racak--to reach public consciousness. This was a massacre by the U.S.
ally Indonesia, U.S. officials did not feature it, and the media
therefore served national policy by giving it short shrift.

AS THE BASIS OF THE NATO BOMBING. The official and media propaganda
line is that the United States and NATO powers were deeply upset by
Serb violence in Kosovo and eventually went to war to stop it. But
there are problems with this view. For one thing, evidence has turned
up showing that Washington, through its own agencies or hired
mercenaries, actually aided and trained the KLA prior to the bombing,
and in this and other ways encouraged them in provocations that
stimulated Serb violence (Peter Beaumont et al., "CIA's bastard army
ran riot in Balkans," The Observer [London], March 11, 2001). The
postwar publication by the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, General Report:
Kosovo Aftermath, noted that "Under the influence of the Kosovo
Verification Mission the level of Serbian repression eased off" in late
1998, but "on the other hand, there was a lack of effective measures to
curb the UCK [KLA]" which had an interest in "worsening the situation."
In short, U.S. policy before the bombing encouraged violence in Kosovo.
The evidence for this has been made public abroad, but it has not yet
surfaced in the U.S. mainstream media.

A second problem is that NATO supplied greatly inflated estimates of
Serb killings and expulsions in Kosovo, quite obviously trying to
prepare the ground for bombing. The claim that Serbian policy
constituted "ethnic cleansing" and even "genocide" has long been
confuted by OSCE, State Department, and human rights groups' findings
of limited and targeted Serb violence, and by disclosure of an internal
German Foreign Office report that even denies the appropriateness of
the use of "ethnic cleansing" to describe Serb behavior ["Important
Internal Documents from Germany's Foreign Office,"]. These contesting
points of evidence, even though coming from establishment sources, are
not only off the screen for the mainstream media, they are ignored and
the old lies are repeated by Christopher Hitchens in The Nation ("Body
Count in Kosovo," June 11, 2001) and Bogdan Denitch in In These Times
("Citizen of a Lost Country," May 14, 2001).

A third problem is: how could this humanitarian motive be driving
Clinton and Blair in Kosovo when they had both actively supported
Turkey's far larger- scale ethnic cleansing of Kurds throughout the
1990s? The mainstream media dealt with this and similar problems by not
letting the issue be raised.

question of negotiations versus the use of force, the official line has
been that the NATO powers made reasonable negotiating offers to the
Serbs, trying to get "Serbia and the Kosovo Albanians to come to a
compromise" (Tim Judah), but that the Serb refusal to negotiate led to
the bombing war. This line was demonstrated to be false when it was
disclosed that NATO had inserted a proviso demanding full occupation by
NATO of all of Yugoslavia, admitted by a State Department official to
have been a deliberate "raising of the bar" to allow bombing (George
Kenney, "Rolling Thunder: The Rerun," The Nation, June 14, 1999). This
disclosure has been comprehensively suppressed in the mainstream media,
allowing the propaganda lie to be repeated today (Judah's repetition of
the lie was on June 29, 2001).

expounded during the NATO bombing war were that (1) the Serbs were
killing vast numbers; (2) they were doing this and expelling still
larger numbers in a process of "ethnic cleansing" and "genocide;" and
(3) that they had planned mass killing and expulsions anyway, so that
these could not be attributed to the bombing war or the kind of
fighting and atrocities characteristic of a brutal civil war. It is now
clear that while large numbers did flee, this included at least an
equal proportion of Serbs, and that many fled without forcible
expulsion; and it is also clear that while there were brutal killings,
these fell far short of the 10,000-500,000 claimed by NATO. It is also
now on the record that NATO and the KLA were engaged in joint military
actions during the bombing war, and that expulsions were concentrated
in areas of KLA strong support, pointing to a military logic to Serb
actions (Daniel Pearl and Robert Block, "War in Kosovo Was Cruel,
Bitter, Savage; Genocide It Wasn't," Wall Street Journal, Dec. 31,
1999). The claim that the Serbs intended to do this anyway has never
been supported by any evidence.

In Guatemala after 1947 the search was on for communists; in Kosovo
during and after the bombing war the search was on for dead bodies
(whereas there was no interest in or search for dead bodies in East
Timor after the Indonesian massacres of 1999, in accord with the same
propaganda service). The bodies found in Kosovo received great
publicity, but the fact that this immense effort yielded only 3-4000
bodies from all causes and on all sides, and the fact that it fell far
short of the NATO-media propaganda claims during the bombing war, has
received minimal attention. However, with Milosevic now transferred to
The Hague, and a fresh demand arising for bodies whose deaths can be
attributed to him, once again the media are coming through with fresh
claims of bodies transferred from Kosovo under the villain's direction.

produced by the NATO bombing policy itself, and they returned to a
shattered country. Furthermore, after the NATO war there was a REAL
ethnic cleansing--in percentage terms the "largest in the Balkan wars"
according to Transnational Foundation for Peace director Jan
Oberg--with some 330,000 Serbs, Roma, Jews, Turks and others driven out
of Kosovo, while some 3,000 people were killed and disappeared.
However, as this has taken place under NATO auspices, the mainstream
media, insofar as they mention the real ethnic cleansing at all, have
treated it as a semi-approved "vengeance." But they have mainly dealt
with the subject, as they did the post-Arbenz REAL terrorism, by eye

mainstream accounts, it was "Milosevic's murderous decade" (Nordland
and Gutman in Newsweek, July 9, 2001), Milosevic who "set Yugoslavia to
unraveling" (Roger Cohen, New York Times, July 1, 2001), "the man who
had terrorized the turbulent Balkans for a decade" (Time, April 9,
2001). The wars were a "catastrophe that Slobodan Milosevic unleashed"
(Tim Judah, The Times [London], June 29, 2001). This is comic book
history, that follows the standard demonization process, and is refuted
by every serious historian dealing with the area (Susan Woodward,
Robert Hayden, David Chandler, Lenard Cohen, Raymond Kent, Steven L.
Burg and Paul S. Shoup).

Serious history takes into account, among other matters: (1) the fact
that long before 1990 Yugoslavia had persistent "deep regional and
ethnic cleavages," with Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo "all areas of high
ethnic fragmentation" (Lenard Cohen and Paul Warwick, Political
Cohesion in a Fragile Mosaic), whose suppression required a strong
federal state; (2) the effects of the Yugoslav economic crisis, dating
back to 1982, and the IMF/World Bank imposition of deflationary
policies on Yugoslavia in the late 1980s, and their consequences; (3)
the post-Soviet collapse ending of Western support for the Yugoslav
federal state, and German and Austrian collaboration in encouraging the
Croatian and Slovenian secession from Yugoslavia without any democratic
vote and without any settlement on the status of the large Serb
minorities; (4) the West's and Western Badinter Commission's refusal to
allow threatened ethnic minorities to withdraw from the new secession
states; (5) the U.S. and Western encouragement of the Muslims in
Bosnia-Herzegovina to hold out for unity under their control in the
face of Serb and Croatian fears and opposition; (6) the U.S. and NATO
support of Croatia and its massive ethnic cleansing of Serbs in Krajina.

The media rarely mention these extremely important external,
NATO-inspired causes of ethnic cleansing, or the fact that Milosevic
supported many diplomatic initiatives such as the Owen-Vance and
Owen-Stoltenberg plans, both unsuccessful because of U.S. encouragement
of the Muslims to hold out for more. Heavy German and U.S.
responsibility for the breakup of Yugoslavia; the NATO governments'
help in the arming of Slovenia, Croatia, the Bosnian Muslims, and the
KLA; and the U.S. sabotaging of efforts at negotiated settlements in
the early 1990s, are all well documented in Bogdanich's and Lettmayer's
"The Avoidable War." The film was shown on the History Channel on April
16, but has otherwise been ignored in Propaganda System Number One for
good reason: it not only shows dominant NATO responsibility for the
Balkan disaster, it makes the mainstream media's supportive propaganda
role crystal clear.

"history" that in April 1987 Milosevic "endorsed a Serbian nationalist
agenda" at Polje in Kosovo, and did the same there on June 28, 1989--
supposedly heralding his project of Greater Serbia and the coming wars
to achieve it. People like Roger Cohen and Steven Erlanger who cite
these as "inciting Serb passions" almost surely never bothered to read
them (nor did Joe Knowles, who mentions Milosevic's "infamous" speech
of June 28 in In These Times [Aug.6, 2001]). In both speeches,
Milosevic actually warns against the dangers of nationalism, and while
he promises to protect Serbs, he is clearly speaking of the citizens of
the Republic of Serbia, not ethnic Serbs; and he describes "Yugoslavia"
as "a multinational community...[that] can survive only under the
conditions of full equality for all nations that live in it" (June 28,

8. MILOSEVIC AS DICTATOR. The June 28, 2001 amended indictment of
Milosevic notes that he was "elected" president of Serbia on May 8,
1989, was elected again "in multi-party elections" held in December
1990, was "reelected" in December 1992, was "elected president of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" on July 15, 1997, and was defeated and
ousted from power in an election in September 2000. But as Milosevic is
on the U.S. hit list, he is referred to repeatedly in the media as a
"dictator," a word they were extremely reluctant to apply to Suharto
during his 32 years as a prized U.S. client. The designation of
dictator created a problem for the media because they also found, and
continue to find, the Serb populace guilty as "willing executioners"
who were properly punished by bombing and who need to acknowledge their
guilt. How a people suffering under a dictatorship and
dictator-controlled media could be guilty of crimes committed elsewhere
is unexplained, but in the U.S. mainstream media the contradiction
remains unchallenged.

9. THE DICTATOR AS RESPONSIBLE KILLER. In Manufacturing Consent Chomsky
and I showed how in the case of the murder of Jerzy Popieuszko in
communist Poland the media repeatedly sought to prove that the leaders
of Poland knew about and were responsible for the killing, whereas in
cases where our own leaders or clients are involved, the media are not
interested in high level knowledge and responsibility. It was therefore
a foregone conclusion that the media would jump on every claim that
Milosevic was behind the deaths in the Balkan wars, and as the Tribunal
has to confront the need for such proof to convict the demon, the media
are working this terrain with vigor. Some of the alleged new evidence
is clearly being leaked from the Tribunal itself (e.g., Bob Graham and
Tom Walker, "Milosevic Ordered Hiding of Bodies," Sunday Times
[London], July 8, 2001), a form of propaganda once again revealing that
it is not a judicial body but a political instrument. This evidence,
which cites the very words used by the dictator in Belgrade in March
1999 instructing his subordinates to commit crimes ("all civilians
killed in Kosovo have to be moved to places where they will not be
discovered," in ibid.), has the odor of NATO-bloc disinformation and
should be treated with the utmost scepticism. And we may be sure the
media will never ask why, with this instruction, "45 bodies" were left
on the ground in Racak for the convenience of William Walker and other
NATO propagandists.

Concluding Note

The U.S. propaganda system is at the peak of its powers in the early
years of the 21st century, riding the wave of capitalism's triumph,
U.S. global hegemony, and the confidence and effective service of the
increasingly concentrated and commercialized mainstream media. It is a
model propaganda system, its slippages and imperfections adding to its
power, given its assured service in times of need. And as described
above, in such times its ability to ignore inconvenient facts, swallow
disinformation, and work the public over with propaganda can easily
compete with--even surpass--anything found in totalitarian systems.


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Oggetto: [icdsm-italia] Political Trial, Political Testimony, Political

The Deposition Will not be Televised:

Wesley Clark's Testimony in the Milosevic Trial


The right to a fair and public trial, the cornerstone of criminal
justice, has been under attack since September 11th, 2001. The protean
war on terrorism has led to a growing culture of judicial opacity and
has had the effect of increasing the public's tolerance of closed
proceedings, in the name of State security and national interests.

Yet not only in the US-- or at Guantanamo Bay-- have the courthouse
doors been slamming shut, and the workings of justice shielded from
public view. At the International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia (ICTY), the public and the media are often invited to step
out of the public gallery for confidential portions of proceedings. The
defendant's right to a public trial[1]-- and the public's right to
measure whether justice is truly carried out independently and
impartially-- is infringed upon by security considerations with
alarming frequency, particularly in the case of Slobodan Milosevic. To
exclude the public from even a fraction of such a historically
important trial, before a Tribunal created by the Security Council of
the United Nations[2]-- ostensibly to establish truth[3],
reconciliation[4] and peace[5]-- would seem to defeat the purpose. How
can a UN body disregard UN human rights instruments and General
Assembly resolutions which elevate the right to a public trial to the
gold standard in the protection of human rights? The fact that the ICTY
was created for political considerations provides some insight into the
question. Madeleine Albright was described as "the mother of the
Tribunal" by its past President[6], and Madam Secretary also lent her
name to the so-called "humanitarian" war in Kosovo[7].


Political Trial, Political Testimony, Political Pressure

Any doubt as to the political nature of the ICTY has been put to rest
following the imposition by the US government of bafflingly stringent
conditions for the upcoming testimony, on December 15th and 16th, of US
presidential candidate Wesley Clark for the Prosecution in the
Milosevic case[8]. The American government has succeeded in requiring
that General Clark's testimony be held in the absence of the public or
press, and has obtained the right to delay the transmission of the
testimony for 48 hours, in what the ICTY had called a "temporary closed
session." The delayed transmission is designed to permit the US
government to "review the transcript and make representations as to
whether evidence given in open session (sic) should be redacted in
order to protect the national interests of the US". This process will
engender a further delay, as the Chamber considers US requests for
censorship of the public record, in keeping with the legally nebulous
concept of US "national interests".

 But what could General Clark have to tell the Security Council
Tribunal that he hasn't said in an interview, written in an op-ed, or
detailed in one of his two self-congratulatory tomes on the art of war?
More importantly, what could he possibly say against the interests of
President Slobodan Milosevic that would require the imposition by the
US of stringent conditions to protect its "legitimate national

Could it be that Wesley Clark is a vulnerable witness? In the context
of the ongoing-- and apparently endless-- "war on terrorism", might the
US government wish to prevent questions being asked about General
Clark's role[9]-- and that of his government[10]-- in providing
military, financial and political support to the KLA[11], whose
well-documented links to Al-Qaeda[12] now threaten to throw intolerable
light on the effects of US foreign policy in the Balkans?

The ICTY has already agreed that seven paragraphs of Clark's full
statement will be placed under seal, inaccessible to the public. The US
government, which has obtained the right to have two representatives
present in the courtroom for General Clark's testimony--in contrast to
the public, who are entitled to no representative whatsoever-- may
request that further evidence be given in private session.


Public Trial?

In other words, while Wesley Clark--a public figure, US presidential
candidate and former Supreme Commander of NATO during its bombing of
Yugoslavia-- testifies at the trial of Slobodan Milosevic--the trial of
the century-- the public and media will be shut out. For 48 hours, the
public will wait for the US government to decide what it believes the
media can be trusted to report, and what must be cut from the public
record, in the name of "national interests". During the invasion of
Iraq, embedded journalists obtained information in a timelier manner.
And upon what basis will the Chamber decide whether or not to grant US
requests to cut evidence from the public record? Isn't the concept of
"national interest" a somewhat subjective, political notion, making the
adjudication of its content and applicability next to impossible? A
foreign government-- the sole superpower-- imposes conditions on the
testimony of a retired general and presidential candidate against the
former president of the nation bombed under the orders of the witness.
The conditions of the testimony violate internationally recognized
rights to public trials. The conditions violate the rights of the
accused, the media, and the public. That a court of law -- much less an
international tribunal purportedly designed to uphold human rights and
bring an end to the culture of impunity-- would accept such outrageous
conditions is unthinkable, unless this is a political, rather than
judicial process.

The public nature of the judicial process is vital to any democracy:
public access to open justice ensures fair trials. Only if justice is
accessible can the people form an opinion as to whether trials conform
to national and international standards[13]. Public access to criminal
proceedings protects defendants from malicious, abusive, or political
prosecutions, carried out in secret, far from public scrutiny. In the
context of the Milosevic trial, these considerations apply with greater
urgency still, given the political nature of the Tribunal, the
proceedings, as well as the financial and institutional support
received by the ICTY from certain governments and individuals[14],
whose preoccupations and interests are at odds with the requirements of
justice as envisaged by international and domestic standards.


"National interests" trump cross-examination

Slobodan Milosevic's right to cross-examine Wesley Clark has also been
severely curtailed-- contrary to the rights set out by the ICTY's Rules
of Procedure and recognized in all adversarial systems of law. He will
not be entitled to question General Clark on matters of credibility, an
outrageous restriction in light of the fact that Clark, a US
presidential candidate, has recently acknowledged that the 78-day
bombing campaign against Yugoslavia by NATO-- a campaign for which he
was directly responsible-- was carried out in "technical" violation of
international law[15].

Questions of credibility inevitably arise with respect to a witness
testifying about Mr. Milosevic's intent and good faith as a negotiator.
In such a case, the defence would be entitled to question the sincerity
of the witness, one who ordered the bombing of the RTS television
studios in Belgrade[16], just as a link-up was being established for an
interview with Larry King on CNN[17]. One could ask about the bombing
of a passenger train, and in particular, about the less than forthright
justification provided by the witness, publicly, for that incident of
"collateral damage"[18]. In particular, Clark could be asked why he
stated to the press that the train’s speed was such that the missiles’
trajectories could not be altered, using altered videotape
footage—shown at three times the normal speed—to support his
justification for these civilian deaths.  General Clark's incredible
explanations for the bombing of the Chinese embassy— one of which
was :  « I had another call that said, "Whoops. It looks like the
embassy was moved »[19] would also constitute appropriate lines of

It is presently unknown to the public if Clark will even be questioned
with respect to the bombing campaign. If his statement does not cover
NATO's attack on Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic will not be entitled to
raise it at all, as the conditions obtained by the US government limit
questions asked to the content of Clark's statement[20]. The ICTY has
allowed Mr Milosevic to "seek to have the scope of examination expanded
by prior agreement of the US government"[21]. This delegation of
judicial authority by the Trial Chamber to the US government would be
comical if it were not such a striking manifestation of this
institution's incapacity to act judicially. Why can't President
Milosevic apply to the judges to request a wider scope of
cross-examination? When did the US government replace the judges on the
bench? No legal explanation or authority is provided by the ICTY's
decision to justify such an incredible measure. It is simply an
admission that this institution cannot adjudicate the facts or apply
the law with the independence and impartiality required by
international legal authority as well as its own statute, which
provides that "The Trial Chambers shall ensure that a trial is fair and
expeditious and that proceedings are conducted in accordance with the
rules of procedure and evidence, with full respect for the rights of
the accused and due regard for the protection of victims and

The Rules of the ICTY also set out that "all proceedings before a Trial
Chamber, other than deliberations of the Chamber, shall be held in
public, unless otherwise provided."[23] Exceptions to this rule do not
include the imposition, by a foreign government, of closed sessions and
censorship of the public record, based on "national interests"[24],
even when that foreign governement is an indispensable financial
contributor to the Tribunal.[25]


"National interests"

What are "national interests", anyway? One could be forgiven for
concluding that they could mean anything. The law is silent as to the
definition of this notion. The concept of "national security" however,
has been studied and defined as a legal concept. In particular, the
question of whether and when the public can be deprived of access to
information in the name of national security was the object of an
important international legal conference held in Johannesburg in 1995,
at which the "Johannesburg Principles on National Security, Freedom of
Expression and Access to Information", were adopted. The meeting was
convened by Article 19, the International Centre Against Censorship,
and the Centre for Applied Legal Studies of the University of
Witwatersrand, South Africa[26].

A restriction to open justice, on the ground of "national
security"--and not "national interest"-- a concept which would appear
to protect less urgent concerns--is not, according to Principle 2 of
the Johannesburg Principles "legitimate unless its genuine purpose and
demonstrable effect is to protect a country's existence or its
territorial integrity against the use or threat of force, or its
capacity to respond to the threat or use of force, whether from an
external source, such as a military threat, or an internal source, such
as incitement to overthrow the government."

Did the US government argue that the very existence or territorial
integrity of the United States of America would be emperiled by Wesley
Clark's public testimony? It is unkown whether they did or not, because
the application made by the US government to require these
conditions--without which conditions they would not permit Wesley Clark
to testify at all-- was confidential. The hearing was confidential. And
the confidential decision setting out these conditions--released to the
public over two weeks after being handed down--fails to offer any
indication of which "national interests" were invoked by the United
States government to justify such sweeping measures of secrecy.

The Johannesburg Principles also set out what would not constitute a
legitimate restriction to a public trial on the basis of national

 "In particular, a restriction sought to be justified on the ground of
national security is not legitimate if its genuine purpose or
demonstrable effect is to protect interests unrelated to national
security, including, for example, to protect a government from
embarrassment or exposure of wrongdoing, or to conceal information
about the functioning of its public institutions, or to entrench a
particular ideology, or to suppress industrial unrest."[27]

 Clearly, the fact that the ICTY would accept the imposition by the US
of conditions which egregiously violate one of the most fundamental
principles of international law--public trials-- without a public case
ever having being made to justify such an unprecedented restriction,
should thoroughly dispell any myths about the fairness of these

Consider, in addition, that Wesley Clark is very much a public figure,
he is running for President of the United States, and accordingly, his
testimony should be subject to public scrutiny. And note that General
Clark, retired, testifies against Slobodan Milosevic in interviews
almost every day-- and frequently engages in derisive imitations of him
which mock his Slavic-accented English[28]. Could it be that the ICTY
is protecting the US "national interest" in the public and media by not
hearing Slobodan Milosevic effectively cross-examine Wesley Clark?

The US governement has succeeded in insulating Clark's testimony from
public scrutiny in the name of "national interests". But why stop at
General Clark? And why would other NATO countries fail to seize this
opportunity to testify as accusers without having to bear the
consequences of a transparent process? This precedent will no doubt be
invoked to protect other American officials[29] from the strains of
public trials, and in turn, serve to further secure US impunity under
international law. US impunity is already well-established, considering
the American governement's refusal to submit to the jurisdiction of the
International Criminal Court for fear of "political prosecutions"[30].
Such a concern, when viewed in light of the massive US contribution to
both ad hoc Security Council tribunals, the ICTY and ICTR-- from which
one may presume that the US has culled evidence of unfounded,
politically-motivated prosecutions[31]--elevates disingenuity to
dizzying heights.


Conflict of interest?

The right to a fair and public trial is the right to a fair and public
trial before an independent and impartial tribunal. Every international
legal instrument recognizes this basic principle[32].

Wesley Clark will presumably be testifying about his role as NATO
Supreme Commander. The US is a NATO country--arguably the NATO country.
As Wesley Clark put it: "we're the leaders of NATO, we set up NATO,
it's our organization."[33] The ICTY is in a difficult position to act
as an independent judicial body, because NATO has stated that "it is
one" with the Tribunal. NATO spokesman Jamie Shea, on May 16th
1999, told the press that when "Justice Arbour starts her
investigation, she will because we allow her to. (…) NATO countries are
those who have provided the finance to set up the Tribunal, we are
amongst the majority financiers (…)so let me assure that we and the
Tribunal are all one on this, we want to see war criminals brought to
justice and I am certain that when Justice Arbour goes to Kosovo and
looks at the facts she will be indicting people of Yugoslav

It is difficult to imagine a more damning admisssion. By stating that
its constituent countries are the Tribunal's major financiers, NATO is
in essence claiming to pay the salaries of the judges and prosecutor of
the ICTY. And that statement is somewhat inconsistent with the
requirements of institutional independence and impartiality for a
criminal trial. And when NATO's former Supreme Commander,-- a board
member of George Soros' International Crisis Group, alongside Canadian
Supreme Court Justice Louise Arbour[35] -- is given an opportunity to
testify in the absence of the press because this is a condition imposed
by the United States -- any appearance of justice, beyond the cosmetic
trappings of judges' robes, and the ritual incantions "all rise" and
"be seated" (although who will be there to rise and be seated?) vanish
in a puff of smoke.


Tiphaine Dickson

© 2003

(Tiphaine Dickson criminal lawyer based Montréal. She acted as lead
defence counsel in one of the first ad hoc genocide prosecutions before
the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, in Arusha, Tanzania.)

[1]Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights states:

"In the determination of any criminal charge against him, or of his
rights and obligations in a suit at law, everyone shall be entitled to
a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial
tribunal established by law..."  

Paragraph 106 of the Report of the Secretary-General Pursuant to
Paragraph 2 of Security Council Resolution 808 (1993),(S/25704),
recognized the application of international legal safeguards to the

"It is axiomatic that the International Tribunal must fully respect
internationally recognized standards regarding the rights of the
accused at all stages of its proceedings. In the view of the
Secretary-General, such internationally recognized standards are, in
particular, contained in article 14 of the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights."

[2]United Nations Security Council Resolution 827 (1993).

[3]"Speaking during the debate on the resolution that committed the
U.N. Security Council to the creation of the ICTY, Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright asserted that "[t]his will be no victor's tribunal.
The only victor that will prevail in this endeavour is the truth.",
Remarks of ICTY President Theodor Meron, October 7th, 2003, before the
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, (CSCE), Washington,

[4]"The role of the Tribunal cannot be over emphasized. Far from being
a vehicle for revenge, it is a tool for promoting reconciliation and
restoring true peace." First Annual Report of the ICTY, (A/49/342 -
S/1994/1007) submitted by former ICTY President Judge Gabrielle Kirk

[5]"the Security Council stated in Resolution 808 (1993) that it was
convinced that in the particular circumstances of the former
Yugoslavia, the establishment of an international tribunal would bring
about the achievement of the aim of putting an end to such crimes and
of taking effective measures to bring to justice the persons
responsible for them, and would contribute to the restoration and
maintenance of peace." Paragraph 26 of the Report of the
Secretary-General Pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Security Council
Resolution 808 (1993), Presented 3 May 1993 (S/25704). Security Council
Resolution 827 adopted this reasoning as a justification to establish
the ICTY.

[6]Judge Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, first President of the ICTY, made
this statement at an awards ceremony held at the U.S. Supreme Court
on April 5th, 1999: "[W]e benefited from the strong support of
concerned governments and dedicated individuals such as Secretary
Albright. As the permanent representative to the United Nations, she
had worked with unceasing resolve to establish the Tribunal. Indeed, we
often refer to her as the ‘Mother of the Tribunal.’" Quoted in
Prosecute NATO, George Szamuely, New York Press,

[7]See Online Newshour, June 10th 1999:

JIM LEHRER: Does it bother you when people called it Madeleine's war?

MADELEINE ALBRIGHT: Well, I had... it had never occurred to me that
anybody would call a war after me, but it doesn't bother me at all that
people know that I believed, as did President Clinton, that this was a
situation that could not go on.

[8]"Decision on Prosecution's Application for a Witness Pursuant to
Rule 70 (B)", Prosecutor v. Milosevic, IT-02-54-T, 30 October 2003,
Confidential, released November 16th, 2003.

[9]As military aide to Richard Holbrooke during the 1995 Dayton Peace
Accords, as Director for Strategic Plans and Policy within the Joint
Chiefs of Staff from 1994 to 1997, and as Supreme Allied Commander of
NATO from 1997 to 2000.

[10]Brendan O'Neill, "How We Trained Al-Qa'eda", The Spectator,
November 22nd, 2003,

[11]Id., Craig Pyesjosh Meyer and William C. Rempe, "Terrorists Use
Bosnia as Base and Sanctuary", Los Angeles Times, October 7, 2001;
Michel Chossudovsky, "Regime Rotation in America: Wesley Clark, Osama
bin Laden and the 2004 Presidential Elections", Center for Research on
Globalization, October 22nd, 2003,

[12] Cliff Kincaid, "Wesley Clark's Ties To Muslim Terrorists",
Accuracy in Media, September 17, 2003; Brendan O'Neill, "How We Trained
Al-Qa'eda", The Spectator, November 22nd, 2003,;
Craig Pyesjosh Meyer and William C. Rempe, "Terrorists Use Bosnia as
Base and Sanctuary", Los Angeles Times, October 7, 2001; Michel
Chossudovsky, "Regime Rotation in America: Wesley Clark, Osama bin
Laden and the 2004 Presidential Elections", Center for Research on
Globalization, October 22nd, 2003,; Nikolaos Stavrou,
"Balkan Branches of the Terror Network?", Washington Times, October 21,
2001; George Szamuely, "Home-Grown Terrorism", New York Press, December
28, 1999.

[13]Amnesty International, Fair Trials Manual,

[14]Although the ICTY's Statute provides that the Tribunal is to be
financed by the regular budget of the UN, which constitutes a safeguard
against the violation of judicial independence, the Tribunal has
received donations from governments, including the US, as well as
private foundations, such as the Rockefeller Foundation. See paragraph
16 of the First Annual Report by the President of the ICTY, The ICTY has also
received donations from George Soros as well as corporations. Of
interest is the "private" financing of exhumations, for the Office of
the Prosecutor: " Funding for mass grave exhumations in the former
Yugoslavia is not part of the Tribunal's regular budget but comes
primarily from PHR (Physicians for Human Rights-ed.). That organisation
acts as a conduit for funding from IGOs and NGOs to the Tribunals for
the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. To date, a number of foundations,
including the US-based John Merck, Rockefeller and Soros (Open Society
Institute) Foundations, and the Dutch organisation Novib, have made
donations of cash, equipment and personnel." See

[15]"Meet the Press", November 16th, 2003,; Peter J. Boyer, "General Clark's
Battles", The New Yorker, November 17th, 2003.

[16]Reporters sans frontières, November 2000 Report, "Serbian
Broadcasting: Chronicle of Martyrdom Foretold", Both
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have concluded that the
bombing of RTS-- which killed 16 people-- was carried out in violation
of international law, id.

[17]Robert Fisk, "Taken In By the NATO Line," The Independent, July 2,

[18]"NATO used speeded-up film to excuse civilian deaths in Kosovo:
newspaper", AFP, January 6, 2001: " (…) US General Wesley Clark,
shortly afterwards showed two videotapes of the train appearing to be
traveling fast on the bridge, and said it had then been impossible to
alter the missiles' trajectories. The Frankfurt newspaper said the two
videotapes were both shown at three times normal speed. A spokesman for
NATO'S military command in Mons, Belgium, acknowledged in a telephone
interview with AFP that those images had been altered by "a technical
problem." The footage, recorded by a camera installed in the warhead of
one of the missiles that destroyed the bridge and train were altered
during the process of being copied for screening, said the spokesman.
He said NATO was aware of the problem since last October but did not
consider it "useful" to disclose it."

[19]"About five in the morning, I had another call that said, "Whoops.
It looks like the embassy was moved." Interview, General Wesley Clark,
Frontline, PBS,

[20]ICTY Decision, supra.


[22]ICTY Statute, Article 20, paragraph 1.

[23]Id., paragraph 4.

[24]Rules 70 and 79 of the ICTY Rules of Procedure and Evidence
exhaustively set out permissible exceptions to the requirement of
public hearings.

[25]The President of the ICTY, Judge Theodor Meron, stated the
following, last October 7th, before the Commission on Security and
Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) in Washington: "As you know, the United
States took a leading role in the creation of the ICTY and remains a
staunch supporter. The U.S.'s financial contribution accounts for
approximately a quarter of the Tribunal's annual budget of
approximately $ 120 million."


[27]Johannesburg Principles, Principle 2 (B).

[28]N.R. Kleinfield, "General Clark on the Hustings: Complexity and
Contradiction", New York Times, November 23rd, 2003,; Seth
Rogovoy, "A General for President?", September 13th, 2003, The Atlantic
Monthly, Tom Junod, "The General", August 2003, Esquire.

[29] Christopher Marquis, "US Seeks Safeguards on Diplomats Testifying
at Milosevic Trial", New York Times, June 13th, 2002 Global Policy
Forum- International

[30] US Department of State, International Information Programs, "U.S.
Restates Objections to International Criminal Court U.S. statement to
General Assembly Sixth Committee", October 14th, 2002:

"In a speech to the General Assembly's sixth committee, which deals
with legal matters, Nicholas Rostow explained the U.S. position on the
court. "The United States is concerned about the danger of politically
motivated prosecutions," Rostow said. "Examples of investigations or
prosecutions based on political agenda, not evidence and neutral
prosecutorial judgement abound. The structure of the ICC makes such
unacceptable proceedings possible."


[32]Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 10; International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 14; European Convention
on Human Rights, Article 6; African Charter of Rights, Articles 7 (d)
and 26; American Convention, Article 8(1); Basic Principles on the
Independence of the Judiciary. According to the UN Human Rights
Committee, the right to be tried before an independent tribunal "is an
absolute right that may suffer no exception": González del Río v. Peru,
(263/1987), 28 October 1992, Report of the HRC, vol. II, (A/48/40),
1993, paragraph 20.

[33]June 20, 2001, Uncommon Knowledge, Transcript 606: Waging Modern

[34]Press Conference, 16 May 1999.


The Hague, 15 September 2003
8:00 a.m. Demonstrations in front of the Tribunal
9:00 a.m. ICDSM Press Conference at Bel Air Hotel
                  ICDSM lawyer Tiphaine Dickson will give a statement
                                  and answer questions of the press

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ICDSM - Sezione Italiana
c/o GAMADI, Via L. Da Vinci 27
00043 Ciampino (Roma)
email: icdsm-italia@...

Conto Corrente Postale numero 86557006
intestato ad Adolfo Amoroso, ROMA

Da: ICDSM Italia
Data: Lun 15 Dic 2003 14:18:53 Europe/Rome
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Oggetto: [icdsm-italia] Un vero criminale di guerra all'Aia - come
testimone anziche' come accusato !!!

WESLEY CLARK: ex comandante della NATO, responsabile di centinaia morti
civili nella primavera 1999.

Un vero criminale di guerra e' oggi all'Aia - ma come testimone, per
una seduta SEGRETA del "Tribunale", anziche' come accusato. Vergogna!

Contemporaneamente, l'ex segretario della NATO Solana, corresponsabile
di quel crimine, si reca in visita di cortesia dalle sue vittime...

La seguente documentazione ci e' stata inviata da Vladimir Krsljanin
della associazione SLOBODA (Belgrado)


The Hague, 15 September 2003
8:00 a.m. Demonstrations in front of the Tribunal
9:00 a.m. ICDSM Press Conference at Bel Air Hotel
                  ICDSM lawyer Tiphaine Dickson will give a statement
and answer questions of the press


EU Official Announcement 

Brussels, 12 December 2003


Javier SOLANA,

EU High Representative for the CFSP, will visit Skopje and Belgrade15
December 2003

Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and
Security Policy, will visit Skopje and Belgrade on Monday, 15 December

In Skopje, Mr Solana will participate in the ceremony marking the
termination of the EU Military Operation CONCORDIA and the launch of
the EU Police Mission PROXIMA. The EU High Representative will also
meet with the President of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
MrBoris Trajkovski,and the Prime Minister, Mr Branko Crvenkovski.

Later on the same day, in Belgrade, Mr Solana will meet with the
President of Serbia and Montenegro, Mr Svetozar Marovic, the Serbian
Prime Minister, Mr Zoran Zivkovic, and Serbia and Montenegro's Minister
of Foreign Affairs, Mr Goran Svilanovic and Minister of Defence, Mr
Boris Tadic. The EU High Representative will also meet with other
members of the government of Serbia, as well as with leaders of the
political parties, ahead of the Parliamentary elections of 28 December.


Former NATO commander in Hague for testimony | 19:29 | B92 Reuters

ICDSM - Sezione Italiana
c/o GAMADI, Via L. Da Vinci 27
00043 Ciampino (Roma)
email: icdsm-italia@...

Conto Corrente Postale numero 86557006
intestato ad Adolfo Amoroso, ROMA

L'utilizzo, da parte tua, di Yahoo! Gruppi è soggetto alle


(ANSA) - BUCAREST, 12 DIC - I documenti del processo all'ex dittatore
comunista Nicolae Ceausescu e di sua moglie Elena, fucilati durante la
rivoluzione del dicembre 1989, sono spariti dagli archivi del Tribunale
militare di Bucarest.
Lo hanno annunciato a Bucarest ufficiali del Tribunale militare della
capitale romena, i quali hanno informato che negli archivi sono
scomparse le due copie della sentenza definitiva e del verbale con il
quale si certificava che la sentenza era stata eseguita.
Il processo Ceausescu e' uno dei piu' controversi atti di giustizia
nella storia della Romania moderna. Negli ultimi anni, molti giudici
hanno rilevato numerose illegalita' commesse durante il processo. Fra
queste, il fatto che l'allora leader del Fronte della salvezza
nazionale (Fsn) e attuale presidente della Repubblica, Ion Iliescu, non
aveva il diritto di dare l'ordine della creazione del Tribunale
militare straordinario, davanti al quale si svolse poi il processo
contro la coppia Ceausescu. L'Fsn era la prima forza politica
democratica costituita sin dai primi giorni della rivoluzione
Il processo Ceausescu si svolse nella base dell'esercito di Targoviste
il 25 dicembre 1989. Il procuratore militare Dan Voinea aveva chiesto
al Tribunale militare straordinario di condannare l'ex dittatore e sua
moglie per genocidio. Tra le imputazioni figuravano accuse di aver
minato i poteri dello stato romeno con azioni armate contro i
manifestanti anticomunisti, di aver minato l'economia nazionale e di
aver cercato di lasciare il paese per entrare in possesso di un milione
di dollari depositato negli anni in varie banche estere.
Tutte le accuse erano scritte nella requisitoria finale, ma anche
questo documento e' sparito dagli archivi del Tribunale militare di
Bucarest. La condanna a morte fu pronunciata alla fine di un rapido
processo. I coniugi avrebbero potuto presentare ricorso contro la
sentenza tramite l'avvocato loro assegnato, Nichi Teodorescu, ma l'ex
dittatore - che non riconosceva la legalita' del Tribunale militare
straordinario e dell'intero processo - rifiuto' questa possibilita' e
la sentenza divenne percio' definitiva.
La condanna a morte fu eseguita subito e i due furono fucilati. Il
Tribunale militare di Bucarest ha rifiutato di dare alla stampa
particolari sulla scomparsa dei documenti, ma ha assicurato che i
documenti stessi saranno rifatti in base alle testimonianze dei giudici
presenti al processo. Il procuratore militare Vionea, pero' - che
rappresentava l'accusa nel processo Ceausescu - si suicido' nei primi
mesi del 1990. (ANSA). COR-RED
12/12/2003 15:45


B92 Focus, December 2003.

Serbia-Montenegro limited to subcontractor role in Iraq reconstruction

No contracts for Serbia-Montenegro in Iraq | December 12, 2003.

Serbia is out in the cold, along with Germany, France, Russia and
other countries which did not support the US war in Iraq. Despite the
assurances of Prime Minsiter Zoran Zivkovic that negotiations are under
way with one major contractor, there appears to be little hope of Serb
companies finding a share of the massive funds to be poured into Iraq's

WASHINGTON, BELGRADE, December 11 – Serbia Montenegro is not on the US
list of countries whose companies are eligible for primary contracts in
Iraq reconstruction projects worth almost nineteen billion dollars.

Only countries which supported the US military intervention in Iraq are
eligible for contracts.  This leaves Serbia-Montenegro out in the cold,
along with states such as Germany, France and Russia.

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan today reacted sharply to the ban,
describing it as unfortunate and calling for the rebuilding of
international consensus.

“I would not characterise this decision as unifying,” he said.

At home, federal Defence Minister Boris Tadic has played down the
situation, saying that it was because Belgrade was not taking part in
peacekeeping missions.

“So those who call for us not to participate in peace operations often
don’t understand that this is sometimes a condition for being involved
in the economic reconstruction of a country and making money and
protecting your economic interests in those countries.

“This is why all European countries, virtually all of them, take part
in peace operations because they are fighting for their economic
interests.  We have huge assets in Iraq, the country owes a lot,” said

Despite the limited list of those who can sign reconstruction
contracts, those primary contractors are free to subcontract in other
countries, including Serbia-Montenegro.

What negotiations?

Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Zivkovic, after a meeting with US
Secretary of State Colin Powell in late July, said that he had received
support for Serbian companies to be involved in the reconstruction of

He told media at the time that negotiations were underway with the
Bechtel company which had a major reconstruction contract.  Zivkovic
said that the Serbian negotiators had been welcomed and that a final
response was expected.

Asked today whether that response had yet arrived, the prime minister
refused to comment.

But Bechtel’s Iraq representative, Francis Canavan, said today that
there had been no negotiations.

“These were not negotiations about work, they were meetings to provide
information only on the process that we have in place to solicit bids
for contracts and to find subcontractors,” he told B92.

“No Serbian companies are registered in our database,” said Canavan.

Risky contracts

Local businessmen say there’s no rush for contracts, because it will be
another one or two years before the Iraqi market is sufficiently stable
for reconstruction to go into full swing.

One local economist, Milan Kovacevic, says that any effort put into
securing contracts in Iraq would be worthwhile.

“There will certainly be risky projects in Iraq, but this should not
discourage companies from attempts to approach the Iraqi market again,”
he said.

After a series of delays, the Pentagon is to publish the final call for
tenders for Iraq reconstruction jobs by December 19 and announce the
successful bids in early February.

There has already been severe criticism of the way in which the US
awards contracts in Iraq.

In October, US lobby group the Centre for Public Integrity claimed that
most of the companies which had so far won contracts had given more
money to George W. Bush’s election campaign than to any other campaign
in the previous ten years.

The centre’s report also drew attention to extensive links between the
companies and the US government and military.

It claimed that more than sixty per cent of them employed people who
had worked for previous US governments, members of Congress or the US

In his introduction to the report, the director of the Centre for
Public Integrity, Charles Lewis, said that the contracting process in
Iraq and Afghanistan was surrounded by “a stench of political
favouritism and cronyism”.