Revisionismo pangermanico per un'Europa neocarolingia
1. A Berlino aperta la mostra organizzata dalla Federazione degli
espulsi tedeschi
"La Repubblica" - 10 agosto 2006
2. The Ordering of a Superstate - 2006/08/29
3. Germanophilic Elites - 2006/06/06
Newsletter vom 06.06.2006 - Germanophile Eliten
NÜRNBERG/PRAG (Eigener Bericht) - Noch vor der Bildung einer neuen
tschechischen Regierung üben führende deutsche Politiker Druck auf
Prag aus. Sie verlangen, tschechoslowakische Widerstandskämpfer gegen
die frühere NS-Okkupation nachträglich unter Strafe zu stellen. Eine
entsprechende Forderung richtet der Ministerpräsident des
Bundeslandes Bayern, Edmund Stoiber, an die konservativen Wahlsieger
in Prag. Stoiber trat am vergangenen Wochenende als Hauptredner auf
einer Veranstaltung deutscher Revisionsverbände auf
("Sudetendeutscher Tag"). Unter dem Motto "Vertreibung ist
Völkermord" erklären sie die Umsiedlungen der Nachkriegszeit zum
unverjährbaren und damit zu jedem zukünftigen Zeitpunkt straffähigen
Verbrechen. Bei ihren Einflussbemühungen in Tschechien setzen die
deutschen Verbände auf eine Umwertung des Nachkriegsgeschehens durch
deutschfreundliche Kreise in Tschechien und stützen sich unter
anderem auf die dortigen Grünen. Deren Ursprünge reichen bis in die
Dissidentenzeit der 1970er und 1980er Jahre zurück. Bereits damals
bestanden enge Kontakte mit deutschen Revisionsverbänden...
Newsletter vom 29.08.2006 - Überstaatliche Ordnung
BERLIN/MAGDEBURG/WEIMAR (Eigener Bericht) - Das europaweite deutsche
Reich mittelalterlichen Zuschnitts kann als Modell für den
Zusammenschluss der heutigen EU-Staaten gelten. Dies erklärt der
Berliner Staatsminister für Kultur, Bernd Neumann. Demnach offenbare
erst die Erinnerung an das Heilige Römische Reich deutscher Nation
die "innere, historische Folgerichtigkeit" von Gründung und stetiger
Erweiterung der EU. Die Äußerungen bereiten die Berliner Feiern zum
50. Jahrestag der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (EWG) vor, zu
denen Bundeskanzlerin Merkel den deutschen Papst Joseph Ratzinger
eingeladen hat. Ratzinger ist engagierter Befürworter der
"Reichsidee" und soll in der deutschen Hauptstadt über die "geistigen
Grundlagen" Europas sprechen. Die Regierungsoffensive zur
Revitalisierung der Reichsidee unterstreicht den deutschen
Führungsanspruch in der EU und bestätigt Befürchtungen in Frankreich,
Großbritannien und fast sämtlichen Staaten Osteuropas. Teile der
deutschen Eliten warnen vor einer allzu offenen deutschen
Kurznachricht: Thema verfehlt
Der Abteilungsleiter für Kultur und Medien im Kanzleramt, Hermann
Schäfer, hat mit einer Rede in Weimar einen Eklat verursacht. Anstatt
des KZ Buchenwald zu gedenken, hatte Schäfer an die Umsiedlung der
Deutschen erinnert...
=== 1 ===
A Berlino una mostra sui profughi europei. Varsavia accusa: "Questo è
In esposizione oggetti e documenti del XX secolo da tutto il
continente. La Federazione degli esuli tedeschi vuole creare un
centro documentazione. Per i polacchi "non sottolinea che la causa di
tutto fu Hitler"
Roma - Ci sono anche testimonianze dei greci costretti a lasciare
Cipro o dei Karelians senza patria al confine tra Finlandia e Russia.
Eppure una mostra sulle espulsioni e i profughi del XX secolo, che si
apre oggi a Berlino, riaccende attriti mai sopiti tra tedeschi,
polacchi e cechi. Prima ancora che si aprisse, "Percorsi forzati -
fuga ed espulsione nell'Europa del XX secolo", fino al 29 ottobre al
Kronprinzpalais sulla Unter den Linden, ha costretto la promotrice
della mostra e presidente della Federazione degli espulsi tedeschi,
Erika Steinbach, a spiegare alla stampa tedesca che l'iniziativa non
ha alcun intento revisionista.
In esposizione al Kronprinzpalais ci sono fotografie di esuli da
Smirne, dalla Lituania, dall'Armenia, documenti di ebrei perseguitati
dal nazismo, oggetti che testimoniano i drammi dei deportati della
Lettonia e dell'Armenia. Ma le polemiche si sono scatenate proprio
per il fatto che la mostra si tiene a Berlino ed è organizzata
dall'associazione che rappresenta i 12,5 milioni di tedeschi che
lasciarono la Polonia e la ex Cecoslovacchia in seguito alla Seconda
Guerra Mondiale e alle decisioni assunte dagli Alleati nella
conferenza di Postdam del 1945.
Prima che i trasferimenti di tedeschi avvenissero "in maniera
ordinata e umana" come auspicava la conferenza, un milione e mezzo di
persone lasciarono Polonia e Cecoslovacchia con quella che fu in
seguito definita "espulsione selvaggia". I governi nazionali
filocomunisti attuavano una politica di pulizia etnica sulla spinta
delle istanze nazionaliste e delle esigenze della riforma agraria: le
terre degli espulsi venivano infatti riassegnate ai contadini
polacchi e cechi.
Da tempo la Federazione degli espulsi tedeschi (Bdv) chiede la
creazione di un Centro di archivio e documentazione sui profughi del
XX secolo e la mostra ne è un primo nucleo. Polonia e Repubblica Ceca
avversano il progetto, sostenendo che un tale istituto non può essere
ospitato da Berlino, la città in cui nacque il nazismo, e che la BdV
intende usarlo per sottolineare soprattutto le sofferenze degli esuli
tedeschi. Non è la prima volta che le iniziative e l'attività della
Federazione mettono in crisi le relazioni diplomatiche tra Germania,
Polonia e Repubblica Ceca.
L'attuale governo presieduto da Angela Merkel è cauto circa la
creazione dell'archivio, ma non ha mai escluso del tutto la
possibilità che la Germania se ne faccia promotrice, mentre in questo
senso la posizione del precedente cancelliere, Gerhard Schroeder, era
stata decisa: niente iniziativa a Berlino.
La presidente della BdV e membro della Cdu, Erika Steinbach, ha
spiegato in questi giorni ai giornali tedeschi la posizione della
Federazione e non ha nascosto le finalità della mostra. "Vogliamo
mostrare cosa accadde a milioni di persone e promuovere la
comprensione tra popolazioni europee - ha detto Steinbach - e credo
che la mostra sia un passo importante verso la realizzazione del
centro di documentazione".
La reazione della diplomazia polacca è stata immediata: "Non
approviamo la mostra - ha detto Slawomir Tryc, consigliere
dell'ambasciata polacca a Berlino - riteniamo che raggruppare tutte
le espulsioni in Europa in un solo mucchio sia falsificare la
storia". Il punto dei polacchi è che le espulsioni dei tedeschi
furono la diretta conseguenza di una guerra cominciata dalla Germania.
Quella della mostra è solo l'ultima scintilla di un rapporto con
molti attriti: un magazine polacco nel 2003 ritrasse Erika Steinbach
in uniforme nazista, che maltrattava Schroeder. Steinbach è di fatto
la voce di molti tedeschi che chiedono al governo di Varsavia
compensazioni per le terre confiscate. Le frizioni sono notevoli
anche ad alto livello: recentemente il governo polacco si è sentito
pugnalato alle spalle da un accordo russo-tedesco per un metanodotto,
portato avanti dal governo Schroeder e un incidente diplomatico è già
scoppiato quando un quotidiano tedesco di sinistra ha apostrofato il
presidente Lech Kaczynski dandogli della "patata".
da "La Repubblica" - 10 agosto 2006
=== 2 ===
The Ordering of a Superstate
BERLIN/MAGDEBURG (Own report) - The medieval, Europe-wide German
Reich is a valid model for the union of European countries today. So
says the Berlin State Minister for Culture, Bernd Neumann. According
to him, the memory of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation
reveals "an inner historical consistency" with the founding and
steady expansion of the European Union. These remarks are a
preparation for the festivities in Berlin for the fiftieth
anniversary of the European Economic Community (EEC), to which the
Federal Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has invited the German Pope,
Joseph Ratzinger. Ratzinger is a committed supporter of the "Imperial
Ideal" (Reichsidee) and is to speak on the "spiritual foundations" of
Europe in the German capital. This government offensive to revitalise
the Imperial Ideal will underline the German leadership of the EU and
confirm fears in France, Great Britain and almost all the states of
eastern Europe. Sections of the German elites are warning against an
all-too-public assertion of German hegemony.
Great Significance
As the Berlin State Culture Minister Bernd Neumann said, the German
Reich of the Middle Ages can "from today's viewpoint" serve "as a
valid model of the functioning order of a superstate".[1] Neumann
took this opportunity when he opened an exhibition last Sunday (27
August) which is dedicated to this supposed historical exemplar ("The
Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, 962 - 1806"). Because of the
prominence of the exhibition (partly in the state-controlled
Historical Museum in Berlin), the individual stands and total content
of the exhibition are attracting remarkable public interest. The
Culture Minister's intervention has strengthened the political
charisma of the exhibition. He is a committed supporter of the
Federal Chancellor. It touches on "every great trend (...) which
makes very clear to us the inner historical legitimacy and
consistency of European unification", said Neumann on Sunday. The
explicit aim of the organisers is "to examine the past of Old Europe
in a time of fundamental inner and external reorientation".[2]
According to the organisers, they have traced "structures and
developmental processes" which are "of great significance for the
federal construction of Europe".
The Europe of Tomorrow
The public references to the structures of the medieval Reich which
are evident in Neumann's position used to be the province of the
extreme right, or confined to clerical-conservative circles - at any
rate since the Second World War. This was the opinion of the CSU
(Christian Social Union) politician and grandson of the Austrian
Kaiser, Otto von Habsburg who made it known at the end of the
Seventies that "the European integration of our times (...) follows
the grand outline and principles of the Reich, which survived 1806,
because they are of lasting validity".[3] Similarly, the Pan-Europa
Union, an association of EU supporters close to the CSU insisted that
"the eternal function of the Reich must be renewed in the Europe of
tomorrow in the interest of the West".[4] Similarly, Joseph
Ratzinger, the present Pope Benedict XVI acknowledged that the
origins of today's EU should acknowledge "a common imperial ideal
(Reichsidee)".[5] In recent years, conservative newspapers have
opened their columns to new advocacy for the "Reich".[6]
The Papal Speech
As the Speaker of the Bundestag Norbert Lammert (CDU) has now
informed us, he has invited a supporter of the imperial ideal, Joseph
Ratzinger, to Berlin next year. The invitation was extended to
Ratzinger last Monday by the Federal Chancellor at a reception in
Castel Gandolfo. The German Pope will be in Berlin to attend the
festivities for the fiftieth anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and
will grace the proceedings with a speech. The German press already
reports that the religious consecration will validate the European
Economic Community (EEC) and will be dedicated to "the spiritual
foundations of Europe's political unification".[7] The invitation
legitimates the "Reich" concept of a stable co-operation of Church
and State. It will be a particular affront to France, a founder
member of the EEC. Paris is committed to secularism and the
separation of Church and State has been a principle of French public
life since the revolution of 1789.
Central Europe
The Berlin Culture Minister's speech of last Sunday will also affront
those European states lying to the east and south of Germany's
borders. The Minister made an obvious allusion to Poland and the
Czech Republic when he said that the Holy Roman Empire of the German
Nation was "a part of the past of many European states". According to
Neumann "Germany and Central Europe are historically and culturally
indissolubly linked together".[8] By this the State Minister recalled
the earlier German hegemony to the east of Germany's present
frontiers, which the Federal Republic has tried to reassert since 1990.
The reawakening of the Reich myth has run into sharp criticism. In a
press interview, the historian Heinrich August Winkler pointed to the
significance of the Reich myth for Nazi propaganda. According to
Winkler it was decisive "that the Reich was always something else and
more than a normal national state". When, in 1939, Hitler proclaimed
the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia over the rump of
Czechoslovakia, legal historians of pan-German views confirmed that
this act was quite in line with the old Imperial ideal which had
always been supranational. Winkler warns of new tensions between
European states. "Incantation of the Reich" would "unavoidably create
fears of German demands if it became again the model for the ordering
of Europe".[9] As criticism of the well-know historian Winkler has
been prominently publicised for three weeks, [10] the Minister's
speech can be clearly understood as an undoubtedly intentional
rebuttal on behalf of German Reich propaganda.
[1] Kulturstaatsminister Bernd Neumann eröffnet Ausstellung "Heiliges
Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation 962-1806"; Pressemitteilung des
Presse- und Informationsamts der Bundesregierung 27.08.2006
[3] Otto von Habsburg: Karl IV. Ein europäischer Friedensfürst,
München/Wien 1978
[4] Monatsinformationen der Paneuropa-Union, Januar 1977
[5] see also Habemus Europam -
en/fulltext/52652?PHPSESSID=8dfbakqorlagf07b4cn64vi5v1 - and A Son of
Germany -
[6] see also Reichwerdung -
fulltext/46973?PHPSESSID=8dfbakqorlagf07b4cn64vi5v1 - and Heiliges
Reich -
[7] Lammert lädt Papst in den Bundestag ein; Frankfurter Allgemeine
Zeitung 28.08.2006
[8] Kulturstaatsminister Bernd Neumann eröffnet Ausstellung "Heiliges
Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation 962-1806"; Pressemitteilung des
Presse- und Informationsamts der Bundesregierung 27.08.2006
[9], [10] "Erste Macht Europas"; Der Spiegel 32/2006
=== 3 ===
Germanophilic Elites
NUREMBERG/PRAGUE (Own report) - Even before a new Czech government
has been constituted, prominent German politicians are exerting
pressure on Prague. They are demanding the indictment of former
members of the Czechoslovakian resistance against Nazi-occupation.
The Prime Minister of Bavaria, Edmund Stoiber, called on the
conservative winners of the elections in Prague to meet this demand.
Last weekend, Stoiber was the keynote speaker at a German revisionist
federation's meeting ("Sudeten Germans' Day"). Under the slogan
"Banishment is Genocide" they declare that the resettlement of
Germans, in the aftermath of WW II, are crimes without a statute of
limitations and can therefore be prosecuted at any time. In their
efforts to influence Czech policy, these German federations bank on
the support of German-friendly circles in the Czech Republic,
including the Greens, to revise post war history. The origins of the
Czech Greens date back to the period of dissidence in the 1970s and
'80s. Already at that time, the Greens had close contacts to German
revisionist federations.
In his speech on "Sudeten Germans' Day", Bavarian Prime Minister,
Stoiber, demanded a "round table" that would include the future Czech
government, Bavarian representatives and those of the Sudeten German
Homeland Association, with the objective of "healing" "past
injustice" - the resettlement of the Germans.[1] For this, the
resettled Germans - who had been banished because they had profited
from and collaborated with the Nazi-occupation - must be "restored
their full dignity as Bohemian citizens". "This means", declared
Stoiber, "they must be retrieved back into the history and community
of their homeland." This vague formulation leaves various options
open, one being an earlier suggestion by Prague, that had been
rejected by the German Government in 1992, because of domestic
considerations: Prague had offered to grant Czech citizenship to the
resettled Germans and their descendents (as a second to their German
Alongside the vague demand for "homeland rights" for the Germans,
banished in 1945[3], the Bavarian Prime Minister also demands the
abrogation of the law guaranteeing amnesty (May 8, 1946). This law
exempts from punishment, all actions of resistance against the Nazi
occupation committed during the entire duration of the occupation, as
well as during the time of feared Nazi-rebellions, following the
occupation.[4] An abrogation of this law would criminalize all
resistance fighters, who had broken Nazi laws while operating
clandestinely, including those, who had killed Reinhard Heydrich, the
Nazi governor in Prague, on May 27, 1942.
The abrogation of this amnesty law is considered necessary, because
there were also criminal offences committed during the struggle
against the German occupier. Similar situations in which acts of
revenge were carried out against the hated occupier and his
collaborators are known to have taken place in all occupied
countries, including France and Italy. What German foreign policy was
not able to accomplish in Western Europe, is being tried in Eastern
Europe: By spotlighting individual cases of excess, they are
attempting to characterize the entire resettlement activities as
ethnically motivated crimes.[5]
If they succeed, there would be no stopping of the legal
qualification of resettlement as "genocide". As Bernd Posselt, the
national chairman of the Sudeten German Homeland Association
expressed it last weekend in Nuremberg, the "expulsion" was a
"calculated and planned act, aimed at the establishment of an
ethnically homogeneous national state".[6] According to Posselt, the
"attempt to destroy an ethnic group by robbing it of its livelihood"
should already be considered as genocide. "Banishment is Genocide"
was the slogan of this year's "Sudeten Germans' Day". The fact that
genocide cannot fall under the statute of limitations and can
therefore be criminally pursued at any time is crucial to the
revisionist politicians.
Advancement Opportunities
In their efforts to revise postwar history, the German revisionist
federations bank on Germanophilic circles in the Czech Republic.
Particularly the new elite generation is considered receptive to
these efforts. In an opinion poll in the Czech Republic, only one
third of those between 16 and 29 years old oppose a German inspired
"Center against Banishment" - as opposed to approximately 60 percent
of the people over 60. Comparable results were recorded in other
Eastern European countries, showing the impact of these states'
foreign policy reorientation in the years 1989 to 1991. Their
subsequent co-operation with Germany, the new hegemonic power, opened
numerous advancement opportunities, as they were dissociating
themselves from their former elite of the defunct socialism and its
eastern ties, reflecting the experience of German occupation.
Positive expectations
The resettled Germans are particularly banking on the Germanophilic
circles in sectors of the former dissident movements. The Sudeten
German Homeland Association's national chairman, Bernd Posselt, has
"positive expectations" [7] particularly in relation to the Czech
Greens, who polled approximately six per cent of the vote in last
weekend's parliamentary elections. At its origins the Green Party
were sympathizers of the former "Charter 77" opposition. Petr Uhl,
the Greens chairman in Prague, had been one of the signers of the
"Charter 77" founding document. In a common declaration signed by the
Czech Greens and the German "Alliance 90/The Greens" Party in
neighboring Bavaria, one reads: "The Czech Greens will strive to keep
the memory alive of the loss resulting from liquidation and
Free Europe
Uhl is not the only prominent representative of the 1970s and '80s
opposition, who had adopted demands of the German revisionist
federations. Pavel Tigrid, who had lived in exile, considers the
resettlement to be one of the biggest ethnic cleansings in European
history. On occasion, Tigrid had been the director of "Radio Free
Europe" (RFE) and later, in Paris, published the Czechoslovakian
exile magazine "Svedectvi". RFE was founded by the US secret services
and for many years had its headquarters in Munich (Bavaria). RFE's
first propaganda broadcast (1951) was already directed at listeners
in the former CSSR. Since 1995, RFE has been broadcasting from Prague.
The co-operation between Czech exiled politicians, German
revisionists and subversive organizations, explains the success of
the current attacks on the Czech Republic's sovereignty. These common
interests can be found even among today's top politicians in Prague.
For example, a former collaborator of the Pan European Union, which
enjoys close ties to the federations of the "banished", announced
that he had traveled "often since 1981 (...) to visit opposition
intellectuals of Solidarnosc in Poland, Charter 77 in Bohemia" and
had maintained "close contacts" to them.[9] Rudolf Kucera, one of the
signatories of the "Charter 77" was one who profited from the eastern
contacts of German "banished" circles and established in the 1980s,
an underground branch of the Pan European Union in Prague. In 1991,
Kucera became a member of the German-Czech historian commission - at
a time, when former "Charter 77"-speaker, Vaclav Havel, proposed to
offer "the Sudeten Germans" also the Czech citizenship, in addition
to their German citizenship. Havel, who enjoys high esteem because of
his former activities as a dissident, is considered a member of the
inner circle of the Germanophilic elite. In the headquarters of
"Radio Free Europe", he celebrated the 50. Anniversary of this CIA
media creation - together with German guests.
Please read also A European Purpose, Hitler, Stalin, Churchill,
Roosevelt, Praktische Schritte, Großer Irrtum, Symbolpolitik,
Gefährlicher Druck, Gegen Prag and Umfassende Ansprüche
[1] Rede des Bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten Dr. Edmund Stoiber;
Hauptkundgebung des 57. Sudetendeutschen Tages, Sonntag, 4. Juni 2006
[2] "Sehr wenig bekannt ist in diesem Zusammenhang zum Beispiel ein
Vorgang aus dem Jahre 1992, als in der damaligen Tschechoslowakischen
Republik Petr Pithart als Ministerpräsident amtierte und
Staatspräsident Václav Havel dem deutschen Kanzler Kohl inoffiziell
folgenden Vorschlag unterbreitete:
- Die Sudetendeutschen erhalten auf Wunsch die Staatsangehörigkeit
der Tschechoslowakei wieder und können somit, wenn sie es wollen, als
gleichberechtigte Bürger in die Heimat zurückkehren
- Gleichzeitig können sie die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit behalten,
um ihre in der Bundesrepublik erworbenen Rechte abzusichern
Den wahren Hintergrund, warum eine Antwort aus Bonn ausgeblieben war,
erhellte Jahre später eine Aussage des damaligen tschechischen
Botschafters gegenüber dem Autor (Rudolf Hilf). Demnach fürchtete die
unionsgeführte Regierung, daß "dann auch chilenische Flüchtlinge und
andere (vor allem Türken) die doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft verlangen"
könnten." Verpaßte Chance: Sudetendeutsche Doppelpässe. Warum Bonn
1992 ein tschechisches Gesprächsangebot abblockte; Das
Ostpreußenblatt 13.02.1999
[3] Rechtliche Grundlage für Ausbürgerung und Umsiedlung waren damals
die so genannten Benes-Dekrete, deren Annullierung Stoiber daher in
Nürnberg erneut verlangte. See also Deutscher Innenminister verlangt
Rücknahme der "Benes-Dekrete", Annullierung später, Annullierung
jetzt and Annullierung der "Benes-Dekrete": "Weiterhin aktuell"
[4] Straffreistellungsgesetz vom 8. Mai 1946, § 1: "Eine Handlung,
die in der Zeit vom 30. September 1938 bis zum 28. Oktober 1945
vorgenommen wurde und deren Zweck es war, einen Beitrag zum Kampf um
die Wiedergewinnung der Freiheit der Tschechen und Slowaken zu
leisten, oder die eine gerechte Vergeltung für Taten der Okkupanten
oder ihrer Helfershelfer zum Ziele hatte, ist auch dann nicht
widerrechtlich, wenn sie sonst nach den geltenden Vorschriften
strafbar gewesen wäre."
[5] Entsprechend ordnet der Sprecher der Sudetendeutschen
Landsmannschaft, Johann Böhm, die Umsiedlung völkisch motivierten
Aufstandsversuchen der deutschsprachigen Bevölkerung der
Tschechoslowakei in der Zwischenkriegszeit gleich: "Die Opfer der
Jahre 1918 bis 1946 haben einen Anspruch darauf, ins Recht gesetzt zu
werden." Grußwort des Sprechers der sudetendeutschen Volksgruppe;
[6] Festliche Eröffnung des 57. Sudetendeutschen Tages mit Verleihung
des Europäischen Karls-Preises 2006. Samstag, 3. Juni 2006,
Messezentrum. Eröffnung durch Bernd Posselt, Bundesvorsitzender der
Sudetendeutschen Landsmannschaft
[7] Bayerns "vierter Stamm" trifft sich in Nürnberg; Die Welt 03.06.2006
[8] Erinnerung wachhalten - Zusammenarbeit fördern. Gemeinsame
Erklärung der bayerischen und der tschechischen Grünen;
Matteo Tacconi su "Liberazione" rompe parzialmente con il vezzo
squallido dei commentatori italiani di non parlare (magari
seppellendola sotto a quintali di puzzolente sarcasmo) della
nostalgia degli jugoslavi per la Jugoslavia. Lo fa concentrandosi
sulla Bosnia. Il discorso si sposta via via sullo sciovinismo croato,
che esplode segnatamente in occasione delle partite di calcio
(ricordiamo anche la "svastica umana" approntata dagli ultras
ustascia a Livorno lo scorso 16/8, si veda ad es.: http://www. ). L'Erzegovina è d'altronde il centro
del nazionalismo ustascia.
Nel ragionamento di Tacconi non mancano tuttavia alcune inaccettabili
sciocchezze: quella su Tito che avrebbe avuto "migliaia di donne";
l'affermazione lapidaria secondo cui l'esperienza jugoslava sarebbe
"irripetibile"; l'idea per cui quello socialdemocratico (di
Lagumdzija, filooccidentale) sarebbe l’unico partito bosniaco
autenticamente multietnico (per inciso: "Liberazione", visto che ti
occupi di Tito, lo sai che in Bosnia ci sono anche i comunisti?); o
la bugia secondo cui "i serbi assediarono la città" di Mostar, una
bugia degna di Predrag Matvejevic. In realtà, i serbi furono i primi
a subire la pulizia etnica della città, dovendo scappare tutti, circa
ventimila, sulle colline attorno a Mostar subito allo scoppio della
guerra fratricida, e solo in questo senso "assediandola".
In generale, anche i migliori articoli dei commentatori italiani
sulla Bosnia tradiscono una incomprensione di fondo: e cioè il non
voler prendere atto che non esiste e non può esistere alcuna Bosnia-
Erzegovina multinazionale se non all'interno di una Jugoslavia
multinazionale. (Italo Slavo)
22 agosto 2006
Nel paese balcanico tagliato a fette dalla guerra etnica cresce il
rimpianto verso vecchio modello jugoslavo
Quando c’era Tito...
La Bosnia ha nostalgia del Maresciallo
Matteo Tacconi
Sarajevo - La rivoluzione toponomastica degli anni Novanta ha
risparmiato il buon vecchio Tito. La Marsala Tita ha conservato
l’antica e prestigiosa collocazione, tanto a Sarajevo, quanto a
Mostar. La via intitolata al padre della “Seconda Jugoslavia”, quella
successiva alla parentesi monarchica e precedente all’era di Slobodan
Milosevic, percorre le due città più famose della Bosnia e dai
rispettivi centri storici fila via verso le periferie, dilatandosi
fino a diventare un’arteria.
Contrariamente a quanto accaduto nei vecchi paesi d’oltrecortina,
dove il crollo dei regimi socialisti ha avuto come corollario la
tenuta a battesimo di nuove vie, prima intitolate ai volti noti della
falce e del martello, finiti presto nel dimenticatoio e cestinati in
tutta fretta, la Bosnia ha lasciato le cose così com’erano: Josip
Broz è rimasto nel cuore delle città e della gente.
Il maresciallo è il simbolo di un’epoca irripetibile durante la quale
la gente aveva casa, lavoro e pace. Era così anche negli altri paesi
d’oltrecortina, ma il modello socialista jugoslavo era quello
dell’autogestione, ibrido, collettivista ma aperto anche
all’iniziativa privata. Liberale e senza tracce di cupezza. E poi
c’era l’ideale della Jugoslavia, la terra degli slavi del sud, un
grande coacervo di religioni e popoli, un esempio di convivenza
pacifica e fruttuosa tra tre religioni (cattolica, musulmana e
ortodossa), cinque popoli (croati, sloveni, serbi, bosniaci,
albanesi) e un unico partito, centralista e strutturato intorno alla
figura di Tito, ma pronto a elasticizzare l’apparato per comporre
contrasti e fratture.
Mugdim rimpiange i vecchi tempi. La sua casa sorge nella Jelica
Ulica, un vicolo che congiunge la Ferhadija e Mula Moustafa
Beseskije, le due vie che racchiudono il quartiere turco prima e
quello asburgico poi e che confluiscono nello slargo dove sorge il
monumento ai partigiani jugoslavi, che marca l’inizio della Marsala
Tita. Mugdim, ingegnere in pensione, ha combattuto nell’esercito
bosniaco e difeso Sarajevo dall’assedio dei serbi. Un cecchino lo ha
colpito e gli ha traforato il fianco, dov’è rimasta una grande
cicatrice. La piccola feritoia del bagno della sua abitazione si
affaccia su un rudere di guerra; sembra che la mattanza degli anni
Novanta non voglia lasciare in pace questo modesto e umile cittadino
della capitale, che affitta una stanza ai viaggiatori, senza
sciacallare: 12 euro a notte, compresa un’abbondante colazione.
Mugdim rifiuta di essere chiamato bosgnacco, l’aggettivo che segna
l’appartenenza alla “nazione” musulmana. «Io sono bosniaco e lo sono
anche i croati dell’Erzegovina e i serbi della repubblica Srpska. La
guerra ha tagliato a fette questo paese e la classe politica non fa
altro che alimentare i rancori per guadagnarne in termini di voti».
Sfoglia il giornale, Mugdim e scuote la testa quando intercetta con
lo sguardo i titoli delle pagine politiche, grondanti di
chiacchiericcio nazionalista e accuse reciproche, un continuo botta e
risposta tra i boss della Srpska e della Federazione, le due entità
che formano la Bosnia. «Quando c’era Tito vivevamo tutti sotto lo
stesso tetto», afferma.
Il figlio di Mugdim, Ervin, è un dinamico ventenne che lavora alla
commissione elettorale e sfida coraggiosamente la cortina etnica. Si
è fidanzato con una ragazza serba, contravvenendo all’ideologia
corrente, secondo la quale fidanzamenti e matrimoni misti sono quanto
di più squallido possa esserci, in un paese in cui l’ideologia della
divisione etnica, portato della guerra, appesta ancora l’aria. Quando
c’era Tito non era così. I musulmani si sposavano con gli ortodossi,
gli ortodossi con i cattolici, i cattolici con i musulmani. Le storie
di sposi e spose appartenenti a religioni diverse sono state cantate
con acume da Ivo Andric, romanziere nato a Travnik, nella Bosnia
centrale, insignito nel 1961 nel premio Nobel. «Prima c’era grande
tolleranza e rispetto per la fede altrui», afferma Dragan,
disoccupato di Brcko, mentre sorseggia stancamente rakija, la grappa
locale. Anche Dragan, serbo, è figlio della guerra. «Uno schifo»,
dice senza pensarci su troppo. Anche lui conferma che con Tito le
cose andavano diversamente. «La Jugoslavia era un paese rispettato,
equidistante dai blocchi, non allineato». Proprio questa è stata la
forza del maresciallo, che ha sfruttato al meglio la collocazione
geopolitica della Jugoslavia e flirtato con gli uni e con gli altri
(oltre che con migliaia di donne, data la sua proverbiale vocazione
da playboy), chiedendo prestiti a destra e manca.
Gli storici affermano che non è stato solamente il venire meno della
figura unitaria di Tito a spingere la Jugoslavia verso il baratro e
scatenare la carneficina in Bosnia. La morte, nel 1980, del patriarca
della seconda Jugoslavia è stato un duro colpo all’unità degli slavi
del sud. Ma, sostiene la storiografia, Tito ha le sue responsabilità:
ha accentrato in maniera eccessiva il potere senza mai porsi il
problema di individuare un degno successore e ha lasciato al paese
una mastodontica quantità di debiti, accumulati senza sosta durante
il periodo d’oro della Jugoslavia, la cui curva ha iniziato a
scendere dopo la morte del maresciallo, portando prima crisi
economica e inflazione e poi bombe, eccidi, stupri, morte.
Ma i nostalgici di Tito non si soffermano sulle discussioni
d’accademia. Rimangono ancorati all’idea di Jugoslavia, al benessere
di una volta, alla convivenza costruttiva tra i popoli dei Balcani. E
il movimento titino esce allo scoperto. Il caffé Marshall di Mostar è
un locale pieno di busti e foto del Maresciallo. C’è anche una copia,
chiaramente non originale, della taglia messa su di lui dai nazisti,
all’epoca della resistenza. Il posto è frequentato dai giovani di
Mostar, la cui parte musulmana (l’altra è quella croata) si distingue
per una certa indole progressista e per la volontà di riscoprire il
patrimonio politico della Jugoslavia titina. Nani, uno dei fondatori
del centro sociale Abrasevic di Mostar, palazzina diroccata in Ulica
Aleste Santica, la strada che segna la vecchia linea del fronte e che
è stata simbolicamente scelta dai giovani di Mostar per fondare il
centro, che si propone di favorire la riconciliazione tra le comunità
bosgnacca e croata, racconta: «Ero piccolo per ricordarmi della
Jugoslavia e celebrarla. Noi giovani respingiamo i nazionalismi
serbo, croato e bosgnacco e vediamo in Tito un simbolo di pace».
Maria, croata, altra animatrice dell’Abrasevic e candidata alle
parlamentari del primo ottobre, nelle fila dei socialdemocratici,
l’unico partito bosniaco autenticamente multietnico, non ha dubbi.
«La riscoperta di Tito va di pari passo con la voglia, avvertita
dalla gente comune, di riconciliazione e serenità». Fosse facile. La
Bosnia è un puzzle incandescente di nazionalismi, i politici
cavalcano lo sciovinismo per tirare acqua al proprio mulino. Il
titoismo è lontano. Ma crederci non fa mica male.
23 agosto 2006
Nel dualismo tra Zrinjski e Velez, le due squadre della città della
Bosnia-Erzegovina, entrano politica e tensioni mai superate tra
croati e musulmani
La guerra dei Balcani non è mai finita per chi gioca il derby di Mostar
Matteo Tacconi
Mostar - Difficile che il dualismo tra Zrinjski e Velez Mostar, le
due squadre della principale città dell’Erzegovina, la fascia
meridionale della Bosnia, possa suscitare l’interesse con cui si
segue il derby tra Roma e Lazio o le sfida tra Real e Barcellona. Ma,
pur lontano dalla vetrina della mondovisione, la sfida cittadina di
Mostar travalica abbondantemente il perimetro di gioco e sfocia
nell’aperta contesa politica. I croati (di destra) da una parte, i
musulmani (di sinistra) dall’altra. Il rischio è quello di
generalizzare, di etichettare con troppa precipitazione i primi e
attribuire ai bosgnacchi (i musulmani bosniaci) una qualità che non
hanno. Ma sconfinare nella porzione croata di Mostar fa un certo
effetto, per la notevole quantità di scritte murali inneggianti al
generale Ante Gotovina e le numerose croci celtiche che affiancano
gli slogan pro-Zrinjski. E allo stesso modo impressiona la zona
islamica della città, dove la musica cambia e balzano agli occhi
centinaia di “Red Army” pennellati sui muri e altrettante stelle
rosse (che è pure il simbolo del Velez).
Mostar è una mela spaccata. Durante la prima fase della guerra,
quando i serbi assediarono la città, croati e musulmani unirono le
forze. Poi, all’improvviso, i primi attaccarono i secondi, li
espulsero dalla parte occidentale della città e imposero loro di
spostarsi a est. A più di dieci anni dalla guerra, le due rive della
Neretva, il fiume verde smeraldo che scorre nella città, sono due
mondi impermeabili, i reciproci rancori sono qualcosa di più
significativo di una semplice intolleranza e in pochi hanno avuto il
coraggio di tornarsene a vivere nelle case in cui abitavano prima
della guerra, dall’altra parte del fiume.
Quest’anno ci sarà il derby cittadino. Il Velez, relegato negli
ultimi anni nel purgatorio della seconda serie, è stato promosso e
sfiderà i più blasonati cugini. Nello stadio dello Zrinjski
sventolano decine di bandiere croate. Chiedo al custode quali sono i
giocatori più bravi dello Zrinjski e lui cita praticamente a memoria
la formazione, talmente rapidamente che terminata la filastrocca è
impossibile memorizzare anche un solo cognome dell’undici titolare,
che, dice con orgoglio l’interlocutore, è arrivato secondo in
campionato «davanti al Sarajevo», la squadra della capitale che
schiera solamente calciatori musulmani. Gli domando cosa ne pensa del
prossimo derby. La risposta è netta e induce a riflettere. «Non è una
sfida cittadina. È piuttosto nazionale». Il fatto è che i croati
della Bosnia si sentono come stranieri e tendono a costruire un
legame forte con Zagabria, la terra dei loro padri, la madrepatria.
Si definiscono croati a tutti gli effetti, vedono la Bosnia come un
qualcosa di posticcio e ricordano ancora gloriosamente la Herceg-
Bosna, il parastato croato nella Bosnia meridionale, riflesso delle
velleità espansioniste di Franjo Tudjman. È, quello di sentirsi non-
bosniaci, un portato della guerra, che si ripercuote anche nella
comunità serba, portando loro a vivere in malo modo la propria
presenza all’interno dei confini bosniaci.
Chiaramente, per la proprietà transitiva, tutto ciò si riflette nel
calcio. Milorad Dodik, primo ministro della repubblica Srpska, ha
dichiarato qualche tempo fa al settimanale Dani: «Purtroppo non ce la
faccio a tifare per la nazionale di calcio della Bosnia-Erzegovina,
se non quando gioca contro la Turchia». Ovvero: se non quando sfida
un’odiata squadra musulmana.
Torniamo a Mostar. Durante lo scorso mondiale è accaduto il
finimondo, il giorno della gara tra Croazia e Brasile, terminata uno
a zero per i carioca. «Vera e propria guerriglia urbana», racconta
Elena, una cooperante italiana. La cronaca dice che al termine della
gara, i croati di Mostar hanno scatenato la loro rabbia nella piazza
di Spagna della città, dove sorge l’unico liceo multietnico di
Mostar, a due passi dalla linea di demarcazione tra i due emisferi,
il croato e il musulmano. Dall’altra parte c’erano i bosgnacchi, che
simpatizzavano per il Brasile. Inutile dire che la rissa è stata
inevitabile, anche perché la polizia s’è fatta ancora una volta
trovare impreparata e ha peccato in quanto a tempestività. Il
bollettino relativo agli scontri è stato quello di una vera e propria
battaglia: una ventina di feriti, tra i quali alcuni agenti. Alcuni,
come ha raccontato Osservatorio sui Balcani, per colpi d’arma da fuoco.
Il giorno dopo i teppisti croati si sono diretti al liceo
multietnico, edificio, come tanti a Mostar, che porta ancora i segni
della guerra e il cui restauro è finanziato dall’ambasciata spagnola
di Sarajevo. I rivoltosi hanno aggredito verbalmente gli studenti
musulmani, insultandoli a più riprese. Stranamente, i croati non
erano a scuola, in quel giorno, “bloccati” a casa da una festività
Qui a Mostar, in molti giurano che il giorno del derby scoppierà
nuovamente una guerriglia urbana. La stampa locale aveva previsto che
ci sarebbero sicuramente stati disordini lo scorso 16 agosto, visto
che la Bosnia sfidava a Sarajevo la Francia e la Croazia incontrava
l’Italia. Guadare la città in quel giorno è stato davvero curioso. A
est tutti erano sintonizzati sulla sfida tra Bosnia e Francia,
dall’altra parte si guardava la Croazia. «Grazie al cielo era
solamente una amichevole», sostiene Goksi, fotografo di origine
croata, ancora scioccato dai disordini seguiti alla partita tra
Croazia e Brasile. «Il calcio divide in ogni parte del mondo, ma qui
ancora di più».
I vecchi cittadini della Jugoslavia lo sanno bene. Il prologo della
guerra, la triste introduzione al penoso decennio passato, arrivò
proprio con una gara, fra Dinamo Zagabria e Stella Rossa Belgrado,
giocata nel maggio del 1990, quando a livello calcistico la
Jugoslavia era ancora unita. I tifosi si scatenarono, se le diedero
di santa ragione e alcuni calciatori si lanciarono nella mischia, a
colpire a destra e manca e pestare le forze dell’ordine. Zvonimir
Boban divenne per i croati un eroe nazionale, quando colpì
violentemente un poliziotto che cercava di impedire l’ingresso dei
teppisti in campo. Era la fine della Jugoslavia. Arriverà anche la
fine della Bosnia? Improbabile. Ma attraversandone i paesi e
percorrendone le strade, l’impressione che si ricava è che di certo
la riconciliazione tra le tre anime etniche del Paese arriverà nel
lungo termine. Sperando che arrivi davvero. E che Milorad Dodik e i
croati inizino a fare il tifo per la nazionale della Bosnia-Erzegovina.
1. Incontro straordinario dei PC ad Atene, 19-20 Agosto 2006:
Dichiarazione alla stampa
2. Intervista esclusiva del quotidiano turco (di sinistra) "Evrensel"
al leader di Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah
di MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY (Global Research)
=== 1 ===
Incontro straordinario dei Partiti Comunisti e Operai del
Mediterraneo Meridionale e Orientale, della Regione del Golfo e del
Mar Rosso
Atene, 19-20 Agosto 2006
Dichiarazione alla stampa
Un incontro straordinario dei Partiti Comunisti e Operai del
Mediterraneo Meridionale e Orientale, della Regione del Golfo e del
Mar Rosso si è tenuto ad Atene il 19 e 20 Agosto, ospitato dal
Partito Comunista di Grecia con la partecipazione della Tribuna
Democratica Progressista di Bahrain, del Partito Tudeh dell’Iran, del
Partito Comunista di Israele, del Partito Comunista Giordano, del
Partito Comunista Libanese, del Partito del Popolo Palestinese, del
Partito Comunista Sudanese, del Partito Comunista Siriano.
All’incontro erano presenti anche il Partito Comunista di Cuba, AKEL
di Cipro, il Partito Comunista Unificato della Georgia, il Partito
Comunista Portoghese, il Partito Comunista della Federazione Russa e
il Partito Comunista di Turchia, mentre alcuni altri partiti che non
hanno potuto presenziare hanno espresso il loro sostegno inviando
I partecipanti hanno condannato la politica degli USA e delle altre
potenze imperialiste basata sullo sfruttamento e la violazione dei
fondamentali diritti democratici e civili. Tale politica è la causa
reale dei conflitti e dell’instabilità nella regione. I comunisti e
le altre forze antimperialiste si oppongono fermamente a ciò,
lottando contro la guerra imperialista, per i diritti del popolo
lavoratore, per la pace, la democrazia e il socialismo.
L’incontro è scaturito dall’esigenza di esaminare la situazione, di
scambiare opinioni e di assumere iniziative di solidarietà con i
popoli del Libano, della Palestina e di altri paesi della regione che
stanno lottando contro le ingiuste e aggressive operazioni militari
di Israele e contro il tentativo di realizzare i piani USA-NATO per
il “grande Medio Oriente”. I partecipanti hanno evidenziato e
condannato l’aggressione israeliana al Libano del 19 Agosto e le
violazioni dello spazio aereo libanese, fatti che provano come la
risoluzione 1701/2006 del Consiglio di Sicurezza dell’ONU incoraggi
l’aggressività israeliana.
I rappresentanti dei partiti hanno salutato l’eroica resistenza e
lotta del popolo libanese e l’eroico comportamento del PC di Israele
e delle altre forze progressiste del paese favorevoli alla pace; essi
hanno reso omaggio alla resistenza del Partito Comunista Libanese e
ai suoi sacrifici nell’ambito della Resistenza Nazionale Libanese. I
rappresentanti dei partiti hanno anche salutato la lotta del popolo
palestinese e il contributo apportatovi dal Partito del Popolo
I rappresentanti dei partiti presenti hanno anche salutato il
massiccio movimento mondiale di solidarietà e di protesta e
valorizzato il significato internazionale della dichiarazione
congiunta del 20 luglio 2006 di 71 Partiti Comunisti e Operai in
solidarietà con i popoli sofferenti di Palestina e Libano. I
partecipanti hanno messo in rilievo le responsabilità degli USA e
delle altre potenze imperialiste che con il loro comportamento hanno
incoraggiato le azioni omicide dell’esercito israeliano. Il fatto che
il governo di Israele e i suoi alleati non siano stati in grado di
realizzare i loro obiettivi in questa guerra dimostra le enormi
potenzialità del movimento di resistenza dei popoli, malgrado il
difficile rapporto di forze in campo militare.
I rappresentanti dei partiti hanno denunciato il comportamento di
quelle forze che in nome dell’ “imparzialità” in realtà hanno aiutato
l’aggressione. I partecipanti hanno ben accolto la posizione
antimperialista della Siria. Essi hanno sottolineato le
responsabilità di quei governi che non hanno condannato quanto è
avvenuto e che non hanno assunto misure efficaci per far cessare gli
attacchi, secondo quanto era richiesto dai trattati e dal diritto
internazionale. Essi hanno rilevato che gli USA e le altre principali
potenze imperialiste stanno usando gli attuali rapporti di forza
negativi nell’ONU per legittimare i loro interventi, per imporre il
diritto della forza e per promuovere i loro piani e interessi a spese
dei popoli.
I partecipanti, come del resto tutti i popoli progressisti, hanno
rifiutato l’argomento degli invasori secondo cui l’attacco sarebbe
stato attuato nell’esercizio di un presunto diritto all’
“autodifesa”. E’ stato rilevato che in tale frangente la maggioranza
delle vittime è risultata essere di civili, che sono stati colpiti
ospedali e case e che sono stati effettuati migliaia di arresti
illegali di prigionieri politici, tra i quali si trovano ministri e
rappresentanti eletti del popolo palestinese. Questo attacco, insieme
all’ingiusta guerra contro il popolo dell’Iraq e alle minacce degli
USA e dei loro alleati contro altri popoli della regione, come quelli
dell’Iran e della Siria, è indirizzato a stroncare ogni resistenza
popolare che sta lottando giustamente contro le invasioni straniere e
le forze di occupazione e per l’inalienabile diritto di un popolo ad
essere padrone del proprio destino, a difendere la libertà,
l’indipendenza e l’integrità territoriale del proprio paese, a
ricercare cambiamenti sociali e politici in direzione del socialismo.
E’ stato notato che per promuovere efficacemente la direzione
antimperialista delle lotte, le forze politiche popolari,
progressiste e popolari devono essere in grado di conquistare una
posizione egemone. L’incontro ha riconosciuto anche la necessità di
rafforzare i Partiti Comunisti e Operai, affinché possano mettersi
alla testa del più ampio fronte di resistenza contro l’imperialismo,
lo sfruttamento di classe e l’oppressione. Solo così la lotta
popolare potrà avere successo a livello nazionale, regionale e
I partecipanti all’incontro condannano tutti gli sforzi che sono
stati fatti per ritardare l’emissione di una risoluzione del
Consiglio di Sicurezza. Essi hanno espresso il loro disaccordo
rispetto alle clausole della risoluzione 1701/2006 del Consiglio di
Sicurezza dell’ONU, dal momento che essa è l’espressione dello sforzo
degli USA teso a concedere ad Israele ciò che non è riuscito ad
ottenere con il suo attacco. E’ stato anche rilevato che la
risoluzione dà ad Israele il diritto di rivendicare il fatto di agire
per “autodifesa”. Allo stesso tempo, Israele continua ad intervenire
negli affari interni del Libano in merito alla questione del disarmo,
nonostante il fatto che il popolo libanese, le forze politiche e il
governo del Libano ritengano che tale questione riguardi il dialogo
nazionale interno. I partecipanti hanno anche rifiutato le
enunciazioni riguardanti lo spiegamento della forza internazionale e
il suo mandato, in particolare perché si dà il diritto di realizzare
gli obiettivi stabiliti da Israele. I partecipanti fanno appello ai
paesi perché si astengano dal partecipare con truppe che ricevano
tale mandato.
I rappresentanti dei partiti rilevano il fatto che il lungo processo
che ha portato a questa risoluzione mostra con sufficiente chiarezza
l’acutezza della competizione tra le maggiori potenze imperialiste
per le sfere di influenza e dominio. I partecipanti hanno
sottolineato la necessità di lavorare attivamente per la creazione di
un fronte unito politico e sociale nella regione con il sostegno
internazionale di altri partiti, movimenti e organizzazioni, contro
il piano imperialista per il “grande Medio Oriente” e la sua presunta
democratizzazione. I comunisti si pongono all’avanguardia della lotta
per la democrazia e per la promozione degli interessi popolari,
fronteggiando i tentativi di forze politiche che potrebbero cercare
di sfruttare la situazione, descrivendo sé stesse come tutrici e
“protettrici” dei popoli, pur essendo in realtà motivate dai propri
interessi e dalla loro competizione con gli USA.
I partecipanti, alla luce dei più recenti sviluppi, hanno espresso il
loro disappunto in merito ad un’ulteriore scalata dell’aggressività
israeliana contro i palestinesi e gli altri popoli della regione.
Nell’affrontare questa situazione, i partecipanti hanno ritenuto che
il movimento internazionale di solidarietà con i popoli di Libano e
Palestina e dell’intera regione debba essere ulteriormente
rafforzato, insieme al sostegno alla lotta delle forze progressiste e
democratiche della regione per la democrazia, la libertà e la
giustizia sociale.
Essi hanno evidenziato la necessità di intensificare la lotta per
difendere l’indipendenza nazionale e l’integrità territoriale di
tutti i paesi contro ogni intervento imperialista, con qualsiasi
pretesto avvenga.
I partecipanti richiedono:
- L’immediata cessazione del fuoco e l’immediato ritiro delle truppe
israeliane dai territori libanesi, comprese le fattorie di Sebaa e
l’immediato rilascio dei prigionieri libanesi. Essi inoltre
condannano la violazione dello spazio aereo e terrestre e delle
frontiere del Libano e richiedono la rimozione del blocco aereo,
terrestre e marittimo del Libano da parte di Israele.
- Il ritiro dell’esercito israeliano da tutti i territori
palestinesi, libanesi e siriani occupati dal 1967, il completo
smantellamento degli insediamenti, la demolizione del muro israeliano
e la creazione di uno Stato palestinese con capitale Gerusalemme Est,
accanto ad Israele.
- L’immediato rilascio di tutti i prigionieri politici libanesi,
palestinesi e altri arabi, e l’immediata rimozione dell’assedio e del
blocco dei territori palestinesi.
- L’immediato rilascio dello speaker del Parlamento palestinese e di
tutti parlamentari e ministri che sono stati presi in ostaggio da
- Un Medio Oriente senza armi nucleari.
L’incontro ha approvato una serie di iniziative e azioni congiunte
che comprendono:
- Una delegazione congiunta di rappresentanti dei Partiti Comunisti e
Operai in Libano, Palestina e Israele.
- L’azione congiunta dei nostri partiti nel Parlamento Europeo e
nell’Assemblea Parlamentare del Consiglio d’Europa. L’invito a
prendere parte alle sessioni del Parlamento Europeo esteso ai
rappresentanti dei Partiti Comunisti e Operai della regione, in
particolare a quelli di Libano, Palestina e Israele.
- L’organizzazione di azioni congiunte e di mobilitazioni dei partiti
intorno alla metà di settembre. L’utilizzo di eventi di massa,
festival, ecc. per esprimere solidarietà.
- La pressione su ogni governo che non condanni l’aggressione
- La richiesta di riparazione a Israele e la condanna dei
responsabili di crimini di guerra, con ogni metodo legale o
- L’intensificazione della solidarietà e delle azioni congiunte anche
in occasione dell’Incontro Internazionale dei Partiti Comunisti e
Operai che sarà ospitato dal PC Portoghese a Lisbona il 10-12
Novembre 2006.
- L’incoraggiamento della cooperazione tra le organizzazioni
giovanili dei nostri partiti per la condanna degli interventi e delle
guerre imperialisti mediante manifestazioni comuni, attività
specifiche, ecc. L’organizzazione di un campo internazionale nel Sud
Libano e la partecipazione allo sforzo di ricostruzione.
- Il sostegno agli sforzi per incrementare l’aiuto umanitario, in
cooperazione e coordinamento con il Partito Comunista Libanese.
- La continuazione delle dimostrazioni, delle mobilitazioni e delle
manifestazioni di solidarietà.
- Il sostegno alle iniziative di solidarietà delle organizzazioni di
massa, dei movimenti, dei sindacati, delle organizzazioni giovanili,
contro la guerra imperialista in Libano, Palestina e Israele.
- Il sostegno alle più significative azioni e iniziative
internazionali dei movimenti di massa e delle organizzazioni
internazionali come WPC, WFDY, WFTU, WIFD, ecc.
Atene, 20 Agosto 2006
Traduzione dall’inglese per a cura del
Centro di Cultura e Documentazione Popolare
(Fonte: via Mauro Gemma - 22
Agosto 2006)
=== 2 ===
Intervista esclusiva del quotidiano turco (di sinistra) "Evrensel" al
di Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah
autori: Roza Cigdem Erdogan e Mutlu Sahin (traduzione dal turco di Bahar
Kimyongür) (traduzione dal francese di Lorenzo Mazzucato)
Evrensel, 12 agosto 2006
oggi, mentre l'umanità guarda con sorpresa e ammirazione alla clamorosa
vittoria della resistenza libanese di fronte alla quarta potenza
mondiale, questa intervista esclusiva del segretario generale di
realizzata il 12 agosto scorso, ha il vantaggio e il merito di
passare al
vaglio i tratti sorprendenti di colui che i media arabi progressisti
salutano oggi come il "nuovo Nasser", ma che i grandi media occidentali
continuano a demonizzare al fine di raffigurare nell'opinione pubblica
l'immagine spaventevole del "terrorista islamico sanguinario fanatico".
Questa intervista ci da l'occasione di conoscere meglio la filosofia e
l'etica politica di Hassan Nasrallah, il suo punto di vista
sull'internazionalismo, sul progetto del Grande Medioriente difeso
dall'amministrazione Bush, le organizzazioni islamiste che nuocciono
resistenza in Iraq, sul movimento rivoluzionario in Turchia. Buona
Bahar Kimyongür
Un solo fronte contro l'imperialismo!
Evrensel :
Fin dai primi giorni di guerra, Israele dichiarò che il suo scopo era
di "distruggere Hezbollah". Tuttavia, lo stato ebraico ha avuto di
una resistenza che non si aspettava, e oggi sembra avere abbandonato le
ambizioni iniziali. A causa di violenti scontri, l'armata di
occupazione ha
subito pesanti perdite. Comunque, sui media questa realtà è molto
sfumata o
decisamente dissimulata. Può fornirci indicazioni sull'attuale
della Reisistenza?
Hasan Nasrallah:
Le bande sioniste che agiscono per conto dell'imperialismo USA
utilizzano i
media con destrezza. I media occidentali e, in particolare, i media
americani sono detenuti dai capitalisti ebrei. Essi pretendono di aver
bombardato e distrutto le posizioni di Hezbollah e sperano così
i popoli. E' solo una menzogna. Avete constatato voi stessi che mentono!
Martirizzano i civili innocenti. Assassinano vigliaccamente donne e
Ma lì dove li affrontiamo essi subiscono la sconfitta. Contrariamente al
nemico sionista, noi agiamo con precauzione e discernimento. Noi non
spariamo sui civili. Mentono quando affermano il contrario. Noi
i missili su obiettivi militari preventivamente localizzati. Ma bisogna
sapere che i Sionisti spingono deliberatamente gli Arabi israeliani
verso la
frontiera. Li utilizzano come bersagli, noi ci rifiutiamo di cadere
provocazione e la discordia (con gli Arabi d'Israele, ndt). I nostri
bersagli non sono i civili ma le forze militari sioniste. I nostri
combattenti infliggono pesanti perdite ai Sionisti sul campo di
ciò accadeva ancor prima di utilizzare le nostre armi più potenti. I
Sionisti oggi comprendono che non possono sconfiggerci, perciò
le nostre strade e ammazzano le nostre donne e i nostri bambini.
Credono di
poterci spingere alla capitolazione. Non ci piegheremo mai! Non
altra soluzione che non sia la libertà della nostra patria. Per questo,
resisteremo e combatteremo fino alla fine. L'imperialismo e la sua
banda di
sostituti locali sappiano che noi li aspettiamo su ogni collina, in ogni
valle, su ogni strada e su ogni pugno di terra della nostra patria. La
nostra resistenza è destinata alla vittoria. Non abbiamo alternativa.
guerra porterà alla vittoria tutti gli oppressi e tutti i Musulmani del
Evrensel :
E' vero che il Libano si troverebbe di fronte al pericolo di guerra
Hassan Nasrallah :
Il regime sionista spera di provocare un confronto etnico e religioso
regione, provocando tensioni intercomunitarie. Ma Hezbollah ha
spezzato quel
piano. Nel nostro paese così come in tutto il Medioriente, i popoli
hanno difeso Hezbollah e gli hanno portato il loro sostegno. Compresi i
socialisti e i Cristiani. Certo, l'imperialismo ha creato delle
organizzazioni islamiche collaboratrici che hanno non solo seminato
tra le comunità, ma anche combattuto le forze rivoluzionarie. Ora le
condizioni sono cambiate. Per citare un altro esempio, prima di
Saddam Hussein, gli USA l'hanno usato per combattere l'Iran, i Kurdi
e noi.
Molte organizzazioni al soldo dell'imperialismo hanno agito per questi
conflitti intercomunitari. Noi siamo perfettamente al corrente di questa
strategia. L'abbiamo ben compreso e nella nostra storia abbiamo
scrupolosamente evitato di cadere in questa trappola
Evrensel :
Malgrado l'aggressione della Palestina e del Libano, i governi arabi
tacciono. Qual è la ragione di quel silenzio?
Hasan Nasrallah :
La maggior parte di quei governi arabi collaborano con il nemico.
saudita ha, per esempio, lanciato delle fatwe contro di noi. Quelle
sono ridicole. Nessuno ci ha creduto, nemmeno il loro popolo. Quelle
sono politiche. Esse sono state preparate nell'interesse degli USA.
Non le
prendiamo sul serio. Poiché per noi una cosa è molto chiara: non
permetteremo che una guerra di religione deflagri sulle nostre terre.
fatwe servono proprio a seminare divisioni interconfessionali. In Iraq,
questo flagello ha funzionato ma oggi il popolo irakeno se ne rende
Evrensel :
Visto che abbiamo toccato la questione irakena, vorremmo porle una
domanda a
tal proposito: constatiamo che, in un certo senso, è stata
costruita una guerra interconfessionale in quel paese occupato.
Recentemente, certi generali americani hanno anche messo in guardia
una guerra civile imminente in Iraq. Qual è il vostro punto di vista al
Hasan Nasrallah :
Quando gli imperialisti non riescono a sconfiggere un popolo con le
creano dal nulla delle organizzazioni interne, autodefinite
resistenti, al
fine di fomentare guerre civili. Ciò permette agli imperialisti di
presentarsi come salvatori e vincitori. Ma, qualunque cosa facciano,
non raggiungono i loro scopi. Questo trucco è stato utilizzato in Iraq
contro Sciiti e Curdi. Gli imperialisti perseguono attualmente la stessa
strategia. Oggi, Saddam non è più al potere, ma ci sono centinaia di
potenziali. Noi vogliamo che il nostro popolo, i nostri popoli, restino
vigilanti di fronte alle minacce di guerre fratricide.
Evrensel :
Come giudicate l'atteggiamento del governo turco?
Hasan Nasrallah :
Il governo turco ha inviato messaggi di condanna contro Israele. Ma
messaggi sono rimasti parole. Sappiamo inoltre che le bombe lanciate sul
nostro paese hanno circolato in Turchia. D'altronde, grazie a vostre
informazioni, numerosi deputati turchi sono membri di un gruppo di
solidarietà israelo-turco. Attendiamo dalla Turchia reazioni
concrete. Il
governo turco è ancora e sempre uno dei più leali alleati della banda di
subappaltatori sionisti!
Evrensel :
Qual è il livello delle vostre relazioni con il movimento socialista?
Hasan Nasrallah :
Parecchio tempo fa il movimento socialista ha preso le sue distanze
lotta internazionale. Oggi, per contro, esso inizia a ridarci qualche
speranza. L'esempio più concreto è il sostegno portato dal presidente
Venezuela, Hugo Chavez. Il richiamo del suo ambasciatore in Israele è un
atto che perfino diversi stati musulmani non hanno osato proporre.
Chavez ha portato il suo sostegno alla nostra resistenza in modo
Questa dichiarazione di Chavez ci notevolmente incoraggiato. Abbiamo
constatare lo stesso atteggiamento da parte del movimento rivoluzionario
turco. Negli anni '60, fratelli socialisti turchi erano andati in
per combattere contro Israele. Uno di loro continua a vivere nella mia
memoria e nel mio cuore: è Deniz Gezmis! (*)
Evrensel :
Qual è l'importanza di Deniz per voi?
Hasan Nasrallah :
Noi vorremmo vedere nuovi Deniz tra noi. I nostri ranghi avranno
sempre un
posto per accogliere nuovi Deniz. Deniz vivrà per sempre nel cuore della
Palestina e del Libano. Nessuno può dubitarne. Sfortunatamente, dobbiamo
constatare che la fraternità di una volta che esisteva tra coloro che
combattevano il nemico comune non è più così vivace. Noi vorremmo poter
combattere l'imperialismo e il sionismo, fianco a fianco, con i nostri
fratelli socialisti libanesi. Poiché questa guerra non è solo nostra.
È un
conflitto comune a tutti gli oppressi del mondo. Non dimenticate che
se la
Palestina e il Libano perderanno questa guerra, sarà una sconfitta
per ogni
popolo sfruttato. Nella nostra lotta contro l'imperialismo, i
devono assumersi responsabilità e devono ridiventare dei "Deniz" nel
dei popoli libanese e palestinese.
Evrensel :
Nelle strade libanesi, s'incontrano i poster del Che, di Chavez, di
Ahmadinejad e di Hezbollah. E' il segno della nascita di un nuovo polo?
Hasan Nasrallah :
Noi vogliamo salutare i popoli dell'America latina e i loro
dirigenti. Hanno
sempre opposto resistenza ai briganti del Nord, in modo eroico. La loro
lotta costituisce una sorgente di speranza per noi. Essi mostrano la
via da
seguire a tutti i popoli oppressi. Camminate sulle nostre strade:
che il nostro popolo porta Chavez ed Ernesto Che Guevara nel suo
cuore. Agli
amici socialisti che scelgono di battersi con noi per la fraternità e la
libertà, noi diciamo che se è per dirci che "la religione è l'oppio dei
popoli", non vale la pena che vengano. Noi rifiutiamo tali concezioni.
Tuttavia, al di là delle differenze, teniamo raccolte una affianco
all'altra, come prova della nostra intesa, le foto di Chavez, del
Che, di
Sadr e di Kameney. Questi leaders salutano insieme il nostro popolo.
Se noi
rispettiamo le vostre opinioni, e voi le nostre, nessuna potenza
imperialista potrà batterci!
Evrensel :
Tra i tanti pericoli che minacciano la regione, c'è il "cambiamento di
regime" pianificato dai governi occidentali, ed in questa prospettiva le
pressioni che costoro esercitano su Damasco e Teheran. Certe fonti
che l'aggressione contro il Libano andrà a precipitare sulla Siria.
che possa accadere una guerra regionale?
Hasan Nasrallah :
Le potenze imperialiste dichiarano senza dubbio di voler assoggettare i
popoli della regione e rimodellare il Medioriente installando governi
servili. È contro tutto ciò che noi resistiamo a fianco della Siria e
dell'Iran. La provocazione dell'attentato contro l'ex-premier
libanese Rafik
Hariri era servita loro per ottenere la ritirata delle truppe siriane
Libano. Ma a quei vigliacchi non è bastato quel risultato. Oggi, essi
vogliono attaccare militarmente Teheran e Damasco, di nuovo con quel
di pretesti. La Siria, l'Iran e Hezbollah resisteranno senza tregua.
Combatteremo per la nostra patria e per la libertà. Resisteremo almeno
perché rifiutiamo di metterci in ginocchio. Gli imperialisti occidentali
sperano di fare del Libano e della nostra regione un secondo Kosovo,
accendendo tensioni tra le comunità. Noi non stiamo al gioco. Nelle
strade, ogni libanese, che sia cristiano, sunnita o sciita impugna la
bandiera di Hezbollah. Ormai, il loro mondo "unipolare" fa parte del
passato. Di fronte a loro ci siamo noi, l'Iran, la Siria, il
Venezuela, Cuba
e la Corea del Nord. C'è la resistenza palestinese, irakena e afghana!
Finché esisteranno le guerre di occupazione, i popoli continueranno la
resistenza. Gli imperialisti possono dimenticare la pace. Se la
essi devono immediatamente rispettare la libertà dei popoli ed
eliminare le
orde di sottoposti. Grazie a Dio, la vittoria sarà nostra. Non li
fare del nostro paese un nuovo Kosovo. Il nostro popolo è consapevole e
vigila. In caso di aggressione non abbandoneremo mai l'Iran né la
Siria… per
la nostra libertà, credeteci, combatteremo fino all'ultima goccia di
I nostri nemici se la prendono con l'Iran perché disporrà di armi
mentre gli USA e i loro sbirri israeliani ne hanno in gran numero. Il
possesso di armi nucleari è solo un pretesto per giustificare
l'instaurazione di regimi fantoccio.
Evrensel :
Alcuni pretendono che Hezbollah sia teleguidato dall'Iran. Cosa
rispondete a
questa accusa?
Hasan Nasrallah :
E' solo una menzogna. Noi siamo un'organizzazione libanese
indipendente. Non
accettiamo ordini da nessuno. Ma ciò non significa, comunque, che non
cooperiamo. Lo ripeto, siamo partigiani. Prendiamo le parti dell'Iran e
della Siria. Sono nostri fratelli. Lo stesso attacco dovesse subire
o Teheran, noi lo sentiremmo come un'aggressione fatta a noi. Siamo
pronti a
difenderli fino all'ultimo respiro. Raccomandiamo la resistenza
globale al
terrorismo imperialista globale.
Evrensel :
Volete aggiungere qualcosa?
Hasan Nasrallah :
La pace non è mai l'opera di una sola parte. È impossibile instaurare
pace duratura in un mondo dominato dall'imperialismo. La pace può
solo dalla lotta per l'emancipazione. Di conseguenza, la pace non può
raggiunta finché paesi come l'Iraq, l'Afghanistan o la Palestina
(*) Deniz Gezmis, figura leggendaria del maggio '68 turco, fu
successivamente uno dei dirigenti del movimento studentesco turco dei
Giovani rivoluzionari (Dev Genç) e dell'Armata di Liberazione
popolare di
Turchia (THKO). Nel 1969, raggiunse l'OLP clandestino in Palestina, e vi
restò circa tre mesi. Il 4 marzo 1971, partecipò al rapimento di quattro
militari americani nel quartiere di Balgat ad Ankara. Catturato a
nelle montagne di Sivas, fu giudicato secondo l'art. 146/1 per
"tentativo di
rovesciamento del'ordine costituzionale turco", e condannato a morte
il 16
luglio 1971, assieme ai suoi compagni Yusuf Aslan et Hüseyin Inan. Per
tentare uno scambio di prigionieri con il governo turco, e così evitare
l'esecuzione di Deniz e dei suoi compagni, alcuni combattenti del
Partito-fronte di Liberazione popolare della Turchia ed il suo dirigente
Mahir Cayan (che nel maggio del '71 si fecero conoscere per l'esecuzione
dell'ambasciatore israeliano ad Ankara, Efraim Elrom) organizzarono
il 27
marzo 1972 il rapimento di tre agenti britannici dalla base NATO
situata a
Ünye. Il 30 marzo 1972, i combattenti del THKP-C falliscono il
tentativo di
negoziato, e rimangono uccisu dall'esercito governativo nel villaggio di
Kizildere. Il 6 maggio 1972, Deniz Gezmis e i suoi due compagni
morirono da
eroi sotto la potenza, dopo aver sfidato i loro carnefici invocando
l'insurrezione dei popoli turchi e curdi.
=== 3 ===
Global Research
C'è forse una relazione tra il bombardamento del Libano e
l'inaugurazione del più grande oleodotto strategico del mondo, che
trasporterà oltre un milione di barili di petrolio al giorno ai
mercati occidentali?
Virtualmente ignota, l'inaugurazione dell'oleodotto Ceyhan-Tblisi-
Baku (BTC), che collega il Mar Caspio al Mediterraneo Orientale, ha
avuto luogo il 13 luglio, all'inizio dei bombardamenti israeliani in
Un giorno prima degli attacchi aerei israeliani, i principali partner
ed azionari del progetto BTC, tra cui molti capi di stato e quadri di
compagnie petrolifere, erano in attesa al porto di Ceyhan. Poi sono
stati precipitati ad un ricevimento inaugurale ad Instanbul,
patrocinato dal presidente turco Ahmet Necdet Sezer nei lussuosi
dintorni del Palazzo Çýraðan.
In attesa c'era anche l'amministratore delegato della British
Petroleum (BP), Lord Browne, insieme ad alti funzionari dei governi
di Gran Bretagna, Stati Uniti ed Israele. La BP guida il consorzio
dell'oleodotto BTC. Tra gli altri principali azionisti occidentali ci
sono Chevron, Conoco-Phillips, Total (Francia) ed 'ENI (Italia).
(vedi Annesso).
Il ministro dell'energia e delle infrastrutture israeliano Binyamin
Ben-Eliezer era presente insieme ad una delegazione di alti
funzionari israeliani del settore petrolifero.
L'oleodotto BTC elude del tutto il territorio della Federazione
Russa. Transita lungo le ex repubbliche sovietiche dell'Azerbaijan e
della Georgia, entrambe le quali sono diventate "protettorati" degli
Stati Uniti, fortemente integrate in un'alleanza militare con gli Usa
e la NATO. Inoltre, sia l'Azerbaijan che la Georgia hanno accordi di
cooperazione militare a lungo termine con Israele. Nel 2005, le
compagnie georgiane hanno ricevuto circa 24 milioni di dollari in
contratti finanziati al di fuori dell'assistenza militare
statunitense ad Israele secondo il cosiddetto "programma di
finanziamento militare straniero".
Israele ha una quota nei campi petroliferi azeri, dai quali importa
circa il venti percento del suo petrolio. L'apertura dell'oleodotto
aumenterà in modo sostanziale le importazioni petrolifere israeliane
dal bacino del Mar Caspio. Ma c'è un'altra dimensione che si correla
direttamente alla guerra in Libano. Laddove la Russia è stata
indebolita, Israele ha buone possibilità di giocare un ruolo
strategico importante nel "proteggere" il trasporto e i corridoi
dell'oleodotto nel Mediterraneo Orientale fuori da Ceyhan.
La militarizzazione del Mediterraneo Orientale
Il bombardamento del Libano è parte di una road map militare
attentamente pianificata e coordinata. L'estensione della guerra alla
Siria e all'Iran è già stata contemplata dai pianificatori di guerra
statunitensi ed israeliani. La più vasta agenda militare è
intimamente connessa al ruolo strategico del petrolio e degli
oleodotti. Ed è sostenuta dai giganti petroliferi occidentali che
controllano i corridoi petroliferi. In ultima analisi, la guerra mira
al controllo territoriale sulla linea costiera del Mediterraneo
In questo contesto, l'oleodotto BTC, controllato dalla British
Petroleum, ha cambiato drammaticamente la geo-politica del
Mediterraneo Orientale, che è ora collegata, mediante un corridoio
energetico, al bacino del Mar Caspio.
"[L'oleodotto BTC] cambia considerevolmente lo status dei paesi della
regione e cementa una nuova alleanza pro-Occidente. Avendo collegato
l'oleodotto al Mediterraneo, Washington ha praticamente creato un
nuovo blocco con Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turchia ed Israele" (Komerzant,
Mosca, 14 luglio 2006).
Israele fa ora parte del asse militare anglo-statunitense, che serve
gli interessi dei giganti petroliferi occidentali in Medio Oriente e
nell'Asia Centrale.
Mentre i rapporti ufficiali dichiarano che l'oleodotto BTC "porterà
petrolio ai mercati occidentali", quello che viene raramente
riconosciuto è che parte di quel petrolio dal Mar Caspio sarà
direttamente incanalato verso Israele. A riguardo, è stato previsto
che un progetto di oleodotto subacqueo israelo-turco collegherebbe
Ceyhan al porto israeliano di Ashkelon e da lì, mediante il
principale sistema di trasporto petrolifero israeliano, al Mar Rosso.
L'obbiettivo di Israele non è solo acquisire petrolio del Mar Caspio
per il proprio consumo interno, ma anche giocare un ruolo chiave
nella ri-esportazione del petrolio dal Mar Caspio verso i mercati
asiatici lungo il porto di Eilat sul Mar Rosso. Le implicazioni
strategiche di questo re-indirizzamento del petrolio dal Mar Caspio
sono di vasta portata.
E' previsto il collegamento dell'oleodotto BTC all'oleodotto trans-
israeliano Eilat-Ashkelon, anche noto come Tipline Israeliano, che va
da Ceyhan al porto israeliano di Ashkelon. Nell'aprile 2006, Israele
e Turchia hanno annunciato piani per oleodotti subacquei, che
eviterebbero il territorio siriano e libanese.
"Turchia e Israele stanno negoziando la costruzione di un progetto
energetico ed idrico multi miliardario che trasporterà acqua,
elettricità, gas naturale e petrolio mediante dei condotti diretti
verso Israele, con il petrolio da trasportare ancora più in là, da
Israele al Lontano Oriente.
La nuova proposta israelo-turca in discussione vedrebbe il
trasferimento di acqua, elettricità, gas naturale e petrolio ad
Israele mediante quattro oleodotti subacquei.
Il petrolio di Baku può essere trasportato ad Ashkelon grazie a
questo nuovo oleodotto e all'India e al Lontano Oriente [lungo il Mar
"Ceyhan e il porto mediterraneo di Ashkelon sono situati a solo 400
km di distanza. Il petrolio può essere trasportato alla città in
cisterne o mediante un oleodotto subacqueo appositamente costruito.
Da Ashkelon il petrolio può essere pompato grazie ad un oleodotto già
esistente al porto di Eilat sul Mar Rosso; e da lì all'India e ad
altri paesi asiatici con delle cisterne (REGNUM)".
L'acqua per Israele
In questo progetto è coinvolto anche un oleodotto che porta acqua ad
Israele, pompandola dalle riserve a monte del Tigri e dell'Eufrate in
Anatolia. Questo è stato a lungo un obbiettivo strategico di Israele
per il detrimento della Siria e dell'Iraq. L'agenda di Israele
riguardo l'acqua è sostenuta dall'accordo di cooperazione militare
tra Tel Aviv ed Ankara.
Il re-indirizzamento del petrolio dell'Asia Centrale
Stornare il petrolio e il gas dell'Asia Centrale verso il
Mediterraneo Orientale (sotto la protezione militare israeliana) per
il re-export all'Asia serve a minare il mercato energetico inter-
asiatico, che è basato sullo sviluppo di corridoi petroliferi diretti
che collegano l'Asia Centrale alla Russia e all'Asia del Sud, la Cina
e il Lontano Oriente.
In ultima analisi, il progetto vuole indebolire il ruolo della Russia
in Asia Centrale e tagliare fuori la Cina dalle riserve petrolifere
della regione. Ha anche lo scopo di isolare l'Iran.
Nel frattempo, Israele è emerso come nuovo e potente giocatore nel
mercato energetico globale.
La presenza militare russa in Medio Oriente
Contemporaneamente, Mosca ha risposto al progetto israelo-turco di
militarizzare la linea costiera del Mediterraneo Orientale con dei
piani per stabilire una base navale russa nel porto siriano di Tartus:
"Fonti nel ministero della difesa rivelano che la base navale a
Tartus permetterà alla Russia di solidificare le proprie posizioni in
Medio Oriente e assicurerà la sicurezza della Siria. Mosca intende
dispiegare un sistema di difesa aereo attorno alla base – per fornire
protezione aerea alla base stessa e ad una parte consistente del
territorio siriano (i sistemi S-300PMU-2 non saranno ceduti ai
Siriani. Saranno in dotazione e manutenzione del personale russo)
(Kommerzant, 2 giugno 2006
Tartus è strategicamente situata a 30 km dal confine libanese.
Inoltre, Mosca e Damasco hanno raggiunto un accordo sulla
modernizzazione delle difese aeree siriane e su un programma a
sostegno delle proprie forze di terra, la modernizzazione dei caccia
MIG-29 e dei sottomarini. (Kommerzant, 2 giugno 2006). Nel contesto
di un conflitto in escalation, questi sviluppi hanno ampie implicazioni.
Guerra ed oleodotti
Prima del bombardamento del Libano, Israele e Turchia avevano
annunciato oleodotti subacquei che evitassero la Siria e il Libano.
Questi oleodotti non violerebbero apertamente la sovranità
territoriale del Libano e della Siria.
D'altra parte, lo sviluppo di corridoi terrestri alternativi (per il
petrolio e l'acqua) attraverso il Libano e la Siria richiederebbe il
controllo territoriale israelo-turco sulla linea costiera del
Mediterraneo Orientale via Libano e Siria.
L'implementazione di questo progetto richiede la militarizzazione
della linea costiera del Mediterraneo Orientale, strade marine e
rotte terrestri, estendendosi dal porto di Ceyhan attraverso Siria e
Libano fino al confine israelo-libanese.
Non è forse questo uno degli obbiettivi segreti della guerra in
Libano? Aprire uno spazio che permetta ad Israele di controllare un
ampio territorio che va dal confine libanese attraverso Siria e Turchia.
"La lunga guerra"
Il primo ministro israeliano Ehud Olmert ha dichiarato che
l'offensiva israeliana contro il Libano "durerà molto a lungo". Nel
frattempo, gli Stati Uniti hanno accelerato i carichi di armi verso
Ci sono obbiettivi strategici sottesi alla "Lunga Guerra", connessi
al petrolio e agli oleodotti.
La campagna aerea contro il Libano è inestricabilmente legata agli
obbiettivi strategici israelo-statunitensi nel più vasto Medio
Oriente, che include Siria ed Iran. In recenti sviluppi, la
segretaria di stato Usa Condoleeza Rice ha dichiarato che il
principale obbiettivo della sua missione in Medio Oriente non era
sollecitare un cessate il fuoco in Libano, ma piuttosto isolare la
Siria e l'Iran (Daily Telegraph, 22 luglio 2006).
In questo particolare momento, il rifornimento degli arsenali
israeliani con armi di distruzione di massa prodotte negli Stati
Uniti punta ad un'escalation della guerra sia all'interno che
all'esterno dei confini libanesi.
Gli azionisti della BTC Co. sono: BP (30.1%); AzBTC (25.00%); Chevron
(8.90%); Statoil (8.71%); TPAO (6.53%); Eni (5.00%); Total (5.00%),
Itochu (3.40%); INPEX (2.50%), ConocoPhillips (2.50%) e Amerada Hess
(2.36%). (Fonte: BP)
Per dettagli sulla campagna contro l'oleodotto, vedi: http://
Michel Chossudovsky
In italiano: a.fiore @ su aa-info @
June 8, 2006
Russia to insist on closing International Tribunal for Yugoslavia
MOSCOW - Russia will oppose extending the mandate of
the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia, Russian Permanent Representative to the
United Nations Vitaly Churkin said at the UN Security
The tribunal should terminate its mission on time, and
Russia will insist on that, the UN news service quoted
The tribunal made a serious mistake when it denied
Yugoslav ex-president Slobodan Milosevic the chance to
receive medical treatment in Moscow, he said.
The Russian public was shocked with "the tactless
statement" by Tribunal Chief Prosecutor Carla del
Ponte, who rejected Russia's guarantees concerning the
Milosevic's treatment in Moscow, Churkin said.
Neverending pogroms in Kosmet (4)
=== LINKS ===
DAYS MADE OF FEAR - 1998-2005
Directed, produced and published by:
Ninoslav Randjelovic (RONIN production)
Serbianna - July 11, 2006
Koha Ditore (Kosovo-Albanian) - July 12, 2006
Vijesti (Montenegro) - July 13, 2006
KosovaLive (Kosovo-Albanian) - July 15, 2006
Xinhua (China) - July 16, 2006
FoNet - July 21, 2006
Defense & Foreign Affairs Special Analysis - August 5, 2006
Defense & Foreign Affairs Special Analysis - August 6, 2006
ADN Kronos International (Italy) - August 22, 2006
=== NEWS ===
Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - July 1, 2006
Police Arrest Five Albanians for Attacking Kosovo Police Patrol
Kosovska Mitrovica - The police arrested five
Albanians who attacked a patrol of the Kosovo police
unit in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica,
Montenegrin news agency MINA told FOCUS News Agency.
The Albanians attacked the patrol at about 8 p.m.
Friday on the road Kosovska Mitrovica – Suvi Do.
Before that the attackers beat up two Kosovo Serb
policemen and after that two of their colleagues who
are Albanian.
Italian troops' gun celebration damages Kosovo Serb homes
BBC Monitoring Europe (Political) - July 5, 2006, Wednesday
Excerpt from report by Bosnian Serb news agency SRNA
Source: SRNA news agency, Bijeljina, in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian 1148
gmt 5 Jul 06
Copyright 2006 British Broadcasting Corporation - Posted for Fair Use
Pristina, 5 July: Italian Kfor [NATO-led Kosovo Force] members caused
an unintentional incident last night in the village of Grabac [near
Klina in central Kosovo], when they fired a number of rounds from
automatic weapons and hand-held mortars celebrating the victory of
their football team over Germany [in the World Cup], Kfor spokesman
Klaus Treude said today in Pristina.
"The celebration disturbed the locals, who are returnees to the
village of Grabac, and Kfor command has ordered an investigation to
be conducted," Treude said at a press conference.
The representative of the Serb community in the Klina municipality,
Tatjana Tosic confirmed that last night's gunfire celebration
resulted in cracked roofs and damaged roof tiles in the village.
"Locals retreated into their homes because of the gunfire and the
situation calmed down only after the arrival of a Kfor patrol and the
Kosovo Police Service [KPS] in Grabac," Tosic said.
BBC Monitoring International Reports - July 6, 2006, Thursday
Source: Glas javnosti, Belgrade, in Serbian 30 Jun 06
Copyright 2006 Financial Times Information - All Rights Reserved
Text of report by B. Ristic entitled "Big Evacuation of Serbs being
prepared"? published by the Serbian newspaper Glas javnosti on 30 June
Belgrade: For more than a month now, UNHCR members from Kosovo-
Metohija have been informally touring municipalities in southern
Serbia along the administrative boundary line with Kosmet [Kosovo-
Metohija], checking out accommodation capacities for a swift
evacuation of Serbs from Kosmet if the southern province should
become independent or - which is another possibility that is being
considered - if the Albanian side should be dissatisfied with
Kosmet's status settlement. This has been confirmed for Glas javnosti
in informal contacts by Serb councilmen in the Medvedja Municipal
Council, whom UNHCR members have recently contacted, as well as -
again informally - by sources in the civilian segment of UNMIK [UN
Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo] and Albanian members of the
KPS [Kosovo Police Service] in Kosmet. Kfor [Kosovo Force] troops in
Kosmet also say that their internal level of alert has been raised,
but they could not say whether this has anything to do with the above.
Serbs living in enclaves in the south of Kosmet say that an
unofficial population census has recently been taken in the villages,
that is, representatives of local international forces asked "village
elders" to submit an approximate list of people permanently living in
the area.
One of the main problems about this "operation of sheltering the Serb
population" comes from the fact that the Serb enclaves are small and
tucked away deep in the territory of Kosmet, among the Albanian
population; according to KPC representatives, again speaking
informally, these areas are predominantly populated by Albanians that
have come from Albania and settled here since 1999 and who are
regarded as "extremists" even by their indigenous ethnic kin in
Kosmet. Glas javnosti's source says that it has been recommended to
Serbs in this area to try to "group themselves" somehow, that is, to
organize themselves in a way that would enable international troops
to evacuate them swiftly in case of a crisis.
In Medvedja they say that Serbs in southern Serbia have some fear
also from Albanians, whose numbers they estimate at about 250,000 at
any time and who practically "live" on both sides of the
administrative line with Kosmet. In their view, depending on the
Kosmet status solution, these Albanians could make problems in this
part of Serbia. They say that Serbs have discussed this matter with
UNHCR officials who, the Serbs were told, are also aware of the
problem but "do not have a solution" for the moment. Although Glas
javnosti tried on Wednesday [28 June] to obtain official confirmation
of this report on the ground, from local UNHCR officials in Kosmet,
none of them were willing to comment, but the fact that they did not
deny it speaks for itself.
Albanians in Kosmet say that parallel with these plans, there are
also plans being made for the evacuation from Kosmet of international
civilian and military forces, who are apparently becoming less and
less popular with Albanians in Kosmet.
Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - July 8, 2006
UN Kosovo Envoy Buying Kosovo
Pristina - In his wish to preserve his position
European Union's Special Envoy for Kosovo Marti
Ahtisaari has sent a new unexpected proposal to
Serbia: to recognize Kosovo’s independence and in
return receive money and concessions.
In the language of diplomacy this is called a
“shopping list”, Serbian newspaper Vecerne Novosti
From diplomatic sources the newspaper found out that
the so-called shopping list includes five points:
1. Serbia to join in NATO’s Partnership for Peace
program (without being obliged to capture General
Ratko Mladic)
2. An agreement Serbia to join the European Union
(also without being obliged to hand in Mladic)
3. Financial aid from the US
4. Access to EU funds
5. Increase of direct foreign investments.
Marti Ahtisaari’s proposal to the southern Serbia
region does not sound bad at all – at least on paper.
But it means: “Give Kosovo up and we will give you
everything else!” the newspaper comments.
According to an anonymous government source there is
no official document for Ahtisaari’s shopping list.
Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - July 12, 2006
Kosovo’s Independence Would Destabilize Region: Serbia’s PM
Washington - If Kosovo is granted independence this
would seriously destabilize the region, Serbia’s Prime
Minister Vojislav Kostunica said during his meeting
with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in
Washington RTS reports.
“A country to be robbed of 15% of its territory – this
would be possible only if democracy is violated,” PM
Kostunica told journalists after his conversation with
Condoleezza Rice.
Kostunica and Rice agreed that it is of extreme
importance the talks for Kosovo to be very well
prepared and a solution for the region to be found in
accordance with the leading principles of the Contact
Kosovo Albanians give chase to would-be Serb returnee - Kosovo Serb
BBC Monitoring Europe (Political) - July 14, 2006, Friday
Source: Kontakt Plus, Kosovska Mitrovica, in Serbian 1400 gmt 14 Jul 06
Copyright 2006 British Broadcasting Corporation - Posted for Fair Use
Text of report by Serbia-Montenegrin radio Kontakt Plus on 14 July
[Announcer] A group of Albanians from Srbobran village near Istok
yesterday attacked Dragi Malikovic, dean at the [Kosovska Mitrovica-
based] Pristina University Philosophy Department, who was visiting
his family property with his friends. Jelena Markovic has a detailed
[Reporter] I heard that an Albanian had built a four-storey house on
my family's property. I went there with some of my friends to see for
myself, and I saw that it was true. I entered the other part of my
courtyard which this Albanian had also usurped and prepared for the
construction of another house. While I was visiting the property, the
owner of the aforementioned house spotted me and immediately went
somewhere with his tractor. Just ten minutes later, two vans carrying
around 15 Albanians arrived. We got into our vehicle and departed for
[Kosovska] Mitrovica but they followed us for more than 10 kilometres
with various shouts and threats, Dragi Malikovic told the
International Press Centre in Kosovska Mitrovica.
Until 1999, Srbobran was a purely Serb village with 59 households
whose owners have been keenly waiting to return to their hearth and
home for over seven years. Currently, work to restore five houses in
the village is nearing its end. Recent attacks against Serb returnees
demonstrate that Albanians from neighbouring villages, helped by the
Pristina authorities, want an ethnically pure Kosovo-Metohija without
a Serb presence. This is also confirmed by the fact that six multiple
store houses owned by Albanians from neighbouring villages had been
built on village land which belongs solely to the Serbs exiled from
Despite the attacks and large sums of money which Albanians offer for
our property, we are determined and will persist in our wish to
return and begin our lives anew on this Kosovo-Metohija land, Dragi
Malikovic said.
MosNews - July 14, 2006
Russia Challenges UN Power on Kosovo, Calls for Talks
Russia said on Thursday the United Nations had no
authority to impose a solution on Serbia over the
status of its breakaway Kosovo province and only a
negotiated deal was acceptable, the Reuters news
agency reported.
The statement by Russian UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin
was significant as the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia
have dug their heels in the international talks aimed
at determining whether Kosovo wins independence or
remains a part of Serbia, making an imposed solution
more likely.
“I stated today in the closed meeting of the Security
Council that I do not believe that the international
community has legal, political or moral ground to
force Serbia into a solution on this issue,” Churkin
told reporters.
“There is plenty of opportunity for the sides to have
their discussions, and the only stable solution, the
only solution good for regional and global stability,
would be a solution negotiated between the two sides,”
Churkin said.
Ethnic Albanians, 90 percent of the impoverished
province’s 2 million people, demand independence while
Serbia insists Kosovo must remain within its borders,
albeit with substantial autonomy.
Kosovo has been run by the United Nations since June
1999 when NATO bombs drove out Serb forces....
Martti Ahtisaari of Finland is leading the U.N.-backed
process set up to determine Kosovo’s eventual status.
Direct talks on the fate of Kosovo began in February
in Vienna, and he hopes for a result by the end of
this year.
Churkin spoke after Ahtisaari briefed the council -
and then talked to reporters - on his talks.
During the closed-door meeting, Serbian Prime Minister
Vojislav Kostunica again ruled out independence and
accused the international community of seeking to
change Serbia’s borders by force, diplomats attending
the session said.
Ahtisaari, asked before Churkin spoke whether he
thought a solution might have to be imposed because of
Kostunica’s hard line, said it was “entirely premature
to start talking how the end result of this exercise
is going to be.”
But other council diplomats said an imposed solution
would clearly be in order if a deal could not be
Ahtisaari said he had strong council support for his
work. “I think everyone is interested that we have a
thorough process - in the end of the day that we can
say that we have done our utmost to try to find a
negotiated settlement,” he said.
Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - July 16, 2006
Serbs Escape Lynching in Kosovo Village
Istok - Serbs who visited their property in the Kosovo
village of Srbobran were lucky to escape after they
were attacked by Albanians residing in the village,
Serbian newspaper Politika reads today.
The Serbs were made to leave the village in order to
escape the clash with the group of Albanians.
Only a few days ago Albanians robbed a house which was
being built for a returning Serb, after which they set
fire to it.
Meanwhile the work on five of the 59 Serbian houses,
which existed in the village before 1999, is almost
Defense News - July 18, 2006
EU Ministers Support Kosovo Independence
BRUSSELS - European Union foreign ministers issued a
clear signal of support July 17 for Kosovo’s impending
independence, declaring the union would take a leading
role within the international community as the
province prepares to break away from Serbia.
In a joint report to the foreign chiefs during their
July 17 gathering here, Solana and Olli Rehn, European
commissioner for enlargement, recommended three
courses of action by the EU in support of Kosovo,
currently administered by the United Nations. These
call for the:
• Creation of a double-hatted post to lead the
international community’s work in Kosovo and to serve
as the EU special representative to Kosovo.
• The European Union will launch a new mission, under
its security and defense policy, to help reform and
strengthen Kosovo’s law enforcement and justice
• Use EU financial instruments to help Kosovo prepare
for a so-called Stabilization and Association
Agreement covering trade and investment with the
The goal is for Kosovo to become “a reliable partner,
progressing towards integration with the EU together
with the rest of the region,” according to the report.
Though Pristina would be responsible for handling most
government functions, the report also reaffirms that
the international security presence in Kosovo is
needed to guarantee the rule of law and stable
relations between Kosovo’s dominant Albanian majority
and its Serb minority.
A NATO-led KFOR peacekeeping force of 17,000 soldiers
currently has this role, a mission that will continue
under the NATO flag after Kosovo secures its
independence, say EU and NATO officials.
Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - July 20, 2006
Kosovo PM: Kosovo to be Independent by Year’s End
Ljubljana - Kosovo will be an independent state even
before the end of the year, Kosovo’s Prime Minister
Agim Ceku, the Serbian radio B92 reported.
Ceku is on a visit to Slovenia at the invitation of
his Slovenian counterpart Janez Jansa.
Kosovo’s Prime Minister stated he would voice his
stand during his first meeting with UN special envoy
for the Kosovo status talks Marti Ahtisaari on July 24
in Vienna.
Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - July 21, 2006
Kosovo Mafia Makes Death Threat to UNMIK Police Commissioner
Pristina - UNMIK Police Commissioner Kai Vittrup told
in an interview with a Danish TV station that the
Kosovo Albanians mafia had threatened him with death
and that is why his personal protection has been
reinforced, RTS informs.
“One gets used to the threats and if I were afraid I
wouldn’t have stayed in Kosovo.
"The threat I received is actually a threat to all UN
officials in Kosovo therefore we are carrying out an
investigation and are taking the necessary protection
measures,” Kai Vittrup said.
“My wife left Kosovo and it was a joint decision. No
threat should make a Police Commissioner leave
Kosovo,” he added.
The UNMIK Police Chief said that there are various
crime forms in the region – from the classical, like
robberies and murders, to organized crime dealing with
drugs and arms.
“This is a mafia ran by families on the clan
principle. It is a closed system that is hard to track
down, but we are progressing,” Kai Vittrup added.
Reuters - July 17, 2006
Kosovo ready to talk independence with Serbia
By Shaban Buza
PRISTINA, Serbia - Kosovo said on Monday it would
demand independence from Serbia when the two sides
meet this month for the highest-level talks between
the two sides since NATO's 1999 air war drove out Serb
U.N. mediators hope to bring together the presidents
and prime ministers of Serbia and its United
Nations-run, majority Albanian province in Vienna on
July 24.
For the first time, Kosovo's international status -
independence or autonomy - will top the agenda, after
six months of lower-level talks on the rights and
security of minority Serbs. The West wants a decision
within the year.
"The Kosovo delegation will go to Vienna, not to
negotiate but once more to argue its case that full
independence and sovereignty for our country based on
the will of the people ... is the vital solution that
must be confirmed," Skender Hyseni, adviser to Kosovo
President Fatmir Sejdiu, told reporters.
Serbia has yet to confirm its participation.
Legally part of Serbia, Kosovo has been run by the
United Nations since 1999, when NATO bombed to drive
out Serb forces...during a two-year war with
separatist guerrillas.
The meeting is not expected to yield any concrete
results, the chasm between the two sides seemingly
Ninety percent of Kosovo's 2 million people are
[currently] ethnic Albanians impatient for
Serbia has offered wide autonomy for land seen as the
sacred cradle of the nation.
But diplomats say Kosovo is heading for independence,
under European Union supervision and secured by a NATO
peace force that currently numbers 17,000.
In a report to EU foreign ministers meeting in
Brussels, EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn said
the bloc intended to be the driving force of the
international presence, with the head of that mission
also serving as EU Special Representative.
It would monitor the implementation of a status
settlement, the rule of law and certain economic and
fiscal matters.
"The international presence will need to have some
limited intervention powers to ensure that the status
settlement is implemented," Rehn wrote, according to a
summary of his report, drafted with EU foreign policy
chief Javier Solana.
The West is pushing for a deal by the end of 2006,
concerned that a delay could spark fresh violence
against the U.N. mission and Kosovo's 100,000
remaining Serbs, a ghettoised minority.
The seven-year limbo is blamed for the lack of
investment and deep poverty in Kosovo, where
unemployment is 50 percent.
Rehn added that the EU and the World Bank would
convene a donors' conference once status was settled
and the EU would contribute to a "well-coordinated mix
of grant assistance, macro-financial support and
(Additional reporting by David Brunnstrom in Brussels)
Agence France-Presse - July 22, 2006
UN, NATO must isolate north Kosovo from Serbia: PM
PRISTINA, Serbia [for now] - The prime minister of
Kosovo on Saturday called on the province's UN
administration to increase security on its northern
border to isolate it from Serbia proper.
"KFOR (NATO peacekeepers) and (the UN administration)
UNMIK have to undertake measures in order to isolate
this part (of Kosovo) from Serbia, politically and
practically, and establish such measures on the border
which are the same as on the rest of the Kosovo
borders," PM Agim Ceku said.
He was speaking before attending UN-sponsored talks
between the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo's ethnic
Albanian leaders in Vienna on Monday, the first such
meeting since the 1998-1999 Kosovo war.
The one-day meeting in Vienna, chaired by UN special
envoy Martti Ahtisaari of Finland, is expected to
tackle for the first time the core issue of Kosovo's
future status and the ethnic Albanians' demands for
full independence.
Ceku said the border between Kosovo and the rest of
Serbia was so "soft" that visitors did not believe
that it was a border at all, believing instead that
the border is on the Ibar river, which runs through
the volatile and ethnicly-divided town Kosovska
The river separates and marks the boundary between the
biggest Serb-populated area in northern Kosovo with
about 60,000 inhabitants and about two million ethnic
Albanians in the rest of the UN-administered Serbian
One of the toughest issues at the talks is the issue
of northern Kosovo, where Serbs have been calling for
the partition of the province.
Serbs warn that this region along the border with
Serbia proper would secede if independence was granted
to Pristina.
In June, Serbs in the north proclaimed a "state of
emergency", cutting off their relations with the
Kosovo institutions, a move considered to be a first
step towards the partition of the province.
The decision, strongly opposed by the Kosovo Albanian
and UN authorities, came after a series of small-scale
attacks against Serbs, including a murder of a young
Serb man.
Kosovo, legally still a province of Serbia, has been
run by the UN and NATO since mid-1999, when the
military alliance's air war drove out forces loyal to
then Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic over a
crackdown against the province's separatist ethnic
Albanian majority.
The international mission in Kosovo has failed to
enforce its mandate in the Serb-dominated north and to
sever Belgrade's influence. [UN Resolution 1244 - the
mandate - states no such thing; in fact it upholds the
opposite, including the return of Serbian security
Agence France-Presse - July 22, 2006
NATO Deploys German Soldiers in Kosovo
PRISTINA - NATO has deployed some 650 German soldiers
to Kosovo, as part of an operation to show its
commitment to security in the United Nations-run
province, officials said July 21.
”The German army battalion, comprised of some 650
soldiers, has been deployed to Kosovo since Monday,”
Colonel Pio Sabetta, KFOR (NATO-led peacekeeping
mission) spokesman told AFP.
”The deployment confirms NATO’s ability to reinforce
in-theater NATO-led forces on very short notice and
continues NATO’s mission to provide a safe and secure
environment for all of Kosovo.”
KFOR earlier also increased its presence in northern
Kosovo after Serbs there announced in June a state of
emergency, breaking off its relations with Kosovo’s
institutions, a move which was considered as a
precursor to a bid to partition the province.
The decision came after the series of small-scale
attacks against Serbs, in which a young Serb was
Following the latest tensions in north of the
province, the U.N. Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and KFOR
increased security in the north, deploying additional
police forces and reopening KFOR’s base by the
northern administrative border with Serbia.
”The battalion is part of NATO’s Operational Reserve
Force (ORF) and they will be used all around Kosovo,
also in north,” Sabetta said.
Sabetta said KFOR wanted to show its commitment to
Kosovo, a province in southern Serbia, has been run by
the U.N. and NATO since mid-1999, after the alliance’s
air war drove out forces loyal to former Serbian
leader Slobodan Milosevic who were cracking down on
the province’s separatist ethnic Albanian majority.
Talks on the future of Kosovo are set to resume Monday
in Vienna under the auspices of the United Nations.
Kosovo’s Albanian majority wants independence for the
province, but its demand has been rejected by Belgrade
and the province’s minority Serb community.
Montenegrin police confirm exchange of fire along border with Kosovo
BBC Monitoring Europe (Political) - July 23, 2006, Sunday
Source: Vijesti, Podgorica, in Serbian 23 Jul 06 p9
Copyright 2006 British Broadcasting Corporation - Posted for Fair Use
Excerpt from report by Bi.B entitled "First insulted and then shot at
border guards" published by Montenegrin newspaper Vijesti on 23 July
Podgorica - Last weekend an incident occurred on Bogicevica Mountain
in the Hadzina Ravan village area near Plav [town in northern
Montenegro], close to the junction of three borders - that of
Montenegro, Kosovo and Albania. Several persons entered Montenegro
from Kosovo and fired shots at border guard policemen.
The incident happened last Sunday [16 July] about noon [1000gmt],
when young men from Kosovo crossed the border and advanced about 50
metres into Montenegro.
They were singing and cursing. Border guard policemen tried to stop
them but the young men form Kosovo fired several bullets at them.
Border guard policemen fired several warning shots into the air and
then the attackers escaped back to Kosovo, police sources told Vijesti.
Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - July 28, 2006
Kosovo Must Have Own Army: International Crisis Group
[The board of the so-called International Crisis Group
includes such disinterested luminaries as George
Soros, Morton Abramowitz, Kenneth Adelman, Zbigniew
Brzezinski, Wesley Clark, Joschka Fischer, Martti
Ahtisaari, Chris Patten and George Mitchell.]
Pristina - The independent Kosovo must have its own
army despite Serbia’s disagreement on the issue, a
report of the International Crisis Group reads.
According to the organization the armed forces in
Kosovo must be small, they should concentrate mainly
on performing peacekeeping operations and to be placed
under NATO’s command.
In the report entitled “Army for Kosovo?” the
International Crisis Group thinks that a Kosovo army
would help Kosovo’s Liberation Army and the existing
military formations to receive an official status
after which they would threaten neither the new state
nor its neighbors.
The report supports the thesis the future army would
be one of the pillars of the new state.
The paramilitary formations and those connected to
organized crime must be eliminated, the International
Crisis Group recommends in its report.
Police seize large quantities of marijuana, weapons in two raids in
Associated Press Worldstream - July 31, 2006 Monday 6:04 PM GMT
Copyright 2006 Associated Press - Posted for Fair Use only.
PRISTINA Serbia - Police in Kosovo seized large quantities of
marijuana and weapons in two separate raids in the province,
officials said Monday.
Police units specialized in narcotics arrested five people during the
operations, and confiscated 36 kilograms (about 80 pounds) of
marijuana in the southern town of Prizren and another 8 kilograms
(about 18 pounds) in the province's capital, Pristina, a police
statement said.
An AK-47 assault rifle, a revolver and ammunition were also found in
Sunday's raids, it said.
Kosovo has been administered by the United Nations and patrolled by
NATO peacekeepers since 1999. The province is believed to be often
used as a transit point for drugs intended for sale in Western Europe.
Montenegrin Serb party wants ban on "extremist tourists" from Kosovo
BBC Monitoring Europe (Political) - July 31, 2006 Monday
Source: Mina news agency, Podgorica, in Serbian 0916 gmt 30 Jul 06
Copyright 2006 British Broadcasting Corporation - Posted for Fair Use
Excerpt from report by Montenegrin Mina news agency
Podgorica, 30 July: The Serbian People's Party (SNS) today stated
that the dramatic events in Ulcinj yesterday [29 July] had shown the
real face of Montenegro after the referendum and asked the government
to proclaim the perpetrators of the incident personae non gratae.
Some 2,000 Kosovo Albanians yesterday blocked the Little Beach
promenade in protest over the detention of two of their countrymen.
[Passage omitted]
"Thousands of extremists dressed as tourists were charging at the
police, chanting slogans supporting the terrorist OVK [disbanded
Kosovo Liberation Army], and members of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs failed to react adequately," said a statement by [the SNS]
information service head, Jovan Vucurovic.
The state of Montenegro, he said, showed the strength embodied in
"the beat-up policemen who were running around the Little Beach in
front of outraged pro-sovereignty protesters from Kosovo-Metohija".
"This incident can be defined as a classic clash with another state's
bodies and an expression of various pretensions towards it,"
Vucurovic believes.
He said that the regime would do everything in its power to cover up
this incident, because these Albanian tourists had brought
independence to Montenegro and now assessed that they could do
whatever they wanted without being held accountable.
"Only naive people can believe that this was a spontaneous gathering
of over 2,000 persons, and the SNS openly suspects that this was a
well-organized action and that those whom [Kosovo Prime Minister]
Agim Ceku and [Democratic Party of Kosovo chairman] Hashim Thaci
recently praised for their selfless participation in the dissolution
of the country were also among the protesters," Vucurovic said.
The SNS believes that this incident could cause numerous problems in
Montenegro, not only because of the increasing Albanian extremism,
but also because the regime was not capable of reacting "to a sort of
occupation of its territory".
"The question arising is who has allowed such a large number of
extremists to enter Montenegro and whether anyone is checking the
identity of the persons crossing the border between Montenegro and
Serbia from the territory of Kosovo-Metohija," Vucurovic said.
Reuters - August 4, 2006
Major powers warn of tensions in north Kosovo
By Matt Robinson
BELGRADE - The major powers voiced concern on Friday
at tensions in northern Kosovo, where there are
growing signs of Serb resistance as the majority
Albanian province pushes for independence from Serbia.
A statement issued by the six-member Contact Group
expressed concern at "recent developments" in the
mainly Serb north of Kosovo adjacent to central
It did not specify which developments. Reports suggest
Serbs there are strengthening what they say are
self-defense groups made up of former military and
police officers.
"Both Belgrade and Pristina should take immediate
steps to reduce tensions in northern Kosovo,
particularly to encourage responsible leadership and
build confidence among communities," said the
statement, issued by the U.S. liaison office in Kosovo
on behalf of the United States, Britain, Germany,
France, Italy and Russia.
Seven years since NATO bombs drove out Serb forces and
the United Nations took control, the West is pushing
for a decision on Kosovo's fate in 2006. Some Serb
leaders have threatened to split it in two if the
Albanians win independence.
Three northern Serb municipalities, home to around
50,000 Serbs or almost half Kosovo's Serb population,
have already cut what minimal cooperation they had
with the Albanian-dominated institutions in Pristina,
citing security concerns.
The statement called on "Belgrade, Pristina and
Kosovo's residents to take steps to ensure northern
Kosovo remains a stable region where the rights of all
are respected."
Diplomats say the 90-percent Albanian province is
likely to win independence under European
Union-supervision. U.N. mediator Martti Ahtisaari is
working to propose a settlement to the U.N. Security
Council by year-end. He opened talks in February.
The Contact Group, which sets international policy on
Kosovo, says the north must remain part of Kosovo. It
fears that splitting the province in two would revive
separatism in south Serbia and Macedonia, where
Albanians took up arms in 2000-01.
The 17,000-strong NATO peace force in June reopened
its only base in the north, and the West is mulling a
specific international mission to oversee the area's
The province of 2 million has been run by the U.N.
since 1999, when NATO bombs drove out Serb forces....
Half the Serb population fled a wave of revenge
[sic]attacks after the war.
The 100,000 Serbs left lead a grim, ghettoized
existence, financially Belgrade.
Serbs in the north enjoy greater freedom, forming the
majority above the Ibar River with a clear land link
to the rest of Serbia.
Belgrade says it does not want to partition Kosovo.
But Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica said on Monday
that, in the event independence is imposed, Belgrade
would declare Kosovo an integral part of Serbian
territory. Serbs consider Kosovo the cradle of their
nation stretching back 1,000 years.
Stabbed Kosovo Serb released for home treatment; ethnic Albanian
BBC Monitoring Europe (Political) - August 5, 2006, Saturday
Source: FoNet news agency, Belgrade, in Serbian 1311 gmt 5 Aug 06
Copyright 2006 British Broadcasting Corporation - Posted for Fair Use
Text of report by Serbian independent news agency FoNet
Kosovska Mitrovica, 5 August: Ljubisa Janackovic, who was stabbed
with a knife in Priluzje village near Vucitrn on Friday around 1900
[1700 gmt], was released for home treatment, it was confirmed to KiM
[Kosovo-Metohija] Radio in the Kosovska Mitrovica hospital.
Janackovic was given first aid in the village and then Kosovo Police
Service (KPS) transferred him to the hospital in the northern [Serb-
held] part of Kosovska Mitrovica where he was admitted to the
orthopaedic ward.
KPS spokesman Veton Elshani told KiM Radio that Janackovic had been
attacked near Lab River and had received two stabs with a knife in
his left shoulder during the incident. He added that his two mobile
phones had been stolen.
For the time being, one ethnic Albanian was suspected in relation to
this incident and the investigation is progressing, KiM Radio said.
BBC Monitoring International Reports - August 6, 2006 Sunday
Source: FoNet news agency, Belgrade, in Serbian 1457 gmt 6 Aug 06
Copyright 2006 Financial Times Information
Copyright 2006 BBC Monitoring/BBC Source: Financial Times Information
Limited - Posted for Fair Use only.
Text of report by Serbian independent news agency FoNet
Belgrade, 6 August: Unknown perpetrators have broken into, plundered
and desecrated the Church of the Holy Mother of God (Presveta
Bogorodica) in the Serb village of Babin Most near Obilic, the Rasko-
Prizren Eparchy has said.
The thieves broke in last night at around midnight [2200 gmt] after
smashing the bars and the windows on the rear side of the church
where the priest's home is also situated.
The St Stefan fresco was taken from the church along with 50,000
dinars in donations, the priests' habits and ritual objects, while
some ten frescoes and icons were destroyed and found smashed on the
The Kosovo Police Service [KSP] carried out on-the-spot checks and
began their investigation, although no details have been made public.
The Church of the Holy Mother of God was built in the 14th century
and is one of the oldest Serb churches in central Kosovo-Metohija.
Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - August 6, 2006
Makfax: Independence of Kosovo will Increase Influence
of Albanian Factor, Alfred Moisiu Announced
Tirana - The opinion of Albanians will be heard more
and more if there are two Albanian states in the
region and at the same time they will be able to
strengthen the friendly relations they have with the
USA, the Albanian President Alfred Moisiu announced at
his yesterday meeting with representatives of
Albanian-American National Organization that is
visiting Albania, Makfax announced.
Moisiu is expecting that Kosovo will gain its
independence this year and thus the peace and
stability on the Balkans will strengthen as well as
the Albanian factor will increase.
Xinhua News Agency - August 8, 2006
Russia shares stand of Belgrade on Kosovo status
BELGRADE - Visiting Russian Minister for Civil Defense
and Emergency Situations Sergei Shoigu said here on
Monday that Russia shares Belgrade's stand on the
issue of Kosovo's future status.
During talks with Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav
Kostunica, Shoigu conveyed the same opinion that the
best solution for this southern province is essential
autonomy within the existing state borders of Serbia,
the official Tanjug news agency reported.
"The resolving of Kosovo's future status must not be
imposed, nor the negotiations on this issue placed
under a time limit", said Shoigu, adding that it was
the principled stand of Russia and its President
Vladimir Putin.
Kostunica said that Serbia deeply appreciates the
principled stand of Russia and President Putin.
He also underscored that a possibly imposed solution
would have serious consequences for peace and
stability, not only in the region of the Balkans, but
also much wider.
Since the end of the Kosovo war in June 1999, the
province has become a UN protectorate under Security
Council Resolution 1244. Kosovo 's Albanian majority
demand outright independence, but Serbia only agrees
to grant Kosovo essential autonomy.
The UN-mediated negotiations on the future status of
Kosovo started last November. But thorny problems have
not been addressed after eight rounds of talks.
BBC News - August 8, 2006
Kosovo Serbs boycott Vienna talks
The Serb delegation from Kosovo has boycotted a
session of talks about the future of the province.
The second day of negotiations brokered by the United
Nations in Vienna concentrated on the rights of the
province's minorities.
The Serb representatives said they did not accept
being given the status of a minority.
The talks are trying to resolve issues of education,
health care, police and justice systems.
The Tuesday session on minority rights was attended by
the delegation from Belgrade.
The first day of the latest round of talks on Monday
ended with no progress on the major stumbling blocks
between the ethnic Serb and Albanian communities.
There is international pressure on both sides to
resolve the long-term political status of the province
by the end of the year.
Officially still part of Serbia, Kosovo has been run
by the UN since the war there ended in 1999.
Rising tensions
Kosovo's Albanians want independence. Serbia has said it is willing
only to grant wide "substantial autonomy". Tensions have been rising
in Kosovo in recent weeks. Local Serb politicians have heavily
criticised the acting head of the United Nations mission, accusing
him of favouring the Kosovo Albanians. The Nato-led peacekeeping
force, K-For, has recently reopened a base and deployed extra troops
in Serb areas to the north.
On Monday, a human rights group said the UN and the
international community were failing to protect the
rights of Kosovo's minorities.
"Nowhere [in Europe] is there such a level of fear for
so many minorities that they will be harassed or
attacked, simply for who they are," a report by
London-based Minority Rights Group International
(MRGI) said.
Three Kosovo Albanians jailed for war crimes
Agence France Presse (English) - August 11, 2006 Friday 9:43 AM GMT
Copyright 2006 Agence France Presse - Posted for Fair Use only.
PRISTINA, Serbia, Aug 11 2006 - Three ethnic Albanians were sentenced
to seven-year jail terms for war crimes committed during Kosovo's
1998-1999 conflict, the United Nations said Friday.
Selim Krasniqi, Agron Krasniqi and Bedri Zyberaj, former members of
the Kosovo Liberation Army, a rebel force that fought Serbian forces
during the war, were found guilty of detaining and beating fellow
Albanians, said the justice department of the UN mission in Kosovo.
"The panel of international judges carefully considered the evidence
and found the three defendants guilty of the war crime of inhumane
treatment, which consisted of detaining and beating fellow Kosovo
Albanians whom they believed to be collaborating with Serbian
authorities," it said in a statement.
The crimes were committed between June and September 1998, when
members of the KLA organised and ran a detention centre in the
basement of a school building in the central Kosovo village of Drenovac.
Selim Krasniqi and Zyberaj were also senior officials of Kosovo
Protection Corps, an emergency service formed after the KLA was
demilitarised at the end of the conflict.
A fourth defendant, Islam Gashi, was acquitted, while charges were
withdrawn against two others, Isuf Gashi and Xhavit Elshani due to a
lack of evidence, said the UN statement.
Kosovo has been run by the United Nations and NATO since June 1999,
after the alliance's bombing campaign drove out Serbian forces over a
crackdown against separatist Albanian rebels.
The future status of the disputed province, which technically remains
a Serbian province, is being decided in UN-backed talks due to be
completed by the year's end.
BBC Monitoring International Reports - August 12, 2006, Saturday
Source: Radio B92, Belgrade, in Serbian 1500 gmt 12 Aug 06
Copyright 2006 Financial Times Information
Copyright 2006 BBC Monitoring/BBC Source: Financial Times Information
Limited - Posted for Fair Use only.
Text of report by Belgrade-based Radio B92 on 12 August
[Announcer] A group of armed [ethnic] Albanians carried out an armed
attack on the territory of Kursumlija municipality's village of
Tacevac on the administrative border between Serbia and Kosovo just
as former Podujevo Mayor Milovan Tomcic was out in his field with his
family. Ljiljana Danilovic reports from Kursumlija.
[Reporter] According to the testimony of former Podujevo Mayor
Milovan Tomcic, who was with his family in the field close to the
administrative border between Serbia and Kosovo, a large group of
armed Albanians penetrated around three kilometres into the territory
of Kursumlija municipality in Tacevac village and carried out an
armed attack.
Tomcic said that there was a barrage of fire from automatic weapons
which lasted for about ten minutes.
[Tomcic] I was barely 20 paces from the road when the shots were
fired. Bullets started whistling above our heads. This was a real
barrage of separate shots fired from several pieces of weapons and
from a number of locations. At least five or six types of weapons
were fired, but I managed to take cover.
[Tomcic's wife] When the barrage started getting fiercer, I told our
daughter to get to the ground and start crawling. We managed to get
close to a fence and then we climbed over it and got away.
[Reporter] The police went to the scene after the incident but an
investigation was not carried out for security reasons. A spokeswoman
for the police in Prokuplje, Jasmina Stamenkovic, confirmed that a
group of armed Albanians had carried out an attack in the territory
of Tacevac village.
[Stamenkovic] Members of Kfor [NATO-led Kosovo Force] were informed
about the incident via our team for cooperation with Kfor so that
they could undertake measures envisaged by the law.
[Reporter] Nobody was injured in this armed attack. We should say
several dozens of armed attacks by Kosovo Albanians had been carried
out in Kursumlija's Tacevac village over the past few years in which
one local inhabitant was killed and several houses were torched.
Associated Press - August 14, 2006
Kosovo police replace U.N. border forces
PRISTINA, Serbia - Police in Serbia's mainly
ethnic-Albanian Kosovo province on Monday replaced
U.N. civilian forces overseeing Pristina's airport.
The Kosovo police units also assumed control of the
province's borders with Albania, Macedonia and
Montenegro, Belgrade's Beta news agency reported.
Political analysts in Pristina saw the authority
transfer from the U.N. administration to the Kosovo
provincial police as recognition of high standards
under which the ethnic-Albanian-led law enforcement is
organized [sic], Beta said.
Formally, Kosovo is Serbia's province, but since 1999
it has been administered by a U.N. civilian mission.
NATO troops have been deployed to prevent ethnic
conflicts between the Serb minority of 100,000 and
ethnic-Albanians who make up 90 percent of Kosovo's
1.8 million population.
U.N.-led, Serb-ethnic Albanian talks, under way in
Austria since February, will decide who will govern
Kosovo once U.N. and NATO personnel leave.
Serbian Kosovo negotiating team member criticizes new UNMIK chief
BBC Monitoring Europe (Political) - August 15, 2006 Tuesday
Source: Beta news agency, Belgrade, in Serbian 1848 gmt 14 Aug 06
Copyright 2006 British Broadcasting Corporation - Posted for Fair Use
Text of report by Serbian news agency Beta
Belgrade, 14 August: Marko Jaksic, a member of the Belgrade
negotiating team for the status of Kosovo, today said that the Serbs
in Kosovo were not very happy to hear that German diplomat Joachim
Ruecker had been appointed new UNMIK [UN Interim Administration
Mission in Kosovo] chief.
"We can only hope that the situation and the attitude towards the
Serbs in Kosovo will not be as bleak as so far, but we know from
experience that UNMIK chiefs have been figureheads and that the most
important moves have been made from the shadow by their deputies, who
have always and regularly been Americans," Jaksic told the Beta news
Jaksic, who is chairman of the Community of Serb Municipalities in
Kosovo, accused Ruecker of being the "architect of the plundering
privatization" in Kosovo and "one of the people guilty of the fact
that Serbs in Kosovo do not have electricity."
"Having that in mind, we are afraid that Ruecker might even be worse
than Soren Jessen Petersen as far as the position of the Serb
community in Kosovo is concerned," Jaksic said.
The other members of the Belgrade negotiating team and
representatives of the Serbian government who were contacted by Beta
did not wish to comment on the appointment of Ruecker as UNMIK chief
and said that they would most likely do so tomorrow.
Representatives of Albanian political parties in Kosovo described
Ruecker as the "right man in the right place."
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan earlier today appointed Ruecker UNMIK
chief and informed the UN Security Council that Ruecker would take
over as of 1 September, 2006.
Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - August 19, 2006
Forming Kosovo Army Would Endanger Regional Stability: Serbia’s
Belgrade - Serbia’s President Boris Tadic condemned
the statements of Kosovo Albanians leaders that Kosovo
will have its own army and warned the international
community that it would endanger the stability in the
region, as well as that it would present an
international precedent, RTS informs.
According to President Tadic the plans to form an army
in Kosovo are unacceptable and extremely dangerous
because Kosovo must be demilitarized and should have
its own police force according to international
Boris Tadic will once again informed of the problem
the UN Security Council member states, the Contact
Group member states (the UK, Germany, France, Italy,
Russia and the US), the UN Special Envoy for Kosovo
Marti Ahtisaari, the High Representative of the Common
Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana, as well as
the NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer.
Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - August 22, 2006
UNMIK Police Investigating Possible Extremist Activity in Kosovo
Pristina - The police of the UN Mission in Kosovo
(UNMIK) started an investigation of a possible
activity of radical Islamists in the area of Urosevac,
Serbian news agency TANJUG informs.
The investigation was launched when after a search of
a house of Kosovo Albanian in the village of
Talinovac, near Urosevac, the police found a “certain
amount” of materials related to Al Qaeda activities, a
source of the international police force said.
Russian Information Agency (Novosti) - August 23, 2006
Kosovo independence could set risky precedent - dep. Russia FM
MOSCOW - Independence for Kosovo would set a dangerous
precedent for other "frozen" conflicts, a deputy
Russian foreign minister said in an interview with a
respected Russian daily Wednesday.
Russia has consistently taken the position that
sovereignty for Kosovo, which remains a province of
Serbia under a UN protectorate, could have negative
consequences for conflicts in the former Soviet Union
that erupted in the early 1990s.
"Should 'sovereignization' of the province [of Kosovo]
be imposed on Serbia, as [our] Western partners are
attempting to do, a clear precedent will be set in
international law that cannot but be projected onto
other frozen conflicts," Grigory Karasin told
Izvestia. "This applies not only to the post-Soviet
space, but also to other regions."
The deputy minister said that unlike the
disintegration of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia or
Czechoslovakia, Kosovo independence was being claimed
not by a republic as part of a federation but by an
autonomy as part of a federation constituent member.
"Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Transdnestr have the
same status," he said, referring to two similar
conflicts in Georgia and one in Moldova.
He accused those who saw Kosovo as a "unique" case of
either forgetting or deliberately ignoring differences
in approaches to conflicts around the world.
The West has supported the Georgian government's
attempts to bring breakaway South Ossetia and Abkhazia
back under its control, as well as Moldova's efforts
to return unrecognized Transdenstr to Chisinau's fold.
"This approach erodes trust in the international
community, leading to chaos and instability in
international relations," Karasin told Izvestia.
"Needless to say, this is unacceptable to Russia,"
Russian President Vladimir Putin warned last month
against any double standards in regard to the
unrecognized republics in Georgia and Moldova.
Putin said there had always been contradictions in the
principles of international law.
"[Russia] wants and will insist on such decisions to
be based on a universal principle to prevent such
cases when approaches to the regions like Kosovo are
different from those to Abkhazia or South Ossetia,
which is incorrect," the president said during a Web
Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - August 24, 2006
Kosovo Talks Are Farce: Former US Ambassador to Belgrade
Belgrade - The talks for Kosovo’s future status that
are held in Vienna are a “farce directed by the
international community”.
This is what former US Ambassador to Belgrade William
Montgomery said cited by Serbian news agency TANJUG.
“We saw how even in public statements various Contact
Group representatives gave signals that the inevitable
result of this process would be an independent Kosovo.
"I am sure that Serbia’s Prime Minister Vojislav
Kostunica has already been informed of that directly
during a private conversation,” William Montgomery
Regnum (Russia) - August 24, 2006
Grigory Karasin: It is naive to say that the Kosovo precedent is unique
“Territorial integrity does not rule out the
possibility of a multi-scenario resolution of the
status problem and does not imply that the will of a
nation can be ignored,” Russian Deputy Foreign
Minister Grigory Karasin says in an interview to
Izvestia daily, when asked if the Kosovo precedent can
be applied to Transdnestr, South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
Karasin says that in the Kosovo case, unlike the
collapse of the USSR and Yugoslavia and the division
of Czechoslovakia, [is a case of] claiming
independence by an autonomy within a republic of a
federation rather than a republic of federation
[federated republic].
“Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transdnestr have a
similar status. So, if the Western partners force
Serbia to acknowledge the sovereignty of this region,
they will create an obvious international legal
precedent, which cannot but be projected to other
frozen conflicts — and not only in the post-Soviet
area but also in other regions.
"Some people in the West are trying to convince us
that Kosovo is a unique case – a result of some unique
historical circumstances. It is naive to say that the
Kosovo case is unique, we can’t agree with this.
"Precedents come from reality and one can’t abolish
them just by persistently denying them. Can anybody
say to people in other autonomies that in this case we
give independence, but for you this can in no way be
an example?” wonders Karasin.
“Those speaking about the ‘uniqueness’ of the Kosovo
case either forget or deliberately neglect that, in
fact, the question is about inconsistency in
approaching different conflicts, in other words, about
‘double standards.’
"Such an approach undermines confidence in the
international community and leads to chaos and
selectivity in international relations. Of course, for
Russia this is unacceptable. That’s why our position
is that, even though each specific conflict is
peculiar, there should be some universal settlement
rules based on the generally accepted norms of the
international law,” says Karasin.
Infotag (Moldova) - August 24, 2006
Russia Considers It Possible to Use Kosovo Precedent in FSU Republics
The Russian Federation considers as acceptable the
spreading of the Kosovo self-determination precedent
in the former Soviet Union area.
Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Grigory
Karasin stated in his interview with Russia's Izvestia
newspaper published today that in case of Kosovo's
sovereignization, being imposed on Serbia by Western
partners, an obvious international law precedent will
be created, which cannot help telling on other frozen
conflicts. [Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, South Ossetia,
Transdniester in the former Soviet Union]
Karasin stated Moscow shall never let down its
compatriots living outside Russia borders - no matter
if they find themselves in humanitarian hardships or
under a threat to their security.
"Nowadays, peacekeepers are guarantors of stability in
conflict regions and guarantors of security of the
people living there, no matter their nationality",
said the Deputy Minister.
MosNews (Russia) - August 24, 2006
Kosovo Independence Fraught With Risks — Russia
A Russian government minister says independence for
Serbia’s Kosovo province could set a risky precedent
for other contested regions.
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin said
if independence of Kosovo is granted from Serbia, “a
clear precedent will be set in international law that
cannot but be projected onto other frozen conflicts,”
the RIA Novosti news agency reported Wednesday.
“This applies not only to the post-Soviet space, but
also to other regions,” Karasin said in an interview
with Moscow’s Izvestia newspaper.
Karasin said that unlike the disintegration of the
Soviet Union, Yugoslavia or Czechoslovakia, Kosovo
independence was being claimed not by a republic as
part of a federation but by an autonomy as part of a
Serbs, led by the Belgrade government, and ethnic
Albanians have been holding talks on who will govern
the predominantly Albanian Kosovo, once the UN
administration and NATO protection troops leave.
The Serbian government wants to retain Kosovo as its
province, while Kosovo’s ethnic Albanians insist on
independence from Belgrade.
Prime News (Georgia) - August 24, 2006
Deputy Foreign Minister Of Russia Said That Kosovo
Case Is Exemplary For Abkhazia
Gregory Karasin, Deputy Foreign Minister Of Russia
said that the Kosovo case is an exemplary precedent
for Abkhazia.
Gregory Karasin, Deputy Foreign Minister Of Russia
said, “the international precedent concerning
sovereignty of Kosovo is very interesting, the
absolute majority of citizens of Abkhazia and South
Ossetia have Russian citizenship. We will not leave
our citizens without care, they can rely on Russia’s
support in the military, humanitarian or security
Gregory Karasin, Deputy Foreign Minister Of Russia
said, that concerning Georgia’s intention to leave the
Commonwealth of Independent States, Georgia is a
sovereign country and is eligible to make decisions
Trend News Agency (Azerbaijan) - August 24, 2006
Kosovo independence could set risky precedent - dep. Russia FM
À. Mammadov
Independence for Kosovo would set a dangerous
precedent for other "frozen" conflicts, a deputy
Russian foreign minister said in an interview with a
respected Russian daily Wednesday.
Russia has consistently taken the position that
sovereignty for Kosovo, which remains a province of
Serbia under a UN protectorate, could have negative
consequences for conflicts in the former Soviet Union
that erupted in the early 1990s, reports Trend.
"Should 'sovereignization' of the province [of Kosovo]
be imposed on Serbia, as [our] Western partners are
attempting to do, a clear precedent will be set in
international law that cannot but be projected onto
other frozen conflicts," Grigory Karasin told
Izvestia. "This applies not only to the post-Soviet
space, but also to other regions."
The deputy minister said that unlike the
disintegration of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia or
Czechoslovakia, Kosovo independence was being claimed
not by a republic as part of a federation but by an
autonomy as part of a federation constituent member.
"Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Transdnestr have the
same status," he said, referring to two similar
conflicts in Georgia and one in Moldova.
He accused those who saw Kosovo as a "unique" case of
either forgetting or deliberately ignoring differences
in approaches to conflicts around the world. The West
has supported the Georgian government's attempts to
bring breakaway South Ossetia
and Abkhazia back under its control, as well as
Moldova's efforts to return unrecognized Transdenstr
to Chisinau's fold.
"This approach erodes trust in the international
community, leading to chaos and instability in
international relations," Karasin told Izvestia.
"Needless to say, this is unacceptable to Russia."
Russian President Vladimir Putin warned last month
against any double standards in regard to the
unrecognized republics in Georgia and Moldova.
Putin said there had always been contradictions in the
principles of international law.
"Russia wants and will insist on such decisions to be
based on a universal principle to prevent such cases
when approaches to the regions like Kosovo are
different from those to Abkhazia or South Ossetia,
which is incorrect," the president said during a Web
(L'ideologia dello "scontro di civiltà" elaborata dai rozzi teorici
neocons statunitensi, dalla quale non sono immuni certi settori
nazionalisti, anticomunisti e filo-occidentali del campo serbo, è
entrata in corto circuito: come si può scatenare una "guerra contro i
fascisti islamici" in mezzo mondo se proprio al centro dell'Europa
fascisti islamisti veri e propri sono stati sostenuti e
1. The Balkan Mirror; What it says about the Middle East
Michael Djordjevich: "America did not oppose Germany's drive for the
dismemberment of Yugoslavia and then sided with Islamists in Bosnia.
Secretary of State James Baker said 'we have no dog in this fight'
but in the end America was the top dog in the fight..."
2. Former Serb member of Presidency sees no hope for Bosnia's
survival as state
Nenad Kecmanovic: "the West and the East have been deluding each
other to a high degree. Neither side has ever truly believed in that
delusion, because under the table one side was holding Samuel
Huntington's "The Clash of Civilizations", while the other had Alija
Izetbegovic's Islamic Declaration..."
3. The Yugoslav Caldron
Jürgen Elsässer: "The CIA recruited and trained the jihadists"
=== 1 ===
The Balkan Mirror; What it says about the Middle East
The Washington Times - August 15, 2006 Tuesday
Together with the Middle East, the border lands of southeast Europe
known as the Balkans have been a region of the world where seminal
events and trends in human history have taken place. It has been
called many names, including "the powder keg of Europe" or "the
graveyard of empires." The conflicts in the region have also been a
mirror of history.
Long before Samuel Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations," in the
period between the 14th and 19th centuries, the incessant ebb and
flow in the conflict between Islam and the West took place in the
Balkans. Early in the 20th century, Serbian gun shots in Sarajevo
ushered in World War I, Communism and Nazism. At the end of the
century, Bosnian Muslim fundamentalists fired gun shots in Sarajevo,
killing several Christian Serbs at a wedding party and began a bloody
war in Bosnia among Christian Serbs and Croats and Muslims. This war
may have well reflected in earnest the renewed clash of civilizations.
The Berlin Wall fell at the end of 1989. The Soviet Union imploded
and the end of Communism as a global force followed. Balkan countries
joined the trend. However, the pivotal and largest state, Yugoslavia,
rapidly descended into a bloody civil-religious war and dissolution.
This decade-long war at the end of 20th century mirrored a number of
important political, legal, religious and geopolitical precedents for
the post-Communist world. Of particular significance are those
involving America, the European Union and the United Nations.
At first, the United States favored the preservation of Yugoslavia,
or at least its peaceful and orderly dissolution. Changing this
position abruptly, America did not oppose Germany's drive for the
dismemberment of Yugoslavia and then sided with Islamists in Bosnia.
Secretary of State James Baker said "we have no dog in this fight"
but in the end America was the top dog in the fight.
The international community's engagement in the Balkans have so far
been a textbook illustration of the dangers of contradictory
policies, chronic indecisions, confusion and ignorance about
historical forces in play, double standards and flawed precedents.
America was not prepared for the peace and the role of the only
superpower in the world. Our leadership has failed in this task so far.
Apparently, not much has been learned from this experience. We could
replace the location, inserting Iraq instead of the Balkans, and the
aforementioned assessment would be similar today.
The Balkan mirror also shows the impotence and irrelevance of the
United Nations. Any country and any people would be foolhardy to
place their destiny in the hands of this inept institution. With
America's complicity, the United Nations did nothing when its embargo
on arms shipments was violated by Iran sending planeloads of arms to
Bosnian Muslims. Subsequently, when veteran jihadists came to the
country to fight Serbs, the West was also supportive.
The Serbian province of Kosovo has been ethnically cleansed from
Serbs, Roma and other non-Albanians while 150 churches and many
medieval monasteries have been destroyed during 10 years of U.N.
The mirror showed the duplicitous methods by which world media
influenced world opinion. With few exceptions, it has abused its
power and professional responsibility, failing to heed Ed Murrow's
admonition to examine all sides of a story and aim to elucidate, not
advocate. It did the latter and in general continues to advocate an
Islamic agenda in Bosnia and Kosovo.
The Balkan realities also show a great adaptability of Islamists to
present a worldly, democratic face. Readily accepted by the West,
Bosnian leader and fundamentalist Islamist Alija Izetbegovic was
tolerated and praised as a democrat. Nevertheless, in his book "The
Islamic Declaration" Izetbegovic asserted absolute validity of
dominance of Islam: "There can be neither peace nor coexistence
between Islamic religion and non-Islamic social and political
institutions," he wrote. Later in the war, Mr. Izetbegovic was
influenced and financially and militarily supported by fundamentalist
Islamists (including Osama bin Laden). Similarly, some Kosovo
leaders, previously called terrorists and thugs by U.S. special envoy
Robert Gelbard, are now afforded respect in the United Nations and
The ugliest and most dangerous reflection in the mirror is that of
double-standards. As we are facing challenges and dangers of radical
Islam and terrorism worldwide, let's not dismiss the Balkan
experience. Our policies must contain moral dimensions. International
agreements, legal precedents and evenhanded treatment of warring
people were not followed in the Yugoslav tragedy. If we are to get
out of the Middle East quagmire we must change these policies.
Failing to realize that by endeavoring to resolve complex problems by
double standards, we more often than not double them in the end.
In addition, the Balkan Mirror has provided important and troubling
reflections upon Islam and the new world (dis)order.
Michael Djordjevich, an American of Serbian origin, founded and was
the first president of the Serbian Unity Congress.
Copyright 2006 News World Communications, Inc.
Posted for Fair Use only.
=== 2 ===
Former Serb member of Presidency sees no hope for Bosnia's survival
as state
BBC Monitoring Europe (Political) - July 26, 2006, Wednesday
Source: Glas Srpske, Banja Luka, in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian 25 Jul
06 p 2
Copyright 2006 British Broadcasting Corporation - Posted for Fair Use
Text of commentary by Nenad Kecmanovic, prewar Serb member of Bosnian
Presidency, entitled "Last dictatorship in Europe" published by
Bosnian Serb newspaper Glas Srpske on 25 July
If the Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks [Bosnian Muslims] could not find a
way to live together before the war, if they fought one another for
three and a half years over it, and if a decade of peace has not been
enough for them to try to achieve a compromise without an
intermediary, this means that we can forget about Bosnia-Hercegovina
[B-H] as a state.
There is no democracy in the world that can keep people under the
same roof who do not want to be there. This can be achieved only by
force, whether you call it occupation, colonization or a protectorate.
Some Western analysts have already called the regime of the Office of
the High Representative in B-H "the last dictatorship in Europe" and
rightly so. All this has been seen before in Bosnia-Hercegovina. For
half a millennium Bosnia-Hercegovina has existed only as a "dungeon
for people". When it occasionally changed the guard in the course of
history, the Bosnians and Hercegovinians were at each other's throats
along religious and national lines, as they had been the previous time.
I repeat again: the West and the East have been deluding each other
to a high degree. Neither side has ever truly believed in that
delusion, because under the table one side was holding Samuel
Huntington's "The Clash of Civilizations", while the other had Alija
Izetbegovic's Islamic Declaration. However, their mutual interests
forced them to keep up the game of mutual pretence and we know what
the result was like.
People often ask me: "Do you go to Sarajevo? Do you follow the
Sarajevo media? What reactions do you get from Sarajevo to your
political analyses?"
I almost regularly read their weeklies; I occasionally read their
dailies and I watch television. My public reactions are partly a
reaction to what I hear or read in their media.
The reactions to my reactions are malicious and without any depth,
because our neighbours are used to looking at themselves in a magic
fairytale mirror, while I remind them of some unpleasant truths.
The fact that neither Banja Luka nor Belgrade shows much interest in
the political scene in the other entity, where the joint institutions
are located, makes it sometimes look as if I am the only one who
spoils their fanciful picture of themselves.
Quite often I meet old acquaintances, colleagues and friends,
Bosnians in Sarajevo, but that is something completely different.
Despite certain disagreements and endless debate, they know what I
could have really said or written, what was taken out of context, and
what was suppressed or simply made up.
In any event, they know that I am not responsible for the problems
that Bosnia has got itself into nor do I have bad intentions towards
Bosniaks. On the contrary, I have lived my life in that environment
and those are the people with whom I lived for almost half a century.
Therefore, I cannot be indifferent, nor am I ignorant; my
professional interest is focused on researching politics.
Many things that I find out as an analyst do not make me happy as a
human being, so I would not mind if I turned out to be wrong.
=== 3 ===
The Yugoslav Caldron: Jürgen Elsässer: "The CIA recruited and trained
the jihadists"
By Silvia Cattori
In his latest book, How the Jihad Came to Europe, German journalist
Jürgen Elsässer unravels the Jihadist thread. Muslim fighters
recruited by the CIA to fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan were
used successively in Yugoslavia and Chechnya, still supported by the
CIA, but perhaps sometimes out of its control. Basing himself on
diverse sources, mainly Yugoslavian, Dutch, and German, he
reconstructed the development of Osama bin Laden and his lieutenants
at the side of NATO in Bosnia-Herzegovinia.
Silvia Cattori: Your investigation into the actions of the secret
services makes a frightening report. We discover that since the 80's
the United States has invested billions of dollars to finance
criminal activities and that by means of the CIA they are directly
implicated in the attacks attributed to the Moslems. What is the
contribution of your book?
Jurgen Elsässer: It is the only work that establishes the tie between
wars in the Balkan of the 90's and the attack of September 11, 2001.
All the large attacks, in New York, in London, in Madrid, would never
have taken place without the recruitment by the American and British
secret services of these jihadists who have been blamed for the
attacks. I bring a new light on the manipulations of the intelligence
agencies. Other books than mine have noted the presence of Ossama Ben
Laden in the Balkans. But their authors presented the Moslem fighters
in the Balkan as enemies of the west. The information that I
collected from multiple sources, demonstrate that these jihadists are
puppets in the hands of the west and are not, as one pretends, enemies.
Silvia Cattori: In the case of the war in the Balkan, the
manipulations of various States are clearly designated in your book.
The United States supported Ben Laden whose work was to form the
Mujahidines. How can anyone continue to ignore that these attempts
that horrify public opinion would never have existed if these
«terrorists» had not been driven and financed by the western
intelligence services?
Jürgen Elsässer: Yes, indeed, it is the result of facts that one can
observe. But one cannot say that the western intervention in ex -
Yugoslavia had for objective to prepare attack of September 11. To be
precise: these attacks are a consequence of western politics of the
90's because NATO put these jihadists in place in the Balkans and
collaborated with them. The Moslem militants who have been designated
the persons responsible for the attacks of September 11 were part of
this network.
Silvia Cattori: According to you, what was the interest of the United
States and Germany to set the people of the Balkans one against the
Jürgen Elsässer: The west had a common interest to destroy
Yugoslavia, to dismember it, because, after the end of the soviet
bloc, it would have been a model of the intelligent combination of
capitalist and socialist elements. But the west wanted to impose the
neoliberal model on all countries.
Silvia Cattori: Is not Europe itself imprudently committed to a war
manipulated by the neoconservatives?
Jürgen Elsässer: It is difficult to say. I believe that in the 90's,
the politics of the United States was inspired by their victory
against Soviets in Afghanistan. It was the model that they wanted to
apply in Balkans. If, during those years, the economy of the United
States had not fallen into depression, maybe the more realistic
politicians, such as Kissinger, could have kept control of American
politics. I think that the coincidence between the economic
depression and the aggressiveness of the neoconservative school
determined what happened.
Silvia Cattori: Do you think that a leader like Blair, for example,
once embarked in the neoconservative project, has become a hostage to
a certain point?
Jürgen Elsässer: I don't know the position of Blair enough well. It
is easier to see what goes on in the United States. One can see that
Bush is the hostage of those around him. And, as he is not very
intelligent, he is not able to take decisions and must follow ideas
of his entourage. It is clear that his father was against the attack
on Iraq in 2003.
Silvia Cattori: Wasn't the first Gulf war part of a plan aiming to
trigger other wars thereafter?
Jürgen Elsässer: No, there was no tie with the war in Iraq in 1991.
There were two phases. Until the end of the Clinton period, the
politics of the United States were imperialistic, but at the same
time, pragmatic. They chased the Soviets out of Afghanistan. They
defeated Iraq in 1991. Their war stopped once Kuwait was free. Then
they attacked Bosnia and Yugoslavia; but it occurred stage by stage.
Everything went out of control after September 11.
Silvia Cattori: The neoconservatives don't count for anything?
Jürgen Elsässer: The neoconservatives, grouped around Pearl, had
written a document one year before September 11, according to which
America had need of a catalyzing event similar to the attack on Pearl
Harbor. September 11 was this catalyzing event. I believe that people
around Pearl wished for the attacks of September 11.
Silvia Cattori: What was the objective pursued by the United States
in attacking Serbia? Was it merely about, as is indicated in your
book, the US getting itself installed in a strategic region situated
on a transit line for the oil and the gas of central Asia? Or did the
alliance of the United States with the Moslem fighters directed by
Izetbegovic have a second objective: to create a Moslem extremism at
the doors of Europe in order to make use of it in the setting of
terrorist manipulations? And, if yes, towards what goal?
Jürgen Elsässer: The United States wanted, as did Austria at the end
of the 19th century in Bosnia, to create a "European" Islam to weaken
the Islamic states in the Middle East, meaning, at that time, the
Ottoman empire, and today, Iran and the Arab states. The
neoconservatives had other plans again: to construct a clandestine
network of "fundamentalist" puppets to do the dirty work against
"old" Europe.
Silvia Cattori: The result, a terrifying civil war. How could Europe
have participated in the destruction of Yugoslavia, which appeared as
an example of the perfectly successful cohabitation between ethnic
groups? By making the Serbians the guilty party, didn't Europe
destroy a country that was one of the major constructions of the
postwar era? On what legitimacy did Europe base its intervention?
Jürgen Elsässer: First, in the beginning of the 90's, Germany led the
attack based upon the principles of the self-determination of ethnic
groups: in other words, Hitler's old ruse against Czechoslovakia and
Poland in 1938/39. Then, the United States took the relay and praised
"human rights", an obvious swindle.
Silvia Cattori: In your investigation Israel is never mentioned. Have
you not minimized the importance of pro-Israeli neoconservatives
inside the Pentagon, who serve interests of Israel more that those of
the United States?
Jürgen Elsässer: There are Israelis who collaborated with the
neoconservatives; it is a fact. But I am not sure of the role played
by Israel in this business. Sharon was against NATO support for the
Albanians of Kosovo. And, in 1998, he expressed his worry over the
idea that NATO support the setting up of pro-Islamic elements in the
Balkan. I also believe that he was not favorable to this war the
following year.
Silvia Cattori: Don't you see ties between the Israeli secret
services and the attacks of September 11, 2001?
Jürgen Elsässer: There are ties, but I didn't analyze the character
of these ties. For example, immediately after September 11, a certain
number of Israeli agents were arrested in the United States. They
were present in places where the attacks were prepared. There are
analysts who say this is proof that Israel was directly implicated in
these attacks. But it could also mean something else. It could be
that these agents were watching what happened, that they were aware
that the American secret services supported these "terrorists" in the
preparation of these attacks, but that they kept their knowledge to
use it at the appropriate moment, and to be able to use it as
blackmail when the moment came: "If you don't increase your support
for Israel, we are going to hand over this information to the media".
There is even a third possibility: that these Israeli spies wanted to
warn about the attacks but failed. At the moment, we only know that
these types were there and that they were arrested. Supplementary
investigations are necessary.
Silvia Cattori: Do these ties put in evidence that the attacks of
September 11, 2001 were part of a plan conceived a long time before?
Jürgen Elsässer: I am not certain that a plan had been established
for a long time. It could be that people such as Richard Perle
improvise a lot and use criminal elements that they put in place but
that they don't permanently control. As, at the time of Kennedy's
murder, it is clear that the CIA was implicated, but one doesn't know
if it had been planned at the top, at Langley [the headquarters of
the CIA], or if it was conceived among the most violent Cuban exiles
working for the CIA, the headquarters of the CIA limiting themselves
to tolerating it.
Silvia Cattori: If tomorrow these characters grouped around Pearl
were removed, would that stop the anti-Muslim war strategy of the
United States and the manipulations that justify it?
Jürgen Elsässer: It stops when they lose a war.
Silvia Cattori: The war, didn't they lose it in Iraq?
Jürgen Elsässer: The war will only be lost when they leave the
country, as in Vietnam.
Silvia Cattori: These Moslems who, like Mohammed Atta, were just
ordinary citizens before being enlisted by the CIA, how could they be
driven to such terrifying actions, without knowing that they were
being manipulated by intelligence agents of the opposite camp?
Jürgen Elsässer: There are some youth that can be turned into
fanatics and manipulated very easily by intelligence services. High-
placed characters are not unaware of what happens and know by who
they are hired.
Silvia Cattori: Ben Laden, for example, did he know that he served
the interests of the United States?
Jürgen Elsässer: I didn't study his case. I studied the case of Al
Zawahiri, Ben Laden's right arm, who was the chief of operations in
the Balkans. In the beginning of the 90's, he traveled all through
the United States with an agent of the US Special Command to collect
money for the Jihad; this man knew that he participated in this
collection of money as an activity that was supported by the United
Silvia Cattori: All of this is very troubling. You bring the proof
that that attacks that have occurred since 1996 (attacks in the
subway of Paris), would never have been possible if the war in the
Balkan had not taken place. And you impute these attacks, that left
thousands of victims, to western intelligence services. Has opinion
in West therefore been deceived by governments that have embarked on
terrorist actions?
Jürgen Elsässer: The terrorist network that the American and British
secret services formed during the civil war in Bosnia and later in
Kosovo provided a reservoir of militants that we find implicated
later in the attacks in New York, Madrid, London.
Silvia Cattori: How did this happen concretely?
Jürgen Elsässer: Once the war was finished in Afghanistan, Osama Ben
Laden recruited these jihadist militants. It was his work. It was he
that trained them, partially with the support of the CIA, and put
them in place in Bosnia. The Americans tolerated the connection
between the President Izetbegovic and Ben Laden. Two years later, in
1994, the Americans began to send weapons, in a common clandestine
operation with Iran. After the treaty of Dayton, in November 1995,
the CIA and the Pentagon recruited best of the jihadists that had
fought in Bosnia.
Silvia Cattori: How does it happen that these Moslems got into the
hands of services that served ideological interests opposed to theirs?
Jürgen Elsässer: I analyzed testimonies given by some jihadists
interrogated by the German judges. They said that after the treaty of
Dayton, which stipulated that all foreign ex-fighters had to leave
the country, they didn't have any more money and had nowhere to go.
As for those that could remain in Bosnia, because they had been
provided with Bosnian passports, they were without work and without
money. The day when the recruiters came and rang at their doors and
proposed to pay them 3000 dollars a month to serve in the Bosnian
army, they didn't know that they were recruited and paid by
emissaries of the CIA to serve the United States.
Silvia Cattori: After, when they were sent to prepare the attacks in
London in July 2005, for example, did they not become aware that they
were in the hands of western intelligence agents who manipulated them?
Jürgen Elsässer: It is not clear that it was really the young Moslems
from the suburbs of London that committed the attacks, as the police
claim. There are other indications according to which the bombs were
fixed under the trains. It is possible the bombs were attached under
the trains without these young men knowing about it. In that case it
is not sure that the young Moslems, incriminated by the
investigation, committed these attempts.
Silvia Cattori: It is hard to understand the goal that the western
States pursue when they engage their services in criminal manipulations?
Jürgen Elsässer: This is not easy to say. Remember Kennedy's murder.
Who did it? It is certain that it was people from the CIA that
supported the second killer, it is certain that Oswald was murdered
by a man who had been mandated by the CIA. What is not clear is if
these men recruited by the CIA acted on order of Johnson or Dulles,
or if they were link to the milieu of extremist Cuban exiles, which
means affiliated to the mafia. I don't believe that Bush or Blairs
are chiefs. I don't believe in the theory of the big conspiracy. I
believe that the secret services hire men who are ordered to carry
out the dirty business; these agents act as they want. Perhaps you
know that on September 11, 2001, someone tried to kill Bush. What
does it mean? It is difficult to explain.
Silvia Cattori: Do you mean that Bush is, for example, himself
hostage of the people who, inside the Pentagon, form a State within
the state, one that also escapes the command of the American army?
Jürgen Elsässer: Yes. Bush is stupid. He is only an instrument in
other people's hands.
Silvia Cattori: Are you thinking about people that are under the
direct influence of characters such as Pearl, Wolfowitz, Feith? Do
you think that it is they who, after the war of the Balkan, would
have been the real backers of these attacks and that these attacks
are not separate from each other, that there is a link between Madrid
and London? Does it mean that the Americans are ready to ally with
the devil to sow chaos everywhere under the pretext of this anti-
Muslim, anti - Arabic war waged under the banner of terrorism? A
fabricated terrorism?
Jürgen Elsässer: Yes, there is a duplicate government that escapes
Bush's control. It is the neoconservatives, such as Cheney, Rumsfeld,
Wolfowitz, Pearl, the people tied into the oil and the military
industries,. The global chaos is in the interest of the military
industry: when there is the chaos all over the world, one can sell
weapons and oil for a bigger price.
Silvia Cattori: Youssef Asckar described this State within in the
state very well, to which you give credit [1]. Isn't Israel the first
country interested by this strategy of chaos, therefore by the
manipulation of terrorist attacks? Doesn't the propaganda of the pro-
Israeli lobby have the tendency to make us believe that Israel is
threatened by Arabs fanatics?
Jürgen Elsässer: It is not certain that this strategy can serve the
interests of Israel because, if things continue this way, the whole
Middle East will be in flames, including Israel. They used the same
process during the war in Bosnia. In order to demonize the Serbs, the
western media invented stories of concentration camps and made photo
montages that compared the Serbs to the Nazis. This propaganda aimed
to win opinion over to the war against Serbia, but, with regard to
the United States, it was not nourished necessarily by the Jewish
lobby, but by the Christian and atheist strategists. These
strategists play the "Jewish" card. That is my thesis. One sees it
currently with the propaganda against Iran; strategists of the war
play the "Jewish" card to impress people that have more morals than
Silvia Cattori: The recent manipulations confirm, in part, your
thesis: at the same moment where the United States wanted the
Security Council to pass sanctions against Iran, a Canadian newspaper
wrote that Iran wanted to force Iranian Jews to wear the equivalent
of a yellow star [2]. But I refer to these openly pro-Israeli
personalities that, in France for example, play an important role in
the formation of opinion because they occupy some strategic positions
in the media, and whose community allegiance psuyhes them to support
the policies of Israel and the United States, even if it is criminal.
Remember the active support brought to Izetbegovic in Bosnia by
Bernard-Henri Lévy and Bernard Kouchner. As soon as Serbia was on the
knees, they immediately turned their propaganda against Arabs and
Moslems; this time it was to mobilize opinion in favor of the so-
called "war of civilizations". When they spoke of "concentration
camps" to associate the Serbs with Hitler, didn't they participate in
manipulations of NATO?
Jürgen Elsässer: We watched the same phenomenon in Germany. The
Jewish journalists that supported the war against Yugoslavia had
access to the televised studios. But the journalists that were
against, whether they were Jewish or not, were excluded from the
debate. I think that the media and politicians use the Jewish voices
for geostrategic stakes.
Silvia Cattori: So, as you see it, what happened in the Balkan was
only the repetition of what had happened in Afghanistan, what
followed was part of the same process. Do you think that our
authorities know risks of the wars provoked by their intelligence
Jürgen Elsässer: My hope is that there is a reaction on behalf of the
military in the United States. There are among them people who know
very well that all these wars are not intelligent. They know that the
United States is going to lose this war. In the American army, they
are imperialistic but they are not crazy, they don't agree with what
is happening. But the neoconservatives are crazy, they want to wage
the Third World War against all Arabs and all Moslems, just like
Hitler who wanted to kill all Jews and to attack all other countries;
the German generals had warned Hitler of all that he risked.
Silvia Cattori: Is your hope that a change occurs unexpectedly?
Jürgen Elsässer: To stop this madness I see possibility of change
only among those forces that remained rational. The high command of
the American army wrote a letter to Bush to say that it doesn't want
to participate in an attack against Iran with nuclear weapons. Maybe
Bush will attack; but the consequences would be more serious than in
the case of Iraq. The same thing happened with the Nazis: they
attacked, they attacked, and one day there was Stalingrad and the
beginning of the defeat. But this adventure cost the lives of 60
million human beings.
Silvia Cattori: Is that what motivated your effort while writing this
book: to alert people's consciences in order to avoid new disasters
and new suffering? Moreover, that after Iraq it would be Iran's turn?
Jürgen Elsässer: Yes. But characters like Bush don't care about all
of that. I am not completely pessimistic on Iran: one could see a
repetition of the Paris, Berlin, Moscow axis. Our chancellor, who is
normally a puppet of the United States, offered strategic cooperation
with Russia, because Germany depends entirely on Russian oil and gas.
It is a strong argument. Germans are imperialists, but they are not
Silvia Cattori: In the Balkans, was it not Germany that opened the
door to the war?
Jürgen Elsässer: Yes, it is true. But, today, you see that Joschka
Fischer and Madeleine Albright have sent an open letter to Bush to
tell him not to attack Iran. Mrs. Albright specified that one cannot
attack all the people that one doesn't like. It is rational.
Silvia Cattori: Were you able to collect these elements that
illustrate the actions of the intelligence agencies because, today,
people, worried of the evolution of international politics, are
beginning to speak?
Jürgen Elsässer: Yes. I depended a great deal on information from
people that work in the belly of "the beast".
Silvia Cattori: Everywhere in the world?
Jürgen Elsässer: I can only tell you that it is people from Western
Europe. It is people that haven't stopped using their heads.
Silvia Cattori: To obtain the proof of the manipulations
surroundeding the "Gulf of Tonkin Incident", the incident that
permitted the United States to unleash the war against the Vietnamese
people, it was necessary to wait a long time. Have things therefore
changed today, permitting a response in time?
Jürgen Elsässer: There is a big difference between the situation in
the 60's and the one today. In the Federal Republic of Germany, they
were, for example, at that time in favor of the war against
Communists in Vietnam. The official version that said our republic
was in danger of being attacked by Communists was shared by a big
part of public opinion. What has changed is that, today, the majority
of the population is against the war, without discussion.
Silvia Cattori: You rightly underline the extremist religious
character of Bosnia-Herzegovina under Izetbegovic, but, whereas you
doubt the support of Israel to this sort of draft of the emirate of
the Talibans, don't you overvalue the role of Iran and Saudi Arabia?
Richard Perle was the principal political advisor to Izetbegovic.
Didn't the Iranians and the Saudis raise the ante on the question of
Islam hoping to take the control of a Moslem regime that only took
its orders from Tel Aviv and Washington? In fact, was Izetbegovic not
an agent of Israel?
Jürgen Elsässer: The Mossad helped the Bosnian Serbians, they even
provided them weapons. There is nothing that indicates that the
Israeli government helped Izetbegovic. It was supported by Americans,
and Clinton depended upon the Zionist lobby in the United States, but
this lobby didn't have the support of the Israeli government during
the war of Bosnia.
Silvia Cattori: With regard to some of your sources, can one grant
credit to the assertions of Yossef Bodanski, director of the Working
Group on Terrorism and Non-Conventional war close to the American
Jürgen Elsässer: I don't trust anybody. They claim that Bodansky has
ties with sources in Mossad and it renders a number of his findings
suspect. On the other hand, he brings to our knowledge a lot of
interesting facts that contradict the official propaganda. In my book
I show the contradictions within the dominant elites of the United
States, and, in this respect, Bodansky, is very interesting.
Silvia Cattori: It says in your book: "Terrorism exists in Kosovo and
Macedonia, but in its majority it is not controled by Ben Laden but
by US intelligence". Do you doubt the existence of Al Qaeda?
Jürgen Elsässer: Yes, as I wrote it in my book, it is propaganda
manufactured by the west.
Silvia Cattori: One has a bit the impression that, to go to the end
of its logic, your investigation is not finished. Certainly,
Yugoslavia was a laboratory for the manufacture of the Islamic
networks, and your book shows well that these networks serve the
interests of the United States. However, you seem to believe in the
existence of international Islamic networks who would have a popular
base in the Moslem world, whereas at the same time your research
demonstrates that these networks are only mercenaries of the United
States and that they have never done anything for the Moslems?
Jürgen Elsässer: Look at the example of Hamas: in the beginning of
the 80's, it was fomented by Mossad to counter the influence of the
PLO. But thereafter, Hamas developed its own popular base and, now,
it is part of the resistance. But I bet that there are still foreign
agents inside Hamas.
Silvia Cattori: You mentioned that the inspectors of the United
Nations are infiltrated by spies from the United States. Could we
have some precisions?
Jürgen Elsässer: Some blue helmets of the UNPROFOR in Bosnia
transported weapons to destinations of the Mujahidines.
Silvia Cattori: When Peter Handke affirms that Serbs are not the only
guilty party, that they are victims of the war of the Balkans, one
banish it. Who is right in this business?
Jürgen Elsässer: On all sides - Serbs, Croatians, Moslems - the
ordinary people have all lost. Moslems won the war in Bosnia with the
help of Ben Laden and Clinton but, now, their country is occupied by
NATO. They have less independence today than at the time of Yugoslavia.
Silvia Cattori: How does your research relate to that of Andreas Von
Bülow and Thierry Meyssan?
Jurgen Elsässer: We share the same opinion on the events of September
11, 2001: we think that the official version is not true. All this
combined research is very useful to be able to continue to deepen the
reality of the facts. My specialty is to have made the link between
wars of the Balkans and September 11, while Thierry Meyssan analyzed
the attack on the Pentagon to demonstrate that it was due to a
missile and not to a plane, and Von Bülow arrived at the conclusion
that planes were guided by a beacon.
Silvia Cattori: To having put into question the official truth,
Thierry Meyssan was discredited and blocked by the media. Are you
going to escape that?
Jürgen Elsässer: There is also a blockage against my book. It is not
possible for one author alone to break this blockage. However, it
can't prevent our theses from making their path. The public is not in
agreement with what the media says: in spite of their blockage 35 to
40% of people don't believe what media tells them. There is the
example of Kennedy's assassination: today, 90% of people don't
believe in the official version and think that Kennedy's murder was
an action of the CIA.
Silvia Cattori: Isn't it dangerous to uncover the manipulations of
States that use their intelligence services in criminal ways?
Jürgen Elsässer: I believe that the danger only comes when one sells
more than 100 000 books. In Germany, in eleven months, my book has
only sold 6 000 copies.
Silvia Cattori
Swiss Journalist.
Comment le Djihad est arrivé en Europe by Jürgen Elsässer, preface by
Jean-Pierre Chevènement. Éditions Xenia (Suisse), 304 pages, 19 euros.
[1] Read "La 'guerre contre le terrorisme' est une guerre contre les
peoples" by Youssef Aschkar, Voltaire, 16 mars 2006.
[2] "Iran : les gouvernements anglo-saxons fabriquent de fausses
nouvelles », Voltaire, 24 mai 2006.
Jürgen Elsässer
Wie der Dschihad nach Europa kam:
Gotteskrieger und Geheimdienste auf dem Balkan
NP-Verlag, 240 Seiten, 19.90 €
Jürgen Elsässer
Comment le Djihad est arrivé en Europe
préface de Jean-Pierre Chevènement
Éditions Xenia (Suisse) 2006, 304 pages, 19 euros
ISBN 2-88892-004-2
Balkans Info N.112
Jean-Pierre Chevenement sur "Horizons et debats"
Introduction de Jean-Pierre Chevenement sur "Observatoire du
D. Anche il Libano ha comunque perso.
R. «Ha subito enormi distruzioni. Ma è stato invaso sei volte e una
certa esperienza di ricostruzione ce l'ha».
D. Chi ha vinto allora?
R. «Come spesso accade in guerra hanno perso tutti. Si vince quando
si esce dal conflitto...».
Così parlò Massimo D'Alema, responsabile per l'Italia della guerra di
aggressione contro la Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia nella
primavera 1999.
Intervistato su L' Espresso, 18 agosto 2006 (tratto da
via )
Koco Danaj, consigliere del primo ministro albanese Sali Berisha, ha
dichiarato ieri al quotidiano Epoka e Re che entro il 2013 tutti gli
albanesi della regione saranno riuniti in un unico Stato. Questa
Grande Albania, che Danaj definisce "naturale" al contrario degli
attuali Stati di Serbia, Macedonia e Montenegro che Danaj definisce
"non naturali", dovrà dunque comprendere pezzi di Macedonia e
Montenegro oltrechè tutto il Kosovo. Ricordiamo però che anche
l'Epiro settentrionale ("Camerija"), ora appartenente alla Grecia, è
rivendicato dagli irredentisti pan-albanesi.
Le dichiarazioni di Danaj seguono di pochi mesi quelle del Ministro
degli esteri Mustafaj (vedi JUGOINFO 17/3/2006 - http:// ) secondo cui
la secessione del Kosovo - data per scontata a causa
dell'atteggiamento neo-nazista di NATO ed UE in materia - causerà
immediatamente la messa in discussione dei confini della Repubblica
di Albania.
ADN Kronos International (Italy)
August 22, 2006
Tirana - Albanians living in the Balkan region should
unite and be integrated into a "natural Albania" by
2013, a senior Albanian official said on Tuesday.
Neighbouring Macedonia, with a 25 percent Albanian
population, is likely to be partitioned first, if its
authorities fail to honour the five-year-old Ohrid
peace agreement - which gave Albanians more autonomy
and increased their political representation - Koco
Danaj, political adviser to Albania's prime minister,
Sali Berisha, told Pristina-based Albanian language
daily Epoka e Re.
“In politics it’s easier to face the painful truth,
than the painful lies,” said Danaj. “Therefore, I
emphasise again that disrespect of the Ohrid agreement
would mean partitioning of Macedonia,” he added.
Danaj said the greatest threat to the Ohrid agreement
- which in 2001 ended ethnic Albanian rebellion in
Macedonia - to power of the nationalist VMRO-DPMNE,
the Macedonian political party that won the 5 July
general election.
VMRO-DPMNE leader, Nikola Gruevski is expected this
week to form a coalition government with the
Democratic Party of Albanians, triggering protests
from the biggest ethnic Albanian party, the Democratic
Union for Integration [KLA's/NLA's Ali Ahmeti], which
also wants to participate in the government.
With Serbia’s southern Kosovo province seeming to be
moving towards independence, Danaj said that ethnic
Albanians in Macedonia and Montenegro should also have
the right to choose with whom to live.
Instead of having Albanians participate in those
countries' governments, it would be more natural that
they had one government in the Albanian capital,
Tirana, Danaj said.
After Montenegro, with a population of 620,000, voted
for independence and separation from Serbia at a
referendum on 21 May, 500,000 ethnic Albanians in
Macedonia should have the same right, Danaj said.
Neither Serbia, nor Macedonia and Montenegro were
"natural creations," Danaj pointed out.
Giving apparent credence to the fears of Serb and
other Slav politicians in the Balkan countries that
the creation of a Greater Albania is the main threat
to the region, Danaj said all Albanians will be united
“in natural Albania” by 2013.
(Source: Rick Rozoff via stopnato
August 22 , 2006
Michael Ignatieff on Israeli Self-Defense and Serb Ethnic Cleansing
Faith-Based Analysis
Michael Ignatieff, now a Canadian MP and contender for a top leadership position in the Liberal Party, was slow in responding to the Israeli war on Lebanon. He told the Canadian media on August 1st that “I’ve been following it minutely from the beginning and watching it unfold and figuring out when was the time when a statement would be important and relevant.” (Linda Diebel, “Rae criticizes liberal rival for delay,” Toronto Star, August 2, 2006). He considered it necessary to give Israel enough time “to send Hezbollah a very clear message” that kidnapping soldiers and firing rockets on Israel will not be tolerated. Of course, Israel was killing mainly civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure while sending this message, and there was the question of whether the world shouldn’t be sending Israel the message that aggression and the commission of war crimes under the pretense of “self defense” is not permissible, but like George Bush and Condoleezza Rice, for Ignatieff the Israeli message was crucial, not any Lebanese civilian casualties or Israeli law violations.
Michael Ignatieff is a skilled trimmer, who has adjusted his principles and thoughts to the demands of the U.S. and Canadian power elite, and advanced accordingly—from academia to preferred commentator on human rights and other political issues in the U.S. mainstream media, and on to becoming a member of the Canadian parliament. He was for some years Carr Professor of Human Rights at Harvard University, and for several years was a regular contributor to the New York Times Magazine. He has always found that what the United States has been doing in the international arena is good—well-intentioned, necessary for international well-being, and inevitable, though occasionally flawed in execution. He was a strong supporter of the U.S. wars in Yugoslavia, objecting mainly to the sluggishness in the application of force. He approved the invasion-occupation of Iraq and has supported the use of torture in the abstract as well as specifically in the Bush administration’s so-called “war on terror,” and as noted he has recently been very understanding of Israel’s need to defend itself against the threats of Hezbollah and its other enemies.
One would have thought it might be problematical for a professor of human rights to vigorously support two wars (Kosovo, Iraq) carried out in violation of the UN Charter and hence “supreme crimes” in the view of the judges at Nuremberg. These two wars of aggression also resulted in serial war crimes, such as the regular bombing of civilian sites and the use of illegal weapons such as cluster bombs, napalm, phosphorus and depleted uranium, that should have been anathema to a devotee of human rights. But these matters didn’t bother Ignatieff, who was troubled only by the lag in initiation of NATO violence in the Balkans and the ineffectiveness and mismanagement of the occupation of Iraq. Similarly, Israel’s long-term ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the occupied territories, and massive human rights violations in the process, have not troubled him in the least, although he is bothered by the failure to bring “stability” and the absence of a quiet occupation and dispossession process.
He gets away with this support for supreme crimes and systematic violations of human rights because he does this only as regards crimes and abuses carried out by the United States and its allies and clients. He is quite passionate about the crimes or alleged crimes of target states such as Yugoslavia and Saddam’s Iraq. As this bias parallels and therefore supports official positions, he is treated well by the Western elite and their instruments such as Harvard University and the New York Times. He can make egregious errors and unverifiable and dubious claims, accept official claims as unquestionably true, and apply double standards across the board, without cost. Treating him well means not only giving him support and access, it also means letting him get away with intellectual murder.
Ignatieff came into prominence during the Balkan wars, where he joined forces with a number of other liberal intellectuals and journalists who took on the cause of Alija Izetbegovic--author of the Islamic Declaration and close ally of Osama bin Laden--and the Bosnian Muslims, and pressed strongly for military intervention on their behalf.1 Ignatieff’s position also aligned him with the Clinton administration, and he established “close relations” with Richard Holbrooke, General Wesley Clark and former Yugoslav Tribunal chief prosecutor Louise Arbour.2 These close links with officials with an axe to grind might be thought to compromise a journalist and human rights activist, but it doesn’t work that way in the United States—as with “embedded” journalists, such links enhance a reporter’s authority. It is only in enemy states that official connections and embedding compromise journalistic integrity, as by assumption our officials don’t lie and manipulate, and/or the linkages do not cause journalists to lose their critical capacity, whereas elsewhere governments lie and embedded journalists become propaganda agents of the state.3
One revealing illustration of Ignatieff’s integration into the propaganda apparatus of the war-making establishment was his November 2, 1999 op-ed column in the New York Times on “Counting Bodies in Kosovo.” By the time Ignatieff wrote this piece, the wilder claims of the State Department that 100,000 or even 500,000 Kosovo Albanians had been killed by the Serbs had collapsed in the wake of the very modest results of the intense forensic searches that followed the NATO takeover of Kosovo after June 10, 1999. The new claim made by Carla Del Ponte, the Yugoslav Tribunal’s prosecutor (who had succeeded Louise Arbour), was that 11,334 Kosovo Albanians had been killed. According to Ignatieff, whether all the 11,334 bodies will be found “depends on whether the Serb military and police removed them.” Possible error or inflation by the Tribunal and its sources was ruled out for no reason but deep bias.
Del Ponte had been vetted by Madeleine Albright before taking her position, the Tribunal had been organized and largely staffed and funded by the NATO powers, and it consistently served as a PR-judicial arm of NATO.4 The Tribunal’s investigator, who recommended dismissing any charges of war crimes against NATO without a formal investigation, stated that he had been satisfied with NATO press releases as an information source on the motivations and results of NATO actions.5 Del Ponte followed his recommendation, implicitly accepting this use of evidence, and expressing satisfation that there was “no deliberate targeting of civilians or unlawful military targets by NATO” (presumably the targeting of the Chinese Embassy and the Serb broadcasting facility, among hundreds of other non-military targets, was lawful). Only an unscholarly partisan would take her number as definitive (and only a partisan newspaper would invite Ignatieff to write on the subject and subsequently bring him on board as a regular). Eventually only some 4,000 bodies were recovered in Kosovo after the NATO takeover, by no means all or even a majority Bosnian Muslim civilians, and 2,398 remain listed by the Red Cross as missing, yielding a total—6,398—substantially below the 11,334, a difference never commented on by Ignatieff or the New York Times.6
During the Kosovo conflict Ignatieff offered a stream of claims and interpretations that make an enlightening contrast with his apologetics for Israeli aggression, ethnic cleansing and structured racism. Commenting on an incident in which the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) murdered six Serb teenagers, Ignatieff wrote that this was “doubtless a KLA provocation, intended to goad the Serbs into overreaction and then to trigger international intervention. Yet it is worth asking why the KLA strategists could be absolutely certain the Serbs would react as they did [he is referring to the “Racak massacre” of January 15, 1999]. The reason is simple…only in Serbia is racial contempt an official ideology.”7
We may note first that for Ignatieff the KLA killings were only a "provocation," not a murderous act to be severely condemned. Note also that although there is compelling evidence that the Racak incident was arranged into a "massacre" following a furious battle, and is therefore of extremely dubious authenticity, Ignatieff takes it as unquestionably valid.8 On the certainty of the Serb reaction, killings such as those carried out by the KLA produce similar responses in civil conflicts everywhere, so that Ignatieff's blaming it on Serb racism is nonsensical for that reason alone. But it also flies in the face of Serb tolerance of Albanians in Belgrade, along with Roma--in contrast with Kosovo Albanian intolerance of both in NATO-occupied Kosovo.
The contrast with Ignatieff’s treatment of Israel in Gaza and Lebanon is also dramatic and revealing. With the June 25 capture of an Israeli soldier in Gaza and at least two other Israeli soldiers in still-disputed circumstances around the Israel-Lebanon border on July 12, minimal consistency with his treatment of the Serbs should cause him to regard these as “provocations” that induced an Israeli “overreaction,” and he should condemn this overreaction, which in Gaza and Lebanon has been far more deadly and murderous than the Serbs’ alleged overreaction at Racak. He might explain this overreaction and this willingness to kill large numbers of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians on the “simple” ground that “only in Israel is racial contempt an official ideology.” Of course he does not do this, although the case that can be made for racial contempt as an official ideology in Israel is vastly greater than the evidence for Serbian racism.9
For Ignatieff, Israel’s legitimate “security needs” justify the Lebanon response (and he evades discussing the reinvasion and attack on civilians and humanitarian crisis in Gaza). Didn’t Yugoslavia’s legitimate security needs justify Racak and other actions of the Serbs, with NATO threatening an attack--that soon materialized--and working in coordination with the KLA? There is of course no hint at this in Ignatieff—his frame of reference is always that of his side (NATO), and the enemy is always wrong and has no right of self defense.
Ignatieff was enraged at the Serb expulsions in Kosovo during the bombing war, claiming that “Milosevic decided to solve an ‘internal problem’ by exporting an entire nation to his impoverished neighbors,” and he also described it as a “most meticulous deportation of a civilian population” and “a final solution of the Kosovo problem.”10 One would hardly realize from these effusions that Yugoslavia was under military attack by NATO, forced to defend itself in a situation where the KLA and NATO were working in close coordination; that proportionately more [ethnic] Serbs fled the bombing war in Kosovo than [ethnic] Albanians; that there was nothing “meticulous” about the flight, induced by the KLA and bombing as well as Serb actions, and that there is no reason whatever to think that Milosevic viewed this as a “final solution,” another dishonest piece of rhetoric that conflates Nazi industrial murder with a war-induced flight of civilians.
Again, the contrast with Ignatieff’s treatment of the forced exit of a million Lebanese by the Israelis is dramatic. Here Israel is justified in “sending a message” to Hezbollah reflecting Israel’s right to defend itself. Yugoslavia had no right to send a message to the KLA and NATO powers in the process of defending itself, although NATO’s war threatened its survival, whereas Israel had only suffered minor losses in a border skirmish with a force that did not threaten its existence. Ignatieff has not even expressed sympathy with the million Lebanese displaced to “send a message” to Hezbollah; and he will clearly not speak of this as a “meticulous” ethnic cleansing and “final solution” via an “export” of Lebanese civilians. Human Rights Watch and the Red Cross (among others) have repeatedly declared the Israeli attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure to be war crimes,11 but Ignatieff has not said a word about anything wrong with Israel’s attacks on civilians or the use of illegal and anti-civilian weaponry like cluster bombs and depleted uranium, and he has never hinted that these frequent and ruthless attacks on Arab civilians could be because of Israel’s racist ideology, although the evidence for such attitudes in Israel is massive (which it is not in Belgrade).
In short, we are dealing here with gross political bias and gross apologetics for aggression, ethnic cleansing and war crimes. Add to this the fact that Ignatieff has swallowed Bush’s claim to be striving to “bring freedom everywhere,” an ideological premise that allows him to rationalize anything the Bush administration does externally because it is in a noble cause—based solely on the fact that Bush says that that is his aim (see his “Who Are Americans To Think That Freedom Is Theirs To Spread?,” New York Times Magazine, June 26, 2005; and my analysis of this apologetics landmark: Herman, “Michael Ignatieff’s Pseudo-Hegelian Apologetics for Imperialism,” October, 2005).
Facts no longer matter for Ignatieff; they are trumped by proclaimed aims and values, but only for the side he favors and that produce benefits—to Ignatieff and some of the elites that underwrite his work. Clearly this is a man worthy of a human rights chair at Harvard, a special place in the Paper of Record, and a bright political future in our close and reliable ally Canada.
Edward S. Herman is Professor Emeritus of Finance at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and has written extensively on economics, political economy and the media. Among his books are The Real Terror Network, Triumph of the Market, and Manufacturing Consent (with Noam Chomsky).
1. For a general account, Edward S. Herman and David Peterson, “Morality’s Avenging Angels: The New Humanitarian Crusaders,” in David Chandler, Ed., Rethinking Human Rights: Critical Approaches to International Politics (Palgrave Macmillan, 2002), pp. 196-216 (as posted to ZNet, August 30, 2005). The New Humanitarians have been members of a network of like-minded people, often friends, who have worked in coordination with government officials and government-linked thinktanks, bonding and hobnobbing among themselves in Sarajevo or at international conferences and being fed information by U.S. and, in the 1990s, Bosnian Muslim officials. Sometimes, they worked together in establishment operations such as the Independent International Commission on Kosovo (Richard Falk, Richard Goldstone, Michael Ignatieff, Mary Kaldor, Martha Minow), the International Crisis Group (William Shawcross), the American Academy in Berlin (Paul Hockenos), George Soros' Open Society Institute (Aryeh Neier), and offshoots of these and similar institutions. The first three groups have been heavily funded by NATO governments, and have had on their boards numerous NATO government officials, past and present.
In a nice illustration of what C. Wright Mills might have called the "social composition of the higher circles" of New Humanitarianism, Timothy Garton Ash wrote back in 1999: "When I arrive in the late evening…[at Hotel Tuzla,]…I step into the lift, press the button for the second floor, and at once subside, powerless, into the cellar. The reception committee in the bar consists of Christopher Hitchens, Susan Sontag, and David Rieff. When I join them, Sontag is just saying to Michael Ignatieff, 'I can't believe that this is your first time here." And he adds that on the very next day, after arriving at an event hosted by the Bosnian Muslim leadership of Tuzla, Mary Kaldor welcomed the group, and the British actress Julie Christie read a poem in homage to Sarajevo, "glowing white…as a translucent china cup." Ash, History of the Present: Essays, Sketches, and Dispatches from Europe in the 1990s (New York: Random House, 1999), p.147.
2. The quoted words were used by David Rieff to describe and laud his ally Ignatieff’s connections with the West’s political and military leadership, in “Virtual War: Kosovo and Beyond,” Los Angeles Times, Sept. 3, 2000.
3. Back at the time of the controversy that followed the May 1981 shooting of Pope Paul II by a Turkish fascist, the mainstream U.S. media relied heavily on the expert Paul Henze, rarely pointing out--and never suggesting any problem based on--lhis 30-year employment as a CIA propaganda specialist and his having been head of the CIA station in Turkey.
4. For a compelling analysis, see Michael Mandel, How America Gets Away With Murder (London: Pluto, 2004), pp. 132-46.
5. Ibid., pp. 188-191.
6. "Statement to the Press by Carla del Ponte" (FH/P.I.S./550-e), Carla del Ponte, ICTY, December 20, 2000, par. 16; "Kosovo: ICRC deplores slow progress of working group on missing persons," ICRC News, March 9, 2006.
7. Michael Ignatieff, “Only in truth can Serbia find peace: There is racism everywhere in Europe, but only in Serbia is racial contempt an official ideology,” Calgary Herald, June 26, 1999.
8. On questions about Racak, see Mandel, pp. 72-80, 170-73; see also the devastating testimonies of Judge Danica Marenkovic, forensic expert Professor Slavisa Dobricain, Col. Bogoljub Janicevic, and Col. Milan Kotur, during the Milosevic defense period, March 23-24, April 8, 13, and 26, and January 27, 2006. None of this testimony was reported on in the New York Times.
9. Under the subheading “Root Causes,” Israeli analyst Reuven Kaminer says “It is impossible to oppress an entire people for 40 years and not to succumb to the ultimate rationalization for such action. Anti-Arab racism is endemic to Israeli society. This racism is so pervasive that it covers the political landscape like a cloud and infects all the thinking and the attitudes of the overwhelming majority of Israelis.” (“Who Won and Who Lost and Why,” Portside, August 17, 2006). See also Edward S. Herman, "Ethnic Cleansing: Constructive, Benign, and Nefarious," ZNet, August 9, 2006.
10. Michael Ignatieff, Virtual War: Kosovo and Beyond (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2000), pp. 86-87, 78-79, 84.
11. See, e.g., Peter Bouckaert and Nadim Houry, Fatal Strikes: Israel’s Indiscriminate Attacks Against Civilians in Lebanon (Human Rights Watch, August 3, 2006; and Peter Bouckaert, “For Israel, innocent civilians are fair game,” International Herald Tribune, August 4, 2006.
(ANSA) - TIRANA, 16 AGO - ''L'Albania a 1 Euro''; e' questo lo slogan
col quale il governo albanese del premier Sali Berisha ha battezzato
la sua iniziativa per incentivare gli investimenti, sopratutto quelli
esteri. ''Ci siamo posti come obiettivo di fare dell'Albania il paese
piu' attraente per gli imprenditori e per farlo dobbiamo attuare
pratiche differenti dagli altri paesi, cioe' offrire un'Albania senza
costi'', ha dichiarato oggi il premier nel corso della riunione del
governo invitando tutte le istituzioni a presentare a proposito, idee
concrete ed in tempi brevi. In un anno di governo la destra al potere
ha intrapreso una serie di interventi fiscali che tendono ad
abbassare i costi per l'imprenditoria, tanto da essere qualificato al
primo posto in tutta l'Europa centrale e quella di sud-est, per il
livello della riduzione delle tasse e delle imposte. ''L'incremento
degli investimenti sara' la nostra sfida'' ha ribadito Berisha
offrendo alcuni dettagli sulla sua nuova iniziativa: ''Offriremo ad 1
Euro i terreni, la qualifica per gli operai, il rifornimento con
l'acqua alle industrie, di 1 Euro sara' la tariffa per la
registrazione delle attivita' commerciali ed anche la tassa per
l'entrata in Albania degli stranieri'', ha spiegato il premier
precisando che tanto, sara' il costo anche per molti altri servizi.
Per il governo albanese questa strategia fara' crescere l'economia
del paese, abbassera' il tasso di disoccupazione, e spingera' gli
albanesi a ''non abbandonare il proprio paese per lavorare invece
all'estero e costruire strade, edifici ed industrie degli altri'', ha
detto Berisha. L'Albania e' il paese con il minor flusso di
investimenti esteri diretti che negli ultimi anni hanno appena
sorpassato la sogli dei 300 milioni di dollari annui. (ANSA) COR
16/08/2006 16:57
Due campagne per sanzionare Israele per i crimini di guerra commessi
1. From Ramsey Clark: Join me in the Campaign for Accountability for
U.S./Israeli War Crimes
2. Les crimes de guerre commis au Liban doivent être jugés par la
Cour pénale internationale !
=== 1 ===
August 20, 2006
From Ramsey Clark:
Join me in the Campaign for Accountability for U.S./Israeli War Crimes
Dear Friends,
On August 30, 2006 the International Action Center will launch a
major campaign to require accountability by the United States and
Israel for their wars of aggression and assaults on the equal
sovereignty of nations, which are crimes against peace, and their war
crimes which include excessive force, indiscriminate bombing,
targeting civilians and civilian facilities and collective
punishments of entire populations.
Reparations are required for more than a thousands deaths, many
thousands of injures and an estimated $10 billion for destruction of
civilian facilities in Lebanon in one month alone; and thousands of
deaths and injuries in Palestine since the Oslo Accords, the
systematic destruction of the government of Palestine, the
kidnapping of half the cabinet and the speaker of the Palestinian
Parliament, the assassination of leaders and indiscriminate killing
of others, and the destruction of the offices of President Arafat,
the Foreign Ministry and civilian facilities throughout Gaza and the
West Bank.
If the present ceasefire does not hold, bolder action must be taken.
There must be absolute assurance from the U.S. and Israel that they
will honor the equal sovereignty of Lebanon, Syria, and Iran and
recognize and honor the sovereignty of the State of Palestine,
cruelly delayed for 58 years.
Individuals in the U.S. and Israeli governments must be held
accountable by prosecution for their criminal acts, and responsible
leaders must be removed from office by impeachment in the U.S. and
appropriate legal action in Israel.
The new tragedy of Lebanon has brought death to hundreds of
civilians, children, women and men. Hundreds of thousands,
approaching one-fourth the population of four million, are fugitives
from their homes within and outside of their country. Destruction of
the infrastructure will require decades to rebuild, if and when peace
comes. Rage at Israel and the U.S. dominate all other emotions in
Lebanon and throughout the Muslim world. New anger is spreading over
every continent.
If the capture of two soldiers, or one in the case of Palestine,
justifies assaults against whole nations and peoples, as Israel has
done, then there is no law, no alternative to war, no hope for peace.
Only a person with a memory no longer than three weeks could believe
the capture of three Israeli soldiers began the present violence. Was
not cross-border violence between Israel and Lebanon commonplace for
decades? Had not Israel kidnapped half the Palestinian cabinet,
destroyed its Foreign Ministry offices and other government buildings
and engaged in summary executions throughout Palestine, the West Bank
and Gaza, since the elections this year of the Hamas majority in the
Palestinian parliament? Was there not a continuum of assaults at will
against the Palestinian people over decades?
We must ask whether the forced withdrawal of Syrian peacekeepers from
Lebanon earlier this year by the U.S., and Israeli political pressure
after the murder of former Lebanon Prime Minister Hariri, were the
preludes of a plan for Israel to assault Lebanon and reoccupy
territories up to the Litani river in Southern Lebanon. While Syrian
forces were present in Lebanon, such an assault did not occur.
And we must ask whether the fierce assault on Lebanon and Palestine
are the prelude to broader actions against Syria and Iran. President
Bush has made it abundantly clear that he would like nothing better
than regime change in Iran and Syria and has attempted to lay
responsibility for violence in Lebanon and Palestine at their door.
As Iraq descends into uncontrollable sectarian war, President Bush
needs new threats to distract the attention of people in the U.S.
from what his Shock and Awe policy has brought for Iraq, for us, and
for the world. War in Lebanon helps divert attention temporarily and
may serve to widen the conflict to include Syria and/or Iran. If not,
there are always Cuba, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Venezuela and
others to act against.
As with Iraq, in Lebanon we have seen a war of aggression, the
supreme international crime; an attack on the equal sovereignty of
Lebanon, violating the First Principle of the United Nations Charter;
excessive force of a major magnitude, with Israeli planes striking a
nation defenseless against aerial assaults; indiscriminate bombing;
targeting of civilians; and collective punishment, in which everyone
in Lebanon suffers.
The future of Palestine remains the central issue for peace in the
Middle East. That future is more endangered than at any time since
the Oslo Accords. Everyone in Palestine suffers from the violence
unleashed on its people by Israel’s renewed Roadmap to War.
President George Bush supports every act of Israel, every strike
against Lebanon and Palestine, alone among international heads of
government. And Condoleezza Rice congratulates the Prime Minister of
Lebanon for his courage while telling him there must be further
destruction of his nation and government--an insult to every human
being who cares about peace and understands that the world cannot be
made safe for hypocrisy.
By permitting President Bush to pursue his policy of domination
through threat and lawless force, we risk ever widening international
I hope to see you at the UN Church Center on August 30th . This
historic meeting will be the first in a series of national and
international mass public gatherings in a Campaign for Accountability
for U.S./Israeli war crimes in Palestine and Lebanon. We need your
support, participation, and donations.
I hope that you will lend a hand to this campaign as best you can. We
must persevere until peace prevails.
Ramsey Clark
P.S. By making a donation, you will support the August 30th event
and the ongoing work of the Campaign of Accountability, including
videos and podcasts, international dissemination of testimony given
at that event and other information giving the truth about U.S./
Israeli war crimes.
How you can help:
Donate -
Download Fliers and help get the word out -
Endorse -
### AUGUST 30 - Wednesday 6 - 9 pm
United Nations Church Center
777 UN Plaza - 44th St. & 1st Ave, NYC ###
=== 2 ===
Israël doit être jugé !
publié le samedi 26 août 2006.
Les crimes de guerre commis au Liban doivent être jugés par la Cour
pénale internationale ! Appel lancé par Jean-Claude Lefort (député
français) pour rassembler toutes les individualités et sensibilités
respectueuses des droits humains afin de saisir la Cour pénale
internationale. Nos signatures valent plaintes ...
Communiqué de presse, 16 août 2006
Les crimes de guerre commis au Liban doivent être jugés par la Cour
pénale internationale ! Citoyennes et Citoyens du monde, attachés aux
valeurs universelles qui fondent la civilisation et au respect absolu
de la Charte de Nations unies ainsi qu’à d’autres Conventions
internationales qui énoncent les principes majeurs qui doivent
impérativement être respectés par tous les Etats de la planète sous
peine d’un recul tragique des droits humains, nous exprimons notre
vive condamnation contre les crimes perpétués par l’armée israélienne
à Cana, qui ont entraîné la mort volontaire de dizaines de civils
libanais, en particulier d’enfants et de bébés. Ces crimes,
qualifiables de « crimes de guerre », ne peuvent et ne doivent pas
rester impunis pas plus que d’autres qui se révéleraient. Il en va du
respect de la justice humaine sur cette planète et de l’avenir des
relations internationales.
Citoyennes et Citoyens du monde, nous considérons comme un devoir et
un droit imprescriptibles de traduire les responsables de ces crimes,
en particulier le Premier ministre israélien, M. Ehud Olmert, devant
la Cour pénale internationale absolument qualifiée pour en juger. La
Cour pénale internationale peut être saisie de diverses manières et
non pas seulement sur décision du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU. En
particulier, le Procureur de la Cour pénale internationale peut en
décider sur la base et au vu des plaintes déposées qui lui sont
Estimant que les autres voies de saisine de la Cour pénale
internationale se révèlent actuellement bouchées du fait d’un blocage
prévisible de la part de certaines grandes puissances et de
l’impossibilité pour le Liban de la faire actuellement, alors qu’il
n’est pas partie du traité instituant cette Cour, nous décidons de
prendre fermement le relais des défaillances des institutions
actuelles et de rassembler, au niveau mondial, toutes celles et tous
ceux qui ont à cœur et veulent défendre la justice et le droit mais
aussi porter un coup d’arrêt aux politiques de force aveugle et
brutale en les sanctionnant.
Cet « Appel de Paris » est lancé à travers le monde. Il se veut
rassembleur de toutes les individualités et sensibilités
respectueuses des droits humains et décidées à apporter leur
contribution à leur pleine réalisation sur terre. Pour que l’avenir
ne répète à l’infini pas ce triste et insupportable passé, qui s’est
déroulé à Cana mais aussi à Gaza, la Cour pénale internationale doit
être saisie et doit juger.
Nos signatures valent plaintes. Elles seront déposées et transmises
au Procureur de la Cour dès que leur nombre sera significatif pour
que notre démarche citoyenne soit efficace.
Il y a urgence. Sans attendre nous décidons de former une chaîne
humaine sur les cinq continents pour exiger justice et réparation.
Justice et droit pour le Proche-Orient !
P. S : cet Appel sera traduit en 10 langues. Il est suggéré de le
reproduire et de le faire circuler le plus largement possible sous
forme papier ou électronique. Les signatures, avec les noms, prénoms,
coordonnées, titres de chaque signataire et le pays d’origine de
chacune et chacun sont nécessaires.
Elles doivent être rassemblées à l’adresse électronique suivante
Un site Internet global sera ouvert et porté à la connaissance de
tous. Des sites nationaux peuvent aussi voir le jour. Chacun
s’organisera comme il souhaitera. Un maximum d’initiatives
individuelles ou collectives s’impose pour aboutir.
Jean Claude Lefort (Député français)