
Da: "operanomadinazionale" <operanomadinazionale@...>
Data: Ven 2 Gen 2004 12:55:55 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: devastazione razzista contro sede Opera Nomadi Milano



30 DICEMBRE 2003


La nuova sede dell’Opera Nomadi di Milano, allestita da circa un mese
in Via De Pretis 13, al Quartiere Barona, è stata devastata questa
notte. I locali, concessi in affitto dal Comune di Milano, hanno subito
danni gravi, così come gli arredi, le attrezzature e il materiale
documentario dell’archivio.
Gli atti vandalici sono stati “firmati” con scritte fasciste, svastiche
e croci celtiche.

L’apertura di questa nuova sede era stata realizzata grazie ad un
finanziamento erogato dall’ UCEI (Unione delle Comunità Ebraiche
Italiane) e destinato alla creazione di un centro permanente di
documentazione sulla Porrajmos - la persecuzione contro i Rom attuata
durante il nazifascismo - e di un osservatorio sulla discriminazione.

Il grave episodio è stato scoperto questa mattina dai responsabili
cittadini dell’associazione, che si erano recati in sede per completare
il trasferimento del materiale d’archivio.

Immediata la solidarietà del Centro di documentazione ebraica
contemporanea, trasmessa all’Opera Nomadi da Marcello Pezzetti, storico
della Shoah e ricercatore del Cdec.

Fortunatamente buona parte del materiale relativo alle ricerche sulla
Porrajmos, incluse alcune interviste ai sopravvissuti ai campi di
sterminio, si è salvato dalla distruzione. Si stava infatti concludendo
in questi giorni il montaggio di un documentario che l’Opera Nomadi
aveva commissionato in vista delle celebrazioni della Giornata della
Memoria e, per questo motivo, la documentazione non era ancora stata
restituita all’archivio.

Per ulteriori informazioni:

Maurizio Pagani
Vice Presidente Opera Nomadi di Milano 339.3684212

Roberta Migliavacca Ufficio Stampa Opera Nomadi di Milano 328.9680695



Tratto da “Il Manifesto” 31 dicembre 2003

Vandali contro i Rom

La nuova sede dell’Opera Nomadi di Milano è stata scassinata e
danneggiata nella notte tra lunedì e martedì. Gli atti vandalici sono
stati firmati con scritte razziste contro i Rom, svastiche e croci
celtiche. I teppisti hanno ammucchiato il poco materiale che sono
riusciti a trovare, libri e fotografie e gli hanno dato fuoco: un
piccolo falò che ha danneggiato l’impianto elettrico. La sede che si
trova in un negozio nel quartiere Barona è stata affittata dal Comune
ed avrebbe dovuto essere inaugurata il prossimo 27 gennaio. « Non c’era
mai successo niente di simile – racconta Maurizio Pagani dell’Opera
Nomadi – purtroppo a Milano cresce un’avversione diffusa contro i
nomadi, atteggiamenti aggressivi che registriamo anche da parte di
cittadini comuni».
Tratto da “l’Unità” 31 dicembre 2003

Tratto da “La Repubblica 31 dicembre 2003

Sconosciuti hanno devastato di notte la sede del centro di
documentazione sui Rom e i Sinti. Scritte naziste e svastiche sui muri

Milano, assalto fascista all'Opera Nomadi

di Laura Matteucci

Milano L'hanno devastata nella notte. Hanno divelto la cancellata che
dà sulla strada, rotto la porta a vetri, fracassato mobili e
attrezzature. Hanno ammassato suppellettili e libri, ne hanno fatto un
mucchio in mezzo alla stanza. E lasciato, come firma, scritte razziste
sui muri, svastiche e croci uncinate. Oltre alla scritta «Non vi
vogliamo qui».
Assalto nella notte
La nuova sede dell'Opera Nomadi di Milano, aperta da poco più di un
mese in via De Pretis alla Barona, un quartiere della periferia
sud-ovest, è stata presa di mira da sconosciuti nella notte tra lunedì
e martedì. Morale: l'impianto elettrico non funziona più, i danni sono
gravi per arredi, attrezzature e per il materiale documentario
«Siamo rimasti esterrefatti davanti alla devastazione, quando siamo
arrivati stamattina (ieri, ndr) - dice Maurizio Pagani, vicepresidente
dell'Opera Nomadi di Milano - Un fatto che dimostra, una volta di più,
come non esista alcun controllo del territorio. Non nel senso di
militarizzazione, ci mancherebbe, ma nel senso di visibilità».
«A questo punto - prosegue Pagani - dovremo valutare se sia il caso di
rimanere ancora nella stessa sede, o se provare a fare richiesta al
Comune per un altro luogo». Il che, comunque, non è semplice, vista
anche l'attenzione del Comune di Milano per progetti di questo tipo.
«Valuteremo la cosa più giusta da fare. Anche perché l’Opera è un luogo
aperto, un centro di documentazione cui si rivolgono Rom e Sinti». Che
a Milano sono circa 3.500, tra i l2Omila e i l30mila in tutta Italia.
Da notare che all'ingresso della sede non era stata affissa alcuna
targa che indicasse la presenza dell'Opera Nomadi, di cui però, negli
ultimi tempi, si era sparsa voce nel quartiere.
I locali della sede devastata l'altra notte erano stati concessi in
affitto dal Comune nel luglio scorso. L'apertura era stata realizzata
grazie ad un finanziamento dell’UCEI (l'Unione delle Comunità Ebraiche
Italiane), e destinato alla creazione di un centro permanente di
documentazione sulla Porrajmos - la persecuzione contro i Rom durante
il nazifascismo - e di un osservatorio sulla discriminazione razziale.
Fortunatamente, buona parte del materiale relativo alle ricerche sulla
Porrajmos, incluse alcune interviste ai sopravvissuti ai campi di
sterminio, si è salvato dall'atto di vandalismo. Proprio in questi
giorni, infatti, si stava concludendo il montaggio di un documentario
che l'Opera Nomadi aveva commissionato in vista della Giornata della
Memoria, il 27 gennaio. «Si tratta di un video - spiega Pagani - che
testimonia della persecuzione dei nomadi in Italia durante il regime
Presi di mira
Le precedenti sedi dell'Opera Nomadi non avevano mai dovuto subire atti
di questo genere. Quest'ultima, invece, per la verità, era già stata
presa di mira da qualche settimana, praticamente dalla sua apertura.
Pagani, infatti, parla di sassi conficcati nella vetrata, lanciati con
delle fionde.
La devastazione dell'altra notte, certo, ha ben altra portata. «Anche
perché questa volta - riprende Pagani - la matrice è ben riconoscibile
come di destra, visto che i muri sono stati imbrattati da scritte
razziste, svastiche e croci uncinate».

Tratto da “L’Unità” 31 dicembre 2003

Distrutta la nuova sede alla Barona: svastiche e croci celtiche come

Assalto all’Opera Nomadi "Qui non vi vogliamo"

di Oriana Liso

Non c’era ancora la targa sulla porta, né c'era stata l’inaugurazione
ufficiale. Ma qualcuno aveva ugualmente individuato la nuova sede
dell’Opera Nomadi, trasferita da un mese in via De Pretis, alla Barona.
Sono entrati lunedì notte ed hanno devastato i tre locali: i mobili
sfasciati, libri e documenti bruciati, l'impianto elettrico manomesso.
Come firma svastiche croci celtiche e una scritta “Non vi vogliamo”.
«Avevamo già avuto qualche avvisaglia - racconta Maurizio Pagani,
vicepresidente della fondazione - due sassate che avevano spaccato un
vetro, la prima quindici giorni fa, la seconda la settimana scorsa, e
poi una delle grate di protezione della vetrina divelta. Ma all’inizio
pensavamo fosse solo vandalismo». Un’ipotesi giustificata dal fatto che
intorno al centro non c'e molto movimento di negozi, e l’allestimento
di una nuova attività non sarà passata inosservata.
Prima di questi episodi, infatti, la presenza del centro era diventata
più visibile, grazie ad un video – documentario che avevano girato
proprio in quei locali. La nuova sede è nata in locali affittati dal
Comune, grazie ad un finanziamento dell’Unione delle Comunità Ebraiche
Italiane. Erano stati rimessi a posto anche con l’aiuto delle Comunità
Rom. L’idea è quella di fare un Centro permanente di Documentazione
sulla “Porrajmos”, la persecuzione nazifascista contro i Rom, oltre ad
un Osservatorio sulla Discriminazione. « Un luogo ideale per gli
studenti universitari che ci chiedono materiale per la Tesi, gli
studiosi, i mediatori culturali», aggiunge Pagani. Ma ieri, dopo
pranzo, Pagani e alcuni collaboratori sono arrivati al centro, per
portare altro materiale d’archivio. Scoperta la devastazione, hanno
chiamato la polizia. Sono arrivate la Digos e la scientifica per i
rilievi: «La polizia ci ha detto che questo luogo è indifendibile. Un
atto come questo è anche figlio della politica del Comune, che sfratta
le associazioni dal centro e le manda in periferia » denuncia Pagani.
Il primo messaggio di solidarietà è arrivato dal Centro di
documentazione ebraica contemporanea attraverso lo storico della Shoah
Marcello Pezzotti.
Chi è entrato nella sede di via De Pretis, però, non è riuscito a
distruggere perché al sicuro in un altro luogo il materiale
sull’olocausto zingaro, tra cui interviste ai sopravvissuti ai campi di
sterminio, che fa parte del documentario che verrà presentato il 27
gennaio, in occasione della Giornata della Memoria.

Albania on sale

1. Austrians Buy Albania’s Largest Bank
2. Albania Approves Trans-Balkan Pipeline

=== 1 ===

Austrians Buy Albania’s Largest Bank

By Ardi Pulaj for Southeast European Times in Tirana - 30/12/03

With the sale of the country's largest bank to an Austrian buyer,
Albania has taken an important step in its attempts to privatise
strategic sectors of the economy. On 17 December, the Savings Bank of
Albania was sold to Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich AG for $126m
(almost 102m euros).

The government approved the sale several days later in an extraordinary
meeting. Prime Minister Fatos Nano hailed the move and said it would
enrich the country, the state budget and development programmes.

The Savings Bank is now under reconstruction. Its position in the
financial market is around 75 per cent; it has the largest expansion in
the country and 400,000 clients. Official sources from the Albanian
government have indicated that the amount offered by the Austrian bank
was higher than expected.

Raiffeisen was one of two candidates in the privatisation process for
the Savings Bank. The other was the Hungarian bank OTP, which has since
accused Albanian authorities of irregularities. According to OTP, the
finance ministry was biased in favour of the Austrian bank and did not
give fair consideration to OTP's offer.

Currently, Raiffeisen covers 25.5 per cent of the Austrian banking
market. It owns 28.2 per cent of deposits, 22.1 per cent of loans and
28.9 per cent of managed funds. In June, its capital reached 50.453m
euros. It has made several important purchases over the past few years.
In 2000, it bought Market Banka of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in 2001 HPB
and Banca Agricola and in 2002, the Bank of Kosovo.

Albanian authorities are also trying to find investors for the
privatisation of other state companies, such as the telecommunications
giant Albtelekom. Authorities have yet to deal with the privatisation
of the Albanian Power Corporation, the railway system, the main port in
Durres, the coal industry, water supplies and the state transportation
company, Albtransport.

© 1999 - 2003 Southeast European Times. All Rights Reserved.

=== 2 ===

> default3.asp?lang=english&page=process_print&article_id=22411

Albania Approves Trans-Balkan Pipeline

By Ardi Pulaj for Southeast European Times in Tirana -

Albanian authorities have approved construction of the AMBO
trans-Balkan pipeline, which will start in Bulgaria's Bourgas port,
pass through Macedonia and end in the Albanian port of Vlora.

The approval came from the Council of Regulation of Territory in
Albania, headed by Prime Minister Fatos Nano.

"The oil passing through the AMBO pipelines will give to Albania nearly
41m euros per year as a profit … This port will be a very important
place for the international market," Nano said.

Experts from each of the three countries involved in the project, as
well as from the companies AMBO and Brown & Root, have selected the
route, avoiding inhabited areas. An environmental impact study is being
conducted, Nano added.

According to Besim Islami, head of the National Power Agency, the
pipeline will enter Albania at the checkpoint of Qafe-Thana on the
border with Macedonia. The cities of Perrenjas, Librazhd, Elbasan,
Cerrik, Lushnje and Fier will be along the route to the southern port
of Vlora.

The ministry of industry and power and local authorities in the cities
involved would be responsible for the implementation of the project,
Islami said.

The IMF, the World Bank, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation of
the United States (OPIC), the Washington-based Ex/Im Bank and the EBRD
have expressed interest in providing financial support to the
construction of the pipeline.

The oil will come from Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan
with European and North American markets as the final destination.

The cost for the construction of AMBO pipeline is estimated at $1.13
billion. The pipeline will become part of the infrastructure for the
east-west Corridor 8, which includes highways, railways, pipelines and

© 1999 - 2003 Southeast European Times. All Rights Reserved.

Criminal Clark

1. Milosevic trial sets precedent: US granted right to censor evidence
2. Wesley Clark: America's Man On Horseback To Out-Herod Herod


Candidate Clark stumps (the rest of us) at the Hague

Wesley Clark, defender of KLA terrorists, joins race to White House (by
Mary Mostert)

Criminalization of International Law: War Criminal to Testify at The
"War Crimes" Tribunal , Toronto Lawyers

General Clark's self aggrandizement (by Vojin Joksimovich)

=== 1 ===

World Socialist Web Site
WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : The Balkans

Milosevic trial sets precedent: US granted right to censor evidence

By Paul Mitchell
31 December 2003

Earlier this month the US government demanded and received the right to
censor testimony at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia (ICTY).

A press release issued before Democratic Presidential candidate Wesley
Clark gave evidence at the trial of former Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic said Clark’s testimony would be given in closed session. The
press release also said the normally simultaneous broadcast of the
testimony would “be delayed for a period of 48 hours to enable the US
government to review the transcript and make representations as to
whether evidence given in open session should be redacted in order to
protect the national interests of the US.”

Milosevic faces 66 counts of war crimes and genocide allegedly
committed in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1990s. Clark was
commander of the 78-day NATO bombing campaign against Yugoslavia in
1999 that destroyed much of Serbia’s industrial infrastructure and left
thousands of civilians dead.

There have been several attempts to prosecute Clark himself for war
crimes committed during the NATO bombing. In that year a group of
Canadian lawyers and academics asked the ICTY to investigate and indict
Clark and others for war crimes in Yugoslavia saying that there was
“overwhelming evidence that the attack was unlawful and that the
conduct of the attack [was] on civilian objects.” Former US Attorney
General Ramsey Clark has also accused Clark and other leaders of war
crimes and crimes against humanity and in September 2000 a Belgrade
court found Wesley Clark and other Western leaders guilty.

However, the ICTY has refused to indict any US or NATO military or
political leaders as it deals out victors’ justice on behalf of the
western powers.

Clark has admitted the illegal basis on which NATO fought a war of
aggression in Kosovo. In his book Fighting Modern War, Clark says the
war “was coercive diplomacy, the use of armed forces to impose the
political will of the NATO nations on the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, or more specifically, on Serbia.”

The Bush administration is keen to see Milosevic found guilty and so
wanted Clark to testify. But its primary concern is to protect US
officials from ever facing trial for war crimes and to prevent any act
of military aggression on its part being judged illegal. To this end it
has refused to ratify the International Criminal Court and bribed and
bullied governments to promise that they will never prosecute US
officials or military personnel.

At the ICTY testimony involving US citizens has been carefully
controlled. The Washington Post prevented a former reporter Jonathan
Randall from appearing at the trial of Radoslav Brdjanin, a Bosnian
Serb accused of genocide and persecution. The testimony given at
Milosevic’s trial by William Walker, the former head of the Kosovo
Verification Mission, was restricted to the alleged massacre at Racak
that provided the pretext for the NATO bombing of Serbia.

The Bush administration is also concerned that Milosevic has based his
self-defence on pointing the finger at his accusers and charging them
with war crimes. This, and the prosecution’s inability to produce a
“smoking gun” to prove Milosevic’s guilt, has weakened the court’s
credibility. Charges of genocide have been dropped against all but one
of those accused at the ICTY. With most of the convictions based on
individual crimes against humanity, the premise that Milosevic
organised a systematic ethnic cleansing campaign has been undermined.

The appearance of Clark at the ICTY was therefore fraught with dangers.
He has played a key role in the US drive to establish its world
hegemony. Before he became NATO Supreme Allied Commander, he was
Director for Strategic Plans and Policy for the Joint Chiefs of Staff
with responsibilities for worldwide US military strategic planning. In
this capacity he was part of the team negotiating the Dayton Accord
ending the five-year war in Bosnia. This is where Clark first met
Milosevic who was granted a key role under the accord in policing and
enforcing the agreed peace formula.

From 1996 to 1997 Clark served as Commander-in-Chief of the US Southern
Command in Panama where he was responsible for the direction of
military activities in Latin America and the Caribbean.

US officials have downplayed the extent to which they censored Clark’s
testimony saying, “Nothing was redacted, only one thing related to the
US government ... He gave very specific testimony about Milosevic’s
intentions. Nothing about Milosevic has been cut.”

In one respect this is true. A close reading of the transcript shows
that the prosecution were determined to focus on Milosevic’s role and
prevent any revelations about US or NATO “intentions” emerging and any
discussion of the NATO action. Judge Richard May went along with this,
preventing Milosevic from pursuing any areas that fell outside Clark’s
carefully restricted and vetted testimony.

Beginning his cross-examination Milosevic pointed out the unprecedented
nature of the court’s acquiescence in the face of US pressure saying,
“I don’t quite understand the position of this witness ...
representatives of the government of his country may be able to review
the transcript, to approve some of it, to redact some of it possibly,
and only then to release it to the public. I am not aware of any legal
court in the world delegating its authority of this kind to any
government. This would be the first time for any such thing to happen.”

Judge May quickly prevented Milosevic from elaborating stating, “We are
not going to argue this point. We have made our order. The reason that
the government have any rights in the matter at all is this, that in
order to provide information to this Court, it is occasionally—and I
stress occasionally—necessary for governments to do so, and they are
allowed to do so under our Rules on certain terms, and these are one of
the terms which has been followed in this case.”

When Milosevic tried to question Clark about his book Fighting Modern
War with the words, “General Clark, in your book you say that the NATO
military action against Yugoslavia in the spring of 1999 could not be
called a war,” May again intervened:

“I don’t think we are going to have that debate. That’s precisely what
I have been talking about. You’re not allowed a free-ranging discussion
about the NATO action.”

May also prevented Milosevic asking Clark, “Is it true that in an
interview that you gave to the New Yorker on the 17 November you said
that the war you waged was technically illegal?” and declaring that
Clark had “given no evidence about the legality of the war.”

That the US government was allowed to censor evidence at an
international court set up by the United Nations in a Western democracy
and presided over by a British judge speaks volumes about the nature of
international justice. It also indicates the type of justice Saddam
Hussein will face should he ever come to trial in US-occupied Iraq.

If Milosevic had been given free rein to question his accusers such as
Clark, he could have provided ample evidence, not only of the years in
which the US enjoyed close relations with his regime but of how
Washington set out to provoke a war in order to seize control of the
Balkan region, using the pretext of human rights abuses by Serbia. The
parallels with Iraq are obvious. The only difference in the case of
Saddam Hussein is that the record of US support for his regime is
longer and the pretext used for war is more flimsy and discredited.

Copyright 1998-2003
World Socialist Web Site
All rights reserved

=== 2 ===

Da: RicK Rozoff
Data: Ven 2 Gen 2004 14:40:28 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: Wesley Clark: America's Man On Horseback To Out-Herod Herod

[The commander of the first undeclared, unprovoked war
against a European nation since Adolph Hitler's
blitzkrieg campaigns of 1939-1941 is defining the real
issue in this year's American presidential campaign:
Who is militarily best qualified to lead the United
States in its self-appointed role of master of the
With the likes of Michael Moore, Madonna, Charles
Rangel and The American Prospect cheering on the Seven
Days In May scenario.]

Associated Press
January 2, 2003

Clark Sets His Sights on Dean

-"{I]'m the only candidate positioned to actually win
the election because I am the candidate best able to
stand up to George W. Bush and win the debate about
who will best be able to make our country secure over
the next four years."
-[I]t's clear that the former NATO commander
repeatedly will be emphasizing his military experience
as a valuable counter to President Bush's strength on
national security.
-Clark's financial strength could help him challenge
for the nomination. He raised between $10.5 million
and $11 million in the final quarter and is getting
$3.7 million in federal matching money.
-His rivals have criticized Clark's past support for
Republican presidents. They also found fault with his
stumble on the Iraq war issue right after entering the
race in September.

WASHINGTON - Flush with money after a big fourth
quarter of fund raising, Democratic presidential
candidate Wesley Clark is mapping out how he can
parlay that success into becoming the alternative to
Howard Dean.

"It's now clear that I'm one of only two candidates in
a position to win the nomination," Clark, a retired
Army general, said in a statement Thursday. "And I'm
the only candidate positioned to actually win the
election because I am the candidate best able to stand
up to George W. Bush and win the debate about who will
best be able to make our country secure over the next
four years."

Clark said he believes his "fund-raising success will
be a leading indicator of the direction this campaign
is heading in."

And it's clear that the former NATO commander
repeatedly will be emphasizing his military experience
as a valuable counter to President Bush's strength on
national security.

Bush had a 67 percent to 21 percent lead over Dean on
whom people trust more to handle national security,
according to a mid-December ABC-Washington Post poll.

Dean's campaign aides say his strength in a general
election campaign is his ability to mobilize new
voters and to raise money beyond the limits
established by the federal presidential election
financing system. Dean decided not to accept federal
matching funds and the limits that go with it.

Dean spokesman Jay Carson said Clark and other
candidates taking matching funds will be "flat broke
after the primary campaign and sitting ducks for
President Bush." Bush also has decided not to take
federal money during the primary season that begins
this month, and his re-election campaign already has
raised more than $115 million.

Clark's financial strength could help him challenge
for the nomination. He raised between $10.5 million
and $11 million in the final quarter and is getting
$3.7 million in federal matching money.

Now his campaign is providing a road map on how he
plans to capitalize on his strong financial position.

"We will have ample resources to compete well into
February and beyond," campaign spokesman Matt Bennett

Clark is in relatively strong position in polls both
nationally and in states with early contests.

As Clark tries to narrow the race to two candidates,
other campaigns are likely to start diverting some of
their relentless attacks on Dean.

Campaign aides to Joe Lieberman, the Connecticut
senator, say Clark is relying too heavily on his
biography as a military man.

In fact, the Clark campaign is sending a 15-minute
videotape about the general's life and views to 50,000
possible primary voters in New Hampshire and showing
it on several cable channels in the state before the
Jan. 27 primary.

His rivals have criticized Clark's past support for
Republican presidents. They also found fault with his
stumble on the Iraq war issue right after entering the
race in September. After giving contradictory answers,
he now consistently says he is against the way the war
was handled.

Starting Monday, Clark plans a carefully orchestrated
introduction of domestic and security proposals. Clark
plans to roll out a "signature issue" on the domestic
front Monday, though aides wouldn't discuss specifics.

For a week in mid-January, the former NATO commander
plans to address different aspects of domestic and
economic security each day, including a detailed
homeland security plan. During that week, he will
focus his campaign on New Hampshire and states with
contests in early to mid-February.

Starting the week of Jan. 19, Clark plans to campaign
steadily in New Hampshire, as all the candidates move
their campaigns to the Northeast.

Relying on his strong finances, Clark is advertising
heavily in New Hampshire, as well as in many states in
the South and West with contests in February.

The Clark campaign is counting on building a strong
grass-roots presence, both through traditional means
and through the Internet.

Taking a calculated risk, Clark is not competing in
the Jan. 19 Iowa caucuses, saying he entered the race
too late to compete there. Lieberman also is skipping

Iowa plays an important role in several other
candidates' plans to challenge Dean. Dick Gephardt,
the Missouri congressman with the comprehensive health
care proposal, is counting heavily on a win in Iowa,
while senators John Kerry of Massachusetts and John
Edwards of North Carolina hope to do well in Iowa to
strengthen their hand in New Hampshire and beyond.

Dobro dosli na J U G O I N F O !

e' il bollettino sulla Jugoslavia ed i Balcani curato dal
(vedi archivio:
Per contattarci: <jugocoord@...>

La nostra attivita' di informazione via internet, che continua
ininterrottamente (seppur con diverse denominazioni) dal 1997
grazie allo sforzo individuale di pochissimi volontari, puo'
continuare solo con il vostro sostegno. Vi chiediamo pertanto di
altre attivita' del Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia
usando il:
Conto Bancoposta n. 47595665
intestato ad Anita Krstic, Milano.
Causale: sostegno per Jugoinfo

is a bulletin on Yugoslavia and the Balkans edited by
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Our effort to keep you informed through the net is continuing
without interruption (even if under different denominations)
since 1997 thanks to the voluntary engagement of very few people.
This has a chance to go on only if you support us, by
activities of the Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia
by giving your contribution through the Italian account:
Conto Bancoposta n. 47595665
intestato ad Anita Krstic, Milano.
Causale: sostegno per Jugoinfo



Macédoine : la légalisation de l’université albanaise de Tetovo crée
des remous

Publié dans la presse : 9 décembre 2003
Mise en ligne : mercredi 10 décembre 2003

Alors que le gouvernement macédonien se propose de « légaliser »
l’université albanaise parallèle de Tetovo, des mouvements étudiants
manifestent devant l’Assemblée nationale et l’opposition implore le
Premier ministre d’injecter ces fonds dans le réseau universitaire déjà

Par Igor Segavik

Le VMRO-DPMNE propose au Premier ministre, Branko Crvenkovski, une
seconde manière d’utiliser l’argent destinée à l’université de Mala
Recica : l’injecter dans le système éducatif existant en investissant
dans de l’équipement technique et la construction d’une nouvelle cité

Les perturbations causées par l’université de Mala Recica donneront
lieues, ce mardi, à une grande manifestation étudiante. Quelques partis
politiques, le Congrès mondial de la Macédoine, 22 ONG et une union des
élèves soutiendront cette manifestation contre la légalisation de
l’université illégale de Tetovo (l’UT), prévue pour mardi devant

Les manifestations contre cette université « illégale » sont organisées
par le Bureau coordinateur des syndicats des étudiants des facultés des
universités « Saints-Cyrille-et-Méthode » et « Saint-Clément d’Ohrid ».
Le bureau coordinateur a lancé un appel à tous les citoyens afin de
rejoindre cette manifestation pacifique devant l’assemblée nationale au
moment même où les députés mettront au vote le projet de légalisation
de cette université. Mais cette manifestation n’est pas soutenue par
les syndicats étudiants des deux universités.

Hier, le parti d’opposition VMRO-DPMNE a annoncé qu’il soutiendrait la
manifestation des étudiants. Ce parti considère que l’argent prévu pour
la légalisation de cette université pourrait augmenter la qualité de
l’éducation en Macédoine.

« Avec les trois millions d’euros prévus pour cette légalisation, on
pourrait acheter 3 500 nouveaux ordinateurs pour les écoles en
Macédoine. Avec cet argent là, on pourrait aussi construire une
nouvelle cité universitaire d’une capacité de 1000 étudiants, on
pourrait approvisionner en méthodes gratuites les écoles primaires
ainsi que rénover environ 80 écoles » estime le VMRO-DPMNE dans une
lettre ouverte adressée au Premier ministre, Branko Crvenkovski.

Lors de la conférence de presse d’hier, le Bureau coordinateur du
secteur non-gouvernemental a appelé les citoyens à sortir et à
protester. Ce Bureau a aussi demandé le soutien des organisations

« La légalisation de Mala Recica signifie la capitulation totale du
gouvernement devant la violence et un début de légalisation de toutes
les institutions parallèles dans le pays. Si cette université devient
légale, la qualité de l’éducation supérieure diminuera. Pourquoi
investir dans la quantité et non dans la qualité ? Tous les États
européens ont résolus la question de l’éducation des minorités par la
création d’universités privées et non en les faisant financer sur le
budget de l’État. Pourquoi les citoyens donneraient de l’argent pour
cette université alors qu’ils n’auront pas la possibilité d’y apprendre
en langue macédonienne ? », demande le Bureau du secteur

Le syndicat des étudiants des deux universités du pays, à Skopje et
Bitola, ne soutiennent pas cette manifestation. Ils considèrent que
cette initiative est légale, mais n’arrive pas à bon terme. Ils ont
alerté le ministère de l’Éducation afin qu’il présente publiquement les
arguments en faveur de la légalisation de l’université de Mala Recica.

« Nous voulons dire aux étudiants de ne pas aller manifester devant
l’assemblée. Maintenant, alors que nous sommes à la porte de l’Union
européenne, nous devons montrer que nous savons résoudre nos problèmes
de manière civilisée. Il ne faut pas que 1997 se répète [1] » a déclaré
Marija Stambolieva, la présidente du syndicat des étudiants de
l’université Saints-Cyrille-et-Méthode.

Stambolieva s’étonne d’ailleurs de l’initiative des étudiants, car lors
d’une réunion de travail s’étant déroulée la semaine dernière, aucun
des syndicats des facultés n’avaient parlé d’une initiative pareille.
Stambolieva a annoncé que si la réunion avec le ministre de l’Éducation
n’avait pas lieu, réunion lors de laquelle il exposera les arguments en
faveur de la légalisation, elle demanderait aux députés non pas de
boycotter cette loi, mais de la reformuler avant de procéder au vote

[1] En 1997, lors de l’ouverture de cette université illégale, de
violentes manifestations qui avaient dégénérées en émeutes urbaines
entre les forces de l’ordre et les manifestants albanais, avaient eu
lieu dans le pays, notamment à Tetovo et Gostivar.

© Tous droits réservés Dnevnik
© Le Courrier des Balkans pour la traduction

Les opinions exprimées
sont celles des auteurs et ne reflètent pas nécessairement
les opinions du Courrier des Balkans.

The New Balkans: Bigotry and Terror

1. Remaking of the Balkans? (by M. Bozinovich)
2. A New Wave of Terrorism in the Balkans? (by Ivelina Puhaleva)
3. UN adds Bosnian charity director to al Qaeda list (Reuters)


Greece deems threat from Bosnian Arabs

Bosnia Compensates Terror Suspects (by Anes Alic)

Bosnia, 1 degree of separation from Al-Qaeda

CRG: War on terrorism skipped the KLA (by James Bissett)

=== 1 ===


Remaking of the Balkans?

By M. Bozinovich

Immediately following the massacre of Jews in Turkey, Serbian special
anti-terror units (SAJ) swarmed upon the western embassies in Belgrade.
An especially tight security was established around the Israeli embassy
and that security still remains.

During the week of the Turkish massacre, a group of unidentified
middle-eastern men has been arrested in Pancevo, a city 6 miles to the
north of Belgrade. Additionally, Serbian army hospital (VMA) has also
been placed under strict security although the hospital chief Dr. Zoran
Stankovic has downplayed the new tight security rules as a “rudimentary
and usual procedure” for a military institution.

Moreover, last Saturday a “suspicious” character was arrested in front
of the US Embassy in Belgrade after concerned citizens tipped off the
Serbian security forces of his “weird” behavior.

Serbian government remains silent over their increased security
activities and has not commented nor publicly acknowledged that they
have even been done. The only statement by the Serbian police (MUP) has
been that it comments only through public statements and will not
answer any questions to the media.

Recent unusual behavior by the Serbian anti-terror SAJ units, and the
government silence about it in particular, indicates that the
intelligence in Serbia believes that a credible terrorist threat exists
that can strike western interests and Serbia itself.

Could a rising Islamic terrorism in the Balkans precipitate a change in
the military alliances in the Balkans, away from Islamic governments
such as in Kosovo that acquiesce to terrorism and towards the
reform-minded ones in Belgrade or Skopje?

Rising Terrorist Threat in the Balkans

The rising terrorist concern in Serbia comes on the heels of a recent
report by the US Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and
Unconventional Warfare claiming that since “mid-August 2003, radical
Islamist leaders elevated the role of the terrorism infrastructure in
the Balkans as a key facilitator of a proposed escalation of conflict
into the heart of Europe, Israel and the United States."

According to the report, al-Qaeda has appointed Shahid Emir Mussa Ayzi
to run special recruitment operations in the Balkans. Ayzi is veteran
of Afghanistan with close bin-Laden and Taliban ties.

The head of the US Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and
Unconventional Warfare, Yossef Boddansky, claims that the al-Qaeda
recruitment of Balkan Muslims occurs around the Islamist mosques whose
numbers are rapidly expanding in Kosovo, Bosnia, Albania and Macedonia.
These mosques enjoy a high level of security because the Albanians who
run these regions get valuable terrorist training from the Islamists.

Says Boddansky: "the Islamists assist the local terrorists in preparing
for launching spectacular terrorism into the major cities of Serbia and
Montenegro, with Belgrade and Nis believed to be the top targets."

Since Boddansky’s September report, an anonymous US officer has
disclosed to the Reuters news agency that among the many terrorists
arrested in Iraq one also finds Albanians. Furthermore, an anonymous US
security officer in Kosovo has disclosed to the Christian Science
Monitor that Kosovo is controlled by Albanian mafia receptive of
al-Qaeda presence.

Immediately following the Turkey massacre, moreover, an unspecified
threat has triggered an elevated security response by NATO in Kosovo.
"We now know that a specific threat has been made toward international
organizations within Kosovo," Wing Commander Chris Thompson of KFOR
said in a news Conference in November.

In the midst of NATOs heightened alert, or despite it, Kosovo president
Ibrahim Rugova immediately denounced any possibility of an al-Qaeda
attack as impossible. Speaking in Athens he insisted there were no
people linked to extremists in Kosovo. "But this [allegations of
terrorist cells] is unfounded… It could be that some people spread such
allegations to destabilize Kosovo," Rugova told the Greek newspaper

Meanwhile and to the contrary of what the Kosovo Albanian president
claims, English reporters from the Sunday Mirror have infiltrated a
cell of Muslim extremists in Kosovo and bought enough of the explosive,
Semtex, to blow up over 40 passenger airplanes. In their report, the
Mirror claims that the reporters have established contact with the
“deputy commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) Niam Behljulji,
known as Hulji. The group were trained by Bin Laden's men.”

Since then, reports have been made that Hulji has been assassinated by
al-Qaeda because of an obvious security compromise of their
organization in Kosovo.

Despite the massing evidence of al-Qaeda presence in Kosovo from
military and security sources as well as the media, the officials that
run Kosovo appear ready to cover up terrorist threats.

The Mirror report, for example, tells a story of a cover up when their
reporters informed the British police in Kosovo of the location of the
buried Semtex explosive. During the retrieval of the buried explosives
the “Finnish bomb disposal squad… told us the hill had been mined
during the war.”

The more senior officials that run Kosovo, however, altogether deny all
allegations of terrorist threats in this Serbian province. Speaking in
Bulgaria, the Deputy Special Representative for the United Nations
Secretary-General in Kosovo Jean-Christian Cady said that “contrary to
what is sometimes said, Kosovo is not a safe haven for organized crime
and terrorism”.

Speaking during the recent regional conference on cooperation in the
fight against organized crime in Belgrade, however, Serbian Prime
Minister Zoran Zivkovic echoed what is only sometimes said by noting
that "terrorists are still being sheltered." in Kosovo and added that
the UN, unlike in Bosnia, has demonstrated lack of will in cracking
down on it.

Yet Bosnia itself appears under increasing terrorist pressure. Serbian
independent Weekly Telegraph reports that a string of Serbian border
villages on the Muslim side of Bosnia have been overtaken by bearded
middle-easterners demanding ransom from the locals.

Changing Alliances?

NATO Chief’s recent visit to Belgrade may be an underscore to the
increasingly overt Western cooperation with Belgrade. Speaking to the
Serbian military academy, Lord Robertson was asking the future generals
of Serbia to let bygones be bygones and that in the interest of
security Serbian military should accept NATOs extended hand.

Immediately following Robertson’s visit to Serbia, Belgrade government
announced its expectation to join NATOs Partnership for Peace in May

The visit and the announcement follow Washington’s recent decision to
reexamine American military alliances throughout the world because of
the changed structure of security threats to the West.

Meanwhile, NATOs unwillingness to crack down on terrorists in Kosovo
suggests that the alliance may be expecting someone else close to the
alliance to do that.

In fact, early last summer Italian general in Kosovo suggested that
Serbian military could partake in Kosovo patrols along with NATO as a
way to uphold the Resolution 1244 that governs the conduct of the UN
administration in the Kosovo province. The general, however, underlined
that “presently” it would be impossible because Serbia is not
associated with NATO. In May of 2004 this apparent obstacle will be

Moreover, the warming of the West-Belgrade relationship may be what was
behind Serbia’s recent rather vociferous and a stern rejection of the
UN plan for future of Kosovo. After reviewing the UNs proposal, the
Serbian government declared it "unacceptable in its current form as a
way to solve the Kosovo crisis" claiming that "none of the objections
and suggestions could be seriously considered".

Finally, Washington’s backing of the Democratic Party candidate Boris
Tadic for the upcoming elections in Serbia also alludes to the
Western’s desire to reconstruct its military alliance in the Balkans.
While not compromised by political and financial scandals during the
DOS era, Boris Tadic was, more significantly for Washington, a former
Defence Minister that purged the Milosevic-era generals from the
Serbian military and replaced them with his own men.

Indeed, nationalist Radicals, still riding high from their recent
strong showing in the polls, may have gotten the typical massage to
move out of the Tadic’s way. “Ultra-nationalist leader whose Radical
Party is expected to win strong support in this month's general
election was hurt in a car crash on Wednesday but his life was not in
danger.” noted Reuters.

As a favorite method of a Balkan political disposal, another political
car crash once again demonstrates that practicing politics in the
Balkans is indeed a dangerous business.

=== 2 ===

A New Wave of Terrorism in the Balkans?

By Ivelina Puhaleva for Southeast European Times in Sofia - 12/12/03

The wave of bombings in Istanbul has placed Southeast Europe at the
heart of the fight against terrorism. With a population of 15 million
and a key position in the region, the city has the kind of media
presence eagerly sought by violent extremists.

"All must see with eyes wide open that the problem of terrorism is not
local, it recognises no colour," said Ismet Sever, deputy chairman of
the Union of Bulgarian and Turkish Businessmen, who lives in Istanbul.
"I think it is not by accident that twice in a week Istanbul was shaken
by terrorist attacks."

Turkey has been fighting terrorism for 40 years. In the 1960s and 1970s
against leftist extremists, in the 1980s and 1990s against attacks by
the Kurdish Separatist Party, and since the beginning of the new
century against the terrorism of Islamic fundamentalists. Meanwhile,
the country has remained steadfast in its duties and obligations as a
member of NATO, supporting operations in Somalia, Bosnia and
Herzegovina and in Afghanistan. Many observers consider Turkish
solidarity with its Western and Alliance partners as the main reason
Islamic terrorists have targeted it.

The two bombings in Istanbul coincided with NATO's decision to appoint
Turkish representative Hikmet Cetin -- a former parliament speaker and
foreign minister -- as high civil commander of the peacekeeping forces
in Afghanistan.

In the bloody aftermath of the November bombings, Turkish authorities
immediately announced their determination to find anyone connected to
the terrorist plot. The EU sided with Turkey and unexpectedly welcomed
Turkey's aspirations to join the European family.

Within days, investigators had uncovered details of al Qaeda
recruitment and training activities in the Balkans. A Romanian
newspaper reported that some of these terrorist activities were
financed and undertaken within Europe.

Three Balkan states -- Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey -- held a
tripartite meeting after the Istanbul bombings, aimed at outlining
common measures to combat terrorism. But Turkey went further, following
the trail of some explosives used by the suicide bombers. A report in
the Romanian daily Gardianul cites two unnamed chemical factories, one
in Bulgaria and one in Romania. The Bulgarian one would have been
advantageous to the terrorists because of its proximity to Turkey, the
paper suggests. It describes the Romanian factory as the property of
businessmen who had left Turkey.

Bulgarian authorities say all preventive measures were taken, that the
secret services were working in close co-operation with their Western
colleagues and that no terrorist or banned Islamic organisations acted
on Bulgarian territory.

Fundamentalist groups, as well as separatists that had until recently
carried out more or less local activities, have started to claim
affiliation with al Qaeda. They have attempted to rationalise their
attacks by blaming Turkey for its relations with the United States and

As a result, Turkey now seems to be caught "between the devil and the
deep sea" -- the unpredictable devil of global terrorism and the deep
sea of its European aspirations.

© 1999 - 2003 Southeast European Times. All Rights Reserved.

=== 3 ===

December 30, 2003

UN adds Bosnian charity director to al Qaeda list

UNITED NATIONS -- Tuesday – The United Nations
yesterday added the director of a Bosnian charity to
its list of individuals whose assets should be frozen
due to suspected ties to Osama bin Laden or his al
Qaeda network.

Safet Durguti, 36, was added to the U.N. list at the
request of the United States and Saudi Arabia. While
he was born in Orahovac, Kosovo, his nationality is
unknown, the United Nations said.

The goal of the U.N. list, which is maintained by a
U.N. Security Council committee and currently has more
than 300 names of businesses, individuals and
organizations, is to deprive suspected extremists of
the money and other resources they need to carry out

Putting groups and individuals on the list obliges the
United Nations' 191 member-nations to freeze their
funds and other assets and block their movements.

Durguti is the director of a charity called Vazir,
based in the Bosnian city of Travnik.

The United States and Saudi Arabia have concluded that
Vazir was simply another name for the Al-Haramain
Islamic Foundation, a Saudi-based charity that was
placed on the U.N. list in March 2002, the U.S.
Treasury Department said last week.

Vazir was formed in May 2003 as an association for
sports, culture and education but was based in the
same business space as Al-Haramain, it said.

The United Nations also added Hochburg AG, a company
based in Vaduz, Liechtenstein, to its list.

The firm is a successor to a company called the Ba
Taqwa For Commerce And Real Estate Company Ltd, whose
assets were ordered frozen in 2002.

Hochburg and BA Taqwa share the same business
registration number, and records in Liechtenstein show
that BA Taqwa was renamed Hochburg AG early in 2002,
the U.S. Treasury said.

----- Original Message -----
From: Toni Zingaro <gorangero@...>
To: <Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.>
Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2004 1:39 AM
Subject: Re: [JUGOINFO] Digest Number 905

> Io dissi appena avevano arestato Slobodan Milosevic che cosa si
> succedera, poci errano convinti di quello che dicevo.
> Nessuno di quelli della NATO al inizio non sapevano che cosa si
> succedeva realmente, certi giornalisti Amerikani facevano la parte
> della CIA e loro doverre era di difondere le informazioni falsi. Qui
> non parlo della propaganda (di questo si occupava M5 dei Inglesi che
> mandando le notizie perché lavoravano per il più grandi giornali di
> Inglitera e mondo) ma parlo dei fatti che ho visto e visuto, che Dio
> mi perdoni.
> In tutti anni del conflito Tedeschi, Amerikani e Inglitera mandavano
> gli aiuti umanitari ai Bosniaci e Croati, mandavano dei camion dove
> sulla fattura di viaggio stava scritto sale, olio, farina e zuccero e
> nessuno gli
> controlava, e si sapeva perché. perché dentro questi camion eravanno
> nascoste le armi, stesse armi che dopo ucidevano famiglie Serbe, di
> questo nessuno fa domande in tribunale di AJA.
> Nessuno fa le domande come mai e per qualle motivo era cominciata la
> guerra in Jugoslavia? nessuno ha il coraggio di rispondere alla
> domanda "che cosa si succederebbe se in Italia Nord decide di
> diventare uno stato e per ottenere questo utiliza i paramilitari"?,
> identica cosa se qualsiasi regione o canton decide di fare stessa cosa
> in Francia, Spagna e cett.
> Qualle sono le nazioni che hanno deciso validità giuritica del
> fantomatico tribunale di AJA, chi sono? Per chi lavorano le guardie
> carcerarie?
> Dove sono spariti testimoni quelli che dovevano testimoniare per
> Slobodan Miloscevic pur che gli non servono avrei un milione di
> domande da fare ma
> non e questo quello che voglio. Vorrei fare solo una testimonianza
> perché so che e la verità e Dio mi e testimone, NON ESISTE NESSUN
> Nessuno della NATO ha il corraggio di mettersi avanti (non legale)
> corte e dire che nei tempi dei bombardamenti (480 voli con ordini di
> distruggere) sono stati fatti propri genocidi e che ci sono state più
> vitime dai loro bombardamenti, che per il 7 anni di guerra. Si dico
> sette anni perché uno che la ha visuta sa di che cosa parlo.
> Cari amici non Vi deve sorprendere se i vgliaci dei pubblici ministeri
> opssss ho fatto lapsus volevo dire privati ministeri della Nato non
> fanno rispondere a Slobodan. Io, Voi e tutti quelli che combatono il
> fascismo, semitismo e le leggi raziali sapiamo bene che ogni risposta
> del Slobodan Milosevic e argomentata con la verità e tutti noi sapiamo
> che la NATO sempre ha avuto la paura della verità.
> Cari amici queste parole no tanto correte gramaticamente perché non
> sono andato a scuola qui in Italia ma in Jugoslavia si, Vi scrive un
> uomo molto semplice che ha avuto il onore di combatere nella
> formazione regolare nella JNA (JUGOSLAVENSKA NARODNA ARMIJA) e di
> nuovo ci andrei per combatere il fascismo e antisemitismo.
> Non so a chi e venuta sta briliante idea di descrrivere storia del
> nostro popolo, quello dovrebbe andare a farsi vedere da qualche
> neuropsiciatra, da quanto isiste il mondo e la umanità ogni popolo ha
> descritto e fatto la storia di suo paese.
> Io come attore (autoditato che ha recitato con Moni Ovadia, che ha
> scritto un piccolo libricino che si chiama "RICORDI" e lo ho
> autoprodoto) sto scrivendo una scenegiatura e la voglio portare sul
> palcoscenico.
> Di mileduecento copie del libro mi sono rimaste solo duecento copie
> (una copia sei euro) se gli usciro vendere di ogni libricino venduto 3
> euro sono per la diffesa di Miloscevic, un euro e per i miei due
> bambini adotati a
> distanza di Novi Sad che sono rimasti senza genitori. Loro sono morti
> sotto le bombe dei NAZISTI della NATO.
> Adesso Vi saluto e Vi auguro le buone feste a Voi e le Vostre
> famiglie, la mia non ce più

I siti internet di Toni Zingaro:





Texte: Eugène Pottier
Musique: Pierre Chrétien Degeyter

1. Debout! les damnés de la terre, Debout! les forçats de la faim! La
raison tonne en son cratere, C'est l'éruption de la fin. Du passé
faisons table rase, Foules esclaves, debout! debout! Le monde va
changer de base: Nous ne sommes rien, soyons tout!

C'est la lutte-finale: Groupons-nous, et demain, L'Internationale
sera le genre humain

2. Il n'est pas de sauveurs suprêmes: Ni Dieu, ni César, ni tribun,
Producteurs, sauvons nous-mêmes! Décrétons le salut commun! Pour que
le voleur rende gorge, Pour tirer l'esprit du cachot, Soufflons nous-
mêmes notre forge, Battons le fer quand il est chaud!

C'est la lutte finale...

3. L'état comprime et la loi triche; L'impôt saigne le malheureux;
Nul devoir ne s'impose au riche; Le droit du pauvre est un mot creux.
C'est assez languir en tutelle, L'égalité veut d'autres lois; "Pas de
droit sans devoirs, dit-elle, Égaux pas de devoirs sans droits!"

C'est la lutte finale...

4. Hideux dans leur apothéose, Le rois de la mine et du rail Ont-ils
jamais fait autre chose Que dévaliser le travail? Dans les coffres-
forts de la bande Ce qu'il a créé s'est fondu. En décrétant qu'on le
lui rende Le peuple ne veut que son du.

C'est la lutte finale...

5. Le rois nous soûlaient de fumées, Paix entre nous, guerre aux
tyrans! Appliquons la grève aux armées, Crosse en l'air et rompons
les rangs! S'il s'obstinent, ces cannibales, A faire de nous bientôt
que nos balles Sont pour nos propres généraux.

C'est la lutte finale...

6. Ouvriers, paysans, nous sommes Le grand parti des Travailleurs; La
terre n'appartient qu'aux hommes, L'oisif ira loger ailleurs. Combien
de nos chairs se repaissent! Mais, si les corbeaux, les vautours, Un
de ces matins, disparaissent, Le soleil brillera toujours! C'est la
lutte finale...

(In calce: una nota sulla MOLDAVIA a cura di Mauro Gemma)


Da: RicK Rozoff
Data: Lun 29 Dic 2003 18:15:17 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: NATO's Assault On Yugoslavia Opens Political Pandora's Box In
Eastern Europe

[Note: Today's news items do not include information
concerning the contentious and, as always in today's
volatile politico-military atmosphere, war-fraught
territorial disputes between Croatia and Slovenia over
fishing and water rights, between currently pan-Magyar
Hungary, which is issuing passports to ethnic
Hungarians in three other nations, and Serbia over the
latter's province of Vojvodina, Lithuania and Russia
regarding the Kaliningrad enclave, pan-Albanian
designs on Kosovo, South Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro
and Northwestern Greece, the ongoing and overtly
military contretemps between Russia and Western-backed
Ukraine over the Kerch Strait/Tuzla Island gateway
from the Black Sea to the Sea of Azov, etc.
Rest in peace to the Yalta and Potsdam Accords, the
United Nations Charter, the Helsinki Final Act and all
other treaties and arrangements designed to prevent a
resumption of land grabs on the European continent
which last resulted in a world war that cost humanity
some fifty million lives.
The last time a comparable scramble for Central and
Eastern Europe occurred commenced in 1938.]

1) Slovakia vs Hungary, Hungary vs Slovakia
2) Romania vs Hungary
3) Romania vs Moldova
4) Greater Romania vs Moldova
5) Western Europe vs Russia With Troops Ready For
6) Transdniester vs Romania And Western Europe


Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
December 29, 2003


Foreign Minister Eduard Kukan told TASR on 27 December
that Slovakia is considering appealing to the
Hague-based International Court of Justice (ICJ) over
its unresolved dispute with Hungary over the
Gabcikovo-Nagymaros dam. Kukan implied that
negotiations with Hungary are going nowhere and
Budapest is showing no willingness to resolve the
long-standing dispute. Kukan said the only progress so
far has been fixing a date for the next round of talks
on the issue. In 1997, the ICJ ruled that Hungary
violated international law by abandoning a bilateral
agreement to build a hydropower network on the Danube
River, but at the same time the court concluded that
Slovakia was wrong in pressing ahead with the project
and diverting Danube waters from Hungary to Slovakia.

Responding to criticism by Foreign Minister Laszlo
Kovacs, the Hungarian opposition FIDESZ party's
leadership issued a statement on 23 December calling
Kovacs "unfit" to serve as Hungary's most senior
diplomat, local media reported. The statement said
FIDESZ rejects "with shock and consternation" Kovacs's
criticism of its support for autonomy for the
Hungarian minority in Transylvania. "The fact that
Laszlo Kovacs...repeatedly takes the side of Romanian
interests on this issue bears witness to such a level
of malevolence and insensitivity to national interests
that we can state with justification that Laszlo
Kovacs is unfit to represent Hungary at any
international forums as foreign minister," the
statement charges. Kovacs had criticized the chairman
of FIDESZ's national council, Laszlo Kover, who
reportedly told a recent ethnic Hungarian forum in
Transylvania that "it is regrettable that the peaceful
and constitutional aspirations of the Hungarian
minority [in Romania] for the assertion of its
interests have thus far received less attention and
supportive benevolence from European public opinion
than the demands of those ethnic groups who have
resorted to force". Kovacs said anyone who believes it
is expedient to resort to violence to achieve autonomy
and publicly expresses such a position is acting
irresponsibly and harming the cause of autonomy for
Transylvania's ethnic Hungarians. MS

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
December 29, 2003


Alexei Tulbure, Moldova's permanent representative to
the Council of Europe, said in an interview with
Novosti-Moldova on 23 December that Romanian President
Ion Iliescu would be well advised to be more careful
in his statements about Moldova, Flux reported.
Tulbure, who was commenting on a statement by Iliescu
calling Moldova's nationalities policies "Stalinist"
(see "RFE/RL Newsline," 18 December 2003), said
Iliescu will have to recognize the existence of a
Moldovan national identity separate from the Romanian
identity sooner or later. Tulbure added that if
Romania refuses to do so, recognition will be
"imposed" on it from outside. Iliescu would be forced
to recognize the separate Moldovan identity just as
foreign pressure forced Iliescu to acknowledge the
perpetration of the Holocaust on Romanian territory,
Tulbure said. "Nobody doubts that the Moldovan and
Romanian language are identical, but every people has
the right to self-determination and the Moldovan
people has exercised that right," he added. On 23
December, Gheorghi Prisacaru, chairman of the Romanian
Senate's Foreign Affairs Committee, called Moldova's
recently adopted Concept of the State's Nationalities
Policies a "historical and judicial
aberration...reminiscent of attempts dating back to
the Stalinist times," Mediafax reported. MS

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
December 29, 2003


Speaking in parliament on 26 December, President
Vladimir Voronin charged that the opposition's stance
regarding the Concept of the State's Nationalities
Policies is motivated by its desire to recreate the
"single-nation [Romanian] empire...expanded from the
Tisa River to Tiraspol," Infotag reported. Voronin
claimed that the Council of Europe has approved the
concept, which has drawn heavy criticism from the
opposition opponents who labeled it "an example of
Stalin-style propaganda." Differences between the
Moldovan and Romanian languages might not be readily
apparent, Voronin said, but "to be 100 percent sure,
we still need the qualified expertise of professional
linguists." "One mustn't forget that for six centuries
we have been calling our language Moldovan, while in
the neighboring state, the designation of the language
as Romanian is of rather recent vintage," he added.
Voronin said the Concept of the State's Nationalities
Policies was not conceived to outlaw Romanian identity
or the Romanian language but, "on the contrary, it
grants everyone the right to decide what his or her
ethnic origin is." MS

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
December 29, 2003


The European Parliament recently approved a resolution
saying the EU is willing to join an international
peacekeeping force under an OSCE mandate in the
Transdniester, Flux reported on 23 December. The
agency said that at its 15-18 December session, the
European Parliament criticized the Russian plan for
Moldova's federalization, saying the rejected scheme
was "aimed at legitimizing the current situation in
the region" and its approval would have created a
serious obstacle to Moldova's democratization. The
European lawmakers deplored Moscow's actions, saying
that "despite the obligations it has assumed, Russia
does not intend to withdraw its troops from the
Transdniester region by end 2003" and thus is
essentially contributing to the status quo and the
maintenance in power of the Tiraspol secessionist
regime. The resolution also said the evacuation of
Russian troops and military equipment from
Transdniester must in no way be linked to the
negotiations for a peaceful solution of the
Transdniester conflict. MS

The separatist authorities in Tiraspol on 26 December
announced that they have "suspended" the process of
Russian troop and weapon withdrawal, ITAR-TASS
reported. The authorities said the withdrawal has been
halted until "at least" 8 January, when separatist
leader Smirnov is to make a statement explaining the
decision. Smirnov recently threatened to halt the
process in retaliation for Chisinau's last-minute
refusal to approve the Russian plan for the country's
federalization. The Russian Defense Ministry announced
that two military-transport planes evacuated portable
surface-to-air missile systems and guided antiaircraft
missiles from Transdniester on 26 December. According
to ITAR-TASS, that decision was taken "in order to
minimize the potential threat of these weapons being
seized or used by terrorists." MS



I paesi “democratici” dell’est, entrati nell’Unione Europea, devono
prendere esempio dalla Moldavia governata dai comunisti e minacciata
dalla NATO


Oleg Ghibu, REGIONS.RU

La lingua russa ha ricevuto in Moldavia il riconoscimento ufficiale di
lingua “di contatto tra le nazionalità” (si intende lo status di lingua
nazionale a pari dignità con il moldavo). Ciò viene sancito dalla
cosiddetta “Concezione della politica nazionale della Moldavia”,
approvata dal parlamento della repubblica ed entrata in vigore il 25
dicembre, dopo la pubblicazione del decreto di approvazione di tale
documento da parte del presidente della repubblica Vladimir Voronin.

La “Concezione” è indirizzata alla realizzazione della concordia
civile, allo sviluppo di corretti rapporti interetnici, alla rimozione
delle conseguenze del conflitto sul Dniestr, ed è basata sul rifiuto
dell’ “assimilazione forzata” (dei russi e delle altre minoranze) da
parte dei moldavi. L’elemento basilare del documento è rappresentato
dal rafforzamento del bilinguismo moldavo-russo e russo-moldavo.

Traduzione dal russo di Mauro Gemma

Za Jugoslavene i jugoslaviste   - Per gli Jugoslavi e Jugoslavisti

Svakog utorka, od 14,00 do 14,30 sati, na Radio Città Aperta, i valu FM
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Program - programma       30.12.2003

1. Jucer, danas sutra, datumi ... da se ne zaboravi 
2. Kratke vijesti "od Triglava do Vardara...." i ne samo..
     Izbori u Srbiji. O SLOBODI - ICDSM za slobodu Slobodana Milosevica

1. Ieri, oggi, domani, date ... per non dimenticare
2. "Dal monte Triglav al fiume Vardar...", e non solo.
     Elezioni in Serbia. Del ICDSM - SLOBODA alla difesa di Slobodan

     Sretnu i Uspjesnu Novu Godinu zeli Vam Italijanski savez za
Jugoslaviju i redakcija "Jugoslavenski glas".

     Felice e Prospero Anno Nuovo Vi Augura il Coordinamento nazionale
per la Jugoslavia e la redazione di "Voce jugoslava".

Nota: la dizione "Kossovo" per indicare la provincia del Kosovo e
Metohija deriva da una soluzione di compromesso tra il termine
originario slavo (Kosovo = dei merli, dal nome della piana che domina
l'area) e lo stesso termine con la desinenza e la pronuncia albanese
(Kosova, con l'accento sulla seconda sillaba). Si tratta di una
versione italiota "politically correct" gia' adottata dai nostri
fascisti i quali pero', ai tempi in cui occupavano la zona (1941-1943)
preferivano usare l'italianissima C al posto della K. (I. Slavo)


Kossovo: ritorni spontanei

Arrivati in Kossovo per seguire una funzione religiosa non vogliono più
rientrare in Serbia e chiedono di poter ritornare nelle proprie case.
E' la storia di 27 sfollati serbi ora alloggiati a Bica, nella
municipalità di Klina.

(19/12/2003) Di Davide Sighele

Quello di Decani è uno dei monasteri ortodossi più suggestivi del
Kossovo. E’ leggermente in collina, a pochi chilometri dal centro
cittadino. L’entrata è protetta da un check point di militari italiani.
Il 24 novembre scorso sono arrivati dalla Serbia 27 sfollati
serbo-kosovari. Per poter assistere alla cerimonia liturgica dedicata a
Sveti Stephan, Santo Stefano. Le luci di candela di cera d’api, i canti
dei monaci. Ma a cerimonia conclusa i 27 sfollati serbi non se ne sono
più voluti andare ed hanno manifestato la loro intenzione di rientrare
nelle proprie case a Klina, nell'ovest della Provincia.

Le organizzazioni internazionali che si occupano di rientri di
sfollati e rifugiati e la stessa amministrazione internazionale UNMIK
sono rimaste spiazzate dalla richiesta. Questi rientri non erano
affatto previsti. Nello stallo generale si è deciso di fare alloggiare
momentaneamente queste 27 persone a Bica, paesino nella municipalità di
Klina dove, già nell’estate del 2002, erano rientrate alcune famiglie
serbe. A Bica la KFOR italiana ha una propria base e lì sono state
alloggiate momentaneamente le famiglie di rientranti. “Non torneremo
indietro - hanno affermato due loro rappresentanti – resteremo a Bica
sino a quando l’UNMIK non risolverà le questioni legate al diritto di
proprietà delle nostre case occupate attualmente da famiglie albanesi”.

Lo scorso 10 dicembre poi 11 persone del gruppo di Bica sono uscite
dall’enclave e si sono recate a Klina dove sono rientrate in una delle
case dovute abbandonare nel 1999. In poche ore si è raccolta una folla
di cittadini albanesi e sono partiti degli scontri con KFOR e la
polizia UNMIK. “Secondo alcuni testimoni la causa degli incidenti
andrebbe accreditata alla KFOR in quanto avrebbe iniziato a colpire i
manifestanti con bastoni al che essi avrebbero risposto con sassaiole”
riporta il quotidiano kossovaro Koha Ditore che poi si concentra sulle
parole del Presidente della municipalità. “E’ una provocazione” ha
affermato quest’ultimo “non ci hanno ascoltato, quindi è successo
quello che è successo”.

A Klina il rientro spontaneo delle famiglie serbe ha creato forti
malcontenti. Al Municipal Working Group - riunione settimanale durante
la quale le autorità locali si confrontano con associazioni, ONG ed
organizzazioni internazionali - i rappresentanti della municipalità di
Klina hanno espresso la loro frustrazione in merito alla vicenda ed
hanno specificato come siano del tutto contrari a ritorni spontanei.
“Non accettiamo il ritorno dei serbi perché non sappiamo ancora nulla
sui nostri familiari scomparsi”, hanno specificato. Dura la replica dei
rappresentanti dell’amministrazione internazionale. “Non è possibile
sostenere solo un tipo di rientri. Ed inoltre inutile vantarsi di
sostenere i rientri, seppur solo quelli organizzati, e poi non fare
nulla per individuare i colpevoli di assalti a membri delle minoranze”.
Secondo l’UNMIK la municipalità deve piuttosto dimostrare di trattare
in modo uguale tutti i suoi cittadini, indipendentemente dall’etnia di

Nella stessa comunità internazionale emerge comunque diffidenza
rispetto a questi rientri spontanei che forzano i ritmi letargici dei
rientri organizzati rischiando però di essere percepiti come una
provocazione dalla comunità albanese che ancora teme un ritorno delle
autorità serbe in Kossovo. Si temono incidenti e si preferisce
continuare attraverso la politica dei rientri, scarsi sino ad ora, in
aree attualmente abbandonate e possibilmente non troppo vicine ai
grandi centri abitati. Ricostruire case distrutte è molto più facile
infatti che non sfrattare da case occupate illegalmente intere famiglie
albanesi. E garantire la sicurezza in paesini di campagna è più
semplice che farlo in centro città. Prima nuove enclaves e poi pian
piano ricostruire le basi della convivenza. Sembra questo il motto
dell’amministrazione internazionale. Reso esplicito dalla KFOR per
quanto riguarda la vicenda di Klina. "Non ci assumiamo alcuna
responsabilità in merito alla sicurezza di eventuali rientranti in
città", hanno subito specificato.

Secondo un documento dell’Alto Commissariato dei Rifugiati, il Global
Appeal 2004, tra il gennaio 2004 ed il dicembre 2004 i rifugiati in
Serbia e Montenegro originari della Bosnia Erzegovina diminuiranno da
89.950 a 40.000. Quelli originari della Croazia da 180.000 a 40.000.
Gli sfollati interni invece, per la gran parte originari del Kossovo,
passeranno da 220.000 a 200.000. Una diminuzione percentuale molto
inferiore rispetto ai due dati precedenti. E purtroppo rischia di
essere una previsione ottimistica. “La mancanza di chiarezza sullo
status finale della provincia continuerà a rendere difficili le
relazioni tra la comunità maggioritaria nella Provincia e le minoranze”
affermano all’Alto Commissariato “e questo ritarderà ulteriormente i
processi di rientro”.

Date:    Mon, 29 Dec 2003 10:36:47 +0100
Subject:    [TV-STOP] Carla del Ponte, vedette des élections en Serbie
From:    "TV-STOP" <tv-stop@...

Analysant au lendemain des élections législatives en Serbie les causes
de la victoire du Parti radical et de l'élection au Parlement des deux
leaders détenus à La Haye (MM. Milosevic et Seselj), les éditorialistes
de la presse internationale ne peuvent manquer de souligner le rôle
qu'y a joué le TPI au travers des interventions de son Procureur.
Ainsi, le correspondant du New York Times relève sobrement que « Le
gouvernement sortant a refusé de livrer quatre généraux de la police et
de l'armée mis en accusation par le tribunal en octobre. Ils étaient
accusés de crimes de guerre au Kosovo. Les actes d'accusation annoncés
par le procureur en chef de la cour étaient devenus un sujet majeur de
la campagne électorale, et les politiciens locaux disent qu'ils ont
contribué à la victoire des nationalistes. » (1)
Les officiers accusés avaient échappé aux purges sévères entreprises
depuis 2000 par le gouvernement Djindjic pour s'attirer les faveurs de
l'Occident. Certains avaient conservé des responsabilités de haut
niveau. Leur mise en accusation témoigne d'un parti pris qu'aucun
changement de régime, aucun signe de bonne volonté n'a pu atténuer.
Dans le même temps, et malgré ses promesses, del Ponte n'a émis aucun
acte d'accusation contre les Albanais responsables de crimes contre les
civils serbes du Kosovo. Leurs noms et faits sont connus.
Del Ponte, ni l'administration occidentale au Kosovo, n'ont rien
entrepris non plus contre les auteurs d'aucun des actes de vandalisme
entrepris contre les églises du Kosovo (pour mémoire, plus de 100
églises orthodoxes y ont été dynamitées depuis juin 1999) (2).
Le Kosovo sous une telle administration est devenu une plaque tournante
du terrorisme et du trafic de drogue, de femmes et d'armes (3).
L'indulgence pour les uns s'ajoutant à l'acharnement contre les autres,
l'électeur serbe a logiquement déduit que le monde occidental avait un
parti pris contre sa nation en tant que telle. Car, malgré ses
procédures arbitraires, ses choix douteux, ses immixtions politiques et
la brutalité de ses méthodes d'arrestation (souvent traduites par morts
d'hommes), le TPI demeure l'"interlocuteur" principal de la Serbie en
Occident, et ses humeurs sont déterminantes - tout le monde le dit –
pour l'aide à la reconstruction de ce pays isolé et dévasté.

Avec leur candeur impayable, les Occidentaux n'en finissent pas de se
demander pourquoi le reste du monde les hait. S'ils percevaient enfin
la morgue et la désinvolture avec laquelle ils traitent un pays
européen, de culture chrétienne, et historiquement ami, sans doute
comprendraient-ils mieux les racines du "terrorisme mondial". Mais le
narcissisme idéologique, aggravé par les progrès foudroyants de
l'inculture, les rend de plus en plus incapables de cet effort simple
et salutaire : se mettre à la place d'autrui...


1. « The departing administration had refused to hand over four police
and army generals indicted by the tribunal in October. They were
accused of committing war crimes in Kosovo. The arrest warrants
announced by the court's chief prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte, became a
major issue during the election campaign, and politicians here said it
contributed to the nationalists' victory.»
2. Une documentation photographique sur cette apocalypse du patrimoine
chrétien de l'Europe est disponible sur:
3. Le 7 décembre dernier, le Daily Mirror publiait une enquête choc de
deux de ses reporters, qui avaient pu acheter de grandes quantités de
semtex (explosif militaire surpuissant) auprès de responsables kosovars
nommés dans l'article. Ils précisaient : « Nous avons fait notre deal
au Kosovo, une pépinière de fanatiques liés à Al-Qaida».

Surveillance des aberrations médiatiques.
Abonnement, désabonnement : écrire à tv-stop@...