
Rapporto UNEP sull'U238 in Bosnia (italiano / english / deutsch)

Dopo piu' di sette anni dai fatti l'agenzia ONU per l'ambiente UNEP ha
confermato la persistenza di contaminazione da uranio "impoverito"
(U238 o DU) in Bosnia-Erzegovina.
Ricordiamo che la presenza di U238 sul terreno e' dovuta ai
bombardamenti sulla Repubblica Serba di Bosnia, effettuati da aerei
NATO partiti da basi in territorio italiano allo scopo di imporre
condizioni favorevoli alla parte croato-musulmana nei futuri accordi
di pace di Dayton.

Per inciso, quanto avvenuto in Bosnia e poi in Serbia-Montenegro
rispetto alle armi all'U238 e' poca cosa se paragonato ai micidiali
bombardamenti che gli occidentali hanno effettuato in Iraq, gia' nel
1991 e poi di nuovo massicciamente nei giorni scorsi. Il nostro
pensiero va dunque innanzitutto alla popolazione dell'Iraq vittima
degli stessi interessi e delle stesse pratiche criminali usate dai
paesi della NATO.



Depleted Uranium Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment

DU contamination found in Bosnia and Herzegovina

UNEP final report on DU in Bosnia and Herzeg. (23/3/03)

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina, March 25, 2003 (ENS) - For the first
time, a United Nations research team has confirmed that depleted
uranium from weapons used in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1994 and 1995
has contaminated local supplies of drinking water, and can still be
found in dust particles suspended in the air. Depleted uranium is
used in armour penetrating military ordinance because of its high
density, and also in the manufacture of defensive armor plate.
for full articleand links to UNEP report.



(ANSA) - ROMA, 11 FEB - Ad oggi non sono stati ancora
resi noti i punti di caduta anche se questi dati risultano
dai rapporti di volo dei piloti che hanno effettuato i raids
partendo soprattutto dalla base di Aviano. E' il quesito
che Nichi Vendola (Prc) rivolge in una lettera al
ministro Martino dopo una risposta, ritenuta insoddisfacente,
data ad una sua interrogazione parlamentare. Vendola parla
delle bombe all'uranio impoverito usate in Bosnia e ai relativi
rischi di contaminazione e di malattie per i nostri soldati di
cui si e' interessata anche la commissione Mandelli con
una serie di relazioni.
''E' ovviamente del massimo interesse conoscere a quali
distanze si sono trovati i nostri reparti dai punti di esplosione.
Ritengo davvero importante che al Parlamento sia reso noto
l'elenco di coloro che sono stati presenti in Bosnia unitamente
alle mappe delle localita' interessate all'esposizione al
rischio di contaminazione'' , scrive Vendola.
''Il personale che si reca in transito a Tirana, a
Skopjie, a Valona o in altri luoghi dei Balcani, con
soste magari di un solo giorno o qualche ora, non puo'
essere certamente considerato come esposto a radiazioni
da uranio impoverito e quindi non interessa ovviamente i
calcoli della Relazione Mandelli ed e' percio' estraneo a quanto
da me richiesto nella interrogazione presentata''.
''Ritengo quindi vi sia stata una serie di malintesi e
torno a richiederLe il numero dei militari presenti nelle zone
di esposizione e le localita' che sono state interessate, sempre
con riferimento al personale che non ha adottato misure di
protezione.'' (ANSA). CP 11/02/2003 15:21




Bosnia Erzegovina, sei anni dopo

In Bosnia Herzegovina deve essere mantenuto alto il livello di guardia
per le acque sotterranee e potabili e per il suolo contaminati
dall'uranio impoverito dei bombardamenti del 1994 e del 1995. Lo
afferma un nuovo rapporto dell'Unep, l'agenzia Onu per l'ambiente,
che riporta i risultati di campionature effettuate nell'ottobre 2002.
Il documento dipinge una situazione analoga a quella rilevata da
precedenti studi realizzati dall'agenzia in Kosovo (2001), in Serbia e
in Montenegro (2002). ma fornisce anche nuovi elementi per la
valutazione del rischio ambientale deivato dall'impiego bellico di
uranio impoverito. In primo luogo, che la contaminazione del suolo nei
15 siti presi in considerazione si ferma a 1-2 metri di profondità.
Secondo, che i proiettili rimasti sotto terra si sono corrosi
rapidamente, perdendo in sei anni circa il 25 per cento della loro
massa. E ciò significa che nel giro di 25-30 anni si saranno
completamente dissolti andando a contaminare ulteriormente le falde
acquifere. Infine, in due casi è stata rilevata anche una
contaminazione atmosferica, in particolare all'interno di alcuni
edifici all'epoca colpiti dai bombardamenti e oggi ancora utilizzati.
L'inquinamento sarebbe dovuto al sollevamento da parte del vento o di
interventi umani di particelle di uranio rilasciate nelle esplosioni.
Nonostante non abbia potuto stabilire una correlazione diretta tra
l'esposizione all'uranio impoverito e la comparsa di specifiche forme
tumorali sulla popolazione, gli esperti raccomandano la bonifica dei
siti contaminati. Per esempio, con la raccolta dei resti delle
munizioni e la copertura dei suoli contaminati con asfalto o
terra pulita. (

(mercoledì 26 marzo)



NAIROBI. Ein aktueller Bericht des UN-Umweltprogramms UNEP bestätigt
erstmals, dass abgereichertes Uran durch im Krieg der NATO gegen die
Serben verwendete Waffen die lokale Trinkwasserversorgung
kontaminierte. Die Kontamination sei sehr gering und stellte kein
unmittelbares Risiko für Mensch und Umwelt dar. Die Ergebnisse in
Republik Srpska stimmen mit Studien der UNEP in der serbischen Provinz
Kosovo und Metochien 2001 bzw. Serbien und Montenegro im Jahr 2002
überein. Im Oktober 2002 wählte die UNEP 15 Regionen in Republik
Srpska für Untersuchungen aus. In fünf dieser Gebiete kam laut
Informationen der NATO abgereichertes Uran (DU; depleted uranium)
zum Einsatz. Mit hochempfindlichen Instrumenten wurden von einem
17-köpfigen Expertenteam Messungen der Oberflächen-Radioaktivität
vorgenommen. Die Kontaminationsstellen fanden sich alle in der
Ortschaft Hadzici. Die serbischen Behörden hatten schon im Herbst 1995
von erheblich erhöhter radioaktiver Strahlung in Hadzici und Umgebung
berichtet. Eine mehr als ausreichende Anzahl von wissenschaftlichen
Ergebnissen belegt, dass radioaktive DU-Aerosole sich vom "Punkt der
Freisetzung" aus über eine große Fläche ausbreiten. Dies bedeutet,
dass große Teile der serbischen Provinz Kosovo und Metochien verseucht


[From UNEP, so downplays dangers]

Traces of war-related uranium found in Bosnia: UN

-It is highly likely that majority of DU ammunition
hit the ground and remained hidden under the surface,
where it "may constitute a risk of future groundwater
and drinking water contamination," the report said,
suggesting annual testing of underground water.
According to NATO, each of the two areas -- Hadzici
and Han Pijesak -- was hit by 200 depleted uranium
During air strikes against Bosnian Serbs in 1994 and
1995 Bosnia was hit by a total of three tonnes of
depleted uranium NATO shells.

Traces of war-related uranium found in Bosnia: UN

SARAJEVO, March 25 (AFP) - Traces of depleted uranium
have been found in three sites hit in Bosnia by the
NATO air strikes of the 1990's, a report from the UN
Environment Programme (UNEP) said Tuesday, urging
local authorities in the Balkan country to undertake
decontamination measures.

The presence of depleted uranium (DU), used in
armour-piercing western munitions, was confirmed in a
former tank repair factory and an ammunition storage
facility in the Sarajevo suburb of Hadzici and in an
artillery storage in Han Pijesak in eastern Bosnia,
the report said.

"None of the sites showed signs of widespread
contamination of the ground surface," it said.

The report presents findings of DU testing conducted
by a 17-member UNEP team last October at 15 sites
across the country. The team took and tested some 130
samples of soil, water, air and other substances from
the sites.

"The only risk of any potential significance would be
though touching contamination point, thereby
contaminating the body," the report said.

There are "tens" of DU ammunition fragments found on
the ground at the three sites, Pekka Haavisto, the
UNEP team leader, said.

The report recommended decontamination of the sites by
local authorities.

It stressed that NATO coordinates of six other
DU-attack sites in vicinity of Sarajevo were "still
missing" and "should be disclosed to the
Bosnia-Hercegovina authorities without delay."

It is highly likely that majority of DU ammunition hit
the ground and remained hidden under the surface,
where it "may constitute a risk of future groundwater
and drinking water contamination," the report said,
suggesting annual testing of underground water.

According to NATO, each of the two areas -- Hadzici
and Han Pijesak -- was hit by 200 depleted uranium

During air strikes against Bosnian Serbs in 1994 and
1995 Bosnia was hit by a total of three tonnes of
depleted uranium NATO shells.

In early 2001 many NATO and non-NATO countries raised
concern over a possible link between the use of
depleted uranium munitions in the Balkans and
increased cancer rates among soldiers who had taken
part in peacekeeping operations in Bosnia and the
Serbian province of Kosovo.

A NATO committee has said that scientific and medical
research has so far not shown any link between
depleted uranium and reported health problems.

However, UNEP has warned that slightly radioactive and
toxic DU may have a long-term negative effect if
carried close to the body or if DU dust has been
inhaled, which may cause kidney problems.


Subject: [yugoslaviainfo] [DU-WATCH] Balkans - Depleted uranium
pollution continues -- study
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 23:47:26 -0600 (CST)
From: Predrag Tosic
To: yugoslaviainfo <Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.>

[From Greenwire, via du-watch forum. ]

Wednesday, March 26, 2003


Depleted uranium pollution continues -- study
Depleted uranium (DU) ammunition, which coalition
forces have used in Iraq, continues to pollute the air
and water in Bosnia-Herzegovina, according to a United
Nations Environment Programme report released this

Nato forces used DU, a metal that is 1.7 times as
dense as lead and can punch through armour and tanks,
in the Balkans in the mid-1990s. The UNEP report
discovered DU groundwater pollution for the first
time, as well as air contamination and low levels of
ground contamination where fragments of DU have
penetrated. Levels of pollution warrant caution and
the continued monitoring of ground and drinking water,
but "these findings must not be seen as a cause for
alarm," said Klaus Toepfer, executive director of

DU rods have been blamed for illnesses in Gulf War
veterans and health problems in the Balkans. Iraqi
doctors have attributed an increased rate of cancer in
the country to DU bombs dropped during the 1991
Persian Gulf War. Iraqi cancer specialist Jawad al-Ali
said the cancer rate in the heavily targeted city of
Basra, Iraq, rose from 11 cases per 100,000 people in
the city in 1988 to 116 per 100,000 in 2001. The
United States and other western countries have
repeatedly denied that DU shells cause any health or
environmental hazards (Greenwire, Jan. 27).

The UNEP report said, "The existing scientific data
... indicate that it is highly unlikely that DU could
be associated with any of the reported health
problems." But Pekko Haavisto, chair of UNEP's DU
projects, said there is not much comprehensive cancer
data. She said finding DU in groundwater made her "a
bit concerned." Haavisto: "If DU is used in Iraq I
think the consequences will be similar. It's something
that should be followed very closely" (Alex Kirby, BBC
online, March 25).

Click here to download a copy of the UNEP report. --


La National Geographic Society e' stata fondata a Washington D.C. come
associazione scientifica e pedagogica "senza fini di lucro". Dal 1888
la Society ha sostenuto "7000 esplorazioni e progetti di ricerca" per
contribuire alla "conoscenza" della terra, dei mari e del cielo. Ma la
concezione del mondo diffusa dalla rivista della Society lascia spesso
adito a giustificate critiche, soprattutto quando popoli e paesi sono
presentati attraverso la lente della piu' tradizionale e bieca
ideologia colonialista occidentale.
Gia' nel 1999 avevamo notato e fatto notare articoli sul
Kosovo-Metohija di infimo livello scientifico, atti a presentare una
"realta' antropologica" di maniera, tutta funzionale alla propaganda
della guerra della NATO (e nessun cenno sul patrimonio
artistico-culturale cristiano-ortodosso!). Non passano poi inosservati
i toni insistenti e compiaciuti su realta' come quella tibetana, che
gli strateghi del Pentagono cercano di usare come piede di porco per
iniziare la demolizione della scomoda potenza cinese.
Oggi, attraverso il suo forum online
( la
rivista riapre all'attenzione mondiale la secessione corsa, in diretta
risposta alla non adesione della Francia all'aggressione bellica
contro l'Iraq, volta all'appropriazione delle riserve petrolifere del
Si sta dunque riaprendo, dopo il Kosovo, un nuovo fronte per la
destabilizzazione dell'Europa, con il sostegno USA, sempre facendo
leva sul differenzialismo etnico... E per una impresa del genere il
servizio che puo' essere reso da antropologi e scienziati compiacenti,
come sempre, e' prezioso. D'altronde, la Francia ha ben poco di cui
lamentarsi, visto che ha anch'essa appoggiato con zelo lo squartamento
della RFS di Jugoslavia con il sostegno dato ai settori neofascisti e
micronazionalisti in tutti i Balcani. Chi di spada ferisce...
(I. Slavo. Da una segnalazione di M. Cristaldi su "La Voce del
GAMADI", maggio 2003)

ANTIWAR, Thursday, April 17, 2003

Balkan Express
by Nebojsa Malic

Empire's 'Liberation'

The Opposite of Liberty

Last week's "liberation" of Iraq bore
a striking resemblance to the
"liberation" of Kosovo four years ago,
or the continuing "freedom" Bosnia
enjoys, replete with the Imperial
occupation troops, a viceroy, general
devastation and cultural destruction.
Empire's quest for a global Balkans
grows more apparent by the day. The
polls may indicate that most Americans
are happy with the Brave New World
thrust upon them, but the wise are
already wondering if what has emerged
could be better called Communist,
Fascist or something else altogether.
In any case, not the Republic
envisioned by its Founders.
Nor are its occupied territories and
vassal domains in the Balkans anything
like the public has been led to
believe. Bosnia has been writhing in torment
for over a decade, in a Hell partly of
its own making, but now run by an
Imperial viceroy. Kosovo is a land of
darkness and despair, mired in terror
and lies. Serbia has fallen under a
reign of terror cleverly disguised as a
"war on crime." But at least they all
have democracy seeping out of every
wound, and isn't it grand?
Illusions of truth, perversions of
justice, and a demonic sort of
"democracy" are today's Balkans
reality, and the coming reality of
"liberated" Iraq.


The "liberated" Kosovo is an example
of many things: naked aggression posing
as humanitarianism; ethnic cleansing
and cultural persecution posing as
multi-cultural tolerance; an
occupation posing as freedom. It is also a
symbol of the way the Empire decides
what is reality: whatever it says it
is. One could talk about the way NATO
fabricated pretexts and justifications
for its invasion, or how it twisted
the armistice to mean unconditional
surrender, or how it "interprets" the
fig-leaf UN mandate to do whatever it
Or one could just read the recent news
reports about a string of terrorist
attacks by an "Albanian National Army"
(AKSh), whose very existence NATO and
its flunkies hotly deny. So a northern
Kosovo railroad track blew itself up
this weekend, and the two terrorists
who died in the explosion did not
really exist. The non-existent
organization certainly doesn't have a
web site. The simultaneous bombing of two
police stations in Pristina last
month? Never happened. And the
February bombing of a court house in
Struga, Macedonia? Figment of someone's
This deliberate denial of the obvious
is staggering. A major witness against
KLA officers charged with murder,
torture and abductions is gunned down in a
family car, yet the UN police say they
"do not know" who did it, "nor the
motive." The pinnacle of outrage
surely must be the insinuation by Empire's
propaganda vehicle, Radio Free
Europe/Radio Liberty, which blamed Serbs
for many deaths of Albanian civilians and
KLA officers in the first year of
Kosovo's occupation. But for all the
Empire has done, and is doing, in
Kosovo, that should not come as a
To the Indispensable Nation, truth is
a matter of convenience.


News came from Bosnia last Friday that
Naser Oric, former commander of
Muslim forces in Srebrenica, was
seized and shipped off to the Hague
Inquisition, on charges of war crimes.
Oric was the notorious warlord who
abused Srebrenica's status as a UN "safe
haven" to launch raids on nearby Serb
villages, and is directly responsible
for hundreds of murders. He even
videotaped some, and those videos are
evidence beyond reasonable doubt that
the man ordered and committed
atrocities. All of which makes his
indictment by the Inquisition even more
"Serbs begin believing in justice and
The Hague" read a headline in
Sarajevo's daily Oslobodjenje on
Monday, the paper unwittingly revealing
the real reason behind Oric's arrest. The
illegal and illegitimate Hague
"tribunal" is desperate to create a
perception among all Balkans peoples,
but mainly the Serbs that it is really
a legal, legitimate institution,
meritorious to decide whether war
crimes happened and who was responsible
for them. Occasional arrests and
convictions of non-Serbs are supposed
to serve this important credibility
effort. Meanwhile, the Inquisition's
actual goal to fabricate charges of a
"joint criminal enterprise" of Serbian
leadership to foment and conduct the
Balkan wars and commit atrocities
therein can proceed unchallenged.
People like Oric, or the Celebici
torturers, or Stela and Tuta, are but
sacrifices. Whether they committed
atrocities or not is irrelevant to
the Big Picture, which demands their
conviction for the sake of "bagging"
the Serbs. In fact, the Inquisition is
really not interested in establishing
whether its Serb detainees actually
committed the atrocities they stand
accused of. Their very indictment is
proof enough, and the conviction merely
a preordained matter of procedure.
There has been word of possible US
military tribunals trying Iraqi officers
and officials for "crimes" committed
under the rule of Saddam Hussein,
as a "sovereign right" of the conqueror.
Between The Hague Inquisition and
this, it is obvious that any pretense of
justice has been perverted and corrupted
to serve the interests of power.

Democracy Incarnate

Purges initiated by the Serbian
government after the assassination of
Prime Minister Djindjic last month continue
unabated, targeting the regime's
political rivals even as the new Prime
Minister denied such a thing was
Following the lead of His Most
Democratic Majesty, Zivkovic offered
no argument beyond his assertions.
"Because I say so" seems to be the popular
argument these days. Unsurprisingly,
the supine media took his word for
it, and ran headlines proclaiming "No
repression in Serbia" or some such.
Ah, freedom at work! At the same time,
Zivkovic indicated that "it may happen"
that top opposition politicians would
be found guilty of crime connections.
Well, how convenient.
The Serbian parliament - a mockery of
that institution if there ever was one
- recently passed new laws allowing
the police to detain people up to 60
days without charges, legal counsel or
visitation, all in the name of
"fighting crime," of course. A
comparison with the intent, if not extent, of
the USA Patriot Act would be tempting,
except that the term "patriot" has
been banned in Serbian public
discourse, and will likely be replaced
by "democrat." Furthermore, there is
nothing patriotic about the amendments
to the extradition law, passed purely to
appease the Empire.
But none of it matters, because the
people overwhelmingly support the
government - or so the government
says. DOS' approval rates match those of
His Imperial Majesty so much that they
might have been cribbed from American
pollsters. But any media examination
of these claims is, of course, banned
under the State of Emergency Act.

Culture Cleansing

Another disturbing trend in Serbian
purges is the emerging Kulturkampf
component. The arrest of folk singer
Ceca Raznatovic for weapons possession
and alleged links to the Djindjic
assassination prompted a condemnation
of the "symbiosis" between Serbian
popular culture, crime, and the
[former/evil - as opposed to current/good]
Proponents of "cultural cleansing" who
fashion themselves Serbia's "civil
society" don't have a problem with
government manipulating the popular
culture, as long as it is the culture
they approve of. Their sentiments
go beyond the dislike of some
contemporary trends of truly questionable
quality, but actually represent a
fiery hatred of all Serbian folk culture
as lowly, unworthy, primitive and
The next step is, logically, the
elimination of Serbian folk culture in
favor of a more "progressive" set of
values, imposed by the all-benevolent
State for everyone's benefit, under
the pretext of "de-Nazification" and
"lustration." After surviving almost
60 years of social engineering, the
Serbian society would be finished off
by the modern managerial State and
its faithful flunkies.

The Real Liberation

One libertarian columnist recently
remarked that the young countries can
prosper only in the climate of
"culture-driven self-government, absent
outside military interference and
manipulation from great powers and
entangling alliances. It's kind of
like what the founding fathers envisioned
for this country. A variation of
national socialism, administered by
outsiders or their handpicked minions,
will stifle and annoy any country,
but especially one that has been
promised 'liberation'."

Empire's "liberation" is the actual
polar opposite of liberty.

Based on just the examples cited
above, the truth of this proposition
has already been decisively demonstrated
in the Balkans. It will be demonstrated
again in Iraq. The Empire has denied
it, and will continue to deny it,
because this truth is inconvenient,
but it is truth nonetheless. So long
as we refuse to accept it, we will
continue to be in thrall to Empire's
lies - as well as our own.


Con riferimento al lavoro svolto da tanti reporter di guerra - molto
piu' simile a quello delle meretrici che a quello dei professionisti
dell'informazione - e' stato coniato il termine "presstitution", che
lega insieme concettualmente la "press" e la "prostituzione"
(si veda: )

il manifesto - 10 Aprile 2003


Chi non si rassegna al dominio americano


Davanti a quella che parrebbe la fine di questa guerra infame alcune
cose si possono dire con sicurezza. Ormai gli Stati uniti teorizzano
apertamente che è giusto tutto ciò che è nel loro interesse. Non è una
novità assoluta. Negli ultimi anni si sono rifiutati di sottoscrivere
il protocollo di Kyoto, la Convenzione di Ottawa sulle mine antiuomo,
il Patto internazionale sui diritti economici, sociali e culturali e
il trattato istitutivo della Corte penale internazionale; hanno
denunciato i trattati di non-proliferazione nucleare e, dopo il caso
Nicaragua, si sono dissociati dalla Corte internazionale di giustizia.
Giorni fa, Garcia Marquez ricordava che, da quando esistono, gli Stati
uniti hanno operato poco meno che ottanta invasioni a danno di paesi
sovrani e ordito e finanziato innumerevoli golpe per insediare governi
amici in aree strategiche del mondo. Ma la teoria e la pratica della
«guerra preventiva» segnano un salto di qualità.
Rivendicando a sé il ruolo di sovrano e di giudice plenipotenziario,
Bush si è arrogato il diritto all'uso della forza senza regole né
limiti. L'aggressione all'Iraq, le ripetute minacce di espansione del
conflitto alla Siria e all'Iran, e ora l'inaudita evocazione della
quarta guerra mondiale da parte dell'ex capo della Cia, sono le
dirette conseguenze di tale impostazione: ci rifletta la signora Dal
Ponte, pensi anche a Guantanamo e spieghi - se può - che cosa osti
all'incriminazione di George W. Bush e di Tony Blair per crimini
contro l'umanità.

Dinanzi a questo quadro, le divisioni emerse in seno alla sinistra
italiana costituiscono un fatto grave quanto significativo. Appena
dopo l'inizio del conflitto, le forze dell'opposizione avevano
ritrovato la propria unità contro la guerra. Se oggi riemergono
contrasti, è perché, fatta salva la censura nei confronti della
strategia di Bush, gran parte della dirigenza del centrosinistra non
prende le distanze dalla linea blairiana dell'interventismo
«democratico» e neocoloniale. Di qui il rifiuto di mettere in
discussione le scelte compiute in occasione dei bombardamenti Nato sul
Kosovo. Benissimo che oggi D'Alema, Fassino, Veltroni e Rutelli
denuncino la tracotanza angloamericana e il servilismo del nostro
governo. Ma non è accettabile che essi continuino a difendere la
decisione di partecipare, appena quattro anni fa, a una guerra non
legittimata dalle Nazioni unite, una guerra che Massimo D'Alema definì
nientemeno che «la più bella pagina della storia italiana

Certo, la tentazione di difendere la propria persona è grande, ma si
ha l'obbligo di resistervi e di cercare in sé la forza di dire la
verità. Che non sta nella foglia di fico della «polizia
internazionale», delle bombe «etiche», dell'«intervento umanitario».
Ma nella sciagurata decisione di far guerra senza l'Onu e contro
l'Onu, e di giustificarla con argomenti molto simili a quelli
agitati oggi da Bush e dai suoi vassalli. «L'uso della forza può
rivelarsi necessario quando gli strumenti della ragione e della
persuasione pacifica si rivelano impotenti» (D'Alema). «Inutile
appellarsi al Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'Onu, paralizzato dal sistema
dei veti» (Veltroni). Se anche a proposito della guerra la destra
dilaga, è perché le si è spianata la strada svendendo conquiste,
regalando risorse, stracciando la Costituzione.

Un ragionamento analogo vale, mutatis mutandis, per alcuni
intellettuali che si cimentano nell'analisi della realtà
contemporanea. Gli ultimi mesi hanno messo in evidenza come la
politica di guerra degli Stati uniti non sia rivolta solo contro gli
«Stati canaglia» ma anche contro un possibile ruolo autonomo
dell'Europa, contro la Russia, l'India e soprattutto la Cina, indicata
in tutti i documenti del Pentagono come il nuovo antagonista
strategico. Dalla caduta del Muro di Berlino, la politica americana si
è mantenuta fedele a un imperativo: spingere al massimo sulla macchina
militare (per la quale gli Stati uniti spendono oggi, in percentuale,
quanto spendevano al momento del massimo coinvolgimento nella guerra
del Vietnam) nella speranza, folle e rischiosissima, di tenere il
resto del mondo sotto scacco. Pur di raggiungere questo obiettivo, gli
Stati uniti hanno imboccato la via di un imperialismo sempre più
aggressivo, dichiarando apertamente di considerare irrinunciabile la
«capacità di imporre la propria volontà a qualsiasi avversario,
inclusi stati ed entità non-statali». In questo contesto, l'apparente
unanimità della «coalizione internazionale contro il terrorismo»
all'indomani dell'11 settembre avrebbe dovuto convincere solo gli
ingenui, se non altro per la logica schmittiana («o con noi o contro
di noi») su cui riposava. Invece ci si è attardati in discussioni a
dir poco fatue: il G-8 come nuovo «Direttorio mondiale», la «fine
degli stati», il «capitalismo globale»...

Per fortuna oggi, di fronte a una rottura drammatica tra gli stati
uniti e il resto del mondo, sono in pochi a parlare ancora di Impero e
di una presunta unità politica transnazionale contrapposta alla
«moltitudine» degli oppressi. Nessuno più ignora l'enorme rilevanza
dell'opposizione alla guerra di stati come la Russia, la Cina, la
Francia e la Germania, e lo stesso Toni Negri ha fatto marcia
indietro, rimproverando Bush di nutrire «ancora» mire imperialistiche.
Meglio tardi che mai. Benché tardivamente, si è fatto un grande passo
in avanti nel momento in cui si è riconosciuto che non esiste alcun
«capitalismo mondiale» senza centro né patria, e che a mettere oggi a
repentaglio il mondo è, al contrario, il capitalismo statunitense,
anzi anglo-americano, se è vero che alla base dell'alleanza di ferro
tra Bush e Blair c'è la stretta integrazione degli interessi
industriali e commerciali inglesi e statunitensi nei settori della
finanza, del petrolio e della difesa. Anche in questo caso, tuttavia,
l'onestà intellettuale imporrebbe uno scrupoloso inventario delle
ipotesi rivelatesi infondate, a cominciare dalla pretesa di mettere da
parte la nozione di imperialismo e dall'idea dell'esaurimento dei
contrasti inter-imperialistici.

Detto questo, si tratta di guardare avanti, di mettere in valore la
straordinaria opposizione alla guerra che salda un vastissimo
schieramento di stati e di popoli in ogni parte del mondo. Ovunque
centinaia di milioni di persone si mobilitano, riempiono strade e
piazze, denunciano la barbarie della «guerra preventiva». Un ruolo di
primo piano svolge su questo fronte il movimento contro la
globalizzazione capitalistica, presso il quale non trovano più udienza
i discorsi generici sul «neoliberismo» in cui il G-8 e la Wto erano
additati come nemici mortali, senza tener conto dei loro legami con
gli Stati uniti e con gli altri paesi capitalistici più forti. Come
dimostra la mobilitazione contro le basi Usa e Nato, il movimento ha
compreso il ruolo cruciale della guerra nel quadro dell'offensiva
politico-militare anglo-americana contro il sud del mondo e le altre
potenze globali emergenti.

Se questo è vero, un compito sopra ogni altro attende le forze
dell'opposizione alla vigilia della manifestazione nazionale del 12
aprile: far sì che il movimento per la pace cresca quanto più
possibile e acquisti continuità. Perché, ammesso che questa guerra
finisca qui, un'altra se ne preparerà, fin quando negli Stati uniti il
potere resterà nelle mani di una lobby disposta a tutto, pur di
conservare i propri privilegi.

1. Milosevic in Wonderland (ICDSM 15/4/2003)
2. Press freedom in the New World Order (D. Johnstone 9/4/2003)
3. A Fax from The Hague Refutes NY Times Apologia for the Tribunal
(J. Israel 15/4/2003)



=== 1 ===

Subject: Milosevic in Wonderland: Dignity vs. Absurdity in the New
World Order
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 11:33:31 -0600 (MDT)
From: icdsm@...

Newsletter of the International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic

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Milosevic in Wonderland: Dignity vs. Absurdity in the New World Order
By Andy Wilcoxson

[Posted 15 April 2003]


If they ever put me on trial, or what passes for trials in today's
world, I hope I have half the intestinal fortitude of Slobodan

I watched The Hague proceedings via live feed on my computer last
night (it was morning in The Hague). If you would like watch live or
check out any of the archived videos, I've posted instructions at the
end of this text. [1]

Mr. Milosevic has been brilliant recently, but what struck me today
was his patience and politeness. Given the pressure on him, and faced
with what he faces, starting with the vicious attacks on his family
and his party and his people and then having to deal with this truly
bizarre 'trial,' I am afraid I would run screaming from the room.

Today Mr. Milosevic cross-examined a secret witness, so I have no idea
who the fellow is. Making him secret of course creates the impression
that he is under grave danger because, hearing what he said, Mr.
Milosevic's friends would supposedly want to harm him. Listening to
this man's testimony, I can't see why they'd care.

Although the witness claimed a crime had been committed against him -
he said he was beaten up - he also said he had no idea who might have
attacked him. Nevertheless he was sure Slobodan Milosevic was

Did soldiers in the Yugoslav Army attack him? Maybe.

Was it the army of Republika Srpska, the Bosnian Serb Republic? Maybe.

But it also could have been anyone else from Bosnia. Maybe.

In fact, he might have been attacked by visitors from somewhere else.

Noting this basic confusion, Mr. Milosevic asked the witness if he
could identify *any* of the people who committed the alleged crime
against him, to which the witness replied, with annoyance, that *he*
certainly had no idea, why didn't Milosevic tell him?

If you've read Alice in Wonderland or watched the Walt Disney cartoon
movie, this will sound familiar.

In a normal court of law a man who claimed he had been attacked by
persons unknown would not be put on the stand as a witness for the
very good reason that he could not provide evidence of anything.

Isn't it remarkable that in the midst of this parody of a legal
process Mr. Milosevic remains calm and polite?

I wouldn't.

-- Andy Wilcoxson


Instructions for accessing the video of the 'trial' follow the appeal


* The ICDSM urgently needs your help! *

In order to assist in President Milosevic's defense, we must pay phone
bills, travel expenses, and operational costs for our office and legal
work in the Netherlands. For this we depend entirely on those who care
about President Milosevic's attempt to tell the truth at The Hague.

** Here is how to make a donation **

* Donate at our secure server. Go to
You can use Visa, MasterCard or Discover

* Mail a check. Please make payable to ICDSM
Mail to:
831 Beacon St., #295
Newton Centre, MA 02459 (USA)

* Donate by credit card over the phone. Call us at:
ICDSM, 1 617 916-1705
SLOBODA, 381 11 3282491 or 381 638 862 301

* Donate using PayPal. Go to
PayPal accepts Visa and MasterCard

Thank you!


Footnotes and Further Reading


[1] Using your computer, you may access the trial proceedings in
English or Serbian. You may watch live or from archive. You will need
Realplayer. If you don't have it, go to

Here are the hyperlinks and URLs to get you to the videos.


=== 2 ===

De : Diana Johnstone
Date : Wed, 9 Apr 2003 05:50:56 -0400
Objet : Press freedom in the New World Order

As you know, the only person convicted for civilian deaths during the
NATO bombing of Yugoslavia is the chief of Yugoslav television,
judged by the current Serbian puppet government guilty ... for not
having got everyone out of the way of the bombs. Sentence: ten years.
It is also dangerous to cover the "International Criminal Tribunal" in
The Hague.

Les USA les bombardent, le TPI les inculpent...

Hague charges journalist with contempt | B92

THE HAGUE -- Tuesday 8 April 2003 - The Hague Tribunal has issued an
indictment against Dusko Jovanovic, a journalist for the Podgorica
daily Dan, according to B92's special correspondent.
The indictment states that Jovanovic revealed the identity of a
protected witness in the trial of Slobodan Milosevic, and the witness,
code-named K-32, was then subjected to numerous death threats.
Jovanovic published the name of K-32 in Dan, and the tribunal will
demand that he attend the first hearing at a date yet to be scheduled.
Failure to make an appearance in court will result in the issuance of
an arrest warrant.
Jovanovic has been charged with contempt of court, which carries a
maximum sentence of seven years imprisonment and a fine of up to
100,000 euros.

=== 3 ===

Please send this text or the link to a friend.

Emperor's Clothes
[ ]

* New Resource at Emperor's Clothes *

We have put together a list of 55 of our most informative articles on
the breakup of Yugoslavia, organized by category. More will be added.
This list can be accessed at


** A Fax from The Hague Refutes NY Times Apologia for the Tribunal **

by Jared Israel
[Posted 9 April 2003]


A March 3rd New York Times article entitled, 'Milosevic Trial Settles
Into Slow But Judicious Routine,' offers the following description of
The Hague proceedings against Slobodan Milosevic:

[Start NY Times Quote]

"The proceedings are almost excruciatingly fair," said Geoffrey
Robertson, a London-based lawyer who has just been selected to head
the new special court for war crimes in Sierra Leone.

"The court is bending over backward, perhaps even a little too far. In
a serious crime trial in London or any American court, you would not
see so much leeway given to a defendant."

-- The New York Times
March 3, 2003, Monday, Late Edition - Final
Section: Section A; Page 4; Column 3; Foreign Desk
By Marlise Simons; Dateline: The Hague

[End NY Times Quote]

Reading the above, I feared for the people of Sierra Leone. Haven't
they suffered enough?

For in the real world, The Hague Tribunal manages to violate *every*
standard of modern legal practice. For example, in the U.S., Canada
and Great Britain, it is the right of accused persons, including if
they are acting as their own attorney, to meet in private with
advisors of their choice. But the Tribunal decides whether or not to
allow privacy. And the Tribunal vetoes visits if a) they think the
visitor will later tell the media something unfavorable to the
Tribunal or b) they want (or claim to want) some *other* visitor to
discuss a particular matter with the defendant instead.

In the legal system favored by Attorney Robertson, slated to head a UN
court, and apparently by the NY Times, this flagrant denial of rights
is described as "bending over backward, perhaps even a little too

Below is a photo image of the fax sent by The Hague Tribunal, denying
the visit by a delegation from the International Committee to defend
Slobodan Milosevic, as requested by President Milosevic. The
delegation was to have included the ICDSM's Attorney, Tiphaine
Dickson. Attorney Dickson spent a week at The Hague trying to reverse
this ruling, but despite President Milosevic's protest, the Tribunal
denied this basic right.

-- Jared Israel

** Note: To view fax please go to

=== 4 ===

Date: 20 January 2003



Done in Belgrade on 19 January 2003

The Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals (Forum)
expresses its deep concern about the emergence of two new
types of witnesses in the trial of Mr. Slobodan Milosevic
before the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
(ICTY) in the Hague. In addition to protected witnesses,
there are now "blackmailed witnesses" as well as "the
prosecution team witnesses".

The blackmailed witnesses are persons who are under an
investigation by the ICTY and the outcome of the
investigation depends on their willingness to satisfy the
prosecution with the "quality" of their testimonies. Or else:
they will be indicted. An example of such witness whose
destiny depended on the Office of the Prosecutor is Mr. Milan

The prosecution team witnesses are persons who are
presently, or were previously, employed by the Office of the
Prosecutor. Although Mr. Fred Abrahams of The Human
Rights Watch, as a witness and former employee of the
Office of the Prosecutor, was already noted in one of our
previous statements, the "real" prosecution team witness will
appear before the Chamber shortly. That will be Mr. Graham
Blewitt, Carla del Ponte's deputy.

The clearer example of confict of interests is difficult to
imagine and testimonies of these witnesses can not be held as
reliable. Will Ms. Carla del Ponte be the crown witness in the
Milosevic case? Will Mrs. Florence Hartmann, her
spokeswoman, be called by Mr. Nice to read the excerpts
from her book on Mr. Milosevic?

As far as protected witnesses are concerned, their appearance
in great numbers before the Chamber in the Croatian &
Bosnian case is now a good excuse for the Presiding Judge
May to switch from a public into a private session at will.
The trial is thus slowly but surely becoming a secret one. For
instance, Milan Babic testified for days in private sessions; in
the end, his identity was made public. What was the purpose
of the closed sessions anyway?

In spite of this, the prosecution claims to have a "certain
problems with witnesses" and went on to blame the Yugoslav
authorities for a "lack of collaboration". The prosecution
certainly does have problems with the witnesses and reasons
are twofold: the first is that Mr. Milosevic regularly
demolishes their testimonies and credibilities; the second lies
in the fact that the prosecution rely too much on witnesses
who are suspected of, indicted or sentenced for various
criminal acts. In spite of our calls for such a practice to be
stopped by the Chamber, at the very beginning of the
proceedings in 2003 the prosecution called yet another such

- K2. He admitted to have been involved in the liquidation of
Mr. Zeljko Raznatovic-Arkan! The company the prosecution
keeps is nothing but - suspicious.

The Forum expresses the hope that all human rights
organisations will recognise that all the quoted practices
represent a violation of the right to a fair trial and a shame
for the international justice and that they will take the action
they deem appropriate.

Finally, we remind that the page 11,467 (10 October 2002) is
now the "legendary" page of the transcript. It is there that the
Presiding Judge May declared that the Chamber accepts the
hear-say evidence. We call upon all international lawyers
and human rights organisations to start a fight for the
international justice and the right to a fair trial of Mr.
Milosevic by reading that transcript page.

11000 Beograd, Jugoslavija
Misarska 6/IIITel./Fax.: (+38111) 3245601
E-mail: info@...


Quante settimane sono passate dall'omicidio Djindjic, e quante dalla
proclamazione dello "stato di emergenza" in Serbia?

Svariate. Ma benche' le settimane ed i giorni continuino a passare, i
quotidiani della sinistra italiana non hanno ancora nemmeno iniziato a
spiegare ai loro lettori che cosa stia succedendo in Serbia. "Il
Manifesto" non ha ancora scritto che ci sono stati piu' di settemila
arresti. "Liberazione" non dice che piu' di 2000 arrestati sono
trattenuti in carcere. "L'Unita'" non menziona che almeno due
quotidiani ed un settimanale sono stati chiusi per decreto.
"Repubblica" non spiega che la repressione, anziche' concentrarsi
sulla mafia filo-occidentale responsabile dell'omicidio (alla quale lo
stesso Djindjic era legato) si sta dirigendo verso gli oppositori
politici ed in particolare contro gli esponenti della sinistra,
benche' assolutamente estranei all'omicidio. "Il Manifesto" non parla
nemmeno delle pressioni e della criminalizzazione in atto contro
Kostunica e contro tutto quel settore della DOS troppo critico verso
la corruzione della lobby di Djindjic. "Il Manifesto" ha dimenticato
anche di riportare della esecuzione a sangue freddo di due tra gli
imputati dell'omicidio, e dei pestaggi in carcere (come quello subito
da "Ceca"). "Liberazione" ha tralasciato di raccontare la vicenda dei
giudici: licenziati in massa, persino quelli della Corte Suprema, come
ultimo atto della guerra scatenata dal regime contro la magistratura
(altro che Berlusconi...). "Repubblica" non parla del regime di forti
restrizioni cui sono sottoposti tutti i media.

Infine, nessuno dei suddetti giornali ci ha ancora raccontato la
vicenda del "desaparecido" Predrag Polic: sparito pochi giorni dopo
l'omicidio Djindjic, Polic - noto a noi italiani per tante
iniziative-dibattito alle quali partecipo', qui da noi, cercando di
spiegarci gli effetti micidiali dei bombardamenti della NATO nel 1999
- e' stato ritrovato cadavere ieri sera sulla riva del Danubio. Il
sito internet di Radio B52 (92 ?) ci racconta oggi che la polizia "ha
constatato il suicidio"... Chi invece lo conosceva personalmente ci ha
spiegato di misteriose pressioni e minacce che Polic, da Preside della
Facolta' di Chimica a Belgrado, aveva ricevuto in tempi recentissimi,
non sappiamo se per avere scoperto qualcosa di strano nella "sua" DOS
o se per causa della sua attivita' di studio sulle conseguenze dei

Certo, si dira': "ma c'e' stata la guerra in Iraq".
Per l'appunto: infatti, nonostante la guerra in Iraq, il quodidiano
"Il Manifesto" ha trovato lo spazio per cinema e tivvu', ma non per
parlare del regime antidemocratico ed antipopolare che e' stato oggi
consolidato in Serbia - con l'appoggio delle "sinistre" occidentali.
L'unica opinione che "Il Manifesto" ha riportato, su questo problema,
e' quella di Zelemir Zilnik ("Il Manifesto", 8 Aprile 2003): "...nel
proclamare lo stato di emergenza fu anche proclamata la necessità di
togliere tutti questi vecchi killer dalle righe statali e
ingaggiare volti e voci nuove, giovani. Per la prima volta mi sembra
che si stia profilando una situazione pulita per una nuova situazione
democratica senza il pericolo della tensione. Prova ne è che lo stato
di emergenza non ha compromesso la vita quotidiana ma avviato una
grande caccia ai mafiosi in tutti i ranghi. E ciò mi ispira
In altri tempi la si sarebbe chiamata piuttosto "caccia alle streghe",
ma tant'e': restiamo in attesa di "volti e voci nuove, giovani", come
a Sanremo. Ed anche per avere una informazione corretta, aspettiamo,
aspettiamo, aspettiamo, aspettiamo.

Italo Slavo


Posle ovog tragiènog dogadjaja izglada kao da su svi
krivi dok Srbija klizi stranputicom.
Sve mi se èini da su ovo dobro isplanirani zavrsni
taktovi definitivnog razbijanja Srba.

Beograd 14. aprila 2003.

Mozaik definitivnog razbijanja Srba na vetrovitom Balkanu dobija
poslednje obrise a zapadni planeri kao da ubrzano sprovode dobro
isplaniranu i koordiniranu akciju. Mi smo kao uvek iznenadjeni,
preokupirani liènim i uskostranaèkim interesima i izvodjaèi sitnih
prljavih poslova na sopstvenu stetu.

Danima me proganja misao kome je u ovom momentu bilo potrebno ubistvo
premijera Djindjiæa? Biæu slobodan da vam ponudim neka svoja
razmisljanja koja æe mozda i istrazi pomoæi da dodje do nekih
drugaèijih zakljuèaka.

Malo je verovatno da neki »Zemunski klan«, obièni narko dileri i u
sustini sitni krimosi, imaju potrebu i zelju da ubiju premijera Vlade.
Oni svakako znaju da bi jednim takvim ubistvom samo navukli gnev
policije na sebe a to im sigurno nije potrebno. Toj strukturi je
potrebno da se sto manje talasa, kako bi »posao« isao u miru. Malo
njima, malo policiji i ostalima u lancu i svi zadovoljni. Kao i svuda
u svetu, mogu da ubiju nekog novog konkurenta koji se ubacuje na
njihovu teritoriju ali premijera nikako. Mislim da se to donekle
potvrdjuje i sa dosad uhapsenim profilom ljudi. Policajci, sudije,
tuzioci, advokati, poveæa grupa narko distributera i uliènih

Neke iznete insinuacije o organizovanom kriminalu povezanom sa
politièkim strankama i ostacima Miloseviæeve vladajuæe ekipe su
isuvise prozirne i neubedljive. Ti SPS-ovi vodeæi kadrovi su se
povukli u misije rupe zbog gomile putera koje nose na glavi, pa nit
zbore nit romore. Nema u toj Miloseviæevoj »slavnoj gardi« junaèine
koji bi èak i pomislio na neko puèistièko organizovanje a kamoli tako
nesto organizovao. SRS i Seselj su od samog poèetka uporno dosledni u
tome da se uliènim i puèistièkim metodama ne treba osvajati vlast. Ne
zato sto vlast ne vole, veæ zato sto su od sveta i ovako satanizovani
pa im je potpuno jasno da vlast osvojenu vanparlamentarnim metodama
nikako ne bi mogli i da zadrze. SSJ i neke neformalne gupe ne treba ni
pominjati jer je vise nego iluzorno pomisljati da njihova snaga moze
uzdrmati zemlju ili èak izvesti puè. Ako veæ govorimo o puèu, tako
krupnu operaciju moze jedino da izvrsi vojska jer je to jedina
ozbiljna, brojna i naoruzana grupacija u jednoj drzavi. Policija,
pojedine specijalizovane jednice ili neke neformalne grupe to nisu u
stanju jer bi se nasle na udaru upravo te dominantne sile kava je
vojska svake zemlje pa i nase.

O iznetim budalastinama, ne mogu to nikako drugaèije nazvati, gde se
DSS-u i Kostunici sumnjièe kao inspiratori ili èak organizatori takve
jedne akcije nema ni govora. Gospoda iz ostatka DOS-a, svakako znaju
da je Kostunica takvog mentalnog sklopa, da mu tako nesto ni u snu
nebi palo napamet. U ostalom on je mogao sasvim legalno, zbog svega
sto su mu priredjivali, zbog svih okolnosti koje su vladale, zbog
razbijanja zemlje, krsenja ustava i svih zakona, uvbesti vanredno
stanje, koje bi svet odobrio. Tada bi kao predsednik i vrhovni
komandant oruzanih snaga, mogao da rasèisti sa svima, pa i sa samim
Djindjiæem i njegovom vladom. Ako je neko svakog dana »kukumavkao« da
je Vlada korumpirana i u sprezi sa organizovanim kriminalom onda je to
sigurno on. Iz Vlade su stizale odbranaske izjave da predsednik
Kostunica izadje sa dokazima, kao da je predsednik istrazni sudija ili
policiski organ. Prema tome napadati Kostunicu i DSS u ovom kontestu
je èista losa propagandno-traèarska igra koja æe samo Kosunici doneti
poene koje je na drugim poljima delovanja izgubio.

Moram se vratiti veæ prokazanim »puèistima« zemunskog klana Miloradu
Lukoviæu, i ubijenim Spasojeviæu i Lukoviæu. Onaj koji naruèuje i
organizuje jedan takav atentat, u vrema njegovog izvodjenja obièno je
na Bahamima kako bi imao besprekoran alibi a ne bezi u poslednjem
trenutku i ne krije se po Beogradskim stanovima i vikendicama u
Barajevu. Osim toga ako su to lica osimnjièena za organizaciju i
finansiranje atentata oni se ni u kom sluèaju nisu smeli likvidirati
jer je onda nemoguæe dokazati stvarne motive atentatai ko ga je
naruèio. Optuzivati jedinicu JSO kao sauèesnik u atentatu sa namerom
stvaranja haosa, odnosno drzavnog udara, je krajnje neozbiljna
prièica. Ti ljudi su vrlo iskusni profesionalci i dobro znaju kako se
takva akcija izvodi. Pokrenula bi se cela jedinica upala u Vladu i
pohapsila sve, istovremeno bi pohapsili ili pobili jos tridesetak
znaèajnih drzavnih funcionera i stvar je gotova. Ova jedinica je u
stanju da to izvede ali je njima takodje sasvim jasno da tu u Vladi
neæe moæi i da ostanu, niti æe moæi da takvim puèem preuzme vodjenje
zemlje, kako bi izbegli odgovornost za poèinjene zloèine. Stoga
DOS-ovci nemojte od ovog naroda praviti debile ili ste umislili da æe
uvodjenjem vanrednog stanja narod prestati i da misli......?

Ubistvo premijera Djindjiæa jeste politièko ubistvo i tu se sa vama iz
DOS-a u potpunosti slazem, ali se po mom misljenju naruèioci tog
zloèina ne nalaze u grupama i strankama koje nam vi prezentirate.
Normalno da nemam egzaktne dokaze za ovu teoriju, ali vas ovim zelim
da navedem na razmisljanje, jer mi sve ovo lièi na dobro proverenu
englesku metodu: Ukloni ga, pa mu onda priredi pompeznu sahranu i odaj
mu velika priznanja. U ovakvoj postavci pojavljuje se i jedno veliko
pitanje zasto?

Djindjiæ je zavrsio gotovo sve sto su njegovi zapadni mentori od njega
oèekivali. Prevaren od strane zapada, uvidjao je da tim naèinom
vladanja ne moze dalje opstati. Poèeo je da menja kurs, pominjuæi
osmogodisnji neresen status Srba iz Hrvatske, problem Kosmeta koji se
sve vise udaljavao od Srbije a zapad mu u resavnju tih problema nije
hteo da pomogne.
Obeæana mu je znatno veæa finansijska pomoæ od one koju je dobio a ni
strana ulaganja nisu isla potrebnim, odnosno obeæanim tempom. Nije
vise mogao tako bezuslovno i servilno da izvrsava zahteve zapada pa je
upravo tom zapadu postao smetnja. Pogotovo sto je to bio èovek koji je
mnogo znao o svim nagodbama pre i posle 05. oktobra na relaciji

Beograd i Srbiju je trebalo nekim krupnim dogadjajem ponovo gurnuti na
prve stranice svetskih listova kako bi se otvorile moguænosti za
ubrzano zapadno »rasèisæavanje terena« uz potvrdjivanje veæ davno
plasirane slike o devijantnoj i escesnoj srpskoj naciji. Ubistvo
premijera je svakako vrlo pogodan dogadjaj koji pruza nesluæene
moguænosti kombinovanja u oba ova pravca. Pa da ukratko poènemo da
nizemo sta su zapadni »planeri« time ostvarili:

· U ciju spasavanja DOS-ove marijonetske vlasti munjevito je uvedeno
vanredno stanje sa veoma sirokom lepezom zabrana. U neorganizovanoj
zemlji u kojoj se odluke donose mesecima, posao oko VS je odradjen
munjevito i vrlo precizno, pa se nameæe utisak da je veæ sve mnogo
ranije pripremljeno.
· Blokirani su svi mediji pa samim tim i sve uèestalije kritike Vlade
i njenih rezultata. Uz otvaranje moguænosti jednostranog izvestavanja
i usmeravanje paznje gradjana na drugim problemima mimo njihove
svakodnevnice. Usput su zabranjeni neki malo slobodniji listovi i
pohapseni neki novinari ali je mnogo veæa »korist« sto je doslo do
navinarske samocenzure koja ja najefikasniji metod u sprovodjenju
novog oblika »demokratske diktature«.
· Onemoguæeni su najavljivani masovni strajkovi otpustenih radnika,
Borskih rudara....... Kao i radnika ostale zaustavljene srpske
privrede. Blokiran je i opsti socijalni bunt koji je bio na pomolu.
· Ostvareno je potpuno potiskivanje patriotskih snaga uz otvaranje
moguænosti odstrela pojedinih liènosti, pa i celih stranaka. Medijsko
i svakojako kompromitovanje stranaka patriotskog bloka na koje zbog VS
nije moguæe adekvatno odgovoriti, a sve u cilju priprema za
predstojeæe izbore. I zapad je imao vrlo taènu procenu da ovakav DOS
moze da pobedi samo ako direktno iz VS istrèi na teren »demokratskih i
slobodnih izbora« na svim nivoima.
· Rasformiranje JSO kao vrlo efikasne i iskusne jedinice u cilju
opsteg slabljenja nase odbrambene moæi.
· Ubrzano »reorganizovanje« (èitaj razbijanje) Vojske Jugoslavije a
posebno njene sluzbe bezbednosti. Zbog èega je nas »prijatelj« Solana
ovih dana dotrèao da taj »goruæi vojni problem resi«. Svakako ne prema
potrebi nase zemlje i njenom neprijateljskom okruzenju veæ prema
potrebama zapada.
· Hapsenje generala Tomiæa dok se Perisiæ sepuri kao poslanik
novoformirane Savezne skupstine moze se jedino tumaèiti kao psiholosko
uterivanje Srba u jaram. Za ovakvo sramno ponasanje VJ treba odati
posebno »priznanje« naèelniku GS Krgi, koji æe zbog svog servilnog
ponasanja verovatno biti na toj funkciji jos koji mesec.
· Posle razbijanja atributa sile otvara se sirok prostor za hapsenja
Mladiæa Karadziæa, Slivanèanina.....kao i za nove optuzbe od strane
haskog tribunala, koje nas ministar IP Svilanoviæ sa »osobnim
zadovoljstvom« svesrdno najavljuje.
· Odmah je »utvrdjena povezanost« Vojske Republike Srpske sa atentatom
i njegovom organizacijom pa je Pedi Es Daun raspustio Vrhovni savet
odbrane RS (ukinuo vojsku RS)
· I to je bilo malo pa je dotièni gospodin ukinuo i samu RS time sto
su iz Ustava RS izbrisane reèi suverenitet, integritet, kao i sve reèi
koje potvrdjuju drzavnost RS.
· Smenjen je i predsednik Mirko Saroviæ tako da su preko noæi
ponisteni ceo Dejtonski sporazum i odluke Mirovne konferencije u
· Srbija kao garant svih tih sporazuma nije reagovala jer Natasi Miæiæ
koja bi institucionalno morala da reaguje zapadni mentori to nisu
napisali. Za reagovanje ostali su bili zauzeti hapsenjima i
pljuckanjima po svojim politièkim protivnicima, jer ovi sada nemaju
pravo ni da uzvrate.
· Na ovaj spisak taèku na i je postavio Stajner, nonsalantno
odbijajuæi predloge novog premijera Zivkoviæa i »spasitelja«
kosmetskih Srba Èoviæa, da se bar odlozi prenosenje ovlasæenja sa
UMNIK-a na kosmetske institucije iako je takvo prenosenje u direktnoj
suprotnosti sa rezolucijom UN 1244.

U ovaj spisak nisam ukjuèio potpuno razbijanje (èisæenje) BIA,
policije i ostalih sluzbi od »zaostalih prosrpskih elemenata« jer taj
proces æe punom snagom tek biti nastavljen. Mislim da nije potrebno
spominjati da smo medju retkim zemljama sveta koja nije protestovala
protiv rata u Iraku, iako smo samo pre èetiri godine bili izlozeni
istoj takvoj agresiji. Ne treba spominjati ni da se u Beogradu
priprema otvaranje odeljenja FBI, normalno, »sve u cilju borbe protiv
organizovanog kriminala«. Jedino se u ovaj crni milje ne uklapa da
Siptari sa juga Srbije nisu iskoristili policijski vakum na tim
prostorima za svoje nove akcije ili su im zapadni izvrsioci radova na
ovim prostorima dosapnuli da se malo strpe dok Beograd ne rasèiste pa
æe onda u drugoj etapi i jug Srbije iæi mnogo lakse.

Za sada su ovo najvaznjiji »uspesi« zapadnih planera u razbijanju
Srpstva na ovim balkanskim prostorima a ako ova DOS-ova vlast opstane
biæe ih jos. Sve mi se vise èini da je ubistvo premijera Djindjiæa
bilo samo neophodna kolateralna steta kako bi se ceo ovaj spisak
krupnih antistpskih zahvata mogao da realizuje. Za samo mesec dana
bitno su izmenjene pozicija Srbije a RS je dovedena u poziciju

Ovim tekstom sam hteo da vam ponudim neka drugaèija vidjenja, ne
pretendujem da su ispravna, pa vi zakljuèak donesite sami. Sto se mene
kao analitièara tièe, zapadnim stratezima moram nevoljno odati
priznanje na perfektno uradjenom poslu, a nase domaæe pomagaèe u èisto
srpskom pravoslavnom duhu mogu jedino da zapitam: gde æe vam dusa.

Zvonimir Trajkoviæ

The ambiguous US-Iran relationship and its deadly effect in

[Note: while distributing this very interesting article, we warn the
reader that the role of the State of Israel and Mossad in the Bosnian
fratricidal conflict is likely to have been much much more complicated
than explained here.
Israel never officially complained about the islamists' engagement in
the Balkans, nor took any effective action to contrast the
anti-Yugoslav forces all over the Yugoslav desintegration process.
Right on the contrary, many influential friends of the Israeli
governments openly supported the destruction of Yugoslavia through
demonizing the Serbs (e.g. Elie Wiesel and the bunch of well-known
French "intellectuals").
More recently, the Israeli Ambassador in Belgrade even played an
active role in supporting the 2001 "putsch" and the present colonial
government, both of which finally brought to deleting "Yugoslavia"
from the world maps. Israeli Ambassador Yoran Shani was thus decorated
by Kostunica with the Yugoslav Star of First Degree "for exceptional
merits in developing and improving interstate relations" (Tanjug,
3/3/2003). I.S.]

Emperor's Clothes [ ]


* U.S. & Iran: Enemies in Public but Secret Allies in Terror *
The US and Iran have long cooperated to sponsor Islamist terror

by Jared Israel, Francisco Gil-White,
Petar Makara, and Nico Varkevisser

[Posted 13 April 2003]


[ ]

In a speech dated 31 March, US Secretary of State Colin Powell accused
Iran of supporting terrorists. And, said Powell, "Tehran must stop
pursuing weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them."

An Iranian government spokesman dismissed Powell's remarks, saying:
"The anti-Iran overture of the U.S. officials emanated from
Washington's failure in its military scenario in Iraq." [1]

And a Foreign Ministry spokesman added, "The U.S. unwavering support
of Israel's state terrorism is a clear proof of U.S. double
standards..." [2]


* Do harsh words mean war? *


Some critics of the US-British war in Iraq point to this exchange and
to other statements, made by certain so-called neoconservatives,
associated with the Pentagon. Based on the hostile statements made by
the so-called neoconservatives and State Department people on the one
side, and by Iranian leaders, on the other side, pundits of the left
and right assure us that a) the war in Iraq is directed against Islam,
and b) "Iran is next."

We have shown that *on the ground* Iran has quietly supported the US
invasion. Odd behavior for a government that expects to be "next". [3]

But aside from that, the problem with the "Iran-is-next" argument is
that harsh statements by top officials may be insincere. They may be
intended to divert attention from the real situation, and/or to focus
blame on a third party, a scapegoat (such as, for example, Israel).

It is even possible for intelligence officials from the US and Iran to
meet for the purpose of planning public displays of mutual hostility
aimed at diverting public awareness and scapegoating Israel.

Does that sound extreme? Read on...


* Public enemies, private friends *


Contrary to the mainstream media and supposed critics of US policy
alike, Iran and the US have *not* had purely hostile relations since
the overthrow of the Shah 24 years ago.

Rather, the US and Iran have had a complex relationship which includes
attacking each other publicly even while they cooperate covertly to
carry out sundry nefarious schemes.

That is precisely what happened in Bosnia in the early 1990s.

Let us look at the facts.

First, what sorts of insults did the US and Iran trade in the early

Second, how do those compare to the insults they are trading *now*?

And third, in the early 1990s, were the US and Iran friends or enemies
on the ground in Bosnia?


* Déjà vu all over again *


On 31 March 1993, UPI published a dispatch, entitled, "Iran Strongly
Rejects 'International Outlaw' Label." [3A]

Some of it is quoted below. If you check back to what Powell and the
Iranians said a couple of weeks ago, you will see that the 1993
insults were almost identical.

[Start 1993 UPI dispatch]

Iran reacted sharply Wednesday to remarks by U.S. Secretary of State
Warren Christopher describing the Islamic Republic as an international
outlaw and a supporter of terrorism, the Iranian state news agency
IRNA said.

A Foreign Ministry spokesman in Tehran described Christopher's remarks
as ''unfounded, worthless and an indication of confusion in
Washington's foreign policy,'' an IRNA dispatch monitored in Athens

...[Secretary of State Christopher] also accused Iran of trying to
acquire weapons of mass destruction.

The Iranian official said...Christopher's statement was ''aimed at
diverting world public opinion from Washington's full-scale support
for Israeli-sponsored state terrorism and for terrorist activities
against those countries which oppose U.S. domination...''

[End 1993 UPI dispatch]

Replace 'Warren Christopher' with 'Colin Powell' and 1993 sounds
eerily like 2003.


* Same script, same villain *


Note that in both cases, the Iranian fundamentalists shift the attack
from the US to Israel. The intended message is that the US does indeed
do bad things but that that is *because of* Israel.

Please also note that the same thing is now being said by many right
wing and left wing critics of US policy.

Christopher calls Iran a "supporter of terrorism," and the unnamed
Iranian official replies that Christopher is only trying to divert
people from US support for Israeli actions. Thus the argument ends up
focused on... Israel.

But in 1993 Iran was not sponsoring terrorism against Israel *only*.
It was sponsoring terrorism against Bosnia too.


* Dutch report: Pentagon secret service directed Iran's Bosnian
terror. *


Last year the Dutch government produced a report on Bosnia compiled
based on an extensive study of intelligence documents.

Below is an excerpt from a (London) Guardian article summarizing the
Dutch report: [4]

[Start Guardian excerpt]

Now we have the full story of the secret alliance between the Pentagon
and radical Islamist groups from the Middle East designed to assist
the Bosnian Muslims...[Meaning, the Muslim faction led by Alija
Izetbegovic, which attacked the Bosnian Serbs, unlike the faction led
by the more popular Fikret Abdic, which allied with the Bosnian Serbs
- EC]

In both Afghanistan and the Gulf, the Pentagon had incurred debts to
Islamist groups and their Middle Eastern sponsors. By 1993 these
groups, many supported by Iran and Saudi Arabia, were anxious to help
Bosnian Muslims fighting in the former Yugoslavia and called in their
debts with the Americans. Bill Clinton and the Pentagon were keen to
be seen as creditworthy and repaid in the form of an Iran-Contra style
operation - in flagrant violation of the UN security council arms
embargo against all combatants in the former Yugoslavia.

The result was a vast secret conduit of weapons smuggling though
This was arranged by the clandestine agencies of the US, Turkey and
Iran, together with a range of radical Islamist groups, including
Afghan mojahedin and the pro-Iranian Hizbullah...

Arms purchased by Iran and Turkey with the financial backing of Saudi
Arabia made their way by night from the Middle East...The report
stresses that the US was "very closely involved" in the airlift.
Mojahedin fighters were also flown in, but they were reserved as shock
troops for especially hazardous operations....

Rather than the CIA, the Pentagon's own secret service was the hidden
force behind these operations...

When these [weapon] shipments were noticed, Americans pressured
UNPROFOR to rewrite reports, and when Norwegian officials protested
about the flights, they were reportedly threatened into silence.

Meanwhile, the secret services of Ukraine, Greece and Israel were busy
arming the Bosnian Serbs. Mossad was especially active and concluded a
deal with the Bosnian Serbs at Pale...

[End Guardian excerpt]

In the above text, author Richard Aldrich puts a remarkable spin on
the Dutch report.

He argues that the US was pressured into supporting Islamist terror in
Bosnia because it had to make good on debts to Islamic terrorists,
linked to Iran and Saudi Arabia.

That is quite a statement.

Look what Aldrich is conceding: that US intelligence had been working
closely with Saudi and Iranian-backed terrorists (e.g., the 'Afghan
Arabs' and Hizballah) *prior to Bosnia* and that the US did not want
to damage those relationships.

Aldrich claims that this is why the U.S. helped out in Bosnia - to
keep those relationships alive.

But in the same article, Aldrich states that, according to the Dutch
report, the US *controlled* the Bosnian terror operations:

"Rather than the CIA, the Pentagon's own secret service was the hidden
force behind these operations..."

This makes Aldrich's argument preposterous. It would be one thing to
say that the U.S. turned a blind eye to terrorist activities because
it didn't want to alienate these terrorists and their backers in Saudi
Arabia and Iran. But it is quite a different thing to claim the US
took the initiative in organizing and coordinating a massive terrorist
assault just to keep terrorist organizations happy. The fact that the
Pentagon was the "hidden force behind these operations" shows that the
Islamist terrorist assault on Bosnia was important US Establishment
*policy*, not some weird fence-mending diplomacy.

The kind of spin in the Guardian article is often put forward when
U.S. intelligence is caught organizing horrific activities. It is the
Bumbling Bear Argument - U.S. intelligence does not *mean* to do bad
things - it is naive and clumsy and therefore miscalculates, or
foolishly tries to repay old debts, or isn't aware whom it is dealing
with, or whatever.

(As discussed in "Worst kept secrets of the bumbling bear," the same
sort of argument was made when the news broke that the CIA had been
created by recruiting *thousands* of war criminals from Nazi
intelligence. We were told that CIA Director Allen Dulles was
supposedly fooled...poor bear...) [4A]


At this point in the article as posted Online, there is a picture,
scanned from the (London) Times. It shows row upon row of soldiers,
armed with rifles, marching in formation. The unusual thing is, they
are wearing white, Arab-style clothing and they sport headbands with
slogans written in Arabic. You may view the picture at

Here is the caption:

Photo Caption: These soldiers are not Arabs. They are Bosnian Muslims,
that is, Slavs whose ancestors converted to Islam during the reign of
the Ottoman Empire.

Before the 1990s, people in Bosnia would have laughed at this sight,
thinking these men were going to a costume ball. But nobody was
laughing in 1995. The caption reads, "One of the Bosnian Army's Muslim
brigades marches through Zenica in a demonstration of strength by
10,000 soldiers." (London Times, 11 December 1995.)

This photograph was published in some Western newspapers, but only
once. Indeed, the Western media published very little about the fierce
fundamentalism of the Bosnian 'government' or about the money, weapons
and thousands of terrorists shipped into Bosnia by Iran, Saudi Arabia,
Pakistan and other Islamist states. And none of the media mentioned
that the Pentagon was coordinating this violent onslaught. Nor did the
media tell people that Bosnian Muslims were divided and that a large
number of them were allied with the Bosnian Serbs.

Deprived of this basic information, bombarded with media reports
describing an imaginary secular government in Sarajevo, most people in
the West had no understanding of what was happening in Bosnia. They
had no basis on which to reject editorials like the one that appeared
on 9 May 1993 in The Scotsman.

The Scotsman and other Western newspapers mocked the Bosnian Serbs,
claiming they suffered from a supposed cultural paranoia concerning
Muslims in general and Bosnian Muslim fundamentalist leader Alija
Izetbegovic and his followers in particular.

The Scotsman wrote with heavy sarcasm: "The essentially secular Muslim
credentials of President Alija Izetbegovic are seen as evidence of a
plot to establish a fundamentalist Muslim state in Islamic
fundamentalist conspiracy which, in turn, no doubt, will be joined by
Anglo American aggressors."

But as the Dutch government report indicates, the Serbs were quite
right about the Anglo-American aggressors. And as for Mr.
Izetbegovic's "secular credentials," he was openly a passionate
devotee of the Ayatollah Khomeini. He believed it was an act of virtue
to establish Islamic rule by violence. We have posted some of the
thoughts of President Izetbegovic, so you can see for yourself. [8]

Were the Serbs paranoid? Keep in mind that the men in the picture
above, dressed as holy warriors, were part of Alija Izetbegovic's


The US & Iran, Allies in Terror - Part 2


In Part 1, the authors contrasted the fierce verbal attacks US and
Iranian leaders made on one another in 1993 and 2003 - and found they
were identical. In each case, the US Secretary of State (Powell or
Christopher) accused Iran of supporting terror and Iran accused the US
of supporting Israel, which, said the Iranians, was a terrorist state.
According to a Dutch report issued last year, in 1993, at the same
time the US and Iran were trading insults, the Pentagon was
coordinating a giant Iranian, Saudi, Pakistani onslaught on Bosnia.
This included thousands of Mujahideen (Islamic fundamentalist
terrorists) who trained and indoctrinated the Bosnian Muslim army and
spearheaded terrorist attacks. The article continues...
-- John Flaherty


Hazardous operations...


The Guardian says the Mujahideen shipped into Bosnia "were reserved as
shock troops for especially hazardous operations." This is an
imprecise formulation. What was the practical function of these

A London Telegraph article reported on the takeover of the Bosnian
town of Fojnica by the Mujahideen. The Telegraph reports that the
Mujahideen trained and led the Bosnian 'government's' infamous Handzar
division. The rank and file consisted of Bosnian and Albanian Muslims
who were following the tradition of local Muslims who joined the
German Nazi Waffen SS during World War II. The Mujahideen trained
other Bosnian troops as well (see pictures, ). [5]

[Start excerpt from Telegraph article] [6]

These are the men of the Handzar division. "We do everything with the
knife, and we always fight on the frontline," a Handzar told one UN

Up to 6000-strong, the Handzar division glories in a fascist culture.
They see themselves as the heirs of the SS Handzar division, formed by
Bosnian Muslims in 1943 to fight for the Nazis. Their spiritual model
was Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who sided
with Hitler... [7]

They are trained and led by veterans from Afghanistan and Pakistan,
say UN sources. The strong presence of native Albanians is an ominous
sign. It could mean the seeds of war are spreading south via Kosovo
and into Albania, thence to the Albanians of Macedonia.

Pakistani fundamentalists are known to have had a strong hand in
providing arms and a small weapons industry for the Bosnian Muslims.

Hardline elements of the Bosnian army, like the Handzar, appear to
have the backing of an increasingly extreme leadership in Sarajevo...

[End excerpt from Telegraph article]

The "hazardous operations" of the mujahideen leading these Handzar
troops included terrorist attacks on the non-Muslim population of
Bosnia. (And remember, it was *Pentagon intelligence* which, according
to the Dutch government report, coordinated these "hazardous
operations"! )

Describing the work of the mujahideen who dominated the town of
Fojnica, the Telegraph reports:

[Start excerpt from Telegraph article]

"The first political act in this new operation appears to have been
the murder of the two monks in the monastery. Last month Brother
Nikola Milicevic, 39, and Brother Mato Migic, 56, were surprised by a
four-man squad.

After an argument, Brother Nikola was shot dead on the spot. His
colleague was only wounded, but finished off by a shot in the neck.

[End excerpt from Telegraph article]

Terrorist attacks such as the execution of the two Christian monks
were intended to a) assert mujahideen control and b) exacerbate
Christian-Muslim tensions, thus pushing rank-and-file Muslims into the
Islamist camp. Thus, the presence of *thousands* of these terrorists
had an immense impact on Bosnia, whose total population was at the
time only about 4.3 million. [6A]

As Francisco Gil-White points out in the article, "Moderate Democrat
or Radical Islamist?" this jibes with the methods advocated by Bosnian
leader Alija Izetbegovic. [8]


What are we to make of Warren Christopher?


Warren Christopher, US Secretary of State in 1993, seems like a
mild-mannered man, almost painfully polite. But don't judge a book by
its cover.

At the very time that Christopher's government was coordinating
Iranian and Saudi terror in Bosnia, he was was engaged in a dramatic
battle of words with Iranian leaders over Iranian terrorism!

What can we say about Mr. Warren Christopher?

We can say that he was lying to divert the world's attention from mass
murder and the destruction of a secular society, sponsored and
coordinated by Pentagon intelligence.




[Start quote from Los Angeles Times]

Beginning in 1992, as many as 4,000 volunteers from throughout North
Africa, the Middle East and Europe came to Bosnia to fight Serbian and
Croatian nationalists on behalf of fellow Muslims. They are known as
the moujahedeen. A military analyst called them "pretty good fighters
and certainly ruthless." [9]

[End quote from Los Angeles Times]

Perhaps one day the US may come into military conflict with Iran. But
one *cannot* deduce this merely from the harsh things that the US and
Iran say about one another in public. And if the US does ever come
into military conflict with Iran, you can be sure of one thing: it
will *not* be because Iran supports Islamist terror.

One last thought. As you will recall, in 1993, the Iranians charged
that American public condemnations of Iran were aimed at:

"...diverting world public opinion from Washington's full-scale
support for Israeli-sponsored state terrorism and for terrorist
activities against those countries which oppose U.S. domination...''

But as the Dutch report shows, at the very time that an Iranian
official uttered these words, the US was in fact providing full-scale
support for *Iranian-sponsored* state terrorist activities against the
Bosnian Serbs. And it was the Serbs who opposed U.S. domination.

And, according to the Dutch report, it was Ukraine, Greece and
*Israel* which provided the Bosnian Serbs with arms to resist this
attack by *thousands* of mujahideen and the local Islamic
fundamentalist troops they led.

Some of these mujahideen were from the pro-Iranian Hizballah, which
specializes in attacking Israel, and some were battle-hardened from
fighting the Reds in Afghanistan. Those would be the infamous 'Afghan

But wait. Don't we have a name for the 'Afghan Arabs' whom Iran and
Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were shipping into Bosnia and whose
terrorist actions Pentagon intelligence was coordinating?

Why yes, we do.

It's Al Qaeda.


At this point in the text, as posted Online, there is a photo of a man
with a beard in military camafloge dress. You can view the picture at

The caption follows.

* Photo Caption * To the left, Abu Abdel Aziz, leader of mujahideen
terrorists/trainers in Bosnia. The photo appeared in Newsweek, 5
October 1992, with an article entitled, ''Help from the Holy
Warriors.'' The London Times wrote that "Aziz claimed to have spent
six years fighting in Afghanistan, and had also seen service as a
'holy warrior' in the Philippines, Kashmir and Africa." (9 May 1993).
And nine years later, the Gulf News had him leading terrorists who
kidnapped European and Asian tourists in Philippines. (5 July 2002 )


Jared Israel
Francisco Gil-White
Petar Makara
Nico Varkevisser
The Editors, Emperor's Clothes


Footnotes and Further Reading


[1] Supplied by BBC Worldwide Monitoring March 31, 2003, Monday;
Headline: Iranian media behaviour 0600 - 1400 gmt, 31 March 03;
Source: BBC Monitoring research in English 28 Mar 03; Iranian Radio

[2] BBC Monitoring Middle East - Political Supplied by BBC Worldwide
Monitoring March 31, 2003, Monday; Headline: Iran rejects Colin
Powell's terrorism accusations as baseless; source: IRNA news agency,
Tehran, in English 1527 gmt 31 Mar 03; Text of report in English by
Iranian news agency IRNA

[3] See "Reader Says: 'EC is Wrong; Iran is not Helping the US in

[3A] United Press International March 31, 1993, Wednesday, BC cycle
Section: International Headline: Iran Strongly Rejects ''International
Outlaw'' Label Byline: By Ralph Joseph Dateline: Athens, Greece

[4] To read the Guardian article, go to "Dutch Report: Us Sponsored
Foreign Islamists In Bosnia," at

[4A] Regarding the significance of the creation of the CIA out of
thousands of Nazi war criminals, see "Worst kept secrets of a bumbling
bear," at

[5] A Bosnian Islamist newspaper commerorates the Bosnian Waffen SS
Division knowns as 'Handzar' (Scimitar). See, "Himmler was their

[6] Daily Telegraph 29 December 1993; Headline: Albanians and Afghans
fight for the heirs to Bosnia's SS past; Byline: Robert Fox; Dateline:
Fojnica, Bosnia-Herzegovina


[7] "'Palestine Is Our Land And The Jews Are Our Dogs' -
Anti-Semitism, Misinformation, And The Whitewashing Of The Palestinian
Leadership" by Francisco J. Gil-White

[8] "Moderate Democrat or Radical Islamist?: Who is Alija Izetbegovic,
the man the US sponsored in Bosnia?" by Francisco Gil-White

[9] Los Angeles Times October 7, 2001; Section: Part A; Part 1; Page
1; National Desk Headline: Response To Terror; Bosnia Seen As
Hospitable Base And Sanctuary For Terrorists; Byline: Craig Pyes, Josh
Meyer, William C. Rempel, Times Staff Writers; Dateline: Zenica,

Emperor's Clothes * [ ]

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Al Direttore Furio Colombo

Egregio Direttore,
"Non chiamare le cose con il proprio nome, significa seminare
disgrazie tra la gente" (A. Camus).
L'articolo "Irak... Kosovo" di Veltri, pubblicato su "l'Unità", oggi
15 aprile, è una continuazione delle "Menzogne di guerra" -
parafrasando il titolo del libro di Jurgen Elsasser (edizioni "La
Città del Sole", 2002).
E' difficile riuscire ad aspettare senza stancarsi di aspettare, e non
rispondere alle calunnie... perchè quelle riportate nel succitato
articolo sono delle calunnie, delle falsità storiche. Falsita'
smascherate, come lo sono state quelle di Adriano Sofri (di sinistra
-sic!- come voi?!) che scriveva su questo stesso giornale dalla Bosnia
musulmana, coi mujahedin tagliagole e il loro capo Bin Laden,
all'epoca evidentemente "terrorista buono".
Signor direttore, Lei può esser quanto le pare filoamericano, ma
bisogna dire anche le verità. E' inutile per noi appellarci all'Ordine
dei giornalisti, perchè esso ha dimostrato "di non esistere", come non
esiste l'ONU... Noi compagni e cittadini di buona volontà non
smetteremo mai di accusarvi e gridarvi: "Smettetela di demonizzare il
popolo serbo!"
Che l'articolo sia fazioso e menzognero dall'inizio alla fine, mi
servirebbe un po' più di spazio per argomentarlo. Lo faccio soltanto
per quello che riguarda, come voi lo definite, l'"Accordo di
Rambouillet". Siete forse smemorati o avete preso "capre per cavoli"?!
Accordo non significa innanzitutto dialogo?!
Sappiamo bene chi impose, agli albanesi moderati, di non dialogare!
Quello di Rambouillet era un vero e proprio ultimatum, che all'inizio
non voleva firmare nemmeno "quel ragazzaccio" di Taqi, perché non
prevedeva l'autonomia del Kosovo (e Metohija). Ma la "zia Lili"
Madeleine Albraight gli impose di firmarlo, "altrimenti non potremmo
bombardare la Jugoslavia". Sapeva bene la Albraight che nessun capo di
stato (a meno che non fosse un quisling) avrebbe firmato
quell'ultimatum, che prevedeva lo scorazzare indisturbato della
soldatesca americana su tutto il territorio della Jugoslavia. Per poi
fare i comodacci e affaracci loro, come fanno sul territorio italiano
(chi si ricorda più del Cermis?!).
Ma a voi non importa se sono jugoslavi, o serbi. L'importante e' che
siano servi. Solo con i servi vi sapere rapportare.
Non posso che citare, anche questa volta, le parole di Mescia
Selimovic, serbo di famiglia, di fede musulmana: "Gli uomini sono come
dei bambini malvagi. Malvagi per i loro atti, bambini secondo la
mente. E mai saranno diversi!"
Davvero con poca stima,
Ivan Pavicevac

E' arrivata la democrazia in Iraq! (1)

Names and surnames of the looters of the Iraqi cultural heritage:
1. US plans to loot Iraqi antiques
(Liam McDougall, Sunday Herald 7/4/2003)
2. Americans defend two untouchable ministries from the hordes of
looters (Robert Fisk, The Independent 14/4/2003)

=== 1 ===

[Note that this has been written before the lootings!]

US plans to loot Iraqi antiques

07.04.2003 [08:33]

FEARS that Iraq's heritage will face widespread looting
at the end of the Gulf war have been heightened after a
group of wealthy art dealers secured a high-level
meeting with the US administration.

It has emerged that a coalition of antiquities
collectors and arts lawyers, calling itself the
American Council for Cultural Policy (ACCP), met with
US defence and state department officials prior to the
start of military action to offer its assistance in
preserving the country's invaluable archaeological

The group is known to consist of a number of
influential dealers who favour a relaxation of Iraq's
tight restrictions on the ownership and export of
antiquities. Its treasurer, William Pearlstein, has
described Iraq's laws as 'retentionist' and has said he
would support a post-war government that would make it
easier to have antiquities dispersed to the US.

Before the Gulf war, a main strand of the ACCP's
campaigning has been to persuade its government to
revise the Cultural Property Implementation Act in
order to minimise efforts by foreign nations to block
the import into the US of objects, particularly

News of the group's meeting with the government has
alarmed scientists and archaeologists who fear the ACCP
is working to a hidden agenda that will see the US
authorities ease restrictions on the movement of Iraqi
artefacts after a coalition victory in Iraq.

Professor Lord Renfrew of Kaimsthorn, leading Cambridge
archaeologist and director of the McDonald Institute
for Archaeological Research, said: 'Iraqi antiquities
legislation protects Iraq. The last thing one needs is
some group of dealer-connected Americans interfering.
Any change to those laws would be absolutely monstrous.

A wave of protest has also come from the Archaeological
Institute of America (AIA), which says any weakening of
Iraq's strict antiquities laws would be 'disastrous'.
President Patty Gerstenblith said: 'The ACCP's agenda
is to encourage the collecting of antiquities through
weakening the laws of archaeologically-rich nations and
eliminate national ownership of antiquities to allow
for easier export. '

The ACCP has caused deep unease among archaeologists
since its creation in 2001. Among its main members are
collectors and lawyers with chequered histories in
collecting valuable artefacts, including alleged
exhibitions of Nazi loot.

They denied accusations of attempting to change Iraq's
treatment of archaeological objects. Instead, they said
at the January meeting they offered 'post-war technical
and financial assistance', and 'conservation support'.

Liam McDougall/Sunday Herald

=== 2 ===

Americans defend two untouchable ministries from the hordes of looters

By Robert Fisk in Baghdad

14 April 2003

Iraq's scavengers have thieved and destroyed what they have been
allowed to loot and burn by the Americans - and a two-hour drive
around Baghdad shows clearly what the US intends to protect.
After days of arson and pillage, here's a short but revealing
US troops have sat back and allowed mobs to wreck and then burn the
Ministry of Planning, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry
of Irrigation, the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Industry, the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry
of Information. They did nothing to prevent looters from destroying
priceless treasures of Iraq's history in the Baghdad Archaeological
Museum and in the museum in the northern city of Mosul, or from
looting three hospitals.

The Americans have, though, put hundreds of troops inside two Iraqi
ministries that remain untouched - and untouchable - because tanks and
armoured personnel carriers and Humvees have been
placed inside and outside both institutions. And which ministries
proved to be so important for the Americans? Why, the Ministry of
Interior, of course - with its vast wealth of intelligence information
on Iraq - and the Ministry of Oil. The archives and files of Iraq's
most valuable asset - its oilfields and, even more important, its
massive reserves - are safe and sound, sealed off from the mobs and
looters, and safe to be shared, as Washington almost certainly
intends, with American oil companies.

It casts an interesting reflection on America's supposed war aims.
Anxious to "liberate" Iraq, it allows its people to destroy the
infrastructure of government as well as the private property of
Saddam's henchmen. Americans insist that the oil ministry is a vital
part of Iraq's inheritance, that the oilfields are to be held in trust
"for the Iraqi people". But is the Ministry of Trade - relit yesterday
by an enterprising arsonist - not vital to the future of Iraq? Are the
Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Irrigation - still burning
fiercely - not of critical importance to the next government? The
Americans could spare 2,000 soldiers to protect the Kirkuk oilfields
but couldn't even invest 200 to protect the Mosul museum from attack.
US engineers were confidently predicting that the Kirkuk oilfield will
be capable of pumping again "within weeks".

There was much talk of a "new posture" from the Americans yesterday.
Armoured and infantry patrols suddenly appeared on the middle-class
streets of the capital, ordering young men hauling fridges,
furniture and television sets to deposit their loot on the pavement if
they could not prove ownership. It was pitiful. After billions of
dollars of government buildings, computers and archives have been
destroyed, the Americans are stopping teens driving mule-drawn carts
loaded with second-hand chairs.

Guerra infinita, guerra ecologica, e diritto all'informazione.
Due nuovi libri:
1. Guerra infinita, guerra ecologica (Massimo Zucchetti ed AAVV)
2. Diritto a Comunicare e Sovranità popolare (Enrico Giardino)

=== 1 ===

Subject: [S&P] Guerra infinita, guerra ecologica
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 11:09:36 +0200
From: Massimo Zucchetti
To: scienzaepace@...

E' uscito in questi giorni "in tutte le librerie":

Massimo Zucchetti, "Guerra infinita, guerra ecologica. I danni delle
nuove guerre all'uomo e all'ambiente".
Con contributi di: Angelo Baracca, Mauro Cristaldi, Ivan Grzetic,
Edoardo Magnone, Vito Francesco Polcaro, Carlo Pona, Silvana Salerno.
Editori Jacabook & alce nero, Milano, marzo 2003. ISBN 88-16-40623-2.
Prezzo 16 euro.


Guerra infinita, guerra ecologica
I danni delle nuove guerre all'uomo e all'ambiente

A cura di Massimo Zucchetti, Jacabook Editore, Milano, Aprile 2003

Questo libro non è un libro facile. Non è piacevole. Contiene
affermazioni pesanti, dati sconvolgenti, immagini a volte
raccapriccianti. Riguarda la guerra, tuttavia. Gli effetti della
guerra sulla popolazione mondiale e sull'ambiente della Terra, più in

Indice Commentato dei Contenuti

0 Prefazione: Una lettera di Gino Strada di Emergency

1. I perchè delle nuove guerre
Autore: Massimo Zucchetti
Dietro alle campagne degli anni novanta c'è un disegno non difficile
da discernere: il dominio degli scacchieri geo-politici importanti non
è più mirato ad acquisire una posizione di vantaggio in vista della
terza guerra mondiale (che, pare, non scoppierà), ma all'assicurarsi
il controllo delle zone strategiche del pianeta in vista del
progressivo esaurimento delle risorse energetiche. Cerchiamo in questa
introduzione di alzare qualche velo sui principali "motori" delle
nuove guerre.

2. Le nuove guerre: lo scenario internazionale e la "preistoria"
Autore: Carlo Pona
Questo capitolo iniziale fornisce una inquadratura ed una introduzione
sulle nuove guerre, inquadrandole nello scenario internazionale dei
"trattati negati" e concludendo con un interessante episodio di
"preistoria", cioè l'agente Orange e la guerra nel Vietnam.

3. Le nuove armi per le nuove guerre
Autore: Vito Francesco Polcaro
Guerre a bassa intensità, guerre chirurgiche, missioni di
peacekeeping: questi neologismi - per potersi reggere - necessitano
dello sforzo della scienza bellica per fornire loro nuovi ritrovati.
Questo capitolo elenca verità e non verità sulle nuove armi: dalle
armi non letali, alle armi di distruzione di massa "convenzionali",
alle armi nucleari "tattiche", alle nuove armi balistiche, alle armi
batteriologiche e chimiche.

4. Chimica e biologia bellica
Autore: Edoardo Magnone
Si ripercorrono e si elencano le varie sostanza chmiche che sono in
uso o allo studio in campo bellico, con le rispettive armi e nazioni.
L'elenco è atipico perchè associa ad ogni sostanza o arma non tanto le
caratteristiche belliche, quanto le informazioni che la tecnica
"civile" mette a disposizione, per quanto riguarda gli effetti sulla
salute e sull'ambiente in caso di loro dispersione accidentale
nell'ambiente per usi non-militari.

5. Uranio impoverito fra realtà e mitologia
Autore: Massimo Zucchetti, Carlo Pona, Mauro Cristaldi.
La "nuova arma" radioattiva: caratteristiche radiologiche e tecniche,
fatti sull'utilizzo in Iraq, nei Balcani e in altri scenari. Si
tratterà l'uranio impoverito come un qualunque inquinante radioattivo
e se analizzeranno - tecnicamente - gli effetti sulla salute e
sull'ambiente. Seguirà una analisi di prospettiva sul futuro dei
territori inquinati da uranio impoverito, alla luce delle ultimissime

6. La "guerra chimica": un caso di studio
Autori: Ivan Grzetic, Carlo Pona, Massimo Zucchetti
La guerra chimica non è uno scenario ipotetico elaborato nei
laboratori sotterranei di Saddam o del Pentagono: è una realtà di
utilizzo corrente nelle "guerre chirurgiche", quando si bombardano
impianti chimici, energetici e industriali. Viene portato l'esempio di
quantità ed effetti sulla Jugoslavia, da parte di uno studioso
ambientale docente dell'Università di Belgrado, in collaborazione con
due studiosi italiani. Gi effetti sull'ecosistema e sulla

7. Che cosa rimane dopo. Gli effetti sull'ambiente e un caso di
studio: Iraq
Autore: Carlo Pona, Massimo Zucchetti
Quali sono gli effetti sull'ambiente e sulla salute - a medio e lungo
termine - delle "guerre chirurgiche"? Quali sono gli indicatori
biologici che ci consentono di capire l'inquinamento bellico? Viene
portato l'esempio dell'Iraq, a oltre un decennio dalla guerra. Dati
sullo stato dell'ambiente, sulla salute della popolazione in seguito
al mix di guerra, inquinamento, embargo.
La seconda parte riguarda una stima delle conseguenze a lungo termine
dell'uso di Uranio Impoverito in Iraq.

8. La guerra all'Afghanistan
Autore: Silvana Salerno
Un "instant chapter" sullo scenario dell'ultima guerra e su quello che
ha lasciato. Degrado di ambiente, territorio, società, patologie
vecchie e nuove nella popolazione. Una sintesi su questi temi per
rendere evidenti gli effetti su un'intera nazione di una guerra che ha
davvero poco di chirurgico.

9. Bombe nucleari di quarta generazione: la nostra bomba quotidiana?
Autore: Angelo Baracca
Dopo tanta attenzione al passato e al presente, non è male uno sguardo
sul futuro, in particolare sulla evoluzione e possibile degradazione
di uno scenario che per molto tempo è rimasto apparentemente statico e
quindi è stato messo nella nostra attenzione in secondo piano: gli
armamenti nucleari. Il cambio di scena della "nuove guerre" ridà
invece fiato ai novelli "Dottor Stranamore" e anche questa volta le
"nuove tecnologie" vengono in loro soccorso.

10. Conclusione: la guerra non dichiarata
Autore: Massimo Zucchetti
Cui prodest? Questo capitolo conclusivo riprende alcuni temi
dell'introduzione, e svela - note le cause che stanno dietro le nuove
guerre - i reali effetti immediati e futuri della "guerra non
dichiarata" per la quale esse vengono combattute, cioè la bomba
ecologica delle emissioni inquinanti dei paesi industrializzati.
Le "nuove guerre" mirano a portare avanti più possibile la finzione di
un mondo a risorse infinite: la "enduring freedom" è la libertà di
continuare all'infinito a consumare in maniera criminale le risorse
del pianeta, uccidendone il clima, per sostenere un modello di
sviluppo sconsiderato. Ma si dimostrerà che ciò non può durare.

=== 2 ===

Subject: libro Giardino
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 10:20:57 +0200
From: "Enrico Giardino" <forumdac@...>

Esce in questi giorni nelle maggiori librerie italiane il mio libro

"Diritto a Comunicare e Sovranità popolare"

ed. Frilli (14 euro)
prefazione: Giuseppe Ferrara(regista)
Dati sul libro (sommario, indice, copertina) si trovano sul sito:

Vi prego di leggere il libro che tratta una materia di grande
attualità , con proposte strutturali altre da quelle del dibattito
partitico corrente. Se ne condividete i contenuti, vi prego di darne
testimonianza ad altri e contribuire a farlo conoscere, GRAZIE.

Enrico Giardino (06-3016877)