

Arruolato come spia per conto dell'MI5 britannico, il signor Stankovic, serbo di Croazia, è adesso sotto processo in Inghilterra per non aver ottemperato all'ordine di interrompere qualsiasi contatto con i rappresentanti del suo popolo. Rischia di dover pagare una multa di 500mila sterline.

Former major faces huge bill for failed action

Posted by: "Tim Fenton" 

Sun Nov 11, 2007 7:54 pm (PST)

Some might argue that having acted against the interests of his 
ancestral people he deserves little sympathy. But I prefer to see him 
(as so many of the Serbian diaspora I have met) as fiercely loyal and 
honourable to his adopted home despite their ingratitude, ignorance 
and perfidious sympathies. He is the victim of anti-Serbian hysteria 
which still retains its grip in Britain as well as elsewhere...

If you need reminding of the details, they were given in the House of 

Former major faces huge bill for failed action

Richard Norton-Taylor
Saturday November 10, 2007
The Guardian

A decorated former army officer hailed as a hero for his humanitarian 
work in Bosnia faces a huge legal bill after losing an action for 
damages over his arrest for spying.

Milos Stankovic, who conducted secret talks with Bosnian Serb leaders 
on behalf of Britain and the UN, sued the Ministry of Defence police 
for misconduct, malice, false imprisonment, and negligence. High 
court judge Mr Justice Saunders yesterday described Mr Stankovic as a 
"courageous and resourceful" man who had "suffered the effects of his 
time there more than most". He called the case "very tragic".

Article continues

The judge added: "On a number of occasions, Major Stankovic showed 
considerable heroism in carrying out humanitarian acts in Bosnia 
which had to be conducted in secrecy. These included the rescue of a 
Muslim woman at considerable risk to himself and he was involved in 
an operation called 'Schindler's List' which re-united Bosnians with 
their families."

However, the judge said that though Mr Stankovic was innocent, it was 
understandable that he aroused the suspicions of MI5 and then the 
police. He had brought back confidential papers about his dealings 
with Bosnian Serbs and had maintained informal contact with them, 
despite being told not to.

The judge dismissed his claim against the MoD and police for damages, 
though he said the only thing the army officer had been proved to 
have done wrong was to disobey one direct order.

Mr Stankovic, 44, from Surrey, was a Serbo-Croat interpreter and 
liaison officer with the Bosnian Serbs for senior British army 
officers. He had talks with General Ratko Mladic, commander of the 
Bosnian Serb army, and with aides to Radovan Karadzic, the Bosnian 
Serb leader, both now indicted for war crimes.

The former officer now faces a legal bill unofficially estimated at 
up to £500,000. He had earlier refused an offer of £100,000 to settle 
the case.


(sulle fortune personali dei boss "politici" kosovaro-albanesi)

MakFax (Macedonia)
October 16, 2007

Pacoli has €420 worth of assets in Kosovo alone

Pristina - The wealthiest candidate for deputy at the parliamentary elections in Kosovo is Bexhet Pacoli, the President of the Alliance for Kosovo, who reported €420 worth of assets in Kosovo alone.

On the other hand, the least wealthy is the Kosovo's President Fatmir Sejdiu, whose assets are estimated at €250.000, Zeri daily reported.

Veton Suroi, the leader of the Reformists, reported €2.5 million worth of assets, while Ramus Haradinaj, the President of the Alliance for Future of Kosovo, has €1.3 million worth of assets.

(Sulle nuove minacce di aggressione NATO contro i serbi, si vedano anche le dichiarazioni del Presidente Napolitano: << il riaccendersi [tra l'altro] di acute contrapposizioni nei Balcani (...) responsabilità alla quale non possiamo sottrarci e che non possiamo, come italiani e come europei, delegare ad altri... >> )

The March to War: NATO Preparing for War with Serbia?

by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

Global Research, October 19, 2007

Today in the globalized realm of international relations everything is interlinked. Eurasia is all but a giant jigsaw in name. Two opposite forces are creating a synthesis. This state is a result of the dynamic and static pushes to infiltrate the Eurasian Heartland and those opposed to the American-led drive of infiltration, the Eurasian reactionary outward counter-drive.

A Second Kosovo War Scenario against Serbia: NATO’s Noble Midas 2007

NATO has performed military exercises based on the scenario of a military conflict in an unnamed breakaway province in the Balkans. [1]  The breakaway province is clearly the predominately Albanian inhabited Serbian province of Kosovo. The exercises took place from September 27 till October 12, 2007 in the Adriatic Sea and Croatia according to the NATO Public Information Office in Naples, Italy. [2] The exercise was inaugurated as a “peace enforcement exercise” in the Adriatic Sea. [3]

The problems that have arisen between Kosovar Albanians and Serbia have been problems that have been mostly fueled by NATO powers. In fact the issue of full independence was not a problem between Serbia and the Kosovar Albanians before 1999. Kosovo’s Albanians also enjoyed autonomy from Belgrade for many years. It has only been under the influence of NATO that animosity has been raised between the two sides.

Croatia and Albania have also participating in the NATO exercise and both are projected to have roles in any future war against Serbia and its regional allies and supporters inside Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro over the fate of Kosovo. Many Croats are also unhappy about their government’s decision to coordinate or cooperate with NATO, which they view with suspicion and as a destabilizing force in the Balkans.

According to a NATO press release, “Approximately 2,000 military and 50 civilian personnel, over 30 ships and submarines and 20 fixed-wing aircraft from NATO and the Croatian Armed Forces will train together in a Crisis Response Operation scenario, where NATO is appointed by the U.N. to build up an immediate reaction in a fictitious country on the brink of civil war.” [4]

It is clear that NATO intends to settle the issue of Kosovo through military means. Rear-Admiral Alain Hinden, the French commandant of the NATO exercise has made a statement that is a dead giveaway about the underlying intentions of NATO in regards to the exercise: “This exercise has been designed for years. The U.N. and NATO are training for this type of real intervention, of humanitarian assistance be it in this region [the Balkans] or anywhere else in the world.” [5]

NATO Military Integration: Preparing the World for a Broader War?

According to the British Broadcasting Service (BBC), “With the military forces of Western [meaning NATO] nations stretched, particularly those of the U.S. and U.K. [in Iraq and Afghanistan], flexibility and adaptability are becoming increasingly important.” [6]

Commander Cunningham, a British naval officer, aboard the H.M.S. Illustrious in the Adriatic Sea, off the coastline of the former Yugoslavia and Albania, has told the BBC’s Nick Hawton that “integrating [NATO] forces at this level has simply not happened before.” [7]

Commander Cunningham also clarified how NATO forces are being merged: “Military equipment is hugely expensive and it’s impossible for each nation to hold individually the whole repertoire. What we’re seeing here is the ability of several nations to provide a capability together that no-one could alone.” [8]

The BBC also quotes Lieutenant Eduardo Lopez, a Spanish air officer or pilot, as saying “right now all these countries [meaning NATO members] are working together. You realise you can operate as a joint force community…” [9]

NATO is clearly pooling its resources together; but what for? The answer lies eastward in the Eurasian Heartland where Russia, Iran, China, and their allies have gradually huddled together in sculpting a far larger Eurasian counter-alliance.

A new cycle of global war seems to be in the works for the Twenty-First Century. According to various reports in Russia approximately a quarter of the population believe that Russia and the U.S. will eventually go to war in the future.  In China there are also similar views amongst the population.

Kosovo and Monetary Colonization

The euro is officially shared by thirteen E.U. members and their dependencies. However, it is also used by Montenegro and Kosovo too.

In a divulging statement Amelia Torres, an E.U. spokeswoman, claimed that the E.U. opposed currency “euro-ization” in other states unless they join the European Union: “The conditions for the adoption of the euro are clear,” she told reporters. “That means, first and foremost, to be a member of the EU.” [10]

The fate of Kosovo under this declaration in the eyes of the E.U. is clear. It should also be noted that it has been under the presence of NATO troops and both U.S. and E.U. officials that Kosovo adopted the euro as its currency.

A Dangerous International Trend: World War in the Horizon?

As tensions rise over Kosovo in the Balkans, tensions between Russia and China with the U.S. and NATO are also rising in regards to Iran and other countries and issues. From Myanmar (Burma) and the Korean Peninsula to Sudan and the Balkans, the U.S. and its allies are facing-off against Russia, China, and their allies. The Persian Gulf and the Levant are also two of these fronts where Iran and Syria are opposing the encroachment of the U.S. and NATO.

The SCO and the CSTO alliance have also signed an October 2007 defence agreement which formalizes the existence of a Sino-Russian military bloc from Eastern Europe to the Pacific shorelines of Asia. [11] All the members of CSTO, with the exception of Belarus and Armenia, are members of the SCO. China is now a semi-formal CSTO member. Russia has also announced that all CSTO members will enjoy internal Russian prices on military hardware. [12]  

The U.S. Secretary of Defence, Robert Gates, has also wrapped up an official tour of Latin America in Suriname. The U.S. is contemplating establishing a base in Suriname, near Venezuela. [13] This is part of a broader effort to encircle and isolate Venezuela and its Latin American allies. The U.S. Secretary of Defence’s tour itinerary also is a giveaway to American intentions in Latin America. His tour included Chile (which borders Bolivia), El Salvador (near Nicaragua), Columbia (next to Venezuela), Peru (bordering both Bolivia and Venezuela), and Suriname.

On Iran’s borders with NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan a new Iranian air base has been built. The Russian News and Information Agency, RIA Novosti, has reported that during the inauguration of the air base the Commander of the Air Force stated “The base is designed to enhance the combat readiness of our Armed Forces in standing up to possible aggression against our country.” [14] Clearly the new Iranian air base is in response to NATO forces in Afghanistan and the U.S. air base built in Afghanistan next to the Iranian border. The U.S. is also building bases on the Iranian border in Iraq and constructing military positions next to the border areas of Russia, China, and Belarus.

The U.S., along with Australia, Canada, Britain, and Guam has also planned large scale war games and anti-terrorist security exercises that involve NORAD, the Pentagon, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The exercise appears to anticipate some form of nuclear reprisals in the continental United States that could be part of a terrorist attack (that may be blamed on Iran) or military attacks from China and Russia. [15]

Vigilant Shield 2008 ties a terrorist attack scenario to the domestic use of the U.S. military within American cities and a broader global war. It is already known from the statements about Vigilant Shield 2007, which was held in 2006, that the U.S. is contemplating a nuclear war against Russia and China, in connection with attacks on Iran. [07]


[1] Croatia hosts major Nato exercise, British Broadcasting Service (BBC), October 10, 2007.

[2] NATO NRF Exercises Peace Enforcement in the Adriatic Sea: CC-MAR Press Release {16}, NATO Public Information Office, September 25, 2007 (Updated September 27, 2007).

[3] Ibid.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Croatia hosts Nato, Op. cit.

[6] Ibid.

[7] Ibid.

[8] Ibid.

[9] Ibid.

[10] EU warns other nations about using the euro as its currency, Associated Press, October 8, 2007.

[11] Vladimir Radyuhin, Defence pact to balance NATO, The Hindu, October 7, 2007.

[12] CSTO to receive RF weapons at internal prices, ITAR-TASS News Agency, October 6, 2007.

[13] Ivan Cairo, US proposes military site in Suriname, Carribean Net News, October 8, 2007.

[14] Iran builds air base near Afghan border, Russian News and Information Agency (RIA Novosti), October 9, 2007.

[15] Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Vigilant Shield 2008: Terrorism, Air Defences, and the Domestic Deployment of the US Military, Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), October 6, 2007; Michel Chossoduvsky, Dangerous Crossroads: US Sponsored War Games, Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), October 6, 2007.

[16] William A. Arkin, Early Warning: Russia Supports North Korea in Nuclear War, The Washington Post (Opinion Blog), October 6, 2007.

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is an independent writer based in Ottawa specializing in Middle Eastern affairs. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

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West Uses Rehabilitation Of Nazism In New Campaign Against Russia

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff" 

Sun Nov 4, 2007 6:31 pm (PST)

-[R]ecent Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Ukrainian,
Croatian, and Austrian attempts to eulogize Nazism aim
to rewrite the outcome of World War II....
-If Europe cannot destroy Russia, the least it can do
is fence itself off from this country. 
And that leads to the eulogization of Nazism which,
imperfect as it is from the Western point of view, was
trying to do more than kill Jews – it was trying to do
the main thing, that is fight Russia. 
-The country which saved the world from destruction is
held to blame for what it did while the Nazis are all
but turning into the saviors of Europe. 

Voice of Russia
November 4, 2007


-The somewhat calm about the situation and
sees this kind of action as no more than babyhood of
the young countries. 
Which is a big error, for this provides for creating
moral conditions for propagating Nazi concepts and for
creating Nazi movements in Europe proper.

Neo-Nazi sentiment is on the increase and Nazism is
glorified in the Baltic countries and Ukraine. 

Monuments are pulled down there to the Soviet Army
soldiers who defended the world against the Nazi
plague during the Second World War, while former
SS-men, involved in mass-scale exterminations of
people are currently glorified in the countries in

Russia has repeatedly opposed such moves by the
leadership of the countries that are former Soviet

Public organizations in many countries support
Russia’s stand on the issue.

The authorities in such European countries as Latvia,
Lithuania and Estonia, and now also Ukraine. are
trying to explain the killings of Jews by the fact
that they were Communist Party members. 

The allegation being that the indigenous population
was fighting the Communist regime. 

But it is impossible to justify the Nazi crimes by the
Communist past of these countries. 

These are two different things. 

These countries’ past is their past and they should
come to live with it. Of special concern are the
developments in Ukraine where the authorities seek to
equalize former Nazis and the Red Army veterans. This
is a disaster both to Ukraine and Europe at large. We
should reverse the situation before it’s too late. 

The Russian expert Boris Shmelev says the growth of
Nazism in former Soviet republics has been prompted by
the need for a new ideology, as well as by Europe’s
indifference to the problem. 

The West, Boris Shmelev says, is somewhat calm about
the situation and sees this kind of action as no more
than babyhood of the young countries. 

Which is a big error, for this provides for creating
moral conditions for propagating Nazi concepts and for
creating Nazi movements in Europe proper. So now is
the time for Europe to say a flat “No” to the Nazi
ideology and demand that the Baltic countries should
make moves to put paid to that ideology. 

In this context one should heed the voice of Russia,
which points out the danger of Neo-Nazism in the
Baltic countries and Ukraine. 

Neo-Nazi ides have never been quite popular with
Europeans, especially those who make their home in
Western Europe. 
It is only through joint effort that the alarming
situation could be reversed. 


Voice of Russia
October 31, 2007


A roundtable conference, which has just closed in
Moscow, said the recent Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian,
Ukrainian, Croatian, and Austrian attempts to eulogize
Nazism aimed to rewrite the outcome of World War II
and, in the long run, deny the Soviet role in the
defeat of Nazism. 

Attempts to eulogize Nazism is what that conference
focused on. Hear more about it from Alexander Vatutin.

Not one Nazi criminal has lately been taken to court
or punished in the Baltic republics, although in
Lithuania alone, about 200,000 Jews were killed in the
years of World War II. 

As many as 37,000 Lithuanian supporters of Nazi
Germany played a role in the extermination of the
Lithuanian Jews. 

A mere 8,000 have been punished, with the others
absolved of guilt and elevated to heroes. 

Red veterans and anti-German guerrillas have, in the
meantime, been turned into undesirable elements. 

The Simon Wiesenthal center is also worried about
Ukraine where nationalistic elements pose as freedom
fighters and are happy to hear that their leader Roman
Shukhevich has posthumously turned into a national
All that reveals attempts to present Nazism as a
positive factor in the war on Communism. That old
thesis has gained new popularity. 

An expert, Igor Maksimychev, says that Russia is
presented as an alien and a continental menace. 

If Europe cannot destroy Russia, the least it can do
is fence itself off from this country. 

And that leads to the eulogization of Nazism which,
imperfect as it is from the Western point of view, was
trying to do more than kill Jews – it was trying to do
the main thing, that is fight Russia.

It looks like the Soviet efforts to defeat Nazism did
damage to Europe, which is why even its victory in the
war on Nazism discredits and marginalizes the Soviet

Everything has turned upside down, there is no other
word for this. 

The country which saved the world from destruction is
held to blame for what it did while the Nazis are all
but turning into the saviors of Europe. 


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