
(Sul tema delle "rivoluzioni colorate" e delle tecniche di guerra psicologica usate per evertere Stati sovrani ed imporre regimi di schiavi della NATO si vedano anche tutti i link alla nostra pagina: )

The Revolution Business

June 2011 - Democratic change has been demanded across the Middle East. But was what seems like a spontaneous revolution actually a strategically planned event, fabricated by 'revolution consultants' long in advance?

Revolution consultants are the worst nightmare of every regime. Srdja Popovic was a founder of the organisation 'Otpor', a revolution training school. It was instrumental in the overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic in the 1990s and has now inspired a new generation of activists. Political commentators like William Engdahl are convinced Otpor is being financed by the USA. "The people from Otpor gave us a book in which they described all their strategies", says Ezzedine Zaatour of the Tunisian uprising. That book was written by an American, Gene Sharp, and is now considered the "revolution guide book", being used by opposition movements worldwide. As Optor release their latest gadget, a resistance training computer game sponsored by American organisations, world leaders are voicing their concerns. "This is called a gentle coup!", insists Hugo Chavez.


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(Questo articolo in lingua italiana:
Nessuna Europa senza la Jugoslavia. Analisi a venti anni dalle prime secessioni


Nema Europe bez Jugoslavije

A. Martocchia (*)

(*) sekretar Italijanske koordinacije za Jugoslaviju. 

Prevod: D. Kovačević

Zapravo je očito postojao plan protiv te tadašnje Države koja je, po meni, predstavljala model za budući evropski federalizam. Ta se država zvala Jugoslavija u kojoj su brojne narodnosti bile uključene u federativni sistem koji je uspešno omogućavao jednaka prava, napredak i razvoj njenih stanovnika, te bih rekao da je ona celom svetu davala primer kako je zajednički život moguć (Slobodan Milošević)1

Na dan 25. juna 2011. ima tačno dvadeset godina od jednostranog proglašenja nezavisnosti Slovenije i Hrvatske, posle kojih je u Jugoslaviji izbio rat:u stvari, te deklaracije označile su prelazak u fazu masovnog kretanja vojski i njihovih gotovo neprestanih sudara na bojnom polju. Celom tom procesu raspada možemo dodeliti i jedan vremenski raspon koji počinje 5. novembra 1990. godine kada je Kongres SAD odobrio zakon 101/513 kojim je "obznanio rat" SFRJ i naredio da se novim "demokratskim" tvorevinama pruža direktna finansijska pomoć (tj. nacionalistima i secesionistima), a okončava se 4. februarom 2003. godine kada je Skupština SRJ izglasala rađanje jedne formalne i kratkotrajne "Unije Srbije i Crne Gore", poništavajući na taj način naziv "Jugoslavija" sa geografskih karata Evrope. U stvarnosti je proces razdruživanja počeo pre 1990. godine i dobro je poznato da se jugoslovenska kriza ni do današnjeg dana ne može smatrati okončanom.


Jedan drugi datum može da se tretira kao znak da neki obrnuti proces, drugačiji od raspadanja, barem kada se radi o sadašnjem istorijskom momentu, ne postoji: radi se o 17. decembru 1991. godine. Na taj dan je u Mastrihtu bilo prineto kao žrtva, jugoslovensko jedinstvo i samim tim, mir i saradnja među narodima na evropskom kontinentu, a sve da bi se ispunila želja nemačkom kancelaru Helmutu Kolu u vidu plaćanja cene za pokretanje procesa evropskog političkog ujedinjenja. O tom ciničnom pregovaranju pripovedao je Đani De Mikelis, koji je na toj konferenciji učestvovao.2

Vrlo je brzo došao do izražaja taj paradoksalni i protivurečan proces zbog koga je u Evropskoj uniji trebalo da se ostvaruje i učvršćuje njeno jedinstvo, dok su se u samom srcu tog istog kontinenta rasparčavale čitave države koje su, celovite ili pak podeljene, postajale međusobni vojni protivnici, pa i predmet bombardovanja od strane te iste EU. Činjenica je da su danas, barem kratkoročno posmatrano, iz vidokruga iščileli, kako jedinstvo Jugoslavije, tako i političko jedinstvo Evrope. Ova potonja, dok se u međuvremenu proširivala sa 12 na čak 27 država članica, je sve više pokazivala znake neuspeha upravo u pogledu odabrane međunarodne i geostrateške politike koju je sledila. Kada je 17. februara 2008. godine na Kosovu, pod nacionalističkom albanskom upravom, usledilo još jedno proglašenje "nezavisnosti" u okviru jugoslovenskog prostora na teritoriji vojno okupiranoj od strane NATO, EU se pred jednim novim događajem našla bespovratno podeljena. Španija, Grčka, Rumunija, Slovačka i Kipar nisu priznale novu "državicu", čime su stvarnosno afirmisali hipotezu zlokobnog francuskog ministra inostranih poslova, Bernarda Kušnera - jednog od najodgovornijih za jugoslovensku i kosovsku tragediju - po kome su države članice EU «slobodne da po svom nahođenju odluče o priznavanju Države Kosovo » (sic). Usprkos zajedničkoj spoljnoj politici!

Neuskladiva diferencijacija evropskih država u vezi Kosova, time je razotkrila krizu navodnog deklarativnog jedinstva evropske politike:čak je i jedan savršeni evropeista kao što je Romano Prodi, koji je februara o.g. iskazivao kritička zapažanja kako je, zbog tendencije premoći francusko-nemačke alijanse koja nameće model "germanske Evrope", u EU nemoguće dogovaranje opštih i opštevažećih pravila, u intervjuu datom Bianki Berlinguer u momentu izbijanja libijske krize, izrekao jedan eksplicitan pogrebni rekvijem: « Čujte, ja i ne pomišljam više na moguće zajedničke evropske poteze u sferi spoljne politike! ».3 Niko ne bi mogao da kaže da on nije u pravu, obzirom da je jednostrana francuska akcija protiv Libije, razbila čak i tu istu francusko-nemačku osovinu.


Kada se bolje pogleda, upravo je održanje političkog jedinstva na jugoslovenskim prostorima, moglo da bude od velike koristi za realizaciju mnogo šireg i složenijeg procesa evropske političke unifikacije. To predstavlja činjenicu zbog opšte poznatog principa jedne politike vezane za mir, suživot i neophodnu klimu poverenja među narodima, a koji se, bez obzira na svu lepotu deklaracija, kao takav, degenerisao posle svih onih geopolitičkih procesa pokrenutih posle pada Berlinskog zida (1989);dočim bi održanje jugoslovenskog subjektiviteta u srcu Evrope, predstavljalo velik doprinos čak i u traganju za jednim originalnim i pozitivnim putem u budućnost evropskih socijaldemokratskih perspektiva.

Ovo stoga, jer ne možemo da smetnemo s uma da razmenska vrednost roba nije bila negirana u jugoslovenskom socijalističkom sistemu, već upravo priznavana. Njom se "upravljalo" u svrhe kolektiva, a ne samo za pojedinačne interese: tako da se radilo o socijalističkoj tržišnoj ekonomiji. Nedavno je neko zapazio4 da se izraz "društvena tržišna ekonomija" pojavljuje u tekstu Lisabonskog dogovora5, ali sa nedefinisanim i varljivim smislom:

Taj izraz deluje "promotivno i propagandistički", obzirom da se pri pokušaju da "objedini zaštitu nejakih društvenih slojeva sa kapitalističkim razvojem", koristi sa dva koncepta ("tržišna" i "društvena" ekonomija) koje su međusobno protivurečne i nepomirljive jedna s drugom.Pridev "društvena" umesto termina "tržišna ekonomija", ne iskazuje prihvatanje vizija iz Ustava tih država posle II sv. rata6, već služi da prikrije udaljenje od njih. Društveni ciljevi se stoga, smatraju perifernim u odnosu na neodložni preduslov razvoja "izrazito konkurentnih tržišnih ekonomija".

Slični izrazi se u proteklim decenijama koriste u političkim sredinama Zapadne Evrope koje su vezane, kako za evrokomunizam, tako i za socijaldemokratiju (na primer, u nemačkoj SPD). Interesantno je da se pri upotrebi tih termina nikada ne poziva na jugoslovensko iskustvo, pa makar radi diferenciranja od njega.7

Sa stanovišta nacionalnih i nacionalističkih problema, pri analizi građenja Evrope, bilo bi neophodno poređenje sa prethodnim, veoma značajnim jugoslovenskim multinacionalnim iskustvom. Upravo obrnuto, ograničava se na retoriku o regionalizaciji (evro-regioni, zagranični regioni), kao nekoj vrsti okidača za pokretanje raspada sa privredno-ekonomskog stanovišta (devolucija) koji su korisni za uništenje socijalne države i brisanje prava stečenih borbom radnih ljudi i nižih slojeva, koja traje duže od stoleća.

Jugoslavija se na "sastanak sa '89. godinom" prezentirala kao država sa osebujnim političko-ideološkim osobinama, smeštena između Istoka i Zapada ne samo po čistom geografskom položaju, već i po "mešovitom" karakteru svoje privrede. A kao takva, ona je postojala već više decenija. Slobodan Milošević je 1990. godine imao ovaj stav:

Nema osnova za izjednačavanje zbivanja u Jugoslaviji sa onima u drugim socijalističkim državama, jer oni sada počinju da grade onaj svet odnosa koji smo mi već bili stvorili 1948. godine.8

Očito da nije bio u pravu, jer: ne samo da je novonastajuća samonikla buržoazija, već su i zapadni centri moći, zahtevali mnogo više od postojanja tržišne ekonomije u privrednom sistemu, ili "pluralizma" u političkoj sferi. Oni su tražili ne samo brisanje svih dostignuća socijalizma, već su zahtevali i da im se pod noge donese i glava te države.


Pisac ovih redova je ubeđen da se jugoslovenski raspad ne može objasniti ako se ne analiziraju i "spoljni uzroci". U ovom tekstu oni su tek zbirno navedeni, pa izostaje i odgovarajući ispravan tretman geopolitičkih tema, jer je za njihovu analizu potreban dodatni prostor.9

Pre svega, vidno je da su, tokom perioda Hladnog rata, neki međunarodni akteri Jugoslaviju smatrali "tamponom" između dva bloka: po okončanju svoje takve funkcije, nju zapadne sile više nisu priznavale ili prihvatale. Na isti način, celokupni Pokret nesvrstanih zemalja predvođen Jugoslavijom, smatran je ne samo anahroničnim, već i potencijalno opasnim za stabilnost novog jednoblokovskog poretka. U momentu kada je objektivna geopolitička pozicija ove države postajala "nepotrebna", podigle su barjak one snage sa "hiljadugodišnjim" koncepcijama i aspiracijama usmerenim na redefinisanje granica i kulturno-demografskog sadržaja u Evropu, snage reakcionarnih transnacionalnih sektora koji nisu baš bez uticaja: crkve, najpre ona katolička10, te ničuće klike "karolinške" inspiracije ("crna" masonerija i pangermanisti). Ne samo da je definicija unutrašnjih evropskih granica u Evropi za sve vreme posle II sv. rata, ostala nesvarena za germanske revanšističke elemente, već opstaju i težnje zaogrnute u "evropeizam" koje stavljaju u pitanje vrednosti modernih država, na način kako su one zasnovane od napoleonovskog doba pa do današnjih dana: takozvana "nacionalna" država, koja, iako je počesto nastajala delovanjem određene "etničke" većinske komponente, ne dodeljuje prava po osnovu "etničke pripadnosti", već po osnovu građanstva u univerzalnom i laičkom smislu. Oni koji se suprotstavljaju toj koncepciji, više cene "etnički" koncept "naroda" - hrvatskog, flamanskog ili bretonskog - čije bi "prirodno pravo" trebalo da ukine pravo po građanstvu.

Ova struja, koja je po svemu reakcionarna, bila je u stanju da putem svoje "diferencijalističke" demagogije, u proteklih dvadeset godina političko-kulturne dekadencije, zagadi i delove "levice" na Zapadu. Ona među svojim mentorima ima “celokupnu crnu aristokratiju Evrope: među akterima u ovoj oblasti ne može se izbeći da se ne spomene i Oto Habsburški - sin Franca Josefa, austrijskog cara, koji je u Evro parlamentu bio predstavnik hrišćanskih socijalista iz Bavarske i vođa organizacije "Paneuropa", pravi sponzor svih jugoslovenskih secesija11 - te Suvereni vojni malteški red – SMOM, trans-nacionalni lobi aristokratskih korena (sic) sa autonomnim diplomatskim statusom, u suštini izuzetno vezan na Vatikan i zapadne klike.12

U uništavanju Jugoslavije posebno su eklatantne uloge Vatikana i Nemačke. Karol Vojtila je primio Tuđmana u Vatikanu 25. maja 1991, gotovo na godišnjicu prijema koji je Pio XII priredio hrvatskom nacisti Paveliću (18/5/1941). Tri dana posle toga, na zagrebačkom stadionu, Tuđman je, okružen najvišim crkvenim zvaničnicima, održao uznemirujući zbor na kome je defilovala nova Hrvatska nacionalna garda.

23. decembra 1991., u skladu sa najavom iz Mastrihta, Nemačka je jednostrano i javno priznala republike Hrvatsku i Sloveniju, sa stupanjem priznanja na snagu narednog 15. januara. Za ovaj nemački božićni poklon, na hrvatskim trgovima organizovane su proslave, gde je najpopularnija pesma bila Danke Deutschland (Hvala Njemačka). 13. januara 1992., opet je Vatikan pretekao sve ostale svojim priznanjem Hrvatske kao nezavisne države, te su posle dva dana usledila priznanja od strane svih država u EU, koje su priznale i Republiku Sloveniju.

Jednu posebnu dublju analizu zaslužuje i ponašanje cionističkih krugova (Izraela i pojedinih jevrejskih organizacija) prilikom pretnji za odvajanjem, pre i posle stvarnog raspada SFRJ. Očito su politički prelom iz 1967. godine i politika koju je vodio Pokret nesvrstanih, okrenut miru među narodima i državama, uz očuvanje svih međunarodno priznatih granica, izazivali duboko nezadovoljstvo u izraelskom rukovodstvu koje se sa svoje strane, angažovalo za uspostavljanje novih "de facto" granica, te za etničku podelu jevrejske, od ostalih komponenata u Palestini. Samo na ovaj način da se objasniti neverovatno hladan odnos Izraela i jevrejskih vodećih organizacija u pogledu uništenja Jugoslavije, pa čak i podrška dolasku fašističkih i rasističkih rukovodstava na vlast u novim balkanskim državama.13 Zaprepašćenje je izazvala operacija momentalnog i kompletnog prebacivanja jevrejskog stanovništva sa sarajevskog aerodroma, iz Bosne u Izrael, izvedena od strane American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee u samom trenutku izbijanja građanskog rata u toj republici. (april 1992.) Već u septembru 1992. godine, jevrejska zajednica u Zagrebu je proslavljala ponovno otvaranje Jevrejskog centra14 uz formalno učešće i finansiranje od strane fašističkog Tuđmanovog režima; predsednik Izraela je za prvu etapu svojih putovanja u nove republike, odabrao upravo Hrvatsku.15

Elementi koje smo ovde izneli, pokazuju postojanje neprijateljstva prema SFRJ od strane sveta katoličke crkve, nemačke govorne sfere i cionizma. Za kompletiranje celovite slike svih ovih okolnosti, nedostaje još samo ponašanje SAD, koje su se posle izvesne početne neodređenosti, pokazale otvorenim protivnikom jugoslovenskog jedinstva i suverenosti. Sjedinjene države su se poslužile ovim revanšističkim, pan-germanskim i ultra-konzervativističkim tendencijama koje su se, po okončanju Hladnog rata, i dalje zakuvavale u Evropi. Predstavile su se čak i kao "nemački advokat" u više okolnosti i u ključnim momentima oko ponovnog definisanja granica unutar evropskog kontinenta - dovoljno je da se pomisli na aneksiju DDR od strane SRN. 12. juna 1994. godine, prilikom svoje posete Berlinu, predsednik Klinton održao je izrazito simboličan govor ispred Branderburške kapije: Nemačka je već uveliko specijalni partner SAD u Evropi. Nemačko vođstvo u Evropi predstavlja naš interes i mi se na Nemačku oslanjamo radi vojne, političke i ekonomske penetracije na Istok. Jugoslavija je, sasvim sigurno, država koja je platila najskuplju cenu susreta interesa SAD i Nemačke, koja je postajala vidna upravo u periodu oslabljenja socijalističkog bloka.16


Dok se uvođenje političkog "pluralizma" poistovetilo sa periodom rata i komadanja države, primena ekonomskog "liberalizma" je za narode i radne ljude Jugoslavije, značila nestanak privrednih resursa i rezultata rada kolektivnog pregnuća tokom više decenija. Društveni sloj koji se afirmiše sa “jugoslovenskom '89”, tj. ona klasa koja danas upravlja u svim "nezavisnim" republikama, sa sobom nosi sitne nacionalne, anti-jugoslovenske zaostale vrednosti; on pokazuje svoju suštinsku zavisnost od inostranih interesa.

Dočim je i jedan deo starog jugoslovenskog upravljačkog sloja bio vidno otvoren za izvesnu "tranziciju bez razaranja". Jednu sličnu alternativu, koju bih u najmanju ruku nazvao osuđenom na neuspeh, bila su mere predsednika vlade Ante Markovića koji je 1989. godine započeo sa reformama kapitalističke orijentacije. Na samom svom početku, ova inicijativa predstavljala je jugoslovensku liberalnu opciju, jednako kao i ona koju je započinjao Milošević sa svojom "antibirokratskom revolucijom". Milošević je u stvari tragao za efikasnim rešenjima za različite interese, pa i na međunarodnom planu; ovo posredovanje je bilo predodređeno za neuspeh, ali ne voljom Miloševića. Posle priznavanja "nezavisnosti" Slovenije i Hrvatske koje su bile odlučene u Mastrihtu, Evropa je definitivno odbila da Jugoslaviju smatra svojim mogućim sagovornikom; bombardovanjem u toku 1999. godine, države članice NATO, obznanjuju da nemaju nameru da pregovaraju sa državom naslednicom u vidu Srbije i Crne Gore, niti sa njenim rukovodstvom.


Činjenica je da su intelektualci općenito, odigrali negativnu ulogu u jugoslovenskim zbivanjima u proteklih dvadeset godina. Oni su se usredsredili na pitanja identiteta, individualna prava i prava manjina koja su navodno bila osporavana, i koja su, po njima, morala biti nametnuta po svaku cenu i na štetu većine - uz omalovažavanje temeljnih principa demokratije, nezavisno od načina njenog podrazumevanja. Jugoslovenska ideja, bilo da se tumači kao težnja za (više)nacionalnim jedinstvom, ili pak u vidu svoje novije forme društveno-ekonomskog socijalističkog sistema, bila je izložena brojnim i raznolikim negacijama, te izlivima neprijateljstva koji su poticali čak i iz sredina koje se smatraju progresivnim, internacionalističkim, ili "levim". Čak su je kritikovali i marksisti;u ovom slučaju, napadi su zasnivani na apstraktnim i idealizovanim konceptima Države, pitanju upravljanja nacionalnim pitanjem, socijalizmu i/ili komunizmu, revoluciji i drugom. U Italiji je polemika o tumačenju koje bi se trebalo dati događajima u Jugoslaviji, izbila odmah na stranicama novina "Il Manifesto"17, ali pozicije na kraju nisu ostale razjašnjene, te su se izvesne teške nesuglasice povlačile tokom niza godina, sve do momenta kada je Italija direktno učestvovala u vojnoj agresiji 1999. godine, u napadu koji je želela vlada pod upravom D'Aleme uz podršku značajnih intelektualaca iz demokratske i leve sfere.18 Socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji ne želi da se prizna da je konkretno ostvarila i da je probala da upražnjava velik deo svih onih vrednosti o kojima je zapadno-evropska "levica" jedino bila u stanju da nadugačko razglaba tokom više decenija. Tako da se desilo da je došlo do težnje da se i u Jugoslaviji odigra ona "promena režima" koju možemo figurativno da nazovemo kao "Osamdesetdeveta". Često se i u dobroj nameri mislilo da će ta promena dovesti do ostvarenja većih "sloboda" i "prava"..Ako je do njih i došlo, neizmerno je mali broj onih koji su ih osetili, kada se osvrnemo na opšte pogoršanje uslova života najvećeg dela stanovništva. "Sloboda" i "prava" većine ljudi bili su na dramatičan način gaženi, a takva je situacija i u sadašnje vreme; čitavi građanski slojevi i autohtoni narodi čak su bili isključeni iz uživanja koristi od svog građanskog statusa, bili su ubijani ili prinuđeni da napuštaju zemlju.

Sa raspadom Jugoslavije, u suštini se preobratio ishod II svetskog rata, državnost je data subjektima koji su prethodno jedino pod naci-fašizmom, predstavljali "posebne nacije".

Za mene je Jugoslavija predstavljala Evropu...Koliko god da je bila iscepkana, Jugoslavija je bila model jedne buduće Evrope, ne onakve kakva je sada ta naša, na izvestan način veštačka Evropa sa svim svojim zonama slobodne trgovine, već obrazac za jednu teritoriju na kojoj različiti narodi žive izmešani jedni sa drugima, baš onako kako je živela mlađarija u Jugoslaviji čak i posle Titove smrti. Eto, mislim da bi to bila Evropa kakvu želim. Tako da se u meni, uništenjem Jugoslavije, predstava o Evropi razbila. (Peter Handke)19


---, In difesa della Jugoslavia (U odbranu Jugoslavije), Zambon, Frankfurt 2005

---, NATO Aggression Against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Documents sent to international organizations (Two Volumes), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the FR of Yugoslavia, Službeni glasnik, Beograd 2000

---, NATO in the Balkans - Voices of opposition, International Action Center, New York 1998. Skraćena verzija na italijanskom jeziku: La NATO nei Balcani (NATO na Balkanu), Editori Riuniti, 1999

---, War, Lies, and Videotapes, International Action Center, New York 2000

Mark Aarons, John Loftus, Ratlines, Newton Compton, Roma 1993 (Aarons 1993)

Aldo Bernardini, La Jugoslavia assassinata (Ubijena Jugoslavija), Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli 2005

Peter Brock, Media Cleansing. Dirty Reporting-Journalism and Tragedy in Yugoslavia,, Los Angeles 2005

Ramsey Clark and various authors, Hidden Agenda. U.S./NATO Takeover of Yugoslavia, International Action Center, New York 2002

Diana Johnstone, Fools' Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO, and Western Delusions, Monthly Review Press, 2003 (Johnstone 2003)

Andrea Martocchia, La rimozione della Jugoslavia (Uklanjanje Jugoslavije)L'Ernesto nn.3-4/2003 -

Jacques Merlino, Les veritées yougoslaves ne sont pas toutes bonnes á dire, Editions Albin Michel, Paris 1993 (Merlino 1993)

AAVV., Il rovescio internazionale (Međunarodni prevrat), Odradek, Roma 2003 (Odradek 1999)

Jean Toschi Marazzani Visconti, Il corridoio, La Città del Sole, Napoli 2005 (Toschi 2005), izdanje u Srbiji: Koridor, Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd, 2006

1Pred haškim "ad hoc tribunalom" 30. januara 2002.
2) Pogledati npr. u časopisu Limes n. 3/1996. Formalni trag postoji u EU dokumentu br. 1342, drugi deo, od 6/11/1992.
3) Uporediti «L’Europa e il direttorio zoppo. Se Germania e Francia decidono tutto e l’Italia tace» (Evropa i hroma uprava. Kada Nemačka i Italija o svemu odlučuju, Italija ćuti) - u dnevnom listu "Il Messaggero" od 6. februara 2011, i TG3 Linea Notte od 22/2/2011.
4) Gaetano Bucci, La tecnocrazia liberista della UE (Liberistička tehnokratija EU), u časopisu L'Ernesto n. 2/2010. U citatu u daljem tekstu, Bucci pod navodnicima proziva Azzariti-a G.,Uguaglianza e solidarietà nella (Jednakost i solidarnost u Dokumentu o fundamentalnim pravima iz Nice), u: Siclari, M. (urednik), Contributi allo studio della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione europea (Doprinosi izučavanju Dokumenta o fundamentalnim pravima u Evropskoj uniji), Torino: Giappichelli, 2003.
5) Ovaj Traktat kojim se čine izmene u Traktatu o Evropskoj uniji, potpisan je u Lisabonu 13. decembra 2007. i stupio je na snagu 1. decembra 2009. (Sl. Bilten EU, 2007/C306/01). Tačnije, pozivanje na "društvenu tržišnu privredu" stoji u članu.3 stav 3, skupa sa bizarnim, pa čak i paradoksalnim dodatkom: “izrazito konkurenta”.
6) Ustavi koji su, kako na Zapadu tako i na Istoku, bile zasnovani na principu suštinske, a ne samo formalne jednakosti svih građana.
7Nešto skorije, na put ka tržišnom socijalizmu – tj. priznavanju da zakon o vrednosti robe mora da preživi uz regulaciju istoga - otvoreno su se uputile pojedine socijalističke države koje su posle '89 nešto bolje izdržale potres privrednog sistema: među njima je najveća i najsnažnija, Kina, ali i Vijetnam, pa čak i Kuba.Čudno da se analitičari uglavnom ne pozivaju na prvo i najznačajnije iskustvo u toj oblasti - jugoslovensko.
8) Izjava data dnevnom listu Borba 2/1/1990.
9) Ove teme su bile predmet širokih diskusija i analiza, čak i u specijalizovanim časopisima kao što je italijanski Limes. Logično je da sadašnji otvoreni spor u predmetnoj zoni, svoje korene pušta u strogo privrednim interesima, koji se daju analizirati kroz pravce kojima prolaze "koridori" za sirovine, prerađevine i polu-proizvode; takođe se moraju uzeti u obzir sfere uticaja posle širenja NATO, te projekti za "Novi poredak" po modelu Bržežinskog, koji su pored usmerenja na daleke zemlje i kontinente, koncipirali Jugoslaviju kao bazu za svoje beskrupulozne i krvave operacije.
10) Između Rimske Crkvei hrvatske "etničke" komponente, postoji povlašten odnos već od VIII stoleća. Od vremena Rascepa (1054), Hrvatska je bila katolički bastion protiv pravoslavnih hrišćana. Tokom XX veka, istaknuti hrvatski katolički elementi prvo su bili aktivni u "antikomunističkoj internacionali" koju je promovisala Rimska crkva kroz tzv. "Intermarium", a potom u ustaškom pokretu;posle porazai, oni su nastavili borbu unutar emigrantskih ustaških krugova, u tajnim organizacijama kao što su "Križari", (uporediti Aarons 1993), i najzad, i u partijama kao što je Tuđmanova HDZ. Trait d'union svih tih skorašnjih događanja je borba protiv jugoslovenstva.
11) "Hrvati koji čine deo civilizirane Europe, nemaju ničega zajedničkog sa srpskim primitivizmom na Balkanu. Budućnost Hrvatske stoji u jednoj Europskoj konfederaciji za koju Austro-Ugarska može poslužiti kao model" (u Le Figaro, 15/8/1991).
12) Ako se podsetimo da je zajam od dve milijarde dolara bez kamate, Hrvatska 4/10/1990, primila upravo od Suverenog vojnog malteškog reda, a da je prvobitni štab hrvatske stranke HDZ, posle postao predstavništvo ovog Reda u Hrvatskoj. Uporediti T.W. "Bill" Carr: German and US Involvement in the Balkans, istupanje na simpozijumu Jugoslavija: prošlost i sadašnjost, Chicago 31/8-1/9/1995. Frančesko Kosiga, svi predsednici SAD i brojni zapadni politički lideri, povezani su sa Malteškim redom.
13) Primera radi, za razliku od mnogih drugih jevrejskih predstavnika (uključujući i samog Simona Vizentala, uporediti npr. Corriere della Sera 1/4/1993) koji su se trudili da denunciraju fašistički i rasistički karakter ideologije Franje Tuđmana i njegove "neovisne Hrvatske", Nenad Porges, predsednik jevrejske zajednice u Zagrebu, javno je u svojim istupima, okrenuo kritike za antisemitizam na Srbe (uporediti razne izvore sabrane na: Po izbijanju rata u Bosni, vođstvo cionističkih intelektualaca aktivno se zalagalo za veštačko stvaranje slike o "Srbima nacistima" (u vezi "srpskih logora" uporediti Toschi 2005, koja podseća na sektašku poziciju Elija Vizela, i Merlino 1993, koji izlaže dokumentaciju o svrstavanju "lobija u SAD).
15) Moshe Katsav je u Zagreb stigao 11/07/2003. u trodnevnu posetu.
16) 1. jula 1991., na početku jugoslovenske krize, prestao je da postoji Varšavski pakt;u avgustu, u Rusiji nije uspeo puč protiv Gorbačova i pojavio se Jeljcin, glavni akter u formalnom raspadu SSSR (21. decembra u Alma Ati: osniva se SND).
17) Mogu se pročitati istupanja S. Spetiča u prvom momentu (6. jul 1991.), Almeyra i drugi, u drugom momentu (10. jul 1991.).
18) Ispitivanju ratobornih pozicija u italijanskoj levici može se pristupiti proučavanjem tri izvora: Johnstone 2003 (verovatno najlucidnija i najnemilosrdnija, ali još uvek nije prevođena na italijanski jezik), Odradek 1999 i pregled dostupan na sajtu .
19) Intervju sa nemačkim televizijskim novinarom Martinom Lettmayer-om, januara 1997.

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Da:  partigiani7maggio @

Oggetto:  Iniziative a Barletta, città del Sacrario degli antifascisti jugoslavi

Data:  18 agosto 2011 10.24.38 GMT+02.00

Storie e memorie di una vicenda ignorata

Roma, Odradek, 2011
pp.348 - euro 23,00

Per informazioni sul libro si vedano:


Tra i nuovi inserimenti sul nostro sito segnaliamo le recensioni e gli articoli:

Avv. F. Morelli: Anche Barletta ricorda i partigiani jugoslavi

Bianca Bracci Torsi: Resistenza e dopoguerra: storie, memorie e impunità
Claudio Del Bello: Qualcosa non torna
Pasquale Martino: Resistenza sconosciuta


Riceviamo e volentieri segnaliamo:

da: Archivio della Resistenza e della Memoria

Giardini Fratelli Cervi Castello – 76121 Barletta 
tel. 0883 578 622 fax 0883 578 614 cell.340 23 44 444


Medaglia d'Oro al Valor Militare - Medaglia d'Oro al Merito Civile - Città della Disfida

nell'ambito delle iniziative per il MESE DELLA MEMORIA 2011 
(a c
ommemorazione della Battaglia di Barletta - 11 e 12 settembre 1943)

Mercoledì 24 agosto 2011, ore 10.00

CONFERENZA STAMPA presso la Sala Rossa del Castello di Barletta

Giovedì 25 agosto 2011, ore 18.30

In collaborazione con la sezione FIDAPA di Barletta:

Ore 18.30 Galleria del Teatro Comunale Giuseppe CURCI

Inaugurazione della Mostra fotografica documentale (aperta sino all’8 settembre) alla presenza di S.E. ANA HRUSTANOVIC, Ambasciatore della Repubblica di Serbia, in Italia
La MEMORIA dell’Accoglienza. Quando l’ospitalità è condivisione di valori
Saluti: NICOLA MAFFEI, Sindaco di Barletta

Ore 19.30 Sala della Comunità di S. Antonio

Concerto del Coro di voci bianche BRANKO di Nis

Venerdì 26 agosto 2011, ore 10.00

Monumento – Ossario presso il Cimitero di Barletta
OMAGGIO ai Caduti slavi. Morti per una nuova vita, per una nuova libertà
Saluti: NICOLA MAFFEI, Sindaco di Barletta
Interventi: ANA HRUSTANOVIC, Ambasciatore della Repubblica di Serbia
Onori del Picchetto Militare ai Caduti slavi con deposizione di corone di alloro del Comune di Barletta, dell’82° Reggimento Fanteria Torino, dell’Ambasciata della Repubblica di Serbia.


<< Il monumento - ossario dei partigiani slavi a Barletta

Proposta congiunta con la sezione FIDAPA di Barletta

Con Roma – Prima Porta, Gonars, in provincia di Udine, e Sansepolcro, in provincia di Arezzo, Barletta è una delle quattro città italiane che conservano una memoria in pietra dei Partigiani jugoslavi che morirono in Italia dopo aver combattuto per la liberazione della loro Patria o a fianco dei nostri Patrioti nella Resistenza italiana al nazifascismo.
Il nobile gesto di fraterna accoglienza espressosi con la costruzione di Monumenti – Ossari per la raccolta delle spoglie mortali di giovani, morti per una nuova vita, per una nuova libertà, - come gridò una mamma di loro, presente alla cerimonia di inaugurazione di quello di Barletta - in luoghi di silenzio e di preghiera, partì proprio dalla nostra città che, generosamente, contribuì alla costruzione del maestoso Monumento nel nostro cimitero, nel 1970.
Quell’opera, di elevata, splendida e lineare architettura, fu realizzata dall’impresa edile barlettana GIACOMO CALÒ, su progetto dello scultore accademico jugoslavo, DUSAN DZAMONIJA, sotto la direzione dei lavori affidata all’ingegnere ALDO MARIA PALMIOTTI.
Ad onore di tutte le Amministrazioni Comunali succedutesi, in questi quaranta anni, all’Amministrazione presieduta, negli anni settanta, dall’avv. Michele Morella, va riconosciuta l’attenzione posta sia nella normale cura di pulizia del Monumento, sia soprattutto nella tutela della Memoria di quanti hanno dato la vita per la Patria e la libertà, annualmente commemorata con gli stessi onori e le medesime celebrazioni riservate ai nostri caduti di tutte le guerre.
Negli ultimi anni, pur in assenza di referenti governativi degli Stati sovrani, nati dallo smembramento della Repubblica di Jugoslavia, l’Amministrazione comunale di Barletta, riservando particolare cura di ospitalità a singole Autorità slave che in varie occasioni hanno voluto visitare l’Ossario, tramite l’Archivio della Resistenza e della Memoria, ha curato costanti rapporti con le organizzazioni di ex partigiani della Repubblica del Montenegro con scambi di visite di cortesia che hanno contribuito ad approfondire la conoscenza reciproca e a rinsaldare sentimenti di profonda e autentica amicizia.
Al fine di poter richiamare le oggettive responsabilità, in ordine alla difesa e alla tutela della Memoria che accomuna gli uomini liberi e assicura longevità di benessere, di civiltà e di pace tra i popoli, si esprime la più ampia convinzione che sia necessario produrre una chiara e puntuale documentazione sulle attuali condizioni del Monumento da sottoporre alle Ambasciate di tutte le Repubbliche slave per sollecitare un comune e condiviso progetto di restauro. La nostra Memoria di Accoglienza potrà essere corroborata solo da un nuovo e più responsabile impegno economico, comune e condiviso, delle Repubbliche slave che assicuri, nel contempo, stabilità architettonica al Monumento riconsegnandolo al suo splendore e al suo, ormai, storico decoro.
Con l’invito rivolto all’Ambasciatrice della Repubblica di Serbia, dott.ssa ANA HRUSTANOVIC si auspica di poter avviare concrete iniziative che portino subito a stipulare una puntuale Convenzione con l’Amministrazione Comunale di Barletta assicurando, così, una programmazione di interventi conservativi e di regolare manutenzione.
A quarantuno anni dalla costruzione del Monumento - Ossario dei Partigiani Slavi nel nostro territorio, l’Amministrazione comunale di Barletta, vuole commemorare solennemente l’anniversario nell’intento di stabilire solidi rapporti di amicizia con le Repubbliche eredi della Repubblica di Jugoslavia, con la quale, la nostra città, avviò relazioni per un comune rispetto della Memoria e di concrete intese per scambi economico – culturali, come ad esempio il gemellaggio con Herceg Novi, in Montenegro.
In collaborazione con la locale sezione della FIDAPA (Federazione Italiana Donne Arti Professioni Affari) di Barletta che, sotto la Presidenza della Signora Nunzia Binetti Tatò, ha recentemente effettuato una visita di cortesia nella città di Nis alle socie del BPW, ricevendo calorosa ospitalità dalle autorità comunali di quella città, si svolgerà il seguente programma di accoglienza in occasione dell’arrivo a Barletta di una delegazione serba. >>

"Un NUOVO PATTO di MEMORIA. La storia... fuori sacco. Progetto triennale 2010-2012
La storia per... strada, educare sui luoghi della memoria Proposte dell’Archivio della Resistenza e della Memoria."
Barletta: Editrice Rotas, Settembre 2011)

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(Sull'isola di Pag, una "Ibiza croata" vicino al campo di sterminio dimenticato...
L'articolo in lingua serbocroata è leggibile ai link:

Plaža Zrće u blizini logora iz 1941.: Hrvatsku Ibicu podigli kod mjesta zločina
Nikola Salapura, Nezavisne Novine 26.07.2011 )

Zrće beach near a 1941 camp: Croatian Ibiza near crime site

By Nikola Salapura

BANJA LUKA – Dušan Bastašić, President of the Citizens Association “Jadovno 1941” from Banja Luka, is bitter because of the attitude of Croatian authorities towards the Second World War execution sites and warns that Zrće beach on the island of Pag, called “Croatian Ibiza” and a place to have fun, is located not far from former camps.

Thousands of tourists from Croatia, Serbia, B&H, Europe and the world visit Zrće every year, however, most of them do not know that on that very island, near the beach, were concentration camps in the Second World War.

“What people don’t know is that Zrće is about eight kilometres from the village of Metajna, where in June 1941 the first camp for Serbian and Jewish women and children in the Second World War was opened, and next to it was camp ‘Slana’, which received its first inmates on 24 June, 1941”, said Bastašić.

He said that on the location of “Slana” camp a memorial plaque was raised in 1975, which was destroyed in 1991.

“We renewed it last year, but it was torn down two days later. On that occasion we had a memorial service which was seen as a finger in the eye to the local authorities who asked for a different text to be written on the plaque, because for them it is probably counterproductive for the development of tourism”, said Bastašić.

He said that this year, at 70th anniversary of the complex of camps “Jadovno”, a visit to Pag was not planned in the commemoration programme and that the Croatian authorities justified it saying they were some outside issues.

“For us, the descendants of the victims, this is pure concealment of the crime by Croatia, and it would be inconvenient for them if we went to Pag, because in order to reach Zrće by sea, you have to sail through the Pag Door”, said Bastašić.

He explained that inmates were taken to the execution sites in boats from Karlobag, through the Pag Door, where no fewer than 8020 inmates were thrown into the sea.

“They were murdered by tying rocks around their necks and cutting open their belles so that they would not float out, and then they were thrown overboard into the sea where people today are partying and swim”, he stated and added that the attitude of the Croatian authorities towards this execution sites is devastating.

Besides the fact there is no plaque there, also there is not a single mark that 70 years ago a camp was there. On Croatian websites you can only see invitations to tourists to have fun on Pag.

“One of them is ‘Come and enjoy the Slana Bay’, then ‘Feel the mystical silence that dominates, disturbed only by cries of seagulls and eagles’, and they invite people to scuba dive and enjoy the depths of the sea off the coast where inmates were thrown in’, said Bastašić and added that there are photographs of people sunbathing on the location where Italians exhumed 793 bodies of inmates, 91 of them children.

He said all of this is happening because tourists and the media do not know about the camps and crimes.

“Imagine building an amusement park or a golf course near ‘Jasenovac’. This thing on Pag is unbelievable hypocrisy”, stressed Bastašić and reiterated that is inconceivable that the Croatian authorities are trying to hide the truth about what happened therein every possible way.


Complex “Jadovno”

According to the research conducted so far on the complex of Ustasha camps “Jadovno – Gospić 1941”, which also include the island of Pag, no fewer than 40,123 victims were murdered, 38,010 Serbs, 1999 Jews and the rest were ideological opponents of the Independent State of Croatia.

To remind you, this year 70th anniversary of the suffering in “Jadovno” was marked, as well as the “Jadovno” 1941 Remembrance Day, and in Banja Luka, on 24 and 35 June, the First International Conference on the Complex of Ustasha Camps “Jadovno – Gospić” 1941 was held.

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Lezioni di lotta di classe durante lo sciopero

su del 07/07/2011

Il PAME protegge lo sciopero e impedisce l'attuazione di un piano organizzato di provocazione

da Partito Comunista di Grecia -
Traduzione dall'inglese per a cura del Centro di Cultura e Documentazione Popolare



Il KKE ha denunciato apertamente al popolo greco il piano di provocazione volto a vanificare la lotta popolare

Sulla prima pagina di "Rizospastis", organo del Comitato Centrale del Partito Comunista di Grecia, KKE, si legge: "Il governo contrappone il movimento degli 'indignati' di Piazza Sintagma, considerato pacifico e partecipato dalla gente comune, agli scioperi, etichettati come violenti. Il piano è creare uno scenario, di cui eravamo informati già prima dello sciopero di 48 ore, dove individui incappucciati, gruppi di ultras organizzati, teppisti prezzolati di nightclubs, ecc, sarebbero entrati in conflitto con il PAME, presumibilmente per ragioni ideologiche. In questo modo la polizia avrebbe avuto il pretesto - a causa degli scontri - per reprimere e scatenarsi contro il popolo. Vogliono associare la violenza con il PAME e dimostrare che la gente comune indignata disconosce il movimento di classe, i partiti e in particolare il KKE. Il 09/08/2002 avevamo pubblicato nell'edizione domenicale di "Rizospastis" un articolo intitolato "raccomandazioni europee per la gestione degli informatori", in cui esponevamo i piani di Europol per la creazione e l'infiltrazione delle manifestazioni. Cosa valida anche per la polizia greca.

Video-documenti incriminanti

Il gruppo parlamentare del KKE ha posto al Governo la seguente interpellanza: "Un video trasmesso dalla maggior parte dei media, mostra individui armati di spranghe di ferro intrattenersi con la polizia antisommossa; più tardi gli stessi individui attraversano il cortile del Parlamento accompagnati dalla polizia antisommossa. Questo evento è rivelatore delle relazioni tra i meccanismi che operano nei servizi di sicurezza e gli elementi che prendono parte ai ben noti episodi". Su questa base, i parlamentari del KKE hanno chiesto al ministro competente se il Governo sapeva di questo specifico incidente, se intendeva riferire al Parlamento e al popolo al riguardo e quali misure avrebbe adottato per porre fine all'attività dei meccanismi di repressione organizzata contro il movimento popolare.

Conferenza stampa della Segretaria Generale del Comitato Centrale del KKE

Il 30 giugno Aleka Papariga, Segretaria Generale del Comitato Centrale del KKE, ha tenuto una conferenza stampa in cui ha rilevato tra l'altro quanto segue:

"Denunciamo il piano organizzato del governo - ben congegnato politicamente e operativamente - soprattutto durante i due giorni di sciopero. La prova generale ha avuto luogo durante l'approvazione del programma di riforme, in particolare nelle 48 ore di astensione generale dal lavoro.

Qual è l'obiettivo di questo piano? L'obiettivo politico è, da un lato, di intimidire il popolo di fronte al pagamento più o meno imminente della 5° tranche del prestito, inculcare la paura in modo che il popolo rinunci e abbandoni qualsiasi rivendicazione perché altrimenti la Grecia sarà perduta. D'altra parte, l'aspetto operativo di questo piano politico era che in questi due giorni venissero create le condizioni per sconfiggere il movimento operaio-popolare e in particolare attaccare lo sciopero come forma di lotta.

Dobbiamo dire che esistono prove e video che documentano famigerati individui incappucciati, delinquenti, sindacalisti di estrema destra, che sembrano essere organizzati dai meccanismi repressivi di polizia ed essere al loro interno. Naturalmente, lo stato borghese è ben consapevole dell'esistenza di tali meccanismi privati e parastatali, che non intende rivelare, poiché gli tornano utili.

Il governo ha strumentalizzato il variegato e vago movimento degli indignati di piazza Sintagma, dove naturalmente la protesta ha attratto persone realmente indignate, incapaci di sopportare oltre, contrapponendolo alle mobilitazioni per lo sciopero. Abbiamo sentito fino alla nausea dire in questo periodo che "Sintagma" rappresenta la forma pacifica di lotta, mentre tutte le altre forme di lotta sono considerate violente.

Questo piano specifico, di cui avevamo informazione prima dello sciopero di due giorni, partiva dal presupposto che il giorno dello sciopero generale, tutti i cortei avrebbero concluso la sfilata in piazza Sintagma: occorreva creare uno scenario in cui i cittadini "indignati", tra virgolette, entravano in conflitto con il PAME. Individui incappucciati, gruppi di ultras organizzati, teppisti prezzolati di nightclubs, ecc, si sarebbero scontrati con il PAME, presumibilmente per ragioni ideologiche. In questo modo la polizia avrebbe avuto il pretesto - per prevenire gli scontri tra le sezioni rivali - per scatenarsi contro il popolo e presentare la repressione come una scelta obbligata, al di fuori delle intenzioni della polizia.

Volevano così associare il PAME con la violenza e dimostrare, in aggiunta, che i cittadini comuni indignati disconoscono il movimento di classe, i partiti e soprattutto il KKE. In altre parole si presenta una frattura tra il cittadino comune indignato e il PAME. D'altra parte si dà l'opportunità a certi intellettuali di sinistra e "filosofi salottieri" di scrivere che se il PAME evita lo spargimento di sangue, allora appartiene al sistema. Sapevamo di questo piano, ne abbiamo resi partecipi le nostre forze all'interno del PAME e abbiamo dovuto affrontarlo. In buona sostanza, siamo stati costretti a scegliere tra il diritto di essere in piazza Sintagma o affrontare il piano del governo.

Il successo dello sciopero non inizia con la mobilitazione ma prima, con i picchetti di mezzanotte fuori del posto di lavoro e dei porti. Le dimensioni e la partecipazione di massa alle manifestazioni del PAME è il modo migliore per la classe operaia, in generale, di dimostrare la forza e le armi a sua disposizione per combattere il sistema. Queste armi sono lo sciopero, l'organizzazione, la politicizzazione: non bisogna cadere nella trappola di usare le armi più convenienti all'avversario.

Lo abbiamo detto ieri in Parlamento e lo ribadiamo oggi. Sappiamo molto bene come affrontare i provocatori e i meccanismi della polizia. Non ne siamo per nulla intimoriti. A noi preme evitare di prestare il fianco a questi piani. Continueremo ad affrontare la questione: soprattutto bisogna disvelare la provocazione. Da questo momento in poi il popolo deve decidere come e con chi deve dimostrare.

Vi mettiamo a disposizione un documento scritto come prova della provocazione organizzata e pianificata. Risponderemo con questo documento ai partiti che in Parlamento, quando denunciammo le provocazioni del 2008, dicevano che noi siamo malati, che vediamo cospirazioni ovunque e che non riconosciamo il ruolo dell'iniziativa popolare.

Rizospastis del 09/08/2002 ha rivelato un documento classificato di Europol, titolato "raccomandazioni europee per la gestione degli informatori", vero e proprio manuale del provocatore. In questo documento è chiaro che la creazione di informatori e provocatori è "legittimata". In Grecia, gli informatori e i provocatori sono in comunicazione con il crimine organizzato. E, infatti, il documento afferma che "un informatore è un individuo che si presta a fornire confidenzialmente informazioni e/o assistenza alle autorità competenti".

Se si trattasse solo di questo, potrebbero cercare di giustificarsi come interessati a contrastare il solo crimine organizzato. Tuttavia, sostengono che a un informatore è consentito di partecipare ad un delitto che altri hanno intenzione di commettere. A partecipare! Le informazioni non vengono utilizzate per prevenire il crimine, perché evidentemente, l'informatore può prevenire un delitto. Ed anzi deve essere trattato in modo conseguente quando viene arrestato. Ci sono poliziotti con cappuccio e con l'ordine di infiltrarsi. Ora, che relazione hanno le manifestazioni con la criminalità organizzata? Sembra che per il governo ci sia una relazione.

Non abbiamo forse il diritto di denunciare il governo di essere responsabile di questo piano organizzato se ha votato certe leggi e decretato linee politiche, se esistono solide prove, se teniamo conto dell'esperienza passata? Ora, se qualche giovane inesperto e innocente viene trascinato, beh questo è il ruolo del provocatore: intrappolare persone innocenti nella provocazione, in particolare i giovani.

Il popolo non deve cedere al terrorismo

Da questo punto di vista, invitiamo i lavoratori a proseguire con tutte le forme di lotta e soprattutto di non cedere al terrore della bancarotta, che in ogni modo si è già verificata. Essi non devono accettare la calunnie contro il movimento della classe operaia.

Abbiamo già denunciato questi meccanismi nel 2008 e nel maggio del 2010, quando tre dipendenti innocenti dell'Istituto bancario MARFIN sono stati assassinati. Avevamo denunciato l'uso di gruppi di ultras, l'uso di elementi di estrema destra che avevano come obiettivo di prevenire lo sviluppo del movimento e in particolare del KKE e dei sindacati di classe, i quali in questi anni hanno esposto in maniera estremamente chiara cosa sia la UE, Maastricht, la crisi, ecc.

E' ovvio che ci saranno nuove leggi e nuove misure. La crisi si approfondirà e quella che chiamiamo bancarotta sarà pagata al 100% dal popolo, che ovviamente non ha alcuna responsabilità. Riteniamo che il popolo debba al più presto cercare un cambiamento radicale: l'abolizione del potere dei monopoli. Porre questo obiettivo come primario, e non come "fatto a venire", il più rapidamente possibile, costituisce la proposta avanzata dal KKE la cui importanza non riguarda solo i comunisti ma la lotta della classe operaia e per il potere popolare. La lotta quotidiana, il tentativo di ottenere delle conquiste e la fine del declino, non possono essere raggiunte dal movimento senza questa strategia. Senza questa strategia il popolo subirà una grande sconfitta, un grave arretramento che durerà per molti anni.

Nel denunciare il governo, devo aggiungere che non nutriamo alcuna speranza che la verità sia portata alla luce dalle commissioni disciplinari, ecc. Perché, se fosse, il governo dovrebbe dimettersi. E questo non accadrà. Invece di parlare del sordido che c'è all'interno dello stato borghese, il governo porta avanti un referendum truffa per sviare le persone con una legge sulla responsabilità dei ministri e la riduzione dei parlamentari. Queste cose, anche se venissero realizzate completamente, non sarebbe altro che un paravento per nascondere il marcio che crescerà a dismisura negli anni a venire".

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The US-Al Qaeda Alliance: Bosnia, Kosovo and Now Libya. Washington’s On-Going Collusion with Terrorists

By Prof. Peter Dale Scott

Global Research, July 29, 2011

Twice in the last two decades, significant cuts in U.S. and western military spending were foreseen: first after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and then in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. But both times military spending soon increased, and among the factors contributing to the increase were America’s interventions in new areas: the Balkans in the 1990s, and Libya today.1 Hidden from public view in both cases was the extent to which al-Qaeda was a covert U.S. ally in both interventions, rather than its foe. 

U.S. interventions in the Balkans and then Libya were presented by the compliant U.S. and allied mainstream media as humanitarian. Indeed, some Washington interventionists may have sincerely believed this. But deeper motivations – from oil to geostrategic priorities – were also at work in both instances.

In virtually all the wars since 1989, America and Islamist factions have been battling to determine who will control the heartlands of Eurasia in the post-Soviet era. In some countries – Somalia in 1993, Afghanistan in 2001 – the conflict has been straightforward, with each side using the other’s excesses as an excuse for intervention.

But there have been other interventions in which Americans have used al-Qaeda as a resource to increase their influence, for example Azerbaijan in 1993. There a pro-Moscow president was ousted after large numbers of Arab and other foreign mujahedin veterans were secretly imported from Afghanistan, on an airline hastily organized by three former veterans of the CIA’s airline Air America. (The three, all once detailed from the Pentagon to the CIA, were Richard Secord, Harry Aderholt, and Ed Dearborn.)2 This was an ad hoc marriage of convenience: the mujahedin got to defend Muslims against Russian influence in the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh, while the Americans got a new president who opened up the oilfields of Baku to western oil companies.

The pattern of U.S. collaboration with Muslim fundamentalists against more secular enemies is not new. It dates back to at least 1953, when the CIA recruited right-wing mullahs to overthrow Prime Minister Mossadeq in Iran, and also began to cooperate with the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood.3 But in Libya in 2011 we see a more complex marriage of convenience between US and al-Qaeda elements: one which repeats a pattern seen in Bosnia in 1992-95, and Kosovo in 1997-98. In those countries America responded to a local conflict in the name of a humanitarian intervention to restrain the side committing atrocities. But in all three cases both sides committed atrocities, and American intervention in fact favored the side allied with al-Qaeda.

The cause of intervention was fostered in all three cases by blatant manipulation and falsification of the facts. What a historian has noted of the Bosnian conflict was true also of Kosovo and is being echoed today in Libya: though attacks were “perpetrated by Serbs and Muslims alike,” the pattern in western media was “that killings of Muslims were newsworthy, while the deaths of non-Muslims were not.”4 Reports of mass rapes in the thousands proved to be wildly exaggerated: a French journalist “uncovered only four women willing to back up the story.”5 Meanwhile in 1994 the French intellectual Bernard-Henri Lévy (BHL) traveled to Bosnia and fervently endorsed the case for intervention in Bosnia; in 2011 February BHL traveled to Benghazi and reprised his interventionist role for Libya.6

In all of the countries mentioned above, furthermore, there are signs that some American and/or western intelligence groups were collaborating with al-Qaeda elements from the outset of conflict, before the atrocities cited as a reason for intervention.. This suggests that there were deeper reasons for America’s interventions including the desire of western oil companies to exploit the petroleum reserves of Libya (as in Iraq) without having to deal with a troublesome and powerful strong man, or their desire to create a strategic oil pipeline across the Balkans (in Kosovo).7

That the U.S. would support al-Qaeda in terrorist atrocities runs wholly counter to impressions created by the U.S. media. Yet this on-going unholy alliance resurrects and builds on the alliance underlying Zbigniew Brzezinski’s 1978-79 strategy of provocation in Afghanistan, at a time when he was President Carter’s National Security Adviser.

In those years Brzezinski did not hesitate to play the terrorist card against the Soviet Union: he reinforced the efforts of the SAVAK (the Shah of Iran’s intelligence service) to work with the Islamist antecedents of al-Qaeda to destabilize Afghanistan, in a way which soon led to a Soviet invasion of that country.8 At the time, as he later boasted, Brzezinski told Carter, “We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam War.”9

CIA Director William Casey continued this strategy of using terrorists against the USSR in Afghanistan. At first the CIA channeled aid through the Pakistani ISI (Interservices Intelligence Service) to their client Afghan extremists like Gulbeddin Hekmatyar (today one of America’s enemies in Afghanistan). But in 1986, “Casey committed CIA support to a long-standing ISI initiative to recruit radical Muslims from around the world to come to Pakistan and fight with the Afghan Mujaheddin.”10 CIA aid now reached their support Office of Services in Peshawar, headed by a Palestinian, Abdullah Azzam, and by Osama bin Laden. The al-Kifah Center, a U.S. recruitment office for their so-called Arab-Afghan foreign legion (the future al Qaeda), was set up in the al-Farook mosque in Brooklyn.11

It is important to recall Brzezinski’s and Casey’s use of terrorists today. For in Libya, as earlier in Kosovo and Bosnia, there are alarming signs that America has continued to underwrite Islamist terrorism as a means to dismantle socialist or quasi-socialist nations not previously in its orbit: first the USSR, then Yugoslavia, today Libya. As I have written elsewhere, Gaddafi was using the wealth of Libya, the only Mediterranean nation still armed by Russia and independent of the NATO orbit, to impose more and more difficult terms for western oil companies, and to make the whole of Africa more independent of Europe and America.12

Support for the mujahedin included collusion in law-breaking, at a heavy cost. In the second part of this essay, I will show how government protection of key figures in the Brooklyn al-Kifah Center left some of them free, even after they were known to have committed crimes, to engage in further terrorist acts in the United States -- such as the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993.

The U.S.-al-Qaeda Alliance in Libya

The NATO intervention in Libya has been presented as a humanitarian campaign. But it is not: both factions have been committing atrocities. Thanks in part to the efforts of the well-connected p.r. firm the Harbour Group, working on behalf of the Benghazi opposition’s National Transitional Council [NTC], Americans have heard many more press accounts of atrocities by pro-Gaddafi forces in Libya than by the Benghazi opposition.13 But in fact, as the London Daily Telegraph reported,

Under rebel control, Benghazi residents are terrorized, many "too frightened to drive through the dark streets at night, fearing a shakedown or worse at the proliferating checkpoints."

Moreover, about 1.5 million black African migrant workers feel trapped under suspicion of supporting the wrong side. Numbers of them have been attacked, some hunted down, dragged from apartments, beaten and killed. So-called "revolutionaries" and "freedom fighters" are, in fact, rampaging gunmen committing atrocities airbrushed from mainstream reports, unwilling to reveal the new Libya if Gaddafi is deposed.14

Thomas Mountain concurs that “Since the rebellion in Benghazi broke out several hundred Sudanese, Somali, Ethiopian and Eritrean guest workers have been robbed and murdered by racist rebel militias, a fact well hidden by the international media.”15 Such reports have continued. Recently, Human Rights Watch accused the rebels of killing Gaddafi supporters who were just civilians and looting, burning and ransacking pro-Gaddafi supporters' houses and areas.16

Americans and Europeans are still less likely to learn from their media that among the groups in the Benghazi transitional coalition, certainly the most battle-seasoned, are veterans of the Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya (Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, or LIFG). The importance of the LIFG contingent in the TNC has been downplayed in a recent issue of the International Business Times:

The LIFG is a radical Islamic group which has been fighting small scale guerrilla warfare against Gaddafi for almost a decade. Much of the LIFG leadership came from soldiers who fought against the Soviet forces in Afghanistan, as part of the Mujahedeen. Since the beginning of the uprising reports said that some of the LIFG has joined the TNC rebel movement on the ground, and many accused the fighters of having links to Al-Qaeda, which the LIFG has since denied.

Previously however, the LIFG had stated that its ultimate goal is to install an Islamic state inside Libya, which given the fact that many of its fighters are now on the side of the TNC is quite worrying. However as the LIFG is reported to have a fighting force of no more than a few thousand men, it is believed it will not be able to cause much trouble within the opposition.17

It remains to be seen whether a victorious TNC would be able to contain the Islamist aspirations of the ruthless jihadist veterans in their ranks.

There are those who fear that, from their years of combat in Afghanistan and Iraq, the battle-hardened LIFG, although probably not dominant in the Benghazi coalition today, will come to enjoy more influence if Benghazi ever gets to distribute the spoils of victory. In February 2004, then-Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee that "one of the most immediate threats [to U.S. security in Iraq] is from smaller international Sunni extremist groups that have benefited from al-Qaida links. They include ... the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group."18 In 2007 a West Point study reported on “the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group's (LIFG) increasingly cooperative relationship with al-Qaeda, which culminated in the LIFG officially joining al-Qaeda on November 3, 2007."19

Although Britain and the US were well aware of the West Point assessment of the hard-core LIFG in the Benghazi TNC coalition, their special forces nevertheless secretly backed the Benghazi TNC, even before the launch of NATO air support:

The bombing of the country came as it was revealed that hundreds of British special forces troops have been deployed deep inside Libya targeting Colonel Gaddafi’s forces – and more are on standby….

In total it is understood that just under 250 UK special forces soldiers and their support have been in Libya since before the launch of air strikes to enforce the no-fly zone against Gaddafi’s forces.20

There are also reports that U.S. Special Forces were also sent into Libya on February 23 and 24, 2011, almost a month before the commencement of NATO bombing.21

UK support for the fundamentalist LIFG was in fact at least a decade old:

Fierce clashes between [Qadhafi's] security forces and Islamist guerrillas erupted in Benghazi in September 1995, leaving dozens killed on both sides. After weeks of intense fighting, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) formally declared its existence in a communiqué calling Qadhafi's government "an apostate regime that has blasphemed against the faith of God Almighty" and declaring its overthrow to be "the foremost duty after faith in God." This and future LIFG communiqués were issued by Libyan Afghans who had been granted political asylum in Britain.... The involvement of the British government in the LIFG campaign against Qadhafi remains the subject of immense controversy. LIFG's next big operation, a failed attempt to assassinate Qadhafi in February 1996 that killed several of his bodyguards, was later said to have been financed by British intelligence to the tune of $160,000, according to ex-MI5 officer David Shayler.22

David Shayler’s detailed account has been challenged, but many other sources reveal that UK support for Libyan jihadists long antedates the present conflict.23

Even more ominous for the future than the nationalistic LIFG may be the fighters from the more internationalist Al Qaeda in the Maghreb (AQIM) who have seized the opportunity presented by the war to enter the conflict, and equip themselves from Gaddafi’s looted armories.24 AQIM presents a special concern because of recent reports that, like other al Qaeda associates from Afghanistan to Kosovo, it is increasingly financed by payoffs from regional drug traffickers.25

In short, the NATO campaign in Libya is in support of a coalition in which the future status of present and former al-Qaeda allies is likely to be strengthened.26 And western forces have been secretly supporting them from the outset.

The U.S.-al-Qaeda Alliance in Bosnia

Similarly, Clinton’s interventions in Bosnia and Kosovo were presented as humanitarian. But both sides had committed atrocities in those conflicts; Like the western media, Washington downplayed the Muslim atrocities because of its other interests.

Most Americans are aware that Clinton dispatched U.S. forces to Bosnia to enforce the Dayton peace accords after a well-publicized Serbian atrocity: the massacre of thousands of Muslims at Srebrenica. Thanks to a vigorous campaign by the p.r. firm Ruder Finn, Americans heard a great deal about the Srebrenica massacre, but far less about the beheadings and other atrocities by Muslims that preceded and helped account for it.

A major reason for the Serb attack on Srebrenica was to deal with the armed attacks mounted from that base on nearby villages: “intelligence sources said it was that harassment which precipitated the Serb attack on the 1,500 Muslim defenders inside the enclave.”27 General Philippe Morillon, commander of the UN troops in Bosnia from 1992 to 1993, testified to the ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia) that Muslim forces based in Srebrenica had “engaged in attacks during Orthodox holidays and destroyed villages, massacring all the inhabitants. This created a degree of hatred that was quite extraordinary in the region”28 According to Prof. John Schindler,

Between May and December 1992, Muslim forces repeatedly attacked Serb villages around Srebrenica, killing and torturing civilians; some were mutilated and burned alive. Even pro-Sarajevo accounts concede that Muslim forces in Srebrenica…murdered over 1,300 Serbs…and had “ethnically cleansed a vast area.29

Former U.S. ambassador to Croatia Peter Galbraith later admitted in an interview that the U.S. administration was aware of “small numbers of atrocities” being committed by the foreign mujahedin in Bosnia, but dismissed the atrocities as “in the scheme of things not a big issue.”30

Other sources reveal that Washington gave a tacit green light to Croatia’s arming and augmentation of the Muslim presence in Srebrenica.31 Soon C-130 Hercules planes. some but not all of them Iranian, were dropping arms to the Muslims, in violation of the international arms embargo which the U.S. officially respected. More Arab-Afghan mujahedin arrived as well. Many of the airdrops and some of the mujahedin were at Tuzla, 70 kilometers from Srebrenica.32

According to The Spectator (London), the Pentagon was using other countries such as Turkey and Iran in this flow of arms and warriors:

From 1992 to 1995, the Pentagon assisted with the movement of thousands of Mujahideen and other Islamic elements from Central Asia into Europe, to fight alongside Bosnian Muslims against the Serbs. …. As part of the Dutch government’s inquiry into the Srebrenica massacre of July 1995, Professor Cees Wiebes of Amsterdam University compiled a report entitled ‘Intelligence and the War in Bosnia’, published in April 2002. In it he details the secret alliance between the Pentagon and radical Islamic groups from the Middle East, and their efforts to assist Bosnia’s Muslims. By 1993, there was a vast amount of weapons-smuggling through Croatia to the Muslims, organised by ‘clandestine agencies’ of the USA, Turkey and Iran, in association with a range of Islamic groups that included Afghan Mujahideen and the pro-Iranian Hezbollah. Arms bought by Iran and Turkey with the financial backing of Saudi Arabia were airlifted from the Middle East to Bosnia — airlifts with which, Wiebes points out, the USA was ‘very closely involved’.33

Cees Wiebes’ detailed account, based on years of research, documents both the case for American responsibility and the vigorous American denials of it:

At 17.45 on 10 February 1995, the Norwegian Captain Ivan Moldestad, a Norwegian helicopter detachment (NorAir) pilot, stood in the doorway of his temporary accommodation just outside Tuzla. It was dark, and suddenly he heard the sound of the propellers of an approaching transport aircraft; it was unmistakably a four engine Hercules C-130. Moldestad noticed that the Hercules was being escorted by two jet fighters, but could not tell their precise type in the darkness. There were other sightings of this secretive night-time flight to Tuzla Air Base (TAB). A sentry who was on guard duty outside the Norwegian medical UN unit in Tuzla also heard and saw the lights of the Hercules and the accompanying jet fighters. Other UN observers, making use of night vision equipment, also saw the cargo aircraft and the fighter planes concerned. The reports were immediately forwarded to the NATO Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC) in Vicenza and the UNPF Deny Flight Cell in Naples. When Moldestad phoned Vicenza, he was told that there was nothing in the air that night, and that he must be mistaken. When Moldestad persisted, the connection was broken.

The secretive C-130 cargo aircraft flights and night-time arms drops on Tuzla caused great agitation within UNPROFOR and the international community in February and March 1995. When asked, a British general responded with great certainty to the question of the origin of the secret supplies via TAB: ‘They were American arms deliveries. No doubt about that. And American private companies were involved in these deliveries.’ This was no surprising answer, because this general had access to intelligence gathered by a unit of the British Special Air Services (SAS) in Tuzla. The aircraft had come within range of this unit’s special night vision equipment, and the British saw them land. It was a confirmation that a clandestine American operation had taken place in which arms, ammunition and military communication equipment were supplied to the ABiH. These night-time operations led to much consternation within the UN and NATO, and were the subject of countless speculations.34

Wiebes reports the possibility that the C-130s, some of which were said to have taken off from a US Air Force base in Germany, were actually controlled by Turkish authorities.35 But U.S. involvement was detected in the elaborate cover-up, from the fact that US AWACS aircraft, which should have provided a record of the secret flights, were either withdrawn from duty at the relevant times, or manned with US crews.36

A summary of Wiebes’ exhaustive report was published in the Guardian:

The Dutch report reveals how the Pentagon formed a secret alliance with Islamist groups in an Iran-Contra-style operation.

US, Turkish and Iranian intelligence groups worked with the Islamists in what the Dutch report calls the "Croatian pipeline". Arms bought by Iran and Turkey and financed by Saudi Arabia were flown into Croatia initially by the official Iranian airline, Iran Air, and later in a fleet of black C-130 Hercules aircraft.

The report says that mojahedin fighters were also flown in, and that the US was "very closely involved" in the operation which was in flagrant breach of the embargo. British secret services obtained documents proving that Iran also arranged deliveries of arms directly to Bosnia, it says.

The operation was promoted by the Pentagon, rather than the CIA, which was cautious about using Islamist groups as a conduit for arms, and about breaching the embargo. When the CIA tried to place its own people on the ground in Bosnia, the agents were threatened by the mojahedin fighters and the Iranians who were training them.

The UN relied on American intelligence to monitor the embargo, a dependency which allowed Washington to manipulate it at will.37

Meanwhile the Al-Kifah Center in Brooklyn, which in the 1980s had supported the “Arab-Afghans” fighting in Afghanistan, turned its attentions to Bosnia.

Al-Kifah’s English-language newsletter Al-Hussam (The Sword) also began publishing regular updates on jihad action in Bosnia….Under the control of the minions of Shaykh Omar Abdel Rahman, the newsletter aggressively incited sympathetic Muslims to join the jihad in Bosnia and Afghanistan themselves….The Al-Kifah Bosnian branch office in Zagreb, Croatia, housed in a modern, two-story building, was evidently in close communication with the organizational headquarters in New York. The deputy director of the Zagreb office, Hassan Hakim, admitted to receiving all orders and funding directly from the main United States office of Al-Kifah on Atlantic Avenue controlled by Shaykh Omar Abdel Rahman.38

One of the trainers at al-Kifah, Rodney Hampton-El, assisted in this support program, recruiting warriors from U.S. Army bases like Fort Belvoir, and also training them to be fighters in New Jersey.39 In 1995 Hampton-El was tried and convicted for his role (along with al-Kifah leader Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman) in the plot to blow up New York landmarks. At the trial Hampton-El testified how he was personally given thousands of dollars for this project by Saudi Crown Prince Faisal in the Washington Saudi Embassy.40

About this time, Ayman al-Zawahiri, today the leader of al Qaeda, came to America to raise funds in Silicon Valley, where he was hosted by Ali Mohamed, a U.S. double agent and veteran of U.S. Army Special Forces who had been the top trainer at the Al-Kifah mosque.41 Almost certainly al-Zawahiri’s fund-raising was in support of the mujahedin in Bosnia, reportedly his chief concern at the time. (“The Asian edition of the Wall Street Journal reported that, in 1993, Mr. bin Laden had appointed Sheik Ayman Al-Zawahiri, the al-Qaeda's second-in-command, to direct his operations in the Balkans.”)42

Wiebes’ detailed report and the news stories based on it corroborated earlier charges made in 1997 by Sir Alfred Sherman, top adviser to Margaret Thatcher and co-founder of the influential rightwing nationalist Centre for Policy Studies, that “The U.S. encouraged and facilitated the dispatch of arms to the Moslems via Iran and Eastern Europe -- a fact which was denied in Washington at the time in face of overwhelming evidence.”43 This was part of his case that

The war in Bosnia was America's war in every sense of the word. The US administration helped start it, kept it going, and prevented its early end. Indeed all the indications are that it intends to continue the war in the near future, as soon as its Moslem proteges are fully armed and trained.

Specifically, Sherman charged that in 1992 Acting Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger had instructed Warren Zimmerman, U.S. Ambassador in Belgrade, to persuade Bosnian President Izetbegovic to renege on his agreement to preserve Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian unity, and instead accept American aid for an independent Bosnian state.44

The U.S.-al-Qaeda Alliance in Kosovo

This raises the disturbing question: were some Americans willing to ignore the atrocities of the al-Kifah mujahideen in Bosnia in exchange for mujahideen assistance in NATO’s successive wars dismantling Yugoslavia, the last surviving socialist republic in Europe? One thing is clear: Sir Alfred Sherman’s prediction in 1997 that America “intends to continue the war in the near future” soon proved accurate, when in 1999 American support for al-Qaeda’s allies in Kosovo, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), led to a controversial NATO bombing campaign.

As was widely reported at the time, the KLA was supported both by the networks of bin Laden and al-Zawahiri, and also by the traffic in Afghan heroin:

Some members of the Kosovo Liberation Army, which has financed its war effort through the sale of heroin, were trained in terrorist camps run by international fugitive Osama bin Laden -- who is wanted in the 1998 bombing of two U.S. embassies in Africa that killed 224 persons, including 12 Americans.45

According to former DEA agent Michael Levine, the decision of Clinton to back the KLA dismayed his DEA contacts who knew it to be a major drug-trafficking organization.46 As Ralf Mutschke of Interpol testified to Congress,

In 1998, the U.S. State Department listed the KLA as a terrorist organization, indicating that it was financing its operations with money from the international heroin trade and loans from Islamic countries and individuals, among them allegedly Usama bin Laden. Another link to bin Laden is the fact that the brother of a leader in an Egyptian Djihad organization and also a military commander of Usama bin Laden, was leading an elite KLA unit during the Kosovo conflict. [This is almost certainly Zaiman or Mohammed al-Zawahiri, one of the brothers of Ayman al-Zawahiri.] In 1998, the KLA was described as a key player in the drugs for arms business in 1998, "helping to transport 2 billion USD worth of drugs annually into Western Europe". The KLA and other Albanian groups seem to utilize a sophisticated network of accounts and companies to process funds. In 1998, Germany froze two bank accounts belonging to the "United Kosova" organization after it had been discovered that several hundred thousand dollars had been deposited into those accounts by a convicted Kosovar Albanian drug trafficker.47

According to the London Sunday Times, the KLA’s background did not deter the US from training and strengthening it:

American intelligence agents have admitted they helped to train the Kosovo Liberation Army before Nato's bombing of Yugoslavia. The disclosure angered some European diplomats, who said this had undermined moves for a political solution to the conflict between Serbs and Albanians. Central Intelligence Agency officers were ceasefire monitors in Kosovo in 1998 and 1999, developing ties with the KLA and giving American military training manuals and field advice on fighting the Yugoslav army and Serbian police.

When the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), which co-ordinated the monitoring, left Kosovo a week before airstrikes began a year ago, many of its satellite telephones and global positioning systems were secretly handed to the KLA, ensuring that guerrilla commanders could stay in touch with Nato and Washington. Several KLA leaders had the mobile phone number of General Wesley Clark, the Nato commander.48

According to former U.S. Army Captain David Hackworth, later Newsweek's contributing editor for defense, former US military officers in the private U.S. military contractor MPRI (Military Professional Resources Incorporated) not only trained KLA personnel, but even fought alongside them.49 This reinforced earlier reports that MPRI personnel had also been involved in training Croatians at the time of the illicit Croatian arms pipeline to Bosnia.50

After Kosovo, Sherman repeated his warnings against “expanding American hegemony”, exercised through NATO with varying degrees of partnership and subordination of other players. …. The process commenced with the deliberate break-up of Yugoslavia, led by Germany and acquiesced in by the other European Union members and the United States (1991). It progressed with sanctions against Serbia for attempting to help the western Serbs (1992). In Bosnia America's early involvement sparked off civil war (the Zimmerman Visit to Izetbegovic, in the aftermath of the Lisbon Agreement), and it eventually matured into the bombing campaign of 1999 and the occupation of Kosovo.51

Others suspected that America’s involvement was motivated by its desire to see a new Trans-Balkan pipeline and a new U.S. military base in the Balkans to defend it. Although such critics were initially ridiculed, both predictions soon proved true. The U.S.-registered AMBO corporation, headed by former BP executive Ted Ferguson, began construction of a pipeline from Albania to Macedonia in 2007.52 And nearby is a semi-permanent U.S. Army base, Camp Bondsteel, that can hold up to 7000 soldiers.

In 2007, President George W. Bush created a new United States Africa Command, U.S. AFRICOM. But its HQ at present is in Stuttgart, Germany. This has led to speculation on the Internet that America has its eyes on Libya’s international airport, which the U.S. Air Force had operated as Wheelus Air Force Base until its ouster in 1970.

II. From the First WTC Bombing to 9/11: The Domestic U.S. Fallout from Collusion with Terrorists

The fact that Americans have had repeated recourse to al-Qaeda Islamists as assets in their expansive projects does not constitute proof that there is any long-term systematic strategy to do so, still less that there is a secret alliance.

I believe rather that America is suffering from a malignant condition of military power run amok – power which, like a malignant cancer, tends to reproduce itself at times in ways counterproductive to larger goals. Those who are appointed to manage this vast power become inured to using any available assets, in order to sustain a sociodynamic of global intervention that they are, ironically, powerless to challenge or turn around. The few dissenters who try to do so are predictably sidelined or even ejected from the heights of power, as not being “on the team.”

Those in Washington who decided to assist terrorists and drug traffickers seem not to have considered such “externalities” as the domestic consequences from official dealings with criminal terrorist networks that are global in scope. Yet the consequences were and are real, for the Islamist terrorists that were protected by the US in their subversion of order in Kosovo and other countries were soon being protected inside the US as well. As former DEA agent Michael Levine reported of the KLA-linked drug networks, “These guys have a network that's active on the streets of this country.... They're the worst elements of society that you can imagine, and now, according to my sources in drug enforcement, they're politically protected.”53

In other words, Kosovars were now enjoying the de facto protection in their U.S. drug trafficking that had earlier been enjoyed by the CIA’s Chinese, Cuban, Italian, Thai, and other ethnic assets dating from the 1940s.54

Mother Jones reported in 2000, after the NATO bombing in support of the KLA that Afghan heroin, much of it distributed by Kosovar Albanians, now accounted for almost 20 percent of the heroin seized in America -- nearly double the percentage taken four years earlier.55 Meanwhile in Europe, it was estimated that “Kosovo Albanians control 40% of Europe's heroin.”56 In addition there is a near universal consensus that the outcome of the war in Bosnia left al-Qaeda’s jihadists much more strongly entrenched in the Balkans than they had been earlier. In the words of Professor John Schindler, Bosnia, “the most pro-Western society in the umma [Muslim world],” was “converted into a Jihadistan through domestic deceit, violent conflict, and misguided international intervention.”57

It is too soon to predict with confidence what will be the domestic fallout or “blowback” from NATO’s empowerment of Islamists by creating chaos in Libya. But the domestic consequences of similar U.S. interventions in the past are indisputable, and have contributed to major acts of terrorism in this country.

American protection for the Al-Kifah mujahedin support base in Brooklyn led to interference in domestic U.S. law enforcement. This enabled mujahedin recruits at al-Kifah to plot and/or engage in a number of domestic and foreign terrorist attacks on America. These attacks include the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993, the so-called “New York landmarks plot” of 1995, and the Embassy attacks of 1998 in Kenya and Tanzania. Involved in all of these events were terrorists who should have been rounded up earlier because of crimes already committed, but were allowed to stay free.

Central to all of these attacks was the role of Ali Mohamed, the former U.S. Special Forces double agent at al-Kifah, and his trainees. Ali Mohamed, despite being on a State Department Watch List, had come to America around 1984, on what an FBI consultant has called “a visa program controlled by the CIA.”58 So did the “blind Sheik” Omar Abdel Rahman, the leader of al-Kifah; Rahman was issued two visas, one of them “by a CIA officer working undercover in the consular section of the American embassy in Sudan.”59

Ali Mohamed trained al-Kifah recruits in guerrilla tactics near Brooklyn. This operation was considered so sensitive that the New York police and the FBI later protected two of the recruits from arrest, when they murdered the Jewish extremist Meir Kahane. Instead, the New York Police called the third assassin (El Sayyid Nosair) a “lone deranged gunman,” and released the other two (Mahmoud Abouhalima and Mohammed Salameh) from detention. This enabled Abouhalima and Salameh, along with another Ali Mohamed trainee (Nidal Ayyad) to take part three years later in the first (1993) bombing of the World Trade Center.60

Prosecutors protected Ali Mohamed again in the 1994-95 “Landmarks” trial, when Omar Abdul Rahman and some of Mohamed’s trainees were convicted of conspiring to blow up New York buildings. In that case the prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald, named Ali Mohamed as an unindicted co-conspirator, yet allowed him to remain free. When the defense issued a subpoena for Mohamed to appear in court, the prosecutor intervened to avoid Mohamed’s having to testify.61

Ali Mohamed was well aware of his protected status, and used it in early 1993 to obtain his release when detained by the RCMP at Vancouver Airport. As this episode has so ignored in the US press, I will quote the account of it in Canada’s premier newspaper, the Toronto Globe and Mail:

The RCMP had their hands on one of the key insiders of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist network, but he was released after he had Mounties call his handler at the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Ali Mohamed, a Californian of Egyptian origin who is believed to be the highest ranking al-Qaeda member to have landed in Canada, was working with U.S. counterterrorist agents, playing a double or triple game, when he was questioned in 1993. Mr. Mohamed now is in a U.S. prison.

"The people of the RCMP told me by midnight that I can go now," Mr. Mohamed — who confessed in the United States to being a close bin Laden associate — wrote at the time in an affidavit shown Wednesday to The Globe and Mail.

The incident happened after customs agents at Vancouver International Airport detained Essam Marzouk, an Egyptian who had arrived from Damascus via Frankfurt, after they found him carrying two forged Saudi passports.

Mr. Mohamed, who was waiting to pick him up at the airport, inquired of the police about his friend's detention. That made the RCMP curious about Mr. Mohamed, but he dispelled their suspicions by telling them he was a collaborator with the FBI.62

The Globe and Mail story makes it clear that in 1993 Mohamed already had a handler at the FBI, to whom the RCMP deferred. Patrick Fitzgerald, in his statement to the 9/11 Commission, gave a quite different story: that Mohamed, after returning from Nairobi in 1994, applied for a job “as an FBI translator.”63 The difference is vital: because the FBI told the RCMP to release Mohamed, he was then able to travel to Nairobi and plan for bombing the U.S. Embassy there.

According to author Peter Lance, by 2007 Fitzgerald had enough evidence to arrest and indict Mohamed, but did not. Instead he interviewed Mohamed in California, along with an FBI agent, Jack Cloonan. After the interview Fitzgerald chose not to arrest Mohamed, but instead to tap his phone and bug his computer. Lance asks a very relevant question: did Fitzgerald fear that ”any indictment of al Qaeda’s chief spy would rip the lid off years of gross negligence by three of America’s top intelligence agencies”?64

One month after the Embassy bombings, Ali Mohamed was finally arrested, on September 10, 1998. Yet when Fitzgerald handed down thirteen indictments two months later, Mohamed’s name was not among them. Instead Fitzgerald again allowed him to avoid cross-examination in court by accepting a plea bargain, the terms of which are still partly unknown. Specifically we do not know the term of Mohamed’s sentence: that page of his court appearance transcript (p. 17) is filed under seal.65

As part of the plea bargain, Mohamed told the court that at the personal request of bin Laden, he did surveillance on the U.S. Embassy in Kenya, “took pictures, drew diagrams, and wrote a report” which he personally delivered to bin Laden in the Sudan.66 Patrick Fitzgerald, the prosecutor who negotiated the plea bargain, testified at length about Mohamed to the 9/11 Commission, who concluded in their Report (p. 68) that Mohamed “led” the embassy bombing operation. Ironically, the Embassy bombing is the official reason today why Zawahiri (like bin Laden before him) is wanted by the FBI, with a $25 million bounty on his head.

But the American public has been denied the right to learn about Ali Mohamed’s involvement in other terrorist events. Particularly relevant would be his involvement in 9/11. As his FBI handler Cloonan later reported, Mohamed explained to him that he personally trained the accused hijackers in how to seize planes:

He [had] conducted training for al Qaeda on how to hijack a plane. He ran practical exercises in Pakistan and he said, “This is how you get a box cutter on board. You take the knife, you remove the blade and you wrap it in [word blacked out] and put it in your carry-on luggage.” They’d read the FAA regulations. They knew four inches wouldn’t go through. “This is how you position yourself,” he said. “I taught people how to sit in first class. You sit here and some sit here.” He wrote the whole thing out.67


At present America is in the midst of an unprecedented budget crisis, brought on in large part by its multiple wars. Nevertheless it is also on the point of several further interventions: in Yemen, Somalia, possibly Syria or Iran (where the CIA is said to be in contact with the drug-trafficking al-Qaeda offshoot Jundallah),68 and most assuredly in Libya.

Only the American public can stop them. But in order for the people to rise up and cry Stop! there must first be a better understanding of the dark alliances underlying America’s alleged humanitarian interventions.

This awareness may increase when Americans finally realize that there is domestic blowback from assisting terrorists as well. The long elaborate dance between Mohamed and his Justice Department overseers makes it clear that the handling of terrorists for corrupt purposes corrupts the handlers as well as the terrorists. Eventually both the handlers and the handled become in effect co-conspirators, with secrets about their collusion both parties need to conceal.

Until the public takes notice, that concealment of collusion will continue. And as long as it continues, we will continue to be denied the truth about what collusions underlay 9/11.

Worse, we are likely to see more terrorist attacks, at home as well as abroad, along with more illegal, costly, and unnecessary wars.

Peter Dale Scott, a former Canadian diplomat and English Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, is the author of Drugs Oil and WarThe Road to 9/11and The War Conspiracy: JFK, 9/11, and the Deep Politics of War. His most recent book is American War Machine: Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection and the Road to Afghanistan. His website, which contains a wealth of his writings, is here. 

Peter Dale Scott is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

Articles on related subjects

• Tim Shorrock, Reading the Egyptian Revolution Through the Lens of US Policy in South Korea Circa 1980: Revelations in US Declassified Documents

• Peter Dale Scott, Rape in Libya: America’s recent major wars have all been accompanied by memorable falsehoods

• Peter Dale Scott, The Libyan War, American Power and the Decline of the Petrodollar System

• Peter Dale Scott, Who are the Libyan Freedom Fighters and Their Patrons?

• Herbert P. Bix, The Middle East Revolutions in Historical Perspective: Egypt, Occupied Palestine, and the United States


1 Cf. Telegraph (London), “Defence Cuts in Doubt over Libya, Says Military Adviser,“ April 7, 2011, “The Libyan crisis has raised doubts about the Coalition’s defence review and could force ministers to reverse cuts including the scrapping of Britain’s Harrier jump jets, a senior military adviser has said,” (link).

2 Scott, The Road to 9/11, 163-65.

3 Scott, The Road to 9/11, 44-45; citing Robert Dreyfuss, Devil’s Game, 109-11; Saïd Aburish, A Brutal Friendship, 60-61; Miles Copeland, The Game Player, 149-54. Cf. Ian Johnson, “Washington’s Secret History with the Muslim Brotherhood,” New York Review of Books, February 5, 2011.

4 John R. Schindler, Unholy Terror: Bosnia, Al-Qa’ida, and the Rise of Global Jihad, 71, 81. According to Schindler, “CNN repeatedly showed images of ‘dead Muslims’ killed by Serbs that were actually Serbs murdered by Muslims” (92).

5 Schindler, Unholy Terror, 91.

6 Schindler, Unholy Terror, 179-80; Christian Science Monitor, March 28, 2011. In 1994 BHL presented Bosnian leader Izetbegovich to French President Mitterand; in 2011 BHL arranged for three Benghazi leaders to meet French President Sarkozy. Cf. “Libyan rebels will recognise Israel, Bernard-Henri Lévy tells Netanyahu,” Radio France Internationale, June 2, 2011, “Libya’s rebel National Transitional Council (NTC) is ready to recognise Israel, according to French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy, who says he has passed the message on to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,” (link).

7 For Big Oil’s complaints with Gaddafi, see Peter Dale Scott, "The Libyan War, American Power and the Decline of the Petrodollar System", Asian-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, April 27, 2011.

8 Scott, Road to 9/11, 77; citing Diego Cordovez and Selig S. Harrison, Out of Afghanistan: The Inside Story of the Soviet Withdrawal (New York: Oxford University Press, 16), 16.

9 Scott, Road to 9/11, 72-75; quoting from "Les Révélations d'un Ancien Conseilleur de Carter: ‘Oui, la CIA est Entrée en Afghanistan avant les Russes...’" Le Nouvel Observateur [Paris], January 15-21, 1998: “B[rzezinski]: [On Jul 3, 1979] I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.… Q: And neither do you regret having supported Islamic fundamentalism, which has given arms and advice to future terrorists?

B: What is more important in world history? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some agitated Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?”  

10 Ahmed Rashid, Taliban, 129. According to the Spanish author Robert Montoya, the idea originated in the elite Safari Club that had been created by French intelligence chief Alexandre de Marenches in 1976, bringing together other intelligence chiefs such as General Akhtar Abdur Rahman of ISI in Pakistan and Kamal Adham of Saudi Arabia (Roberto Montoya, El Mundo [Madrid], February 16, 2003).

11 Scott, Road to 9/11, 139-40; citing Steven Emerson, American Jihad, 131-32.

12 Peter Dale Scott, "The Libyan War, American Power and the Decline of the Petrodollar System", Asian-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, April 27, 2011.

13 “PR firm helps Libyan rebels to campaign for support from US,” The, April 12, 2011.

14 Rob Crilly, Daily Telegraph (London), March 23, 2011; quoted in Stephen Lendman, “Planned Regime Change in Libya,” SteveLendmanBlog, March 28, 2011. Cf. Los Angeles Times, March 24, 2011.

15 Morris Herman, “Rebel Militias Include the Human Traffickers of Benghazi,” Foreign Policy Journal, July 28, 2011, quoting Thomas C. Mountain.

16 Anissa Haddadi, “Does the Transitional Council Really Represent Libyan Democracy and Opposition to Gaddafi?” International Business Times, July 20, 2011.

17 Haddadi, “Does the Transitional Council Really Represent Libyan Democracy and Opposition to Gaddafi?” International Business Times, July 20, 2011.

18 Center for Defense Information, “In the Spotlight: The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG),” January 18, 2005. That the LIFG is pursuing its own goals may explain the rebel seizure of anti-air force missiles from captured Gaddafi armories: these missiles, useless against Gaddafi (who no longer has an air force) are apparently being shipped out of Libya for sale or use elsewhere (New York Times, July 15, 2011).

19 December 2007 West Point Study, quoted in Webster Tarpley, “The CIA’s Libya Rebels: The Same Terrorists who Killed US, NATO Troops in Iraq,”, March 24, 2011.

20 Daily Mail (London), March 25, 2001, link; cited in Lendman; “Planned Regime Change in Libya.”

21 Akhtar Jamal, “US UK, French forces land in Libya,” Pakistan Observer, February 2011.

22 Gary Gambill, "The Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), Jamestown Foundation," Terrorism Monitor, May 5, 2005; citing Al-Hayat (London), 20 October 1995 [“communiqué”]; "The Shayler affair: The spooks, the Colonel and the jailed whistle-blower," The Observer (London), 9 August 1998; Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquié, Ben Laden: La Verite interdite (Bin Ladin: The Forbidden Truth). Cf. also Annie Machon, Spies, Lies and Whistleblowers: MI5, MI6 And the Shayler Affair (Book Guild Publishing, 2005) [Shayler].

23 E.g. Washington Post, October 7, 2001: “Over the years, some dissidents suspected by foreign governments of involvement in terrorist acts have been protected by the British government for one reason or another from deportation or extradition.... In the past, terrorism experts say, Britain benefited significantly from its willingness to extend at least conditional hospitality to a wide range of Arab dissidents and opposition figures .... Mustafa Alani, a terrorism expert at the Royal United Services Institute for Defense Studies, a London think tank, said [Anas] al-Liby was probably left in legal limbo by the British government, allowing him to be used or discarded as circumstances permitted.” 

24 “Sahelian Concern Deepens over Libya, AQIM,” Sahel Blog, May 2, 2011. According to the Los Angeles Times, AQIM vowed on February 24, 2011 to “do whatever we can” to help the rebel cause. (Ken Dilanian, “US Finds no Firm Al Qaeda Presence in Libya Rebellion,” Los Angeles Times, March 24, 2011). Cf. “Libya rebels not anti-West, but Qaeda a worry-group,” Reuters, March 29, 2011; “The Evolving Threat of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,” Strategic Forum, National Defense University; CNN World, February 25, 2011.

25 Andre Lesage, “The Evolving Threat of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,” Strategic Forum, National Defense University; CNN World, February 25, 2011, 6. Cf. “Rogue planes flying drugs across Atlantic; Al-Qaeda Links;,” National Post, January 14, 2014; “Latin drug lords find allies in African Islamists,” Washington Times, November 17, 2009.

26 A story in the New York Times (“Exiled Islamists Watch Rebellion Un

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LA GRAN BUFALA DI WIKIPEDIA (scrivo per fatto personale).

Wikipedia, enciclopedia in rete che viene considerata da tutti come il punto primo per avere delle informazioni “sicure”, per fare delle ricerche quando si deve parlare o scrivere di un argomento qualsiasi, Wikipedia che chiede contributi economici per fare sempre meglio il suo lavoro, Wikipedia che si vorrebbe far dichiarare addirittura dall’Unesco “patrimonio dell’umanità” (!): Wikipedia, mi si consenta, è una gran bufala.
Ovviamente parlo per esperienza personale, ma dato che l’argomento che meglio conosco sono io, ritengo di essere la persona più adatta per dire che, quantomeno per ciò che su di me sta scritto in Wikipedia, la medesima è una gran bufala (auspico peraltro che gli altri argomenti vengano trattati con più cognizione di causa di quanto non si sia fatto con me).
E che non sia solo una bufala ma sia in malafede è dimostrato dal fatto che più di una volta ho inviato correzioni e precisazioni, oltre a smentite, delle cose che su di me si scrivono e Wikipedia, imperterrita, ha continuato a propagare le sue bufale sulla sottoscritta e sul suo lavoro di ricerca.
Va detto che dopo avere comunicato ai gestori del sito che intendevo adire le vie legali se continuavano a scrivere falsità sul mio conto, oggi in Wikipedia appare parte della mia “biografia autorizzata”, cioè quella che io stessa ho messo in rete e che dovrebbe descrivere me stessa e la mia attività al di là del gossip che gira sul mio conto.
Però esiste tuttora, rintracciabile in rete con il mio nome e cognome, una “discussione” sulle foibe:
( )
della quale dico, prima di tutto, che mi pare allucinante che alcune persone, anonime, si permettano di scrivere pagine su pagine su un argomento che non conoscono (per loro stessa ammissione) trinciando sentenze su quello che hanno scritto altri, sputando giudizi e critiche che vanno anche a volte oltre il concetto giuridico di “continenza”, senza neppure comunicare alle persone che vengono vivisezionate in tal modo in pubblico se intendono intervenire per far valere le proprie ragioni (considerando che, quantomeno nel caso che mi riguarda, molte delle affermazioni che mi vengono attribuite NON SONO cose che ho detto io).
Cito innanzitutto un tale “presbite” (ottima la scelta del nickname, dato che da quanto scrive evidentemente deve avere dei problemi di vista se non ha capito quanto ho scritto, ma se è presbite si metta gli occhiali prima di interpretare distorcendo gli scritti altrui, altrimenti si potrebbe pensare che sia in mala fede) che ha profuso a piene mani note biografiche sulla mia persona che andrò a smentire pezzo a pezzo (scusate la lunghezza, ma non è piacevole vedere come persone sconosciute e per di più anonime si permettano di scrivere colossali bufale su di te in rete, visibili a tutto il mondo).
Inizio da questa “leggenda metropolitana”:
“la Cernigoi se n\'è andata sbattendo la porta da Rifondazione Comunista, dopo aver espressamente accusato i vertici del partito di partecipare ad una campagna internazionale di rivalutazione del fascismo e del nazionalismo, contro le forze partigiane comuniste”.
Falsità pura. Non sono uscita sbattendo la porta, semplicemente non ho rinnovato la tessera dal 2001 (molto prima che Rifondazione iniziasse a parlare di foibe), pur continuando a collaborare con il partito, prova ne sia che sono stata più volte candidata nelle loro liste, sia pure come indipendente, ed ho partecipato ad un convegno a Verona l’11/5/2002 organizzato da Rifondazione sulle foibe. Non ho mai accusato il partito di quanto sostiene il presbite, si veda il mio intervento agli atti del convegno di Venezia sulle foibe del 13/12/2003.

Prosegue il sedicente ipovedente:
“La Cernigoi partecipa attivamente alle attività di CNJ, un\'associazione a difesa della memoria storica della Jugoslavia di Tito, che fra l\'altro ha appoggiato a tutta forza Milosevic, anche quando Milosevic era già a L\'Aja con varie e terrificanti imputazioni sul capo. Perché questo? Perché Milosevic si presentava esteriormente non tanto come paladino della \"serbitudine\", quanto come ultimo difensore della Jugoslavia socialista”.
Preciso: sono socia e collaboro con il Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ), e non mi vergogno a dire che sono “jugonostalgica” nel senso che reputo positiva e valida l’esperienza della Jugoslavia socialista (esperienza fallita per tanti e tali motivi che non sono ricostruibili in poche righe ed io, a differenza di chi scrive nei blog per sputtanare la gente, sono restia a sputare sentenze solo per far vedere che mi esprimo), soprattutto se raffrontata alla situazione attuale degli staterelli in cui la Jugoslavia si è dissolta. Quanto a Milosevic, è vero che il CNJ collaborava alla sua difesa dato che le “varie e terrificanti imputazioni” erano in gran parte calunnie, ed è vero che abbiamo espresso dubbi sulle modalità del suicidio di Milosevic, al quale erano state tolte alcune medicine indispensabili. Il presbite si metta gli occhiali e legga (e riporti) tutto ciò che riferisce ad un argomento di cui intende parlare. Mezza verità è mezza bugia, si dice.

Andiamo avanti, perché qui si va nella diffamazione bella e buona.
“ La Cernigoi è quella che afferma che la caccia al Ciellenista (membro del Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale) di Trieste da parte degli jugoslavi era cosa buona e giusta, così come sono giustificabili le varie fucilazioni di questi antifascisti. Qual era il loro peccato mortale, aggiungo io? Quello di non aver aderito immediatamente all\'autoproclamazione di annessione della Venezia Giulia alla Jugoslavia, fatta ancora nel 1943 dalle forze partigiane di Tito”.
Lasciando da parte l’aggiunta del presbite (che se pensa in tal modo non vedo perché debba pretendere di coinvolgere anche la sottoscritta nei suoi pensieri) sfido chiunque a trovare mie affermazioni del tono di quelle sopra descritte.
Il concetto, che io ho affrontato storicamente e che ho espresso non solo nei miei scritti ma in dibattiti pubblici (come quello seguito alla presentazione del libro di Raoul Pupo “Trieste 1945” svoltosi il 21/4/2010) è che l’esercito jugoslavo, essendo uno degli eserciti alleati contro l’Asse (l’Italia era solo “cobelligerante”, ricordiamo), aveva tutto il diritto, sancito dalle regole dell’armistizio firmato dall’Italia, di chiedere “collaborazione” (nel senso che dovevano porsi a loro disposizione) alle forze armate presenti sul territorio dove arrivavano. A Trieste il Corpo Volontari della Libertà (CVL), dipendente dal CLN (che già era uscito dal CLN Alta Italia perché si rifiutava di collaborare con la resistenza jugoslava: e qui va ribadito un concetto che spesso viene presentato capovolto: quando si dice che a Trieste il Partito comunista non faceva parte del CLN, bisognerebbe specificare che era stato per primo il CLN triestino a porsi fuori dal CLNAI che aveva dato come direttiva quella di allearsi con gli Jugoslavi, e per questo il PC triestino, che lavorava assieme al Fronte di Liberazione – Osvobodilna Fronta non faceva parte del CLN), forse per un malinteso senso di patriottismo, o forse per altri motivi, non volle consegnare le armi all’esercito jugoslavo, così come le guardie di finanza (incorporate all’ultimo momento nel CVL) in alcuni casi non si misero a disposizione degli jugoslavi o addirittura spararono loro contro, probabilmente perché ordini sbagliati erano stati loro impartiti dall’alto (e qui potremmo aprire tutta una lunga dissertazione sul “piano Graziani” che teorizzava le provocazioni contro gli Alleati in modo da creare disordini ed incidenti). Va considerato che si era alla fine di un conflitto mondiale dove sostanzialmente i combattenti erano divisi in due gruppi: quelli che combattevano con l’Asse e quelli che combattevano con gli Alleati. Se all’arrivo di un esercito alleato alcuni armati non si ponevano a loro disposizione, venivano logicamente considerati come “nemici”, con le conseguenze del caso, e ciò vale sia per chi non si consegnava agli angloamericani che per chi non si consegnava agli jugoslavi. Ciò significa valutare i fatti storici e non “ragionare come nel 1945” quando si “eliminava tutti coloro con cui non ci si trovava d’accordo”, accusa che Pupo ha mosso alla sottoscritta nel corso del convegno, e che trovo piuttosto pesante ed offensiva, oltre che fuori luogo nell’ambito di un dibattito storico. L’interpretazione del presbite può andare di pari passo con quella del professor Pupo, ma si tratta di valutazioni politiche e non storiche, ribadisco. Ed a questo proposito rimarco che nel link di Wikipedia, pure rimaneggiato in base alle mie informazioni, , è rimasta questa frase:
“Sulla medesima falsariga, ritiene giustificata la persecuzione jugoslava dei membri del Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale di Trieste che, secondo la Cernigoi, avrebbero agito in chiave anti-comunista e anti-jugoslava”.
Affermazione che rimanda al mio scritto “Luci ed ombre del CLN triestino”, che se letto fa comprendere che non si tratta di interpretazioni personali ma di riscontri storici sull’operato del suddetto CLN. Che io ritenga “giustificata” qualsivoglia persecuzione è invece una interpretazione del tutto fuorviante del mio scritto, per la quale mi riservo di adire le vie legali, in quanto diffamatoria.

Proseguiamo con l’intervento del presbite
“Impiegata pubblica, la Cernigoi è una ricercatrice storica dilettante (come moltissimi altri: questo non è sicuramente un problema: serve solo per capire da dove viene fuori) che ha scritto un libro sulle foibe a Trieste”
Il fatto che sia un’impiegata dell’Agenzia delle Entrate non è sicuramente cosa di cui mi vergogni o che nascondo, ma dato che la mia immagine pubblica non si basa sul fatto di dove lavori ma sulle cose che scrivo, e che dal fatto che il mio lavoro “ufficiale” (cioè quello che mi dà da vivere) sia nel pubblico impiego e non come giornalista, è servito negli anni ai miei detrattori per sminuire il valore di ciò che scrivo, come se Kafka (mi si consenta il paragone ardito) potesse essere meno Kafka per il fatto che viveva con un lavoro da impiegato. Ma è evidentemente funzionale per alcuni scrivere che dato che sono un’impiegata pubblica ciò inficia la mia credibilità come giornalista e ricercatrice, e se non si considera che sono iscritta all’Albo dei giornalisti dal 1981, quindi da ben prima di andare a lavorare per il Ministero delle Finanze (di nuovo la mezza verità) e che il valore di ciò che scrivo è dato da quello che scrivo e non da dove lavori, le precisazioni di persone come il presbite, ma anche del dottor Giorgio Rustia che per primo ha messo in evidenza il mio posto di lavoro per dimostrare la mia inattendibilità, possono influenzare chi non ha letto i miei studi ma per sapere di me va in Wikipedia. Del resto gli stessi dibattenti di Wikipedia si autodefiniscono “dilettanti”: il che però non pare ispirare loro l’idea di tacere riguardo le cose che non conoscono.

Tratto ora brevemente il discorso del presbite delle polemiche sorte sul mio libro (ma le polemiche non le ho create io…) 
“Per cui - incredibilmente - addirittura Claudia Cernigoi venne chiamata da alcune giunte di sinistra a parlare in occasione del Giorno del Ricordo, scatenando baraonde a non finire”.
Come se la colpa delle “baraonde” fosse della vittima delle contestazioni e non di chi la contesta… ma qui va detto che il discorso è del tutto sballato, perché dove sono andata a parlare non s’è mai svolta alcuna “baraonda” (e sfido il presbite a dimostrare il contrario) mentre è vero che all’Università di Roma alcuni neofascisti provocarono degli scontri per contestare il fatto che doveva svolgersi una presentazione del mio libro (senza la mia presenza, tra l’altro). 

Va qui riportato un passo del link riguardante i “massacri delle foibe” in Wikipedia
riguardante le presunte “testimonianze” dei “sopravvissuti”.
“Furono poche le persone che riuscirono a salvarsi risalendo dalle foibe comunque tra questi Graziano Udovisi, Giovanni Radeticchio e Vittorio Corsi hanno raccontato la loro tragica esperienza a storici e/o emittenti televisive”. 
Questo passo, che prosegue con la “testimonianza” di Udovisi, è copiato pari pari da un articolo di Paolo Granzotto, la cui biografia ( ) lo definisce “polemista”.
Dunque, al polemista Paolo Granzotto Wikipedia riconosce competenza storica tale da riportare papale papale un suo articolo (non un saggio, si badi bene), mentre Pol Vice, che ha, con fior di documenti, sbugiardato la storia di Udovisi viene così descritto:
“Pol Vice, un saggista di ispirazione marxista, ha pubblicato un saggio critico all\'interno del quale sottopone il testo di Udovisi ad una serrata critica, giungendo ad affermare che siamo in presenza di un falso testimone”.
Ed in nota leggiamo: “Pol Vice, Scampati o no. I racconti di chi \"uscì vivo\" dalla foiba, Edizioni Kappa Vu, Udine 2005. Il libro è stato scritto in collaborazione con Claudia Cernigoi, accusata dallo storico Raoul Pupo di far parte del gruppo di autori \"riduzionisti o negazionisti\" delle foibe”.
Insomma si sputtana il Pol Vice, non solo perché di “ispirazione marxista”, ma anche perché avrebbe scritto il suo libro con una “riduzionista o negazionista delle foibe” (fatto oltretutto inesatto, perché Pol Vice si limita a ringraziarmi per l’aiuto che gli ho fornito, ma il libro è tutto farina del suo sacco), così accusata da uno “storico” come Raoul Pupo del quale nessuno dice che è stato l’ultimo segretario della DC triestina prima che essa si sciogliesse, eppure, chissà perché, essere stati esponenti di spicco democristiani non comporta la stessa schedatura di “storici di parte” come l’avere idee di sinistra.

Tornando alla sottoscritta, accenno ancora alle frecciatine gratuite, dove di un sito in cui appaiono centinaia di articoli si va a cercare un unico articolo (scritto molti anni fa in cui ipotizzo che la Sars (qualcuno si ricorda ancora della Sars?) possa essere derivata da una mutazione genetica causata dalla manipolazione della soia (sulla quale esiste fior di documentazione), per dire che è un’ipotesi del tutto assurda, senza peraltro spiegarne il motivo (io non sono biologa, ma ho riportato alcuni dati che possono far riflettere, cosa che non hanno fatto invece i “dilettanti” che mi criticano). 
Del resto le spiegazioni non sono il forte del dibattito in Wikipedia, dato che un non meglio identificato “Inglig” ha scritto che “Cernigoi ha un peso nel mondo accademico pari a zero virgola” e “nessuno se l’è filata la Cernigoi, per cui nessuno l’ha nemmeno ritenuta degna d’una smentita argomentata”.
Ad Inglig non viene forse in mente che le smentite argomentate non sono arrivate perché non era possibile trovare gli argomenti per smentirmi, dato che il “mondo accademico” in realtà ha preso in considerazione i miei scritti (non solo quelli sulle foibe, come dirò poi) ed infatti Pupo e Spazzali si sono limitati ad inserirmi nelle “tesi militanti” del loro testo del 2003, ma non hanno in alcun modo portato documentazione per smentire le mie ricerche?
Il lato che potrebbe essere divertente, non fosse che è insultante per il mio lavoro, è che io sono l’unica ricercatrice che ha presentato fior di documentazione nuova ed inedita a comprova di quanto ha scritto (ed infatti io ho scritto in base alla documentazione che ho trovato e non alla mia “militanza”, che si esplica in modo diverso) ed in effetti sono l’unica ad essere tacciata come “militante”. E poi, piccola polemica personale: se nessuno mi fila, se conto zero virgola eccetera eccetera, come mai sono state riempite tante e tali pagine con informazioni sulla mia vita privata, chi ha fatto queste ricerche su di me, perché si è andato così a lungo avanti a litigare sul mio valore di ricercatrice (senza prendere contatto con me, ribadisco, nonostante io abbia una mail indicata nel mio sito), perché ancora oggi il mio profilo su Wikipedia è stato proposto per la cancellazione (censuriamo la persona sgradita?). Considerando che in Wikipedia vi è di tutto e di più, ed anche persone che hanno pubblicato molto meno di me, il fatto mi pare particolarmente interessante. Finché ciò che stava nel profilo poteva servire a sminuirmi, poteva stare. Adesso che hanno messo almeno una parte di verità andrebbe cancellato. Wow! Orwell avrebbe avuto di che scrivere in merito.

Voglio infine rilevare come gran parte del mio lavoro, delle mie ricerche storiche, non verta solo sulle foibe, come appare invece dal mio profilo su Wikipedia. Io non ho la monomania delle foibe (comportamento piuttosto ascrivibile ad altri, questi sì, pseudo studiosi dell’argomento), faccio ricerche ed ho scritto su molti altri temi, dalla storia della Resistenza e del collaborazionismo al confine orientale, alla strategia della tensione e del neofascismo, come si può agevolmente vedere visitando il mio sito.
Infine, a proposito del fatto che “nessuno mi filirebbe”, mi si consenta di far notare che il mio studio, pubblicato nel 2003 dal titolo “1972. Ricordi della strategia della tensione” è stato più volte citato da storici che si occupano dell’argomento ed è oggi reperibile in moltissimi siti. Non in Wikipedia, però…

agosto 2011

Tutto Incluso 20 Mega light: telefono + ADSL a soli 17,95 € al mese per 12 mesi. Passa a Tiscali

International Criminal Law - From Justice to Oppression

Published on : 17 July 2011

The Nuremberg Trials of 1946 advanced international law in a fundamental way. For the first time in history the victims of aggressive war brought their attackers to justice and aggression was defined as the ultimate war crime from which all others flow. Today, international war crimes trials are used by the aggressor to persecute the victims of their aggression. International law has turned full circle from justice to oppression, from justice to revenge.

By Christopher Black (*)

What can better illustrate this than the one-sided justice at the ad hoc tribunals, the ICTY and ICTR, where the victims of western aggression are accused of the grossest slanders and crimes in order to obscure the real facts of those wars under a cloud of darkness and confusion. What can better illustrate this than the statement by the judges of the ICTR in the case of General Ndindiliyimana, in its judgement in the Military II case, just released, at paragraph 2191, that “The Defence submits that the indictment and arrest ‘were motivated by political reasons’. The Chamber recalls that before this Chamber, the Defence stated that the prosecution made every effort to encourage Ndindiliyimana to testify against Colonel Bagasora, but Ndindiliyimana refused. The Prosecution did not deny this. Following his initial refusal, the Prosecution produced a far-reaching indictment charging Ndindiliyimana with a number of crimes….Most of those charges were eventually dropped.”

Political reasons

As the judges of the ICTR revealed that the court’s prosecutor indicted people for political reasons, the ICTY demanded that Serbia hand over General Mladic for allegedly engaging in a “joint criminal enterprise” to kill Croats and Bosnian Moslems. General Mladic maintains that he defended Serbs from the criminal actions of the Croat and Bosnian Moslem forces attacking his peoples, for which there is abundant evidence. Yet the victim once again is the accused and the witnesses brought against him are from the party of the aggressor.

Now we have the absurdity of the International Criminal Court issuing criminal indictments against various Africans whose common connection is to be in the way of western interests in Africa. The latest indictment against Colonel Ghaddafi, made because his country resists the aggression and war crimes of the USA and its satellites in Europe and Canada shows, even to the blind, that control of the ICC has been seized by the USA, even as that country refuses to be subject to its jurisdiction.

Shocking aspect

Never in history has “criminal justice” been perverted to such criminal ends. The most shocking aspect is the complete acquiescence of the nations of the world in this charade. Members of the Security Council, apart from the United States, have the power to annul the ad hoc tribunals but they do not. They have the power to refuse to refer clearly political accusations to the ICC. But they do not. It is they who are in charge and who are responsible, just as much as the USA.

General Mladic would have good reason to tell the ICTY judges that since they are a proxy for the Security Council, he wants to be tried by the Security Council itself, and then he could see who he was really up against and why. Colonel Gaddafi would have the same right to demand to be brought face to face with his real accusers in the Security Council so he could reveal to the world their true interests. But this right to face one’s accuser, this right to honesty, will not be allowed. Instead they are faced with a theatre troop acting out a macabre play, a show for the public.

So corrupted

Indeed, the entire structure of “international justice” since 1946 has become so corrupted that it is difficult to see how it can be transformed into a vehicle to stop aggression as it was intended, instead of a propaganda tool justifying it. The rot has spread everywhere.

The nations of the world must once again stand up and demand that the principles of the United Nations Charter be adhered to. They were thought important once. They are important now. They must demand that this architecture be dismantled, that international justice be restored in the true sense of the phrase, and that the sovereignty of nations and self-determination of peoples be inviolate principles once again. But this architecture cannot be dismantled until the Security Council is abolished and the United Nations General Assembly represents the true interests of the peoples of the world in complete equality.

(*) Christopher Black, International Criminal Lawyer Toronto, Canada. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of Radio Netherlands Worldwide.

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The Weight of Chains

A film by BORIS MALAGURSKI (2010)

Duration: 124 min
Country: CANADA

Director, Screenplay, Producer: BORIS MALAGURSKI

The movie is online:

Trailer 1:
Trailer 2:
Clip 1 | Economy:
Clip 2 | Srebrenica:
Clip 3 | Kosovo:

Voice of America intervju:
Intervju sa režiserom filma "The Weight Of Chains" (Težina lanaca) Borisom Malagurskim koji je objavljen na srpskom servisu TV kanala Voice of America, baziran u Vašingtonu, tokom posete Malagurskog i njegove filmske ekipe Sjedinjenim Državama aprila 2010. godine.

Deleted Scene 1 | Sarajevo:
Deleted Scene 2 | Kosovo Liberation Army:

Media coverage:

Buy DVDs:

"The Weight of Chains" is a Canadian documentary film that takes a critical look at the role that the US, NATO and the EU played in the tragic breakup of a once peaceful and prosperous European state - Yugoslavia. The film, bursting with rare stock footage never before seen by Western audiences, is a creative first-hand look at why the West intervened in the Yugoslav conflict, with an impressive roster of interviews with academics, diplomats, media personalities and ordinary citizens of the former Yugoslav republics.
The film began with production in late 2009 in several cities throughout Canada including Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto, continued in early 2010 in the United States - Columbus, Dayton, New York and Washington, and was finalized in the Summer of 2010 in Slovenia - Ljubljana; Croatia - Vukovar, Djakovo, Jasenovac, Zagreb, Gospic, Knin; Bosnia-Herzegovina - Sarajevo, Trebinje; Serbia - Belgrade, Subotica, Kosovska Mitrovica, Trepca, Pristina, Orahovac, Prizren and Strpce. "The Weight Of Chains" was completed in October 2010.
The director of this film, Boris Malagurski, has made several films to date, the last one being ìKosovo | Can You Imagine?î, a controversial documentary exposing how remaining Serbs in Kosovo have little or no basic human rights, which won several awards on film festivals around the world and was broadcasted as well. ìThe Weight Of Chainsî presents a Canadian perspective on Western involvement in the division of the ethnic groups within Yugoslavia and show that the war was forced from outside ñ regular people wanted peace. However, extreme fractions on all sides, fuelled by their foreign mentors, outvoiced the moderates and even ten years after the last conflict ñ the hatred remains and people continue spreading myths of what really happened in the 1990s. Why did all this happen? 
This film will also present positive stories from the war ñ people helping each other regardless of their ethnic background, stories of bravery and self-sacrifice. The aim is to come up with a powerful weapon that people who are against war and hatred can use as a collection of good arguments in their favor. The disunity among peoples populating the Balkans have marked the last couple of centuries. Letís start a new page, today, in the 21st century.

ABOUT THE DIRECTOR - BORIS MALAGURSKI (Director, Writer, Producer, Editor)
Born in Subotica, Yugoslavia in the late 1980s. In 2005, Boris immigrated to Canada and immediately gained professional recognition for his work. His film "The Canada Project" (2005) won Best Film at the First Take International Student Film Festival in Toronto, and was shown on Serbian National Television several times. His subsequent productions were showcased on several other film festivals worldwide, including the International Film Festival in Palic, Serbia, while he was still in highschool.
"Kosovo: Can You Imagine?" (2009) was Malagurski's first political documentary which won him a Silver Palm at the Mexico International Film Festival, Best Film at the BC Days Documentary Film Festival in Vancouver and was broadcasted on Russia's first all-digital English-language TV channel Russia Today in over 60 countries worldwide.



Canadian economist and professor of economics at the University of Ottawa. He is also Director of the
Centre for Research of Globalization.

Prof. Chossudovsky acted as economic adviser to governments of developing countries and has worked as a consultant for international organizations including the UN Development Programme, the African Development Bank, the UN African Institute for Economic Development and Planning, the UN Population Fund, the International Labour Organization, the World Health Organisation, the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.


American economist and author, best known for his book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" (2004), an insider's account of the exploitation or neo-colonization of Third World countries by what Perkins describes as a cabal of corporations, banks, and the United States government.

His 2007 book, The Secret History of the American Empire, provides more evidence of the negative impact of global corporations on the economies and ecologies of poor countries, as well as offering suggestions for making corporations behave more like good citizens.


Professor of military history and land warfare at American Military University, where he also teaches peacekeeping.

He is also the author of the UNITAR training program for peacekeeping in the Balkans and is currently revising the
UNITAR program on the modern history of peacekeeping. A former Canadian soldier, he holds a UN Global Citizen Award for furthering awareness of peace and peacekeeping.


Former Canadian diplomat. He was High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago and later
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Yugoslavia, Albania (1990-1992), and Bulgaria.

He worked for the Departments of Citizenship and Immigration and Foreign Affairs and was later appointed the head of the Immigration Foreign services. Amb. Bissett also served as Canadian High Commission in London, England, and later became he assistant undersecretary of state for social affairs in the Department of External Affairs.


Canadian journalist specializing in military and war reporting.

His coverage has included wars in Cambodia, Africa, the Balkans, and Iraq. Taylor is a former private in the Canadian Forces, and is now the editor and publisher of Esprit de Corps military magazine. In his book "Inat: Images of Serbia and the Kosovo Conflict" he argues that NATO involvement in that conflict was unnecessary and that Western media coverage of the conflict was biased against the Serbs.


Retired Canadian Major-General, author and media commentator.

He established and commanded Sector Sarajevo as part of the United Nations Protection Force UNPROFOR in Yugoslavia in 1992. Using the media as a means of trying to help restore peace, MacKenzie became well-known worldwide. He is a recipient of the Vimy Award, which recognizes a Canadian who has made a significant and outstanding contribution to the defence and security of their nation and the preservation of democratic values. In 2006, he was made a Member of the Order of Canada.


Serbian actor, and politician.

After the victory of the DOS in the 2000 presidential elections in Serbia, he was named the Minister of Culture in the government of the late Zoran Djindjic. He later founded the "Moja Srbija" (My Serbia) movement, taking part in Serbian elections in 2008.

In early 2010 he and his party merged into the Christian Democratic Party of Serbia.


Chief Executive Officer and one of the founders of B92, a Serbian broadcaster with national coverage headquartered in Belgrade.

At the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting in 1999, he was proclaimed one of the year's top 100 Global Leaders for Tomorrow, along with Veton Surroi, the publisher of Koha Ditore, a daily newspaper in Kosovo, Serbia.


Retired Serbian basketball player (played in the NBA) also well known as a great humanitarian, helping children in his native country of Serbia, as well as in Africa.

In late 2007 Divac has founded a humanitarian organization, "You Can Too", with the goal of assisting refugees in Serbia.
In 2008, Divac was appointed as a government adviser in Serbia for humanitarian issues. Divac appears in the ESPN 30 for 30 documentary "Once Brothers", where he discusses the exploits of the Yugoslavia national basketball team in the late 1980s and early 1990s and how the Yugoslav Wars tore them apart.


Award winning, internationally known American political scientist, historian, and culture critic who has been writing on a wide range of both scholarly and popular subjects for over forty years.

He has taught at several universities and colleges and has been a frequent guest lecturer before campus and community audiences. In addition, he has played an activist role in political struggles, most notably various anti-war movements. Included among the subjects he addresses are American politics, Yugoslav and Balkan affairs, news and entertainment media, ideology, historiography, ethnicity, and religion.


Professor of sociology at Ryerson University, before he passed away in October 2010.

He obtained his B.A. and M.A. at the University of Zagreb (Croatia) and his Ph.D. at the University of Toronto. He taught sociology and anthropology in Croatia and Canada for almost thirty years. Dr. Drakulic published extensively in the areas of social movements, education, urban guerrillas, nationalism and war. His most recent publications included an article on nationalism in Croatia (past and present).


American author of "Strange Liberators: Militarism, Mayhem, and the Pursuit of Profit".

He is on the Board of Directors of the Jasenovac Research Institute and on the Advisory Board of the Korea Truth Commission. His articles have appeared in newspapers and periodicals across the world, including the U.S., Canada, South Korea, Great Britain, France, Zimbabwe, Yugoslavia, Russia, Denmark, and Australia.


American film director of "Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War" (2002), a 165 minute documentary which was broadcast on European and Canadian television with a well reviewed (NY Times, Chicago Tribune) and theatrical release in selected cities in the US.

He is also a film and video producer for GB communications and media consultant for Serafin Associates.


Executive Director of the Jasenovac Research Institute, a non-profit human rights organization and research institute committed to establishing the truth about the Holocaust in Yugoslavia and dedicated to the search for justice for its victims.

Lituchy is a Jewish-American expert on Balkan affairs and professor of Modern World Civilization, Ancient World 
Civilization, and US History at Medgar Evers College, located in Brooklyn, NY.


Former Yugoslav desk officer at the United States State Department headquarters in Washington DC.

Kenney resigned his commission in 1991 over US policy towards the Yugoslav conflict. He had about 60 articles published in mainstream outlets, did hundreds of radio and TV interviews and talk shows, and traveled extensively through the US on speaking tours.


Canadian journalist, consultant and political activist of Serbian descent.

He's also Bureau Chief of The InterMedia Center News Agency located in Tokyo, Japan. Bosnitch helped famous U.S. chess player Bobby Fischer after he was detained in Japan in 2005, due to his outstanding arrest warrant for Yugoslavia sanctions violation, and managed to secure his safe leave to Iceland.


Serbian musician, founder of "Beogradski Sindikat" (Belgrade Union) rap group which advocates social and political change in Serbia.

During 2003 he was writing a column for Glas Javnosti daily newspaper. He is also one of the founders and a CEO of "Magmedia" company for protection and exploitation of intellectual property. In 2010, he sang in front of a 10,000 strong crowd at the "Family Walk" rally organized by "Dveri" in Belgrade.


Canadian international lawyer, former United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) official.

Hawthorne starred in Malagurski's previous film "Kosovo | Can You Imagine?" (2009) and has stirred controversy by revealing delicate information concerning gross human rights violations of Serbs and other non-Albanians in Serbia's southern province of Kosovo which declared independence in 2008 with support of major Western powers.


Serbian political advisor to four Presidents, including Slobodan Milosevic (1990 ñ 1993) and Radovan Karadzic (1994 ñ 1997). He also worked for IBM for 14 years.

He was never a member of any political party, neither the Communist Party, nor Milosevicí Socialist Party, even while Trajkovic was advising the President.


The widow of Josip Reihl-Kir, the tragically perished Croatian first chief of Police in Osijek, who was at the time also in charge of Police stations in nearby towns in Slavonia.


Current mayor of the town of Vukovar, Croatia.

Sabo talks about the circumstances in 1991 which lead to the destruction of Vukovar which lies in the Slavnonian region of Croatia.


Croatian journalist since June 1991.

Quickly after he started working in the Croatian daily "Vjesnik", he was sent to cover events in Vukovar and Gospic. Powerful impressions from the war and testimonies by fragments of stories, behind which backstage political games were hidden, essentially influenced on his decision to take up research journalism. Today his research interests are directed at activities such as weapons and drug trade, prostitution, war crimes, political murders, abuse of secret services, etc.


Former Croatian presidential candidate.

He is an advocate against liberal democracy and is the author of ìCroatian book of survival: Study of statehood.î


Slovenian lawyer and economist, who was Minister of Economy of the Republic of Slovenia and
Vice Minister of Slovenia.

He is a Member of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences and has received the Golden Order of Freedom of the Republic of Slovenia. Mencinger was also Member of the Slovenian State Council for 5 years.


Slovenian journalist, currently working for Slovenian ìMladinaî magazine in Ljubljana.

He previously worked for ìRadio Studentî and has appeared on many talk-shows discussing political and economic topics in the former Yugoslavia.


Widow of Croat fighter Milan Levar, who was assassinated in front of his house for investigating crimes against Serbs in Gospic, Croatia.


Father of Srdjan Aleksic, who noticed that the Serbian police in Trebinje, Herzegovina, was taking away a man for being a Muslim and acted against them, which resulted in tragedy.


Members of the ìDubioza Kolektivî band, currently based in Sarajevo, originating from Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Their music consists of various styles ranging from Reggae, Dub and Rock intermixed with political lyrics along with uplifting and melodic tendencies.


Serbian-American writer who was foreign-affairs editor for the paleoconservative magazine ìChroniclesî.

He has a PhD in history from the University of Southampton. He was also director of the Center for International Affairs at the Rockford Institute. Trifkovic was also an unofficial spokesman for the Republika Srpska government in the 1990ís. Trifkovic is the author of Sword of the Prophet, a book on the history and doctrines of Islam. He comments on Balkan politics and is a regular columnist for several conservative publications in the United States.


Founder and President of "Fourth Yugoslavia", the first mini-Yugoslavia in the Balkans, located in Subotica, Serbia.

Gabric argues that the Western world has taken away his "piece of heaven", after which he decided to take drastic action by declaring his property of 15 acres as a mini-Yugoslavia.


Serbian academic and politician, and the former Minister for Kosovo and Metohija in the Government of Serbia.

He was also the advisor for political issues to former Yugoslav president and Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica.

He headed the Serbian government's Committee for Decentralization and was coordinator of Serbiaís State Negotiating Team of the future status of Kosovo.



Entangled in Neocolonialism: 
The Weight of Chains

by Gregory Elich

An interview with documentary filmmaker Boris Malagurski

Who in their right mind would actually want to be a colony?  That is the question asked in the opening section of The Weight of Chains, the latest film directed by Boris Malagurski.  His film demonstrates how the South Slavs emerged from centuries of colonial rule under the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires, and unified to form an independent Yugoslavia.  In sharp analytical detail, Malagurski's film dissects how Western intervention systematically undermined that independence and helped destroy Yugoslavia, plunging the region into war in the process.  This remarkable film reveals how the West subjugated the peoples of the former Yugoslavia and exploited the region through the imposition of free market reforms.  In exposing the recent history of the Balkans, the film busts a number of myths.  No other film so successfully explains those events while tying them to the wider economic and political trends of these difficult times.

Gregory Elich: What led you to create The Weight of Chains?  How did the idea for the film develop?

Boris Malagurski: After I initiated and organized protests against Kosovo's illegal secession from Serbia in February of 2008 in Vancouver, I was hoping that Canada, a country that has a lot of experience with separatism on its own soil, would not recognize the false state of Kosovo.  When Canada, under U.S. pressure, recognized Kosovo as an independent nation, citing the "reality on the ground" as a reason for doing so, I decided to check out what the reality on the ground in Kosovo really was and filmed Kosovo: Can You Imagine?, a documentary about human rights of Serbs and other non-Albanians in the breakaway province.  However, this film only analyzed the consequences of failed Western policies towards the Balkans, while I always wanted to get down to the bottom of why the West did what it did.  This led me to start researching in 2009 not only why NATO entered Kosovo, but why Yugoslavia broke up -- who had an interest in the bloody dissolution of this once prosperous European state and what happened after the breakup.  I knew that all these would be tough questions to answer for a 20-year-old film student, but with the help of experts on the topic, I was able to piece the information together and get a more complete picture of why Yugoslavia was killed and how it was colonized by the West.

GE: Your film does a marvelous job in unraveling the factors behind the breakup of Yugoslavia and exposing the interests that benefited from that tragedy.  This is an important story that has not received the attention it deserves, and there are patterns that connect with more recent conflicts.  But it is not a subject that could ever receive corporate funding.  What obstacles or difficulties did you encounter in making this film?  It was a very ambitious project to tackle without an ample budget.

BM: At first, I was very worried that we wouldn't have a big enough budget to complete this film, even considering that everyone in the film team worked for free.  Then came one man who would change everything and help us find the funding we needed -- and this was Mr. Branislav Grbovic from Perth, Australia.  He approached me via e-mail and offered his help in gathering public support for the project, which he did in a highly professional way.  Thanks to him, but also many others, we were able to raise enough money to cover the expenses for making the film.  Of course, every film can always be better when the budget is even bigger or when the film team includes more people, but I was happy that this project was funded through small donations of many people throughout the world who wanted this story told, who can today proudly say that this is their film as well that this is our film.

GE: In making this film you travelled to several countries, where you interviewed a diverse and interesting array of individuals.  Was it difficult to track down or arrange meetings with some of your interviewees?  Perhaps the heart of the film could be said to be the family relations of the little sung heroes who lost their lives in protecting those of another ethnic group.  At the other end of the spectrum, you intended to interview former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright about negotiations at Rambouillet.  That apparently didn't come off.

BM: I must say that I've had more than a pleasant experience with almost all those who were contacted for an interview for this film.  I had help from Mr. Matt Mintz with arranging interviews in Canada and the U.S., while I arranged all the interviews in the Balkans myself.  This largely consisted of contacting lots of people who maybe knew or knew someone who knew the person I was interested in interviewing, and the process took a while, but we haven't been refused by anyone -- except Madeleine Albright.  Well, initially, she agreed to the interview, but when the time came to meet up in Washington, DC, she was too busy for an interview.  This is a shame because I really wanted to confront her with certain issues that mainstream journalists never tackle, but perhaps she'll change her mind one day and decide to show she has nothing to hide.  As for the family relations of the unsung heroes, I could sense a bit of distrust on their end when I met them, but that feeling quickly faded away as they saw that I really was passionate about telling the truth and they really opened up to me and my camera.

GE: Your passion for telling the truth about what happened in the Balkans comes across strongly in the film.  You make striking use of archival footage in presenting this dramatic story.  You obtained historical film clips from a variety of sources, and it seems that you had good cooperation from Radio Television Serbia.  How did you go about exploring what was available, and choosing which footage to use?  What was the process in working with Radio Television Serbia and others?

BM: I believe I had around 200 GB of archival footage on my computer before I started any editing.  The process started with me writing a script based on research.  This included information from various sources, descriptions of comments by the main political actors to the media, depictions of different images and such.  Then I attempted to actually find the visuals for all that was written down on paper, and this was a difficult task because I first had to figure out where to look for these images, from which source, and only then start tracking them down.  Of course, what would happen sometimes is that I would find what I need, but then find out that the license for the footage was too expensive, such as the case of the interview of Joe Biden on Larry King Live where he said that "all Serbs should be placed in Nazi style concentration camps," for which CNN asked $18,000 for 30 seconds.  On the other hand, cooperation with Radio Television Serbia was more than fruitful and for this I have to thank the director of the program archive of Television Belgrade Mr. Mileta Kečina, who provided all the archival footage that we needed free of charge.  This meant a lot to us, especially taking into consideration that almost everyone in the film team was under 25 years of age.

GE: This is a beautifully edited film.  It is clear that a lot of time and thought went into its construction, and the way images are handled strongly supports the film's themes.  This is also a briskly paced film, feeling much shorter than its two hours.  Would you comment on your approach to editing?  What sort of considerations played into your editing decisions?

BM: My main goal was to edit together something that would be interesting to watch even if the audience knows little to nothing about the issue.  This meant that I didn't want to spend too much time on details that weren't interesting enough to cover and focus on the 'big issues', but from a different perspective.  It's very fast paced and this is done for a reason -- people nowadays seem to not have the patience to hear all the arguments in a calm fashion, but prefer to be 'bombarded' with them and in an entertaining manner.  There is also a dose of cynicism and black humor embedded in the film, which would cause some to compare the style with that of Michael Moore.  However, I think my job is much harder than Michael Moore's, as he picks topics which are already attractive for Western audiences, while I attempted to create a spark of interest in Western audiences in the Yugoslav drama, to inspire people to think critically about the Balkans.

GE: It's a subject that is poorly understood in the West, but one that has had a wider impact than is commonly recognized.  Yugoslavia provided the pretext for redefining NATO's mission as that of an offensive military arm of Western policy, able to operate beyond Western European borders.  NATO is now engaged in military operations in Afghanistan and in bombing Libya.  Intervention in the Balkans launched the West on the path of permanent warfare.  Having divided Yugoslavia into small, weak, easily controlled states, the West imposed its economic vision on the region: privatization of state owned and socially owned enterprises, and IMF demands for laying off workers and slashing of wages, pensions and social services.  It is a model that conservative forces are attempting to bring home to the U.S.

Your film has shown in Canada, Australia, and Serbia, and recently had its U.S. premiere in Washington, DC.  What has been the reaction to your film in Serbia?  These people lived through those events, and now they are in a very different society than before.  I would also like to know if getting your film shown in the U.S. and Great Britain has presented special difficulties.

BM: It's interesting that the Serbian premiere of The Weight of Chains was supposed to be at the Kustendorf Film Festival in Drvengrad.  Renowned Serbian filmmaker Emir Kusturica saw my film, liked it, and included it in the program of his festival.  Unfortunately, due to unexplained reasons, the film was suddenly pulled from the program and was never shown there.  After the incident, the first showing in Serbia was in my hometown, Subotica.  I could barely break through the masses to reach my seat at the theater, people were very interested to see the "banned film" and the premiere was a great success.  Viewers were impressed with the large amount of information divulged in the film, and it almost seemed that they wanted more -- even those who couldn't find a free seat and stood through the entire two hours of the film.  I was glad that there were such positive reactions from the audiences, and I got the same impressions after film premieres in Belgrade, Novi Sad, and other Serbian cities.  Even Eastern Sarajevo in neighboring Republika Srpska greeted the film with standing ovations.

As for showing the film in Western countries, I can't say that I encountered any difficulties, aside from gaining larger sponsors to show the film to a wider audience.  However, I am confident that, as time goes by, more doors will open for this film, as it's in the American spirit to always ask questions and pursue the truth, regardless of what the government is attempting to sell as a reality.

GE: Finally, is there is anything else about your film that you would like our readers to know?

BM: I think it's important for everyone to know what happened to Yugoslavia, and, of course, why it happened, as it could very well happen to any country.  Martin Luther King Jr. once said that everything that affects one directly, affects all indirectly.  The West has had and still has a heavy involvement in Yugoslav affairs, so it's important for the citizens of Western countries to be aware of what their governments have done and what they're doing to this day, as we're all human and we all deserve to live in freedom and prosperity.  I believe we should make a fresh start and turn a new page today, in the 21st century.

Gregory Elich is on the Board of Directors of the Jasenovac Research Institute and on the Advisory Board of the Korea Truth Commission.  He is the author of the book Strange Liberators: Militarism, Mayhem, and the Pursuit of Profit.

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Da:  Alessandro Di Meo < @>

Oggetto:  cartoline dal Kosovo!

Data:  27 luglio 2011 10.29.46 GMT+02.00

cari tutti,
dall'1 settembre al 10 settembre prossimi ospiteremo dei ragazzi provenienti dai villaggi serbi del Kosovo e Metohija, che vivono nelle zone intorno l'area di Deciani, dove sorge uno dei monasteri più importanti della cultura serba ortodossa.
Saranno 15 più 3 accompagnatori e li ospiteremo per un periodo che sarà di vacanza ma anche di studio.
Frequenteranno, infatti, un corso di Italiano tutte le mattine e li porteremo a visitare siti culturali importanti, oltre che le strutture dell'università di Roma Tor Vergata dove un giorno, chissà, potranno magari venire a studiare.
Una occasione importante per loro, ma anche per noi tutti, che avremo la possibilità di uno scambio con chi, in questo momento storico delicato, vive spesso in condizioni davvero al limite dell'accettabile.

Per fare questo, però, abbiamo bisogno anche del vostro aiuto. Lo so, sono tempi difficili per tutti, ma un piccolo contributo sarà davvero gradito visto che, in assenza totale di sponsor, sarà Un Ponte per... ad accollarsi le spese del viaggio e della permanenza del gruppo.
Se vorrete, se potrete, fate il vostro versamento a Un Ponte per... ( )
importante la causale: Cartoline dal Kosovo!

Sempre su questo argomento un mio nuovo contributo su:

Anticipo vostre riflessioni dicendo che mia figlia sta meglio e che lo scritto in questione (Mi arrendo...) non è dovuto alla sua vicenda ma alle tante situazioni visitate nel Kosovo e Metohija (il concetto di resa è ben espresso nello spazio dedicato ai commenti).

Buone vacanze a tutti

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                               (francesco guccini - cyrano)

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(english / italiano)

Resistenza contro la NATO e i suoi sgherri in Kosovo

1) NEWS:
- Minister Bogdanovic: K. Albanians "trying to finalize ethnic cleansing"
- 3 Serbs wounded in clashes near Zubin Potok in Kosovo
- Kosovo on verge of conflict
- Checkpoint in northern Kosovo set on fire
- Serbian officials call on KFOR to respect agreement
- Police raise combat readiness along administrative line
- Serbia requests UN Security Council session on Kosovo
- Russia reacts to crisis, accuses Priština
- Kosovo separatists flexing muscle
- Russia concerned over tensions in Kosovo
- NATO peacekeepers attacked in northern Kosovo
- NATO declares crossings "restricted military areas"
- Kosovo Serbs defy NATO, leave road barricades
- NATO Forces Clear Kosovo Barricades
- NATO to send extra troops to Kosovo
- KFOR won't let food, medical supplies through at Jarinje
- Minister tells Serbs in north to remain at barricades
- PM calls on KFOR, UNMIK to "remain neutral"

2) Anniversario della strage di Staro Gracko (Lipljan)

3) Embargo sui prodotti serbi in Kosovo e occupazione militare del valico con la Serbia centrale: la popolazione insorge

4) Editoriali e servizi di "Voce della Russia"
- Al Kosovo non basta
- Pristina sta provocando la Serbia
- Chi trae profitto da un nuovo inasprimento della situazione nei Balcani?

NATO has sent more troops into Kosovo after a week of violence between ethnic Albanians and Serbs in an attempt to stop an escalation of the conflict.
Serbian-Canadian film director Boris Malagurski believes this shows how deeply the alliance is concerned about the situation in the Balkans.
"They are sending 550 German and 550 Austrian troops," he said. "They would not be sending troops into Kosovo if they didn't estimate that the situation could explode into a larger conflict. And considering that the international community has an interest in solving the so-called North Kosovo issue, it would not be unreasonable to suggest that they are trying to fix this issue as fast as possible. And I strongly believe that if the force is necessary to do what they have planned, they will use it."
Tensions were raised last week when Kosovar police seized two crossing checkpoints to impose a ban on imports from Serbia.
Border violence killed one Kosovar policeman and brought peacekeeping forces under fire.
Possible negotiation between the sides, however, can hardly change anything now, Malagurski says.
"Whenever the both sides are urged to negotiate, it is mostly... to get the Serbs to accept something," he said. "The Serbs has already made many concessions to the so-called Republic of Kosovo -- they've recognized their documents, the IDs, the license plates. So calling on the Albanians for negotiations is another call for Serbs to accept more things leading to Serbia recognizing Kosovo."


=== 1 ===

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Politika/Tanjug News Agency - July 7, 2011

K. Albanians "trying to finalize ethnic cleansing"

BELGRADE: The Kosovo Ministry will urgently inform the EU mission in Kosovo, EULEX, about the cases of "Albanization and assimilation of Serbs", says Goran Bogdanović.
The minister for Kosovo stated on Thursday that this will come along with a request for the practice "to end immediately".
"The representatives of the international community in Kosovo cannot ignore what is happening to Serbs, and not only to Serbs but also to other peoples and ethnic groups," Bogdanović. 
His comments refer to frequent changes of the personal data in Kosovo IDs issued for Serbs, which they required so as to realize their right to pension allowance. 
"It is unacceptable for the names of Serbs to be Albanized in the documents issued by Priština, and that their Serb nationality be changed into 'Kosovar'," Bogdanović stated for the Belgrade-based daily Politika. 
He added that this was yet another indicator that the Kosovo Albanian authorities were using all methods to gradually assimilate those Serbs in Kosovo that they had not managed to drive out of their homes - "and thus bring ethnic cleansing to an end". 
Bogdanović said that recent attempts to re-designate Serb monasteries and cultural heritage as "Kosovo's heritage" was an obvious example of how Priština was trying to "Albanize" Serbian history and culture, falsify facts and presents someone else's cultural identity as their own. 
"Such moves demonstrate how much Priština cares about a multi-ethnic society, but also bring harm to the dialogue (between Belgrade and Priština) and the agreement that has been reached," Bogdanović stressed.


Voice of Russia - July 26, 2011

3 Serbs wounded in clashes near Zubin Potok in Kosovo

Three Serbs have been wounded in clashes in the village of Zubin Potok in the north of Kosovo, Radio KIM that broadcasts in Kosovo and Metohija reports. At about 4:00 p.m. local time, the sounds of gunfire were heard near the village of Varage. At least one Kosovo policeman was reportedly wounded. Controversial reports are coming from Kosovo.
The Tanjug News Agency quotes Milena Cvetkovic, the head doctor of a hospital at Kosovska Mitrovica, as saying that no new patients have been admitted since Tuesday morning. At the same time, Serbia’s Minister for Kosovo and Metohija Goran Bogdanovic has confirmed that the clashes did take place and that there are casualties among Serbs.
The Serbian television says that the Jarine border crossing in Kosovo has been shut. Reports about clashes near Zubin Potok have prompted local Serbs to seal off the road to the Brnjak border checkpoint. Earlier, Kosovo special task police made a failed attempt to storm the checkpoint, Mr. Boganovic said.


Voice of Russia - July 26, 2011

Kosovo on verge of conflict

Three Serbs were wounded in clashes with riot police in Kosovo near the village of Zubin Potok. According to the local radio station K.I.M. the situation in northern Kosovo escalated on Monday evening, when Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci ordered the police to establish control over two checkpoints along the dividing line in central Serbia.
Normally the responsibility for these checkpoints is handled by the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo, EULEX.
One checkpoint was seized but later abandoned by Kosovo police commandos. The path to another checkpoint was blocked by local Serbs.
Tuesday afternoon, after the intervention of NATO international forces under the command of the Kosovo Force, KFOR, the situation seemed to have calmed down. But later it became apparent that it had not.
According to Serbian media on Tuesday the border crossing at Yasmin was closed. After reports of the clash near Zubin Potok, Kosovo Serbs also blocked the road leading to the border crossing at Brnyak.  
The Voice of Russia talked to the head of the administration of Zubin Potok, Slavish Ristic, in Serbian and he had the following to say: “Zubin Potok still remains tense. People fear for their safety. The reasons for concern are the actions that members of the special forces of the Kosovo Police have taken.”
This morning the special division of the Kosovo police and members of the Rosa (Dew) Special Forces Unit seized the border checkpoint in the village of Brnyak. After lengthy negotiations which started at 13:00 hours between representatives of Belgrade, Pristina and KFOR, and representatives of "Rosa", the border crossing was handed back to KFOR forces.
A half hour later, however, a different group of "Rosa" Forces again attempted to penetrate into Zubin Potok. Members of the Special Forces Unit opened fire on unarmed civilians who attempted to block the road. Fortunately, there were no casualties.
Currently the reports coming out of Kosovo are conflicting in nature. At approximately 16:00 Belgrade time (18.00 GMT) gunfire was heard near the village of Varaga. At least one Kosovo policeman was injured.
The chief doctor of the Kosovo-Mitrovitsa hospital, Milena Cvetkovic told the Tanjug News Agency that there had been no admissions to the hospital during the morning. However, the Minister for Kosovo-Metohija affairs, Goran Bogdanovic, confirmed that clashes had in fact taken place and that there were Serbs among the victims.
The head of Kosovska-Mitrovitsya Region, Radenko Nedelkovic, reported that on Tuesday night negotiations between the northern Kosovo Serbian authorities and the representatives of NATO forces (KFOR) had taken place.
The Serbs insist that the Albanian leadership withdraw its police commandos and special forces from the border areas. At the same time there are reports coming in that the Albanian special forces have already left the checkpoint they captured and moved in the direction of Kosovo-Mitrovitsya, and are now in the village of Zhupche.
According to other reports Minister Goran Bogdanovic and the Political Director for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Borislav Stefanovic, had negotiated with the commander of KFOR Erhard Bühler.
Observers say that the recent relations between Belgrade and Pristina have seriously deteriorated. Last week, the Kosovo government imposed a ban on the import of goods from Serbia, citing the decision by Serbian authorities not to recognize Kosovo's customs seal and thereby prevent the importation of goods from Kosovo into Serbia. The dispute between Belgrade and Pristina had led to the disruption of another round of talks which were to have taken place on practical issues.



Beta News Agency/B92 - July 27, 2011

Checkpoint in northern Kosovo set on fire

JARINJE: The checkpoint of Jarinje on the administrative line between Kosovo and central Serbia has been set on fire, reports said.
"A group of several dozen young men" was identified in reports as the perpetrators that set the checkpoint facilities on fire. 
KFOR helicopters are flying over the area, while media crews are being evacuated. 
Beta news agency reports that shots from automatic weapons were heard, and that Molotov cocktails were also thrown at a nearby KFOR camp, after which an explosion was heard. 
Thick black smoke was seen rising from that area, according to this. 
The attackers were described as "young men wearing hoods". 
Several hundred people are at the checkpoint. 
According to reports, the young men were Serbs who came "from the direction of Kosovska Mitrovica". They asked those gathered at the administrative line post to step away, and then started to demolish and burn the facilities. 

Serbia's state television RTS is reporting that Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanović and Belgrade Kosovo talks team chief Borislav Stefanović, who were at Brnjak, are now headed to Jarinje. 
The crisis in northern Kosovo started late on Monday when the Kosovo Albanian authorities decided to attempt to take over Jarinje and Brnjak. 
Speaking at Brnjak earier in the day, Serbian officials called on KFOR to honor an agreement reached on Tuesday, that was supposed to diffuse the flare-up in tensions and violence.


Beta News Agency/Tanjug News Agency - July 27, 2011

Serbian officials call on KFOR to respect agreement

ZUPČE: Serbian officials today in Kosovo called on KFOR to restore the previous arrangement at administrative checkpoints of Jarinje in Brnjak in the Serb north.
Local Serbs there have been blocking traffic in protest on the Priština-Ribariće road leading to Brnjak. 
Stefanović stressed that KFOR violated an agreement reached on Tuesday, and that the condition was for the two administrative line checkpoints to be managed as was the case before the Kosovo police, KPS, tried to use its Rosu unit to take them over three days ago. 
"The situation on the Brnjak and Jarinje crossings must be as it was before. What they have done at Brnjak is an attempt to install the institutions of Priština on this crossing which they refer to as a 'border' crossing. It is not, and it never will be. They wish to do the same at Jarinje," he warned.
Stefanović emphasized that the only way to solve the problem was for those who entered the checkpoint outside of the agreement, illegally, in order to unilaterally change the situation on the ground and thus prejudice the outcome of the Belgrade-Priština dialogue to leave there as soon as possible. 
The Serbian official told the local Serbs gathered to hear him that both Bogdanović and himself demanded from the KFOR commander that the Kosovo customs workers and border police vacate the checkpoint facilities as soon as possible. 
"If this does not happen, we will all stay here together," Stefanović said, and warned that the situation was "serious". 
Goran Bogdanović also addressed the Serbs to tell them that the state will never abandon them or allow for "anyone to unilaterally change the reality and the situation on the ground". 
"We will stand with you and we are firm in our determination to defend what's ours. We are not asking for what belongs to others, we are defending our own, and we must be persistent and firm in that," said the minister. 
He added that he will continue his talks with KFOR's representatives, because they were an "organization" deployed in the province in line with the UN Security Council Resolution 1244. 
But Bogdanović noted that KFOR "seems to be ready to violate that resolution at this point". 
The minister however expressed his belief that the situation at the two checkpoints would be restored to how it was three days ago. 
Serb members of the KPS and EULEX customs were previously in charge at the administrative line. 
"We will not give up on that goal, and let nobody doubt that," was Bogdanović's message. 
Bogdanović and Stefanović were accompanied by SPC Bishop Teodosije, the head of the Kosovska Mitorovica District, and mayors of Serb towns in northern Kosovo. 
Close to where the Serbs blocked the roads is a Portuguese KFOR unit, while the Kosovo Albanian customs officers moved their static booth "somewhat closer to the southern (ethnic Albanian) part of Kosovska Mitrovica", reported Tanjug news agency. 
Meanwhile Beta's reporter at Brnjak said that 15 ethnic Albanians, members of the "Kosovo customs and border police" were flown in this morning by helicopter. 
They told reporters that they were in the area of the town of Đakovica when they were ordered to leave, without being told where they were headed. 
They added they were "scared", and that they thought they were being taken to a crossing in an ethnic Albanian area. 
There are also Serb members of the KPS at Brnjak, regulating traffic and performing other duties, said the news agency.


Tanjug News Agency - July 27, 2011

Police raise combat readiness along administrative line

ŠIMANOVCI: Interior Minister Ivica Dačić has said that all Serbian police units deployed along the administrative line with Kosovo have raised their combat readies level.
"The night went relatively peacefully in Kosovo, but today we have received information that KFOR helicopters were used to transfer members of the Kosovo police to the Brnjak and Jarinje checkpoints," Dačić said in Šimanovci on Wednesday. 
He explained that it was unclear at this point whether this was yet another attempt to take over the administrative line crossings, and that the only information he had was that the units were transfered in KFOR helicopters. 
He said the NATO-led force was a UN (mandate) mission that "cannot take part in such moves by the so-called government of Kosovo". 
Awaiting further developments, the minister explicitly blamed the Priština authorities for the tension in northern Kosovo. 


Serbia requests UN Security Council session on Kosovo

BELGRADE: In the wake of this week's flare-up of tension and violence in northern Kosovo, Serbia has asked for a UN Security Council session dedicated to the problem. 
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Belgrade confirmed this for Beta news agency on Wednesday. 
Serbia is yet to receive an answer from New York to the request, the ministry said. 
Extraordinary sessions of the Council are called by the country holding the one-month presidency. 
In July, that country is Germany. 
Should the session be called, Serbia will be represented by her Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić.


Russia reacts to crisis, accuses Priština

MOSCOW: Russia reacted to the worsening situation in the northern, Serb parts of Kosovo to accuse the Kosovo Albanian authorities of being responsible for the crisis. 
"We consider the provocations of Albanian authorities in Kosovo to be destabilizing the situation in the province - which is volatile as it is, and to be increasing tensions and undermining the negotiating process between Belgrade and Priština," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on Wednesday.
Moscow now expects competent representatives of the international community - the UN and EU above all - to undertake necessary measures, and "control ambitions of the Kosovo authorities". 
"All contentious issues should be solved through negotiations and in line with UNSC Resolution 1244," the Russian MFA statement said.


Voice of Russia - July 27, 2011

Kosovo separatists flexing muscle

At least 8 people are known to have been injured after separatist authorities in Kosovo attempted to seize border crossings between Serb-populated northern areas and Serbia.
Russia calls on the United Nations and the European Union to step in and restore order in the border area. In a statement from its Foreign Ministry Wednesday, it also says all disputes between Belgrade and Pristina must be resolved through talks, and what happened at the border crossings is a deliberate provocation.
Back in 2008, Kosovo unilaterally declared independence from Serbia. Serbia continues to see is as a renegade province.


Video at URL above

RT - July 27, 2011

Russia concerned over tensions in Kosovo

Russia has joined the EU and US in condemning Kosovo's decision to send Special Forces to seize border crossings along the shared frontier with Serbia. Moscow says it threatens to destabilize the region.
"The dramatic deterioration of the situation in northern Kosovo causes serious concerns," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement published on its website on Wednesday.
"We believe that the Kosovo Albanian authorities' provocative actions destabilize the already fragile situation in the region, escalate tensions and undermine the negotiating process between Belgrade and Pristina," it said.
NATO-led peacekeepers have been deployed to the area to help control the situation, which is stoking ethnic tensions. Hundreds of people blocked main roads in response to Kosovan police seizing two disputed border crossings. One police officer was killed in overnight clashes, two policemen have been wounded.
Kosovo says it is trying to enforce a ban on Serbian imports in response to a similar boycott of Kosovan goods.
Around 60,000 Serbs live in the north and do not recognize Kosovo's independence, which it unilaterally declared in 2008.


Russian Information Agency Novosti - July 28, 2011

NATO peacekeepers attacked in northern Kosovo

BELGRADE: Unknown gunmen attacked NATO peacekeepers in northern Kosovo for the second time in the past few hours, the Kosovo Force (KFOR) said in a statement.
NATO peacekeepers have been deployed to Kosovo's Serb-dominated north after clashes broke out in the area on Monday following the Kosovo authorities' decision to send special police forces to the border to enforce a ban on imports from Serbia, a move opposed by local Serbs.
Kosovo officials later said they ordered the withdrawal from the border posts after government customs officers had been installed at the sites.
Late on Wednesday, a group of several dozen people in masks were reported to have attacked the Jarine border crossing post in northern Kosovo with Molotov cocktails. The attackers reportedly approached the checkpoint from the north (Serbian-controlled territory).
There have been no reports of victims of injuries.
Earlier on Wednesday, some media reports said the Brnyak border crossing post was attacked and set on fire by a group of Kosovo Serbs. The reports have not been confirmed, but KFOR said security was strengthened at both border crossings.
Several hours before the attack of the Jarine checkpoint, two Mil Mi-171 (Hip) helicopters carrying Croatian peacekeepers were attacked by unknown gunmen in the area, the Croatian Defense Ministry said. No one was wounded in the attack.
KFOR Commander Gen. Erhard Buehler has been negotiating with representatives of Kosovo Albanians and Serbs to settle the situation, the KFOR statement said.
Serbian President Boris Tadic has condemned the attacks on peacekeepers. He said, however, that Belgrade "will not go to war" in response to Kosovo attempts to seize border checkpoints and will use only diplomatic means to resolve the conflict.
Kosovar Prime Minister Hashim Thaci has blamed the violence on the Serbian side.
Kosovo, which unilaterally proclaimed its independence from Serbia in 2008, has been recognized by a total of 76 out of 192 UN member states.
Serbs account for up to 10 percent of Kosovo's population, making up the biggest non-Albanian community remaining in the breakaway region following the 1998-99 Kosovan war of independence.


Tanjug News Agency - July 28, 2011

NATO declares crossings "restricted military areas"

PRIŠTINA: KFOR commander Erhard Buehler says NATO had declared two crossings on the administrative line between Kosovo and Serbia a restricted military area.
He threatened the use of lethal force in the case of attack on Jarinje and Brnjak.
“I cannot exclude another attempt. Both gates are declared military restricted areas and the rules of engagement are very clear,” Buehler told Reuters in an interview. 
According to Buehler, the soldiers can employ lethal force, they can employ their weapons to defend themselves, to defend...the military restricted area. 
“Nobody who is not authorized to work in the gates or to cross the gates should be near the gates,” Buehler added. 
KFOR is a NATO-led force deployed in the province with UN Security Council Resolution 1244 that ended the 1999 war. 
Serbian officials today accused KFOR of "enforcing decisions of the (Kosovo Albanian) Priština government" and stepping outside the UN resolution. 
Kosovo's ethnic Albanians unilaterally declared independence more than three years ago, which Serbia rejected.


Trend News Agency - July 29, 2011

Kosovo Serbs defy NATO, leave road barricades

Serbs in restive northern Kosovo on Friday maintained their barricades of two key roads in defiance of an order to call off their protest against NATO's Kosovo peace-keeping mission KFOR and European Union law enforcement agency EULEX.
The Serbs, who are accusing the two missions of siding with the Albanian majority and government in Kosovo, have parked tractors, trucks, logs and tyres in the middle of the roads.
The barricades were set up after violence erupted in the area earlier this week, claiming the life of a policeman, in an escalation of a trade war between Serbia and its former province.
The Kosovo government moved to take over the border checkpoints in the mostly Serb north in order to enforce a trade embargo on Serbian goods. Serbs reacted by torching one of the crossings.
On Thursday KFOR took control of border crossings and declared the area a restricted military zone. KFOR ordered Serbs to dismantle the barricades, with KFOR commander Erhard Buehler warning that violence in the zone would be met with deadly force.
Talks aimed at defusing the situation have failed. Buehler is due to meet Serbian officials on Friday.
Kosovo declared independence in 2008 without the approval of Serbia. The Kosovar government has failed to assert its control in the north, where Serbs are in the majority.


Voice of America News - August 1, 2011

NATO Forces Clear Kosovo Barricades

NATO forces have removed some of the barricades put up by Serbs in northern Kosovo after a trade dispute escalated into deadly violence last week, but other roadblocks still remain.
The alliance removed several roadblocks Monday that impeded access to NATO bases in northern Kosovo. It is unclear how many roadblocks are still in place. 
Also Monday, the head of Belgrade's negotiating team, Borislav Stefanovic, and Serbian Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanovic met with Serb representatives in the northern Kosovo town of Zvecane. The move is widely seen as a further act of defiance to Kosovo's claim to statehood. 
Last week, special forces of Kosovo's ethnic-Albanian government seized two border crossings in Serb-dominated northern regions to enforce a ban on imports from Serbia. Kosovo's government imposed the ban last month in retaliation for Serbia's blocking of Kosovo imports. 
Northern Kosovo Serbs confronted ethnic-Albanian security forces last Monday, triggering an exchange of gunfire that killed one ethnic Albanian policeman and wounded several other people. NATO peacekeepers intervened, taking control of the two border posts on Thursday under an agreement with the Kosovo government, which pulled out its special police. After the police withdrew, a mob of Serb attackers set fire to one border post and fired on NATO peacekeepers sent to quell the violence.

The violence in northern Kosovo was one of the most serious incidents in the region since Kosovo seceded from Serbia in 2008.


Reuters - August 2, 2011

NATO to send extra troops to Kosovo

PRISTINA/BRUSSELS: NATO will send hundreds more troops to Kosovo after an escalation of violence there between ethnic Albanians and Serbs last week, NATO officials said Tuesday.
A battalion of troops, mainly from Germany and Austria, will join the Kosovo Security Force KFOR in coming days, the officials in Brussels and Pristina said.
"The reason for the deployment is to relieve forces currently engaged in maintaining security," NATO spokeswoman Carmen Romero said.

NATO's force in Kosovo currently numbers nearly 6,000.
Diplomats said the reserve battalion that has been kept on standby in Germany consists of 600 German troops and 100 Austrians.
Violence flared last week after Kosovo sent ethnic Albanian special police units to border posts that had been staffed mostly by ethnic Serbs to enforce a ban on imports from Serbia.
NATO sent its ***peacekeepers*** to quell a subsequent three days of violence in which one ethnic Albanian policeman was shot dead and ***hardline Serbian nationalists*** set fire to one of the northern border crossings.
The NATO troops returned to their barracks Friday after ethnic Serbs blocked them from reaching peacekeepers deployed at border posts.
At the weekend the NATO mission said it had removed three road blocks but they were mainly on secondary roads and the situation remained tense Tuesday with local Serbs still blocking the main roads to border posts.

Kosovo declared independence in 2008 but the 60,000 Serbs living in northern Kosovo still consider Belgrade their capital.
(Reporting by David Brunnstrom, Fatos Bytyci, Ilona Wissenbach and Justyna Pawlak, editing by Gareth Jones)


Tanjug News Agency - August 2, 2011

KFOR won't let food, medical supplies through at Jarinje

JARINJE: KFOR is preventing the entry of vehicles that carry any kind of food, or any type of goods, at the administrative point of Jarinje are, reports said.
Tanjug news agency said that NATO-led KFOR soldiers have even banned medical supplies from going through. Drivers said they were told that American soldiers "had an order" to stop vehicles carrying goods.
They also refused to let those loaded with heating fuel to pass through. Only passenger cars are being let through. 
Serbs in northern Kosovo receive supplies from central Serbia through the Brnjak and Jarinje administrative line checkpoints. 
Tanjug says that at Brnjak, people managed to get bread and milk to the north in "smaller vehicles". 
Meanwhile, the night went peacefully at the barricades Serbs had put put up to protest against the attempts of Kosovo Albanian authorities to take over the checkpoints. 
The Serbs spent an eighth night on the barricades near Zupče, on the way to Brnjak, and near Rudare and in Leposavić, blocking the road to Jarinje. 
Serbian government representatives were also in Kosovo last night - head of the Belgrade team in the dialogue with Priština Borislav Stefanović, Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanović, and President Boris Tadić's adviser Jovan Ratković arrived there after talks with EU mediator Robert Cooper in Raška. 
They expect to meet with KFOR commander Erhard Buehler during the day. 
The crisis in northern parts of Kosovo started last Monday when Priština sent its police units to the checkpoints, while several days later a group of masked men set Jarinje on fire, which was then closed, as well as Brnjak. 
Serbs are a majority in the north and do not recognize the unilateral declaration of independence made by ethnic Albanians in early 2008. They also reject the authority of the government in Priština.


Beta News Agency/Tanjug News Agency - August 2, 2011

Minister tells Serbs in north to remain at barricades

RUDARE: The Minister for Kosovo and Metohija on Tuesday called on the residents of northern Kosovo to continue to gather at the barricades.
"I plead with you to continue gathering in as large a number as possible, and express our will and goals in a peaceful manner, to not allow the Kosovo state to take root in this region," he told some 2,000 Serbs from the province gathered at the road block in the village of Rudare.
The minister urged the citizens to behave in a dignified manner, maintain peace and fight for their rights and the rights of Serbia. 
Bogdanović said negotiations concerning the situation in the north would continue, while he described those held to date as "fairly difficult and uncertain". 
Yesterday, Bogdanović and other government officials met with the EU mediator in the Belgrade-Priština dialogue held in Brussels, Robert Cooper, but there were no statements given after the meeting which is expected to resume. 
"Clearly there is no understanding for our interests and goals on the part of the international community, and for this reason I plead on you to be united, to set partisan issues aside, as well as rumors which are more dangerous than guns here," the minister said to the local Serbs at Rudare today. 
The crisis in the northern, predominantly Serb, parts of the province started when the Kosovo Albanian government in Priština put an embargo on goods coming from central Serbia and then, on July 25, sent members of police units to take over the control of administrative checkpoints. 
Local Serbs responded to the move, taken while the Belgrade-Priština dialogue was underway, by setting up roadblocks, and said they would continue the protests until the situation was "back to where it was before July 25" when EULEX customs and Serb members of the Kosovo police, KPS, were at the Brnjak and Jarinje posts. 
On Tuesday, head of Serbia's negotiating team in the Kosovo dialogue Borislav Stefanović underlined that Priština was not yet ready for an agreement on the resolution of the north Kosovo crisis, and called on Serbs to stay on the barricades and not react to provocations but rather give a chance for dialogue. 

“This is not a ghetto, this is Serbia...We want people to move freely, we want to get back to the dialogue. In order for that to happen, this crisis has to be resolved in the manner that we asked for. We are waiting for feedback. For now, Priština is not ready for talks,” Stefanović said in Rudare. 
Stefanović said that Belgrade officials have, in a way, become "undesired interlocutors". 
“Things will not calm down. We have to preserve unity and peace. Today we will have difficult talks. Although there will be more subversion and provocations, you should give a chance to the dialogue. You have amazed the world with your dignity and creativeness. These are the qualities that win, these are the qualities that worry them,” Stefanović said, addressing the Serbs gathered at the barricade.


Tanjug News Agency - August 2, 2011

PM calls on KFOR, UNMIK to "remain neutral"

BELGRADE: Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković has stated that Serbia did not bear responsibility for the current situation in northern Kosovo.
He blamed the Kosovo Albanian authorities in Priština and international institutions active in the province for the flare-up.
The prime minister spoke on Tuesday in Belgrade to call on international representatives to engage in talks with Serbian government officials in order to bring back calm and return to the situation that existed before the crisis. 
Cvetković also stated that he believed the Belgrade-Priština dialogue should be "renewed". 
"Representatives of the international community, KFOR and EULEX, must remain neutral, and not take sides as they are doing right now by refusing to talk to legitimate representatives of the Republic of Serbia, and by blocking food convoys, which could lead to a humanitarian catastrophe," concluded the Serbian premier.

=== 2 ===

Anniversario della strage di Lipljan

L’Associazione delle famiglie serbe chiede le risposte

L’Associazione delle famiglie dei 14 serbi che sono stati uccisi dodici anni fa nei pressi di Lipljane in Kosovo mentre mietevano il grano ha chiesto alle istituzioni rispettive di chiarire questo delitto compiuto dagli estreminsti albanesi e il destino di più di 3 mila serbi e non albanesi che sono stati uccisi in Kosovo. L’appello è stato lanciato in occasione del dodicesimo anniversario dell’uccisione di 14 mietitori serbi nel villaggio Staro Gracko, nei pressi di Lipljane in Kosovo. La presidentessa dell’Associazione delle famiglie dei serbi uccisi e sequestrati in Kosovo Natascia Scepanovic ha detto in conferenza stampa che nonostante molte prove nessuno è stato accusato di aver ucciso e sequestrato i serbi in Kosovo. Il presidente della commissione del governo serbo per le persone scomparse Veljko Odalovic ha ricordato che non si sa ancora il destino di 1.800 persone che sono sparite nella regione meridionale della Serbia.  

23 luglio 2011

Con il requiem per le vittime nel borgo Staro Gracko, nei pressi di Lipljan, è stato segnato il 12° anniversario di uno dei più gravi crimini commessi sui serbi dall’arrivo delle missioni di pace in Kosovo e Metochia, quando furono assassinati 14 mietitori nei loro campi. Di questo crimine tutt’oggi non è stato punito nessuno. Al requiem, oltre i parenti e gli amici, hanno partecipato anche il presidente della Commissione del governo serbo per gli scomparsi, Veljko Odalovic, e l’assistente del ministro per il Kosovo e Metochia, Dragan Petkovic, il comandante della KFOR, Erhard Biller, il capo della Circoscrizione kosovara, Goran Arsic, e il deputato nel parlamento kosovaro, Rada Trajkovic.

=== 3 ===

Djelic: esecutivo serbo protesterà presso l’UE

L’esecutivo serbo protesterà presso l’Unione europea perché Pristina ha decisio di vietare che la merce dalla Serbia centrale arrivi in Kosovo, ha confermato il vice premier Bozidar Djelic. L’Unione europea è il mediatore del dialogo tra Belgrado e Pristina e deve intervenire, ha detto Djelic a Obrenovac, dove ha siglato insieme con il capo della delegazione dell’Unione europea a Belgrado Vincent Deger l’accordo sulla donazione finanziaria dell’Unione europea alla Serbia, il cui valore ammonterà a 178,5 milioni di euro. Djelic ha sottolineato che la decisione di Pristina ha violato i principi fondamentali del commercio e l’accordo Cefta, la stipulazione del quale è stata incentivata e promossa dall’Unione europea. Questa decisione mette in questione anche il dialogo tra Belgrado e Pristina, il quale è stato avviato con la promessa è l’accordo che non sarebbero state prese le decsioni unilaterali che avrebbero potuto togliere ogni senso alle trattative, ha ribadito Djelic. Dopo la decisione delle autorità di Pristina di imporre l’embargo sulla merce che arriva dalla Serbia centrale, la merce serba in decine di camion è stata bloccata al valico amministrativo Merdare. La decisione delle autorità albanesi è entrata in vigore il 20 luglio. 

Serbi del nord del Kosovo non rispetteranno l’embargo

Il Consiglio dei quattro comuni serbi del distretto di Kosovska Mitrovica ha comunicato che per la popolazione serba la decisione delle autorità di Pristina di imporre l’embargo sulla merce che arriva dalla Serbia centrale non ha alcun valore. Il Consiglio ha valutato che la decisione di Pristina è di natura politica, ed ha chiesto ai rappresentanti dell’Eulex e la polizia che si trova ai valichi amminsitrativi Brnjak e Jarinje nel Kosovo settentrionale, abitato prevalentemente dalla popolazione serba, di non rispettare la decisone di Pristina e di non ostacolare la libera circolazione di merci e servizi. Se la Kfor, l’Eulex e la polizia non daranno ascolto alla nostra richiesta, saranno responsabili della destabilizzazione in questa regione del Kosovo, hanno avvertito i rappresentanti del Consiglio. Loro hanno invitato i cittadini e gli impenditori serbi che vivono nel nord Kosovo a continuare a fornirsi della merce che arriva dalla Serbia centrale.      

Dacic: pressioni più forti per il riconoscimento del Kosovo
23 luglio 2011

Il sostituto del premier e ministro dell’interno della Serbia, Ivica Dacic, ha dichiarato che nell’Unione europea esiste un gruppo di paesi che con l’approvazione dello status di candidato per la Serbia in cambio vorrebbe vedere anche il riconoscimento dell’indipendenza del Kosovo. Se questa diventerà una condizione, allora è meglio separarsi in tempo, ha fatto sapere Dacic. “Nei prossimi anni dobbiamo aspettarci pressioni ancora più forti per il riconoscimento del Kosovo, per questo motivo bisogna iniziare i colloqui sulla delimitazioni”, ha rilevato Dacic nell’intervista rilasciata al quotidiano “Novosti”. Lui ha dichiarato che teme un’integrazione forzata del Kosovo settentrionale e che quindi la Serbia deve fare il possibile per salvare il proprio popolo.


Scontri al confine tra Serbia centrale e provincia del Kosovo

Un posto di frontiera dato alle fiamme, barricate, un campo Kfor evacuato per via dell'incendio, scontri fra militari della forza internazionale e gruppi di serbi kosovari: questo il bilancio delle tensioni alla "frontiera" tra Serbia centrale e provincia del Kosovo. Oggi della situazione si occupano anche le Nazioni Unite con una riunione a porte chiuse del Consiglio di sicurezza, che ha accettato la richiesta di una seduta urgente arrivata oggi da Belgrado. Secondo fonti serbe l’esito sarebbe negativo.
Una situazione nata nei giorni scorsi dal reciproco boicottaggio delle importazioni e dalla decisione di Priština [“capitale” del Kosovo, ex provincia di Jugoslavia e Serbia] di schierare al confine la propria polizia per vigilare sull'imposizione dell'embargo. Martedì la polizia kosovaro-albanese ha effettuato un’operazione speciale al confine con le enclavi serbe tentando di occupare tre posti di blocco. Il che ha provocato gli scontri in cui sono rimaste ferite decine di persone. La Russia ha giudicato le azioni della polizia kosovara come un atto provocatorio. Ieri sera il comandante della Kfor, generale Erhard Buhler, ha detto che la situazione è tornata sotto controllo in tarda serata.
Ad originare la guerra doganale tra Serbia e Kosovo è stata la decisione presa nei giorni scorsi da Pristina di bloccare alla frontiera le merci di Belgrado. Una decisione presa in risposta all'embargo della Serbia sui prodotti etichettati «made in Kosovo», la cui legittimità non è riconosciuta. Ieri sera si è registrata la ferma condanna da parte dell'alto rappresentante della politica estera dell'Ue, Catherine Ashton, che ha parlato di «violenze inaccettabili» ed ha detto di aver parlato al telefono con il presidente serbo, il moderato Boris Tadic, e con il premier kosovaro, ex capo della guerriglia razzista pan-albanese Uck, Hashim Thaci, invitandoli a tornare al dialogo. Thaci aveva dichiarato recentemente che il nord del Kosovo, abitato da Serbi, rappresenta un “buco nero” nello Stato che va sanato.
Gruppi di dimostranti serbo-kosovari coperti da un passamontagna, hanno distrutto con le ruspe i prefabbricati che contenevano gli uffici della polizia di frontiera e dei doganieri di Jarinje. Già nel 2008 lo stesso valico era stato dato alle fiamme, due giorni dopo la dichiarazione unilaterale d'indipendenza del Kosovo, nel febbraio del 2008. Le fiamme hanno costretto all'evacuazione anche un campo di militari del Kfor: è stata vista uscire una colonna di 20 mezzi e i soldati dovrebbero essere tutti polacchi.
Poi tafferugli sono scoppiati fra i dimostranti serbo-kosovari e i militari Kfor, che in un comunicato hanno detto di essere stati anche bersagliati con colpi d'arma da fuoco. Il presidente della Serbia Tadic ha subito condannato l'accaduto e invitato la minoranza serba del Kosovo a mettere un freno alle violenze. «Gli hooligan -ha detto- non fanno gli interessi né dei serbi del Kosovo né della Serbia».
La notte scorsa le forze di polizia kosovare si erano ritirate dopo aver consentito l'insediarsi del personale nei due valichi doganali incaricati di applicare la misura decisa da Priština. La presenza dei poliziotti, nei giorni scorsi, aveva creato frizioni con la popolazione della minoranza serbo- kosovara, particolarmente colpita dall'embargo. Sembra che un poliziotto sia morto colpito da un
proiettile e altri quattro erano rimasti feriti, uno per l'esplosione di un ordigno e altri tre per un lancio di sassi.

28-7-2011 (fonti: da Redazione Contropiano, e aggiornamenti)

=== 4 ===

Al Kosovo non basta

27.07.2011, 16:42

Belgrado cerchera’ una soluzione esclusivamente diplomatica al conflitto sulla frontiera con il Kosovo. Cosi il presidente Tadic ha commentato il tentativo dei servizi speciali kosovari di occupare alcuni posti di blocco. Secondo gli esperti, si tratta di un’azione commessa con la convinzione della propria impunibilita’.

La causa formale che ha portato a deteriorare la situazione, sono le controversie doganali della settimana scorsa. Adesso pero’, secondo gli esperti, Pristina non si limitera’ a questo attacco soltanto. In Kosovo si parla gia’ del controllo su tutta la frontiera con la Serbia. Per di piu, le forze speciali kosovare, benche’ ritirate dai posti di blocco Jarine e Brnjak, rimangono nel nord della regione.

In un’intervsita esclusiva a La Voce della Russia cosi ha detto Marko Jakscic, leader dei serbi che vivono nei territori settentironali del Kosovo:

Nella base KFOR di Leposavic, nel nord del paese, si trova una decina di agenti arrivati alla vigilia con elicatteri della Kfor.   In questo modo le forze internazionali guidate dalla Nato hanno violato il principio di neutralita’. Noi insistiamo sul ritiro di questi poliziotti in quanto la base si trova ad alcuni chilometri di distanza dal posto di blocco Jarine. In ogni caso continueremo a difendere la frontiera e siamo pronti ad un nuovo tentativo di Pristina di prendere sotto controllo questa parte della regione.

Le autorita’ serbe hanno ancora una volta ribadito di puntare all’opzione negoziale, ma i passi del Kosovo mettono in dubbio la possibilita’ del dialogo, innanzi tutto per l’impunibilita’ di Pristina.

Dice l’esperto  della crisi balcanica, Anna Filimonova:

Sembra che gli albanesi abbiano deciso di inasprire la situazione per portare il Kosovo all’indipendenza a pieno titolo. Dopo aver ottenuto dalla Serbia concessioni senza precedenti, adesso vogliono tutto e subito. E’ evidente che puntano all’escalation del conflitto, in cui avranno il tacito sostegno della Kfor.

Dopo l’ultimo attacco si ha puntato il dito contro l’Eulex – forze di pace dell’UE, per un impegno insufficiente. In precedenza pero’ proprio per le insistenti richieste di Pristina i caschi blu dell’Onu sono stati sostituiti con le forze europee che, in teoria, dovrebbero sostenere la formazione istituzionale delle nuove autorita’ kosovare, tramite consultazioni giuridiche. In realta’ pero’ l’Eulex ha partecipato al soffocamento delle proteste delle enclave serbe, con gas lacrimogeno e proiettili di gomma.

Mosca ha piu’ volte indicato che questa attivita’ delle forze di pace europee e’ ben lontana dal principio di neutralita’. Ma l’Ue non si e’ decisa di intervenire, in quanto oggi della pace e la stabilita’ nel Kosovo  si occupa la Kfor guidata dalla Nato.

Questo comportamento del Kosovo, l’escalation del conflitto, tentativi di aggressione, come quello del 26 luglio, rimarrano impunite, senza alcuna conseguenza, anche se si tratti di una palese violazione del diritto internazionale. Tutto cio’ perche’ Pristina viene coperta dal suo patrono che silenziosamente approva tutte le sue decisioni. Cioe’ gli Usa.

In questo modo non vanno avanti anche i tentativi di chiamare alla responsabilita’  Hashim Taci colpevole del traffico di organi:

L’esempio di Taci, aggiunge l’esperto Filimonova, dimostra a tutto il mondo che la situazione nei Balcani viene controllata dagli Usa. Fino a quando Taci rimarra’  burattino di Washington, ogni tentativo di cambiare la situazione e’ destinato a fallire.

Pristina continuera’ a tutti i costi ad attuare il progetto della spartizione dei Balcani ideato dagli Usa alla fine degli anni ’90 che adesso vengono aiutati anche dall’Ue che segnala a Belgrado la necessita’ di riconoscere il Kosovo per entrare nell’Unione Europea.

In effetti, la Serbia lo ha gia’ fatto, riconoscendo la legittimita’ dei passaporti rilasciati da Pristina. Ma sembra che al Kosovo questo non basti.


Pristina sta provocando la Serbia

28.07.2011, 16:37

Il tentativo delle autorità della sedicente Repubblica del Kosovo di prendere il controllo dei confini amministrativi con la Serbia ha provocato l’esplosione della violenza in queste zone abitate dai serbi. Uno dei centri abitati di frontiera  - Jarinie è stato bruciato da persone ignote  in maschera. La Serbia ha già condannato i tentativi di escalare il conflitto e ha esortato a convocare una seduta straordinaria del Consiglio di Sicurezza dell’ONU.

A quanto pare, mentre l’attenzione della comunità mondiale è centrata sugli avvenimenti in Norvegia, il Primo ministro del Kosovo Hashim Taci ha deciso di eliminare, rapidamente ed impercettibilmente, un problema interno.  In particolare, ha introdotto truppe speciali del Ministero dell’Interno nelle zone settentrionali controllate dalla Forza di sicurezza multinazionale in Kosovo (KFOR) desiderando dimostrare in tal modo chi è il padrone di casa. Anzi, non ne ha dato comunicazione anche ai suoi protettori degli USA e dell’Ue, provocandone l’irritazione.

Al microfono Tatiana Parkhalina, vice direttore dell’ Istituto per l'economia mondiale e le relazioni internazionali, Accademia delle scienze russa.

In alcuni casi è molto difficile prevedere le azioni dei politici simili a Hashim Taci. Il fatto che il Kosovo ha proclamato la sua indipendenza e che questa indipendenza è stata riconosciuta da alcune decine di paesi  non significa affatto che il problema è chiuso. Lo si può risolvere solo in una prospettiva a lunga scadenza  quando il Kosovo e la Serbia saranno integrati nell’Ue. Ma non è un problema di domani.

La situazione creatasi al confine con la Serbia, naturalmente, irrita Pristina. I serbi che abitano qui mantengono gli attivi rapporti  con Belgrado. Di fatto hanno controllato anche il servizio doganale locale, il potere degli albanesi da queste parti era assai formale.  Questo status-quo è esistito fino al 20 luglio, giorno quando Taci ha introdotto il divieto sul commercio con Belgrado motivandolo con il presunto grande afflusso di contrabbando anche se è ben noto il ruolo del Kosovo in qualità di principale punto di trasbordo in Europa per i contrabbandieri di ogni risma. Anche Bruxelles ha rimproverato Taci di violare le  norme incrollabili del libero commercio. Ma ciò non ha fermato il Premier che ha messo in opera truppe speciali. Il risultato è triste:  entrambe le Parti registrano dei feriti.

Il Presidente della Serbia Boris Tadic ha invitato le Parti a rinunciare alla violenza. In particolare, ha invitato i serbi residenti nel nord del Kosovo a dare prova di autocontrollo. Attualmente per la Serbia è molto vantaggiosa la scalata del conflitto con  il Kosovo, soprattutto dopo il riscaldamento dei rapporti con l’Ue dopo l’estradizione di personaggi principali della guerra civile nell’ex Jugoslavia.

Dopo i difficili negoziati il  controllo al confine è tornato alla Forza multinazionale. Come ha dichiarato il portavoce del governo serbo Borislav Stefanovic,  anche se gli estremisti hanno posto tutti in una situazione delicata, c’è la speranza che non ci saranno ulteriori atti provocatori. La Russia ha avvertito che le azioni provocatori delle autorità albanesi del Kosovo destabilizzano la situazione già fragile nel territorio, implicano la fomentazione della tensione, scalzano il processo negoziale tra Belgrado e Pristina. Al Consiglio di Sicurezza dell’ONU sono già iniziate le consultazioni a porte chiuse sul problema. Al loro termine sarà adottata una decisione sulla convocazione di una seduta straordinaria del Consiglio di Sicurezza.
