
Memoria 2011 / 3

Segnaliamo tre importanti pubblicazioni della casa editrice Zambon sul nazismo e sulla Resistenza in Unione Sovietica, a partire dalla più recente: BABIJ JAR.
Per maggiori informazioni: zambon@... -

--- NOVITA' ---

Anatolij Kuznetsov

1941: l’occupazione nazista di Kiev

A cura della redazione italiana della Casa editrice Zambon
Introduzione di Adriana Chiaia

Pagg. 240 - Prezzo: 12.00 euro - isbn 978-88-7826-65-4

Nel quadro dell’occupazione nazista di Kiev, durata più di due anni, la testimonianza dell’autore, a quei tempi un ragazzo di dodici anni, descrive il massacro di decine di migliaia di ebrei, di combattenti dell’Armata Rossa, di comunisti, di cittadini ucraini e di altre nazionalità, catturati nei rastrellamenti o presi in ostaggio, i cui corpi venivano gettati nell’enorme burrone di Babij Jar, nei pressi della città.
L’autore offre inoltre uno straordinario e contraddittorio panorama di personaggi positivi e negativi: partigiani e collaborazionisti, resistenti e delatori, solidali e profittatori, generosi e gretti, uomini, donne e bambini, strappati alla quotidianità del passato e costretti ad arrabattarsi per sopravvivere alla guerra con la sua sequela di atrocità, bombardamenti, distruzioni, saccheggi, fame e miseria materiale e morale.
Il libro è stato arricchito dalla sezione “Lineamenti di storia” composta di due schede. La prima tratta del diritto all’autodecisione dei popoli nella concezione del Partito comunista (b) e nella prassi del potere sovietico. La seconda ripercorre le vicissitudini dell’Ucraina, dalla rivendicazione dell’autonomia al patto costitutivo dell’Unione delle repubbliche socialiste sovietiche, inserendole nel loro contesto storico.
In appendice uno scritto di Il’ja Erenburg e stralci di un documento della Commissione governativa sulle distruzioni e le atrocità commesse dagli invasori tedeschi nella città di Kiev. (Processo di Norimberga).


Kurt Gossweiler

Chi furono i burattinai?
Chi gli spianò la strada?

A cura e con introduzione di Adriana Chiaia

L’autore documenta l’apporto determinante dei magnati dell’industria, dei grandi proprietari fondiari e dei banchieri tedeschi (nonché dei loro colleghi di Wall Street), alla caduta della Repubblica di Weimar e all’ascesa al potere di Hitler. Nel lungo elenco dei finanziatori del Partito nazista fin dall’inizio spicca, tra gli altri, il nome di Fritz Thyssen. Gossweiler denuncia inoltre la complicità dei dirigenti del Partito socialdemocratico che non si opposero, se non a parole, alla violenza sempre crescente delle truppe d’assalto naziste, ma, al contrario, sabotarono sistematicamente la formazione di un fronte unito antifascista e indirizzarono i loro attacchi contro il Partito comunista, animatore delle più risolute lotte di massa contro il nazismo. I collegamenti con la realtà attuale vengono messi in luce sia nella prefazione all’edizione francese di Annie Lacroix-Riz che nel saggio introduttivo di Adriana Chiaia.
Questo libro è dedicato agli operai della ThyssenKrupp arsi vivi sull’altare del profitto nell’incendio divampato nella fabbrica di Torino la notte del 6 dicembre 2007.

Brossura - 336 pagine - ISBN 978-88-87826-53-1 - 15,00 €




Traduzione e introduzione di Adriana Chiaia

Un'antologia di racconti dei più noti scrittori sovietici sulla “grande guerra patriottica” nella quale l'Armata Rossa e i popoli dell'URSS, pagando un elevatissimo prezzo umano e materiale, respinsero l'aggressione della Germania nazista fino a spezzare la formidabile macchina militare di Hitler e ad issare la bandiera rossa sul Reichstag di Berlino.
Un libro contro le menzogne e le falsificazioni, destinato alle giovani generazioni che vogliono conoscere la verità storica di cui sono stati privati.

Brossura - 368 pagine - ISBN 88-87826-16-1 - 15,00 €

(slovenščina / italiano)

Iniziative in Friuli - Venezia Giulia

3) Trieste/Trst 31.1.: I NOSTRI ESODI – NAŠA BEGUNSTVA

=== 1 ===

L’insegnamento di Storia dei partiti e dei movimenti politici
dell’Università di Trieste
in collaborazione con:
Coordinamento antifascista di Trieste
Cittadini liberi ed eguali
Associazione Edinost
venerdì 28 gennaio, ore 17
presso la sede del Narodni Dom-Scuola per Traduttori e Interpreti
via Filzi 14 - Trieste
Per non dimenticare i fatti accaduti dal 1942 all’aprile 1945 a Trieste
in conseguenza dell’attività fascista e filo nazista dell’Ispettorato Speciale di Pubblica Sicurezza,
noto anche come “banda Collotti” dal nome del commissario di PS Gaetano Collotti. La sua “squadra volante”, nel corso di rastrellamenti, arresti e interrogatori
torturò centinaia di persone.
Il progetto è di creare non solo un museo
ma un centro vivo di pace, documentazione e ricerca.
prof. Claudio Venza, docente di Storia dei partiti e movimenti politici
 Claudia Cernigoi, giornalista e ricercatrice storica
Portano la propria testimonianza diretta gli ex detenuti
Bogdan Berdon
Paola Canziani “Sonia”
Fernanda Hrelia leggerà
alcune dichiarazioni di ex prigionieri
Interverrà lo scrittore Boris Pahor,
già “triangolo rosso” (prigioniero politico) nei lager nazisti
Predmet zgodovina strank in političnih gibanj
Univerze v Trstu
v sodelovanju s
Coordinamento antifascista
Cittadini liberi ed eguali
Društvom Edinost
v petek, 28. januarja, ob 17. uri
v Narodnem domu-Šoli za tolmače in prevajalce
ulica Filzi 14 - Trst
Da ne grejo v pozabo dogodki, ki so se zvrstili od leta 1942 do aprila 1945 kot
dejavnost fašističnega in filonacističnega Posebnega inšpektorata javne varnosti,
znanega kot »Collottijeva tolpa« po imenu komisarja JV Gaetana Collottija,
poveljnika »letečega oddelka«. Med hajkami, aretacijami in zasliševanji je
njegov oddelek mučil stotine ujetnikov.
Obstaja načrt za postavitev ne samo muzeja,
temveč živega središča za mir, dokumentacijo in raziskave
spregovorila bosta:
prof. Claudio Venza, profesor zgodovine strank in političnih gibanj
Claudia Cernigoi, časnikarka in zgodovinska raziskovalka
O svojih doživetjih bosta pričala bivša zapornika
Bogdan Berdon
Paola Canziani »Sonja«
Igralka Fernanda Hrelja bo prebrala
nekatere izjave bivših zapornikov
posegel bo pisatelj Boris Pahor,
bivši »rdeči trikotnik« (politični zapornik) v nacističnih taboriščih

=== 2 ===



Sala Vecia Pescheria
ore 10.00




ALESSANDRA KERSEVAN Ricercatrice storica e scrittrice
FERRUCCIO TASSIN Ricercatore storico e scrittore
FURIO HONSELL Sindaco di Udine
Tutti i cittadini sono invitati a partecipare

presso la Vecia Pescheria, 
sarà allestita una mostra sul “campo di concentramento di Gonars” 
Orari di visita:
ore 10.00-12.00 e 15.00-19.00 
Ingresso gratuito.

=== 3 ===

ANPI Associazione Nazionale Partigiani d'Italia -Trieste

VZPI Vsedržavno združenje partizanov Italije - Trst

Vi invita all'incontro sul tema: Vas vabi na srečanje na temo

I nostri esodi – Naša begunstva

Migrazioni di massa di italiani e sloveni del Litorale nel xx secolo

Množične selitve Italijanov in Slovencev s Primorske v xx. stoletju

Partecipano – Sodelujejo

Fino al 1945 – Do leta 1945

Franco Cecotti, Aleksej Kalc, Piero Purini

Dopo il 1945 – Po letu 1945

Jure Gombač, Raoul Pupo, Sandi Volk

Coordina Marta Verginella koordinatorka

Lunedì, 31 gennaio 2011 v ponedeljek, 31. januarja 2011

alle ore 16 ob 16. uri

Sala Tessitori, Piazza Oberdan 5 v dvorani Tessitori, Trg Oberdan, 5

Da: Alessandro Di Meo <>
Data: 24 gennaio 2011 11.00.45 GMT+01.00
Oggetto: Invito

Carissimi amici,
giovedì , 27 gennaio  2011 ore 20,00
l' Ambasciata della Repubblica di Serbia in Italia

é  lieta di invitarvi alla presentazione del libro 
di Alessandro di Meo

presso la Residenza dell’Ambasciatore
Via dei Monti Parioli, 22
00197 Roma
Letture tratte dal libro (produzione ass. “un Ponte per...” - edizioni Exorma 2010),
a cura dell'autore
accompagnamento musicale, chitarra e percussioni: 
maestro Michele Martino
seguirà proiezione del documentario L'Urlo del Kosovo, sulle conseguenze dei bombardamenti su Serbia e Kosovo dopo oltre 10 anni dall'aggressione della Nato alla Jugoslavia
* il ricavato delle vendite del libro andranno, oltre a coprire i costi di produzione, a finanziare l'iniziativa di sostegno a distanza per famiglie di serbi che vivono nei villaggi del Kosovo

(segue rinfresco)

----------------------- ooooooooOOOOOOOOoooooooo -----------------------


                "Deve esserci, lo sento, in terra o in cielo un posto 
                       dove non soffriremo e tutto sarà giusto...

                               (francesco guccini - cyrano)

Un ponte per... associazione di volontariato per la solidarietà internazionale
                        Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 132 - 00185 - Roma
    tel 06-44702906  e-mail: 
posta@... web:

Richard Holbrooke, imperialist diplomat and war criminal

1) Could a Serbian Heart Have Saved Dick Holbrooke? (Alexander Cockburn)
2) Holbrooke: imperialist diplomat, war criminal, or both? (Stephen Millies)

=== 1 ===

понедељак, 24. јануар 2011.

Richard Holbrooke died at age 69 on Dec. 13, thus spared the annoyance of seeing one of his best-known political creations accused of supervising the killing of captives in order to slice out their organs for transplant purposes and financial gain.
In the wake of Holbrooke's sudden death, his memory was swiftly burnished with testimonials to his masterly diplomacy as the creator of a new Balkans freed from the Serbian yoke, and as Kosovo's midwife. It was Holbrooke who stood shoulder to shoulder with Albanian secessionists in the summer of 1998 and prompted NATO's bombing of Serbia until these applications of high explosives to civilian targets caused Milosevic to order the withdrawal of security forces from Kosovo.
The "freedom fighters" of the Kosovo Liberation Army — Albanian gangsters, most notably Hashim Thaci, hand-picked by Holbrooke and Madeleine Albright (her closest aide, James Rubin, acted as talent scout) at the Rambouillet talks — took over. Since unilaterally declaring independence in February 2008, the failed statelet run by heroin traffickers and white slavers, host to the vast U.S. Camp Bondsteel, has been recognized by only 72 out of 192 U.N. members, including 22 of the European Union's 27 members.
In April 2008, Carla Del Ponte — former chief prosecutor before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, and no friend of the Serbs — published a memoir on her time at the tribunal. In it, she charged that in 1999, there had been trafficking in human organs taken from Serb prisoners, reportedly carried out by top KLA commanders, and that her efforts to investigate had been blocked. Del Ponte's charges originated with information she got from Western investigative journalists working for a U.S.-based documentary producer, American RadioWorks.
Following Del Ponte's accusations, the Council of Europe assigned a liberal Swiss senator, Dick Marty, to investigate. The Marty report, two years in the making, was released Dec. 15, 2010. The report names Thaci, now Kosovo's prime minister, as having exercised "violent control" over the heroin trade in Kosovo during the past decade, and accuses him of overseeing an organized crime ring in the late '90s, committing assassinations, beatings, human organ trafficking and other major crimes.
The report is being reviewed by the EU's Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo, which is already probing a human body parts rip-and-ship facility — the Medicus Clinic in Pristina. Seven people have been charged with international organ trafficking, alleging poor people were hired from slums and promised payment of up to $20,000 for their kidneys. The organs were apparently sent to patients in Israel and Canada.
Marty is grimly detailed, supplying plenty of names, particularly concerning Thaci and his associates in the Drenica Group, "consistently named as 'key players' in intelligence reports on Kosovo's mafia-like structures of organized crime." Marty says he examined these reports by European intelligence agencies and the FBI "with consternation and a sense of moral outrage." He notes also the "fear, often to the point of genuine terror, which we have observed in some of our informants immediately upon broaching the subject of our inquiry."
Some Serb captives were taken into central Albania "to be murdered immediately before having their kidneys removed in a makeshift operating clinic.
... The captives ... were initially kept alive, fed well and allowed to sleep, and treated with relative restraint by KLA guards. ... When their blood was drawn by syringe for testing (a step that appears to have been akin to 'tissue typing,' or determining levels of organ transplantation compatibility), or when they were physically examined by men referred to as 'doctors,' the captives must have been put on notice that they were being treated as some form of medical commodities. ... When the transplant surgeons were confirmed to be in position and ready to operate, the captives were brought out of the 'safe house' individually, summarily executed by a KLA gunman, and their corpses transported swiftly to the operating clinic." The kidneys were then taken to nearby Tirana airport and shipped out to the paying customers.
Marty's report made big headlines in Britain and across Europe, not least because Kosovo had an election Dec. 12, won by Thaci's Democratic Party of Kosovo, with the results swiftly denounced as fraudulent. According to a Guardian source, at three polling stations in an area loyal to Thaci, more ballots were cast than people registered to vote. The British Daily Mail was particularly rough on Tony Blair, who traveled to Albania last year to pick up a Golden Medal of Freedom from Thaci, perhaps with the outlines of a kidney on the obverse.
The New York Times has carried a few modest stories about Marty; the Washington Post, almost nothing — this in marked contrast to the copious coverage of Belarus and Lukashenko, current Monster of the Moment, though no one has yet accused him of slicing open prisoners and making money off their kidneys or of being a white slaver and heroin trafficker. State Department spokesman Philip Crowley declared in the wake of Marty's charges that the United States will continue to work with Thaci, since "any individual anywhere in the world is innocent until proven otherwise."
After World War II, the U.S. government, in the Paperclip program, made haste to protect Nazi scientists like Sigmund Rascher who had killed and sliced up Jews, Russians and Poles in Dachau to make use of their organs. Georg Rickhey, imported as part of Werner von Braun's rocket team, had worked prisoners to death in the Dora camp and the Mittelwerk complex. Drew Pearson's columns ultimately earned Rickhey a secret war crimes trial, which the U.S. Army sabotaged by withholding records.
Then as now, the United States stands by its war criminals. Thaci has nothing to fear, as Holbrooke would no doubt have assured him. Thaci would doubtless have been ready to ship him a new Serbian heart as a thank you, relabeled "Kosovar" naturally.

Alexander Cockburn is co-editor with Jeffrey St. Clair of the muckraking newsletter CounterPunch. He is also co-author of the new book "Dime's Worth of Difference: Beyond the Lesser of Two Evils," available through To find out more about Alexander Cockburn and read features by other columnists and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page

=== 2 ===

Holbrooke: imperialist diplomat, war criminal, or both?

By Stephen Millies 
Published Dec 23, 2010 11:05 PM

Fawning eulogies that appeared in the capitalist press after Richard Holbrooke died on Dec. 13 mention that his nickname was “the bulldozer.” This fit, for more than one reason. For nearly 50 years Holbrooke “bulldozed” poor people to death all over the earth. President Obama’s “special representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan” was a war criminal.

Holbrooke is best known for his role in the Balkans and the destruction of Yugoslavia, but he carried out similar anti-popular tasks earlier regarding Vietnam, East Timor and south Korea.

Holbrooke joined the State Department in 1962, as a 22 year old. He was in charge of “pacifying” a province in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta for the United States Agency for International Development. “Pacification” meant driving peasants out of their villages into concentration camps called “strategic hamlets.”

Death squads organized through the CIA’s Operation Phoenix hunted Vietnamese liberation fighters and killed entire families. Tens of thousands of local Vietnamese organizers were killed.

Holbrooke helped carry out these bloodbaths in Vietnam. He served as an aide at the U.S. Embassy in Saigon to Ambassadors Maxwell Taylor and Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. He was also part of the U.S. delegation to the Paris peace talks in 1968 and 1969.

Covering up genocide in East Timor

Following a meeting with President Gerald Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in December 1975, Indonesian dictator Suharto invaded newly independent East Timor. The occupiers eventually killed a third of the Timorese population. After Democrat Jimmy Carter was elected, Holbrooke was appointed assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs. In that job he justified U.S. delivery of A-10 Bronco airplanes to the Indonesian military that were then used to strafe people in Timor.

Holbrooke also supported the South Korean military in its killing of thousands of people during the Kwangju uprising in 1980. According to journalist Tim Shorrock, Holbrooke “took it upon himself to prevent the democratic Korean opposition from speaking out against military intervention, and then kept his mouth firmly shut when the Kwangju disaster struck.” (

Breaking up socialist Yugoslavia

Holbrooke is best known for his role as President Clinton’s point man in the project of destroying Yugoslavia, the last remaining socialist state in Eastern Europe.

Socialist Yugoslavia was a multinational country that was forged through a guerrilla resistance war against German imperialist occupation during World War II. Holbrooke was ringmaster at the 1995 negotiations at the Wright-Paterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, that ended the civil war in Bosnia-Herzegovina. As journalist Diana Johnstone mentioned in her Dec. 15 article in CounterPunch, the same agreement could have been reached in 1992 except for U.S. sabotage. An earlier agreement would have saved years of war and hundreds of thousands of deaths.

Holbrooke backed Croatia in its expulsion of over a quarter million Serbian people from their homes in Krajina in 1995.

Bill Clinton launched 78 days of bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 after U.S. machinations failed to overthrow that country’s President Slobodan Milosevic. All the NATO countries joined in this class war. The war’s pretext was to “protect” Albanians in Serbia’s Kosovo province, but its result was to destroy Yugoslavia and bring the most reactionary forces to power in a U.S.-occupied Kosovo.

With the acquiescence of the U.S. and other NATO occupying forces, the “Kosovo Liberation Army” was allowed to persecute and kill Serbians, Roma, Jews and other minority people in Kosovo province and to oppress and exploit Albanian-origin workers too.

The Council of Europe has charged that KLA leader Hashim Thaci — now Kosovo’s prime minister — harvested body organs from Serbian prisoners of war and political opponents. The Pentagon’s largest military base in the region, Camp Bondsteel, is in Kosovo.

President Milosevic died under suspicious circumstances while being held in Scheveningen Prison in The Hague, Netherlands, in 2006. The International Criminal Tribunal on the Former Yugoslavia had failed in all its attempts to prove war crimes charges against Milosevic. Holbrooke said he found Milosevic’s death “a just end.” The truth is that Clinton, the other NATO leaders and yes, Richard Holbrooke, should have been on trial instead.

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