
--- In Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli., Rick Rozoff wrote:

From: "Petar Makara"

Who said "Never again"? We live in a world where a
Nazi officer got to be no less then Secretary General
of the United Nations! During WWII, Kurt Waldheim was
in Bosnia where he supervised extermination of Serbs,
Jews and Gypsies.
On our web site we will not
stop fighting for the truth and against the world's
Nazis. Please, read the attached note of how our web
site was destroyed recently. Despite the odds we
managed to revive the site.
(British) The Independent

Ex-Nazi Waldheim gives foreign relations prize

By Robert Fisk in Beirut
31 May 2002

A former Wehrmacht lieutenant, a certain Kurt
Waldheim, has arrived in Lebanon.

Those who enjoy the "where-are-they-now?" school of
journalism may be interested to know that the
ex-intelligence officer of the Nazi army's Kampfgruppe
Westbosnien - for the former UN secretary general and
Austrian president spent part of the Second World War
in Bosnia
- has endowed an annual academic prize in his own
name, for a student or researcher at the Lebanese
University who wins a contest in international

Mr Waldheim managed, in his own thesis (University
of Vienna) to recall only his military service in
Russia and omitted his role in the Wehrmacht's Army
Group E, whose commander, General Löhr, was executed
for war crimes.

Some horrific crimes took place in Yugoslavia,
where Bosnia became part of the pro-Nazi Croatian
Ustashi's territory. Although he denied knowledge of
atrocities against Serbs and Jews in Yugoslavia, one
of his intelligence offices was metres away from an
execution ground and a few miles from an extermination

In Berlin archives, an Austrian researcher found
the account of an interrogation of a British commando
captured in the Balkans. It was signed "W" in Mr
Waldheim's own hand. He always denied he interrogated
the man, who was later killed by the Gestapo.

The first "Waldheim Award" will be granted at the
Lebanese University's school of dentistry today. In
international relations, of course.

© 2001 Independent Digital (UK) Ltd
The original link to the above story can be found at:

NOTE: Serbian web site is
up and running. The web site was down for more than a
In a few words here is what happened:
Our Canadian provider have issued a 24
HOUR ULTIMATUM on April 4, 2002 that we should remove

The note said:
At this time we feel it necessary for you to
remove the contents within a 24 hour period. If you
choose not to remove the information we will have no
choice but to close down your account with us.
Without waiting for our answer, 24 hours later the
provider sent another note: Your account has been
TERMINATED. All your web contents and its related
services have been REMOVED from our servers. Thank you
for your business.
Just like that - the contract was breached. Our web
site - vanished! The site was the result of hard work
of half a dozen Serbian intellectuals over a five
years period. This happened despite the fact that we
paid our dues regularly.
Is this what is meant by Western Democracy? Right of
Our web site, is one of
the rare places where one can still read excerpts from
Western books printed BEFORE 1991 (i.e. before the
Western media organized hysteria against the Serbian
people and Eastern Orthodoxy in general). The page is
In exactly ORWELLIAN FASHION - all the books that used
to tell the truth about Balkans and the Serbian people
- are vanishing from Western libraries. Other than our
web site where would you be able to read about the
Ustashi - the Croat Nazi's? (
For the last 600 years the Serbs had to defend their
families, property and their way of life from foreign
invaders. Now, we are facing one of the most vicious
enemy of all - the one that does atrocities, ethnic
cleansing... all under the banners of "democracy" and
"human rights." To that extent the original Nazis were
more honest in telling what their goals were.
It is evident from the story about Kurt Waldheim (who
supervised extermination of Serbs, Jews and Gypsies in
the Balkans) Nazism was never eradicated. It only got
new home.
We will not stop now. At stake is not just future of
the Balkan peoples. At stake is the future of all our
children. Of freedom.
The future of this planet.

Petar Makara


Su invito del Mufti di Pristina, Hodja Redzep Boja,
gli albanesi del Kosovo-Metohija si apprestano ad
erigere una grande statua raffigurante Tony Blair,
ritenuto artefice della loro vittoria contro lo Stato
jugoslavo e della prossima formale secessione della
provincia. La statua di Blair sara' alta almeno 25 metri
e sara' collocata a Pristina, dove una strada e' gia'
stata intitolata a Tony Blair, e dove nemmeno il recente
monumento a Skanderbeg e' tanto imponente. La notizia,
dopo essere rimbalzata sui media jugoslavi, e' stata
riportata anche dal Sunday Times di Londra.

Dal giugno 1999, quando le truppe KFOR hanno occupato il
territorio, numerosi monumenti e testimonianze della
Guerra Popolare di Liberazione, come le targhe commemorative
dei partigiani serbi ed albanesi, sono stati distrutti dai
nazionalisti vicini all'UCK sotto gli occhi "vigili" delle
truppe occidentali.


+++ Albaner errichten ein Denkmal für Tony Blair +++

PRISITINA, 03. Juni 2002. Die ethnischen Albaner in
Kosovo und Metochien wollen ein Denkmal zu Ehren des
britischen Premierminister Tony Blair errichten,
berichtet die Londoner "Sunday Times". Der Initiator
der dieser Aktion ist der extrem eingestellte Hodja
Redzep Boja, der Mufti von Pristina. Die Statue soll 25
Meter hoch sein und damit höher als das vor kurzem
erhobene Denkmal, zu Ehren des albanischen Volkshelden
Skenderbeg aus den Türkenkriegen sein. In Pristina gibt
es bereits eine Straße die nach Tony Blaire benannt




Datum:30. maj 2002.

Dr MILAN TEPAVAC: "Problem izbeglica u SR
Jugoslaviji i nestalih lica sa Kosova i Metohije"

Izlaganje na okruglom stolu Beogradskog foruma odr?anog
24.maja 2002. u Etnografskom muzeju u Beogradu.

Ja bih se u svojoj diskusiji ukratko osvrnuo na tva-tri
pitanja koja su ovde danas spomenuta, a koja bih ?eleo
elaborirati jer ih smatram jako va?nim.
Pitanje broja Srba u Hrvatskoj pocetkom 1991. godine, dakle
na pocetku njihovog stradanja, a zatim izgona.
Mislim da moramo biti sasvim precizni kada je o tome rec,
jer je rec o ciframa a ne o misljenju, stavovima. Sa pravom
brojkom se manipulise iz raznoraznih razloga, najcesce
prljavih politickih, ali i iz neznanja. Oni koji barataju s
tim ciframa cesto se ne potrude da pogledaju u zvanicne,
nicim osporene podatke. Zato smatram da kao apsolutno tacne
treba da uzmemo podatke iz popisa stanovnistva u SFRJ, i to
onog iz 1981. godine, dakle ne onog iz 1991. Tada, 1991,
takode je bio, kao sto znamo, popis, ali on je odr?an u vec
poremecenim odnosima i podaci se ni u kom slucaju ne mogu
uzeti za verodostojne. Ne zaboravime da su Srbi jos u
decembru prethodne godine, dakle 1990, izbaceni iz Ustava SR
Hrvatske kao narod i slicno. Bilo bi dakle naivno verovati
da su podaci tadasnjeg popisa pozdani. Dakle, prema popisu
stanovnistva u SFRJ 1981. broj Srba u Hrvatskoj je iznosio
531502. Kao "Jugosloveni" se izjasnilo 379.057 lica. Dobro
je poznato da su se kao "Jugosloveni" uglavnom izjasnjavali
Srbi. Necemo dakle pogresiti ako ove dve cifre jednostavno
zbrojimo. Dobije se broj 910.559. Kada postavimo pitanje
koliko je Srba bilo u Hrvatskoj pocetkom 1991. godine - kada
je pocela njihova tragedija - normalno je pretpostaviti da
je taj broj bio nesto veci od broja iz 1981. godine.
Dakle, dolazimo do brojke od oko jedan milion. Treba takode
podsetiti da se jedan znacajan broj Srba pri popisima
izjasnjavao kao "Ne izjasnjava se" (kao sto sam ja licno
cinio, smatrajuci da u jednoj visenacionalnoj zajednici ne
treba akcentirati nacionalnu pripadnopst). Dakle, ako se
hoce biti objektivan i posten pri svakom raspravljanju o
pitanju Srba u Hrvatskoj treba polaziti od tog broja i
navedenih okolnosti.
Jucerasnji zagrebacki "Jutarnji list" pise o popisu
stanovnistva u Hrvatskoj nedavno obavljenom, i navodi da je,
prema tom popisu, sada u Hrvatskoj oko 180.000, sto je, vele
ove novine, 4,05% stanovnistva Hrvatske. Danasnja beogradska
"Politika" pise da srpske organizacije u Hrvatskoj
kategoricno odbacuju ove navode JL, navodeci da je broj Srba
u Hrvatskoj veci. No, bez obzira na to da li je taj podatak
tacan ili ne, vise je nego jasno da je od 1991. do danas
doslo do izgona gotovo celokupnog srpskog stanovnista iz
Hrvatske, dakle do etnickog ciscenja jednog naroda bez
presedana u periodu od Drugog svetskog rata. I to upravo
naroda nad kojim su nacifasisti u toku Drugog svetskog rata
pocinili genocid u tzv. NDH po opsegu i monstruoznosti bez
presedana u istoriji.
Hrvati umanjuju i dalje ce umanjivati stvarni broj Srba iz
cisto politickih razloga. Prema postojecem zakonodavstvu u
toj novokomponovanoj dr?avi obim mnogih prava "nasionalnih
manjina" ovisi o njihovom broju. Otud ?elja za sto manjim
brojem, pored iracionalne mr?nje prema manjinama u
Hrvatskoj, posebno prema srpskoj. Ja ovom priliko ?elim da
budem kategorican u jednoj stvari: zameram svima onima koji
su olako presli preko izmena izvrsenih u Ustavu SR Hrvatske
u decembru 1990. godine kada je iz Ustava izbrisana odredba
o konstitutivnosti, ravnopravnosti srpskog naroda sa
hrvatskim narodom. To se odnosi i na prethodnu vlast u
Jugoslaviji i na sadasnju, i na svakoga onoga ko je
prihvatio taj antidemokratski i anticivilizacijski potez
tadasnjih hrvatskih vlastodr?aca. Svakome ko ?eli da zna
dobro je poznato da je konstitutivnost srpskog naroda u
Hrvatskoj i njegova ravnopravnost u istoriji stalno
potvrdivana jos od pre Marije Terezije, preko stavova
Hrvatskog sabora u 19. veku do odluka ZAVNOH-a i svih ustava
i Hrvatske i Jugoslavije od 1945. godine do tog kobnog dana
u decembru 1990. godine. To se nikada nije smelo prihvatiti
ni prakticno ni teoretski. Mi danas imamo situaciju da cak
okupatorska vlast u Bosni i Hercegovini - olicena u
gaulajteru Volfgangu Petricu - priznaje konstitutivnost
svatri narodsa u BiH. Pa kako se onda mo?e prihvatiti teza
da je konstitutivnost srpskog naroda u Hrvatskoj - bez
obzira na smanjenu brojnost - nestala voljom novoustaske
vlasti u Hrvatskoj i njihovih inostranih pokrovitelja? Ja
bih zato predlo?io i zamolio da ovo na odgovarajuci nacin
ude u zavrsni dokument, deklaraciju, ovoga skupa.
U naju?oj vezi sa prethodno recenim je naravno pitanje
povratka izbeglih Srba svojim kucama u Hrvatsku. Ja cu
spomenuti samo jedan aspekt ovog pitanja: pitanje vracanja
stanarskog prava izbeglim Srbima. - Kao sto je dobro
poznato, kada je krajem 1990. i pocetkom 1991. doslo do
povampirenja ustastva u Hrvatskoj, mnogu Srbi iz urbanih
sredina Hrvatske - pamteci i noseci u krvi ono sta se Srbima
dogodilo 1941- 45 godine u NDH - pobegli su iz svojih
stanova u Srbiju ili drugde. Racuna se da je takvih oko
50.000. Ako se uzme prosecnost porodica od samo tri clana -
radi se dakle o oko 150.000 lica, 150.000 tragedija, 150.000
beskucnika koji se, evo vec preko deset godina, zlopate, jer
jos uvek im ti njihovi stanovi nisu vraceni i time, naravno,
sprecen i njihov povratak sto je , ocigledno, i osnovni cilj
hrvatskih vlasti. Kao sto je poznato, u Bosni i Hercegovini
ovo je pitanje reseno. Hrvati ponesto obecavaju ali nista ne
cine u praksi. - Organizacija za evropsku bezbednost i
saradnju (OEBS), koja ima svoje diplomatske misije i u
Beogradu i u Zagrebu, zna da se u javnosti hvali da se ona,
bo?e moj, svojski anga?ovala da se ovo pitanje resi kao
osnovno pitanje ljudskih prava i kao civilizacijsko pitanje
Evrope koja pretenduje da bude nosilac najnaprednijih ideja
kako u oblasti ljudskih prava tako i buducnosti Evrope. Ona
do sada nije nista ucinila, sem obecanja da ce uciniti. A to
je itekako njena ne samo moralna nego i pravna i politicka
du?nost! Zasto to veli? Pa, evo zasto: ova nesretna
organizacija je najzaslu?nija sto su jugoslovenske
secesionisticke republike, pre svih upravo Hrvatska, postale
"nezavisne" dr?ave. Protivno svom osnovnom konstitutivnom i
programskom dokumentu, Finalnom aktu KEBS iz Helsinkija od
1. avgusta 1975. godine, ona je, umesto da pomogne da ne
dode do krvavog komadanja svog suosnivaca i svoje clanice
SFR Jugoslavije - sto je bila du?na po spomenuttom njenom
osnovnom dokumentu da ucini - ucinila sve da raskomada
Jugoslaviju i da sto pre prizna secesionisticke entitete za
dr?ave i da ih br?e-bolje ukljuci u svoje clanstvo!! Otuda,
eto, njena obaveza da bar nesto ljudski moralno ucini: da
prisili Hrvatsku da se bar malo ponasa u skladu sa osnovnim
aktima te po Jugoslaviju i po srpski narod kobne
organizacije. (Ne zaboravimo da je ona mogla, da je htela, -
a bila je i du?na da to ucini!! - da spreci agresiju NATO
pakta na Jugoslaviju i zato sto je na Kosmetu imala svoju
Verifikacionu komisiju. Pokazalo se, kasnije, da su clanovi
te komisije ustvari bili spijuni NATO koji su pripremili
teren za agresiju!!). Posto je Jugoslavija clan te i takve
organizacije, trebalo bi, bar, ciniti sve da ona prinudi
Hrvatsku na civilizacijsko ponasanje kao sto rekoh...Takode
molim da i ovo pitanje nade svoje mesto u deklaraciji sa
ovoga skupa.
Treca stvar na koju bih se osvrnuo bila bi istupanje naseg
prijatelja i patnika Sime Spasica koji je upravo govorio o
sudbini kidnapovanih Srba i drugih nealbanaca na Kosmetu. On
cesto nastupa javno, i uvek naravno emotivno govori, jer
nemoguce je o ovoj temi drukcije govoriti. On i njegovi
drugovi iz Udru?enja po pitanju kidnapovanih naprosto
sagorevaju i kopne na tom pitanju, a ne mogu nista da ucine.
Ja ?elim ovom prilikom da budem kategorican: to pitanje -
pitanje sudbine kidnapovanih preko 1300 - mora postati
pitanje broj jedan ove dr?ave, dr?ave Srbije i dr?ave
Jugoslavije! Ne Sime Spasica i njegovih drugova jer oni po
tom najtu?nijem i najsramnijem pitanju nase stvarnosti ne
mogu bez dr?ave nista da postignu. Ni od takozvane
medunarodne zajednice po ovom pitanju ne mo?emo mnogo
ocekivati. Danas, ovde, dosta smo toga culi kako se ona
odnosi prema srpskim izbeglicama i srpskom stradanju u
celini, ukljucujuci i one naj (ne)odgoivornije medu njima
kao sto su UNHCR, Sagato Ogata, Meri Robinson i slicni.

URL for this article:

[Posted 2 June 2002]

Note from Jared Israel: On May 24th I
spoke via three way telephone with
BORISLAV MILOSEVIC, Yugoslav Ambassador to
Russia from 1998-2000 and before
that Ambassador to Algeria.

We discussed the significance of
widespread Russian support for Slobodan
Milosevic; the New World Empire's efforts
to destroy international judicial
standards and political discourse; and the
highly deceptive character of
Sept. 11 and the War on Terror.

Ambassador Milosevic mainly spoke
Serbo-Croatian, which was kindly translated
by Vladimir Krsljanin, International
Secretary of the Socialist Party of
Serbia. A few times Ambassador Milosevic
spoke English, as indicated in the text.


[To make following the conversation
easier, we have preceeded comments with
the name of the speaker.]

Mr. Ambassador it's a great honor to speak
with you.
For our readers, let me say that your
brother, Slobodan Milosevic, has just
won the Sholokhov prize, named for Mikhail
Sholokhov, author of the great
Russian novel, 'And Quiet Flows the Don.'
Could you say a bit more about the prize?

Yes. It is perhaps the most distinguished
Russian award, given to artists and
political leaders of outstanding
achievement. Today at the award ceremony I
accepted the prize for Slobodan Milosevic
because, as the writer Yuri
Bondarev said in bestowing this honor,
Slobodan is being held in the dungeon
of The Hague.

Dungeon is the word, isn't it? They don't
even let him meet with Chris Black,
the head of his lawyers' committee. And
his living conditions are outrageous
- terrible food, no exercise, no right to
see his own doctors - or any heart
specialist - even though his heart
condition is a matter of record. And
forced to be in court all day and to
cross-examine witnesses virtually every
day, week after week, which is unheard-of.

I think this award will further strengthen
the fighting spirit of Slobodan
Milosevic and his courage as well.

Also it suggests that the Russians see
President Milosevic's resistance as
important to their own experience.

Yes. The greater part of Russian society
strongly supports Slobodan and
practically nobody approved his delivery
to The Hague, not even those
Rightist parties who were hostile to his
government. Both houses of the
Russian parliament voted overwhelmingly to
condemn his kidnapping. Even the
mainstream newspapers publish articles
critical of The Hague.
Russian people consider Slobodan Milosevic
a hero of resistance to
imperialist intervention, a patriot who
defends his country and his people.

This support from Russia is very
encouraging to me.
I interviewed your brother on March 23rd
2001, just before he was arrested.
During that interview he said that one of
the things US and West European
leaders hated about Yugoslavia was the way
you handled the question of
national and religious group relations.
There had been so much conflict in
the past. Some groups had been organized
by the Nazis and earlier by the
Ottoman Empire to attack Serbs, and Roma
and Jews as well of course - and yet
in Yugoslavia, and this is still true in
Serbia, you had schools in 24
different languages and court proceeding
in nine languages. When I was in
Serbia this past year I saw that there is
still an attitude of mutual
appreciation among different groups.
It seems to me that the strategy of the
New World Empire that has attacked
you is to stir up hatred. They use the
guidelines laid down by the Nazis,
finding points of weakness in ethnic or
religious groups that will allow the
Empire's mass media and operatives to play
on cultural traits that if left
alone wouldn't necessarily be a problem.
They stir up hatred in one culture
against another in a hideous way,
especially appealing to groups that were
once in a dominant position, empowering
their worst elements. The Empire does
this more effectively than the Nazis
because they have much more
sophisticated mass media. Perhaps the
worst thing is that the mass media
romanticizes racist violence by calling it
But, contrary to the media lies, (1) your
government never engaged in racism.
You always tried to promote fraternity.
This was clear in Slobodan
Milosevic's speech at Kosovo Field in 1989
(2) and before then too, despite
the extremely provocative situation.
Some people say Russia and Serbia are
linked, that Serbia is little Russia.
And so the fact that the Russian people,
after what they've been through, the
terrible trauma of the 1990s, the fact
that they can see as their beacon this
man who stands for social justice and
tolerance, this gives me hope. Because
there is another possible beacon - ethnic
hatred, anti-Semitism, which has
reared its head in Russia in the past, a
Black Hundreds solution.

You're completely right. There was no kind
of discrimination in Yugoslavia,
and while some former Yugoslav Republics
have become virtual mono-ethnic
states, Serbia hosts a million refugees of
all national and religious groups
and one third our population is not ethnic
Serbs. (3)
Serbia did not abolish the autonomy of
Kosovo in 1989 as some so-called
experts claim. Only certain extreme and
inappropriate elements of statehood
were removed from what was after all a
provincial government. This was done
to prevent the de facto creation of a
separate state in Kosovo.

Which is precisely what NATO and the UN
are supporting now - a separate

Kosovo Albanians were not deprived of any
human or cultural rights in 1989.
The same was true of people in [the
Serbian province of] Vojvodina. In fact,
Kosovo Albanians continued to have
cultural rights unequalled in the rest of
The accusations of loss of autonomy were
contrived. The secessionists
organized or forced ethnic Albanians to
boycott State institutions and set up
parallel institutions for purely political
reasons. (4)
Everyone knows that schools, universities,
the press, hospitals and TV were
maintained in Kosovo in the Albanian
language, even during this decade-long
boycott. The secessionists organized this
boycott to provide Western media
with provocative images and to create a
no-alternative situation for
Albanians. All political manipulation. (4a)
This is clear from the leaflet which
Slobodan Milosevic showed The Hague
'court' while he was cross-examining
[ethnic Albanian leader] Ibrahim Rugova.
The leaflet, which was signed by the KLA
and Rugova, ordered ethnic Albanians
to leave Kosovo during the bombing. Do you
see the game they played?
This demonstrates their dual purpose:
creating the false appearance that
Serbia was causing ethnic Albanians to
suffer, so that this could be
broadcast to the NATO countries, and
fostering a situation within Kosovo
where compromise was near impossible. This
was behind everything they did,
including the so-called Racak massacre and
the exodus of the ethnic Albanian
population during the NATO aggression.

[ Note: regarding the above, please see,
'The Racak Hoax' at
And 'Why Albanians Fled During NATO
Bombing,' at ]

And once they got the Albanians to leave,
they put them in refugee camps
under KLA control, with NATO's blessing.
Even the Western media had stories
reporting that these camps featured
non-stop hate-the-Serbs-and-'Gypsies'

Yet during the three months in this Hague
'court', we have seen one after
another witness testify they never even
heard of the Kosovo Liberation Army.

It would embarrass NATO. They claim they
are fighting terrorism, but these
people are all members - or leaders - of a
terrorist group.

Yes. It is a problem.
At the very beginning of the trial it
seemed as if Mr. May, whom they call
'judge,' was trying to create the
impression of impartiality. But now he
openly behaves as an extension of the
prosecutor. He prompts and assists
witnesses, allowing them every liberty
including making political speeches.
But he cuts off Slobodan Milosevic and
does not allow him to conduct
cross-examination fully or to express his
This is very alarming. It creates a
precedent for violating accepted legal
principles including the impartiality of
courts, the very basis of law. It
requires the strongest international
This on top of the fact that Slobodan
Milosevic is a head of state,
overthrown by foreign money and then
kidnapped by foreign agents. Who is next?

I think this so-called trial makes the
Reichstag Fire case look good. At
least Dimitrov was allowed to present his

Yes, this Hague 'court' behaves like
someone's instrument. Since its
foundation it has been a tool of
aggression against Yugoslavia.
In some of my statements here in Russia I
often say that the Yugoslav crisis
was created in order to reorganize the
whole of international relations in
accordance with American interests and
expansionism and it was done in a very
conscious way.

You know, also it was a step towards the
encirclement of Russia, wasn't it?
Because isn't it true that those who would
attack Russia need to consolidate
their hold in the Balkans first? And if
you look at what has happened, NATO
now surrounds Russia from Central Asia to
the Baltic. They have penetrated a
dozen countries. (5)

The aggression in Yugoslavia was an
attempt to impose new International rules
to justify NATO, a regional military
organization, usurping the sovereign
rights of countries outside its previously
claimed zone of responsibility. So
military and geopolitical expansion is
presented as humanitarian peace
making. Terrorist attacks are launched and
then intervention is threatened if
a country defends itself, and all this is
justified by a whole new
interpretation of international law so
that now even the United Nations is
employed to legitimize geopolitical expansion.
There were in the past many other examples
of violations of the UN charter:
Vietnam, Granada, and so on, and this
includes the sending of Russian troops
to Afghanistan. However, none of these
instances were sanctioned by the
Security Council.
In this sense, the Yugoslav case was
something new, an attempt to create an
international legal framework to justify
the destruction of a country by
terrorist forces. And what took place
after Sept. 11, that is NATO's
expansion into Central Asia, is a
So, in the Yugoslavia crisis we saw this
new quality - aggression condoned by
international law and international legal
structures. And after September 11
we see this process moving into a new
stage. This makes it clear that both
the aggression against Yugoslavia and the
expansion of NATO from a West
European organization into Eastern Europe
- these were of more than regional
importance. (5)

You know one of the interesting things
about September 11th is that here we
see an Empire which has organized most of
the terrorism in the world, mainly
starting with Afghanistan, but they claim
to be leading a crusade against terrorism.
The whole strategy of the US intervention
in Afghanistan, beginning in 1979,
was to promote terrorism. They and the
Saudis used the Wahhabi form of Islam,
pouring money into the madresses which
became schools training the terrorists
that subsequently plagued Chechnya,
Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Kashmir and I
think they are in the Middle East as well.
And this same terrorism which they have
created - and there is a lot of
indication that Mr. bin Laden is still
connected with the CIA (6) although
now that NATO is entrenched in Central
Asia they conveniently stopped talking
about him - this same terrorism which they
unleash in order to destabilize
areas is also used as an excuse to
intervene. So it is a tool of many
purposes. Very convenient and very
American, because it's very American to
have a tool that does two things at once.
A gadget. Terrorism is a political
gadget because on the one hand they can
use it to attack multiethnic society
as they did in Bosnia and then on the
other hand they can use it as the
excuse to invade, as they are now doing
with Central Asia.
But what shows their hypocrisy is - and
you may or may not know about this -
the United States is still shipping in
millions of militant Islamic
fundamentalist textbooks (6a) into
Afghanistan. Now why on earth would they
be doing this if they were sincerely
fighting against Islamic fundamentalism?
They just used this terrorist movement
which they themselves had created as
an excuse to move in.
Just one other point that occurred to me
when you were talking is that the
conduct and discourse of your government,
which was the last legitimate
government in Yugoslavia since what's
there now was created by the US,
Germany and Norway - the discourse of your
government respected political
ideas. (7)
This New World Empire attacks the very
possibility of political discourse by
shattering the link between words and what
they define - the Empire bombs
people and calls it humanitarian. They
manufacture events - we saw that with
Racak. And they simply rewrite history
(8), including manufacturing a
fictional version of your brother's famous
1989 speech. (1)
By doing these things they undermine the
possibility of rational discussion
because truth becomes whatever the
powers-that-be and their media portray as
true - it's a function of what's shown on
TV. And at the same time, they
reduce politics to threat and violence and
then they say, "Alas, that's
reality." But your brother takes ideas
One of the organizations orchestrating the
*anti-human* actions at The Hague
is called, amazingly, Human Rights Watch.
I was present the first few days of
President Milosevic's 'trial' at The Hague
and I got to observe Richard
Dicker, a top HRW bureaucrat, in
operation. Not only was he virtually the
only person representing the 'Tribunal' to
the press - I mean, he was Carla
del Ponte's spokesman! - but both the
press and 'Tribunal' officials clearly
deferred to him, and he was often closeted
with the prosecutors. I saw this
with my own eyes. I commented to one of
the senior reporters, "It looks like
Dickers is running the show," and the
reporter laughed and said, "Dickers
*is* the show."
We have several articles in preparation
about HRW. Their board of directors
is a Who's Who of the Imperial
establishment, including Warren Zimmermann,
the U.S. Ambassador who helped destroy
Yugoslavia including by sponsoring
Alijah Izetbegovic, the fundamentalist who
devastated Bosnia (9) and George
Soros who boasts that he helped his father
run an extortion racket for the
Nazis in Hungary during World War Two,
visiting Jewish families targeted for
death camps and demanding all their money
in exchange for safe passage. And
now he runs a privatized adjunct to the
CIA. And this is *Human Rights* Watch.
HRW demonizes anybody who stands up to
Imperial-organized terror. When NATO
sent the KLA to attack Macedonia, Human
Rights Watch condemned Macedonian
security troops for resisting.
When I interviewed President Milosevic I
asked why your government accepted
defeat during the coup of 2000 instead of
going to war against your
opponents. He said something like, "We
wanted to avoid being sucked into a
civil war, which would allow NATO to
intervene on the grounds that Serbs are
'hopelessly violent.' Moreover, it is easy
to kill people but it isn't easy
to bring them back."
Despite everything that has been done to
you, you resisted descending into a
nightmare pit. You have upheld political
discourse against this Imperial onslaught.
I read a thing the other day by Noam
Chomsky, whom a lot of people put on a
pedestal. In it Chomsky makes the sweeping
generalization that
counter-terrorism "is terrorism carried
out by the state." But that's a very
simple minded approach. Because, contrary
to what Chomsky says happened in
Yugoslavia, when you fought the terrorists
in Kosovo - who were themselves
sponsored by NATO countries - when you
fought them, the Yugoslav Army took
causalities rather than endangering
civilians. (10)
Now one cannot say that *taking*
causalities rather than hurting civilian
is the same as *not* taking casualties and
hurting the civilians. So all
counter-terror is not terror. There are
choices in the unfortunate situation
of fighting terrorism as in everything.
And of course saying,
"counter-terrorism is state terror" has
the effect of obscuring these choices
and may end up justifying terrorism -
because after all the terrorists are by
definition no worse than the people
fighting them.

*** THIS DISCUSSION IS CONTINUED IN PART 2 *** * Emperor's Clothes


And this current tendency to reduce human
existence to one equivalent evil,
where 'humanitarian' means 'bombing' and
resistance to terrorism is by
definition virtually the same as terror,
where it is considered natural for
ethnic groups to try to kill each other
and we are supposed to root for
whichever side the Imperial media has
portrayed as victims so that whatever
they do is justified as "revenge" against
whatever group has currently been
labeled "just like Hitler" - that, it
seems to me, is what your brother has
been fighting. That is why I'm supporting
him. Sorry for my long speech!

Yes yes! No, no it's very good speech!

[In Serbo-Croatian] The whole concept
that your government is trying to
impose on the world is very similar to
what they preached when there was a
bipolar world, creating a positive force
and its opponent, a negative force,
which today is called international
terrorism; and in that struggle
everything is allowed. And nobody may be
neutral in that fight.
So in the conditions of world supremacy
of one power, the tendency for having
new armaments of mass destruction, new
lethal arms is increasing and it leads
to development and strengthening of
terrorism. International terrorism cannot
be suppressed by the use of force alone,
especially, as you correctly pointed
out, when the supreme power is itself
organizing terrorism in various ways in
Kosovo, in Afghanistan, in Chechnya. So
international security can be created
only on the basis of universality, and
not on the basis of isolation and
destruction of several countries that
allegedly represent some axis of evil.
And you have correctly pointed out that
many organizations defined as
terrorist for instance and especially in
the Middle East, were created and
are still controlled by the American
secret services.
And the American policy has created great
harm in other ways. There is the
destruction of the environment and the
economy in Yugoslavia because of the
attack. And there is the increasing
danger of both nuclear accident and
nuclear war.

I think you made a very important point,
that the Empire wishes to create the
perception of a bipolar world, in which
they are one pole and the other is
This Empire's thinkers are aware that
every action has an equal and opposite
reaction. Because it's a law of politics,
isn't it? So opposition inevitably
develops. And because they are clever,
instead of only attacking the
opposition, the Empire tries to mold the
opposition. How can they lose if
they are fighting something they control?
Their own nightmare image, in effect.
By declaring this war on terrorism, they
are fighting forces which they
covertly control. Then they also defend
these terrorists, whom they actually
organized, by means of the 'human rights'
apparatus which they also control -
and this ends up luring some people into
sympathy and support for the
Such people may not be thinking clearly
or maybe they've just fallen into the
natural reaction that "the enemy of my
enemy is my friend" - it's a human
trait to think that way. So we see people
on what considers itself the Left
in the West making heroes out of the
Taliban and other terrorists. But these
terrorists are not fundamentally
opponents of this Empire. The Taliban,
for example, are victims of a guiding
principle of this Empire, which is, "We
have no friends, we only have future
victims." This Empire may attack those
whom it supported yesterday, as the need
arises. The Taliban were supported
by them (11) and then abruptly they
became a target because the US needed an
excuse, or more properly, the Empire
needed an excuse, because it is not the
same as the US, this Empire is above the
US government, the Empire needed an
excuse to move into Central Asia. This
was for geopolitical reasons. They
wanted to give Central Asian nations the
DOS (12) treatment, which is
penetration by Fifth Column
organizations, and we see this now going
on in Central Asia accompanied by military
penetration and the corruption of the
remnants of the Soviet officer corps
disguised as military aid and training.
The goal is to build a force in these
countries capable of striking Russia.
The Empire knows that Russia, in alliance
with China, is the primary real
threat to their control.
None of this is contradicted by Mr.
Putin's complete capitulation. As we saw
with Macedonia, capitulation does not
protect a country from attack by this
Empire. Indeed, the experience of the
Taliban shows that even being created
by this Empire won't help if they decide
to recycle you! (13)

So this move to complete the encirclement
of Russia is justified by the "war
against Terrorism." And so some people in
the peace movement, perhaps not
giving enough thought to what's going on,
but simply reacting to the
appearance, which is that the Empire is
attacking Islamic fundamentalist
terrorists - some people conclude that
the fundamentalists are an ally in
resisting NATO. Meanwhile, in fact, huge
numbers of Taliban are being
incorporated into the new Afghan army
(14) which is still a Fundamentalist
army, just more directly under Imperial
control and with an end to local
squabbling, or so they hope.
When Russia was the opposite pole, that
was a problem. Russia had positive
ideas and practices regarding social
equality. It was weak on democracy and
sometimes on international morality but
strong on social equality, and this
encouraged dangerous egalitarianism. But
with Islamic terrorists as the
opposite pole, when potential opponents
are drawn to the opposite pole, what
are they idolizing? The most backward and
fascistic forces - the very people
Saudi Arabia and US used to destroy the
secular state in Afghanistan.
So these jihad terrorists, the most
brutal killers, who condone violence
against women, whose definition of
democracy is enforcing the Quran, who
advocate religious war - these fanatics
become the heroes for kids who want
to change the world. What a nightmare.

It is a difficult situation.
Regarding this, let me say something
about the war on terror. We in
Yugoslavia consider September 11th a
tragic event.
Perhaps your readers are not aware of the
horrific destruction done to my
country [during the NATO attack on
Yugoslavia]. This was a war of terror. It
was launched to support terrorists in
Kosovo. And it was conducted by planes
dropping bombs, often encased in uranium,
from a great height, not by troops
on the ground. Terrible destruction,
massive killings, environmental
devastation. And all carried out from a
great height. Against a country which
hadn't invaded or threatened anyone. So
this too was terror. (15)
But we take no satisfaction regarding
Sept. 11. On the contrary, we
sympathize with those who have suffered
in the US.
It is understandable that people in your
country would have strong reactions
when those terrible events happened last
September. But now time has passed.
A more thoughtful approach may be taken.
A road of peace may be pursued. I
hope that people in your country will
think deeply about these questions. It
is very important to the world.

Thank you, Mr. Ambassador.

OK, Israel. It was very very big pleasure
for me and I am very pleased to
contact to you like this and thank you
very much. Very big pleasure for me.

Well, thank your mother and father for
having produced two men who have
contributed so much to the world.

Don't overestimate things.

But it's the truth. Where would we be
without Serbia? You resisted. What can
I say? The Serbs seem to do it every


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Further Reading:

by Professor Francisco Gil-White can be
read at

2) 'Milosevic Speech at Kosovo Field
(1989),' can be read at

a statement Slobodan Milosevic made
during a pre-'trial' hearing at The
Hague. It contradicts what one might
expect Milosevic to say, based on his
portrait as drawn in the Western media.
Can be read at

4) In the classic text, 'Seeing
Yugoslavia Through a Dark Glass: Politics,
Media and the Ideology of Globalization,'
Diana Johnstone quotes a
semi-internal publication of the very
anti-Milosevic International Crisis
Group which states that Albanian
secessionists in fact boycotted
Albanian-language institutions in Serbia
(as opposed to having been deprived
of such cultural institutions by supposed
racists, as they and the Western
media claimed.) In other words, they and
the Western 'experts' lied. The
relevant quote is at
Ms. Johnstone's article is generally
instructive in seeing through the dark
glass of misinformation about Yugoslavia.

4a) Speaking of 'provocative images,' in
'Art in the New World Order,'
written in spring of 2000, a news
photographer discusses the amazing fact
that from 1998 to 2000 virtually all the
top photojournalism awards were
given for pictures of crying Kosovo
Albanian women. What will future
generations make of this? Can be read
(and sample prize winning photos can be
seen) at

5) "Afghan Operation Leaves Russia
'Encircled' by US and NATO,"
by Sergey Ptichkin and Aleksey Chichkin
can be read at

6) 'Gaping Holes in the 'CIA vs. bin
Laden Story,' by * JARED ISRAEL can be read at

6a) 'Bush & the Media Cover up the Jihad
Schoolbook Scandal,' By * JARED ISRAEL at

7) 'Did any major power NOT fund the
Kostunica campaign?' can be read at's.htm

8) 'The Black Hole,' by Petar Makara
documents that 'Yugoslavia' was removed
from the Britanica when the existence of
said country became politically
incorrect. Can be read at

9) Alijah Izetbegovic was portrayed in
the Western media as a moderate in
favor of a multiethnic Bosnia. Nothing
could be further from the truth. For a
revealing quote from his book, "Islamic
Declaration," and a bit on his role
during World War II, see "JOE LIEBERMAN -

10) 'The Other Side of the Story,' by
Dusan Vilic and Bosko Todorovic.
Written by two retired Yugoslav generals
with access to never-before released
army orders, this truly amazing book
documents the ways the Yugoslav Army
strove to fight NATO-backed terrorists in
a civilian-friendly way, thus
demonstrating that contrary to Chomsky,
counter-terrorism need not equal
terror. The issue of civilian relations
is discussed throughout including in
chapter seven which can be accessed at

The book can be accessed in full, or, for
quicker loading,
chapter-by-chapter, starting with chapter
one. For whole book go to
or for chapter one (with link to chapter
two, and so on) go to

11) 'Congressman: U.S. Set Up
Anti-Taliban to be Slaughtered,' includes
text of Congressional hearing and comments by

12) DOS stands for Democratic Opposition
of Serbia, a charming use of
language, since these 'democrats'
overthrew the elected Yugoslav government
and burned the Parliament and these
'Serbs' were given what were in Serbian
terms astronomical amounts of money by
the US and other states in the new
Empire in exchange for 'their' nation.
For more information, see these two
texts, which also have useful references
found in 'sections marked Footnotes'
or 'Further Reading':

* a) "Kostunica Says Some Backers
'Unconsciously work for American Imperial
Goals...'" at
[Includes the infamous remark that the US
shipped 'suitcases of cash' to DOS]

* b) 'US Arrogance and Yugoslav lections' at

13) On NATO's use of UN-paid terrorists
to attack Macedonia see: "SORRY,
'REBELS'" at
[Note - If you are not familiar with what
has been done to Macedonia, the
phrase "UN-paid terrorists" may sound
like the worst hyperbole. But read the
article and you will see that it is

14) For documentation of claim that much
of Taliban has been incorporated
into the new Afghan Army, go to

15) In 'Death on a Very Small Planet' we
have posted strikingly similar
pictures of the destruction caused by
September 11th and by NATO's bombing of
Yugoslavia. Can be viewed at

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Subject: Novi tekst na ARTEL
Jovanovic: Problem izbeglica i
raseljenih lica, kao i nestalih Srba na KiM
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2002 21:12:18 -0700
From: "Artel" <artel@...>

Datum:02 juni 2002

Vladislav Jovanovi?: PROBLEM IZBEGLICA I

Izlaganje Vladislava Jovanovi?a, bivseg MIP-a SRJ
na okruglom stolu Beogradskog foruma odrzanom u
Etnografskom muzeju u Beogradu na temu "Problem
izbeglica u SRJ i nestalih lica sa Kosova i
Beograd, 24 maj 2002

O izbeglicama i prognanicima iz Hrvatske i BiH,
odnosno sa Kosova i Metohije, koji su nasli
uto?iste u SRJ, tzv. me|unarodna zajednica nerado
govori, a jos manje je spremna da adekvatnije
u?estvuje u pokrivanju najnu?nijih troskova
njihovog golog opstanka. Na njih se gleda kao na
izbeglice drugog reda i stavljaju se na za?elje
liste izbeglica koje se nalaze u drugim bivsim
jugoslovenskim republikama. Dvostruki standard
koji je tokom jugoslovenske krize razvijeni deo
medjunarodne zajednice sistematski primenjivao na
stetu srpskog naroda i SRJ, dobio je u slu?aju
izbeglica posebno cini?an prizvuk. Iako su bili
nedvosmislene ?rtve politike i prakse etni?kog
?is?enja u Hrvatskoj, BiH i na Kosovu i Metohiji,
izbeglice u Jugoslaviji se diskriminisu i
tretiraju kao nuz produkt politike SRJ, odnosno
Srbije u jugoslovenskoj krizi. Kao takvima, za
njihove patnje i potucanje ima se manje
razumevanja i vrsi se veoma mali pritisak na
vlasti u Hrvatskoj i BiH, odnosno na Kosovu i
Metohiji da im se omogu?i sto raniji povratak u
garantovanim - bezbednosnim i pristojnim
materijalnim uslovima.
Specifi?nost polo?aja izbeglica u Hrvatskoj i BiH
je u tome sto su oni trostruko diskiminisani:
1. kao ?rtve etni?kog ?is?enja u spomenutim
bivsim jugoslovenskim republikama,
2. kao ?rtve osmogodisnje politike sveobuhvatnih
ekonomskih sankcija protiv SRJ gde su ih nevolje
dovele i
3. kao ?rtve tromese?ne agresije NATO na SRJ koja
je osetno smanjila i onako istanjene ekonomske
mogu?nosti Jugoslavije da im vise poma?e i tokom
koje su pogodjeni i neki centri za kolektivan
smestaj izbeglica.
Specifi?nost i ironija polo?aja prognanika sa
Kosova je u tome sto je do njihovog pogroma i
proterivanja doslo posle zavrsetka rata, kada je
realizovanje rezolucije SB 1244 bilo garantovano
od strane UNMIK-a i 50 hiljada do zuba naoru?anih
vojnika NATO-a. Oni nisu ?rtve rata, kao sto
propaganda NATO-a ?eli da predstavi, nego mira
koji je NATO pretvorio u osvetni?ki rat vra?enih
pripadnika OVK protiv nenaoru?anih srpskih i
romskih civila. Prvi put u istoriji aktivnosti
OUN jedna njena mirovna operacija je iskoris?ena
za sprovdjenje politike genocida nad delom naroda
na ?ijoj suverenoj teritoriji se operacija
Zbog nespre?avanja takvih zlo?ina i selektivnog
implementiranja rezolucije1244, nije preterano
konstatovati da su UNMIK i KFOR pristali da budu
sau?esnici u po?injenim zlo?inima nad Srbima i
Romima. Paradoksalan je podatak da je SRJ,
odnosno Srbija, najvise optu?ivana za nastanak i
trajanje ratnih sukoba na tlu prethodne SFRJ, a
da su najbrojnije ?rtve etni?kog ?is?enja upravo
njeni sunarodnici. To je najre?itiji dokaz
neosnovanosti i zlonamernosti takvih optu?bi.
Njihov pravi cilj je da se prikrije i umanji
primarna odgovornost onih stranih krugova koji su
raniju SFRJ pustili niz vodu i doprineli njenom
razbijanju, kao i odgovornost separatisti?kih
elita u bivsim jugoslovenskim republikama i na
Kosovu i Metohiji koji su projekte oru?ane
secesije neposredno izveli. Posebna odgovornost
le?i na UNMIK i KFOR-u sto su dozvolili da u zoni
njihove neposredne odgovornosti dodje do brojnih
ubistava i masovnog uns{tavanja ili prisvajanja
imovine prognanih Srba i Roma, kao i do masovnih
i sistematskih otmica preko 1 300 Srba.
Neprihvatljiv je argumenat me|unarodne zajednice
da je to posledica prethodnog sukoba na Kosovu,
odnosno da se radi o odmazdi albanskih terorista
zbog gubitaka koje su pretrpeli tokom sukoba sa
nasom vojskom i policijom. Rezolucija SB 1244 je
garantovala li?nu, kolektivnu i imovinsku
bezbednost svih stanovnika Kosova i Metohije.
KFOR i UNMIK su preuzeli obavezu da osiguraju
primenu te rezolucije u praksi i to bez ikakvog
odlaganja. Oni to jos nisu sproveli - kada je re?
o slobodi i osnovnim ljudskim pravima Srba i
Roma. Ako su o?ekivali krvavu osvetu Albanaca nad
Srbima i Romima, nisu smeli dopustiti da
naoru?ana OVK iz Makedonije i Albanije udje na
teritoriju Kosova i Metohije. Takodje, KFOR je
morao osigurati da povratak albanskih izbeglica
iz spomenutih zemalja bude kontrolisan i pod
njegovim vojnim nadzorom, kako bi se izbegla
stihija i anarhija koji su, odmah posle
povla?enja Vojske Jugoslavije i policije sa
Kosova i Metohije, zavladale tom pokrajinom.
Klju?ne zemlje NATO nemaju za takav propust
nikakav alibi. Znale su, a ako nisu znale onda su
to morale znati, da se mogu o?ekivati masovni
zlo?ini nad Srbima i Romima. Isto tako, znale su
kako se postupa u sli?nim situacijama, ali nisu
preduzele preventivne mere. Morale su se
inspirisati primerom iz vlastite proslosti, kada
su Velika Britanija i Francuska pri kraju Prvog
svetskog rata zabranile pobedni?koj Vojsci Srbije
da prodre u Bugarsku, sa obrazlo?enjem da bi
brojni zlo?ini bugarske okupatorske vojske u
Srbiji mogli dovesti do osvete srpske vojske nad
bugarskim stanovnistvom. Iste te zemlje NATO jos
nisu objasnile zasto ih takvi humanitarni razlozi
nisi naveli da spre?e masovne zlo?ine OVK nad
Srbima i Romima. Utoliko pre sto su oni, posle
odlaska jugoslovenske vojske i policije, bili
potpuno nezasti?eni i moglo se predvideti da ?e
biti ?rtve odmazdi od strane pomahnitalih
Albanaca. Ako bi se striktno primenjivala pravila
Statuta Haskog tribunala, najvisi rukovodioci
NATO morali bi se smatrati krivi?no odgovornim
zato sto su znali sta ?e se dogoditi na Kosovu i
Metohiji, a nisu nista preduzeli da do toga ne
dodje. Kad je do masovnih albanskih zlo?ina
doslo, oni su otvoreno umanjivali njihov obim,
dok zlo?ine u vezi sa nestalim Srbima do danas
prikrivaju ili istinu o njima saopstavaju samo u
malim dozama i u du?im vremenskim razmacima.
Prema podacima jugoslovenskog Crvenog krsta, SRJ
je doma?in oko 600 hiljada izbeglica i privremeno
raseljenih lica iz Hrvatske, BiH i sa Kosova i
Metohije. Mogu?e je da ih ima i vise od toga, jer
ih je do pre par godina bilo skoro 1 milion. Ali
i ako se zadr?imo samo na podacima jugoslovenskog
Crvenog krsta, treba re?i da je to daleko najve?i
broj izbeglica i raseljenih lica koji se u ovom
trenutku nalaze u jednoj evropskoj zemlji.
S obzirom na toliki broj izbeglica i bitno
umanjene ekonomske mogu?nosti SRJ usled sankcija
i agresije, mo?emo polo?aj najve?eg broja
izbeglica ozna?iti kao trenutno najve?u
humanitarnu katastrofu u Evropi. Ogroman broj
izbeglica ?ivi u nemogu?im fizi?kim i
materijalnim uslovima. Bez trajnog posla, oni
nemaju nikakvu porodi?nu imovinu, a bez realnih
nada da ?e se u dogledno vreme vratiti u
nekadasnje domove, oni nemaju ni elementarnu
?ivotnu perspektivu. Objektivno gledano,
prepusteni su sami sebi. Me|unarodna zajednica ih
tretira sa sve ve?om ravnodusnos?u i smanjuje i
dosadasnju skromnu finansijsku pomo?. Zaokupljena
brojnim vlastitim, politi?kim i materijalnim
problemima, SRJ nije u stanju ili nije previse
voljna da prema njima ispolji ve?u solidarnost i
pru?i im adekvatniju zastitu.
Posebno je tragi?na i optu?uju?a situacija u vezi
sa 1 300 nestalih Srba na Kosovu i Metohiji.
Njihovi najbli?i srodnici nemaju ?ak ni osnovno
pravo na informaciju sta se sa njima desilo.
Pravo na informaciju je preduslov za koris?enje
svakog drugog ljudskog prava. Sampioni odbrane
ljudskih prava ne ?ine nista efektivno da se
istina o nestalim Srbima utvrdi i prava njihovih
porodica da je saznaju zastiti. Organi UNMIK i
KFOR guraju to neprijatno pitanje pod tepih, jer
im je va?nije da sa ve?inskim Albancima na Kosovu
i Metohiji ostanu u dobrim odnosima, nego da
otkrivaju i gone njihove zlo?ine nad Srbima.
Zvani?ne vlasti u SRJ i Srbiji vode o tome
ra?una, ali je njihova aktivnost vise
deklarativna nego sustinska. Revnosno ispunjavaju
sve zahteve razvijenog dela medjunarodne
zajednice koji se odnose na albanske zatvorenike
i osudjenike u Srbiji, ali se ne usdj|uju da
njihovo pustanje uslove oslobadjanjem nestalih
Srba ili bar dobijanjem pune i istinite
informacije o njihovoj sudbini.
Inferiorni polo?aj zvani?nih vlasti prema
zapadnom delu me|unarodne zajednice ne pru?a nadu
da ?e se njihova efikasnost u pitanju nestalih
Srba bitnije pove?ati. Resenje se nalazi u
dramati?nom poja?avanju nacionalnog i
medjunarodnog pritiska na UNMIK, KFOR i one
faktore koji ih stite i usmeravaju, radi
naterivanja da sto pre podnesu potpuni izvestaj o
sudbini nestalih Srba i preduzetim merama za
gonjenje i ka?njavanje albanskih krivaca za te
zlo?ine. Za sadasnji te?ak i bezperspektivni
polo?aj najve?eg broja izbeglica i raseljenih
lica u SRJ glavnu krivicu snosi medjunarodna
zajednica koja je mesanjem u jugoslovensku krizu
ubrzala razbijanje SFRJ i pristrasnos?u u korist
Hrvatske, BiH i kosovskih Albanaca pre?utno
opstruisala masovniji povratak izbeglica svojim
rodnim mestima. Medjutim, deo krivice snosi i
prethodna vlast koja je izbeglice dugo dr?ala u
neizvesnosti u pogledu njihove realne budu?nosti,
kao i sadasnja vlast DOS-a koja nastavlja sa
istom politikom. U oba slu?aja, interesi i
izborne ra?unice politi?kih partija na vlasti su
bili i ostali iznad elementarnih nacionalnih
interesa kada je re? o problemima izbeglica i
raseljenih lica. Medjutim, problemi tih lica su
tako veliki i jedinstveni da moraju biti
posmatrani i resavani iznad interesa bilo koje
politi?ke stranke ili koalicije na vlasti. Na
izgon skoro jednog miliona nasih sunarodnika iz
doju?erasnjih delova jedinstvene dr?ave mora se
gledati kao na elementarnu nesre?u nevidjenih
razmera. Takva vanredna nesre?a zahteva
preduzimanje vanrednih mera, ne manjih od onih
koje je SFRJ preduzimala posle velikih
zemljotresa u Skoplju, Banjaluci i Crnoj Gori.
Polaze?i od toga, predla?em da ovaj okrugli sto
usvoji slede?e zaklju?ke i s njima upozna Saveznu
i obe republi?ke vlade i javnost nase zemlje:
1. Da sva lica srpske i crnogorske narodnosti
automatski postaju jugoslovenski dr?avljani ?im
stupe na teritoriju SRJ sa namerom da u njoj
dobiju zastitu od progona u drugoj dr?avi ili da
u njoj ?ive. Sva takva lica koja godinama imaju
status izbeglica automatski ?e se smatrati
jugoslovenskim dr?avljanima. Kao inspiracija i
primer za takvo postupanje mogu da slu?e Izrael i
S.R. Nema?ka koje pravo na automatsko sticanje
dr?avljanstva Izraela odnosno, Nema?ke priznaju
svim licima svog etnikuma ?im stupe na tle
Izraela, odnosno Nema?ke, sa namerom da tamo
ostanu. Argumenat koji je do sada koris?en da bi
lako sticanje jugoslovenskog dr?avljanstva
destimulisalo izbeglice na povratak u Hrvatsku
ili BiH nije odr?iv, jer ih nase dr?avljanstvo ne
spre?ava da zadr?e i dr?avljanstvo Hrvatske ili
BiH. S druge strane, to ne bi oslobodilo Hrvatsku
i BiH obaveze da im osiguraju uslove za povratak,
jer se ne bi moglo tuma?iti kao opcija izbeglica,
ve? samo kao poboljsavanje njihovog polo?aja.
2. Da se, u cilju pru?anja trajne i potpune
zastite izbeglica, njihove maloletne dece,
invalida rata i ratnih siro?adi, donese odluka
(zakon) o osnivanju Fondacije solidarnosti za
period od 20 godina, u koju bi se redovno slivala
sredstva iz obavezne solidarnosti svih plate?no
sposobnih gradjana SRJ, redovni doprinosi
preduze?a, redovni prilozi nase dijaspore i
donacije zemalja koje najvise u?estvuju u
pru?anju humanitarne pomo?i, kao i onih koje su
u?estvovale u bombardovanju SRJ. Fondacija bi
bila pod najstro?im finansijskim re?imom, njeno
poslovanje bi bilo redovno kontrolisano i potpuno
3. Da Vlada SRJ, preko Generalne skupstine OUN,
zatra?i od Stalnog medjunarodnog suda pravde u
Hagu, kao organa OUN, zvani?no tuma?enje da li
rezolucija SB 1244 treba da bude sveobuhvatno, a
ne selektivno implementirana i da li OUN, koja
vrsi privremenu administrativnu i policijsku
vlast, i NATO, koji dr?i Kosovo i Metohiju pod
svojom neposrednom vojnom kontrolom, imaju
obavezu da, zbog propustanja da im osiguraju
li?nu i imovinsku bezbednost, prognanim Srbima i
Romima, kao i porodicama nestalih Srba, isplate
odgovaraju?u finansijsku nadoknadu zbog
izgubljenih ?ivota i imovine, kao i pretrpljene
patnje i dusevnog bola.

May 28, 2002


The impotence of The Hague Prosecution is more
and more obvious as days go by. As greater
importance is given to some of the witnesses,
as more evident is that the indictment is based
on mounted and constructed evidence. The best
proof comes from today's cross-examination of
the protected witness K-5, whose identity is no
secret to Yugoslav press, since in yesterday's
papers appeared to be a certain Afrim Sijaku from
the town of Urosevac.

In any case, as the witness himself had said in
his written statement, it is a man who has been
charged for heavy felonies, such as thefts and
assaults, who was a notorious drunkard, while
as a police informer he was well into smuggling
of narcotics and other mafia business. His
testimonial was based on allegations that as
a police informer he tipped the houses of Albanians
linked to the KLA, either the individuals active
within the terrorist organization, on the basis of
what the Police executed alleged liquidations,
arsons and plunders.

However, on Milosevic's questions this witness,
almost evidently scared, denied everything related
to KLA crimes, under whose "treatment" he had been
for several days, as he himself had admitted. While
in his written statement he mentioned having been
afraid of the KLA and of some other Albanians, today
he denied it, even when judge May tried to help
him by asking him whether he was afraid in the
beginning, but not at this moment.

Slobodan Milosevic asked the witness regarding
criminal charges that have been pressed against
him for several times, but he kept denying, even
when Milosevic read the document numbers under
which these charges were pressed - there had been
ten in 1990 only, as was the case in all of the
following years till 1995 - when he had spent
nine months in prison. Those charges were mostly
related to thefts, burglaries, assaults, etc.
The witness, however, had no other explanation but
to deny those facts.

In his written statement, given to The Hague
Prosecution representatives two years ago, this
witness mentioned that, as a Serbian police informer,
he was producing data on drug dealers and thieves.
Still, he had no explanation whatsoever, how could
he have had such data, if not because of being
himself involved in the narcotics business. The
same applied to him recalling the reasons for having
been in prison in 1995 and how come the Serbian
Police could not release him from serving his sentence.
Beside that, his answers to Milosevic’s question
about a Serb, with whom he allegedly had opened a
restaurant and shared stolen goods, proved to be
rather contradictory. He claimed the Serb was one
of Arkan’s "Tigers", but later he testified that
the man in question had served a four-year term in
the Lipljan penitentiary, a period coinciding with
the very length of existence of the so-called
"Tigers". The witness never answered to Milosevic’s
questions - has he been an informer for the sake of
committing crimes much easier and has he been a
thief himself. Sijaku’s testimonial has raised
once again the issue of credibility of The Hague
Prosecution, as well as of credibility of the very
indictment against Milosevic, since it was obviously
based on constructed facts and on witnesses
especially trained for the job.


May 30, 2002


As far as the cross-examination of the witnesses
of The Hague Prosecution by Slobodan Milosevic goes
on, it gets clearer that the alleged massacre of
civilians was fabricated in order to serve to NATO
aggressors as some kind of pretext to start the
bombing of Yugoslavia.

Yesterdays and today's testimony of the Canadian
general Michel Maisoneuve, who was member of the
OSCE Verification Mission and Head of the Prizren
Regional Center, has shown that, too. From his
testimony one could see that one of the key tasks
of the Prosecution is to present Racak as a crime
against civilians, in order to justify the NATO
aggression. However, as much as the general tried
to respond to the suggestive Prosecutor's questions
and present the Racak events as a brutal crackdown
of the Police with the locals, confronted with
Milosevic's questions he seldom had to confess it
was a conflict between the Police and the KLA
terrorists. After all, the OSCE Mission itself
confirmed that among the deads were KLA members as

General Maisoneuve, for instance, on Milosevic's
question could not deny that the Verification Mission
made efforts to affirm the KLA as a legitimate side
in the conflict, since he was the author of the mission
document where this was explicitly specified and which
Milosevic had quoted. Maisoneuve tried to present this
as an attempt of the mission to establish trust. This
way he also tried to justify the complaint raised by
him and the mission as to why the investigation judge
came to Racak the day after the event escorted by the
Police. However, when asked if it meant that him and
the mission are denying the sovereignty of Yugoslavia
and Serbia on that part of their territory as well
as the right of the legal authorities of the State
to eliminate the terrorists who are violently
struggling for secession, Maisoneuve had to confess
that this would not be right and that he does not
consider this was the task of the mission.

Maisoneuve had to confess that in all of the
occasions when OSCE Mission's verifiers were
present, the Police behaved in a correct and
professional way. In the OSCE reports, however,
brutal crackdowns of Albanian civilians by the
Serbian Police were mentioned, which was done
according to the witness on the basis of
testimonies of the Albanians. Maisoneuve had
problems while explaining the allegations from
the mission reports about Army tank and artillery
attacks on Racak civilian homes from distance.
On a direct question if there were any victims
in Racak of these mortar attacks, the witness
had to admit there were not, reducing his whole
story on Army involvement to him being told by
one of his verifiers that one tank had hit a
house. He was also forced by Milosevic's cross-
examination to deny that Army individuals have
accused the Police for intervening in Racak.

General Maisoneuve tried not to avoid answers to
direct questions, so that Milosevic succeeded to
make his answers more useful to the Defence than
to the Prosecution. That is why judge May did his
best to avoid such a situation. When asked by
Milosevic if, after everything he found out so far
about the Racak events he still personally considers
there had been a massacre, May promptly intervened
and explicitly prevented him from answering that

A totally separate story are the Racak victims,
for whom the OSCE mission chief William Walker
affirmed they were civilian ones killed from a
close range on the same spot, where the day after
dead bodies were found. After the cross-examination
of this witness, as well as of other ones before,
it came out rather evident that these people
perished in combat and were brought to one single
spot in order to make it look as if they were executed.

Milosevic has proved that serious fighting took
place between the Police and the KLA forces,
trenched around the village, and that the bodies
were brought and grouped up after the Police and
OSCE verifiers had withdrawn. This was evident from
the position of the bodies, as well as from the
findings of the forensic teams who examined them.

After a series of usuccessful attempts to build-up
a Walker's fabricated story about Racak through
testimonies of witnesses, the prosecution attempted
to bring one of its own investigators to appear as
witness with special goal - to present to the court
a "summary" of the events in Racak, based on written
statements of "many witnesses" who did not appear,
as well as on tons of "documents" collected by
prosecution. After a sharp complaint by President
Milosevic against the "indirect witnesses", the
"trial chamber" decided not to accept testimony
of the prosecution investigator Barney Kelly. This
was considered by many as one of the greatest defets
of the prosecution, since the begining of the "trial".


To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) ('morning news' the only Serbian newspaper
advocating liberation)

Subject: Freedom fight in the Hague (7)
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 14:27:02 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

May 21, 2002

Tanic Has Discredited The Prosecution

With the cross-examination of Ratomir Tanic, one of
the key witnesses to the prosecution, Slobodan
Milosevic has publicly exposed the whole Hague
indictment against him as a politically constructed
one. Today's final examination of this witness has
shown that Tanic is not only inventing things or
talking as alleged participant of events he had found
out in the press, but also that he is a man once
sentenced for robbery and a crook whose statements are
being publicly denied by almost everyone whose alleged
associate he had been.

Witness Tanic has only shown a capacity to construct
stories so that, when cornered with no valid reply, he
calls upon his own general evaluations, print errors
or translation mistakes, etc. For instance, when
Milosevic reminded him that in his written statement
he had mentioned that round-tables were just fronts
for real discussions (he meant Milosevic's policies on
Kosovo, off-course), Tanic without hesitation
responded that this was the "role of round-tables
everywhere in the World".

A few times Tanic got into dead-end situations, when
he was forced to assert that his bosses were lying. He
did that when Milosevic ran a video tape, in which the
president of New Democracy and current Interior
Minister of Serbia, Dusan Mihajlovic, said live on TV:
"Tanic had never participated in making decisions or
implementing them, but could have been only an
observer, as any other citizen".

We remind that Tanic almost always called upon his
party leader Mihajlovic, with whom he had allegedly
directly participated in all events regarding Kosovo
and Metohia, since New Democracy has at the time been
a member of the ruling coalition. At a direct
Milosevic's question regarding Mihajlovic's statement
mentioned above, Tanic replied that "Mihajlovic is not
telling the truth now". The same pattern applied to
former Serbian Vice-Prime-minister Ratko Markovic's or
Serbian Renewal Movement leader Vuk Draskovic's
denials of his affirmations. He finally complained
that "it seems everyone has left him".

How reliable a witness Tanic may be before any legal
institution has been clearly put in evidence today,
after Milosevic had presented a certificate of the
Belgrade District Court from May 17 of this year, by
which Ratomir Tanic was declared guilty on March 7,
1977 for hard robbery and sentenced to a year and two
months of imprisonment. On November 1 of the same year
the Serbian Supreme Court had this sentence changed to
a 7 months reclusion, and that one was final. At a
direct question on that episode of his life, Tanic
tried to avoid answering directly, but after Milosevic
insisted, he admitted "not recalling since it happened
a long time ago". At a later question by one of the
Amici Curiae, Tanic replied there had been a minor
punishment and that he was young at the time. He also
claimed not remembering what kind of felony it had

For several times Tanic's examination showed he had
been collaborator of a few Western intelligence
services and that he had obviously prepared his
testimonial together with them. New Democracy's
vice-president, Nebojsa Lekovic, confirms this, by
stating that "Tanic had never in any way participated
in negotiations with the Kosovo and Metohia Albanians
and that he had left the country because of having
enormous unpaid debts, while he had now accepted to
testify for the money". Besides, the book Tanic had
not finished writing yet is financed by the British
Intelligence Service, something he himself confirmed
after being asked by the Amici Curiae. He has as well
confirmed that he was receiving cash from these
services with no written record, and that the content
of the book is exclusively about charges against
Slobodan Milosevic.

Today has started the testimonial of the forensic
expert Erich Packard, and it will be resumed tomorrow.


Subject: Fw: Freedom fight in the Hague (8)
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 03:33:23 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

May 22, 2002

Science hardly reliable for the Prosecution

French forensic expert Eric Bacard today's testimonial
referred to pathologists reports from different
locations in Kosovo and Metohia where bodies of people
died during the conflict were found. It appeared that
these findings, while based on scientific achievements
in this field, were written in order to prejudge
crimes against the victims. Namely, wherever it was
not possible to come to a decisive conclusion, meaning
different causes of death were possible, the reports
were insisting on causes that meant crimes had been
committed. However, Milosevic managed to unmask such
report tendencies during his cross-examination, since
the witness himself while answering had to remain
consequent to his trade and communicate the real
truth, something that often was not coinciding with
the Prosecution intentions.

Keeping in mind the high level of expertise to these
questions, in this report only some characteristic
examples may be pointed out. At Milosevic's question,
how come it was possible to induce several death
causes for the same person, Bacard replied that only
several causes can be induced. The witness said that
the circumstances of lethal outcome, if there had been
caused by war casualty or a conflict between two
persons, may be established only as a hypothesis, and
not as it is been done in a report.

Most of the ambiguous quotes relate to skeletized
corpses, where tissue putrefaction occurred. So at
Milosevic's question, how possible it may be to make a
distinction if injuries were committed with a sharp
object on a person alive or after death, or how such
quotes apply to carbonized corpses, Bacard replied
that in most of the cases it is rather difficult or
virtually impossible to give an answer. He was
expressed that blindfolds were never found on victims,
which was mentioned in one of the reports.

Several Milosevic's questions referred to details of
the pathologists report from Racak, and from the
witness's answers no one could have concluded that
reliable findings show murders were committed from a
short range, e.g. there was no massacre as
characterized by OSCE Mission chief William Walker.
Bacard even denied the allegations enshrined in the
pathologists report from Racak, stating that in
neither of the cases the distance from which the
victims found there were shot could have been
precisely established. The witness insisted no
cold-blooded execution took place in Racak, since only
shots from less than a few centimeters could be
reliably detected as such.

Typically, in the pathologists report from Racak there
was no analysis of the "parafin glove", by which it
has been proved that the dead ones before being shot
were themselves shooting with firearms. Bacard said
that method was rejected as unreliable. However, he
could not give an answer to the Amici's question why a
traditional analysis of the victims' clothes had not
been performed, something that even today would be
possible to do.

How unprecise and incomplete, and especially
one-sided, are the reports on pathologists' findings
on which the Prosecution relies, was clearly shown by
some of Bacard's conclusions. In one of the reports
it's been said that some of the victims, due to their
health could not take part in the armed conflicts,
like the one who had bladder cancer, but Bacard
testified that illness was in such stage, so that
person could take part in armed conflicts. Also, other
report affirms 19 out 20 found skeletons were women,
but the witness had to clarify that their gender could
not with certainty be established for corpses in their
stage of skeletization.

In today's cross-examination Bacard came out with the
conclusion that reports about the victims of NATO
bombing of Dubrava penitentiary were not true, since
they were all killed by the blasts, and their
subsequent wounds were caused by bumping on different
kinds of objects, meaning part of them had not been
executed after the bombing had stopped.

The unreliability of some of the pathologists' reports
was evidenced also today by the case of Suva Reka,
where Bacard could not be a judge of two pathologists'
totally opposed findings.

Photographs, shown to the witness by one of the Amici,
from which it is clearly visible that the corpses in
the ditch near Racak were brought there from another
location, made Bacard only conclude that photographs
could not constitute a reliable evidence.


To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of
equals) (the international committee to
defend Slobodan Milosevic) ('morning news' the only
Serbian newspaper advocating liberation)

Subject: Kongres EMF poziva borce za mir i protivnike
Podrzite Milosevica!
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 00:41:48 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

Beograd, 21. maja 2002.g.


Atina, 17-19. maj 2002. g.

- s a o p s t e nj e -

U Atini je proteklog vikenda odr?an kongres
Evropskog mirovnog
foruma, pod geslom: "Za evropski mirovni poredak - protiv
militarizacije meðunarodne politike od strane SAD i NATO". Na
su uèestvovali predstavnici vise desetina mirovnih pokreta i
organizacija, kao i istaknuti pojedinci iz Austrije,
Belorusije, Bugarske,
Grèke, Italije, Jugoslavije, Kipra, Nemaèke, Ruske
Federacije, Ukrajine,
Finske, Èeske i Svedske.

Drugi dan kongresa bio je u celini posveæen temi
"Ratovi na
Balkanu i sluèaj Miloseviæ". Posle uvodnih izlaganja Hanesa
(Austrija), Klausa Hartmana (Nemaèka) i Vladimira Krsljanina
(Jugoslavija) i bogate diskusije, Kongres Evropskog mirovnog
usvojio je posebnu deklaraciju o ovom pitanju.

Deklaracija konstatuje da su otmica i tzv. proces
Predsednika Miloseviæa u Hagu dogaðaj bez presedana u
meðunarodnih odnosa i meðunarodnog prava, zamisljen da
agresiju NATO protiv Jugoslavije i tako omoguæi da se slièni
ratovi vode i protiv drugih dr?ava. Zbog toga je ovo tema
koja se tièe svih
pobornika mira i protivnika imperijalistièke globalizacije.

U skladu sa ovim, a istièuæi da se radi o procesu
protiv liènosti
koja je zaslu?eno postala simbol otpora militaristièkom
intervencionizmu i
agresivnoj politici NATO, Kongres Evropskog mirovnog foruma u
Deklaraciji zahteva:

Neodlo?no obustavljanje procesa protiv Slobodana
kao i protiv drugih optu?enih iz Jugoslavije i njihovo
Raspustanje haskog tribunala stvorenog krsenjem Povelje
Suðenje i ka?njavanje odgovornih za NATO agresiju protiv
Isplatu ratnih reparacija Jugoslaviji i kompenzacija
?rtvama agresije za stetu koja im je naneta.

Uèesnici Kongresa uputili su telegram podrske Predsedniku
kao i telegram predsedniku "tribunala" Klodu ?orda, u kojem
se ponavljaju
zahtevi sadr?ani u Deklaraciji.

Evropski mirovni forum osnovan je 24. marta 2001.
godine u
Berlinu, na drugu godisnjicu agresije NATO. Meðu osnivaèima
bili su, uz
predstavnike brojnih evropskih nevladinih organizacija,
nemaèki admiral
Elmar Smeling, veliki ukrajinski pisac Boris Olijnik, èeski
publicista i
humanista Rajko Doleèek, predsednik italijanske fondacije
"Nino Pasti"
Paolo Pjopi, poznati bugarski politièar i borac za ljudska
prava Velko
Vlkanov i druge liènosti - politièari, istaknuti nauèni

Kongres Evropskog mirovnog foruma, na svom zasedanju u Atini,
17. do 19. maja 2002. g, posle razmatranja teme "Ratovi na
Balkanu i
sluèaj Miloseviæ" usvojio je sledeæu


Kroz nekoliko nedelja navrsava se godinu dana
od kada je
takozvanom "Meðunarodnom kriviènom tribunalu za bivsu
predat predsednik Socijalistièke partije Srbije i
dugogodisnji predsednik
Republike Srbije i Savezne Republike Jugoslavije Slobodan
"Izruèenje" Miloseviæa, koje je u stvari bilo otmica
organizovana od
strane tajnih slu?bi, kao i sam proces pred haskim
predstavljaju dogaðaj bez presedana u istoriji meðunarodnih
odnosa i
meðunarodnog prava.

Èinjenice same govore.

1. Optu?nica protiv Miloseviæa za navodne ratne
zloèine podignuta
je u toku zloèinaèkog agresivnog rata koji je vodio NATO.
Agresori su
podigli optu?nicu protiv sefa dr?ave, koja je bila predmet
agresije, odnosno
zloèinci koji su primenili nasilje podigli su optu?nicu
protiv ?rtava nasilja.

2. Posle rata agresori su metodima pritiska,
ucene i korupcije
prinudili vladajuæi re?im u zemlji - ?rtvi agresije, da
uhapsi predsednika
svrgnutog uz masovnu podrsku NATO, i da ga, uz krsenje Ustava
Jugoslavije i uprkos odluci njenog Ustavnog suda, izruèi.

3. Agresori su predsednika dr?ave ?rtve agresije
predali ilegalnom
sudu, "tribunalu" koji je stvoren, popunjen personalom i
finansiran od
strane UN, uz krsenje Povelje UN.

Cilj ovog grotesknog odstupanja od svih pravnih i
moralnih normi,
jeste nala?enje opravdanja za NATO, odnosno za agresivni rat
koji je
NATO vodio protiv Jugoslavije i samim tim, stvaranje osnova
da se takvi
ratovi ponove u buduænosti. To je pokusaj sirokih razmera da
se celom
svetu demonstrira da je otpor globalnim aspiracijama SAD i
hegemoniju zabranjen i da æe se strogo ka?njavati.

U tome je prava sustina procesa protiv
jugoslovenskog predsednika
i drugih optu?enih, u tome je sustina "sluèaja Miloseviæ".

U sali haskog "tribunala" ne radi se o pojedincu,
o kome svako
mo?e da ima svoje misljenje. Tu se radi o istini ili la?i, o
pravu ili
bespravlju. Tu se radi o liènosti, koja je zbog mnogih
razloga zaslu?eno
postala simbol otpora intervencionizmu NATO koji je
neslaganja i
suprotnosti na prostoru prethodne Jugoslavije pretvarao u
ratove, i otpora
agresiji NATO. Sa stanovista NATO, njihov agresivni rat æe
pobedonosno zavrsen, a razbijanje Jugoslavije okonèano, tek
onda kada taj
simbol bude diskreditovan.

Veæ samo zbog toga proces u Hagu mora biti stvar
svih pobornika
mira i protivnika imperijalistièke globalizacije.

Svako ko je ustao protiv agresije NATO i
78-dnevnog teroristièkog
bombardovanja, ne mo?e se pasivno odnositi prema
produ?avanju agresije.

Dosadasnji tok procesa u Hagu je potvrdio politièke ciljeve
organizatora, meðutim njima za sada nije uspelo da te ciljeve
Oèigledna pristrasnost sudija, bedan nivo i nedostatak dokaza
uvodno izlaganje Slobodana Miloseviæa i fijasko svedoka tokom
unakrsnog ispitivanja, sve vise ote?avaju re?iserima ovog
ostvarivanje njihovih ciljeva.

Optu?eni od strane NATO postao je tu?ilac protiv NATO-a, pa
se stoga
planirani politièki proces, zamisljen da javnosti poka?e
trijumf NATO-a,
sve vise pretvara u tajni proces. S obzirom da se pokazalo da
procesa nije u stanju da moralno slomi Slobodana Miloseviæa,
pokusava da ga fizièki oslabi posredstvom nepodnosljivih
uslova i da neprekidnim i beskrajnim trajanjem "suðenja",
narusi njegovo
zdravlje i snagu njegovog otpora.

Neophodno je zaustaviti samovolju ilegalnog suda.

Prikljuèujuæi se meðunarodnom pokretu protesta, zahtevamo:

Neodlo?no obustavljanje procesa protiv Slobodana
Miloseviæa, kao i protiv drugih optu?enih iz Jugoslavije
njihovo momentalno osloboðenje;
Raspustanje "tribunala" protiv Jugoslavije, stvorenog
krsenjem Povelje UN;
Sto skorije ratifikovanje Rimskog sporazuma o stvaranju
Meðunarodnog kriviènog suda od strane svih dr?ava, a pre
svega od strane SAD, kao i prosirenje jurisdikcije tog
suda na
zloèine protiv mira, na agresiju;
Suðenje i ka?njavanje odgovornih za agresivni rat NATO
protiv Jugoslavije;
Isplatu ratnih reparacija jugoslovenskoj dr?avi i
jugoslovenskim ?rtvama rata za stetu koja im je naneta.

Atina, 19. maja 2002. g.

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend
Slobodan Milosevic) ('morning news' the only Serbian
newspaper advocating liberation)

1. Pismo Beogradskog foruma Haskom Tribunalu
2. Pravi krivci nisu u Hagu (M. Tepavac)


Subject: Novi tekst na ARTEL
GEOPOLITICI- Pismo Beogradskog
foruma Haskom Tribunalu
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 00:53:23 -0700
From: "Artel" <artel@...>

Datum:15. maj 2002.

Pismo Predsedavaju?eg Beogradskog foruma
Vladislava Jovanovi?a Klodu ?orda iz Medjunarodnog
krivi?nog suda za bivsu Jugoslaviju
15 maj 2002.

Medjunarodnom krivi?nom sudu za bivsu Jugoslaviju
Gospodinu Klodu ?orda

Postovani gospodine, Izra?avam svoju duboku
zabrinutost povodom na?ina na koji se vodi
sudjenje gospodinu Slobodanu Milosevi?u pred
Me|unarodnim krivi?nim Tribunalom za bivsu
Jugoslaviju (ICTY) u Hagu i zbog rastu?e
pristrasnosti Tribunala.
Posebno me zabrinjava prihvatanje gospodina
Ridl-Majera kao nezavisnog eksperta za oblast
istorijskih spomenika kulture od strane Tribunala.
Ovo prihvatanje je doslo uprkos ?injenici da je
gospodin Ridl-Majer obezbedio sredstva za svoj
pristrasan istra?iva?ki projekt o Kosovu iz sebi
poznatih izvora, a zatim ponudio svoje usluge
kancelariji tu?ilastva Tribunala. S druge strane,
poznata mi je dobro ustanovljena praksa
nepristrasnih krivi?nih sudova bilo gde u svetu da
su vestaci za pojedina vesta?enja odredjeni od
strane samih sudova, dok su sredstva za vesta?enje
obezbedjena iz izvora koja su striktno odredjena
krivi?nim procesnim pravom.
Takodje me zabrinjava veliki i rastu?i broj
pitanja koje predsedavaju?i sudija Ri?ard Mej
proglasava irelevantnim za vreme unakrsnog
ispitivanja svedoka od strane gospodina
Milosevi?a. U tom smislu, stroga vremenska
ograni?ewa su primenjena, ?ak i onda kada gospodin
Milosevi? unakrsno ispituje neke od najva?nijih
svedoka poput gospodina Ibrahima Rugove,
predsednika Kosova, dana 3. i 6. maja 2002.
godine. Smatram neprihvatljivim da pitanja kao
npr. utvrdjenje uloge, karaktera i izvora
finansiranja OVK budu proglasena "irelevantnim". U
isto vreme, predsedavaju?i sudija Mej nije ulo?io
nikakav zna?ajan napor da bi u?inio da gospodin
Rugova da precizne, koncizne i konkretne odgovore
na pitanja gospodina Milosevi?a i amicus curiae.
Mnogi pravnici i novinari prisutni u Hagu su
svedo?enje gospodina Rugove okarakterisali "kao
sramotu za medjunarodnu pravdu", izvestio je
beogradski dnevnik "Glas javnosti", dana 4. maja
2002. godine.
Imaju?i u vidu da mnogi svedoci sa Kosova svedo?e
da ?ak uopste nisu ni ?uli za OVK, izra?avam
zabrinutost povodom ?injenice da ni jedan svedok
nije bio upozoren da se zbog la?nog svedo?ewa mogu
primeniti kaznene mere po ?lanu 91 Pravilnika
procedure i dokazivanja Tribunala. Ove mere moraju
biti primenjene u cilju spre?avanja svedo?enja
lisenih kredibiliteta, zloupotrebe prava od strane
tu?ilastva i nepotrebnog iscrpljivanja gospodina
Milosevi?a koji je podvrgnut veoma duga?kom
Na kraju, izra?avam duboku zabrinutost zbog
stalnih izmena u redosledu pojavljivanja pojedinih
svedoka koje ?ini tu?ilastvo, a koje sudsko Ve?e
olako odobrava.
Sdj|enje gospodinu Milosevi?u je vrlo kompleksno,
i ono sa sobom donosi veoma kompleksna pitanja pri
?emu isuvise uzak, selektivan i nestrpljiv pristup
sudskog Ve?a tim pitanjima mo?e imati stetne
posledice po prava gospodina Milosevi?a.
Smatraju?i da je takav pristup ve? po?eo da
ugro?ava njegovo pravo na posteno sudjenje,
pozivam sve organizacije za zastitu ljudskih prava
da postave svoje posmatra?e na sudjenju, ili da
prate proces na drugi prikladan na?in. Takodje,
pozivam sve organizacije za zastitu ljudskih prava
da preduzmu onu akciju koju smatraju prikladnom u
cilju zaustavljawa krsenja prava na fer sudjenje
gospodina Slobodana Milosevi?a.
Sa postovanjem,

Vladislav Jovanovi?,
Predsedavaju?i Beogradskog foruma
za svet ravnopravnih
Beograd, Misarska 6
Tel/Fax: (+ 381 11) 3245601


Subject: Pravi krivci nisu u Hagu
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 10:33:33 -0400
From: "Miroslav Antic"

Ovaj moj tekst objavila je beogradska "Politika" od

Pravi krivci nisu u Hagu
"Hag nije Nirnberg" 15. maj

Èitalac Budimir Rudoviæ je svojim tekstom sjajno
pokazao i dokazao da "Hag nije Nirnberg", to jest
razliku izmeðu nirnberskog tribunala i tzv. haskog

Kljuèno u nirnberskoj optu?nici protiv nacistièkih
zloèinaca je bilo ka?njavanje krivih za zloèine
protiv mira, to jest planiranje i voðenje
agresorskih ratova kao vrhunskih zloèina po osnovu
meðunarodnog prava, iz kojih proizlaze svi drugi
ratni zloèini, ili zloèini protiv meðunarodnog
humanitarnog prava, kako se to danas govori.

Za razliku od nirnberskog (pa i tokijskog)
tribunala, takozvani haski tribunal uopste nije
nadle?an za krivièna dela protiv mira, kao sto su
spoljna ili unutrasnja agresija, veæ samo za ona
krivièna dela koja se èine tokom rata, na bojnom
polju, odnosno kako to pravnici ka?u za dela in

Ovakvo èinjenièno stanje nameæe svakom èoveku
normalne pameti neizbe?no pitanje: zasto su se
autori haskog tribunala opredelili za ovakvo
resenje? Ovo pitanje je tim prirodnije sto se èesto
u javnosti, pa i od samih kreatora haskog
tribunala, poziva na Nirnberg i Tokio kao na uzore
i presedane. Jedini moguæi logièan odgovor jeste:
ovakvom resenju se pribeglo namerno i svesno, da bi
se onemoguæio krivièni postupak protiv pravih
krivaca za tragediju Jugoslavije i njenih naroda,
pre svih naravno srpskog naroda, to jest onih koji
su isplanirali, organizovali, podsticali,
finansirali i izveli nasilno komadanje Jugoslavije.
Drugi bi razlog mogao biti da je u vreme kada je
stvaran haski tribunal, znaèi 1992/93. godine, veæ
bio anticipiran agresivni rat NATO-a protiv
Jugoslavije, pa, da bi se krivci zastitili od bilo
kakve odgovornosti, bilo je potrebno statutom
tribunala iskljuèiti njegovu nadle?nost u pogledu
agresije! Mo?emo se mi ljutiti koliko hoæemo na
Karlu del Ponte sto odbija da protiv NATO-a,
odnosno dr?ava èlanica te alijanse koje su
uèestvovale u agresiji podigne optu?nicu, ali ona
je formalno u pravu, jer joj statut tribunala,
vidimo, to onemoguæava, èak i da ona to lièno ?eli.

Ove nepobitne èinjenice vise nego dovoljno govore,
kako o haskom tribunalu, tako i o njegovim

Dr Milan Tepavac
