
Le 14ème sommet des pays non alignés

Ababacar Fall

Dans quelques jours s’ouvrira à la Havane, Cuba, le 14 eme Sommet des
Pays Non Alignés. Cette rencontre qui se tiendra du 11 au 16
septembre va réunir 116 pays et se déroulera dans un contexte
international tout à fait particulier.

Parce que caractérisé depuis la chute de Berlin, par l’offensive du
néolibéralisme portée par ce qu’il convient d’appeler l’idéologie de
la pensée unique incarnée par le pole occidentale dirigée par
Washington. En face de l’Empire et de ses satellites se trouve ce
camp historique des Pays Non Alignés. Bien qu’il faille relativiser
le concept pour ne considérer que sa valeur symbolique. Toutefois ce
symbole est porté par le camp des pays d’Amérique Latine à la tête
desquelles, se dressent ostensiblement, Cuba, le Venezuela et la
Bolivie, dirigés par les Présidents Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez et Evo
Morales. Car dans quel état se retrouverait le monde actuellement, si
après la disparition du Bloc de l’Est, personne ne se mettait à se
battre et à résister? C’est justement ce que fait le camp dans lequel
Cuba et le Venezuela jouent un rôle prépondérant.
Pour mieux camper ce contexte donnons un instant la parole M. Robert
SAE, porte parole du Conseil National des Comités Populaires de la
Martinique qui lors d’une d’une interview saisissante accordée au
mensuel « Ase Plere Annou Lite »(reprise de Haïti Progrès de ce
mois), disait ceci au journaliste qui lui demandait s’il n’était pas
exagéré de prétendre qu’une troisième guerre mondiale menace le
monde: « Il faut bien comprendre que le déclenchement des guerres
n’est pas seulement dû à la « folie des hommes ». Elles sont le fruit
de contradictions qui existent au sein de la société et elles
éclatent quand un certains nombre de conditions sont réunies, en
particulier quand des classes dirigeantes d’un ou plusieurs Etats ont
impérativement besoin, pour la garantir leur domination, de contrôler
des zones stratégiques du point de vue militaire, des régions riches
en matières premières ou des marchés. Les USA étaient parvenus à
imposer une domination sans partage sur le reste du monde, notamment
après l’effondrement du bloc soviétique dans les années 90’, mais la
situation a profondément évolué et leur domination est plus que
compromise. Alors ils feront tout pour le maintenir. (…) On ne peut,
hélas compter sur l’ONU ni sur l’Union européenne pour s’opposer aux
Etats-Unis. Il est facile de vérifier que les Usa se moquent
totalement du droit international et que l’Onu s’agenouille devant
eux. Regardez le cas de l’agression contre l’Irak. Regardez l’affaire
des centres de tortures clandestins. Quant à l’UE, c’est une alliée
stratégique des USA. La France ne s’est pas engagée en Irak,
simplement parce que les USA avaient été trop gourmands dans le
partage après la première guerre du Golfe, mais les Européens sont
présents en Afghanistan et sont aux côtés des Etats-uniens à tous les
niveaux d’application de leur stratégie impérialiste. Leur complicité
commune est évidente avec l’Etat terroriste israélien.».

Après la mort du « Chat noir » : le Communisme, il fallait un autre
spectre pour hanter le sommeil des peuples d’occident, maintenir la
terreur, perpétuer l’exploitation des pays et des peuples. Bref, un
autre cri de ralliement pour occulter tous les forfaits du passé, du
présent, et du futur. Naturellement l’avant garde dans ce domaine,
c’est Washington qui ne cesse d’asseoir toute une stratégie pour
dominer le monde. Cela depuis Monroe, le Maccartisme en passant la
fameuse commission « La Trilatérale ». Le cri de ralliement c’est : «
lutter contre le terrorisme ». Tout le monde sait qu’après le 11
septembre, les guerres en Afghanistan, en Irak, en Palestine, les
menaces envers l’Iran, ne visent qu’un objectif : faire main base sur
les réserves pétrolières de cette région du monde qui se trouvent en
Mer caspienne, en Irak, et en Arabie Saoudite, notamment.

Mais en Amérique latine et centrale, en dépit de sa volonté de
saboter le processus démocratique en Haïti, de pacifier la Colombie à
travers son plan du même nom, Washington rencontre une résistance
farouche des peuples d’Amérique aux traditions de lutte légendaire,
incarnées par Bolivar San Martin, Gomez, Macéo, le célèbre Poète
cubain José Marti etc. Cette résistance qui se manifeste au plan
politique, économique et diplomatique est soutenue par l’opinion
publique mondiale, consciente et mobilisée. D’ailleurs Noam Chomsky,
professeur à MITI, considère ce phénomène comme la nouvelle
superpuissance capable de sauver le monde.

Au plan politique, les latinos ont fait bon usage des legs des pères
de la résistance et de l’indépendance d’Amérique latine que nous
venons de nommer. Car Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, EVO Morales arborent
les drapeaux de la souveraineté et de l’indépendance pour lesquels
luttaient leurs devanciers.

Alors que la prétention des Etats Unis d’imposer la Zone de « Libre-
échange » pour les Amériques (ZLEA) essuie des coups de boutoir tout
azimut, l’Alternative Bolivarienne pour les Amérique (ALBA) vole de
succès en succès et se renforce de jour en jour. Pêle-mêle,
mentionnons le projet de construction d’un gazoduc qui reliera 6 pays
dont le Venezuela, l’Argentine, la Bolivie, le Brésil, le Paraguay et
l’Uruguay. Au plan de la santé et de l’éducation, «la Mission Milagro
» ou ( Opération miracle, ces charters sur la Havane pour soigner
gratuitement de la cataracte à des milliers de malades-220 571-
Latinos), la « Mission Adentro », couplée avec la méthode
d’alphabétisation prodigieuse, « Yo si puedo », qui a fait du
Venezuela un territoire libre d’analphabétisme en arrivant à faire
lire et écrire (1 482 543) vénézuéliens, achèvent de dispenser Chavez
et Castro, pendant des décennies, de campagnes électorales. Tout
simplement parce qu’ils sont plébicité à tous les coins d’Amérique.
Du Nord au Sud. C’est pourquoi lors du VI ème Forum Mondial à
Caracas, le président du Venezuela Hugo Chavez avait assuré « qu’une
nouvelle offensive contre l’impérialisme s’est déclenchée depuis
l’Amérique Latine, l’Afrique et l’Asie ». Avant d’ajouter que « le
système va subir la plus grande défaite de son histoire ».(cf.www. Ce que du reste suggère M. Emmanuel Todd, ingénieur de
recherche, historien auteur de « Après l’empire » dans une interview
accordée au journal le Figaro : « Le système social (des USA,
s’entend), ne repose plus sur l’éthique du travail et le goût de
l’épargne du calvinisme des pères fondateurs- mais au contraire sur
un nouvel idéal (je n’ose pas parler d’éthique ou de morale) : la
recherche du meilleur gain pour le moindre effort. L’argent vite
gagné par la spéculation et pourquoi pas le vol. La bande de chômeurs
noirs qui pille un supermarché et le groupes d’oligarques qui tente
d’organiser le « casse » du siècle sur la réserve d’hydrocarbures de
l’Irak ont un principe d’action en commun : la prédation. Les
dysfonctionnements de la Nouvel Orléans renvoient à quelques éléments
centraux de la culture américaine actuelle ». (in Figaro 13-09-05,
cité par HP du 28-09-05)

Mais si les leaders politiques et les intellectuels d’Amérique latine
iront à ce XIV ème sommet des Non Alignés la tête haute, en sera t-il
de même pour ceux d’Afrique ? En tout cas si le président Chavez a
usé de langage diplomatique pour inclure l’Afrique dans l’offensive
déclenchée, ce n’est pas à ces leaders féodaux corrompus aux
pouvoirs, ces gourous de chefs d’Etat, anti démocrates les uns les
autres, qu’il pense. Mais aux peuples, algérien, de la Guinée Bissau,
de l’Angola, du Mozambique, d’Afrique du Sud, de la « Francophonie »,
dont les indépendances, la souveraineté ont été confisquées et
dévoyées. Mais qui somme toute continuent de résister et de lutter.
Lors du dernier sommet de l’Union Africaine, à Banjul, en juillet
dernier, le président CHAVEZ, conscient des enjeux politiques,
économiques et stratégiques n’a pas hésité de faire le déplacement
pour y assister et marquer sa solidarité aux peuples africains. Mais
à coté du jeune ALBA qui a mis en place une politique de coopération
intégrationniste Sud/Sud sans précèdent, au plan économique et
social, qui va bouleverser toutes les données des plans
d’exploitation de Washington, quelles propositions en terme de
perspectives pour éliminer et non réduire la pauvreté, les dictateurs
africains pour la plupart vont mettre sur la table à la HAVANE ?
Rien, sinon un bilan de « désastre généralisé et coordonné ».
D’ailleurs même le «Modéré » Alpha Oumar Konaré, Président de la
Commission de l’Union africaine n’ a pas manqué de tonner devant de
ce désastre,illustré par l’émigration de la jeunesse africaine : «
Les dirigeants africains sont interpellés pour lutter contre les
causes structurelles de la pauvreté(souligné par nous), pour mettre
en œuvre les programmes de création de richesses et de promotion de
l’emploi tels que recommandé par le sommet extraordinaire sur
l’emploi et la réduction de la pauvreté, tenu à Ouagadougou, en
septembre 2004, et cela conformément aux attentes des jeunes et des
promesses qui leur ont été faites ».(cf. Le Soleil du 11 juillet 2006).

Ce qui est notable dans le discours de nos « philanthropes
politiciens » , de nos économistes et autres hommes de science, c’est
leur habilité à esquiver, à biaiser le débat de fond qui est celui de
recouvrer la souveraineté, l’indépendance, la dignité africaines,
gage de la libération et de la Renaissance Africaine.

Bien évidemment, nous soulignons ce que nous cessons de dire. Si
l’élite n’a pour autres préoccupations que la recherche d’un « Bien
Etre cybernétique » (Villa à Los Angeles, comptes alimentés par des
officines de financement occulte, Rolls, gadgets de « tenagers »),
ils ne peuvent que tourner le dos aux intérêts de leurs peuples.

On peut comprendre par conséquent à posteriori, tout le « malentendu
» qui a eu entre Sékou Touré et les intellectuels africains, quelques
soient par ailleurs ses erreurs, ses fautes auxquelles il a été
poussé, en complicité avec ceux qui lui vouaient « humiliation et
mépris. »

Mépris ? on est tenté de le penser, à propos du comportement de nos
chefs d’Etats africains envers le XIV sommet qui se tient à la
Havane. Car quel est le citoyen sénégalais, africain qui est au
courant des préparatifs africains en direction de ce sommet, encore
moins de la signification de l’événement ?

Peut être que le sémillant Ministre sénégalais des affaires
étrangères tachera de sommet les meubles avant qu’il soit trop tard.

Dakar le 8 septembre 2006

Ababacar FALL-Barros

Coordonnateur général du GRILA
DAKAR (R. Sénégal)

Les USA ont d'abord utilisé le napalm en Grèce en 1949

La guerre civile en Grèce (1946-1949)

Costas Pateras

Notes sur la guerre civile grecque (1946-1949)

Le 2 juillet 2006, des milliers de membres et de sympathisants/antes
du Parti communiste grec (KKE) et de la Jeunesse communiste de Grèce
(KNE) se sont réunis au village de Likorakhi, situé au cœur de la
chaîne de montagnes Grammos, pour participer à la cérémonie
d'inauguration d'un mémorial commémorant le 60ème anniversaire de la
fondation de l'Armée démocratique de la Grèce (ADG) et rendre hommage
aux milliers de militants/antes qui ont sacrifié leur vie au cours
des trois années de guerre civile (1946-1949), dans la lutte contre
la réaction locale et l'impérialisme anglo-états-unien.

PC de Grèce, Notes sur la guerre civile grecque (1946-1949) [Première

L'emplacement du mémorial est, lui aussi, hautement symbolique. Il
est situé à l'endroit où se trouvait un nid de mitrailleuse de
l'Armée démocratique de Grèce, au sein des montagnes où ont eu lieu,
en 1948 et en 1949, les plus violents combats de la guerre civile.
Dans sa déclaration commémorant le 60ème anniversaire, le Comité
central du Parti communiste grec a souligné le fait que la guerre
civile a été «la période de lutte de classe la plus intense ayant eu
lieu en Grèce au cours du vingtième siècle», la lutte pour la
démocratie du peuple contre la classe dirigeante monarcho-fasciste
corrompue et contre ses alliés impérialistes étrangers. Le droit des
communistes grecs/grecques et des autres progressistes de rendre
hommage aux militants/antes de l'Armée démocratique de la Grèce est,
en fait, un droit durement gagné, car pendant de nombreuses années
après la guerre civile, les membres et les sympathisants/antes ont
été persécutés/ées de toutes les façon possibles. Ce n'est qu'en 1989
que le Parlement grec a adopté une résolution déclarant que les
partisans/anes de l'Armée démocratique de la Grèce (ADG) n'étaient
pas des bandits. Cette période de l'histoire a été particulièrement
l'objet de distorsions par des propagandistes, des journalistes et
des historiens de Grèce et de l'étranger. Leur but est de ternir
l'image du mouvement populaire et de miner les luttes passées,
présentes et futures en faveur du socialisme, en les décrivant comme
des tentatives sinistres, appuyées par les Soviétiques, d'établir une
dictature, ainsi que comme un exemple d'agression et de fanatisme.

La guerre civile grecque n'est, bien sûr, pas tombée du ciel; elle a
été le résultat d'une série d'interventions et de développements
impérialistes relatifs au mouvement populaire et qui remontent à la
Seconde guerre mondiale et à la période précédant celle-ci. Le texte
qui suit est une description brève et un peu schématique des
processus qui ont conduit à la guerre civile. Ce sont des aspects que
nous traiterons de façon plus développée et approfondie dans des
articles subséquents. En 1940, quand le régime fasciste italien a
envahi la Grèce, les communistes et les progressistes grecs/grecques
se trouvaient aux premières lignes de la résistance et remportaient
des victoires, malgré le fait que des milliers d'entre elles/eux
languissaient en prison, et que le Parti communiste grec conduisait
ses opérations dans des conditions particulièrement difficiles, étant
une organisation illégale et persécutée. Le secrétaire général du
Parti communiste grec, Nikos Zachariadis, a écrit une lettre ouverte
au people grec, qui est devenue célèbre. Il exhortait ce dernier à
résister à l'agression italienne et prévoyait qu'une telle résistance
populaire engendrerait une Grèce nouvelle. Après la lâche reddition
de l'Ancien régime à la «Wehrmacht», les progressistes grecs ont
entrepris la tâche d'organiser la résistance. Cette tâche a atteint
son plein développement lors de la 6ème session du Parti communiste
grec, en juillet 1941, qui a alors affirmé la nécessité de créer un
Front national de libération (EAM). C'est ainsi qu'ont été constitués
(a) le légendaire Front national de libération (EAM), (b) son aile
militaire, l'Armée populaire de libération nationale (ELAS) et (3),
un peu plus tard, la légendaire organisation de jeunesse (EPON). Au
cours des trois années suivantes, ces organisations légendaires
allaient écrire les pages les plus glorieuses de l'histoire moderne
de la Grèce au cours de leur combat contre l'occupation nazie. La
preuve de leur effectivité est qu'en avril 1944, ces organisations
avaient libéré 90% de la région continentale de la Grèce. Dans les
régions contrôlées par le Front national de libération (EAM), les
femmes se sont vues, pour la première fois, attribuer des droits
politiques; d'autre part des conseils et des tribunaux populaires
démocratiques ont été établis. C'est au cours de la lutte contre
l'occupation que le peuple grec, ayant à son avant-garde le Parti
communiste grec, a créé ses bases démocratiques.

Ce fait n'est pas passé inaperçu de la classe dirigeante britannique.
Il était clair qu'un gouvernement populaire constitué par le Front
national de libération (EAM) au sein duquel le Parti communiste grec
aurait une position dirigeante était une menace pour les intérêts
historiques de la Grande-Bretagne en Grèce et dans la partie
occidentale de la Méditerranée. Alors, malgré l'occupation nazie, les
Britanniques ont déployé tous leurs efforts pour freiner le Front
national de libération / Armée populaire de libération nationale
(EAM / ELAS), surtout en renforçant «Ligue nationale républicaine
grecque» (EDES), organisation petite et violemment anti-communiste,
connue pour sa collaboration fréquente avec les occupants nazis afin
de combattre l'Armée populaire de libération nationale (ELAS). Alors
que les troupes allemandes étaient repoussées hors de Grèce, ces
efforts se sont intensifiés, et ne pouvaient plus être vus autrement
que comme des préparatifs systématiques à une attaque contre les
organes de résistance du peuple grec. En avril 1944, Churchill a
donné l'ordre à la BBC de ne plus décrire favorablement les activités
du Front national de libération / Armée populaire de libération
nationale (EAM / ELAS). Par une série de provocations bien
planifiées, les Britanniques ont purgé l'armée grecque d'Afrique du
Nord des soldats de gauche, ce qui a conduit à l'emprisonnement de 18
500 d'entre eux dans des camps de concentration d'Afrique du Nord.
Ceci a eu lieu en coordination avec la formation de bataillons
ultraroyalistes au sein de l'Armée grecque, tels que les régiments
alpins, dans le but de créer des outils qui pourraient être utilisés
contre le mouvement populaire. Churchill a déployé beaucoup d'efforts
pour porter des politiciens grecs d'avant-guerre comme George
Papandreou à des postes de direction au sein du premier gouvernement
oecuménique, et pour aider la création de bandes de collaborateurs
pouvant agir librement et d'escadrons de la mort pro royalistes, tels
que les bataillons «Grivas’ X». Une série d'attaques contre le
mouvement populaire et contre ses représentants ont abouti à la
démission des ministres du Front national de libération (EAM) du
gouvernement. Une importante manifestation de protestation avait été
convoquée pour le dimanche 3 décembre. Alors qu'un foule se dirigeait
en masse vers le Square de la Constitution, la police a ouvert le feu
sur celle-ci, tuant 15 manifestants et en blessant une centaine.
Après ce massacre, le secrétaire général du Front national de
libération (EAM), Dimitris Partsalidis, a déclaré que «le peuple
luttera pour la liberté à n'importe quel prix». C'est ainsi qu'a
commencé la bataille d'Athènes entre d'une part l'Armée populaire de
libération nationale (ELAS) et d'autre part l'armée britannique et
les forces de sécurité collaboratrices. Le Front national de
libération (EAM) a essayé plusieurs fois de négocier un cessez-le-
feu, mais selon les Britanniques, le but fondamental était, comme
Churchill le disait, «d'écraser le Front national de libération
(EAM)». Pour écraser le mouvement populaire, l'impérialisme
britannique a dépêché 60 000 soldats, 200 chars d'assaut, des avions,
entre autres, ainsi que des combattants qui avaient collaboré avec
les nazis! Après 44 jours de violents combats, les unités de l'Armée
populaire de libération nationale (ELAS) se sont retirées d'Athènes,
et une semaine plus tard le cessez-le-feu a été déclaré. Le 12
février, le Front national de libération (EAM) a signé l'accord de
Varkiza, qui comprenait, entre autres clauses, le désarmement du
Front national de libération (ELAS) et des bataillons de sécurité
ainsi que d'autres mesures visant à garantir la normalisation de la

Il est devenu rapidement clair que l'accord ne serait respecté que
par le Front national de libération (EAM) et par le Parti communiste
grec. Des groupes paramilitaires, de connivence avec l'appareil de
sécurité et avec l'armée britannique, ont entrepris une campagne de
terreur. Les partisans/anes de l'Armée populaire de libération
nationale (ELAS) étaient massacrés/ées, torturés/ées, arrêtés/ées et
accusés/ées de “crimes”, alors que les collaborateurs des nazis,
lorsqu'ils étaient accusés, recevaient des sentences ridiculement
légères. Quelques chiffres montrent l'amplitude de la “Terreur
blanche”, dont la durée s'est étendue de l'accord de Varkiza au 31
mars 1946 : parmi les membres de la résistance il y a eu 1 289
assassinés, 6 671 blessés, 31 632 torturés, 84 931 arrêtés et 8 624
emprisonnés; 677 bureaux d'organisations de la résistance ont été
attaqués; 165 femmes membres du Front national de libération (EAM)
ont été violées. Au cours de toute cette période, alors que plusieurs
combinaisons de partis bourgeois ont été au pouvoir, les Britanniques
n'ont jamais essayé de mettre fin aux tentatives d'écraser le
mouvement démocratique grec et de restaurer la monarchie. Il convient
de souligner le fait que l'élection d'un gouvernement travailliste
n'a rien changé à cette politique, qui est conséquente avec la nature
pro impérialiste de la social-démocratie en général au niveau
mondial, et en particulier dans le cas du Parti travailliste
britannique. C'est dans ce climat de terreur que des élections
complètement frauduleuses ont eu lieu le 31 mars 1946. Le Parti
communiste et le Front national de libération (EAM) ont refusé de
participer à cette élection en raison de leur nature et en guise de

À partir du début de 1946, de petits groupes de partisans ont quitté
les villes et se sont installés dans les montagnes pour pouvoir se
défendre. Comme première grande opération, ils ont attaqué un poste
de police de la ville de Litochori. Ensuite a commencé une série de
confrontations avec les forces gouvernementales et les escadrons de
la mort paramilitaires. Le 28 octobre 1946, l'Armée démocratique de
la Grèce (ADG) a été constituée. Au cours de cette période, la
terreur s'est intensifiée et a atteint son paroxysme le 17 juin, date
à laquelle le parlement a voté des "mesures d'urgence", qui, somme
toute, abolissaient tous les droits individuels et politiques et
établissait la loi martiale.

La description des nombreuses opérations effectuées par l'Armée
démocratique de la Grèce (ADG) au cours de la guerre civile dépasse
le cadre de cet article. Il faudrait cependant décrire certains
aspects de cette période, tels que la nature de l'ADG, le
gouvernement provisoire et les tactiques utilisées par les monarcho-

Nous avons déjà fourni quelques données sur la terreur utilisée par
les impérialistes et par leurs alliés locaux, qui a duré tout au long
de la guerre civile. Un exemple des actes barbares qu'ils
commettaient est l'étalage, en juillet 1947, dans la ville de
Florina, des têtes coupées de partisans. Cet acte survenait dans le
cadre du ratissage systématique et massif de la campagne et de la
déportation d'environ 700 000 personnes de leurs villages, visant à
priver l'Armée démocratique de la Grèce (ADG) de recrues. Ces
personnes sont devenues des réfugiés internes dans d'autres villages
et villes. Le réseau d'îles servant de prison et de camps de
concentration s'est étendu pour interner les personnes soupçonnées
d'être de gauche, des membres de leurs familles et des militaires
accusés d'être de gauche. Entre 1947 et 1950, environ 28 800
personnes auraient été détenues dans des camps de prisonniers. Ces
personnes étaient envoyées dans des cachots tristement célèbres de
Makronissos et de Yioura, entre autres. Des formes de torture et des
actes dégradants de toutes sortes étaient infligés aux personnes qui
avaient le malheur d'être détenus dans ces prisons.

Ensuite, les États-uniens sont arrivés, ont retiré aux Britanniques
la responsabilité d'administrer la Grèce et ont appliqué la Doctrine
Truman. L'étendue et la quantité de l'aide militaire fournie au
gouvernement grec se sont développées considérablement. Ce que peu de
gens savent c'est que le napalm, utilisé de façon si dévastatrice au
Viêt-Nam, a d'abord été utilisé en Grèce. Dans les batailles qui se
sont déroulées en 1949 dans les montagnes Grammos-Vitsi, 388 bombes
au napalm ont été utilisées.

L'Armée démocratique de la Grèce (ADG) était, sous tous ses aspects,
une armée populaire démocratique. Des assemblées étaient tenues au
niveau des pelotons, au cours desquelles tout soldat pouvait exprimer
son opinion; chaque militant prononçait un serment d'allégeance, qui
soulignait les idéaux et les principes de l'Armée démocratique de la
Grèce (ADG) et la manière selon laquelle chaque militant/ante doit se
comporter à l'égard du peuple. L'éducation politique était assurée
systématiquement par les officiers politiques assignés dans chaque
unité. Les femmes jouaient un rôle important au cours des combats :
elles constituaient plus de 30% des effectifs militaires de l'ADG et
70% du personnel médical et de soutien. Ceci était en flagrant
contraste avec le rôle réservé aux femmes de la classe dominante
grecque. Ce n'est que dans les régions contrôlées par les forces
démocratiques que les femmes avaient des droits politiques.
L'enseignement médical était assuré par des écoles de formation et
par des hôpitaux. 125 travailleurs/euses de la santé avaient reçu une
formation. Aleka Papariga, secrétaire générale du Parti communiste
grec, a expliqué que malgré le manque de fournitures, «toute
opération qui devait être effectuée était effectuée».

Le 23 décembre 1947, dans les régions libres de la Grèce, le
Gouvernement démocratique provisoire (GDP) a été fondé. Il était basé
sur douze principes, entre autres la reconnaissance du droit des
femmes et des minorités et l'indépendance de la Grèce par rapport au
capital étranger. Le Gouvernement démocratique provisoire (GDP) a
institué des conseils populaires dans les villages et des assemblées
représentatives populaires dans des villes, qui élisaient des
exécutifs et avaient le droit de révoquer ces derniers. Des élections
ont eu lieu dans 300 municipalités du Nord de la Grèce en 1948 et
dans 323 villages du Péloponnèse. Des tribunaux populaires ont été
élus, les électeurs/trices ayant le droit de révoquer ses officiels
(des cours d'appel ont aussi été élues). Le grec démotique, langue
utilisée par le peuple, a été adopté comme langue officielle et a été
enseigné dans les écoles établies par le Gouvernement démocratique
provisoire (GDP), et les minorités ont aussi pu étudier dans leurs
propres langues. L'éducation était gratuite et obligatoire, et il y a
avait une école dans chaque village. La propriété de la terre était
réglementée et la terre était redistribuée. Chaque agriculteur avait
le droit de posséder une quantité minimale de terre et un niveau
maximal était également fixé. Les réalisations de la période du Front
national de libération (EAM) ont été développées et approfondies, et
elles constituent les éléments de base du peuple démocratique de Grèce.

Après trois années de combat, le reste des forces de l'Armée
démocratique de la Grèce (ADG), surtout après l'intervention des
États-uniens de 1948 et après, ont été forcées de se retirer en
Albanie après les violents combats dans les chaînes de montagnes de
Vitsi et de Grammos, en août 1949. La résistance a continué malgré
tout dans certaines régions telles que Lesbos, au cours de l'année
1950. En Crète, les deux derniers partisans de l'Armée démocratique
de la Grèce (ADG), Giorgos Tzompanakis et Spiros Blazakis, sont
descendus des montagnes après la chute de la dictature, survenue le
24 février 1975.

Le nombre de personnes tuées au cours de la Guerre civile est
d'environ 150 000. Selon les données officielles de la direction
générale de l'armée grecque, environ 38 839 partisans/anes de l'Armée
démocratique de la Grèce (ADG) ont été tués/ées ou blessés/ées, 20
128 ont été emprisonnés/ées. Selon les données officielles, 55 528
soldats de l'armée gouvernementale ont été tués.

Plus de 65 000 personnes, entre communistes, autres combatants/antes
et sympathisants/antes du Front national de libération (EAM) et de
l'Armée démocratique de la Grèce (ADG) ont été obligés/ées de quitter
la Grèce et de se réfugier dans des pays socialistes (environ 20 000
ont été privés de leur citoyenneté), 40 000 ont été envoyés/ées dans
des prisons et des camps de concentration tels que Makronnissos. Les
exécutions de combattants de la Résistance ont continué jusqu'en
1955. Au moins 5 000 ont été exécutés y compris Nikos Belogiannis,
membre du Bureau politique du parti communiste grec, dont le procès
est devenu très célèbre. La monarchie a été rétablie conjointement
avec le régime réactionnaire, qui a été connu pour sa soumission à
l'impérialisme anglo-états-unien, par la répression qu'il a exercée
contre la Gauche, par sa mauvaise gestion économique, par ses échecs
politiques et culturels. Cette situation a atteint son apogée pendant
les sept années tristement célèbres de dictature des colonels,
appuyée par les Etats-Unis..

La période de la Guerre civile et de la Résistance du Front national
de libération (EAM) a été importante pour la formation du mouvement
populaire. Le Parti communiste grec et ses alliés n'ont jamais cessé
de lutter pour la démocratie et le socialisme dans les conditions
d'illégalité, soit avec le front gauche de la Gauche démocratique
unie (EDA) dans la lutte pour l'éducation et pour les droits des
détenus/ues, sur la question de Chypre et de l'indépendance
nationale, pour développer une culture populaire vivante et dynamique
contrairement aux dogmes bourgeois stériles des années 1950 et 1960.
Une lutte qui a continué après la chute de la Junte, contre les
guerres impérialistes contre la Yougoslavie et l'Irak, contre les
centres impérialistes que sont les Etats-Unis et l'Union européenne,
pour défendre les droits et les acquis des travailleurs/euses, Aleka
Papariga a résumé cet héritage dans son discours prononcé à Lykorakhi :

«Le terrorisme et la violence dirigés contre les communistes et les
militants/antes de la Résistance sont les facteurs qui ont entraîné
la naissance à l'Armée démocratique de la Grèce (ADG), pas seulement
en tant que forme de défense, mais aussi en tant que tentative
héroïque d'appliquer les objectifs de la Résistance nationale.

Si les conditions matérielles soulèvent pour des communistes, pour
des anti-capitalistes la question faut-il «contre-attaquer ou se
soumettre», il n'y a qu'une réponse : «Il faut contre-attaquer!».

Costas Pateras est membre de la Section internationale du Parti
communiste grec (KKE)

Source : Parti communiste de Grèce, jeudi 24 août 2006 , mailto:cpg@

(english - con brevissimi titoli in italiano)

Neverending pogroms in Kosmet (5)


230 Attacks Against Serbs and Other Non-Albanians Committed in Kosovo

Kosovo Serbians 'living in fear' / TADIC: I SERBI KOSOVARI VIVONO NEL

Explosion in northern Kosovo injures 9, including British policeman /

Serbia protests at UN envoy's remarks on "collective guilt" over

Albanians who beat Serbian professor Vuk Danilovic in the center of
Decani on August 21 have not been arrested yet, although the attack
took place before many eyewitnesses / IMPUNITÀ GARANTITA PER GLI

International Community Tolerating Albanian Acts of Violence in

Russia supports Serbian integrity - Putin / PUTIN: LA RUSSIA APPOGGIA

Czech KFOR soldiers seize weapons, ammunition in Kosovo / SEQUESTRATO

Ferrero-Waldner says new escalation in Kosovo is possible / FERRERO-

Serbia might request Ahtisaari's recall / LA SERBIA DENUNCIA LE FRASI

China supports Serbia in Kosovo talks / LA CINA SOSTIENE LA POSIZIONE

Moscow Calls for Universal Approach in Conflict Resolution / LA


Adem Demaci, Ideologist of Kosovo’s Independence / DEMACI REDIVIVO


Serbs are unhappy over pro-albanian position of new U.N. mission

NATO's new Kosovo commander pledges resolve during status talks / IL

Kosovo Serbs question security build-up / I SERBI DEL KOSOVO SI

US Think Kosovo Should Receive Some Kind of Independence: Serbia’s

=== NEWS ===
Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - August 13, 2006

230 Attacks Against Serbs and Other Non-Albanians Committed in Kosovo
Since October

Belgrade - Since October last year 230 attacks against
Serbs and other non-Albanians have been committed in
This is what the Coordination Center for Kosovo
announced cited by Serbian news agency TANJUG.
3 people have been killed and 25 have been wounded in
the attacks.
21 of the attacks were committed with a firearm.
In 32 of the cases the perpetrators used explosive
devices and in other 32 cases they threw stones at
people, houses and cars.
Meanwhile, there were also 9 physical attacks, 113
thefts and 3 attacks against religious sites.

Associated Press - August 13, 2006

Kosovo Serbians 'living in fear'

BELGRADE, Serbia - Serbia's president said Sunday that
Serbs in Kosovo live in fear, despite promises to
protect their rights as a minority from the U.N.
authorities and ethnic Albanian leaders in the
troubled province.
President Boris Tadic issued a statement to mark the
third anniversary of an attack on Serb teenagers in
Kosovo, when gunmen killed two and wounded four while
they were swimming in a river in the western village
of Gorazdevac.
"Serbs live in constant fear for their lives and the
lives of their families," Tadic said. "The
international community must find the perpetrators of
this crime and provide security for all."
Kosovo is a province of Serbia, but it has been an
international protectorate since 1999. Majority ethnic
Albanians want independence from Serbia, but Belgrade
opposes it. Kosovo's final status will be decided at
ongoing U.N.-brokered talks.
Tadic accused the international officials in Kosovo
and the local authorities of "doing nothing to solve
the murder of the children."
The Serbs in Kosovo - about 100,000 of them who
remained there after Serbia lost control over the
province after the 1999 NATO air war - live in
isolated enclaves, without freedom of movement and
fearing attacks from extremist ethnic Albanians.
Ethnic Albanian leaders recently have sought to dispel
Serb fears and promise more rights, but have been
unable to curb attacks from extremists who wish to
drive the remaining Serbs from Kosovo....
Tadic urged the ethnic Albanian leaders to "do
something against extremists and criminals in their
ranks." He insisted that "words are not good enough."
There was no immediate comment from Kosovo on Tadic's
The talks on Kosovo's final status started earlier
this year. The rights and the position of the Serbs in
Kosovo are a key issue at the negotiations.

Associated Press - August 26, 2006

Explosion in northern Kosovo injures 9, including British policeman

PRISTINA, Serbia - An explosion at a bar in Kosovo's
tense north injured nine people Saturday night,
including a British policeman with UN forces in the
Serbian province, officials said.
An explosive device was thrown at the Dolce Vita bar
shortly before 7 p.m. local time in the ethnically
divided town Kosovska Mitrovica, UN police spokesman
Larry Miller said. He said a possible suspect was
detained for questioning.
"Two of those injured are foreign nationals, one of
them is a police officer," Miller said, without giving
further details.
A spokesman for the British office in Kosovo said a
British citizen serving with the UN police in the
province was among the injured.
A Dutch woman was also hurt in the explosion, said
Milan Ivanovic, director of the hospital in Kosovska
Kosovska Mitrovica has often been the scene of clashes
between Albanians and Serbs. The river Ibar divides
the town between its northern Serbian-controlled
sector and the Albanian south.
The incident came a day after the UN's chief envoy for
negotiations aimed at resolving Kosovo's post-war
status, Martti Ahtisaari, finished a three-day visit
to the province. The envoy's latest trip was aimed at
pressing Albanians to grant more rights to minority
There have been fears of rising tension between
Kosovo's communities during the status talks, which
are expected to conclude by year's end.
NATO troops reopened a military base in the
Serbian-dominated area in northern Kosovo and UN
police deployed about 500 police officers to boost
security after local Serbian officials said they would
sever ties with Albanian-dominated institutions
following a series of violent incidents they blamed on

26 August 2006 | 20:02 -> 22:30 | Source: Beta, reported by Radio B92
Bomb explosion in Kosovska Mitrovica

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA -- Nine people were injured when a bomb exploded
in Kosovska Mitrovica around 19:00 tonight.
Beta agency named Adem Dibrani (16) from the southern end of the
ethnically divided town as the perpetrator of the incident.
Beta agency reports that the perpetrator has been put under arrest
and the Kosovo Police Service has confirmed that a person suspected
of throwing the explosive device at the café Dolce Vita is in
custody, but declined to reveal his identity or ethnic background.
Deputy Director of the Medical Centre in Kosovska Mitrovica Milan
Ivanović told B92 that nine people with injuries from the blast were
hospitalised tonight. He added that two people were discharged
immediately after receiving first aid.
“Seven people have been kept for further treatment. The injuries
were inflicted by shrapnel and one of the injured is an international
policeman from Great Britain. The other six are civilians, two of
them young women. One Dutch child-bearing woman was also hurt”,
Ivanović said.
Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica stated that “both the Albanian
terrorists and representatives of the international community were
equally to blame for tonight’s bomb attack on innocent Serbian
citizens in Kosovska Mitrovica because since their daily actions were
encouraging these kinds of incidents”.
“Albanian separatists were quick to react to [UN Envoy]Ahtisaari’s
statement that Serbs were guilty as a nation by tossing a bomb at
innocent Serbian citizens in Kosovska Mitrovica”, said
Koštunica’s communiqué to Beta news agency.
“Although [UN envoy] Ahtisaari has been entrusted with a mandate to
ensure negotiations that will lead to a compromise, a historically
just solution based on international legal norms, the UN special
envoy seems to be acting in complete contrast to such a goal”, the
Prime Minister added.
The leader of the Serbian List for Kosovo and Metohija Oliver
Ivanović was sitting in the cafe Dolce Vita when the bomb exploded.
“This is horrible. I’m very upset. A man calmly approached the
café and just threw the bomb. Anyone could have done it and the
incident happened when a lot of young people were around”, Ivanović
told B92. Ivanović added he was concerned about the feeble reaction
by Kosovo Police Service and KFOR.
UNMIK forces blocked access to the café and are currently
investigating the scene. Several hundred citizens gathered in
discontent and started off towards the bridge that was currently
under a blockade.

Jakšić: The attacker should stand trial before a Serbian court

Member of the Belgrade team for negotiations Marko Jakšić told Beta
agency he would demand that the person who threw the bomb at the café
in Kosovska Mitrovica tonight be handed over to Serbian police and
should stand trial before a Serbian court.
“We will also demand the bridge over the Ibar River that divides the
two communities in Kosovska Mitrovica be closed down until the status
of Kosovo and Metohija is resolved. As of tonight, self-organised
citizens will keep watch at the bridge”, Jakšić announced.
He added that the bomb attack in Kosovska Mitrovica demonstrated that
the crime wave against Serbs has not come to an end.
“This is more proof of the policy of double standards lead by the
international community. Words do not mean anything anymore and we
now demand that the international community finally start doing its
job and protect those who are in danger, in this specific case the
Serb community in Kosovo”, Jakšić said.

BBC Monitoring International Reports, August 26, 2006 Saturday,
A2006082619-1223C-GNW, 268 words

Text of report by Serbian TV on 26 August - Source: RTS 1 TV,
Belgrade, in Serbian 1758 gmt 26 Aug 06


[Presenter] Let us recall the news from the beginning of Dnevnik [RTS
main news bulletin]. A hand grenade exploded in Dolce Vita cafe in
the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica around 1900 [1700 gmt]. As
our correspondent has reported six persons were injured, including a
Canadian policemen working with the United Nations. An ethnic
Albanian young man ran across the bridge from the southern [Albanian-
populated] part of town and lobbed the bomb into the cafe garden.
Eyewitnesses said that members of the Kosovo Police Service [KPS]
were on the bridge while the young man was running across it. Kfor
[NATO-led Kosovo Force] troops came to the scene as late as half an
hour after the explosion, and our correspondent reported that around
300 Serbs already gathered in protest in the area near the bridge in
whose vicinity Dolce Vita Cafe is located.

We have received first footage from the scene.

[Footage broadcast by Zvecan-based TV Most shown, smashed glass,
shrapnel, holes in the door]

[Nebojsa Jovic, captioned as the chairman of the SNV [Serb National
Council] for Kosovska Mitrovica] The Serb National Council will do
everything it can to keep the situation under control, because, as I
have said, we do not want any incidents, but I think that a decision
has already been made. It is clear that the bridge can no longer
remain open [for civilian traffic], at least not until that infamous
[Kosovo] status is solved, because it is evident that there is no
security on the bridge.

Agence France Presse -- English, August 26, 2006 Saturday, 7:26 PM
GMT, 238 words, MITROVICA, Serbia, Aug 26 2006

Grenade attack injures nine in Kosovo

At least nine people, two of them foreigners, were injured Saturday
in a grenade attack in northern Kosovo, a local doctor said.

He said an international policeman and a Dutch woman along with six
Serb civilians, including two young women, were injured when an
unknown attacker threw a hand grenade at a cafe in the ethnically
divided town of Mitrovica.

Three of the nine were severely wounded, doctor Radomir Jankovic of
Mitrovica hospital said.

The cafe is near a bridge over the Ibar river, which divides the
ethnic Albanian south of the town from the Serb-controlled north.

"Police arrested a person suspected to have committed the attack," a
spokesman for the Kosovo Police Service told AFP in Pristina,
refusing to reveal the nationality of the suspect.

But another source within the UN mission said the suspect was a 16-
year old ethnic Albanian.

Several hundred angry Serbs gathered in front of the bridge to
protest against the attack, while police increased security.

Both international and local police are keeping the situation in the
town under control, the spokesman said.

The southern Serbian province of Kosovo has been run by the United
Nations and NATO since the end of a conflict between Serbian forces
and armed ethnic Albanian separatists in June 1999.

Ethnic tensions between the province's ethnic Albanian majority and
its Serb minority remain high despite the presence of thousands of
NATO peacekeepers.

Associated Press Worldstream, August 26, 2006 Saturday, 9:02 PM GMT,
INTERNATIONAL NEWS, 287 words, By NEBI QENA, Associated Press Writer,

Explosion in northern Kosovo injures 9

An explosion at a bar in Kosovo's tense north injured nine people on
Saturday night, including a British policeman with U.N. forces in the
province, officials said.

An explosive device was thrown at the Dolce Vita bar shortly before 7
p.m. (1700GMT) in the ethnically divided town of Kosovska Mitrovica,
U.N. police spokesman Larry Miller said. He said a possible suspect
was detained for questioning.

"Two of those injured are foreign nationals, one of them is a police
officer," Miller said, without giving further details.

A spokesman for the British office in Kosovo said a British citizen
serving with the U.N police in the province was among the injured.

A Dutch woman was also hurt in the explosion, said Milan Ivanovic,
director of the hospital in Kosovska Mitrovica.

Kosovska Mitrovica has often been the scene of clashes between ethnic
Albanians and Serbs. The river Ibar divides the town between its
northern Serb-controlled sector and the ethnic Albanian south.

The incident comes a day after the U.N.'s chief envoy for
negotiations aimed at resolving Kosovo's postwar status, Martti
Ahtisaari, finished a three-day visit to the province. The envoy's
latest trip was aimed at pressing ethnic Albanians to grant more
rights to minority Serbs.

There have been fears of rising tension between Kosovo's communities
during the status talks, which are expected to conclude by year's end.

NATO peacekeepers reopened a military base in the Serb-dominated area
in northern Kosovo and U.N. police deployed about 500 police officers
to boost security after local Serbian officials said they would sever
ties with ethnic Albanian-dominated institutions following a series
of violent incidents that they blamed on ethnic Albanians.
Blic (Serbia) - August 26, 2006

Bomb attack on a cafe in Mitrovica
Serbs requesting bridge to be closed

The health condition of nine people injured in a bomb
attack on a cafe in the northern part of Kosovska
Mitrovica is stable and their lives are not
Six individuals have been hospitalized, two released
to home care, while international policeman David
Hoffey has been transferred to a KFOR military
The attack took place on Saturday evening about 19.00.
A young Albanian man, aged 16, threw a bomb at the
entrance of the 'Dolce vita' cafe that is in close
vicinity to the city bridge over the Ibar River in the
northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica.
According to eyewitnesses, that young man entered the
cafe, looked around and while going out took out a
hand bomb and threw it at the entrance of the cafe.
He then moved away towards the bridge absolutely
relaxed. Only after Serbs started shouting at and
chasing him did police arrest him.
The Kosovo Protection Service announced that the name
of the attacker was Adem Dibrani, 16 years old. He is
now in a district prison in the northern part of
Kosovska Mitrovica.
Representatives of Serbian National Council of the
northern part of Kosovo and Metohija requested
yesterday from international authorities in the
province to close the bridge dividing the Albanian and
Serbian parts of the city until the end of
negotiations over Kosovo's status.


Serbia protests at UN envoy's remarks on "collective guilt" over
Kosovo - Text of report by Serbian TV on 25 August

BBC Monitoring Europe - Political Supplied by BBC Worldwide
Monitoring, August 25, 2006 Friday, 378 words - Source: RTS 1 TV,
Belgrade, in Serbian 1000 gmt 25 Aug 06

[Announcer] The Serbian negotiating team has sent a letter of protest
to Martti Ahtisaari, special envoy of the UN Secretary-General for
talks on the future status of Kosovo-Metohija. The letter says that
Ahtisaari had said in talks with members of the Serbian delegation on
8 August in Vienna that the Serbs were guilty as a nation. The
Serbian negotiating team believes that this seriously brings into
question Ahtisaari's unbiasedness in the negotiations and warrants a
reply and clarification.

[Reporter Biljana Pekusic] That Ahtisaari had really told the
negotiating team that the Serbs were to blame as a nation was
confirmed by all members of the Serbian delegation taking part in the
Vienna talks. The letter of protest was sent on 10 August - 15 days
ago - but Ahtisaari has still not replied.

[Serbian negotiating team coordinator Slobodan Samardzic speaking at
presser] The second mistake he made was to ignore our fair offer to
clarify such important matters. As far as I personally am concerned,
this only made me even more suspicious about his good intentions.

[Reporter] In order for the talks to continue it is necessary for
Ahtisaari to clarify his statement. The Serbian negotiating team will
assess the reactions of Ahtisaari, the Contact Group and the overall
political public and decide on its future moves on this basis.

Speaking about Martti Ahtisaari's recent contacts with Serb
representatives in Kosmet, the negotiating team says that in these
talks Oliver Ivanovic was systematically manipulating the Serb List
for his own purposes.

[Serbian negotiating team coordinator Leon Kojen] What Oliver
Ivanovic is doing while submitting different proposals allegedly on
behalf of the Serb List, as well as when meeting [Kosovo Premier]
Agim Ceku, again allegedly on behalf of the Serb List, is pure
political manipulation.

[Reporter] By giving precedence to Oliver Ivanovic, Martti Ahtisaari
wishes to shift the focus of the negotiations from the state
negotiating team to someone else, Slobodan Samardzic says. However,
in the very next meeting his attention will be drawn to the fact that
the Belgrade team is the only authorized instance in the negotiations.
Blic (Serbia) - August 26, 2006

Government: Ahtisaari responsible

By the latest terrorist attacks in Northern Mitrovica,
Albanian separatists showed how they understood Marti
Ahtisaari's statement that 'Serbs as a nation are
guilty', an announcement issued by the Serbian
Government reads.
'This bomb attack should be the last alarm for the
international community to keep the peace in this part
of Europe', the Serbian Government pointed out.
President Boris Tadic, the Coordination Center for KiM
as well as leaders of Kosovo Serbs condemned the
'I am shocked and disappointed over the bomb attack',
Steven Shook, Deputy UNMIK's Chief said. He also
condemned the attack.

Blic (Serbia) - August 26, 2006

Attackers of Serbian professor still free

Albanians who beat Serbian professor Vuk Danilovic in
the center of Decani on August 21 have not been
arrested yet, although the attack took place before
many eyewitnesses.
In the meantime the organization of war veterans [KLA]
Dukadjini accused Danilovic [of being] a war criminal,
threatening him that he would be treated 'as all other
The police are said to have serious suspicions that
the attackers of professor Danilovic are members of
the abovementioned organization.
'The announcement is an incorrect interpretation of
the event and is filled with hatred', an OSCE report
The president of Decani municipality Nazmi Selmanaj
also condemned the attack.
'It is well known to everybody that Danilovic has
always been a peaceful and respected citizen',
Selmanaj said.
Professor Danilovic is temporarily displaced in the
village of Berane.
When the attack occurred, he was in Decani with five
Serbian children within an OSCE project called
'Multiethnic Camp'.

Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - August 28, 2006

International Community Tolerating Albanian Acts of
Violence in Kosovo

Belgrade - With the latest terrorist attack in
Kosovska Mitrovica on Saturday the Albanian
separatists showed how they have understood the
statement of UN Special Envoy for Kosovo Marti
Ahtisaari that “the Serbs as people” are to blame for
Kosovo’s fate.
If the UN Special Envoy for Kosovo can say such a
thing then any act of violence committed against the
Serbs is justified and rewarded, a statement of the
Serbian government says made with regard to the
terrorist attack at a café in the northern part of
Kosovska Mitrovica, the Serbian newspaper Danas reads
Nine people were wounded in the attack that took place
on Saturday.
The terror exerted over the Serbs in Kosovo in the
presence of the international community has been going
on for seven years now.
Instead of counteracting the Albanian separatist
violence the international community representatives
turn a blind eye and sometimes even tolerate the
violence just like Marti Ahtisaari did with his
statement, the Serbian government says.
The bomb attack in Kosovska Mitrovica should be the
last indicator for the international community that it
has to use decisive measures to preserve the peace in
this part of Europe, the statement reads.
Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - August 28, 2006

Serbian Parliament to Hold Special Session on Kosovo

Belgrade - After the sharp reaction of the Serbian
authorities with regard to the statement of UN Special
Envoy for Kosovo Marti Ahtisaari that “the Serbs as
people” are to blame for Kosovo’s fate and especially
after the explosion in Kosovska Mitrovica on Saturday
it is becoming more and more certain that soon the
Serbian parliament will have the possibility to state
its position on the matter, the Serbian newspaper
Danas reads today.
Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica himself announced
last week that the government will request a special
session of the parliament which will be dedicated to
the talks on the region’s future status.
The Serbian negotiating team is expected to present a
report on the progress of the talks and the MPs to
confirm that Kosovo is an inseparable part of Serbia.
This would be yet another unity declaration on the eve
of the forthcoming meetings for Kosovo’s
decentralization, the newspaper comments.

Interfax - August 28, 2006

Russia supports Serbian integrity - Putin

SOCHI - Russian President Vladimir Putin has
reiterated Russia's support of the territorial
integrity of Serbia in a meeting with Montenegrin
Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic on Monday,
The president confirmed Russia's support of Serbia's
territorial integrity, but noted that much depended on
Serbia itself, presidential aide Sergei Prikhodko told
reporters after the meeting.
Putin asked Djukanovic's opinion of the Kosovo
situation and his assessment of the prospects for
Serbian-Montenegrin relations, the aide said.
Putin repeated an earlier statement that Russia had
taken a cautious position on the creation of new
states due to the potential weakening of these states,
Prikhodko said.

Czech News Agency - August 28, 2006

Czech KFOR soldiers seize weapons, ammunition in Kosovo

Prague/Pristina - Czech, Finnish and Swedish soldiers
and Kosovo police seized an unspecified quantity of
illegally possessed weapons and ammunition in a search
in the area controlled by the Czech KFOR contingent in
Kosovo, Lieutenant Vit Rapan told CTK today.
The operation that lasted about eight hours was unique
by its extent.
[A]bout 10 houses and farm buildings were searched,
said Rapan, spokesman for the 9th KFOR contingent in
The Czech KFOR contingent in Kosovo has about 500
It controls the whole central part of Kosovo in which
units from several other states also operate.

MakFax (Macedonia) - August 28, 2006

Ferrero-Waldner says new escalation in Kosovo is possible

Vienna - The EU's external relations commissioner,
Benita Ferrero-Waldner, did not rule out the
possibility of fresh outbreak of violence in Kosovo.
"The Kosovo issue is very tough", she said.
After a standstill in the negotiations over the future
status of the province, she told the Austrian Agency
APA that the Kosovo issue is very tough, which is why
fresh escalation of the situation might take place.

MakFax (Macedonia) - August 28, 2006

Serbia might request Ahtisaari's recall

Belgrade - The President of the Coordination Center
for Kosovo and Metohija, Sanda Rashkovic-Ivic, will
put forward a motion recommending to the Belgrade
negotiating team to urge the recall of Martti
Ahtisaari from the post of chief UN mediator in the
negotiations over Kosovo.
In an interview with Radio Free Europe, Rashkovic-Ivic
said that by his recent statement "Serbs as a nation
are guilty", the UN Envoy Ahtisaari "has debased and
insulted the Serbian nation", clearly taking the
Albanian side in the negotiating process.
A meeting of the Serbian negotiating team aimed at
reviewing the results of the current stage of Kosovo
status talks is taking place on Monday.
It is due to be attended also by the President Boris
Tadic, Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica and Foreign
Minister Vuk Draskovic. Simultaneously, the Serbian
Parliament convened for a session today to discuss the
same topic.
As announced, the Serbian negotiators are due to
decide on further steps, in the light of the recent
Ahtisaari statement that "Serbs as a nation are
guilty", i.e. that Slobodan Milosevic's policy will be
taken into consideration when making decision on the
Kosovo's status, since "every nation has to take
responsibility for its past".
ADN Kronos International (Italy) - August 28, 2006


Belgrade - Chief United Nations negotiator for Kosovo
Martti Ahtisaari drew unprecedented criticism over the
weekend from Serbian politicians for allegedly saying
that "Serbs are guilty as people" and implying that
they would have to pay for it, possibly by losing
Kosovo, which is seeking independence.
The statement, allegedly made by Ahtisaari during
Kosovo talks in Vienna on 8 August, was made public
Friday by members of Belgrade's negotiating team and
immediately provoked a public shock.
A weekend bomb [was used] against a cafe in the
northern Serb area of the divided town of Kosovska
Mitrovica where ethnic Albanians live to the south of
a UN-guarded bridge.
Ahtisaari, winding up his four-day visit to Kosovo on
Friday, indirectly confirmed his earlier stance.
Asked by journalists for comment he said that "every
nation carries a burden for which it has to pay".
The statement further enraged Belgrade, which opposes
Kosovo's independence, and some politicians even
called for Ahtisaari’s resignation.
Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica said in a statement
that while the UN was seeking "a just and tenable
solution for the status of Kosovo" Ahtisaari seemed
"determined to do just the opposite."
Ahtisaari has been creating the impression that the
negotiations were unnecessary, he said, "because the
solution already exists and has only to be implemented
- and that is Kosovo independence".
Spokesman for Kostunica’s Democratic Party of Serbia,
Andreja Mladenovic, said that "before Ahtisaari only
Hitler had dared to say that an entire people was
guilty”, slamming Ahtisaari’s statement as
"scandalous, shameful and racist."
Tension was heightened after an attack late Saturday
on a Serbian cafe in the city of Kosovska Mitrovica,
in which nine people, including a UN policemen and a
pregnant Dutch woman, were injured.
The Serbian government said in a statement the
“terrorist act” was encouraged by Ahtisaari’s
statement that “Serbs were guilty as a people”.
"If something like that is said by a special envoy of
the UN Secretary-general in the talks on the Kosovo
status, then any violence against Serbs in justified
and awarded,” the government statement said.
The cafe in the divided Kosovo town of Mitrovica on
Saturday, which injured nine people, has fuelled fears
of a fresh wave of violence in the UN-run province,
where nearly two million ethnic Albanians are pushing
for independence from Serbia.
MakFax (Macedonia) - August 28, 2006

Serbia questions Ahtisaari's position

Belgrade - Serbia has officially condemned the UN
Envoy in Kosovo status talks Martti Ahtisaari,
announcing that "resolving of the situation following
his statement" will be demanded.
The Serbian negotiating team has unanimously condemned
the latest Ahtisaari's statements, describing them as
diametrically opposing to his mandate granted by the
Un Secretary General Kofi Annan.
"It was agreed that it is necessary to take all
diplomatic and other steps in order to prevent any
damages that might incur as a result of the recent
Ahtisaari's statements", says the statement released
after today's session of the negotiating team,
attended also by the President Boris Tadic, Prime
Minister Vojislav Kostunica and Foreign Minister Vuk
Earlier today, the President of the Coordination
Center for Kosovo and Metohija, Sanda Rashkovic-Ivic
said that by stating "Serbs as a nation are guilty",
i.e. that Slobodan Milosevic's policy will be taken
into consideration when making decision on the
Kosovo's status, since "every nation has to take
responsibility for its past", the UN Envoy Ahtisaari
"has debased and insulted the Serbian nation", clearly
taking the Albanian side in the negotiating process.

United Press International - August 28, 2006

China supports Serbia in Kosovo talks

BELGRADE, Serbia - China's state envoy says his
country supports Serbia in safeguarding its
sovereignty in U.N.-led talks on Kosovo's future,
Belgrade media said.
Chinese State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan on Monday told
Serbian President Boris Tadic that Beijing advocates a
compromise, just and peaceful solution to the future
status of Serbia's predominantly ethnic-Albanian
Kosovo province, Belgrade' s Beta news agency
In a separate meeting with Serbian Prime Minister
Vojislav Kostunica, Tang said the respect of
sovereignty and the territorial integrity of states is
the basis of international order, the premier's office
said in a statement.
Formally part of Serbia, Kosovo's 1.8 million
population is 90-percent ethnic-Albanian and their
leaders insist on independence from the Serbian
government in Belgrade.
But, Serbia's leaders, who represent Kosovo's 100,000
Serbs, will accept any solution except a Kosovo
independent of Belgrade.
Blic (Serbia) - August 28, 2006

Support to Serbia

Chinese State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan said during
yesterday's meeting with Serbian President Boris Tadic
that 'China is respecting Serbia's stances over the
preservation of sovereignty and territorial
integrity', the President's cabinet announced.
Djasuien yesterday also met with Serbian Prime
Minister Vojislav Kostunica and Foreign Minister Vuk
Xinhua News Agency - August 28, 2006

China willing to promote Sino-Serbian ties to new level: senior official

Visiting Chinese State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan said on
Sunday that China is willing to work together with
Serbia to promote the bilateral ties to a new level.
Tang made the comments during a meeting with Serbian
Deputy Prime Minister Ivana Dulich Markovich.
Tang told Markovich that China is devoted to the
development of bilateral relations and that it
respects the path of development taken by the Serbian
people as well as the domestic and foreign policies
pursued by the Serbian government.
China will join efforts with Serbia to promote the
bilateral relationship to a new level, Tang stressed.

Civil Georgia - August 30, 2006

Moscow Calls for Universal Approach in Conflict Resolution

Tbilisi - Russian Foreign Minister Vladimir Titov said
in an interview with Interfax news agency that
international community should work out universal
approach in respect of conflict resolution issues.
“There should be no “double standards.”
It is of principle importance not to let use of one
approach in respect of Kosovo problems and another in
respect of similar situations in other regions.
It is clear for us that even now “Kosovo factor” is
already influencing on those processes which take
place in Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Transdnestria, and
in other regions of Europe and of world,” Titov said.
Russian Information Agency (Novosti) - August 30, 2006

Russia wants common approach over Kosovo, frozen conflicts

MOSCOW - Russia insists that a common approach be
taken to resolving the problem of Kosovo and other
regional, "frozen" conflicts, a deputy foreign
minister said Wednesday.
Russia has repeatedly said that sovereignty for the
UN-administered Serbian province of Kosovo, which is
sought by the ethnic Albanian majority but opposed by
Belgrade, could have negative consequences for
conflicts in the former Soviet Union that erupted in
the early 1990s.
"It is extremely important to avoid a situation when
one approach is taken to the Kosovo problem and
another one to similar conflicts in other regions,"
Vladimir Titov said.
Russia has peacekeepers stationed in the zones of
three conflicts in the former Soviet Union.
Two of them are in Georgia, where the self-proclaimed
republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia refuse to
recognize Tbilisi's rule, and the other is in Moldova,
where the unrecognized Transdnestr has sought to break
away from the central authorities.
"For us it is obvious that the Kosovo factor has
influenced processes in Abkhazia, South Ossetia,
Transdnestr, and other regions in Europe and the
world," Titov said.
Russian President Vladimir Putin warned in July
against any double standards with regard to the
unrecognized republics in Georgia and Moldova and said
there had always been contradictions in the principles
of international law.
"[Russia] wants and will insist on decisions to be
based on a universal principle to prevent cases when
approaches to the regions like Kosovo are different
from those to Abkhazia or South Ossetia, as it is
incorrect," the president said during a Web cast.
Titov said status for Kosov was still to be defined
and added that Russia, a veto-wielding member of the
UN Security Council and one of the six-nation Kosovo
Contact Group, would continue efforts to help find a
solution that would be approved by the UN, but
insisted a solution should not be imposed by one of
the countries involved.
Voice of Russia - August 30, 2006

Russia favours a similar treatment of the Kosovo
problem and other problems of this kind elsewhere in
the world

Russia favours a similar treatment of the Kosovo
problem and other problems of this kind elsewhere in
the world.
This came in a statement by the deputy Russian Foreign
Minister Vladimir Titov.
According to him, the Kosovo factor affects the
processes under way in Abkhazia, South Ossetia and
The diplomat pointed out that Albanians press for
Kosovo’s independence at a time when Belgrade comes up
with an offer of broad autonomy for the province
within Serbia.
Meanwhile settlement standards have been set down in
the UN Charter and also, in relation to Kosovo, in the
relevant UN Security Council resolution and other
These claim that Serbia is indivisible and that Kosovo
is part thereof.

B92/Beta (Serbia) - August 31, 2006

Contact Group on Kosovo [Excerpt]

BELGRADE - The Contact Group will meet in Vienna to
determine the next steps in the Kosovo status
negotiations. Belgrade-Ahtisaari feud continues.
The meeting will be attended by the chief UN
negotiator Martti Ahtisaari.
His spokeswoman told B92 that the Contact Group will
analyze the negotiations’ achievements so far. The
meeting will take place in the midst of a war of words
between official Belgrade and Martti Ahtisaari on his
alleged statement on Serbs being guilty as a nation.
Ahtisaari’s chief spokesperson Hua Jiang told B92 that
Ahtisaari will not apologise for his statements
because he never mentioned the collective guilt of the
Serbian people.
“The statement was taken out of context and poorly
presented. He never mentioned the collective guilt of
the Serbian people. Ahtisaari spoke of the historical
legacy, that every nation should have the courage to
face its own past. There is no reason for Ahtisaari to
offer an apology and that is not going to happen.”
Jiang said.
The Serbian Government responded by publishing a
document which the Serbian Kosovo status negotiation
team had sent to Ahtisaari in early August. The letter
states that Ahtisaari literally said that the Serbian
people are to blame for the Kosovo crisis and that all
members of the negotiation delegation can confirm
Regardless of the recent bickering, UN officials are
continuing to prepare the continuation of the
discussions. In light of these preparations, the
Serbian discussion team met with UNOSEK
decentralisation experts this morning.
Meanwhile, it was announced that the Serbian
government will demand the clarification of the UN
Kosovo Envoy’s statement on the Serbs’ collective
guilt from the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan.
The Kosovo Coordinating Center chairwoman Sanda
Raškoviæ-Iviæ held a press conference after the
government session, and expressed her expectation that
Annan, “renowned for fighting racism and
discrimination”, would not support the statement
accusing an entire people of being guilty.
“To say that Serbs are guilty as a nation, that any
nation is guilty as such, is one of the basic
assumptions of fascism and it cannot be overlooked”,
she said and added that the entire negotiating team is
demanding Ahtisaari’s apology.

Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - September 1, 2006

Adem Demaci, Ideologist of Kosovo’s Independence:
Serbia Wants Kosovo to Turn into Embers

Pristina - “The solution of the Kosovo issue has been
predetermined long ago. Now, dramas are being played
in Kosovo and Serbia, which are staged by the
international community”, Adem Demaci, the most
popular political prisoner of former Yugoslavia and an
ideologist of Kosovo’s independence since 1958, said
in an interview with the Serbian newspaper Glas
Currently, Demaci is a chairman of the Union of
Writers in Kosovo.
According to him, the international community is
trying to draw the two countries’ stands closer so
that the UN Security Council could solve the issue at
once when the time is appropriate.
He added that the Serbian and Kosovo politicians were
the same – they all aim to preserve their power.
“The world accepts an independent Kosovo, which will
exist within the EU. Under the EU shelter, the
Albanian people will be united. Serbia wants Kosovo.
But neither the Serbs, nor the Albanians will accept
that. So Serbia wants a division, which would mean a
Palestinization of Kosovo. Serbia wants Kosovo to turn
into embers”, Demaci stated.

Blic (Serbia) - September 1, 2006

Displaced in Serbia

In the territory of Serbia, seven years after the end
of conflicts in Kosovo and Metohija, there are more
than 200,000 people displaced from that province, the
new UNHCR report specifies.
Among 207,000 refugees there are 155,000 Serbs, 22,000
Gypsies, 8,000 Montenegrins, slightly more than 5,000
Bosniacs and about 500 Albanians.

Voice of Russia - September 1, 2006


Pyotr Iskenderov

The new U.N mission head in Kosovo, 55-year old German
diplomat, Joachim Ruecker, has today, September 1,
taken up his new post and simultaneously a German
general, Roland Kather, has taken over command of KFOR
in Kosovo.
The changes in the administration and KFOR have been
effected on the eve of crucial events in the
settlement in Kosovo.
The UN Security Council is due to meet on September 18
to listen to a progress report by the U.N special
envoy to talks on Kosovo future, Marti Ahtisaari.
But before September 18, diplomats of the Contact
Group will review the report.
Ahtisaari has promised to present to the diplomats a
preliminary version of Kosovo’s new status.
The new U.N mission head has let it be known that he
hopes to be the last person to occupy the post since
he believes that shortly a solution of the final
status of Kosovo will be found, a statement seen by
knowledgeable experts as a an attempt to prepare world
public opinion to accept a fait accompli - Kosovo
In the meantime, Serbs are unhappy over the
appointment of Joachim Ruecker as the new head of the
U.N mission in Kosovo.
Until his new appointment he supervised the process of
privatization in the province and he encouraged the
buying at give-away prices of Serbian enterprises and
property by local Albanians.
The chief of the economic council for Kosovo and
Metohia plus southern Serbia in the Serbian
government, Nenada Popovica, has disclosed that about
250 enterprises have already changed ownership and 99
per cent of their new owners are Albanians living
either in Kosovo or outside its border.
With such a dented reputation Joachim Ruecker can
hardly expect to easily win the trust of Serbs.

Associated Press - September 2, 2006

NATO's new Kosovo commander pledges resolve during status talks

PRISTINA - Serbia NATO's new commander in Kosovo
pledged Friday that the force would deal swiftly with
security threats in the province as it enters the
endgame in resolving its political status.
In what he said was a year of shaping the future,
German Lt. Gen. Roland Kather said the peacekeeping
force was set on overcoming obstacles in providing
stability in the volatile province.
"If there are some, we will push them away, you can be
sure," Kather said.
Kather is the 11th commander of the force of some
16,000 peacekeepers and replaces Italian Lt. Gen.
Giuseppe Valotto, who led the force for nearly a year.
The ceremony for the transfer of command was attended
by Italian Defense Minister Arturo Parisi and his
German counterpart, Franz Josef Jung, as well as the
commander of NATO's Joint Force Command based in
Naples, Italy, Adm. Harry Ulrich.
The move comes as Germany takes a more prominent
political and military role in the region. Another
German, Joachim Ruecker officially took over as the
head of the U.N. mission in the province on Friday.
Germany is the largest contributor to the peacekeeping
force in Kosovo with some 2,500 soldiers. A battalion
was deployed recently into Kosovo to reinforce the
NATO-led peacekeepers.
Talks to determine Kosovo's future — whether it
becomes an independent state, as the ethnic Albanians
demand, or remains attached to Serbia, as the
province's minority Serbs insist — are under way and
are aimed at steering the two sides toward settling
the province's status by the end of the year.
Kather said his new duty was to ensure "everything
remains under control" during the status talks.
International authorities fear tensions between the
communities might spill over as the talks become more
intensive. So far there has been little progress
between the delegations that have been meeting in
Vienna, Austria in U.N.-run negotiations.
In a recent incident in Kosovo's north, nine people
were injured when an explosive device was thrown in a
bar frequented by Serbs. Police arrested an
ethnic-Albanian suspect.
Kather said the force would concentrate on the
northern part of the province, where most of Kosovo's
Serbs are.
"We all know that the presence of minorities in the
north is in numbers more numerous than in other parts,
therefore for us it will be a big challenge. For the
time being, I believe that the situation in the north
is quiet. But will it remain stable? Time will show,"
Kather said through a translator.
This is Kather's second tour of duty in Kosovo. He
previously commanded the troops in Kosovo's southern
German-controlled sector in 1999 and 2000, soon after
the province came under U.N. and NATO control.
The alliance's peacekeepers are in charge of the
overall security of the province.

Balkan Insight - September 4, 2006

Kosovo Serbs question security build-up

Zeljko Tvrdišiæ

International forces in Kosovo have stepped up their
police presence in northern Kosovo, saying local Serbs
need more protection from attacks.
But local Serb population and officials as well as
some Albanian analysts fear the real goal is to ensure
the Serb enclave does not unite with Serbia in the
event of Kosovo being declared independent.
Tensions are running high in northern Kosovo after a
bomb went off on August 27 in the Dolce Vita café, a
popular hang-out for Serbs in divided Mitrovica.
Local Serbs say if the international police were
serious about protecting them, the bombing, which
injured nine people, would not have happened in the
first place.
Serbs nerves are on edge over the likely outcome of
status talks on the future of the bitterly disputed
In 1999, UN Security Council Resolution 1244 declared
Kosovo a UN protectorate, although it formally
remained a part of Serbia.
The majority Albanian population insists on an
independent state, while Belgrade and most Kosovo
Serbs staunchly oppose the idea.
Talks on Kosovo's final status started in February in
Vienna but have yielded no results.
While the representatives of Pristina and Belgrade are
at loggerheads, the mediators in the process - the UN
and the so-called Contact Group of countries the
Balkans - insist negotiations must wrap up this year.
The Contact Group has already established ten
principles for Kosovo`s future status. Among them are
the decrees that Kosovo will not be divided, will not
unite with any other country and will never return to
the status it held before 1999.
Serbia fears the international community may then
impose its own solution, which will involve some form
of independent statehood for Kosovo.
The UN's human rights arm, UNHCR, supports the claim
of official sources in Serbia and Montenegro that
around 223,000 Serbs, Montenegrins, Roma and other
minorities have fled Kosovo since 1999.
Serbs remaining in Kosovo, meanwhile, have been on the
receiving end of frequent attacks by Albanians who
especially target the isolated enclaves Serb south of
the Ibar River, which runs through Mitrovica.
Nor has the mainly Serb north of Kosovo escaped
attack. Early in July a Serb youth, Miljan Veskovic,
was murdered in Zveèan, in northern Kosovo.
In protest, three northern Serb municipalities
suspended all cooperation with Albanian controlled
institutions in the Kosovo capital, Priština.
The international forces in Kosovo, known as KFOR,
have now established a military base in the northern
town of Leposaviæ, deploying about 300 soldiers. The
UN administration, meanwhile, is planning to send an
additional 500 international police to the area.
UNMIK police commissioner Vein Hissong said on August
9 that the extra police were coming at the request of
the local Serb authorities.
A KFOR representative, Lieutenant Colonel Bertrand
Fayet, said the two companies of a German battalion,
now stationed near Leposaviæ, would remain till the
end of September when units from other tactical KFOR
forces will replace them.
Fayet told Balkan Insight that the beefed-up military
presence was meant to "reassure and calm down the
local population".
But Slaviša Ristiæ, mayor of Zubin Potok, a
municipality in northern Kosovo, told Balkan Insight
that Serbs suspected the real intention was to prevent
the area from uniting with Serbia. "Otherwise, I see
no reason to beef up the presence of police forces,"
said Ristiæ.
Some Albanians agree. A local political analyst,
Nedzmedin Spahiu, told Balkan Insight he also thought
the increased presence signalled the international
community's determination to prevent Kosovo's
"The Serbian government wants the partition of Kosovo,
and this move on the part of the international
community is intended to preclude such a development,"
said Spahiu.
Živojin Rakoèeviæ, a Kosovo Serb media editor from
Graèanica, in central Kosovo, said the move was a
warning to officials from Priština and Belgrade who
have discussed the possibility of partition.
"This is why the international community has
strengthened its presence, sending a clear message
that the partition is not a viable option - for the
time being," said Rakoèeviæ.
The local Serbs share the views of the analysts and
Serb representatives. Most are suspicious of the
international community's intentions, pointing out
that incidents have continued to occur, despite the
increased international presence. The bombing on
August 27 in Mitrovica bolstered their suspicions.
"I used to think safety concerns were the reason to
increase the international military and police
presence here, but after this incident in Mitrovica I
doubt it," said law student Jelena Dabetiæ from
She said the UNMIK police were probably preparing for
"something much bigger and more sinister", meaning the
imposition of Kosovo's final status as an independent
Nebojša Markoviæ, another Serb from Mitrovica, agreed.
"They are not here to protect us but the
administrative border with Serbia," he said, referring
to the international forces, "since the international
community fears the Serb reaction in case Kosovo's
independence is declared".
Markoviæ said the UN police was acting under pressure
of the Albanians, who insist on creating their own
However, Larry Miller, Mitrovica region's police press
officer, said such talk was nonsense.
"The increased presence of international officers in
the Northern Mitrovica region is to provide security
for all citizens and ensure that rule of law
prevails," he said.
"These officers have been assigned to Mitrovica,
partially in response to requests from local political
leaders for increase security.
"Everything else would be pure speculation."

Zeljko Tvrdisic is the editor-in-chief of Kontakt Plus
Radio in Kosovska Mitrovica and Kosovo correspondent
of Tanjug press agency. Balkan Insight is BIRN`s
online publication.

Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - September 8, 2006

US Think Kosovo Should Receive Some Kind of
Independence: Serbia’s President

Washington - Serbia’s President Boris Tadic stated
yesterday evening that during all his conversations
with US officials, including with US Secretary of
State Condoleezza Rice, he felt there was an overall
opinion that Kosovo should receive some kind of
independence, Serbian online edition Mondo informs.
“Such an opinion is felt in all Washington
conversations and Serbia should know this.
"On the other hand Serbia is defending its position –
of opposing Kosovo’s independence and of preserving
the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the
country - with legal means,” Mr. Tadic told RTS.
He pointed out that he had expressed his opinion
openly and at the same time had pointed out that
“Serbia is more than interested in a strategic
partnership with the US”.

In merito alla intervista al leader di Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah,
da noi diffusa lo scorso 27 agosto nella versione italiana dopo che
aveva circolato per molti giorni anche nelle versioni turca, inglese
e francese, ci perviene la notizia di una smentita da parte del
responsabile stampa di Hezbollah, Hussain Rahhal, secondo il quale
"Nasrallah non ha rilasciato alcuna intervista ad alcun giornalista
turco o non-libanese durante il mese di agosto".

Diffondiamo di seguito i dettagli sulla vicenda, ancora non chiarita,
raccolti dai compagni statunitensi di Workers World.



Hezbollah denies interview

Published Sep 3, 2006 9:42 AM

Workers World newspaper's editors learned on Sept. 1 that Hussain
Rahhal, Hezbollah's press liaison, while answering a question from a
correspondent of the Anatolian Press Agency regarding an interview
purported to be with Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and published
Aug. 12 in the Turkish socialist newspaper Evrensel, said: "Our
secretary general Nasrallah has not given any interviews to any
Turkish or other non-Lebanese journalist during the month of August."

Soon after it had been published in Turkish, an English translation
of the original purported interview was made available on the
Internet. On Aug. 23, Workers World published excerpts from this
text. It was also published in English by Counterpunch as well as
other publications, and translated and published in other languages.

At the time of publication, some had questioned the authenticity of
the interview. Counterpunch's Alexander Cockburn wrote a reply
defending the publication of the purported interview, citing, in
part, the lack of any denial of the interview from Nasrallah or
Hezbollah. When excerpts were published in Workers World on Aug. 23,
some 11 days after the original Turkish publication, there still had
been no public denial of the interview.

What Workers World knows of the story behind the interview comes
mostly from the newspaper Evrensel, which has been publishing for 12
years and is a respected newspaper of the Turkish left. Two Turkish
filmmakers associated with the "Sheikh Bedreddin Film Collective,"
Roza Cigdem Erdogan and Mutlu Sahin, were in Beirut making
documentary films. The two had written other newspaper reports for
Evrensel before they turned in the purported interview with Nasrallah.

Evrensel apologized to its readers and to those who republished the
text for publishing the alleged interview and demanded an explanation
from the film collective. The film collective has replied with a
statement saying they are investigating the events. There was no
immediate response from the two filmmakers who had claimed to have
done the interview.

—WW editorial board, Sept. 2

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On Aug 27, 2006, at 2:58 PM, Coord. Naz. per la Jugoslavia wrote:

> Documentazione importante sulla crisi in Medio Oriente
> 1. Incontro straordinario dei PC ad Atene, 19-20 Agosto 2006:
> Dichiarazione alla stampa
> 2. Intervista esclusiva del quotidiano turco (di sinistra) "Evrensel"
> al leader di Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah
> di MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY (Global Research)
