
+++ Gedenken an 78 Tage Bombenangriffe +++

BELGRAD, 25. März 2002. Gestern wurde in
ganz Serbien Gedenkfeiern abgehalten, die an
die Bombardierung Jugoslawiens durch die
NATO, vor drei Jahren gedenken. In den 78
Tagen der Bombardierung, sind etwa 3.500
Menschen umgekommen in Jugoslawien, davon
war der größte Teil Zivilisten. Die genau
Zahl der Opfer der Bombenangriffe wurde nie
festgestellt. In allen Kirchen der
serbisch-orthodoxen Kirche wird jedes Jahr
an diesem Tag Gedenkgottesdienste
abgehalten, der an die Opfer der
NATO-Bombenangriffe gedenken soll. Der
Präsident Jugoslawiens, Vojislav Kostunica,
hielt zu diesem Anlass eine Rede, in der er
mahnte, das man diese Tag und die
Bombenangriffe nicht vergessen darf, und das
wir mit denen zusammenarbeiten müssen die
Bomben aus 20.000 höhe auf unschuldige
Menschen geworfen haben und das der Krieg
der NATO gegen Jugoslawien, mit dem
Zynischen Namen "Friedlicher Engel", nicht
den versprochenen Frieden gebracht haben.



Subject: Belgrad: Demonstration zum 3.
Jahrestag der NATO-Aggression
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 10:36:53 +0100
From: "Klaus von Raussendorff" <redaktion@...>

International Committee to Defend Slobodan
Milosevic (ICDSM) - German Section
Internationales Komitee für die Verteidigung
von Slobodan Milosevic - Deutsche Sektion

c/o Klaus Hartmann
Schillstraße 7
D-63067 Offenbach am Main
T/F: -69 - 83 58 50
e-mail: vorstand@...
05-2002 27.03.2002

24. März 2002 in Belgrad:
"Freiheit für Slobodan - Freiheit für alle!"
Demonstration zum 3. Jahrestag der NATO-Aggression

Drei Jahre nach Beginn des 78 Tage währenden
Bombardements Jugoslawiens
durch die Länder des NATO-Paktes
versammelten sich in Belgrad Zehntausende,
um das Gedächtnis an dieses Verbrechen wach
zu halten und gegen das Diktat
der neuen Weltordner zu protestieren.

Während des Demonstrationszuges von über
30.000 Demonstranten durch die
Belgrader Innenstadt, bei
Zwischenkundgebungen vor dem serbischen
Regierungsgebäude und dem Parlament
Jugoslawiens sowie der Kundgebung mit
über 50.000 Teilnehmern auf dem zentralen
Platz der Republik stand die
Forderung nach sofortiger Freilassung von
Slobodan Milosevic im Mittelpunkt.

Zu Beginn der Kundgebung wurde der Opfer der
NATO-Aggression in einer
Schweigeminute gedacht. Stürmisch begrüßt
wurden die ausländischen Gäste,
Prof. Dr. Velko Valkanov (Bulgarien),
Co-Präsident des Internationalen
Komitees für die Verteidigung von Slobodan
Milosevic, die beiden
Vize-Präsidenten Klaus Hartmann
(Deutschland) und Niko Varkevisser
(Niederlande) sowie Vertreter aus
Griechenland, Großbritannien, Rumänien,
Russland und anderen Ländern.

Die Kundgebungsredner informierten über den
fortgesetzten Terror in Kosovo
und Metochien unter Kfor-Aufsicht, klagten
die Regierung Serbiens des
Ausverkaufs und der Konspiration gegen das
eigene Land im NATO-Auftrag an,
wie der jüngste Spionagefall des
Vize-Regierungschefs nachdrücklich
dokumentiert, ebenso wurde die Entführung
Slobodan Milosevics nach Den Haag
als illegal und verfassungswidrig
gebrandmarkt. Gefordert wurde die
Abschaffung des NATO-Gerichtshofs in Den
Haag, das sich als Instrument der
fortgesetzten Aggression gegen Jugoslawien
und der Förderung des Terrorismus
erwiesen hat.

Heftig kritisiert wurde auch das jüngste
EU-vermittelte Abkommen, das an die
Stelle Jugoslawiens einen losen Bund von
Serbien und Montenegro treten
lassen soll. Dessen dreijährige Befristung
zeige, dass dies nur eine Etappe
bis zur endgültigen Trennung sein soll und
eine Ermunterung zu weiteren
Aufspaltungen. Es stelle einen
unüberbietbaren Zynismus dar, wenn der als
damaliger NATO-Generalsekretär für die
Aggression gegen Jugoslawien
verantwortliche Solana nun das "Ende
Jugoslawiens" triumphierend verkünden
könne, und eine Marionettenregierung ihm
dabei noch assistiere.

Dagegen wurde hervorgehoben, dass das
Auftreten von Slobodan Milosevic vor
dem Haager "Tribunal" eindrucksvoll davon
Zeugnis ablege, wie die Interessen
der Bevölkerung und des Staates verteidigt
werden müssen, und dies eine
Ermutigung für alle darstelle, die der
NATO-Aggression Widerstand leisteten,
und die auch in Zukunft für Frieden,
Freiheit und Menschenwürde einstehen

Am Tag vor der Demonstration und Kundgebung
haben Teilnehmer eines
Internationalen Runden Tischs in Belgrad aus
Anlass des 3. Jahrestages der
NATO-Aggression eine gemeinsame Resolution
verabschiedet, in der die
uneingeschränkte Unterstützung für die
Bewahrung, die Integrität und die
Entwicklung Jugoslawiens als dem
bedeutendsten Garanten von Frieden und
Stabilität in der Region erklärt wird. Sie
unterstreichen die volle
Verantwortung der NATO-Führer für das
Aggressionsverbrechen und fordern die
vollen Kompensation aller Kriegsschäden
sowie den Abzug aller NATO-Truppen
vom Balkan.

Gefordert wird in der Erklärung die
unverzügliche Freilassung von Slobodan
Milosevic und das Ende der Jagd auf all
jene, die gegen Terrorismus und für
die Freiheit und Integrität Jugoslawiens
kämpften. Die Teilnehmer des
Internationalen Runden Tisches fordern von
den internationalen Gremien
unverzügliche konkrete und entschlossene
Schritte, um die sichere Rückkehr
aller aus Kosovo und Metochien Vertriebenen
zu gewährleisten, ebenso die
Aufklärung des Schicksals der rund 4.000
seit der NATO-Aggression
ermordeten, entführten und "vermissten"
Serben und anderer Nicht-Albaner.

Am 25. März 2002 informierte die
Organisation "SLOBODA" (Freiheit)
anlässlich einer Pressekonferenz über die
unzuträglichen Haftbedingungen von
Slobodan Milosevic. Fünf volle Prozesstage
pro Woche lassen lediglich
eingeschränkte Zeit für Essen, Duschen etc.
zu, oft ist ein Aufenthalt in
frischer Luft nur am Wochenende stundenweise
möglich. Solche Bedingungen
überforderten bereits einen jüngeren und
gesunden Häftling. Allein zeitlich
ist die Vorbereitung auf die Verteidigung
erheblich eingeschränkt, hinzu
kommt, dass lediglich ein öffentliches
Kartentelefon zur Verfügung steht,
das nicht einmal eine Unterlage zum
Schreiben bietet, keine Anrufe ins
Gefängnis zulässt, und nachts nicht
funktioniert. Im Gegensatz zu anderen
Inhaftierten, die 15 Tage dauernden
Familienbesuch bekommen können, hat Frau
Prof. Dr. Mira Markovic bisher nur wenige
3-Tages-Visa erhalten. Diese
Gesamtsituation beeinträchtigt die
Gesundheit von Slobodan Milosevic
nachhaltig negativ, mit dem Ergebnis eines
ständig stark überhöhten
Blutdrucks mit allen Folgerisiken. Gefordert
wurde eine dauerhafte ärztliche
Überwachung durch ein internationales

Klaus Hartmann, Vizepräsident des
Internationalen Komitees für die
Verteidigung von Slobodan Milosevic, erhob
den Vorwurf, das dieses
"Tribunal" gezielt auf psychische und
physische Torturen setze. "Der
bisherige Verlauf hat bei den Veranstaltern
des Schauprozesses die
begründete Überzeugung reifen lassen, dass
sie gegen Slobodan Milosevic
nicht gewinnen können. Sie sind offenbar
bereit, eine andere ,Lösung' in
Betracht zu ziehen - einschließlich der
physischen Vernichtung des

Das Internationale Komitee bleibe bei seiner
grundsätzlichen Forderung nach
sofortiger Abschaffung des Haager Tribunals,
da seine pure Existenz
völkerrechtswidrig und ein Verbrechen gegen
den Frieden sei. Unabhängig
davon sei es nun aber an der Zeit, verstärkt
die Stimme zu erheben, damit
Slobodan Milosevic uneingeschränkte
medizinische Überwachung und Behandlung
erhalte, dass Zahl und Dauer der
Verhandlungstage der körperlichen
Verfassung und Leistungsfähigkeit angepasst
werden. Weiterhin ist endlich
der uneingeschränkte Zugang aller
Rechtsberater zu gewährleisten, die
Besuchsmöglichkeiten für Familie und Freunde
sind auszuweiten.

Nach den Worten von Klaus Hartmann sei es
zwar völlig illusionär, angesichts
des Haager "Tribunals", das den ganzen
NATO-Apparat und Multimilliardäre als
Finanziers hinter sich habe, so etwas wie
"Chancengleichheit" zu verlangen.
Ein Minimum an Rechtsstaatlichkeit verlange
jedoch, dass ein Angeklagter
Zeit und technische Möglichkeiten zu seiner
Verteidigung haben müsse. Dazu
sei eine Haftentlassung unabdingbar. "Oder
können Sie sich vorstellen,"
fragte Hartmann die anwesenden
Pressevertreter, "wie Sie heute Ihren Job
machen sollten ohne Internet- oder
e-mail-Anschluss?" Kopfschütteln und
Lachen war die Antwort aus dem Saal.

In diesem Sinne kündigte "SLOBODA" und das
Internationale Komitee neue
Initiativen gegenüber dem Tribunal, den
UN-Gremien und den nationalen
Regierungen an. Klaus Hartmann: "Notfalls
müssen die Veranstalter der Show
in Den Haag mit einer Lawine von Briefen und
Petitionen überhäuft werden,
bis diese Minimalforderungen erfüllt sind,
und die insbesondere klarmacht:
Die friedliebende internationale
Öffentlichkeit wird keine Lynchjustiz
hinnehmen, die Haager Veranstalter tragen
die uneingeschränkte Verantwortung
für all ihr Tun oder Unterlassen,
einschließlich der Konsequenzen für die
Entwicklung in den Balkanstaaten."



Bericht von der Kundgebung zum 24.März 2002 in Wien

Zum Beginn der Kundgebung versammelten sich
250 bis 300 Menschen am Graben in der Wiener
Innenstadt. Der traditionelle Treffpunkt der
NATO-Gegner und Gegnerinnen - Stock-im-Eisen
Platz - wo zwei Jahre lang die Kundgebungen
am 24. März stattgefunden hatten, wurde
diesmal von der Polizei untersagt.

Zur Gedenk- und Protestkundgebung anlässlich
des zweiten Jahrestages der Nato-Aggression
gegen Jugoslawien hatte die
Solidaritätsbewegung (JÖSB) aufgerufen, die
aus der Protestbewegung gegen den Krieg in
Jugoslawien 1999 hervorgegangen ist.

Die Kundgebung wurde vom stellvertretenden
Vorsitzenden der JÖSB, Lazar Bilanovic, mit
einer Schweigeminute für die Opfer eröffnet.
Die Teilnehmer gedachten der Opfer und
zündeten Kerzen an.
Es sprachen ganz in der Tradition der
Anti-Nato-Kundgebungen vor drei Jahren
Slavko Zivanovic als serbischer Grüner, die
Dichterinnen Rada Pena, Olgica Kapsarov und
Vjera Raskovic-Zec. Von österreichischer
Seite ergriffen Waltraud Stiefsohn von der
Volksstimme, Margaritha Langthaler von der
Antiimperialistischen Koordination und
Andreas Babler von der Sozialistischen
Jugend Wiens, das Wort. Die
SJ-Niederösterreich hatte die Kundgebung
ebenfalls unterstützt. Weiters sprach
Stevan Raducic für die KJÖ. Susi Jerusalem
von den Grünen ist trotz Zusage nicht zur
Protestkundgebung erschienen. Es wurden auch
zwei Grußbotschaften verlesen. Kurt
Köpruner, in Deutschland lebender Autor des
Buches ?Reisen in das Land der Kriege -
Erlebnisse eines Fremden in Jugoslawien?
hatte in seiner Botschaft betont: ?Was vor
drei Jahren in Jugoslawien geschah, setzt
sich heute in Afghanistan fort. Und die
nächsten Ziele zeichnen sich schon ab. An
die fünf Dutzend Staaten stehen auf der
vielzitierten ?Schwarzen Liste? der
sogenannten Schurkenstaaten?.
Die zweite Botschaft erfolgte von Malte
Olschewski, ehemaliger ORF-Korrespondent und
Buchautor u.a. von ?Von den Karawanken bis
zum Kosovo - Die geheime Geschichte der
Kriege in Jugoslawien?. Er betonte, dass die
Bombardierung Jugoslawiens nur ein Baustein
einer größeren Strategie, mit der die USA
über die Globalisierung die Welt
durchdringen und durchwesen wollen, war und
dass man Widerstand gegen die Globalisierung
leisten müsse, indem man schon individuell
auf den Kauf von ?lebensunnötigen,
überflüssigen Gütern? verzichten solle. ?Das
ist ein Pfeil, der direkt ins Herz der
Globalisierung fährt?, so Olschewski an die
Versammlung. Hannes Hofbauer, in Wien
lebender Publizist und Autor des Buches
?Balkankrieg - Die Zertsörung Jugoslawiens -
konnte diesmal nicht in Wien sprechen, da er
aus gleichem Anlass auf einer Kundgebung in
Berlin anwesend war; ebenso Gerhard Ruiss,
Geschäftsführer der "IG-AutorInnen", der
Interessensgemeinschaft österreichischer
Für die JÖSB sprach Jelica Redzic.
Margarethe Gal, antifaschistische
Widerstandskämpferin und Aktivistin der
JÖSB, schloss die Kundgebung.

Wir möchten anschließend auf eine Termin
aufmerksam machen:

31.3. Dokumentation: "Es begann mit einer Lüge"

Deutschland, Erstausstrahlung: 8.02 2001

Aus aktuellem Anlass zeigt das
Vorstadtzentrum neuerlich die wichtigste
Fernsehdokumentation über die
NATO-Aggression gegen Jugoslawien: "Es
begann mit einer Lüge". Zwei WDR-Redakteure
gingen im Kosovo den Medienlügen auf den
Grund, die zur Initialzündung für den
damaligen Kriegseinsatz wurden.
"Operationsplan Hufeisen", das
"Konzentrationslager" im Fußballstadion von
Pristina, das Massaker an Zivilisten in
Racak - das waren die zentralen Argumente
für die Bomben der NATO. Dahinter
versteckten sich bewusste Fälschungen der
westlichen Medien und Politker.

WO? Vorstadtzentrum XV, Meiselstraße 46/4,
1150 Wien

WANN? 18 Uhr 30

Jugoslawisch Österreichische
Solidaritätsbewegung JÖSB
PF 217
A-1040 Wien
Tel&Fax: (+43 1) 924 31 61

Subject: FYROM: Terrorist Chief Elected Head Of 'Coordinative
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 03:41:40 -0800 (PST)
From: Rick Rozoff


[A brief background piece on Ali Ahmeti follows]

Balkan Report
Ali Ahmeti Elected President Of Coordinative Council

All Kosovo dailies today report on the appointment of
Ali Ahmeti, the former political leader of the NLA, as
the president of the Co-ordination Council of the
Albanians in Macedonia, in a meeting held yesterday in
Tetova. A communiqué issued by the Council said that
Ahmeti?s unanimous election ?proved the unity of the
Macedonian Albanians to develop and promote democratic
values as a factor of stability and integration of
Macedonia into the Euro-Atlantic structures?. In other
news, Koha Ditore reports that despite NATO calls for
Macedonian Interior Minister Ljube Boskovski to
disband the special ?Lions? police unit created during
the crisis, Boskovski announced on Saturday that this
unit is a regular police unit. The minister was
speaking at a ceremony marking the completion of a
three-month training course in Manastir for members of
this unit. His announcement follows international
criticism that Lions are an illegitimate police unit.

Rights Watch: Dear Mr. Ahmeti
by Rick Rozoff

August 1, 2001

Human Rights Watch, whose interests and positions so
closely (suspiciously if you like) parallel those of
the United States State Department, politely requests
that the political leader of the self-styled National
Liberation Army in Macedonia, the lifelong separatist
extremist Ali Ahmeti, abide by "international
humanitarian law." (The Human Rights Watch appeal is
appended below.)
Though, contrary to the title of the missive, the
letter in fact requests that both sides in the
conflict - the legitimate, legally-elected government,
and the armed insurgency launched from Kosovo and
Albania - respect Common Article 3 of the Geneva
Conventions pertaining to what Human Rights Watch
characterizes as "internal armed conflicts." In
keeping with HRW's stated policy of 'deferring
judgment' on the legitimacy of said internal armed
conflicts, its spokeperson, Holly Cartner, fully
equates the aggressor and the victim; the
legally-constituted authority, which is not accused of
either provoking or even creating any pretext for the
armed uprising, and the crime syndicate-linked and
-funded racial terrorists.
In the interim between the deferential letter from Ms.
Carter to Mr. Ahmeti almost three months ago and now,
Ahmeti and his pan-Albanian mercenaries have unleashed
a full-scale insurrection throughout the nation,
ethnically cleansing dozens of villages and
contributing to the displacement of - by some
estimates - over 120,000 civilians, a sizeable
percentage of Macedonia's two million people. Human
Rights Watch has kept a low profile since on this
issue, except for reports on alleged mistreatment of
ethnic Albanians and Western press personnel. When an
organization like HRW advances its concerns from those
affecting non-combatants in "internal armed conflicts"
to the mistreatment, real or fancied, of insurgents -
which is certainly impending - then it crosses the
threshold of supposed impartiality into treating the
belligerents as equal parties to the conflict, and
thus "internationalizes" what in truth is a matter of
internal criminal law enforcement. That HRW has at
least left the door open for such a prospect is
evident by Cartner's following up her reference to the
Geneva Conventions by her revealing invocation of the
"fundamental principle[s] of the laws of war."

Who is Dear Mr. Ahmeti?

Holly Cartner, Executive Director of Human Rights
Watch's Europe and Central Asia Division, has kept a
close enough eye on the Balkans over the past years to
know who she was so respectfully writing to. For
anyone not familiar with Mr. Ahmeti, whose history
suggests someone anything but dear, he possesses, to
employ an expression familiar to the American if not
the Albanian underworld, a rap sheet as long as his
Regarding his recent activties, in addition to waging
war against the sovereign nation of Macedonia and its
civilian population from his base in Prizren in
Kosovo, Ahmeti reportedly found time to appear on an
Australian radio broadcast and announce the launching
of a Liberation Army of Chameria in Northern Greece,
claiming he already had fighters and weapons in place
When questioned about this, the latest plan for his
decades' old project for a Greater Albania, he denied
it - but then Ahmeti has denied a number of things in
his lifetime.
Had he been asked about his clandestine meeting with
American OSCE representative Robert Frowick in mid-May
of this year - a meeting held in Ahmeti's headquarters
in Kosovo with Macedonian ethnic Albanian political
leaders, and cabinet ministers, Arben Xhaferi and Imer
Imeri - he might well have denied that also, except
that Frowick himself didn't deny that it occurred. In
a feature in the London Times on March 19, 2001,
"Albanians Insist Their Victory Is Inevitable," writer
Anthony Loyd, commenting on the NLA in Macedonia, had
this to say about Mr. Ahmeti's antecedents:
"Intelligence reports name four main figures,
including Ali Ahmeti and Emrush Xhemajii, as leaders.
Both men owe their political allegiance to the Popular
Movement for Kosovo, the LPK, which set up the KLA in
1993 and created the Homeland Calling funding scheme
among Albanians abroad. The scheme still exists and
funding for the NLA has been launched, say diplomats."

But his record as an ethnic separatist goes back
farther than 1993. Though born in what is now the
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, he attended the
University of Pristina in the Serbian province of
Kosovo in 1981, where he was active in pan-Albanian
agitation and was arrested by federal authorities
He subsequently left for Switzerland, where he joined
up with his uncle, Fazli Veliu, to set up an
international operation to raise funds and recruit
fighters for insurrections in Kosovo and elsewhere; an
operation that several investigations establish was
funded by narcotics trafficking and the European sex
slave trade.
On this score the German newspaper Die Welt reported
in March, in an article about the Albanian mafia, that
the NLA in Macedonia was indeed funded by the drug
trade and by a "war tax" levied on ethnic Albanians
living abroad.
Ali Ahmeti and Fazli Veliu (the second arrested on
terrorism charges in Germany last year, but released
shortly thereafter) are identified as key ringleaders
in the crime syndicate/armed insurgency collaboration.
Ahmeti, after leaving Switzerland for the first time,
returned to Yugoslavia to help found the so-called
Kosovo Liberation Army, as noted above, and appears to
be the key liaison between the fighters on the ground
and the Transatlantic ethnic Albanian gun-running and
recruitment operation feeding the first with
personnel, funds and weapons.
In the past twenty six months since NATO-led KFOR
forces occupied Kosovo, with their KLA adjuncts in
tow, Ahmeti - who during the fighting had been a
commander for the infamous war criminal Ramush
Haradinaj - returned to Kosovo where he set up
operation in Prizren.
It was there, and recall that Ahmeti claims to be a
citizen of Macedonia concerned about alleged "civil
rights" in that nation, that he met with the heads of
Macedonia's two largest ethnic political parties, the
Democratic Party of Albanians and the Party for
Democratic Progress, under the auspices of U.S. OSCE
operative Robert Frowick.
It may also have been in Prizren, if not in Skopje
itself, that, according to the Skopje newspaper
Makedonija Denes, Ahmeti met with former NATO head and
current European Union foreign affairs chief Javier
Solana, with Kosovo Protection Corps commander and war
criminal Agim Ceku, and with KLA commander Haradinaj.
According to a Yugoslav Tanjug account of the
Macedonian paper's story, "It was agreed that Solana,
currently visiting Macedonia, bring pressure to bear
on the Macedonian government to halt the government
forces' operations for liberating Aracinovo village
near the capital Skopje" - the site of the U.S.-led
rescue of a hundred or more NLA fighters shortly
Although Ahmeti recently made it on to the U.S. black
list and is also persona non grata in Switzerland of
late, his movements in and out of Kosovo, surely known
to if not coordinated by NATO's KFOR contingent, seem
blissfully unimpeded.
Lastly, to reflect on both Human Rights Watch and on
its dear Mr. Ahmeti, five days before Holly Cartner's
ever so reverential letter was issued, Ahmeti's
terrorists ambushed and killed eight Macedonian
security personnel.
Ahmeti told a Reuters reporter after the incident
that, "Our soldiers acted in self-defense." And no
doubt, in his mind and in Ms. Cartner's, according to
Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions relating to
"internal armed conflicts" and to "humanitarian law."
For the above crime was not mentioned in the exchange
between Dear Mr. Ahmeti and Holly Cartner,
Letter to NLA Political Spokesman Ali Ahmeti
May 4, 2001
Mr. Ali Ahmeti
Political Spokesman for the National Liberation Army
Dear Mr. Ahmeti,
Human Rights Watch is a privately funded international
non-governmental organization dedicated to documenting
human rights abuses throughout the world. In the past
ten years, we have committed substantial time and
effort to investigating violations of human rights and
humanitarian law in the former Yugoslavia. We have
documented violations of international humanitarian
law by all sides of the armed conflicts in Croatia,
Bosnia, Kosovo, and the NATO war with the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia.
Reports of the renewed conflict in the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia between security forces and
armed groups of ethnic Albanians raise concerns
relating to adherence to international humanitarian
law. As in all other conflicts in the territory of the
former Yugoslavia, our principal concern is that all
parties involved respect civilian immunity and ensure
the protection of civilians.
Human Rights Watch wants to express its concern that
the groups organized under the name of National
Liberation Army (NLA) take all measures to comply with
basic principles of international humanitarian law
applicable to situations of internal armed conflict,
and enshrined in Common Article 3 of the Geneva
Conventions. This provision protects those who do not
take an active part in hostilities from the most
serious violations, including acts of murder, torture
and cruel treatment, the taking of hostages, outrages
upon personal dignity, and the passing of sentences
and the carrying out of executions without previous
judgement pronounced by a regularly constituted court.

With regard to the renewed fighting, the NLA
leadership should refrain from any attacks against
civilians, attacks and reprisals against civilian
objects, as well as threats of violence the primary
purpose of which is to spread terror among the
civilian population.
We also call on the NLA leadership to ensure that the
civilian population of the affected areas enjoys as
much protection as possible against dangers of harm
resulting from the fighting. The most fundamental
principle of the laws of war requires that combatants
be distinguished from noncombatants, and that military
objectives be distinguished from protected property or
protected places. Parties to a conflict must direct
their operations only against military objectives
(including combatants). Also, the use of civilians as
shields for defensive positions, to hide military
objectives or to screen attacks, violates the
principles of the international humanitarian law.
We also note that the jurisdiction of the
International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia (ICTY) applies to serious violations of
international humanitarian law committed after 1991 on
the territory of the former Yugoslavia, including the
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Human Rights Watch also recognizes the obligations of
the Macedonian security forces to uphold the standards
of international humanitarian law and urges their
adherence to these norms. Letters expressing Human
Rights Watch's concerns to this effect are being sent
to the president and the prime minister of the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
We hope, Mr. Ahmeti, that you will give serious
thought to the points addressed in this letter and,
guided by consideration for human life and well-being,
do everything in your power to ensure that the NLA
respects obligations under international humanitarian
Holly Cartner
Executive Director
Europe and Central Asia Division
cc: Mrs. Carla Del Ponte, Chief Prosecutor, ICTY

"...Le occhiaie cave, i volti smagriti dei detenuti musulmano-bosniaci
nei campi di prigionia di Trnopolje, le scapole affioranti, le costole
che traspaiono dalla pelle senza più carne. La visione di quei corpi
provoca nella mente di chi li guarda un cortocircuito incontrollato che
li mette in collegamento con altri volti, altri corpi, altro filo
spinato di cinquant?anni prima. Un?altra guerra, ma la stessa Europa ?Lo
sguardo gelido del dittatore sulle immagini dell?orrore?e".

La Repubblica, 14.2.2002, p. 9

La truffa mediatica sul "Lager di Trnopolje", organizzata dalla troupe
del network inglese ITN, e' stata smascherata da circa otto anni da
parte del giornalista tedesco Deichmann, che in merito ha pubblicato
reportage sule riviste "Living Marxism" e "Konkret". Si veda anche il
dettagliato documento video "The Judgement" a cura di Jared Israel

Subject: Novo izdanje: RATNI ZLOCINI NATO-a
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 13:47:47 +0100
From: J.Elsasser@... (Jürgen Elsässer)
To: <juergen-elsaesser@...>

Molim vas saljite ovu poruku dalje

Juergen Elsaesser/Jirgen Elzeser,
Tel xx49-331-6005211, Fax xx49-331-6005213
Email J.Elsasser@...

Dragi prijatelji,
postovane dame i gospodo!

"Jirgen Elzeser pokazuje, da je Nemacka u svojoj politici o Jugoslaviji
posle ujedinjenja tamo nastavila, gde je posle drugog svetskog rata
zaustavljena" rekao je Slobodan Milosevic u svojoj odbrani u Hagu o
mojoj knjizi "Kriegsverbrechen" ("RATNI ZLOCINI"). Becke novine "Die
Presse" pisale su: "Ako (nemacki ministar spoljne politike) Joska Fiser
mora dati ostavku, onda zbog ove knjige."

Veoma se radujem, da vam mogu objaviti, da ova u Nemackoj (cetri izdanja
do danas) veoma uspesna knjiga se sada konacno objavljuje i u
Izdavacka kuca Jasen ce krajem marta pod naslovom "RATNI ZLOCINI -
Bestidne la?i i ?rtve NATO-a u kosovskom sukobu" izdati knjigu na
(Ili se moze naruciti u izdavackoj kuci Jasen, Tel/Fax 011-188169).

Radi objavljivanja moje knjige, licno cu prisustvovati na sledecim
knjizevnim vecerima, na koje i vas srdacno pozivam:

Beograd, 28.03.2002, 18.15 sati, Kolarac

Slede knjizevne veceri u Niksicu i Trebinju.

U Nemackoj ce se knjiga predstaviti u Hamburgu (srpska-pravoslavna
crkva, 12. 04., 19.30 sati), u Bielefeldu (Jugoslovenski Klub, 13.04.,
14.00 sati) i u Berlinu (srpska-pravoslavna crkva, termin jos nije

Takodje vam stojim za ubuduce knjízevne veceri na raspolaganju.

Izmedju ostalog, uskoro ce se moja knjiga objaviti na italijanskom i na
francuskom jeziku.

Zahvaljujem se za vase interesovanje i srdacno vas pozdravljam.

Juergen Elsaesser/Jirgen Elzeser

Bestellmöglichkeit AUSSERHALB Jugoslawiens für »Ratni Zlocini«:
Sie können das Buch direkt über mich bekommen. Es gibt zwei
a) Schicken Sie 15 Euro in einem Briefumschlag an mich privat
(Juergen Elsaesser, An der Parforceheide 124, 14480 Potsdam). Absender
nicht vergessen!
b) Überweisen Sie 15 Euro auf mein Konto bei der Sparda Bank Berlin
(BLZ 12096597, KtNr 1036050). Bitte Adresse deutlich auf das
Überweisungsformular schreiben.


Bestidne la?i i ?rtve NATO-a u kosovskom sukobu"


Okeanija ratuje

»Rampa u Srebrenici«
Pripreme NATO-a za rat protiv Jugoslavije pocele su 1995.

Borci za slobodu
Teror Oslobodilacke vojske Kosova pre rata i dezinformacije u zapadnoj

Racak i cutljiva gospoda Ranta
Autopsijski izvestaji demanutuju verziju NATO-a o srpskom masakru

Spretno izvedeno
Sta se dogodilo u Rambujeu?

Wag the dog - Ratom protiv istine
Kako je NATO izmislio srpsku akciju proterivanja Albanaca -
operaciju »Potkovica«

Seks, la?i i video trake
Tajno oru?je NATO-a protiv Miloseviceve propagande

Gde su smrtonosna polja?
Ratna propaganda sa izvestajima o stotinama hiljada masakriranih

Zaboravljene masovne grobnice
»Kolateralne stete« bombardovanja i cinizam odgovornih

Prizren - grad bez Srba
La? o beskprekornoj nemackoj vojsci

Albanski fasizam
Bajka o multietnickoj buducnosti Kosova kao protektorat NATO-a

Osiromaseni kredibilitet
Diskusija na zapadu o uranskoj municiji je licemerna

»Pocelo je jednom la?i«
Kako pravosude i politika u Nemackoj reaguju na nove dokaze po pitanju
ratne krivice


»Libanizacija zemlje«
Strani novinski izvestaji i ekspertize o situaciji na Kosovu od pocetka
sedamdesetih do pocetka devedesetih godina

»Pogorsavanje situacije nije ustanovljeno«
Nemacko Ministarstvo inostranih poslova o situaciji na Kosovu od 1990.
do kraja 1997.

»Razlikovanje boraca OVK od civila je tesko«
Nemacko Ministarstvo inostranih poslova o eskalaciji na Kosovu od
proleca 1998.

Jirgen Elzeser
Gomile leseva samo po pricama
Analiza studije OEBS-a As Seen, As Told o povredama ljudskih prava na

Walter Rockler

Mar 21st 2002
The Economist

-The attack on Yugoslavia constitutes the most brazen
international aggression since the Nazis attacked
Poland to prevent ?Polish atrocities? against Germans.
The United States has discarded pretensions to
international legality and decency, and embarked on a
course of raw imperialism run amok...When we, the
self-anointed rulers of the planet, issue an ultimatum
to another country, it is ?surrender or die?. To
maintain our ?credibility?, we must crush any
semblance of resistance to our dictates to that

WHAT people seemed to find most interesting in Walter
Rockler's long career as a lawyer was that he had
taken part in the Nuremberg trials. What were the
Nazis really like, he would be asked, Hitler, Goering
and that lot? Hitler never stood trial, he would
patiently remind those whose knowledge of history many
years before they were born was a bit fuzzy. Goering
stood trial and committed suicide. Ten other
defendants were hanged. But, Mr Rockler would add, he
never saw Goering and co. Their trials were disposed
of in 1946, shortly after the end of the second world
war. Mr Rockler arrived in Germany in 1947.

He had answered an advertisement for lawyers to
prosecute a second group of defendants, those accused
of collaborating in war crimes. During the war Mr
Rockler had served as a marine in the Pacific and had
learnt Japanese. He suggested that he might be sent to
Tokyo to prosecute Japanese war criminals. But the
Japanese trials were coming to an end, and Douglas
MacArthur, Japan's American overlord, was not keen to
prolong the agony. In Germany thousands still awaited
the victors' justice. Walter Rockler, a recent
graduate of Harvard University's law school, was
provided with a German phrase book and dispatched

For two years he took part in trials of bankers and
industrialists who had had a hand in the systematic
murder of millions of people and in the illegal
pursuit of war. In 1995, at a conference to mark the
50th anniversary of the start of the trials, he
expressed mixed feelings about their value. Was it
that Nuremberg law was created ex post-facto to suit
the passion and clamour of the time, a view that had
been expressed by William Douglas, a member of the
Supreme Court? No, it wasn't that exactly. Although
some had criticised the trials, they had an important
symbolic value. But they had had no substantial
impact, Mr Rockler said. ?Wars and savagery have not
been deterred.? There had been frequent violations of
the Nuremberg judgment that ?no political or economic
situation? can justify initiating a war of aggression,
and he believed they would continue. Worse, the
violators had included the United States, which had
taken the lead in setting up the Nuremberg trials.

A visit to Russia
Walter Rockler was not by nature a rebel. After
leaving Germany he made tax law his main expertise,
practising it in Chicago, New York and latterly for 36
years in Washington. He had a brief break from private
practice in the 1970s when Henry Kissinger, then
secretary of state, asked him to go to Moscow to
examine a Soviet dossier on possible Nazi-sympathisers
in the United States. Mr Rockler was more intrigued by
the prospect of visiting the Russia from which his
parents had emigrated than of talking to the KGB.
Nevertheless, on his return to the United States he
dutifully accepted the directorship of a new unit set
up by the government to find American Nazis. Nothing
much came from his Nazi hunt, and he left the unit
after two years to resume his tax battles with the
Internal Revenue Service.

However, reawakened memories of the Nuremberg trials
eventually turned Mr Rockler into a critic of American
foreign policy. His concern came to a head with the
bombing of Yugoslavia by American aircraft acting for
NATO. In May 1999 he sent a letter to the Chicago
Tribune, the newspaper of the town where he grew up
and where he received his education before going to
Harvard. It said in part

"The attack on Yugoslavia constitutes the most brazen
international aggression since the Nazis attacked
Poland to prevent ?Polish atrocities? against Germans.
The United States has discarded pretensions to
international legality and decency, and embarked on a
course of raw imperialism run amok...When we, the
self-anointed rulers of the planet, issue an ultimatum
to another country, it is ?surrender or die?. To
maintain our ?credibility?, we must crush any
semblance of resistance to our dictates to that

Strong words. Even so, in a world where millions upon
millions of words are published each day, Mr Rockler
was surprised by the impact of a letter in a local
paper. As it was republished hither and thither he
found himself a hero of liberals in America and
Europe, a new personality on television, a guest on
the campus circuit, always introduced as a former
prosecutor at Nuremberg. ?Who gave us the authority to
run the world?? he demanded of an audience at
Princeton University. Bill Clinton had violated the
constitution by declaring war, a power entrusted to a
?supine Congress, fascinated only by details of sexual

Criticism of Mr Rockler was muted. It was difficult to
knock an obviously respectable and intelligent man
just because he was letting off steam. What he did do
was to create a debate about the importance of the
Nuremberg judgment. How do you define ?a war of
aggression?? Could it be in some circumstances a
defensive war? Discuss.

The United States is now engaged, under another
president, in another war. What would Walter Rockler
have said about that? No one knows. For some time Mr
Rockler had been battling against lung cancer, and


A. Martocchia
Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia

(Contributo scritto per il seminario "DAL GOLFO ALL'AFGHANISTAN,
organizzato dalla Ass. "Pianeta Futuro" a Pisa il 22/3/2002)

La disgregazione della Repubblica Federativa Socialista di Jugoslavia -
per tutto il secondo dopoguerra Stato-cuscinetto tra i due blocchi, che
godeva di ampia autonomia e prestigio nello scenario mondiale - e' stata
voluta, agevolata e sancita dalle consorterie occidentali, come
conseguenza della loro "vittoria" al termine della Guerra Fredda.
L'interesse strategico dei paesi imperialisti per i Balcani risulta
evidente gia' solo abbozzando una stringata cronologia del loro ruolo
nel processo di disgregazione e soggiogamento, in atto ormai da piu' di
dieci anni; e d'altronde, non per caso questa semplice operazione di
"mettere in fila" gli avvenimenti non viene generalmente compiuta da
nessun commentatore sulla stampa borghese, stampa che ha preferito e
preferisce tuttora sbizarrirsi con interpretazioni irrazionalistiche e
lombrosiane, dal contenuto fortemente disinformativo.


Il 29/11/1990, mentre si festeggia per l'ultima volta la festa nazionale
in Jugoslavia, tutti i giornali pubblicano le "rivelazioni" della CIA
che giura che il paese si sta per disintegrare. All'inizio dello stesso
mese il Congresso USA aveva approvato la legge 101/513 per l'appoggio a
tutte le leadership liberiste, nazionaliste e secessioniste.

Il 15/1/1992 i paesi della Comunita' Europea, nonostante la situazione
altamente pericolosa ed instabile sul terreno, riconoscono formalmente
le secessioni slovena e croata, sancendo cosi' gli effetti della
"forzatura" di parte tedesca e vaticana. Successivamente, la Bosnia
verra' invitata a seguire l'esempio attraverso l'indizione di un
referendum illegittimo e largamente boicottato dalla popolazione.

La diretta conseguenza del riconoscimento della indipendenza della
Bosnia-Erzegovina saranno tre anni di guerra fratricida. La secessione
della Bosnia, centro simbolico e storico della Lotta Popolare di
Liberazione e della "Unita' e Fratellanza" jugoslave, rappresenta il
piu' grande colpo inferto al cuore della Jugoslavia multinazionale. I
successivi anni di conflitto serviranno ad affogare, possibilmente per
sempre, la idea jugoslavista in un lago di sangue e di menzogne.

Gli Stati Uniti d'America hanno usato prima la Germania e poi l'intera
Comunita' Europea come battistrada, ma il loro appoggio a livello
mediatico, diplomatico, finanziario e militare ai secessionismi, e
specialmente al separatismo bosniaco-musulmano, sara' sempre piu'
sfacciato. Il loro attivismo surclassera' via via di gran lunga quello
degli europei. A livello diplomatico, gli USA si renderanno
responsabili del boicottaggio dei piani di pace, a partire dal piano
(marzo 1992: l'ex ambasciatore Zimmermann invita musulmani e croati a
la loro firma). Via via, gli USA riusciranno a screditare e far fallire
intervento attuato sotto l'egida delle Nazioni Unite, imponendo la
sostituzione delle missioni ONU con missioni piu' direttamente gestite
dall'Alleanza Atlantica. E' il periodo delle grandi "stragi a mezzo
stampa", delle rimozioni
dei vari Morillon, MacKenzie, Akashi, eccetera, e delle prime operazioni
guerra della NATO in Europa. Nel settembre 1995, USA ed UE scatenano ai
danni dei serbi della Bosnia il primo massiccio bombardamento sul suolo
europeo dai tempi della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. I serbi vengono prima
diffamati e poi colpiti perche', tra gli jugoslavi, essendo distribuiti
in quasi tutte le repubbliche ex-federate sono quelli che meno di tutti
hanno interesse alla frantumazione del loro paese.

Nell'autunno 1995, la firma degli accordi di Dayton consente, tra
l'altro, lo stanziamento "sine die" di truppe della NATO sul territorio
ridotto ormai ad un protettorato internazionale.

Nella primavera del 1999, dopo anni di strumentalizzazione del movimento
separatista pan-albanese, USA ed europei bombardano installazioni
militari, strutture produttive, di comunicazione e di trasporto della
federazione serbo-montenegrina, allo scopo di agevolare la secessione
della provincia di Kosovo e Metohija. I bombardamenti sulle industrie
chimiche a pochi chilometri da Belgrado causano una gravissima
contaminazione ambientale, e costringono alla resa il governo jugoslavo.
Nella provincia occupata dalle forze NATO e dalle bande dell'UCK, loro
alleate, viene instaurato un regime di terrore contro le minoranze,
mentre gli USA impiantano enormi basi militari come quella di Camp
Bondsteel presso Urosevac, che e' la piu' grande base USA costruita
all'estero dai tempi del Vietnam.

Nell'ottobre 2000, mentre nella RF di Jugoslavia e' in atto un grande,
eroico sforzo per la ricostruzione (ad esempio alla Zastava di
Kragujevac), in occasione delle elezioni le pressioni occidentali sul
paese raggiungono un nuovo apice: l'apparato mediatico antigovernativo
e' mobilitato in Jugoslavia ed all'estero, le navi da guerra pattugliano
l'Adriatico, le diplomazie minacciano ulteriore isolamento e
l'inasprimento di un embargo che dura ormai da sette anni. Si vuole
impedire ad ogni costo lo svolgimento del secondo turno elettorale:
percio' si plaude all'assalto al Parlamento - dove la coalizione di
governo ha nuovamente conquistato la maggioranza - ed alla devastazione
dell'ufficio elettorale, con relativa distruzione delle schede. Nei
giorni successivi verranno attaccate le sedi dei partiti della sinistra
e dei sindacati, ed esponenti politici e sindacali verranno fatti
oggetto di aggressioni.


D'altronde, negli anni precedenti si era visto di tutto: dai
rifornimenti massicci di armi attraverso i nostri porti, talvolta usando
persino convogli di organizzazioni religiose o umanitarie (es. Croce
Rossa), alla beatificazione di arcivescovi nazisti (es. Stepinac), allo
stragismo operato da servizi segreti "amici" per portare alle stelle la
tensione (es. stragi di Markale a Sarajevo), ai bombardamenti di
convogli di profughi (es. Kosovo) o di fabbriche presidiate dai
lavoratori (es. Kragujevac). Abbiamo saputo dell'addestramento delle
formazioni separatiste da parte di agenzie di mercenari (come la MPRI,
che ha sede in Virginia, USA), e del coinvolgimento di agenzie
specializzate per il "lobbying" e la disinformazione strategica (come la
Ruder&Finn Public Global Affairs). Sulla scorta di tutto questo, non
credo nemmeno necessario argomentare oltre sul ruolo della cosiddetta
"comunita' internazionale" in Jugoslavia. La ex Repubblica Federativa e
Socialista era gia' stata smembrata, con riconoscimento internazionale,
in cinque parti entro il 1992. Con i bombardamenti del 1999 si ponevano
le basi della secessione della provincia del Kosovo-Metohija. Con la
presa del potere da parte di una classe dirigente vassalla (la
coalizione DOS) si creavano le condizioni per cancellare la "Jugoslavia"
dalle piantine geografiche: e' di pochi giorni fa la notizia di un
accordo, mediato da quello stesso Xavier Solana che guidava la NATO nel
1999, in base al quale sopravvive solamente una Unione formale, e
provvisoria, tra Serbia e Montenegro. Nel frattempo, acquista peso ogni
giorno di piu' il separatismo ungherese in Vojvodina, alleato della DOS.

Ulteriore disgregazione e' in atto in Macedonia. Anche in quest'ultima
repubblica ex-federata il separatismo pan-albanese e' stato fomentato
negli anni passati, ed e' stato fatto esplodere la scorsa primavera
(2001) usando le milizie paramilitari dell'UCK che per le loro azioni si
sono avvalse delle retrovie del Kosovo, controllate dalla NATO. La
conseguente destabilizzazione ha consentito alla stessa NATO di
impiantarsi in Macedonia nel ruolo di "pompiera": seguendo un copione
ormai ben collaudato, a fare da pompieri sono gli stessi incendiari.

Una stabile presenza di truppe occidentali in tutta la regione, ridotta
ad un "patchwork" di protettorati, consente il controllo delle vie di
comunicazione, ed in particolare in Macedonia consente di avviare la
realizzazione del cosiddetto Corridoio numero 8, sulla direttrice tra
Albania e Bulgaria. Si noti d'altronde che anche in Bulgaria, dove pure
gia' vige un regime filo-occidentale come in Macedonia, la presenza di
una minoranza turca costituisce per la NATO un utile strumento per far
saltare gli equilibri del paese non appena cio' sara' ritenuto

E' il classico "divide et impera". Gli strumenti per attuarlo possono
essere "innovativi" (disinformazione strategica, penetrazione culturale
o tramite organizzazioni cosiddette non-governative, eccetera) oppure
"tradizionali" (appoggio a settori politici reazionari o direttamente
criminali, bombardamenti, occupazioni militari, ecc.), ma la filosofia
complessiva e' sempre quella dell'"arancia": per meglio mangiarla
bisogna suddividerla spicchio per spicchio. Talvolta qualche spicchio si
rompe e bisogna sporcarsi le mani... di sangue.


Tuttavia, all'interno di questo processo, in qualche caso si palesa il
contrasto tra le stesse potenze imperialistiche. Questo vale ad esempio
per gli interessi energetici, alla vigilia della "grande crisi" del
petrolio (cfr. A. Di Fazio su "Contro le nuove guerre", Odradek 2000).
Lo spiegano recenti articoli di Michael Chossudovsky, pubblicati pure
sul "Manifesto". La cordata petrolifera angloamericana (BP-Amoco-ARCO,
Chevron e Texaco) si contrappone decisamente agli europei
Total-Fina-Elf, ai quali l'italiana ENI e' associata. Mentre questi
ultimi sono "arrivati prima" in Asia Centrale (es. Kazakistan) ed i loro
rappresentanti politici
(UE) perseguono una politica di avvicinamento alla Russia, gli
anglo-americani sono in prima linea nell'interventismo militare e di
intelligence nei Balcani, allo scopo di porre sotto il loro controllo le
vie di comunicazione.

Per questo motivo, mentre il Corridoio 10 (Danubio) e' stato reso
inagibile con i bombardamenti del 1999, e viste le incognite armena e
curda sulla direttrice che dovrebbe portare il petrolio direttamente al
Mediterraneo (Baku-Cehyan), il terrorismo legato agli USA ed alla stessa
Turchia tiene in scacco il Caucaso, mettendo la Russia fuori gioco, e
condiziona i giochi nella penisola balcanica.

Il petrolio dovrebbe passare attraverso il Mar Nero, arrivare in
Bulgaria, a Burgas. Qui ha inizio il Corridoio 8, che termina a Valona
in Albania. La Macedonia e' proprio in mezzo.

All'inizio del 2000, la Commissione Europea aveva avviato con la
Bulgaria, la Macedonia e l'Albania le negoziazioni per l'ingresso nella
UE. Nell'aprile del 2001, la Macedonia era diventata il primo paese nei
Balcani a firmare un cosiddetto "accordo di stabilizzazione e
associazione". Ecco perche', proprio negli stessi giorni, il terrorismo
dell'UCK, armato ed addestrato adesso soprattutto dagli
angloamericani, esplodeva in tutta la sua violenza, per portare
viceversa il paese
alla de-stabilizzazione e per allontanarlo dalla UE. Ecco perche' il
capo della missione OSCE in Macedonia Robert Frowick ha voluto
legittimare l'UCK come interlocutore e porre la Macedonia sotto il
ricatto: o cambiate la Costituzione, ponendo le premesse per lo
smembramento del paese, oppure il terrorismo continuera'. Ecco perche',
secondo vari osservatori, tra l'UCK e gli europei (specialmente i
tedeschi) in Macedonia i rapporti non sarebbero idilliaci.

Nel frattempo, il colosso energetico angloamericano ha creato un
consorzio (progetto AMBO) per la realizzazione di un oleodotto ed altre
infrastrutture proprio lungo il Corridoio 8, sottoscrivendo accordi ad
hoc con Bulgaria, Macedonia ed Albania, che escludono in larga misura
gli europei da qualsivoglia iniziativa... Il consorzio AMBO ha sede
legale negli USA ed e' direttamente collegato al potere
politico-militare statunitense. Ad esempio, la Hallibuton Energy
(societa' del vicepresidente Dick Cheney) e' appaltatrice per le
forniture e per la stessa costruzione della base di Camp Bondsteel in
Kosovo. La stessa famiglia Bush e' fortemente legata alla lobby del

Gli interessi in gioco sono dunque enormi, e non dissimili da quelli per
cui e' stata scatenata la operazione denominata "giustizia [tale e' per
loro il nome della guerra] infinita", ai danni delle popolazioni
dell'Asia centrale. E chissa' chi saranno le prossime vittime del loro
sconfinato "desiderio di giustizia"...


Il caso del "Tribunale ad hoc per i crimini commessi sul territorio
della ex Jugoslavia" (che nel seguito chiamero' per brevita' "Tribunale
ad hoc", da non confondere quindi con la preesistente Corte
Internazionale atta a dirimere le controversie tra gli Stati, che ha
sempre sede all'Aia ma e' organismo ben piu' legittimato), rende palesi
fino all'estremo e fino al paradosso tutte le contraddizioni, tutti i
limiti e tutti gli inganni della retorica "pan-penalistica", cioe' di
questo clima di "giustizialismo internazionale", e chiarisce molto bene
la collateralita' di certe neonate istituzioni penali internazionali ai
progetti egemonici dei paesi imperialisti.

Il Tribunale ad hoc è stato fondato nel 1993 dal Consiglio di Sicurezza
delle Nazioni Unite (15 membri dominati dai grandi poteri e dal veto
USA), su insistenza del Senatore Albright. Il normale canale per creare
un Tribunale come questo, come a suo tempo ha puntualizzato il
Segretario Generale delle Nazioni Unite, avrebbe dovuto essere
"attraverso un Trattato Internazionale stabilito ed approvato dagli
Stati Membri che avrebbero permesso al Tribunale di esercitare in pieno
nell'ambito della loro sovranità" (Rapporto No X S/25704, sezione 18).
Tuttavia, Washington ha imposto un'interpretazione arbitraria del
Cap.VII della Carta delle Nazioni Unite, che consente al Consiglio di
Sicurezza di prendere "misure speciali" per restaurare la pace in sede

Percio' il "Tribunale ad hoc" e' una struttura di fatto illegittima e
para-legale. Esso e' finanziato dai paesi della NATO, e soprattutto
dagli USA, in maniera diretta oltreche' attraverso l'ONU, ma anche da
paesi non proprio neutrali nella problematica jugoslava, come l'Arabia
Saudita, nonché da enti e personaggi privati, come George Soros, che da
anni lavorano alla destabilizzazione degli Stati che si oppongono

Il sostegno della NATO al Tribunale ad hoc e' particolarmente indicativo
delle vere finalita' di questa struttura para-giudiziaria. In una
conferenza stampa tenuta il 17 maggio 1999, il portavoce della NATO
Jamie Shea diceva testualmente: "Non e' Milosevic che ha concesso al
procuratore Arbour il suo visto per andare in Kosovo, a condurre le sue
indagini. Se alla sua corte si puo' consentire l'accesso, come noi
vogliamo, e' grazie alla NATO, dunque la NATO e' amica del Tribunale, e'
la NATO che detiene per conto del Tribunale i criminali di guerra sotto
accusa... Sono i paesi della NATO che hanno procurato i fondi per
istituire il Tribunale, noi siamo tra i piu' grandi finanziatori."

Si noti che oltre ad attestare il sostegno finanziario e la "amicizia"
della NATO, che proprio in quegli stessi giorni bombardava i convogli di
profughi ed il petrolchimico di Pancevo, Jamie Shea rivendica alla NATO
stessa il ruolo di "polizia giudiziaria". La quale, come s'e' visto in
decine di occasioni, specialmente in Bosnia ma anche nel caso di
Milosevic, opera attraverso colpi di mano e rapimenti, nel corso dei
quali alcuni "sospetti" sono stati persino uccisi - mentre diversi
serbi-bosniaci detenuti all'Aja sono deceduti per presunti infarti e

In un comunicato stampa diramato all'Aia il 19 aprile 1999
(JL/PIU/397-E) si legge ancora piu' esplicitamente: <<Per conto del
Tribunale Penale Internazionale per la ex Jugoslavia il Presidente del
Tribunale, giudice Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, ha espresso il suo grande
apprezzamento al governo degli Stati Uniti per la sua concessione di
500mila dollari USA destinati al Progetto Outreach del Tribunale. Harold
Koh, Vice segretario di Stato USA per la democrazia, i diritti umani ed
il lavoro, ha annunciato la donazione in una conferenza stampa presso il
Tribunale venerdi 16 aprile 1999. Questa generosa contribuzione, che
ammonta a piu' di un terzo del budget complessivo di Outreach,
"consentira' al Tribunale" - come nota lo stesso Vice
Segretario di Stato Harold Koh - "di portare il suo messaggio di
giustizia imparziale non solamente ai governi ed ai rappresentanti
legali dell'ex Jugoslavia, ma, soprattutto, alle famiglie delle
Una dichiarazione tanto nobile da far venire le lacrime agli occhi,
soprattutto se si pensa che questo signore mentre parlava rappresentava
uno Stato - gli USA - che proprio in quei giorni stava causando dolori
enormi e disgrazie a quelle stesse famiglie tramite i bombardamenti.

Non a caso, il Tribunale dell'Aja ha sistematicamente dichiarato il non
luogo a procedere per le documentate accuse di crimini di guerra mosse
da varie parti alla
NATO, nonché alle bande dell'UCK pan-albanese. La sproporzione tra le
incriminazioni nei confronti di esponenti serbi rispetto a quelle di
croati, albanesi kosovari e bosniaci musulmani, responsabili di vaste
pulizie etniche, è resa evidente dai numeri. La "giustizia" del
Tribunale dell'Aja e' dunque quella di una parte in causa contro
l'altra, il contrario esatto del "super partes". Il "Tribunale ad hoc",
analogamente al nostro famigerato Tribunale Speciale, lavora come uno
strumento politico, totalmente sotto controllo dei vincitori, cioe'
degli aggressori, devastatori e invasori della Jugoslavia.

La presidentessa del Tribunale, Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, il 5 aprile
1999 veniva insignita di una onoreficenza dalla Corte Suprema degli USA.
In quella occasione essa
spiegava senza alcun imbarazzo: <<Abbiamo beneficiato del forte sostegno
dei governi interessati e degli individui che si sono adoperati, come il
Segretario Albright. [Si noti che i bombardamenti sulla Jugoslavia erano
iniziati da pochi giorni] Come rappresentante permanente alle Nazioni
Unite, essa ha lavorato incessantemente per creare il Tribunale. In
effetti, noi spesso ci riferiamo a lei come alla "madre del
Dunque la "mamma" del Tribunale dell'Aia non e' Emma Bonino!...

(1/2 - continua)

(seconda ed ultima parte)


Noti giuristi e commentatori hanno spiegato come, nel suo funzionamento,
il Tribunale dell'Aja violi tutti i principi del diritto internazionale.
In sostanza, esso non rispetta la separazione dei poteri, ne' la parità
fra accusa e difesa, ne' tantomeno la presunzione di innocenza finché
non si giunge ad una condanna: la regola 92 stabilisce che le
confessioni siano ritenute credibili, a meno che l'accusato possa
provare il contrario, mentre in qualsiasi altra parte del mondo
l'accusato è ritenuto innocente fino a quando non sia provata la sua

Esso formula i propri regolamenti e li modifica su ordine del Presidente
o del Procuratore, assegnando ad essi carattere retroattivo: attraverso
una procedura totalmente ridicola, il Presidente può apportare
variazioni di sua propria iniziativa o ratificarle via fax ad altri
giudici (regola 6)!

Il regolamento stesso non contempla un giudice per le indagini
preliminari che investighi sulle accuse. Il Tribunale ad hoc utilizza
testimoni anonimi che si possono dunque sottrarre al confronto con la
difesa; secreta le fonti testimoniali,
che possono essere anche servizi segreti di paesi coinvolti nei fatti.
Usa la segretezza anche sui procedimenti aperti (regola 53), sulle
prove, che possono essere state raccolte illegalmente e non sono
sottoposte a verifica. Di fatto, quindi, pone gli imputati
nell'impossibilità di difendersi; ricusa o rifiuta a proprio arbitrio di
ascoltare gli avvocati della difesa (regola 46), allo stesso modo dei
dell'Inquisizione; può rifiutare agli avvocati di consultare
documentazione probatoria (regola 66); può detenere sospetti per novanta
giorni prima di formulare
imputazioni, con l'evidente scopo di estorcere confessioni.


L'imputazione contro l'allora Presidente della Repubblica Federale di
Jugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic veniva resa pubblica dalla procuratrice
Arbour su pressione di
Madeleine Albright proprio durante la aggressione della NATO, nella
primavera del 1999, nell'ambito della campagna mediatica di
demonizzazione della Jugoslavia e dei suoi dirigenti. Un tassello,
insomma, della piu' ampia operazione di disinformazione strategica e
guerra psicologica. La "necessita'" di una indagine contro Milosevic
veniva annunciata alla conferenza stampa congiunta tenuta dalla "madre
del Tribunale ad hoc", Albright, e dall'ex-procuratore Louise Arbour
(successivamente sostituita dalla Del Ponte) a Washington D.C. il 30
aprile del 1999 (si veda il documento ufficiale dell'ufficio del
portavoce del Dipartimento di Stato USA: )

Per la effettiva cattura di Milosevic, pero', dovevano maturare le
condizioni politiche in Jugoslavia. Questo cambiamento e' avvenuto solo
nell'autunno del 2000, quando a Belgrado si e' instaurato il
regime-fantoccio filooccidentale. La rocambolesca cattura di Milosevic
e' avvenuta mesi dopo, il 31 marzo: in cambio al nuovo governo jugoslavo
sono stati accordati 50 milioni di dollari gia' promessi dagli USA. I
dirigenti belgradesi, per ottemperare ai ricatti militari ed economici
degli USA, della Nato e del Tribunale dell'Aja, hanno commesso una serie
macroscopiche illegalità. Milosevic è stato detenuto per tre mesi senza
che nessuno delle centinaia di testimoni ascoltati avesse fornito la
minima prova a sostegno dell'imputazione di "abuso di potere" (diversa
da quella di "crimini di guerra" usata all'Aia). Al termine delle due
proroghe della detenzione preventiva, Milosevic avrebbe dovuto essere
scarcerato. Viceversa, un ulteriore, grande scandalo e' stata la
modalita' della sua "estradizione" da Belgrado in Olanda, tramite una
operazione-lampo illegale ed anticostituzionale curata dai settori piu'
filo-americani del governo di Zoran Djindjic. A sottolineare il vero e
proprio affronto operato da questi agenti della NATO interni nel governo
serbo ai danni del paese e della sua stessa dignita' e memoria storica,
basti guardare al giorno in cui il sequestro e' avvenuto: 28 giugno,
data altamente simbolica per la nazione serba
(battaglia contro i turchi, discorso del 1989 di Milosevic a Kosovo
Polje, in cui invocava la convivenza e la parità tra tutte le etnie). Il
sequestro ed il trasporto all'Aia su velivoli della RAF inglese avveniva
in base a un decreto del solo premier
Djindjic e del ministro degli interni, con un governo dimezzato dal
ritiro dei ministri montenegrini, un decreto che violava, insieme alle
costituzioni jugoslava e serba, la posizione del parlamento federale,
l'orientamento dei partner di maggioranza e dello stesso presidente
jugoslavo Kostunica, e la opinione contraria
della Corte Costituzionale, formalizzata il 6 novembre 2001 ed il cui
testo e' stato pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale della RF di
Jugoslavia N.70/01 il 28 dicembre 2001.

Il giorno dopo il trasferimento di Milosevic, i governanti jugoslavi
(gia' giunti al potere con l'aiuto militare e finanziario della Nato)
ottenevano il loro ulteriore premio: 1.360 milioni di dollari stanziati
dalla Conferenza dei "donatori". Aiuti concessi a condizione della
totale privatizzazione dell'economia nazionale e di posizioni di
privilegio assicurate alle multinazionali.
Ma questo e' un altro discorso...


Milosevic ha da subito tenuto un atteggiamento fermo ed inequivocabile:
si dichiara prigioniero politico, non riconosce legittimita' al
Tribunale ad hoc, e rifiuta di essere assistito da avvocati, compresi
quelli designati "d'ufficio" dal "Tribunale" stesso (gli "amici
curiae"). Milosevic ha spiegato dettagliatamente queste sue posizioni,
ed in generale la sua opinione su questa istituzione para-legale e
para-giuridica, in un documento spedito ai "giudici" il 30 agosto 2001.
Milosevic ribadisce continuamente di volersi difendere da solo, e chiede
la sua scarcerazione anche allo scopo di preparare la sua autodifesa in
condizioni eque.

Le prime udienze (tra luglio e gennaio) sono state dedicate a problemi
procedurali, ma Milosevic non ha mancato di dire la sua ogni volta che
gli fosse concesso di parlare, e fintantoche' il microfono non gli e'
stato spento in malo modo. Il 29 ottobre, ad esempio, dopo la lettura
della "imputazione sulla Croazia" ha detto:

<<Questa imputazione è il secondo atto del crimine commesso contro il
mio popolo, perchè dichiara colpevole la vittima al fine di proteggere i
veri colpevoli per il crimine contro la Jugoslavia. E' assurdo accusare
la Serbia ed i serbi per la secessione armata della Croazia, che ha
causato una guerra civile, conflitti e
sofferenze per la popolazione civile.>>

Il giorno dopo, commentando "l'imputazione sul Kosovo", egli ha fatto
notare che essa <<riguarda solamente fatti avvenuti dal 24 marzo alla
fine della prima settimana di giugno [1999], laddove (...) tutto il
pianeta sa che è proprio dal 24 marzo fino alla prima settimana di
giugno compresa che la Nato ha commesso la sua criminale aggressione
contro la Jugoslavia. L'imputazione e ciò che abbiamo udito implicano
che la Nato non ha commesso una aggressione contro la Jugoslavia, ma
piuttosto che la
Jugoslavia ha commesso un'aggressione contro se stessa, e perciò le
conseguenze di 78 giorni e 78 notti di bombardamenti sulla Jugoslavia,
durante i quali sono state scaricate 22.000 tonnellate di bombe causando
un altissimo numero di vittime - questi non sarebbero gli effetti della
aggressione della Nato, ma piuttosto gli effetti
dell'aggressione che la Jugoslavia ha commesso contro se stessa.
Questa non è semplice faziosità. Faziosità è una parola troppo tenera.
Quello che abbiamo ascoltato oltrepassa persino ciò che dovevamo
ascoltare da parte del nemico, cioè dal portavoce della Nato. Quindi è
ovviamente un caso di ciò che potreste definire faziosità totale. (...)
Se la corte non vuole prendere in considerazione
questi fatti, allora è ovvio che questa non è una corte ma solamente una
parte del meccanismo atto ad eseguire crimini contro il mio paese e la
mia gente. Se quest'ultimo è il caso (...) e dunque se la corte è parte
dell'ingranaggio, allora per piacere, date lettura ai verdetti che vi è
stato detto di formulare e smettetela di annoiarmi.>>


Dopo la lettura del ``capo d'imputazione'' sulla Bosnia-Erzegovina,
Milosevic dichiarava invece: <<Questo testo miserabile che abbiamo qui
ascoltato e' l'apice
dell'assurdita'. Devono darmi credito per la pace in Bosnia, e non per
la guerra. La responsabilita' per la guerra in Bosnia e' delle potenze
che hanno distrutto la Jugoslavia e dei loro satrapi in Jugoslavia, e
non della Serbia, ne' del suo popolo, ne' della sua politica. Questo e'
un tentativo...>> Qui il microfono veniva spento.

Ed ancora, in dicembre: <<Per me e' assolutamente chiaro il motivo per
cui questo falso pubblico ministero insiste sulla unificazione [dei tre
"capi d'accusa"].
La causa di questo e' l'11 settembre. Loro vogliono mettere in secondo
piano le accuse contro di me sul Kosovo perche' queste inevitabilmente
aprono la questione della collaborazione della amministrazione Clinton
con i terroristi nel Kosovo, compresa la organizzazione di Bin Laden.
Quello che si puo' trovare sotto la superficie di questi ``capi
d'imputazione'' non sono altro che i detriti ed il fango di dieci anni
di guerra mediatica, condotta con l'obiettivo di demonizzare sia la
Serbia, sia il popolo serbo e la sua dirigenza, ed anche me
personalmente, e addirittura la mia famiglia. Perche' la guerra
mediatica ha preceduto quella reale, ed ha avuto come obiettivo quello
di convincere l'opinione pubblica occidentale che siamo delinquenti,
anche se non abbiamo mai dato argomenti per avvalorare questo.
Voi oggi avete letto qui che il 6 Aprile 1992 l'Unione Europea riconobbe
la Bosnia-Erzegovina. Questo e' stato fatto sotto l'influenza
dell'allora Ministro degli Esteri tedesco Hans Dietrich Genscher,
perche' il 6 Aprile era il giorno in cui nel 1941 Hitler attacco' la
Jugoslavia bombardando Belgrado. C'era un desiderio di simboleggiare, in
questo modo, il capovolgimento degli esiti della Seconda Guerra

Il 30 gennaio 2002: <<In realta' c'era un piano evidente contro quello
Stato di allora che era, direi, un modello per il futuro federalismo
europeo. Quello Stato era la Jugoslavia, dove piu' nazionalita' erano
comprese in un sistema federativo che
realizzava la possibilita' di vivere con pari diritti, con successo, con
la possibilita' di prosperare, svilupparsi e, direi, di essere d'esempio
al mondo intero di come si puo' vivere insieme. Per tutto il tempo
abbiamo lottato per la Jugoslavia, per conservare la Jugoslavia. In
fondo, tutti i fatti comprovano soltanto quello che sto dicendo. E
soltanto la Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia tuttora esistente ha
conservato la sua struttura dal punto di vista delle nazionalita'. (...)
Con cio' che sta avvenendo li' [in Kosovo] si sta in pratica
riabilitando la politica del periodo nazista, di Hitler e Mussolini.
Questo grande parlare di "Grande Serbia", di questa presunta idea che
non e' mai esistita, non serve altro che a mascherare la creazione di
una "Grande Albania" - quella stessa che crearono Hitler e Mussolini
durante la
Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Guardate soltanto quello schema, e guardate che
cosa si sta facendo adesso, quello che vogliono sottrarre alla Serbia,
al Montenegro ed alla
Macedonia - e un domani forse anche alla Grecia del Nord, quando le
relazioni greco-turche saranno messe alla prova di nuovo per ordine del
comune padrone, ed anche quella sara' per loro una questione da

In effetti, dopo alcune incertezze legate alla intenzione della
"procuratrice" Del Ponte di unificare i tre procedimenti - sul Kosovo,
sulla Croazia e sulla Bosnia, i cui "capi d'imputazione" sono stati da
lei stessa preparati - il processo e' stato effettivamente unificato ed
e' iniziato lo scorso 12 febbraio. Da allora, nei
limiti del tempo accordatogli, a Milosevic il microfono non viene piu'
spento, ma i mass-media dopo le prime giornate-shock hanno gradualmente,
ma completamente, abbassato il sipario. In Jugoslavia, le autorita'
hanno impedito il proseguimento della diretta televisiva, alla quale una
parte crescente della popolazione si stava effettivamente appassionando.

Cosi', soltanto chi e' presente in aula assiste ad uno spettacolo
veramente eccezionale, surreale. Milosevic sta agevolmente rovesciando
tutte le accuse, mette in contraddizione i "testimoni", tanto che
qualcuno di questi deve rinunciare, qualcuno si sente male... Milosevic
mette la NATO sul banco degli imputati come responsabile non solo dei
bombardamenti, ma proprio del tragico squartamento della Repubblica
Federativa Socialista di Jugoslavia, ripercorrendo gli atti diplomatici,
politici, e militari a vari livelli compiuti dai paesi dell'Alleanza. I
fatti citati da Milosevic sono fatti storici, ormai, benche'
sostanzialmente ignorati o trascurati dai commentatori occidentali e
filo-occidentali in tutti questi anni. Sono fatti incontrovertibili, e
Milosevic, mentre ripercorre pagine e pagine di storia balcanica e
mondiale, ne scrive a tutti gli effetti una nuova, con grande dignita'.

L'obiettivo degli sponsor del "Tribunale ad hoc" - quello di fare di
Milosevic il capro espiatorio esclusivo per le tragedie di tutti questi
anni - puo' essere realizzato solamente nella misura in cui le opinioni
pubbliche restino disattente ed ignare di cio' che viene effettivamente
detto nell'aula dell'Aia. E' questo silenzio informativo, come un
ulteriore momento della campagna di disinformazione strategica attuata
in tutti questi anni, il peggiore nemico della Jugoslavia e delle
popolazioni che la abitano, l'arma piu' micidiale.

A. Martocchia
Marzo 2002

Il testo e' stato rielaborato dagli articoli:
relazione presentata al convegno:
"Il mondo dopo Manhattan", Napoli, 20-21 ottobre 2001.
Gli Atti sono editi dalle Edizioni "Citta' del Sole".
articolo che uscira' sul prossimo numero de
IL BOLLETTINO di informazione antimperialista

Decine di migliaia di persone hanno partecipato domenica 24/3/2002 alla
manifestazione indetta dal Partito socialista sulla Piazza della
Repubblica a Belgrado per ricordare il terzo anniversario dell'inizio
dei bombardamenti della Nato sulla RF di Jugoslavia. Il raduno, il cui
slogan era ''non dimentichiamo'', e' cominciato intorno a mezzogiorno
con un minuto di silenzio in memoria delle vittime di undici settimane
di bombardamenti.
Gli attacchi della Nato provocarono la morte di circa 1.000 tra agenti e
soldati e 2.000 civili, cui si vanno ad aggiungere le decine di migliaia
di morti nei mesi e negli anni successivi per la contaminazione chimica
e radioattiva. La Nato, che non ha mai fornito cifre sulle vittime, gode
di impunita' garantita da parte del "Tribunale ad hoc" dell'Aia.





24.03.2002. godine


Protestni skup SPS "Da se ne zaboravi"

Na trogodi¹njicu poèetka agresije NATO, u minut do
dvanaest, na Trgu Republike okupilo se vi¹e desetina
hiljada graðana, simpatizera i èlanova Socijalistièke
partije Srbije, koji su do¹li da obele¾e prvi od 78
dana bombardovanja i razaranja na¹e zemlje pod geslom
"da se ne zaboravi". Cilj ovog protestnog skupa, kao
i svih protestnih skupova koje æe SPS organizovati na
ovaj dan, je da se ne dozvoli da se zaboravi zloèin
koji je NATO izvr¹io nad na¹om zemljom, i ne
zaborave nevine ¾rtve koje su tada stradale.

Na samom poèetku mitinga minutom æutanja odata je
poèast poginulim braniocima i nevinim ¾rtvama u
agresiji NATO-a.

Generalni sekretar Socijalistièke partije Srbije
Zoran Anðelkoviæ je naglasio povod organizovanja
protestnog skupa SPS - "da se podsetimo i da se
zahvalimo svim braniocima, svim patriotama, onima
koji se nisu upla¹ili NATO bombi, onima koji su dali
¾ivot za odbranu svoje zemlje i odamo poèast
poginulim u NATO agresiji.

Danas su se okupili ljudi bez obzira na politièka,
verska i svaka druga ubeðenja, svi oni kojima je
zemlja na prvom mestu. Zloèine NATO-a neæemo nikada
zaboraviti, i onima koji su puna dva meseca bez
povoda i razloga bombardovali na¹u zemlju neæemo
nikada oprostiti. Ne ¾elimo da zaboravimo pro¹lost,
kako se ona ne bi ponovila u buduænosti. Moramo se
prisetiti svih ¾rtava ¹irom na¹e zemlje, svih
poru¹enih puteva, mostova, pruga... Mi smo nakon
agresije za vrlo kratko vreme obnovili veliki broj
mostova, pruga, puteva, fabrika. Za ovih godinu i po
dana od kada je na vlasti, DOS nije postavio ni jedan
kamen temeljac. Na Vladi Republike Srbije jo¹ uvek je
plastika umesto stakla na prozoru. Takva vlada koja
svoju kuæu ne popravlja, neæe niti na¹u kuæu
popravljati, i takva nam ni ne treba. Ona treba da
ode, i to na legalnim izborima a ne bagerima", rekao
je, i nastavio:

"Jugoslavija je saèuvana sve vreme velikih pritisaka
svetskih moænika, za sve vreme NATO agresije.
Jugoslavija koja je saèuvana za ta dva meseca
agresije sru¹ena je za deset dana dosovih pregovora.
Niko nema prava da rastura Jugoslaviju, da deli
graðane po etnièkom, nacionalnom, niti bilo kom
drugom osnovu. Socijalistièka partija Srbije ¾eli da
se Jugoslavija saèuva, i protiv onih je koji je
rasturaju. Hoæemo zemlju u kojoj ¹pijuni idu u
zatvor, a branioci svoje zemlje dobijaju odlikovanja,
a ne obrnuto, kao ¹to je sada sluèaj. Takva vlast u
kojoj sede ¹pijuni, koja preti da otpusti trideset
hiljada radnika ¾eleznice, koja isporuèuje svoje
graðane, takva vlast nije opravdala poverenje
graðana, i takva vlast mora da ode", zakljuèio je

Dobrosav Radoviæ, predsednik PO SPS Kosovo i Metohija
istakao je zahtev socijalista da se svi izbegli i
prognani Srbi vrate u svoje domove na Kosovu i
Metohiji, i da Kosovo i Metohija ostane u okviru
Srbije. Najbolje ¹to DOS mo¾e da uèini za Srbe na
Kosovu je da odmah ode sa vlasti, poruka je
socijalista sa Kosmeta.

Okupljenim graðanima su se zatim obratili uèesnici
meðunarodnog skupa "Odbrana predsednika Milo¹eviæa -
odbrana Jugoslavije i slobode i nezavisnosti svih
zemalja" iz inostranstva. Genadij Èurkin je rekao da
je zadovoljan ¹to vidi da je Jugoslavija ¾iva. "Mi
smo bili nezadovoljni onim ¹to je èinila na¹a vlada
tokom agresije i kritikovali smo njihove postupke,
ali oni nisu ruski narod. Ruski narod je sa vama"
rekao je, praæen uzvicima dobrodo¹lice. Gost iz
Holandije Niko Farkefiser je rekao da se Slobodan
Milo¹eviæ brani sam protiv tribunala koji ima bud¾et
od milion dolara u krajnje nehumanim uslovima, "baèen
u prljavi zatvor, dok mu se onemoguæava kontakt sa
njegovim legalnim zastupnicima, kontakt sa porodicom,
dr¾eæi ga u poni¾avajuæim uslovima bez pristupa
biblioteci, kompjuteru i bez druge pomoæi" On je u
ime Meðunarodnog komiteta za odbranu Slobodana
Milo¹eviæa rekao da æe uèiniti sve da se razoblièe
la¾i svetskih moænika i da se istina èuje ¹irom
sveta. "To ¹to i posle vi¹e meseci ¹to priprema, ¹to
trajanja samog procesa tu¾ila¹tvo i dalje nema dokaza
za ono èime tereti Slobodana Milo¹eviæa je ni¹ta
drugo nego dokaz da su i svedoci i tu¾ioci Ha¹kog
tribunala la¾ovi. Na svaki naèin to poku¹avaju da
prikriju, obustavljanjem prenosa suðenja na zapadnim
televizijama, odbijanjem uvida u stenograme sa
suðenja itd. Borba Slobodana Milo¹eviæa je je primer
za nas da je jedini naèin za borbu protiv NATO i
otuðenih svetskih centara moæi razotkrivanje istine i
mobilizacija ljudi ¹irom sveta", rekao je

Pored njih, na mitingu je govorio i predsednik PO SPS
Vojvodina Du¹an Bajatoviæ i student Dejan

Na kraju mitinga uèesnici su obi¹li nekada¹nje mete
NATO agresije Republièku vladu, General¹tab VJ,
zgradu RTS, i na kraju, zaustavili se ispred Savezne
skup¹tine SRJ. Tu je odr¾ana vanredna konferencija za
novinare, na kojoj su istaknuti osam zahteva SPS
upuæenih dosovoj vlasti:

da se daju garancije Ha¹kom tribunalu da se
Slobodan Milo¹eviæ pusti i da mu se omoguæi da
se brani sa slobode;
da se na dr¾avnom nivou formira dokumentacioni
centar koji bi pomogao odbrani Slobodana
Milo¹eviæa i drugih jugoslovenskih graðana
nepravedno optu¾enih pred Ha¹kim tribunalom;
da se prestane sa izruèenjima na¹ih graðana tom
ilegalnom sudu;
omoguæi kolektivni povratak proteranih Srba i
drugog nealbanskog stanovni¹tva na Kosovo i
uhapse ¹pijuni, a odlikuje general Aco Tomiæ;
da se prestane sa otpu¹tanjima radnika i
rasprodajom fabrika;
da dosova vlada podnese ostavku;
da se raspi¹u vanredni izbori na svim nivoima
kako bi se spasila Republika Srbija i Savezna
Republika Jugoslavija.

Ukoliko ovi zahtevi ne budu ispunjeni, reèeno je na
konferenciji, ¹irom Srbije æe biti odr¾ani protestni
skupovi sa istim zahtevima, a ukoliko do 28. juna to
ne bude ispunjeno, onda æe SPS te zahteve sam
sprovesti u delo.


Subject: [ML-YU] demonstracije
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 08:36:25 -0800 (PST)
From: goran vlajkovic
To: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.

Na Trgu Republike u Beogradu su 24.marta,odrzane
velike demonstracije posvecene trogodisnjici NATO
bombardovanja SR Jugoslavije,na kojima se i pored veoma
loseg vremena okupilo oko 50000 ljudi.Demonstracije je
organizovala SPS,a na njima je ucesce uzela i NKPJ,
ciji su aktivisti nosili crvene zastave i
anti-NATO,anti-imperijalisticke parole,kao i parole
protiv jugoslovenskih proimperijalistickih burzujskih
vlasti.Prisutnim demonstrantima su se obratili i
antiimperijalisticki aktivisti iz vise zemalja sveta.
Sa demonstracija je zatrazeno pustanje Slobodana
Milosevica na slobodu i ukidanje Haskog
tribunala.Demonstranti su izvikivali brojne
anti-globalisticke i anti-imperijalisticke
parole.Posle se krenulo u protestni mars koji se
zavrsio ispred Saveznog parlamenta,gde je zatrazeno
raspisivanje novih
izbora zbog teske ekonomske,socijalne i politicke
situacije u zemlji,izazvane katastrofalnom politikom
dosovskog proimperijalistickog burzujskog rezima.



Photos of NATO Destructions in the Spring of 1999
and Official 'NATO CRIMES' Whitebooks




Spanish Fighter Pilots Admit NATO
Purposely Attacks Civilian Targets

By Jose Luis Morales, Articulo 20, #30, June 14, 1999

(With a foreword by Venik, photos and some important links)




China Daily
March 25, 2002

NATO's Kosovo action left lethal legacy -- report
(03/25/2002) (Agencies)


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by John Flaherty and Jared Israel
Includes full text of 60 Minutes TV
exposé [Posted 22 March 2002]

In coming days, officials from the
Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM) are
scheduled to testify against Slobodan
Milosevic. The chief of the KVM was
one William Walker, the man who sold
the world the story of the Racak
so-called massacre, used to create a
climate to justify the bombing of
Yugoslavia in 1999.

We are preparing a piece which
examines Walker's role as Assistant
Under-Secretary of State for Central
American Affairs from 1985 to 1988,
including the Iran-Contra scandal,
Ambassador to El Salvador from 1988 to
1992 and UN administrator for Eastern
Slavonia from 1997 to 1998. While this
article is in preparation, we wished
to make available to you the transcript
of a Sixty Minutes program, posted
below. It aired in 1993. It exposed
William Walker's role in suppressing
the investigation into the infamous
death squad killings of Jesuits in El
Salvador and in deceiving, or trying
to deceive, the public about the
Salvadoran Army's role in this
terrible crime.

Walker's effectiveness in Yugoslavia
- especially his ability to "sell"
the Racak massacre - depended on his
credibility as an honest diplomat. A
public figure's credibility is - or should
be - based on the historical record.
Clearly, if the gangster Al Capone
tells us somebody is a crook, we're
going to take it with a grain of salt.

Given what he had done to Central
America it is therefore remarkable that
William Walker had any credibility at
all. It is especially remarkable that
two groups were silent when Walker
was made UN chief in Eastern Slavonia
and when he was lauded as an honest
broker - a humanitarian! - in Kosovo.

The two silent groups were: Leftists
and the Catholic Church.

When Bill Clinton tried to make
Walker Ambassador to Panama, in 1993,
the Catholic Church in Panama and local
political activists reacted loud and
fast. For example:

"The Jesuit Order of the Catholic
Church today rejected the designation
of William Walker as U.S. Ambassador to
Panama, based on his alleged complicity
in the November 1989 assassination of
five Jesuit priests in El Salvador....

"[Father] Valdes pointed out that
Walker was U.S. ambassador in El
Salvador when a U.S. trained battalion
murdered the five [should be six -ed.]
priests, as well as their housekeeper
and her daughter.

"'The Jesuit order at the time
denounced the complicity of the U.S.
Embassy (headed by Walker) in the case, for
concealing evidence, obstructing the
investigation, pressuring judges to
impede the trial process, and
terrorizing witnesses,' Valdes said."
Service June 28, 1993, Monday


"Jesuit priest Fernando Guardia said,
also today, that Walker was 'a symbol
of the destruction of life' while he
was ambassador in El Salvador." -
Inter Press Service, July 22, 1993

But when Clinton sent Walker to
Slovenia, nobody uttered a peep.


In case you're unfamiliar with what
happened in El Salvador, here's a very
brief rundown. El Salvador was torn
by what appeared to be civil war during
the 1980s. But it was an odd civil
war. The government side got billions
of dollars in US 'aid.' During the
decade, death squads run by the US-sponsored
Salvadoran Army killed literally
thousands of political opponents, trade
unionists, peasant leaders, outspoken
journalists, school teachers, ordinary
peasant farmers and townspeople who
happened to be in the wrong place or
from the wrong class and perhaps best
known to the world, Salvadoran and US
Catholic church activists and
officials, including the
assassination of
Archbishop Oscar Romero in March 1980.

It was while Walker was US Ambassador
that six Jesuit priests, their cook
and her daughter were brutally slain
by a Salvadoran Army death squad.

In the transcript below, a Salvadoran
officer comments that the murderers
would never have acted without
approval from top army officers. But
as we shall demonstrate in the article on
Walker that is in preparation, the
approval of top military officials
was not enough. The murdered men were
not communists. They were Catholic
"liberation theologists." And they
had power:

"Among those killed were the rector
of the Jesuit-run University of Central
America, Rev. Ignacio Ellacuria, and
the vice rector, Rev. Ignacio
Martin-Baro. Both were leading
leftist intellectuals and prominent critics
of army human rights abuses and both
had been targets of death threats
broadcast in recent days on state
radio." --Boston Globe Nov. 17, 1989

Death threats broadcast on state radio!

The government military publicly
broadcast its intention of killing
these men days before the actual murders
took place.

It is inconceivable they would have
done so if they had the least fear
they would be slapped down by the US
command, which not only paid the Salvadoran
military's bills, but which also had
US 'advisers' throughout the military.

William Walker knew, and the those
who sent the killers knew he knew, and
most important of all, they knew he
would help them cover-up these crimes.

It's all in the transcript, below.

-- Jared Israel


Transcript of 60 MINUTES * March 21, 1993

LESLEY STAHL: Following our story
last week about the massacre at El
Mozote, the United Nations this week
reported to its members what we had
reported, that despite United States
government denials at the time, 11
years ago soldiers of the Salvadoran
army--trained and armed by the United
States--wiped out the village of El
Mozote, killing entire families they
suspected of being guerrilla

That United Nations report also
confirmed something Ed Bradley reported
three years ago; that officers high
up in the US-backed army, and not
left-wing guerrillas, had had a hand
in murdering six Jesuit priests they
suspected of being the brains behind
the guerrillas.

ED BRADLEY: Jesuit Priest Fermain
Scines was on the campus the night of
the murders and might well have been
killed with the others. He says it was
obvious from the beginning it was the
work of the Salvadoran army, not of
the guerrillas.

Priest): There was soldiers here.
There was soldiers there. Was
soldiers...everybody saw them.

BRADLEY: And they didn't come in and
they were out in a few minutes?

Father SCINES: They came at about

BRADLEY: And they were here for at
least two hours?

Father SCINES: And they were leaving
at 2:45 AM.

BRADLEY: Almost three hours?

Father SCINES: Almost three hours,
making tremendous noise. They were
smoking; they were talking; they were
walking. The ones who killed
them...after doing the job, they went
there...three meters from there and
he took a beer.

BRADLEY: Father Scines has spoken to
a number of witnesses.

Father SCINES: There is tremendous

BRADLEY: But only one, the Jesuits'
housekeeper Lucia Serena, had the
courage to come forward with
eyewitness testimony linking the
army, not the
guerrillas, to the crime. From this
window, she could see five men in army
uniforms carrying rifles and wearing
military caps.

No doubt in your mind what you saw
that night?

Mrs. LUCIA SERENA (Cook): (Through
Interpreter) No doubt whatsoever, none.

BRADLEY: Lucia Serena did not
actually see the murders, but the
Jesuits fear
that the very fact that she could
place soldiers at the scene of the
crime puts her life in grave danger. So
they arranged to get Lucia and her
family out of the country.

William Walker is the US ambassador
to El Salvador.

Ambassador to El Salvador): Mrs. Serena was
taken to the United States to get her
out of what was an incredibly tense
and frightening situation here, where
she obviously feared for her safety;
to get her to a place of safety,
where she would be calm.

BRADLEY: But she says she was
anything but calm when questioned at
FBI headquarters in Miami, where for four
days, according to Lucia Serena, the
FBI asked her the same questions over
and over. She was also questioned by
Colonel Manuel Rivas, the Salvadoran
officer in charge of the murder

Mrs. SERENA: He was very arrogant and
very harsh. Instead of concerning
himself with investigating the case,
he investigated us.

BRADLEY: She says they pressed her
about family members still living in
El Salvador.

Mrs. SERENA: How many brothers did I
have? What are their names? Where do
they live? It frightened me. Maybe
they'll kill my brothers.

BRADLEY: She says an FBI agent asked
her about one of the Jesuits who
hadn't been killed.

Mrs. SERENA: He opened the door, but
like this--BAM! Like, he slammed it.
He turned around and said, 'That
priest--is he a guerrilla or isn't
he?' I was very scared.

BRADLEY: So scared that after a few
days, she decided to tell her
interrogators she hadn't seen
anything at all.

These were not questions given to a
cooperative witness, these are questions
that are to go after a suspect.

Ambassador WALKER: Well, that's not
true. That is just not true. It might
be a perception that she received
because of her emotional state. Perfectly
understandable. They were trying to
determine from a person who said she
was at the scene and had heard and seen
things, how much she knew.

Father JOSEPH O'HARE (President,
Fordham University): I find it very
disturbing that not only the
Salvadoran military, but our own
embassy in San
Salvador seemed anxious to discredit
her testimony, which, as a matter of
fact, was confirmed by the Salvadoran
government itself as events developed.

BRADLEY: Father Joseph O'Hare,
president of Fordham University, and
Father Donald Monan, president of Boston
College, were recently in El Salvador
investigating the murder of their
brother Jesuits.

You say that Ambassador Walker
discredited her testimony. How did he
discredit her testimony?

Father DONALD MONAN (President,
Boston College): He announced in El
Salvador that her testimony was not credible.

Father O'HARE: That there were
inconsistencies in it.

BRADLEY: There were inconsistencies.
She changed her story.

Father O'HARE: Yeah, after several
days of intensive pressure in a--imagine.
Put yourself in the situation of a
simple woman in a foreign land, not
knowing the language, being
threatened with deportation back to
El Salvador, isolated from those who could be
supportive of her. I think that it's
quite understandable that she would change
her testimony under that kind of pressure.

Mrs. SERENA: I want to make one thing
very clear. I saw the men. I saw the men.

BRADLEY: Just how effective was the
American Embassy at getting to the
bottom of the Jesuit case? Six weeks
after the murders, an American major
said he was tipped off by a
Salvadoran army officer that a
colonel in the army of El Salvador
had admitted being involved in the
murder. The embassy turned right
around and not only gave the name of
the colonel to the Salvadoran high
command, it also told them who the
informant was.

Colonel, Salvadoran Army): The American
officer put the informant in a very
difficult situation; so dangerous he
could have been killed.

BRADLEY: Former Colonel Siggefraido
Ochello was once a top commander in the
Salvadoran army. He's now a leader of
the ruling right wing Arena Party.

Mr. OCHELLO: If you burn somebody,
then other people who could provide
even more information clam up because
they'll be burned, too. A lot of them
say: I don't know anything. They just shut
up. What this American officer did
was to throw the informant into the
lion's den so they could tear him apart.

BRADLEY: No thought was given to
saying: Let's protect this guy's name
for the time being? Let's say here is the
information, we want to protect the
source of that.

Ambassador WALKER: Unlike the old
newspaper men who feel they'd rather
die than reveal the source, we're not in
that same game. We were talking with
the people who were trying to solve
the case, on whom a lot of pressure
was to solve the case.

Father MONAN: If we are ever going to
get to the people who authored the
crime, even though they didn't pull
the triggers, we're going to have to
have the informants come forward to
talk about what they know. And in this
case, the only two people we know who
came forward both came to the United
States and both suffered the
consequences of having provided their
information. That discouragement of
people to come forward with information,
I think, is fundamental to this case.

BRADLEY: The man the informant
fingered was Colonel Guillermo Benovides, the
head of the military academy, the
West Point of El Salvador. He was arrested
one week after they were given his
name by the Americans. Seven men
under his command were also arrested.

Ambassador WALKER: I would argue that
if, in fact, a colonel is proved to
be responsible for this and he is
punished to the full extent of the
law, that will be a signal to other colonels,
that will be a signal to other people
that this sort of behavior is not
going to be tolerated anymore in El
Salvador. And I think that's a step

(Representative, California): Not at
all. Not at all.

BRADLEY: California Congressman
George Miller is a member of a congressional
task force investigating the Jesuit

Congressman MILLER: This is an effort
to sort of keep throwing people off
the back of the truck to see whether
you can get the posse to quit
pursuing you.

Ambassador WALKER: I have seen no
indication that President Christiani,
the people that are investigating this,
the people who are pushing to solve the
mystery are hesitant to go to any
level of the government, to any level
of the armed forces. They have gone so
far to a colonel. As we talked about
earlier, this is historic.

Congressman MILLER: What does the
ambassador want us to do, give the system
a medal? This is a system that we've
poured $ 5 billion into that just
slaughtered and murdered people with
impunity. And now we're supposed to
shout: Hallelujah, they got a colonel?

BRADLEY: They may not even have that.
It seems that the evidence against
Colonel Benevides--testimony from
three lieutenants that he ordered the
Jesuit murders--can't be used in
court because it comes from
co-conspirators. President Christiani
admitted that it's doubtful Benevides
can be convicted. Nonetheless,
Ambassador Walker says he believes
the investigation has gone well.

Ambassador WALKER: Even in the United
States, sensational crimes are not
usually solved in a day or two. It
takes time. It takes hard police work. I
am saying all the indications that we
have are that the people responsible
for solving the crime have been
working very diligently, very
professionally and have, in fact, solved it.

BRADLEY: They've done ballistics
tests. They've done fingerprints.
They have confessions. They've identified the
killers. Doesn't that satisfy you?

Father O'HARE: The real issue is not
whether these enlisted men who did
the shooting are identified and
convicted, but whether those who
instructed them and made the decision to give the
orders--that is where the true guilt
lies, I think.

BRADLEY: The Jesuits believe the
decision to kill the priests goes much
higher than Benevides. So does former
Colonel Ochello.

Is it conceivable that Colonel
Benevides decided on his own to murder the

Mr. OCHELLO: No, I don't think so.
Knowing him, he's a man who could
never take or even conceive of making a
move as big as assassinating the
Jesuits. Benevides acted under orders. He
didn't act alone.

BRADLEY: Some in the army have said
that Benevides misunderstood an order
and perhaps broke under the pressure.
Isn't that possible?

Mr. OCHELLO: Definitely not. I think
this was all planned beforehand.

BRADLEY: You are saying that you
don't believe that Colonel Benevides
acted alone, correct?

Mr. OCHELLO: That's correct.

BRADLEY: He had help from other
senior officers in the Salvadoran

Mr. OCHELLO: That's correct.

BRADLEY: And they planned the murder
of the Jesuits?

Mr. OCHELLO: I believe, yes.

BRADLEY: Remember, few people know
more about the inner workings of the
Salvadoran army than former Colonel
Ochello, who was regarded as one of
the army's top field commanders. Why was
the military after the Jesuits? Many
army commanders believed for years
the Jesuits were the brains behind
the guerrillas. They denied that. The
murdered Jesuits said all they wanted
was social justice for the people of El
Salvador. One of those Jesuits, Father
Ignacio Martin Barro, spoke with CBS
News several months before he was killed.

(Assassinated Jesuit): Listen, the
problem of this country is not the problem of
communism or capitalism. The problems
of this country are problems of very
basic wealth distribution, of very
basic needs. But, when, in this country,
you ask for the satisfaction of those
needs, you become a subversive.

BRADLEY: Father Martin Barro and the
five other Jesuits were murdered
during the guerrilla offensive in San
Salvador last November. At the height
of the offensive, several hours before the
Jesuits were shot, the top commanders
met in military headquarters. Colonel
Ochello wasn't at that meeting, but he
believes he knows what happened next.

Mr. OCHELLO: A group of commanders
stayed behind. It seems that each was
responsible for a zone in San
Salvador. They gave an order to kill
leftists, just as Colonel Benevides did. I'll
say it again: Benevides obeyed. It
wasn't his decision.

BRADLEY: And yet, the Salvadoran
officer in charge of the investigation,
Colonel Rivas, is no longer actively
investigating the case. Publicly at
least, the American Embassy is not
complaining, even though top commanders
who could have ordered Benevides to
kill the Jesuits have never been
investigated. For instance, there's
Colonel Juan Orlandos Sapedas, the
number two man in the army of El
Salvador. Just five months before the
murder of the Jesuits, according to a
State Department document, Sapedas
complained that the Jesuits at the
Catholic university were planning
guerrilla strategy. According to that
same State Department document,
Sapedas probably was one of the
officers to whom Benevides reported.

We were not permitted to interview
Colonel Sapedas. Instead we spoke with
Colonel Rene Emilio Ponce, the army
chief of staff.

Sapedas has not been questioned. He
is on the record as saying they're
planning guerrilla strategy. Doesn't
it make sense to question him
formally, to submit him to a polygraph?

Staff, Salvadoran Army): That's not for
the military to decide. That's in the
hands of the judicial system.

BRADLEY: I know you don't make the
decisions. Do you have an opinion?

Colonel PONCE: My personal opinion is
that here in this country, there have
been many opinions about the role of
the Jesuits. You've got to take into
account all of the people who've said
something against the Jesuits, not
just Colonel Sapedas.

BRADLEY: It stunned us to find out
that the American Embassy had given
Colonel Ponce an audiotape of our
interview with Ambassador Walker to help
him prepare for us. So Ponce knew the
questions we were likely to ask. Is
the US embassy in cahoots with the
army of El Salvador? Fathers Monan and
O'Hare believe it is. And that the
embassy could have forced the Salvadorans
to investigate officers like Sapedas
and hasn't done so.

Ambassador WALKER: From the first
moment we knew of the Jesuits' deaths,
which was about 7:00 or 8:00 AM on
the day they were killed, this embassy
has been very, very involved in the
investigation, in trying to make sure
that all T's were crossed, dots put
above I's to make sure the government
did everything it could because we
recognized very early on that this
was a very important case.

BRADLEY: Why are you skeptical? I
mean, the investigation has only been
going on for five months.

Father O'HARE: Yeah, but the
investigation of Archbishop Romero's
been going on for 10 years. And we haven't--at
the time that that crime was committed,
the world was shocked. When four
American women were killed in December
1980, American military aid was
stopped for a brief time until we
were assured that, once again, human
rights were going to be respected. So
with that history, how can one have
confidence today that the system, as
encouraged or not encouraged by the
United States government, is going to
deliver justice in this case.

BRADLEY: Why would the American
embassy--why would our government not
do everything possible to get to the
bottom of the murder of the Jesuits?

Congressman MILLER: Because they'd
have to turn in their own client. The
client is the Salvadoran government
and the Salvadoran military. And many
of these questions are better left

Father O'HARE: I'd go right to the
high command of the Salvadoran
military, and if that's the case, the US
investment of the past 10 or 12 years
has been revealed as futile.

BRADLEY: During those 10 or 12 years
about 70,000 people were killed in El
Salvador, most of them unarmed
civilians. According to human rights
organizations, most of that killing
was done by the armed forces of El
Salvador, yet so far, not one
military officer has been convicted
of a human rights crime.

Colonel BARRO: There is--How you
say?--there is an environment of the
possibility of being killed any
moment of the day and the possibility
of being involved in a violent clash
every moment. And you have to count
on that.

STAHL: Just last Monday, the United
Nation Truth Commission found that the
order to kill the Jesuits came from
Colonel Rene Emilio Ponce, the army
chief of staff, the man who came to
the interview armed with the audio tape
of our interview with the American

The Truth Commission also concluded
that the Salvadoran officers who were
investigating the crime--the ones
described by then US Ambassador
Walker as
diligent professionals--were actually
part of the coverup.

(C) Sixty Minutes 1993 * Posted for
Fair Use Only

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Further Reading:

1) On the Kosovo Verification Mission

* 'The Cat is Out of the Bag,' at

and 'NATO SPIES CONFESS,' reprinted
from the Swiss journal, La Liberté,
22 April 1999

2) On the Racak non-massacre, see
'Racak, the Impossible Massacre,' at

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Subject: [ML-YU] Ukraine
recognizes SS as national heroes
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 23:54:36 +0100
From: Nemanja Lukic
To: "Marxism-Leninism, Yugoslavia"
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----- Forwarded message from Barry Stoller -----

AP. 19 March 2002. Ukrainian
regional authorities recognize SS
veterans as national heroes.

KYIV, March 19 - A city council in
western Ukraine has recognized
Ukrainian soldiers who fought with
the Nazis as fighters for freedom
from Soviet rule, allowing them
greater pensions and social benefits.

The Ivano-Frankivsk city council
decided Monday to proclaim 24 veterans
of the Nazi SS Halychyna division as
fighters for Ukrainian
independence, according to the
region's official web site.

The new status would give them
increased pensions and discounts for
communal services, the site said,
citing the press service of the
regional administration.

Representatives of the local Russian
Association protested the decision.

The Halychyna division was created
after Nazis occupied parts of Soviet
Ukraine in the early part of World
War II.

The division functioned in Ukraine's
western regions, and many ethnic
Ukrainians hostile to the Soviet
regime joined.

After the war, Soviet authorities
imprisoned many of the division's
veterans in labor camps as Nazi
collaborators [not surprisingly].




Subject: Meeting in Belgrade

Dear friends,

Please find below details of the meeting in Belgrade this
weekend and my presentation to the gathering.

Paul Davidson


· NATO tribunal as a weapon of
aggression and terrorism
· NATO in alliance with Al Qaida and
narco-mafia in Kosovo and Metohia
· Overcoming consequences of the
NATO activities in the Balkans


Organizers: SPS Council for International Relations,
Patriotic Alliance of Yugoslavia, Freedom Association,
Belgrade Forum, Center for Peace and Tolerance, Women Forum,
"Smisao" Theoretical Journal

Venue: Studentski Trg 15, Belgrade;
Beginning: 10:00 a.m.


Dear friends,

My name is Paul Davidson. I am a co-ordinator of the
Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic in Britain. On behalf
of that committee I thank
the organisers of this conference for inviting me here, as a
representative, and for making me welcome.

This is an intense moment for me. I have come here to meet
with you, to listen and to learn. And we know that while we are
deliberating here,
President Milosevic remains behind those grey prison walls in
The Hague. Surely it must be understood that this is an
injustice. For those
conditions are not conducive to his health, nor to his ability to
conduct his defence. That is why we have called for his
immediate release

They say that my own country, Britain, is governed according
to civilised laws and procedures. But can they deny that were
those same laws
and procedures to be applied in this ?tribunal? in Holland, then
the defendant would be immediately released from prison
pending the outcome
of his trial. Dare I say it that were the norms of international
justice to have been applied in that court, the judge would have
found already that
there was no case to answer and would have dismissed the

And those who prop up this sham court with political and
military pressure and with grants of money are the same ones
who lecture us on the
virtues of justice and accuse the Serb people of being in denial
of its own history. While the very fortress in which they hold
Milosevic is itself a testimony to their own past. Can civilised
Europe be in denial of its own barbaric past?

How can this trial bring peace and reconciliation to The

It is clear that there is a cross-section of our population that
has deep suspicions about what our government and our media
tell us with regard
to the region of the Balkans. But I bring you greetings from a
much smaller circle that makes up our committee. Our
committee seeks to
educate to the doubters and to organise them in defence of
human rights to peace, progress and justice, which are
universal rights. The
preservation and enforcement of these universal rights is not
based upon the unilateral intervention of the big powers but
upon respect for
national sovereignty and international law.

And therefore our target audience is rather large. For issues of
national sovereignty and international law cut across the
political spectrum of
left and right. And additionally the conditions in which your
President remains imprisoned, even in illness, make this case
one of human rights.

It gives me no pleasure to say that my country is one that has
had much to do with the suffering of your people. It has been a
prominent member of the NATO alliance that has used brute force to deny
the Balkan peoples their rights to self-determination. Before it
lectures others,
my country has to face up to its own past and its present role,
so that it will cease to be in denial of it. That is the process we
have to engage in.

I want to express three thoughts to you. The first concerns our
group. It concerns the question of why we set it up and what is
our purpose.

We set up our defence committee in September 2001 shortly
after the abduction (or what the CIA euphemistically calls
"rendition") of
President Milosevic. We organised ourselves in response to
the fact that committees were being set up all over Europe and
beyond Europe
with the aim of defending President Milosevic. We founded our
committee with four clear aims:

1.To support the stand that President Milosevic continues to
take against the dismemberment of his nation.
2.To defend President Milosevic and all Serbia against the
attack of the unjust tribunal at The Hague
3.To expose the illegitimacy of that tribunal and fight for its
4.To expose the context of NATO?s colonial strategy in your

We determined to work closely with the International Defence

For let us be clear, NATO is the alliance of which my country
is part. We the citizens of Britain fund this NATO monster
with the taxes we pay
with every wage cheque we receive and with every purchase
we make. Can we be in denial of this?

With those four simple yet noble aims in mind we seek to
educate and organise that section of the public which deeply
questions our
government and our corporate media and hence which refuses
to be in denial.

Secondly, what can we offer you? What do we bring to the
table? We are not historians. We cannot feign to give an
account of your complex
history, even the contemporary history. We cannot assume the
posture of the historian who is able to say with apparent
certainty, that this and
this happened but that this did not happen and to say who is
responsible for what within the region. We are citizens of
Britain and cannot write
your history.

If a lie is told in our press we will attempt to expose it. If
confusion is sewn we will try to cut through it. But it is not for
us to define nor defend
any one version of your history. That is your job, not ours. Our
focus, which we share with you, is on universal values, justice,
freedom and
human rights, as they apply to the unjust, unfree and inhuman
treatment of Slobodan Milosevic.

It is our own history we have to write. We have to give an
account of our role in this injustice. For it was the British
government in slavish
obedience to our trans-Atlantic friends that has intervened
time and time again in your region. Intervened not to bring
peace and reconciliation
but to promote war and injustice. We in the committee will not
play that interventionist game, for any end.

And the so-called tribunal in little civilised and democratic
Holland is nothing more than the extension of this policy of war
by other means. As
for the British judge who sits there and listens to the British
prosecutor, the provocatively names Mr. Nice, these people are
nothing but vigilantes in wigs. Can we be in denial of this?

Thirdly, where has all this policy of war and hatred taken us?
We, the ordinary citizens of Britain have to ask ourselves in all
honesty, what have we got out of it?

After ten years of intervention do we live in a more secure
world? Three years after the bombing, where are the economic
fruits for the
ordinary people? Do we enjoy more trade? After fifteen years of
unremitting propaganda, are we more educated or more ignorent? Have we
learned anything knew, or have we merely unlearned that which
we once knew? Have we forgotten that the Serb people were
our allies during
six years of intense war against the Nazi tyranny. Can we be in
denial of that?

I tell you that the ordinary people of my land have gained
nothing from the destruction of yours. We come away the
poorer, the more illiterate,
the less cultured, the more barbaric, the less secure, the more
controlled and the less law-bound . . . than WE previously
were before this
interventionism of the New World Order swept away whatever
good sense we had.

And the court case at The Hague will bring us nothing. One can
only imagine that its true purpose is not to bring peace and
reconciliation to
the peoples of the region but to further the cause of animosity
and enflamed hatred. So, they keep stirring the pot.

Only where division rules can Empire rule.

Our mission can be therefore summed up in one simple phrase
- to rescue foreign policy from a treasonous government and
get OUR
government off YOUR backs. And this for our own interests as
it is for yours.

We in this committee have issued thousands of leaflets to our
fellow citizens, during anti-war marches and civil protest. In
the short space of
six months we have issued press statements, given TV and
radio interviews, published articles and letters in the media and
established our
own email list. We have held a public meeting of almost 100
people and raised money for the defence fund. We have made
progress to put questions in the arena of parliamentary politics.
We have come here to join with you now, today.

But I can honestly tell you that we have not done enough.

This will be a long fight and there are those of us who are
committed to it with our whole hearts It is in the name of those
that I speak when I
say, without hesitation

Freedom for President Milosevic!

Long live peace, justice and progress and true reconciliation
between the peoples!

Thank you



Subject: [IAC]NYC-3/24: 3rd Anniversary US War Against
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 13:13:02 -0500
From: "Action Center" <actioncenter@...>
To: <ActionCenter.balkan@...>


You are invited to a March 24 meeting to launch the new
IAC book:

HIDDEN AGENDA: U.S. NATO Takeover of Yugoslavia

Dear friends

As the U.S. vice president scours the world trying to gain
support for new U.S. military aggression against Iraq.

As U.S. planes rain thousands of tons upon the people and
the mountains of Afghanistan and the generals plan
incursions into Pakistan.

As the Empire run from Washington plants new military
bases from Kosovo and Bosnia to Usbekistan and

As the Pentagon plans military tribunals to sentence those
they designate enemies from the Middle East and South
Asia, and as the Justice Department arrests young men of
the same background without reason or probable cause.

Ramsey Clark and the staff of the International Action
Center (IAC) invite you to a meeting to commemorate the
third anniversary of the beginning of the 78-day U.S./NATO
war against Yugoslavia and to show the relationship
between this war and the new eternal "crusade" of the

Scheduled for 3-5 p.m. on March 24 at Ramsey Clark's law
office at 36 East 12th Street, 6th Floor, Manhattan, the
meeting will launch the new book published by the IAC,
HIDDEN AGENDA: U.S./NATO Takeover of Yugoslavia.

The meeting will include a discussion of the trial of
former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic for alleged
war crimes, with a report from The Hague, where Milosevic
has turned the tables on his captors and put U.S./NATO
policies on trial.

The Pentagon generals and their public-relations
specialists presented the 1999 war as one to protect human
rights. They claimed that they would rebuild the damaged
Yugoslavia and help it enter the world of the "free
market." They even claimed they were helping Muslims.

Walter Rockler, the prosecutor at the post World War II
Nuremberg trial of Nazis, who died this March 8, had a
more accurate analysis of the 1999 war: "The attack on
Yugoslavia," he wrote, "constitutes the most brazen
international aggression since the Nazis attacked Poland
to prevent `Polish atrocities' against Germans."

Indeed, one can see from the unemployment and poverty
ravaging what is left of Yugoslavia, from U.S./NATO
military penetration of the Balkans and from U.S./European
Union domination of the Balkans economies today that all
the U.S./NATO excuses were lies.

Come join us to meet the editors of and contributors to,
HIDDEN AGENDA and discuss with Ramsey Clark and others
these important questions.

For those who cannot come, but would like to buy the new
book, more information is included below.

Sara Flounders and John Catalinotto, editors, HIDDEN


This book presents evidence gathered by dozens of
nongovernmental hearings in 1999 and 2000 that the NATO
countries engaged in a decade-long conspiracy to foment
war in Yugoslavia in order to split it up.

In the 40+ essays presented here, leading anti-war
activists and analysts from many countries take up The
Hague Tribunal, the occupation of Kosovo, media lies, war
crimes and the blatant illegality of NATO aggression.
Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark writes on
"Blaming the victim." Former Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic, demonized in the Western press, stands up to
the NATO tribunal based in The Hague.


OF THE FUTURE By Michel Collon. (Translated from the
French and just published by the IAC)

NATO in the Balkans: Voices of Opposition Selections from
Ramsey Clark, Sara Flounders, Sean Gervasi, Nadja Tesich
and others.

War, Lies & Videotape: How Media Monopoly Stifles Truth
Exposes the links between the government, the media and
the military. War propaganda and NATO's expanding role.


Hidden Agenda, 408 pages, maps, photographs, index,

Liar's Poker, 208 pages (8.5x11 in.), maps, photographs,
index, $19.95.

When ordering both Hidden Agenda and Liar's Poker, pay
$29.90, plus postage and handling (25% discount!).

NATO in the Balkans: Voices of Opposition, 1998, 236
pages, indexed, $15.95, plus postage and handling.

War, Lies & Videotape: How Media Monopoly Stifles Truth,
2000, 288 pages, indexed, $15.95, plus postage and

Special rate on all four books covering the U.S./NATO war
on Yugoslavia: $49.90 (a $71.80 value) plus postage and

In all cases, add postage and handling--$5 for the first
book and $1 for each additional book.

For booksellers or associations interested in ordering 10
copies or more, please contact orders@... for
special discounts and shipping arrangements.

Buy online through

Otherwise send pre-paid orders to :
International Action Center 39 West 14th Street, Suite 206
New York, NY 10011

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