
Here are the ones who destroyed your country

1. JUST REMEMBER: Tanjug 25 January 1991

2. Last prime minister of Yugoslavia breaks 12-year silence
(by Paul Mitchell - WSWS 11/11/03)

=== 1 ===


How Croatian “Communists” Destroyed Yugoslavia


25 January 1991

Provided in English by The British Broadcasting Corporation, January
28, 1991. Copyright 1991 The British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC
Summary of World Broadcasts.

The key role concerning the acquisition of arms abroad, used to arm HDZ
[Croatian Democratic Community] members, was played by the
Croatian Ministers of Defence and of Internal Affairs - Martin
Spegelj and Josip Boljkovac respectively - as well as by former
Foreign Minister Zdravko Mrsic.

Their names, along with an explanation about their key role, were
emphasised in the half-hour programme on the arming of HDZ members
which Belgrade TV's First Channel broadcast this evening after the
news bulletin. The documentary, filmed by the Information Service
of the Federal Secretariat for National Defence and the Zastava
military film centre, was also offered, on an exchange basis, to
other TV studios in Yugoslavia.

The leading group responsible for the acquisition of arms abroad
included, according to what was shown and said on TV, Marjan
Balaban, head of the Cakovec Public Security Service, Ilija Dodig,
head of the Varazdin centre of the State Security Service, Zeljko
Tomljenovic, Under-Secretary for Defence Affairs, and Josip
Perkovic, Under-Secretary for State Security.

The programme, which had viewers ''glued'' to their TV sets, contained
authentic video material filmed both publicly and secretly, for
which reason some parts of the dialogue were more difficult to
hear and the speaker [as received] had to repeat them.

On several occasions during the programme the camera showed statements
by Croatian President Franjo Tudjman made at press conferences, at
which he had said that HDZ members should not be armed. After
this, however, we could see secretly recorded confidential talks
which refuted this.

The film also shows secret meetings between Minister Spegelj and two
young people. During these meetings held in a [private] house the
former Commander of the Fifth Military District and present
republican Defence Minister, retired Gen Martin Spegelj, announces
that they are ''at war with the army'', that ''80,000 Kalashnikovs
were acquired'' and that ''Slatina was packed with weapons''.

Some of the secretly filmed instructions issued by the Croatian Defence
Minister were, to put it mildly, astounding. Spegelj thus said on
one occasion that, when the time comes for it, bombs should be
thrown into the flats of officers of the JNA, members of their
families should be killed, and officers should not be allowed at
any price to reach their units alive. Those who are most extreme
should be killed on the spot in their barracks, and right in the
stomach, Minister Spegelj advised. The army will be cut to pieces,
the former Commander of the Fifth Military District threatens.

The Defence Minister was also precise when he talked about the
occupation of watchtowers. They should all be taken over.
Prisoners should be incarcerated and if the action lasts they
should be given food and water. Soldiers of the Albanian
nationality in such circumstances should be given five bullets

The broadcast shows Spegelj saying that the Americans, two days after
the victory of Slobodan Milosevic in the elections in Serbia,
offered free help in [the form of] transporters and the complete
arming of 100,000 soldiers.

The authors of the documentary however also used part of an interview
which Spegelj gave to Croatian TV where the Croatian Minister of
Defence says of himself that he is an inveterate optimist. It is
better to negotiate for ten years than to engage in war, Spegelj
told Croatian TV viewers at that time.

Also broadcast was a secretly filmed statement by Minister Spegelj in
which he threatened that the inhabitants of Knin would be
butchered. According to what was broadcast, Josip Boljkovac,
Minister of Internal Affairs of Croatia, has a similar view of the
Knin problem. In a secretly filmed telephone conversation with a
collocutor whose identity is not given to viewers, he said that he
would go into Knin and that he would create an independent state
of Croatia at any price [possible allusion to the Independent
State of Croatia of the Second World War Ustasha].

The broadcast also shows Cazmatrans lorries which brought in the first
consignment of Kalashnikovs purchased in Hungary. It was alleged
that the importer is the Astra enterprise and that the consignment
contained 450 cases with over 4,500 Kalashnikovs. This consignment
of goods, the broadcast said, was safeguarded by members of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs on the territory of Hungary as well.
As this load did not pass unnoticed, the announcer stated, the
Federal Secretariat for National Defence drew the attention of
Hungarian organs to this but they received the reply that this was
a normal business transaction.

The announcer said that Hungary permitted the illegal residence of
Ministers Spegelj and Mrsic in their country, whilst deliveries of
weapons from military stores were continued with unusual rapidity.

Also broadcast were parts of a conversation with Goran Ribicic,
secretary of the Croatian Democratic Movement from Osijek, who
explained plans for the setting up of barriers on roads around
barracks, stressing that their aim is the break-up of the JNA, and
above all the confiscation of military resources and equipment.

The Secretary of the HDZ in Virovitica in an also secretly filmed
conversation in some house spoke about how actions were organised and
that the password would be ''Winter is coming - snow lies ahead''.

[Note Tanjug reported (in Serbo-Croat 2132 gmt 25 Jan 91) that the
programme was also broadcast by the television services of Novi
Sad, Pristina, Montenegro, Sarajevo and Skopje. It was not shown
on Croatian TV or Slovene TV.]

=== 2 ===

World Socialist Web Site
WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : The Balkans

The Milosevic Trial:
Last prime minister of Yugoslavia breaks 12-year silence

By Paul Mitchell, 11 November 2003

The last prime minister of Yugoslavia has broken his 12-year long
silence to speak in public about events during the breakup of his
country in the 1990s.

Ante Markovic was prime minister of the Socialist Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia (SFRY) between March 1989 and December 1991. He recently
appeared as a prosecution witness in the trial of former Serbian
President Slobodan Milosevic at the International Criminal Tribunal for
the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) at The Hague. For the last two years,
Milosevic has been on trial on charges of war crimes and genocide in
Kosovo, Bosnia and Croatia.

Markovic was the latest in a line of former Yugoslav leaders to appear
at the ICTY, all of whom have denied any responsibility for the civil
wars that erupted as the former Yugoslavia disintegrated. They all
blame Milosevic entirely. Of all those who have appeared at The Hague
so far to absolve themselves, Markovic could be truly said to have laid
the seeds for the break up of Yugoslavia.

He told the court he had started his career as an electrical engineer
and entered politics in 1982 after becoming a successful businessman.
For 24 years he was head of one of Yugoslavia’s largest companies, Rade
Koncar. He became a leading figure in the Yugoslavia Bank of Economic
Cooperation and then President of the Republic of Croatia. In 1989 he
was elected Prime Minister of the SFRY, a country saddled with debts of
$21 billion and inflation at thousands of percent. In 1990 he formed
his own political party, the Alliance of Reform Forces of Yugoslavia.

Markovic said the whole federal government was committed to his
“reform” programme—stabilisation, privatisation and democracy. He told
the court how “thunderous applause” and ovations greeted his
announcement at the Federal Assembly that the currency would become
convertible. However Markovic noted that some individuals complained in
private that his policies “would enrich the richer parts of the country
and would further impoverish the poorer parts.”

He was a favourite of the West and features prominently in the memoirs
of US ambassador to Belgrade Warren Zimmerman, who said Markovic was “a
man of large ego, [who] saw himself as a messiah for Yugoslavia. After
he became Yugoslav prime minister, his dynamism and supreme
self-confidence impressed visiting Westerners. The
financier-philanthropist George Soros, a shrewd judge of Eastern
European politicians, told me after a visit to Belgrade that Markovic
was one of the most remarkable leaders he had met.”

Markovic told Zimmerman he needed the clear support of the
administration of George Bush Senior and that “above all he wanted
money. How much? ‘Well’, he said with his infectious smile, ‘I’m
playing a big game, and it requires big money. I think four billion
dollars would be a good start to help a reform that’s going further
than anything in eastern Europe.’ ”

Reform in Yugoslavia did indeed go further than anywhere else in
eastern Europe regarding efforts to dismantle the state-run economy and
reintroduce capitalism. Within months half of the nation’s industry was
closed down, throwing two million workers out of their jobs. Nearly
65,000 companies were privatised. Money due to be paid to the
individual republics was frozen to pay off the national debt to
international creditors.

Markovic expressed surprise at the ICTY that his policies led to the
“struggle of everybody against everybody else”. When Milosevic (who is
conducting his own defence) suggested he played a significant role in
events having as prime minister “de facto and de jure control over the
federal government” for several years, Markovic insisted his office had
“very modest competencies” and that he was unable to do anything about
Yugoslavia’s disintegration. In one telling episode he pointed to the
form the disintegration took. He told the court how Milosevic demanded
the post of Interior Minister and thus control of the federal
intelligence services in Markovic’s new government in 1989. Markovic
said it was of little consequence since all the republics and the army
had their own intelligence services and everyone was bugging each other.

Markovic produced in court a tape he had received from Bosnian
president Alija Izetbegovic in 1991, purporting to show Milosevic
planning to send paramilitary units to Bosnia.

He described to the court how Yugoslavia descended into chaos as the
leadership in each republic and the Yugoslav People’s Army sought to
protect its own privileges. The Serbian National Bank transferred some
$2 billion from federal funds to itself. The authorities in Slovenia
and Croatia refused to pay taxes in to the federal budget, 81 percent
of which financed the army. With the working class out on the
streets—600,000 workers were on strike in Belgrade—the army
contemplated a military coup. The Army General Staff planned to arrest
the Slovenian and Croatian leadership and looked to Milosevic. Chief of
Staff General Veljko Kadijevic told Markovic, “Milosevic is the only
one fighting for Yugoslavia and who would back this up if it wasn’t for
him?” and offered to install Markovic as President.

Now that his reform programme had indeed produced the “struggle of
everybody against everybody else”, Markovic resigned and flew to
Austria in December of 1991. In his resignation speech he complained
that his Federal Executive Council was “completely incapable” of
preventing “the economic catastrophe” from “becoming deeper with the
growth of hyper-inflation, millions of people unemployed, the
production reductions, a great deal of poverty for millions of
people—the citizens of this country who are not to blame for any of
this—and which will necessarily lead to a social explosion of
unprecedented proportions.”

Copyright 1998-2003
World Socialist Web Site
All rights reserved

Da: "Klaus von Raussendorff"
Data: Dom 16 Nov 2003 11:18:42 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: Jugoslawien-Solidarität: NATO-Justiz gleicht NAZI-Justiz -
Geschichstfälscher angeklagt

Liebe Leute,

zum Ergebnis der zweiten serbisch-internationalistischen Demonstration
gegen das so genannte Internationale Straftribunal für das ehemalige
Jugoslawien in Den Haag am Samstag, den 8. November 2003, dokumentiere

Rede von Klaus Hartmann am 8. November 2003 auf dem Plein in Den Haag
- A b d r u c k u n d V e r b r e i t u n g e r w ü n s c h t -
[ 1 ]

Von Cathrin Schütz
junge Welt vom 07.11.2003
[ 2 ]

Von Cathrin Schütz, Den Haag
junge Welt vom 10.11.2003
[ 3 ]

Z u d e n T e x t e n :

1. Klaus Hartmann zieht in seiner Rede in Den Haag einen beklemmenden
aber zugleich erhellenden Vergleich zwischen Nazis und NATO, zwischen
den „Anklagen“ gegen Dimitroff und gegen Milosevic. Er zeigt, dass die
NATO-Regierungen internationale „Strafjustiz“ zu einem Instrument der
Vorbereitung und Rechtfertigung von Gewalt und Krieg gemacht haben und
damit offen faschistische Methoden praktizieren, und dies in Den Haag,
einer Stadt, die mit bedeutenden Entwicklungen des Rechts verbunden ist
angesehene Rechtsinstitutionen wie den Internationalen Gerichtshof
Nach meiner Meinung ist eine weitere Parallele, die sich aus der Rede
von Klaus Hartmann ergibt, heute wie 1933 die Blindheit deutscher
Juristen und ihrer Berufsorganisationen gegenüber der Faschisierung des
Rechts - von Ausnahmen wie Prof. Norman Paech natürlich abgesehen. Ohne
kritische Auseinandersetzung von Rechtslehrern und Rechtspraktikern mit
dem Haager Tribunal werden dessen Praktiken unweigerlich verheerende
Folgen für die Rechtspraxis aller Staaten haben.

2. Cathrin Schütz zeigt anhand zahlreicher US-amerikanischer Quellen,
wie die Regierung der USA das Haager Tribunal als Instrument gegen die
Opfer imperialistischer Aggression handhabt und gleichzeitig jede
Möglichkeit strafrechtlicher Sanktionen gegen Vertreter der USA, des
Ursprungslands des
Verbrechens des Krieges und der bei weitem schwersten Kriegsverbrechen,
mit politischen, diplomatischen und sogar militärischen Mitteln zu
verhindern sucht.

3. Der Bericht von Cathrin Schütz erwähnt auch die wichtige Rolle,
welche die Serben der Diaspora in Westeuropa bei der Demo gespielt
haben: »Die Aggressoren sollen unsere Geschichte nicht schreiben«,
verlangen in Den Haag vor allem Menschen aus der jugoslawischen
Diaspora: Für sie erklärte Misha Gravilovic aus Großbritannien: »Wir
wollen unsere Identität, Würde und Geschichte, die für uns serbisch,
aber auch jugoslawisch sind, verteidigen. Genau dafür setzen sich
Milosevic, aber auch andere Gefangene im Haager Tribunal ein.« Die im
Ausland lebenden Jugoslawen könnten nicht viel dazu beitragen, »das
okkupierte Land zu befreien. Wir haben keine Waffen, nicht viel Geld,
keine TV-Sender.« Doch ließen sich die Jugoslawen ihre Geschichte nicht
nehmen, so Gravilovic.“

Bilder von der Demo von Alant Jost (Tel.:++ 49 (0) 30 8228658) unter:

Mit internationalistischen Grüßen
Klaus von Raussendorff

Anti-Imperialistische Korrespondenz (AIK), Redaktion: Klaus von
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[ 1 ]


Rede von Klaus Hartmann am 8. November 2003 auf dem Plein in Den Haag

Freundinnen und Freunde! Bürgerinnen und Bürger!

Wir demonstrieren heute zum zweiten Mal in diesem Jahr für die
Auflösung des Haager Jugoslawien-„Tribunals“. Wir demonstrieren für die
sofortige Freilassung von Slobodan Milosevic, wir demonstrieren für die
Freilassung aller politischen Gefangenen der NATO! Wir fordern nicht
die Freilassung von Kriminellen, im Gegenteil, wir fordern die
Inhaftierung und Verurteilung der Kriegsverbrecher, die Jugoslawien
zerstört haben:

• die Führer der NATO-Staaten gehören hinter Gitter –

• Freiheit und Wiedergutmachung für ihre Opfer!

Unser Protest richtet sich nicht dagegen, dass die niederländische
Regierung und diese Stadt Den Haag Gerichtshöfe der Vereinten Nationen
beherbergen. Es ehrt diese Stadt und dieses Land, dem Internationalen
Gerichtshof und dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof Gastrecht zu
gewähren. Aber dieser gute Ruf wird beschädigt durch das so genannte
ad-hoc-Tribunal über Jugoslawien, das keine Institution des Rechts ist,
sondern ein Instrument der politischen Erpressung, der fortwährenden
Aggression der USA und der anderen NATO-Staaten gegen die Völker des
Balkan. Dieses angebliche Gericht wurde dieser Stadt als Kuckucksei ins
Nest gelegt, gelegt von dem hässlichen Vogel
Madeleine Albright, die deshalb „Mutter des Tribunals“ genannt wird.

Dieses angebliche Gericht wurde von einem dazu nicht befugten Gremium
auf nicht vorhandener Rechtsgrundlage, also: illegal gegründet, es wird
illegal finanziert, es ist ein Sinnbild des permanenten
Völkerrechtsbruchs. Diese Illegalität ist eine Illegalität von Anfang
an, sie ist nicht heilbar, sie führt zur Nichtigkeit von Anfang an, und
deshalb zwingend zu unserer Forderung:

• sofortige Auflösung –

• Annullierung aller so genannten Urteile –

• Freilassung und Haftentschädigung der ohne Rechtsgrundlage

Unser Protest findet in einer Zeit statt, die für Antifaschisten auf
der ganzen Welt durch Tage des Gedenkens und der Mahnung gekennzeichnet

Die Nacht des 9. November vor 65 Jahren ist ein solcher Anlass, denn
1938 eskalierte die jahrelange rassistische antijüdische Kampagne in
einer Orgie der Gewalt, der Reichspogromnacht, von den Nazis
Reichskristallnacht genannt. Und: die Nazis machten anschließend die
jüdischen Opfer verantwortlich für die Gewaltexzesse und Zerstörungen –
indem sie von den Opfern die Bezahlung der Schäden verlangten! Das
erinnert stark an die jüngsten Ereignisse auf dem Balkan!

Die Faschisten prägten damals auch das Feindbild von den „slawischen
Untermenschen“ – und an dieses Feindbild knüpften westliche Medien
Anfang der 1990er Jahre umstandslos an – mit ihrer Anti-Serben-Hetze.
Auch diese
jahrelange Anti-Serben-Hetze war rassistisch, auch sie eskalierte in
einer Gewaltorgie, der NATO-Aggression 1999.

Zur Geschichtsschreibung der Aggressoren gehört das verbreitete Bild,
dass die Serben die Aggressoren sein sollen – z.B. gegen die Kroaten.
Dass kroatische Separatisten aber, lange vor dem international
wahrgenommenen Kriegsbeginn, die Kristallnacht nachahmten, als
dalmatinische Kristallnacht,
am 2. Mai 1991 organisiert Jagd auf Serben machten und abschlachteten,
dazu die alten faschistischen Ustascha-Lieder sangen, Fahnen mit den
Hakenkreuz schwenkten, das auf kroatisch wie ein Schachbrett aussieht –
von dieser Kristallnacht weiß natürlich kein hirngewaschener westlicher
Medienkonsument, und natürlich steht sie im Zirkus del Ponte auch nicht
zur Debatte.

Vor genau 70 Jahren, vom September bis Dezember 1933, fand in Leipzig
der so genannte Reichtagsbrandprozess gegen Georgi Dimitroff und seine
Genossen Blagoj Popow und Wassil Tanew statt.

Die deutschen Faschisten wollten diese Prozessfarce vor dem Leipziger
Reichsgericht zur Kriminalisierung aller ihrer Gegner und zur
Legitimierung und Konsolidierung ihrer Diktatur nutzen. Die deutschen
Faschisten hatten den Reichstag in Brand gesetzt, um die Kommunisten
der Brandstiftung zu
beschuldigen. Wie sich die Bilder gleichen! Die NATO hat Jugoslawien
zerschlagen, um die Verteidiger Jugoslawiens der Zerstörung
Jugoslawiens zu beschuldigen.

Wie sich die Bilder gleichen: In Leipzig maßten sich die
Nazi-Brandstifter an, über die Opfer des faschistischen Terrors zu
Gericht zu sitzen. In Den Haag maßen sich die NATO-Aggressoren an, über
die Opfer ihrer Aggression zu Gericht zu sitzen.

Wie sich die Bilder gleichen: In Leipzig versuchte das Reichsgericht,
Georgi Dimitroff nicht zu Wort kommen zu lassen, sondern ausschließlich
ihm gestellte Fragen beantworten zu lassen. In Den Haag versuchte der
so genannte Richter May, unangenehme Fragen für „irrelevant“ zu
erklären und Slobodan Milosevic das Mikrofon abzudrehen.

Wie sich die Bilder gleichen: Die Faschisten versuchten, Georgi
Dimitroff im Gefängnis völlig zu isolieren, und von allen Kontakten zur
Außenwelt, insbesondere seinen Genossen abzuschneiden. Das Haager so
genannte Tribunal versucht, Slobodan Milosevic nicht nur den Besuch
durch Familienangehörige, sondern auch durch seine Genossen zu

Wie sich die Bilder gleichen: Als Lehr- und Schauprozess zugunsten der
faschistischen Diktatur hatten die Nazis den Leipziger Prozess geplant.
Ein Sonderpostamt wurde gegenüber dem Gerichtsgebäude eingerichtet, von
Verhandlungen gab es Original-Übertragungen …- aber, wie in Den Haag,
nur am Anfang des „Prozesses“!

Wie sich die Bilder gleichen: Genau heute vor 70 Jahren, am 8. November
1933, trat Joseph Goebbels, der Nazi-Propagandaminister im „Prozess“
gegen Georgi Dimitroff auf – und erlebte ebenfalls seine totale
Niederlage. Gegen Slobodan Milosevic haben die Propaganda-Chefs Rudolf
Scharping, Tony Blair, Madeleine Albright und Jamie Shea bisher
gekniffen. Aber die dritte Garnitur – Holbrooke, Petritsch, Ashdown und
Mesic, haben sich als Westentaschen-Goebbels bewähren dürfen, und zwar
ebenso erfolglos.

Wie sich die Bilder gleichen: In Leipzig ließen die Nazis
Polizeispitzel, Kriminelle und Agenten gegen Georgi Dimitroff aussagen.
In Den Haag kommen UCK-Terroristen, CIA-Agent William Walker und
NATO-General Naumann zu Wort.

Wie sich die Bilder gleichen: Die deutschen Faschisten brachten in
Zuchthäusern und Konzentrationslagern eingesperrte Antifaschisten in
den Leipziger Gerichtssaal – und versprachen ihnen die Freiheit, falls
sie gegen Georgi Dimitroff falsch aussagten. Nach dem gleichen Muster
versucht das Tribunal, Angeklagte durch „Deals“ zur Falschaussage zu
drängen. Und die Belgrader Handlanger des Tribunals versprachen Rade
Markovic nicht nur die Freiheit, sondern ein Leben mit neuer Identität
und Reichtum. Auch Rade Markovic spielte nicht mit, und für seine
Standhaftigkeit wurde er sofort
ins Belgrader Gefängnis zurückgebracht.

Wie sich die Bilder gleichen: Zur Überraschung und zum Entsetzen des
Leipziger Gerichts gelang es Georgi Dimitroff, dem Prozess einen
politischen Charakter zu geben. Genauso entsetzt sind die heutige
Oberreichsanwältin del Ponte, die Herren Nice und May sowie ihre
medialen Hofberichterstatter, dass Slobodan Milosevic die
geschichtsfälschenden und rassistischen Medienmanipulationen mit
alternativen Geschichtslektionen zurückweist.

Wie sich die Bilder gleichen: Georgi Dimitroff durchkreuzte die Pläne
der Faschisten für einen Schauprozess gegen den Kommunismus, indem er
den Prozess in eine Anklage gegen den Faschismus verwandelte. Slobodan
Milosevic durchkreuzt die Pläne der NATO-Ankläger, indem er diese auf
die Anklagebank setzt, wie selbst tribunalfreundliche Medien
entgeistert zugeben müssen.

Wie sich die Bilder gleichen: Georgi Dimitroff deckte auf, dass
Reichtagsbrandstiftung und Reichtagsbrandprozess zwei Bestandteile
einer einzigen Provokation der Faschisten sind, und die geheime
einheitliche Regie von Brandstiftung und Anklage bezeichnete er
sarkastisch als „Heiligen Geist“. Heute weist Slobodan Milosevic nach,
dass Aggressoren und Ankläger aus dem selben Stall kommen und dieses so
genannte Tribunal direkt dem Waffenarsenal der NATO zur Versklavung der
Völker entstammt.

Wie sich die Bilder gleichen: „Die Neue Weltordnung“ steht seit Anfang
der 1990er Jahre auf dem erklärten Programm der USA und ihrer
Komplizen. Wer erinnert sich, wer weiß, dass es 60 Jahre vorher fast
genauso hieß: Nuovo Ordine Europeo, die Neuordnung Europas – sie war in
aller Munde, das erklärte Programm der faschistischen Achsenmächte!

Viele Bilder gleichen sich, aber es gibt auch Unterschiede: 1933
machten die Faschisten keinen Hehl daraus: ihnen ging es um die
Abrechnung mit dem Kommunismus und um die eigene unumschränkte
Herrschaft. Heute jammern die Aggressoren über
Menschenrechtsverletzungen und Kriegsverbrechen, um ihre
Unterwerfungsfeldzüge zu tarnen, die Scheinheiligkeit feiert Triumphe.
Nur selten lassen sie die Katze aus dem Sack:

Der Staatstreich gegen Milosevic im Oktober 2000 galt in den
NATO-Hauptsädten plötzlich nicht mehr als Sieg über den „serbischen
Nationalismus“, auf ein Mal war der „letzte kommunistische Staat in
Europa“ verschwunden.

Als vor wenigen Wochen Alia Izetbegovic zu Grabe getragen wurde, da
jammerten die Nachrufe, er habe „sein wichtigstes Lebensziel nicht
erreicht“! Und das war – nichts anderes als „die Vorherrschaft der
Muslime in Bosnien“! Kein Ton mehr vom angeblichen Multi-Kulti-Idyll,
das dem Herrn zu Kriegszeiten als Ziel angedichtet wurde.

Ist es zu fassen? da kommt mal zufällig ein Stückchen Wahrheit ans
Licht – und obwohl damit genau die Mär von der angeblichen „Aggression
der Serben“ in Bosnien Lügen gestraft wird – merkt es praktisch niemand!

Wie soll es nun nach dem Spielplan im Zirkus del Ponte weitergehen?

Ein renommierter Völkerrechtler in den Niederlanden, Prof. Paul de
Waart, hat unlängst im Fernsehen dieses Landes festgestellt, dass die
Verhandlungen bereits einen Monat nach Beginn aus Mangel an Beweisen
hätten eingestellt werden müssen. Dass dies nicht geschehen ist,
spricht Bände, und es macht insbesondere klar, dass wir es nicht mit
einem Gericht, sondern mit politischen Auftragnehmern der NATO zu tun

Also wird nach der Halbzeit der „Anklage“ die Halbzeit von Slobodan
Milosevic beginnen. Nachdem die „Anklage“ 3 bis zu fast 8 Jahren Zeit
für ihre Ermittlungen hatte, hat Slobodan Milosevic eine
Vorbereitungszeit von zwei Jahren gefordert – in Freiheit, mit Zugang
zu Archiven, Zeugen, Kommunikationsmitteln. Die Antwort des
vermeintlichen Gerichts ist bekannt: drei Monate, aber in der Zelle,
genauer besehen aber nur 6 Wochen: danach soll Slobodan Milosevic schon
die komplette Zeugenliste mit Angabe der
Aussageschwerpunkte vorlegen. Der Grundsatz der Waffengleichheit ist
ein elementarer, anerkannter und international gültiger Grundsatz im
Rechtswesen. Dieses saubere „Tribunal“ tritt auch diesen Grundsatz in
unübertrefflicher Dreistigkeit mit Füßen, macht damit auch dem Letzten
völlig klar: Hier steht ein Mann allein gegen den riesigen
ausgehaltenen Apparat, gegen die ganze Halbwelt der NATO. Eine
Unverfrorenheit und ein neuer Beweis, dass diese Institution nicht im
Entferntesten etwas mit Recht zu tun hat.

Wir sind stolz darauf, dass der Gründer unseres Internationalen
Komitees zugleich Vorsitzender der Antifaschisten Bulgariens, im Lande
Georgi Dimitroffs ist. Prof. Velko Valkanov kommentierte trefflich: „Es
ist keineswegs überraschend, dass die Richter Herrn Milosevic eine so
geringe Zeit zur Vorbereitung seiner Verteidigung gewährt haben. Sie
sind keine wirklichen Richter. Wenn das Tribunal kein legitimes Gericht
ist, wie können diese Leute wahre Richter sein? Sie haben eine
politische Aufgabe zu erfüllen. Sie sind die ausführenden Organe einer
politischen Rache – einer Rache an jenen, die den Mut hatten, den
Weltmachthabern zu widersprechen. Die angeblichen Richter von den Haag
sind eigentlich Helfershelfer der Verbrecher der NATO. Die Art und
Weise ihres Benehmens im Prozess beweist ihre anti-juristische Natur.“

Auch der Umgang dieses so genannten Tribunals mit den gesundheitlichen
Belangen seiner Opfer spricht Bände, und er spricht insbesondere allen
einschlägigen UN-Konventionen Hohn. Nachdem ein niederländischer
Hochdrucknotfälle und die Gefahr von Organschäden, Herzinfarkt,
Hirnschlag und Tod feststellte, höhnte Racheengel del Ponte am 18.07.03
in der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung: „Es geht ihm gesundheitlich sehr, sehr
gut. Viele Menschen leiden mit 60 Jahren oder mehr an einem zu hohen
Blutdruck.“ Mehr
Sensibibilität war von dieser Kreatur wohl nicht zu erwarten, aber sie
setzte noch hinzu: „Wir schonen ihn nicht. – Ich hoffe nicht, dass Sie
diesen Eindruck haben“! Wie soll man das nennen – einen
Justizmordversuch? Welch ein Abgrund tut sich da auf? Ein Abgrund von
Zynismus, von purer
Menschenverachtung! Auch dies ist ein bekanntes Bild: es ist der
Zynismus, den wir von den faschistischen Folterknechten kennen.

Am Vidovdan, am 28. Juni sagte ich zum Abschluss meiner Rede vor dem
ehemaligen Nazi- und heutigen NATO- Gefängnis in Scheveningen:

„Sie werden nicht durchkommen! Die Sklavenhalter waren noch nie Sieger
der Geschichte!“

Unsere Demonstration heute steht unter der Losung:

„Wir werden den NATO-Aggressoren nicht erlauben, unsere Geschichte zu

Die NATO-Mächte klammern sich deshalb an die Rachejustiz des Zircus del
Ponte, um ihre Wahrheit, ihre Deutung der Wirklichkeit, ihre Version
der Geschichte zur Alleinseligmachenden, zur einzigen, zur
Monopolwahrheit zu
machen, für alle und ewig und für alle Zeiten festzuschreiben. Sie
werden genauso wenig durchkommen wie die deutschen Faschisten, deren
1000 jähriges Reich schon nach 12 Jahren zu Ende war!

1933 schrieben Kommunisten und Antifaschisten das „Braunbuch über
Reichstagsbrand und Hitlerterror“. Es ist ein hervorragendes Dokument
internationaler antifaschistischer Solidarität. Es war die zentrale und
schärfste Waffe gegen die Lügengebäude und Fälschungen der Faschisten,
es war Geschichtsschreibung von unten, zur Aufklärung der Bevölkerung
über die Wahrheit der faschistischen Barbarei, die wirkliche
Geschichte. Lasst uns diese Tradition des Antifaschismus und
Internationalismus wieder aufgreifen:
Schreiben wir nach dem Vorbild des Braunbuch über Reichstagsbrand und
Hitlerterror das Schwarzbuch über Jugoslawien-Zerschlagung und
Tragen wir dazu bei, die Wahrheit über die Hintermänner des Tribunals,
die Dunkelmänner der NATO, zu verbreiten. Verbreiten wir die Wahrheit
über den gerechten Kampf des serbischen Volkes, die Wahrheit über den
Widerstand gegen die NATO-Aggression – als Ansporn für den weiterhin
notwendigen Widerstand gegen die neuen Weltordner.

SLOBODA hat es klassisch formuliert: Slobodan Milosevic wird uns in
unserem Kampf helfen, wenn wir ihm jetzt helfen! Verbreiten wir den
Original-Ton von Slobodan Milosevic – er ist, wie im „Tribunal“ der
Toningenieur May, die Funkstille der Medien und das Schweigen im
Blätterwald zeigt, eine
gefürchtete Waffe gegen den Imperialismus. Unser Kampf für die Freiheit
von Slobodan Milosevic steht in der Tradition des Kampfes gegen
Faschismus und Krieg.

Die zentrale Lehre, der Schwur nach der Befreiung von der Barbarei
mündete in die Losung „Nie wieder Faschismus – nie wieder Krieg!“. Sie
wurde am 24. März 1999 geschändet. Nie wieder Faschismus – nie wieder
Krieg! Dies ist uns Verpflichtung und bleibt unsere Verpflichtung. Dies
verbindet uns mit den antifaschistischen und antimilitaristischen
Kämpfern aller Generationen.

Antifaschismus ist nicht nur das Gedenken an die Vergangenheit,
Antifaschismus ist nicht rückwärts gewandt. Antifaschismus heißt,
entsprechend der Erkenntnis von Georgi Dimitroff, heute wie damals:
Kampf gegen die aggressivsten Kräfte des internationalen Finanzkapitals
und ihre

Deshalb ehren wir das Andenken von Georgi Dimitroff, wenn wir die
Widerstandskämpfer gegen die neuen Weltherrscher verteidigen.

Und wir wiederholen unser Versprechen vom 28. Juni: Wir kommen wieder!

Freiheit für Slobodan! Freiheit für Jugoslawien!

Freiheit und Gleichheit für alle Völker!

Nie wieder Faschismus – nie wieder Krieg!

[ 2 ]

junge Welt vom 07.11.2003


Von Cathrin Schütz

* Am Samstag findet im niederländischen Den Haag die zweite
internationale Demonstration gegen das Tribunal für Kriegsverbrechen im
ehemaligen Jugoslawien und für die Freilassung von Slobodan Milosevic
statt. Anhand selten zu hörender Argumente aus dem Munde
US-amerikanischer Politiker, Experten und Journalisten zeigt Cathrin
Schütz, warum der Kampf gegen das Tribunal zu unterstützen ist.

»Im… Schauprozeß gegen den ehemaligen serbischen Staatsführer Slobodan
Milosevic hatte Chefanklägerin Carla del Ponte im Jahr 2001 ...
geäußert, daß im Falle Kosovos keine Anklage wegen Völkermord gegen
Milosevic vorläge, ›weil es dafür keine Beweise gibt‹. Was hat das
Gericht in diesem Falle des Mangels an Beweisen getan? Es hat einfach
ein grundlegendes Prinzip der Auslieferungsbestimmungen mißachtet und
verkündet, Milosevic wegen anderer Verbrechen anzuklagen als jener,
wegen deren er ausgeliefert
wurde. Dann fügten sie der Kosovo-Anklage zwei Anklagepakete – Bosnien
und Kroatien – nachträglich hinzu.

Die Auslieferung war nichts anderes als Kidnapping. Milosevic wurde auf
einen NATO-Flugplatz in Bosnien verschleppt, von wo er nach Den Haag
geflogen wurde, nachdem die Vereinigten Staaten der Regierung in
Belgrad Millionen Dollar Hilfsgelder versprochen hatten. Die nationale
wurde völlig mißachtet, da das jugoslawische Verfassungsgericht
entschieden hatte, die Auslieferung sei illegal und verfassungswidrig.

Der Milosevic-Prozeß in Den Haag zeigt, daß selbst eine Fassade von
»Rechtstaatlichkeit« nur mit Mühe gewahrt wird. Wir haben alle die
Arroganz der Richter im Prozeß gesehen, die Milosevic mehrfach das
Mikrofon in der Mitte des Satzes abdrehten. Es werden anonyme Zeugen
vorgeführt und
geheime Aussagen zugelassen. Bis jetzt hat die Anklageseite versucht,
Zeugen vorzuführen, die auf der Gehaltsliste des Tribunals selbst
stehen, wie im Falle von Besnik Sokoli. Bei anderen Zeugen hat sich
ihre Zugehörigkeit zur UCK herausgestellt, jener bewaffneten Einheiten,
die im Kosovo die Rebellion anführten. Erinnern Sie sich, Milosevic
wurde wegen Kosovo und nur wegen Kosovo angeklagt, aber die Schwäche
des Falles zwang das Gericht, weitere Anklagen aus anderen Ländern
dranzuhängen. Jetzt, nachdem sich Milosevic im
Führen seiner Kreuzverhöre als professionell erweist, versucht die
Anklageseite, die Richter dazu zu bewegen, Milosevics Möglichkeiten in
den Kreuzverhören einzugrenzen. Das kollidiert mit (US-amerikanischem)
Beweisrecht, nach dem der Verteidigende berechtigt ist, das Kreuzverhör
fortzusetzen, so lange es für seine Aussage relevant erscheint.«1)

Die Doppelmoral der USA

Soweit die Analyse von Ron Paul aus Texas, Abgeordneter des
US-amerikanischen Kongresses. Mit Verweis auf die illegalen Praktiken
des Jugoslawien-Tribunals (ICTY) hat er vor einem Beitritt seines
Landes zum 2002 gegründeten Internationalen Strafgerichtshof (IStGH)
gewarnt und bei dieser Gleichsetzung unterschlagen, daß es sich im
Falle des IStGH um eine völkerrechtlich legale Institution handelt,
ganz im Gegensatz zum Ad-hoc-Tribunal für Jugoslawien. Die Sorge, der
Milosevic-Fall könnte als Präzedenzfall für den neuen IStGH
herangezogen und amerikanische Staatsführer oder Militärs vor Gericht
gestellt werden, ließ den Abgeordneten im Vorfeld der Errichtung des
IStGH deutliche Worte sprechen: »Es ist sehr angenehm für die
Unterstützer dieses Internationalen Strafgerichtshofes, daß es den
hochkarätigen Testfall im Jugoslawien-Tribunal gerade gegen den
weitreichend verleumdeten Slobodan Milosevic gibt. Sie konnten auf
keinen besseren Fall hoffen. Jeder Angriff auf das Tribunal wird sofort
als Verteidigung Milosevics niedergemacht. Es ist illustrativ für uns,
einen Blick darauf zu werfen, wie der Milosevic-Fall vorgebracht wird.
Heute ist es Milosevic, aber morgen kann es jeder von uns sein.«

Obwohl die Gegner des IStGH eine verdrehte Rechnung aufmachen, wenn sie
den faktischen politischen Mißbrauch des ICTY auf den IStGH übertragen,
wobei nach ihrer Lesart jede Anklage eines US-Amerikaners ein
politischer Mißbrauch wäre, bietet die Debatte um den neuen Gerichtshof
klare Erkenntnisse über das (Un-) Rechtsverständnis der Weltsupermacht.
Ob man nun ein Befürworter oder Gegner des IStGH ist, es biete sich an,
die imperialistischen Staaten an ihrer eigenen (Doppel-) Moral zu

Der Alptraum jedes Amerikaners

Ron Paul: »Der IStGH wird dem Modell der Tribunale folgen. Er ist der
Alptraum eines jeden Amerikaners. Daher müssen wir der ganzen Welt vor
Augen führen, ob wir nun dem IStGH beitreten oder nicht, daß die
Vorgänge in Den Haag zeigen, daß (das Tribunal) einem korrupten Gericht
ohne Gerechtigkeitssinn gleicht.«

Der Tenor lautet: Ein Gerichtshof, der US-Bürgern keine Amnestie
bietet, ist eine »Gefahr für die nationale Sicherheit der USA« – in
Anbetracht der aggressiven Kriegspolitik der USA eine verständliche
Sorge der Machthaber.
So stellte Noam Chomsky schon Jahre vor dem Angriff auf die
Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien fest: »Alle amerikanischen Präsidenten seit
dem Zweiten Weltkrieg (waren) entweder ausgesprochene Kriegsverbrecher
oder in ernsthafte Kriegsverbrechen verwickelt.«

Die von der Clinton-Regierung erzwungene Auslieferung Milosevics an das
Haager Tribunal ließ in den USA die Warnsignale ertönen. So schrieb die
Washington Times: »Nichts zeigt die Doppelmoral unserer Position
besser. Wir
ignorieren internationale Gerichte, aber wenn es uns paßt, benutzen wir
sie, um jene zu bestrafen, die wir nicht mögen«.2) In Anbetracht der
bevorstehenden Gründung des IStGH sei zu fragen, ob gerade die USA die
erste Anklage eines Staatsführers vor einem internationalen Gericht
unterstützen sollten, wenn damit womöglich eine Büchse der Pandora
geöffnet werde: »Mit unserer Macht und unserem Geld haben wir den
Präzedenzfall geschaffen, um einen Staatschef vor ein
außerterritoriales Tribunal zu stellen. Das ist ein außergewöhnlicher
Schritt für ein Land, das routinemäßig andere souveräne Staaten
bombardiert und ohne Kriegserklärung seine Streitkräfte in ihrem
Territorium stationiert ... Wir befürworten das Prinzip des Rechts der
Stärke, weil wir die Stärke haben ... Die Clinton-Regierung stellte
sich auf die Seite der (UCK-) Separatisten, die den Konflikt mit
Serbien begannen, als sie Serben im Kosovo ermordeten, einer historisch
zu Serbien gehörenden Provinz. Anstatt die im Drogenhandel führenden
Separatisten zu verurteilen, haben wir uns gegen Herrn Milosevic
gestellt ...«

Ungeachtet des US-amerikanischen Widerstands nahm der 1998 in Rom
vereinbarte IStGH Mitte 2002 seine Arbeit auf, nachdem seine Statuten
von 60 Staaten ratifiziert wurden. Die Bedenken der amerikanischen
IStGH-Gegner erwiesen sich als unbegründet. Ganz im Sinne ihres
hegemonialen Anspruchs lehnt es die Regierung der USA ab, sich einer
internationalen Jurisdiktion, der sich die USA zu fügen hätten,

Weder Clinton noch sein Nachfolger Bush legten dem Kongreß das Abkommen
von Rom, das von den USA am 31.12.2000 in letzter Minute unterzeichnet
wurde, zur Ratifizierung vor. Statt dessen vereinbaren die USA,
bisweilen auch mit erpresserischen Methoden, mit IStGH-Mitgliedsstaaten
bilaterale Abkommen, um US-Bürger grundsätzlich vor Anklagen zu
bewahren. Sollte ein US-Bürger dennoch vor den IStGH gestellt werden,
greift das »Haag-Invasion-Gesetz«3) :
Die am 2. August 2002 durch Unterschrift des amerikanischen Präsidenten
in Kraft getretene Order »autorisiert den Einsatz militärischer Gewalt,
um jeden US-Bürger oder Bürger eines Alliiertenstaates zu befreien, der
vor das Haager Gericht gestellt wird«, so Human Rights Watch.

Neu ist es nicht, daß sich die USA einem internationalen Gericht, das
sie nicht vollends kontrollieren, entziehen. Auch dem Internationalen
Gerichtshof (IGH) in Den Haag, der 1945 von der UNO ins Leben gerufen
wurde, ist dieses Schicksal widerfahren. Seit der IGH einer Klage
Nicaraguas gegen die USA stattgab und diese 1986 für schuldig erklärte,
haben sich die USA der Rechtsprechung des IGH entzogen. Die Vereinigten
Staaten mißachteten das Urteil, indem sie den Contras in Nicaragua ihre
Unterstützung weiter gewährten, obwohl der Gerichtshof festgestellt
hatte, daß dies völkerrechtswidrig sei. Die USA erklärten den IGH für
nicht zuständig und kündigten ihm die Freundschaft.

Cynthia A. McKinney, Kongreßabgeordnete aus Georgia: »Nach den
Luftangriffen auf Jugoslawien beschuldigte Amnesty International die
NATO der ernsthaften Verletzung von Kriegsgesetzen bei der Durchführung
ihrer Operation Allied Force 1999. Nicht überraschend hat ... das ICTY
es abgelehnt, in dieser Sache zu ermitteln. Keine Gerechtigkeit für
Hunderte getötete Zivilisten im NATO-Bombenhagel. Diese und andere
zerstörte Leben können einfach als ›Kollateralschaden‹ abgeschrieben
werden. ... Unsere eigene Regierung stellt sich weiterhin gegen den
Internationalen Strafgerichtshof..., hauptsächlich wegen der Aussicht,
daß US-Bürger vor das Gericht gestellt werden könnten. Was sind also
die neuen Standards für internationale Gerechtigkeit in der Welt? Daß,
wenn du eine erste Weltmilitär- und Wirtschaftsmacht bist, du
Splitterbomben auf zivile Wohngebiete werfen kannst, oder zivile Züge
oder Brücken in die Luft jagen kannst, oder die Elektrizitäts- und
Wasserversorgung anderer unter Straffreiheit zerstören kannst? Aber
wenn du kein Mitglied dieses Eliteclubs bist oder einer ihrer
Alliierten, dann bist du US- und UNO-Sanktionen ausgesetzt, als
›Kriegsverbrecher‹ oder ›Terrorist‹ gebrandmarkt, oder wirst in eine
›Achse des Bösen‹ gesteckt?« 4)

So wie der Westen Menschenrechtsverletzungen je nach seiner eigenen
Interessenlage begeht oder übersieht, braucht er juristische
Institutionen, die sich dem imperialen Herrschaftssystem fügen. Um eine
solche handelt es sich im Falle des ICTY.

Nachdem westliche Staaten, allen voran Deutschland, die USA, Österreich
und der Vatikan, bei der Zerschlagung Jugoslawiens eine aktive Rolle
gespielt haben, für die Sezessionskriege mitverantwortlich sind und im
Rahmen der NATO 1999 einen Aggressionskrieg gegen Jugoslawien geführt
haben, sind sie folglich keine unabhängigen Akteure, die über die
Verbrechen im ehemaligen Jugoslawien unparteiisch richten könnten.
Trotzdem haben sie, angeführt von der Regierung der USA, 1993 die
Einrichtung des ICTY als erstes Ad-hoc-Tribunal im UNO-Sicherheitsrat
erzwungen, um Individuen wegen Kriegsverbrechen und Verbrechen gegen
die Menschlichkeit zu verfolgen – nicht aber für Verbrechen gegen den
Frieden. Der Vorsitzende Richter im Fall Milosevic, Richard May, stammt
aus dem NATO-Land Großbritannien, genau wie der federführende Ankläger,
Geoffrey Nice.

Das ICTY hat praktisch die ganze politische und militärische Führung
der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawiens und Serbiens angeklagt, während von
andere Nationalitäten (Kroaten, bosnische Muslime, Albaner) keine
führenden Kräfte angeklagt sind. Das Tribunal folgt damit der
offiziellen politischen Haltung der westlichen Regierungen, wonach die
serbische Seite die Hauptverantwortung für die Verbrechen trage. Mehr
noch, die Anklageschriften wiederholen im Detail die westlichen
Propagandageschichten sogar in den Fällen, die öffentlich widerlegt
wurden (Racak, Markale, Srebrenica,...).
Der Fall des ehemaligen jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic
wurde zum Paradigma dieser politischen Konstruktion.

Die Bedeutung des Prozesses gegen den ersten Staatsführer, der vor ein
»internationales Gericht« gestellt wird, gründet in der Tatsache, daß
das Tribunal in den drei Anklageschriften (Kosovo, Bosnien, Kroatien)
gegen ihn alle schweren Verbrechen anführt, die sie mit Serben zu
verbinden versuchen und, mehr noch, enthalten die Anklagen die ganze
westliche, politische Propagandaversion der zehn Kriegsjahre im
ehemaligen Jugoslawien.

Slobodan Milosevic entschied vor erwähntem Hintergrund, die
Gerichtsbarkeit des Tribunals nicht anzuerkennen. Er erklärte, das Ziel
seiner Verteidigung sei es, die Fabrikationen des Tribunals über die
moderne Geschichte des Balkan mit den Fakten zu konfrontieren. Mit
einer solchen Strategie, die sich in seinem Prozeß bisher als
erfolgreich erweist, gewinnt er die
Sympathien eines Großteil seines Volkes und eines Teils der
fortschrittlichen internationalen Öffentlichkeit. Milosevics Prozeß
wurde somit mehr als die anderen Verfahren vor dem ICTY zu einer
politischen Konfrontation mit einer historischen und rechtlichen
Dimension. Westliche Politiker erwarten, daß das Tribunal eine
rechtliche Grundlage herstellt, die sie selbst von persönlicher
Verantwortung und ihre Regierungen von der
Verpflichtung, Kriegsreparationen für die von ihnen verursachten
Schäden zu zahlen, freispricht.

Doch die politischen Intentionen für die Konfrontation mit Milosevic
vor dem ICTY gehen darüber hinaus. Während Milosevic im Amt war und
sich sein Land dem westlichen Druck widersetzte, waren westliche
Regierungen gezwungen,
politische Deals mit Milosevic und seiner Regierung einzugehen
(Friedensabkommen von Dayton, UN-Sicherheitsratsresolution 1244 für
Kosovo). Jetzt, da er im Gefängnis sitzt, versuchen sie, das ICTY als
Instrument zu
benutzen, um diese Übereinkommen zu annullieren (Auflösung der
Republika Srpska, Unabhängigkeit des Kosovo).

Es ist zu erwarten, daß Milosevics Prozeß bis mindestens 2005 andauert
und das Tribunal seine Aktivitäten 2008 einstellt. Unabhängig davon, ob
Milosevic freigesprochen oder verurteilt wird und ungeachtet dessen,
was die endgültige Bilanz der ICTY-Aktivitäten sein wird, gibt es schon
jetzt genug Beweise, um zu behaupten, daß das ICTY kein Instrument
internationaler Gerechtigkeit, sondern ein repressives politisches
Instrument ist, um aggressive, imperialistische Pläne zu realisieren
und politische Führer und Kräfte zu bestrafen, die nicht bereit sind,
sich der imperialistischen Macht bedingungslos zu ergeben.

»Freundin der NATO«

Entsprechend kamen die Verantwortlichen des Tribunals unter Führung der
Chefanklägerin Carla del Ponte der »juristischen« Absegnung der
Siegerdefinitionen der Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien nach, als sie
beschlossen, gegen die NATO-Staaten keine Anklage anzustrengen. Obwohl
zahlreichen Völkerrechtlern auch Amnesty International den NATO-Staaten
für ihren Angriff auf die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien 1999
Kriegsverbrechen attestierte, lagen aus Sicht des ICTY keine
ausreichenden Indizien vor – kein Wunder, hatte man doch bei der
Untersuchung fast ausschließlich die Aussagen der verantwortlichen
Regierungsvertreter sowie von NATO-Militärs und Sprecher herangezogen,
die beteuerten, daß es der NATO einzig um
ehrenwerte Ziele, um den Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung ging, und die
»Kollateralschäden« unvermeidbare Unfälle waren.5) Die Haager
Anklagebehörde gab in diesem Zusammenhang an, daß »die Pressemeldungen
der NATO und NATO-Staaten allgemein verläßlich seien und Erklärung
wahrheitsgetreu abgegeben wurden«.6)

Der damalige NATO-Sprecher Jamie Shea erinnerte während des
NATO-Krieges 1999 nochmals an die Hierarchie. Die NATO-Staaten seien,
so Shea, Hauptfinanzgeber des Tribunals, die NATO sei die Freundin des
Tribunals und das Tribunal wird Personen jugoslawischer Nationalität
anklagen, nichts darüber hinaus. »Wie Sie wissen, ohne die NATO-Staaten
gäbe es kein Jugoslawien-Tribunal, denn die NATO-Staaten stehen an der
Spitze derer, die das Tribunal gründeten, die es finanzieren und seine
tägliche Arbeit


Larry Hammond, ehemaliger Richter am US-Verfassungsgericht, spricht als
Experte vor dem US-Kongreß: »Ein anderer Fall, in dem kürzlich Klage
durch das ICTY erhoben wurde ... verdient große Aufmerksamkeit. Die
ICTY-Anklägerin hat General Ante Gotovina in Verbindung mit Verbrechen
angeklagt, die kroatische Militärkräfte gegen die serbische
Zivilbevölkerung in der Region Krajina begangen haben sollen. In den
letzen Tagen vor dem Waffenstillstand ... war das kroatische Militär an
einer Offensive beteiligt, die als ›Operation Sturm‹ bekannt ist. ...
Es bleiben ernste Fragen hinsichtlich dessen, ob General Gotovina
tatsächlich von den
Ereignissen gewußt und sie autorisiert hatte, aber von größerem
Interesse sind Fragen danach, ob diese betreffenden Ereignisse Teil
einer Militäroperation waren, die mit Kooperation und Wissen der
Vereinigten Staaten durchgeführt wurde. ... Wenn es stimmt, daß der
General ein
Kriegsverbrecher ist, kann es genauso zutreffen, daß unsere Regierung
sein Komplize war.«8)

Die Lösung kommt in diesem Fall von den medialen Helfershelfern. Über
den für die »Operation Sturm« im Jahr 1995, d. h. für die Vertreibung
von 200 000 Serben aus der Krajina, die wohl die brutalste Kampagne
ethischer Säuberung im auseinander brechenden Jugoslawien darstellt,
verantwortlichen Kroaten Ante Gotovina heißt es am 8. Mai in der
Washington Times: »Der General ist ein Held, kein Kriegsverbrecher.«

Nachdem Gotovina ankündigte, im Falle einer Auslieferung an das
Tribunal Details über die Rolle der USA auszupacken, beunruhigt der
Fauxpas, daß er vor dem sonst so US-kooperativen ICTY als einer der
nicht-serbischen »Alibi-Angeklagten« auftreten soll. Washington Times:
»Washington stellte für die ›Operation Sturm‹ wertvolle militärische
und technische Hilfe zur Verfügung ... Zagrebs glanzvolle
Militäroffensive ... half, das zentrale Ziel der US-amerikanischen
Außenpolitik zu erreichen ... die Operation kam den US-Interessen im
Balkan zugute. ... Die Bush-Administration zeigt sich zunehmend
beunruhigt über die Auswirkungen, die Gotovinas Fall auf die USA haben
könnte. Das Außenministerium drängt nun die Chefanklägerin des
Tribunals, Carla Del Ponte, dazu, Fälle, die kroatische Militärs
betreffen, zurück an einheimische Gerichte in Zagreb zu senden. ... Die
Bedeutung der ›Operation Sturm‹ ist, daß sie als Modell für die
Operation ›Andauernder Frieden‹ in Afghanistan diente. Das kroatische
Militär agierte als Bodentruppe für die US-Bemühen, Herrn Milosevic zu

Es bestätigt sich: Das Tribunal ist der Versuch, die Geschichte auf dem
Balkan zu verfälschen, gegen die Verteidiger der Freiheit Vergeltung zu
üben und die Akteure der Politik des Krieges und des Kolonialismus, die
weltweit auf Widerstand stößt, in Schutz zu nehmen, wie es im
der deutschen Sektion des Komitees zur Verteidigung von Slobodan
Milosevic heißt.


1) The U.N. Criminal Tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda: International
Justice or Show of Justice?« Hearing before the Committee on
International Relations, House of Representatives, 107th Congress,
2) Paul Craig Roberts: Opening Pandora’s box? The Washington Times,
3) »American Servicemembers Protection Act«, aktualisiert am 26. Juni
4) The U.N. Criminal Tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda: International
Justice or Show of Justice?« Hearing before the Committee...
5) Vgl. Cathrin Schütz, Die NATO-Intervention in Jugoslawien,
Hintergründe, Nebenwirkungen und Folgen, Braumüller Verlag, Wien 2003
6) Dieter S. Lutz und Reinhard Mutz: Mehr Probleme als Lösungen ...
Frankfurter Rundschau, 24.3.2001
7) Press Conference given by NATO Spokesman, Jamie Shea, 17.5.1999,
8) »The U.N. Criminal Tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda:
International Justice ...

[ 3 ]

junge Welt vom 10.11.2003


Von Cathrin Schütz, Den Haag

Am Samstag demonstrierten mehrere hundert Menschen in Den Haag gegen
das »Kriegsverbrechertribunal« in Sachen Jugoslawien und für die
Freilassung von Slobodan Milosevic. »Bush statt Milosevic« gehöre vor
Gericht. Serbien und Jugoslawien müßten frei werden, so die Forderungen
des Marsches. Dabei protestierten die Vertreter des Komitees für die
Verteidigung von Milosevic (ICDSM), darunter Vladimir Krsljanin aus
Serbien, Klaus Hartmann aus Deutschland, Ian Johnson aus Großbritannien
und John Catalinotto aus den
USA, vor allem gegen die Entscheidung der Richter, Milosevic lediglich
drei Monate zur Vorbereitung seiner Verteidigung zu gewähren.

Sie sprachen übereinstimmend von einer »Kampagne des illegalen,
parteiischen Tribunals«, dem es darum gehe, den Angeklagten mit allen
Mitteln zu schwächen. So befände sich der ehemalige Präsident seit
Monaten in Isolation. Lediglich ein einziger Besucher habe Zugang
erhalten, während
alle anderen Anfragen negativ beschieden wurden. Auch der Umgang mit
Milosevics lebensbedrohlicher Krankheit zeige, daß man ihn und seinen
»Kampf für die Wahrheit« brechen wolle.

Der Europaparlamentsabgeordnete Costas Alissandrakis von der KP
Griechenland bezeichnete Slobodan Milosevic während der
Auftaktkundgebung vor dem niederländischen Parlament als »Symbol des
Widerstands« gegen die
Aggression. Die Besetzung des Kosovo habe den Angreifern nicht
ausgereicht: Eine volle und bedingungslose Kontrolle über das ganze
Land sei ihr Ziel gewesen. »Sie haben sogar den Namen Jugoslawien
ausgelöscht.« Dabei hätten sie Slobodan Milosevic als »Hindernis«
betrachtet: »Die Imperialisten haben mehr als hundert Millionen Dollar
investiert, um ihre Freunde (in Belgrad) an die Macht zu bringen. Sie
gründeten ihr spezielles »Tribunal«... Sie gaben ihren Freunden weitere
hundert Millionen Dollar, 50 Prozent vor, 50 nach der Inhaftierung und
Auslieferung von Präsident Milosevic.«

»Die Aggressoren sollen unsere Geschichte nicht schreiben«, verlangen
in Den Haag vor allem Menschen aus der jugoslawischen Diaspora: Für sie
erklärte Misha Gravilovic aus Großbritannien: »Wir wollen unsere
Identität, Würde und
Geschichte, die für uns serbisch, aber auch jugoslawisch sind,
verteidigen. Genau dafür setzen sich Milosevic, aber auch andere
Gefangene im Haager Tribunal ein.« Die im Ausland lebenden Jugoslawen
könnten nicht viel dazu beitragen, »das okkupierte Land zu befreien.
Wir haben keine Waffen, nicht viel Geld, keine TV-Sender.« Doch ließen
sich die Jugoslawen ihre Geschichte nicht nehmen, so Gravilovic. »Wir
sagen ein klares Nein der CNN-, ZDF-, BBC-Geschichte! Unsere Geschichte
wird seit der internationalen Intervention und unter der jetzigen
Besatzung umgeschrieben.« Dabei funkioniere die
CNN-Geschichtsschreibung nach dem Prinzip »Macht macht Recht«.

Der Demonstrationszug endete mit einer Kundgebung vor dem Scheveninger
Gefängnis und der Übergabe Hunderter Grußbotschaften für Milosevic.



 - Nassirya 12 novembre 2003 -
Perchè non succeda mai più.
firma la petizione per il ritiro immediato
dei militari italiani dall'Iraq

Inizio del messaggio inoltrato:

> Da: Aldo Bernardini
> Data: Gio 13 Nov 2003 12:28:20 Europe/Rome
> A: "Coord. Naz. per la Jugoslavia" <jugocoord@...>
> Cc: info@...
> Oggetto: RE: [JUGOINFO] Ritiro immediato
> Ricevo la petizione per la non partecipazione italiana all'occupazione
> militare
> dell'Iraq.
> Condivido assolutamente questa finalità, ma non i termini della
> petizione:
> anzitutto per quanto riguarda "la caduta di un regime totalitario", di
> cui
> giustamente si dice che non può essere scusa per l'avvenuta violazione
> del
> diritto internazionale, ma che io rifiuto in radice come qualificazione
> di un governo di uno Stato indipendente e sovrano che non può venir
> data
> dall'esterno; quindi per il richiamo alla "costituzione in tempi rapidi
> di un governo irakeno" e alle "libere elezioni per la formazione di un
> governo
> irakeno", perché vi è una resistenza che certamente ha un nucleo
> organizzato
> sotto la guida, nella clandestinità, del legittimo presidente Saddam
> Hussein
> e comunque del gruppo politico a lui facente capo, che per diritto
> internazionale
> nessuno può destituire. I richiami all'ONU e a procedure costituzionali
> e democraticistiche che non tengono conto di ciò (vedi anche l'appello
> perché
> sia affidata "alle Nazioni Unite la gestione della transizione, della
> sicurezza
> e della ricostruzione e sia formato qunto prima un governo irakeno
> provvisorio")
> vengono da me fermamente respinti, come del resto la stessa resistenza
> irakena
> si è espressamente pronunciata contro interventi dell'ONU che
> semplicemente
> sostituiscano la coalizione degli invasori e i fantocci irakeni da essa
> installati, dato che si tratterebbe della prosecuzione dell'occupazione
> illegittima in altra forma.
> Per questi motivi il sottoscritto, Ordinario di Diritto internazionale,
> non può firmare la petizione.
> Aldo Bernardini
>> -- Messaggio Originale --
>> To: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli., jugoinfo@...
>> From: "Coord. Naz. per la Jugoslavia" <jugocoord@...>
>> Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 11:59:39 +0100
>> Subject: [JUGOINFO] Ritiro immediato
>  - Nassirya 12 novembre 2003 -
> Perchè non succeda mai più.
> firma la petizione per il ritiro immediato
> dei militari italiani dall'Iraq

*** Un opuscolo di controinformazione
ed una trasmissione televisiva ***

dalla propaganda fascista al revisionismo storico

Un opuscolo a cura di A. Martocchia

Edizione autoprodotta dal Gruppo Atei Materialisti Dialettici (GAMADI),
Roma, ottobre 2003. Prezzo 3 euro

Per richiederne una o piu' copie rivolgersi a:
GAMADI, Piazza L. Da Vinci 27, 00043 Ciampino (Roma)
tel/fax 06-7915200, email: gamadilavoce@...


ed in replica

su TeleAmbiente (canale 68 nella zona di Roma) e sulle emittenti

sara' presentato l'opuscolo "FOIBE: dalla propaganda fascista al
revisionismo storico". In studio Miriam Pellegrini Ferri


Izetbegovic's friends

NOTA: in questa rassegna di amici di Izetbegovic compaiono ministri
pachistani, mujaheddin membri del GIA, torturatori del campo di
Celebici, e financo ministri antiserbi della DOS quali il signor
Ci scusiamo con Adriano Sofri per non aver potuto reperire materiale
recente sulla sua nota stima per il nazista Alija Izetbegovic.

1. Former Pakistani information minister: “We went to Bosnia ... and
supported their cause. Later we gave them arms for their jihad”.
Former Pakistani foreign Minister: "The Bosnian jihad was the greatest
fight in European history and Muslim leaders should follow the life of
Ali Izat Begovich".

2. Algeria, Egypt seek terror suspects' extradition from
Bosnia (AFP, 10/10/03)


4. Yemeni imprisoned in Bosnia for al-Qaeda links returns
home (AFP, 5/11/03)

5. More on war crimes by Bosnian muslim secessionists


JIHAD the Holy War - Lashva valley:

Video fragments showing Alija Izetbegovic's links with Mujahedin units:

NATO Chieftan Lord Roberston Hails Theocratic
Secessionist Izetbegovic As "Courageous Statesman"

US State Department: Izetbegovic Instrumental In
Bosnia *Remaining* A Unified Multiethnic *Country*



By Carl Savich
Introduction: War Crimes in Bosnia
The Celebici Camp
Bosnian Muslim and Croat Detention Camps
The Celebici Trial
Conclusion: A Political Trial?


It Was A Good Day To Die

by Aleksandra Priestfield
Swans - November 3, 2003

 ... A spokeswoman for the Hague arch-witch hunter Carla del Ponte has
made a statement to the effect that Mr. Izetbegovic was "under
investigation" for unspecified war crimes at the time of his death.
The investigation will, naturally, be "halted" now that the
investigatee is conveniently no longer with us...


Fairy Tales Can Come True....Del Ponte Was
Investigating Izetbegovic

=== 1 ===
Daily Times (Pakistan)

‘Pakistan provided Bosnians with arms’

By Khurram Shahzad

ISLAMABAD: Muttihida Majlis-e-Amal Parliamentary Leader Qazi Hussain
Ahmed has demanded President Gen Pervez Musharaf fulfill within
Pakistan his call to the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) in
Malaysia for Muslim unity.

Mr Ahmed was talking to journalists after a seminar organised by the
Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) in memory of the late Bosnian leader Ali Izet
Begovich on Friday.
He said President Musharraf had posed himself as the leader of the
whole Muslim world at the OIC summit and urged for unity and working
relationships, but he was not implementing it in Pakistan.
He should play his role to unite Pakistani nation first and then talk
about anything else.
“Musharraf should unite the Pakistani nation despite his role in
destroying the unity of political parties and other public groups
within the country if he advocates the unity of the whole Muslim
world”, Mr Ahmed said.
Earlier addressing the seminar he paid tributes to the Bosnian
president and said he gave himself entirely to the liberation of his
country. He said Muslims in the world were fighting for peace and their
holy war was to remove differences according to the sayings of the
Quran instead of spreading them.
He disclosed that Pakistan fully supported the independence war of
Bosnia and helped Izat Begovich. “He visited Pakistan and the
government gave him everything he demanded for jihad.
When he was leaving Pakistan he was worried and desirous of more
support. Dr Abdul Qadir Khan and myself assured him that Pakistan would
help them fight till the last. Later they liberated their country with
Pakistan’s support,” he said.
Earlier, former information minister Syed Mushahid Hussain also said
their government gave arms to Bosnian fighters in 1993 to fight against
“We went to Bosnia with our Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and supported
their cause. Later we gave them arms for their jihad,” he said. Former
foreign Minister Sartaj Aziz said the Bosnian jihad was the greatest
fight in European history and Muslim leaders should follow the life of
Ali Izat Begovich.

=== 2 ===

Agence France-Presse
October 10, 2003

Algeria, Egypt seek terror suspects' extradition from

SARAJEVO, Oct 10 (AFP) - Algeria and Egypt have sought
the extradition of two of their nationals arrested in
Bosnia on suspicion of terrorist involvement, a
Bosnian official said Friday.

Aissa Benkhira, 35, with dual Algerian and Bosnian
citizenship, was arrested last month on an Interpol
warrant issued in 1995, the Bosnian court official
told AFP on condition of anonymity.

Amquad Youssef, an Egyptian also with dual Bosnian
citizenship, was arrested in August as he attempted to
enter the Balkan country with a fake Belgian passport.
He was also named on an Interpol arrest warant issued
in Cairo.

The official said the Bosnian constitution forbade the
extradition of Bosnian citizens, but the case of
Youssef was being examined to determine whether he
obtained his citizenship legally.

Justice officials here have asked Algeria to submit
the case against Benkhira so that he can be tried in

Benkhira was tried in absentia and sentenced to death
in his native country for participating in a 1995
attack on an Algerian industrial zone that killed six
people including five foreigners, the source said.

The Islamic Armed Group (GIA) was suspected of being
behind the attack. The GIA has been battling the
Algerian government for more than a decade in a bid to
establish an Islamic republic.

Youssef is suspected of being a member of al-Jihad, an
Islamic extremist organisation based in Egypt, the
source said.

During Bosnia's 1992-95 war hundreds of volunteers
from Islamic countries joined the Muslim-led
government army to fight the Serbs and Croats.

Under the 1995 peace accords, all foreign fighters
were ordered to leave but some of them managed to
obtain Bosnian citizenship on the basis of their
military service or by marrying local women.

=== 3 ===
Tanjug - October 30, 2003


Belgrade, 30 October: Ivica Dacic, chairman of the main committee of
the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), said today that the SPS deputies
in the Serbia-Montenegro (SCG) Assembly would call for the dismissal
of Rasim Ljajic, member of the SCG Council of Ministers, "after his
scandalous choice of words in the obituary on the death of (former
chairman of the Bosnia-Hercegovina Presidency) Alija Izetbegovic, in
which he addressed him as 'dear president".
Speaking at a news conference in Belgrade, Dacic said it was clear that
Ljajic "cannot stay in the Council of Ministers any longer" and that
he expected the SPS's proposal to be included in the agenda of the SCG
Assembly session.
"The SPS calls on its voters and citizens of Serbia to boycott the
presidential elections," Dacic said, adding that the failure of the
elections "will be the final blow to DOS (Democratic Opposition of
Serbia) which will force it to call the parliamentary elections."

FoNet - October 30, 2003

Belgrade, 30 October: The Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) demands of
the Serbia-Montenegro government to make up its mind over stances
upheld by Minister for Human and Minority Rights Rasim Ljajic in the
wake of the publication of an obituary in the Dnevni avaz newspaper
prompted by the death of (former Bosnia-Hercegovina president) Alija
"If it (the government) also believes that Alija Izetbegovic deserved
gratitude from the citizens of Serbia-Montenegro, then let it tell us
publicly and let it enlighten us as to what these deeds were for which
he deserved our gratitude." The SPS said that "the crimes against
Serbia-Montenegro citizens and against the Serbs in Bosnia-Hercegovina
are not important to The Hague (tribunal) nor are they important to
Ljajic. However, unless they (ministers) distance themselves from
Ljajic, these crimes are not important then to the Serbia-Montenegro
government either".

Beta - November 3, 2003

Socialists move no confidence in minorities minister

BELGRADE -- Monday – The Socialist Party of Serbia has
given the federal parliament notice of a motion of no
confidence in Human Rights Minister Rasim Ljajic.
The deputy parliamentary leader of the Socialist
Party, Veljko Odalovic, said today that the initiative
came after an obituary written by Ljajic for former
Bosnian president Alija Izetbegovic which was
published in a Sarajevo newspaper.
“We were appalled that in the obituary Minister Ljajic
refers to Alija Izetbegovic as his president and
praises him and his work,” said Odalovic, adding that
the minister should explain to the parliament how the
former leader of the Party of Democratic Action was
“his president”.
Izetbegovic policies had resulted in an exodus of
Serbs from Bosnia and his party had brought together
Mujahadin from Al-Qaeda,” said Odalovic.
“A minister who has a mandate to protect human and
ethnic minority rights has no mandate to publish such
an obituary,” he added.
Ljajic himself dismissed the no confidence move as an
election stunt.

=== 4 ===

Yemeni imprisoned in Bosnia for al-Qaeda links returns

SANAA, Nov 5 (AFP) - A Yemeni who was imprisoned for
five years in Bosnia on charges of belonging to the
al-Qaeda terror network has returned to his country,
the ruling General People's Congress said here
"Bosnian authorities have accused Nabil Ali al-Hila of
taking part in bomb attacks in Bosnia ... since then
the Yemeni government has spared no effort to free
him," said the GPC in a statement posted on its
Hila returned to his hometown of Aden in southern
Yemen on Monday, the statement said without providing
further details.

Many Yemenis went to Afghanistan, Bosnia and Chechnya
in the 1980s and 1990s to fight for what they saw as
"Muslim causes".

=== 5 ===
Agence France-Presse - November 4, 2003

Bosnian Muslim sentenced to 10 years for war crimes

SARAJEVO, Nov 4 (AFP) - A Sarajevo court sentenced a
former Bosnian Muslim soldier to 10 years in jail
Tuesday for his role in a wartime massacre of Croat
civilians, a prosecutor said.
Enes Sakrak, 30, was accused of taking part in the
September 1993 massacre of more than 30 Bosnian Croat
civilians, mainly elderly people, in Grabovica village
by the Bosnian government army.
He was "sentenced to 10 years in prison... for
committing war crimes against civilians" during
Bosnia's 1992-1995 war, Sarajevo county chief
prosecutor Mustafa Bisic said in a statement.
He is the first person to be sentenced for the
Sakrak was arrested in August along with co-accused
Mustafa Hota. He pleaded guilty to the murder of two
civilians during the massacre, the statement said.
Sakrak's case is part of a wider investigation into
the massacre in Grabovica, 60 kilometers (37 miles)
southeast of Sarajevo, the statement added, without
disclosing the number of soldiers under investigation.
The Grabovica atrocity occurred during the year-long
Croat-Muslim conflict which broke out on the sidelines
of Bosnia's 1992-95 war, when Bosnian Croats and
Muslims fought against Bosnian Serbs who opposed
independence from the former communist Yugoslavia.
In 2001 the International Criminal Tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia at The Hague indicted Bosnia's
wartime army chief-of-staff, retired general Sefer
Halilovic, for violation of the customs of war during
the operation that included the Grabovica massacre.
Halilovic, who turned himself in to the UN tribunal in
September 2001, was provisionally released pending
trial. He was accused of failing to investigate and
punish the perpetrators of the massacre.
Sakrak is mentioned in Halilovic's indictment as the
murderer of a Croat woman and her four-year-old
daughter, while Hota is said to have shot dead a
79-year-old man.
The Sarajevo trial was approved by the ICTY under an
agreement whereby Bosnian courts can conduct war
crimes trials only after receiving the go-ahead from
the UN court.
More than 200,000 people lost their lives during
Bosnia's war, while more than two million, over half
the country's population, were forced to flee their
Agence France-Presse - November 10, 2003

Bosnian Serbs offer war crimes "evidence" against
Muslims, Croats

BANJA LUKA, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Nov 10 (AFP) - Bosnian
Serb former prisoners of war are planning to visit the
UN war crimes tribunal at The Hague to provide
"evidence" against Croats and Muslims, a POW
association said Monday.
The Republika Srpska Association of Detainees said a
delegation of former prisoners would present
unspecified information about alleged war crimes
during Bosnia's 1992-95 conflict when they visit The
Hague on Wednesday.
The association says it represents some 50,000 Serb
former POWs and claims that there were 536 detention
camps where Serbs were imprisoned in Bosnia during the
The Serb-run Republika Srpska, which shares authority
in postwar Bosnia with the Muslim-Croat Federation,
remains the only territory of the former Yugoslavia
which has not arrested a single war crimes suspect.

da oggi

od danas

starting with today

ab heute her


Corso Seminariale “Media and conflicts”, modulo Balcani (Ambiente e
Prof. Alberto Tarozzi.

Programma definitivo.

Grazie al reperimento di sale adeguate per gli incontri nei quali è
prevedibile una maggiore affluenza (lunedì 17 pomeriggio, aula A Berti
lunedì 24 mattina sala A cinema Odeon-Remondino) speriamo di avere
ridotto al minimo i disagi da affollamento per il pubblico, nonostante
il numero degli studenti iscritti e,
più in generale, delle persone interessate a partecipare, si sia
rivelata ben al di sopra delle previsioni.

Lunedì 17 novembre 2003

Ore 11aula B, viale Berti Pichat
-Saluto di Anna Maria Gentili, Presidente del Corso di Laurea in
Sviluppo e Cooperazione Internazionale.
-Introduzione di Alberto Tarozzi.
La guerra nei Balcani: conseguenze ambientali e sanitarie.
-Proiezione del video “Bombe sulle industrie chimiche” di S. Adamek.
-Aggiornamento sulle attività di documentazione del “Gruppo di ricerca
guerra, ambiente e salute nei Balcani” a cura di Federica Alessandrini
e  Zivkica Nedanovska.

Ore 15 aula A, viale Berti Pichat.
-Andrea Purgatori, collaboratore del Corriere della Sera e
corrispondente di guerra dagli anni ‘80 ai nostri giorni.
Le conseguenze ecologiche delle nuove guerre e i media.

Sabato 22 novembre

Ore 11 aula B, viale Berti Pichat.
-Michele Nardelli , Osservatorio sui Balcani.
-Massimo Zucchetti, Politecnico di Torino.
(autore del volume “Guerra infinita, guerra ecologica”, Jaca book,
La rimozione della guerra dalla decontaminazione all’elaborazione dei

Lunedì 24 novembre

Ore 11 sala A cinema Odeon, via Mascarella 3.
-Ennio Remondino, corrispondente Rai da Belgrado.
I media e la guerra nei Balcani del 1999.

Lunedì 1 dicembre

Ore 11 aula B, viale Berti Pichat.
-Presentazione del libro “La balcanizzazione dello sviluppo”
di Claudio Bazzocchi, ed. Il Ponte, 2003. Sarà presente l’autore.
-Andrea Segré, Coordinatore del Dottorato di Ricerca in
''Cooperazione Internazionale e Politiche per lo Sviluppo
sostenibile'', ne discute con
-Luisa Chiodi, Istituto Universitario Europeo di Firenze.
Introduce Francesco Rigamonti del “Gruppo di ricerca guerra, ambiente e
salute nei Balcani”.

Ore 15 aula B, viale Berti Pichat.
-Paolo Bartolomei, fisico dell’Enea
-Emilio Molinari, Comitato italiano per un contratto mondiale
-Lorenzo Sani, giornalista de Il Resto del Carlino.
Uranio impoverito e contaminazione delle acque: prospettive ecologiche
nella ex Jugoslavia.

Verso la Grande Albania: Ottobre 2003


*** Sulle nostre fonti vedi le Avvertenze in fondo a questo messaggio

*** Sul rocambolesco arresto dell'Intoccabile criminale di guerra Agim
Ceku si veda:

Agim Ceku l'Intoccabile

Former KLA Leader Agim Ceku Arrested, Then Released


FoNet - September 30, 2003

Belgrade warns of “dramatic” situation in Kosovo

STRASBOURG -- Tuesday – Belgrade today called on the
international community to recognise the “dramatic”
human rights situation in Kosovo.
In a speech to the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary
Assembly, Dragoljub Micunovic, a senior member of
Serbia’s governing coalition, warned that Kosovo’s
future could not be built on the results of ethnic
cleansing and the criminalisation of society.
The speech opened a debate on the human rights
situation in the United Nations-governed province.
Micunovic said that Serbia had been forced to call the
debate after the killing of two Serb youths in the
Kosovo village of Gorazdevac. The victims were shot as
they bathed in a nearby river. Seven Serbs have been
killed in the province since June.
“These children were killed only because they were
Serbs,” he told the Assembly. This sent a message “to
all Serbs currently living in Kosovo that they must
leave, that reconciliation and the multi-ethnic
society that UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and
all of us strive for are not possible.”
“The killing of children in the 21st century in any of
Europe simply because they are of a different
nationality must alert not only the democratic public,
but also the international institutions concerned with
the protection of human rights and safety,” Micunovic
added, before calling for “large-scale measures
against criminals and terrorists”.
Micunovic, the speaker of the Serbia-Montenegro
parliament, warned that the Gorazdevac killings were
not an isolated act but the culmination of a series of
terrorist operations. He claimed there had been over
6,000 attacks on Serbs and their property or cultural
monuments since the arrival of peacekeepers after the
end of the war in July 1999, over 1,000 Serbs had been
killed and 10 monasteries and churches destroyed. The
fate of 1,300 Serbs remains unknown, he added.
Micunovic, a candidate in November’s elections for
Serbian president, called on the international
community to take “energetic and decisive steps toward
the full and consistent implementation of Resolution
1244, the speedier return of the displaced, the
creation of better security conditions and freedom of
movement for all ethnic communities”. Resolution 1244
is the document adopted by the UN Security Council by
which the province is governed.
In his speech, Micunovic made reference to the
Albanian National Army, an extremist ethnic Albanian
group that was branded a terrorist organisation
earlier this year by the UN’s former Kosovo governor
Michael Steiner. It must be recognised, said
Micunovic, that the ANA operates not only in Kosovo,
but also in western Macedonia and southern Serbia. The
group has claimed responsibility for an attack on a
Serbia-Montenegro military vehicle last week, in which
an officer was seriously wounded.
Talks between Belgrade and Pristina are due to begin
in mid-October, and will cover practical matters, but
not the province’s final status. Micunovic said that
Belgrade was approaching the dialogue “with a basic
wish for us all to stand up to hatred, terrorism and
any form of violence.” In order to do this, he added,
“everyone must understand that there are no good and
bad enemies, but that they are enemies of us all –
enemies of the human race.”
Serbia Info - September 30, 2003

ANA prepares terrorist attacks in southern Serbia and

Belgrade, Sept 30, 2003 - The Serbian Ministry of
Interior said that its operational data confirm that
the Albanian terrorist organisation ANA plans to carry
out terrorist attacks in southern Serbia just before
the beginning of a dialogue between Belgrade and
This terrorist organisation plans to make a massacre
by planting and activating explosive devices in the
facilities where members of the Albanian ethnic
community gather, including schools, read a statement
by the Ministry.
The terrorist attack will be performed by ANA's tried
members, however, it is possible that the organisation
will also contract criminals of Serbian nationality,
for which ANA has already set aside considerable
amounts of money.
According to intelligence, ANA plans to carry out the
attacks in Bujanovac, Presevo and Kosovo-Metohija, the
Ministry said.
The Serbian police have stepped up security measures
in order to prevent any possible terrorist attacks on
the territory of the Republic of Serbia.



(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 1 OTT - Un agente della polizia tedesca in
servizio presso la polizia della Missione Onu in Kosovo (Unmik) e'
stato aggredito oggi nella citta' settentrionale di Kosovska
Mitrovica e le sue condizioni sono molto gravi. L'agente, del quale
non e' stato rivelato il nome, e' stato aggredito mentre entrava
negli uffici del commissariato che si trova nella parte sud della
citta' (abitata da albanesi) e colpito ripetutamente alla testa con
una sbarra di ferro. Un kosovaro albanese e' stato arrestato perche'
ritenuto l'autore dell'attacco: secondo gli investigatori si
tratterebbe di una persona ''mentalmente instabile''. L'agente e'
stato soccorso e trasportato in ospedale. Andrea Angeli, portavoce
dell'Unmik ha detto all'Ansa che in serata il poliziotto verra'
trasferito in Germania a bordo di un aereo ambulanza per essere
sottoposto ad intervento chirurgico. Meno di due mesi fa nella stessa
citta' di Kosovska Mitrovica venne ucciso in un agguato un agente
indiano della polizia Onu.(ANSA) BLL 01/10/2003 19:28
Beta - October 2, 2003

UN policeman injured in Mitrovica attack

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA -- Wednesday – A member of the
international police force in Kosovo was severely
injured today when he was attacked in a car park
outside the regional UNMIK police headquarters in
Kosovska Mitrovica.
International police at the scene arrested a Kosovo
Albanian who is suspected of striking the German
police officer several times in the head with a metal
rod, causing serious injuries, according to a
statement from UNMIK.
UNMIK police said that the motive did not appear to be
personal, but added that the suspect is mentally ill
and had been expressing hatred for police in general
for some time.



(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 2 OTT - Una nuova ondata di violenza questa volta
apparentemente non a sfondo etnico sta investendo il Kosovo a meno di
due settimane dal possibile inizio dei negoziati tra Pristina e
Belgrado per la definizione dello status della provincia.
Quattro albanesi-kosovari sono rimasti uccisi in due agguati nelle
ultime 24 ore. Il primo e' stato compiuto nel villaggio di Glamnic,
nel distretto settentrionale di Podujevo (a ridosso del confine
amministrativo con la Serbia) dove due fratelli e un cugino sono
stati uccisi a raffiche di mitra mentre si trovavano all'interno di
un furgone. Un albanese e' stato arrestato dalla polizia ma non ha
ancora fornito chiarimenti sulla strage. Un quarto omicidio e'
stato compiuto la notte scorsa in un villaggio nei pressi della
citta' occidentali di Decani: un uomo di 37 anni, Avdi Muja e' caduto
in un agguato nel quale sono rimasti feriti anche tre suoi cugini.
Non distante da li' un testimone di un importante processo con tre ex
guerriglieri dell'Uck era miracolosamente sfuggito a un attentato
compiuto con una bomba comandata a distanza. Non si esclude che gli
episodi possano essere in qualche modo collegati. (ANSA).
BLL/CIP 02/10/2003 13:25


Stars And Stripes - October 2, 2003

Latest Kosovo weapons amnesty plan has few takers

By Jessica Iñigo
GNJILANE, Kosovo — Troops in the Multi-National
Brigade (East) sector of Kosovo Force, where camps
Bondsteel and Monteith are housed, are disappointed in
the low turnout rate of the latest monthlong weapons
amnesty program.
Initially, military officials hoped to sweet-talk
illegal gun toters into handing over their weapons by
giving cash to any county that turned in more than 300
But military officials changed their minds and will
now give the money to the three municipalities that
turn over the most weapons, said Maj. Anthony Frey,
fire support officer for Task Force Falcon. The amount
of cash to be given out was unavailable.
Civilians say the military needs to change its tune if
it wants to see some real response to the amnesty
“Everybody would turn in their weapons if the military
just made a program that would give people a license
to have the weapons that they own,” Alban Beqiri, a
Kosovar Albanian living in Urosevac, said through an
interpreter. “Nobody wants to just give away something
that they own, that they paid for.”
Also, civilians believe that there aren’t too many
more weapons left to be turned in. Soldiers believe
“I know weapons are still out there,” said Spc. Justin
Bish, of Company C, 1st Battalion, 112th Infantry
(Mechanized), who was manning an amnesty point in
Gnjilane, Kosovo, near Camp Monteith. “Countless
weapons are still out there. They just need to come
and turn them in.”
At his point, three sniper rifles, five
rocket-propelled grenades and four machine guns were
turned in.
“At first hardly anything was turned in, but as time
started dwindling down some weapons started showing
up,” said Sgt. 1st Class Joseph Ackerson, who manned
the same point in Gnjilane.
Ackerson said that even though all the weapons turned
in were old and rusted, they still worked.
“These are all functional weapons,” he said. “They’ve
been packed in grease and buried in burlap under
Ackerson explained that the grease keeps the weapons
working, while burying them keeps them out of sight in
case of a military weapons raid through the town.
“Every time an illegal weapon is taken off the street,
there is success,” Brig. Gen. Jerry G. Beck, commander
of Multi-National Brigade (East), said during a news
conference Thursday. “Every time another grenade is
turned in, there is another life spared. Every time
ammunition is recovered, there is one less argument
that ends in someone being wounded or killed.”
The weapons amnesty program went through September and
allowed for any illegal weapons to be turned in
without question.
Illegal weapons found at other times will be turned in
to the U.N. Development Program for disposal, and
owners could be fined and sent to jail.



(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 2 OTT - Il Parlamento del Kosovo ha deciso di non
votare oggi l'autorizzazione all'avvio del dialogo con le autorita'
di Belgrado il cui inizio e' previsto per il prossimo 14 ottobre a
Vienna. I parlamentari albanesi hanno rinviato la votazione a
giovedi' prossimo, 9 ottobre, chiedendo nel frattempo ''maggiori
dettagli e una piu' vasta consultazione''. Esponenti del partito
democratico (Pdk) del premier Bajram Rexhepi hanno sollecitato in
particolare la presentazione della lista dei partecipanti al dialogo
da parte serba e garanzie sulla presenza di una mediazione
internazionale.(ANSA). BLL/CIP 02/10/2003 13:29



(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 3 OTT - Cambio al vertice della Kfor, la forza di
pace a guida Nato presente in Kosovo dal giugno del 1999: dopo un
anno di comando il generale italiano Fabio Mini ha passato le
consegne al generale tedesco Holger Kammerhoff. Alla cerimonia che si
e' svolta a Pristina sono intervenuti fra gli altri il
sottosegretario alla Difesa Salvatore Cicu, il comandante della Nato
in Europa James Jhones e il comandante di Afsouth ammiraglio Gregory
Jhonson. Jhones ha espresso compiacimento per ''l'energia,
l'entusiasmo e l'impegno esemplare in molti e complessi aspetti della
missione'' dimostrati dal generale italiano. Mini, ha aggiunto, ''si
e' guadagnato il rispetto dei kosovari dimostrando una profonda
conoscenza della politica kosovara, e per questo parte come un grande
amico del Kosovo''. Alla cerimonia hanno presenziato le piu' alte
autorita' istituzionali locali, sia albanesi che serbe.
L'ammiraglio Gregory ha promesso da parte sua che ''capitalizzeremo
l'esperienza e la straordinaria visione'' del generale. Parole di cui
si e' compiaciuto il sottosegretario Cicu, giunto in Kosovo insieme
al nuovo Capo di Stato maggiore dell'Esercito generale Giulio
Fraticelli: ''Questo anno di complesso e importantissimo comando
italiano - ha commentato Cicu - e' motivo di grande soddisfazione
per i risultati conseguiti, che sono stati riconosciuti ampiamente
sia dalle altre forze alleate che dalle autorita' istituzionali
locali''. Il generale Mini nel suo discorso di fine missione, e'
tornato ad insistere sul tema che ha piu' affrontato in questo anno
di comando: ''L'intolleranza blocca lo sviluppo - ha dichiarato - la
gente non ne puo' piu' e non vede l'ora di avere l'opportunita' di
lavorare''. Davanti alla banda dei suoi bersaglieri che avevano
appena intonato l'inno, Mini ha poi detto in italiano ''bersaglieri,
siete sempre belli''. La cerimonia si e' conclusa con il lancio in
quota e l'arrivo davanti alla tribuna delle autorita' dei 5
paracadutisti del 9/o Col Moschin che avevano finora assicurato la
sua scorta. Mini e' ripartito per l'Italia seguito dal suo piu'
stretto staff di collaboratori fra i quali il caporalmaggiore
Domenico Casale, fedelissimo e apprezzatissimo cuoco del comando. In
Kosovo restano invece altri 2800 soldati italiani che continueranno
a partecipare alla missione della Kfor. In questo momento sono oltre
12mila i soldati italiani impegnati in missioni all'estero, 8.000 dei
quali nei Balcani. (ANSA). BLL 03/10/2003 15:11



(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 4 OTT - Una profuga serba di 73 anni e' stata
gravemente ferita oggi nel Kosovo orientale da un albanese che
occupava insieme alla propria famiglia la sua vecchia casa.
L'incidente e' accaduto nella citta' di Gjilane, dove la donna era
rientrata per la prima volta dopo la fuga in Serbia avvenuta nel
1999, al termine della guerra. Andrea Angeli, portavoce della
missione delle Nazioni Unite (Unmik), ha detto all'Ansa che la donna
e' stata ferita allo stomaco da tre colpi di pistola.
L'albanese-kosovaro che ha aperto il fuoco e' stato arrestato.
Secondo una prima ricostruzione, la donna serba questa mattina si e'
presentata alla porta di quella che ha indicato come la propria
abitazione e che aveva abbandonato quattro anni fa per sfuggire alle
violenze etniche. La casa era stata nel frattempo occupata da una
famiglia di 15 albanesi. Uno degli uomini presenti nell'abitazione
prima ha cacciato la donna, poi le ha sparato. Il rientro dei
profughi serbi in Kosovo e la restituzione delle loro proprieta' e'
uno dei punti cruciali dei negoziati fra Pristina e Belgrado che
dovrebbero iniziare il prossimo 14 ottobre a Vienna. (ANSA).
BLL 04/10/2003 16:36



(ANSA) - BERLINO, 4 OTT - Due soldati tedeschi del contingente di pace
internazionale Kfor in Kosovo sono morti ieri sera in un incidente
stradale, secondo quanto reso noto oggi a Berlino da un portavoce del
ministero della difesa. L'incidente e' avvenuto nei pressi della
localita' Suevareka. Non sono stati forniti particolari sulla
dinamica dell'incidente. La procura di Potsdam ha avviato indagini.
(ANSA). BUS 04/10/2003 18:11



Da: Rick Rozoff
Data: Mar 7 Ott 2003 13:08:17 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: Kosovo: Agim Ceku Offers 3,000 KLA Fighters For Afghan, Iraqi

[Note: The US government site Radio Free Europe/Radio
Liberty officially spells the name of the Serbian
province of Kosovo as 'Kosova.' The so-called Kosovo
Liberation Army clearly appreciates the fact. If in
fact the US takes its ally Ceku up on his offer it
could mark the closest thing Washington is likely to
get in the way of UN endorsement for the occupation of
Iraq, as war criminal Ceku's racist killers are
currently on the UN payroll as members of the Kosovo
Protection Corps.]

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty - October 6, 2003


-Agim Ceku, who heads the civilian Kosova Protection
Corps (TMK), has offered to send some of his 3,000
men, many of whom are former guerrillas of the Kosova
Liberation Army.

"The New York Times" of 6 October reported that
Kosova's president, Ibrahim Rugova, and parliamentary
speaker Nexhat Daci have between them made several
offers to send police to Iraq or Afghanistan but were
turned down or ignored by Washington. Agim Ceku, who
heads the civilian Kosova Protection Corps (TMK), has
offered to send some of his 3,000 men, many of whom
are former guerrillas of the Kosova Liberation Army.
The Kosovars argue that they have much experience of
value to Iraq and Afghanistan, noting also that most
Kosovars are Muslims. Elizabeth Jones, who is
assistant secretary of state for European affairs,
reportedly told Rugova that he should concentrate on
building democracy in Kosova. Pro-U.S. feeling is very
strong in Kosova as result of U.S.-led efforts that
stopped the Serbian crackdown there in 1999. PM



Da: Rick Rozoff
Data: Mar 14 Ott 2003 20:31:36 Europe/Rome
A: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.
Oggetto: [yugoslaviainfo] 'Kosovo President' Presses US, EU Over
Beta - October 14, 2003

Rugova presses for independence

-“As soon as the European Union and the United States
recognise Kosovo’s independence, the United Nations
will do the same.”

VIENNA -- Tuesday – Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova
today urged the international community to recognise
Kosovo independence as the only way to bring stability
to the region and prevent the past from repeating
“As soon as the European Union and the United States
recognise Kosovo’s independence, the United Nations
will do the same”, Rugova told a press conference
after today’s first meeting with Belgrade leaders in
When it comes to Kosovo, he said, the new government
in Belgrade is no different from the old regime of
Slobodan Milosevic. Nevertheless he emphasised the
need for dialogue.
Kosovo’s explicit aim is independence and
Euro-Atlantic integration, said Rugova, adding that
this would reduce the room for maneuvering in Kosovo
and prevent a repetition of the horrors of the past.
Kosovo Parliament Speaker Nexhat Daci, the second
member of the Pristina delegation, accused Serbia of
holding Kosovo hostage and preventing it from
integrating with Europe. He warned that Kosovo was
capable of doing the same to Serbia and claimed that
independence was an unstoppable process.
He repeated calls for the international community to
cede more powers to the Kosovo government and demanded
that Belgrade “stop funding parallel structures” in
the province. Daci said he expected the Kosovo
government to soon form ministries of energy and
foreign affairs, and eventually justice and interior


Agence France-Presse - October 14, 2003

Hundreds protest against start of Pristina-Belgrade talks

PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro, Oct 14 (AFP) - Several
hundred Kosovar Albanians demanded independence from
Serbia Tuesday as they protested against the opening
of talks between Pristina and Belgrade.
The protesters held placards calling for the
province's independence from Serbia and the withdrawal
of the United Nations mission (UNMIK) that has
governed Kosovo since the end of the 1998-99 war
between Belgrade forces and ethnic Albanian
"Holkeri, don't speak in our name," said one banner in
reference to UNMIK chief Harri Holkeri, who is leading
the Kosovo delegation at the talks which began in
Vienna earlier Tuesday.
The demonstration was organised by Kosovo's National
Movement party, a radical grouping which holds only
one seat in the 120-member assembly.
The dialogue is the first between Kosovar Albanian
authorities and the Serbian government since the war,
which cost thousands of lives and drove hundreds of
thousands from their homes.
The initiative has been heavily promoted by the UN and
the European Union but it is unpopular here, where
many in the ethnic Albanian majority see it as a step
back from their ultimate goal of independence.
The issue of Kosovo's final status is not on the
agenda for the talks, which have been limited to
"practical" concerns such as transport, energy and
missing people.
Kosovo Prime Minister Bajram Rexepi refused to attend
the opening session of the dialogue after parliament
failed to support his participation.
The Kosovo delegation included Kosovo President
Ibrahim Rugova and parliament speaker Nexhat Daci.
The Serbian delegation was led by Prime Minister Zoran
Zivkovic and Nebojsa Covic, the deputy prime minister
in charge of Kosovo matters.
SRNA - October 14, 2003

Kosovo: Albanians chant "NATO get out" at protest against Vienna talks

Pristina - Hundreds of Albanians took part in a protest in Pristina
against the beginning of the Pristina-Belgrade dialogue in Vienna. The
protest, organized by the Popular Movement of Kosovo LPK , began at
1200 1000 gmt outside the National Theatre.
Some 800 protesters chanted "UCK Kosovo Liberation Army ", "UNMIK UN
Mission in Kosovo get out", NATO get out" and "Down with Rugova".
There were no incidents and a great number of Kfor NATO-led Kosovo
Force soldiers and UNMIK policemen, with the help of the Kosovo police
service, controlled all access road to Pristina and the roads leading
to Serb enclaves.


L’incontro viennese fra la delegazione del governo serbo ed i leaders
di etnia albanese della provincia meridionale del kosovo è stato più di
una delusione. il capo dell’unmik holkeri ha condotto con sé una
rappresentanza composta unicamente da albanesi ed ha escluso all’ultimo
momento i portavoce serbi e turchi come richiestogli da ibrahim rugova.
ed è questa assenza che ha dato a rugova l’opportunità di mostrare come
tutti i cittadini della provincia serba si trovino d’accordo con la sua
visione estrema e dogmatica e di presentare il kosovo come regione
abitata da soli albanesi. la composizione etnicamente pura delle
autorità presenti a vienna riflette di fatto la situazione della
provincia, nella quale i serbi e le altre minoranze vengono brutalmente
‘ripuliti’ dagli oltranzisti albanesi e ed i loro rappresentanti nelle
istituzioni -sponsorizzate dalle nazioni unite- sono ridotti ad un
agente politico insignificante. questa prima fase dei negoziati era
stata convocata affinché ci
si concentrasse su quattro temi concreti: i trasporti e le
comunicazioni, l’energia, le persone rapite e scomparse ed il ritorno
degli profughi serbi. ma soprattutto, ci si aspettava da entrambe le
parti in causa che esibissero posizioni responsabili e costruttive, che
avrebbero potuto condurre ad una svolta positiva dopo quattro lunghi
anni di stallo... (continua)

link originale:

traduzione in italiano di


ANTIWAR, Thursday, October 23, 2003

No Second Kosovo

by Christopher Deliso

As the situation in Iraqcontinues to worsen, amidst daily reports of
new American and civilian deaths, the administration is embarking on a
whitewashing campaign designed to prove that things aren't so bad in an
occupied country that offers no exit for the US. However, due to its
dizzying speed, today's global media – so useful for governments'
propaganda purposes – can turn on its masters, without even having to
try very hard.
Unfortunately for the War Party, there really is nowhere to turn for
good news. The victorious occupation of Afghanistan is being tainted by
charges of sleaze, rampant corruption and pesky resurgencesfrom the old
Taliban gang. And, much further afield, an even earlier failed
intervention is unraveling, having arrived at its logical conclusion.

Kosovo Protests: 'Out With the UN! We Don't Need You Here!'

The internationals really should have known better. Protected by
special badges, shiny cars, air-conditioned offices and plenty of
disposable income, the UN corps in Kosovo presumed some sort of
inviolability, some dispensation from on high that would leave the
Kosovars eternally awe-struck and grateful.
This wasn't the case, as an eye-opening recent dispatch from the
Guardian indicates. Kosovo's Albanians are sick and tired of being
babysat by internationals who they've found to be both callous and
corrupt. They blame them for misappropriating large sums of money from
public coffers, for fueling the explosive increase in prostitution and
other mafia-supported services, and for prolonging the status quo of
limbo, one that prevents the resolution of vital issues like property
ownership and privatization, all of which have kept foreign investors
at arm's length from Kosovo. As the Guardian's Helena Smith reports:
"…the first chant came from the back of the crowd. 'Go home!' yelled a
youngster, as he stood in Pristina's dusty Mother Teresa Square, the
site last week of Kosovo's first post war demonstration.
'Out with the UN!' screamed an elderly woman, producing a placard that
conveyed the same message. 'We don't need you here!'
As locals grapple with price increases and worsening poverty, it is the
'internationals' who have become symbols of the contradictions
threatening to tear the UN protectorate apart. Across the province, men
and women appear disgusted by their foreign guardians' 'corrupt'
beneficence and depraved 'colonial' ways.
'They came to keep the peace and now they're causing tensions,' said
Qamile Blakcori. 'We are very grateful that Western forces saved us
from the Serbs, but now it's time they go.'"
According to the report, everyone from the street all the way to the
highest political offices has reason to criticize the internationals –
an ominous sign for the UN mission:
"'…last week's protest, timed to coincide with the start of historic
but widely unpopular reconciliation talks in Vienna with the Serbs, is
just the beginning,' says Prime Minister Bajram Rexhepi.
'Being ruled 5,000 miles away from New York is simply not working,' he
snapped. 'With no road maps, or political deadlines, or sense of
resolving their unclear international status as a non-state entity,
Kosovars are fast losing hope.'
'What was especially galling to Kosovars was the brazen "corruption"
within the mission,' said Rexhepi, who was elected in March 2002. He
added that not only was the UN refusing to grant his people more
self-rule, it was also abusing power 'at the highest levels.'
The malpractice – reluctantly confirmed by Western diplomats – had made
him 'feel very ashamed'. A lot of the misplaced funds, he suspected,
were local taxes. 'Unmik claimed it has zero tolerance for corruption
and organised crime, but there is serious corruption involving huge
amounts of money right at its core,' he lamented."

A Hydra's Head of Complexities

However, the situation is more complicated still. Were the foreigners
to immediately pull out of the province, and were the issue of Kosovo's
final status to be decided, would the economy suddenly start to grow?
Or would the sudden removal of Kosovo's economic life-support apparatus
swiftly bring about the patient's demise?
There is the additional complexity of negotiating sovereignty – a total
mess in the case of Kosovo. Regarded as a Serbian province by both
Serbia and (in theory, at least) the UN, Kosovo is regarded as a
shining example of a 19th-Century nation-state by Albanian
nationalists, some of whom also see it as merely a sub-state of a
larger hypothetical Albania. But Serbs are reluctant to let it go, and
it is not unlikely that in the end it will be partitioned – making an
already puny, untenable nation even smaller.
As the Guardian relays, the West is beginning to understand that Kosovo
is setting the precedent for a future of failure worldwide:
"…officials readily admit that any of the alternatives – independence,
partition, continued international stewardship – are unlikely to
satisfy everyone.
'It's just like Iraq, whatever we do is going to affect the entire
region,' said one senior EU diplomat.
'Kosovo is a perfect example of the confusion the West is likely to get
into if it doesn't think through the political implications of its
military strategy. If we go on like this we're going to have to set up
a colonial service.'"
We shouldn't forget the silent majority of decent, common Albanian
people who just want to live in peace, without headaches and
intimidation from mafia groups and militias. Yet the economic and
political dislocation that will accompany any international withdrawal
is only likely to put more of these thugs, not less, into power. The
Kosovo experience since 1999 has been of a timid UN rewarding former
militants and war criminals by keeping them armed and in power –
through just changing their uniforms. And the same timid, unaccountable
UN has allowed this unsavory bunch to run roughshod, driving out or
exterminating Serbian, Roma and Macedonian Muslim minorities.

Where to Turn Now?

In short, we have a situation whereby a large, frustrated group of
people have found a common enemy to replace their previous one.
However, they needed – and still need – both. The Serbs gave Kosovo's
Albanians a feeling of nationhood, a strident victimology and a common
cause. As predicted, this sentiment of Albanian unity proved an
evanescent one, collapsing immediately after NATO's bombing campaign
ceased. At that point, with nationalistic unity no longer necessary,
Kosovo's Albanians turned to settling their own internal scores.
And, as said above, the Albanians also need the internationals. They
provide a lucrative market for the legal and illegal service industries
alike, as well as employment in NGO's and other aid groups. Kosovo has
also received generous international grants, and its international
limbo has shielded it from some of the most common coercive measures in
the Western arsenal. Kosovo may be "freed" soon, but what will happen
to its hard-won sovereignty when its political decisions are made by
groups like the IMF? Currently, Serbia is still responsible for
Kosovo's international debt – though it doesn't pay any taxes to
Belgrade. Indeed, being a protectorate or a province is sometimes more
comfortable than having to go it alone.
That said, Kosovo – whether partitioned or not – will have to come
crawling back to someone. But to who? Certainly not Serbia. Even though
a majority of the people in both places may not want it, joining the
even-poorer Albania may be Kosovo's only hope. The West failed to
understand that if a province has historically been poor, there is
usually some good reason why – and not merely, as Albanian nationalists
claim, that it was forever ignored by Belgrade. In fact, part of the
reason Yugoslavia split was that more affluent regions like Croatia and
Slovenia were fed up: they felt their tax remittances were
disproportionately being siphoned into poor Macedonia, and sucked into
the vertiginous black hole of Kosovo.

Into the Vortex

And that's pretty much the only way to describe it. Kosovo embodies all
of the worst Balkan qualities. It is like a centrifuge, a vortex in
which all of the incongruent discourses of the region and the West have
come to jostle and grate, with increasing speed and volatility. That
the West even thought it could successfully intervene there in the
first place was sheer folly. It has caused far more problems than it
solved – though it has made many people very rich while doing so.
Looking back, one is baffled at the stupidity of the "experts" who
launched this adventure. At how they could possibly have failed to see
the necessary outcomes of the intervention: the destruction of
minorities; the destabilization of Macedonia; the reversion to mafia
rule; the corruption, Western and domestic; the lack of long-term
economic viability, and most crucially, the lack of a clear exit

Violence Surges, But the Truth Speeds Up Too

In the end, considering the wide knowledge and experience of the war
planners, it becomes hard to believe that the Kosovo job was done for
any other reasons than political posturing, corporate war profiteering,
manipulating cheap nationalism, and giving NATO a reason to live.
Luckily, as Iraq is now showing, history won't let the world get away
with the same thing twice. In Iraq, popular dissent arrived so fast
that we might say the events themselves have sped up. They are
impatient, having gotten used to all the same characters – the
international aid groups, the opposition leaders, the ethnic
infighting, the foreign contractors – previously encountered in Kosovo.
They don't waste time anymore, as they did in Kosovo, in guarding their
secrets in seed form. Now, in the age of terror, they bloom forth
immediately and die just as fast, stripping themselves of any meaning
or significance – save to remind us that invading Iraq was a really bad
Indeed, there will be no second Kosovo. This time it will be much
worse. Yet with the acceleration of volatile events, fortunately, we
will also see an acceleration of truth. The one that reminds us that,
when planning folly abroad, there is a basic need to plan for all
eventualities in advance, and to not undertake a course of action if it
is likely to end in disaster. This is the truth that the Bush
Administration is so feverishly trying to obscure right now.
Unfortunately for everyone now in Iraq, we can have faith that the
events there will violently outpace them – but so will the truth,

Angry Kosovars call on 'colonial' UN occupying force to leave,2763,1066264,00.html




SRNA - October 14, 2003
Kosovo Polje, 14 October: Two Albanians set fire to an outbuilding in
the garden belonging to Borivoje Velickovic in the village of Bresje
near Kosovo Polje, eyewitnesses have told the SRNA news agency.
According to these sources, unidentified perpetrators travelled in a
Golf car with a hoisted Albanian flag from the direction of Pristina,
where they might have taken part in demonstrations against the
Belgrade-Pristina talks. The burnt building is right next to the
Velickovic family house and a considerable damage was avoided only
thanks to a swift intervention of locals and firemen.
Members of the Kosovo police service failed to apprehend the
perpetrators despite the stepped up traffic controls and road blocs.


SOURCE: Radio Belgrade in Serbian 0800 gmt 15 Oct 03

If Kosovo given independence, Bosnian Serb entity should be too - Covic

Radio Belgrade (Transcript) - October 15, 2003

Announcer: The so-called talks with the Albanians, like the ones in
Vienna yesterday, continue to be a charade that involves posing for the
world, Deputy Serbian Prime Minister Nebojsa Covic has reiterated in a
Belgrade Television programme. Recalling previous talks in Lucerne
after which the Albanian representatives were nearly lynched upon
their return to Pristina, Covic said that time was running out for
finding a solution to the problem. There are fewer and fewer Serbs in
Kosovo-Metohija as time goes by, and the ones who want to return are
running out of hope, Nebojsa Covic said.

Covic: We do not have the right to deceive the citizens and we have to
come up with an active approach. I want to reiterate: if anyone
believes that we should discuss the status issue, we are prepared to
do so immediately, but we immediately have to set out the principles
and establish the state of affairs; or, if they have already made the
decision to take Kosmet Kosovo-Metohija away from us, they should just
say so. Let them take it, but if they do take it, it will give us the
right to take it back one day. Obviously, the lobbies are strong, but
I believe that nothing is over and that all the options are still open
in the entire region and that the right that is granted to
Kosovo-Metohija, that is, to the area, must also be given to the
Bosnian Serb Republic. And I wish to be spared the stories of
so-called Serbian extremism, promoting tensions, and so forth. They
should explain to us why they are not prepared to give up parts of
their countries.



(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 15 OTT - La polizia della missione delle Nazioni
Unite in Kosovo (Unmik) ha sequestrato un carico di 36 chili di
eroina che si sospetta provenissero dall'Albania. L'operazione e'
stata condotta nei giorni scorsi a ridosso del confine occidentale,
ma solo oggi la polizia lo ha confermato a Pristina. La droga era
nascosta all'interno di un'autovettura con targa austriaca: dei tre
occupanti arrestati, due erano cittadini dell'Albania, il terzo era
un albanese-kosovaro. La droga sequestrata vale sul mercato illegale
circa 1,5 milioni di euro. E' questo il piu' grosso sequestro di droga
compiuto in Kosovo da quando la provincia e' sotto l'amministrazione
internazionale.(ANSA) BLL 15/10/2003 19:58

UN police make huge heroin bust in Kosovo

Agence France Presse - October 15, 2003
PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro - Three people have been arrested for
trying to smuggle 36 kilograms (79.2 pounds) of heroin into Kosovo
from neighbouring Albania, United Nations police said Wednesday
The arrest was made last week when border police stopped a vehicle
bearing Austrian registration plates for a routine check in western
Kosovo, UN police spokesman Derek Chappell told AFP.
"Concealed within the body of the car were found numerous packets
containing a material that preliminary tests have identified as
heroin," Chappel said.
Two of the suspects were from Albania and one was an ethnic-Albanian
from Kosovo.
Chappell said the street value of the drugs in Western Europe was 1.5
million euros (1.8 million dollars), making it the largest heroin
seizure in Kosovo since the province came under UN administration
after the 1998-99 war.
In July UN police in eastern Kosovo seized 18 kilograms of heroin,
valued at some 800,000 euros.


Beta - October 17, 2003

Kosovo Serb dies of starvation

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA -- Friday – An elderly Kosovo Serb has died of
starvation because he was afraid to go out into the street alone, Beta
Sixty-five year old Zivorad Velikinac was taken to the Mitrovica
hospital on Wednesday where one staff member described him as looking
like a prisoner from Auschwitz.
“Although he lived in central Urosevac, he had not eaten anything for
more than fifteen days because his Albanian neighbours stopped
bringing him food and he did not dare go into the street alone,” said
physician Nebojsa Srbljak.
The president of the Serb National Council, Milan Ivanovic, accused
UNMIK of being responsible because Serbs and other non-Albanians still
had no freedom of movement in the province.
Ivanovic, who is also a physician in the Mitrovica Hospital, confirmed
that Velikinac had died of starvation.
Only about fifteen Serbs live in Urosevac today, down from ten thousand
before the 1999 war.

'Looking Like A Prisoner From Auschwitz': Fearful Of
Leaving Home, Elderly Kosovo Serb Dies Of Starvation


SRNA - October 18, 2003


Klina - Serb returnees to the villages of Grabac and Bica, near Klina,
have announced that they will move out en masse tomorrow because Kfor
(Kosovo Force) has stopped providing them with an escort.
A total of 60 Serb returnees, who returned to these villages at the end
of June this year, blocked local roads through Bica this morning,
requesting that the Italian Kfor command provide buses for their safe
passage out of the village. The reason for the fresh exodus, as SRNA
was informed by Bica resident Dragoljub Perunicic, is that the
Italians cancelled the escort of a convoy to Kosovska Mitrovica on
Thursday (16 October), explaining that they apparently did not have
enough soldiers.
However, the Spanish Kfor representative informed the inhabitants this
morning that the escort had been stopped, and that if Serbs wanted to
travel to and from Kosovska Mitrovica, they should do this without
being escorted by a convoy of Kfor combat vehicles.
The inhabitants of Bica and Grabac returned in the middle of this year
after Kfor and UNMIK (UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo)
promised them constant security. In spite of this, Zoran Doncic was
wounded a month ago in one of the villages, and Albanian extremists
have on more than one occasion fired on the returnees' only recently
renovated houses.
A letter was sent to the Coordination Centre for Kosovo-Metohija today,
asking for assistance with displacement, that is, a move back to
central Serbia.


Tanjug (Serbia) - October 25, 2003

Over 60 pct of territory of Kosovo and Metohija in

18:16 BELGRADE , Oct 25 (Tanjug) - In Kosovo and
Metohija [there] does not work a single block of the
local thermo-electric power plants and there are power
cuts in over 60 pct of the province, Dragan Vignjevic
of the Serbian Power Company (EPS) told Tanjug
"EPS delivered on Friday up to 300 megawatts of
electricity to Kosovo and Metohija," Vignjevic said
adding that electric power was arriving in the
province "in much smaller quantities from Montenegro
and from Albania."


Tanjug (Serbia) - October 26, 2003

Kosovo Albanians attack French troops

19:49 PRISTINA , Oct 26 (Tanjug) - A group of Kosovo
Albanians attacked on Saturday a group of French
troops within KFOR at Prekaz in central Kosovo, and
forced them to leave the region, UN police stated on
One French soldier was hurt, but no one was arrested,
UNMIK police said in the statement, carried by the
German DPA news agency.
Tanjug - October 28, 2003

Legal proceedings not instituted against Jashari
family members, Ratel

13:24 KOSOVSKA MITROVICA , Oct 28 (Tanjug) - Chief
commander of KFOR North-East Brigade, French General
Bernard Ratel, said on Tuesday legal proceedings were
not instituted against members of the Jashari family
or other people belonging to the group which had
carried out an armed attack at a KFOR patrol in Prekaz
last weekend.
I expect from Kosovo-Metohija political leaders and
those of the church to express loathing and
condemnation after each inncident that occurs in the
province, Ratel said, and pointed out that freedom of
movement had to exist on the whole territory of the


Tanjug - October 26, 2003

Tachi certain he will not be accused before war crimes

17:52 KJAGODINA , Oct 26 (Tanjug) - President of the
Democratic Party of Kosovo Hashim Tachi has stated he
was certain that he would never be indicted by the war
crimes tribunal.
"I know that people in the Serbian Justice Ministry
and Vladan Batic himself will be disappointed, but The
Hague is not working according to the wishes of
Belgrade," Tachi told, Jagodina television Palma Plus,
in an interveiw broadcast late Saturday evening.


Agence France-Presse - October 26, 2003

Serbian police uncover arms cache belonging to
"Albanian terrorists"

BELGRADE, Oct 26 (AFP) - Serbian police said Sunday
they had discovered an arms cache in south Serbia
belonging to "Albanian terrorist groups" operating in
the region.
Police said the haul included around 30 automatic
weapons, grenade launchers, hand grenades and
The discovery came as part of a crackdown on the
activities of "Albanian terrorist groups" in southern
Serbia, the police said.
The weaponry was found close to the village of Veliki
Trnovac, near the town of Bujanovac, where it had been
hidden since demilitarisation in 2001 by the Albanian
extremist group, the "liberation army of Presevo,
Medvedja and Bujanovac," police said.
Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac, adjoining Kosovo, lie
in a region with a large Albanian population and were
the scene of clashes from 2000 to 2001 between Serb
forces and the self-proclaimed liberation army, which
later disbanded to become the "Albanian national
army," since dubbed a terrorist organisation by the
United Nations.


Beta - October 27, 2003

Kosovo Serb farmers under fire

SRBICA -- Monday – Unknown gunmen opened fire on a
group of seven Serbs from village of Banja today as
they headed to their orchards on tractors.
The apple orchards are located near a village
populated exclusively by Albanians.
Village leader Milutin Kovacevic told media that the
group was fired on from several different directions,
adding that it was pure luck that no one was killed.
The Serbs hid in a nearby forest until Danish KFOR
troops came to their rescue and escorted them home.
Banje and the neighbouring Suvo Grlo are the only two
villages in the Srbica municipality still inhabited by
They are completely cut off from the surrounding
region and subject to frequent attacks by their
Albanian neighbours.


Beta - October 27, 2003

Rebel leader’s brother arrested

PRISTINA -- Monday – United Nations police in Kosovo
have arrested the brother of Shefket Musliu, a former
rebel leader in southern Serbia, Pristina daily Koha
Ditore reports.
The paper claims that Xhevdet Musliu was detained on
suspicion he tried to intimidate witnesses in his
brother’s trial.
Shefket Musliu is on trial in Kosovo, having been
arrested earlier this year. He had previously led an
ethnic Albanian guerrilla group operating in southern
Koha Ditore reports that Xhevdet was detained on
Sunday afternoon and was remanded in custody for 72
hours. The arrest was confirmed by his lawyer Masar



(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 28 OTT - Cinque albanesi del Kosovo sono stati
arrestati dai carabinieri dell'Unita' specializzata multinazionale
(Msu) con l'accusa di crimini di guerra. Nei loro confronti era stato
emesso ordine di cattura da un procuratore del dipartimento
internazionale di giustizia del Kosovo. Secondo l'ordine di cattura
i cinque nel periodo compreso fra il 27 febbraio e l'8 marzo 1999,
quando erano membri dell'ormai disciolto Esercito di liberazione del
Kosovo (Uck), sequestrarono e torturarono 15 albanesi nel distretto
di Kacanic sospettati di aver collaborato con i serbi: quattro di
loro da quel tempo risultano scomparsi. I reati contestati sono
sequestro di persona, tentato omicidio e lesioni personali gravissime
che in considerazione del movente e del contesto in cui vennero
commessi rientrano nei crimini di guerra. A quel tempo l'Uck si
preparava ad entrare in guerra al fianco della Nato contro il potere
e le milizie di Slobodan Milosevic che imperversavano in Kosovo. Lo
stesso Uck si rese tuttavia colpevole prima, durante e dopo il
conflitto di violenze nei confronti di presunti ''collaborazionisti''
del governo di Belgrado. Alla cattura dei cinque ex guerriglieri,
oltre ai carabinieri, hanno partecipato anche un ispettore e due
assistenti della polizia di Stato italiana inquadrati nella polizia
dell'Unmik, la missione delle Nazioni Unite in Kosovo.(ANSA).
BLL 28/10/2003 12:25

Five former OVK members arrested in Kosovo-Metohija

09:31 PRISTINA , Oct 28 (Tanjug) - Five former members
of the Liberation Army of Kosovo (OVK) were arrested
on Monday in eastern part of Kosovo and Metohija on
suspicion that they committed war crimes during the
armed conflicts in Kosovo-Metohija that ended in June
1999, the Kosovo-Metohija public television RTK
According to the report, five Albanians were arrested
in Kacanik, near the border with Macedonia, by Italian
troops of the U.N. mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). UNMIK
has not made an official confirmation of the arrests.


SRNA - October 27, 2003

Kosovo on Security Council agenda this week

NEW YORK -- Monday – The UN Security Council has
scheduled an open session on Kosovo for this Thursday.
On the agenda will be a review of UN Secretary-General
Kofi Annan’s report on UNMIK’s work and a verbal
report by UNMIK chief Harri Holkeri.
Serbia-Montenegro’s ambassador to the UN, Dejan
Sahovic, is also expected to speak at the session.


Tanjug - October 28, 2003

Serbs in Kosovo village under pressure by ethnic
Albanians to leave

19:14 KOSOVSKA MITROVICA , Oct 28 (Tanjug) - Serbs in
the Suvi Do village about 3 km from Kosovska Mitrovica
said Tuesday that they are under constant pressure to
abandon their village, which is completely surrounded
by ethnic Albanian communities.
Daily thefts of livestock, crops and agricultural
machinery, the absence of the freedom of movement and
threats by ethnic Albanian neighbors are some of the
reasons the residents are considering leaving, a local
Serb told Tanjug on condition of anonymity for
security reasons.



Kosovo agency continues illegal privatization

17:22 BELGRADE , Oct 28 (Tanjug) - The Kosovo
Pivatization Agency continues the illegal
privatization of socially-owned companies in Kosovo
and Metohija by posting a third invitation for
tenders, Kosovo-Metohija Coordinating Center
department for economic growth and reconstruction head
Milena Vasic said on Tuesday.
"It is our belief that the decision was made under
pressure from ethnic Albanian representatives in
Kosovo's interim institutions, media, but also the
Albanian lobbies abroad, in particular in the United
States Congress," Vasic told a press conference for
reporters of the Coordinating Center.



(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 29 OTT - La Multinational Land Force (MLF), compagine
militare alpina italo-slovena-ungherese, partecipera' dal 12 novembre
alla sua prima missione internazionale di peacekeeping, in Kosovo,
nell' ambito dell' operazione di pace Decive Endevour.
La MLF dal 12 novembre e per i prossimi sei mesi, prendera' il
comando dell' area occidentale della regione, a capo di 8.000 militari
provenienti da 13 nazioni. La compagine militare, composta da 200
militari, 40 dei quali provenienti dalla Slovenia e dall' Ungheria
(gli altri 160 sono alpini della Brigata ''Julia''), e' nata nel 2000
con precisi compiti di supporto nelle missioni di pace ed e' operativa
dalla fine del 2002.
Per domani e' prevista a Udine, nella Caserma di Prampero, sede
della Brigata Alpina 'Julia', la cerimonia di saluto per la partenza.
(ANSA). RED-DF 29-OTT-03 14:43 NNNN
29/10/2003 16:07



A Serb beaten up in center of Gnjilane

Tanjug - October 31, 2003
12:54 GNJILANE - Djura Stojkovic (70) of the village of Donje Budrige,
near Gnjilane, has been beaten up in the center of Gnjilane and was
seriously injured.
On Thursday, Stojkovic was walking down the main street towards the
municipality building when he was brutaly attacked.


Tanjug - October 31, 2003

Who is sending weapons to Adem Jashari centre? - Trajkovic

12:21 KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - Return Coalition member of Kosovo parliament
Rada Trajkovic has told Tanjug that Kfor (Kosovo Force) commanders
should explain to the people of Kosovo-Metohija where the
antiaircraft weapons, such as Stingers and multiple rocket launchers,
which can be found at the Adem Jashari Memorial Centre, come from.
"According to the information we possess, the Adem Jashari Memorial
Centre serves for the storage of up-to-date weapons, and it has to be
revealed which NATO member country is supplying the ethnic Albanians
with such weapons," Trajkovic said. She pointed out that Serbs found
as unacceptable the initiative MPs of Hashim Thaci's Democratic Party
of Kosovo (DPK) (PDK in Albanian) had tried to launch at the Kosovo
parliament, so as to protect the centre and Jashari family.
She reminded of the fact that the initiative on protecting the Jashari
family followed after members of that family had attacked a patrol of
French UNMIK soldiers in Prekaz, central Kosovo.
At the Kosovo parliament Thursday (30 October) session, the initiative
was opposed to by parliament Speaker Nexhad Dachi as well. The only
Kosovo Serb Minister, Goran Bogdanovic, also said the DPK initiative
on the protection of the Memorial Centre and Jashari family was
unacceptable for Kosovo Serbs.
"It is good to know who Adem Jashari was and what kind of crimes he
committed in Kosovo-Metohija," Bogdanovic said, pointing out that such
attempts of certain ethnic Albanian leaders and parties should be
denounced by representatives of the international community in Kosovo
as well.

=== LINKS ===

Child murders found

KFOR Says There Is No Room For Serbian Security Forces
In Serbian Province Of Kosovo

Unindicted War Criminal Hashim Thaci Calls For
Constitution To Insure 'Transfer Of International
Authority To Kosovo'

Albanian usurpation of the Serbian Orthodox inheritance in Kosovo and

Serbian Deputy PM: Belgrade refuses dialogue without multiethnic Kosovo

Attacks on Kosovo Serbs continue...

Kosovo's Privatisation Hiccups (by T. Matic & A. Lama)

Albania and Kosovo

''The Return of The Hague Tribunal and the West's Dilemma in Kosovo''
(by Christopher Deliso)


Come al solito, questa nostra rassegna sul Kosmet non ha pretesa di
completezza: le notizie qui riportate sono da considerare solo come
esempi delle informazioni negate alla pubblica opinione.

Per quanto riguarda i precedenti "bollettini di guerra" dal Kosmet (da
maggio 2002 in poi), essi sono elencati alle URL:
In generale, un grande numero di articoli sui vari aspetti del regime
di terrore instaurato congiuntamente dalle "nostre" truppe occidentali
(KFOR) e dai neonazisti locali (UCK) si puo' trovare nel nostro
Per un inquadramento storico del terrore nazista in Kosovo-Metohija si
veda in particolare:
ed i collegamenti ivi contenuti.
Due SITI IN LINGUA ITALIANA dove trovare informazioni aggiornate sulle
violenze perpetrate giorno per giorno in Kosmet sono kosovo/kosovo.shtml (ANSA) e
Si tratta di due servizi professionali di informazione, di orientamento
istituzionale, con tutto quanto cio' comporta dal punto di vista della
interpretazione e presentazione degli avvenimenti.
Molti dei materiali che riportiamo nelle nostre rassegne provengono
dalle mailinglists:
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Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.
e dal bollettino della chiesa ortodossa in Kosmet ERP KIM:
Ulteriori informazioni si trovano sul sito curato dalla chiesa
(a cura di A.M.)

Migliaia di vittime e di desaparecidos per lo più civili e di etnia
serba. Trecentomila cittadini non albanesi espulsi. I nomi degli
appartenenti alle bande terroristiche che operano nell’area. A piede
libero e sotto il vessillo delle Nazioni Unite. Duecento pagine
ripercorrono, con l'ausilio di mappe, testimonianze fotografiche e dati
statistici, la tragica storia delle regioni serbe del Kosovo e della
Metohija degli ultimi quattro anni. E' un libro bianco presentato dal
premier serbo Zoran Zivkovic che raccoglie le testimonianze della
popolazione che, dal 6 giugno 1999 al 23 agosto 2003, ha subito circa
seimila attacchi

Quattro anni di crimini ignorati

Di Babsi Jones. [

Milano - E’ il premier serbo Zoran Zivkovic a presentarlo al pubblico
lo scorso 4 di novembre:

il libro bianco
[ è un dossier
di duecento pagine che ripercorrono, con l'ausilio di mappe,
testimonianze fotografiche e dati statistici, la tragica storia delle
regioni serbe del Kosovo e della Metohija degli ultimi quattro anni.

Il sottotitolo chiosa: “Terrorismo albanese e crimine organizzato nel
Kosmet”, laddove Kosmet non è che l’acronimo di Kosovo e Metohija, nome
istituzionale della regione che il pressappochismo occidentale ha
ribattezzato “Kossovo”.

Nella conferenza stampa di presentazione, Zivkovic ha specificato che
si tratta di un dossier ufficiale, distribuito per informare l'opinione
pubblica in merito alle azioni criminali del nazionalismo secessionista
albanese, che sta logorando da tempo la fragile stabilità dei Balcani

Già dagli anni ’80 [
l’accanimento separatista albanese ha fatto della regione una
polveriera; la situazione è poi precipitata con la furiosa campagna
bellica anti-Milosevic condotta dall’Alleanza Atlantica nel ’99 e la
susseguente conversione coatta del Kosmet in protettorato.

Nel giugno 1999, al termine  dei bombardamenti occidentali a danno
della Repubblica Federale Jugoslava, in Kosovo si insediano gli uomini
della Kfor [ e dell’Unmik
[, con il preciso intento di (far)
applicare la risoluzione 1244
[ ed è proprio da quel
momento, paradossalmente, che le minoranze della regione cominciano a
subire un puntuale e sistematico trattamento di pulizia etnica, per lo
più ignorata dai nostri mass media: questi ultimi quattro anni di
terrore sono documentati dal libro bianco presentato a Belgrado.

La risoluzione 1244, che è stata la base d’intesa per gli accordi di
Kumanovo [, e che
definisce Kosovo e Metohija come parte della Federazione Jugoslava (ora
Federazione Serbia e Montenegro) in qualità di regione autonoma, e
garantisce il disarmo incondizionato di tutte le parti in causa, ha un
valore tristemente nominale: nella "fittizia pace" imposta con le
bombe, e gestita maldestramente dall’Occidente, la maggioranza albanese
del Kosovo - forte delle sue istituzioni parallele pseudolegali - ha
ridotto la minoranza serbo-ortodossa (ma anche i cittadini turchi,
bosniaci e rom) alla ghettizzazione nelle enclaves, in un clima di
terrore e di incessanti attacchi che hanno lasciato sul campo tanti
morti quanti ne lascerebbe una comune guerra civile. I molteplici
delitti –omicidi ad personam o efferate stragi- sono caduti via via nel
dimenticatoio della storia recente, privi d’un colpevole certo; nulla
si è fatto per interrompere la spirale di odio e di violenza antiserba,
e il Tribunale dell’Aja si direbbe sordo ad ogni appello.

La ‘regione autonoma’, in cui la maggioranza albanese detiene il
controllo del potere con la forza della sopraffazione, è condannata ad
un futuro di ‘narcostato monoetnico’, e il recente tentativo di
negoziati a Vienna []
ha evidenziato l’assenza di una soluzione diplomatica adeguata. Gli
albanesi del Kosmet non concepiscono che l’ipotesi secessionista, da
realizzarsi in tempi brevi e con abbondanti spargimenti di sangue.
"Lo scopo del libro bianco", ha dichiarato Zivkovic, "è di invogliare i
responsabili ad individuare e perseguire il crimine organizzato nella
regione, e a fornire sufficienti prove al Tribunale Internazionale per
i crimini di guerra nella ex-Jugoslavia [
affinché i giudici si occupino anche dei colpevoli albanesi". Il libro,
che è frutto del lavoro congiunto del ministero degli Interni della
Repubblica di Serbia [, delle
Forze di Polizia e dell'Esercito, contiene i nomi degli appartenenti
alle bande terroristiche che operano nell’aerea, molti dei quali
letteralmente a piede libero e sotto il vessillo delle Nazioni Unite.

Nel dossier è spiegato come l'Uck (il propagandato ‘esercito di
liberazione’, calorosamente spalleggiato nel ‘99 dalla Nato, che fino a
pochi anni prima lo annoverava nelle ‘formazioni terroristiche da
debellare’) sia stato quasi totalmente assimilato dalle nuove forze di
"vigilanza" postbelliche: il popolare Kosovo Protection Force, che
avrebbe dovuto essere il simbolo di una smilitarizzazione della regione
e di un ipotetico ritorno ai più basilari principi di democrazia e si è
rivelato, in realtà, uno strumento banditesco patrocinato (o forse solo
tollerato?) dalle forze internazionali.

Nei dettagli, il libro bianco raccoglie le testimonianze in merito agli
attentati nel Kosmet e nel sud della Serbia che, dal 6 giugno 1999 al
23 agosto 2003, hanno raggiunto la spaventosa cifra di seimila
attacchi, causando un migliaio di vittime, per lo più di etnia serba, e
per lo più civili.

In aggiunta, sono quasi trecentomila i cittadini non albanesi espulsi
dalla regione, relegati al ruolo di profughi senza chance di ritorno
alle proprie abitazioni, e si contano anche un migliaio di
desaparecidos [ ma il numero
delle persone rapite ed uccise potrebbe essere verosimilmente
raddoppiato, perché in assenza di strutture democratiche e di
condizioni minime di sicurezza, a prevalere nel Kosmet è la dialettica
del Far West. 

Particolare attenzione è rivolta all’Esercito Nazionale Albanese
(Ana/Aksh [
in sigla), un'organizzazione militare terroristica, ampiamente
finanziata dalla diaspora albanese nel mondo e compresa nell’ombrello
del terrorismo panislamico, della cui esistenza l'Onu non ha mai fatto
index.cfm?fuseaction=news.notizia&NewsID=2037], e che trova ampio
sostegno ideologico (e materiale) nella regione.
L'Ana, che ha già dalla sua un vasto assortimento di omicidi e di atti
terroristici, è agente destabilizzante non solo nelle regioni del
Kosovo e Metohija, ma anche nella Serbia meridionale ed in Macedonia.
Si tratta di un esercito di guerriglia organizzato in veri e propri
reparti militari, opportunamente dislocati nel sud dei Balcani: dalla
divisione Jashari con base a Gnjilane alla divisione Skandenberg con
base nella Macedonia occidentale, dalla divisione Malesia con base a
Ulcinj (Montenegro) alla divisione Chameria di stanza nel nord della

Obiettivo dell'Esercito Albanese (che aveva anche un fantomatico sito
internet, [, ora rimosso) sarebbe la
"liberazione" di tutte le terre abitate da cittadini albanesi (Serbia
del sud e Kosmet, Macedonia, parte del Montenegro e della Grecia) e la
formazione di una Grande Albania Unita. Un altro dei troppi deliri di
grandezza balcanica che l’Occidente sfrutta e cavalca con grande
disinvoltura, pronto a spargere lacrime insincere sul latte versato
quando i cadaveri –anziché in centinaia- si conteranno in migliaia.

Il libro bianco fornisce risposte ed informazioni -forse non richieste
dalle cancellerie di mezzo mondo, per le quali il Kosmet resta una
dolorosa spina nel fianco-, a cominciare dall'elenco di 156 ex-leaders
dell’UCK che – con l’alibi del patriottismo e non di rado indossando la
divisa cucita ad hoc dalla Kfor - si spartiscono la ricca torta del

Il libro bianco, che include anche le dichiarazioni di organizzazioni e
autorità unanimemente considerate come super partes - dall'ultimo
allarmante comunicato delle Nazioni Unite
[ ai
reportages di Amnesty International
[, dai numerosi
appelli del patriarca Pavle
[] della Chiesa
Ortodossa Serba alle richieste di patrocinio dell’Unesco per i numerosi
monasteri minacciati dalla furia della guerriglia - è il primo
documento del genere ad essere pubblicato.

Più che di una petizione ‘morale’, infatti, si tratta di un monito
istituzionale: non a caso viene presentato nella stessa settimana che
ha visto il ministro della Giustizia Vladan Batic presentare le sue
rimostranze [ in via
ufficiale per il mancato arresto di Agim Ceku, noto ai più con il
soprannome di “macellaio dei Balcani”: un delinquente impunito per
Belgrado che ne richiede l’estradizione, ma un leale alleato per la
Kfor che, dando un colpo al cerchio ed uno alla botte, gli assicura
libertà di azione ed immunità.  

(lunedì 10 novembre 2003)


Dr Milan Tepavac
5. novembar 2003.

Sukob izmedu jugoslovenskih i srpskih nadležnih organa sa šiptarskim
pobunjenicima i teroristima na Kosovu i Metohiji nije bio rat u pravnom
smislu. - Treba govoriti o tamo pocinjenim zlocinima, a ne o ratim
zlocinima. - Nema ratnih zlocina bez rata. -Karla del Ponte i njena
prethodnica Luiz Arbur su se rukovodile politickim motivima kada su
period od 1.1. do 20.6.1999. na Kosmetu okarakterisale kao "stanje
oružanog sukoba" (rata) u smislu medunarodnog prava. - Domaci sudovi
cine istu grešku kada krivcna dela tamo pocinjena kvalifikuju kao ratne

1. Uvodne napomene

Takozvano tužilaštvo takozvanog Medunarodnog krivicnog tribunala za
prethodnu Jugoslaviju (u daljem tekstu MKTJ) podnelo je optužnicu
protiv protiv Slobodana Miloševica, Milana Milutinovica, Nikole
Šajnovica, Dragoljuba Ojdanica i Vlajka Stojiljkovica 16. oktobra 2001.
(to je izmenjena optužnica u odnosu na prvu koju je tužilaštvo podnelo
usered agresije NATO, 22.maja 1999). Kasnije, 19. jula 2002, to
tužilaštvo je izdvojilo optužbu protiv Milutinovica, Šajnovica i
Ojdanica (u meduvremenu je Vlajko Stojiljkovic izvršio samoubistvo) u
posebnu optužnicu. Upravo dok pišem ovaj tekst (potkraj oktobra 2003)
tužilaštvo je "otpecatilo" i optužicu - koja nosi datum 22.septembra
2003 - za dogadanja na Kosmetu i protiv dvojice general Vojske
Jugoslavije Pavkovica i Lazarevica i dvojice policijskih general
Đordevica i Lukica.

Optužnica protiv Slobodana Miloševica povodom dogadanja na Kosovu i
Metohiji sadrži kjlucnu odredbu na kojoj, ustvari, pociva citava
optužnica. Rec je o tacki 69 koja glasi:

"69. Sve vreme na koje se odnosi ova optužnica, na Kosovu u SRJ
postojalo je stanje oružanog sukoba".

"Vreme na koje se odnosi optužnica" je vreme od 1. januara do 20. juna
1999. godine. Naime, i Miloševic i njegovi imenovani saradnici optuženi
su za navodna nedala koje su tamo pocinili jugoslovenski i srpski
organi u navedenom vremenskom periodu, koji period vremena je
tužilaštvo ocenilo, okarakterisalo kao "stanje oružanog sukoba".
(Optužnica protiv Pavkovica, Lazarevica, Đordevica i Lukica takode se
odnosi na isti period vremena i u njoj ponavlja da je u naznacenom
periodu na Kosmetu bilo "stanje oružanog sukoba"). Posmatrano sa
politicke tacke gledišta, ovakva ocena tužilaštva ucinjena je iz dva
osnovna razloga: (1) da bi se opravdala agresija NATO pakta i (2) da bi
se tužilaštvo odnosno tribunal mogli proglasiti nadležnim u pogledu
sukoba na Kosovu i Metohiji jugoslovenskih organa sa šiptarskim
pobunjenicima, secesionistima i teroristima.

Dakle, kljucno pitanje koje se ovde namece jeste da li je ili nije u
navedenom vremenskom periodu - od 1. januara do 20. juna 1999 - na
Kosovu i Methiji postojalo "stanje oružanog sukoba" u smislu
medunarodnog prava. Jer, u suprotnom - ako se dokaže da je ocena
tužilaštva pogrešna - optužbe tužilaštva protiv svih lica optuženih
povodom Kosova i Metohije padaju u vodu jer gubi nadležnost, a sva lica
u njegovim kazamatima u Ševeningenu morala bi odmah biti puštena na
slobodu, a verovatno i obeštecana za svu štetu koja im je protivpravno
naneta. Zato ce tužilaštvo, po prirodi stvari uciniti sve da je njegova
gornja postavka tacna, da se na Kosovu i Metohiji u naznacenom periodu
zaista radilo o "stanju oružanog sukoba". Svrha ovoga teksta je da
dokaže da je ocena, bolje receno, pretpostavka tužilaštva pogrešna, to
jest nije se radilo o oružanom sukobu u smislu medunarodnog prava, vec
o normalnoj i uobicajenoj intervenciji nadležnih državnih organa kada
na delu njene teritorije dode do pobune jednog dela njenog
stanovništva. Receno cisto pravnickim jezikom, sukob na Kosovu i
Metohiji u relevantnom vremenskom razdoblju izmedu nadležnih
jugoslovenskih i srpskih organa i jednog dela šiptarskog stanovništva
ne spada pod odredba stava 1 clan 1 Dodatnog protokola II uz Ženevske
konvencije, vec pod odredba stava 2 tog clana istog protokola. U daljem
tekstu ovo cemo razjasniti.

2. Šta se dogadalo u "relevantnom periodu",šta mu je prethodilo i -

a) Opšti pogled na šiptarski separatizam

U kosovskoj optužnici protiv Slobodana Miloševica se navodi: "U julu
1990. godine, Skupština Srbije donela je odluku o raspuštanju Skupštine
Kosova, ubrzo nakon što je 114 poslanika od 123 predstavnika kosovskih
Albanca u Skupštini usvojilo nezvanicnu rezoluciju kojom Kosovo
proglašavaju ravnopravnim i nezavisnim entitetom u okviru SFRJ. U
septembru 1990. godine, mnogi od tih istih poslanika kosovskih Albanaca
proglasili su ustav "Republike Kosovo". Godinu dana kasnije, u
septembru 1991. godine, kosovski Albanci održali su nezvanicni
referendum na kome su u ogromnoj vecini glasali za nezavisnost. Dana
24. maja 1992. godine, kosovski Albanci održali su nezvanicne izbore za
skupštinu i predsednika "Republike Kosovo"...

Svakom ko ovo cita mora odmah da pada u oci cinjenica da tužilaštvo sve
te radnje koje su preduzete na Kosovu i Metohiji ne karakteriše pravim
imenom, naime da je rec o protivustavnim i protivzakonitim radnjama, iz
cega logicno sledi da sve ono što su preduzele nadležne jugoslovenske i
srpske vlasti kao odgovor na te radnje nije ništa drugo nego ono što se
preduzima u svakoj civilizovanoj i pravnoj državi. Ali, ovo
falsifikovanje istorije nije ništa prema onome što sledi. Dajuci ocenu
šireg istorijskog konteksta u Jugoslaviji u kome se krecu dogadaji na
KiM, tužilaštvo u istoj optužnici kaže:

"Krajem juna 1991. godine, SFRJ je pocela da se raspada u nizu ratova
koji su usledili jedan za drugim, u Republici Sloveniji (dalje u
tekstu: Slovenija), Republici Hrvatskoj (dalje u tekstu: Hrvatska) i
Bosni i Hercegovini. Slovenija je 25. juna 1991. godine proglasila
nezavisnost od SFRJ, što je dovelo do izbijanja rata; mirovni sporazum
postignut je 8. jula 1991. godine. Hrvatska je svoju nezavisnost
proglasila 25. juna 1991. godine, što je dovelo do borbi izmedu
hrvatskih vojnih snaga s jedne strane i JNA, paravojnih jedinica i
"Vojske Republike Srpske Krajine" s druge... Bosna i Hercegovina
proglasila je nezavisnost 6. marta 1992. godine, što je posle 6. aprila
1992. godine dovelo do rata širokih razmera. Dana 27. aprila 1992.
godine SFRJ je rekonstituisana kao SRJ. U to vreme JNA je
reorganizovana u VJ. U ratu u Bosni i Hercegovini, JNA, a kasnije VJ,
borila se zajedno sa "Vojskom Republike Srpske" protiv vojnih snaga
vlade Bosne i Hercegovine i "Hrvatskog vijeca obrane". Aktivna
neprijateljstva prestala su potpisivanjem Dejtonskog mirovnog sporazuma
u decembru 1995. godine". Ovim tekstom ce tužilaštvo uci u istoriju
ignorantnosti i bescašca ne samo medunarodne krivicne jurisprudencije i
jurisdikcije nego i u istoriju pravne i politticke teorije i istorije u
pokušaju da se falsifikuje istorija. (Otuda, više je nego normalno da
glavna parola predstojecih demonstracija, koje ce se održati u Hagu 8.
HISTORY"). I ovde, naravno u još vecoj meri, vredi ono što smo rekli u
pogledu KiM: dogadaje u Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji i Bosni i Hercegovini
tužilaštvo tendeciozno i zlonamerno ne naziva pravim imenom: da je rec
o protivustavnoj i protivzakonitoj oružanoj pobuni secesionistickih
snaga u tim jugoslovenskim republikama, podsticanim, planiranim i
finansiranim od svojih saucesnika - vladajucih krugova u SAD, Vatikanu
i EU (EZ) i islamskih fundamentalista. Svaka kap prolivene krvi na tim
prostorima je na rukama tih zlocinaca, a ovakvim stavovima tužilaštvo
se svrstava u njihove saucesnike.

O šiptarskom terorizmu na Kosovu i Metohiji moglo bi se mnogo govoriti
i kjige napisati. Ali, evo, zadržimo se na današnjoj (5.novembar 2003)
Politici u kojoj je informacija da je vlada Republike Srbije (dakle,
sadašnja, a ne "Miloševiceva" vlada) upravo objavila "belu kjigu" pod
naslovom Albanski terorizam i organizovani kriminal na Kosmetu ciji
naslov govori sam za sebe. Tu je i informacija da je šef UNMIK-a Hari
Holkeri obecao da ce istražiti ceo slucaj identiteta lica na
fotografijama koje su ovih dana objavljene u štampi kako trojica
pripadnika tzv. OVK drže u rukama odsecene glave srpskih vojnika. Tu je
takode informacija da je ministar pravde Srbije izjavio da ministarstvo
poseduje dokumentaciju, desetine hiljada stranica, o stravicnim
zlocinima nad Srbima na Kosmetu "najmonstruoznijim posle Drugog
svetskog rata". Taj materijal na nepobitan nacin potvrduje odgovornost
za više od 7.000 teroristickih napada u kojima je ubijeno preko 1.200
ljudi, ranjeno oko 1.350, kidnapovano gotovo 1.000, proterano 340.000
nealbanaca, oteto ili spaljeno 107.000 kuca...

O dogadajima na Kosovu i Metohiji i svojoj ulozi u njima Slobodan
Milošvic je u postupku protiv njega pred tribunalom rekao dosta toga,
narocito u svom uvodnom izlaganju povodom kosovske optužnice 13, 14,
15. i 18. febrara 2002. Iako je govorio više kao politicar nego kao
pravnik, jasno je da je i on uverenja da tribunal ni po njegovom
statutu nema nadležnosti u pogledu KiM. U svom intervjuu americkoj
agenciji Fox News od 24. avgusta 2001.(iz Haga) on je rekao: "There are
individual crimes, but there was a clear order that any crime has to be
punished immediately, and whoever did it, has to be arrested. And the
proof that that order was obeyed quite clearly and exactly the way it
was supposed to be obeyed is the fact that more than 500 different
individuals were arrested by the police or the army who were doing
so.Those were consequences of a chaotic situation created by the
massive bombing of NATO". Drugim recima, za sve zlocine (neumesno je
upotrebljavati izraz "ratni zlocini") pocinjene tamo i pre, i za vreme
NATO agresije i posle nje nadležni su domaci sudovi, a ne MKTJ.

b) Podrška iz inostranstva

Bez najgrubljeg i najbrutalnijeg mešanja u unutrašnje stvari
Jugoslavije i Srbije, protivno Povelji UN i svim principima
medunarodnog prava i osnovnim dokumentima OEBS (KEBS), bez spoljne
politicke, vojne, finansijske i druge podrške iz inostranstva na Kosovu
i Metohiji nikada ne bi došlo do onoga do cega je došlo i do cega još
uvek dolazi. Kada je rec o politickoj podršci, verovatno je
najpresudnija ona koja dolazi iz uticajnih krugova u SAD kao što su
snažni albanski lobi(1) u toj zemlji i uticajna Medunarodna krizna
grupa (ICG) u kojoj dominira antisrpski jevrejski lobi. Sva nastojanja
i svi apeli da se s tim prestane ostali su bezuspešni. Cak i apeli
Saveta bezbednosti UN da se obustavi spoljna podrska albanskim
teroristima na KiM ostali su i ostaju mrtvo slovo na papiru.

U toj i takvoj raboti posebna je uloga Albanije. Albanija je jedina
drzava na svetu koja je priznala ilegalnu "Republiku Kosovo", koju su
albanski separatisti proglasili nakon ilegalnih jednonacionalnih
"izbora" odrzanih jos 1992. godine. Neskrivenu podrsku albanskim
separatistima davali su svi drzavni organi Albanije, koja je postala
narocito snazna sa rasplamsavanjem terorizma na KiM , posebno od 1998.
godine.Tu podrsku je snazno izrazio i Parlament Albanije, koji je 28.
decembra 1998. godine usvojio "Rezoluciju o stanju na Kosovu", u kojoj
se za odbranu drzavne jugoslovenske granice od upada terorista iz
Albanije i sprecavanje brojnih pokusaja unosenja naoruzanja i vojne
opreme, izmedju ostalog, kaze: "Provokativna politika Beograda na
granici sa Republikom Albanijom tezi prosirivanju sukoba na sve
albanske prostore...". U istoj rezoluciji se, uz neskriven poziv
medjunarodnoj zajednici da vojno pomogne ostvarivanje separatiistickih
ciljeva albanskih terorista na KiM istice da parlament Albanije
..."zahteva snaznu podrsku od albanske vlade i drzave kosovskoj braci,
u cilju odolevanja vanrednim situacijama u kojima se oni nalaze i u
njihovim naporima da sami odlucuju o buducnosti Kosova", kao da je
Kosovo albansko i da ne pripada svim gradjanima koji tamo zive i koji
je nesporan deo Srbije i Jugoslavije.
Podrška Albanije teroristima i separatistima na KiM posebno je izražena
u naoružavanju i obuci terorista UCK.Prema zvanicnim i nezvanicnim
izvorima, u Albaniji je za obuku terorista OVK osnovan veliki broj
posebnih kampova, i to u: Tirani, Kuksu, Tropoji, Peskopeji, Hazu,
Krumi, Fierzi i drugim mestima. Pripremanje teroristickih grupa u
Albaniji potvrdio je i ambasador Dan Everts, sef Misije OEBS u
Albaniji, sto je preneo "Reuters" u svom izvestaju od 21. decembra
1998. godine, u kojem se kaze: ''Guerrillas from the Kosovo Liberation
Army (KLA) are actively girding for war and using northern Albania as a
staging ground for their separatist campaign, an OSCE diplomat said.
'The north (of Albania) is a staging ground for the war and the KLA are
very busy '', ambassador Daan Everts, head of the Organisation for
Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) mission in Albania told
Reuters at the weekend. The main KLA staging area now appears to have
been moved south into remote parts of a region known as the Has
highlands, wher Krume is the largest nearby town Discretion is the new
KLA watchword. It is uncommon to spot a KLA soldier in uniform in Krume
and the guerrillas generally conduct their business out of sight of
pryin eyes '', istice Reuters.
Niko više ne može da porekne postojanje logora za Al Kaide gde se
vršila obuka terorista. (Boško Jakšic u "Politici" od 1. novembra 2003).
U aktivnoj podrsci u obuci i naoruzavanju albanskih terorista
ucestvovale su i mnoge druge zemlje, posebno Nemacka. Tako, npr.,
britanski dnevnim "European" otkriva, pozivajuci se na diplomatske i
obavestajne izvore, da aktivni angazman nemackih obavestajnih sluzbi
(civilne i vojne) na obucavanju i opremanju terorista UCK za vrsenje
zlocinackih aktivnosti na Kosovu i Metohiji, datira od februara 1996.
godine, sa cilje da ..."cementira nemacki uticaj na balkanskom
prostoru...". Agenti BND bili su zaduzeni da formiraju komandnu
strukturu UCK, obezbede obavestajnu podrsku na ulaznim tackama
terorista u Italiju ( Trst i Bari) i osiguraju njihovo prebacivanje u
Albaniju i obuku terorista.
U najnovijim istraživanjima poznati publicista Kristofer Deliso
(Christopher Deliso) (
konstatuje: "In 1998, when NATO's war on Yugoslavia was first being
organized, secret camps were set up in northern Albania. There, British
and American forces trained the rag-tag fighters of the Kosovo
Liberation Army (KLA). The two countries openly armed, supplied and
supported the KLA during the war against Milosevic, using the
paramilitary group as NATO's ground troops".
Prema pisanju ljubljanskog dnevnika "Delo", oficiri i podoficiri
slovenacke vojske albanske narodnosti ukljuceni su, takode, u obuku
terorista OVK, pa cak i u jihove borbene akcije na KiM.
U širokom spektru stavova raznih medunarodnih politickih struktura i
jednom delu medunarodne javnosti dominirala je smisljeno lansirana
neistina o tzv. "OVK" kao nekakvom "gerilskom pokretu" albanske
nacionalne zajednice na KiM.
Ipak je svest o teroristickom karakteru OVK bila prisutna kod
objektivnih posmatraca dogadaja na KiM. Tako je Federacija americkih
naucnika (FAS), koja se smatra "trustom mozgova", objavila izveštaj u
kojem je separatisticko - teroristicku OVK svrstala medu 113
najpoznatijih teroristickih organizacija u svetu. FAS je, uz State
Department, jedina organizacija u SAD koja se ozbiljno bavi
proucavanjem i klasifikovanjem teroristickih organizacija u svetu.
Džon Pajk, šef odseka za bezbednoist FAS -a, izjavio je da je njegova
organizacija izradila "kompletnu analizu, detaljno istražujuci nacin
delovanja i strukturu OVK, za razliku od State Departmenta, koji
procene bazira uglavnom na politickoj osnovi". Pajk sumarno navodi
cinjenice zbog kojih je OVK svrstana medju teroristicke organizacije.
Pre svega, taktika OVK sastoji se u napaima na organe bezbednosti, i to
iz zasede. Zatim, clanovi OVK organizovani su u celije od tri do pet
clanova, što je karaketristicno za teroristicke organizacije. Clanovi
grupe su vidno opsednuti svojom idejom odvajanja KiM od Srbije i SRJ i
njenog pripajanja tzv. "Velikoj Albaniji", a naredbe predpostavljenih
izvrsavaju bezpogovorno. U daljoj analizi FAS-a navodi se da u redovima
OVK ima oko 1000 placenika iz Albanije, Saudijske Arabije , Jemena,
Avganistana, BiH i Hrvatske, kao i "vojnih strucnjaka" iz Velike
Britanije i Nemacke, koji rade kao instruktori. Glavni kampovi za obuku
terorista OVK nalaze se u albanskim gradovima Ljabinot, Tropoja, Kukes
i Bajram Curi, gde su koncentrisane pristalice bivseg albanskog
predsednika Saloja Berise. U izvestaju FAS-a istaknuto je, pored
ostalog da su ..."I Rugova i OVK insistirali na nezavisnosti Kosova.
Otvoreni dugorocni cilj OVK jeste da ujedini albansko stanovnistvo
Kosova, Makedonije i Albanije u Veliku Albaniju. Sve do nedavno,
Kosovari su smatrali da je status trece republike u okviru Jugoslavije
za Kosovo samo prelazna faza u postizanju nezavisnosti Kosova..."

3. Pravna karakterizacija dogadanja u "relevantnom periodu"

Na osnovu onoga što je izneto napred pod tackom 1. i 2. mislimo da se
sam po sebi namece zakljucak da je tužilaštvo MKTJ pogrešno, sa pravnog
stanovišta, okarakterisalo sukob na Kosovu i Metohiji. Ono, ustvari,
ako cemo pravo gledati, i nije ni moglo drukcije da proceni pravnu
prirodu toga sukoba. Kao instrument antijugoslovenske i antisrpske
politike, potpuno u službi NATO pakta i najvecih neprijatelja
Jugoslavije i srpskog naroda koji su ga formirali i koji ga bogato
finansiraju ono, dakle, objektivno nije ni moglo drukcije postupiti.
Zbog toga što je ono podiglo optužnicu protiv Slobodana Miloševica,
tada predsednika SR Jugoslavije, usered NATO varvarske agresije, 22.
maja 1999. godine, ono je nesumnjivo, postalo saucesnik zlocinacke
agresije NATO pakta i njegovih satelita koji su mu dali logisticku i
drugu podršku u agresiji (Albanije, Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine,
Madarske, Makedonije), kao i saucesnik šiptarskih terorista na celu sa
takozvanom Oslobodilackom armijom Kosova. Podizanje te optužnice
nesumnjivo je ohrabrilo kako NATO tako i šiptarske teroriste.

Još pre "relevantnog perioda" glavni tužilac Luis Arbur nastojala je na
sve nacine da sukob na Kosmetu podvede pod oderedbe medunarodnog
humanitarnog prava, i da, na taj nacin, taj sukob podvede pod
jurisdikciju njenog tužilaštva odnosno tribunala. Još u martu 1998. ona
je ispoljavala pretenzije da se umeša u dogadaje na Kosmetu. Oktobra
iste godine ona se i zvanicno obratila jugoslovenskim organima da želi
da na Kosmetu vodi istragu. Tadašnji savezni ministar pravde Zoran
Kneževic je odgovorio Arburovoj da Tribunal nije nadležan za dešavanja
na Kosovu i Metohiji. On je objasnio da "na Kosmetu nema rata", vec da
je Srbija suocena "sa teroristickim akcijama bandita": "Na Kosovu i
Metohiji nije bilo rata. Teroristicke grupe sastavljene od kriminalaca
i verskih fabnatika nikada nisu bile organizovane jedinice", piše
Kneževic i istice da je Srbija uspešno završila policijsku akciju
protiv terorista. Na tom i takvom stavu je Savezna vlada istrajavala
sve do petooktobarske promene 2000. godine.

Medutim, tužilaštvo u novembru 1998. obaveštava jugoslovensku vladu da
je tužilaštvo tribunala zakljucilo da postoji dovoljno osnova za
nadležnost MKTJ i za sprovodenje istrage, i na tom stavu je istrajavalo
i za vreme agresije NATO pakta i istrajava do danas. Petooktobarski
režim je, razume se, odmah prihvatio stav Tribunala u pogledu pravnog
karaktera kosovskometohijskog sukoba, usvojio u tom smislu odgovarajuce
propise, i odmah poceo da "isporucuje" sve one koje je tribunal tražio
"zbog kršenja medunarodnog humanitarnog prava". I u zemlji su poceli
procesi zbog "ratnih zlocina" na KiM(2) Pri tome zaprepašcuje kolko je
prisutno pravnicke neukosti i politicke servilnosti prema stranim
stvarnim i umišljenim mocnicima.

U postupku protiv Slobodana Miloševica tom smislu svedocio je pred
tribunalom zamenik glavnog tužioca tribunala Grejem Bluit 30. oktobra
2003. Miloševic je, razume se, ta i takva nastojanja tužilaštva i
tribunala - da imaju nadležnost u pogledu KiM - osporavo, optužujuci ih
za neistinost, tendencioznost i pristrasnost, mada je trebalo da, kao
pravnik po obrazovanju, da pravno elaborira svoje stavove pozivajuci se
na medunarodno pravo, pre svega na Dopunski protokol II Ženevskim
konvencijama koji predstavljaju savremeno medunarodno pravo. U
unakrsnom ispitivanju Bluita on je povišenim tonom rekao svedoku da
tužilaštvo nije želelo da sprovodi istragu o zlocinima šiptarske
strane, o vezi tzv. OVK sa islamskim teroristima, pa i sa samim Bin
Ladenom, niti je želelo da se bavi zlocinima NATO pocinjenih tokom
bombardovanja Srbije. "Vi ste svojim akcijama podstakli terorizam na
Kosmetu!", rekao je Miloševic, "kao što je i povlacenje Posmatracke
misije OEBS-a bio signal da se može otpoceti bombardovanje od strane
NATO pakta". Drugim recima, i Tribunal i OEBS, su bili saucesnici ne
samo šiptarskih bandita i terorista nego i agresije NATO pakta.

Iako je Savet bezbednosti UN - i uopšte organizacija Ujedinjenih nacija
- davno postao marioneta SAD i njene politike u odnosu na Jugoslaviju i
srpski narod, ipak je on u nekoliko svojih rezolucija akcije šiptarskih
ustanika na Kosmetu okarakterisao kao teroristicke akte, a tzv. OVK kao
teroristicku organizaciju.

Analizirajuci rezolucije Saveta bezbednosti UN o Kosovu i Metohiji,
usvojene pre agresije NATO na SR Jugoslaviju, jasno proizilazi
zakljucak da je na KiM došlo do teroristicke pobune i da je UCK
teroristicka organizacija. To se posebno vidi iz rezolucije 1160,
usvojene na sednici SB 31. marta 1998., zatim rezolucije 1199, usvojene
na sednici SB 23. septembra l998. godine i rezolucije 1203, usvojene na
sednici SB 24. oktobra 1998. godine.

Rezolucija 1160
Vec u samoj preambuli ove rezolucije je, pored ostalog, jasno izrecena
osuda " ... svih akata terorizma od strane KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army)
ili bilo koje druge grupe ili pojedinca, i svake spoljne podrske
teroristickoj aktivnosti na Kosovu, ukljucujuci finansiranje,
naoružavanje i obuku".
U operativnom delu rezolucije, u paragrafu 2, upucen je nedvosmislen
poziv rukovodstvu kosovskih Albanaca da "... osude sve teroristicke
akcije", podvlaceci da "...svi elementi albanske zajednice na Kosovu
treba da ostvaruju svoje ciljeve jedino politickim sredstvima". Nikada,
medutim, politicki predstavnici Albanaca na KiM nisu to ucinili, vec su
svim svojim postupcima ohrabrivali i davali direktnu podrsku terorizmu
U paragrafu 8 iste rezolucije, uz zavodenje potpunog embarga u prodaji
ili snabdevanju Jugoslavije u naoružanju, Savet bezbednosti se cvrsto
obavezao da ce "...spreciti naoružavanje i obuku u korist teroristickih
aktivnosti na KiM...".
Da je to ostalo samo prazno obecanje pokazuje naknadni razvoj situacije
na KiM kada je sa jacanjem teroristickih aktivnosti UCK došlo do sve
masovnijeg priliva naoružanja i još intenzivnije obuke terorista,
posebno u Albaniji.

Rezolucija 1199
U preambuli ove rezolucije SB ponavlja osudu terorizma kao sredstva za
"...ostvarivanje politickih ciljeva bilo koje grupe ili pojedinca", i
osudjuje..."svaku spoljnu podrsku takvoj aktivnosti na Kosovu,
ukljucujuci snabdevanje oruzjem i obuku za teroriticke aktivnosti na
Kosovu, uz izrazavanje zabrinutosti zbog izvestaja o neprekinutom
krsenju zabrana uvedenih prethodnom Rezolucijom 1169..."
U operativnom delu rezolucije, u paragrafu 6, Savet insistira da
rukovodstvo kosovskih Albanaca "...osudi sve teroristicke akcije i
podvlaci da svi elementi u zajednici kosovski Albanaca treba da
ostvaruju svoje ciljeve jedino miroljubivim sredestvima..."
U paragrafu 11, Savet bezbednosti zahteva od svih država clanica
da..."sprece prikupljanje novcanih sredstava na njihovoj teritoriji
(funds collected on their territory), koja se koriste za kršenje
rezolucije 1160...".

Rezolucija 1203
I u ovoj, kao i u prethodni rezolucijama, Savet bezbednosti u njenoj
preambuli osudjuje..."kako sve akte nasilja svake strane, tako i
terorizam bilo koje grupe ili pojedinca za postizanje politickih
ciljeva, kao i svaku stranu podršku za takve aktivnosti na Kosovu,
ukljucujuci snabdevanje oružjem i obuku za izvodenje teroristickih
aktivnosti na Kosovu i izražava zabrinutost zbog izveštaja o
kontinuiranom kršenju zabrana uvedenih rezolucijom 1160 ...".

U paragrafu 10 ove, rezolucije Savet bezbednosti..."insistira na tome
da rukovodstvo kosovskih Albanaca osudi sve teroristicke akcije,
zahteva neodložan prestanak takvih aktivnosti i naglašava da svi
elementi albanske zajednice na Kosovu treba da ostvaruju svoje ciljeve
samo miroljubivim sredstvima...".

Šta veli Protokol II uz Ženevske konvencije?

Taj Protokol, koji je usvojen 1977. godine, "razvija i dopunjuje"
zajednicki clan 3 Ženevskih konvencija, clan u Ženevskim konvencijama
koji se odnosi na unutrašnje oružane sukobe, za razliku od ostalih
odredaba tih konvensija koje se odnose na medunarodne oružane sukobe,
to jest na sukome izmedu suverenih država. Da ovaj protokol predstavlja
savremeno pozitivno medunarodno pravo uglavnom nema spora, s napomenom
da ima dosta onih - a medu njima je i Medunarodni komitet crvenog krsta
MKCK) i stotine i stotine samozvanih medunaronih nevladinih
organizacija (NGO) koje sebe nazivaju humanitarnim - koje uporno
nastoje da ukinu razliku izmedu medunarodnih oružanih sukoba i
unutrašnjih, tvrdeci da je putem obicaja do tog izjednacavanja vec
došlo. Ta i takva nastojanja našala su svoj izraz i u clanovima 2-5
Statuta MKTJ, a narocito u jurisdikcije tog tribunala, koji je u više
svojih dosadašnjih odluka protiv Srba protiv kojih je vodio postupak
prrihvatao taj i takav koncep savremenog MHP. Medutim, sva ta i takva
nastojanja su pogrešna i neodrživa jer države clanice Ujedinjenih
nacija nisu spremane da u potpunosti napuste razlikovanja izmedu
pravnog položaja medunarodnih i unutrašnjih oružanih sukoba, što
najbolje svedoci upravo Statut Medunarodnog krivicnog suda, o cemu ce
niže biti pobliže reci.

Ali da se vratimo Protokolu II. Nas ovde ne zanima toliko na koji nacin
ovaj protokol štiti ucesnike u unutrašnjim oružanim sukobima, koliko
nas interesuje to kako ovaj protokol postavlja granicu izmedu noga što
jeste unutrašnji oružanih sukob i onoga što nije.

Nakon što u stavu 1 clana 1 definiše unutrašnji oružani sukob, u stavu
2 istog clana definiše što ne spada pod taj pojam - "oružani sukob
nemedunarodnog karaktera". Taj stav 2 clana 1 glasi:

Ovaj Protokol se nece primenjivati na situacije unutrašnjih nemira i
zategnutosti kao što su pobune, izolovani i sporadicni akti nasilja i
ostali akti slicne prirode, jer to nisu oružani sukobi.

Takve situacije, s kojima se manje-više gotovo svaka država povremno
može suociti u svom istorijskom i politickom trajanju, spadaju u
potpunosti pod njenu nadležnost kao njena unutrašnja stvar u smislu
Povelje UN i medunarodnog prava i pod njen pravni poredak.To, naravno,
ne znaci da se u takvim situacijama ne mogu pociniti zlocini; ustvari,
do zlocina gotovo uvek po prirodi stvari dolazi, ali to nisu "ratni"
zlocini. Niko ne može da porekne da su gotovo svakodnevni zlocini na
desetine a možda i na stotine tacaka u svetu. Gotovo svakodnevno citamo
o Ceceniji, Severnoj Irskoj, Šri Lanki, itd. Tako je bilo i na Kosovu i
Metohiji pre "relevantnog perioda", i za vreme tog perioda. Obe strane
su cinile razne zlocine.(Usput receno, za današnje stanje na KiM - koje
je pod okupacijom UNMIK-a i KFOR-a - može da se kaže da ako postoji
pakao na zemlji onda je to stanje na Kosmetu za Srbe i nealbance
tamo...). Teritorijalna država je, naravno, ne samo iskljucivo nadležna
nego i dužna u skladu sa svojim zakonodavstvom i svojim medunarodnim
obavezama o zaštiti ljudskih prava da goni pocinioce krivicnih dela do
kojih dolazi u takvim situacijama.

Šta veli Statut Medunarodnog krivicnog suda (Rimski statut)?

Vec smo napomenuli da postoje dosta snažne tendencije - narocito od
strane Medunarodnog komiteta crvenog krsta i u jursdikciji MKTJ da se
ukine razlika, u pogledu primene medunarodnog humanitarnog prava -
izmedu medunarodnih i unutrašnjih oružanih sukoba, tvrdeci da je u
periodu posle Drugog svetskog rata došlo do "razvoja" medunarodnog
humanitarnog prava u smislu ukidanja te razlike, to jest do razvoja
koji vodi ka primeni medunarodnog humanitarnog prava koje se odnosi na
medunarodne oružane sukobe i na unutrašnje oružane sukobe, jer,
navodno, nema opravdanja da žrtve ovih sukoba ne budu izjednacene u
pogledu zaštite izjednacene.

Smatramo da Statut Medunarodnog krivicnog suda, koji je usvojen na
1998. godine u Rimu, i kojeg su do danas ratifikovale vecina država
(ukljucujuci Jugoslaviju odnosno Srbiju i Crnu Goru) nije u celosti
prihvatio navedena nastojanja, i da je u osnovi zadržao onu razliku
koju pravi Protokol II.

Ipak, povodeci se za navedenim tendencijama ispoljenim pre svega u
MKCK, "humanitarnim" medunarodnim nevladinim orrganizacijama (NGO)
antijugoslovenskom i antisrpskom kampanjom u vezi sa ratovima na
prostoru prethodne Jugoslavije, Statut je napravio znacajna odstupanja
od postojecih normi medunarodnog humanitarnog prava. Prema clanu 7
Statuta, koji se odnosi na krivicna dela protiv covecnosti, za
pocinjenja nekog od ovih krivicnih dela preduslov više nije postojanje
stanja oružanog sukoba, bilo medunarodnog bilo unutrašnjeg. Drugo
znacajno odsstupanje sastoji se u tome što se pojam "ratni zlocin"
proteže i na oružane sukobe unutrašnjeg, nemedunarodnog oružanog sukoba.

No, ono osnovno što je relevantno za našu temu: razlikovanje kada je
jedan unutrašnji predstavlja rat u pravnotehnickom smislu i kada on to
nije zadržano je.

U relevantmo clanu Statuta MKS - clan 8 - se kaže da se njegove odredbe
koje se odnose na unutrašnje, interne oružane sukobe "ne primenjuju na
situacije unutrašnjih nemira i sukoba kao što su pobune, pojedinacni i
sporadicni akti nasilja ili drugi slicni akti." A zatim se veli (stav

Nijedna od odredbi iz stava 2(c) i (d) (koje se odnose na unutrašnje
oružane sukobe- MT) ne odnosi se na pravo vlade da ordži ponovo
uspostavi red i zakon u državi ili da brani njeno jedinstvo i
teritorijalni integritet svim legitimnim sredstvima koja joj stoje na

Cak bi se moglo zakljuciti da su autori Statuta - sevesni onoga što se
dogada u savremenom svetu kao što su unutrašnji i medunarodni
terorizam, naglasili prava teritorrijane države da se obracunava sa
terorizmom i slicnim pojavama.

Statut MKS na snazi je od 1.jula 2002. godine i sve što je napred o
njegovim odredbama receno vredi od tog datuma, a ne za ranije
situacije. Dakle, kada je rec o Kosovu i Metohiji treba govoriti o
pravu koje je bilo na snazi u vreme dogadaja tamo.


(1) U tekstu objavljenom u "Glasu javnosti" od 15.8.2002. prof.dr
Predrag Simic daje gotovo kompletnu sliku albanskog lobija u SAD pa ga
zaista vredi procitati. Tekst je naslovljen "Albanski lobi šiptarska
majka" i podnaslovom "Ko i u cije ime ponovo otima Kosovo i Metohiju" i
"Pare su najjaci motiv americkih kongresmena da se bore za otcepljenje
srpske pokrajine od matice". V. od navedenog

(2) Povodom tih procesa u zemlji protiv trojice pripadnika VJ, a koje
je Vrhovni vojni sud nedavno osudio na dugogodišnje kazne zatvora, v.
tekst ovog autora "RATNI ZLOCINI" BEZ RATA na adresi
Danas (6.11. 2003) citamo u štampi da je, prema saopštenju Ministarstva
pravde Srbije, specijalni tužilac preuzeo vodenje krivicnog postupka
protiv bivših komandanata tzv. OVK Hašima Tacija, Agima Cekua i Ramuša
Haradinaja. Iz saopštrenja nije jasno za koja krivicna dela ce
osumnjiceni biti optuženi, ali izgleda da se srlja u istu grešku - da
ce ih se optužiti za "ratne zlocine", umesto da im se sudi za obicne
zlocine kao što su masovna ubistva, terorizam i drugo, jer, kao što
rekosmo, na Kosovu i Metohiji nije u pravnom smislu bilo rata izmedu
nadležnih jugoslovenskih i srpskih organa i šiptarskih pobunjenika i