
1. Crime, Terror Flourish In 'Liberated' Kosovo
National Post (Canada), Dec. 10, 2003

Sunday Mirror (UK), Dec. 7, 2003

3. Flashback #1: Drug Users Finance Terrorists in Afghanistan, Kosovo,
New York
By: Mary Mostert, Analyst, February 18, 2002
4. Flashback #2: A new drug route is traced to the old Balkans anarchy
By Brian Whitmore, The Boston Globe, 6/3/2001


Some articles on KLA-Kosovo-Drugs-Mafia and Fundraising
( 1995--1999 )

=== 1 ===

National Post (Canada)
December 10, 2003

Crime, terror flourish in 'liberated' Kosovo

Ethnic cleansing, smuggling rampant under UN's aegis

Isabel Vincent
National Post

Four years after it was "liberated" by a NATO bombing
campaign, Kosovo has deteriorated into a hotbed of
organized crime, anti-Serb violence and al-Qaeda
sympathizers, say security officials and Balkan

Though nominally still under UN control, the southern
province of Serbia is today dominated by a triumvirate
of Albanian paramilitaries, mafiosi and terrorists.
They control a host of smuggling operations and are
implementing what many observers call their own brutal
ethnic cleansing of minority groups, such as Serbs,
Roma and Jews.

In recent weeks, UN officials ordered the construction
of a fortified concrete barrier around the UN compound
on the outskirts of the provincial capital Pristina.
This is to protect against terrorist strikes by Muslim
extremists who have set up bases of operation in what
has become a largely outlaw province.

Minority Serbs, who were supposed to have been
guaranteed protection by the international community
after the 78-day NATO bombing campaign ended in the
spring of 1999, have abandoned the province en masse.
The last straw for many was the recent round of
attacks by ethnic Albanian paramilitaries bent on
gaining independence through violence.

Attacks on Serbs in Kosovo, a province of two million
people, have risen sharply.

According to statistics collected by the UN criminal
tribunal for the former Yugoslavia at The Hague, 1,192
Serbs have been killed, 1,303 kidnapped and 1,305
wounded in Kosovo this year.

In June, 1999, just after the NATO bombing, 547 Serbs
were killed and 932 were kidnapped.

Last summer, in one of the more grisly massacres, two
Serb youths were killed and four others wounded by
ethnic Albanian militants while swimming in the
Bistrica River, near Pec.

The violence continues despite an 18,000-strong
NATO-led peacekeeping force and an international
police force of more than 4,000.

Serbs, who now make up 5% of the population of Kosovo,
down from 10% before the NATO campaign, are the main
targets of the paramilitary groups.

The bombing was partly launched by NATO countries to
end the ethnic cleansing of Albanians by Serb security
forces in the region. In its immediate aftermath, many
Serbs left Kosovo to settle in other parts of
Yugoslavia, now known as Serbia and Montenegro.

Last week, Harri Holkeri, the province's UN leader,
suspended two generals and 10 other officers, all
members of an ethnic Albanian offshoot of the Kosovo
Liberation Army, an insurgent group that emerged in
the late 1980s to fight Serb security forces.

Mr. Holkeri made his decision -- the strongest UN
response to violence in the province so far -- after a
UN inquiry into the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC).
Although the civilian defence organization is supposed
to help local residents, over the past four years, its
mostly ethnic Albanian military officials have been
involved in violent confrontations with Serbs.

The inquiry found last April's bomb attack on a Kosovo
railway was the work of the KPC.

"The whole process of rebuilding Kosovo-Metohija as a
democratic, multi-ethnic society failed due to both
the inability of the UN mission and [NATO] forces to
protect Serbs and other non-Albanians from large-scale
ethnic cleansing, this time primarily against Serbs,"
said Dusan Batakovic, a Serb diplomat and leading
expert on Kosovo.

Dr. Batakovic and other Balkan experts, who attended a
conference in Toronto last month to discuss Kosovo's
future, say the situation is deteriorating rapidly.

"NATO forces made a real mess of Kosovo," said James
Bissett, a former Canadian ambassador to Yugoslavia.
"The bombing of Yugoslavia was a dreadful failure on
humanitarian grounds. It failed to stop ethnic
cleansing, which has continued after the so-called
peace treaty."

In addition, "Balkan Taliban" -- Muslim ethnic
Albanian paramilitary groups -- have vandalized Serb
cemeteries and destroyed many of the region's Orthodox
Christian monasteries and churches.

"This is a strategy of cutting Kosovo Serbs off from
their historical and religious traditions," said Dr.
Batakovic in his report to the North American Society
of Serbian Studies conference.

Moreover, Kosovo has turned into one of Europe's
biggest hubs for drug trafficking and terrorism.

Al-Qaeda has set up bases in the province, which has
become an important centre for heroin, cigarette,
gasoline and people smuggling.

The Albanian mafia and paramilitary groups, which
security officials say are closely tied to al-Qaeda
militants in the region, also oversee smuggling. More
than 80% of Western Europe's heroin comes through
Kosovo, where several drug laboratories have been set
up, Interpol officials say.

During the wars (1991-99) that led to the breakup of
Yugoslavia, drugs and other commodities were smuggled
through Bulgaria and Turkey to Western Europe.

Now, more than 5,000 tonnes of heroin pass directly
through Kosovo every month. In a recent article in
Serbia's Vreme magazine, Kosovo was referred to as the
"republic of heroin."

"The Albanians have become the alpha and omega of the
drugs trade in southeast Europe," said Marko Nicovic,
chairman of the International Police Association for
the Fight Against Drugs.

"There are two reasons for this. The first is the fact
that Kosovo is now under the control of the Albanian
mafia lobby and the criminal police do not operate
there. This is literally a paradise for all kinds of
crime, especially narcotics."

The Albanian mafia also control trafficking in
cigarettes, weapons, gasoline and women. Dozens of
young women from impoverished towns and villages in
the region are forced into prostitution rings centred
in Kosovo, security officials say. Many of the women
are taken by mobsters to work in Western European

There is little consensus on the way ahead.

Many Serbs and moderate ethnic Albanian politicians
would like a decision on Kosovo's legal status --
should it remain a province of Serbia or become

Many ethnic Albanians are calling for independence,
but their more extremist elements would like to fold
the province into a Greater Albania that would see
ethnic Albanians take over the mostly Albanian regions
of neighbouring Macedonia as well.

The Serb government in Belgrade wants Kosovo to
continue as part of Serbia.

Although it is four years since the NATO bombing,
talks on Kosovo's future began only recently. Serb and
ethnic Albanian leaders met in Vienna in October to
discuss transportation and the return of Serb refugees
to Kosovo.

"At this point, the chances for Kosovo remaining in
Serbia are pretty slim," Mr. Bissett said. "There is a
powerful Albanian lobby in the United States that is
determined to make Kosovo independent."

Moreover, many Serb leaders know that to attract the
much-needed aid and investment, they will need to give
way on Kosovo, experts say.

In the meantime, the situation is expected to get
worse, with renewed threats of violence against both
the United Nations and Serbs in the province.

"It's a terrible situation," said Mr. Bissett. "If the
United Nations and other organizations can't handle
Kosovo, you wonder how they are going to do with
something like Iraq."

=== 2 ===


Sunday Mirror (UK)
Dec. 7, 2003

By Graham Johnson Investigations Editor

A TERRIFYING threat to Britain's security can today be revealed by the
Sunday Mirror.

With the country on its highest-ever state of alert amid fears of a
Christmas terror strike our investigators infiltrated a cell of Muslim
extremists - and bought enough Semtex to blow up Oxford Street and the
Houses of Parliament or down 40 Lockerbie jets

[PHOTO: OUR HORRIFYING HAUL: Graham and Donal (left) bury the semtex
for safety]

Last night one of the men we dealt with was under arrest. The other was
believed to have been assassinated by his own terror masters for
blowing their cover.

Our 13.5kg haul of Semtex - in 108 sticks - is one of the biggest ever
seized from terrorists and could have potentially armed 30 suicide

And chillingly the explosive, which we bought for Ј10,000, was of a
form that doesn't show up on metal detectors, making it much easier to
smuggle into Britain.

A small amount of the explosive was allegedly found here last week as
police arrested more than 20 terror suspects.

Posing as members of the Real IRA, we were also offered three
shoulder-held missile launchers, an anti-aircraft gun, and enough
machine guns, hand grenades and landmines to equip a small army.

We made our deal in Kosovo, a breeding ground for fanatics with
al-Qaeda links.

Our contact was the deputy commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army
(KLA) Niam Behljulji, known as Hulji. The group were trained by Bin
Laden's men.

Astonishingly, we met him under the noses of the British Army and UN
forces - who remain as peacekeepers following Kosovo's bloody war with

Hulji, is said to supply terrorists across Europe and has been accused
of massacring Serbian women and children during the war.

He even posed grinning for a photograph, holding the severed head of
one his victims.

But we won him over by playing on one of his weaknesses...he is a huge
fan of Irish rock band U2.

He couldn't wait to deal with us when we promised him one of the band's
CDs - which we had signed with a fake message from lead singer Bono.

He told us: "I can give you enough Semtex for a small war. Do you need
it for terrorism?"

Our investigation, carried out with Channel 5 sleuth Donal MacIntyre
for his series MacIntyre's Millions, began when we arrived in Kosovo
posing as members of the Real IRA.

Our first contact was with a Mafia arms dealer called Sinbad Sadkutz,
who acts as a middleman for Hulji.

Sadkutz arranged a meeting with Hulji in a KLA-run cafe which was
surrounded by armed guards and had been swept for "bugs".

Hulji said: "The plastics (Semtex) is the old type. No metal strips
inside. It cannot be detected at airports. It is untraceable - no
chemical markers."

He then offered us an anti-aircraft gun similar to one used by Iraqi
dissidents last week to hit a US DHL cargo plane as it landed in

We next met Sadkutz in a Mafia-run brothel called The Massage Club, and
agreed to buy 15kg of Semtex for Ј10,000.

To make sure the deal went through smoothly, Hulji insisted that we
hand over a "human deposit" hostage and Ј7,500 in euros.

Our "deposit" was my fellow investigator Dominic Hipkins. He was to be
held in a terrorist-owned bungalow - opposite the British ambassador's
residence in Pristina - while the deal was sorted out.

Four days later Sadkutz took our man to collect the Semtex from his
nearby home and the pair returned to the bungalow, the explosives
packed into a sports holdall.

The grey-brown Semtex, wrapped in brown grease-proof paper marked
"explosive", looked and felt like child's play dough.

But when burnt with a lighter it produced an intense blue flame -
proving it was Semtex. As a Sunday Mirror investigator tested the
explosive, Sadkutz grinned as he said: "15kgs can blow up all this

After Sadkutz had left, we found the KLA had hidden 1.5kg of lead in
the lining of the bag so that the actual Semtex weighed 13.5kg, instead
of the 15kg we had negotiated for.

For safekeeping, our investigators buried the Semtex on a hill
overlooking the British Army base in Kosovo and took a satellite
reading of the exact position.

We then told the British Police in Kosovo, part of the UN presence
there, exactly were it was.

It was later retrieved by a our investigators and a Finnish bomb
disposal squad - who told us the hill had been mined during the war.

Following our investigation, with the whole country on red alert, 12
local policemen were arrested on terrorist charges.

The officers, said to be members of a secret cell aiding Kosovan
extremists, are suspected of plotting to blow up a bridge and a power

Sadkutz was arrested on Thursday by British police operating in Kosovo.
And there were strong rumours last night that Hulji had been
assassinated for compromising the KLA's terror operations.

But the KLA were not the only group interested in selling terrorist
weapons. While we were in the Balkans word had quickly spread that the
Real IRA wanted to buy weapons. In neighbouring Croatia we bought a
machine gun and a Walther PPK pistol.

In Belgrade, the capital of nearby Serbia, the local Mafia emailed us
to offer a cache of anti-tank missiles, Kalashnikovs, a mortar and
illegal landmines for Ј50,000.

And in neighbouring Montenegro, on the Adriatic coast's version of the
Costa Del Crime, another war criminal was selling death on an
industrial scale.

The man, known as Vesko - a former bodyguard of Serbian warlord Arkan -
offered to supply us with 20 rocket-propelled grenades, 20
shoulder-fired missiles and 20 Spider machine guns used by the SAS.

To return to Britain, our investigators followed the route used by
gun-runners out of the Balkans. We drove the short distance into
Montenegro then sailed by car ferry from Bar to the Italian port of
Ancona, blending in with holiday makers.

Once there they flew home - but could have easily taken a coach through
Italy and France to Calais or hidden among thousands of asylum seekers
hitching rides on fruit lorries and train carriages.

Last night a spokesman for Scotland Yard said: "Britain is on a high
state of alert, only one below the highest level.

"That means we know the terrorists are planning to attack targets in
the UK."

MacIntyre's Millions: Semtex For Sale, Channel Five, 9pm, December 17.

=== 3 ===

Drug Users Finance Terrorists in Afghanistan, Kosovo, New York

Tribunal trying Milosevic was "ignoring crimes by NATO and Albanian
extremists in Kosovo"

By: Mary Mostert, Analyst, Banner of Liberty (

February 18, 2002

"I'm Asked all the time how can I help fight against terror?" President
George W. Bush observed while introducing his Drug Control Strategy.
"Well," he said, answering the question, "one thing you can do is not
buy illegal drugs. If you are buying illegal drugs in America, it is
likely that money is going to end up in the hands of terrorist

This marks the second or third time that President Bush has referred to
the terrorist-illegal drug connection lately. This is not really a new
issue. It is just an issue that the major media has seemingly almost
totally ignored in deference to the social acceptability of drug use.

I began writing about the drug-terrorism connection six years ago when
I was editor of Michael Reagan's Information Interchange. In February
1996 President Bill Clinton allowed Terrorist Financed Weapons through
the Arms embargo for Bosnia Muslims. In fact, the Washington Post
reported, in September 1996 "In effect Clinton lifted the Arms Embargo
SOLELY for shipments of arms and personnel from Iran to the Bosnian
Muslims. The Administration's action was "in large part because of the
administration's sympathy for the Muslim government" the Post said,
"and the Third World Relief Agency and ambivalence about maintaining
the arms embargo."

In 1999 Senator James Inhofe, Republican of Oklahoma, predicted that if
American troops went into Kosovo against the Serbs, "they'll be
fighting alongside a terrorist organization known to finance its
operations with drug sales - including some to the United States."

The Washington Times said, in 1999 "By joining hands with the Kosovo
Liberation Army (KLA), which intelligence sources say bankrolls itself
by selling heroin and cocaine, the United States also would become
partners of a sort with Osama bin Laden, the international terrorist
behind last year's bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania,
the Washington Times reports. According to the newspaper's sources, the
KLA is linked to an extensive organized crime network headquartered in
Albania. In 1998 the State Department listed the KLA as an
international terrorist organization that supported itself with drug
profits and through loans from known terrorists like bin Laden."

Before President Clinton ordered the bombing of Kosovo, without the
approval of Congress, in February 1999, I questioned what seemed to be
plans to use the U.S. Air Force as support for a group for the KLA,
which the U.S. State Department had listed as a terrorist group. The
mission of the KLA, I pointed out, was to "kill the police and others
who refused to support them."

On September 11, 2001 it became perfectly clear to most Americans that
the death of hundreds of police and firemen at the hands of terrorists
was something we, as a nation could not tolerate. Yet, at the present
time, the past president of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic, is being
tried for "genocide" because, as he and others point out, he tried to
stop the KLA from killing Serb policemen. vIn fact, last Friday
according to Deutsche Presse-Agentur the Russian Parliament, in a 316-6
vote, passed a resolution that demanded "former Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic be released from United Nations custody in The
Hague, Holland, where he faces charges of genocide, war crimes and
crimes against humanity."

According to the report "The proceedings against Milosevic had become a
political trial of an entire country" and the Tribunal trying Milosevic
was "ignoring crimes by NATO and Albanian extremists in Kosovo in its
examination of the conflicts in former Yugoslavia in the past decade."

There is no doubt that, in view of what has occurred in the last few
months, NATO, and the United States, are in an increasingly untenable
position in trying to justify its prosecution of Milosevic.

In fact, MSNBC's online report on Osama bin Laden prior to 9-11
stated: "The Al-Qaida is believed to have operations in 60 countries,
active cells in 20, including the United States. It is also believed to
operate training centers in both Afghanistan and Sudan, the first
beginning operations in 1994 with representatives from Egyptian,
Algerian, Tunisian and Palestinian extremist groups. Among the
countries or regions identified as having active cells of al-Qaida are
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Chechnya, Philippines, Egypt, Tunisia."

Somehow, Osama bin Laden's terrorist activities were, and are still,
ignored in Kosovo and Chechnya. But, under President Bush, they have
not been ignored in Afghanistan and the Philippines. In 2000,
according to the Sydney, Australia Morning Herald, Kosovo had become
"smugglers' paradise" supplying up to 40 per cent of the heroin sold
in Europe and North America. NATO-led forces, struggling to keep peace
in the province a year after the war, have no mandate to fight drug
traffickers, and - with the expulsion from Kosovo of the Serb police,
including the "4th unit" narcotics squad - the smugglers are running
the "Balkan route" with complete freedom."

In other words, our tax dollars are being used to try to convict
Milosevic in the Hague because he sent his army after terrorists in
Kosovo who were killing his police, while spending more tax dollars
trying to stop the terrorists in Afghanistan as American soldiers look
the other way as terrorists in Kosovo kill Serbs and rake in the money
on their drug trade.

This does not compute.

To comment: mmostert@...

1. -
President George W. Bush - Drugs finance Terrorists
Terrorist Financed Weapons to Bosnia Muslims
3. -American Troops Fighting WITH
4. - plans
to use the U.S. Air Force as support for a group for the KLA, which the
U.S. State Department had listed as a terrorist group.
5. - MSNBC's online report
on Osama bin Laden prior to 9-11
6. Kosovo a
"smugglers' paradise" supplying up to 40 per cent of the heroin sold in
Europe and North America.

=== 4 ===

The Boston Globe

A new drug route is traced to the old Balkans anarchy

By Brian Whitmore, Globe Correspondent, 6/3/2001

LZEN, Czech Republic - When Czech police busted Lubomir
Fiala at the German border with two kilos of heroin
stuffed into juice cartons, they suspected the
52-year-old carpenter of being a small hired hand in a
large drug-smuggling operation. They suspected right.
Fiala turned out to be a courier for two Kosovo
Albanian brothers, Nisret and Armend Uka, who paid
Fiala $800 to deliver the drugs to their accomplices
in Germany.
The Uka brothers' smuggling ring, the details of which
came out in their trial here in March, reflected an
increasingly common trend in Europe, in which Kosovo
Albanians have come to dominate the heroin trade.
Similar operations have been found in cities across
the continent; each, officials say, is a link in a
sprawling network that stretches from Turkey to
Kosovar drug traffickers, once bit players, have
prospered from the war and the chaos of the Balkans,
which culminated in NATO's bombing campaign against
Yugoslavia in 1999. Moreover, police say, the Kosovo
Liberation Army, NATO's ally in that war, helped to
fund its separatist uprising with proceeds from the
heroin trade. ''Kosovo Albanian drug smugglers have
become a major phenomenon,'' said Jiri Komorous, head
of the Czech Republic's national narcotics police, who
added that his heroin division ''spends about 80
percent of its time'' on Kosovar drug gangs.
Bordering Germany and Austria, the Czech Republic is a
principal gateway to Western Europe's lucrative
narcotics markets, and is on the front lines of the
continent's war on drug trafficking. Last month, Czech
police seized 1.5 kilograms of pure heroin and 83
kilograms of chemicals that could have turned the pure
drug into 110 kilos of street product. All of it was
tied to a gang headed by Kosovo Albanians. Police in
Solothurn, Switzerland, arrested a gang of Kosovo
Albanians they accused of smuggling ''tens of
kilograms'' of heroin into the country from Hungary
and the Czech Republic. Interpol estimates that Kosovo
Albanians may control 40 percent of the European
heroin trade. In Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and
the Czech Republic, they may have as much as 70
percent of the market, according to the estimates.
Kosovars became Europe's heroin kingpins by dominating
the ''Balkan route,'' a series of roundabout highways
that run from Turkey through Bulgaria, the former
Yugoslavia, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic,
Germany, and then, it is said, into Austria. Four to
six tons of heroin move along this route annually,
generating about $400 billion in revenues.
At the top of the drug-smuggling hierarchy, according
to Interpol, is a group of gangsters known as ''The
Fifteen Families,'' who are based in northern Albania,
near the Yugoslav border. Opium from Afghanistan and
Pakistan is exported to Turkey, where it is refined
into heroin, and then moved by Turkish gangs to the
Balkans. There, lieutenants of the Fifteen Families,
operating from anarchic border towns around
ill-defined Balkan borders, take over and administer
the drugs' movement across the continent.
In cities across Europe, smaller Kosovo Albanian gangs
oversee storage, sale and distribution. To avoid risk,
they hire local couriers, called donkeys or horses, to
move the drugs across borders. ''Heroin networks are
usually made up of groups of fewer than 100 members,
consisting of extended families residing along the
Balkan route from Eastern Turkey to Western Europe,''
Ralf Mutschke, assistant director of Interpol's
Criminal Intelligence Directorate, said in December,
in testimony to the US House of Representatives. The
large numbers of Albanian immigrants and refugees in
Europe provide fertile ground for drug gangs to
recruit members. ''For those emigrants ... the
temptation to engage in criminal activity is very
high, as most of them are young Albanian males, in
their 20s and 30s, who are unskilled workers and have
difficulties finding a job,'' Mutschke said.
Some Albanians say the drug gangs have tainted their
nation's reputation, and have led to widespread
prejudice against them. ''As an honest Albanian this
hurts me,'' said Saimir Bajo, a 29-year-old film
director who has lived in Prague for five years. ''It
gives us a bad image with the Europeans. We are normal
like any other nation, not better, not worse.''
But Kosovar involvement in the drug trade, he said,
fuels anti-Albanian
discrimination, creating ''invisible walls which we
cannot escape.'' In
1997, Albania descended into chaos when the collapse
of a pyramid
savings scheme brought down the government and led to
rioting and
From January to March 1997, according to Interpol,
outlaw groups seized hundreds of thousands of assault
rifles, machine guns, and rocket launchers from
military armories.
The organized crime groups mobilized to support the
national cause during the war in Kosovo, and that gave
them so much political cover that they were able to
operate with near impunity. ''Albanian organized crime
groups are hybrid organizations, often involved both
in criminal activity of an organized nature, and in
political activities, mainly relating to Kosovo,''
Mutschke said. He added that half of the estimated
$400 million that came into Kosovo from 1996 and 1999
is believed to be illegal drug money. Vera Brazdova,
chief prosecutor in the Uka brothers' case, said
telephone taps revealed the two ''discussing the
collection of money for Kosovo.''
Likewise, Petr Liska, the narcotics detective who
investigated the case, said he was ''100 percent
certain'' the two were sending money to the Kosovo
Liberation Army, although he added that the allegation
was difficult to prove.
The Uka brothers had been operating out of the western
Czech city of Plzen for years. But when Fiala
cooperated with prosecutors in exchange for a lighter
sentence, police were able to shut them down. In
March, all three were convicted of heroin smuggling.
The Ukas deny the charges and are appealing the
In February 1999, months before the Ukas were
arrested, police in Prague scored one of their biggest
heroin busts to date, arresting Princ Dobroshi, a
high-level Albanian drug lord. In Dobrosi's apartment
investigators found evidence that he had placed orders
for light-infantry weapons and rocket systems.
Police said Dobroshi, who was extradited to Norway
where he had escaped from prison, planned to purchase
the weapons for the KLA. Despite such victories, Czech
police say they feel outgunned by the drug smugglers.
''We are only catching little pieces,'' Liska said.
''They are a step ahead of us.''

(english / italiano)

Verso la Grande Albania: Novembre 2003

*** Sulle nostre fonti vedi le Avvertenze in fondo a questo messaggio

*** Sulle teste mozzate dai miliziani filo-occidentali dell'UCK vedi:
e le foto su:

=== WHITE BOOK ===

Quattro anni di crimini ignorati
Di Babsi Jones

Migliaia di vittime e di desaparecidos per lo più civili e di etnia
serba. Trecentomila cittadini non albanesi espulsi. I nomi degli
appartenenti alle bande terroristiche che operano nell’area. A piede
libero e sotto il vessillo delle Nazioni Unite. Duecento pagine
ripercorrono, con l'ausilio di mappe, testimonianze fotografiche e dati
statistici, la tragica storia delle regioni serbe del Kosovo e della
Metohija degli ultimi quattro anni. E' un libro bianco presentato dal
premier serbo Zoran Zivkovic che raccoglie le testimonianze della
popolazione che, dal 6 giugno 1999 al 23 agosto 2003, ha subito circa
seimila attacchi


*** Book on Albanian terrorism and organised crime in Kosovo-Metohija
presented ***
Tanjug - November 4, 2003

Book on terrorism, organized crime in Kosovo and

17:07 BELGRADE , Nov 4 (Tanjug) - The book entitled
"Ethnic Albanian Terrorism and Organized Crime in
Kosovo and Metohija", published by the Serbian
government, is clear evidence that terrorism and
organized crime exist in the province and that nothing
has been done to stop them, Serbian Prime Minister
Zoran Zivkovic said on Tuesday.
This book can help the provincial United Nations
administration UNMIK and local peacekeeping force
KFOR, the prosecutor's office of the Internatuional
Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in
The Hague, and the police forces of numerous European
countries, since organized crime in Kosovo poses a
threat not only to this country, but to other states
as well, Zivkovic said.

[Above URL contains full text of UN Resolution 1244)

-Reaffirming the commitment of all Member States to
the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the other States of
the region, as set out in the Helsinki Final Act,
-Confirms that after the withdrawal an agreed number
of Yugoslav and Serb military and police personnel
will be permitted to return to Kosovo to perform the
functions in accordance with annex 2;
-Assuring the safe and unimpeded return of all
refugees and displaced persons to their homes in
-Demands that the KLA and other armed Kosovo Albanian
groups end immediately all offensive actions and
comply with the requirements for demilitarization as
laid down by the head of the international security
presence in consultation with the Special
Representative of the Secretary-General;



(ANSA-AFP) - BELGRADO, 1 NOV - Per la prima volta da quando sono
stati costretti a lasciare il Kosovo, circa 3 mila profughi della
minoranza serba sono tornati oggi nei loro luoghi di origine per
visitare le tombe dei loro cari in occasione della festivita' di
Ognissanti, celebrata anche dagli ortodossi. Scortati dai militari
della Kfor, la forza di pace della Nato schierata dal 1999 nella
provincia serba a maggioranza etnica albanese, i profughi hanno
adornato con fiori e candele le tombe dei loro congiunti. Stando
all'agenzia di Belgrado Tanjug, solo una cinquantina di loro hanno
dovuto rinunciare in quanto la Kfor ha fatto presente di non poter
garantire la sicurezza. Per protesta i profughi hanno acceso le loro
candele davanti al posto di blocco della stessa Kfor a Merdare, una
localita' al confine tra la Kosovo e Serbia. Sono circa 200 mila
i kosovari di origine serba e di altre etnie che sono stati costretti
a fuggire dalla provincia da quando il territorio e' passato sotto
l'amministrazione civile dell'Onu in seguito all'intervento militare
della Nato deciso per porre fine alla repressione attuata contro gli
albanesi dall'allora presidente jugoslavo Slobodan Milosevic.
(ANSA-AFP). ZU 01/11/2003 21:38


Tanjug - November 3, 2003

Only 12 Serbs live in Urosevac

10:52 UROSEVAC , Nov 3 (Tanjug) - The most ethnically
clean part of Kosovo and Metohija today is the
Municipality of Urosevac, where only 12 Serbs live.
Before the arrival of KFOR in June 1999, there were
about 60,000 Albanians and 20,000 Serbs living in this
municiaplity. Of the total number of the Serb
population some 9,000 lived in the town itself.



Del Ponte: Kosovo witnesses too afraid to testify

VIENNA -- Tuesday – Witnesses to war crimes in Kosovo
are often too afraid to testify, the chief prosecutor
at the United Nations tribunal in The Hague warned
Carla del Ponte said that the tribunal prosecution had
experienced problems collecting evidence against
Kosovo Albanians because witnesses are being
She added that though the tribunal has its own witness
protection programme, this often entails moving entire
families, which can be very difficult.
The prosecutor said that the trial of a Kosovo
Albanian would begin next year, while another three
indictments have been prepared and two more
investigations are underway.

B92 - November 5, 2003

Tribunal moves to merge Kosovo indictments

THE HAGUE -- Wednesday – Prosecutors at the Hague
tribunal have asked that the case against four top
Serbian generals indicted last month be merged with
the case against the four Serbian leaders indicted
alongside Slobodan Milosevic for war crimes in Kosovo,
B92 learns tonight.

The four generals – incumbent police Public Security
chief Sreten Lukic, his predecessor Vlastimir
Djordjevic, and former army generals Vladimir
Lazarevic and Nebojsa Pavkovic – have been charged
with war crimes committed during the 1998-99 conflict
in Kosovo. The charges are almost identical to those
against former Serbian President Milan Milutinovic,
former Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Sainovic, and
Pavkovic’s predecessor as armed forces chief of staff,
Dragoljub Ojdanic. All three are in tribunal custody
in The Hague.

The authorities in Belgrade have said they want to try
the four generals in Serbia.


Beta - November 5, 2003

Kosovo Radicals rally without candidate

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA -- Tuesday – The Serbian Radical
Party rallied today in Kosovska Mitrovica to support
Tomislav Nikolic, the party’s candidate for the
Serbian Presidential election this month.
Nikolic was not present, having banned from the
province by UNMIK, who say they could not guarantee
his safety.
Several thousand Serbs from northern Kosovo attended
the rally, which was monitored by UNMIK police.


Beta - November 5, 2003

Serb woman dies of gunshot wounds

BELGRADE -- Wednesday – A 72-year-old Serb woman has
died of injuries sustained when she was shot last
month by a Kosovo Albanian man in the village of Livoc
near Gnjiljane.
The family of Sofijanka Jovanovic-Peric said she died
yesterday in Belgrade’s Military-Medical Academy.
Ramush Halimi was arrested for the shooting. He is
said to have been angry at having to leave
Jovanovic-Peric’s home in Livoc, where he had been
living since the end of the conflict in Kosovo.
The Jovanovic-Peric family told Beta news agency that
members of Halimi’s family continue to live in the


Tanjug - November 4, 2003

Serbian justice minister to send evidence on KLA
crimes to UNMIK

19:03 BELGRADE , Nov 4 (Tanjug) - Serbian Justice
Minister Vladan Batic on Tuesday informed UNMIK head
Harri Holkeri in a letter that he would soon receive
complete evidence on KLA crimes against Serbs in
Batic said that in connection with a response of
deputy UNMIK head Charles Braeshaw, saying that UNMIK
had no proof of responsibility of former KLA leaders
Hashim Thaci, Agim Ceku and Ramush Haradinaj, he would
send court files and evidence collected by military
judicial organs, military intelligence, Security and
Information Agency, committee in charge of collecting
information on crimes against humanity and
international law, Interior Ministry and
Kosovo-Metohija coordination centre.

Tanjug - November 4, 2003

Serbia-Montenegro surprised with absence of charges
against KLA leaders

19:54 VIENNA , Nov 4 (Tanjug) - Serbia-Montenegro
attaches importance to cooperation with the
Hague-based International Criminal Tribunal for the
Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), which is evident from a huge
number of information submitted to the Tribunal, but
state union authorities are surprised with the fact
that this institution has not indicted any of the
leaders of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA),
Serbia-Montenegro Ambassador to the OSCE Standing
Council Branislav Milinkovic said in Vienna on
At a session, where ICTY Chief Prosecutor Carla Del
Ponte appeared as guest, Milinkovic supported the role
of the OSCE and its Mission in Belgrade in
establishing a special court and special war crimes
prosecutor in Serbia.

Beta - November 5, 2003

Serbia launches probe against top Kosovo Albanians

BELGRADE -- Wednesday – Serbia’s special war crimes
prosecutor has launched investigations against four
prominent Kosovo Albanians, including the leaders of
two of the main parties in the province, on suspicion
of genocide and terrorism.
A statement from the Serbian Justice Ministry said
that Vladimir Vukcevic had taken over cases against
Hashim Thaqi, Agim Ceku and the Haradinaj brothers,
Ramush and Daut.
All four are former senior members of the Kosovo
Liberation Army, KLA. Thaqi now heads the province’s
second largest political party, the Democratic Party
of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj is leader of the third
largest, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, and
Agim Ceku commands the Kosovo Protection Corps, a
civil protection unit set up by the United Nations
mission from the ranks of the disbanded KLA.
The statement said that Thaqi and Ceku are suspected
of committing genocide, while the Haradinaj brothers
are under investigation for terrorism.
Vladimir Vukcevic became Serbia’s first ever war
crimes prosecutor under legislation adopted in July
this year. The justice ministry noted today that he is
authorised to prosecute anyone suspected of war
crimes, crimes against humanity and violations of
international law committed in the former Yugoslavia,
regardless of nationality or citizenship.
Agim Ceku was arrested in Slovenia last month on a
warrant issued by the current authorities in Belgrade.
He was swiftly released on the intervention of the UN
governor in Kosovo, Harri Holkeri.
The ministry statement said that Justice Minister
Vladan Batic had asked Holkeri to take possession of a
number of documents containing evidence of crimes
committed by the KLA against Serbs so that they can
eventually be prosecuted by the UN judiciary in the

Tanjug - November 5, 2003

Evidence on crimes in Kosovo exists, up to UNMIK to
take over - judge

18:53 BELGRADE , Nov 5 (Tanjug) - Investigating
magistrate Danica Marinkovic, who ordered in December
1999 an investigation of former Kosovo Liberation Army
commanders Hashim Thaci and Agim Ceku, told Tanjug
Wednesday that enough evidence has been collected and
that it is now up to UNMIK to take it over and start
an investigation before Kosovo courts.
Marinkovic said that she had ordered the investigation
at the request of the Nis district prosecutor, that
between 150 and 200 witnesses have testified on
various crimes and abductions, and that UNMIK should
take advantage of this evidence.

Tanjug - November 5, 2003

Additional documentation on crimes of ethnic Albanian

17:24 BELGRADE , Nov 5 (Tanjug) - Serbian Justice
Minister Vladan Batic announced on Wednesday that a
minstry delegation, together with an authorised
prosecutor, will leave for The Hague in a couple of
days, and present to the tribunal additional
documentation on the crimes ethnic Albanian terrorists
had committed in Kosovo-Metohija, as well as that it
would receive corresponding documentation on the
financial malversations of the former regime from the
Batic told a press conference of the Democratic
Christian Party of Serbia, he is the leader of, that,
once the additional documentation was presented, we
would be in a situation in which commanders of the
dismantled so-called Kosovo liberation army (KLA),
i.e. Hashim Thaci, Ramush Haradinaj and Agim Ceku
"would only be able to choose where they will be tried
- in The Hague, Pristina or Belgrade."


Tanjug - November 20, 2003

Evidence about KLA crimes, "Cyprus documents" handed
over to ICTY

15:36 BELGRADE , Nov 20 (Tanjug) - Representatives of
the Serbian Justice Ministry handed over on Thursday
to the prosecution of the war crimes tribunal in The
Hague evidence about the crimes committed in Kosovo
and Metohija by KLA members, The Ministry's
information service said.
"At the meeting with a team of prosecutors, at which
also present was Serbian Deputy Justice Minister
Predrag Savic, it was confirmed that there will not be
any more indictments against active military personnel
and police officers, and that the prosecution was
ready to share with Serbian judicial bodies and
UNMIK's judiciary all relevant material and evidence
about crimes committed after June 10, 1999 in Kosovo
and Metohija over Serbs and other non-Albanians." the
statement said.


Tanjug - November 5, 2003

Kosovo is Serbia's cancer - Doris Pack

11:22 BUDAPEST , Nov 5 (Tanjug) - If Kosovo does not
become independent it will be Serbia's cancer and
would make its admission to the European Union much
more difficult," European Parliament (EP) rapporteur
for the Balkans Doris Back has said in Budapest.
According to her assessment, Albania is in a some kind
of medieval system, ruled by clans, while the state is
formally run by corrupted politicians.


Tanjug - November 6, 2003

Talks on Kosovo status should include region[al]
countries - Slezinger

09:41 WASHINGTON , Nov 6 (Tanjug) - Analyst of the
U.S. Woodrow Wilson Institute Marti Slezinger has told
Tanjug he believes that future talks on the final
status of Kosovo and Metohija should include the
countries of the region as well, primarily Macedonia
and Montenegro, and perhaps Greece.
Serious talks (on Kosovo status) have to include also
representatives of the countries of the region that
they affect directly, warned Slezinger, adding that
this is relating primarily to Macedonia and
Montenegro, and perhaps even Greece, because those
countries could be affected by any future solution.



(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 7 NOV - Il movimento popolare del Kosovo (Lpk),
partito nazionalista albanese di estrema sinistra, ha presentato al
parlamento di Pristina un'istanza chiedendo la creazione dell'Unione
Albania-Kosovo. La richiesta e' stata firmata da 45.980 cittadini nel
corso di una campagna di propaganda condotta per le strade della
provincia. Ora il parlamento dovra' decidere se metterla all'ordine
del giorno e discuterla in aula. L'Lpk e' un movimento politico
rimasto per oltre un decennio in clandestinita' e che attualmente,
dopo essere diventato un partito legalmente riconosciuto, e'
rappresentato da un solo deputato. La sua struttura ha goduto in
passato di un vasto sostegno, anche per essere stata fra le
iniziatrici dell'Esercito di liberazione del Kosovo (Uck), il gruppo
armato che nel 1999 ha combattuto col sostegno della Nato contro le
milizie serbe di Slobodan Milosevic. La proposta di creazione
dell'Unione Albania-Kosovo (in risposta alla nascita di quella
serbo-montenegrina) era stata nei mesi scorsi illustrata anche alle
autorita' di Tirana senza tuttavia riscuotere alcun tipo di
sostegno.(ANSA) BLL 07/11/2003 20:06



°°aleksandar stojkovic, un anziano serbo di 75 anni, il 10 novembre è
stato aggredito e picchiato da un gruppo di albanesi nei pressi di
paralovo, gnjilane, mentre pascolava il suo gregge. stojkovic, che è
stato portato in ospedale a kosovska mitrovica, è in condizioni
critiche: ha riportato la frattura della mascella, fratture multiple al
torace ed una commozione cerebrale. dopo essere stato picchiato a
sangue, il vecchio è stato gettato, privo di conoscenza, in un vicino
ruscello: gli aggressori lo hanno chiuso in un sacco credendolo morto. 
l’anziano uomo è invece riuscito a liberarsi e a raggiungere una casa
nelle vicinanze, i cui al pronto soccorso.

FoNet - November 8, 2003

Kosovska Mitrovica, 8 November: Aleksandar Stojkovic (born in 1928)
from Novo Brdo near Gnjilane was hospitalized in Kosovska Mitrovica at
around 2100 (2000 gmt) this evening. He suffered serious head injuries
and sustained hematoma all over his body. Stojkovic said that he was
tending to his herd in Parlovo near Gnjilane when five Albanians
attacked him, beating him up with their rifle butts, at around 1500
(1400 gmt).
Stojkovic lost his conscience and the attackers, thinking that he was
dead, shoved him into a big plastic bag and pushed him into a nearby
river. Stojkovic's neighbours later pulled him out of the river.
Kosovska Mitrovica hospital doctors said that Stojkovic had suffered
serious head injuries, that he sustained hematoma all over his body
and that his condition was critical.


B92/Beta - November 9, 2003

Elderly Kosovo Serb Man Attacked

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA -- Sunday - A 75-year-old Serb man
is in hospital today after being attacked by a group
of Albanians while tending to his cattle near the
Kosovo town of Gnjilane.
Aleksandar Stojkovic told doctors in the Kosovska
Mitrovica hospital that he had been pistol-whipped and
kicked by some five or six Albanians in the village of
Novo Brdo Paralovo, before they tied him up and pushed
him into a nearby river.
After more than an hour, Stojkovic said he managed to
free himself and reach his neighbour, who took him to
the local clinic from where he was transferred to the
Kosovska Mitrovica hospital.



(ANSA) - BUCAREST, 14 NOV - Un contingente composto da 90 militari
romeni partira' lunedi' prossimo per il Kosovo, a Klina (50 chilometri
ovest dalla capitale Pristina), per una nuova missione sotto commando
italiano nell'ambito delle forze internazionali per la pace Kfor. Lo
ha annunciato ieri a Bucarest un portavoce del ministero della
Difesa. I 90 militari fanno parte dal battaglione 191 di fanteria
di Arad (Romania occidentale) e rimpiazzerano i loro colleghi del
battaglione 280 di Focsani (nord-est). ''La loro missione durera'
quattro mesi e consiste in operazioni umanitarie, di assistenza medica
e di salvataggio in situazioni di crisi'', ha detto il portavoce Dan
Ungureanu, precisando che ''tutte le missioni si svolgeranno sotto
commando italiano''. (ANSA). COR*RED
14/11/2003 14:01



EDITORIAL NOTE: All of the killed persons referred to in the following
article are article are Albanians who were killed by the KLA. After
you finish reading this article ask yourself what sort of ethnic
cleansing or discrimination could the Serb police be engaged in if they
were making Albanians policemen, and appointing them to important
positions such as police station commander? Also how was the KLA
supposed to be protecting Albanians if it was killing them, and by its
actions exposing them to retaliatory action by the legitimate

KosovaPress - November 10, 2003

Kacanik, 10 November: "The UCK (Kosovo Liberation Army) did not kill
civilians," Xhabir Zharku, former commander of the Agim Bajrami 162nd
Brigade from Kacanik, has said. "Riza Kiki, Rrahim Elezi, Faik Reci
and Nezir Topojani, who were allegedly killed during the war - just
like Agim Idrizi - were not civilians. They were police officers in the
Serbian MUP (Interior Ministry)," Zharku said.

He made these comments at a press conference in Kacanik.

He also stressed that all four could have been killed during armed
clashes between the UCK and the Serbian military and police forces,
as, according to him, their kind had often headed the Serbian troops
in attacks against UCK positions.

Zharku stressed that, during the war, the UCK had obtained concrete
evidence of all Albanians working for the local police, which had been
set up by the Serbian MUP.

"During the war, our intelligence services managed to obtain a copy of
the local police payroll. That list contains the names of Kiki, Elezi,
Topojani, Reci and Idrizi. Kiki was even appointed commander of police
station 2," Zharku said. He added that the list had been published in
Fakti, a Shkup-based (Skopje) daily, only a few days after the NATO
strikes against Serbia had begun.

Otherwise, five members of the UCK, Ejup Ranjeva, Rrustem Dema, Enver
Axhami, Bujar Tafili and Nuhi Provaliu, were arrested by the UNMIK (UN
Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo) police on 27 October on
charges of war crimes committed between 27 February and 8 March 1998
under the law of the former Yugoslavia. All of them have been reported
to the police by witness Agim Idrizi.

Source: Kosovapress news agency web site, Pristina, in Albanian 10 Nov
Copyright 2003 Financial Times Information
All rights reserved
Global News Wire - Asia Africa Intelligence Wire 
Copyright 2003 BBC Monitoring/BBC  
BBC Monitoring International Reports
Posted for Fair Use only.


Tanjug - November 12, 2003

Uniformed chiefs rob Serbian family near Srbica

17:09 KOSOVSKA MITROVICA , Nov 11 (Tanjug) -
Unidentified persons in uniforms stole last night from
the seven-member Serbian family of Nenad Kovacevic
from the village of Banje near Srbica, five heads of
The case has been reported to UNMIK police.



°°i metodi e il programma terroristico dell’UCK e dell’ANA raccolgono
ancora un vastissimo consenso fra la popolazione albanese del kosovo.
mercoledì scorso, diverse migliaia di albanesi si sono radunati a
pristina chiedendo a gran voce l’unificazione del kosovo con l’albania,
e la liberazione immediata dei criminali condannati per crimini di
guerra, che per la popolazione locale sono “eroi”. faik fazliu, a capo
dell’associazione dei veterani di gtuerra dell’uck, ha lamentato un
“sistematico discredito nei confronti dei nostri valori” (sic). il
corteo è stato supportato dagli studenti dell’università di pristina
Beta - November 12, 2003

Kosovo Albanians demand unification with Albania

PRISTINA -- Wednesday – Several thousand Kosovo
Albanians gathered in downtown Pristina today to
demand the UN-governed province be unified with
Protestors carried banners saying “Unite Kosovo and
Albania” and “Release the fighters”.
They also called on the United Nations mission to
leave after what one of the organisers described as
“four years of experimenting”.
Faik Fazliu, who heads an association of Kosovo
Albanian war veterans, complained of a “systematic
assault on KLA values”, in reference to the guerrilla
group, the Kosovo Liberation Army.
The rally was organised by the two minor political
parties, in cooperation with a number of associations
of war veterans and invalids, and the Independent
Union of Pristina University Students.


Tanjug - November 12, 2003

Protest rally held against arrest of former KLA

20:09 PRISTINA , Nov 12 (Tanjug) - About 1,000 people
rallied outside the National Theatre in Pristina on
Wednesday, protesting against the UNMIK policy in
Kosovo-Metohija and arrest of former KLA officers.
The protests were organised by the Union of Students,
the People's Movement of Kosovo party and three
associations of former KLA members.



°°a musutiste, non lontano da suva reka (sud del kosovo, 20 chilometri
da prizren), gli albanesi locali hanno messo dell’esplosivo in una casa
prima dell’arrivo di sette famiglie serbe che venivano a visitare i
propri poderi e vedere quali sono le condizioni per un loro eventuale
ritorno. i militari della KFOR hanno scoperto l’esplosivo e lo hanno
rimosso prima che esplodesse. le famiglie serbe sono state poi
attaccate a colpi di fucile e sassate dagli albanesi del luogo e i
soldati della KFOR hanno dovuto sparare in aria per disperdere gli
aggressori. gli albanesi hanno organizzato proteste chiedendo che
nessun serbo torni a suva reka. prima del 1999 a musutiste vivevano
circa 4 mila serbi, tutti cacciati durante il dopoguerra.

°°milanka petrovic sa chi ha rapito suo padre ed ucciso suo fratello,
ma non può parlare: attende i risultati delle indagini. in kosovo sono
scomparse 1300 persone: sono almeno 300 i casi di cui si hanno
ulteriori informazioni utili. i nomi ci sono, ci sono i testimoni. le
autorità sono informate, è informata la comunità internazionale. ma
allora, perché nessuno fa nulla?
la storia di milanka ed altre, in inglese su

°°in kosovo, sotto l’occhio vigile della comunità internazionale, la
violenza etnica e l’intimidazione hanno portato alla distruzione e/o al
danneggiamento di più di 100 monasteri serbo-ortodossi, come
all’isolamento definitivo dei non-albanesi costretti nelle enclaves.
cittadini privati di ogni diritto, anche dei più elementari, quali
l’istruzione e le cure mediche. le cifre: 1800 persone assassinate,
1300 feriti, un migliaio gli scomparsi di cui non si sa più nulla, e
300 mila profughi serbi. l’articolo di irinej dobrijevic riassume
ancora una volta la tragedia del kosovo per



Group of Albanians attack Serb local administration workers
Tanjug - November 14, 2003
13:03 KOSOVSKA MITROVICA , Nov 14 (Tanjug) - A group of six or seven
Albanians stoned Serb local administration workers in northern part of
Kosovska Mitrovica on Friday morning.
One of the attacked Serbs, Zoran Vukosavljevic, said that Albanians
first insulted Serbs verbally and then started throwing stones at
them, and then fled to the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica.



(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 16 NOV - E' teso il clima in Kosovo in concomitanza
con le elezioni presidenziali serbe, per le quali nella provincia sono
stati allestiti 248 seggi. Nel villaggio di Mogila, nel sud-est, un
contadino serbo di 18 anni, Danijel Milosevic, e' stato ucciso da
colpi di arma da fuoco sparati da distanza ravvicinata mentre lavorava
i suoi campi. Le autorita' kosovaro-albanesi avevano ammonito ieri
della non opportunita' di tenere le presidenziali serbe nella
provincia, affermando che esse sarebbero state vissute dalla
popolazione albanese come un tentativo di intromissione di Belgrado
negli affari interni del Kosovo e avrebbero potuto innescare tensioni
e incidenti. L'omicidio odierno non ha collegamenti evidenti con il
voto in corso, ma secondo Radmila Trajkovic, membro della coalizione
serbo-kosovara ''Ritorno'', c'e' una sospetta coincidenza fra
quest'atto di violenza e altri episodi - bombe a mano contro una casa
serba - avvenuti nella vicina Kosovska Vitina durante le fallite
elezioni presidenziali del dicembre scorso. In Kosovo vive tuttora
una comunita' serba composta da circa 100.000 persone. (ANSA).
OT 16/11/2003 19:46


SRNA - November 16, 2003

Kosovska Vitina - Two unidentified perpetrators killed 18-year-old
Serb Danilo Milosevic in the village of Mogila, near Kosovska Vitina,
at around 1215 (1115 gmt) today, our correspondent has reported.
According to witnesses, Milosevic was killed by shots fired from a
handgun. One bullet hit him in the face and the other in the back of
the head. After the shooting, the two persons escaped from the scene
of the crime.
Danijel's body was found by his brother at around 1300. The victim had
gone to harvest corn at 1100.
The Kosovo police service and UN police have launched an investigation.



(ANSA) - TIRANA, 17 NOV - Il segretario generale della Nato George
Robertson e' giunto oggi in Kosovo per quella che potrebbe essere la
sua ultima visita ufficiale come capo dell'Alleanza atlantica.
Robertson, che a fine anno lascia l'incarico, avra' incontri con il
comandante generale della Kfor (forza di pace a guida Nato), Holger
Kammerhoff, con il capo della missione delle Nazioni Unite (Unmik)
Harri Holkeri e con leader albanesi e serbi della provincia.(ANSA)
17/11/2003 17:05



Iraq repeats Kosovo - Chernomyrdin
ITAR-TASS - November 17, 2003

By Yevgeny Tkachyov

MOSCOW - The developments in Iraq strictly follow the Kosovo pattern,
Viktor Chernomyrdin, a former mediator in the 1999 settlement of the
Balkan crisis has said.
He was speaking at the Itar-Tass headquarters at the presentation of
his book The Challenge about the war in Yugoslavia on Monday.
Chernomyrdin believes it is the single polarity of the world that
triggered the Balkan crisis and the war in Iraq.
"The beginning of the war in Iraq prompted me to write a book about
the Balkan settlement process. The war in Iraq has now been declared
over, but it is still going on and people keep dying in it," he said.
"The war in Iraq followed a well-known pattern. In that sense no
lessons have been learned from the Balkan events. However, the
situation in Europe has changed. Far from all there were for the
repetition of the old scenario."



(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 18 NOV - Un cittadino italiano e' stato arrestato
in Kosovo dalla polizia delle Nazioni Unite (Unmik) con l'accusa di
far parte di un'organizzazione internazionale spoecializzata nel
traffico di veicoli industriali rubati. L'identita' dell'arrestato
non e' stata resa nota: insieme con lui sono finiti in carcere un
cittadino britannico e uno albanese-kosovaro. Nel corso
dell'operazione sono stati sequestrati 100 veicoli movimento terra
per sei dei quali e' stata gia' accertata la provenienza illecita.
L'italiano lavorava per conto della societa' ''Italbeton Balkan''.
Durante la perquisizione in cinque sedi dell'azienda presente in tre
citta', e' stato trovato anche un chilo di marjiuana. Secondo fonti
della polizia Unimk il titolare dell'Italbeton era stato arrestato
nelle scorse settimane in Turchia ed estradato in Italia.
Nell'ottobre dello scorso anno un'inchiesta su un traffico di veicoli
industriali rubati condotta dalla Procura di Bari coinvolse la
societa' ''Italbeton'' con sede in Albania. Non e' al momento chiaro
se si tratti dello stesso gruppo o solo di un caso di omonimia.(ANSA)
BLL 18/11/2003 19:37



Tanjug - November 19, 2003

UNMIK withdraws from executive offices in all Kosovo's

20:08 PRISTINA , Nov 19 (Tanjug) - UNMIK head Harri
Holkeri said on Wednesday that all municipalities in
Kosovo were functioning and that the UN Mission had
handed over its duties in the municipalities and
withdrew from executive offices, but that it was still
monitoring and assisting the consolidation of local
institutions, UNMIK said in a statement.
At a ceremony marking the handing over of a report on
reforms in local self-administration and public
administration in Kosovo and final recommendations,
prepared by the Council of Europe mission, Holkeri
said that one could now discuss the model of local



°°nel caso in cui saranno consegnati all’aja i generali dell’esercito
e della polizia serba che erano in servizio in kosovo, sarà uccisa la
verità: queste le ragioni della protesta di migliaia di serbi il 20
novembre a kosovska mitrovica. il presidente del consiglio nazionale
serbo del kosovo milan ivanovic ha chiesto ai rappresentanti della
comunità internazionale di fermare le violenze in kosovo ed ha accusato
l’UMNIK di occultare la situazione reale nella regione. i dimostranti
hanno chiesto il ritorno dell’esercito e della polizia serba nell’area.

Tanjug - November 20, 2003

Extradition of army and police general will kill the truth

15:12 KOSOVSKA MITROVICA , Nov 20 (Tanjug) - If army
and police generals who had served in Kosovo and
Metohija are extradited to the International Criminal
Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), the truth
about the events in the Province will be killed, it
was said at Thursday's protest of Serbs in northern
part of Kosovska Mitrovica.
Serbian National Council of northern Kosovo and
Metohija President Milan Ivanovic has requested from
the international community to stop the violence in
Kosovo and Metohija, and blamed UNMIK for the bad
situation in the province caused by arrests of Serbs,
instead of the real crime perpetrators, and by hiding
the truth about the actual situation in Kosmet.



°°a robovac, vicino a kosovska kamenica, estremisti albanesi hanno
picchiato un anziano serbo di nome trajko jovanovic: la notizia è
riportata da radio jugoslavija l’anziano è
stato ricoverato all’ospedale di vranje. la kfor non ha rilasciato
nessuna dichiarazione a proposito.

Serb of Kosovska Vitina assaulted
Tanjug - November 22, 2003
17:13 KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - Serb Trajko Jovanovic, 63, of Kosovska
Vitina, eastern Kosovo province, was assaulted by two ethnic Albanians
on Friday, coalition Povratak (Return) MP Rada Trajkovic confirmed for
Jovanovic sustained a fracture to his right leg and head and chest
injuries, and he has been transferred to a hospital in the town of
Vranje, southern Serbia proper.



(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 24 NOV - Una donna poliziotto in servizio presso
la divisione investigativa della polizia del Kosovo e' rimasta uccisa
la notte scorsa in un agguato avvenuto nella zona occidentale della
provincia. L'agente, Sebahate Tolaj viaggiava in auto insieme a
due colleghi tra le citta' di Peja e Decani quando e' scattata
l'imboscata: un gruppo di fuoco ha sparato da un kalashnikov contro
il veicolo uccidendo la donna e ferendo gravemente un altro
poliziotto, mentre le condizioni del terzo agente non sono
considerate gravi. Secondo fonti degli investigatori i tre stavano
indagando su alcuni delitti eccellenti avvenuti in Kosovo negli
ultimi mesi tra cui quello di Tahir Zemaj, il comandante delel forze
armate del Kosovo (Farc), un disciolto movimento di guerriglia che si
opponeva all'Uck. (ANSA). BLL/MRY 24/11/2003 18:47

Tanjug - November 25, 2003

Krstovic denounces murder of Kosovo police service

13:44 KOSOVSKA MITROVICA , Nov 24 (Tanjug) - Return
coalition whip to the Kosovo parliament Dragisa
Krstovic strongly denounced the murder of a Kosovo
Police Service (KPS) member, and the wounding of other
two policemen.
He said that terrorism had been evident in
Kosovo-Metohija for some time now, but that
representatives of the international community "have
not identified" it.

Tanjug - November 25, 2003

Policewoman Sabaheta Tolaj murdered near Pec

13:32 PRISTINA , Nov 24 9Tanjug) - A member of the
Kosovo Police Service (KPS), Sabaheta Tolaj, has been
murdered, and her coleagues Jusuf Sakvaj and Hisen
Lataj were wounded, when unidentified persons fired at
their vehicle from an ambush near Pec early on Monday,
the UNMIK police heaquarters in Pristina confirmed for
The policemen were attacked around 7.45 a.m., while
they were on their way to work, near the village of
Rausic, close to Decani. Tolaj died instantly, while
the other two KPS members were wounded, one of whom
was kept in a Pec hospital.

Beta - November 26, 2003

Six arrested for Kosovo police shooting

PRISTINA -- Tuesday – UN police in Kosovo have
arrested six people in connection with the murder of a
member of the Kosovo local police yesterday, UNMIK has
According to police investigations, two vehicles were
involved in the attack on three police officers as
they drove to work yesterday morning.
Police officer Sabahat Totaj was killed and two of her
colleagues killed in the shooting.

Tanjug - November 24, 2003

Kosovo policeman killed, two others wounded near Pec

12:18 PRISTINA , Nov 24 (Tanjug) - A member of the
Kosovo police was killed, and two others wounded when
unidentified persons fired at them from an ambush near
Pec early on Monday, police spokesman Refki Morina
The policemen were attacked around 7.45 a.m., while
they were on their way to work, Morina said, adding
that one of them died on the spot, while the other two
were put in hospital.


Tanjug - November 23, 2003

Group of Kosovo Albanians assault two Serb youths

18:18 KOSOVSKA MITROVICA , Nov 23 (Tanjug) - Two Serb
youths, aged 19 and 20, whose names have not been
released for security reasons, have been assaulted by
a group of about 20 ethnic Albanians in Kosovska
Mitrovica, Kosovska Mitrovica Hospital Manager
Vladimir Adzic confirmed for Tanjug on Sunday.
The incident occurred about one hour past midnight,
when the ethnic Albanians accosted the youths in a
mixed Serb-ethnic Albanian part of northern Kosovska
Mitrovica, Doctor Adzic said.


una granata contro le abitazioni serbe a cernica (dove il 31 agosto di
quest’anno era stato assassinato, sempre da una granata, un maestro di
scuola elementare), le bandiere serbe bruciate in tutta la regione, gli
studenti che inneggiano a skenderbeg e issano la bandiera albanese sul
municipio di presevo, la condanna di nebojsa covic per le provocazioni

il giorno dell’orgoglio albanese nell’editoriale di padre janjic
l’articolo tradotto da

"Flag Day" a symbol of pan-Albanian expansionism (by Fr. Sava Janjic)

Albanian "Flag Day" Festivities: a bomb attack on Serbs in Cernica, a
Serb beaten near Novo Brdo,...


Beta - November 12, 2003

New York mayor to visit Kosovo

PRISTINA -- Tuesday – New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg
is to visit Pristina for the celebration of the
Albanian national holiday Flag Day, local media report
Bloomberg is to arrive in Kosovo two days ahead of the
November 28 holiday.
He is scheduled to meet the heads of Kosovo
institutions and US troops in the Camp Bondsteel
military base.

Agence France-Presse - November 24, 2003

New York mayor arrives in Kosovo

PRISTINA -- Monday -- New York mayor Michael Bloomberg
arrived in Pristina today for a brief visit to the
UN-administered province and US soldiers serving with
Bloomberg was to meet Kosovo's ethnic Albanian
president, Ibrahim Rugova, Prime Minister Bajram
Rexhepi and the mayor of Pristina, Ismet Beqiri as
well as retired New York city police officers who are
helping to train Kosovo police recruits.
He was also scheduled to give an address at the
National Theatre to express his "support for the
burgeoning democracy in the province," Bloomberg's
office announced.

Americans of Serb origin protest against announced visit of NYC mayor
to celebration of Albania's National Day in Kosovo


Beta - November 26, 2003

Families protest inaction on Kosovo missing

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA -- Tuesday – A lobby group of the
families of Serbs missing in Kosovo today told UNMIK
representatives that nothing has been done to shed
light on the fate of the missing.
Family members from towns throughout Serbia made the
allegation in a meeting with UNMIK police
representative Malcolm Stark.
The Association claims that Serbs comprise 1,000 of
the 1,960 people abducted in Kosovo since the
deployment of international peacekeepers and UN
Stark told the families that the UNMIK crime
investigation unit had received information of former
holding camps for kidnap victims in about a thousand
different houses, factories and sports centres across
the province.
“We have toured all these places and in most of them
we found traces of camps, but didn’t find a single
kidnapped or missing person,” he added.


Tanjug - November 25, 2003

Ethnic Albanian parties, most probably, will not take
part in elections

12:47 BUJANOVAC , Nov 25 (Tanjug) - Ethnic Albanian
parties from South Serbia, most probably, will not
take part in the early parliamentary elections
scheduled for December 28.
According to president of the Town Committee of the
Bujanovac Party of Democratic Action, Fatmir Asani,
the party's final stand on the issue would be known by
Friday, but "the way things are now, there is little
chance that the Party of Democratic Action takes part
in them (elections)."



(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 28 NOV - La forza di pace a guida Nato in Kosovo
(Kfor) e le strutture della missione delle Nazioni Unite (Unmik)
hanno rinforzato da oggi le misure di sicurezza in seguito a
''specifiche minacce'' su possibili attacchi terroristici: lo ha
annunciato a Pristina un portavoce militare. Veicoli blindati
sostano da questa mattina nei pressi di sedi diplomatiche occidentali
ed intorno ai comandi della polizia. Fonti dell'Unmik contattate
dall'Ansa hanno tuttavia precisato che ''l'allerta rientra in un
generico allarme lanciato da New York e pertanto ha esclusivo scopo
precauzionale''. (ANSA) BLL 28/11/2003 17:15



SRNA - November 27, 2003

Pristina - The church in the village of Gornja Brnjica near Pristina
was damaged last night only 48 hours after the church of Sveti
Dimitrije in Susica near Gracanica suffered the same fate, our SRNA
correspondent has reported from Pristina.
According to initial reports, the iconostasis in the church in Gornja
Brnjica was seriously damaged and the door and windows were smashed.
Serb sources in Brnjica have confirmed for SRNA that members of the
Kosovo Protection Corps are carrying out an on-site investigation.


Beta - November 30, 2003

Grenade attack on Serb house in Kosovo

GNJILANE -- A hand grenade was thrown into the
courtyard of a Serb-occupied house in the village of
Cernici, near Gnjilane last night, Beta agency reports
today, quoting Serb sources.
None of the three adults and three children in the
house at the time were injured in the blast, which
cause minor property damage.
Beta’s sources say the attack occurred in the same
place as a similar attack in August this year which
claimed the life of teacher from a village school.

=== LINKS ===


Albanian-Kosovo Union, a strategic objective of all Albanians
Koha Jone (Tirana) - November 13, 2003

Who is Who Among Albanians

Kosovo Liberation Army - Truth in Facts and Testimonies


Post-war Golgotha of Kosovo Serbs

The human condition in Kosovo (by Ahmad Faruqui)

Construction of Durres-Kukes Road a Priority for the Albanian
Government (by Orest Erzeni)

Even the last remnants of former multiethnicity disappear in Kosovo

Special prosecutor takes over investigations against leaders of former

International Judges and Prosecutors in Kosovo (by Michael E. Hartmann)

Glas javnosti: Testimony on the Genesis of Evil (by Ljiljana Staletovic)

Elderly Kosovo Serbs Continually Exposed to Mistreatment and Ethnic
Discrimination (by Fr. Sava Janjic)

Precise Figures of Post-Conflict Ethnically Motivated Crimes in Kosovo
(by Fr. Sava Janjic)

Explosive welcome for Serb repatriates

Koha Jone: Albanian-Kosovo Union, a strategic objective of all
Albanians (by Demir Reshiti)

dpa: NATO Gen-Sec: Troops to stay in Kosovo "until it flourishes"

Kosovo and Metohija secession does not lead Serbia to Europe (by Fr.
Sava Janjic)

Vecernje Novosti: They only took their memories (by D. Zecevic)

Yes, a Tale of Two Protectorates (by Fr. Irinej Dobrijevic)

UNMIK Signs Memorandum of Understanding with ICMP


Come al solito, questa nostra rassegna sul Kosmet non ha pretesa di
completezza: le notizie qui riportate sono da considerare solo come
esempi delle informazioni negate alla pubblica opinione.

I precedenti "bollettini di guerra" dal Kosmet (da maggio 2002 in poi)
sono elencati alle URL:
Gli avvenimenti di Ottobre 2003 sono elencati alla URL:

In generale, un grande numero di articoli sui vari aspetti del regime
di terrore instaurato congiuntamente dalle "nostre" truppe occidentali
(KFOR) e dai neonazisti locali (UCK) si puo' trovare nel nostro

Per un inquadramento storico del terrore nazista in Kosovo-Metohija si
vedano in particolare:
ed i collegamenti ivi contenuti.

Due SITI IN LINGUA ITALIANA dove trovare informazioni aggiornate sulle
violenze perpetrate giorno per giorno in Kosmet sono kosovo/kosovo.shtml (ANSA) e
Si tratta di due servizi professionali di informazione, di orientamento
istituzionale, con tutto quanto cio' comporta dal punto di vista della
interpretazione e presentazione degli avvenimenti.

Molti dei materiali che riportiamo nelle nostre rassegne provengono
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Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.

e dal bollettino della chiesa ortodossa in Kosmet ERP KIM:

Ulteriori informazioni si trovano sul sito curato dalla chiesa

(a cura di A.M.)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2003 12:06:56 +0100
From: Klaus von Raussendorff <redaktion@...>
Subject: Milosevic gegen "Tribunal" - Varvarin-Bürger gegen Deutschland

Liebe Leute,

am 15. Dezember 2003 erscheint US-General Wesley Clark vor dem so
genannten Internationalen Straftribunal für das ehemalige Jugoslawien
in Den Haag. Der ehemalige NATO-Oberbefehlshaber im Angriffskrieg gegen
Jugoslawien hat nicht zu befürchten, wegen Kriegsverbrechen angeklagt
zu werden. Er erscheint als Zeuge der Anklage gegen den ehemaligen
Präsidenten des angegriffenen Landes, Slobodan Milosevic. Das
Internationale Komitee für die Verteidigung von
Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM) wird am Nachmittag des 15. Dezember in Den
Haag vertreten sein und den Medien zur Verfügung stehen. Genauer Ort
und Zeit werden dort bekannt gegeben.

Am 10. Dezember 2003 entscheidet das Landgericht Bonn in erster Instanz
über eine Klage von NATO-Opfern aus Varvarin/Serbien gegen die
Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

Hierzu dokumentiere ich:

Von Martin Vinomonte
Quelle: Jugoslawisch-Österreichische Solidaritätsbewegung
[ 1 ]

Vladimir Krsljanin, außenpolitischer Berater von Präsident Slobodan
Milosevic und Sekretär des jugoslawischen Komitees für die Verteidigung
von Slobodan Milosevic, SLOBODA; Interview mit Cathrin Schütz
(junge Welt v. 29.11.2003:
[ 2 ]

(Zur Fernsehdokumentation: „Das Tribunal. Angeklagt: Slobodan
Milosevic“ im WDR am 1. Dezember 2003, 22:30 Uhr.) Von Sebastian Bahlo,
- A b d r u c k u n d V e r b r e i t u n g e r w ü n s c h t -
[ 3 ]

Von Jürgen Elsässer
(junge Welt vom 03.12.2003:
[ 4 ]

(3. Dezember 2003)
Quelle: SLOBODA - Freedom Association Belgrad (Email v. 04.12.03)
[ 5 ]

Kommunistische Partei Griechenlands - Zentralkomitee
[ 6 ]

Von Bernhard Graefrath
Aus: Marxistische Blätter 6-03, S. 15-18
[ 7 ]


B u c h e m p f e h l u n g:

Cathrin Schütz,

Die NATO-Intervention in Jugoslawien - Hintergründe, Nebenwirkungen und

Wien (Braumüller), 2003; kartoniert, 178 Seiten; ISBN: 3 7003 1440 X;
Einzelpreis: EUR 32,90


I n f o r m a t i o n e n : (Sloboda/Freedom association) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) (German section of ICDSM) (US section of ICDSM) (ICDSM Ireland) (world peace council) (Balkan antiNATO center)


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§ Gegen die Zerstörung Jugoslawiens und die NATO-Aggression, für den
Abzug der NATO vom Balkan und bedingungslose Wiedergutmachung;
§ Für die sofortige Auflösung der völkerrechtswidrigen
ad-hoc-"Tribunale" in Den Haag und Arusha, Freilassung von Slobodan
Miloševic und aller politischen Gefangenen;
§ Freilassung von Mumia Abu Jamal;
§ Für den Stopp des Embargos und Solidarität mit Cuba, für die
Freilassung der "Miami Five", der fünf cubanischen Gefangenen aus
§ Für die Auflösung der völkerrechtswidrigen Gefangenenlager in
§ Für den Stopp der Aggression gegen den Irak und den sofortigen Abzug
der Besatzer;
§ Gegen die imperialistische Intervention in Kolumbien;
§ Solidarität mit Venezuela und Belarus gegen die Angriffe des
§ Freilassung aller palästinensischen politischen Gefangenen unter
israelischer Besatzung;
§ Abriss der israelischen Apartheid-Mauer und Schutz des
palästinensischen Volkes.
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Beide Konten wurden am 22.09.03 von der Volksbank Darmstadt mit Bezug
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Das Konto für die Unterstützung von palästinensischen Gefangenen in
Israel ist
nach einer erfolgreichen einstweiligen Verfügung gegen die Volksbank
Darmstadt inzwischen bereits aufgelöst. Gegen die Sperrung des Kontos
für die Verteidigung von Slobodan Miloševic (Rechtshilfefonds) wurde
inzwischen eine Klage gegen die Volksbank Darmstadt eingereicht. (Zum
Hintergrund siehe das Interview mit Klaus Hartmann in junge Welt vom
17.10.2003 -

Nunmehr lautet also das S p e n d e n k o n t o für die Verteidigung
von Slobodan Miloševic (Rechtshilfefonds):

Vereinigung für Internationale Solidarität,
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Für die Empfänger der AIKor-Infos ändert sich somit nichts. Die
redaktionelle Verantwortung liegt weiterhin bei Klaus von Raussendorff.

Für die Vereinigung für Internationale Solidarität (VIS) e.V.

mit internationalistischen Grüßen

Klaus Hartmann

Klaus v. Raussendorff
(Stellvertretender Vorsitzender)

Peter Betscher

Anti-Imperialistische Korrespondenz (AIKor) -
Informationsdienst der Vereinigung für Internationale Solidarität (VIS)
Redaktion: Klaus von Raussendorff
Postfach 210172, 53156 Bonn; Tel.& Fax: 0228 - 34.68.50;
Email: redaktion@...

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unter "Info-Dienst der AIKor" runter geladen werden
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[ 1 ]

Quelle: Jugoslawisch-Österreichische Solidaritätsbewegung,
Meiselstraße 46/4, A-1150 Wien; Tel / Fax: (+43 1) 924 31 61


Von Martin Vinomonte

Schon lange würden sich objektive Beobachter und Kriegsgegner des
NATO-Angriffes auf Jugoslawien General Wesley Clark, den damaligen
Kommandeur der westlichen Militärallianz, vor einem
Kriegsverbrechertribunalwünschen, gebührte ihm dies doch vorrangig. Nun
wurde diesem mehr als gerechtfertigten Wunsch von Den Haag aus
"entsprochen". Doch nicht als Angeklagter wird er auftreten, sondern als
privilegierter Zeuge gegen jenen, der sich zum Grausen seiner
westlichen Ankläger immer noch souverän gegen die inszenierte
Delegitimationskampagne zu verteidigen versteht: Slobodan Milosevic.

Clark, zur Zeit auch als Präsidentschaftskandidat in den USA im Gange,
ist natürlich kein gewöhnlicher Zeuge unter den nunmehr über 200 im
Rahmen des illegitimen Prozesses getätigten Aussagen seit dem Februar
2002. Die US-Regierung muss demnach, besonders nachdem Milosevic als
Hauptangeklagter des Tribunals dessen Intention durch seine geschickte
und selbst geführte Verteidigung entscheidend entgegengewirkt und die
Tauglichkeit des Instrumentes "Internationaler Gerichtshof" in den
Augen der Vereinigten
Staaten weiter geschwächt hatte, um den Inhalt der Aussage Clarks
Würde dieser dem vormaligen und nun erneut kandidierenden Präsidenten
Jugoslawiens im Kreuzverhör gegenüberstehen, so wäre es Milosevic ein
Leichtes, den Befehlshaber Wesley Clark als einen der schlimmsten
tatsächlichen Kriegsverbrecher zu entlarven.

Immerhin hatte Clark in seinem Buch "Moderne Kriegsführung" von
2001bereits bekannt: "Der Kosovo Krieg war erzwungene Diplomatie, war
der Einsatz bewaffneter Kräfte, um den politischen Willen der
NATO-Mitglieder der Föderativen Republik Jugoslawien, oder präziser:
Serbien aufzuzwingen. Die Nationen der NATO unternahmen diesen Krieg

Um solche Enthüllungen zu Gunsten der Verteidigung zu verhindern, wurde
jetzt eine Vereinbarung zwischen dem Gerichtshof in Den Haag und der
US-Regierung getroffen, die das potemkinsche Dorf der Anklage,
unabhängig die Wahrung der Menschenrechte sichern zu wollen, zum
wiederholten Male zusammenbrechen lässt. Denn das Gericht ließ
verlauten, dass die Vernehmung Clarks unter Ausschluss der
Öffentlichkeit von Statten gehen werde. Die öffentliche Galerie seit
während dem 15. und 16. Dezember, wenn der General
vor dem Tribunal auftrete, gesperrt.

Am 19. November hieß es zudem in einer Erklärung aus Den Haag: "Die
öffentliche Übertragung der Verhandlung wird für einen Zeitraum von
48Stunden zurückgehalten, um der US-Regierung die Gelegenheit zu geben,
das Transkript zu überprüfen und Einwände zu erheben, damit allenfalls
in der
Verhandlung zur Sprache gekommenes, mit der nationalen Sicherheit der
Vereinigten Staaten unvereinbares Beweismaterial redigiert werden

Diese Maßnahmen stellen einen schweren Akt der Zensur dar und zeigen
wieder einmal die kriminelle Farce, die beim Den Haager
"Kriegsverbrechertribunal" betrieben wird, wo die wahren
Kriegsverbrecher anklagen und den Prozess mit allen Mitteln des
Rechtsbruches führen bzw. lenken dürfen. Diese Maßnahmen zeigen auch
den Sonderstatus, den die USA aufgrund ihrer weltpolitisch dominanten
Sonderstellung, innerhalb der vorgeblich "objektiven"
Rechtzusammenhänge einnehmen. Doch diese Zensurmaßnahmen zeigen auch,
allein aufgrund der Notwendigkeit ihres Einsatzes für die
US-Interessen, wie geschickt und entlarvend Slobodan Milosevic die
Instrumente seiner Feinde gegen eben diese zu richten versteht.

Auf diesen Aspekt bezieht sich Vladimir Krsljanin, einer der
wichtigsten jener vielen Milosevic-Unterstützer, wenn er am 29.November
in einem "JungeWelt"-Interview meint: "Ich betrachte diese vom
Bush-Regime gesetzten Bedingungen als ein Zeichen ihrer Furcht."(3)


(1) Zit. nach: John Catalinotto: General Wesley Clark. War criminal
togive closed-door testimony against Milosevic. In: Workers World
newspaper,Dec. 11, 2003

(2) Zit. nach ebda.

(3) Zit. nach ebda.

[ 2 ]
Aus: junge Welt vom 29.11.2003


jW sprach mit Vladimir Krsljanin. Er ist außenpolitischer Assistent des
ehemaligen jugoslawischen Staatschefs Slobodan Milosevic, der in Den
Haag vor Gericht steht. Der Belgrader ist leitendes Mitglied des
jugoslawischen Komitees zur Verteidigung von Slobodan Milosevic, SLOBODA

Interview: Cathrin Schütz

F: Mitte Dezember wird der amerikanische General Wesley Clark, der 1999
als NATO-Oberkommandierender di 78tägigen Dauerbombardements auf
Jugoslawien befehligte, als Zeuge der Anklage im Milosevic-Prozeß vor
dem Den Haager Kriegsverbrechertribunal auftreten. Auf Anordnung
Washingtons bleiben die Türen des Gerichtssaals für die Öffentlichkeit
geschlossen. Vor Publizierung und Herausgabe der Protokolle und
Videoaufnahmen hat die US-Regierung 48
Stunden Zeit, um sie zu zensieren und Änderungen vorzunehmen. Diese
Maßnahmen werden sogar in der bürgerlichen Presse als »ungewöhnlich«

Zudem hat die US-Regierung bereits jetzt festgelegt, welche Punkte in
der Sitzung behandelt werden. Aus rechtlichen Gesichtspunkten muß man
das als totale Katastrophe bezeichnen. Ein Tribunal, das in dieser
Weise arbeitet, sollte es nicht geben. Wir erwarten, daß es am 15.
Dezember, dem Tag, an dem Clark erscheinen wird, in Den Haag Proteste
geben wird. Ich werte diese Bedingungen der Bush-Regierung als ein
Zeichen der Angst. Es ist auch ein Test, wie es aussehen wird, wenn
Zeugen kommen, die Milosevic, wie er
angekündigt hat, selbst befragen will. Nach den Regeln des Haager
Tribunals bekommt Präsident Milosevic nur vier Stunden für das
Kreuzverhör. Ich bin mir sicher, daß sie den Fall und ihr Tribunal
danach abschließen müssen, es sei denn, die entscheidenden Fragen
werden als »irrelevant« abgewiesen.

F: Die Tatsache, daß sich die Zeugenbefragung Clarks ausschließlich auf
vorher mit der US-Regierung vereinbarte Punkte beziehen darf, dürfte
die Strategie Milosevics, die Schuld der westlichen Regierungen
darzulegen, unmöglich machen.

Diese Bedingungen, die von den Richtern akzeptiert wurden, sind
verbrecherisch. Offensichtlich können die USA mit ihrem
Marionettengericht spielen, wie sie wollen. Sie fürchten die wahren
Fakten. Sie haben kein Interesse an der Wahrheitsfindung. Das Tribunal
klagt keine US-Bürger an, wie die Ablehnung, NATO-Kriegsverbrechen zu
verfolgen, gezeigt hat. Das Tribunal macht einem Staatsoberhaupt den
Prozeß und ist zur gleichen Zeit nicht in der Lage, normale Bedingungen
zu gewähren, wenn Personen aussagen, die direkt in die Geschehnisse
verwickelt waren. Das ist ein Tribunal von Verbrechern, und jeder
sollte dagegen vorgehen. Die Restriktionen zeigen die Angst der wahren
Verbrecher, die Tausende Menschen in unserem Land getötet haben.

F: Der derzeit im US-Präsidentschaftswahlkampf kandidierende Wesley
Clark hat sein Auftreten im Zeugenstand kürzlich mit der historischen
Bedeutung des Prozesses begründet, bei dem zum ersten Mal ein
Staatsoberhaupt wegen Kriegsverbrechen vor Gericht stünde. Doch Clark
selbst wurde neben zahlreichen westlichen Staatsoberhäuptern aufgrund
ihrer Verantwortung für den NATO-Krieg gegen Jugoslawien von einem
Belgrader Gericht wegen Kriegsverbrechen zu 20 Jahren Haft verurteilt.

Ja. Clark, Clinton, Schröder, Fischer und anderen wurde in Belgrad in
Abwesenheit der Prozeß gemacht. Das Gerichtsurteil, das sie für
schuldig erklärte, wurde einige Wochen vor dem Sturz der
Milosevic-Regierung gefällt. Als es den Betroffenen zugestellt wurde,
war Präsident Milosevic schon im Belgrader Gefängnis in Haft. Natürlich
störte die Verurteilung dann die vielen Empfänge der westlichen Herren
bei den neuen Machthabern. Das unterdessen tote, prowestliche
DOS-Regime zwang das Verfassungsgericht im
September 2001, das Urteil wegen »Verfahrensfehlern« aufzuheben. Es
wurde entschieden, daß ein Militärstaatsanwalt in ein neues Verfahren
einzubeziehen ist, was natürlich nicht geschah. Erst mit der
Wiederherstellung der Demokratie in Serbien werden wir auch das
Rechtssystem wieder herstellen können.

Daß mit General Clark nun einer der größten Kriegsverbrecher als
»Zeuge« vor das Tribunal geladen wird, überrascht mich nicht. Seine
Nominierung zum Präsidentschaftskandidaten wurde von seinem ehemaligen
Chef William Clinton gestützt, um seinen schmutzigen Krieg zu
rechtfertigen. Ich glaube, es geht nicht darum, die
Präsidentschaftswahlen zu gewinnen, sondern die Kriegsverbrecher rein

[ 3 ]

(Zur Fernsehdokumentation: „Das Tribunal. Angeklagt: Slobodan
Milosevic“ im WDR am 1. Dezember 2003, 22:30 Uhr.)

Von Sebastian Bahlo, Darmstadt

Sehr geehrt Damen und Herren,

die Produktionsfirma Ihres Films „Das Tribunal. Angeklagt: Slobodan
Milosevic“, „Tag/Traum“ erhebt in ihrer Selbstdarstellung den Anspruch,
„die etwas anderen Filme“ zu machen. Nun, „ein etwas anderer Film“, das
wäre in diesem Fall einer gewesen, der die Wahrheit über den
Milosevic-Prozeß ans Licht bringt, wie der Ende September vom
niederländischen Fernsehsender VPRO ausgestrahlte Film „De Zaak
Milosevic“ von Jos de Putter und Germinal Civikov. Dort wurde
ausführlich dargestellt, wie an diesem sogenannten „Gerichtshof“ Recht
verzerrt und gebrochen wird, soweit dies dem von vornherein
feststehenden Ziel dient: Der Verurteilung Slobodan Milosevic’.
Ein ähnlicher Film, der diesem Propaganda-Instrument der NATO bei der
Arbeit zusähe, ja, das wäre in Deutschland „ein etwas anderer Film“

Aber Ihr Film ist an Konformität nicht zu überbieten. Die trotzige,
kleinkarierte Masche – wenngleich von Ihnen mithilfe der Suggestion
ausgeführt -, Milosevic als zynisch und arrogant zu porträtieren,
jetzt, da vom „Auschwitz auf dem Amselfeld“ nur mehr 577 namentlich in
der Anklageschrift erwähnte getötete Kosovo-Albaner übrig geblieben
sind, paßt
auch ebenso gut in den „Spiegel“ wie in die „FAZ“ wie in die
„Bild“-Zeitung. Es ist vor allem lächerlich und nichtssagend. Worauf es
ankommt, ist nicht die Form, persönliche Verhaltensweisen, sondern der
Inhalt, darauf, welche Tatsachen in der Zeugenvernehmung und im
Kreuzverhör aufgezeigt werden.

Doch der Inhalt wird in Ihrem Film völlig „ausgeblendet“. Besser
gesagt: der Inhalt wird als bekannt vorausgesetzt. Es wird als bekannt
vorausgesetzt, daß Milosevic der schlimmste europäische Diktator seit
Hitler ist; ein serbischer Rassist und Nationalist, insbesondere mit
„großserbischen“ Plänen; ein Kriegshetzer, der in seiner sagenumwobenen
Rede auf dem sagenumwobenen Amselfeld Haß unter den Völkern säte; und
schließlich ein Kriegstreiber, Kriegsverbrecher, schuldig am zehn Jahre
währenden grausamen Bürgerkrieg, in dem Jugoslawien auseinanderbrach.
Und das alles ist ja auch bekannt: aus der Presse zumeist, aber auch
sattsam aus Funk und Fernsehen.

Im berechtigten Vertrauen auf dieses geistige Fundament in den Köpfen
der Zuschauer fällt es Ihnen nun leicht, durch ein paar geschickt
zusammengeschnittene Szenen die bestehenden Vorurteile noch zu festigen.

Doch jede ernsthafte Berichterstattung über den „Prozeß“ in Den Haag
hätte die entgegengesetzte Wirkung gehabt.

Die Kosovo-Phase des Anklage-Verfahrens, von der Ihr Film
ausschließlich handelt, nahm 97 Verhandlungstage ein, an denen 112
Zeugen geladen wurden (mehrmaliges Erscheinen nicht mitgezählt.) Allein
diese Tatsache spricht schon für sich. 112 Zeugen, um den Balkan-Hitler
zu überführen – und wenn Sie schon überhaupt einmal von dem
„Jahrhundertprozeß“ berichten, dann zeigen Sie nur 6.

Slobodan Milosevic konnte in seinen Kreuzverhören vielen angeblichen
Zeugen von serbischen Verbrechen Widersprüche in ihren Aussagen
nachweisen, weil er über sehr detaillierte Informationen verfügte. So
auch den in Ihrem Film auftretenden Zeugen Merita Dedaj und Mustafa
Draga. Frau Dedaj hatte zwei Aussagen zu Protokoll gegeben: Eine vor
Mitarbeitern der International Crisis Group und eine vor Mitarbeitern
des Office of the Prosecutor des Tribunals. Auf Milosevic’ Frage nach
dem Grund inhaltlicher Diskrepanzen zwischen beiden Aussagen antwortete
die Zeugin nur, sie könne sich nicht erinnern. Ebenso antwortete Herr
Draga auf die Frage eines „Amicus Curiae“, vom Gericht zur
Sicherstellung eines „fairen“ Prozesses eingesetzt, nach
Unstimmigkeiten zwischen der von ihm zu Protokoll gegebenen Aussage und
seiner Aussage im Zeugenstand. Außerdem war Herr Draga nicht der
einzige, der das Massaker, von dem er berichtet, „durch Gottes Hilfe“
überlebt hat.
Auch der drei Wochen zuvor im Zeugenstand erschienene Milazim Thaqi
will demselben Massaker wie durch ein Wunder entronnen sein. An diesen
zwei Beispielen wird klar, daß Sie die gezeigten Szenen absichtlich so
aus dem Zusammenhang geschnitten haben, wie es der zu erzielende Effekt

Doch in dieser Weise verliefen die Kreuzverhöre oft. Ein Zeuge weigerte
sich deshalb schlicht, weiter auszusagen; er konnte diesem „Zynismus“
nicht standhalten.

Mit politischen Zeugen wie Mahmut Bakalli, Ibrahim Rugova, Paddy
Ashdown, William Walker, Klaus Naumann und anderen führte der
„Angeklagte“ Diskussionen, in denen die Zeugen erkennen ließen, daß es
sich bei ihren Anschuldigungen gegen ihn um nichts weiter als
Meinungen, Interpretationen, Ideologie handelte.

Aber auch Experten, die in ihrer Eigenschaft als Kriminalisten,
Soziologen, Historiker in den Zeugenstand traten, konnten keineswegs
unbestreitbare Tatsachen vorlegen. Der Polizist Bosko Radojkovic
beispielsweise, dessen Aussage über die Entdeckung des berühmten
Kühllasters Sie auszugsweise bringen, erklärte im Kreuzverhör, daß die
Leichen keine Anzeichen davon aufwiesen, daß sie schon einmal begraben
worden waren, daß sie – mit einer Ausnahme – nicht durch
Schußverletzungen zu Tode gekommen seien, und auch, daß man ihre
Herkunft nicht feststellen könne. Radojkovic kann also den Vertretern
der These nicht dienen, daß Leichen von massakrierten Kosovo-Albanern
exhumiert und ins Innere Serbiens gebracht worden seien.
Viel eher bestätigte er, daß es sich bei den Toten möglicherweise um
ins Land geschmuggelte Asylsucher gehandelt haben könne. Außerdem fiel
ihm auf, daß das Protokoll seiner Aussage vor Ermittlern des Tribunals
Informationen enthielt, die er selbst den Ermittlern nie gegeben hat.

Und einen echten „Hammer“ hätte wirklich kein seriöser Berichterstatter
unterschlagen können: Daß der ehemalige jugoslawische Geheimdienstchef
Markovic im Kreuzverhör berichtete, er sei unter Androhung von Folter
zur Falschaussage gegen Milosevic gezwungen worden.

Mit geschlossenen Sitzungen und „geschützten“ Zeugen, wie dem von Ihnen
gezeigten „K41“, findet ein nicht unerheblicher Teil der Beweisaufnahme
ohne Kontrolle der Öffentlichkeit statt – wer darüber wissentlich
hinweggeht, beteiligt sich an der Propaganda.

Die „Richter“, die in Ihrem Film als weise und gerecht erscheinen,
machen sich gewohnheitsmäßig zu Komplizen der Ankläger, indem sie
Slobodan Milosevic in seinen Kreuzverhören beschränken, seine Fragen
und die von ihm vorgelegten Dokumente als „irrelevant“ abweisen oder
Zeugen, die sich in Widersprüche zu verstricken drohen, „unter die Arme
greifen“. Auch hierfür ein Beispiel, das in Ihrem Film unter den Tisch
fällt: Sie zeigen, daß Herr Milosevic im Zusammenhang mit der Aussage
von Shyrhete Berisha die Aussage eines gewissen Marjan Krasniqi als
Beweisstück aufzunehmen beantragt, in der das Verbrechen, von dem Frau
Berisha berichtet, als die Tat einer kriminellen Bande dargestellt
wird. Was Sie nicht zeigen, ist, daß die Aussage von Herrn Krasniqi vom
Office of the Prosecutor aufgenommen worden war und er als möglicher
Zeuge der Anklage in Frage kam. Sieben Tage nach Frau Berishas Aussage
entschieden die „Richter“ dann, daß Herr Krasniqi nicht geladen werden
soll, obwohl Herr Milosevic dagegen Einspruch erhob.

Eine Beschäftigung mit dem Inhalt des „Prozesses“ – selbst nur mit dem
Kosovo-Teil – hätte also das hierzulande geprägte Bild von Milosevic
und der jüngsten Geschichte des Balkans zerstört. Sie wissen das, aber
es widersprach Ihrer Absicht. Sie wollten eben dieses Bild noch weiter
aufrecht erhalten. Deshalb haben Sie jeden Bezug zum wirklichen Inhalt
vermieden und sich höchst selektiv auf die suggestive Wirkung einiger
Szenen gestützt. (An einigen Stellen wurden sogar zeitlich
auseinanderfallende Äußerungen zu scheinbar zusammenhängenden Dialogen
geschnitten.) Das Ergebnis ist ein Streifen, der das Gegenteil von
kritischem Journalismus vermittelt: Er verbreitet Propaganda.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Sebastian Bahlo

[ 4 ]

junge Welt vom 03.12.2003


Von Jürgen Elsässer

Endlich: Am Montag abend zeigte der zu Unrecht als »Rotfunk«
verschrieene WDR , daß er im Falle eines Falles doch zu den
zuverlässigen Stützen unseres Staates gehört. So zuverlässig war der
Sender nicht immer gewesen: Im Frühjahr 2001 strahlte er ein Feature
mit dem Titel »Es begann mit einer
Lüge« aus, das insbesondere der deutschen Regierung Manipulationen zur
Rechtfertigung des humanitären Bombardements Jugoslawiens 1999 vorwarf.
Verteidigungsminister Scharping wollte die Verbreitung des Streifens
sogar verbieten lassen, scheiterte aber an den deutschen Gerichten.
Offensichtlich ist der Arm von Milosevic länger, als man gemeinhin

Deswegen war es umso erfreulicher, daß die Verantwortlichen des WDR nun
unter dem selben Serientitel »Die Story« ihren damaligen Fehler
ausbügelten. Unmittelbar nach Sendeschluß von »Das Tribunal. Angeklagt:
Slobodan Milosevic« beschloß der NATO-Wahrheitsausschuß, Regisseur
Thomas Schmitt mit dem diesjährigen Joseph-Goebbels-Preis
auszuzeichnen, und der Rezensent pflichtet dieser Entscheidung
vollumfänglich bei.

Schon in ihrer Grundstruktur hebt sich die Produktion wohltuend von den
krypto-bolschewistischen Machwerken aus der unseligen Zeit des
öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehens ab. Weggelassen wurden alle
Zweideutigkeiten, die die Aussage stören könnten, verzichtet wurde auf
jeden objektivistischen Schwulst. Der Angeklagte war einfach das
Monster, als das ihn die ganze Welt kennt. Demokratisch verwirrte
Journalisten hatten vor allem in den ersten Wochen des Haager Prozesses
immer wieder von Erfolgen des serbischen Schlächters berichtet.
»Milosevic bringt den ersten Zeugen der Anklage in peinliche
Situationen«, hatte selbst die ansonsten zuverlässige Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung geschrieben, nachdem ein gewisser Mahmut Bakalli
seinen Vorwurf, der Angeklagte habe eine Art »Apartheid« im Kosovo
eingeführt, nicht hatte belegen können. Auch der Präsident der
Kosovo-Albaner Ibrahim Rugova machte leider nicht die beste Figur, als
ihm Milosevic ein Flublatt aus den Kriegstagen 1999 präsentierte, das
seine Landsleute zur Massenflucht aufrief. Gezeichnet war das Dokument
aber nicht von der massenmörderischen jugoslawischen Armee, sondern von
der Befreiungsorganisation UCK und von Rugova selbst. Serbisch-dämlich
verhielt sich schließlich auch der Kronzeuge Ratomir Tanic, der
Milosevic zunächst eines großangelegten Planes zur Vertreibung aller
Albaner aus der Provinz bezichtigte, dann aber vor Gericht einräumte,
daß er seit 1993 mit dem britischen Geheimdienst zusammenarbeite und
dieser ihm auch bei der
Abfassung seines Geständnisses behilflich gewesen war. Mit diesen und
ähnlichen Episoden des Prozesses, aus dem die Feindpresse großes
Aufhebens gemacht hat, beschäftigt sich der WDR-Film an keiner Stelle,
und das war auch gut so. Unsere Volksgenossen wollen nicht verunsichert
werden – vor
allem nicht in diesen Zeiten, wo die Bundeswehrmacht immer noch an der
Balkanfront gebunden ist.

Am mutigsten war jedoch, daß der Regisseur auch bei den Passagen des
Prozesses, die er wiedergab, nicht vor Manipulationen zurückschreckte.
So sah man einen albanischen Zeugen Greueltaten aus dem Ort Izbica
anhand eines Videofilms und von US-Satellitenaufnahmen schildern – der
Hinweis, daß die beiden Bildbelege nicht kongruent waren und
offensichtlich unterschiedliche Orte zeigten, unterblieb ebenso wie die
Information, daß ein gleichzeitig aufgenommener Beitrag des serbischen
Fernsehens ein friedliches Izbica gezeigt hatte. Im Falle der in einem
Kühllaster entdeckten Leichen, angeblich zum Zwecke der Vertuschung im
Kosovo ausgegraben und nach Zentralserbien verbracht, wurde zwar
deutlich, daß diese Toten niemals gefunden und somit auch nicht
identifiziert werden konnten. Milosevics
Hinweis auf Polizeiakten, wonach solche Kühllaster in der Region auch
zum Schmuggel von Flüchtlingen aus Osteuropa via Serbien in die EU
benutzt wurden, wurde glücklicherweise weggeschnitten. Raffiniert war
auch, daß man unkommentiert stehenließ, was ein anonymer jugoslawischer
Soldat dem
Diktator ins Gesicht schleuderte: »Sie waren es ja, die die
schändlichen Befehle gegeben haben, die wir ausführen mußten.« Das war
ein harter Schlag für die Feindpresse, die gerade an der Existenz
entsprechender Befehle Milosevics zweifelt. Selbst die Neue Zürcher
Zeitung hatte nach Ende des
Verhandlungskomplexes konstatiert: »Aber bisher wurde kein einziges
Dokument vorgelegt, das zu einer Verurteilung führen könnte.«

Wie unsere Redaktion aus dem Reichspropagandaministerium erfuhr, soll
der Film künftig auch als Unterrichtsmaterial an der
Leni-Riefenstahl-Akademie in Königsberg eingesetzt werden. Die Grande
Dame des deutschen Films hätte sich sicher gefreut

[ 5 ]

Quelle: SLOBODA - Freedom Association Belgrad (Email v. 04.12.03)

(3. Dezember 2003)

Präsident Slobodan Milosevic hat am 3. Dezember per Telefon gegenüber
dem Führungsausschuss der Sozialistischen Partei Serbiens (SPS), dem
höchsten Organ seiner Partei, eine Erklärung zu den vorgezogenen
serbischen Parlamentswahlen am 28. Dezember 2003 abgegeben. Die SPS
kämpft für mindesten 20% der Sitze. Die Wahlliste trägt den Namen
„Sozialistische Partei Serbiens - Slobodan Milosevic“. Spitzenkandidat
ist Präsident Slobodan Milosevic selbst. Sein Kampf gegen das Haager
„Tribunal“, Instrument der kolonialen Beherrschung Serbiens, hat ihn
zum angesehendsten Politiker des Landes gemacht. Seine Erklärung hat
folgenden Wortlaut:

Liebe Genossinnen und Genossen,

ich grüße Euch und möchte Euch sagen, dass wir alle zusammen die
Pflicht haben, für den Sieg zu kämpfen und zu gewinnen. Dies liegt im
Interesse des ganzen Volkes, jeder Familie und jedes Einzelnen. Aus der
Sicht des Einzelnen, der Familien und des Volkes betrachtet, will jeder
in einem
wohlhabenden, entwickelten, sicheren und glücklichen Land leben. Um all
das zu sein, muss Serbien frei sein. Daher ist die Freiheit das Ziel,
das über allen anderen Ziele stehen muss. Dies Ziel ist erreichbar,
auch wenn es schwer zu erreichen ist. Es ist erreichbar, weil die
Wahrheit die mächtigste Waffe ist. Es ist schwer, da große
Anstrengungen, viel Arbeit und eine feste
Einheit erforderlich sind, damit diese Wahrheit Herz und Hirn jedes
Bürgers erreicht.

In diesen Wahlen hat das serbische Volk die historische Pflicht, die
Wahrheit zu wählen. Vor drei Jahren warnte ich die Bürger von Serbien,
was geschehen werde, wenn die willigen Vollstrecker ausländischer
Mächte, bzw. ihrer Regierungen, an die Macht kämen. Alles geschah genau
so, wie ich sagte - niemand kann das heute bestreiten.

Die Sozialistische Partei Serbiens hat die Pflicht und die Fähigkeit,
die Kräfte zu sammeln und zu mobilisieren, welche die Prozesse umkehren
werden, die heute Serbiens traurige Lage kennzeichnen - im Interesse
der Bauern, im Interesse der Arbeiter, Intellektuellen, im Interesse
der Kosovo-Märtyrer,
im Interesse von jedem, der von seiner eigenen Arbeit lebt - wie auch
im Interesse des serbischen Volkes, der nationalen Würde und der Würde
jedes Bürgers.

Ich habe Milutin Mrkonjic als Premierminister vorgeschlagen, weil er
ein Mann ist, der aufbaut und dies in schwersten Zeiten bewiesen hat.
Serbien braucht eine Million neue Arbeitsplätze, es braucht Wohnungen,
Krankenhäuser, Schulen, Straßen, Eisenbahnen, Brücken, es braucht eine
unverzügliche Verbesserung des Lebensstandards, sowohl gesellschaftlich
wie privat, für alle - von den Säuglingen in den Kliniken bis zu den

Serbien liegt in Europa; es hat keinen Grund, unterwürfig in irgend
einem Wartesaal zu sitzen. Es gibt keine glücklichen Bettler oder
wohlhabenden Kolonien. Eine schnelle Integration in die gegenwärtige
Welt kann nur durch unsere eigene erfolgreiche Entwicklung erreicht
werden - nicht durch Gnade
oder auf Anordnung äußerer Faktoren.

Daher sollte Serbien für die Wahrheit stimmen, sollte für Serbien

In diesem Sinne möchte ich Euch mindestens dies eine Mal noch die
Botschaft senden, das wir alle zusammen die Pflicht haben, für den Sieg
zu kämpfen.

Bis zum Sieg!

[ 6 ]
Quelle: Kommunistische Partei Griechenlands - Zentralkomitee
Tel:(+30) 210 2592111 - Fax: (+30) 210 2592298 - e-mail:
145 Leof.Irakliou, GR - 14231 ATHENS -


Professor Kostas Alyssandrakis, Mitglied des Zentralkomitees der
Kommunistischen Partei Griechenlands und Abgeordneter des Europäischen
Parlaments hat im September 2003 im Plenum des Europäischen Parlaments
die Unterbrechung des Verfahrens gegen Slobodan Milosevic und seine
gefordert. In seiner Erklärung stellte er insbesondere fest:

Seit nunmehr zwei Jahren bemüht sich das so genannte Internationale
Straftribunal für das ehemalige Jugoslawien, seine Anklagen gegen
Slobodan Milosevic zu begründen. Hunderte von meineidigen Zeugen und
eine Menge falscher Beweise wurden aufgeboten, und dennoch erlebte die
Anklage ein Fiasko. Der einzige Erfolg derjenigen, die Präsident
Milosevic anklagen, und jene, die sich hinter ihnen verstecken, besteht
darin, dass sie seinen Gesundheitszustand verschlimmert haben,
vielleicht in der Hoffnung auf seine
physische Liquidierung.

Neu ist, dass nach Abschluss der Beweisaufnahme durch die Anklage, die
Frist, die Präsident Milosevic gegeben wurde, um sich auf die
Darstellung seiner Position vorzubereiten, nur drei Monate beträgt, und
zwar ungeachtet seiner angegriffenen Gesundheit sowie der Tatsache,
dass er keine anwaltliche Hilfe erhält, weil er es ablehnt, das
Verfahren zu legitimieren.
Dabei wird ihm zugleich versagt, Besucher zu empfangen, die Mitglieder
seiner Partei oder des Komitees sind, das ihn unterstützt.

Die Kommunistische Partei Griechenlands verurteilt die Verletzungen
elementarer Rechte zu Lasten von Slobodan Milosevic und fordert die
Unterbrechung des Verfahrens für zwei Jahre, seine Freilassung und
seine Rückkehr nach Belgrad zwecks Genesung und Vorbereitung seiner
Ausführungen vor dem Tribunal.

Wir sind sicher, Herr Präsident, dass ungeachtet der Anstrengungen der
Imperialisten ihre Verbrechen in Jugoslawien durch die Entstellung der
Wahrheit zu rechtfertigen, diese sich nicht durchsetzen werden.

[ 7 ]

Aus: Marxistische Blätter 6-03, S. 15-18


Von Bernhard Graefrath

Am 16. 10. 2003 hat das Landgericht Bonn sich, entgegen dem Antrag der
Regierung, für zuständig erklärt, eine Schadenersatzklage von Opfern
eines Angriffs auf die Brücke von Varvarin zuzulassen, die bereits am
24. 12. 2001 von Rechtsanwalt Dost beim Landgericht Berlin eingereicht
worden war. Der Angriff fand während des Kosovo-Krieges der NATO am 30.
Mai 1999 mittags statt. Die Menschen in dem kleinen Ort feierten den
Dreifaltigkeitstag. Es war Markttag. Zwei NATO-Flugzeuge bombardierten
bei guter Sicht die Brücke, die, entgegen den Behauptungen der NATO,
ohne jede militärische Bedeutung war. Sie zerstörten sie im ersten
Anflug, töteten dabei drei und verletzten zehn Menschen schwer. Im
unmittelbar darauf folgenden zweiten Anflug, der
für die Zerstörung der Brücke völlig überflüssig war, wurden sieben der
Rettungskräfte getötet und zwölf schwer verletzt. Diesem Sachverhalt
hatte die Regierung in ihrer letzten Erwiderung nur noch den Einwand
des «Nichtwissens» entgegenzusetzen, den das Gericht angesichts der
wohl vergessen wird.

Die Eröffnung des Verfahrens in Bonn hat in der Öffentlichkeit zu Recht
große Aufmerksamkeit gefunden. Immerhin handelt es sich um einen
Schadenersatzfall aufgrund von Kriegsrechtsverletzungen, kurze Zeit
nachdem das Urteil des BGH im sogenannten Distomo-Fall ergangen ist.
(1) In diesem
Urteil hatte der BGH als Revisionsinstanz, ständiger Rechtsprechung
deutscher Gerichte folgend, einen zivilrechtlichen
Schadensersatzanspruch von griechischen Opfern einer
Kriegsrechtsverletzung durch deutsche Truppen
während des zweiten Weltkriegs (1944) abgelehnt. Das Gericht
bekräftigte die herrschende Meinung, dass nach der im zweiten Weltkrieg
bestehenden Rechtslage Verletzungen des Kriegsrechts keine
Schadensersatzansprüche einzelner Personen gegen den verantwortlichen
fremden Staat begründeten. Das Amtshaftungsrecht nach 839 BGB gelte
nicht für den Kriegsfall, da «der Krieg als völkerrechtlicher
Ausnahmezustand gesehen (wurde), der seinem Wesen nach
auf Gewaltanwendung ausgerichtet ist und die im Frieden geltende
Rechtsordnung weitgehend suspendiert.» (2) Darauf stützt sich noch
heute die Bundesregierung bei ihrem Antrag, die Klage abzuweisen.

Im gegenwärtigen Völkerrecht gibt es aufgrund kriegerischer Ereignisse
zwei unterschiedliche Anspruchsgrundlagen für Schadenersatzansprüche.
Ein völkerrechtswidriger Angriffskrieg, d.h. ein Krieg, der unter
Verletzung des Verbots der Gewaltanwendung begonnen wurde, begründet
Schadenersatzanspruch des angegriffenen Staats für sämtlichen durch den
Krieg verursachten Schaden. Dieser Anspruch schließt die Ansprüche
seiner geschädigten Staatsbürger ein, ist aber nicht exklusiv, d.h. er
schließt nicht aus, dass die Bürger ihre Ansprüche selbst geltend
machen. Einen vom Kriegsgrund unabhängigen Schadenersatzanspruch haben
alle durch Kriegshandlungen geschädigten Personen und ihre Staaten,
wenn diese
Handlungen eine Verletzung des Kriegsrechts darstellen. Ein solcher
Anspruch war unstreitig auch im Distomo-Fall gegeben. Das Gericht blieb
aber bei der traditionellen Auffassung, dass 1944 ein solcher Anspruch
nicht durch die
Geschädigten selbst, sondern nur durch ihren Staat geltend gemacht
werden konnte.

Eine neue Rechtssituation

In seiner Entscheidung betonte der BGH aber nachdrücklich, dass sie
sich nur auf die Rechtslage zur Zeit der Tat, also 1944, bezieht. «Dies
bedeutet insbesondere, dass hinsichtlich der gegen das Reich in
Betracht kommenden Anspruchsgrundlagen rechtliche Fortentwicklungen
bzw. veränderte Rechtsanschauungen – etwa im Lichte des heute geltenden
Grundgesetzes oder von Änderungen des internationalen Rechts – außer
Betracht bleiben müssen.» (S. 18) Die Entscheidung macht unter Berufung
auf den Beschluss des Bundesverfassungsgerichts (BVerfGE 94, 329f)
deutlich, dass sie sich auf traditionelle Konzepte stützt, die durch
die Entwicklung des Völkerrechts und das Grundgesetz überholt sein
können. (S. 19, 20) Inwieweit das der Fall ist, wird der rechtliche
Hauptgegenstand des Varvarin-Falles sein.

Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hatte in seinem Beschluss von 1996 nicht
nur darauf hingewiesen, dass inzwischen die Entwicklung des
universellen Rechts der Menschenrechte eine neue Rechtssituation
geschaffen hat. Es hat sogar betont, dass bei Völkerrechtsdelikten
neben den völkerrechtlichen Ansprüchen des Staates nationale,
zivilrechtliche Ansprüche bestehen können, und hat bereits
festgestellt, dass es in diesem Fall einen Grundsatz der Exklusivität
für völkerrechtliche Ansprüche, wie noch immer von der
Bundesregierung behauptet, nicht gibt. (BVerfGE 94,330f.) Der BGH hat
sich dieser Auffassung in seiner Distomo-Entscheidung nun ausdrücklich
angeschlossen. (aaO, S. 22)

Was hat sich an der Rechtslage im Verhältnis zur Zeit des zweiten
Weltkrieges verändert?

Nach der universellen Anerkennung des Gewaltverbots wird der Krieg
nicht mehr als ein Ausnahmezustand betrachtet, der das im Frieden
geltende Völkerrecht und das Amtshaftungsrecht weitgehend suspendiert.
wird die universelle Geltung der Menschenrechte nicht aufgehoben. Das
Recht auf Leben ist heute ein allgemein anerkanntes Menschenrecht, ein
Jedermannrecht. Der Staat haftet, wenn es durch seine Organe verletzt
wird, auch dann, wenn dies im Ausland geschieht und Ausländer
geschädigt werden. (3) Die Opfer, bzw. ihre Hinterbliebenen können
solche Ansprüche vor deutschen Gerichten geltend machen.

Gilt das auch im Falle eines Krieges, wenn die schädigende Handlung ein
militärischer Akt war, der unter das Kriegsrecht fällt? Das wurde
bisher von der Rechtsprechung verneint. Es wurde – unserer Meinung nach
zu Unrecht (4) – behauptet, Art. 3 des IV. Haager Abkommens, später
Art. 91 des Zusatzprotokolls I lasse keine Schadensersatzansprüche von
Einzelpersonen zu.

Diese Konzeption kann heute, angesichts der Tatsache, dass
Menschenrechte wie das Recht auf Leben und körperliche Unversehrtheit
universell gelten, nicht mehr aufrechterhalten werden. Ausdrücklich
wird in den Menschenrechtskonventionen ausgeschlossen, dass der Staat
das Recht auf Leben in Notstandssituationen einschränken oder aufheben
kann. (5)
Kriegsbedingte Tötungen werden auch nach der europäischen
Menschenrechtskonvention nur dann hingenommen, wenn die «Todesfälle auf
rechtmäßige Kriegshandlungen zurückzuführen sind» (6), d.h. eine Tötung
im Kriegsfall, die unter Verletzung des Kriegsrechts, z.B. der Haager
Landkriegsordnung, der Genfer Konventionen oder des Zusatzprotokolls I
geschieht, kann nicht unter Berufung auf den Krieg als Ausnahmezustand
gerechtfertigt werden. Der BGH hat offensichtlich deshalb in seiner
Distomo-Entscheidung immer wieder auf den Zeitpunkt der Tat (1944)
verwiesen, weil die Position nicht mehr aufrechterhalten werden kann,
nicht dem Individuum, sondern nur der betroffenen Kriegspartei ein
subjektives Recht auf Schadenersatz zustehe und infolge des Krieges
«eine innerstaatliche Verantwortlichkeit des Staates» nach dem
«Amtshaftungstatbestand des 839 BGB ... ausgenommen» war. (7) Heute
kann eine Tötung unter Verletzung des Kriegsrechts nicht unter Berufung
darauf, dass durch den Krieg ein Ausnahmerecht oder ein Staatsnotstand
eingetreten sei, gerechtfertigt oder von der Amtshaftung ausgeschlossen
werden. Sie bleibt eine ordinäre Menschenrechtsverletzung, für die der
Staat, wenn sie ihm zuzurechnen ist, einzustehen hat und gegen die der
Geschädigte bzw. seine Hinterbliebenen auf dem ordentlichen Rechtsweg
vorgehen und Schadenersatz- sowie Schmerzensgeldansprüche stellen
können. Die Staaten sind durch die Menschenrechtskonventionen
verpflichtet, ihnen dafür einen
Rechtsweg zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Da die Regierung nicht leugnen kann, dass es seit 1945 eine
beträchtliche Entwicklung der Menschenrechte im Völkerrecht gegeben
hat, die zu grundsätzlichen Veränderungen der Rechtslage des
Individuums geführt hat, versucht sie die Anspruchsberechtigung
Geschädigter auf spezielle vertragliche «Schutzsysteme» zu beschränken,
die in einzelnen Menschenrechtskonventionen, nicht aber im humanitären
Völkerrecht, geschaffen wurden. Sie übersieht dabei geflissentlich,
dass diese speziellen
Rechtsschutzmechanismen kein Ersatz für nationale Rechtsmittel und
nicht die einzige Möglichkeit der Betroffenen sind, ihre Ansprüche
geltend zu machen.
Tatsächlich sind sie und können sie nur ein Korrektiv zu den
innerstaatlichen Rechtsmittelmöglichkeiten sein. Nationale Rechtsmittel
zur Geltendmachung von Menschenrechtsverletzungen werden nicht nur
vorausgesetzt, die Mitgliedstaaten der Konventionen werden ausdrücklich
verpflichtet, sie bereitzustellen, (8) was im deutschen Recht durch die
Artikel 19, Abs. 4 und 34 des Grundgesetzes gewährleistet wird.

Der Angriff auf die Brücke von Varvarin verletzte eindeutig die
Bestimmungen der Art. 48, 51, 52, und 57 des Zusatzprotokolls I zu den
Genfer Konventionen, die dem Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung dienen. Er
stellt deshalb keine rechtmäßige Kriegshandlung dar, die die
Bundesregierung in Übereinstimmung mit Art. 15, Abs. 2 der europäischen
Menschenrechtskonvention als Ausnahme bei Menschenrechtsverletzungen
geltend machen könnte. Damit ist die Rechtswidrigkeit der
Tötungshandlung gegeben und die Geschädigten können ihre
Schadenersatzansprüche unmittelbar auf deutsches Recht, Verletzung des
in Art. 2 GG geschützten Rechts auf Leben stützen. Ihre
Anspruchsgrundlage ist nicht allein das Völkerrecht, sondern
parallel dazu das nationale Recht. Da sie eine Menschenrechtsverletzung
nach deutschem Recht geltend machen, sind alle Erörterungen über die
Völkerrechtssubjektivität von Individuen und darüber, dass das
humanitäre Völkerrecht angeblich keine Schadensersatzansprüche für
Individuen vorsieht, unbeachtlich.

Die Verantwortung der deutschen Bundesregierung

Eine andere Rechtsfrage, die das Gericht beschäftigen wird, ist die
Frage, wem die völkerrechtswidrige Handlung, aus der sich die
Rechtswidrigkeit der Schädigung ergibt, zuzurechnen ist. Die Regierung
bestreitet zwar nicht den Angriff auf die Brücke von Varvarin und die
Verluste unter der Zivilbevölkerung, sie behauptet aber, an dem Angriff
seien keine deutschen Flugzeuge beteiligt gewesen und Deutschland könne
nicht für diese Kriegshandlung verantwortlich gemacht werden.

Der Kosovo-Krieg wurde von einer Allianz von Staaten, den NATO-Staaten,
unter Einsatz des NATO-Militärapparates geführt. Das ging nur, weil es
einen einstimmigen Beschluss des NATO-Rates, aller Mitgliedstaaten der
NATO, für diesen Militäreinsatz gab. Die NATO kann nicht von sich aus
Krieg führen. Sie braucht für jeden Fall einen einstimmigen Beschluss.
D. h. die Zustimmung der deutschen Regierung zu diesem Beschluss war
eine conditio sine qua non, eine notwendige Bedingung für den Krieg
einschließlich des Angriffs auf die Brücke von Varvarin. Nachdem der
Krieg als gemeinsame Sache beschlossen war, lagen viele
Einzelentscheidungen bei den zuständigen Kommandeuren. Das ist für die
Frage der Zurechenbarkeit unerheblich. Hinzu
kommt, dass auch die Zielplanung der NATO von der Zustimmung aller
Mitglieder abhing. Deutschland kann daher seine Mittäterschaft
ernstlich nicht bestreiten. Es war übrigens immer stolz darauf, an der
Zielplanung teilgenommen zu haben, und dass deutsche Tornados die
Luftangriffe aufgeklärt und abgesichert haben.

Die Regierung versucht zu behaupten, dass, wenn überhaupt, nur die NATO
als internationale Organisation für die Kriegshandlungen verantwortlich
gemacht werden könne. Zwar hat die NATO als internationale Organisation
eingeschränkte Völkerrechtssubjektivität, es herrscht aber Einigkeit
darüber, dass sie nicht den militärischen Bereich erfasst. (9) Nicht
einmal Verträge über den Status der NATO-Truppen (in Friedenszeiten)
werden zwischen der NATO als Organisation und dem Aufenthaltsstaat
geschlossen. Im Übrigen würde eine Haftung der NATO als Internationale
Organisation nicht die Haftung der Mitgliedstaaten ausschließen. (10)
Es wäre sonst leicht, die völkerrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit von
Staaten durch die Gründung einer
internationalen Organisation auszuschließen.

Deutschland haftet für Verletzungen des Kriegsrechts während des
Kosovo-Krieges der NATO gesamthänderisch für gemeinschaftliches Tun.
Die gesamthänderische Haftung mehrerer, die gemeinschaftlich handeln,
ist ein Rechtsinstitut, das nicht nur in Deutschland Tradition hat und
das Schuldrecht wie das Deliktsrecht durchzieht. Es gilt auch im
Der Grundsatz der gesamtschuldnerischen Haftung wird innerhalb der
NATO, d.h. zwischen den NATO-Mitgliedstaaten selbst in Friedenszeiten
angewandt, wie Art. VIII, Abs. 5 lit. e ii und iii des
NATO-Truppenstatuts vom 19. 6. 1951 zeigt. Die gesamtschuldnerische
Haftung der Vertragsparteien gilt erst recht für das Außenverhältnis,
und insbesondere in Kriegszeiten. Das ist gerade für Zivilpersonen
wichtig, die im allgemeinen überhaupt nicht in der Lage sind
herauszufinden oder zu beweisen, welcher NATO-Staat für die
Verursachung ihres Schadens verantwortlich ist (11). Eine spezielle
Haftungsregelung der NATO im Falle der Verletzung von Regeln, die in
bewaffneten Konflikten gelten, gibt es nicht. Irgendwelche
Einschränkungen der völkerrechtlich vorgesehenen Haftung der
Mitgliedstaaten könnten auch ohne Zustimmung der anderen, insbesondere
der betroffenen Staaten nicht vereinbart werden.

Das sind einige der schwierigen Fragen, vor denen das Bonner
Landgericht steht. Es kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass seine
Entscheidung den Fall nicht abschließend regelt, aber sie wird den
Anstoß geben, einer internationalen Rechtslage gerecht zu werden, in
der der Schutz der Menschenrechte eine zentrale Stellung einnimmt. Was
wäre die Unverletzlichkeit der Würde des Menschen und des Lebens wert,
wenn man sie ohne Rechtsschutz ließe und beliebig mit Bomben auslöschen


(1) Vgl. Urteil des BGH vom 26. 6. 2003, Az III ZR 245/98 besonders S.
18 f.

(2) aaO. S.25.

(3) Vgl. B. Pieroth/B. Schlink, Grundrechte, Heidelberg 2000, Rdnr.
110,188; BVerfGE 6, 290(295); 57,9 (23)

(4) Vgl. dazu F. Kalshoven, State Responsibility for warlike Acts of
the Armed Forces, in: International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 40
(1991), p. 831 f.; sowie B. Graefrath, Schadensersatzansprüche wegen
Verletzung humanitären Völkerrechts, in: Humanitäres Völkerrecht, Heft
2, 2001, S. 110 f.

(5) Vgl. Art. 4 des Paktes über Bürger- und politische Rechte; Art. 15
der europäischen Konvention zum Schutz der Menschenrechte und

(6) Art. 15, Abs. 2.

(7) BGH 26. 6. 2003 S.24.

(8) Vgl. z. B. Art. 2, Abs. 3 des Paktes über Bürger- und politische
Rechte; Art. 13 der europäischen Konvention zum Schutz der
Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten

(9) Vgl. dazu M. Bothe, Streitkräfte Internationaler Organisationen,
Köln-Berlin, 1968, S. 85

(10) Vgl. H.G. Schermers, Liability of international organizations, in:
Leiden Journal of International Law, 1988, p.3.

(11) Vgl. BGH 1993 in: NJW 1993, 2173; NJW 1982, 1046; NJW 1976,1030;
vgl. auch M. Hirsch, The Responsibility of International Organizations
Towards Third Parties: Some Basic Principles, Dordrecht/Boston/London
1995. p. 71



un generale dell’esercito italiano esce allo scoperto e lancia il suo
pesante j’accuse: contro il ministero della difesa e la commissione
mandelli [, nata con lo
scopo di far luce sull’uranio impoverito: e sugli effetti letali che il
dpu ha avuto sulla salute di molti militari, morti o ammalati. «tutti
quelli che hanno fatto il mio tipo di attività sono nelle condizioni di
inspirare tante altre polveri di metalli: che possono essere
direttamente o indirettamente collegate all’uranio impoverito. la mia
malattia è legata alla mia attività e alla luce di quello che mi hanno
trovato, è stata accertata la presenza di particelle di metalli
pesanti». «non sono mai stato visitato dalla “commissione mandelli”.
non so perché. non mi hanno chiamato. bisognerebbe chiederlo al
professor mandelli o a chi ha pilotato: la commissione. io sono uno dei
casi che pur facendo parte degli elenchi da sottoporre al controllo non
sono stato mai chiamato». il generale fernando termentini:, impegnato
in tutti i più importanti teatri di guerra, dal golfo e kuwait del 1991
ai balcani: nel 1999, in operazioni di bonifica dei territori
bombardati, contribuisce, con un’intervista rilasciata a sigfrido
ranucci, giornalista di rainews24 [, a far
luce su un capitolo nero: del ministero della difesa...
il resto lo trovate su [vedi di seguito] ma anche,
nell’originale, su l’unità
index.asp?SEZIONE_COD=HP&TOPIC_TIPO=&TOPIC_ID=30967] *grazie a paolo*


Dicembre 02, 2003
Uranio impoverito: scoppia il caso
[Valgano queste sconcertanti rivelazioni, del tutto già conosciute,
come risposta agli scetticismi che qualche isolato aveva sollevato a
proposito dell'intervento Body Bags]

da L'Unità, 1.12.03

L'accusa del generale con l'uranio in corpo


Un generale dell’esercito italiano esce allo scoperto e lancia il suo
pesante j’accuse contro il ministero della Difesa e la commissione
Mandelli, nata con lo scopo di far luce sull’uranio impoverito e sugli
effetti letali che esso ha avuto sulla salute di molti militari, morti
o ammalati.
«Tutti quelli che hanno fatto il mio tipo di attività sono nelle
condizioni di inspirare tante altre polveri di metalli che possono
essere direttamente o indirettamente collegate all’uranio impoverito.
La mia malattia è legata alla mia attività e alla luce di quello che
mi hanno trovato, è stata accertata la presenza di particelle di
metalli pesanti».
«Non sono mai stato visitato dalla "commissione Mandelli”. Non so
perché. Non mi hanno chiamato bisognerebbe chiederlo al professor
Mandelli o a chi ha pilotato la commissione. Io sono uno dei casi che
pur facendo parte degli elenchi da sottoporre al controllo non sono
stato mai chiamato».
Il generale Fernando Termentini, impegnato in tutti i più importanti
teatri di guerra, dal Golfo e Kuwait del 1991 ai Balcani nel 1999, in
operazioni di bonifica dei territori bombardati, contribuisce, con
un'intervista rilasciata a Sigfrido Ranucci, giornalista di Rainews24,
a far luce su un capitolo nero del Ministero della Difesa.
Nell’organismo del militare, la dottoressa Antonietta Gatti
dell'Università di Modena, ha trovato micropolveri di metalli pesanti
inalati o ingeriti in conseguenza di esplosioni di materiali altamente
pirofili, quale proprio l'uranio impoverito. Esperta in nanopatologie
- malattie provocate da micro e nano particella - ha esaminato sangue
e sperma di alcuni soldati malati o deceduti e il risultato in tutti i
casi è stato: presenza di particelle pesanti (zinco, rame, zinconio,
ferro) che si ottengono soltanto ad altissime temperature
raggiungibili in presenza di uranio impoverito.
Microparticelle, dunque. Le stesse notate dalle autorità militari
statunitensi dopo alcuni esperimenti condotti nel 1977 nella base di
Eglin, in Florida. Dice, infatti, il generale Termentini: «Io dormirei
con un proiettile all’uranio sul comodino… non dormirei con la stessa
tranquillità in un punto dove è esploso in quanto potrei correre il
rischio di ingerire sostanze tossiche».
Il pericolo, per il generale Termentini, è «non dal punto di vista
radiologico ma dal punto di vista chimico». Poi ricorda: «Ho denunciato
il pericolo chimico dell’uranio impoverito e ho lanciato l’allarme,
oserei dire globale, perché ho detto attenzione che si conteranno i
fatti, le cause fra qualche anno sulla popolazione».
E mentre i soldati americani venivano addestrati a bonificare
proteggendosi con particolari maschere e tute, e a non mangiare o bere
in prossimità di siti bombardati dall'uranio impoverito, i nostri
militari bonificavano, invece, privi di qualsiasi accortezza. Perché?
«Non era la procedura». Come avvenivano operazioni di bonifica?
«Secondo i criteri normali - spiega il generale - trovavi la roba e la
distruggevi. Senza particolari protezioni: nella procedura non è
Bombardare luoghi abitati dai civili, invece, era evidentemente
previsto. Così, chi è sopravvissuto alla pioggia di fuoco, in alcune
zone della Serbia sta morendo di cancro.
Come ad Hadzici, quartiere serbo bosniaco nelle vicinanze di Sarajevo,
dove sono stati sparati, come indicano le mappe della Nato, 3400
ordigni all'uranio impoverito soltanto tra il 5 e l'11 settembre del
'95. Ad Hadzici, una comunità di 5000 anime, ogni anno muoiono 150
persone di tumore.
Il professor Nedan Luijc, dell'ospedale civile “Banjica” di Belgrado,
si occupa del pazienti serbi provenienti dalle zone bombardate. «Un
paziente di 48 anni è venuto da me con tre tumori diversi, non ho mai
visto una cosa del genere. Non so se dipenda dall'uranio impoverito -
dice il professore - ma vi chiedo se nei paesi occidentali esiste una
comunità di 5000 persone, come quella di Hadzici, dove ogni anno
muoiono 150 persone di tumore».
In cinque anni, aggiunge il professor Branko Sbutega, primario del
reparto di ortopedia oncologica, «i casi di tumori sono aumentati del
70 per cento e i malati sono sempre più giovani di 20, 30 anni.
Abbiamo lanciato l'allarme in un convegno internazionale più di due
anni fa. Nessuno se n'è mai interessato».

Riceviamo e volentieri giriamo alla lista:



MARTEDI 9 dicembre ’03, ORE 21
Libreria TIKKUN - via Montevideo 9 - MILANO

Soprano Olivera Mercurio
Pianoforte Natalija Gasi

· UKOR - Josif Marinkovi´c

· TAMO, ZA TOM GOROM - Stanislav Binicki
(La, dietro quel monte)

· NIMFA - Petar Krsti´c

· SICILIJANSKA PESMA - Stanislav Binicki
(Canzone siciliana)

· STOJANKE - Josif Marinkovi´c


· RIBARCETA SAN - Stanojlo Rajici´c
(Sogno di un piccolo pescatore)

· KOGA DA LJUBIM - Djura Jakši´c
(Chi devo baciare)

· NANE, KAZI TAJKU - Petar Konjovi´c
(Mamma, dillo a papà)

· MOLITVA - Josif Marinkovi´c

· CEMPRES VITI - Stanislav Binicki
(Cipresso snello)



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Cari compagni,


Probabilmente già sapete che, l’11 dicembre 2003, il vicepresidente del
Partito dei Lavoratori Ungherese, il compagno Attila Vajnai verrà
processato, perché durante una conferenza stampa ha messo all’occhiello
un distintivo con la stella rossa: come sapete, in Ungheria l’uso di
simboli del movimento operaio e comunista non viene consentito e viene
punito penalmente.


In questa occasione, intendiamo attirare la vostra attenzione su alcuni
sviluppi negativi che si sono registrati in materia di diritti
democratici e anticomunismo nell’Unione Europea.


Il 30 ottobre, il Presidente della Commissione Europea, Sig. Romano
Prodi, rispondendo all’europarlamentare del Partito Comunista di Grecia
Stratis Korakas ha affermato che “la messa al bando del Partito
Comunista in un paese che sta per entrare nell’UE, in nessun caso può
rappresentare causa di particolare dibattito o critiche nell’ambito dei
criteri politici prima menzionati” (il riferimento è ai criteri di


La risposta del Sig. Prodi è da riferirsi alla lettera che il
parlamentare europeo gli ha indirizzato, protestando per la presa di
posizione del Commissario dell’UE Sig. Verheugen, nella discussione
avvenuta il 30 settembre 2003 nel corso della seduta del Comitato per
gli affari esteri del Parlamento Europeo. Rispondendo a una domanda
circa le clausole che mettono fuori legge i partiti comunisti e i loro
simboli, ha detto: “Se mi è consentito esprimere un commento politico,
posso affermare che se personalmente avessi sperimentato ciò che i
popoli hanno sperimentato in Europa Orientale, sarei il primo a
chiedere che il Partito Comunista sia messo al bando in quei paesi”.


Tali posizioni anticomuniste, assunte da personalità ufficiali dell’UE,
costituiscono entrambe una provocazione verso i sentimenti democratici
dei popoli dell’Europa e una minaccia per i diritti democratici
nell’Unione Europea e nei suoi stati membri.


Pensiamo che queste dichiarazioni non solo legittimano le clausole non
democratiche, anticomuniste, le interdizioni e le persecuzioni in una
serie di stati membri dell’UE, ma creano le condizioni per una
potenziale estensione di tali misure agli altri stati membri, dal
momento che introducono l’idea che la democrazia e la messa al bando
dei partiti comunisti sono compatibili.


E’ interessante notare che questi sviluppi hanno luogo nel momento in
cui l’UE sta elaborando la cosiddetta “Costituzione Europea”, alla
vigilia delle elezioni per il Parlamento Europeo.


La Sezione Internazionale del Partito Comunista di Grecia


Traduzione di Mauro Gemma       

> Da: Marco Trotta
> Data: Gio 4 Dic 2003 19:48:58 Europe/Rome
> A: balcani@...
> Oggetto: Kossovo: Le verità nascoste dall'occidente
> Le verità nascoste dall'occidente

> Molti vecchi dirigenti dell'era Milosevic sono dietro le sbarre, ma
> l'occidente continua a rifiutarsi di riconoscere i crimini commessi
> dagli estremisti albanesi appartenenti alle milizie kosovare e
> considerano ancora «riuscita» la missione internazionale nell'ex
> provincia della Repubblica jugoslava. Ci sono voluminose
> documentazioni sui crimini commessi
> dall'esercito serbo sulla popolazione albanese in Kosovo, ma nessuno
> sembra voler indagare sulle persecuzioni etniche perpetrate dagli
> albanesi dopo la partenza dell'esercito serbo. Il Tribunale
> internazionale dell'Aia sostiene di non avere prove al riguardo, ma è
> difficile credere che le varie missioni internazionali presenti sul
> territorio non siano a conoscenza dell'oscuro passato degli attuali
> leader di Pristina.
> Le Courrier des Balkans, Francia [in francese]
> --
> Mailing list Balcani dell'associazione PeaceLink.
> Archivio messaggi:
> Si sottintende l'accettazione della Policy Generale:


Kosovo : les vérités inavouées de l’ONU

Publié dans la presse : 29 novembre 2003
Mise en ligne : mercredi 3 décembre 2003

Alors que les dirigeants de l’époque de Milosevic sont aujourd’hui
presque tous derrière les barreaux, l’Occident s’entête à « pactiser
avec le diable » au Kosovo, en refusant de reconnaître les exactions
commises par les extrémistes albanais et en considérant toujours la
mission internationale au Kosovo comme étant « réussie ». Le point de
vue du Père Sava Janjic, publié par le quotidien Danas.

Par le père Sava Janjic

Finalement, après quatre ans, la MINUK et les représentants du
ministère de l’Intérieur (MUP) de Serbie commencent à enquêter sur les
crimes commis au Kosovo pendant et après les conflits armés. Après le
renversement du régime de Slobodan Mislosevic, le ministère de la
Justice, avec Vladan Batic à sa tête, a adressé aux représentants de la
MINUK et du Tribunal de La Haye (TPI) une documentation volumineuse
concernant les crimes perpétrés sur les Serbes et les autres
populations non-albanaises.

Le MUP de Serbie, grâce à l’intervention du général Sreten Lucic, s’est
engagé activement dans la recherche de crimes commis par certains
membres de la police et de l’armée de Yougoslavie, ce qui a grandement
contribué à élucider la disparition d’Albanais. Or, les mois passent et
les représentants de la MINUK et du TPI affirment qu’ils ne possèdent
pas de preuves réelles des crimes commis par les extrémistes albanais,
dont la compagne de terreur ethnique se poursuit avec une violence
accrue en prenant son tribut sanglant, « payé » par les enfants de
Gorazdevac et le massacre des membres de la famille Stolic de la région

Cette collaboration de la MINUK et de Belgrade fait probablement suite
au texte récemment publié dans Vecernje Novosti, avec les photographies
des représentants de l’UCK (Armée de libération du Kosovo) tenant dans
leurs mains les têtes coupées des prisonniers serbes. L’enquête de
cette affaire a commencé au mois d’août dernier, après que ces
photographies aient été trouvées dans une maison albanaise abandonnée
du village de Prilep, près de Decani.

Certains représentants de la MINUK pensent qu’il est plus facile de
tenir les Albanais sous contrôle dans la mesure où leurs chefs savent
que les actes d’accusation contre eux peuvent être lancés dès qu’ils
arrêtent de coopérer. Cependant, les événements sur le terrain montrent
que ces leaders ont compris la stratégie de la MINUK comme un signe de
faiblesse et comme une garantie de leur propre immunité, de sorte
qu’ils ont continué à coordonner les attaques extrémistes en n’hésitant
pas à menacer ouvertement les plus hauts représentants de la mission,
en profitant de la situation à leur avantage. C’est précisément sous la
menace des anciennes structures de l’UCK que Hans Haeckerup, un des
chefs de la MINUK, a brusquement quitté le Kosovo ; les milieux
albanais lui reprochaient son étroite collaboration avec Belgrade et la
disparition du « courant pro-albanais » que prônait Bernard Kouchner.

« Pacte avec le diable »

Il est difficile de croire que les services secrets de la MINUK et de
la KFOR ne soient pas informés du passé douteux et obscur des actuels
leaders albanais, alors que de nombreux analystes estiment que la
tolérance internationale exagérée est, entre autres, la conséquence de
leur collaboration active avec les forces du Traité de l’Alliance Nord
Atlantique (OTAN) pendant les bombardements de la Yougoslavie en 1999.

Nous ne pouvons oublier qu’un semblable « pacte avec le diable » avait
été autrefois conclu avec Ousama ben Laden au cours de la guerre en
Afghanistan, dans les années ‘80, lorsque les instructeurs militaires
occidentaux entraînaient Ben Laden et ses moudjahidines sur la manière
de lutter contre les forces russes. On peut également ajouter à cela
l’aveu involontaire de Richard Holbrooke qui, dans ses mémoires, écrit
qu’un tel « pacte avec le diable » avait été fait pendant la guerre en
Bosnie lorsque les services secrets occidentaux avaient organisé ou
permis la venue de moudjahidines en Bosnie afin de consolider les
forces d’Alija Izetbegovic.

Depuis, cette situation a changé radicalement. Les Russes ne sont plus
les ennemis de l’Occident, tandis que Ben Laden et ses « combattants
pour la liberté » sont devenus l’ennemi numéro 1 des USA et du monde
occidental, surtout après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001. Milosevic
n’est plus la terreur des Balkans et la Serbie s’approche de plus en
plus de l’intégration euro-atlantique, tout comme les autres anciennes
républiques yougoslaves. Ce ne sont peut-être que les dinosaures de
cette époque qui sont restés au Kosovo, où les leaders albanais ne
peuvent comprendre qu’ils sont captifs de leurs propres idées
anachroniques et nationalistes dont l’Europe n’a plus besoin.

Mais le problème au Kosovo réside dans le fait que l’Occident n’a pas
vraiment le choix. Une nouvelle élite politique n’a pas été créée à
temps, ce qui aurait pu donner au Kosovo une apparence européenne. A
vrai dire, les anciens chefs de l’UCK qui, après la guerre ont pris le
pouvoir, ne semblent pas du tout prêts à le laisser aux autres et
perdre ainsi le contrôle des transactions illégales et du trafic de la
drogue qui leur rapportent des millions d’euros. Le Kosovo se trouve de
nouveau dans une impasse et l’Europe préférerait plutôt cacher le
problème sous le tapis, s’il n’était pas si proche des pays européens
occidentaux dans lesquels la mafia albanaise tient le monopole de la
prostitution et du trafic des stupéfiants.

Fin de la « Lune de miel »

Quatre ans ont passé sans qu’un seul représentant de la MINUK ou de la
KFOR n’ait reconnu publiquement les erreurs commises dans les premiers
mois de la mission, lorsqu’un grand nombre d’innocents ont péri ou
disparu. Bien qu’ils soient nombreux à l’OTAN à reconnaître dans des
discussions d’ordre privé que « la lune de miel avec les Albanais est
terminée », le Kosovo est toujours officiellement une « histoire
réussie ». Pour justifier leurs échecs et d’assurer le soutien de
l’opinion publique pour que la mission se poursuive, quelques films ont
même été tournés qui tendent à représenter les membres de la MINUK et
de la KFOR comme de courageux combattants qui séparent les forces
paramilitaires serbes et albanaises. La vérité est qu’à l’arrivée de la
KFOR au Kosovo il y avait d’une part les membres de l’UCK et divers
clans de la mafia, et d’autre part des civils serbes et d’autres
populations non-albanaises sans protection, enfermés dans leurs
enclaves. C’est cette vérité qu’on dissimule avec tant d’insistance.

C’est pourquoi il fallait équilibrer les crimes, de sorte que la partie
serbe de [Kosovska] Mitrovica était montrée dans la presse et les
rapports de la MINUK comme le foyer « des extrémistes serbes les plus
dangereux ». Alors qu’en fait, tout leur « extrémisme » se bornait à ne
pas subir le même sort que les autres villes kosovares ayant fait
l’objet d’un nettoyage ethnique ; ils ont donc spontanément organisé
une résistance contre la percée albanaise au nord de la province, en
majorité peuplée de Serbes

Quoique personne ne peut nier l’existence d’éléments radicaux restés
dans les enclaves kosovares, le nord de Mitrovica, paradoxalement, est
une ville multiethnique plus que toute autre ville de la province où
les Albanais kosovars sont en majorité. Or, la mission aurait dû
trouver une justification à tout prix non seulement à cause de la
présence militaire continue au Kosovo mais aussi à cause des besoins de
plus en grand d’engager les forces armées occidentales dans les
missions pacifiques en Afghanistan et en Irak. L’échec des missions
pacifiques en Bosnie et au Kosovo mettrait en danger d’autres missions
ainsi que toute idée « d’intervention humanitaire » qui, au
Proche-Orient, s’est transformée en prétexte pour un nouvel
« impérialisme pétrolier ». A cause de tout cela, il faut que la vérité
sur la situation véritable au Kosovo soit tenue suffisamment loin des
yeux de l’opinion publique.

Actuellement, quasiment tous les dirigeants de l’ancien régime de
Milosevic sont à La Haye, alors que les initiateurs et les principaux
acteurs de la campagne kosovare de terreur ethnique jouissent des
lauriers du vainqueur. Il n’est pas rare d’entendre certains diplomates
occidentaux les flatter en disant que ce sont eux qui doivent emmener
le Kosovo vers l’Europe. Il ne nous reste qu’à espérer que cette
injustice et le manque d’une approche objective au problème kosovar ne
durera pas longtemps et que tous les criminels, quelle que soit leur
appartenance ethnique, comparaîtront devant la justice. C’est le moins
qu’on puisse faire pour les milliers d’innocents qui ont perdu la vie
pendant et après le conflit kosovar uniquement parce qu’ils ne
voulaient pas que le chauvinisme et la haine soient leur raison de

© Tous droits réservés Danas
© Le Courrier des Balkans pour la traduction

Milosevic "trial" synopsis, Nov. 21 -- Dec. 4, 2003:



2, 2003


=== 1 ===

MILOSEVIC "TRIAL" SYNOPSIS: NOVEMBER 24, 2003 - November 24, 2003

Three witnesses testified at the so-called “trial” of Slobodan
Milosevic today. The first witness was Mr. Ibro Osmanovic, a Muslim
from the northeastern Bosnian town of Vlasenica.

Mr. Osmanovic testified that on April 23-24, 1992 members the Novi Sad
Corps of the JNA came to Vlasenica. He said that the JNA troops who
were there were commanded by an Albanian lieutenant.

According to Osmanovic the JNA was in Vlasenica for approximately
three weeks. While the JNA was in town it collected weapons. According
to Osmanovic, the JNA didn’t mistreat people, it didn’t shoot at
anybody, and it didn’t hold any prisoners. In mid-May the JNA left
Bosnia-Herzegovina, and so it left Vlasnica too.

After the JNA left, Osmanovic was arrested and sent to prison.
Eventually he was shipped to the Susica camp and then to the Batkovic
camp, and while he was there he was mistreated by, among others, a trio
of Muslim soldiers.

According to Osmanovic this trio of Muslims doled out the most severe
beatings. It was unclear why this trio of Muslims was beating
prisoners at what he said was a Serb-run detention facility, but that
was Osmanovic’s story. They were Muslims. They wore uniforms. They had
their own car that they would come to the camp in, and they severely
beat the detainees.

Osmanovic was released from captivity when he was exchanged. What his
evidence, or any of the other evidence they heard today, has to do
with President Milosevic, I have no idea. I guess the prosecutor is
just trying to run out the clock.

The next witness was a secret witness codenamed “B-1746.” B-1746 was a
Muslim from the municipality of Doboj in Bosnia-Herzgovina.

B-1746 didn’t see any killings take place, but B-1746 had heard about
killings from other people. B-1746 had also heard from other people
that Russian and Romanian volunteer units were in town and fighting on
the Serb side.

According to B-1746’s witness statement “Arkan’s White Eagles” had
attacked Doboj. Unfortunately for the witness, there is has never been
any such thing as “Arkan’s White Eagles.” Arkan was the commander of
the Serbian Volunteer Guard, also known as the Tigers. Arkan never
commanded the White Eagles.

When President Milosevic confronted B-1746 with these facts, the
witness responded by saying that they couldn’t be expected to keep the
identities of all those paramilitaries straight. So in other words
B-1746 had no idea who had attacked Doboj.

The prosecutor went into damage control mode. She explained that the
witness had not had the opportunity to see the witness statement. Well
then that puts it in a neat package; the witness isn’t responsible for
what is contained in their statement for the simple reason that
they’ve never seen it!

Regardless of the prosecutor’s efforts, the fact still remains that
the witness said that they couldn’t keep the identities straight.

The term “red berets” was thrown around a lot. The idea was to imply
that the JSO from Serbia had been involved. Because White Eagles wore
red berets, President Milosevic asked the witness to describe the
differences in the red berets that the JSO wore and the red berets
that the White Eagles wore. The witness couldn’t. The simple fact of
the matter is that this witness had no idea what they were talking

Seeing that things weren’t going well B-1746 began to get hysterical
and say all sorts of dumb things. B-1746 claimed that the Army of
Bosnia-Herzegovina was totally unarmed. President Milosevic, in
apparent disbelief that anybody could say something so stupid, asked
the question again. He asked, “Are you claiming that the Army of
Bosnia-Herzegovina had no weapons?” The witness answered, “Yes that is
what I claim.”

B-1746 also claimed that Serbs in Doboj had been forced to fight
against their will. According to B-1746 Serb military commanders took
Serb men to the front lines and forced them to fight in the trenches,
and to keep them from running away they were tied up.

An astonished Milosevic asked the witness, how they could fight if
they were tied up? The witness answered him that they were not actually
tied up, but that they were tied together. That’s much better! I’m
sure that all of these men being tied to one another were an effective
fighting force. I would also like to know when the witness had access
to the Serbian trenches to see such a spectacle. Oh well, maybe this
is another one of those things that the witness heard from someone.

B-1746 explained a couple of things. B-1746 knew that Croats and
Muslims didn’t respond to JNA call-ups and B-1746 knew that the JNA
took over weapons from the T.O. throughout Yugoslavia. Although, B-1746
was convinced that the take over of weapons was some sort of JNA plot
against Croats and Muslims, and so President Milosevic asked if B-1746
was aware that the JNA took over the T.O.’s weapons in Serbia as well.
B-1746 was aware of that fact but it didn’t change their mind.

B-1746 eventually escaped the war in Bosnia, and where do you think
B-1746 went? B-1746 went to Milosevic’s Serbia and guess what
happened. B-1746 was able to live freely, and B-1746 received
assistance from the FRY authorities. B-1746 was issued proper
documents and a passport. One would think that B-1746 would be
grateful for the help, but one would be wrong.

The next witness was Esed Belic, a member of the SDA from Bosanska
Krupa. He was at the “tribunal” to testify about the activities of the
SDS. He testified under his own name, but the “tribunal” put the facial
distortion on the video anyway. Maybe the “tribunal” did this because
the witness is so hideously ugly that they didn’t want anybody to see
his face, or maybe they did this because this guy isn’t really who
they say he is. I don’t know, but it doesn’t make any sense to hide
the face and still use his name.

Belic is a 92-bis witness and so President Milosevic only gets 1 hour
to cross-examine him. He got 20 minutes today, and will get the
remaining 40 minutes on Wednesday. The “tribunal” won’t be in session
tomorrow because it is a UN holiday.

=== 2 ===


Esed Belic finished his testimony at the “tribunal” today. He was the
president of the SDA in Bosanska Krupa from September 1991 onwards.

Belic testified that the SDA wanted to increase the number of Muslims
in the reserve police force in Bosanska Krupa so that they could
acquire more weapons.

Belic explained that the fighting started in Bosanska Krupa when two
young Serb men were shot by this same police at a checkpoint.

Belic considered that the killing of these two Serbs, by the Muslim
police officers, was a provocation that had been staged by the SDS.
President Milosevic didn’t buy that version of events, he mocked the
notion that the SDS told those Muslim police to shoot those two young

Belic’s statement had some inaccuracies in it, which highlight the
fact that admitting entire witness statements as evidence is a flawed
practice. Belic swore that his statement was truthful and accurate, and
the statement was admitted as evidence under Rule 89(F).

The only problem is that Belic’s statement was not truthful and
accurate. Belic attributed the inaccuracies to the fact that he didn’t
write his witness statement. At The Hague “tribunal” none of the
witnesses write their own witness statement. The prosecution
interviews the witness before they testify, and on the basis of the
interview the prosecutor writes the statement for the witness.

So what we have is the prosecutor writing a document and then having
their own document that they wrote themselves treated as evidence
against an accused.

With Belic his statement said one thing, but his live testimony said
something different. In his statement he spoke of the front lines in
Bosanska Krupa and talked about how the Muslim forces managed to hold
the frontlines. In his live testimony he said no front lines existed
in Bosanska Krupa at all. He recited the same old story that the
Muslims had no armed forces (which makes it all the more amazing that
they managed to fight a war for three years).

In his statement he said that he went to Zagreb to work in the war
presidency, but in his live testimony his story was different. He said
that he was sent to Zagreb by the war presidency, not that the war
presidency was located in Zagreb, and that he went there so that he
could work for them. He had been working for them all along.

This illustrates the fact that witnesses, either by accident or
intentionally, are not pointing-out inaccuracies in their 89(F)
statements. If the tribunal wanted to have even the appearance of a
real court of law they would abandon this practice of admitting
statements written by the prosecutor as evidence. Moreover, this
illustrates that evidence admitted under Rule 89(F) is suspect.

After Belic withdrew, Miroslav Deronjic took the witness stand.
Deronjic is involved in a plea bargain with the prosecution. He has
agreed to plead guilty to crimes in Glogova in exchange for a light
sentence, but he has not been sentenced as of yet.

In point 11(A) of Deronjic’s plea agreement it says “based on Miroslav
Deronjic’s full and substantial co-operation with the Office of the
Prosecutor, the Prosecutor will recommend to the Trial Chamber that it
impose a term of 10 years imprisonment.”

So the prosecutor needs to consider that Deronjic is fully and
substantially cooperating in order to recommend the 10 year
imprisonment. If they don’t consider that there is adequate
cooperation from Deronjic they are not bound to recommend anything.

In point 11(B) of the plea agreement it says, “the Prosecutor will
take necessary and reasonable steps to ensure the safety and
protection of Miroslav Deronjic and members of his family;”

In exchange for a light prison sentence, the protection of his family,
and immunity from further prosecution for the crimes that he plead
guilty to. Deronjic agrees in point 12 of his plea agreement “to meet
as often as necessary with members of the Office of the Prosecutor and
to co-operate with and provide them with truthful and complete
information that is known to him regarding individuals and events in
the former Yugoslavia. He agrees to be truthful and candid and to
freely answer all questions put to him by members of the Office of the
Prosecutor. Miroslav Deronjic agrees to testify truthfully in any
trials, hearings, and proceedings before the Tribunal where the
Prosecutor deems his evidence may be relevant, whether those matters
are presently before the Tribunal or may be in the future.”

So Deronjic only gets his sweet deal if he testifies against others.
He hasn’t been sentenced yet and if he fails to impress the prosecutor
he loses his deal. The last part of point 11(A) of his plea agreement
says “Miroslav Deronjic understands that the Trial Chamber is not bound
to accept the Prosecutor’s recommendation and may impose a sentence
above or below the Prosecutor’s recommended sentence. The imposition
of such a sentence will not vitiate the plea of guilty;”

In other words, the plea agreement doesn’t mean that they can’t still
screw him anyway, so he’d better play ball if he ever wants to be a
free man again. In looking at the plea agreement one can really see
that Deronjic’s testimony is the result of extortion by the prosecutor.

Deronjc testified under the now infamous Rule 89(F). His 232 paragraph
statement was admitted into evidence, and Slobodan Milosevic was only
allotted 2½ hours to cross-examine him.

The cross-examination started with the transcript of an allegedly
intercepted conversation between Radovan Karadzic and the witness. It
is interesting to note that the source of this transcript is unknown
and that no tape recording exists of this so-called intercept.
Deronjic nonetheless, confirmed that the transcript was of an
authentic telephone conversation.

Deronjic, who was the President of the Bratunac Municipal Board of the
SDS claimed that he frequently spoke with Radovan Karadzic. He claimed
that Karadzic told him at a meeting in Zvornik that he should prepare
Bratunac for VRS operations around Srebrenica.

Deronjic, whose memory was so precise about the alleged telephone
conversation, found that his memory failed him when he was asked to
say when the military operations actually began.

Deronjic said that he met with Gen. Krstic, but he didn’t know how
long he spoke with Krstic, what he spoke to Krstic about, or even what
day he met Krstic. Deronjic thought that he might have had some coffee
with Krstic, but he didn’t remember.

Deronjic, in spite of the fact that he claimed to have spoken with the
VRS commanders in the area, said that he didn’t know what objective
the VRS was trying to achieve in the area of Srebrenica. Deronjic said
that he didn’t know because he didn't ask.

In spite of the fact that Deronjic says he didn’t know what the VRS
was up to, he contacted Radovan Karadzic and advised him to send a
special unit of the R.S. MUP to assist with the situation in Srebrenica.

Deronjic said that because he didn’t know what was going on with
regard to Srebrenica that he traveled to Pale to meet with Radovan
Karadzic so that he could ask him.

Deronjic said that he went to Pale unannounced. He didn’t tell anybody
in Pale or Bratunac that he was going off to meet with President

Deronjic had no idea when he left Bratunac to go to Pale, and he had
no idea when he got there. In his statement he got there on July 9,
1995, but when he was on the witness stand he didn’t know with any
certainty what day it was that he was there.

Deronjic claimed that when he got to Pale he just by luck happened
upon Radovan Karadzic, Momcilo Krajisnik, and Jovica Stanisic while
they were out taking a nice leisurely stroll.

Then Deronjic said that Karadzic introduced him to Krajisnik and
Stanisic as “our man in the field” and on the basis of that Deronjic
concluded that the three of them had been speaking about Srebrenica. He
didn’t hear them saying anything about it, but he none the less
concluded based on Karadzic’s reference to him as the “man in the
field” that the subject of this meeting was in Srebrenica.

Deronjic excluded the possibility that he had been referred to as “man
in the field” because he was the president of a local board of the
SDS. But that isn’t as important as Deronjic’s next ludicrous claim.

Deronjic claimed that Karadzic took him off to the side and told him
to kill as many Srebrenica Muslims as he could manage to kill.

President Milosevic ripped Deronjic’s lies to pieces. President
Milosevic produced the VRS orders regarding Srebrenica. The orders had
been issued by Maj. Gen. Jovanovic on July 2, 1995 – one week before
Deronjic went to Pale to ask Karadzic what the military’s objective

The orders explicitly stated the objective and it was to sever links
between Srebrenica and Gorazde and reduce the enclaves to just the
urban areas. The orders also explicitly stated that the Geneva
conventions had to be observed.

Apparently our witness, who was the leading political figure in the
area, was the only one who didn’t know what the plan was.

President Milosevic asked Deronjic if he was part of the military
chain of command. Deronjic of course said that he wasn’t, and so
President Milosevic asked him why Karadzic would tell him that the
Muslims should be killed? If Deronjic couldn’t have them killed so why
would Karadzic even bring up the topic? The witness had no real answer
to speak of.

President Milosevic then produced orders issued to the VRS by Radovan
Karadzic himself. These orders were issued on July 9th, the same day
as Deronjic claims that Karadzic told him to kill all the Muslims. The
orders explicitly said that civilians, POWs and UNPROFOR soldiers
should be protected.

The witness got flustered and explained that he didn’t think that
accuracy was so critical in his statement. He admitted that the dates
were wrong and that the quotation marks were misplaced in his
statement. So what if quotes are being attributed to people who never
said something, this is the Hague Tribunal! Here we have a 232
paragraph witness statement that isn’t even written by the witness and
the witness says that the dates are wrong and the quotes aren’t that
exact, but he swears that the statement is true and it is admitted as
some sort of so-called “evidence” nonetheless.

Deronjic, in addition to being the SDS president in Bratunac, had been
appointed as the Civilian Commissioner for Srebrenica. He said that
Karadzic told him to meet with Muslim representatives and offer them 3
options. The first option was for them to remain in Srebrenica, the
second option was for them to go to an area that was under control of
the ABiH, and the third option was for them to go to a third country.
Deronjic said that the result was that the Muslims decided that they
wanted to leave Srebrenica.

According to Deronjic, Karadzic also ordered that war criminals be
apprehended and dealt with in accordance with the laws and customs of
war. Specifically the orders from Karadzic were that the POW’s should
be sent to the military prison, not that they should be killed or
anything of that sort.

At this point President Milosevic asked Deronjic if he thought that
these orders coming from Karadzic conflicted with his earlier
assertion that Karadzic wanted those people killed. Deronjic had no
choice but to admit that his testimony was contradictory here.

Deronjic said that the POWs weren’t properly guarded, and that he had
heard second-hand that some of them were being killed at the
cooperative farm in Bratunac but that he didn’t know, even to this day,
who was killing them; although, Deronjic did testify that civilians
had been carrying out revenge killings in the area.

Deronjic also testified that 15,000 – 20,000 Muslims soldiers in
Srebrenica were carrying out an operation to break-out towards Tuzla,
and he confirmed that they took large casualties in the process.

Deronjic, since he claimed prisoners were being killed, was asked how
many people were killed in combat and how many were killed while
imprisoned. Deronjic didn’t know, or else he didn’t want to answer
because he didn’t answer.

Deronjic claimed that Radovan Karadzic called him and asked him how
the evacuations were progressing and how the fighting was going. When
Karadzic called him, Deronjic had already heard about killings taking
place, but he says he didn’t tell Karadzic about them, because he
thought that Karadzic knew about it.

Then Deronjic says that a drunk man called “Beara” came to his office.
Of course nobody but Deronjic saw this, he had already sent his
assistant away.

Deronjic said that this drunk “Beara” person wanted to take over the
prisoners and kill them. President Milosevic asked Deronjic who sent
this “Beara” and Deronjic didn’t know for sure because he didn’t ask,
but he just assumed that Karadzic must have sent this drunk man to him.

Deronjic says he told “Beara” that he couldn’t kill the prisoners
because Karadzic had issued orders that the POWs should be sent to the
military prison, so that it could be established if they were war
criminals or not.

The morning after this “Beara” allegedly came staggering drunk into
Deronjic’s office, Deronjic says that he was woken up by news that
“Beara” was taking a group of POWs to the brick factory to kill them.
Deronjic says that he caught-up with “Beara” on the road to the brick
factory, but that he didn’t see any POWs with him.

By this time it is July 14th and Deronjic, who says he already thought
that Karadzic knew about the alleged killings, went to Pale to see
Radovan Karadzic so that he could tell him about the killings.

Deronjic says that he met with Karadzic alone, and that Karadzic was
concerned about what to do with the bodies. What Deronjic didn’t know
was that President Milosevic had acquired a copy of President
Karadzic’s daily agenda book, and in the book it can be seen that
Deronjic never met with Karadzic alone on July 14th. Deronjic saw
Karadzic, but as part of a whole delegation from Srebrenica. Deronjic
didn’t see Karadzic alone. He was caught in a lie, and there are
witnesses from that delegation who can bear this out.

The “trial’s” broadcast feed abruptly ended today. Video technicians
put-up the slate for Milan Babic’s initial appearance before the
Milosevic “trial” had adjourned.

All I have to say to Deronjic is that he should take a good look at
Milan Babic. Babic prostituted himself for the OTP and look what it got
him. Deronjic should also take a harder look at his plea agreement
since it only refers to Glogova. The OTP could still indict him for
something else; perhaps they would indict him for Srebrenica since he
talks like he was up to his elbows in that mess.

At any rate, being a whore never pays. I don’t know what sort of
pathetic excuse of a man would betray his people in such a shameful
fashion as Mr. Deronjic is doing. If the “tribunal” doesn’t get
Deronjic then God will.

=== 3 ===


Two witnesses testified at the so-called “trial” of Slobodan Milosevic
today. The first witness was a secret witness codenamed “C-57.” He
concluded his testimony after testifying last Thursday.

C-57 was an officer in the JNA. Apparently he or his unit was serving
in Borovo Selo, Dalj, and Erdut in Croatia.

C-57 testified that the JNA’s orders were to separate the warring
factions in Croatia. C-57 defined the warring factions as the Croatian
MUP and the Serbian population and T.O. Units.

According to C-57 members of the JNA swore an oath to defend
Yugoslavia’s territorial integrity and its constitutional order from
internal and external attack. On Thursday the prosecution made a big
deal about the term “internal enemy” appearing in orders issued to the
JNA. Today under cross-examination C-57 defined an “internal enemy” as
anybody who was attempting to overthrow the constitutional order or
damage the territorial integrity of Yugoslavia.  

C-57 said that looting was prohibited by the JNA, but that it occurred
in spite of efforts to stop it. C-57 also said that the JNA had orders
to respect the Geneva Conventions, and that nobody issued the JNA
orders not to respect them.  

C-57 described one incident when a member of the JNA cut the ears off
of a Croatian POW. The problem here is that C-57 never reported the
incident and so the JNA leadership never had a chance to punish the
perpetrator, because quite simply they didn’t know about the incident.

C-57 also said a couple of words about volunteers. C-57 said that the
Serbian Radical Party sent volunteers to Croatia and that those
volunteers were suborned to the local T.O., and that they had nothing
to do with the Government of Serbia.

After C-57 withdrew, B-H Presidency member Sulejman Tihic testified.
Tihic claimed that he had been captured and beaten by paramilitaries,
after which he was turned over to the JNA and allegedly beaten by them
in a JNA prison facility in Serbia.

The drama was high when Mr. Groome played a video tape of President
Milosevic shaking hands with a JNA soldier named Jovanovic, since
according to Tihic one of the men who beat him was named Jovanovic.
Amazing! The man who allegedly beat Tihic and the man on the tape both
had one of the most common Serbian surnames that there is. What
amazing proof!

Mr. Groome’s next question proved to be rather anti-climactic. Groome
asked Tihic if this was the same Jovanovic who had beaten him, and
Tihic couldn’t tell if it was him or not.

Tihic has a gift for denying the obvious. For example, Tihic says that
he supports the cantonization of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the abolition
of the entities, which he says is in accordance with Annex 4 of the
Dayton Accords. The only problem is that Annex 4 of the Dayton Accords
says “Bosnia and Herzegovina shall consist of the two Entities, the
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska.” No
mention is made of cantonization, and the entities that Tihic wants to
abolish are the whole basis behind the Dayton Accords.

Tihic says that that he supports the Dayton Accords, but in reality he
wants to do away with them in order to abolish the Republika Srpska.
Tihic is not a truthful person. He even denies concrete facts that
anybody can verify in order to advance his own agenda, but then again
he is a politician.

Tihic claimed that he was forced to make false statements to the media
by the JNA. He says that they forced him to say that nobody was
beating him, that there was proper food, medical care, that he was
allowed to take walks, and that he wanted to stay in Serbia so as to
escape the war.

Transcripts of Tihic’s interviews were produced and he made no mention
about any of those things. He said nothing about the food, the medical
care, the beatings, or wanting to remain in Serbia. On the contrary,
in the interview he said that he wanted to go back to Bosnia.

Shortly after the JNA withdrew from Bosnia, Tihic got his wish and was
sent back to Bosnia. It should be noted here that previous prosecution
witnesses have testified that the JNA was under the command of the
SFRY presidency and not under the control of Slobodan Milosevic.

The fact that the JNA had a facility in Serbia is nothing unusual
since Serbia, like Bosnia, was part of Yugoslavia. Tihic could just
have easily been in a JNA prison in Bosnia as Serbia.

Because of the untruthful nature of Tihic’s testimony President
Milosevic expressed doubt that the JNA had beaten Tihic at all.

Tihic was at a loss for proof, he was a lawyer before the war, but
when he showed-up in “court” today he had no proof that his ribs were
broken or that his teeth were knocked out. He said that X-rays were
made and that the OTP might have them, but that he didn’t have them
with him, and indeed the prosecutor never produced them. I don’t know
about you, but I wouldn’t want this clown for my lawyer.

Tihic was given to making outlandish claims. He claimed that the JNA
would bus prisoners through villages in Serbia, and stop the busses in
the villages so that the local Serbs could get onto the busses and
beat the prisoners. Tihic had the claimed that this was all done in
front of UNPROFOR, the Red Cross, and the media. Apparently, nobody
made any reports about this therefore the so-called "joint criminal
enterprise" must be bigger than we thought.

Before the war Tihic was the president of the SDA in Bosanski Samac.
Under cross-examination from President Milosevic Tihic admitted that
Muslims there were arming themselves for months before the war ever
started, he also admitted that Muslims who joined the JNA were branded
as traitors by other Muslims.

Of course the fact that Muslims didn’t join the JNA lest they be
branded as traitors by other Muslims didn’t stop Tihic from being
critical of the JNA’s ethnic composition.

It turns out that the prosecution had a copy of a diary that Tihic
kept. The prosecution claims that it provided this diary to President
Milosevic back in March, but that they just didn’t put Tihic’s name on
it. At any rate, President Milosevic might recall Tihic tomorrow to
cross-examine him on questions that arise from this diary that he just
today, during the witness’s testimony, learned had come from the Tihic.

The proceedings ended today with some interesting administrative
matters. The U.S. Government wants to know what questions Wesley Clark
will be asked before he testifies. It appears as though they are
busily primping the perfumed prince for his big debut.

Wesley Clark will testify behind closed doors, the U.S. Government has
been given the right to redact the transcripts and edit the video
tapes, and now they want to know the questions in advance. This
so-called “trial” is a pathetic joke; the ICTY is a travesty of
justice. It is a worthless puppet court whose sole objective is to
provide retroactive justification for NATO and the U.S. Government’s
criminal aggression against Yugoslavia.



Bosnian Presidency's Muslim member to testify against Milosevic

SRNA - November 30, 2003
Sarajevo - Sulejman Tihic, a member of the Presidency of
Bosnia-Hercegovina, will leave for The Hague today where he is due to
testify against former Serbian and Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic on 2 December, Sarajevo papers report today.
Citing Tihic's office, Dnevni avaz Sarajevo-based Muslim daily said
that Tihic was expected to meet the chief prosecutor of the Hague
tribunal, Carla Del Ponte, and her deputy Graham Blewitt.
Tihic also plans to visit Naser Oric, Srebrenica wartime commander
indicted for war crimes, in the detention unit of the Hague tribunal.

SOURCE: SRNA news agency, Bijeljina, in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian 0951
gmt 30 Nov 03
Copyright 2003 British Broadcasting Corporation  
BBC Monitoring Europe - Political
Supplied by BBC Worldwide Monitoring
Posted for Fair Use only.



Three witnesses testified at the so-called “trial” of Slobodan
Milosevic today. Sulejman Tihic was recalled today. Tihic was recalled
because President Milosevic had questions about his diary, which was
not properly disclosed to him until after the witness was already
giving his testimony yesterday. President Milosevic was given only 20
minutes to go over the 65 page diary, and he made good use of the 20
minutes he had.

From Tihic’s diary it emerged that Tihic himself was engaged in the
developing war plans and arming the Muslims before the war. According
to Tihic’s diary the SDA formed a crisis command and developed war
plans before the war ever started. It also emerged that Tihic himself
was sending Muslims for sabotage training. Tihic’s diary described 6
separate instances of arms smuggling by the Muslims before the war.

The SDA’s plans to destroy the multiethnic structure of the JNA also
emerged from Tihic’s diary. According to Tihic’s diary, the SDA spread
rumors and distributed leaflets with the goal of identifying Muslim JNA
members and branding them as traitors. This scheme worked in tandem
with appeals from Alija Izetbegovic that Muslims should not join the
JNA either as reservists or to perform their military service.

Tihic described Muslim members of the 4th detachment of the T.O. in
derogatory terms. He called them “traitors”, “criminals”, and “people
from mixed marriages”.

It also turns out that Tihic was not with the SDA from the beginning
as he had previously stated. Apparently he had reservations about
joining the party because he felt that the membership were illiterate

I’m sure that more interesting tidbits could be found in Tihic’s
diary, but President Milosevic only got 20 minutes.

The next witness to testify was Ahmet Zulic, a Muslim from Sanski
Most. Mr. Zulic is a self-confessed liar. He gave one statement to the
B-H authorities in 1994 and another statement to the ICTY in June of
2001. President Milosevic asked him if the statements were both true
and Zulic said that neither one of the statements was true.

Matters concerning the untruthful nature of the statements were dealt
with by the so-called “tribunal” in private session. At one point Mr.
Kwon indicated that the witness had admitted to lying to ICTY
investigators in one of the private sessions.

The fact that the witness clearly admitted to lying in the statements
did not stop the prosecutor from trying to assert that the ICTY
witness statement was true. And after the prosecutor claimed that the
ICTY statement was true; this self-confessed liar who was occupying
the witness stand agreed with the prosecutor that the statement was
true, even though on two previous occasions he clearly said that it
was not true.

Zulic’s explanation to Mr. Kwon was that he had made a mistake, when
earlier on the same day, he clearly said on two separate occasions
that he was not telling the truth in either of his witness statements.

Zulic claimed to be the victim of some mistreatment. But he had 3
different versions of the same mistreatment. In one version people’s
throats were being slashed and then a pistol was put into his mouth, in
another version the pistol was placed in his mouth and then people’s
throats were slashed, and in a third version the pistol was in his
mouth while the throats were being slashed. The sequence of events
changes in each instance. His diary had one version, his statement
another, and there was another version still in his testimony in the
Brdjanin and Talic case.

Another interesting point that came up was that Seselj’s men and the
White Eagles were not one in the same unit. This is a common
misconception. Seselj’s men joined the Army and the T.O. as volunteers;
they did not have their own units. The White Eagles were a totally
separate group. President Milosevic brought up this point, but the
Zulic couldn’t differentiate between any groups he said that they were
all the same to him. Therefore who mistreated him?

In the Talic case he said the following about the people who allegedly
mistreated him “They wore olive-grey uniforms” and when asked what
unit they belonged to he said “I really am unable to tell which unit
they belonged to, whether they were Chetniks or the regular army,
regular troops, because they were behind some willow trees, so that we
just saw some soldiers. I couldn't see them properly.”

All of this happened in Bosnia, so what is this testimony about some
unidentified unit, accused of this alleged massacre, supposed to prove
against Milosevic? Apparently nothing.

After Zulic left, a secret witness codenamed “B-1021” took the stand.
B-1021’s testimony was a big secret since it all took place in closed

=== 4 ===


The so-called “trial” of Slobodan Milosevic was held in secret today.
A secret witness testified about God only knows what. None of the
testimony was public it’s all a big secret.

The so-called “tribunal” dealt with some administrative matters and
then it announced that it would go into a so-called “private session”
for the rest of the day. 

President Milosevic strongly objected to the “private session.”
President Milosevic has nothing to hide, because he is totally
innocent, and therefore he considers that his so-called “trial” should
be held out in the open for the whole world to see. 

One wonders how come the tribunal is so anxious to hide its brand of
so-called “justice” from the world. What are they ashamed of? Why
can’t the public see all of this “damning evidence” that they
supposedly have against President Milosevic? I know that justice is
supposed to be blind, but at the Hague Tribunal she is being bound and

Secret witnesses, private sessions, limited cross-examination for some
witnesses, and no cross-examination of others, testimony written by
the prosecutor on behalf of the witness admitted as evidence under
Rule 89(F), and rumors and hearsay treated as evidence. These are only
some of the things that go on at that so-called “tribunal.” 

Then we have the special treatment for the perfumed prince, Wesley
Clark. He gets to know the questions ahead of time. He gets to have
two U.S. Government lawyers with him on the witness stand. Of course
he will testify in private session, God forbid that the public should
be able to see what he said before the U.S. Government redacts the
transcript of his testimony.  

The secrecy of this so-called “trial” is obscene. When President
Milosevic objected to the so-called “private session” today, the
so-called “judge” May responded that there would be no debate. The
so-called “evidence” would be heard in secret, and that was that, and
with his decree the broadcast was terminated and the public was locked

(english / srpskohrvatski / italiano)

Messaggio telefonico di Milosevic alla nazione: La Serbia deve essere

Slobodan Milosevic: Srbija mora da bude slobodna!

Serbia has to be free! - Slobodan Milosevic phone address to SPS on the



(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 3 DIC - Per la prima volta dalla sua estradizione
all'Aja nelle carceri del Tribunale penale internazionale, il 28
giugno del 2000, l'ex presidente jugoslavo Slobodan Milosevic si e'
rivolto a voce ai suoi sostenitori, in un messaggio registrato e
ritrasmesso dal quartier generale del suo Partito socialista serbo
(Sps). Il comizio telefonico, che verteva sulla campagna in atto
per le elezioni politiche serbe del 28 dicembre, alle quali
Milosevic ha deciso di presentare la sua candidatura, e' stato
trasmesso dalla 'Radio S', l'emittente del Sps. ''Il partito
socialista - ha detto Milosevic - ha la capacita' e il dovere di
mobilitare le forze per rivoluzionare la triste realta' del paese. La
vittoria del Sps e' nell'interesse dei contadini, degli operai, degli
intellettuali e dei martiri del Kosovo'', la comunita' serba rimasta
nella provincia. L'ex uomo forte di Belgrado ha designato come
premier, in caso di vittoria del partito, Milutin Mrkonic, che fu il
responsabile del programma di ricostruzione seguito ai bombardamenti
della Nato della primavera 1999. Quanto al processo di integrazione
con le istituzioni europee, ''La Serbia - ha detto Milosevic - e' gia'
in Europa e non ha motivo di sostare come una mendicante
nell'anticamera di nessuno''. (ANSA). OT 03/12/2003 19:18

NOTA: L'ANSA riporta anche le dichiarazioni "preoccupate" del
presidente dell'assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d'Europa Peter
Schieder (
), e spiega che verra' impedito ad ogni costo il rispetto delle libere
scelte degli elettori serbi se queste ultime non piaceranno alla NATO
ed alla UE: "A seggi chiusi ... tutti i candidati eletti dovranno
superare il vaglio di una commissione di verifica [SIC], che
provvedera' a eliminare quelli piu' compromessi con il passato
regime. Milosevic sicuramente figura in questa categoria..." ( )


 (Telefonsko obracanje clanovima Glavnog odbora Socijalisticke partije
Srbije na sednici odrzanoj 3. decembra 2003. godine, na kojoj je
MILOSEVIC, za vanredne parlamentarne izbore zakazane za 28. decembar

Dragi drugovi,

Zelim da vas pozdravim i da vam porucim da svi mi zajedno imamo obavezu
da se borimo za pobedu i da pobedimo.U interesu celog naroda, svake
porodice i svakog pojedinca. I iz perspektive i pojedinca i porodice i
celog naroda, svako zeli da zivi u bogatoj i razvijenoj, bezbednoj i
srecnoj zemlji. A da bi Srbija sve to bila mora da bude slobodna. Zato
je sloboda cilj koji mora biti ispred svih drugih ciljeva.Taj cilj je
ostvariv i tezak. Ostvariv jer je istina najmocnije oruzje.Tezak jer je
potreban ogroman trud, ogroman rad i cvrsto jedinstvo da ta istina
dopre i do glave i do srca svakog gradjanina.

Na ovim izborima srpski narod ima istorijsku obavezu da se opredeli za
istinu. Pre tri godine upozorio sam gradjane Srbije sta ce se dogoditi
ako na vlast dodju eksponenti stranih sila, odnosno njihovih vlada.Sve
se tacno tako dogodilo i to danas ne moze niko da porekne.

Socijalisticka partija Srbije ima obavezu i ima sposobnost da okupi i
mobilise snage koje ce da preokrenu tok koji predstavlja zalosnu
realnost Srbije, u interesu seljaka, u interesu radnika,
intelektualaca, u interesu kosovskih mucenika, u interesu svih koji
zive od svog rada i u interesu srpskog naroda i nacionalnog
dostojanstva i dostojanstva svakog gradjanina.

Predlozio sam Milutina Mrkonjica za predsednika Vlade zato sto je
graditelj koji se potvrdio u najteze vreme. Srbiji treba milion novih
radnih mesta, stanovi, bolnice, skole, putevi, pruge, mostovi, ubrzani
rast i opsteg i pojedinacnog standarda, od beba u porodilistima do

Srbija je u Evropi, ona nema razloga da ponizno stoji u bilo kom
predsoblju. Ne postoji srecan prosjak ni bogata kolonija. Ubrzana
integracija u savremeni svet moze da se ostvari samo uspesnim razvojem,
a ne ni miloscu ni dekretom stranih faktora.

Zato Srbija treba da glasa za istinu, da glasa za Srbiju.

U to ime zelim bar jos jednom da porucim da svi mi zajedno imamo
obavezu da se borimo za pobedu.

Do pobede!


Belgrade, 3 December 2003

President Slobodan Milosevic has addressed today by phone the session
of the Head Committee, the highest organ of his party, the Socialist
Party of Serbia. According to the Party Statute, the Head Committee has
adopted today the party ticket for the forthcoming early parliamentary
elections, scheduled for 28 December 2003, with the names of candidates
for 250 seats in the Serbian parliament.

It has been also decided that according to the electoral law
provisions, the SPS party ticket will have the name: SOCIALIST PARTY OF

Candidate with number one on the party ticket will be President
Milosevic himself. The composition of the list of candidates,
containing the most prominent names of both “reformists” and
“consequent socialists” is considered to be a manifestation of unity of
Serbian socialists, reached in the crucial moment and achieved in
accordance with the expectation of the people, around the principal
goal – to offer a socialist and patriotic alternative to the colonial
regime that brought the country and the people into misery, humiliation
and desperation. At the same time, the way the socialists appear in the
elections proves that Slobodan Milosevic is still, and even more than
in the last years – a politician with the highest personal rating in
Serbia. It is, without any doubt, a result of his successful struggle
against the NATO puppet court at The Hague, which became a paradigm of
the colonial domination over Serbia.

The socialists with Slobodan Milosevic will fight for at least 20% of
seats in the Serbian parliament, which, if achieved, will make them
unavoidable factor in the future political life of Serbia.

Below we give the full text of President Milosevic’s today’s address to
the Head Committee of the Socialist Party of Serbia.

Dear comrades,

I wish to greet you and to tell you that we all together have a duty to
struggle for victory and to win. It is the interest of the whole
people, of every family and each individual. And looking from the
prospective of individuals, of families and of the people – everyone
wishes to live in prosperous and developed, safe and happy country. In
order to be all that, Serbia has to be free. That is why freedom is a
goal that has to be above all other goals. That goal is reachable
although it is hard to reach it. It is reachable since truth is the
most powerful weapon. It is hard since great efforts, lot of work and
firm unity are needed for that truth to access brain and heart of every

In these elections Serbian people has historical duty to choose the
truth. Three years ago I warned citizens of Serbia what was going to
happen if the exponents of foreign powers, i.e. of their governments,
come to power. Everything happened exactly as I said – nobody can deny
it today.

The Socialist Party of Serbia has duty and ability to gather and
mobilize forces that will reverse the processes which are the sad
reality of Serbia – in the interest of peasants, in the interest of
workers, intellectuals, in the interest of Kosovo martyrs, in the
interest of everyone who lives of his own work – as well as in the
interest of Serbian people, national dignity and dignity of every

I have proposed Milutin Mrkonjic for Prime Minister because he is a
builder who proved himself in the hardest time. Serbia needs a million
of new employments, it needs apartments, hospitals, schools, roads,
railways, bridges, it needs accelerated improvement of living
standards, both social and individual, for all – from babies in
nurseries until pensioners.

Serbia is in Europe; it has no reason to stand submissively in
anybody’s waiting room. There is no happy beggar or wealthy colony.
Fast integration into contemporary World can be achieved only through
our own successful development – not by mercy or decree of the outside

That is why Serbia should vote for truth, should vote for Serbia.

In that name I wish to send you at least one more time a message that
we all together have a duty to struggle for victory.

Until victory!

TESTE MOZZATE (english / italiano)

Le foto dei serbi decapitati dall'UCK di D'Alema e Clinton /

Vedi anche / SEE ALSO:



(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 3 NOV - La fotografia di due ex combattenti
dell'Uck, l'esercito di liberazione albanese kosovaro, che mostrano
ridendo le teste mozzate di due soldati serbi, e' stata pubblicata
oggi dal quotidiano Vecernje Novosti con tanto di nomi e cognomi dei
protagonisti. Scusandosi per la crudezza delle immagini - ottenute
probabilmente tramite i servizi segreti serbi - il quotidiano
riporta il nome di una delle due vittime, Bojan Svetkovic, la cui
testa e' in primo piano e riconoscibile, e quelli dei presunti
assassini, padre e figlio: si tratta di Sadik e Valon Quflai,
fotografati in divisa dell'Uck mentre mostrano ridendo i macabri
trofei. Stando al quotidiano, i due non sono mai stati imputati di
crimini di guerra, e addirittura Valon Quflai e' tenente del Corpo
di protezione creato col beneplacito dell'Unmik, l'amministrazione
delle Nazioni unite in Kosovo. Il primo ministro serbo Zoran
Zivkovic ha commentato le immagini affermando che ''l'opinione
pubblica internazionale non puo' lasciarle senza risposta e non
reagire''. Zivkovic ha promesso di adoperarsi con tutti i mezzi
presso il responsabile dell'Unmik Harry Holkeri e la Kfor (la forza
internazionale in Kosovo) perche' venga aperta una indagine e vengano
arrestati i due ex combattenti. Il premier ha mandato un
messaggio anche al Tribunale penale internazionale dell'Aja,
chiedendo ai magistrati ''un pronunciamento immediato'' sulla
vicenda. Zivkovic ha sottolineato che in quattro anni dal ritiro
delle forze serbe nella provincia ''1.300 serbi sono stati uccisi,
1.000 sono scomparsi, alcune decine di migliaia di case sono state
incendiate e centinaia di chiese e monasteri sono stati distrutti o
danneggiati, senza che ci fosse una sola incriminazione''. La
sequenza fotografica pubblicata da Vecernje Novosti mostra Sadik
Quflai con le due teste in mano, e alle spalle il figlio Valon, poi
lo stesso Sadik che mette quei resti in un sacco di plastica bianca,
infine una istantanea dei due assieme ad altri membri in divisa
dell'Uck, probabilmente appartenenti allo stesso gruppo di
combattimento. (ANSA). OT 03/11/2003 18:50


Vecernje Novosti daily, Belgrade
November 2, 2003

KLA Cut Off People's Heads

Searching for sources and examples of this evil, the reporters of
"Novosti" recently discovered a horrific photograph, the best
illustration of the bloody feasts of the members of the KLA. On the
large photograph, we see three members of the KLA in uniform. The
oldest, the one in the middle with the toothy grin, is holding a cut
off human head in his right hand and carrying the larger head of a
younger man more visibly in his left arm.

Despite the passing years, crimes never expire. Nor are they forgotten.

Members of the notorious so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), who
waged a campaign of terror in Kosovo and Metohija for many years,
especially against the Serbian population (in 1999 the KLA had
approximately 20,000 armed men) continue to roam the southern province
today wearing different badges and under different names, doing
everything possible to achieve their grand dream - an independent,
Albanian Kosovo.

Searching for sources and examples of this evil, the reporters of
"Novosti" recently discovered a horrific photograph, the best
illustration of the bloody feasts of the members of the KLA.

On the large photograph, we see three members of the KLA in uniform.
The oldest, the one in the middle with the toothy grin, is holding a
cut off human head in his right hand and carrying the larger head of a
younger man more visibly in his left arm.

Two cut off human heads in two hands seeped in blood!

Murderers' Bloody Feast

Is it possible to reconstruct this crime?

Exposing themselves to the possible risks that investigations of this
sort entail, the journalists of "Novosti", after some days of searching
and cross-referencing facts from multiple sources, arrived at
information they could "revisit" this case with relative reliability
and "revive" this photograph of a horrible scene.

THE PLAYERS: The Albanian in the middle of the victory celebration is
Sadik Chuflaj, a member of the KLA from the Decani area.

The young man to his left is his son Valon Chuflaj, born in April 1981
in the village of Prilep, municipality of Decani. He has an UNMIK
identity card and is now a member of the Kosovo Protection Corps with
the rank of lieutenant. He works in the inspector's office in Pec.
UNMIK has taken disciplinary measures against him on two occasions.

It is assumed that these murderers belonged to one of the units
commanded by Ramush and Daut Haradinaj, which operated in the zone of
Decani - Pec.

With great caution and piety, after cross-checking, our reporters were
led to the assumption that the visible human head on the right is the
head of Bojan Cvetkovic, born in Nis in 1972. A comparison with a
photograph published in the book "Junaci otadzbine" /Heroes of the
Fatherland/ also leads us to the same assumption.

Still in Uniform

THE LOCATION: Bojan Cvetkovic, a sales clerk from Nis, volunteered for
duty /in the Yugoslav Army/ after the aggression of NATO forces against
our country. At the beginning of April 1999 he was mobilized in the
Pristina Corps in the 549th Motorized Unit.

His days as a soldier were few. On April 11 he was abducted by members
of the vicious KLA on the Prizren - Pristina road near Suva Reka.

Four other soldiers were captured at the same time: Zarko Filipovic,
Dragoljub Tanaskovic, Dragan Vucetic and Zivota Topalovic.

Traces of all five men disappeared on that day.

THE CRIME: The dreadful question presents itself whether all five
Serbian soldiers were killed on the same day, and in the same fashion.

The second photograph reveals a horrific spectacle: Sadik Chuflaj is
placing one of the cut off heads in a large bag!

Is the bag full of the heads of young Serbian men?

This story and these photographs are just a small part of the crimes by
ethnic Albanians committed by members of the so-called Liberation Army.

Today these same men wear the uniforms of the Protection Corps
(approximately 5,000 members of the former KLA are in the Corps),
establishing "multiethnic order" in devastated Kosovo.

Thus, they are protected by the international community. Thus, all
their crimes have been forgiven. Thus, their wartime leaders and their
commanders, now dressed in elegant uniforms, can travel to the capitals
of the world and participate in roundtable discussions where they
supposedly discuss peace.

Will anyone, the people in UNMIK, for example, recognize if not the
severed head of young Bojan Cvetkovic, then the bloody hands of Sadik
Chuflaj and his son, and bring them in for an informational talk or for
questioning? Will they hold them accountable or bring them into a
courtroom to face justice? There is little chance of it - but we will


In publishing these difficult, tragic and authentically crude
photographs, the editors of "Novosti" seek only to demonstrate the full
brutality of the violence and crimes committed by ethnic Albanian
terrorists in Kosovo and that both the criminals and the victims can be
recognized in the photographs. Perhaps this will bring further new
truths to light.

We wish to extend our apologies to the Cvetkovic family for publication
of assumptions and these comparisons, as well as to our readers whose
sensibilities cannot endure this degree of authenticity.



il premier zivkovic attende che il capo della missione onu in kosovo,
harri holkeri, la kfor e la comunità internazionale facciano tutto il
possibile per identificare quanto prima gli assassini, appartenenti
all’uck, ritratti nelle scioccanti fotografie pubblicate dal quotidiano
belgradese vecernje novosti. nelle immagini si vedono appartenenti al
disciolto uck, supportato dalla nato e ribattezzato ‘esercito di
liberazione, che tengono in mano teste di persone decapitate. adesso
abbiamo il documento, e con un po’ di sforzo si potrà eseguire
l’identificazione delle persone ritratte, ha detto zivkovic chiamando
il tribunale dell’aia ad esprimere subito un’opinione in merito.
zivkovic ha rammentato che in quattro anni e mezzo dall’arrivo della
comunità internazionale in kosovo 1300 serbi e non albanesi sono stati
uccisi, e circa mille persone risultano scomparse e nessuna inchiesta
in merito è stata aperta.
nota importante: le immagini di vecernje novosti non sono adatte a
persone sensibili. sono visibili on line in formato .pdf
[ hostate da, che
ripubblica anche l’articolo [,
ma anche sullo stesso vecernje novosti

Tanjug - November 3, 2003

Men from photograph should be arrested, Zivkovic

16:56 BELGRADE , Nov 3 (Tanjug) - Serbian Premier
Zoran Zivkovic said on Monday that he expected from
UNMIK chief Harri Holkeri, KFOR and the entire
international public, to do everything possible to
find out as soon as possible who are the executioners
from the photograph published on Monday in the
newspaper Vecernje Novosti.
He was talking about a text published by the Belgrade
daily, where photographs were also shown on which KLA
members are holding severed human heads.

Beta - November 3, 2003

PM calls for action on KLA photo

BELGRADE -- Monday – Serbia’s prime minister has
called on the international community to react to a
photo published in a Belgrade newspaper today showing
a group of people dressed in uniforms of the outlawed
Kosovo Liberation Army holding a number of severed
Zoran Zivkovic used the continuation of a no
confidence debate in his government today to appeal to
the United Nations mission in Kosovo, the
multinational peacekeeping force and the international
community as a whole to identify the people in the
photo in Vecernje Novosti, arrest and convict them.
“We kept being told in The Hague [war crimes tribunal]
that there’s no evidence of war crimes committed in
Kosovo by the Albanian side”, said Zivkovic. “Now we
have a document and it takes just a little effort to
identify the people in the photo and convict them”.

Tanjug - November 4, 2003

Holkeri promises Covic to look into photographs case

17:18 BELGRADE , Nov 4 (Tanjug) - State Coordinating
Center for Kosovo and Metohija President Nebojsa Covic
said on Tuesday he had been assured by UNMIK chief
Harri Holkeri that he would investigate the entire
case and identity of the persons in the photographs
published by the Belgrade daily Vecernje novosti.
Vecernje novosti yesterday published photographs of
three members of the Kosovo Liberation Army, and one
of them is holding two severed heads of Serb soldiers
in his hands.



(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 5 NOV - La procura speciale di Belgrado per i
crimini di guerra e la lotta contro la criminalita' organizzata ha
aperto un'inchiesta sui leader kosovari albanesi Hasim Taqi, Agim Ceku
e Ramus Haradinai, tutti comandanti del disciolto Esercito di
liberazione kosovaro (Uck). Lo ha annunciato il ministero della
giustizia serbo precisando che l'inchiesta e' stata affidata al
procuratore capo Vladimir Vukcevic. Il reato ipotizzato per i tre e'
quello di crimini di guerra e terrorismo. L'annuncio segue la
pubblicazione, ieri sul quotidiano 'Vecernje Novosti' di scioccanti
fotografie che ritraevano combattenti dell'Uck con in mano le teste
tagliate di militari serbi. quelle immagini hanno avuto un forte
impatto sull'opinione pubblica, tanto piu' che i genitori di una delle
vittime, Aleksander Ozegovic, hanno scoperto da quelle istantanee la
fine del loro figlio dato per disperso in azione nell'aprile del 1999.
Ieri il governo serbo ha pubblicato un libro bianco sui
presunti crimini dei kosovari albanesi contro la popolazione serba,
che contiene un elenco di 156 nomi di persone accusate di vari delitti
contro civili non albanesi. (ANSA). OT 05/11/2003



SRNA - November 7, 2003

Belgrade, 7 November: The secretary general of the Serbian Radical
Party (SRS), Aleksandar Vucic, confirmed today that one of the two
young men whose heads were severed by OVK (Kosovo Liberation Army)
members, and whose photo was published in Vecernje novosti, is
Aleksandar Njegovic, a Yugoslav Army volunteer and SRS member.
"We demand that state and republican bodies urgently launch an
investigation into persons who committed crimes against Serbs in
Kosovo-Metohija and demand that the criminals are extradited to the
relevant bodies," Vucic told a news conference.
Vucic said that the SRS deputies forwarded a proposal to the assembly
of the Serbia-Montenegro state union that the assembly discuss a
Serbia-Montenegro strategy towards Kosovo-Metohija.

Tanjug - November 11, 2003

UNMIK police opens investigation

16:57 PRISTINA , Nov 11 (Tanjug) - UNMIK police has
opened an investigation following the recent
publishing of photographs in Vecernje Novosti
newspaper, on which are seen members of the Kosovo
Liberation Army holding the severed heads of Serbs, an
UNMIK spokesman said.
At the same time he denied information in some media
according to which UNMIK investigators were in

Beta - November 12, 2003

UNMIK police meet Belgrade Kosovo officials

BELGRADE -- Tuesday – UNMIK police representatives
visited Belgrade today to meet officials of the Kosovo
Coordination Centre, to discuss photographs published
recently in daily Vecernje novosti.
The photographs showed an unidentified person in a
Kosovo Liberation Army uniform holding two severed
human heads.
The Coordination Centre, in a statement, described the
meeting as extremely significant, successful and
constructive, adding that ongoing police cooperation
was also discussed.
Attending the meeting were the deputy chief of the
UNMIK police Central Investigative Criminal Unit. The
Coordination Centre delegation included the heads of
the police, security, judiciary and human rights
divisions, together with representatives of the Bureau
for the Missing and Abducted.

BEOGRADSKI FORUM: Poziv na javnu tribinu o lustraciji

Beograd, 02. decembar 2003. godine


Beogradski forum za svet ravnopravnih organizuje javnu tribinu o
lustraciji koja će se održati u subotu, 6. decembra 2003. na Pravnom
fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu (amfiteatar V), sa početkom u 10
časova. Govoriće istaknuti naučnici iz oblasti domaćeg i medjunarodnog
prava, javni i kulturni poslenici, medju kojima su: dopisni član SANU
Kosta Čavoški, Ljubiša Lazarević, profesor Pravnog fakulteta, prof. dr.
Radovan Radinović, Oskar Kovač, član Naučnog društva Srbije i drugi.
Očekuje se učešće i stručnjaka iz advokature, sudstva, vojske,
diplomatije, kao i gostiju iz inostranstva.
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