
(E' stata fondata a Zagabria la Lega degli Jugoslavi: di seguito il comunicato stampa, un articolo e una intervista apparsa su Jutarnji List. 
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Da: "Zlatko Stojkovic" 
Data: 22 marzo 2010 21:12:27 GMT+01:00
Oggetto: Osnovan Savez Jugoslavena

Dragi prijatelji,

Drugarice i drugovi,

Dame i gospodo,

Savez Jugoslavena je postala stvarnost.

Molimo vas da priloženi tekst objavite na što više web stranica, na što više foruma, portala i mail adresa. Što više ljudi čuje za nas, više će nam se ljudi pridruživati. Postati ćemo jači, snažniji, uticajniji.

Ukoliko smatrate potrebnim, prevedite ga na strane jezike i objavite ga.

 Unaprijed se zahvaljujemo na aktivnosti.


Press služba

Udruženja "Naša Jugoslavija"

Zlatko Stojković

Dalibor Tomić

Saopštenje za javnost 
Na inicijativu članova koordinacionog tijela Udruženja "Naša Jugoslavija" u Zagrebu je dana 21. 03. 2010. godine održan osnivački skup Saveza Jugoslavena. Zadatak koji su prisutni pred sebe postavili jeste provoñenje aktivnosti koje će omogućiti da se nacionalnost Jugoslaven uvrsti u red službeno priznatih nacija u svim zemljama nastalim na području nekadašnje SFRJ. Kao sve ostale nacionalnosti tako i Jugoslaveni imaju pravo na udruživanje, javno izjašnjavanje, opredjeljenje prilikom popisa stanovništva ili pak organizovanje u razne društvene organizacije. I Jugoslaveni imaju pravo na očuvanje kulturnog identiteta, istorijske, umjetničke, jezične i književne baštine. 
Savez Jugoslavena će svoje djelatnosti usmjeriti u pravcu otvaranja javne rasprave o pravima Jugoslavena i njihove aktivne uloge u izgradnji demokratskog društva – temama koje su već dugi niz godina u javnosti negativno predstavljane ili potpuno tabuizirane. Jugoslaveni postoje, ponosni su na svoje opredjeljenje i jedina su alternativa nacionalizmu – jedinstven je stav osnivača Saveza. 
Osnivačkim skupom i formiranjem Saveza pripadnici nacionalnosti Jugoslavena nedvosmisleno su potvrdili neophodnost i opravdanost osnivanja jedne krovne organizacije u kojoj svoje mjesto mogu pronaći svi koji se osjećaju kao Jugoslaveni, tako se izjašnjavaju ili žele izjašnjavati.  
Osnovni zadatak Saveza je objediniti sve Jugoslavene bez obzira na njihovo političko, vjersko, polno ili bilo koje drugo opredjeljenje. Ciljevi i aktivnosti Saveza usmjereni su u pravcu njegovanja kulture i jezika Jugoslavena, njihovih običaja i tradicije, prezentacije kulturnih tekovina, razvijanja prijateljskih odnosa sa svim ostalim narodima, edukacija i vaspitanje mladih, jačanje veza sa Jugoslavenima koji žive širom svijeta, zauzimanje za meñusobno razumijevanje, toleranciju i poštovanje osnovnih ljudskih prava na slobodu, javno izjašnjavanje i opredjeljenje – prava koja su svakom pojedincu zagarantovana ustavima svih demokratskih država i meñunarodnim pravnim aktima.  
Savez Jugoslavena stoji čvrsto na stanovištu da je neophodno potrebno aktivno i neposredno raditi na prevazilaženju nacionalnih podjela, približavanju ratom zavañenih naroda na prostorima nekadašnje SFRJ, na stvaranju prijateljskih odnosa. Govor nacionalističke mržnje mora biti zamijenjen jezikom ljubavi i pomirenja. Posebnu pažnju pri tome treba posvetiti otvorenim razmjenama mišljenja o uzrocima nedavnih ratnih sukoba, a sa ciljem njihove sveobuhvatne analize što će neumitno dovesti do prevazilaženja nesporazuma i uspostavljanja povjerenja. 
Jugoslavenstvo predstavlja simbiozu svih zajedničkih karakteristika podneblja na kojem žive svi naši narodi, a Jugoslaveni posjeduju emotivni prostor pripadanja i poistovjećivanja sa jednim (Jugoslavenskim) identitetom, koji na poseban način obilježava naš mentalitet, naše istorijsko i kulturno naslijeñe i čiji je potencijal veliki i neprocjenjivo vrijedan. Jugoslavenstvo prevazilazi autističku moć razmišljanja svih koji su sami sebe ograničli „čistim“ i jednonacionalnim obilježjima ili uskogrudom ideologijom. To je suviše napredna ideja da bismo mogli očekivati da bude adekvatno shvaćena i prihvaćena od onih, koji na nju gledaju sa agresivnom arogancijom. Da li je to strah od boljeg? 
Pripadnici nacionalnosti Jugoslaven su u nekadašnjoj SFRJ, koja je kao i sve druge zemlje imala svojih dobrih i loših strana, imali priliku da budu ravnopravni svim drugim narodima i narodnostima, da učestvuju u njenoj izgradnji i razvoju, da zajedno sa svim drugima razvijaju svoje sposobnosti, izučavaju škole, proširuju znanje, imali su priliku da žive u zemlji u kojoj je čovjek stajao ispred profita, u društvu u kome je drugarstvo bilo važnije od egoizma i gdje je pripadnost cjelokupnoj zajednici bilo važnije od krutih i ograničenih nacionalističkih stega. Jugoslaveni nepokolebljivo vjeruju u kreativnost i pozitivnu dinamiku južnoslavenskih prostora i nisu opterećeni pečatima istorijske zaostavštine i potenciranja neznatnih razlika meñu plemenima, već daju prednost elementima spajanja duge evropske kulturne tradicije, a kao rezultat takvih nastojanja i pogleda pojavljuje se specifičnost zajedničkog identiteta, koji je apsolutno nezavisan od nekih starih ili nekih novih granica, te time po ko zna koji put na djelu dokazuje da granice ne postoje na kartama već isključivo u glavama ljudi.  
Često se i danas, s manje ili više prava, zna reći da smo u nekadašnjoj SFRJ živjeli s one strane „gvozdene zavjese“ i da smo samo s vremena na vrijeme bili shvaćeni i primijećeni. Pa, ipak su naša dostignuća u sferama muzike sporta, filma, književnosti bila i te kako prihvaćena i priznata širom svijeta. Pokazalo je to da Jugoslaveni posjeduju ogroman potencijal i da apsolutno zaslužuju da im se pruži objektivna mogućnost za dalji razvoj, koja im nije data. Jugoslaveni osjećaju potrebu i preuzimaju obavezu da svoje kulturno, istorijsko, jezičko, običajno i svako drugo nasljeñe objektivno i bez predrasuda proučavaju sopstvenim snagama i da ga predstave i prikažu svijetu bez miješanja pretencioznih posmatrača iz krutih i nadasve isključivih jednonacionalnih krugova. U našem, ali prevashodno u interesu budućih generacija je da istina preživi nezavisno od toga koliko ona bila bolna. 
Jugoslaveni priznaju i prihvataju čovjeka bez obzira na njegovu nacionalnu ili vjersku pripadnost, boju kože, polno ili bilo koje drugo opredjeljenje i bore se za ravnopravnost, jednakost i prosperitet svih koji žive na prostorima nekadašnje SFRJ. Istovremeno ne traže ništa više nego tolerantan odnos i akceptiranje prava na pripadnost nacionalnosti Jugoslaven. 
Jugoslavenstvo predstavlja svojevrstan modus zajedničkog života na našim prostorima i posjeduje ogroman integracioni potencijal, koji je djelimično došao do izražaja u toku trajanja zajedničkog života u nekadašnjoj SFRJ. Ekvivalent zajedništvu je i svakim danom sve vidljivija ekonomska zavisnost i upućenost jednih prema drugima. Nasljedstvo obavezuje, a ono u čemu smo uživali jeste činjenica da su grañanima mnogo više od materijalnog bogatstva značile mogućnosti besplatnog školovanja i liječenja. Opismenjavanje je omogućilo mnogo veću socijalnu pokretljivost  
Osnovna osobina Jugoslavenstva jeste njegova heterogenost i otvorenost prema drugom i drugačijem. 
Jednakost nezavisna od boje kože, polne pripadnosti, religiozne opredjeljenosti ili svake druge orjentacije obogaćuje ovaj kompleksni fenomen, prikazuje ga u svjetlu izrazito pozitivne istorijske i socijalno-kulturne dinamike, a iznad nazadne i primitivne ograničenosti nacionalizma, odnosno jednonacionalne samozadovoljnosti i besperpektivnosti. Jugoslavenstvo znači otvoreno govoriti o ravnopravnosti svake vrste, istinito prikazivati istorijske činjenice, ponositi se zajedničkim jezikom i porijeklom, zajedničkom borbom za osloboñenje, zajedničkom izgradnjom razrušene domovine... Ideja Jugoslavenstva potiče još iz 19 vijeka, duboko je ukorijenjena u karakterologiju naroda na ovim prostorima i ostavila je neizbrisiv trag meñu svima nama.  
Jugoslaveni ne žele da budu oruñe u rukama drugih, kojima se barata na način njima stran i neželjen, ne žele da ih se svojata i postavlja čas na ovu, čas na onu stranu, kako kome u odreñenom trenutku odgovara.  
Osećaj nacionalne pripadnosti stvar je slobodnog izjašnjavanja i pravo svakog pojedinca. Zašto bi to pravo, koje je dozvoljeno velikoj većini, bilo uskraćeno Jugoslavenima? Postojeća ustavna i zakonska regulativa svih država nastalih na području nekadašnje SFRJ oslanja se na meñunarodne akte o ljudskim pravima i to prije svega na Povelju o pravima čovjeka organizacije UN i Evropsku konvenciju o ljudskim pravima, što ih obavezuje na postupanje po istim.  
Svi iznijeti stavovi i ciljevi u skladu su sa demokratskim principima jačanja civilnog društva i predstavljaće osnovu rada Saveza Jugoslavena.  
Poručujemo i pozivamo sve Jugoslavene, kao i sve koji se Jugoslavenima osjećaju da nam se pridruže i daju svoj doprinos u zajedničkim nastojanjima.  
Naša adresa je savez-jugoslavena@... 
Za Press službu 
Udruženja „Naša Jugoslavija“ 
Dalibor Tomić i Zlatko Stojković 


U Zagrebu osnovan Savez Jugoslavena

Autor: Portal
Objavljeno: 23.03.2010

Poručuju kako im je cilj provođenje aktivnosti kojima će se omogućiti da se nacionalnost Jugoslaven uvrsti u red službeno priznatih nacija u svim zemljama nastalim na području nekadašnje SFRJ

ZAGREB - U Zagrebu je 21. ožujka održan osnivački skup Saveza Jugoslavena na inicijativu članova koordinacijskog tijela Udruženja Naša Jugoslavija . Iz Saveza poručuju kako im je cilj provođenje aktivnosti kojima će se omogućiti da se nacionalnost Jugoslaven uvrsti u red službeno priznatih nacija u svim zemljama nastalim na području nekadašnje SFRJ.

Naime, tvrde da kao Jugoslaveni imaju pravo na očuvanje identiteta, povijesne, umjetničke, jezične i književne baštine.

Navode kako je riječ o temama koje su niz godina u javnosti negativno predstavljane ili su postale tabu teme.

Dodaju da je neophodno raditi na nadilaženju nacionalnih podjela, na približavanju ratom zavađenih naroda te na stvaranju prijateljskih odnosa.

- Govor nacionalističke mržnje mora biti zamijenjen jezikom ljubavi i pomirenja. Posebnu pažnju pri tom treba posvetiti otvorenim razmjenama mišljenja o uzrocima nedavnih ratnih sukoba, a s ciljem njihove sveobuhvatne analize što će dovesti do nadilaženja nesporazuma i uspostavljanje pomirenja - kaže se u priopćenju.

Zadatak Saveza je objedinjavanje svih Jugoslavena bez obzira na njihovo vjersko, političko, spolno ili bilo koje drugo opredjeljenje.

- Jugoslaveni se zalažu za međusobno razumijevanje, toleranciju i poštovanje osnovnih ljudskih prava na slobodu, javno izjašnjavanje i opredjeljenje - stoji u priopćenju.


Vraćamo nacionalnost ‘Jugoslaven’

Autor: Zlatko Šimić
Objavljeno: 29.03.2010

Dalibor Tomić, jedan od osnivača Saveza Jugoslavena, u ekskluzivnom razgovoru za Jutarnji list otkriva činjenice o tajnovitoj udruzi. U Savezu smatraju da Jugoslavena ima dosta, ali se sada iz raznih razloga tako ne mogu izjasniti

ZAGREB - Otkako je u Zagrebu u nedjelju, 21. ožujka, osnovan Savez Jugoslavena , o tajnovitoj se udruzi u javnosti nije moglo doznati ništa. Tko su, što su, odakle su, tko su im članovi, koji su im ciljevi... samo su neka od pitanja koja su zagolicala maštu pobornika, kao i protivnika te ideje. Kako slične udruge postoje u Srbiji, a u Tivtu udruga ima čak i svoju ambasadu, pokušali smo doznati koje su namjere vodstva ove koja je osnovana u Zagrebu. Veći dio programa objavljen je na stranici (tko voli, nek’ izvoli), gdje je, među ostalim, navedena i zanimljiva pjesma Branka Ćopića.

“Dragi brate Mićo, ti si Amerikanac, djeca su ti Amerikanci, unuci Amerikanci, žene se kako hoće i s kim hoće, a opet Amerikanci ostaju. A ja, moj Mićo, imam ti u kući čitavu varicu: sin mi Srbin, snaha Hrvatica, a moji rođeni unučići - kao da si popeo magarca na kobilu - ni tamo ni amo, strina srpska, a glava hrvatska i obratno. Živimo u Jugoslaviji, a ne smijemo ni beknuti da smo Jugosloveni. E, čija li je to konjska pamet izmislila da mi je samo znati!”

Medicinar u Njemačkoj

Nakon što smo poslali dopis, javio nam se jedan od organizatora osnivačkog skupa Dalibor Tomić. Tko je on?

- Po opredjeljenju sam Jugoslaven, po zanimanju medicinski menadžer, završio sam dvogodišnji studij u Njemačkoj. Tim se poslom bavim već nekoliko godina, imam 45 godina. Volim da se družim s ljudima iz svih krajeva svijeta, pa time i iz svih krajeva nekadašnje SFRJ. Sudjelovanjem na brojnim radnim akcijama upoznao sam tadašnju zajedničku domovinu, njene prirodne ljepote, ljude i običaje - rekao je Tomić.

Iako je Savez osnovan na prvi dan proljeća, Tomić kaže da je datum, kao i grad, izabran sasvim slučajno, no ipak se početak proljeća može gledati i simbolično. Tomić kaže da skup nije javno sazvan, za njega su se slale pozivnice, no nije nam želio otkriti konkretna imena. Potom je tražio da mu pitanja pošaljemo mailom, jer je u Njemačkoj pa ne možemo razgovarati uživo.- Po opredjeljenju sam Jugoslaven, po zanimanju medicinski menadžer, završio sam dvogodišnji studij u Njemačkoj. Tim se poslom bavim već nekoliko godina, imam 45 godina. Volim da se družim s ljudima iz svih krajeva svijeta, pa time i iz svih krajeva nekadašnje SFRJ. Sudjelovanjem na brojnim radnim akcijama upoznao sam tadašnju zajedničku domovinu, njene prirodne ljepote, ljude i običaje - rekao je Tomić.

Kakav odnos imate prema pojmu ‘jugonostalgija’.

- Pojam nostalgija, prema Klaiću, znači čežnju za zavičajem. Uz sve to, jugonostalgija ima konkretniji, neposredniji karakter. Iako je jugonostalgija postavljena na pijedestal negativnih pojava, ona je osobna stvar svakog pojedinca i fenomen je sama za sebe.

Koje tekovine SFRJ kanite promicati?

- Socijalno i mirovinsko osiguranje, zdravstvenu zaštitu, prava radnika, obrazovanje.

Da se SFRJ nije raspala, gdje bi danas bila?

- Teško je reći gdje bi SFRJ danas bila. Vjerojatno bi bila ravnopravan sagovornik EU.

Tko su najveći uništavatelji SFRJ?

- Kapital!

Valja reći da je slična udruga u Srbiji već pokrenula inicijativu da se vrati nacionalnost Jugoslaven. Prema posljednjem popisu u Hrvatskoj 2001. se nije brojalo tko se izjasnio kao Jugoslaven. Dio njih (21.801) je vjerojatno pod ostali ili nepoznato (17.975). Zanimljivi su podaci za 1991. kada se 106.041 građanin u Hrvatskoj izjasnio kao Jugoslaven. Rekordna je 1981. s čak 379.057 Jugoslavena, za razliku od 1971. kada ih se tako izjasnilo gotovo pet puta manje, 84.118.

Per la pace, no alla NATO!
Risoluzione di 13 partiti comunisti, in vista del Vertice NATO di Lisbona

Traduzione a cura della redazione di l’Ernesto online

I 13 Partiti partecipanti alla Riunione del Gruppo di Lavoro degli Incontri Internazionali dei Partiti Comunisti e Operai sono i primi firmatari della Risoluzione proposta dal Partito Comunista Portoghese dal titolo “Per la Pace, No alla NATO”. Il documento, approvato nel corso della Riunione, sarà sottoposto alla firma di tutti i Partiti che partecipano al processo degli Incontri Internazionali dei Partiti Comunisti e Operai, con l’obiettivo di trasformarlo in un ampio e rappresentativo appello mondiale di lotta per la pace, contro il militarismo e la NATO.


In un quadro segnato dall’approfondimento della crisi generale del capitalismo, dall’inasprimento dello sfruttamento dei lavoratori e dei popoli, dalle rivalità interimperialiste e da complessi processi di ridislocazione delle forze sul piano internazionale, l’imperialismo si lancia in nuove derive antidemocratiche e interventi militaristi e avanza soluzioni di forza nel tentativo di perpetuarsi e difendere i suoi interessi di classe.
L’offensiva militarista che ha come protagonisti le potenze imperialiste e la NATO ha un carattere globale e multiforme.
Si intensifica la guerra imperialista con il pretesto di combattere il terrorismo.
Si consolidano i blocchi imperialisti, come la NATO. Si accelera la militarizzazione dell’Unione Europea, con l’adozione fraudolenta del Trattato di Lisbona in cui è plasmata la concezione dell’Unione Europea come pilastro europeo della NATO. Proseguono la corsa agli armamenti e gli investimenti in nuove e più micidiali armi. Le spese militari raggiungono cifre record, in particolare negli USA e nell’Unione Europea. Si espandono le zone di influenza della NATO e delle alleanze strategico-militari imperialiste, in particolare attraverso le cosiddette “partnership per la pace”, in Asia, nei territori dell’ex Unione Sovietica e anche in Africa.

Si espande la rete mondiale delle basi militari degli USA e dei paesi della NATO e si progetta la dislocazione di forze militari dall’America Latina all’Africa; dal Medio Oriente, l’Oceano Indiano e l’Asia Centrale all’Est europeo, al Caucaso e al Mar Nero.
Proseguono le occupazioni dell’Afghanistan e dell’Iraq e si scatenano aggressioni militari contro vari paesi. Si succedono le cospirazioni e le manovre di ingerenza in America Latina e in diversi paesi del continente africano e si moltiplicano le provocazioni, come in Libano. La questione palestinese continua a non trovare soluzione, come pure quella del Sahara Occidentale, e continuano ad essere impuniti i crimini imperialisti. Si intensificano le provocazioni nei confronti della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, di cui la vendita di armamento a Taiwan da parte degli USA è un esempio particolarmente grave, e le minacce a paesi come Iran e Siria.
Si intensificano gli attacchi alla sovranità di Stati, in particolare attraverso le modifiche delle frontiere, di cui l’autoproclamata indipendenza della provincia serba del Kosovo è un grave esempio. Il Diritto Internazionale, prodotto dalla sconfitta del nazifascismo nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale, è seriamente messo in causa e sottoposto ad un processo che mira alla sua distruzione.

In nome della “sicurezza” e della “lotta al terrorismo” si promuovono derive sicuritarie, si istiga al nazionalismo xenofobo e all’intolleranza religiosa e culturale, si commettono crimini contro i diritti umani, come anche contro quelli economici, sociali, democratici e di partecipazione e organizzazione politica e sociale; si sviluppano campagne anticomuniste e si perseguitano le forze che resistono all’offensiva dell’imperialismo e difendono i diritti sociali e nazionali dei popoli.

La realtà mondiale all’inizio del XXI secolo smentisce le campagne di riabilitazione dell’immagine dell’imperialismo nordamericano scatenate attorno all’elezione di Barack Obama. La natura e gli obiettivi della politica degli USA e della NATO sono oggi chiari: dominio delle risorse naturali ed energetiche, controllo delle tecnologie, espansione dei mercati, dominio militare e geo-strategico. Ossia, una risposta di forza all’indebolimento della posizione degli USA sul piano internazionale. La retorica del “multilateralismo” e del “dialogo” è smascherata dalla politica bellicista e interventista degli USA, dell’Unione Europea e della NATO, dall’offensiva imperialista in corso e dal rischio reale di nuovi conflitti militari dal Medio Oriente e l’Asia Centrale all’America Latina. Nonostante gli antagonismi tra USA e Unione Europea, entrambi convergono nell’offensiva contro i diritti sociali e nazionali dei popoli.

La guerra e l’aggressione sono l'altra faccia della globalizzazione economica imperialista e la NATO rappresenta un elemento centrale della sua strategia di dominazione egemonica e di persecuzione delle forze e dei paesi che vi si oppongono. La NATO svolge un ruolo centrale nella militarizzazione delle relazioni internazionali e nella corsa agli armamenti, rappresentando il principale motore dei conflitti e della tensione che segnano il momento attuale. Alludendo a “nuove minacce globali” – concetto che ha sostituito il vecchio pretesto del “pericolo comunista” –, la NATO impone una scalata bellica e degli armamenti di grandi dimensioni – di cui la guerra in Afghanistan è un elemento centrale.

La NATO celebrerà in novembre in Portogallo un Vertice in cui intende rinnovare la sua concezione strategica e che rappresenterà un nuovo ed estremamente pericoloso salto qualitativo nel ruolo, nella missione e negli obiettivi dell’Organizzazione.
Con la sua nuova concezione strategica la NATO intende convertire in dottrina quello che già rappresenta la sua pratica: allargare il dominio territoriale del suo intervento e della sua proiezione di forze a tutto il globo; ampliare l’ambito delle sue missioni a questioni come l’energia, l’ambiente, le migrazioni e le questioni della sicurezza interna degli Stati; riconfermarsi come blocco militare nucleare nonostante la retorica del disarmo nucleare, prevedendo l’uso dell’arma nucleare in attacchi militari; sviluppare ancora di più il complesso industriale militare e la ricerca militare ed esigere da tutti i suoi membri un aumento delle spese militari; includere nelle proprie missioni azioni di ingerenza diretta e occupazione sotto il mantello delle missioni di interposizione e mantenimento della pace; proseguire nella strumentalizzazione dell’ONU nel perseguimento dei propri obiettivi e approfondire il proprio ruolo di braccio armato

L’imperialismo sembra essere imbattibile, ma non lo è. Come sta a dimostrare la realtà, i grandi pericoli risultanti dalla risposta di forza dell’imperialismo alla crisi del capitalismo si confrontano con la lotta progressista e rivoluzionaria dei popoli. In vari punti del mondo i popoli prendono nelle loro mani la difesa dei loro diritti e della sovranità e indipendenza dei loro paesi, resistono nelle forme più diverse e impongono rovesci alla strategia di dominazione imperialista.
In tal senso, ed esprimendo la nostra profonda convinzione che, per mezzo della lotta, è possibile sconfiggere la NATO e suoi propositi bellicisti e militaristi, è possibile costruire un futuro di pace, progresso e giustizia sociale, in cui ogni popolo possa decidere liberamente del suo destino, inseparabile dalla lotta per il socialismo, noi, i Partiti Comunisti e Operai firmatari di questa dichiarazione:

- Esigiamo la fine della corsa agli armamenti, il disarmo nucleare a cominciare dalle maggiori potenze nucleari del Mondo come gli USA, la completa distruzione delle armi chimiche e biologiche, la fine delle basi militari straniere.

- Chiamiamo i lavoratori e i popoli di tutto il mondo, le forze progressiste e di sinistra, il movimento operaio e le altre organizzazioni sociali a mobilitarsi e a rafforzare la lotta per la pace, contro la guerra e la NATO. Riaffermiamo il nostro appoggio di sempre al movimento per la pace. Esprimiamo il nostro augurio al Consiglio Mondiale della Pace per il suo 60° anniversario e per la sua campagna contro la NATO.

- Dichiariamo la nostra intenzione di celebrare il 65° anniversario della vittoria sul nazifascismo come importante giornata di lotta per la pace e contro la monumentale distorsione della Storia che cerca di rimuovere il ruolo centrale dei comunisti nella liberazione dei popoli dal giogo nazifascista e di equiparare il nazismo con il comunismo.

- Riaffermiamo la nostra solidarietà ai popoli che resistono alle occupazioni, aggressioni e ingerenze dell’imperialismo e che conducono dure battaglie per la propria autodeterminazione e indipendenza, in particolare ai popoli del Medio Oriente, come i popoli palestinese, libanese e siriano, e dell’Asia Centrale. Esigiamo il ritiro immediato di tutte le truppe dall’Iraq e dall’Afghanistan e di tutti gli altri interventi imperialisti nel Mondo.

- Esigiamo lo scioglimento della NATO e appoggiamo il diritto sovrano dei popoli a decidere di svincolare i propri paesi da questa alleanza aggressiva. Riaffermiamo la nostra opposizione frontale alla militarizzazione dell’Unione Europea e alla sua politica militarista e interventista, all’allargamento della NATO e all’installazione del nuovo “sistema anti-missili” degli USA e della NATO in Romania e Bulgaria. Esprimiamo la nostra solidarietà al popolo di Cipro (Greco-Ciprioti e Turco-Ciprioti) e la sua lotta contro l’occupazione turca e per la riunificazione della patria, per una soluzione giusta del problema cipriota.

- Esigiamo la fine delle provocazioni e ingerenze in America Latina e Caraibi. Esprimiamo la nostra solidarietà con Cuba Socialista e con i popoli, le forze politiche e i governi nazionali a carattere democratico, progressista, popolare e antimperialista della regione come quelli del Venezuela Bolivariano, della Bolivia, dell’Ecuador e del Nicaragua. Esigiamo la liberazione dei cinque patrioti cubani, ingiustamente reclusi negli Stati Uniti. Riaffermiamo il nostro appoggio alla lotta del popolo honduregno per la democrazia e contro il regime golpista e per il diritto a decidere del suo futuro. Esigiamo il ritiro della Quarta Flotta nordamericana diretta contro l’America Centrale e del Sud, la chiusura delle basi militari degli USA nella regione, in particolare quelle di Guantanamo e della Colombia. Denunciamo l’intervento militare degli USA ad Haiti e reclamiamo il carattere civile della missione delle Nazioni Unite in questo Paese. Ci pronunciamo
perché le azioni di solidarietà e cooperazione con il popolo haitiano contribuiscano al rafforzamento dello Stato nazionale indipendente e allo sviluppo economico e sociale del Paese.

- Esprimiamo la nostra solidarietà ai popoli dell’Africa nella loro lotta per il diritto allo sviluppo e al popolo del Sahara Occidentale per il diritto alla sua autodeterminazione. Esigiamo la fine della militarizzazione e dell’ingerenza imperialista nel continente, in particolare sulle coste della Somalia, in tutta la regione del Corno d’Africa, nella Repubblica Democratica del Congo e nel Sudan. Riaffermiamo il nostro impegno a condurre la lotta contro il comando militare nordamericano nel continente (AFRICOM).

- Esprimiamo il nostro appoggio al movimento della pace, al movimento sindacale di classe, della gioventù, delle donne e a varie altre organizzazioni che in Portogallo stanno attivando la Campagna per la Pace e contro la NATO. Assumiamo l’impegno a fare tutto ciò che è nelle nostre possibilità per assicurare il sostegno e la mobilitazione in vista delle azioni di lotta contro la NATO e la sua nuova concezione strategica previste per il mese di novembre di quest’anno in Portogallo.

Lisbona, 14 marzo 2010

I partecipanti alla Riunione del Gruppo di Lavoro dell’Incontro Internazionale dei Partiti Comunisti e Operai, primi firmatari di questa risoluzione comune

Partito Comunista Portoghese
Partito Comunista Sudafricano
Partito del Lavoro del Belgio
Partito Comunista del Brasile
Partito Comunista di Boemia e Moravia
Partito del Popolo Lavoratore di Cipro (AKEL)
Partito Comunista di Cuba
Partito Comunista di Spagna
Partito Comunista di Grecia
Partito Comunista dell’India (Marxista)
Partito Comunista dell’India
Partito Comunista Libanese
Partito Comunista della Federazione Russa

NATO wants Slaves

0) Balkans In The NATO / NATO In The Balkans: 
"W. Balkans to enter NATO in 10 years" - Lord Robertson 
Full Circle: NATO Completes Takeover Of Former Yugoslavia - Rick Rozoff

1) Macedonia
2) Bosnia
3A) Serbia
3B) Kosovo 
4) Croatia

See also: 
on Montenegro as a NATO servant in Afghanistan:

Blog site:

=== 0 ===

Tanjug News Agency - March 11, 2010

"W. Balkans to enter NATO in 10 years" 

PRAGUE: Ex-NATO Secretary General George Robertson says the Western Balkan countries have made significant progress.
He also expressed his belief that the whole region will be part of the Alliance in ten years.
As for Belgrade's dilemma regarding the cooperation with the NATO, Robertson pointed out in an interview for the Voice of America that Serbia wants to join the European Union (EU), which is, as he put it, a significant step forward comparing with the period of Slobodan Milosevic's rule. 
"Serbia can offer a lot. The country has strong economy and the people of high moral values. I believe it wants to become a part of European mainstream rather than to stay on the margins. All the neighbors of Serbia will be members of the EU and NATO. I am convinced that all the Western Balkan countries will be part of the Alliance in ten years," Robertson was quoted as saying.  


Stop NATO - March 23, 2010

Full Circle: NATO Completes Takeover Of Former Yugoslavia

Rick Rozoff

In 1991 the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was a nominally defensive military bloc with sixteen members that, as the cliche ran, had never fired a shot.

In 1991 the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was the only simultaneously multiethnic and multiconfessional nation (entirely) in Europe, consisting of six federated republics with diverse constituencies.

By 2009 NATO had grown to 28 full members and at least that many military partners throughout Europe and in Africa, the Caucasus, the Middle East, Asia and the South Pacific. Next month NATO is to hold a summit in Estonia to be attended by the foreign ministers of 56 nations. Last month a meeting of NATO's Military Committee in Brussels included the armed forces chiefs of 63 nations, almost a third of the world's 192 countries.

By 2008 the former Yugoslavia has been fragmented into six recognized nations (the former federal republics of Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia) and a semi-recognized province of Serbia, Kosovo.

Until the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1991, NATO had never staged operations outside the territory of its member states.

In 2004 it ran eight operations in four continents, including a training mission in Iraq and combat deployments in Afghanistan. The first former Yugoslav republic, Slovenia, was inducted into NATO in that year along with six other Eastern European nations in the bloc's largest-ever expansion.

The Alliance's first three military operations, however, all occurred in the former Yugoslavia. In 1995 NATO launched Operation Deliberate Force against the Republika Srpska with 400 aircraft and over 3,500 sorties and stationed troops in Bosnia afterward.

In 1999 it unleashed the relentless 78-day Operation Allied Force air war against Yugoslavia and in June of that year deployed 50,000 troops to Kosovo.

Two years later it sent troops to and initiated the first of several operations in Macedonia following an armed conflict in that country.

The three interventions preceded September 11, 2001.

After NATO invoked its Article 5 collective military assistance clause following the latter date, NATO Partnership for Peace affiliates as well as full member states started to deploy troops to Afghanistan.

After the U.S. and British invasion of Iraq two years following that, soldiers from Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia and Slovenia were deployed to the war zone in that nation to prove their loyalty as NATO candidate countries. Montenegro did not gain its Western-backed independence until 2006, but has already been levied for troops for the Afghan war. Croatia was rewarded with full membership in 2009 and Macedonia would have accompanied it into the ranks of the world's only military axis except for the lingering name dispute with Greece.

In December of 2008 the complete transfer of contributing states' troops from Iraq to Afghanistan began and there are now military personnel from five of the six former Yugoslav republics - Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Slovenia - committed to NATO in the world's longest active and deadliest war theater.

In the post-Cold War epoch the former Yugoslavia has been the laboratory for global NATO, its testing ground and battleground, the prototype for the disintegration of nations and for their transformation into economically nonviable monoethnic statelets and Western military colonies.

The NATO military command in charge of the Balkans, Allied Joint Force Command Naples formed in 2004, oversees the eleven-year NATO military operation in Kosovo, Kosovo Force (KFOR), and has a headquarters in Bosnia and in Macedonia and a new military liaison office in Serbia. (Croatia and Slovenia are now full members.)

In addition to the Adriatic Charter initiative launched by the United States in 2003, which successfully prepared Albania and Croatia for NATO membership and is currently doing the same for Macedonia, Bosnia and Montenegro with Serbia and Kosovo to follow, the Allied Joint Force Command Naples is the major mechanism for recruiting troops from former Yugoslav republics for wars abroad. Particularly for that in Afghanistan, but the Naples command also operates the NATO Training Mission - Iraq in Baghdad.

Considered by many observers as a major architect of the breakup of Yugoslavia, Richard Holbrooke, now U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, delivered an address in the Persian Gulf state of Qatar last month in which he "drew parallels between the Bosnian war and
the onslaught against the Taliban in Afghanistan," and said:

"The U.S. has led and won similar wars in Kosovo and Bosnia with the support of the international community. And we are very optimistic about Afghanistan too." [1]  

In the same month the parliament of the Republika Srpska passed a law allowing for a referendum on its current status within Bosnia - two years after the U.S. and almost all its NATO allies supported and recognized the secession of Kosovo from Serbia - and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reacted by stating that the Barack Obama administration does "not want to see any moves to break up Bosnia," and to insure the integrity of Bosnia (and breakaway Kosovo also) she "reiterated Washington's support for EU and NATO integration of Western Balkans countries, Serbia included."

"But the NATO piece of it, I'm watching very closely because...we want Bosnia-Herzegovina to feel like they're welcome." [2] 

Also in February, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and
Eurasian Affairs Philip Gordon sounded the same theme while speaking at the Harvard Kennedy School. In a presentation called The Obama
Administration's Vision for Southeastern Europe, Gordon said "To fully achieve European and therefore American security, we believe that peace and stability should not only extend across northern and central Europe, but also southeastern Europe," with special emphasis on "Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Turkey." [3]

In completing the incorporation of all of Southeastern Europe into the U.S.-dominated military bloc, the current American administration would put the capstone on "the historic project of trying to bring democracy to the whole of Europe."

In particular, "the Obama administration will seek to position Bosnia for future membership in the European Union and NATO," and in reference to Serbia, "The door to NATO membership is open"."  

According to Harvard's daily student newspaper, Gordon noted in his speech that "yesterday marked the second anniversary of Kosovo's independence: a sign that progress has been made." [4]

Earlier this month former NATO secretary general George Robertson joined the chorus pushing the Alliance's absorption of the Balkans: "Serbia can offer a lot....I believe it wants to become a part of [the] European mainstream rather than to stay on the margins. All the neighbors of Serbia will be members of the EU and NATO. I am convinced that all the Western Balkan countries will be part of the Alliance in ten years." [5] 

Serbia, by far the most populous of all former Yugoslav states with more than 7 million citizens, is receiving the most attention from NATO at the moment.

Mary Warlick, newly appointed U.S. ambassador to the nation, recently "announced that the door of NATO membership is open to Serbia" and  said "the United States fully supports the European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Serbia and is doing all it can to facilitate Belgrade's efforts in this direction." [6]

Her comments were reiterated by NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe, the U.S.'s Admiral James Stavridis, who in early February visited Serbia's capital "to establish personal relationships and strengthen cooperation and partnership" and meet with the nation's president, defense minister and chief of staff of the armed forces. (NATO opened a military liaison office in Belgrade in December of 2006 when Serbia joined the bloc's Partnership for Peace program.)

Stavridis' NATO delegation was briefed "on the progress and continued
efforts to professionalize the Serb military" and "participated in the annual National and Armed Forces Day reception." [7]

Last year the pro-Western government of President Boris Tadic signed an Individual Partnership Program with NATO. 

Recently the public affairs chief of the Serbian Ministry of Defense announced that a "Serbian mission [to] NATO will be officially opened by the beginning of June, which is in accordance with participation in the program Partnership for Peace," and will be staffed by six officers. [8]

On the same day, and to provide a blunt indication of what further NATO integration means, a Serbian news source disclosed that troops from the nation are being readied for peacekeeping deployments in Uganda, Lebanon and a third nation as yet unidentified.

Whereas "the participation of the Serbian Army in international peace operations has until now been limited to sending observers and medical experts," the country's armed forces have "organized courses [for] which Serbian experts will be enabled to participate in infantry units and mine clearing units."

Moreover, military analyst Aleksandar Radic said "NATO and the EU follow the participation of countries in peacekeeping missions very closely. The countries in our region have understood that and started participating in these missions in order to gain a reference for joining international organizations.” [9]

Serbian soldiers are inching ever closer to the Afghan war theater.

But not with the support of their countrymen.

Last month the results of a TNS Medium Gallup poll in Serbia showed that "only 20 percent of Serbian citizens would support NATO accession, which is four percent less than last year." [10]

In tandem with moves to drag Serbia deeper into the NATO nexus despite widespread popular opposition, Brussels and Washington are consolidating their hold on the other three former Yugoslav republics not yet full NATO members: Bosnia, Macedonia and Montenegro.

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen and a delegation of the permanent representatives of all 28 member states arrived in Bosnia on March 23 to consult with leaders of the nation on a Membership Action Plan, "an essential stepping stone on the road toward alliance membership."

A senior official in Bosnia's Foreign Ministry announced that "We expect that Bosnia will be invited to join [the] MAP in Tallinn," [11] a reference to the NATO foreign ministers meeting in Estonia on April 10.

Earlier this month the chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nikola Spiric, visited NATO headquarters in Brussels to meet with Rasmussen and to address the North Atlantic Council.

"NATO Allies thanked Mr. Spiric for the invitation extended to the North Atlantic Council to visit Bosnia and Herzegovina later this month and looked forward to the next meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in April, when the Membership Action Plan for the country will be discussed." [12]

A week earlier a high-level NATO delegation headed by Admiral Mark Fitzgerald, commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples, arrived in the Macedonian capital of Skopje to meet with Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, Defense Minister Zoran Konjanovski and chief of the Army General Staff Miroslav Stojanovski and discuss the Army of the Republic of Macedonia's "contribution to the ISAF mission in Afghanistan, the achievements of the Republic of Macedonia in the implementation of reforms and the participation in the command structure of the Alliance as well as ARM's progress in the application of the NATO operation skills concept."

The delegation also inspected a military base in Krivolak where Fitzgerald and his colleagues were "introduced to the new training capacities and the project of its development into a regional center." [13]

On February 22nd Boro Vucinic, Montenegro's defense minister, visited NATO headquarters and met with Deputy Secretary General Claudio Bisogniero. The latter "reaffirmed NATO's willingness to continue providing relevant assistance and expertise to Montenegrin authorities" and "expressed satisfaction with Montenegro's decision to become a contributor to the ISAF mission in Afghanistan." [14]

In mid-March Admiral Fitzgerald was in Montenegro and at a press conference expressed his satisfaction at his host nation's movement toward the North Atlantic bloc, stating "he had witnessed a significant improvement in the past two years," and said "Montenegro had demonstrated it was a 'responsible and reliable partner' in the membership process."

Speaker of the Parliament of Montenegro Ranko Krivokapic said that NATO membership was a "national priority" and that for the Alliance "it is also strategically important to have this part of the Adriatic coast integrated into the NATO structure." [15]

On March 22 NATO's KFOR launched five days of exercises throughout Kosovo in conjunction with the European Union's EULEX (European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo) and the separatist Kosovo Police Service (KPS).

The drills are headed by NATO commander Markus Bentler.

In an allusion to Kosovo's ethnic Serb minority that KFOR, EULEX and the KPS are training to subjugate in common, a KFOR statement on the exercises said:

"KFOR will handle its force in Kosovo very flexibly and determinedly. The aim of these operations is to strengthen the capacities of KFOR, EULEX and the Kosovo police so that they could respond to any scenario that brings security into question." [16]

The putative president of the Republic of Kosovo, Fatmir Sejdiu, recently returned from NATO headquarters and a meeting of the bloc's North Atlantic Council - usually reserved for the ambassadors of full member states - where he had updated those envoys on the "general evolution in Kosovo, Kosovo’s objective [of making] further progress and, especially, its ambition to become a member of NATO."

Sedjiu had also "thanked the North Atlantic Council ambassadors for all the support that NATO has [provided] and is providing to Kosovo and has expressed the commitment of our institutions to an active partnership and close cooperation with NATO."

At a press conference in Pristina after his return, he spoke of his offer to make members of the Kosovo Security Force, a NATO-trained national army in embryo, available for "NATO peacekeeping operations." [17]


In 1991 the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and from the following year onward the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, presented an obstacle to NATO's drive to the east - the former Soviet Union and Asia - and to the south - the Middle East and Africa.

In the story of Aesop's a bundle of sticks tied together could not be broken but, once separated, each could be easily snapped in two.

In completing the fragmentation of Yugoslavia NATO removed a crucial impediment to its expansion into a global military force. In its place it has acquired seven new members and candidates and as many potential sites for training camps, air and naval bases, and transit points for moving troops and weapons to new war zones on three continents and in the Middle East.

1) Tanjug News Agency, February 17, 2010
2) Tanjug News Agency, February 26, 2010
3) Harvard Crimson, February 16, 2010
4) Ibid
5) Tanjug News Agency, March 11, 2010
6) Radio Serbia, February 5, 2010
7) NATO Public Affairs, February 16, 2010
8) Radio Serbia, March 22, 2010
9) Blic, March 22, 2010
10) Tanjug News Agency, February 11, 2010
11) BalkanInsight, March 23, 2010
12) North Atlantic Treaty Organization, March 3, 2010
13) Makfax, March 16, 2010
14) North Atlantic Treaty Organization, February 22, 2010
15) Xinhua News Agency, March 18, 2010
16) Tanjug News Agency, March 22, 2010
17) President of the Republic of Kosovo, March 22, 2010

=== 1 ===

Southeast European Times - January 17, 2010

Rasmussen: NATO door still open for Macedonia

BRUSSELS, Belgium: NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said on Friday (January 15th) that Macedonia should continue with reforms aimed at NATO entry, expressing confidence that these efforts will end in success. 
At a meeting with Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski at NATO's headquarters in Brussels, Rasmussen said Skopje's accession to NATO also depends on the settlement of its name dispute with Greece. He added that the faster this issue is resolved, the faster Macedonia will become part of the Alliance. 
Rasmussen called for intensified talks on the issue and welcomed efforts by UN envoy Matthew Nimetz to broker an agreement. In response, Gruevski said his country is "trying to find a solution which would be acceptable to both sides". (Macedonian government website, Xinhua - 15/01/10)

=== 2 ===

Zaman - January 16, 2010

Davutoglu seeks Bosnian stability in Balkan talks 

Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu met with Bosnian and Serbian officials in Belgrade on Friday to discuss ways to preserve political stability and unity in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a day after having similar talks in Croatia.   
Ankara...backs NATO membership for Bosnia and Herzegovina, saying international isolation could exacerbate the instability in the country. 
Bosnia’s membership in NATO will also be supported, he said and added that it was important that Bosnia get assistance in carrying out necessary defense reforms to pave the way for NATO entry.


North Atlantic Treaty Organization - March 3, 2010

Bosnia and Herzegovina to join Membership Action Plan pending progress in reforms

The Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nikola Spiric, visited NATO Headquarters and met with Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. Mr. Spiric also addressed the North Atlantic Council. 
During the discussion, Allies agreed that Bosnia and Herzegovina will be granted participation in the Membership Action Plan (MAP) after essential reforms are carried out and that it is now up to Bosnia and Herzegovina to show that the necessary progress has been achieved.
NATO Allies thanked Mr. Spiric for the invitation extended to the North Atlantic Council to visit Bosnia and Herzegovina later this month and looked forward to the next meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in April, when the Membership Action Plan for the country will be discussed. 
“NATO decided in December at the meeting of Foreign Ministers that Bosnia and Herzegovina will join MAP once Bosnia and Herzegovina achieves necessary progress in its reforms efforts,” the Secretary General said. “It is now not a question of ‘if’ Bosnia and Herzegovina will get MAP, it is a question of when Bosnia and Herzegovina will get it. ” 
Mr. Spiric was accompanied by Foreign Affairs Minister Sven Alkalaj and Defence Minister Selmo Cikotic. 


Beta News Agency - March 24, 2010

Bosnian presidency chairman on NATO 

BRUSSELS: Chairman of Bosnia's Presidency Haris Silajdzic said that he had received a promise from NATO that Bosnia would join the alliance.
This would happen once it had fulfilled the necessary requests, he explained.
Silajdzic pointed out that the Bosnian Presidency would at the next session discuss surplus armaments, but also sending Bosnian troops to Afghanistan. 
He stressed that it was necessary to fulfill the requests for Bosnia-Herzegovina’s accession to NATO’s Membership Action Plan (MAP) as soon as possible "because of possible obstructions from the Republic of Srpska (RS)". 
Silajdzic told reporters in Brussels on Tuesday,after meeting with NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, that RS was led by people "who did not want Bosnia-Herzegovina or NATO". 
“Nevertheless, the majority of the Bosnian citizens want us to become a member of NATO and members of Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Presidency are also united regarding this position,” he said. 
Commenting on RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik's statement that it was time to think about a “peaceful separation” within Bosnia-Herzegovina, Silajdzic emphasized that those were "only statements which could not have any effect". 
Silajdzic was also quoted as saying that anyone who did not accept Bosnia-Herzegovina "could leave”. 
“Those who still speak about the disintegration of Bosnia-Herzegovina are really outside of history,” he was quoted.  

=== 3A ===

Radio Serbia - January 20, 2010

Basescu: Serbia is especially significant for Romania    

Romanian President Traian Basescu said in Bucharest that Serbia’s EU integrations represented the national interest of Romania as well. 
Serbia is our neigbhour and is particularly significant for us, so its rapprochement to the EU and NATO is in the national interest of Romania as well, he said, presenting the priorities of Romania’s foreign policy at an annual meetings with ambassadors. The meeting was attended by the Serbian Ambassador in Bucharest Zoran Popovic as well.


Radio Serbia - February 5, 2010

Warlick: NATO’s door open for Serbia    

The new U.S. ambassador in Belgrade, Mary Warlick, has announced that the door of NATO membership is open to Serbia, stressing that Serbia is the one to decide if it wants to join the alliance. 
In an interview with Beta news agency, Warlick said that "the United States fully supports the European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Serbia and is doing all it can to facilitate Belgrade's efforts in this direction." 
She would not specify any deadlines for the admission, stressing that after the positive steps last year, including the application for admission, Serbia is heading in a good direction and the date of full-fledged membership will depend on Serbia’s intentions and aspirations. 


Tanjug News Agency - February 11, 2010

"Trust in EU and NATO declining" 

BELGRADE: TNS Medium Gallup Director Srbobran Brankovic said on Wednesday that the agency's latest poll shows a drop in the favorable attitude towards NATO and the EU.
The poll, which was conducted between January 28 and February 2, shows that 62 percent of the Serbian citizens would vote in favor of joining the EU in a referendum.
Brankovic told Tanjug that the number was considerably lower than a year ago, when 65 to 70 percent of Serbians would have voted for EU accession. 
According to him, the trend is not specific to Serbia, because in all countries that went through European integration, enthusiasm waned as the process went on. 
According to the poll, only 20 percent of Serbian citizens would support NATO accession, which is four percent less than last year.  


NATO Public Affairs - February 16, 2010

Supreme Allied Commander Europe engages Serbian leadership
BELGRADE, Serbia: Adm. James Stavridis, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, U.S. European Command Commander, made his first official visit here, Feb. 11-12, 2010. The purpose of the visit was to establish personal relationships and strengthen cooperation and partnership. During the visit Stavridis met with the Serb President, Boris Tadic, Minister of Defense, Mr. Dragan Sutanovac, and Chief of Defense, Lieutenant General Miloje Miletic.
General Miletic provided a briefing to Stavridis on the progress and continued efforts to professionalize the Serb military. "I commend your armed forces for the significant advances you have made in recent years," said Stavridis, "Transformation is a journey, not a destination." Stavridis added, "We expect we will learn from you as well, because we are stronger together."
The NATO delegation was taken on a guided tour of the Kalemegdan Fortress and the Serbian Military Museum to review the rich history of military evolution and struggles in the region. The delegation also participated in the annual National and Armed Forces Day reception in honor of the professionalism and sacrifices of Serbia's service members.


Blic News Agency - March 22, 2010

Serbian soldiers in Uganda, Lebanon 

BELGRADE: Serbian soldiers will be participating in peacekeeping operations in Uganda and Lebanon, daily Blic writes. 
The daily adds that a third country will be added and that negotiations are ongoing. 
Serbian soldiers will be in Uganda under the French contingent of the UNDP. A team of medical experts for evacuation will be joining them as well. 
Officers will be heading to Lebanon to participate in the command structure of the operations, and will later be joined by another group of soldiers. 
Military analyst Aleksandar Radic said that the participation of the Serbian Army in international peace operations has until now been limited to sending observers and medical experts, but that the army has organized courses with which Serbian experts will be enabled to participate in infantry unites and mine clearing units. 
He said that the participation in peacekeeping missions I very important for the international image of the country and its credibility. 
“NATO and EU follow the participation of countries in peacekeeping missions very closely. The countries in our region have understood that and started participating in these missions in order to gain a reference for joining the international organizations,” he said. 
Serbia has participated in a total seven missions, in Chad, Liberia, Congo and Ivory Coast. A total of 34 members of the Serbian Army have taken part in these operations thus far.  


Serbian Radio - March 22, 2010 

Boskovic: Serbian mission with NATO to open by early June    

The Serbian Mission with NATO will be officially opened by the beginning of June, which is in accordance with participation in the program Partnership for Peace, said Petar Boskovic, Head of the Ministry of Defense Directorate for Public Affairs. 
He said that it has been repeatedly postponed, mainly for technical reasons. 
So far Serbia has not used any part of what the Partnership for Peace Program has to offer, said Boskovic while expressing hope that in the coming period Belgrade will be actively involved in the program. 
Since 2004, Serbia has been represented in the NATO headquarters in Brussels by Branislav Milinkovic in his capacity of Special Representative, and it is assumed that he himself will be named the first Ambassador of Serbia in the Alliance, the Tanjug News Agency reports. 


Serbianna - March 24, 2010

NATO membership sought in Serbia

Serbia is set to establish a permanent post at NATO headquarters by June while the Atlantic Council of Serbia, officially an NGO, urged Serbia to join NATO.
Head of the Serbian Defense Ministry’s Public Relations Department Petar Boskovic announced Monday that Serbia is going to establish a mission to NATO by June.
Boskovic said that the mission is part of Serbia’s participation in the Partnership for Peace program.
He said that the mission has been delayed several times due to “technical” reasons. Boskovic also said that Serbia is not taking full advantage of what this NATO program has to offer.
Branislav Milinkovic has been Serbia’s special representative to NATO since 2004 and it is expected that he will become the first Serbian ambassador to NATO.
The Atlantic Council of Serbia has expressed an opinion that NATO membership would be good for Serbia because it would enhance security in the region and bring in foreign investment.
In a lecture held on Monday that was organized by the Atlantic Council of Serbia, the participants said that “it would be best for Serbia to join NATO, as that would help ensure the security of the state, and also attract foreign investments,” reports Serbia’s news agency Tanjug.
Czech Defense Attaché Jan Wykowski told the participants that the “security guarantees which NATO membership provides was the main reason why the Czech Republic decided to join the organization” and added that “that NATO membership made it possible for the Czech Republic to become a stable, democratic and predictable country, which, as he put it, is also important in terms of foreign investments.”
NATO Secretary General recently expressed an opinion that the Bosnian Serb entity should be extinguished.
In 1999, NATO bombed Serbia over its attempts to quash ethnic Albanian separatist violence in Kosovo. Serbia marked the 11th anniversary of that bombing that has facilitated massive ethnic cleansing of Serbs, destruction of Serbian heritage, confiscation of Serbian property in the province and violation of Serbia’s sovereignty.
The Slovak participant in the lecture, Frantisek Kasicky, noted that NATO membership is good because it is a “proof of sovereignty” that provides security guarantees that provided “assistance on the EU pathway, cooperation with the world’s best armed forces, opening of new possibilities for Slovakia’s industry, creation of security environment for investments and the possibility for participation in peacekeeping operations.”
Norwegian Defense Attaché Terje Haverstaad said that along with security guarantees, NATO membership also offers the possibility of technical development, as one of the most important prerequisites for building a strong army.
The lecture was also attended by the defense attaches of Austria and Sweden which are not in NATO.

=== 3B ===

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Command Operations - March 15, 2010

Progress and the Way Ahead with NATO’s KSF Donation Programme

In 2008, NATO assumed new tasks in Kosovo including the establishment of a Kosovo Security Force (KSF)....KSF will also be able to fulfil security functions in support of the Kosovo Police and other law enforcement agencies within Kosovo. 
NATO nations decided to support this task with a Donation Programme established In June 2008. The value of all the equipment and infrastructure projects required by the KSF to be fully capable is 37.4 million euros. At KFOR, the Donation Program is managed by four Canadians. 
They ensure that the Requirement List accurately reflects the needs of the KSF, that funds are properly expended and that materiel and infrastructure projects are delivered to the KSF. 
In the past two years, the International Community has both provided material and monetary donations through the programme reaching to the value of 22 million euros. 
Thus, much of the equipment has already been received through international donations and through some funding by the Kosovo government. 
However some key items are still required. For example, Medical Field Equipment, Field Equipment; Field Kitchens, vehicles and personal equipment and clothing are still needed. In fact, an additional 8.21 million euro is required to complete this list and to fund the remaining infrastructure projects. Continued support by the international community in providing donations will ensure that the KSF will have the essential equipment to perform their core capabilities. 
Progress and the Way Ahead with NATO’s KSF Donation Programme

In 2008, NATO assumed new tasks in Kosovo including the establishment of a Kosovo Security Force (KSF). KSF is being built as a civil protection force with capabilities to take explosive ordnance disposal, civil protection, search and rescue, and crisis response tasks. In addition, KSF will also be able to fulfil security functions in support of the Kosovo Police and other law enforcement agencies within Kosovo. 
NATO nations decided to support this task with a Donation Programme established In June 2008. The value of all the equipment and infrastructure projects required by the KSF to be fully capable is 37.4 million euros. At KFOR, the Donation Program is managed by four Canadians. They ensure that the Requirement List accurately reflects the needs of the KSF, that funds are properly expended and that materiel and infrastructure projects are delivered to the KSF. 
In the past two years, the International Community has both provided material and monetary donations through the programme reaching to the value of 22 million euros. Thus, much of the equipment has already been received through international donations and through some funding by the Kosovo government. However some key items are still required. For example, Medical Field Equipment, Field Equipment; Field Kitchens, vehicles and personal equipment and clothing are still needed. In fact, an additional 8.21 million euro is required to complete this list and to fund the remaining infrastructure projects. Continued support by the international community in providing donations will ensure that the KSF will have the essential equipment to perform their core capabilities. 
Since achieving Initial Operational Capability in September 2009, the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) has continued to develop its skills and capabilities in core areas, with the assistance of NATO forces in Kosovo. 
In the assessment of the KFOR mentors additional equipment and training is required for the KSF. For example, the KSF still needs more basic field equipment and medical tents as well as equipment for cold weather operations.... 


President, Republic of Kosovo - March 22, 2010 

Sejdiu: NATO is resolved to support the KSF  

The President of Republic of Kosovo Dr. Fatmir Sejdiu retuned from his visit to Brussels, where he met ambassadors of North Atlantic Council member states and updated them on general evolutions in Kosovo, Kosovo’s objective to make a further progress and, especially, its ambition to become a member of NATO, by meeting the necessary integration requirements, like other countries of the region.  
At a press conference held upon his return from Brussels, President Sejdiu said he has thanked the North Atlantic Council ambassadors for all the support that NATO has and is providing to Kosovo and has expressed the commitment of our institutions to an active partnership and close cooperation with NATO.
“The ambassadors appreciate the overall progress made in Kosovo. NATO is resolved to maintaining its support to Kosovo and, in particular, to the Kosovo Security Force, as an important mechanism that was built with the assistance of NATO”, President Sejdiu pointed out.
Praising NATO’s commitment to protecting the integrity of our country, President Sejdiu said that NATO has the double role of providing a physical and psychological security to the people of our country and contributing to the implementation of important integration and infrastructural projects in our country.
Asked by journalists about his request for KSF’s participation in NATO peacekeeping operations, President Sejdiu said that the same request that was made yesterday was also made one year ago and that this is that Kosovo participates in NATO peacekeeping operations, even in symbolic numbers. 
With regard to Kosovo participation in the meeting in Brdo, President Sejdiu said that Kosovo would only participate in the summit as a state and that no other variants would do.

=== 4 ===

Focus News Agency - January 21, 2010

Croatia sends third contingent to NATO mission in Kosovo 

Zagreb: Croatia has sent a third contingent of 20 troops to the NATO mission in Kosovo, Croatian Radiotelevision (HRT) reports.

The troops will remain within KFOR four months. For the first time two women have been included. 

The contingent consists of three helicopters and an air and technical team. 

The Croats will be deployed in Camp Bondsteel. Their major task will be transportation of people and goods. 

(english / italiano)

Undici anni dopo / Eleven years after

1) Segnalazioni: TARGET un anno dopo, Galleria fotografica, Video della conferenza di Montreal 2009, una Trasmissione televisiva per ricordare

2) Eleven Years After The Bombing: Depleted Uranium in NATO Bombs Remains Deadly 
VIDEO sottotitolato in italiano + TEXT

3) Eleventh Anniversary of NATO bombings marked in Belgrade / In Serbia celebrata la giornata del ricordo dell’aggressione della NATO

4) NATO's Kosovo War, 11 Years Later (J. Bissett)

5) The Balkans: 11 years since the latest war in Europe (Voice of Russia)

Source: Stop NATO
Blog site:

=== 1 ===

2009: TARGET - Meeting internazionale 
nel X Anniversario dei bombardamenti della NATO sulla Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia - VICENZA 21-22/3/2009


Fotogalerija: 11 godina NATO bombardovanja SR Jugoslavije
Galleria fotografica: a 11 anni dai bombardamenti sulla Jugoslavia


Humanitarian Intervention Challenged
2009 Montreal event - sponsored by "The Centre for Research on Globalization" and Vanier College


Trasmissione G.A.MA.DI. a TeleAmbiente (canale 68 nel centro Italia) e reti consociate
Sabato 27/3/2010 ore 22: 


Con Ivan Pavicevac
In studio Miriam Pellegrini Ferri

N.B. dopo la messa in onda, la trasmissione sarà visionabile nell'archivio online:

=== 2 ===

Da: Alessandro Di Meo 
Data: 24 marzo 2010 15:23:53 GMT+01:00
Oggetto: Eleven Years After The Bombing: Depleted Uranium in NATO Bombs Remains Deadly

in occasione dell'undicesimo anniversario dei bombardamenti in Serbia, ricevo da Ljubica Vujadinovic che è stata con noi a Vranje a dicembre scorso.
ha prodotto questo lavoro che anticipa il nostro, che sarà pronto per metà di aprile e toccherà altri importanti aspetti.
buona visione


Story by: Ljubica Vujadinovic
City: Vranje
Date: 2010-03-24



Deathly Gifts of NATO's Merciful Angel, Serbia

BY Ljubica Vujadinovic

Belgrade : Serbia | Mar 23, 2010

A leading Serbian expert in the field says the NATO's use of depleted uranium ammunition in it's aggression on Serbia has caused enormous increase in cancer rates and number of newborns with genetic malformations.
Silent killer
“Depleted uranium is not only radioactive, it is very toxic as well,” says doctor Radomir Kovacevic, an expert of the Institute for radiology protection “Dr. Dragomir Karajovic” in Belgrade. In an interview for VJ Movement, he explains “Primary it is nephrotoxic, so it affects kidneys, then liver and spleen. Actually, the whole organism is affected from the aspect of toxicity, it is poisoned.”.
Four studies conducted so far, on both civilians and those who worked on the spots'decontamination, have shown that the DU exposure causes typical and specific changes on genetic material.
”DNA molecule is very sensitive on aggression - in this case it is radioactivity. Experimental oncology has shown 18 years ago that in the etiopathogenesis of malignity precedes one genotoxic stadium and that is exactly what is visible on those chromosomes,” tells doctor Kovacevic, stating that the information obtained so far is enough to link the DU contamination to increase in cancer rates.
Threat to newborn lives
In Vranje area, which is surrounded by four known DU contaminated locations, there has been an enormous increase in cancer rates and number of newborns with genetic malformations. “In 1998, 21 children have been born with deformities. In 2008 there were 73,” says Nela Cvetkovic, a Member of the Vranje City Council, in a statement for VJM. The number of newborn didn't change, it is about 800-1000 babies per year.
At the same time, in a six year period after the NATO bombing a number of newly registered cancer cases has more than doubled – from 185 in the year 2000 to 398 new diagnosis in 2006.
Permanent consequences
“The half-life of uranium 238 is very long - 4,5 billion years,” reminds nuclear physicist Miroslav Simic, stating that “this way of throwing away the nuclear waste on civil, but also military targets, is not human as the consequences are permanent.”
Traces of uranium 236 and some plutonium isotopes found on bombed locations suggest that at least a part of the material in the projectiles had originated from reprocessing nuclear fuel.
“Plutonium is one million times more toxic than uranium,” says Mr Simic in an interview for VJM, and explains that “one particle of plutonium which would enter a human body is enough to cause fatal consequences”.
At the same time in Kosovo, doctor Nebojsa Srbljak, who researches the health consequences of the bombing on civil population, accuses NATO of using so-called dirty bombs. “We first started researching when we found traces of Iodine 131 in the tissue extracted from one patient,” he says, adding that Iodine 131, also known as radio iodine, is well known as a major factor in health consequences of nuclear disaster in Chernobyl.
Price for Kosovo independence
In Kosovo, none of more than a hundred known DU contaminated locations has been cleaned. Foreign personnel has been warned to stay clear of those areas unless with full radiological protective clothing. But no one warned civilians.
“We, the doctors know what it is, politicians are silent to please their mentors. But the people are in the worst position as there are new cancer cases among young persons every day,” says doctor Srbljak, adding that the data on health statistics of Albanian population is completely unavailable. Albanian people, or at least their leaders, seem to be willing to pay the DU price for Kosovo independence.

=== 3 ===

In Serbia oggi si celebra la giornata del ricordo dell’aggressione della NATO

24. marzo 2010.

In tutta Serbia e nella diaspora oggi si celebra la Giornata del ricordo delle vittime che sono cadute nei bombardamenti e l’aggressione della NATO, undici anni fa. Nei bombardamenti sono state uccise 3.500 persone e 12.500 sono state ferite. Sono stati distrutti e danneggiati alcune migliaia di stabilimenti, edifici, ponti, ospedali e case. In Serbia sono stati organizzati molti comizi di rimembranza, ai quali è stato reso l’onore alle vittime. I loro familiari, i congiunti e gli amici hanno deposto le ghirlande ai monumenti che sono stati eretti in onore alle vittime. Il patriarca serbo Irinej ha somministrato la liturgia in suffragio delle vittime dei bombardamenti della NATO nella chiesa di San Marco a Belgrado. I bombardamenti della NATO contro la Serbia sono iniziati il 24 marzo del 1999 e sono durati 78 giorni. Il loro pretesto è stata la cosiddetta catastrofe umanitaria della popolazione albanese. L’aggressione della NATO è terminata con la firma dell’accordo di Kumanovo e il ritiro delle forze dell’esercito e la polizia della Serbia dal territorio kosovaro. Dopo il loro ritiro in Kosovo sono entrate le forze di pace delle Nazioni Unite. Dall’arrivo delle forze internazionali dal Kosovo sono stati cacciati piu’ di 200 mila serbi. Piu’ in dettaglio nel nostro servizio dopo il notiziario.


Voice of Russia - March 24, 2010

Serbia pays tribute to victims of NATO bombing of former Yugoslavia 

On Wednesday, Serbia pays tribute to victims of the NATO bombing of the former Yugoslavia in 1999, when more than 2,500 civilians died and about 200,000 more were displaced as the result of the alliance’s air strikes. 
The bombing became NATO’s largest-ever military operation on the territory of Serbia and Montenegro since the end of World War Two, experts say, pointing to the fact that the bombing was staged without being okayed by the US Security Council. 
Commemoration events are due to be held all across Serbia, including the capital Belgrade, later in the day, with the Serbian Orthodox Patriarch Irinej set to lead memorial service at the Belgrade St. Marcus Cathedral.   


B92 - March 24, 2010

Anniversary of NATO attacks marked 

BELGRADE: Wednesday marks the 11-year anniversary of the start of the 78-day NATO-led bombing campaign against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 
The bombing commenced after failed peace negotiations in Rambouillet, France.
The attacks ended on June 9 with the signing of the Kumanovo Agreement and the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1244. 
In the bombing, great damage was done to Serbia’s infrastructure, including business facilities, schools, hospitals, media headquarters and cultural monuments. 
According to varying estimates, in between 1,200 and 3,500 people were killed. 
The air strikes began on March 24, 1999 at 19:30 CET, at which time the government of Slobodan Milosevic declared that the country was at war. 
Commemorations will be held on Wednesday for victims of the attacks. 

Air-raid sirens 

Sirens will be sounded symbolically throughout the country at noon and will last 60 seconds. 
SPC Patriarch Irinej will be holding a service in honor of the victims of the bombing at the Saint Marko's Church in Belgrade. 
Even though 11 years have passed, consequences of the bombing are still visible. One of the most prominent examples is the state military headquarters, located in the center of Belgrade, which remains damaged. 
In the 78 days of the attacks, 540 buildings were destroyed, 58 bridges and 30,000 homes. 
The material damage is estimated at about USD 30bn. 
Restoration began in June 1999, immediately after the war ended, led by then restoration directorate chief, and now Infrastructure Minister Milutin Mrkonjic.  

=== 4 ===

The Balkan Monitor - March 23, 2010

NATO's Kosovo War, 11 Years Later

By Ambassador James Bissett

Eleven years ago NATO opened its bombing campaign against Serbia, illegally and without provocation. It started on March 24, 1999, and continued for 78 days and nights. It was the most intensive air offensive suffered by any country since the end of the Second World War. 

Over a thousand people were killed and the civilian infrastructure of Serbia was destroyed, but it proved unable to degrade the Serbian military. 

It caused far more suffering than it prevented. For the first time since its founding the North Atlantic Alliance, led by the United States, acted in violation of its own treaty and the United Nations Charter by using violence to resolve an international dispute. 

This illegal act marked a historical turning point and was a fatal step in dismantling the framework of peace and security that had governed international relations since the end of the Second World War. 

It set precedents that will continue to plague international affairs for years. The bombing also revealed a disturbing reality that has continued to haunt us: the ease with which our democratic countries can be led into committing acts of violence and war by political leaders prepared to tell us lies.

President Clinton, Prime Minister Blair and other NATO leaders told their citizens that the bombing of Serbia was a humanitarian intervention to stop President Milosevic of Serbia from committing genocide and the ethnic cleansing of the Albanian majority in Kosovo. 

This of course was not true: forensic times have found some 2,000 victims of the Kosovo conflict so far – Serbian and Albanian, civilian and military – who had been killed prior to NATO’s air war in March 1999. Distressing as this figure may be, it is not genocide. Nevertheless, the accusations that genocide took place in Kosovo continue to be accepted without hesitation by the western media.

The claim about ethnic cleansing was also a falsehood. While it is true that several thousand Albanians had been displaced within Kosovo by the armed conflict between the Serb security forces and the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), the large-scale exodus of the Albanian population occurred after the bombing started. 

United Nations figures show that the mass of refugees fled Kosovo after the first bombs began to fall In other words, it was the bombing that caused the flight from Kosovo. Despite the proof of this we continue to hear in the western media that the NATO bombing “stopped ethnic cleansing.”

In reality the bombing of Serbia had nothing to do with genocide or ethnic cleansing. The bombing had everything to do with demonstrating that NATO was still a viable military organization and was needed in Europe. There is ample evidence now to show that the United States and British secret services aided and abetted the KLA in its efforts to use violence to destabilize Kosovo and to create the excuse for NATO intervention.

The Kosovo crisis and the 78 day bombing campaign against Serbia was from the outset a carefully planned fraud. 

Because bombing people for humanitarian reasons was an obvious contradiction, it had to be portrayed as an urgently needed rescue mission to stop the “genocide” that was allegedly taking place in Kosovo. 

This was done by a highly organized publicity campaign designed to deceive a compliant media and a gullible public that Milosevic was evil and that the Serbs were barbarians who had to be stopped. Hailed as the man who brought the Bosnian war to a conclusion at Dayton four years earlier, he was now depicted as the “butcher of the Balkans” and conveniently charged by the Hague War Crimes Tribunal as a war criminal. The duplicity and the deception which reached their height during the bombing itself has continued to this day.

The subsequent policies followed by the United States and its NATO allies have not only continued to be based on falsehood and hypocrisy, but also continue to pose a threat to world peace and security.

The heart of the problem has been what appears to be a determination of the United States policy makers, whether Democrat or Republican, to look upon the Western Balkans as their special fiefdom where international rules of conduct do not apply. 

It is as if they regard these Slavic lands as lesser breeds without the law, and therefore can do with them whatever they deem desirable. This hubris has lead the United States and the obedient but morally bankrupt leaders of Germany, France and Great Britain to follow wrong-headed policies such as the bombing of Serbia and the recognition of Kosovo independence – and to do so without scruples.

Perhaps it is too much to hope for that the critical financial problems faced by the United States and many European countries will curtail their meddling in the affairs of smaller nations and give them pause to reflect that the rule of law applies to all and that international disputes must be resolved without the use of force. This is the hope – however tenuous - expressed by our Foundation's members, friends and associates on the eleventh anniversary of the bombing of Serbia.

=== 5 ===

Voice of Russia - March 24, 2010

The Balkans: 11 years since the latest war in Europe

11 years ago NATO, without the sanction of the UN Security Council, started massed bombings of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which developed into the most wide-scale military operation in the Balkans since the end of the Second World War.  

The air bombings continued for two and a half months - from March 24th to June 8th of 1999. Taking part were more than 1,000 warplanes, which dropped 79,000 tons of explosives on Serbia. According to Serbian reports, 2,500 peaceful civilians were killed, and hundreds of dwelling houses, schools, hospitals, state institutions, and also cultural monuments were destroyed over that period.   

As a pretext for such unlawful actions, which were carried out without approval by the UN Security Council, were accusations brought against Belgrade of unwillingness to reach agreement with the Albanian separatists in Kosovo and of carrying out ethnic cleansing in the Kosovo Province. 

The Chief of Department of Ethno-Political Conflicts at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences Pavel Kandel finds these accusations groundless:  

"All arguments were formal. Because, firstly, the talks were broken off by the Western allies themselves, which proposed an option, which, as they knew from the very beginning, could not be approved. 

"Secondly, the massive flows of refugees from the Kosovo Province, which really occurred as a result of armed clashes between the Serbian forces and the Albanian separatists and lasted for at least one year, did not slow down after NATO's bombings. Therefore, the argument itself proved false. What really happened was this: NATO aimed to use the situation in Kosovo for the destabilization of the Milosevic regime, which the Western capitals regarded as unfavourable. This was done in fact".     

The existence of a single Yugoslav state ran counter to NATO's interests, since it served as an obstacle to the broadening of NATO's sphere of influence in the Southeastern direction. The USA and its partners thought that the establishment of control over the Balkans would enable them to move their strategic facilities Eastward and parallel with this to control the transport routes of Caspian energy resources. 

The implementation of this plan began immediately after the disappearance of the Soviet Union from the political arena. And the initial stage was actually the collapse of former Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, which occurred not without the support of the West. The aggression of the North Atlantic Alliance against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the tearing away Kosovo and the declaration of Kosovo's independence by Albanian separatists in February of 2008 can be regarded as the completion of this process. 

The U.S. military base Camp Bondsteel, which is the biggest in Europe, is situated in Kosovo today. This shows the new configuration, which the U.S. military presence in Europe is taking, following the end of the "Cold War". 

Carlotto: attenti alla Tav, l’ecomostro fa gola alla mafia

Scritto il 21/3/10 • nella Categoria: idee

«Una follia, una devastazione del territorio: va assolutamente impedita». Massimo Carlotto, autore di tanti noir politici sulla corruzione del nord-est, interviene in valle di Susa contro l’alta velocità Torino-Lione, ospite del Valsusa Filmfest dopo Giorgio Diritti e Erri De Luca. E lancia un’accusa: «Attenti, dietro alle grandi opere c’è sempre la mafia. Non quella di Provenzano, che è la preistoria della mafia. Ma la mafia di oggi, che ha bisogno di investire i proventi delle sue attività illecite, col decisivo appoggio di settori del mondo imprenditoriale, finanziario e politico. Per i capitali mafiosi, i grandi appalti sono l’investimento più sicuro».

Al Teatro Fassino di Avigliana, il 20 marzo, Carlotto ha intrattenuto il pubblico per due ore, accompagnato dai fiati jazz di Maurizio Camardi e dell’intenso intervento attoriale di Loris Contarini, voce recitante nello spettacolo “L’Italia ai tempi de L’amore del bandito”, per raccontare lo strazio degli operai dell’amianto, condannati a morte dal business senza scrupoli dell’industria degli anni ’60 e ’70: uomini che ora non avranno più neppure una giustizia postuma, dice Carlotto, «perché la nuova legge cancellerà tutti quei processi: una ferita che non si rimarginerà mai».

Ambiente, salute, tutela dei lavoratori, consumo del territorio. E grandi opere. Dalla contestatissima Torino-Lione alle arterie autostradali del nord-est. «Alla presidenza del Veneto ora arriverà la Lega, con l’attuale ministro Luca Zaia che prima prometteva barricate contro le centrali nucleari ma adesso dice: parliamone. Zaia – aggiunge Carlotto – predica l’agricoltura identitaria, ma come ministro ha fatto un accordo con la McDonald’s per l’hamburger McItaly. Il governatore uscente, Giancarlo Galan, vuole in cambio il ministero delle infrastrutture: speriamo che non lo ottenga, perché Galan è il più micidiale devastatore in azione in Italia, un perfetto serial killer del territorio».

Stop al consumo di terra: parola d’ordine fatta propria dall’inventore dell’Alligatore, detective protagonista di tanti fortunatissimi noir, nei quali Carlotto si incarica di “smascherare” la miscela esplosiva, criminale e affaristica, che produce asfalto e cemento con la connivenza di politica, banche e imprese, a spese del territorio sempre più impoverito. «Siamo pieni di capannoni vuoti, messi in saldo e comprati dai cinesi. La gente pensa che i cantieri siano una risposta positiva alla crisi, invece le nuove infrastrutture servono solo a chi le costruisce. E sapete chi ci guadagna di più?» Indovinato: «La mafia».

Le nuove mafie, naturalmente, quelle su cui i giornali tacciono. Esempi? Ground Zero a New York, il più grande cantiere edile del mondo. «Sapete chi ricostruirà le Torri Gemelle? La famiglia Gambino». O il Ponte sullo Stretto: «E’ successo che la ‘ndrangheta ha battuto Cosa Nostra, che adesso si chiama Stidda, e ha occupato militarmente Messina. I siciliani resistono, ma la guerra la combattono lontano dalle telecamere italiane, in Canada. E intanto hanno perso il controllo dell’affare del secolo, che è in mano ai calabresi, i quali per il narcotraffico sono in affari coi colombiani e, anche se non se ne parla, con la nuova mafia vincente europea: quella del Kosovo».

Col piglio del criminologo, lo scrittore di gialli-verità traccia uno scenario inquietante: «Il Kosovo è un narco-Stato senza legge, retto da tre famiglie. L’Uck, presentata come esercito di liberazione, è in realtà il braccio armato della mafia kosovara, che smista in Europa la droga: sia l’eroina che proviene dall’Afghanistan, sia la coca dei cartelli colombiani, grazie all’alleanza strategica con la ‘ndrangheta». Un’emergenza che sui media nessuno denuncia, anche se «la Germania è indifesa di fronte alla mafia calabrese, perché non ha ancora neppure il reato di associazione mafiosa nel suo codice penale», mentre i kosovari «sono ormai padroni del nord-est e di mezza Europa, fino alla Norvegia». Qualcuno li ha aiutati, accusa lo scrittore, aggiornando sotto il profilo criminale la geopolitica europea: «C’era da fermare la mafia russa, e si è puntato sul Kosovo. Questa è la realtà con cui fare i conti».

Il business criminale? «Innanzitutto riciclaggio illegale dei rifiuti e sofisticazioni alimentari. Poi vengono droga, armi, prostituzione». Cifre da capogiro. Dove investirle? «La globalizzazione dei mercati ha agevolato il riciclaggio: il Mediterraneo è diventato l’area perfetta», la più grande “lavanderia” mondiale di soldi sporchi. «Il miglior affare, per i cartelli criminali, è rappresentato dalle grandi opere: un investimento sicuro. Per questo, nessuna delle grandi infrastrutture è al riparo dal pericolo dell’infiltrazione mafiosa». Che da 15 anni è divenuta organica: «Le mafie non potrebbero agire impunemente su questo terreno se non avessero dei collegamenti ormai di fatto formali, continuativi, con ampi settori dell’imprenditoria, della finanza e della politica».

La Torino-Lione? Non fa eccezione, dice lo scrittore veneto, che aderisce apertamente al movimento No-Tav: «Le grandi infrastrutture divorano il territorio ma non servono assolutamente a nulla, sono solo grandi affari, che arricchiscono i potentati». C’è da combattere una battaglia civile, avverte Carlotto: «Dobbiamo impedire una devastazione che diverrebbe definitiva. Una battaglia da vincere, a tutti i costi, per invertire la tendenza»

Dal Veneto alla Campania, dalla Sicilia alla valle di Susa, c’è un’Italia che si organizza in movimenti di resistenza, «ovunque contrastati con la stessa durezza da parte della polizia: ormai la tutela del territorio è ridotta a una questione di ordine pubblico, chi lotta per difendere la sua terra viene considerato come un eversore». Motivo in più, dice Carlotto, per resistere: «Bisogna trovare la formula per unire tutti i movimenti, sapendo che da questa battaglia dipende il nostro futuro e quello dei nostri figli, che al territorio chiedono benessere e salute». E cita una battuta di una delle Madri di Plaza del Majo: «L’unica battaglia persa è quella che si abbandona».

Come Erri De Luca, Massimo Carlotto scende in campo direttamente, da romanziere: «Io credo che uno scrittore debba attraversare il suo tempo, occupandosene». E visto che i media «non raccontano più le trasformazioni della criminalità in Italia, i suoi collegamenti e le collusioni con alcuni ambienti», qualcuno dovrà pur farlo. Da “Gomorra” ai noir di Lucarelli e De Cataldo, si dipana il “romanzo criminale” dei retroscena italiani, di cui “l’Alligatore” del nord-est è uno degli indagatori più acuti. Obiettivo? «Svelare quello che la gente non sa». Libri che smascherano la corruzione e gli intrecci pericolosi all’ombra del potere: «Oggi – dice Carlotto – si sta creando una comunità di lettori che pretende questo tipo di romanzo, perché racconta quelle realtà che, appunto, non leggono sui giornali e non vedono in televisione».



2) 11 Years Later: NATO Powers Prepare Final Solution In Kosovo (Rick Rozoff)

3) 11 Years Later: Kosovo, NATO hands over Serb site to UCK followers

Segnaliamo inoltre: 

=== 1 ===



March 24th marks 11th anniversary of the start of NATO aggression against Serbia (Yugoslavia).
During continuous bombardments lasting 78 days between 3500 and 4000 people have been killed and about 10.000 wounded two thirds of whom were civilians. How many have died in the meantime as a consequence of heavy wounds, use of depleted uranium missiles, unexploded cluster bombs and other means of indiscriminate killings and destruction - is hard to establish. The economic damage had been evaluated at the time at over 100 billion US dollars. 
Following the aggression Kosovo and Metohija has been occupied by about 40.000 NATO troops, called KFOR, under the flag of UN.
About 250.000 of Serbs and other no Albanians have been ethnically cleansed from the Serbian Autonomous Province.
Eleven years after they still have not been permitted to return to their ancestors homes. While the Province has been run by UN mission (UNMIK) over 150 Serbian medieval monasteries and churches have been destroyed by Albanian terrorists, tens of thousands of Serbian homes have been set a fire, dozens of graveyards flattered and ploughed not to leave traces of Serbs and Christianity.
So called Plan of Marty Ahtisary for conditional (gradual) independence of Kosovo and Metohija has never been approved by UN Security Coucil. Yet, it is being implemented. In February 2008, with the backing of USA, Great Britain, Germany and France Albanian separatists and leaders of the terrorist KLA, unilaterally declared separation of the Province from Serbia violating UN Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) which explicitly guaranties sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia (FRY).
The first to recognize this illegal independence was Afghanistan followed by USA and their closest allies. In spite of the enormous pressure of USA administration on other countries, this illegal creature named “Republic of Kosovo” is recognized by less than a third of UN members.
Even EU could not reach unity on the question having five member countries refusing to obey direct request of Washington (Spain, Greece, Romania, Slovak Republic, Cyprus). 
Kosovo today is run by Hashim Tachi, former leader of the terrorist KLA (known as “snake”) and his comrades many of whom have combined experiences - terrorism, drug and human beings trafficking and other records of international organiyed crime. Over 50 percent of the population in Kosovo and Metohija are unemployed. About 80 percent of heroin smuggled to Europe passes through and is under control of Kosovo Albanians mafia.
Many Civic organizations in Serbia are reminding the public these days of this sad anniversary pointing out that the NATO aggression was an act of crime against peace and stability. It was undertaken contrary to the UN Charter, without approval of UN Security Council, contrary to the Founding Act of the Alliance and in blunt violation of the national constitutions of all NATO member countries, USA included. 
They point out that USA and other NATO member countries continue to put the blame on Serbia, on the late Slobodan Milosevic and his government, even on the entire Serbian nation, thus trying to cover up own responsibility for crimes, destruction and other tragic consequences. They remind that this aggression was perpetuated for the sake of dislocation of the USA military bases and troops toward East (Russia), Caspian Basin, Central Asia and Middle East. Aggression against Serbia (DRY) in 1999 was aimed, among other objectives) to set up a precedent for military Interventions without consent of UN SC, all over the world. 
Many new books analyzing roots and consequences of the NATO aggression are being published in Serbia to coincide with this anniversary. 
Former Serbian generals, diplomats, political writers have been engaged in an extraordinary effort to present the truth of the imperialistic policy of USA and NATO demonstrated 11 years ago on Serbia. While the Government controlled media try to play down growing anti-NATO public sentiments, many others, including in Belgrade, are devoting considerable space and time to open criticism of USA/NATO policy of domination and official pro-NATO policy. After recent public appeal of over 200 most prominent Serbian intellectuals to hold a referendum on the issue of NATO membership, these days came out an initiative to have military neutrality included in the country’s Constitution thus making it impossible to even consider membership in NATO, or any other military alliance. On the 24th of March, in various places in Belgrade and all over the country flowers will be laid to the graves and monuments to the victims of the NATO aggression. 

Zivadin Jovanovic
President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals  

=== 2 ===

Stop NATO - March 18, 2010

11 Years Later: NATO Powers Prepare Final Solution In Kosovo

Rick Rozoff

March 17 marked the sixth anniversary of a concerted assault against Serbs and other ethnic minorities in Kosovo that resulted in 800 Serbian homes and thirty five Orthodox churches and monasteries being destroyed, 4,000 Serbs and Roma (Gypsies) forced to flee their homes, 900 hundred people injured and 19 killed.

The attacks followed the accidental drowning of three ethnic Albanian youth which local separatist politicians and media attributed to the actions of Serbs and used to incite an orgy of intolerance, ethnic hostility and violence. 

They marked the worst, and deadliest, violence in the Balkans since NATO's 78-day bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 and the war in Macedonia two years later launched by an offshoot of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) operating out of NATO-occupied Kosovo. Clashes occurred between ethnic Albanians and Serbs and between both and NATO Kosovo Force (KFOR) troops. The dead and wounded included members of all three groups.

On the first day of the attacks, which started in the ethnically-divided city of Kosovska Mitrovica but soon spread to several other locales, personnel of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) abandoned offices in the cities of Gnjilane, Prizren and Pec and one UN representative, alluding to the anti-Jewish rampage in Nazi Germany in 1938, said “Kristallnacht is under way in Kosovo. What is happening in Kosovo must unfortunately be described as a pogrom against Serbs: churches are on fire and people are being attacked for no other reason than their ethnic background.” [1]

The United Nations ombudsman at the time, Poland's Marek Nowicki, issued a similar warning, saying "there exists the intent to cleanse this land of the presence of all Serbs.” [2]

The government of Serbia, and Kosovo was still legally recognized as its province by every nation in the world except Albania, also characterized the attacks as designed to perpetrate ethnic cleansing. But NATO, in charge of KFOR and as such the Serbian sites that were destroyed, did not.

Four years later Albanian separatist leaders declared the province's unilateral independence on February 17. Despite a historically unprecedented campaign by the U.S. and its NATO allies to gain international recognition for "the first NATO state in the world" as Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica described the illegal entity shortly following its secession [3], after over two years and a combination of heavy-handed pressure and handsome bribery from the West only 65 of the world's 192 nations accord the breakaway entity diplomatic recognition.

Those who do not include the BRIC nations - Brazil, China, India and Russia - and the overwhelming majority of countries in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. Those who do include the United States and all other NAT0 members except for Greece, Romania, Slovakia and Spain which have their own reasons for fearing the Kosovo precedent, and small (and very small) states particularly susceptible to economic incentives like Belize, the Comoros, Liechtenstein, the Maldives, the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Monaco, Nauru, Palau, Samoa, and San Marino.

In early January the commander of NATO's Joint Forces Command Naples, U.S. Admiral Mark Fitzgerald, was in Kosovo and met with German KFOR
Commander Markus Bentler, afterwards claiming that self-governing Serbian enclaves, surrounded and besieged by Kosovo separatists, "represent a threat to Kosovo stability," and emphasizing "KFOR's readiness to answer any threat."

More specifically, Fitzgerald said that "All violations of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 pose a threat to security. Since the resolution does not approve of parallel institutions, they are cause for concern." 

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 was adopted on June 10, 1999 and placed Kosovo under interim UN administration.

As for ethnic Serbs violating the terms or even the spirit of the resolution by refusing to surrender to an illegal secessionist regime not recognized by almost two-thirds of United Nations members, UN Resolution 1244 "Reaffirm[s] the commitment of all Member States to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the other States of the region, as set out in the Helsinki Final Act...."

The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia devolved into the Western-engineered State Union of Serbia and Montenegro in 2003, which in turn split into its two parts in 2006. This created waters muddy enough for advocates of Kosovo separatism to fish in, but the fact remains that Kosovo was a province of Serbia during the eleven years of the Federal Republic mentioned in UN Resolution 1244. The State Union of Serbia and Montenegro was coterminous with and the successor state to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 

The Constitutional Charter of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro of February 4, 2003 states:

"Should Montenegro break away from the state union of Serbia and Montenegro, the international instruments pertaining to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, particularly UN SC Resolution 1244, would concern and apply in their entirety to Serbia as the successor."

Serbs in Kosovo don't desire to leave Kosovo but to remain in Serbia. Residents of the U.S. state of West Virginia can appreciate the distinction.

By an ostensible "threat to security" the NATO commander meant the unwillingness of Serbs and other non-Albanian minorities to vote in elections held by and entrust their fragile security to a renegade political anomaly with an ethnically exclusionary agenda and extensive, in fact inextricable, links to Europe's largest criminal underworld. (To wit, trafficking in narcotics, weapons, sex slaves, passports and, if accounts in the recent memoirs of former chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia Carla Del Ponte are to be credited, organs extracted from murdered victims.)

That is, refusing to submit to the West's carefully groomed client state and the first NATO pseudo-nation. As with the Georgia of Mikheil Saakashvili, all the West's much-celebrated "Euro-Atlantic" rhetoric about diversity, pluralism, rule of law, transparency, human rights and democratic values is exposed for the hollow, self-serving lie it is.

After 50,000 NATO troops poured into Kosovo in 1999, bringing with them their allies from the Kosovo Liberation Army which they had trained and armed in camps in Albania, hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Roma and other minorities fled the province. 200,000 Serbs alone remain in exile almost eleven years later.

Roma sources have estimated that a comparable amount of Roma and related Askalis and Egyptians have been terrorized into fleeing their homes and relocating elsewhere in Kosovo, other parts of Serbia, Macedonia and further abroad.

UN Resolution 1244, which of late NATO and U.S. officials have taken to evoking (as the Devil quotes Scripture) also "Reaffirm[s] the right of all refugees and displaced persons to return to their homes in safety."

Before NATO's entry and the KLA's return in June of 1999, Kosovo was one of the most ethnically, culturally and religiously diverse spots on the earth. Its two million citizens consisted of Muslims, Christians and Jews, including (to defy stereotypes) Muslim Slavs and Christian Albanians. Its inhabitants were Albanian, Serbian, Askali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Egyptian, Gorani, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Roma and Turkish.

If the province was diverse, the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army wasn't. It was monoethnic. Fiercely so. It sought an exclusively Albanian Kosovo and after that Greater Albania.

The West is near to providing it with the first and is assisting its former members - ex-KLA chief Hashim Thaci is now recognized by the West as Kosovo's prime minister - to achieve the second.

In the late 1990s no one but ethnic Albanian separatist extremists, by no means all Albanians, felt constrained to wage unprovoked armed attacks against security and civilian targets in the province.

The fate of the smaller ethnic communities, those neither Albanian nor Serbian, since June of 1999 gives the definitive lie to eleven years of Western propaganda about Kosovo. Roma, Gorans, Turks and others have been murdered, driven in fear from their homes and forced to flee the province.

Paul Polansky, head of the Kosovo Roma Refugee Fund, wrote in 2008 (two days before Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence) that "Before NATO troops arrived, there were about 17,500 Gypsy homes with a population of about 120,000. By the time I did my survey [in 2007] more than 14,500 homes had been destroyed by Albanians and only about 30,000 Gypsies were still in Kosovo." 

He added:

"I witnessed many Albanians chasing out Gypsy families and then looting their homes before burning them down. This happened in front of NATO troops."

"Fearing independence, all minorities are still leaving Kosovo....After eight years of UN administration, there is still no freedom of movement for minorities outside their own villages."

"The German government acknowledges that there are more than 35,000 Kosovo Gypsies living today in Germany. Germany hopes to deport them when Kosovo has independence...." [4]

He further detailed that remaining Roma have been living in camps on or near toxic dumps (an abandoned mining and smelting complex with a slag heap
containing 100 million tons of poisonous materials) and suffering from epidemic rates of cancer and brain damage.

Polansky used the word appropriate to what is occurring: Genocide.

Last October, twenty months after separatist leaders announced Kosovo's independence, Germany formalized plans to forcibly deport 14,000 Kosovo refugees including 12,000 Roma. A member of parliament of the opposition Left Party warned that the expulsion would put them in danger, as "Kosovo is a country in which minorities are deeply discriminated against and persecuted." [5]

There are an estimated 20,000 internally displaced persons in Kosovo living in dangerous and squalid conditions. A United Nations report estimates that 20 per cent of Roma remaining in Kosovo are stateless.

Albanians have not fared much better. A feature in Germany's Der Spiegel in 2002 revealed that "After the war the cruelest cleansings took place
among the Albanians. Under the pretext that they were 'Serbian collaborators', the leaders of the KLA liquidated their political opponents; old blood feuds were settled, and Albanian civilians were executed by the Albanians themselves." 

"The number of the victims is estimated to be more than a thousand. The perpetrators or instigators were usually former senior KLA leaders; after the war they were integrated nearly without exception into the KLA successor organization, the civilian Kosovo Protection Corps." [6]

A report by the Reuters news agency last November documented that if non-Albanians fear for their lives in Kosovo, even ethnic Albanians were condemned to a plight that can barely be qualified as living. 

Eleven years and an estimated three million euros (over $4 million) in aid later, the official unemployment rate is between 40-50 per cent and the average per capita income is 1,760 euros, "less than 93 cents a day, according to the World Bank."

"That compares with average joblessness of just under 10 percent in the
European Union and an average salary of about 24,000 euros ($35,930)." [7]

Kosovo is the showcase for the West's self-styled humanitarian intervention and post-Cold War "nation building." The prototype for Afghanistan, Iraq and much of the rest of the world.

With the perversion - the inversion - of the intent of UN Resolution 1244, the U.S. and its NATO allies are well on their way to insuring a monoethnic Kosovo with a NATO standard army.

In late January of this year U.S. ambassador to Kosovo Christopher Dell "said that Serbia's efforts to once again impose its legal system on Kosovo are a clear violation of the UN Security Council's Resolution 1244."

He further stated:

"What has been forgotten over the last ten years is that Resolution 1244
clearly takes the power over Kosovo away from Serbia, and Belgrade's effort to impose a legislative system in Kosovo is an open violation of the resolution....This resolution recognizes Kosovo's territorial integrity and the fact that there is only one legal system in Kosovo. All countries that do not recognize Kosovo still recognize the validity of Resolution 1244." [8]

Again, the resolution unequivocally confirms "the commitment of all Member States to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the other States of the region, as set out in the Helsinki Final Act...."

Which is how Russia still views the mandate of UN Resolution 1244. Two days after the American envoy's egregious comments, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko said that the current Western - U.S., NATO and European Union - plans for forcibly subjugating northern Kosovo and its Serb minority "violates Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council."

"By this I refer to the so-called strategy for northern Kosovo, which
violates UN SC Resolution 1244 and generates tensions in the province."

He also said that Russia "insists on the UN mission in Kosovo,
UNMIK, fulfilling its obligations in representing Kosovo in regional and
international institutions." [9]

However, U.S. Ambassador Dell, in indicating that Western intentions toward surviving Serbian enclaves are not peaceful, referred to their autonomous governing bodies as "criminal parallel structures" and added "criminal structures organized in the north are completely linked with the so-called parallel governmental structures." [10] To exclusively single out Serbian communities in a Kosovo that is the most crime-ridden part of Europe is a tour de force of arrogance, underhandedness and Goebbelsesque distortion of the truth. 

Serb and other threatened minority communities are to be subordinated to the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX), which will transition them to the control of the Kosovo regime of former KLA chief Hashim Thaci.

In late January Pieter Feith, the European Union Special Representative in Kosovo, disclosed that "EULEX personnel will be moving into northern Kosovo soon."

"Feith's strategy for northern Kosovo calls for the support of the
'international community' in direct links between Serbia's European
perspective and the decrease of Belgrade's support for the 'parallel'
structures in the north of Kosovo.

"The strategy was created by Feith and the temporary institutions in Pristina, and it is part of the decentralization process in Kosovo, with the goal of taking over control in the northern [Serbian] part of Kosovska Mitrovica." [11]

In the same week Feith visited NATO headquarters in Brussels with EULEX chief Yves de Kermabon to "take part in an informal meeting with the NATO
Council and...focus on cooperation between the EU and NATO in the field, and the situation in the north of Kosovo.

"The visit comes after the meeting of the NATO military leadership, who discussed Kosovo." [12] 

(Starting in December of 2007 the European Union worked in tandem with Washington to unleash an independent Kosovo on Europe and the world and to supplant the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo with the European Union Rule of Law - EULEX - Mission as the transitional mechanism for turning the province fully over to the new Republic of Kosovo. The EU nations that led the drive to recognize Kosovo's secession were Britain, France, Germany and Italy, the same four countries that met in Munich 70 years earlier to cede the Sudetenland and then all of Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany.) 

Russian political analyst Pyotr Iskenderov wrote a few days afterward that "the plan for a final solution for North Kosovo is similar to the one Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili had in mind launching an attack against South Ossetia in August, 2008. Even the stated objectives - the restoration of the constitutional jurisdiction in Saakashvili's wording - is the same in both cases.

"The contours of the Kosovo separatists' plan to suppress the Serbian resistance in the northern part of the province with the help of the US and the EU are becoming increasingly visible." [13]

After KFOR and EULEX secure domination over Serb communities, they will be transferred to the rulers in Pristina and their NATO-created army.

The month after Thaci and his colleagues declared independence with the assistance of the major NATO nations, KFOR and the revamped KLA that was the Kosovo Protection Corps began the conversion of the latter into the Kosovo Security Force (KSF). It was officially inaugurated in January of 2009. 

Described by Western powers as an "unarmed disaster-relief organization," it was recently identified by a German news agency more accurately as "Kosovo's fledgling army, mainly manned by former guerrillas...." [14] 

Last year it was announced that the Pentagon would supply it with uniforms, Britain with training - in the words of the Defence Ministry to NATO standards and according to London's ambassador to Kosovo to prepare the state for NATO membership - and Germany with 200 vehicles.

Last September NATO held maneuvers with the Kosovo Security Force, Exercise Agile Lion, and pronounced that the KSF had achieved Initial Operational Capability. "The next goal for the KSF is to reach Full Operational Capability." [15]

UN Resolution 1244 also explicitly calls for "Demilitarizing the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and other armed Kosovo Albanian groups...."

NATO has instead rearmed them and is in the process of institutionalizing the former KLA as a national army.

The last time foreign powers militarily occupied Kosovo was in the early 1940s. They were Benito Mussolini's Italy and Adolf Hitler's Germany. The last time an Albanian military formation was created by an occupying power was in 1944 when Heinrich Himmler set up the Skanderbeg SS Division.

January of 2009 brought the official launching of the KSF "overseen by Nato." [16]

Within days of assuming the post of NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe Admiral James Stavridis affirmed that "We are interested in having modern equipment and advanced training for KSF, and I will try in my capability to assist widely during my three-year mandate." [17]

On March 15 a NATO website disclosed:

"Since achieving Initial Operational Capability in September 2009, the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) has continued to develop its skills and capabilities in core areas, with the assistance of NATO forces in Kosovo....NATO nations decided to support this task with a Donation Programme established In June 2008. The value of all the equipment and infrastructure projects required by the KSF to be fully capable is 37.4 million euros. [18]

On March 7 the Kosovo Security Force, erstwhile "unarmed disaster-relief organization," brandished arms at what was described as a Kosovo Liberation Army memorial service to mark the twelve anniversary of the latter's rebellion against the government of Yugoslavia and the death of its commander at the time, Adem Jashari. An "armed honor guard" also displayed the NATO flag during the parade.

KFOR commander General Markus Bentler pretended to be offended at what, after all, is only the KLA renamed and with new insignia reverting to form, and even mentioned suspending NATO's training of the 2,500-man force the day of the armed march.

The nominal president of Kosovo, Fatmir Sejdiu, responded by stating "KFOR is an important investor in the enlargement of KSF and...all the steps thus far were undertaken in agreement and partnership and I believe that in the future (it) will contribute to our NATO membership." Hashim Thaci's deputy Hajredin Kuci added the assertion that "nobody should expect Kosovo not to behave like a sovereign state." [19]

However, the bond between the North Atlantic military bloc and its KLA allies is an old and unbreakable one, and the next day relations between the NATO Kosovo Force and its Kosovo Security Force subordinates were restored and "a new agreement was reached by which the KSF ceremonial unit could carry weapons in a manner agreed upon in advance." [20]  

Russian analyst Pyotr Iskenderov, cited earlier, wrote that "The statements emanating from Pristina and the intensifying international debates over the Kosovo theme do not only show that the Albanian separatists are preparing an attack against their opponents but also give an idea of its potential scenario, the distribution of roles in it, and the extent to which Hashim Thaci and other former leaders of the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army are relying on international support in the process." [21]

From January 15-24 of this year NATO's KFOR conducted military exercises throughout Kosovo. The stated purpose of the maneuvers was to "enable KFOR forces to maintain a high degree of readiness and be prepared to quickly deploy in response to any scenario." [22]

Afterward a Serbian news agency reported on a KFOR press release which stated "the exercises were conducted so as to check the full operational capability of multinational combat groups after the structural changes in the international military forces have taken place.

"More than 5,000 soldiers from 31 countries, 700 tactical vehicles on land, and 21 helicopters for air support, were included in this military simulation of real-life battle conditions....[T]he exercises confirmed that the multinational battle groups are 'fast, very flexible, mobile, and ready to deploy in response to any situation which might endanger security on the whole territory of Kosovo.'"

"KFOR said there will be further exercises so that the groups could be trained and their operational capability preserved at the highest possible level." [23]

Toward the end of last month the U.S. deployed two companies of soldiers based in Camp Bondsteel, the largest overseas military installation the Pentagon has constructed since the Vietnam War, to the north of Kosovo.

"The KFOR command in Pristina has announced that their deployment will confirm operational ability to reinforce and support any combat group in Kosovo."

The U.S. exercises in February and the KFOR ones the previous month occurred against the backdrop of the threats by NATO commander Admiral Mark Fitzgerald and U.S. ambassador to Serbia Christopher Dell examined earlier and are part of "an ICO [International Civilian Office - European Union Special Representative]/Kosovo Albanian government strategy to 'integrate' this [northern Kosovo], predominantly Serb area of the province, and bring it under Pristina's control. 

"Serbs in the north, however, are refusing any kind of connection to the Kosovo institutions. Pristina’s intent is to start shutting down local governments supported by Belgrade." [24]

In conjunction with coordinated moves against Serbian communities in the north of Kosovo by KFOR, EULEX, the Kosovo regime of Thaci and Sejdiu and its new army in formation, attacks against Serb civilians have also intensified in an effort to drive them out of the province.

Three firebombs were hurled at the home of a Serb family in northern Kosovoska Mitrovica last month and the house of an elderly Serb couple in Klina was stoned at the same time. 

On February 18 in Gnjilane, in eastern Kosovo, the grave of a Serbian woman buried earlier in the day was dug up and robbed. A local Serb official remarked of this desecration: "The deceased's last wish was to be buried in the upper part of the Gnjilane cemetery. This was the first burial in this cemetery since 1999. The digging up of her grave is a clear message to Serbs that they cannot even bury their dead in Gnjilane." [25] 

Two days later a Serbian male was assaulted in Istok, in northwestern Kosovo, by a gang of Albanians and afterward taken to a hospital in Kosovska Mitrovica. The coordinator for returning Serbs in the city said "that the situation in Istok has drastically worsened over the last week, and that the attack has further upset Serbs living in the municipality." 

"There are five homes almost complete for returning Serbs...and it is
obvious that someone does not like it," Vesna Malikovic added. [26]

Almost eleven years ago the U.S. and NATO brought their KLA allies to power in Kosovo. There was no way they could have achieved that objective on their own.

To demonstrate to whom the likes of Hashim Thaci, Ramush Haradinaj, Agim Ceku and other former Kosovo Liberation Army leaders see themselves indebted to for the opportunity of purging the province of all non-Albanian inhabitants - and eliminating Albanians not deemed sufficiently subservient - they have named the main street in the capital of Pristina after George W. Bush, who engineered Kosovo's formal secession two years ago.

Major streets in the capital are also named after Tony Blair, Madeleine Albright and William Walker, and last November 1 Bill Clinton arrived in Pristina to join Hashim Thaci in unveiling a grotesque eleven-foot statue to the former American president. 

While promoting NATO's new Strategic Concept with her 12-member Group of Experts last month, Madeleine Albright said that "If you wish to know what I think is the most important thing I accomplished as U.S. secretary of state, I think it is the stopping of the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo," though local media reported she initially used the phrase "conducting the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo." [27]

There was no need for her to correct herself. She stated the matter accurately the first time.

1) B92, March 17, 2004
2) Ombudsman office, Pristina, Kosovo, Statement to the Media, 18 March 2004
3) Serbian Government, April 26, 2008 
4) The Statesman (India), February 15, 2008
5) Reuters, October 14, 2009
6) Der Spiegel, September 21, 2002 (In German)
7) Reuters, November 20, 2009
8) Beta News Agency, January 27, 2010
9) B92/FoNet/Tanjug News Agency, January 29, 2010
10) Beta News Agency, January 27, 2010
11) Tanjug News Agency, January 30, 2010
12) B92/FoNet/Tanjug News Agency, January 29, 2010
13) Strategic Culture Foundation, February 3, 2010
14) Deutsche Presse-Agentur, March 8, 2010
15) North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Kosovo Force, September 16, 2009
16) BBC News, January 21, 2010
17) Kosovo Times, July 30, 2009
18) North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Allied Command Operations 
   March 15, 2010
19) B92, March 7, 2010
20) Southeast European Times, March 11, 2010
21) Strategic Culture Foundation, February 3, 2010
22) Radio Serbia, January 13, 2010
23) Tanjug News Agency, February 6, 2010
24) B92, February 22, 2010
25) Beta News Agency, February 19, 2010
26) FoNet, February 20, 2010
27) Tanjug News Agency, February 11, 2010

Blog site:

=== 3 ===

Associated Press  - March 18, 2010

Kosovo: NATO hands over Serb site to local police  


NATO on Thursday put local police in charge of securing the site of an ancient battle that lies at the historical heart of Serbia's resolve to retain the territory of Kosovo.

The move comes despite objections from Kosovo's minority Serbs....Kosovo's 8,000-strong police force is made up primarily of ethnic Albanians.

The commander of the alliance's force in central Kosovo praised the move, however, saying it shows that Kosovo police are able to secure the sensitive site.

"I understand that these are difficult issues," Brig. Gen. Seppo Toivonen told reporters at the hand-over ceremony. "I still say this concept is a good one to ensure that the Kosovo police will be accepted to do this task."

The transfer comes a day after Kosovo's Serbs marked the six-year anniversary since rioting Albanians launched Kosovo-wide attacks on Serbs, leaving dozens of people dead and scores of Orthodox churches burned.

Kosovo is populated primarily by ethnic Albanians. It declared independence from Serbia in 2008, despite strong objections from Serbia, which has vowed never to give up its claims over the territory.

The site was the scene of an epic 1389 battle for Kosovo, in which a Christian army led by Serbian Prince Lazar was defeated by invading Ottoman forces....

Holocaust Deniers at the U.S. State Department

By Srdja Trifkovic
Saturday, 20 Mar 2010

The latest U.S. Department of State human rights report on Croatia, released on March 11, says matter of factly that “on September 24 [2009] ... Cardinal Josip Bozanic visited Jasenovac, the site of the largest concentration camp in Croatia during World War II where thousands of Serbs, Jews, and Roma were killed” [emphasis added; a daily scene from Jasenovac, l.]. This remarkable claim is the exact moral and factual equivalent of asserting that “tens of thousands” of Jews and others were killed in Auschwitz or Treblinka.

The number of victims at Jasenovac is still uncertain. The lowest estimate with any pretense to methodological seriousness –tens of thousands of victims – was made by the late Croatian President Franjo Tudjman, famous for saying “Thank God, my wife is neither a Serb nor a Jew.” Tudjman’s “estimate” on Jasenovac fits in with his other assessments:

“In his book Wastelands: Historical Truths, published in 1988, Mr. Tudjman wrote that the number of Jews who died in the Holocaust was 900,000 – not six million. He has also asserted that not more than 70,000 Serbs died at the hands of the Ustashe – most historians say around 400,000 were killed.” (The New York Times, August 20, 1995)

Other sources provide estimates tens of times greater than Dr. Tudjman’s, and hundreds of times greater than that presented as fact by the U.S. State Department:

“JASENOVAC” by Menachem Shelach in Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Yad Vashem, 1990, pp. 739-740: “Some six hundred thousand people were murdered at Jasenovac, mostly Serbs, Jews, GYPSIES, and opponents of the USTAŠA regime.”

The Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team: “It is estimated that close to 600,000  … mostly Serbs, Jews, Gypsies, were murdered at Jasenovac.”

So much for the Jewish sources. This is what the contemporary German allies of the Ustasa regime had to say on the subject.

Hermann Neubacher, Hitler’s foremost political expert for the Balkans, in his book Sonderaufrag Südost 1940-1945. Bericht eines fliegenden Diplomaten (Goettingen: Muster-Schmidt-Verlag, 1957, p. 18):

"The prescription for the Orthodox Serbs issued by the leader and Führer of Croatia, Ante Pavelić, was reminiscent of the religious wars of the bloodiest memory: One third must be converted to Catholicism, another third must be expelled, and the final third must die. The last part of the program has been carried out.” [i.e. one-third of cca. 1.9 million were killed]

In a report to Himmler, SS General Ernst Frick estimated that “600 to 700,000 victims were butchered in the Balkan fashion.” General Lothar Rendulic, commanding German forces in the western Balkans in 1943-1944, estimated the number of Ustaša victims to be 500,000. In his memoirs Gekaempft, gesiegt, geschlagen (Welsermühl Verlag, Wels und Heidelberg, 1952, p.161) he recalled a memorable exchange on this issue with a Croat dignitary:

“When I objected to a high official who was close to Pavelic that, in spite of the accumulated hatred, I failed to comprehend the murder of half a million Orthodox, the answer I received was characteristic of the mentality that prevailed there: Half a million, that’s too much – there weren’t more than 200,000!

The U.S. Department of State may have in its possession some newly discovered and incontrovertible evidence that Yad Vashem’s researchers had exaggerated the number of victims at Jasenovac a hundredfold or more, that German eyewitnesses were wrong, that even the Holocaust-denying President Tudjman was wrong, and that the number of victims was indeed in some “thousands” rather than tens or hundreds of thousands.

If it does, the State Department should make such evidence for its claims public. If it does not, it should issue a detailed correction and an unreserved apology.

17/3/2004-2010: Sixth Anniversary Of Kosovo Pogroms

1) Six years since March violence in Kosovo (B92)
2) Six years as of March pogrom against Serbs in Kosovo (Tanjug)
3) The perils and repercussions of Kosovo's independence (Daily Star) 
An Interview to Serbia’s defense counsel in the International Court of Justice case about Kosovo's "independence", Marcelo Kohen

Source: Stop NATO -
Blog site:

=== 1 ===

 B92 - March 17, 2010
Six years since March violence in Kosovo
PRIŠTINA -- Six years have passed since the largest ethnically motivated crimes since 1999 occurred in Kosovo, in which 19 civilians were killed. 

Prizren after the 2004 violence (Glas Juga archive)
Prizren after the 2004 violence (Glas Juga archive)

The two-day riots in Kosovo began on March 17, 2004, after UNMIK police found the bodies of two Albanian boys in the Ibar River in the village of Cabra in northern Kosovo. 

Massive protests by Albanians who accused Serbs of the deaths broke out in southern Kosovska Mitrovica, after which they spread to other parts of Kosovo. 

Some 800 homes and 35 Orthodox churches and monasteries were destroyed in the riots and about 4,000 Serbs were forced to leave their homes. 

Eleven Albanians and eight Serbs were killed in the violence. 

NATO and UN officials did not deem the violence ethnic cleansing. 

Priština attorney Živojin Jaganović said that investigations into the violence have yet to be completed. 

"There are no serious efforts in that direction. If we want to face the truth, which is available to all those with good intentions, it can be easily concluded that in these events, though I would not accuse the international forces of facilitating them, I would say that they did not even take the minimum measures for protecting property and the citizens," he said. 

The Kosovo courts processed 400 cases, mostly for minor crimes committed during the violence. 

The first serious verdict was confirmed in 2005 when six Albanians from Gnjilane were sentenced to a total of 38 years in prison. 

They were found guilty of the murder of Serb Slobodan Perić and his mother. 

In total, 143 Kosovo Albanians were convicted, of which 67 received prison terms of over a year. 

Thousands of people protested in several Serbian cities because of the attacks on Serb enclaves in Kosovo....

=== 2 ===

Tanjug News Agency - March 17, 2010

Six years as of March pogrom against Serbs in Kosovo

BELGRADE: Today marks six years since a major ethnic Albanian pogrom against Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija, when Serb property, monuments of culture and sanctuaries of the Serbian Orthodox Church were destroyed, and when more than 4,000 people were displaced.

It was the second great pogrom the ethnic Albanians committed after NATO's 1999 air raids, when the province came under the UN administration. More than a quarter million Serbs, Roma people and other non-Albanians were expelled in June 1999, before the very eyes of international forces.

During the March 17, 2004 violence, which is known as 'the Crystal Night in Kosovo,' 19 persons were killed - eight Serbs and 11 Albanians, whereas two more Serbs are believed to have gone missing.

The number of expelled Serbs reached 4,012, six towns and nine villages were ethnically cleansed, and 935 Serb houses and 10 public facilities, such as schools, healthcare centers and post offices, were razed, burnt or severely damaged.

The special target of ethnic Albanian violence was also the cultural and architectural heritage of the Serb people, and as a result 35 churches, including 18 monuments of culture, were demolished, burnt or severely damaged.

The motive for the pogrom was found in the campaign of the Albanian-media claiming that local Serbs chased six ethnic Albanian boys with dogs into the Ibar River in the village of Cabar near Zubin Potok and thus made three of them drown.

The investigation of the UNMIK police determined that the Albanian accusations were false and spokesperson of the international police Neridz Sing stated that the Albanian boys who survived the tragedy were under great pressure exerted by Albanian journalists and politicians to accuse Serbs from the nearby village of the incident.

The Albanian terror continued on March 18 when the Serbs were expelled from Kosovo polje, Obilic, Plemetina near Vucitrn and Svinjare near Kosovska Mitrovica, while in the village of Bijelo Polje near Pec all 28 houses of the returnees and a parish home were burnt down.

Representatives of the international community evaluated at the time that the ethnically-based violence against the Serbs in Kosovo had been planned in advance and well orchestrated, but it turned out that more than 20,000 members of international forces were not ready, or did not want to stop or prevent the pogrom.

According to the data from the Serbian intelligence sources, the threads of the March pogrom were pulled by Ramush Haradinaj, one of the commanders of the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), while Samedin Dzezairi, also known as Commander Hodza, an Islamic terrorist who arrived at Kosovo to establish a branch of the Army of Allah Hezbollah, had the key role in Prizren , Urosevac and Orahovac.

=== 3 ===

Daily Star (Lebanon) - February 25, 2010

The perils and repercussions of Kosovo's independence

By Sebastien Malo 

BEIRUT: Thousands of Kosovans took to the streets last week to celebrate their territory’s second anniversary of independence. But two years after Kosovo stunned the world by unilaterally declaring its autonomy from Serbia, the country’s sovereignty remains as contentious as ever. So much so that the world’s foremost legal body, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), was tasked to determine the legality of the move by the UN General Assembly in 2008. Since then, a carrousel of interested nations has paraded in front of judges at the ICJ to defend their opposing positions. Some, like the US, argue that Kosovo’s claim to independence in 2008 was justified under international law, but their vocal opponents – Russia, Iran, and many more – maintain just the opposite. 

In an exclusive interview with The Daily Star, Serbia’s defense counsel in the court case, Marcelo Kohen, argues that beyond the question of Kosovo’s independence, it is often the plain national interest of states combating secessionist movements – from China to Iran – which is keeping many governments on their toes as they wait for the court’s verdict, expected to fall this spring. 

Q: Can you detail Serbia’s position and arguments in this case? 

A: The Serbian position is twofold. With regard to general international law, the unilateral declaration of independence is not in conformity with the principle of territorial integrity of states, and cannot be justified on the basis of the principle of self-determination because the Kosovo Albanians are not entitled to external self-determination. The second aspect is Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council, which established an international regime for the territory, including the respect of [its] integrity. 

Q: And what is the position of Kosovo on the case? 

A: Essentially the position of the authors of the declaration of independence is that international law does not prohibit declarations of independence, that the creation of states is a matter of fact and not a matter of law, and that the Security Council Resolution 1244 is neutral with regard to the final status of Kosovo. So according to them, this allows the Kosovo population to declare their independence. A position I obviously consider untenable. 

Q: The ruling of the ICJ on Kosovo’s independence will be a non-binding one. What is the value of such a ruling if states are not obligated to respect it? 

A: Judgments by the court are binding. In contentious cases, the court has the possibility to decide and its decisions are binding to the parties. Advisory procedures are different. But nevertheless they have a very strong influence on the subject the court deals with. 

You have some states considering that the declaration is illegal, you have other states pretending that international law regulates secession. So what the court will say will bring an end to the legal discussion. Moreover, you also have concrete consequences. You have some pressure by the United States in order to obtain more recognition, and if the court says that the unilateral declaration is illegal, it will create a deterrent effect [over states who mull recognizing Kosovo’s independence]. On the contrary, if the Court says it is in conformity with international law, then this will open the way for more recognitions. So many states are waiting for what the Court will say. 

Q: And what are possible implications for other secessionist movements in the world? 

A: What the international court will say with regard to Kosovo will be equally applicable to other situations in which states are facing secessionist attempts. 

The most important case and comparable one is the situation in Georgia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, because the Russians are using the same arguments the United States and some Western Europeans countries use to justify Kosovo’s independence. 

Q: Do the positions states defended when consulted by the ICJ not simply reflect their predictable national interest and own context, rather than a disinterested opinion on rules of international law on state sovereignty? 

A: Obviously if states feel that their interest is at stake, they will participate in the [advisory] procedure. In this case, you have states like Spain, China, even Iran, which participated against the declaration of independence. 

It is easy to imagine what their reasons are: in Iran, obviously, you have the Kurdish attempts of independence; in Spain you have the Basques and Catalonia; Taiwan and Tibet in China. 

Q: Does that position not undermine the status of international law as a normative framework that defends the rights of people regardless of state interest? 

MK: No, I don’t think so. It’s quite normal to have states thinking in different ways, interpreting norms in different ways, and in other cases obviously trying to manipulate the law. 

This is easier to perceive at the international level. In my view, many states are perfectly aware that the declaration of independence is illegal, but they try to justify their political positions using legal arguments. That’s quite normal in international relations. 

You will never find a state accepting that it has acted contrary to international law. What is essential here – as it was the case with the construction of the wall in occupied Palestinian territory – is that there will be the most authoritative voice stating what is the right interpretation of the rules at stake. 

Sulle pressioni in atto per mettere fuorilegge ogni critica della versione egemone (fascista) della storia d'Italia al confine orientale si veda anche:

Massimiliano Lacota (Unione degli Istriani) criminalizza pubblicamente studiosi, attivisti e gruppi di militanti

Risoluzione del MinCulPop (ops... Commissione Cultura) che chiede di impedire nelle scuole italiane la libertà di insegnamento sulle vicende della Resistenza al confine orientale

Fini, Schifani e Gianni Letta appoggiano la richiesta dell’Unione degli Istriani di imporre un Verità Storica di Stato



È da un po’ di tempo che gli studiosi Claudia Cernigoi (che scrive), Sandi Volk ed Alessandra Kersevan (che è anche titolare della casa editrice Kappa Vu di Udine) sono accusati di essere dei “negazionisti delle foibe”, dove va considerato che il termine di “negazionista” è genericamente usato, in ambito storico, per definire in senso negativo gli studiosi ed i propagandisti che cercano di dimostrare che non vi fu una politica di sterminio nazista nei confronti del popolo ebraico. Con questa similitudine si cerca pertanto di paragonare la nostra attività di ricerca storica a quella di altre persone che nulla di scientifico in ambito storico hanno prodotto ma si limitano ad arrampicarsi sugli specchi per dimostrare una propria teoria.
Dopo la pubblicazione di “Foibe. Una storia italiana” per i tipi della Einaudi, anche lo storico triestino professor Jože Pirjevec è stato oggetto di questo tipo di attacchi; in un articolo pubblicato sulla “Stampa” del 4 febbraio scorso è stato definito “seminegazionista” , mentre in un altro articolo comparso sul rotocalco “Oggi” del 10 febbraio l’autore Mauro Suttora afferma: “Se Jože Pirjevec, storico dell’università di Capodistria (Slovenia), avesse pubblicato il suo libro in Austria, avrebbe rischiato il carcere. Com’è capitato a David Irving, il professore inglese condannato a tre anni nel 2006 per avere negato l’Olocausto degli ebrei”. Questo perché “Pirjevec nega che l’eccidio delle foibe possa essere definito «genocidio». A suo avviso non ci fu un massacro premeditato, ma solo sporadici episodi, peraltro giustificati dall’odio anti-italiano attizzato dai fascisti negli anni precedenti. Il perfetto «negazionista» , insomma”. 
Ecco un esempio emblematico di come questa terminologia venga usata al mero scopo di screditare i nostri studi senza entrare nel merito se essi siano o no attendibili, ma semplicemente dando per assodato in senso del tutto fideistico che tutto quello che è stato detto o scritto prima delle nostre ricerche è verità conclamata, a prescindere se la documentazione esistente dia o non dia ragione a noi. Così ci troviamo di fronte ad una schiera di “affermazionisti” che, pur in assenza di studi seri in materia, hanno deciso che sono attendibili i Papo, i Rocchi, i Pirina, e di conseguenza chi osa portare documentazione in grado di dimostrare che la verità storica è un’altra diventa automaticamente un “negazionista” , alla stregua di David Irving, nonostante i nostri studi siano basati su documenti che dovrebbero dimostrare, ad un lettore privo di preconcetti, che non siamo noi a negare la verità storica ma altri. Pirjevec, quindi è un “perfetto negazionista” perché ha fatto un’analisi storica che va a cozzare contro la vulgata del “genocidio” anti-italiano: e se i fatti storici dimostrano che la sua è un’analisi corretta e sono coloro che parlano di “genocidio” ad avere torto, ciò non importa agli “affermazionisti” , che addirittura vanno ad ipotizzare la galera per chi osa mettere in dubbio quella che io non esito a definire la “mitologia” delle foibe.
Citeremo ora una serie di esempi che rappresentano solo la punta dell’iceberg di quanto è apparso in rete e sulla stampa negli ultimi anni, a dimostrazione che da parte delle svariate associazioni che fanno riferimento all’arcipelago irredentista e nazionalista (Associazione Nazionale Venezia Giulia e Dalmazia, Lega nazionale, Associazione amici e discendenti degli esuli giuliani, istriani, fiumani e dalmati, Unione degli Istriani) è in atto una sorta di “disegno” che, partendo dal presupposto “affermazionista” che abbiamo descritto prima, vuole impedire di parlare e rendere noti i propri studi a tutti coloro che non concordano con questa propaganda, definendoli “negazionisti” , paragonati ed equiparati ai negazionisti della Shoah e quindi criminalizzati come tali. Già nel 2008 l’ANVGD in un comunicato pretendeva addirittura (non si comprende a quale titolo, visto che non si tratta di un Istituto storico né di un Ente pubblico) di esercitare un controllo su quanto viene detto nel Giorno del ricordo e su chi ne parla.
Un precursore di questa campagna contro i “negazionisti” può essere individuato nell’esponente della Lega Nazionale di Trieste, avvocato Paolo Sardos Albertini che già otto anni fa sosteneva, in una lettera pubblicata su “Trieste Oggi” (16/5/02) che “certi personaggi che si ammantano del titolo di storici” come Claudia Cernigoi e Sandi Volk “negano la tragedia delle foibe” così come “i loro colleghi europei negano la tragedia dei campi di sterminio”; e l’avvocato conclude “auspicando” che come avviene in altri paesi d’Europa anche in Italia “qualche magistrato sia intenzionato ad indagare se questi nostri locali negazionisti rientrino o meno nell’ipotesi del reato di incitamento all’odio etnico e razziale”. Essendo fatta da un avvocato questa affermazione ci pare assumere una valenza particolare.
Il 12/2/05 usciva sul “Giornale” un articolo firmato da Renzo Foa il quale sosteneva che in Italia “se c’è un fenomeno di negazionismo” è “quello che riguarda le foibe”, precisando che questo “negazionismo” si “fa sentire, non solleva scandalo e spesso non incontra contestazioni, mentre a Robert Faurisson e a David Irving, noti per aver cercato di dimostrare che la Shoah non è esistita, molte volte non è stato nemmeno consentito di parlare”. E cita come esempio scandaloso il fatto che a Perugia “sia stata invitata a parlare una persona, la professoressa Alessandra Kersevan, convinta appartenente ad una scuola negazionista” , senza che fosse previsto alcun contraddittorio. 
Come se ogni volta che uno storico parla fosse necessario mettergli di fronte qualcuno per contestare le sue affermazioni? Oppure per instillare l’idea che se l’istituzione non ha previsto un contraddittorio è il caso di andare e fare? 
Nel 2007 il sito della Lega Nazionale pubblicizzava il libro di Giorgio Rustia (che negli anni aveva messo in piedi una vera e propria campagna contro di me ed i miei studi) “Controoperazione foibe”, disponibile in formato PDF, come “la risposta completa e dettagliata a tutte le teorie negazioniste e di sedicenti storici e trinariciuti divulgatori che imperversano su internet, nelle librerie, ai convegni e nelle scuole”. Senza commenti.
Nella stessa pagina si poteva leggere un articolo di Enrico Neami (Unione degli istriani) dal titolo “Emergenza negazionismo” nel quale l’autore prende spunto da un saggio di Valentina Pisanty dedicato al negazionismo dei campi di sterminio nazisti per applicare a noi (senza fare espressamente i nostri nomi ma riferendosi al convegno di Ancona al quale avevamo partecipato, tra gli altri, Sandi Volk e la sottoscritta) per dimostrare che il nostro modo di fare storia è lo stesso di studiosi come Irving e Nolte. Interessante però che i passi citati possono piuttosto adattarsi a quanto sostengono da anni gli “affermazionisti” in materia di foibe: “focalizzare l’attenzione del lettore su aspetti specifici e particolari allontanandosi dal quadro generale per decontestualizzare un dato fenomeno storico ritenuto scomodo (…) l’utilizzo spregiudicato di singoli documenti sconnessi da ogni vincolo archivistico o di contesto, il mascheramento del reale fine ideologico che sta alla base della tesi” .
Tante cose si possono dire dei nostri studi, ma non che ci siamo allontanati dal quadro generale, né che i documenti citati siano “sconnessi” da qualsivoglia vincolo, al contrario di quanto si legge nei siti della Lega nazionale o dell’ANVGD, mentre è invece tipico della produzione degli “affermazionisti” (basti pensare ai testi di Pirina, di Papo, di padre Rocchi) limitarsi ad affermare che una determinata cosa è accaduta senza portare nulla a comprova di quanto affermato. Emblematica in questo la vicenda di Norma Cossetto, della quale si sa, da documenti ufficiali, soltanto che il suo corpo è stato recuperato da una foiba. Le torture e le mutilazioni cui sarebbe stata sottoposta e di cui si legge con dovizia di particolari, indulgendo, a parere mio, in inutile e morboso sadismo, sono frutto di affermazioni non suffragate da fatti, ma semplicemente ripetute pedissequamente dall’uno e dall’altro autore. Però, di fronte al fatto che la sottoscritta a suo tempo osservò che esistevano due diverse versioni dello stato in cui fu trovato il corpo della giovane donna (citando peraltro in questo le stesse “fonti” cui dovrebbero essersi ispirati anche coloro che mi contestarono, cioè Papo e padre Rocchi), si scatenò contro di me una canea sulla stampa locale ed ancora oggi sono accusata di avere mancato di rispetto ad una martire.
Segnalo inoltre che nel 2007 l’ADES promosse una petizione on line per impedirmi di parlare ad un convegno presso l’Università di Ancona.
Nel febbraio 2008 Kersevan è andata a La Spezia a presentare il mio libro “Operazione foibe tra storia e mito”, ed un articolo pubblicato sul blog di Miradouro evidenzia il lato grottesco di questa campagna disinformativa. Infatti vi si evidenzia lo “strabuzzamento di occhi” di Marco Pirina quando sente che Alessandra Kersevan è stata invitata a parlare di foibe: si dà quindi per scontato che Pirina è un ricercatore serio al contrario di Kersevan. Peccato che proprio grazie agli studi condotti dalla sottoscritta collaborando con Alessandra Kersevan Marco Pirina è stato costretto a ritirare uno dei suoi libri (Genocidio… del 1995) ed è stato anche condannato in via definitiva dalla sezione civile della Cassazione a risarcire tre persone che erano state diffamate in questo suo libro. 
Sempre nel 2008 si è svolto un convegno sulla storia del confine orientale, i cui atti sono stati raccolti in un volume edito dalla Kappa Vu col titolo “Foibe. Amnesie della repubblica”. Nel settembre scorso, in occasione della presentazione del testo, il responsabile dell’ANVGD di Gorizia, Rodolfo Ziberna ha scritto una lettera nella quale si dilunga in affermazioni del tutto fuori luogo ed apprezzamenti insultanti nei confronti della sottoscritta e di Alessandra Kersevan, a partire dal titolo (“Kersevan e Cernigoj uccidono di nuovo gli infoibati”), per proseguire con l’affermazione che “Kersevan e Cernigoj per ragioni di natura partitica o di esigenza di visibilità cercano di minimizzare il dramma delle foibe” (non essendo noi iscritte ad alcun partito l’affermazione è del tutto stonata, ma è curioso che proprio un esponente dell’ANVGD restituisca in grafia slovena il mio cognome italianizzato) .
Recentemente l’ANVGD ha inserito nel sito un nuovo articolo in cui afferma che “segue e denuncia con attenzione l’evolversi del marginale movimento negazionista nel nostro Paese sulle Foibe e sull’Esodo giuliano-dalmata” e che “Alessandra Kersevan, capofila, con Sandi Volk e Claudia Cernigoi di questo ribaltamento storico nella cui rete cadono ignoranti e ideologizzati” . L’articolo è corredato da ben due fotografie (uguali) con la seguente didascalia: “(il trio -da sinistra- Volk, Kersevan e Cernigoi, guide morali dei negazionisti, in una rara immagine di qualche anno fa)”.
A prescindere dal fatto che la foto è tratta dal sito del Primorski Dnevnik ed è stata scattata nel corso dell’iniziativa del settembre precedente, il tono sembra voler sottendere da un lato che il “trio” è restio a farsi fotografare, quasi vivessimo in semiclandestinità , e dall’altro sembra additarci ai lettori, casomai qualcuno avesse piacere di conoscere le nostre fattezze.
A lato di questa manovra di criminalizzazione (si cerca di farci passare come “negazionisti” in attesa che anche in Italia il “negazionismo” diventi reato?) alla Commissione cultura della Camera, l’onorevole Paola Frassinetti (PdL) ha proposto una risoluzione “per cercare di arginare il fatto deplorevole che alcune associazioni si recano nelle scuole per raccontare una visione dei tragici fatti delle foibe in maniera totalmente travisata” e “rileva che il recente libro dello sloveno Pirjevec, edito da Einaudi, e distribuito nelle scuole di Torino, esprime giudizi gravi sugli avvenimenti storici riferiti alle foibe, non corrispondenti alla verità; esistono, infatti, negazionisti della vicenda, come ha anche ricordato lo stesso sindaco di Roma nel corso delle commemorazioni in occasione di questa giornata”.
Notiamo anche qui come il professor Pirjevec, cittadino ed accademico italiano, viene sbrigativamente definito “lo sloveno”: forse per cercare di sminuirne la serietà di studioso?
In base a questi presupposti il testo finale della risoluzione afferma che la giornata del 10 febbraio “è dedicata alla celebrazione ed alla memoria della complessa vicenda del confine orientale e, all\'interno di questa, del martirio degli italiani infoibati, del loro assassinio di massa organizzato dalle bande comuniste del maresciallo Tito, raccapricciante segno di una pulizia etnica che fu attuata in terre teatro di uno storico e tragico scontro di nazionalismi e che durò fino al 1948, provocando l\'esilio forzato di 350mila italiani dall\'Istria, da Fiume e da tutta la Dalmazia” e che “il martirio non fu risparmiato né alle donne né ai bambini, né ai vecchi né ai sacerdoti, la cui sola colpa era quella di essere italiani” Stante che il testo della legge istitutiva del Giorno del ricordo (n. 92 del 30 marzo 2004) non si esprime in questi termini, ci troviamo evidentemente di fronte ad una forzatura dello spirito e dello scopo con cui il legislatore ha ritenuto di operare, forzatura causata dal travisamento della lettura dei fatti storici. Nei nostri testi infatti abbiamo più volte evidenziato – documenti alla mano – che non si trattò di pulizia etnica né di assassinio di massa, che nessun bambino fu “infoibato”, che le donne erano una percentuale relativamente bassa, i sacerdoti pochissimi, le vittime non erano tutte di etnia italiana ed infine che non esistevano “bande comuniste del maresciallo Tito” ma si trattava di un esercito regolare facente parte a tutti gli effetti della coalizione alleate contro le forze dell’Asse.
Tale risoluzione, viste le premesse, sembra essere stata ideata essenzialmente allo scopo di impedire di parlare a storici come noi, a prescindere se le nostre ricerche abbiano o no valore scientifico, ma semplicemente per il fatto che diciamo cose diverse da quelle che la propaganda pretende vengano accettate acriticamente.
Noi non accettiamo questa manovra di criminalizzazione nei nostri confronti, noi abbiamo sempre operato le nostre ricerche nella maniera più corretta, abbiamo esplorato archivi, cercato ed analizzato documenti, intervistato testimoni, verificato l’attendibilità delle cose che intendevamo pubblicare, e abbiamo sempre precisato quando rendevamo pubblici dati con beneficio d’inventario se non avevamo trovato conferme sufficienti. E non possiamo accettare che siano associazioni di propaganda ad accusare noi di essere propagandisti, né che siano gli stessi che hanno per decenni diffuso notizie false o comunque non veritiere, a sostenere che siamo dei “negazionisti” cui dovrebbe essere impedito di parlare o addirittura dovremmo essere messi fuori legge ed incarcerati. Noi rivendichiamo il nostro diritto a lavorare alla luce del sole e, dato che abbiamo sempre agito con correttezza, anche di essere rispettati per quanto facciamo: è chiedere troppo ad una società civile?

marzo 2010


12 mar - Per i Carabinieri Fiume non fu mai italiana   
Nonostante le rassicurazioni, le conferme ed i controlli, l'Arma dei Carabinieri (indegnamente) c'è caduta di nuovo: Fiume, Pola e Zara non furono mai italiane e quindi nessun Esule può risultare nato in Italia. E' quanto si evince da un esposto presentatoci da Anna Rosa C, nata a Fiume nel 1937, recatasi alla stazione dei Carabinieri di La Storta (Roma) per denunciare il furto di alcuni documenti. L'Appuntato scelto è stato diplomaticamente malleabile: "vuole risultare nata in Jugoslavia (Serbia-Montenegro) o in Kosovo?" Alle rimostranze mosse dall'Esule fiumana, nessun esito positivo: o così o niente. Come spesso accade, l'Esule, presa quasi per un'immigrata (ma almeno non clandestina) si è guardata e riguardata quella carta d'identità dove risulta nata semplicemente a Fiume, ma che in tanti sembrano voler dolosamente ignorare. 
E pensare che già nell'ottobre 2008 la Prefettura di Bari, su pressione dell'ANVGD, aveva tirato le orecchie all'Arma per un caso simile ivi capitato, invitandola a provvedere in merito. Solo 4 mesi prima l'Arma aveva assicurato che stava facendo delle verifiche interne. Ma il fatto sfiora il paradosso se si pensa che addirittura il 10 dicembre 2007 il Comando generale dell'Arma dei Carabinieri scrisse all'ANVGD assicurando che "il Sistema automatizzato per la ricezione delle denunce in uso all'Arma dei Carabinieri riconosce il nome italiano dei Comuni ceduti ad altri Stati a seguito del Trattato di Pace". E per essere sicuri che tale sistema funzionasse a pieno regime, il Comando specificò all'ANVGD che "sono state diffuse in ambito istituzionale specifiche indicazioni per utilizzare correttamente le funzioni offerte dal citato sistema automatizzato". 
Sconcertante, quindi, quanto capitato all'Esule fiumana, parimenti a quanto continua a capitare un po' dappertutto in Italia. L'ANVGD sta provvedendo a presentare un ulteriore esposto al Comando dell'Arma, senza escludere la possibilità di una segnalazione all'autorità giudiziaria per falso in atto pubblico e omissione d'atti d'ufficio.

Bollettino dell'associazione neoirredentista italiana ANVGD)

(italiano / srpskohrvatski)

Da: Živadin Jovanović

Oggetto: 65 godina od pobode nad fasizmom

Data: 18 marzo 2010 16:49:19 GMT+01:00

Živadin Jovanović
Predsednik Beogradskog foruma za svet ravnopravnih
Kneza Miloša 82
11000  Beograd
Tel. + 381 11 26 44 293



Il 9 maggio di quest'anno si compiono i 65 anni dalla vittoria sul fascismo. Il manifestarsi dell'ideologia fascista e nazista ha lasciato conseguenze tragiche che superano le tragedie note nella storia della recente civilizzazione. Le cause di questo male non furono solo la natura genocida del fascismo e della sua ideologia, ma anche gli incomprensibili compromessi attuati durante la sua nascita e la sua crescita. L'insegnamento del trattato di Monaco del 1938 ha ancora un significato al giorno d'oggi, nonostante la distanza temporale. Nel mondo c'è una crisi mondiale simile a quella degli anni '30 del passato secolo. Le Nazioni Unite e l'ordine internazionale, le cui basi risalgono al 1945, sono minacciati in modo analogo a come lo fu la Società delle Nazioni, e si fanno passi verso la politica dell'arroganza agressiva, dell'egemonismo e della dominazione, che non lasciano presagire nulla di buono.
Tuttavia, a suo tempo il mondo desideroso di libertà ha trovato le forze per unificarsi e, a prezzo di enormi vittime, combattere e distruggere il male che stava minacciando il progresso e i valori basilari della civilizzazione.  La vittoria sul nazismo trae le sue radici dall'Europa contemporanea, dal mondo, dallo sviluppo democratico, economico, culturale della moderna civilizzazione. In tutto ciò si situa anche il grande contributo della Serbia, come parte dell'ex Stato unitario: la Jugoslavia. Partecipando a questa lotta dagli albori, il popolo serbo ha dato un enorme contributo alla difesa dell'Europa, al tracollo del fascismo e alla costruzione delle fondamenta di un mondo di pace, sicurezza e progresso. Il popolo serbo in questa lotta ha avuto un enorme numero di vittime, che sono state accresciute dal genocidio perpetrato nel campo di concentarmento di Jasenovac e Gradiska, passando per Auschwitz e Buchenwald,  fino a Mathausen e molti altri ancora.
Resteranno ricordo indelebile le folli esecuzioni di migliaia di civili, tra cui studenti e scolari, eseguite dagli occupanti fascisti e dagli aiutanti locali, a Kragujevac, Kraljevo, Novi Sad, Sabac e in molti altri luoghi della Serbia.
Tenendo conto di tutto questo, l'Unione serba dei combattenti nella guerra di Liberazione partigiana, il Forum di Belgrado per un mondo di eguali e il Club dei generali ed ammiragli dell'esercito serbo, ritengono che la Serbia come Stato, il popolo serbo e tutti i cittadini della Serbia hanno il dovere morale di festeggiare in modo organizzato e adeguato i 65 anni dalla vittoria delle forze alleate antifasciste sul nemico fascista. Sarebbe imperdonabile che per trascuratezza o incomprensione o per altri motivi si sminuisse il grande contributo della Serbia alla vittoria sul fascismo, per la libertà e il progresso dell'intera Europa.
Indirizziamo l'appello a tutte le istituzioni statali, dal Presidente, al Governo e al Parlamento, fino agli organi delle province autonome, locali e regionali, affinchè manifestino i loro programmi di festeggiamenti di questo significativo anniversario, in modo da celebrare questa grande data per la Serbia emancipatrice e per l'Europa in modo onorevole. La Serbia ha il dovere morale di conservare le sue tradizioni di emancipazione, in quanto esse sono parte del patrimonio europeo.
Indirizziamo l'appello agli storici, ai pubblicisti, ai media, perchè contrastino con tutte le forze il revisionismo dei fatti storici, per quanto riguarda le cause, le conseguenze e le responsabilità nella II Guerra mondiale, da un lato, e dall'altro per quanto riguarda i veri partecipanti alla lotta antifascista. Ci aspettiamo pertanto che i combattenti dell'Esercito di Liberazione e i reparti partigiani siano riconosciuti come gli UNICI alleati della coalizione antifascista, come i veri portatori della lotta antifascista e del patrimonio della vittoria.
Un rapporto  non limpido con l'unico movimento di liberazione, che eroicamente ha condotto una guerra quadriennale e ha ottenuto la vittoria sugli occupanti e i loro complici, rappresenterebbe un peccato imperdonabile verso le vittime e uno stravolgimento della storia, a danno del presente e del futuro della Serbia.
Chiediamo ai mezzi di comunicazione di seguire tutte le celebrazioni di questa ricorrenza molto importante.
Belgrado, 18 marzo 2010
Unione dei combattenti della lotta di Liberazioe della Serbia
Forum di Belgrado
Club di generali e degli ammiragli dell'Esercito della Serbia

(traduzione di T.B.)

Il giorno 18/mar/10, alle ore 17:31, Coord. Naz. per la Jugoslavia ha scritto:

Dal Forum di Belgrado giunge questo Appello in vista delle celebrazioni per il anniversario della Liberazione.
Prego chi può di farci avere una traduzione o almeno una sintesi in italiano, hvala,

Београдски форум за свет равноправних
Клуб генерала и адмирала Војске Србије

Деветог маја ове године се навршава 65 година од победе над фашизмом. Појава фашизма и нацистичке идеологије оставили су трагичне последице које надилазе све познате трагедије у историји новије цивилизације. Узроци том злу нису били само у геноцидној природи фашизма и његове идеологије, већ и у недопустивим узмицањима и неразумним компромисима чињеним у периоду његовог настајања и успона. Поуке Минхенског споразума из 1938.  имају пуно значење и данас, упркос временској дистанци од шест и по деценија. Свет је поново захватила светска криза слична оној из 30-тих година прошлог века, Уједињене нације и међународни правни поредак чије су основе постављене 1945. су озбиљно угрожени слично Друштву народа, а политици агресивне ароганције, доминације и хегемонизма чине се злослути уступци. 
Суочен са опасношћу пред којом се нашао, слободољубиви свет је, ипак,  смогао снаге да се заједнички, уз огромне жртве,  супротстави и уништи зло које је претило прогресу и основним цивилизацијским вредностима савременог човечанства. Победа над фашизмом и нацизмом уграђена је у темеље савремене Европе и света, у демократски, привредни и културни развој савремене цивилизације. У све то је уграђен и  велики допринос Србије, као дела бивше заједничке државе - Југославије.  Учествујући у тој борби од самог почетка, народ Србије је дао неизмерни допринос одбрани Европе, слому фашизма и изградњи основа мира, безбедности и напретка. У тој борби народ Србије је поднео огромне људске жртве које су увећане геноцидом извршеним над њим у конц-логорима од Јасеновца и Градишке, преко Аушвица и Бухенвалда до Матхаузена и многих других.  Остаће у неизбрисивом сећању безумне егзекуције хјиљада цивила, укључујући ђаке и студенте, које су фашистички окупатори и домаћи помагачи извршили  у Крагујевцу, Краљеву, Новом Саду, Шабцу и многим другим местима Србије.
Имајући све то у виду, Савез бораца Народно-ослободилачког рата Србије, Београдски форум за свет равноправних и Клуб генерала и адмирала Војске Србије истичу да  Србија као држава и српски народ и сви грађани Србије имају моралну обавезу да 9. маја ове године организовано и  достојанствено обележе 65-ту годишњицу победе савезничких анти-фашистичких снага над фашизмом. Било би неопростиво да се због небриге, несхватања или било којег другог раѕлога, умањује или замагљује огроман допринос Србије  победи над фашизмом, за слободу и напредак читаве Европе. 
Упућујемо апел свим државним институцијама, од Председника, Владе и и Народне скупштине, до органа аутономних покрајина, регионалне и локалне самоуправе, да благовремено утврде и објаве своје програме обележавања ове значајне  годишњице и да тај велики датум слободарске Србије, Европе, и света обележе достојанствено. Србија има моралну дужност да афирмише и чува своје слободарске традиције утолико пре што су оне нераздвојни део демократске и слбодарске баштине Европе. 
Упућујемо апел историчарима, публицистима и средствима јавног информисања да се супротставе свим покушајима извртања историјских чињеница о узроцима, последицама и одговорностима за Други светски рат, с једне стране, као и о истинским снагама борбе против фашизма, с друге стране. Очекујемо да се, без  замагљивања историјских догађаја, припадници Народоно-ослободилачке војске и партизанских одреда јасно  идентификују као једини савезници антифашистичке коалиције, као носиоци антифашистичке борбе и баштиници величанствене победе. Немушти однос према јединственом, народно-ослободилачком покрету који херојски водио четворогодишњу борбу за слободу и однео победу над окупатором и његовим помагачима, представљао би неопростив грех према жртвама и прекрајање историје на штету садашњости и будућности Србије. 
Позивамо средства јавног информисања да професионално пропрате све активности у обележавању ове веома значајне годишњице.


Београд, 18. 03. 2010.      
Савез бораца Народно-ослободилачког рата Србије 
Београдски форум за свет равноправних
Клуб генерала и адмирала Војске Србије

(italiano / srpskohrvatski)

Gli jugoslavi e Srebrenica

Insieme abbiamo combattuto, liberato e costruito la nuova Jugoslavia. Insieme l' abbiamo distrutta e ci siamo divisi. La criminale pulizia etnica è stata la caratteristica base di questa divisione. Le colpe di questo male e crimine contro i popoli e le nazionalità jugoslave sono evidenti. Testimonianza ne sono le tombe degli uccisi, le donne stuprate, le case e le chiese distrutte e saccheggiate, gli appartamenti espropriati, i profughi...
Si dice che "il crimine è individuale"! Si,"malo morgen" ["a domani", nel senso di "ne riparleremo"]. Il popolo  alle elezioni del 1990 ha portato al potere questi criminali, perciò è responsabile.  Ed ancora, più o meno dappertutto, li tengono al potere.
Gli Usa hanno ingaggiato i balisti [=nazionalisti, dal nome dell'organizzazione irredentista storica "Balli Kombetaer"] albanesi già dal 1989, e così hanno cominciato con la distruzione della Jugoslavia. I balisti non sarebbero stati capaci da soli in questa impresa, perciò il punto d' appoggio l' hanno spostato nella Slovenia, che li ha sostenuti ampiamente. La danza macabra perciò l' hanno iniziata gli sloveni di Rupnik con l' uccisione delle reclute militari della JNA [Armata Popolare della Jugoslavia] e con la  perfida cacciata dei "terroni" (serbi, rom, croati, albanesi).
Hanno continuato i croati. Loro avevano già tale esperienza della II Guerra mondiale. In  Bosnia ed Erzegovina è stato il peggio: massacravano e uccidevano sia i cetnizi filo-Draza [Mihajlovic, storico leader del movimento cetnico], sia i fascisti musulmani, che gli ustasa croati. Perciò in questa Repubblica è stato commesso il più grande delitto - a Srebrenica.
Il VMRO  ed i balisti in Macedonia si sono uniti al banchetto in ritardo, come pure i cetnizi seguaci di Djurisic in Montenegro, ma hanno fatto in tempo ad iscriversi all' albo dei criminali.
Soltanto i seguaci di Horty in Vojvodina sono stati assenti, avendo valutato che nella regione non ci sono le condizioni per ripetere il massacro di Novi Sad dei giorni di guerra del 1941- 1945.
I serbi hanno avuto sfortuna perchè la pulizia etnica non è stata effettuata soltanto dal partito al potere ma anche dall' opposizione che si voleva arraffare il potere. Primi nelle uccisioni si sono dimostrati i seguaci di Draskovic poi quelli di Arkan e di Seselj. Ce l' avevano con i musulmani, i croati, gli ungheresi, con la JNA in quanto "esercito antiserbo". I partiti DS e DSS che a loro modo si sono inseriti in questo trend etnico - Zoran Djindjic si faceva fotografare vicino a un bue arrostito e ai capi cetnizi serbi in Bosnia-Erzegovina, mentre Vojislav Kostunica sorridente teneva nelle mani eroiche un kalasnikov.
Dietro tutto a questo c'è una Europa di malaffare. Essa anche recentemente ha ordinato al governo serbo di emanare  una risoluzione di pentimento per Srebrenica, per poter così nascondere la sua propria colpevolezza e responsabilità nello spargimento di sangue in Jugoslavia, nel divampare di nuovo odio tra le nazionalità e di scontri tra di noi. Questo viene appoggiato anche dai protagonisti nazionali, dal monte Triglav al fiume Vardar. E si cerca di adossare tutto alla Serbia, concretamente al "sistema dittatoriale comunista" di Milosevic e a quello prima, di Tito, perchè la Serbia è ancora per diverse ragioni l' erede della RSF di Jugoslavia.
Cosi verrebbe la resa dei conti ideologica e politica con il socialismo e con la RSFJ: non c'è migliore dimostrazione del fatto che il capitalismo non è eterno e non è la fine della storia. Questo è un esempio chiaro di  anticomunismo e antijugoslavismo.
Il governo serbo, pronto a emanare questa risoluzione, dimostra quanto sia dipendente dell' UE. La motivazione per cui con questa risoluzione entreremmo a far parte della famiglia dei "popoli civilizzati" è ridicola. I numerosi delitti austriaci, tedeschi, bulgari, compiuti contro i serbi nella I Guerra mondiale, e gli stessi delitti compiuti dagli italiani e dagli ungheresi nella II Guerra mondiale, dimostrano che questa è innanzitutto una famiglia di barbari, e non di gente civile. Cosa poi dire dei bombardamenti del 1999! Gli Stati che per 3 mesi hanno gettato bombe e missili sulla RFJ non sono nemmeno sulla soglia della civilizzazione. Essi sono gli ultimi degni di fare della morale sul genocidio.
Se c'è un pentimento, esso può essere soltanto comune. Ci ammazzavamo a vicenda - a vicenda dobbiamo chiederci scusa, oppure non se ne farà niente! Continueremo con la pulizia etnica e questa è la nostra quotidianità. Nessuna risoluzione ci potrà  rappacificare - fintantochè non verranno cacciati i partiti ed i lacchè nazionalisti e sciovinisti dalla vita pubblica e politica.
Questo è un processo che richiede del tempo e nel quale i comunisti e gli jugoslavi sono i benvenuti, perchè sono tra i pochi che non hanno insaguinato le loro mani col sangue innocente dei loro - fino al giorno prima - fratelli e vicini.

Stevan Mirkovic, presidente Centro Tito
Belgrado, 20.1.2010


Jugosloveni i Srebrenica

Zajedno smo se borili,oslobodili i stvorili novu Jugoslaviju, zajedno radili i živeli u miru, zajedno smo je ubili i razdvojili se. Zločinačko etničko čišćenje je osnovna karakteristika tog razdvajanja.Krivica za to zlo i zločine svakog od jugoslovenskih naroda i narodnosti vidi se kao na dlanu. Dokazi su grobnice pobijenih, silovane žene, spaljene i opljačkane kuće i crkve, oteti stanovi,izbeglice. Kaže se „zločin je pojedinačan“. Malo sutra. Narod je na izborima  199o. doveo na vlast te zločince i odgovoran je. I još ih, manje više, svuda drži na vlasti.
SAD su angažovanjem Albanaca balista pokušali da  1989. započnu
rušenje SFRJ. Balisti nisu bili dorasli ovom poduhvatu pa je težište preneto na Sloveniju, koja je baliste najvatrenije podržavala.Zato su smrtonosni pir počeli Slovenci rupnikovci ubijanjem vojnika JNA i perfidnim i bezobzirnim proterivanjem „južnjaka“ (Srba, Roma, Muslimana,Albanaca).Nastavili su Hrvati ustaše.Imali su i najviše iskustva u tome iz 2.svetskog rata. U BiH je bilo najstrašnije – klali su i ubijali dražinovci, muslimanski fašisti i ustaše. Zato se tamo i dogodio najstrašniji zločin – Srebrenica. Vmrovci i balisti u  Makedoniji uključuju se u nacionalistički pir sa zakašnjenjem , kao i Djurišićevi četnici u C.Gori, ali stižu na vreme da se upišu u knjigu zločinaca. Jedino su se  hortijevci pritajili ocenivši da u Vojvodini nema uslova da ponove novosadski masakr iz ratnih dana 41.-44.
Srbi su imali nesreću da etničko čišćenje ne vrši samo država, dakle partija na vlasti (SPS) već i  opozicione partije da bi se vlasti dočepale. Prvo su se ubijanjima „proslavili“ Draškovićevi četnici, pa Arkanovci, Šešeljevci. Meta su bili Muslimani , Hrvati i Madjari i JNA kao „antisrpska vojska“. I DS i DSS se na svoj način uključuju u ovaj etnički trend – Z.Djindjić se slika kraj pečenog vola sa vodjama srpskih četnika u BiH a V.Koštunica sa osmehom drži „kalašnjikov“ u junačkim rukama! 
Iza svega toga stoji stara kurva Evropa. Ona je nedavno  i  naredila srpskoj Vladi da donese pokajničku rezoluciju o Srebrenici da bi sakrila svoju krivicu i odgovornost za krvoprilića u Jugoslaviji i ponovo razbuktala medjunacionalnu mrznju i sukobe medju nama. To podržavaju i domaći akteri te drame od Triglava do Vardara. I sve se želi svaliti na ledja Srbije , konkretnije na „diktatorski komunistički sistem“ S.Miloševića i onaj raniji Titov, jer je Srbija još uvek po mnogo čemu naslednica SFRJ. Time bi se konačno izvršio ideološki i politički obračun sa socijalizmom i SFRJ , koji su najbolji dokaz da kapitalizam nije večan i nije kraj istorije.Čisti antikomunizam i antijugoslovenstvo.
Spremnost srpske Vlade da donese takvu rezoluciju pokazuje koliko je ona zavisna od EU. Obrazloženje da ćemo tom rezolucijom stupiti u porodicu „civilizovanih naroda“ je komična. Masovni zločini Austrijanaca, Nemaca i Bugara nad Srbima u I SR, istih i Italijana i Madjara u 2.SR pokazuju da je to pre porodica varvara nego civilizovanih ljudi.A tek bombardovanje 1999!Države koje su tri meseca zasipale SRJ aviobombama i raketama nisu ni na pragu civilizacije.One su poslednje koje mogu nekome držati moralnu pridiku o genocidu.
Ako ima kajanja ono može biti samo zajedničko.Zajedno smo ubijali -  zajedno se kajemo ili ništa od toga. Nastavljamo sa etnočišćenjem  i to je naša svakodnevnica. Nikakve rezolucije i unije nas ne mogu pomiriti – samo sklanjanje iz  javnog i društvenog života nacionalističkih i šovinističkih protuva i partija. A to je duži proces u kome su komunisti i Jugosloveni dobro došli jer su medju retkima koji  nisu uprljali ruke nevinom krvlju svoje svoje dojučerašnje braće i komšija.

Stevan Mirković, predsednik Centra Tito