
Am 8. November in Den Haag (deutsch)

2. Resolution des Antiimperialistischen Lagers Assisi 2003 / Aufruf zur
Demo in Den Haag, 8.11.2002

Siehe auch:
(Aufruf zur internationalen Demonstration in Den Haag am Samstag, 8.
November 2003, u. Dokumente)
(Deutsche Sektion des ICDSM)

=== 1 ===

Da: joesb
Data: Ven 19 Set 2003 10:39:21 Europe/Rome



Theodor Meron
Richard May
Steven Kai
Branislav Tapuskovic

ICTY Churchillplein 1
NL - 2517 JW The Hague

Sehr geehrte Herren!

Seit unseren Eingaben vom November und Dezember 2002 mussten die
Verhandlungen gegen Slobodan Milosevic krankheitsbedingt mehrfach
unterbrochen werden, allein in der Zeit seit der Sommerpause war dies
wiederholt der Fall. Zu Beginn dieser Woche ist erstmals die Situation
ein-getreten, dass bereits laufende Verhandlungen wegen aufgetretener
akuter Herz- und Kreislaufbe-schwerden abgebrochen werden mussten.
Den einschlägigen Befund hatte bereits der Ihrerseits beauftragte
Kardiologen Dr. P. R. M. van Dijkman in seinem Bericht vom 18. November
2002 mitgeteilt, als er „essentiellen Bluthochdruck mit sekundärem
Organschaden“, „während des Verfahrens erneut steiler Anstieg des
Blutdrucks bis zu 220/130 mmHg“, „einen Zustand, der wie ein
Hochdrucknotfall aussieht“ festgestellt hat, und die „Möglichkeit von
Erkrankungen der Herzkranzgefäße, Hirnschlag, Herzinfarkt und Tod“
Die jüngst eingetretene Situation gibt uns Anlass, in aller
Ernsthaftigkeit die Frage nach der Wahr-nehmung der Ihnen obliegenden
Obhuts- und Fürsorgepflicht zu stellen. Zwar sind in letzter Zeit
Meldungen über kontraindizierte oder Medikamente mit unvertretbaren
Nebenwirkungen aus-geblieben. Andererseits findet weiterhin keine
adäquate medizinischen Behandlung und Kontrolle, insbesondere keine
regelmäßige kardiologische Überwachung statt, was angesichts des
bekannten Disposition unverantwortlich erscheint.
Zwar wurden, wenn auch unvertretbarer Weise erst nach einem Jahr, die
Verhandlungstage pro Woche und die Verhandlungsdauer pro Tag etwas
reduziert. Andererseits soll die Masse des von der Anklage produzierten
Materials von vorliegenden 500.000 DIN A4-Seiten in diesem Jahr um
weitere 400.000 Seiten angewachsen sein, von Bild- und Tonträgern
abgesehen. Ein solcher Um-fang dürfte von keinem Menschen in der
vorgegebenen Zeit zu bewältigen sein, hier jedoch wirkt der Zeitmangel
erheblich stressfördernd und gesundheitsbedrohlich.
Wenn nun Frau Del Ponte in ihrem Interview mit der Neuen Zürcher
Zeitung vom 18.07.2003 zum Gesundheitszustand von Slobodan Milosevic
erklärt, „Es geht ihm gesundheitlich sehr, sehr gut. Viele Menschen
leiden mit 60 Jahren oder mehr an einem zu hohen Blutdruck. Wir schonen
ihn nicht. Ich hoffe nicht, dass Sie diesen Eindruck haben“, dann steht
dies im diametralen Gegensatz zu den ärztlichen Feststellungen und
Verfahrensvorschlägen, die in der 3. Kammer wiederholt be-raten worden
sind. Es steht in ebensolchem Gegensatz zu allen einschlägigen
Resolutionen der UN über die Behandlung von Inhaftierten. Wir hoffen
sehr, dass dieser von Frau Del Ponte zum Aus-druck gebrachte Zynismus
eine Ausnahmeerscheinung ist und nicht für die Haltung Ihrer
Instituti-on in Gänze steht.
Wir appellieren an Sie, im Hinblick auf die Hypertonie und das
festgestellte erhöhte Infarktrisiko von Slobodan Milosevic keine
Behandlung im Sinne einer „Nichtschonung“ zu praktizieren. Die
Bewältigung der von der Anklage vorgelegten Materialmenge ist in der
vorgegebenen Zeit rein technisch kaum möglich und stellt allein von
daher einen erheblichen, vermeidbaren Stressfaktor dar. Bereits für
einen jungen, gesunden Menschen bedeutete dies eine außerordentliche
Belastung. Im vorliegenden Fall ist eine längere Prozessunterbrechung
zur Vorbereitung der Verteidigung unabdingbar, nachdem die Anklage die
Vorlage ihrer Beweismittel abgeschlossen hat.
Herr Milosevic hat hierzu den Antrag auf eine Unterbrechung und
Haftentlassung für die Dauer von zwei Jahren gestellt. Es liegt im
Ermessen des Gerichts, dieses Verlangen unter dem Gesichts-punkt der
„Waffengleichheit“ zu prüfen, nachdem die Anklagebehörde mehr als zwei
Jahre Vorbe-reitungszeit hatte, die personelle Ausstattung nicht zu
Zumindest ist unter gesundheitlichen Aspekten die nun gewährte
Vorbereitungszeit von nur drei Monaten völlig unzureichend, da sie die
Risiko- und Stressfaktoren unverantwortlich steigert. Herr Milosevic
sollte für einen angemessenen, längeren Zeitraum vorübergehend auf
freien Fuß gesetzt werden, damit er sich während der Vorbereitung
seiner Verteidigung der Behandlung und Kontrol-le durch die ihn
langjährig behandelnden Ärzte in Belgrad unterziehen kann.


Im Auftrag

Dr. med. Uta Mader, Köln
Sprecherin der Initiative, Ärztin, International Physicians for the
Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW – Nobel Peace Prize 1985), Verein der
demokratischen Ärztinnen und Ärzte (VDÄÄ)
Matthias Jochheim, Frankfurt/Main, Arzt und Psychotherapeut, IPPNW
Prof. Dr. med. habil. Ilse Eisen-Hagemann, Berlin, Ärztin
Dr. phil. Hans-Peter Brenner, Bonn, Psychologischer Psychotherapeut,
Kassenärztliche Vereini-gung Koblenz,
Prof. Dr. med. habil. Ingeborg Rapoport, Berlin, Ärztin
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Dr. hc. mult. Samuel Mitja Rapoport, Berlin,
Dr. med. Christa Anders, Berlin, Ärztin
Dr. med. Ernst Bellmer, Erzhausen, Internist
Dr. med. Iris Jonkanski, Brinckheim (Frankreich), Ärztin
Barbara Mühlfeld, Frankfurt/Main
(Organisationsangaben dienen ausschließlich zur Information)

=== 2 ===

Nieder mit dem Inquisitionstribunal in Den Haag!
Verteidigt Slobodan Milosevic!

Resolution des Antiimperialistischen Lagers Assisi 2003

Wir rufen alle antiimperialistischen Kräfte auf für den 8. November
2003 nach Den Haag zur serbisch-internationalen Demonstration zu
mobilisieren, daran teilzunehmen oder sie mit anderen Mitteln zu

Über 10 Jahre leistete Jugoslawien gegen die US-geführte Weltordnung
Widerstand. Während die separatistischen Bewegungen und die neu
gegründeten Republiken dem Imperialismus um den Hals fielen, versuchte
Jugoslawien zumindest einen Teil der sozialen Errungenschaften der
Massen zu erhalten und weigerte sich dem neo-liberalen Diktat des IWF
zu gehorchen. Der Hauptgrund für die imperialistische Aggression gegen
Jugoslawien war jedoch der symbolische politische Wert des Widerstands
der serbischen Bevölkerung, die ihre nationale Unabhängigkeit gegen die
gesamte imperialistische Weltordnung verteidige. Während sich die
westliche „Zivilgesellschaft“ unter dem Deckmantel des „Humanitarismus“
mit dem Imperialismus verbündete, musste der jugoslawische Widerstand
gebrochen werden, weil er andere unterdrückte Völker ermutigen hätte
können ebenfalls zu revoltieren.

Erst nachdem sie Jugoslawien über zwei Monate bombardiert hatte, konnte
die NATO schließlich ihr Ziel, die Regierung Slobodan Milosevic zu
stürzen, durch einen Staatsstreich erreichen. Die westlichen,
gleichgeschalteten Medien nannten es eine „demokratische Revolution“,
wie schon zehn Jahr zuvor in Osteuropa und Russland. Doch allein durch
die Auslieferung Präsident Milosevic’ nach Den Haag verletzten die
neuen pro-imperialistischen Führer des Landes die Verfassung und traten
das gesamte jugoslawische Rechtssystem mit Füßen, wodurch sie eine
Bananenrepublik am Balkan entstehen hatten lassen, die von der „Güte“
und Willkür des Westens abhängig ist.

Auch das so genannte Tribunal in Den Haag verletzt das Völkerrecht, da
der UN-Sicherheitsrat unter US-Führung sich bei seiner Schaffung
anmaßte, rechtsprechende Institutionen zu bilden. Dies ist nach
UN-Charta alleiniges Prärogativ der Nationalstaaten. Den Haag wird von
der NATO bezahlt und dient einem einzigen Zweck: ihren
imperialistischen Angriff auf Jugoslawien zu rechtfertigen und ihre
Opfer dazu zu zwingen, sich selbst als Aggressoren zu bezichtigen. Eine
Anklage der NATO wegen ihres bewaffneten Überfalls auf Jugoslawien sei
hingegen außerhalb ihrer Zuständigkeit, erklärte jene Institution, die
den offiziellen Namen „Internationales Verbrechertribunal für
Ex-Jugoslawien“ führt. Mit ihrem Ziel einen legalen Boden für die
Abspaltung des Kosovo und die Auflösung der Republika Srpska zu
schaffen und mit der Einmischung in die internen Angelegenheiten
Serbiens, ist das Tribunal ebenfalls ein Werkzeug weiterer
imperialistischer Aggression und Kolonisierung des Balkans.

Slobodan Milosevic Verteidigung durchkreuzte ihre Pläne. Es gelang ihm
die Lügen aufzuzeigen und die wahren Gründe der Aggression offen zu
legen: Das amerikanische Design einer globalen Weltordnung. Der
gegenwärtig bedeutendste politische Häftling und der Kriegsgefangene
der NATO verdient die volle Solidarität aller progressiven Kräfte für
seine Standhaftigkeit und seinen Mut bei der Infragestellung der
Legitimität jener Kraft, die ihn weiter in Gefangenschaft hält und in
der Aufdeckung der imperialistischen Aggression gegen den Balkan.

Nachdem vier Jahre der Vorbereitung falscher Belastungen durch die
„Anklage“ keinerlei Resultate brachten, gestattet das „Tribunal“ der
„Verteidigung“ nicht einmal die Hälfte der Zeit. Das Tribunal spottet
in jeder Hinsicht selbstverständlichen rechtsstaatlichen Standards.
Während es hunderte Menschen gegen Milosevic beschäftigen, wird diesem
kaum gestattet von seinen Anwälten besucht zu werden. Obwohl es sich um
einen rein politischen Prozess handelt, wird Slobodan Milosevic von der
Öffentlich völlig abgeschirmt. Es wird ihm weder erlaubt mit der Presse
noch mit seinen Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützern zu sprechen. Die
NATO versucht mit allen Mitteln einen neuen „Reistagsbrandsprozess“ zu
verhindern, indem sie das Tribunal in eine moderne Form der Inquisition
verwandelt, wo der Schuldspruch schon Vorab feststeht, der Angeklagte
aller international garantierter Rechte beraubt wird (einschließlich
medizinischer Versorgung) und das Verfahren zur absoluten Willkür

Währenddessen, im Schatten der imperialistischen Aggression gegen den
Irak, wurde eine neuen Phase der Aggression gegen Jugoslawien erreicht.
Die westliche Marionette in Serbien, Zoran Djindjic, wurde durch jene
Elemente der Mafia ermordet, von deren Hilfe er zur Machtergreifung
abhängig war. Seine Amtsnachfolger nutzen die Gelegenheit in Serbien
den Notstand auszurufen, um die demokratischen Rechte zu beschneiden
und den Staatsapparat von den darin verbleibenden progressiven Menschen
zu säubern. Heute hat ein Arm der Mafia Regierungsmacht errungen und
nutz diese um die anderen Teil zu zerschlagen. Auch nach der Aufhebung
des Ausnahmezustands bleiben viele Einschränkungen der Bürgerinnen- und
Bürgerrechte aufrecht. Ein weiterer Riss ging durch das Land – mit der
Aufgabe des Namens „Jugoslawien“ wurde die Bundesrepublik in einen
schwachen Staatenbund ohne demokratische Bestätigung verwandelt. Die
Medien sind streng an die Regierung gebunden. Politische Gegner können
über Monat
e ohne angemessenes Gerichtsverfahren eingesperrt werden. Serbien
durchlebt die schlimmste Diktatur seit der Zeit der deutschen
Militärbesatzung. Während die üblichen Rezepte des IWF durchgesetzt
werden, wird die nationale Ökonomie an ausländisches Kapital
ausverkauft und das Land deindustrialisiert. Die Mehrheit der
Bevölkerung wurde in tiefste Armut und Elend gestürzt. Trotz der
Pinochet- ähnlichen Verhältnisse im Menschenrechtsbereich werden die
Marionetten-Führer von den USA und der EU für ihre demokratischen
Errungenschaften gepriesen.

Das Antiimperialistische Lager ist über die Tendenz innerhalb der SPS,
sich den imperialistischen Regeln nach dem Modell der früheren
kommunistischen Parteien in Osteuropa anzupassen und die zehn Jahre des
Widerstands zu verraten, beunruhigt.

Das Antiimperialistische Lager unterstütz all jene Kräfte in Serbien
die weiterhin für die nationale Souveränität und soziale Gleichheit
kämpfen und wird seine aktive Solidarität den Versuchen, eine breitest
mögliche antiimperialistische Kraft zu bilden, angedeihen lassen. Der
Kampf gegen die imperialistische Plünderung muss mit jenem für
nationale Unabhängigkeit verbunden sein. Dafür muss die Besatzung der
Kosovo durch die NATO beendet und die Provinz an Serbien zurückgegeben
werden. Die nationalistischen Vertreibungen gegen die Serben des Kosovo
und anderer Minderheiten müssen rückgängig gemacht und eine Lösung
ausgearbeitet werden, die, basierend auf dem Konzept einer
antiimperialistischen Föderation am Balkan, gleiche Rechte für die
serbische und die albanische Bevölkerung garantiert.

Alleine die föderalistische Idee Jugoslawiens konnte die Menschen am
Balkan gegen den Imperialismus vereinigen und soziale Gerechtigkeit,
Fortschritt und Frieden sichern. Deswegen wurde Jugoslawien vom
Imperialismus angegriffen. Trotz der Verzerrungen durch die westliche
Propaganda ist klar, die Unabhängigkeitsbewegungen die dem
Imperialismus um den Hals fallen, und - gegen Jugoslawien - das Recht
auf nationale Selbstbestimmung forderten während sie den Serben das
selbe Recht vorenthielten, waren jene die Jugoslawien zerstörten, und
nicht die Serben, die für soziale Gerechtigkeit und ihre Unabhängigkeit
vom Imperialismus kämpften. Tatsächlich waren die Serben die einzigen
die das jugoslawische Prinzip des multinationalen Staates verteidigten.
Genauso wie der deutsche Imperialismus unter den Nazis Jugoslawien im
2. Weltkrieg zerstörte, so tat es heute der amerikanisch-deutsche
NATO-Imperialismus, durch Unterstützung des nationalistischen Hasses,
nationalistischen Extremismus und nationalistischer Gräueltaten gepaart
mit militärischer Aggression, Besetzung und der Einsetzung eines
Marionettenregimes. Um die Bevölkerung des Balkan vor nationalistischen
Konflikten und sozialem Elend zu schützen bleibt nur eine Lösung: die
demokratische Vereinigung des Balkan gegen den Imperialismus.

Nieder mit der pro-westlichen Diktatur in Serbien!
Freiheit für Slobodan Milosevic und für die Abschaffung des politischen
Tribunals in Den Haag!
NATO raus aus dem Balkan!

Jugoslawisch-Österreichische Solidaritätsbewegung
Meiselstraße 46/4
A-1150 Wien
Tel&Fax: (+43 1) 924 31 61


Di chi si tratta? Scegli tra le seguenti opzioni possibili:

1. Di Giuliano Ferrara secondo Emilio Fede
2. Di Indro Montanelli secondo Maurizio Costanzo
3. Di Paolo Mieli secondo Vittorio Sgarbi
4. Di Alessandro Curzi secondo Paolo Mieli
5. Di Paolo Mieli secondo Rina Gagliardi

(la risposta su "Liberazione" di ieri, 21/9/2003, a pagina 8)


Dr Milan Tepavac
Beograd, 21. septembar 2003. godine

Izvinjenja koje su izrekli Svetozar Marovic i Stjepan Mesic u Beogradu
prilikom nedavne prve zvanicne posete Mesica Beogradu izazvala su,
razumljivo, interesovanje kako domace tako i svetske
razlicitim ocenama. Ali ne preterano interesovanje.

U Srbiji se uglavnom ne daje neki narociti znacaj izjavama Marovica i
Mesica; pre bi se moglo reci da ih se ignoriše. U Hrvatskoj se
iskrivljeno komentariše i prihvaca samo Maroviceva, a osuduje Mesiceva.
Na primer, jedna od perjanica hrvatske politike, predsednik Hrvatskog
bloka (HB) Ivic Pašalic osudio je "ispriku" hrvatskog predsednika
Stjepana Mesica izrecenu u Beogradu, nazvavši je sramotnom i
ponižavajucom za sve hrvatske gradane, a drži i da je Mesic time
osramotio dužnost koju "obnaša". Na konferenciji za novinare Pašalic je
naglasio da ce prava "isprika" Beograda biti ona kada se "neki srpski
celnik isprica na Ovcari".

Evo kako su uglavnom strani mediji preveli na engleski i obojili ono
što su Marovic i Mesic izjavili:

“I want to apologize for all evils that any citizen of Serbia and
Montenegro inflicted upon or committed against anyone in Croatia,” said
a relaxed--too relaxed, charged the critics later--Marovic during a 10
September press conference with Croatia’s president.
Although he appeared genuinely surprised, Mesic, who is the first
Croatian president to visit Belgrade, quickly mastered a decent
response which reflected his well-known views on the issue. “I, for my
part, apologize to all those who have suffered pain or damage at any
time from citizens of Croatia who misused the law or abused their
positions,” he said.

Sve u svemu, politicari i sredstva javnog informisanja sa zapadnih
strana ove naše u svakom pogledu zagadene planete odobravaju i
pozdravljaju to što su dvojica drugara ucinila. Ove i ovakve izjave su
pravi melem za one na Zapadu koji imaju bar izvesnu grižu savesti zbog
svega onog što su ucinili: podsticanjem, ohrabrivanjem, organizovanjem,
finansiranjem, snabdevanjem oružjem i diplomatskim priznanjem
secesionistickikog komadanja najpre SFR Jugoslavije a zatim SR
Jugosslavije, a zatim "Srbije i Crne Gore" i na kraju Srbije koju
nameravaju da svedu na Beogradski pašaluk, ako ne i da potpuno zatru.
Naravno, ove izjave pozdravljaju i oni koji nemaju ni trunke griže
savesti, zlocinci koji sve što su cinili i što cine iz ciste
šicardžijske racunice smišljene negde u tamnim jazbinama novog svetskog
poretka, jer ih one prividno oslobadaju odgovornosti.

Iako, kao što rekosmo, ovde u Srbiji citav slucaj prode bez velike
uocljivosti, poslednji broj NIN-a mu je posvetio tri teksta. Mislim da
je novinar NIN-a Lj. Smajlovic (NIN od 18.9.2003) ispravno uocila
suštinu stvari: da se ni jedan od njih nije izvinio ("ispricao") u ime
državnih organa svojih država, odnosno svojih država, nego u ime
pojedinaca (Marovic "za sva zla koje je bilo koji gradanin Crne Gore i
Srbije ucinio bilo kome u Hrvatskoj", a Mesic svima kojima su "gradani
Hrvatske nanijeli neko zlo bilo kada protivno zakonu"). Iz teksta u
istom listu Ive Banjca, ministra u vladi Hrvatske, saznajemo da te
izjave nisu bile predvidene protokolom, da je Marovic iznenadio svoga
cudnog gosta, postavljajuci pitanje da li se sme improviozovati kada je
rec o tako krupnim stvarima. Zaista.

Mislim da zbog toga, a i zbog sadržaja datih izjava i okolnosti u
kojima je do njih došlo, ne treba im davati onaj znacaj koji one
nemaju. Cak i da su sadržajno promišljenije, Marovicevu izjavu treba
smatrati samo za njegovo privatno mišljenje iz nekoliko razloga. Pre
svega, njegova funkcija se ni u kom slucaju ne može smatrati kao
funkcija jednog šefa države cije izjave na medunarodnom planu obavezuju
države. "Srbija i Crna Gora" nije država. Ako ovo nekome zvuci
neuverljivo ili cak apsurdno neka samo okrene jedan list istog broja
NIN-a i procita intervju sa Dragoljubom Micunovicem, koga NIN ne
predstavlja kao "predsednika Skupštine SCG" vec kao funkcionera jedne
politicke partije. Micunovic u intervjuu doslovno veli: "Ko je
svojevremeno ovlastio ljude da zajedno sa Solanom naprave ovakvu
državnu zajednicu? Po kojem ustavu je to uradeno? Niko od njih nije bio
ovlašcen da napravi Beogradski sporazum koji propisuje ustavna nacela
kao svetinje. Ni predsednik države, ni predsednik vlade, niti
potpredsednik vlade što je još bizarnije nisu bili ovlašceni ni po kom
ustavnom ili bilo kom drugom zakonu da donesu Beogradski sporazum i
stvore ovakvu državu. Oni su to uradili... Skupile se oligarhije i
potpisale". Tako dakle govori prva i najodgovorrnija licnost te
nepostojece države, predsednik njene Skupštine. Ovome treba dodati ono
što je zapanjujuce, što je možda bez presedana u istoriji stvaranja
država: nijedan gradanin SR Jugoslavije, nijedan poslanik ni u jednom
od tri njena paralamnta – saveznom, srbijanskom i crnogorskom – nije
moga da promeni ni jedno slovo u Beogradskom sporazumu i nacrtu
"ustavne povelje" koju je sastavila samozvana grupa od 27 lica koja
nisu predstavljali nikoga. A jedna strankinja, sekretarica ratnog
zlocinca Havijara Solane, po imenu Kristina Galjak, imala je tacno 48
intervencija u tekst "Ustavne povelje"!! Dakle, to je osnovni razlog
zašto treba samatrati da je Svetozar Marovic "izvinjenjem" govorio samo
u svoje ime. Sledeci razlog koji diskvalifikuje Marovica da govori u
ime države, pa makar i nepostojece, jeste što je on u više navrata
isakazao svoje politicko opredeljenje da je u Beograd došao da i
formalno likvidira državu Srbiju i Crnu Goru. Gotovo bih se mogao
kladiti sa bilo kim da ce on, nakon isteka trogodišnjeg probnog perioda
zapisanog u "Ustavnoj povelji" izjaviti: "Ja sam svoj zadatak ispunio:
Srbija i Crna Gora ni formalno više ne postoji kao država", baš kao što
je njegov cudni beogradski gost izjavio 5. oktobra 1991. u svojstvu
predsednika Predsedništva SFRJ: "Ja sam svoj zadatak ispunio –
Jugoslavije više nema!".

Eto, u tom kontekstu treba gledati na Marovicevo "izvinjenje". A što se
Mesicevog tice, možda bi najadekvatnije bilo da ponovimo ono što je
rekla Lisjen Meceler povodom izvinjenja Nemacke za masakr u belgijskom
gradicu Dinantu 1914. godine: "Ne opraštam im i ne treba nam njihovo
izvinjenje. Ja ionako ne verujem u njihovu iskrenost". I uopšte kada je
rec o izvinjenjima, nešto mi nije poznato da su se Nemcima izvinjavali
Rusi, Poljaci, Francuzi, Britanci, Amerikanci, Jevreji... ni nakon što
je Vili Brant kleknuo na jednom od stratišta Drugog svetskog rata.
Ipak, zna se ko je prvi poceo i zašto.

Mi, dakle, nemamo državu niti se možemo nadati da ce postojeci
vlastodršci da je naprave. Jedino njihovom smenom na predstojecim
izborima mogu se stvoriti uslovi za neki novi pocetak, za narodni
preporod i budenje, za stvaranje prave funkcionalne države. Svaki
student prve godine prava zna za izreku iz rimskog prava: quod initio
vitiosum est, non potest tractu temporis convalescere. Taj genijani
princip naš je narod formulisao u clanu 1006 Opšteg imovinskog zakonika
za Knjaževinu Crnu Goru: "Što se grbo rodi, vrijeme ne ispravi; što je
s pocetka nezakonito, to samim vremenom zakonito ne postaje."

Sve napred receno je više formalna strana citavog cudnog dogadaja
beogradskog "izvinjenja". Suštinski, pak, treba reci da se pitanju
prošlih, sadašnjih i buducih odnosa izmedu Srba i Hrvata mora prilaziti
sa daleko više studioznosti i poznavanja svih relevantnih okolnosti
koje su dovele do sloma a ostalo neka prekrije šutnja, kako se to veli
u najslavnijoj Šekspirovoj tragediji. Tu nema mesta improvizacijama
kojima su pribegli Marovic i Mesic.

G. Desimir Tošic je u pravu kada ukazuje (u istom broju NIN-a) da je
nacionalno-politicka dimenzija ovog problema cinjenja zla i priznavanja
ucinjenog zla daleko složenija nego što mnogi misle. Ali nije u pravu
kada nastavlja: "Covek ne zna gde da pocne, jer naša takozvana
istoriografija puna je mitova i legendi. Ko je prvi poceo da cini zlo?
U ime cega?...Kakvi brojevi žrtava? Daju se u tom pogledu paušalne
cifre. Naši ljudi ne znaju, i Srbi i Hrvati, da našim brojevima niko ne
veruje". Tacno je da kada je rec o periodu Drugog svetskog rata – koji
period je i najrelevenatniji za temu o kojoj govorimo – da je istina
prikrivana, zarad – sada to znamo – navodnog bratstva i jedinstva
izmedu Srba i Hrvata. Znalo se i zna se, gospodine Tošicu, ko je prvi
poceo da cini zlo i u ime cega. Reci ce vam tekstovi Ante Starcevica,
Josipa Franka, Ante Pavelica i mnogo, mnogo drugih Hrvata. I
Izetbegoviceva Islamska deklaracija. Ali, ostavimo ih ovom prilikom po
strani i pocnimo samo od 10. travnja 1941. i šta je odmah nakon toga
usledilo: pokolj mirnog potpuno nedužnog srpskog stanovništva na
celokupnoj teritoriji Nezavisne Države Hrvatske, osnovane tog datuma,
koja je obuhvatala, kao što se zna, i Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Tu je živelo
od najranijih vremena preko dva miliona Srba. Pokolj po motivima i
okrutnosti bez presedana u citavoj ljudskoj istoriji. Jedini motiv je
bio pripadnost srpskom narodu odnosno pravoslavnoj veri. Iako su Broz i
njegovi srpski poslušnici cinili sve što su mogli da sprece da se sazna
prava i puna istina o razmerama i karakteru pocinjenih zlocina, ipak je
bilo i ima prilican broj relevantnih izvora i svedoka koji omogucuju da
se sazna istina svakome koga istina uopšte interesuje, mada, što se
broja žrtava tice, zbog napred navedenih okolnosti nekada necemo, ni
buduce generacije, saznati za tacan broj. Za valjane zakljucke
matematicki tacan broj je poželjan ali nije neophodan da se saglda
razmera zla. U Dvoru na Uni je pred izbijanje secesionistickih ratova u
Sloveniji, Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini izdata knjiga koja daje
precizne podatke za tu Opštinu, imenom i prezimenom, nacin i okolnosti
likvidiranja Srba – njih 2.196 muškaraca, žena i dece. Petar Zinaic
napisao je knjigu koju bismo mogli nazvati najpotresnijom knjigom koja
je ikada napisana – da nije "Jame" Ivana Gorana Kovacica (Hrvat) i
Kulenoviceve (musliman) "Stojanke majke Knežpoljke" koje se takode
odnose na pokolje Srba u NDH- koja nosi naziv "Genocid na Kordunu i
okolici 1941-1945". Ta knjiga sadrži hiljade i hiljade žrtava, punim
imenom i prezimenom, i okolnostima stradanja srpskog življa na Kordunu
tokom Drugog svetskog rata. Da je gospodin Tošic procitao samo jednu
sigurno njemu poznatu knjigu ne bi imao sumnji u pogledu pitanja ko je
prvi poceo i u ime cega: rec je o knjizi dr Srde Trifkovica "Ustaše –
balkansko srce tame na evropskoj politickoj sceni". Izmedu ostalog,
knjiga sadrži i podatke o tome koliko su se Nemci i Italijani, mada
okrutni okupatori, zgravažali i užasavali zbog zlocina Hrvata i
muslimana nad nedužnim srpskim narodnom u NDH.

Tako da je i ono što je poznato više nego dovoljno govori da možemo
doci do pravih zakljucaka o tome "ko je prvi poceo da cini zlo i u ime
cega". U ime cega? Jednostavno: u ime totalnog genocida nad
prekodrinskim srpskim narodom. Tu ideologiju totalnog genocida možda
najbolje objašnjava jedan od najbližih saradnika Ante Pavelica
Eugen-Dido Kvaternik. On 1942. godine poverava Branku Pešelju, jednom
od visokih funkcionera HSS-a, da ma kako se završio rat, Srba u NDH
više nece biti; i ma ko pobedio morace da se suoci sa tom cinjenicom.

Kao što je poznato, Kvaternik se prevario samo utoliko što to njemu i
Pavelicu nije pošlo za rukom. Tudmanu i tudmanovcima jeste pola veka

War Criminal Wesley Clark for President?

1. Links
2. A commentary by Rick Rozoff
3. A commentary by Mitchel Cohen
4. A commentary by Wayne Madsen at
5. Extracts from (with many
interesting links!)

=== 1 ===


Wesley Clark - A War Criminal?
(read some extracts below in this posting)

Citizen Clark?
Or, Why Electing a Mass Murderer Is a Really Bad Idea
(by Nebojsa Malic)

A Clinton by Another Name? (by Lowell Ponte)

The New Anti-War Candidate?

Wesley Clark's Ties To Muslim Terrorists (by Cliff Kincaid)

THE EARLY DEPARTURE - articles about Clark

General in Balkan War Says Pentagon Hampered NATO


Legitimate Targets? How U.S. Media Supported War Crimes in Yugoslavia
By Jim Naureckas

From Waco to Belgrade: Wesley Clark and America's "Army of the Future"

Genocide or Veracicide Will NATO's Lying Ever Stop? by Stephen Gowans

=== 2 ===

Da: Rick Rozoff
Data: Mar 16 Set 2003 19:42:16 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: Clark For President

The die is cast. An apt expression, as it was coined -
in a political context - by Julius Caesar when, as
Roman commander in Gaul, he decided to cross the
Rubicon River and defy the Senate, signaling the end
of the Republic.
This abhorrent would-be Imperator, a classical Man on
Horseback, is running to the rescue of a very troubled
system, one stretched to the breaking point overseas
and rapidly rotting from within.
So whoever it is who has designated Clark the New
Order's savior (and it's not the clueless Michael
Moore) presents Americans and the world with a
*humanitarian, multilateralist and internationalist*
alternative to a sinking Bush-Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz
regime that could be knocked over with a feather at
the moment if anything serious - a genuine peace and
disarmament campaign and candidate - dared challenge
The point of the Clark initiative, however, is not to
challenge the system and its decades' long disastrous,
inhuman policies, but precisely to bail it out with a
'fresh voice in a lackluster campaign season' and all
the other pre-prepared cliches currently abounding in
the establishment press outlets.
Make no mistake. Clark is a life-long militarist,
imperialist and war criminal; baptized in blood in
Indochina; implicated, as US Southern Command head, in
some of the worst death squad brutalities in Colombia
in 1996-97; and, as his culminating enormity,
ruthlessly and with gratuitous recklessness and
savagery commanding the Hitlerian war against the
people of Yugoslavia for 79 days in 1999.
The first unprovoked war, the first relentless
campaign of lethal air power against a European nation
and people since the defeat of the Third Reich some 58
years ago.
To have, as the US now does, a career general and
fellow Vietnam (and Operation Desert Storm) militarist
as foreign minister/Secretary of State is ominous
To escalate this disturbing trend to the level of
having Wesley Clark making a viable bid for the White
House, whether as chief executive or as shadow
president for a Dean administration - essentially
playing Dick Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld to Dean's
George W. Bush - would broadcast to the world the fact
that the US has dropped all pretense of being a
civilian power and has nakedly announced its intention
to make a final play for world political and military
Clark as president - or, more likely, vice-president -
would be no more a 'multilateralist' than he was as US
Supreme Allied Commander in Europe/NATO Commander.
Who outside the increasingly sodden, coopted, suborned
commercial Fourth Estate can believe or expect others
to that Clark 'consulted' with his alleged NATO
partners - Luxemburg, say, or Iceland - before,
increasingly thwarted by both Yugoslavia's military
defense and the spirited opposition of its people, he
abandoned all pretense of targeting military forces
and installations and unleashed a two month long
'targets of opportunity' rampage against power
plants, oil depots, civilian broadcasting facilities,
passenger trains and buses, refugee columns and
religious processions, apartment complexes and
maternity wards, every bridge across the Danube River,
culminating in the devastation of the the Chinese
Embassy in Belgrade with the deaths of three Chinese
citizens and warnings by then Russian president Boris
Yeltsin that if such aggression didn't cease 'there
will be war in Europe and possibly a world war'?
A world war, with the world's two major nuclear
powers, the US and Russia, was exactly what was
narrowly averted when British commander Sir Michael
Jackson refused Clark's order to militarily - with
first paratroopers, then with tanks - assault the
Russian troops who had deployed from Bosnia to the
airport in Kosovo's capital, Pristina, in June of
This trademark event epitomizes what could be expected
of a Wesley Clark in the White House.
He already has a record: One of unprecedented
aggressive adventurism and cynical disregard for
international law and even the norms of warfare.
One of contempt for human life and a sociopathic
thrillseeker's obsession with provoking the
unthinkable. He's proven it beyond any doubt.
One of many tragedies unfolding at the moment is that
many otherwise well-motivated Americans, spooked into
moral panic by the Bush administration - which
presents an unquestioned world danger that cannot be
overestimated - have been swept up by the tide of
'anyone but Bush,' which is to say any Democrat but
Bush, and as such are easy prey for the other wing of
the imperial hawk, that which mirrors and echoes in
every genuine particular the arrogant and brute
designs of the Project for the New American Century
cabal that dominates the Bush-Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz
Clark, as alarming and as appalling as he is as an
individual, presents a yet greater danger for the US
and the world: Diabolical cynicism disguised as
altruism and idealism, a doctrine of international
military conquest cloaked in the sheepskin of a peace
candidate, an irreversible capitulation by the
erstwhile peace movement to the most callous form of

=== 3 ===

Da: mitchelcohen
Data: Mar 16 Set 2003 18:51:28 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: [yugoslaviainfo] Gen. Wesley Clark --
War Criminal, Don't Be Fooled

Gen. Wesley Clark is a major war criminal.
Please don't be fooled by the
current well-orchestrated push to nominate
Clark as Democratic Party
nominee for president, at trap which
Michael Moore has apparently fallen
into as well as a number of other well-
meaning peace people.

Gen. Wesley Clark was in charge of
refugee camps in the 1980s and 1990s
where Haitian refugees who were fleeing
first Baby Doc Duvalier (and later
the new regime installed by the US following
the overthrowal of the elected
Aristide government in the early 1990s),
were packed, under appalling
conditions condemned by the Center for
Constitutional Rights, among many
others. In the 1980s, many Haitian male
refugees incarcerated at Krome (in
Miami), and Fort Allen (in Puerto Rico)
reported a strange condition called
gyneacomastia, a situation in which they
developed full female breasts. Ira
Kurzban, attorney for the Haitian Refugee
Center, managed to pry free
government documents via a lawsuit on
behalf of the refugees. These
contained the startling information that
prison officials had ordered the
refugees sprayed repeatedly with
highly toxic chemicals never designed for
such generic use. The officer in charge
of the refugee camp? None other
than Gen. Wesley Clark, chief of operations
at the US Navy internment camp
at Guantanamo, and later head of NATO
forces bombing Yugoslavia. The
documents go on to say that lengthy
exposure to the particular chemicals
can cause hormonal changes that
induce development of female breasts.
Medical studies of female Haitian
refugees in New York revealed that they
had a much higher rate of cervical
cancer than the rest of the female population.

Half a decade later, Gen Welsey Clark
was supreme NATO commander in
Yugoslavia. He presided over the massive
use of depeleted uranium weapons
there which poisoned Yugoslavia's water
supply and agriculture, leading to
an extremely high rate of miscarriages
and childhood cancers.

Clark was in charge of NATO's "spin" in
the Yugoslavia bombardment. Clark
called the destruction of a Yugoslav train
filled with civilians by a NATO
missile "an uncanny accident." He said
the same each time that NATO bombed
civilian targets, which happened frequently.

Paul Watson reported in the San Francisco
Chronicle that "NATO bombers
scored several direct hits here in Kosovo's
capital yesterday — including a
graveyard, a bus station, and a children's
basketball court." (April 14) A
Spanish pilot flying missions for NATO,
Capt. Martin de la Hoz, stated that
on a number of occasions his supervising
colonel protested to NATO about
their bombing of non-military, civilian
targets. "Once there was a coded
order from the North American military
that we should drop anti-personnel
bombs over Pristina and Nis. All of the
missions that we flew, all and each
one, were planned in detail, including
attacking planes, targets and type
of ammunition, by US high-ranking
military authorities. ... They are
destroying the country," the Spanish
F-18 pilot continued, "bombing it with
novel weapons, toxic nerve gasses,
surface mines dropped by parachute,
bombs containing uranium, black
napalm, sterilization chemicals, sprayings
to poison crops, and weapons of which
even we still know nothing about."
(quoted in "Articulo 20," a Spanish weekly
newspaper, June 14, 1999)

Clark defended all of these bombings, and
was an integral part of the
Clinton team's "spin" operation in Yugoslavia.

- Mitchel Cohen

=== 4 ===

September 18, 2003

Wesley Clark for President?
Another Con Job from the Neo-Cons

Let it never be said the neo-conservatives are not
persistent. That's why they must be rounded up by the
FBI and charged with violating the Racketeer
Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statutes.
But let's save that issue for another time.

The latest trick of the neo-cons is running retired
General Wesley Clark for President as a Democrat. But
not just any Democrat -- a "New Democrat." The same
bunch that are pushing Joe Lieberman's candidacy are
obviously hedging on their bets and want to have Clark
in the race as a potential vice presidential candidate
(to ensure their continued influence in a future
Democratic administration of Howard Dean, John Kerry,
or Dick Gephardt) or as a "go-to" candidate in the
event that Lieberman stumbles badly in the first few
Democratic primaries next year.

The "New Democrats" (neo-cons) are as much masters at
the perception management (lying) game as their GOP
counterparts (Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, and Donald
Rumsfeld). Clark's presidential candidacy announcement
in Little Rock is one warning sign. This city is a
sort of "Mecca" for the neo-con Democratic Leadership
Council (DLC) and its main nurturers, Al From and
Bruce Reed. It was from Little Rock where the DLC
propelled a little known governor named Bill Clinton
into the White House. And although Clinton did not
turn out exactly as conservative as the DLC hoped for,
his support for globalization and selected use of U.S.
military power abroad were neo-con keystone successes.

Now enter "Arkansan" Wesley Clark. Like Hillary
Clinton, Clark is a Chicago transplant to Little Rock.
And he is about as power driven as the former First
Lady. According to Pentagon insiders, when Clark was
Commander of the US Southern Command in Panama from
June 1996 to July 1997, he was fond of "ordering"
Latin American military commanders and defense
ministers to appear before him. Some of the Latin
American officials, particularly those from Brazil,
Argentina, and Chile, refused to be bullied by Clark,
whose personality is said to be acerbic. From his
pro-consul position in Panama, Clark supported with US
military advisers and American mercenaries, continued
warfare against anti-oligarchic movements in Colombia,
Peru, Guatemala, Mexico, and Bolivia.

Fast forward to the Kosovo wars when Clark was NATO
commander. Not only did Clark lord over the first
unprovoked aerial bombardment of a major European city
(Belgrade) since Adolf Hitler's Luftwaffe pounded
virtually defenseless European cities, but he almost
got into a shooting war with Russian peacekeeping
troops in Kosovo. It was only the intervention of the
British government, Defense Secretary William Cohen,
and Joint Chiefs Chairman General Hugh Shelton that
prevented Clark from starting World War III. When
Clark ordered British Lt. Gen. Michael Jackson to
forcibly block Kosovo's Pristina Airport to prevent
Russian planes from landing, the Briton replied, "Sir,
Ia*TMm not starting World War III for you.a** Jackson
was backed up all the way to Number 10 Downing Street.
Clark was forced to back down. Eventually, Cohen fired
Clark as NATO commander three months before his term
was to expire.

Before becoming NATO Commander, Clark was the Director
for Strategic Plans and Policy within the Joint Chiefs
of Staff. From this vantage point, Clark was well
aware of and likely supported the arming of the
Bosnian government by accepting contributions from
various deep-pocketed Muslim countries, including
Saudi Arabia, Iran, Malaysia, Brunei, Jordan, and
Egypt. Via something called the Bosnia Defense Fund,
these countries deposited millions of dollars into
U.S. coffers to buy weapons for the Bosnians and train
them in their use through the use of private military
contractors like Military Professional Resources, Inc.
(MPRI). And when some of the weapons and cash for the
Bosnians became "unaccounted for," where did some of
the guns and cash wind up? In the hands of Al Qaeda
and Iranian Pasdaran (Revolutionary Guard) units in

More interestingly is how General Clark's Bosnia
strategy ultimately goes full circle. According to
Washington K Street sources, the law firm that
established the Bosnia Defense Fund was none other
than Feith and Zell, the firm of current Pentagon
official and leading neo-con Douglas Feith. Feith's
operation at Feith and Zell was assisted by his
one-time boss and current member of Rumsfeld's Defense
Policy Board, Richard Perle. Both Feith and Perle
advised the Bosnian delegation during the 1995 Dayton
Peace talks. The chief U.S. military negotiator in
Dayton was Wesley Clark.

A long time ago, the French, tired of war, turned to a
short general named Napoleon to lead them to peace and
prosperity. Instead, Napoleon seized imperial power
and ensured the French would have more war. After four
years of Bush, the neo-con Fifth Column in the
Democratic Party is trying to convince us that Clark
is the "anti-war" candidate. Tell that to the people
of Serbia, Kosovo, and Montenegro. Tell that to the
coca farmer in Bolivia or Colombia who is trying to
feed his family. Let's not fall for the deception and
tricks of the neo-cons again. If you are tired of
Bush, Cheney, and the neo-cons and their phony wars,
Clark is certainly not the answer. He has been, and
remains part of, the great deception of the American

Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative
journalist and columnist. He wrote the introduction to
Forbidden Truth. He is the co-author, with John
Stanton, of the forthcoming book, "America's
Nightmare: The Presidency of George Bush II."

=== 5 === (EXTRACTS)

Wesley Clark - A War Criminal?

For those in the audience who did not have a flier, I began to explain
the picture [ which showed
General Clark in a congratulatory handshake with Hashim Thaci, leader
of the KLA, which under the noses of KFOR had murdered or ethnically
cleansed thousands of Kosovo Serbs and had destroyed more Orthodox
Christian churches and monasteries than were destroyed in 500 years
under the Ottoman Empire. Next to Thaci was Bernard Kouchner, Chief
U.N. administrator in Kosovo, British General Sir Michael Jackson, and
Agim Ceku, who commanded the Croatian Army in "Operation Storm" that
ethnically cleansed 250,000 Serbs from Krajina and murdered thousands
and who now commands the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC), the thinly
disguised successor to the KLA. It should be noted that the KLA, with
whom we allied ourselves, at one time was designated by the U.S. State
Department as a terrorist organization. Of course, this is the same KLA
about whom Senator Joe Lieberman said: "The United States of America
and the Kosovo Liberation Army stand for the same values and principles
. . . Fighting for the KLA is fighting for human rights and American
values." (Washington Post, Apr.28, 1999). Clark at Borders bookstore
[, Pentagon Center Mall,
17 Jul 2001 by Colonel George Jatras, USAF (Ret.) *

At the beginning of the Kosovo conflict,CounterPunch delved into the
military career of General Wesley Clark
[ and discovered that his
meteoric rise through the ranks derived from the successful
manipulation of appearances: faking the results of combat exercises,
greasing to superiors and other practices common to the general officer
corps. We correctly predicted that the unspinnable realities of a real
war would cause him to become unhinged. Given that Clark attempted to
bomb the CNN bureau in Belgrade and ordered the British General Michael
Jackson to engage Russian troops in combat at the end of the war, we
feel events amply vindicated our forecast. With the end of hostilities
it has become clear even to Clark that most people, apart from some
fanatical members of the war party in the White House and State
Department, consider the general, as one Pentagon official puts it, "a
horse's ass". Defense Secretary William Cohen is known to loathe him,
and has seen to it that the Hammer of the Serbs will be relieved of the
Nato command two months early. Gen. Wesley Clark Fights On and On

The guy who almost started World War III?

From The Guardian, Tuesday August 3, 1999:

No sooner are we told by Britain's top generals that the Russians
played a crucial role in ending the west's war against Yugoslavia than
we learn that if Nato's supreme commander, the American General Wesley
Clark, had had his way, British paratroopers would have stormed
Pristina airport threatening to unleash the most frightening crisis
with Moscow since the end of the cold war.

"I'm not going to start the third world war for you," General Sir Mike
Jackson, commander of the international K-For peacekeeping force, is
reported to have told Gen Clark when he refused to accept an order to
send assault troops to prevent Russian troops from taking over the
airfield of Kosovo's provincial capital.

Robertson's plum job in a warring Nato

Mary Robinson, the UN human rights commissioner, said Nato's bombing
campaign had lost its "moral purpose". Referring to the cluster bomb
attack on residential areas and market in the Serbian town of Nis, she
described Nato's range of targets as "very broad" and "almost
unfocused". There were too many mistakes; the bombing of the Serbian
television station in Belgrade - which killed a make-up woman, among
others - was "not acceptable". No blood money
[,2763,69090,00.html%5d by
Richard Norton-Taylor on the moral confusion of Nato, which refuses
compensation to the innocent people it bombed.

NATO justified the bombing of the Belgrade TV station, saying it was a
legitimate military target. "We've struck at his TV stations and
transmitters because they're as much a part of his military machine
prolonging and promoting this conflict as his army and security
forces," U.S. General Wesley Clark explained--"his," of course,
referring to Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic. It wasn't
Milosevic, however, who was killed when the Belgrade studios were
bombed on April 23, but rather 20 journalists, technicians and other

Clark's logic is exactly the same as that of the death squad commander
who orders the assassination of a journalist or a publisher whose
opposition newspaper supports the goals of a guerrilla movement. The
targeting of the studio was a war crime, perhaps the most indisputable
of several war crimes committed by NATO in its war against Yugoslavia.
Legitimate Targets? How U.S. Media Supported War Crimes in Yugoslavia

A panel of 16 judges from 11 countries at a people’s tribunal meeting
in New York June 10 before 500 people found U.S. and NATO political and
military leaders guilty of war crimes against Yugoslavia in the March
24-June 10, 1999 assault on that country. WAR CRIMES TRIBUNAL FINDS


ROBERT NOVAK: Members of Congress who, during their spring recess, met
in Brussels with Gen. Wesley Clark, the NATO supreme commander, were
startled by his bellicosity. According to the lawmakers, Clark
suggested the best way to handle Russia's supply of oil to Yugoslavia
would be aerial bombardment of the pipeline that runs through Hungary.
He also proposed bombing Russian warships that enter the battle zone.
The American general was described by the members of the congressional
delegation as waging a personal vendetta against Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic. "I think the general might need a little sleep,"
commented one House member.- Balkan News from The Progressive Review

"I am a kind of hard-nosed, dusty boots armor man who knows what it
takes to maneuver men," Clark said.

Clark is a longtime friend of Clinton and his current position has more
to do with his political flexibility than his war making prowess. He is
reportedly referred to as the " Supreme Being " by the more earnest
soldiers under his command.
From ... did anyone else notice that Clark was commanding Fort Hood,
Texas during the Waco incident? Most (if not all) of the illegal
military hardware and personnel used against the women and children at
Waco came from Fort Hood, Texas

"Known by those who've served with him as the "Ultimate Perfumed
Prince," he's far more comfortable in a drawing room discussing
political theories than hunkering down in the trenches where bullets
fly and soldiers die." - CLARK AND VIETNAM - DEFENDING AMERICA by David
H. Hackworth, April 20, 1999 [

"He says the basic problem with US armed forces is that selfless grunts
willing to die for their country are being sold out by selfish
"perfumed princes" like Colin Powell and Norman Schwartzkopf with the
blessing of "morally corrupt" political leaders from the president on
down. He says we can have a far more efficient fighting force and still
cut the military budget from US$300 billion to $150 to $200 billion, if
we consolidate our four military services into one, pull out of Korea
and Europe (which can defend themselves), and stop procuring expensive
high-tech weapons systems we don't need. Noise
[ -
Hackworth talks about his new book Hazardous Duty, which he describes
as an attempt to "wake up America" about our urgent need to reform the
Total length: 15 minutes, 17 seconds ... David Hackworth's home page

"The poster child for everything that is wrong with the GO (general
officer) corps"

What role did Nato's top commander have in the FBI's ill-fated raid on
the Branch Davidians compound outside Waco, Texas? Was Clark at Waco?

Clark was born on 23 December 1944 and grew up in Little Rock,
Arkansas. He is married to the former Gertrude Kingston of Brooklyn,
New York. He and his wife have one son, Wesley, who lives in
California. *

Military Bio for GEN Wesley K. Clark USA
[ "... General Wesley K.
Clark, U.S. Army, became the Commander in Chief of the United States
European Command on 10 July 1997....a 1966 graduate of the United
States Military Academy at West Point, New York, where he graduated
first in his class. He holds a master's degree in Philosophy, Politics
and Economics from Oxford University where he studied as a Rhodes
Scholar (August 1966-August 1968). He is a graduate of the National War
College, Command and General Staff College, Armor Officer Advanced and
Basic Courses, and Ranger and Airborne schools. General Clark was a
White House Fellow in 1975-1976 and served as a Special Assistant to
the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. He has also served
as an instructor and later Assistant Professor of Social Science at the
United States Military Academy. Clark grew up in Little Rock, Arkansas"

Gen. Wesley K. Clark (ret.) [ ... JUN 26 -
NOV 5, 2000 [ Gen. Clark: According
to The Times, former SACEUR Gen. Clark "has fired a bitter parting
shot" at his Pentagon bosses, suggesting that the United States is
being weakened by fear of battlefield casualties. At a ceremony marking
his retirement from the U.S. Army last Friday, Gen. Clark reportedly
unleashed a thinly veiled attack on Washington leaders for shying away
from bold action that could lead to loss of life. "What better to fight
for than what you believe in and value?", he asked at the military
ceremony at Fort Meyer, Washington. The time had come for the army
leadership to develop "a new mentality," he said, adding: "Give us a
mission and send us in." The newspaper notes Gen. Clark is now writing
his memoirs and suggests these are sure to bring him into dispute again
with the Pentagon and his former superiors. The July 3
[ edition of
U.S. News & World Report notes Gen. Clark has obtained a job analyzing
technology firms for an investment bank in Arkansas and has several
corporate-board offers. But the weekly adds, "the worry in Washington
is whether Clark, said to have railed on Pentagon brass for
micromanaging the (Kosovo conflict), will publicly unload on them."

Interview with General Wesley K. Clark (Ret.) on Security Issues -
August 8, 2000
[ -- Gen.
Wesley K. Clark, U.S. Army Ret., was the Supreme Allied Commander in
Europe from July 1997 to May 2000. Clark was in overall command of
NATO's military forces in Europe and commanded the alliance's military
response to the Kosovo crisis -- Operation Allied Force. He is now with
the Stephens Group Inc. in venture capital and a senior advisor with
the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).

What is Clark doing now?

... joined Little Rock-based Stephens Group Inc. [111 Center Street,
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (800) 643-9691,] as a
corporate consultant to help develop emerging-technology companies. For
Immediate Release [
June 29, 2000 ... "U.S. Army Gen. Wesley K. Clark recently retired
after 34 years of dedicated military service to his country. A native
of Little Rock, Ark., Clark and his wife now reside in Arlington, Va.
Their son, Wesley Jr., is a screenwriter in Los Angeles."

Also a senior adviser at CSIS [ - (Center for
Strategic and International Studies, 1800 K Street, N.W. Washington,
D.C. 20006 Fax 202-775-3153 ]

Among his military decorations are the Defense Distinguished Service
Medal (five awards), Distinguished Service Medal (two awards), Silver
Star, Legion of Merit (four awards), Bronze Star Medal (two awards),
Purple Heart, Meritorious Service Medal (two awards) and the Army
Commendation Medal (two awards), NATO Medal for Service with NATO on
Operations in Relation to Kosovo, NATO Medal for Service with NATO on
Operations in Relation to the Former Republic of Yugoslavia.

His Foreign awards include the Honorary Knight Commander of the Most
Excellent Order of the British Empire (United Kingdom); Commander of
the Legion of Honor (France); Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the
Federal Republic of Germany; Knight Grand Cross in the Order of
Orange-Nassau, with Swords (Netherlands); Grand Officer of the Order of
Merit of the Republic of Italy; Grand Cross of the Medal of Military
Merit (Portugal); The Commander's Cross with Star of the Order of Merit
of Republic of Poland; Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Grand
Duchy of Luxembourg; Grand Medal of Military Merit (White Band)
(Spain); The Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold (Belgium); Cross of
Merit of the Minister of Defense First Class (Czech Republic); Order of
Merit of the Hungarian Republic; Commander's Cross, The Silver Order of
Freedom of the Republic of Slovenia; Madarski Konnik Medal (Bulgaria);
Commemorative Medal of the Minister of Defence of the Slovak Republic
First Class (Slovakia); First Class Order of Lithuanian Grand Duke
Gediminas (Lithuania); Order of the Cross of the Eagle (Estonia); The
Skandeberg Medal (Albania); Order of Merit of Morocco; Order of Merit
of Argentina; The Grade of Prince Butmir w/Ribbon and Star (Croatia)
and the Military Service Cross of Canada.

Tante scuse

(si veda anche:

di Bane Popovic, Belgrado, 27 maggio 2002

Bane Popovic: Srpska izvinjotina
Beograd, 27 maj 2002.

Bane Popovic: A Serb Apology
Belgrade, May 27, 2002 )



Dopo le scuse reciproche tra Mesic e Marovic


Le scuse che a Belgrado si sono scambiati il Presidente della Croazia
Stjepan Mesic ed il Presidente della Unione di Serbia e Montenegro
Svetozar Marovic hanno suscitato una grande eco politica anche nella
Bosnia-Erzegovina. Oltre ad espressioni di approvazione, alcuni
rappresentanti del vertice politico bosgnacco ritornano ad esprimere
l’opinione secondo cui un gesto simile si dovrebbe fare in relazione
alla guerra in Bosnia-Erzegovina. Il segretario generale del partito
SDA (2), Sefik Dzaferovic, invita i presidenti della Repubblica di
Croazia e della Federazione Serbomontenegrina ad inviare le scuse alla
Bosnia-Erzegovina per i crimini ed i danni che, secondo le sue parole,
i paesi vicini hanno commesso durante la guerra. Egli ritiene che le
scuse belgradesi sono rimaste incomplete perche’ non si sono scusati
con la Bosnia-Erzegovina e con i suoi cittadini, che sono stati le piu’
grandi vittime della guerra sul territorio dell’ex-Jugoslavia. Il
segretario della SDA ritiene che contro la Bosnia-Erzegovina sia stata
commessa una aggressione, il che secondo lui si puo’ verificare sulla
base delle condanne finora emanate dal Tribunale dell’Aia.

Il Presidente del Club dei deputati dell’HDZ (3) nel parlamento della
Federazione [croato-musulmana] di Bosnia-Erzegovina, Ivica Madunic,
ritiene che Mesic non si dovesse scusare con nessuno a Belgrado e che
questo dimostra che egli e’ un pessimo politico. Sulla posizione dei
rappresentanti dell’SDA, secondo Madunic essi considerano la
Bosnia-Erzegovina come patria loro esclusiva.

- Bisogna porre la domanda di chi si scusera’ con le madri croate che
hanno perso i figli in questa guerra. Ritengo percio’ che neanche Mesic
dovrebbe scusarsi con nessuno. Non vedo perche’ egli dovrebbe scusarsi
con la Bosnia-Erzegovina, conclude Madunic.

Il segretario generale del Partito Radicale Serbo (4) Tadic ritiene che
le scuse tra i leader dei paesi della ex Jugoslavia sono benvenute. –
Ma quando e’ in questione la posizione dell’SDS, devo chiedermi: quando
sara’ che il loro capo, il criminale di guerra Alija Izetbegovic, si
scusera’ per le vittime serbe e croate, e per quelle musulmane che ha
condotto in questa guerra cruenta con le sue manovre?, conclude Tadic.

Il presidente della Comunita’ ebraica nella Bosnia-Erzegovina, Jakob
Finci, ritiene che non sia ancora il momento perche’ sul territorio
della ex Jugoslavia ci si scusi reciprocamente di qualcosa.

(Fonte: Vecernji List, Zagabria, 17/9/2003)

1. "Bosgnacchi" sono i musulmani della Bosnia – e non tutti gli
abitanti "bosniaci" - in base alla nuova dizione nazionalista.
2. L’SDA e’ il partito di Alija Izetbegovic.
3. L’HDZ e’ il partito dei nazionalisti croati, fondato da Tudjman; ci
si riferisce qui alla sezione della Bosnia.
4. Il partito di Seselj in Bosnia.


Le scuse di Mesic diminuiscono la sua popolarita’

Il presidente croato si scusa in pubblico per i crimini commessi dai
cittadini croati nei confronti della popolazione serba in risposta ad
una medesima dichiarazione del presidente della Serbia e Montenegro nei
confronti dei cittadini Croati

(12/09/2003) In un solo giorno il presidente croato Stjepan Mesic ha
perso lo status di politico piu’ positivo in Croazia di cui, secondo i
sondaggi di opinione pubblica, beneficiava da ormai quattro anni. Il
motivo e quello delle scuse porte a Belgrado durante una conversazione
con il presidente della Serbia e Montenegro Svetozar Marovic. Mesic ha
dichiarato: “Mi scuso con tutti gli individui a cui i cittadini Croati
abbiano recato danno mentre svolgevano azioni in violazione della
legge e abusavano della loro posizione”.

Con questa dichiarazione, Mesic ha solo risposto alle scuse porte da
Marovic durante l’incontro di Belgrado avvenuto il 10 settembre. “Mi
scuso per tutto il male che i cittadini della Serbia e Montenegro hanno
causato ai cittadini della Croazia” ha detto il presidente Marovic e
Mesic ha risposto in modo simile.

La sera stessa Mesic ha chiarito perche’ si e’ scusato “Stavo pensando
alla Prima e alla Seconda guerra mondiale, e anche ai crimini di Paulin
Dvor del 1991 quando i membri dell’Armata croata hanno tenuto in
custodia 19 Serbi e un Ungherese e poi e’ giunto un altro soldato
croato e a sangue freddo ha ucciso i civili tenuti in custodia. In
qualita’ di presidente della Croazia come avrei potuto non scusarmi per
questi fatti?”.

L’opinione pubblica in Croazia in gran parte crede ancora che il
proprio paese sia stato vittima durante la recente guerra e che i
soldati, combattendo contro l’aggressione serba, non hanno potuto
comettere crimini di guerra. La dichiarazione di Mesic non e’ stata ben
accolta dall’opinione pubblica. I sondaggi mostrano che il giorno dopo
le scuse di Mesic la sua popolarita’ dall’iniziale indice del 16.3% e’
caduta al 10.9% e per la prima volta il presidente croato e’ diventato
popolare come qualsiasi altro politico. In questo sensdo, Mesic e’ ora
simile a Ivo Sanader, il presidente dell’Unione democratica croata
(HDZ), il piu’ forte partito d’opposizione.

Mentre i rappresentanti della NATO e della comunita’ internazionale,
come Javier Solana, l’alto rappresentante per la politica estera
dell’Unione Europea, hanno espresso la loro piena approvazione per le
reciproche scuse, l’opposizione in Croazia e’ stata molto dispiaciuta
dalla impresa di Mesic. Ivic Pasalic, per lungo tempo consigliere del
defunto presidente Franjo Tudjman per gli affari interni, ed ora il
leader di un piccolo paritito di destra denominato Blocco croato, ha
considerato la dichiarazione di Mesic come “vergognosa”. Jadranka
Kosor, la vice presidente del HDZ, ha detto che il partito si oppone
alla teoria di Mesic secondo la quale “ognuno deve scusarsi con ognuno”.

Gran parte della opinione pubblica non e’ ancora pronta per
confrontarsi col fatto che i Croati, anche tenendo in considerazione il
fato che sono stati attaccati e che hanno combattuto in difesa, possono
aver commesso crimini di guerra. Mesic ha posto l’attenzione su questo
tipo di crimini riferendosi a quelli commessi a Paulin Dvor, vicino ad
Osijek nel sud-est della Croazia. Gli individui responsabili di tale
azione sono attualmente sotto processo.

Al tempo del predecessore di Mesic, Franjo Tudjman, la dottrina
ufficiale sentenziava che i Croati non possono aver commesso crimini di
guerra perche’ hanno difeso ilm paese. Questo e’ il motivo per cui una
buona parte dell’opinione pubblica croata vede ancora il latitante
generale Ante Gotovina, incriminato dal Tribunale dell’Aia per crimini
di guerra commessi durante l’azione militare del 1995 denominata
“Oluja” in cui la Croazia ha liberata una ampia fascia del suo
territorio, come un eroe nazionale.

La parte liberale dell’opinione pubblica ha ben accolto le scuse di
Mesic come una saggia mossa diplomatica. La maggioranza della
popolazione, comunque, ha valutato negativamente la dichiarazione di
Mesic, che gli e’ costata il calo di popolarita’

» Fonte: da Osijek, Drago Hedl ©
Osservatorio sui Balcani

(NOTA: Luc Michel ed il suo partito PCN sono tra l'altro gli ideatori
di un falso e provocatorio "Comitato francofono per la Difesa di
Slobodan Milosevic", che non e' riconosciuto dal comitato
internazionale ICDSM)


Réponse de Michel Collon aux calomnies de Luc Michel,
le fasciste qui crie "Au fasciste!"

Certains d’entre vous ont pu recevoir un mail intitulé “Belgique
France: les dérives rouge-brunes“. J’y suis accusé de collaborer avec
des réseaux d’extrême droite (sic)!
    Ces calomnies grotesques émanent de Luc Michel qui dirige un groupe
fasciste, le “Parti Communautaire national-européen”. Ce qui est
intéressant, c’est d’éclairer les tactiques bizarres employées par
certains mouvements fascistes pour se déguiser et tromper des jeunes.
    Merci donc de diffuser ma mise au point à ceux qui auraient reçu ce
torchon de mail !

Mise au point:
Luc Michel est d’une totale mauvaise foi. Il avance deux “preuves” de
ma collusion avec l’extrême-droite:

1. La présence d’un certain Marlaud, personnalité d’extrême droite,
parmi les personnes ayant reçu mes mails. Il faut savoir que je diffuse
régulièrement infos et analyses par Internet. N’importe qui peut
demander à s’inscrire sur cette liste qui compte environ dix mille
destinataires, après dix années d’action anti-guerre et de voyages dans
de nombreux pays. Il faut être particulièrement malhonnête pour
supposer que j’aurais les moyens de vérifier l’identité et le passé de
dix mille personnes.
2. L’autre “preuve” serait le fait qu’un site fasciste (voxnr) s’est
permis de reprendre un de mes articles qui a largement circulé sur
Internet. Mais je ne suis pas le seul auteur de gauche victime de ce
genre de détournements. Et, comme à chaque fois, je viens d’exiger
qu’il cesse immédiatement.

Luc Michel est le roi des hypocrites. Il sait très bien que partout où
je vais, je refuse d’être en que ce soit mêlé à une intervention de
l’extrême droite. Même quand un Le Pen fait semblant de soutenir telle
ou telle résistance à l’impérialisme US. D’ailleurs, l’acharnement de
Luc Michel vient précisément du fait que j’ai dénoncé ses tentatives de
s’infiltrer dans des mouvements internationaux opposés à l’attaque de
l’Otan contre la Yougoslavie et d’y créer une confusion “rouges-bruns”.
C’est pour cela qu’il m’en veut.
    Luc Michel est le fasciste qui crie “Au fasciste!”, comme nous
allons le voir...

Qui est Luc Michel ?
“Créé en 1983 à partir de la section belge de Jeune Europe , le PCN se
veut l'héritier du national-bolchévisme du collaborateur belge Jean
Thiriart . (...) Luc Michel, actuel leader du PCN, est l'ancien
correspondant de la FANE (ex-parti nazi) en Belgique.] “ (site réseau
    L’Etat français classe le PCN parmi les organisations d’extrême
droite, mais ce groupe fait tout pour échapper à cette qualification :
verbiage “progressiste”, accusations contre certains groupes fascistes
(en réalité surtout pour des raisons de rivalités), allant même jusqu’à
des éloges envers Marx, Lénine ou Che Guevara, bien entendu dénaturés
et tirés de tout contexte ! Une tactique pour favoriser l’entrisme ou
la manipulation de jeunes révoltés sans formation politique.
    Consultable sur son site, le manifeste du PCN est très éloquent par
sa prose typique de l’extrême - droite, mais au service d’un courant
fasciste opposé à l’impérialisme US. Il revendique la création d’une
sorte de “Très Grande Europe” annexant la Russie et le Maghreb”.
Extraits :

“Jean THIRIART développe le thème de la dimension vitale des Etats
nécessaire pour garantir leur indépendance et qui requiert à l'époque
moderne la taille des états continentaux. Théoricien de l'Etat unitaire
paneuropéen, Thiriart, face à la superpuissance américaine, plaide pour
la fusion de la Russie (sur ses frontières sibériennes en Orient) avec
l'Europe occidentale dans le cadre d'un Empire unitaire allant de
Reykjavik à Vladivostok et du Groenland au Sahara.
    L'important étant de donner à l'Europe la Morale qui lui manque,
l'Ethique et l'Esthétique qui lui font défaut, la question est simple à
poser : il nous suffit d'être maîtres chez nous. La liberté est
garantie par la force. L'Europe doit être aux Européens.
    L'unification de l'Europe ne pourra se faire qu'autour de plusieurs
moteurs : une mystique - la Nation européenne, une volonté politique -
l'Etat européen, seul capable d'assurer la puissance et la force -, des
moyens, en particulier un parti unique ayant la DIMENSION EUROPEENNE.

La “dimension vitale des Etats”, c’était le langage d’Hitler. Très
logiquement, en octobre 2000, Luc Michel a appelé à voter pour le parti
fasciste flamand Vlaams Blok.

La place de Luc Michel est dans les poubelles, et il est normal que ses
méthodes en aient les odeurs!

Michel Collon
PS. J’ai appris que les autres personnes calomniées par Luc Michel
avaient également réfuté ces stupidités. Ceux qui désireraient en
savoir davantage peuvent contacter :
- David Pestieau <david.pestieau@...> avec un dossier PCN sur
le site
- Roger Romain <r.romain@...>
- Oliver Rittweger <editions@...>


Luc Michel, continuateur de Thiriart,
est un fasciste de la “Très Grande Europe”

Luc Michel est le continuateur de Thiriart créateur des organisations
facistes Jeune Europe. Idélogue de la “très grande Europe” A propos de
Thiriart, il écrit sur le site du PCN :
“Fondateur de l'"Ecole euro-soviétique" au début des Années 80, Jean
THIRIART développe le thème de la dimension vitale des Etats nécessaire
pour garantir leur indépendance et qui requiert à l'époque moderne la
taille des états continentaux. Théoricien de l'Etat unitaire
paneuropéen, THIRIART étudie les causes de l'échec de l'Union
Soviétique, qu'il pressent dès 1980 et dont il stigmatise le
fédéralisme. Face à la superpuissance américaine, il plaide pour la
fusion de la Russie (sur ses frontières sibériennes en Orient) avec
l'Europe occidentale dans le cadre d'un Empire unitaire allant de
Reykjavik à Vladivostok et du Groenland au Sahara.
THIRIART développe sa thèse sur la construction de l'Europe contre les
Etats-Unis et son bras armé de l'OTAN. L'Europe unitaire se fera dans
le cadre d'une guerre de libération nationale contre l'occupant
américain et ses collaborateurs "européens".
THIRIART insiste sur la nécessité de l'organisation économique de
l'Europe sur une base autarcique, reprenant les théories de Friedrich
THIRIART dénonce les vues limitées des politiciens européens, qui à la
suite du général de Gaulle, envisagent une Europe tronquée jusqu'à
l'Oural. L'Empire européen devra inclure la Sibérie et l'extrême-orient
THIRIART s'en prend aux conceptions de l'Europe basées sur la religion
ou des théories pseudo-racistes. Ce sont les impératifs de la
Géopolitique et de la Géoéconomie qui déterminent les dimensions de la
Grande-Europe et par-là les populations qu'elle unifiera dans un Etat
unitaire. Pour lui, par exemple, la Turquie c'est aussi l'Europe. Il
insiste à ce sujet sur l'exogamie au sein de peuple européen.
THIRIART qui conçoit l'Empire européen comme une nouvelle Rome, la
quatrième Rome qui fait écho au concept messianique russe de la
"troisième Rome" (Moscou après Rome et Byzanze), expose la nécessité de
faire de la Méditerranée un Lac européen, une nouvelle "Mare nostrum".
Dans sa conception géopolitique de l'Europe unifiée, les deux rives de
la Méditerranée, avec leurs populations, font partie de l'Europe, dont
les frontières sud sont sur le Sahara. »

Michel a donc été le correspondant en Belgique du groupe nazi FANE en
L’anti-américanisme de ce courant ne sert qu’à la propagation de leur
“Très Grande Europe”, de l’Atlantique à l’Oural. Un thème cher à
Hitler. Leur Europe ne peut être, dans les circonstances actuelles,
que l’Europe allemande. Ils combattent les régionalismes européens qui
s’opposent à l’intégration européenne. Mais ils soutiennent les
régionalismes qui s’intègrent à l’Europe (L'organisation de cet Etat
européen en Provinces ou en Régions  (s'appuyant essentiellement sur 
des critères géo-économiques) disposant d'une autonomie de gestion, et
Cette vue est celle de la droite allemande qui soutient ce genre de
régionalisme à travers “l’association des régions frontalières
européennes”, exemple l’eurégio, “l’assemblée des régions d’Europe” et
Au lieu du racisme flamand ou français, ils propagent le racisme
européen : “L'important étant de donner à l'Europe la Morale qui lui
manque, l'Ethique et l'Esthétique qui lui font défaut, la question est
simple à poser : il nous suffit d'être maîtres chez nous”. En
n’hésitant pas à utiliser les mêmes slogans que le Vlaams Blok ou Agir.
Leur antifascisme n’est que de façade. C’est une lutte contre d’autres
courants fascistes. Ils ne soutiennent la résistance de Saddam ou de
Milosevic que dans la mesure où ils se tournent contre les USA. Ils ne
défendent pas l’indépendance de ces pays face à tout impérialisme.


(si veda:

Al Signor Walter Veltroni
Sindaco di Roma
(Via fax)
Egregio Signor Sindaco,
Non potreste, Lei e gli assessori della Sua corrente politica,
occuparVi piuttosto delle cose sociali e "terrestri", e lasciare quelle
ecclesiastiche allo Stato Città del Vaticano?!
Mi riferisco alla Sua decisione di innalzare una statua a Madre Teresa
di Calcutta a Roma. Come mai si decide di erigere un monumento, con
tanta premura, ad una persona che è stata al servizio dello Stato Città
del Vaticano, mentre si trovano tante difficoltà a dedicare una via a
Carla Capponi, patriota, combattente antifascista?!
Ma giacché ormai avete posto la questione, e poiché la targa da apporre
ha sollevato proteste presso i nazionalisti albanesi, per non subire i
ricatti dei soliti "capi tribù" faccia scrivere semplicemente "nata a
Skoplje", e basta. Per amore di verità storica e geografica, Le ricordo
che all’epoca della nascita della suddetta, Skoplje era una cittadina
della Serbia del Sud (esattamente "Povardarje"). Questa regione della
Serbia diventò poi, nella Jugoslavia Socialista e Federativa,
Repubblica Socialista di Macedonia con Skoplje per capitale. Ora
Skoplje è la capitale del FYROM (Ex Repubblica Jugoslava della
Macedonia). Adesso che avete spaccato tutto, decida un po’ Lei in che
Paese preferisce "inquadrare" la città di Skoplje…
Ivan Pavicevac, nato in Istria


Posticipata a data indefinita la pubblicazione del rapporto sulle armi

Londra: Gli USA e la Gran Bretagna hanno deciso di posticipare a data
indefinita la pubblicazione di un rapporto completo sulle armi di
distruzione di massa dell'Iraq.
Il londinese Sunday Times ha riportato che gli ispettori non hanno
trovato alcuna evidenza della esistenza di queste armi...

Indefinite Delay on Weapons Report
The London Advertiser, Monday 15 September 2003

LONDON: The US and Britain have decided to delay indefinitely the
publication of a full report on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.
The London-based Sunday Times newspaper said inspectors had found no
evidence any such arms exist.
Efforts by the Iraq Survey Group, an Anglo-American team of 1400
scientists, military and intelligence experts, to scour Iraq for the
past four months to uncover evidence of chemical or biological weapons
had so far ended in failure.
The newspaper reported British defence intelligence sources had
confirmed that the group's final report had been delayed and may not
even be published.

(segnalato da M. Zucchetti)

--> URL:

Von: "Klaus von Raussendorff"

Milosevic fordert Prozessunterbrechung -
Aufruf zur 2. Demo in Den Haag, Samstag, 8. Nov. 03

Liebe Leute,

in Vorschau auf die zweite internationale Demonstration in Den Haag am
Samstag, 8. November 2003, zur Unterstützung des Kampfes von Präsident
Slobodan Milosevic gegen das „Tribunal“ dokumentiere ich

Aufruf zur internationalen Demonstration in Den Haag am Samstag, 8.
November 2003
[ 1 ]

Protestschreiben des Allgemeinen Gewerkschaftsbundes Brasiliens an das
Haager Tribunal vom 29. August 2003
[ 2 ]

Von Cathrin Schütz
erschien leicht gekürzt in „junge Welt“ v. 19. 08. 03
[ 3 ]

(29. August 2003)
URL des Originalschreibens in Englisch:
[ 4 ]

- Slobodan Milosevic am 2. September 2003 -
(Erklärung der Deutschen Sektion des Internationalen Komitees für die
Verteidigung von Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM), gestützt auf:
[ 5 ]

Slobodan Milosevic’s öffentliche Antwort auf die vom Belgrader Regime
fabrizierten Anschuldigungen
Quelle des Originals in Englisch auf der Webseite von SLOBODA (Freedom)
Association, der jugoslawischen Menschenrechtsorganisation für die
Verteidigung von Slobodan Milosevic:
[ 6 ]

Die Verteidigung von Slobodan Milosevic hängt ganz von Ihrer Spende ab:
c/o Peter Betscher, Finanzbeauftragter der Vereinigung für
Internationale Solidarität (VIS) e.V. Kto-Nr.: 102013409 bei Volksbank
Darmstadt, BLZ: 508 90 000 (Kennwort „Verteidigung“)

Weitere Informationen: (Sloboda/Freedom association) (Internationales Komitee für die Verteidigung von
Slobodan Milosevic - ICDSM - ) (Deutsche Sektion des ICDSM) (ICDSM Irland) (Weltfriedensratl) (Balkan antiNATO center)

Mit internationalistischen Grüßen
Klaus von Raussendorff

--> URL:

Anti-Imperialistische Korrespondenz (AIK), Redaktion: Klaus von
Postfach 210172, 53156 Bonn; Tel.&Fax: 0228 - 34.68.50;
Email: redaktion@...

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Serbia: tutto e' in svendita (english / italiano)

1. La Beopetrol andra' alla russa Lukoil
2. Alla conquista del tabacco serbo
3. Links ad altra documentazione

=== 1: La Beopetrol andra' alla russa Lukoil ===

Russia's  Lukoil buys Belgrade's oil company



(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 25 AGO - Il gigante petrolifero russo 'Lukoil' ha
vinto la gara per la privatizzazione del 79,53% del capitale di
Beopetrol, per dimensioni la seconda industria energetica della
Serbia. Lo ha annunciato il ministro delle privatizzazioni
Aleksandar Vlahovic, precisando che Lukoil versera' a Belgrado 117
milioni di euro e investira' in Beopetrol, in un periodo di cinque
anni, altri 85 milioni di euro. Per l'acquisto del capitale
Beopetrol, che possiede in Serbia una rete di distribuzione di 176
pompe, era in corsa anche l'ungherese Mola. (ANSA). OT
25/08/2003 16:05


(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 26 AGO - La compagnia petrolifera croata Ina ha
annunciato che chiedera' un arbitrato internazionale sulla vendita
del 79,53% del pacchetto azionario della serba Beopetrol al gigante
energetico russo Lukoil. Ina avanza rivendicazioni sulla proprieta'
di Beopetrol, la seconda compagnia petrolifera serba per dimensioni,
che tratta ogni anno circa 400.000 tonnellate di petrolio e derivati.
Ieri l'asta indetta dal ministero per le privatizzazioni serbo
per la cessione del pacchetto di controllo e' stata vinta da Lukoil,
che ha offerto un totale di 210 milioni di euro - di cui 117 milioni
in valuta, 85 milioni in investimenti quinquennali e 8 milioni per un
programma sociale - battendo l'altra pretendente, la ungherese Mol.
Le trattative per la vendita di Beopetrol dovranno essere
perfezionate nei prossimi giorni ed essere eventualmente ratificate
entro il 24 settembre. Il ministro delle privatizzazioni Aleksandar
Vlahovic ha minimizzato la protesta di Ina, affermando che gli
assetti di Beopetrol erano stati gia' definiti nel 1988, prima della
disintegrazione della Jugoslavia, e che la compagnia non e' quindi un
soggetto incluso negli accordi di successione. Vlahovic
ha sottolineato la buona riuscita dell'asta, che se perfezionata
portera' nelle casse dello stato il doppio di quanto inizialmente
previsto. Commentando l'operazione, il settimanale 'Reporter' ha
messo l'accento sul grande attivismo manifestato recentemente da
Lukoil nell'area balcanica. 'Reporter' ha ricordato fra l'altro la
recente acquisizione in Bulgaria da parte del gigante russo di molte
raffinerie e stazioni di distribuzione. (ANSA). OT
26/08/2003 11:34

=== 2 : Alla conquista del tabacco serbo ===

DIN, Philip Morris sign sell-off agreement



(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 3 SET - Dopo la compagnia dei tabacchi di Nis,
acquistata ieri dalla Philip Morris, un'altra grande industria serba
del settore tabacchi, quella di Vranje, e' stata privatizzata. La
British American Tobacco company (Bat) ha acquistato il 67,81% del
pacchetto azionario della compagnia. La Bat ha vinto l'asta con
una offerta di 87 milioni di euro,di cui 50 milioni per la quota
capitale, 24 milioni per investimenti e 13,14 milioni per programmi
sociali. (ANSA). OT 03/09/2003 19:11


(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 2 SET - La statunitense Philip Morris si e'
aggiudicata il 66,45 % delle azioni della Nis Tobacco Industry in
un'asta per la privatizzazione della maggiore azienda di tabacchi
della Serbia. L'offerta del gigante Usa e' stata di 518 milioni di
euro, di cui 387 per l'acquisto del pacchetto azionario, 64,85 per
investimenti, 59,11 per programmi sociali e altri 7,07 milioni di
euro per altri programmi. Alla firma del contratto erano presenti
il primo ministro serbo Zoran Zivkovic, il quale ha definito
l'accordo ''una prova di come le riforme siano portate a termine con
successo'', e i ministri delle privatizzazioni Aleksandar Vlahovic e
delle finanze Bozidar Djelic. (ANSA). OT
02/09/2003 17:17


Sui traffici, leciti ed illeciti, della Philips Morris nei Balcani si
veda anche:

DJUKANOVIC SMUGGLING CLAIMS PERSIST. Italian prosecutors still want to
arrest Montenegrin premier despite court's immunity ruling. By: Hugh
Griffiths and Gordana Igric in London with the IWPR team in the Balkans
IWPR'S BALKAN CRISIS REPORT, No. 446, July 23, 2003

<<...The EU's European Anti-Fraud Office, known by its French acronym,
OLAF, is pursuing its own investigation into links between the
Montenegrin government, cigarette smugglers and multinational tobacco
companies. This prompted a legal action which the EU brought against
the American firms RJ Reynolds and Philip Morris plus the Japan Tobacco
Company, for loss of tax revenue due to illicit trading through
countries including Montenegro...>>

<<...L'ufficio della UE contro le frodi, noto con il suo acronimo
francese OLAF, sta conducendo una sua propria indagine sui legami tra
il governo montenegrino, i trafficanti di sigarette e le compagnie
mulotinazionali del tabacco. Questa indagine e' sfociata in una azione
legale intentata dalla UE contro le ditte statunitensi RJ Reynolds e
Philip Morris piu' la giapponese Japan Tobacco Company, per le perdite
di entrate fiscali causate dal commercio illegale attraverso paesi
quali il Montenegro...>>

=== 3 : Links ad altra documentazione ===

Successful talks with Siemens, Bechtel, Merchal

Interbrew, Apatinska Pivara sign 326.9mln euros strategic partnership

Arrival of Russian companies to Serbia sign of successful bilateral

New Silk Road eyes Serbia as important transit country



(ANSA) - ZAGABRIA, 16 SET - La societa' tedesca Rtl si e' aggiudicata
oggi, battendo altri cinque offerenti, la concessione per la terza
rete televisiva croata a diffusione nazionale. Lo ha reso noto
l'agenzia di stampa Hina. La Rtl ha vinto il concorso battendo, tra
gli altri, la News Corporation di Rupert Murdoch e la Sbs scandinava,
e tra sei mesi iniziera' con le trasmissioni. Poiche' l'apposita legge
sulla privatizzazione del terzo canale della tv pubblica prevede che
uno dei proprietari non possieda piu' del 33 per cento delle azioni,
la Rtl ha formato un consorzio, la Hrtl, nel quale figurano alcune tra
le piu' importanti societa' locali. I dirigenti del Hrtl hanno
annunciato che la nuova emittente trasmettera' programmi
d'informazione, telenovele di produzione croata e trasmissioni di
varieta'. L'investimento per il primo anno di attivita' ammontera' a
30 milioni di euro e verranno assunti 150 dipendenti. Il costo
della concessione e' di 50 mila euro all'anno, cifra criticata
dall'opinione pubblica poiche' solo nel 2002 in Croazia sono stati
spesi circa 200 milioni di euro per la pubblicita' televisiva. Per
la tv pubblica la nuova rete sara' la prima vera concorrente, finora
rappresentata da un canale privato, che trasmette telegiornali solo
da pochi mesi, e da una decina di piccole stazioni locali con poche
ore di trasmissioni al giorno. La Rtl e' controllata dalla
Bertelsmann che a sua volta e' coproprietaria della Waz, il gigante
editoriale tedesco che in Croazia possiede il 50 per cento della Eph,
la casa editrice che pubblica il quotidiano Jutarni list e il
settimanale Globus. (ANSA). COR*VD
16/09/2003 16:30

Vesti Medjunarodnog komiteta za odbranu Slobodana Milosevica:

1. ICDSM-US (Nacionalna sekcija SAD Medjunarodnog komiteta za odbranu
Slobodana Milosevica):
Saopstenje za stampu #1, 13. septembar 2003.

2. "Sloboda" Generalnom sekretaru i stalnim clanicama SB UN (Beograd,
3. septembra 2003)

3. Deputati Dume za dvogodisnji prekid sudjenja Predsedniku Milosevicu
(Moskva, 12. septembra)

=== 1 ===

Nacionalna sekcija SAD
Medjunarodnog komiteta za odbranu Slobodana Milosevica

Saopstenje za stampu
13. septembar 2003.

Telefon: +1 212-726-1260                                           
Email: icdsm_us@...



Dvadesetak pisaca, profesora, advokata, aktivista i boraca za mir i
ljudska prava objavljuju formiranje nove organizacije koja ce se boriti
za momentalno ukidanje sramnog politickog sudjenja jugoslovenskom
Predsedniku Slobodanu Milosevicu od strane Medjunarodnog krivicnog
tribunala za bivsu Jugoslaviju u Hagu.

Nacionalni komitet SAD sa punim nazivom - Nacionalna sekcija SAD
Medjunarodnog komiteta za odbranu Slobodana Milosevica ce delovati u
punoj saradnji sa rukovodstvom Medjunarodnog komiteta u Beougradu i
Evropi, kao zvanicni ogranak u SAD.Predsednik komiteta je Dr Majkl
Parenti iz Berklija (Kalifornija), stvaralac iz oblasti drustvenih
nauka sa medjunarodnim ugledom, autor knjige “UBITI NACIJU – Napad na

Nacionalni komitet SAD smatra nelegitimnim i sudjenje Predsedniku
Milosevicu i sam haski tribunal. I pored toga, izrazavamo protest
protiv teskih krsenja osnovnih pravnih, demokratskih i ljudskih prava
g. Milosevica od strane tribunala. Proces u Hagu vidimo kao akt
politickog rata protiv naroda Srbije i protiv osnovnih demokratskih
prava citavog covecanstva, sto se ne moze tolerisati.

Nacionalni komitet SAD okrivljuje americku vladu za falsifikovanje
optuzbi za ratne zlocine protiv Predsednika Milosevica, sa jedinim
ciljem – da manipulacijom okrene svetsko javno mnjenje protiv naroda
Srbije i da opravda NATO-ovu varvarsku 78-dnevnu kampanju terora protiv
Jugoslavije 1999, kao i da odvuce paznju sa stvarnih zlocina protiv
naroda Jugoslavije koje su pocinili SAD i njeni NATO saveznici tokom
trinaest godina. Tu su ukljuceni i razbijanje Jugoslavije i nametanje
neokolonijalnih rezima svim njenim bivsim republikama. Haski tribunal
predstavlja nastavak ove politike agresije i okupacije, ali i opasni
presedan usmeren protiv svih nacija koje se usude da se suprotstave
spoljnoj politici SAD, odnosno Zapada.

Kao svoju prvu aktivnost,Nacionalni komitet SAD izrazava snazan javni
protest protiv najnovijih krsenja medjunarodnih pravnih normi i
ljudskih prava od strane haskog tribunala.

Poslednjih nedelja tribunal je flagrantno prekrsio medjunarodno
prihvacene pravne norme odbijajuci da obezbedi adekvatnu zastitu
zdravlja Predsednika Milosevica, uskracujuci njegovim najblizim
saradnicima pravo da ga posete i konacno, ovih dana, odbijajuci zahtev
Predsednika Milosevica da se sudjenje prekine na dve godine radi
adekvatnih priprema odbrane. U sva tri slucaja, ponasanje tribunala je
usmereno da onemoguci odbranu Predsednika Milosevica.

Povrh svega, odbijajuci da pruzi adekvatnu medicinsku pomoc i prekid
sudjenja, tribunal namerno ugrozava zdravlje i fizicke sposobnosti
Predsednika Milosevica. Vise od dve godine tamnovanja su ozbiljno
ostetile njegovo zdravlje i ugrozile mu zivot. Osim toga, progon
porodice g. Milosevica od strane tribunala, odnosno njegovo nasilno
odvajanje od porodice je gnusni i sramni cin koji mora biti okoncan.

Ne odobravajuci Predsedniku Milosevicu prekid procesa i adekvatnu
zdravstvenu zastitu, tribunal je iskazao svu svoju brutalnost,
narusavajuci pritom fundamentalne norme medjunarodnog prava kao sto su
presumpcija nevinosti i pravo na pravedan proces. Clan 9 (3)
Medjunarodnog pakta o gradjanskim i politickim pravima kaze: “Ne treba
da bude pravilo da lica koja ocekuju sudjenje budu drzana u pritvoru, a
oslobodjenje moze biti predmet garancija da ce lice biti prisutno
sudjenju, drugim potrebnim fazama sudskog postupka, i ako se tako
dogodi, izvrsenju presude.” A u pogledu prava na pravedan proces, Clan
9 (1) Medjunarodnog pakta o gradjanskim i politickim pravima kaze:
“Niko ne moze biti lisen slobode osim na osnovu i u skladu sa
procedurom koju predvidja zakon.”

Poslednje odluke tribunala takodje krse princip “jednakosti oruzja”,
fundamentalni pravni princip, ciji je smisao da se osiguraju fer uslovi
za odbranu. Prema Clanu 14 (3) Medjunarodnog pakta o gradjanskim i
politickim pravima:

“optuzenom je garantovano: da ima adekvatno vreme i uslove za pripremu
svoje odbrane, kao i da komunicira sa advokatom koga sam izabere; da mu
se sudi u njegovom prisustvu i da se brani sam ili preko pravnog
zastupnika po svom izboru; takodje i da mu bude dodeljen advokat u
slucajevima kada interes pravde to zahteva, i to bez placanja ako
optuzeni nema mogucnosti da plati; da ispituje svedoke koji svedoce
protiv njega i da se svedoci u njegovu korist pojave i budu ispitani
pod istim uslovima kao i svedoci protiv njega.”

Haski tribunal se ruga ovim standardnim medjunarodnim pravnim
principima svojim potpunim ignorisanjem narusenog zdravlja Predsednika
Milosevica i njegovog zahteva za prekid procesa.

Osnovna pristojnost i pravednost zahtevaju da Nacionalni komitet SAD
apeluje na one koji upravljaju procesom protiv Predsednika Milosevica u
Hagu da taj proces prekinu bar na dve godine i da ukinu zabranu poseta.
Ali u prvom redu Nacionalni komitet SAD trazi neodlozno oslobodjenje
Predsednika Milosevica iz nezakonitog pritvora i okoncanje surovog
postupka politickog sudjenja od strane haskog tribunala. Medjunarodni
komitet za odbranu Slobodana Milosevica poziva gradjane svih zemalja
koji brinu o krsenju ljudskih prava da se pridruze ovom protestu.
Nacionalna sekcija SAD Medjunarodnog komiteta ce objaviti publikaciju o
nelegitimnosti i surovoj politickoj prirodi haskog tribunala, drzati
konferencije za stampu i otvoriti veb sajt u cilju edukovanja i
angazovanja americke javnosti protiv ovog skandaloznog suda
finansiranog dolarima americkih poreskih obveznika.

=== 2 ===

Generalnom sekretaru Organizacije Ujedinjenih Nacija
Nj.E. g. Kofi A. Ananu
(preko Kancelarije UN u Beogradu)

Vladama: Narodne Republike Kine
Republike Francuske
Ruske Federacije
Sjedinjenih Americkih Drzava
Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva Velike Britanije i Severne Irske
(preko njihovih ambasada u Beogradu)

Udruzenje gradjana "Sloboda" - Jugoslovenski komitet za
oslobodjenje Slobodana Milosevica, izrazavajuci misljenje ogromnog
broja gradjana, ukazuje na teska krsenja ljudskih prava, kao i
opsteprihvacenih pravnih, pravosudnih i moralnih normi od strane tzv.
Medjunarodnog krivicnog tribunala za bivsu Jugoslaviju u Hagu (koji
deluje na osnovu mandata Saveta Bezbednosti UN) u procesu koji se pred
tom ustanovom vodi protiv dugogodisnjeg Predsednika Savezne Republike
Jugoslavije i Republike Srbije, g. Slobodana Milosevica.
Na tzv. Statusnoj konferenciji, odrzanoj u Hagu 2. septembra
o.g., Tribunal je pokazao nespremnost da i u minimalnoj meri zdovolji
princip ravnopravnosti u odnosu izmedju sopstvenog tuzilastva i prava
na odbranu, koje navodno priznaje. Ako bi ova iskazana nespremnost
ostala na snazi, svaki objektivni i nepristrasni posmatrac ce doci do
zakljucka da u okviru sistema UN deluje inkvizicija modernog doba sa
jedinim ciljem da zastiti interese NATO pakta na Balkanu, kao i da su
za to najodgovornije stalne clanice Saveta Bezbednosti.
Tribunal je iskazao nespremnost da prihvati dzentlmenski predlog
Predsednika Milosevica i omoguci mu da se u dvogodisnjem periodu, sa
slobode, pripremi za iznosenje cinjenica i izvodjenje svedoka, za
pariranje istinom u drugoj fazi procesa, dvogodisnjem prezentiranju
izvitoperenih i laznih podataka od strane tzv. Tuzilastva, prikupljenih
visegodisnjim radom stotina ljudi uz koriscenje ogromnih budzetskih
sredstava UN i uz pomoc obavestajnih sluzbi nekih velikih zemalja.
Tuzilastvo je za svoj rad sa svim svojim prakticno neogranicenim
resursima, imalo najmanje cetiri ipo godine (od maja 1999), a poznato
je da je koristilo i mnoge materijale
prikupljene od momenta osnivanja Tribunala 1993.
Osim toga, Tribunal u Hagu duzinom i tempom procesa i
uskracivanjem adekvatne medicinske pomoci, ugrozava zivot i zdravlje
Predsednika Milosevica.
Predsedniku Milosevicu su uskracene posete clanova najuze
porodice, a od nedavno, odlukom Tribunala, ne mogu da ga posecuju ni
najblizi saradnici, clanovi Komiteta za njegovo oslobodjenje i clanovi
njegove partije, cime se takodje onemogucava ostvarivanje prava na
Takodje, Predsedniku Milosevicu je potpuno zabranjen kontakt sa
medijima, dok je, na drugoj strani, tuzilastvu svakodnevno garantovan.
Zahtevamo da se, zbog zdravstvenog stanja Predsednika
Milosevica, radi ostvarivanja ravnopravnosti i prava na odbranu, i u
interesu istine, proces u Hagu prekine na dve godine, a Predsednik
Milosevic pusti na slobodu, kako bi se saniralo njegovo zdravstveno
stanje i kako bi imao minimalne uslove za pripremu materijala i
svedoka za drugu fazu procesa, kao i da se prekine sa ostalim krsenjima
njegovih prava.
Jedina alternativa ovome, koja ne bi najozbiljnije ugrozila
ugled svetske organizacije i vlada najodgovornijih za njene odluke,
bilo bi momentalno raspustanje haskog Tribunala.

S postovanjem,
U Beogradu, 3. septembra 2003.

U ime Udruzenja "Sloboda" -
Jugoslovenskog komiteta za oslobodjenje
Slobodana Milosevica
Bogoljub Bjelica, predsednik

=== 3 ===

Moskva, 12. septembra

Nekoliko desetina deputata Drzavne Dume Ruske Federacije, iz vise
parlamentarnih grupa, potpisalo je zajednicku izjavu kojom se
najostrije reaguje na uskracivanje osnovnih prava Predsedniku
Milosevicu u Hagu i izrazava snazna podrska Predsednikovom zahtevu da
process bude prekinut na dve godine, a on pusten na slobodu.
Medju potpisnicima su Genadij Zjuganov, sef parlamentarne grupe
Komunisticke partije, koja je najveca u Dumi, Nikolaj Haritonov, sef
Agroindustrijske parlamentarne grupe, Nikolaj Rizkov, bivsi premijer
SSSR i predsednik Komisije Dume za Jugoslaviju, general Andrej
Nikolajev, predsednik Komiteta za odbranu Dume, predsednici i zamenici
predsednika vise
dumskih komiteta.
U izjavi se konstatuje da je optuznica protiv Predsednika
Milosevica vec dozivela potpuni krah, uprkos ogromnim resursima
ulozenim u njeno pripremanje. Ako sada Predsedniku Milosevicu ne budu
obezbedjeni uslovi za pripremu odbrane I ako se nastavi sa zabranom
poseta I drugim formama pritiska, a posebno sa uskracivanjem lecenja,
bice to definitivna potvrda da politicki obracun koji se odvija u Hagu
nema niceg zajednickog sa pravosudjem.
S obzirom da jesenje zasedanje Drzavne Dume jos nije pocelo, istaknuti
poslanici su pribegli ovakvoj formi reagovanja (zajednicka izjava) zbog
neophodnosti da se hitno reaguje na proslonedeljni nagovestaj sudija da
ce svojom odlukom odrediti uslove za pripremu odbrane koji su daleko
neophodnog minimuma. Potpisivanje izjave jos uvek traje.
U nastavku dajemo ceo tekst zajednicke izjave.


- z a j e d n i c k a i z j a v a -

Vec gotovo dve godine u Hagu traje process protiv bivseg
Predsednika Savezne Republike Jugoslavije Slobodana Milosevica. Za sve
to vreme, iako su podneli brda sumnjivih dokumenata, izveli stotine
laznih svedoka i potrosili stotine miliona dolara iz budzeta UN,
tuzioci Medjunarodnog krivicnog tribunala za bivsu Jugoslaviju nisu
uspeli da dodju do bilo kakvih dokaza krivice srpskog lidera za zlocine
koje su mu
Optuzba je dozivela potpuni krah. Uskoro treba da pocne faza
odbrane Slobodana Milosevica, kojem je do sada bilo dozvoljeno samo da
ucestvuje u ispitivanju svedoka optuzbe.
Na strani Slobodana Milosevica su mnogobrojne i uverljive
potvrde njegove nevinosti. Ipak, organizovanje odbrane zahteva temeljne
pripreme. Optuznica protiv Slobodana Milosevica pripremana je vise od
cetiri godine uz ucesce stotina cinovnika tribunala. A Slobodan
Milosevic se brani
sam. I ima pravo da se priprema onoliko vremena koliko su tuzioci
tribunala imali za pripremanje optuznice. To je apsolutno neophodno da
bi bila obezbedjena ravnopravnost obe strane u procesu.
Ravnopravnost uslova za optuzene i tuzioce jedna je od kljucnih normi
medjunarodnog prava, garantovana mnogobrojnim dokumentima, ukljucujuci
Evropsku konvenciju o ljudskim pravima. A to podrazumeva i potrebu da
optuzeni ima na raspolaganju adekvatno vreme i neophodne uslove za
pripremu odbrane.
Osudjujemo nedavnu odluku tribunala da zabrani posete Slobodanu
Milosevicu clanovima Socijalisticke partije Srbije, ciji je on
predsednik i clanovima drustvenog komiteta "Sloboda". Ta odluka je
usmerena na jacanje izolacije Slobodana Milosevica i nesumnjivo
predstavlja opasnu meru
moralno-psiholoskog pritiska na politickog zatvorenika.
Slobodan Milosevic mora imati mogucnost da se brani, ne iz
zatvorske celije, vec sa slobode. U suprotnom, adekvatna priprema
odbrane je nemoguca.
U isto vreme on mora da dobije mogucnost za oporavak svog
zdravlja, podrivenog sa vise godina tamnovanja, iznurujucim sudskim
procesom i odsustvom kvalifikovane medicinske pomoci. Duboko smo
zabrinuti sto je Slobodan Milosevic i dalje lisen kvalifikovane
medicinske pomoci. Time je stvarno ugrozen i njegov zivot.
Uzimajuci u obzir sve te okolnosti, a takodje i tezinu i razmere
iznesenih optuzbi, zahtevamo prekid procesa pritiv Slobodana Milosevica
na bar dve godine. Zahtevamo njegovo neodlozno oslobodjenje i povratak
u Beograd radi zdravstvenog oporavka i prekid progona njegove porodice.
Bez ispunjenja ovih zahteva proces protiv Slobodana Milosevica
nastavice da bude samo otvoreni politicki obracun, koji nema nista
zajednicko sa pravosudjem.


SLOBODA urgently needs your donation.
Please find the detailed instructions at:
To join or help this struggle, visit: (Sloboda/Freedom association) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) (German section of ICDSM) (ICDSM Ireland) (world peace council) (Balkan antiNATO center)