

Martedì 11 settembre 2007

Ore 18.00

Libreria Feltrinelli,via Melo 119



a cura di Giulietto Chiesa e Roberto Vignoli – Ed. Piemme, pag. 412

Ne discutono

Luciano Canfora (in teleconferenza)

Andrea Catone

Enzo Modugno

Nico Perrone

Augusto Ponzio

Coordina: Pasquale Tempesta

L'indice del libro e la introduzione di Giulietto Chiesa:

Tetova after Kosova (2)

( The first part can be read here:

Il dossier in lingua italiana può essere letto qui: )


Focus News Agency (Bulgaria)
August 29, 2007

Faton Klinaku: If Albanian people are denied once
again freedom, KLA will rise again

Ivan Radev

The first meeting in the framework of the new 120-day
talks on defining the final status of Kosovo is
starting tomorrow in Vienna. 
The main goal of these talks, as well as the goal of
all the efforts made by the international community,
is to find such a solution to the issue which would
not cause a new wave of violence in Kosovo and the
Is it possible, however, to [fall back] to the
so-called “black scenario”, which often is mentioned
in the media when it comes to the future of Kosovo? 
In its attempt to present different points of view on
this issue, FOCUS News Agency talked to those who had
8 years ago, at least officially, left their guns –
the veterans from the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). 
A reporter of FOCUS News Agency visited the central
office of the Organization of the Veterans of the KLA
in Pristina and talked to the organization’s
secretary, Faton Klinaku.

FOCUS: What is the position of your organization about
the new round of talks on the status of Kosovo?

Faton Klinaku: The organization of the veterans of the
KLA has ever been against the talks in Vienna between
Kosovo Albanians and Serbia. 
There was a liberation war here. 
KLA fought against the occupier to liberate Kosovo and
now we don’t need talks between Albanians and Serbs,
i.e. between occupied and occupiers. 
People in Kosovo must have the right of
self-definition [determination] and the right to
decide on their own whether they would like to live in
their own state, or they want something else. 
The talks were unacceptable for us and they are still
such since no one could take the right of
self-definition from the Albanian people. As a result
of the negotiations Kosovo would hardly be able to
become a state since if there are talks, there are
also compromises.

FOCUS: In this case do you think that Kosovo should
declare independence on its own?

Faton Klinaku: Everywhere around the world new states
are established after its people’s self-definition. 
However, the declaration of independence is
unacceptable for us if it is made on the basis of
Ahtisaari’s plan. 
Kosovo's parliament took a decision approving the plan
of Marti Ahtisaari, which however is in contrast to
the people’s will. We could accept the declaration of
such an independence where the majority of the
citizens of Kosovo decides its fate, and we do not
accept declaring something that is not a real

FOCUS: Do you intend to undertake some actions to
protest against the talks?

Faton Klinaku: We have always tried to attract
people’s attention against the talks that were held in
Vienna and were in contrast to the will of the
majority of the Albanians. 
As far as future development are concerned, we are
making analyses and we are organizing different
debates with citizens and war veterans, so that we
could all be ready for protest and other actions when
the central bodies of the organization take decision. 
We have not decided yet on what we are [going] to
organize but our members are ready to follow each
decision of the leadership.

FOCUS: Do you think it is possible violence to erupt
again in Kosovo?

Faton Klinaku: Possible violence would do a favor to
those who do not allow Kosovo and the Albanian to
decide on their fate on their own. This would be in
favor of Serbia, as well as of other states that act
against the interests and will of the Albanian people.
Of course, some would like to see violence here again.
Those are the people that want to transfer the guilt
for the compromises of the politicians and the
unrealized will of the Albanians to the people that
would go out on the streets, so that to be able to say
later that the Albanian people are guilty for the
failure in establishing a state.

FOCUS: You said that the members of the organization
are ready for actions. Does it mean that you are ready
to enter a war again?

Faton Klinaku: If the international community fails to
recognize the right of the Albanian people for
self-determination, and the status is defined on the
basis of compromises, we would naturally resume the
We fought for the freedom of the Albanian people. 
Every other decision different from that would lead to
violence for which both the politicians and the
international community would be guilty. If the
Albanian people are again denied their freedom we
would have to start the fight again. This is clear for
us because we fought for the people and we will fight
for its again.

FOCUS: What is your vision about the future of the
Albanians in Southern Serbia and Macedonia?

Faton Klinaku: Just like in Macedonia, liberating wars
were held in Presevo, Medvedja and Bojanovci too.
There the war was held by the Army for the Liberation
of Presevo, Medvedja and Bojanovci as the goals was
these territories to join Kosovo since they are
populated with Albanians. The war in Macedonia also
aimed to liberate the Albanian people from the
occupier since we view them as occupiers. 
Macedonians, Montenegrins, and the Serbs in Eastern
Kosovo (editor’s note – Southern Serbia) are
occupiers, and the Albanian people are living in the
conditions of classical occupations in their own
That is why I think that Albanians could not guarantee
their rights being observed by means of an agreement,
and that the only way to do that is to live in their
own state, and our state is Albania. 
The issue is different as far as the decision of the
people of Kosovo is concerned. But speaking about the
Albanians in Macedonia and Eastern Kosovo, it is clear
that they live under classical occupation. The same
refers to the Albanians in Greece, who live under the
occupation of Greece since Greece denies recognizing
their rights. We have always said that each action
against the will of the Albanian people could cause
different dangers in the Balkans.

FOCUS: There is a debate going on in Kosovo about
identities. Do you think that Albanians in Kosovo have
some other identity than that of the Albanians in

Faton Klinaku: Identities different from that of the
Albanian people were thought of by the Serbian
occupiers during the rule of Tito. 
The attempts at imposing some other identity would
fail because Albanians are only Albanians and cannot
be anything else. Such discussions are initiated by
our enemies - Serbs and other occupiers, who want to
separate the Albanian people. We have one and the same
language and culture and npo matter that the
establishment of an independent Kosovo is demanded
now, we are part of the Albanian people.

FOCUS: Do you think the partition of Kosovo into North
Serbian and South Albanian parts is possible?

Faton Klinaku: I would like to tell those who speak
about such partition and intend to raise the issue at
the new talks that this should be done on an ethnic
principle, which means that all Albanians must be
concentrated into one state. 
Each partition of Kosovo must be done in accordance
with the international principles – right of
self-defining, ethnical principle, or majority
However, these principles should be applied not only
for Kosovo, but for Presevo, Macedonia, and Montenegro
as well. 


Focus News Agency (Bulgaria)
August 30, 2007

Macedonia-based village of Tanusevci is empty

Skopje - The village of Tanusevci, located on the
Macedonian–Serbian border at Kosovo, is totally empty.
There is no one there – neither children, nor men, nor
woment - the Macedonian Vecer daily reads. 
The situation with the Albanian-populated village
became tense after Zhezair Shaqiri, known as Commander
Hoxha, stated that the residents in the village will


"...Nous sommes devenus des esclaves de l’OTAN..."

(srpskohrvatski / italiano / english)

Sulla manifestazione nazista che ha visto in Croazia la
partecipazione di 60mila persone, si vedano

il video dell'evento:

(la folla grida lo slogan ustascia "Za dom spremni!" - "Pronti per la

e l'articolo:

‘Slightly Fascist’?
The New York Times Prods Croatia. Gently.
by Jared Israel [August 1, 2007]

> From: "Coord. Naz. per la Jugoslavia"
> Date: June 23, 2007 10:29:33 AM GMT+02:00
> Subject: [JUGOINFO] Manifestazione nazista di massa in Croazia
> Si è tenuto lo scorso 17 giugno in Croazia un concerto del noto
> cantante rock nazista Marko Perovic "Thompson". Il concerto, che ha
> visto la partecipazione di decine di migliaia di persone, si è
> trasformato in una occasione per manifestare, con slogan e simboli,
> la apologia del nazismo genocida croato (ustascismo).
> Sulla figura del rocckettaro nazista Thomson si veda anche:
> From: romale @ zahav . net . il
> Subject: [Roma ex-Yugoslavia] Nevipe katar Croacija
> Date: June 21, 2007 12:52:06 PM GMT+02:00
> To: Roma_ex_Yugoslavia @
> Poštovani,
> u Hrvatskoj se održao koncert 17. 06 2007 hrvatskog pjevača Marka
> Perkovića Thompsona". pred oko 60 000 gledatelja. Što je u ovome
> loše možete vidjeti iz dole navedene reakcije. Osim Margelovog
> instituta u Zagrebu reagirao je i srpski saborski zastupnik Milorad
> Pupovac a romski zastupnik koji je po nacionalnosti njemac nažalost
> nigdje ni glasa i po ovome što se može zakljućiti.
> Iz medija
> Margelov institut u Zagrebu traži opoziv ministra Kirina jer je,
> zakazala pravna država u slučaju Thompsonova koncerta. Centar
> Simon Wiesenthal iz Jeruzalema obratio se Mesiću, izražavajući
> zgražanje i gnušanje masovnim pokazivanjem fašističkih pozdrava,
> simbola i uniformi na koncertu
> Margelov institut u Zagrebu u otvorenom pismu premijeru Ivi
> Sanaderu traži opoziv ministra unutarnjih poslova Ivice Kirina jer
> je, ocjenjuju, "zakazala pravna država prije, u tijeku i nakon
> nedjeljnog koncerta hrvatskog pjevača Marka Perkovića Thompsona".
> Ostavku traže, kako se navodi, "s obzirom na to da službe za čiji
> je rad i odgovoran nisu spriječile nezapamćen ustaški skup na
> maksimirskom stadionu u nedjelju, 17. lipnja, te je time
> prouzročena nepopravljiva šteta ugledu i interesima Republike
> Hrvatske pri procesu prijama u Europsku uniju, zajednicu država i
> naroda utemeljenu na zasadama antifašizma". Premijeru predlažu da
> osobno inicira u Hrvatskom saboru žurno donošenje zakona o
> deustašizaciji.
> "S obzirom na naslov Thompsonove turneje "Bilo jednom u Hrvatskoj",
> napominjemo da je jednom u Hrvatskoj bio holokaust i da to čitava
> Hrvatska mora znati, priznati i s dužnim se pijetetom prema toj
> činjenici odnositi", kaže se u pismu koji je potpisao direktor
> Instituta Alen Budaj. Uz ostalo se napominje kako je "žalosno da
> malobrojna židovska zajednica grada Zagreba i nakon goleme
> tragedije holokausta mora gledati ustaške skupštine, na mjestu
> gdje su prije 66 godina razdvajani Židovi od nežidova.
> Žalosno je da hrvatska policija takve skupove blagonaklono
> dopušta: da omogućuje nesmetanu prodaju ustaških insignija,
> barjaka i dijelova uniforma, pronošenje ustaških simbola,
> izvikivanje ustaških pozdrava iz desetina tisuća grla, pjevanje
> ustaških pjesama maloljetnika, masovno dizanje ruku na fašistički
> pozdrav; da se naposljetku dopušta jednom pjevaču koncertno
> izvođenje pjesme koja počinje Pavelićevim pozdravom "Za dom -
> spremni!".
> Centar Simon Wiesenthal iz Jeruzalema izrazio je, također, u pismu
> hrvatskom predsjedniku Stjepanu Mesiću, zgražanje i gnušanje
> "masovnim pokazivanjem fašističkih pozdrava, simbola i uniformi na
> rock koncertu popularnog ultranacionalističkog hrvatskog pjevača
> Thompsona", kojem je u nedjelju u Zagrebu nazočilo 60.000 ljudi.
> Direktor Centra Efraim Zuroff u pismu Mesiću od njega traži
> zabranu koncerata pjevača poput Thompsona, na kojima se slavi
> fašizam i rasizam. "Prema hrvatskim medijima, koncert se pretvorio
> u masovnu fašističku demonstraciju u kojoj su deseci tisuća ljudi
> uzvikivali ustaški pozdrav 'Za dom spremni'. Osim toga, veliki broj
> sudionika nosio je ustaške uniforme i simbole", stoji u Zuroffovu
> pismo.
> Zuroff također izražava zabrinutost zbog toga što su na koncertu
> bili i visoki hrvatski dužnosnici, saborski zastupnici, kao i
> "ministar znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta".
> Prema hrvatskim medijima, koncert se pretvorio u masovnu
> fašističku demonstraciju u kojoj su deseci tisuća ljudi
> uzvikivali ustaški pozdrav 'Za dom spremni' "Pod tim okolnostima,
> smatram da je došlo vrijeme da se zabrane javni koncerti onih koji
> pjevaju nostalgične pjesme o Jasenovcu i potiču isticanje
> ustaških simbola", dodaje Zuroff napominjući da se time huška
> protiv svih nacionalnih manjina u Hrvatskoj. "Vjerujem da samo kada
> bi netko s vašim ugledom i izraženom antifašističkom reputacijom
> poveo borbu protiv tog ružnog vala obnovljenog fašizma, moglo bi
> biti spriječeno da taj izvanredno opasni novi trend zahvati cijelu
> Hrvatsku", stoji na kraju Zuroffova pisma predsjedniku Mesiću
> Ki hrvatska sine koncerto ko 17. 06. 2007, gilavda o hrvatsko
> gilavno Marko Perkovich Thomson. Ko koncerto sa kotar 60 000 manisha.
> So si kate bilache: O Marko Perkovich barjarol o fashizam hem o
> nazizam. Reakcija pala kodo kerda o Miguelo institut katar o
> Zagreb, srpsko parlamentarco Milorad Pupovac a amaro parlamentarsko
> manush savo si germanco na kerda reakcija.
> Hrvatsko medije phenena, o koncerto kerdilo fashističko
> demonstracije, kate 10 mije gjene phenenas o Ustashko pozdrav " Za
> dom spremni" Baro nomero phiravde ustashko uniforme hem simbolja.
> Ko koncerto sine hem bare manusha katar o parlamento, hem o
> ministro pala edikacija."
> "Prema hrvatskim medijima, koncert se pretvorio u masovnu
> fašističku demonstraciju u kojoj su deseci tisuća ljudi
> uzvikivali ustaški pozdrav 'Za dom spremni'. Osim toga, veliki broj
> sudionika nosio je ustaške uniforme i simbole", stoji u Zuroffovu
> pismo.
> Zuroff također izražava zabrinutost zbog toga što su na koncertu
> bili i visoki hrvatski dužnosnici, saborski zastupnici, kao i
> "ministar znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta".