
(italiano / srpskohrvatski / deutsch.
"Traditori della propria patria" non sono solo quelli del passato, i codardi che allo scoppio della II Guerra Mondiale scapparono lasciando il paese senza guida a subire l'occupazione nazifascista, ma anche quelli del presente, che stendono tappeti rossi sia davanti ai nuovi occupatori, sia dinanzi alle salme dei codardi di allora...

(english / italiano)

Anche in Slovenia cappio UE al collo dei lavoratori

1) Sanzioni europee in vista per la Slovenia
2) Slovenian government adopts another austerity programme

=== 1 ===

Sanzioni europee in vista per la Slovenia

di Mauro Manzin, su Il Piccolo del 27 maggio 2013

La Slovenia, per aver violato il rapporto tra debito pubblico e Pil stabilito a Maastricht non superiore al 3%, potrebbe essere la prima nazione europea a incorrere nelle sanzioni che verranno stabilite dalla Commissione europea. La notizia appare sulle colonne del quotidiano britannico Telegraph e proviene da fonti comunitarie. Nella relazione che sarà resa pubblica mercoledì a Bruxelles il “cartellino rosso” potrebbe essere estratto anche per Francia e Spagna. Un avvertimento sarebbe rivolto anche alla Gran Bretagna, rea di rimanere “impiccata” al cappio dei prestiti che vanifica gli sforzi per diminuire il debito pubblico anche se Londra dovrebbe riuscire a non incorrere nelle sanzioni europee.
La Commissione europea, negli ultimi tempi, per cercare di combattere le violazioni dei principali standard macroeconomici nell’area dell’Eurozona ha ottenuto potrei speciali che la investono della possibilità di decidere quali riforme devono essere attuate negli Stati “trasgressori” e di elevare multe salatissime a chi non dovesse adeguarsi ai voleri del “governo” comunitario. «Se i Paesi non attuano le riforme necessaria a rispettare i parametri dell’Eurozona - spiega una fonte di Bruxelles del Telegraph - sono passibili di sanzioni. E le modalità operative all’interno dell’Ue sono molto cambiate negli ultimi 12 mesi. Fino ad ora la Commissione metteva in evidenza o criticava chi non rispettava i parametri macroeconomici, adesso invece decide direttamente Bruxelles. Mai la Commissione ha avuto simili poteri».
I nuovi regolamenti permettono che sia la Commissione stessa, decretando le sanzioni, a decidere quali riforme devono essere attuate nei Paesi inadempienti e come. E la decisione della Commissione si ritiene approvata se non si oppongono i due terzi dei Paesi membri. È il sistema della maggioranza qualificata per cui i due terzi dei membri devono votare contro una decisione e non a suo favore.
E secondo il Telegraph proprio la Slovenia potrebbe essere la prima “vittima” di questi nuovi poteri della Commissione Ue visto e considerato poi che i problemi del sistema creditizio di Lubiana sono molto simili a quelli di Cipro. Insomma, dicono a Bruxelles, la Slovenia come “cavia”. Ricordiamo che nella relazione dell’aprile scorso ben 13 Paesi europei furono considerati dalla Commissione come “insolventi” nei confronti dei parametri macroeconomici europei. Un particolare accenno fu fatto allora nei confronti di Spagna e Slovenia.
Al di là della Slovenia il vero grosso problema è costituito in questo momento dalla situazione della Francia la seconda potenza industriale dell’Eurozona. Bruxelles minaccerà Parigi con le sanzioni se il governo francese non porterà a termine le riforme strutturali necessarie (pensioni in primis) per innescare un circuito virtuoso nell’indebitamento pubblico. Il termine che verrebbe dato alla Francia sarebbe quello del 2015. Anche Lubiana spera in una proroga, come dichiarato dalla premier Alenka Bratušek, visto poi che il pareggio di bilancio è stato inserito nella Costituzione a partire proprio dal 2015. Ma Lubiana, si sa, non è Parigi.

=== 2 ===

Slovenian government adopts another austerity programme

By Markus Salzmann 
21 May 2013

Seven weeks after taking power, Slovenia’s centre-left governing coalition adopted a new austerity programme and presented it to the European Union commission. Through tax increases and the privatisation of companies, the government plans to cut the budget deficit from its current level of 8.3 percent.

With these measures Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek intends to stabilise the country’s ailing banks at the expense of the population. The banks have debts of €7 billion (US$9 billion)—a sum equivalent to one fifth of Slovenian gross domestic product (GDP).

Bratusek announced plans to sell off 15 companies, including the second largest bank Nova KBM, Telekom Slovenia, the national airline Adria Airways, and the Ljublijana airport. For some of these concerns, privatisation is already under way.

Finance minister Uros Cufer said that the state would not maintain a controlling share in any of the companies. The austerity programme should result in savings totalling €1 billion. For the employees of these companies this will mean large wage cuts and layoffs.

On July 1, VAT on goods and services will increase from 20 percent to 22 percent, hitting those on low and middle incomes particularly hard. The lower rate of income tax will increase by 1 percent to 9.5 percent, bringing in €250 million annually.

Bratusek noted that the VAT changes would be permanent, “because it is a structural measure and not a temporary one.”

Wages in the public sector will once again be reduced with the full support of the trade unions. They were already cut severely last year.

Interior Minister Gregor Virant and trade union leader Branimir Strukelj declared in Ljublijana last Tuesday that they had agreed on further cuts. The reductions in basic rates of pay and state payments for health care and pensions come into force on June 1 and will achieve savings of €291 million this year and in 2014. Including previously implemented measures, the austerity programme will save a total of €500 million by the end of 2014.

The trade unions have seized the opportunity to reaffirm their support for austerity policies and the government, made up of the Positive Slovenia Party, the Social Democrats (SD), the Liberals (DL) and the Pensioners’ Party (DeSus). To this end, Bratusek held discussions last week with Dusan Semolic, the head of the largest trade union association ZSSS.

An initial announcement to impose a “general crisis tax” has for the time being not been implemented. However the tax will continue to be a “plan B” option. A charge on those with gross earnings of more than €750 per month will be levied.

Slovenia has come under growing pressure in recent weeks, after rating agency Moody’s downgraded the credit rating of the former Yugoslavian republic to junk status. As a consequence, EU officials had increased the pressure on Slovenia to intensify its austerity programme.

The austerity measures are aimed at stabilising the ailing banks. Slovenia’s banks hold toxic assets worth an estimated €7 billion, of which €4 billion are to be transferred in to a newly created “bad bank.”

The state-owned banks, which have already received support of €420 million, are to be given a further €900 million of capital this year. Credit rating agency Fitsch has estimated that the three largest banks require at least €2 billion of financial assistance.

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has predicted that Slovenia will go into recession this year and see a sharp rise in government debt. Economic output will contract by a further 2.1 percent. Debt as a percentage of GDP will climb rapidly from 47 percent to 100 percent by 2025.

Although the trade unions have supported the austerity measures and opposed even token protests against them, further demonstrations are inevitable. In recent months there were several protests in the country’s major cities, the largest since Slovenian independence in 1991.

At the end of April, thousands demonstrated in the capital demanding that parliamentary elections planned for the end of 2013 be brought forward in order to force the Bratusek government from office. With placards that read “power to the people,” “fire the troika, not the citizens,” “money for the people instead of the banks,” and “we won’t pay for your crisis”, the participants expressed their rage with the government, the EU and international financial institutions.


Mentre festeggia il suo anniversario ( ), il Tribunale "ad hoc" dell'Aia emette la sua ennesima scandalosa sentenza: la distruzione del cinquecentesco Ponte di Mostar nel 1993 non è reato poiché trattavasi di "legittimo obiettivo militare"!
E' questa solo l'ultima evidenza del carattere servile, anti-jugoslavo, complice del separatismo fascista croato e bosgnacco, di questa istituzione para-legale creata dai paesi NATO per potersi autoassolvere dai reati commessi con lo squartamento della Jugoslavia. Il fascismo croato viene di nuovo trattato con i guanti di velluto, con questa sentenza, alla vigilia dell'ingresso della Croazia nella UE il prossimo 1 luglio. (a cura di Italo Slavo)će-je-zaključilo-da-je-stari-most-bio-legitiman-vojni-cilj

Antonetti: Vijeće je zaključilo da je Stari most bio legitiman vojni cilj

May 29 (Fena) - Raspravno vijeće Haškog suda (ICTY) u srijedu je u prvostupanjskoj osuđujućoj presudi šestorici bosanskohercegovačkih Hrvata zaključilo da je Stari most u Mostaru, srušen 9. studenoga 1993. u granatiranju HVO-a, bio legitiman vojni cilj, uz izdvojeno mišljenje predsjedavajućeg suca Jeana-Claudea Antonettija, jer ga je koristila i Armija BiH.
"Mostarski Stari most srušen je 9. studenoga 1993... Vijeće je zaključilo, uz moje suprotno mišljenje, da je to bio legitiman vojni cilj", pročitao je sudac Antonetti.
Most je projektilima gađan tijekom cijelog dana 8. studenoga, a dan kasnije bio je potpuno srušen. Stari most je izgrađen između 1557. i 1566. na zamolbu stanovnika Mostara sultanu Sulejmanu Kanuniju ili Veličanstvenom. Izgradio ga je lokalni majstor Mehmed-beg Karađoz, iza kojeg je ostala središnja mostarska Karađoz-begova džamija i brojni drugi vakufi.
Međunarodni kazneni sud za bivšu Jugoslaviju (ICTY) u srijedu je osudio šestoricu bivših čelnika Herceg-Bosne optuženih za zločine nad muslimanskim stanovništvom Herceg-Bosne 1993-94., na dugogodišnje zatvorske kazne te je utvrdio da je postojao udruženi zločinački pothvat na čelu s prvim hrvatskim predsjednikom Franjom Tuđmanom.
Tadašnji predsjednik vlade HR Herceg-Bosne Jadranko Prlić nepravomoćno je osuđen na 25 godina, ministar obrane Bruno Stojić na 20 godina, zapovjednici Glavnog stožera HVO-a generali Slobodan Praljak i Milivoj Petković na 20 godina, zapovjednik vojne policije HVO-a Valentin Ćorić na 16 godina, a načelnik Ureda za razmjenu zarobljenika Berislav Pušić na 10 godina zatvora.
U završnim riječima tužitelji su zatražili da ih se proglasi krivima te su za Prlića, Stojića, Praljka i Petkovića zatražili 40 godina zatvora, za Ćorića 35, a za Pušića 25 godina zatvora, dok su obrane zatražile njihovo oslobađanje.


Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia - ONLUS

=== * ===

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--- PART1 ---

17 May, 16:33  

European Guantanamo or the reason the US wants Serbia to give up Kosovo

The U.S. military base in Kosovo was constructed in 1999 without consulting with the government of Serbia and the largest U.S. military base built outside of the U.S. since the Vietnam War. The site was apparently used for extraordinary renditions and has been referred to as a “little Guantanamo”. This is a very little known fact as NATO, the U.S., the European Union and the West are in the process of forcing Serbia to effectively give up Kosovo, and indicates the real motive for the West’s support of the Kosovo Liberation Army which it had deemed a terrorist organization in the past. Rick Rozoff, the owner and manager of Stop NATO spoke about this and more in an interview with the Voice of Russia.

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Hello! This is John Robles, I'm speaking with Mr. Rick Rozoff, the owner of the stop NATO website and international mailing list.

Robles: Hello Rick! How are you?

Rozoff: Very good John! Thanks for having me on.

Robles: It’s a pleasure to be speaking with you. How much importance would you give to the 200 US-NATO troops being stationed in Italy? And why US-NATO troops? These troops are being stationed for possible operations in Libya. How do you think that reflects on the operations to remove Muammar Gaddafi by the US?

Rozoff: It’s a continuation of that policy, of course. And as it is now, you know, two years ago and two months, 26 months ago that the military campaign against Libya was launched, initially, as we have to recall, by the US Africa Command (AFRICOM) that began it for the first 19 days and then it was taken up by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for six months thereafter. And this meant to signal and meant in fact to be the first activation of AFRICOM as a war fighting force on the African continent, and also the NATO’s first open military incursion on the Africa, and certainly not the last. This was meant to be an opening salvo and not an isolated incident.

What is significant about the impending deployment of what is minimally, and I think we should emphasize, 200 US Marines, and some reports estimate up to 500, these are members of what the US Marine Corps refer to as the Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force that only recently was moved into Spain, and then it is being transitioned from Spain into Italy for use in North Africa. So, I think we can see the push to the south and the east to employ State Department slogan or expression of few years ago where the US is going to deploy very shortly four guided missile cruisers to the Naval Station Rota in Spain, a Marine Expeditionary Strike Forces really of the sort we are talking about going to the Sigonella base in Sicily.

This is the same base that the US has another Marine Corps detachment already deployed to. And this is actually a separate one that has already been assigned to the same naval station Sigonella. We should also recall that in the beginning of this year, in January the Governor of Sicily put a stop to plans that the US had for putting on its missile on a satellite surveillance facility in Sicily, on the island.

You know, big plans are afoot and the US is going to move in something called the Mobile User Objective System, global satellite facility, to Sicily. That seems to have been stopped but the troops are coming in, with the avowed purpose John, of intervening in Libya and Benghazi or elsewhere as the U.S. sees fit.

Robles: What exactly is that system that you just mentioned?

Rozoff: The photographs I’ve seen of it suggest that it truly is mobile, I mean it is something comparable to some of the Patriot Advanced Capability Missile Systems that the US has put in Poland and Turkey and Israel. It is described as being a satellite communication system. I’m not sure what precisely it was meant to monitor in Sicily, but I would guess the entire Mediterranean Sea, perhaps most notably part of the eastern Mediterranean. But as to the precise range and purpose of the missile system, I’m not familiar with that.

Robles: I see. So, this is some new technology?

Rozoff: Yes... There are similar ones, that are called Mobile User Objective Systems deployed in Australia, as well as in the US states of Hawaii and Virginia. But I’m not sure how they are integrated with other military capabilities.

Robles: What else has happened with NATO in the last month that you think our listeners should know about?

Rozoff: They’ve had series of meetings of foreign ministers, of chiefs of defense staff and others in the recent months. The focus, according to NATO of course, is wrapping up the Afghan mission which I don’t think will ever be definitively finished. But the drawing down or the eventual phased withdrawal from Afghanistan, the continuation of the operation in Kosovo, the Serbian province (the province wrenched from Serbia), and the continued naval operations in the Mediterranean Sea, what is called operation Active Endeavour, and ongoing, presumably permanent, naval operations in the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean, the so-called operation Ocean Shield.

So, NATO is still in ways that we have discussed on many an occasion in the past continuing permanent military operations way outside the area of the North Atlantic Ocean, ultimately globally. Nothing outstanding in any particular regard but I think the continuation of these policies.

Robles: How many bases was NATO going to leave in Afghanistan? And what can you tell us about Kosovo, can you give us some details on that as well?

Rozoff: The statement about the US maintaining military bases in Afghanistan after the complete withdrawal of US-NATO troops, well, we can’t say complete, I mean there are estimates that as many as 14,000 US NATO troops will stay in the country; but after the bulk, at one time 152,000 US and other NATO troops in Afghanistan are withdrawn, according to President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan, the US has clearly indicated to him, I think the word “demanded” would not be too strong a word, that the US or the Pentagon wants to maintain nine military bases inside the country. And they are situated in the north, south, east and west, and that is near the borders of the former Soviet Central Asian Republics, but also Iran and Pakistan, and in some cases not terribly far from the narrow strip of land that connects Afghanistan to China.

And they include of course the major, you know, arguably, at any point in future, strategic air bases like Bagram and Kandahar and Shindand and elsewhere in the country. As we’ve talked about on many occasions I think any sensible person has figured out that the US and its Western allies don’t intend to vacate the southern Central Asian region in the immanent future, if at all.

Robles: You just mentioned Karzai, I was just reminded about his recent revelation that he’d been receiving garbage bags full of money from the CIA for over a decade. Can you comment on that as far as NATO goes? And regarding the US-NATO troops, do you think there is any specific reason why only US-NATO troops are going to be staying in Afghanistan?

Rozoff: Let me start with the second one first because I think it is the easiest. The facts are fairly incontestable, It is not going to be only US troops. The US will maintain 9 military bases evidently, that’s what it intends to do. But NATO itself is transitioning from what is currently known as the International Security Assistance Force, initially it was presented, if you can believe this, under the rubric of a peacekeeping force in the early part of this century, and it quickly devolved into a war fighting force and to a combat force. And once that mission ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) is finished, then NATO will continue in Afghanistan training the Afghan National Army and other security personnel basically to be a Western proxy army in the south Central Asian region. That’s the easy part.

The question about Mr. Karzai being lavished with a good deal of American largesse, that shouldn’t surprise anybody. It is to be assumed I suppose that the US buys off foreign leaders, certainly those it’s implanted in power, like Mr. Karzai, who is not a foreigner, is not an alien to American shores. One of his brothers for example ran, for years, a restaurant pretty much in my neighborhood here in Chicago. And the family, I’m sure, already has a mansion set up in this country to flee to, when they have to, and to take as much of the CIA cash as they can with them back home, repatriate it if you will.

Robles: You mentioned Kosovo a few minutes ago. You said that NATO had met regarding Kosovo and KFOR. Anything new there?

Rozoff: The US and its Western allies, in the later case I’m talking about people in Brussels whether they are wearing the European Union or the NATO hat, it doesn’t seem to matter much, but I’m sure they employed all their typical subversive powers of persuasion to convince the Coalition Government in Belgrade, in Serbia to acknowledge the independence of Kosovo, not formally, practically . And NATO has pretty substantially withdrawn the amount of troops in Kosovo because they turned the province over to their proxy forces there. The former leaders of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army, whose leaders are heading up the Kosovo Security Force which is a fledging army being trained by NATO.

So, once the country is turned over to surrogates, the NATO troops can clear out and go on to the next war zone which is effectively what happened since 1999. At one point, in June of 1999 there were 50,000 troops in Kosovo under NATO command or under KFOR, the Kosovo force. And that number has dwindled down to perhaps a tenth of that right now. But the US still maintains Camp Bondsteel and Camp Monteith. The first, Camp Bondsteel is repeatedly the largest overseas U.S. military base built since the war in Vietnam. And there is no indication that it intends to vacate that base. As to what it is doing with it, that’s a question worth pursuing.

Robles: Where is that base?

Rozoff: In Kosovo.

Robles: And you say that’s the largest foreign base that the U.S. has?

Rozoff: What I’ve read and given the acreage, the size of the base, it seems to be the case. It is the largest base that the U.S. has built overseas since the war in Vietnam. Since the 1960s.

Robles: And that’s in Kosovo?

Rozoff: That’s in Kosovo. It was constructed in 1999, I think it was with Kellog Brown and Root, that built the bases almost everywhere else. It’s in Kosovo and it is a fairly mammoth complex. Camp Monteith is a sister base considerably smaller than Bondsteel. But Bondsteel, which is by the way named after a US serviceman who was killed in Vietnam, there’s been speculation that Camp Bondsteel could have been used for extraordinary renditions during the so-called global war on terrorism.

There’s also been discussion from the sources in Russia amongst other places, that should the US want to deploy strategic resources in Camp Bondsteel. And by that we mean either interceptor missiles or perhaps even nuclear weapons. Who would be the wiser and who in the inner circle, Hashim Taci and Pristina, would say “no”.

Robles: When was this base built?

Rozoff: In 1999 it was constructed and it’s been operating ever since. So, you are talking about 14 years now. And there is no indication, you know, unless you accept the US and NATO line, matters have been stabilized in Kosovo and they are going to step down troops, again, which I think they have, I think about 90% of the initial deployment, amount of troops rather, 15,000 troops have been withdrawn but Camp Bondsteel is still there. It is in the eastern part of Kosovo. And in addition to being a US military base it is also NATO headquarters for what’s called Multinational Brigade East.

And ahem... I am looking at the exact size of the place, it is 955 acres. That’s pretty sizeable! And it was built on Serbian land without consulting with the Government of Serbia. I gues the KLA Official in Pristina rubber stamped it. By August of 1999, two months after the US and other NATO troops came into Kosovo, the construction of the base was pretty much under way. Apparently 52 helipads were constructed and shortly thereafter franchise restaurants.

Robles: Right there at the beginning, was it like that it was already constructed as if it would be a permanent fixture?

Rozoff: By all indications exactly that. I cannot see what the motivation would be to build something that large which is still operative to this day...

Robles: You said they had “franchise restaurants” and things like that in there?

Rozoff: I’m looking at it on the computer now. You know, Burger King, Taco Bell and so forth built in there. You know, gymnasiums, health clubs. It is a whole city practically. And evidently, somebody with the Council of Europe, Álvaro Gil-Robles (There’s a name for you John!) Human Rights NEvoy to the Council of Europe, referred to Camp Bondsteel in 2005, and this is a quote: as a “smaller version of Guantanamo” after visiting the facility. So, evidently the US did use it for extraordinary renditions, and so-called black operations or black renditions.

Robles: So, that would give us a very-very-very clear and undisputable reason why the West is so interested in guaranteeing the independence of Kosovo.

Rozoff: Right! And that was the statement made by many of us who opposed the war against Yugoslavia in 1999. When the US constructed that base, it was almost began immediately after the NATO coming into Kosovo, that it was ex post facto proof that the US had military designs in the region and that the war against Yugoslavia was simply an opportunity to expand its military into the region.

Robles: I see.

Rozoff: Which in fact is what has ensued!

You were listening to an interview in progress with Rick Rozoff the owner and manager of the stop NATO  website and mailing list.

--- PART2 ---

23 May, 1:24  

NATO has never offered to cooperate with Russia - Rozoff

Western support for KLA terrorists and support for the self-declared independence of Kosovo are part of a pan-Albanian plan for the region, NATO is reaching its tentacles into space and there has never been any real offer of cooperation by NATO to Russia, all of these issues were recently discussed with regular Voice of Russia contributor Rick Rozoff, the owner and manager of the Stop NATO website and mailing list.
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You're listening to an interview in progress with Rick Rozoff, the owner and manager of the Stop NATO website and mailing list. You can find part 1 of this interview on our website at :

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