

Nigrizia contesta il premio assegnato dai radicali (Nessuno tocchi
Caino) al presidente del Ruanda, Kagame

Dura presa di posizione del mensile dei missionari comboniani
"Nigrizia" al premio di ‘Abolizionista dell’anno’ conferito oggi al
presidente del Rwanda Paul Kagame dall’associazione italiana ‘Nessuno
tocchi Caino'. Ecco il testo che ci è stato inviato con richiesta di

"Paul Kagame, presidente del Rwanda, che ha conquistato il potere con
le armi nel 1994, è uno degli uomini politici più discussi d’Africa.
Discusso perché non sono affatto state chiarite le circostanze che
hanno scatenato il genocidio del 1994 (morirono almeno 500.000 tutsi
e hutu moderati) e l’eventuale ruolo dello stesso Kagame. Discusso
per come si è mosso in questi anni nell’area dei Grandi Laghi e, in
particolare, nei confronti della Repubblica democratica del Congo,
contro la quale ha condotto una guerra (1998-2003) per accaparrarsi
risorse e fette di territorio. Discusso per come si rapporta con i
vari tribunali che si occupano del genocidio. Discusso per come sta
gestendo, all’interno del paese, l’amministrazione della giustizia in
relazione ai sospettati e condannati per il genocidio. Discusso
perché il suo regime non garantisce le libertà fondamentali.
Nonostante tutto ciò, “Nessuno tocchi Caino”, l’associazione
presieduta da Marco Pannella ha pensato bene di premiare il
presidente Kagame, perché ha abolito la pena di morte. Il premio gli
verrà consegnato oggi pomeriggio dal presidente del consiglio Romano
Prodi. Nigrizia, che segue giorno dopo giorno le vicende di paesi
africani, ritiene che si tratti di una premiazione paradossale, che
fa il gioco di un regime autoritario e che non tiene conto di
numerosi aspetti “problematici” che punteggiano la carriera politica
e l’attuale vita pubblica del generale Kagame. A questo riguardo,
segnaliamo la reazione di padre Aurelio Boscaini, un missionario
comboniano che ha lavorato a lungo in quell’area e che ieri ha
inviato una protesta agli organizzatori del premio. Ne diamo alcuni
stralci. «Esprimo tutto il mio sdegno nell’apprendere che oggi verrà
consegnato il premio “L’abolizionista dell’anno 2007” al presidente
del Rwanda, Paul Kagame. È come se mi si volesse raccontare – a me
che sono stato missionario in Rwanda – una blague (barzelletta)! Mi
sono chiesto se conoscete veramente questo assassino, che dovrebbe
avere sulla coscienza qualche milione di morti. O credete che questo
generale sia il Caino convertito? Magari!!! Chi ha ammazzato i
milioni di persone nella Repubblica democratica del Congo, dopo il
genocidio del 1994? Chi ha scatenato la guerra contro Kabila padre?
Chi ha abbattuto l’aereo su cui si trovava Habyarimana? O siete di
quelli che credono al film Hotel Rwanda?!». «Basta che un generale
annunzi l’abolizione della pena di morte, e voi siete così... ingenui
da credergli? Dov’è la democrazia in Rwanda? Avete chiesto a
Bizimungu, primo presidente dopo il genocidio, cosa pensa di Kagame?
E l’avete domandato alle decine di migliaia che marciscono nelle
prigioni rwandesi? Volete dare il premio Nobel della pace a un
Hitler?». «Sono contro tutte le guerre (quante ne ho viste in
Africa!) e contro la pena di morte in assoluto. Dovete chiedere
l’abolizione, non la moratoria. Anche se so benissimo che si fa un
passo alla volta! Mi sembra vogliate gridare: “Viva l’Africa dei
generali!”. I tutsi sono riusciti in una impresa mediatica fantastica
e voi vi accodate!». «L’Italia che premia un génocidaire!? Se davvero
i tutsi sono stati uccisi in così grande numero (come tutti
raccontano), non ce ne sarebbero più in giro! Ma so che non si deve
parlare né di tutsi né di hutu, come se i nostri fratelli africani
avessero dimenticato a quale etnia o clan appartengono! Ma gli
africani sono orgogliosi delle loro origini etniche, e quelli che non
hanno nulla da perdere, le riconoscono gioiosamente!». «Viva,
comunque, l’Africa e chi vi muore per la libertà, senza mai aver
sparato. Il giorno della libertà è vicino anche per il Rwanda, se gli
Stati Uniti non sosterranno più Kagame né acquisteranno più il coltan
che il generale-presidente va a rubare in Congo!".

(Abitanti di Aleksinac hanno intrapreso una iniziativa di solidarietà a favore delle vittime dei roghi in Grecia. E' una maniera di ricambiare la solidarietà che dalla Grecia venne nei giorni della aggressione della NATO)

From:   apel @ yahoo . com
Subject: Obavestavamo Vas da je grupa gradjana grada Aleksinca pokrenula inicijativu za pomoc postradalima u pozarima koji besne prostorom Grcke
Date: August 30, 2007 2:45:37 AM GMT+02:00



Obavestavamo Vas da je grupa gradjana grada Aleksinca pokrenula inicijativu za pomoc postradalima u pozarima koji besne prostorom Grcke.


Gradjani su pokrenuli peticiju da se 03.09.2007.godine proglasi danom zalosti u Republici Srbiji kao dan secanja na sve zrtve pozara u Grckoj.
Kako je to dan polaska djaka u skole, dacemo lep primer deci da su gradjani Grcke zaista nasa braca i da ih trebamo postovati kao i oni nas.


Svesni ogromne pomoci koju su gradjani Grcke pruzali stanovnicima Aleksinca u doba Nato bombardovanja, gradjani Aleksinca su odlucili da pokrenu ovu inicijativu.


Za sada se inicijativi prikljucilo vise od 1200 stanovnika aleksinacke opstine koji su svojim potpisom dali podrsku ovoj ideji,da se peticija prosledi nadleznima u Republici Srbiji.


Inicijativni odbor akcije na celu sa ing Marjanom Cvetanovicem i dr Dusanom Ostojicem je kontaktirao predstavnike grcke ambasade i u toku su dogovori o svim vidovima pomoci Aleksincana postradalom stanovnistvu Grcke.


Molimo Vas da o ovome obavestite javnost kako bi se sto veci broj ljudi sa prostora citave Srbije prikljucio akciji pomoci ugrozenom grckom stanovnistvu.


Za svaku vrstu kontakta mozete se obratiti:


ing. Marjan Cvetanovic, inicijator akcije 064/9757-169 cvetanovicmarjan @ yahoo . com
dr Dusan Ostojic, koordinator press aktivnosti  064/1156-856 nova.plomba @ gmail . com


S postovanjem,


Koordinator press aktivnosti:  dr Dusan Ostojic

Tetova after Kosova - towards Greater Albania

1) “Great Albania”: A Project for Europe (Pyotr Iskenderov)

2) "Where there are more Albanians – there will be Albania. This will
happen if they start a separation of Kosovo. At the end of it all,
such development is to our benefit, since all Albanians will unite in
a single country..." (Faton Klinaku, Secretary of the Organization
of the KLA/UCK Veterans)

3) Chronology of Greater-Albanian terrorism and debate in FYROM,
August 2007:

- August 2, 2007: attack on police station located at Kosovo's border

- August 6, 2007: Terrorist attack on Macedonian Government's building

- August 13, 2007: Sixth anniversary of Ohrid Framework Agreement

- August 22, 2007: Runaways From Kosovo Dubrava Prison Hide In Macedonia

- August 23, 2007: Macedonia urges troika to consult it on Kosovo

- August 24-29, 2007: At least three Albanian villages to organize
referendums for separating from Macedonia

- August 29, 2007: ANA sends threats to all Albanian politicians in

- August 29, 2007: Doubts over Macedonia NATO membership invitation
in 2008 after worries that the crisis could easily spread to
Macedonia and Albania as well....

Source: R. Rozoff via Stop NATO -

=== 1 ===

Strategic Cultural Foundation
July 25, 2007

“Great Albania”: A Project for Europe
Pyotr Iskenderov

So, the secret is out.

The “premier” of the Kosovo government, the former
ringleader of the terrorist “Kosovo Liberation Army”
Agim Ceku has named the date, to which the Albanian
leaders of the province would time their declaration
of independence.

That is slated for November 28, 2007, when
neighbouring Albania will celebrate its principal
state holiday - Day of the Flag.

But the holiday has to do with Albania but indirectly.

It has long been viewed by the Albanian diaspora
scattered all over the world as Day of All Albanians.

To understand what Kosovo separatists mean by
selecting this particular date for declaring
independence, suffice it to recollect the two key
events in ALBANIAN history, not the history of a state
of Albanians but rather of their ethnic origins.

The first milestone is the period when the
All-Albanian Prizren League worked in 1878-1881.

Prizren is a town in Kosovo.

In September 1878 the leaders of the Prizren League
adopted a programme of unification of ALL Albanian
provinces into a single autonomous state and political
formation, introducing Albanian as the language to be
used for making official documents and for educational
purposes, as well as creation of the Albanian national

Following that was the demand to establish a single
Albanian vilayet under the formal suzerainty of the
Turkish Sultan for the above purposes.

Using the slogan “United Albania for all Albanians”
their troops clashed with Turkish and Montenegro
armies that attempted to implement the decisions of
the 1878 Berlin Congress on the territorial rebuilding
of the Balkans.

The idea of the creating of an ethnic Albania was
rejuvenated in the autumn of 1912 when the armed
forces of the Balkan states led by Serbia liberated
the originally Slav lands from Turkey.

On November 18, 1912 leaders of the Albanian national
movement presented to diplomats from the great powers
in Istanbul what was called “The Call of the Albanian

It expressed the firm resolve of Albanians to fight
with an eye to “guaranteeing to the Albanian people
its ethnic and political existence.”

What the reference to “guarantees” meant was the
establishment of Albania in its ethnic borders and its
further international recognition.

A few days later in Vlera the National Assembly
gathered to declare Albania’s independence under the
banner of the Middle-Age Albanian hero Skanderbeg, a
black double-headed eagle on the red background.

Since then residents of Albania and Albanians in
Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Southern Serbia and
Greece regard this flag as their national symbol.

As early as 1913 a multi-colour map of “Ethnic
Albania” was disseminated in the Balkans that was
drawn by someone named Ahmet Gasi, also known as
“doctor” and “professor”.

The map showed the international borders of the
state-to-be that included Albania, all of Kosovo, the
greater part of Macedonia, a part of Greece and
Montenegro. Nowadays, all the bookstores in Pristina,
the administrative centre of Kosovo, feature this map
so that it could [attract] anyone willing to purchase

The price is 5 euros.

The danger of such ethno-demographic “novelties” by
“professor “ Gasi and his present-day Albanian
followers should in no case be underestimated.
So far, they in most European capitals prefer to
disregard the danger that is looming over the European

They believe (or pretend to believe) the tales that
Kosovo Albanians would be satisfied enough to have
independence under the international supervision.

Meanwhile, they continue to believe that Albanian
riots in 2000-2001 in Macedonia and the Presevo valley
in the south of Serbia were caused by the oppression
of Skopje and Belgrade rather than viewing them as a
test of their muscles by the Great Albania

Individual concerned voices are drowned out in the
choir of bombastic diplomats the likes of British
Foreign Secretary David Milliband, who calls on the EU
to take the “single and strong” stance on Kosovo,
supporting the “Ahtisaari” plan that suggests granting
independence to the Kosovo residents.

As for the date, November 28, Europeans have grown
accustomed to associate it with age-long history, if
they ever recollect it.

However, history has a habit of repeating itself, and
frequently in a more terrifying manner than before.

No one in the United States saw any tragic meaning of
the figures 9 and 11 only six years ago.

Is it absolutely out of the question for Europe, so
vain of its civilization, to begin writing its
comprehensive history from the date 11/28 ?

=== 2 ===

Focus News Agency (Bulgaria)
August 29, 2007

Separation of Kosovo will mean separation of Serbia,
Macedonia, Montenegro and Greece: AOK veteran

Pristina - Any separation of Kosovo will have to be
done in accordance with the international principles –
the right to self-definition, the ethnic principle or
the principle of the majority.
But these principles should not be used only for
Kosovo, but also for Presevo/Southern Serbia,
Macedonia and Montenegro.
This was said by Faton Klinaku, Secretary of the
Organization of the Veterans of the Army for the
Liberation of Kosovo [Kosovo Liberation Army].
"Where there are more Albanians – there will be
"This will happen if they start a separation of
Kosovo. At the end of it all, such development is to
our benefit, since all Albanians will unite in a
single country," Klinaku said.
‘I whould also say that before 1999 the Albanians were
the majority in Northern Kosovo," Klinaku said.
After the war the UNMIK administration and the Kosovo
institutions were absent from that part of Kosovo.
This allowed Serbia to occupy these lands. In other
words, if there is no separation, the situation before
the war in 1999 should be taken into account, when the
Albanians were a majority in Northern Kosovo.

=== 3 ===

MakFax (Macedonia)
August 2, 2007

Macedonian interior ministry confirms attack on police
station located at Kosovo's border

Skopje - Macedonian police have confirmed reports of
gunshots directed toward the police station located in
the vicinity of the Macedonia-Kosovo border as well as
hand grenades exploding not far from the station.
Nobody was injured in the incident that took place
Tuesday at about 20:45 hrs, when unidentified persons
opened gunfire toward the police station in the
village of Goshince. Several bullets ended up in the
station's premises.
Concurrently, several hand grenade detonations had
occurred at about 50-100 meters distance.
Police revealed no further details.


MakFax (Macedonia)
August 6, 2007

Terrorist attack on Macedonian Government's building

Skopje - An armed terrorist attack on the building of
the Macedonian Government took place last night, the
Government's spokesman said, and the Police confirmed
the incident.
Spokesman Ivica Bocevski told Makfax that the
Government's building was hit by two rifle grenades
last night, a half an hour past midnight. He explained
that the grenades of South African origin, were fired
from a distance of 400 meters.
The incident left no one injured, and there is still
no information as to the material damage.
"The Government wants to send a message to all who
participated in the terrorist attack that some day or
other, they will end up behind bars. The attackers
should know - we received the message, but the
Government will remain steadfastly on the current
course", Bocevski said.
The Interior Ministry confirmed the attack and
announced releasing of an official statement soon.

Associated Press
August 6, 2007

2 grenades explode near Macedonian government
building; no injuries

SKOPJE, Macedonia - Two rocket-propelled grenades
exploded near the headquarters of the Macedonian
government and the neighboring Japanese Consulate in
downtown Skopje overnight, a government spokesman said
Monday. No casualties or damage were reported.
"The government wants to send a message to all who
participated in the terrorist attack: they will end up
behind bars," said government spokesman Ivica
He said the attack took place at 12:30 a.m. One of the
grenades exploded in front of the Japanese Consulate,
and the other hit the top of a tree near the
government headquarters, police spokesman Ivo Kotevski
Kotevski and Bocevski both said the target was
believed to be the government building rather than the
consulate. The motive was unclear.
The government building houses Cabinet offices and
several ministries.
"The grenades were of South African origin and the
preliminary investigation shows the grenades were
fired from a distance of 400 meters," Kotevski said.
Police were investigating the attack.

MakFax (Macedonia)
August 6, 2007

Interior Ministry steps up security after attack on
Government's building

Skopje - The Macedonian Police announced tightening of
security measures to protect the state institutions
after confirming that two grenades exploded in the
immediate vicinity of the building of the Government
of the Republic of Macedonia shortly after midnight
last nigh.
"The first one exploded on Orce Nikolov St, after
hitting the upper branches of a tree. The second one
went off after running into in a concrete wall just
outside the Japanese Consulate located across from the
Government's building", Interior Ministry announced.
An expert tem of the Anti-Terror Squad took fragments
of the grenades after the incident.
"The forensics examination established that the
grenades fired from a 40mm hand-held grenade launcher
with maximum range of 450 meters were in question. The
analysis indicate that the grenades originate from the
South African Republic", the Ministry said in the
The Police are conducting an operation aimed at
discovering the motives for the attack and tracking
down the perpetrators.

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
August 7, 2007

Southeastern Europe


Two grenades were fired at a government building in
Skopje early on August 6 in what the Macedonian
authorities described as a "terrorist attack,"
Macedonian media reported.
Government spokesman Ivica Bocevski said the South
African-made grenades were fired from a distance of
400 meters but landed 100 meters short of the
building, the news agency Makfax reported.
No one was injured.
Bocevski did not say who the authorities believe might
have launched the attack. There has been no similar
attack n recent years, but the timing of the attack
will add to concerns about violence in Kosova could
reignite the separatist violence seen in Macedonia in
Ethnic-Albanian veterans of that conflict recently
vowed to fight alongside Kosovar Albanians if Kosova
is denied independence.
In the latest demonstration of support for Kosova,
several thousand Albanian Macedonians rallied on
August 3 in Tetovo, the epicenter of the 2001
conflict. AG


MakFax (Macedonia)
August 13, 2007

Sixth anniversary of Framework Agreement

Skopje - On this day six years ago, the Ohrid
Framework Agreement was signed.
It put an end to the armed conflict in Macedonia and
became one of the country's key documents, whose
implementation determines greatly the Euro-Atlantic
future of the country.
The parties constituting the broad governing coalition
at the time, endorsed the Agreement on 13 August,
2001. It paved the way to numerous alterations to the
constitution and legislature with prime focus on
increased rights and representation of the community
of Albanian minority in the state institutions.
The leaders of the parties comprising the coalition at
the time - Ljubco Georgievski, Branko Crvenkovski,
Imer Imeri, Arben Xhaferi, along with the late
president Boris Trajkovski, put their signatures on
the Ohrid Framework Agreement.
US and the European Union co-signed the Agreement as
guarantors of its implementation.
The armed conflict in Macedonia started on 17
February, 2007, when a paramilitary group of Albanians
made an incursion in the village of Tanushevci,
situated at the border with Serbia in the part towards
In a few weeks' time, the armed clashes spread towards
the Kumanovo-Lipkovo and Tetovo areas.
The fiercest battles including heavy artillery and
airborne units took place near the villages of Radusha
and Arachinovo in the last two months of the
eight-month conflict.
Macedonian security forces waged war against the
paramilitary units of the National Liberation Army
(NLA), which derived from Kosovo's KLA.
After the conflict, NLA's leadership formed a
political party - Democratic Union for Integration
(DUI). The party of the NLA's leader Ali Ahmeti became
an ally of the ruling coalition that included Social
Democratic Alliance of Macedonia (SDSM) and the
Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).
As many as 120 soldiers, policemen and army reservists
were killed in the conflict. The death toll of the
other warring party remained unknown to this day,
nevertheless, the estimates range at about 1.200
killed members of NLA.
The conflict left thousands of internally displaced
persons, including hundreds of Macedonians and Serbs
who are still unable to return to their homes in the
Lipkovo region.


Focus News Agency (Bulgaria)
August 22, 2007

Dnevnik: Runaways From Kosovo Dubrava Prison Hide In

Skopje - Ramadan Siti, 24, and Limir Jakupi a.k.a. the
Nazi, 30, and the rest of the five prisoners who
managed to escape from the Dubrava Prison in Kosovo
are hiding in Macedonia, in the vicinity of
Tanusevski, the Macedonian Dnevnik newspaper reported,
citing anonymous sources.
The Macedonian Ministry of Interior does not reject
the possibility that the group of criminals has
entered Macedonian territory, but it has not received
any confirmed information on the case.
According to the newspaper’s sources, the group of
criminals has been released from prison under a
scenario planned in advance, with the assistance of
certain structures, which aim at destabilization of
the region, if the negotiation process for Kosovo’s
independence follows some wrong direction.
Several former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army
watch closely the development of the Kosovo issue, and
they are ready for action.


Agence France-Presse
August 23, 2007

Macedonia urges troika to consult it on Kosovo

Skopje - Macedonian President Branko Crvenkovski on
Thursday called on the international community to
consult his country about the future status of Kosovo.
"Macedonia will launch an initiative to the US, EU and
Russia to organise a meeting with representatives of
this region including Macedonia," Crvenkovski said
after a meeting of Macedonia's security council
dedicated to Kosovo.
He stressed, however, that "at this moment, there are
no indications of any serious threats to the security
of Macedonia."
An international troika - composed of representatives
of the United States, the European Union and Russia -
has launched a new round of negotiations on the final
status of the UN-run Serbian province of Kosovo.
Its 90-percent ethnic Albanian population wants
independence, an option staunchly opposed by Serbia.
Some observers in Macedonia fear that granting Kosovo
independence will lead to tensions in the former
Yugoslav republic, which itself has a 25-percent
ethnic Albanian population.


MakFax (Macedonia)
August 24, 2007

Xhezair Shaqiri - Hoxha: Tanusevci wants annexation to

Skopje - Tanusevci wants to break off from Macedonia
to accede to Kosovo, for which goal the inhabitants of
the village will set up a referendum.
The Skopje-based Albanian language daily "Fakti" said
that this was announced by the President of the
National Democratic Union, Xhezair Shaqiri, known as
Komandant Hoxha during the 2001 Conflict.
Elaborating the idea of a referendum, Shaqiri accused
Macedonia's authorities of not showing any interest in
this part of the country over the past 17 years.
"The Government of Macedonia did not show any interest
for this part of the country, that is why we are
seeking to accede to Kosovo. We are also linked with
this country geographically and have many family
ties", Shaqiri said.
He warned that the Macedonian Police were not welcomed
in Tanusevci as the village was controlled by the
inhabitants themselves, revealing no exact number of
those who carry out those controls.
Shaqiri dismissed suspicions that the escaped inmates
of the Kosovo's prison of Dubrava, Lirim Jakupi and
Ramadan Shiti, found their safe haven in Tanusevci.
In the same article, "Fakti" said that the Interior
Ministry rejected such descriptions of the situation
in Tanusevci as false.

Focus News Agency (Bulgaria)
August 25, 2007

Macedonian press: Is new destabilization ahead in

Skopje - Yesterday’s statement by the former MP
Xhezair Sakiri that Tanusevci wanted to separate from
Macedonia and join Kosovo through holding a referendum
is the leading topic in the Macedonian press.
The newspapers link the event to other two recent
worrying pieces of news – escaped terrorism convicts
from Dubrava prison in Kosovo, and another escaped
terrorism convict from Idrizovo prison in Skopje, and
to the upcoming new negotiations for Kosovo’s future
status and to a possible destabilization in Macedonia
and the region.

Focus News Agency (Bulgaria)
August 29, 2007

Two more Albanian villages to organize referendums for
separating from Macedonia

Skopje - After the village of Tanusevci, now two more
villages – Brest and Malino - have also stated they
would organize referendums for their separation from
Macedonia and for joining Kosovo, Xhezair Shaqiri has
told the Albanian language daily “Laim”, the
Macedonian Vreme daily reports.
According to Shaqiri, petitions have already been
started in these villages and the preparations for
referendums are already underway.
The former MP and chairman of the People’s Democratic
Party and present deputy chairman of Hisni Shaqiri’s
party, says that the Macedonian police have demanded
to enter Tanusevci but he has denied [them].
“The Macedonian police wanted to enter the village
through KFOR. KFOR representatives told me about the
police request and I told them that KFOR may enter the
village and stay there for years on end, but there is
no room for the Macedonian police”, Shaqiri said.


Focus News Agency (Bulgaria)
August 29, 2007

ANA sends threats to all Albanian politicians in

Skopje - The Albanian National Army (ANA) has sent
threats to all Albanian politicians in Macedonia
because “they work with Slav Macedonian colonizers”,
the Macedonian Vreme daily informed, citing a release
by the ANA published on Albanian Internet websites.
The former chairman of the organization Fagur Adili
stated that the next war will not be [with] a power
without a state - like the Albanian parties in
Macedonia - nor would it be for Ilirida [Illyria], but
for the unification of all the territories of
According to Adili the stages according to which this
unification will be achieved have been pointed out in
the ANA’s program.
Other similar texts have appeared recently on Albanian
Internet websites which also call for the unification
of Albanian territories, the edition comments.


Focus News Agency (Bulgaria)
August 29, 2007

A1: Doubts over Macedonia NATO membership invitation
in 2008

Skopje - There is some possibility that Macedonia will
not receive an invitation for NATO membership at the
Summit in Bucharest in 2008, high standing diplomatic
sources have told the Macedonian A1 TV channel.
This turn in the recent optimism could be explained by
the still unsolved issue about Kosovo' status.
There are also worries that the crisis could easily
spread to Macedonia and Albania as well, and this is
instability that NATO could not afford in member
That is why there is a variant for the next Summit to
apply the formula 1+2, i.e., Croatia to receive an
invitation, while space for maneuvers will be left for
Macedonia and Albania and their invitation to be sent
after the Kosovo issue is solved.
The diplomatic sources have told A1 that security is
of high importance in the variant in which Macedonia
is left in the waiting room, though it enjoys the open
support of both Washington and Brussels.

(francais / italiano)

RSF è favorevole alla tortura 

1) L'argent de RSF intrigue le Médiateur européen (M. Vivas)
2) Reporter senza Frontiere: "sì alla tortura" (G. Carotenuto)

Sullo zelo filo-imperialista di "Reporters senza Frontiere", e sui soldi che questa organizzazione prende dal governo statunitense, si veda tra l'altro:
Cuba, Internet et Reporters sans frontières 

La guerre de désinformation de Reporters sans frontières contre le Venezuela 

RSF al servizio della CIA (rassegna)


RSF sul libro paga della NED/CIA (rassegna ed ALTRI LINK)

=== 1 ===

L'argent de RSF intrigue le Médiateur européen

Maxime Vivas

Rappelons les faits. 
En 2003/2004, l'Union européenne (UE) a octroyé 1 293 303 euros à RSF. 
Le 1er février 2005, Reporters sans frontières a adressé une lettre publique 
comminatoire au Président de l'Europe l'adjurant de l'aider à provoquer une 
« transition démocratique » à Cuba. L'expression « transition démocratique » 
est utilisée par l'Administration Bush pour signifier : liquidation du 
gouvernement cubain et gestion de l'île sous protectorat US.


RSF énonçait des prescriptions précises : « Il nous paraît indispensable que 
l'UE apporte son soutien aux agences de presse indépendantes, ainsi qu'aux 
organisations de syndicalistes, de bibliothécaires, médecins, économistes, 
etc. » 

On voit là que RSF balaie pratiquement tout le champ politique en 
préconisant d'intervenir dans les systèmes médiatique, social, culturel, 
médical, économique, ainsi que dans le sibyllin « etc. ». 

« Etc » ? Si l'on en croit Nestor Baguer, journaliste « dissident » cubain 
longtemps appointé par RSF et recruté à La Havane par Robert Ménard en 
personne (qui apprendra trop tard que c'était un agent de la sécurité 
cubaine), RSF s'intéresse aussi à une possible dissidence dans la police et 
dans l'armée. 

Bref, sous couvert de la défense des journalistes dans le monde, RSF 
mène-t-elle des actions factieuses avec l'argent de l'Europe ? Si oui, ne s'agit-il 
pas d'un détournement des fonds pour un usage incompatible avec les règles 
qui régissent les rapports entre Etats, ici entre Cuba et l'Europe, cette 
dernière n'ayant jamais inscrit dans ses objectifs le renversement d'un 
gouvernement qui ne représente aucune menace pour elle et avec qui elle 
entretient des relations diplomatiques normales ? 

Pour le savoir, j'ai déposé, le 3 février 2005, une plainte contre RSF 
auprès de l'UE en lui demandant de s'assurer du bon usage des subventions. 

A commencé alors le jeu de la patate chaude. Entre février 2005 et juin 
2006, ma plainte a hanté les bureaux de M. Nikiforos Diamandouros, médiateur 
européen, Mme Rachel Doell, sa secrétaire, M. Joa Sant'Anna chef du 
département administratif et financier, M. Daniel Koblentz, Mme Josiane 
Pailhès, membre de la Commission, Mme Marjorie Fuchs, juriste au bureau du 
Médiateur, M. Giuseppe Massangioli, directeur de la Direction G du 
Secrétariat général, M. Ian Harden, du bureau du Médiateur et jusqu'à M. 
José Manuel Barroso, Président de l'UE. Ce dernier fut la 9ème personne à 
compulser un dossier avançant au rythme des carabiniers d'Offenbach (qui 
chantent sur scène « Marchons, marchons », en faisant du surplace). 

Pressé de questions par mes différents interlocuteurs, j'ai pu préciser que 
779 304 euros avaient été versés à RSF en 2003 et 513 999 euros en 2004 « 
pour la défense des journalistes emprisonnés en Asie et dans les pays ACP » 
(Afrique, Caraïbes, Pacifique) » dans le cadre de « l'Initiative européenne 
pour la Démocratie et les Droits fondamentaux ». 

Nous avions là les différents protagonistes, (RSF et l'UE), les années 
budgétaires de versements, les montants, l'intitulé de l'usage prévu des 

Et ma question était simple: Votre (notre) argent a-t-il été utilisé à bon 
escient ou détourné pour d'autres causes ? 

Finalement, la réponse de l'UE fut : si vous ne fournissez pas « la 
référence exacte du contrat » avant le 31 juillet 2006, la plainte sera 

A ce moment-là, je me suis persuadé que si je parvenais (par une intrusion 
nocturne dans les bureaux de l'UE ?) à lui fournir le renseignement qu'elle 
seule possédait, on me demanderait ensuite l'heure de signature et la marque 
du stylo, voire le signe zodiacal des signataires et les numéros de sécurité 
sociale de leurs ascendants. 

Entre temps, RSF avait reçu le prix européen Sakharov, j'avais appris que l'UE 
a négocié avec les USA des dérogations à la loi extraterritoriale US 
Helms-Burton (qui limite le commerce avec Cuba) en échange de condamnations 
répétées de l'île des Caraïbes, que Lucie Morillon, la représentante de RSF 
à Washington, avait révélé que le contrat de RSF avec le Center for a Free 
Cuba (paravent de la CIA oeuvrant à la « transition démocratique ») oblige l'ONG, 
en échange de dollars, à agir contre ce pays. 

L'affaire étant entendue, je jetai l'éponge. Au demeurant, l'objectif n'était 
pas de faire condamner RSF par l'Europe (ne rêvons pas), mais de mettre à 
nue les collusions RSF/USA/UE. 

Mais voilà que (surprise !) le Médiateur européen m'écrit, le 18 juillet 
2007. Et pour me dire quoi ? Qu'il ne comprend pas pourquoi la Commission 
européenne ne m'a fourni aucune réponse, qu'il suppose que l'UE détient un 
registre décrivant les subventions versées ainsi que les actions promues 
avec cet argent, que j'ai clairement exposé mes préoccupations : 
déstabilisation « de gouvernements légitimes en utilisant les fonds 
européens pour la défense des journalistes. », qu'il fait part de ces 
observations à la Commission européenne en lui demandant pourquoi elle a été 
« incapable » de répondre à ma plainte. 

Bref, il n'est pas content, il s'interroge, négligeant la date butoir à 
laquelle devait être fourni, à ceux qui l'ont signé, le numéro du contrat 

Pourquoi ce rebondissement ? 

Parce qu'un nombre croissant de pays dans le monde n'admet plus l'acharnement 
anti-cubain des affidés des USA ? 

Parce que l'Espagnol José-Maria Aznar est sur la touche et que José-Luis 
Zapatero agit autrement ? 

Parce que, le 12 juin 2007, la Française Christine Chanet, représentante du 
Haut-commissariat des droits de l'homme à l'ONU, dénigrant Cuba à Genève 
lors de la réunion du Conseil des droits de l'homme a suscité l'indignation 
ouverte de 26 pays membres sur 47 ? 

Parce que de plus en plus d'Etats-uniens préconisent une autre approche du 
cas cubain ? (Wayne S. Smith qui fut le représentant des Etats-Unis à Cuba 
dans les années 80 a écrit, le 22 juillet 2007, que « Le plan d'action de 
Bush ne marche pas »). 

Parce que l'Europe perd peu à peu toutes ses positions économiques et 
commerciales à Cuba, laissant la place libre à la Chine aujourd'hui, et aux 
USA demain ? 

Parce que RSF commence (enfin !) a sentir le soufre ? 

Ou tout simplement parce que le traitement de ce dossier par la Commission 
européenne relève d'un « foutage de gueule » dans lequel le Médiateur 
lui-même est méprisé ? 

Pour plusieurs de ces raisons ? Pour d'autres à découvrir ? 

Allez savoir ! Ce qui est sûr, c'est que la question : une « ONG » peut-elle 
ouvertement utiliser l'argent du contribuable européen dans l'intérêt des 
USA n'est pas enterrée. 

A suivre donc, sans illusion, mais en se délectant du numéro de 
contorsionniste/transformiste d'une Europe invitée par Cuba à reconsidérer, 
sans précipitation, son comportement. 

Le 18 juin 2007, le ministère des Relations extérieures cubain publiait un 
communiqué invitant l'Union européenne à « rectifier les erreurs commises 
envers Cuba ». Et d'ajouter orgueilleusement : « Mais rien ne presse: nous 
avons tout le temps du monde ». 

En effet, en multipliant ses échanges commerciaux avec un nombre croissant 
de pays non européens, Cuba desserre l'étau US. Les campagnes 
médiatico-politico-RSfiennes agissent surtout comme des boomerangs. 

En mêlant ses euros aux dollars entassés dans la caisse de RSF, l'Union 
Européenne joue contre son camp. 

Maxime Vivas

=== 2 ===

Reporter senza Frontiere: "sì alla tortura"

La notizia è scioccante anche per chi per anni ha denunciato le sospette attività di Reporter senza Frontiere e del Boss di questa organizzazione, Robert Ménard. Questi, in una trasmissione alla radio francese ha legittimato e rivendicato l'uso della tortura.


Di Gennaro Carotenuto

Il capo di Reporter Senza Frontiere, Robert Ménard (la denuncia è stata rilanciata in Italia da Franco Carlini de Il Manifesto), in un'emissione di France Culture, l'audio della quale è disponibile a questo indirizzo legittima l'uso della tortura. Lo fa con gli argomenti tipici usati dai grandi torturatori della storia, i Videla, i Pinochet: «Se avessero preso in ostaggio mia figlia, non ci sarebbe stato limite alcuno, ve lo dico e ve lo ripeto, all’uso della tortura». Con "limite alcuno" Ménard intende proprio nessuno, includendo la cattura e la tortura di familiari innocenti di presunti terroristi.

Quanto difende Ménard è infatti quello che in Algeria fecero centinaia di volte i francesi e poi ripeterono migliaia di volte le dittature latinoamericane i torturatori delle quali, come è noto, furono addestrati sì dagli Stati Uniti, ma sulla base delle tecniche sperimentate dai francesi in Algeria e Indocina.

Per essere ancora più chiaro e non lasciare adito a dubbi su quello che intende, Ménard cita il caso di Daniel Pearl, il giornalista del Wall Street Journal, sequestrato e assassinato in Pakistan. Per liberarlo in tempo, la dittatura amica di Pervez Musharraf -lo ricorda Carlini- arrestò e torturò i familiari dei presunti rapitori. La conclusione è nota. Con rara vigliaccheria Ménard, per sostenere la sua tesi si nasconde dietro la vedova Pearl, che secondo lui difenderebbe l'uso della tortura da parte della polizia di Musharraf, nel vano tentativo di salvare il marito.

E qui sta il punto. Ménard, nell'affanno di creare un'impalcatura ideologica per difendere Guantánamo e Abu Grajib, finge di dimenticare che saltare il fosso della disumanità rende solo altrettanto disumani. In Guatemala i manuali insegnavano a cavare gli occhi dei bambini davanti ai padri per farli parlare. In Pakistan, come ad Abu Grajib in Iraq, giustificandosi con che fosse per una causa nobile, usavano gli stessi manuali.

Ma il povero Pearl fu comunque barbaramente assassinato, gli algerini, come gli indocinesi, riuscirono a liberare i loro paesi e i torturatori latinoamericani non sanno più dove nascondersi, come testimonia l'ergastolo di ieri a Hugo Salas Wenzer che abbiamo qui riportato.

Il discusso Ménard, due anni fa ammise di accettare soldi dalla CIA per fare in modo che la sua organizzazione, RSF (alla quale collaborano ingenuamente centinaia di volontari) risulti particolarmente sollecita a denunciare (e a volte a ritoccare la verità) le persecuzioni della stampa in paesi considerati nemici da chi paga. E allo stesso tempo accetta soldi perché RSF stia in silenzio, o parli in maniera strumentale, quando le violazioni alla libertà d'espressione sono commesse dagli Stati Uniti o da paesi alleati di questi.

Quando Ménard afferma testualmente: "non è più una questione di idee o di principi, ma di guerra" ha passato il Rubicone del sistema ideologico della guerra al terrorismo, della negazione, a partire dall' "habeas corpus", dei diritti fondamentali dell'individuo. Ménard è oggi solo un ingranaggio del partito della guerra, del neoconservatorismo duro e puro dei Donald Rumsfeld, dei Dick Cheney e degli Alberto Gonzalez. Gli uomini di RSF in Italia, gli Alessandro Oppes, i Mimmo Candito, sono contro la tortura o stanno con Ménard? E tempo che chi costruisce la propria autorevolezza anche in quanto membro di un'organizzazione come RSF dica da che parta sta: con Ménard e i torturatori o per i diritti umani.

E anche quelle centinaia di volontari che credono che Reporter Senza Frontiere sia un'organizzazione indipendente che lavora per la libertà d'espressione, che la considerano addirittura progressista, devono scegliere tra la complicità e l'aprire gli occhi e chiedere conto ai dirigenti del loro operato.