
(italiano / english)

Ahmad Barqawi: Libya, ISIS and the Unaffordable Luxury of Hindsight / Libia, ISIS e il lusso del senno del poi

--- original ---

MARCH 9, 2015

Libya, ISIS and the Unaffordable Luxury of Hindsight


Who are you?” the late Muammar Gaddafi once rhetorically asked in a famous speech of his towards the end of his reign; (rightly) questioning the legitimacy of those seeking to over-throw his government at the time, calling them extremists, foreign agents, rats and drug-addicts. He was laughed at, unfairly caricatured, ridiculed and incessantly demonized; a distasteful parody video poking fun at the late Libyan leader even went viral on social media; evidently the maker of the video, an Israeli, thought the Libyan colloquial Arabic word “Zenga” (which means an Alleyway) sounded funny enough that he extracted it from one of Gaddafi’s speeches, looped it on top of a hip-hop backing track and voila… he got himself a hit video which was widely (and shamefully) circulated with a “revolutionary” zeal in the Arab world. We shared, we laughed, he died.

But the bloody joke is on all of us; Gaddafi knew what he was talking about; right from the get-go, he accused the so-called Libyan rebels of being influenced by Al-Qaeda ideology and Ben Laden’s school of thought; no one had taken his word for it of course, not even a little bit. I mean why should we have? After all, wasn’t he a vile, sex-centric dictator hell-bent on massacring half of the Libyan population while subjecting the other half to manic raping sprees with the aid of his trusted army of Viagra-gobbling, sub-Saharan mercenaries? At least that’s what we got from the visual cancer that is Al Jazeera channel and its even more acrid Saudi counterpart Al-Arabiya in their heavily skewed coverage of NATO’s vicious conquest of Libya. Plus Gaddafi did dress funny; why would anyone trust a haggard, weird-looking despot dressed in colorful rags when you have well-groomed Zionists like Bernard Henry Levy, John McCain and Hillary Clinton at your side, smiling and flashing the victory sign in group photo-ops, right?

Gaddafi called them drug-addicted, Islamic fundamentalists; we know them as ISIS… it doesn’t seem much of a joke now, does it? And ISIS is what had been in store for us all along; the “revolutionary” lynching and sodomization of Muammar Gaddafi amid manic chants of “Allahu Akbar”, lauded by many at the time as some sort of a warped triumph of the good of popular will (read: NATO-sponsored mob rule) over the evil of dictatorship (sovereign state), was nothing but a gory precursor for the future of the country and the region; mass lynching of entire populations in Libya, Syria and Iraq and the breakup of key Arab states into feuding mini-statelets. The gruesome video of Colonel Gaddafi’s murder, which puts to shame the majority of ISIS videos in terms of unhinged brutality and gore, did not invoke the merest of condemnations back then, on the contrary; everyone seemed perfectly fine with the grotesque end of the Libyan “tyrant”… except that it was only the beginning of a new and unprecedented reign of terror courtesy of NATO’s foot-soldiers and GCC-backed Islamic insurgents.

The rapid proliferation of trigger-happy terrorist groups and Jihadi factions drenched in petrodollars in Libya was not some sort of an intelligence failure on the part of western governments or a mere by-product of the power vacuum left by a slain Gaddafi; it was a deliberate, calculated policy sought after and implemented by NATO and its allies in the Gulf under the cringe-inducing moniker “Friends of Libya” (currently known as the International Coalition against ISIS) to turn the north-African country into the world’s largest ungovernable dumpster of weapons, al-Qaida militants and illegal oil trading.

So it is safe to say that UNSC resolution 1973, which practically gave free rein for NATO to bomb Libya into smithereens, has finally borne fruit… and it’s rotten to its nucleus, you can call the latest gruesome murder of 21 Egyptian fishermen and workers by the Libyan branch of the Islamic State exhibit “A”, not to mention of course the myriad of daily killings, bombings and mini-civil wars that are now dotting the entire country which, ever since the West engineered its coup-d’etat against the Gaddafi government, have become synonymous with the bleak landscape of lawlessness and death that is “Libya” today. And the gift of NATO liberation is sure to keep on giving for years of instability and chaos to come.

In an interview with the western media misinformation collective that is the BBC, ABC and the Sunday Times in February 2011; the late Muammar Gaddafi told his condescending interviewers; “have you seen the Al Qaeda operatives? Have you heard all these Jihadi broadcasts? It is Al Qaeda that is controlling the cities of Al Baida and Darnah, former Guantanamo inmates and extremists unleashed by America to terrorize the Libyan people…”. Darnah is now the main stronghold for ISIS in Libya.

In a bizarre coincidence (or some sort of cosmic irony); the date on which ISIS chose to release its video of the beheading of Egyptian captives, thereby officially declaring its presence in the war-torn country with three oil fields under its control, (appropriately) marked the 4th anniversary of the start of the so-called Libyan revolution on February 15th, 2011; a more apt “tribute” to commemorate the Western instigated regime-change debacle in Libya could not have been made.

But even long before ISIS became the buzzword, the acrid nature of a “revolutionary” Libya showed in full, sickening splendor almost instantly right after the old regime fell, everything the late Gaddafi was falsely accused of doing was literally perfected to a chilling degree by the so-called rebels; massacres, indiscriminate shelling of residential areas, car-bombings, mass arrests, torture, theft of oil and national resources… the whole lot. In 2013; two British pro-Palestine activists, on their way to Gaza with an aid convoy, got to experience first-hand the rotten fruits of the Libyan chapter of the so-called Arab Spring when they were abducted by a motely crew of Libyan revolutionaries-turned-warlords in the city of Benghazi and gang raped in front of their father.

Proponents of Humanitarian Interventions must be patting themselves on the back these days; now that Libya has completed its democratic makeover from a country with the highest standard of living in Africa under Gaddafi’s rule into a textbook definition of a failed state; a godless wasteland of religious fanaticism, internal bloodletting and wholesale head-chopping, in fact Libya became so “democratic” that there are now two parliaments and two (warring) governments; each with its own (criminal) army and supported with money and caches of weapons from competing foreign powers, not to mention the myriad of secessionist movements and militias which the illegal coup against Gaddafi has spawned all over the country while free health care, education and electricity, which the Libyans took for granted under Gaddafi’s regime, are all now but relics of the past; that’s the “Odyssey Dawn” the Libyans were promised; a sanitized version of Iraq sans the public outrage, neatly re-packaged in a “responsibility to protect” caveat and delivered via aerial bombing campaigns where even the West’s overzealous Gulf Co-conspirators Club (GCC), driven by nothing beyond petty personal vendettas against Gaddafi, got to test the lethality of its rusted, American-made military aircrafts alongside NATO on the people of Tripoli and Sirte.

This is what Gaddafi had predicted right from the get-go and then some; the ephemeral euphoria of the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions was just too potent and too exhilarating for us to read the fine print; was it a conspiracy or a true revolutionary spirit gone awry? It doesn’t really matter now that ISIS has become the true legacy of Tahrir Square; “they will turn Libya into another Afghanistan, another Somalia, another Iraq… your women won’t be allowed out, they will transform Libya into an Islamic Emirate and America will bomb the country under the pretext of fighting terrorism”, the late Libyan leader had said in a televised speech on February 22nd, 2011, and more prophetic words were never spoken.

America’s “clean war” Libyan prototype proved to be such a success that it was replicated with a wanton abandon in Syria; Paul Bremer’s “Blackwater” death squads of old, which reigned terror all over Iraq, are back… with an Islamic twist; bearded, clad in black and explosives from head to toe and mounting convoys of Toyota Land Cruiser trucks with an ever-expanding, seemingly borderless Islamic Caliphate (that somehow leaves the Zionist regime unencumbered in its occupation of Palestine) set in their sights.

Everyday the Arab World is awakened to a new-videotaped atrocity; steeped in gore and maniacal terror courtesy of ISIS (or IS or ISIL), and countless of other “youtubeless”, albeit more heinous crimes courtesy of America’s very own ever-grinding, one-sided drone warfare; the entire region seesaws between machete beheadings and hellfire missile incinerations. Death from above… as well as below; the War on Terror rears its ugly head once again; to bring in line those nasty terrorists that the West itself funded and sponsored in the name of democracy to destabilize “unsavory” regimes; an unrelenting Groundhog Day that starts with the Responsibility to Protect and ends with the War on Terror, with thousands of innocent lives, typically chalked up to collateral damage, crushed in the process.

This is exactly what Gaddafi foresaw; a Libya mired in utter chaos, civil conflict and western diktats; a breeding ground for Jihadi fundamentalism and extremists… too bad we just laughed his warnings off to an Israeli-made parody tune.

Ahmad Barqawi, freelance columnist and writer.

--- in italiano ---

Le profezie di Muammar Gheddafi su Libia, sulla instabilità totale, i diktat dell’occidente, sui fondamentalisti islamici, sull’ISIS

Ahmad Barqawi

La previsione di Gheddafi: Libia, ISIS e il lusso del senno del poi

“Chi sei?” chiese una volta Gheddafi retoricamente in un famoso discorso verso la fine del suo governo; biasimando la legittimità di rovesciare il suo governo, puntando il dito verso estremisti, agenti stranieri, topi di fogna di ogni genere e tossicodipendenti.

Fu preso in giro, ridicolizzato, fatto oggetto di caricature offensive ed incessantemente demonizzato con un martellante video trasmesso su tutti i media; chiaramente, l’autore del video, un israeliano, ritiene che il termine arabo colloquiale “Zenga” (che significa passaggio, viuzza) suonasse abbastanza divertente che lo estrapolò da uno dei discorsi di Gheddafi, lo trasformò in una base hip hop e voilà… ecco un video tormentone che è circolato in maniera vergognosa nel mondo arabo. Noi lo abbiamo condiviso, noi abbiamo riso. Gheddafi invece è morto.

Ma il sanguinoso scherzo è ricaduto su noi tutti: Gheddafi sapeva di cosa stava parlando; lui accusava i cosiddetti ribelli libici di essere influenzati dall’ideologia di Al Qaida e dalla scuola di pensiero di Bin Laden; nessuno ha voluto tener in considerazione le parole.

Perché avremmo dovuto farlo? In fondo era solo un “vile, erotomane, ostinato dittatore che ha massacrato metà della popolazione libica”, mentre l’altra metà è stata sottomessa dalla sua violenza orgiastica con l’aiuto del suo fidato esercito di mercenari ingozzati di Viagra. Questo ci è stato detto da quel cancro dell’informazione che è il canale Al Jazeera, assieme al suo concorrente Al Arabiya quando hanno raccontato in maniera totalmente distorta la feroce invasione della NATO ai danni della Libia.

Per giunta vestiva in maniera buffa; perché credere a un macilento, dall’aspetto bizzarro dittatore vestito con stracci colorati, quando si possono avere dei sionisti eleganti e ben pettinati come Bernard Henry Levy, John McCain e Hilary Clinton dalla tua parte, sorridenti, che esibiscono la vittoria in foto di gruppo?

Gheddafi li definì tossicodipendenti, Fondamentalisti islamici; noi li conosciamo come ISIS…adesso non è più uno scherzo vero? L’Isis era il nostro asso nella manica; il “rivoluzionario” linciaggio e la “rivoluzionaria” sodomizzazione di Muammar Gheddafi tra canti maniacali di “Allah au Akbar”, lodati da molti come il trionfo della volontà popolare (leggasi masse pilotate da agenti della NATO) contro la malvagia dittatura (stato sovrano), altro no era che il preludio di ciò che sarebbe avvenuto nella regione; persecuzioni di massa in Libia, Siria, Iraq e la frantumazione degli stati arabi in tanti micro staterelli.

Il raccapricciante video dell’assassinio del Colonnello Gheddafi, che mostra, come nella maggior parte dei video dell’ISIS, la brutalità e la violenza delle loro azioni, non ha suscitato la benché minima condanna, al contrario, tutti sembravano contenti per fine fatta fare al tiranno… questo era solo l’inizio del regno di terrore avvallato dai soldati della NATO e dai “ribelli” islamici.

La proliferazione di terroristi dal grilletto facile e della fazioni della Jihad inzuppati nei petrodollari in Libia, non sono frutto di un’ operazione di intelligence mal riuscita dalle potenze imperialiste, o un sotto prodotto del vuoto di potere del dopo Gheddafi; è una deliberata, studiata, calcolata strategia voluta dalla NATO e dai suoi alleati del Golfo che appartengono alla sigla tremenda “Amici della Libia” (ora conosciuta come coalizione internazionale contro l’ISIS) per trasformare lo stato nord Africano nel più grande e ingovernabile pattumiera di armi, militanti di Al Qaida e commercio illegale di petrolio.

Così possiamo affermare con certezza che la risoluzione 1973 del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite che dava il via libera alla NATO di distruggere in 1000 pezzi la Libia ha dato finalmente i suoi frutti… marci fino al seme, come dimostra l’assassinio di 21 fra operai e pescatori egiziani compiuto dal ramo libico dello Stato Islamico; per non parlare della miriade di assassini compiuti ogni giorno, bombardamenti e micro guerre civili che interessano tutto il paese, che da quando l’occidente ha architettato il colpo di stato contro il governo di Gheddafi, è diventato sinonimo di mortale landa desolata senza legge quale è la Libia oggigiorno. Il regalo della NATO rimarrà in dote per anni con instabilità e caos.

In un’intervista con il principale canale di disinformazione occidentale quale è la BBC, ABC e il Sunday Times nel Febbraio 2011, Gheddafi chiese ai suoi altezzosi intervistatori: “Avete mai visto gli agenti di Al Qaida? Avete mai ascoltato le loro trasmissioni? E’ Al Qaida che ha preso il controllo delle città di Al Baida e di Darnah, ex detenuti di Guantanamo ed estremisti liberati dagli americani per terrorizzare il popolo libico…” Darnah oggi è una delle principali roccaforti dell’ISIS.

In una bizzarra coincidenza (una specie di cosmica ironia); la data in cui l’ISIS scelse di mostrare il video della decapitazione degli ostaggi egiziani, che diede l’ufficialità della loro presenza nel paese lacerato dalla guerra con tre giacimenti di petrolio sotto il loro controllo, fu fatto (non a caso) nel quarto anniversario dell’inizio della cosiddetta rivoluzione libica del 15 febbraio 2011; non poteva esserci miglior tributo al golpe sponsorizzato dall’occidente.

Molto prima che ISIS divenisse un termine di moda, la vera natura della “rivoluzione” libica fu mostrata subito dopo la caduta del vecchio regime, tutto ciò di cui fu falsamente accusato Gheddafi, fu fatto in maniera ancor più perfezionata dai cosiddetti ribelli; massacri, bombardamenti indiscriminati di zone residenziali, autobombe, arresti di massa, torture, furto di olio e di risorse nazionali… Nel 2013 due attiviste filo palestinesi britanniche, nel loro viaggio verso Gaza con un convoglio di aiuti, videro in prima persona i frutti marci del capitolo libico della cosiddetta Primavera Araba quando furono rapiti dagli scagnozzi dei signori della guerra libici nella città di Bengasi e stuprate a turno di fronte al loro padre.

I fautori degli interventi umanitari devono tirarsi una pacca sulla schiena in questi giorni; ora che la Libia ha completato il suo look democratico da un paese con il più alto standard di vita in Africa sotto il governo di Gheddafi in una definizione da manuale di uno stato fallito; un deserto senza Dio fatto di fanatismo religioso, salasso interno e il commercio all'ingrosso di ceppi per la decapitazione, infatti, la Libia divenne così "democratica" che ci sono ora due parlamenti e due governi (in guerra fra loro); ognuno col suo esercito di criminali supportato con i soldi di potenze straniere, per non parlare poi della miriade di movimenti secessionisti e milizie che l’illegale colpo di stato contro Gheddafi ha sparso per tutto il Paese, mentre la sanità gratuita, istruzione ed elettricità garantite che i Libici davano per scontati col regime di Gheddafi, sono ora relitti del passato; questa è l’Alba dell’Odissea che fu promessa ai Libici; una versione sterilizzata di quanto già avvenne in IRAQ, senza l’indignazione dell’opinione pubblica, ben ri-confezionato con la scusa di “proteggere” l’opposizione, consegnata via aerea con bombe, appoggiata persino dagli zelanti alleati del Club degli alleati del Golfo, che mossi da nient’altro che piccoli rimorsi personali contro Gheddafi, hanno avuto la possibilità di testare la letalità delle loro armi arrugginite fabbricate in America a fianco della NATO e delle popolazioni di Sirte e Tripoli.

Tutto questo era stato previsto da Gheddafi; l’euforia effimera per le rivoluzioni Egiziane e Tunisine erano troppo potenti o troppo esilaranti per leggerne il vero significato; fu cospirazione o una rivoluzione autentica poi strumentalizzata e deviata? Ora è davvero un problema visto che l’ISIS è divenuto l’eredità di piazza Tahir; “trasformeranno la Libia in un Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq…le vostre donne non potranno più uscire di casa, trasformeranno la Libia in un emirato islamico e l’America bombarderà il paese con la scusa di combattere il terrorismo”, questo fu detto da Gheddafi il 22 Febbraio 2011, e non ci fu discorso più profetico di questo.

Il prototipo libico della “guerra pulita” americana è stato riproposto in Siria; le squadre della morte di Paul Bremer che sparsero il terrore in Iraq sono tornate con un gemello islamico; barbuti, vestiti di nero, armati di esplosivo dalla testa ai piedi e trasportati dai convogli di camioncini Toyota lungo uno sconfinato, sempre in espansione califfato islamico (che non ha nemmeno sfiorato il regime sionista occupante della Palestina) è sotto loro vigilanza.

Ogni giorno il mondo arabo si sveglia con un video shockante riguardante le atrocità, immerso nelle violente atrocità dei terroristi dell’ISIS e altri numerosi video, sebbene altri crimini altrettanto feroci vengano commessi dagli americani con i loro droni; tutta la regione assiste a decapitazioni e bombardamenti coi missili sparati dai droni. La morte sovrasta ogni cosa ora più che mai. La guerra al terrore tira su la testa ancora una volta per riportare nei ranghi gli stessi terroristi che l’occidente ha addestrato nel nome della democrazia per destabilizzare governi sgraditi; un inesorabile Giornata della Marmotta (festa statunitense che osservando il comportamento di una marmotta, cerca di profetizzare la fine o meno dell’inverno, NdT) che comincia con il “dovere di proteggere” e finisce con la “guerra al terrore”, con migliaia di morti innocenti, imputati ai danni/errori collaterali.

Questo profetizzò Gheddafi, una Libia impantanata in un caos totale, guerra civile e diktat occidentali, un vivaio di jihadisti ed estremisti... troppo brutto per riderci su con una canzonetta hip pop fatta da un israeliano che ne banalizzava il contenuto.


Da counterpunch   marzo 2015

Traduzione di Pacifico S. per


Una nuova perla scovata dal blog La tana dell’Orso: la PBS ha dato la notizia di bombardamenti delle infrastrutture petrolifere di Daesh da parte della coalizione a guida americana. Peccato che i filmati con cui hanno documentato la notizia fossero dell’aviazione russa.


oppure su


A parte la Nona di Beethoven – tributo obbligatorio al cretinismo europeista – non sarà il caso di ampliare il repertorio??

Il Teatro lirico di Trieste in concerto a Sarajevo per i vent’anni dalla pace di Dayton

(Bosnia - 25.11.2015) In occasione del ventesimo anniversario dell'accordo di Dayton sulla pace in Bosnia, nell'ambito del “Mese della cultura italiana” giunto alla terza edizione, il Teatro lirico "G.Verdi" di Trieste ha tenuto a Sarajevo un concerto dal titolo “Note di pace”, in formazione congiunta con la Filarmonica ed il Teatro Nazionale di Sarajevo. Sotto la direzione del Maestro Gianluigi Gelmetti, l’ensamble ha eseguito la Nona sinfonia di Beethoven. “Attraverso la musica - ha detto a Sarajevo la direttrice del Teatro nazionale Marijela Margeta - cerchiamo di lanciare un messaggio di comunione e aspirazioni condivise di tutta la civiltà, pensieri e parole positivi per tutta l'umanità”. I due cori, ha ricordato il direttore del Teatro lirico Antonio Tasca, si sono già esibiti insieme a Trieste, sempre nella Nona di Beethoven, in occasione del Natale 2014. A proposito della collaborazione fra i due teatri, Tasca ha anche ricordato il grande successo della direttrice della Filarmonica di Sarajevo, Samra Gulamovic, che lo scorso ottobre ha diretto in due concerti l'Orchestra sinfonica di Trieste. La collaborazione culturale tra i due Paesi - ha annunciato l'ambasciatore d'Italia Ruggero Corrias - prevede nuovi progetti e nuovi finanziamenti, grazie alla recente entrata in vigore di un accordo bilaterale di amicizia e collaborazione culturale firmato 11 anni fa.

Germans Preparing For War

1) Media Cold War (GFP 2015/11/04)
Federica Mogherini to prepare an "Action Plan on Strategic Communication" to counter Moscow
2) Permanent Civil War (GFP 2015/11/13)
Techniques of anti-Soviet propaganda, developed by Nazi officers, could serve today as a model for western anti-Russia psychological warfare operations
3) War, a Mission of Generations (GFP 2015/11/17)
Leading German media have begun speaking loudly of a new world war

=== 1 ===

Media Cold War
(Own report) - With a special "team" the EU is seeking to create a pro-western media audience in the East European countries and the Caucasus - including Russia - as was confirmed by the German government in its response to a parliamentary interpellation. The EU's "East StratCom Team" seeks to establish networks with journalists in the countries of the EU's "Eastern Partnerships," and in Russia. It is also developing "communication campaigns" systematically aimed at the populations of these countries. "Young people" and academics are among the specially targeted audiences. Overall, the EU team is focusing on the urban middle classes, which, in large sectors of Eastern Europe are pro-western oriented and had significantly supported Ukraine's Maidan protests. Asked about the orientation of these activities, officially labeled as "support for media freedom," the German government has explained that the purpose is to "communicate" one's own position to the public, like the PR-work of governments, parties, and associations. The government has also confirmed that the EU team will examine the East European activities of Deutsche Welle (DW), Germany’s international broadcaster, for possible "synergy effects."
Strategic Communication
The "EU team" for "strategic communication directed toward the countries of the Eastern Partnership and Russia" (EU's "East StratCom Team") was launched on the initiative of the EU foreign ministers (January 29, 2015), the German government has confirmed in its response to a parliamentary interpellation by the Left Party in the German Bundestag. On March 19, the European Council had officially commissioned EU foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, to prepare an "Action Plan on Strategic Communication" to counter Moscow. In early April, the European External Action Service (EEAS), led by Mogherini, began to establish the team and elaborate an "Action Plan," which was presented by Mogherini on June 22. The document describes the work of the team, which was officially launched on September 1. It is formally integrated in EEAS' "Strategic Communication Division" and has about ten functionaries, who had previously worked in other EU institutions or for EU member states. The German government is emphasizing its "working contacts to all members" of the EU's "East StratCom Team."[1]
Classical PR
As described in the "Action Plan on Strategic Communication" the EU's "East StratCom Team" will not only be activated in relationship to the EU's "Eastern partners" [2] but also "beyond," which, according to the German government, is referring to Russia. The "Action Plan" calls for the team to draw up dossiers on themes in which the EU is being unfavorably depicted from the outside, or in which Brussels is victim of "disinformation campaigns."[3] The German government has confirmed that this is aimed at "transmitting to the public" the substantial position of the EU, "like the public relations of governments, parties, associations etc."[4] - therefore, classical PR. The EU's "East StratCom Team" will place their PR products at the disposal of the EU's political leadership, press services, EU delegations, and EU Member States, according to the "Action Plan." This means that Brussels will be given a strictly coordinated public image.
Communication Campaigns
In addition, the EU's "East StratCom Team" is to develop "communication campaigns," targeting "key audiences" focused on specific issues deemed "of relevance" to those audiences, including "local issues." The German government specifies "the local population" as an important targeted audience. The EU's "Action Plan" specifies other targeted audiences: "young people," "members of academia" (including scholarship holders of the "Erasmus plus" program) and "civil society." Therefore, the focus is on urban middleclass milieus, who, in large parts of Eastern Europe, nourish hopes of advancing through cooperation with the West. Ukraine's urban middleclass was the backbone of the Maidan protests.[5]
Media Networks
Furthermore, the EU's "East StratCom Team" is to establish networks with disseminators in Eastern Europe, to "maximize the impact and effectiveness of its communications activities."[6] "Journalists and media representatives" are named as central components of these networks, whose objective, according to the "Action Plan," is "to better communicate EU policy." Journalists from the region will receive targeted training "to better enable them to report on issues of relevance to local populations." In addition, they will become part of a network of journalists from other East European countries. The "Action Plan" includes "maintaining contacts also to civil society actors." The EU delegations in the targeted countries should support the coordination of these efforts. These networks are explicitly aimed at carrying out political activities. They are intended to "act as advocates for local reform efforts," according to the "Action Plan." Financial support, as the German government explains, will not come from the EU team, but rather be provided "by various financial instruments of the European Commission as well as by EU member states."
Cooperation with NATO
NATO is also one of the EU's "East StratCom team's" cooperation partners. The German government admits that the Task Force is working with the Center of Excellence for Strategic Communication (CoE StratCom) headquartered in Latvia's capital, Riga. Though "until now, there has been no official cooperation," explains Markus Ederer, State Secretary in the German Foreign Ministry, "however, contact is maintained for technical purposes and for an exchange of information." The EU's "East StratCom team" sends "weekly reports on Russian information activities to the CoE StratCom."[7]
More Important than Tanks
According to the German government, the EU's "East StratCom Team" is exploring possibilities of cooperation with the state-financed Deutsche Welle. The team has already "developed a panorama" of the Deutsche Welle's activities in Eastern Europe - with the intention of "identifying possible synergic effects and thereby contributing to more coherence," explained State Secretary, Ederer. The Deutsche Welle, has appreciably expanded its activities in the Baltic countries - targeting the Russian-speaking minorities with their broadcasts. These minorities are massively discriminated against, particularly in Estonia and Latvia. Because of their close personal ties to Russia, they are suspected of potential disloyalty. ( reported.[8]) In May, for example, the Deutsche Welle entered a cooperation agreement with Estonia's ERR public radio station, in which the Deutsche Welle would provide its Russian-language broadcasts and advanced training to ERR journalists. September 28, together with ETV+, ERR launched Estonia's first Russian-language television channel. It is reported that, in its efforts to counter the influence of Russian Media on Estonia's Russian-speaking minorities, ETV+ is not only benefiting from the support of the Deutsche Welle, but also that of NATO. According to a report broadcast by the German public ARD TV channel, NATO is financing the technical furnishings of its regional studios. There is a good reason for ERR's Assistant Director, Ainar Ruussaar, declaring that "today, journalism can be more important than a tank."[9]

Please find excerpts from the "Action Plan on Strategic Communication" here.
[1] Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Dr. Alexander Neu, Andrej Hunko, Wolfgang Gehrcke, Inge Höger, Niema Movassat u.a. und der Fraktion Die Linke. Berlin, 22.10.2015.
[2] Die "Östliche Partnerschaft" der EU umfasst Belarus, die Ukraine, Moldawien, Georgien, Armenien und Aserbaidschan.
[3] Action Plan on Strategic Communication. Ref. Ares(2015)2608242 - 22/06/2015. Excerpts can be found here.
[4] Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Dr. Alexander Neu, Andrej Hunko, Wolfgang Gehrcke, Inge Höger, Niema Movassat u.a. und der Fraktion Die Linke. Berlin, 22.10.2015.
[5] See Umsturz per Krise.
[6] Action Plan on Strategic Communication. Ref. Ares(2015)2608242 - 22/06/2015.
[7] Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Dr. Alexander Neu, Andrej Hunko, Wolfgang Gehrcke, Inge Höger, Niema Movassat u.a. und der Fraktion Die Linke. Berlin, 22.10.2015.
[8] See Strategische Kommunikation.
[9] "Wichtiger als Panzer". 26.10.2015.

=== 2 ===

Permanent Civil War
(Own report) - Techniques of anti-Soviet propaganda that had been developed by Nazi officers, could serve today as a model for western anti-Russia psychological warfare operations, according to a semi-official publication from the entourage of the Bundeswehr. The current conflict between Russia and NATO has a "highly pronounced ideological dimension," analogue to the Cold War, explains the author Uwe Hartmann, a colonel in the German armed forces. According to Hartmann, the Russian side is using the "freedoms of Western open societies" to "influence" public opinion with the aim of "relativizing the value of rights and freedoms," "sowing discord" and "insecurity within the population." To counter this strategy, attributed to Russia, Hartmann recommends reversion to the methods of the so-called 'internal leadership' concept elaborated by Wolf Graf von Baudissin, who had been on Hitler's General Staff. This concept calls for preparing the armed forces as well as the society at large for a "permanent civil war" and for the leadership elite to convince Germans of the "worthiness of defending their country," while immunizing them against all "ideological temptations" and "propaganda attacks."
In a recent publication, Uwe Hartmann, a colonel of the German Bundeswehr, declared that Russia is applying a "hybrid" strategy in its conflict with the West. Analogue to the Soviet Union's approach during the Cold War, the direct use of military force does not play the decisive role. "Smashing enemy forces" has lower priority than the "destabilization of state structures and social institutions" and "weakening national coherence" in the NATO countries. This, in turn, shows clear parallels to activities, for example, of the Afghan insurgents, according to Hartmann. Whereas, in Afghanistan, the western occupation forces were trying to protect the "development of state and society," its enemy's "hybrid warfare" was aimed at "eroding statehood through the destabilization of the political, social, and economic situation" and "delegitimizing the government and elites."[1]
Western Values
Subsequently, the world is in a sort of "permanent civil war," according to Hartmann. Because of its strained relationship to Ukraine, "Russia, from a German point of view, poses a greater threat to the peaceful European order than the hybrid wars in the Middle East and other regions." This conflict's "highly pronounced ideological dimension" is a crucial point. "Russia considers the continued spread of Western values to be a threat to its vital interests." As in the Cold War, Russia is therefore using the "freedoms of Western open societies" to "influence" the populations living in NATO countries. Russian "propaganda," according to Hartmann, "aims primarily" at "globally relativizing the value of rights and freedoms, sowing discord among partnerships and alliances, as well as fomenting divisions within societies and insecurity among their citizens."[2]
Baudissin as a Model
To counter this alleged Russian ideological aggression against the West, Hartmann recommends resorting to the theoretical works of the German military officer Wolf Stefan Traugott Graf von Baudissin,[3] who, in World War II, had served on the General Staff of the Nazi Wehrmacht's "Africa Corps" under General Erwin Rommel. In 1951, he joined the staff of the "Administration Blank" - the predecessor to West Germany's Ministry of Defense, charged with the illegal re-establishment of the armed forces. He helped formulate the so-called Himmeroder Memorandum, in which former Nazi Wehrmacht generals laid down the conditions for their participation in the re-militarization of West Germany. The demands raised by the memorandum included the "liberation of Germans convicted of 'war crimes,'" the "termination of any form of defamation of German soldiers (including the Waffen-SS deployed, at the time, in the framework of the Wehrmacht)" and the introduction of the necessary "measures to transform both domestic and foreign public opinion."[4] Baudissin developed the Bundeswehr's concept of "internal leadership," aimed at preparing Bundeswehr troops for a "permanent civil war" against the Soviet Union - a concept, Hartmann now seeks to literally apply to the current political situation.[5]
Internal Leadership
As Hartmann explains, Baudissin had always placed "psychological warfare at the focal point of his concept of warfare." From the outset, the focus of "Internal leadership" was always the individual. "He must be protected and prepared, because the most used weapons of the Cold War ... were not those aimed at physical elimination, but rather those aimed at his 'spiritual exhaustion'." This is not unlike today's conflict with Russia, declares Hartmann. "Internal leadership helps soldiers avoid being 'intrinsically misled' ... by protecting them from the enemy's ideological propaganda. It is essential before, during, and following crises, conflicts, and wars."[6]
Enemy Narrative
Based on this assessment, Hartmann draws conclusions for how "strategic communication" aimed at German society and the Bundeswehr should be designed. On the one hand, "resistance to propaganda-induced insecurity and ideological temptations" must be strengthened and, on the other, readiness "to provide moral support to those using military or other forms of defense against these hybrid threats" must be enhanced, the officer declares. According to Hartmann, all measures capable of "exposing the enemy propaganda narratives" are of fundamental importance. This is particularly true, in cases where the enemy takes up "historically sensitive subjects" and, for example, criticizes actions of German soldiers on operation in regions, "where the Wehrmacht had once carried out operations and SS forces had ravaged."[7]
Fifth Column
Hartmann's recommendations concord with concepts elaborated by leading NATO and EU think tanks. ( reported.[8]) He believes that the threat is not only due to the fact that the West's enemies can "publically question" the "legitimacy and legality" of the use of military force. Even the "social cohesion" of combat units, themselves, is threatened. "Individuals from an immigrant family background are a specially targeted group for enemy propaganda. The objective is to induce them to propagate 'false truths' and create growing insecurity, and even possibly attacks against one's own troops."[9]

[1], [2], [3] Uwe Hartmann: Hybrider Krieg als neue Bedrohung von Freiheit und Frieden. Zur Relevanz der Inneren Führung in Politik, Gesellschaft und Streitkräften. Berlin 2015.
[4] See Krieg ist Frieden.
[5], [6], [7] Uwe Hartmann: Hybrider Krieg als neue Bedrohung von Freiheit und Frieden. Zur Relevanz der Inneren Führung in Politik, Gesellschaft und Streitkräften. Berlin 2015.
[8] See Media Cold War and Informationskrieg.
[9] Uwe Hartmann: Hybrider Krieg als neue Bedrohung von Freiheit und Frieden. Zur Relevanz der Inneren Führung in Politik, Gesellschaft und Streitkräften. Berlin 2015.

=== 3 ===

War, a Mission of Generations
(Own report) - Following last Friday's terrorist attacks in Paris, leading German media have begun speaking of a new world war. A renowned daily, for example, wrote that "a third world war" is currently being forced upon "the entire planet," warning that the war against IS "is not yet being waged with the intensity needed in a world war." Other journals are calling for resolute action without "half-heartedness" or even "self-recrimination." The fact that after 14 years of the "War on Terror," terrorism is stronger than ever before and the Arab-Muslim world is in shambles is allegedly not the result of a misguided western policy. The West supposedly bears no responsibility for the fact that "processes of disintegration and decivilization" have begun within the "Muslim belt of crisis stretching from Pakistan to Morocco," which has led to a "breakdown of civilization." In addition to the continuation - and even expansion - of the policy of military intervention, various media are also calling for broadening domestic repression. In the case of a "terror threat," the Bundeswehr should take on the task of protecting endangered streets. Among Germany's main national media organs, only one renowned business journal is not participating in this comprehensive orchestration of public opinion and preparation for a "world war." Military escalation "does not bring peace," it only "spawns suicide bombers," warns its chief editor and calls for finally searching for alternatives.
"A Third World War"
Since last Friday's terrorist attacks in Paris, leading German media organs have been talking of a new world war. The West finds itself "in a world war" against the "Islamic State" (IS) writes the chief editor of Germany's flagship daily, the Frankfurter Allgemeine.[1] "The West - in fact, the entire planet -" has currently been forced into "a third world war," writes Berlin's daily, the Tagesspiegel, the majority of whose readers are in the German capital. As the Tagesspiegel explains, the "Third World War" is even taking on "proportions ... that extend beyond the global character of conventional warfare."[2] Several regional news outlets and tabloids have also accepted this wording,[3] which is intended appellatively. "The fight against the 'Islamic State,' the Taliban, and Boko Haram is not being waged with the necessary intensity for a world war," they claim.[4]
"Decivilization Processes"
According to prominent editorialists, the reason why jihadi terrorism is stronger than it has ever been - more than 14 years after the West declared its so-called war on terror - lies, not in the West's unsuccessful policy of aggression, but rather in the internal development of the Arab-Islamic World. According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine daily - not otherwise specified - "deterioration and decivilization processes" have begun.[5] The Süddeutsche Zeitung, once reputed to be liberal daily, perceives "the cause of terrorism" also in a "breakdown of civilization" in the "Muslim belt of crisis, extending from Pakistan to Morocco," which, incidentally, has provoked "the massive wave of refugees" coming to "Europe." Within this "belt of crisis" there is "lawlessness and no state," "despotism has taken power." "Syria and Co. are the wholesale exporters of trouble."[6] Editorialists either play down or totally pass over in silence the fact that the total collapse of Afghanistan; Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen have each succeeded the West and its allied Arab Gulf dictatorships seeking to execute "regime change" through military interventions, as well as the fact of the West and its Arab allies' tactical support for jihadis - particularly in Afghanistan, Libya and in Syria - had laid the groundwork for these groups to become stronger. ( reported.[7])
"No Half-Heartedness"
The trivialization of the West's responsibility for havoc in a growing number of Muslim countries is accompanied with the demand that the West continues, and even intensifies, its policy of aggression. The anti-jihadi war is "a mission of generations and cannot be accomplished in a few years," it is predicted. The current lack of success "should not be looked upon with self-recriminations, retreat," or with "half-heartedness."[8] One commentator declared that it is "well known" that "the struggle against terrorism has failed, because of half-heartedness. The West has lacked cohesiveness and perseverance." Besides, we must rely more on local allies, he claims, and contends, it has been shown "that stability cannot be imposed on the societies of the Muslim world only from the outside." Therefore, in the future "the local ethnic groups must lead in the liberation from oppression."[9] The - not otherwise specified - "moderates" and "the Kurds" in Syria and Iraq are mentioned as examples.
"A Mean Demeanor"
The demand that the West continue its policy of aggression against the Muslim World is accompanied, both in conservative as well as liberal media organs, by demands for a massive intensification of repression at home. The European countries must defend themselves "with police and intelligence services, ... with surveillance and prevention," they write.[10] "In Germany and the rest of Europe," "police and intelligence services" should "be better equipped and in an even more tightly coordinated network." "An EU anti-terrorist headquarters, with police and intelligence services in one complex," would be helpful. "The heavily armed, rapid deployment units, planned for the German Federal Police," may "be needed sooner" than expected. "The Bundeswehr must play a greater role in domestic security." "The Bundeswehr should be prepared to intervene immediately in cases of more acute terrorist threats" and, at least, be used to "protect endangered buildings and streets." The internet must "absolutely" be placed under stronger surveillance.[11] "Freedoms, which should be protected, will be curtailed," remarked one of the publishers of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. "The Germans" would have "nothing against seeing a friendly demeanor at the head of their government," however, now "they want - and need - to see a mean demeanor."[12]
Alternatives to War
The current front of Germany's major national media, orchestrating domestic public opinion and publicistically habituating the population to a "World War" has been broken by a renowned business magazine. Gabor Steingart, Chief Editor of the German Handelsblatt warns, "the West shares the blame for the hostile climate between the cultures." "Of the 1.3 million lives that the wars from Afghanistan to Syria have cost, the crusade against Iraq, waged under false pretenses - and therefore in violation of international law - alone, accounts so far for 800,000 dead," explains Steingart. "The majority of these victims were peaceful Muslims - not terrorists." "The automatism of severity and mercilessness, the premeditated incomprehension of one's counterpart, the fiery speeches for the respective populations at home, the rapid take-off of bomber squadrons" have "brought us to where we are today." "This is not how you stop terrorism; this is how you fan its flames. This is not how you obtain peace; this is how you spawn suicide bombers." In the future, rather than banking on "combat or capitulation," we should promote "order, respect, and moderation." "There are alternatives to military escalation."[13] Among the leading personalities of the German mainstream media, Steingart stands alone with his warning.

[1] Berthold Kohler: Im Weltkrieg. 15.11.2015.
[2] Frank Jansen: Ein dritter Weltkrieg wird uns aufgezwungen. 14.11.2015.
[3] Jörg-Helge Wagner: Es ist ein neuer Weltkrieg. 15.11.2015. Sophie Albers Ben Chamo: "Wir befinden uns mitten im Dritten Weltkrieg". 16.11.2015.
[4] Frank Jansen: Ein dritter Weltkrieg wird uns aufgezwungen. 14.11.2015.
[5] Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger: Der neue Krieg. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 16.11.2015.
[6] Stefan Kornelius: Exporteure des Todes. 14.11.2015.
[7] See Liberated by the WestVom Westen befreit (II)Liberated by the West (III), and In Flammen.
[8] Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger: Der neue Krieg. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 16.11.2015.
[9] Stefan Kornelius: Exporteure des Todes. 14.11.2015.
[10] Stefan Kornelius: An die Wurzeln. 15.11.2015.
[11] Frank Jansen: Ein dritter Weltkrieg wird uns aufgezwungen. 14.11.2015.
[12] Berthold Kohler: Im Weltkrieg. 15.11.2015.
[13] Gabor Steingart: Handelsblatt Morning Briefing 16.11.2015.