

(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 23 LUG - Giallo in Macedonia su una presunta,
misteriosa missione compiuta da due elicotteri della Kfor,
forza di pace a guida Nato, nella parte nord-occidentale del
paese sotto il controllo della guerriglia albanese.
Il ministero della difesa macedone ha chiesto ufficialmente
chiarimenti sulle ragioni che sabato pomeriggio - una prima
volta alle 17:45 e una seconda alle 18 - avrebbero indotto due
elicotteri della forza Nato provenienti dal Kosovo ad atterrare
in territorio macedone, in particolare nei
pressi dei villaggi di Shpikovica e di Brodec (nella regione
di Tetovo) entrambi sotto il controllo dei guerriglieri
albanesi dell'Uck.
Il ministero della difesa sostiene che i due velivoli Nato
avrebbero scaricato casse ''dal contenuto misterioso: durante
le fasi dell' atterraggio dagli elicotteri sarebbero stati
lanciati fumogeni per coprire l'attivita'. Il ministero sostiene
di avere ''la documentazione che prova l'avvenuto
atterraggio'', e chiede alla Kfor di conoscerne le ragioni
''poiche' tali missioni non erano state concordate ne' richieste
dalle autorita' militari'' di Skopje.
La Kfor oggi ha risposto smentendo l'accusa e affermando che
sabato pomeriggio elicotteri Nato hanno effettuato delle missioni
ma solo in territorio del Kosovo, a ridosso del confine macedone,
per installare i sistemi di radiocomunicazione. Nella sua nota
la Kfor respinge l'allusione a un suo possibile appoggio a
sostegno della guerriglia, che in verita' le autorita' macedoni
non hanno osato avanzare. (ANSA). BLL/ROM
23-LUG-01 12:13 NNNN
23/07/2001 13:20



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Il governo anti-serbo (ed antijugoslavo) guidato da Zoran Djindjic,
colluso con i bombardieri della NATO e resosi gia' responsabile di
gravi violazioni dell'ordine costituzionale (ad esempio attraverso
il sequestro dell'ex Presidente della Repubblica Milosevic), dopo
aver steso il tappeto rosso per accogliere gli eredi della monarchia
Karadjordjevic ha compiuto un ulteriore passo di grande rilevanza
anche emblematica introducendo l'ora di religione persino nelle
scuole elementari.

Ricordiamo che questa banda di reazionari oggi al governo della Serbia
e' stata salutata, nella sua presa del potere, da tutta la "sinistra"
italiana, specialmente con urla di giubilo dalle prime pagine di
"Liberazione" ed "Il Manifesto", giornali che hanno esplicitamente
fatto il tifo per la coalizione di destra con a capo Kostunica, lo
"specchietto per le allodole" usato come copertura per
Djindjic. Come spiegheranno "Liberazione" ed "Il Manifesto" ai
loro lettori l'ennesima scelta di segno ultraconservatore da parte
del governo della DOS?

(Italo Slavo)

BELGRADE, July 25 ( Beta) -On July 24, the Serbian government
adopted a decree regulating the introduction of religious
instruction and an alternative course in ethics as optional
subjects in elementary and secondary schools in the republic.
The Serbian government said in a press release that religious
instruction and the alternative course in ethnics will be
taught in grades one of all elementary and secondary schools
starting Sept. 1. (...)


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Subject: Circle Of Deception: Mapping The Human Rights Crowd In The
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 23:12:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rick Rozoff

[As the following contains scores of indispensible
hyperlinks, it's best viewed in its original version
at: )


The Circle of Deception

Mapping the Human Rights Crowd in the Balkans
by Gilles d'Aymery
July 23, 2001

Following a conversation with a Serbian acquaintance
we investigated a report on the Destruction of
Evidence on Crimes against Kosovo Albanians that was
posted on balkanhr, the Balkan Human Rights List, that
he had found through the Balkan Academic News.

>>From there, one thing leading to another and following
Ariadne's thread, an unambiguous picture developed.
Some people and some organizations are at the center
of a vast circle of deception. They all look genuine,
many are certainly well-intentioned but behind the
veil of legitimacy and humanitarian concerns can be
found the same powerful people and organizations such
as the Open Society Institute of the billionaire and -
as always characterized - philanthropist, George
Soros, the Ford Foundation, the United States
Institute of Peace, the National Endowment for
Democracy and many more, financing and using a maze of
well known NGO's such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty
International, the International Crisis Group, etc.,
as well as more obscure entities such as the Southeast
European Politics (SEEP), the Balkan Academic News
(BAN), the Consortium of Minority Resources (COMIR),
the Minority Rights Group International (MRG), the
Greek Helsinki Monitor (GHM) and myriad others. But,
among all of them, shining as the Southern star, is
George Soros who, like an immense Jules Verne octopus,
extends his tentacles all over Eastern Europe,
South-Eastern Europe, the Caucasus as well as the
republics of the former Soviet Union. With the help of
these various groups, their partners and associates,
all having laudable names, all receiving lavish
funding, and again quite possibly most of them
well-intentioned, they are able not only to shape but
to create the news, the agenda and public opinion to
further their aims which are, in short, the control of
the world, its natural resources and the furtherance
of their uniform ideal of a perfect world polity made
in America.

This paper goes through a maze of connections. As said
it starts with a report about the Destruction of
Evidence on Crimes against Kosovo Albanians that was
posted on the balkanhr Distribution List in May, 2001
and that covered the story -- disseminated by the main
media later on in June -- of a refrigerated truck full
of corpses that was pulled out of the Danube at the
Iron Gates near Kladovo, in Serbia, on 6 April 1999.
The report was unsigned. Its provenance, the message
said, was the Humanitarian Law Center by the way of
the Greek Helsinki Monitor. The next logical move was
to visit the Greek Helsinki Monitor that is a part of
The BALKAN Human Rights Web Pages. There, the report
was linked....back to the Balkan Human Rights List
(which was founded in February 2000 by....The BALKAN
Human Rights Web Pages)!

Facing our first circle we decided to visit the
Humanitarian Law Center but, after an hour or so, we
could not find the original report (at least
originally -- please see the Note at the end of this
report). So we went back to square one and decided to
visit the Balkan Academic News (BAN). BAN is part of
the Consortium of Minority Resources (COMIR) and
affiliated with Southeast European Politics (SEEP). It
is hosted by the Southeast European Politics (SEEP).
BAN has its own distribution list on Yahoo. The
creator of BAN is one Florian Bieber who happens to be
a co-editor of SEEP. SEEP is sponsored by the Albanian
Political Science Association, Tirana, Albania, the
Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary, Central
European University, Budapest, Hungary, and
Independent Macedonian Political Science Association,
Skopje, Macedonia (no Web site). SEEP's Web site also
happens to be hosted by the Central European
University (CEU). CEU was founded in 1994 by George
Soros. CEU's related institutions are the Open Society
Institute-Budapest and the Soros Foundations Network.
"The Open Society Institute-Budapest was established
in 1993 to develop and implement programs in the areas
of educational, social and legal reform in Central and
Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
OSI-Budapest is part of the Soros foundations network,
a group of autonomous organizations created and
supported by George Soros," says the Web site. Florian
Bieber, the co-editor of SEEP and creator of BAN
worked from October 1998 to June 2000 at CEU. He holds
a M.A. in Southeast European Studies from CEU (he
currently is a lecturer, Regional Masters Program in
Democracy and Human Rights at the University of
Sarajevo). If you take the time to carefully read his
resume you will notice his many connections.

The other two sponsors of SEEP are The Independent
Macedonian Political Science Association, Skopje,
Macedonia that has no Web site and the Albanian
Political Science Association, Tirana, Albania
(ALPSA). ALPSA, was founded in 2000 to "contribute to
the establishment and advancement of studies in all
branches of political science (comparative politics,
political economy and public choice, international
relations, political theory, public policy, area
studies, etc.) in Albanian-language institutions and
universities in Albania and elsewhere." ALPSA does not
provide any information about its funding. However,
two of its board members have a diploma from CEU and
the site mentions that the organization is a "joint
publisher of SEEP"

As said, BAN, aside from being affiliated with SEEP,
is part of the Consortium of Minority Resources
(COMIR). COMIR, says the Web site, is "an
Internet-based cooperative project that aims at
promoting the free flow of information and dialogue in
the field of ethnic relations, multicultural politics
and minority rights. COMIR aims to establish a
clearinghouse of information and activities relevant
to Europe (OSCE region) to support democratic
governance of multiethnic and multinational societies.
To this end, COMIR develops and promotes virtual
libraries, mailing lists, a database of full text
documents, training materials, etc. Major initiatives
include a Virtual Library, coordinated mailing lists,
a meta-search engine across founders' web sites, a
Minority Rights Practitioners Resource Pack, a best
practice database, curriculum development and advocacy
training." COMIR is hosted by The Local Government and
Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI). LGI "was
launched in January 1997 by the Board of the Open
Society Institute-Budapest. The Initiative replaces
the Institute for Local Government and Public Service
and builds on its achievements," says the Web site.
"The development of democratic and effective
government at sub-national levels [emphasis added]
remains one of the central tasks of the transition.
The sharing of expertise between countries can
contribute significantly to the reform process in the
region. The primary mission of LGI is to foster such
cross-border cooperation and to support and
disseminate throughout the region potentially
important policy studies which should have a
significant impact on public policy reform." COMIR is
theretofore hosted by George Soros' Open Society

COMIR's partner sites are: Center of Documentation and
Information on Minorities in Europe - Southeast
Europe; Minority Rights Group MRG LGI MMCP; Local
Government and Public Service Reform Initiative;
European Centre for Minority Issues; Roma Rights
Center; Forum Institute for Social Studies; Balkan
Academic News; Human Rights Watch; Constitutional &
Legal Policy Institute; European Academy Bolzano/Bozen
and World Organisation Against Torture.

COMIR being a partner of the Greek Helsinki Monitor
(GHM), we decided to revisit GHM.

According to the Web site, "Greek Helsinki Monitor
(GHM) was founded in 1993 by members of Minority
Rights Group - Greece, affiliated to Minority Rights
Group - International since 1992. In 1993, GHM became
the Greek member of the International Helsinki
Federation. In 1998, GHM became a member of the
International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX);
and in 2000 of the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights
Network (EMHRN) and the Southeast Europe Media
Organization (SEEMO). GHM monitors, publishes and
lobbies on human rights issues in Greece and,
occasionally, in the Balkans. It has participated in
and often coordinated the monitoring of Greek and
Balkan media for stereotypes and hate speech. It has
prepared detailed reports on ethnonational,
ethnolinguistic, religious and immigrant communities,
in Greece; and on the Greek minorities in Albania and
Turkey. [...] Since 1997, in cooperation with the
European Roma Rights Center (ERRC), it runs a Roma
Office for Greece. Since 1997, it also operates the
Athens editorial office of the Alternative Information
Network (AIM), while in 2000 it launched the
electronic monthly "Dikaiomatika!" (Rightly!) in
Greek. In 1998, GHM was a co-founder of the Center of
Documentation and Information on Minorities in Europe
- Southeast Europe (CEDIME-SE) which operates a web
site ( and two web lists
covering human rights issues and comprehensive and
comparable presentations of all minorities in the
region. In 2000, CEDIME-SE was one of the co-founders
of the Consortium of Minority Resources (COMIR)."

"Greek Helsinki Monitor and Minority Rights Group -
Greece would like to acknowledge the sponsorship of
Open Society Institute, European Union's PHARE and
Euromosaic programs, Austrian Government - Federal
Chancellery, Nikos Dimou, "Artos Zois" Foundation,
European Roma Rights Center, Berghof Foundation for
Conflict Research, Aspen Institute Berlin,
International Helsinki Federation, Communication and
Political Research Society, Greek General Secretariat
for Youth, and a few others."

So, GHM is funded, among others, by OSI. But what of
the various "organizations" with which GHM is

Minority Rights Group International (MRG): MRG is a
"non-governmental organization based in London, UK,
MRG promotes the rights of ethnic, linguistic and
religious minorities." MRG does not disclose funding
and sponsorship but GHM mentions that at least
MRG-Greece is supported, among others, by OSI (see
above). It has a link to COMIR on its front page.

The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC): ERRC is "an
international public interest law organisation which
monitors the human rights situation of Roma and
provides legal defence in cases of human rights
abuse." Major sponsors are: Open Society Institute,
Ford Foundation, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation,
Ruben and Elisabeth Rausing Trust, Rockefeller
Brothers Fund, and J.M. Kaplan Fund.

Please note that while GHM is partly "sponsored" by
OSI, it is also partly "sponsored" by ERRC which in
turn is partly "sponsored" by....OSI!

International Freedom of Expression exchange (IFEX):
IFEX "was born in 1992 when many of the world's
leading freedom of expression organizations came
together in Montreal to discuss how best to further
their collective goals." IFEX support organizations
are: Canadian International Development Agency,
Canada; Open Society Institute, U.S.A.; Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, Denmark; The Ford Foundation, U.S.A.;
Freedom Forum, U.S.A.; Humanistic Institute for
Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos), The
Netherlands; Joyce Mertz-Gilmore Foundation, U.S.A;
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland; Robert R.
McCormick Tribune Foundation, U.S.A.; Swedish
International Development Agency, Sweden; and United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO).

Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN):
EMHRN, established in January 1997, "is a network of
human rights organisations based in more than 20
countries from the Euro-Mediterranean region."
Funding/sponsors are not disclosed. Among its members
are Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch (see

GHM is also related to the Institute for War & Peace
Reporting (IWPR). "Founded in 1991, IWPR is an
independent educational charity based in the United
Kingdom." "IWPR supports democratisation and
development in crisis zones by providing an
international platform, professional training and
financial assistance to independent media, human
rights activists and other democratic voices." The
IWPR Web site acknowledges the following "private and
governmental foundations and agencies supporting its
regional reporting and media development activities:"
Carnegie Corporation of New York; Department for
International Development (UK); European Commission,
Foreign and Commonwealth Office; Freedom Forum; Ford
Foundation; National Endowment for Democracy;
Community Fund (UK); Open Society Institute; Press
Now; Samuel Rubin Foundation; Swedish International
Development and Cooperation Agency; US Institute for
Peace and Winston Foundation for World Peace.

GHM disseminates the reports of Human Rights Watch
(HRW) and is related to HRW at least through COMIR and
EMHRN. George Soros is known as the "financier of
HRW." For the readers who are not familiar with HRW we
recommend the report by Paul Treanor, Who is behind
Human Rights Watch? The European section of the Board
of HRW (or committee), called the Europe and Central
Asia Division is affiliated with the International
Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (the latter, by
the way, is financed by, among others, the Ford
Foundation. See

The Council for the Defense of Human Rights and
Freedoms (funding unknown) publishes a weekly report
on the "situation of human rights and freedoms in
Kosova" [please note the spelling]. These reports are
disseminated by, among others, GHM and BAN.

So are the reports and analysis of the International
Crisis Group (ICG). ICG "is a private, multinational
organisation committed to strengthening the capacity
of the international community to anticipate,
understand and act to prevent and contain conflict."
Readers may recall the ICG report dated November 26,
1999 on Trepca: Making Sense of the Labyrinth which
advocated that UNMIK and KFOR take control of the
Trepca mining complex - which they did. ICG is an
intriguing organization that would deserve to be
reviewed on its own. ICG states on its Web site that
"Maintaining a diverse funding base is critical to
preserving ICG's political independence and
credibility." It adds that "ICG raises funds from
governments, charitable foundations, companies and
individual donors. The following governments currently
provide funding: Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, the
Netherlands, Norway, the Republic of China (Taiwan)
[ed. please note how they characterize Taiwan],
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Foundation
and private sector donors include the Ansary
Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation,
the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Open Society
Institute, the Ploughshares Fund, the Sasakawa
Foundation, the Smith Richardson Foundation, the Ford
Foundation and the U.S. Institute of Peace."

The best way to form an opinion in regard to ICG's
"political independence and credibility" is to look at
its Board. Among its 50+ members are the following
names: Stephen Solarz (Vice-Chairman, ICG and former
U.S. Congressman); Morton Abramowitz (former U.S.
Assistant Secretary of State and former U.S.
Ambassador to Turkey); Kenneth Adelman (former US
Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Ambassador to the UN);
Richard Allen (former Head of US National Security
Council and National Security Advisor); Louise Arbour
(Supreme Court Judge, Canada and former Chief
Prosecutor, International Criminal Tribunal for former
Yugoslavia); Wesley Clark (former NATO Supreme Allied
Commander, Europe); Allan J. MacEachen (former Deputy
Prime Minister of Canada); Barbara McDougall (former
Secretary of State for External Affairs, Canada);
Wayne Owens (President, Center for Middle East Peace
and Economic Co-operation); George Soros (Chairman,
Open Society Institute); and Mortimer Zuckerman
(Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, U.S. News and World

So, from little-known organizations or people such as
SEEP, COMIR, BAN, GHM, IFEX, ERRC, etc. and Florian
Bieber to bigger fish like ICG, HRW, IPWR, etc., and
Louise Arbour, Morton Abramowitz or Wesley Clark -- to
cite just a few -- the agenda, the ideology, the
sources of funding are the same. They originate with
the Ford Foundation, the National Endowment for
Democracy, the US Institute for Peace, the Open
Society Institute and many, many more wealthy
institutions; and George Soros can invariably be found
at the epicenter of this concentric maze (which will
not surprise the readers who have read our August 2000
essay, Armies of Compassion: The Missionary, the
Businessman and the Military).

Not only do they shape and form opinion, they create
the news, they pay for -- they literally buy -- the
news to be shaped and created (remember the
"suitcases" of cash being funneled to the opposition
-- DOS, Otpor, B92, etc. -- before the Yugoslav
elections in October 2000?), to control how public
opinion is shaped and created; a public who has little
or no idea of how the news and their opinions are
created, sculpted like a fake Rodin, and from where
they really come. Total manipulation, total deception
and total mind control.

Pathetic, isn't it?

Note: To demonstrate the above with a case study we
are reviewing the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) and
the report, "Destruction of Evidence on Crimes against
Kosovo Albanians," that was found on balkanhr, the
Balkan Human Rights List (but that originated with
HLC) in our next commentary, The Fabrication and
Dissemination of Deception.


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1. nuovi articoli su "Emperor's Clothes"

2. testo in inglese della intervista di
Djindjic a "Der Spiegel"

3. dispaccio Reuters in francese sulla
suddetta intervista

4. solo 75 milioni di euro sui 300 promessi
in arrivo per ora... e serviranno a
ripagare il debito!


1. nuovi articoli su "Emperor's Clothes"


* Text of Zoran Djindjic's Interview with
'Der Spiegel'
* Comments by Jared Israel [19 July 2001]


by Jared Israel [19 July 2001]


2. testo in inglese della intervista di
Djindjic a "Der Spiegel"


TITLE: Djindjic schl�gt Alarm (Djindjic
sounds the Alarm)
SUBTITLE: Wir brauchen aufrichtige
Hilfe" ("We need sincere help")
DATE: 16.7.2001
PUBLISHER: Der Spiegel

CONTENTS: Serbian Premier Zoran Djindjic
feels the west has made a fool of him. In
this interview he complains about Brussels'
grotesque blockade maneuver concerning the
paying of the international reconstruction
help and warned of new crises in the

Spiegel: You took the risk of delivering
Milosevic to the War-Crimes Tribunal. Was it
worth it?

Djindjic: We set no conditions for the
extradition. That way we wanted to show our
good will for the integration into the
international community. At the same time, I
must admit that I am shocked over the farce
of "western aid", that is supposed to be at
$1.3 billion.

Sp.: ...What do you mean by Farce? That is a
whole lot of money.

Dj.: It would have been better if the Donor
Conference never had taken place and they
would have given us 50 Million DM in the
hand. We are trying to reform this country
and to espouse a pro-western course - in
spite of the NATO bombing – and in
Brussels 10 bureaucrats are sitting who
function in accordance with the motto: "when
the light goes out, apply the brakes."

Sp.: Would you explain what you mean?

Dj.: In August we were supposed to get a
first installment of 300 Million Euro.
Suddenly we were informed that from this
sum, 225 million Euro were being withheld
for outstanding debts, some of which date
back to Tito's time. Two-thirds of the sum
are "penalty interests" because Milosevic
refused for the past 10 years to pay back
this credit. The remaining 75 million Euro
we will be given - at the earliest - in
November. That is how western principles
are, we were told. That means: the dying man
gets the medicine, once he is dead. Our
crisis months are July, August and

Sp.: Are you fearing the downfall of your

Dj.: If we don't immediately get financial
aid, we will be confronting demonstrations
and social unrest by September at the
latest. Because we cannot keep our promises,
330 000 families living below 40 DM per
month, 600 000 refugees are weighing heavily
on our budget, and due to the reforms of the
economy demanded by the western creditors,
100 000 people are going to lose their jobs
There are no investments, nothing is being
worked on, nothing constructed. On the other
hand, Milosevic' old socialist cadre are
still sitting in the decisive functions in
the economy and want to see this land sink
into chaos.

Sp.: The socialists are evidently gaining
ground again. Could they again become a
danger for the DOS democratic governing

Dj.: Socialists and Radicals will certainly
win more votes. Added to this Yugoslavia's
President, Kostunica, with his skeptical
attitude toward the west and his constant
warning, that nothing of the promised money
will ever be seen....

Sp.: ... and who labeled you a putschist
because of your extradition of Milosevic,
who brought disgrace to the nation.

Dj.: A bit more loyalty from [Kostunica]
would certainly do me good. But dangerous
is, if because this type of quasipatrotic
statements the anti-western trauma is
reawakened in the population. Then I would
not exclude that a new government –
perhaps even the radical leader Seselj that
will receive the first installment of the
Aid package. I wanted to set other
priorities with the economy and weaken other
problems. And I solemnly warn the west: if
my government falls, this will cost the
international community $10 million.

Sp.: Will there be war?

Dj.: There will be crises, in Vojvodina, in
Montenegro, in Kosovo, in Sandzak, in
Southern Serbia. The cooperation with The
Hague Tribunal will no longer exist. And as
always, hundreds of thousands of refugees
will leave. But for that the west has enough
money in their budgets. No one will ask:
Couldn't someone have prevented this crisis?
Everyone will join in singing the tune, that
the Balkans have not calmed down. What we
need is sincere help, not hollow
declarations of sympathy. When I was in the
opposition, the European Union promised us
three billion DM in cash to overthrow
Milosevic. Where are they?

Sp.: You wanted to step down if the
Milosevic extradition to the Tribunal had
not succeeded. Will you give up if the
finance ministers don't come around?

Dj.: I cannot constantly speak to the people
about help coming from the west if none of
it here is tangible. I would lose my
credibility and will not be able to
stabilize the country. Why should I take the
risk of having my family killed with an car
bomb, if everything will be set back to
point zero anyway.

Sp.: Will you hand over General Mladic to
the Hague Tribunal, if he comes again to his
Belgrade home?

Dj.: All of the problems of this region do
not have to be carried out on my back. I
hope that I don't run into him.


3. dispaccio Reuters in francese sulla
suddetta intervista

Berlin, le 14 juillet 2001 (Reuters) - Le
premier ministre serbe, Zoran Djindjic a
vivement critiqu� l'Ouest pour le retard du
versement de l'aide qu'il avait promise en
r�compense de la remise de Slobodan
Milosevic au Tribunal Criminel de La Haye

"Nous n'avions pos� aucune conditions pour
livrer Milosevic. Nous voulions montrer
notre bonne volont� d'int�grer la Communaut�
Internationale." a dit Djindjic �
l'hebdomadaire allemand Der Spiegel dans une
interview devant �tre publi�e ce dimanche
[15 juillet].

"Mais je dois reconna�tre que je suis choqu�
devant la farce de l'aide occidentale, qui
devrait s'�lever � 1.3 billion de dollars",
dit-il. "Si nous ne recevons pas d'injection
financi�re imm�diatement, nous allons avoir
des manifestations et des troubles pour
septembre au plus tard."

Djindjic, un des leaders du bloc r�formiste
serbe qui avait chass� Milosevic de la
pr�sidence yougoslave l'ann�e pass�e, a �t�
l'objet de lourdes critiques de la part de
ses anciens coll�gues, et de manifestants �
Belgrade pour avoir livr� clandestinement
Milosevic le mois pass�.

Apr�s que Milosevic fut arriv� � La Haye,
les responsables occidentaux avaient promis
1.28 billions de $ pour aider � arr�ter la
mis�re �conomique de la Yougoslavie, et �
reconstruire un pays ravag� par la campagne
de bombardement de l'OTAN en 1999

Djindjic a d�clar� que Belgrade s'�tait
attendu � recevoir un premier versement de
300 millions d'euros (255 millions de $)
pour ao�t, mais s'�tait aper�u que sur ces
255 millions, 225 iraient directement pour
payer d'anciennes dettes, tandis que les 75
millions restants seraient seulement
transf�r�s en novembre au plus t�t.

"C'est comme donner � une personne gravement
malade le m�dicament quand il est mort. Les
mois critiques pour nous sont juillet, ao�t
et septembre" a d�clar� Djindjic au

Djindjic a dit que le support pour les
socialistes et les radicaux augmenterait si
il n'y avait pas de transfert financier
imm�diat, sp�cialement si le pr�sident
yougoslave Vojislav Kostunica continuait �
�lever des doutes sur le fait que L'Occident
verserait bien l'argent...

"J'averti s�rieusement l'Occident. Si mon
gouvernement tombe, alors cela co�tera � la
communaut� internationale 10 billion de $"

Djindjic a mis en garde sur un possible
renversement de son gouvernement par les
radicaux, un retour des socialistes et une
nouvelle crise des Balkans, qui mettrait un
terme � la coop�ration avec le tribunal de
La Haye et engendrerait des centaines de
milliers de r�fugi�s

"Je suis en train de perdre ma cr�dibilit�
et je ne peux pas maintenir le pays dans la
stabilit� plus longtemps." dit-il. "Ce dont
nous avons besoin, c'est d'une aide sinc�re,
pas de vides d�clarations de sympathie.
Quand j'�tais dans l'opposition, l'Union
Europ�enne nous avait promis trois billions
de Deutch Mark en cash pour la chute de
Milosevic. O� est cet argent?"

Original en anglais:

14 Jul 2001 15:14
Serb PM attacks West over aid delay-report



4. solo 75 milioni di euro sui 300 promessi
in arrivo per ora... e serviranno a
ripagare il debito!


BERLIN, July 23 (Tanjug) Bavarian Premier
Edmund Stoiber on Monday strongly criticised
the EU for channelling most of the pledged
assistance for Yugoslavia into the settling
of existing debts, while only a small part
represented direct financial assistance. In
a letter to European Commission President
Romano Prodi, Stoiber said that he had been
shocked to learn about the EU decision to
give Yugoslavia just 75 million of the
recently pledged 300 mission euros of urgent
assistance. Stoiber also criticised the fact
that even these 75 million euros would be
sent to Belgrade in November. This policy
causes damage to citizens and political
stability in Yugoslavia and undermines the
European Union's good reputation, Stoiber


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Today, more than ever, our young people are
going abroad to seek employment.

Tuitions have been imposed on high school.
Enormous tuitions have been imposed at
universities. In science and culture, in
publishing, in the media and in institutes
those who are 'politically acceptable'

The new authorities say they value expertise
and professionalism. That does not prevent
them from appointing people who are
untrained and unable to perform basic duties
to ministerial, managerial and diplomatic
posts. For these rulers, the Supreme
principles are obedience, membership in the
'right' parties and nepotism.

Unprecedented pressure is being applied to
the judiciary as well as Orwellian control
of the media. Judges are exposed to the most
severe pressures and blackmail. If they do
not hand down the decisions DOS desires they
lose their jobs. If they lose the jobs, they
are forbidden to practice law as attorneys,
their only profession.

The total redistribution of our country's
foreign policy interests is carried out in
such a way that these are completely
surrendered to the West, e.g. NATO. In the
politics of the country, Anglo-Saxon and
German factors dominate, while each has its
direct proponents in the top leadership of
the state. Relations with other countries,
especially with those who extended support,
cooperation and solidarity to our country
and people when it was most difficult, are
completely forsaken or reduced to a mere

At the same time these authorities are
preparing the internationalization of
autonomism and separatism in Vojvodina. It
seems that what is apparent and completely
clear to every sane person is not clear or
known to the highest representatives of DOS.

The state is facing disintegration. People
do not know who is ruling the country. The
Constitution and laws are simply not

The President of the federal state, Vojislav
Kostunica, astonishes the Yugoslav and
foreign publics by claiming he was not
informed about fateful decisions. He
publicly asserts that a coup d'etat has been
executed by the republican Prime Minister
Zoran Djindjic, but that does not prevent
Kostunica from sitting with Djindjic at the
same table immediately after said coup, and
cooperating with him as if nothing had
happened. As if a coup d'etat is an everyday
occurrence in democracies. Prime Minister
Djindjic publicly admits that he has usurped
the domain of the Federal State. He only
complains in the German 'Die Spiegel' that,
while he did 'honestly' what was requested
of him the West is late with the promised

President Kostunica and Prime Minister
Djindjic are publicly contesting who would
have personal control over the Army of
Yugoslavia (AoY). Some leaders of DOS are
trying to dismantle AoY, to weaken it and
its morale since that is NATO's wish. They
are confronting the Army and police. They
are threatening a new wave of political
persecution and more extraditions of our
citizens to NATO.

It is clear that such authorities may not
suffer a long existence. Even those who
financed and organized DOS did not plan to
keep them around for long. But, for the
citizens of this country the question is:
what shall remain of the country, of the
state and of our economic resources after
such authorities leave? What will new
authorities have left at their disposal?

Dear guests,

The SPS is a party of free, creative and
courageous people, organized on the ideas of
social justice, multiparty parliamentary
democracy, mixed economy, freedom and
equality. Within the Party and its
leadership there is much room for different
opinions, especially on methods of
implementing the program's options.

Of course, full internal democracy in
working out political positions requires
total party discipline and responsibility
for public confirmation and implementation
of agreed-on political positions. All
members are subject to such Party
discipline, especially leaders of the SPS.
This basic principle is important to any
political party in all conditions. When
applied to a Party like the SPS, that by its
program covers the entire political space
from the center to the far left, to a Party
that is exposed to political persecution
never before recorded in the political
history of Serbia, then the strengthening of
unity and the honoring of party discipline
has the greatest and most fateful
importance. Our unity shall grow from
strength to strength in relation to
strengthening the Party's activities based
on implementing our Program's options.

>From time to time in the public the idea
that it is necessary to change the SPS
Program is put forward. It is presented in
the form of 'well intentioned" suggestions,
advocacy of 'respect for new realities',
'modernization', 'engaging with' the private
sector, with the intelligentsia, with the
youth, and so on. Actually, the real motives
of such 'well intentioned' theses and
suggestions lie somewhere else.

Allow me, in respect of this, to refresh
your memory on one position from the SPS

"In its basic programmatic principles, the
Socialist Party of Serbia draws from the
development of socialist ideas in our
country and throughout the world, as well as
from the generally acknowledged positive
results of the democratic political practice
of socialist forces, especially in Western
Europe and from our own development since
the Second World War. Part of its political
and moral strength is drawn from the results
of the all-peoples' democratic and patriotic
movement in Serbia at the end of the 1980s.
Before the changes in Eastern Europe, this
mass struggle of ordinary people supported
the policy of democratization, national
emancipation and socialist reforms. It was
that mass movement and that policy that
showed the need to establish the Socialist
Party of Serbia".

This is why the SPS was and remains a strong
political party widely accepted in all
social structures and among all generations.
Its influence and importance have grown
because general developments within the last
ten months have caused even deeper concern
among the vast majority of citizens
regardless of their political views, their
age, or the party to which they might

It should be noted at this point that when
our opponents say the SPS should change its
Program, they say so because they are
conscious of the strong historical
foundations of our party. That bothers them.
They know that these foundations are rooted
in the freedom-loving and humanist spiritual
traditions of our people. They are rooted in
the more than two centuries of development
of socialist thought in Europe and Serbia,
but also in today's concrete circumstances.

When some of our comrades say the Program
should be changed, that indicates that they
do not understand what in the historical
sense is most advantageous for our Party.
For their sake and the sake of the general
public, it should be clearly stated what
programmatic and political potentials of our
Program have not been sufficiently utilized
and what programmatic oversights have now
mostly been overcome.

Why exactly have our people and our party
become the target of most brutal, most
illegal and most dishonorable methods of
contemporary imperial policy?

Above all because we implemented in an
authentic manner democratic and economic
reforms. We were first in Eastern Europe to
commence with reforms. However, we worked in
the interest of our people, and not
neo-colonial power centers. Ine the late
1980s we took power away from the corrupted
elements who had lost touch with the people.
During the 5th of October putsch, these same
elements, dregs of the old League of
Communists, who had betrayed its basic
principles, came back to power either
directly or through their children, anxious
to regain their never-forgotten privileges
and commissions and to impose authoritarian
rule by means of lawlessness, crime and

By defending national dignity and
sovereignty, by defending what are in fact
the most progressive European principles, as
embodied in its Program, the Socialist Party
of Serbia has led the nation along the only
possible path. This is the path of
preserving and developing economic potential
as the basis for social justice and
spiritual development, to renew and develop
integrative connections with our neighbors.

In that way we would enter the European
Home, not the pantry in the European
economic courtyard.

The SPS has not had problems in its Program
or in its basic political organization, but
in the practical implementation of its

Our program opposes the transformation of
the economic and financial power of any
individuals into political power. First, a
Party of the Left, born of the people,
should not allow arrogant and immodest
displays by its better-off members.
Secondly, the party and government, once we
regain it, should not be influenced by
careerists, profiteers and those who seek
shelter from the storm, nor give power to
forces without popular support.

These are lessons we have learned quite
well. Those who put their personal interests
over the general good have either left our
Party and joined the powers-that-be to
preserve their fortunes or else we ourselves
have removed them. To them and others that
would wish to emulate them, there is no
longer a place in the Socialist Party of
Serbia. In addition, we have decided that we
shall finally dispense with ill-founded
pre-election coalitions. Every party should
have power only in proportion to its real
popular support.

The position of the SPS was and remains
clear: the preservation of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia, as a sovereign and
independent state, a community of equal
citizens and republics of Serbia and
Montenegro, is an expression of their
historical interests, the precondition of
their independence and modern economic
development. Struggle against separatism,
terrorism and organized international crime,
and a stronger drive for regional economic
integration are unthinkable without the
preservation of the Federal Republic of

The last 10 months of totalitarianism,
lawlessness, persecution and darkness,
though difficult, have helped our party in
many respects.

We understood where we were mistaken and
also where our unused potentials lie.

We paid the price of opportunism towards
those who were with us only for their own
benefit because the SPS was in power.

We understand the importance of daily
contacts with the people and respect for
their desires.

Enriched with this knowledge and experience
the SPS shall strengthen its relations with
all the social strata acting as a factor of
unity that contributes creativity, wisdom,
energy and �lan for the benefit of general
progress. Openness and responsibility shall
be expressed above all towards the
membership and sympathizers who stood fast
with the policy and Program of the SPS when
this was most difficult. At the same time
that shall be the most important criteria in
selecting nominees for electoral lists.

We owe it to the young, not only in words,
but in practice also to give them much wider
possibilities for participation and
influence in the Party's life. They earned
that by their contribution in affirming our
policy and defending its values as well as
in the protests that have taken place within
the last few months.

The Federal Government fell because of the
violation of the state's Constitution and
laws. The SPS deems that in the new
Government there should not be a place for
those directly responsible for the
unconstitutional decree on extradition.

Expressing the mass requests of the citizens
of Serbia, the SPS demands the resignation
of the republican Government that is
responsible for the violation of the
Constitution of Yugoslavia and Serbia, of
the decision of the Federal Constitutional
Court, for usurpation of authority that does
not belong to it, for the abduction and
extradition of Slobodan Milosevic to NATO.

Elections must not be delayed further.

No one should interfere with new elections -
not the US, nor the EU nor Soros nor similar

The many difficulties we have endured and
struggled with have made us stronger. We are
facing old and new difficulties, challenges
and new possibilities.

If the SPS has been a support for Serbia and
Yugoslavia in defence of the state, of
freedom and of social justice up to now,
then the SPS shall be even more needed in
the future, exactly because those basic
values are even more jeopardized.

In the coming period it is our duty to pay
much more attention to the analysis of
economic and social problems and to
spreading SPS influence among workers, the
people who suffer most due to such problems.

Issues involving agriculture and rural areas
must be approached in a more organized
manner, a manner befitting the Party that
has always had its greatest support in rural

The intelligentsia is a natural support for
the SPS as a widely based, open Party with a
Left orientation. Even though daily more and
more intellectuals - scientific, cultural
and public workers - accept and support our
positions on actual issues, our actions and
have the same positions regarding the future
of the state and the people, we have to
contribute much more to fully activate that
potential support.

People's energy, stimulated by mass
protests, has to be maintained. The ideas
and requests of people's rallies must be
even more decisively affirmed and struggled
for via parliamentary caucuses, the media,
and through international contacts.

Above all this applies to persistence in
demanding that responsibility be established
for those who violated the Constitution,
laws, moral and international rules in
connection with the abduction of President
Slobodan Milosevic. The vast majority of
Yugoslav people also demand the abolition of
the Hague Tribunal as an extended hand of
NATO. At the same time, this is a demand of
the international public and especially
scientific, cultural and legal

For crimes in Yugoslavia the address is
NATO, not the defenders of freedom!

Whatever the intention of its master, until
the Hague 'Tribunal' is abolished it will be
a stage on which the conquering, Imperial
nature of NATO exposes itself.

The Socialist Party of Serbia calls upon all
citizens, all democratic parties and
organizations, all cultural and scientific
institutions to demand early elections, free
democratic life in the country, an end to
dictatorship, a dignified entrance into the
circle of free countries of Europe and the
world, without protectorate and colonial
servility, with belief in its own spiritual
strength and economic and creative

Our Party has strength, decisiveness and
enough expert cadres to contribute towards
such a perspective for Serbia and

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the
world of equals) (the international
committee to defend Slobodan Milosevic)


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Discorso di Z. Jovanovic ai delegati
dell'SPS in occasione dell'XI anniversario
della fondazione del partito (versione
inglese; la versione serbocroata si puo' reperire
sul sito dell'SPS:

Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 16:03:22 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

On its Eleventh Anniversary...


Address of Mr. Zivadin Jovanovic,
Vice-president of the Head Committee, Acting
President of the Socialist Party of Serbia
at the solemn session of the Head Committee,
on July 16, 2001


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Esteemed members of the Diplomatic Corps,

The Socialist Party of Serbia was formed
eleven years ago.

It has existed during a period of dramatic
historic events that have wiped out many
positive results of the First and Second
World Wars, with tragic consequences.

The opening and deepening of the Yugoslav
crisis and the violent secession of former
Yugoslav republics were directed primarily
against the Serbian people. Europe has
trampled the very basis of its stability,
the principle of non-violability of
internationally recognized borders. Europe
has legitimized separatism. Russia has
allowed it to happen.

Today this is coming back to haunt the world
in the form of spreading separatism,
terrorism and the rapid growth of
international crime. We can see this growth
of crime from Chechnya to the Caspian, the
Bosphorus, in Kosovo and Metohia, from
Macedonia to Gibraltar and Afghanistan, and
via Suez and Magreb to the North Atlantic.

For years our people were exposed to the
most massive violations of basic human
rights and to genocide. On one side there
was the violent fragmentation of the Serbian
national body. Vast numbers of Serbs were
expelled from centuries-old homesteads.
Millions became refugees. On the other side,
there were sanctions that denied a normal
existence to millions of citizens and

For many wise men in Europe and the world
this was seen as revenge for the role played
and the contribution made by Serbia and the
Serbian people at fateful moments in
European history.

The SPS played the key role in 1992 in
constituting the Federal republic of
Yugoslavia as the state of continuity and as
a community-union of equal citizens of the
republics of Serbia and Montenegro. That was
a natural role and obligation for a
popularly based, progressive party with a
national vision and responsibilities,
reacting to separatism, to the crushing of
the Serbian people and to the re-tailoring
of this exceptionally important geopolitical
area. At the same time it was an expression
of a policy of regional peace and stability
that could hardly be possible without a
state uniting Serbia and Montenegro.

The constructive and responsible policy of
the SPS was confirmed by the role played by
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in
finding a peaceful political solution for
the civil war in Bosnia & Herzegovina. It is
today an irrefutable historical fact that
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia made the
most important contribution to achieving the
Dayton-Paris Agreement.

The alternative would have been a drastic
escalation of war.

The crucial leadership in halting this
conflict was provided by the founder and
president of the SPS, Slobodan Milosevic. It
is because of his contribution as president
of the Republic of Serbia and head of the
Yugoslav negotiating delegation in 1995 that
today there is peace and relative stability
in Bosnia & Herzegovina. These achievements
are today jeopardized by these who in the
name of some 'international community'
hinder and distort the implementation of the
Dayton-Paris Agreement and attempt to revise
that Agreement to the detriment of the
Republic of Srpska and the Serbian people.

In the Program adopted by the SPS in 1992,
and in its practice, our Party has fashioned
itself as a modern party of the Left. The
SPS is committed to the strengthening and
overall progress of Serbia and Yugoslavia,
for Kosovo and Metohia to be integral parts
of Serbia, for peace in the Balkans and for
Yugoslavia's integration and overall
cooperation with its neighbors, and with
Europe, Russia, the USA, China, India and
all other countries.

Our platform of cooperation is simple:
equality and non-interference.

The accusation that the SPS is a party
suited only to isolation and confrontation
is not only baseless, but made with
malicious intent by those whose own
"Europeanism" is expressed through their
daily sell-off of vital national and state

The best evidence that the SPS is open
towards its neighbors and the entire world
is the fact that the SPS maintains regular
contacts and cooperation with over 130
parties and movements in the Balkans, Europe
and worldwide. As the party in power, the
SPS, through the Federal government, made
possible the maintenance of diplomatic
relations and cooperation with over 170
countries. A system of close to 3000
international agreements functioned in
continuity, including those that the Kingdom
of Serbia had concluded with Western
countries at the end of 19th century.

The Government concluded or maintained
agreements abolishing visas with many
countries, normalizing relations with the
former Yugoslav republics, maintaining a
free trade zone with Macedonia and the
Russian federation involving favorable
credits and favorable terms amounting to
over 2 billion German marks, and many other
agreements affecting economics, investment,
traffic and culture.

The vast majority of UN member countries
gave their support to the Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia, including its right to
continuity of membership in the World
Organization. That's why the attempts of the
former US administration and the so-called
'Croatian initiative' to expel Yugoslavia
from the UN could not succeed.

But what our adversaries could not do was
done for them by the new 'democratic'
authorities in Belgrade. As soon as they
took over, by a stroke of the pen they
eliminated our country as a founding member
of the World Organization, submitting a
request to be admitted as a new member - the

Very quickly these new authorities violated
the Constitution, humiliated the National
Assembly and by the zeal of their
subservience surprised even the order-givers
from the outgoing Clinton administration.
History and the people shall assess and
suffer the consequences of that drastic
decline in the dignity of our state.

NATO's armed aggression in 1999 was
recognized by the world as a dangerous
violation of the basic principles of
international relations and the UN Charter
and a blow to the foundations of the
international legal order. It was a crime
against peace and humanity executed by an
unprecedented alliance of the mightiest
military machinery in human history working
with an openly terrorist organization, the
so-called KLA.

It shall remain as a record of the utmost
cynicism that this aggression, in the course
of which about 3000 of our citizens were
killed, in which radiation and other
forbidden weapons were used, and which
inflicted war damages exceeding 100 billion
dollars, was given the name: "Operation
Merciful Angel."

The NATO criminals created the show in
Rambouillet and stage-managed the "Racak
Massacre," but their masks of 'mercy' fell
away during the aggression. They destroyed
our bridges, our children's schools, our TV
broadcast facilities; they bombed columns of
refugees and the homes of ordinary people.
They sent cluster bombs and cruise missiles
encased in depleted uranium to blow up our

And all the while they spoke of the
protection of human rights and democracy.

After the aggression, Albanian terrorists
were sent from Kosovo and Metohia into other
areas of Serbia and then into Macedonia.
This has shown even many people who were
poorly informed that NATO is using the
Balkans as a testing ground for new
doctrines and new weapons, for the
intimidation of all peoples who will not
accept neo-imperialism and who dare to
confront hegemonies.

Yugoslavia defended its freedom. It did so
decisively. It will be written in history
that Yugoslavia stunned the world with its
courage, its unity and its patriotism.

This resistance enabled the world to
understand the real nature of NATO.

NATO's aggression was ended by UN Security
Council resolution 1244/99. This Resolution
explicitly guaranteed the territorial
integrity of the FRY. It guaranteed that
Kosovo and Metohia would be an autonomous
part of Serbia providing security and the
equal enjoyment of human rights to all
citizens and all communities, regardless of
ethnicity, culture or religion.

These conditions under which the war ended
constitute guarantees by the World
organization. No one has the right to
diminish the importance of these facts, and
especially not to allow developments and
situations contrary to this UN document.

The Serbian and Yugoslav powers-that-be have
no authority to make a single concession to
the detriment of the Serbian people, or to
the integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and
Yugoslavia. They bear the responsibility for
accepting the so-called Haekkerup's
"Constitutional Framework" that both
formally and in essence violates Security
Council Resolution 1244. The Belgrade
authorities are responsible for accepting
the setting-up of customs stations in
Kosovo, for doing nothing to facilitate the
safe and free return of several hundred
thousand expelled Serbs, Roma, Gorani,
Muslims and other non-Albanian peoples, for
doing nothing regarding the more than 1300
citizens who are missing, most likely
kidnapped, and about 1300 who have been
killed since the deployment of UNMIK and
KFOR (the UN and NATO).

These authorities are also responsible for
cooperating in preparing the public to
accept so-called provincial elections. The
aim of these elections is to sanction ethnic
cleansing and all the crimes carried out in
Kosovo during the last two years.

It must be clear that the Serbian people
would never accept this policy that injures
its legitimate national and state interests,
this policy executed through the cooperation
between KFOR and UNMIK (read: NATO) and the
Belgrade authorities, this policy that
violates UN documents through fait
accomplis. On this occasion we decisively
condemn Haekkerup's "Constitutional
Framework" as an attempt to legalese
secession and the plan for creating a
"Greater Albania." We condemn the so-called
provincial elections, since the conditions
that would make elections possible do not
exist. The SPS calls upon Serbs, Roma,
Gorani, Muslims as well as all other
communities in Kosovo and Metohia not to
accept the census and to boycott such
elections, until everyone is guaranteed
security, freedom of movement and the free
and safe return of 360,000 expelled
citizens. A political solution regarding
autonomy may be reached only through
political dialogue between the legitimate
representatives of all ethnic communities.


What have we done during the past eleven

Faced with a blockade, with sanctions, with
civil wars raging around us, with a million
refugees on our territory, our Government of
national unity above all protected the state
and the freedom and dignity of the people.
It protected all the most important natural,
economic and human resources. It has not
allowed the sell-off of our national wealth.
It has managed to satisfy the basic needs of
the population, the functioning of the
economy and basic social services. Under
these difficult conditions, our farmers have
made an extraordinary contribution to
fulfilling the basic needs of the
population, even making it possible to
export farm products.

>From 1995 on, the Government intensified
reforms, mobilized domestic resources, and
strengthened cooperation with countries that
refused to apply sanctions and started new
industrial production. In the very midst of
NATO's aggression, the process of
reconstruction and renewal began. Our
government, our people reconstructed or
newly built more than 50 bridges. Free
housing was provided for families whose
homes were destroyed by NATO. A program to
build 100,000 apartments for young couples
and members of the army and police was
begun. A program for the intensive
employment of young, skilled workers was

By means of special measures and programs,
the development of agriculture and the
construction industry and exports were
stimulated. Prices of foodstuffs,
electricity, communal services and other
basic needs were kept in harmony with the
buying power of the population.

Such efforts were supported by the people in
our Diaspora, for which we owe them
recognition and thanks.

All this clearly shows that the policy
conducted by the SPS was in harmony with its
Program. This policy preserved the state and
defended the freedom, sovereignty and
territorial integrity of the country and
social justice. We did not wait for foreign
"donations." It was clear to the Party that
these rich "donors" are not rich because
they give away; they are rich because they
take. That's why the Party always tended
towards co-operation and exchange only on
the basis of mutual benefit. Nothing else is
real. Thanks to that policy we have had the
highest economic growth rate and highest
living standards in our neighborhood. While
during the period from 1995 to 2000, Eastern
Europe had an average annual growth of 1,5 %
of gross national product, our country
achieved 5 to 7 %.

All these efforts and results drew on the
energy and political and diplomatic
understanding of Slobodan Milosevic, founder
and president of the SPS.

After the coup d'etat on the 5th of October,
in which the national Assembly and Serbian
Broadcasting Corporation were set ablaze,
our party and membership were exposed to
pressures and persecution never before seen
in the political history of Serbia. Several
hundred members of the SPS have been
imprisoned and a large number have been
brought before politically motivated trials.
By means of surprise attacks, crisis
committees and the abuse of workers, 20,000
managers of enterprises, banks, power
production and distribution companies,
education, cultural, health care,
transportation and state administration
facilities were removed overnight. The
so-called DOS usurped local authorities in
20 municipalities where SPS had in fact won
the elections.


Dear guests,

The abduction and arrest of SPS president
Slobodan Milosevic on March 31st and then
his abduction on June 28th, St. Vitus Day,
and his extradition to the Hague 'Tribunal,'
represent the height of violent lawlessness.

Many facts regarding the extradition of
Slobodan Milosevic are widely known. The
immediate and especially the near future
will complete that knowledge and also allow
a complete assessment of the goals and
consequences of this criminal act.

Already three things can be stated.

First, the acts of seizing Milosevic and
turning him over to The Hague do not have
local or regional motives and goals.

Second, these motives and goals are not
related to law and justice; rather, they are

And third, this kidnapping will neither in
the short nor long term end the crisis in
Yugoslavia and the Balkans.

Rather, this dangerous criminal act will
lead to the deepening of mistrust and the
continuation of the mistakes of the
so-called international community, with
unforeseen consequences.

Slobodan Milosevic is not only the founder
and president of the Socialist Party of
Serbia, one of the strongest political
parties in the Balkans, but also has been
the president of the Republic of Serbia and
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for many
years. For Serbian people and for the
greater part of contemporary mankind,
Slobodan Milosevic is a leader in the
struggle for a just cause, both on the
national and international levels. He is a
symbol of resistance to hegemonism and
domination, a leader that unified the whole
nation against NATO aggression and
contributed towards exposing NATO's second,
hidden face, completely different from the
aims proclaimed in its founding act. Crimes
committed by NATO in the course of the 78
days it bombed all of Yugoslavia are known.
Concerning those crimes, large,
indestructible documentation exists.

Because of the clear facts about NATO's
crimes, the so-called trial they are
preparing, whose farcical beginning
indicates how it will proceed, cannot fool
most people. Virtually all Serbian people
and a vast part of the real international
community knows that this stage-managed
affair aims to justify the crimes of NATO's
leaders, especially the leaders of the
former American administration, crimes
against peace and humanity.

By putting Milosevic and other former
leaders of Serbia and Yugoslavia on trial,
the victim is being presented as the
culprit. An attempt is being made to impose
on all Serbian people the responsibility and
lasting obligations for all that transpired
in Kosovo and Metohia before, during and
after the aggression, as well as for the
violent secession of former Yugoslav
republics and the consequences of the civil
wars in Bosnia & Herzegovina and Croatia.

Such an approach represents the continuation
of the aggression against Yugoslavia and the
Serbian people by other but no less
dangerous means. This is apparent due to the
orchestrated demonization of the Serbian
people. The demonization is now being
conducted not only in the same international
media that wholeheartedly justified the
armed NATO aggression. It is also being
broadcast in the so-called independent media
in Belgrade.

All that is being done now was in essence
seen beforehand and predicted and the real
aims are known. The Serbian people will not
be turned against itself. It will not take
the side of those who treat it in a racist
manner, who are breaking it up and
transforming it into refugees, who killed
Serbs, who destroyed their homes and sacred
places, who poisoned their soil, their water
and their air!

Not only did these new Belgrade authorities
execute the criminal seizure and extradition
of Slobodan Milosevic, delivering him into
the hands of the NATO executioners. Not only
did they trample the Constitution and laws
of Serbia and Yugoslavia. But they chose to
commit this crime on June 28th, thus
desecrating Vidovdan, St. Vid's Day, the
Serbs' most sacred symbol. This confirmed
the belief that the kidnapping was carried
out to humiliate the Serbian people, whose
self-respect has been toughened through
centuries of struggle. The fact that for
this treason the authorities say they were
promised some kind of money only strengthens
the disgust, condemnation and loathing among
ordinary people, whose exceptional sense of
morality and dignity have not died away
despite exceptional misery. Indeed, the
morality and dignity of the people has grown

All that the Belgrade authorities have done
to the people has strengthened the belief
that with DOS there can be no future. These
authorities have crossed the Rubicon of what
can be endured. It is hard to imagine
anything that can save them now, certainly
not some so-called donations.

Whether West and East understand this
reality we shall soon find out.

What else is to be said about the fruits of
the rule of the DOS authorities?

People have realized that DOS is a notorious
NATO swindle. DOS abused the citizens'
desire for change. People voted to live
better, but today they live far worse than a
year ago.

The new authorities are not interested in
production but only in covering their budget
through higher taxes.

Industrial production is 10% lower than
before. In the factories, four out of five
machines stand silent.

Everything is enormously expensive. The only
thing we've gotten from Europe is its
prices. By removing customs protections for
domestic industries and food production our
manufacture has been suffocated, and the
market has been given to foreign
manufacturers. Unemployment and social
misery are spreading. One million people are
unemployed. Two million of our people live
just this side of survival. The sell-off of
our factories, mines and infrastructure to
foreign speculators has been prepared. The
economic sovereignty of our country is being

Those are the results of the much-heralded
'reforms' of DOS.

DOS halted the reconstruction of the
country, because such reconstruction
offended their masters by recalling NATO's
crimes of destruction.

(1/2 - segue)


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Da "Il Manifesto" di Domenica 22 luglio 2001

I non imputati dell'Aja

Eguali crimini Se � legittimo il processo a Milosevic
per "crimini di guerra", lo � altrettanto incriminare
i leader della Nato


" Esperti legali" citati ieri dalla stampa hanno
liquidato la denuncia-condanna del tribunale dell'Aja
da parte di Slobodan Milosevic nelle prima udienza
davanti ai giudici, definendola "non utile alla sua
difesa" e sostendo che "� improbabile che essa possa
contribuire al suo proscioglimento".
E' davvero spassoso. Le probabilit� che ha Milosevic
di ottenere un processo equo da questa corte sono
tante quante ne aveva di sconfiggere la Nato in un
conflitto aereo.
In realt� c'� molto da dire a favore della tesi di
Milosevic, secondo cui il tribunale � un "falso
tribunale, e le imputazioni false imputazioni"
(grammatica a parte). E quando ha detto "lo scopo di
questo tribunale � produrre false giustificazioni per
i crimini di guerra della Nato commessi in
Jugoslavia", egli in realt� stava semplicemente
citando l'uomo che ha scritto lo statuto del tribunale
per Madeleine Albright: "Il tribunale � stato
largamente percepito all'interno del governo come poco
pi� di uno stratagemma di pubbliche relazioni e uno
strumento politico potenzialmente utile... Le
incriminazioni sarebbero servite anche a isolare dal
punto di vista diplomatico i leader che avessero
trasgredito, a rafforzare i loro rivali interni e a
fortificare la volont� politica internazionale di
impiegare sanzioni economiche o usare la forza" ha
scritto proprio Michael Scharf su The Washington Post
il 3 ottobre 1999).

Trattare il tribunale come un mero strumento di
propaganda della Nato �, in realt�, il solo modo di
spiegarne le violazioni dei pi� fondamentali principi
di imparzialit� giudiziaria, da un piccolo dettaglio
come l'utile link alla Nato sul sito web del Tribunale
(eliminato solo molto di recente), fino
all'incriminazione dello stesso Milosevic il 22 maggio
1999, nello stesso momento in cui i "danni
collaterali" dei bombardamenti Nato stavano
disgustando il mondo. Quasi tutte le accuse in quella
incriminazione concernevano azioni che sarebbero
avvenute dopo l'inizio dei bombardamenti, sulla base
di prove non rivelate fornite dalla stessa Nato. In
altre parole, una incriminazione per eventi che erano
avvenuti, in alcuni casi, soltanto sei settimane prima
nel mezzo di quella che era ancora una zona di guerra.
Una accusa imparziale avrebbe considerato queste prove
molto sospette e inaffidabili, forse la base per una
indagine da compiere dopo la fine dei bombardamenti,
ma che dire di una incriminazione durante la guerra?
Quale poteva essere lo scopo se non, per usare le
parole di Milosevic, "produrre false giustificazioni
per i crimini di guerra della Nato commessi in
E questo � l'altro punto, in realt� il punto
fondamentale. Perch� se all'Aja ci fosse un tribunale
onesto, Milosevic sarebbe soltanto uno delle circa due
dozzine di capi di governo e di stato, passati e
presenti, da Aznar, Blair, Chr�tien e Clinton e cos�
via, in ordine alfabetico. Per non parlare dei loro
ministri degli esteri, della difesa, dei generali e
dei loro portavoce. Essi hanno commesso ciascuno dei
crimini di guerra compiuti da Milosevic, e anche di
pi�. Per "di pi�" intendo il "crimine contro la pace"
della guerra di aggressione, ci� che la sentenza di
Norimberga chiamava "il supremo crimine
internazionale, che differisce dagli altri crimini di
guerra solo per il fatto che contiene in se stesso i
mali di quelli messi insieme".

"Qualunque tipo di guerra"
Ecco che cosa disse il giudice Robert Jackson
sull'argomento a Norimberga: "Qualunque ricorso alla
guerra - qualunque tipo di guerra - � un ricorso a
mezzi di per s� criminali. La guerra inevitabilmente �
un susseguirsi di uccisioni, attentati, privazioni
della libert� e distruzione di beni. Una guerra
onestamente difensiva �, naturalmente, legale e salva
dalla criminalit� coloro che la conducono in modo
legittimo. Ma atti di per s� criminali non possono
essere difesi mostrando che coloro che li hanno
commessi erano impegnati in una guerra, quando la
guerra stessa � illegale. La conseguenza davvero
minima dei trattati che considerano illegale la guerra
d'aggressione � spogliare coloro che incitano alla
guerra, o che ne intraprendono una, di qualunque
appiglio la legge abbia mai fornito, e lasciare che i
signori della guerra siano sottoposti al giudizio in
base ai principi solitamente accettati della legge
La guerra della Nato � stata una violazione
consapevole del diritto internazionale e della Carta
delle Nazioni Unite. Nessuno ha mai seriamente
dubitato della sua illegalit�.
Un "intervento umanitario"? Da quando in qua gli Stati
Uniti, nei loro interventi militari, hanno agito per
motivi umanitari? Gli Usa hanno una storia di
aggressioni dovute unicamente ai loro interessi nel
mondo, e nessun rispetto per le vite dei civili: dalle
bombe atomiche su Hiroshima e Nagasaki, all'uso del
napalm in Vietnam e i bombardamenti a tappeto della
Cambogia, fino alla distruzione dell'Iraq e la morte
di centinaia di migliaia di bambini iracheni
attraverso un brutale regime di sanzioni. Questo � il
paese che ha impedito al Consiglio di sicurezza
dell'Onu di intervenire in Ruanda perch� non era
disposto ad aiutare e non voleva fare brutta figura.
Questo � il paese che ha sostenuto regimi repressivi
da Somoza, a Pinochet, a Suharto. E non dimentichiamo
che gli Stati Uniti sono un paese che notoriamente
v�ola i diritti umani dei suoi stessi cittadini: un
paese fatto di segregazione razziale, di povert� in
mezzo a ricchezze favolose, di brutalit� da parte
della polizia, di prigioni che scoppiano, di pena di
E non dimentichiamo l'enorme responsabilit� morale dei
paesi Nato per la violenza in Jugoslavia - dalle
politiche economiche aggressive che per prime hanno
precipitato la Jugoslavia nella depressione e nella
guerra civile, alla sponsorizzazione sulla base dei
confini etnici delle repubbliche balcaniche, che hanno
lasciato ampie minoranze al loro interno in attesa
solo di subire la "pulizia etnica" da parte delle
maggioranze, all'appoggio fornito all'esercito di
liberazione del Kosovo, la distruzione di qualunque
chance di pace, dagli accordi Vance-Owen in Bosnia
alla farsa di Rambouillet, e la stessa campagna di

Il nuovo ruolo della Nato
L'esigenza di inventare un ruolo nuovo per la Nato
dopo la Guerra fredda, l'instancabile campagna degli
Usa per minare le Nazioni Unite, l'industria delle
armi, il desiderio di testare le armi, una guerra
dimostrativa "pour d�courag�r les autres" (come
Saddam) che pensano di potersi opporre alla volont�
degli americani, una guerra contro un nemico debole
che potesse essere combattuta senza perdere una sola
vita americana in combattimento, lucrosi contratti di
ricostruzione, un sicuro oleodotto sul Mar Caspio,
persino Monica Lewinsky - tutto ci� spiega questa
guerra meglio dei motivi umanitari.
Perci� mettiamo questa guerra nella categoria della
classica guerra d'aggressione illegale, classicamente
travestita come le altre da guerra umanitaria.
Ora, lo Statuto del tribunale dell'Aja non contempla
la "guerra d'aggressione" come un crimine. Gli Usa non
lo hanno voluto, cos� come non lo hanno voluto nello
statuto di Roma del 1998 (che gli Usa non hanno ancora
ratificato), un fatto che di pers� mina la legittimit�
della corte. Ma la legge contempla i "crimini contro
l'umanit�", includendo in ci� "l'omicidio" e "altri
atti inumani". L'omicidio � definito universalmente
come il causare la morte, intenzionalmente (il che
include consapevolmente) senza giustificazioni legali.

E le vittime civili dei bombardamenti?
I leader della Nato hanno pianificato e messo in atto
una campagna di bombardamenti, sapendo che essa era
contraria ai principi pi� fondamentali del diritto
internazionale e che avrebbe causato la morte e
l'invalidit� di migliaia di civili: bambini, donne e
uomini. Lo hanno ammesso ripetutamente dicendo "ci
dispiace, ma questo � ci� che succede in una guerra",
e hanno continuato a bombardare. Gi� solo per questo,
ossia l'uccisione consapevole di centinaia e centinaia
di civili - tra cui molti bambini - al di fuori della
legge, questi leader sono colpevoli di omicidio di
massa. Milosevic � stato incriminato per l'omicidio di
385 vittime, poi pi� recentemente nuovamente
incriminato per un totale di 671. Bene! I leader della
Nato hanno ucciso almeno 500 persone (secondo Human
Right Watch e Amnesty Internationa), ma forse pi� di
1.500 secondo le nuove autorit� di Belgrado.
E poi ci sono le Convenzioni di Ginevra e le "leggi e
costumi di guerra" per le quali � un crimine, anche in
una guerra legale, uccidere e ferire civili
intenzionalmente o per incuria, ossia non curarsi di
colpire solo target militari.
Tuttavia, secondo ammissioni rese in pubblico per
tutta la durata della guerra (ricordate Jamie Shea con
gli occhiali da sole e il suo sciocco sorrisetto?),
secondo resoconti di testimoni oculari e secondo
precise prove circostanziali mostrate sugli schermi
televisivi del pianeta durante i bombardamenti - prove
sufficienti per una condanna in qualunque tribunale
del mondo - questi leader della Nato hanno
deliberatamente e illegalmente preso di mira luoghi e
cose di interesse militare scarso o nullo: ponti
cittadini, fabbriche, ospedali, mercati, quartieri in
centro o residenziali, studi televisivi. Con le
cluster bomb a frammentazione che hanno minato il
territorio, i target ambientali con la distruzione di
interi complessi chimici e l'uso massiccio di uranio
impoverito. Le stesse prove mostrano che, cos�
facendo, i leader della Nato miravano a demoralizzare
la popolazione e spezzarne la volont�, non a
sconfiggere il suo esercito. (Michael Dobbs, biografo
di Madeleine Albright, il 26 luglio '99 ha scritto sul
Washington Post che "� evidente, per chiunque abbia
visitato la Serbia durante la guerra, che fiaccare il
morale dei civili costituiva una parte essenziale
della strategia perseguita dall'alleanza per
Dunque la sola differenza giuridica tra Milosevic e i
leader della Nato � che Milosevic � un criminale di
guerra imputato, mentre loro sono criminali di guerra
non imputati.

Leggete il rapporto di Amnesty
Ma naturalmente i leader della Nato non saranno mai
imputati. Un anno fa Carla Del Ponte ha prodotto un
rapporto in cui, pur ammettendo l'evidenza delle
uccisioni di civili, dichiarava di assolvere i leader
della Nato dai loro crimini senza neanche aprire
un'indagine. Dovreste leggere questo rapporto, se
volete sapere quanto sensate fossero le parole
pronunciate da Milosevic all'Aja. Dovreste anche
leggere il rapporto di Amnesty International che era
uscito contemporaneamente. Difficile non concludere
che quello della Del Ponte non sia una truffa.
Mentre il rapporto di Amnesty, in modo attento e
prudente, elenca dettagliatamente una quantit� di
crimini di guerra contro i civili, quello di Carla Del
Ponte sembra piuttosto la sciatta memoria di un
avvocato della Nato. E in effetti esso � stato scritto
da un ex avvocato della Nato, un certo William J.
Fenrick, un ex capitano di fregata delle forze armate
canadesi che, dal suo incarico di "Director of Law for
Operations and Training" presso il Dipartimento della
Difesa canadese, � passato direttamente al tanto
"oggettivo" Tribunale dell'Aja.
D'altro canto, il rapporto spesso oltrepassa persino
il documento di un avvocato e diventa quanto di pi�
simile a un vero e proprio comunicato stampa della
Nato che avrebbe potuto essere diffuso da Jamie Shea o
James Rubin. Il meglio viene alla fine del rapporto,
quando esso dichiara che la sua tecnica operativa di
indagine � consistita nella lettura dei comunicati
stampa della Nato e nel prenderli per buoni:

"90. Il comitato ha condotto il suo esame basandosi
essenzialmente su documenti pubblici che includono
affermazioni fatte dalla Nato e dai paesi Nato in
conferenze stampa e documenti pubblici prodotti dalla
Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia. Esso � partito dal
presupposto che le affermazioni della Nato e dei paesi
Nato siano generalmente attendibili e che le
spiegazioni siano state fornite in buona fede."

Riuscite a immaginare che tipo di applicazione della
legge avrebbe un paese se la polizia prendesse per
buone le spiegazioni dei presunti colpevoli? Riuscite
a immaginare quante incriminazioni sarebbero state
prodotte contro la leadership serba se il
rappresentante dell'accusa si fosse fermato ai
comunicati stampa della Repubblica Federale di

Le conclusioni? Il Tribunale ha dichiarato che non
avrebbe neanche "aperto un'indagine", dopo aver
ricevuto per un anno prove schiaccianti, di dominio
pubblico, dei crimini dei leader della Nato che,
secondo le stime pi� prudenti, avrebbero causato la
morte di molti pi� civili di quelli per cui � stata
incriminata la leadership serba. Questo dato va
comparato, naturalmente, con l'episodio di Racak del
15 gennaio 1999 (l'altro importante capo d'imputazione
contro Milosevic), quando Louise Arbour si prese un
giorno per volare in Kosovo (con le telecamere della
Cnn al seguito) e melodrammaticamente "aprire
un'indagine" su segnalazione di un diplomatico
americano. Per dichiararlo un crimine di guerra le
sono bastate due settimane di consultazioni con la
Milosevic pu� essere o no colpevole dei crimini che
gli sono stati contestati da Arbour e Del Ponte, ma
all'Aja non otterr� mai un processo equo. E anche se
fosse colpevole di tutto ci� di cui � accusato, il
fatto di non avere perseguito i crimini della Nato
rende questo tribunale peggiore che nessun tribunale.
Esso, semplicemente, rassicura gli Stati Uniti e tutti
i loro amici e clienti (se Pinochet trema, non � per
paura della giustizia internazionale e ormai nemmeno
di quella nazionale) che se vogliono violare il
diritto internazionale e uccidere dei civili, possono
contare sul fatto che qualche tribunale si girer�
dall'altra parte, per poi fare una retata e punire i
soliti sospetti.

* Michael Mandel � docente di diritto presso la
Osgoode hall Law School all'Universit� di York,
Toronto, Canada. Ha guidato un team internazionale di
avvocati e professori che si � battuto e si batte
perch� i leader della Nato vengano accusati di crimini
di guerra per la campagna di bombardamenti contro la
Jugoslavia del 1999.

traduzione di Marina Impallomeni


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Da "Il Manifesto" del 22/7/2001

Kosovo, fossa comune con 900 serbi

Lo dice l'Onu a Radio B-92. Poi "smentisce":
"E' un cimitero con vittime non identificate"


Il conflitto nei Balcani ci ha spesso messo di
fronte alla guerra mediatica, non bastasse quella
vera sul campo. Stavolta per� non � una messinscena
che va in onda, ma una brutta figura dell'Unmik,
la missione Onu in Kosovo. Venerd� mattina la Dpa
l'agenzia ufficiale tedesca - ripresa
dall'Adn-Kronos - ha scritto che una nuova fossa
comune � stata scoperta in Kosovo presso la localit�
di Suva Reka, l'annuncio � stato dato
dall'Unmik, l'amministrazione Onu del Kosovo.
La fossa conterrebbe "novecento cadaveri": le
vittime - spiega la portavoce dell'Unmik Monique
Finnberg all'emittente radiofonica di Belgrado,
la storica B-92, - sono "non albanesi" e quindi
potrebbero essere secondo lei serbo-kosovari,
parte di quei 1.300 desaparecidos dei quali
viene denunciata la scomparsa durante la guerra
e soprattutto dopo l'ingresso della Nato in Kosovo (in
questi giorni a Gracanica i serbo-kosovari
protestano per per sapere che fine hanno fatto i loro
Dopo cinque ore arriva la "smentita". La Dpa
trasmette che l'Unmik da Pristina smentisce la
notizia e B-92 che "non ha capito l'informazione"; a
parlare stavolta � "la" portavoce dell'Unmik
di Pristina Susan Manuel che dichiara: "Non �
una fossa comune, ma un cimitero dove sono sepolte
vittime non identificate della guerra" (sic) -
con una frase sinonimo di fossa comune.
E ieri arriva invece la conferma di radio B-92,
del ministro della giustizia serba, Vladan Batic,
e dei pi� importanti giornali di Belgrado come
Politika e Vecernj Novosti, ora legati alla
nuova dirigenza serba iperfiloccidentale. Dicono
che: la fossa comune esiste, ricordano le parole
della portavoce Monique Finnberg che diceva che
nella fossa comune "ci sono cadaveri di non
albanesi" e soprattutto citano testimoni locali
e la residua comunit� serba in Kosovo. Il
ministro Batic appellandosi all'Amministratore
Onu del Kosovo Hans Hekkerup, ha chiesto subito
l'esumazione dei corpi che invece rischia di
avvenire, forse, tra un anno.
Si capisce che l'Unmik-Onu sia preoccupata per
notizie sui crimini "non-serbi" nel momento in
cui l'altro organismo Onu, il Tribunale dell'Aja
ha in galera quello che vuole presentare come
l'unico criminale di questo conflitto. Ma come
continuare a smentire B-92 che invece � stata utile
proprio alla consegna all'Aja di Milosevic quando,
circa 20 giorni fa, annunci� la scoperta di una
fossa comune di albanesi presso Batajnica, alle
porte di Belgrado? Delle due l'una: o mentiva anche
prima, o ha ragione anche adesso.

[...oppure mentiva prima, ed ha ragione adesso...]


Kosovo Mass Grave Contains 800 Bodies, Possibly Serbs

BELGRAD, Jul 20, 2001 -- (dpa) Another mass grave has
been uncovered in southwest Kosovo, containing up to
900 corpses, the United Nations Mission in Kosovo
(UNMIK) said Thursday.
Spokeswoman Monique Finnberg told Belgrade Radio B-92
that the bodies could be those of Serbians who were
among the 1,300 Kosovo Serbs reported missing since
the conflict with ethnic Albanians in 1999.
The killings appeared to have happened after the
international peacekeeping troops KFOR interceded to
prevent further killing of ethnic Albanians by Serbian
Exhumation of the bodies is likely to begin only in
the new year, Finnberg said.
(C)2001. dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur


Subject: UNMIK Tries To Kill Report On 900 Serbs In Mass Grave
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 07:38:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rick Rozoff

[Given UNMIK's track record - officiating over the
murder of thousands of Serbs and other civilians and
the ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of
others since June of 1999, while not prosecuting a
single perpetrator of these crimes - who has the
greater credibility on this issue?]

Friday July 20 9:08 AM ET

No Truth in Kosovo Serb Mass Grave Report -UN

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (Reuters) - United Nations
officials in Kosovo said on Friday there was no truth
in a Serbian media report that they had discovered a
grave containing up to 900 bodies, suspected to be of
Kosovo Serbs.
Belgrade's B-92 radio, citing a U.N. official in
Kosovo, said the site had been discovered near the
southern town of Suva Reka. It also said those buried
there were suspected to have been killed after Kosovo
came under international rule in 1999.
Guido Van Rillaer, the head of the missing persons
unit at Kosovo's U.N. police force, said around 230
people were buried at Suva Reka -- but in a cemetery
for unidentified bodies exhumed from mass grave sites
by war crimes investigators.
``It�s a cemetery, very clear and simple,�� he said.
``It�s a storage place...a cemetery kept for
unidentified bodies.��
The B-92 report said officials would probably not
start exhuming the alleged mass grave site until next
A U.N. spokeswoman suggested the report may be
politically motivated, in line with a message spread
by some Serbian media that the U.N. is doing nothing
to trace missing Kosovo Serbs.
``The Serb press says we�re doing nothing on the
missing,�� said Susan Manuel, a spokeswoman for the
U.N. mission in Kosovo. ``It�s definitely a
Bodies in the Suva Reka cemetery managed by the United
Nations are only some of the 1,256 that were exhumed
by the war crimes tribunal in 1999 and 2000 and remain
unidentified, Manuel said.
Investigators exhumed some 4,000 bodies in those two
years in an effort to gather evidence against former
Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic, who was
transferred to the U.N. war crimes tribunal at The
Hague last month, and other war crimes suspects.
The vast majority of those identified from mass graves
in Kosovo are ethnic Albanians believed to have been
killed by Serb forces before or during NATO's 1999
bombing of Yugoslavia.
Bodies of many more victims may never be found due to
attempts to conceal or destroy them, investigators
But Serbs say 1,300 members of their community have
gone missing since the end of the air war in June
1999, when the province was transferred from Serbian
to international rule, and have demanded the U.N. and
NATO do more to help find them.


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Washington Behind Terrorist Attacks in
Macedonia - Part 1 of 2

by Michel Chossudovsky [23 July 2001]

It is now documented beyond doubt that
Washington is behind the terrorist
assaults in Macedonia. While Secretary
of State Colin Powell reaffirms
America's resolve to "combat terrorism,"
US military advisers from Military
Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI), a
private mercenary outfit on contract to
the Pentagon are fighting alongside the
NLA terrorists:

"Among the rebels that were withdrawing
were 17 "instructors" - former US
officers that provided military training
for the rebels. Not only that: the
Macedonian security forces claim that
70% of the equipment that the guerilla
fighters took with them are of US
production and the latter includes highly
sophisticated third generation night
vision devices."1


In late June, the Macedonian ARM undertook
a major assault against KLA-NLA positions
in Aracinovo, a village close to
Skopje. In a NATO sponsored operation
which "was supposed to allow the
Macedonian Army to gain significant
rebel territory," US troops were sent in
to "evacuate" and "disarm" the terrorists:2

"When the terrorists were defeated and
showed a white flag, the OSCE and NATO
were in panic and ordered us [the
Macedonian authorities] to stop immediately
the [military] action. Swedish Foreign
Minister Ana Lindth and the European
leaders were hysterical, threatening us
with economic sanctions, etc.
Furthermore, the OSCE and KFOR entered
Aracinovo and 'saved' 500 terrorists
together with their weaponry and took
them to another village from where they
are now attacking again, killing
civilians and undertaking ethnic cleansing
in several Macedonian villages... NATO
forbids us to defend ourselves when we
are attacked; our territory is brutally
abused by the terrorists. We have
tried to defend ourselves, and they have
saved the terrorists in
air-conditioned buses. That has provoked
harsh reaction of the Macedonian people."3

The official "story" out of the US
military base near Skopje was:
"[Sorry]...but something went wrong":4

"A confidential source at Camp Able
Sentry [US base near Skopje] says the bus
convoy [evacuating the terrorists] was
stopped by tanks manned by NLA rebels
... and the rebels left the buses and
disappeared. 'Now we have some
extremely angry Macedonians on our
hands,' the American official said."5

The same source stated that the rebels
"were escorted by lightly armed
American troops," conveying the
impression that the highly trained American
GIs of the 502nd Infantry division could
not do anything against "the tanks
manned by NLA rebels" which had
entrapped the bus convoy.6 The ambush story
is a fabrication, for one KLA-NLA rebels
do not have tanks in their arsenal.


The US sponsored
"evacuation" from Aracinavo had enabled
the NLA terrorists - together with their
American military advisers and
foreign mercenaries - "to open up a new
front" around the village of Radusa,
40 kilometers northwest of Skopje.7"They
[NATO] are transporting the rebels,
the terrorists, from one area to another
and rearming them, instead of
confiscating their weapons."8 In turn,
KFOR is "protecting" the NLA
terrorists' supply routes including the
flow of military personnel and
weapons from KLA-NLA bases in Kosovo and
from training camps in Albania.

Sources in the U.S. Army in Kosovo
suggest that the "evacuation" mission
was also intent upon saving "the 17
'instructors' among the withdrawing
rebels," presumably to avoid the diplomatic
humiliation and media embarrassment of
senior US military personnel captured
together with the terrorists by the
Macedonian Security Forces.9

Meanwhile, there are indications that US
Apache helicopters and unmanned
"predator" drone spy planes (UAV)
(dispatched by a contingent of the US
15th Military Intelligence Battalion,
stationed at Camp Able Sentry) are
supporting this "new front" by
transmitting military-intelligence to
the rebel army's US military advisers:

"The Pentagon... approved [mid March
2001] sending several unmanned spy
planes to monitor the Kosovo-Macedonia
border. The Air Force Predator
unmanned drones can feed images
immediately not only to troops in the
region, but also to Washington."10

And in the wake of the US sponsored
"evacuation," the KLA-NLA terrorists -
together with their US military
instructors - have renewed their attacks
in the Tetovo region.


Since the Soviet-Afghan war, recruiting
Mujahedin ("holy warriors") to fight
covert wars on Washington's behest has
become an integral part of US foreign
policy. A report of the US Congress has
revealed how the US administration -
under advice from the National Security
Council headed by Anthony Lake - had
"helped turn Bosnia into a militant
Islamic base" leading to the recruitment
through the so-called "Militant
Islamic Network," of thousands of
Mujahedin from the Muslim world.11

The "Bosnian pattern" has since been
replicated in Kosovo, Southern Serbia
and Macedonia. Among the foreign
mercenaries now fighting with the KLA-NLA
are Mujahedin from the Middle East and
the Central Asian republics of the
former Soviet Union as well as "soldiers
of fortune" from several NATO
countries including Britain, Holland and
Germany. Some of these Western
mercenaries had previously fought with
the KLA and the Bosnian Muslim Army.12

Also among NLA recruits are
Albanian-American "volunteers" enlisted
in New York with the tacit approval of the US
government.13 In March 2001, the New
York-based Albanian-language newspaper
Bota Sot printed an advertisement of
the National Liberation Army (NLA)
"calling Albanians [in the US] to register
as volunteers and to donate money."14
Several hundred Albanian-Americans had
formed an "Atlantic Brigade" which
fought alongside the KLA in 1998 and
In recent months, members of the
"Atlantic Brigade" have reportedly
joined the NLA.15


Amply documented, the United Nations
so-called "civilian" Kosovo Protection
Corps (KPC) is the KLA in disguise,
and the NLA is a proxy of the KLA.
According to the Sunday Times: "Hundreds
of KPC reservists were called up by
their Albanian commander, Agim Ceku, in
March [2001]. They subsequently
disappeared to former KLA training camps
in Albania and are now re-emerging in

NLA rebel Commander Ostremi was until
recently Chief of Staff of the Kosovo
Protection Corps (KPC). To maintain
appearances, Washington has "blacklisted"
the KPC commanders who joined the NLA.
Washington's so-called "blacklist" -
which bars the former KPC commanders
from entering the US - includes the
names of "Commander Ostremi, his
replacement as chief-of-staff at the KPC
Commander Daut Haradinaj, the commander
and deputy commander of the KPC's
elite force, the Rapid Reaction Corps,
plus the leaders of two of its six
regional divisions, Commander Sami
Lushtaku and Commander Mustafa

>From the horse's mouth: Washington's
"blacklist" visibly refutes the claims
of both the "international community"
and the Western media mantra that "the
NLA has no links to KLA." In fact, the
"blacklist" confirms that they are one
and the same thing, with the same
commanding officers in both the KPC and
the NLA. Moreover, it also confirms that the
terrorist assaults are led by
military personnel paid by the United

When Commander Ostremi took leave from
his UN job to lead the NLA, the UN
"assumed he had gone on holiday."18
According to the Irish Times, UN
Secretary General Kofi Annan failed to
remove the NLA commanders from the
United Nations payroll. The
"international community" was still
(early July) footing the bill under the
disguise of UN "peacekeeping":

."..the United Nations says it will take
no action against these five men
[NLA commanders], all still serving
officers [in the UN sponsored KPC]
because Washington has yet to pass on
details of what the men are supposed to
have done."19

This pattern of "financing terrorism"
from the UN purse is nothing new. The
former head of the UN Interim Mission in
Kosovo (UNMIK) Bernard Kouchner had
established close personal ties with KLA
Commander in Chief Agim Ceku, who in
a bitter irony was on the list of
"alleged war criminals" of the Hague
Tribunal. But because he was wanted in
relation to "crimes committed in
Croatia" rather than Kosovo, this was
not an issue in his appointment by the
UN to the position of Commander in Chief
of the KPC.20

An independent report submitted to UN
Secretary General Kofi Annan in 2000
confirmed that the KPC had been involved
in "criminal activities - killings,
ill-treatment/torture, illegal policing,
abuse of authority, intimidation,
breaches of political neutrality and
hate speech."21 In a cruel irony, "the
United Nations is paying the salaries of
many of the gangsters."22

But what the report fails to mention,
however, is that barely two months
after the official inauguration of the
KPC under UN auspices (September
1999), KPC-KLA commanders - using UN
resources and equipment - were already
preparing the assaults into Macedonia,
as a logical follow-up to their
terrorist activities in Kosovo.
According to the Skopje daily Dnevnik,
the KPC had established a "sixth operation
zone" which:

"included Presevo, Bujanovac, Medvedja
[in Southern Serbia] and Macedonian
villages in the area of Skopska Crna
Gora, Lojane, Vaksince, Straza and
Lipkovo... Sources, who insist on
anonymity, claim that headquarters of
Kosovo protection brigades [directly
linked to the UN sponsored KPC] have
[March 2000] already been formed in
Tetovo, Gostivar and Skopje. They are
being prepared in Debar and Struga [on
the border with Albania] as well, and
their members have defined codes."23

According to the BBC, "Western special
forces were still training the
guerrillas" meaning that they were
assisting the KLA in opening up "a new
front" in Southern Serbia and


Also acknowledged by official US sources
as well as by numerous press reports are
the links of the KLA-NLA to powerful criminal
syndicates involved in the Balkans'
multi-billion dollar drug trade. Albanian
and Kosovar criminal organizations are
providing "a very significant support
to them [the NLA terrorists in
Macedonia]."25 These criminal groups are
also involved in the traffic of Albanian
women into prostitution in several
European countries including Britain,
Italy and Germany. And part of the
proceeds of these illicit activities is
used to arm and equip the KLA-NLA

In other words, in providing support to
the KLA-NLA, Washington (not to
mention the United Nations) is
indirectly upholding the organised
criminal-business syndicates which are
behind the terrorists.


In April, the Commander in
Chief of the Macedonian Armed Forces
(ARM) General Andrejevski was accused by
A1 TV Skopje of having transmitted
military intelligence to the NLA through
MPRI General Richard Griffiths, who is
director of the US "equip and train"
program with the Macedonian ARM under a
US military aid programme.26 Sixteen
senior (retired) US military officers
are advising the ARM.

But it so happens that the same US
mercenary outfit on contract to the
Macedonian ARM is also assisting the NLA
rebels in their terrorist assaults.
In other words, Washington is arming and
advising both the KLA attackers and
the Macedonian defenders under military
and intelligence authorization acts
approved by the US Congress. MPRI is
helping Macedonia - as part of a US
military aid package - "to deter armed
aggression and defend Macedonian
territory." But MPRI is also advising
and equipping the KLA, which is
responsible for the terrorist assaults.
In this war, the American
military-intelligence apparatus is
pulling strings "on both sides of the

Faced with mounting pressure, General
Andrejevski has since given up his
position as Commander in Chief of the
ARM. But immediately following his
resignation, Andrejevski was appointed
"Military Adviser" to President
Trajkovski, while maintaining his
personal links with MPRI`s Richard Griffith
who is still in Skopje, responsible for
channeling US "military aid" on
behalf of the Pentagon. In other words,
the US military establishment is
still involved on both sides, advising
the NLA as well as "assisting" the
Macedonian ARM. The ultimate objective
of this military-intelligence ploy is
to prevent the Macedonian ARM from
defeating the terrorists.


Despite the barrage
of media falsehoods, Macedonian
citizens are fully aware that Washington
is supporting the terrorists. To
diffuse public resentment, several
Western "foundations" and "human rights
organisations" - including the
International Crisis Group (ICG) and
Human Rights Watch (HRW) are working
closely with local citizens groups in
Macedonia. While their formal mandate is
in the areas of "confidence
building," "governance," "peace-making"
and "inter-ethnic reconciliation," in
practice, they work hand in glove with
NATO. They are an integral part of the
military-intelligence ploy. The role of
these front organisations is to
ensure that public resentment is
directed against the Macedonian government
and Military rather than against
Washington, NATO or the IMF.28

The Open Society Institute (OSI) in
Skopje, controlled by Wall Street
financier George Soros is also playing a
central role in manipulating and
ultimately weakening the civilian
protest movement.29 OSI in Macedonia has
launched an "Appeal for Peace" endorsed
by a large number of Macedonian
organisations. (More than 300 organisations
and individuals have signed the
OSI "Appeal for Peace"). In other words,
Soros' OSI in Skopje hosts and
finances the citizens' movement against
terrorism while carefully omitting to
mention the causes of terrorism.

Moreover, George Soros is also part of
the Wall Street financial
establishment which is colonising the
Balkans. And this "economic conquest"
by American financial interests is
supported by the US military-intelligence
apparatus, which is funneling covert
support to the terrorists.

While George Soros finances "peace" and
"reconciliation" initatives in
Macedonia, he also supports the KLA.
Across the border in Kosovo, the Soros
sponsored Kosova Foundation for an Open
Society (KFOS) is funding the
activities of "local governments"
controlled by KLA appointees. This
assistance was initially channeled
through a World Bank "Post Conflict
Trust Fund," of which 90 percent of the
financing is controlled by George

Needless to say, Soros is close to the
seat of political power in the US, he
works hand in glove with the World Bank
and has significant economic
interests in the Balkans. His Open
Society Institute is also supporting the
"alternative media" in Macedonia with
all the appearances of purporting to
advance "democracy" and "freedom of the



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PART 2 - Washington Behind Terrorist
Attacks in Macedonia

by Michel Chossudovsky, Prof. of
Economics, University of Ottawa


The refugee crisis has been deliberately
triggered by the US sponsored terrorist
assaults. Both Macedonian and
Albanian civilians are among the
victims. More than 100,000 people are
affected. According to the United
Nations High Commission for Refugees
(UNHCR) some 73,800 people have crossed
the border into Kosovo, and another
34,500 people are "internally displaced"
within Macedonia.31 In Albanian
villages occupied by the rebels,
Albanian civilians rather than being
"protected" by NLA "freedom fighters"
are often the object of intimidation
and reprisals.

In villages inhabited by Macedonians in
the Tetovo region, ethnic cleansing
is being implemented in the presence of
US military personnel who are
advising rebel commanders. The KLA-NLA
is reported to "have committed
unprecedented acts of terror against the
inhabitants, forcing them to leave
the villages completely. The displaced
persons from [these] villages have
strongly criticized the OSCE and the
International Committee of the Red Cross
- whose representatives have
consistently avoided contact with the
residents of these Tetovo villages."32

Entire communities are uprooted.
According to the UNHCR, the majority of
the refugees crossing into Kosovo are women,
children and elderly men. Other
reports suggest that the terrorists are
enlisting ethnic Albanian men to join
the KLA-NLA often through force and
intimidation. The evidence suggests that
those who refuse face serious
reprisals.33 The pattern in this regard,
is very similar to what occurred in Kosovo
in 1999 where entire villages were


Washington is indelibly behind the process
of ethnic cleansing in Macedonia. It is worth
mentioning in this regard that MPRI (the
mercenary outfit working with the
KLA-NLA) was on contract with the Croatian
Armed Forces in 1995, in charge of the
ethnic cleansing and civilian
massacres directed against the Serb
population in the Krajina region of
Croatia. In this regard, MPRI was
working closely with Commander Agim Ceku,
who at the time was a Brigadier General
in the Croatian Armed Forces. Ceku
was not only one of the key planners of
"Operation Storm," he was also
commander of the artillery division
responsible for shelling Krajina Serb
civilians. It is no wonder that the
pattern in Macedonia is similar to that
of Krajina and Kosovo.35

The same commanding officers from the
KLA and the MPRI are now involved in
the terrorist assaults and ethnic
cleansing in Macedonia. "Protected" by
American and British troops stationed in
Kosovo and Macedonia, the KLA-NLA
rebels now control a significant portion
of Macedonian territory.


Washington's design is
to prevent the Macedonian Security
Forces from fighting the rebels and
protecting its borders. In other words,
the hidden agenda of the EU-US brokered
"peace plan" is to gain time, drag
out the conflict, keep the Macedonian
Security Forces in the barracks while
continuing to arm and equip the rebels.
And this gruesome
military-intelligence ploy is possible
because the Macedonian President and
part of his entourage are puppets of the
US. Moreover, the MPRI, which is
actively advising the NLA, is still on
contract with the Macedonian
government "helping the Macedonian Armed

Meanwhile General Andrejevski, who
recently resigned his position as ARM
Commander in Chief, is still in charge
as "military adviser" to the
President, acting on behalf of the MPRI
and the Pentagon.

In other words, key senior military
officers in the ARM are collaborating
with the enemy, against the lower
ranking officers and the ARM rank and
file who are fighting for their country.
Despite the divisions within the
government, Prime Minister Mr. Ljubco
Georgievski, has openly accused US
envoy James Pardew and EU's Francois
Leotard of "forcing Macedonia to cave in
to demands from Albanian guerrillas":36

"It becomes obvious that all of the
terrorist actions in Macedonia have been
supported by the western democracies.
Now, we practically have 95% of Ali
Ahmeti's [the NLA leader] document on
the table. It is clear that the
international community has decided on
its position beforehand, and now it is
trying to realize it in Macedonia."37

"'As much as their text is brutal, more
brutal and worrying is the fashion in
which they are trying to break up
Macedonian state institutions,' Mr.
Georgievski said ... The Prime Minister
further stated that the proposed
peace package constituted 'a serious
interference in the internal affairs of
the Republic of Macedonia'... Asked
about the extent of pressure Macedonia
could sustain, Georgievski said all
threats and blackmails had been
presented so far, 'except that NATO will
conduct an air-strike on us.' "38


In the negotiation of the "peace plan,"
the Anglo-US position has prevailed over
that of France and Germany. In this regard,
Prime Minister Georgievski "underlined that
the French expert in law [former
Minister of Justice] Robert Badinter was
brutally eliminated from the
political process," meaning that his
recommendations on constitutional reform
were turned down by James Pardew in
consultation with NLA leader Ali

Although NATO is not formally part of
the EU-US "mediation," EU High
Representative Javier Solana (who
occupied the position of Secretary
General of NATO during the 1999 bombings of
Yugoslavia) has been working hand in
glove with his successor at NATO Lord
George Robertson. In turn, British
Ambassador Mark Dickinson was appointed
in May by Solana to act on his behalf
in Skopje. British paratroopers and
Special Forces - -which trained the KLA
in 1999 - are slated to lead the bogus
"Essential Harvest" operation to
"disarm the rebels."

Increasingly, the corridors of
international diplomacy has been taken
over by military-intelligence officials
with previous experience in Bosnia and
Kosovo. James Pardew started his Balkans
career in 1993 as a senior
intelligence officer for the Joint
Chiefs of Staff responsible for channeling
US aid to the Bosnian Muslim Army.
Coronel Pardew had been put in charge of
arranging the "air-drops" of supplies to
Bosnian forces, working closely with
the Chairman of the National Security
Council Anthony Lake.40 NATO's Peter
Feith who has been "put in charge of
contacts with the [KLA-NLA] guerillas"
is a longstanding "colleague" of James
Pardew. He was political advisor to
the IFOR High Command in Bosnia in the


America's "mediator" James Pardew has been
given the mandate to replicate the
Bosnia-Kosovo pattern. In this regard,
Washington's military-intelligence ploy
is to fracture Macedonian territory,
foster internal social divisions and
fuel ethnic strife. The design is to
destroy all social and political ties
between Albanians and Macedonians, who
have coexisted for more than a half a
century within a multiethnic society.
These socio-ethnic divisions are
deliberately created so as to curb all
forms of social resistance. More importantly,
they want to prevent the development
of a broader "common front" against the

The US sponsored terrorist assaults as
well as the bogus "peace plan" are
intent upon eventually splitting up the
country and transforming Macedonia
into a NATO protectorate. Operation
"Essential Harvest" to be led by British
parachutists would constitute a first
step towards a military occupation of
Macedonian territory. NATO forces are
not only protecting the rebels in the
territories under their control, MPRI
advisers on contract to the Pentagon
are assisting in the implementation of
"ethnic cleansing" in these
territories. In the latter, Macedonian
State institutions are no longer

In other words, the territories under
KLA-NLA control - which border Kosovo -
are de facto under the jurisdiction of
NATO. Moreover, there are indications
that the KLA - with NATO support - may
attempt to trigger a unilateral
secession of Kosovo from Yugoslavia.
This would not only heighten the
political crisis in Belgrade, it would
also raise the issue of the political
status of the territories occupied by
the KLA-NLA from which the Macedonian
population has been expulsed (much in
the same way as the Serbs were expulsed
from Kosovo). In this design, NATO's
intent is clear, it consists in
fracturing and destroying Macedonia as a


1. Hamburger Abendblatt, Hamburg, 27
June 2001, English translation by
OK-Macedonia, Skopje, 28 June 2001, at
and at

2. Christian Science Monitor, 27 June

3. Report from informed source in
Skopje, 3 July 2001.

4. Christian Science Monitor, op. cit.

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid.

7. AFP. Paris, 4 July 2001.

8. Statement of Ljubica Acevska,
Macedonia's first ambassador to the
States, UPI, 5 July 2001.

9. See Col. David Hackworth, Wanted Guns
for Hire, Toogood Reports, July 10,
2001, at

10. See The Record, Bergen County New
Jersey, 25 March 2001, and the New York
Times, 17 July 2001.

11. Washington Times, 14 December 1997
and US Congress, Press Release,
"Militant Islamic Base", Congressional
Press Releases, 16 January 1997.

12. Scotland on Sunday, Glasgow, 15 June
, see also UPI, 9
July 2001.

13. New York Times, 19 March 2001. In
March 2001, the New York-based
Albanian-language newspaper Bota Sot
printed an advertisement by the National
Liberation Army (NLA) "calling Albanians
[in the US] to register as
volunteers and to donate money." See The
Guardian, London, 20 March 2001.

14. The Guardian, 20 March 2001,
available at,2763,459596,00.html
. See also ITAR Tass,
Moscow, 20 March 2001.

15. According to the editor of Bota Sot,
Dervish Jahjaga interviewed by The
Guardian, London, 20 March 2001.

16. For further details see Sunday
Times, London, 10 June 2001 at
also Jared Israel, 'Sorry Virginia, but
they are NATO troops, not Rebels,'
Emperors Clothes, June 2001 at

17. Irish Times, Dublin, 5 July 2001.

18. Ibid.

19. Ibid.

20. See Michel Chossudovsky, The United
Nations Appoints an Alleged War
Criminal in Kosovo, March 2000, at

21. Quoted in John Sweeney and Jen
Holsoe, "Kosovo Disaster Response
Stands Accused of Murder and Torture,"
The Observer, London, 12 March 2000.

22. Ibid

23. Macedonian Information Centre
Newsletter, Skopje, 21 March 2000,
published by BBC Summary of World
Broadcast, 24 March 2000.

24. BBC, 29 January 2001, at

25. UPI, 8 July 2001.

26. See Michel Chossudovsky, Macedonia:
Washington Military Intelligence Ploy,
June 2001, at
. See also
MPRI Republic of Macedonia, Stability
and Deterrence Program (1998-Present)

27. See Michel Chossudovsky, Washington
Finances Ethnic Warfare in the
April 2001,
and Michel Chossudovsky, Macedonia:
Washington's Military-Intelligence Ploy,
June 2001 at

28. See ICG's report on Macedonia at
. Both
and ICG are funded by Wall Street
financier George Soros.

29. See the OSI Macedonia webpage at /.

30. World Bank, Kosova Foundation for an
Open Society (KFOS) World Bank,
World Bank Launches First Kosovo
Project, Washington, November 16, 1999
No. 2000/097/ECA,
. See
also Michel Chossudovsky, Opening Kosovo
to Foreign Capital, March 2000, at

31. UNHCR Press Briefing, Geneva, 3 July

32. Macedonian Radio, Skopje, in
Macedonian, 200 GMT 8 July 2001, BBC
Monitoring Service, 8 July 2001.

33. The Red Cross has registered some
34,000 "internally displaced persons",
expulsed by the terrorists, See Red
Cross, Report Macedonia, 26 June 2001,

34. In this regard, recent evidence
suggests that the KLA was instrumental
uprooting the civilian population in
Kosovo during the 1999 bombing of
Yugoslavia. See Jared Israel, What's
Behind KLA Strategy in the Balkans?
Emperors Clothes, and the interview with
Kosovo historian Chedomir
Pralinchevich, May 2001,

35 See Michel Chossudovsky, NATO
Installs a Reign of Terror in the
1999 at

36. Quoted in The Independent, London,
19 July 2001.

37. Press Release, Macedonian
Information Agency, Skopje, 19 July 2001

38. Ibid.

39. Ibid.

40. Washington Times, 14 December 1997
and US Congress, Press Release,
"Militant Islamic Base", Congressional
Press Releases, 16 January 1997.

41. Deutsche Press Agentur, 12 July

Articles by the author on Macedonia:

Washington Finances Ethnic Warfare in
the Balkans, Ottawa, April 2001,

America at War in Macedonia, June 2001,

Macedonia: Washington's Military
Intelligence Ploy, June 2001,

C Copyright by Michel Chossudovsky,
Ottawa, July 2001. All rights reserved
Permission is granted to post this text
on non-commercial community internet
sites, provided the essay remains
intact, the copyright note is displayed
no lengthy headers or footers are added
without consulting the author. To
publish this text in printed and/or
other forms, including commercial
sites and excerpts, contact the author
at chossudovsky@..., fax:
1-514-4256224. - EMPEROR'S CLOTHES


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Left to Right: Hashim Thaci, UCK (KLA) leader;
Bernard Kouchner, UN Administrator of Kosovo;
Gen. Sir Michael Jackson, KFOR Commander;
Agim Ceku, Commander of KPC;
Gen. Wesley Clark, NATO Commander.


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Tribunal: Warum wollen Sie Milosevic helfen?
Interview mit Ramsey Clark, ehemaliger Justizminister der USA

ND-Foto: Burkhard Lange
William Ramsey Clark (73), gebürtiger Texaner und Sohn eines
wurde 1961 unter Präsident John F. Kennedy in das US-amerikanische
Justizministerium berufen. Seit 1966 dessen amtierender Leiter, wurde er
1967 von Präsident Lyndon B. Johnson zum Minister ernannt. Nach seinem
Ausscheiden 1969 arbeitete er in einer New Yorker Anwaltskanzlei.
Seit langem als scharfer Kritiker der USA-Großmachtpolitik bekannt,
Clark zu den Organisatoren des New Yorker Tribunals gegen den NATO-Krieg
Jugoslawien. Seinen Beistand vor dem Haager Jugoslawien-Tribunal hat er
Slobodan Milosevic angeboten, der sich jedoch nach wie vor selbst
verteidigen will.

ND: Sie haben dem ehemaligen jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan
Ihre Hilfe bei der Verteidigung vor dem Kriegsverbrechertribunal in Den
angeboten. Was kritisieren Sie an dem Tribunal?

Ich halte das Gericht für nicht legitim. Milosevic hat meiner Ansicht
richtig erklärt, dass das Tribunal eine rechtswidrige Institution ist.
der UNO-Charta steht nichts von einem internationalen Gericht. Wäre das
Fall gewesen, wäre die UNO nie entstanden. Nur nach einer Änderung der
Charta oder im Rahmen eines multinationalen Vertragswerks wäre es
ein derartiges Gericht legal einwandfrei einzurichten.
Das Haager Tribunal ist auf Druck und mit dem Geld der USA entstanden,
einen ihrer Feinde beiseite schaffen wollen. Auf der einen Seite stehen
USA, die Jugoslawien 78 Tage lang brutalst bombardiert haben, und die
Supermacht kann dafür nicht belangt werden. Auf der anderen Seite
sich das Opfer der Bombardierung, und seinem staatlichen Repräsentanten
der Prozess gemacht werden.

ND: Lehnen Sie auch den geplanten Internationalen Strafgerichtshof ab?

Nein, ich war immer dafür. Doch das Haager Tribunal gegen Jugoslawien
verletzt das Statut eines solchen Weltgerichtshofs, das erfordert, dass
nationales Recht gleichermaßen berücksichtigt werden muss. Was bei
Jugoslawien aber nicht der Fall war, weil die Auslieferung eines
jugoslawischen Staatsbürgers – und Milosevic ist jugoslawischer
Staatsbürger – ins Ausland nach jugoslawischem Gesetz nicht
statthaft ist.
Jugoslawisches Recht wurde außerdem gebrochen, weil Slobodan Milosevic
überstellt wurde, als sein Fall noch vor dem jugoslawischen
Verfassungsgericht anhängig war. Dadurch wurde ein Urteil

ND: Abgesehen von solchen juristischen Erwägungen: Wie beurteilen Sie
die Vertreibung von 800000 Kosovo-Albanern durch serbisches Militär und
serbische Polizei?

Die Vertreibung von Hunderttausenden von Kosovo-Albanern fiel zusammen
dem NATO-Bombardement. Unter den NATO-Bomben wurden Tausende getötet,
westliche Militärbündnis hat Schulen, Industrieanlagen, Brücken,
Wohnhäuser, Wasser- und Elektrizitätswerke, serbische Rundfunk- und
Fernsehanlagen bombardiert. Die chinesische Botschaft und das
Konsulat in Nis wurden zerstört, bombardiert wurde auch Pristina, die
Hauptstadt Kosovos. Die serbische Nation war Opfer eines ausländischen
Aggressors, und nach den Bombardements wurden unter den Augen der UNO
Serben aus Kosovo vertrieben. Über all diese Fakten beschwert sich
Der Fall müsste vor dem Weltgerichtshof verhandelt werden, und der
Kontext des Krieges müsste berücksichtigt werden, um Schuldurteile
fällen zu
Doch das Tribunal ist vom UN-Sicherheitsrat beschlossen worden, und der
steht unter USA-Kontrolle.

ND: Menschenrechtsaktivisten werfen Ihnen vor, Sie würden durch diese
Argumentation Menschenrechtsverletzungen, die zum Beispiel durch
Paramiliärs begangen worden sind, entschuldigen.

Es ist traurig, wenn Menschenrechtsaktivisten in einer Weise politisiert
sind, dass sie den politischen Charakter von Tribunalen wie gegen Ruanda
oder jetzt Jugoslawien nicht sehen. Im letzten halben Jahrhundert gab es
fürchterliche Massaker und Tragödien. Die USA standen weder für Vietnam
für Kambodscha vor einem Kriegsverbrechertribunal. Dagegen sind »die
vom Balkan« und »die rote Hexe« längst vorverurteilt. Diese Art von
Tribunalen gehört hoffentlich bald der Vergangenheit an.

ND: Glauben Sie, dass Milosevic überhaupt irgendwelcher Verbrechen
werden könnte?

Er war das Staatsoberhaupt einer Nation, die militärisch angegriffen
ist. Seine Aufgabe war es, die Souveränität Jugoslawiens zu verteidigen
das Leben aller seiner Bürger zu schützen. Zusätzlich zur äußeren
gab es einen Aufstand im Inneren, der sowohl innere wie auch äußere
hatte. Ein Ausdruck dessen war die Existenz der UCK. Mir ist jedenfalls
Beweisstück dafür bekannt, dass Milosevic über das jugoslawische Militär
Menschenrechtsverletzungen dirigiert hätte.

ND: Werden Sie dem Verteidigerteam Milosevics angehören?

Das glaube ich nicht. Ich will helfen, so weit ich nur kann. Zur Zeit
er jedenfalls keine Verteidiger haben.

Fragen: Max Böhnel, New York (ND 11.07.01)

© ND GmbH 2001


Mazedonien: Das Versagen der deutschen Politik

Bericht: Jo Angerer, Beate Philipp, Gregor
Popp, Mathias Werth

Volker Happe: "Bundesliga letzter Spieltag und
in der letzten Minute ein Volltreffer: die
Meisterschaft ist entschieden. Die Tore und den
Jubel aber sollen alle Fernsehzuschauer
demnächst erst Stunden später zu sehen bekommen.
Guten Abend, meine Damen und Herren,
willkommen bei MONITOR. Mit Leo Kirchs Foul an
den Fußballfans, das eine rote Karte verdient
hat, werden wir uns im Verlauf der Sendung noch

Doch zunächst zu einem anderen Thema, dem Streit
der Politiker um den geplanten Einsatz der
Bundeswehr in Mazedonien. Nach Bosnien und dem
Kosovo steht die Bundeswehr jetzt vor ihrem
dritten komplizierten Auslandseinsatz. Offiziell
geht es dabei um die Entwaffnung von
albanischen UCK-Kämpfern, die man neuerdings gerne
als 'Terroristen' bezeichnet. Doch eines
ist heute schon klar: Freiwillig wird die UCK ihre
Waffen nicht herausrücken. Schließlich
sehen sie sich selbst als Verbündete der NATO auf
dem Balkan und wurden darin gerade durch
das Verhalten der Deutschen immer wieder bestärkt,
wie Jo Angerer, Beate Philipp und Mathias
Werth herausfanden."

Mazedonien, ein Land im Kriegszustand. Von
albanischen UCK-Kämpfern werden immer wieder
Dörfer in der Grenzregion zum Kosovo überfallen,
auch unter den Augen der deutschen
KFOR-Soldaten. Tausende Menschen sind auf der Flucht.

Das Dorf Aracinovo, nördlich der Hauptstadt
Skopje, vor wenigen Tagen. In klimatisierten
Bussen ziehen 400 Albaner der 113. UCK-Brigade
ab - mit ihren Waffen und unter Geleitschutz
amerikanischer KFOR-Soldaten. Diese Vorzugsbehandlung
hat Gründe: Schließlich verfügt die
UCK-Brigade über eine moderne amerikanische Ausrüstung.
Ihre Ausbilder, 17 ehemalige
US-Offiziere, verlassen mit den UCK-Kämpfern den Ort,
wo sie sich wochenlang verschanzt hatten.

Für amerikanische und deutsche Politiker war
die UCK eine Art Hilfstruppe der NATO im
Kosovo-Krieg. Jetzt rächt sich diese Politik,
jetzt führt die gleiche UCK Krieg gegen den
NATO-Partner Mazedonien.

Der Balkan-Experte Wolf Oschlies ist Professor
bei der Berliner "Stiftung Wissenschaft und
Politik", einer Forschungseinrichtung, finanziert
vom Bundeskanzleramt.

Professor Wolf Oschlies, Stiftung Wissenschaft:
"Mit Mazedonien geschieht etwas, was es in
der Menschheitsgeschichte noch nie gegeben hat,
nämlich ein souveränes, demokratisches Land
sieht sich einer Aggression vom Territorium eines
internationalen Protektorats aus
ausgesetzt. Das ist die Lage, dem ist nichts
hinzu zu fügen. Und das ist eine gewaltige Rüge
an die internationale Gemeinschaft, deren Teil
ja auch Deutschland ist."
UCK-Kämpfer in Mazedonien. Früher nannte man sie
"Freiheitskämpfer", heute "Terroristen",
denn - so glaubt man in den USA inzwischen - diesen
schwer bewaffneten Banden gehe es nicht
um den Schutz albanischer Minderheiten auf dem
Balkan, sondern schlicht um Geld: Profit aus
dem Drogen- und Waffenschmuggel. Und hier werden
die Nachschubwege gesichert.

Auch deshalb hat US-Präsident George Bush am 27.
Juni diese so genannte "Executive Order"
erlassen, über das "Einfrieren des Vermögens von
Personen, die die Friedensbemühungen auf
dem Balkan gefährden."

Jede finanzielle Unterstützung für die hier
aufgeführten Organisationen steht in den USA ab
sofort unter Strafe. Mit auf der Liste: die UCK
und ihr Ableger UCPMB.

In den USA inzwischen verboten, in Deutschland nach
wie vor Alltag. Spendensammeln für die
UCK. Das Zentrum für die albanischen Muslime in
Düsseldorf. Das unscheinbare Haus im
Hinterhof gilt als eine der Spendenzentralen
der UCK in Deutschland. Hier werde fleißig,
wenn auch heimlich, gesammelt: Geld für den
Krieg der UCK.

Reporterin: "Haben Sie Spenden gesammelt?"

Albaner: "Ja, auch. Es gibt auch andere Leute,
die spenden und wir geben also das Geld."

Reporterin: "Machen das denn viele hier?"

Albaner: "Ja, machen. Doch, geben viele, ja."

Anderer Befragter, Albaner: "Überall werden
Spenden gesammelt, aber die Leute, die das
machen, die werden nie von jemandem so gesehen."

Nachfrage beim Bundesinnenministerium in Berlin.
Spendensammeln für die UCK, sagte man uns
hier, sei in Deutschland nach wie vor legal.

Deutlich präziser und auskunftsfreudiger ist das
nordrhein-westfälische Innenministerium.
Auf Anfrage von MONITOR erklärte man hier:
"Seit sich die Spannungen in Mazedonien, Südserbien
oder dem Kosovo weiter zugespitzt haben,
sind ein größeres Spendenaufkommen und stärkere
einschlägige Aktivitäten der in Deutschland
lebenden Kosovo-Albaner festzustellen."
Professor Wolf Oschlies, Stiftung Wissenschaft
und Politik: "Alles, was hier eingesammelt
wurde an Geld, hat etwa ein Drittel des Finanzbedarfs
der UCK ausgemacht. Die restlichen
zwei Drittel kamen von der Verquickung dieser UCK
mit dem weltweit organisierten Verbrechen,
ganz konkret mit der Beteiligung am organisierten
Handel mit Drogen, Waffen und Menschen."

Deutsche KFOR-Soldaten im Grenzgebiet des Kosovo
zu Mazedonien. Die Region ist das
Rückzugsgebiet der UCK-Kämpfer: Hier sind ihre
Ausbildungs- und Waffenlager, von hier aus
läuft der Nachschub nach Mazedonien. Dies zu
überwachen sei schlicht unmöglich, sagt die
KFOR, man kenne nicht alle Übergänge.

Dabei hatte das mazedonische Verteidigungsministerium
bereits im April dieses Jahres diese
Liste für die deutsche und die amerikanische
KFOR-Truppe erstellt, mit den illegalen
Grenzübergängen aus dem Kosovo, die von der UCK
benutzt werden.

Diese Liste ist brisant. Sie enthält nämlich
die genauen Koordinaten der UCK-Schleichwege
vom Kosovo nach Mazedonien. Dringender Handlungsbedarf
also für die deutschen KFOR-Soldaten:
Sie könnten illegale Grenzübertritte von UCK-Kämpfern
und damit Terroranschläge verhindern.

Auf Anfrage teilte das deutsche Verteidigungsministerium
mit, es kenne diese Liste nicht,
habe sie auch nie erhalten. Doch der mazedonische
Verteidigungsminister bestätigt gegenüber
MONITOR die Übergabe dieser Liste.

Vlado Buckovski, Verteidigungsminister
Mazedonien: "Wir haben der NATO vertraulich
mitgeteilt, welches die kritischen Stellen an der
Grenze sind, die Terroristen für ihre
illegale Grenzübertritte benutzen. Aber diese
Unterlagen sind in die Hände der Terroristen
gekommen; wir haben allerdings keine Hinweise
wie. Es gibt jetzt eine Menge Spekulationen
darüber, wie dieses vertrauliche Dokument, das
ausschließlich für die NATO bestimmt war, in
die falschen Hände geraten konnte."

Illegale Grenzübertritte von UCK-Kämpfern mit
Duldung der Bundeswehr? Dies wäre tatsächlich
ein peinlicher Vorgang für einen deutschen
Verteidigungsminister, der demnächst womöglich
Bundeswehrsoldaten zur Entwaffnung eben dieser
UCK-Kämpfer nach Mazedonien schicken will.

Volker Happe: "Heute haben die UCK und die
mazedonische Regierung einen Waffenstillstand
vereinbart. Er tritt um 24.00 Uhr in Kraft.
Mal sehen, wie lange der Waffenstillstand
diesmal hält."


UCK-Terroristen in Mazedonien auf Lohnliste der NATO

(von Rainer Rupp)

Seitdem jüngst publik wurde, dass das aus der UCK hervorgegangene
Kosovo-Schutz-Korps (KSK) Männer und Material über
die Grenze nach Mazedonien in die Schlacht für Großalbanien
wirft, kommen NATO und die UNO-Mission im Kosovo
(UNMIK) mit ihrer offiziellen Fiktion, daß das KSK lediglich
dazu da ist, Waldbrände und Naturkatastrophen zu bekämpfen, in
arge Erklärungsnot. Was nun ganz offiziell bekannt geworden
ist, bekräftigt den Vorwurf der Mazedonier, dass es sich nicht
um einen Kampf der einheimischen ethnischen Albaner um ihre
Rechte handelt sondern um eine Invasion von UCK-Terroristen
aus dem Ausland, die einen Teil des von ,,Großalbanien"
beanspruchten Landes abtrennen wollen.

Nach offizieller NATO-Propaganda ist das KSK entsprechend
der Forderungen des mit Jugoslawien abgeschlossenen
Friedensabkommens nach dem NATO-Angriff vollkommen demilitarisiert.
Tatsächlich aber wurde das KSK nach seiner
UNO-geförderten Gründung das Hauptquartier der albanischen
Terroristen, von dem aus die ethnische Säuberung des Kosovo
von allen Nicht-Albanern gesteuert wurde. Als diese Aufgabe
erledigt war, wandelten sich die KSK-Strukturen zur sicheren,
rückwärtigen Basis für die Planung und Unterstützung von
UCK-Überfällen in Südserbien und Mazedonien. Obwohl dies der
NATO-geführten KFOR-Truppe von Anfang bekannt war, hielt
diese weiterhin an der Fiktion der ,,friedlichen Aktivitäten" des
KSK fest und unterstützte kräftig weiter. In den
Vierteljahresberichten der UNO ist nachzulesen, dass die UNMIK u.a. mit
Mio. Dollar jährlich die Löhne und Gehälter der KSK-Terroristen
finanziert. Das Geld dafür kommt aus einem Sondertopf für
das KSK, der ausschließlich von der deutschen und der
amerikanischen Regierung gefüllt wird.

Bezeichnend für die Berichterstattung der großen Medien
in den NATO-Ländern ist, dass sie Meldungen, die die
Interventionspolitik von NATO und EU entlarven, weitgehend
ignorieren. So geschehen auch mit der Nachricht, dass
ausgerechnet der Stabschef des KSK, Feldkommandant Gezim
Ostremi, seit vielen Wochen mehr oder weniger ,,unbemerkt"
von seinem Posten verschwunden war, um in Mazedonien die
UCK-Terroristen anzuführen. Lediglich die große irische
Tageszeitung, ,,The Irisch Times", untersucht ausführlich
die beschämenden Hintergründe dieses NATO-Skandals, der erst
dadurch offizielle Glaubwürdigkeit bekam, dass der
amerikanische Präsident Bush in einer Verordnung vom letzten Freitag
gegen Feldkommandant Ostremi ein Einreiseverbot in die
USA verhängte und zugleich fünf weitere führende Mitglieder des
KSK beschuldigte, die mazedonische UCK in ihrem Kampf
beizustehen. Bereits Mitte Juni hatte der diplomatische
Korrespondent der britischen Wochenzeitung ,,Sunday Times"
gemeldet, dass Agim Ceku, (oberster Chef des KSK, Liebling
der NATO und bekanntester Kriegsverbrecher der UCK) seit
März ,,Hunderte von KSK-Reservisten zu Übungen"
zusammengerufen hat. Anschließend würden die UCK-Kämpfer ,,aus
ihren Übungslagern in Albanien verschwinden und dann
in Mazedonien aufzutauchen." ("Macedonia on brink of war",
by Tom Walker, Diplomatic Correspondent The Sunday Times,
June 10, 2001).

Verwundert stellt die ,,Irish Times" fest: dass "ein Teil
der NATO versucht, die UCK-Kämpfer davon abzuhalten, vom Kosovo
über die Grenze nach Mazedonien vorzudringen, während im
Kosovo selbst ein anderer Teil der NATO damit beschäftigt, diese
Kämpfer zu bezahlen und auszubilden." Die NATO - so die
Irish Times - bilde das KSK in einer ganzen Reihe von
militärischen Fähigkeiten aus, einschließlich Logistik,
Kommunikation, Karten lesen, Erste Hilfe." Die Ausbildung an
Waffen sei jedoch verboten.

Außer Feldkommandant Ostremi steht der bekannte UCK-Gangster
und KSK-Kommandant Daut Haradinaj ebenso auf der
neuen Einreiseverbotsliste Washingtons wie Sami Lushtaku,
der Chef der <Schnellen Eingreiftruppe>, eine KSK-Eliteeinheit,
und dessen Stellvertreter, Mustafa Rrustem. In seiner
Erklärung zum Einreiseverbot hatte Präsident Bush betont, dass diese
Männer versuchten, ,,den Frieden und die Stabilität der
Region zu untergraben" und auch ,,für Kriegsgreul verantwortlich
seien." Davon haben die Amerikaner im Kosovo aber noch nicht
bemerkt. Sollten die Amerikaner tatsächlich Einwände gegen
Kommandant Rrustem haben, dann müssen sie das erst noch
zeigen," meint die Irisch Times, denn wenige Tage nach der
Erklärung Bushs seien ,, gleich zwei US-Armee-Einheiten zur
Basis von Kommandant Rrustem gekommen, um dessen Männer
auszubilden." Rrustem sei bei NATO-Offizieren "außerordentlich
beliebt und die Wände seines Büros seien ,,mit ihren
glühenden Empfehlungsschreiben vollgehängt". (,,Rebel chief
worked for UN funded force in Kosovo", by Chris Stephen in
Pristina, The Irish Times, Thursday, July 5, 2001)

In der Zwischenzeit sind die fünf von Präsident Bush
benannten KSK-Anführer auch von ihrem UNO-Arbeitgeber gefeuert
worden, was bedeutet, dass die UNMIK auch ihre Gehälter
nicht länger zahlt. ("UN suspends five top members of Kosovo
civil corps", PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, July 6 , AFP) Dies
kündigt jedoch noch lange keine Wende in der butterweichen Politik der
NATO, EU und UNMIK gegenüber der UCK/KSK im Kosovo an.
,,Der Westen droht damit, die UCK-Versorgungslinien (vom
Kosovo nach Mazedonien) abzuschneiden, aber die albanischen
Anführer glauben offensichtlich, daß es sich dabei um leere
Drohungen handelt, es sei denn, daß die NATO bereit ist,
sich auf Feuergefechte an der Grenze einzulassen", analysierte
kürzlich eine westliche Nachrichtenagentur korrekt.
(Albanians hold the cards in MACEDONIA; DANIEL Simpson,
Reuters, 10.7.01)

Sobald jedoch die NATO Zielscheibe für die UCK würde,
wäre nicht nur das Kosovo für den Westen unhaltbar, sondern auch
die gesamte Interventionspolitik würde in der eigenen
Öffentlichkeit nachhaltig diskreditiert. Das wollen NATO und EU auf
jeden Fall verhindern, weshalb auch die Europäische Union
in Abstimmung mit der NATO am Dienstag ihr Cashangebot an die
mazedonische Regierung von ursprünglich 42 Mio Euro um
weitere 50 Mio Euro erhöht hat. Angesichts der Empörung in der
mazedonischen Bevölkerung über den Ausverkauf an die UCK
dürfte es für die Regierung in Skopje jedoch schwieriger als für
ihr Gegenstück in Belgrad, die nationalen Sicherheitsinteressen
so einfach gegen Bares an die NATO zu verkaufen.

Sbg. den 12.7.01


Schießerei und NATO-Opfer bei mißlungener Karadzic-Festnahme

(von Rainer Rupp)

Zehn Soldaten der britischen Elite-Kommandoeinheit
SAS wurden letzte Woche in der Nacht von Donnerstag auf Freitag bei
dem Versuch, den ehemaligen politischen Führer der
bosnischen Serben während des Bürgerkrieges, Radovan Karadzic,
festzunehmen von dessen Bodyguards getötet. Diese
Nachricht wurde letzten Samstag zuerst in Podgorica von der kleinen
montenegrinischen Tageszeitung <Dan> verbreitet um
anschließend auch in Belgrad aufgegriffen zu werden, ohne dass ihr
jedoch großer Glauben geschenkt worden wäre.
(,,British soldiers fail to arrest Karadzic", B92,
PODGORICA, Saturday, 14
July 2001) Dem hat am Sonntag die seriösen britischen
Wochenzeitung <The Observer> abgeholfen, indem sie indirekt die
Nachricht von der misslungenen Festnahme von Karadzic,
der von Beruf Kinderpsychologe ist, bestätigte.

Seit langem ist bekannt, dass Karadzic von einer gut
ausgebildeten und motivierten Gruppe von Bodyguards geschützt wird.
Weil sie ein Blutbad befürchteten, hätten die Franzosen,
in deren Sektor in Bosnien sich Karadzic hauptsächlich bewegt haben
soll, bisher stets weggeschaut. Dies zumindest hatte
die Chefanklägerin des NATO-bezahlten, sogenannten
Kriegsverbrechertribunals in Den Haag, Frau Del Ponte,
auch jüngst wieder Paris vorgeworfen. Anscheinend war das die
Motivation für die Briten, zu versuchen, es besser zu machen.

Nach den Informationen aus Belgrad soll die fatale
britische Operation entweder in dem bosnischen Städtchen <Srbinje> statt
gefunden haben, oder direkt auf der anderen Seite der
Grenze im Nordosten Montenegros. Die zehn SAS-Elitesoldaten die bei
der Operation getötet und die zwei, die verwundet worden
sind, sollen vollkommen "off-the-books" sein, mit anderen Worten,
ihre Namen und Dienstgrade stehen nicht auf der offiziellen
Soldliste der britischen Armee und ihre Existenz kann bei Bedarf
einfach abgestritten werden. Dieses Schema wird offensichtlich
durch den Bericht des britischen <Observers> aus Bosnien
bestätigt. Demnach habe der offizielle Sprecher der
NATO-geführten S-FOR in Bosnien es zwar abgelehnt, eine Operation zur
Festnahme von Karadzic zu bestätigen, aber ,,drei unterschiedliche
Quellen bei der S-FOR" in der bosnisch-serbischen Stadt
Banja Luka hätten dem <Observer> gegenüber die misslungene
Aktion bestätigt und einer Quelle zufolge, sei sie noch nicht zu
Ende. Allerdings- so der <Observer> ist von den SFOR-Quellen
nur die Zahl der zwei verwundeten Soldaten bestätigt
worden. Über die angeblichen Toten sei nichts bekannt.
Dagegen habe das britische Verteidigungsministerium jegliche
Berichte, dass britische Soldaten an einem Versuch zur Festnahme
Karazics beteiligt gewesen seien, kategorisch bestritten.

Dagegen berichtet der <Observer>, daß die Zeitung bereits
Anfang letzter Woche von Quellen aus der NATO und anderen, die
auf der Spur von Karadzic sind, einen Tip bekommen habe,
wonach ,,Karadzic innerhalb von Tagen verhaftet und nach Den
Haag verfrachtet" würde. S-FOR-Truppen hätten nämlich seinen
Unterschlupf an der Grenze zu Montenegro lokalisiert und
seither hätte er unter ständiger Beobachtung gestanden. Die
S-FOR-Quellen bestätigten dem <Observer>, daß SAS-Soldaten
an der Überwachungsaktion beteiligt waren, obwohl es scheint,
dass sie nicht am Festnahmeversuch beteiligt waren. Eine
S-FOR-Quelle zitiert der <Observer> wörtlich wie folgend:
,,Es gab eine Operation. Es gab Opfer und die Sache wurde
abgeblasen". ("Karadzic escapes Nato's night raiders",
Nicholas Wood in Foca and Peter Beaumont, The Observer, Sunday
July 15, 2001)

Das war somit bereits der zweite vergebliche Versuch der S-FOR,
Karadzic zu kidnappen. Der erste Versuch war misslungen,
weil Karazic von Quellen aus der NATO selbst rechtzeitig
gewarnt worden war. Dabei halten sich hartnäckig Gerüchte,
wonach der Tip von den Franzosen gekommen sei, die dafür
bekannt sind, dass sie in ihrem Sektor im serbischen Bosnien
keinen Ärger haben wollen, den sie bei einer Festnahme von
Karazic hätten befürchten müssen. Allerdings wird es für
Karadzic zunehmend schwieriger, sich zu verstecken. Letzte
Woche stattete der bosnisch-serbische Ministerpräsident
Mladen Ivanic dem sogenannten Haager Tribunal einen Besuch ab,
um seine Unterwürfigkeit unter die Neue Weltordnung zu
bekunden. Gegenüber Frau del Ponte bekräftigte er, daß das
bosnisch-serbische Parlament nun bereit sei, ein neues Gesetz zu
verabschieden, das die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Tribunal erlauben würde.

Sbg. den 16.7.01


Umfrageergebnisse: - Serben gegen Haager Tribunal
Trotz NATO-Bomben und EU-Gelder - Serben unterwerfen
sich nicht

(von Rainer Rupp)

Der weitaus größte Teil der Bevölkerung Serbiens verurteilt
die Auslieferung ihres ehemaligen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic
an das sogenannte Kriegsverbrechertribunal in den Haag. Das
bestätigte eine repräsentative Umfrage der Wochenzeitung
NIN, die letztes Wochenende in Belgrad veröffentlicht wurde.
("Most Serbs disapprove Milosevic extradition: survey",

56% der Befragten waren demnach der Auffassung, dass die
Djindjic-Regierung mit der Auslieferung ,,falsch gehandelt hat",
während lediglich 36.5% dafür waren. Fast drei Viertel der
Bevölkerung sprach sich dafür aus, dass, wenn Milosevic vor
Gericht gestellt werden müsste, dies hätte in Belgrad geschehen
müssen. Immerhin glauben 57%, daß Milosevic während
seiner zehn Jahre dauernden Amtszeit auch Verbrechen begangen
hat. Eine Antwort, die im NATO- und EU-Hauptquartier
sicher mit Wohlgefallen gelesen wurde.

Aber schon die Antwort auf die nächste Frage dürfte die
Kämpfer für die Neue Weltordnung wegen der serbischen
Starrköpfigkeit zur Verzweiflung gebracht haben. Weder
NATO-Bomben noch EU-Geld scheinen das serbische Volk gefügig
zu machen. Denn mit 61% erkennen fast zwei Drittel der
Bevölkerung das von der NATO bezahlte Haager Tribunal nicht als
legitimes Gericht an, genau wie das Milosevic selbst tat,
als er dort unlängst vorgeführt wurde. Lediglich 28% der
Befragten glaubten, daß das Haager Tribunal das Recht hat,
über Milosevic zu Gericht zu sitzen.

Auch der in Belgrad als der "Deutsche" bekannte serbische
Ministerpräsident Zoran Djindjic, der Mann der Neuen
Weltordnung, der Milosevic für über eine Milliarde Dollar
an die NATO verkauft hat, kann sich trotz des Geldsegens nur
eines kleinen Popularitätsgewinns erfreuen. Während Präsident
Kostunica, der ebenfalls gegen die Auslieferung seines
Amtsvorgängers war, sich eines Zuspruchs von 71% der Bevölkerung
erfreuen kann, sind nur 5,5 der Befragten mit Djindjic
zufrieden. Im Vergleich zur Popularität Djindjics von etwas
mehr als zwei Prozent vor den letzten Wahlen sind 5,5% jedoch
schon eine beachtliche Steigerung. Daß Djindjic trotz dieses
katastrophalen Ergebnisses Ministerpräsident der
selbsternannten ,,demokratischen Opposition" werden konnte,
verdankt er nicht nur dem Geld der NATO und EU sondern auch
seinen gekonnten Intrigen und seinem skrupellosem Machtinstinkt,
mit deren Hilfe er sich an die Spitze des oppositionellen
serbischen Parteienbündnisses DOS katapultiert hatte. Um
gegenüber seinem populären Widersacher Kostunica seinen
Machterhalt abzusichern, ist Djindjic in letzter Zeit vorrangig
damit beschäftigt, die Abtrennung von Montenegro zu befördern
und damit Jugoslawien aufzulösen. Damit wäre er dann auch
Kostunica los, denn ohne Jugoslawien wäre der jugoslawische
Präsident arbeitslos. Dann wären Djindjic und die NATO am
Ziel; zumindest vorerst.

Sbg. den 16.7.01


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Ulrich Dost [mailto:U.Dost@...]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 17. Juli 2001 12:02
An: Wolfgang Schulz;
Betreff: Berichterstattung Varvarin- FR v. 17.07.01

"Frankfurter Rundschau" v. 17.Juli 2001

Widersprüche spitz wie Trümmerteile
Die zivilen Opfer des Nato-Angriffs auf die Brücke von Varvarin fordern
der Bundesregierung Schadenersatz

Von Rainer Jung (Berlin)

Der Zeuge Milosevic ringt nach Worten. Zwei Stunden lang hat er den
Berichten über Blut, Tod und Leiden zugehört, die der Kosovo-Krieg über
seine Mitbürger gebracht hat. Hat sich auf die Lippen gebissen und
über die Augenwinkel gestrichen. Jetzt ist er an der Reihe, vom 30. Mai
zu erzählen, dem letzten normalen Tag in seinem Leben.
Predrag Milosevic spricht klar und langsam. Der 30-Jährige redet mit dem
Ernst eines einfachen Mannes, dem Ärzte in einer dramatischen Operation
fast völlig abgerissenes Bein wieder annähen mussten. Der zwei Jahre
immer noch am Stock geht und bis heute nicht verstehen kann, warum es
traf an jenem sonnigen Markttag, als Nato-Düsenjäger die Morava-Brücke
zentralserbischen Städtchen Varvarin bombardierten.
Sicher, es war Krieg. Was Krieg bedeutet, wusste Predrag Milosevic. Er
als Soldat der jugoslawischen Armee gegen Kroatien gekämpft -
"gezwungenermaßen", sagt er bei der Anhörung der PDS-Bundestagsfraktion.
Aber wieso kam der Krieg nach Varvarin? Warum haben die Männer in den
auf eine Brücke geschossen, auf der keine Panzer unterwegs waren nach
200 Kilometer entfernten Kosovo, sondern ein Personenwagen und drei
16-jährige Mädchen? Und aus welchem Grund feuerten die Flieger ein
Mal, Minuten später, als bereits zahlreiche Augenzeugen ans Flussufer
waren, um den Opfern der ersten Attacke zu helfen? Bisher stießen die
von Predrag Milosevic immer ins Leere.
Genauso wie das Schluchzen von Marijana Stojanovic. Es schüttelt die
18-Jährige noch immer, wenn sie sich an die endlosen Minuten auf den
der Brücke erinnert. Mit mehr als ein Dutzend Wunden am Körper lag sie
Wasser. Neben ihr die Freundinnen Marina Jovanovic und Sanja Milenkovic.
Sanja starb dann auf dem Weg ins Krankenhaus. In Marinas Rücken stecken
jetzt noch mehr als 20 Splitter.
Marijana wirkt nur auf den ersten Blick wie ein normaler Teenager. Sie
leidet unter Angstzuständen. Sie hat Narben auf der Seele wie auf der
Marijana hegt einen großen Wunsch: "dass die Verantwortlichen gefunden
werden". In Deutschland wie anderswo im Westen sah man bislang wenig
Veranlassung zur Suche. Ein Nato-Sprecher hatte die Brücke von Varvarin
dem Vorfall ein "legitimes militärisches" Ziel genannt. Dass bei dessen
Zerstörung zehn Menschen starben und 30 verletzt wurden, allesamt
Zivilisten, sei bedauerlich, aber eben ein "Kollateralschaden" im
notwendigen Einsatz zur Rettung bedrohter Albaner.
An dieser Sicht der Dinge konnte auch die Menschenrechtsorganisation
International nichts ändern, die den Angriff auf Varvarin scharf
hatte. Und schon gar nicht das Berliner "Nato-Tribunal" vom vergangenen
Sommer. Das verurteilte mit großer Verve Bill Clinton, Tony Blair und
Spitze der rot-grünen Bundesregierung wegen "Aggression gegen einen
souveränen Staat". Doch die Resonanz blieb mager. Am Tag, an dem die
Friedenskämpfer auseinander gingen, stellte das
Vorermittlungen gegen die Nato offiziell ein. Damit schien die Akte
Womöglich muss demnächst ein deutsches Zivilgericht nachholen, was die
Weltgemeinschaft unterlassen hat: Die Geschehnisse des 30. Mai 1999
lückenlos aufzuklären. Vor wenigen Wochen hat der Berliner Rechtsanwalt
Ulrich Dost nämlich dem Bundeskanzleramt einen Schriftsatz geschickt, in
er knapp 2,6 Millionen Mark Schadenersatz für die Verletzten und die
Hinterbliebenen des Luftangriffs fordert. Bis Ende September soll die
Regierung sich erklären. Verweigert Berlin die Entschädigung, will Dost
klagen. Als Nato-Mitglied, argumentiert er, hafte die Bundesrepublik
Deutschland für Schäden, die die Allianz verursacht habe. Auch wenn in
Kampfflugzeugen wahrscheinlich Briten oder Amerikaner auf den Knopf
Die juristische Konstruktion, auf die sich der Berliner und sein
der Hamburger Rechtsprofessor Norman Paech, stützen, ist neu und unter
Juristen nicht unumstritten. Aber sie hat den Vorteil, dass ein
überschaubarer Einzelfall ins Zentrum der Argumentation rückt und nicht
große, kaum zu klärende Ganze, nicht also die Abwägung zwischen
Staatensouveränität und humanitären Eingriffsrechten, die der
Völkerrechtler Kai Ambos eine "Wertungs- und Glaubensfrage" nennt. Und
gar nicht der höchst umstrittene Punkt, ob die brutale Vertreibung der
Kosovo-Albaner von langer Hand geplant war. Als Ankläger beim
"Nato-Tribunal" hatte sich der ostdeutsche Jurist Dost an diesen Punkten
festgebissen. Nun lässt er hingegen eine Annahme zu, die ihm eigentlich
nicht liegt: "Selbst unter der Voraussetzung, dass der Kriegsanlass
gewesen wäre", sagt er, "musste sich die Nato natürlich an das
Kriegsvölkerrecht halten."
Zu erforschen, wie das westliche Bündnis in Varvarin mit internationalem
Recht umging, könnte spannend werden. Das Zusatzprotokoll zu den Genfer
Abkommen von 1977 liefert hierfür das Gerüst. Es definiert, wie ein
"ordnungsgemäßes" Bombardement auszusehen hat - und wie nicht. Wie hehr
Absichten einer Kriegspartei auch immer sein mögen, direkte Angriffe auf
Zivilisten sind verboten. Ebenso Attacken auf militärische Ziele, wenn
Verluste unter der Zivilbevölkerung drohen, "die in keinem Verhältnis
erwarteten konkreten und unmittelbaren Vorteil stehen".
Die Verantwortung für die haarige Abwägung trägt der Angreifer. Das
verpflichtet ihn, "alles praktisch Mögliche zu tun", um
Nichtkombattanten zu
schonen. "Die Piloten haben eher das Gegenteil gemacht", urteilt Dost.
Angriff war darauf angelegt, Zivilisten zu treffen. Und das ist ein
Kriegsverbrechen." Man muss diesen Schluss nicht teilen. Und schon gar
Dosts Behauptung, Varvarin und andere Angriffe mit zivilen Opfern seien
keine Einzelfälle gewesen. Der Anwalt wittert dahinter vielmehr Methode.
Ziel sei gewesen, die jugoslawische Bevölkerung mürbe zu bomben. So als
hätte die Nato eine Art Miniaturausgabe der Luftschläge im Sinn gehabt,
Engländer und Amerikaner im zweiten Weltkrieg gegen deutsche Städte
Aber auch wenn man derlei Spekulationen ausklammert, fällt es sehr
in der Brückenzerstörung einen militärischen Vorteil zu entdecken, der
irgendeinem "Verhältnis" zum Tod von Sanja Milenkovic stünde oder zu den
Verletzungen von Predrag Milosevic.
Die Bundesregierung hält sich bedeckt. Sie bestätigt, dass die
Schadenersatzforderung eingegangen ist. Ansonsten gibt es "keinen
zu einem schwebenden Verfahren". So viel Diskretion, mag sie auch
behördenüblich sein, wirkt seltsam teilnahmslos im Vergleich zu der
moralischen Inbrunst, mit der rot-grüne Spitzenpolitiker 1999 zu den
riefen, um die Menschenrechte in Jugoslawien zu verteidigen.
Solange wichtige Einzelheiten des Einsatzes geheim bleiben, ragen die
Widersprüche im Fall Varvarin ins Heute hinein wie das spitze
das unweit der wieder aufgebauten Brücke im Boden steckt. Die alte
Konstruktion war mit einer Tragfähigkeit von acht Tonnen kaum geeignet
schwere Militärfahrzeuge. Alle Einwohner, die Dost und verschiedene
Journalisten befragten, bezeugen übereinstimmend, dass es in der Stadt
Soldaten gab. Dafür flanierten viele Städter in unmittelbarer Nähe der
Brücke über den Markt. Zeugen sagen, die Flugzeuge seien nicht sehr hoch
geflogen. "Es wäre für die Piloten möglich gewesen, die Menschenmenge zu
erkennen", glaubt Zoran Milenkovic, der Vater der toten Sanja und seit
Machtwechsel in Serbien Varvarins Bürgermeister.
Wirklich sicher ist indes nur, dass auch ein Prozess keine schnelle
bringen dürfte. Ulrich Dost selber rechnet mit einem mehrjährigen
Bislang finanzieren fünf Privatpersonen die Untersuchung, darunter ein
Ex-Militärhistoriker der DDR-Armee und ein Solarunternehmer. Seit kurzem
wirbt der "Projektrat Varvarin" öffentlich um Geld. Den Spendenaufruf
mehrere Gewerkschafter, der Politologe Wolf-Dieter Narr, der Leipziger
Pfarrer Christian Führer sowie PDS-Abgeordnete unterschrieben. Ein paar
Politiker aus anderen Parteien helfen zwar unter der Hand ein wenig,
mag sich aber keiner erklären.
Die Zeiten sind nicht danach: In Mazedonien steht die nächste schwierige
Nato-Mission an. Und beim Stichwort Kriegsverbrechen denkt das
Berlin zunächst einmal an Slobodan Milosevic, der in Den Haag seine
beschimpft. Nicht an Predrag, der demnächst wieder am Bein operiert
Siehe auch das FR-Spezial "Machtwechsel in Serbien"

[ document info ]
Copyright © Frankfurter Rundschau 2001
Dokument erstellt am 16.07.2001 um 21:15:33 Uhr
Erscheinungsdatum 17.07.2001


NATO sucht Alternative für Mazedonien
(von Rainer Rupp)

Während sich das amerikanische Außenministerium noch in
Zweckoptimismus übte und den Fortschritt bei den sogenannten
,,albanisch-mazedonischen Friedenverhandlungen" lobte, scheint
die NATO ernsthaft damit zu rechnen, daß Mazedonien
tatsächlich im Bürgerkrieg versinken wird. Nach Aussagen
eines NATO-Beamten am Dienstag in der albanischen Hauptstadt
Tirana haben Truppen des Bündnisses bereits eine alternative
Versorgungsroute für die KFOR erprobt, falls Mazedonien als
Nachschubbasis und Durchgangsland für Versorgungskonvois von
Griechenland ins Kosovo zu gefährlich werden sollte. Die
letzten Montag von der NATO getestete 265-km lange Strecke ist
jedoch ein mühsamer, von Schlaglöchern zerfressener
schmaler Weg, der in dem der italienischen Küste gegenüber
liegenden albanischen Hafen von <Durres> beginnt und durch die
albanischen Berge über die nördliche Grenzstadt <Kukes> nach
Prizren im Kosovo führt.

,,Wir haben diese Verbindungslinie getestet und festgestellt,
dass sie eine Menge Verbesserungen braucht, insbesondere
Brücken", erklärte dazu der NATO-Informationsoffizier Antonio
Caragnano in Tirana. ("NATO tests alternative Albanian route
to Kosovo", Reuters TIRANA, July 17 2001) Während der albanische
Flughafen <Rinas> und der große Hafen von <Durres>
der NATO nach eigenen Einschätzungen durchaus ihren logistischen
Anforderungen genügen, ist die Verbindungsstraße von
Durres nach Kukes in einem derart desolaten Zustand, dass sie
dem täglichen Nachschubbedarf der KFOR von etwa 80
schweren Containerfrachten nicht standhalten kann. Durch die
NATO-Intervention wurde also nicht nur die serbische Provinz
Kosovo de facto von Serbien getrennt, sondern durch die andauernde
NATO-Präsenz werden nun auch noch die
Verbindungswege von Albanien ins Kosovo auf Kosten der
Steuerzahler in den NATO-Ländern auf den neusten Stand
gebracht, wodurch das Kosovo nur noch enger an Albanien
angebunden wird und der Traum der nationalistischen
UCK-Gewaltextremisten von ,,Großalbanien" Dank der NATO
wieder ein Stück näher gerückt ist.

Die Dringlichkeit der Suche der NATO nach einer alternativen
Route wurde allerdings durch die jüngsten Nachrichten aus der
mazedonischen Hauptstadt Skopje bekräftigt. Dort sollen die
,,Friedensgespräche" gestern vor dem Zusammenbruch
gestanden haben. Die Schuld an dieser Entwicklung wird in
der westlichen Hofpresse der Neuen Weltordnung wie gehabt nicht
der Intransigenz der mit den UCK-Gewaltextremisten
zusammenarbeitenden ethnisch-albanischen Parteien zugeschoben,
sondern den Mazedoniern, die verzweifelt versuchen, sich gegen
den koordinierten Druck der NATO und EU zu behaupten die
territoriale Integrität ihres Landes zu bewahren.

Wie weit beide Seiten bei den Verhandlungen auseinander
liegen geht daraus hervor, dass der US-Gesandte James Pardew und
sein EU Amtskollege Francois Leotard gestern großspurig
angekündigt hatten, es sei ihnen endlich gelungen, den Anführern der
ethnisch-albanischen Parteien einen ,,Kompromiss" abzuringen.
Dieser wurde jedoch von der mazedonischen Seite empört
zurückgewiesen. Georgi Trendafilov, der Sprecher des
mazedonischen Ministerpräsidenten Ljubco Georgievski, erklärte dazu,
dass für die Mazedonier der ,,Inhalt des vorgelegten
Kompromissvorschlags schockierend" gewesen sei. ("Bid to break
Macedonia talks deadlock looks doomed", By Kole Casule,
Reuters, SKOPJE, July 17.2001)

Während der stellvertretende Chef der bedeutendsten
ethnisch-albanischen Partei, Iljaz Halimi, kaum verhüllt mit der
Wiederaufnahme der UCK-Terrorangriffe droht, wenn die
Mazedonier nicht auf ihre Bedingungen eingehen - ("Ich denke, dass
es das Wichtigste ist, den Krieg zu verhindern".) führen
nach Sprecher Trendafilov die albanischen Forderungen zu ,,einer
Föderalisierung Mazedoniens" und das habe in den
Verhandlungen nie zur Debatte gestanden.

Die bereits fast zwei Wochen ergebnislos verlaufenen
,,Friedensgespräche" sollen nun so lange am Leben erhalten werden,
bis NATO-Generalsekretär George Robertson and EU-Sicherheitschef
Javier Solana am Donnerstag erneut in Skopje
ankommen, wo sie sicherlich auch wieder mit neuen Versprechungen
über Finanzhilfen die mazedonische Regierung gefügig
machen wollen. Allerdings dürfte die in der Zwischenzeit auch
von dem unterwürfigen serbischen Ministerpräsidenten Zoran
Djindjic gelernt haben, was westliche Hilfsversprechen wert
sind. In einem Spiegel-Interview hatte Djindjic die versprochene
Milliardenhilfe als Bezahlung für Auslieferung Milosevics als
"Farce" bezeichnet.)

Sbg. den 18.7.01


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Informationsstelle Militarisierung IMI eV
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 12. Juli 2001 10:56
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Betreff: [IMI-List] [0109] Einsatzführungskommando und Mazedonien -
Schritt für Schritt zum nächsten Kriegseinsatz

Einsatzführungskommando und Mazedonien -
Schritt für Schritt zum nächsten Kriegseinsatz

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde!

Es sieht nicht nach einer ruhigen Sommerpause aus.
Der nächste Kriegseinsatz der Bundeswehr, diesmal in Mazedonien, naht
mit großen Schritten.

Doch diesmal sind die Konstellationen nicht so festgefahren wie im März
1999 beim NATO-Krieg gegen Jugoslawien.

Im Bundestag und bei vielen Soldat/inn/en gibt es durchaus große
Bedenken gegen diesen neuerlichen Kriegseinsatz. (Näheres zum Stand der
Dinge in Sachen Mazedonien im Artikel von Arno Neuber, der in dieser
e-mail enthalten ist).

Zugleich hat die Bundeswehrführung das "Herzstück der künftigen
Struktur" der Bundeswehr (so Generalinspekteur Harald Kujat) in Geltow
bei Potsdam aufgestellt. Vom neuen Einsatzführungskommando werden in
Zukunft alle Auslandseinätze der Bundeswehr koordiniert und geleitet.
(Zur Funktion des Einsatzführungskommandos und den Traditionen des
Stationierungsortes Potsdam Tobias Pflüger im Interview mit der "Jungen
Welt", dieses folgt ebenfalls in dieser e-mail).

Auf der Homepage der Bundeswehr heißt es: "Voraussichtlich in zwei
Wochen wird der Bundestag über den Bundeswehr-Einsatz in Mazedonien
entscheiden. Dies meldete die Deutsche Presse-Agentur am Dienstag
Nachmittag. Allerdings hänge dies davon ab, wie die Lage in Mazedonien
in der nächsten Zeit sei. Ein fester Termin liege beim Bundestag noch
nicht vor, vermutlich werde es aber in der Wochen zwischen 23. und 27.
Juli zur Entscheidung kommen."

Von hier aus ein Aufruf gegen den neuerlich drohenden Kriegseinsatz der
Bundeswehr in Mazedonien politisch aktiv zu werden.

Ein Beispiel dafür ist der offene Brief von Achim Schmitz an die
Bundestagsabgeordneten (ebenfalls in dieser e-mail)

Besonders gut geeignet für neuerlich notwendigen Antikriegsaktivitäten
ist die Kampagne und der Appell gegen die Bundeswehr als
Interventionsarmee, "Kriege verhindern - Einsatzkräfte auflösen", in
dieser e-mail Näheres zum Stand der Dinge, einige Neuerungen und die
weitere Planung. ///

Es folgen also:

1. Interview mit Tobias Pflüger in der "Jungen Welt" zum neuen
Einsatzführungskommando in Potsdam-Geltow
2. Artikel von IMI-Beirat Arno Neuber zur Situation vor dem
Bundeswehr-Einsatz in Mazedonien
3. Stand von Kampagne und Appell "Kriege verhindern - Einsatzkräfte
3.1. Online unterschreiben
3.2. Online sich austauschen
3.3. Kleiner Friedensratschlag
3.4. Weiteres Vorgehen
4. Offener Brief an MdBs von IMI-Beirat Achim Schmitz in seiner Funktion
als DFG-VK Landesgeschäftsführer BaWü
5. Verweise auf eine ganze Reihe neuer Materialien, Bücher und Artikel
mit IMI-Beteiligung
5.1. Neues IPPNW-Forum zum Thema "Abrüsten statt Umrüsten"
5.2. Neues Buch: Der Jugoslawienkrieg - Eine Zwischenbilanz
5.3. Dokumentation des 9. Dresdner Friedenssymposium am 10.
Febr. 2001 ist erschienen
5.4. Broschüre: Gelöbnix - Militärische Rituale, militarisierte
Außenpolitik und der 20 Juli
5.5. Wissenschaft und Frieden 03/2001: Ökonomie der Bürgerkriege
6. Neues auf der IMI-Homepage
6.1. Selbstentmachtung - Artikel von Arno Neuber zur Verhandlung der
Klage der PDS gegen die neue NATO-Strategie
6.2. Zur Erinnerung: IMI-Kongreß (1999): Gegen Krieg in den
6.3. Verteidigungsarmee auf dem Rückzug? - Über die Ausstellung
unser Heer
Nachtrag: Adresse und Fax der Staatsanwaltschaft Tübingen wg.

Wer nicht alles auf einmal lesen kann und will:
Die Punkte 1 und 2 sind inhaltliche Texte, die Punkte 3 und 4
Aktionsvorschläge und Aktionsberichte, die Punkte 5.1. bis 5.5. Hinweise
auf neue Zeitschriftenausgaben, ein neues Buch und neue Broschüren, die
Punkte 6.1. und 6.2 sind Hinweise auf neue Texte auf der IMI-Homepage.

Nachdruck der hier versandten Texte ist wie immer erlaubt und erwünscht,
bei Quellenangabe ( ///

1. Interview mit Tobias Pflüger in der "Jungen Welt" zum neuen
Einsatzführungskommando in Potsdam-Geltow

Sorgt Scharping für Preußens Glanz und Gloria?

jW sprach mit Tobias Pflüger, Mitarbeiter der Informationsstelle
Militarisierung IMI e.V. Tübingen

F: In Potsdam-Geltow wurde am Montag das Einsatzführungskommando der
Bundeswehr in Dienst genommen. Es ist dem Verteidigungsminister direkt
unterstellt. Welche Bedeutung hat das?

Die Indienststellung des Einsatzführungskommandos ist ein ganz zentrales
Element bei der Herausbildung einer interventionsfähigen Bundeswehr.
Es ist die Stelle, von der aus in Zukunft sämtliche Auslandseinsätze
geleitet, koordiniert und befehligt werden. Auf diese Weise ist
natürlich der Zugriff schneller. Man muß nicht 20 Befehlsstrukturen
durchgehen, sondern kann ziemlich schnell durchsetzen, daß es nach
Mazedonien geht.

Diesem Kommando unterstehen von den Teilstreitkräften wiederum
Führungskommandos. Es ist eine ganz klare Hierarchisierung der
Befehlsstrukturen. Das politisch Interessante oder Gefährliche an diesem
Einsatzführungskommando ist, daß man im Grunde genommen wieder
politisch-militärische Befehlsstrukturen innerhalb einer deutschen Armee
hat und dadurch eindeutig auch das, was man nie mehr haben wollte,
nämlich einen Generalstab. Einsatzführungskommando bedeutet auch, daß
alles dem Einsatzprinzip untergeordnet wird. Es gibt inzwischen fünf
Teilstreitkräfte bei der Bundeswehr: Heer, Luftwaffe, Marine und
zusätzlich jetzt den Sanitätsbereich und die Streitkräftebasis, die
quasi der Verwaltungsbereich innerhalb der Bundeswehr ist.

Das Einsatzführungskommando ist das zentrale Element dieser neuen
Streitkräftebasis. Von zentraler Bedeutung ist zudem, daß eine
Befehlszentrale etabliert wird - sowohl für zukünftige EU-Interventionen
in einem Raum von 4 000 Kilometer rund um Brüssel als auch für
NATO-Aktionen. Zudem für die beiden häufig nicht diskutierten weiteren
Optionen, nämlich UN-Einsätze und nationale Einsätze, die nach wie vor
nicht ausgeschlossen sind.

F: Warum gerade Potsdam?

Früher wurde ein Teil der Auslandseinsätze über Regensburg - Kommando
luftbewegliche Kräfte - koordiniert. Jetzt ist der Zugriff mit Potsdam
sehr viel näher, man hat die Befehlsstrukturen quasi hauptstadtnah. Es
läuft ja offiziell vom Bundesverteidigungsminister runter auf die
militärischen Strukturen. »Auch in der Bundeswehr der Zukunft nimmt
Potsdam einen bedeutsamen Platz ein. Mit dem
teilstreitkraftgemeinsamen Einsatzführungskommando wird die Stadt
künftig eine der bedeutendsten Dienststellen der Bundeswehr vor ihren
Toren beherbergen.« So drückte es Scharping wörtlich aus.

F: Sorgt der Bundesverteidigungsminister also nun für Preußens Glanz und

Das ist natürlich eine Tradition. Man hat bewußt die
Henning-von-Tresckow-Kaserne genommen, um sich nicht dem Verdacht der
absolut ungebrochenen Tradition Preußen - Wehrmacht - Bundeswehr
auszusetzen. Aber es ist schon bezeichnend, daß man dieses Kommando in
die Region setzt, die schon immer sehr stark von Militär geprägt war und
wo, historisch gesehen, Kriege geplant und durchgeführt wurden. Im
übrigen widerspricht der Stationierungsort den 2+4-Vereinbarungen.

F: Das Einsatzführungskommando wird auch offiziell als Kernelement der
Bundeswehrreform bezeichnet ...

Am 28. Juni hat man die neue Struktur für das Heer umgesetzt. Im Grunde
genommen ist es wie ein Kegel.Oben an der Spitze sind die jeweiligen
Führungskommandos, darunter dann als erstes die besonders kampffähigen
Einheiten. Die Struktur bedeutet, daß man die Einsatzkräfte, die man ja
auf 150 000 Mann und Frau hochschrauben will, Stück für Stück einführt.
Hier ist ein zentraler Ansatzpunkt für die Friedensbewegung: zu sagen,
diese Einsatzkräfte wollen wir nicht. Bei der Kampagne der
Friedensbewegung »Kriege verhindern - Einsatzkräfte auflösen« ist
eines der Elemente dieses Einsatzführungskommando. Wir müssen dafür
sorgen, daß dieses Kommando politisch thematisiert wird als das, was es
ist: ein Kriegsführungskommando.

F: Was sind die nächsten Schritte beim Umbau der Bundeswehr in eine

In bezug auf Potsdam ist die Struktur weitestgehend fertig. Jetzt geht
es in die Details bei den jeweiligen Teilstreitkräften. Bei Heer, Marine
und Luftwaffe werden die interventionsfähigen Teile herausgebildet.

Interview: Fanny Komaritzan

Das Interview gibt es auch zum Download unter
oder in "Normalform" (HTML) unter ///

2. Artikel von IMI-Beirat Arno Neuber zur Situation vor dem
Bundeswehr-Einsatz in Mazedonien

Wer hat hier gezündelt?
Die Situation vor dem Bundeswehr-Einsatz in Mazedonien

von IMI-Beirat Arno Neuber

400 bis 500 Soldaten will die Bundeswehr im Rahmen einer
NATO-Intervention nach Mazedonien schicken. Das Lavieren der
Bundesregierung in der letzten Woche - angeblich wurden für den
ursprünglich vorgesehenen „30-Tage-Einsatz“ keine Truppen
zugesagt -
entpuppt sich als innenpolitisches Ablenkungsmanöver. Offenbar drängte
gerade die deutsche Regierung auf eine härtere Gangart der NATO.
„Verteidigungs“minister Scharping erklärte dazu jetzt, dass
man von
Anfang an einen länger dauernden Einsatz im Auge gehabt habe. Wir
wollten „eine klare und realistische Grundlage. Die ist jetzt
Die 30-Tage-Frist wird je nach Lage verlängert werden, wir in
Deutschland hatten eine solche Begrenzung mit sehr gemischten Gefühlen
gesehen“, zitiert ihn die Welt am Sonntag vom 8. Juli. Außerdem
soll es
nicht mehr nur um das „Einsammeln von Waffen“ gehen, sondern
auch um
„eine angemessene Reaktionsfähigkeit vor Ort im Falle einer
Verschlechterung der Situation.“

Ganz offensichtlich spielen bei dieser NATO-Intervention die Rivalitäten
zwischen der NATO-Führungsmacht USA und dem deutsch-französischen
„EU-Motor“ keine geringe Rolle. Hinter dem Einsatz eines
deutsch-französischen Bataillons, das mit spanischen Einheiten
zusammenwirken soll, verbirgt sich mehr als Symbolik. Bereits im April
des letzten Jahres wurde die Übernahme des KFOR-Kommandos im Kosovo
durch das Eurokorps durchgedrückt, obwohl das innerhalb der NATO
umstritten war. Das Eurokorps versteht sich ausdrücklich als Kern der
künftigen EU-Eingreiftruppe. Und die EU hat deutlich gemacht, dass sie
den Balkan als ihren „Hinterhof“ betrachtet, den sie nach
Interessen zu ordnen wünscht, auch mit einem dritten Protektorat auf dem

Die UCK-Separatisten hätten mit dem NATO-Einsatz ein weiteres wichtiges
Ziel erreicht. Zuerst wurden sie von EU-Vertretern praktisch von
Terroristen zur gleichberechigten Konfliktpartei befördert. Dann wurde
die mazedonische Regierung unter die Vormundschaft des außenpolitischen
Repräsentanten der EU, Javier Solana, gestellt. Mit einem Einmarsch der
NATO rückt die Errichtung eines Protektorates in greifbare Nähe. Hinter
der Diskussion um eine „Föderalisierung“ Mazedoniens
schimmert schon die
ethnische Teilung des Landes durch. Die Großalbanien-Pläne der UCK
nehmen so Stück für Stück Gestalt an. Schließlich war es der deutsche
Außenminister Fischer, der am 21. März erklärte: „Die albanische
ist offen.“ Und in seiner Regierungserklärung vom 6. Juli
verurteilte er
zwar den „großserbischen Nationalismus“, ließ es aber in
Mazedonien beim nebulösen Hinweis auf einen „anderen extremen
Nationalismus“. Verantwortlich für die Lage in Mazedonien sind
Fischer immer noch Slobodan Milosevic und „die Hardliner auf
Seiten“. Die UCK kommt in dieser Erklärung mit keinem Wort vor!

Die Ereignisse von Aracinovo Ende Juni haben deutlich gemacht, wie sehr
die UCK sich der Hilfe der imperialistischen Zentralen bedienen kann.
Unter dem Druck von NATO und EU musste die mazedonische Regierung 400
UCK-Kämpfer aus diesem Vorort der Hauptstadt Skopje abziehen lassen. Von
US-Soldaten eskortiert erhielten sie anschließend sogar ihre Waffen
zurück. Und: Unter den Terroristen befanden sich auch 17 amerikanische
Militärausbilder, alle offenbar ehemalige Offiziere der US-Army.

Die NATO hat in den vergangenen Tagen gezeigt, dass sie den festen
Willen hat, ihre Selbstmandatierungs-Linie durchzuziehen. Als Grundlage
für die Mazedonien-Intervention soll eine „Einladung“ des
Präsidenten Trajkowski genügen, der schon längst nicht mehr Herr im
eigenen Hause ist.

So ganz nebenbei darf sich der deutsche Kriegsminister auch über neue
Finanzquellen freuen. Die Bundesregierung hat nämlich zugesichert, dass
„der Bundeswehr ... für den Fall ihrer Beteiligung die nötigen
materiellen Voraussetzungen zur Verfügung stehen“ werden. Auch die
bisherigen Balkaneinsätze wurden aus anderen Haushaltstiteln als dem
„Verteidigungs“haushalt bezuschusst, wobei Scharping es
verstand, einen
Teil der Mittel in die Umrüstung der Bundeswehr zur Interventionsarmee

Vorabdruck aus der UZ (, Nummer 28, 13.07.2001

Der Artikel ist auch zu finden unter: ///

3. Stand von Kampagne und Appell "Kriege verhindern - Einsatzkräfte

Für den Appell "Kriege verhindern - Einsatzkräfte auflösen" wird weiter
kräftig gesammelt.

3.1. Online unterschreiben

Seit einiger Zeit ist es auch möglich den Appell online zu
unterschreiben unter:
Diese Möglichkeit wird schon eifrig genutzt.

3.2. Online sich austauschen

Die Friedensinitiative Bad Tölz - Wolfratshausen
( hat ein Forum eingerichtet zur Kampagne
"Kriege verhindern - EInsatzkräfte auflösen" unter

3.3. Kleiner Friedensratschlag

Neuen Schwung hat der Appell durch den "Kleinen Friedensratschlag" am
17. Juni 2001 in Frankfurt im Anschluß an den Kirchentag bekommen.

Peter Strutynski faßte den Ablauf wie folgt zusammen

Experiment gelungen - "kleiner friedensratschlag" in Frankfurt a.M.

Die Aktionskonferenz der Friedensbewegung am 17. Juni 2001 war mit
großer Spannung erwartet worden. Es war immerhin eine zweifache Premiere
für den Bundesausschuss Friedensratschlag: Erstmals sollte ein
"Ratschlag" im Sommer, zwischen den normalen Kasseler "Ratschlägen"
stattfinden, und dann auch noch in Frankfurt a.M., und nicht wie gewohnt
in Kassel. Da man den jährlichen Friedensratschlag in Kassel (der
nächste findet am 1./2. Dezember statt) weder vom Umfang noch von der
Teilnehmerzahl doppeln kann, wurde die Konferenz schon im Vorfeld
vorsichtshalber als "kleiner ratschlag" gehandelt. Umso erfreulicher,
dass dennoch fast 70 Menschen aus ca. 30 Städten/Regionen bzw. von
ebenso vielen Friedensgruppen/Organisationen in die Kirchentagsstadt
kamen, um über den Fortgang der Friedenskampagne "Kriege beenden -
'Einsatzkräfte' auflösen" zu diskutieren.

Die Teilnehmer/innen kamen voll auf ihre Kosten. Die beiden
hochinteressanten Referate von Ulrich Albrecht, der die Militarisierung
der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der Bundesrepublik in einen
weltpolitischen Kontext stellte und der herrschenden Sicherheitslogik
zivile, nicht-militärische Alternativen einer Politik der
"Gewaltprävention" entgegen stellte, und von Tobias Pflüger, der zeigte,
wie die Bundeswehr bis in die einzelnen Waffengattungen hinein zu einer
Interventionsarmee mit Angriffsfähigkeiten umgewandelt werden soll, und
zwar nicht nur im Rahmen von NATO und EU, sondern auch als
Interventionstreitkraft, die gegebenenfalls auch eigenständige
"nationale" Interessen vertreten können soll, machten Appetit auf mehr.
Beide Referenten können schon jetzt mit einer Einladung zum nächsten
Ratschlag in Kassel rechnen.

Die Diskussion um die Kampagne gegen die "Einsatzkräfte" war von einer
sehr großen Einigkeit in der politischen Stoßrichtung geprägt. Aus der
bei der bisherigen Unterschriftensammlung gemachten Erfahrung, dass der
Begriff "Einsatzkräfte" stark erläuterungsbedürftig sei, wurde die
Schlussfolgerung gezogen, dem "Appell" künftig einen (er)klärenden
Hinweis voranzustellen: "Gegen die Umwandlung der Bundeswehr in eine
Angriffsarmee. Unterschreiben Sie den Appell usw." Auch die Kampagne
selbst gewinnt Konturen, wie der Presseerklärung der Veranstalter zum
Abschluss des "kleinen Ratschlags" zu entnehmen ist. Worauf es jetzt
ankommt, ist die Aktivität der vielen Gruppen und Basisinitiativen im
ganzen Land. Denn nur sie können dem Appell Nachdruck und der Kampagne
den nötigen Schwung verleihen.

3.4. Das weitere Vorgehen

Das weitere Vorgehen wurde in Frankfurt ebenfalls debattiert.

Ergebnisse sind u.a.:

Die Kampagne soll jetzt mit mehreren Zwischenstationen weiter
fortgeführt werden:
- 01.09.2001 (Antikriegstag) Aktionen und Übergabe erster Unterschriften
an die Regierung
- 24.03.2001 (3. Jahrestag des Jugoslawienkrieges) Aktionen
- 30./31.03./01.04.2001 (Ostern) Ostermärsche wieder unter dem Motto
"Kriege verhindern - Einsatzkräfte auflösen"
- 23.05.2001 (Verfassungstag) Aktionen (wg. Verfassungsbruchs und
Übergabe "zweiter" Unterschriften an die Regierung
- Danach Einbringen in den Bundestagswahlkampf
vgl. hierzu auch die Presseerklärung von Peter Strutynski und Bernd Guß
zum kleinen Friedensratschlag in Kassel unter

Wir werden von IMI aus ab Herbst Info- und Hintergrund-Material zum
Thema zur Verfügung stellen, mit dem dann bei den Friedensgruppen
gearbeitet werden kann.

Angedacht sind darüberhinaus von einer Reihe von Gruppen und
Einzelpersonen konkrete Aktionen an den Standorten der
Bundeswehr-Einsatzkräfte... ///

4. Offener Brief an MdBs von IMI-Beirat Achim Schmitz in seiner Funktion
als DFG-VK Landesgeschäftsführer BaWü

An Bundestagsabgeordnete aller Fraktionen

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

die Vorgänge in Mazedonien in letzter Zeit sind besorgniserregend. Es
ist sicher wichtig, Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um einen drohenden
Bürgerkrieg zu verhindern und um eine friedliche Lösung des Konflikts zu
suchen. Allerdings ist die NATO kein geeigneter Konfliktschlichter. Sie
ist nicht vertrauenswürdig, da sie die UCK unterstützte anstatt sie
wirksam zu entwaffnen und trotz KFOR-Präsenz deren grenzüberschreitende
Aktionen nach Serbien und Mazedonien nicht verhinderte. Sie ist auch
deshalb nicht vertrauenswürdig, da sie Jugoslawien mit dem Krieg enorm
belastete und das Land niemals angemessen entschädigte. Die schlimme
Situation in Mazedonien ist damit eng verbunden.

Vor kurzem wurde bekannt, dass sich unter den aus Aracinovo abziehenden
UCK-Rebellen 17 frühere US-Offiziere als Instrukteure befanden und die
Ausrüstung zu einem großen Teil aus amerikanischen Beständen stammen.
Sollen diejenigen, die zu einer Eskalation beigetragen haben, nun als
Friedensstifter wirken? Das ist doch nicht glaubwürdig.

Sind die UN und die OSZE für die Bearbeitung dieses Konflikts da nicht
besser geeignet? Das hätte zumindest den Vorteil, daß auch Russland in
die Verantwortung für eine friedliche Lösung dieses Konflikts
eingebunden werden kann.

Wir befürchten, dass der Konflikt gewaltsam eskaliert und dass aus dem
Einsammeln von Waffen ein Kampf mit Waffen wird, der zu einem weiteren
NATO-Protektorat auf dem Balkan mit unabsehbaren Folgen und Kosten
führen kann.

Ich fordere Sie auf, im Bundestag gegen eine deutsche militärische
Beteiligung in Mazedonien zu stimmen und sich für eine friedliche Lösung
des Konflikts unter Einbeziehung besser geeigneter Vermittler als der
NATO einzusetzen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Achim Schmitz, Landesgeschäftsführer der DFG-VK Baden-Württemberg

Der Brief findet sich auch hier: ///

5. Verweise auf eine ganze Reihe neuer Materialien, Bücher und Artikel
mit IMI-Beteiligung

5.1. Neues IPPNW-Forum zum Thema "Abrüsten statt Umrüsten"

Das neue IPPNW-Forum ist erschienen und hat neben dem Bericht vom sehr
eindrucksvollen IPPNW-Kongress "Medizin und Gewissen" in Erlangen den
Schwerpunkt "Abrüsten statt Umrüsten".

Hier das im Internet verfügbare Inhaltsverzeichnis des Schwerpunktes:

- Der gefährliche und kostspielige Irrweg einer EU-Militarisierung (von
Andreas Zumach)
- Die Bundeswehr auf dem Weg in den nächsten Krieg - Tobias Pflüger zu
Scharpings Plänen
- Weltraum frei
- Interview mit Bruce Gagnon
- Aufrüstung für militärische Interventionen - Eric Chauvistré über NMD
- "US-Interests first"
- Interview mit Prof. Stavros Mentzos zur Kriegsprophylaxe
- Wer Frieden will, muss ihn auch vorbereiten
- Erster Direktflug von Frankfurt nach Bagdad
- Diskussion um Jugoslawienkrieg
- Interview mit Uri Avnery
- Bio-Krieger im Labor

Das Heft ist bestellbar bei der IPPNW: Körtestrasse 10, 10967 Berlin /
Telefon: 030/693 02 44 / Fax: 030/693 81 66 / E-Mail: IPPNW@... /
Internet: ///

5.2. Neues Buch: Der Jugoslawienkrieg - Eine Zwischenbilanz

Ein neues Buch ist erschienen: Johannes M. Becker/Gertrud Brücher (Hg.):
Zwischenbilanz des Jugoslawienkrieges - Analysen über eine Republik im
raschen Wandel, LIT-Verlag, Schriftenreihe zur Konfliktforschung, Bd.23.
2001. II, 209 S. ISBN: 3-8258-5520-1, 49.80 DM,

Mit Beiträgen von Johannes M. Becker, Peter Becker, Gertrud Brücher,
Jürgen Elsässer, Hermann L. Gremliza, Dieter S. Lutz, Tobias Pflüger,
Werner Ruf, Hajo Schmidt, Gert Sommer und Erich Schmidt-Eenboom.

Johannes M. Becker schreibt dazu: "Wie trefflich gewählt der Titel von
der "Zwischenbilanz" (leider) war, entnehmen wir täglich den Nachrichten
(wobei: was uns dort aktuell wieder als Information geboten wird,
erinnert uns in Vielem an die Rambouillet-Vorgeschichte des vorläufig
letzten Krieges). Unser Buch, von Expertinnen und Experten verschiedener
politischer Lager verfaßt, bietet eine breite Palette an Themen um die
Balkan-Problematik und die Rolle der Bundesrepubilk, des "Neuen"

Ein Blick auf die Gliederung:

Vorwort der Herausgeber/innen Johannes M. Becker und Gertrud Brücher
1. Die Bundeswehr in der Entwicklung ihrer Legitimation - Johannes M.
2. Die Modernisierung der neuen Bundeswehr im Kontext des
Jugoslawienkrieges - Tobias Pflüger
3. Zur Produktion und Auflösung von Widersprüchen im
Menschenrechts-Interventionismus - Gertrud Brücher
4. Menschenrechtsverletzungen als Legitimation des
Jugoslawien-Kosovo-Krieges? - Gert Sommer
5. Der Krieg gegen Jugoslawien - Traurige Ergebnisse. Mißachtung der
Geschichte. Zerstörung des Völkerrechts - Peter Becker
6. Zur Rechtsethik des Jugoslawienkrieges - Hajo Schmidt
7. UNO, NATO und die neue WeltUNordnung - Werner Ruf
8. Die Greuel - Jürgen Elsässer
9. Aufstand der Stämme - Jürgen Elsässer
10. Mein Kriegstagebuch - Hermann L. Gremliza
11. Die UCK zwischen BND und CIA. Zur Rolle der Geheimdienste - Erich
12. Völkermord, Moral und die Unabwendbarkeit von Kriegen am Beispiel
Kosovo - Dieter S. Lutz
13. Zu den Autor/inn/en

Das Buch ist über den Buchhandel erhältlich. ///

5.3. Dokumentation des 9. Dresdner Friedenssymposium am 10. Febr.
2001 ist erschienen!

Chancen und Hindernisse auf dem Weg zu einem friedlichen Europa
9. Dresdner Friedenssymposium am 10. Febr. 2001
[Beiträge von Hans-Jochen Vogel (Chemnitz), Tobias Pflüger (Tübingen),
Lorenz Knorr (Frankf./M.) u.a.]
DSS-Arbeitspapiere Heft 58 - 2001, 60 S.; 4,00 DM

Bestellbar bei: Dr. Joachim Klopfer, Holbeinstraße 54, 01307 Dresden,
Tel. 49/0-351-8030122, Fax: 49/0-351-8036401;
mailto:webmaster@... ///

5.4. Broschüre: Gelöbnix - Militärische Rituale, militarisierte
Außenpolitik und der 20. Juli

Die Bundeswehr will daraus eine Tradition machen: es gibt wieder ein
Gelöbnis am 20. Juli im Bendlerblock in Berlin. Natürlich gibt es
Gegenaktionen (vgl. u.a. und eine Broschüre des
Büros für antimilitaristische Maßnahmen (BamM) und des DFG-VK
Bildungswerkes Berlin mit Beiträgen von IMI-Beirat Paul Schäfer, von
Ulrike Gramann, von Markus Euskirchen und insbesondere von Frank
Brendle. Die Broschüre ist bestellbar bei: BamM, Görlitzer Strasse 63,
10997 Berlin, Fax: 030-61074410 ///

5.5. Wissenschaft und Frieden 03/2001: Ökonomie der Bürgerkriege

Neben dem erschreckend aktuellen Gastkommentar von Jan Oberg zu
Mazedonien sind einige sehr interessanten Artikeln im Schwerpunkt
"Ökonomie der Bürgerkriege" im neuen Heft von W & F. Näheres dazu nur in
der Papierausgabe (Bestelladresse s.u.)

In der Rubrik Militärkritik sind folgende drei sehr empfehlenswerte
Beiträge erschienen:

- von Regina Hagen und Jürgen Scheffran: Weltraum - ein Instrument
europäischer Macht?
(am 10.07. auch in der Frankfurter Rundschau und als PDF-File auf der
IMI-Download-Seite unter
- von IMI-Beirat Dirk Eckert: Bushs Neudefi<br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)